#but the thing about my chronic illness is its. an invisible illness
arcaneyouth · 1 year
having a chronic illness/disability and also having medical trauma is a bitch for obvious reasons but also like. being part of the disabled community n stuff. like yeah i want to show my love and support for disabled people and i dont want to be uncomfortable when they talk about their experiences. if they talk about specific experiences i will stop breathing while the panic hits me like many bricks
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luna-rainbow · 8 months
idk if you've seen that post, it's from years ago at this point, where someone is surprised to hear that Bucky has a disability. i think it's in an ask with a response like HE'S MISSING AN ARM. remembering that left me thinking,,, what are your thoughts on Bucky's own comprehension of his disability? like, i'm sure he experiences chronic pain, and he's aware of his disability *especially once he has a metal arm that can be detatched as we see in tfatws* but i also feel like he might feel guilty taking the title of disabled because he has the serum and is "super" plus he doesn't feel like he deserves the support/help that can and should be given to disabled people when they need it. ALSO he hasn't had all that much time to process as a human rather than a controlled weapon that he is missing an arm. his prosthetic has been welded into him,, with probably less sensation,, but it functions like an arm,, idk i just feel like it probably hits him out of the blue, too 🥲
Oooh thanks for the interesting ask nonnie! And yes I do remember that hilarious post.
Here's my usual disclaimer that this is just throwing out ideas and that canon lends itself to many different interpretations.
I think the first thing to consider is Bucky's relationship with disability as a concept. He was good friends with Steve, a chronically ill person, but sometimes people have a different bias when it comes to invisible illness versus visible body difference. I have seen people, including disabled people, who are more accepting of one type than the other. He had grown up during a time when disability was considered a "defect" and there was talk of eliminating them from the gene pool, so there might be some inherent fear of being seen as "disabled". At the same time, he had also fought through one of the bloodiest wars of human history but also post the antibiotic era, which means a lot of major injuries became survivable compared to WW1. He likely saw many people around him become physically marked in one way or another. I have a feeling that that experience would have reconciled him with the fact that the value of life is greater than physical wholeness. So overall, I think Bucky probably had a fairly accepting view on disability and illness back when he was able-bodied, and while he needs time to process the loss, that acceptance is probably somewhat protective against self-hatred.
The second thing is the curious subject of Bucky's bionic arm. I have met (lower limb) amputees who reject the "disabled" label, because to them once they put on a prosthesis they could walk and run and work and exercise. I think worrying about being "deserving" might be a small part of it, there's a bigger part of worrying about social perceptions of disability -- they didn't want the "handicap" label to be used to hold them back. I suspect you are right, in that Bucky probably sees himself as very capable, even super-humanly so, with the (very high-tech) prosthesis. He most likely feels that being a soldier is a big part of his identity and sense of worth. I suspect also...going back to what Bucky's relationship with the word "disability" means, his interpretation of that (given he came from the 1940s) might mean something that has a profound impact on function, and he may feel that he doesn't fit that mark.
The third thing is Bucky's relationship with body image, which has varied from movie to movie. The Winter Soldier had no qualms flaunting that arm, but then the Winter Soldier had no mind of its own, and its handlers knew the metal arm was intimidating. In both Civil War and TFATWS, we see Bucky wear gloves and long sleeves to hide his arm, which he removes when he starts a mission. It could be that he doesn't want to scare people or draw attention to it day to day, or it could be that he associates the arm with the soldier part of himself and he doesn't want to see it when he's trying to return to a normal life. Interestingly, in Wakanda, Bucky had been quite content to walk around without any sort of prosthesis at all. This might suggest that he's less bothered by the missing arm than he is by the need to wear a weaponised prosthesis.
But you know, people are fickle creatures, and I am sure when he's hit by PTSD or a bout of anxiety or depression, his views on body image and his physical limitations would take a very nasty turn and he would have to work through all the stages of grief again.
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idyllic-affections · 2 years
invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
summary. baizhu knows the struggle of maintaining a job while being chronically ill; as such, he is willing to offer an accommodating work environment for others who struggle like he does.
trigger & content warnings. angst (at first... it gets better i swear /lh), ableism, etc.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. hurt/comfort. baizhu & chronically ill!teen!reader, qiqi & reader. 1.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. he's out of nonplayable prison ygs!!!!! can't wait to see his character stories for..... personal reasons..... anyways i want to specify that i am chronically ill. i am constantly fighting with my genetics to be healthy, its ridiculous LMAO
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imagine baizhu employing a chronically ill, visionless teenager.
baizhu can easily say he's known their family for a long time, so he of course knows that they have trouble keeping a job. they often mention little things like that about their life during their visits with him. never once has he found anything wrong with them; they're always in virtually perfect health.
that doesn't change the fact that they're very clearly struggling. he's observed just how much they overexert themselves in a desperate attempt to actually keep a stable job, simply to help support their family, but all the exertion only seems to make their invisible issues worse.
also... they've been in his care for heat stroke more than once in liyue's warmer seasons. the heat is just far too much for their body to handle if they aren't careful.
"What the hell is wrong with me?"
Their voice was so quiet and whispery that if Baizhu hadn't been attuned closely to them at that moment, he might have missed it. They half wished that he would have. Based on the brief glance he spared in their direction, they knew he was listening. Oh well.
"I mean... really. This is ridiculous," they murmured, knees drawn up against their chest. "Everyone thinks I'm just dramatic. I'm not. I do fine for the most part, but then it just... gets bad for no reason at all... how am I in perfect health?"
By that point in their rant, his undivided attention was on them. Though his gaze was thoughtful, musing, they interpreted it differently and winced slightly.
"...Sorry. I really shouldn't be complaining like this in front of someone who's chronically ill."
