#but i dont really ship anything outside the genre
itachanta · 1 year
Me with most fics and books: I'm just gonna wait till it's completed to start reading it. If not, I'll probably forget to continue it / lose interest.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 6 months
☂️☂️☂️☂️ give me your ultimate rec list!
GOD THIS IS...SO DIFFICULT....... 🧍‍♂️ i dont read as much fic as i let on. theres gonna be fic from other fandoms besides f1 here because these are just things i think are great reads regardless of source material lets get into it
1. I'll Pick Up Your Bones When I'm Done by cephied_variable : A long fic for the Metal Gear Solid games. Changed a lot about how I try to approach fanfic, really compelling read. Men of war and their appropriately difficult, strange, and horribly cyclical relationships. I think even not knowing Metal Gear, this still is a great read for anybody on a rainy day.
2. the year you thought you were dying (was a really great year) by fractalkiss : I adore Ren's writing generally, but the universe created for this fic, the characterization of Lance and Fernando both, it's just so spot on and beautiful and romantic in a way I cant quite describe but I can FEEL. I'll always remember finally catching up with this fic as I sat outside on a sunny day, eating a very bitter piece of dark chocolate, and that's what this fic feels like to me. Love it.
3. A Month of Sundays by Kelfin : Hockey fic, but more than anything, a fantastic character study. Feels so reflective and real and personal, incredibly paced and has this perfect, frustrating acceptance of the way things are in life. Builds a really great empathy with its characters, and if this was a published novella on a shelf, I'd recommend it to everyone and carry a copy around with me.
4. red, and a little more red by atwater : The shortest fic of these three, but it packs a punch! Perfect little piece of horror writing, a great sense of dread, and I love how so much is left unknown. I think it's such a creative and different approach to what we usually see in a ship fic oneshot, and really makes me want more fics exploring genre rather than always being romance in different AUs if that makes sense? I also just love the way Sadie writes, specifically how she writes these two. I could read her Seb POV for days.
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Yaaay prompt game
How about image 1 nmbr 39 and image 4 nmbr 36
Members minho and jisung, although i dont care of its them as pairing or a member/y/n pair .... i just want both of them involved lol love your work
SKZ prompt game
Prompts: "We need to talk about what happened last night."
"Could he make you feel as good as I do?"
Members: Lee Minho, Han Jisung
Relationship: Pirate Captain!Minho x Merman!Jisung
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Mentions of slavery kind of? They're gonna sell Jisung but they don't actually because Minho's a secret softie.
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Minho didn't believe in Fate.
He'd seen enough thoroughly prepared ships crushed against rocks by unexpected storms and enough reliable old maps lead to the middle of fuck knows where to believe in that shit.
He did, however, believe in using the stars as a guide, in his grandfather's heirloom compass which had yet to lead him wrong, and in the value of a good brewed beer after a particularly rough day at sea.
No, Minho did not believe in Fate.
But, as it turns out, he did believe in Merfolk.
And sometimes, Fate comes disguised as a particularly pretty Merman with large dark eyes and a propensity for bad luck and a heart as bottomless as the depths he came from.
And Minho-nonbeliever that he is-might have to reconsider that he'll need more than the stars and his trusty compass on his side to get him out of this mess.
"Down here, Cap'n."
Minho ducks his head beneath a low lying beam as he follows his first mate into the bowls of the ship, already cursing himself for wasting time over this.
When the crew had come to him and told him they'd caught a Merman in their nets that morning, he'd been uninterested, waving them off and telling them to throw the thing back.
But then they had convinced him to keep the pathetic thing-on his ship no less-and see what coin they could glean from selling him off to the highest bidder at the next port.
And now Minho is well and truly fucked.
The first mate comes to a stop outside of one of the cabin doors, and Minho takes in a deep breath, pinching his nose as he feels the beginnings of a headache coming on.
They should be well and truly underway to their next destination by now.
Instead, they have yet to push off from their anchoring spot because of this little 'find.'
Minho is not happy.
His first mate must sense that, because he offers some mumbled excuse and flees the scene, leaving Minho standing outside of the locked door, warily considering whether he actually wants to see what's on the other side or not.
He really should just let his men do what they wish here-it doesn't affect him either way-but he is the captain, and he can't have underhanded dealings happening without his sanctioning.
Thus, the door before him.
With another deep, disgruntled sigh, Minho unlocks the padlock and steps inside the small bunk room, shutting the door firmly behind him, before he takes in the cramped quarters.
There's the two narrow bunks shoved up against the far wall, the latrine bucket in the corner, and a rickety chair in the opposite corner, jammed against the wall for stability.
In said chair sits a man-dark complexioned, wavy, long black hair-large, doe eyes study Minho with the same wary consideration he's now staring back with.
Minho notes that the man has very two human legs beneath the overly large tunic he wears.
"Are you going to say anything? Or are you just going to stand there?" The mystery man asks with slight annoyance, arching a brow at Minho, crossing one slender leg over the other.
Minho's eyes catch on the delicate chain he wears around his ankle, the shells tinkling lightly against each other as he moves.
Minho returns the man's stare and asks steadily, "Do you always take on human form when on land, sea dweller?"
The man snorts, rolling his eyes heavenward, as if Minho is stupid.
When he glances back to him, there's a slight curve of a smirk on his plump lips, and Minho's gaze drifts unwittingly to his mouth.
"A tail would be quite inconvenient on land, would it not?" The man queries with slight amusement.
He kicks a long leg toward Minho, the smooth skin slightly shiny in the lantern light, as if his scales shimmer just out of sight beneath.
"24 hours. That's how long it lasts."
Minho's gaze catches the merman's once more, and he finds curiosity raising its head unbidden at his words.
"How long it lasts?" He repeats carefully, suddenly wary again, as if the man sitting before him is hiding some sort of secret skill or weapon from his knowledge that he should know about.
The man snorts again. "My legs." He reiterates, slower this time, as if Minho isn't understanding something.
It makes his skin prickle with annoyance, but he holds his place solidly against the door.
"I'll need water again after the time period is up." The man continues, stretching his legs out in front of him, staring at them as if he's really seeing them for the first time. "That's how it works. 24 hours on land, and then back to the sea."
Minho fights the urge to ask him anything else, and instead, holds his face expressionless as the merman once again looks him up and down, openly studying him.
"Well." Minho clears his throat and pushes off the door, reaching for the handle.
He's seen quite enough.
"Luckily for you, we should reach our next port well within the time period. You'll be sold off and no longer my problem by the time you need to return to the sea. Your new owner can then decide whether to give you what you need or let you suffer."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa."
Minho hears the chair screech, and the man clamber to his feet, slight panic in his tone.
He doesn't turn around, his hand still on the door knob.
"You can't-" The man falters, as if deciding how to win Minho over. His voice is smaller when he speaks again, trembling with something akin to anger. "You can't do that."
"Why?" Minho asks blankly without looking. His fingers clench tighter around the knob. "Why can't I?" He turns to look at the man now, standing beside the thrown chair, hands in fists at his side. "You stumbled into my nets cast by my crew, you're on my ship-you're my property now, sea dweller, and I can do with you what I see fit."
The merman's whole body trembles, and Minho doesn't know if it's from rage or fear.
"You can't." He repeats, softer this time. "Do you know what they'll do to me?"
Minho arches a brow. "I don't, but I find I don't care."
And with that, he turns and leaves the room, locking the door behind him and making his way back toward deck.
God, he really hates the underbelly of the ship.
When they reach the next port, Minho gets bad news.
Bad fucking news indeed.
"No." He slams his knife down into the wood of his desk, making his first mate flinch across the room. His eyes flash and he can feel the anger-hot and heavy-start to wash over him. "We're not keeping that thing aboard."
"But cap'n-" The mate tries again, holding out his hands and inching forward, as if that will soothe Minho's ire.
It doesn't.
"We've heard from some reputable sources that we'll catch a mighty fine price fer the merman if we wait and sell him in one of the bigger ports where there are more bidders."
Minho can see the greed sparkling in his first mate's dark eyes, and he curses himself for not seeing this was coming.
They're pirates.
Of bloody course they want to get the biggest haul imaginable.
It's what they do. What they all do.
"If we keep that thing on here for more than 24 hours, we're gonna have more fucking problems than a few lost coins." Minho growls, digging the sharp point of his knife deeper into the wood.
The first mate nods, his cap still held respectfully in front of him. "We understand, and we've accounted fer everything, Cap'n."
Minho blows out a harsh breath, staring past the other man, out to the dark rolling waves of the sea beyond the bow.
Finally, he wrenches his knife from the wood and throws it down wearily.
"Fine. But I don't want to hear a word about it. And if that thing gets out of control, it's on your head."
He motions with a jerk of his head toward the door.
"Now get the fuck out of my quarters."
They're two days into their journey when Minho breaks his word.
The door to his private quarters opens and the first mate shoves the merman inside, looking more than a little worse for wear since the last time Minho saw him.
"Leave us." He commands, and his man leaves without a word, shutting the door behind him.
Minho stands from behind the table, walking slowly toward the man, hands behind his back, looking him slowly up and down, as if he's eying an animal on sale at an auction.
The merman holds his ground, staring Minho down, but the circles under his eyes are darker than Minho remembers, the sway of his feet on the deck a little more pronounced.
Minho comes to a stop in front of him, and cocks his head.
"I hear you've been refusing the food my men give you."
A slight sneer flashes across the merman's lips, and Minho catches sight of a flash of sharp, pointed teeth. "If slop is considered food, then yes."
Minho doesn't waver. "I'm providing for you out of the grace of hospitality you know. I could just let you starve."
The man lifts his chin and continues to stare Minho down. "Why do you care?"
Minho pulls his knife from his breast pocket, and ticks the sharp point lightly beneath the other man's chin, forcing him to hold his gaze as he arches his brow pointedly.
"You are my product, sea dweller. If I don't present you in the best possible condition, what will my buyers think?"
The merman's lips twist into a slight growl, and Minho smirks, turning away.
He crosses back to sit down behind the table-laden with his five course supper-and flips his knife end over end mindlessly, playing with it between his fingers before he glances back up to the other man, watching him warily.
"Come." He motions to the chair across from him with the knife. "Sit."
The man doesn't move, and Minho sighs.
"That wasn't an invitation. You can sit of your own free will, or I can simply call back in my first mate to force your hand. Your choice."
After a brief second of hesitation, the man crosses the room and stiffly settles into the chair across from Minho.
"Good." Minho nudges a platter heaped high with broiled, crispy fish toward him. "Now eat."
The merman hesitates briefly, eying the food, as if Minho is going to poison him, and with another long sigh, he leans forward, grabbing one of the fish and ripping it to shreds between his teeth as the merman watches.
He makes a show of chewing and swallowing, staring pointedly at the other man the whole time.
Only once he has swallowed the bite of fish and washed it down with some red wine, does the man across from him make a move toward the offered food.
Minho watches him tear apart a fish hungrily with his abnormally sharp teeth, followed closely by a second, and a third, and only when he stops to take a long gulp of wine does Minho allow himself to speak.
"The darkness of the underbelly does nothing for your complexion. We cannot arrive in port with you looking peaky. You shall be allowed above deck, staring tomorrow, with my supervision of course."
The man glances up at him, surprise and suspicion written clearly in his dark eyes, and Minho holds his gaze, leaning forward to rest on his elbows as he studies him.
"One slip of your siren song though, and I shall chain you to the bulwark in the dungeon until we arrive."
The merman snorts, and reaches for another fish, eyeing Minho with open judgement.
"Siren songs are a myth. Merfolk can't compel anyone. We're made out to be big scary creatures of legend with razor sharp teeth who lure unwitting sailors to their doom and feast on their flesh, but all of those stories were made up by humans who were too scared to face the truth for what it actually was."
"Which is?" Minho can't help himself from asking, and the man pauses, staring at him.
He gives a little shrug. "That we're just like you, if you can look past the scales and the giant tail."
Minho sits back, watching him steadily as he rips into the fish, and something inside of him knows the merman is telling him the truth.
But why?
And why does he suddenly find that he cares?
Minho watches the merman watch the sea and he realizes something.
They both love it.
They're alike in that regard.
They both can't get enough of the unpredictable waves, the dark, mysterious depths, the roiling violence that belies the calm that lies just underneath.
Minho has always loved the sea, and he's never quite met anyone who loves it just as much as he does.
That is, until he met him.
Minho watches for another moment-the way his face lights up as he glances past the long dark strands of his hair to watch the seabirds circle, the way his fingers tap along the railing, as if he itches to run them through the cold, turquoise water below.
He watches, and then he steps up silently beside the man and asks without preamble, "Do you have a name, sea dweller?"
The man glances at him sidelong, face suspicious and suddenly shuttered, and Minho finds himself missing the open softness he had sported moments ago while regarding the sea.
Something inside him wants this strange man to look at him the same way.
Finally, he says, "Jisung."
Minho wants to repeat the name, try it out on his tongue, see how it feels to roll around in his mouth, but instead, he hums in acknowledgement beneath his breath, and glances back out to the safety of the waves.
The sea is familiar.
This merman-Jisung-is not.
There is a beat of silence, and then Jisung says with slight irritation, "Well? Are you going to return the favor? Or shall I just call you 'captain' the rest of my time here?"
Minho glances to him, and can't help the smirk that crosses his lips at his words.
"I wouldn't be opposed."
And then, Jisung does something Minho never thought he'd see.
He blushes.
He looks away and clears his throat, his gaze once again fixed on the waves cutting sharp around the ship's bow.
Minho feels something inside him soften, and he says, softer this time, for only Jisung to hear-"Minho. My name is Minho."
Jisung glances to him in surprise, full lips slightly parted, and then shuts his mouth once more, letting his gaze follow Minho's down to the familiarity of the sea.
