#but sometimes you won't realise what you have until something bad happens so...
pharawee · 2 years
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I won't leave you. You're not alone, Name. You have me [...].
Mom. I feel sorry for Name.
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angelbowerz · 10 months
Bowers gang asking you out/you asking them out
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-if you asked him out...it would be a no, he would be inlove with you and still say no
"Hey Henry"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out some time?"
*gives you a blank stare* "...no"
-he'd wanna say yes but if he said yes to a someone asking him out...his ego would be down a notch
-I mean come on...how DARE you ask the MAN out 🙄
-but a few hours later you're getting books out of your locker and here he comes
"Wanna be my girlfriend or something"
"But I just-"
"I'M ASKING NOW! yes or no"
"Okay sure, I'll be your girlfriend"
"After school we're going to the woods to bang, see ya"
*before you could respond he walks away*
-let's face it..Henry doesn't do dates, he finds them too romantic and cheesy
-you'll obviously hang together but he wouldn't class it as 'dates'...just 'hanging time'
-romantic rating 2/10 😭
-he would be WAY too scared to ask you out.. poor reggie
-buuut..if you asked him out....
"Hey reggie, I was wondering if-"
-you just made him the happiest person alive
-but on the actual day of the date he is PANICKING
-he is so nervous...what If you aren't enjoying it? What if something bad happens?
-he has blankets...food..drink...everything
-when he drives to pick you up...omg he is a sweetheart
-waits outside with a bouquet of roses
-treats you like the only person in the world
-drives you to a secluded place and stargazes with you
-the perfect date..literally something out of a movie
-drives you home then calls you later tonight and checks in on you
-romantic rating 100/10!!!!
-he wouldn't exactly ask you out but...
-he'll stalk you, wait for the right moment and then just walks alongside you all day
-you won't realise it's a date until he mentions that halfway through
"This date is going great right?"
"Wait wha-"
-he'll walk you home...well follow you home expecting you to invite him inside
-if you don't? That's fine, he'll just climb in while you're sleeping
-he'll either walk through the door or climb through your window
-he'll get in the bed with you...to watch you, not to sleep
-when he notices you start slowly waking up..he'll wait until you look at him then he very slowly turns his head...with the most scary smile you have ever seen
-when you scream..he just laughs...so much
-if you ask him out though...oh god...you're in for a night of torture
"Hey Patrick...I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime"
*does THAT smile* "oh I would love to..."
-it won't be cute...oh no no no
-he'll take you out to the movies, not to watch a romantic movie
-Patrick will do his research to find the most scary horror movie playing right now
-if you think he's taking you there so you'd cuddle into him....ahahaha aren't you delusional
-he'll laugh his head off when he sees you scared, pure happiness
-if you try covering your face, he'll take his hands, place them on your head and will force you to watch that movie
-After it ends..he'll still scare you in ways (making you jump etc)
-if you're in the right state of mind, you wouldn't go near him again...but if you're THAT crazy over him...goodluck
-romantic rating -10/10
-if you ask him out infront of the gang, he'd say no just because he wants to act 'cool' in front of the guys
-but when he's alone he'll come upto you and say he actually will go out with you and apologises
-probably had no clue where to take you so you two just end up in a park talking all night
-I feel like he would be very awkward at first but after awhile he'll loosen up and be really cool
-when you two get tired of talking, you'll just end up making out lol
-he'll walk you home of course
-romantic rating 6/10
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akutasoda · 1 year
how do you think Jouno, Tecchou (and anyone else you want to add) would be with an S/o that doesn't stand up for themselves?
Your writing is amazing <:
how do i keep going?
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synopsis - you never really stood up for yourself, and as your lover they can't have that whem you're so amazing
includes - fyodor, jouno, tecchou, ayatsuji
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, comfort, small talk of being taking advantage of, brief mentions of bullying, threats, wc - 691
a/n: ahhh tysm anon! all i could think about when writing this was 'they asked for no pickles' im so sorry
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fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪fyodor wasn't exactly know for his communication skills, he preferred to be left to his own devices but he would absolutely not tolerate someone talking down on him or trying to take advantage of him. and same would go for you.
↪you were part of a very exclusive group, even more so as his lover, to see the slight softer side he normally kept shadowed away. and seeing youe hesitance to stand up for yourself in any given scenario kind of ticked him the wrong way. you were practically perfect as can be in his eyes why do you tolerate it?
↪he's not the greatest when it comes to emotions but would try his hardest to understand why you would let that happen, whatever the reason would support you in his own weird way. would try and convince you to atleast try to stand up for yourself once.
↪he wouldn't, or try his hardest not to, intervene unless it got bad or really started to annoy him. and would understand if you don't talk about it with him, again he wasn't that good with emotions either. although you seemed to notice that you were left alone more often. weird, almost as if something scared them away huh.
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪very confident person definitely and would absolutely not stand people trying to take advantage of him. so seeing you letting it happen and not sticking up for yourself would leave him confused and slightly annoyed. not at you however.
↪he would kind of understand why you might let it happen but would want to try and encourage you to stick up for yourself. sure he could do it for you and sometimes he would but he knows that you're amazing and more than capable of sticking up for yourself.
↪death glares and threats. he isn't the interrogation specialist for nothing. eventually you might start to notice a decrease in things bothering you, and if you know it's him you might have to tell him to stop before he gets in trouble.
tecchou suehiro ★↷
↪he may not be the most vocal person, opting to stay quiet for some time but that doesn't mean he wouldn't stand up for himself. so seeing you not standing up for yourself and either letting people make fun of you or take advantage of your kind nature would confuse him.
↪why wouldn't you want to stand up for yourself? and maybe not until you would open up to him would he realise why. or he would figure it out on his own but wouldn't pry about it until he truly had to intervene or you finally talked to him about it.
↪but that wouldn't stop him from doing something about it himself. if he was in the vicinity, which is most likely, he wouldn't physically do anything apart from send death glares and take you else where.
↪he knew you were strong enough to take care of your own battles he just silently wishes you would do so more often. you were amazing, you deserved to stand up for yourself. maybe he would try and coax that out of you but if you didn't want to do that that's fone aswell he was always there for you anyway.
yukito ayatsuji ★↷
↪doesn't care what people think. he is well aware if what people think of him and he just doesn't care so that means that he won't tolerate them trying to take advantage of him. he would stick up for himself anytime. so seeing you let people walk over you would weirdly break his heart.
↪why are you not sticking up for yourself? he may figure out why if you don't tell him, so he would understand but that still doesn't help in his confusion.
↪wouldn't stick up for you unless you wanted him to or it got really bad, he wants to let you fight your own battles, he knows you're strong enough to. again would encourage you to do so however.
↪maybe if it got specifically bad and you were still not standing up for yourself he would definitely intervene. he might just get a bit carried away.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
the brothers crying in front of mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: angst, crying, lesson 5 and 16 spoilers (from og obey me), missing a pet, death
you know it's bad when lucifer cries, and you know it's extra bad if he cries in front of someone
it was just a lot of stuff going on at the same time that got him, work, feeling like his brothers hate him, all that stuff
you walked in at the worst possible time and you expected him to send you away but that didn't happen
he just held you in his arms as if protecting you, mirrorring what he craves but can't ask for
it would take something really heavy happening to get him to actually cry from sadness
and mammon is kind of embarrassed to let the tears flow in front of somebody, honestly especially you
but his need for comfort is stronger than his shame in that moment, so he lets you hold him
mammon will explain to you what happened when you hold him
he sometimes cries over 'little' things like an anime figure being sold out or a new volume of tsl coming out, those cries are pretty short
but this time levi started crying in front of you during game night, because there was a scene in the game that reminded him of his former pet snake
he was ashamed, but one second after being hugged by you he realised it's okay to need comfort
satan crying is a rare sight
sometimes he gets extremely angry, but he never cries in all of his rage
and honestly you never thought you'd see him cry until today when you walked in on him crying after he wasn't at dinner
satan probably won't tell you why he's upset but he'll let you comfort him (and as long as you don't tell anyone you saw him cry)
he'll instantly cheer up a little if you got cat videos or pictures on your ddd
you've seen him cry before but it wasn't very serious, more like some fake sobbing to add life and emotion to his words
so you were kind of shocked when you walked into his bathroom to retrieve your robe but instead found asmo crying
and he does not like it when people see him cry one time solomon found him crying and he wiped his memory, but asmo fully trusts you
he'd like it if you were just there for him, he might not tell you what happened though
he did cry over food before because it was so good or akudonald's ran out if cheeseburgers
but you knew it was serious when belphie was at your door at 6am asking for your help to calm beel (and maybe himself a little) down because he couldn't do it
turns out he had a dream about lilith and he got upset because she's not here anymore
there's not much you can do but having you and belphie around is a huge comfort
belphie crying is a rare sight as well, so you were shocked when he knocked on your door in tears
he was trying to sleep but all that was on his mind was the incident, the guilt was eating him and eventually he decided to come see you
you've never seen him so vulnerable, asking stuff like 'do you really forgive me?' when the incident happened long ago
he'd like to stay close to you until he's calmed down a little
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gofancyninjaworld · 27 days
OPM Manga Update 247 Review
I was puzzled as to why the translation for this was listed as a redraw, as the previous chapters had covered the entirety of the ninja arc to date before the hiatus. Then I realised that it was the numbering foolishness messing with the translators. EH! Not my problem. Shall we go on?
The chapter opens with Suiryu being discharged from hospital. He's been given a huge bouquet by the nurses and wished a speedy return to hospital, something he understandably has no plan to do. As he makes his way down the road, his attention is attracted by screaming, which turns out to be coming from a woman about to be eaten by a monster giant anteater. He splits it in half with a single chop, noting with satisfaction that his strength has returned.
He turns back to the business at hand, that of finding the Hero Association and Saitama, and is surprised that every online search for 'hero' brings up the Neo Heroes. Things have definitely changed... but he doesn't have much time to muse on it for he is nearly flattened by the enormous head of what had been a much bigger monster giant anteater. Could Saitama be out here? No, the person who'd sent the monster's head flying was an idol. She introduced herself as Webigaza, and that she was back from her hiatus to work as a Neo Hero as well as sing. She pauses to take a deep drink of water -- she's thirsty -- and then encourages people to support the Neo Heroes before flying off.
Suiryu stares after her like a cat seeing baubles hung up on a Christmas tree. Come to that, maybe he's a little thirsty too. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to check out the opposition first... after all, he can quit right away. Elsewhere, we see an unamused Suiko surprised that her brother has discharged himself without telling her. Her concern quickly turns to outrage when she reads the note he's left for her and realises that he's stuck her with the bill.
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He's just the nicest guy, isn't he?
Suiryu arrives at the Neo Hero tower and is quickly ushered into the testing facilities. With difficulty, he gets squeezed into a power suit, all while muttering to himself about how uncool it'd make him if he approached that girl looking like that.
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Once on though, he feels the enormous surge of power it brings. Excited, he flexes, and the suit crumbles like a badly-baked biscuit. Worse, he now need to pay for it. Five million, which is more than the three million he earned in the Superfight.
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If you break it, you've bought it. Love the detail of Suiryu flexing hard enough to break his remaining armband.
The chapter closes with a weeping Suiryu being introduced to Metal Bat. He's stuck in Neo Heroes until he can earn enough to pay off his debts.
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Oh yeah, one final detail. Has McCoy handed in his notice before he started moonlighting for the Neo Heroes? He better have, the rat!
Phew, thank goodness this wasn't longer! Shall we do some meta?
We're a week on, so the outraged whines of fans expecting a showdown between Blast and Void have died down. It's totally par for the course. All I will say is this:
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If you were around when this chapter (chapter 67) was first posted, you'll know that it was well over a year (in chapter 77) that we got to find out what happened.
