#but photo 5 was the final straw
icbmil · 1 year
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Bonus bad low quality gifs of the only performance I’ve seen him smoke during (x)
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drugsforaddicts · 5 months
Decided to check the photos I took today. I plug the memory card in my pc and open up the folder:
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I close the folder. I stare at my wall. Life is flashing before my eyes.
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Never Grow Up
Word count: 3.0K
Summary: Taylor's still going on tour despite having a teen kid and reader just wants to spend quality time with her but Taylor's too busy. Reader thought that Taylor would reschedule the tour dates around daughter's birthday until she saw the tour dates being released online. Reader got mad and that was her final straw so the relationship is fractured.
Warnings: angst, single mom, mention of abortion, hurt/comfort
Pairing: Taylor Swift X Daughter!Reader
First time writing for Taylor! Hope you like it💜
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Being Taylor Swift’s Daughter had it’s own perks and flaws.
She had you in when she was 20, and your father has always been out of the picture. You never got to know him, never met him and never asked about him but as far as you knew, he wasn’t one of the famous Taylor’s exes, he was just a random guy your mother had fallen in love with. She never talked about him, not her, or her family and since the subject was apparently so delicate, not once did you ever dare ask. There weren’t any pictures in the house, not in photo albums… it seemed like everyone had tried deleting his existence.
However it’s not like you ever needed a father figure. Your family always made you feel loved, you had all the attentions you could ever ask for and you have always been happy, no matter where you were in the world. However the first years of your life weren’t easy for your mother. She was still very young herself, but at the same time she was supposed to be going on tours, concerts and make her fans happy, all while also having to take care of you. Thankfully, her mother was a big help in that too. She would help take care of you and watch you when Taylor was on concerts. She was busy, yes but she always, always made time for you, no matter where you were around the world, wether it be a couple days, and some times even a full week, depending on bow busy her schedule was.
Were you a fan of hers? Yes, of course you were. You have no reminiscence of when you were younger, buy ever since you turned 5 you had been going to every concert of hers. You would either stay in the backstage, or in the booth with your grandma, Andrea, with one of the best views in the stadium, and slowly people had started to acknowledge you too. Taylor had never publicly talked about you, buy everyone knew she had a daughter, and it was easy to know it was you, because you were identical, you were like Taylor’s mini-me, and also because of her song “Never Grow Up” which she wrote and published when you were just one year old. You knew every single one of her songs, you screamed each and every one of them while at times Andrea filmed you and posted it on her social, which is how Taylor’s fans found your social and start following you as well.
Going a bit back in time, when she took a break from music, you were just 7, you hoped to spend more and more time with her and you did, but to an extent. Her mental health wasn’t the best, and she was always busy writing/recording songs and getting ready for her next tours, so her time with you became less and less and less, to the point where you’d rarely get to spend time with her, however, you tried. 
During Covid you finally got to spend so much time with her, after her Lover Tour was canceled. That’s when you decided to follow in on her footsteps. You were 11 and you already knew how to play the guitar, but you wanted to learn how to play the piano as well. One night you were supposed to be sleeping but you couldn’t, so you went where you knew your mom would be. She was in the soundproof room playing the piano and humming, trying to get ideas for a new song. You stood there at the door, waiting for your mom to acknowledge you. That happened pretty soon. She turned around and saw you standing there, in your pjs as you were holding your favorite teddy bear. Taylor smiled brightly at you and beckoned you to walk over to her.
“Hey little one, why aren’t you asleep yet?” She asked in a low, soothing voice. “I can’t sleep” you said in a tired voice, rubbing your eyes as Taylor made you sit in her lap sideways, so that you were laying your head on her shoulder and she could look at you. She kissed your nose and cheeks and forehead, before moving some wild hair away from your face. “How about I sing to you?” She said with a smile, you looked up at her with your big, wide, sweet (e/c) eyes expectantly and she didn’t even need a reply before she started playing “Never Grow Up” on piano. That song is originally meant for a guitar but here she was, playing it on piano and singing it, turning it into a lullaby only for you to hear.
You were asleep in a matter of seconds, and even though Taylor noticed, she still continued singing until the song was over and then she picked you up and put you into her own bed, staying snuggled up to her for the night, feeling as safe as ever in your mother’s arms. “I love you little one” she whispered.
That was the last time your mother sang something to you.
The last time she cuddled you.
The last time she told you she loved you.
A few weeks after she started planning her Eras Tour. She needed everything ready in such a short matter of time, setlist, choreographies, stage shape and instruments, transitions, lights and all the stuff regarding a regular concert. Not a day went by without her on the phone, or working on her laptop, or in studios either dancing or singing. It was moments like this where you wished you had a father figure. Not even the holidays you two spent together anymore. It was like she had completely forgotten about you, it was like you were just one random person in her house she had to cook for.
Two years later, On another identical night of your mother working, you decided to disturb her, just this once. “Hey mom” you said, walking over and sitting next to her on the couch. She was leaning forwards to the table where her laptop was placed. However, she didn’t reply to you. “Mom?” You asked again. You heard her sigh as she gave you an answer, not taking her eyes off the screen. “Yes, sweetie?” She asked, “Can we watch a movie tonight? Maybe we can order McDonalds and watch something?” You said as you leaned in closer to her, laying your head on her shoulder. “(Y/N) I can’t, I’m busy” she said and for a moment you were quiet as you looked towards the screen of her laptop, you could see she was scheduling the dates for the concert. You just hoped she would have a free day on your fourteenth birthday, like she promised.
“Oh come on, it’s just a movie, only for tonight. Please?” You pouted and wrapped your arms around her, hoping this might convince her. “I said in busy. Tour starts soon and I still need to figure out a few dates” she said and you groaned. “Please mom, we haven’t cuddled in a while-“ she interrupted you by removing your arms around herself. “I said no, (Y/N)!” She said, raising her voice which made you look at her with wide eyes, and kind of in shock. She never raised her voice at you until now. “God these days you’re so bothering, just go sleep!” You knew she didn’t mean it, but in this moment you couldn’t help but be hurt at her words. She couldn’t even be bothered to look at you when you got up and ran to your bedroom, locking yourself in as you cried into the pillow.
That was the last time you asked your mother to cuddle you.
From that day on, you barely talked to her. Not that you even needed to, either way. She was still always on the phone. The only differences where the fact that you’d go to your room immediately after lunch, and not stay and watch TV with her, and you’d go to Andrea’s place all day. She noticed you were sadder than usual. She noticed that you were more cuddly with her than usual. She also noticed you were quieter. When she asked if you were okay, you shrugged and said you were, And she also asked Taylor, who replied telling her that nothing was different, and most likely you were just acting up. It was weird to you, how your mother didn’t realize that she was neglecting you and your grandma had realized that just seeing you a couple days.
You ended up telling Andrea what was happening, and she tried to reassure you, saying that she was just nervous for the whole eras tour thing, and when it started things would become easier… but you weren’t sure of that.
A couple weeks later, what you feared became true. You were in your room when your mom made a post on instagram announcing the Eras Tour dates and you scanned through it, until you read it. “KC night 1 7/7/23”. Your birthday. She was having a concert on your birthday. You took your phone and rushed to the living room, where your mom was on the phone with her publicist, Tree. “Mom, seriously??” You asked her, not caring if she was on the phone or not. You heard her sigh “Tree, wait a second” she said and put the phone on mute, looking at me. “What is it?” She asked and you rolled your eyes. “You put a concert date on my birthday” you said and she sighed again. “Can we not do this now? This is important-“ you interrupted her again. “More important than your daughter?” You talked back.
Taylor was silent for a while, before excusing herself with Tree and ending the call, and you repeated what you said. “You put a concert date on my birthday” she nodded, looking confused “yeah, and?” You shook your head. “You had promised me you’d have the day free so you could spend it with me! It’s been a long time since we last had a day together, just you and me…” you looked down, but she didn’t seem to be bothered. “We’ll spend some time together after the concert like we already did.” She looked away from you, eyes back on her phone. “But that’s not what you promised!” You said and raised your voice, making her look at you. “(Y/N), right now, tour’s more important-“ you interrupted her, “then why did you have me?” She looked up back at you, looking more confused than ever.
“Huh?” She asked and only now did she notice that you had tears in your eyes. “Why did you have me if tours are more important than me?” At that, Taylor got up and walked over to you, eyes full of worry and remorse, maybe. “The fact that I’m now busy with tour doesn’t mean that I love you any less” she said and knelt down in front of you. “But you don’t show it! You don’t show that you love me…” You said and she furrowed her brows, even more confused. A couple tears leaving your eyes. “do you remember when was the last time we celebrated my birthday together?” You asked her and saw how she shook her head, thinking of a reply. “It was 6 years ago. I was 8, mom” you said “it was 2017, remember what period it was?” Once again, she didn’t reply, but you both knew what period it was. “When was the last time you told me you loved? I don’t remember it” you didn’t remember it, but Taylor did. You had fallen asleep in her lap and she had just stopped singing you “Never grow up.” She stood up and sighed, watching you cry but she didn’t feel like apologizing would be enough.
“If you knew you weren’t going to have time for me, you could have aborted me” your voice broke as you were saying this, and you rushed back into your bedroom, not knowing that in that precise moment, your mother was bawling her eyes out too. She wanted to spend more time with you, she really did, but at the same rime, she really didn’t have time.
The day of your birthday, you wouldn’t be seeing your mother until the concert. You woke up to no text from her, which made tears well up in your eyes but you quickly blinked them away and went on with your day. Andrea had gifted you a necklace with a dream catcher, which you really liked, but you would have needed no gift if only you could spend your day with your mother, but by now you had given up on that occasion.
The concert went by normally, like any other, and you had spent it in the booth with Andrea, smiling whenever people asked pictures of you as well and exchanging friendship bracelets with them, like grandma had showed you. Soon it was the moment of the surprise songs and you were expecting her to take her guitar, but she didn’t.
She sat at her piano, and started talking. “Well, welcome to the surprise songs” she started and everyone clapped their hands, screaming in joy and adoration. There was a reason behind every surprise song she chose for every night and you were curious as to what tonight’s reasons would be. “On normal occasions I would be playing this song on guitar, but this isn’t a normal occasion” she smiled at what she was about to say, and you furrowed your brows in confusion. Was she talking about your birthday? “As I’m pretty sure all of you know, I have a daughter, her name’s (Y/N)” everyone began cheering even more. Yes, she was talking about your birthday. “I have never talked publicly about her, but tonight’s her birthday, so I wanted to surprise her. She’s here tonight, and she’s in that booth over there with my mom” she pointed over to you with a smile, and everyone cheered again.