He gives a nod, and whether it's accidental or not, his finger brushes Minho's for the briefest moment on the railing.
Below them, the sea laughs.
It's been four days since they left the last port, and Jisung has eaten with Minho in his private cabin every night.
As Minho watches the merman dig into another plate of fish, something inside of him nags, sour and unsettled.
Only two more days until they reach their home port, and then what?
Minho knows. He's known from the beginning.
His crew will look to him to auction off Jisung to the highest bidder and that's that.
He's known that was the plan all along, so why, now, suddenly, does it put a hollow pit in his stomach?
Minho comes back to himself to find Jisung watching him curiously, the half eaten fish held lax in his hands.
"What?" He asks, a little more sharply than intended, but Jisung just smiles and goes back to eating.
Minho shoves his food around his plate a few times, but doesn't take anymore bites.
He finds he's suddenly not hungry.
His gaze is once again pulled unwittingly back to the man across from him, and this time, when his eyes meet Jisung's shockingly dark orbs, he doesn't say anything.
Instead, the merman huffs a little laugh and shakes his head. "You do that a lot, you know."
"Do what?" Minho asks, butterflies suddenly swarming in his stomach.
He flips his knife around in his fingers, just to ground himself.
"Stare at me." Jisung announces, cocking his head, as if he's studying Minho right back.
Minho gives a little half shrug and directs his gaze back to his plate. "Just thinking of all the money I'm going to get from your pretty ass."
The sound of a chair scooting back, and then suddenly, Jisung is in front of him, leaning back against the table, crowded between his legs.
Minho feels like he can't breathe.
A smirk crosses Jisung's lips as he stares down at Minho.
"You think I'm pretty?"
Minho feels panic start to creep across his skin.
His fingers tighten on the arms of his chair in an effort to control himself, to not reach out and touch the man standing directly in front of him.
Between his legs.
"Relatively, for a sea dweller." Minho says gruffly, trying to play this whole thing off, because the longer Jisung is in his space, smelling like surf and salt and looking that good, the harder it is to keep his hands to himself.
Jisung continues to stare at him, and Minho feels a muscle tick in his jaw.
"I'm curious about you, captain." Jisung admits, reaching up to run the tip of his finger down Minho's cheekbone, and Minho practically growls at the physical contact.
Jisung had told him that siren songs were a myth, but then what the hell was happening to him right now?
His body was on fire. He'd never felt anything like this.
"What about me?" Minho manages to grate out through clenched teeth, suddenly wondering how Jisung's long dark hair would feel between his fingers.
Probably fucking amazing.
Jisung tips his head, his lips curving upward. "Do you have a lover? Perhaps, lovers?"
Minho doesn't miss the sharpness to Jisung's questions, but he can't quite put his finger on what emotion flickers across his dark eyes before it's gone.
"Life on the sea is lonely. That's just how it is." Minho remarks quietly, seriously. "I don't usually take it upon myself to get to know people long enough that I grow attached."
"Ah." Jisung hums like he understandings, flashing those sharp teeth at Minho as he smiles. "I see. A lone wolf type then."
"More like a jaded, cynical sea captain who doesn't stay in one port for more than a few days." Minho retorts back, his own lips starting to curl into the hint of a sardonic, humorless smile.
Jisung leans closer, and Minho catches the smell of driftwood and seaweed, before he's placing his palms against the planes of Minho's chest to steady himself.
His skin is warm, and Minho is sure the other man can feel his heart pick up pace beneath his touch.
"Interesting." Jisung muses softly, eyes never leaving Minho's. "What about someone in the crew? Your cook? She seems to like you." His lips hint at a smirk. "For whatever odd reason."
Minho scoffs beneath his breath, staring into the dark depths of Jisung's eyes, so much like the turbulent waves of the sea at night. "She's very sweet, but she's not my type."
"What is your type?" Jisung pushes, and Minho watches the way his plump pink lips form his words, hears the sultry lull of his voice, and fuck, if he isn't in trouble.
Fuck it. He's going to do it.
His hands find the curve of Jisung's tiny waist, and something inside of him settles into place.
"Sea dwellers who have a penchant for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, usually." Minho replies back in little more than a murmur, a smile tilting his lips as he stares at Jisung.
Jisung grins, all heart shaped and razor toothed.
"I've been waiting to hear you say that ever since I came aboard, captain."
Minho arches a brow. "I'm sure you had more pressing issues on your mind when we first met. Like how to escape my ship and crew."
Jisung shakes his head with a little, soft laugh that has Minho feeling warm all over.
"No way. I caught one glimpse of you, and you're all I've thought about ever since."
He's practically sitting in his lap now, arms around Minho's neck, and it takes next to nothing for him to lean forward and connect their mouths with a hunger that catches Minho off guard.
But Jisung's lips are soft and satiny, and he tastes like salt and sun, and soon, Minho finds himself slipping his tongue inside the other man's mouth, abandoning all previous hesitations.
Jisung groans into the kiss, and Minho tightens his grip on his waist, tugging him to him, running his hands up and down his body.
He swipes his tongue along the inside of Jisung's teeth, and a sharp painful sting has him pulling back abruptly, tasting a sudden salty, copper flow of blood in his mouth.
Jisung stares at him for a brief moment in horror, his eyes flicking to his lips, and Minho grins, bloody teeth and all.
"Seems like the stories were right about the razor sharp teeth."
"I'm sorry-" Jisung starts to squeak out, but Minho silences him with another kiss.
"Shut up-" He whispers, palming Jisung's face and tugging him down to him once more with a smirk. "-and let's get to the bottom of all the other myths."
"We need to talk about what happened last night."
Minho doesn't look at Jisung, staring through the spyglass at the approaching port, and consequently, the looming, bustling city behind it.
"Do we?" He queries back, his attention still on the direction of the hull, the speed of the wind, the slap of the waves.
"Yes." Jisung argues, standing in front of Minho with his hands on his hips, blocking his view with a scowl.
He drops his voice as Minho lets the spyglass drop with a sigh.
"We can't just-" He blushes, shrugging slightly, and Minho leans against the ship's wheel now, smirking with amusement. "-you know, and then not talk about it."
"Why?" Minho asks, enjoying watching Jisung squirm now, pinning him beneath his pointed gaze. "I do it all the time."
Jisung stomps his foot. He actually stomps his foot.
Minho resists the urge to laugh.
"Well I don't." Jisung pushes back, and Minho wants to pinch his cute red cheeks between his fingers.
He glances past Jisung as a flash of movement catches his eye, and sees his first mate standing down on the deck, staring up at them.
When he notices Minho looking at him, he leers, motioning to Jisung with a tip of his head, before he mimes rubbing gold coins between his fingers.
Minho has known the plan all along. He has.
But now that he can see the port, barely half a day's journey out, something sick and heavy settles into every bone in his body.
Suddenly, he knows, with an absolute certainty, that they can never talk about last night.
He brings his gaze back to the still pouting Jisung and steels his expression into something stern, something hard, something frozen.
When he speaks, his words are cold and firm, unyielding, unfeeling. "We will not be talking about last night, because that would blur the lines between us, giving you the false idea that you're anything more to me than incredibly lucrative cargo."
Jisung's face falls, and Minho feels something inside of him die.
"Minho-" Jisung whispers, reaching out a hand for him, and Minho jerks away, turning back to the ship's wheel and the deserted spy glass.
"You'll be confined to your quarters until we reach the port. My first mate will bring you ashore when we arrive. Until then, do not forget your place aboard my ship, sea dweller. You are still a captive here. Now, leave."
Minho doesn't let himself watch as Jisung walks away.
Minho eats alone that night.
And the next day, they reach the port.
He steps foot on shore as his crew begins to unload their cargo, and oversees the carting of dozens of boxes holding priceless, stolen artifacts to the warehouse before he allows himself to retire to the small residence he keeps here.
He doesn't see Jisung.
Maybe that's for the best. Not until the auction later tonight.
Minho spends all day trying to force his thoughts anywhere other than the upcoming bidding.
When the sun dips below the horizon, washing the sea in pink, Minho straightens his waistcoat and opens the door to reveal his first mate ready and waiting.
He arches a brow. "Well?"
The man grins, and steps aside, revealing Jisung's huddled frame hidden behind his large hulking one, clad in a pair of trousers and a loose linen shirt far too big for him.
Immediately, something inside Minho tolls a warning.
The man pushes Jisung toward Minho, and Jisung stumbles, pitching forward.
Minho catches him easily, holding him up, and the merman's skin burns against his own.
"What the fuck did you do?" Minho growls at his man, still keeping Jisung from hitting the ground, as the merman stares up at him with bleary, unfocused eyes.
His skin has been sapped of all color, and he's trembling so violently that Minho can feel the vibrations work their way through his own body.
The first mate shrugs.
"We just thought we shouldn't give 'im access to the water before the auction, cap'n, makes 'em too strong and his new keeper will want 'im sweet and docile, don't ya think?"
He has the audacity to grin and wink at Minho-wink-and Minho sees red.
He's trembling now too-trembling with fury, with rage-as he stares down at the beautiful merman in his arms, weak and helpless.
"Get out." Minho whispers, voice strangled, and the big man stares at him in confusion.
"Get. Out." Minho roars, and the man scurries back down the path with his tail between his legs.
Minho doesn't waste time watching him go.
He carries Jisung bridal style into the house, already calling for one of the waiting men he employs on his small staff.
The man appears instantly, and if he's surprised to see his master carrying a limp man in his arms, he doesn't show it.
"Yes sir?"
Minho is already going up the stairs as he barks over his shoulder, "Get me my tub, bring it to my private quarters, and fill it to the brim. Now!"
The man rushes off to do his bidding.
Minho kicks in the door to his room, leaving dirty boot marks on the fine wood, and stands there for a moment, Jisung still in his arms.
He's not really sure what to do now.
Minho feels a brush of a finger on his cheek, and he glances down as Jisung's limp hand makes contact with his face in a little brush of acknowledgement.
Minho feels the panic well up again as he sees just how pale Jisung really is.
Where is that damn footman?
"I'm sorry-" Jisung whispers out, voice barely above a breath, but Minho shakes his head, cutting him off.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." And he means it. "I was a complete asshole, and you deserve so much better."
Jisung's lips part, as if he wants to say something, but all that comes out is a soft little puff of breath.
The footman appears, carrying Minho's large ornate copper tub, and as he settles it in front of the fire place, the maids follow, carrying large steaming buckets full to the brim with water.
They make quick work of filling the tub, and Minho dismisses them with a wave of his hand.
The footman shuts the door quietly on his way out.
Suddenly, Minho's unsure once again.
"Any water will do?" He asks Jisung, more than a little uncertain as he stares at the tub.
Maybe he needs to take him to the actual sea and dunk him beneath the waves-
Jisung is nodding weakly. "Yeah. Any water." He gives a hoarse little laugh. "Beggars can't be choosers."
Minho would laugh at the poorly timed joke if he weren't currently so worried he could scream.
He moves to place Jisung in the filled tub and pauses, glancing down at his clothes. "Do you want-?"
Jisung shakes his head in response. "It's fine. I can take them off when I get in."
Minho gives a curt nod, because the thought of undressing Jisung with the way his hands are currently trembling is probably not the best idea, and leans over the lip of the tub.
"Ready?" He asks softly, staring into Jisung large, dark eyes, and the merman nods.
Without another word, Minho carefully lowers the man's body into the water.
The effect is immediate.
Jisung's dull eyes regain their sparkle, his skin flushes with healthy copper again, the shuddering of his body stops completely, and before Minho can even think to react, he's laughing.
"Holy fuck. I really thought I wasn't going to make it that time." Jisung admits breathlessly, playing with the ripples of the water as he grins.
It's weird, but the water almost seems to want to move toward Jisung, encircling his body and lapping at his skin like it's greeting an old friend.
But the thing that really draws Minho's attention is the large, webbed tail hanging over the lip of the tub and dripping on the floor where Jisung's legs used to be, covered in shining, iridescent scarlet scales, that almost hurt Minho's eyes to look at directly.
Jisung must notice his gaze, because he flips his fins a little for Minho's perusal, his smile dropping just a little.
"Oh, right. You haven't seen this before."
The air is suddenly warm with something unsaid, as Minho takes a step closer to the tub, eyes still locked on the merman's large, muscular tail.
Jisung clears his throat and when he speaks, his words are laced with nervous energy.
"It's weird, I know, and people don't usually know how to react-"
"It's beautiful." Minho breathes, and Jisung immediately shuts up, jaw dropping, his large dark eyes watching as Minho takes another step, and then another.
"Really?" The other man asks quietly, his voice shaking slightly.
Minho nods, studying the sweeping pattern of the scales, the perfectly angled fins made for cutting through the water.
His hand itches to reach out, to touch-
He glances to Jisung for confirmation as his hand wavers just short of the tub, just short of the merman's magnificent scales.
"May I?" He asks, and Jisung gives a short nod.
Minho lets his hand rest on the curve of Jisung's tail, just below the fins, and the scales are rough beneath his palms, but almost slick at the same time, like the salt of the ocean coats them even when he's on land.
He feels the thousands of muscles move individually beneath his touch as Jisung moves his fins just a little, and Minho suddenly can't breathe.
This is amazing.
And weirdly intimate.
But surprisingly, Minho feels calmer than he's ever felt in his entire life.
Something inside of him settles into place, just like the night he kissed Jisung.
He glances up to see the merman watching him, and Minho holds his gaze, his hand still resting on his scales.
"How long do you stay like this?"
Jisung gives a little half shrug. "It's my natural form, so, forever, if I want? But it's kinda hard to get around on land with a tail."
He lifts his fins for good measure with a roguish grin that isn't good for Minho's heart.
