#but it is also tiring and always feels like a step aside from the character itself
satyricplotter · 6 months
i find it very funny the one place my heart went to find a (visual) depiction of bruce I liked best was in extremely nsfw yaoi batjokes fanart (as opposed to the comics, say). looked at him taking the joker way up his guts and went yep that's mr. wayne.
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months
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The Devil at Your Window |6: A Clarifying Moment|
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word count: 4k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/Tags: 18+; fluff, flirting, sexual tension, light angst, pining, eventual smut, identity reveal, and lots of black suit Matty
a/n: It has been far too long since this series was updated! Hope y'all enjoy! Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tag list: @danzer8705 @darkened-writer @keepingitlokiii @kezibear @dorothleah @sarahskywalker-amidala @1988-fiend @haruari @sleepysleepymom @marveious @sunflower-tia @fizanotfeeza @cloudroomblog @babygirlmurdock @writtenbyred @idontevenknow1359 @scriptedmoon
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Startling on the couch as the oven timer beeped behind you, the noise interrupted you from the romance novel you'd been absorbed in for most of the evening. You earmarked the page you hadn't yet finished before leaning over and setting the book aside on your coffee table. Reluctantly rising from your cozy place on the couch, you tossed your blanket off and were immediately met with the faint chill of your apartment.
Breathing in the sweet, delicious scent of chocolate that was currently permeating its way through your place, you stepped around your couch and headed into the kitchen. Tonight you'd decided to pull out the boxed brownie mix you’d had in a cabinet and bake this evening as a comfort to yourself. Partly because doing something with your hands calmed you, and partly because you were craving something sweet to indulge in after the confusing day you’d had. 
You'd been in an unusual mood today ever since your coworker, Stephanie, had once more mentioned the idea of setting you up on a date with one of her friends at lunch earlier. You hadn't been able to shake that weird feeling that had since been growing in your gut. Though today wasn't the first time that she had mentioned setting you up with her friend, Dylan; she had mentioned him a few times to you over the past couple of months. 
Admittedly Dylan had sounded like someone you'd be interested in meeting from what she had told you about him, but you'd always been far too nervous to ever agree to let her give him your number. For weeks there had often been a part of you that regretted not just letting her because you'd long grown tired of coming home to an empty apartment night after night. You always wished that you had someone in your life who'd be here when you returned, someone to spend your weekends and evenings with. Someone instead of just the fictional characters in your books and television shows. But you were also tired of all the failed first dates you'd gone on, too. And a part of you was afraid that's exactly how things would end up with Dylan.
But Stephanie had also first mentioned Dylan to you before the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen had fallen onto your fire escape during that snowstorm. And since then you had gone and stupidly formed a crush on him. Which had left you conflicted about the whole situation now. Did you accept a date with Dylan and potentially risk ruining whatever the hell was going on with you and the Devil–which seemed like it was mostly a whole lot of nothing at the moment. Or did you decline what could possibly be something worthwhile just for the possibility that the strange masked vigilante could actually be a potential love interest for you? Though you were certainly aware of how ridiculous just thinking that sounded considering you had no idea who the Devil even was, what he looked like, or what he did outside of committing illegal acts of vigilantism most nights while apparently not feeding himself. 
Grabbing the oven mitts from off of your countertop beside the stove with one hand, you reached your other hand out to turn off the timer and silence the incessant beeping of your oven. Slipping both oven mitts onto your hands, you bent down and opened the oven door before reaching inside and carefully retrieving the tray of brownies. Pulling them out, you set them on top of the stove to begin cooling. 
Even now as you slid the oven mitts off of your hands and turned off the oven, you could feel that odd feeling continuing to gnaw at your insides. Truthfully you knew the logical thing to do was to just give Dylan a chance. You probably should just finally set up a date with him and see what happened. Maybe things would work out and maybe they wouldn't. 
But even as you thought that, the masked man's smiling mouth appeared in your mind and your stomach twisted into knots while your heart simultaneously beat a little erratically in your chest. The thought of accepting a date with someone else–someone that wasn’t the curious and charming Devil–almost made you feel sick to your stomach. Which was absolutely idiotic and ridiculous. Especially because you hadn’t forgotten his comment about not wanting a relationship from the very first night you’d met him. You recalled how he’d said that a significant other would be a liability and a distraction. Which to you meant that the likelihood of something happening between you both, despite him seeming to constantly flirt with you, was slim. 
Yet still you found yourself clinging to hope with both of your desperate hands.
The resounding tap tap tap of three sharp knocks from behind you drew you straight from your thoughts. Tossing the oven mitts in your hands onto your counter, you spun around in your kitchen, craning your neck to peer out of your window from where the sound had come. Not surprisingly, the Devil was standing on your fire escape and grinning back at you through the glass. 
The sight of him had your stomach pathetically somersaulting inside of you. You were so excited to finally see him for the first time this week that you didn’t even bother fighting the smile that had hastily spilled its way across your lips.
“Apparently you only need to think of the Devil for him to appear,” you quietly whispered to yourself. 
As you began making your way over towards him, you saw his head tilt to the side, the smile growing even wider on his mouth. Though the closer you neared to the window, the more you were able to spot the blood smeared along the lower half of his face just below the black fabric of his mask. Concern quickly replaced the excitement you’d initially felt at the sight of him, your feet hurrying you faster towards the window. 
Unlocking it in a rush, you shoved the window all the way up and stepped to the side so the Devil could climb into your apartment. A cold burst of air flew inside as you watched him bend down, your arms quickly wrapping around your chest to keep warm.
“Are you alright?” you asked anxiously. 
The Devil began to slip his way through the window’s opening, but as he moved with ease through the small gap, your eyes curiously landed on what he was carrying. A bouquet of white and pink lilies. You pulled a face at the sight of them, brows furrowing together in absolute confusion. Why was the Devil running around with a bouquet of flowers tonight?
“Perfectly alright,” the Devil answered, drawing your attention back to his masked face. “Why do you ask?”
You watched as he straightened up, shooting you a wide, blood-stained smile. Grimacing at the grisly sight, you shook your head before turning and closing the window after him. The howling of the wind quieted, though the bitterness of the winter night lingered in your apartment. 
“Because your face is covered in blood,” you said, turning back around and pointing a finger at him. “It looks like your nose was bleeding.”
The Devil raised his free hand up, his gloved fingers dabbing at his nose which was still mostly hidden by the material of his mask. Shrugging his shoulders, his hand lowered back to his side as his attention returned to you.
“Must’ve stopped,” he replied. “Though admittedly someone did manage to hit me in the face tonight. Was actually part of the reason why I’m a bit later stopping by than I’d planned. And why these,” he said, extending the bouquet of flowers out towards you, your eyes widening in shock at the gesture, “are probably looking a little worse for wear now. Had to stop a mugging on my way to come see you, which wasn’t part of the plan, either.”
Standing there in absolute stunned silence, your eyes were glued to the bouquet of lilies. Admittedly a few of them did look a little battered, but overall they were beautiful. You could smell the fragrant scent of them over the strong smell of brownies coming from your kitchen. But you had no idea how to even react to the bouquet that he was offering you, and your lack of response was seemingly becoming apparent to the Devil judging by the way his smile faltered along his lips.
“I–I don’t understand,” you finally stammered out. “Flowers? You brought flowers for…me?”
The Devil’s head tilted to the side, his smile gradually slipping off his face. Though his hand with the bouquet remained outstretched towards you, your eyes still very much focused on them in confusion. Did you dare to hope they were meant as some sort of romantic gesture from him? That maybe he’d planned to stop by and possibly ask you out on a date tonight? Maybe he’d finally tell you exactly who he was? Let you see his face? You felt your excitement flooding through your body at just the thought of that. 
“Of course they’re for you, angel,” he said, his usual charming smile returning. “They’re a thank you. For that Devil’s Pantry you set up earlier this week.”
Immediately your heart–which you hadn’t even realized had begun beating frantically in ecstatic hopefulness at that nickname uttered from his beautiful mouth–stuttered in your chest before slowing back down as the rest of what he’d said registered in your ears. Of course that’s why he’d brought you flowers, it was the only reason that would’ve made sense.
“Oh,” you breathed out. “Uh, well thank you, but you really didn’t need to do that.”
Something about the slight twitch to the corner of his bloodied lips and the shifting of his head caught your eye. You wondered what face he was making behind his mask as you cautiously reached out and accepted the bouquet from his hand. Not for the first time you found yourself wishing that you could see his full expression instead of so much black. 
“I wanted to thank you,” he told you. “Not many people think about me like you do. Worry about me.” With a chuckle he added, “ Or my kidneys.”
You laughed half-heartedly, still trying to recover from having stupidly misread the flowers as you turned and made your way into the kitchen in search of something to use as a vase. You didn’t often receive flowers, which meant you didn’t have an actual vase on hand–something you were currently feeling a little embarrassed about and hoping he wasn't judging you for.
“Well you really should be drinking more water,” you told him, eventually pulling out a large glass from a cabinet. “You’re going to have kidney damage before you know it.”
“Pretty sure there’ll be worse things happening to me before then,” he joked back. “Considering how I spend my evenings, just having both kidneys still intact already sounds like a win.”
You rolled your eyes at him, bringing the glass over towards your faucet and filling it with water. When it was half filled, you turned off the faucet and slipped the bouquet into the makeshift vase, pausing to admire the pretty flowers. Briefly you’d wondered why he’d picked lilies, but the thought quickly vanished when your eyes caught sight of a few specks of blood splattered along some of the petals. The Devil’s blood, you guessed. 
Turning, you set the flowers down on your kitchen counter before your attention returned to the Devil. He was still standing beside your window and silently watching you. With the light from your living room shining on him, you could more clearly see the blood covering the lower half of his face. You winced at the sight.
“What?” he asked. “Something wrong?”
“Just that you have a lot of–” you paused, gesturing a hand towards your mouth, “–blood still on your face. Would you mind if maybe I…helped you clean that up? Make sure your nose really did stop bleeding?”
For a moment the masked man stood there, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet as if he was contemplating your offer. Eventually he slowly nodded.
“I suppose so,” he answered. 
“Alright, let me just grab a wash cloth or something,” you told him, exiting your kitchen and making your way past him. “You can make yourself comfortable on the couch if you’d like.”
As you headed down the short hallway and into your bathroom, you heard the strangely light sound of his footsteps in those heavy boots of his. You assumed he’d done exactly what you'd suggested and sat down. 
Once in the bathroom, you bent down and opened the cabinet beneath your sink, your eyes scanning the towels you had stored in the small space. Finding a navy blue hand towel that looked dark enough to not show a permanent bloodstain, you pulled it out before closing the cabinet door and standing back up. Turning on the bathroom faucet, you gave the water a few seconds to warm up before you wetted the fabric of the towel. Afterwards, you wrung out the extra water before leaving the bathroom and making your way back down the short hall towards your living room. 
You found the Devil sitting on your couch just as you'd expected. As you approached him, you noticed how his masked head appeared to track your movements, following each of your footsteps towards him through the room. For some reason his gaze so closely focused on you had you feeling exceptionally self-conscious, a shudder running down your spine. But you also noticed a spark of something you’d never quite felt before shoot through you like wildfire. You realized that you liked the intensity of his gaze on you. Probably more than you should have considering his face was half-covered in his own blood.
Lowering yourself onto the couch beside him, you bit your lip as you tucked your legs up underneath yourself on the cushion. Resting an elbow on the backrest of the couch, you turned and faced him completely. He’d moved a little towards you in turn when you’d settled down, his masked face shifting towards you. Hesitantly you reached your left hand out, though it immediately hovered in the space between you both, your fingers mere inches from his face. His head canted the smallest fraction to the side at your hesitation.
“Is it alright if I lift the mask just enough to uncover your nose?” you asked, your voice softer than you’d intended. “I promise I won’t lift it any higher.”
The Devil's lips curled faintly upwards at your question before he nodded once.
“I trust you,” he answered in his deep voice.
Something about him so casually stating that he trusted you had your tongue darting out to nervously wet your lips, your heart thudding a little more loudly in your own ears. Left hand closing the remaining distance between you both, you gingerly grasped the black fabric of his mask between your thumb and index finger, very aware of how intimate this felt–especially as your fingers brushed against the skin of his cheek. The moment felt almost as intimate as the time you’d undressed him from his wet clothes and kept him warm while he’d been meditating in your apartment. You figured not many people–if any–had ever been allowed to so easily touch his mask. And yet here you were, raising it just a few centimeters to reveal a fraction more of his bloodied nose so that you could clean that blood from off of him. 
Briefly you held your breath as you raised the mask, too focused on the slow reveal of a little more of this mysterious man's face to do much else. Though you didn’t dare push your luck with raising it any higher than the marginal bit you had once the bottom of his nose was no longer covered. Reluctantly your fingers released the fabric and your left hand gently came to rest along his neck, just below his jaw, in an attempt to balance yourself as you leaned forward towards him. Reaching your thumb up to the underside of his chin, your finger carefully tilted his face at a better angle. Carefully you began to clean off the blood along the bottom of his nose with the damp towel in your other hand. 
You were thankful that the blood washed off his skin fairly easily and required minimal effort of scrubbing on your part as the Devil sat quiet and still beneath your hands. Because truthfully as you worked, your mind was focused on his skin beneath your left hand, finding it hard to believe that you were touching such a vulnerable spot on his neck. It was taking every ounce of your energy to stay focused on your task–as it usually seemed to be whenever you helped the Devil like this. It didn't help that you couldn't see his eyes beneath the mask, making you wonder if he was as focused on you as you were on him.
When you'd finally cleaned his nose, you began to wash the blood from beside his mouth next. While you worked, you noticed that his lips had visibly parted just enough for you to feel the warm breath passing between them. As each of his exhales brushed over the back of your knuckles, you felt yourself becoming a little lightheaded. That's when you suddenly realized just how close you'd ended up leaning in towards him on the couch. 
Your eyes darted up, your pulse increasing when you saw that masked face mere inches from yours. Accidentally losing your balance when you’d tried to shift backwards and put some space between you both, you instead almost fell forward into his lap on the couch cushion you were both sharing. It was the Devil’s gloved hand darting up in response, landing on your hip and easily steadying you, that kept you from tumbling right into him. Though for some reason his hand hadn't just steadied you, it had pulled you back in towards him once he'd helped you regain your balance. And then he’d left it there. 
Trying to calm your heart that was still thundering loud in your own ears, your eyes focused on his mouth as you took a deep breath in. The sight of his plush lips just within your reach was making it difficult for you to think about anything else–like cleaning off the rest of the blood along his stubbled chin. At this point, heat wasn't just creeping up your neck at how embarrassing this all was, but also at the fact that your hand had somehow come to rest along his cheek. It didn't help that his large gloved hand was still gripping your hip and keeping you close.
“Sorry,” you muttered awkwardly.
The corner of his lip twitched before his expression became unreadable once more. 
“Don't worry about it, angel,” he replied in his gravely tone. 
Forcing yourself to return to your task, your hand on his cheek tilting his face once more, you finished gently cleaning off the blood from the rest of him. Though the air still felt tense and charged with something impossible to ignore as you drew the bloodied blue towel away from the Devil’s face. Staring back at him, your eyes couldn't resist memorizing the bit of his nose that you’d revealed a bit ago. You didn't often get to see much more of his face, so you wanted to take full advantage of your current opportunity. But inevitably your gaze dropped lower and you found yourself once more mesmerized by his still slightly parted lips–the same lips that often haunted your dreams lately. Tempted to trace the line of them with a finger, your thumb on his cheek slid closer to his mouth entirely of its own accord. His own hand immediately squeezed your hip in response. You froze instantly.
You'd thought about a moment like this occurring between you both far too often lately. A moment where he'd let his guard down after all of those teasing flirtatious comments you’d endured, one where he actually let you in. A moment when he'd stop messing around with you and just finally kiss you. Because right now you swore you could feel something in the air between you both, swore that he'd even leaned in closer towards you. And his damn hand was still on your hip long after he had used it to steady you, even drawing you closer to him with it. 
There was something going on here. There had to be. If there wasn't, why did he keep giving you all these signals otherwise? Bringing you flowers as a thank you? Letting you take care of him? Repeatedly showing up at your place and considering it somewhere safe for him? With the way you acted around him, he had to know you were attracted to him. 
But before anything more could happen, the Devil’s hand quickly released your hip and simultaneously crushed your hopes. He loudly cleared his throat, his hand reaching up instead to lower the mask back over his nose as he turned his face away from you. Your hand fell from his cheek, embarrassment further burning through you at the obvious rejection. Lips pressing together, you quickly slid away from him on the couch and rose to your feet. 
“Thank you,” he said, voice tense.
“Of course,” you replied, eyes on your feet as you maneuvered around your coffee table. “Couldn't have you wearing your blood while you were here. I'm just going to rinse out this towel and then I can grab you some water.” Hurriedly making your way down the short hallway towards your bathroom, you said over your shoulder, “I made brownies if you want some.”
“I know,” the Devil called back. “I could smell them from half a block away.”