“It’s been a rough period for both of us. I’ve been very busy with tour, and she’s been wanting to spend more time with me and I feel like a very bad mother for not being able to give her what she wants, and apologizing doesn’t really work all the time, she’s stubborn as hell” the crowd laughed and you couldn’t help but smile at her words and you leaned into Andrea, who gave you a side hug. “Well anyway as I was saying, this is a very special occasion as it’s her birthday so I’ll play this song on piano instead of guitar, and I would like you all to look at the screen behind me as I play this song. Happy birthday little one, this is for you”
With that, Taylor started playing “Never Grow Up”, the song she wrote about you, for you.
Your little hand’s wrapped around my finger and it’s so quiet in the world tonight Your little eyelids flutter ‘cause your dreamin’ So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
A video started playing on the huge screen behind her. Photos and videos of you as a child with her, both so young and happy. Taylor was smiling brightly and you laughed whenever you were around her and her family, now you understood more the words:
To you everything’s funny you got nothing to regret, I’d give all I have honey if you could stay like that
Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up Don't you ever grow up Just stay this little Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up Don't you ever grow up It could stay this simple I won't let nobody hurt you Won't let no one break your heart And no one will desert you Just try to never grow up Never grow up
You started tearing up more with the chorus as you sang along, and behind her more videos of the both of you were being played. No matter where or how Taylor was in life, she always loved you, every day more than the other. A side screen showed her as she was playing this song in this very moment, tears leaving her eyes and more forming in them. As the song came to an end, she spoke again. “Happy birthday babygirl, mama loves you so so much” she said and sniffled, wiping her tears. The crowd was louder than ever, and like other times she stopped to take it all in.
“Can I go to her?” You asked Grandma and she nodded, explaining that she had anticipated this would happen and already had a bodyguard ready and waiting for you. He quickly took you backstage and showed you the way up to the stage, even if you knew it already.
The stage doors opened to reveal you, and everyone cheered even louder as you started running your way to the front of the stage, where your mom was. Taylor turned around to look at you, smiling brightly as she got up and made her way towards you, arms opened for you to get into a tight, warm embrace. When you were finally in her arms, you both cried a bit more as you placed your head on her chest, and her head was right on top of yours. When you pulled back she took her in-ear monitors off, cupped your cheeks, looked at you and said “I love you so so so much, please never forget that”
“I love you too mom” you said almost in between sobs. She kissed your forehead and pulled you into another, tight hug.
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
"I hate it when you lie"
husband!miguel x f!reader ♡
10 Things I Hate About You ← mini-series masterlist
"I hate the way you're always right," ← previous part
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Miguel had been working later nights than usual. When you asked him about it he said that the recruits had him busy with getting them assimilated in the Spider Society.
You were missing him during the day and were surprisingly on your writing schedule. So you decided to pay him a visit and give him the opportunity to see his beautiful wife.
After saying hi to everyone and giving the book club a teaser of your upcoming book. You finally went to Miguel's office after hearing he was back from a mission you never would have thought you would see Justine with him there playing nurse.
When Miguel saw you walk in he immediately sat up and his face lightened up. "Hi baby," he sighed as he gestured for Justine to stop working on the cut across his chest.
"Hi," you replied, giving him a strained smile.
"Justine, I can take it from here if you want to get something to eat," you said.
"Ugh, whatever," she hissed, stomping away and rolling her eyes.
"Thank you for being nice, I'm sorry about her behavior," he said as he pulled you closer to him, grabbing you by your waist.
"Yeah," you breathed out as you picked up some gauze for his cut.
"What's wrong mami?" Miguel asked, his hands sliding down to your hips.
"I just miss you, I hate to see you get hurt all the time. I worry about you," you admitted.
"Ay cariño, take a seat please, talk to me," he cooed as he pulled the chair that Justine had been sitting in previously. He took both of your hands in his and patiently waited for you to speak.
"Miguel, I've just been missing you, I promise that's all," you assured.
"Okay, promise me nothing else is wrong?" he asked.
"Promise," you said as he kissed your forehead.
"How about you get home and I'll get done with work here and we can watch a movie together," he suggested.
"That sounds great," you replied, trying not to smile too hard. You were so happy that he would be coming home earlier.
. . .
It had been 3 hours and 4 text messages since you got home from Spider Society and Miguel still wasn't home. You had popcorn setup that was now cold and stale and drinks that were finished off by you when you realized 5 minutes into midnight that he wasn't coming home on time.
He would probably creep in at 2 am and apologize in the morning like he did after every missed date. You could blame him; he was probably in another universe saving the world. But he never really had an issue with you calling him on missions they were usually pretty easy for him.
So you called him and he picked up after a while of letting it ring. "Hi cariño, I'm so sorry I wasn't keeping track of time," he apologized. Small sniffles and giggles could be heard faintly on the other end of the line.
"That's okay, are you working on something?" you asked as you put snacks away with him on the speaker.
"Yeah, it randomly got kind of busy," he replied. Another sniffle could be heard.
"Hey this might sound weird but are you with someone right now?" you asked. Long silence on his end.
"No," he replied. Long silence on your end.
"Okay, I'm tired, I'm going to bed," you said. You hung up a bit too fast, cutting him off.
. . .
Why would he lie if he wasn't doing something wrong? You asked yourself as you got in your sheets and scrolled on your phone before bed. You got a notification from Hobie. He sent you a story on Instagram. Justine's story. Justine's story of her playing video games in Miguel's office, with his arm in the corner of the photo.
. . .
next part → "I hate it when you make me laugh,"
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taglist: @lilscast @lazyjellyfish300 @safixiovi @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiira @aktenati @straw-berry-ghoul @vera4luv
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Don't Give In
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Male Reader X Dreamcatcher Handong
Length: 2200 words
Tags: Quckie, Creampie
A/n- BFH because of this photo. She really wanted to kill us.
Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in”. These three words repeatedly went through your mind every day at work. Weird, right? Why would you keep telling yourself that? Well, the glare a certain pink-haired Chinese woman was giving you caused it. 
When you picked up the girls early, they all seemed quite mellow. Sure, being 5 am probably does that but you were a bit surprised. The drive was quite boring to the remote location but once you hopped out, it all began. 
Reaching the side door, each of the girls began to hop out and say their thanks. With the final lady exiting, a sudden grab on your crotch made you jolt in place. Your face was full of panic as you looked around. Facing the young woman, that famous smirk filled her face as she got closer. 
“Who needs coffee when my touch can be your pick me up?” 
With that said, Handong continued into the shooting site, leaving you amazed by her actions. 
“Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in.” 
First time of the day. 
7 hours later. 
Lunch was a time everyone enjoyed. Well maybe not the ladies who prepared the food but it was a time to relax. At least that’s what you assumed it would be. 
The metal chair your butt seated on was not the comfiest but it got the job done. On your plastic plate, a mix of veggies and various meat could be found. Unlike most idols, the Dreamcatcher girls ate what they wanted in moderation instead of going on insane diets. 
Despite being their manager, the relationship you had with the girls was beyond just business. They were your friends. As you all sat around the white plastic table. Everyone was listening to Jiu’s corny jokes when a sudden pressure on your crotch caught your attention. 
Not wanting to make it oblivious, your face continued to look at Jiu, while giving the girl further to the right a serious look. Despite this, Handong continued to eat while her foot continued to touch your dick. 
“Haneul. Are you ok? You seem a bit red?” 
“O-Oh yeah. I’m fine, Sua. Sorry, I think it’s just a little hot.” 
“Yeah, it is a little hot. I’m so glad they got us those cold drinks.” 
As each girl took a sip of their Soda, Handong raised the straw to her mouth and gave you a smirk. The young woman’s tongue began to roam around the plastic straw. Moving it up and down, Handong pushed the straw in her mouth and began to move it back and forth, Maintaining eye contact that whole time. 
“Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in.” 
9 hours later. 
Just as when you had woken up, the sun was nowhere in sight. The life of an idol is tough, but being their manager could be just as stressful at times. As some girls continued to get their photos taken for the album, the sound of clapping caught your attention. 
Looking to the left, the sight of the approaching pink-haired girl made you nervous. As Handong finally stood in front of you, a small giggle left her mouth. 
“Drooling much? Well as much as I love you staring at me, could you help me take a few pictures for my Instagram?” 
Getting back to your senses, you simply nodded your head and took the phone that she handed you.
Getting ready to take a few shots, Handong shook her head no. 
“Let’s not bother the people shooting here. Let’s go by the van. I'm sure no one we can bother will be there.” 
The sirens in your head began to go off but you didn’t have much of a choice as the Chinese woman began to walk off. Following behind, your eyes noticed the leather skirt that didn’t cover much of her legs. Handong was always a muscular girl and her legs were no exception. Those powerful legs had caused you plenty of problems in the past. 
Your attention must have been cut short as you suddenly bumped into Handong. You both had finally reached the van. With no words, Handong quickly fixed her hair and began to pose. Remembering what you were there for, you proceeded to open the camera app and point the lens at the Chinese woman. 
At first, Handong began to just show off her jacket with each pose, leaning down a bit while Maintaining eye contact with the camera. As Handong stood straight, your eyes immediately noticed the sports bra that was underneath the jacket. The gray and white matched perfectly with the leather jacket and skirt. Moving her hand to the bottom of her jacket, Handong began to show off more of the outfit that was covered. 
Finally raising her arm, Handong’s exposed midriff blessed your eyes.  Handong’s abs were something that could make any man or woman drool like a dog. You were surprised your hand still remembered to take a few pictures but soon your mind began to repeat those 3 words. 
“Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in.” 
Despite repeating those words, the stare that came from Handong enchanted you. As the young woman lowered her arm, Handong began to walk backwards toward the white van that was there. 
With her finger, Handong signaled you to follow her. Your legs had a kind of their own as you followed after her. When Handong’s back hit the van, her arm reached for the handle and pulled it to open the door.
Soon the pink-haired girl was gone into the white van and you were left with a choice. Would you go in the van and act in your urges or return there where you could be needed?
Sticking her head out, Handong gave you a small scowl and spoke. 
“Get in here. I promise I have a reason that I need you here. Please come and assist me, dear manager.”
“Ok ok. I’m coming.” 
Taking a few steps forward, your left leg stepped into the white van as the rest of your body entered after. Soon the door closed automatically, leaving you face-to-face with the Chinese idol.
“O-Ok Handong, what do you need my help with?” 
“Oh it’s quite simple, I just need your cock.” 
Your heart rate shot towards the roof as you heard those words. Before you could even react, handong had already brought her hands toward your pants. Taking hold of her soft hands, you began to repeat those same words. 
