#but there was something so fascinating about it
mightaswelljxmp · 17 hours
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hm ok so interestingly, bdubs’s courthouse is built on an odd number of blocks. note the roof of the facade coming to a point, but more importantly, the nine pillars….
you don’t use an odd number of pillars. like ever.
let me get this out of the way first: i get why you’d build with odd numbers in minecraft. i usually do it myself, to not run into problems like double doors or two-wide pointed roofs or frustrating spacing/symmetry between decorative elements. however. to not even out the design of something so unequivocally done in every other example of columns and pillars…. fascinating implications…
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every other example guys. every other building with columns like this has an even number of them.
doing so sets the line of symmetry at an invisible point between two pillars, an even number on each side. but an odd total number of pillars makes the central pillar itself the line of symmetry. this does a couple things.
one, it upends the sense of community and equality. which i know sounds crazy, but really, a group of columns are all put there to hold up a structure. there’s no focus on one because they are all are working as supports.
symbolically, at least when first used in ancient greece, pillars represented people. and it makes sense for courthouses, especially, to want to show an even, fair, equal number of people on each side. no focus on any one, no inherent bias right off the bat just looking at it.
with an odd number of pillars, though, one will always be placed front and center.
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and THEN. and then you walk in the courtroom itself (also odd-numbered blocks) and you are immediately opposite the judge, bdubs, located exactly centrally. and true, courtrooms are often set up like this anyway. but bdubs ups the ante and reaffirms that no, focus is on him by staging it all as a daytime court show, boom mic just over his head, cameras pointed in, spotlights on him.
literally by design, it was not built for justice. it’s built for show, for entertainment. and just look at the credits to know exactly what sort of message you’re supposed to be getting from this show.
the biblical story he used, with king solomon. it’s about king solomon. isn’t really about the trial itself, or the babies, or the women. it’s about showing (off) how wise and just he is. that’s the point. hm. interesting.
now, getting to the second point that etho also picked up on: it feels like a prison.
it’s not just the color palette. when your eyes naturally draw to the center point, you aren’t seeing an open space. instead of feeling like an arch or gateway or otherwise some kind of opening, the pillar there makes it feel closed off. the overall effect is that of prison bars. not pillars lining the entrance to a place of order or a temple. bars of a cage, a cell.
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imagine the lincoln memorial were set up with 11 or 13 pillars. he’d look so much more trapped in there.
having a central pillar blocks the entrance. it’s not welcoming. you have to go around it; it’s immediately inconveniencing you. and when you go to leave, it’s there blocking you again.
this courthouse was not designed and built to be fair, nor accomodating, nor equitable, on any terms. even if unintentional, i wouldn’t call it so much coincidental as i would… subconscious.
after all, y’know. form follows function.
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zeldasnotes · 2 days
𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🦇
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🦇 Lilith in Capricorn wants position & status and can be shamed for demanding the same respect and position as men. Example: Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris both have this placement. Women are often expected to seek status by being a wife so women with this placement can awake a ”Wtf she think she doing?” reaction in men.
🦇 While Lilith most times shows a strong interest, fascination or even obsession with the sign or house its in or with the themes of the planet it aspects it can also show complete rejection of it & not wanting anything to do with it.
🦇 I dont know why but I never felt the need to be bitchy towards men who have their Lilith on my Moon. I get a ”you are not like other men” feeling with this aspect. They dont trigger my fight or flight response. Something very unique with this synastry aspect.
🦇 A lot of Moon conjunct Lilith people physically resemble the Moon in some way physically. Ive seen a lot of them have Moon shaped eyes or a round face & very rounded features, sometimes super shiny hair.
🦇 Lilith in the 11th house might be fixated with the ”in crowd”. Might hate them but at the same time watch them. Its giving Janis Ian from Mean Girls. They often have a past friendship with someone from the in crowd.
🦇 Lilith can show what you hate in society and feel a strong need to rebel against. Lilith 2nd house might rebel against stuff being done to their body(like vaccines),having to pay taxes, might shoplift and refuse to pay for things that are not their fault they need. Like tampoons for example.
🦇 Ive also noticed with Lilith 7th house people want to find something wrong with your partner or even convince themselves they dont love you. People might say stuff like ”He is only with you bc you have money” or something. Its like people are bothered by seeing you be loved.
🦇 Madonna is a good example of a 7th house Lilith. She is often shamed for liking younger men while its considered normal for men to be with younger women.
🦇 Lilith in Libra and the constant triangle drama??? Triangledrama EVERYWHERE. Why does every guy you meet seem to have a crazy ex or a female friend trying to get him? Or a coworker who wants him? Or a mother who competes with you?
🦇 If you have Sun conjunct Lilith you might represent what your dad dislikes about himself. You represent a part of him that he wants to keep buried deep inside himself and being close to you might remind him too much of this. This can make him your first bully.
🦇 With Lilith in the 2nd house there was often early experiences with money restricting them which lead to an inner bitterness which is often not noticed until you hear them talk about money. The reason they werent noticed by others might have been because they didnt have the clothes, phones, makeup or other material things that others had. The epitome of ”I wasnt ugly, I was just poor”
🦇 I find it interesting how many people with strong Lilith placements Ive seen literally live out the myth by being thrown out of ”the garden of Eden”. Most times thrown out by a friendsgroup, a community or neighbourhood. And this was a huge turning point in their lives.
🦇 Lilith in synastry 🤝 they confessing after 10 years they had a crush on you.
🦇 Lilith in Aries when undeveloped can make them very competetive with others of their gender especially concerning how the body looks. Comparing their bodies to others. Might have a trauma with people comparing their body to someone close to them like a sibling or even their mom growing up.
🦇 Lilith in Aries might also assert themselves and being quiet in the complete wrong situations. Might often end up thinking ”Why didnt I stand up for myself” or ”I shouldnt have overreacted”.
🦇 ”The girl he told you not to worry about” aka the one who touches his Lilith. I hate writing this but Ive seen this sooo much. Men talking shit to their girlfriend(their eve) about a woman they have Lilith synastry with.
🦇 Sun conjunct Lilith is basically like having a flashlight shining on your dark side so that everyone can see.
🦇 Lilith dominant women(women with a dominant Lilith energy in their chart no nobody is saying its your dominant planet omg) often get blamed for a mans lust for them. Might hear stuff like ”you were looking at him” ”you seduced him”.
🦇 Lilith reminds me of Saturn a little in the way that you need to learn to handle the energy which is hard but when you do it you will be so powerful and own that energy.
🦇 Having Lilith harshly aspecting Sun or Ascendant is getting shit whatever you do. Especially when its the square or opposition. Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face, people will call you crazy and aggressive if you hit back and a pussy if you dont hit back.
🦇 Lilith in the 8th house needs to understand that some things cant be controlled/hold onto. They often experienced situations in their youth where they were powerless.
🦇 Lilith in Virgo can be gossips because of their strong need to criticize. They need to say whats wrong with stuff. This can results in some verbal attacks and some very strong opinions on people.
🦇 LILITH CONJUNCT VENUS IN SYNASTRY: can mean Lilith shouldnt be attracted to Venus. Venus might not even be their type but Lilith will find them beautiful anyways. This can be very confusing for the Lilith person because Venus represent everything they shouldnt like or arent allowed to like. Lilith might be from a rich family and Venus is from a poor family for example. Can also be an age difference especially where the woman is older and the guy younger so its considered taboo. This one will be painful if Venus is in love with Lilith because Lilith often see Venus as someone socially unacceptable in some way. (10th house synastry can change this tho, because if yall have 10th house synastry he will want to parade you around like a damn trophy LOLLL). Lilith might want Venus as their side chick. They also always seem to bump into eachother when the Lilith person is in a relationship.
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Hi! Could I request Vil, Malleus, Azul, Rook, and Deuce where they hear about their partner’s old like “dream boyfriend” and it’s the opposite of them? How would they react? (Sorry if you’ve done this before btw!)
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul’s not surprised someone like him wasn’t your dream type, but he still felt some type of way about it. He gives you practically anything you ask for, sometimes with more resistance, but still! He thinks he should at least have something in common with this so-called ‘dream’ partner of yours even if it was past you’s taste coming to mind. You think it’s cute that Azul pouts when he’s jealous, even moreso when he thinks he’s actually hiding his true thoughts from you.
Deuce Spade:
Deuce is admittedly discouraged. Was this a hint you wanted him to switch it up? It’s obvious he’s taking your words to heart as he asked more questions, like he was trying to line up all the pieces to transform himself into your dream partner. You begin listing outlandish traits that no human could ever achieve, teasing your crestfallen boyfriend. You informed him with a squeeze of his hand that the only person you picture yourself with now is him, smiling as he held his head a little higher.
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus finds it incredibly amusing. While not jealous in the moment, if he saw someone who fit this dream boyfriend’s description sparks would fly. He does take the chance to ask why you chose him then, tone lightly teasing though you can see the sparkle of curiosity in his eyes. You don’t think he’s looking for a simple ego stroke, perhaps trying to evaluate the kind of boyfriend he is to see if he’s meeting his own standards.
Rook Hunt:
Rook greatly enjoyed getting to know you better, hungry for any knowledge that may help him learn how you think. The traits someone looks for in a partner can reveal a great deal, like perhaps they weren’t assertive so they wanted a bolder partner or their parents never showed proper affection so they grave someone who was openly affectionate with them. He used what he already knew about you to logically conclude where your dream partner traits had come from, but ultimately, you had chosen him. You were endlessly fascinating, always shaking things up for him, and he was glad he got to be this close to you for the rest of his days.
Vil Schoenheit:
Vil’s not bothered by it. He’s everyone’s type whether they realized it or not. Not to mention you were dating him now, which automatically gave him the number one place in your heart. People are constantly changing, including their personal tastes, so he remained unbothered by the description of your past dream partner as he was clearly your future. He is right, of course, his confidence not unfounded as you had proven time and again that you truly only had eyes for Vil.
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cryptotheism · 2 days
Is there a place (by which I mean either a physical place, a subculture, or something similar) that had an occultist presence/tradition that surprised you? By this, I mean either
A: In the sense of "a tradition that was unusual compared to its surrounding context," akin to finding a new species of snake in Greenland (or, to a less hyperbolic extent, an undiscovered species of parasitic wasp in an Chicago suburb), or
B: Seeing an occultist tradition in a place where you just straight-up would not expect it, like when scientists discovered bacteria several miles beneath the earth's surface or something.
Tbh the Martinists really surprised me. For a 17th century heretical group, their theology feels like something straight out of the 20th century. The idea that the ineffability of God means that he cannot be effectively worshiped feels like some Bertrand Russel shit. Treating god like a problem of calculability is fascinating.
Plus the idea of reconciliation as both Christ and the fundamental driving force of the universe is genuinely brilliant. They're clearly inspired by the renaissance esotericists and the Jewish Kabbalists, but its genuinely refreshing to see a group of Christians take Kabbalist neoplatonism seriously, rather than as a tool of conversion.
Like, I see why they didn't take off in enlightenment France. Their synthesis of Christian and Jewish scripture is so deep that they've basically invented a new religion. Its hard to look at the Martinists and say "Yeah these guys are Christian/Jewish in a meaningful sense of that term."
They're like if someone smashed together Lazzarelian Hermeticism and the Hekhalot literature. Its one of the only times I've read about a group and gone "Why is nobody talking about this???"
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yanderenightmare · 12 hours
i love your hybrid au sm! the way you characterise each animal to suit not only it’s species, but the characters itself is so creative and nothing short of genius! so it got me thinking, how would you imagine the bnha characters as mythical creatures and monsters ??? ( eg. vampires, wendigos, harpies, werewolves ) etc.
it's been so long since did a funny lil piece like this
TW: implied noncon, yandere, the supernatural?
gn reader
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Bakugou Katsuki
Demonic spirit
He enjoys large houses—preferably something with a bit of history. But every now and again, some moronic humans decide it’s time to wreck the old and build something new—which means he’s often on the move.
He doesn’t mind living alone in his new house until you move in. He’s a little mad at you at first—he thinks you’re one of those wreckers, what with your renovations and whatnot—but then he understands that you’re preserving, not destroying. Apparently, the Gothic manor is your ancestral home built by one of your great-grandparents seven generations back in the 18th century—seems you were the only descendant who felt it was worthwhile to keep. 
He wouldn’t normally stay when someone else moved in—he’d often use his demonic means and scare them on their way. But with you, he settles for dwelling in the shadows, in the many dark rooms you haven’t found a use for yet. But when night comes, and you turn off the lights and go to bed, he can't help but end up in your room—watching you sleep, oh-so-peacefully and blissfully unaware of his presence. But he won’t do anything to you even though he could, even though you make it so easy—he’s grateful to you, his little housemate.
Your bedroom becomes awfully hot at night—you can’t explain it. Nor can you explain why the wind howling through the house sounds more like the groaning breaths of a beast. All you know is that your bed feels heavier than it should if you were the only one in it—and that you don’t dare twist around to see what it is sleeping next to you because whatever it might be, you don’t think it’s human.
You know it isn’t human. It’s too big to be, and its hands are too warm and too rough—and its claws too sharp where they rake into your skin and tuck you close to a chest that feels as though engulfs you. You don’t think it has a heart, only a stomach—and it sounds hungry.
You read up on sleep paralysis demons, and it brings you peace of mind, but only until night comes and you go to bed in wait. It’s the first time he talks to you. His laugh is like rusted clockwork, and his voice is like raked coals—hot and scratchy against your ear as he tells you how your human ways of rationalizing the things you don’t understand are cute and amusing.