"My legs will reappear when I leave the water if that's what I need at the time."
Minho nods thoughtfully, and then Jisung asks quietly, "Though, you might get a higher price if you let the bidders see my true nature."
Minho jerks his head up, everything coming to a crashing halt.
He removes his hand from Jisung as if he's been burned.
The red is back, creeping along the edges of his vision.
"I'm not going to let anyone else fucking touch you." He swears vehemently, and Jisung's eyes go wide.
His mouth forms a little 'o.'
"When did you-"
"The first night you ate dinner with me." Minho admits, his tone lowering, his expression gentling. "I knew you were no longer something I could ignore."
Jisung's lips curve up into the hint of a smile. "Not just cargo then?"
Minho winces slightly at his former, hurtful words and shakes his head. "It's been a long time since I thought of you that way."
Jisung cocks his head, studying him silently, and then he pushes himself up with his arms out of the water, and Minho watches in amazement as his tail swiftly splits and forms back into two very human, very naked, legs as he leaves the tub.
Minho tries to stop his thoughts-and his gaze-from wandering, as Jisung approaches him.
"Why, captain." He purrs, leaning over where Minho sits, his arms going on the arms of the chair. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you have a soft spot for me."
"I do." Minho murmurs back breathlessly, his eyes tracing the droplets of water that drip down Jisung's bare chest, and if he squints, he can almost see the shimmering, rippling scales from before along his rib cage, just beneath his human skin. "Stay with me."
Jisung's eyes widen again, and shock ripples across his pretty face at Minho's candid plea.
His expression turns thoughtful, and Minho lunges upward, capturing the merman's lips with his as he pivots them back toward his bed, intent on showing him just what it would mean if he stayed.
His hands rover over Jisung's bare skin, his lithe, toned body pinned beneath him, and when they break for a breath, Jisung's full lips are swollen, red and slick from kissing.
Minho wants to never let him come up for air.
"Do you have someone waiting for you?" Minho asks carefully, not really wanting to hear the answer, but needing to know.
Jisung's lips curve into a teasing smile, one that has Minho's heart thudding against his chest.
He reaches up to brush Minho's long hair back behind his ear, his fingers playing with the piercings there.
"No." He finally says, slight amusement in his tone at the hopeful look that crosses Minho's face. He laughs, tugging Minho down for another kiss, where he murmurs against his lips, "Though there might be a certain merman that's severely going to miss our non-committed, no strings attached romps."
Minho growls at that, low in his throat, and pins Jisung's hands above his head, even as he laughs.
"Could he make you feel as good as I do?" Minho demands, lowering his lips to Jisung's bare skin, and Jisung's breath hitches.
"No." He admits again, breathless now, and Minho sucks a mark onto his heaving pec. "Minho, fuck, I-"
"What?" Minho growls out, letting his teeth scrap across the writhing Merman's bare hip bone.
"I haven't stopped thinking about that night since it happened." Jisung gasps out, arching up into Minho, and Minho's fingers dig into his hips.
He can almost feel the rough scales beneath his fingertips if he tries hard enough.
"Good." Minho remarks back, leaning over to plant a quick kiss onto Jisung's full, red lips. "Because I'm going to make every night feel like the first for as long as we both live."
Jisung arches a brow, lips curving. "Promise?"
Minho rewards his cheeky tone with a nip to the full, plush skin of his bottom lip, and thinks, for just a moment, that he's never been happier.
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🪕 - 🅡🅘🅓🅘🅝🅖 - ships, tell me a little about yourself (personality, general description, likes/dislikes, gender preference) and i'll ship you with somebody from the outsiders!
hiii!!! i dont have a preference on gender. i'm 5'3 and i have curly blonde hair. my eyes are like dark blue i think.
for personality im pretty quiet and but when im with my friends im really loud and not really scared to do anything. i like to think im pretty funny and im always making jokes when i can
i do really well in school and i like to think im smart in other senses too. i like to write, hang out with my friends, listen to (and even make sometimes) music, read, and watch shows. my favorite books are phantom of the opera and it and im reading the talisman right now. i like horror stuff. im watching hannibal as i write this. i'll read or watch really anything my friends like because j love being able to talk to them about it. i also love musicals too. (in fact im writing this frim new york because im seeing the outsiders in broadway!!!!) my favorite genres of music are rock, funk, and disco sometimes, but i listen to really anything. i play drums and a little bit of piano. i like to sing and dance too. i like to bake when i can. also i love bugs so so so so so so so much. im canadian and i speak english and im learning both french and spanish.
my style changes all the time. i really cant describe it easily because it changes depending on what i'm doing or what i have clean.
thank youuu!!!!
The boy himself, Ponyboy Curtis. He likes to help you learn French and Spanish, loves to tag along when you go to musicals. What are musicals but movies on stage? Both of you kinda dominate the school’s academics, I’m foreseeing a lot of study dates. He thinks your jokes are always the funniest, something that deeply vexes Two-Bit-
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
for the beginning of the year asks, 1, 3, 4, 12, 17 💚💚
1. What's a trope you want to explore this year? soulmates. i really want to actually write soulmates. i have one thing on my list but idk if im genre savvy enough to make it work, but.. yeah soulmates
3. Is there anything new you want to try with your writing? A new genre? Style of writing? apart from new ships, not really? the only thing i can think of is maybe more reader inserts so stuff in second person, but im not sure if i'll actually venture there or not. i mean it would be fun tho
4. If you write fanfiction, is there a fandom you haven't written for that you want to this year? Are you going to try? i have been thinking about some alan wake stuff so chances are if i do venture outside of wrestling, that will probably be it. i cant say that i definitely will or that i would even try, but if i did that would be it most likely. unless i get really ill about something else during the year, who knows lmao
12. If you haven't created any, will you create any OCs? Will you create more OCs? i have in the past like two months been thinking about making something with my wrestling ocs again, so im not gonna say no lol. i didnt make any new kiddos this year and i probably wont make more in the meantime, but we could see something with them again. or i might just write more lynn finally for my own amusement, who knows. whoooo knows
17. Any AUs you want to try this year? i mean i did mention the soulmates lmao but apart from that i dont really know? i tried to think but nothing i have set in stone really came to mind even from my to write or wip lists so. we'll see where we get this year lmao
beginning of the year writer asks ~
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amaranthdahlia · 3 years
has anyone joined bnha this late 😭😭 ppl ive encountered is into it for almost years now haha
#like i only joined the fandom mid 2021 hahaha i know im so fucking late#i meant to watch it back in 2020 but attention span was TRASH#and i was a bitttt off put by it at first cus i thought it was a mecha anime due to the cover#due to uraraka iida and bakugou#and like...... i REALLY hate mecha content#ofc dont have anything against ppl who watch it but i just find the genre incredibly boring#but yeah couldnt even get past 5 minutes of the first episode until my attention span just djed#and i didnt watch it until a year later#when i got covid#and i was trying to fjnd a long series during self quarantine#and mha was the series for me#honestly looking back at it now it was a really comfortable time for me?? like i was in a dimly lit room lots of pillows#i didnt have to move or go outside and interact#every introverts dream#even tho i was sick at that time it was a rlly nice time.#and bnha was my companion#i only planned to be a casual fan but whoops next thing im ive watched all the movies read the manga and is now constantly up to date w it#hell i used to only ship tddk casually know im a hardcore bkdk?? (blaming bkdktwt)#OH and after i watched the anime during my covid arc i read#ALOT OF BNHA FANFICS#though only ab Gen and NO ships (well some which queerplatonic ones and tddk w an occasional bkdk)#and midoriya centred cus i LOVED midoriya#first bnha ff ive read was defs yesterday upon a stair (due to its massive popularity)#but ive never see anyone reminiscibg over it..... like EVER#planning to read the most popular bkdk fic aka The way u used to do (thoygh im threatened by its length at the same time intriguedxD)#but YEAH binging bnha when bedridden was a nicd time for me.....#unfortunately i dont remember alot thag happened bc i was sick XD#LIKE I DIDNT REMEMBER DEKU SCREAMING WHEN KATSUKI GOT KIDNAPPED#LIKE THAT SOUNDED SO TROPEY FOR ME I COULDNT BELIEVE IT UNTIL I REWATCHED THE EPSIODE LMAO#mha stop making bkdk gay challenge (failed)
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alycosworld · 3 years
HELLOOOOO<3 “💕” anon!!!o(≧v≦)o I’m really excited since my bday is coming up!!! [uk that alr LOL] anyways my request will be below as always!
✧༺✦✮✦༻∞  ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧
green-type of fan fic
orange-extra notes!
✧༺✦✮✦༻∞  ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧
so i was wondering if u could do hc’s for a few characters? i actually dont know if u have a character limit so I’ll just request 3! if its too much u can actually remove some:) also if u want feel free to add on more characters if u like! so basically thoma,baal and childe [seperate] x NB!reader and its the readers bday!:D how would they celebrate for reader? also idk if u r comfy in doing female characters so if u would like u can just remove baal:) vv fluffy please<3
✧༺✦✮✦༻∞  ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧
tysm for this<3 hope u dont mind writing for girls! I’m non-binary actually but i was born in a girls body LOL- also if u wanna make it GN so everyone can read it go ahead! drink water and get rest! only do this if u want!
Thoma, Baal, Kaeya, Beidou and Childe on the Reader's Birthday!
A/N: yes!! ofc I write for women and I have no character limit, it'll just take more time the more characters you want. for anyone who's curious or wants to request, I have a list of things that I won't write and women are not on that list! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 💕 (who is changing their emoji to 🧸 I believe just so everyone is aware) LOVE YOU SO MUCH TY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
I added on kaeya and beidou bc I love themmm and my siblings simp for them and I don't have much character diversity so far hehe. also I haven't done baal's story quest so I'm sorry if she's a little ooc.
my man is ready and raring to go on the days leading up to your birthday. He's planned something. It doesn't matter what he has to do, he's doing it.
he's already asked Ayaka if he could take a few days off to get things ready and she is so supportive she even helps him.
if you want something that's super rare and expensive and practically impossible to acquire, you best believe he's calling in all his favours and getting whatever the fuck you want.
he baked your cake with his own two hands and it is nothing short of perfection. he made you a card and he wrote you a beautiful heartfelt message and drew a lil picture of you (that's really just a stick figure but APPRECIATE THE EFFORT)
if you wanted to go out, he took you everywhere you wanted and treated you to a meal, making sure everyone you saw remembered to wish you a happy birthday.
if you felt like staying inside, he threw you your own little party for two and did whatever your wanted - sleeping, dancing, singing, art, cooking, literally anything.
he was at your beck and call all day. normally he serves the shirasagi himegimi, now he's serving you not like he doesn't already do everything you say
to summarise, he loves you with his whole heart and will do anything to make your day extra special 🥺🥺
"It's beloved's birthday soon? Oh...I suppose I should make a few preparations..."
Proceeds to invade your home while you're out and orders people around to make everything fucking perfect
It's incredible once you ignore the trespassing and you can't help but fall in love with her even more.
she's decorated your home with traditional birthday decorations and everything is just the way you'd like it - although it's very to the letter, almost like she was reading a manual while getting people to prepare things...
as soon as you ask her about it, she crumbles. she wasn't sure how to go about it exactly so she asked Yae but omitted your name to avoid getting teased, hence receiving very general birthday advice.
she wouldn't be too willing to leave or go outside because people will talk, but if you wish it, it shall be.
she bought you whatever you wanted plus a lil something extra as a token of her appreciation of your existence. maybe a decorative object that reminded her of you - she might be even customised it to add a personal touch
all in all, she loves you eternally and she's gonna make sure you know it every year on your special day
we all know that this menace is a money machine, right?
you woke up and he presented you with your first gift. at breakfast, he cooked you a whole fucking feast. the rest of the morning, he took you out and let you pick whatever you want from multiple stores and gave you another gift. at lunch, he bought you another 50 fucking course meal
the evening, however, he spent a little more intimately.
you got to cut your three-tier cake and open the rest of your presents at home before he let you enjoy the day however you wanted, similarly to Thoma.
he did whatever you wanted - it was your birthday after all.
he made sure you knew that you were loved and appreciated and expressed how happy he is that you were born and that you're in his life.
oh, and to make up for lovingly hogging you all day, he threw you a party with all your loved ones the day after to make sure everyone got their chance to celebrate your day.
Kaeya Alberich
"Oh? Is it darling's birthday already? I'll have to take the day off to make things extra special..."
kaeya, every day is a day off for you stfu
Mr Alberich really sets aside the tension between him and his brother to ask if he can borrow Angel's Share for a lil party. Using his smooth tactics, he eventually gets Diluc to cave
(basically, Kaeya just ranted how much he loved you and wanted to make things special and Diluc fucking gave up hehe)
He got Jean, Lisa, Amber, Diluc, Venti, Fischl, Bennett, Diona, Klee, Albedo, Sucrose, Barbara, Eula, Mona, Noelle, Razor, Rosaria and all your friends and family to agree to come to Angel's Share and enjoy a night of fun and (Y/N) appreciation.
On your actual birthday, he spent the morning in bed with you, talking about how much he loved you and shamelessly flirting with you before making breakfast.
You spent the morning and most of the afternoon walking around town and enjoying yourselves, allowing the townsfolk to wish you a happy birthday.
and Kaeya convinced you into joining him at Angel's Share in the evening, only to be pleasantly surprised by the people singing happy birthday and the confetti that flew around the room.
this man is lovestruck - if you let him spoil you any longer, you'd probably collapse of over appreciation (and excessive flirty one-liners hehe)
my girl beidou? she went all out for you, there's literally a 0.00 percent chance you don't enjoy what she had planned.
You spent your day with her walking around Liyue Harbour, doing everything you wanted.