"No, it's quite alright. You shouldn't minimize your pain. Your struggles are as valid as mine. I find your trust, your ability to confide in me, quite endearing, even," he reassured, unbothered, to which their shoulders seemed to lose some of the tension they harbored. "In fact... I've been thinking about this for quite some time now. Chronic illness may show itself in a variety of forms. Sometimes it may show itself in the form of your symptoms. Would you like to learn how to manage your energy better?"
the liyuean doctor basically hired them right then and there, but they don't really realize that for the first few weeks.
in the beginning, they're just... spending time at bubu pharmacy, learning how baizhu manages his own limited energy and applying those techniques to their own life (it works shockingly well). that's all!
it slowly turns into them helping out where they can—packaging herbs, learning what exactly each one of them does, delivering prescriptions to those who cannot physically get the medicines themselves... even when people start to question if they've found a new job, they remain oblivious.
it's one day while helping mince herbs that they realize they're basically a junior herbalist.
A soft hiss left their lips when the knife nicked the pad of their finger. They were quick to put pressure on the little cut, pulling their hand away from the countertop to prevent any blood from dripping onto it.
"It's best to get rid of those herbs," Baizhu reminded, stepping away from his own work to gently bandage their wound.
A small pout graced their lips. "I didn't get any blood on them, though..."
Amusement and the vaguest hint of fondness twinkled in his gaze. "We don't know that for certain, do we, now?"
"...Wait a minute." Their eyes narrowed suspicously at him, drawing their freshly-dressed hand back once he was done. "This isn't about energy management anymore, is it? Have I been... I've been working here this entire time. These tasks are very employee-like."
"Come, now. Don't look at me like that. You were looking for a stable job, and I am more than willing to accomodate your needs."
"You could've at least said something to me. I've been doing free labor all this time, and as a child, no less! Hmm... now, I do believe that is illegal in this part of Teyvat~ It'd be shame to get Ms. Yanfei involved~"
in the spirit teaching them to manage their energy, he often takes them on house calls with him, starting off to just homes in liyue harbor and later to homes all the way in qingce village. it's a good way for them to gain stamina and get a better understanding of their job.
baizhu has a tendency to smile through his own pain for the sake of his patients.
this habit slipped by unchecked until [name] came around.
whenever they feel like he isn't doing very well, they'll take over for him regardless of what he has to say about it.
herbalist gui is very thankful for them—baizhu hardly ever listened to him, but he does take better care of himself for [name]'s sake.
(he swears that baizhu is oddly parental when it comes to them, but he wouldn't dare mention the doctor's blatant affections to his face.)
"welcome to bubu pharmacy," they'd greet with a kind smile after unceremoniously shoving baizhu towards the back of the pharmacy where he could rest undisturbed, "unfortunately, dr. baizhu is currently out of commission, but herbalist gui and i would be glad to take care of anything you may need."
sometimes changsheng can be seen wrapped around their arm! usually it's their dominant arm, which is terribly inconveniencing. still, it would be an honor to be Chosen™ by their loved one's pet... if only she wasn't so mean to them.
"Hmph. You're terrible at cutting herbs. It pains me just to watch."
"Okay? Go back to Dr. Baizhu then? I'm not holding you hostage, Changsheng. You came to me," they huffed. "Also... maybe I'd be able to cut better if you weren't strangling my dominant arm. Just saying."
It's a few moments later that they're sulking, murmuring curses as Baizhu disinfected their fresh snake bite. Changsheng completely neglected to apologize until Baizhu had prompted her to.
(They would complain that he found that incident a little too funny if anyone were to ask them. It really hurt, you know!)
changsheng bullies them lovingly <3 she bites them affectionately <33
(not that she'd ever say that, though. baizhu knows. he just chooses to let her believe he doesn't know.)
qiqi becomes very attached to them very quickly, i think. she'd like having a nice older sibling around and would address them as such without even thinking about it. "jiějiě," "gēgē"... she can't really tell what gender they identify closer with and doesn't remember to ask, so she tends to bounce between the two terms of address.
she has an entire page in her journal dedicated to little things about [name] that she deems to be important. she notes down things they seem to like, things they seem to dislike, their birthday, other important dates, defining features...
she also keeps important warning signs related to health episodes of their's jotted down, like how when [name] stands still a little too long, qiqi should urge them to sit for a moment because they're probably either dizzy or having vision issues, or how when their hands begin to tremble, qiqi should share a sunsettia with them.
she does miss these signs sometimes... she does her best, though! qiqi only wants to help the sweet junior herbalist that braids her hair and accompanies her on her herb-picking trips and hugs her and says "i love you, please stop this task, you might get hurt" with so much genuine affection that it often overwhelms her :(
it's rare, but sometimes, there will be a customer or patient that has little tolerance for their disability-induced weakness or slowness.
because their illness(es) is(/are) invisible, very few people take their struggles seriously.
some people take this as an excuse to verbally and even physically abuse them.
baizhu does not take kindly to people abusing his employees, especially not his chronically ill teenage employee. especially not them.
"Is there an issue I can help with?"
They didn't mind being the only one at reception during the days Herbalist Gui was out, Qiqi was herb-picking, and Baizhu was otherwise occupied. It wasn't a big deal, really.
At least... not until someone particularly impatient decided to make their job difficult.
Baizhu never took kindly to such incidents; this one was no different. Based on his tone of voice alone, it wasn't hard to guess that he was livid, golden irises alight with rage. Even Changsheng had hissed in their defense at the sight in front of her eyes.
He'd come back just in time to see them flinch away from the raised hand of some foreign adventurer.
"This one—"
"And who said I was asking you?" he scoffed, sliding behind the counter and checking them for wounds. They were shaking, he noted, gingerly supporting a fraction of their weight in case they were to collapse. "I was asking my herbalist, [Name]."
Baizhu was a man of patience and, really...
He wasn't all that confrontational. Despite that, any semblance of the supposed cowardice he harbored was gone in an instant.
His scarred fingers drew soothing shapes on their upper arm as he led them into the back of the clinic, guiding them to sit on one of the beds before their legs could give out.
"Are you alright?"
baizhu takes very good care of them after stressful encounters because he knows very well that such high-stress emotional experiences will take a toll on their body.
whenever a wealthier patient comes in, they've learned to overcharge them on purpose even if it's for the most ridiculous of ailments; oh? you say you have been sneezing quite a lot and are having a hard time breathing? no, no, it's not springtime allergies, who told you that? it's quite dire, in fact, and the treatment price will be awfully expensive... oh? you'll pay it? wonderful!
