#but this is my house and I can share all these small snippets of them yeah YEAh
eternal-reverie · 1 year
I have this thing where I feel like I can’t show anything made up from my head unless I really polish it up, make them presentable,etc that’s my perfectionism speaking
been thinking of musical instruments and equating them to my ocs. this certain one has a harpsichord representing him. It’s probably because of the 18th century inspired design he has and all; it’s just that precise plucking of strings that feels so calculating and fast through the automation of pressing keys that feels so aligned with his curated behavior.
but wait there’s more; another instrument that also represents him that’s not far from the previous one: the harp!?? It’s the other side he has that he rarely shows to others anymore; the more delicate, lighter and resonant sound made by directly plucking the strings, which is achieved in a arguably more difficult way, compared to merely pressing down on keys…
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prettygiri222 · 9 months
okay but imagine eren seen a video of his baby momma at the club singin sexy redd’s “ FUCK MY BABYDADDY ” 😭😭 he just brings their son or daughter to reader’s mom and goes back to reader’s house and tears them TF upppp.
i can just hear him saying “ fuck yo baby who?? oh aight. ”
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I had to add rapper!Eren to this cause it's something I always wanted to write😋
Eren x Black Fem Reader, PLOT + SMUT
rapper Eren Yeager's longtime girlfriend of six years broke up with him after having his first child, Duke Yeager. Eren shared a post on instagram confirming their breakup but stated that the both of them remain in Duke’s life as co-parents. the reason why was unreleased so fans speculated that Eren must’ve cheated because why else would you willingly break up with the famous rapper. his management released a statement saying it was due to conflicting schedules but it was seen as damage control so no one believed it.
during the six years of the relationship, his management managed to keep your face out of the media. but with the way Eren was constantly posting snippets of you, fans soon discovered who you were after matching physical features, traits and location that were found on his story with the ones present on your small instagram.
you two quickly became the it couple, how the girl from nowhere pulled a famous rapper gave fans hope because they saw them reflected in you. a woman who didn’t have to undergo multiple surgeries to pull the industry's finest. but after the breakup, that image fell.
his management did their best to keep things under wraps to keep the media from tormenting you but it didn’t work. when you posted a picture of yourself postpartum your dms filled with hateful comments wondering why Eren had gotten with you in the first place. you knew it was just jealous fangirls but it still got to you, especially since you weren’t all that confident in your new body and still recovering from your pregnancy. your accounts went silent shortly after.
although the breakup was mutual, the reason why was deeper than scheduling conflicts. you needed someone who was able to be there physically, emotionally and mentally. it was hard for Eren to provide that due to his career path, always travelling the world with a packed schedule. you guys did your best to make it work but after Duke came into the world you just couldn’t handle it anymore. 
Eren was a decent baby daddy and you guys co-parented well. you had full custody of him but when Eren was in town and would have time off you would send Duke over to him. Duke loved his daddy, always wanting to watch his concerts and interviews on the TV when he wasn’t there or free to facetime. Eren always made sure to send double what was asked for in child support to make sure you took care of yourself as well as his son.
that’s why when you reposted your friend’s story of you in the club all hell broke loose. people took it as a diss to your baby daddy, which it was, but not in the way they thought.
earlier that week you had dropped Duke off at Eren’s mansion. he had just flown back in from his world tour and finally had a few weeks off. despite being exhausted he called you up and asked if you could bring Duke over, wanting to spend as much time with his son as possible during his break. he sent over an uber black to pick the two of you up.
when Eren met you two at the door, Duke jumped into his arms smiling and giggling. it’s been a while since he’s seen his daddy in person. the sight made you awe. Eren turned to you and asked if you wanted to stay over so he could spend time with the two most important people in his life but sadly you declined. you didn’t want to interrupt their father and son bonding time.
Duke was almost a clone of Eren, he had his sharp green eyes, german nose and face shape. the only hints of you in him were his full lips, darker skin and coils. Duke was your little bundle of joy but he could be a handful at times. during the few times those two got to spend together Eren spoiled him rotten, whatever he wanted he got and it showed. whenever you told him no he would throw a tantrum saying how he wanted his daddy. you knew you were a good mother but hearing him say that when you were the one who took care of him every day hurt.
it was a friday night and Eren was at his crib chilling with Duke. he had his phone on do now disturb so his time with his family wouldn’t be interrupted. it was a shame you weren’t here to spend time with them. after having pizza, soda and ice cream for dinner the boys passed out on the couch after staying up past midnight watching movies. 
his peace was soon interrupted by the constant buzz of his phone. it roused him from his sleep but Duke slept through it. after the third ring, he finally answered the phone. he was pissed that his manager was calling him knowing it was his time off but he figured it must be important for them to use emergency bypass to call.
“what’s going on?” his voice gruff from his slumber and irritation. he turned on his phone to see it flooded with notifications from instagram, snapchat, tiktok, twitter, messages, missed calls from his friends and one from his mom and his heart dropped to his stomach. he hadn't dropped anything new recently so he knew whatever was happening had to be bad.
“well… it’s about your baby mama… she uh…” his manager was at a loss for words. he didn't know the words to describe the situation to make it not seem as bad as the media was already making it out to be. he knew Eren would be pissed when he found out what happened and they didn't want to be on the end of it. 
Eren was extremely protective of his family and friends. when he saw the hate you were receiving after you posted a picture of yourself postpartum he took to twitter immediately. he did not play when it came to you, together or not together. you were the mother of his child and you needed your respect. so he was wondering why you were playing in his face like this.
“well what is it?” he snapped, already losing his patience. “is she ok? is she hurt?” he shot upright from his resting position on the couch. he opened up the group chat between him, Armin, Connie, Onyankopon and Jean first. all that was sent was a blurry video followed by a bunch of skull and grave emojis.
he opened the video and immediately recognized the faces of a few of the girls in it as a few of your friends, Sasha, Mikasa and Historia at a club. Sasha, Connie’s model girlfriend was the one to record them singing along to a sexyy red song. he wondered what the video had to do with him until it panned to you. you stood out with your brightly dyed red hair styled in a what he recognized as a wash-and-go.
“fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy!” you were shouting the lyrics a little bit too passionately. you had your middle fingers stuck up to the camera showing off your glittery red acrylic nails. you were clearly wasted, drunk off of whatever drinks Sasha managed to shove down your throat.
“yes bitch!” your friends shouted as you turned around to shake your ass sticking out your tongue. you were wearing a ripped mesh dress. one of your friends reached out to pull down the back of your dress to prevent your ass from showing but the dress was already leaving very little to the imagination. the pregnancy did your body good, you were a bit on the skinny side before but now your hips had filled out, your ass and boobs swole and your skin finally cleared up. you were glowing.
“I’m a fine ass bitch, I ain’t in the in the house sad!” you were feeling yourself. it felt nice to get out of the house and away from Duke no matter how much you loved him. having to take care of a baby by yourself was tiring, no matter how much Eren supported you from afar you needed him there with you.
your friends were hyping you up and your mind grew hazy from both the alcohol and adrenaline. you were far too gone to realize what you said when you yelled “fuck Eren!” instead of the actual lyrics. the camera quickly panned to the floor before the video stopped.
Eren had to replay the video countless times to process what he had seen and heard. but he couldn’t believe it was you. never in the eight years he’s known you have you ever picked up the phone to send a dig at him through social media. no matter how tough the going got, it’s what he respected about you. you always wanted to talk problems through and try to make it work. Eren clenched his fist looking at you now.
Eren knows how baby mamas like you are seen and treated in the industry. he’s seen how they're constantly bashed and embarrassed by the fathers of their children and the media. Eren never wanted that for you, he wanted to give you a ring before he gave you a baby but accidents happen and here you both were. instead of calling him or stopping by to talk you wanted to show out for the fans and diss him. it was stupid of you, he knew you were better than this.
“so it’s “fuck Eren” is that right,” Eren laughed to himself throwing his head back on the couch. sure he couldn’t be there for you and Duke all the time like he wanted but at least he tried. he was a very busy man. but he did what he had to to make sure his mother, Duke and you could have a nice and cozy life. where Duke didn’t have to worry about if he was going to eat dinner that night. “bet.”
“sorry little man but I have to go get your mommy. you’re going to go to stay with your grandma tonight, ok?” he cooed to Duke, waking him up. Duke slowly woke up and was trying to rub the sleep out of his eye. Eren loved his son very much he was the reason he kept this stressful life up. 
he enjoyed making music and performing but not during the days when he slept in the studio trying to find the perfect lyrics and beat or days where he hardly slept because he had to stay on his feet. it was a fast life and if he couldn’t keep up it would all come crashing down. and for you to make a dig at that knowing how he felt was fucked.
“Eren Yeager!” his manager shouted through the phone overhearing the whole thing. he needed Eren to keep a calm head and not do anything rash tonight. he didn’t need him sparking more outrage in the media or doing something that could potentially ruin the relationship you two had. “what are you going to do?”
“what else, I’m going to go fuck my baby mama,” before his manager could get another word out he hung up the phone. 
“daddy said a bad word!”
“...don’t tell your mom and I’ll bring you to the studio with me.”
you wobbled into your apartment with a sheepish grin. it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulder tonight. it’s been a while since you went to the club and got so drunk that the world became a blur. you were slowly regaining memories of what happened that night and you couldn’t help but cringe knowing you would regret some of them in the morning. your phone died on your way home after you reposted Sasha’s story so you were oblivious to the buzz you had created.
when you went to unlock your door you found out that it was already open. you raised your brow but you brushed it off thinking you must’ve forgotten to lock it in your rush to leave the house. you knew the security for your building was tight, it was the main thing you were looking for when you were buying your apartment. it was a necessity since Duke was the son of a successful rapper. 
when you and Eren had split you bought yourself a nice little two-bedroom apartment deep in the city. Eren offered to pay for it but you immediately declined, you didn’t want anything else of yours to get attached to him. during your relationship you saved up a lot of money since Eren had always offered to buy you whatever you wanted and spoiled you rotten just like he was doing with Duke. he fueled your shopping addiction only wanting his girlfriend to have the best of the best.
you had a little side hustle as an occasional hairstylist and nail artist for your friends and family with the occasional new client. Eren told you time and time again you didn’t need to work and that he would take care of everything. but you liked having your own source of income it made you feel independent plus you enjoyed your job.
being able to close on your dream apartment was a dream come true and it left you feeling satisfied. you loved how everything was within walking distance, there was a daycare down the street along with an elementary school for when Duke got older. there was a grocery store right around the corner with a few outlets and public transit ran just outside the building, it was perfect for a single mother like you. 
“thought we were doing good with this co-parenting shit mama?” the second you opened the door you were greeted by a voice you knew better than your own. goosebumps covered your arms, ‘why is he here’ you thought.
“Eren?” you called out into the dark apartment. you felt the wall closest to the door for the switch and turned the light on. and there he was, Eren, your famous baby daddy. he turned his head to look at you from where he was seated on the couch. his eyes were extremely low, watching your every move. “are you ok? where's Duke?”
“with your mom,” Eren was having such a pleasant high, he felt so relaxed and calm in the dark room. he didn’t have the TV on and was just staring at the black screen. but the second the room lit up and you walked through the door with that tiny see-through dress on it dispersed. he narrowed his eyes down at you and you could tell you had just blown his high. his anger simmering underneath his calm demeanour. 