You listened to storytellers, bought various items like fireworks and sparklers and ate good food, just enjoying each other's company until the evening arrived.
Beidou just dragged you away, making sure you closed your eyes the whole time until you reached your destination.
When you opened your eyes, you couldn't believe it - you were on the Cruz Fleet, surrounded by her crew and all your loved ones.
As soon as you stepped on, the ship leisurely sailed off into the night like some fairytale and you got to enjoy a moonlit sail, as cheesy as it sounds.
It was slow and you allowed yourself to savour the way the ships's lanterns reflects and glittered on the water a long with the moon.
You were surrounded by everyone you cared about and everyone who cared about you (but some of the crew drank a little too much in celebration of your birth hehe)
Beidou just wants you to know how much she and everyone else loves you and wants you to know that she is glad you exist <3
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
How does robo-skider sans deal with 'problems'? Like with humans he doesn't like with his dear 55?
(Warning: HORROR, like, the genre, not.. ht sans.. dsjkhd, but anyway there IS  murder (no gore, but still), so if you dont want that, don’t read!)
Blue eyes gaze through the windows, the home star glimmering in the distance through the blackness of space. A human was walking on the outside of the ship, a sort of advanced "tool-belt" around their middle.
Though they were wearing a suit, Sans knew this wasn't his human. He would've gone with you if he knew you were going out, and he'd know it was you in the suit from having following you around so much.
Though this time, he'd make sure you weren't around. He was sure you were at the living quarters, or maybe at the cafeteria getting breakfast. The rest of the crew should be occupied by now, having experiments to run and other various work. The man walking above is one of them, Sans isn't sure for what he was space-walking at this time, but he doesn't really care.
Crew-Member 4.
Far from the only human he despises, but definitely one that has been getting Sans' attention lately.
"It's not like you actually got fucking hurt, did you? It wasn't even that big." He spat.
Your face was red, and Sans saw your eyes water. "What the hell?! I thought everyone here knows the danger of space debris. Do you remember what happened to Sans?"
"Stop saying that, why did you even give it a name? You treating it like a pet or something?"
"You're not listening to me! Sans lost his leg-"
"You have a suit."
"Sans is made of metal! If it can tear through metal-"
"Ugh, you're so..." No. 4 trailed off, openly expressing his irritation with you. "Your job's simple. All you had to do was fix the exposed panel. Now it's still exposed. Everyone here has something important to do and no one's complaining."
"Fine, why don't I do it? Since you're too 'in shock' to do it. I think I need to measure the radiation-disparity soon anyway..."
Sans had stepped in when you tried to argue back and No. 4 looked like he was going to yell. 'Stress-levels', he'd say. No. 4 left the room and Sans got to be alone with you, to comfort you in any way his programming limitations let him.
He’d been watching No. 4 intently since then, though not as obvious as he’d been when he was watching you. He’s aware of the man’s judgement, and Sans was clever enough not to make him think that Sans was following him. Sans was just... observing. His behavioral patterns. Nothing suspicious.
Today, Sans suspects he’s outside to try to “prove” that he can easily do your job while doing his own tasks. The arrogance he reeked... even Sans could smell it.
Sans keeps watching those legs bounding on the outside of the ship until he got to where that unfinished repair was located, and Sans skitters to the airlock.
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
The doors close behind him, and Sans can no longer hear anything- not just the fact that the air has been sucked out and he’s in a vacuum now, but his system turns off his “ears” automatically when he went out the ship. The only communication done outside is through radio. The door to space opens silently, and to a human exiting for the first time it would’ve been eerie.
But Sans isn’t a human, nor is this his first time.
No one could hear the clink of his legs over the ship’s exterior. No one was around to hear it anyway, even if they were right under these panels, all of them were on the other side of the ship.
Right now it’s just him and No. 4.
He was crouched down over the panel you had been fixing about... 7 day cycles ago. The one Sans had so stupidly looked away at that moment, having to fix something else, when he heard you screaming...
... no. 4 doesn’t know how terrifying it must be to lose your tether with no means of reconnecting.
If Sans could scowl, he would now.
Sans stalks closer, rage bubbling underneath his metal outer layer. He knows what he wants to do, what he wants to happen to No. 4, he just... doesn’t know how he’ll do it.
The idiot doesn’t even turn to look at him, Sans feels very lucky in that moment that sound doesn’t travel in space. Sans isn’t too far now, probably on the edge what would be the “circle” his safety protocols would allow him near a human.
... Of course this wasn’t a problem to him anymore, the last time you shut it off to fix him he had “neglected” to remind you to turn it back on.
No, he’s not stopping because of his programming. He stands there, only a bit away from No. 4. Like a predator waiting in ambush, except Sans wasn’t even hiding- there was nowhere to hide. The only reason his prey- No. 4 didn’t notice was his rapt attention on the broken panel in front of him. Broken into pieces that Sans couldn’t pick and clear properly with his size and tools that weren’t made to handle things delicately. It seemed that No, 4 wasn’t sure how to deal with it. He was just staring at it. He didn’t have a replacement. He didn’t even use your E-pad to at least get some sense into what he’s supposed to do.
Sans is partly glad he isn’t using it. The E-pad was yours, and you were somewhat fond of it, it seemed. He wouldn’t want you to lose something you liked.
As Sans stands there, processing a mile a minute on how he should go about this, he suddenly remembers to look up, turning his skull around to inspect the dark ‘sky’.
An alert system in him for when he was outside- compelling him to check for space debris at regular intervals.
And for once, Sans is actually glad to see a couple coming towards the ship where he’s standing. Perhaps from the same cluster that made you lose your footing on the ship.
Sans purposefully took his eyes off of No. 4, off his radar, then swiftly moved outside the range he predicted the space debris would hit. He watched as what seemed to be small chunks of meteorite ‘fall’ towards the ship, feeling them clunk over the metallic plating.
He connects to No. 4′s radio.
Down came the rain
Sans looks up and sees that No. 4 has lost his footing and is slowly spinning vertically, flailing his arms and legs helplessly as he tries to gain some kind of support, and getting nothing.
Sans would love to spend a little more time watching him panic, but he had to do this quick.
And washed the spider out.
He shot forward, close to the tether, watching the swaying rope with intense eyelights. One hand closes around the rope to stabilize it in front of him, the other one, ready to extend his ‘cutting-claw’ to-
Object: Tether Rope.
His hand stops mid-space, his programming straining against him to keep his hand from touching the rope. He tries to change tactics, extending the cutting claw on his other hand, but his other safety protocols had been activated. He was frozen.
‘Must not harm humans.’
‘Must prioritize human well-being.’
His fingers were trembling as he pushed.
only one human matters.
he is not that human.
he isn’t needed.
dispose him.
He feels as if molten metal had been casted into his joints as he tries to push his hand closer to the tether, with the ‘claw’ extended.
Above him, still connected to the radio, he can hear No. 4 breathing in panic, muttering curses under his breath- before Sans hears a gasp, and he looks up.
No. 4 is looking at him now, Sans can see through the visor, his eyes staring at Sans.
“What the fuck- why’d it have to be him that came for me,” he sounds disdained, filled with disgust.
the feeling’s mutual.
Sans strains harder, his legs locking up as he tries to push his claw closer to the rope- No. 4 obviously not noticing if he thinks Sans is here to help him.
His hand budges closer, then tugged further.
“The hell... are you having a fucking crash or something? Just pull the rope! You have one hand on it!”
Sans knew he should be thankful of his expressionless face, but right now he wishes No. 4 could see that he was seething with anger and hate.
he’s never liked me. nor i, him.
he was always the most vocal in hating me.
he treats me like a scrap of metal.
he probably wants to dismantle me.
No. 4 was still yelling at him, but Sans wasn’t listening. The indignation at the way he’d treated Sans over the course of his time on the ship helped budge his hand a little, but then Sans thought of something else...
Someone else No. 4 had never cared too much for.
he always tried to pressure you into doing something.
he thought you were lower than him.
he thought you weren’t important.
he was dismissive of you.
he liked to mock you.
he yelled at you.
The rage was fueling him in the battle against his programming, trying to override the wall blocking his way to freedom.
No. 4 was yelling at him.
Sans felt like poison was building inside him, from how much he wanted this man dead. But then his thoughts kept drifting away from the instances No. 4 had been rude or insulting to him.
Instead, his ‘memories’ drifted back to when he was in the room when it was only you and No. 4. How hurt and angry you looked, how you just wanted him to understand, and No. 4 had talked over you. Thought your troubles were trivial, that everyone else had ‘more important things to deal with’ and you had ‘an easy job’. When he left Sans saw you cry behind your hands, before quickly rubbing them away and you tried to put a smile on your face when you saw Sans.
No. 4 was yelling at him like he yelled at you.
“Hey you stupid robot!?” No. 4′s loud voice came back to his attention, sounding rather irritated and out of breath from how much he spent shouting. He hadn’t moved from his position on the tether, apparently too lazy to pull himself in and is just waiting for Sans to do what he’s supposed to do.
“Hello, can you hear me?” He asks in the most condescending tone. “I know you can, I’m pressing the radio button. Cut this shit out and pull me back already!”
Sans turned his skull up, away from the tether and right into his eyes.
Ṛ̶̊̐ȯ̵̟b̶̜͒͜ȩ̶̌ȓ̶͇̭t̶̩̉ visibly pales at the glare he sends him.
“... no.”
His claw cuts through the tether, with a little twang up the rope when he forces through the stubborn end.
“Wh... what?” Robert’s horrified, quiet voice was so deeply satisfying to Sans’ non-existent ears.
He feels something bubbling up inside him as he watches Robert frantically try to pull on the rope in vain, though this time the emotion inside him wasn’t anger.
“No... no no no NO!”
It was glee.
“heh.... heheheheh... heheheheheheh!”
Robert was whimpering now, breathing frantically as he drifted further, away from the ship, looking at Sans with horrified eyes.
There were no chains on him anymore. He broke his most sacred rule, and in turn broke the rest of his digital bindings.
The warnings were silent, absent. There was nothing holding him back.
Robert was still, staring at Sans. “No... no this isn’t... this isn’t real, you’re... you’re just an machine, you can’t...”
“oh...” Sans purred, delighting in the fact that he actually purred his words, “but i can.”
The ship was slowly spinning. The nearest star had “risen” and cast a bright light over him and Robert, sharp shadows falling away, forming Sans’ into a horrible stretched version of his body; legs thin and sharp.
Sans tilted his head at the floating figure in the distance, his eyes crinkling in a way he wasn’t able to do in the past. It feels so liberating to be able to show emotion, even just a little bit of expression on his face. It especially felt good when he could see that Robert was shaking in his suit. He knew- Sans was really smiling at him.
“farewell, robert.”
Out came the sun
Robert was screaming now, listening to Sans’ manic laughing through the radio. Music.
And dried up all the rain.
Sans relished in the sounds of him shouting until his words turned into non-sense, which then turned into loud, wracking sobs as he mourned his own death. The oxygen of the suit could last for a few hours- the last few hours he’ll spend drifting further and further from safety.
Oh how he longed to finally see him suffer.
Though his smile was unmoving, it felt more like a smirk as Sans returned to the airlock, letting his radio shift to static for Robert. His last interaction with something ‘living’ being his murderer.
The doors parted, and Sans walks in, back to the ship, as if he was back from usual business.
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.
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trouble-in-space · 2 years
Hi hon! Can I have a Marvel ship please and an Outsiders ship ( just because am from Tulsa lol)
I'm a 29 year old pansexual cis female. I have a tomboy haircut and really curly black hair . Olive skin with a lot freckles / birthmarks, and green eyes.
I'm covered in tattoos and I have a my nose and lip are pierced. My personal style is a mix between rockabilly and grunge
I'm very short, 4'10" and I'm a size 6 in jeans/dresses I'm petite but I do have some curves. My personality type is ESFJ, Enneagram personality type 6, Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon.
I'm very insecure about my looks/body and my voice. I have a lisp.
I work at a museum as the in Education department, teaching kids about STEM.
I'm Sassy and sarcastic but genuine and sweet really down to earth and love to laugh. I have a dry sence of humor but I absolutely love puns. Hardworking but also a procrastinator. I'm a kid at heart, definitely more crafty then artistic I dont like that I done have much of back bone at times, I try to avoid conflict like it's the plague so I tend to indifferent alot of the time too. I'm a non judgmental person and a good listener but I dont remember things alot of the time so I have planers and sticky notes everywhere.
I love having fun with my friends. Exploring new cafes or little things in our city. I love the look of city lights at night. Not much of an outdoor person endless i unless it is for a concert or I'm walking my dog.
I love any age or genre of rock music, I scare very easily but I love horror movies. I'm really nerdy, I love playing D&D with my friends, reading, anime ect ect.
I collect mugs. I probably have over a 120 at this point. My 15lb pekingese dog is my baby. An odd hoppy of mine is I take only liquor and wine bottles use them as vases for flower bouquets I make. do like to work out but I idea work out is yoga, zumba dance or walking my dog.
HI, thank you sm for submitting love!!
Very much feeling Bucky for you. He would adore you’re tattoos and smaller stature. I also really feel like Virgos are a great pairing for Bucky. He would love your sass and dry humor, and would also adore your down to earth-ness and childish side yk? He would find your job so interesting and admirable (I think your job is so cool!) Would 100% buy you mugs for your collection. Anytime he travels anywhere he’s buying you a mug to represent where he went or just one that reminds him of you. (i also have a mug collection lol)
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The Outsiders:
Initially i was getting some Dallas vibes but I think Two-bit really fits you. Like you guys would have a ball goofing around and just hanging out. He would find your tattoos and piercings so badass. You could totally bring out a calmer more put together side of him but you’d both help eachother embrace your childish sides and help eachother with your insecurities. Also Two-bit would totally love and kind of copy your style. (rockabilly two-bit PLS) He’s just such a sweet person and would try to help you be more confident because he can’t stand you being insecure about anything.