“Don’t give in Don’t give-“ 
“Oh, it’s too late for you to say that.” 
Handong in one swoop undid your belt and fished out your cock. The soft skin from her hands made your whole body shake as she began to raise her hand up and down. All self-control you had left was gone as soon as the girl's tongue reached your tip. 
Spinning her tongue around the head of your cock, your eyes immediately closed and a loud sigh left your mouth. Somehow in that time, Handong managed to lower your pants to the floor and reach back up to your balls. As the girl’s tongue began to move up and down your shaft, her hand began to grab your balls and play with them. Each lick from her tongue was accompanied by a soft squeeze of your balls. 
As you looked down, your eyes could only see the color pink as Handong continued her oral assault. Soon your cock head was enveloped but the warm and wet comfort of Handong’s mouth. At that time, the young woman began to suck on your tip, causing you to moan loudly. 
Just as your cock head, the rest of your shaft got enveloped by the warm cavern that was her mouth. Handong was never one to like things slow so I’m a quick swoop, your entire length went down her throat. By reflex, your hand went on top of Handong’s head and kept her pushed down. 5 then 10 seconds passed until you felt a tap on your thigh. 
Letting go, Handong’s head shot up as she gasped for air. Despite just having been full of your cock, Handong began once more. The suck's on your cock combined with the pressure from her throat began to make you reach your peak. As you got ready to push the Chinese girl down on your cock once more, her oral attack stopped. 
A small cry left your mouth as a giggle left her mouth. Raising her legs, Handong quickly took a seat on your lap and looked into your eyes. 
“The only place your load is going is in my pussy. Fill me and then fill me some more.” 
With a quick slap to your face, your mind was overloaded with pleasure as Handong’s pussy enveloped your shaft. Raising her hips, Handong began to aggressively shove your length into her hole. 
“Fuck me or I’ll go find someone who can take your place.” 
With those words of what could be encouragement, your hands proceeded to take hold of her hips and raise her up. Lowering the girl on your length, you began to do the same action over and over. 
Despite being in a tight spot, Handong was able to get up and shove her pussy down on your length. Small squeaks left the car as Handong bounced on your cock. Guess you were also testing the suspension. 
With each bounce, your hips matched the Chinese girl's action and shot your cock up into her warm cavern. Your eyes at that time took notice of Handong’s covered breasts. Handong seemed to have noticed this also as she pushed the sports bra up and grabbed your head. Just like your shaft, your face was suffocated by the comfort of Handong’s body. As you opened your mouth, your tongue immediately found the woman’s nipple and began to play with it. The moans that left Handong’s mouth let you know she loved this action just as much as you did. 
Finally, closer, your mouth wrapped around her nipple and began to give it a few sucks while flicking it with your tongue at times. Being a manager helped your sex life. How? Multitasking.” 
With your mouth busy attacking Handong’s right breast. Your left hand let go of Handong’s waist and moved towards the girl's folds. Searching around, your hand was lucky to find a little nub, and began to play with it. With each bounce suck and rub, Handong began to make more and more noise. The various sources of stimulation began to overwhelm her body as she wrapped her arms around you. 
“D-Don’t fucking stop. I’m gonna cum soon.” 
Hearing those words lets you know to do your best in that moment. Speeding up your hand brought more moans in the van. Handong wasn’t going to just sit there. Speeding up her bounces caused you to do the same with the rest of your actions. The girl’s walls began to tighten and strangle your cock. You knew you were close so you had to give it everything you got now. With all the power left in your hips, you proceeded to pound into the girl’s cavern and attack her clit the best you could. When a loud yell hit your ears, a matching constriction was felt around your cock. 
Handong’s whole body tensed up at that moment as her pussy juices leaked down onto your legs. Handong’s orgasm helped you as you finally reached your peak. As your lower body shook, your shaft began to spurt your semen deep into the young woman’s womb. Each shot of cum that filled the girl caused her to jolt in place once more. 
After a few seconds, the sound of panting was all that could be heard in the van. As both of your eyes meet, your lips quickly attached in a passionate kiss. Both of your tongues fought each other for dominance. Despite this, you both gave each other control somehow. Pulling back from the kiss, you both began to laugh and calm down. 
Hopping off you, Handong quickly lowered her sports bra and fixed her hair. Following her example, you proceeded to fix your clothes and get ready to leave the van. 
As the automatic door opened, you were met by a serious group of girls who didn’t seem happy. With a shake of their heads, you both hopped out as they took a quick whiff inside. Dami was the first to react as she backed away from the van. 
“God, it smells like sex in there. Ladies. Leave the windows open to air it out. You two, just wait for the car to stop smelling.” 
As the rest of the dreamcatcher girls left the area, your eyes immediately noticed Handong walking backwards towards a building. Repeating the same action, Handong began to signal you to follow her. 
“Don’t give in, don’t give in, don’t give in.”
Handong heard you as she raised her skirt and bit and showed you the cum falling down her leg. With a smirk, the Chinese idol entered a building leaving you thinking. 
Damn it. You're giving in again, aren’t you?
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girlylukehughes · 1 year
part three of the folklore hockey fic!
warnings: implied smut(no real smut)
part one, part two. part three, part four
y/nhughes just posted!
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liked by markestapa and 334,635 others
y/nhughes: But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm, if your cascade, ocean wave blues come."
tagged: markestapa
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_quinnhughes: i feel like i missed something.
—y/nhughes: quinn when he doesn't use instagram or read the family groupchat
——_quinnhughes: …
_quinnhughes: anyways... happy for you ig!
—y/nhughes: thanks quinnifer😁
markestapa: we’re so cute
—y/nhughes: the cutest
——lhughes06: im gonna vomit
———y/nhughes: vomit butterflies and rainbows right? because we are sooooo cute
————lhughes06: no.
user1: the way he looks at her i'm on the floor
edwards.73: still no photo creds i see how it is. next time i'm posting incriminating evidence.
—y/nhughes: markestapa should we be scared?
——markestapa: i don't think so????
———edwards.73: y/nhughes markestapa yes.
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markestapa just posted!
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liked by y/nhughes and 446,728 others
markestapa: And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches, give you my wild, give you a child — give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other.
tagged: y/nhughes
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dylanduke25: luke is sitting with his head between his knees and is pulling his hair out
—y/nhughes: send pics
———markestapa: please do
—y/nhughes: go away
y/nhughes: when he listens to folklore and gets it >>>>
—markestapa: only for you
——y/nhughes: mwah mwah mwah mwah
_quinnhughes: jackhughes never send me this shit again i need to go bleach my eyes and call my therapist.
_quinnhughes: also y/hughes i will call mom.
—y/nhughes: mom follows both of us she's already seen it. ur threat = empty
——_quinnhughes: i hate you.
edwards.73: my final straw. incriminating evidence being posted in 5 minutes.
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edwards.73 just posted!
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liked by dylanduke25 and 346,879 others
edwards.73: here's an explanation for each photo:
pic 1: y/nhughes and markestapa fucked up by not giving me photo creds
pic 2: video footage from the ring doorbell after their first date(luke learn to check the cameras) y/n actually ended up kicking mark in the face on accident. mark told the team he got jumped.
pic 3: y/n stole these from lhughes06 closet at the lake house and made us break into the park.
pic 4: me and y/nbff helping y/n break into marks room at the soph house. once again, luke learn how to check the cameras.
pic 5: y/n asked mark if she could do his make up. he happily obliged and got mad when i didn't say he was pretty.
pic 6: y/n and mark plotting how mark is going to get out of the lake house before me and luke got back because he wasn't supposed to be there for another day. luke i swear to god look at your surroundings.
pic 7: this one i'll probs get in trouble for, but, this how i found out about y/n and mark. he came back from their "tutoring session" like this. y/n girl, cut your nails.
pic 8: peace out bitches. give me photo creds next time there's more where this came from.
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y/nhughes: what the actual fuck
—y/nhughes: markestapa i think we have a stalker
——markestapa: jesus christ ethan
y/nhughes: also no i will not cut my nails mark likes them
lhughes06: this is MY last straw. how long have they been together for fucks sake.
dylanduke25: holy shit he actually did it
rutgermcgroarty: ethan i think you have a problem
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naughtygirl286 · 8 days
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So here it is all the Deadpool & Wolverine In Theater merch we picked up before going to see the movie as I mentioned in the preview post at the first of August which you can see here I picked up everything opening night and was hoping to see the movie and post everything before we left on vacation but sadly that didn't happen thanks to a situation we had to deal with before going away which kinda sucked. So we didn't get to see the movie until we were actually away. So…all this was left sitting on the kitchen counter for a month until we got home. There is alot of stuff so we are going to start with the cups I think being there is plenty of them.
here first is the standard cup its the usual plastic cup but this is one of the bigger ones its like 44oz which is like over a Liter. it has a split face image on one side is Wolverine and the other Deadpool and under neath is the movies title. on the back is Deadpool's sword locked into wolverines claws Also it is again one of those shiny super smooth cups that has that photo finish on it. They had a few different toppers including a more funny Deadpool one similar to what came with Deadpool two cup but I thought it would be better to get the wolverine one.
Next they had a couple of Premium cups one for Deadpool and one for Wolverine They are alike a hard molded plastic that feels kinda rubbery. The detail on them is extremely nice the Deadpool cup is textured to I believe simulate the texture of his suit.
As for the Wolverine one it is similar to the Deadpool one. It is also hard molded plastic and has that kinda rubbery feel to it. His texture is a bit different and is more of a textured spandexy feel to it which I think goes back to the line in the first X-Men movie where Cyclops mentions "Yellow spandex" These didn't have toppers being they are more like a "character cup" type of thing and they both have the name of their character on the back of the cup with the movies title. They don't have a size marked on the bottom of them but they are about the size of the usual regular cups we get which is about 320z (which is like 946ml or so?)
Next is what we have been calling "Drink Buddies" they they of course had one for both Deadpool and Wolverine we first seen cups like these at Scream 6 but these ones are different then that. They are a kinda soft plastic body and on the front they have like these like cut out textured rubbery pieces it gives them an almost 3D look to them These ones are about the same size as the Scream one. He is not really big he is like 6 and a half inches tall and 5 inches wide. it doesn’t say how much can fit in him. They have the movie title on the back of them and they both came with this floppy rubbery Silicone straw the two of them have different expression Wolverine has a serious scowl where Deadpool has more of a cheeky smirk Wolverine
Now as for buckets we did have a few choices The first one is the standard metal popcorn bucket. its just a smooth mettle bucket its not stamped or embossed. and much like the standard cup its split between the two characters with a split face image on one side is Wolverine and the other Deadpool with the movies title underneath. Now on the Wolverine side you have him pictured in a fight ready battle stance and on the Deadpool side you have him pictured being very flamboyant doing what looks like some type of Ballet move.