“how’d you even get in?” you never gave Eren the key to your apartment. having already been split and you always dropped Duke off at his place there was no reason for him to have one.
“front desk gave me a key after I flashed a couple of stacks,” he replied nonchalantly, like it wasn’t a crime on both parts. you rolled your eyes, this was how Eren fixed all his problems, with money. you get that when he was growing up it was something he didn’t have but now that he had it was like all he knew how to do was throw it at people to make his problems disappear.
“well if Duke isn’t here then there’s no reason for you to be,” you don’t know what you did to warrant this visit but you didn’t want to be in his presence any longer. you liked to keep your contact with Eren as minimal as possible. plus you didn’t have the energy to deal with him tonight, you were tired. hoping he would get the hint it was time to leave you walked away and headed towards your bedroom, “please see yourself out. we can talk another day.”
“nah, 'cause it’s “fuck Eren” right?” he got up from the couch and followed you down the hall and into your room. the wooden floor creaking under his weight. you didn’t have to turn around to know he was towering over you, you could feel him breathing down your neck. you tried to move away from him but he gripped your waist with a firm grip underneath and pulled you against him. “you must’ve gone crazy going so long with my dick huh? that must be it, acting like you lost your damn mind.”
“Eren!” you pulled away to look back at him in shock. “what are you even talking about?”
“don’t play dumb with me mama, your ass is all over the shade room talking about “fuck my baby daddy” ” he took his phone out of his pocket to show you their newest post. it was a screenshot of a video but it was clearly you, it was the same outfit and hairstyle you had on right now. you swiped the image on his phone in disbelief and the video played, “fuck Eren! fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy!”
“oh my gosh! Eren, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I was drunk and got carried away,” you looked up at him from the phone. you could tell he was pissed, his eyes darkened after hearing what you said in the video for the hundredth time. you were horrified, you didn’t mean to air out your personal problems and make Eren seem like a bad father. you knew how the public blew things out of proportion.
“they say drunk words are sober thoughts,” Eren stated, shrugging his shoulders. “I know Duke be stressing you out ma, let me fix it,” he stared down at you with a little smirk. he licked his lips, obviously checking you out. it's been a while since he's seen your body exposed, you always show up to drop Duke off in oversized sweaters and shirts. just looking at you like this made his dick hard, “plus you owe me an apology.”
that’s how you found yourself face down ass up in your bedroom with the man you’d never thought would step foot in your new apartment. Eren was behind you standing at the edge of the bed, his black and grey nike tech sweater was thrown somewhere in your room leaving him in a white wife beater and his golden cuban link chain. his grey sweats were down so that just his dick was out.
“mm fuck Eren! please,” you cried out. no matter how deeply you arched or angled your hips you couldn’t get him to reach where you needed him the most. he knew that but he loved watching you struggle and the way your brown cheeks jiggled after coming into contact with his pelvis. you were a sight to see, one that he deeply missed.
“you can do better than that mama,” he raised his pierced brow watching you. Eren stood completely still behind you, you had your face buried in the sheets as you attempted to throw it back on him. you were still dressed in your mesh dress but he ripped your thong off. “I saw you in that video. you were shaking that shit so c’mon, fuck me back ma.”
your makeup was staining your sheets but you could care less right now. the feeling of Eren stretching out your practically virginal walls was dumbfounding. he didn’t bother to stretch you out believing that your body was already moulded to his shape. but it’s been about two years since you last had sex. your tight walls were struggling to accommodate his humongous size.
“ ’m trying,” the lack of stimulation on your sweet spots had you in tears. the stretch was pleasurable but it wasn’t enough, paired with the shallow thrusts. you so desperately craved more so you reached in between your legs to play with your clit. Eren groaned at the sight of you touching yourself, not to mention you began to clench around him. 
“damn ma, now that’s what I’m talking about,” Eren gave your ass a harsh slap. you let out a little whine as you lost your rhythm because of it. but you soon found it again. your wetness was soaking his dick and you were basically twerking on his dick. Eren loved every second of it. 
he took one of your ass cheeks and pulled it to the side with his tattooed hand, he watched himself go in and out of your brown folds. feeling the unsteady approach of his orgasm watching as you struggled to fuck yourself on him he decided to finally grant you mercy. he languidly began to thrust into you. “go ahead and nut on this dick mama.”
 “o-okay” you stuttered out. you struggled to concentrate on stimulating your sensitive clit while bouncing back to meet Eren’s lazy thrusts. your fingers were covered in your own wetness while you rubbed little circles on your bud. each loop paired with the tip of his dick pressing against that spongy spot inside you brought you ever closer to your climax. “ ‘m so close!”
“let it out for me baby,” the pace became erratic, you guys’ release at its peak. sometimes his dick collided straight into your soft spot and sometimes it completely missed. but the feeling of him pummeling in and out of you had you convulsing around his dick. “keep squeezing around me like that and I'll put another baby in you, fuck.”
you let out broken whines as you struggled to continuously stimulate your bud. you were soaking wet that your fingers slipped around. “‘ren! ren!” you chanted, reaching out toward him with your slick-covered hand. Eren grabbed it and put it in his mouth. groaning deeply as he licked and sucked on your coated digits.
“don’t worry mama, I got you. let it out for me,” Eren leaned over your arched form and whispered in your ear. his husky sending shivers down your spine as he talked you through it. you listened to him feeling the wave of pleasure overwhelm you, the sensation in your stomach bursting.
“f-fuck, fuck!”
“shit,” when he felt himself about to burst he pulled out of your pussy's compelling grasp. he watched the lewd scene in front of him and used it to jerk off. he groaned out stroking his soaking dick. your pussy hole remained gaping after he pulled out and your liquids were spilling on your sheets. after a few strokes, he released all over your back onto your mesh dress staining it.
you plopped down onto your empty bed exhausted. the room filled with the sound of laboured breathing as you guys tried to catch your breath. the sound of Eren shuffling around could be heard soon after. your heart ached at the thought of him leaving you so soon but you closed your eyes, ‘it’s for the better’ you thought. you wanted a few moments of rest before you went to wash up.
but Eren wasn’t finished yet, he was shedding the remaining articles of his clothing leaving him naked. your eyes opened feeling the bed dip under the extra weight. before you could protest, Eren had already climbed on top of you, grabbing your legs and having them pushed over your head, “we’re not finished yet.”
this time Eren took the lead, he had ripped off your dress leaving you completely naked and exposed to his eyes. he had you folded over like a pretzel leaving you open for him. your legs were bent so far over your head you could see the top of your pussy and watch as Eren thrusted in and out of your overstimulated hole from above. the pleasure made you want to slither away but Eren’s strong hold kept you still.
“E-eren!” you were losing your mind from the stimulation. “too much! it’s too much!” you cried out. you reached out to push against his rock-hard abdomen. you didn’t want him to stop, not when you were so close to your second orgasm of the night but it was too much. he was being so rough with you. you didn’t think you had it in you after motherhood to be manhandled like this.
“nah, you can take it. you’re a big girl now, dissing me at the club with your friends. be glad I’m even fucking you since I’m such a “bad baby daddy.” Eren mocked you from above. he didn’t even flinch as you tried to push him away. he smiled down at you watching how easily you got fucked out. moans were no longer coming out your mouth, more like strangled sobs and whines that were being forced out after each deep thrust of his. the head of his dick battering your insides and abusing your soft spot left you tremoring underneath him.
“imsorryimsorry,” you babbled out. your mascara and eyeliner were running down your cheeks and your lipstick was smothered but you couldn’t look any prettier to Eren. he enjoyed watching as your tits bounce around. he brought his forest green eyes back up to you watching as you bit your quivering lip.
“how’d that song go again?” Eren sarcastically asked. with the number of times he replayed that video he had the lyrics, beat and rhythm all memorized. “something like this right?” pap! pap! pap! Eren changed the rhythm of his thrusts, the sound of his balls clapping against your ass and the squelching sounds of your pussy mimicked the bow bow bow of the song. he angled each thrust to deliver a particularly harsh hit to your g-spot.
without warning an intense feeling of pleasure erupted in your stomach. “imcuming!” you cried out. you could feel a liquid flow out from your pussy, completely drenching Eren’s dick. he quickly pulled out to watch you squirt, a sight he immensely missed. the translucent liquid gushed out of your hole soaking the sheets as well.
“you said fuck your baby who?” Eren smiled down at your fucked out face. you couldn’t even answer him with the overwhelming pleasure rendering all of your senses useless. your head was thrown back and your face furrowed, coming down from the high of your intense orgasm. “oh aight.”
I think I got a bit carried away🤭
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borathae · 7 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #47 - Quiet]
"When you and Jungkook have to be quiet because you are at his parents' house."
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: toothrotting fluff, so much domestic loveliness, they're so married y'all, they're so annoying <3, sharing of his small childhood bed, a very mild fight about how little space they have (it's more marital bickering), naked cuddling, Koo gets horny from it, switch!Kook, switch!reader, he is so hot besties, like he such a safe Dom omfg, also a total cutie once he gets subby, good girl kink, good boy kink, having to stay quiet, making out, needy touches, nipple & breast sucking, nipple play, finger sucking, gentle choking (m.receiving), Koo has sensitive nipples, hair pulling, oral (f.receiving), pussy fingering, tiny spit kink, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), he treats her so well after making her cum with his mouth, the smallest strength kink, cowgirl position where he is sitting, loving dirty talk, he cries cause he loves her so much!, he keeps that he loves her as she rides him <3, creampies, some cute lil mess ups during sex <3, sweet aftercare, this is so wholesome and hot and cute, they're in love :(
Wordcount: 9.2k
a/n: this is inspired by anonie's idea 🧡 i'm so fucking obsessed with this couple and most importantly, with this Kook. you guys have no idea how much FUN i always have when i write for them :8 he is such a cutie and i need my future husband to be like him istfg have fun besties ily 🧡
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You and Jungkook normally book a hotel room close by when you visit his parents. It is easier and more comfortable that way. However, this time around, the visit was quite spontaneous and your go-to-hotel was fully booked. 
“No worries, you can stay with us”, his father assured you on the phone before calling over his wife to talk as well.
“Just tell us what you’ll eat for breakfast and I’ll pop right down to the store to get it”, she instantly said and then proceeded to ask if you and Jungkook were eating enough (you assured her that you were).
And so you agreed. Just a little shy about it, you agreed.
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Jungkook’s childhood home was small yet homely. It was located at the border of where country life meets suburban life. A grocery store, drugstore and hardware store were close by, as well as the hotel you always stay at. The roads were well taken care of, but were never busy enough to be of annoyance volume-wise. The neighbours were also very nice and welcoming. The house had a good garden surrounding it and a shed his father uses as his man cave where he always works on his cars and bikes. There was only one floor and Jungkook’s bedroom was closest to the bathroom and office. His parents’ bedroom was on the opposite side of the hallway two doors down. 
They welcomed you with loud voices and happy smiles, taking their son into their arms as tightly as they could. 
They weren’t good parents when he was young, but you can see that they are really trying these days. You like that. He might not have had parents in his childhood, but at least in his adulthood he can.
They even sat down with him and apologised, which not many parents ever do. You know that it meant the world to Jungkook even if he always pretended that he didn't need his parents. Deep down, everyone needs their parents. So to know that your Jungkookie could hear the apology he needed and witness their growth really means the world to you. He deserves it, your love.
