#but that's the first time where i think 'well they could have put it together better
lightsoutnaway · 2 days
A Whole Family
PAIRING: Lando Norris x single mom! reader
SUMMARY: Lando meets your daughter when you need a last minute baby sitter.
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Your heart was going a mile a minute. You had just been called into work, but you were taking care of your daughter that day. You had called everyone you could think of. Your sister and mother were out of town together. Your usual babysitter already had a job for the day. Your best friend was at work as well. You had one last person to call, but you were worried about it.
You and Lando had been dating almost four months, but you still hadn’t introduced him to your daughter. It was a big step that you weren’t sure if you were ready for. You weren’t sure if Lando or your daughter were ready for it either, but it didn’t seem you had a choice anymore. You nervously pressed Lando’s contact and lifted the phone to your ear.
“Hey, baby,” Lando’s sweet voice came through the phone.
“Can I ask you for a really big favor?” You asked.
“Anything for you, love,” Lando assured you.
“Can you watch Ada?” You asked. “I know I’ve never introduced you before, but my boss just called and I have to go in and I can’t find anyone else,” you rambled. Lando’s heart was racing, but he wasn’t going to say ‘no’ to you.
“Yeah, I can do that,” Lando assured you. “Do you want me to come over there?” He asked.
“That would be great,” you said. “It would save me a little time.”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes. Don’t stress, baby,” he said. Lando’s heart was still racing when he knocked on the door to your apartment. He wanted to be a part of your life. If your daughter didn’t like him, how was he supposed to make that happen? Most kids liked him, but your daughter was more important than any other kid had been to him and he hadn’t even met her.
“Thank you so much,” you said as you opened the door.
“It’s no problem,” Lando said.
“I really wish I could stay and talk for a few minutes, but I’m already late. She’s in her room. Just don’t let her make too big of a mess,” you said. You kissed his cheek before rushing past him. Lando stood dumbfounded in your entryway. He had taken care of kids before, but he was expecting a little more explanation before you left. He locked your door and then slowly walked towards your daughter’s bedroom. He had never been in it before, but he’d been to your apartment enough times to know where it was. He knocked on the doorframe when he got there.
“Hi, Ada,” Lando greeted. Your daughter turned to look over her shoulder. She was sitting at a small table with a toy tea set in front of her. She was wearing a pink princess dress and had a glittery plastic tiara on her head.
“You’re mommy’s boyfriend?” Ada asked. Lando chuckled.
“Yeah, my name’s Lando,” he said.
“Mommy told me to be good because she likes you,” Ada said. Lando blushed, your daughter oblivious to how much that meant to him.
“I like her too,” Lando replied.
“Do you want to have tea with me?” Ada asked. Lando nodded.
“I’d love to,” he answered. He started to move towards the other tiny chair beside Ada.
“Stop!” She shouted. Lando froze and looked at her. “It’s a princess tea party,” your daughter explained. “You have to be a princess first.” She got up and hurried towards one of the drawers in her room. She pulled out a set of play makeup, another crown and a pink feather boa. Without hesitation Lando took the crown and boa from her.
“Are you going to do my makeup? I don’t know how,” Lando said. Ada giggled with joy.
“Okay!” She agreed. Lando sat as still as he could while your daughter jabbed his face with her different brushes. She put cheap blue eyeshadow on him followed by glitter on his cheeks and messy red lipstick.
“Am I ready?” Lando asked. Ada nodded. She quickly put the makeup away and then sat back at the tea table.
“Now we can have tea,” she said. Lando chuckled. Your daughter was just as sassy as you were. Lando spent the next hour playing pretend with your daughter. He liked her. She was sweet, funny, and smart. She liked him right back. He went along with all her games and joked with her.
You walked into your daughter’s room to find Lando still sitting at the tea table and your daughter laughing loudly at something he said. Lando looked up at you.
“Hey,” he greeted. You broke out into a smile. He looked absolutely ridiculous but you loved it. Your daughter noticed you and jumped up, running towards you. She threw her arms around your legs and you leaned down to hug her as well.
“Hi, sweetheart,” you greeted. “Did you have fun with Lando?” You asked.
“Yes! Lando let me make him a princess and we had a princess tea party,” she told you.
“He looks very pretty, you did a good job,” you told her. Lando stood up.
“No, don’t leave!” Ada begged.
“It’s dinner time, Ada. I don’t know if Lando can stay,” you said.
“I can,” Lando told you. “If that’s okay.” You smiled at him.
“Yeah, it’s okay,” you replied. You looked at Ada. “Clean your toys up while Lando and I start dinner.” Lando followed you out to the kitchen. He grabbed your waist once you had gotten out of Ada’s view. You turned around and leaned back against the counter, pulling him with you as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Thank you, Lan,” you whispered.
“I’m actually Princess Lando now,” he replied with a smile. You laughed. “She’s just like you,” Lando added. You smiled.
“You like her?” You asked hopefully.
“She’s amazing,” Lando said.
“She definitely likes you,” you said as you wiped some lipstick off his chin. Lando looked at your lips, but hesitated. He didn’t want to make Ada uncomfortable. You noticed and leaned towards him, giving him a chaste kiss.
“Her dad’s picking her up after dinner,” you told Lando. “Maybe you could spend the night?” You offered.
“Of course,” he agreed. You looked at him thoughtfully.
“I’m taking Ada to the aquarium this weekend,” you said. “Would you like to come?” You asked nervously. Lando’s face brightened up.
“That sounds great. I can pick you guys up,” he said.
“Oh, she actually needs her car seat and I don’t have another,” you said.
“I’ll get one,” Lando told you.
“You would put a car seat in your Mclaren?” You questioned.
“Not the Mclaren,” he answered. “I’ll put it in the Mercedes. It’s safer and there’s more room in the back seat.” You grinned.
“You’re incredible,” you gushed.
“She’s incredible,” Lando replied.
“I’m glad you like her,” you admitted. “I didn’t really want to introduce you this way.”
“It wasn’t how I was expecting it, but I’ve been wanting to meet her. I know you were nervous about it,” Lando told you.
“She’s just a big part of my life and…you are too now,” you confessed.
“I was worried she wouldn’t like me,” Lando admitted.
“We were both worried for nothing I guess,” you said. Just then Ada bounded into the kitchen. She sat at the table and looked over at the two of you.
“I want spaghetti!” She exclaimed. Both of you laughed at her enthusiasm.
“Spaghetti it is,” you answered. Lando was already going for the pots to help. You smiled when you realized he already knew his way around your kitchen. He was a part of your home and your daughter adored him. You couldn’t stop your heart from bursting as you realized you had a whole family in your house again.
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clockwayswrites · 1 day
Part 2
Part 1
Danny & Cass, Cyan, Wind chime bells @wandixx
Cass placed the backpack down on the kitchen counter, unzipped it, and spread the opening purposefully.
Alfred looked from the bag to Cass, one pointed white brow raised. Keeping her eyes locked with Alfred, she took an apple from the fruit bowl and placed it inside the bag.
A moment later the brow lowered and a small smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “Ah, looking for a picnic, Miss Cassandra?”
Pleased he had gotten it, Cass nodded eagerly and held up two fingers.
“A picnic for two? Is one of your siblings joining you?” He asked.
Cass shook her head.
“Ah. Are you off to see a friend?”
Cass nodded and scooted the bag a little closer towards Alfred.
“Well then,” Alfred said after a beat, “any allergies your friend has?”
She took a moment to think about and then shook her head. She’d always seen Danny eat everything that either of them could get their hands on.
“And is your friend human?”
That was an odd question. Cass’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“You would not believe the things that both Master Richard and Master Jason got up to,” Alfred answered, looking like a man who had been long suffering.
Cass gave a little giggle, which softened Alfred’s expression.
“If you will give me a small time, I will put together a meal for you and your friend. Perhaps, while I do so, you would go and let Master Bruce know that you are going out.”
That seemed odd, but Cass figured it was part of being in a family now. They often liked to know where she was or tell each other when they were going somewhere not the manor or would be be back to the manor. It was still taking time for Cass to be used to all of these rules that weren’t rules.
Knocking she understood now, it was apparently polite and sneaking through the shadows was not. To that end, she knocked on the door to Bruce’s study and waited for the slightly distracted ‘come in’ to enter.
“Cass,” Bruce said with a smile when he looked up from his work. “How are you doing today, honey?”
Cass gave him a thumbs up as he turned on the tablet on his desk and spun it around for her. Her tongue stuck out just slightly as she looked for the right images.
🦢🫱🥪🎒 🏠🐦‍⬛➡️🌆
Bruce watched her put in the images. “Ah… Alfred is putting food in a bag for you and you’re going into the city?”
Cass nodded.
“Alright…,” Bruce said slowly. He tapped the edge of the tablet in a soft rhythm. “Thank you for letting me know. First off, do you have your phone with you?”
Cass pulled it out of her back pocket.
“Good. Do you remember what we talked about with the emergency button? How even if you don’t think you need the help, you should press it if there’s any trouble?”
Cass swiped over to the left screen and the large button on it before locking the phone again.
“Alright. Are you willing to wear an alert bracelet too?” Bruce asked and purposeful leaned back into his chair and forced himself to relax. “That way if your phone is taken or breaks you can still press the bracelet. It has a tracker in it, but we won’t use it unless we need to or you tell us too.”
It didn’t really mater to her, she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t trust them, so Cass gave a little shrug and help out her wrist.
Bruce gave an amused snort and opened up one of his drawers. “If you’re any example, daughters really are easier than sons.”
The bracelet, black of course, was a little snug, but it was low profile enough not to get in the way. Cass adjusted it just slightly before she was satisfied. She was confused though when Bruce stood.
He gave her a soft smile. “I’ll drive you into the city. I have some paperwork there I should get anyways.”
That was a little bit of a lie, but Cass decided not to call him on it and simple held out her hand for Bruce to take.
“You aren’t supposed to come out here anymore,” Danny said. He’s trying to look mad— arms crossed with a wide stance, but the way he looked at her from under his black bangs gave him away.
Cass patted the spot on the roof next to her. It’s one of their favorite spots to watch the sunset together. Not only was the view of the sunset over the waters amazing, but when there was a breeze they could hear all the bits of metal tied to the bridge next to them clink in the wind. It made Cass sad to think of Danny watching it up here alone now.
He gave an aggrieved sigh but took the indicated spot. Once he’s seated, Cass starts pulling out the food. There are bulging sandwiches, fresh fruit, salty chips, and best of all cookies.
“Wow,” Danny said. His hand twitched like he wanted to just reach out and start eating before the food disappeared.
Cass handed him a sandwich.
“You still shouldn’t be out here,” Danny protested, but the words were muffled by the large bite of food.
Cass just smiled and started on her own.
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Charlie Morningstar, actual princess of hell, sitting very stiff and straight and awkward on the throne of hell during a Formal Thing, looking very Uncomfy about it... until....
Vaggie: "Are you guys all blind? She's gorgeous up there."
Angel Dust: "No surprises YOU'D like seein' her all stiff."