As for the premium buckets we didn't get the crazy "designed by Deadpool" bucket here we got 2 different ones first up was the Wolverine cowl bucket its a really cool recreation of the mask that he finally wears in the movie the detail is really good and the plastic is of course textured to recreate the texture of the suit in the movie.
and secondly we we got the popcorn bucket that looks like the character of "Headpool" the zombified flying head of the Deadpool Corps the detail on this bucket is kind of insane It comes with a stand you have to put him on and the jaw is of course moveable the torn mask of course is textured to recreate the texture of the suit. the ripped pieces that hang down are rubbery and ads to the craziness of this bucket.
so there you have it all the Deadpool & Wolverine In Theater merch we picked up.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 7 months
Link Click Musical update 126
(summary of recent performances after the holiday break 🌟part 1)
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(I forgot I could use the schedule from musical's weibo 💀)
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⬆ But yeah, let's cover the last 5 performances 💪
Wang Yifei & Du Guangyi stage on Feb 16th:
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I couldn't find many pics from then 😔 (which is a shame, I like Wang Yifei 😤). So this one flew under the radar, bc most of online talk focused on the next performance >>
Cai Qi & Wu Yihan on Feb 17th:
Unexpected crossover of prob the most fan-favourite actors, truly a clash of cuteness ✨
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On that day @elaraqwq made a video with Cai Qi's message to international fans 🙏 And since she's seen that performance I got intel abt moments from main plot 😎
First, for context: Cai Qi's nickname his fans use is chicken🐥 Bc (quote from @chocolatexiaoshi) 'his his name qi 淇 sound like 鸡 chicken in JiangXi江西 (one province in China, CaiQi was born there) dialect.'
Apparently cast members kept referencing that during the play, for example:
(LG peeking at the photo album) 'So your hair was this messy when you were a kid, just like a straw chicken'
(QL persuades, trying to make peace) 'Cheng Xiaoshi I bought your favourite chicken'
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Weibo users described another cute interaction they had:
Cai Qi: 'To apologise, I showed my jealousy first' (takes a sip of a drink)
(Wu Yihan, just sitting there, cupping his face with starry eyes) ~dazzling~
Cai Qi: 'Why are you so cute...'
To demonstrate, bro just existed like:
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It was interesting to finally see Cai Qi perform with someone other than Wang Minhui >< It did feel more stiff than usual, but considering wmh and cq are irl friends, it couldn't be helped I guess~
Bai Zhuoming & Wang Minhui Feb 20th:
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We got the first special encore, to celebrate 100 performances of LC musical 🎉 It was LG singing 'Words can't convey the love' instead of CXS.
Atp, thanks to @elaraqwq we have the full version translated and subbed on a video (link in replies).
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oops I've reached the photo limit 🤐 I'll continue the summary in part 2 tommorow~
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swampstew · 7 months
KillerCook Chapter 11
Welcome to Raven’s Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight’s story. Rated Mature for language. Minors DNI
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*Phone app notification goes ping*
TikTok – KillerCook has uploaded a new video. Check it out!
Title: HACKED Description: This ain’t your regularly scheduled programming punks!5 minute video. The thumbnail is a shadowed figure with a menacing looking ‘X’ mark over the body.
*Press Play?*
The video began with what appeared to be a hostage situation.
KillerCook was tied to a chair with rope and chains, a blindfold over his helmet and duct tape adhered to most of his face holes.
“Uhh, this isn’t what it looks like,” Killer was able to voice out from behind the bondage.
“No, it’s exactly what it looks like,” barked Kid as he stepped into the frame. “This effin idiot was gonna make content on HIS birthday. Not in my house. Today is technically Killer’s birthday but we’re kidnapping – shut the hell up – him so he can actually let his hair down for once in his life.”
Heat stepped into the frame on Killer’s opposite side, “Originally, we were gonna take over the channel and cook for him. BUT, Kid had a light-bulb moment and we developed a scheme to treat the birthday man. You all will be seeing this next week, but rest assured, we’ve got it covered. Wish Killer a happy birthday in the comments and he’ll read them all when we come back!”
Wire came from behind the camera shaking a can of whipped cream, stepping menacingly towards Killer. Aiming the nozzle into one of the helmet holes, he pressed down on the can until Killer began thrashing, white whipped cream oozed from behind the taped holes. “THIS IS FOR THROWING FOOD AT ME ALL YEAR!”
The video transitioned to a blue and white screen with a traditional birthday melody laid over it.
A slideshow of videos and still-shot frames from Killer’s birthday kidnapping started playing.
Killer’s hostage-wear stayed on as the crew drove to the marina, where a punk-looking yacht was moored. The bow of the ship was adorned with a skeletal body, and there were blue and red flames painted to the sides of the hull. Black cursive spelled out the beauty’s name – Victoria Punk.
“The bag over the helmet is really pointless, I know where we are,” Killer’s muffled complaint went ignored as he was marched up the boarding plank.
About 30 pictures went by with various crew members and friends posing with hostage Killer; one photo had him wearing a beer helmet over the bag over his helmet, the straws tucked underneath all the materials to give Killer some libation.
Finally liberated, Killer – dressed down into swim trunks and his helmet – took a running leap off the yacht to cannonball into the sea. As he resurfaced, the rest of the crew cannonballed after him, created a wave of water to shower down on him and the camera, which promptly died.
Kid’s pissed-off scowl came into focus as he adjusted the new camera perspective, “{Redacted} idiots killed my phone instead of using the {redacted} GoPro.”
The next clip showed Killer relaxing with a beer bottle in hand, laying against a giant pizza slice pool float as people drifted by him, playing in the water. All was calm until Quincy, Bubblegum, and Heat swam underneath the float and flipped it over. When Killer broke the surface, the laughter tripled as his hair was plastered all over his helmet and chest, but his beer-bottle was still in one of the face holes.
“There’s sea water in my beer,” he said flatly.
A new clip had a heavy metal anthem roaring in the background as the yacht was sailing at high speed on the open ocean. Killer was standing on the bow, holding a Scottish flag, and thrashing his hair to the music.
More photos of the crew and Killer celebrating his birthday with drinking games, strength competitions, and gorging on fresh seafood flooded the TikTok video. Amongst the main crew and personal friends, there were also members of the Straw Hat crew, and even some ‘frenemy’ rivals that had been spoken of but not ever invited on to the KillerCook channel before. By the time the lighting in the photos grew darker, Killer’s helmet had been exchanged for a face mask and his cerulean eyes were noticeably glossy.
“Hap-hic-happy birthday, Kill, -hic- the best-{redacted}-friend a punk could-hic ask for,” slurred Kid as he gripped Killer’s shoulder. Both men swayed as a cake was brought out to the main deck. Sunset had long passed, the yacht was brightly lit up with swarms of bulbs on strings that hung tastefully along the walls and railings.
Everyone began to sing the birthday song and Killer might have shed a tear, shoving a palm roughly to his face.
“{Redacted}-A, I don’t even know what to say,” Killer drawled out. “All I was going to do was make a small cake and smoke my pipe. You {redacted} are so good to me. Well, not all of you, but I like most of yah. Some I don’t know how you got invited, seriously. But I’m glad you’re here celebrating anyways. I don’t have a wish to make, truly. I’ve got everything, everyone. So thanks. Alright I’m not going to get mushy on all you freeloaders!” Killer ripped off his face mask.
With deep-purple stained lips, Killer’s gorgeous smile shined brightly as he took a gulp of air and blew out the sparkler-flame candles. The party participants roared in celebration at the same time an airhorn started blowing off-screen.
The camera quickly panned to the culprit of the sound. A modest sized cruise ship with a flag waving proudly on the masts pulled up portside. On the side of the hull it’s name was proudly presented: The Baratie. The camera’s change in perspective did not allow for viewers to see who let out the strangled, high-pitched scream of excitement.
Sanji was clutching Killer’s soldiers and babbling incoherently before jumping into the water, swimming towards the restaurant ship.
Hands covering his face, Killer sobbed out, “I’m so fucking happy!! LET’S EAT!!!!”
Read on Wattpad | Read on AO3
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rustycopper4use · 7 months
Its Always Been You pt18
Kyoya’s Reluctant Day Out! Pt 18
(Kyoya x male reader)
 A soft hum of a fan fills the room, weakly blowing out air.  
   And here lies Y/n, despite his many efforts he couldn’t sleep. He’d blame the weather, he never really did well in the heat.
  He rubbed his eyes and groaned.
 His hand moved around before finding his phone. Turning it on as the white burned into his eyes.
   ‘2:00 am’
He scrolled through his contacts before sending a message.
The message was left on read, he rolled his eyes.
 ‘Kyoya I know you’re still up’
Once again left on read.
 ‘I’m coming over’
‘The back door is unlocked.’
Y/n grinned before jumping out of bed.
   He hastily thrown on a hoodie and ran out the door. 
  The cool of the night greeted Y/n as he walked down the street. The slow glow of streetlights accompanying him.
  He turns the corner, looking up at the oh so familiar house. Quietly he walks to the back of the house, going towards the back door he turned the handle and walked in. 
  Heading towards Kyoya’s room a faint sound of typing was heard just beyond the door.
   He swings open the door.
 “So what are you working on, this time?”
Kyoya stared blankly, the computer light illuminating his face.
   “That bad huh?” 
   “ working yourself half to death cannot be good for your health.” Y/n notes, sitting on Kyoya’s bed.
   “It’s not ideal, however, it’s just a sacrifice I have to make to uphold the Ootori name.” He blankly states, pushing up his glasses.
  He continues typing away.
“If you say so.” Y/n lays on his bed, as a comforting wave of silence fills the room.
 As the two enjoyed each other’s company, after a brief amount of time, Kyoya closes his laptop, finally finished. 
  He gets up from his desk and hears towards his bed.
  He looks at Y/n, now passed out.
He takes off his glasses with a sigh and places them infront of the clock on his bedside.
He lays next to him and gets the long needed sleep.
  The warmth of another person brought an odd sense of relief, as he drifts off.
“-This might be one of my best ideas men!” A tall blonde bursts through the door, accompanied by the other hosts.
   “Kyoya time to get up-!” Tamaki stopped right in his tracks. And stared at Kyoya’s bed.
  Kyoya was still asleep, However that wasn’t the issue, on top of him was Y/n. Like his own personal weighted blanket.
“What’s the problem boss?” Karou looks over to the bed also, a devilish grin formed on his face.