Like always, his mother drags you inside for food after hugging you as well. She chats and babbles excitedly, holding you and Jungkook by your arms. She is walking with a skip in her steps, looking oh so happy to have you with them. His father follows with the suitcases.
You left Bam with your parents for the weekend because the drive would have been too long for him. He will be happy and well taken care of, so you don’t worry too much. 
Not that this stops his parents from asking for all the updates and pictures. For the majority of dinner, you have to tell them everything about Bam with pictures included of course. It meant a lot to you because Bam feels like your baby to you. 
One thing you really like about his parents (and yours) is how they never pressured you to have children. They asked of course and tried to change your minds a few times, but when they finally realised that you and Jungkook truly don’t want to have children, they accepted it without any sort of retaliation. These days, they treat Bam like their grandson, cooing about your little fur baby as if it was your real son. 
The hours after dinner are spent taking walks in the nearby forest and exchanging life stories and laughter. After the walk, Jungkook’s dad kidnaps him to the shed so they could tinker on bikes together, while his mother asks if you wanted to knit. You agreed and so you sat on the back porch in your rocking chairs as you each knitted something for your husbands. 
The sun has already set when Jungkook and his dad join you as well. 
“What are you making?” Jungkook asks, caressing the crown of your head.
“I don’t know. I tried making a bunny, but it looks like roadkill. It’s supposed to be for you, but it’s ugly. Sorry.”
Jungkook laughs, leaning down to peck your cheek.
“It’s not ugly. It’s unique. Thank you, my love”, he says and looks at his mom, “what are you making, eomma?” 
“Just a scarf for appa. He is always cold in winter.” 
“I am. It’s because winter is cold.” 
She laughs. He grins. 
He looks a little like Jungkook when he grins like that. It kind of makes sense that Jungkook is always trying to make you laugh. He must have learned from his father, because that man constantly tries to crack jokes to get his wife to laugh. It works most of the times. 
“Oh jagi, you are too silly”, she says and stands up, “is it time for the bath already?” 
“It is. Do you want wine?” 
“Yes, that would be wonderful.”
They are conversing as they leave for inside. Apparently his parents share baths most nights. 
Jungkook sits down on his mother’s rocking chair, running his eyes over the view. 
“Did you have a good time with your dad?”
“Yeah. I did.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Did you have a good time with eomma too?” 
Jungkook grew up bilingual. So he told you very early in your relationship and that he is fluent in both languages, just as his parents are. When Jungkook is alone with his parents, he speaks Korean with them. When you are with them as well, they switch into your shared language so you wouldn’t feel left out. Small phrases and words still transcend languages however. You think that it is wonderful. 
“I did have fun yeah. Except for my roadkill bunny.”
Jungkook laughs, “it doesn’t even look that bad. I don’t know what you’re on about.” 
“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, knitting’s hard.” 
“Yeah, I never figured it out. Stuff’s too complicated”, Jungkook says and sighs deeply, sinking deeper into the chair, “yeah, that’s the good life. Crickets, a chilly night, the smell of hay and my beautiful wifey by my side.” 
“You’re so sweet.” 
“Mhm”, he hums, “wanna have a beer?” 
“No thank you. I’m not in the mood for alcohol.”
“Okay, yeah I’m not taking one either then.”
“You can if you want to. I’m not stopping you.”
“No, no I’m good. I only would have taken one if you did. But it’s good, I’ve got everything I need right now”, he says and stretches his legs out.
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You and Jungkook stay outside until it is time to say goodnight. His parents are in their bedroom watching telly when you and Jungkook officially go back inside.
Jungkook knocks on their doorframe. 
They look at him and you standing in the door.
“We’re gonna go to sleep now. Good night, eomma and appa”, Jungkook says.
“Good night, my son”, his father says.
“Sleep tight, my boy”, his mother says, “and you too, my daughter.”
“Thank you, sleep tight eomma and appa”, you say to which his father tells you to have a good night.
“I’m closing your door already, yeah?” Jungkook says.
“Thank you.”
The door closes with a soft click. Jungkook looks at you and smiles, placing his arm around your waist so he can pull you in for a temple kiss. 
“It means a lot that you call them like this.”
“You’re sweet, my love”, you say and lean into him.
“I’m serious. I don’t have a lot of connection to my parents’ heritage, but it’s the little stuff like calling them eomma and appa or sharing traditional food which means a lot to me. I feel really loved by you when you participate as well.”
You smile, stealing a kiss.
“I love you, you know?” 
“I love you too”, Jungkook says and kisses your cheek, “also, I’m calling dips on the bathroom. Bye”, he says quickly and runs off. 
“Hey, not cool. I wasn’t ready”, you call after him, but he merely snickers and disappears in the bathroom. 
You wait in the living room for him to finish, watching some random show on the telly. It’s a stupid show, but still entertaining. You even find yourself snickering at some parts. 
“Sweetie, the bathroom’s free now”, Jungkook announces himself once he finished his night routine. He is currently walking to the water dispenser on the kitchen counter for a glass of water. 
“Nice. Finally”, you say, turning off the show to hurry to the bathroom as well.
He left the door closed so you would have it toasty. He really loves you, doesn’t he? He hates leaving the door closed because of potential mould, but for you he did. You would marry this man again and again if it was legally possible.
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He isn’t in the living room once you finish your night routine and his closed bedroom door lets you know that he is already cozied up there.
After getting yourself a glass of water as well, you go to the bedroom.
You close the door and lock it. Jungkook is looking at you over the brim of his glasses, cocking his brow up in question.
“I feel better like this. At least we have a little bit of privacy this way”, you explain. 
He nods in acknowledgement and looks back into his phone. 
You love how the bedside lamp illuminates his features. He is such a beautiful person. 
“You’re so handsome, my sweetheart”, you tell him, watching in delight as his face lights up.
“Thanks yeah”, he murmurs, wiggling his feet under the blanket. 
Now feeling good, you make your way to his childhood bed. This weekend is going to be very interesting. Because it is a bed once meant to house a small preteen Jungkook, it is sized accordingly. It is going to be very interesting to share it now that you were both grown adults. You can already feel all his sleep flinching and your sleep twitches annoying the shit out of the other. 
You climb over Jungkook. He lifts his arms and watches you with confusion as you scramble over his lap. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I want the wall side”, you say and grunt as you try to wiggle yourself into the small gap.
Jungkook scoots over a little. Groggily if one may add that little fact.
“Yeah sure, so you can kick me out of bed in your sleep”, he complains.
“I’m not gonna kick you out. I’m a plank once I sleep, you know that.” 
“No you’re not. You twitch and kick your feet.”
“Only sometimes.”
“Still. Hey, stop that. You already have enough space. I only have a third left now. That’s unfair.” 
“Lies. We’re equal”, you throw back and flip to your side so you are facing him. Your back is squished against the wall. It feels cold even through your pyjamas. You don’t mind because his room is very hot and his blanket very thick. 
“Tch, whatever”, Jungkook murmurs and looks back into his phone. He looks a little annoyed, but won’t act on it. 
But because you were feeling like a little shit, you want to annoy him more. You poke your finger into his side.
He writhes away, pressing out a quiet “stop that.”
You do it again.
“Stop”, he whines loudly.
One last time.
Jungkook drops the phone in the blanket and looks at you.
“Stop it”, his voice is raised in pitch, his lips pouty, “it hurts, don’t do that.”
“It hurts, really?” you snicker.
“Yeah, it’s uncomfy”, he mumbles, rubbing the spot you poked.
One more time. 
“Stop it”, he grabs your wrist gently, “why are you being so annoying? Stop it.” 
You break into giggles, gazing up at him.
“No, don’t laugh. You’re not funny right now.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry. You looked pokeable.”
“I’m gonna poke you if you do it again”, he murmurs and picks up his phone. 
You touch his waist.
“___”, he whines, sagging his shoulders in defeat.
“I wasn’t tryna to do something. I just wanted to caress you”, you whine as well and rub his side softly, “like this.” 
“Yeah good. Don’t do the other thing again”, he says and relaxes. 
You won’t do it again. Being an annoying little shit is only this fun before it turns into being a bad spouse. You don’t want him to lose trust in you or feel uncomfortable. So you keep rubbing his side as he scrolls on his phone. Soon, you also incorporate his stomach, drawing little circles with your palm and fingertips. 
“What are you looking at?” you ask him. 
Jungkook flips the phone so you could see it.
“Just funny videos. That one’s not funny, but look at that”, he switches to his likes and shows you a video of two cats fighting. There are speech bubbles appearing on screen as if the cats were talking to each other. They contain silly and funny one liners which are exactly Jungkook’s humour.
He is snickering and laughing as he shows you the video, pointing out the funniest parts by going “and now look at this” before following it up with a laugh. 
You have to laugh right with him. Soon you find yourself resting your head on his chest with his arm around you and his fingers scratching your scalp mindlessly as you both look into his phone to watch funny videos. He shows you his likes and together you snicker, laugh at silly stuff or gush over talented people. 
You share quality time like this until you both are starting to get sleepy. 
“I think I’m gonna pass out now”, you tell him, kissing his chest, “sleep tight, baby.”
“I’m gonna pass out too. The drive really fucked with me”, Jungkook says and places his phone and glasses on the bedside table. He turns off the lamp, then rolls to his side so he could spoon you. 
You snuggle back into him, intertwining hands with him. 
“It was really exhausting”, you agree, “this is nice by the way. Really snuggly.”
“Mhm yeah, so snuggly”, Jungkook agrees. 
This is however, when the interesting part starts to happen. The cuddling is so nice and romantic at first. To be so close and cuddle is wonderful, but then your bodies begin heating up to uncomfortable levels and you can’t do your routine of breaking apart for sleep and the cuddling becomes one annoying thing. Bickering begins. You tell him to move back, while he insists that you could scoot closer to the wall. Jungkook is annoyed about his ass feeling the edge of the mattress and you are annoyed about his hot body boiling yours. Your knees are also hurting in the current position and you can’t move them because there is no space. 
“I wanna move. Can you scoot back?” you ask him. 
“I can’t, my love. I told you already. I’m literally hanging off the edge already”, Jungkook answers you with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Let’s just-”, you wiggle until Jungkook has no choice but to scoot back, “do that. That’s better.” 
“No it’s not. I have no space on here”, Jungkook says and scoots closer. His nose is all up in the nape of your neck this way. He is burning you alive. He is so hot, it’s insane. 
“God Kook, you’re literally breathing into my fucking spine. Can you not?” you hiss just a little snappishly.
“Excuse me? I need to breathe. You’re all in my face with your stupid pyjama collar. What should I say?” he throws back and flips it with his fingers 
“Hey, don’t touch it.” 
“Oh my god, I’m not even doing anything”, he says and moves just a little which ends in you accidentally knocking into the wall.
“Kook, stop that.”
“What did I do now?”
“You kicked me into the wall.”
“You wanted the wall side. I’m literally just moving, oh my god, I didn’t kick you.”
“Yeah you did. You went like this.”
“Hey, don’t kick me”, he says and pokes your side.
“Hey! Stop that”, you flip onto your side instantly, facing him this way.
Your breaths intermingle. Your noses brush against the other, ripping both of you back to reality enough that you just kind of freeze. The silence exists while you and Jungkook stare at where the other is hidden in darkness. 
Suddenly you feel his sigh on your face.
“What are we doing? Why are we fighting?” he asks in a soft spoken voice. 
“I don’t know”, you speak softly as well, “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. Let’s not fight anymore.”