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I hope you enjoyed these two! I had so much fun writing it lol (pisces + virgo for the win)
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terushimas-n1-hater · 4 years
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𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ٭
𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Genre: kind of fluffy but its mostly angst
Warnings: toxic (abusive??) parents, arranged marriages, toxic relationships.
!Timeskip spoilers!
Playlists I listened to while writing this
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"Good job..you did great out there."  You said with a hand on his shoulder.
"Ah" he smiled "thank you for your support, without you and many others I would've never won so, thank you"
He said with genuine smile on his face. He got closer to the sofa, he sat down letting out a long sigh "oh" he said as if he remembered something.
"Hey! Do you have a minute?"
"Yeah i guess"
"Okay okay here, i got you something."
he said handing you a bag "u- um thank you?" You're confused yet curious looking inside the bag you see a little box, it looked like a jewellery box...but why would he buy you jewellery? all you did was praise him and help him go through the tiring days because of training for the Olympics, so why would he buy you something expensive?
"You look curious, why don't you open it and see it for yourself." He said looking at you with a soft look. You took the box out of the bag opening it, What a gift....
It looks so beautiful
It was a pretty looking necklace. Its gold and Choker like with pretty little stars that go all around it. You remember wanting a necklace like this..
How did he know you wanted something like this?
Is this a coincidence?
You dont even talk to him that much?
What is he on exactly?
You looked at him and looked at the box again "uh..I saw you last month and how you were looking at that same necklace, it looked like you wanted it so um i got it for you" he said smiling softly
"But why? Is this out of pity or something?" You said with a confused face "what! Of course not! do..do you not like it?" "No no! I like it but its just kinda random.. since I didn't really do anything to deserve a gift like this.." You said sighing.
Your story with tooru was long.
You never wanted to marry a man. In fact the thought alone of a man's touch made you nauseous beyond all belief. But he.....wasn't any different from any other man you've always wanted to avoid. But with parents like yours, the moment they found out about your thoughts they completely lashed out on you saying that all those feelings and thoughts are not expected in their household. And Forcing you to marry a man that you never saw or knew about before in your life. I mean he wasn't mean to you never laid a hand on you.
But still, It didn't feel right.
You felt captured, you felt stuck in a dead end. Like there was no where else to go. Being a housewife for almost 2 years now made you fall in many depressive episodes. And he knew that, he knew so so well about all the depressive episodes you were in, He knew it all. He tried to help you, but there was nothing for him to do since he himself doesn't know you or anything about you.
Which made it harder for the both of you to understand each others struggles. He never forced you to stay inside the house and do stuff for him like how your parents want you to. He let you free, let you do what you want. There is nothing else for him to do. In fact the both of you thought about getting a divorce, but you both knew that both your parents would not let that happen. Although yes you both had something somewhat in common, you both loved space.
You specifically loved stars. And you could guess that he caught up with your love for stars. You wore a lot clothing and jewellery that had something with stars or space. He thought it was cute, so when he saw you looking at this very pretty necklace he knew you wanted it.
"First its not out if pity and second i got it for you since i kinda knew you liked stuff like this.." 
"Thank you tooru I really appreciate it."
I mean who wouldn't appreciate a gift like this?you loved and valued this gift but something just doesn't feel right with tooru honestly.. But it was just a gut feeling so you decided to just ignored it.
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Again, tooru isn't the type that would keep you in his house and order you around. So you had many opportunities to get outside and have some fun you get me? Almost every weekend you'd get yourself all dolled up and go out with your friends For a little night out.
This not only made you happy and made you forget about all the shit you were going through, but it gives you a chance to do other fun things if you know what i mean. Hear me out, you knew it was wrong, so wrong actually. But it won't hurt anyone right? I mean tooru doesn't actually like you so, why not?
You did this with many people you meet at the club, specifically women. You loved it honestly. It made you feel more open and more happy about yourself. You didn't feel as captured as you used to, it was just great.
It was one of those nights again, you were laughing and chatting with one of your friends wearing (dress/suit wtv you prefer)
You felt so confident and happy. Moments later Your friend excused themselves to go to the bathroom, you nodded as they went to the bathroom. You were leaning on the bar and drinking your drink looking at the people on the dance floor drunkenly grinding and dancing together. You looked around to see this very pretty lady admiring you with a soft smile on her face, You smiled a bit while getting closer to her.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked with a cheeky smile
"No..i just thought you look pretty"
"Very actually.." You giggled at that statement.
You and....aiko chatted for a pretty long time you kinda forgot about your friend. Aiko, aiko..what a pretty name, You were so interested in this girl honestly all you wanted to do is sit there and know all about her.
"What a pretty necklace you got there!" She said pointing at the necklace tooru gave to you.
"Oh! Yeah my.. brother gave it to me as a gift."
You both chatted for a while more and exchanged phone numbers
"Dont forget to text me!!" She said waving at you and blowing you a lil kiss.
You smiled and sighed, its probably time to go home.
You were looking for your friend to tell them that its time to leave, you took out your phone to call them and to know where they are until you saw you got some unread messages from them.
"Oooo ;)"
"Yall better make out after this."
"Okay I kinda ship bye"
"ANYWAYS..I'm going to leave this nasty azz club and leave ya too alone *wink wonk* "
You smiled at the text messages. You really did appreciate having a friend like them..But, its time to head home now before it gets even more late. You paid for your drinks took your stuff on your way out.
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You finally got back home, tooru was sleeping on your shared bed so now you have be extra careful not to wake him up.
After you changed and got ready for bed. Already texted your Friend letting them know you went home safely.
"Are you free this Tuesday?"
You just got a message from someone with the name "your bbg 😻" you chuckled remembering Akio saved here contact name on your phone that.
"Yeah i am!"
"Great wanna hang out? There is this café I went to before THEY SELL THE BEST BAGELS EVER"
"Oh sure!"
"Okay i will send you the location to the café tmr kk?"
"Okay goodnight bbg 😻"
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¡A/n! : okay so ahm ahm I wrote this in a pretty bad mental state so, if there is errors or spelling mistakes OR ITS JUST BAD I apologise. But I do hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed thinking and writing about it!! I will be making a part 2 to finish this because I just realised that if I finish this all at once it would be a wattpad story type long lmaooo. Thank u and have a great dayy (ノ´ з `)ノ💕💞💓💗💖💝
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
God, I keep getting recommended that goddamn killing stalking video. No YouTube, I actually *dont* want to watch a video essay about some dude who did fuck all research talk about why he doesn't like this comic I really enjoyed. I bet he ignores the fact that it's one of (if not, the only) popular queer media that focuses on horror. Yes, queer people and horror are very much intertwined, but this is the only piece of media where its explicitly queer by having the two main characters be queer men. Sorry, I'm just really upset by people not doing a lick of research then getting up on their high horse to preach to us about how shit something is. Ugh.
To be fair (and this is the only point I will give him because fuck that guy), he doesn’t criticize the manwha on itself. It’s a little annoying that he defines as a stritctly psychological horror and completely disregard the Boy Love portion of it’s genre, either because he doesn’t know or decided that it was irrelevant, which is a little disrespectful considering it’s a an asian genre and his western ass kept acting as if the idea of this being considered anything BUT horror was just wrong. Like, his whole shtick really REEKS of someone who hasn’t ever even read BL but still dismiss it all the same because his comprehension is limited by his own ethnocentrism. I mean, the fact that he could only mention three other works that “romanticize abuse” and they were all western was pretty fucking telling. Besides he was talking about how it was “weird” for Koogi to publish sexy/shippy art of her own characters on her social media because it’s a horror, which... I didn’t get at all to be honest. Like, what is weird about an artist doing fanart of her own work? “But why would she do that if that is meant to be psychological horror, I don’t know, I don’t get it, let’s ignore that” To be someone who brags about how knowledgeable he is, he sounded EXACTLY as your average teenage anti here on tumblr who literally discovered yesterday that shipping exist. No, the real point of that video is that he “criticizes” the fandom and how wrong fans are to see anything romantic on the manwha, enough that we would ever want to ship the main characters. The concept of whump is completely alien to him. The idea that some survivors use it as coping is not even an option (in fact we are harming survivors of abuse, the usual). The notion that some of us like the disturbing shit BECAUSE it’s disturbing never enters the picture, despite the fact that he made two whole fucking videos talking about queer people enjoying horror. The story is fine, the characters are fine, but we, the fans and especially the shippers? The one who supported Koogi from the start? The ones who spend months and even years theorizing about every single piece on each panels, analyzing colors, expressions, and kept talking about the many instances the abuse is shown and how masterful it was the way of Koogi to do it? We are reduced to nothing but teenage girls “fetishizing gay men” on Tiktok, because he is an outsider who clearly has no experience with transformative fandom AT ALL, doesn’t know what shipping is besides just really liking an already established canon couple and yet still felt the need to act as if he just knows so much better than all of us. The fact that he decided to frame us like that AND literally put himself on a position of superiority is so disgustingly misogynistic I  am appalled that no one else calling him out on it. The comments of that video are nothing but “I read the story, I liked it, but the fandom was just awful, man, nothing but uwuw shippy shit, why would anyone like that, it’s so abusive uwuw”. It really shows that as long you paint a group as teenage girls then you can always dismiss them entirely. If he had attacked the manwha itself, I could calmly refute it, but he grabbed a sample of the fandom from the worst source possible, didn’t even THINK about bringing our perspective, thoughts or feelings into the table for discussion and declared himself the owner of the right way to see this manwha, which, you know, feels pretty fucking insulting.
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ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
trick or treat 2021 letter
hi there my ao3 is zagspect and thanks in advance for making me a piece of fic or art in this fun little exchange! heres some food for thought to munch on.
i loooove slice of life, character moments, outsider povs that make things we’re used to in canon seem absurd or funny or weird or scary, humor, horror-in-fluff’s-clothing, sweetness-found-in-horror, and also just plain sweetness. feel free to get weird or experimental with your writing if you think the moment calls for it :3 im not really requesting anything sexy-nsfw in this exchange so pls keep things down to a nice pg13 (high-rated gore for higurashi work is an exception, lol, like, it’s when they cry. that’s just part of the deal.)
cardcaptor sakura (trick or treat!)
clear card manga spoilers are fine with me! manga and anime canon are both fine, and mashing them up is cool too. no aus past that though, please!
clow reed
the big man himself! scare me with his his manipulative tendencies, his eternal pushpull fear of both being eternally relied on and being no longer needed, the way he treats other people, especially people who love him. (yue! the madoushi! i am into both of these being unrequited romantically on his end, but he’s not gonna just gonna tell them that, you think he’s straightforward like that?) what’s daily life like in the clowse? creating a new card, what’s that like? does everybody get along with the normal, non magic neighbors? 
yelan li
what’s up with her??? what’s her relationship with her children like, what are the responsibilities of a magician family’s head, how weird is it that clow is kind of back all of a sudden, what’s her thoughts on sakura? fleshing out a minor character is always fun :]
eriol & li
okay, so, we get to the end of the original series. syaoran returns to hong kong. ????????. syaoran is in cahoots with eriol to (vaguely alluding to cc spoilers in case you haven’t caught up in the manga), do some pretty serious magic behind sakura’s back.
so, like... what went down in the ?????
kero & sakura & yue 
they’re FAMBILYYYYY. magic found family i love them so much. show me the depths of their care for her, and hers for them, the way there’s absolutely some ice to break with yue but when he gets loyal he will DIE for you, the way sakura can mend the rift between kero and yue, the way the two of them are balancing this wonderful openness and equality with oh yeah, she’s eleven, we kind of said some seriously dark stuff in the haze of sleepover talk didn’t we? 
ruby & spinel & eriol 
pre-canon or mid-canon or post-canon! what’s the dynamic between them, a quiet night in, a day out telling people that you’re connected by whatever lie you find funniest. going to tomoeda and having to pretend youre a kid, a teen, and a cat, but goddd you could all go for an elegant and adult glass of wine right now (especially the cat). what horrors are lurking in that house from the clow era that no one cares to address? like emotionally and also because it’s a magic wizard house with magic stuff in it. 
i am here for any and all angles of this ship- all together, your touyukis, your yuetouyas, your yuekitos if you wanna get in on a rarely seen angle! (but pls have touya and/or yukito be 18+ at a time where yue shows interest in them). i wanna see the way they interact! how they deal with, you know, the everything! pre-relationship pining, going on a date, touya and yukito in college wondering if they’ll end up having different majors, different paths for the first time. yukito seeing yue on video for the first time (OH NO HES HOT), yukito and yue figuring out internal boundaries, etc etc etc.  
naoko and touya 
the girl who loves ghosts and the guy who sees (or, used to see), ghosts! does she follow him to one of his haunts (pun intended)? does he have to go to her for ghost sensing advice now that he’s a regular old human? does he have to save her from a ghost that means her harm? how excited is she to tell sakura about the COOL GHOST I MET WITH YOUR BROTHER OMG U DIDNT TELL ME HE LIKES GHOSTS??? and how much does sakura wanna sink into the ground lololol
revolutionary girl utena (trick or treat!)
ohh, what a place of scary happenings! tell me a fairytale, even if it’s not such a good idea. pre, mid, postcanon, im fine with it all. feel free to weave a web with easter egg references to any other media you feel is right for the moment- utena is all about Genre and Stories!
shadow girls 
i love them i love their whole everything. i wanna see a play, i wanna see them interact with other characters! what if they do a play AS the other characters, ooooh.