Stepping into your bathroom, you paused in front of the sink, your hand hovering over the faucet. Your reflection in the mirror stared back at you as your brows knitted together at his comment. That was yet another odd thing for him to say. With a shake of your head, you turned on the faucet and began to rinse his blood from the towel, too preoccupied thinking about what had just transpired in your living room to make sense of the strange things he sometimes said. 
As you stood there watching your sink run red from the Devil’s blood, you felt your stomach drop at what had just happened between you both–or rather, what hadn't happened. Why had he ended the moment like that? Was it because he didn't feel the same way? Or because he believed having someone in his life really would just be a distraction and liability that he didn't want? Because you found it hard to believe that he hadn't felt something after that near kiss on your couch, even if right now you just felt rejected and embarrassed. 
Glancing up at your reflection in the mirror while you continued to rinse his blood from the towel, you released a sigh. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give Dylan a chance after all. Maybe going on a date with a man who actually gave you his name and let you see his face was the best thing for your heart right now instead of pining after the mysterious vigilante who was fast beginning to feel too far out of your reach despite him currently sitting on your couch. 
Turning off the faucet, you wrung out the hand towel once more. Making up your mind, you decided that you'd finally tell Stephanie at work tomorrow to give Dylan your number. You'd agree to that first date once and for all.
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minarinnn · 10 months
so in love with your best friend yuji hcs, may i request a continuation of that? and also maybe a writing of their first time ahhh and what you think he’d be like when he’s jealous. i know this is a lot but just choose what you feel like writing!! looking forward to your future stuff <3
hiii, tysm!! i tried to write everything, sorry if i missed smth. i lowk wanted to write more ab this too but you gave me a great excuse to do it + some ideas so, thank youuu<3
content/trigger warning: college au, characters are aged up!!, f!reader, p in v, creampie, jealousy, virgin sex, fingering (f! receiving), slighttt size kink
word count: 2.7k
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nobara is sick and tired of hearing yuuji talk about you and not act on his feelings. especially when she knows that you actually have feelings for the pink haired male. but she promised she wouldn't tell yuuji about your feelings and she also promised yuuji that she wouldn't tell you about his
it didn't bother her much until yuuji started talking about how this guy in your physics class has been awfully chummy with you
"he even asked if she wanted to grab a bite to eat with him, can you believe that?" yuuji grumbled. he had been talking about this for at least 15 minutes now. nobara rolled her eyes for 7th time that day. "itadori, she's a beautiful girl, she's gonna have people asking her out, especially if she doesn't have a boyfriend" she pointed out, making yuuji pout and grumble under his breath
nobara sighed, leaning her cheek against her palm "you could just confess and the whole problem would be over". yuuji's eyes widened, a slight hue of pink adorning his face. "i can't do that... she's.. she'll just reject me" he sighed
nobara's patience was starting to run thin. she'd been there for yuuji through countless conversations about his feelings for you, always playing devil's advocate and trying to nudge him in the right direction. but after months of hearing him complain and fret over the situation, she couldn't take it anymore
"itadori, i know you're scared, but believe me, it's better to just rip off the band-aid and confess your feelings" she said firmly, tired of being in the middle of the both of you "and if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, then at least you'll have closure and you can move on"
yuuji looked at her warily. deep down he knew she was right, but the thought of confessing his feelings and being rejected was still nerve-wracking for him. he took a deep breath and nodded. "you're right, kugisaki. i need to do this" he said, determination written all across his face as he stood up, walking away from the table
yuuji stopped in his tracks, turning around with a nervous chuckle "i mean, i don't have to tell her right no-" "go itadori!" nobara yelled, making the boy flinch and continue walking
yuuji walked down the hallway, his mind racing with thoughts of how he was going to confess his feelings to you. he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, but he pushed those feelings aside and focused on his task at hand
he saw you walking around the hallway, shooting you a quick nervous smile and walking towards you. you smiled, continuing to walk to him and meeting him halfway.
"hey yuu" you smiled. oh how he loved that smile and that nickname you called him that always made his heart flutter. "heyy... can we..." he paused, searching for the right words "can we go out sometime... as more than just friends?"
you furrow your brows and tilt your head, your adorable smile still plastered on your face "more than just friends?" you question. yuuji took a deep breath and took a step forward, his heart hammering in his chest. he couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he knew he had to.
his eyes were locked on yours as he summoned all his courage. his nerves were still getting the better of him, but he forced himself to keep going.
"there's something i've been meaning to tell you for a long time now," yuuji began, his voice hoarse. "i... i.." the words got caught in his throat, and he found himself struggling to continue. he took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves
"i'm in love with you" he said finally, his eyes never leaving yours "i think about you all the time, and every time i see you, it feels like my heart is about to explode. i know this might come as a shock to you, but i had to tell you how i feel. i just couldn't keep it to myself anymore"
as yuuji spoke, he felt as though a weight was lifting off his shoulders. he had said what he needed to say, and now it was up to you to decide how to respond. yuuji held his breath, waiting for your reaction
you smiled at yuuji, feeling a warm tingle in your chest. "then it's a date" you said, your voice filled with excitement. yuuji was dumbfounded for a second. blinking a few times to process it. that was not the words he was expecting
you put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze "you can text me the details later, yeah?". yuuji nodded, not being able to formulate words just yet. "i'll see you around" you say, giving him a light kiss on his cheek. yuuji could feel his brain short circuit and as you walked away all he could think about is how he was gonna tell kugisaki all bout what just happened
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your date with yuuji was going great. you and yuuji had spent the afternoon exploring a beautiful art museum together. yuuji spent a lovely time admiring you. he claims you were the real art
after a few hours of admiring the artwork, yuuji suggested grabbing a bite to eat to prolong the date a little longer. you were more than happy to oblige, especially since the thought of spending more time with him made your heart flutter
as you and yuuji walked, he couldn't help but smile. he was having such a great time with you, it felt like nothing in the world could bring him down
as the two of you walked to the nearby restaurant, yuuji reached out to open the door for you, earning a warm smile in return. the restaurant was bustling with activity, but the noise faded into the background as you and yuuji sat down at your table
as you sat across from yuuji, he couldn't help but stare at you. the soft, warm light of the candles illuminated your face, making your eyes sparkle and your lips shine. yuuji felt like he was in a dream, and he couldn't believe that he finally had the chance to spend some time alone with you romantically
absolutely nothing could ruin this moment
but he spoke to soon. standing at your table was the guy that had been chummy with her in her physics class. why the hell was he the waiter??. yuuji's smile instantly dropped and he couldn't help but let out a sigh
"oh- what a wonderful surprise!" he spoke to you, completely ignoring yuuji "you look absolutely stunning". you chuckle nervously at his comment, immediately picking up on the tension that surrounded the table
the tension in the air was palpable as yuuji watched that guy continue to flirt with you. yuuji felt a pang of jealousy and couldn't help but scowl at the thought of that guy trying to steal you away from him (even though you weren't his). he tried to keep his cool, but it was clear that the waiter's presence was bothering him greatly
"would you like todays special?" the guy asked you. you hum, turning to look at yuuji before speaking "what're you gonna order, yuu?". his head perked up at the use of his nickname, making his heart flutter a bit. "uhh.. yeah i do" he spoke, glancing at the waiter who had finally acknowledged his presence "i just didn't want to interrupt his futile attempt at flirting"
you couldn't help but choke out a chuckle as the waiter visibly glared at yuuji. "u-um.. that's our orders then" you tried not to laugh. the guy left with an eye roll and yuuji followed his movements with a glare
after he's farther away you let out a low laugh and yuuji looks at you a bit confused. "were you jealous just now, yuu?" you say, your laughter dying out but a smile still lingering on your face. yuuji's face flushed in embarrassment. "w-what?? no" he lied, averting his gaze from you
"it's okay, yuu. i'm not surprised that you were jealous" you said with a chuckle "i mean, who wouldn't be? that guy was definitely flirting with me"
yuuji felt a sense of relief wash over him. he didn't want to come across as possessive or insecure, but it was hard not to feel a tinge of jealousy in that moment. "how humble" yuuji scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully at you
the rest of the day went amazing and the guy had actually switched tables after yuuji humiliated him in front you. you were both scared of ruining the friendship but this date proved that you could both have something more and that it could actually last
yuuji walked you to your dorm. the walk filled with laughs and conversations about your times in high school were yuuji did stupid stuff all the time and you were there to scold him
standing at your front door, you looked for your keys in your purse. the keys jingled in your hand as you pulled them out. "i had a great time tonight" yuuji spoke from behind you, a warm and tender smile adorning his face. you turn to him a shy smile gracing your lips. "yuu... do you wanna... y'know.. spend the night?" you muttered, batting your eyelashes at him
his eyes widened and his brain ran wild with lewd thought. "s-sure" he spoke out, almost immediately. you chuckle lightly before opening the door and heading inside
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you're straddled on top of yuuji, sloppily making out. his hands on your hips, rolling them forward, making you grind on his aching cock
you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. you knew yuuji was big but you didn't know how big. he was massive, and he was definitely going to break you
yuuji broke the kiss, a string of saliva connecting you both as you pant heavily. "you sure you wanna do this?" he asked, his breath heavy and his eyes clouded with lust. you nod eagerly, beginning to take your shirt off and revealing your lacy bra
yuuji can't help but ogle your breast. "shit" he muttered, feeling his dick throb at the sight of you. your hands go to your back as you un-clip your bra, revealing your magnificent tits. his hands hesitantly travel up your body, cupping a boob in his hand and squeezing it
he let out a shaky breath as you tugged on his shirt, immediately taking it off and your hands landing on his ripped chest. he couldn't help but whine at your touch. boy, was he sensitive. you stood up, pulling your bottoms down as he did the same
you couldn’t help but stare at his hard, veiny dick, it was so pretty but you just knew that you were gonna be wrecked after this. your hands subconsciously wrap around your stomach, trying to cover your exposed body in embarrassment. "do you umm... do you have any idea how to do this?" you asked, embarrassment noticiable in your tone
yuuji tried his hardest not to drool at the sight of your naked body, keeping his eyes respectfully on yours. "i've seen a few videos" he shrugged nervously. you sat on the bed next to him, feeling his gaze on your chest. "can i.. take the lead?" he asked hesitantly, his eyes desperately roaming yours for approval
you gave a small nod and he wasted no time getting on top of you, using one hand to hold himself up and the other to spread your legs apart. his calloused hands roamed your soft skin and every touch sent a shiver through your spine. “if you want me to stop just say the word and i will. no questions asked, kay?”
you nod again, not being able to formulate words in your current moment. he pushed a single finger in, your wetness smearing down to his knuckles. you squirm a bit. yuuji’s fingers were definitely way more longer and thicker than your own
yuuji pushed his finger in and out of you slowly, your walls gripping on his thick finger as he stared in awe. all he wanted to do was slam his dick into you and have you tighten around him
“think you can take another one?” he whispered, a second finger grazing your entrance. “mhm” you hummed, your hands on his broad shoulders, your nails digging small crescent moons on them
yuuji pushed a second finger in and you can feel your pussy being stretched, a stingy feeling soon turning into pleasure. his pace fastened and moans began to escape your plump lips. “f-fuck ahh” your moans were just heavenly for yuuji and he couldn’t get enough of them. his fingers began to do scissor motions inside your walls, stretching them even more
part of him enjoyed watching you squirm like that because of his fingers. it just made him imagine how you’d be when he sunk his cock into you. he pulled his finger out, aligning himself at your entrance. he hissed at the contact. his virgin cock ached to be sunked into your pretty virgin hole that he so desperately wanted to destroy (with love)
he took your hand in his, slowly sinking himself into your gummy walls. your arousal fresh around his dick, he couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. he was so gonna brag to megumi about this later
you can feel yourself getting full, taking a quick glance where you and him were connected to see that his dick was only half way in. “shitt” you groan, your back arching slightly. “w-what’s wrong?” yuuji asks frantically, worry and concern very visible on his tone and face. “you’re just- aghh.. really big yuu” you explained
yuuji felt his ego soar into the sky at your words. he let out a breathy laugh, suddenly feeling bold, his nervousness seeming to slip away. “you can take it tho, right pretty?” he cooed. you clenched down on him, earning a whine as he continued to sink himself in deeper
“you’re- fuck, s’tight” he groaned, his thumb rubbing circles on your hips. he waited a few minutes for you to adjust, the pain turning into pleasure as you gave him the green light to move
he rocked his hips slowly. he was soft and gentle with his movements at first, being careful not to accidentally break you. that lasted about 40 seconds. your pussy began to tighten around him, making him want to hit deeper and harder into you
part of him wanted to fuck you silly while the other part of him wanted to go slow and kiss all over your body. so he combined them. he thrusted fast and deep into you, his heavy balls slapping against your ass. his lips worked their way through your body, kissing you all over
one hand intertwined with yours and the other holding your hips in place. you could feel yourself seeing stars. yuuji was filling you up so good. stretching and molding your pretty little hole to the shape of his big, veiny cock
his tip hitting your sweet spot every time without fail. your tits bouncing up and down to the rhythm of his thrust. you could feel a knot forming in your stomach as yuuji’s thrust became sloppier
“‘m s’close” you moan out. you can feel him groan against your neck that was probably littered with hickeys. “me too” he panted, his thrust faltering “can i cum inside?”. you clenched harder around him, nodding eagerly “yes- fuckk, yesss”
you felt the knot in your stomach break, your back arching as you scratched yuujis shoulder. with a few more thrust, yuuji dumped his seed into your velvety walls, successfully painting them white. he pulled out, watching your mixed cum trail out of your abused hole
it was such a lewd sight but oh boy did he enjoy it. this was surely a first date the two of you would remember for the rest of your lives
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© MINARINNN 2023 - please do not plagiarize or upload my content on any social media platform.
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divine-donna · 4 months
body talk
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seeing challengers was a mistake guys because all i can think about is challengers and how much i love challengers and how cinema is back after people declared the death of cinema like three years ago and how much i wanna go see challengers again—
anyways uhhhh did challengers make me hop onto the mike faist train? yes. because i love a man that clearly worships his wife and kisses boys.
character: art donaldson
for vibes: "physical" by olivia newton-john
context: stanford university. 2007.
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if you had a choice, you wouldn't be working as a receptionist in the gym. instead, you'd work in the infirmary. it was more in line with your desire to pursue sports medicine.
your father himself was an athlete who sustained a career ending injury and went into sports medicine. you wanted to follow in his footsteps.
but for now, you were working as a receptionist at the gym for your federal work study. college wasn't going to pay for itself unfortunately and your parents could only provide so much support.
art donaldson recognized you while you guys were at a party. "you're the person at the desk in the gym!" he sounded so excited. almost like a puppy.
"yeah..." you look down at your red solo cup. "you're like a regular. with tashi duncan."
"you know her?"
"well, i've talked to her a few times. she's great." who wouldn't like her honestly? you weren't the biggest fan of tennis but whenever tashi duncan played, she always managed to make it magical.
"you're also in my bio class, right?"
"you're in my bio class?"
"oh don't tell me you didn't notice."
you shrug. "i didn't. you're not very...noticeable, i guess."
art took personal offense to that statement.
okay not entirely. because to some extent, you were right. he wasn't as noticeable as some of the other people in class, like the lacrosse player on the guys team or the girl from the basketball team, both of whom you seem to be close with.
growing closer to art was just a matter of being in a lot of classes together, something you didn't realize during the first month of college.
to be fair, it was a lot.
but the good thing about having a lot of classes with him was that it meant you always had a go to person for group projects. and god were professors adamant about assigning group work.
at the very least, you had a workout buddy when you guys were free. sometimes, you were even joined by tashi duncan. so it was cool to be able to work out with a famous tennis player.
perhaps the gym is where you started to notice art's...physicality.
he wasn't entirely imposing, aside from being quite tall. but he had a surprising amount of muscle. perhaps the tank tops he wore didn't help much. it left little to the imagination.
because of your familiarity with the body and your desire to go into sports medicine, art called you when he was feeling a bit sore.
he opens the door with a smile, seeing you with your bag and clementines. "what's the fruit for?"
"just in case you get hungry." you step in and remove your shoes. "just lay down."
"bed or floor?"
"whichever you prefer. the bed might be more comfy. we'd have to move stuff around if you were on the floor. oh and take off your shirt."
"what?" he could feel his cheeks beginning to heat up.
"take off your shirt. a massage won't be that effective with your shirt on."
"alright. umm..." art just does what you ask of him, taking his shirt off and setting it aside on his desk chair. he gets on the bed and lays down, front side down.
you pull out a bottle of lotion and crawl onto the bed, straddling him at his waist. you are unaware of how red he is feeling you against him.
you feel around his back for bit, asking him where in particular is tight. once you got a good idea, you squirt some lotion onto your hands, rub it a bit, then begin to massage.
art would be embarrassed from the sounds that came out of him. but he was craving for the relief from his overworked and tired muscles. he could feel just how deep your hands went in, twisting and rubbing. your hands felt so good. they glided smoothly and your touch soothed him greatly.