^ herbalist gui says that baizhu is a terrible influence on them sometimes.
in their defense, they get hefty bonuses every time wealthy people pay ridiculous prices for typically rather inexpensive herbs (like a certain ginger harbinger did one time! they still giggle at the memory of him paying so much for so little). the more wealthy people pay, the bigger their bonuses (fatui harbingers are very wealthy...).
simply put, they make more mora than the majority of their family put together because of this morally dubious behavior.
baizhu, gui, qiqi, and [name] are a chaotic found family but yk what? they all make it work <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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museofthepyre · 8 months
Did a fun Q&A thing on insta about my ocs, here are the highlights, lore and shit! For context I am writing this into a horror-ish book as we speak. Brewing my dastardly schemes (gay tragedy).
Q: Is Eden also a cannibal?
A: Eden isn't a cannibal in the way Harlow is. I mean he eats people but only because Harlow's cooking is too good to turn down /hj. Eden's thing is... kinda the opposite.
He's slowly being consumed by the rot that's festering within him, a manifestation of hatred and shame. To him love is consumption, and he is inedible. Insert vulture metaphor here w Harlow. For every rotting corpse there is a very greatful vulture who will look past the decay, and see your worth. Eden is ultimately finished off by something that loves him, a consumptive love, unconditional and indiscriminate.
A: This rot is really the only story element that isn't totally grounded in reality. It's an illness that's a manifestation of his self hatred/ repression/ internalized shame- not an actual condition.
It appears at first like it just affects his chest- but it’s been slowly burrowing deep into his body. Its spreading like roots/ mycillium through his flesh and will finish him off in one foul swoop once it's finished spreading.
In the meantime, it manifests like a chronic illness- his muscles are all atrophied and he feels constantly drained of life. It's taking small pieces of flesh to sustain itself while it spreads (the chest cavity is the result of that-though the REAL damage is invisible. It's the ticking time bomb roots beneath the seemingly unaffected surface). It functions like a slow acting Chronic Wasting Disease (aka zombie deer disease, humans can't get it in reality, but it was the inspiration)
Q: What happened when Harlow discovered Eden was a guy
A: Eden is trans, and closeted in his life. Harlow is the first person he ever discusses his truth with.
At first, Harlow was just kinda... confused? Transness is not a concept he was familiar with. At ALL. The idea alone was completely unheard of to him. Again this is the Bible Belt in the 8os, the area so rarely encountered visible transness- trans people existed of course, but so many stayed hidden to survive. The roaring tre of bigotry did not have much tuel in that regard... no trans people to propagandize against. It was not on the public's vitriolic radar. In that way, Harlow hadn't developed the knee-jerk reaction of hatred... he was more fascinated than anything, but it did challenge him to understand at first.
Unlike his journey with accepting homosexuality this was not so much a task of unlearning as it was just... learning.
Also Eden's whole rotting thing adds another layer to this Harlow is stupid and takes everything VERY literally- he thought Eden's condition must be divinely brought.
Harlow saw a gift from God, a rare flower planted in inhospitable soil, wilting before it ever got the chance to bloom. Like the angels sent to Sodom and Gamorrah in human disguises, to test the townspeople's virtue. To present them with something foreign yet beautiful, to judge their inherent goodness based on how they treat it. Like in the biblical story, the townspeople were so vile and inhospitable that it endangered the angels and forced them to leave, burning down the town behind them. Harlow saw this as prophecy. He was eager to get to the “burning down the town” part.
Part of my motivation for incorporating that specific biblical story is SPITE btw since so many people use it to justify homophobia. Reverse uno idiots. I'm putting you in my GAY BOOK as a metaphor for hateful queerphobic societies.HA!
Q: Describe the rot in Eden's chest in sensory detail (texture smell “cause" etc) I want rot details!!
A: I used CWD and necrotizing fasciitis as building blocks for this thing... starts in the brain, spreads like roots through the body, eating away at muscle and skin as it does. Once it's fully spread, it'd rapidly worsten and bring death within a matter of hours.
In the meantime it sustains itself off of non-fatal bits of flesh (his chest here, since it's a manifestation of self hatred and all, and dysphoria is a bitch). It is an open wound so it'd feel scabby and it is perpetually weeping... which is how Harlow finds out about it so quickly (seeps through white nightgown after being left unbandaged for a few nights). He would also have to take care to hide the smell of decay
It advances throughout the story and by the end there's barely any soft tissue left on his chest, nothing alive anyways. The final overtake begins, and his organs enter the early stages of consumption (which happens very rapidly in one foul swoop). That's when they decide it's time for boy dinner!
Q: How smart are they
A: GREAT QUESTION! HARLOW IS FUCKING STUPID. LIKE not only does he lack emotional intelligence entirely, but he's also very impulsive and reckless. The ONLY reason he's getting away with his murders is because the society around him has shot itself in the foot with its homophobia. Noooobody is suspicious of him for the string of missing attractive dudes. They're looking for a "vengeful woman" profile, or possibly a "debt collector with many social connections" or something. Not some solitary redneck who barely shows his face in town and is very polite and quiet when he does. He appears, in all respects, like a normal guy in public.
Once they have mutual blackmail (and also start caring about each other)... Eden realizes that if Harlow gets caught, he's fucked too. So partially for the sake of self-preservation, and... partially out of pity for this stupid stupid man... Eden starts to help him cover up.
Harlow is pretty disillusioned as to how society functions as a whole, since he grew up pretty far from it. Eden is the opposite, he was suffocated by it and learned how to be sneaky as a result. Eden is very good at getting people to trust him, he's good at lying, he's good at acting. Thing is, he's overly trusting to his own detriment. He's desperate for genuine connection and easily deceived himself. He's bad at reading people.
Q: What happened to Harlow's mom?
A: Harlow's mother died due to complications during childbirth. He never had a maternal figure in his life, he was raised as an only child by his father, who had become calloused and would never remarry. Harlow dropped out of high school and kept to himself at his house/ in nature after that very isolated from society. Considering all this... he not only lacked a maternal figure, but any female influence... at all. Which manifested as this warped and idolized understanding of women as a whole
He thought of women in a very high and almost mystified regard- like how a child would imagine a mythical creature. One massive blank filled in by a clueless imagination. He respected them greatly, he feared them like gods, and he felt a need to repent to them as such. He never properly processed the guilt he felt over his mothers death-largely thanks to his father's handling of it. This guilt left him feeling indebted, like he owed the world for what he “took", like if he ever so much as inconvenienced another woman it would be an irredeemable sin.