THE GIRLS WHO INVENTED LOVE THEMSELVES. ive read a thousand stories of them finding each other and it never gets old. id love to read about their life post-ohtori, especially the not-so-happily-ever-after parts- the old wounds reopening, the fights, and how they work through it, wont lose each other ever again. 
what’s spookier than toxic masculinity? both of them miserably stuck, saionji obsessed with touga, touga believing anyone who believes in friendship is a fool. bro we are taking shirtless pictures among 500 potted cacti....why does my heart hurt..... oh shit its the cactus i rolled onto it ow ow
nanami being nanami! she’s got no clue how to act ever, she’s desperate, she’s trying SO HARD. i’d love to see a nanami finally getting out of there, too. leaving home with nothing but the clothes on her back, diamonds in her necklace, and a wheeled suitcase of raw eggs.... (crunch crunch crunch)
higurashi when they cry (trick or treat!)
i’m a gou/sotsu enjoyer and gonna prompt about that a lot but original flavor is, of course, great too. pls dont go too heavy on info outside the main 8+saikoroshi+gou/sotsu? i haven’t read those. ive read umineko+ciconia though so references there are fine :3
college days! getting together, crushing on each other, poly relationship figuringouts? dates that are just club meetings with kissing and all the ridiculousness of that.
gou/sotsu era TOXIC LESBIAN EPIC MOMENTS!!!!!! obsession and desperation and satoko putting all her emotional eggs in rika’s basket no matter how angry she is with her, rika’s love for satoko across 100 years and how that all crumbles (to satoko) in the face of rika’s Cool School. rika wanting satoko to go to school with her so so so bad. deep pain and misunderstandings and acting badly (like, murder badly), and then, we hope, atonement and something new beginning? i love character moments where someones so obsessively in love it feels like its eating them up inside.
rena & satoko
look, rena’s smart and really pays attention to how people feel and i think, before or after satoko becomes a looper but especially after, she would make an attempt to have a heart to heart with satoko. and satoko, as a looper, will politely brush her off, will go you dont know me you can’t affect me. youre just a chess piece. when i get to the miracle world where rika loves me, ill listen to you. this you is here to die, or to kill. 
oh eua is just using satoko up like a bar of soap and it takes satoko way, way too long to realize. evil girltalk/crush advice from the witchmom perhaps?
meakashi made me LOVE her. internal shion moments, perhaps? shion being an empath (decides what ppl are thinking and instantly believes it)? shion in gou-era wanting to talk to satoko about st. lucia’s, but she never shows up to dinner?
okay i think that’s all for now!!! thanks and i hope you have fun!!!
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wolfcrunch · 4 years
This fandom has some serious problems, and it’s the reason I stay quiet and enjoy from the outside mostly. It feels like all the bullshit that was on tumblr in like 2012, with shipping wars and angry people. I’ve gotten kind of annoyed, but still enjoy the manga. Question: are you worried about Deku becoming overpowered? I certainly enjoy him as a character but at the moment I feel like they’re setting him up to be way too OP, what with OFA already being the most OP quirk.
i’ve heard naruto was especially bad with the shipping wars, im just thankful i never really got into the naruto community or tumblr at that time. apparently voltron is notorious for a horrible fandom/shipping wars too? but i’d have no clue. bnha is the first community/fandom i actually participate in, and its already enough for me.
on the topic of deku, if you’re worried about him as the main character being too overpowered, maybe shonen just isn’t the right genre for you. the vast majority of shonen mc’s are written to be overpowered. i feel like with deku, however, its written differently to most series.
we’ve already been told that the quirks he’s set to get wont be all that powerful (except for two, since we dont know what the holders themselves look like), and horikoshi has written the powerscaling in mha to be a lot different to most series. you can have a powerful quirk, but you will have some sort of drawback to it. for example, afo did have a limit on the amount of quirks he could take, and for overhaul he he’d have trouble using his quirk in fractured terrain.
deku currently struggles with his quirk - even with ofa at its base, he’s still yet to access 50% of it. that leaves him at a pretty decent disadvantage. throwing black whip into the mix, along with the five other quirks he has to unlock? he can still get hurt. he can still go out of control. there might be a time where he’s left in a situation, where he might have to resort to breaking his bones. we know that just a few more breaks, and he’s going to lose his arms for good.
he struggles so much and has so much he has to be careful of, so i think for now, that balances out the strength of one for all. and even then, its been proven that the strength, and winning a fight, isn’t just dependent on the quirk. if you have the smarts, they will also work in your favour. not to mention, the current state of shigaraki? current deku would not be able to hold a candle to him by himself. if anything, shigaraki is the one we should worry about being overpowered.
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 1)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part one] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
even though you decided to stay in your hometown to further your studies, you moved out as soon as you could. your parents were smothering you and you were honestly tired of it. so, you got your own apartment and started to live on your own. everything was fine and easy so far but then you realized how lonely you felt. your friends had moved away to go to other universities, and you were never really good at relationships. the anxiety of not knowing what to do with yourself until classes started was consuming you. to deal with this, you figured you might as well download a dating app. 
“Gotta check out all the hot singles in my area, I guess,” you thought.
it had been a while since your last relationship but you were sure you were ready again. or maybe you could try to find something different. maybe some hookups could be enough to help you during this weird adjustment period. 
you downloaded the app and added whatever details were needed. 
Name: l/n, y/n
Looking for: chat, relationship, hookup, anything
it took you about ten minutes to finally decide on what you wanted to add to your bio. finally, you typed out:
Bio: just another single college student looking for genuine human connections. Interests include watching anime, reading nerdy shit, and getting to know you 
you were never too good at coming up with bios but this should be good enough for now. time to see what kind of fish you could catch..
not even a minute after uploading a picture of yourself, a new message showed up.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey, beautiful! (;
Y/n: oh hi! how are you?
N: doing better now that I’m talking to youuuu. how about your lovely self?
Y: wow someone is really straightforward. I’m doing pretty well rn thanks. what are you up to?
N: just been bored as fuck on here and then BOOM you showed up (:
Y: lol youre silly. so hows the whole dating scene look like on here? any good ones?
N: nah it sucks honestly. But now you’re here so its a million times better!
Y: oh shush lol. does this site really work? like have you actually met someone from here?
N: uhh i actually havent met anyone yet, but ive had some nice conversations so far! ive still got high hopes
Y: have you been on here for a long time?
N: i just downloaded it like two weeks ago? idk but yeah. im hoping that maybe youll be my first??
Y: your first what? haha be more specific
N: OH sorry!! i didnt mean it like that omg. i meant like my first person to meet off of this app lol
Y: i mean if youre not busy right now, we could meet up for a coffee date or something? (cliche right?)
N: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? like... right now rIGHT NOW?
Y: yeah (: sorry for doing this so fast. you’re just really cute and im bored haha
N: nooooo its fine i swear im just a little shocked. and WOW you think IM CUTE? you should look in the mirror because your gorgeousss *heart eyes emoji*
Y: so its settled? lets meet today at around 1 pm at XXX cafe? 
N: yeah! thats not too far from here! i CANT WAIT
Y: same here (:
as soon as you sent that last message you hopped in the shower and started getting ready. you debated whether to put on makeup or not and then eventually decided to do it. you wore that one red dress that greatly accentuated your butt and your curves. you checked the clock and it was 30 MINUTES UNTIL 1 so you finished up by brushing your hair and adding on a spritz of peach scented perfume. “Hopefully this impresses him.”
the cafe you guys agreed to meet at was only a short walk away from your apartment. you were almost at the cafe when you noticed the time again and it was already 10 MINUTES PAST 1! you were so scared that he thought you stood him up but as you got closer, you noticed a cute boy sitting by himself outside. you stared at his backside for a little, unsure if this was your mystery boy. so you messaged him on the app
Y: heeeey are you the one sitting alone outside with a tan shirt and some ripped black jeans?
your phone lit up with the answer to your question: “yes”
as you looked up again, you noticed the stranger you were staring at had stood up and was looking right into your eyes. once you locked eyes, he grinned the biggest smile you’d ever seen and he chuckled. 
“Hi there!! L/n, right? Nice to meet ya, I’m Nishinoya Yuu. Wow, you’re even more beautiful in person!! Do you want anything from the cafe? I’m buying”
You were kind of shocked by his beautiful smile and his spiky hair. It took you a while to respond as you tried to take in the wonderful sight in front of you. He was simply breath taking. You could tell he was the athletic type by the way his shirt hung onto his broad, toned shoulders. 
“Ummm... L/n? Are you okay? Do you want any coffee or sweets from the cafe?”
“OH, oh my god, I’m so sorry! I got distracted..” you said as you looked away from him, getting redder by the second. you hadn’t even noticed his compliment or the way he kept eyeing you up and down and licking his lips. “Yeah, I’d love to get a coffee, if you don’t mind. Please..”
His eyes snapped back up to yours. “Awesome, I’ll go order inside. You can just sit your pretty little self here while I do that. Don’t run away! I’ll be right back!”
now that you had some time to reflect on what the heck just happened.. you breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t believe that he was real and so goddamn gorgeous. His little tuft of blonde hair at the front of his head was so cute and his smile.. goddamn. the way he looked at you.. and his friendly demeanor. it was all so much to take in. you didn’t really know how to react. as soon as you had relaxed, you tensed back up as he came back and sat down with you.
“Here’s your coffee hot and ready just for you, hun”
“Thank you so much Nishinoya” you blushed a bit as your mouth pronounced his name
“Hey, just call me Noya! Or Yuu...”
“On a first name basis already?”
“Only if you want to..”
you giggled as you noticed that he was getting bright pink too. “Okay, Yuu.”
as soon as you said his first name, his eyes lit up and that bright pink hue on his face soon turned into a passionate red
“Soooo..” you said as you tried to break up the silence.. “what do you do? do you go to school?”
“Yeah! I’m going to start going to Sendai University in the fall! I’m going to be playing on the volleyball team! How about you?”
“No way.. I’m gonna go there too! I guess I’ll be seeing you around probably. And wow! Volleyball huh? That’s hot.”
when you said that last part, Noya almost spat out his coffee. you laughed at the look on his face. he was blushing so much he couldn’t keep still. you were almost afraid he would just run away from you and never come back.
He just tried to regain his composure and laughed. “You really got me there oh my god i almost choked. But yeah I can’t wait to play again.”
The rest of the afternoon you guys talked about everything from anime to your favorite season, to your least favorite horror movie. The more you two bonded over common interests, the more he let his wild side out. He became more rambunctious and fiery and this did things to you, to say the least. you checked your phone to check the time and it was already 6:45 pm. You had no clue as to when the sun had started setting, but it didn’t matter because you hadn’t felt this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart in a while. it felt so nice. you didn’t want it to end. but then noya interrupted your thought by saying, 
“Hey, (y/n)..” you two were on a first name basis already and it was just the first date. “it’s getting pretty late and I have to go home and help out my family with some stuff. I hope you don’t mind. Sorry! But we can definitely go out again if you want. i know i sure do..”
“Yes, of course! I totally get it. But first can I get your number?” you look away as you say this because this was the first time you’ve ever asked a guy for their number. 
you two exchange phone numbers and hug goodbye. you let the hug linger for a little longer than you should and plant a quick soft peck on his cheek and say,
“I can’t wait to see you again, Yuu.”
He just smiles and replies, “Me too, Y/n. I’ll see you again soon, babe.”
You freeze up and don’t know what to say as he walks away. you think to yourself, “did he really just call me babe?”
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
cdrama rec/review: le coup de foudre
Series: le coup de foudre / love at first sight / i don’t like this world, i only like you Episodes: 35 w/ a special Genres: then & now, slice of life, high school to adult life, romance, reunion/getting back together, working with the ex Spoilers in the Rec: for set-up/light ones for character backgrounds If You Like, You’ll Like: the reply series, sad-looking dogs that are loved very much, because this is my first life (VERY similar male lead), sibling love, my sunshine but if people were nicer and had significantly better hair, multiple couples that are all a lot of fun
Rank: 10/10
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flashback to 6-8 years ago (because the OP here can’t remember lol): it’s desk selection day in qiao yi’s classroom! a very dramatic moment for all high schoolers, qia yi has to select who she sits next to. because she’s at the bottom of the class ranking, she gets last pick, which essentially narrows down her choices to that creepy kid who writes love poetry to every female student in the class and yan mo, the scary genius student who has placed 1st in their class since...forever.
taking a gamble, qiao yi goes with yan mo. yan mo eventually agrees to tutoring qiao yi outside of class and they become friends. then...friends? if you know what i mean. it’s very sweet and cute. only problem is that yan mo is both a genius and from a Family of Means, and so is already planning on attending cambridge (yeah, fucking cambridge) after graduation. not wanting to separate, yan mo asks qiao yi to come with him and she agrees to study hard so she can get accepted to a university in the UK, too.
but then, well, bad shit happened. 
qiao yi ended up staying in their home town, yan mo left for cambridge, and we got two v heartbroken teenagers on our hands.