"damn dude. when was the last time you massaged yourself?"
"don't know." he mutters, burying his lower face into his own pillow. he could feel himself growing warmer all over his body.
your palm pressing into him, dragging itself through his muscles, rubbing baby lotion into his skin so he's soft.
your hand reaches a part of his lower back, your palm rubbing through the muscle. and he moans.
you stop for a moment. "something wrong?"
"no...nothing's wrong..." he mutters.
"you sure?"
"yes. keep going."
he enjoys the way your hands move lower, and lower. he wants them to sneak to the front. massage him a different way.
your hands linger on a particular spot of his back though, feeling the defined muscle. there's something particularly...satisfying, about running your hands over his body. you were tempted to feel more. especially his arms.
art's arms were utterly gorgeous, as if sculpted out of marble by a renaissance artist themselves.
"i think you're all good."
"all done already?" he smelled like baby lotion. whatever that mean.
"unless you want me to massage elsewhere." you get off of him and he turns on his side to look at you.
the tank top you were wearing was a little bit tight.
art gently grabs your wrist. "magical hands you know."
"it's beneficial to learn how to massage. for your own betterment and health. though i will happily help you with the spots you can't reach."
he rubs circles into your wrists. "are they tired?"
"a little. it was because i took an exam yesterday. writing in those blue booklets is absolute torture."
"that's fair." his eyes flicker up to yours. the room was warm, the atmosphere right. "do you...like my body?"
"it's nice. you're very beautiful." you smile.
art pulls you forward, your legs hitting the wooden bedframe of the shitty college provided furniture.
"do you want to feel it?"
you bite your lip. "i think i do."
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jeoncasino · 2 months
Prospects | teaser |
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Tired of life and all it had to bring for you, things take a turn when you find out two of your friends start to take a liking to you. With newfound emotions and a whole lot of drama, what happens when they start competing for your love?
Pairings: JJK x fem! reader [x KNJ]
Genre: college au, love triangle, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn, eventual smut.
Tags: rich! jjk, law student! jjk, dark hair! jjk, sweet! jjk, jealous! jjk, needy! jjk, obsessed! jjk, but also dom! jjk, slightly toxic! jjk, english major! knj, boy bsf! knj, co-worker! knj, husband material! knj, brown hair! knj, sweet! knj, jealous! knj, sad knj:(, everything’s so complicated and everyone’s in denial, jk's love language is physical touch and acts of service, jk has mommy issues so he's too attached to oc, joonie is so sweet i feel bad for him, gguk will try everything in his power to make oc his, ggukkie lowkey hates joonie lol, my characters are flawed don’t expect them to be perfect.
Warnings: jealousy.
⋆ †₊ Series Masterlist
Minors do not interact.
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“So, what are we having today, Mr. Jeon? Will you get me a cookie again?” you teased, looking up at him from behind the counter with those captivating eyes Jeongguk couldn’t get enough of lately.
He smiled sheepishly. “You know you owe me eight bucks, right?”
You gasped. “Hello? You literally beg me to take your cookies!” Pointing a finger at him, you both laughed. Just as he was about to defend himself, a stern voice interrupted.
“Y/n, I can take over if you’d like. Go on your break now.” Your shift manager, Namjoon, appeared beside you, pushing you aside with his hip in a friendly manner, trying to lighten his previous tone. After apologizing to Jeongguk and saying it was your duty to follow your manager’s orders, you left.
Jeongguk was immediately irritated. This wasn’t the first time Namjoon had come between you two, always trying to distract you and take you away from him whenever he had the chance. It was obvious that the man you called your best friend didn’t plan on staying friends forever, and the only one who couldn’t see it was you. The funny part? Jeongguk didn’t know why that bothered him most.
Both men, irritated by each other’s presence, exchanged heavy, intense gazes. Namjoon spoke first. “Your order?”
Jeongguk leaned over the counter, gripping the edges so hard his knuckles turned white. “Pull this move one more time, and I’ll get you fired,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Mr. Jeon,” Namjoon mimicked, “I’m just trying to take your order.”
Jeongguk fumed. “Cut the act, Namjoon. You know you hate that she likes me, even after you’ve tried to throw dirt on me just to get a chance,” Jeongguk stepped back. “Which, by the way, is nonexistent.”
And just like that, Jeongguk broke the moment and walked out of the café.
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Author: what do we think what do we thinkkk, yall liked it yall hated it lmkk. if any of you are interested in joining the taglist for these series also lmk!!
This is a work of fiction. The scenes, characters and events depicted are purely fictional and not intended to represent real-life procedures or individuals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not use this story as your own.
@jeoncasino 2024 ©
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randoimago · 8 months
For bg3, could I request platonic Wyll, Astarion, Gale, and Lae'zel finding a Tav that's quietly breaking down from all the pressure of having to save and comfort people all the time. Like they want to help people, but it's becoming too much for them.
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale, Lae'zel, Wyll
Note(s): They all need therapy after this, but idk if therapy exists in D&D so give them spa days and alcohol instead
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As someone that voices his complaints easily once he's become close enough to let you in on his secrets, he also knows when the feelings are being buried away. While he doesn't want to tell you what to do, he does pull you aside when you're back at camp to exchange supplies.
Saving people and being a hero has never been something for him, mostly because he never had someone to save him. Until you came around, that is. And he thanks you for that, but you need to stop putting so much on your shoulders. You want to save people? Well you won't be able to do that if you collapse.
You've been a good friend to him, so let him do the same to you. Take a fucking break. Break into that newspaper building and change the article to something ridiculous. Do something for yourself. Astarion is more than happy to introduce you to some of his more fun morally grey activities just to get everything off of your mind. He has dealt with the aftermath of being burnt out and wasting away because bottling your emotions becomes too much, he won't see the same happening to you.
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Notices you looking tired and suggests a break. He'll always be happy to lend and ear and offer some words of wisdom. Mostly, let yourself rest. You're already doing a lot and you should find a nice book and lay down in your tent for a bit to destress.
While Gale is trying to have his morals in the right place, he also knows not everyone can or deserves to be saved. It's valiant of you to try and offer help to anyone you can, but he can see the toll it's taking on you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Honestly, Faerun is a big place, let some other adventurers lend their help, you deserve some wine.
It's a shame that Magnificent Mansion or Tiny Hut aren't spells you can get in game, but Gale would happily cast Magnificent Mansion for you to just have an impromptu spa day. It's what you deserve for being his greatest friend and for all that you do for others.
She knows being a leader is hard and there are many challenges you must step up to. People will constantly seek your help and look to you for advice. She has seen it by many of her githyanki superiors and thought nothing of it. And then she finds you cracking.
Tells you that as a leader, you can't show your cracks or you'll be seen as vulnerable to enemy attacks. While at camp, rest as much as you need. She'll keep watch while you let out whatever emotions that you need to.
Will also remind you, that you're her leader. You don't lead all the people you come across on the road, you owe them nothing. Technically, you owe Lae'zel nothing as well, you have the freedom to choose what to do, morals be damned.
He notices the cracks and he fully understands. Hell, he sold his soul to a devil because he was failing. You're allowed to break down. You're allowed to rest.
While Wyll, likes the idea of helping anyone in need, even he knows that it can be too much. A lot has happened to all of you in a very short span of time, he understands needing to rest.
He considers you a good friend and ally and if you'd allow him, he'd be glad to take the lead and let you rest. He can at least listen to those you come across and offer them comfort if you're too drained to do so.
@reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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vanya-evergreen · 1 month
How to remember (Chapter 4)
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Relationship: Batfam x reader (platonic)
Summary: At the age of 11, you woke up in an other world without any guidance and all the money you once lacked. You were left with only your memories and your other memories.
You tired to remember, their life, but it seemed like they didn't want you too. So when trying to navigate the intricate sides of an elite school, but you always got in trouble when it came to faces and names.
Cw: panic attack
No use of Y/n
Wc: 9.5k
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A/n (long, sorry)- to start off sorry this took so long< I mean to have this done weeks ago but here you go.
So i did my first edits on the first Chapters, nothing major in the first 2 chapter because I am overall happy with them, no changes to the prologue but the 3rd chapter needed a major face lift. I would take break in between periods of writing it so it was rough, the part with Damian and Bruce didn't change but i changed how to reader acts, nothing major, just trying to them line up more with chapters 1 and 2.
I added a bit of a 'plan' because i feel like I am pushing the gala trope too early but can't really change that now . Also, while the reader does still own a motorcycle, they no longer rode it to party (much to my despair). I just felt like it was out of nowhere. So i added a scene with Percy and Val in the car. (Yay character dynamics!)
If there is feedback that you wish to give, please feel free to. I am always willing to listen.
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Tim smiles at the lady and she lets him past with no problem. He turns back to Val and Percy  “Do you not have an invite Percy?” he chastises them “If only you were here with someone.” You could hear his evil glint in his eyes.  Percy's arm is tense and shaking. Val tightly grips their wrist, shakes his head, even if he, also, wants to wipe the floor with his face. You remain in your little corner, while they safely guard you. You run your hands over your clothes feeling for the letter you placed in one of  your pockets earlier. 
You found it quickly, but you weren't sure how to go about getting into the Party. You could wait for Tim to leave, but that might defeat the entire reason why you are here. Which was no longer about why you had so many invites but why the Wayne's even knew you to begin with. Think back to you know of Gala’s from your friends, it's likely this is the only opportunity to speak to Tim. You can't waste this opportunity.
“Percy, Val.” Percy and Val turn around to you holding up the letter. You have to go through them, as they didn't move aside for you  “Please excuse them, they are my company for tonight and can’t seem to stop with the rushing” You hand the woman the letter.
She smiles politely and takes the invite from you. You swiftly glance back to Val and Percy. Percy is biting their nails, looking down at their feet; while Val is smiling awkwardly, making eye contact with you.trying to get them to stop. You look back forward to the woman. She stiffens while she reads the letter; she looks up from the letter, making direct eye contact with you. She looks away before handing back the invite to you. You take the letter and put it away.
“Welcome, Mx. ___, we have been expecting your for a long time.” she smiles wider than she had for Tim, it seemed more fearful. You could also most see a sweat droplet form as you continue to watch her. “We could not be more delighted then to have you here to with us.” she steps off to the side and letting all of you off the elevator into the ballroom “I hope you find all of the amenities available to you tonight to be up to your standards.”
 The ballroom is entirely made up of marble with floor to ceiling windows that show off a prime view of Lady Gotham, and the shining lights from below. You can't help but look up at the several lavish chandeliers that help light up the ballroom with soft lights. As if the lights from the surrounding building weren't enough. The room was filled with soft string music from one corner and the chatter of all the people dressed to the nines collected in groups scattered across the ballroom. This a brilliant display of the the affluence that had blessed few families back in the 1800’s, and how even fewer were able to hold on to it.
It is disgusting to you, or rather the other you.
Your gawking, and internal spiral, is cut short when you feel a staring directed at you. Tim’s mouth  is slightly agape and his eyes look at you like they are trying for read for a speific type of reaction from you. You didn’t really have a reaction, just blinking rapidly while staring at him. He looks like he is trying to formulate words, but you somehow broke his brain. Both of you re stuck like this for too long, You give him a nod and small smile
He seems to quickly gather himself, before speaking  “Hello, ___. It's been… a while ” He sound like he is in a rush as he moves towards you with his hand slightly extended. 
You reach your hand out to shake his, but Percy grabs your arm and runs off with you as Val follows behind. You try to stop and look back at Tim, but Val pushes you along. Percy and Val stop at one of the many tables for food and drink set up. You tear your arm away from Percy, taking a few steps back from them.
“What was that?” You breathe out exasperated. Percy starts biting their nails once again, Val doesn’t even look at you. “What was that?” You repeat louder. You place a hand on the table to lean on, and you try to catch a thought as your mind runs endlessly.
“Listen, you need to avoid the Waynes.” Percy urges you,  “it’s only going to make trouble for you-” Percy gets closer to you, slowly stretching out their hands to your face. 
You flinch back slightly,“No,” You hit their hands away, and reestablish the distance between you and them. You gazed at Percy in incredulity, they know better.
“What?” Percy face drops. You never directly snapped at Percy before, you alway were quick with your words when it comes to them.
“No, I am not going to listen to your bullshit right now.” You want to scream and destroy everything here, “I need answers, not some new rule for me to follow,” and yet you can’t make yourself move. “Please, Percy.” Your voice falls quite.
Percy tenses their shoulder, then lets them fall “You knew them vaguely when you were younger.” They are trying to hide their unease of answering in their voice, their face remains as stoic as ever.  “They were never that close to you in your life, they were just family friends if anything. You never really got along with his kids, they were all older than you for the most part.” 
“Not that close with them.” You repeat. Lies, you hate lies, yet you use them alot. ”Why did I get, not one, but serval invitation from the Waynes for this gala, for this gala then? The last being a letter implying I have been getting invitations for years.” You get closer to Percy, to where you are face to face. You look directly into their eyes, they don’t keep eye contact and look down to the ground. 
God, you are the biggest hypocrite to every exists.
“___, I am sure Percy didn’t take them, and you have a large pile of mail on the table. How about we go through that before we start throwing accusation everywhere.” Val steps between you and them. You look up at the up him and raise an eyebrow.. “Please?”
“Fine.” You sigh, “ but I don’t want to see you until I come to find you. Do you understand?  ” You maintain eye contact making him hesitantly nod under the pressure.
“Yes we understand.” He looks down to ground break the eye contact. You push your way  past Val and look at Percy from the corner of your eye as you continue to walk away. They are staring blankly into Val’s back, they make no effort to dissuade you.
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Tim takes a long sip from his glass as he grimaces at the the Bat signal plastered over the clouds. Damit. Everyone in the Batman inc. knew that there is nothing worst than giving up a night of patrol for a Gala. This also means that if the signal goes off and Bruce Wayne is conveniently late to said gala, then it’s better not to expected him at all. Tim is one of the four Wayne representative that are already here. The other three have no… skill in talking business to these, admittedly condescending, people. Tim’s already wearing night only seems to be trying to test how much he can take. 
He had spent most of his night talking to very conceded people, most are nearly twice his age. He couldn’t stand most of the conversation. All the while, your mere present had ripped a new hole in barely intact his mind. He wishes that he had focus quicker when he first saw you so that maybe he could have said more than your name but you got pulled away. He has been looking for you as he converses in the crowd. He wasn’t sure what he would say, but he feels like he needs to say something. He never had this had of a time finding you before this, when you and him were younger he always found his eye drawn to little child who had a thousand yard stare.
Now, he definitely will not be able to find you, too much was on his plate now with some villain deciding to be a burden tonight. Even if he did, who’s to say that Percy or the other person would let him talk to you. He grabs another two glass of champagne off of a platter being carried by a passing waiter. He unceremoniously downs the first one, and places it off the side before taking a long slip of the other one.
“Stop right there,” He finishes off the last of his champagne and slams his glass on the table beside him breaking it causing Cassandra to stop and startling Duke and Stephanie. “Seriously, sneaking off?” He drags his eye to look at them.
“Can you blame us?” Steph shrugs “You would do the same thing if you weren’t one of the ‘Front cover’ Waynes” The Waynes were painfully aware of the media’s a favoritism to some of the members of the Wayne family. They didn’t care much for it.
“You’re right.” Tim agrees, nodding his head “I would, still you three are here already and while some won’t notice. There is definitely someone who will notice.” and by someone they mean the media. 
“Fuck,” Duke throws his head back in frustration “Why do we even have to be here? We aren’t really doing anything for the business.” Steph and Cass eagerly nod their heads. “I mean would they really miss us that much?”
“Yeah, I am not even a wayne to begin with.” Steph points out. “Technically I have no obligation to the family to be here.” Steph folds her arms with a proud smirk on her face. “I am only a family friend who over stays their welcome.”
“ We are heroes, we shouldn’t have be stuck here.” Cass calmly argues “We need to be out there save lives, we have an obligation.” Tim sighs and pinches his noses bridge, normally Bruce would deal with theses excuses, but he isn’t here.
“Someone will notice, we have already had a few close calls and don’t want anymore and Steph you’re right.” Duke looks aways from TimSteph turns to leave but is stopped as Tim continues “But you love to claim to be a wayne when it’s convenient to you and you also love to take things from out of the Wayne’s supplies.” Steph’s smirk falls into a defeated glare at Tim “Cass, we all know how you have snuck out of Gala’s before, but you are alway with theses two, and if you suddenly weren’t seen with them. Well, it would cause for people to talk.” Cass only sighs.
“Why do you have be right?” Steph complains as she looks over the food on the table. “With Bruce he is alway to occupied to watch all of us.” she picks up one of the sweets and places it in her mouth.
“What are we meant to do now?” Duke and Cass join Steph around the table, they all take some of the snack and eat them. “Because we are stuck here.” Tim rolls his eyes at their comments, he turns to the crowd. He sweeps his eyes a cross the crowd, until he see two familiar people stand off away from everyone. It was percy and their boyfriend, or thats what he assumed him to be seeing as he didn’t know him. He got an idea.