  Hikaru pulled out his phone and took some photos. 
  “How scandalous! Didn’t know Kyoya had it in him.” The twins said with a smile.
 “You don’t think they-… that they….” Tamaki mumbled, mouth agape.
  “How cute!” Honey-senpai stood behind Tamaki.
  This was the straw that broke Tamaki.
 “MAMA!” He cried, awaking Kyoya.
 “How could you! After everything we’ve been through!” Tamaki cried. To a now very annoyed Kyoya.
  “Why are you in my room Tamaki..” kyoya grumbled feeling an oncoming headache.
   “Never mind that! Why is Y/n in your bed!” He shirked.
   “Why are you in my room.” He asked, trying to keep his voice down.
   “Tamaki-senpai wanted us to go to a commoners market, to better understand Haru-chan!” Honey-senpai chirped.
  “Don’t ignore me!” Tamaki butts in.
“Keep it down, Y/n is still alseep.” Kyoya harshly whispered, glaring at the blonde.
  He covers his eyes with his arm, wishing for the club to be just a bad dream.
   “Oh cmon! You can’t be in bed all morning! Today is the last day of summer vacation!” Tamaki whined.
  “Wake up..” Honey-senpai gently pulled on Kyoya’s arm.
   “Come on Kyoya.” The twins began to shake him.
   Y/n drowsily moved his head, having all the hosts freeze.
   He just cuddled closer to Kyoya’s chest.
A sigh of relief left the clubs chests.
 Kyoya moved his arm away from his eyes, and slowly sat up careful not to wake Y/n.
  “For your information we were up till 5AM  you morons. Which if you hadn’t noticed makes me less than happy about being woken up.” 
   A shiver ran up the clubs spine.
 “Kyo-chan isn’t much of a morning person huh?” Honey-senpai notes.
  “You have no room to talk.” Mori remarks.
  “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Honey looks up at Mori.
“Okay, enough with the commoner shtick. If you formulaic halfwits feel like wasting all afternoon on worn-out old cliches, go right ahead and suit yourselves.” Kyoya grumble lying back down.
   “Well if that’s what you want…” 
 “Well you heard the man! Now let’s dress him to the nines and head to the expo!” Tamaki throws his hands in the hair.
   “What about Y/n?” Honey-senpai tilts his head.
   “Right, twins!”
The two stood up straight.
  “You can take care of Y/n.”
  “Yes sir!” 
The twins eagerly pry Y/n off of kyoya, dragging him to get ‘dolled‘ up.
   Karou pulls out an outfit and puts it on Y/n with a grin.
  “Doesn’t he look great!” The twins cooed.
  “Wait, where did you even get that outfit? We didn’t see in Kyoya’s closet.” Tamaki examined Y/n.
  “We’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to dress up Y/n! Instead of his poor excuse of fashion he usually wears.”  Karou grimace holding up Y/n’s hoodie, before throwing it out the window.
  After all that fuss the hosts carry the two towards Tamaki’s limo out front.
   As they throw the two, less than gracefully, into the car.
  Finally awaking Y/n.
 He rubbed his eyes.
“What’s going on?” 
 “You’re finally awake!” Honey smiled.
  “We’re taking you and kyoya to a commoners market!” Tamaki declared.
“-and then they left you with me to babysit essentially.” Y/n sighed, as a less then please Kyoya sat on a bench.
He stood up, and rubbed his temple.
“I’m assuming you don’t have your phone on you either.” Kyoya sighed.
  “No. I’m pretty sure the twins took it.” Y/n looks around.
   “What should we do now-“
A small little boy ran into Kyoya’s legs, he lets out a whimper rubbing his head. Looking up at Kyoya he was greeted by a glared. He bursts into tears before running off to his mom.
 “Tamaki’s a deadman when I get my hands on him.” Kyoya huffed.
  Y/n let out a chuckle.
 “Kyoya-senpai?” A familiar voice called out.
  “Oh perfect, Haruhi!” Y/n smiled.
Haruhi walked closer to the two.
 “I didn’t expect to see you two here today.” Haruhi politely said.
  “How much money do you have on you Haruhi?” Kyoya bluntly spoke.
   “What?” Haruhi stared at Kyoya.
Later at a fast food joint….
“Kyoya-senpai, are you sure this is where you wanna eat? There are much nicer restaurants to choose from upstairs.” Haruhi nervously spoke.
  “Well you don’t have much on you, so our choices are limited. Just be sure to get a receipt. Tamaki will reimburse you tenfold.” Kyoya glared.
    Haruhi nervously nodded.
 “Haruhi its our turn.” Y/n brought Haruhi back to reality.
   “Oh! Uh, here, why don’t I just order for us. Do you two know what you want?”
  “You pick. Just get us lots of it.”
   Y/n nodded in agreement.
 “Oh uh okay..” Haruhi’s began to talk to the cashier.
   However the cashier seemed to entranced by the mysterious kyoya. Acting more friendly to them than the other customers.
   “Okay, coming right up. Would you be interested in adding one of our delicious desserts?” The cashier cheerily asked.
 “Thank you, no, I don’t care for sweets.” Kyoya flatly replied.
   “Before you decide, we have a new shake that’s absolutely-“ cashier began, starry eyed.
  “I have given you my answer.” Kyoya coldly glared at the girl.
  The cashier stiffened, a sense of dread fueled her senses.
  “Please be sure to include our receipt.” Haruhi squeaked out. Grabbing the food tray and going off to a table.
 “Kyoya-senpai, just because you’re in a bad mood today doesn’t give you the right go around talking to people like that. The poor girl was just doing her job.” Haruhi scolded.
   “She was being pushy, even after being told no.” Y/n grabs a burger.
   “Yeah but there’s no reason for acting like that. She’s supposed to do that.” Haruhi sighed.
   “Her job is to serve us food, not irradiate me with some weak sales pitch.” Kyoya adds, taking a bite of his food.
  Haruhi just stared at Kyoya eating.
“Now what?” Kyoya looked back.
  “Nothing. I just don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you eat before. Somehow I thought the experience would be more refined. I’m surprised stuff like this even appeals to you.” 
  “It doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. No doubt, you’ll say I’m callous for admitting it, since you brought me this tripe.” Kyoya stoped to take a drink.
   “Of course I won’t.” She looked off to the side.
 “There’s an understanding between makers of food like this and those that eat it. Quality takes a backseat to convenience. Refinement isn’t part of the equation. It’s meant to be eaten quickly, besides no one of consequence is here to witness my momentary lapse of manners.” Kyoya explain.
  “Hey for the record, I’m saying it benefits me nothing to keep up appearances in a place like this. And that includes any special treatment I may give you here.” 
 “Oh really I would have never guessed that in a million years…” haruhi mumbled.
“Oh my gosh girls, that guy in the glasses is a total hottie.” A girl swooned to her friends.
  “You’re right he’s gorgeous!” Her friends agreed.
Y/n sighed, looking off to the side, the grip on his drink tightened.
   “Um, excuse me, I’m so sorry to interrupt. I was wondering if you’re not using that chair, can my friends and I borrow it?” She sweetly smiled.
   “Why not..” Kyoya sighed.
 “Thanks you so much that’s awesome!” Her friends blissfully giggled.
   “You’re quite welcome.” He flatly said.
 Y/n glared at the girls as they walked off.
 “You’re probably wondering how Tamaki and I compliment each other so well.” Kyoya spoke, catching Haruhi off guard.
  “The answer is simple-“ he smiled.
 “I have something to gain. There is no better motivator than self interest. I have to look out for number one, y’know.”
  “Tamaki-senpai would be heartbroken if he heard you say that.” Haruhi frowned.
   “Such a tragedy that Tamaki’s feelings are one sided.” Y/n joked.
  “On the contrary-“ he pushes up his glasses.
  “He’s understood our arrangement from the very beginning. The same goes for all of them. Hikaru, Karou, honey-senpai, Mori-senpai, and even Y/n. The glue that holds the club together is our mutual egocentricity. It’s the principle that drives the alliance between our families and ensures each of our futures.” He looks at Haruhi.
  “Though, well let’s just say there’s still quite a bit you don’t understand about that. Although Tamaki is a fool, and self sacrifice does come naturally to him. So I guess the point of this is, we are very different creatures.” Kyoya finished his monologue.
The three now wonder the mall.
 “Senpai? I thought you were going to take a taxi home.” Haruhi looked up at Kyoya.
  “I am, but while we’re still here Y/n wants to look around.”
  “Black pearls from ishigaki island. Odd to find them here, considering how much they go for.” 
   “You’re kidding, really? That’s incredible. How can you tell?” Haruhi looks to kyoya.
  “I am a product of excellent breeding.”
  “You make it sound like you’re some pure bred dog, give yourself a little more credit.” Y/n smiled, walking off with the others.
“So kyoya-senpai, why is it after all this time I still know nothing about your family?” Haruhi notes.
  “Because there’s really nothing for you to know about my family. At least nothing that should interest you.”
   “Well that seems to be a little unfair, don’t you think?” 
  “Just what do you mean unfair?”
“I mean that when it comes to my personal life you even keep tabs on who’s my father’s friends from work are while I barely have a clue about yours. So I call that unfair.”
  “That’s a very intriguing notion in its own way.”
 “Well you’ve got two older brothers, right? For starters, you could tell me something about them. What kind of people are they?”
  “They are rather exceptional. Enough so, that my father puts a lot of stock in them. Though as the third son, things work a little differently for me.”
  “I didn’t realize there was so much pressure on you to succeed.”
  “Pressure? Oh no, Haruhi, I cannot think of nothing more fun than this.”
Haruhi let’s out a sigh.
  “Dear me! Pieces from the Komatsu Shoin collection? I never thought that I would fine them here!”
  The voice grabs the attention of the three.
  “Why madam, you have astonishing eye!”
Kyoya glared at the interaction.
  “Kyoya-senpai?” Haruhi was ignored, as Kyoya walked up to the stand.
  “Just watch and see what happens.” Y/n grinned.
“Will all due respect, these are fake.” Kyoya bluntly spoke, interrupting the conversation.
  “Huh?” The lady looked at Kyoya.
 “Hey, get out of here kid, what do you think you’re doing?” The man snarled.
Kyoya picked up the bowl, analyzing it.
  “The shade of blue is strongly reminiscent of Shoin’s work, but looking closely around the base you’ll notice the colour graduation isn’t quite dark enough to be authentic. that and the laquer is too clear.”
  “That’s enough out of you, Mr. Expert! I will report you for obstructing my business!” The man spoked irked at kyoya.
  Kyoya flipped the bowl over looking at the bottom.
