#but just like. still haven’t. sigh. 😞
stardustvanfleet · 1 year
feeling sad that i wasn’t able to afford better tickets this time around . i hope i have the chance someday
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avocad1s · 24 days
The Gnosis Can Wait
Requested By: No one. Original work.
CW: 5.0 spoilers below this line!!! 5.0 spoilers below this line! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Summary: After his battle with Mavuika, Capitano was left injured. He retreats wanting to replan his strategy when he runs into you, the Creator, who had just descended to Teyvat.
Note: So how are you all liking Natlan? As of right now I think it’s okay only because I want to return to Fontaine 😞
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Capitano wasn’t used to the taste of defeat.
As number one in the Fatui harbingers and the strongest amongst them no doubt, he is used to winning every match he partakes in. Or for his opponents to concede before the battle even begins.
Yet he doesn’t take it to heart, he knows the outcomes of every battle can differ in many different ways and he isn’t arrogant about his strength.
Mavuika was a God after all. Even though his power rivals hers, he knew he would have to best her with a foolproof strategy and it seemed barging in wasn’t the right one. She was a worthy opponent.
Capitano returns to his camp, the pain in his chest still burning from the small wound Mavuika left on him. He can wait, once his wound heals then he will strike her again, only this time he won’t miss. At least he has an ally in his pocket keeping him up to date on all the politics within Natlan.
“My lord,” Capitano’s right hand, Rezanov begins while bowing. “We found footprints nearby. We believe someone might stumble into camp soon…”
Capitano lets out a sigh underneath his mask, “how many people?”
“We believe only one, there’s only one track of footprints.”
Only one person? Nothing really to worry about. Unless this person is returning to tell the Archon his location.
“Find them and bring them here.” He orders and Rezanov nods and quickly takes off.
Okay… don’t freak out. Don’t freak out…
You just woke up in Genshin Impact.
You remember waiting impatiently by your PC for the newest update to the game, but you must’ve fallen asleep while waiting. Now you were dreaming about the it? Jeez, even in your own dreams you thought about the game. You really needed to touch grass. (lol jk jk luv you all)
You were dreaming about Natlan… a nation that you haven’t even played yet. You couldn’t have had a dream about your favorite nation? Or meeting all your favorite characters?
But everything felt so real. Even after watching the trailer and the leaks you’ve seen online, there’s no way you could know such detail about the nation. Maybe it was just your mind filling in the gaps…
“Stop right there!”
You turn around and your blood runs immediately cold. It was two fatui skirmishers and one fatui agent. You don’t even know the amount of times you’ve killed these enemies for their drops or just for the fun of it.
So this is how you die… at least this is better than falling into the claws of Childe, who you’d beat up anytime you built a new character.
“Our lord the Captain will deal with you, come with us with no fight.”
Scratch that. This was much, much worse…
“Wait… isn’t that…?” One of them whispered.
They put down their weapons, looks of remorse on their faces.
“Your Grace… please for give our imprudence we had no idea it was you…” Rezanov. “Please come with us, the Captain would be delighted to see you.”
Right… you’ve read fanfics like this before. Believing you’re their Creator… you wonder if your blood was gold. Perhaps you could check later. For now, you were going to follow them, it’s not like Capitano has appeared in the game you can get a first time look at him.
You follow the trio deeper into the forest, a small fireplace in the distance, you could only assume the Captain would be there.
“My lord, we found who was trailing around camp. Their Grace has decided to bless us with their presence on Teyvat once more.”
Capitano turns around and say nothing for what felt like forever. Even with the helmet, you knew he was staring intently at you.
“Your Grace.” He finally says, his voice much softer than you ever expected. “I am honored to be in your presence.”
He approached, towering over you.
“You three. Fetch Their Grace some food—“ he looks down at you once more. “And a change of clothes.”
You feel embarrassment creep up your neck. What’s wrong with your pajamas? Could he tell they weren’t from this word?
He holds out his hand, and you take it being able to feel the warmth underneath the glove. This dream was much realer than you thought…
Capitano leads you to his large tent holding the flaps open so you could enter. “We weren’t expecting your arrival so I apologize for the lack of preparations…”
You shake your head, “everything is fine.” Not like you’d be here forever…
“You can have my tent You Grace, I will camp outside.” He adds.
You furrow your eyebrows, “this tent is big enough for two people, can’t we just share it?”
Capitano doesn’t say nothing for a moment, you fear you’ve might’ve offended him with your offer but it was the complete opposite. Capitano felt as if he was on top of the world, to share a camp with the Creator? To be able to protect you? To see your sleeping face…
He feels his cheeks grow crimson and he is eternally grateful for his helmet. “Of course, if that’s what you wish Your Grace…”
The flaps to the tent open and Rezanov enters the tent. “My lord, we've received word that the Pyro Archon has lost much of her power.”
“Although your injury complicates things, this is most certainly the opportune time to seize the Gnosis...”
Capitano was slightly irritated with his subordinate’s unwarranted entry but he wouldn’t do anything yet, not while you were right in front of him.
“The Gnosis can wait, we have more important matters…” he replies, his focus never leaving you.
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© avocad1s 2024
Note: Capitano was the highlight of Natlan for me. Sorry but i’m a Fatui Harbinger glazer 😞 why’d they make them so fine? It’s not fair… Now here’s to hoping my man is playable, saving all my primos for him so he better not disappoint.
Edit: I know Mavuika isn’t a God but I’m thinking Capitano wouldn’t know that since she’s the only one of the Seven that isn’t a one which is where I went with this fic
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year
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You like him a lot but later realize that he doesn’t like you in that way. You then decided to give up on your feelings for him and move on. And move on you did. You fell in love with somebody else and he later fell in love with you, but it was already to late.
A/n: This is a request for @mwankami! I’m so sorry for this being late but here you go! I hope you like it🙃 (I’m sorry if the characters seem ooc😞 I haven’t played twst in a fat minute) also I didn’t know if you wanted reader to be female or male so I just made it gn! Anyways I hope you still like it!
Floyd leech
You could only stare longingly at him as he messed around with his teammates.
He looks so beautiful
You were so busy staring at him that you didn’t hear your friend calling your name from beside you until he pinched your arm.
“Ow! What the hell ace!”
“Finally! I was calling your name so many times now! What were you staring at anyways?” You look directly back at floyd and that was enough to answer his question. Ace groans.
“Ugh don’t tell me you were looking at Floyd again”
“I was not” You lied. Causing ace to roll his eyes.
“You definitely were” You just ignored him and grabbed your bag from off the floor as you stood up.
“Hey where are you going? Practice isn’t over for a few more minutes!”
“I’m going back to my dorm. I have a presentation for Mr. crewel class and I want to get it done with early”
“Ughh fine. But text me once you're done!” You waved him off and walked away. But not before taking one last look at Floyd before exiting out the gym.
Your friends always question you about your “small” crush on the unhinged tall eel boy. Always saying how can you like someone like Floyd leech? The scary second year who likes to mess and bother anyone and the Floyd leech with unpredictable mood swings.
But you never really cared about their opinions on Floyd.
You find Floyd to be very beautiful.
His fair skin and tall height really caught your interest. But what captured your attention the most were his eyes. The pretty heterochromia eyes that he has really puts you in a trance and you could stare at them for hours.
Floyd leech has you deeply head over heels for him
But the thing is…Floyd doesn’t seem to like you in that kind of way.
He likes you as a friend yes but as a crush no. That’s the only thing that’s stopping you from telling him your feelings.
You sigh as you make your way back to your dorm. Maybe you should just give up on floyd. You already dropped so many obvious hints about your feelings for him but he is either oblivious or doesn’t feel the same and is ignoring your obvious hints.
“Oh floyd…what are you doing to me”
4 months later
Today is night raven college basketball team's big game against royal sword academy.
Cheers could be heard in the gym as everyone cheered for the night raven basketball team. You remember ace excitedly telling you about their big game a few weeks ago and that you should definitely come instead of being locked away in your dorm like always.
And of course you came. You didn’t want to disappoint ace by not showing up to his basketball game.
“C’mon you got this ace!” You and your friends cheered. Ace looks up at you guys and smiles before passing the ball to one of his teammates.
As the game continued, You couldn’t help but stare at one specific player.
His long brown hair tied up in a bun and the total concentration looked on his face as the game grew more intense.
You practically have heart in your eyes.
You all cheered loudly as he managed to shoot a score which resulted in night raven winning against RSA. You cheered loudly and felt your heart skip a beat as jamil looked at you and winked.
You ran down the bleachers and congratulated Ace before walking up to Jamil and congratulating him on the win.
“You did amazing out there!”
“Thank you y/n” He smiles. You two began to talk, unaware of the pair of eyes staring both of you down.
He frowns as he watches how nervous and giddily you were around jamil.
“What’s with that frown dear brother? You just won against the royal sword academy basketball team. You should be smiling” Jade teased. He was fully aware of what caused his brother's mood to instantly change.
“I’m going back to the dorm” Floyd tells his brother before exiting out the gym doors.
Floyd leech is in love with you. But sadly, he fell in love when you started moving on.
Now he’s the one who’s head over heels
And it’s already too late
Jade leech
“Are you listening y/n?” You blinked a couple times before mentally cursing yourself once you notice that you have completely spaced out.
Jade beautiful mismatched eyes stared at you as you hurriedly looked away while mumbling something underneath your breath. Already feeling shy and embarrassed.
“ ‘m sorry jade. I didn’t mean to space out” Jade smiles.
“Don’t worry y/n. Are you sure you're alright though? We can study another time if you’re not feeling well”
“Oh no! I was just thinking about something! Let’s continue studying”
“Oh? Are you sure?”
“Hundred percent sure! Don’t worry”
The two of you continue to study for the next hour. Every so often you would sneak glances at jade and watch as he reads through some notes while asking if you understand the subject.
You tried your best to concentrate, you really did! But his smooth, calm voice and beautiful heterochromia eyes were easily distracting you from paying attention.
The study session between the two of you soon came to an end and you had to stop yourself from asking him to stay for at least a few more minutes.
“I’m looking forward to our next study session. And good luck on tomorrow’s test” He says as he packs up his things. The two of you bid each other goodbye and you watched as he walked further and further away from your dorm. Once he was gone, you walked quietly back to your room as Floyd words ran through your head.
“Sorry shrimpy, but it seems like jade doesn’t like you in that way”
“Ah really?”
