#but the trouble is getting the fairy to sit down long enough to read the entire contract
lefaystrent · 6 months
A devil enters a fairy ring and pulls out a ridiculously large contract from their briefcase. "I've come to bargain."
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revryebread · 5 months
yadda yadda everyone else is out getting donuts or something this aint about them
“I wasn’t born under a rock!” He tried protesting, but was only greeted with jeers and a shove backwards. Alphonse Elric reaches back with one arm to brace himself and bumps soundly into a beanbag chair. 
Rachel was standing above him and shaking her head. “It’s worse than a rock, you were born in like- 1890 or something.”  She stood over him like a large playful dog cornering something much smaller. There was no ill will, but Al could tell he did not have an advantage here. 
“It’s not- I was born in 1910.” Factual accuracy did not win him any points, and a prolonged raised eyebrow was used against him like a torch. He backed down- “Fine. I’m uncultured.” Rachel nodded sagely. “We agree. Make room.”
It was the arts and crafts car again, Rachel had wheeled out a black box on a trolley- Al had been around long enough now to understand a TV. Not how it worked, necessarily, but that it would show images and sound. He had seen them in the Casino, and a shopping mall car that he had visited with Rachel and the gang earlier.
Occasionally, there were times when the- was it an age difference? No, they were both the same age, it’s just the time between them, the worlds they’re from. Those things were so different it made him feel ancient compared to Rachel. But he tried to roll with the punches of new technology, especially when others seemed so confident about it.
He scooted in the beanbag, which was its own feat of strength and contortion, and Rachel plopped down next to him with the remote and turned on the TV. He could hear a loud click, and a thrum. An image slowly lit up the screen- green text on a forest background, and the kind of music he imagined Shigeo would listen to started to play.
“They didn’t have much in here but I got what I could.” Rachel explained, not looking at Al but the TV. She gesticulated with the remote and Al watched her as she talked. Until her gaze moves from the television to him, and she holds his eyeline for a moment. In a moment of what is read as irritation, Rachel makes a motion with her shoulders and eyebrows that makes Al flinch, and she nods at the TV like she’s chiding him. “You need to watch. I am not going to sit through Shrek by myself.”
Sheepish- he turns his head back towards the screen. There was something impressive about the technology at play, and the scientific part of his brain was trying to understand it. Eventually though, he just gave way to actually watching the story play out infront of him.
It was about thirty minutes in when an intrusive thought wormed it’s way into Al’s head and out of his mouth.
“Do you think he’s here?” Al asked, Rachel’s head jerked up from the resting position it was drifting towards and she looked at him. “Michael Meyers?” Incredulous. Absurd. 
“No, no- Shrek. That guy.” Al pointed at the ogre on the screen freeing fairy tale animals.. “He’s troubled. We’ve seen adults. This is a story, right? We’re from stories. Is he on the train?” His brain was  Rachel looked between him and the screen, mouth agape. “That’s ridiculous. He- He can’t be right?” It was clearly enough to break her cool demeanor, and she looked off into the distance for a moment to mouth the words, deciding they tasted foul in her mouth. Is Shrek on the train…
The two of them sat there in silence for a moment- the sounds of Shrek and Donkey arguing about whether or not waffles will be made filling the space between them, and they both start to laugh. 
“He makes it out of this better- but Donkey, I think he’s on the train.” Rachel speaks in a voice that offers no chance for questions, Al responds with giggles. 
“Could you turn into Donkey?” 
“I could turn into a Donkey right now.”
“It wouldn’t be an animated Donkey though it would be a donkey like you.” 
“Do you think I can differentiate between animated and not?”
The two of them cackle and push each other on the bean bag,  and the way they watch this movie changes for the rest of it. Lord Farquad is definitely in the Apex. Fiona got on the train right when she goes Ogre for the first time. They switch to another movie after that and the same thing goes, slow piles of popcorn containers and soda cans growing around them as the night moves on.
Eventually, Rachel is on the beanbag alone and Al is looking through DvD’s on a shelf behind her calling out titles to get her opinions. 
“Jurassic World?”
“What do you mean world? It’s a park.”
“Star Wars?”
“That’s for nerds- I am not going to lower myself to that.”
“So-” Al pauses, reading the box of a blue dvd and squinting at it. Rachel notes the cut off- “So what? What’s the title?” She turns around to see Al holding the case. “Sonic 2.” He looks at the blue little hedgehog on the front and looks to Rachel. “Shadow knew this guy.” He said softly. Carrying it over and sitting back down.
“Is he in it?”
Al looks at the back of the box, “I don’t… I don’t think so? He’s not on here at least. He would have made them give him top billing.” He smiles a bit thinking about it. 
Rachel can tell he’s getting in his head, and so asks the obvious question. “Want to watch it?” He sighs, flipping the box back over again. “It’s weird when it’s someone I know, right? Or I mean- It’s his life, kind of.”
Rachel shrugs and sinks into the cushion, looking up at the ceiling. “I mean, it could just be an interpretation of his life, right? He said he was from a video game.” Al nods, as if he’s just choosing to accept this. “Hmm. This is a movie. You’re right. I think.”
They choose to watch it,  and during the credits scene Al is on his feet and yelling.
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Are you still taking asks from the Pliny the Elders posts? More on Cindy's faerie godmother, either her response to the wedding or the other godmothers' responses to what she's done in the story itself?
For anyone not familiar with Cindy, here’s the masterpost!!
Sorry this has been sitting in my drafts a while. If you guys want to read other Cindy-matic Universe stuff you can check out Smoky Tea and Ball’s in Your Court!
"So. Out of juice, huh?" A scraggly old fairy with drought-browned foxtails for hair chewed at her pipe as Hazel hugged her knees, huddled against the roots of the Mother Tree. Hazel said nothing. She barely heard her. God, she really had just thrown that kid into the deep end. And what would happen after? Memory spell or not, they ran from the freakin' cops, that wasn't something that just went away. Granted sometimes it did if you pulled it off the right way, but for legal reasons neither Hazel nor the author could go into that. Quiet. Focus. Just breathe. Magic adapts to its environment and if you're a ball of furious nerves regretfully stumbling through the events of the previous hours, you're stuck with nervous wreck magic, which sucks.
"Hey--Orphan Tears. I'm talking to you," The scraggly fairy spoke up again. Hazel missed that part as well. Or at least mixed it up with the memory of Cindy asking if she should cry on the tree more.
"Oh I get it, you barely squeak by on your ass into Godmother Rank and suddenly you're too good for the rest of us--too good for old Foxtail--but it's not like the good fairies'll ever think you're one of them anyhow. Old Foxtail hears what they say about you. Lemme tell ya, once you switch from sourin' milk to sparkles, something takes root in you--those of us with the rot and the earth, that's magic that can be trusted, that's--"
"Wh--?" Hazel glanced up, "Oh. You were talking to me."
"Fucking hell--it's always the same with you young lot--a few hours in the human world and you leave half your wits there," Foxtail flopped back against the Mother Tree, "Yes, I'm talking to you."
"Sorry, I just..." Hazel's brow crinkled and she turned her gaze upward to the lattice of branches-that-were-also-roots that wove about the high underground ceiling of Faerie, "It's... harder than I thought it would be... I-I scared the shit out of her when I first showed up, and--and I think I helped her, but if she gets in trouble because of me...." Hazel felt at her horns, grimacing, before exhaling.
“Sounds like you really care about this one,” Foxtail rested her chin on her knuckles.
“Enough to use up all my juice,” Hazel snorted.
“God, humans are so much simpler when you’re just... threatening to kill a priest if he don’t ask the dying old man he’s performing last rites for if you’ll get into heaven on judgment day,” Foxtail huffed.
“They really are...” Hazel sighed. She perked up slightly. “Will we--?”
“Oh no, we won’t. Not really our bag, as it were,” Foxtail shrugged, “Good for scaring priests though.” 
“Mm,” Hazel turned her gaze forward. 
“It’s interesting, what you’re doing, I’ll give you that,” Foxtail took this opportunity to finally light her pipe and the scent of burning ground-up children’s teeth drifted around the base of the Mother Tree, “Shakes things up down here, for sure.”
“I’m not doing it to shake things up--”
“I know, why d’you think I call you ‘Orphan Tears’ anyway? Of course you’re stuck to that human--but you know you’re going to outlive her. So long as that tree of yours is up. But humans are always trouble--we have the godmothers to try and keep things all...” Foxtail huffed smoke out through her pointed teeth,  “Diplomatic, but mark me, mortals are trouble. And if any of us good neighbors is going to prove that...”
“Mm...” Hazel readjusted herself to a cross-legged position, resigning herself to letting Foxtail rant some more. It was a comfort, in its own bitter, brittle way. Being born from a tree, and not the Mother Tree at that, she didn’t really have a concept of family--not a lot of common fairies like her did--but she had seen how some humans interacted with each other. They were flawed beings stuck together, and just having to deal with that, and somehow down the line not wanting to let each other go... she could understand something like that with Foxtail. But then Hazel perked up at a melodious, almost chiming sound. Fae armor didn’t thud and clink like human metals, it sang.
“Godmother Hazel?” two fairies in semi-armored livery loomed over her. She didn’t quite catch which one spoke. The first instinct was to run, but Hazel knew in the state she was in, it wasn’t like she could get far.
“...I am she,” Hazel looked up from furrowed brows with the traditional response.
“The Reverend Godmother would like a word,” said the other liveried guard.
“Oi! She hasn’t done anything wrong, you pigs! She helped her human just like you lot swear you do!” Foxtail piped up.
“It’s fine,” Hazel stood up. It was that moment when exhaustion gives you a second sucker punch because you let your body think it was in a recharge mode (and to be fair, it was), but still she stepped away from the Mother Tree with a short exhale. “Take me to her.”
Both guards pivoted to either side of her, and each stiffly hooked their arm under hers before they took off with a light thrum of dragonfly wings.
“Don’t you worry, Orphan Tears!” Foxtail hollered after her, “It’s our nature to get in over our heads--on scales them mortals can barely dream of!”
“God, that stinks--” muttered one of the guards.
“We’ve got to do something about the children’s teeth problem,” said the other guard.
Hazel briefly considered saying “She’s not hurting anyone” or “it’s one of the only ceremonies humans have with the lower Folk” but held her tongue. Grumpily hanging in the grip of two fairy guards was far from a position to soapbox. Fucking wings. All fairies who had wings thought they were a big fucking deal, but they were largely redundant--between the stealth with which they could move, and pretty much any fairies’ standard bag of tricks, and zipping around with pixie dust or bubbles or between reflective surfaces, wings were more about status (and status quo) than anything. But gods knew the godmothers loved their theater. 
Hazel was ushered into a large hexagonal office. Reverend Godmother Mailse pivoted towards her, her features as high and smooth and slightly gnarled as teak driftwood, with sea glass green eyes and silver hair cropped short to high, frothy waves.
“Hazel. So glad you could join us--Tea?”
Hazel was unceremoniously plomped down to her feet and rocked on her heels slightly. A large moth in a waistcoat and frilly collar leaned toward her with a platter of tea and pastries. Hazel took an almond tart and chewed it while not breaking eye contact. “Can I ask what the purpose of this meeting is, Reverend Godmother?” 
“We can’t tell you how... encouraging, all your progress in our little experiment has been,” Reverend Godmother Mailse clasped her hands together. 
“Uh huh...” Hazel’s voice was only slightly distorted by a mouth full of slightly-too-dry pastry. Oh boy, they were calling it ‘the experiment’ again. A couple weeks ago it was being crowed about as a ‘diplomatic venture,’ and now we were back to ‘experiment.’
“It’s just... I’ve been informed you gifted your human charge something... permanent,” Reverend Mother Mailse’s hands went from clasping to that little jerky forward-steepling-fingers gesture.
“We’re fairies. We give gifts all the time,” Hazel shrugged, still chewing.
“In the old days! With the old kingdoms! And--and I recognize that it was very old magic that brought you to us,”
“Pure-hearted Orphan Tears,” Hazel said, with just the right amount of ‘Fuck you I know what I’m doing’ energy even if, in this moment, she very much didn’t because she still didn’t really see what she did wrong.
“It’s just... when we give humans gifts that are... permanent, that tends to... disrupt things,” Reverend Godmother Mailse was pacing back and forth.
Hazel scoffed. “They’re shoes. They’re not going to disrupt things.”
“Shoes?” Mailse’s silver eyelashes fluttered.
“Shoes. I mean I learned enough of our history not to give her a sword--I. mean I think giving her a sword would have probably freaked her out--I mean if I had given her a sword, it obviously wouldn’t be a permanent sword, it would just ffft away after I helped her kill her stepfamily, but you guys are all like ‘oh nooooo Fairy Godmothers don’t straight-up murder people’ and I’d be like ‘I’m not killing them, I’m letting her kill them,’ but then that’s probably against the rules somehow too or something. But anyway, I could tell she wasn’t up for killing anyone, and like... all she really wanted was to get to that party.”
Mailse was staring blankly at Hazel then. Her lips parted for a few seconds, then she closed them, she opened her mouth again, squinting a little, closed it again, then paced away from Hazel.
“That’s--I--Shoes?” she said, pivoting towards Hazel again.
“Shoes for the party,” said Hazel, “And I made them permanent so... she’d have something to remember the party by. The kid--she... she gets scared a lot. The people with her tell her she’s stupid and crazy all the time. I thought... if she has a happy memory, it should be one thing that people can’t tell her she’s stupid and crazy for.”
“I see...” the Reverend Godmother looked thoughtful at this.
“And look--it’s a nice shoe, but there’s no real glamour about it. The most magic I put into it were the defenses!”
“Well, yeah, obviously--they’re her shoes, and her stepfamily stole a whole bunch of her shit, so I figured I’d make it so they couldn’t steal the shoes!”
“Go on...” Reverend Godmother Mailse said slowly.
Hazel had the feeling this was setting up for some kind of trap, but at the same time, she knew how all the winged fairies looked at her anyway, so if she was going to make an ass of herself, she had made peace with that concept a long time ago. “Look, the shoes just fit her, okay? They don’t fit anyone else. And maybe there’s a slight deterrent on the stepfamily putting them on. Maybe. That’s really the only magic on them. The shoes are just.. not going to fit anyone else. And that’s not a big deal! All the humans have their shoes custom-made, anyway! Or y’know they cobble them down to whatever size! What are they going to do... come up with some kind of... standardization for foot size? What kind of fucking weirdo would do that?” 
“Mm...” Reverend Godmother Mailse was nodding as if what Hazel was saying was very reasonable, but there was a hard crinkle in her brow.
“What?” said Hazel. But then a memory flashed back to her. Poor Cindy, all sniffling, curled up in the middle of the road, rats and lizards and an old-as-balls farm dog loping around her, all covered in pumpkin guts. “I lost one of the slippers... I’m sorry.” And the poor fucking kid just looked so scared in that moment, like Hazel was going to hurt her for fucking up even though it wasn’t like she had a whole lot of control in that context, not to mention the fact that she might be fucking concussed from the pumpkin crash--god, why hadn’t she explained more things to her?! “...What happened?” it was finally at the point where Hazel couldn’t meet the Reverend Godmother’s eyes.
The Reverend godmother looked... honestly just a little too apologetic in that moment. This wasn’t really a smug expression from her, more like the look you get from your DM when you roll a Nat 1 on a saving throw and they know you’re really attached to your half-elf bard. 
“Hazel... there really hasn’t been anyone like you in Faerie in a very long time,” was all she said.
“That is not fucking answering what I’m asking,” every muscle in Hazel’s body was tensed. She suddenly lunged forward and seized the Reverend Godmother by her arms, “IS MY KID FUCKING SAFE!?” 
There was an audible drawing of swords and spears behind her and Hazel immediately realized her emotional reaction well-outpaced her current physical abilities. There was a moment of freezing like, no, she couldn’t let go, not until she knew, but then she felt a thin-fingered gentle hand smoothing her hair behind her horns. The sound of metal behind her seemed to slacken and Hazel’s eyes flicked upward.