  “Just as I thought. The brush strokes on this seal are uncharacteristically broad as well.”
  “U-uh..” the man stammered.
  “For your sake, I hope you have a certificate-“ he looks at the man.
  “That is, if you still keep insisting it’s real.”
  “O-of course it’s real! I have the certificate at home.” He stuttered.
 Kyoya grins at this.
  “Ah, then surely you won’t mind if I call the Komatsu family right now to verify your claim. My own family has dealings with them for generations. It would be a matter of a minute.”
  “Wait you can’t do this!” The man gets dragged out by security.
“Young man, I can’t thank you enough.” The lady bows.
  “After everything you’ve told me senpai, stepping in on a complete stranger’s behalf seems a little out of character for you.” Haruhi spoke.
  “Hm? Oh, that? Well now, she’s hardly a stranger. You mean you don’t know? Her husband is the ceo of a major electronics company.” 
   “Huh?” Haruhi gasped.
“This is my first time meeting her personally, but that ring on her left hand is unmistakable. My family has dealings with her husband’s company.”
  Haruhi is just puzzled.
“Ah, one of the Ootori boys. Imagine running into you here incognito-“ she smiles.
  “The next opportunity I have, I’ll be sure to take advantage of your family’s beautiful health resorts.”
   “We’d be honoured.” Kyoya bows slightly.
Haruhi glared at Kyoya.
  “Hey haruhi.” Y/n whispered.
“Look at the stall she was just at, notice the flags?” He points .
  “The flags…- wait, he couldn’t have-“ 
“Hm hm!” Y/n smiled, walking over to kyoya now looking at a food stall.
“Hey Haruhi, did you know this?” Kyoya called out.
  “Did I know what?”
“Is melon the preferred flavour among snack makers?”
“It doesn’t make sense, the primary ingredient is corn, why go to the trouble of artificially making it taste like fruit? Seems counterintuitive.”
  “That’s an intriguing notion in its own way.” Haruhi spoke with a laugh.
  “Oh was I being funny?”
 “Earlier you were going on and on about how you and Tamaki-senpai are nothing alike. What you just said about the candy? It sounds just like him!” She laughs.
 “You think so? This does seem like something he and the twins would fawn over. Very well I’ll buy them. Haruhi your wallet.” Kyoya holds out his hand.
  “Oh yeah I forgot.” She goes through her purse.
  “Just be sure to get the receipt.”
“Hey senpai?” Haruhi sat down on a bench.
  “Why do you think that Tamaki-senpai is always so eager to help people when they’re in need?”
   “You mean when theres nothing to gain? Who knows.”
  “Maybe he gains the pleasure of just helping someone, just because.” Y/n sighed looking ahead.
  “So when you help someone, how exactly do you benefit from it? Money? Or reputation? Or is it more abstract? Because the way I see it, Tamaki-senpai gets something out of helping others, that doesn’t necessarily mean involving them paying him back. So maybe when you get right down to it, the two of you aren’t so different after all.”
  “Attention shoppers, this is an announcement for a lost child. Attention shoppers, this is an announcement for a lost child. A little boy named Kyoya Ootori is lost inside the store. Repeat Kyoya Ootori is lost. His guardian Suoh is waiting for him at the 2nd floor information counter.”
   “-Kyoya is 5’11”, tall with black hair and wearing prescription glasses.”
Kyoya pushes up his glasses.
 As y/n chokes out a laugh.
 “Kyoya’s guardian mentions he may or may not be travelling with Y/n L/n. Whose whereabouts are also unknown.”
“Oh you got to be kidding me.”
 “That damn idiot. I’ll kill him!” Kyoya glares.
  The three walk up to the second floor, finding the rest of the club.
“Kyoya! Y/n! There you are! We were so worried about you. Why is Haruhi with you?” Tamaki look at the group.
   “Better question is what’s with the dog?” Y/n stared at the blonde dog.
  “Isn’t she beautiful? I got her at this amazing place they call a pet shop!” The dog licks Tamaki’s face.
  “Hey, cut it out Antoinette!”
“How am I exactly like this moron?” Kyoya asked.
  “Maybe it’s the fact that you helped a stranger.” Y/n stands beside kyoya
   “She wasn’t-“
“You and I both know you didn’t see that ring through the stall. You’re not some terrible person, you still have a heart, why hide it.” Y/n grinned.
   Kyoya smiled lightly.
Haruhi stood back and watched the two.
  Then something clicked.
  ‘Oh she gets it now’
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haveatthee83 · 1 month
Under My Skin (Monkey D. Luffy/Reader) 7/7
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Inspo: Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: Fluff, weddings, discussion of death and dead relatives, brief descriptions of post-battle, kids.
You heaved on your back, trying desperately to get as much air as you could into your lungs, the battle finally settling around you. You forced your head to look to your right, a bright smile spreading across your face, there was Luffy, he had it. After all this waiting, you had found the poneglyphs, you had found the location they led to and there you had all found a great many traps, monsters, and even a few undead protectors all getting tougher and tougher as you got to the center of the island.
Your captain stood atop a hill of gold, the sun setting behind him as he held up this shining, metal orb, wrapped in a band of crystal, it was the god damned One Piece. You beamed and desperately tried dragging yourself to your feet, struggling to hold yourself up, but your eyes never left Luffy in Gear 5, flashes of Nika, Joy Boy, and Gol D. Roger all running through your mind, ripping pure laughter from your throat.
Luffy’s eyes sparkled as he held up this amazing treasure in his hands, and he realized, “I did it. I got it, I FUCKIN GOT IT!” he cheered, literally leaping for joy, his red eyes landing right on your beat up, but smiling body. Luffy cheered and sprinted down the large pile of gold, aiming right for you.
You grunted as he barreled into you, both of you cackling as he landed, him hovering over you, his hands on either side of your head, “I got it.” He whispered, trying to suppress his beaming smile a little bit.
“You’re the King of the fucking Pirates.” You whispered back, not even trying to stop your ear-splitting grin. Luffy slammed his lips against yours, his Gear 5 melting away.
“Marry me,” Luffy mumbled against your lips, swallowing your piercing gasp, “C’mon, marry me, be my queen.” He giggled into your mouth.
You had to actively push Luffy back, heaving laughter as you nodded, “Okay, pretty boy. I’ll marry you!” you exclaimed, shoulders shaking as you let him dive back into your lips.
Luffy pulled back and hoisted you up into his arms, letting you hold the treasured orb, “I AM MONKEY D. LUFFY!” he hollered to the air, “I’M THE KING OF THE PIRATES, AND I’M GETTING MARRIED!” he yelled out, receiving hoots and hollers from the Straw-Hats, all recovering from the fight and jogging up to you two as fast as they could.
The wedding came three months later, held on an ornately decorated Thousand Sunny. You had Robin, Nami, and Usopp-he insisted-in your wedding party, all dresses in beautiful gowns of different colors, Robin in a deep plum, Nami in an emerald green, and Usopp in a pale yellow. Luffy had Sanji, Trafalgar Law, and Eustass Kidd at his side, all three crews in attendance. Other notable guests were the “resurrected” Sabo, Shanks and the Red-Haired Pirates, Buggy and his crew, Mihawk, and Sir Crocodile, all of whom were scattered across their ships, watching the ceremony, the captains and warlords all sat in the few chairs left open on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Two seats were left empty, right in the front row, next to each other. They each sported little framed photos, one of Ace, one of your brother, both of them beaming in glass frames, green and orange respectively.
Zoro pulled at his collar, not used to the constricting feeling, but he stopped when he noticed Mihawk glaring at the poor etiquette, straightening his back. Zoro, as first mate, was to officiate.
You sighed, trying to shake out some nerves as you heard Brook start playing your music. You and Luffy were far from a traditional couple, so your wedding was nothing different. Luffy wore only a blazer, opting out of a shirt, the music playing was a wedding march from your island, a rendition of the slow song you and Luffy had danced to on his birthday, and your dress was very you. The bodice hugged your torso, colorful glass beads running across its white, silky surface, and the skirt was shorter at the front, falling just above your knees, the back just brushing your ankles, which were clad in your same old boots, shined and gleaming. You and Luffy both still wore your hats on your heads, you opting out of a veil. Your bouquet was all selected from your island.
You swallowed your nerves, a bright smile breaking across your face as you took the first steps out toward your fiancé.
Luffy beamed, his face going a bit rosy as he saw how pretty you looked all dolled up. He watched you closely as you walked down the aisle, reaching out to hold your hands as you handed off your bouquet. He practically buzzed with excitement, unable to stop himself from leaning down and kissing your painted lips, receiving a few wolf whistles and cheers.
Luffy was quickly chastised by Zoro, “You’re supposed to wait on that, moron!” he growled, pulling Luffy off of you, much to both of your disappointment.
“Then marry us quicker,” Luffy huffed, a few barked laughs coming from the crowd.
Zoro rolled his eyes and started, “Thank you, everyone for coming today.” He droned, reading out a book on a little podium in front of him, “We are gathered here to witness the marriage of one King of the Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, and-” Zoro called out your full name, “Now, I feel like I should mention, if any of you fuckers object, I’m just gonna throw you overboard.” He called, glaring with his one eye, “So, I’m not even gonna fuckin ask.” You and Luffy laughed, joined by scattered chuckles behind you, “So let’s just-uh-do the fucking vows or whatever, Luffy first.”
Luffy chuckled and turned to face you more fully, “Hey,” he started, squeezing your hand.
“Hey.” You whispered back, face feeling sore from your immovable smile.
“You are the only person I could ever see myself up here with,” Luffy said, “I mean, it was practically prophesied,” He joked with a quick laugh, “You make me happy every day, and I love you so much. I can’t wait to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of our lives, or to fight for freedom with you, and I can’t wait for every little quiet moment in between.” He confessed, “I promise to be there every day, to wake up every morning and try to make the world a better place for you. I promise to love you and hold you close as long as you’ll let me.”
You gave Luffy a watery smile, mouthing a little, ‘I love you’.
Zoro nodded, satisfied, “And now, glass girl.” He said, and you snorted a laugh at the nickname.
You took a deep breath, shifting your hands to where you were holding Luffy’s hands in your own, “Monkey D. Luffy,” you laughed out, shaking your head in disbelief, “You are the single best man I’ve ever met. You make me laugh, you make me the happiest I’ve ever been, and frankly, you make me a better person every day.” You said, “You’re already an amazing king and I can’t wait to see what else you do. I’m so excited that I get to call you mine, and I’m so glad you want me to be yours.” You bit back a few tears, laughing instead, and Luffy reached up to wipe them away, “Thank you. I-I promise to love you and stand by you every day, to fight every day for a better tomorrow,” you broke out into giggles, “and to see how accurate Portgas was with his stupid guesses,” Luffy snorted, the other Straw-Hats laughing knowingly, “and to love you and hold you close as long as you’ll let me.” You whispered, squeezing his hands in yours.