“He said he only sees you as a friend. Aw man and I was starting to get excited to have you as my in law! Stupid jade” You giggled at your friend. Ignoring the throbbing pain in your heart knowing that jade doesn’t like you back.
7 months later
You walk down the empty halls of night raven. It was lunchtime so everyone was in the cafeteria. You make your way outside with two trays and smile once you spot a certain someone.
He was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. You could tell that he was asleep.
“Silver” You call out. You gently lay down both of the food trays before shaking silver awake. He slowly opens his eyes and your heart skips a beat once his beautiful violet irises meet yours.
“I brought you your lunch” You say as you sit comfortably beside him. You hand him his tray and he smiles at you.
“Thank you y/n”
“No problem. So, how’s training going so far?”
The two of you chatted for the rest of lunch time. Talking about how your day has been so far and other stuff. The two of you were so engrossed by the conversation that you two didn’t hear someone calling out your name from the distance.
Jade watches as you laugh at whatever silver said as his cheeks grow pink and he’s looking at you so lovingly.
“Man seems like jellyfish got to them before you” Floyd says behind him. Jade just watches as you feed silver some of your food. He swears he could see the hearts in your eyes as you feed silver.
He forces a smile. Ignoring the throbbing pain in his heart.
“They are happy. That’s all that matters”
And he walks away with a broken heart.
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moriartyluver · 11 months
Hello🙋 it's me yet again. How's it going?
Are you still taking requests? If you aren't, please ignore this.
If you are, could I please request a William x Reader oneshot? I got inspired by that poker chapter (I hate Johnson).
So, one night, William, Albert, Moran and Bond decide to play poker, and the winner will be recieving a kiss from William's wife (they somehow persuaded her to do it💀). So, William pulls some intelligent shit (I'm stupid, ok?) and obviously wins. Bonus, he asked reader to sit in his lap for good luck🤭.
I really hope this is not confusing and thank you very much! ❤️🥰
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A/N: I’m still taking requests dw 😭 this request got me giggling and blushing omg 🤭 I’d sell my soul to get to sit on liams lap 🛐 (I hate Johnson too)
Character(s): William James Moriarty x fem! Reader
Format: oneshot
Genre: fluff + spicy
Prompt: above^^
Warnings: established relationship (marriage), reader is female, gambling??, a little bit spicy. Way too short 😞
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“That’s right, darling. We’d invite you to join but..” William trailed off as you scanned the table. Fred and Louis were observing while Bond, your husband, Moran and Albert were all sat around a table, the poker set out.
“But what?” You asked, feeing slightly left out. “Because I’m a woman?” You were half joking but everyone knew that playing games like cards or poker were not very ladylike.
Bond shook his head “You’re the prize, (nickname). The prize can’t be playing because then what shall you get if you win? It’d make more sense for you to watch instead.”
You raised a brow in confusion. You? The prize? What on earth was that supposed to mean?
“When you say it like that, it makes you sound perverted.” Moran commented from beside Bond, a subtle smirk on his face.
You look over to William as if demanding an explanation. He smiled sheepishly, it wasn’t him who had declared the bet and he’d much rather not have you on the line.
“What Bond meant to say was that the winner is supposed to get a kiss from, you, (name).” Albert explained with a smug look and a sip of wine as usual, watching his little brother furrow his eyebrows in slight irritation from beside him. “Nothing too extreme, just a little peck on the cheek.”
Clearly he had some of not all the responsibility of creating the prize. Albert wasn’t as much of a mastermind as William was, but God, he had the tendency to meddle and scheme in other peoples lives whenever it could provide entertainment.
You looked at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t agree to this! You can go bet on something else,” then you paused “Nevermind that, as the lady of the house, I’d much rather not have any gambling take place within the estate, or anywhere for that matter. Haven’t you learned anything after that run in with Mr Johnson?”
“Oh don’t be like that, (name), it’s just for fun.” Moran laughed, although there was a slightly guilty tone in his voice, like a child caught misbehaving “Besides, we all know Louis acts more like the lady of the house much more than you do.”
Louis glared at the colonel then rolled his eyes while you held back a snort from his reaction.
You sighed begrudgingly “If you insist..but if I do, then the loser has to do all of my chores for the next month.”
“Two weeks.” Louis negotiated with a stern look.
Fred was about to pull a stool out for you to sit on but was stopped by William calling out to you. He had his evil (yet attractive) little mischievous smile on so you knew he was planning no good. Chances were, he was probably going to win if Moran didn’t cheat as usual but with a kiss from you up for grabs, he had become even more competitive and determined to win. Both because he adored any scrap of affection he could receive from you, and because he dreaded the idea of you kissing anyone but him, even if it was strictly platonic.
“Come sit here, my dear,” He said, patting his thigh. The corners of his lips were turned upwards “I need my lucky charm to help me win your affections.”
“Do I have to?” You groaned, clearly flustered by the idea.
“Please?” He pleaded, looking at you with a teasing yet innocent expression. You gave in, walking over to him and sitting on his lap while your husband wrapped his arm around your waist, securing you in place. You look at him as if to say ‘you’re lucky I love you.’
“L-Let the game commence.” You said, hoping not to draw attention to your flushed expression as you played off your stutter
“Oooh, unlucky Bond,” Albert chuckled as James frowned at his loss.
It was finally William’s turn as he was sat beside Bond and the turns went clockwise.
“Your turn, dear.” You said, hand on his shoulder. You could see a smirk forming on his face. One that he would usually wear whenever he would bring corrupt nobles to justice or read of Sherlock’s work in the paper or whenever you would tease him. A smirk he would proudly wear with satisfaction.
You peer over to look at his cards, eyes widening momentarily. You look back at your lover’s face as his eyes land on you. William gives you a wink, ever so smug from what is seconds away from being a win. You had been observing him the entire game, and yet he still managed to get his way as usual.
His hand clutched his cards, ready to spread them over the table while his other hand caressed your waist, thumb massaging the soft flesh over your clothes.
Everyone had been waiting in anticipation, silently observing your reaction aswell as William’s. It was a general presumption that he would win though, partially due to his intellect, partially due to his possessive nature.
“Royal flush.” William stated nonchalantly as he spread his cards on the wooden table.
Moran tossed his cards to the ground in anger, clearly because he had the potential to win if William wasn’t so damn lucky (not for the sake of being kissed, just for the fact he was once again so close to beating William but just not close enough) James has his hand cupped in his cheek, glad Moran didn’t win whilst Albert could care less, he just wanted another glass of red wine.
William could only smile, hoping not to appear boastful despite how badly he wanted to brag, not because he won, but because you were going to kiss him. Although it seemed you had forgotten that now because of how proud you were that he won.
“It seems I’m much deserving of a prize now,” William whispered to you, pulling you closer to him “Don’t you agree my love? I did play so well just for you.”
You pause, recalling the original deal. You hesitantly nod, still annoyed that you were the prize because if you weren’t, you probably would have won anyways.
“Fine.” You groan, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
Except you don’t.
The cheeky bastard turned his head at just the right moment, possibly intentionally, for your lips to land on his. Wolf whistles echo through out the room along with a “get a room” from Moran who recovered from his loss.
You pull away gently, tapping William I’m a faux scolding manner before sticking your tongue out at Moran, about to hurl some insults before William kisses you once more.
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pear1escence · 9 months
When no one’s around (18+)
Keegan P. Russ x fem!Reader
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Content Warnings: Smut, blowjob, fingering, light degradation.
A/N: Writing this was such a pain, could only finish that last part cus I was in the horny😞 2,3k words
You can’t seem to get comfortable on the couch. Not with the lack of a pillow behind you, instead having the edge of the armrest digging into the back of your head, not with the couch pillows that aren’t soft enough to really sink into. No, the couch in Keegan’s home office was really just for decoration, to fill up the space of the room, another touch you’d added to piff up the space to your liking.
The sound of his computer keys merge with the sound of your music as he clicks away at it. He’s entirely focused on his work, much to your displeasure. This wasn’t at all what you’d had in mind for the evening, but he was a busy man, and you didn’t want to disturb him when he had work to finish up.
You can’t seem to stay still, hands jittering from the book in your lap to your phone to change playlists, or scroll away on Pinterest. He hasn’t even glanced over at you. Hasn’t said anything to you during the half hour that you’ve spent in there. Ugh.
You seem to catch his attention with your constant shuffling, though, and he huffs out a laugh as those pale blue eyes finally meet yours. “Come over here, baby. Keep me company.” That gorgeous, deep tone of his voice, sweet and intoxicating like honey, finally drawing you out of your boredom.
You’re at his side in a moment, his arm reaching around your waist to pull you over his lap. It’s not hard to make yourself comfortable on the width of his thighs, the soft fabric of his sweats underneath your bare legs. “Been neglecting you, haven’t I?” He murmurs, voice laced with humor. His arm stays around your waist, the short sleeve of his shirt pulled around his bicep and showing off his well-earned muscles.
Your hand traces down his arm to take his, your fingers playing with his hand while it slips underneath your shirt to rub at the side of your stomach. “Mhm, you have.” Your head tips back, placing a kiss on his neck, the comforting smell of him calming you.
His other hand leaves his keyboard as well, finding its place massaging the chubbiness of your inner thigh. His legs spread wider, and in response you spread your thighs to accommodate, pressing yourself closer to him. You’re not sure if you’ve imagined the sharp breath that leaves him, but no, it’s just been a little too long since you’ve had time for each other, time lost to his near constant travels and your own work.
“M‘sorry, doll. Been ignoring my girl, hm? Left you to please yourself all on your own?” The way his voice gets so deep when he speaks quietly. God. “Fuck, it’s been long, huh?” He laughs, and yeah, you feel his cock swelling underneath you. His hand moves to cup your cunt through the fabric of your sweatshirts, a sigh leaving you at the pressure of his hand, your cotton panties rubbing against your clit.
“Too long.” You mutter, “Missed the way you touch me.” And fuck, you really have. Your fingers can’t compare to the way his fingers can fill you up, can’t come close to the way the thickness of his cock stretches you out so well.
You move your hips in a teasing, circular motion, a deliciously deep groan leaving his lips as his thighs jut forwards. In return, he grinds his cock against your ass, the additional feeling of his hand pressing onto you causing you to whine in anticipation.
His hands move to push both your shorts and underwear off your thighs, hoisting your thighs over his to gain him access. He raises his hand, sucking his fingers into his mouth to coat them in his spit before he moves to rub his fingertips over your clit.
