#but i love card designs.... they can be cool they can be cute they can be an absolute mess
yu-gi-poll · 7 hours
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Yubel is used by Yubel and Judai Yuki (Jaden Yuki in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 10
Effect (according to the anime): “This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card, and your opponent takes damage equal to the same amount. During your End Phase, Tribute 1 monster or destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, except by its own effect, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.”
ATK / DEF: 0 / 0
Super powerful, great design, interesting characterization.  What's not to adore (or even love to hate)?
One of the very few duel monster cards that successfully managed to have a romantic relationship with a Yugioh protagonist
Beautiful genderfuckery powerful monster who was an entire antagonist! How many times was a monster the antagonist? The fusion with Jaden/Judai is just so cool and I love their dynamic.
Winged Kuriboh is used by Judai Yuki (Jaden Yuki in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 1
Effect Type: TRIGGER
Effect (according to the anime): “During the turn this card is destroyed, you take no Battle Damage.”
ATK / DEF: 300 / 200
bruhhh that thing is so cute
You all thought Kuriboh was great??!!? Winged Kuriboh is even better. It's got all the things you love about Kuriboh (small, fluffy, adorable). The color palette is very slightly adjusted to be Better, and he's got cute lil wings. Also the card is foil. In terms of gameplay mechanics, OG Kuriboh gets you out of damage from ONE(1) fight, and only if it's still in your hand to discard. Winged Kuriboh has to be summoned, but ends battle damage for the whole turn. Narratively, Winged Kuriboh is with Jaden more than OG was ever with the Yugis, and they have conversations and are true friends.
hes just a kuriboh with wings, but is literally jadens little buddy at the start of the series… pls vote for the cutie here
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thecherrygod · 1 year
.... for the second time this week i thought "oh it would be cool to make card designs for like an actual card game". i cant play card games to save my own life they never made sense to me. and yet.
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flaticeball · 6 months
a jew review of: nhl team happy hanukkah posts
good evening and chag sameach to my hanukkah-celebrating pals out there on hockeyblr. today i bring you: a non-comprehensive and entirely subjective review from one (1) jewish hockey fan of the graphics posted by various nhl teams in celebration of the first night tonight. i definitely missed some, and some teams didn't post any at all, so it's a bit patchwork. here we go.
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vancouver canucks: this is an extremely serviceable graphic. love the blurred dreidels to give the effect that they are spinning. very funny. props for the detail that there is a shadow of the menorah on the ice. straightforward. icemenorah is a themeTM but some did it better than others and this is a classic. 7/10
post continues under the cut for the sake of your dash and mine.
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carolina hurricanes: obsessed with what the canes have done here though i cannot comprehend it. the weird techno style textured background. the out of focus magen david around. THE HURRICANES. IN HEBREW. WITH THE LITTLE CANES LOGO THING I FORGET THE NAME OF ON THE HEI? INCREDIBLE. points for creativity. overall baffling vibes. 6/10.
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pittsburgh penguins: this is just adorable. you hired someone to draw this. spectacular work, guys. it's giving a bit of 'we browsed the target hanukkah deco section for inspo' but it's too adorable for me to care. it's team themed, it's hockey themed, it's holiday appropriate. love everything going on here. they get points for doing what very few other teams are doing and remembering this is night one, so only one candle is lit. most everyone else is getting a bit a head of themselves. 9/10.
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washington capitals: and here we have another edition of the icemenorah, with a minimalist twist. this graphic screams 'oh fuck wait is that tonight' which to be fair is also how i, a jew, felt about realizing tonight was the first night of hanukkah. could'a done more, but it's perfectly fine. 6/10.
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new jersey devils: this fucks. it's got devils themes. it's got a cool style. it's got vibes. it's got: more hockey stick menorahs which i am always excited about. that shamash candle is a graphic design nightmare but other than that i am all on board. 8/10
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vegas golden knights: i love the gold foil effect and that you remembered there was more to hanukkah than candles, that's nice, as is involving the other affiliates! however. where are the vibes. this is not the vgk wishes you a chag sameach, this is a greeting card i got on etsy. 6/10 just bc i KNOW you can do better. where's the neon, babes.
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los angeles kings: oh this is fun. it's icemenorah: WITH A TWIST. the art style is cute, it's got plenty of hockey theme, it's also very obviously LA-y, i'm giving them points for this one. the shadow is insane but that's okay, it's ~stylistic. it's cute. 7/10. UPDATE: definitely AI. boo hiss. 0/10.
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montréal canadiens: this is probably my favourite for sheer vibes. you got: levitating icemenorah. you got: action-shot candle lighting. you got: remembering this is night ONE. you got: the implication that the torch is the shamash candle????? you got: JOYEUSE HANOUKKA!!!!!!!! (and like happy hanukkah or whatever i guess). obsessed. it's so funny. it's amazing. 9/10.
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Trans made TTRPGs
Due to… recent events that I would rather not talk about, today's post is a highlight of different tabletop games made by trans peeps! These games are fantastic in their own right, of course, but you can also know that they were made by incredibly cool and attractive people
(Also, these are flyover descs of the game, they'll get more in-depth singular posts later, this is because I am lazy)
Perfect Draw is a phenomenal card game TTRPG that was funded in less than a day on backerkit, it's incredibly fun and has simple to learn hard to master rules for creating custom cards, go check it out!
Songs for the dusk is fucking good, pardon my language, but it's a damn good post apocalyptic game about building community in a post-capitalist-post-apocalypse-post-whatever world. do yourself a favor and if you only check out one game in this list, check this one out, its a beautiful game.
Flying Circus is set in a WW1 inspired fantasy setting full of witches, weird eldritch fish people (who are chill as hell), cults, dead nobility, and other such things. It's inspired by Porco Rosso primarily but it has other touchstones.
Wanderhome is a game about being cute little guys going on a silly adventure and growing as the seasons change, its GMless and very fun
https://weregazelle.itch.io/armour-astir Armour Astir has been featured in here before but its so damn good I had to post it twice. AA demonstrates a fundamental knowledge of the themes of mech shows in a way that very few other games show, its awesome
Kitchen Knightmares is… more of a LARP but its still really dang cool, its about being a knight serving people in a restaurant, its played using discord so its incredibly accessible
https://grimogre.itch.io/michtim Michtim is a game about being small critters protecting their forest from nasty people who wish to harm it, not via brutal violence (sadly) but via friendship and understanding (which is a good substitute to violence)
ok this technically doesn't count but I'm putting it here anyways cuz its like one of my favorite ttrpgs of all time TSL is a game about baring your heart and dueling away with people who you'll probably kiss 10 minutes later, its very very fanfic-ey and inspired by queer narratives. I put it here because its made by a team, and the expansion has a setting specifically meant to be a trans "allegory", so I'll say it counts, honestly just go check it out its good shit
Mystic Lillies is a game inspired by ZUN's Touhou Project about witches dueling powerful foes, each other, and themselves. Mystic Lillies features rapid character creation and a unique diceless form of rolling which instead uses a standard playing card deck.
https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/141424/nobilis-the-game-of-sovereign-powers-2002-edition I… want to do a more general overview on Jenna K as an important figure in indie RPG design, but for now just know that Nobilis is good
https://temporalhiccup.itch.io/apocalypse-keys Apocalypse Keys is a game inspired by Doom Patrol, Hellboy, X-men, and other comics about monstrousness being an allegory for disenfranchisement. Apocalypse Keys is also here because its published by Evilhat so its very cleaned up and fancy but I love how the second you check out the dev's other stuff you can tell they are a lot more experimental with their stuff, this is not a critique, it is in fact a compliment
Fellowship! I've posted about this game before, but it is again here. Fellowship has a fun concept that it uses very well mostly, its a game about defining your character's culture, and I think that's really really cool
Voidheart Symphony is a really cool game about psychic rebellion in a city that really does not like you, the more you discover for yourself the better
Panic at the Dojo is a phenomenal ttrpg based on what the Brazilian would call "Pancadaria", which basically means, fucking other's people shit up. Character Creation is incredibly open and free, meaning that many character concepts are available
Legacy 2e is a game about controlling an entire faction's choices across time, its very fun
remember to be kind to a trans person today! oh also don't even try to be transphobic in the reblogs or replies, you will be blocked so fast your head will spin
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miyuhpapayuh · 3 months
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Rolling over to grab her ringing phone, she blindly slides her finger across her screen and groggily says hello.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Leon chuckles on the other end, making her join in with her own tired laugh.
“Shut up,” she mumbles back. “Always been a morning person.”
“I thought it woulda rubbed off on you by now!”
“Maybe one day, but not today!” She quips.
“Happy Valentine's Day, anyway babe. I was gonna wait until you were already up, but I couldn't wait anymore.” He says, and she can see his smile from where she was laying.
“Aww, you are so cute! Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I can't wait to see you later and give you your gifts.” She gushes.
“Aw, you got me something??”
“Of course I did! One of them you can wear on our date tonight– but the rest are surprises!”
“Oh shit, there's more!” He exclaims, making her laugh. “Well, your first gift is sitting on your kitchen counter, when you do get outta bed.”
“Alright, I'm getting up now.” She says, sliding from underneath the covers to head out of her room, into her kitchen. A big orange bag sits, awaiting her.
“Aw, it's orange!” She frowns, walking over to it and looking inside, gasping at the potted plant— her very own poppy plant! It was also orange.
“A poppy plant?! Wait, I'm gonna cry!”
“Oh, don't cry!”
“No, no it's okay! They're happy tears!” She laughs, wiping her face, as she puts him on speaker, sitting her phone on the counter.
“Okay… you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah,” she whimpers. “Ugh, there's a card! More tears!”
Pulling that and the pot from the bag, she giggles at the bright bubble-lettered Zora that's painted on both sides.
“Aw, did you paint this??”
“Of course I did, baby. You like it?”
“It's the cutest thing I've ever seen, Leon. I love it. Nobody's ever bought me a plant before.”
“Well, I've never bought anybody one before, either. Look at us, being each other's firsts.” He exclaims, making her laugh and wipe away another tear.
“Shut up,”
“Ah— open your card, please dear.”
“Okay,” she grabs it off the counter, pulling it from its envelope, “you have to go soon?”
“Yeah, it's been nonstop since I got here, but the moment my supervisor gave me a break, I came straight back to call you. He’ll be looking for me soon.”
“Okay, I won't hold you up too much longer.” She says, looking at the pretty pink card with the holiday name emblazoned on the front in gold calligraphy, opening it up to read what's inside.
“Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest woman in the world, I love you and cannot wait to see you later tonight. 
In the meanwhile, I've decided to send you on a scavenger hunt— what?! That's so cool!!” She yells.
“I thought you'd say that!” He yells back.
“Once you get to work, there'll be three things for you to find; something big, something tall and something small— all orange, of course.”
“Linda let you hide presents in her restaurant?? Wow, she must love me for real.” She snorts.
“She loves me too, ya know? Told you, we're besties.”
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The first gift she found was her “something tall”– a lava lamp. Not just any lava lamp, the specific one she had been eyeing from one of her favorite online shops.
Orange and black. A curvy designed frame that stands at about two feet. She was in love, already having a place to put it in her mind.
Putting it in her car for safe keeping, she begins looking around for the other two.
“Hmm..” She roams around the dining area, until she sees an orange piece of paper sticking out of a napkin dispenser.
Pulling it out, she begins to read it before squealing. She quickly covers her mouth and looks around, thankfully going unnoticed.
“I'm gonna kick his ass,” she laughs to herself, before reading the card once more. “Happy love day, angel face. There is a certificate attached for a one of a kind bouquet from your favorite flower shoppe. I know you jumped for joy cause you love your flowers! I love you and I cannot wait to see the look on your face. I worked so hard on  this. My fingers hurt. I love you, again. Bye.”
She giggles again, loving the neon orange paper clip that's holding the certificate to the card, how the certificate has poppies and cosmos on it, also wishing her a very happy Valentine's day.
“Goodness, there's one more thing! I might just die in here.”
A small group of customers coming in had her stuffing the card into the front of her apron and moving back behind the counter.
Once everyone was settled, she started to move away from the counter, until something told her to look to her left.
A flat black box is tucked by some papers. She pulls it out and stares at it, her brain mulling over what it could be.
“Hm. It's a lil heavy,” she playfully shakes it, before reading the note taped to the right corner, telling her to open it after work.
Which was a great idea, cause once she pulled the top off the box and found the burnt orange scrapbook Leon made her, all types of screams and expletives flew from her lips.
“Is he fucking serious?!” She screams, again, flipping through the pictures he'd candidly taken over the course of their relationship, so far. The food, the flowers, the dates, many moons and sunsets, baby ducks in ponds, the two of them in their element, and so many more special moments.
“He is so cute,” she tearfully laughs, wiping her face as she hears a knock at her door.
Opening it up to reveal her man, she jumps up in his arms as he laughs and walks inside, closing the door behind himself.
“Heyyy, baby!”
“Damn, girl! You missed me?”
Many kisses are exchanged.
“Absolutely! Been waiting to see you all day!” She exclaims, looking up at him with doe eyes as he pecks her nose.
“Why you think I got here so fast?! Did the mad dash for ya.” He says with a wink.
“I'll let it slide, today,” she snickers as he lets her down. “But, this right here! Best gift I've gotten today, so far.”
“Really? I had so much fun putting it together, too!”
“It looks like it, babe. And yes, you had me in here ugly crying! The pictures of the ducks took me outta here!”
“They were good models that day, for sure,” he laughs, running his hand over her hair, pulling her back to him.
“You're so cute,” she frowns.
“I'm about to get cuter, I fear.”
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Soon, they're at her favorite place on earth, getting ready to unveil the bouquet Leon handcrafted for her.
“Okay, close your eyes, sweet girl!” The owner, Inara, says.
“Okay, they're closed!” Zora squeals back.
“Hold out your hands.” Leon says, placing the bouquet in her trembling hands.
“Okay, open!”
Her wide eyes land on the most beautiful bouquet she'd ever seen.
“Wow, you love me a whole lot!” She whispers, watching as her vision gets super blurry with tears. He's right there to wipe them away.
Oranges and pinks and purples. Peonies, cosmos, poppies, a couple white roses in the mix. It was beautiful!
“I love you so much.” He says, wiping her wet eyes, once more.
“He's such a sweetheart,” the owner exclaims. “Made sure he got your favorites and some extras— lord, you taught him well about these flowers!”
Zora giggles, wiping her own eyes, this time.
“He did such an amazing job,” she frowns up at him, those sweet kisses he places on her makes her frown deeper.
“Anything for you, baby.” He cheeses. “Speaking of, I got one more thing for ya.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “Really??”
He chuckles, an mhm leaving him before they wave to Inara and head towards the exit.
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She gasps. “You got me a kitty???”
“I sure did, baby. Meet Coco.” He says, carefully handing over the tiny orange kitty, smiling at the way she immediately curled up in Zora’s arms.
“Oh, this is what love feels like.” She frowns, rocking herself as she pets her head, snickering at the way her ears flicker.
“Hey sweet baby angel!” She coos.
He smiles, taking a picture with his phone. “Nothing but love, baby.”
“Nah, this is a new level! I don't think we've had too many conversations about cats or dogs, or any of that type of stuff.”