Midoriya Izuku - Deku
Hybrid between fae and troll
He protects the forest and nurses all sick and wounded animals back to health, writing down the condition of trees and brushes in his notebook as he wanders for hours until he falls asleep in a moss bed beneath the stars. And though he knows his responsibility is purely to the forest, he can’t help but feel inclined to keep an eye on the little human who lives just beyond it. You’re just so cute with the way you walk the forest and sing songs you think no one hears—wearing your human clothing and living in your human abode behind walls and a door. He just finds it absolutely fascinating. 
Sometimes, you feel like there’s something following you when you walk about the forest next to your house. You’ll turn around to see a cluster of rocks and greenery you could have sworn weren’t there when you walked by—you look away before allowing yourself to think the pile looks an awfully lot similar to a larger human’s huddled form. But sometimes you hear it—the sound of stone scraping methodically, as though walking. You don’t humor the thought until you start finding his footprints outside your house, on the path to the forest—feet thrice the size of your own and sunken as though made by something very heavy.
Your legs go out from beneath you once you first see him—not like those times you’d turned around only for him to pretend to be part of the earth—this time, he’s pretending to be more like you, and it only makes it all that much worse. He’s bigger than a bear, grey-skinned with flecks that remind you of freckles and hair like fresh moss sprouts. His eyes are as green as the fox-fire fungi when night falls—glowing with nocturnal light. When you try to run, he follows suit, making the ground shake so bad it knocks you over. 
He carries you into the mountain where he lives and keeps you there from then on. After all, the part of him that’s fae has considered you his pet from the moment you took a bite of your first forest fruit. It was his gift to you whether you knew it or not, and now you’ll belong to him forever.
Shoto Todoroki
It’s an awfully boring world. Not much to do when you feel you’ve done it all twice over. The taste of blood has become stale no matter how many different types he drowns himself in at night. Sometimes, he humors the thought of setting his manor ablaze if only to watch the fire roar until the sun rears the top of the roof and finally puts him to eternal rest. But he’s been thinking about it for two or more centuries already, and he’s beginning to doubt his nerve.
Dead things can’t make vows, so he must go on as he decided to when he was still alive—that’s the curse—only another person can break it.
You seem doable enough when you stride into his manor with your little sharpened sticks and silver daggers. It’s been a while since a hunter has graced his presence. The scent of holy water makes him lick his fangs, and the nearly irresistible urge to drink you dry almost has him pouncing on you—but he knows it would be but a fleeting high unworth it in the end when he’d have to live another millennium without the warmth of the sun or another soul.
He drops down before you with grace. You have the tip of your silver dagger pointed up under his chin in the same second but get stunted by his pale porcelain face, showing no signs of aggression and rather riddled with a bleak sort of melancholy you’re not used to seeing on the godless creatures.
He simply stands there, straight-spined and high-headed, with his hands folded behind his back as though showing you respect—and then, unprompted and to your great surprise, asks if you would please make it quick and put him out of his misery.
Touya Todoroki - Dabi
Hyrbid between incubi and vampire
He preys in nightclubs on those who have that mischievous glint in their eyes in dire hope their lust can match his. Every day, it’s a dozen new—he can never seem to find the right one—always starving and never sated no matter how much he gorges himself, always thirsting, always dying for more. 
Until you.
You’re but a dainty wallflower who doesn’t want to be there, but you have this scent about you—garden-fresh, like something he’s never smelled before, and his tongue yearns for a taste. He knows what it is once he gets closer to you—the opposite of sin of all things, it’s innocence, and oh, how he craves to devour it whole.
His silver tongue has had so much practice that using it on your gullible ears makes him all but drool, asking you if you’d like some fresh air. You nod your head, big eyes looking at him as though he were some sort of saint for offering. He laps it up—it’s all he can do to pace himself. But when he has you alone, it’s all over for you.
He’s going to corrupt every last piece of you until that once peachy keen taste of innocence has become an ever sweeter taste of syrupy sin. He’s going to make you exactly like him—and your tall fall from grace will leave you blasphemous and beautiful.
Shigaraki Tomura
You’ve moved into his old room, and though you furnish it a bit differently than he did when he was still alive, you’ve placed the bed in the exact same spot. It’s been all dust and dead moths up until now, it almost feels like he’s alive again as he sleeps next to your warm body.
It’s only small things in the beginning. Underwear that goes missing, unexplainable handprints on the foggy shower doors, your duvet on the floor even though you’ve never been one to kick it off in your sleep.
You’ve never been one to believe in the paranormal either, but something convinces you to search up the history of the house. You find out a boy had murdered his entire family here—parents, grandparents, his sister—and that the boy himself was never found.
Obviously, you shut your laptop with a bang and try and will it away from your mind. It happened years and years ago—whoever that boy was, he was long since dead. But the more it starts sinking in that you’re not alone, the more your belief feeds him—makes him feel real again, as though you’re slowly bringing him back to life.
Sometimes, you spot him in the mirror of your vanity, but when you twist around, there’s no one there. But you feel him—the gust of cold breath giving you goosebumps, the weight of hands and a chest pressing against yours at night, and the brush of coarse fingertips touching you in places—places that have you moaning his dead name.
Keigo Takami - Hawks
Guardian Angel
Being a guardian angel has always been a fun hobby of his ever since the creation—he’s found it to be a nice break from all the other angelic duties he has bearing down his wings. Of course, it’s always sad when your human dies, but luckily, there’s always another one not far behind to steal your halo all over again.
You’re his most recent. He watches over you any minute he can spare, chuckling over all your silly human antics. And though he’s had plenty of humans before you in the long history of man and God, he can’t help but confess you’re his favorite so far. You’re just so cute with your big, adorable eyes and pretty smile.
He begins taking greater pride in his responsibility of being your guardian. He used to see it as but a menial little task he could take to when feeling up for a laugh, but something about you makes him want to watch over you every single second of every day.
And so he does—he has the feathers to spare, especially for something so important. But soon, simply watching over you doesn’t feel like enough anymore.
He knows it’s wrong—so very wrong—so much so he’s afraid he’ll be cast out if anyone were to find out. It’s not right for angels to feel amorous for humans—most would call it deviant and demonic. But he can’t help himself—watching you in your vulnerable state while you undress, bathe, and sleep.
Still, it doesn’t feel like enough.
Maybe he’ll come to visit you one of these days.
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toxycodone · 1 day
Laios x Beastkin!Reader
an. Senshi, Chilchuck, and Marcille x Reader are mentioned quiiiite a bit in here. Izutsumi x reader is more sparse. split between furry/scaly/feathery beastkin after the more general ones in the beginning. SORRY if the formatting is weird I got "text limited" a lot on this lmfao
this is a lot so. <3 show sum luv
general sfw
when you two first meet...bro is ELATED. He knows Izutsumi, which is fine, but you're an entirely different one. Who also doesn't seem to be super against him getting to know them
He asks SO many questions. What are you mixed with? Are you naturally born or artificial? What's it like having wings? A tail?
He's testing out all your features. He loves them so much.
When there's downtime, he likes to conduct "research". This goes for analyzing your features and making notes, comparing them to his books and other notes, and even more intricate tests like reaction time and stuff.
He'll hold a candle/torch by your face and test your pupil dilation. It's oddly intimate because he's just staring you down and its like. okay. are we gonna kiss orrrr
Loves. Loves. Loves just WATCHING you. Seeing the way you pounce on little bugs for fun or get spooked by certain noises. He just smiles and is all amused.
You'll catch him doodling you pretty often. He makes notes like "y/n caught a treasure bug today. They seem pretty skilled at hunting. Failed to kill it for some reason...just played with it until it scurried off." The doodles are like...surprisingly pretty decent. The monster portions of you are the best looking and most detailed. But it's so cool to see just how much he pays attention to you and your idiosyncrasies.
Your interactions with Izutsumi also interest him. Do you guys get along? Are you prey to her? Or is she to you? If you and Izu are talking or around each other he's watching like a hawk out of pure curiosity.
However...there's a particular page in his journal where he's providing feedback on how he would make you "better" aka cooler. It's basically just his own ramblings. No Laios, an extra set of eyes and the ability to breath fire and ice and everything in between is not. better. you're just salivating over the idea of your monster OC
If you bring this up to him he actually agrees. After a lot of note taking and observation he's really fascinated just on how well suited your entire existence is to...surviving. He has a lot of theories he'd love to share about you.
But he has e x t e n s i v e notes on your body. It's something that fr makes you blush because, why is he theorizing about the base of your tail and how it connects to your spine? and the number of nipples you have? wait...how is his guess right...?
But Laios is so useful. You might as well call him your owner. You don't have to lift a finger when it comes to taking care of yourself. (He misses his dogs so you fill in.)
He takes care of your skin/fur/scales/feathers, cuts your claws, helps you file down your hooves or horns. He's very into taking care of you if you'll let him. (Marcille also hops in on this since its her love language LOL. When she's not busy with Izutsumi she helps when she can.)
If you are like...afraid of water or don't enjoy bathing. You are like the party's pet. They're debating on how to get you clean before Chilchuck is like "if you don't take a bath I am going to kill you and throw you in there myself." Laios then goes all puppy dog eyed bc he thinks Chil is being to hard on you and then he sighs and is like "fine. I'll buy you a treat when we get back to the surface."
Marcille/Laios are really good when it comes to bath time. They aren't weird about it (Laios is checking you out but. In a curious type of way. Marcille is giving him side eye if hes getting too...Laiosy. But he respects your boundaries. Just imagine Laios happily scrubbing you while humming a tune awe.)
And when it comes to sleeping arrangements...you can alternate between anyone in the party. But Laios and Chilchuck are your best bets. Marcille is an excellent sleeping partner if the dreams don't bother you, shes soo happy to have you sleep with her and she's soft and smells nice.
Laios happily lets you sleep with him. He's actually not super cuddly (unless you are he'll reciprocate). But he is very much like, giving you a ton of space. If you fall asleep before him he just relents and sleeps as comfortably as he can around you lol. Literally just like any other pet owner.
Chilchuck....sleeping with him is difficult bc Izutsumi will fight you on it, but she relents if you can fit in without much issue (bonus points if you're warm) so. You guys can both overheat this poor man. Izu may even start cuddling with you more. She finds a lot of comfort in having another beastkin in the party even though she won't say it.
And speaking of Chilchuck...you're likely a bit more cooperative than Izutsumi, so he gets your help when it comes to checking for traps and finding treasure. With your elite hearing and other abilities, he's actually really pleasantly surprised how useful you are. (If you were a half-foot he'd definitely want you in his guild). He gives you pets and treats when the others aren't really paying attention (He doesn't want them to see him doting on you is all LOL).
Okay. So. Your diet. This is an anime about eating so. Let's get down to it.
Whether you're a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore--Laios is ENSURING your needs are taken care of in the party. It is of upmost importance to him.
He takes notes and asks about how certain foods make you feel. Are you more energized? Less energized? Stomach hurting? Pooping well? (Will ask this with upmost sincerity, he wants to make sure the butter/milk/etc used in their cooking isn't interfering with your tummy. Whether you want to answer this is up to you lol).
Laios and Senshi happily adjust things to your needs. Laios will spend time foraging with you, Senshi will find certain monsters with more nutrients that meet your needs. Senshi is also like, really knowledgeable about nutrients, so sometimes in your food he may grind up shells or bones to meet calcium needs and such. When he cooks he'll give you bones or soften them up in water so you can eat the marrow. :-)
Senshi...is the coolest though. He also lets you perch on him (like Izutsumi) and since he's lived in the dungeon for so long, he knows a lot about monsters firsthand. If it applies, he'll give you tips about yourself or some monsters you should prey on. Senshi and you go on little foraging trips too. He'll have you sniff things out in return for extra food during dinner.
Laios likes to see you hunt prey and eat it raw, though. Everyone else would rather not and it makes them sick but he thinks it is SO cool. He honestly wishes he could do that. He takes hunting lessons from you and will give you tips on being stealthier and such.
Your teeth really fascinate him. He likes testing your bite strength on different types of material (Like wood, stone, bones, etc.). He'll stick his fingers in your mouth and admire them if youd let him. He gives you so much praise in general its so cute.
AND. PETTING YOU. He is so tactile if you let him (i mean look how much he tries and fails to pet izutsumi). When you give him the all clear he is like. jumping for joy. he LOVES to pet you and praise you. He absentmindedly pets you when hes sitting down or standing by you. And when you nuzzle into his touch his heart SOARS. You can see on his face he's blushing and has that like. excited wiggly smile <3
I think when he's just sitting around he just messes with your tail. He likes it.
Lay down beside him and he will happily pet you and be like "do you like this? Is this a good spot?" Present. Your belly to him. and he is over the moon. He pets you wildly and is like "Who's a good boy/girl/monster?" He is so unashamed about doing this too. Chilchuck would put a stop to it if you didn't like it so much.
If you give him kisses or tongue bath's he's eating that shit up (i mean. look at those extra comics w him and dogs he lets dogs just kiss all over his face omfg). He isn't a huge fan of getting his hair wet (sensory issue) but when it's your drool...he can't help but be excited. Laios is all like "they're grooming me?? this means they like me, right??? Can I officially say I befriended a monster???"
It's proof that you care for him and view him as apart of your pack...he is just over the moon at this.
I will say...Laios is way too "has no backbone with you" for a while. You're chewing shoes? You can't help it! Stealing snacks? It's instinctual! Playing too rough with Izutsumi? C'mon guys...
But when he notices his party actually getting upset. You will be surprised how he can put his foot down. Not even max puppy eyes work on him. He will leash and muzzle you if needed.
But you can always get away with messing with his stuff. He thinks its fun to chase you around when you got his shirt in his maw. Then he happily wears the torn up gear and Marcille is like "let me sew it..."