Your back arches against his chest, legs spreading wider. “Mmf…Keegan..” you whine, a drawn out, needy little sound. His fingers move in slow circles, his head leaning forwards to bite and suck at your neck. “Needy fucking thing, aren’t you?” His voice is just a murmur, words spoken directly into your ear and sending jolts down your body. “Can’t get yourself off properly on your own?” His finger rubs at your core, dipping into your cunt, causing an embarrassing whine to leave your lips.“No, no…you need me for that, can’t make yourself feel as good as I can.” He’s being mean, fuck, that mocking tone in his voice, you can feel your pussy get slicker with the need for the pleasure he could give you.
He pushes two fingers into you, and ffffuck if it doesn’t feel good. Pumping inside you and out in quick movements, rubbing at that spot he knows send jolts of pleasure up your stomach. His other hand presses down on your stomach, increasing the pleasure, and your hand on his bicep squeezes desperately for support, your sounds filling the room. Fuck, it’s not fair, the way he knows just how to touch you to get you like this.
“Feels good, yeah? Can’t even leave you to yourself for a week? you just get so fuckin’ desperate for me, sweet girl.”
Your fingers reach down to stop him, the attempt pathetic, weak, but his movements slow. You turn your body around to straddle him, your hand moving over the bulge of his cock in his sweats, palming his hard-on through the fabric. The groan that leaves his lips makes you want to get on your knees and suck him off just to hear the other noises he’d make.
Keegan’s hand moves to weave itself in the root of your hair, pulling your head up to meet your eyes. He’s got that almost hazy look in his eyes, probably mirroring your own expression, his breath heavy. “You wanna get on your knees? Suck me off?” His words send shocks through your stomach, a whine leaving your lips. His thumb traces your bottom lip, moving to dip into your parted lips. Your tongue gives the pad of his thumb a little lick, your lips closing around it and sucking at his thumb.
He slaps your cheek with his other hand, an amused look in his eyes. “Words, baby, wanna hear you say it. Gone stupid on me, have you, dollface?” His thumb stays on your bottom lip while his other hand moves downwards. He flicks your clit, causing you to jump and earn a laugh from him, before he rubs slow, small circles over your clit, immediately easing the pain.
You rock back and forth, chasing the pleasure of his fingers rubbing at you. “Yes, yeah, fuck…wanna make you…ffeel good too, Keegs…”
He smiles in an almost teasing manner, his hand reaching up to squeeze a handful of your ass. “C’mon then, pretty girl..on your knees.”
Your bare knees rub against the rough fabric of the carpet as you shuffle onto the floor. You place your hands on his thighs, feeling the fabric of his sweats by running them up and down before coming up to his waistband. You shuffle his sweats down to his knees, exposing the loose boxers sitting around his waist. He’s hard as a rock underneath that black fabric, a wet mark over the swell of his tip where he’s leaking pre.
You hum in approval, causing him to chuckle, his hand coming up to bury itself in the root of your hair. “Hurry up.” He mutters, and you glare at him, rolling your eyes. He’s got that snarky, annoying smirk on his face, making you consider the option of leaving him to pleasure himself, just for a moment. Nah. He’s too tempting right now.
You wrap your hand around his cock, jacking him through the fabric of his boxers. You’re growing slow, so fucking slowly that you can see the annoyance growing in his eyes. You laugh, a grin spreading across your face much to his annoyance, and his hands find the hem of his waistband almost immediately to pull them down and out of the way.
“So impatient,” you mutter, sending him a quick, alluring smile.
You spit into the palm of your hand, reach out to touch him. He inhales sharply, and you wouldn’t have noticed the slight tense of his thighs if you weren’t staring so intensely. You want to stretch this out for long, pull his patience thin, get him all riled up and frustrated, and your eyes flicker to his face to gage his reaction.
Your fingertips trace over the reddened, sensitive skin of his tip, barely skimming over the area, moving downwards to travel down the underside of his length, down to the root of his cock. He doesn’t look annoyed. Instead, there’s a look of confidence in his eyes, calm, so like him. His eyes roam over you, taking in your features, the sparkle in your eyes, glossed lips and your teasing smile. Fuck, he’s hot.
The way he looks at you makes your stomach flutter, the way he seems so content to let you play with him like this, leaned back on his chair, just admiring the pretty girl on her knees in front of him, his pretty girl. He has an air of dominance around him, even though you’re the one controlling his pleasure right now. Not aggressive, not particularly sexual either, just an unspoken agreement between the two of you that Keegan is in control.
Two of your fingers connect with your thumb to wrap around him, stroking along the length of his cock, your thumb coming up to rub circles around his tip while you lean forwards to lap at his balls. Your free hand comes up to trace the skin along his inner thigh, and his moving to rest on the back of your neck. Your lips wrap around his balls, coating them in your saliva before his hand pushes you closer, making you shift your attention to lick a trail up his dick. He hums in approval, his thighs spreading further.
Your lips wrap around the tip of his cock, suckling gently while your tongue swirls around the tip. “Thaaats it, good girl.” He groans, his eyes meeting yours when you look up at him through your eyelashes. You flatten your tongue along his shaft, opening your mouth wider to take him deeper. One of your hands fondling his balls, slick with your spit, the other stroking his cock while you suck him off. The hand on your head kneading into your hair, pushing you to take more of him. “C’mon, take me deeper, fuckkk, you’re such a slut for me.” He groans.
His hand keeps guiding you, forcing your head further down, your mouth stuffed with his cock. You moan around him, the taste of his pre bitter on your tongue, you gag when he finally pushes your head all the way down. “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, sucking me off like a fucking whore. Should keep you on your knees all the time while I work, hm? Make time pass by a lot faster, you want that?” His voice getting all deep and throaty.
You can barely catch your breath, flattening your tongue along his dick while he bobs your head up and down. You’re almost ashamed of how much you enjoy it, the way he uses your mouth for his pleasure like this, your panties soaked through with your wetness. You don’t notice his hand has moved before he slaps you across the face, hard, with the hand on your head keeping you in place. “Answer me.” He speaks, your eyes brimming with tears as you look back at him. He smirks as he pushes you back down on his cock, causing you to whine in surprise, and you can’t form proper words with your mouth stuffed. “Yes,” you whimper, sounding more like an ‘eth’, and he chuckles in response, gripping your hair with more force and moving you along his cock. His noises grow in volume as his movements grow faster, deep groans leaving his mouth as his head falls back against the back of his chair.
“Fuck, feels so fucking good, you’re so good.” He groans, a broken moan of your name escaping him. His back curves, and he slides further towards the edge of his seat. His hand grips your hair tightly, roughly bobbing your head up and back down his cock. “M’close, so fucking close, babydoll.” He moans, “Gonna paint that pretty face with my cum, shit.”
He was babbling mindlessly, drunk on pleasure and solely focused on how good you felt around his cock. “Fuckkk, doll, love that pretty fucking mouth, love the way you suck my cock, taking me like a fucking slut.” He groans, and you look up at him to catch the expression on his face. He’s struggling to keep his eyes on you, his brows knotted together in pleasure, biting his lip so hard you’re surprised he hasn’t drawn blood.
“Shit, m’ so fuuucking close, baby, i’m gonna cum, fuck I’m gonna cum, all over that gorgeous face, shiiit-“ his eyes rolling back as his thighs jut upwards, causing you to gag as his cock hits the back of your throat, “Gonna fucking-“ his hand harshly pull you off his cock as he grips his cockshaft, stroking himself desperately. You stick your tongue out for him, your eyes completely fixated on his face, the way his mouth drops open in pleasure, a strum of ‘fuck fuck fuck’s leaving his mouth as a string of white cum shoots out, coating your tongue and your face as he moans desperately, fucking gone in pleasure.
When the high of his orgasm fades, he slumps back on his chair, his arms slung onto the armrests. His chest heaves as he takes in one heavy breath after the other, eyes remaining closed. You breathe out a laugh, swallowing the spend that landed on your tongue as his hand comes up to caress your cheek. He breathes out a ‘thank you’ before his hand falls to rest on his knee.
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vamp4kaulitz · 1 year
ik this isn’t a request but I thought of it because I was wearing my red scarf and it seems like a bill thing to do😞💔 I am still working on a requests yall don’t worry
!2003 bill x !gn reader
!2007 bill later on
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Bill’s POV
Year: 2003
Location: Leipzig Germany
Month: December
“Hey bill!” Y/N said while sitting next to me. “Oh hey!” I smiled. I had a crush on Y/N for a while but I was afraid to tell them. “Wanna play in the snow later after school?!” Y/N smiled and i nodded quickly. “Of course! Can the others come too?” I smiled widely and Y/N nodded. “Yeah of course, the more the merrier!” Y/N giggled and we both laughed for a bit and then payed attention to class.
“Ma! Can I go play with Bill and the others for a bit?” I asked while running downstairs with my outfit already ready. “Okay but remember we have to be up early tomorrow.” She yelled from the kitchen and I nodded and ran outside. I ran to Bill’s house and saw them all playing outside. “Hi guys!” I smiled and they all looked at me. “Hey! We were wondering if you could make it.” Bill smiled while hugging me and I chuckled. “Of course I could make it.” I giggled and went to play with them.
“Ouch! Tom!” I felt a snowball go directly on my face. “Oopies I guess?” He shrugged his shoulders and I threw a snowball at him. “Hey!” He shouted while wiping his face. “That’s what you get!” I say while running and he starts to run after me with a grin on his face. I kept running but I felt someone grab me and pick me up a bit. “Hey!” I said while kicking my feet but I saw it was georg. “Stop it you two. Let’s all just have some fun!” Georg chuckled and put me down.
“Come on guys, let’s make a snow angel!” I smiled and jumped on my back into the snow. Bill jumped next to me and looked at me while giggling and we both looked at enough and then I got an idea. “Let’s take a photo with our snow angels side by side with our name!” I say while getting up a putting my name next to my snow angel and bill did the same. Bill ran inside to grab his camera and came back out and took a picture.
We all giggled and then I heard my mom yelling for me. “Y/N! Y/N! It’s time to come back now!” My mom yelled and I yelled okay and then looked at the others. “I have to go guys.” I pouted and they all sighed. “Aww..will you come back tomorrow?” Bill asked and I froze when he asked that question. I was about to answer but my mom yelled my name again and I got up. “I’m sorry guys! I gotta go! Goodbye!” I ran away while waving and they waved back.