Yup, ONE reserves the right to go 'Meanwhile...' and go somewhere else, sometimes for extended periods of time. Deal with it.
Saturation Bombing
Well, now we're back to the Neo Hero storyline, and man, when they launched, they launched HARD. They've sopped up all the SEO real estate to crowd the Hero Association off the first page of the search engines. Their TV and billboard ads are everywhere. They've even bought up the storefronts around around their headquarters. And all in the space of days. The wallets bankrolling this venture must be abyssally deep (I will return to this in a sec).
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A leopard doesn't change his spots
I won't lie: Suiryu is the character I've had the most trouble seeing the point of. I've tried, but I'm still of the opinion that this lazy, feckless, superficially charming, and not-at-all-nice guy gets given way too much real estate. Well, he may be serious about wanting to be a hero but he's still as feckless as he ever was. Yes, he won a considerable sum of money just before being hospitalised and so had no chance to spend it. Yet, true to his nature, he fucks off and sticks his sister with the bill. And true to his nature, he decides to take a pass at an idol (someone who will have hell to pay if she's even thought to be dating), fully intending to cut and run as soon as he gets what he's chasing after. Well, the wheels were always going to come off sooner or later. Might as well be now. Good.
Chef's Kiss
I know that many people were a bit disturbed to find how... normal Webigaza looks but I think it's FANTASTIC. Why? Well, a slightly creepy idol isn't everyone's cup of tea, but they'd be someone's shot of whiskey, unusual and thus not interchangeable. It's a recognisable brand she'd have been able to build on. That worked *against* Webigaza's stated desperation to stand out and gain lasting fame.
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Anyone into the 'creepy doll' look really, really is into it, and won't be substituting them for another.
By making her an absolutely normal-looking idol, loveable but totally replaceable, Murata has understood the brief. I can 100% believe that this Webi is desperate to be different in some lasting way when she looks exactly the same as a dozen other idols. I can 100% believe her when she's obsessed with Sweet Mask and wants what he has when she knows that the crowd that cheers for her today will cheer just as enthusiastically next year for someone who looks and sounds almost exactly like her. That she'll be forgotten despite having poured her entire life into entertaining. And that she'd rather die than see it happen.
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Because she looks generic, it makes sense that she's painfully aware of how replaceable she is.
This works. This really, really works.
Let's talk cash, pt. 1: suits of contention
As many sharp-eyed readers have noticed, that suit that Suiryu got given looks awfully familiar. It's a dead ringer for the ones that Tongara's team got given by Narinki.
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And once those suits hulked out...
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... they looked an awful lot like the ones Hammerhead's crew got their hands on.
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No prizes for guessing that this Neo Hero thing is most probably a front for one of the most successful conspiracies in fiction, The Organization. Successful because they're able to work to achieve their aims without anyone blabbing prematurely.
Let's talk cash, pt. 2: debtor's jail
It probably shouldn't surprise us too much that Suiryu is in such good shape after leaving hospital. After all, it wasn't just any hospital he went to but a Hero Hospital, a place where exceptional effort is expended in healing people rapidly. Also a very costly place, as McCoy pointed out to Mad Devil Yankee.
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The drop of realism that sells the fantasy harder: yes, there's medicine and technology to heal up incredible injuries and illnesses super fast. But the price is steep!
Oh yeah, the apparent throwaway is becoming quite relevant now. I wonder if someone will point out to Suiko that joining the Hero Association would be a quick way to discharge her brother's medical debt?
I wouldn't mind this brewing Neo Hero saga to stick around a little longer. But I'm easy -- I've long since stopped expecting a particular thing to happen at a given time. All will be well in the end.
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deathbystero · 4 months
'cause we're just kids who grew up way too fast
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in which Ponyboy struggles to come to terms with everything. a/n - here's the full chapter y'all. lemme know if it's worth carrying on with and if you have any ideas on what I can do to extend the plot, feel free to request or give me some ideas
It’s only been a few weeks since that night—coming on three, to be exact. I don’t think things will ever go back to how they were; how could they? With Johnny and Dallas gone, everything feels off-kilter in some way. Like a loose thread just waiting to be pulled, ready to fall away and leave nothing but a gaping hole in its place. 
Home doesn’t feel like home anymore. Not really—not in the same way it was before. Things are a lot quieter. A lot emptier. I don’t think Darry minds all that much; an empty house is a peaceful house, even under all the unsettling tension. 
The gang feels a lot closer now, too. I suppose that’s one good thing about all of this, but nobody is quite themselves anymore. There isn’t as much energy in the air; there aren’t many laughs around anymore, and nobody smiles as often as they used to. It's like everyone is carrying around a weighty cloud on their shoulders, or maybe they’re just trying to keep their minds busy with something else. But we never talk about those days anymore; no one does. The topic makes us uncomfortable, like a wound that can never be healed. 
Maybe it’s just me who can’t get used to living without them. 
The nightmares still come every once in a while, more now than they used to. Sometimes they’re pretty bad—Johnny and Dallas making frequent appearances, their faces blurred, their voices distorted. Sometimes, I realise that I’m starting to forget the little things about them: the way Johnny would tilt his head a little to the left (or maybe it was to the right) when he was talking; the way Dallas would bite his lip when concentrating hard on something, even if he didn't seem to notice himself doing it. Everything seems to be slipping through my fingers faster than I can grasp, trying desperately to hold onto the memories, begging them not to fade away into the background. 
Maybe that’s why they haunt me so often: because I'm afraid—afraid that someday I won't remember them at all. 
Darry slept on the floor in my bedroom for a little while after that night, too scared to leave me alone after everything. He’s been doing that a lot lately, constantly checking up on me, even when I'm only in the next room over. Sodapop says it's because he's scared I’ll disappear again, which is ridiculous; I’ve got nowhere to run to, and even if I did, I doubt I’d want to anyway. Without Johnny to keep me company, I might as well be right here in Tulsa forever. 
There was never anything in the papers about Johnny and Dallas—at least not anything good. They don’t write editorials for “murderers” and hoodlums. Nobody would read them anyway. It would be a waste of ink, a waste of print, and a waste of paper. It’d just be another story about another couple of kids from the east side who wound up dead. No one would care. No one would even know what happened to them, not until somebody started asking questions, and even then, the truth would be twisted. Nobody knows what happened. Nobody but me. They can try to understand, just like Sodapop, Two-Bit,  Steve, and Darry have tried, but they won’t ever see it the same. Not like I do. 
For a long time after the incident, I tried convincing myself that Johnny wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be; you don’t just lose your closest buddy in one night. That doesn’t just happen. And yet, it had happened to me. 
To be truthful, I still don’t really believe that Johnny is dead. It’s stupid, irrational, and childish, but I can’t help but cling to that notion like my life depends on it. Maybe I'm losing it a bit, growing a little delusional. Darry seems to think so. Not a day goes by where he isn't telling me to “get my damn head out of the clouds” or to “get my act together."
I’m trying, really, I am, but sometimes it gets hard. The truth hurts too much. So I decided it was better to just pretend that it hadn’t happened. Pretend the entire mess never went down. That’s easier than confronting reality, even though I know there are some aspects of Johnny and Dallas’ deaths that are very, very real. Too real to be ignored. And it’s not like I can ignore it, can I? It’s part of me—a piece of me—a piece of my memory that I can never fully forget. I’ll just have to live with it.
That’s easier said than done, though.
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theroundbartable · 4 months
What are your merthur fav moments? And what are your fav personal headcanons about them? Also, do you have any fav ships (from any fandom) that the dynamics remind you of merthur?
You know it's bad when I can actually quote them without looking them up:
My absolute favorite scene is the one in "The Changeling" when Merlin holds his marriage speech. I LOVE that one. "I think you're mad. I think you're all mad, people should marry for love. Not convenience. And if Uther thinks an unhappy King makes for a better Kingdom, then he is wrong. You may be destined to rule Camelot, but you have a choice. As to how you do it!"
2. My second favorite is the one with the disir, when Arthur asks Merlin how he knew the place was sacred. It's the first time Merlin dares to open up about himself and it breaks my heart how it ends. "It's obvious." "Pretend it isn't." "Everything here ... is so full of life. Like everything is so much more than itself."
3. DIamond of the day part 2. Just - the entire episode. I love how heartbreaking it is (and I keep rewatching it so many bloody times, aaargh!). But I especially love the honesty and well... I love that Merlin got to choose when and how to tell Arthur about his magic. "I was born to be your servant, Arthur. And I am proud of that."
4. BOGMAN! The HUG! Arthur's desperation when Merlin is gone! Just - URGH! They are killing me.
5. The deleted scenes. First and foremost the Sigil scene! Everything is gayer in the deleted scenes. "Just ... take it." Personal Merthur headcanons?
I very much like the idea that Arthur believes that Merlin is in love with him. Like, from the very first time he saw Merlin steal a dress to the final episode, Arthur is convinced that that's Merlin's secret. I also like the idea that Arthur believes what they have is enough because Merlin never asked for more and Arthur is too afraid to lose Merlin to imply anything more. I also love the idea that at some point in their 10 years of friendship, Arthur CONSIDERED that Merlin may have magic. But that Merlin's constant choices against magic lead him to believe that it's just his imagination.
Arthur needs glasses. Short sighted, probably something like -3 and worse dioptrin. That's why he doesn't notice Merlin's eyes glowing golden when he's right in front of him. Arthur assumes it's candlelight or something.
Arthur keeps trying to show off in front of Merlin to earn his approval. (This one is canon, actually, what am I talking about?)
The servants in Camelot have their own Merlin fanclub and many of them are trying to set Merlin and Arthur up. Some of the knights like to help out.
Everyone thinks Merlin is the jealous one. However, turns out, whenever Merlin suspects a foreign prince/knight/bandit of doing something evil, or attacking Arthur, he is always right. Merlin is sensible and he trusts in Arthur, so he would never truly get jealous when there is no reason to be. When there IS a reason, he turns absolutely murderous though. In fact, Arthur is the jealous one. Only his jealousy is slow cooking. But it's less rational and when he is convinced Merlin has something with someone else, he goes absolutely feral. He avoids Merlin for days until he realises that Merlin doesn't care, then he makes a 180 and pretty much begs on his knees for Merlin to come back. At the same time, Arthur punishes whoever lord seems to have been too close to Merlin. Arthur was also, once, jealous of a horse.
They drink wine in the evening. And sometimes Merlin stays so late, that he has no choice but to stay over. And then, uuups - he shagged the prince. It's okay, it surely won't happen again tonight, will it? *cough cough*
Merlin's magic is very attached to Arthur... and Arthur will deny it, but he really, REALLY likes Merlin's magic. *wink wink*.
Arthur has rewritten at least 10 laws for Merlin before the magic ban is repealed.
... I can't give you all my headcanons, I need them for my fics, lmao XD
Ships from other fandoms that remind me of Merthur, you ask?
Banana fish: Ash x Eiji - Because ... the ending
Heartstopper: Nick x Charlie - When I found those books, I thought it was a BBC Merlin doujinshi. I love you ,Alice Oseman <3
Red, white and royal blue: Alex x Henry - I always felt that the book would work better as a series and I stand corrected. A gay prince dating the bi son of the female president of America? Hell yeah, consider me hooked.
Thank you for the question, anon! I hope you liked your answers!