He learn that it was you in the viral video early on the red carpet. He vaguely remembers seeing Duke watching your viral video this morning, and now your ‘bodyguards’ are standing off on the sidelines. You are walking around alone more than likely. He has 3 people that need entertainment. “Well if you want something to do, I heard the person from the viral video of last night is here. Their name is ___” Duke and Steph perk up, Cass is still eating.
“Seriously?” Duke says with a grin. Steph is intensely listening as the wait for tim to reconfirm.
“Yep, saw them early on the red carpet, i think i used to know them when we were younger” Tim smiles to himself. “Maybe you should go try to find them.” Tim didn’t even finish his sentence before Duke takes off into the crowd followed by Steph dragging Cass along with them.
Maybe tonight won’t be as dreadful as it was going.
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You bring the water up face and let it wash over you face as you stand up to be greeted by you reflection. Your outfit is messed up along with your hair. Your search for answers and Waynes has been put on pause as you had spent most of you time in the bathroom, avoiding a mental break down. You have been switching between trying to swallow your emotions and just letting yourself feel the emotions of the memories. You really wish you understand why the gala makes you feel so vexed, then you could actually do something productive with it. You run you hand back under the water quickly and run you hand back into you hair to smooth it out.
Turning off the sink you reach for a towel that was hanging next to you, with it you gentle pat your face and neck dry. You are surprised by how nice this bathroom was, but yet again it was elite gala, maybe it was just expected here. You dry you hands, and neatly fold the towel placing it back where you found it. You return to looking in the mirror, push a few hair back and re-adjust you outfit so that it look mostly presentable. You take out you phone to check the time, 9:21 pm.   You is caught by an incoming notification. You had gotten at 10 notification from your new apps in the past five minutes.
 You only read the first notification, “The Gotham Gazette- The person behind viral video’ You quickly swipe away the notification, you don’t want to deal with this again. You feel the anxiety slowly eat away at your mental clarity. You already spent forty minutes in the bathroom, you sigh before turing off and putting your phone back.  Maybe, you should just go find Val and Percy to get out of here with. You glance over your appearance one more time before walking to the door, unlocking it and walking out. You close the door behind you and look down the hallway when you notice someone. You are sent in a trans when you look next to the door to see Wynn crouching down next to the door.
“Why the hell were you in-” Wynn begins to speak as they get up, stopping when they see you standing still as you stare at them “___?” they sign,You continue to stare at them “Stop staring you are creeping me now.” They push your arm softly, you finally snap out of your trance as you rush in to  hug them. 
“Wynn!” You huff out almost shedding a tear. “Wynn.” You repeat much more calm, you are so glad that you finally found a familiar face that you weren’t mad with. They are quick to hug you back, before you pull away slightly retracting you arm from around them. “Wait you’re speaking?” you sign. “I thought you had a hard time speaking recently.”
“I am wearing my hearing aids” they smile, as they sign “so I can recognize the words I am saying better, almost like before I lost my hearing.” 
“That’s great.” you say while signing almost a little to quickly “But why are you wearing them, thought they made you uncomfortable?” You knew how much Wynn disliked their Hearing aid. They didn’t help much when they first lost their hearing 3 years ago; it was better now but they really didn’t wear they often because they learned how to lip read.
“Yeah, they do, but My sponsor said that I needed to wear them tonight because it’s more convenient to everyone.” Your eyes widen a bit, you never knew Wynn had a sponsor. You knew they went to the school based on a scholarship, but you thought that it was a scholar ship given through the school.
“Is that why you are here tonight? A sponsor?” You are always aware of how well off you are in this world, but sometimes, you forget what it was like living near crime ally, sure you still had the memories of getting scars but you didn’t have the scars to prove it.
Wynn nodded, before looking around. “He can be kinda of a dick.” They signed without saying it out loud. “Don’t even get me started on his wife and their kids. Superiority complex seem to be a generational curse.” You stifle your laughter with you hands. “But what are you doing here? Thought you didn’t know the Waynes.”
“Oh well, turns out I know them, or rather knew them.” You shrug, you had never told you friends that you weren’t form this world, you only told them that you couldn’t remember your life before eleven all that well. “I have getting invitation for year, or thats what I assume. So i came here to talk to them, but Percy said I couldn’t.” 
“Has that ever really stopped you?” Wynn signs, know you almost too well. “It’s almost like and obligation for you to do the opposite of what they say.’
“Yes, but they know something aren’t telling me, so I got angry with them.” Your blood pressure only grew as you continued to think about it. “They don’t even have enough decent to me shit.” You grip your clothes as your hands shake with frustration. Wynn lightly touches your shoulder.
“What about Val, Did he know?” Wynn speaks instead of signing. They squeeze your shoulder, trying to reassure you.
“Maybe, but he tries to play the mediator, like always.” You let go of your clothes and pat Wynns hand on your shoulder. “Hey, maybe since we both haven’t had easy nights, instead of wallowing in your own frustration we should find a place to talk about everything but this gala”
“Thats sounds much better than hiding out in the bathroom.” Wynn give you a lighthearted glare. You just chuckle a bit and look away from them. “Theres a balcony here that no one uses, but it’s on a upper floor.”
“Are we allowed up there?” You look down the hall leading to the bathrooms. “I don’t really know how this works.
“Well it’s fine.” Wynn grabs your arm and pulls you along as they walk down the hall, but they pauses “as long as we don’t get cause by a security.” You silently and slowly turn your head to them. They return you gaze. “No, yes?”
“Fuck it, let’s just take the chance” Wynn let’s go of your arm as you move ahead of them. They quickly catch up to you as you reach the end of the hall. “I will lead,you help me avoid your sponsor and my babysitters.” They nod, as they look around the room keeping an eye out for anyone you should avoid. Wynn follows closely behind you as weave between the circles of people. 
You have been do this with them in school for years when you have the same classes, so it is well practiced. You try to ignore the gossip and the movement of the other people around you ans just focus on getting to the elevator, but you can’t help but here the same name being brought up. Your last name. You were never around a group long enough to get the full context but you will try to remember to either look it up or ask percy when you have your talk with them later. 
Wynn pushes you to left which makes you go deep in to the gala, you look back them. Wynn was side eyeing another guest as they pass by. You turn back face forward only narrowly avoiding running into aa group of other teens. “Sorry, not paying attention.” You look towards the ground, if you are going to do something you might gett in trouble for then
“It’s fine, we weren’t either, so all is good.” You and Wynn stand to the side as you let the group pass. You look back to take a glance at them once they are far enough away, but one of them was still looking at you as they walk away, a girl with short black hair.
You want to look away, but you can’t help feeling like you know her. Maybe not in the way you do with Tim, you know her none the less. You study her appearance, the way she stands, and her facial expression specifically the way she stares at you. You know her for sure, but the way she stares and stands is far more interesting to you. She walks poised and graceful like a well trained ballerina, yet her stare is completely analytical of you. You can’t tell if she possibly also recognized you, like you with her, or if she is trying to predicted what you will do. 
When you take into account possibly of her seeing you as a threat, then in changes how you see her poise and grace. Instead of something beautiful, it’s quick and ridged, like someone trained her to be this way. You can’t tell what she may think, or why she would be staring at you. You feel a draw just to stand there for until you can no longer see her but Wynn nudges you. You break the eye contact with her to check on Wynn.
“Why are you staring? We have a plan, stay focused” Wynn aggressively signs, hitting you with their arms as they sign while pressing their lips together with their brows knitted.. “I can’t have you losing your head in the clouds” they look back into the crowd.
“You are right,” You sign back, only to see them facing away from you. You sigh ”but, i really think i know that girl” You speak lowly, “ She looks to familiar, like i have seen her face on the internet.” 
“You need not to care so much a about someone you might of just seen on the internet.” They shot back, “What does it even matter to you? They are just a random bunch of teenagers in this party probably bored out of their minds like us.”
“It’s because of the way she looks at me.” Wynn glances back to you slowly while arching an eyebrow. “Not like that, She was observing me. Like just fully trying to dissected my entire being or whatever the fuck she was doing.”
“Maybe, she recognized you because you went viral on twitter?” Wynn looks away from you as you kinda just stand there and sputter nonsensical words. “You forgot about that didn’t you?” they giggle. “You should really see a doctor about your memories” they teases you
 “Yeah, i have. Nothing can be done.” Your eyes grow a bit colder, lies. “You knows this, I restate it every time we have the argument”.  You jest, quickly changing your expression, as you look at them while they face away from you. 
“Yeah i know, but think you should get a seconded opinion, it’s be 7 years since you went to any doctors.” Their eyes seem to shaper as they continue to look around the room. “You didn’t even go for you neck injury from last night.” Your hand swiftly moves to cover you bandage, even if it was no use.
“It’s just too much a hassle, you-” Wynn grabs your arm suddenly and almost starts running across the room. You watch as Wynn’s face is twisted with stress and anxiety as you are dragged by them. You finally realized that your friend need you more than your need banter. 
You shift your arms backwards, moving their hand from your arm into your hand; you hold on to them tightly. You pick up speed and eventually past them, once again taking the lead. You and them disregard your original intention of remaining unnoticed as you run right between people, making their head turn to you. You could seeing the elevator opening through peoples’ heads. You startle a passing waiter, almost making them fall but you grab their shirt pulling them upright, before you make the final dash to the elevator with Wynn in tow. 
You push aside the people coming out of the elevator and get in. You press the button for the 74th floor, and then start ra[idly pushing the close door button. You watch through the mostly closed door as a man comes of out the crowds with an annoyed face, making eye contact with you and them. You let go of their hand and hide them behind you, as the door shuts and the elevator starts going up. 
Wynn steps out from behind you, taking a deep breathes, they push back their hair. You gently place a hand on their shoulder while not looking at them or moving closer. They reach up to their ears, you knew what was about to happen. They rip out their hearing aid, almost throwing them against the elevator door. They stop themselves and just put them in a pocket, right as the door opens.
 The door opens to a large, tall hallway, it wasn’t as nearly as opulent as the ballroom, but it was more sleek and timeless with its architecture similar to the older parts of the building. God, how much money did the Waynes have? Wynn grabs your hand before stepping out of the elevator with you. They quietly guide you through the halls. You look into some of the passing offices wand their name plates, but you focus most of you attention of Wynn. You rarely see them like that, it was almost of out character for them, but you had heard stories like this from Percy and your mother. You mom always said she would never let you into a sponsorship no matter what. Some families just didn’t have choice when it comes these opportunities.
Wynn is trying to do what they think will help their family the most, and you can understand that, more than they think. They at first were passive aggressive with you when you met in the 8th grade, they had confessed to you that they thought you were just some rich kid that wanted to play nice to make fun of them. You were probably to positive or you forced the friendship at first, so you could not blame them, but even when they did give you and your other 2 friends a chance they only started to devalue your hard work. One of you guys could find the cure to cancer an they would say that you paid someone. Your achievements were never yours, they were a product of the money you had. That drove you insane.
You had you own faults too, though; by no mean were you a perfect person. You envied them for their family, their strength, and how they didn’t feel the need to give into peoples views of them. You wanted to be friends with them for the very same thing that you envied, you though maybe it could rub off on you. Maybe they would even extend a hand for you, and you could finally have someone who would understand but it turned into a journey just for them to even have a lunch with you. You grew angry, resentful, and tired.
 You are being stuck here, forced to live a life you didn’t choose, and having to hide parts that want to take your angry out on them. You want them to feel what you feel; the pressure on yourself to better fit someone who wasn’t even here. You distained when they complained about their family, or when they would frustrated with you because you ‘wouldn’t get it’. You wanted these problems, you wanted someone else struggles. You wanted to the strength that comes with that, the way they could just brush off situation that would fuck you up for weeks. 
You want to bring them down with you, to take them off of their high horse and force their eyes open to the other shit going on in your world besides the money that wasn’t technically yours to begin with. You knew better then to drag them with you. So you took out you aggression in different ways. Eventually you and them worked out. You never liked how they finally came around to you but, you never regretted it. You examine Wynn, physically they seem fine, mentally less anxious but still stressed, maybe a bit flustered by the situation, but overall they had probably pushed it beside for a later issue.  
“Wynn,” You started in a soft voice “I am sorry.” You know they can’t hear you, but you always wanted to say sorry to them, to your friends in general really. “I am sorry that I can never be honest with you. That I never can really let you near my truth, and for my envy and wishes for you to feel my pain.” You take a deep breath, “I might one day regret getting close to people here, because I know that if I can make it back, I will always crave our friendship.” You didn’t shed a tear, you had already made your choice and mourned your friendship.
You remained silent for the rest of the walk to the balcony, you couldn’t think of anything else but your friends. They really helped you become the person you are, and for better or worse, you love them. You let your mind wander back to the events of the night, the man who was approaching you and wynn, you didn’t recognize him of course, but you know he is someone you want to- no that was far to Violate for someone who hadn’t done anything of equal magnitude. You did want him to feel the wrath of Batman or someone like him. You could probably ask Percy about him, to maybe figure out a scheme to mildly annoy him at least. 
The girl from earlier passes your thoughts briefly, but you are thrown off your thoughts when Wynn stops and lets go of your hand. Glass doors are the first thing you notice as Wynn pushes one of them open. You stand still watching them walk around on the balcony, you quickly follow after them. Pushing the door open, the world opens up the vast night skies and surrounding buildings lighting up the streets. You Continue to look up as you walk up the railing next to Wynn. You look down to the street, they are even smaller than the window in your apartment. You look at Wynn, who was looking at you. 
“What do you think?” They signed as they smile “Isn’t much better than that damn bathroom you were in? You pinch your nose as you smile. 
“Never going to let me live that down are you?” you sign back, Wynn smiles and shakes their head no. You playfully roll your eyes, then stick out your tongue like a child. You and them exchange another smile before a comfortable silences falls between the two of you. You and them look out at the city, letting the troubles of the last hour just wash away slowly. You feel a bit lighter now, you feel like you can breathe again, almost, city air and all. Wynn looks much more relaxed too, they were leaning back while hanging onto the railing. You look back to cityscape, it was alway the same. You look over to the side just on a whim, but image your surprise when you see batman and robin swinging around. 
You keep them in your sight as they move by the balcony right in front of you. You almost could have sworn you saw Robin look at you right as he swung around to the other side of the building. Your mouth drops open as you look down to Wynn. Wynn let out the loudest laugh you had ever heard from them, but you were still too focused on Batman and Robin to care. You quickly pull out your phone. You ignore the incoming messages from Val and Percy. You quickly open a website and start looking up everything you could for batman. Percy laughs harder as you look up to them to see if they are okay.
“You always are so good with facial expression,” They struggle to sign as they are still laughing, “just brilliant,” They recreate the same shocked expression they saw on your face flawlessly. You can't help but crack up a bit as you look back down to your phone, pulling up some videos of the current chase they are on. You continue to crack up as you try to focus on the video as Wynn is still laughing, you look back up making eye contact with them. They flash a devious look before, Recreating the look once more. You absolutely lost your shit again from this. You laugh might have been a bit too loud as someone from below heard.
“Who’s up there?” you slap a hand over your mouth, and wynn follow your lead. “Hello! We already heard you have. No point in being quiet now.” You and Wynn look between each other as you, as you start giggling again.
“Stop giggling, and answer us, There is no use in hiding now.” A different voice shouted out. You lean over the railing as you look down. You saw no one, you look back to Wynn.
“There is someone below us, I think we might be in trouble. “ You sign as you are still giggling. 
“Oh shit” They sign still cracking up “We might be fucked.”
“Uh- Sorry? We just wanted a more private place to take a moment,” you slightly lean down as you shout over the railing. “It was too crowded and we were kind of annoyed by it all, and if I am being honest I almost started a fight with some of the kids.” The people below you are quiet for a bit. “Still there?”
“What's your name?” the first voice shouted up. You turn to Wynn mouthing ‘oh shit.’ They tried to muffle their laughter with their hand.
“___ ___” You shut down, waiting for a response, but there was only some barely audible chatter from them. “My friend is also up here, but who are you guys?” They stop talking, they took a moment to answer 
“I am Steph and the others are Duke and Cass!” The second voice, or steph, calls out. Steph sounds vaguely familiar, but You want to assume that Duke and Cass are actually the ones from the “Aren’t you the person who went viral last night?” So that's why they went silent. 
“The gazette works fast,” the first voice, who you assume is Duke,  “Tim seems to know you.” So they did know Tim, that means that theses people could get you close enough to ask him your questions, but did you really want to?
“Tim Drake?” You still aren’t sure if you want to talk to him, but this is a good way of opening the door if you ended up wanting to you at a later time. You lean over the balcony and look down. To your surprise, you see a blonde haired girl with her head hanging out of a lower balcony.
“So you know him?” Steph seems to a very bright person, you honestly might like her if you got to know her better. “He seems to think he might’ve know you when you were younger.” So he does remember you, possibly. 