Third persons POV
“Wait..did they just say goodbye?” Bill’seyes widen and looked at the others. “Goodbye means when they are leaving leaving..” He said with fear in his voice. “They probably didn’t mean it.” Gustav reassured and Georg agreed. “But..they can’t leave, I still haven’t told them how I felt yet.” Bill said and Tom hugged him. “Its okay..we are pretty sure they meant bye. They would’ve told us if they were leaving leaving.”
One day later
“Come on Y/N, the truck is about to leave!” Y/N’s mom yelled while putting the last of our boxes in the truck. “Wait a moment ma, just please!” Y/N said while running to Bill and Tom’s house. Y/N knocked on the door loudly and started to get impatient when no one opened it. Y/N knocked about twice and then saw Bill opening the door while yawning and rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked and Y/N hugged him. “I’m moving to the USA, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys sooner!” Y/N said and Bill’s sleepy eyes now turned into widen one’s. “What?” He said surprised. “I don’t have much time before I leave, I’m sorry!” Y/N say in a hurry and was about to leave but bill stopped them. “Wait! Please! Have this scarf..so you don’t forget me.” He said while running in the house real quick and came back with a red scarf. “Take it, please!” He begged and Y/N smiled softly and took it. “Thank you.. I’ll keep it forever.” Y/N said while putting it on. “Y/N!!” Y/N mom yelled and Y/N started to fidget with their hands. “I-I have to go!” Y/N said while looking at their mom and then him.
“Wait! Y/N I like you!” Bill said and Y/N looked at him shocked. “W-What?!” Y/N said shocked not being able to process everything right now and then Bill kissed them and pulled away. “I know it’s all of a sudden but I do, please don’t forget me! Please, remember me!” Bill say while smiling sadly and then Y/N smiled back and was about to say something but heard the truck honking. “Goodbye Bill!” Y/N said while running and Bill held his hand out for them but retreated it. “Goodbye..” He said while looking down and then back up to watch Y/N leave.
Y/N got in the car and it was passing Bill’s house, he was still standing there while waving at them. Y/N rolled down the window and waved at him. “Goodbye Bill! Please don’t forget me!” Y/N yelled and he shouted back. “I won’t! Please don’t forget me either! And don’t forget what I said! Promise me in the future we will be together!” He yelled. “I promise!!” Y/N said and then put their head back inside the car and then leaned back in the seat and softly started to cry. “Will I ever see him again?” Y/N thought while wiping their tears.
Bills POV
Year: 2007
Location: Leipzig Germany
Month: August
It’s been four years since I last seen Y/N. It’s now 2007. I remember what I told them, and I’ve been thinking about it everyday. Will I ever see them again? Will they ever appear? I thought about it, not giving up on the love of my life.
“Bill, come on. We are about to start.” Tom said snapping me out of my thoughts and I nodded. I went out of the dressing room and walked up on stage. Everyone started screaming when we came onstage and I smiled. “Hello everyone!” I yelled in the mic and everyone started screaming. “Let’s make this concert a great one!!” I yelled in German and everyone yelled along.
I was waiting outside the venue, to see one of my favorite bands, tokio hotel. I was with my best friend and we were waiting patiently. “I can’t believe we are seeing them in person!” My friend smiled and i nodded while grinning. “I know right! I bet they look even better up close. Since we do have front row tickets.” I said and she nodded. After about 30 minutes the venue opened and we handed the person in front our tickets and we ran inside. It was crowded and we made our way to the front. A perfect view anyone would wanna see.
“I can’t believe this is happening!” My friend said while jumping up and down and i chuckled. “Me either! I hope they play my favorite album!” I smiled and then everyone started screaming and I looked on stage and there they were. They were here. I looked directly at Bill and he started talking. “Hello everyone!” He yelled in the mic and I cheered. “Lets make this concert a great one!!” He yelled once again and everyone yelled long with him. They started to play schrei and everyone screamed. We all sung along to the song and Bill started to look in the crowd while smiling. He then looked in the front row and our eyes met. His eyes widen and I was confused but I continued to cheer.
“Alright guys, this next song we will bring someone up to the stage!” Bill said and everyone cheered. Bill looked into the crowd once again and then looked at me. “You.” He pointed at me while smiling and my best friend jumped up and down. “Go! You got this!” She said and I smiled and Bill held his hand out to me. The security helped me get on the stage and I successfully got up there. “What’s your name?” He asked while looking into my eyes with those beautiful brown eyes. “Y/N!” I smiled and he smiled at me. “Let’s give it up for Y/N!” He yelled and everyone started cheering. They started to play [F/A/N] and I got excited. They put on my favorite song from the album and I was singing along with Bill the whole time.
It was the last song by now and the concert was coming to an end and I was about to get off the stage but bill grabbed me. “Can I talk to you for a second?” He asked and I looked at my best friend and she gave me a thumbs up and walked away but I saw her getting stopped by Tom. I chuckled at her and looked at bill. “Yea of course, what’s up?” I said and he took me backstage.
“Look I know this sounds crazy but is your last name [L/N]?” He asked and my eyes widen. “Um yes why?” I said nervously and his eyes soften. “Do you really not remember me?” He said in a soft voice and i raised a brow and then started to think. “I give you a red scarf when we were little..before you moved away. and then I confessed my feelings to you..” Bill said softly and I thought for a second and then my eyes widen.
“Oh my god, Billy!” I said and hugged him. He chuckled and grabbed my chin. “Did you forget our promise too?” Bill smiled and I got a bit shy. “No..I didn’t..since I got reminded..” I smiled and he chuckled. “So? What do you think?” He said while wiggling his brows and I giggled. “I think we can start dating..” I smiled and he smiled widely. “I’ve been waiting for years my gosh, I thought you would forget me forever. Also, I thought you were going to the US?” He said and i chuckled and snatched my head.
“Well, I moved back because my mom got fired from her job..since her old job moved there and we had to move. So we came back to Germany.” I said and he nodded. “Then..that means I get to stay with you..forever.” Bill grinned and I nodded. We hugged and then I heard my phone ringing. “Hold on. Hello ma?” I said and pulled away from the hug and answered the phone. “Umm I’ll come home in a few..” I said and then I sighed. “Okay okay I’m on my way now.” I hung up and looked at bill with a sad expression.
“I know we both just reunited but I have to go. Here, I’ll give you my number.” I said and grabbing a piece of paper and writing my number on it and giving it to him smiling. “It was nice seeing you after years. You have no idea how much I missed you.” Bill smiled and i smiled back at him. “I’ll get going mkay?” I said and Bill nodded. “I’ll walk you, I don’t want my liebe to be hurt.” He smiled and I chuckled.
[F/A/N] = Favorite album name
hehe this took me only a few days to write
getting back to requests though!!
taglist😘: @bored0writer @saumspam @ilovebill-and-gustav @billybabeskaulitz
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markiemelon · 6 months
can u please do more jisung ?? 😞🩵🩵 i love ur work
tangerine love
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genre fluff ! no warnings
^_−☆ 🍊
pairings gn!reader x jisung
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2:34pm ─ ੈ♡˳
“jisungggg, are you ready?” you peeped your head into your best friend’s room to see him scrambling around in a panic.
“i can’t find it!”
“what is it?”
“your present. i just had it last night and now i can’t find it.”
“oh.” you sighed in relief. “it’s no big deal, ji, let’s just hurry and go.”
it was your friendiversary, so for fun, you two usually just went to the park where you met as kids. normally you didn’t get each other gifts, but this year, jisung insisted.
you brushed off his concerns. “im gonna leave you here!” you threatened as you made your way to sit in the passenger’s seat of jisung’s car.
jisung hopped in and sulked. “i couldn’t find it… do you at least have the tangerines?” he looked over to you.
in your lap was a basket of freshly picked tangerines from the tree in his backyard. you planted it when you were younger, since you two have always shared a love for the fruit.
you got to the park and laid out a blanket on the grass. you set the basket down and signaled jisung to try them. “are they sweet?” his eyes lit up as he tore into the peel. “I don’t know. I haven’t tried them yet.”
he popped a slice into his mouth and immediately his eyes became squinted and his nose scrunched up. “eugh it’s so sour.”
“seriously? that’s too bad. I guess they aren’t ripe enough yet…” you picked one up and tossed it right back into the basket.
“oh right.” you remembered. “your gift.” you reached into the pocket of your sweater that was lying alongside the picnic blanket. you pulled out a little white box with orange ribbon around it tied in a bow.
jisung’s eyes widened. “wait. that box-”
before you could even hand it to him, he snatched it from you.
you rolled your eyes at his impatience. “geez, you could at least say thank you.”
inside the box was the exact thing jisung had lost. a little tangerine keychain charm. “where did you get this?”
you rubbed your neck nervously. “oh, well it’s a funny story. see, i actually forgot about the present thing, but this morning when I was walking to your house, i found it on the sidewalk around the corner. isn’t that weird? it was like a sign from the universe.”
jisung looked at you in disbelief and started laughing out of nowhere.
“what?” you laughed along. “sorry, i seriously forgot.. but it’s cute, isn’t it? put it on your bag! i’ll take it if you don’t want it…”
“yn.” jisung smiled. “this is for you. he handed it back to you. “i bought it on my way home last night so it must have fallen out of my pocket then. i just can’t believe you found it…”
“wait, really?” you clapped your hands in a fit of laughter. “you’re too cute, jisung.” you threw yourself onto the boy sitting beside you, now his head is resting on the cushioned blanket, and you’re lying across him. his arms instinctively wrapped around your back to hug you into his chest.
“don’t call me cute.” he said in his low voice. you can’t control your cuteness aggression when it comes to jisung, so you pinched his cheeks and pretended to bite him.
once you sat up, jisung followed your movements. he positioned himself behind you, so he could rest his chin on your shoulder, and hug you.
from the looks of it, you’re a couple.
“yn” jisung broke the silence. “look at the way we’re sitting right now. we might as well be a couple.”
“sure.” you shrugged in response.
“im just joking.” he hugged you tighter.
“no, really. we should try it. see what happens.” you leaned your head against jisung’s, still resting on your shoulder.
“seriously?” he laughed.
“yeah,” you hummed, “but what are we gonna do with all these tangerines?”