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qqtxt · 11 months
[🎈] the music of surprise [🦊]
[!] this is for the 1k followers mini fics. click here to find out more! ✿ pairing: yeonjun x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / fluff / 899 words / unnecessary beomgyu slander (I'm SORRY) ✿ request: [music] + yeonjun (for our muses to sing / play instruments) ✿ note: i tweaked it (winkwink) slightly differently for this one! [main masterlist 🌸] / [event masterlist] / [tag: #qqtxt: 1k]
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being in a relationship with someone who sings and raps for a living, meaning that oftentimes, the microphone went to him instead of you. when it came to instruments, he's the one excited to see it and even more to see your fascination and adoration when he serenades you at any given moment he has. now, not that you have a problem with that considering you love, love love listening to yeonjun sing or rap but imagine the surprise on yeonjun's face when he's taken a short break out of the recording room, only to return to see you fiddling with the guitar and your singing sending the shivers down his spine?
"you can sing?!" yeonjun didn't realise he was going to be so loud, but apparently he was to the point it made you jolt away from the guitar as he closed the door behind him. "junnie!" you chuckle nervously, attempting to put the instrument down but he's quick to kneel before you, gently pushing the guitar back onto your lap, "you never told me you could play..."
you see the admiration in his eyes as he peers up to you, hopeful that you'd continue whatever you were doing before and you can't resist it when he's looking at you like that. you sigh and shake your head, keeping your hold on the guitar as you lean back into the sofa, "i mean... i used to play a while back but it's been a long time since i played. i came here to visit you but you weren't here so while i was waiting i figured i could just..." you attempt to put the guitar away again, only for yeonjun's hands to carefully reappear to put it back onto your lap with a wide grin.
"could you play for me? sing even, if you're comfortable?" yeonjun asked so sweetly, that it felt like a sin turning him down. you're remembering all the times you couldn't fall asleep and yeonjun would hum a familiar, calming tune. sometimes it's a song you know, sometimes it's something foreign but it still manages to lull you to sleep. the only time he had ever heard you sing was during a belt-out karaoke session with the boys or your friends, even then he thinks you sound amazing (either that or he really, really loves you). so... what could it hurt?
you stable the guitar on your lap with an elbow keeping it in place, extending your pinky out to him to–"promise you won't judge me? i'm not a singer by profession so technically, i am allowed to be shit."
he laughs and shakes his head, but reaches out to lock pinkies with you, "never. i'll never judge you. now, please?" he lets go of your pinky so he can sit on his legs as he looks up at you, retrieving a pillow on the side as he hugs it, waiting in anticipation.
the thing that happens next is what completely makes yeonjun fall to his knees for you even though he's already on them. you're hesitantly feeling up the guitar, then, your fingers start strumming a tune of a lullaby he sings during difficult days that embeds in his mind. la vie en rose. it was simplistic, romantic... and yeonjun thought he couldn't love you more than he already did. he didn't even know one of his hands had unfolded from hugging the pillow, resting on one of your knees as you started to sing. it's soft, a little whisper-like but it echoes in yeonjun's ears and aims straight for his chest until he's holding onto his breath; afraid that if he breathes, he'll break this trance of being able to listen to you sing, let alone play the guitar whilst doing so.
you manage until the first chorus and promptly stop when you look up to see yeonjun pressing his lips to a thin line; features a bit unreadable for your liking that–"i-is it that bad?"
"bad?!" his eyes bulges, hands tossing the pillow so he can kneel up to grab you by the face, "baby, you can sing! how did you hide this from me?!"
"you've heard me in karaoke..."
"that's different and you know it. you singing here like this and screaming to bang bang bang with beomgyu is different."
you snort, finally able to put the guitar away and yeonjun half-drags you onto his lap, joining him on the floor despite the multiple chairs and sofas around you. "can i listen to you sing again sometime? you sounded really good," he murmurs, planting a kiss on your lips before pulling back to see you getting shy at the attention he's showering you with. your shyness doesn't last long when you squeeze yeonjun's shoulders, looking up to meet his gaze when you ask: "am i better than beoms?"
"oh, by a mile. consider him out of tubatu and replaced with you," yeonjun says without a pause. it makes you laugh, leaning forward to hug him and bury your face to his neck as he holds you. he can tell you're still growing to the thought of singing to him again or playing the guitar around him but maybe with time, one day, you'll be comfortable to do whatever you want around him and that's what gets yeonjun to smile as he nuzzles into you, staying like that for a while.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
jake – bad boys
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— bad boys main masterlist
pairing: sim jaeyun x fem!reader
summary: jake, a playboy and the guy that has all the girls swooned. even you. jake never knew of your existence until sunghoon pointed you out while you were on the bench sketching something. jake realises he never played with you before and that leads to you being part of sunghoon and jake's evil bet.
warnings: playboy jake, suggestive contents (but no smut because wtf i can't write it) - i said the word 'sex' like once but nothing bad, jake is a really shitty person (obviously doesn't portray jake in real life and there is a decent amount of angst in here (read my note to understand why i say so)
no.of words: 7.8K words
taglist: @nyfwyeonjun @ncityy04 @cutiejseong @minkyeos @madebyreyy (@onyourecha) @yuakagi @hoonstrology @luvrjn @kawaiisharkcopjudge @missmadwoman @aerinaga @jiwlys @wtfhyuck @astrosmistisa @woniesbakery @purplepuppychild
NOTE: won't lie while rereading to proofread this again, i nearly teared up because i realised how much angst there is. especially towards the end. a tear almost slipped guys. i'm surprised that i can write decently to the point that while rereading it i can nearly cry at my own work
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sim jaeyun, the guy every girl would love to be under in many ways possible and yes i meant every possible way, as disgusting as it sounds. a master flirt and a big playboy. he also happens to be the captain of the school’s soccer team but even with a ‘bad reputation’ the coaches weren’t allowed to do anything. jaeyun was the ace in soccer after all.
now you might be wondering when this poor boy started this whole bad boy antics.
“9th grade.” jake says. yes, you heard that right. our ‘hero’ started his playboy journey in 9th grade. All the poor 14 year old girls he played with in that grade. He never knew what happened to them considering he moved schools after that. Which was how it always went, play with every girl in his grade and then his parents would move him to another school.
But of course, jake didn’t expect to actually stay in this school for 2 years now. maybe it was because they had no other schools to enrol him in and they were left with no choice but to face the consequences of their son’s inappropriate acts. Anyways, jake found friends that he grew close with, 6 other boys who equally shared quite the same experience and feeling.
“hey, did you forget the coach wanted to see you today?” sunghoon asks as he slings his arm around jake’s shoulder.
“whoops, kinda tired from last night.” jake says. sunghoon smirks.
“From another one of your side chicks or the job from last night. I mean, you two have been going at it until 4am after we completed our job. I heard she’s like a nerd or something.”
“yeah, she’s in my calculus class. easy to manipulate her really. I simply told her i needed help with calculus and she instantly helped. the usual jake charm works as always.” jake laughs.
“bet she’s gonna cling onto you.” sunghoon says.
“all the girls i’ve been with want to cling onto me.”
“but because you don’t do commitment, you ghost them. yeah, yeah i know. you’ve said this like a bunch of times.” sunghoon says.
“that’s the sim jaeyun move for you.” he winks. sunghoon gags.
“never wink at me again dude.” jake laughs.
“HYUNNGGGGGGG.” sunoo yells.
“yeah?” both sunghoon and jake answer.
“jay hyung got into a fight again.”
“he really needs to control his anger issues.” sunghoon says.
“that’s jay on the daily.” jake shrugs. both jake and sunghoon ran over to help jay.
As for you, our heroine of the story, you so happened to listen to jake and sunghoon’s convo. you knew jake was a playboy and he openly was so proud of it but that didn’t stop you from falling into his charms. you were i guess blinded by love. you knew jake better than he did probably and it was actually scary to think about it.
Sometimes you felt like you were a stalker or a pervert for knowing such deep secrets on jake. you knew this was an obsession but you loved jake so that didn’t matter. Having heard that jake and sunghoon were out to help jay, you decided to make your way over to the scene of the fight.
students were gathering around jay as he punched the guy in the face.
“i don’t like guys like you. bullying others for fun? how would you like it if i bullied you instead hmm?” jay says. jay gets ready to punch the guy when sunghoon grabs jay.
“Alright buddy, that’s enough of causing trouble. your dad needs to clear out your name now or else the cops will get suspicious of us.” sunghoon whispers. jay grunts.
“this isn’t over.” jay says as he glares at the guy. jake sighs.
“hey bud, i suggest you don’t inform the teachers. they can’t even do jackshit because they know who we are.” jake says. the bully gets ready to launch at jake. jake pulls out his gun. 
“cool design huh? wouldn’t want this to be the last thing you see.” jake tilts his head whilst pouting. the bully cowers in fear, there weren’t many students along the hallway but those who witness the scene surely ran away. “run along hmm?”
The bully runs away. sunghoon sighs.
“you know, you don’t have to show your gun. your toy gun by the way.” sunghoon says. jake snickers.
“it gives me power and besides, everyone believes it’s real.”
“you and your obsession with collecting old guns.”
“If you fix it, it can be put into good use.” jake explains. the bell rings.
“class is starting, jay you should probably get to the nurse. after all, wouldn’t want the teacher to be distracted with the blood on your shirt and face.” sunghoon says.
“yeah yeah, i know. just cover for me if they ask.”
“as if they care about our whereabouts. every faculty member knows who we are.” jake says. sunghoon snickers.
“yeah, you’ll be fine jay.” jay rolls his eyes.
“just fucking get to class idiots.” jay says. as for you, you left earlier since you didn’t want to be late to class. sure, you were sort of a normal typical school girl but you didn’t exactly want to fail your classes and get scolded by the teacher so you went to class early.
sunghoon and jake enters the class. these two have been in your class since forever, they didn’t know you because you were usually quiet and always listening to the teacher. you were a good girl per say. since it’s jake and sunghoon, they only went with their fangirls. they loved the attention and didn’t care about other people who put no effort to pay attention to them. you do have a crush on jake but you knew, there was no way you’d ever cross paths with him.
It was lunchtime and since you were all alone, you’d spend your time having lunch on the rooftop. It was like your comfort place. you made your way to your locker to dump your items and grab your lunch box. nothing really special ever happened but you did look forward to after school where you’d watch the football/soccer team play and practice.
you were an assistant since the coach was your dad and since he was the coach, the both of you always went home together, which was great since you didn’t exactly like staying at home all the time.
“Here, my little angel. a small task for you to do,” your dad hands you a name list. you rolled your eyes.
“dad, you’re the coach. aren’t you supposed to be doing the name calling?”
“(name), you should be acquainted with these boys. after all, i am their coach.” your dad says.
“fine, i’ll make this quick since i have to study.”
“my angel, i know you don’t always study after school. especially, if it’s practice day.” your dad smiles. you blush. your dad knew you best and of course, he knew you had a crush on jake. the captain of the team he is coaching.
your dad did feel a sense of protectiveness over you considering he isn’t dumb and has heard the rumours of jake being a playboy and also part of a gang. he didn’t want you to be associated to someone like jake but who is he to stop you from falling in love.
the football team finally came out of their locker room after changing into a more sporty attire. you breathed in.
“alright, boys. (name), will be here to call out your names. after all, she’s our assistant.” your dad says.
“yes, coach.” the boys say. you called out each boy’s names.
“jake?” you say. silence. you called him again and to no avail he didn’t respond back.
“sorry, coach.” jake ran. you marked him down for being late. your dad ruffles your hair.
“jaeyun, you’re the captain. please show a good example to the others.”
“sorry, i’ll come on time.” sunghoon pats jake’s back. the training starts and of course, as per usual, the boys would be gossiping and chattering amongst themselves since this is what they did every practice session.
“Hey cap, where did you go?” minho asks. jake smirks.
“oh, i know that look. you madeout with another girl didn’t you?” wooyoung says.
“well, he is sim jaeyun. certified playboy and only the best captain.” sunwoo says (before anyone says he is sunwoo from the boyz). The boys laugh and as for you who overheard, just silently sighed.