This all sounds like it comes from a good place, but it's really all just deluded naivety this is not a positive trait of Harlow's. It contributed a lot to his toxic masculinity, the pressure he put on himself to "be a man", etc.
He's not a white knight, he's a cowardly dog.
This is why he didn't just kill Eden on the spot after being caught, he needed to make sure...)
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k1rameki · 1 year
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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spooky-pumpkinz · 3 months
As someone with Invisible Chronic Illnesses. I experienced first hand the ablism against young people while i was in hospital.
I have Fibromyalgia, POTS, Scoliosis among other things.
I kept being told their not too worried about my leg healing because I'm young "healthy" 24 y/o.
As if fibromyalgia isn't gonna slow my healing process.
I was told in the ER, I was very calm for the situation i was in (my leg wasnt pretty, my foot had to be realigned, i was waiting for surgery on top of it all)
I just replied i was used to being in pain. Everyone looked uncomfortable when i said that.
When on the ward healing for a week, a few of my nurses asked me what i did for work.
I simply replied "I'm disabled"
The immediate response everytime i was asked was "Oh im so sorry-" as if its not okay to talk about.
I could be reading into this stuff too much. I mean they probably dont know all my medical issues as I'm just there for a broken leg.
I also didn't make my Fibro a big deal because 1) i have a much more serious problem at hand and 2) there's such a prejudice about Fibromyalgia being a fake illness.
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annoyingalchemist · 1 year
My therapist (I have a therapist now) explained meditation in a way that was really helpful for me- cause I had always thought of it as basically a way to get rid of distractions by like... i dunno sorting them, or slowing down to actually consider them, or... something. The point is that it was supposed to help process stimuli, and the like, way you knew you were doing it right was when you got all calm and tranquil.
And I always thought... y'know that'd be great if I could find the time and not get bored 30 seconds in.
But at least the way my therapist was saying to use it, it's not at all really about processing anything, it's about stopping the cycle your brain gets into where it can't find enough stimuli, so it gets anxious and looks for more and gets more anxious and keeps pressing out and out and out, and you get less able to actually process information, which adds stress because you need to function, which causes more stimulus seeking, eventually causing various degrees of sensory overload just because of the sheer amount of information your brain is sorting through looking for stimuli, and over time chronic exposure to the cycle causes.... a whole host of fucked up and ineffective coping mechanisms.
So meditation is about learning to tune in to your body and immediate surroundings and actually fully processing the stimuli you usually disregard in favor of more high value/effort sources. This does two things. One: it lets you stop the cycle much earlier, which means you can actually focus on stuff you want to focus on instead of whatever's the most points. Two: you start building your interoception back up, which means you can actually like... know what's going on with your body and be more able to anticipate its needs, which means there are less invisible stressors.
Also, you can actually have accurate information about your body instead of just kinda reconstructing what you think should be going on based on the three or four times in the last month that something's been high value enough to break through, which seems like it should be very helpful if, for example, you're chronically ill like me, or just want to feel like you know what's going on.
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disabled system asks: 1-4, 10!
1. Is your disability invisible, visible or both?
Both: invisible in the way that there appears to be nothing outwardly wrong with us (as doctors kindly keep reminding me) but visible in the way that we use mobility aids almost all the time. We wear a sunflower lanyard in public, and use a mixture of a cane, crutches and a wheelchair depending on the day.
I wish to add, as someone who has looked able bodied, and disabled in various fonts.. people don’t treat disabled people better if they’re in a wheelchair or visibly ill, and some are arguably worse to young wheelchair users.
2. Do you use mobility aids? If so, what for?
We do! As said above. We have a mixture of issues (ranging from endometriosis to POTS to hEDS to fibromyalgia) that create.. well, a mixture of issues XD. We’ll use the wheelchair on bad pain and fatigue days and carry the crutches.. or, on better days, just use the crutches to take some pressure off our knees, and aid as balance. As cool as our cane looks (photos later), we stopped using it as it was giving us pretty severe hip pain on one side from the way we had to lean to get support from it (still my fav visually though).
3. Is there a specific alter/part/headmate who fronts to deal with pain? How do they manage it?
Yes, that would be me. I split when we were very young to deal with injury, particularly blood. As our chronic pain increased, so did the amount of time I spent fronting, until I slowly became our most common fronter. Sucks though, cuz that was never meant to be my job, I was supposed to stay sitting on the sidelines only appearing to deal with first aid and other protector things. Instead, I’m here, and somehow I make it everyone else’s problem.
My appearance as most common fronter got us outed as a system because I’m so drastically different from the common fronters of the time. {its a little more complicated than that but you get the idea}
I manage it with a combo of pain killers (including medicinal CBD, THC, and flower, pregabalin, panadol, ibuprofen, codeine and morphine amongst other things… happy to answer questions about any of them if you’re curious), dissociation, weaponised tears and sheer fucking willpower… I wish I could say sheer fucking will was still working, but it is not very well anymore. There’s only so much one can deal with, and our pain has been getting steadily worse for the past few years with very little support (most of our illnesses have no cure, only management). We’ve reached the point where our doctors and specialists aren’t sure what to do with us and are wondering if there’s something they have missed…but uh, our tests, bloods and results are coming back clean. Looking into that at the moment lol.
4. Do you experience pain variety based on who’s fronting?
Oh hell, do we ever. Certain members of the system *cough* Kyle *cough* have dreadful pain tolerances - I always know when one of them is cocon because our pain skyrockets into impossible levels, even if I’m trying to keep it under control. Certain other members of our sys have average pain tolerances, some age regress to cope, others just curl up in a ball and sob.. depends on the alter - and the cyclical nature of parts of our pain make it difficult to manage, and to recognise how each alter is affected. Plus, it’s hard to compare pain tolerances when each of us have no other/barely any frame of reference.