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hi anon, so glad you requested! sorry it took forever. thank you for reading ♡ ps im too lazy to proofread this properly LOL
- ��
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ushys · 1 year
⸻ still with you. (nagi seishiro x reader)
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a/n: where my blue lock fandom at omg 😢 it was raining really hard from where i’m from and i was listening to “still with you” by jungkook and i was reminded of nagi for some reason so why not write a cute one-shot ! it’s short ik i’m sorry 😞
you were on your way back to your apartment after clocking out of your part time job. the sky was grey due to all these clouds and it was also heavily raining. you were exhausted, and all you wanted to do was go home, take a shower, lay down and sleep. you’ve been losing sleep these past few days because of school, your job, and other things. you just wanted a break.
as you arrived infront of your apartment door, you heard some noise inside of your apartment. ‘what the hell?’ you questioned in your mind, wondering what could possibly be happening in there. you quickly unlocked your door and entered only to see nagi on your couch playing with his phone.
“nagi? what are you doing here?” you questioned as you took off your drenched coat and hung it up on the coat hanger. “i came here and waited for you to arrive.” he said, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“you know you could’ve given me a warning before coming in to my house” “you were the one that gave me the key to your house.” “..fair enough.” you sighed as you plopped down on the space next to him. he looked up from his screen to look at you. you had your eyes closed, head back, and he could obviously tell you were stressed.
“..are you okay?” he asked, setting his phone down and removing the blanket on top of his head. “yeah, i guess” you lied as you slowly open your eyes to look at him. “you’re lying.” “i’m not i swear.” “tell me what’s wrong.” you sighed and brought your head up to look at him more clearly. “there’s a lot of things that have been stressing me out lately and it just seems like i can’t catch a break.” you sighed as you put a hand on your forehead, rubbing it.
“well it’s not like that matters, just gotta finish with school, finish my shifts and everything will be fine for a bit” you said as you got up and looked back at him. “i’ll be back, i’m going to go take a quick shower, my back hurts.” you walked away as nagi just stared at you. “oh.”
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after your warm shower, you got out and did everything you usually did post-shower. you put on some comfy clothes and went outside of the bathroom just to see the lights turned off, a pillow and blanket fort facing the window. the only sounds you could hear is the rain outside of the window, and nagi.. humming?
“nagi? what’s all this?” you asked as you looked inside of the fort. it has snacks, a computer, a speaker, and of course pillows and blankets. “this isn’t much, but i thought this would be a nice way to spend time and forget about everything worrying you right now. it’s not bad to have fun here and there is it?” he says as he goes in the fort and sits down. he looks up at you and pats the spot next to him, motioning you to come sit next to him.
you smiled, and sat down next to him as he picked up the speaker, “what song should i play right now?” he asks as he opens the computer and turns on the speaker, connecting the speaker to the computer.
“my friend recommended a song but i haven’t listened to it yet. it’s called ‘still with you’ by jungkook i think?” you said as you looked at nagi put spotify on the computer and typed out the song name.
the song started playing and you just listening to it while closing your eyes, not knowing nagi was looking at you with a content smile. you didn’t even notice you put your head on his shoulder. “nagi.” “yeah?” “i love you.” his eyes widened and his mouth opened a little, in a state of shock.
he turned around and looked at the rain outside of your window and replied with “..i love you too y/n” you felt your face heat up as the fact that he said it back and with your name. something about him adding your name to it made your stomach have butterflies. you knew nagi wasn’t the type to be extremely affectionate towards you because he just wasn’t used to being in a relationship with someone, so when he does show affection you know you should treasure it forever.
“hop on roblox.”
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he’s so cute bye.
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linos-luna · 8 months
Hi there this is my first time requesting but recently I’ve found out that I have a large cyst on my thyroid. I’ve struggled with hypothyroidism for about two years now but this is new and overwhelming to me 😞
I’ve been putting on a lot of weight and losing hair so I just don’t feel beautiful anymore. Not to mention the large cyst is making me have a double chin which girls point out at work and school…
Could you possibly write ot8 skz x fem reader comforting the reader with their health struggles? Im in need of a serious pick me up 🩷
I’m so sorry to hear. My sister has had hypothyroidism since she was a baby so while I haven’t experienced it, I’ve seen how it affects her. I hope you’re alright. Message me if you ever need to chat 🩵
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Health 🥀
OT8 Skz x Reader
Warnings: angst?, health concerns, insecurity
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——————————————————— 🩷
He would be extremely comforting and supportive of helping you get through the day. To him, you’re beautiful and amazing no matter what and it’s his job as your boyfriend to love and take care of you.
“Baby, I have your medication ready.” Chan said while going to you with a pill and water.
“I don’t want it…” you frowned while looking down.
“Don’t want it? But it helps you.”
“It makes me drowsy!” You yelled out. “… and ugly…”
“Ugly??” Chan said while putting the stuff down. “A pill can’t make you ugly.” He teased.
“It made me heavy…”
“That doesn’t mean you’re ugly.” He sighed while rubbing your sides. “You’re as beautiful as ever…”
You shook your head and crossed your arms.
“No? Well it’s too bad you don’t believe that. But I believe it.”
“Y/n…” Chan said with his hand on your cheek. “It’s not forever. It’s just a rough patch. With your treatment it’ll get better. We’ll figure out a health plan so you can take the medication and still feel beautiful okay?”
You only looked at him with a frown.
“Hey, I don’t like seeing my baby sad.” He said with a teasing pout.
You chuckled under your breath and smiled a little while a tear rolled down your cheek.
He knows how hard it can be for you. He tries not making your issues a big deal in fear of embarrassing you but will still do anything for you.
Today was one of the bad days. You felt awful as you laid in bed.
“Hey, kitten.” Minho said with a smile, coming in the room with tea. “What would you like for breakfast?”
“I’ll go get it…” you mumbled while starting to get up, only for Minho to stop you.
“No no it’s okay.” He said with a soft smile before putting your tea on the nightstand. “I’ll make you breakfast in bed.”
“No…” you groaned. “I can—”
“Y/n, it’s okay.” The said while putting his hand on your shoulder. “I want you to rest.”
You sighed, finally giving up and laying back against the pillows. “Minho… I can’t do this anymore…”
“What do you mean?”
“I hate living like this…” you groaned. “I hate being sick! I hate struggling like this!”
“Kitten, it’s not forever.” He sighed. “You’re actually doing better. I think the medication is working.”
“But I feel so useless! I don’t go out much or even work!”
“You’re sick and recovering.” Minho said while rubbing your cheek. “And im happy to take care of you.”
“Like I said, it’s not forever. But if you insist, you can return the favor later in the future okay?”
You nodded before Minho kissed your forehead and hugged you tight.
“I love you, Kitten…”
Changbin admires how strong you are. With all you go through, you’re still powering through it and it amazes him. He’s sure to remind you of that every day.
After getting back from the doctor’s office, you found yourself on the bed, lying in silence with tears rolling down your cheeks. Changbin walked in after you and took a seat while rubbing for side.
“Y/n…” he sighed. “Are you okay?”
You only shook your head.
“Baby, it’s okay—”
“No! No it’s not!” You snapped, still not looking at him. “I’m not getting better! The medicine doesn’t work!”
“Well that’s why they prescribed you a new—”
“No! They never work!” You cried, only for Changbin to scoop you in his arms. He felt awful. You were so good at putting on the strong front, but now you’re letting it all out.
“Why are you still here?!” You cried. “You could have someone better… someone healthy and pretty…”
“I’m still here because I love you.” He sighed. “Baby, you’re beautiful. And while you may not be the pinnacle of health, you’re very strong.”
“You’re just saying that…” you mumbled.
“I’d never lie to you.” Changbin said while holding you tight. “You’re very strong. Not everyone can do this and still keep going. You fight every day. And I’m proud of you…”
Very empathetic. Pisces are known to be extremely empathetic to people’s feelings and this is especially true for you.
Hyunjin hates to see you sad. He wants to do everything he can to cheer you up.
You were in the restroom, crying. Hyunjin came in quickly, worried for whatever made you so distraught.
“Baby what’s wrong?!” He hugged you tight, looking around to make sure that you didn’t hurt yourself.
“I keep gaining weight!” You sobbed into his chest. “I’m not even doing anything!!”
“Baby…” Hyunjin sighed while wiping your tears. “It’s okay. It’s the medication. It’s temporary okay?”
“No! I feel disgusting!!”
“You’re not disgusting. He said with a frown. “Just because you’re a little bigger, doesn’t mean you’re disgusting or ugly.”
“Yes it does!”
“Being skinny doesn’t automatically make you beautiful. You’re beautiful at any size.”
Hyunjin hugs you as you continued crying.
“After this little rough patch, we can do something about it.” He said while rubbing your back. “My love, if it really bothers you, after you finish the treatment, I’ll work with you to feel good again.”
You only buried your face in his chest.
“We’ll set up a plan with a doctor for your desired weight… go to physical therapy… anything and everything you need… just promise me something.”
“Don’t starve yourself…” he sighed. “I know you’re doing that. It’ll only make things worse.”
“I love you, y/n.” He said, kissing your lips softly.
“I love you too, Jinnie…”
A little frantic and has to remember himself that you’re not made of glass. He gets so protective and is often afraid of what could happen or others would say. He just wants you to feel happy.
You wanted to go grocery shopping but your boyfriend insisted that you stay home and rest.
“Please, stay here.” Han pleaded. “I do it and I won’t be long.”
“Why can’t I go out?!”
“You’re sick! You just came back from treatment.” He replied.
“That was 3 days go!”
“Yeah but… we need to be careful…” he sighed while holding your hands. “I don’t want you to strain yourself…”
“Hannie…” you sighed. “I’m not gonna strain myself…”
“I’m just worried… not just physically but mentally too.” He frowned. “I know how anxious you get.”
“Yeah, you’re right… but—… I just don’t wanna be useless.”
“You’re not useless.”
“I haven’t done anything! Just sit at home!” You snapped.
“Baby…” he sighed while hugging you. “Is that what this about?”
You didn’t answer, only huffing.
“You’re not useless. There’s nothing wrong with me helping you… but—” he paused. “I-I shouldn’t treat you like you’re made of glass…”
You looked up at him, surprised by what he said.
“We’ll go together. I’ll take care of you okay. Please let me take care of you.”
“Okay…” you nodded before he gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” Han said with a smile. “Cutest person I know.”
Felix wants to take care of you all the time. Sometimes it’s too much but you know he means well. He will also do anything to cheer you up.