‘why do you even bother liking him (name), you’ll only become one of his playtoys.’
you simply just grabbed your sketchbook and started working on your art project. the wind blew in your face and since your hair was down, you decided to tie up your hair in a messy bun. it caught a few of the boys at the field's attention.
“you know, i realise i never played with her.” jake says. sunghoon turns his head over at your figure. he snorts.
“you know, she likes you.” sunghoon says. jake smirks.
“oh really?”
“yeah, she sort of stalks you around the school. i’m pretty sure she’s in our class too.”
“interesting.” sunghoon notices the look on jake’s face. he smirks.
“bet you could get in her pants and break her heart?” sunghoon says. jake almost laughs out loud.
“of course, it’s my specialty.” jake says. the training went on, then the coach declared a small break because they had been going at it for 3 hours non-stop. jake grabs his bottle and settles down next to you. he looks over your shoulder and notices the drawing you did.
“nice drawing.” you squeaked and jumped back clutching your chest.
“hi, i’m jake but sometimes people call me jaeyun.” jake smiles as he holds out his hand for you to shake. you weren’t so sure what kind of cruel joke jake was playing but it felt like the air shifted when the both of you met. “I see, sorry i scared you didn't i. i can’t help but notice the drawing. Is that supposed to be me?”
you looked down at your sketchbook and up at jake. your eyes widened before you hid your sketchbook.
“sorry, it must be weird to have someone draw you.” jake chuckles at your words.
“not at all. In fact, it looks really good. you really captured my face really well, how long have you been staring at it to perfect the drawing hmm?” jake teases. You were at lost for words that your jaw drops. “I’m kidding.”
“jake, let’s continue practicing!” wooyoung yells.
“Coming!” he turns back to you. “stay a little while hmm? i need to give you my number.”
“w-what?” jake runs off before you could even question him.
your dad comes up to you.
“i see my sweet daughter has finally captured the attention of our captain.”
“Dad!” you whisper yelled. your dad chuckles.
“but be warned, i’m sure you’ve heard a bunch of rumours about jake. whether it is true or not would be up to you because you are the one allowing him to get close to you.”
“i’m looking out for my daughter. my only precious daughter. after all, i have to act like both like your mom and your dad. I play two roles.”
“mom would have been proud, dad.” you say. your dad smiles.
“she would but she would also scold me because i’m allowing you to hang out with boys.”
“you know she would’ve encouraged it dad.”
“you’re right.” your dad ruffles your hair, “okay kiddo, you should continue with your drawing. you have to submit it soon.”
“it’s due in a week dad.”
“yes but drawing takes a lot of time and detai-” you showed your dad your half completed drawing. “okay, nevermind. Take your time. you have really inherited your mom’s talent for drawing.”
“thanks dad.”
“coach! can we play a round now?” jake yells.
“sure but be fair. maybe play some rock, paper scissors to choose the teams. it’s fair and efficient. then the loosing team can learn from the winning team’s strengths and try to improve on yourself from there.”
“alright, thanks coach!”
“do you think any of them know that i’m your daughter?” you asked your dad.
“oh sweetie, i think if any of them knew i was your dad. they’d try to get far from you. after all, i do scare them.”
“great decision dad.” you gave him a thumbs up.
“i only want what’s best for my precious girl.”
time flies by quickly and before you know it, it was already 6pm. the boys went to shower to rinse off the sweat before going home and possibly doing homework or playing games.
“hey, do you wanna walk home together?” jake asks. your heart races. walking home? with jake? alone? a dream come true-
“let’s go (name)- jake! i thought you went home already.” your dad says.
“oh sorry coach, i was supposed to meet up with (name). I wanted to walk her home. are you and (name) going home together?” jake curiously asks. your dad turns to you.
dad please
“her dad wanted me to drive her home since we are friends but since you’d like to accompany her, i’ll just tell him that her friend is walking with her home.” your dad says. oh thank god, your dad certainly was the best. jake smiles.
“oh really? that’s great.” jake turns to you, “you wanna walk together still? the coach is friends with your dad and i’m sure since the coach trusts me, your dad would trust me too right?”
“y-yeah.” curse you, jake. you hated how you always stumbled over your words when you talk to him.
“Perfect! Thanks coach for telling (name)’s dad!”
“any time.” your dad says. is jake really that dumb and he doesn’t realise your dad was standing in front of the both of you, “but can i speak to (name) first?”
“Of course, coach.” jake says. your dad gestures for you. you went over.
“make sure he doesn’t try anything okay?” your dad whispers.
“i’m just looking out for you, it’s a dad instinct.”
“dad, i love you but let me have a small chance, okay?” your dad sighs.
“alright angel, i’ll make dinner. want anything in particular?” he whispers.
“the usual?”
“alright kiddo.” your dad turns to jake, “alright, see you tomorrow. we have training again in the afternoon.”
“yes sir!” jake says. with that, both you and jake left. it was a casual walk home, jake asked you question about yourself and you’d answer them.
“your dad sounds like the nicest person.”
“thanks.” you literally just met him and he’s your coach but okay.
“what about your mom?”
“you haven’t really mention much about her.”
“ah, my mom passed on.”
“oh, i’m so sorry.”
“it’s fine.”
“If you don’t mind, can i ask how?”
“i was supposed to not actually be born. i was a premature baby and had very low chances of survival after i was born. my mom unfortunately passed on due to complications after giving birth to me and i somehow actually surpassed all doctor’s expectations of survival. everyday, i grew until i was healthy enough to go home with my dad. my dad does call me a miracle baby because maybe my mom died because she wanted to save me.”
“Is it too much info? i feel like i ramble a lot everytime i talk about my life.”
“no, your story was touching.” jake smiles, you smiled too. After walking for a while, you finally made it to your house.
“well, this is my house. thank you for walking me home.” you say. you were about to walk off when jake holds onto your wrist.
“wait.” you turned to jake. “(name), i know it’s a little early but i really liked spending time with you. would allow me to court you?” you wanted to faint on the spot right there then.
“please?” you shyly nodded and with that jake pecks your cheek. “oh thanks for your number, i’ll text you later. goodnight!” jake runs off. you giggle. oh you were down bad for him.
you entered your home and the first thing you see is your dad with a big smile on his face.
“I heard what happened! this calls for a celebration with alcohol!”
“dad, i’m a minor!”
“right, i’ll give you grape juice and i’ll drink the wine.” you laughed at your dad who excitedly ran to get the items for dinner.
- jake❤️: goodnight cutie ;)
your heart soars at jake’s text.
- you: thanks jake, goodnight
- jake❤️: see you tmr and maybe in your dreams ;)
- you: i’ll see you tmr and no i won’t dream of you
- jake❤️: are you sure ;))
- you: shut up you tease
- jake❤️: oh baby, i’m joking
- you: fuck you
- jake❤️: oh? the good girl knows her bad words? baby, you should watch your language
- you: what are you going to do?
- jake❤️: shut you up with a kiss for saying bad words ;)
“oh god, jake!” you hit your pillows before hiding your face.
- you: i said you can court me but that doesn’t mean you can kiss me idiot
- jake❤️: oh baby, i’m sure you’re dying to kiss me
- you: not at all
- jake❤️: ouch, alright :( see you tmr i guess [11:45pm]
why did that sound so bad. maybe you should apologise
- you: hey jake?
- jake❤️: yes baby?
- you: typing…
what should you type…
- you: goodnight jakey❤️
your heart pounds as you watched jake typing in his message.
- jake❤️: fuck, you made my heart skip a beat, baby. now, i really can’t wait to see you.
- you: sleep jake -_-
- jake❤️: fine :(( sleep well my love❤️
“FUCK.” you screamed.
“(name) language!” your dad yells.
“SORRY DAD!” you yelled back. you looked back at the last message jake sent and finally laid on your bed.
“i am so down bad.” you told yourself.
The next morning, you had rushed out because well…you wanted to meet jake.
“see you in school later, dad, i love you!” you threw on your shoes and opened the door, only to be greeted by jake. your jaw drops.
“hi.” jake says.
“hey, jake. umm, what are you doing here?”
“i umm, wanted to walk with you to school.”
“oh, sure. let’s go then.” you smiled. both you and jake went to school together, you were happily talking to him and he listened attentively. at some point while you were talking, jake holds your hand.
“you are so adorable when you ramble on and on.” jake says. you blush. jake swings your hand around as you made it to school. everyone and i mean everyone who saw you two enter the school together started gossiping.
“oh poor, (name). she doesn’t know jake is a playboy.” one of the girls say. they truly pitied you, you were about to become one of jake’s next playtoy.
jake brings you over to your locker.
“i have last minute morning practice today so unfortunately, i won’t be in class. you won’t miss me right cutie?”
“not at all.” you say. jake clenches his heart.
“ouch. i’m very hurt, i thought you’d miss me.” you pushed jake slightly.
“just go.” jake smiles and waves to you before he leaves.
you decided to settle at your seat, a few girls come up to you. they looked worried for you.
“(name), you should be careful. jake is player, he doesn’t look around for commitment. he just wants to play with your heart!”
“he is not going to, he walked me home yesterday.”
“your dad allowed him to? doesn’t your dad know how he is, after all he is the coach.”
“he says jake is a nice person, he is hard working too on the field and you know i trust my dad.”
“alright, (name). if you say so, we just don’t want you to become one of jake’s playtoys. that label itself is just bad.” you smiled at your classmates.
“thank you for warning me. I’ll handle this myself and not get too close to jake.” you say. the girls nodded and just got ready for class.
3rd period, you settled down on your chair and jake pulls the chair beside you.
“seat taken?” jake asks. you shook your head. “perfect, get to sit with my favourite girl.”
my favourite girl…right he was seen with other girls. you felt your heart break. you frowned and jake notices.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
“nothing.” you simply say and jake takes notice.
“(name), i’m sure you’ve heard of those rumours…while yes, i possibly talked to other girls, i didn’t break their hearts by leading them on. I rejected them because i had my eyes set on someone.”
“who?” you asked, slightly annoyed.
“you.” and…there goes your heart. jake surely knew a way with his words, pure talent. the teacher enters the room and so you got your books out. however, as you got your books out, your pencil drops. you went to pick it up but so does jake.
“thanks.” you say. jake doesn’t answer, instead his finger lays under your chin. he pulled you closer.
“can i kiss you?” in class? well, you’ve never kissed anyone so this would be your first time, getting kissed by sim jaeyun, your crush. you nod slightly and that’s all it took for jake to lean in.
thank god, you were sitting at the back of the class. once jake pulls away, he leaves one last peck on your lips and sits straight up so the teacher wouldn’t suspect a thing. during the whole class, jake held onto your hand and you felt like your heart was going to burst any second now.
he writes something down and slips the paper on your desk.
- be mine? yes or no?
you smiled reading the note. you looked around the class and then turned to jake once you realised everyone was still concentrating. you left a peck on his cheeks and whispered
“yes.” jake smiles. something about this made his heart leap, unlike the other times he played with the girls. end of class, you packed your stuff and then jake pulls you to where his friends usually sat for lunch.
Once you made it to the table, all eyes were on you. jay, who you shared 1 class with and he was your seatmate, had his eyes widened.
“hi jay.” you smiled. jay darts to look at both you and jake and finally the intertwined hands.
oh no, (name)...you are going to get played. jake does not like you like that.
“boys, this is my girlfriend, (name).” jake proudly says. sunghoon smirks, something that got you curious, why was he smirking?
“you finally decided to settle down?” jay asks.
“yeah, i thought it was immature of me to fool around with girls. Besides, (name) was the one who made me realise how wrong i was.” jake turns to you. you blush under his gaze. what you don’t fail to notice is how none of them believed jake’s words. Not after sunghoon was smirking at you like how he was whenever he started a bet with jake.