For Scaly Beastkin:
He's so helpful when it comes to shedding season. Laios finds nice rocks all the time and helps scrape off any patches that are drying and crusting and hes not even phased and doesn't think its gross at all. He would keep some skin to test its resilience if you let him.
And going with that, when you need to shed and soak he would help you find a place and will happily assist with the shedding. He's so excited to be there honestly. But he feels bad you are uncomfortable so he lets you cuddle up under the water with him while you wait for your shed to soften up <3
Laios runs his fingers over your scales absentmindedly...just loves feeling how smooth they are, especially after he spent so much time helping them maintain that pristine smoothness.
He gets Marcille's help to make a moisturizing ointment to put on you every now and then so you don't get to dried out in the dungeon!! Marcille starts to fret about that too. You're just kinda chillin and she'll reach over and put ointment on your hands/cheeks/tail. Just areas you may be susceptible to drying out.
Also...he lets you use him as a heating rock. Sunshine is really limited in the dungeon, so...when you need a warm up he's there and waiting and extremely excited to warm you up with a hug.
For Furry Beastkin:
Brushes you. He'd do this EVERY evening (and morning) if you let him. He takes notes, too. Do you have an undercoat? Or is it just one? What does this mean about what environment you originated from?
He probably tries to use your shed fur to embellish his own clothes or put in his pillow/blankets. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle I guess?
And to add to that...remember how Marcille made a cute little cat head from Izutsumi's fur? He does that too. He and Marcille make cute little shapes outta your shed and giggle together about it.
If you get fleas...he is the party member you should tell. He'll help you get rid of them and won't rat you out to the other members LOL. He'd probably blame himself if it spread and the rest of the party is like "you expect us to beleive. you got fleas. Laios you would be excited if you got them."
For Feathered Beastkin:
Preening....<3. When you have pin feathers he is so sweet and gentle. gently picks them out. It kinda tickles bc he's just gliding his fingers over your wings. You'll catch him sighing in content and burying his face in the softness. It's so sweet.
He collects your feathers and shows them off to Marcille (who also really likes them.) Your down is SO useful too. The party has the softest blankets and pillows thanks to you. When you're molting everyone is calling dibs on the feathers to stuff in their bedding.
Laios examines your wingspan and is really interested on stuff like weather you can fly or not. If you can, he's in awe. He wants to see it. Maybe even fly with you if he can. Its always been a dream of his to do that.
tw (for nsfw). monsterfucking? if that counts. mentions of vent/cloaca/knot
This man. It is so easy to tell overtime just how fucking horny he gets over monster stuff. He is addicted to just how much you differ from him. Your scales, fur, feathers, wings, etc....he thinks they're all extremely sexy.
He just loves the primal aspect of it? Like you act on instinct. Do what makes you happy. Like of course you have human reasoning and such but STILL. You're so non human and otherworldly it makes his stomach knot up and his dick hard as a rock. He wants to know EVERYTHING about you.
If you have a heat/rut cycle...he is. fucking. begging you come to him for help. jfc you don't even have to let him stick his dick in you. He just slowly probes your hole with his fingers and legit GASPS when he feels it clench around him. Not only is he learning so much about you and monster anatomy but hes also having his monster fucking dreams come true.
I mean it is a given with Laios but his fucking face is always in your hole. He loves eating pussy/ass so fucking much. And having your dick, clit, or knot down his throat drives him wild. He eats your slick and cum like he's starving. He's so sloppy with it too--there's spit and slick and cum all over his face and he's just slurping it all up like its his last meal.
He definitely "examines" you. He'll stick his fingers in you and stretch out your hole just to get a better look at what's inside. (imagine his thumbs sliding in and prying you open.) The muscles pulsating and the color and the smell...god he's drooling. You feel all vulnerable and exposed but he's just constantly praising how amazing your body and its functions are.
He busts so quick with a beastkin it....wow. Like. You are seriously all he has ever dreamed of and shit. I can't imagine he'd be able to contain himself. He cums and just still wants more, he fucks you through the overstimulation until he cries
Oh he wants to know whats in your pants so bad its ridiculous. Like. I cannot explain just how much he is vibrating with excitement
If you have a cloaca...he's very gentle with your hole at first. You explain to him what to look for, what feels good. He'll gently explore with his fingers until he finds the right hole and then he's going at it. He's shoving his tongue in there happily too. He knows what a cloaca is. He knows it's a singular vent for waste and sexual functions. Doesn't matter. His tongue is going in there. Laios is beyond excited to taste everything and see what makes you squirm.
If you have a knot...it's a given he wants you to knot him. It takes him a few tries (he can't take your knot at first because he's too tight) but when he finally is able to its like. euphoric for him. He loves feeling your warm cum in his ass and your desperate pants against his throat as your overstimulated self gets adjusted to being stuck to him. Gods.
Plus...I've discussed this on my blog in more detail but with a beastkin reader he's definitely into
You biting/scratching him up. He lovvveess being marked. Use him as a chew toy PLEASE
Predator/Prey rp: He's a trained hunter but he wouldn't mind being hunted...He loves how strong you are and how you can turn the tables on him if you wanted.
Just?? You being feral?? He likes it when you act more like your monster side and just treat him like a toy.
Breeding Kink: Even if you aren't able to get pregnant or breed (either due to sex or incompatible genetics due to being part monster), he's still really into it. You can fill him up vice versa...He loves the feeling of having you last inside him and he loves knowing you're still filled up from him. Plus, it adds to the more animalistic part of sex which is what he likes
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fishnapple · 8 hours
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CRYSTAL READING: Describing your future love partner
Disclaimer : Contain mature contents. Minors (under 18) don't interact.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated 🎐
Book a personal reading for you.
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1. Flourite
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Energy: Sea serpent
This person's energy definitely not the fluffy, sweet type but I can't shake the association of their energy with a cream puff, the kind that has crusty, dry outer layers but soft and mushy cream inside ? Not to say they are mushy inside, but there is a certain softness and dreaminess inside them.
They are multifaceted, balanced between yin and yang energy, but can also be contradicting. Unstable yet rigid, intense yet carefree, practical yet spiritual, flirty yet pragmatic and serious, hard yet vulnerable. Sound a little like a mess don't they, but they don't let on all of these traits all at once. More like when you are viewing a kaleidoscope, a little turn, then you get a different picture. With this person, in different situations and with different people, talking about different topics, you will gradually get to see their different facets. It's fascinating to watch but could get a little tiring after a while.
At first impression, they will appear as a carefree and considerate person, a big personality, charming, it will be hard to have a negative impression of them. They could be involved in the art field, journalism, something creative, and with many interactions. They could have a certain genius to them, able to tap into hidden emotions, the odd one, the shameful one, the one that not many people want to touch but somehow this person will be able to pull out and transform it into something beautiful that can touch people's subconscious. When you guys have a connection, you would need to be pretty self-assured and have trust in them.
You could sense something a little backward with this person, like they're not moving onward totally but always have something that they want to look back at or return to. It seems like a general subconscious desire, not about a particular person or situation or thing.
For all their ever changing, kaleidoscopic image, they have pretty rigid and structured core beliefs and values. It won't be easy to pursue this person to change them, and you shouldn't. They are not forceful about it, and they won't like others to force something on them either. They want to be free and live their life according to their true beliefs.
This person don't feel really safe in this world, they could be paranoid deep inside, always expecting betrayal or some kind of crisis would befall them, and they are ready to act, so they could be quite guarded. To have a superficial relationship with them is easy, but getting deeper will take some time.
Their more poetic and romantic nature is reserved for the one closest. They may like role-playing, dressing up, be of service, and to tune in to whatever their partner desires, becoming the manifestation of that desire. In a sense, they could/like to lose themselves when they are intimate with their partner.
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2. Clear quartz
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Energy: fire ant
There is a silent heat to this person. They don't like to talk much or to express their ideas loudly. When they have an idea, they proceed to do it, no fuss, even with no announcement. I see that this trait could sometimes be irritating to you. But they are very sure about their actions, that's could be considered as dependable, the undependable part is their lack of communication.
This person like to indulge in their senses, in food, in experience that let them use their hand to touch and create something, in exhilarating activities that let them feel alive in their body,in romance, in physical intimacy, anything that has touching, tasting, hearing etc. They like to feel with all their five senses. They have a strong sixth sense too, their intuition are usually correct, but it manifests as something subliminal, a hunch, a dream, if they pay close attention to it, they would benefit greatly from it.
Go back to their five senses. There is a innate tendency to go overboard. But when something in their life or themselves crossed over a threshold (their own inner threshold), they feel like they are punished for it. Could be something mild as over indulged in sugar then feeling nauseating or having a headache, eating something not good for their body and get an immediate allergic reaction, to something more serious like being too focused on money and wealth, amassing large amount of money then somehow it's being taken away from them. They get a sense that if they put too much focus on building and forcing something into existence, it will collapse. Like an inner scale, an inner judge, always ready to bring equilibrium back.
So they will have a pretty balanced and disciplined approach, motivated by that fear of excesses leading to a collapse.
They have a fairly unconventional view of life, like the above mentioned fear, they observed their life and was able to thread a certain 'rule' for how to live in this world, almost like they had observed the rule of the universe. It may sound strange to other people, but it worked for them, and they want to abide by it. But they do realise how their belief will be perceived so they keep it low-key, not broadcasting it for all to see.
This person's life could revolve around a pretty big community. They may be involved in charity work, something about social services, and working with many people. They may be pretty busy, travel a lot, and don't have much time for personal hobbies or simple relaxation. Sleeping could be their favourite way to find balance after a heavy day.
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3. Red jasper
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Energy: mouse
Prepare to have a makeover for your life. This person could be a health-nut and organising freak. Their favourite show could be about home decoration and makeovers. They like their life to be tidy, well prepared, and pleasant overall.
They have a healthy glow to them, the kind that radiates when you are eating healthily and have a balanced self care routine. This person stands out, not easy to miss, but they don't seem to take pride in it. They have a healthy ego, maybe a good faith in life, just generally a good person to be around. Their life could seem easy for the onlookers, the kind that didn't have much drama growing up. But they don't feel naive or sheltered, just down to earth and warm, like freshly baked breads. Someone who can take good care of your emotional and physical needs without too much fuss.
Their energy feels abundant. They could be lucky in money matters. But there is a fear, they fear that if they don't have enough, others won't be with them. They could have a materialistic mindset about relationships. Could be from their past relationships, they have learnt that in order to achieve closeness with someone, they have to give and provide for that person. On a lighter note, they just want to give and spoil their person. That's how they express their love. There could be issues of over-giving and excess.
They like to be emotionally as close as possible with their partner, but sometimes they get suffocated by the closeness and want to detach a little bit. Could be expressed as one moment they are all over you, then next moment they just want to be alone, this is their dilemma. Maybe you and them just need to discuss this and reach an agreement to compromise before getting into a serious commitment. In physical expression, they would want to nurture and be nurtured by their partner, again, emotional closeness, but they also want novelty and exploration. They could surprise you with sudden bursts of passion and out-of-the-blue ideas. They would need their partner to be flexible,open-minded, and non judgmental.
Conversations with them would range from flirty banters, gossip about everything you guys can think up, late night heart-sharing talks to full-blown philosophical discussions. They are good at talking about mundane, daily stuffs but neither do they shy away from heavier topics. If they can meet their match, push the right buttons, then they can get super excited and intense in talking about their favourite subjects. Could be about social causes, spirituality, the art. They care a lot about humanity in general, so sometimes you would feel like you are competing with the whole humanity for their attention.
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4. Aventurine
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Energy: camel
This person is the personification of chillness.
Not many things can ruffle them. They may even respond to conflicts and insults with a calm smile (unintentionally or intentionally piss off the other person)
They are the problem solver, the one that everyone goes to for help. A pillar for others to lean on. They are dependable but independent.
They are able to do that not because of having an easy life or for having a natural calm disposition since birth. This calmness is forged through trials, mainly from internal demons of the mind.
Behind their placid exterior are thousands of thoughts spinning around. They would suffer from anxiety and overthinking, high fevers, and fatigue. But they have learnt to master themselves, having command over their thoughts. They are disciplined. Whatever anxiety they have, they will dispel it from their system, probably channelling through some creative activities or physical exercises. Self purification is their forte.
Even though they have such a tight reign on themselves, the way they act towards others is full of tenderness and understanding. They understand the hardship and suffering of people and respond with compassion. They are assertive and strong, but they give softness to others. This will also show in how they approach physical intimacy. They could sometimes like to be in a more passive role and let you take the lead.
They would be a great teacher, the one everyone looks up to for guidance. But here's the problem, their inner, more vulnerable self is often overlooked by others and even by themselves. When you meet someone who is strong and reliable, you tend to forget that they also have their own weakness and vulnerable moments. Too much discipline can push their more soft and childlike part faraway. They can receive other people's emotions well, but showing their own might not be easy. Maybe you would help them to get in touch more with that part. Tell their inner child that it's okay to come closer, that it's okay to let go and be wild a little. Suggest them to go on some trips with you spontaneously or introduce them to some different cultures, a change of scene, a little shock to their usual life. They would appreciate it a lot.
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5. Citrine
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Energy: deer
This person feels really reserved but not truly timid. Like seeing a wolf and a deer together. Is it the wolf that is standing in front of you with the deer peeking from behind the trees ?, or is it vice versa? You just can't tell. Are they intense or innocent? Are they flirty or serious ?. They don't necessarily mean to deceive or confuse anyone, they just don't feel comfortable showing all of themselves so they tried to hide some parts of them but quite unsuccessful, others can still pick up on their energy. They may act demure, but you can still pick up some intensity from them, which could be from when they are focusing on doing something and have a furrowed look to them. Or when there is something that they find funny, they laugh a little louder than normal.