“She’s safe for now,” said the Reverend Godmother, looking down at her, “But the situation is still developing.”
“‘Still developing?’” Hazel scoffed, “The hell is that supposed to mean?” 
The Reverend Godmother glanced up from her and gestured at her guards and they briskly walked out, before quickly returning, wings thrumming, with what appeared to be a large mirror, but it didn’t reflect so much as look like dark, murky water. The reverend godmother passed a hand in front of it, and its plane rippled to reveal the blinding daylight of the mortal world.
“Hear ye, hear ye!” A town crier was yelling, “Whosoever fits the shoe in question, is the prince’s intended bride!” before unfurling a scroll which featured the fucking shoe Hazel gave Cindy.
Hazel’s mouth was hanging open. “Ah--” Hazel made a sound and turned to the Reverend Mother, “Okay so---” she sharply inhaled through her nostrils, “I didn’t glamour her--okay? I didn’t. I mean, I gave her a nice outfit, but like, there’s a memory charm on the outfit--that’s the whole thing--the whole thing was no one was supposed to remember her--I mean yeah, people can remember what she said--I wanted her to have a chance to tell the stepfamily to go fuck themselves, alright, and they wouldn’t forget that they got told to go fuck themselves, alright? HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE’D STILL BE IN LOVE WITH HER!?”
 “...because truth sticks in the mind far longer than anything else...” the Reverend Godmother didn’t turn away from the mirror, “And those pure of heart speak as true as they can.”
Hazel’s mouth drew to a thin line. “Look--you... you can’t punish me just because I couldn’t know she could be that good of a person! That’s not--you know what I am! You know I’m--I’m--” the words came so close to Hazel’s teeth but she bit them back. She knew what she was, but there was also a furious part of her that would never give those with wings the satisfaction. 
“Did you think I brought you here to punish you?” the Reverend Godmother glanced toward her.
“I brought you here because... for the first time in a very long time, I’m not sure what will happen next,” the reverend godmother chuckled, “I... I don’t think you’re a bad fairy, Hazel.”
“I’m literally Unseelie,” Hazel folded her arms in a huff.
“You were made from tears. From pain. It’s very easy to think that pain is purely bad--but it’s not. Pain tells us when something is wrong. Pain tells us that things should not be the way they are. Pain can be punishment, that’s true, but I think--more often than that, pain is the absence of justice and kindness and love...You were born from tears of grief and loneliness, Hazel. You think you are pain, but in fact, you are love. And fury. And justice.” 
Hazel’s met her eyes and was pressing her lips together hard, arms still folded, though it was clear those words had shaken her.
“I didn’t bring you here because I thought you must be punished,” said the Reverend Godmother.
“Right, ‘Fairy Godmothers aren’t about punishment,’” Hazel rolled her eyes.
“It’s true,” said the Reverend Godmother, “I mean we can decommission you and you can go right back to turning butter rancid, if that’s what you think is better for you.”
Hazel was silent, not looking at her.
“But the actual reason I brought you here was, I don’t know what’s going to happen next. It’s been a very long time since we’ve interfered in human affairs to this extent. But I think if anything goes wrong, I can trust you to put it right.”
Hazel blinked.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’ve disrupted... probably a lot of human politics--but it wouldn’t be very true to our roots if we didn’t do that, would it?” 
Hazel’s eyebrows raised and she glanced up at the Reverend Godmother then.
“Like I said,” said the Reverend Godmother, “There hasn’t been anyone like you in Faerie in a very long time.”
Hazel blinked a few times. “C-could I get that tea, now? And can I sit down?” 
The Reverend Godmother smiled.
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stardustbee · 2 years
Our hearts are one by @kimageddon
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Again a beautiful piece by @kimageddon and one that really means much for me because it is based on something @eloquentmoon wrote for me when I was feeling really down.
Please consider on getting a comission from Kima if you get the chance!
And also give El a little visit on her blog! She is a great writer and friend 💙
So Honey did allow me to post the little snipplet! I decided to put in here untouched as it is BUT this will definitely find its way into the story of Fly me to the Moon!
And if you are thinking that this Background doesn't really look like Star Wars AT ALL, then this is what I intend to! Because Fly me to the Moon is an AU and things are different there 😘
I imagine it like that there are opportunities where you can travel with trains through the Hyperdimensonal routes!
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You'll find the snippet and some close ups under the cut!
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Ayane sits on the edge of her seat, her hands gripping the arm rests so tightly that her knuckles are bone white. Her bright eyes are wide and fixed on the turbulence of the vivid blue tunnel in front of her. She watches each strand of light with wild focus, trying desperately to lose herself in the captivating swirls. The echoes of violence roar up and down her body, scars of the past ripping her apart from the inside out. The icy lick of hyperspace caresses her bare arms, and the cold air settles on and in her. The cool sensation does nothing to quench the heat of her agony, is not enough to soothe or to ease her sorrows. She feels a looming presence behind her that suddenly breaks her focus, and she knows that he is watching. She tries to relax, exhaling softly and leaning forward, strands of her long inky hair falling over her shoulders. 
"Good morning," she whispers softly. Tears threaten to fall down her pallid cheeks as she feels Maul's gloved hand rest on the back of her neck.  
His voice is rich, flooding her freezing body with the warmth she doesn't know she needs. "What troubles you, my dear Ayane?"
She is silent, and minutes pass. Her eyes slowly close, and she basks in the echo of his words, his concern. When she does not reply, Maul swiftly moves in front of her, kneeling to be at eye level with her. "You cannot speak it," he says, the reassurance of his understanding making the lump in her throat ease some. "Look at me."
She opens her eyes, and finds his golden irises staring back her, reading her. One look, and he knows. He believes. He can delve into her very core, the part of her that is him reaches out and clings on, like a frightened child desperate for familiarity.
"Your words may fail you, but your strength does not." His hand is then caressing her wet cheek, and she leans into his touch. She can feel the warmth of his palm, even through the leather of his gloves.
"Do not be disheartened, sweet Fairy. You will rise from this. You will find the words, and the strength within you will awaken once more."
She begins to nod in agreement, the fire inside of her that was raging now reduced to embers by his calm, undeterred belief. She feels the cold, the warmth, the spark.
"You are resilient," he whispers. And with those three words, he brings her back to life.
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Tagging some of you! ♡ let me know if I shall add you!
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @elledjarin @oh-three @justalittletomato @dinsverdika @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @literatureandqueen @by-the-primes @kimageddon @corona-one @book-of-baba-fett @storm89 @botherbother-blog @misogirl828 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @inquisitorius-sin-bin @gran-maul-seizure @herbalina-of-yesteryear
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lionofstone · 9 months
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some excerpts from CHAOS AND THE SPIDER PRINCE, the first book of the Spider Prince trilogy 🕷️🍃
image IDs below the cut! link in rbs :]
ID: three photos of black text on a white background.
the first reads: “She only has to ask for assistance once, when she’s not sure which bus to get on at the second changeover. The girl at the station tells her that Lockswood is ‘almost suspiciously’ easy to get to but that the residents never seem to like people from out-of-town. In Fairy Hill, which Author isn’t entirely sure is possible to find without specific directions, it’s the fae who tend to dislike out-of-towners. Those Unseelie like to keep to themselves. Author suspects that the Courts of Lockswood enjoy having visitors and the humans are attempting to protect them. It makes a creeping nervousness climb up her spine but, well, her oldest friend is in a jar in her backpack. She’s got bigger worries.
The final bus runs straight to Lockswood. It’s infrequent, according to the schedule, but Author has a stroke of good luck because it’s precisely two minutes after she sits down that the bus pulls up. Honestly, she feels like she’s earned it because, of course, her oldest friend is currently a spider in a jar in her backpack. Her brain still can’t quite process it. She feels a bit like a broken record.
She gets on the bus.”
the second reads: “Author leans against him, shoulder to shoulder, and lets out a long sigh. “Look at us, eh? A spider and a Spider Prince. What are the odds?”
It makes them both laugh, even if it’s tinged bitter.
There’re lots of things that she’d like to say to Nuisance: she’d like to tease him about ageing despite the distance between them, she’d like to ask him what he liked about Eddie, she’d like to tell him about the other troubles in Fairy Hill. The words get caught in her throat when she opens her mouth, so instead they sit a while in silence.”
the third reads: “She wishes she’d written down her mother’s phone number so she could call to ask. There’s got to be a payphone in Lockswood town, right? Darling could’ve taken her to it and she could’ve called home.
Of course, that would require admitting that her idea hadn’t worked out very well. She can picture the entire phone call in her mind’s eye. She’d call and her mother would go to the avocado green phone that neither of them particularly liked but that her grandmother had insisted on mounting to the wall. Author would say, do you guys have any ideas? And her mother would answer yes or no or maybe and then follow it up with your idea didn’t work, though, or you wouldn’t be calling. And Author would admit that her idea had been kind of stupid, actually, and that the Spider Prince is cursed too and then her mother would use her disappointed voice (the one that wasn’t supposed to sound disappointed but still did, the one that clawed at Author’s insides and always made her feel so overwhelmingly guilty, as if she isn’t guilty enough) and say, it wasn’t a bad idea. Author would know that it translated to ‘it wasn’t a good idea, either’ and then she’d start to cry and her mother would be forced to comfort her as though this whole situation wasn’t entirely her fault.
Oh, she thinks but doesn’t say out loud, I think I’m spiralling.”
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What are your thoughts on rotg Pitch black and the other characters?
Thank you for your question! I enjoyed sitting down and writing this out. My initial response was “They are Awesome! I adore them and drawing them brings me joy!” But I decided to go more in depth!
Please note these are just my personal opinions, as of May 2023. I judged everyone on three categories: Character, Design, and Drawability.
Nicholas Saint North
My Opinion on his Character: 10/10.
How could anyone not love this guy. He has infectious energy and is one of my all time favorite versions of Santa. I both enjoy his character in the books and the film. I love how he is a strong leader with a big heart who isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He is so cool and I love his competitive nature.
My Opinion on his Design: 10/10
North’s design is so full of geometric genius. I love how square he is. I also love all the Russian elements like the coat and hat. This is one cool Santa. I adore the tattoos and the swords he wields. I also like his younger self, very pirate adventure vibes.
My Opinion on his Drawability: 8/10
As much as I love this guy he is sometimes a bit hard to draw. He has a lot of tattoos and a large coats and a beard that covers a lot. I need to practice drawing him more. It is a bit fun to draw him in more exaggerated styles, but I definitely need more practice.
E. Aster Bunnymund
My Opinion on his Character: 7/10
Bunny probably scores the lowest on my favorite character scale. I adore movie bunny but book bunny kind of ruins the experience… he is so snooty and his rants get a little tiresome to read. I also don’t personally vibe with the whole alien backstory. I would of preferred him to be an actual bunny. More fantasy less sci-fi. I do love the drama he brings to the group. He is always first to speak up and question things as opposed to just going with whatever plan was proposed.
My Opinion on his Design: 9/10
Both book and movie designs have something different and unique to offer. I adore them both. I love the book bunny little glasses and long robes and staffs. I love movie bunny more tribal warrior rabbit look. Both designs do well capturing a unique look for the Easter Bunny.
My Opinion on his Drawability: 4/10
Bunny may have a great design for me he is extremely hard to draw. I don’t know how to draw animals too good (yet haha). Especially if it’s not stylized for a goofy doodle. He has a lot of elements I need to still learn. Like fur and animal proportions. Sorry bunny maybe in the future I will be better.
My Opinion on her Character: 10/10
I love this fairy so much. She is so adorable and responsible and is a true guardian. Her book backstory is one of the saddest things I’ve read in children’s media and although she put up walls becoming a sort of workaholic she still finds joy and excitement.
My Opinion on her Design: 10/10
She is what I want to think of when people mention a fairy. Not a shrunken down human with wings but something that would exist in nature. Something you wouldn’t bat an eye if you saw. I love the hummingbird design. I love her feathers and her face/eye shape. I just adore her.
My Opinion on her Drawability: 9/10
I do adore her design so much and I love drawing it too. It’s so relaxing drawing all the feathers. I do have a bit of trouble with the wings but I love drawing tooth. She has such a fun color pallet.
My Opinion on his Character: 10/10
Sandman is so cool. I love how sassy and laid back he is. I love how he is a friend of the world but is chaotic enough to threaten to knock out a child with his bare fists. He is one of the few characters I don’t mind having a fake out death scene. He steals the show. Also his mermaid sand island should of made it into the film. We got to see everyone else’s homes.
My Opinion on his Design: 9/10
Oh I adore his design. It reminds me of the rankin-bass stop motion designs. He is so adorable and shaped like a star you can hug. I love how he appears to actually be made of dream-sand.
My Opinion on his Drawability: 9/10
Sandy is so fun to draw. I think his design works great in both 2D and 3D. I love giving him goofy expressions.
Jack Frost
My Opinion on his Character 10/10
Jack is an amazing and complex character. He is mischievous and childish he is yet wears his heart on his sleeve. He has this haunted sadness that lingers through him and yet always tries to get others to have fun. I love how much he cares for people despite putting off the cool loner persona. He will do anything to protect the kids, despite being a kid himself!
My Opinion on his Design 7/10
Jacks design is cool but I feel like it needs something. I understand his current look is supposed to be relatable teen but I feel like it’s missing something to help him blend further into the world. I love his outfit as a human. And nightlights armor is neat but I feel like Jack needs just something more then just a hoodie? Just a personal taste thing… I do see what they were going for.
My Opinion on his Drawability 10/10
Jack is so easy and fun to draw. I like drawing him in new outfits and styles. He is also fun drawing as his nightlight book self. Overall a really fun character to doodle and stylize. Especially since there is this constant movement to him.
Pitch Black
My Opinion on his Character 10/10
An amazing villain with a tragic past. I love how cunning he is yet is pretty blind by his own greed. I love how much joy he gets from spreading fear. I love the arrogance to his character and how he gets playful when trying to manipulate and or fight someone. A great villain who enjoys being evil. There is that element of longing for a family to him that is probably left behind from his days as Kozmotis which adds a good amount of drama to play with.
My Opinion on his design 9/10
While the guardians are complex and maximalist in there design pitch is sleek and minimalistic. His pirate aesthetic from the books are cool and his movie design has him move seamlessly in the shadows. I adore his face shape and demeanor. Overall a great simple design that brings contrast to a colorful cast.
My Opinion on his Drawability 10/10
Although simple Pitch is pretty fun to give added design elements too. Especially gold based accents. He is fun to draw in different outfits as well since he doesn’t have a lot to his design. It’s always fun to color him when I’m done drawing the others who have larger color palettes.
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catty-whump-us · 2 years
The shrill beeping of a timer caused Whumper to finger a small dog ear unto their page in the book they were reading and look up. They stood up, brushing stray fur off their clothes as they made their way to their tidy kitchenette. Whumper's chunky cat followed behind, weaving between their calves as they padded unto the cold, checkered kitchen tile.
Whumper leaned down on the counter, eyeballing a sparkling mason jar, lid screwed on, sitting in a pool of sunshine that filtered in from the nearby cottage window. Inside, a fairy Whumpee has fallen to their knees gasping, but is still managing to beat their teeny-tiny fist against the glass, with renewed vigor now that Whumper was in sight. Whumper smiled contentedly to themselves, idly running their fingertips along the lid and watching Whumpee wear themselves out with futile panic as the last bit of their limited oxygen rapidly depleted. The timer had been set for long enough to make the inside of little Whumpee's ribs to burn and their thoughts to began to melt together, but not long enough to pass out, at least not yet. The cat hopped up unto the counter to join its master, batting playfully at the side of the jar where Whumpee's figure began to slump.
Just before they could potentially pass beyond this world, Whumper sighs and twists off the lid to the jar, reaching in and plucking the Whumpee out by its remaining wing. They dropped Whumpee's limp figure down on a nearby wooden cutting board, shooing away the mischevious cat off the counter with their free hand. Whumper leaned down close enough to confirm that yes, Whumpee's chest was heaving with breath, and they nodded contendedly.