As you watch tv in the living room, your boyfriend Felix comes in holding something.
“Hey I made something for you!” He said happily while holding out what seemed to be a hat.
“You made it??” You replied, impressed at how well put together it looked.
“Yeah I learned how to crochet.” Felix said with a smile. “I wanted to show you too. Then we can make more pretty hats!”
You couldn’t help letting out a small chuckle at his enthusiasm. He knows how insecure you were about your hair falling out. You mentioned in a heated moment that you can’t go out with covering the thinning spot. Well he must’ve taken that literally.
“You wanna teach me to crochet?”
“Yes. It’s a good way to keep you busy.” He nodded. “Then we can spend more time together!”
You smiled at him, finding him so adorable. “Thank you, Lixie.”
Felix kissed your cheek before leaving to get the hooks and yarn.
Seungmin is constantly concerned for you but loves and supports you by taking care of things so you can relax. He’ll be the one to do things like make your appointments and remind you to take medications. He’s a little awkward when it comes to emotional support but he tries his best.
“Alright y/n, we’ll be leaving in 20 minutes. We can go to the appointment and check in early.” Seungmin said while packing up your purse. “Then maybe we can get Starbucks after—… Sweetheart?”
You had been quiet this whole time as he spoke, only sitting on the couch, lost in your thoughts.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Seungmin asked while standing in front of you.
“Nothing…” you mutter under your breath.
“Y/n… don’t lie. What’s wrong?”
“I just… I don’t…” you weren’t sure how to describe your frustrations without crying so you only looked down.
Seungmin rubbed your hair as he had an idea of what was bugging you. “Y/n… it’s okay—…”
“I don’t wanna go!”
“I don’t want to go to the appointment!” You frowned.
“I-I don’t— my body hurts and I don’t wanna go outside!” You said as the tears finally started coming down. “I don’t want people looking at me! Th-they— don’t look at me!”
Seungmin sighed as you suddenly hid your face and sobbed. This had been getting worse lately.
“Okay, baby…” he said while taking your hand. “I’ll reschedule… and we don’t have to go out.”
You pause and look at him.
“We’ll spend the day at home.” He smiled and rubbed your cheek. “I’ll order foods and we can watch movies and cuddles. How’s that?”
“Yes really.” He nodded.
… thank you, seungmin…”
“Anything for you, baby.” He said before kissing your forehead.
He always does is best to cheer you up. Sure he doesn’t understand how you feel exactly, but he doesn’t want you to be down. He’ll buy you food, gifts, and even physical affection (if you want) which is surprising because he’s not the most into physical affection.
You were just exhausted. After a day of doctors appointments and testing, you felt weak as you lay in bed. Your boyfriend was cooking for you in the kitchen but you wanted to see him now.
“Jeongin!” You called out weakly. “Jeongin!”
Your boyfriend came back from the kitchen, a bit concerned. “Yes?”
“I-I… I don’t like being alone…”
“Oh okay.” He replied while rubbing your cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m still here.”
You held out your arms, indicating a hug. You just wanted him to hold you at this moment.
Jeongin was happy to oblige and wrapped his arms around you. He was about to let go but you clung on tight.
But Jeongin didn’t mind. He would lay down with you and hold you for as long as you wanted.
You felt so loved and safe in his arms. No words needed to be exchanged.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 6 months
16 for the ask game?
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
i'm going to make this one xiyao flavoured just because i can 😌 i love how low-key hilarious xiyao are with each other during the empathy flashback sequence where they're both playing for nie mingjue.
Nie MingJue was sitting on a mat seat. A guqin lay horizontally before Lan XiChen as he brushed his fingers over the strings. When the song finished, Jin GuangYao laughed, “Well, now that I’ve heard Brother’s guqin skills, I might as well smash my guqin the moment I get home.”
Lan XiChen, “Your skills are also considered quite fine outside of Gusu. Were they taught by your mother?”
Jin GuangYao, “No. I taught myself by watching others. She never taught me such things. She only taught me reading and writing, and bought a handful of expensive sword and cultivation guides for me to practice.”
Lan XiChen seemed surprised, “Sword and cultivation guides?”
Jin GuangYao, “Brother, you haven’t seen them before, have you? Those small booklets sold by the common folk. First jumbled sketches of human figures, then deliberately mystified captions.”
Lan XiChen shook his head, smiling. Jin GuangYao shook his head as well, “All of them are scams, especially to fool women like my mother and ignorant children. You won’t lose anything by practicing them, but you definitely won’t gain anything either.” He sighed in a rueful way, “But how could my mother have known this? She bought them no matter how expensive they were, saying that if I returned to see my father in the future, I had to see him with as much competence as possible so that I don’t fall behind. All of the money was spent on this.”
Lan XiChen strummed the strings of the guqin, “You are very talented, having achieved so much from simply watching others. If a master could offer you advice, you would make rapid progress.”
Jin GuangYao grinned, “The master is right before my eyes, but I’d never dare to trouble him.”
Lan XiChen, “Why not? Young Master, sit, please.”
And Jin GuangYao sat down in front of him, his back straight and still. He pretended as though he was a student humbly listening to advice, “Teacher Lan, what will you be teaching?”
Lan XiChen, “How about Sound of Lucidity?”
-EXR translation pg. 494
so, having re-read this moment, i enjoy it for reasons that have nothing to do with xiyao and their samebrain-ness when it comes to their sense of humour (tho that is still the part that i like the most for selfish and shippy reasons lol). i also appreciate the snapshot jgy provides us of what it must have been like to be on the outside of cultivation society looking in, desperate to gain even a scrap of knowledge to increase your odds of getting your foot in the door. and meng shi gave up every cent she earned through her sex work to try to make this happen for her son--and was scammed in the process.
she worked so hard for him, and loved him so much. sigh. 😞
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kvthgok · 1 year
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Sleep Deprivation | Miguel O’Hara x Spider Reader
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Warnings- none
Summary- Your sleep deprived and Miguel makes you go to bed.
Side note- I decided to make a Miguel x Spider Reader non platonic meannninggg there dating just for funsies 😞🙏 OFCCC NOT PROOFREAD hehe
Can’t believe I’m saying this but don’t you think you should be going to bed?” Miguel wrapped his arms around my waist. You’ve been working like a dog non stop worrying about  Spot.
I Continued to work ignoring him, my eyes glued to the floating screens
He sighed, then turned your body to face him, your back facing the screens. “Y/n, you’re exhausted and sleep deprived.”
I shook my head and looked back at the screens
“Hey, we both know you need sleep.”
"I'll head to bed in a little" I said doing a hand gestured shooing him away
He shook his head. “No, you’re going to bed now and don’t even argue with me.”
He then wrapped his strong arms around my waist again tightly, his warm breath against my neck as he began to slowly drag me through a portal back to bed.
I started to complain that I would head to bed in a little just give me more time
Miguel didn’t even acknowledge your words, continuing to walk towards the bedroom and pulling you across rooms.
"Just give me more time"
“No, not even a little.” He continued to move you closer and closer to bed, not allowing you to get free.
He then walked you into the bedroom before placing you on the bed. Once on the bed, Miguel laid down right next to you.
Miguel sighed, turning to his side and glancing at you. “Don’t even think about getting out of bed, alright.”
Miguel then yawned, soon falling asleep. His protective arms wrapped around you still, keeping you safe.
I slowly got out of his grip, opening a portal back to his office in the HQ to continue working to try and find Spot
Time skip-
Miguel woke up, sitting up and looking around for you. “Y/n?” He then looked around, realizing you were gone.
Miguel then sighed annoyed, getting up and walking out of the room. “I swear, it’s like she’s trying to kill herself with Sleep Deprivation.”
He opened a portal to the HQ knowing I would obviously be there.
He stepped through the portal, instantly noticing you staring at the screens, not sleeping. “Y/n…”
I slammed my hands on the desk, groaning out of frustration growing annoyed, "What? What do you want?!"
Miguel sighed again. “Y/n, I know you want to catch Spot but you really need some sleep.”
my eyes were still glued to the screens
Miguel walked up to you, attempting to grab your attention. “Sweetheart, look at me.”
He knew I haven't had a great amount of sleep considering how I was acting
Miguel turned your body, so you would be facing him, and held your face in his hands. “I know you haven’t slept in a few days, so please, please, go to sleep.”
Miguel then rubbed his thumb over your cheek. “Go to sleep now.”
I put my hand over his, "Just a few more minutes"
Miguel shook his head. “No, not a few minutes. Right now.” He then placed a kiss on your cheek.
Miguel kept his lips pressed against your cheek, then gently kissed your forehead. “I’m not joking, go to sleep now.”
He kept kissing you on the forehead. “Sleep, please.” Miguel’s voice was soft and gentle.
He took my hand gently guiding me to the portal he opened to his apartment.
Leading you into his room, where he pushed you onto the bed, keeping his hand on your shoulder to ensure you didn’t move. “You’re staying put till you sleep.” Miguel’s tone was very stern but loving.
Miguel then pulled the covers up, covering your body. His hand gently went over your head as he adjusted the blankets, making you comfortable.
Miguel’s soft hands slowly rubbed your back, and before you knew it, his warm embrace had turned to a comfortable sleeping position for you. “Get some sleep now.” Miguel spoke in a soft and soothing voice.
Miguel stayed up until he had knew you were asleep, but once he knew you were in a deep, peaceful slumber, his eyes drifted closed, his own body quickly falling into a deep sleep next to you.
After a few hours, Miguel was asleep as well, sleeping soundly. His body snuggled against yours, his strong protective arms around your body.
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catindabag · 10 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (50)
*The Presidential Pizza Truck Incident* Read [this] first.
Persephone: Yo, guys, we should totally visit our Tributes right now.
Florus: Like right now, right now?
Persephone: Yes. Right now.
Coryo: But Price, it’s the middle of the night and we’re currently having our super secret ✨slumber party✨ in the Presidential Palace.
Lysistrata: We’re also wearing pajama onesies and fluffy bunny slippers.
Florus: And don’t forget that there are a dozen surveillance cameras surrounding the Tributes’ enclosure.
Juno: As well as rabid raccoons.
Persephone: But-
Festus: Percy Baby, think about it. We can’t just end our super secret ✨slumber party✨ without Ravinstill’s permission.
Persephone: But Festus Baby, Mizzen told me to secretly visit him today.🥺
Festus: Why though? Why not later when the sun is up?