Unlike jake and sunghoon, the other 5 boys actually know that their coach was your dad. they would’ve told the both of them but…where is the fun of letting them discover themselves and get what they deserve?
“hey dude, can i talk to your girl for a bit?” jay asks.
“Well i need to ask her about homework.”
“you can ask her now with me around. what’s so important that you want to have a private conversation with?” jake says.
“I borrowed her notes and it’s in my locker. I don’t have any other classes with her after this and we also have practice after school.”
“alright.” you went to stand up and follow jay but jake holds your hand.
“are you going to watch us after school?”
“of course.” you smiled. jake smiles too and lets your hand go.
once you left, heeseung folds his arm.
“she’s your new playtoy?”
“yeah. how was my acting?”
“Perfect.” sunghoon says. Both jake and sunghoon high five.
“hyung, you’re going to regret whatever you are doing.” sunoo says. jake rolls his eyes.
“oh really? but i’ve been doing this to other girls! and yet.” jake fake pouts, “i have no slightest bit of regret at all.” jake’s tone drips with sarcasm. sunoo rolls his eyes.
“jake hyung, sunoo hyung is right…you don’t know what you’ve started.” ni-ki says.
“why the fuck are you guys on (name)’s side? she’s just another normal ugly ass girl.” sunghoon says.
“Forget it. Do whatever you want but don’t come running to me and jay because you messed up. we have our reasons why we never dared to hurt (name).” heeseung says before he grabs his bag and leaves the cafeteria.
“why is he so dramatic.” jake says. the only one laughing was sunghoon.
“both you and sunghoon hyung can eat. i’m going to catch heeseung hyung.” jungwon says.
“Me and ni-ki are going to the field.” sunoo says. ni-ki follows sunoo.
As for you and jay…
“(name), i know you’re a really sweet girl but i’m sorry jake is just to play with you.”
“i know.”
“then why are you still with him?”
“because i like him.”
“(name), don’t tell me you are willing to get your heartbroken by jake.”
“yes. maybe, if i get my heartbroken by jake, i’ll finally realise how dumb i was to fall in love with him.”
“why are you torturing yourself.”
“It’s not easy to forget about someone who you’ve been crushing on for over 2 years.”
“of course but are you willing to actually get hurt by jake? If you’ve had a crush on him for 2 years, i’m sure that’s not just a simple crush.”
“you’re right, it's not but i’m willing to hurt myself in an exchange to forget about him completely.”
“why don’t you find another way?”
“jay, thank you for caring about me but i’ll just go with whatever i’ve planned and besides…i’ll get to sort of experience dating jake before he decides to ghost me.”
“yeah but the coach might actually get mad at jake.”
“he doesn’t know that your coach is my dad?”
“Well…him and sunghoon, we kinda just want the both of them to realise it after he breaks your heart. I just wanted to make sure you are okay with jake breaking your heart.”
“Perfectly fine, jay.”
“alright, don’t tell jake and sunghoon about the coach being your dad. it will be more satisfying to see both of them regret their actions.” you giggled.
“some kind of friends you guys are.”
“Well…you should know what we do.”
“I do.”
“Does your dad know about it?”
“Yeah but he doesn’t want to expel you guys because then the soccer team would turn to shit. After all, all 7 of you are the star players.”
“yeah, the coach sure is great.”
“he is my dad after all. He is the most reasonable man out there that i know, which is why my mom married him.”
“I bet anyone would be lucky to marry or date you.” jay says. you smiled.
“not really. i’m just a hopeless girl stuck in an unrequited love.”
“shall we go back?” you felt someone hold your hand and you could tell who it was. you turned to jake. he was fuming.
“Were you flirting with my girlfriend?” jay scoffs at jake’s words.
“I wasn’t, we were talking.”
“looked a lot more like talking. you were smiling and laughing.” jake says. jay puts his hand up.
“you already know i have a crush on my neighbour. I wouldn’t flirt with anyone else.” jay says.
“yeah and you should know your place.” jake glares at jay. you tugged on jake.
“let’s just get to class. it’s starting soon.” jake’s eyes softened after they met yours.
“alright.” both you and jake left the area.
it was about a week later whilst dating jake is when you noticed he started to kinda ghost you. as expected, jake really didn’t care for you. you bitterly laughed.
- you: babe, wanna go out on a date?
- jake❤️: practice, sorry baby. I’ll make it up to you :(
it usually went like that, you knew jake didn’t have practice. He was probably out either doing some illegal shit or he was looking around for another girl to fool with. you walked over to the field to watch the boys practice like usual. Plus, your dad was here and you kinda needed to ask him for some help.
“dad, do you have extra pads?” you asked. your dad smiles.
“forgot to bring some today?”
“no, it came earlier than usual.” your dad grabs his bag and hands you a pouch. He usually brings this pouch around because he knows your period doesn’t really come around in a regular pattern.
“thanks dad. also have you seen jake?”
“ah your boyfriend? unfortunately, it seems like he isn’t here today. I guess he is coming late. Maybe you could look around for him?”
“Alright.” your dad ruffled your hair.
“my big girl, you have a boyfriend now.” you smiled.
you went to the bathroom to deal with your period. after doing so, you went to wash your hand and left the bathroom. then you heard some weird sounds from the staircase nearby. this staircase was also where you and jake did some things…
you turned your head to face the staircase. There you saw jake with some girl. she was familiar, that’s when you realise she was from the cheerleading squad. someone prettier, of course. you felt your heart break every second you stood behind the wall witnessing everything. once jake stops, he leaves one last kiss on the girl’s lips.
“I have practice, beautiful.” the girl whines.
“jakey, please i need you.”
“coach will get mad.”
“will he get mad or are you scared your girlfriend will notice you aren’t there?”
“I could care less about (name).”
“why are you even dating her? you should date me instead.”
“oh baby, i would but you know i don’t do strings attached.”
“then break up with your girlfriend.”
“one more week baby and then i can fool around with you.” jake says.
“urghhh, i hate the bet you and sunghoon devised.”
“sorry baby, rules are rules. besides, sunghoon said he’ll give me $1000 if i date (name) and make her believe so.”
“Well she does believe it so why don’t you break up with her?”
“soon. I have to go now.” the girl sighs.
“Fine but can we at least have sex after your practice?”
“your place?”
“yeah.” jake kisses her again. part of you felt sad, part of you wanted to cry but the whole of you wanted to scream at him. get mad, yell at him. Maybe it was just because it was that time of the month but either way you knew you were mad at jake. you rolled your eyes and went back to the field.
“hey (name).” heeseung smiled. he notices your frown, “what’s wrong.”
“I found out jake is cheating behind my back.”
“shit, are you okay? i’m sorry this happened to you.”
“It’s okay, i know who he is and what he is like. i’m not a fool, i’ve been crushing on him for 2 years and obviously know he is a playboy. I’m just mad at myself for still falling in love with him.”
“so, what are you going to do?”
“act like nothing happened.”
“what why?”
“make him feel guilty. when we break up, i cry, beg him to stay and he would say some mean shit. maybe do some bad shit for him to make him regret.”
“isn’t your dad going to do something?”
“i don’t know. he already knows jake and what he does. he won’t be surprised. of course, as a dad instinct he maybe might punish him or be harder on him but jake will just think it’s because he is the captain.”
“why are you so calm about this?”
“it’s something i knew was too good to be true. jake would never go for someone like me.” you sighed, “i don’t have anything. I might even be worse than nothing. I just-” you felt yourself choking up. A tear falls and you wiped it away as you bitterly chuckle.
“I was never a confident person but i guess dating jake for a week brought out a little confidence in myself.” you took out a cigarette stick out from your pocket.
“you smoke?” heeseung’s eyes widened.
“yeah, when it gets too stressed and right now…i kinda need it. after what i saw.”
“does your dad know about this?”
“no. i don’t always smoke and if i do, i go out to the park to do so.” jake runs into the field. you hid the cigarette bud into your pocket.
“hi baby.” jake pecks your lips. you smiled.
“love, you don’t have anything after practice right?”
“I do, i have some physics homework to do.”
lies. you are going to fuck someone.
“oh, i was going to invite you over to watch a movie with me, since we haven’t had a date in a while.”
“sorry, baby. There are tons of homework that the teacher gave.”
lies again. did he forget we are in the same physics class? the teacher didn’t even assign any homework.
you pout.
“then, it’s okay. maybe another time.” you smiled. you were about to leave when jake holds your wrist.
“where are you going? aren’t you going to watch me practice?”
“I need to study so i have to run to the library.” jake pouts.
“aww but i wanted you to watch.”
“there’s always another time.” you pinched his cheek and giggled.
there won’t be another time…
heeseung watches you leave, he turns to jake.
“where were you? coach was looking for you.”
“with aria. You know the usual.” jake says. heeseung rolls his eyes.
“let’s just practice. I have no time to educate and lecture you on breaking (name)’s heart.” heeseung says. He runs over to the middle of the field where the others were.
another week passes by, jake breaks up with you. Like you predicted while you begged for him to stay, he said a bunch of mean things.
“you thought i’d actually date you? (name) you’re not my type and you never will.”
but hearing him actually say it was painful. you were mad at him but you still had feelings for him, you cried when you came home. since there was no practice, your dad was home. he comforted you, bought you ice cream so you could soothe your heart with it. He hugged you, made you feel better.
when you went to school the next day, the news you heard was shocking but yet you expected it.
“Did you hear? jake is banned from playing in the next few matches.”
“yeah. doesn’t he practically breathe soccer? that’s his passion. why did the coach just ban him.”
You went to class. jake was sitting there, the spark in his eyes was gone. you sat away from him, you were concentrating on the lesson that you didn’t notice how jake was now staring at you.
He noticed how had lost the spark too. you didn’t wear a smile anymore, your face was neutral. The bell rings and you packed everything before leaving the classroom, jake followed you. then he noticed you were going to the back of the school where nobody was. A lot of the rebels went here to smoke and do other various things but he didn’t expect for you to go here.
He hides behind a wall. You threw your bag on the stacked cardboard boxes, took a cigarette packet and a lighter. you placed the stick in between your lips and lit it up. you inhaled the smoke and exhaled it. jake was shocked. he noticed someone else joining you. It was jay.
“so, he finally broke up with you?”
“mhm.” you simply answer. You wore a blank face.
“you did hear he was banned from playing for the next few games right?”
“did you ask your dad to do this?”
“no, i’m not a vengeful person. jake broke my heart, cheated on me and well technically i wasn’t even his girlfriend since i was a bet. I know how much soccer means to him but i can’t stop my dad. like i told heeseung before, he may be a coach but he is still my dad first and so gets overprotective if i cry or get hurt.”
“next match is sort of important, think you could convince your dad to at least let jake play?” jay asks.
“I’ll try, my dad doesn’t listen to me until he sees me genuinely happy and now he’s seen me cry my eyes out because of jake.” you sighed, the smoke surrounding you. “Wait till he finds out i smoke.” you groaned imagining the lecture you’d be getting.
“you didn’t start smoking because of the break up, right?”
“It increased more after the break up, but no, i started because i was stressed.”
“you know…i never thought someone like you would try smoking.”
“neither did i but here we are.” you hold out a stick, “want one?”
“nah, i’m good. i don’t really want to try smoking. my dad smokes and well you know i’m trying not to be like my dad.”
“Mmm that’s good for you. yejun would be happy for you.”
“if she notices me.” you snort.
“she does, you’re just being a shithead to her. don’t be a jerk and act on your feelings.”
“I know, i know.” jay sighs, “well i have to go. Duty calls.”
“mmm, bye jay.” you say.
jake’s jaw clenches so you were the reason he was banned from playing? all because he broke your stupid little heart and the coach was being a protective dad? jake scoffs. he decides to just face you. he walks closer to you.