10. Do you decorate your aids?
YES. We use a combination of spray paint, cheap nail polish, stickers and in the case of the wheelchair, holders designed for prams and bikes (water bottle holder, clips, bells, reflective stripes etc).. aids start out super boring and for us, decorating them and making them prettier is the only way to make them tolerable. And political - if the government is going to make our life into a political ‘issue’, we will turn right back around and make them aware of our existence ;)
the pic doesn’t grasp it very well, but we painted the chair’s spokes rainbow (and they look super cool when we’re driving it)
Thanks to @disabled-systems for the game <33
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lucem-stellarum · 10 months
I'm not 100% sold on this yet myself, but...
What if chronically-ill Guy?
This is the 2nd sick video he has. I'm sure it's more due to the fact that Guy is pretty close to Erik's natural voice, and he doesn't have to worry about adding things like the magical sound effects or multiple characters, things that would require a lot of effort on the back end, or weaving in complicated plot heavy elements when he's not feeling well. But... have we gotten sick videos for any other character? I appreciate Erik wanting to continue providing content for us, but there are so many other character options. It gives us an opportunity to explore character depth.
I know it's a bit of a running stereotype that chronically ill (assorted flavors) overlaps with neurodivergent (assorted flavors) overlaps with writing (as both hobby and profession) but... what if though? He's got the latter two, so why not the first too? While its not impossible that he has some sort of obvious physical impairment (such as amputation, or requiring a wheelchair), if it was meant to be canon from the get-go I feel like Asher or Gavin/FL would have made a specific mention of it when they interacted with him. I sincerely doubt that he'd pull a JKR-Dumbledore and be all 'it was toootally there it just wasn't relevant to the ~story~' after the fact. Erik is decently good about #representation, though he does have to balance it out with wanting to keep his characters as physically vague as possible so we as listeners can project our own mental expectations. But, neither writing nor pizza delivery are necessarily automatically overwhelmingly physically demanding (plus, amputees/wc users absolutely can drive with proper assistive devices) so that doesn't automatically exclude invisible conditions either.
I'd have to do a bit more research before I decide if I want to hc a specific condition, of course. Especially if it's something I don't have myself. There are a couple qualities I have in mind, some criteria that I think would make sense with what we know about him. I also have do decide if there's any expectations I'd want to subvert with this. Like, I don't think something like celiac's or Crohn's disease makes sense because he works in a pizza shop, and seems to voluntarily eat that kind of food frequently. He's also super chaotic and high-energy just... all the time, even when he's sick, so something mental and depression-adjacent also doesn't sound quite right (with the caveat that ADHD and depression can coexist in ways that seem incompatible at first glance). I'm kind of vibing with something (or a treatment for something, like steroids treating eczema or COPD) that leaves him at least a little bit immunocompromised, because he seems to be frequently sick whereas Honey doesn't seem to catch it even though they're both worried it's contagious. I don't want to say anyone else's headcanon is invalid, but I'm still in the process of integrating this idea into my brain so I'm open to suggestions. I'm not afraid of ignoring minor canon details when it suits me, if there's something that would otherwise fit him perfectly.
Does anyone else have any specific ideas? Thoughts? Added dimensions that I'm missing out on or things I haven't considered yet?
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cosmossystem · 4 months
As someone who was told they weren't "disabled enough" for most groups. Thank you, genuinely, for those recent posts.
I have invisible physical disabilities and several neurological ones as well, and I feel extremely excluded in most disabled movements because of the things people keep saying.
Just because mine doesn't look as bad, doesn't mean it's easier to deal with.
(I hope this is ok to send, if this crosses any boundaries please feel free to delete! 🖤❤)
im glad to hear this. this is exactly why i speak about it so much.
our neurodivergence directly ties into our physical disability. our (c)ptsd, severe anxiety, and avpd have left us with chronic pain that cannot be fixed or even diagnosed properly. we are moderately agoraphobic, so we cant do anything that requires going outside. due to our neurodivergence, it would be incredibly difficult for us to hold a job, and we are completely incapable of doing many tasks that others would find easy for both mental and physical reasons. those are ALL disabling things.
i dont think people understand that mental/neurological disabilities arent something you can just... ignore. i cannot just "ignore" my triggers. i get physical symptoms from them, i get nauseous, i throw up, i get heart palpitations, i ache for days and become bedridden and lose capacity to do anything at all. my mental illnesses trigger my physical illnesses, and similarly my physical illness triggers my mental illness. having chest pain? welp, there goes my good week. have a headache? im clearly dying and i cant do anything today. my ocd and (c)ptsd leaves me immobile for hours at a time. they clearly contribute to my disability.
how am i supposed to know for certain if my chronic chest pain is fibromyalgia or "just anxiety", when it is incredibly painful and disabling either way? how am i supposed to act like these are two separate experiences? i would still need accommodations. am i taking up precious resources because im not disabled in the way you think i should be? does that make me a "bad" disabled person? no. no it doesnt. it never will. i am disabled regardless.
these are the intersections we should be talking about when we discuss experiences with disability, and yet, certain "people" (who i wont name) are more interested in created hard and quick lines between Physical Disability and Not-Physical Disability as if they never influence each other ever or as if our society "prefers" one over the other, which it does not. society does not accomodate for ANY of us. thats why we are... ahem... "disabled."
its like theres a list of "acceptable" disabilities to have and if you dont have one of those, tough luck buddy, youre Certifiably Not Crippled(TM) according to Me, Random Stranger Who Knows Everything.
i have more to say but i think this is long enough so ill cut it off there. but thank you for this ask. i dont totally regret posting about it now, lol.
💿 red
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
HELLO!! YOUR BAIZHU WITH CHRONICALLY ILL READER IS THE BEST THING THAT'S EVERY HAPPENED!!! I've never seen a blog that does only platonic things, and as an aroace person, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! I wasn't too sure if you requests were open or not, but I was wondering if you could make either some headcanons or a fic where the reader (from that series) has a flare up or gets sick and Baizhu takes care of them? I'm unfortunately sick right now (just in time for when my final school assignments are due, slay 😍) but found family and hurt/comfort are literally the best thing ever, and, if put together, I'm pretty sure will cure me /j. If you requests aren't open, then please disregard this message!