"Now, now, we're not going to have any more misbehaviour out of you, are we, little one? No? Let's put you away before you get eaten then." Whumper chuckles to themselves, whisking Whumpee off to their pleasant little birdcage with their eager fat cat following closely behind, hoping to get a chance at Whumpee without Whumper's notice.
Whumper tut-tutted to themselves, second guessing their choice of a pet; not the cat, mind you. Fairies could be quite pesky, since they are, by nature, chaos incarnate, but they made for an excellect resource for any magic user. That's why Whumper made sure to remind their delicate little Whumpee of its place regularly. At least it wasn't too much trouble; a minute a day in the jar kept the fairy compliant.
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harrison-abbott · 2 years
Fairy lights in the windows of the high rises blink in rainbow neon.
You head out in the dark morning to the Metro and the city’s on
That edgy verge of wakefulness, a sun waiting to burst.
The station is all filmic colour and windy echoes and the balletic
Language sparks about in small quips that you don’t understand.
Unto the rushing tunnels and the ringing tannoid voice overhead.
Up the stone steps and met with the whispery air, raindrops
Licking the cheeks and hair and shining the routes of the trams.
You walk by a cathedral that’s 500 years old and you graze
The same earth that all those people enveloped that long back.
This is a wonder and you are your own unit and mind.
Magazine stalls pop and ping in pink and yellows with their
Startled postcard shacks and magnets and soccer tops agleam.
The words on the newspapers are all stark and sound amazing
And you wished you were learned enough to write and read them.
Onwards through these streets with the drizzled lamps, the hushed
Pigeons flocking and the tram cables in black athletic arrows above.
Cough, snarl, roar, grumble, go the trams, autobuses and bikes.
You were headed to this particular museum but there’s an
Angry sign outside saying that it’s closed so you take a left turn
And head into this church that’s right next to it and go in through
These seismic oak doors and whence inside the lush airy magic
Of the realm is mixed with the little pots of glowing candles and the
Sheer span of the ceiling and the all-time glory of the lofty paintings.
You dare breathe loudly in such a place and walk at a calmer pace.
When back outside you pick up the volume and take a new route.
Cafes begin to open up with orange windows and the chance smells
Of warm pastry and coffee and through the windows there are
Young folks with aprons scurrying about with bravery and youth.
Beyond these are the fruit markets with the gaudy botanical shapes
And the gizmo stalls with the weird array of antique and souvenir,
All this electric garble and then fancy hats, hoodies and snazzy sneakers.
As you venture, all these balconies gaze down at you from fifty, sixty
Feet and there are often folks dabbling upon them, smoking & shouting.
The architecture just seems the stuff dreams are made on and you
Could be a nobody or anybody versus that calibre of creation.
You take a newbie direction. To this other museum but it’s too busy.
Then bounce down the street and you pondering where else to go.
Then your phone dies and you did have a back up plan in case this
Happened which was to charge it up from the laptop – but you forgot
To bring the cable with you and now you gotta head all the way back
Without Mr phone – you silly boyo, you aint no traveller yet.
You get to the underground again after asking a pair of gals where to go.
And eventually return to where the hostel is and it’s pelting rain
Pretty hard when you get off and you think you’re going the right
Way but you eventually get lost and are totally clueless, and you need
Some help from another person, and see a Pharmacy on the corner of
Street. And so you dip in there and it’s almost pitch-silent inside and
There’s this young woman at the counter with these hard glasses
That sit nicely over her delicate face, over the ears, above the blonde hair.
You explain what’s happened and she offers you a charger.
“You can stay inside the shop until it’s done, it’s okay,” she says
And the voice is lyrical kind and clean and you thank her,
And crawl down by this plug socket in the corner of this random
Chemist and you wait for your telephone to come back to life …
As you wait there are other chaps that enter the store and they’re
Sick or they have troubles and they talk to the counter girl
And again you hear that piano dialogue dancing around.
You wait until your battery had a chance of survival maps-wise.
And until the girl has served the other customers and you
Thank her in her own language and you honestly are grateful
And it gives you a bit of spirit to know that most people
Are goodly hearted, if there’s the chance to help out a stranger.
She accepts the gratitude, and then she goes, “You can take
An umbrella as well,” and then she takes this umbrella up
From the corner of the room, “because somebody forgot it. Your
Hair is all wet. You could do with it!” She smiled. He thanked
Her again as he was leaving. Grazie Grazie Grazie Grazie.
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I’m not sure if anyone requested this yet, but can you write some sweet headcanons where Malleus, Vil, Riddle, Azul and f!s/o bond with their child? Like they've all graduated from NRC and they're adults and parents now. Thanks Raven!
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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As the ruling family of the Valley of Thorns, you are often busy with political and economic affairs. One day, your child will become the next monarch, so they follow you around to important meetings (when they’re not with their royal tutors) and sit in to watch you and father work. This way, they are able to learn while also spending time with their parents.
A beloved family past time is taking a stroll in the palace gardens, hand in hand--your child holding one of yours, and one of dad’s. Malleus knows just what their favorite flower is, and sometimes does little magic tricks to get them to giggle--a shower of petals, or perhaps making all of their favorite flowers bloom in unison.
Sometimes Malleus joins his child for their lessons! It can be boring studying history books or practicing the violin alone, so he might read aloud to them, or take up a string instrument himself to show them the ropes!
Malleus also joins his child for the occasional spar. Of course, he never really goes all-out, but he does try to push them to think quick on their feet. Each battle tends to end with Malleus lying on the floor and pretending he has been “slain”--and when his child cautiously approaches to check on him, Malleus strikes back by tickling them until they’re squealing with laughter.
He knows it can be hard to get a grasp on magic, so when the first sparks start to appear in his child, he makes the time to help them control it. Malleus keeps mint candies in his robes to help cool fiery belches, and he kindly guides his child through shifting from humanoid to dragon and back.
There’s always ice-cream--the king’s favorite treat--on hand! He loves to share it with his child (especially if they’ve expelled a fiery burp earlier). Malleus constructs large and elaborate sundae boats to surprise them after a long day of their studies.
Malleus’s imposing height actually makes him the perfect playground for his child! They love to cling to his back or ride his shoulders, all while reaching up for the sky--which they hope to one day soar through with their father.
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His status as an A-list celebrity tends to keep Vil away from home for extended periods of time, but he keeps in touch with his beloved family! That means lots of video calls with you and his child--and it makes all the moments you do spend together all the more meaningful. (Your child has a habit of pointing at magazine covers and the TV screen whenever they see their father on.)
Whenever Vil returns from work, he typically has a gift in hand for his child. It could be merchandise from whatever brand he has partnered with at the moment, a souvenir from abroad, or a plushie, flowers, or candy from his fans. It always brings a smile to his kid’s face--because their dad is thinking of them, even when they aren’t together.
Vil’s his child’s greatest supporter. He believes they can do anything they set their mind to, and he actively encourages them to work hard toward those goals. No matter how busy he is, Vil will show up to every sports game, every dance recital, every awards show his child is in.
He takes his child on lots of outings! The movies, restaurants, parks, spas, stores... anywhere, really! He thinks it is important for his child to see and experience as much of the world as they can--and besides, he loves doing anything and everything with them.
Vil allows his child to dig into his vanity and wardrobe for things to use for playing dress-up! He’ll sit at the kitchen counter and pretend to be a commentator as his child struts out in various outfits and looks they’ve thrown together.
Occasionally, Vil will sit down and let his kid make him “absolutely beautiful” with his own cosmetics. There’s a whole photo album in your phone of your husband in crooked lipstick and liner, or wildly messy eyeshadow, courtesy of your child.
If they have trouble sleeping,  Vil will read a fairy tale to them--and he’ll crack a little smile when his child tells him he’s like the prince in the story. Other times, he’ll sing lullabies to soothe them. When they’ve, at last, settled into sleep, Vil will brush their hair aside and kiss them on the forehead, wishing them sweet dreams.
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Riddle is stern, but not emotionally closed off. He has sworn to never be like the tyrant his mother was to him in his youth. Though he may be upset when his child does an oopsie, he takes a deep breath, brings himself down to eye level with them, and calmly explains why it is he feels the way he does. Together, they’ll talk out their feelings and find a compromise that works for both of them.
He plays tea party with his child, even going out of his way to properly address each of their stuffed animals by their full name and title. Riddle sits down in a small plastic chair and pretends to sip his “tea” (cola heavily diluted with water) and eat his “scones and sandwiches” (colored clay cut into lopsided triangles).
They look after the family pets--a pair of hedgehogs--together. Riddle shows hid child where the hedgehogs like to be scratched, and how to properly hold them and bathe them. They love to give the hedgehogs their food, the lie on their bellies and proper their faces up to watch the pets eat.
He sits down with them to help with their homework. If there’s something they don’t understand, Riddle can talk them through it--though he won’t just spout out the answer. He wants his child to be able to think critically for themselves--he’s there to provide a little nudge, if needed.
Riddle and his child often experiment in the kitchen. He’s sure to pick simple, kid-friendly and easy recipes, and makes sure that his kid follows proper safety precautions. They serve you up the dishes they make, from fruit sandwiches to pasta salads to no-bake cheesecakes.
Whenever he’s eating something with strawberries on it, he offers the fruit to his child, since he knows they also enjoy them. They typically banter back and forth a bit before agreeing to split the strawberries in half so both of them can enjoy~
He often takes his child out on strolls through the neighborhood so they can see what life is like outside of the house. If some neighborhood kids want to play with them, Riddle lets his child run freely--he’ll just keep a careful eye on them from a distance.
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Like their father, your child is ambitious and intelligent for their age. You can often find them trying to negotiate with their father for various things: later bed times, more allowance for the week, cake for dessert instead of fruit tonight... Azul usually still wins in the end, but he’s a good sport about it and allows the conversations to drag on a little to encourage his kid to put together a coherent argument.
Speaking of allowance, Azul is sure to make sure his child earns that money through various small acts, like doing the dishes or taking out the trash. That’s part of how he shows his love: by instilling values of fairness and working hard into his kid. He also does his part to teach them about the benefits healthy eating and exercise, so his kid can live a long and healthy life!
His child sometimes surprises him at his workplace. Whenever that happens, Azul grants them their own special table in the corner and serves them himself. There’s plenty of free finger foods and endless refills for them, but he’ll gently scold them if they run the risk of overeating or indulging in too many unhealthy foods.
Azul takes his child to the pool or to the beach to swim! He’s notably less enthusiastic about it if he has to do so in his true form, but he’ll do it if his child begs enough. They’re fascinated by his many arms--and to be honest, they come in handy when Azul needs to make a quick rescue or prevent them from drifting too far out on their own. When they’re old enough, Azul holds their hand, and they dive deep to explore the depths.
When the winter comes, Azul personally secures his child in a scarf and several other warm layers before sending them out into the cold. The Coral Sea can get to frigid temperatures during these times of the year, and he tends to worry for his child’s wellbeing and health because of it.
Azul doesn’t give his child gifts often (he wants them to be appreciative for what they already have), but when he does, they are generous ones--a big kitchen playset, a cash register with tons of play money, a lightning-magic powered car they can actually ride in...
Family board game night! Azul has a cabinet full of tabletop card games and board games specifically for these occasions. Monopoly in particular is especially... stiff competition. There’s betrayal and drama around every corner, but you still have tons of fun regardless.
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Trapped Little Angel (part 1)
Welcome to the first part of the first fanfic on this account.
Child!reader x the Avengers
Word count: 2900
Trigger warning: Imprisonment, nightmares, non graphic descriptions of violence and injuries, possible trigger for eating disorders
You were a 14-year-old orphan living alone in New York, since your family had died in the explosion that gave you your powers. Your powers were similar to Wanda’s (telekinesis and all that jazz). You got them when you were 7, but for whatever reason they hadn’t been active before that day.
It was a basic September day with all of its rain and fog and clouds. You were walking on the street when suddenly you blacked out and your powers exploded out of you destroying property and hurting people everywhere around you. The Avengers were called to action and they evacuated the block and when you’d cooled off a little they took you into custody and to the Avengers tower.
You had passed out and they didn`t really know what to do with you, so they laid you down on the couch and began a debate about the subject.
Tony believed firmly that you were dangerous to the team and the best thing for everyone would be to lock you up isolated and unstimulated to avoid new outbursts until a better option would be available. Steve backed Tony up to an extent, although he did believe the isolation to be unnecessary. Bruce didn’t really voice his opinion on confinement that much, instead focusing on the medical aspect of the situation.
Clint doesn’t really say much during the argument, before Tony raises the possibility of indefinite imprisonment in isolation. That is what finally gets to him, since you are just a kid and remind him of his own daughter. Wanda argues firmly against any form of forced imprisonment. In her opinion you needed medical attention, after which instead of locking you up the team should be focused on helping you control and develop your powers in a beneficial way.
Natasha is uncharacteristically quiet for the whole debate. Something about you had got to her and she found it hard to think of the situation objectively without a massive bias. Peter was on ‘your side’ for sure. To him you were a troubled kid who just happened to need some help. In a way he saw himself in you.
You start to regain consciousness about halfway through the argument. The Avengers are taken back at first, but when you are very confused and scared, Nat and Clint (who are the most ‘neutral’ participants) tell you what happened. When you have gotten the big picture you ask shakily: “How many people did I hurt? What’s the damage?” The others are hesitant to tell you, but Tony is highly pissed at you, so he takes his tablet and shows you some pics of the place where the accident happened. Wanda shoots him a death glare, but he continues and reads the statistics to you: “At this exact moment there are 9 people dead, 27 in critical condition and 56 with milder injuries. All because of your little stunt.” At this point you have pulled your knees to your chest and are struggling to breathe. Steve and Clint look at Tony like he has lost his mind and Nat tries to calm you down. You are repeating the same things over and over again: “I didn’t mean to- It’s all my fault… I don’t know how- What- I didn’t mean to…” Nat was approaching you, her hand reached out ready to stroke your back and pull you into a hug. She says: “We know. Everything will be alright, it’ll be alright. It wasn’t your fault, we’ll sort this out. It’s okay, you’re okay. We don’t blame you, but right now you need to calm down.” You flinch away from her, panic shining in your eyes: “No! Don’t touch me! I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t control it… I don’t understand- I didn’t mean to…” Suddenly you look desperately at Tony “You have to lock me up. I’m dangerous. I can’t be trusted. I have to be put away. Please”, you beg, surprising all of the other people in the room. Peter is about to say something, but Tony cuts him off.
You stand up and Clint shows you the way to a quite big cell. You step in and he shuts the door behind you. You sit on the floor in the corner and pull your knees to your chest. You just blankly stare at the wall. You noticed that there was a camera in corner of the room near the roof as you stepped inside, but you didn’t care. What did it matter. As you stayed on the floor the team was reheating the discussion whilst keeping an eye on the monitor that showed footage from your cell.
Wanda and Peter were shouting at Tony for locking you up in an isolation cell. Natasha and Clint were a bit calmer, but they were backing Wanda and Peter up. At some point Tony says: “You heard the kid. She wanted to be locked up. Even she thought it would be the best option”. And that sets Natasha off: “Yeah, after you had scared the poor thing on the verge of a panic attack. That wasn’t fair play. You drove her to that decision and you know it.” Then Peter fires: “Besides the whole ‘she decided herself’ excuse is bullshit. She’s a kid. SHE’S 14. I’m 17 and you don’t trust me to do anything yet, so how again is she any different?” That shuts Tony up.
In the end the team comes to the conclusion, that they will be monitoring you strictly and willing people will be allowed to go talk to you. All except Peter (just for the first few days) who is infuriated to no end by the decision.
The first person to come talk to you is Wanda. She comes and talks for a while, but you can’t make any sense of what she’s saying. After a while she leaves shutting the door behind her. Steve also comes to question you, and even though this time you understand what he is saying you can’t find the energy to answer him in you. Clint brings you something to eat and drink, but you don’t move a muscle to acknowledge the act. Time sort of looses its meaning to you as you sit on the floor and stare into nothing, alone with your thoughts, the same thoughts over and over and over again.