Vaggie: "Fuck off. She looks dignified. Formal-"
Alastor: "Tense?"
Niffty: "Like rigger mortis!"
Cherri Bomb: "Like she's sitting on TNT."
Angel Dust: "Stiffer than a porn star tryn'a pay rent."
Husk: "I can hear her fucking teeth grinding through that forced grin."
Vaggie: "Alright, she's a bit nervous sitting on the throne of hell for the first time, filling in for the absent queen mom and the shut in king dad. So what."
Alastor: "It is becoming SLIGHTLY detrimental, ha ha!"
Vaggie: "You told her to sit still up there and look pretty. Look. She's sitting. She's pretty."
Angel Dust: "You're gay."
Vaggie: "Hi gay I'm her girlfriend."
Husk: (snorts)
Alastor: "I'm SURE she is ALL those things, my dear-"
Vaggie: "Touch me and the sleeve comes off with your arm in it."
Alastor: "-but she IS mainly meant to be inspiring CONFIDENCE in her ability to run hell as it's de-facto ruler!"
Vaggie: "And?"
Alastor: "Well it WOULD be nice if she could make the symbolic at of sitting on the throne of hell, in full view of what is MEANT to be HER royal court, seem just a BIT more, hrmm... NATURAL~"
Vaggie: "What the fuck does that mean. She's princess of Hell. However she sits on the dumb chair is natural."
Angel Dust: "Toots, she's third in line ruler of all Pride, an' she looks..."
Niffty: "WRETCHED!"
Husk: "Fucking pitiful."
Alastor: "Once again I shall go with TENSE."
Vaggie: "You want her to relax up there?"
Alastor: "I would rather say, it is VITAL that she does so~!"
Cherri Bomb: "No sweat. Someone give me a drink and I'll slip her a chill pill."
Vaggie: "No."
Angel Dust: "NO!"
Niffty: "I could try giving her acupuncture!"
Angel Dust: "Cherri, we've TALKED about this-"
Husk: "You fucking know how?"
Cherri Bomb: "-don't be sucha stick in the mud, Angie."
Niffty: "You PUNCTURE!"
Angel Dust: "I ain't being a stick in the mud! You-"
Husk: "Unholy shit stop giggling and give me that fucking knife-"
Cherri Bomb: "Yeah, and I wasn't gonna get her royal highness high for real. Just something to take off the edge-"
Angel Dust: "She's got no history with that stuff! She'd be a KITE!"
Vaggie: "Someone hold my drink."
Husk: "-and where the fuck are YOU going?"
Vaggie: "Gonna go help my girlfriend."
Angel Dust: "Whoa whoa wait toots- ya supposed to be lying LOW here, Vagisaurus! Ex-exorcist bitch, remember? Lot's a people here who'd like to KILL ya???"
Vaggie: "If anyone's pissed enough to run up the dais steps and try murdering the princess of hell's partner right in front of her then they deserve to get at least one hit on me. You guys have fun, stick together, don't get killed."
Husk: "Take your own fucking advice-"
Angel Dust: "-aaaand she's took off, right in front of EVERYBODY oh that's just GREAT."
Niffty: "Alastor? Do you want her to die..?"
Alastor: "Right now, dearest? Well! If it helps our princess put on more of a royal bearing, then I fail to see why she shouldn't!"
Cherri Bomb: "Dude."
Charlie: "-eighty-three million ducks on the wall, eighty-three million duuucks... take one down.... pass it around..."
Charlie: "-don't think about how easy mom made this look don't think about her seeing you up here and wondering where she went wrong and maybe she did and that's why she left don't think about it don't think-"
Charlie: "... eighty-two million nine-hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred and ninety-nine ducks on the waaalllll-"
Vaggie: (swoops down) "Hey."
Charlie: "-oh thank HELL Vaggie! I was just getting-"
(gets smooched)
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: ".... hhh...hi..."
Vaggie: "This armrest taken?"
Charlie: "What armrest. Oh! The THRONE right um no I mean yes you can, or- or we could get you your own chair if you want-!"
Vaggie: "Thanks babe, this is good."
Charlie: "It's- it's close!"
Vaggie: "Nice being on eye level for once."
Charlie: "or kiss level."
Vaggie: "Hm?"
Charlie: "NO NOTHING. Ahem!" (using gf's thigh as armrest)
Charlie: "Sooo, how's the party going down there?"
Vaggie: "Typical. Niffty brought a knife."
Charlie: "A knife? Just one??"
Vaggie: "We'll see."
Charlie: "I... guess just a knife's not too bad-"
Vaggie: "Heavenly steel."
Charlie: "H- Did you confiscate-?"
Vaggie: "Husk's working on it. I had better things to do."
Charlie: "Oh." (drooping) "Better things right. Other things. Just checking in on me huh? Um, what is the other things that need doing?"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "Shoot did I forget something?"
Vaggie: "You didn't-"
Charlie: "Something IMPORTANT?"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, you're things."
Charlie: "My things??"
Vaggie: "The things are you."
Charlie: "I'M things? What things- OH I'M THE-"
Charlie: "-I'm the things that need doing."
Vaggie: "Do you?"
Charlie: "N-not in public!"
Vaggie: "Guess you'll have to wait, then."
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: "You know, these are the only times I ever wonder about you maybe being a liiiittle itty bit evil."
Vaggie: "Punishment to fit the sin, babe. I've been having to look at you all evening."
Charlie: "I was WONDERING why your wings were showing!"
Vaggie: "You bring it out in me."
Charlie: "HEHEHEHEH."
Vaggie: "So now we're just gonna have to suffer together for the rest of the night."
Charlie: "That phrasing isn't helping."
Vaggie: "You playing with the hem of my skirt isn't helping."
Charlie: "YOU'RE the one almost sitting on my LAP."
Vaggie: "Emphasis on almost."
Charlie: (sigh) "I wish you were sitting on my lap..."
Vaggie: "You're basically melting into mine now, so there's that."
Charlie: "Your fault." (pouts) "Evil temptress of cuddles denied."
Vaggie: "Hellishly cute seductress."
Charlie: "Distracting tease."
Vaggie: "Speaking of distracting, think the whole room's looking this way now."
Charlie: "Can't blame them. You're lovely, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Charmer."
Charlie: "Beautiful~"
Random Sinner: (charges over) "Murdering EXORCIST! You-"
Demon Charlie: (SNARLS)
Random Sinner: "...."
Random Sinner: "..... your wings are.. very pretty."
Vaggie: "Thanks."
Demon Charlie: "ANY oThER WORDS?"
Random Sinner: "C-congratulations on the girlfriend, your highness!"
Charlie: (beaming) (sparkling) "Thank you!!"
Random Sinner: (slightly charred) (eases back into the crowd)
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "I know I know..." (huffs) "That was a bit-"
Vaggie: "Hot."
Charlie: "Oh hush." (smirks) (drapes herself over gf's lap again)
Alastor: "...Well!"
Angel Dust: "She sure ain't stiff anymore."
Alastor: "Quite so."
Husk: "She's fucking liquefying."
Alastor: "Hrmm..."
Angel Dust: "Liquid like lighter fluid. She ROASTED that guy."
Cherri Bomb: "Are we like, SURE no one slipped anything in her drink..?"
Niffty: "Do you see any DEAD BODIES around Vaggie!?"
Cherri Bomb: "Uh, no?"
Niffty: "Awww. Then no."
Husk: "My grip hasn't gone limp though- Niffty, stop trying to take back the fucking angel knife."
Husk: "Fuck no! You'll make corpses!"
Niffty: "I KNOOOOW!!!"
Angel Dust: "Not tonight, Niff."
Niffty: (hanging limply off of knife handle) (sobbing)
Alastor: "Oh dearest don't CRY~" (pats niffty) "Come now- why don't we RELISH how the crowd shies back in FEAR from our DARLING hotel founder!"
Cherri Bomb: "Uhh, they might just be cringing back from all the glittery rainbows..?"
Niffty: (sniffling) "Cr- cringing's good..."
Husk: "She sure as fuck does look full of pride now."
Alastor: "Indeed! MOST satisfactory!"
Cherri Bomb: "Gay pride."
Angel Dust: "In her fucked up battle scarred heavenly wash out murder girlfriend who's giving her big soppy I'm-so-in-love looks."
Alastor: "Ah HA...! Close enough~"
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jeons-catalyst · 3 days
Hey this might seem like an odd question but if you were asked to describe Taehyung and Jungkook’s dynamic, how would you? I really love the way you explain things so i would love to know what you think about their dynamic. Thanks
Hey anon,
The question isn’t odd at all so don’t worry.
The very first thing i’ll say about taekook as a pair is that their relationship with each other is extremely misunderstood. They are misunderstood by the multitude of shippers they have and it has been like this since the very beginning.
I think there is a part of Jk that will always hold some deep gratitude towards Tae because he was instrumental in helping him break out of his shy shell. I don’t think anyone can deny that Jk has some sort of soft spot for Taehyung. I think that when taekook were younger, Jk liked Tae so much and liked following him around like a puppy because Tae was the only member in the band he could completely be himself with (at some point). This was the member he could goof around with, get in trouble together with, do fun things together with and most importantly, i think for a time being Tae was sort of his safe place in public and/or uncomfortable settings. Jk mentioned that Tae helped him break out of his shy shell so i can imagine that anytime Jk felt shy or anxious while in public, he would seek out Tae because that is where he felt most comfortable mainly because of Tae’s personality. Tae was quirky, fun and weird in a good way. Being around him guaranteed anyone a fun filled time so i guess things like this helped put Jungkook at ease.
Now, i don’t mean that he didn’t feel comfortable with his other hyungs but because they were much older than he was and there was always a certain boundary he couldn’t cross whereas with Tae, he could to totally feel like he had a same age friend he could have fun with and just be a kid with without having to worry about coming off disrespectful or crossing boundaries. We have to remember that Jk was only a kid when he joined bighit. He was 15 years old. What do typical 15 year olds do? They play with their friends after school, goof around together and just have fun. Jk was the youngest stuck with 6 other boys older than him whom he knew he had to respect to a certain degree. Tae to him was like that same age friend he was missing in a normal life setting and craved so bad. Watching fetus taekook, you cannot miss how close those two were and how much Jungkook liked Taehyung and how much Taehyung kinda took Jungkook under his wing.
In my opinion, taekook are friends who really love and care about each other and connect in so many ways, especially in things that are fun. I however don’t think these two have ever really had that much of a deep emotional connection. What i mean by this is, i think their interests in each other is mostly centered around the fun things they can do together and not how many deep talks they can have or how much they can understand each other’s hearts. Let me give you examples. When Jk was younger, he would almost always pick Tae to play games with. Even when he was asked who he wanted to share a room with, he picked Tae. What was interesting wasn’t the fact that he picked Tae but the reason he did. Some other person might have said something like “ i picked X because we get along well so i know we wouldn’t fight” or “ i picked Y because i he is neat and doesn’t leave a mess” but Jk said he picked Tae so that they could play games all night long. Mind you this was fetus Jk who was less media trained and pretty much blurted things out as he thought them.