Anyway, I gotta go sleep before the fever messes up my brain (if it hasn't already); so good bye, and thank you again!!
a slip of the tongue.
summary. how does baizhu care for his junior herbalist when they fall ill?
trigger & content warnings. flu-like sickness, lighthearted mentions of death.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. hurt/comfort-ish. baizhu & reader. 1.1k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of invisible disability? it's rather visible to me & contains vaguely implied spoilers for baizhu's story quest.
author's thoughts. hello lovely!!! thank youu <3 i am slowly collecting people that like this series like how i collect shiny rocks. its great to get a request related to it. i hold this series very dearly, so please (and this goes for everyone reading this!) never be shy to send thoughts about it or requests related to it. anyway, i love catering to aroace folk, you all are so special to me. im on the aro spectrum myself, so i get it. i know from experience that it can be super frustrating looking for fanfic content that's non-romantic. please remember to take care of yourself! i totally understand the feeling of needing to finish final assignments while being sick. me and you are in the exact same boat LMAO... my requests are always open btw! ive no intention of ever closing them. in the end, i went with our poor reader being sick rather than having flare ups, since i already briefly touched on that idea in employee benefits.
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how does baizhu care for his junior herbalist when they're sick and out of commission?
baizhu is most often the first to know when they're sick or otherwise unwell. he's so impossibly attentive to their bodily condition, simply because their health is partially his responsibility. he's their teacher. what kind of mentor would neglect to take care of their apprentice? a bad one, that's what kind.
(he also feels somewhat indebted to them—even though they're chronically ill, they're always doing anything they can to help him recover after his "secret art" treatments. even though he's the doctor, they've helped care for him on more than one occasion. he has to return the favor whenever he can. just because he's older doesn't mean he gets to freely take advantage of their kindness.)
if he's not the first to know, he's the second, because the only instance where he wouldn't know first is if they woke up ill at home.
he'll always end up being the second to know, at the very least. someone will inform him of their condition, whether that be a parent or a sibling or another family member. sometimes a friend of theirs may tell him, such as xingqiu, chongyun, hu tao, or xiangling.
in hu tao's case... she may be distrustful of him, but she does tell him when they aren't well. [name] is a childhood friend of hers. she cares about their health and, surprisingly, doesn't want to put them in the ground just yet!
even though she dreads the path they've chosen to walk down... she still cares for them, very much so.
(junior herbalist!reader's lore drop is finally here?!?!?)
regardless of how baizhu finds out, they'll end up being cared for at the pharmacy.
though he could prescribe them medication and let them be taken care of at home...
he often wants to care for them himself.
gui has asked why in the past, and baizhu really has never had a good answer for him.
he's really not sure why he wants to be the one to monitor them. perhaps it's because it gives him a sense of calmness and reassures him that they're recovering well.
after all, if their condition were to rapidly decline for any reason... he could fix it.
(to some others, his concern might seem overprotective. unnecessary. however, something as simple as the flu has been known to take lives. he worries that, because of their chronic illness, they may be more susceptible to a severe case than others are.)
he has the means to save them if something like that were to happen, and undoubtedly, the life of his sweet and kind apprentice is one that deserves to be saved and protected.
perhaps it's also because it seems to put qiqi at ease; baizhu's noticed that she gets fidgety in [name]'s absence during work hours, but when they're ill and being cared for at the pharmacy, she functions very well and often even remembers to check on them herself.
sometimes when they have a fever, qiqi may sit by their side for minutes at a time and just press her little cold hands on their forehead to cool them off. she also ensures that they stay hydrated.
both baizhu and gui find this behavior very endearing. qiqi cares deeply for her big sibling (despite the fact that she's technically older...). her bond with them is something very special and sweet to bear witness to.
bubu pharmacy's work environment is familial and tightly knit by nature, so it isn't too hard to imagine that something would feel wrong if one of the four herbalists were gone for whatever reason. even those who don't work there are affected by the absence of one or more of the pharmacists.
overall, baizhu takes very good care of them when they fall ill.
he monitors them closely, hand-crafts their medicine depending on what they need, makes sure that their fluid intake is maintained...
he dotes on them tbh.
"Ugh..." they groaned, blearily blinking up at their mentor. Baizhu's hand against the feverish skin of their forehead was cold; they couldn't help but lean into the gentle touch. "Bàba?"
He didn't point it out. He hardly even acknowledged their words, as if he were somehow used to it. He only smiled, hand stroking tenderly over their disheveled hair, taming the defiant strands no doubt caused by restless sleep. "So sorry to wake you, dear."
Even Changsheng was quiet—she only hummed thoughtfully from her place around Baizhu's neck. Normally, she'd find something to tease them about (usually because they started it!), but now... she seemed to know that it just wasn't right to tease them in their hazy state of mind.
Gui was quiet, too. He was surprised. He had never heard them address their mentor such an... informal way, let alone with familial terms. He did once briefly think that the dynamic they had with Baizhu was awfully family-like, but...
It was still unexpected.
"Come, now. It's time to take your medicine again, and then you can go back to sleep, okay?"
Gui watched, still silent, as they hummed in absentminded acknowledgement, rubbing their eyes ever so slightly. It didn't seem to help them come to at all; their gaze was still distant and unfocused and they didn't even realize how they addressed the doctor. If they did... they'd probably apologize, embarrassed, but they showed no such emotion. Baizhu gently guided them into a sitting position, rubbing small circles on their back.
Gui handed the cup filled about halfway with herbal medication off to the doctor. Baizhu gingerly guided it to their lips, knowing very well that the guidance was needed; they looked half-asleep sitting up. Archons know they were in no condition to successfully do it themselves. They took the medicine without so much as a whine about its bitterness—they only grimaced slightly after swallowing. Gui supposed that they never really were one to complain about it, even when fully coherent. 'I think it would set a bad example for others if I complained,' they once told him. 'Plus, it's not like Dr. Baizhu gets some kind of sadistic pleasure from giving medication to me, so there's no reason to complain. It's herbal. There's nothing to be done about the taste... I know he doesn't like taking it either. Hehe. It's kind of funny, actually, like we're hiding some kind of company secret. Herbalists who don't like the taste of herbal medicine.'