“so you’re the reason why i can’t play?” jake says. your eyes widened.
“what do you mean and why are you here?”
“you asked your dad to ban me from playing some of the most important matches?”
“jake, you know i’m not the type of person to do so. i know how much your games mean to you. i never wanted you to be banned.”
“yeah sure.” jake rolls his eyes. he looks down at the cigarette stick you still had in your hands. he grabs it and throws it to the ground. “don’t even try to ruin your own life because i will be ruining yours from now on.” he glares at you.
as jake starts to walk away…
“i have already ruined my own life. you don’t have to do the job. well, actually you already helped. after all, despite me loving you with all my heart, i was just a bet to you and i’m not your type.” you say as you grab your bag and shoving your shoulders past jake’s.
jake felt his heart burn, why did your words hurt him more than it should. Shouldn’t he be the one upset since your dad did ban him from playing?
another few days pass by, jake did make your life way harder than it should. he annoyingly called and teased you in class. obnoxiously laughed with the students on purpose so you couldn’t study, which made you stand up and pushed the chair in way too hard that it startled everyone. you went to the library after and it was so much better. Then he did one thing that was just downright horrible.
“jake, can you please just fucking stop it?” you say.
“stop what? your dad banned me from something i love because of you so you will suffer.” jake says.
“I said sorry and i can’t control my dad. he is stubborn and determined to make me happy after you know what.”
“what? your mom dying? because of you? you killed your mother right?” jake says. your heart drops, the room fell silent. jake’s jaw drops after he realises what he just spewed. you throw him the scariest glare. “hey, wait, I didn't mean it like that!” you ran out of the room, tears pouring out of your eyes.
as previously mentioned, you told jake the reason as to why your mom died. later further on while you were dating jake, you revealed that you felt guilty. you always blamed yourself because you thought you killed your mother and your dad wasn’t a fan of that. he was sure your mom wouldn’t put the blame on you just because she died due to birth complications. hence, your dad vowed to take care of you with such care and love as your mom would have. Of course, you still didn’t tell jake that your dad was their coach.
At the moment when you gave jake the nastiest glare ever, he remembered what you said. he put two and two together and just instant guilt filled him. jake instantly starts running around the school like a mad man trying to find you to apologise to you. he found you on the school’s rooftop.
“(name).” he softly says. he slowly gets closer to you. you were bawling your eyes out, jake wraps his arms around you. as much as you wanted to push jake away for hurting you, you couldn’t, he gave a sense of comfort to you. being in his arms was all you ever wanted and you hated yourself for that.
jake whispers nothing but apologies and soft comforting words. you really hated this. why were you so love with him? funny, love, a word you were afraid of at first. you knew you were in deep shit once you found out not only were you infatuated by jake but you loved him, a lot actually.
“i fucking hate you.” you cried out. jake holds you tighter.
“I hate how much i love you. I hate that everything you do makes me love you more. I hate how no matter how much you hurt me, i still love you.” you pushed jake with all your might, jake sits next to you. “tell me why i’m such a fool for falling in love with you? knowing you don’t love me back.” you turned to look at jake with tears in your eyes.
“(name), i’m sorry-”
“just stay away from me. the more you stay, the more i fall for you and you don’t love me so what’s the point of you staying? to hurt me more?” jake stays silent and you scoffed.
“I guess that’s your answer. if you’re not leaving, i will.” you stood up slowly. jake stands up too.
“i’m not leaving you.”
“jake, i’m tired of this. i want to move on. can’t you just say you hate me and go?”
“jake please don’t make this hard on me.”
“I don’t want to say i hate you and move on (name). I love you too.”
“jake please don’t.” he kisses you. fuck, why did you give in so easily. he sighs after pulling away.
“I realised while not being able to train, i got bored and the only thing that was on my mind was you. you were the only other thing keeping me sane.”
“you could’ve went out and played with other girls.”
“that’s the thing, while i wanted to do so, i couldn’t because all i was reminded of was your smile, your face and your personality. nobody would blatantly push me away playfully when we get more intimate all because they were shy. i loved that about you as a partner. every almost intimate thing we’ve done, you shyly pushed me away and it made me feel more in love than i should.”
“so what?”
“what i’m saying is…i fucking love you (name) and i swear on my soul that i’m not just playing around with you.”
“i can’t be so sure you know. after all, i was a bet previously.” jake curses under his breath.
“i-i’ll get sunghoon to apologise too.” jake thinks for a second, “or i’ll spend the $1000 on you. just for you.”
“jake. I don’t need you to spend money on me.”
“all i need is for you to genuinely be yourself and cut all those girls off. as much as i know you’re a playboy, i want to date someone loy-”
“DONE!” he shows his phone to you. everything single girl he played with had been blocked and even the cheerleader. he also deleted all the chats previously he had with them. “can i love you now?”
“jake, it’s seriously going to take a while.”
“then i’ll wait until you trust me.”
and it was true. jake stayed true to his words and never played around with any girls in your grade anymore. eventually, seeing as to how you were happier now, your dad allowed jake back on the team. though, your dad still kinda gives jake the stink eye since he still broke your heart.
little did your dad know (yet). that the cause of your happiness right now was the same cause of your heartbreak and pain. a month passes by, jake was in the locker room putting on his soccer boots. you entered the area and sat next to him.
“you came to see me play babe?” jake asks.
“yeah, class ended earlier than usual so i thought why not see my boyfriend play.” he pulls you onto his lap.
“mmm boyfriend huh? i don’t remember asking you out yet. did you just assume that baby?” you blush.
“No.” jake pecks your lips.
“kidding. i am yours. with or without labels. besides, doesn’t the husband and wife label fit better.”
“sim jaeyun!” you slapped his chest. jake laughs. the laughter dies down and it was all silent. jake leans closer and kisses you. your hands wrapping around his neck, smiling through the kiss. as the kiss deepens, you hear someone clearing their throat. you pulled away only to be stunned to see your dad so you scrambled off jake’s lap, tugging on your school skirt and fixing yourself. jake’s breath hitches.
“dad.” you say. your dad switches his gaze from you to jake.
“as (name)’s dad, i just want to say don’t break my daughter’s heart again. as your coach, i want to remind you, no making out in the locker room.” your dad comes closer to pat jake’s back. “come on captain, everyone is waiting for you on the field for practice.” your dad smiles at jake before he leaves to get back to the others.
jake stands up.
“umm, your dad caught us…you know…kissing. He’s not going to murder me in my sleep right?”
“no, unless you made me cry again.”
“does tears of pleasure count?” you smacked jake’s arm.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi so this is based of a pov i just watched. But could you do Lady Lesso x reader platonic. Where r is hearing voices it could be over thinking or an unknown ability but she cracked and lesso found her about to junp of something like a bridge or tower. And she says ‘i’m hearing voices all the time and their not mine, i’m hearing voices and there haunting my mind’.
It's the voices
*Authors note~ based of some of my own experiences so please keep in mind these aren't everyone's experiences. Not everyone has an understanding Nora *
(The thought feels hard to control. Intrusive thoughts are often repetitive and won't go away. )
And I love this idea smmm yes Harley Quinn pops into my mind here for the title. *
Trigger warnings~ intrusive thoughts, mental health, possible trigger of suicide or attempted suicide swearing? Panic attacks
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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The first time it happened you honestly thought you'd misheard someone's conversation but the thought wouldn't leave, you couldn't make it stop, which in turn made you so anxious you had a panic attack. You felt like your whole lungs were completely collapsed. No air could enter or leave the vital organ which in turn made you panic more. But once you'd somehow managed to calm yourself back down you realised one massive thing. You were alone. But you had hope that it was just a bad day.
It wasn't a bad day though. These thoughts began to come and go more often, you found yourself thinking and saying the most horrid things, sometimes about you, sometimes about others and it always made you feel so terribly guilty. Truly, you didn't want to hurt yourself or anyone else but you can't control them. They were loud and overwhelming and so realistic, all you could do was surrender to them until they passed.
Exhaustion seemed to be a permanent fixture of your life these days and the headaches didn't help what so ever. You noticed how withdrawn you were and how irritable people were finding you to be. One by one you watched people give up on you now. It was like you were too much to deal with and not worth the air you're breathing. Immediately you knew what you needed to do to fix the problem. To fix you. You were numb as you made your way to the top of the tower, you didn't care you were skipping class, or what you were going to do. You didn't feel sad or scared, the voices loudly guiding you through your journey. They were right, you couldn't fight them any longer than you have.
Standing on the edge of the tower the first thing you noticed was the beautiful sunset glowing over the trees in the horizon. It was truly something magical and a fitting send of for you. Yet you didn't want to miss a single thing of the sun setting. As the sun set you said goodbye to all you knew and attempted to calm your mind by imagining what your after life would be like. You didn't want to give too much thought on who would find you, or if you'd even be worth a funeral, you already knew you weren't. Your thoughts agreeing with you and encouraging you to jump. The thoughts were horrid and they promised the only way they'd stop is if you'd just step over the edge. Blindly you stepped out expecting to fall only to be grabbed by the last moment and tugged backwards to safety.
"Let me go" you whined trying to get back to the edge, "let me go! I want them to go away" your temper was flaring as the voices got louder. "Y/n, stop" lesso boomed in her regal dean voice and you immediately halted. "L-ady Le-sso?" You stuttered in  your evident shock. "Now little dove, why don't you step back into my arms and we can talk about this?" You could tell she let a kind edge seep into her voice but there was still no room left for arguments so you allowed the red headed dean to pull you into a hug.
One thing you forgot in the whole process is Leonora loves you more than life itself. She views you as her own.  She didn't know you would hear voices and you'd pulled away from her, she wanted to give you space but hearing you skipped you lesson and knowing how lost and alone you'd seemed recently she had to follow you. Just to make sure you were okay, thankfully she found you just in time. And for that she'd always be grateful to anyone out there who helped her save her dove.
"I'm hearing voices all the time, I'm hearing voices that aren't mine" you mumbled into the woman's neck, red hot tears burning her skin. "Oh my darling, you could've come to me darling, they aren't real dove I promise you that" she tried to reassure but the voices grew louder in an attempt to block her out. "Stop please fucking stop. I don't want to do this anymore. Shut up, shut up. Shut the fuck up" you ranted through ragged breaths, Leonora knew you well enough to know this was a panic attack now and you weren't really seeing hearing or feeling the real world.
"Shhh dove, can you follow my voice? I know there's lots of loud ones in your head but you know which one is your Nora's?" She murmured a hand gently rubbing circles in your back. "Nora" you whimpered clutching at your chest, "can't breathe, help me." If you could've seen her heart you would've saw it break at that but luckily you couldn't and now she could remain strong on the outside even if her heart ached for you. "Shh dove I'm here, I'm here and you're safe love, come let's go inside yes? Your much to cold my little bird. Let nora mend that broken wing of yours, so then you can go fly again." Leonora always had a way with words, it's one of the many reasons you love her, and it's one of the skills she's thankful for as she managed to coax you into your bed. You hadn't t noticed the sunset had faded into an onyx sky, but you did notice being in your chosen mothers arms and hearing her heart beating quietened the voices.
Word count~ 1058
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baratiddyappreciator · 9 months
Hey again 😭, can you write about the Baki men and their reaction to their s/o squirting?
Oh I can do that lmao, that is a no problemo situation! Added in a bonus Motobe because I see you. Sorry it took me so long, I'm going longer-form with this one. SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMG I'm on vacation and the internet at my villa isn't the best. Clearly NSFW, Minors fuck off kthx. Continued under the cut, very tempted to do short-stories with these ones, but I'm restraining myself and behaving.
Confused, surprised, and for about a second he thinks he made you pee yourself and he feels really bad about it. He's deadass about to appologise profusely until he notices the incredibly satisfied look on your face, then it clicks.