“Sounds good to me!” Zoro announced, digging the rings out of his pocket, holding the simple bands out for you, “Put em on.” He lightly commanded, nodding down at the jewelry.
You and Luffy laughed and shook your head, grabbing your respective rings, sliding them onto each other’s fingers. The rings had simple engravings on each side, one of polished flames, and the other of the rounded cloudlike shapes of Luffy’s Gear 5 form. Nothing too flashy, no gems or diamonds, but perfect for you two, the metal treated to adapt around your Devil Fruit abilities.
“I pronounce you, married!” Zoro called out awkwardly, smacking the book closed, “Now you can kiss her.” He said to a beaming Luffy.
Said man wasted no time, swooping you into his arms, kissing you deeply, dipping you low as cheers and hollers erupted around them, the sound of celebratory cannon fire making you smile.
The massive group moved to the island you were anchored by, a completely abandoned tropical, summer island, completely letting loose with a loud party full of rum, good food, and music.
You and Luffy found yourselves dancing on the sandy beach, your shoes long gone, surrounded by familiar faces. You had your back to his front, one of your hands reached up into his hair and the other holding his hand that was wrapped around your waist. He held your hip with the other, holding you straddled over one of his knees, both of you grinding to the beat. You laughed and smiled at the silly things he’d whisper in your ear between stolen kisses and little nips at your neck and ear.
Luffy practically purred as you tugged a bit at the hair at the nape of his neck, “Having fun, wifey?” he asked, both of your beaming at the nickname.
“Absolutely, hubby.” You teased, placing a lipstick staining kiss to his jaw. “Always love dancing with you.” You muttered into his skin.
Luffy smirked and grabbed your hands, spinning you out from him before pulling you back in, facing him this time, and he placed your arms around his neck and grabbed at your hips. He placed his forehead against yours, knocking both of your hats around your necks. “You’re my wife,” he muttered, his eyes almost heart shaped as he looked at you.
“You’re my husband,” you purred, the same affection and passion in your gaze.
“Wanna hear something funny?” Luffy asked. You nodded, “My birthday wish came true.”
You smiled, confused, “Yeah? How so?”
“I wished that I could get to make you smile forever, and now, I can.” He said, pulling you all the closer against his body.
Robin and Zoro toasted bottles of rum, “We did it.” She cheered, both taking a long swig.
“We got the fuckers married.” Zoro smirked in agreement, raising the bottle back to his lips. “When are we gonna have to set one of these up for you and the cyborg?” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
Robin glared at the swordsman, “Oh, hush.” She said, before pointedly walking away, straight toward Franky.
Zoro let out a deep belly laugh as she went, slapping the rock he sat on.
“Wanna introduce you to somebody.” Luffy muttered, leading you toward one of the edges of the dancing crowd. You found a slightly older pirate with red hair and a scar over his left eye nursing a bottle of rum and talking to a tall man with gray hair who was smoking a cigarette, both laughing quietly.
“Little Anchor!” Shanks called out, holding his arm out in greeting, hooking it around Beckman’s neck. “Congrats!” he exclaimed.
Luffy laughed and presented you to the man, “Shanks, meet my wife,” he said, telling Shanks your name, “aka The Glass Dragon!” he bragged, looping his arm around your waist, “The unofficial Queen of Pirates. She won’t let me make it official.”
You flushed and whacked Luffy’s chest, “You dork.” You muttered.
“Your dork.” Luffy chided.
Shanks grinned widely, “Lovely to meet you!” he greeted happily, putting his bottle down and standing, putting his hand out for a handshake. You smiled and grabbed his hand, yelping as you were yanked out of Luffy’s arms, rushed into a tight hug with the older pirate captain, “Any friend of Luffy is a friend of mine!” He exclaimed before pulling back, holding you at arm’s length, patting your shoulder, “You know, I never thought I’d see the day this crazy kid fell in love, but here we are, and I couldn’t be happier.”
You chuckled and patted Shanks’s hand with your own, “Thank you Mr. Shanks, sir.” You muttered awkwardly, unsure what to call the emperor.
“Just call me Shanks, sweet cheeks.” He chirped, clapping your shoulder one more time before letting you return to Luffy’s side. Shanks’s eyes softened when he saw Luffy fiddling with the string of his hat at his neck. “Hey, kid.” He called, stepping closer to be in front of Luffy. “Keep it.”
Luffy’s eyes shot wide, “But you said-!”
“Are you done yet?” Shanks chided, letting out a satisfied hum when Luffy shook his head, “Then it has more adventures to see, besides,” Shanks smirked, “What’s a king without his crown?” Shanks’s heart swelled as it fully set in, this hat has seen both Kings, and he had been there to witness them both. And as he saw Luffy wrap back around you, smiling at how happy and in love you were, he couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride.
Six years had passed and you two were content together.
“Get back here, you little shits!” you cackled, chasing three little pairs of feet across the deck of the Thousand Sunny, dodging past a few of your crewmates as you went. When you caught up with them, you swept all three of them up in your arms, setting the oldest on your shoulders and holding the other two on your hips. “River, Ruby, Rocky, you guys need to chill out!” You chastised, walking them over to where your husband was talking with Usopp and Nami about navigation plans and inventory.
You came up beside him, setting your kids down and pecking Luffy on the cheek. “Hey, baby.” You muttered, wrapping your arms around his middle, smiling as he set his arm over your shoulders. “You having a good day?”
Luffy chuckled and shrugged, “Better now that you’re here.” He said.
You smirked, looking up at your husband, “Guess what?” Luffy hummed, encouraging you to go on, both of you ignoring the rest of the world for a moment, “Portgas was wrong.” You sing songed.
Luffy’s brows knit together, and he squinted at you, confused, “What do you mean?”
“Start coming up with baby names, Luffy. We gotta get creative this time.” You teased.
Luffy’s face lit up, “Really?” he threw his head back and cackled before picking you up and twirling you in his arms. “We’re having another kid!” He exclaimed, a few of your crewmates hearing and giving scattered whoop’s, but poor Zoro groaned.
“Another one?” he muttered, dreading the antics of another one of Luffy’s offspring. He turned to Robin who was sat next to him on the lawn deck, “Throw me overboard.” He droned. She just laughed and waved him off, taking a sip of her tea.
“You love it.” She teased, setting the teacup back on its saucer, “You adore those little kids.”
Zoro glowered, “I love my sanity more.”
You and Luffy stood at the helm of the ship, “I love you,” you muttered, drawing him into a soft kiss.
“I love you too.” He mumbled as he pulled away. “How’s Raven if it’s a girl?”
“Not bad,” you nodded, “Reminds me of Robin.” Luffy chuckled, wrapping you in his arms around the shoulders, kissing the top of your head.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
I just read your larissa weems rejects readers proposal, and I wanted to add more sadness to it, for larissa anyways. Can we have like reader leaves larissa like a month after the proposal because reader put two and two together and said something along the lines of "I will not be second place to a married woman that doesn't love you." When they leave larissa. But reader still works at Nevermore (they keep it professional) but a year and a half later reader starts dating again. and like maybe 5 years later when Wednesday and Morticia come to the school reader become Wednesday's favorite teacher and notices the engagement ring on reader. and mentions it buring parents week and larissa just has to sit there watching as Morticia is happy with her family and that reader is getting married to someone else when 6 and a half years ago that could have been her.
Not Over Her Pt. 2
Larissa Weems x Reader
Authors Note: I had a few requests in my inbox asking me to do a part 2 so here ya go folks.
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Your relationship with Larissa after her rejection of your proposal had been rocky at best. Things became awkward and you truly began questioning the foundation of your relationship. You became distant and cold, even sleeping your own apartment rather than with her at the academy.
Not long after the rejection, you were searching for lip balm and checked Larissa’s bedside table, finding an old photo of Larissa and Morticia instead. That was it. You were finished. She was clearly not over Morticia and you refused to be her second option any longer.
She never offered you an explanation for why she rejected you. Larissa would tell you she loved you and she even mentioned you moving in with her. Why would marriage be the straw that breaks the camels back?
You used your spare key to get in to Larissa’s apartment when she was at work, collecting your belongings and leaving the key behind. Later that evening you went to Larissa’s office to finally break things off with her.
You knock on her office door and you hear Larissa’s voice call you in. She seemed very happy to see you, but her smile faded when your solemn look maintained, “Larissa, we need to talk.”
“About what?” Larissa’s stomach dropped and she felt the anxiety spreading in her chest.
“I’m going to say what I need to say and I don’t want you to interrupt me and then I’m going to leave,” You preambled your breakup first, hoping to make this easier, “Larissa, I know you are still in love with Morticia and that’s why you won’t marry me. I’ve tried to be okay with you saying no, but I’m not okay with it. I want to be married and I want to be married to you-“
“No, Larissa, I’m not done. I love you and this is breaking my heart, but I need to break up with you. I need to find someone who only wants me. I can’t be second place to a married woman who doesn’t love you.” With that you turned on your heels, ignoring her every word as she called after you. You walk down the grand staircase, Larissa chasing you every step of the way.
“Y/n, I love you. I don’t under-“ Larissa grabbed your wrist, but you pulled it from her grasp.
“If you don’t understand, then I don’t think there is anything left for us to discuss.”
Larissa and you avoided one another a long while after this discussion. Both of you finding themselves to be in the right.
But the night Larissa showed up to your apartment unannounced, admitting her shortcomings and wanting to discuss a way to make a future with you, you began reconsidering the fight. Maybe you should have given her more of an opportunity to discuss the matter. Regardless of how the fight went, now you were slowly rebuilding that trust and love that existed between you.
A year after that, Larissa proposed to you. You had no inkling that she was about to propose to you. She was unwavering in how she wanted to spend her life with you. She wanted to be your wife.
Parents Weekend was now upon Nevermore. You were enjoying pleasant conversations with a pair of gorgon parents when you saw Larissa point to you. She was in the middle of a discussion with Morticia Addams. Larissa was smiling and talking in an animated manner as she showed off her wedding ring.
It made your heart proud to see your wife bragging about you to the one that kept you apart for all those years.