“Yeah, let’s not fight”, you say and touch his chest, “sorry again.”
“Sorry too.” 
“I think I’m so irritated because it’s so hot, I’m literally dying.”
“Same. Fuck, the blanket’s grilling me and my clothes are the devil”, he says and sits up to undress.
“Are you getting naked?” 
“Yeah, I can’t do clothes. Seriously.”
“Actually, that’s a good idea. I’m stealing it”, you say and sit up to get naked as well. 
You and he throw your clothes onto the floor, getting under the blanket again once naked.
“I’m keeping my ass out tough”, Jungkook says 
“Really? Aren’t you scared that something’s gonna poke your hole?”
“Why would something poke my hole randomly?” he is snickering.
“I don’t know. You never know, sleep paralysis demons maybe.”
“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.”
You slap his chest softly. 
“That’s not funny.”
“Why not?” he is snickering.
“Cause I don’t want you fucking demons.”
“Not even if you could watch? Imagine waking up to me getting railed by a sexy, hot demon.”
“You’re not funny”, you murmur and huff out air.
“Are you jealous?” 
“Aww sweetie, don’t be. It’s just my sleep paralysis demon.”
“God, I regret this stupid joke. Whatever, good night I guess”, you say and turn your back to him.
Jungkook touches your waist instantly, whispering your name.
“Don’t be jealous. You’re the only one I want poking my hole.” 
You snort. He chuckles.
“Yeah good, whatever I guess.”
Jungkook trails soft kisses up your spine until he can kiss your shoulder. His arm is over your waist again.
“You know that you’re the only one, don’t you?” he whispers.
“Yeah, I do. Still, thank you for saying that”, you say. 
Now reassured that you aren’t feeling insecure anymore, Jungkook relaxes into the pillow. His chest is pressed into your back, your butt is snug with his crotch. 
“Can you feel my dick like this?”
“I can yeah.”
“Okay, good to know.”
You chuckle, “you’re a goof.” 
Silence overcomes you and him afterwards. Sharing the small bed doesn’t feel awful anymore. Truly, getting naked took a lot of that heat away. Quite frankly, now you are glad that he is keeping you warm because the room finally feels chilly. 
You could fall asleep like this and you probably would have if Jungkook hadn’t called your attention again.
“Are you still awake?” 
“Yeah, I guess. It’s only been a few.”
“Right yeah. Hey uhm”, he dances his hand over your waist and hip. You know exactly what this touch means, “I’m a little horny.”
“I know, your touch says enough.”
He kneads your thigh.
“Yeah well, you’re naked and soft, so yeah.”
“And we’re in the smallest bed ever.”
“I’ll be careful.”
“Quiet too?” 
Jungkook doesn’t have an answer instantly and so you flip to your other side so you were facing him. You run your fingers up and down his pecs, drawing circles around his pierced nipples.
He shivers and shudders like crazy, sighing the softest moan.
“Mhm? Are you gonna manage to be quiet?” you stress.
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because I know you. You’re a whiny baby when my wet, soft pussy fucks your cock just right.”
“___, jesus fuck”, he gets out and squirms, pressing his legs together, “don’t say that, I’m gonna leak on the sheets.”
You chuckle, “I’m just stating the obvious. You’re not gonna be able to be quiet. Sorry Kookie, but because of this I can’t give you what you want.”
You flip to your other side, grinning to yourself when Jungkook grabs your hip desperately. 
“___ baby…please”, he begs in a breathy voice and his thumb drawing swirls on your skin.   
If you were being honest, you had been feeling a little horny yourself before Jungkook confessed. You are very down to mingle, but getting him to beg some more is way too much fun not to do it. He is so delicious when he is desperate. 
“Sorry, the risk is too high.”
Jungkook lets out a dramatic little sob, following it up with a whiney “pleaseee” and his cheek rubbing against your shoulder. He is such a cutie. 
“You can’t sway me. My decision is final”, you coo, grinning to yourself. 
“Please, baby. I’ll be so, so quiet”, he pleads and begins kissing your neck. 
It tingles, sending electricity to your core. You press into him, parting your lips in a silent gasp. 
“Please baby, please I’ll be quiet”, Jungkook begs between kisses, upping the game by cradling your right breast in his strong hand. He kneads and massages it gently, rubbing his thumb over your nipple every chance he gets. 
“Behave, Kook”, you sigh. 
Jungkook purrs quietly, flicking his tongue over the piercings on your ear. He makes sure that it brushes your skin as well so you could feel the tongue he could put to good use. 
“Please? I’ve been such a good boy today.”
A fond smile curls your lips.
“Have you?” 
“Yeah, so good. Such a good boy. I filled up the gas for you when you went to pee, remember?” 
“Mhm, I do remember.”
“And I let you squeeze my butt at the red light.” 
“You did let me, yeah.”
“I was a good boy, please”, he begs and gives your nipple an especially good massage, “please can I have a reward, please?” 
“Fine, fuck you’re too good”, you give up because you can’t deny him when he is hitting you with The Good Boy. He is too powerful and the goodest boy. You couldn’t possibly deny him.
“Thank you, god I’m gonna fuck you so good”, Jungkook says and rolls you to your back as best as the small bed allows. 
His tits are pressing into your arm like this. Fuck, they are so huge. All this working out he is doing really pays off because his tits are gorgeous. 
Jungkook pecks your lips before paying attention to your jawline instead. He runs his tattooed hand all over your torso and legs, reminding your skin why his touch will always be the best. 
You enjoy the attention with closed eyes and your fingers feeling up his tits as best as possible. So squishy and soft when relaxed, but so hard and strong when flexed. Fuck, he could smother you with them and you would thank him. 
“You really want this, don’t you? I’m not forcing you?” he makes sure in a whisper and his gentle fingers caressing your waist.
“Yes Kook, I want this. Just wanted to make you work for it.”
“Wah baby, so mean” he gasps.
You snicker.
“No, don’t laugh. Do you have any idea how awful blue balls are? I was fighting for my life and you were just being a tease? Wah so mean.”
You giggle, hooking your fingers behind his neck.
“I wasn’t being mean.”
“Yeah, you were. God, come here you”, he says and begins nibbling on your jawline, “I’ll eat you up, you tease.” 
You laugh and squeak, scrunching your face in happiness. It tickles, but in a good way. A tingly way. 
Jungkook hums, smiling against your skin. He loves hearing you laugh. 
“Such a tease. My baby’s such a fucking tease”, he purrs, moving his lips to the most sensitive part of your neck while his tattooed, strong hand feels up your waist and hips. 
You sigh, melting in his hands. You are still hot, but it feels nice. He is getting you all heated up and bothered. You love being like this because of him, breathing heavier because it is so exciting. 
“Mhm? You’re a fucking tease. Making me beg and driving me crazy that way. Fuck”, he moans softly, squeezing your thigh. He slides his hand to your inner thigh afterwards, sending electricity through your veins. 
You open your legs further, feeling heat pool where you need him most. 
“I’m gonna eat you up”, he rasps and takes your earlobe between his teeth to tug on it gently.
“Kook, fuck”, you get out breathily, arching your back. 
“And out”, he whispers, “get it? Gonna eat you up and out.”
“That’s not funny”, you whine, but laugh.
“Yeah it is, you’re laughing”, he snickers.
“Cause you’re silly, you goof.”
He smiles and kisses your cheek, pressing himself closer until his semi hard cock rubs against the side of your leg. He humps it slowly, feeling up your inner thighs with more vigor. 
“I need you so bad, babygirl. I need you so fucking bad.” 
“Take me. Please”, you beg in a sigh, feeling excitement leak out of you. You are aching. You need him to act soon or else you are going to be the one not staying quiet. 
Jungkook presses a kiss to your cheek and whispers a needy curse, before finally breaking away from you to disappear under the blanket.
You feel him grab your hips and fix your position, opening your legs willingly. His head is hidden under the blanket, his strong hands hold your hips. His lips kiss down your inner thighs.
“My babygirl, my fucking queen, my everything”, he whispers and finally, fucking finally, you feel his wet, hot tongue against your pussy.
“Kook”, you get out at a normal volume before you remember where you are, “shit, sorry.” 
“Ssh quiet, baby”, he is teasing, smiling against you, “you gotta be quiet.”
“Fuck…” you croak and throw your arm over your eyes, “ah, fuck. God, Kook.”
Jungkook chuckles, burying his mouth back in your pussy again to lap up the sweetness you offer him gladly. He purrs and hums, making it even harder for you to stay quiet. 
But this is his plan. You want to tease him for being loud? You dare to call him a whiny baby? He is going to show you how easily he can make you struggle with your volume. The only whiney baby is going to be you and he is going to fucking make you shake on his tongue. 
“You’ve got the best pussy”, he says and slurps deliciously, “the fucking best. You’re so sweet, so fucking sweet”, he adds between his hungry slurping. He rests two of his fingers against your pussy, wetting them with eager licks as he worships your clit. Once his digits are wet and slickened, he pushes them inside, forcing shakes through your legs. 
“Hmhmn”, you let out, trying so so hard to keep your mouth shut. It’s difficult. His fingers are your ruin.
He has the longest fingers ever. You always forget how long they are until you have them inside you to his knuckles with your body feeling as if it is being consumed by electric flames. 
“Kook”, you croak, arching your back as your fingers close around a bundle of his hair. 
Jungkook purrs against you, flicking his tongue over your clit messily while his long digits fuck your puffy hole. Your walls are throbbing around him, your g-spot is swelling more and more. Jungkook fucks it out of hiding with how good he fingers your pretty pussy. Good. That’s what he wants. He needs you blissed out.
“Like it? You’re shaking”, he lulls against your clit, licking her eagerly afterwards.
“Like it”, you mewl, wiggling on the sheets before deciding to arch your back again.
“Mhhhm baby”, he lets you really feel his purr, taking your clit between his lips to give her a good, long suck. And as he sucks on your bundle of nerves, he drags his slickened tongue over it in languid, long strokes. He is making the slowest love to your clit, while his long fingers fuck your pussy as if anger motivated them. 
The contrast is sending you into a frenzy. Out of all the places he could pick to give you the hottest head ever, he chooses his childhood bed. Where you can’t be loud, where you can’t chant his name and where the biggest torture is how you have to hold back. He is driving you fucking mad. 
You mewl and keen, sounding so obviously pained by how quiet you have to be. 
Jungkook breaks away from your clit with a nasty slurp, reappearing from the blanket as he sits up just a little. He has a plan and he needs to sit for it. He turns his hand palm-way up and begins drilling his digits into you quickly, keeping his fingers curled so they would stroke your sensitive spot every single fucking pump. 
“Koo-” you throw your hand over your mouth, whimpering into it loudly as your legs shake out of control.
Your pussy sounds so wet. The fuck is so rough in the best way. 
“That’s good, isn’t it?” he taunts, staring into the darkness with blown out pupils. He can feel you shake and squirm. He just knows you are covering your own mouth. 
“Mhh mhmh ngmh.” 
“Yeah it’s good. Keep staying quiet, baby”, he teases and spits on your pussy. He slips his other hand to it so he could rub your clit with his spit as sinful lube. Quick and skilled. The shakes course through your entire body, he has you fucking burning up.
“Mhm! Ahmgm!” you scream with a closed mouth, arching off the mattress so aggressively his entire bed croaks in protest. 
You drop in embarrassment, dragging your hand from your mouth.