It was only after he left the room with the doctor that he pointed it out:
"They called you bàba."
"Hm?" Baizhu hummed, turning to Gui. "Oh. Yes... [Name] has done it quite a few times, actually, whether that be because of fever delirium or a slip of the tongue. I don't mind it. It only means that they feel safe enough to be vulnerable here. Qiqi has done it a few times, as well. Those two are only children, so... it is to be expected."
Gui then smiled, nodding. "It's cute."
Baizhu couldn't help but agree, his lips tilting upwards into a little smile himself. "It is."
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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moroser · 2 years
just journaling about my year and stuff. not doing that well but i’m also okay.  
i try every year to make this time of year more bearable but it just is not. i feel like i spend most of december distracting myself in any way possible so i don’t have to confront anything from this month or the year ending, reminding me of a lot of my failures and sorrows and far-from-reach desires. 
this year was not very good for me. i’ve been sick for four years now and still don’t know what’s wrong. my goals feel so unreachable but i made new ones this year. possible goals if i can manage to get through some obstacles, like feeling sick. 
loneliness has been a strong feeling this year. it’s hard for me to make friends in general and i actually have none offline. i feel sad sometimes about that, but mostly just unlucky that all my online friends live so far away. i have a hard time around people because i feel so different from most. i tried to make new friends online this year but it feels like what always happens, no one really sticks with me. i feel very forgettable that way.
i realized this year i’d really love a girlfriend again!! but its hard to sort out how to even go about that. i’m older now. i’ve spent so much time alone. and i’m grey ace and i think aromantic. but i know i’d do so well with a life partner. someone who understood me and me them. 
i feel so behind in life. i missed most of my 20s. almost all of them. i lost them to bad relationships, mental illness and addiction and chronic illness. ive always tried so hard. i’ve always been dealt unlucky hands and worked around it. but somewhere i lost any drive i had to help myself. i really truly wanted to die. i truly felt i deserved to die. i had planned to die, on this day. two different years. i don’t want to die anymore, but the feeling lingers. 
i managed, somehow, to quit my addictions in 2017 and i have been sober all this time. i smoke weed, but i don’t consider that a huge issue, though i wish i smoked less lol. but i detoxed alone for a week in a basement, sweating and with chills, throwing up. i did everything related to my addiction in secrecy. no one around me knew and it just made me feel even worse. because no one around me has ever really cared i was there and i’ve always felt unwanted. and i just felt really invisible. i detoxed twice because the first time, i relapsed. almost checked into a center but i said no i can do this and so i did. i stopped drinking alcohol and i stopped drinking energy drinks all around the same time i quit opioids. i’ve been really proud of myself for everything related to recovering from this period in my life. it’s the strongest thing i’ve ever done for myself and i did it alone.
i’ve always done everything for others and worked hard for praise from adults in my life. i rarely got it. there are so many things that impacted my life negatively out of my hands that i will never get validation for. i’ll never get apologies for. it’s hard to swallow that a lot of the time. but at the same time, it feels like something i’ve always known and carried forever. i’m just aware enough now to really understand. i’m aware enough to know that you have to be your own cheerleader a lot of the time and i am so bad at that. 
i found out this year, and this is actually hard for me to admit because of idk autistic reasons probably, that i want to have a baby. i want one child and it admittedly helps in driving me to fix things and get a career. i’m applying to school in january for spring classes to get everything going. it’s hard to do things for just myself. keeping this in mind, that i’m doing it for more than just me, helps. 
my grandpa passed away in july this year. it was unexpected but also expected. he’d been battling heart failure for several years and already had lived many years passed his original prognosis. he died in his sleep, in the house he built himself and lived in for 60 years. my gran is devastated of course but stronger than i thought of her. 
with his passing i moved into their house so i could take care of my gran. i already was taking care of them, but from my prior living space which was a dungeon. a prison. a horrible place. living with my gran has it’s stresses and difficulties but it will be better here, for me. and i hope for her. we have a really good relationship. besides my cousin she is my closest family relationship. 
overall this year was not wretched. but it was mentally difficult. physically exhausting. and demanded a lot of my strength to keep going. but i’m on new medication, i have an easier time remaining positive overall. but man i feel like the saddest person ever. lol. i just feel so sad and lonely and i question what it is i did in a passed life to deserve how hard it’s been since forever. i’m 30 and so lost. i hope 2023 is a little better. i guess that’s all i can ask. 
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toribookworm22 · 9 months
Happy WBW, Tori! How accessible is your world? Are some disabilities accommodated and others seen as a problem, or just invisible? If your world is pretty inaccessible, what's the in-universe reason for this? Interpret this any way you want, and it's not meant as a judgement for people who haven't thought about this--I just really like knowing how authors approach disability!
Hey, Moshke! Thanks for the ask, darling!
Okay, so I want to discuss The Animatronic Saga for this one for a couple of reasons.
When I started the series, I was 12 years old and very naive to disabilities. I simply hadn't been exposed to a lot of then and therefore they didn't translate into my writing.
So the series is incredibly inaccessible. It's possibly even a little ableist. After all, animatronics cure all things physical.
I thought this was a good thing. No sickness, no disease, no injuries, no pain. Glasses are rarely seen as most people get corrective surgery. There's no mention of anyone with a chronic illness or anything like that.
But on one of my rewrites, I realized how much humanity this stripped away from my characters. And I found little seedlings of its undoing. Such as the fact that automatons may heal fast, but they scar quicker and nastier. Reprogramming may cure all physical injuries, but it will leave lasting side effects. Wounds that open back up. Nerves that attack the body. Worsening mental states.
So now, The Animatronic Saga is quite inaccessible, but it's done very purposefully. The modern world has pushed out those with disabilities, trying to fix them and mold them. But they won't be fixed.
Because forcibly fixing someone isn't really fixing them at all. And maybe it's more nuanced than that. Maybe there are more stories to tell than miracle cures.