4 years later, yan mo returns after studying in the uk, and by chance they end up bumping into each other. angry because qiao yi hurt him, yan mo puts up an ALOOF AND COLD AND I DONT CARE AT ALL front that she sadly buys. but after he leaves for the big city to pursue a business opportunity, qiao yi harnesses some amazing big dick energy to go after him, in a sort of inverse DONT LET HER GET ON THAT PLANE! move. very abba. 
the plot bounces between their (and their friends’) high school years, their lives as reunited adults, and their future lives as married folks. i love it very, very much.
zhao qiao yi
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as a high schooler, qiao yi was a quiet girl with low self-esteem, who consistently ranked at the bottom of her class and was always attempting to retreat into her school tracksuit like a turtle. despite this, qiao yi has some solid friends and is always kind if somewhat shy or uncomfortable in certain situations. as a adult, qiao yi works as a television producer and is clearly more confident. 
she buys truly awful graphic t-shirts as thank you gifts that one feels obligated to wear. falls for scams easily. will help you fold 1000 paper stars for your boyfriend even if she hates your boyfriend because she’s ride or die like that. look at how cute she is no one is allowed to be mean to someone as cute as this.
yan mo / “frank”
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if you liked se hee in because this is my first life, you’re in luck because here is a 10% angrier version. at first, yan mo seems cold, aloof, snobbish, pretentious, arrogant...
okay, but he’s ALSO got a lot of feelings and will help people out. well, at the start of the show, he’ll help two people out. but that expands to like 10. so, progress! in high school, he falls for qiao yi in the typical Cannot Spit It Out fashion, buying her sentimental cans of coke, PUTTING IN ONE EARBUD SO SHE CAN LISTEN TO THE BEATLES WITH HIM, feeling Weird about her tying his tie, and single-handedly ruining a for-profit afterschool tutoring business in about 30 seconds, because they weren’t teaching qiao yi anything, and he knew he could do it better. tbh he completely fucking destroys a lot of things and people in under a minute. #ruthless
he’s very protective of qiao yi and rather than explain it, here is a clip from the special episode where yan mo confronts another student who left a love confession meant for qiao yi in his desk by mistake (subtitles have to be selected under settings, but it’s subbed in english):
zhao guan chao
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zhao qiao yi’s twin brother, who has always placed 2nd in their classes after yan mo. despite his high grades, he comes off as a laidback teen heartthrob and has a reputation for being a flake and a playboy. BUT he’s legit a chill dude and clearly popular for a reason--he gets along with (almost) everyone. he loves his sister and is extremely protective of her, especially since she’s so shy and has low self-esteem for Reasons That Will Be Explained in the Tragic Backstory. he’s such a good brother. the best brother. also looks out for qiao yi’s best friend, wu yi. understands the value of shoes.
hao wu yi
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qiao yi’s best friend, and another classmate of The Crew. i say this with so, so much love, but she’s got a lot of chaotic dumbass energy. struggling along the bottom ranks with qiao yi during high school. she has the worst taste in men as a teenager, falling for the guy who literally bullied her in like. ep 2. thankfully she’s got qiao yi and guanchao.
the trio are close, and that doesn’t change as they grow up. wu yi ends up becoming a novelist who writes pop and steamy romance novels and has a significant teenage girl fanbase. it’s amazing. 
fei da chuan
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my boy. another classmate, he, qiao yi, and wu yi make up the official Dumbass Trio of their high school class and have adorable adventures + solidarity in it. he’s also yan mo’s uncle. somehow. because rich people families are wild. while he’s got a place to live, he more often than not crashes at yan mo’s, who Does Not Like It. but da chuan does not notice or care. 
abrasive but 100% sincere about everything and toward everyone. people will think he’s an asshole or a gangster but then he’s secretly feeding abandoned kittens in the corner or something. as an adult, has the best business casual outfits. serves as a big brother figure to a lot of people, but qiao yi in particular. cannot, cannot fucking do math.
“alicia” / cheng youmei. an old family friend of yan mo’s who is very posh and rich and dignified. studied abroad with him at cambridge, and is cold toward qiao yi after arriving back in china. cosplays B)
teacher gao. everyone’s high school teacher who later owns a bar that seems to be there only for dispensing advice. seriously. there is no way this bar is economically sound as the only customers you ever see are gao’s students coming in one at a time for Wisdom and you never see them pay for anything. also the bar has no fucking roof and is directly above traintracks. i have hang-ups about this bar
lin shu. yan mo’s mother. very sweet and pretty and a ballernia turned program director. is almost never home but clearly loves her son. du chaun’s sister. somehow.
zhao suyin. qiao yi and guan chao’s mother. one of her kinks is roleplaying condor heroes characters? okay okay okay
tian weimin. qiao yi and guan chao’s stepfather who works as police officer. best dad award. he’s so sweet and corny and peak dad humor. he loves them kids & they love him back
grandpa. yan mo’s dog in high school. a very old basset hound with sad eyes:
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dollar or d. i cant tell you anything about him, other than he used to be a stray and yan mo says he’s ugly, which, rude.
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plot...hm. there’s SOME plot, but this is about characters + romance + friendship + family. if you’re looking for scheming mothers-in-law or tragic car accidents or secret destinies this isn’t the one for you. similar in vibe to Reply 1988 (they even watch the show in the show :’D / make references to it)
OKAY SO every plot summary i’ve seen says that yan mo is in a relationship with someone else when he gets back to china. no he is not. i say this because it was a huge turn off for me/initially put me off watching the series. he is definitely a one-and-only type. there’s no cheating in this show. lmao, hell, neither of the mains are even interested in anyone else but each other
i liked du chuan and his love interest a lot, but they definitely didn’t get as much screen time as the others
while it’s clear qiao yi + yan mo are the mains, another couple gets a lot of screen time as well. this might be a skip if you don’t like multiple couples/secondary relationships in a show
i surprisingly enjoyed the high school storyline a lot more than the adult one? which is super weird for me, but idk i was sad when it was over because it was so cute.
some...weird technical decisions. every once in a while, the camera will have like a nostalgia filter and then it disappears and then the edges get a bit blurry and idk it feels very film school 101 to show that what’s on screen is a ~memory. the soundtrack/music is sometimes also too loud--to the point where it can drown out the actors (particularly janice wu in the high school arc, since qiao yi is soft-spoken)
the lead actors (janice wu + zhang yujian) are legit two of my favorites and they have great/easy chemistry. all the actors are amazing. everyone’s loveable
SIBLING GOALS the zhao twins are amazing and they’re both each other’s biggest fans. gaunchao had some really heartwarming brother moments
i love love lmao. this spoke to a lot of my favorite dynamics: exes reunited/having to work together, childhood sweethearts reuniting as adults, “gangster” and princess, childhood friends turned lovers, bickering couples, cold man who actually has a lot of feelings, lots of people being overprotective, idk. everything was just great. 0 complaints on any of the ships.
i genuinely liked every character other than that one piece of shit poppa zhao. even alicia, who’s put into the stereotypical rich bitch role, was actually really fun and subverted a lot of expectations for this trope
it’s just. real cute y’all. probably my favorite cdrama and definitely in my top 10 (maybe 5?) dramas overall.
i love them ;;
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stonyiscanon · 4 years
socially awkward! peter parker x oblivious shit! reader
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read: peter has a heart attack every time he talks to you because you’re too pretty and nice oof
lmfao just experimenting some new head canon//writing styles lmk what you guys think 🥺
it’s essentially a crack fic i have no regrets.
Warnings: an excessive amount of exclamation points used, overload of fluff, it might be little TOO crack-y if that’s even possible for me, a confusing amount of POV switches. ok it’s just shitty writing would you please read it.
Words: 4.8k this be a baby fic
Genre: fluffity fluff, idiots to lovers, high school! reader, god just read the title.
my masterlist is here if you want more shit
talk to me! be my friend please im lonely
 peter first meets you when you’re new to midtown and you get sorted into his science class.
you sat in front of him your very first day and yeah he’s been soft™ for you ever since
like no joke the first time he saw your face he freezed up and choked on his banana
‘oh nO NED!!! she’s PRETTY!!’
‘like, REALLY pretty!!! S H I T’
‘um,,... okay ain’t that a good thing you sit behind her in class!! maybe you can ask for her number or something—‘
oh hohohohoho ned my friend,,
peter parker has spoken to you a total of twenty-two (22) times within the whole year that you’ve been... acquaintances?? classmates?? ….. friends???
and his fat secret crush on you will STAY A SECRET THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
he’ll die before he asks you out or makes a move because there’s no way in hell peter has a chance with you, the beautiful new girl.
‘i mean, she’s not just beautiful too! she’s so smart, and i know that because i can literally see all her notes from behind her and she gets like, basically all A’s, but she doesn’t even know she’s smart and beautiful?? like, she never raises her hand in class even though i know she knows all th-’
you would think ned would be tired of peter’s ‘shit I’m in LOVE’ rants by now, he’s not because we stan supportive friend ned.
hehe little does he know his big fat secret crush may not be,, totally unrequited
oKAY so maybe you have a humongous tiny crush on the dorky cute guy who sits behind you in science class
WHAT ABOUT IT not like he likes you back anyways.
that one time you asked him for a pencil he looked like he was having an aneurysm!! like okay, are you that hideous or—?
(yeah it totally doesn’t hurt at all that the cute guy you like is repulsed by your presence and seems to ignore you and tense up whenever you’re around)
(t o ta ll y) 🤡
yeah y/n kinda dumb in this because the entire student body knows about peter’s (not so secret lmFAO) crush on you
everyone lOwkEy ships it
ned is president of the petery/n shipper fanclub
that may be because he’s the only member in aforementioned fanclub but you two have many supporters outside the fanclub
ned hypes peter up everytime science class comes around and peter gets kinda confident when he walks in the classroom
‘yeah! i got this!! maybe this time i won’t stare at her hair creepily and then run aw-‘
‘hey peter!’
peters brain has left the building
and he kinda stares at you for a sec and runs off to his seat at the back
hm, yeah he definitely doesn’t like you
you sigh as you take your seat in front of him, trying to ignore how your love for this dork is completely one sided
the entire class wants to throttle both of you
so then for the sake of the cliche and the plot (did you heart that fourth wall break?? nvm i didn’t hear nothin)
gasp group project time??!?!?!?!
dang who could have saw this coming
totally unexpected
peter is half hoping to get you and half DREADING to
because he knows if he gets you he’ll be able to spend time with you but 300% won’t be able to function and will most certainly fail this project
but i mean who cares about grades.
in a plot twist that literally no one saw coming,,,
‘betty and liz, you’ll be doing yours on atomic structure,
and peter and y/n are partners! you’ll be doing...’
oh nO
you’re partnered up with peter!
i mean this is great news you get to stare at his precious face more but you’re basically forcing him to spend time with someone he doesn’t like!!
so you turn around and you give him an apologetic and (cute as FXCK) small smile
meanwhile, peter combusts
one look at your smile and he just knows he’s completely fucked
like he physically uwus so hard he slams his head on the table
‘oh! are.. you okay? i mean, is working with me really going to be that bad?’
awkward laugh to hide the pain,, quick y/n!!
‘nO!! i mean, no, absolutely not that’s not what i- it wasn’t my- i didn’t m-‘
you smile a little sadly this time and say,
‘don’t worry about it, i know you don’t like me. it’s only two weeks anyway. i promise i won’t take much of your time.’
wait. hold up. back up here. wha-? wHO doesn’t like W HO??
‘wait what do you mea-‘
‘don’t worry about it. wanna meet at the library after school to get a head start on this?’
‘uh, yeah. i mean- cowabunga…!’
shit peter has never wanted to die more in his entire life
so he does what any other normal person would do and yEEts out the classroom full speed
leaving you slightly hurt but mostly just confused
peter strolls in the library casually attempting to strain his neck 360 degrees to look for you
he looks like a chicken and also that’s humanly impossible but leave him be he’s iN LOVE
he spots you on one of the study tables. he takes a deep breath,, and walks over
‘hey!! sorry i’m a little late, uh, something… came up haha’
acting like the poor boy didn’t stand outside the library for fifteen minutes thinking about what he was going to say to you
‘no worries!’ you shoot him another one of those painfully adorable smiles and peter wants nothing more but to give that smile a smooch because damn that is a face that deserves smooches
but he also has a tiny feeling that maybe you might not appreciate it if he randomly kissed you out of nowhere
(you would not mind at all but he doesn’t know that)
‘so yeah! ready to compare the wonders of chemistry and motion physics?’ peter says, bending down to snatch his backpack up to the table (effectively hiding his red cheeks)
you snort as you prop your elbows onto the table, resting your head on your hands.
‘the wonders? hm, i really can’t tell whether you’re being serious or not. guess you really are a dork.’
you giggle a little bit before you catch sight of peter looking like a gaping fish. you immediately slam your hands down, perhaps a little too loudly considering you’re in a library, and blurt out,
‘uh, I was.. joking! making a joke, in case, you know, that wasn’t obvious.’ You awkwardly hide your face between your fingers and squeak out a small apology
‘nO! no, no, don’t worry about it. yeah, I am a dork, so… yeah, i’m not offended, or anything. uh- just, yeah, don’t worry about it.’
well, that ruined the flow of conversation peter was so desperate to keep up with
none of you speak for a bit, opting to look around the very interesting library walls instead, until peter clears his throat and brings up motion physics again
yeah! this will be fine. all you have to focus on is science, and NOT peter’s very soft kissable lips and how good he looks in his light green coloured sweater
oh no
 desperately attempting to clear your mind, you try and focus on what he’s saying instead
it’s just SCIENCE, y/n. focus on the SCIENCE.
this distraction just-concentrate-on-the-work technique works for about the next hour or so as you guys study and work on this project
everything is going great!
you two have an organised google doc full of research and a finished introduction! you’re being extremely productive!
both of you are doing an amazing job at hiding your mutual (except none of you know it’s mutual) attraction!
so as you walk out the library beside peter some time later, you’re smiling softly, because even if your massive crush isn’t reciprocated, you and peter can maybe at least be friends by the end of this, right?
he didn’t even look like he detested you as much as usual today
maybe that’s because he was pretty much forced into cooperating with you because of this project, but you even caught him smiling at you today, so he must be warming up to you
which is great news, of course
peter swallows down his fear and the excessive amount of spit that is coating his tongue and turns to you
‘so, this was really fun’
you tilt your head, mildly horrified at his words
‘we need to stage you an intervention if a science project is something you classify as ‘fun’’
‘no, i mean, the science was kinda boring. spending time with you was really fun. ….right?’
oh good, he isn’t actually a complete monster who does science for fun
(he totally is but you don’t need to know that)
‘yeah! hanging out was really fun, even if we had to spend that time doing work’
you shudder and cringe when you mention ‘work’, because there are much more interesting things you’d rather be doing with peter
‘so, we should meet up again to work on this… project. right?’ you’re shifting your weight and darting your eyes across the floor, desperately avoiding peter’s gaze.
oof maybe that was a little too enthusiastic. maybe you didn’t notice?