“Please stop”, you beg squeakily, grasping his wrist to try and stop him. You can’t, destined to tremble uncontrollably as he ruins you with just his fingers.
“No, too hard…stay…quiet pl-please.”
“Who’s the whiny baby now, mhm?” 
Your mind scrambles, your legs shake. Fuck, you’re leaking like a fucking faucet on his fingers. He is so mean. It’s getting you off so well. 
“You’re so mean”, you mewl and throw your hand over your mouth again to muffle your needy moans. 
“The fucking meanest”, Jungkook hisses and lowers his head to your pussy to lick your clit as quickly as his skilled tongue can go. He keeps you spread apart with his fingers so he can reach the best parts. All while he still drills your pussy as if she had a debt to pay. 
You grab his hair and twist. Jungkook growls from the tug, furrowing his brows. 
“Koo-” is all you get out and then you have to press your hand to your mouth. No more arm over your eyes, you need to silence yourself because Jungkook is making you climax as if you never climaxed before and you could fucking scream.
Jungkook moans into your pussy, keeping his fingers deep inside and moving as you cum all over his pretty face. He had a feeling that your hair grab meant he is making you lose control. Now that it’s his sweet reality, he is hellbent on making it the best fucking experience of your life. That most difficult one as well because he knows for a fact that you want to scream his name, but can’t. 
He is so painfully hard because of it. His pretty, perfect wife mewling so painfully tortured just because she can’t scream his name. Jungkook wants to change your life with this orgasm. Holy fuck, he is so into you.
“Stop please”, you soon beg, tugging at his hair in a way that lets him know you’ve had enough. 
Jungkook breaks away from your well fucked pussy, kissing his way up your torso. He makes sure to worship every inch of it, using his hands to give you soothing touches. That he spreads your mess this way, neither of you care about. 
He finds his home between your legs naturally. The leaky tip of his hard cock rubs over your pussy and lower tummy, but isn’t of importance for now. 
Jungkook lingers on your chest a little longer, massaging and kissing your breasts with soft moans at the back of his throat. He sucks and licks your nipples, while between your legs his cock is twitching oh so needily against your tummy.
Jungkook only moves on to worshiping your neck once your nipples are pulsating in sensitivity. 
“My good girl”, he whispers, following it up with kisses on each side of your neck. Even your throat he worships, going especially gentle because he knows it’s a vulnerable spot for you. 
“Koo”, you sigh, following it up with an exhausted huff of air. 
He kisses his way up to your face, adoring every inch of it while his fingers run along your hairline and ears. 
“My good, pretty girl”, he whispers sweetly, “how was that, babygirl?”
“Good”, you lull, melting in his safe hands.
“That’s good to hear”, he kisses your heated cheek.
“You were mean.”
He smiles against you, “I was?”
You nod your head, “I wanted to be quiet but you acted like that.”
Jungkook chuckles and kisses your lips mid-smile. He tugs on your lower lip gently, still smiling like a lovedrunk puppy. 
“I didn’t even do anything.”
“Yeah, you did. You acted like that on purpose.”
“Mhm”, another slow, obsessed kiss followed with a suck on your lower lip, “had a point to prove.” 
“Koo, you’re mean.”
“Mhm yeah”, he agrees and tongue kisses you slowly as his fingers caress your temples. He breaks the kiss with his tongue tracing your lips, “I love your pussy so much. You got me obsessed, babygirl.”
“Mhm Koo…” you mewl and squirm under him happily. 
Jungkook’s whispered curse swirls against your lips. You know its origin without needing to ask. His cock is so hard, rubbing against your stomach and your squirming made him aware of how unfucked he still is. 
“Do you want me to return the favour?” 
His cock twitches, his fingers close a little around your face.
“You wanna suck my cock?” his voice trembled as he asked, his lips nib on yours hungrily afterwards. 
“Suck your cock, lick your balls, eat your ass. You name it.”
He smiles against your lips, letting out a raspy chuckle.
“You’re gonna fucking kill me with your words one day. Fuck”, he bites your lower lip gently, “I’m fucking crazy for you. Can I just stick it in? Please?”
“Yeah, stick it in.” 
“I love you, thank you”, he says and reaches over to turn on the light.
You groan in the sudden brightness, squinting your eyes at him. His face is flushed, his pupils dilated, his dark hair messy. You feel yourself falling for him again and again.
“Is that okay for you? Wanna see my beautiful woman when I fuck her.”
“Aww Kook, you’re so sweet. Course it’s okay. Com’ere you.” 
“Okay wait, gotta go slow. The space is small”, Jungkook says and begins his grande adventure of fixing himself atop of you.
He manages after a few bumps against the wall with his elbows.
“Okay, okay I got it. Got it”, he says and places his hands on the pillow above your head. 
He meets your eyes and grins. You retort it.
You nod your head, running your hands down his torso so you could push his cock inside.
“Want you like crazy, babyboy”, you rasp.
“Babyboy?” he is stifling a laugh, tingling like crazy because you are dragging his tip through your wet folds. It feels crazy good. 
“Mh-hm, babyboy. Fits you ‘cause you’re cute.”
“I’m not cute.”
“Right. You’re so cool”, you are teasing him, stealing him of his whiney complaint by sinking his cock into you.
“Holy fuck, ___”, he drops his face into the crook of your neck and groans. Thankfully his lips are pressed to your skin because otherwise his noise would have echoed through the entire house. 
You grab his buttocks, moving his hips this way.
“Fuck, baby”, he moans, slamming his hand onto the headboard just to drag it down in desperation. Another loud groan tickles your neck, his fingers close around the crown of your head. His arms tense.
“Quiet baby, you’re being too loud”, you coo. 
“Quiet, yeah, quiet. Ah fuck, gotta be quiet urgh mhhmhm.” 
“That’s it. Gotta be quiet”, you sigh and do the unthinkable crime of sliding your fingers between his buttocks just to rub his hole. 
“Fu-”, Jungkook stops himself, sucking on your neck instead. He whimpers cutely as he does it, gripping the edge of the pillow. 
“See? Told you, someone gonna poke your hole tonight “
“Fuck, shut up just- why are you so calm? A-ah you have me ahm, ah, fucking ah oh god, can’t talk. Oh god”, he stutters and retorts to whimpering softly and panting for air. 
“You’re cute”, you snicker and sigh just for his hearing pleasure, “such a good boy too. Such a good boy” 
“Fuck, baby…”
He begins chasing you, speeding up because you’ve got him desperate. He thrusts into you harshly.
“Ah, ouchies my head.”
You open your eyes.
“What happened?” you gasp, sliding your hands to his hips.
“I banged my head on this stupid headboard”, he sits back on his heels and hits the headboard softly. He pouts, rubbing his aching head. He slipped out like this, but neither of you mind as his aching head is more important right now. 
“Oh god, are you okay?” you laugh, sitting up to cup his head and rub the spot he hit.
“No, I’m not. Hurts”, he mumbles, “stupid shit, ruined the entire flow. I was picking up such a good rhythm too. Stupid.”
“God, come here you”, you say and tilt his head so you could press a kiss to the sore spot, “did that help?” 
“Yeah, thanks”, he says with a little pout still present. 
You trace it with your thumb, gazing at him.
“I’ve got an idea. Switch with me real quick.”
“Trust me.” 
“I am. Okay fine, teamwork come on.”
You and he make it work. How it happened is a mystery of the universe, but you managed.
“And now?” he asks, sitting where you once sat.
“Now, lean back and relax”, you say and push at his strong chest until his back collides with the headboard.
You climb his lap and sink down on him. 
“Baby, oh god”, he croaks, looking up at you with droopy eyes. He places his hands on your hips, giving them a needy squeeze.
“There we go. Right where you’re supposed to be.”
You begin moving instantly, bouncing up and down on his cock with a swirl in your hips. Jungkook parts his lips in a silent moan, arching his back. You know that if you were in the privacy of your own home, he would be noisy as fuck right now. But the only thing noisy is your wet pussy getting stuffed with his perfect cock and his childhood bed croaking from the movement. 
“How’s that baby?” you ask him, feeling out of breath because it feels so good to ride him. His groin keeps grinding against your clit, his cock hits all the best spots.
“Fucking heaven…ah, god ah, baby don’t stop”, he sighs, parting his lips to let small moans escape. 
“It’s safer too. Can’t have my man bang his head again”, you say as you ruffle his hair with both hands.
He grins goofily, letting his head sort of droop as you completely turn him into puddy under you. 
You giggle and cradle his head against your chest, closing your eyes. He hugs you back, throbbing deep inside you. 
“You feel so good, oh god”, Jungkook moans into you, grasping you tightly.
“You too, my love…so good…you’ve got the best cock. Fucking love it so much.”
“Holy shit, please don’t stop. It’s so intense, ah god.”
“So good, baby. So good.” 
“I love you so much, oh god. Love you, lo-love you s-so much.”
“I love you too, Kookie.”
“I love you, ah ___, I love…love you.” 
“I love you too, baby. So much.” 
Jungkook is a romantic. It has always been that way and will always stay this way. He is a total, soft and proud romantic. You notice it in day to day life in the little things he does or says. And then, when the sex hits the right spot on his heart, it practically bursts out of him. It isn’t rare that your husband ends up chanting the breathiest, neediest confessions of love when you and he are connecting. Tonight seems to hit the right spot for him. He just can’t stop saying it. It spills out of him with each movement, filling your heart with so much love for him.
You hug him closer, slowing down your bounces until you are only rocking back and forth on him. 
Jungkook whimpers into your chest, lifting his head just so he can nuzzle into your neck. 
“I love you so much”, he breathes out, shuddering uncontrollably. 
“I love you too, baby.” 
“Oh god, this feels so good.” 
“Yeah, feels amazing”, you sigh, playing with his soft hair. 
You understand why it is getting to him. You are so close. Your chests are melted together, you can feel the other’s racing pulse, your skins share one warmth and your noses are filled with the other’s scent. You are so close and connected, feeling even more intertwined through the deep, slow movements of your hips.
Jungkook slides his hands under your buttocks and lifts you just enough that he can sit cross legged and deepen the connection even further. He hits his knee on the wall as he tries to change it, mumbling a low “ouch” into your shoulder.
“Did you just hit your knee?” 
“Yeah, there’s no space. Just ignore it, it’s fine”, he jokes, making you snicker just as he makes you moan because he sinks you back onto his cock.  
“Fuck, Kook.”
“We’re so close, it’s insane”, you croak and press him closer, rocking your hips back and forth needily. He is grinding against your clit, it feels so good. No words can describe how good he feels. 
“I know. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, baby.” 
Jungkook cradles you in his strong arms and sobs softly against your neck. 
“I love you…”
“I love you too…”
From what you have learned, Jungkook needs you to say it back every time when he is in that headspace. No matter how often, how many variations, how loud or quiet, you need to say it back otherwise he gets so, so sad. The three most wonderful words are so, so much more important to him when he is in this headspace and they are also, quite frankly, the hottest dirty talk you could give him. No other words, no matter how nasty and dirty, could get his cock as hard and leaky as your confession of love could get him in those moments. 
And oh how hard and leaky he is. How he is throbbing and twitching and filling you up. How his legs are shaking under you. 
You lift your head from his neck to breathe, using the moment to litter his shoulder with kisses. He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. He is yours, every inch of him, every birthmark and scar, every single inch of him is yours. Yours to love, to cherish, treat well and kiss. You could honestly eat him up. 