Nevertheless, you know some time has passed when Natasha comes through the door with another tray filled with food. She places it carefully on her untouched bed and sighs deeply before speaking: “You should really start eating on your own. It’s been two whole days and you haven’t taken a bite. I get that its hard, but you’ve got to try. Otherwise we’ll have no choice but to put a feeding tube down your throat and trust me kid, that does not feel good.” She gives you another look, then turns around and walks out. Slowly you straighten your legs on the floor.
You hadn’t really noticed how much your muscles were hurting for being in the same position for so long before someone pointed it out. You stretched your legs first and then stood up slowly. You went through your body, stretching every muscle one at a time and then sat down beside the bed to eat. You weren’t really hungry, but the threat of getting a feeding tube stuffed down your throat was enough to get you eating.
After you were done with the meal you went back to your corner and sat back down, leaving your legs laying on the floor instead of curling up to a tight bundle. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door and Wanda walked in. She picked the tray up and looked down at you, clearly assessing the situation before finally saying: ”Hey, I was wondering if you needed to use the bathroom.” You didn’t answer her but stood up and stepped timidly few steps forward so that she knew you’d be coming along. She guided you through the hallways and into a bathroom. “There is a towel on the counter and shampoo on a shelf in the shower. Take as long as you need. I’ll pick up some clean clothes for you and bring them here. Okay?” You didn’t say a word but nodded and opened the door to the bathroom. After half an hour you were back in your cell but feeling significantly cleaner and comfier.
Instead of sitting back in the corner on the floor you sat on your bed and crossed your legs. You didn’t know why, but you felt like it, so you started singing, first just humming quietly, then adding the words to the song. It was an old lullaby your mom had sang to you more than once. Some things just had a way of sticking with you.
`Hyvin hiljaa, hyvin hiljaa
nyt kuuluu keijujen äänet
Ne tanssivat taas koko yön laulaen
koko yön laulaen.
Hyvin hiljaa, hyvin hiljaa
taas syttyy tähtöset pienet
Ne oottavat taas läpi yön loistaen
läpi yön loistaen.
Hyvin hiljaa, hyvin hiljaa
nyt sammuu keijujen äänet
Ne liitävät taas ylös luo tähtien
ylös luo tähtien`
Then you sang it over again, this time in English
If your quiet, very quiet,
you can hear sound of the fairies
They’re dancing again through the night until day
through the night until day
Very quiet, almost silent
the stars are lighting the sky
they’re waiting again till the night fades away
till the night fades away
If you’re quiet, very quiet
you can hear sound the fairies
they race through the sky so they’ll be near the stars
so they’ll be near the stars
You sang the song a couple times over and finally you got to the last part you had made up on your own. You always ended it there, since you could never continue singing after that.
Hyvin hiljaa, hyvin hiljaa
ei kuulu keijujen äänet
Ne lähtivät taas minut yksin jättäen
minut yksin jättäen
Even if you’re very quiet
you won’t hear sound of the fairies
they flew up the sky leaving me alone behind
leaving me alone behind.
You broke down sobbing. Clint was sitting at the monitor, and he thought it’d be best not to disturb you, so you were left alone as you start humming another melody your mom taught you.
Joka ilta kun lamppu sammuu ja saapuu oikea yö Niin Nukku-Matti nousee ja ovehen hiljaa lyö On sillä uniset tossut ja niillä se sipsuttaa Se hiipii ovesta sisään ja hyppää kaapin taa
”I didn’t know she was finnish” Nastasha said to clint as she sat next to him with two cups of tea. “Finnish?” Clint asked as they listened to the beautiful melody coming from the lonely cell. Nat was quiet for a while before saying “Yeah. The language is absolutely bizarre.” They sat in silence for another while, until Clint said: “She sounds miserable” “Yeah, but who wouldn’t. I’m guessing she has no family, since no one has come asking for her.”
Ja pieni sateenvarjo on aivan kallellaan Ja sinistä unien kirjaa se kantaa kainalossaan Ja unien sinimaahan se lapset autolla vie Surrur, surrur ja sinne on sininen, uninen tie
Ja siellä on kultainen metsä, ja metsässä kultainen puu Ja unien sinilintu ja linnulla kultainen suu Ja se unien sinilintu se lapsia tuudittaa Se laulaa unisen laulun joka mielen uneen saa
Your mum never taught you that song in English. You had tried translating it, but it always turned out so peculiar you had eventually given up.
When you felt like you had cried enough you stopped with the finnish and started going through songs you had heard somewhere else, altering the lyrics as you went.
You hadn’t sung anything in weeks and now you just couldn’t stop. It felt good. You went over your favorites altering lyrics and making up new verses, not wanting the song to end. As you sang you thought about mum and home. In the outside world they were forbidden things, because they made it hard to focus on surviving. But here she had all the time in the world to think. After hours and hours she finally laid down on the mattress and drifted to sleep
Tony had just started his shift watching you through the monitor and you were having a nightmare. You were curled up in a ball and whimpered and muttered quietly, as tears ran down your face. You dug your nails into your back and started scratching leaving bloody red marks behind. Then you started screaming. The sound echoed through the halls, but Tony didn’t know what to do, so he ended up doing nothing, just staring at the screen paralyzed. It went on for a while, until you finally flinched so violently you woke up.
You were in a state of panic, but as you realized where you were it started to wear off. Little by little you started to feel the pain from the bloody scratch marks on your back and arms. You examined your injuries to the best of your abilities and then looked at the floor while talking sheepishly at the camera in the corner of the room: “If you don’t mind I’d like to have something to wrap these cuts with. I might also need some help with the ones in my back. Its not a big deal, but I don’t want them to get infected.”
The screaming had woken up Natasha and Steve who were now standing behind Tony, looking at the screen over his shoulders. Tony cleared his throat before turning around in his chair and facing the other two. They both had their arms crossed on their chest. Steve looked surprised as hell, but Natasha was quick to recover. She threw Tony an icy stare before saying: “Should we think the imprisonment over again, or is she still too dangerous for you to handle?” Tony raised his hands before saying: “Let’s think that over in the morning, when the whole team is up. Now, would you mind going to help her with the injuries?” Natasha threw Tony another dirty look, before grabbing the first aid kit and heading to your cell.
Nat came, and you laid on the bed on your stomach. She lifted your shirt, poured antiseptic solution on a cloth and warned you: “I’m sorry, but this is gonna hurt like a bitch.” She pressed the cloth gently on your back and you shrug. “It’s not that bad. You get used to pain as a homeless kid. Once I had to remove a bullet from my own shoulder.” There Nat saw an opportunity get little bit more information of you and continued the conversation: “Must be tough. I suppose you don’t have any family left?” “Yeah, mum and dad and Tom died… in an accident” you tensed up visibly. Nat continued unbothered but didn’t bring up the deaths again. “I heard you sing the other day. Didn’t know you were finnish.” “Oh, I’m not. My mom was.” “So, can you speak finnish or what?” “Nah, not anymore anyways. I used to, but I haven’t used it in a long time. Some things just stuck with me, like the songs, or silly pet names mum used to call us.” For some reason you felt really safe with Natasha. Her touch reminded you of home as she worked to clean your wounds and then wrap them with clean gauze. You knew it was silly, but it just felt so good to finally talk to someone, so you kept answering her as she continued asking questions. “Pet names, huh. What did she call you?” “She used to call me Lumikki. It’s the finnish for snow white. It’s cheesy as hell, I know but we lived in a little cottage in the woods, and I was obsessed with Disney.” Natasha smiled at you. “Do you remember anything else about your mum.” “She had the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. She sounded like an angel. Sometimes I hear her in the wind.” You pause for a minute “And she was a dancer. She used to be a ballerina, but then she had us and her career ended. She never quit dancing though. Once in a while she’d put on her slippers and go through some old routine, like she had never stopped. She even taught me some basics.” Natasha was quiet for a moment. Then she cleared her throat and continued: “Did you have any siblings?” “Yeah”, you were quiet for a moment, not rushing to continue “One brother. His name was Tuomas, but we all called him Tom. Three years older than me. He was my best friend.” A tear fell down your cheek. Natasha was almost done with wrapping your back so she asked one more question. “How about your dad” You shrugged. “He was a hunter. Spent most of his time with Tom out in the forest when I stayed in with mum.” Nat packed the medical supplies back to the first aid kit and pulled your shirt down so that it covered your back. Then she helped you sit up and said: “I can’t promise anything yet, but we’re having another meeting with the team about your… condition and I believe you might get out of here.” She saw the unsure look you gave her. “Don’t worry” she said as she took your hand “Everything will be alright. I promise”
Sorry, I have absolutely no idea what is going on with the spacing, tried to fix it but it wont budge... Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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saturatedboy · 3 years
Hey can you do a fic of Lady Alcina x GN!reader where the reader has ADHD so little things just gets forgotten and jumping topics so fast it’s kinda hard for Alcina at first and she’ll get frustrated but still loves the reader just how they are? If so that would be fantastic! Have a great day!!
Alcina Dimitrescu x GN!Reader
My apologise for taking a while, a thunder and lightning storm happened near me and it blew up the fuse to my internet box. But I'm here with more writing so I hope you enjoy!
Requests: Open
Words: 2.5k
The vast castle that had loomed over the Village of Shadows had always been ancient and portentous. The unknown creatures however that hovered over the sky close to the pole towers were always a great sight to see from the village. However, those who live far away from the castle merely thought to them to be birds with a wide wing span that would fly around and bless the castle with their saint fortune- however if you knew the castle and it's true owners, you would find everything to be more depraved of it's fake nature.
Humming softly, you dragged the wooden comb through your strands, being careful to not pull on any knotted ends too hard. You stared at the mirror with soft eyes, it had been quite the evening for you after the day being filled with lessons on acting like a true noble. You could hear the young ladies down the extended corridors, arguing over who would get the first drop of the sweetness a simple maid had once carried. Although not a vampire yourself, you strived yourself to be lucky amongst those who were caught in any of the young and head mistresses claws. Ah, the mistress. The simple thought of her had brought a rose tint to your cheeks, you smiling unconsciously as you let your mind wander off into far lands that were filled with no violence, only peace amongst the dammed. Only a sudden knock had transported you back into the real world. Coughing, you placed the comb down on the vanity and turned on your buffet, facing the door with hands folded on your lap. "You may enter," You spoke out loud, awaiting the turning of the knob.
The sound of slight clicking of the knob being turned brought your full attention to whoever was to enter. The door became ajar, then pushed to an opening with the guilty entering. A wide smile had stretched it's way onto your face as you stood to greet the one who knocked. Bowing your head slightly, you raised it to be met with the eyes of the lady of the castle, Alcina Dimitrescu. "My lady."
"My darling," She spoke back, closing the door behind her as she looked down upon your small form, however still slightly taller than her three daughters. Seeing your smile brought one onto her face, her eyes gleaming softly at your relaxed state. Looking around your neatly tided room, she let her eyes graze back over to yours and tilted her head to the side ever so slightly. "Why are you still awake? You should be asleep by now."
Awkwardly, you had bit your bottom lip and looked away in shame. Any of the pink fairy dust that was once coating your cheeks had turned deeper than the pinks in a sunset. "Well, my lady, you see I-" You had quickly cut yourself off. You weren't going to tell her that you was awake because you could hear the cries of the maid. And no you weren't going to tell her that she had been running on your mind either-
"Well?" She softly asked as she crossed her arms under her chest, placing herself to sit on the end of your bed as she watched you fiddle with your fingers with a long-lost look within your eyes.
"I'm just feeling energised." You saved yourself as you silently thanked your mind for quick thinking. Well, you weren't exactly lying but at the same time you had been because the cries of the maid had woken you from your slumber. Not wanting to get into any sort of trouble with the Lady. Lady Dimitrescu nodded in reply, not fully understand to why you would be energised after a long day of training to be a noble but none the less, she was glad you weren't hurt at all or hiding any sort of pain.
"Hm, I suppose that may makes sense. Though I don't remember you having any sort of sugary treats to be feeling so much energy to stay awake..." Dimitrescu had trailed of at the end, instantly becoming entranced when you had grabbed the comb once again and brushed through your hair. Tutting slightly, she stood and walked over to your sitting form, plucking the brush from your hand and using it to comb your hair for you. "Your combing wrongly, follow the flow of your hair- don't try to change it's path."
Feeling her gentleness as she combed through your hair had made you start to fidget in your seat. Although you loved the feeling of her hands caressing your hair, there was something about it that made you want to adventure further. You didn't want to stay here, no you couldn't. This wasn't right sitting here anymore. The feeling was so sudden- and you knew why. Arguing in your head, you dragged your mind away from the reality of the world into a blank space where you could try sort out these mixed emotions. However as you were away from the reality, your body had reacted on its own recordings. Your leg began to bounce with your hands intertwining with one another then letting go only for them to become fists. Without any thought of it, Alcina hadn't notice your sudden change in mood, she was too focused on trying to get a certain knot out of your hair.
Yourself on the other hand, was stuck fighting for movement or staying in place. It wasn't till the noise of wood being placed back onto your vanity and the hand that had blocked your view from the mirror that brought you away from your argument. Without a second thought, you stood abruptly and turned to face Alcina with a wide smile. "We should go for a stroll! The night will be young and I'm sure the young mistresses will be busy with their feeding tonight. How about it my Lady?" You held your hand out, your white tunic and grey pants had provided enough heat for you to want a walk in the breeze of the lost screams within the castle.
Alcina had looked at your hand, so small and doll-like. Holding your hand normally brought great warmth to her soul. The feeling of a human being alive and wanting to be close to her had always brought a soft, comforting feeling. And she had only felt that with you. So, wanting to feel the same feeling again she cupped your small hand within her own and used her other hand to straighten out her hat. "Lead the way my love."
Within no second to spare, you speed-walked out of your room and practically dragged the Lady behind you. Why were you so excited for a walk? She had no clue to what was exactly going on in your mind, she never understood what was on your mind but that was because she couldn't read you like an open book. She had always had people praise her like some Goddess which brought much pride to her, but seeing you hold her hand and walk with her like she was a regular person- maybe like what the children would do in the village when they found something interesting and wanted a parent to see it quickly- that what you had reminded her off. "My darling, aren't you going a little fast?" She asked, although having no problem keeping you with your speed, she found it unusual for you to be walking at this speed.
"Nope! Now come on, we have the castle to explore more of!" You giggled and and bopped your head side to side like you were listening to silent music. "Oh! When we explore the castle we should play hide and seek! Do you think the other girls would love to join, I'm sure they would! Ooo maybe you could teaching me how to sort out flowers to make a beautiful boutique like you had done once when Lady Beneviento was over!" Your rambled on about activities you both could do as you let go of Alcina's hand and walked off by yourself. Your stranded look had brought Alncia to be slightly worried about your change of state. Being quick, Alcina followed behind you keeping close tabs on trying to make out what you was saying since you were getting further ahead of her.
"Darling....Darling!" She called out as you kept walking onwards, twisting through the hallways and moving yourself out of the way for any maids that were walking around or cleaning the hallways. Alcina shook her head and sped walked to catch up to you so she could take swiftly your arm within her grasp to make you stop walking away from her. The sudden yank that she gave you made you lock your lips together and looked up at her over your shoulder. "Darling your speaking too quickly and mumbling half of it. Speak with a clear tone and articulation. I taught you this today before you went up to bed."
You looked at her with glossy eyes that held your innocence. Her figure over you had somewhat calmed your mind to rest, or maybe it was her touch- you couldn't decide on which. You focused on her hand around your arm, her fingers going back to her palm as her larger hands captured your arm within her grip- no movement could make you escape. You opened your mouth to speak up but your words were caught in your throat. Again you tried but only slight noises of struggle came out. Taking a deep breath, Alcina sighed out in annoyance and rolled her eyes. "Would you mind telling me what's going on. One minute your relaxed, the next your up and walking away like you have to catch a carriage. You're also changing your mind on what to do-Sweetie you said you wanted to go for a walk."