“Cause we're not that kind of couple. I trust my gut when it comes to you. I pay attention to you, and you've never struck me as a dog person.”
“I'm not, no.” She shakes her head, nuzzling her face against Coco's, making Leon laugh at the sight.
“I mean don't get me wrong, dogs are cool! But cats are so independent and I like that. Plus, look at this face!”
She turns her around to face him, those big green eyes looking up at him. He frowns and reaches out to pet her.
“She's adorable! The cutest out of the litter, too. Had to scoop ‘er up.”
“Aw, the cutest of the bunch?! Go you!” She coos, earning tiny squeaks back that make her heart swell.
“How old is she?”
“About a month old? I've got her papers back at the crib.” He says.
“Aw, can we take her home now?!” She asks excitedly.
“Yeah, let's get her signed out and she's all yours, babe.”
With her free hand, she pulls him into a hug, thank you falling from her lips about a thousand times. He kisses her hair, a smile stuck on his face.
“Anything for you, my love.”
Back in her apartment now, she sits Coco down in the fluffy cat bed she'd bought on their way back, loving the way she curls up in it.
“Ugh, she's so cute! I can't believe she's mine.”
“Imagine if I had missed the mark on this,” he snorts, making her laugh too.
“Nah, you nailed it without me even having to say it! I also wanna rename her.”
“To what?”
“Okay, now don't think I'm corny.. but, Valentine.”
“Aw! That's actually really precious.”
“Right?! The sweetest valentine present I've ever gotten from the sweetest valentine I've ever had!”
She squeals as they share a sweet kiss.
“You think she'll respond to it well?”
“Well, let's see..” She looks over at her, her little tail wagging slowly as she looks up at them.
“C'mere Valentine.. c'mere baby girl!” She coos, cupping her hands as she slowly moves away from the fluffy bed.
“Look at her trottin’ over,” he comments, “takin’ her sweet time.”
“It's okay, I'm new!” She whispers, still cooing and calling her by her new name, getting more and more excited as she gets closer to her fingertips.
The minute she hopped into her palms, she had to stop herself from screaming for joy all over again, as the baby kitten peers up at her.
“She's so cute, I cannot take it!” She squeals, watching her roll around and lay on her back, inside her palms. Leon pokes her exposed belly, earning squeaks that resemble laughter.
“Awww!” They coo in unison.
“I've heard that orange cats are sassy,” he notes, and she nods.
“Yeah, one of my aunts used to have one. She was something else. Jumped out the window one day and never came back.” She sighs, looking down at Valentine.
“You are not jumping out of windows okay? No jumping off walls and up onto high surfaces. Mama don't play that, mmkay?” She scoots her into one palm and holds the other up, snickering as her paw connects.
“Like she understands you, for real.”
“Just you wait, we're gonna have our little system up and runnin’ in no time!”
Soon having to get ready for their date, Zora drops Valentine off at auntie Nique’s, who might've been a tinge more excited than Zora once she saw those big green eyes.
“Oh my goodness, look at this sweet baby!” She coos, scooping her up.
“Right?! The most precious kitten I've ever seen!”
“I'm almost shocked she's not gray,” Nique laughs.
“Or black! I love the witchy kitties, too! Maybe she can get a sister later on.”
“Aw, not a slew of em! Lean on me is so in love with you, it's crazy!”
Zora's face scrunches up at the nickname she'd given Leon.
“Lean on me?”
“When you're not strong, yes.” Nique nods, before snickering.
“Anyway, dawg. I'm glad you could watch her for me tonight. God knows I won't be any good after he gets through with me.” She whispers the last part.
“Daaamn, you gettin’ strung up by the ceiling or sumn??”
“Girl, no! I just know ima get put through the mattress once I put this new lingerie on, though!” She whispers again, cackling as they slap hands.
“Just freaky frogs! I love it!”
“So do I! Now, tell Darnell we said hey and he better put his whole foot in whatever he's making you tonight!”
“Either that or my foot's goin’ up his a—” her sentence cuts off as he comes around the corner with a spatula in hand, squinting at her with a sly grin.
“You talkin’ shit, huh? You know I gets down in here for you.”
“I was just playing, babe.”
“Mmmmhm. Hey Zora.” He flashes a smile.
“Hey, boyfriend!” She mocks, making him laugh, before cutting his eyes back at Nique.
Zora snorts, looking between the two of them.
“Should I take Valentine to ma’s?” She jokingly asks.
“Bye, Zora Jean!” Nique laughs, pushing her towards the door.
“Okay, okay! You girls, be good, tonight! Don't give uncle Darnell too much trouble, okay?”
“We gon’ give him hell, girl!” Nique looks at Valentine, before smiling at Zora.
“If you find Nique strung over the balcony, I didn't do it!” He yells from the kitchen, making them laugh.
“And that's my cue!”
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Reservations at the Mimosa Grill were made in advance, which gave the couple ample time to get all dolled up for love day.
Smoothing her hands over her black, floor length dress, Zora gives herself a once over in the mirror. Nude lip. Smokey eye. Minimal jewelry besides the citrine earrings Leon had also gifted her. And nothing goes with a dress like that, but big hair!
Voluminous curls sit pretty on her head as she tousles them, loving each way they fall.
She felt so pretty.
Leon is across the hall in her bathroom, fastening the belt to his pants and cuffing the jacket of his all black ensemble, making sure the world sees the icy chain she'd gifted him. The light reflecting off the diamonds had him periodically letting out a “woo!”, making her giggle.
Low fade Leon had come out tonight, and Zora was more than a happy camper. Those waves were a dangerous tide pulling her under, and she already knew neither her nor her panties would survive the night.
Crossing the threshold, they both let out a whistle of appreciation, sizing each other up.
“Damn girl, this is sexy,” Leon says, running his finger along the curved and plunging neckline of her dress, watching the smirk on Zora’s face grow.
“Anifa does it again, I fear.” She laughs, touching the diamonds of his chain. “You iced out!”
“Thanks to my stylist and stunna girl,” he compliments, twirling her about, unable to resist smacking her on the ass.
“Ooh! You better be glad we've got reservations, sir.” She playfully warns as he dips down to kiss her, making her giggle.
“Don't tempt me, girl, I'll bend you ov—” she presses her finger to his lips, shushing him.
“Before you seriously get me started, we better go.”
“Yeah, you right,” he chuckles, releasing his hold on her to grab his keys and lead the way.
For the occasion of love, the restaurant was decorated to the nines! Strings of pink and red hearts swayed from the ceiling between the open spaces, vanilla candles sat in the center of each table, along with a single rose wrapped away from the silverware.
“Did you pull strings and make sure this rose was orange?” Zora asks, a smirk covering her lips at his sly smile.
“You know I do my best for ya, poppy.” He winks, making her duck her head down and giggle. He laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
“I knew that was the right moment to use that on ya,” he adds.
“You are ridiculous, Leon. And I love it.” She says with a grin, reaching for his hand across the table.
“And, I love you, Jean.” He uses his height to his advantage and leans across the table for a kiss.
Taking a sip of her own drink, she briefly squeezes her eyes shut at the bite from the moonshine.
“What did you order again?”
“The mooshine sangria,” she laughs to herself. “I knew it would be strong but damn.”
“Is it good, though?”
“Yeah, yeah it's delicious! Just strong,” she smiles, skimming over the menu.
He stares at her a second longer, before doing the same.
Soon their waitress returns to put their orders in, and they're alone again, twiddling each other's fingers.
“Happy love day, as you call it,” Leon says, clinking their glasses together for the second time.
“Yes, happy love day! It's been so overwhelming in the best ways possible.” Zora sighs, chin in palm, staring at her man.
“Had to make our first one memorable, ya know?”
“In true Leon fashion, indeed!”
Their sweet conversation turns from the special occasion to Zora wanting to finally get back into her art world, Leon couldn't be more ecstatic. Even more so as their food finally arrived at the table.
“That's great, babe! When does all of this get set into motion?”
“Well, I still have to talk to Linda about quitting, hopefully she understands. I mean, either way, I'm leaving, but ya know what I mean.”
“Yeah, totally. If she tries anything funny, I'll be on standby.” He says with a couple pats to his chest.
“Stand down, please,” she laughs, continuing to sip her drink. “I'm sure it'll all be fine.”
“Yeah, you heard what I said, though.”
“Yes, father. I'll call if I need ya,” she salutes, as they both laugh.
“But, seriously. What's the next step after that?” He asks, chin in palm like she.
“That's actually a surprise,” she sweetly smiles, “but it'll be so worth it, I promise!”
“Aw, no fair!” He playfully whines as she laughs.
“Aw, come on! Be a good sport!”
“Fine, fine.” He playfully sighs. “But, I will let you know that I'm quitting my job soon, too.”
“Really??” She asks. “And doing what??”
“It's a surprise,” he mocks with a smile.
“You better be glad it's a lovely evening, Leon.” She snorts, sipping her drink as he snickers at her expression.
“Not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot, huh?”
“Keep it up,” she nods, unable to stop the laugh from coming out.
“Okay, okay! But, I do have one more surprise I can share with you.”
“What is it?”
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Zora stomps excitedly in her heels as Leon guides her into their hotel room.
“This blindfold is killing me!” She squeals, making him laugh.
“Okay, okay,” he fiddles with the knot, making her stomp again, her giggles filling his ears.
“Happy Valentine's Day!”
Her wide eyes stare at every girl's dream. The decorated hotel room. And boy was it decked out for his favorite lady.
Oranges of every hue in the room, from the arrangement of cosmos and poppies, many balloons littering the ceiling, homemade cake all the way down to champagne flutes.
“Oh my god…” is all she's able to get out as she takes it all in.
“You l-like it?” He asks, feeling his nerves kick in.
“I love it, babe!” She throws her hands up, turning to face him with glossy eyes, to which he smiles brightly.
“Oh, come here, my big baby,” he chuckles, pulling her into his arms, careful not to smear her makeup.
“I'm glad I didn't do a full face now!” She laughs, the sound muffled by his chest. He joins in the laughter.
Pulling away a bit, they stare back at each other, bursting into more laughter.
“You're goofy,” he pokes fun at her.
“You're goofy,” she pokes back, actually poking him in his side.
“You started it,”
“What are we, fifteen?” She laughs, again.
“No, of course not. We're newly legal, apparently.” He playfully scoffs. “Haven't had that many shots since my college days, honestly.”
“Me, either. I'm praying we don't have hangovers in the morning.”
“You know I'm stocked up on aspirin and water, don't worry your pretty little head!” He places a kiss on the crown of her curly mane.
She felt precious all day long. Those butterflies just kept on multiplying, and now she felt like she was gonna explode.
Unwrapping her arms from him, she grabs his face to pull him down to her level, kissing him deeply.
His long arms completely cage her in, holding her up as he slightly dips them, getting drunk on her lips now, too.
Tongues tangling together, the promise of a night of bliss being spoken between them.
Pulling away, Zora’s chest heaves up and down as she stares up at Leon, who's just as breathless.
“I've got a surprise for you,” she lowly speaks, trailing a finger down the middle of his button-up shirt.
“Yeah? I must need to sit down for this.”
“Unless you wanna fall to your knees.” She quips, making him raise his eyebrows.
With that, she grabs her bag from the counter by the door and disappears into the room to change.
Carefully stepping out of the prettiest dress ever, she shimmies into the orange lingerie she'd fallen in love with, fighting the urge to squeal at how sexy she felt and looked!
Leon was gonna freak!
Adjusting her garters, she grabs the matching satin robe to hide such a set, and heads back out to where her beau is patiently waiting.
His smirk makes her insides clench. She strides over to him, stopping right in front, reaching out to rest her shaky hands on his broad shoulders.
“What's up under here, huh?” He asks, his long fingers fiddling with the knot on her robe.
“Untie it and find out.” She winks.
Doing just that and letting it fall open, he blows out a breath that makes her clench all over again.
“Mmm… all this for me?” He asks, reaching out to touch her anyway, gripping her thick hips, his sweet lips peck her belly and make her giggle.
“Yes, all for you, baby.”
“What a lucky man I am.”
Reaching up to push the silk away from her body, his hands roam back over her curves, kneading and groping as she bites into her lip.
“All for me.”
Standing to his feet, he picks her up and carries her into her their room, kicking the door closed. He drops her on the bed before climbing on top of her.
Her laughter fills his ears as he kisses all over her face, big hands tickling her sides.
“Stop” at different octaves came out of her as she flailed underneath him, slapping at his hands.
“Babe!” She squeals as he finally lets up the tickling, but not the kissing.
Laughter melts into moans, his kisses getting wetter the lower they get, traveling over to her thighs for a nibble in between.
Her garters are pulled at with his teeth before he spreads her legs wider, running a finger over her damp panties.
He watches as she bites her lip in anticipation. He smirks, continuing to tease her.
“You look so good like this,” his finger presses harder, earning a moan from her, “there it is, baby. Don't be shy.”
Her head falls back against the bed, and his free hand finds her neck, another moan leaving her.
Pulling her panties to the side, he whistles at the string of arousal clinging to them. Her head lifts back up and the look on his face makes her clench.
“So fucking wet,” his tongue swipes up her slit, sending her eyes back, her hands coming up to cradle his face as he continues the action.
“Oh my.. oh— oh my,”
His teasing humming puts a smile on her stuttering lips as he starts pulling that first nut to the surface.
“I'm gonna cum!” She pulls his hair, smushing his face against her, losing her mind when he wags it.
Not letting her recover, he makes her cum once again, her thighs beginning to shake in his hold.
“Baby, please..” she moans, softly rolling her hips against his face.
“Mmmm,” his humming sends shocks through her, his hands rubbing her sides.
In a flash, he's right where she needs him, deep inside, rocking against that spot so nicely.
“Look at that,” he mumbles, making their heavy gazes move down to where they join and rejoin again, those gushy noises are music to their ears.
“Feels so good,” she whispers.
His eyes dance back up her face and stay, as his heavy strokes land right into her spot.
“Say it again,” he says.
Like clockwork, she looks up at him, further melting and quaking as his brown eyes stare back.
“Mmmm, so fucking good!” She moans a little louder, earning a smirk from him.
Her pouty lips mouthing such sweet filth, as the man of her very dreams rocks her world.
“Fuck, baby,” her grip on him was beginning to loosen as he continued to fuck her into the mattress.
“Mmhm,” he moans, placing his hand at her chin and his thumb right at her bottom lip.
A faded smile appears on their faces as his thumb makes its way between her lips, coming in contact with her warm tongue and making his eyes roll like they did when he first slid inside.
“Mmmfuhh,” she whimpers around his thumb, feeling her thighs begin to burn.
“You cummin’,” he mumbles, removing his thumb to rub her clit, “let it out, baby.”
Her hands find his face, cupping his cheeks as her mouth drops open at the feeling brewing in her gut.
“Oh my god,” she gasps harshly, losing the rest of her oxygen as he swallows it in a kiss.
Pulling away, their lips retouch as he gets closer and closer to tossing her off the deep end.
“Just like that,” she nods fervently, “don’t stop.. don’t fucking stop.”
“Gimme that shit, babe..”
His hand slides to her throat, gripping tight. His other gripping into the sheets, as he’s close to the edge himself.