There's something incongruous about this person. They could be a little awkward in incorporating various aspects of themselves into a unified, coherence presentation. Something in them will find a way to break free, no matter how much they try to hide it. Like someone who is usually quiet but suddenly talks loudly or someone who acts serious and low-key but has a collection of cute and bizarre t-shirts.
Whatever image they are perceived for, I think you and everyone will all notice that they have a pure and kind heart. They like to make other people feel welcomed and comfortable. They could heal your inner child wounds, you will feel more at ease with them.
But strangely, their own inner child is in deep hiding. They may not have a pleasant relationship with their parents, something about absence or immaturity. This could affect their way of navigating in life. But I feel that they will want to be a good parent to their kids so that their kids wouldn't feel what they had to feel in the past.
There's something innovative and fearless about them. They could have a lot of innovative ideas on how to improve their community. But it won't be easy. They could be under a lot of pressure from their peers just because of their differences. This would be stressful for their psyche.
For all those difficulties, your future partner will be in a prominent position in their work, and their voices will be heard. But you may have to help them watch their spending habit. They don't have a very firm grip on money matters. They work a lot so they may want to compensate by spending on luxurious things, especially for their loved ones.
Being intimate with their partner regularly would be a way to help them release some stress. They won't be selfish about it or make it feel like some kind of routine. Maybe they have some possessive streak in them, prefer to be in some place more isolated from the world, where there are only you and them without any interference, the feeling of only you and them exist in this world.
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6. Tiger's eye
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Energy: moth (+ dragonfly)
You would make a hasty judgement about them at first glance. They could appear childish or flaky to you. Unreliable or unclear in their intentions. Maybe that's their energy on that specific day, or there will be a misunderstanding. You guys could be in some project together, and they will seem to be not able to commit to the job, not finishing. Somehow, I sense that they could be a boss ? They are actually quite dedicated to their job and could even be workaholic. But your opinion about them may not be too favourable. They may come off as too flirty with questionable intention.
I had to take another oracle card to see their true energy. The card that came out was the dragonfly. The master of illusions and the mind. The situation at hand may be different than it appears at first glance. (I even had to redo the reading again after already done with the post because I couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right with this group)
This person is very elusive. People often don't have a clear view of who this person really is. Other people may project a lot on this person.
Their core energy seems pretty straightforward and quite intense, but somehow, others just have all kind of different opinions about them.
Actually this person is quite hard on themselves, they have insecurities about who they really are. It will be draining and confusing to be constantly misjudged. People won't see their insecurities at all. They will appear as a hardworking and serious person to general public, and becoming more soft and caring but somewhat hard to hold on to in their closer relationships, a very private person, something feels pure yet opaque about them. Could be that their job requires them to be in different roles.
It may take a while for you to see their core. You will have to have discerning eyes to see through their web of illusions and remind yourself constantly not to project your own unconscious ideas on them. I don't think they want to actively deceive anyone. It's just their subconscious way to cope with the world, maybe ?
This person has a spiritual side to them that not many will know about. They have an inner guiding voice that manifests as strong intuition. They may not understand why, but they are lucky. Every time they are in some kind of crisis or hardship, somehow they can get out of it safely.
They have a seductive voice and an emotional way of communicating, they understand and process emotions easily but there will be a analytical bent to it. You could hear some people describe them with all the masculine traits, but when being with them, you would feel more of their feminine energy. There's a otherworldly quality to them, detached from life in general. To them, an open heart conversation that go on and on, the kind that make you surprised when finally looking at the watch to see that 5 hours have passed, would even be better than physical intimacy, They seek emotional connection through the mind. They like sensual things but seem to be not too fond of the actual act. They may like to add a more imaginative touch to it.
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Listen, I found your account by coincidence and it was the most beautiful coincidence.... Your writing is very wonderful and I am happy that the rq is open
so can i rq a hc about twst? Where the reader loves agriculture and have a garden in ramshackle where they grow flowers and some vegetables as a hobby, which impresses their friends?
Honestly I don't have any specific characters in my mind so you are free to choose any 4 characters or less (I love everyone, so I'll be satisfied with anyone.)
And of course you are free to accept my request or reject it🪷🪻🌻
Grown with Love
So sorry about the long wait!! School has been a lot recently ;( But thank you for the request and the kind words!! I don't have the greenest thumb, so the garden details are kept very vague-
Agriculture loving reader with a garden
Characters: Ruggie, Azul, Malleus
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-When he first hears about it, he doesn't care all that much; it's just a hobby to him. But because he cares about you, he listens to you talk about it!
-When you mention that you also grow food in your garden, that's when he gets interested! He's pretty curious about what kind of foods you grow, what kind of care they need, ect...
-He comes visit ever so often and watches you work, he likes how concentrated you look! That, and the scenery of your garden with all the different flowers and plants is a very pretty and relaxing sight, perfect for whenever he needs a break from Leona
-If you ever make him a meal with food from your garden, he will very simply adore you- He wants to eat it slowly to truly enjoy it, but also scarf it down because of how good it tastes 
-Eventually, he tries to make a deal with you: He helps you out around the garden in exchange for some of the food you grow! If you accept, you best believe he'll give it his all, he makes sure to help you let your plants thrive! (Not that they don't already under just you're care <3) 
-If you agree to the deal, he'll keep some of the food to bring home to his grandma and the kids of his slum during the holidays, so that they have something fresh to eat for once
-All in all, he really enjoys the scenery, and would love to help out! 
-As you could have possibly guessed, even if the two of you are close friends, his first thought is money. 
-He asks to sign a contract with you; you give him fresh food from your garden in exchange for proper payment and/or free meals at the lounge. Once again, your choice if you want to accept or decline! 
-Aside from that, your garden does genuinely fascinate him! He grew up in the sea, he most likely hasn't seen most land plants, let alone the way they grow, so most of things in the garden are completely new to him
-He likes simply relaxing in your garden, watching how your different plants develop and grow, your garden becomes a bit of a save haven for him, whenever the twins or work stresses him out
-He often compliments you, wether on how good your work ethic is, how great your plants are doing, how beautiful your garden is, ect. And he does genuinely mean every one of them!
-He says he is at your garden so often, because it's a good getaway from his stress, but really your garden and all the unfamiliar land stuff just fascinates him 
-Your garden will permanently become part of his route for his night walk, if you allow it
-He is genuinely fascinated by your work, he loves the way your garden looks, and isn't afraid to praise you for it! 
-If you have a flower or two that's native to briar valley, this man has stars in his eyes. He may give you a tip or two about how to get to thrive as greatly as they can, should you ask. they are definitely one of his favorite flowers  in the garden!
-He'll take the food from your garden, or meals cooked with it, over any other meal any day of the week! especially if the other choice is lillia's cooking
-He says he can taste how much love and care  is put into growing something, so your food logically tastes better to him than something grown and cooked as a job instead of as a hobby. 
-During shared nightly walks or really just whenever the two of you hang out, it'll be a mutual understanding that both of you can freely talk about your interests! 
-He'll tell you about gargoyles and you can talk as much as you want about agriculture 
-If you mention having a favorite plant, or that you have one that you've been wanting to grow but just haven't been able too for whatever reason, he'll definitely get you the seeds and whatever else is required for it!
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This was such a cute thing to write!! Did struggle a bit because i don't know much about agriculture despite living next to at least three different farms-
Feedback is welcome!! just be nice!
Hope you have a nice day/night <3
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gay-otlc · 1 day
Fascinating to me that people are claiming that talking about transandrophobia is "TERF indoctrination" with their "proof" being a post by a TERF that said something along the lines of "[trans men] are finally realizing they're oppressed by [trans women], we can use this to push them further until they realize the truth." This post was very widely met with a response of "you're wrong" and "shut the fuck up" and "hey everyone you should block this TERF" by transmascs & people who post about transandrophobia. And also that post wasn't even using actual beliefs about transandrophobia to try and recruit transmascs, people have been very clear that transandrophobia does not mean trans men are oppressed by trans women.
Even if that post said anything that actually aligned with beliefs about transandrophobia, which it didn't, it was a completely unsuccessful attempt to recruit more TERFs. So yeah I wouldn't really consider that proof that people who talk about transandrophobia are getting indoctrinated into TERFism
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onaperduamedee · 3 days
Thinking again about how the gender essentialism in WoT is aggravating not because there is gender essentialism in magic because that's the entire premise of the books but because RJ set to explore that particular premise without fully understanding how gender essentialism and patriarchy affects women differently that it does men. That's how you get Berelain's writing, the internal monologues of Nynaeve in tel'aran'rhiod, groups of women in power often written as petty squabbling fools, practically all the powerful female leaders at the start of the series will be depowered and humiliated by the end, the Aiel warriors being women presented as something foreign...
In RJ world, men are naturally stronger than women in the OP: this rule isn't subverted and permeates every aspect of his worldbuilding. There's a reason only the boys are ta'veren, that Mat ends up taking control of the armies over Elayne, that Perrin is naturally better at tel'aran'rhiod than Egwene, that Nynaeve the strongest channeler we've seen in a thousand years becomes a glorified battery for Rand in the end.
In a way, it's a fascinating psychological phenomenon that the entire premise of his fictional world is based on gender essentialism yet he doubled down on several core elements of gender essentialism instead of subverting them.
When I discuss gender essentialism in his work I do it so because he made it "gender essentialism: the fantasy edition", so while his women challenge gender essentialism in some ways, it's entirely legitimate to question why he didn't expand the subversion in other aspects of his world.
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dreamsinmoonlight · 3 days
Dude, I need part 2 of Yandere Alastor with Angel Reader, could you do it?
(HERE WE GO! Part two: Electric Boogaloo. I dedicate it to Hoizer's "It Will Come Back". Because, I mean, that song is a yandere song to it's depths.
Part One: Oh Doe
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: yandere!Alastor, angel!reader
Genre: Same as before, yet maybe a little more? And a little hope even?!
Pairing: we both know what this is
Summary: After your reunion, you came to understand that you didn't understand some things. But other things never change.)
My Doe
In the weeks that followed since your arrival at the Hazbin Hotel, you come to understand more and yet at the same time you couldn't help but feel you didn't understand nearly enough.
Angel was a sweetheart, once you got past some of his stranger tendencies, the ease and constantness of his flirting and flaunting of his sexuality. At first you had been confused and flustered because you weren't used to such things, not at all, and you learned eventually there was an element of amusement to it for him, because as Husk liked to inform you "your wings show off way too much, kitten, and the spider loves watching you flounder". Which didn't exactly stop you honestly but you started to get past it and you started to notice the loneliness and the injuries and the sweeter aspects of him. No one liked to talk about it but sometimes you got him to agree to let you use your angelic magic to heal the worse of it and he's tell you such fascinating stories of hell with the brightest shine in his eyes, you couldn't help but like him.
Speaking of Husk he was much the same but it was more like getting past the grump and the walls the ex-Overlord had up. He had the most info to share with you, not to say that Charlie didn't but talking to her was like talking directly to a rainbow; she was sweet and optimistic and you loved and adored everything in that in her but when it came to the cold truth, it was Husk who seemed most willing to talk.
It took a few days before you found out why he knew your name and you learned he was in some ways like you: a collar and chain kept him tied to Alastor, unable to escape him anymore than you were to escape from your memories and past with him. There was a small edge of concern you caught early from his words to you, that Husk knew you were something Important to Alastor, in ways that made him all the more dangerous to you. There was some pity to it and you appreciated it to a degree though you tried so hard to smile and act as if it was nothing, as if you hadn't had nightmares again of that day, of the way Alastor had looked, had sounded, the feel of his hand on your cheek wet with blood, your own blood. Of the fear, of the pain, of the darkness before coming to as an angel in Heaven.
You met Lucifer, and he was a strange person who you felt oddly comfortable around because how could you hate someone who looked at their daughter with the love in his eyes? He was such a funny and energetic person and you were fascinated by the way he, this enemy of Heaven, could be such a shining light. And how much he and Charlie resembled each other.
You met Nifty, strange, insane Nifty, who laughed and ran around and ranted about bugs and looked at you with the widest stare before trying to stab you with the nearest implement; Angel had had to stop laughing first, Vaggie screaming as she held back the tiny cyclops, before he could explain what had happened during the battle. Ah, you thought; so this was the one who had given Adam the final blow. But the order to stab any angel she saw didn't seem to be completely gone and you just giggled and smiled and said it was okay. You didn't hold it against her in any way.
You met Cherry Bomb, Angel's friend, and you tried not to giggle because you knew her already so well. Sir Pentious spoke of her with such glowing warmth you couldn't see anything but what he surely saw when you looked at the punk explosives expert.
You learned about them, you became part of their group, and you worked hard to find all the ways you could possibly help the hotel, help Charlie, and you understood all that so much. But still you found you no longer understood Alastor.
The Alastor you knew had always been a gentleman and so was this Alastor but there was so much darkness to the way he moved. And you couldn't help but see something else when he smiled at you, hidden behind the cruelty, the violence, the obsession that you should have seen so long ago before it got too bad but no, it was far too late for regrets on that.
Always he was near, even now. You sat on a stool at the bar area, humming a soft tune to yourself as you waited for the others to come home; Charlie was out on a date with Vaggie, Angel had gone to his job and Husk was out gambling as he often did. Nifty was somewhere, she never left the hotel unless she was taken out by one of the others, and as for Alastor, well, he said something about needing to do a radio broadcast. Somewhere in the back of your mind you remembered the sinner who had whistled at you when you had gone out with Charlie the other way but you weren't too sure why they came to mind.