Now let’s look at how he picked Jimin (for example). When Jk was asked who gives him most comfort, it was Jimin, who knows him best, it was Jimin, how he overcame the harsh trainee life, it was Jimin, who influenced him the most, it was Jimin, who was easiest to talk to, it was Jimin, who his heart connected to, it was Jimin. Plus he has attributed his ability to be kind and thoughtful to Jimin several times. Just by looking at this two, you can see what i mean when i say i don’t think Taekook ever had that much of an emotional connection.
Let’s look at another example. The deepest things Jk has ever said about Tae is that Tae helped him break out out of his shy shell. He has also called Tae innocent and said he liked tae’s innocence. Other than this, you would mostly only ever hear Jk commenting on or praising Tae’s looks. Let’s use Jimin as an example again. Jk has spoken about Jimin’s personality, his kindness, how caring he is, how hardworking he is. Jk was asked to describe Jimin’s charm and he said it was his thoughtfulness and how considerate he is of others. Jk gets praised for being kind and thoughtful towards the manager and his first thought is to attribute it to Jimin. Jk sits on a show and talks about how much he admires Jimin’s zeal and drive and how hardworking he is. Jk talks about how beautiful Jimin’s personality is and how nice he is. When Jk talks about Jimin, he talks about who jimin is and not what he is. Now don’t get me wrong. You look around and you can find clips of Jk complimenting other members but not the same way he does Jimin. When Jk talks about Namjoon, you get the sense that he really admires him and sees him as a mentor of sorts but when he talks about Jimin, you literally feel just how much he knows Jimin and connects with him on a deeper level. It is not the same with Tae in my opinion. The highest thing one would learn about Tae after listening to Jk talk about him is that he is handsome. Jk rarely ( not never) , talks about anything else.
The way i see taekook now, they are two friends who enjoy spending time with each other doing something fun. I think they those types of friends who always need a reason to hang out and hanging out is probably more fun for them with other people around. I don’t see Jk just going to sit in Taehyung’s room for hours doing nothing. I see Taekook spending hours, even days together when they have something to keep them occupied. That thing gets taken away and they don’t feel the need to be around each other much. They are in my opinion, typical guy friends. I think they really enjoy talking about music and songs. I think they recommend alot of songs to each other too, i think they enjoy doing outdoor activities together and attending concerts together too. Jk did say it is fun when he is with Taehyung so i think one of the greatest things that bonds them together is the fun. This would explain why somethings began to get awkward with them when they started spending more time apart and Tae starting becoming quieter. I think Tae’s quirky and fun personality is one lf the things jk really likes about him and one of the ways they relate to each other the most. Take that away and these two will still have alot of love for each other but will probably not feel the need to be together much.
Watching their Vlive from May 2020 and the Vminkook Vlive from November 2021 explained so many things about Taekook’s dynamic as adults. When taekook were younger, putting them together was guaranteed fun but now as adults, it feels like they barely have anything to talk to each other about if they are not doing some activity. Think of their instagram Live from February 2023. Taekookers watched that Live and saw two lovers being all shy and giggly but i saw two people who didn’t know what to say to each other so sat in awkward silence. It’s not like i expected them to start discussing family secrets on Live but the conversation just doesn’t flow as you would expect. I think this is partly because they have never been used to just sitting and having conversations or getting to know each other on a deeper level. They both don’t seem like people who are good at conversations so gaming and goofing around or going out to have fun always the place of just sitting and talking. They also don’t seem to rely on each other for emotional support. I cannot recall a single time i ever saw Jk seek Tae out when he needed emotional support. This ofcourse doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other. Jungkook hugging and comforting Tae during MAMA 2018 was proof that Jk hurts when Tae hurts but that isn’t exclusive to Tae. He hurts when all his members hurt and he made that clear in his song “begin”. You just never see him or hear him talking about depending on Tae for emotional support the way he has mentioned needing it from Jimin.
Jimin and Jungkook on the other hand seem like they actually converse with each other. I can think of that moment in BV when Jungkook was telling Jimin about his day and how sand fleas got stuck under his shoes and Jimin just listened attentively. Or in the documentary when Jimin talked to Jungkook about how his friend said he thought Jimin was depressed and Jk just listened. These are such simple moments but they tell so much about Jikook’s dynamic. Jk isn’t much of a talker so seeing him actively telling Jimin about his day and about the sand fleas that got stuck under his shoes showed how much Jimin had created a space where Jk felt comfortable enough to just talk about even the little things like sand fleas. I don’t think i have ever seen taekook like that.
I also think Tae might kinda see Jungkook as the closest thing he has to a sibling. I remember Tae saying that he isn’t close to his siblings and they only speak to each other a few times a year so it is possible that Jungkook feels and has always felt like a sibling to him. Maybe he is having the kinda close relationship he always wanted to have with his siblings, with Jungkook.
So in a nutshell, Taekook are two besties who love and care about each other and are also very comfortable being affectionate with each other but unfortunately, the softness and physical affection that has always been present in their dynamic gets mistaken for romance.
I think this is the best way i can describe the way i perceive taekook’s relationship based on their words and actions.
Hope this answered your question anon💜
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shurisgf · 2 days
how do you think armando would react if he is in love with the reader, but she shows no sign of feeling the same way, (he's so devoted when it comes to the reader) And he'd like to know if she feels the same way as him 💗 🛐 ✨
Love you 💗
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ೃ⁀➷ SUMMARY; in which , armando is quite literally obsessed with you and decides to confess. | FEAT. Armando Aretas x POC!fem!reader | TROPE friends to lovers | FORMAT headcannons | GENRE fluff | WARNINGS none | NOTES such a cute request ! i hope i portrayed it well ! 🥹 also idc what yall say , armando IS a lover boy !!!
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“Hermosa, let’s go.” Armando spoke in that calm tone he always did, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom you were getting ready in. “Armando, didn’t I tell you to stop calling me those nicknames when I have no idea what it means?” You shouted through the bathroom door, whilst putting on jewelry and adding last minute touches to your makeup. You could hear his sly chuckle through the bathroom door. “Sorry, cariño,” He chuckled. he could hear your disapproving scoff on the other side of the bathroom door. He’d stood outside of the bathroom for the last 45 minutes, refusing to leave you alone. You and Armando had worked together along with Mike and Marcus in AMMO. Fortunately, all of you had a breakthrough on a case you’d been working for the last 3 months, and the team is going out to celebrate. Armando volunteered to drive you.
He’d been in love with you since the day he joined the team, but because of his cold demeanor and his pride, he never thought of a way to tell you. So he stuck to calling you nicknames in Spanish that you don’t understand, just so he could have a sliver of what it felt like to be with you. It also didn’t’t help that you were incredibly hard to read, and usually Armando could read anyone. That’s what made him so drawn to you in the first place. Little did he know that you felt the same way about him, but you’ve been waiting on him to make the first move.
As you unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out into the hallway where Armando was standing, he couldn’t help but stare at you, up and down, scanning your entire body. It made you feel weak, the way he stared at you so intently made your knees buckle and left you craving for more of him. But your relationship as friends was so great, so why fix something that isn’t broken? “You look beautiful,” Armando spoke softly, finally breaking the tension in the air, causing you to smile and avoid his gaze. You wore a sultry red dress that hugged your curves perfectly and showed just the right amount of cleavage. Your hair was in a slicked bun, and to finalize the look, you had on a red lipstick that made your entire look pop. “Thank you, Armando.” You looked up at him, which made him curse under his breath. “Fuck,” He sighed, “C’mere,” He stood up from his position leaning on the door frame and walked toward you, taking both of your hands in his, as you continued to look up at him nervously. He caressed your arms gently while he thought of the right words to say. “I’m going to tell you something, and you don’t have to feel pressured to say anything back, I know how you are princesa.” He spoke gently, staring into your eyes with a look you’d never seen before. He was always so gentle with you, not wanting to hurt you or put you in harm’s way. “Mhm” You hummed in response. “I’ve loved you since the day I started working in AMMO. I’d never said anything because I didn’t know how you’d react. But seeing you in this gorgeous dress, I realized I had to take a chance and tell you.” You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. He was saying all of the right words, and this whole time the two of you could have been together. “This isn’t an ultimatum, I’m not rushing you into anything, I just needed to tell you. Of course you don’t have to answer right now, if you need time I’m more than willing to-“ His words were cut off by your lips connecting to his, and instantly he kissed you back. The both of you had been waiting on this moment for years, and now that it was finally here, you weren’t letting it go any time soon. His hands wandered along your body, caressing your back gently, while your hands were all in his hair, messing it up completely. You pulled away gently, and kept your forehead against his lips, where he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, holding you close to him in a tight hug, not wanting to let you go.
“Armando, I love you too.”
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Hermosa — Beautiful.
Cariño — Sweetheart.
Princesa — Princess.
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©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — SHURI'S GF. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission !
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darks-ink · 20 hours
Welcome back! I saw you are taking story ideas so I wanted to submit two of the prompts I wrote for Phic Phight.
1) Danny's excuse when someone notices the resemblance between Fenton and Phantom and comes too close to his secret: The ghost is his dead twin who he ate in the womb. This might have more truth to it than he originally thought.
2) Long ago Clockwork had and lost a child, the young Ancient of Space. Even with his Sight of time, he could never see what became of them, only that they disappeared. Now another being that evades his Sight has crashed into his existence. Another child, and this one a boy with the stars in his eyes and the cold of space in his veins.
I hope you like either of these!
Thank you! I went with #1, but admittedly it turned out a little short.
Rating: Gen Warnings: focuses on vanishing twins & the formation of ghosts, especially in connection to each other Words: 770 Additional Tags: Post-reveal, Good Fenton parents
“You know, one thing still confuses me about ghost cores.” Danny resisted the temptation to fidget when three pairs of eyes turned to him. “Or, uh, the cores of half-ghosts, at least?”
“Do tell, Great One, and perhaps I can answer.” Frostbite turned further to face him.
“Well, um.” Danny’s eyes darted over to his parents, briefly, before returning to Frostbite. “Isn’t it kinda weird that my core is more stable than Dani and Vlad? Like, I thought Dani was just because she was a clone, so she was destabilizing, but apparently Vlad got really sick as he was developing his powers? But I was, well, fine?” He shrugged, unsure of how to put his thoughts into words.
His mother hummed thoughtfully, but didn’t say anything. Neither did his dad, though he did frown.
“Of course not. Both other half-ghosts you refer to had to develop their own cores, growing them from scratch. You, on the other hand, absorbed yours from another ghost, thus stepping past the initial growing pains.”
Danny felt his heart stop. His core freeze. Thoughts grinding to a halt.
“Excuse me?” he blurted out, automatically, incredulously. “Are you telling me I killed another ghost?”
“No, no.” Frostbite lifted his hands, voice dropping into a soothing tone. “Although it is not unheard of for proper ghosts to fuse together into one, this sort of core-binding is only possible with blob ghosts.”