Trailing your eyes from her hand up her arm and peering at her face, you saw a clear look of her being stumped with your actions. Pulling your arm out of her grip, you cradled it close to your chest. "I'm sorry." Was all you could mutter before taking a deep breath in and out, steading your breathing after the fast walk you had travelled with. Leaning against the closest wall in the hallway, you swept strands out from your eyes and gazed down at the wooden floor with deep crimson carpets. "I've always been like this- It's something that is hard to control." You gathered the small courage to face her again, looking at her with a guilty stare.
Alcina patted her dress down as she heard your voice speak. She had no way in understanding why you act like this because this was the first time it happened so suddenly and well- she hadn't been a human for a very long time now. You remembered times before you came to the castle that down in the village you would take off through the woods to lose the energy you gained for no reason and speak to any animal life you could find. It was much more relaxing to talk to someone who couldn't say anything back- you couldn't interrupt anyone or get the harsh reply of 'Stay on a subject' because your mind jumped from one thing to another. That was actually how you met the Lady of the castle in the first place, and it was the first place you confessed your dying love to her. But now- everything happened without yourself even realising it was happening, you felt like the one to blame for putting the Lady in this position of following you about and practically making her own mind run in circles.
A delicate hand lifted your chin that had dropped to rest on your chest, a finger running along your bottom lip. The hand belonged to Alcina whom had knelt to the floor in front of you. "(Y/n)." She spoke your name with tenderness and a tone that would forever make your heart melt with affection. "You have nothing to be sorry for. If this is how you are, then I love you for who you are." She felt your lip quiver under her thumb, her other hand pulling you into her chest where soft sobs had came from your mouth. She held you close, humming a tune to calm you down. Your salty tears had wet her long white dress, but she didn't care. She cared for the fact that you had been dealing with something that had made you think you were in the wrong for feeling it. "If you wish to ramble about anything on your mind, go ahead. Tell me stories, tell me knowledge, tell me how you feel. I will listen to everything to have to say- even if it does get mixed up that's okay." With a vision blurred, you tilted your head up to look at her as yo used your hands to clear the spots of wetness of your face. "I may not be able to fully understand, but I chose to love you and that means anything that you come with is something I adore my dearest."
A chuckle escaped your lips as you felt her hand glide itself down under your arm and slightly tickle you. "W-wait that tickles-"
"Oh I know~" She whispered into your ear and she playfully picked you up in bridal style within her arms and began her own journey somewhere. Still watching her face and feeling her arms wrapped tightly around your form, you couldn't help but wonder what she was doing.
"Where are we going? Are we going outside or are we going back to my room?" You asked as you continued to clear your eyesight from the specks of fuzzy marks. Adjusting you in her arms slightly so she could instead carry you with your head resting on her shoulder as she held you under your behind and legs wrapped around her upper torso, she replied.
"We are going to find my three daughters and tonight as a family we shall play games. A game night. I figure we both could need one of those especially your hard work of being a noble." She kissed your cheek as she carried on walking, you on the other hand had tried to say something again but it came out with stutters.
"But what if I talk about something stupid or make a fool of myself. Maybe I might not be able to sleep and you need your rest m'lady,"
"Oh darling, I wouldn't sleep without knowing my precious dearest is safe and sound under my gaze. If you can't fall asleep still we shall sit by the fire in the main room and I'll read whatever you wish for." Her words were sincere. She was being truthful. She didn't need to know about your condition, she just understood that she will be there for you in your tightest moments and fit what is right for you. And anyway, she also loved your voice- it was secretly one of her favourite features about you. Why wouldn't she want to listen to you, anything to hear her dearest talk would make her heart swoon with love.
Only a love that she was willing to give to you.
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mymelodyheart · 3 years
Save The Date Chapter 11 ~What’s Brewing Claire?~
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 Previously in Stramash ...
Jamie pulled back to look at her face and tipped her chin up to survey the cut on her lips. "He did this?"
She could only nod as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.
Jamie turned the gun in his hand and marched towards the door, shouting at the police ushering Jack out to wait. Before Claire could scream for him to stop, he brought his forehead down on Jack's nose in a head butt before handing the weapon to a nearby officer. The sound of cartilage crunching echoed in the tiny room, making Claire wince. Jack fell onto his knees with a loud thud, holding his bleeding nose, shouting improprieties muffled by his hands.
"Now, that was uncalled for, Fraser," an officer clucked, but his grin and the amusement in his eyes implied he wasn't too bothered over Jack's injury. "Now go and get some rest. I'll handle the paperwork and delay the statement for tomorrow morning. You both have done enough to save the day."
  If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
If you wish to read this from the beginning:
AO3 link
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  Jamie studied Claire. She lay relaxed on the examination table, going through her phone and reading messages. She looked untroubled and seemed to have recovered from the ordeal this past weekend. The only tell-tale sign left of that hellish night was the tiny scab on her lower lip and bruising on her right cheek where Jack Randall had struck her. She was whole and safe, and yet here he was, having trouble letting go of that incident.
When he'd helplessly watched Jack shoved a gun against her neck and dragged her away from his sight, he'd felt the full gravity of her vulnerability and his inadequacy to secure her safety. But how Claire had handled the situation was nothing short of mind-blowing, albeit heart-stopping. She'd kept her presence of mind, aptly keeping Geneva talking while the tech specialist monitored the audio listening device. The moment they'd identified the voice on the phone, the administration in Broadmoor had been immediately alerted to make sure Geneva didn't go anywhere until the police arrived.
Geneva and Jack were in jail now, awaiting trial and most likely would stay there for a very long time. He really needed to stop fixating on what could have gone wrong and focus on the matter at hand, like their baby's condition and Claire's health.
He puffed out a breath and sprung onto his feet. "Ye comfy, Sassenach?"
"I'm good," she replied, without looking up from her phone screen.
"Ye ken, we can cancel the baby reveal for another day."
"I know, but I prepared so much food already."
They were having his family and closest friends over for afternoon tea to share the news of their baby. Claire had insisted on a celebration to invalidate the ordeal Geneva had put them through, determined not to allow recent events to cast a shadow over their upcoming nuptials. Jamie had thought it was too soon, but Claire had pressed that the sooner they moved forward from the incident, the better. 
So last night, she'd spent the entire evening preparing shortcrust pastries, scones batter and making Victorian sponge cake. Apparently, she'd taken some lessons in baking and cooking from Mrs Fitz so that she could host parties like Jenny and his ma. It was as if her work, all the travelling she'd been doing, preparing for the wedding and recovering from trauma wasn't enough. She also needed to put up a brave front.
Though the doctor had given Claire an all-clear in London after a routine checkup, Jamie had insisted on another examination when she'd complain of spotting last night. He hadn't a clue what that had meant, but the concerned look on her face was enough for him to push her for another doctor's appointment. To his relief, she'd hardly put up a fight, and he'd immediately arranged a consultation with a private practice to speed things along since the NHS hospitals were notorious for long waits.
"I just want ye to be certain, Sassenach. That's all. I dinnae want this tea party putting a strain on ye."
Claire put her phone down and glanced up at him. "I'm pregnant, Jamie, not incapacitated. I know you're worried about the spotting, but I'm quite certain pregnant women gets them sometimes. I don't feel ill, but here we are, taking precautions."
Sighing, he moved to her side and took her hand in his. "It's just that I'm bothered about that bruise behind yer back. It looks vicious. I ken bruising looks a lot worse than it is, but I cannae help but wonder if the baby has been harmed when ye banged yer behind on those shelving units after Jack pushed ye. I'm concerned about any delayed complications. Or if the doctor in London overlooked something."
She squeezed his hand. "Your worries are valid, Jamie. The odds of miscarriage or complications might be highest in the first trimester, but I haven't had any issues." She shrugged. "Oh, well, except for the tiny spotting last night. I'm sure everything's fine. Try not to worry."
Easier said than done, Jamie thought. How could Claire sit there looking so calm?  Now that she's pregnant, the world was suddenly full of threats: unpasteurised juice and dairy, soft cheeses that she loved so much, fish high in mercury, saunas and hot tubs, secondhand smoke, changing Adso's litterbox. Not to mention aunt Jocasta's bloody stories of baby-abducting fairies. He really needed to stop reading too much pregnancy information; otherwise, he'd go insane.
Claire gave him a look that said she could tell he was overthinking things.
He promptly kissed her on the lips. "Aye, I guess ye're right," he conceded. "I'm sorry for over-reacting."
The door suddenly opened, and in walked a friendly-looking middle-aged female doctor. "Hello, Claire! Dr Fiona Innes. How are we feeling today?"
"I'm good, just a bit nervous about the spotting," Claire breathed. 
"Understandably." Then the doctor turned to Jamie. "And ye're..."
"James Fraser. The one who got her up the duff," he replied, taking the doctor's outstretched hand and giving it a firm shake. 
"Jamie!" Claire gasped, her face crimsoning profusely.
The doctor laughed. "Hah! I like that! A good sense of humour will get ye through anything." She dragged the ultrasound monitor closer to the exam table and pulled up a stool. "So, let's get started so we can put both yer mind at ease, shall we?" She proceeded to put gloves on and prepare the probe that Jamie had the unfortunate luck of knowing already what it was for. "Now, Claire, I want ye to lie back and place yer feet in the stirrups." 
Claire did as she was told while Jamie helped her ease down. He winced when he heard the sound of latex snapping over the probe. He looked away and took Claire's hand in his.
"Is this your first ultrasound visit, Mr Fraser?"
He glanced over his shoulder, thinking the doctor must have noticed the strain on his face. "Aye and no."
Dr Innes arched an eyebrow.
Jamie pointed at the probe and tried not to grimace. "I've seen a doctor used that thing on her when she was hospitalised a few weeks ago. I hadn't known what was going on then, so I walked away and let them get on with it."
"I see." The doctor refocused her attention back to Claire. "Now relax for me and big deep breaths," Dr Innes advised as she put lubricating gel on the blunt tip of the probe. "This will be a tad bit uncomfortable."
Claire shut her eyes and took a deep breath while Jamie whispered all sorts of nonsense in her ear. When her grip clenched into a tight vice, he pressed his lips on the top of her head.
A few seconds passed, and that's when he heard it. He stilled. It was loud, clear and steady. The unmistakable sound of a heartbeat coming from the monitor. It was their baby's. He let out a sharp exhale, realising he'd discovered something powerful in the tiny, vulnerable life form growing in Claire's womb.
His ma once said that the heartbeat was the first music that a child heard and that every bairn was born knowing the rhythm of their mother's song. To Jamie, this was the sound of their child's soul, the unspoken words already speaking volumes. It was as if it was saying, I'm alive and well, can you hear me?
"Weel, that sounds like a strong and healthy heartbeat there," Dr Innes remarked. "See right there?" Jamie and Claire stirred in their positions to take a better look at where the doctor was pointing. "That's yer baby."
Releasing Claire's hand, Jamie stepped closer to the monitor and tipped his head to the side, adjusting his eyes to discern the grainy image on the monitor. When he finally figured out the shape, mixed emotions began to bombard him in all directions. He felt the complexity of love at seeing a piece of himself and Claire on the screen, inspiring fierce protective instinct to kindle within him. Words like elation, joy and sobering responsibility were too meagre terms and did not give justice in describing how visceral all his emotions were.
"T-that ..." Jamie pointed an index finger at the image, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Is that a ..."
"It's not what ye think, Mr Fraser. That's the foot," Dr Innes responded briskly. She shifted the probe at a different angle to capture another image. "As far as I can see, everything seems to be in perfect working order. I can safely say ye have a healthy, strong baby, so ye can both rest easy."
Jamie continued to stare at the monitor, still trying to wrap the idea of impending fatherhood around his head. "The baby is no' missing any parts, is it?"
"The baby has everything it should have at this stage of the pregnancy," the doctor replied, amused. "Though I think we'll need another few weeks to be able to tell the gender."
"Thank you so much, doctor," Claire said gratefully, pushing herself upright. "We were worried about the spotting and thought it might have had to do with the stress and trauma of what happened last weekend. It was mad, really. I nearly got abducted and had a gun pointed at me."
The doctor threw the probe's latex into the waste and began peeling off her gloves, seemingly unaffected by what Claire had just revealed, making Jamie think physicians were used to hearing such stories. The doctor gave them both an understanding look. "Having a gun pointed at ye is quite jarring, so I understand why ye're both concerned. So how are ye coping mentally?" 
"I try not to dwell on it and carry on as usual," Claire shrugged. "So far, I'm dealing with it fine."
The doctor looked at Claire curiously, her expression full of empathy. "Sometimes ignoring it isn't as cut and dried as you think. Try and get some counselling. Ye're going to deal enough with all the hormones impacting yer physiological, physical and mental well being. This is the time to be enjoying this exciting time in yer life, so counselling is just taking a precautionary step to ensure you are in a good place and prepared for what the next few months will throw at ye."
Jamie locked eyes with Claire, and a silent agreement passed between them. They both understood the impact of a traumatising experience, and he wanted to take the doctor's advice on board. 
"I'll make sure she and the baby are well taken care of," he reassured the doctor, patting Claire's thigh.
"I'm sure ye will," the doctor smiled, pressing buttons on the monitor.
"Let's just hope he won't go over the top," Claire added. "He has a tendency to do that."
The doctor pulled out copies of ultrasound images from the printer and glanced up at Jamie. "I can understand the need to protect, but just bear in mind, us women are more resilient and stronger than we look," she pointed out. "And pregnant women aren't as frail as society perceives them to be."
Jamie laughed. "There's no question about that. After all, my wife-to-be here achieved what twenty-four specialist firearms officers could not."
"Oh?" Dr Innes looked surprised. "And what was that?"
"She single-handedly took down a maximum-security prisoner escapee, helped led the police to his psychopathic accomplice and in the process saved an innocent mistakenly imprisoned," Jamie explained. "I ken it was a foolish move with her being pregnant and all ..."
"It might have been foolish, but I happen to believe Claire's response is inherent in all mothers and mothers-to-be, and it's something almost impossible for the human brain to override." 
"Och, aye?"
"It's called maternal instinct, Mr Fraser, and it's as old as life itself." Dr Innes got up and handed him an envelope containing the ultrasound images. "So woe to anyone who dares a mother-to-be or new mother harm because they're utterly more ferocious than any man wielding a gun when it comes to defending their nest." She looked between him and Claire and smiled. "Anyway, congratulations to you both on your coming parenthood." Then she faced Jamie and patted him on the shoulder. "And as for ye, congratulations on yer newly acquired bodyguard. Ye can sleep well tonight." 
Jamie walked in and placed the last of their shopping bags onto the kitchen counter. "Is there anything else ye need, Sassenach, before I go?"
Claire felt him approach and busied herself, placing apples in a large bowl and then lemons in another. "Umm ...I think I have everything I need." She felt his eyes boring into her back but tried her best not to get distracted. "Shall I make a sandwich to take with you?"
"No, I'm no' hungry."
"Oh, alright ...I guess I shall see you later then."
"I have a few minutes to spare. Want to talk?"
"Talk about what?"
"What ye're feeling. Ye haven't said much all morning ...since we left the clinic. And ye hardly talked to me while we went food shopping."
She took out a knife and honing steel from a drawer and went through the motion of sharpening the blade. "Oh ...I guess I must have been preoccupied with my mental to-do list. That's all."
A long silence ensued, and after what felt like an eternity, he let out an exasperated sigh. "Sassenach, can ye stop what ye're doing for a minute and look at me?"
Hot tears suddenly settled behind her eyes, but she fiercely blinked them back and breathed deeply, swallowing down conflicting emotions and refusing to let them fall. She didn't want to be the type of woman who cried at the littlest and inconsequential thing. She'd never been a crier before, and she wasn't about to become one if she could help it.
"I'm busy, Jamie."
Bracing herself, she placed down her utensils and faced him. "What is it?"