Your wings were stretched out and you could feel the eyes from the shadows; they were everywhere and here they were watching you. The first time he'd popped out of them you'd been terrified and Angel nearly threw every book in the study at him with words that an angel like you should never have to hear. Alastor let you keep your wings but the price seemed to be the shadows were always watching you, just in case. You shivered and bit back a whine, instinctively pulling your wings back in to wrap around you, a futile attempt to hide from the staring and the sensations you felt. The result was the feel of fingers along your feathers and an ache in your chest you attributed to fear and anxiety maybe mistakenly.
"Oh doe, look at you hiding away like a scared little fawn" came that staticky but clear voice, digging its way into your ears and leaving you wondering if it would be easier to stay inside or come out.
"Alastor," you whispered his name like an old prayer; it used to be something that gave you comfort, in a life long gone, when the one it belonged to had been a dear friend, a close friend. When you'd felt you known him. Not this stranger with the same voice and memories and feelings.
Those fingers became claws and you tried to swallow the whimper that threatened to leave you as you felt him get so close to ripping into your skin. Your blood would be golden now, not red, not red anymore; would it make him happy or angry?
"I suggest, my doe, that you not keep hiding from me," he said in a whisper that almost sounded sweet, almost familiar; for a second you could pretend it was dear sweet Alastor, before it crackled, "You wouldn't wish to upset me, now would you?"
Of course not. You remembered, you remembered too well, you remembered more often than not now that you saw him so often. This stranger who had the ghost of your old friend.
You hesitantly unfurled your wings and looked out, eyes wide as you looked upon the face of the greatest threat to your safety you knew. Those bright red eyes, that large yellow grin full of large yellow teeth all in points, the two tufts that you recognized as ears immediately, still standing up tall. He was still pleased, he was not angry yet, he was not annoyed yet. He would maybe not hurt you-
A small crackle of a chuckle left his mouth and you gasped as you felt his claws dig into your wings, puncturing thin sensitive skin, narrowly avoiding nerves that would leave you grounded if harmed. Feathers stained gold fell to the ground and you could not help but cry, the pain intense; your wings, like any flighted creature, all too delicate, all too sensitive. The tears came without ever a chance of holding back, of stopping them, and the softness of your cry, there was obviously something appealing in the way you looked and sounded because you saw that terrifying face soften and for a second, through the tears, you thought you saw your Alastor again.
"Oh doe, my doe," he said and pulled his claws free to cup your face in his hands; how many times would he streak your cheeks with tears and your own blood, "Have I told you how beautiful your eyes are when they're brimming with tears?"
He wiped your tears from your eyes, leaving more blood on you in his wake, before drawing his hand to his mouth and running his tongue along his claws. He still smiled, he never stopped, he never seemed to do anything else; you looked up at him and saw the emotions instead in his eyes.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, shivering, shaking, bleeding, your wings aching in their urge to fold but unable to do so from the pain; you'd be fine, you'd be fine, you wouldn't die, you'd be fine.
"Don't apologize for being so brilliant to me," he said and his eyes narrowed, "Just never try to hide from me again; I haven't been able to see you in such a long time. I never wish to let you out of my sight again, that's why they're watching you after all."
"I'm sorry," you repeated and flinched as he reached out to touch your face again.
With your eyes closed you couldn't see his expression, not the way it wavered for a second, when the facade fell but returned long before you would ever know it was gone. Alastor stroked your cheek, admiring the way the golden blood painted your skin, and he tilted his head just a bit, just to the side.
"I'll forgive you, if you come up to my room," he told you and a jovial tone took over, "It has been so very long since the last time we sat about listening to music together, my doe, and I must say I have greatly missed it! The princess is a precious one and Husk does his best the dear boy but no one else I ever have known has understood the proper way to appreciate jazz as much as you do. Come, before the others return and surely drag you and/or I into another ridiculous and fanciful adventure; we're well overdue for one after all~"
You opened your eyes and looked at him and he was still smiling, still the same. Red and pink, deer demon, red eyes, yellow sharp teeth, dapper and torn all at once, fear and danger and violence in one neat form.
But you smiled back and you reached out to take his hand.
Alastor the Radio Demon you didn't understand. But you understood Alastor the radio host, the man who used to walk with you through the rain and scold you for giving away your umbrella every time. And that's who you saw smiling at you, even if just for a second.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 days
If there's one thing that humanizes me to my fellow productive member of society, it's that I love a good button. Elevators, jukeboxes, medical equipment: if you make a quality button, I will push the hell out of it. I've bought tons of things on impulse, just because the buttons were of a high quality.
What that device is does not really matter to me. Like I just said, I'll buy anything if it's satisfying to push. And lots of high-quality, expensive stuff just... isn't. There's no excuse for why your hugely pricey stereo system feels worse to jab your finger into than any given Fisher-Price toddler toy.
I didn't know much about buttons at all when I was a kid. Just took them for granted, like you do for so many other things: gravity, breathable air, the option for grandpa to hide you from family services when they start wondering why your mom and dad are off auditioning for the circus again instead of feeding you. Buttons, though, have a long and fascinating history. And you won't read about it here, because we have things to do.
So if you're about to throw something away that has a satisfying button on it, pry that button out and keep it. You'll wish you had it the next time you encounter something with a button that sucks. And it's not like the police can really get you for "vandalism" just because you pried out that bullshit touch screen from your apartment elevator and crammed a nice Otis part in there. At least, not if you do a good enough job of wiring.
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read this post by @bitethedevil and ended up writing this idk don't take it too serious
Tav's fingers skittered over the red skin of Raphael’s naked back. It was always hot to the touch and smooth, its texture almost like leather. Patches of tiny scales grouped together in different spots, especially around the big joints connecting his wings to his body. Raphael fascinated Tav - not quite in the same way she fascinated him, but they were birds of a feather, so to speak. In fact...
"I've been wondering about something," she said, breaking the sleepy silence that had settled between them some time ago.
"Mm?" Raphael was utterly relaxed, the laziest Tav had ever seen him. On his belly in his (their!) bed, shirtless and shoeless - the scandal! He'd been enjoying her aimless touches. His Majesty, indeed.
"Can you fly?" She ran her palm across the thin membrane of wing she could reach, then the sturdy bone. "You've got these huge wings, but I've never seen you use them." She'd witnessed them fully stretched out once or twice, but otherwise he always kept them folded close to his body. A shame. They were magnificent. Heavy as anything, though - especially when he was dead asleep. Tav had almost been suffocated a few times trying to spoon him, and he refused to sleep in his human glamour just to let her be the big spoon. Waste of magic, he said. Spoilsport.
"What an inane question." Raphael didn't even open his eyes. "Of course I can. My wings are not for show, little mouse. No more so than a bird's are."
"Well..." Tav chose her next words carefully. She'd learned through trial and error how much she could prod her devil and when. Most of the time he was amenable to light teasing, but sometimes, when he was in a good mood like this, she could have some fun. "There are some birds out there who have wings but can't fly, you know. Peacocks, for example. They're kind of like big chickens, if you think about it."
Raphael slowly lifted his head, turned it so he could look at her over his shoulder. Tav bit her tongue in a futile attempt to squash her impish grin. His orange iris burned in the inky depths of his black sclera. A few locks of his hair were free from his usual coiff.
"Big chickens," he repeated flatly.
"Yes," said Tav, her voice strangled by the giggle she was trying to suppress. "How do I know you aren't an infernal peacock?"
"I can fly, you insipid little gibbon," he snapped, but he wasn't angry. She could tell by the twitching at the corners of his lovely mouth. Tav coughed, choked on a laugh.
"I think you should show me."
"Do you."
"For posterity's sake, of course."
"Of course."
Tav waited, watched, moved to make space for Raphael as he sat up, languidly stretching like a big cat. Accidentally whacking her with those wings she was so obsessed with.
"Apologies, dear," he drawled, about as sorry as a horny kobold in a bathhouse. He smiled when she scowled. He stood to his full height, preening as she ogled him. In nothing but a pair of trousers, he truly was a sight. Without warning he beat his mighty wings and took off, soaring across the room to land on the other side, where he nonchalantly poured himself a glass of wine. Tav spluttered in the wake of that massive gust of air. Raphael sipped his wine, staring at her as if to say, "well?"
"Good distance! You looked a little wobbly with your execution, though," Tav said. It wasn't true. He was majestic in flight, but he didn't need to know that. His ego was big enough. She combed her fingers through her rustled hair, grinning when Raphael’s eyes narrowed.
"Perhaps you're right." He put his glass down and sauntered towards her. Tav's heart leapt into her throat, fear and excitement together. "I need a counterweight."
"A what? Hey!" She didn't struggle when he picked her up, shifting her in his arms until he was holding her bridal style. It was a thrill to be held by her devil, and yet. She giggled nervously, her cheeks warm. "What are you doing?"
"Why, showing you that I can fly, of course!" He declared, making a scene of looking around. "But we simply cannot do it here. There's hardly enough space. Hm...ah, perfect."
He walked them to the balcony overlooking the endless landscape of Avernus. Tav sucked in a sharp breath, suddenly aware of what he was about to do. Now she began to try and wriggle free, but his grip was iron.
"Okay, you've proven your point! There's no need for a second flight, your technique was perfect!"
Raphael had no mercy. He smirked down at his little mouse, showing teeth. His eyes alight with dark mischief. "Big chickens, Tav," he said, and leapt off the edge. She shrieked, clung to him like a limpet, feeling and hearing his chuckles as he effortlessly flew them around.
After the intial spike of shock, Tav relaxed, just a little. This wasn't so bad. Raphael was an adept flier, and if she ignored the monumental height she was suspended at, it could almost pass as romantic. Soaring about the hot skies of Hell in the arms of her underworld Prince. Feeling every powerful flap of his wings. His strength. Avernus, from a distance, was beautiful in a devastating way. Unfortunately for Tav, she'd forgotten quite how fiends liked to play.
"Oh dear," Raphael said, stoic. He'd been waiting for her guard to lower. Tav's stomach lurched when she sensed his grasp on her slacken. "I seem to have lost my balance."
He dropped her. Tav screamed as she plummeted to the ground, terrified and betrayed. Raphael was rapidly becoming a shrinking red blur as she fell. He was probably watching her with sick satisfaction. She cursed him. She cursed herself. Mostly she cursed him. Bastardbastardbastard -
"Fret not, little mouse," he purred, hideously amused. She was in his arms again. "I've got you."
Tav couldn't speak; could only tremble, dig her fingers into him. He laughed the entire flight back to the house, deep and rich and raw. Tav planted herself on stable ground the first moment possible, glaring at him.
"You're horrid," she hissed. Raphael cackled.
"Oh, come now. You didn't truly believe I would allow you to fall to your death, did you? Such little faith. Ah, but how sweet your screams were...I shall be hearing them in my dreams for weeks."
"Horrid," Tav muttered again. She wriggled between the bedsheets and buried herself under the covers. It didn't take long for him to join her, surrounding her with his cloying heat.
"You'll forgive me, won't you?" He murmured sweetly into her ear, raising goosebumps all over her skin. One big clawed hand slipped beneath her shirt to gently rub her stomach just the way she liked. Wordlessly she pressed into his touch.
He played her like a fiddle, always.
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prentissluvr · 3 days
makes you wonder — sam winchester
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pairing : sam winchester x gn!awkward!reader ➖⟢ genre : fluff ➖⟢ cw : uses y/n, some of the lore/history is totally made up, swearing, workplace bullying/verbal harassment (i’m so sorry if your name is mark, he’s the asshole character), likely contains a few mistakes, mentions of canon typical violence and monsters ➖⟢ wc : 5.2K summary : you're the local expert on ancient weaponry, and fake fbi agent sam needs your help finding a certain dagger for a case. pronunciation guide (using scottish gaelic) : each-uishge — yahk-oosh-ga (hk is pronounced in the back of the throat like loch). biodag — bidag (the g is almost a k sound) [ disclaimer, i found these pronunciations off of the internet! i’m not scottish nor do i speak scottish gaelic, so if anyone can correct anything i got wrong, i’d be super grateful for it! ]
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certainly including the fact that it’s exactly what you want to be doing, working as a curator at your city’s history museum is near total perfection for you. not without much hard work and research, you were able to get a job that focuses on your specialty. historic weaponry. plus, your extra knowledge and fascination with mythologies and folklore gave you the perfect edge (pun intended) during interviews.
as a plus, you’re also able to spend minimal time interacting with people, even less so with those who don’t share the common interest of at least museum curation. of course, even that can’t magic away your awkwardness, and you still dread team meetings, but none of your coworkers save the resident asshole care at all when you stumble over your words or speak in clunky sentences. you’re smart, kind, and good at your job, so everyone except mark lessinger is more than happy to have you around. mark, the aforementioned resident asshole, is only around still because he’s the single person for miles who cares about the bland history of the town that is “strongly encouraged” by the local government to be kept in the museum. you’re sure he doesn’t do anything other than watch tv shows at his desk, lounge in the museum café. and make snide comments about anybody he can, because that exhibit hasn’t been updated in years and likely never will be unless something spectacular happens.
when you hear the click of the office door opening, you glance up from the work on your desk on instinct. it’s no surprise to see the devil himself (a mean and entirely pathetic thirty-four year old white man) walk through the door. mark was probably off slacking in the café like he does whenever he can get away with it, which is often considering he has nothing helpful to offer anyway. 
it’s the man who follows him that snags at your gaze and keeps your eyes lingering on the doorway for a second longer than usual. in the split second that you take his appearance in, you’re surprised by how much you want to keep looking at him, rather than the diagram of a seventeenth century revolver you’re hoping to include in the exhibit you’re planning for next fall. the gun is fascinating to you, moreso than just about anyone who could walk in that door. but something about this man is beautiful, so much so that you don’t want to look away. then both mark’s and his eyes fall on you, and you snap your chin back down to refocus on your work. this, of course, doesn’t work, because you can still feel them looking at you.