“And blob ghosts aren’t truly sentient, right?” Maddie hummed in thought, saving Danny the effort of trying to figure out what, exactly, Frostbite meant. “They’re barely more than free-floating ectoplasm, which is common here in the Ghost Zone.”
Frostbite nodded. “Indeed. A more developed ghost couldn’t have been absorbed in such a manner, so there is no need to worry, Great One.”
“That’s a relief.” Danny heaved a sigh. It still felt weird to imagine that his core wasn’t originally his, that it had developed separately, but, well. At least he hadn’t killed someone in the process.
“Although,” Frostbite suddenly started, interrupting Danny’s thoughts. “It is very unusual.”
“Oh?” Danny felt like slapping himself. Why did he ask for more information? He regretted asking in the first place. Knowing more wasn’t going to make himself feel better, was it?
But his parents would probably have asked if he hadn’t. Right? Yeah, definitely.
“Typically, ghosts require some form of connection to be present to bind together. Two fully-formed ghosts can fuse over shared goals or other such traits, but such a thing isn’t possible with a blob ghost. To absorb one of those, a more tangible connection is required.”
Frostbite eyed Danny, but he couldn’t quite read the emotion in his eyes. “Obviously the power of the Ghost Portal let you bypass the part where you weren’t a ghost yourself—” or perhaps he was dying and turning into a ghost anyway, “—but that connection would’ve still been necessary.”
But how. What? Who? The blob ghost must’ve come from somewhere, something, someone, but Danny couldn’t imagine, couldn’t think—
“Oh, that makes sense,” Maddie said, voice casual. “Danny absorbed his twin in the womb, so it makes sense for him to do the same thing with his twin’s ghost.”
“What?” Danny blurted out, turning to her in shock. “I had a twin? A twin I absorbed?!”
“Well, yes.” Maddie nodded, looking at him in confusion. “Of course, it happened fairly early on, so he wouldn’t have become a real ghost. But the impression of it, the potential of a twin gained and lost, that would’ve been enough form a blob ghost.” She turned to Frostbite. “Right?”
“Right.” Frostbite nodded back. “And yes, a connection like that would have worked quite well. A connection of blood and spirit, an action repeated. An echo between life and death.”
Danny shook his head. Well. Jerked his head side to side. “Are you serious? Why are you all acting like this is—this is normal, totally expected?”
“I thought you knew, honey.” Maddie was frowning at him now, confusion deepening. “Weren’t you the one who started using it as a cover?”
“What?” He blinked at her, then realized. Yes. Yes, he had been using that as an excuse for the resemblance between Danny Fenton and Phantom. A dead twin, a ghost which looked just like the living Danny. “I didn’t—I didn’t think it was real.”
“Oh.” She shot an uncertain look at Jack, then Frostbite, then turned to him. “Well. You know now?”
Danny stared at her, incredulous. Then shook his head. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do now.”
But what the hell was he supposed to think of all this?
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jiarkives · 15 hours
can I please request some cassian (acotar) x reader fluff? maybe he's been away on a long mission and he's finally home with his mate and he can't keep his hands off of her because he missed her so much ... (it can get smutty if you want) thank you!! xx
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ summary — your mate gets even clingier after being apart from you.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ character — cassian (a court of thorns and roses)
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ content — fluff ; written with fem!reader in mind
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ notes — thank you for the request! i hope i did your idea justice hehehe also the ending is kinda wack jdhdhdhdhd my hand was on autopilot basically
Mor, Amren, and Nesta all looked annoyed, Feyre and Elain looked... uncomfortable, at most, while you could only smile awkwardly as you sipped your tea soundly, smacking your lips for effect as you put the cup down. “Lovely weather today, am I right?”
“Oh, cut it out!” Nesta grumbled, crossing her arms on her chest as she glared at you. Well, not at you, but rather at the male beside you.
“Aren’t we going to address the elephant in the room?” Mor spoke up as her eyes fell on your mate whose arms were wrapped around your waist and his face burrowed into the crook of your neck, his eyes closed. One would think he was asleep, but if they would looked closer, they would’ve seen the shit eating grin plastered on his face.
(The sisters were definitely rubbing off of the inner circle, especially with their figures of speech which were definitely confusing at first for the immortals.)
“Is that what you’re calling me now? An elephant?” Cassian picked his head up briefly from your neck to address the females in the garden with you. “I bet I could beat those creatures in a split second. Am I right?” He turned to the sisters with a cocky smirk, his eyebrows wiggling.
All of them ignored him, only looking at you with exasperated expressions. Feyre sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, Amren shook her head, Elain tried to look busy, while Nesta and Mor were practically fuming.
“You do understand the concept of a girls’ day, don’t you?” Mor addressed you, her eyebrows pinched together.
“Yes, of course–”
“Then tell this big, dumb pile of muscle to let go off you and fuck off.” Nesta glared at Cassian who grumbled and tightened his hold on you.
“I’m sorry, I really am.” You sighed. “He had just come back from Windhaven with Az earlier at dawn and hadn’t let me out of sight since, but we’ve already had this day set even before their mission and I didn’t want to cancel last minute...” Your words slowed at the last part as you smiled sheepishly. “But maybe I should’ve just cancelled...?”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t be a bother,” Feyre, ever the mediator, immediately stepped in before Mor and Nesta could blow up even more. “So let’s just continue as planned, but with Cassian here, who I’m sure will behave.” She looked over to Cassian, her gaze stern and receiving a mock salute in return from the male. “See? No need for rescheduling.”
Cassian turned to Nesta, sticking his tongue out at her like a toddler, but immediately stopped and hid his face back in your neck when Feyre uttered his name in warning, causing Nesta to smirk at him smugly.
You could only sigh heavily as your mate’s arms wrapped impossibly tighter around you.
Cauldron, this was going to be a long day.
It was, in fact, a long day for the lot of you.
Cassian, despite Feyre’s words of warning, decided to be the most annoying little shit (affectionate for you, derogatory for the rest) during your time together.
He was a busybody, of course he was more invested in the gossip than all of you were. But not only was he gossiping harder than a teenage girl, he was acting like a lovesick teenage boy too.
He wouldn’t keep his hands off of you, even going as far as teasing you with his hands trailing where they shouldn’t. You weren’t able to focus properly on your girls, having to swat at his hand every time.
Then, the girls’ love lives were brought up. Mor was talking about the female she recently met in the city when Cassian interrupted her, “A female? What’s her name? Where does she live? Do I know her? Does Rhys know about her—”
“Mother above, Cassian!” Mor groaned out. “You’re impossibly annoying, leave me alone. Gods.”
You had quickly apologized to the girls with a promise of making up to them another time as you stood, pulling your mate up with you and winnowing into the house Rhysand had gifted you two in your mating ceremony.
As soon as you were standing in the comfort of your own home, Cassian’s smug, cocky smirk softened into one you were used to seeing on him when you were alone.
“Finally.” He groaned in relief, his hands finding their way to your hips to pull you flush to his chest. “I’ve been waiting all godsdamned day, sweetheart.”
Then, his smirk returned as he lifted you in his arms.
“Now, let me show you how much I’ve missed you.” He pushed your bedroom door open. “Properly this time.”
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beansnsoup · 2 days
Summary: Friends with benefits were not your cup of tea, but you accepted the offer anyway due to your buried feelings for your friend. You never thought of the day it would have to end because someone else would take her from you.
Relationship: Platonic (with some spice)
Character: Vi (Arcane)
Warnings: Sexual undertones, angst, fem reader, overthinking, arguing, being used???, lmk if there is anything else i should add
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The phone on her bedside table rings as you lay there, completely disheveled. You knew who it was. At this point, you didn't even try to peek over her shoulder or tease her about a supposed lover.
Normally it'd be a running gag to joke about eachothers "crushes," but you couldn't even bring yourself to joke about the matter anymore and you're pretty sure she had gathered your lack of interest of the teasing now.
It's not that you didn't support her. And if you were being honest, you did more than just support her because here you were, very indecent in her bed.
Her name was Caitlyn, you knew absolutely nothing about her aside from the fact that Vi was completely smitten.
It was supposed to be you who Vi was obsessing over, but you were instead just a girl she just used to get off every now and then.
Not that you were complaining.
You were the one who told her it was okay in the first place.
But now that you were really thinking about it, you shouldn't have given her your consent for this little sacred love affair.
Before she had originally put the moves on you and proposed this relationship, you had already been growing strong feelings towards her.
The two of you had been friends for a long time, so you both knew the threats these "sleepovers" would have.
The both of you had been so close it had drawn everyone around you together, you were close to everyone in her life and it was the same with her for your friends and family.
They, of course, knew nothing about this, which surprised you. Considering the number of times you guys would sneak off during dinners.
You also didn't want to lose the bond you had with her sister, at the points where Vi wanted to be more of a "lover" than a friend, you would find yourself going to seek comfort with her younger sister.
To Vi, it was strictly out of boredom. She wouldn't tell you that to your face, but you could sense that was the start of her intentions.
Yet to you, it was purely out of love, each time left you in complete and utter bliss, and that you would never admit.
"Okay, see you soon, bye,"
You watch her get up from her side of the bed and start to get dressed, in entirely different and more presentable clothes than before.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm seeing someone."
You thought it was funny she still wouldn't call Caitlyn by her name when speaking about her to you, she knew fully you knew of her but still decided to keep that part of her life hidden, or as hidden as she could.
At this point, you thought the idea of secrecy gave Vi a sense of control, or it simply just got her going.
Either way, you hated it.
"So, you were just going to leave while I'm still here? Not even a goodbye?" You had a hint of sarcasm in your voice but meant every word.
"What? Did you want some premium aftercare or something? Besides, you practically live here, it wouldn't make a difference."
She had a point there, but you still felt disgusting in this situation,
"I'm not some kind of prostitute Vi! I'm tired of you using me then going to play the role of a loving girlfriend with Caitlyn!"
You could tell your words struck a nerve.
"You knew going into this it wouldn't mean anything, and I really like her!"
"Well, you've been talking to her for months now, and if you really like her as much as you say you do, this fling between us would have stopped as soon as you realized your feelings."
This was when Vi was left completely at a loss for words, you didn't care if she had feelings for you or not, but you were tired of being a toy to her, especially when she was in a whole other situationship.
You knew at some point you would have to share her, but you didn't want it to be like this. You also didn't want to be the reason another girls feelings for the same woman are put at risk.
"I love you Vi, but you really need to get a grip on reality and realize what is right in front of you."
You started to slip your clothes on, while she was still there, standing and questioning a million things at once.
"And at the moment, what is in front of you is me, like so many times before, might I add."
"By the way, if it wasn't clear, this," You gestured to the each of you, "is over."
To your surprise, she didn't even attempt to chase after you. Instead, you heard her put down her things and sit back down on her bed.
You never knew if she went to see Caitlyn or not that night, but either way, it didn't matter.
Everything between the two of you was over, even if you still loved her.
For now, it would just be you, sitting alone in your small apartment.
To your surprise, her sister was still keeping in touch, even though she didn't know the details of the situation she knew the two of you weren't talking to the eachother, so she made sure to keep in touch, just to keep everyone connected.