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enbycrip · 3 months
Little photo dump of stuff of my Stardew Valley farmer, Armillaria, as with post-dissertation burnout/fatigue crash it’s close to the only thing I’m managing to actually do except for binge-listen to the History of Japan podcast
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Armillaria and their husband Shane’s farmhouse and kitchen garden, Autumn, Year 5
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A bunch of trying out different hats with the red dungarees I’ve finally managed to unlock. I think it’s the swashbuckling hat for autumn after being a summer goth in the straw hat and black bat top 🖤
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In their living room with their kids Dragonfly and Ged, aged around three and 18 months old
I *will* get good enough to be able to draw my own images of all this, but I just have fuck all energy to speak in a straight line and get dizzy getting out of bed to go to the loo today so sue me
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And the whole farm house. I have had a lot of fun putting the kids’ room together, though I keep wibbling on the table. Luckily it’s not only a blue puzzle piece so it’s reasonably okay.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
Awww no am sorry to about that! I would've love to see it :(
oOoOO en serio?? 👀 I'd honestly love some more Hermandad obscura, maybe the g!brotherhood deciding what to do w tiny Quackity (or who will get to nom him sksksk) lotsa angst! :D
Or if we feeling fluffy, t!Vegetta and g!Rubius having a canon typical silly argument, so basically this;
(but g/t and Vegetta ends up grounded XD)
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Btw you can request some Karmaland as well! :] I never get to write them and I'd love to (just know I didn't watch much of 4 and I mostly know the main guys of 5)
I'm finally answering this!! I'm sorry it took so long! D:
I decided to go with the first option, although, in this first part, from the dark brotherhood, only Rubius appears. The rest will appear in a future, anyways, hope you enjoy :]
TW: Safe/HARD vore, blood, cannibalism mention (kinda), fearplay
It had been a few weeks since Rubius suspected something was lurking around his house. He thought it could be a carnivorous or omnivorous animal, since it apparently liked to eat pieces of his meat.
He usually woke up with various wounds on his hands, ears, or neck, and although he wasn't particularly interested in knowing what this creature was, it bothered him to have to constantly use a regeneration potion.
And one day, the straw that broke the camel's back fell. He was not going to forgive him for this.
The fucking creature had torn up the photo of his deceased 8 year old son, Brayan! Rubius began to place quite a few traps around the house. He would catch that creature without hesitation.
Once he placed them all, he put on his dark brotherhood outfit and left the house. He had to work, he would be able to see if the creature had fallen into any of the traps when he returned.
Quackity slowly came out of hiding once the 'human' left the house. The little duck-hybrid Borrower carefully walked around to confirm that the 'human' was gone.
Once he was able to confirm that the bear was gone and wouldn't be back for a few hours, he began "borrowing," collecting some things he needed.
It didn't take him long to get everything, but when he was going to go back, he couldn't move. Quackity should have watched where he was stepping on...
He looked down in horror, seeing that both of his feet were caught in a glue trap. He used both hands to help his legs to try to get his feet out of the glue as soon as possible.
It would be really bad if the 'human' found him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get away from the trap. He even thought about removing his feet from the slippers, but good luck was not on his side as the trap was so deep that it had stuck up to his shins.
He continued trying to get away, not realizing that a few hours had already passed, which meant that... The main door opened and in a few seconds it closed again. Footsteps approached towards the place where he was trapped.
He looked up, his eyes widening in fear, staring in terror at the black mask with a completely white smile and bright, scary red eyes. The 'human' was back.
Rubius let out a sigh as he finally returned to his house. He opened the door and without removing his mask or suit yet, he entered, closing the door once inside. He headed to his room, the place where he set one of the many glue traps, although he didn't think he had caught the creature.
However, he was quite surprised when he saw that something actually fell into the trap. A large smile formed behind his mask, as he stepped closer to the creature.
"Well well, what do we have here, huh? The disgusting creature that ate pieces of my flesh and tore up my son's photo, has turned out to be an insignificant borrower..." he said, still smiling behind the mask, while his hand grabbed the borrower and pulled him out of the trap, not caring at all that he was harming him.
The borrower squirms trying to get out of Rubius's grasp. The bear hybrid let out a laugh, bringing the borrower closer to his face. “Squirming is not going to help you at all, you are wasting your energy.”
Rubius thought for a few minutes about what he should do with the little duck hybrid. Soon, an idea crossed his mind, the smile he had behind the mask, widening. He lifted his mask slightly, just enough so that his mouth was visible.
"You know? I have an idea about what to do with you.” The borrower continued to squirm in fear. “Since you have eaten pieces of meat from my hands and ears, I will do you the same favor.”
The duck hybrid froze, terrified. Rubius brought him closer to his mouth as it opened, showing his sharp, completely white teeth. The bear hybrid put one of Borrower's small legs in his mouth, closing it around the leg. He licked it for a moment before biting the leg hard.
The borrower let out a cry of pain when Rubius bit his leg, now moving him away from his mouth and placing him on the table for a few seconds while he chewed the leg inside his mouth, he did not want the borrower's blood to stain the floor.
Once he was satisfied, he swallowed, humming lightly. "You're tastier than I expected... We should do this more often." The duck hybrid looked at him terrified, while Rubius picked him up again.
The bear hybrid simply popped him into his mouth, sucking on the small body for a few seconds before swallowing it whole.
Rubius let out a sigh of satisfaction as he felt the borrower enter his second stomach. He took a regeneration potion and once he was sure it had taken effect, he took a healing potion. He wasn't going to let the little duck die just yet.
Not when he had just started.
taglist: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do
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Revelation endcard analysis - Season 5 spoilers ahead.
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Revelation in my opinion is the best Season 5 episode. It moves the plot forwards and foreshadows events in future episodes. This post will analyse the endcard and how one photo can contain so much character details.
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We see on the left Adrienette standing next to each other. Adrien standing near Marinette represents how he is loyal to his Girlfriend and sticks by her when no one else supports her. The loyalty Adrien has for Marinette is a mirror for Cat Noirs loyalty for Ladybug emphasizing how Adrien and Marinette have both started to act like their alter egos in their Civillian lives. Adrien being on Marinettes side while the class is more towards Lila's side suggests how Adrien is devoted to Marinette while the rest of the class don't trust her as much.
Marinette and Lila's rivalry
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Marinette's and Lila's facing each other suggests how important their rivalry would be in the future. Basically Protagonist vs Antagonist. There isn't much to analyze about this because it's pretty obvious what the endcard is implying.
Chloe and Lila's alliance
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Chloe is standing next to Lila, looking small and unsure compared to her. This is different to the Chloe we're use to because she is usually very bold and confident. Here she is weaker and looks nervous despite trying to act intimidating. Chloe is presented as Lila's sidekick and is basically her minion. When Chloe is around Lila , she starts to act a lot like Sabrina. She does whatever Lila tells her to do and becomes Lila's puppet for her heinous schemes. However the difference between Chloe and Lila is that Chloe uses fear and abuses her power to control Sabrina while Lila is more subtle and manipulative. Lila enables Chloe , plants seeds into her head and praises her often. Chloe thinks she is in control when really , Lila is the one pulling the strings. That's why Chloe acts menacing in the end card when in reality , she looks worried. She thinks she is in control when Lila is the one who controls Chloe behind the scenes. Chloe being Lila's "underling" foreshadows the episodes Confrontation, Collusion and Revolution , where Lila influences Chloe to become a dictator only to use her for her schemes. Hope that makes sense
Chloe and Adrien : Friends turned enemies
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Adrien seemingly looks angry at Chloe while she suprisingly looks a bit upset. Adriens anger stems from Chloe showing no remorse for harassing Marinette during the previous year. He looks towards Chloe with resentment is interesting because he was one of the few characters who saw the good in Chloe and cared about her. He always had hope for her and gave her the benefit of the doubt. However Chloe showed no remorse for hurting Marinette clearly was the final straw for him. He ended his friendship and no longer acts kind to her. Chloe picked her side while Adrien picked his. He has no reason to show her affection anymore and is loving towards Marinette only. However Chloe looks regretful. She's feel regretful because she misses Adrien , her former Friend who turned against her. Who's now her enemy and sided with her nemesis. I'm not saying Chloe is a good person but she still has valid feelings. She still is fond of Adrien and cares for his well being. Therefore , Chloe and Adrien characters in the end card represent how two former best friends become enemies due to Chloe not maturing and apologizing for her actions. However their friendship ending feels tragic because Chloe and Adrien still care about each other despite being on opposite sides of a conflict.
Sabrina's redemption
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In the end card , we see Sabrina standing with the class instead of standing next to Chloe. This is strange because Sabrina is Chloe's henchman. She is only friends with Chloe and is basically her servant. Her being included within the group of Classmates foreshadows the next episode , Confrontation , where she stops being friends with Chloe and exposes her and Lila for their actions. She is free and no longer under Chloe's thumb. Her turning on Chloe and helping Marinette causes the class to trust her and become friends with her , hence why she stands with the class , not with Chloe.
Lila as the new villain
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Lila face taking up the majority of the card overshadowing Gabriel foreshadows Recreation where she replaces Gabriel as the show's main villain by gaining possession of the butterfly miraculous. Again this is pretty Obvious.
Gabriel's story
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The end card shows how Gabriel has his back turned. This foreshadows how Gabriel will not be a major character going forward because of his death in Recreation. This also foreshadows his reign as monarch ending and passing the torch to Lila , who will become the next villain. Another time where we see this in Miracle queen , where Master Fu's back is turned , implying how he lost his memory and leaves for London .
Revelation is one of the show's well written episodes (something which is very rare in Miraculous. ) I don't see enough people talking about the Revelation end card so I made a post. I hope i didn't go too much into detail : ) These are just opinions so don't take them as fact. Please stay respectful.
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encantowishes · 2 years
(All my Encantober stories will be collected here.)
Encantober Day 5 - Pranks
Misunderstanding the Assignment
A small cloud formed over Pepa’s head as she picked up her novel and realized the dog ear had been unfolded. Then she discovered a small bookmark, woven from embroidery floss, in its place.
Isabela discovered her potato people all wore brand new little straw hats.
Agustín’s socks had all been mismatched, just the way he liked them.
Bruno sat down to paint a new set for the rat theater only to find that all his scattered paints had been neatly organized in rainbow order.
Antonio’s capybara friends inexplicably sported festive bows.
Dolores wasn’t actually surprised when she saw that someone had put her clean laundry away, but pretended she was.
Alma noticed that someone had reorganized the family photos. Exactly the way she’d been talking about doing.
Luisa stopped by her room to collect her library books to return. They had been taken, and a new batch of mythology books was in their place.
Félix finally found the time to polish his trombone. But someone had already done it.
Julieta walked into the kitchen that evening and found all the ingredients for dinner had been laid out on the counter, measured.
Camilo raised an eyebrow at Mirabel and sighed. “Maybe I didn’t explain this clearly.”
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