“Sort of, it's hard to explain.” You think about how you should possibly explain to a bunch of people who you just meet, you want to say the semi-truth about your memories and how you can’t remember much, but you think it might be better to the more whole truth, same story about your memories but the added context about Damian and how you didn’t even know who the Waynes were until yesterday. 
“How about we come up to you?” A girl with short black hair stuck her head out besides Steph. That was the girl from earlier, or Cass as you were told by Steph. “It would be easier to talk that way, and more private. “ She still had the same intense analyzing stare from earlier. You bite the inside of cheek, you mull over your options. You could say no and risk not being able to talk to TIm, but if they come up here you will have to tell them something.
“Could I talk to my friend about it, first? Want to make sure they are okay with it.” You were trying to buy yourself sometime, while make your decision about what you were going to tell them if Wynn is okay with it. “They’re hard of hearing and have been looking at me like I am crazy, for the past couple of minutes.
“Of course.” Cass nods her head with a small smile, You give them a thumbs up before you stand straight up again. “Please make it quick though.”
You turn to Wynn, who looks mildly annoyed with you, which is completely fair considering that you had ignored them when they tried to speak with you earlier. “So, I have some people that want to come up and join us.” you sign to them. They raise an eyebrow, with their arms fold while impatiently tapping their index figure on their arm. “And they want me to explain how I know Tim…” You try to tug on their heart strings with a deceiving innocent smile and batting your eyelashes hoping that they might say no.
“Who are they?” They didn’t budge in their annoyance with , this is the price that you have to pay for your sins against them.
“Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain and Steph, I don’t quite know her full name.” Wynn’s eyes light up with delight, dread washes over you.“Do you know them?” You already know the answer.
 They love being petty when it comes to you. They smile to themselves, you grit your teeth and take a deep breath in.
“You can come join us, we are on the 75th floor-” when leaned back over the railing saw as Cass was on top of the railing on jumping up the next floor. She climbing on to  the balcony  of the 74th floor. You were dumbfounded. You know that Cass had 1her fair share of activities, like ballet, from what you found online but it never said anything about doing stuff like what you just saw. “Dude, I was thinking you should the elevator but I guess that works too.” Cass was already standing on the railing of the balcony below. 
“Yes,” They are satisfied with themself, “They can come join us.”
“Uh, I think me and Duke will take the elevator.” Steph sounds like she didn’t expect Cass to do that, so maybe this wasn’t a normal thing at least. “We will be up in a few minutes, don’t start without us!” Cass jumps up, grabbing on to the railing. You offer a hand to help her up but she already, but she was already pulling herself up. she jumps over the railing landing on her feet, she was just as graceful about it as she was when she was walking earlier.
“You do that often?” You are impressed by Cass’s agility, you had never seen anyone move like, well besides batman and other heroes. You don't know if you could do that or not, you really barely knew anything about you physical capabilities. 
“No” Cass narrows her eyes like you had done something wrong. You tilt your head and smile, you think she looks almost like a cat with airplane ears. Your eyes drift to Wynn, they are still satisfied with they decision. 
“She looks just like an annoyed cat,” you sign to Wynn with a big dorky smile still spread on her face. “You should come look at her face, you are going to love it” Wynn was a big cat fan. When your eye shift back to Cass she only seems more suspicious of you. Wynn is chuckling as they walk over your side. you didn’t understand what was so funny. Wynn turns to face Cass.
“Hello Cass it’s good to see you again.” Wynn signs, your smile drops slightly. Wynn knows Cass, Cass knows sign language, Cass, knows what you said. “___ is right that you do look like a cat with that face.”She glances her eyes and Wynn quickly still keeps the same glare before shifting her eyes back to you. “Wow, I have never seen her this suspicious of someone.” Wynn turns their head towards you, you give a shrug and a small headshake. You didn’t know what you did to make them feel this way about you. 
“I don’t know what I did, I only know her from earlier when we ran into her and we made eye contact.” You have never seen her in person before tonight, and you weren’t able to recall anything before tonight. “I thought she was more ominous than me, she was staring like she was watching me.” 
“ I was.” Cass says out loud, she is still signing.  “You were staring at me too, so it was only fair.” She was right, but you didn’t think you were staring at her like she was at you. You thought it looked more like a stare of curiosity than anything 
“I was, but I was staring more so because I was watching the way you were walking” This wasn’t entirely a lie, but still not the full truth. “You are very graceful, so I don't feel like this glare was necessary.”
“You shouldn’t stare no matter the reason. ” Cass was treating you with an extreme level of unnecessary hostility. You, in any other situation, would not even have tolerated a second sentence but you have to for the sake of your plan.
“You seem to have something against me and I find it hard to understand why.” You smile sweetly, almost enough that you could miss how tight the corners of your mouth are “we have never met before.” You laugh. Cass is unassumed with your artificial pleasantries. She moves Wynn behind her, as if you would do something to them. “Really,” you drop your sweet voice, “ You really think I would hurt them?” 
“Hey, you’re the one who said we didn’t know each other.” Cass retorts, she was right. You try not to clench your fist, you don't want to show aggression. It does nothing in the end. You and Cass are at a stand still, neither one of you move, only Wynn looking back and forth.
“Hello!” Steph cheers as she bursts through the door with a wide grin, Duke follows behind her, panting. She stops grinning when she feels the intense atmosphere you and Cass created. Her face grows grim. “Cass, are they…” Wynn pushes past Cass and grabs your wrist pulling you towards Steph and Duke. 
“Uh-” You slowly raise your hands, they tense as you do, until you form two thumbs up. Did you guys also think I was a criminal?” You give they an even more awkward smile as Duke's face churns in bewilderment, and Steph chokes on her own breath before laughing.
”A little bit. Uh- I am Duke Thomas.” Duke extends a fist to you. Your smile eases into a more natural grin, you relax a bit as you exchange a fist bump. “I heard about you; on the news and in school.”
”You go to our school?” Wynn quickly jabs the side of your stomach .”Hey! What did I do wrong?” You whin, as you jump away from them. They side eye you, in your head you hear their voice with laced restrained annoyance. ‘You know why.’ You quickly look back to Duke. “Sorry I am not good with faces.” 
“All good,” He laughs, “ I mean, it's not like I am a front cover for Wayne.” You tilt your head. “You know, because I am not typically associated with the Waynes in public.” He sighs, he must deal with this a lot.
”Oh, that’s not what I meant.” You shake your head “I am saying sorry I didn’t realize you go to our school, I am not good with faces,” you say flatly as Steph continues ti 
“___ is right,” Wynn says as they put back in their hearing aids, “ They didn’t really know the Wayne’s until they met Damian yesterday.” They fold their arms with a soft huff leaving their nose. “It wasn’t the greatest way of finding out.”
“Oh that definitely annoyed him.” Steph chuckles out “Damian got his ego checked, but how do you know tim?”
“I don’t know,” You look out towards the city, you weren’t sad but it did make it easier to lie. “I mean I think I knew him, at least based on how Percy reacted to seeing him earlier.” You smile slightly, “ Plus I have been getting invites for years, just never saw them.”
“What do mean You think you knew him, it seems like a yes or no question.” Cass had made her way from the edge of balcony to the rest of you at some point. She was now standing right besides you, still observing you. She seems a little less defensive but still ready to fight if you prove to be a threat. You glance at her out of the corner of you eye.
“Because, I can’t remember 11 years of my life.” you give her a sarcastically bright�� smile and as if on que a glass shattering comes from 73rd floor. Horror washes out your face before you they could even properly understand your words.  You step toward the edge, taking a look over it, you saw just the capes of Batman and robin heading into the Gala. You turn your head and see Cass was right beside you. 
“We need to go now.” Steph doesn’t seem to be talking to you and Wynn when saying this. 
Steph and Duke take off running down the hall with Wynn following closely them, but Cass was hanging on the railing going down the same way she came up, you weighted your options. Taking the elevator would be optimal but they would probably already be in the elevator by the time you get to them. So for you sanity, and worry for Val and Percy you will follow Cass. You get your knee on the railing before turning around and grabbing on tight. You let your knees slips off of the rail and you hang there for a moment before swing yours legs back and forth, gaining a small swing, before you release the railing landing on the lower balcony on you side.
“What are you doing?” Cass shouts at you as she kneels on the railing. You quickly prop yourself up with you hands.”it’s not safe.”
“Yeah, well maybe I shouldn’t have gotten a taste of an adrenaline rush. last night.” You pant out. You stumble to your feet, your clothes were slightly torn on impact, leaving you skin exposed. “Or maybe I am just doing what I feel is right,” You get up on to the rail and repeat what you just, but land on your knees time. Cass remains silent as she watches you jump down, she follows behind you, but she lands on her feet. 
“There is a better way of going about it” She offer you her hand to you, you stare at it for a moment. You were unsure about her, you weren’t going to refuse the help, you talk her hand. She helps you up before the both of you run inside. 
The room was frozen, there was no longer any chatter or soft hums of string instruments, people are now glue to the walls of the room rather than being scattered throughout the floor. Cass and you find a way to the front of the crowd, which wasn’t hard.
“Let go of me” Your head turns to the source of the voice,”I did nothing wrong-” Precy applies more pressure on the mans back cutting off his please of mercy. You look back to Cass who wan’t paying attention to Precy but rather Batman and Robin.
 They are a few feet away from Percy but seem to be more focused on the Criminal, which you recognize as firefly. Firefly seems much more somber than the other man. Probably because he know he can’t escape now, the other guy seems like an attendee of the gala rather then a someone’s villain identity.  
“Shut him up will you?” Robin shouts at Precy, who only responds is to step on the mans back making him cough with a with a sharp glare, as he rolls his eyes. “Thats works I guess.” You step off into the empty crowd as you walk over to the group quite as Cass follows behind you.
“What would the problem be here?” You place your hand on Percy shoulder. Their head moves to the side, you force a small smile as their eyes met yours, they are cold to them. You watch as yous see their stomach drop slightly. You move you eye away from them, you see Batman, Robin, Tim and Cass, huddled together talking in a hush tone. Robin glances at you before batman call his attention back. “Percy, please tell me why you holding down this man.” you continue to stare the odd group of people.
“He was threatening to hurt someone,” Percy’s voice was never this monotone; even when you pissed them off, they alway were witty with their words. You nod your head “He was specifically asking for you.”
“Oh,” You shift your glance to the man on the floor, he breathes had grown heavier. “Well I guess it’s good I wasn’t around.” You move towards Tim, you thought this was probably the best time to caught him before the police came around, but you here three pairs of feet running up behind you. You stop and turn around right as Wynn basically jumps on you, forcing you in to a hug. Steph and Duke run past you, to the Other group.”Wynn, I am okay.” You push they back  with your hands on their shoulders.
“I know that now,” They are try to caught their breathe as they hold onto your arms for support. “But you are so incredibly-” Wynn stops, you give them a look before looking begins them. Their sponsor was right behind them.
“There you are Wynn,” His voice is littered with venom and a forced pleasant voice. A surprising well attempt of hiding his contempt for Wynn, it makes you feel slightly sick. You swiftly glance over his face. He looks to be in his mid to late fifties, with his a smile that was barely even recognizable as warm. “I have been worried sick about you all night, I still have people for you to meet-” he stops once his eyes meet your. You see his body jerk as his breathing hilts. “Oh my, I didn’t know ___ ___ would be here tonight.” His tone shifted quickly from being a well hidden hatred to a more meek subservient tone. “What is you relationship with Wynn?” His has a sharp eye, he was easily able to grasp your closeness with Wynn. You have to be careful.
“Oh,” You let your face fall into what you think is neutral stare and a tight smile “I am there friend from school.” You keep a steady voice, hiding any emotion he could try to use to influence you. “I assume you know them.”
“Yes, I am their sponsor-” He straightens his back.
“Oh yeah i have heard about you.” You don’t let your face move even if you felt the need to grit your teeth. “But I still haven’t gotten your name.” You blink as you tilt your head to the side.
“My name is Viktor Kensington” His smile is tighter as his eye twitches, you feel a bit a of self satisfaction. “I Thought you would have know that seeing as our families have done business before and I hold a media presents.”
 You look down towards the ground still hold a ‘neutral’ face. “I don’t think so,” You move Wynn behind you. Your gaze returns to staring at him. “Anyways why do you need Wynn?”
“Well i was going to introduce them to my partners and other-” He begins with his smile curling into a  cocky smirk.
“Well I don’t think that can happen anymore.” You interrupt him, you can see that he was probably going to offer to do the same thing with you, but the people who he keeps as company doesn’t seem to be the type you want to be around. 
“What- why?” You drop your smile.
“Well i mean look around.” Your voice drops slightly, you are stumped by his complete lack of awareness to the situation. “I don't think the party will continue after this,” Your voice becomes louder drawing attention to you and him. “I mean it’s simply to dangerous to continue, we already had a man threaten this room of people, along with me specifically.” His reach out slightly like he going to do something before tensing up, when he saw percy look at him sharply. “So don’t worry about Wynn, I will take care of them, just go the people you came with, if any and leave.” He is no longer smile, he looks angry but he only nods stiffly before turning on his heels and leaving.
You turn back, catching a glance of the other group of people, all of whom are now looking at you; you smile briefly before you look at Precy give the a gesture to wrap up this mess. It takes a moment for anyone to move but Tim, eventually, comes up to you, as Precy pulls up the guy and walks him over to Batman and Robin, as room is filled with hushed conversations again. 
“Is everything okay over here?” Tim’s hand move to you before stopping and just slightly hovering over you. “Was he giving you trouble?”
“Oh no, just talking thats all” You grin. Percy was walking back over, before they could saying anything you push wynn, who was completely frozen still to them, you whisper to Precy, “Take them and find Val, then get to the car i will be down soon.” They nod and gently guide Wynn away. “But if you don't mind me asking, What is our families’ relationship with each other?”
Tim is taken aback by this,” what do you mean?” You smile and let out an airy laugh. “Why are you acting like you don't know why?”
“Oh sorry, guess i still trying to wrap my head around this” You offer a sorrowful look.”I went through my mail recently and realized that i have been getting letters and invites to a lot of your events, and the most recent one, well said I had to attend tonight.” You offer him the letter, he reads over it quickly. “I mean i haven’t really been in the public eye for…”
“The past seven years?” He looks up from the letter confused.
“Yeah, just have been… busy for a while now.” a droplet of sweat slides down your temple. Your weren’t sure if you could keep up the act for much longer. 
“Um well, Bruce and your mom were always close so i guess he just never took you off the invite list.” Tim seems weary of your lack of memories. “I remember seeing you attend with Percy even after she…” Tim grow quiet for a moment before handing back the letter.
“Passed? Yes, i guess i did.” feel an itch on the side of your eye you look ways from tim to see Batman staring at you. You slightly nod your head. “Well Thank you, i think i should get going though.” You take back the letter and turn to leave.
“Uh should we take you off the list?” Tim ask before4 you get to far away. You stop and ponder for a moment before turning you head back and smiling slightly. 
“No, i think i will need come back and talk to you again, i still have more questions.” You turn back “but i think you are too busy for that right now.” You walk away to the elevator pressing the button to call for an elevator going down. 
Taglist: @problematicreblogger @mileskisser @hoeinthehouse @luminous011 @enjisthings @earth-to-mee @thereeallink @pasta-warlord @just-here-reading @jjsmeowthie @chemicalsandghosts
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gcslingss · 4 months
hello👀👀 kinda nervous sending this bec idrk how you send prompt asks but.... for the gentleness prompts that you reblogged, would you like to do recovery with luke glanton, or breathe for officer k?
thank you for this request omg ive been wanting to write for k for so long
i havent watched place beyod the pines yet, so i went with option 2 :)
hope you enjoy!!! <3
real | officer k.
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prompt: breathe (find the prompt list here)
summary: he wishes he could tell you all the things you made him feel, but there just weren't enough words for it.
pairing: officer k x gn!reader (slightly inclined to fem but maybe it's just me)
warnings/content: swearing, weapons (gun), gunshots, death of an animal, death of a character, slight violence, kissing, lots of touching, albert camus mention, so many thoughts :)))
word count: 895
notes: ngl this stuff hits hard, even if I do say so myself - k just needs some love poor guy :( also thank you @laff-nelson for requesting, i really enjoyed writing this! hope you like ittt <3
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“Don’t - you don’t have to do this, I know you can-“
“I’m sorry.”
There was a void look on Officer K’s face when he shot the old replicant down, and watched his body thud on the floor. 
The chained dog on the side started to howl, scratching at the floor to get closer to its dead owner. It was thin, barely skin and bones, but it seemed loyal.
He has a pet, I’ve gathered, he remembered Lt. Joshi saying. If you see it, kill it.
The dog seemed to know it’s end was near. It ceased to bark and looked up at him. It looked as if it was begging.
He raised his arm with practised aim.
If you see it, kill it.
K didn’t mean for his eyes to close when he shot the animal.
“Your baseline is admirable, but not your best, K.”
K lowered his head. “I apologize, ma’am. I-“
“Was it because of the dog?”