You also hadn't blocked Vi on anything. You just couldn't bring yourself to do it no matter how much she pained you.
You knew it would kill you to finally see a post launching a relationship, you would see it one way or another, but you'd hate to find out from someone else, so you just had to rip off the band aid one way or another.
It had been almost 3 weeks now since you made Vi aware on your standpoint of your relationship, and she has yet to reach out.
At this point, you had accepted the possibility she assumed you were a freak for considering your casual meet-ups could ever be anything more, or she just thought that you were clinically insane.
Just as you were about to retreat from your spot on the couch, you heard a ding come from your phone,
Speak of the devil.
You unlocked your phone to read out the full message that Vi had left for you,
"Can we please talk? In person. I made a big mistake and I need to see you."
You almost wanted to ask if this meeting would lead to her pinning you against her bed once more.
Again, not that you were complaining.
Yet in this situation, you wanted to be heard, not just for your moans, but for your care, and love for her.
All you could type in response was "ok." To which she replied with you to meet her at her apartment whenever you were ready to come over, because she'd be waiting for you.
A part of you regretted agreeing, but the other part of you knew this confrontation needed to happen.
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I'm sorry I made vi see like a complete jerk in this guys, a teensy bit out of character tbh 😭😭
Part 2?? Idk yet, we will see 👀
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charlotteking23 · 2 days
Hi! Your stories are hilarious and amazing! I was wondering if you could write a story about Batmom secretly meeting with Gotham City Sirens (Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Pamela Isley) and for a private girls night where they accidentally cause havoc (intense barfights (harley), impromptu jewelry store heists (Selina), shady alley deals (batmom), plants going crazy (Pamela), and massive amounts of sweets being "stolen" in metropolis (batmom had to stop the others from eating everything). All of which the batfam has to clean up. They follow the destruction and see what they think is batmom's ✨️Villain Debut✨️ (not really) so they go back to the manor and they stage an "intervention" for batmom. When she gets home bruce and her boys start scolding her and the Sirens for their behavior only for the girls to share a look and burst out laughing. They reveal that they were helping batmom get gifts for each of them. They went to that particular bar because they had a well aged vintage bottle of whisky that Alfred enjoys from time to time. The "shady alley deals" were from them going to a local seedy bookstore that had been open for over 100 years to get one of the only surviving copies of Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated herself. They went to that jewelry store because they were helping to make the remaining pearls of Martha Wayne's necklace into a set of cufflinks and a tie clip for Bruce, and to turn a few of Batmom's family heirloom peices into a ring that was secretly drawn by dick to propose to Kori with. They went to that confectionery because Conner mentioned they had the best coffee brew and an "espresso cake" made with extra strong espresso for Tim. That plant nursery had specific and highly nutritional feed and supplements products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat to keep them healthy. This makes them all tear up and wholesome fluff can happen.
Sorry for the length 😅 😬
Villian Debut
Y/N slowly walked out of the house as quietly as possible, opening the manor gates and hoping in her car. She drove around the quiet streets of Gotham, it was night only those who were bad were up causing chaos in the city. It was easy to sneak out since the boys were out patrolling Gotham, and Alfred was sitting in the common room sipping his cup of tea.
Y/N drove to a secluded area parking her car near a warehouse. Upon entering she met up with the infamous Gotham City Sirens. It was a girl's night with Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Palmela Isely.
"Y/n, your finally hear", Selina Kyle said walking up to Y/n and hugging her sideways. "The sirens are back together", Harley said dragging Palmela's wrist and joining the hug. "guys we saw each other last week but as much as I enjoy the hug we have work to do.
Selina was driving in Y/n's car while Y/n was in the passenger seat turning on the radio. Harley and Palmela were in the back putting their hands in the air having the time of their life.
Their first stop was the bar, One of the best bars open in Gotham City. As they walked in all eyes were on them, I mean it was the infamous Y/n L/n, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Palmela Isely. The four girls walked up to the bar all sitting down and ordering.
Everything was going fine till "Hey baby, you want to go somewhere" " The guy said laughing with his equally ugly friend while holding a beer.
"Excuse me, Do you want to go I can beat the living shit out of you", Harley said standing up and drowning her drink in one go ready to take the guy down. "Babe, You're a girl you can't take us dow-" Harley took out her bat and whacked the guy in the face before the guy could finish his stupid sentence. She repeatedly hit him all over his body aiming straight for his dick. Selina was still sipping her drink while Y/n was taking a video as Palmela Isely cheered for Harley.
Yeah, so they got Kicked out of the bar but it's okay because Harley was literally about to kill the guy. Next, they went to the "Shady Alley deals".
Bruce p.o.v
"Guy's there's trouble at a bar?", Bruce said checking the alarm.
"why a bar out of everything, I mean at least do something interesting", Jason leans on Dick whining about how bored he is.
"Jason will you shut up", Damian said slapping him.
They made it to the bar entering they saw a man on the floor beaten up badly.
"Who the fuck could do this", Jason said watching Tim check the drunken man's pulse.
"he's fine but way too much alcohol in his body", Tim disgusted quickly wiping his hands on his pants.
"What happened"? Dick said but was astonished to hear a girl had done this because he was being a pervert.
"Go boss bitch", Damian said walking up to Bruce.
" They must have left already, I wonder where this girl went", Bruce questioned dragging the drunken body outside to the emergency care.
Girl's p.o.v
"Aww, this is so boring", Harley said leaning against the bookshelves.
The girls were at the shady Alley deals trying to buy Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated. But the guy refused to sell them this piece claiming it was too precious. I mean that's why it's called shady.
"Look we need this copy now, how about 2,000 for the whole copy", Batmom said with annoyance.
"look lady, these are valuable and you don't seem like the person to take care of them", the stupid guy said.
With a loud dramatic gasp, "Oh know you didn't", Poison Ivy said dramatically.
"he's in for it", Selina said filing her nails.
"Look I work day and night taking care of 4 children and one husband, this is the only time I get a day off so you better give. me. those. books. or else! and trust me you don't want to know what else is.", Batmom yelled grabbing the guy's collar and pulling him face to face with an angry batmom.
"here, take it pls don't hurt me", the guy said closing his eyes in fear.
"Thanks", Batmom said skipping with the books in her hand to the car.
Time Skip
"where to next", Selina said driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on her phone.
"Oh of course the jewelry store", Harley said pointing at the sign.
"Ok here's the plan Selina you go get the pearls", Batmom said looking at Selina.
"huh, why me"
"You are literally a cat, plus I am too clumsy, Harley too loud and Ivy refused to do it", Batmom said.
So Selina carefully went in through the roof slipping in where no one could see her. Walking through the store towards the back, she sees the pearls. She stops taking her white powder compact from the back of her pocket blowing some revealing lasers. If she stepped on one she could set off triggers of alarms. Manuering through them jumping over them, backflipping, crawling till she reached the glass box. opening she switched it out for a cat collar successfully taking the jewels.
Alarms are blaring, flashing red "Damn it", Selina hisses running away.
"what's that noise", poison Ivy says, covering her ears.
nevermind let's get out of here", Selina said hopping into the cars with the girls and driving away.
"here are the pearls", Selina says
"perfect", Batmom put them into a clip and some cufflinks.
Bruce p.o.v
"there's trouble at a jewelry store", Dick said driving towards the store.
As the boys came they saw the owner in complete panic.
"Thank goodness you're here Batman, some robbers took Matha Wayne's remaining pearl necklace", the owner said in a panic.
"The ones she died in", Batman's voice grew deeper laced with emotion only those who knew him deeply could tell.
"Let's look around B", Jason said looking around for clues.
Tim was trying to access the cameras during the robbery but as expected they were wiped out.
"cat hair", Batman said picking it up.
"This could only belong to one person", Damian said with a glare on his face.
"Oh, Batman they also took some other things, a diamond it was a heirloom from the L/N family, the owner said.
All the boys could think about was Y/n and how she would react to this news.
"We need to find these robbers before Ummi finds out", Damian said ready to beat the guys up.
Girls p.o.v
"How much candy are you going to eat Harley", Selina said but Harley only shrugged eating more.
Here they were at the confectionery, it was a small cafe but it looked so pretty pink, there was an outside patio and the inside looked like those 70's diner joints.
The girls sat down at a booth obviously Harley and Ivy sat together so Selina and Batmom were on the other side.
"H-hello, what c-can I get y-you, the waiter said in fear. I mean he is serving notorious criminals, he was shitting his pants.
"Hi, we need a coffee brew and an expresso cake please, Batmom said with the sweetest voice.
" Oh and a giant cake the biggest one!", Harley exclaimed. The waiter quickly nodded running away.
"Isn't that too much sugar, you are going to get a sugar high...again", Selina said crossing her arms and leaning back towards the booth.
"Remember last time, when you crashed right into the wall because you ate too much sugar", Ivy recalled laughing at the memories.
"H-here is your order t-too g-go, have a nice night", the waiter quickly left as we paid for the meal leaving a tip.
"how much did you leave"? Selina questioned as they left the cafe.
"$200", Batmom said shrugging and getting into the car.
The girl's final stop of the night was the plant nursery, It was a big white building, looking kind of spooky in the night.
"This feels like a scooby doo episode", Harley said walking with the girls.
"Okay Ivy we need highly nutritional feed and supplement products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat", Batmom said looking at all the machines and plants in the room.
As the girls walked they heard a strange growling noise, huddling together not because they were, definitely not. For comfort just in case, a crazy plant tried to eat them.
"come here plant...yes who's a good boy you are, yes you are", Ivysaid in a baby voice.
"she does the same baby voice batmom does with her kids", Selina said.
batmom protested but only got a yes you do face or the fucking lying face. Thinking now she did do the baby voice to her kids but they were all just so cute.
Harley suddenly screamed whinning she felt something touch her feet. No one paid attention and it still continued to flow Ivy. Suddenly a huge plant wraps its vines around Harley's mouth and legs dragging her away from the group.
"Hey, where's Harley", Selina said looking around.
All the girls screamed for Harley as they looked around in different areas.
Selina felt something and before she could attack the huge pant monster dragged her away. Only now there was batmom and Ivy left.
"Ivy what the fuck is going on", Batmom said but before Ivy could answer the plant monster appeared growling towards the girls.
the monster took hold of Batmom wrapping her in vines and trying to crush her. Ivy used her powers to fight it but before she could she saw a thorn.
"oh poor baby it's only hurt...oh you weren't trying to hurt anyone were you", Ivy said pulling the torn out trying to keep the plant monster calm.
After it was calm the monster let go of Batmom and cuddled Ivy. Batmom found Selina and Harley tied up, undoing the vines the three were weirded out to see the same plant monster who tried to eat them getting a belly rub by ivy.
"This was the best girl's night ever", Harley grinned hugging the girls in a group hug tightly.
Tonight was a roller coaster, but it was fun, especially with the girls. They got in trouble with the Authorities twice no doubt the infamous Batman and her kids had already heard about the incident. But it was a memory you look back on and laugh at, doing it with those you love.