“that’s them right there. you know, weapons are the only thing that they’re useful for,” mark begins to ramble, and now you know without a doubt that they’re headed towards you, “which, unfortunately, isn't very helpful at all most of the time. but maybe they can do you some good, agent.”
that word is what catches your attention; you don’t even blink at the condescending tone to his voice or the fact that he doesn’t make any sort of attempt to hide his criticisms from you or this agent. you don’t even look up until the two men are right at your desk, so you miss the judgemental look that the stranger gives to mark’s unsavory comments about you. the idiot obviously misses the look too, because he’s smiling down at you all smug and patronizing when you give him your attention.
“this is agent giles from the fbi. the federal bureau of investigation,” he begins, cocking his head in a way that makes him look like he’s got a knot in his neck, rather than intelligent and important as you figure he intends. you just nod as the agent flashes his badge, resisting the urge to examine the tall man like one of your exhibit pieces. “well, he’s looking for a certain type of knife–” mark says slowly, like you don’t understand what he’s implying. you, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about him as you look the agent up and down, trying to look casual. you’re usually far more into ancient weaponry than men, but he is straight up gorgeous, you conclude. 
“–so, you should help him look for it. it’s very important, so don’t make us look like fools by saying something weird.” you grimace internally, but don’t show much of a reaction because all you can really think about is how much of an idiot he is. and how agent giles is too pretty to be an employee of the federal government. that part is far more important than mark’s rudeness, as you’re fully aware that he has nothing of value to offer, while you absolutely do.
“i’m sure y/n will be very helpful,” says agent giles firmly, and for a moment it surprises you that he knows your name before you realize mark must have given it earlier, “thanks for the sandwich recommendation mr.” he clears his throat because he’s clearly forgotten mark’s last name, “linser.” you stifle a laugh at both the insult of this agent remembering your name, but not mark’s, and the image of mark recommending an fbi agent his favorite sandwich from the museum café.
“lessinger,” he corrects with a stupid, haughty smile that suggests he has no idea that the agent thinks he’s a dumbass and couldn’t care less about him. he doesn’t even get the memo that he’s supposed to leave until agent giles clears his throat again and gives him a pointed look. “well, if y/n can’t get you what you need, i’m sure i can figure it out, so just let me know if you need anything else,” he lands a final insult before scurrying away to his own desk.
“it’s very bad,” you say with a matter of fact tone and shake of your head, once he’s finally out of ear shot. 
the agent raises his eyebrows in question, like he’s not one hundred percent sure what you’re referring to. “him?” he scoffs, “yeah, he’s a total asshole.” agent gile’s tone is much lighter and pleasant when he’s talking just to you, though he certainly means what he’s just said.
“oh, well, no. i mean, yes, he is a complete asshole, but i meant to say that– um, well, the sandwich. it’s very bad,” you repeat the sentiment in earnest after realizing you started speaking almost completely out of context. now you feel the need to explain, “he always gets the same sandwich, and it’s not a good one. if you’re hungry you should get the superfood salad. very healthy, and really good– or, i mean, if you wanted a sandwich, the blt is quite good, especially if you add avocado,” you trail off and realize you’re completely off topic, “but, uh– that’s not what you’re here for, obviously. i’m sorry, i don’t mean to waste your time, agent. uh, how can i help you?”
“no, no, that’s okay,” he says, his pretty hazel eyes full of sincerity, “i am in fact hungry, but i’d never take his recommendation, so i’m glad to have yours. i love salad,” he smiles.
“oh, thanks,” you relax, before wondering if that’s a normal response. but, instead of trying to correct yourself like you normally might, you stay silent to avoid going off topic again and preventing him from getting to the point.
“i’m looking for a certain type of dagger,” he begins, and you realize it’s taking quite a bit of effort to keep looking up at him from your seated position. he’s so tall. “i saw your museum has a weapons collection and was wondering–,” without thinking, you stand to alleviate the pressure on your neck. he pauses in his speech, but is quick to realize you’re simply just standing and that he’s free to keep talking, “–if you’d be able to help me find out if you have any. i hear you’re the weapons expert?”
“yep, that’s me!” you say, unable to completely tamp down your excitement about the topic. only then do you realize that your timing to stand up was slightly odd, but you forge on for the sake of daggers. your favorite subset of weapons. “um, what sort of dagger are you looking for?”
“a scottish dirk?” he answers like he’s asking a question, as if he’s not sure how odd it is to ask that. it is sort of odd, only because you can’t understand exactly what the fbi’s interest is in scottish daggers, but you couldn’t care less. 
your eyes light up and you grin, “we have plenty. actually, it’s quite a collection for a small museum like ours. uhh, let me show you! we have one on display, but personally, i think the ones in storage are the ones you’ll want to see,” you brush past him and head out into the hallway towards storage. 
he follows behind as you continue talking, “i mean, of course the one on display is incredible, it’s just that the best one doesn’t quite fit into the right time frame for this particular exhibit,” you explain, though you think a moment after that he surely couldn’t care less about those details. then, your curiosity gets the best of you, “so, am i allowed to ask why the fbi is looking for scottish dirks? i just didn’t think they’d be something the u.s. government would be concerned about for any reason. oh, well– not that it can’t be! you can certainly investigate anything you want, obviously,” you stop yourself there before you can say anything else borderline embarrassing.
“well, it may be connected to some odd deaths we’re investigating here. we’re just following every possibility.” his answer is completely cryptic and absolutely no help in calming your curiosities. you can’t think of any possible way that sixteenth century scottish daggers could be connected to unexplained deaths.
“you mean the… body in the lake?” you question aloud when the news article you read last week pops into your mind. the word “body” is used lightly; they only found the woman’s liver floating on the surface. you swipe your key card to open the door to storage and lead him inside, then you register that he said “deaths,” plural. “there was more than one?”
“yeah, over the course of the past … few years. the one from last week is just the most recent, second to the one we found this morning.” you’re not sure why he hesitates over the word “few,” but you figure he’s got all sorts of reasons to act secretive. 
“o-oh,” you stammer out, as everything suddenly turns so morbid, “i didn’t know that,” you reply as you stop without thinking at the right storage container. from the desk behind you, you grab a pair of gloves and ask him to put them on as well before you carefully extract the three long knives from their shelf. “so, what? you think someone’s using a scottish dirk to cut people up and throw their livers in the lake? odd considering the dirk is a thrusting blade. wouldn’t be very effective for such a task. well, uh, not that i’d really know. well, i do because i– but not like that! obviously, i’ve never used a scottish dirk to– nevermind.” you let out a little breath that’s half laugh half sigh and force yourself to focus on unwrapping the blades in front of you, each around at least a foot long.
you completely miss the endeared look that the agent gives you. sam only came in to see if the museum had the dagger and figure out how to steal it after hours to complete this case, but you’ve completely occupied his attention. he wants to hear you talk, loves the way you got excited when he asked about the dirk, thinks it’s sweet the way words tumble out of your mouth and your eyebrows change when you realize it was an awkward way to say things. and as a plus, your knowledge of the blade and its history could very likely be helpful.
“we’re not sure exactly how the dirk fits in, but that’s helpful to know,” he says kindly, peering down at the daggers. they’re beautiful and well-crafted, one with a particularly intricately carved handle. “that douche back there,” he begins, and you laugh a little at his unprofessional language, “he said you were interested in “fairy tales” related to weapons. i assume he meant folklore and mythologies? is there anything you can tell me about the folklore behind these?”
you almost cringe, thinking agent giles must find you silly until he proves just the opposite.
“yes, definitely! mark—the douchebag—loves to make fun of me for it, but it’s an important part of the job,” you explain, “it’s just, you might have to interrupt me, i get kind of excited about this kind of thing and, uh, i might start rambling,” you warn with a sheepish smile.
“any information helps,” he reassures. with that, you can’t help yourself, silently apologizing for the pure shitload of nerdy information he’s about to have dumped on him.
“well, if you insist. don’t say i didn’t warn you, but i’ll do my best to stick to the highlights,” you glance at him fleetingly and send him a smile you hope isn’t too awkward. you can’t help but notice he sends back a similar expression. so worried about your own behavior, you hadn’t realized that he’s also sort of awkward. it’s sweet and it makes you feel a bit more relaxed as you turn your attention back to the topic at hand. 
“the dirk, biodag in scottish gaelic, is a particularly important part of traditional scottish highlander culture. it was very common for warrior cultures to swear their most important oaths on their swords, but for the highlanders, it was done with their dirk. these oaths were binding with what was called the force of a gaes, which involved severe supernatural consequences were the oath to be broken. the iron of the dirk was considered to be holy, which stems from the folk superstitions that iron can protect against mythological creatures. these two,” you point to the simpler of the three knives, “are 17th century dirks, crafted with soligen steel, as there was a sort of magic ascribed to the forging of germanic steel that became popular in later centuries. 
“but, this one is a very early version of the dirk from the early 16th century, and made frompure iron,” you smile as you move on to talk about the third dirk, the one sam had noticed to be particularly ornate, “and therefore more aligned with traditional scottish folklore, as iron is considered to be stronger than any sort of alloy, like steel, against supernatural forces. this one’s definitely my favorite, just don’t tell the others,” you finish off with satisfaction, and even an affection that sam secretly finds adorable.
“it is a beautiful blade,” he agrees, in a way that makes you think he genuinely appreciates its value. “now, is there any sort of supernatural creature that the dirk specifically is used to kill?” sam knows the answer he’s looking for, but he’s always eager to confirm any sort of lore that he’s not intimately familiar with, so he asks despite the weirdness of it all.
this question is certainly very odd to you, and you can’t understand why he’d need to know, but you answer anyway. “well, it can depend on who you ask or what records you look at. in many cases, any old thing made of iron, or silver, depending, would do, especially because most folklore dates back to before the development of the highland dirk. but, there are definitely accounts of supernatural creatures being killed or warded off using a dirk, especially one used for a blood oath that was never broken. some believe the strength of an oath fulfilled made the weapon stronger and able to kill creatures otherwise thought unkillable.”
he takes in all of this information with such a serious and straight face that you really begin to question how this could all be about unsolved murders. he seems to think the folklore is going to help him solve real life mysteries, or maybe he’s just secretly interested in this sort of thing and using the opportunity to learn about it.
“and do you know anything in particular about a creature called the each-uisge?”
“each-uisge?” you repeat, unable to stop yourself from laughing a little in surprise. now you’re perfectly sure this federal government investigator is just a secret nerd with an interest in niche folklore. even his pronunciation is decent, though he neglected the back-of-the-throat sound of the “ch.” 
“well– i mean, yes, there are accounts of each-uisge being warded away by both silver bullets and an iron dirk,” you indulge, “i know less about the each-uisge themselves than dirks, but i’ve never read any account of one being killed. though, i do suppose an oath-strengthened dirk might be just the thing to do it.”
he nods intently. “listen, i’m sure this is a long shot,” agent giles begins, gesturing haphazardly with his gloved hands, and you wonder what sort of strange thing he could ask this time, “but is there a way of knowing if this one,” he points to the pure iron dirk, “might have been used to fullfill an oath?”
at that you can’t help but snort out a laugh. “what, are you trying to hunt down a each-uisge?” you tease. “you know that they’re only located in scotland, right? ... i mean, if they were real, obviously.” by the end, your tone is no longer playful as your mind returns to the news of missing, presumed dead people, with nothing left but their livers found in the nearby lake. then you think about the history of the town, once heavy with scottish imigrants when it was founded in the early eighteenth century. and finally, all in just a second or two, you fully recall the story of the each-uisge, a vicious, shape-shifting horse that drowns its victims at the bottom of the nearest lake and eats their whole body except the liver, which floats to the surface. a chill runs up your spine before you tamp down the ridiculous suspicions that fill your mind.
“right, obviously,” agent giles laughs too, but it’s sort of stiff, like he wasn’t really joking when he asked. you’re certainly not laughing anymore. “as for the dirk?”
you raise your eyebrows, “hm?” is all you can manage as your mind goes sort of blank. there’s absolutely no way that what you’re thinking about could actually be true, so you brush it off and try to listen to the agent—if that’s really who he is.
“can you tell?” he asks again.
“uh– tell what? oh– oh! if it was used to swear an oath?” you prompt. he nods. “well, i mean, ha. not really, not for sure. we have tested, and there are traces of blood on the blade,” you gesture towards it vaguely, “but, um, that could be from anywhere, not just an oath, you know? lots of fighting…and stuff, uh, those days,” your voice trails off as you laugh and nod a little awkwardly, starting to feel more and more confused about this agent giles, no matter how pretty his soft-looking brown hair is. you tell yourself he’s just curious, but he just looks oh so serious, despite the fact that he’s trying to seem casual and normal about this unconventional conversation.
“hm,” is the only little sound he makes in response, like he’s almost disappointed and considering something weighty you don’t know about because of your unsure answer.
and because you hate to see that little frown on his face, you keep talking, “but, it’s more than likely that this blade was owned by a high ranking clansman, possibly even the chief, as indicated by the ornate nature of the handle and overall high quality. oaths were, in retrospect, decently common to make, even more so for high ranking clansmen.