There was silence. K looked up, only just meeting Joshi’s eyes. He opened his mouth to reply, but she spoke before he could.
“You’re a fucking Blade Runner, K,” she said, staring rather uninmpressedly at him. “This is pathetic.”
K’s skin prickled. A heavy feeling of guilt weighed down in his stomach. He didn’t divert his gaze, but only because he was far too ashamed to do anything.
He didn’t like being disappointing her in any way. It hurt. That was the only way he could describe it.
For a moment, he felt like the dog he killed.
Obedient. Loyal. Docile.
At the mercy of his owner.
“I apologize, ma’am,” he said again, but quietly.
Joshi waved a dismissive hand. K nodded, and exited the office.
K was tired.
Tired of what, he wasn’t sure. But he could feel the exhaustion heavy on his shoulders, in his mind, his synthetic joints sore.
K unlocked the door to his house and stepped in, noticing only the dining area’s lights were switched on. He peeked, and saw you sitting at the table, reading something.
You looked up from the book and when your eyes met his, your face lit up in a way that caused his heart to flutter, his shoulders to relax, lips automatically pulling into a smile that spoke to yours.
“Hey,” you said, keeping the book aside and walking over to him. 
You observed him for a moment, and he knew nothing escaped your scrutiny, but he hoped you wouldn’t say anything.
And you didn’t, only reaching to remove his coat, placing it on one of the chairs, before giving him another one of your lovely smiles.
“I’m not hungry today,” he said, glancing at the utensils on the table. “Is that alright?”
You looked taken aback, but nodded. “Yeah, of course.”
“I’m gonna get a shower.”
He kissed your temple, before walking to his room.
When K stepped out of the shower, he felt bad.
He’d gone over the conversation he’d had with you earlier, and he was sure he’d been unnecessarily rude, and crisp.
You were always there for him. It wasn’t fair for him to do that.
He could see you sitting in bed, still reading the plainly covered book, and his breathing eased.
K removed the towel round his waist and threw it on the bed, before changing into his clothes that you had got him a few days ago, telling him it would be comfortable to wear while sleeping.
He crawled into the covers beside you, hand instinctively taking yours.
You squeezed it and leaned into him, placing your head on his shoulder.
“You seem to really like the book,” he said. “What is it?”
“The Stranger, by Albert Camus,” you replied, as you closed it and kept it under your pillow. “It’s an old book.”
You got closer to him, sitting up straighter, letting his arm rest on the covers over your thigh. 
You seemed to be drinking him in, your gaze drifting over his face. 
“You alright?” you asked casually. 
K nodded, managing a smile.
You smiled back, but your eyes were still concerned.
I don’t think you are, they seemed to say.
K couldn’t help but wonder at times like these how you ever ended up here, with him, in his house. He wondered why you loved him so much, a replicant with bloody hands, a synthetic being made to obey. 
How you, a human, ever found him, a skinner to be enough for you.
But then your hands glided across his cheek to stroke his hair so lovingly, so gently, and every such doubt disintegrated, his mind only aware of your touch, your affection.
“K,” you whispered, a soft plea. 
Things like this made him feel real.
When his fingers found purchase in your hair, pulling you close enough that your bodies were pressed against each other, he felt real.
When his mouth pressed against yours in a soft yet feverish kiss, his lips tingling with heat, he felt real.
When he heard you mumble "oh," and clutch onto the neckline of his shirt, head tilting into the kiss, nails faintly scratching against his skin, he felt real.
When he felt your arms wrap around his back and embrace him like he meant the world to you, he felt real.
Every fibre of him felt real.
And he could never thank you enough for that.
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tagging: @laff-nelson @hollandstrophyhusband @hollandsbabygirl @zsuo @bimbocoreblonde @barbiehandlrr @fleursial @officer-kd6 @webbo0
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purpleqilinwrites · 1 year
a/n: these days have been feeling yucky to me (unrelated to fandom), so i wrote a little nanami thing to cheer myself up.
fandom: jujutsu kaisen
character: nanami kento
genre: fluff
info: established relationship (nanami is your husband); reader is also a jujutsu tech alumnus
warnings: high school dumbassery
synopsis: allegedly, gojou was your first kiss. allegedly.
word count: 1.3k
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Nanami Kento
"Can I help you?" you asked, your smile evident in your tone as you looked at Nanami from over the novel in your hands.
There was a certain sullenness that knitted his brows together, one you recognised as being a symptom of having a few too many necessary interactions with a certain white-haired sorcerer. Nanami slumped backwards into the armchair, running a hand down his face with a tired sigh. You chuckled lightly to yourself as you waited for him to speak, eyes fixed on the words on the page in front of you but not reading any of them.
"Gojou-san said something to me as I was leaving the school, and I'd like you to confirm or deny it," Nanami said, finally.
You let out a thoughtful hum, slotting an expired stamp card into your novel before closing it and leaving it on the coffee table. "And what did he say?" you asked, feeling the beginnings of a strain in your cheeks as your smile widened, anticipating.
Gojou did say the damnedest things sometimes.
Nanami groaned, his hand immediately going to his already loosened tie to tug it off his neck. The collar of his dress shirt fell open in the absence of the tie, and you allowed yourself to be distracted by his Adam's apple for a second before bringing your attention back to the increasingly interesting conversation you were having.
"Before I say anything else, I want you to know that I'm asking purely for curiosity's sake."
You nodded along, urging him to continue. He let out a long exhale as a means of pause, and you mirrored the break in his words to settle into a more comfortable position on the couch, still anticipating.
Nanami was uncharacteristically hesitant with his words, as though he was rephrasing himself several times before anything could leave his tongue. When your husband was like this, it brought to remembrance a younger version of him who tended to cut himself off in the middle of sentences because he wasn't satisfied with how his thoughts came out. He had always been more careful when he was speaking to you.
You mentally put aside a reminder to buy some kikufuku for the sole purpose of eating the whole box in front of Gojou and not sharing. If you felt particularly devious when the day came, you could always flick some of the rice flour left at the bottom of the box at him. Maybe leave a suspicious white handprint or two on his back for his students to pester him about.
"Of course," you said, still smiling, still waiting. "But please, just say what's on your mind. I don't think I can take much more of this mystery."
"Gojou-san seemed to be under the impression that he was your first kiss. He said—"
You couldn't contain the violent cackling that boiled over your lips, slapping your hands on your thighs and folding over in your seat. "I'm-I'm sorry! Hah! Please— Go on," you said, your words coming out in pieces as you tried to stop laughing long enough to hear Nanami out.
He sighed at the sight of you misty-eyed and happy, a fond smile pulling on his lips.
While you busied yourself with wiping your tears on the ends of your sleeves, Nanami stood and stepped around the coffee table to sit beside you. You moved to swing your legs over his lap when you felt the couch dip with the addition of his weight, scooting close enough to prop your cheek on his shoulder. His hand naturally came to rest on your hip, and he leaned in to press a few kisses into your hair.
"That's what you wanted to know?" you asked, eyes bright and still slightly out of breath.
Nanami regarded your face for a moment, silently admiring you. His other hand came to cup your jaw and you obliged him, your mouth pliant against the insistent press of his.
"Is it true?" came your husband's voice, his breath warm on your face. You shook your head, chasing his lips and relishing how they curved into a smile against yours.
"But I did kiss Gojou once," you said, breaking the string of saliva with your finger as you reclined into the backrest of the couch. The pleased expression on Nanami's face immediately soured terribly. He motioned for you to elaborate before placing a hand on your thigh, squeezing lightly.
"It was in the first year of high school, sometime at the beginning of the school year," you started, laughing when Nanami's eyebrows shot up. "My first kiss was actually Shouko. After, I kissed Getou and then Gojou. All on the same day."
The pinch of his lips told you that he was still processing this revelation, so you waited. It was a lot to process even for you, when you suddenly remembered it when the school year came to an end. Three people you kissed in one day, simply because Gojou hounded the rest of you to "live life a little".
You idly smoothed the palm of your hand over the muscular plane of Nanami's chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of it as he breathed.
"You kissed all of your classmates? And on the same day?" he asked, incredulous. You nodded to both questions, your smile turning sheepish. Nanami's hand on your thigh squeezed again, more firmly this time, as if there was some written confirmation in your skin about the time you kissed three other people who weren't him.
"Tell me how it happened."
You blinked.
"Are you disappointed?" you asked, already looping your arms around Nanami's torso and tucking your head under his chin, an offering. He dropped a kiss into your hair and let his lips linger there, a quiet reminder that you never needed to fear him harbouring such feelings against you.
If anything, he was disappointed in all three of your classmates for whatever transpired in those early months of your time in Jujutsu Tech. In Ieiri, Getou, and especially Gojou.
"No matter what, I love you, remember?" was the promise that he whispered into your hair, a reprise of the firm promise he gave you on your wedding day.
You giggled, repeating the words into his collarbone. It tickled him, both the feeling of your breath on his exposed skin and the assurance that you felt loved in his arms.
"Gojou started it," you said, and it made perfect sense. Nanami had suspected as much when he first heard the words from Gojou's lips. Of course, it was his upperclassman's fault. "He was convinced that having a 'kiss fest', as he called it, would be a good bonding experience for everyone. Like it was something normal to do in high school."
You left room for him to ask questions, knowing him and knowing that he'd definitely want to know more. Mentally, you replayed the whole 'kiss fest' and everything that led up to it, catching yourself by surprise with how crisp some of the details were in your mind's eye. It was a thing that you happened to participate in while you were in high school, completely uneventful and entirely disregarded.
After all, the best part of your high school years was meeting your husband. Everything else was just happenstance, smooth rocks that marked out the road that led to him.
"Did you enjoy it?" was the question that pulled you from your reminiscing.
You put your finger to your chin in thought. "Based on what? Like, taste or something?" you asked, drawing a blank when you pondered how best to answer the question posed to you. You knew when it came to him there was no wrong way to say things. It was more that you wanted to properly convey how little those three kisses meant to you.
It was Nanami's turn to laugh, the sound warm and inviting you to do the same. You brushed away the stray golden strands falling in his face, taking in the handsome image before you and committing it to memory.
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luonae · 1 month
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there are no feelings exchanged between us
i just like your eyes when youre in love
my feelings wont be saved
even though i dont want to be your friend...
— i dont like that cute girl
finally!!! got around to drawing etain!!! though honestly im so tired i decided to take it easy today so. i dont rlly like these but whatever. more about etain under the cut
so basically etain is neither an eris or milo sona but rather hes his own thing? basically he was milos friend (and secretly in love with him) before eris (but i drew emir here since hes an eris sona) came along. he immediately realized eris is manipulative and bad for milo. etain tries his best to keep milo away from eris but he is doomed to fail and die by milos hands. although he does manage to kill eris before he dies in one route, which is his happiest ending since he will at least know he managed to save milo from eris.
as for etains character, hes basically brash and unafraid to stand up for himself (and milo) around others but also very shy when it comes to his feelings for milo since hed never really been in love with someone before. hed been forced to crossdress his whole life and he really hated it (wow evil emir. hah jokes aside they are supposed to parallel each other in some aspects) and milo was the first person to truly embrace him for himself and assure him he sees him the way he wants to be seen.
his cardigan is a gift from milo (handmade) and he always wears it and takes very good care of it since it was the first item of clothing he wore out of his own will (and ofc a gift from his first love). etain also has yandere tendencies (his whole character revolves around the theme of envy and jealousy) but above all, he wants milo to be happy, and knows eris isnt where true happiness lies for milo. he notices milo changing because of eris (for the worse) and he continuously tries to step in, to separate them, to get milo away and to safety, but unfortunately etain was never meant to win. eris can easily manipulate milo back into their grasp, telling them etain is just jealous and is being selfish and doesnt want whats best for milo. all of eris' manipulation, as well as milos changes, will eventually drive milo to killing etain for his consistent attempts to get milo away. etain gets forceful when he realizes milo cant be reasoned with due to eris' grip on him, resorting to threatening eris and even attempting to harm them (and like i said, he succeeds in one route). unfortunately for him, milo will never see him as his savior, only eris. even though the one who wanted milo to be happy and loved for himself, the one who saw the best in milo change without his having to change, all along, was etain.
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unfortunately the paper covered up part of his design and this is pretty messy but here you can see the rest though some details are missing.
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bloodycyrano · 17 days
So.. In most videogames, you have the "journal" where you keep codices, quests, character details.. Etc. So here are some of my personal journal-keeping troupes for various videogame MCs!
Dark urge, BG3-
Memory issues. They want to keep a record of everything while it's still fresh in their head.. As someone who struggles with a lot of short term memory loss, and has blocked out a lot of my childhood due to various traumas, I understand a lot of the fear and panic that comes with not remembering things. Not to mention the severe head trauma Orin caused to Durge, they'd probably continue to have memory problems throughout the rest of their life, even after the whole ordeal with the netherbrain.
The Warden, Dragon age: Origins-
I feel like someone gave the Warden an empty journal before they left with Duncan.. For my personal playthrough, I believe it was Hahren Paivel, elder of clan Sabrae. He was far from a mentor, but he was there when my Warden was born. He watched her learn and grow among her cousins, Merrill and Tamlen. He watched them play, and fight. He watched her rival with her best friend, and he watched her get hurt, and leave. Judged her actions no more than he praised her victories.. She had always been so invested in their stories, and learning about their culture. And while Paivel had never had such a respectful child, willing to listen and learn.. He also had never seen one so stuck in a past that they had barely lived themselves. I feel like Paivel wanted her to focus on making new stories of the dalish, and record her own adventures, rather than simply mourning being away from home.
Rhen, Aveyond 1-
I feel like she always kept a journal, but wanted to record everything even more after she was kidnapped. After all, it all started with her trying to find a way home, rather than anything else. I feel like she wanted to record a diary, in case she died, so that her parents would know what happened. Or perhaps, as an optimist, she wanted to keep it so she could show everyone back at Clearwater when she finally returned home. To tell stories of her adventures.
Hawke, da2-
Firm belief that Hawke didn't keep a journal. Ever. Their bestie Varric wrote his book about the hero of kirkwall, and Hawke wrote sassy commentary in the margins.
The inquisitor, DAI-
I feel like the inquisitor is just a massive fucking nerd at heart, and would definitely go on a lecture style rant every half hour if they weren't so goddamn stressed and tired all the time. I headcannon that my personal inquisitor used to work at the Black emporium, acquiring various old relics and shit for the job because they genuinely just loved learning about things, so they record and catalog everything.
Darc and Kharg, Arc the lad: twilight of the spirits-
Darc doesn't keep a journal, he's too much for that. Always in a rush for the next step, hot blooded and ambitious. Plus, he's traumatized and doesn't want to remember shit.- I feel like if anyone in his group kept a journal, it would probably be Volk- But not just any journal. He would probably use one that his wife or children kept before they had died. One that smells like his family. Maybe he feels like he's carrying on a pass time they enjoyed, and puts aside his desire for revenge for the night just to feel close to his family again before bed.