Batmom signed slowly entering the dark mansion seeing that no one was awake.
Suddenly the lights came on frightening Batmom seeing all her kids and Bruce looking at her with disapproval in their eyes. It's like looking in a mirror.
"Hi, how was everyone's night?", Batmom said trying to diffuse the situation.
"Mom, you were out with the villains Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Selina Kyle again", Dick said crossing his arms in sadness.
"yes, but I had a good reason-, Batmom tried to explain but Bruce interrupted her.
"Y/n, you girls got in a bar fight and stole jewelry and other things", Bruce said trying to keep an emotionless expression. He couldn't believe his innocent wife could do all of this.
Soon all the kids started to talk at the same time, asking questions of all sorts. It was getting too much for Batmom wishing now she stayed with the girls for another hour or so.
"kids, you give the girls a chance to explain what happened", Alfred said as you gave him a grateful nod.
you took a deep breath before sharing a look with the Sirens before laughing out loud with the girls all clutching your stomachs. They reveal that they were helping Batmom get gifts for each of them. They went to that particular bar because they had a well-aged vintage bottle of whisky that Alfred enjoys from time to time. The "shady alley deals" were from them going to a local seedy bookstore that had been open for over 100 years to get one of the only surviving copies of Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated herself. They went to that jewelry store because they were helping to make the remaining pearls of Martha Wayne's necklace into a set of cufflinks and a tie clip for Bruce and to turn a few of Batmom's family heirloom pieces into a ring that was secretly drawn by dick to propose to Kori with. They went to that confectionery because Conner mentioned they had the best coffee brew and an "espresso cake" made with extra strong espresso for Tim. That plant nursery had specific and highly nutritional feed and supplement products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat to keep them healthy.
"see you big goofs all this was a big misunderstanding all the things we did were for you tonight", Batmom said to her family with tears in her eyes holding all the girl's hands.
"Don't worry Ma I never doubted you for a minute, Jason said smiling at his Ma.
"Really, Because when you first heard about Mother Time with the SIrens you were crying out that your Mother betrayed me", Tim said looking smugly.
Jason only huffed at Tim crossing his arms in annoyance before Damian came up and hugged his Ummi burying his head in her chest.
When Damian released his Ummi, Bruce walked up to his wife kissing her with so much passion. Bruce couldn't believe his wife did all of this for him and his kids. Oh, how he loves her.
"I love you", Bruce said quietly for only her to hear.
"I love you more", Batmom whispered back pecking his lips.
"Heyyy, who's up for a sleepover", Harley said shouting while hugging the sirens.
Oh Boy
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avelera · 15 hours
What if Louis/Armand in AMC IWTV is meant to be torture... for Lestat?
Basically... what if the whole relationship between Louis and Armand, going back to when Armand first encountered him, is a deliberate "fuck you" to Lestat by Armand, and that is his chief motive for having the relationship at all? For keeping Louis in a gilded prison, for making Louis his love at all, for allowing the interview, and for little things like telling Lestat that Louis was injured, but not telling him where or how to help or passing on the "I love you" to Louis, and perhaps effectively keeping Louis away from Lestat ever since in a game of keep-away, as the most effective way to torture Lestat that Armand has in his possession.
I want to preface this theory by saying it's probably a bridge too far. That's a lot of premeditated malice to ascribe to Armand. I do think there was and is love there between Armand and Louis as seen in the show.
But at the same time... this might surprise some show watchers, but book Armand is an ancient creature of malice who uses his boyish looks to appear soft and gentle when he is anything but. He's over 500 years old and he spent 200 of those years running the Paris Children of Darkness, a Satanic organization that gave his life meaning and purpose during those years.
And even with show Armand, we've seen him capable of playing the long game, pretending to be someone else in Season 1 as he played Fake Rashid, with motives for doing so that are still inscrutable.
We've already seen as of ep 2.6 that Lestat broke up Armand's Paris Coven, the Children of Darkness. But I want to get into why Armand might have been lying about how he was fine with it, that he saw it coming for years, that Lestat was just the instrument of his own desire to move on from that squalid situation.
What if he wasn't fine with it? What if he still isn't fine with it? What if the long game, ever since, is to take everything away from Lestat that Armand can get his hands on, including Claudia, but especially Louis?
Well, to give my evidence for this I'll have to delve into the books a bit, so proceed at your own risk for spoilers.
Here's an excerpt from The Vampire Lestat, with Armand speaking to Lestat after the events in Paris, when he forced Lestat to testify in the trial against Louis and Claudia, because it was always Armand's plan to put Claudia on trial so he could get rid of her and have Louis for himself. For Louis to be buried alive in punishment so that Armand could save him and they could depart together:
"[Armand] leaned forward, and his face transformed itself as it had done years and years ago, as if his rage were melting it from within. 
“You, who destroyed all of us, you who took everything. Whatever made you think that I would help you!” He came closer, the face all but collapsed upon itself. “You who put us on the lurid posters in the boulevard du Temple, you who made us the subject of cheap stories and drawing room talk!” ...
...“We had our Eden under that ancient cemetery,” he hissed. “We had our faith and our purpose. And it was you who drove us out of it with a flaming sword. What do we have now! Answer me! Nothing but the love of each other and what can that mean to creatures like us!”"
Armand plays the long game. Armand is a creature of spite and malice, at least through Lestat's eyes in his own autobiography.
Armand was not fine with the Paris Coven being dispelled. He was not fine with Lestat's generosity or the new purpose given to him by Lestat by establishing the Theatre des Vampires. He loathed it.
And after this above exchange with Lestat, Armand picked up Lestat and flew him up high above Paris and dropped him. Armand did that to Lestat in the books, it wasn't Lestat to Louis (though that could simply be a change for the show, or perhaps even reinvented as a deliberate act of revenge on Louis' behalf for what Lestat did to him, and not some sort of mind alteration by Armand but... we'll see.)
It would be a hell of a twist to end the season on. Arguably, a twist akin to the reveal of Rashid-is-actually-Armand at the end of the first season. That this has all, all of it, since the 1940s been one long revenge play against Lestat.
Again, I think it's probably a bridge too far, too cartoonishly evil, but...man, there is that but lingering in my mind. Because this is the sort of thing Armand would do. He's done it before in the books with the trial of Louis and Claudia being one elaborate pantomime to punish Lestat and Claudia and get Louis to himself.
And it's been bothering me ever since the reveal at the end of S1 that we're in an AU where Louis/Armand stayed together instead of breaking up right after Paris like they did in the book. And if I was writing this canon divergence AU, it would be a hell of a thing to make the pivot point be, "No, Louis and Armand didn't break up because Armand wouldn't let Louis go because all of this has been one long elaborate fuck you to Lestat for destroying the Children of Darkness and robbing Armand of the purpose he'd had in life for over 200 years." 70 years of revenge by comparison? That's nothing.
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shortpplfedup · 1 day
I've watched the first ep of we are and i can see the potential but im still not very keen on it. It reminds me of my engineer too much, which i enjoyed when it first aired but can acknowledge it had so many flaws. my fav thing about it was the friendship and I think we are will give me that. my question is, when did it click for you that we are is good(ish) and the brainrot started to foster?
I think having skipped a lot of the pulps in some ways made me the ideal candidate for this show. I've never seen My Engineer, so I don't have that as a point of comparison. The two shows this has put me most in mind of are Love By Chance and Hospital Playlist and two more divergent experiences you probably never did see. But arguably both those shows are about mundane bits of life, friendship and slow burn, considered relationships.
I started writing about this show after episode 5, because that's when it clicked for me what it was doing, or at least attempting. But it wasn't until episode...9? that I truly got the brainrot. Getting the backstory on Tan and Fang and realising how their love story is actually the core love story that the other couples are highlighting aspects of; grokking onto the real-time nostalgia element of the show's style; finally really understanding Phum, who is deliberately a difficult character to get to know; all these things came at exactly the right moment I think. This show is also not really a writing-driven or story-driven show, in fact there is no central plot at all. It's really all about the vibe, and the strength of the performances, the believability of these dudes as a group of friends just getting through university together and falling in love with each other. It's kind of a sitcom to be honest, one where you put the situation to the actors, you tell them the beats they have to hit, and you let them loose. You need actors the audience will stay with for that, so they cast this well.
The storytelling approach, the framing of this, it's a strange one. Because I agree in some aspects with people who got frustrated with it, but I have also thought and thought about it and...I don't know how else they could have structured this show and had it work better. A more straightforward telling would have fallen completely flat. Separating these out into separate stories would not have worked. Frontloading the backstories we've gotten on these characters and couples as the show unfolded would have been a disaster. The only other frame I see working is a Reply series-style retrospective, but that would be making a completely different show. Would it have been a 'better' show? Arguably? But I actually quite like the show we got. It's just this gentle, slow-paced, sunlit, soft-focus, low-stakes ode to love and friendship just past the coming of age stage, and I respond to that. It's not for everybody, no show is. There's just not enough there for some people, totally understand that. But if this is your kind of jam, this show asks for your patience, it deliberately makes you slow down and wait, and then it rewards you for for sticking with it.
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ironunderstands · 1 day
How this singular Gold and Gears occurrence might change everything we know about Dr. Ratio 
…He might be thousands of years old, oh boy.
Ok, where to begin? Well probably with the occurrence that started it all:
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Mechanical City, “Cogito Hair Salon”- Intellgencia Guild 
This is where things get complicated.
You see, the Mechanical City is old as hell
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This took place around the time of the First Mechanical Emperor’s war, who created the machine empire, which included the Mechanical City, something which occurred soon after the Borderstar Trade War. 
Then, the Rupert 1 (the leader of this empire) sleeps, and this caused his empire to crumble, presumably the city alongside it:
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Which according to these Xianzhou records, happened at this time
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Then Polka Kakamond fought Rubert for a few more Amber Eras until she eventually succeeded in killing him, marking the end of the First Mechanical War.
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Which resulted in the collapse of its empire, and presumably, the Mechanical City alongside it, Nanook, the youngest aeon, also ascended during this time due to the mess of the Emperor’s War and the remnants of the swarm.
Now, for the sake of my sanity, and this first scenario, I am going to assume that the Mechanical City fell alongside Rubert I when their empire collapsed about years ago, as although it’s likely Rubert II could have revived it, as you will see, it’s not necessarily relevant to this discussion (there are actually only two possible paths this situation could lead to). 
If Amber Eras are on average this long
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And the current year we are in is
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Which is about this in Xianzhou years 
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Meaning that disaster in the Xianzhou happened around 3500 years ago (if Xianzhou years are the same length as Trailblaze ones, if they aren’t I’m not gonna think about that <3). Then, Polka Kakamond was alive around this time, and it took her several Amber Eras to finally kill Rubert, which I’m going to interpret several as ~5 and the length of these Amber Eras to be averaged out to be around 158 years long each, meaning Rubert died about 2700 years ago, give or take A LOT OF TIME because of the inconsistency of Amber Era lengths, the amount of Amber Eras, the fact that we don’t know when exactly Polka Kakamond decided to start trying to kill Rubert, or even when she was alive, etc. 