“which means it is very likely that at least one, maybe many oaths have been sworn using this blade. of course, there’s no telling whether each oath was fulfilled, but considering the cultural importance of loyalty and honor and the roles of oaths in such, it wouldn’t be far fetched to consider this dirk as the kind strong enough to kill a each-uisge. if, you know, you wanted to know a random, cool, and totally niche fun fact about one of my favorite weapons in this museum’s storage room,” in the last sentence, you speak in a clunky, awkward sort of way as you run out of interesting tidbits to info-dump and your mind instead wanders back to the undeniably peculiar circumstances surrounding this conversation. the laugh you let out at the end is quiet, and far more nervous than humored.
the smile he gives you then is sympathetic, like he knows this is all weird and maybe a little alarming if you’re willing to question your non-belief in the supernatural. you’re no longer sure at all that he’s an fbi agent, but strangely enough, you don’t find yourself feeling distrustful of him. your gut tells you that he’s good, and you decide to trust it.
“all of this was a big help,” he says, the sincerity in his voice almost tangible, “thank you.” that makes you feel good, because it seems to you like he’s just trying to help people. with what, you’re not sure, and then you sort of wish that he’d made some sort of joke about how this last part of the conversation wasn’t actually helpful, just interesting. interesting and completely irrelevant to the livers on the lake. 
you swallow hard, “of course. glad i could be of help to you, agent.”
“sam,” he corrects. “just sam is alright.”
“oh. right. just sam,” you nod and wonder if the feeling in your chest could be your heart fluttering. your eyes flicker from his face to his broad shoulders, to his pretty, big hands and the way his right middle finger taps against the side of his thigh. then, worried you’re staring, your gaze flits down to your own hands, resting on the table, then to the daggers you know so well. yet, you look at them different this time. you’ve certainly wondered about the oaths that may have been sworn by their blades and their connections to traditional superstitions. but now you look at them and wonder if it’s real. if one of these blades had been used to ward off a real-life myth in the past, or been magically strengthened by blood and kept promises. sam—you think sam fits him so much better than agent giles—has shifted your perspective of the things you’ve been studying and learning about and loving for years and years of your life.
it’s true that you’ve always been one to daydream, to wonder; that’s where your fascination with folklore and fairy tales comes from. always, you’ve looked for rumored mythological weapons in the real world and marveled at the less historic possibilities of the things you study. and you think that if it were anyone else, or if he talked to or looked at you in a different way, you wouldn’t be questioning your reality like this, but you are. maybe you’re predisposed to believing, or just too curious for your own good, but you know at that moment that you won’t be able to let this go.
sam clears his throat to break the awkward silence, and he thinks he can see the gears in your head turning, the way they have been since he asked about the each-uisge. he hopes desperatly you won’t ask him if he thinks this is all real, all because he doesn’t think he could lie to you anymore. there’s something about your authenticity, your intelligence and innate curiosity, and the goodness that you so clearly carry with you that simultaneously makes him want to tell you everything and protect you from the truth. the latter option is always his go-to, rightfully so, but he can’t explain to himself the way that he purely just wants to share with you, bring you closer to him through a shared understanding of the world. sam thinks he must be crazy, because he just met you and thinks it would be entirely possible to fall right in love with you if he got the chance to get to know you.
then he realizes that he’s the one staring. “right, well… i should get going. you know. i’ve got another lead i need to follow up on,” he forces the words out like he doesn’t want to go, and it’s true. he doesn’t, but if he spends more time with you, he’ll have to keep lying, and he doesn’t want to do that. more importantly, he doesn’t want to expose you to anything more that could put you in danger.
“right. right, of course,” you nod, and you’re practically breaking his heart because you fail to hide the disappointment on your face for a split second. he hadn’t realized he was looking at you that carefully to catch the look, but he doesn’t regret it. he’s discovered that he likes looking at you enough to not care much about that sort of thing. “would you like me to show you out, or do you remember the way?”
“i’m alright,” sam answers on instinct before his heart breaks doubly because your eyes look sad again for a moment, “but let me walk you back to your office. or, no, let me buy you that superfood salad for taking up your time,” he amends quickly.
“i already ate lunch, but– shit,” you interrupt yourself, cursing when you realize he was flirting. then you get flustered, “no, i mean– uh, well– okay! er, no, that’s okay, i mean,” because there’s no taking back the fact that you already said you ate lunch already. you take a breath to steady yourself, “but you can definitely walk me back to my office, let me just put these away, it’ll be quick–,” your hands rush to wrap up the daggers before you remember their fragility, “oh– sorry! thank you for the offer, though! that would’ve been completely unnecessary, i’m just glad i could help. not that i wouldn’t– uh,” you gulp anxiously, “not that i wouldn’t eat lunch with you, of course– well, if that’s what you were implying which maybe it wasn’t, which, in that case–”
sam who cuts you off, “it’s alright,” he reassures before you can keep rambling, “that is what i’m implying, but…” he quiets for a split second, only because he’s a littly shy, “it’s okay. maybe, yknow, when the case is over, we can go for lunch, if that’s alright with you?”
you inhale sharply, nodding silently before remembering you should answer aloud too. when you do, your voice is a little breathless, “yeah, yeah, that sounds good.” then, you’re fighting back a grin.
“great,” he doesn’t hide his own smile as he dips his hand into a jacket pocket and hands you his card. “call me tomorrow, we can set up a time.” you accept the card with a shy smile, and one beat, two beats of silence pass before the both of you realize you’re staring at the other.
in sync, you snap out of it, gazes jerking elsewhere and hands flying anywhere to get busy. you turn to the blades on the table and he focuses on fixing up the black jacket of his suit. you try to ignore him as you put the artifacts away, expecting for him to have said goodbye and left by the time you turn back to him. when you look at him in confusion, the corner of his mouth quirks up when he realizes you’ve forgotten that you said he could walk you back to your office.
he vaguely motions towards the door, “shall we? i’ll walk you to your office, then i’m good to find my way out.”
“oh! right, of course!” you nod, “yeah.” with your lips pursed in an awkward smile, you turn to the door and walk towards the exit without looking to see if he follows. but you don’t have to, because a half-second later, he’s right by your side, which you can attribute his long strides to. you like the way he lingers close to you, closer than he did when you first walked in together, even if it makes you feel flustered so that your hands mess with the hem of your shirt.
you stop at the office door, turning to him and expecting your goodbye to happen surrounded by the empty, white walls of the hallway.
but, he points to the door with his chin. “i’ll walk you in,” he explains, “show that asshole, mark, that you’re friendly with an fbi agent.”
“oh,” you sigh out through a smile, “you don’t have to do that, yknow. i know he’s an idiot.”
he laughs at that. “yeah, he absolutely is,” he agrees readily, “but, i still wanna. i think of it as part of my job to scare off assholes.” especially from pretty people like you, he wants to say. he’s just too shy for that, thinks it would be too soon to say it.
“well then, be my guest,” you smile as you open the door and let him follow close behind you.
“thank you for all of your help,” sam says, repeating what he said before, louder than he has to so that mark, a few desks away from yours, can hear it all, “you really helped move our investigation along. i think we’ll be able to wrap it up soon, thanks to you.” you’re sure that he’s over-exaggerating, but you certainly aren’t going to stop him from proving a point to mark.
“it was the least i could do,” you play along, trying to hide your grin from your coworkers, because you can feel all their eyes on you. when you sit, sam looks down at you with nothing short of affection, just for a moment before your eyes settle back on his pretty face.
“have a nice rest of your day,” he smiles before turning away. then he reaches the door, not too far away, he turns back around and speaks for everyone to hear, “don’t forget to call me, yeah?” before disappearing and leaving you a flustered, grinning mess. you can’t help but steal a look at mark and feel satisfaction run through your veins at his utterly shocked expression. 
he looks to have gone through the five stages of grief in a matter of seconds, and it’s frankly hilarious. he can’t seem to possibly consider the fact that you absolutely just pulled a (not?) fbi agent, not to mention one who’s that tall and just plain attractive. you can’t wait to catch whatever comical expression he wears when he sees you greeted by sam in the museum foyer during your lunch break for a date (because surely he’ll be sitting in the café watching people walk in and out as he’s chewing on his nasty sandwich).
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lmk if folks are interested in a part two since i do have a bit of an idea for it if there's enough interest!
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perfectlyoongi · 2 days
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who is addicted to taking small polaroids of you when he thinks you are prettier. whenever you admire a flower, share an adventure or simply get distracted, Taehyung finds you fascinating, wanting to keep your image forever, wanting to show you how stunning you really were. “you don’t even need to look at me, honestly. your beauty becomes more divine when caught off guard.”
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who sends you songs that remind him of you or your relationship. Taehyung even went so far as to create a playlist for you full of lyrics and melodies that described all the moments passed and words exchanged between you, your story to be forever saved in the creations of others. “i may not be the best at expressing myself, but i believe this song will tell you perfectly how i feel about you.”
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who fell in love with your smile without realizing it, his heart beating a little faster every time you expressed happiness on your face. it was like an incantation, a spell cast by your lips to entice Taehyung to give himself to you — and he just let himself go, completely intoxicated by your smile, by your beauty. “how is it possible for someone created by the gods to walk among us? is not fair.”
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who gently holds the bottom of your shirt when you walk through crowded places. whether he was guiding you or letting you guide him, Taehyung's thin fingers grabbed some of the fabric you were wearing, not wanting to separate from you or see you lost in the middle of crowds. “i just need to hold you. there are too many people here who could separate us, and i don’t like that.”
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who dreamed of you when he was most knocked down by life, his subconscious taking him to the only place he felt safe — by your side. Taehyung never told you about his dreams, not because they were absurd, but because he always felt embarrassed remembering how you held him in the dream, because he only wanted to be held like that in reality. “thank you. just… for existing. thank you, seriously.”
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who sends you photos of all the flowers he finds, hoping to color your day a little with their natural beauty. it could be a small daisy, or a bush of roses, it didn't matter — Taehyung was always ready to take photos of the various flowers and send them by message, as if giving you a small bouquet of hope. “with love, Tae xx.”
PRE-BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who kisses you for the first time on impulse, completely guided by the desire to have you. but when reality hits him and Taehyung realizes what he had done, he will try to escape as quickly as possible, not even wanting to imagine what reaction you might have —good or bad, that was a question that future Taehyung would have to deal with alone. “something took over me. i don’t know what… i’m sorry… i just… i… wanted this but… oh.”
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vibratingskull · 2 days
Hello ☺️
I love your work, your stories. They are absolutely amazing. 🤍
Could I request a story with Samakro x reader (female)? Something about the way he falls in love with her.
Thank you my dear, have some Samakro the ride or die man ❤️
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art by @jun-c
Samakro x F!reader
“You are a human, you are feeble, you are weak.” Samakro hisses. 
“I am... not weak.” You respond back, completely out of breath, sweaty, and hands on your knees. 
“You are weak. You cannot even last a training session.” 
You straigthen your back and crack your neck, getting back into position. 
“I am not weak!” You repeat with more force and anger in your human eyes. 
“Prove it to me.” 
You launch yourself on Samakro again, punching and kicking his gloved hands as he showed you too. 
“Harder!” He orders. 
You increase your strength, hitting away as hard as you can, as fast as possible. 
“Keep going.” He demands, “Harder!” 
You feel your lungs burning and your muscles screaming in pain. You are not used to such intensive exercises. You are a civilian, not a military member. But the rules are simple: adapt or get debarked on the first planet you come by. 
You don’t know why Captain Thrawn is imposing such rules on you, but since they found you wounded and drifting in space he dictates your life and you have no choice but to abide by his rules. Mid-Captain Samakro is now your new tutor on the Springhawk, spying on what you do at all hours of the day and night. He is merciless, imposing the strict Chiss military lifestyle no matter how tired you appear. 
“Again!” He hisses. 
You give him two powerful punches and a spin kick right into the targets he’s holding. He seems taken aback for a split second before recovering his hard expression. 
“Better. Give me more of that human.” 
You throw your last strength into it until you hear the liberating timer.  
“Time out.” Samakro announces to your relief. 
You fall to your knees, drenched in sweat and without any more breath. You cough painfully, feeling on the verge of passing out after such intense exercises.  
“Hey!” Samakro calls for you. 
You raise your head towards him only to receive a towel in the face. 
“Do not stop like that, it is recovery time. Go on the treadmill.” 
You groan, painfully raising on your feet and leaving the ring to hop on the treadmill. You feel your pounding heart pumping blood furiously and painfully. You hold the two bars on the side so as not to fall as Samakro hops on the treadmill beside you. 
“You did a good job today.” He lets you know after five full minutes of complete silence. 
“Thank you, sir.” You nod. 
“Do not forget to take out the electrodes and the monitor once you’re done.”  
You nod again. You jump off the treadmill and take off the monitor's electrodes off your chest and stomach. You turn to Samakro for further instructions. 
“You have the rest of your day.” He simply announces not even looking at you as he keeps walking on the mill. 
“Oh... Thank you sir!” You answer joyfull and heads toward the communal showers. 
Samakro keeps walking rapidly on the treadmill until he hears Thrawn’s steps pattern entering the gym of the Springhawk. 
“What are the results today?” Captain Thrawn asks evenly. 
“Let’s discover it.” Samakro responds. 
The two men approach the laying monitor and plug it into a questis, running the data on the screen. 
“This is her results on her first session and here is her progression’s curb.” He explains to his Captain. 
Thrawn remains mute, observing the data on the screen, detailing every high and low, the picks and the depressions. 
“Fascinating.” He finally lets out, “Almost the same as a Civilian Chiss curb.” 
“Indeed, the results are uncanny.” Samakro adds, scrubbing his face with a towel. 
“And what of her mental? Her dispositions?”   
“She did not understand the necessity of the exercises at first, and I think she still does but she submits to it.” 
“Do you push her to her limits?” 
“Yes. She doesn’t like to be looked down upon, it gives good results.” 
“Do not destroy her mentally. I have more tests to run on her.” Thrawn advises. 
“I am careful, she seems to hold on well.” 
Thrawn looks back at the results with interest in his inquisitive red eyes. 