Kharg on the other hand is such a flamboyant little princess who thinks everything he does is important that I wholeheartedly believe he would keep a journal just because he thinks people are going to care enough to read it in a library one day. Bro is so full of himself that it's actually insane. Fuck you, Kharg.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
I think you know enough hq characters at this point so, who do you think in haikyuu would fuck their step-sis and why is it tsukishima (also ushijima but hes more lowkey)?? - 💔
🥲 if u were to crack my silly little head open and take a look inside. this would be the only thing u see. just pure hell pure chaos nothin else. NONNIE.. do u really want me dead :(
cw stepcest, dubcon, timeskip tsukki n ushi
sob sniffle sister fucker tsukishima. i am literally going to lose my mind thinking about him. he’s so mean, shrugs all your tears and whining off whenever the sibling banter pushes a few too many buttons. it’s just how he is and you’ve grown used to it — his snarky comments and how he could spark all sorts of deepest insecurities w just a few teasing, light hearted comments. but kei nii doesn’t rly mean that, and you know it. it’s just how he is, with the kindest heart buried somewhere deep under the cocky demeanor — that’s what you think, until you come home from uni for holiday break and go out one night.
you take a few shots too many, those airhead friends of yours that kei never really liked busying themselves w some random guys, and you end up calling him to pick you up. there’s some creep at the club that just doesn’t let up, you’re a little scared, and your phone is almost dead. he’s the only person you really know that’d actually pick up at this late hour and come get you — he’s your brother after all. and yet, you regret ever calling him in the first place as soon as you get in the car, listen to him calling you even dumber than he’d thought of you, jaw slack and eyes firm yet tired behind his glasses as he drives. you hold back tears on the way home, and for the very first time in your life, you feel like kei nii might actually hate you :( and that he meant every single jab he’s gave you throughout all these years. he tugs you inside the house, unaware of your silence, and grumbles something about u being lucky that mums not home to see you this fucked up. you sit at the edge of your bed, shaky fingers struggling to undo the straps of your heels, and kei lets out an exasperated sigh as he crouches down in front of you. he slaps your hands away, works on unclasping the straps and tells you you’re hopeless. you’re just so annoying with how reckless you’re being, he’s got practice tomorrow morning and yet its 3 am and he has to deal with you — careless as always. he sets your shoes aside and is about to get up and leave when he hears the choked little sound. a tear or two falls on his hand and he looks up — breath hitching in his throat upon his step sister crying. he’s seen it so many times before, being the very cause for your tears more often than not, and yet this time, he’s confused. you wipe at your eyes, a poor attempt to hide the heartbreak, and swallow back little muffled cries. you tell him you’re sorry, that you never wanted him to hate you. you’re sorry that you’re annoying, sorry that you’re being a bother as always. kei watches in sheer astonishment as your bottom lip wobbles, still glimmering with your gloss. just don’t hate me, nii chan. he almost feels bad, for the first time in forever, as you sit there in your tiny black dress, with those pretty long falsies on, and cry your heart out — for him. its the exhaustion, he thinks, it has to be as he reaches a hand up and rests it on the back of your neck. he calls you silly, wipes a thumb below your eyes and furrows his brows a bit — he could never hate you, why’d you even think that? you really are a dumb thing. he’s just tired and not thinking straight, kei’s sure, as he leans up to press his lips to yours and taste you. your tongue is heavy with intoxication and shock, and he makes out the faint vanilla of your lip gloss and remnants of liquor as he kisses you, languid and sloppy, something to slow down the haywire in your mind. he could never hate you, he repeats, easing you down on the bed and hiking your dress over your hips — groaning when you give him the prettiest wide eyes, glossy with tears still but oh, so hopeful. kei nii is a good brother, despite his sharp tongue and teasing nature — and makes sure you never, ever doubt his love for you again :(
ushijima though,, he’s a whole another story you’re so right. i’m p sure he doesn’t even give you any remotely dirty thought — anything that would be immoral considering your relation. you’re his little step sister, and there’s nothing more to it. sure, he’s never been too close with you — always solely focused on his career — but he does appreciate you. you’re nice, sweet and caring with the way you always pick him up from the airport or fly over to some of his games. (you always cheer for him the loudest, and grin wide as you tell the couple sittin next to you that the ushiwaka is your older brother.) you always welcome him with the warmest hug, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck, and laugh as he squeezes you — welcome back, nii chan, i missed you lots. he’s no fool and sees how you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman, too. he’s aware of all the looks you get when you two walk down the street and how it’s hard to keep count of all the boyfriends you’ve mentioned before. for some reason, none of them lasted, though, and yet you’d always brush it off and give him a small smile when he asked if you were okay. wakatoshi doesn’t know a lot about girls in the first place, but you’re a whole another enigma. like i said, i think he wouldn’t even dare think of you in any other way than purely platonic — and so, you render his entire giant frame putty when you first crawl into his lap with that pretty little glint in your eyes. barely a minute earlier you were just scrolling down your phone, w your legs in his lap as he goes through his calendar — next thing he knows, his little step sister is grinding down on him, breath minty on his lips as you moan. large palms rest on your hips and it takes all your willpower to stand your ground, considering he wouldn’t even have to put any work into pushing you off. he fixes you a confused look, eyebrows knit together and voice low when he asks what are you doing, why are you— you cup his handsome face in your hands, a manicured thumb pressing to his lips and it shuts him up ridiculously quick n effectively. s’alright, nii chan, it’s nothin’. you need him bad, you tell him, and prove your point by the sinful roll of your hips against his hardening cock. you see he wishes he could deny you, that he could tell you that it’s wrong and fucked up and that you can’t be doing this — cause you’re siblings, blood bound or not — but his silence gives him away. always so blunt and straightforward, your nii san now sits completely quiet, and you know that the cogs in his mind must be struggling, but if he had any second thoughts abt all of this — he would’ve already told you. but he doesn’t tell you anything, doesn’t speak at all before he exhales and pulls you flush against him, lips finding yours with way too much ease. toshi nii doesn’t have to speak at all — his actions do it for him, as he has you all spread out n making the prettiest noises for hours on end that day </3
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mangekyuou · 2 years
Can I request a Kid, Law, Luffy headcanons to you sleeping on the couch waiting for them to come back from a mission? :)
✸  headcanons  %  when you wait for them to return.
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✸    characters! . . .  luffy, kid & law.
✸    cw(s)! . . .  n/a. no pronouns used. not proofread.
✸    notes! . . .  feel like i’m starting to get kid’s character better, or at least how i’m interpreting him. thank you so much for requesting !! also thank you for 1.1k followers !! <3333
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luffy couldn’t wait to get home and tell you all about his mission, the friends he made, and all the amazing food he ate
he hoped to one day come back with you by his side
when he opens the door, he calls your name loudly... but sweetly, expecting to show you what he brought back with him
however, he is met with silence. he looks around the room to see you sleeping on the couch wrapped in a warm cozy blanket
well, you were asleep before a certain pirate practically slammed the door open and yelled your name
you rub the sleep out of your eyes and look at the doorframe, happy to see him
luffy sets aside the souvenirs and joins you on the couch, showering your sleepy face in kisses
between kisses, he apologizes for waking you up. but how can you even be upset with him when he shows you the souvenirs he brought back because many of them reminded him of you?
he wants to tell you all about his journey, but he also wants you to rest well. so he saves his stories for after your nap
this time he joins you under the blanket, entangling his limbs with yours before falling asleep faster than you expected
maybe he was tired after all
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there were...ups and downs on said mission. likely more downs than ups. the redhead grumbling to himself as he stomped his way home
he was just ready to be in your arms again
still groaning under his breath, he opened the door and stepped inside
he expected to be immediately greeted and comforted by you, as you always had done when he returned home from a mission
he finally found you sprawled out on the couch fast asleep
the downs of the missions have already left his mind as he sees you sleeping peacefully. there is just something about you that always calms him 
in your presence, he knows that he is both loved and protected, that you have his back no matter what
in him trying to get comfortable, he ends up waking you up. before you could apologize for not being awake, he tells you not to worry about it
he flops down on the couch right next to you without another word, looking at you from the corner of his eye, though he had looked away when you caught him
you knew exactly what he wanted
you threw the blanket over the both of you, snuggling into his side, laying a gentle peck on his cheek
maybe one of these days he’d learn to say he wanted to cuddle out loud
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it’s not too often that law leaves you to go on a mission. oftentimes, he takes you with him as you are his partner in crime. 
this time it was different, something regarding his past that he didn’t want you to get involved with
reluctantly, you agreed to stay behind and wait for him
when he returned home and opened the door, he didn’t expect to find you asleep on the couch cuddled into a pillow in one of his shirts
guilt washes over him. were you really waiting up for him?
he slips off his shoes, grabbing a blanket, and tucks you in gently
your sleeping face, makes him smile. watching your chest slowly rise and fall as you sleep peacefully brings him a deep joy
he sits on the couch next to you, trying his best not to wake you
in your sleep, you flip around, your head resting in his lap.
he wondered if you were even asleep at all or if you could just feel his presence in your sleep. but nevertheless, law feels everything that is troubling him melting away
his hand finds your back, rubbing soothing circles on your skin
he’s home
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
Tsurugi, Rei, Teruya, Utsuro, and Hajime Reacting to S/o Fainting
Ask: Ok, how about when their s/o faints in front of them, I don't matter what characters though lol
Alright, I decided on Tsurugi, Utsuro, and Hajime cuz trauma, and also Rei and Teruya simp lol
Tsurugi Kinjo:
He’s always on the lookout in case something happens to you, so the moment you mentioned that you felt lightheaded, he was already preparing for the worst. 
“Are you sure you’re alright, Y/n? We should go to the shade, do you need water?”
Tsurugi reached his arms out the moment you began to sway, catching you immediately as you fainted. 
“Y/n!? Are you okay? Y/n!”
He gently tapped your shoulder a few times to check if you were responsive, before carefully laying you down. He was skilled in first aid, so he quickly loosened any tight clothing you had, and lifting your legs above your heart level, so blood could easily flow to your brain. 
Demanding someone nearby to call for help, he prepared himself to give you cpr if you stopped breathing. Tsurugi hated how his face turned red when he thought about that…
He completely steps aside when help arrives, but still checks on you whenever he can. 
For the next few weeks, he constantly asks you how you feel, if you need to lay down, and to tell him if you ever feel lightheaded again. Even if everything turned out alright, it’s a new worry that keeps him up at night, and it will take a lot of reassurance to convince him that you’re okay.
Hajime Makunouchi:
He was worried the moment you started yawning. He recognized every sign at first glance, and quickly offered you water or to take a break from training, but you insisted on continuing
"Are you sure?...Alright, but if you get too tired, let me-"
Hajime caught you the moment you began to fall, gently laying you down and checking if you were breathing. He wouldn't hesitate to give you cpr, and he sure as hell wouldn't leave you 
He yelled for Shinji and Yuki, who were training not far behind you, to call for help. He placed a hand on your forehead, then quickly fanning you with his hand. He didn't even realize he was shaking, he just couldn't stop thinking about you. 
He gets in the ambulance with you when help finally arrives, refusing to let go of you for even a second. Hajime knew exactly how you felt right now, and he would never abandon you like his parents did to him. 
"Y/n....it's going to be okay...I'm here...I'm here."
He gives your hand a soft squeeze, trying to reassure himself that you'll be fine.
Whatever happened, his luck should help you. And… he wasn’t sure he could take losing you. The moment you recover, you’re met with your favorite boxer, who doesn’t waste a second to hold you, hoping you don’t realize the tears rolling down his face
Rei Mekaru:
Under most circumstances, she would've been able to tell right away that something was wrong, but with, in her words, your "ineffectual comprehension" of yesterday's math lesson, she was too busy lecturing you to notice the signs
"You use the derivative to find the increasing or decreasing interval, Y/n. If the first derivative of a function is positive, then it is an increasing interval. However, this is only correct for a real-value-"
Rei's eyes widen in surprise. Her first thought was, 'real funny, Y/n' but her gut had a heart wrenching feeling...
Her knowledge is first aid was pretty basic, but she was quick and well at assessing the situation. She quickly checked for a pulse, tapping your shoulder and calling your name.
"Y/n? Can you hear me? Y/n!"
Placing you in the recovery position, she tells a nearby student to call for help. Rei retraces her steps from her time with you. Had you drank enough water? Were you yawning a lot before you passed out? Did you say anything about feeling lightheaded?
Her thoughts race as she lightly fans you. She would never admit how worried she felt, not hesitating to chew out any onlookers. 
"What are you still doing here!? Are you idiots going to help or just watch!?"
She's much more patient when the first responders arrive, stepping aside and letting them do their job, while also sneaking as many looks at you as she can. 
Rei would be restless and more irritable for the rest of the day, checking up on you as soon as she could. 
You sigh a bit when she scolds you for scaring her like that, but it made you smile how she genuinely cared. 
Teruya Otori:
Teruya had been telling you about the new shipment of overseas products that his father had showed him that weekend, holding your hand and rambling with an oblivious smile
He noticed that your hand felt sweaty, and you looked rather anxious about something, but he chalked it up to nerves
"Hey, Y/n? Ya nervous 'bout somethin'? You can tell meh!"
"It's not that... it's just...I..."
He's completely caught off guard when you suddenly drop to the ground. He tried to catch you, but ended up falling down with you.
"Y/n!? Y/n!" 
Teruya quickly gets to his knees and lightly shakes you. You mumble an incoherent response, and he yells for help. 
He knows basic first aid, so he lays you on your back and loosens any tight clothing on you. (Blushing heavily as he does so) 
He steps aside when help arrives, beginning to bite his nails in worry. He tries not to get in their way, but he’s desperate to know what happened to you.
Teruya is glad to know it's not serious, making a mental note to tell your teachers you were absent, and to visit you when you recover, a banquet of flowers in hand
He notices you seem to sway a bit, and your steps slow, but with his luck protecting you, just brushes it off
It wasn't until he heard a small thud from beside him that he felt a strike of worry
Utsuro thinks you're joking at first, lightly tapping your shoulder. He puts his hand in front of your face to make sure you're breathing, unconsciously letting out a small sigh of relief when he feels your breath
He nudges you a few more times, before hoisting you up against his shoulders. Your breath lightly tickled his neck as he brought you to some shade. 
Feeling your forehead, he signals for help. 
This whole situation is strange for him. Divine luck should keep you safe from...everything! He knew nothing about first aid, and somehow his divine luck wasn't waking you up yet. 
Was it heat stroke? Were you dehydrated?
It was the first time in years he felt... fear. Why were you still unconscious??
Besides Akane, you were the only person he had who truly loved him. He spent his life being used for his luck, just for it to disappear when his S/o was hurt?
It felt like an eternity before help arrived. 
His heart... was beating fast... He tried to keep his unbothered face, but it became increasingly difficult. 
Just what happened to you?
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constesplanetarium · 1 year
☼⚠︎Yandere Bartender x GN!Reader Oneshot
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Darkness rating ) 5/10 : “Do you need a bandaid?”
Neither the bartender nor the reader have any specific appearance, so you can imagine them however you’d like. ^^
The only thing I specified is that the bartender's name is Marcus (potential new oc, you might see him around more often :) If I do write him more, expect his character to change here and there (maybe he’ll be a little less crazy than this one shot of him) ^^
I might edit it a bit to fix up some things here and there, but for now, enjoy :)
THERE’S ANOTHER PART TO THIS!!! consider this part his current version :)
you can read it here!!!
Blood/Blood being unknowingly consumed.
In the bonus portion, there are mentions of stalking, needles/syringes, and general obsession around the end of the one-shot. Also a light smut mention near the end :)
Word count: Around 4k words (I got carried away lolz)
Soft jazz music fills every empty part of your head as you step into the dimmed bar. The bar has a certain warm, cabin like vibe that makes a fuzzy feeling spread throughout your whole body, alongside the delicate musk of alcohol, whether it be tequila or vodka. Luckily for you, there are only two people at the bar stools, both sitting on opposite sides, so you get to fit yourself snugly in the middle, away from everyone else. In the middle of the bar table, a man is slowly cleaning an empty glass with a rag, looking extremely bored with his life. He’s obviously not busy, so maybe he can serve you a drink or two.
You walk up to the bar stools, and he immediately looks up at you making your way over, setting his glass down with a small clink. He throws the rag aside and rests his hands on the table as you sit up on the stool.
“Hey, you’re coming in a little late, huh?” He taps his fingers on the watch set on his wrist, and you suddenly feel a bit insecure sitting on that stool. It was a bit late, about 11:37 PM. “No, It’s alright, I’ll still serve you. What can I get you?” He gives you a soft smile, bending down and resting his hand on his cheek as he stares into your eyes. A soft twinge of embarrassment fills your body, as you get a good look at him up close. This guy is pretty good-looking. He gazes at you for a couple of seconds until he snaps out of it, his eyes darting away for a moment. “Sorry.” He laughs and looks back at you. “I’m a bit tired, it’s been a long shift. You can call me Marcus.” He stands back up and taps the gold nameplate on his chest, reading out his name in black text and a fancy, cursive font.
… Marcus?
“... Oh! Yeah! You’re in one of my classes aren’t you?!” His face practically lights up and he shakes his hands around in excitement. “Thank god, someone to talk to here!”
He sits around the back of your class, always tending to be more quiet than everyone else. You’ve only talked with him once or twice during a group project, and even then, it wasn’t really a conversation. You've never seen him with anyone else around campus either, but at the same time, you rarely see him around at all. No wonder you didn't recognize who he was at first.
“Oh right, obviously you’re here to order something. Duh.” He goes cross-eyed and bumps his head mockingly, afterward looking back at you. “What can I get you?”
You’re still quiet for a few seconds, and then he raises a brow at you. “... You don’t know what to get, do you?”
No. No, you don’t.
“That’s fine. I’m indecisive too.” He sends a small wink your way, small shivers rising up your spine. It’s more embarrassment than fear. You aren’t exactly dressed to impress at the moment. “How about a suggestion? I know some good drinks since, well, I work here.”
You nod your head eagerly, not wanting to take up too much of his time. It’s not like anyone's waiting for him, though.
He grins at your acceptance of his offer, and he rubs his chin a little, taking small glances at the environment around you two. You assume he’s thinking about what drink to serve you, and suddenly, he clasps his hands together.
“How about a bloody mary?”
You’re not a hard drinker, per se, but you know enough to understand what a bloody mary is. It’s that one drink with vodka, tomato juice, and lemon juice, isn’t it?
… Isn’t there hot sauce in that drink?
You raise your brow at his suggestion. A bloody mary? You weren’t really in the mood to drink anything too heavy, nor anything with vodka and hot sauce poured in it. He could see your hesitation and laughed it off with a smile.
“No blood mary, huh?” He rubs his neck and looks up at the ceiling, apparently thinking of another drink to make you. His eyes suddenly flicker back to yours. “How about a shirley temple? It’s non-alcoholic if alcohol is what you’re worrying about in the first place.”