SO, when you put it all together Dr. Ratio must be at least 1000 years old if he were to be able to be alive during this period of time to attend the Mechanical City within this occurrence.
Which changes everything, because presumably Dr. Ratio is a normal human and he should not be that old.
Oh dear.
However, before I ponder the implications of THAT, let’s explore the other possibilities.
This never actually happened.
This is by far both the most boring and most likely one for a lot of reasons.
a) There is an occurrence that definitely takes place in the preset exactly like it 
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This is Mechanical City, Cogito Hair Salon: Genius Society 
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And based on its description, it was clearly put in here to help the trailblazer navigate the Simulated Universe through the Intra-Cognition function, and the 4 Genius Society members depicted (Ruan Mei, Herta, Stephen Lloyd and Screwllum) absolutely did not travel back in time for this to happen, rather they seem to habe implemented it themselves. 
Therefore, the occurrence with Dr. Ratio could be something similar: an event made up for the sake of navigating the Sim Uni, and not something that ever actually took place, I believe this and another solution I will introduce later are the most likely explanations for this situation.
b) The occurrence with Dr. Ratio is uh, weird 
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For lack of a better explanation in this, Dr. No5 is uh, tweaking. Meaning, the events taking place around him might not even be what’s happening in reality.
Or, the Trailblazer is in the Mechanical City, but Dr. No5 isn’t and the sim uni kinda just meshed the two together. 
What also complicates things is that it seems like after he killed himself, No5 turned into a mechanical spinning top, meaning the Anti-Organic equation might have been the cause of his death? And I’m not sure if it’s still active in modern times.
Either way, the sheer levels of delusion radiating off of Dr. No5 leave to believe this scene isn’t entirely real, however I don’t think this explanation is all good honestly, it’s just something I wished to point out before moving on.
That’s not our Dr. Ratio
Apparently in the original Chinese, the characters used to denote Dr. Ratio are different to the way he is typically referred to, meaning that whoever this Dr. Ratio is, it might not actually BE him.
Now, I know absolutely nothing about how Chinese works, but based off the discussions I’ve seen around this particular detail, I think the general consensus is that the Ratio in this is more of a surname, and our Dr. Ratio either named himself after/is a descendant of this one.
Which would be interesting, and would mean we (I) would now have to scour future updates for his mention, but for now I’ll leave this option at that because like I said, I don’t know how any dialect of Chinese works at all, much less the original used in the game.
If someone reading this does, I would really appreciate clarification/confirmation/your opinion on this, so thanks in advance.
Finally, for my favorite explanation (and the one I think is what really happened), that being:
The Mechanical City still exists, and Ratio is in fact, some dude with a normal lifespan.
Let me cook.
So, based on what I showed you earlier, it’s heavily implied that the Mechanical City fell with Rubert during the First Emperor’s War around 2000 ish years ago alongside him.
However, what if I told you that isn’t necessarily true:
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The IPC took it over.
Although this passage doesn’t mention the Mechanical City or even allude to it, it does mention thin how the IPC, with the aid of the Intellgencia Guild, began taking over areas across the universe, especially areas of inorganic life, following Nous’s prophecy, with the methodology of “Colonization Under the facade of development,” (the game straight up calls them colonizers LMAOOO).
Anyways, the IPC HATES inorganic life due to the Emperor’s Wars, and were about to pass an order to eradicate all inorganic life when Screwllum gained Nous’ approval and joined the Genius Society, and as we saw in the screenshot, they were, well, colonizing those areas and making it into their own.
So- who’s to say they didn’t do it to the Mechanical City? Why wouldn’t one of the most defining features of the Mechanical Empire now be under IPC control, even to this day?
Besides, inorganic life forms have no need for hair salons- they don’t have growing hair! But in a Mechanical City repurposed for people, yeah, a hair salon would make sense.
Thereofore, Ratio isn’t some thousand year old entity, rather he’s just in a location run by the IPC and Intellgencia Guild that happens to have thousands of years of history behind it.
Moreover, it just wouldn’t make sense for Ratio to be that old.
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He has plenty of media about him documenting his life, and based on how recent those media are and how this passage is worded, I’m led to believe that Ratio aged like a normal person, and his middle school years didn’t somehow last an exponential amount of time. 
Also, I feel like if he WAS that old we would have some actual clue pointing to it beyond a singular occurrence that would only ever point to that once you do all this digging.
Therefore, I conclude Ratio is not in fact immortal, and the IPC likely just colonized the Mechanical City, which is why it is still around today.
Finally, I sincerely hope you enjoy me going insane over this one stupid occurrence, and I would like to disclaim that I am no lore expert when it comes to the simulated universe, so if something I said in here was misinformation, please tell me! It seems as though Dr. Ratio is never beating the “just some guy” allegations lmao.
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lesbianrobin · 5 hours
ok since people r very into my chris fic i shall share some of my random behind the scenes thoughts while writing it:
adriana has literally been waiting her entire life for her obviously gay older brother who joined the army to avoid his wife and then moved to los angeles to be a sexy firefighter to COME OUT ALREADY and by the time we meet her in this fic she is like Vibrating with the need to be like EDDIE IS GAYYYYYYY ARE YOU PEOPLE BLIND??? which is why it takes like absolutely zero prodding from chris for her to spill all of eddie's business. i think when eddie was little he was a very obviously gay little boy and as he grew up he learned how to Be Normal but adriana never forgot and she's like deeply sad about it.
chris is So fucking miserable at his grandparents' house he misses video games so bad. i couldn't find a way to really incorporate this without it feeling like a cheap "look he's a TEEN BOY" thing but yeah the second he gets back home he is slamming that headset on and gaming until eddie tells him he has to take a break or he'll burn his eyes out of his sockets.
there are a Lot of songs on buck and eddie's joint depression playlist that i listed and then cut for practicality's sake but if there's any like interest in that i could maybe put together + link the full playlist for y'all?
buck's "maddie" playlist is entirely music he listened to growing up bc it makes him think of her. as a younger sibling my music taste from birth to like. age fifteen ish. was just wholly whatever my older sister listened to and i think buck is the same way. i don't think buck necessarily listens to this playlist on his own very often but if he's hanging out with maddie and/or babysitting jee-yun he'll put it on because it makes him happy to enjoy some 90s/00s nostalgia with his best girls. sometimes he'll play it in the car when he's driving chris somewhere because he wants to carry forward some of those good memories he has with maddie with chris.
buck and eddie's texts were written in order to coincide with each other! eddie texts more frequently than buck but i think if you pay attention you can sometimes tell which days buck Also sent chris a text bc they match. some of them were sent specifically in the wake of very emotionally taxing shifts where they both wanted so badly to call chris and beg him to come home but they knew that wouldn't go well and they didn't want to make chris feel guilty so they tried to play it cool.
speaking of buck and eddie: i don't think that eddie's conversation with chris is necessarily the First step in eddie realizing he's gay or moving toward something romantic with buck. keep in mind that chris has been gone for at least two weeks by the time he talks to either of them, and buck and eddie spend the vast majority of their time together. this fic is restricted to chris' pov, and he has no way of knowing whether, say, buck and tommy broke up, or whether his dad has been thinking about some things differently since he's been gone. buck and eddie Also have to spend twelve hours in a car together just the two of them between the end of the fic and their reunion with chris. this is not me saying that buck and tommy DID break up or that buddie got together while chris was away (i don't actually have a solid "canon" for where they're at), just that i intentionally left space for a wide range of possibilities due to chris' limited knowledge of what's going on with them!!
i kinda intentionally did not delve too deeply into the psychology of the diaz parents here because i think their behavior is a bit inscrutable to chris. the vast majority of his memories of them are from when he was really little, and therefore i think he doesn't actually know them very well as people. he knows that there's some tension between them and eddie, but prior to this fic he never really bothered to question Why. all he knows is that his grandparents will probably come and get him if he calls, and that it'll hurt his dad's feelings, and in the immediate aftermath of the kim debacle that's all he cares about. once he's in el paso, he starts noticing some things that make him a bit uncomfortable, but he never does determine for sure what their motivations and opinions are about this whole situation, whether they're treating him a certain way bc he's the grandkid or bc of his cerebral palsy, and whether their treatment of eddie really does stem from homophobia or not. at the end of the day he's thirteen years old and i wanted to leave his grandparents' True Selves as a bit of a mystery because 1. i don't think They necessarily know why they do what they do and 2. i don't think there's any one answer that would be satisfying.
chris literally had zero intention of saying anything to eddie about the Gay Thing he just is very much thirteen years old and emotional and he fundamentally Trusts his father to never like. lash out at him for saying something like that. so he doesn't try too hard to hold it back and impulsively says Hey Dad Are You Gay Maybe because he's never gone so long without talking to his dad before and he's just bursting with thoughts and feelings. he's not even trying to do a buddie matchmaking thing it's just that the easiest way to make his argument is to be like (points at buck).
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Charlie: "Vaggie?"
Vaggie: "Yeah, Charlie?"
Charlie: "Holding hands like this is really really nice, as usual, especially after a desperate fight for our lives, so this isn't a complaint or anything-"
Charie: "-but I think your hand... is leaking??"
Vaggie: "That's blood, sweetie."
Niffty: "I like blood!"
Charlie: "That's a LOT of blood?"
Vaggie: "Yeah. It happens when someone impales your hand to the floor with your own spear, and you want the spear back."
Angel Dust: "Only you, Vaggironi."
Vaggie: "It still works. See?"
Charlie: "GaH- don't SQUEEZE IT!!!"
Niffty: (gigling) "Eww~"
Cherri Bomb: "Wow, someone put this girl in a slasher film."
Husk: "Fuck! It fucking squirted all over my fur!"
Angel Dust: "Ooh-"
Husk: "Not one. Shitty. Word."
Charlie: "SHIT!"
Husk: "That one doesn't count."
Charlie: "Fuck, shit- why is it still bleeding? The battle was hours ago! Shouldn't it be closed up by now!?"
Vaggie: "It might not ever, really. Heavenly steel and whatever."
Niffty: (peering through hole in vaggie's hand) "Oooooh~"
Charlie: "But it has to heal! It's- Niffty stop that- it's your HAND!"
Vaggie: "It's still attached so no big deal."
Charlie: "No big- Vaggie, there's a HOLE in you that I could stick my FINGER in!"
Angel Dust: "Just one? Wow, tight fit."
Vaggie: "Could've been worse."
Charlie: "WORSE-!?"
Cherri Bomb: "Angie, if they hear you and you get yourself killed on top of Pentious today, I'm gonna ugly cry and smear my running makeup and snot all over your stupid corpse."
Charlie: "- and you didn't even TELL ME I was putting a death grip on an open wound!"
Angel Dust: "That's so rude."
Vaggie: "The pressure was helping slow the bleeding anyway."
Husk: "Fucks of a feather fuck up together."
Angel Dust: "Aww Husky, would ya cry over me too-?"