Now aware of your changed position, Jungkook lifts his head as well, meeting your eyes. He is making the biggest, sparkliest doe eyes at you, looking so so in love. 
“I love you”, he whispers shakily.
“I love you too”, you whisper back, cradling his cheeks, “mine, you’re all mine.”
“Yours, so yours” he agrees as the galaxies in his big brown eyes practically turn into countless little hearts.
“Mhm, yeah. Mine”, you sigh, swiping your palm down his cheek until you have his throat under it. You close your fingers around his neck without applying pressure. Your other hand still cradles his cheek. 
Jungkook moans. 
“Quiet, baby.”
“Sorry, oh god it’s so hard”, he whispers and parts his lips to gasp repeatedly.
“Mhhm Kook”, you purr, “mine. I love you so much, sweetheart”, you lull and apply just a little pressure. Not enough to make him dizzy, just enough to let him know you’ve got him.
Jungkook bites down on his lower lip, grasping your waist desperately. His cock twitches deep inside you, his thighs tense under you. You are seriously ruining him. You are. 
“Good boy, you’re such a good boy”, you praise, tracing his pierced lip. Not for long because then you already have Jungkook opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue. 
You drag your fingers up his soft muscle, feeling tingles deep inside you. This is so hot. 
Jungkook sighs and closes his mouth around your digits, sucking on them with pouty lips and big doe eyes. You can feel how his neck tenses from the movement and how much faster his pulse becomes. 
“You’re so hot, holy fuck”, you croak, lifting yourself off his cock so you could command him to stretch out his legs.
He follows, getting rewarded with your pussy and your eager hips dancing on his needy cock. You are on your knees for it, using the bounce of his mattress to your advantage to ride him as if it is the last time you ever will. He moans around your fingers, furrowing his brows in utter bliss.
“Quiet baby, be quiet”, you gasp out, feeling breathless from pleasure. His throat under your hand, his mouth on your fingers and his cock deep inside while his strong hands knead your waist and hips. Yeah, it can’t get any better than that. You are fucking obsessed. 
Jungkook mewls and keens. You slip your fingers out, resulting in his spit to cover his chin.
“Quiet, come on.”
“It’s, it’s so ah ha-hard. A-ah.”
“Quiet, baby. Just be quiet, it’s easy’, you order, slamming your hips down on him repeatedly. And to make matters worse, you put your slickened, greedy fingers on his left nipple to massage it eagerly. You abandon his neck to lick your other hand and use it to massage his right nipple as well. You twist and pinch, tug and rub, play with his piercings and trace his very tip. You know exactly what drives your husband crazy and you are hellbent on showing him all your tricks. 
“Stop please”, Jungkook begs, arching his back, “stop please stop”, he pleads.
He shakes his head, “too hard, please.”
“You can do it, baby. Just be quiet, it’s easy.”
“Ah god, ah, aaah” Jungkook mewls and throws his head back, grasping your waist with such desperation he brings it in just a little. He is kicking the sheets as best as possible, curling his tongue in his agape mouth. 
That’s where you want him. That’s his best look. You take his swollen nipples between your fingers and rub them in sideways motions. 
His abs tense, his huge pecs throb and tighten, his arms bulge as well. You are hitting the right fucking spots and his body reacts in the sexiest of ways. 
“Ahng”, Jungkook silences himself by throwing his hand over his own mouth. He scrunches his face, whimpering behind his hand.
“Holy fuck, this is so hot. That’s it, keep quiet. Good boy. Fuck, I love you.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes back and squeezes them shut. He sobs your name. You can feel it before you see it on his face. This was too much for him. You are making him climax. Deep, deep inside you and with days worth of hot, creamy cum he is shooting into you, bruising your waist in the process and biting down on his own palm just to stop himself from screaming your name. Tears run down his cheeks, he is arching his back even more. Yeah, you’ve really got him good. 
You help him ride it out with a fluttering heart, giving him the best kind of afterglow by cupping his face and pulling it in for kisses all while your hips rock back and forth on his still hard cock. 
Jungkook drops into your hands, feeling so far away and yet so, so close to you. His cock is sensitive, but it doesn’t hurt. It is just warm, wet and safe. He is so safe when he is inside you. Your pussy feels so good. Every ridge, hill, crevice and inch. Only you feel this good. Only you. And only you can make him feel this way. 
“I love you”, Jungkook gets out shakily, dripping tears from the tip of his perfect nose. You tilt his head up and kiss the tears away.
“I love you too, Kookie. How is my hubby love doing? Comfy?”
“Yes comfy”, his voice is just a little higher in pitch, “feels so good.” 
“Yeah, feels amazing. You did such a good job filling me up like this. Making me yours and all. I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you too, oh god”, Jungkook opens his eyes, sniffling with shaking shoulders.
He nods his head vigorously, cradling your cheeks.
“I just love you so much”, he squeaks and rolls his hips up slowly, meeting your movements as best as possible.
“Yes love you too”, you sigh, “oh”, your eyes go just a little out of focus, “oh Kook, there.”
“There? Do you like this?” he asks repeating his movements all the way down to flow, speed and angle. 
“Yes, so much. Ah Kookie, you…ah feel…holy fuck, so good. Ah.”
“Quiet, baby”, he whispers, making you chuckle breathlessly.
“Yeah, fuck I get you now. Fuck mhm.”
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” 
You nod your head, giving his cheeks a squeeze. 
“Shit baby. Kookie, I’m close.”
His pupils dilate even more. His breathing speeds up.
“You are?” 
“You feel so good”, you sigh and whimper softly, fluttering your lashes, “is hard.” 
“Don’t hold back, baby. I’ve got you.” 
“No, is hard to, to keep looking at you. Want to look at you as I…ah…I, I cum.” 
“Baby…” Jungkook gets out and squeezes your cheeks, “fuck. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love…you…too...Kookie ah please.”
“Let go, baby. Let go. I’ve got you, baby.”
“Koo, ah”, you squeak out, falling into him as your high overtakes you. 
You shake and convulse, using his shoulder to muffle your sounds as Jungkook soothes you. He is cradling your head, rubbing your back as he shushes you and whispers the sweetest love to you.
“That’s my girl. I love you cumming on my cock. That’s it. You’re doing so well. I’ve got you, babygirl. You’re such a good girl. Such a good girl, god you’re my good girl.” 
Honestly, you blame him for making this orgasm as hard and intense as it is, because goddamn does it feel good to be talked through this way. Fuck, you’re climaxing just from his words. Honestly. 
Jungkook makes sure to give you the best afterglow as well by squeezing your hips tighter to his body and giving your sensitive clit warm pressure. You love warm pressure after a high. The comedown is so intense but healing. And as you shudder in his arms, he is tracing your spine slowly, enjoying the moments of silence with closed eyes. You have your eyes closed as well, finding solace in his heartbeat against your chest. It is synced with yours, slowing down gradually. 
You are the one to break the silence.
“So uhm, that was intense.”
“Yeah”, he sighs and sighs again, “thank you, I needed this so bad.”
“Me too, baby. Who would have thought that your tiny bed is that good to fuck in.”
Jungkook chuckles, “yeah. The creaking was a little annoying though.”
“I kinda feel like your parents must have heard something.”
“Please don’t say that, I’ll cringe to death.”
You laugh, lifting your head from his shoulder. You press a loving kiss to his lips then wipe his tear-stained cheeks.
“I genuinely tried to be quiet.”
“Me too. You didn’t make it easier. I think I nutted with my nipples, no joke.”
“I can imagine”, you snort and shimmy on his lap, “I’m starting to leak.”
“Not sexy. Wet and gooey.”
“Don’t call it that”, he laughs as he helps you slip off his cock. You leak onto his thighs, hissing in distaste.
“God, such a mess. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, let it happen.”
“Don’t wanna let it happen. It’s so messy and wet.”
“Wait, let me”, Jungkook says and reaches for his bedside table. He takes a handful of tissues, “here you go”, he says and hands them to you. 
You press them to your pussy, climbing off his lap awkwardly. 
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, you mumble.
“It’s okay, let it happen baby. You know how I sometimes sound after anal.”
You and he snicker in comradery. Yep, being married and comfortable is definitely amazing. Not even the most embarrassing sex noises are embarrassing when you’re together. 
“You know, creampies are awesome in the moment, but afterwards? A cramp in the anus”, you say, wiping at your pussy with new tissues.
Jungkook laughs, “at least you’ve got tissues. Remember that one time we fucked in a motel only to realise we didn’t have tissues?”
You are putting on your pyjama just in case you meet his parents outside. If you were alone, you wouldn’t bother.
“And I had to use my hand to catch it? Yes baby, you laughed at me. How could I forget?”
“I only laughed because you were cute as you waddled to the bathroom.” 
“Yeah sure”, you say and lean down to peck his cheek, “brb, gonna go piss real quick.”
“Mhm’kay”, Jungkook says with a goofy smile on his lips. 
He is still grinning goofily when you come back, resting on his side with his eyes to the door. He is still naked, opening the blanket for you. 
“Did you steal the wall side?” you ask him as you get naked again.
“I did.”
“Not cool. I claimed it.” 
“And I reclaimed it.” 
You roll your eyes fondly, climbing under the blanket. Jungkook wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him instantly. He drapes his leg over your hips, smooching your cheek before nuzzling into your neck. 
“You feel cold”, he whispers
“The pee cooled me down.” 
“Mhm, is nice”, he kisses your skin, “sleep tight, my sweetie.”
“You too, my love”, you say and turn off the light.
He wiggles and makes a small sound of contentment. He shifts his head a little.
“Psst, sweetie?” 
“Yes, sweetie?” you giggle because he is a goof.
“How was it for you?”
“Amazing. I loved it.” 
“Me too. Was so good”, he breathes and sighs, growing softer, “I really love you. I do. Yeah, you my baby and boo.”
“That rhymed.”
“Mhm, yeah…” he sighs and exhales deeply. He fell asleep. Of course he did. 
You melt into him and drift off in his arms. Maybe sharing a small bed isn’t as terrible as you first thought it would be. 
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kombuuuu · 1 year
gwen romantic hcs or scenario please? 🥺🤲
Spidery Romance.
Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader
another bunch of headcanons (and snippets, ur favs) with my favourite girl 🤍
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Gwen: Blue
You: Pink
Dad Stacy: Black
A cat..: Purple
mom friend this, mom friend that
how about just mommy?
is a HUGEE comfort roll in the realtionship
will do little things for you that you wouldn’t even realise
like keeping random containers because she knows you like them
jars 🫙 🤍‼️
she loves taking care of you, loves being who you go to for things
it makes her feel needed, which we know she struggles with
so she loves a partner who’s more co-dependent, like she is
“Honey, what am I supposed to do with that?”
“Open it, please“ :(
“Oh, you sweet thing… What are you going to do with an empty pickle jar.”
“You’ve eaten all the pickles?”
“I’m… going to grow an ecosystem.”
ABSOLUTELY steals shit for you
she’s not rich, seeing as she doesn’t exacccctly live in her own universe
hey, star crossed lovers are multiversel..
so she steals
just nicks things from the mall she thinks you’ll like
little trinkets or anything small and shiny she can find
also cat figures
small, cute cats. she loves anything about them and will go out of her way to take em for you
(you think she just wants to deny the fact she loves the cats. or stealing)
your OWN little klepto cat
(you both love that game)
“Hey, Sweets.”