Persephone: Because he’s my Tribute-
Livia: Just tell us the whole truth, Price.🙄
Persephone: *sighs* Fine. That kid wants me to smuggle him 20 boxes of bacon pizza and 10 gallons of millk without anyone else knowing.
Coryo: Why would he need that much food? Is he feeding a village?🤨
Persephone: He’s hungry and he’s not willing to share.
Hilarius: So your Tribute is a little greedy gremlin who has a Tartarus like stomach?
Persephone: Yes. But he also said that Reaper and Treech stole and ate his shares the other day-
Vipsania: That’s a lie. Treech would never do that.
Persephone: How would you know-
Vipsania: Because Treech told me that your little gremlin stole all of Lamina’s cookies and ate half of their shares the other day.
Coryo: Lucy Gray even sang a little song about how Mizzen took Wovey’s last cookie without remorse.
Hilarius: The audacity!
Persephone: But guys, I made a promise! I gave my word! We even did the sacred pinky swear!!😭
Livia: So?🙄💅
Persephone: And the pizza guy is also waiting for us outside.
Festus: Nice one, Babe! I want a slice-
Persephone: But I haven’t payed him yet, and I currently have no money with me-
Florus: You haven’t payed?!
Coryo: So who the f*ck is gonna pay for those pizzas?!
Persephone: Um- well, funny story but I kind of accidentally told the pizza guy that President Ravinstill will be the one to pay for them.
Androcles: And the milk?!
Persephone: Plus the milk.☹️
Androcles: Percy, think about our reputation!
Persephone: We have no reputation!
Florus: Then think about our poor class fund!
Persephone: I have nothing to do with that!
Sejanus: Then think about my perfectly planned royal wedding with Coryo!
Persephone: Your wedding with Snow has nothing to do with this!
Sejanus: Yes, it does!
Persephone: Fine! I’m really sorry! I’m just baby!😭
Hilarius: We should tell Felix!
Androcles: Let’s tell Felix!
Lysistrata: Where is Felix anyway?
Coryo: He’s currently inside his gold encrusted bathroom crying.
Lysistrata: Can I ask why?
Coryo: Dill told him that they can’t be friends anymore because of his “wretched” family name.
Clemensia: Reaper also told him to f*ck off and die.😞
Palmyra: I thought that everyone told him to f*ck off and die-
Juno: Don’t make it worse, Monty.
Sejanus: How about we just pay the pizza guy with my father’s golden credit card and visit our Tributes later?😀
Androcles: How about we just steal the pizza guy’s truck, drive it to the zoo, and continue our super secret slumber party there?
Sejanus: Andie, that’s madness-
Persephone: Andie, that’s genius!!
Felix: *slams the bathroom door open* Let’s do it!!
Clemensia: Felix?!
Coryo: Are you done crying, Class Pres?
Felix: I’m still crying but now I have a plan!😭
Coryo: What plan?
Felix: It’s called ✨Operation End The Hunger Games Forever To Restore Felix Ravinstill’s Good Name✨!!
Coryo: That’s too long. Change it.
Felix: I’ll change it later, Snowy! But first, let’s steal that pizza guy’s truck!
Everyone: Yeah!!🥳
*Meanwhile, at Dean Highbottom’s mansion*
Casca: *mumbling some weird sh*t while asleep* Oh, Crassus, my love, my Snow Bae, let’s name our 7th child after you again.😴🤤
Prof.Sickle: *calls Casca* 🎶Ring-ring, ring-ring, pick up the phone or I’ll quit!🎶
Casca: *wakes up* Ugh!😩 Who the f*ck is calling me now? *answers the call* Hello? Crassus? Is this you, my love?
Prof.Sickle: Go watch the zoo surveillance footage right now.
Casca: It’s the middle of the night, Sickle. I’m not doing it-
Prof.Sickle: For once in your life, Casca, listen to me!
Casca: No! My beloved Crassus and I are currently busy naming our 7th child!
Prof.Sickle: 7th child?!
Casca: We are planning to name our little newborn baby ✨Crassus Casca Cassian Highbottom-Snow✨.🥰
Prof.Sickle: What?!
Casca: Do you like it?
Prof.Sickle: Casca, wake up and watch the surveillance footage!
Casca: No!
Prof.Sickle: Dean Casca Highbottom!
Casca: Fine!😫 I’m watching the damn footage right now!
Prof.Sickle: Did you see them?
Casca: See who?
Prof.Sickle: Just open your eyes!
Casca: Seriously, Sickle, there’s nothing- Why is there a f*ckin’ pizza truck parked outside the Tributes’ enclosure?!
Prof.Sickle: I told you-
Casca: And they’re all wearing pajama onesies!
Prof.Sickle: That’s not the point!
Casca: Exclusive pajama onesies with matching fluffy bunny slippers!!
Prof.Sickle: Are you drunk right now?!
Casca: I have to go, Sickle! My beloved Crassus is waiting for me at the zoo!
Prof.Sickle: That’s Coriolanus!
Casca: My darling Crassus, my love, I’m coming!!🏃
Prof.Sickle: F*ck.
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jwonsoon · 1 year
enhypen - how they show affection at school 𖨆♡𖨆
☼ authors note - hi guys first post :) thinking about life w them at school god im going nuts - def not proofread im just rambling !
his way of showing affection is through subtle touches </3. 
during those school breaks after exhausting classes he just wants to see you and listen to how ur day went.
his hand is always hanging around u, whether thats ur knee or shoulder giving u small squeezes of reassurance while ur with all ur friends to remind u nonverbally that he misses u. 
also if u guys are laughing about something he is always looking at you w so much admiration or leaning into you god i want him 
HE IS SO OBVIOUSSSS. i love him so much 
jay would have such starry eyes he would completely light up around u. he is so smiley and giggly around you laughing at ur jokes that were not even that funny. 
he’s also such a good listener like he’s just so attentive and give u the exact energy u need when ur ranting like he gives me “yea i really hate when that happens too…” vibes. 
buys u food anytime. 
he would be so insistent calling you over and telling him to sit with him cus he wants u near to him he’s barely seen u all day :(( he’d whisper ur name like “come here i miss youuuuu” i cant i cannot
he loves playing w ur hands bopping them around and intertwining w them when ur talking to him. (think him and jungwon in enhypen&hi i cant do this) u also love doing the same to him, he gets all giddy but he still wants to be attentive to the rest of the friend group and not seem too obvious so he’ll be nodding and listening but he’ll occasionally look at u and smile to himself. god. 
his form of affection is just simply being with u. being close in proximity. he just loves the idea of u being there
he misses u and doesn’t wanna see u stressed!!!!  when his hands are free he’ll have his arm around u rubbing ur arm asking what he can do to help :(
would also be so visibly excited to see u if u haven’t seen e/o all day he makes u feel so special. he is so comforting i love him so bad jake i love u
but this is more subtle it HURTS. his hand is always lingering around yours. and he always nudges u or he’s always looking down at ur hands that are barely touching and sometimes u dont notice so he gets pouty OH MY GOD.
secretly memorized ur schedule so at the end of one random class he’s finished early and hes just standing outside like 🧍 ALL AWK waiting for you to walk to lunch together and ur like how did u know i was here…hes like 🤷‍♂️
sunghoon is really subtle with it. if he senses you’re having a bad day he’s gonna be extra goofy w lame dad jokes to try and distract u. he’ll buy food for u but make it seem like it was for him and give it to u “just because.” sigh . the little things
despite being busy af. he will always make time for YOU. like he has a meeting but he receives a text that you’re about to go home? he will be excusing himself for 5 mins to give u a proper bye. FUCKKKKK
always texting u. ur laptop BETTTTERRR have DND on or else it will be pinging every 2 seconds. just like how this boy is always on weverse, he is constantly updating u about funny shit that happens in class or just what hes thinking or ur future hang out plans “we should go here on saturday”
he would so walk u home from school if y’all lived near and he would get sad if he can’t bring u one day like “how come ur leaving early i cant walk u home and ive barely seen u all week :( “
somehow always carrying ur stuff - especially if u tend to leave things behind. especially hoodies and waterbottles. like by the end of the day ur like “ok so why do u have half of my belongings.” when u guys pack up after lunch he is always picking up ur stuff b4 u cus he just knows u sometimes forget 😞 
no matter how busy y’all are. sunoo wants to see u ☹️ u guys have barely talked the whole day. he will text to meet in the middle of class just quickly. “what floor are you in? can u leave class rq i wanna say hi :(“ 
compliments. COMPLIMENTS. always the small details too like if he’ll notice if u tried a new makeup look or if u did ur hair different. he’ll make u feel so pretty
walks with u around the campus during lunch after you guys are done to have one on ones. he likes spending time one on one with you cus sometimes its harder within ur bigger group of friends awh. 
would always have ur arms linked and laugh about stupid things with you FUCK SUNOO MY SUNSHINE 
i luv him NI-KI so much im gonna get emotional. 
when he laughs or gets excited he’s practically jumping onto u or puts his whole body weight on u you’ve almost fallen so many times. 
always squeezing ur shoulders from behind to catch ur attention cus he’s so tall, similar to this sometimes he scares u from behind and u get so startled and he loves it cus he thinks ur cute and silly </3 but he sometimes does it when you’ve seen him coming from like 4 miles away… goofy ass 
when hes with u he’ll scrunch his nose and whisper “cute” to himself bc he doesn’t wanna be obviousssss😜u cant know that hes’s SIMPING!! (but he doesnt realize that u did see it and ur geeking)
likes to hug u when theres no one else around or fully lean into u like hes about to get a good nights sleep  😭
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grace122 · 2 years
i just wanna bounce on sams dick while he sits there and acts like it’s not phasing him😞
begging and teasing him all day and him saying “no” and “be patient”. then reaching your breaking point while sitting on the couch and watching tv. first starting out with rubbing your hands all over his body, but he ignores it. then moving your hands down to his thighs and making small whimpering sounds cause you want him so bad. him sighing and saying “i want you to think very carefully about what you’re about to do”. you slightly back off trying to make him think you’re gonna behave, but he knows better.