Vaggie: "It's fine."
Husk: "Fuck you."
Charlie: "This is NOT fine!!"
Vaggie: (smiling at gf) "It doesn't hurt that much, babe, but I can wrap it up if you want."
Charlie: "No, I'll do it."
Charlie: (sighs)
Charlie: "...not like it's the first time I've gotten here too late, and only been able to bandage you up AFTER she's already hurt you..."
Vaggie: "Charlie..."
Charlie: "Nope! No angst right now- bandaging! I'll be gentle, okay?"
Angel Dust: "That's what she s-"
Angel Dust: "-OW CHERRI watch it with the elbows will ya!? That rib's BROKEN!"
Husk: "So's your fucking brain, dumbass."
Cherri Bomb: "He doesn't have one."
Charlie: "Well does anyone have a NON-BLOODSTAINED bit of cloth I can use for-?"
Niffty: (soaked in blood) "No~"
Charlie: "-AGUH NIFFTY! Stop looking through her hole like that!"
Angel Dust: "...."
Cherri Dust: "For the love of yourself, don't."
Angel Dust: "......I've got nothin'."
Husk: "Thank FUCK."
Vaggie: "Hey look, when I flex my hand the stab wound blinks."
Angel Dust: "Wait actually I'm gonna throw up."
Cherri Bomb: "An open bodily hole you DON'T like? Today really is just full of miracles..."
Vaggie: "I can make it talk." (holds up hand to gf) "Hi sweetie."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: ".... Sorry. I think I've lost a lot of blood."
Charlie: "Then let me blindfold and or gag your stab wound, before someone faints-"
Angel Dust: (THUD)
Charlie: "-just like that, great."
Cherri Bomb: "HA, oh that's priceless! Another fallen angel!"
Husk: "Why didn't you fucking catch him."
Cherri Bomb: "What am I, his boyfriend? You catch him!"
Husk: "I'm not that loser's boyfriend!"
Charlie: "Yet."
Vaggie: "Wait guys, pause the ship war-"
Vaggie: "GUYS."
Vaggie: "Where's Niffty?"
Everyone: "........."
Everyone: (looks down at angel dust's unconscious body)
Niffty: (Squished) (one arm sticking out) (thumbs up)
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irishmammonagenda · 3 days
Hii!! 🧚‍♀️It's Wee Emo anon 🍾
Really liked your last work, so here i am again
Can i request brothers reaction on MC who cry over small things?
Like they see little kitten on the street and - WHOOP! - they're bubbling sobbing mess
I'm kinda can't cry (sounds dramatic lol) and wanna MC to feel it instead of me 😬
Love your works, keep going bestie💐🏃‍♂️
HI WEE EMO <3 please ignore the fact you sent me this on april 27th and its now june i had gcses to prepare for 😔✊
anyway, who let you into my house 😧🤨
no seriously i've cried at multiple south park episodes. south park. sometimes i wanna cry when i see my dog i cannot be trusted i tear up so easily especially when im writing🙁
for not being able to cry that is not very good for you fr:
i used to not be able to cry + still only really tear up, some tears drip down and let out like 2 sobbing sounds before im good again, i dont even have to try and stop crying, two sobs and im done, but my biggest tip is, get tired like really sleepy to the point where your eyes water bc of tiredness then watch something really sad.
i ha to literally train myself to be able to cry again bro dw, i wish i could have a big long cry but like 3 mins of crying is better than none, trust me wee emo you'll feel better
this was very hard to imagine their reactions to idk why, but i tried so 😔✊
grma wee emo for requesting <3 and grma everyone else for reading <3
Obey Me Brothers With a Sensitive MC <3
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It was safe to say you were sensitive, back when Melanie Martinez's music was a lot better, you really could say that the song 'Crybaby' pretty much encapsulated your entire being, it still did, but you liked to think you were more mature in your music taste now. (You weren't)
Being suddenly catapulted into the Devildom did a number on your emotions, and you found yourself quite numb. But as you adjusted, and bonded with the others, you found that you were back to your usual self, which was a crybaby.
So then how do the brothers react?
Great. Two Mammons.
At least Mammon No.2 (you) isnt a tsundere about it.
Lucifer does not like seeing you cry. Even if its because something is cute, (although he does find it quite adorable, not that he'd admit it)
This demon is of the opinion that tears should never disgrace your beautiful eyes.
He will invite you to listen to his records with him and purposely put on sad ones or really sweet ones so you grip onto him while you tear up,
He is a demon, after all. ;)
Finally. Someone who cries more than him!
It actually makes him feel safer around you, like you wont bully him for being more sensitive than his brothers.
Actually ends up dropping a lot of his tsundere act around you.
You watch movies together, but always have to check the Devildom version of 'doesthedogdie.com'
Idk, I feel like Mammon would give you a bit of bother for it at first but then slowly start to like, open up more, because he really does see himself in you like that.
He blanks.
One day you start crying because of how cute the anime you both were watching was, Levi thought you were geniunely upset, so he tried to cheer you up.
You end up thinking that its really sweet and start crying harder.
Leviathan PANICKS.
Even now, he still gets really nervous when you start crying, and has popped into his demon form more times than he can count when you grab onto him and sniffle.
Please he's already so awkward he can't handle how cute you are.
You might make him start crying as well :(
Satan 100% gets so angry he starts crying so he can kind of understand it.
He's just glad you cry over positive things :)
His favourite moment was definetly when you teared up over a small kitten. (He took several photos and also took the kitten home)
Like Lucifer he 100% invites you to read with him and picks the fluffiest most adorable romance he can find, or the saddest most heartbreaking romance he can find.
He likes when you cling onto him and look up at him with those big teary eyes.
He's a demon. What did you expect, ;)
He thinks you're adorable.
Any emotion on your face is adorable to him actually. <3
If you wear makeup he makes sure to get you waterproof mascara and other eye makeup so your beautiful tears dont ruin your beautiful makeup <3
If any of you remember that crying girl makeup trend? Yeah he deffo starts that up in the Devildom (a) to make you feel less embarrassed about it and (b) because he thinks youre so beautiful when you express yourself.
He doesn't cry a lot, it's not exactly something that comes naturally to him at all.
Its not that he CANT cry or that he holds his tears back, its just that he doesn't normally process or reaction to things with tears.
Only in serious serious situations will he cry.
So when he sees you crying over one of those little onigiri things that are literally adorable, he thinks that you've somehow hurt yourself. (i nabbed this off of pinterest)
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Beel panics, and mentally goes over the ingredients in his head, did he order something with an ingredient that was dangerous to humans?
He calms down when he realises that you're crying because it looks cute.
He feels you with that.
Makes an effort to take you to more places with food items displayed in cute ways.
Though you do have to look away while Beel cuts them up for you, otherwise you wouldnt be able to eat it.
He laughs at you.
Point blank.
Originally when he's in the attic he uses your sensitivity as a way to manipulate you.
But post lesson 16, he really starts to appreciate it more.
This bastard will use his powers as the youngest sibling against you, he'll dress up in cute onesies and give you puppy eyes, all to coax you into taking naps with him.
Which you do.
I have no idea how half of these fuckheads would react tbh
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arctic-atlantic · 3 days
DnDoc #2 - Reunion
As the Doctor and Ruby dragged Rogue to his feet, his eyes started to water and he lost all sense of depth perception in the transcendent dimensions of the TARDIS. The round things were bobbing up and down across his vision, mixing with little red spots that had probably come from standing up too fast. It was like he was looking out the window of his spaceship at a starscape he was passing, except really really hungover.
   Rogue was aware he was considerably taller than the two people dragging him along, so he did his best to put weight on his feet as they led him up to the living quarters. His legs had got him this far; they could get him a little further. It was just that they had buckled as soon as he'd seen the inside of this machine, as soon as the Doctor had come rushing towards him, as soon as he knew that he had finally made it back.
   There were words buzzing formlessly around in his mind but every time he tried to get hold of one to start saying something he got a stab of pain behind his eyes and clearly the Doctor could tell because he kept shushing him and telling him firmly not to rush. Finally they got him into a small room with two black leather futons. They had ergonomic curves at the head and the knees so that he wasn't lying completely flat, and the headrest was so soft that his tired neck relaxed and he could concentrate on keeping his eyes open.
   The Doctor perched on the other futon, setting the empty water cup on a little end-table between the heads of the two futons.
   "Oh hey, I'll refill that," said Ruby. "Pass it here?"
   She and the Doctor shared some sort of eye-contact communication as the Doctor handed her the cup. She looked from him to Rogue and back.
   "Just want to say, Rogue, I know you sort of did it for him as well but thank you so much for, you know, saving my life. That was amazing." She raised the empty cup as if in a cheers. "So… I'll leave you two to catch up." Then she ducked out of the room and swung the door closed behind her.
   Rogue turned his head slightly to the left so that he was actually looking at the Doctor. "Is she trying to wing-woman you or is she actually going to bring me more water?"
   "Um… maybe both? She'll probably, you know, dawdle," said the Doctor, pressing his fingertips together a couple of times as he searched for the word.
   "Oh good, dawdling is good," said Rogue, enjoying this brief moment of awkwardness from the Doctor. He'd get settled down soon, be smooth as hell. But Rogue remembered how flustered he'd got in the moment when that identifying papers gadget had called Rogue hot, the first second since they'd met where it seemed like the Doctor might have been aware he was not totally in control of the situation. Now that was hot. Of course, then everything had gotten much more dramatic and had almost ended in disaster. That stupid button had almost ruined everything; if anything it had had as much redemption as Rogue himself.
   "Rogue? You alright?" the Doctor said. "You're spacing out again."
   "Ah, sorry," said Rogue. "It's just been me in my own head for a long time. I am trying to get out of there."
   The Doctor leaned forward and stroked his forehead again. Rogue could feel the air prickle on his skin as the Doctor wiped away some sweat, which on the one hand was gross, but on the other hand was a welcome breather.
   "So, I was wondering," said the Doctor, holding Rogue's eye contact strongly and calmly now - back in control. "Are there any Chuldur I should be worrying about? Please tell me the trap didn't interpret 'random barren dimension' as Scotland and send them all here."
   "I mean the weather is miserable," said Rogue. "But no, I don't think you get this much rainfall in barren dimensions."
   "So no Chuldur chasing you?"
   "No," said Rogue. "I shook them off immediately. Just ducked out while they were all arguing. Very low DC on that stealth check. There were these like, dry and twisted trees? I don't think any of them had seen a leaf in a millennia, but there were certainly a lot of them and very densely packed. Great cover. So off I went into the forest."
   "And you had no idea where you were? No way to get anywhere else?" said the Doctor.
   Rogue could hear the concern in his voice, but there was also a suppressed eagerness, a curiosity. So Rogue took a deep breath and, with brief breaks for clearing his throat or spluttering some phlegm into a dish, he told the Doctor his story.
If anyone is wondering what the hell I'm talking about with the futons, it's meant to be these:
(Ian and Susan in The Edge of Destruction and Barbara and Vicki in The Web Planet)
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@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post)
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