“Oh shit,” she moans, immediately feeling the air get sucked out of her lungs as her orgasm rocks through her like a heavy wave.
“I love you,” he groans, his own peak crashing toward him, sending him collapsing on top of her. Her giggles tickle his skin.
“I love you too, baby,” she sighs, her body twitching underneath his own.
“Catch your breath, cause I'm not done.” She whispers, kissing every inch of skin in her reach.
@ghostfacekill-monger @honestpreference @harmshake @henneseyhoe @blackerthings @soufcakmistress @megamindsecretlair @motheroffae @abeautifulmindexposed @thegifstories @starcrossedxwriter @mauvecherie-writes @twistedcharismaaa
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datura-tea · 2 months
okey dokey! i just finished the fallout show! some Thoughts under the read more
tl:dr, the (bethesda) fallout vibes were definitely there. i liked it as a show on its own merits but as a part of the series canon... i'm mad, and that anger is kind of overriding the little i liked about it. overall maybe 2.5/5 stars and im being generous
things i liked:
visually, it's stunning - i could see scenes already being made into gifsets - the color grading is pretty good; even in dark scenes i could see and understand what was happening
the sets are soooo good!! costume design was alright too
title cards were fun and cute
they did some interesting stuff with the cultures of both vault 33 and the brotherhood of steel
they used the sound effects from the games :)
i liked the wastelanders!!! big npc and random encounter energy. i kind of want a whole show of just them. for example i love the marketplace and settlement in filly; it feels very lived in
the background characters weren't just young thin able-bodied conventionally attractive white people :) there's so many elders, which i loved!! ma june and barv were cool. i love gruff old lesbians
lucy!!! she was already kind of weird and a little off-putting even in vault 33 ("what's your sperm count" as an opener to the husband she was just arranged married to is WILD) and i like that. she's sweet and bullheaded and surprisingly competent :)
maximus is kind of an ass, but is also a pathetic nerd and brotherhood dickrider who actually doesn't really know anything. kind of a girlfailure
the ghoul was pretty cool too!! i liked him, though more for his prewar story than the one he has post-apocalypse
lucy's brother norman kinda grew on me. "i lack enthusiasm for every job that i do here" so relateable. also short king <3
THE DENTIST THAT BUYS TEETH. never thought that would be a Thing but now that i think about it, it makes sense
the monsters that we have were cool!! wish there had been more of them
MATT BERRY IS IN THIS!! i just really like him so i got excited :))
maximus and lucy's "wanna have sex?" talk LMAO
vault 4's various mutations!!
those giant unwieldy fuckass duffel bags that brotherhood squires lug around hahahhahahaaha
vault 4 and its genetic experiments because its main conceit is that it was ruled by scientists who hybridized humans. it's exactly the right amount of fucked up i want in a vault
i like that the protagonists regularly get captured and eat shit
haha hacking minigame :) also chatting via terminals (and im assuming pipboys?) is canon now
they're growing crops in the wasteland + bustling trade + livestock + pets yay
robobrain was cute
things i was just ok with:
dane, the they/them brotherhood of steel aspirant who was fucked over so maximus can get their spot as a squire LMAO what a waste of a potentially cool character
IT'S SO FUNNY that there's yodelling whenever the ghoul comes into the scene ????? WHY
fight scenes.... pretty good but someone definitely had the bloody mess perk (i don't do well with gore so ew yucky). also lots of [VATS NOISE]
pipboy was not used as much as i thought it would be
cousin stuff... i get it, i guess in a vault you'd have a lot of cousins and not a lot of choice, so some incest would probably happen
the ghoul being vault boy's inspiration?? not sure what to feel about that tbh
the casual dismemberments... and equally casual attaching of limbs... not even prosthetic limbs.....
the vaulties eating good healthy well-balanced meals. giving out caviar in the welcome basket. kinda 50/50 on it
the vault 31 - 32 - 33 subplot couldve been more fucked up
have brotherhood knights always been celibate or did i miss the memo
there are regular chickens and... deer? for some reason?
the ghoul's design. it's fine in action but mostly it's meh
the vault 4 cult for moldaver
vault 4 as a refuge for shady sands survivors. im mad about it but like. i get it
that guys "elixir" (some altered jet??) fixing everything about thaddeus' foot instantenously AND GIVING HIM HEALING POWERS???
things i did not like:
lucy's plot premise is very much fallout 3 redux
lucy and maximus as a ship is very meh and kind of forced and not compelling. go give us nothing!!!
wilzig's head as a macguffin that everyone is after... ehh kind of just okay as a plot device
also the ghoul randomly eating that other ghoul???
the squire who bullied maximus calls himself fat but he isn't fat?? not even chubby??? hello????? just got a soft face
water chip being fucked feels very fallout 3 also but they kind of dropped it?
they definitely named cooper howard after todd. as tribute probably, which he doesn't deserve
fiend = cannibal now?????
maximus recognizing vault 4 as a cult but not recognizing the brotherhood as one lol
vault tec evil capitalism vs hollywood communists storyline was kind of basic. and bland. and weak
the enclave could've been established + explored better
no geckos or any other west coast-specific monsters
showing me ncr ranger armor when the ncr is gone
ghouls have healing powers?? WITHOUT RADIATION??
things i hated hated hated:
the ghoul needing drugs to combat the Disease That Turns Ghouls Feral
feral ghouls being basically zombies :/
the brotherhood being the main faction of the west coast now. booo!! booo!!!!
the fucking last shot of new vegas being a burnt out husk. probably foreshadowing that hank is going to house's body but. UGH I HATE IT
to summarize: it came out strong! and stumbled hard falling face fucking first at the finish line. i would have liked it a lot more if it did not shit on the west coast as much as it did. because what the FUCK. if it was set literally anywhere else and left the ncr alone i would have liked it more, because on its own, as a self-contained story, divorced from the rest of the fallout series canon, it's not bad!!! it's fun, there's some good bits, it has the ~vibes~ but - and this is a big but - i don't know what it's trying to say. it's all very surface level and the very vague themes i picked up on are not really reiterated in the plot
it's like... the bits that make it fallout are there. vaults. the brotherhood. ghouls. a dog named dogmeat. but there's something lacking. it's like your usual sci-fi post-apocalypse show with a fallout veneer. idk. i like it for what it is but also i hate it for what it's emblematic of. that's all
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okkotsuus · 1 year
jjk + domestic acts !
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featuring: yuuji i. megumi f. nobara k. yuuta o. maki z. toge i. satoru g. suguru g. toji f. kento n. sukuna r. choso k.
contents: short head canons. fluff. established relationship. 900 words.
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yuuji cooks for you. whether it be making you dinner when you come over for a date or making your lunch for school. he would be the type to make super cute bentos with the pictures made with seaweed. he also cuts everything into the sizes you like. he always waits to take the first bite so he can better see your reaction when you do. the smile and glow in your eyes fill him more than any meal could
megumi walks to the side where cars come from. whether it be walking on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road, closer to the middle lane in a parking lot, or walking between you and oncoming traffic when crossing the road. he always has a hand on you too just in case, usually, he prefers to rest it on the small of your back, but he also wraps his arm around your waist.
nobara buys things you like or she'll think you like them whenever she goes anywhere. she loves bringing the spoils of her travels back to you, a metaphorical tail wagging. she also gets things that remind her of you, like something from a show you watched together, or the candy she saw you eating before she left. like a crow who collects shiny things to bring back to the nest.
yuuta waits up for you when you get home late. if it's you coming back late from a mission, he'll be in the common area. if it's you coming back from a home visit, he'll be on the porch to help you with your bags. if it's you coming back from class and he gets back first, he's waiting outside your room. if he knows that you'll be gone overnight he sleeps in your room, not very peacefully, but it allows him to at least get a few hours.
maki orders for you. whether its placing reservations, ordering your food, or making a complaint for you, she's got it handled. she knows that these things can make people nervous and she doesn't every want you to feel like that if she can prevent it. whenever you go out as a class and she can't, she makes panda or yuuta order for you. because toge kinda can't.
toge leaves you notes. he leaves them on your bag, on your pillow, on your door, anywhere you have to look. usually they're a little compliment (ex. "your hair looks really pretty today") and a little doodle of him, you, or some random thing. he writes them on these little note cards that have onigiri designs along the border. it's how he makes up for not being able to say sweet nothings to you.
satoru carries your things for you. unless it's a cursed tool or something that you may need in a moments notice, it's in his hands. when you go shopping he is happily trailing behind you with all of you things. if you're going on a trip he carries both of your suitcases, he tries to carry all carry-ons as well but if he can't he'll give you the lightest one(s). he carries all the groceries in one trip too.
suguru always drives. if you need to go anywhere he's got his blacked-out benz's keys twirling idly around his finger. he puts his arm behind your headrest so he can turn around fully when backing out. puts his arm in front of you if he has to suddenly break. keeps his hand on the center console so you can hold hands. you get the aux, he likes your music.
toji doesn't pay attention to anybody but you. whether it's some random person flirting with him from across the room, he doesn't spare them a second thought unless you bring it up. sometimes he doesn't even notice cause he's too busy watching how the amber glow of the dying sun highlights your face and makes your eyes sparkle when you turn to him.
kento does the mundane things for you. if you're complaining about needing to fill your tank, he'll do it and pay for it. he starts you coffee for you so that when you wake up it's already made and cooled down. he starts the bath for you when you get home. he lays out your keys, purse, and other things on the table for you before he leaves.
sukuna scares away any and all danger. curses, humans, sorcerers, you name it; none of them with bad intentions dare to even look at you with him around. if they think you're alone and try to take advantage, he's already behind them. sometimes he disposes of him while you look away from him, he's back intact by the time you've turned around, a small splat of red on his cheek? its surely just the jam from the crepe you bought him.
choso listens to everything you say. he listens intently, his eyes never leave you except to briefly blink or if he sees motion. he looks at you like you're preaching when you're talking about this cloud that you saw that looked like a turd. nods intently and lets out soft 'mhm's while his elbows rest on his knees. leaned towards you like plants lean towards the sun.
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okotsuus 23
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Hi, Miss Raven! What're your thoughts on the new characters' designs and the new cards we're getting?
[You can see the designs for the Halloween 2023 cards and other related TWST news here!]
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I'll post my general thoughts below! I unfortunately don't know enough about Pinocchio myself to point out all the little easter eggs in their outfits, so I'll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable than me.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
Regarding the NRC boys' looks overall, I think it's a very fun theme and very fitting for the location of the event. I like that they all still wear masks, just in a different context than in Glorious Masquerade. One thing I did notice is that the masks seem... same-y? Like they all resemble thick tree roots or something like that. So maybe they aren't masks at all, but they're associated with whatever the conflict in the story is. (I previously suggested mind control or the loss of consciousness, so maybe the "roots" play into that???) You can see the marionette theme Yana was going for, as well as some design elements from Black Butler's circus arc, very clearly. The poses for each of the boys, even the R cards, are extremely dynamic and imply a strong sense of movement. The ribbons are such a simple detail that contributes a lot to this sense of whimsy and flow.
Some comments I have on specific designs and poses:
I like it when Trey makes these kind of slightly sus but plausibly deniable faces... He should make more of them...
I can't see the front of Jack's outfit that well, so I don't know if I can fully comment on it??? But I can see his. Like. Physique... coming through... That chest to waist ratio/j
Seeing Jack's tail like that kinda weirds me out. I think that's the first time we've gotten a "full" view of how the tails look coming out of the pants??? So maybe I'll get more used to it with time...
J WORD MY BELOVED dghgqwktvwukdviu1vdutw1513FR7vuofOTVUofvfaafvfyivs.,bk;mobsdb;ibuafetvuqoffSEythTOTqebivfguovqnafCUtuiUIEtt please ignore my bias 🤡 The way his top hat is angled and how there's a dark blue ribbon around him... It vaguely looks like he's trying to pass as Crowley, LOL
I like how his undershirt is frilled and how he has that sash at his waist it reminds me of the genderbent design for my TWST OC! The fact that both he and Floyd have the eel emblem that resembles a heart is also really cute~
Lilis is my favorite design of the R cards!! There's a very good distribution of ruffles throughout the look, and his knotted skirts fit well with his personal flair.
I'm not a huge fan of the style of hat Cater's wearing (sorry to all the Cay-kun stans out there), but I can appreciate his look. His dress appears more militant than Trey's, and his posing is certainly more aggressive--it's nice to see him in this new light.
Love L*ona-san’s new hairstyle here!! 👀
The way Floyd is posed reminds me of those people that walk around on stilts. I think I much prefer the coloration on Floyd's outfit than on Jade's, but I prefer Floyd's jacket to Jade's. I think Floyd's the best of the SR designs!
Shockingly, Vil's look doesn't stand out to me that much??? I enjoy his sash, but I don't immediately pick up on anything in his illustration that catches my eye.
His pose resembles that of a ballerina, which just makes me think about the time he assigned Epel and Deuce extra (ballet) dance lessons in book 5 ajdbhasivldsadued
Of the SSRs, Ace is definitely my favorite one. He just looks so dramatic soaking up that spotlight and trying to look cool while doing it... Bro's 100% thinking, "heheheheh, I'm SO awesome :))" in his head.
Ace's design also reminds me a lot of Jack Hearts (from Disney Villain Recruiters). Not sure if it was intentional or not, but I'm definitely super into it!
I was pretty much expecting a SSR Ace (because he's a trickster with a brother that works in an amusement park) and Ortho (literally a robot that became a real boy), but Kalim took me by surprise. In hindsight, I guess it makes sense though...? Kalim has a similar immature vibe as the other two (plus I do remember there being this one scene in Aladdin where the Sultan was dressed like a jester that was being maneuvered on puppet strings).
It's great that Kalim gets to be a little out of his usual element and make darker, more mysterious expressions like what we see in his new illustration. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with how he's dressed (the yellow jacket is WAY too bright), but I love his his coattails (???) trail behind him in waves.
OR-KUN MY SON 😭😭😭 As is the case with all of his gears, I adore how the devs creatively adapted clothing into metal parts for Ortho! The half-caplet is easily the best part of the whole look for me (the pattern on it reminds me of stars falling down)--and because Ortho has a smaller stature, the type of hat he's wearing isn't as offputting; it actually looks very cute on him.
... Is that the fucking cricket on Ortho’s cape... and the goldfish on Kalim’s scarf… AND THE CAT ON ACE’S WAIST… What does this meeeean 🤡
And now for my thoughts on the two new boys!! Honestly?? I don't actually have much to comment on in this regard because I try to reserve my judgment of characters until I've actually seen them in action. I haven't seen Pinocchio either, so I don't have a strong basis for what their personalities would be like based on their original Disney counterpart. I only vaguely understand that Honest John and Gideon trick children into visiting Pleasure Island... That's it, that's the full extent of my knowledge on that pair. I don't have any other expectations going in other than "yeah, these two are going to swindle me".
Gidel looks like a mix of Cheka and Ruggie to me (because of the hair and the eye shape). He seems like he’ll be the other guy’s goon, similar to how Jade and Floyd/Ruggie follow Azul/Leona. Nothing else for me to add, Gidel seems alright… Just a silly lil’ guy!