“Humans... Fascinating.” 
Samakro silently looks at you over his questis. You are fully focused on your test on your own questis. 
Obviously, you don’t know Cheuhn, but you are proficient in several trade languages and writing systems the Chiss use outside of their realm and displayed your polyglot talents early on. He concocted a series of tests to measure your mental plasticity and  I.Q. And you’ve been going at it since 6 am. 
Some maths and logic problems with dissertations in different languages, a philosophical question, and a moral dilemma. 
It is actually an IQ test that the entire Springhawk crew had to take at some point in their career, he simply translated it into a trade language and script and took the liberty to take out the General Knowledge questions about Chiss culture and literature for obvious reasons. 
He is already checking your responses from this morning, comparing them to the average Chiss responses. 
Your I.Q. is average, nothing really special to note, but your way to the responses is truly... alien. You are coming from a completely different thought system and it shows, you are creative in your responses in a way that the Chiss test has difficulty measuring. Your responses to the philosophical and moral dilemmas are completely misaligned with Chiss values but are terribly interesting if they are standard for your human species. 
When he thinks back Chiss and Humans used to trade and exchange millennia ago and everything stopped after the supernova explosions, erasing all hyperspace lanes of the Chaos and cutting all communications.  
How did humans evolve deprived of the wisdom of the Chiss? 
“Five minutes left.” He announces. 
You grumble, taking your forehead in your hand, he can almost see the smoke of focus escaping your ears. He should compare your responses to the archives about humans they have, Captain Thrawn will also be interested. 
Samakro wonders for a second what was his results for those tests, they never communicated them to the candidates. If he reached the rank of Captain it means he must have done good. 
You would never reach the rank of Captain. You are not made for war, neither in body nor in mind. You would surely be a good historian or archivist, a scholar career where you classify data seems perfect for you. 
But on a Chiss warship, you have little to no value. The only civilian job in it is caregiver for the skywalker and they surely won’t let an alien approach their precious little girl any time soon.  
He keeps looking at you discreetly. He remembers lying to you, telling you that if you didn’t obey they would debark you on the first wild planet they found and leave you to die there. 
Which is obviously false for several reasons. They are not barbaric monsters and mostly Captain Thrawn and the UAG are terribly interested in meeting a Human after so many millennia. All your test results are sent to the UAG  for them to get a foretaste of what they will work on once they send you there. 
But you refused to obey and sit down and he had to resort to menace to force you to submit. Are all humans that rebellious? Do you all have problems with authority? A Chiss would have never posed such problems... 
If the current mission wasn’t capital for Chiss security, Thrawn would have ordered the Springhawk to go back to Csilla to offer you to the lab as his new catch. But fortunately for you, they must keep going, you escaped the rat lab existence. 
But for this time only. 
The scientists of the UAG are drooling at the idea of studying a human after so much time and they keep sending them new tests and procedures to experiment on you. Samakro doesn’t understand this fascination for aliens, for him they are all the same: 
Not worth his time and attention. 
But Thrawn thinks differently and locks himself with you in his office for long discussions every day. He is learning the maximum he can on this “new” species, evaluating the level of threat you will pose or not. He is less invasive in his questions and remains courteous with you but you shouldn’t get used to it. 
“Time is over.” Samakro says. 
You sigh and fall back in your chair with a defeated look. Visibly maths is a serious adversary for you.  
“May I go now?” You ask, visibly tired. 
“No. Remain.” He orders sternly. 
He looks at your new results while you are forced to wait in silence. It is obviously another test, how well do you do when things don’t go your way?  
He takes is sweet time comparing the results with the archive and while he isn’t a scientist something is very clear to him. 
You’re going to be a problem. All humans will. 
You are unruly and disorganized, messy and libertarian, prone to rebellion. 
He hardly sees what good would come up for the Chiss to align themself with humans.  
You’re just going to be a pain in more ways than one. 
He now knows how humans evolved without Chiss’ wisdom... 
“Senior Captain Samakro? (Y/n) (L/n)?” Thrawn enters the little conference room, “I need you.” 
Samakro jumps on his feet, ready for action while you look put out, only wanting to enter your bed for a good night’s sleep. 
“Is there a problem, Captain?” Samakro inquires. 
“We crossed paths with new aliens. I would like to have a word with them to test the water.” 
Samakro frowns turning his head to give you a look. 
“Is her presence necessary?” He asks in Cheuhn, earning a bad look from you. 
“Indeed. She is more fluent in their language than I am and I would like to observe their reaction to a near-Chiss individual.” Thrawn responds in the same language, “Who knows, maybe humans already are in contact with this species.” 
Samakro nods obediently. 
“Follow us (F/n)” He orders you. 
You sigh but obey. 
“I need your talents in a specific language.” Thrawn lets you know in a trade language. 
“Other humans?” You ask, accelerating your pace to place yourself next to Thrawn. 
Samakro fights the urge to grab your shoulder and yank you backward. Nobody walks alongside a Captain, even his bodyguards remain two steps behind. But Thrawn doesn’t seem to care in the slightest.  
So Samakro remains silent but mentally adds “Impertinent” and “unable to follow protocols” to his list of cons about humans. 
“Unfortunately no. A group of alien nomads of whom our archives are incomplete.” 
“Nomad? Are they numerous in the region?” You inquire curious. 
“Indeed there are a few clans. Most of them are bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their services to the most generous.” 
 “Oh... I mean... Should I really be here?” You worry. 
“Everything is going to be fine. I simply need you as a translator no harm will come to you.” 
Samakro remains silent. A group of mercenaries with whom the alien they happened to have rescued and helped can speak with? The timing is a bit suspicious. He received the orders to tutor you but he also had to honor his duties as Mid-Captain, who knows how efficient the officers he gave you to were in their surveillance? 
Did they invite a snake in? 
Thrawn must also have these suspicions and take the opportunity to test you. 
You all enter the new conference room where the Aliens are waiting. Samakro remembers reading some archives about them but they are quite obscure, but he remembers them being known to undergo heavy surgical operations to make their entire bodies a weapon.  
And evidently, Thrawn lied to you. He mastered this language years ago, Samakro heard him use it so many times as he is himself quite fluent in this one. It allows them both to fact-check what you are translating to them and to the Aliens. 
Up until now, you have diligently reported the correct info, not trying to subtly twist Thrawn’s words or veil info from the aliens... But that is not enough to erase suspicion. 
As for the aliens’ pretense as to why they are on Chiss territory, it is clearly a lie. Those have something behind their minds. Samakro subtly caresses his charric at his hips. They took out the Aliens’ weapon but something in his mind was telling him to be cautious. 
“They ask if you could draw them a safe route for their travel. Their navigator died.” You explain. 
But Thrawn takes out his questis where a map of the Chaos appears. He hands it to Samakro to give it to the Aliens that are on the other side of the room, a long table separating them from the Chiss. Samakro takes it and heads toward the group.  
Suddenly, when he is mid-way through and away from Thrawn the aliens jump on their feet with their hands in their mouths, dislocating their jaws in an impressive fashion, to take out hidden miniguns off their throats. 
And fires. 
And in a flash, it is over. When Samakro recovers his senses he has his fuming Charric pointed at the now-dead aliens, the questis now exploded on the floor. 
A suicide commando. Surely the Grysks. 
A good chance Samakro and Thrawn’s bodyguards are fast. 
He spins towards Thrawn to see if he is all right. He discovers him kneeling with you in his arms. 
“What happened?” He asks kneeling next to his superior. 
You have been hit, the smell of burning flesh rising to Samakro’s nose. It is not pretty. They both lay you down on the ground, Thrawn taking his comm to call for the medics while Samakro applies pressure on your bleeding wound. 
Warrior, if they lose the UAG’s new toy... 
If they lose you... 
“She took the fire for me.” Thrawn explains. 
Samakro freeze. 
You what? 
He raises his eyes to his Captain, incredulous. 
“An alien did that?” 
“Apparently. Keep applying pressure Mid-Captain.” 
Quickly the medics comes to take you away in the medbay, leaving Thrawn and Samakro to investigate the scene. 
But Samakro’s mind keeps coming back to you. 
Why did you do that? 
It doesn’t make any sense. 
Why would an alien risk its life to save somebody else? He wouldn't have taken a fire for an alien. 
“Mid Captain, you are not listening.” Thrawn’s voice calls Samakro back to reality. 
Samakro shakes himself. 
“Sorry Sir, you were saying?” 
Thrawn lets go of the alien’s shoulder he was holding to get a closer look at their face. 
“Go to her.” He simply orders. 
Samakro raises an eyebrow. 
“Why would I do that?” 
“Because you are evidently disturbed and unfocused on your task.” 
“I am mostly disturbed I wasn’t able to protect you.” 
“You shot them. You did your job.” 
“An alien had to protect you and this is a failure.” 
This time it is Thrawn who raises an eyebrow. 
“After all this time you are still calling her an ‘alien’?” 
“This is what she is.” Samakro responds, not understanding his superior puzzled expression. 
Thrawn tilts his head. 
“Is she now?” 
Samakro opens his mouth to close it back immediately. Where is Thrawn going with all of this? 
“How curious... I thought your relation deepened after all this time.” Thrawn ponders. 
“She hasn’t been here long.” Samakro argues. 
“She has been with us for 8 months.” Thrawn informs him. 
8 months?! 
Impossible. He feels like they discovered your ship three weeks ago, how has it been already 8 months? 
Samakro remains mute in shock, taking the info in. 
“Time flies in charming company, does it not?” Thrawn notes with a tight smile. 
Samakro exhales though his nose. Ridicule! 
Absolutely ri-di-cule! 
“She is a task you gave me, nothing more.” 
“I asked you to look over her not send me an extensive list of her food’s likes and dislikes.” Thrawn says almost mockingly. 
“I thought you would have appreciated to learn humans’ nutritional habits.” Samakro defends himself. 
“I would have simply asked her, Mid-Captain.” The Captain tries to gently guide him to the obvious conclusion. “I also heard you kept deterring colleagues from her.” 
“I was not going to let them defile themself with an alien sir!” Samakro explains like his outrage made sense. 
“Why immediately assume they had a romantic or sexual interest in her?” Thrawn asks more and more amused. 
This is a new side of his Mid-Captain he is discovering, and he is terribly curious. 
“Because she....! Because...” Samakro tries again to justify himself only to have no sound arguments. 
Indeed, why his first fear was that his Chiss colleagues would be interested in her? For what possible reason? Why did it displeased him so much he had to push everyone, male and female, away from you? 
Samakro stretches his lips in a thin line at that bomb, trying to make sense of all the moments he had with you.  
Could he...? 
“Go see her Mid-Captain. I can investigate the scene by myself.” Thrawn finally says, turning his back to Samakro signaling him that his words are final. 
Samakro bows and leaves the room. 
He entered confident and exited it in shambles. 
Obediently, he goes to you, trying to silence that little voice bugging his mind. Of course, he isn’t smitten! That’s ridiculous! What does Thrawn even know about love anyway?! 
He enters the med bay ready to chastise you for merely existing and being in his way but he looses all of his energy seeing you in this state. 
You are dressed in bandages, lying on a bed with a painful expression on your face. 
Maybe... this is not the right time for chastising. Later. Yes... later. 
You wave at him forcing you to smile through the pain. He comes close, sitting on a stool next to you. 
“Why?” He asks. 
“Why what?” 
“Why protect him? Why not let him die?” 
You look at him confused. 
“Isn’t it your job too to protect him? Why are you mad at me?” 
“I am not mad. I am trying to ... Understand.” 
You shrug like he isn’t making any sense. That’s the second person looking at him like that today and one was already enough... 
“Do I truly need a reason to save someone in danger?” You ask him, genuinely confused. 
“We are not the same species. You had no interest in protecting one of us.” 
“I don’t need to be part of the same species to empathize. Captain Thrawn is an honorable man, it would pain me if he died.” 
“Really? Would you have done the same for any of us?”  
“Why not?” 
“Even... me?” 
“Yes. Every life deserves to be protected, alien or not. Do you not think the same?” You look at him with a clear gaze. 
He purses his lips. No, he doesn’t think the same, he is a warrior, a cannot fodder meant to die in battle, Thrawn too.  
But you’re a civilian.  
You’re what they die for. So why put your own life on the line for them? The roles are reversed. 
Does he have to add ‘selfless’ to his list of pros for humans now? 
“We are soldiers. Dying is our job.” 
“Your job is to protect, not die.” You counter with a soft voice. 
“Easy for you to say.” He grumbles. 
You take his hand in yours and gently squeeze it with a contrite smile. 
“Yes, I would take a hit for you, Mid-Captain Samakor.” You repeat. 
He snarls a scoff, incredulous. 
Why would you do that? Since the first day he had the bad role, ordering you around, forcing you to obey him, imposing you a lifestyle different than yours, prevented you from forming meaningful relationships with others. He is a jailor, your torturer. 
You must hate him. And he is fine with that, Thrawn ordered him to look over you and he will do it even if you despise him. 
And then... 
Your hand releases his to cup his cheek gently, inviting him to raise his head and look at you. 
“Come on now. This is not you Mid-Captain Samkro.” This time your smile is wide and franck, “Where is your Chiss attitude?” 
He can’t help but chuckle before quickly hidding  his mouth. 
“You call that an attitude? I call this honor.” 
“Meh. I’m not big on the military things. Call it what you prefer.”  
He should push your hand away, not tolerating a single act of promiscuity or even friendliness. 
But he likes the warmth of your palm... It is incredibly soft and smooth. 
When was the last caress he received, and when was the last tender act toward him? Long ago in his childhood. 
Maybe he will not add “selfless” to the pros human list, but yours. 
And this one is longer... 
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