He doesn't do it on purpose, he didn't really know how to, if he's being honest, and after the first time he does it, he has no idea how to replicate it, but he will absolutely try to given your permission. He swears he'll clean up the mess.
He won't do it all the time, of course, but he'll definitely save it for when you have a rough day and need some care, because he knows that that's a powerful ass orgasm and you might appreciate it.
Both genders can apparently squirt, so regardless of what parts you may have, you can also get Baki to squirt. It's a mess and he winds up having to just Take a Minute after, but it's worth it.
He's proud of himself. Surprised? No not really, he's got a lot to work with, so he'd be more surprised if he doesn't. He's still proud of himself though.
Does he know what he did to make you squirt? Nope. Will he try and replicate it? Not really, he doesn't really have to, because he'll do it again at some point in time. It takes you squirting like 4 or 5 times for him to realise what it is he's doing that makes you squirt.
Once he figures out how to make you squirt, unless you tell him not to, he'll make you squirt every time you guys have sex. He enjoys knowing that he's making you cum really good.
You can try and make him squirt, but it doesn't really happen. You might get it to happen maybe once or twice, but it's not a super common thing for him, and he doesn't appreciate making a mess.
Ecstatic. He watches it happen with wide eyes and a smile brighter than the sun. He'll fuck you through it just to see if he can make you cum harder. He wants to make your legs shake and your eyes roll back.
Oh he knows exactly what he did and how he did it. He'll do the exact same thing again only seconds later to test that theory, and it'll probably wind up making you cum again. Use the authority you have over him, because unless you tell him not to, he'll make you squirt your brains out.
Given the chance and the permission he'll wear you out. He'll spend the entire time pleasuring you, either by oral or by using his fingers or cock. At that point, he's getting off on the idea that he's making you cum.
When you actually sit down and give basic effort, he is shockingly easy to make squirt. He trusts you completely when it comes to the bedroom, so if you ask him to do something, he'll do it. Getting to cum is just a bonus.
You come down from your orgasm and look at Katsumi only to see his eyes are the size of dinner plates. He had no idea that you could do that, and he had no idea that he'd done the right thing to get you to do that. Shocked and amazed.
He knows how he did it, the moment is playing in his head over and over. He'll try it again with your permission, or sometimes while you two are fucking he'll just start doing something he knows will make you squirt.
Having a bad day? Let him run you a bath, but could you come here and point out the bubble bath you want to use. Oh, looks like he's fucking you on the edge of the tub, getting you to squirt all over the floor. Whoops!
He's harder to get to squirt, if only because he's not as sensitive, but it's possible. Get him worked up, get him tied down, and go to town on him.
He's not going to stop fucking you while you squirt. As a matter of fact, it's one of the few moments where he's openly dominant and domineering. He'll grab you by the throat and talk filthy to you while he makes you cum.
He knows the exact thing that had you squirting, and he can replicate it perfectly. He knows all sorts of little things that make you cum, and he will use them.
He knows when making you squirt is appropriate, but that being said, sometimes he just needs the confidence boost of making you cum that hard, so he'll do it and ask for forgiveness after. Don't worry about the mess, he'll clean it up.
SHOCKINGLY easy to make squirt in practice, but getting him to actually do anything to make him squirt takes a lot of convincing. With him, saying that you want to try something new is fine enough, he'll let you do so, but saying that you want to make him squirt makes him avoid you a little bit.
Stunned silence. He's stopped doing anything, his mouth is open and will not close, he's staring at you, stunned. He's not overly pleased by having to clean up the mess, but he very much likes seeing you cum like that.
He doesn't know what he did, and he's kinda scared to try again in case he does something wrong or actually succeeds and gets a mess all over.
Sometimes though, he's going to go feral whenever he notices that you're having a bad day. The whole concept of "oh no a mess" goes out the window, and he's going to make you nut so hard you'll pass out. Squirt or no, he'll show you a good time.
He's borderline impossible to make squirt. He just isn't really capable of doing so, you'd have to work on him for literal hours, which, while fun, is incredibly overstimulating, or you'd have to get really lucky.
He's not surprised. It's like everyday business for him, though he'll lean into the dirty talk. Not to the same degree as Jack, but it's still some good dirty talk. He's a little surprised if you squirt out of nowhere for the first time without previously doing so, but still, not overly shocked.
He knows everything that happened perfectly. He knows the anatomy, he knows what to do to make it happen. He knows. It takes minimal effort from him.
Sometimes he likes to make you feel small and stupid, because he'll walk up, pin you on a table and then boom, you've made a mess, but other times he'll drag you to the shower, pin you against the wall and look you dead in the eyes as he makes you cum, just so he can look at you while you do it.
He can squirt, doesn't do it very often or in very large amounts, but he is able to. If you're struggling, he outright tells you what to do to make him squirt. He's a bitch, but he's not evil.
Shocked and apologetic. He actually does think he made you piss yourself and he is very sorry. He doesn't listen for the first little bit because he's busy apologizing and cleaning up, all while still hard and cleaning up.
He has no idea what he did or how he did it, but you apparently really liked it so if you want he'll try. The second time he makes you squirt is very awkward for him, but he gets it done. But the third time, it's like he's on a mission. It's a complete 180 in personality and it's great.
He doesn't mind cleaning, he usually cleans up after you two have sex anyways. He wants his precious to sleep in clean sheets and pajamas, and you can't really do that if there's cum everywhere.
Honestly, not hard at all. Get him turned on enough and then give him a handjob and you start to notice that that's not just precum he's leaking. Get him to properly squirt and he'll lose the ability to think for a solid three hours.
Smug bastard will lock eyes with you, your squirt all over his chest and face and he'll just smirk. He's proud of himself, and he'll make subtle little remarks that call back to it out in public just to watch you blush and squirm.
He knows what he did, how he did it and when it's appropriate to make you squirt again. He'll make you forget how to exist for a minute the next time he makes you squirt, and he'll tease you about it, but that's what he was going for.
He'll do it whenever. Some coworker got on your nerves? He'll bend you over the kitchen counter and get to work. Did he get dragged out to speak with Yujiro and the ogre pissed him off? He'll take you where you stand.
He's harder to get to squirt. He'll do everything he can to get around it, he'll even try flipping it on you, but even then, he's much less sensitive than the others, and will take a bit of work to get gushing.
Proud, smug, and he will tease you about it, about how hard you were cumming because of him, your expression, even the sound you made. However, it's a fond teasing, and he'll make it clear that it's only playful teasing.
He has no clue how he did it, despite what he might say. You ask him to do that again and he just chuckles and teases you, but it's so he can wrack his brain trying to remember exactly what he was doing to you before you came. He'll figure it out eventually though, he's clever.
He likes to make you squirt at the most inconvenient times. Are guests coming over in ten minutes? He's made you squirt all over the floor and now you have to clean that up and completely hide the evidence with only three minutes left.
He's almost as easy to make squirt as Jack is. You play around with him for a little and boom, there it goes. He's got nothing to say other than more playful teasing, but it's fine, just make him cum again and he'll shut up.
Smug, teasing and cocky. He's get your cum all over his chest and stomach, and all you'll see when you come back down from cumming is him smirking at you smugly. Brace yourself, is all I have to say.
He'll make you do it again and again until either he is satisfied or until you beg him to give you a break, and even then, he'll still keep shallowly fucking you with only his tip, it'll drive you insane.
You squirt whenever he wants. Sometimes he doesn't want to clean, and other times he's in a Fuck It mood and will make you cum all over his sheets. He'll wash them anyways, but still, just the thought of your cum staining them drives him insane.
It takes a bit of work to get him to squirt, but it is possible. He's like a hard medium difficulty. It's difficult, but not impossible, and he'll absolutely play it down. He'll be clawing at the sheets, cumming, rolling his eyes back and making noises, but the second he comes down he's like "Well that didn't suck. Was that all?"
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Miss Owl. Miss Owl do you have some more headcanons for Din being especially rough, almost mean with Luke, before realising he's a great person and having to grovel back into his life ?
Anon, you know what I like! Just ugh, even before I fell into the pit of manhwas, I've enjoyed the "oh i hate them" to "oh no, I love them" and need to get things figured out and made up for and the groveling and if the one they did wrong was hurt and they lose their mind *chef's kiss* just golden
So, Din can be a bit of an unfriendly and very guarded guy. He tries to be cold but professionally polite and stand-off-ish most of the time until someone wins him over--sometimes this is instant, sometimes it's just unusual circumstances, or sometimes it takes a while...the issue comes when he has a pre-disposed notion of dislike. He can be downright mean. And if he feels you have done him or, especially, those he cares for wrong then he is nasty.
In this, maybe he misunderstood that Ahsoka was speaking for Luke to get lost and not get close to Grogu (which we all know he wouldn't have--why she did that is just BS) or maybe thinks that Luke abandoned him across the galaxy in a ship alone (which made no sense so there has to be an actual reason happening; either danger was coming or he couldn't take Grogu and the feral gremlin stole the x-wing with the feral Artoo or tricked Luke) or just something else...either way, he thinks Luke is not a good person who has done him and Grogu wrong and is in no way interested in being friends.
Well, too bad. Now they have to be in close contact with each other and do like some mission or something similar and Din is not happy. He makes it clear, being pretty honest, he doesn't want to know about Luke. he doesn't care about him or his past or anything. He's just a Jedi who is closer to an enemy than a friend.
Of course, shenanigans happen; they get stuck or captured or whatnot and Luke just slowly shows his kindness and warmth but Din won't be fooled.
But it just continues and Din is growing frustrated and hates how he is feeling over someone he should hate and Luke is respectful but friendly and likes to chat and well...he probably snaps at him. So Luke pulls away and is all sad because he really likes Din.
Then more shenanigans and what do you know? There were misunderstandings and quick judgement and harsh tempers and now Din realizes he was wrong and is trying to apologize and Luke is all fine but just not like he was with Din before and Din is really upset because he liked that attention.
Him realizing not only he messed up but that he's head over heels in love with Luke (and who wouldn't be?) and now needs to figure out how to win Luke back...it's so good.
Even better if someone else tries to come in and is attempting to win Luke's heart.
Din wouldn't have dealt with jealousy like this in some time and not over a person. He is just left twitching and furious as Luke has a wall up between them (as Din originally wanted) and this other bastard is getting closer.
He's not about to let this go, though. He is not someone who gives up and Luke was hurt and doing this because of him. He needed to try and make up with him and heal their relationship and try and be together.
He'll woo, he'll plead, he'll be sad (which is true) he's ready to do whatever it takes to win Luke back over and make up for his attitude before.
It's just so good.
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Helpless part 66, another cog in the murder machine
"What's going on?"
"It isn't anything bad, I swear, well, nothing worse than you already know."
"That's so fucking reassuring." They finally walked outide, to the lake in the forest. They sat down near the water on an old log.
"Firstly, say anything you want to say. We're alone, no one's watching, no one will hear. Swear, yell, scream, anything, anything you want to say to me, anything you said in general." She looked at him, slightly confused, yet all the bottled up anger, fear and sadness took over her mind.
"Hey, breathe, you're okay. He's going to be okay as well."
"He'll just try again, every single fucking time."
"That's partially what we're here to talk about, how we're going to help after he wakes up."
"What if he doesn't?"
"He will, he has to, I'm not letting you lose your only brother" She smiled at that but you could see the pain in her eyes, how she felt she wouldn't get him back.
"Do you have any sort of plan?"
"Do you think he'll be better at Camp Jupiter?"
"No, no chance, it's too risky. He doesn't know many people, he spent way less time there than Camp Half-Blood and just, it won't go well no matter how much Reyna wants to keep him there." She didn't mention that mass and uncontrollable homophobia problems which had been passed on from year's ago, while Jason had tried his best to stop it people still sucked.