I have more… mixed thoughts on Ferro. One one hand, he looks like the exact kind of shady bitch I’d love. (You know, the ones that smile and lie and manipulate and drive a knife into your back and—LOOK, HE’S VERY J WORD CORE) On the other hand, I’m beating back the “you like cat/dog boys” allegations from my friends, so 💀 I can’t give in so easily/j
Looks-wise, Ferro’s iteration of the rat tail hair is not as ugly to me as Malleus’s is. (I think it’s because it looks more windswept!) I also really like how he dresses—very dapper 😌 and he can pull off green eyeshadow well!
I’m wondering how they’ll make Ferro different than the other con artists we’ve seen so far *eyes Octavinelle* but I’m keeping my hopes up since the devs did a good job remixing the “I have a dead brother and I feel immense guilt about it” backstory for Rollo (when Idia had a similar one). Looking forward to that~
I’m sure my thoughts will chance once I actually get to see them in the event! ^^ I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’ll keep cautious. (Actually, this fan art basically summarizes my current feelings on the two! I’m Rollo/j)
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whiskey-bumblebee · 10 months
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Accessibility/Diversity notes: Gender neutral reader, reader has multiple previous sexual partners (essential to the plot). Reader is a receptive sexual partner (i.e. a bottom)
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: No active sex but the start is immediately post-sex, the whole storyline is based on reader having a sexual history so MDNI. Aaron smokes a cigarette. Haley doesn't exist.
A/N: Dividers and postscript designed by @saradika (thank you! they're so cute!!)
Tagging: @ssamorganhotchner @hausofwhores @hotchsdoormat @cr1minalskies <3
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Sweat is cooling on Aaron's back as he slips out of bed. You're still catching your breath, and you can't help but laugh to yourself, totally satisfied.
"You fuck like an FBI agent," You tease.
You move so that your back is against the headboard, and you watch as Aaron lights a cigarette and cracks the window in your bedroom. He doesn't usually smoke, but it's been a hard couple of weeks. You figure if he's going to smoke, it's better if he smokes while you're with him, so you know he isn't sneaking off to do it.
He'd dragged one of the barstools from the kitchen into the bedroom, and he sits on it now, still naked. It's a hell of a scene, Aaron propped up on this wooden stool, one foot resting on the crossbeam of the stool, the other on the floor, his elbow on the windowframe, a lit cigarette between his fingers as he's careful to blow his smoke out of the window. It's rare for him to be at ease like this, just existing in his body.
"Can I take a picture?"
He's surprised, and he glances over his shoulder at you.
"Okay. Do you want me to-"
You shake your head. "Just as you are."
He turns away from you again, assuming his previous position. He has the tact to tuck his cock beside his leg so it won't be visible. Through your camera's viewfinder, you notice that you can still see his pubic bone and a bit of hair there.
"Are you okay with some of your pubic hair being in it?"
Aaron glances at you again, a small smile on his face.
"I'm assuming this isn't for the christmas card."
You smile back and shake your head.
"Just for me."
He nods again and looks out of the window. You snap two photos in quick succession.
Soon enough, he finishes his cigarette and slips back into bed, sitting beside you. He slings his arm over your shoulder.
"You were saying?"
You kiss his cheek, then rest your head on his shoulder. "You're an excellent sexual partner."
"That's not the wording you used before." He's teasing you back.
"That you fuck like an FBI agent? Yeah. I stand by it."
"And how exactly does an FBI agent fuck?"
"You know, the three S's," You ad-lib, holding up three fingers. This piques his interest, and he raises his eyebrows, egging you on. "Strength, stamina, state secrets."
He laughs at that, his eyes crinkling wonderfully.
"Do you feel like elaborating? Stroking my ego?"
"Oh, you know I'll stroke you anytime," You grin.
You interlace your fingers with his, deciding what to say next.
"Well. I guess it's hard to describe, actually. Physically, it's incredible, because you have this endurance that's just..." You bite your lip, your train of thought giving way to the many, many memories of being in bed with Hotch.
"Which means you can fuck slow. And hard. I don't feel like there's some amateur on top of me. And you really pay attention. If something isn't working, you notice. If I'm faking it, you notice. Maybe that's a BAU thing. But you fuck like someone with top secret clearance."
The sheet over Aaron's lap shifts without his hands moving it, and you gasp softly, delighted. "So I am stroking your ego."
He chuckles. "Hearing the love of your life compliment your skills in the bedroom will do that."
You lapse into silence for a moment, wondering whether you should slip your hand under the sheet and-
"So... How many FBI agents have you...?"
"Oh my god," You laugh. "That's classified. Unless you actually want to know."
Aaron shrugs. "I won't be offended. I'm assuming they all pre-date me."
You scrunch your eyebrows together, surprised. "Yeah. I haven't slept with anyone else since we started dating, if that's what you're asking."
Aaron winces. "Sorry."
You shrug, lightening the mood. "I'm not offended, just surprised. I figured you'd realized that I was yours from the first night."
You lift your head from Aaron's shoulder and sink into the headboard behind you.
"I am curious," Aaron starts. "About how many FBI agents..."
He reads your expression, and you decide you'll beat him to the punch.
"Three, including you. When I was living in Fredericksburg, there were a few of them around."
It's your turn to guess what he's thinking.
"Now you're wondering how many people in total?" You posit.
He nods.
"Seven. Three were serious. Four were... Temporary."
"Three were serious, and three were with the FBI?"
You laugh. "No overlap. You're the only one in the middle of that Venn diagram."
He nods again, his expression serious.
"Hey," You nudge him, holding his face between your hands. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. Do you want to know about mine?"
You nod excitedly, and slip under the covers so you can rest your head in his lap as he talks. He traces your hairline with his index finger, then rests his warm hand over your cheek. It's rare that he opens up about his past, especially sexually, and it's so wonderful to hear his voice telling his story.
"I was a virgin until college, which I think you know. I was waiting until marriage. Then there was a girlfriend in undergrad. She only loved half of me, but we... She was my first. After that it was better."
"That's when you kind of... this sounds cliche, but when you got to know yourself better, right? When you started going to concerts and listening to the music you like?"
Aaron nods. "And I realized I liked men. So, forgive me, this is crude, but there are some that it's difficult to count because I was drunk, or because I never saw their faces. And then there was George."
"The one in your grad cohort?"
"And you slept together?"
He hums affirmatively. "He said... He always said that it didn't count if it was oral sex. So, until I met you, I thought all of the times I..."
A blush comes over his face, and he smiles.
"I thought it didn't count. So when I was studying law, it was mostly me and George. I don't know how nobody realized. If this hurts your feelings, you can tell me and I'll stop, but there were a lot of women trying to date me. George would always just laugh when they asked for my number."
"It doesn't hurt my feelings," You smile, reaching up to touch Aaron's face. "I'd love to meet him."
Aaron smiles sadly, his voice lowering. "He died in 1995."
You frown, your eyebrows pinching together. "Oh my god, Aaron."
He nods. "They granted him an honorary degree since he was so close to finishing his JD. Then I left Seattle and there's been one or two women since then, but nothing serious. I thought I was too old for one night stands."
"Lie down with me, baby. I want to hold you."
"It was a long time ago, honey."
"That doesn't make me want to hold you any less."
Aaron acquiesces and lies on his side so you can be the big spoon.
"It was hard, losing him," Aaron murmurs. "I loved him."
"But he told you that he was straight?"
Aaron nodded. "And maybe he was. Though we had a lot of sex for two straight guys."
You huffed a laugh into the space between Aaron's shoulderblades.
"So I have three FBI agents and you have-"
"George," Aaron finishes.
You smile and press a kiss to the back of his neck.
"And it sounds like you were a bit of a whore in college, if I can say that," You whisper.
"You can. Just not to anyone else, please. I don't need anyone finding out how much time I spent on my knees in bathroom stalls."
"Is it bad that turns me on?"
"I'm too tired to profile you. Let's say no for now."
You wrap your arms around Aaron's middle.
"I love you," Aaron murmurs.
"I love you too. I hope you feel like I love all of you."
He hums affirmatively. "I don't think you're the kind of person who loves in halves."
You sigh, somehow feeling lighter despite the turn the conversation had taken. Knowing Aaron was a privilege, and you'd always be glad to carry anything he gave you.
"I only have confidential clearance."
Aaron's voice is gravelly; he's slipping towards sleep.
"You said earlier that I fuck like someone who knows state secrets, someone with top secret clearance. I only have confidential clearance."
"So you can't tell me any state secrets?"
"There are things I could tell you which would get me into a lot of trouble. But if you want state secrets, you'll have to ask Garcia. She's the only one with top secret clearance."
"Really? Penelope?"
Aaron nods. "To use the systems she uses, you need confidential clearance. A few months after she started, Strauss realized it was pointless to keep her at confidential clearance, since she's smart enough to find anything she wants to find."
"Good to know."
"I know you have questions about things. But Garcia can get into a lot of trouble even if she doesn't tell you anything."
"Okay." You stroke your fingers over Aaron's torso. "I'd only want to hear state secrets from you anyway. Your voice is sexier."
Aaron huffed a laugh. "Thank you. I don't think you want to hear any of the secrets I know. State secrets are only fun when you don't know them. Once you know... You lose a lot of respect for some people."
You hum and kiss the side of his neck.
"Tell me one? Just enough to get you into trouble."
Aaron rolls over to face you, and whispers into your ear, nipping your earlobe once he's finished.
"Now you can blackmail me," He whispers.
You wrap one of your legs around his hips, grinding into him.
"You're setting a dangerous precedent. Now you know that telling me state secrets turns me on."
Aaron kisses your neck, nipping at the spot he knows you like. "Good to know."
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
sniffles. giving izuku a fashion show. squeezing into all the dresses ‘n skirts ‘n tiny shirts he bought you 🥺 squeezing his arm ‘ n pulling him into the dressing room so he can get a better look <3333
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+ warning(s): smut, mdni 18+, public sex, oral sex (f!receiving), fem!reader, fingering, face sitting, reader is wearing a dress!!
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gargles :((
izuku loves spoiling you, his pretty baby— it’s the least he could do when you’re weeks without him and he’s away on missions. something about the way you light up when he splashes the cash or flashes his black card (meant for agency stuff only but it’s you, and he doesn’t care), something about the way you smile just for him when he approves of something you want— it makes izuku warm, makes him feel proud and idolised by the one person he truly cares about.
izuku who likes to sit back in the plush seats of a chanel store changing room— dior being the one prior, a second away from purring as you slip out in dress after dress, skirt after skirt. “do a twirl for me, sweetheart.” “oh you like this one? i think i like it too.” “you’re so pretty baby, so pretty.” he praises each time, emerald eyes glued greedily together the way the fabric is caught on your hips and your chest and your thighs. making you toddle over to him every time just so he can get a better look, his usually quiet mind running wild at the thought of you sauntering around his agency in such skimpy, designer fits that he might have to tear of off you.
izuku who lets you drag him by the wrist into the dressing rooms, staggering after you even though your grip on him is barely enough to move to a fly (he’s built like a tonne of bricks stacked together with the perfect foundation). you giggle as deku lets you shove him against the opposite wall— back cooled by the glass mirror before his hungry eyes slink down to your cute little ass as you stand on your tip toes to draw the curtains. he groans, hand running through his hair when he gets a peek at your sweet cheeks.
“i…fuck, i don’t think i should be in here, sweet girl,” izuku’s breath stutters not because he’s nervous but because he wants to fucking devour you and you know exactly what you’re doing. his tongue pokes into his cheek as you wriggle the skirt of the dress up, grab at his scarred hands and let them sit at your ribs— thumbs tucked under the swell of your breast. “but oh…oh i like how this one fits.” he coos in a lower voice, when you smile and gasp and your nipples hardened under the pads of his thumbs as he rubs them from over the soft fabric. “pretty colour too, baby.”
izuku who slips the spaghetti straps down your shoulders, kissing every beauty mark or scar— revealing inches of your skin that were once covered by Forrest greens to match the pro hero’s hair. “picked it for you, you always like it when i dress in your colours, i-izuku,” the ends of your words are sighed out as he flips your positions— your back now against the cool wall though your bodies are pressed together and heated.
you gasp, he bites into the flesh of your chest. “izuku—“
“hmm, baby?” pro hero deku, the country’s shining light runs his tongue down your neck— eager fingers pulling down the front of your dress while his other hand pushes its way up the rest of the skirt.
“l-look underneath, wanna show you what’s underneath.”
so he takes a peek, strong hand that’s saved more than half the world cupping your pretty pussy like it’s the most precious thing in the world. and that’s where he feels it, the little lace that covers what little modesty you have before he pulls them right down so they pool around your ankles. “these are f’me? oh…oh sweetheart,” you’re already wet, surrounded by all these people yet trapped in your little bubble of lust and you tremble above izuku when he drags two slender digits along the length of your slit. he’s hungry now, head under the fabric and tongue lapping at you like a man deprived of the water he needs to survive. “oh…such a treat. thank you baby, you’re such a good little thing...” the words vibrate against you, sending tingles of pleasure to your spine until you’re scared you can’t stand and deku wraps his arms around your midsection to hold you up— nose nudging your clit, tongue wriggling against your sensitive walls.
you give into him, collapse into deku and rut against his face— the frills of this expensive skirt messing up his precious perfect curls while your juices dance among the freckles that are paint brush splattered against his face. fabric bunches at your hips, and you begin to unravel on japan’s most loved face like a lose thread. “fuck, baby you’re so pretty… ‘n so so, wet,” deku growls, voice now deep and husky— abandoning his sweet boy charm saved for public as he tongue fucks you and slurps on the honey that drips between your puffy folds. “fuckin’ droolin’ in this dress sweetheart and it’s not even yours yet.” glowing green eyes pull back from under your skirt to look into your own, rough fingertips rubbing sharp circles into your swollen nub.
“i want it.” you grunt, grinding down against deku’s fast pace with tears brimming in your eyes and your body doused with sweat from how vigorously you move with your partner. “please, izu…wanna, wan—!”
“want what? to cum? want this dress? how about both, yeah?” when you nod your head, izuku grins almost sadistically. he loves spoiling you, he loves how you look down at him when you’re seconds away from losing it all on his tongue— he’ll get you this dress and then ten fucking others, he just wants to taste you. so deku slurps, suckles and spits beneath your dress, slaps a hand down on your cute ass and squeezes your fleshy thighs— using his grip to drag you back and forth across his strawberry tongue as its tip draws his name and price tags against your syrupy cunt.
deku does nothing to hide your moans while you shake and finally fucking cum in his mouth from underneath the dress— your juices running in thick droplets down the insides of your thighs and down his big muscled arms. heck, deku does nothing to hide his own moans, growling into your sex, high pitched and needy from time to time as your nectar spreads across his tastebuds and his fingers sink into the softness of your flesh just underneath the fabric.
and when he’s sure you’re cleaned up (an overstimulated and with licked clean cunt or jelly like legs), deku fixes the dress against your hips and chest perfectly— pulls your panties right back up and makes you walk with him to the tills so he can purchase you half of the dresses on display.
of course, ruining you in each one later.
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mirakurutaimu · 3 months
Opinion on Ral Zarek now being an Otter in both meanings of the word?