"This ..." Jamie waved his hand at the shopping bags on the counter. "I ken what this is. Ye havenae sat still ever since we came back from our trip. Ye've decluttered our bedroom and cleaned out all the kitchen cupboards. And now an afternoon tea party? I ken what ye're doing. Ye're keeping yersel' busy to forget what happened in London instead of talking about it."
"No." She shook her head. "It's not that."
Jamie impatiently rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "Weel, what is up with ye then?"
"Hormones," Jamie echoed. "Why did you no' just say so?"
She felt her face heat up. "I don't know. Maybe I didn't know it at the time. Or perhaps, because it all seems so silly that I'm getting all worked up for nothing."
Jamie stepped closer and braced her cheeks with both hands, a calloused thumb tenderly swiping her lower lip. "Listen to me very carefully. Whatever ye're feeling or going through, hormonal or not, is never silly. Everything ye have to say is important to me. Trust me on that. I always want to know if something is bothering ye and be able to help ye fix it. Yer body is going through many changes, and it's normal yer emotions are all over the place. So no more self-deprecating thoughts about yer feelings. Am I making myself clear?"
She pursed her lips and nodded, tamping down the urge to cry.
"Very well then, tell me what's going through that mind of yers. At least we can clear the air between us before I go, and my whole family comes and start noticing that something isnae right. Today is supposed to be a celebration of our baby. I dinnae want anything to ruin this day in as much as I think we should delay this for another time."
"Fine." She shut her eyes to search for the right words, but no matter how she formulated them in her head, it didn't sound right. Saying it out loud would only make her appear pathetic. But there was no way around it once Jamie set his mind in extracting something from her. 
Her eyes flew open. "Yes?"
"Yer face is getting redder by the second. I'm beginning to worry."
"Very well, if you must know ..." She blew out a breath. "You haven't touched me since that night in London, that's what," she blurted out. "I feel like you're avoiding me. Every time it was time for us to go to bed, you always had some excuse, like you haven't walked the dog or you need to check the emails." Unable to hold it back any longer, she suddenly burst out crying. "I know it's hormones talking, and I'm acting silly. But I can't help but feel the way I feel because I'm hormonal and horny. That's why I'm keeping myself busy, so I will not overthink things. Because if I did, I'd start believing you don't want me anymore, even if logic says it's not true. Happy now?"
He blinked rapidly as if his brain was short-circuiting. 
"Yeah, just the reaction I knew I was going to get. See what I mean when I said I was acting silly?"
"No," he groaned out loud. "Sweet baby Jesus! Ye cannae say things like horny  when I have to go."
Claire slapped Jamie on the chest. "Jamie! You wanted to know what was wrong! Now that I've said it, you can't blame me for it!"
"Cancel the tea party, and I'll tell Willie I'll be late!"
"Why no'?"
With a deep groan, he grabbed her neck from behind and gave her a hard kiss. There was nothing tender or playful about it, just a desperate act of trying to get his fill. He let out a frustrated moan as his tongue swept in her mouth, and a hand cupped her breast, his arousal hard and thick against her belly, letting her know how much he wanted her. When he finally broke the kiss, they were both gasping for air. He pressed their foreheads together, breathing harshly into her face. "How could ye think, even in yer hormonal state, I dinnae want ye any more? Damn it, Sassenach, I've been aching for ye these past few days."
"Then why didn't you touch me?" 
He shook his head as he attempted to even his breath. "That night in London, after I took ye back to the hotel, I wanted to bury myself deep inside ye so I could remind myself that ye're really alive and back in my arms. But when I saw that bruising behind yer back and knowing what ye've just been through in yer pregnant state, I thought if I took ye right there and then, I might cause ye irreparable damage, physically and psychologically. I wanted to make sure ye're properly healed first and that our baby was safe. God, all those nights I was away from our bed, I've been doing push-ups to release all those pent-up frustrations of not being able to make love to ye."
"So you did want me all along ..."
He tapped her nose. "Aye, ye silly goose."
"Oh Jamie," she sighed. "You still don't get it, do you?" She placed a hand against his face and smiled for the first time that morning. 
"Get what?" he asked, looking suddenly confused.
"You should know by now, lovemaking is the best stress reliever. I thought you knew that." 
"Weel ..."
"Remember the times when you were all worked up and conflicted, and how much better you felt after sex?" When he nodded, she pressed on. "Whenever you and I have sex, whether it's fast, hard, long or a quickie, it always came from a place of love. And we've talked about this before ...love heals. The most wonderful thing about our lovemaking, it puts us in that intimate space where we can better connect, heal, open us to those hard conversations, helping us in the process to find closure and release. If sex worked for you to ease your stress, why should it be any different for me? I needed you most after that horrendous night, Jamie. I needed your body to ground me. But I understand now why you didn't touch me that night."
Jamie stared at the ceiling and sighed before looking at her with a mixture of wonderment and torment. He let out a pained laugh. "Weel, right now, I'm under a lot of stress and pressure." He took her hand and placed it on his bulging arousal to make a point. "How about we continue this in the bedroom and let off some steam? I'm stressed, and ye're horny. Ideal combo! Ye can use my body anyway ye want."
Claire clucked her tongue and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "Oh, no, you don't, you sneaky, Scot! You're running late as it is." She placed both hands on his chest and began pushing him out of the kitchen. "How about you let me get on with food preparation, and you finish what you need to do so you can come home as soon as you can in time for the tea party?" she proposed.
"How about my stress levels?" he grumbled.
"Your stress levels are fine!" She turned him around and smacked him on the bum. "Now go. Mrs Fitz will be here any minute to bring the Battenberg cake I ordered."
At the mention of Mrs Fitz, Jamie didn't need any more prodding. He gave her another quick kiss and left the cottage, muttering something about getting a new house before slamming the door behind him.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon passed by quick, and something in Claire lightened even though she was a nervous wreck hosting her first traditional English tea party.
She looked at the kitchen counter laden with several tiered plates displaying the delicacies she'd meticulously prepared. She was ready, and everything looked perfect. 
She'd made four different tea sandwiches to be on the safe side: pear and stilton, cucumber and cream cheese, egg salad, and smoked salmon and dill. And then there were scones, lemon curd tartlets, fruit tarts, and shortbread and Linzer cookies she was looking forward to gorge on. On the other end of the counter were Mrs Fitz's Battenberg cake and Claire's pièce de résistance, Victoria's sponge filled with jam, berries and double cream. Her teabox was neatly packed with Darjeeling, Earl Grey, and Assam, and the pitchers of lavender and elderflower lemonade were cooling nicely in the fridge. 
She was about to wash the sink when she heard a rap on the window. She looked up and saw Jenny waving at her. Letting her in through the kitchen back door, she was surprised to see her carrying a stack of real estate pamphlets and magazines with its pages tabbed with colourful sticky notes.
"Jen! What's all that?"
Jenny shrugged. "Weel, after what happened to ye in London and with everything going on at the moment, I thought I'd make yer life easier." She plonked down her load on a nearby stool and picked up a magazine, leafing through the pages. "I heard from Willie ye and Jamie are looking for a bigger place. So I decided to grab all these. It has listings of every available property for sale in the surrounding area. Ma and I saved the pages we thought ye and Jamie might like."
"Oh, Jen!" Claire gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.
Jenny waved a hand. "Think nothing of it!"
Feeling emotional, Claire gave Jenny a big hug. "That's very thoughtful of you. Thank you so much." When she finally broke away from their embrace, she noticed deep furrows on Jenny's forehead. "Jen? What's wrong?"
Jenny's usually brilliant blue eyes suddenly looked serious as they landed on the bruising on her cheek. "Does that still hurt?" 
Claire touched her cheek. "Oh, this? No, not at all. It looks worse than it is. Poor Jamie getting all these weird looks when we're out and about. He was even accused by some granny of being an abuser. I can understand why but I had to step in and explain to the old dear."
Jenny wrung her hands and gave her a small smile. "Actually, I -I came early because I wanted to talk with ye. Just us two."
"Oh, do you want a drink first?" Claire offered, jerking a thumb in the direction of the fridge. "I have some lemonade ..."
"No! Please! I need to get this out before anything else."
Claire nodded. "Alright then, I'm all ears."
"I-I want to apologise for ..." Jenny's chin crumpled, seemingly attempting to blink back her tears. " ...for what happened to ye in London."
"Wot? Oh, Jen! Why are you apologising? That wasn't your fault."
Jenny raised a hand, which told Claire to let her talk. "It was in some ways my fault, Claire. Geneva was my friend, and I tried to push Jamie and her together. I shouldn't have told her last year there was a vacancy in the village, and then she wouldn't have come back and pursued her interest in my brother. I honestly had no idea she was capable of such horrid deeds. If I'd known, I wouldn't have taken her into my circle of friends and family."
Claire shook her head. "No one could have known, and no one knew. Even her work colleagues and peers were shocked when they found out what she's done. She's a master manipulator, Jen, and she probably manipulated you too under the guise of friendship."
"Still ..." Jenny insisted. "If it wasn't for my meddling ..."
"Stop right there!" Claire wagged a finger at Jenny. "We've locked horns on the subject before and moved on from that already. Alright? Past is past. We all make mistakes. The most important thing is we learn from it. So no more mention of Geneva."
This time Jenny's smile reached her eyes. "Fine! Just dinnae tell Jamie we talked about this."
"Whyever not?"
"Jamie has given everyone in the family strict orders, not to mention about London today."
Jenny nodded. "He didn't want to ruin today's celebration rehashing what happened. Unfortunately, I had to in order for me to apologise, but enough of that now." She clapped her hands. "So, how about that drink. I'm parched." She whirled around and stopped, her eyes widening when she saw the spread Claire had prepared. Walking over to the kitchen counter, she took in everything with a smile. "Goodness, did ye make all these?"
Claire smiled with pride. "I did. Except for the Battenberg cake. Mrs Fitz made it."
"Ye said, ye didnae know how to bake," Jenny said almost begrudgingly. 
"Now I do, thanks to the wifey Bootcamp I attended, also known as Mrs Fitz's kitchen."
"These all look scrumptious. It's been ages since I had a proper English afternoon tea." Jenny glanced up at her and grinned. "So, what are we celebrating?"
Claire nearly blurted out the baby news, but she quickly caught herself. Sliding an arm around her soon-to-be sister-in-law, she walked Jenny to the end of the counter to show her the sponge cake. "Today, we're celebrating love, friends and family."
Jenny poked a finger into the clotted cream and licked. "I like the sound of that. That'll always be a perfect excuse for a celebration or a proper afternoon tea party."
Claire smiled. "I couldn't agree more, Jen. I couldn't agree more."
Jamie came home from work and noticed all the sandwiches, tarts and cakes laid out on the kitchen counter. He was mildly astonished that Claire had been able to prepare so much in the nick of time. He glanced out the window and spied her and Jenny in the garden, busily arranging tablecloths on the long wooden table. Looking at his watch, he realised he had about fifteen minutes to get ready before their friends and family started arriving. 
But first things first.
Stepping out into the backyard, he snuck behind Claire and wrapped his arms around her waist, planting a soft kiss on her neck. "Mmm, ye smell of berries, lemon and lavender," he whispered, running his lips on her bare skin and ignoring Jenny's mumbling about getting a room.
Claire turned in his hold and smiled up at him. "And you reek, mister. You won't be served tea smelling like that."
"Fancy a shower with me then?" he suggested, feeling mischievous. "Jen's here to look out for guests."
"Nice try, but I had a shower already, and Jen is our guest today." 
He leaned down and nibbled her earlobe, making her squeal.
"Jamie, you're going to get my dress dirty. Oh, fiddlesticks ..." She suddenly stilled mid-laughter and made a face, her hand covering her nose. "Urgh ...what's that smell?"
Jamie let her go and took a whiff of his shirt. "Oh, it's just a bit of wood stain I was working with. It'll come off in a wash."
Her face suddenly turned pale. "Oh, God, I think I'm going to be sick. Tell Jen I'll be right back ...and you ...you go have a shower before your parents arrive." With that, she spun around and ran back to the cottage.
Stunned, he watched her disappearing form and whistled under his breath. "What just happened?" he muttered, even though he knew the answer had to do with the dreaded pregnancy sickness. She'd been doing so well so far he almost thought morning sickness was nothing but a myth, even though Claire had revealed, she couldn't stand the smell of aniseed, star anise, fennel, and liquorice.
"Maybe, she's pregnant and suffering from sickness?" Jenny replied, walking past him with an armful of wildflowers to put into the empty vases dotted on the wooden table.
He hadn't realised Jenny had returned from wherever she'd disappeared to. He needed to be careful not to reveal their baby news too soon, or the surprise would be ruined. Jenny was simply someone who couldn't keep a secret. 
"Ach, I should have known chemical smells always make her nauseous," he explained, not wanting to give too much away to his perceptive sister.
Jenny twitched her lips from side to side as she trimmed the bouquet's stems with pruning shears. "Aye, that will be right!" she smirked.
He glared at his sister. "What's that supposed to mean?"
She shrugged and gave him a knowing look. "Nothing! Now go have a shower, and I'll take care of things here until Claire feels better."
Jamie was about to say more when he heard the sound of a car parking in the driveway. As Jenny made a move to take a look, he quickly made a beeline back to the cottage before anyone saw him, hoping Claire had already recovered from her bout of sickness.
Jamie leaned back on his chair and glanced around. It was a perfect summer late afternoon, and everyone seemed to be having a great time and enjoying the food Claire had prepared. The sun warmed his face and bathed the garden in dazzling light, making the different shades of green and the profusion of wildflowers more vibrant and alive. The chatter was lively, and funnily enough, no one complained about the lack of alcohol which was highly unusual for a gathering in Scotland. But, he suspected his godfather must have a flask of whisky or something similar tucked away somewhere as he was getting louder and more boisterous as time went by.
He took Claire's hand in his, and she turned his way and smiled. Her face looked pale, but there was an aura of tranquillity radiating from her that told him she was happy and content. Though her plate was full of food, it remained untouched, and if anyone had noticed, no one said anything. "How are ye feeling, Sassenach?"
She took a huge deep breath, held it in for a few seconds and then relaxed. "I'm fine," she sighed. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"
He knew she was valiantly fighting back the sickness that must be creating havoc in her body but was too stubborn to give in to it. "Shall we tell them about the surprise so you can finally have a rest?" he suggested in a low voice, so no one would hear. "It cannae be comfortable sitting here when ye feel so unwell."
She shook her head as she gulped in more air. "I want to wait for uncle Lamb. He'll be here soon."
Quentin's plane from Athens should have arrived four hours ago but was delayed because of some mechanical issues. Jamie hoped for Claire's sake Quentin was on his way and wasn't dilly-dallying somewhere, like planning a grand entrance. Jamie kissed her cheek, hoping to sweet talk her to giving up this charade of wellness. "I'm pretty sure ye're uncle will understand once he finds out about yer condition."
"I know," Claire murmured. "But I want today to be perfect and complete. I want to see uncle Lamb's face when we announce it."
"But it's already perfect."
"Not without uncle Lamb."
Jamie prayed for patience and tamped down the urge to haul this beautiful but infuriating woman in his arms and carry her to bed. He squeezed her hand and yielded to her request, knowing this get-together was important to her. "Whatever ye say, Sassenach. Just let me know if ye need anything."
"I will," she replied between sharp intakes of breath.
Jamie decided not to press anymore. He knew this was one battle he couldn't win without creating a scene in front of their friends and family. But if Claire thought she was pulling this act off, Jamie was convinced, his perceptive family had already caught on with what was passing. Claire was a terrible actress, and she couldn't even lie to save her life.
Fortunately, their intimate tea party was animated and loud, and it diverted the attention from Claire. Directly opposite them, Tom and Willie were discussing the merits of owning a mini campervan for spontaneous weekend trips around the Highlands. On one end of the table, Murtagh passionately ranted and raved to Brian and uncle Duncan about the Tories and how SNP was the solution to Scotland's political future. Next to Claire, Annalise showed Ellen and aunt Jocasta how to work the Instagram app while Jenny, Mary and Geillis cackled over some celebrity gossip they've probably read somewhere. Grannie Annie had meanwhile fallen asleep in her seat with Adso in her lap and Rollo at her feet. At the far end of the garden, Finlay, Geillis' boyfriend and Ian were having a go at playing badminton but kept hitting the shuttlecock over the hedge to both their frustration. 