“Oh-! You’re home!”
“And I brought a cat.”
*gasp* “What breed !!”
“No clue, but look it’s tail moves.”
Will take you out to movie dates any time she can.
never really knew how to treat a lady so she takes notes from stupid eighties shows
will throw rocks at your window
or climb up the tree next to your house and break in even though she could just go thru the front door.
buys (steals) chocolates in heart shapes and roses to decorate your bed
it’s not even valentines she just wants too
don’t forget the candles and scented bath salts with a whole ass spa set up in your bathroom
“Baby? Wh—“
“[Name]! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, babe.”
“What are the flowers for?”
“Our anniversary’s not ‘til September.”
“Beautiful, we don’ need a reason. Just wanna appreciate you.”
smile and giggle like a little bitch? of course you will
Will eventually tell you about her spider woman endeavours
she’s guilty of hiding it from you
when you trust her so much
slipping out of your shared bed at night to go patrol feels
She finally caved to her subconscious and spills it
you don’t freak out on her but she can tell you’re stressed
she tries to comfort you even when you have to opportunity to ruin her life
you could end it between the two of u right then and she’d forgive you
but not herself
“I’m spider-woman.”
“The hero, [Name]. Well, vigilante I guess—“
“What the hell.”
“Baby, please. I know I should’ve told you sooner—“
“Do you know how much danger you’re in? Are you crazy? What happens if you get hurt and I’m not here? Fighting crime like that. Fighting villains.”
“I know, sweet girl, I know.”
she comforts you through it while you basically have an existential crisis in her name
you’re more scared she’s going to get hurt
or worse
than you are betrayed,
you can get why she kept this a secret
it takes you a couple week to hone down the worrying
gwen is hella patient with you 🫶
“I don’t like this. You’re putting yourself in harms way, and it’s careless,”
Guilty stare
“,But i’m not gonna stop you.”
“Thank you, [Name].”
“Please don’t die on me.”
“I won’t, baby.”
and when your finally calm you can kind of see the appeal in it
she convinces you to let her swing you around the city
and despite you both knowing you’re probably gonna pass the fuck out
you agree cause it’s cute
“Yeah baby?”
“I think—, maybe you don’t understand what I mean by ‘I don’t like heights’.”
“Wh— Oh.”
“What d’yu mean ‘Oh.’?!! You only just realised??”
“I come up here so often, it’s like a second thought!”
“It’s the fucking Empire state!”
She’ll take you nice places around brooklyn
mostly high up
to let you see the view
and to finally see you in it
she draws you any chance she gets
especially when she takes you to those places
shes been to em so often that she’s got muscle memory for the line to every building, but now she gets to trace the contour of your face around it too
will web you to the building if you ask
just so you won’t fall
“You know there’s not a single universe where I wouldn’t catch you, right.”
“There’s a first for everything,”
She snorts “Sugar—“
“I love you, Gwen. And trust you with my life. I do not, however trust wind.”
“Understandable, love you too.”
When you meet her dad he’s a little skeptical at first
only because you’re so nervous and he’s taught to be suspicious as a cop
but eventually he likes you, and you him
your both like old pals and it confuses gwen
he takes on a very fatherly position in your life
one you missed out on
gwen is ecstatic
the two people she loves the most in the world like each other
the stars aligned for her
she tells you about her struggles with him and is glad it doesn’t affect either of your relationships
“Do you treat my daughter well?”
“Dad, please.”
“Gwen, it’s okay. I’d like to think I am, sir.”
“Cause if you hurt my little girl, everything you do to her will feel a lot worse for you.”
“I would never hurt your daughter Mr.Stacy, I love her. It’d be stupid of me to let her go.”
He smiled and clapped your back
*groan* “Why.”
she likes to keep you comfy
kinda has a thing for the housewife vibe
so she’s willing to do a lot for you
she’ll notice how empty it is in your house when she’s not there
it’s quiet and lonely
so totally for you (and not also her)
she’ll get you a cat
a small black american bobtail
she had found him while on patrol
saw a box left littered at the park and decided to pick it up
closer she got, more ‘mews’ she heard.
when she saw a short, stumpy looking kitten in the box
her heart melted
so obviously she took it
“For [Name].”
‘mew :3’
“Co-parenting practice.”
“God damn it.”
loves the cat with her whole heart
and so do you
you name it Peter
he’s adopted but he doesn’t need to know that
when he does something bad you threaten (emptily) to put him in back out in the street
“Go get a box, Peter. I’m gonna make your momma put you back where she found you.”
“He can’t understand you, baby.”
“Yes he can, look at how he’s looking at me!”
“See his face!? He’s so mocking me!”
“Sure, baby.”
EEE 🤭🤭🤭
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peachhcs · 4 months
how it all began -> podcast episode
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
a small podcast snippet where samy and will talk about how they got together
1.9k words
here are the small draft blurbs i wrote way back when i started this series that i told y’all i would share. i have a lot of them, so i’ll post them periodically :) this is from where i imagined will and samy talking about each other on podcast episodes they've invited to
au masterlist
"alright, so give me all the juicy details. how did this next step in your relationship come to be?" samy laughed mostly to herself as she fidgeted with the ends of her shirt.
"i mean..i feel like will and i are like..the exact of every best friends to lover trope right now..like i feel like we fit all the stereotypes," the brunette began making the interviewer laugh.
"i don't know..i mean something in our brains just flipped. we only ever saw each other as like..siblings. like we had a brother and sister relationship with one another, but the more i think about it, the more i think it might've just been us suppressing those feelings and playing it off as a family dynamic instead," the girl giggled.
"were your close friends and family ever like..why the hell aren't they together?"
"looking back on it, there was one night when i was like..sixteen maybe? will had just moved to michigan for his development program and he hung out at our house with some of his friends and like..we all had a great time. we just talked and caught up and i got to know his teammates, but after, when they left, my mom..she had this look on her face. i didn't know what look it was at the time and so i was like why are you looking at me like that? she didn't say anything, but she just smiled and shook her head and now, i'm pretty sure it was her seeing the connection will and i had that we didn't even know we had yet," samy explained.
"i feel like there's such a beautiful thing about that though. it's like you guys weren't even trying to be in a relationship, but everyone around you two knew how special of a connection you two have and they were just like..oh yeah they're definitely gonna be together one day," the interviewer nodded.
"i know. i know. it is beautiful because we weren't even really looking for a relationship and..one thing led to another. i always see those posts that say relationships come from the most unexpected person in the most unexpected time," samy smiled.
"i mean you can tell us whatever you want, you don't have to say anything, but if you want, can you talk about like how it happened and what changed?"
"it was this past summer..will was finishing up his dev program and he was like in a different place every weekend so we hardly got to see one another, but he still texted me and called me whenever he could to talk about his game like we always did, so that wasn't unusual..but like i don't know..there was this thought in the back of my head like..i don't even know how to explain it, but it was like i got this feeling in my chest every time will texted or called me and i started realizing that he didn't do this with everyone. really only like me and his sisters. anyways, the draft rolled around and obviously i was gonna be there. my family sat with his family and we were all dressed to the nines. will was locked in, nervous about his pick, all of that. it wasn't until after where we just found ourselves just with each other in the arena and like..we looked at each other and i think that's just when we knew something was changing between us."
"you both felt that change right in that moment?"
"i mean yeah. he looked at me like..a little too long and i was like..oh shit, this is..this is a way different feeling than i'm used to. it wasn't until his draft party in boston when everything sort of..like came out. i can't give too many details, but we ended up talking that night and like..the rest just went from there," the girl laughed a little.
"and i mean, you two have the same collegiate number absolutely coincidentally."
"yeah, i think that was our final tipping point when we found out we got the same number. it was like the universe telling us, okay yeah, you guys definitely belong together," the brunette grinned.
"so is it hard being long distance and like finding out all of this stuff right as you leave for college?"
"yeah, a bit. it was kind of like a punch in the face. we get something good, but it doesn't last for long because will's now states away in boston and i'm still in michigan, but we're making it work. we call everyday and we text everyday. it's also easy because we know how one another works, so we like skipped all the awkward parts of getting to know one another and figuring out each other's quirks because we already know it."
"i think that definitely makes things easier like you said. you don't have to spend time in the awkward stage because you guys already had that growing up."
"yeah, exactly, but yeah, it's been fun opening this side of one another and delving into it more. he's always been there for me and i mean it's like we danced around one another until the time was finally right for our lives to mix together in that way."
"so i don't know if you've seen the clips of sam talking about your relationship or not?" will smiled a bit, nodding to say he has seen it.
"i have and i mean everything she said was pretty spot on and i probably couldn't have said it better myself," the blonde chuckled.
"i don't wanna exhaust the subject too much, but i'd love to sort of hear your take on about the change and sort of realization about your relationship with her."
"yeah, just this past summer was when things just changed for us. she was at the draft in nashville with all of us and just like..it was really special having all of my close friends and family there watching me take on another big milestone in my life. samy's always been there for me, so having her there was really great. i think she said after i got picked we ended up in the arena with just us and we were talking briefly and like..yeah it just changed for us in that moment. i realized how lucky i was to have her there and that she took time out of her busy schedule to be there and support me and i was just thinking how no one else would do that for me but her," will said, his smile still painting his features.
"did you like ever have any past feelings for her in that way that you pushed away thinking it'd never be like that?"
"i think maybe when we were like..12 or something. it was like..peak puberty years so i had this thought in the back of my mind like..what if samy and i ended up as something more, but she never seemed into that ever. we were like siblings, so i kind of just let the idea go knowing we wouldn't ever be like that until it started just resurfacing this past year with her."
"i think i asked sam this, but were your close friends or family ever like..why the hell aren't they together?"
"well definitely my teammates knew way before i did. the first time they met her and hung around us and we went back to our places they looked at me and they were like: are you sure you've never thought about her in that way before? so they even knew before i had an idea. my mom at times was definitely suspicious and surprised that we never got together because i think she was secretly rooting we would at some point," the hockey player laughed.
"moms and friends always know. always trust what they say," the interviewer also laughed.
"i know, i should've listened to them more. even at sixteen where samy and i still saw each other as siblings they were skeptical. especially ryan. he was giving us eyes and anytime we hung out with her he was giving me these looks like you're for real right now? you have zero feelings for her? and i mean i thought our interactions were normal and i guess i brushed off a lot of them that looked flirty or came off that way and samy did too so that's probably why it took us so long to catch on."
"even though you guys are long distance right now, how are you two working through that while taking on this new territory of your relationship?"
"well, it's definitely easier because we know one another so well. it helps that we didn't have an awkward stage because we kind of already went through that when we were kids. plus, samy just makes it easy. we're very alike so we know why we are the way we are. she's always been there for me and i've always been there for her. we're constantly supporting one another and we call everyday just like talking about our days or games if we have them. if we can't call, we send like 10 voice messages explains our days. it's just easy because we know each other so well, so nothing has to be misread or miscommunicated because we already know. it definitely sucks we're not together like we were for two years, but it just makes seeing one another that more special when it comes around."
"that's really special. your relationship has always been really special to the fans who've been following you two for while now, so i know they love seeing you guys finally together. i'm sure they knew way before you guys did too," will and the interviewer shared a laugh.