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rant time i talked about this on Twitter a bit yesterday but it's so fucking stupid. like it's kinda cute that Bloomburrow has the kingdom hearts lion king world "if you go here you're an animal while you're here" thing, but also the only thing we were really told about Bloomburrow leading up to it was "there will be no humans on the plane". so we're all like oh shit, cool, sounds like it's gonna be its own unique thing without a bunch of Dudes You Know in it since there's no humans in it, right? we can finally escape the cycle of banal, tropey sets that are mostly just "Characters From Magic's History Dress Up In Costumes" (MKM, Cowpokez, NEO, Capenna) but nope. of course not. if you planeswalk/omenpath to bloomburrow, you turn into a furry! now watch them sell secret lair packs of fur-tfed planeswalkers, because of course every set needs to be a vehicle for a bunch of stupid gimmicky Products™️ they can sell to gamers with extremely loose wallets
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oh, yeah, and alongside this announcement was that they're cutting off printing of portuguese cards. it's not the Biggest deal since I've heard firsthand in non-English speaking countries that they usually just end up using the English cards anyways (gee I wonder if this has anything to do with the globalization of American culture lol no problems there). but they only decided to cut off the printing of portuguese (and simplified chinese) cards because they're facing a 2% drop in profits this year... because of all the stupid royalty fees they're paying on their dumbass Universes Beyond crossover bullshit lol
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i've loved Magic since i started playing in high school, but as of late that love has been waning a good bit. the game is so bogged down by corporate product shilling bullshit. every card needs 900 alternate arts. 900 alternate borders. every set needs a hideous alternate card treatment. every set needs 56 different kinds of booster packs. no more Block-format releases, no more core sets, just products, products, products, products.
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i used to be a big fan of Commander/EDH, but ever since it really caught on and Wizards/Hasbro decided "well, this is the most popular gamemode, we now need to design the entire game around it" and it kinda completely ruined commander imo. what was once a gamemode about running weird, niche interactions and building something with a unique flavor or playstyle now boils down to "well, just pick one of the 92849634796782435678 legendary creatures they've been printing for the past few years and run all these extremely pushed commander staples they keep printing" and it just ain't fun anymore. gotta sit down at the table and look at entire Doctor Who decks and Transformers cards and Tomb Raider cards and etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. Commander tables are just fucking billboards now lmao
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it's very clear WOTC/Hasbro has no idea what to do now that they did the Giant Multiverse-Ending Threat of the Phyrexians in All Will Be One. much like the marvel movie franchise which MTG has been so emulating for years now (AND HAS EVEN SIGNED A FUCKING CROSSOVER DEAL WITH AS OF LAST YEAR, SEE YOU IN 2025 THANOS COMMANDER DECK), we're at the period where they're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, twiddling their thumbs with these boring, tropey sets, all the while drowning players in a deluge of alternate arts, secret lairs, crossovers, etc. a common complaint among magic's playerbase is that nowadays they're literally selling too much shit. preview/teasers season for one set will immediately be followed by previews and teasers for another set. there's no time for anything to breathe it's just buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy.
anyways stop giving hasbro money, print proxies and play magic for free :)
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months
It's time for another merch post, my biggest one yet since I went kind of crazy for merch in Dec/Jan...my wallet is still recovering 😵‍💫 (also, I made scans of some of this merch in a previous post here if you haven't already seen).
First is one of two Mercari orders. I only intended to get the movie booklet (which I've posted about previously) but added some more stuff to make the shipping worthwhile!
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I got the towel with the cruise arc outfits that's part of the merch line for the Tokai Steamship collab. It's a bit small, but I still love it!
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I always liked the art for the Tower Records collab, so I got a poster! (the seller also included stickers and postcards).
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I also like the art for the Cruise Buffet collab, so I got a paper placemat which makes a great poster! The seller shipped it in this nice plastic cover, so I decided to keep that on to protect it (they included a postcard too, which will be part of my next miscellaneous scans post 😁)
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The below acrylic stands were recently released as part of the movie merch line (sold at theaters I believe). Anya had a couple different designs, including one where she's in a director's chair and one where she has 3D glasses. But I picked the one where she's eating popcorn since Bond is with her (gotta always get the whole family when I can!)
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A couple weeks ago I took a trip to Animate, where they just happened to be having a SxF promotion where you'd get postcards of the new camping designs if you spent a certain amount on SxF merchandise. I bought the four camping acrylics, which was more than enough to get all the postcards 😊
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Also picked up these two magazines, since a Kinokuniya store was at that mall as well (scans of these coming soon!)
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Below is the second Mercari order!
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I absolutely love these painting acrylics! They're definitely one of my favorite sets ❤️
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Some acrylics from the movie! The big one in the middle is really cool, the background is reflective but transparent too.
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I love the Waku Waku Park designs, but was only able to find acrylics of Anya & Bond. Hope to add Loid and Yor to the collection one day. So I just got a clear file in the meantime, lol.
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Couldn't resist this adorable CODE: White overnight bag! I decided to use it to hold my many TCG decks 😅
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And lastly (kinda of) was my usual Amiami preoder!
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The "Anya helping with chores" designs are so cute, I got them as both acrylic stands (from Amiami) and reusable bags (from the aforementioned Mercari order).
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I got more acrylics and postcards of the lovely kimono designs ❤️ (postcards scans coming soon!)
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As I posted about previously, I got the Operation Diary video game along with these nice goodies that came with the preorder! (that keychain is rare official Twiyor merch 👀)
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And I got even more TCG accessories! (another set of sleeves, a few deck boxes, a card box, and card holder).
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The reason I've been getting so much TCG stuff, as well as why I said the Amiami order was only "sort of" the last of my merch from the past couple months, is because I had also preordered a case of SxF Weiss Schwarz cards! I preordered it back in August, and the set officially released in English last week...but that will be covered in another post, so stay tuned~
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moralesluvr · 11 months
can you do earth 42!miles x reader where reader owns a small business and he shows constant support and always promotes her business?🩷
earth42!miles morales ft. his small business owning gf!
♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x fem!black!reader, aged up au for plot. ♡ warnings: none! ♡ summary: miles comes out to one of your pop-ups to support you <3 ♡ a/n: thank you anon for your request <3 ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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NEW YORK'S SUMMER AIR blew past you in a warm wave, the sweltering heat causing you to bend down behind your stand, propping your cooler open as your hands wrapped around a bottle of water. It was so hot that you bit the top off your cool beverage in attempt to drink it as fast as you can, lips wrapping around the opening as you gulped it down quickly.
"Y'know I could've brought you sum' cool to drink, right?"
You turned around to see your boyfriend, who walked underneath your tent, making his way to you as he opened his arms for you to embrace yourself in. You did so with glee, pressing up to your tip toes as you kissed his cheek, "What are you doing here? I thought you had to work!"
"Nah," he shook his head, walking around to your table out front as he picked up various items that you had for sale, "Not today, wanted t'see my girl come make her bank."
A smile found your lips as Miles continued to curiously look around your set up. It was a place where business owners could set up and advertise, so lots of people were setting up shop in the grass as people shopped around.
Your small business had kicked off just a couple months ago, but Miles was there every step of the way. You sold various items-- candles, lip gloss, perfume, body butter-- and accessories for your fellow black girls. Although he didn't really need what you were selling, Miles always helped you find new scents or flavors for your things, and he would always let you try them out on him, despite the level of embarrassment he carried with him after the fact.
Last time, you had convinced Miles to let you try out your lashes and new lip gloss on him, which resulted in him clawing the lashes off, claiming that they itched too bad and he 'couldn't even blink.'
He's just a drama queen.
As Miles walked around picking up things, you saw three black girls come in, who looked about your age, maybe younger. They eagerly picked up your items on display as you welcomed them in with bright smiles. One of the girls picked up two candles and some colorful edge brushes, waltzing up to the counter as her friends continued to browse.
You eyed your boyfriend, realizing that he was showing them around and giving them little insights on your product. It melted your heart, eyes still fixated on him as you rang the girl in front of you up. As she handed you her card, she asked you, "Is that your man?"
"Sure is." You gleamed proudly, "He likes t'pop in sometimes and help me out."
The girl watched you intensively as you transferred her items into a cute bright pink bag with your logo on it, a bag that your boyfriend had helped you design one Saturday night when you were sleeping over at his place.
"I wish somebody loved me like that," She murmured, smiling as you handed her the bag and her credit card, "Keep him, girl, 'cause you ain't gon' find nobody else that'll do that for you."
You both giggled at her statement, though nothing but truth was laced in it. You bid her a farewell as she walked out, her girlfriends still shopping around for some items. Your boyfriend departed from them and slid behind the counter, leaning on it as she sighed.
"Girl, I've been workin' so hard tryna find them what they lookin' for. It really is a struggle."
"Ew, you're so gross." You pushed him as he laughed at his impression of you when you're working. Miles grabbed your hand and squeezed it, a smile etched on his face as he spoke, "I'm so proud'a you, mami. You knew all this was gon' be a lil' challenging, but look where you at. That's my girl." He encouraged, giving you a sweet kiss on your cheek.
"I love you," you smiled as you felt Miles pepper more loving kisses on your cheek, holding your waist close to him as you arched your back in his embrace, squealing at him.
Your playful bantering came to a stop with the two remaining women in your shop placed their items on the counter. You greeted them and rung them up, your lover behind you watching closely. You quickly bagged their items and thanked them for supporting you, and they left you a gracious tip as they walked out. You held up the bill, "Big ballin'."
"Damn right." Miles laughed, high fiving you as he held onto your hand, looking around before whispering,
"Let's dip and go get lunch."
You eyed your shop before giving him a raised eyebrow, "What if someone comes by? Or steals?"
He rolled his eyes at you, grabbing his car keys from the table as he wrapped his arms around your waist, closing the tent and walking to his car.
"Then I'll beat their ass. Now, let's go eat."
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee // @liliummz // @starhrtz // @daisydark // @randomhoex // @solanawrld // @whore4hobie // @tanakaslastbraincell // @simp4miguell // @nyrovi3 // @my3tumbles // @aziulsworld // @enchantingfoxsparkles // @mancerseedu // @cafehyunji // @personofyou // @mcdvsr // @kopiivie // @ellatienesuscosas // @venuswash3re // @calliarlerte // @pr0wlerpunk // @tzuyuzzs // @wisepoetrycheesecake // @clearskiiiess // @d3atht3hek1d // @vienreina // @pixqlsin // @caulifloweron // @aizawassimpblog // @stvrgrl // @zerosinterweb // @ishqani // @mookiebut // @urmotherswhor3 // @cumbermovels // @asmobeuses // @yanghees // @popeheywardssecretgf // @mxspiderman2099 // @1lenii // @scryarchives // @rksses // @rosvlsr // @mmst4rz
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ✎: @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10 // @adoree-kaelynn // @mhadnirb // @mmst4rz // @iris-theflower // @fleurrieerecs // @kenlani // @kala2022 // @ilyless // @milesmolasses // @laylasbunbunny // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @bl00dsuccker // @evacowan // @popeheywardssecretgf // @adoremvney // @anikaluv // @qtdenks
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @enj4i // @chrissytalia // @chaoticevilbakugo // @motheroffae // @luci1fer // @art-598
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ofsappho · 1 year
Heartless, Chapter 5
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🔞 Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader 🔞
Fake marriage/marriage of convenience, SMUT
You get into trouble and Ghost disciplines you for it.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: in the first part of this chapter, homophobic slurs (fag, faggot) and insults are tossed around. From an inconsequential side character towards Soap. I want to note that I myself am queer/nonbinary, and I have been harassed/attacked/bullied for being queer. Additionally, this scene is directly inspired by real events. A friend of mine, who is queer + nb AND is a veteran, got into a fight during their service with another Marine on their base for saying vile homophobic shit. My friend dropped the guy in an instant. My friend knows I am interpreting their story in this chapter, and they approve.
SMUT TAGS: degradation (a lot of it), humiliation, spanking, bondage, dumbification, edging, spit kink, dacryphilia, bratting/brat taming, choking, face slapping, praise kink, overstimulation, squirting, care taking (tbc next chapter!). Knife kink. All consensual. By degradation, I mean degradation in the context of the smut.
Everything goes wrong like this:
You’re out with Ghost and Johnny to explore the base. 
They show you the fields where people like to play soccer. “It’s football,” your friend insists in his thick Scottish brogue. Ghost agrees with a grunt like the traitor he is.
Your heavy, exasperated sigh draws out chuckles from them both. “I’ll stop calling it soccer on the day you beat us at football.” And you don’t even like football. But fuck the British if they think they can get one over you. Well, the British and Scottish. Whatever.
The two of them start chattering- correction, Johnny chatters, and Ghost genuinely listens, you can tell, about sports and teams, and you regret bringing up the topic at all because you can barely follow.
What’s the difference between Manchester City and Manchester United? Isn’t that, like, the same thing?
As your husband discusses a recent game, a few guys kick around a ball, and some people smoke a few feet outside the designated smoking area. You watch a guy stub out his cigarette on the sign that says not to smoke elsewhere.
You’ve gotten too comfortable referring to Ghost as ‘your husband.’ Hm. You should check that impulse before it spirals into something that might validate Alejandro and Gaz’s conspiracy theories about love at first sight. Gross.
Do you know what else isn’t helping? Ghost’s refusal to let you be alone with them again. He doesn’t try to stop you or interfere, but you can’t ignore him lurking in the background like a little stalker whenever you socialize.
It’s… kind of cute.
Oh, and you finally encountered Roach in the wild. You spotted him in the mess a couple of days back, collecting the randomest assortment of snacks (Cool Ranch Doritos, a pre-workout drink for balance, you guess, a chocolate milk, and three lemon sugar cookie flavored energy bars).
He had on some interesting cat ear headphones, so you just waved and wordlessly gestured that you liked his headgear. He waved back, then shot you a thumbs up.
You tap back into your surroundings. Ghost has wandered into the smoking area to light up, and you might as well join him.
When you stretch out your hand, he plucks a smoke from his pack and places it delicately in your palm. He even lights it for you from a Zippo engraved with skulls, with one scarred hand cupped around the flame to keep it steady.
Johnny wrinkles his nose. “That’s gonna kill you in five years, you ken?” He stands on the other side of the painted smoking area line to hang while letting his disapproval be known.
You take a drag instead of laughing in his face. After all, he was the one who charmed every convenience store clerk at the young age of 17 into buying what he wanted without getting carded, smokes included.
“Since when have you been so health conscious?” You say as you blow the smoke away from Soap’s face.
Ghost does the same without thinking - like he’s stood somewhere and smoked while chatting with Soap enough times to make it a routine.
You envy the easy way they complement each other. You used to be like that with Johnny, and you wish… you want your own routines with your new husband, to know that he goes out into the world and does something different for the rest of his life because of you.
Distance is only natural, you tell yourself. You’re new to their friendship.
But Soap has been one of yours for so long, and Ghost is becoming yours faster than you thought possible. Like a rapacious strangler vine or fungal colony occupying a rotted tree, you find that you’re plotting all the ways you can twist yourself around and into Ghost.
Soap laughs. “Aye, well. You try getting shot a couple o’ times. Am not goin’ down over one of them cancer sticks.”
You hear it just as you tap some of the ash off the end of your cigarette.