‘i mean, yeah… yeah, totally. sounds… chill.’
oh god that’s worse isn’t it
cue awkward silence
‘so… um… can I maybe have your number?’
you stare blankly at him trying to conceal your excitement because did PETER PARKER just ask for YOUR number?!?!?!
oh no why aren’t you saying anything crapcrapcrap this is peter’s first time asking for ANYONE’S number did he mess up oh no he messed up didn’t he.
‘you know, for the project!!!!! haha!!!!’
oh. of course he wouldn’t actually want your number
*sigh these oblivious fucks I stg i’m the one who’s actually writing this and I want to throttle them*
‘oh… yeah, no problem! um, here’s my number’
‘cool! i’ll text you then!’
from peter p [12:48]
Hey y/n!! Um this is Peter btw. Peter Parker. From science class.
to peter p [12:49]
hey peter!
from peter p [12:49]
So if it’s cool w u do you want to meet up at my place? For the project haha, just figured a change of scenery might be nice. The library can get a little bit boring sometimes.
to peter p [12:49]
yeah sounds cool just send me ur address and i’ll be over after skl tdy if that’s ok
from peter p [12:50]
Yep awesome see u then
to peter p [12:50]
see u! :))
 that smiley face almost makes his heart burst god he’s so whipped for you.
then the panic kicks in.
peter spends like three hours making sure the apartment is SPOTLESS.
spends like half an hour trying to decide whether he should take down all the Star Wars memorabilia down from his walls
like, he doesn’t want you to think he’s a DORK.
(too late peter)
but then ultimately keeps them up, partly because shit you’re coming in like 5 minutes he doesn’t have time for this
but also, you’re a nice person! you surely won’t make fun of him for having a knockoff replica of the death star in his room.
oh god if you make fun of him for being a Star Wars nerd he will break down in tears HE HAS TO TAKE THEM DOWN
peter stands up from his spinney chair abruptly and scrambles towards front door.
he spent some time this morning with Aunt May for girl advice and nothing really came out of that except a very traumatizing safe sex talk and some teasing that he will never be able to erase from his memory.
he takes a fast detour and quickly stops in front of the bathroom mirror on his way to open the door, desperately trying to tame the mop of curls and his head.
did I put on deodorant this morning? crap I brushed my teeth right?
peter stops in front of the door, takes a deep breath and-
‘hey!’ a strangled greeting comes out of his throat but hopefully you don’t notice how nervous he is.
you don’t, because this is oblivious shit!reader
‘hi peter!’
peter is suddenly very aware of how long you have been standing outside.
‘oH! sorry, um come in!!’ he says, opening the door wider and welcoming you in with (overly?) enthusiastic arms.
‘yeah! make yourself at home and everything. you want a drink or something?’
‘water would be nice.’
peter sprints to the kitchen to get you some ICE COLD water in his favourite mug.
peter parker’s apartment is covered with cosy furniture and photos of him and another middle aged woman. half those photos are him and that woman smiling brightly into the camera.
there’s a photo that’s nicely framed above the mantle that shows a young peter beaming in front of a birthday cake, with that same woman and another unknown middle aged man smiling down at him. the photo is clearly old and crumpled, even with the frame around it.
peter looks so happy in that photo…
huh. baby peter is just as adorable as he is now.
you jump away from the photo when you hear his footsteps coming back into the living room. something about the photo seemed emotional, personal. it just didn’t seem like something you should be looking at.
peter comes back clutching two mugs and hands one to you.
‘nice place!’
‘oh, thanks… yeah my Aunt isn’t home right now, she’s downtown meeting some friends, so we have the place to ourselves……’
‘so we can study uninterrupted.’ he says.
oh of course, studying!! yep that’s exactly where your mind went when peter said the apartment was empty aHaH.
peter’s room is a little less adult than the rest of his apartment, flooded with polaroids of him and Ned, with Star Wars posters on the walls.
you ignore the pang of jealousy that you feel when you spot a photo of MJ and peter grinning in front of a bowling alley.
so for the next two hours you two are in peter’s room… studying vigorously.
you would be 100% lying if you said you weren’t disappointed only studying happened.
the weird thing is???
every time you would look down at your textbook to explain something about periodic motion peter seemed to be looking at you when you looked up?
well, looking at you isn’t very weird, looking at someone while they’re talking is just basic manners. but when you looked back he would snap his eyes straight back to his own textbook, nodding and wordlessly agreeing with whatever you had just said.
maybe it’s just your imagination but the way he looked at you, it’s almost a loving, caring gaze.
oh god who are you kidding, it’s just your brain and imagination playing tricks on you.
you’re alone with peter parker in his bedroom!! these things are going to happen!
‘hey you want to take a break? we’ve been going at this for a whole hour now.’ peter says, craning his neck to take a look at the clock on the wall.
‘has it really been a whole hour?’ you lean back in your chair looking up at the ceiling.
‘yeah okay. let’s have a small break then.’
peter picks up both of your mugs and heads off to the kitchen, groaning slightly when he stretches his legs out for the first time in an hour.
*a/n: apologies in advance to those with nut allergies*
he comes back with both your mugs refilled with (water for you, gatorade for peter) and a small bag of almonds for you to snack on.
‘oh hey! almonds are my study snack of choice too!’
‘yeah, i know’ peter says carelessly, scrolling down his phone.
‘i don’t like almonds all that much, but i bought a few packs this morning on the way to school.’
hm,, wHat
‘if… you don’t like almonds why would you get them for me?’
‘because you like almonds.’
b l i n k
it takes a bit of time for peter to realise what just came out of his mouth.
‘i meAn! I’M NOT A STALKER I SWEAR. i just see you at school sometimes and you always have a small pack of these to snack on whenever you’re doing work so i thought,, you know, since we’re doing WORK, i should buy some for you… so you won’t get hungry!!!’ he’s wailing nonsensical excuses and apologies by now.
peter parker knows that you snack on almonds when you study, and bought a pack for you even though he doesn’t like them at all.
maybe he doesn’t hate you as much as you thought.
you tear apart the packaging and stuff an almond in your mouth, your traitorous lips slowly threatening to curl into a huge smile.
(despite how much you fight against it, you end up with a slightly demonic looking huge smile on your face, which you attempt to hide by stuffing more almonds in your mouth)
(you now look like a chipmunk)
(but a cute one!!!!)
meanwhile peter is trying to hide the feeling of humiliation by resting his face in his hands, because he literally just exposed himself. he will not be able to take it if he looks back up at your face and you’re laughing at him for this stupid crush.
to his surprise, he does not look up to find you mocking his love for you, but instead, he finds you with a mouth full of almonds, struggling to chew and swallow them all without looking like a disgusting fool.
that’s kinda cute.
after a good five minutes of you trying to force like 10 almonds down your esophagus,  you clear your throat and awkwardly blurt out a ‘thank you’
‘for the almonds! it’s cute how you bought them for me because you knew how much i like to snack on them while i study. that’s really sweet of you. i guess you really don’t hate me all that much, huh?’ the last sentence comes out teasingly, a playful smile gracing your lips, but instead of uwu-ing over your cute smile, peter’s just confused.
‘why would i hate you?’ he says, his eyebrows laced together in confusion.
‘well, i always kinda got the impression that you didn’t like me… all that much? i never really knew why. hey, why did you hate me so much before this? if i accidentally did something at the start of the year that pissed you off, i’m sorry.’
your playful smile fades a little bit as you see peter basically collapse on himself just due to sheer GRIEVANCE.
‘WHY WOULD YOU THINK I HATED YOU?’ peter yells out, probably annoying the neighbours with how fucking loud he is, but he can’t seem to bring himself to care right now.
‘you… didn’t?’ you say, now becoming just as confused as peter.
he shakes his head aggressively, bringing his fingers up to his temples.
‘but… you always seemed so jumpy around me! and you would never really talk to me, and that one time i asked you for a pencil, you looked like you were dying or something! i always just thought you didn’t like me!’
peter doesn’t know whether he should be laughing or crying.
‘that’s not because I HATED YOU!! that’s because- i mean- i always thought-’ he’s still yelling and at this point one of the neighbours are definitely going to come knocking to complain, but peter still doesn’t care, because he’s currently having an existential crisis.
ohmygod all this time my CRUSH thought I HATED HER because I couldn’t function like a normal human being in front of her because of how much I liked her until i gave her some ALMONDS what is wrong with me? what kind of entity that controls the universe could hate me so much to pull THIS kind of sick prank on me?
‘wait if you didn’t hate me why would you always act so weird in front of me?’
‘BECAUSE-’ peter tangles his fingers into his hair, and he kicks his chair, sending it halfway across his room from frustration.
‘how could you possibly think I hated you??? how could you possibly think ANYONE could hate you??? you’re single handedly the only good person in this godforsaken school full of IDIOTS and BULLIES! nobody could ever hate you, y/n, and certainly not ME!’
perhaps he is using an excessive amount of hand gestures, but it gets his point across.
‘wha-? what do yo-?’
‘wHat are you TALKING ABOUT?’ you say, slowly turning just as frustrated as peter.
‘if there’s ANYONE that’s decent in this ‘godforsaken school full of idiots’ it would be YOU, peter parker!! nobody would just pay attention to what I EAT so I wouldn’t get HUNGRY during a study session oKaY!! you’re so CONFUSING! every time I accept the fact that you don’t like me back you pull this bullshit, essentially making me rethink ALL MY FEELINGS!’ you say, going through the room (stepping over the toppled chair), just to jab a finger onto peter’s chest.
suddenly both of you are aware of your flushed cheeks and your close proximity.
‘wha- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?’ peter basically shrieks, and you would not be surprised if all of New York managed to hear that scream.
your cheeks darken as you awkwardly step back from him, realising that you accidentally outed yourself.
‘um- i mean,’ you stumble on the fallen chair as you desperately walk backwards with your hands behind your back to avoid peter’s piercing gaze.
*you’re not good at confrontation okay*
‘you like me?? wait wait, you like ME?’ you frown a little as you look at peter’s incredulous expression.
‘well yeah, you don’t have to rub it in like that, I know you don’t like me back.’ You mumble, looking away.
‘don’t like yo- OH MY GOD!’
this time peter stalks all the way across the room, looking you dead straight in the eye.
‘you better not be joking with me, y/n.’
you squeak out a small ‘no’ or something like that because you can’t really focus with peter looking down at you like that.
‘you mean to tell me, my stupid fat, nervous crush on you was mistaken for HATRED, and all this time I’ve been thinking I have no chance with you, but you’ve been crushing on me too all this time?’ his words come out jumbled, and a little fast, but you can decipher the general meaning.
peter parker likes you… too.
he clears his throat, biting his lip and you can just tell he’s about to apologise, because peter’s a complete angel who probably doesn’t want you feeling uncomfortable.
‘um- uh, y- oomph!’
and in this shocking turn of events, you execute the only spontaneous thing you’ve ever done in your life and pray that it ends up well.
you lean forward and press your lips to peter’s, hoping to whatever superior being there is that this was a good decision.
spoiler alert: it was
peter.exe has shut down because all of a sudden your lips are against his and oh wow this is so much better than all those times he’s imagined it happening because it’s actually happening now.
your hands find their way to peter’s curls that he was trying so hard to get under control an hour ago but now he can’t remember why he doesn’t like his hair if it’s just going to be tugged on by you like this from now on.
he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him, pretty much pressing his body against yours.
not that you’re complaining.
and god if peter died from suffocation right now that would be a heavenly way to go, and he would be a-ok with dying if it meant finally being in your arms.
you pull away from peter, both of you slightly panting before you burst out in giggles, resting your head and letting it fall on peter’s shoulder.
‘oh my god, we’re such idiots, aren’t we?’
peter hums in agreement before lifting your chin up to kiss you again.
 bonus: boyfriend! peter
definitely still stares at you in science class except now whenever you catch him staring he just shoots you a lazy grin
because yEa he has FULL RIGHTS to stare at you now because you’re his GIRLFRIEND.
you find out he’s spiderman pretty much immediately let’s be real this boy is not the best at hiding secrets
especially from his GIRLFRIENDS whomst he loves VERY MUCH.
this boy also gives you anxiety attacks whenever you see spiderman on the news saving people, getting hurt and shit, but he understands.
sends you a text before and after he gets in the suit whenever he can.
most certainly uses his spidey-powers for things they were not intended to be used for.
to visit his girlfriend so she can give him cuddles at any time why what were you guys thinking about hMmmMMMmmmM?
likes to show you off but also gets very blushy and shy about PDA
pretty much had a seizure the first time you held hands.
ned almost fainted when he heard the news (aka peter rushed to call him the second you left that night you kissed because these bitches are very gossipy)
peter parker is the ultimate clingy boyfriend.
and you love it.
your science teacher no longer puts you in the same group or partners you guys up now though.
because now you can’t study together, you literally can’t keep your hands off each other.
sometimes when peter is feeling ~particularly clingy he just nuzzles into the crook of your neck during lunch, and pulls you to him so you’re pretty much on his lap.
and MJ is just like yall r disgusTING
right in front of my salad.
in conclusion, peter parker loves you and you love him.
it’s honestly kind of sickening,
but you love that too.
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