you start squirming slightly due to your clit throbbing, needing to rub against something. sam, again, ignores you. sam has his arm draped over your shoulders while you are leaning against him, so you grab his hand and bring his fingers to your mouth. you suck on them while moan lightly, loving the taste. sam, fed up, takes his fingers out of your mouth, then says, “you’re playing a dangerous game little girl. you try to pull something again, you’re not gonna be cumming at all”
again, you stop for a little. you fully being turned and needing sam, you put your hand down his shorts and rub him. sam shakes his head in disappointment trying to get your hand out, but you put up a fight and manage to get both his shorts and boxers off. you mean slightly at the sight of his dick. sam doesn’t stop you anymore and let’s you take your pants off. you get his dick and slip it inside of you, already being prepped.
you bounce on him for a good 15 seconds and then realize sam isn’t saying anything. you look at him and see him watching the tv over your shoulder. you whine and beg for him to pay attention to you. he looks at you with annoyance and lust. “why would i pay attention to you? huh?” you try not to answer and try to continue riding him. he stop your hips, “use your words and tell me why i would pay attention to you when you haven’t listened to me once” you whine in frustration coming up with a poor excuse of “i can’t cum if i don’t hear you” he coos sarcastically. “aww and the last thing i wanna do is keep my baby from cumming, right? cause you haven’t done anything to deserve me stopping you from cumming, hm?”
you try to ignore him and start bouncing again, this time sam goes on his phone. a mix of a gasp and whine comes out due to the shock of him actually ignoring you. he looks at you with tears building up in your eyes of pure need. he laughs silently about how he’s given you warnings, yet you still got yourself in this position. he gives in with pity and puts his phone away. “go on. make yourself cum” you try so hard, bouncing and grinding, hand going to his chest, loving the feeling of his body. “please. please help me” you beg. the feeling of desperation getting stronger. “i don’t know. while i love seeing you on my dick, i’m pretty sure i gave you plenty of warnings. didn’t i?” you groan. “sir” you draw out. “please. i was bad and i didn’t listen to orders. i’m sorry, sir. please forgive me and make me cum. i know i don’t deserve your forgiveness, but i can’t handle it-“ you tried to continue rambling apologizes, but were interrupted by sam manhandling you onto your hands and knees.
he spanks you a few times while you moan. “that’s all i wanted sweetheart. to see my little girl, who tries to act so tough and dominate, fall apart when i haven’t even laid a hand on you” he puts his dick in you and pounds into you. grabbing your hair, choking you, and pulling you against his front in order to spit in your mouth. pushing you down again and reaching to rub your clit. sam now moans, knowing that’ll bring you closer to edge. “what’d you think? should i pull out? make you really beak down?” this time you fully sob. “sir, i’m begging you. please don’t leave me like this” instead of answering, he fucked into you rougher and moans louder. “come on. cum my sweet girl. do it for your master” that was the final straw. him calling himself your master. fuck, that was hot.
you came with a loud moan, him following squeezing your hips. he walks out of the room and get you water and a snack. while you calm down he starts to clean you up. “i am sorry. i shouldn’t behaved” you say still feeling submissive. “aw, honey, you are my good girl. you don’t need to apologize, just listen to orders, hm?” you agree by nodding your head. following the after care, you both cuddle on the couch, finally finishing your show.
i didn’t not mean for this to be so long omg. but anything for sam
good LORD i love this
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More for the commentary:
It only makes her cry harder. The soft rustle of the heavy silks falling into place is mortifying.
The Darkling sighs, reaching inside his kefta and retrieves a silk handkerchief, of course even this is black. He dabs at her tear streaked face.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
He strokes her hair. “My informants in Ketterdam report never actually spotting him at University. Do you suppose he has a mistress?”
“I…don’t think so.”
“You haven’t accepted, have you?”
She shakes her head.
“Of course not. Well with any luck he’ll be besotted enough to come back. Write to him, string together whatever romantic nonsense you can think of. That you miss him, that you’re eagerly awaiting his return to court, and that you’ll have your answer for him when he does. That will give him something to look forward to.”
“I don’t know if I can even send him anything.”
“His mother writes to him. His replies are slow, but credibly his own. I suspect there is a go-between but wherever he goes traipsing off to, he’s still able to receive correspondence.”
She nods, not sure she wants to know how he’s so certain of these things.
“When you are invited to the Tsaritsa’s parlor for tea, you must attend. Don’t beg off with a headache, or that you’re behind on studies. Go. Endear yourself to her, tell her about your little sailing trip, and ask her opinion for wedding preparations. Start picking colors and the style of lace.��
“I will,” she says hoarsely.
The Darkling sighs. “Go sleep off your woes. We have a long journey ahead of us. You need rest.” He kisses her temple. It’s a struggle not to curl into him, to cling for comfort, and that’s always what hurts her most, far more than his cutting words. She thinks, no matter what else she feels, she might hate him a little for it.
DVD Commentary Meme
Oh man. So this is the fun drama fic but it’s also really not. The main relationship throughline is so miserable.
It only makes her cry harder. The soft rustle of the heavy silks falling into place is mortifying. 
I will be very real with you, I first wrote this scene to be set after they’ve already gotten to the Little Palace, so this was supposed to be a door shutting. And I think like that sound can have like a sense of finality.
I ultimately thought the encampment was a more fun setting and I switched out that beat for the tent flap but shfhff it doesn’t have that same vibe.
Anyway he did humiliate her on purpose here! He’s of the opinion— and has cultivated that perspective in her— that any sign of emotion or vulnerability is inexcusable weakness. So it’s a pretty loaded choice that he would invite someone in to see her sobbing openly (unsaid: like a child, how immature, and melodramatic etc) because he reprimanded her. And that’s not a faceless guard or servant she’s never going to speak to at length. That’s David! She’s going to have to look him in the eye later!
The Darkling sighs, reaching inside his kefta and retrieves a silk handkerchief, of course even this is black. He dabs at her tear streaked face. 
So. So this is abusive lol. This dynamic is meant to be read as abusive. And while he’s never lashed out at her quite like this before she does note later that there’s a pattern to him berating her or icing her out (hurting her on purpose basically) and then either comforting her or at least trying to win her over again.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
He strokes her hair. “My informants in Ketterdam report never actually spotting him at University. Do you suppose he has a mistress?”
There is literally no way in hell he’d guess what Nikolai’s actually up to
“I…don’t think so.”
Alina’s like “I’m not sure he’d have the time 😭”
“You haven’t accepted, have you?”
Said with familiarity and exasperation. I think a key difference between this fic and canon is that there is genuine familiarity? In the books he like never at all wraps his head around who Alina is as a person, but at this point he’s had more time/she’s just grown to be more like him so she’s less confounding to him.
She shakes her head. 
This is an interesting point of continued defiance for her imo bc it’s like both out of her wanting to convey somehow that her relationship with Aleksander means something to her? She is emotions driven, he thinks all emotions must be crushed lmao. So even though it’s… ostensibly about him/in his favor almost… she’s still like going against him by being like “Hey my feelings matter.” It’s also like the single bit of agency she has in the larger situation of the engagement that like everyone else have arranged and decided for her.
“Of course not. Well with any luck he’ll be besotted enough to come back. Write to him, string together whatever romantic nonsense you can think of. That you miss him, that you’re eagerly awaiting his return to court, and that you’ll have your answer for him when he does. That will give him something to look forward to.” 
Of course he has to take a moment to point out that she was stubborn and didn’t do what he wanted— even though at the moment it does play into his strategy lmao
“I don’t know if I can even send him anything.”
This is more her being reluctant. Her dynamic with Nikolai has been refreshingly genuine and she doesn’t want to fabricate like flowery declarations of love that he would either see through, or worse! Take seriously.
“His mother writes to him. His replies are slow, but credibly his own. I suspect there is a go-between but wherever he goes traipsing off to, he’s still able to receive correspondence.”
Credibly his own because… he’s been surveilling his correspondence… for how long?
She nods, not sure she wants to know how he’s so certain of these things. 
There’s a couple times in this fic where Alina considers something about him and is like “You know what? I don’t want to know!”
“When you are invited to the Tsaritsa’s parlor for tea, you must attend. Don’t beg off with a headache, or that you’re behind on studies. Go. Endear yourself to her, tell her about your little sailing trip, and ask her opinion for wedding preparations. Start picking colors and the style of lace.” 
The hopefully evident implication is that she also hates court niceties and has been ignoring them as much as possible. That this is a recurring invitation (among many) she has avoided with some minor drama.
She’s kind of mimicking Aleksander’s behavior tbh but he gets away with it in a way that she doesn’t. Both because he’s like… running an entire army, but also it is just more acceptable for him to hate formal events as a man. Alina is kind of kept at court as a novelty, and there’s a gendered element to the expectation that she’s going to be like a source of fun parlor tricks. And her refusing to play along is itself part of why she’s rather out of favor atm.
“I will,” she says hoarsely. 
She’s just happy to have something specific to do so he can stop being angry at her 😞
The Darkling sighs. “Go sleep off your woes. We have a long journey ahead of us. You need rest.” He kisses her temple.
I think at this point he is internally cooling down a bit. And is like. oh… that was… perhaps… too much. I think there is some chagrin and even genuine concern here. But we don’t talk about feelings in this house. And also there is the high handed angle of like oh go sleep it off we’re just going to pretend this didn’t happen.
It’s a struggle not to curl into him, to cling for comfort, and that’s always what hurts her most, far more than his cutting words. She thinks, no matter what else she feels, she might hate him a little for it. 
He’s really the only source of comfort she has? At all? There’s no other place she’s getting any sort of support from at this point. She’s fully isolated and emotionally dependent on him and she knows and resents that. She’s kind of been made into his satellite.
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junhrs · 15 days
what flowers do your oc’s like? what kind of bouquet should i make ?? (i have a feeling none of them like flowers but still 😞☹️)
“f-flowers? why?” he mumbled, averting his gaze for a brief moment. “i haven’t really studied botany in a while. are you… do you have an assignment for me, is that why? another villain issue?”
( author interjection : he likes forget-me-nots and marigolds. )
“… wild flowers are cool,” he said with a reluctant sigh, scratching at the scar on his lip. “iris’ are nice too i guess. i don’t really pay attention to the names much; only the sights.”
his frown deepened, but there’s no mistaking the subtle tint of pink at the base of his neck.
“don’t bother with a bouquet,” oliver grunted, “it’ll just die on me within a couple days. no point.”
“what in the world would i need flowers for?” he chuckled, tone sickeningly sweet. “oh please, pet, use that little head of yours a bit more. flowers are a waste of time and of no use to me. i live in the city for a reason.”
( author interjection : … yeah he doesn’t really care. safest bet are red roses. )
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