“...can’t believe they let those fuckin’ fags…”
You bring the smoke to your mouth to conceal your grimace before turning ever-so-slowly. You’ve learned this lesson many times over; gathering further context is important— no need to bring a knife to a situation that does not call for knives.
The same guy you heard before continues with his little rant.
He’s a miserable-looking dude with a pasty milk face, no defined chin, a bad haircut, and a shitty name tag on his shitty uniform that says ‘Pvt. Langford.’
But somehow, despite lacking any discernible charisma, he holds rapt court with a bunch of other similarly-miserable peeons. “They’re a bunch of pussies, like, it’s pathetic, bro. Gonna give me fuckin’ AIDS or some shit if I gotta be in the same room. Criminal.” By now, he’s seen you watching him.
The corner of his thin-lipped mouth lifts as if he’s said something funny.
Eh. He’s maybe got half of a foot on you. At most. There are worse odds.
Then he slides his smarmy, revolting gaze from you to just over your shoulder, and his smirk grows. He’s looking at Soap.
You’ve seen this exact look before. You know what it means, what nerves motherfucking Langford is trying to trample on.
Before anyone can stop you, you’re across the smoking area and in Pvt. Langford’s face in about five seconds.
Soap thinks he’s about as level-headed and reasonable as the average man, but Langford has been getting on his nerves for way too fuckin’ long. For the whole time they’ve been stationed at this base, so, weeks.
Everyone knows Langford is a little shit. Everyone hates him and his bitch boys.
You’re just the first person willing to do something about it.
So while Johnny has never felt the urge to personally handle the Private’s homophobia because swatting flies is beneath him, he’s content to sit back and watch the show.
Naturally, Ghost tries to follow you. You’ve got the poor fellow whipped and wrapped firmly around your little finger.
He supposes he shouldn’t have expected any less.
Soap holds your husband back with an outstretched arm. “Let the lass do her thing,” He advises. You won’t appreciate it, and Soap has no intention of being on the receiving end of your wrath.
Ghost rolls his shoulders back. “Not gonna stop her?”
The Lt. doesn’t know, does he? “D’ya really think ya can?” Even more reason to let you go off. This will be fun and, frankly, a necessary introduction.
Ghost stills. “…” Not so new, then.
What a bloody buzzkill. Now look who’s fussing and clucking? Like a rooster.
Soap watches his teammate flex and crack his knuckles and decides that you owe him for what he’s about to say. “If she needs it, we’ll grab her before it goes too far,” He reassures Ghost before leaning against the ‘Smoking Area’ sign.
It’ll work out one way or another. No big deal.
The scowl on your face as you stare down Langford is somethin’ real ferocious. “What the fuck did you just say?” You demand, voice low and proud and loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in a ten-foot radius.
Langford laughs and tries to play it off. “That’s classified.” Oh, haha. Real fuckin’ original. Like half the girls in town haven’t heard soldiers try that line a million times.
The Army sure didn’t take Private Langford for his brain cells.
Next to him, Riley shifts from foot to foot. “She always like this?” He asks as if the words are throwing themselves against his mask and demanding to be let out.
“Mmm. Since we were wee mates.” From here, Soap can see how viciously you throw your cigarette to the ground and grind out the lit ember with your heel like the poor thing did something to you.
“No. Say it again,” You snap, cracking the sentiment over Langford’s thick head like you’re breaking a chalkboard in two.
Ghost stiffens up even further, and behind the mask, his eyes glint in the sunlight like that flame you just put out.
Is it possible that he’s…  impressed by you? “Go on. I just want to make sure that I heard you correctly. That we all heard you correctly,” You say icily.
Global warming would be solved in a day if they could translate your tone into real ice.
Watching Langford take a small step back without realizing it is funny as hell. Even his minions have backed away as your aura of menace sets off their self-preservation instincts with the subtlety of a pulled fire alarm.
Lt. Riley’s eyes narrow as he memorizes your scowl and how you crowd Langford forward without letting up. “Spitfire.” Damn. That’s some bloody high praise coming from him.
Riley’s hood can’t hide the shadowy hickies on his throat; one would think that Ghost has realized it by now.
Are those teeth marks he spots? “You sound surprised. Figured she was teachin’ ya that already,” Johnny leers.
Ah, the expression he can make out under the skull mask. He wishes he had a camera so he could show you later.
Ghost closes his eyes for a long moment. “Shut your face.”
Across the way, Langford musters up a little courage. “Aw, are you mad? Did I make you mad ‘cause I spoke the truth, snowflake? Did those faggots get to you already?”
In the aftermath, even the birds stop chirping.
“Fighting words. Surprised you’re not out there with her,” Ghost says.
Only a fool would think the Lieutenant is relaxed right now; Johnny can tell that his breathing has slowed, that he’s holding perfectly still with an unbreaking focus on his prey.
That’s part of how Ghost manages to disappear in broad daylight. When those subtle signs of life go away, it’s easy to overlook him, unsubtle mask and all. 
He’d best save it for the field, but that’s none of Johnny’s business.
You two are so well-suited. “That’s the thing. About bein’ her friend. That bird- that bird’s a psycho.” If your marriage outlasts the bets everyone’s placed on an irrevocable breakdown, Soap figures he could make a killing on a matchmaking side hustle.
You take a deep breath. “I didn’t hear the truth. I heard a bunch of yapping from a little boy who a recruiter conned into signing his life away to lick the boots of his COs because he was a complete waste of resources otherwise.”
Occasionally, Johnny regrets quitting. He regrets quitting now, specifically; he could use the calming rush of nicotine. You’ve never ended fights in a good way, but this will end… spectacularly badly. He can see it already.
Ghost lets out a low whistle. “Jesus fucking Christ.” Then the Lieutenant looks around, and Soap realizes he’s checking for their Captain or any other superior officer.
Soap was planning on doing that anyway, and your new husband wins another point of approval in his book for thinking of it on his own.
“Pretty nice though, canny lie. Who else d’ya know that would fuck up a man for you without hesitatin’?” He says as he watches you open your mouth again.
“How does it feel to know you’re just that worthless?” Your voice rises and rises, acrid enough to melt paint, and it keeps Langford frozen in place.
“How long have you known her?” Lt. Riley asks.
“Eh… give or take sum’ ten years, prolly.”
“She like this the whole time?”
You go in for another round. “Thank God you’re not deployed anywhere important. It would be like the Bay of fucking Pigs all over again.” You’re close enough to spit on the Private, right fuckin’ close to his sallow face, and as your lip curls up, Johnny knows you’re definitely considering it.
Anger thrums in the air as bitter as gunpowder; it’s infecting Lt. Riley, churning in his posture, and it’s (unfortunately) starting to break through Langford’s shock.
“Aye. Never seen a law, or a rule, or a fuckin’ polis stop her. It’s nice not to fight alone, an’ if she had her way, I wouldn’t have lifted a finger in school.” He pauses, then looks at Ghost.
Johnny picks his following words with care. “Bet that one could carry the world on her shoulders if we’d let her. You know that she’s taken to you right quick?”
And then…
“Shut the fuck up, you dumb whore. Who even are you? Some slut whose only accomplishment is spreading your legs for a uniform? I’m not afraid to hit a little girl.”
Fucking Langford. Way to ruin a moment between mates, when Soap was just trying to help you.
God knows you need it; Lt. Riley is a piece of work.
The other man puts out his cigarette.
Now Soap has to think about how many soldiers he needs to threaten into silence after Ghost is through and how Soap will hide Langford’s body once he gets the final hit. “Lieutenant-“
They start moving in tandem, trying to get to you as fast as possible, like sharks circling after tasting blood in the water.
“Yeah, well, that’s funny ‘cause ‘little girl’ is what your mom calls me when we fuck,” You jeer before raising your hand.
Johnny loves you a lot, but man, do you make stupid choices sometimes.
Private Langford stumbles to the ground like a little bitch.
Damn. You didn’t backhand him that hard, and you’re not wearing any rings.
You can take a slap way better.
You stand over him as he clutches his face, practically cowering on the ground, and your knuckles are stinging, and all you feel is the adrenaline flash-flooding through your veins like cocaine or a really good fuck.
And then- strong, immovable arms clasp around your waist and yank you away.
Your hair’s in your eyes, and you can’t tell who’s holding you back, but whoever they are… you’re gonna make them regret it.
“Fuck you!” You howl at Langford, kicking and thrashing against the stranger’s grip.
You try to get an elbow in the side of whoever it is, but they evade it with ease. “Let go of me! I’m going to fucking kill you, you inbred motherfucker!” You scream as Langford gets to his feet.
The stranger carries you a few steps back and eliminates your chances of getting your nails in Langford’s face.
You redouble your efforts to free yourself. “Let me go! Let me at him! I’ll rip his fucking head off!”
The person shakes you like a rag doll. “Calm down. Calm the fuck down, lass. It’s me, Johnny. Stop your fucking fighting,” Soap hisses.
Oops. You stop moving all at once, causing Soap to almost drop you.
The adrenaline levels off, leaving you empty, and you drag breath after breath into your lungs to make up for it.
You shove your hair behind your ears just in time to watch Ghost put Langford in a headlock with beautiful, immaculate, careless ease.
It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him take anyone down, and it takes away the breath you just found. Like, your mouth goes dry, and you forget Soap is restraining you.
Just… holy shit. He moves like the hand of God, eyes flashing and skull mask fierce.
Langford blacks out the same second Ghost gets his arm around the other man’s neck, crumpling to the ground like a chewed-up paper doll.
Oh. Oh no.
Now you understand why Soap keeps you in place because Ghost tosses Langford’s unconscious body to the side without blinking twice and then beelines straight. towards. you.
Your hands push and hit Johnny’s arms. You need to- you need to run this time, get away, and get out of Ghost’s path.
Flee. You need to flee before he unpicks you with his teeth and eats your fucking bones like a fairy tale monster.
God fucking damn it, why won’t Soap let you go?
A rush, you can’t breathe, oof, your stomach hurts, have you been swept onto Ghost’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes?
The upside-down sight of his very well-formed ass in his jeans tells you that, yes, you are hanging from his shoulder as he takes you to a secondary location.
All the blood in your body surges to your head. “Ghost. Ghost, let me down,” You tell him, voice jostling with each step he takes.
No reaction.
If you could just breathe, an action obstructed by his stupid shoulder jabbing into your stomach, and clear the fuzz from your mind (thanks hanging upside down!), you’d make him regret this.
“Put me the fuck down. I’m not fucking kidding.” Again, nothing.
If anything, Ghost actually tightens the hold he has on your hips, accurately predicting that you’re seconds away from kicking him.
Fuuuuuck this. “PUT ME DOWN, YOU OAF. I AM YOUR WIFE, YOU CAN’T JUST-“ You try to be as loud as possible, so maybe someone will hear and save you? Or irritating enough to make him set you on the ground?
Ghost keeps walking. “No,” He tells you before digging fingers into the back of your thigh. It’s painful, and you inadvertently shut your mouth, teeth grinding together. For now.
Once Ghost unlocks your front door, he shoves it open viciously with his boot and locks it behind you without letting you go.
You fully expect him to unceremoniously drop you on the bed, but he- he doesn’t.
He pulls you into his arms like a husband carries his wife on their wedding night and lays you down gently.
Then he backs away as if burned by your skin, backs all the way to the other side of the room.
Shit. Shit. You’re in trouble. You’re in so much trouble, Ghost leans against the wall and crosses his arms, and you can’t meet his gaze; you can only look at his shoes.
He sighs. “You know what’s gonna happen next. Nod if you know.”
You nod, still looking at the ground, and feel the humiliation and anticipation trying to strangle each other in your stomach.
“If you don’t want it, you need to get the fuck outta my sight. Right now. I can’t look at you,” Ghost tells you.
You’re not sure how to find the right words. Do you want to beg? Resist? Ask him if he’s proud of you? You end up shaking your head in a negative and propping yourself up on elbows planted firmly in the bed.
He doesn’t say or do anything for a few minutes. You know he can see you squirm, how your fingers flex and feet tap the ground.
You pick yourself off the bed and walk towards him like a moth drawn to a flame.
Ghost moves as soon as you cave. He plants his large hands on your shoulders and pushes you back, back, back, until your back slams into the wall with his body boxing you in.
Before your head can hit the wall, he slides his palm around the back of your skull to cushion you.
He braces that same arm on the wall as he speaks. “That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some stupid shit.” You’re not really listening because his flexed bicep is right there, above your head, and he has to tap your cheek to get you to focus.
You look up into Ghost’s mask and his eyes- his eyes burn, greedily eating up your blush and your throat bobbing as you swallow your nerves.
His other hand trails along your neck and then wraps around it. “Thought you were s’posed to be smart. My smart, clever girl,” Ghost croons, all condescending like he’s talking to a misbehaving animal.
Then his voice deepens to a sound that’s just a touch inhuman. “You could’ve gotten hurt. That fuckin’ wanker almost laid a finger on you.”
Your heartbeat pounds fast, screaming in your chest. “I got him first,” You point out.
Ghost’s eyes crinkle at the ends. “That you did. You were brilliant there, love, won’t deny it.” Here’s where your flush brightens, where the praise makes you look away. “I see that went straight to your pretty little head.”
He falls silent when your tongue darts out to wet your lips.
“But oh my fuckin’ god. You can’t go ‘round gettin’ into fights like that.”
“It was for Johnny,” You protest weakly. You don’t regret a single thing, but you find yourself caving at the slightest pressure.
The hand on your throat tightens, not tight enough to do anything other than remind you that you’re his. “I don’t bloody care if it was for Jesus Christ himself. Nothing is more important than you. Than your safety,” Ghost amends.
But you heard him. Nothing is more important than you, he says.
Why does he care?
Ghost sees the fight flare up in your face. “Listen to me. Nothing. Not Soap, not me. You- you are…” He’s supposed to be scaring you right now. He’s meant to be reading you the Riot Act, and the part you play is the frightened doe he teaches a lesson to.
You’re scared for a whole different reason.
Ghost is looking at you, looking through you, and it’s like you’re a little girl again, learning that the only time people give a fuck is when you do something for them.
‘Nothing is more important than you’ plays over and over in your mind.
He lets go of your throat to grab your hand, the one you hit Langford with, and his gaze drops to your reddened, bruised knuckles.
When he talks, his voice sounds odd, like he’s shaking the rust off his vocal cords. “Fuck. I was so-“ Ghost cuts himself off.
His fingers are gentle with your fingers. He turns them over, runs his thumb along your palm. You’re not used to people touching you like that.
You find your words as fast as you can. “What? You were so what?” You challenge him.
You feel him drop your hand in favor of digging his fingers into your jaw. “You’ve talked a lot today, doll. The next thing you say better be a fuckin’ apology.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“That’s how you wanna play this?” Ghost asks, eyes flat and unreadable.
You let him apply more pressure so your mouth lolls open, you let him think he’s got you. “Yep.” Then you poke your tongue out and lick the side of the finger pressed into the corner of your lips.
“Another stupid choice,” He tells you before letting go.
He wears holsters strapped on his back and jeans, and for the first time, you’ll get to meet what he keeps in them. “See, I was gonna be nice. Was gonna… fuckin’, I dunno, say some sappy shit, be real sweet, make sure you were okay…” Ghost says matter-of-factly as he finds a single-edged switchblade that is definitely illegal for civilian carry.