Your head tilts at the drink suggestion. You’ve never been to too many bars, and each time you’ve gone, all you’ve gotten is a glass of water or a bit of soda. He senses your confusion and drums his fingers on the table.
“It’s a mix of ginger ale and a splash of grenadine, all with a cherry on top.” He makes a motion with his right hand as if he’s topping an ice cream cone with that exact cherry. “Grenadine is a sort of pomegranate syrup if you didn’t know. Good stuff. Though, if you don’t like ginger ale, I can always use different things.” He extends his hand to you and starts to count on his fingers. “Lemon-like soda, lemonade, or even orange juice if you want. Oh!” A bright smile spreads on his face, making you admire how cheerful he is. “I can even mix two drinks if you want. I personally like to make mine with lemon-lime soda and ginger ale.”
Oh? That doesn’t sound bad at all. You nod and he claps his hands excitedly. “You want my version?! Alright!” He laughs and fixes himself up, pretending to slick his hair back as he puffs his chest out, providing you with a small comedic show. “Uhm, excuse me though, I have to get an extra ingredient out the back.”
You sit there in silence for a few minutes, until he comes back with a small, shot glass full of a dark, red liquid. He swishes it around a bit and sets it aside.
“We keep some strawberry syrup in the back.” He chuckles. “I always like to add some to my shirley temple.”
Strawberry syrup? Wow, this drink actually sounds delicious. Surprising, since it was a drink recommended to you on a random whim.
He reaches down and emerges with a tall, empty glass, alongside a small can of lemon-lime soda, and ginger ale. “Alright, you get to watch me work.” He hums happily, reaching down again and pulling out the grenadine.
Er, now that you get a good look at him, he looks paler than he did a few minutes ago… Is he alright?
“Pale?” He pours ice into a shaker and the empty glass as he raises a brow at you. “Do I look like that?” He shakes the cans of soda around, cracking both of them open at the same time using the table ledge. He gives you a small chuckle and wink. “I told you, long shift, remember? Ah, the regulars were extra ruthless this evening…” He murmurs, pouring the grenadine into the empty tall glass, alongside the full shot glass of strawberry syrup. “A group of old guys that come in every so often. A group of 4.”
The syrup is strangely liquidy for a so-called “syrup”, but you don’t think anything of it. “They ordered like, 10 drinks, I’m telling you. It was all heavy shit too.” He stops and chuckles quietly. “Sorry. I’m not supposed to curse at work. Anyway, they’re all heavy-ass drinkers.” He starts to shake the ginger ale and lemon-lime soda together in the shaker, looking at you as he does so. “Like, how many drinks can a 56-year-old man down? A lot, I’ll tell you.” He pulls the lid off the shaker and peers into the cup randomly. “Luckily, it’s pretty slow now, just take a look around.” He licks his lips as he pops the lid for the shaker back on, and he pours the shaken liquid into the glass, bending down again to emerge with a single cherry. “Too bad that was the most exciting thing to happen to me today. Just a bunch of old guys being loud. I was almost thinking about kicking them out, but they tip well, so… Eh.” He tops the drink off dramatically, acting like it’s a ticking time bomb ready to explode, before dropping the act and handing you your drink. “You better drink it all before I do.”
You grin as you take a good look at the glass in front of you. The grenadine and strawberry syrup at the bottom made an extremely pretty red ombre effect after the soda was poured into it. You lift the glass to your lips, as he looks at you eagerly, full of interest, and you take a couple of sips.
… This tastes odd. Not odd in the sense that it’s bad, or in the sense that you were drugged, he’s a bartender. He wouldn’t do that.
Would he?
You take a small glance up at him before taking another few sips, and it hits you.
Yeah… This does taste a bit odd. You purse your lips in discontent.
… Is that the small taste of iron?
You look up at him in confusion. You’re not bleeding from your mouth, you’re sure of it. Is the grenadine or strawberry syrup expired? He frowns as you stare at him.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like the drink?” He rubs his arm uncomfortably, and looks at the drink, placing his hand on top of yours. “I can make a new one if you’d like.”
He did make the drink in front of you, and you didn’t see any sort of drug added into it, alongside the fact that he’s offering to make a whole new drink for you… He didn’t drug it after all, huh?
“No, it’s okay, I, uh, understand how people can be nowadays.” He tried to laugh it off, but his smile faded into one of discomfort. “Sorry. It might taste a little funny, it’s just the way I prefer to make it.”
You shake your head and bring the drink to your lips again, taking another couple of sips to show him that you don’t mind. You just assume it’s one of those drinks that you just have to get used to the more you drink it, similar to a rich whisky or even just fairly sour lemonade.
“Oh.” He leans down and rests his arms on the table, watching you drink your shirley temple with joy. “It’s still good, right?”
You give him a small thumbs-up of approval, and he chuckles to himself quietly.
“Good, that’s good…” He pauses and takes a small look around the bar. It looks like he wants to say something.
“Are you, uh… Are you busy for the rest of the night? My shift ends at 1:30 AM tonight. I’m working overtime, so…” His eyes don’t meet with yours, as he stares at your drink. The deep reds swirl at the bottom of the cup. “It’s only me tonight. Everyone else already left. Look.”
You didn’t even notice.
No one else is in the bar anymore. It’s only you and him.
… He looks so sad at the thought of being alone. It’s not like you’re busy or anything later, right after this you’re going home. Even more, you took the bus here, and there’s been news of recent kidnappings after bus rides recently…
“You’ll stay? Really?!” He grins and claps his hands together a couple of times. “Hell yeah! Oh, hold on.” He runs over to the door of the bar, flips the “Open” sign to “Closed”, and he locks the door. He makes his way back over to you and starts to talk again. While he walks over, you take some more sips of your drink, and you were right, it gets better and better as you drink it. “I can make you another drink if you’d like. How about another shirley temple? Maybe a virgin sunrise tequila cocktail? Hmm…” He pushes the small door blocking people from getting access to the bar, and starts to take off his vest. “Maybe a New York sour?” He sets the vest aside, placing it next to you on the table. His gold nameplate glitters in the dim lighting of the bar, and he lets out a small sigh. “Uhm, thanks for staying with me, by the way. I know you just started to know me but it’s really nice of you…” He gets quieter and quieter, and it comes to a point where he stops talking to just stare at you.
… He’s starting to look scary.
“Hmm?” He snaps out of it once you ask him if he’s okay, and he shakes his head, brushing it off. “Sorry, sorry. I’m still tired.” He fixes his shirt, running his hands down and up his chest to get rid of all the wrinkles. “Er, how about we start sitting together in class? You don’t sit with anyone you know.”
How does he know that?
“I mean, you’re always alone when you walk in class, and you never talk to anyone either, so…” He laughs a little, taking a quick glance at your drink. The drink is almost finished, and just a bit of the grenadine and syrup sit at the bottom. “Want me to make you another one?”
You nod and he leaves you for another few minutes, just to come back out with another shot glass, full of that same strawberry syrup. You wonder why he doesn’t just bring the bottle out, since you’ll probably just ask for another one after this.
“The bottle?” He grins and starts to prepare the drink again, popping open the soda cans against the table like he did earlier. “It’s not a bottle. It’s this fat-ass container. Think of those big ass bottles of ketchup they have at like fast food places or something.” He pours the grenadine and syrup into the glass again, and you get a good look at his face. He’s pale again. Does he feel sick? But you remember that he’s tired, and brush it off as soon as the thought enters your head. “It’s a hassle to bring it out, so what the other servers do is they’ll bring out a shot glass of it to make drinks, like this.” He picks up the shot glass to point your attention to it, and pours the soda and ginger ale in the shaker. “We’ve been thinking that it would just be better to have a small bottle of it out here, like the ones with the vented pourer at the top, those glass ones, yeah?” He shakes the drink, ice rattling around in the container. “Or maybe one of those syrup pourers you see in those pancake places, haha.” He stops and pours the soda into the cup, making that beautiful ombre effect again. “Want the cherry?”
Yes, please.
He grins at your nodding and bends down, pulling up a single cherry as he tops your drink. “You didn't even eat the cherry in the last one.”
Oh yeah, you didn’t. You glance at the empty cup full of ice, and the single cherry lying there.
“I got it.” He reaches into the cup and takes the cherry out by the stem, setting the cherry in his mouth. You watch him chew on it as you take a few sips of your drink, that mellow taste filling your mouth again. He pulls the stem off and takes the cherry pit out of his mouth. “I, uh, I always hate the pit.” He tried to laugh but suddenly seemed a little out of breath. He looks away and you saw his face shift from happy to… You can’t tell.
“Hold on, the trash is right here…”He bends down, almost bumping into the bar table, and seemingly throws both the pit and stems away. “Sorry, I suddenly feel tired.”
You frown and take a good look at him. He does look strangely sick all of a sudden.
“Hmm? Oh, no, it’s fine! I don’t have to leave yet, ahaha…”
“... Close early? No, it’s fine.” He hums and grabs a random rag, suddenly cleaning the bar table, and making swirling motions with his hand. “I have to clean up anyway.” He points to the tables around you two, littered with dirty glasses. “Uhm, give me a few minutes, okay? This won’t take long at all.”
You watch him run around the clean every table, scrubbing them down and washing the dishes. You offered to help several times, yet he refused your assistance every time, brushing it all off with an “I’m fine!” or an “I’m almost done.” Around 30 minutes had passed, and even after he finished cleaning, he made you another drink.
“You feelin’ okay?” He takes a seat next to you, on your side of the bar this time. You’re on your third drink by now, and this time you decided to let him make a New York sour, damn these drinks are good. “You’re not tired, are you?”
Shouldn’t you be the one asking him that?
“Me? I’m okay!” Granted, the color did return to his face, and he seemed a bit more peppy now. “We just have a few minutes until 1:00 AM.”
You take the last sips of your drink and think.
…You have classes early tomorrow.
“... Leave early? Why?” He frowns and looks at you. “Ah, do you actually feel tired? Sick?” He sets his hand on your forehead, making your face warm up. He leans in close to you, and you can practically feel his breath on your neck. “... Do you need anything?” He speaks softly to you, as if you’re a loved one, a significant other. You don’t say anything, and just shake your head a little to his question. He nods. “If you need anything, I’m here.” He hums, his hand making its way to your cheek. “You’re too warm, maybe you really are sick…”
You shake your head no aggressively, frowning at his gesture. You’re sure he meant well, but he can’t just touch you out of nowhere like that. What the hell is his problem?
“... Sorry.” He murmurs, moving his hand away, and it falls loosely to his side. He takes a peer at his watch and is quiet for a few seconds. “It’s almost 1:00 AM. Do you really want to leave early…?”
Yes. Yes you do. He looks at you a little heartbroken, but shakes his head, as if to get the feeling out of his body, and he just smiles. “It’s fine. C’mon.” He steps off the stool and grabs his vest, beckoning you over. “I’ll have to drive you home, unless you have an Uber at this hour?”
You wince. The buses aren’t open this late, but it’s not like you were going to take one anyway. No way in hell you were going to take an Uber either.
“Sure, just give me your address.” He locks the bar door behind him, then he leads you to his car, and it’s a nice black sports-like car. You can totally see him driving this kind of car around. He pulls the passenger door open for you, bowing a little as you step in. A few seconds later he sits into the driver's seat and turns the car on. “Your address?”
His face turns into one of shock, and then he grins. “No fucking way. You live in my apartment complex?”
Woah. It’s coincidence after coincidence with this guy.
“Well shit, this makes everything easier.”
The cold air hits you suddenly as you step out of his car, and the little jingle of his keys makes you turn to him.
“What floor do you live on?”
The second floor. And your next-door neighbors are dickheads.
“Mmn. Me too.” He chuckles and slips the keys into his pocket, rubbing his arm again. You both walk to the building and he just talks along the way. “It’s a bit cooler today than it was last night, haha. I would’ve brought my coat, but I didn’t check the weather this afternoon…” You both make your way to the stairs and start to walk up. You take your keys out of your pocket in advance. “I was going to ask which room you live in, but that’s a little much, huh?”
Eh, you might as well tell him, right?
“205, huh? I’m literally down at 210.” The lights in the hallway are dimmed as you both try to step in as quietly as you can, especially you. “Want me to drop you off at your room? I don’t mind.”
You shake your head, but thank him for the offer.
“Mmn, see you tomorrow classmate.” He hums and waves you goodbye as he keeps on walking to his room. You wave goodbye too, push the keys into your lock, twist, and then walk into your apartment.
Home sweet home.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕦𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍!
I watch them walk back into their apartment, and take a glance at the 205 on their door. It’s not like I didn’t already know anyway. I’ve known that they live with me for a long time now.
They need to become more aware of their surroundings. What if someone else besides me was following them home? To their classes, to their favorite place to eat, to their doctor appointments…
I step into my apartment, and it suddenly hits me again.
Holy shit. They drank all of it. Every drink I gave them. And they loved it. Every single one.
A part of me, inside them. Oh, how incredible…
I feel my cock harden in my pants, and I grip my keys tightly. I don’t want to do that right now, but I don’t think I can fight that urge for long
I sigh dreamily and throw my keys onto the kitchen counter, digging into my pocket as I pull out the two cherry pits and stems from their drinks. I can feel my heart pound as I stare at the pits. I get to add something else to my collection, wow…
I don’t take my eyes off the pits for even a moment as I push my bedroom door open, squatting down and pulling out my box. Black, decorated with a red ribbon. I set the pits and stems into the corner, along with the pen they dropped one day while they were walking in front of me.
I hesitate for a moment, before pulling out the capped syringe from my pocket. I stare at the dried-up blood inside the tube, dropping it inside the box with everything else. I have to clean it. The blood’s gonna rot if I don’t, but I’ll just do it tomorrow.
I’m so excited, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
I can feel my hands shake, and even the blood run through my veins. Tomorrow needs to hurry up and come. I need to see them again…
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randoimago · 1 year
Hello! May I request h/c of Maruki, Iwai, Akechi's s/o playfully avoid their kisses (but in the end s/o kisses them all over their faces)? Thanks
S/O Avoiding Their Kisses
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Goro Akechi, Munehisa Iwai, Takuto Maruki
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): This is super cute and here you go!
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Akechi hardly gives you a lot of physical affection since he's typically busy. You get praise and he's honest with his feelings, but not a lot of physical affection.
So he is a tad surprised that you move out of the way when he's going to give you a kiss. Akechi stares at you for a bit and for a split second he thinks he did something wrong or you're hiding something from him and don't want kisses. But he notices the small smile on your face and rolls his eyes.
He does try to give you another kiss before he leaves and narrows his eyes when you avoid that kiss too. Can't help a scoff at whatever game you're playing. You move to try and hug him at least and he gives a pleasant smile and avoids your hug as he leaves for work.
You wanted to start this game of yours, so he'll play it too. You see him at lunch and when he gets a break, you and him hang out again. And the whole time he's avoiding any kind of physical affection that you try to give him. Doesn't even try giving you kisses now until you admit defeat.
When he gets home from work, annoyed with his superiors and the fact that he hasn't had any kind of love from you, well he's quick to call you over and tell you that he's tired of this game you're playing. Is much more pleased when you do sit down with him and pepper his face with kisses.
Also not an overly affectionate person, but always kisses you before he goes to work. His job can be dangerous and he don't know what bullshit the police could come up with to bring him in or what yakuza buddies he might see that could bring trouble.
But you avoid the kiss he wants to give you and he stares at you for a moment. Will ask you if you're sick or something and you just smile up at him and shake your head. Iwai goes to kiss you again, but you dodge out of the way and he rolls his eyes.
You visit Iwai at work during the day and Iwai tries to kiss you again when no one is in the store. Iwai never engages in affection when you're at his store. You almost forget your game at his actions, but still move aside.
Some regulars call Iwai out throughout the day of seeming grumpier than usual, to which he states that he's not grumpy and for them to hurry up and get out. At home, Iwai is still grumpy and doesn't even try to give you affection. Obviously you don't want it for some reason and he's not going to pester you.
It isn't until he's sitting down that you approach him and give him a kiss to the cheek. That causes him to raise an eyebrow and ask if you're done being childish now. You give him a grin and attack his face with kisses. You have to wear a scarf or something for all the bite marks your neck has the next day.
He wanted to give you a kiss to your cheek before he left for work. Was a bit surprised when you took a few steps to the side instead. Maruki definitely pouts a bit. But at least you give him a hug.
Maruki is at school and humming and overthinking about why you avoided his kiss. Maybe this is like one of those TikTok trends his students talk about?
You visit him at lunch and he's happy to see you and ready to kiss you again. But you avoid his kisses again. You make some excuse about someone seeing and he pouts more.
That night he gets home and wants to just relax and kiss you and you still don't let him. Maruki lets out a sigh and asks if he did something wrong or if you're doing okay and that's why you're avoiding him.
At his sad face, you do give in and tell him what you've been playful and that's why you're avoiding his kisses. Maruki was so pouty at not kissing you that he didn't even notice you were being silly. He can't help a chuckle as he realizes his silliness. Thankfully you're quick to make things better by having him sit down and just peppering his face in kisses.
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