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lunar-fey · 1 year
you have been ASKED!!!!!! use this chance to go off about something fun that you want to rant about. it can be one sentence or be an essay. do whatever! live life!
hello. today i ask all of you gathered here to think about mushishi. this is a mushishi propaganda post. i was going to rant abt how a lot of people discredit anime as a whole bc they mostly only know of shonen and maybe shoujo, and more people need to give seinen anime a chance. but now it is specifically about mushishi.
fun fact about mushishi btw, i read once in an interview that the mangka created ginko, the main character, when she was in a dark and low place in life, and made him to be kind of the ideal friend that she thought would bring her out of this! and thats so cool. hes literally the friend ever!
anyway mushishi is a largely episodic (imo you can watch it largely out of order and be fine. a few characters show back up, and occasionally other events are referenced, but after watching in order a few times i now usually just pick and watch my favorites. you can do whatever you want!) about a man named ginko who lives in a world with creatures called "mushi" (literally means bug if you dont know!) which are invisible to the average human eye, and are kind of like spirits but if they were critters. they are often just living their lives, but sometimes they cause detrimental effects to humans, and ginko travels to help people with these problems, often simply by giving people assistance, rather than like. Fighting The Thing. imo it can be interpreted a lot of ways, but many times it speaks strongly to me as a person with chronic illness - sometimes there isnt one single simple kill it with hammers solution. sometimes you just do your best to mitigate the symptoms. it is a very down to earth and thoughtful experience overall, with some incredibly gorgeous visuals and sound design.
its my person opinion that there is at least one mushishi episode that will speak to any given person in a deep way. even if it isnt Life Changing for you, i still think its a very meaningful show with a lot of interesting things to say. it can be darker at times, but largely retains its hopefulness toward the world, and i think it can like. still help you feel better and more alright with things. but also it WAS life changing for me, and if you like more slower paced stories that dont involve perfect solutions or fighting your problems with fists, but rather learning to live with the world and talking things out, you might like it! give it a try :)
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living-nightmare16 · 2 years
I swear one thing I want to rant about is that people who have mental illnesses or invisible disabilities, is that other people who are *normal functioning* human beings act like oh your fine and a whole bunch of other things and its like you can't get help or empathy unless its a disease or illness your dying from then they feel the need to help you like I don't know how the world can be so screwed up and not understand that we as people with illnesses example: chronic pain, or whatever else can't function every day like a normal human being we can have a fibro attack at any time if day where persay my body can go from %50 to %100 dysfunction. If I don't listen to my body it will not function anymore and I will collapse and go unconscious like I just don't understand
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Recently, I find myself having to 'prove' my disease, symptoms, and pain to others as though to make them and myself believe that it's INDEED real. (to my fellow warriors, your disease and pain is enough-- you're enough)
I feel in my bones the doubts and judgements (even myself) that sows the seeds of negative emotions affecting my mental health.
Why does my disability have to be recognized and supported in the first place?
Here are my thoughts:
I DO NOT have to prove my pain and disease to anyone -
My "invisible" but very real, unimaginary illness exists. I feel pain 24/7. Some people do not (even try to) understand and have a distorted and disproportionate expectations.
2) We just want the support of the people dear to us.
People surviving with chronic illness face challenges that are inconceivable to normal and/or healthy people.
Often times, family and friends tend to make insensitive or thoughtless remarks or even requests that exhaustively impact our well-being.
3) We are dis-ABLE-d
Inspite of the awful unpredictable nature of autoimmune diseases, there are moments, hours, or even days of "low pain". Sometimes it lasts for a short period of time, sometimes not.
Personally, whenever I do not feel crackling pains, (chronic & extreme) fatigue, weakness and have all the limited energy (SPOONS) to move around and carry out chores, I DO THEM. I AM ABLE TO DO THEM.
To put it briefly, even through pain, I can carry out chores that I DEEM AM ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH. Otherwise, I will NOT carry through or postpone the tasks / activities.
In my experience, I do feel that I am a burden when it comes to contributing to house works and chores nowadays. I am not WHO and WHAT I used to be -- as much as I want to move I feel extremely guilty for not being able to do so. But I do remind myself that autoimmune in general cannot be prevented and there's only so much that I can do.
4) Stop putting labels and words in our mouths:
When we are trying to help out and contribute, please do not be so insensitive as to say what we CAN and CANNOT do.
Believe us when we say we wen and DO NOT ASSUME THAT WE CANNOT.
Example: You see us washing the dishes then suddenly you would remark "You are not able to do that." YES WE CAN, WHEN WE CAN.
Yes we are disabled and each and every one of us have different diagnoses, symptoms, limitations -- but we continue to fight and make things work everyday. Chronically ill people are creative, smart, innovative, and are masters of life!
We are only disabled because of our illness and its complications which might prevent us to perform, live, and interact with the rest of the world in what's perceived to be in a normal way.
But please, we will appreciate it if we you can also give us the space to fully appreciate being ABLED.
Caveat: Please do not gaslight or get AGGRESSIVE and make degratory remarks or make your loved one feel guilty for not being able to perform normal tasks that may seem easy, fast, or normal to you.
In my case, I am able to cook, clean, and do chores but in a very, very slow and painful phase requiring rest every 5 minutes as I tend to be fantastically exhausted.
(Yes, 10 steps is exhausting enough for me. Legs crack up, lungs requiring deep breathes. But I STILL DO, I endure when I can.)
5) We appreciate all the emotional, physical, and financial support extended to us
Every single effort to help, support, and understand our condition is wholeheartedly appreciated!
Most importantly, especially to the family members, it would mean a lot if we can make an effort to really learn and work on knowing the specific autoimmune disease your loved ones have.
We are also trying to learn more about our disease everyday. Autoimmune is still a big mystery even to the medical community.
6) We DO NOT NEED unsolicited advise or opinions you heard online from herbal doctors or those who are "HEALED" or "CURED" of the disease
We do understand that a healthy and balanced diet is important but you also have to remember that:
+ Autoimmune diseases are incurable. It can only be managed.
+ Each patient / fighter are experiencing different symptoms. No TWO LUPUS patients' experiences and symptoms and treatments are the same.
+ There is no "GETTING BETTER." We do not enjoy the pain, but realistically, this only upsets us.
+ If there was one single herb and diet restrictions that works, all of us would have been cured, healed.
Nonetheless, we know your intentions mean well! :)
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