There are rules for that sort of thing. The blade is an inch too long, and that popping mechanism was outlawed in 1958.
You know that he keeps bigger knives on him, ones that look like they violate the Geneva Convention. In comparison, this is small fry.
Ghost deliberately pinches the collar of your shirt between his fingers. “But you’re gonna be a bitch about this, aren’t you? I’m gonna have to get it through your thick fuckin’ skull?” He asks, moving far slower than he’s capable of, slow enough that you can stop him if you want to.
You hear yourself pant desperately, you look at him with wide, vulnerable eyes, then hold perfectly still so that he won’t nick you.
The tip of the sharpened knife pokes a tiny hole in the fabric. “Hope you’re not too attached to these, doll,” Ghost tells you before slicing a clean line down the middle.
It’s cold in your bedroom, you had the air conditioner running earlier, and you blame your instinctual shivers on that instead of the need brewing under your skin (and between your legs).
When he pulls the tattered remnants of your shirt from your shoulders, you let him.
Your bra goes next. A swift rip and then your tits hang free and bare, nipples already beginning to harden.
He makes sure to click the blade back into the handle before reaching out to caress the heavy swell of your breasts, unable to resist stroking your soft skin even when he’s mad.
You picked a good day to wear a skirt that falls just past your ass with a hemline that dances teasingly around your thighs. To be clear, it’s not a good day for your skirt itself.
When the blade comes out again, Ghost cuts your skirt with steady fingers that brush your curved stomach.
Then he slips the knife between your underwear and your skin, carefully aiming the sharpened edge out so you feel the cool metal press into your heated skin without risking an accidental cut.
He doesn’t react to how your panties stick to your cunt when he takes them off you, most likely to deprive you of the satisfaction of any reaction at all.
You see part of his balaclava twitch, and after a moment, you realize he’s raising an eyebrow.
Right. Shoes. You kick them off with far too much eagerness.
He returns the closed knife to its designated holster. It’s very safe of him, very proper.
“I won’t go easily,” You remind Ghost.
He answers by covering your eyes with his hand and kissing you, his mask bunched over his nose and pressing awkwardly into your skin.
Each kiss makes you dizzier, hazier, you forget why you’re fighting, he ravages your mouth with his, and when you moan, it makes him even more feral.
He sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, and you shout at the pain and try to curl away. But the hand over your eyes keeps you in place, and you shudder against him, naked and helpless.
The webbed straps of his chest holster grind into your breasts and leave rough streaks of chafe wherever they touch your skin.
His tongue slips against yours, Ghost tastes like smoke and something uniquely him, it feels like he’s pouring nicotine into your synapses, and your spine relaxes, your muscles soft and compliant.
When you try to bite his lip back, he pulls away without acknowledging your unhappy whine.
“Open your fucking mouth,” Ghost snaps.
You do that and even stick your tongue out for good measure. You might not be able to see him, but he can see the little tease of how good you can be.
You hear him spit before you feel the glob of his saliva land messy and hot on your outstretched tongue. Your legs shift, and you press them together, anything to help with the pressure beginning to build in your core and the arousal trickling down your thigh.
Cloth rustles, and then Ghost removes the hand covering your eyes. His mask is back in place like he never lifted it at all. “Step away. Hands behind your back.”
You turn around on unsteady legs, then put your wrists together behind your back as ordered.
Something unclicks behind you, and then he pulls it off his… pants? His belt - he’s cuffing you with his belt, deftly weaving the nylon strap between your wrists and securing it into place.
As you test the strength and make sure he’s restrained your hands in a way that doesn’t cut off circulation, Ghost gathers your hair and drapes it neatly over one shoulder so it won’t bother you.
He touches your back and neck with an almost unbearable fondness. Fuck.
You feel him kiss your shoulder through the mask, closed-mouthed and chaste. “This isn’t coming off until you’re ready to behave,” He murmurs into your skin before sliding an arm around your waist, pulling the mask down, and biting the place he just kissed.
You struggle and twist in his grasp, but he holds fast, and you slump into him with a pained moan. Is he trying to fucking brand you? It sure feels like it.
When Ghost releases you, he turns you around with a hand on your bound wrists and then walks backward faster than you can keep up.
Then he sits on the bed as proudly as a king on a throne and beckons for you.
Without your arms free to help you balance, you stumble a few times, and Ghost watches you with a pleased glint in his gaze. That may be the point.
By the time you get to him, you’re thoroughly unbalanced. “Come on. Yeah, over my lap.” You kneel without complaint, too busy avoiding eating shit to consider resisting.
He helps you lower your torso with an arm placed below your collarbones and a hand flat on your stomach so you don’t face plant into the sheets.
“Are you going to-“ You feel him guide your hips up, encouraging you to place most of your weight on your face and shoulders.
Conveniently leaving your ass exposed. And- and he can see your dripping folds, see proof that you crave him.
He goes on as casually as if he were describing the weather. “Spank you? Yes, I am. A slag like you can’t see reason, obviously. Got to train it in ya.” You practically jump out of your skin when you feel him drag a finger along the inside of your thigh, tracing the rivulets of slick trickling from your pussy.
You feel like a thing, like putty in his hands that he can bat about and talk to like you’re not even there.
“Don’t act like you don’t fucking get off on this. Be honest. Or are you too stupid to do that?” Ghost asks as if he’s just remembered that you can answer questions.
You clench around nothing and desperately wish he’d take that finger playing with the sensitive skin of your thighs, and do something useful with it. “…I do.”
“There’s my needy girl.” He neatly fists a hand in your hair, somehow mindful that you won’t appreciate losing a few strands without you telling him.
His free hand caresses your ass, then up and down the backs of your thighs. You feel him grab one cheek tightly, grinding down with his fingers so he can see red marks bloom under his touch.
You jerk forward with a cry when he hits you the first time, though the hand in your hair keeps you from going very far. Ghost doesn’t spank you hard, more of a warning tap than anything.
The shock smarts more than the blow did. But you’re determined to show that you can, in fact, take a hit better than Langford, so you dig your knees in and psych yourself up for the next spank.
“Fuck is wrong with you?” His voice cracks like thunder, then he follows it with another spank.
This one hurts. Hot, hot pain radiates from the spot he hit, but your body wrenches with a different sensation as your body processes that pain as… well… pleasure.
When he spanks you again, he takes the time to force your head further down into the blankets. “Hm? Running your dumb fucking mouth, talkin’ all that big shit?” Ghost snaps at you.
Each time he spanks you, you cry out, your eyes roll back, and it hurts, and he keeps hitting the same spots, so even when he isn’t touching you, you’re sore. 
Another set of blows, each one harder than the last.
You gotta- you gotta tell him- you push back against his grip, and he lets you lift your head. “God, Ghost, please-“ Your voice is choked-up and pleading, mirroring your thighs trembling with want and your aroused, needy core that he’s fucking ignoring.
He slaps your ass again, this time right where your ass cheek meets your thigh, close but not close enough.
“Please, what? Please, what, doll? Come on. Dumb little doll doesn’t know how to talk?”
Your breaths are ragged, labored, you’re shivering and there’s so much pain that you can’t tell where it stops and where the want begins.
“Harder-“ You cut yourself off with a gasp when he does just that.
That one burns. That one feels like an open flame, like Ghost’s touch is burrowing into your muscles, down down down, like it will leave a lingering mark that you don’t want to fade.
He rubs over your heated skin, massaging away the worst of the soreness. “You’re welcome. Now listen to me,” Ghost speaks in a low, reassuring tone like he’s gentling a startled animal.
He notices the exact moment you get lost in the feeling, when you push back and fucking present yourself in the hopes that he’ll give you more.
Then he cracks his hand against your ass; the sound is louder than your answering shriek. “Listen. You are going to apologize for almost getting hurt. You’re going to mean it. You’re going to swear you’ll never get into a fight again.” Ghost tightens his hold on your hair and twists his wrist to push your face back into the bed, taking back the advantage he granted.
“Or what?” You won’t be able to sit comfortably for a week at least, the ache and the bruises forming have you strung out for the tiniest scrap of pleasure… but you did tell him you wouldn’t go easily.
“Or…” Ghost trails off slowly. Your scalp begins to tingle as his grip grows even tighter.
It’s so painful that you almost miss the two thick fingers he slips into your pussy. Almost.
“Fuck!” You keen, your mouth open as your nails dig into your palms.
He thrusts them into you slowly, lazily, totally unsympathetic to your pleading noises and your muscles quivering around his fingers as he drags them in and out of you.
Your cunt has to stretch to accommodate them, and he grinds into you each time he gets knuckle-deep. And then he holds your head down like you don’t get the privilege of looking at him… Your pussy clenches around him at the thought.
Eventually, Ghost stops moving at all, but you’re gone, you’ve been gone, and when you start fucking yourself on his hand, he lets you.
You can tell he’s rock hard, you can feel his dick through his jeans, but he has far more willpower than you could even imagine, and brushing up against it does nothing. “Oh- oh my god, fuck, that feels…” You pant as you chase the sweetness, chase the tension twisting up your guts that’s so close to boiling over, so close.
Your clit is aching, screaming for pressure, for stimulation, but he doesn’t grant it to you. You can only work your hips against his hand, over and over.
Your eyes close as you speed up, you’re whining, you’re gonna come any second, your cunt can’t stop twitching. “I’m so close, wait what-“
Ghost pulls his fingers out before you tip over the edge.
“Or you’re not coming tonight,” He informs you, and you can hear the stupid fucking grin in his stupid fucking voice.
When you try to protest, to get up and fucking bite him or some shit because that’s not fair, Ghost spanks you with the hand you soaked.
You’re sort of blissed-out, sort of pissed, and a lot horny. “I’m sorry-“ You start in the hopes that Ghost will fold and give you what you fucking want.
His mask rustles as he shakes his head. “I don’t believe you.”
Then he slides you off his lap like you weigh nothing so he can stand.
Ghost keeps you in the same position, head down, ass up, and nudges your thighs open a bit wider.
You can’t see him through any of this. That seems to be something he’s taking full advantage of. You can’t touch him, you have no idea what’s happening next.
The only clue you have that he’s taken his mask off again is when he puts his tongue on your sensitive, aroused clit.
(He really should just take the damn thing off more regularly. This is inconvenient, and it’s not like there’s anything under there that could make him less attractive.)
He laps at your swollen folds with his hands on your hips to steady you, and the thoughts melt straight out of your head and drool from the corner of your mouth.
You struggle against the belt in earnest this time, maybe you can loosen it enough to slip your hands out and get away from Ghost and his planned torment. As much as your body pleads to stay put, as much as you want to push yourself back and let him consume you, let him fuck you stupid with his tongue, you know it will end soon.
And he’s going to be fucking mean about it.
Ghost takes his breathing break as an opportunity to taunt you. “You’re not goin’ anywhere,” He promises, leaving handprint bruises on your thighs.
Your stomach churns as he sucks on your clit, like there’s a knife slicing through you, and it’s the hot, burning pleasure pulsing through your body.
You’re not sure you can hold yourself up any longer, your knees waver like you’re a baby deer, and oh God, you’re going to come again, you can feel the spasms in your cunt grow stronger and stronger.
The beginnings of your orgasm tremble through your muscles, so close that you can taste it, you feel it throbbing with every beat of your heart.
He keeps sucking, his wet mouth relentless and dragging you painfully to the edge of the cliff. “Ghost, please, please let me- Fuck!” You wail as he backs off. 
Tears well in your eyes as the tremors fade into nothing.
You get yourself upright before he can stop you. “Why are you being such a dick?” You blurt out, lurching forward on your knees like if you can get to him, you can do… something. You’re not sure what, other than that you want to kill him.
Ghost blinks a couple of times.
In the silence that follows, the deadly, threatening silence, you realize your mistake. “Just- just let me come, I’ll be good. I promise. Just wanna come.” You beg, you sit down and tilt your head up like a dog doing a trick, and you pray he gives you grace.
He gets his hand around your throat faster than a snake striking its prey. This time, Ghost squeezes the sides hard enough to make you see white lights. “I am being a dick,” He agrees congenially. “But that’s not what you need to say, is it?”
“…no,” You mumble.
The next thing you feel after he releases you is his palm meeting your cheek. Hard.
“Have I spoiled you that much? You think you can fuckin’ ignore me?” Ghost sounds so calm, so authoritative.
After the ringing in your ears clears, you’re proud to see that you’re still upright. “No, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” You stretch your jaw a few times to release the ache from his slap.
He hunches over, puts his hands on his knees, and gets right in your face. “Oh, but you did,” Ghost whispers. 
There’s something about the fogginess clinging to your eyelashes and the inside of your ears and the folds of your brain that makes his skull mask seem more than real.
A hovering specter of exposed bone, hollow eye sockets with no end, and a gaping, horrifying maw.
You’re starting to understand why people call him Ghost and mean it.
Your mouth goes dry. “Please, I’m begging you,” You whimper, eyes round with awe and flustered blood rising in your cheeks.
He nods, and you swear there must be hearts in your eyes at his approval. “Mm. I like that. Beg again.”
“Ghost. Husband. I’ll be so good. Anything. I’ll do anything. I can’t take it, I need to come so badly.” You lean forward to touch your forehead to his, making yourself as obedient as possible. For the most part.
“That’s not an apology.” Then he sighs, long and drawn-out and aggravated. “Anything, you say?” Ghost asks.
“Alright. You can come…. When you promise not to fight. And you’re gonna wait until you do,” He tells you as he slips his hand between your slick thighs.
“No…” You moan. He’s doing it again, torturing you again, you just want to give up, you feel him play with your throbbing clit, and it hurts so good.
Ghost clamps a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to roll your hips against his hand. “Sounds like you weren’t listening. Now that makes me think you don’t care.” Shit. Shiiiiit. He pushes a single finger into you, and you collapse into him as you start to ride it, hips jerking unconsciously.
He laughs when he hears you squeal. “You’re just a mindless whore who’d let half the fuckin’ base run through you, aren’t ya?” He’s found your g-spot, he rubs the patch of ridged flesh inside your cunt over and over.
Sweat beads on the back of your neck and drips down your spine, your fucked-out gaze can hardly focus on him, you feel like you’re burning alive in your skin.
“Don’t even need me at this point…” He circles your clit one more time and your mouth hangs open and you want to beg, but you can’t focus-
Tears fall down your cheeks when he wipes his fingers on your heaving breasts.
“No, no, no, Ghost, I need you. I want you. No-nobody else. I do care, please, you’re the only one,” You sob into his chest, pushing your nose into the fabric of his hoodie because it’s soft and smells like him, warm and like home.
You feel him rub your back, then slip a few fingers between the belt and your wrists to test your comfort.
You nod without lifting your head. “I- I was- I’m listening, promise, I can’t- you gotta make me come, don’t want anybody else.” You’re so tired, so worn out. There’s a patch of dampness on his jacket from your weeping, and you let out little high-pitched whimpers like a neglected kitten.
He frees your hands in an instant. “If I gotta repeat myself, I’m gonna leave you here,” Ghost tells you, though his voice isn’t as mean as before.