"Do you have any ideas?"
"Could I stay here with him? I want to be able to keep an eye on him." She didn't trust him, she wouldn't trust him until she could watch his every move, it sounded psychotic but she couldn't care less.
"'Course." He hoped it would work, more than that he hoped that Nico would wake up. "Is there any way you know that has a chance to wake him up? Something we might not have tried yet?"
"I- maybe." She took a shakey sigh, "Proserpina- Persephone's pomegranate seeds, maybe. I'm not sure." Will had hundreds of questions, most important being, where could they even find them?
"Where do we...?"
"Well... they only work for Pluto kids, Nico used to keep them with him at all times but he ran out after the jar. He- tried to give some to me before everything happened but I didn't take them, that was for the best, he only just had enough to survive the jar. Unless you want to steal from Proserpina?"
"Couldn't we ask?"
"Well... I've never actually met her... Nico said she didn't like him so she might not give them but even then, I can't be seen in the Underworld. I would die."
"Can I ask why?"
"It's irrelevant, all you need to know is either I have to steal or someone else is going which likely won't end well. Also we have to sneak into the Underworld, no entry allowed after everything that happened in the war." Fuck, well this sounded like it was going to end well.
"Thank you so much Hazel, if you ever need to talk I'm here."
"Thanks." She went to walk off but turned back,"Will... it's not as accurate as it could be because I haven't trained it or anything but... I can sense when someone wants to hurt themselves, I'm not sure how accurate it is yet or anything but yeah." She left without waiting for an answer.
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Skeleton reacts to S/O disappearing without a trace one day, with only a note detailing that S/O had to deal with an emergency and will come back soon. S/O hasn't returned, and all lines of communication are seemingly unavailable.
The only other thing on the note, was a simple "I love you!" written at the bottom.
Undertale Sans - He is worrying sick, but he's trusting you and doesn't go to look after you. You probably have a reason, right? You wouldn't just give up on him for no reason, everything was going fine! Sans has trouble to sleep all the time you are away and he can't hide how relieved he is when you're coming home again. Please tell him at least when you're coming back next time, you're going to give him a soul attack one of these days!
Undertale Papyrus - He gives S/O three days before totally freaking out and thinking something probably got wrong and that he should have totally act sooner. He calls Undyne, the old Captain is going to track you down and bring you back to him by the ear while she is lecturing you to death. Papyrus is quite relieved when you're finally back home.
Underswap Sans - If after three days you're still not here, he's tracking your phone from the police station and comes to investigate himself. He finds you in two hours and pulls you from whatever mess you are in. He then reminds you he is a police officer and that, instead of going head first into trouble, you can just talk to him so he can help you.
Underswap Papyrus - He hates it very much. Honey is very anxious and pacing in the house, waiting for you until late in the night. When he sees you're still not here, he freaks out and goes full panic attack. What if something happened to you? He tries to call you, one time, ten time, two hundreds of time and you're not answering and that's it, he's calling Blue to find you. Blue takes everything in charge. Honey won't sleep the whole week it took to find you. When you're coming home, he's crying like a baby for two hours and refuses to let you go again.
Underfell Sans - He doesn't like it, but who is he to judge since he's doing that too sometimes. He waits anxiously for you for three days, and when he realises you're not answering either your phone or your social medias, he's calling Edge to check if there's abnormal movement to any of his rivals. And oh boy was he right. Edge comes to save you and beat the asses of the bad guys.
Underfell Papyrus - He tries to stay calm and think rationally. After he failed to contact you after three days, he starts to call your family and friends to ask if they saw you. He calls all the hospitals too, and unfortunately finds you in one, after you got rolled over by a car. You're not that hurt, but your phone ran out of battery the first day. He's just glad you're fine, and quite proud of his searching skills.
Horrortale Sans - He's quite panicked and can't do anything anymore. His memory gets worst when he's stressed, and he is quite stressed right now. He's pacing in the house, trying to occupy himself and not freak out, because if you say you're coming back, there's no reason for you to not... right? Oh god, please be alright! He doesn't know what he will do if you're not alright. He waits for you for three days before freaking out and trying to contact you, calling your family and friends. Your mom says that you're there and mourning right now. Oh. He's more calm and lets S/O as much time they need, reminding them he's here if you want to talk.
Horrortale Papyrus - He immediately thinks the worst scenario: clearly you don't like him anymore and you realised he's not as nice as he seems to be. He should have expected that. Nothing lasts with him. Willow is angry at himself and won't even try to contact you. It's probably better this way. That is until you come back like nothing happened and he feels suddenly very stupid to think you hated him.
Swapfell Sans - That's ok, do as you want, he didn't put a GPS locator in your bag at all to track you down in emegency cases. Once he sees you're with your family, he stops spying on you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He trusts you blindly, he knows you will never give up on him, not without a warning. He waits patiently for you to call him or to go home. He kinda enjoys having the bed just for himself too, your first nights back home are going to be terrible.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Weird. There's a skeleton following everywhere you're going, reading a newspaper so you never see his face. Who could that possibly be? When you call out Wine, he asks "Who's Wine?" with a fake mustache and a terrible English accent before leaving. You're so tired.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He doesn't like it, but it's not like he has the choice so he waits. Though, when you're coming home, he's pouting and refuses to look at you for a whole day. That's his revenge for not even thinking to call him to tell him you're ok!
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mintedwitcher · 4 months
I feel like the fandom leaves no space for criticising Eddie. The moment he does something questionable they're scrambling to find excuses and justifications. They ignore how he hurt others in the process and celebrate his wrongdoings because to them it's a passage to him being queer. I am not stupid I know some of it comes from a place of preventive measures to assure that some weirdos won't be racists, but I don't see why every little critic of him is treated as hate. Like I thought I was hating him because any critical thought I had of him (that I often don't voice out) is treated as if a crime. It wasn't until I saw the actual hate that Tommy got from the fandom that I realised that none of them was that bad. I like Eddie, in fact he was my second favourite this season. I don't know if I am crazy, do I sound crazy?
You're not crazy, nonnie. It's always either "he did nothing wrong" or "he's the worst person in the world and he should die" (a legitimate take I've seen this week about Eddie).
Criticism is not hate. Judgement is not hate. I'm so sick of this recent (and it IS recent) attitude shift in fandom spaces that claims criticising a character means you hate them.
Sometimes, our faves fuck up. It happens. They're telling a human story here and humans are not perfect. If Eddie was perfect - if any of them were perfect - he'd be boring. There'd be no story to tell. Because what can you really do with a "perfect" character? Speaking as a writer, nothing. You can't DO anything with a "perfect" character. There's no growth to be had, no conflict to overcome. It's boring.
But people have gotten too deep in their own feelings and ego to even consider that these very human characters in these very human stories are just... well... human.
Its black and white, good and evil, there's no grey area or nuance to media literacy on this site anymore and it's exhausting.
Eddie is not perfect. He's made a LOT of mistakes. So has Tommy. So has Bobby. So has Hen and Karen and Chim and Maddie and Ravi and Athena and yes, even Buck.
But how can we expect them to grow and change and be better, if we never allow them to graduate beyond their mistakes, to learn from their pasts and choose to do better in future? How can we hold up this expectation of perfection if we refuse to allow the missteps and backslides and growth it takes to get there?
Eddie fucked up. Eddie hurt his son. Eddie hurt himself. Eddie hurt Marisol and Kim. He hurt Shannon in the past too. He's hurt Buck before, he's hurt Bobby before. He has caused a lot of pain. But the important thing is that he chooses to make amends for that hurt, to try and do better so he doesn't hurt the people he cares about again. Acknowledging the bad does not dismiss the good, and vice versa. Eddie is a good dad, he is a steadfast friend, he is a GOOD firefighter. He can, at times, even be a good romantic partner. These things don't just disappear the moment we acknowledge his mistakes.
His storyline was drastic this season but it needed to be. He needed to break through that cycle he developed of comparing every relationship to Shannon. He needed to get out of the trap he laid for himself in trying to replicate what he had with her. And this was the most brutal slap in the face wakeup call of a plot that I have Ever witnessed, and it's exactly what was needed.
Now we get to see Eddie Diaz, the man, instead of Eddie Diaz, the father/husband/boyfriend. And I can't wait to see him finally step into his own shoes as his own independent person at last.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Can I have 5 for the hug prompts with Cassandra Cain?
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5. jumping into hugs
I'm sorry it took me so long, life's been a bit too much lately. And sorry if it's not that good, I've been dealing with terrible headaches and here's that.
Cassandra Cain was raised to be an assasin. Her mother, unknown, her father, not caring about her education or any basic human skills like talking. Poor girl became a living weapon, not knowing any life outside of her hermetic and closed world. That is, untill Batman came in and took her under his wings, making sure she would get better treatment. And she did. Slowly, gradually, she became more open, slighly more optimistic and the pillar of the batfamily.
But her years spend on training left her with some exceptional abilities, one of them being reading human body and body language like a book. With a single glance she was able to asses whether someone was a threat or not, what was the weak points of a person and how to incapacitate the opponent.
On the other side?
She could tell when someone was stressed, worried, tired and ... sad or even depressed.
And Y/N's slouched shoulders, shaking legs and a pout were more than an indication of that. Something happened to her and if there was anyone who could get any information out of her, it would be Cass.
"Y/N?" she slowly opened the door to her friend's room spotting her by the window, facing the garden "What's wrong."
"Nothing." the girl muttered in response, not facing Cass.
"You can tell me" Cassanda put a hand on her heart "I won't tell anyone."
"Promise" Y/N used sign langue to convey that. Sometimes it ws easier to communicate with Cass that way. And besides, her voice was slowly giving up on her.
"Promise" Cass signed back grabbing Y/n's hand.
"I don't feel like I belong in this family, you know. Between batboys and batgirls, all of you being vigilantes, I don't know where do I fit here. I mean, I am no one." Y/N moved from the window only to sit on her bed, legs held up to her chest like she was trying to shield herself from the entire world and all her bad thoughts. Cass did not move from her position observing all the action carefully. "I do nothing to help. And I feel ... cut out, estranged. I mean, I get that, you have your secrets and you always say you want to keep me safe but I want to be a part of the team. Like a real part of the team, not just honorary."
"I'm serious Cass." a single tear flew down Y/N's cheek and once it happened, she could not hold back more of them "I may know nothing about fighting and kicking asses, but I still have so much to give. I'm smart and quick to learn and familiar with tech. I want to help, but all I get is getting more and more lonely." she sobbed, angrily wiping the tear with her sleeve, causing even more mess on her face.
"Oh?" Cassandra gasped. All the words Y/n just said reminded her of her own past. When she joined Batman in his crusade was when she realised how miserable and secluded and deprived of all the good things her life was before. And it hit her hard, making Cass wonder about all the mistake she made and whether she could ever make up for them. And she felt exacltly the same way Y/n was now, pouring her heart out in emotional outburst she was holding for so long.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all those things. It's not your fault that I'm useless and....."
"Stop it" Cassandra shook her head "stop it and come here." with the lightest of smiles she opened her arms motioning for the other girl to come for a hug.
"Really?" Y/N's eyes widened due to the fact she knew the complexity between Cass and physical touch.
That single word was all Y/N needed when she spung out of bed and jumped straight into Cass's embrace, making her stumble a bit. It was strange how much safety and comfort the former assasin was giving her. How accepting Cass was of all her insecurites, doubts and fears. How none of them needed any words in that moment. Just a silent reassurance that whatever demons were trying to seize each other's mind they were always there for each other. No matter what. No laughing, no dissmising, no gaslighting. Just presence time and hugs, the most precious gift to give to the other person.
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