Though Jamie was happy the tea party had gone as planned, he couldn't relax, too worried about Claire predicament. If it got to the stage where Claire lost any more colour to her face, he was sure no one would be able to blame him for whatever course of action he would take next.
"Right, does anyone want some fresh cuppa?" Claire suddenly announced, getting up from her seat.
Annalise immediately jumped to her feet. "I can do that."
Willie got up too. "I'll put the kettle on."
"I'll clear up the empty dishes," Geillis offered, already grabbing an empty tiered plate stand. "We dinnae want this stunning antique piece being knocked over, now do we?"
Ellen reached over to Claire from her seat and patted her hand. "Everything was lovely, dear. I couldnae decide which was my favourite. And that lavender lemonade was refreshing."
"Aye," Murtagh piped in as he got up and sat directly opposite Claire. "I bet it will taste even better with gin or vodka."
Brian frowned at Murtagh. "The lavender lemonade tastes good as it is. There's nae need to spoil it with alcohol. Besides, it's good for ye to give yer poor liver a wee break. If ye're no' careful, yer gene pool will soon have a swim-up bar."
"I dinnae drink that much," Murtagh grumbled. 
"Aye ye do," Aunt Jocasta pointed out. "Dinnae think for one minute I didnae notice ye've been spiking yer tea."
Before Murtagh could retort, Geillis came back in time with a steaming mug and placed it in front of Claire.
"Ooh, what's this?" Claire asked, looking into her drink.
"It's ginger and turmeric tea," Geillis declared. "It's good for ye. I brought it with me from Glasgow. It's organic, and thought ye might like it."
Jamie couldn't help but smile to himself. He knew ginger tea or any form of ginger were effective in reducing nausea. Claire probably knew too because her eyes lit up and gave Geillis an appreciative nod. If he wasn't a hundred per cent certain earlier, everyone knew about Claire's condition, now he's more convinced than ever they were playing along. Jamie appreciated the gesture, but this had gone on too far. Where the bloody hell is Quentin?
"I'm back!" boomed a voice, waking grannie Annie up. It was as if Jamie's thoughts had conjured Claire's uncle from thin air, and there he was making a grand entrance as Jamie had expected. "I hope there are some leftovers. I'm famished."
Claire laughed, twisting around on her seat to watch her uncle approaching. Ellen got up and started plating some food for Quentin.
"There's plenty of leftovers," Annalise assured as she placed another platter of sandwiches on the table. "Claire made enough for the entire village."
Quentin gave Claire a quick kiss on the forehead before greeting the rest of the party, who'd gathered back around the table. "Sorry for the delay," he apologised, finally taking a seat next to Claire. "Our plane was stuck on the tarmac without any air conditioning. We had no choice but to sit there and stew in the heat while the engineers fixed the plane."
"Well, I'm glad you're here now," Claire said, looking adoringly at her uncle. 
Quentin stared at the bruising on her cheek. "I don't like the look of that. It looks ..."
Sounds of several throats clearing ensued, a signal to Quentin not to pursue the London topic any further.
"Very well," Quentin nodded in understanding. "I'm glad too that I'm here."
Claire smiled. "Alrighty, so now that everyone's here, Jamie and I have an announcement to ..."
"Hold that thought, sweetheart," Quentin interrupted as he bent down to retrieve the holdall he'd placed at his feet. "I brought a souvenir."
Jamie bit his tongue at the interruption.  
"I hope it's not another ceramic plate," Claire groaned, unaware of Jamie's frustration.
"No. I got something better." Quentin waggled his bushy eyebrows as he unzipped his bag and proceeded to rummage through its contents. "Wait for it! Wait for it!" Suddenly he yanked out a bottle and held it up for everyone to see. "I got Ouzo!" he announced with satisfaction.
"Yesss, ya beauty!" Murtagh cheered happily, banging a hand on the table. "I love Ouzo."
Aunt Jocasta scowled at Murtagh. "Ye like anything alcoholic. Ye'll drink Listerine if it was placed in front of ye."
"What's Ouzo?" Claire asked as she stared curiously at the offering. "I mean, I've heard of it before, but I've forgotten what it is."
Jamie was about to fill in the information and tell her she wouldn't be able to stand the smell of it when Quentin expertly uncapped the bottle and held it under Claire's nose. Oblivious to Jamie's hitch of breath, Claire pressed her nose closer to the opening of the bottle to take a better whiff. Ah, shite!
"It's an anise flavoured liquor," Quentin described. "Mostly served as an aperitif in Greece.."
Jamie watched in awe as Claire's head jerked back and her face contorted when her senses registered the smell, and a low, gurgling sound came from deep down in her belly. He winced, half expecting any moment now a horrific scene of projectile vomiting, and the recipient would be none other than his godfather sat opposite her. But Claire jumped to her feet, startling everyone, and her hand immediately clapped over her mouth, golden eyes bright and tearing up. Quick thinking Jenny, grabbed a sprig of mint she'd put in the vase, macerated it in her hands and offered it to Claire. Everyone gasped and watched in fascination as Claire took the green leaves and stuffed her mouth with them, and began to chew, jaws working overtime, reminding Jamie of a cow feeding in the fields. Nobody said a word, waiting for the next scene to unfold or for someone to offer an explanation.
Swallowing audibly, Claire finally untensed and slumped back down to a loud hearty burp. And as if nothing had happened, she calmly drank a good measure of her ginger tea, put the mug down and then smiled. "Sorry about that. So where were we again?"
Eyes bulging almost out of his head, Quentin sputtered before he managed to string a coherent sentence together. "W-What the bloody hell was that? Was that some kind of weird side effects from what happened in London that I have no idea of?"
Claire looked at Jamie, looking suddenly exhausted. "Can you please tell them?"
"Tell me what?" Quentin bristled.
Jamie dropped his head on his folded arms resting on the table and allowed it to bounce once. Twice. Thrice. God must have taken pity of him because when he glanced up, everyone shouted in chorus. "Claire and Jamie are having a baby!"
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   Dear Readers,
Thank you all for the response and feedback I received for my previous chapter. I know it got a bit crazy; therefore, today's update is more subdued to allow everyone's breathing to go back to normal.  Nevertheless, I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much I've enjoyed writing it for you.
Anyway, I hope you're all keeping safe and taking care of yourself and mostly taking the time to enjoy the last days of summer. Keep up the good vibes and be well. X
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malibix · 3 years
Pillow Forts & Fairy Lights || One-Shot | Hisirdoux Casperan x GN!Reader
Summary: What’s better to relax and celebrate making it through another week of living than a cozy pillow fort, snacks and movies with your favourite person?
Word Count: 1501
Warnings: None!
Taglist: @furblrwurblr​ @moppetwithamanbun​ @tales-of-hisirdoux​ @alovesongshewrote​ @yagirlcheesely​ @daydream-believin​
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Douxie's had a closing shift at the café again and it being a Friday meant he had the weekend free, so you decide to start the weekend off like any not normal normal couple would. 
Pulling the cushions off your couch and stacking them up with blankets and bedsheets with chairs holding it all up from the sides, you found that you’d made a pretty stable fort base if you did so say yourself. Next, you pulled out some fairy lights from your room and strung them up around the inside of the fort to the best of your ability. A little bit of tape and some twist ties got you a long way.
The fort itself stretched off the couch and over the floor, your kitchen island bar stools holding up the later. 
Once you'd moved into the apartment, your inflow of blankets had come with you, so there never really was a shortage. Douxie had always complained about being cold. You’d sure solved that problem. You used them to build a sort of platform or mat on the floor off the couch on the floor, and on the couch you did the same. It was already beginning to look and feel like a cozy little warm igloo in there. The "top floor" of the fort had a mountain of your favourite blankets, as you had not been willing to sacrifice them to the floor. 
You checked the clock and your text messages to see that Douxie was just finishing up closing at work now, which meant you still had a little time before he got home. You clambered out from the opening of the fort and took a step back to admire your handy work. Nodding in satisfaction at its interior and deeming it acceptable and some quick adjustments to fix the exterior to your liking, you set off to the kitchen for your next mission: snacks. 
Rifling through the cabinets, you settled on some Doritos and Smartfood, as well as some candy bars and gummies you'd bought earlier. You scooped all the goods into your arms and shuffled back over to the fort, trying your best not to drop anything on the way there. Multiple trips were for suckers. 
Was the couch right in front of the tv? Yes. Did that mean you could be in the couch fort while watching said tv? Not particularly. 
Having planned this, you pulled out your laptop and strung it's cord through the mass of pillows and blankets to sit on the top level of the fort on the only neatly stacked pile of blankets. Next, you hauled all the snacks that you’d promptly dropped at the entrance to the fort, into the lower level blanket lair and turned off the lights to save them for the grand reveal of your evening plans for when Douxie got home. 
Archie made himself comfortable inside, which you didn't mind one bit. He was always good company, so even though you thought it to be like a little date night, you had no problem with sharing the space with the familiar. 
You didn't plan to watch any specific movies or show, you just figured you'd both decide together and figure it out later when he got home. You also ended up leaving the drink choices alone for when he got back. You assumed he'd want tea after a long day at work, but you could never be too sure. 
It wasn’t much longer until you heard footsteps outside the apartment door and the jingling of keys as Douxie unlocked the door. It wasn't a rare occurrence for him to step into a completely dark apartment. Sometimes you’d fall asleep somewhere while the sun was still out and just hadn't turned any lights on before it set. Other times he'd just find you in your room hunched over your device and lit up by only the glow of your phone or laptop. Once in a while though, he'd find a little glowing orbs of your magic to light the way to your room, where he’d find you reading surrounded by a handful of them. Almost like you sat in a field of oversized fireflies. 
He much preferred the last one as it made him worry less about you damaging your eyesight. Not to mention you always looked so peaceful reading there in your magical light, mind in another world as you read the story you held in your hands. 
Today however, he was greeted with the first option. Pitch darkness was the only thing to welcome him home. Not even Archie came to greet him. Some friend he was. 
Of course the wizard wasn't aware that his familiar was currently snoozing away in a fort hidden by said darkness, but still. 
He heard a faint shuffling from somewhere in the living room, followed by your voice welcoming him home and asking him how his day was. 
"Sorry for the darkness! I made us a surprise though! C’mere," 
He felt your hand grab his and you pulling him slightly to lead him across the room. 
"Just oneee second-!"
There was a bit of a pause and a little more shuffling before little lights sprouted up under the roof of the fort. Their brightness dimmed by the bed sheets made them look like a bunch of glowworms in their living room. The fairy lights illuminated the room just enough for Douxie to be able to make out the fort and the shapes of everything inside it. 
"I thought a couch fort-movie night was a good way to celebrate the weekend and making it through another week of customer service." 
The glow from the fort now gave enough light for him to make out the grin on your face. 
He couldn't help but smile back at the thoughtful gesture, "Thank you love, it's perfect."
"Archie's already in there and made himself at home by the way, hope you don't mind."
You crouched down to crawl through the entrance and into the fort. "You gonna stand out there by yourself all night or what?"
Douxie smiled again as the lights lit up your silhouette under the sheets, just enough for him to see you waving him in. 
"Oh wait almost forgot, sorry hold on," You crawled back out, heading for the kitchen to get drinks. "Tea?"
"Sure thing, darling."
You smiled back as you filled the kettle with water and set it to boil. “Oh go on, don’t be shy. Make yourself comfy and I’ll be right over.” “I’m going, I’m going.” He chuckled lightly, putting his hands up in defense as he crawled into the fort.
You may or may not have magicked your way to boiling water to save time, but soon enough you poured your cups of tea and returned to the fort in the living room. What? Magic may not be a permissible shortcut to hard work, but it wasn’t you who was Merlin’s apprentice after all. 
You dropped bags of your favourite tea into travel mugs, just to be safe, and poured in the hot water before bringing them back over to the fort in your living room. 
“Do me a favour and hold these for me for a second please?” You stuck your arms into the fort, holding the travel mugs out to Douxie who chuckled and took them from you as you’d asked.
“No problem,” he said.
“Thanksss,” you said, shimmying your way into the fort with various noises of struggle. To which, your wizard simply laughed at in amusement. 
“You alright there, love? Having trouble getting into your own fortress?” 
“Ha ha, very funny.” You made extra effort to take up as much space as possible once you’d reached him. 
Archie protested slightly as you both shuffled around trying to make yourselves comfortable, but eventually settled back down once you'd done the same. As you discussed movie options, you'd eventually settled on a new fantasy release and curled up at Douxie's side. He wrapped an arm around you while you pulled up a blanket and buried yourself further into his chest, making yourself cozy. 
Douxie wasn't one for confined spaces, but having you right next to him in a fort you'd made with love for him made him feel much more at peace. You shared the snacks you'd previously brought in while sipping your tea and enjoying the movie together. 
The movie however, was rather long. And though it was good, that didn't help keep the two of you awake after a long day of work. You fell asleep in his arms probably just after halfway through the movie, and he fell asleep not long after. 
Archie had made his way onto your lap by the time the movie credits rolled around and promptly curled up where he sat, glad that his wizards were home. The three of you stayed like this the rest of the night, in the company of each other and under the cover of bedsheets and artificial stars.
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Harry Fic Recs #3
It has been far too long since I have done one of these posts, especially considering how many amazing fics I have read between now and my last recommendation post. There are definitely fics I will miss and this is a reflection only on my memory and probably how long ago I read them. There is a plethora of truly exceptional works on tumblr, each of them requiring huge amounts of effort to be delivered to us as readers cost free so please please take the time to thank writers for fics you love, and at the very least give them a like (and a reblog, we love those too!).
Without further ado, I present fics that I adore!
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First of all, a couple fanfictions from Wattpad because I have finally started reading fics from there for the first time since 2014. If you like me didn’t cross over to wattpad, I recommend you do so for these fics in particular. 
Stall by @/MysteryMixtapes - a lot of people reading this list probably think this is an obvious one but I had honestly never even heard of any wattpad fics until the end of last year so there might be someone else in the same boat as me. This is nice and long, dark but also very fun and humorous at times. It is the best of both worlds in a lot of ways. You get to see dark and gritty mob!H but also some very sweet moments. The writing is outstanding, some of the absolute best that is around in fanfiction anywhere today. I don’t want to give too much away, so just believe me when I say this is a must read.
Aerial by @/peanutboyfriend - this story is simply gorgeous down to its every detail. Set in 60s Malibu, this story follows Harry and an original main character who have been thrown together as aerial performers in the circus. This book throws you into a perfectly crafted world that is simply beautiful. I often found myself wanting to step right in. It is slow burn, full of tension, twists, sickly sweet moments and also angst.
!Kinda spoilers! What these two books have in common is what I believe to be an accurate depiction of navigating a romantic relationship and the ups and downs of trying to create a healthy dynamic, and often having to get things very wrong before you get them right.
Now back to my tumblr fam! I am going to list first the user and then their fics that I recommend in particular, but I honestly recommend everything on these lovely people’s masterlists.
Aster - absolutely stunning tattoo artist!h fic, I could say so much but I don’t want to give too much away. But we start with y/n starting to make her own way in the world when she meets Harry, who is a bit of a dick to her even though she has a crush on him. The main character is so sweet in this, and it is all so beautifully written, I loved every word.
Chiaroscuro - suuuuuuuch an addictive vampire!h fic. My only qualm with this series is that it was not longer because I could honestly read about this little world forever. We start with y/n on the job hunt when she stumbles upon a live in house keeper position. Niall, who is handling the hiring for his friend, is lovely but something doesn’t seem quite right with this beautiful home or its handsome owner. 
Harry hates the other camp counselors and Y/N is very optimistic - this fic was so freaking sweet, a lovely bit of protective!h, squishable reader and just a fun vibe. All of her fics are really nice and long, and build beautiful worlds which you could practically step inside.