Your arms cling to his neck as you nuzzle your face into the space below his sharp jaw. “Ghost. Don’t go.” The edge of his balaclava muffles your words, but you don’t have the strength to say them to him straight.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so stupid,” You sniffle before bringing a hand to your nose to wipe a little snot.
Ghost gently knocks your fingers away and replaces them with the edge of his sleeve, delicately cleaning the mucus from your upper lip.
Next, he dries your cheeks with the shadow-black fabric.
You protest when he unhooks your arms from his neck, and your hands scrabble for purchase in the hood of his jacket.
One soft look, his fingers brush your chafed wrists, and you let him lay you down. “Took you long enough,” Ghost quips as he unbuttons his pants and pulls out his dick, mouthwateringly hard and long. He pumps his cock a few times.
You’re in a daze, hovering in that raw space on the other side of crying but wanting him anyways, needing him more than anything.
“Spread your legs, love.”
Ghost leans in like he’s about to kiss you. Then he remembers his mask and changes his mind, having lifted it enough today.
He taps your sensitive clit with the fat head of his cock, and you suppress your shudders, how your legs automatically try to close and get away from the feeling. “I won’t do it again,” You tell him, voice breathless and sweet.
Once he’s coated in enough of your arousal, he keeps one hand flat on your pelvis as he pushes in. “Fuck- fuck, I…” You groan. There’s never any room in your body left for air when he fucks you. Never.
He’s so large that it hurts a little when he’s bottomed out, you can hardly twitch or clamp down like you desperately want because of how fucking full you are.
You can feel every inch of him, you’re on the brink of crying again because all of those denied orgasms are tearing at your insides, and your painfully aroused cunt screams that you can’t take it, that it’s too much, too good, he’s too big.
You have to be good. “Uh, I won’t fight, aah-“ That’s the only thing that gets you to say the words he wants through numb lips, especially when Ghost starts to thrust, and your pussy convulses around him each time.
He moves slowly, really slowly, shallow at first, your tits bouncing in time, and you’re crying out underneath him, so used to all that edging that you subdue your pleasure on instinct.
The slick sounds of his cock sliding in and out are loud and profane, filling the room more than your weak, almost pathetic whines do.
The solid, imposing weight of his body settles you down so you can enjoy his faster, harder pace, and his balls slap against your ass as he fucks you open. “Promise?” Ghost pants, his hands pressing your knees almost to your chest.
He’s looking for something. He moves your legs every few thrusts, opens you up a little more, tilts your pelvis up and-
When his dick catches on your g-spot, your tears cover your cheeks and trickle into your hair in earnest. “Yes, yes, shit, hngh- I promise…” You’re so wet that you can feel it dripping down to the bed and pooling under you, you feel that familiar pressure building, except this time it’s stronger, it’s got a stranglehold on you.
Every time the fly of his pants brushes your engorged clit, your eyes go large and you hiccup, unable to moan properly because it’s like electricity is coursing down your spine.
He kisses the side of your face before nailing that sensitive spot with terrifying, mind-breaking accuracy.
“Come on. You can do it,” Ghost groans, cursing under his breath when you squeeze him so tightly that he almost loses his grip on your thighs.
Oh. Oh. He wants- he’s trying to make you…
“I can’t, I don’t know how, I, I-“ You sob, the pleasure is so intense that you feel nauseous, he’s rutting into your body furiously, and you’re stuck on a horrible knife’s edge of needing to come or you’ll die, but it’s not happening.
He nudges your knee until you wrap one leg around his hips. “It’s alright, love. Let me help you. That’s it, that’s a good girl,” Ghost shushes you before slowing down so he can place his hand on your throat and restrict the blood rushing to your head.
Everything goes sweet and hazy, and you give him a cock-drunk smile in return, eyes rolling back and drool stuck to the corner of your lips.
Once you’re suitably pliant, he slides that hand between you and finds your aching clit. “Just focus on me.” He’s pressing his forehead to yours, you look into his dark, fathomless eyes ringed with pale lashes.
The coil tightens, and you arch into him, gasping and biting down on your lip so hard that you draw blood. 
“Ghost, fuck, can I-“ You beg, voice choked and strung out as his fingers move faster on your clit, circling it in tandem with his cock pounding you so deep that it feels like he never ends.
“Go on. Come for me. I know you can.” Ghost pinches your clit, and you come with a wail, thighs shaking, your cunt seizing and it fucking gushes out of you, you soak his jeans, you clamp down so tightly that he slips out.
He replaces his dick with three fingers slotted right on your g-spot, moving in quick, jerky thrusts to see you through it. “Holy fuck. Did you just…” He mutters as your eyes screw shut, and your nails snag his shoulders. 
You feel like you’re dying, you can’t stop fucking squirting, the waves grow and grow-
Your hips jerk for the last time, and you’re left a whimpering, quivering mess of oversensitive nerves, the last of the aftershocks still simmering in your muscles.
Ghost kisses your forehead as he carefully withdraws his fingers. “You’re too good to me,” He tells you with something like awe in his rough voice.
You slump to the bed, boneless and empty, not even giving a fuck that the sheets are all messy with sweat and… squirt?
That’s new, you think blearily. That kind of shit only happens in porn? Right?
Your head lolls to the side so you can watch him through lidded eyes.
He moves you out of the wet patch with one arm under your back and the other under your knees, then tucks himself back into his boxers.
“Wait… you didn’t- you didn’t come…” Your voice is fucked up and hoarse, and maybe you should give in to the overwhelming urge to sleep, but…
Did he not want to? You did everything he asked.
He shakes his head. “Nah. Don’t need to. You were perfect, you learned your lesson.” He splays a hand out on your stomach, luxuriating in your squishiness.
Your brow furrows. “Ghost…” Then you rub the sweat and crusted tears from your eyes and set your mouth in a mulish, determined line.
He watches you like a hawk. “Yeah?”
“Please? Fuck me?” You ask as you touch his forearm with a weak hand.
A beat passes. “You’re crying. And you drenched me, the bed too,” He tries to reason with you. You see him swallow harshly, you know he’s shifting where he sits because he’s given himself blue balls.
Your eyes flutter when the exhaustion almost gets you, but you power through it. “It’s okay. I- I’m tough. I want you to come.”
“Yeah. Alright… Tough girl.” Then Ghost reaches for your hips with all kinds of enthusiasm that tells you the truth.
It was sweet of him to try and be gallant. You’d rather he break you open and fill you up.
To be extra nice, you even hold your knees apart so he can push back in.
You’re not going to come again, you’re too fried for that, but it still feels… incredible. You’re glad for all the extra lubrication and that you can make him feel good.
Ghost fucks you with abandon, and deep, animalistic groans echo from his throat. “Shit- I could fuck you forever, you’re squeezin’ me so tight, fuckin-“ He grunts, head tilted back the tiniest bit and composure gone.
Breathe, you tell yourself, breathe. Do it for him.
“God, you’re beautiful.” Your swollen pussy spasms from the praise, constricting him so tight that he cries out. You just can’t help yourself when he says shit like that, especially when he’s making you ache in such an addictive way.
His hips move faster. “You like that? You like it when I tell you how good this fuckin’ pussy feels?” Yeah. Yeah, you do.
“Fuck, fuck fuck-“ You feel him orgasm, he paints your walls with his cum, then grinds those last few thrusts so deep that you cry out.
His pelvis bumps the backs of your thighs like he’s trying fuck his cum in as deep as it will go.
Ghost catches his breath as he softens inside you, panting as raggedly as you are.
He pulls out before dropping his chest harness to the side and unzipping his hoodie so he can clean you up.
You can’t stand the thought of anything touching anywhere near your beat the fuck up pussy right now, so you shove his hands away and drag Ghost down to snuggle.
Of course, he obliges you and helps you rest your head on his shoulder as you curl into his muscular frame like a little bug.
“What happens if the fight comes to me?” You ask. 
He’s running a hand up and down your spine, soft touches to bring you back to earth in a gentle, comforting way.
His hand stops until you kick his shin, gently, then he starts up again. “You run,” Ghost says.
“What happens if I can’t run?” You press your cheek into his t-shirt, so close that you can feel the heat of his skin through it. And a little rhythm that must be his heartbeat.
Next, Ghost threads his fingers through your sweaty, messy hair and attentively smooths it away from your face. “You call me. I’ll come get you. Every time.”
Hope y'all liked this one! Next chapter will be super soft/sweet/fluffy with lots of caretaking, I promise.
@abbiesxox @thedevillovesflowers @poohkie90 @averyyreads @lialacleaf @backupgal @kitty-satan1 @androgynoushellscape @555ilovecats @pinkwigonmytv @almightywdm @discowizard88 @castielsangelsx @jaymicrosoft @rengokulover96 @copiasratscheese @fluffysmiko @d3athtr4psworld @idesofarch @teenagegever2k22 @badame0224 @toilet-paper-headbands @itsrosebabe @bangirl134 @silverianni @nezukos-number1fan @deadpoetsandhoney @crowsjourney @vanevafu @xxghostyx @rafaelacallinybbay @akaotv @chibijusstuff @wasteland-babe @anubiseqq @lilpothoscuttings @soapyghost @maliceex59 @valdemarismynonbinarylove
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Exploring dofus-le-film.com and talking about movie-related events. [PART 1]
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This will not go into the goldmine that is the interview Tot and Xa give about Joris. This is just a little, self-indulgent post. I hope you will enjoy it nevertheless.
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The first silly action I took was extracting the site's icon and enlarging it in Aseprite, so here's your daily dose of cute official Joris pixel art. Anyway.
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I love how the movie blurb literally lies about Khan being Joris's life-long idol.
Most of them include the information we already know, so I will only be pointing out things I personally find interesting.
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For example - this art here depicts Joris's bald head under the hood as very round. Very useful info for us joris enjoyers. Reblog to slap his bald head, like to slap his bald head.
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(Hacks up blood) Deeply caring in nature... papa poule... It is the second time, when Kerubim is called that, in his character bios, and I would like you to remember are these different explanations of this word combo:
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I'm insane. I love him a lot.
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Bakara is a pleasure to have in class :)
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Anyway, I love how non-specific and non-alarming these character bios are. We can't scare the hoes by saying that beneath her cool exterior she wants to kill people around her and also drink 20 gallons of vodka, so "shy and stuck up" it shall be.
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Again, it's hilarious how non-threatening these character bios are, considering Lilotte's whole parent thing is basically: (substitute "women" with "kids with families")
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Coloring pages + Crayon Contest
A part of me wanted to be "haha, I colored all these coloring pages, for the Full Understanding of The Experience of this movie."
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Then I realized that, as a person who is making a Joris painted music video, and had drawn at least 1:07 minutes worth of artwork of him and some other characters of this movie, I would rather-- [remembers that suicide jokes are bad] take cactus for a wife, than draw him for this blog too. I'm sorry.
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Not much to be said about the contest, though this is epic:
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This little Joris can be found at the bottom of the "win some crayons" page. It's cute.
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This image was drawn for MIFA.
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I want to unpack what is occurring here:
Goultard is holding his dragon boyfriend rather gayly on the shoulder. Interesting.
One of the candles landed in Nox's face?
Atcham, Joris, and Lilotte were holding the cake together. Lilotte is sitting on Yugo's shoulder, while Joris is standing on Kerubim's arms. It is reasonable to assume that Yugo turned to the camera, which made Lilotte turn as well, which made Atcham fall, which made Kerubim step away, and the only people carrying the cake who are still even a bit happy are Joris and Yugo.
Adamai is getting ready to catch Joris when in like 5 seconds all of them are going to be tumblring down Atcham-style.
Incredible. But this illustration is not the only gem that Annecy has brought us!
It also brought us more of Atcham being cool and awesome.
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I'm insane.
There's more rare art here: these t-shirts featuring designs from a fan contest.
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They were made in limited numbers. I'm including them here because we don't exactly have copies of the artwork, and I am insane about preserving art. It might be somewhere — but that somewhere is probably 2016 french facebook, so as far as I'm concerned, trying to seek these out is a lost cause.
Exclusive Merch
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There were playing cards, and I am happy to report we DO have artwork for them in HD:
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And also, here's a slightly higher definition little game sprite esque Joris:
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This is the future crepinjurgenites want.
Kerubim VS Atcham Rigged Pet Contest
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I am sad to report that Atchamheads have lost again, in this rigged contest. Imagine asking:
Would you like a fluffy guy you have watched an entire series about, or this bald guy who appears twice in the franchise?
At the very least, this gives us a canonical kitten Atcham design.
(Also, both of them were added, jsyk... Still salty though.)
Maliki Art
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Maliki is a webcomic not made by Ankama, but with a long relationship and connection to Ankama due to being published by them in the past.
It's cute, really.
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mmprviolet · 9 months
Why I love Earthspark
Spoilers ahead
Female characters treated like people and not weird or afterthoughts
The child characters act like children and not mini adults to please boomers
The Decepticons have more than just Card Carrying Evil
Starscream's abuse is finally taken seriously for once and without woobifying him
Megatron is Scottish
The terrans are cool
NB rep for both terran and human
The main human family are Black American and Filipino
Seriously when was the last tine we saw an interracial pair where both parties are nonwhite?
Dot is a badass, we learn about her as a person, disabled but treated with agency
Alex is also a badass and a bumblebee fanboy, yet we also learn a bit about him
Dot and Alex 🤝 Tom and Maddie = healthy relationships in classic kid properties
Elita is also a badass she's also closer to her personality than the weird trope of making her a villain or fridging her
Bumblebee is a struggling young adult and not a infantilized annoying caricature
Actually his arc seems to be one giant rebuttal against the trend of making him Kid Appeal by having him struggle with being a mentor and dealing with kids
Breakdown is Sonic the Hedgehog
The main human villain is a legitimate threat without being a villain sue or boring
The other main villain is literally named Karen (and also a legit threat)
Optimus Prime is back to being funny and not a overly serious messiah, angry old man, Nerd or cop
Soundwave's revenge bod
Skywarp and Nova Storm are girls and can put up a fight they also have more relevancy than u can say with TFA Blackarachnia
Scratch that Skywarp in animated media again and gets to use her powers
Dot and Mo have natural hair and even wear bonnets
If you look past Mo's rather uncanny design she's actually really cute and lovable
Robby is cool too
Thrash and Twitch hmmm love seeing two characters of both worlds embracing all their heritage
TWITCH'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT especially her dynamic with Megatron
He calls her little bird
Nigthshade. Just Nightshade. Cool altmode cool personality, doesn't sugarcoat their identity (it's not 5000% perfect but still very great to see)
Really good message about respecting history while also thinking for yourself and new generation not making those same mistakes
the old generation gets to learn and grow too, the only ones who don't refuses to
Bringing in characters like Tarantulas, Hardtop, basically characters we haven't seen much of
Love how the experiences characters go thru aren't easily wiped away a la Grimlock and Hashtag both experiencing PTSD from the harm inflicted on them and allowed to feel those emotions
Steve Blum is Starscream again but still sounds fresh and not rip Prime beat for best
The cultural details while not 5000% perfect are pretty great like league above past shows
Like you can tell more than one writer of color is in the room
More nonwhite VAs instead of the usual 3-4 max
Angered the ultra conservatives
Thrash is Hunter and Kid Andrias
Jawbreaker is funny as hell I also liked his abilities and dynamic with grimlock.
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