Here is her masterlist because all her writing is fabulous, all her stories are so original, well-written and gripping. I could sit her and list ten different stories I could just cut out the middle man and send you straight to her masterlist because you won’t find a single story on there you won’t love.
@sunflowervolvimp3 + @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy
You’re Someone I Just Want Around - I actually don’t have the vocabulary to express how much I am loving this story. These two lovelies are writing this gorgeous vamp!h fic together. They are serving slow burn, friends with benefits, secretly a vampire Harry with a dark past, who is, of course, in denial of his own feelings. This story is so fun, sexy and sweet, I am loving every moment and can’t wait to see what happens next. 
Both these lovely authors do some of my favourite tropes and aus in their solo writings so I am just going to say check out both of their masterlists (sunflower...) and (adashof...)
Thinkin’ Bout You - holy fucking shitballs I can’t recommend this enough. This is about Florist!H who is a total freaking sweetie and has a giant crush on one of his new customers. The character creation was gorgeous, and every word painted the prettiest picture of this little world. Simply lovely, from start to finish.
Say It - sparks fly in the restaurant when Harry is assigned to show the new waitress the ropes. I adored this fic, it has that perfect blend of angst and freshly blooming romance (and also got a little bit saucy which we all love to see). Gorgeous fic, I cannot recommend it enough.
Pebbles and the Scarecrow - this fic had me absolutely squealing over how cute it was. I love halloween!harry. I love dad!harry. The two together, especially executed so well just melts my brain. This was actually unbearably cute. Co-ordinated costumes. Teacher!harry. Need I say more stop reading me talking about and go read it right now.
Fairies First - the absolute sweetest dad to be!h and pregnant!reader. Super cute and so well written, as is every fic on her masterlist. Read them all but also here are some more of my personal faves
The Thrill of the Chase - I literally read this first thing this morning when I woke up and saw it had been posted and I adore it! We have hunter!harry which is a trope I feel like you never see but based on this fic alone, I am obsessed. It’s a lowkey cottagecore vibe so if that’s what you’re into, you will love it.
Drive Me Wild - in which harry has trouble expressing emotions and reader talks too much. Okay I was so obsessed with this fic and could read a full length book of this au. Quiet!h and super chatty!yn are the cutest combination and the angst hurts so good my god. But also the fluff warms my soul.
The Mute Series - where Harry doesn’t talk and falls in love with y/n. I think I’ve read this fic at least three times. We have mute!harry, college!harry, and just overall sweet, shy lovely, Harry. This fic is gorgeous, it tugs on your heartstrings so aggressively and I just love it to pieces. 
Once again, these are some of my favourite writers on tumblr, and these are simply some of my favourites of all their works and I recommend going through their whole masterlists. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Midnight Adventures ~ BC [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy, established-relationship, fluffy bang chan feels
PAIRING: Chan x GN!Reader 
A/N: I hope it’s okay I went with Chan! I was feeling really soft for him since I wasn’t feeling great when I wrote this...Nothing bad just a migraine and I was in the mood for some soft Christopher Bang Hours! I also made it GN that everyone could read it and enjoy, hope this is okay my lovely little anon
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Once he was given the all-clear from Felix Chan flung himself out of the bed, changing into some sweats and a black hoodie, something baggy so that he didn't look too obvious to those around him. 
"Is Y/n ready?" Chan asked as Felix came into the room with a giant smile on his face, clearly proud of himself at the others for what they had been planning weeks in advance. This had been planned secretly by the boys, wanting to make sure you and Chan got to spend some one on one time together.
"Jeongin text them to start getting ready, the car is on its way, Jisung is covering at the studio," Felix explained to his nervous leader, it had been two months since you and Chan got to spend some quality time together and the boys were doing everything in their power to change that. Convincing their manager that Chan was sick and was staying home that night to rest when in reality he was sneaking off to go and meet you. Jisung was in charge of working in the studio to distract their manager enough and annoy him to the point where he would just stop asking about Chan. The two of you weren't supposed to be seeing one another since there was still a dating ban but that wasn't going to stop you from sneaking out and seeing one another.
"Are you sure the plan will work?" It wasn't that Chan was trying to get out of the evening that Felix had planned it was just him wanting to make sure he wasn't going to get caught and have consequences for everyone. He hated the thought of everyone getting into trouble for something that he could have prevented.
"It's foolproof, nothing can go wrong. I promise." Felix smiled weakly at Chan who still didn't look convinced on the whole thing but went along with it anyway, agreeing to get ready.
"Shower! I need to get the basket ready while Minho borrows his mum's car," Chan laughed at the thought of it, driving around in a Hyundai truck that the boys had specifically picked out for the date. It was a car that none of the paparazzi would be looking for and it was perfect for the both of you to climb into the truck part and stargaze together. The boys had planned everything out for you, putting blankets, pillows and food into the back of the truck while Chan got ready and making sure it was going to be a romantic time together. 
"I put in some torches in case it's dark, there are some battery-powered fairy lights around the bottom of the truck bed to make it more romantic," Minho explained what he had done to the truck bed to Chan while Chan nodded along, wondering when everyone else had got invested in his relationship with you.
"Guys don't you think it's too much, I mean Y/n loves it when we just hang out without all of this-" Chan stopped talking when Changbin placed his finger over his lips telling him to be quiet as he slid the keys into his hand.
"Just go, you and Y/n have fun and stay safe. We've put masks and maps in the car," Changbin began to push the leader towards the door that was parked in the garage, ignoring Chan's questions and concerns about the dorms watching him drive off. 
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"Your chariot awaits," Chan spoke down the phone to you as you came out of your apartment to see him sitting in the car, your mouth fell open a little as you realised it was going to be a secret date but one of the best kinds. Secret midnight adventures were always the best, it didn't matter what you were doing as long as it was together with one another. 
"We have maps, we have food, we have everything we may need so tell me," Chan turned to look at you as you got into the passenger seat, 
"Where would you like to go?" Your mind flooded with possibilities but all you did was lean over and kiss Chan on the lips, enjoying the firey feeling you got whenever you kissed him.
"Let's just go anywhere we want, we have all night." You whispered looking back at him with loving eyes as he leant forward to kiss you again. 
"Then let's go," He started up the car again and began driving towards the motorway, turning on the radio to play songs you could both sing along to while on the drive. Changing gears together while he held your hand, never once letting go as he enjoyed the feeling of being close to you again. He never wanted to let you go again. 
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"Take them off, you look too good," Chan mumbled as he handed you a different set of sunglasses. The two of you had driven to a service station with a 24/7 shopping mall, the place was practically deserted besides the workers who looked half asleep and didn't want to be there. Who could blame them? A 24/7 shopping mall off the motorway? Who was going to use it? 
"I'm not putting those on," You laughed staring at the bright orange, flashing pumpkin glasses that Chan was trying to get you to try on. Placing a pair on himself before raising his eyebrows at you, 
"They'll make us match, come on...They're cutttteeee," He said in a sing-song voice as he inched closer to you, trapping you between his body and the wall that was behind you, 
"You have no escape young one," He put on an old-gremlin like voice before placing the sunglasses on your face and smirking at you, 
"Look at that, we look fantastic." He smiled taking out his phone to snap a photo, it wasn't often that he took selfies but he took a lot with you. Wanting to remember and have memories of the times you spent together, he had a whole folder dedicated to your relationship.
"Don't you dare send that to the boys, I look like a trash-bin!" You yelled out trying to take the phone from his hands but he'd already sent it to the group chat while laughing menacingly as you slid off the sunglasses to stare at him. He suddenly felt as though he was in a library and being stared at by the librarian that had just caught him yelling too loudly.
"I can't unsend it-" He stopped speaking when his phone chimed, he looked down to see Felix sending laughing emojis. 
"They love it," He said to you as he turned his screen around to show you their reactions to the image but you continued to stare at him,
"I am going to kick your ass on the arcade games, no more going easy on you because you're my boyfriend," You scoffed as you put the glasses down and began racing towards the arcade machines that were inside of the mall. Chan racing after you with his unrealistically fast sprinting, catching up and surpassing you within seconds as he got to the machines faster than you ever could imagine.
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Chan looked down at you as you stared up at the starry night, your eyes flicking over the different stars you could see. After a gaming disaster where the two of you competed with one another head to head on everything in sight, the two of you decided to go out and sit under the stars in the bed of the truck. The back was filled with the blankets and pillows the boys had given to you and you just laid there for hours, talking to one another and enjoying the company. 
"I missed you, I didn't say it before but I did miss you." You turned away from the sky to look at him and smiled, 
"I missed you too baby, I know how busy you get so it's fine," You cupped his face in your hand, running your thumb over his skin and smiling at how smooth it was. 
"I promise I'll do this more often...N-Not just every two months," You shook your head at him, you didn't want him to have to worry about sneaking out to create dates like this all of the time.
"You can come whenever you want, don't force it." You whispered snuggling your head into his neck as you got comfortable, 
"I could sleep here." You laughed softly as you relaxed in his grasp, his arm wrapped around your body as you laid there together, enjoying the sounds of traffic, bugs and people just walking around having no idea who he was. Spending quality time with one another and ignoring the rest of the world while it moved on around you. 
"I think Felix packed food..." Chan hinted thinking that you were still awake but when he got no response he turned down to look at you, finding you fast asleep in his arms, he smiled to himself leaning down to kiss your nose. 
"Sleep tight baby," He whispered as he pulled the blankets up on your body, trying to let you sleep for as long as possible before he would have to set off home again.
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Tagline: @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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cosxima · 3 years
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## — soul searching.
raiden ei x yae miko / fluff & angst / fairy au / oneshot
synopsis,,, in which miko comforts ei through her troubles with desserts, kind words, and a warm hug.
note,,, please complete "chapter ii: act iii" before reading this, because i do not use the name "baal" in this writing. you won't understand why if you haven't done the archon quest. also, this is my first time writing their characters. please go easy on me.
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EI SAT BY THE LAKE’S SHORES, staring at her reflection glistening on the water’s surface. The sun was shining brightly, which made everything around her give off a glowing aura. She rested underneath a sizable red-topped mushroom. It gave her shade from the heat, and it gave her a sense of comfort. Recently, she has been lost in her mind. Her body’s sense of harmony was thrown off balance.
She’s trapped in a stormy cloud rather than meditating in her regular paradise. The worst part about it? She didn’t know why she felt this way. What she does know is that she doesn’t like it. At all.
Ei lifted her hand and dragged it across the water, ripples forming beneath her fingertips. The feel of the water was cooling against her pale skin. It was a nice contrast from the blazing sun.
Purple and blue trees surrounded her like a warm hug. Ei always liked the forest, and she often compared it to her utopia. It was a perfect place for just her, especially since not many people entered. Most of the time, she was alone.
Now was not one of those times.
Ei’s wings fluttered as she turned her head. After she saw who called out to her, she simply turned her attention back towards the lake. She knew who it was but decided not to give the person acknowledgement.
“Oh, come on. You don’t have to ignore me. A simple wave will do,” Miko mused. Blades of grass shifted behind Ei as Miko neared. Soon, she was next to her, looking down at the same lake as she was. Ei glanced to the side and saw a basket next to Miko.
With her curiosity growing, she asked, “What is that?”
Miko followed her gaze and hummed. “Well, it’s a basket.” Ei gave her a blank stare, which she combated with a simple smile. “It has sweets and a blanket in it. I thought you might appreciate it since the grass isn’t necessarily the comfiest to sit on.”
She took a moment to process the other’s words. “Oh,” Ei nodded, “Thank you.”
Miko flicked her wrists upwards, signaling for her to stand up. So, she did. Ei stepped away temporarily and watched as she opened the basket, fluffed out the blanket, and gently placed it on the ground. It was close to the lake but still far away enough for the sheet not to get wet. Miko sat down and patted the spot next to her, so Ei joined her once again.
Ei took in the scenery of the forest, not focusing on much else. But, she could see a tri-colored Dango being offered to her in her peripheral. She accepted it graciously and looked at it with a small smile. Before taking a bite, Ei questioned Miko, “Did you make these yourself?”
“I did,” she replied. Ei tried the dessert, her smile growing more at the sweetness.
No other words were shared between the two. It was complete silence other than animal calling, leaf rustling, and the flowing of currents branching off of the lake. Some might describe it as awkward, but Ei and Miko didn’t mind it.
The quiet didn’t last long before one of them had spoken up.
“So, why are you here?” Ei asked. It wasn’t meant to come off as rude. However, Miko did not come to the forest to visit all that often. There was always a reason for her sudden appearance.
“People are worried about you, like Sara,” she answered, looking at Ei. Her gaze shifted to look at her wings. They were unkempt and less saturated than before, which was unnatural for Ei. Miko’s expression visibly changed to concern. “I’m worried about you,” she admitted.
Ei shifted, “Is it that noticeable?”
“Were you trying to hide it? If so, you did an awful job doing so,” Miko spoke, receiving a sigh from the other. She relaxed her wings and put her hands together, allowing them to rest on her lap. “What’s going on?”
For a moment, she froze. What is going on? She still doesn’t know.
But is that what she tells Miko?
It’s silent again while Ei tries to figure out her answer.
Miko looks at her intently, waiting for the answer patiently.
Well, she was patiently waiting until,
“It’s okay if your feelings don’t have a source, Ei.”
Ei went from focusing on the water to looking directly at Miko. This was surprising to hear. There didn’t need to be a reason for her current feelings or for why her eternity was disrupted. This was such a disturbing statement. Yet, it was a little comforting coming from Miko.
“It doesn’t?”
“No, it doesn’t,” Miko assured, “Sometimes, your mind will put you in a complicated place. There isn’t always an explanation for it. The most you can do about it is to keep yourself relaxed. Find things that bring you enjoyment or a sense of safety.”
Ei felt her mouth go dry. It was so much to process. She contracted herself, pulling in her legs close to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Ei rested her head on her knees and stared out into the wilderness. A ringing filled her ears, which has never happened before, overpowering all other sounds around her. She couldn’t hear the birds, the trees, the rivers, nothing.
Something managed to slip through the blaring, ear-piercing rings.
It was Miko’s voice.
“Ei,” she said, her voice calm, “take a deep breath.”
So, she did. She took a deep breath in and out.
It didn’t seem to do much, but it did slightly help. Ei just didn’t understand why her mind and body were reacting this way. She expected herself to be angry, but she isn’t. She can’t pinpoint an emotion to explain her feelings, and that was irritating.
A hum caught Ei’s attention, and of course, it was Miko.
She had her arms held open, assuming she was offering a hug. Ei took the offer and fell into Miko’s arms, feeling them wrap around her. There was an immediate warmth that she couldn’t describe as anything else but relieving. Miko’s touch was tender and caring.
Ei took a liking to this feeling.
“Thank you, Miko,” Ei said.
Miko laughed, and Ei could feel the vibrations from it on her back. “That is the first time you have said ‘thank you’ this entire time. However, you seem to be feeling a bit better now,” she replied.
“That is a lie. I said thank you for the Dango. I thought your memory was photographic.”
“It is. I’m teasing you,” she sighed, “Well, then my job here is done.” Miko unwrapped her arms and moved as if she were about to get up, but Ei held onto her sleeve. She smiled, “I was only kidding. I’m not going to leave you here.” She sat back down, and Ei was back in Miko’s warm grasp.
“Ei,” Miko called out. She hummed in response. Suddenly, she felt a soft pressure on the side of her head, causing her eyes to widen.
Did she just- kiss my head?
Even though she was fairly confused, she wished the other would do it again.
“You’re not alone in this. I’ve always been here for you, and I will continue to be here for you. We can go soul searching together,” she added. Ei quietly laughed, which essentially was her agreeing to Miko’s suggestion, and allowed herself to fall deeper into the hug.
They stayed there for hours until the sun went down. Only then did the two of them part ways for the night. However, even without them confirming it, they knew they’d be back at the lake again tomorrow afternoon.
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Written :: 09.06.21
©cosxima, please don't copy or modify my blog post(s)! Reblogs and likes are welcomed !!
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