"i'm sure they did. samy and i aren't the best at picking up clues like that," will chuckled.
view all comments
user2 IGE BEEN WAITING FIR THIS ONE!!!! i knew i knew i knew they'd finally end up together
user3 the best friends to lovers pipeline is so incredibly real
user4 WILL'S FRIENDS KNOWING BEFORE HE DID!!! god they must've been so painfully obvious back then to everyone but themselves
user5 golden retriever and golden retriever fr
user6 stop i love these two sm they truly did grow up together and seeing them try out a relationship is so cute i hope they work out!!!
user7 MY roman empire
user8 oh they're in love love
user9 them calling everyday is so cute oh my god
user11 samy hughes and will smith make so much sense in my head
user13 we need them in an interview together next!!!
user14 samy saying how will looked at her for a little too long and she just knew is so fucking real on god like i get you girl so bad if will looked at me the way he looks at her i'd fold immediately
user15 i love that they're so willing to share this with us bc we basically grew up with them too
user16 i'm actually obsessed with them
user18 im definitely betting it was some sort of like drunk confession at will's draft party because samy said she couldn't get into the details meaning she couldn't tell the interviewer they were underage drinking GOD i love them sm
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He Comforts You - Ike 💙
Ike Eveland x GN!Reader
✦ — Written by Mod I ✨. Beta Read and Edited by Mod S 👿.
✧ — Comfort & Care Masterlist | 💙 You comfort him
✦ — Contains: Established Relationship, fluff, & comfort
✧ — Word count: 446 | Ao3
Snippets of time showing how you and your partner care for each other.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
If you could only choose one word to describe how you were feeling after your day at work, it would be 'done'. Not only had your boss called out today, but they had also left you with the amount of work that would normally need three people to complete. Which meant you had to stay long after your shift had already ended. And you wouldn't even be paid more for it. You'd quit in a heartbeat if you could afford it.
You were all but stumbling as you entered your home. The door shutting behind you with a little more force than intended as you leaned your weight back against it. You don’t even have the energy to lean down to properly remove your shoes; toeing them off and leaving them haphazardly in front of the door. However, you don’t get even two steps further into the house before Ike emerges from the hallway. His expression softens at the sight of you, giving you a sincere smile. “Welcome home, darling.” You return his smile, albeit yours being a tired one.
He’s by your side in no time, taking your hand in his. The novelist starts leading you down the hallway and before you can even ask where you're going; he pushes the bathroom door open. The soothing smell of eucalyptus and spearmint fill the room thanks to the candles he’d lit beforehand; giving the room a soft glow. The tub was filled, and you eyed it longingly, no doubt that the water was still warm. Your attention is drawn back to your loving boyfriend as a hand lightly rests on the small of your back, the warmth radiating through your clothes “Come on darling, let's get you in, shall we?” His hand glides up to help slip off your jacket. “I have the kettle on if you want a cup of tea while you soak.”
“Ike you didn’t have to do all this–”
He silences you with a gentle peck to your lips, “You’ve had such a rough day hun, just let me treat you.” He helps remove the rest of your clothes before helping you into the tub. As you sink further into the warm water, you can’t help but release a sigh of contentment. He chuckles affectionately, kneeling beside the tub so he can brush aside a few stray strands of hair before placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll be back with your tea in a moment. Take as long in the tub as you need.”
Just before he leaves the room, you call out to him. He pauses with a questioning hum. “Thank you, Ike. I seriously appreciate it.”
“Of course, my dear.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Likes are nice and we do appreciate them. However, comments/feedback is what really motivates us to continue writing. Even just a keyboard smash or emojis are a joy to see!
We do not allow our stories to be translated or reposted/shared anywhere. The only places our stories should be found are on Ao3 or Tumblr. Nowhere else.
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imbrisvastatio · 9 months
Writeblr Re-Intro
Hi, my name is Sarah and this is my low effort writeblr. Main is @aestatismors therefore follows, likes, and asks will be from that account. Taking latin in high school is my whole personality.
I'm 25 and queer. I am here to find friends, read other's writing, and to learn to share my writing. I am open to tag games and asks! (I get behind, but I get there eventually lmao)
I write horror and fantasy mostly. My writing is usually dark and intended for adults. I love the weird and vague.
Information about wips under the read more;
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Liar's Gate (tag wip^2) is high fantasy following three different people from three different places. A queen who abandons her kingdom and can explore her suppressed magic. A prince who refuses to be who his father wants, but his father has another plan in mind. And a woman who finds herself adopting a small girl after becoming a monster.
By The Hands (tag autumn wip) is about the way heartbreak and grief shapes actions. How love can hurt the people you meant to help. Everything is destructive and sometimes letting go is the answer. And sometimes holding on is instead. Large cast of characters and different timelines.
Shapeless (tag shapeless) is a segmented story following five characters as their worlds shatter in different ways. Death haunts them all but they aren't as powerless as they believed.*
House of Unrest (tag hou) is a written horror rpg that I gm on discord. Vol 1 is The Case of Abbigail Biggons. A young girl in Marrowstone goes missing on a hike with friends and everything is connected back to the Mirron Inn.*
Crest (tag crest) is a fantasy written ttrpg that I gm discord. Based off of d&d and pathfinder. Magic is outlawed and the gods are gone but there are plenty of secrets and history that unravel with them. And perhaps the gods are not quite god and magic isn't simply outlawed.
*Shapeless and House of Unrest take place in the same universe. Other snippets I share may also share that same universe.
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themotherofhorses · 10 months
I think it’s time to be real, Vic. I am genuinely very disappointed at the fact that you decided to murder handmaid, despite so many of your readers begging you to not go through with it. I read through your “handmaid” tag and it seems like a good majority voted against it. Do you not care for them? Do you not value their own input and opinions? Honestly, what was the point of building up such a gorgeous romance only to butcher it at the very end? Plus the violence you shared in that snippet is equally disturbing and unnecessary, especially being aimed at small children.
“Her twins are dead – their tiny, broken bodies strewn near their father’s desk. One is missing his head, if she is correct. Was it Aemion? Aenar?”
I think this is very telling. But, in the end, you are an adult. Do what you want to do, but just know that this decision will cost you some of your biggest fans, myself included.
Hello anon! I’m gonna use proper capitalization and punctuation to answer this because …. woah. LMAO.
I hear you, I see you, I feel you.
But let’s have a friendly little conversation: at the end of the day, this is fucking FANFICTION. It is NOT real! There is literally no need to be this upset over something as silly as words being typed up in a word doc. I promise you that it does not equal the ending of the world.
(But also let’s be real, if handmaid was canon in F&B, GRRM would’ve probably killed her off too. It is rare that something so good and pure actually survives within the world of Westeros.)
Listen, I understand that many people didn’t want handmaid (and her children) to meet such a horrible fate; that is why I decided to offer two “canon” endings — an angst and a happy one. That way you can easily ignore the angst ending in favor of the happy one!! Problem solved.
But ….. but you are also treading through the Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon fandom.
Major character death, extreme acts of violence, and heartbreak is expected. Have you actually read F&B? Literally everyone DIES in the book. They all meet such gruesome fates, including the children. Just look at Helaena! At Jaehaerys! No one is safe.
One of the most common themes found inside ASOIAF is “the innocent always pays the price for the actions of their rulers.”
In my handmaid series, handmaid/Anya (+her children) endure the consequences of Aemond’s actions at Storm’s End (and, by extension, the actions of the Greens usurping the throne following the death of Viserys). I’d argue that her death ventures incredibly close to canon-level material.
You do not need to read this upcoming fanfic update. I will not hold you responsible for such. No feelings will be hurt, I promise. As I mentioned in previous replies, the happy ending will soon follow; in fact, “hair braiding” and “family picnic” are canon to the happy ending!
So let’s all chill out. Take a deep breath, eat a snickers bar, go scratch a dog between their ears.
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Hi Marina!! Thinking about John and Jeanie from Dear John, and Gale and Maureen in your integrated AU, as always, and was wondering if you have any crumbs or snippets you may want to share with us mere mortals. If not, that’s okay!! Hope you have a lovely day and can’t wait for whatever you post next!
Oooh my darling hello, hello, I do indeed have a few crumbs, they are just that -mere crumbs- but I adore you all and I want to wet your whistles for both so here goes:
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Dear John Crumb:
“Who’s yours from?”
“Maaaarge.” Bucky predictably parroted, Crank and Benny got letters this time too, and that was good for them.
Buck’s face while perusing his letter however, was not the typical luminous glow of an ardent young cherub in love, and that had the odd effect of worrying Bucky. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s, she’s bein-“ he trailed off, flipping the letter back and forth and scrutinizing it intensely, “I think she’s hinting somethin’. Where’s that envelope? Hell Benny, don’t put the plate on it!”
“Sorry major.”
Buck took the worn envelope and shook it, prying the seams apart until like an old dream replayed, a little square and shiny card floated to the ground. John kept himself seated, not even ready to dare hope that had anything to do with him, much as he was shaken by the similarity to Julie Jean’s first correspondence and attached photographic gift, tucked in an envelope seam. The way Buck had shaken it just so and how it had fluttered to the ground and how Buck’s thumb had looked pressed against Lana’s black and white nipples.
“John Egan, you’ve got mail.” Buck bellowed with something like triumph in his voice, face lit up like a firework stand ablaze, “Get over here, you mopey sonuvabitch.”
The chair he was sat in clattered backwards into some poor fucker as Egan dove up and towards Buck’s bunk, drawn to the waved little photograph in his hand. Buck was a merciful man and handed it over without a game of tug. Bucky deeply wished the room wasn’t full of curious friends but then again, looking into this flat, shiny, black and white, shrunken little world -it took him miles and miles away. Away to a front yard in some small town where it looked chilly but festive, with candy cane decor lining the sidewalk up to a plain brick house and two girls in the yard, mid blurry laugh, clinging to each other like they’d fall over and tweak their ankles in the leaves if they let go.
Marge and Julie.
“How ‘bout that.” Gale’s voice was warm and soft and Bucky didn't have an answer for him, he ground out a rough cough that was intended to be an agreement before it got snarled in the lump in his throat.
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Those Who Can crumb:
After being in the darker interior of the building, being processed for hours, the hazy late afternoon light of outside glared painfully against Ida’s bloodshot eyes as she stepped out, leading the way down the three wooden steps to the muddy yard. Monochrome, this place, brown wooden buildings and brown earth and a muddy sky and brown flight jackets one after another.
And there in the midst of it, waiting for them with ever constant patience and thinned stateliness was Gale Cleven and his lost blue eyes and an alarmingly symmetrical set of facial scars.
“Major.” Ida felt her face soften into an odd expression she realized was likely that of relief. Cleven had that way about him, it was better suited to her preferences than Egan’s blustering warm hearted concern, Colonel Harding’s gruff joviality or her John’s perpetually intense concern. Her little brother was, oddly, nowhere to be seen now and that was a comfort in this wide open, highly observed space.
“Colonel.” Gale Cleven’s eyes weren’t a lost blue anymore but a pair of stormy seas and Ida steeled herself for pity. She found smoldering rage in his face instead. Another relief.
“How was it?” he was nodding to the command hut.
“Fine.” she assured.
He went searching for something in her face and Ida was sure it was easily found skin deep along her puffy, purpled left cheek, but if she had anything to do with her expression alone, he’d be kept guessing for ages. “Good.” he decided at last but his smile was tight, “Made John wait in the combine, he’s in there pacing like a madman. They make a note of who’s attached to whom, Colonel,” he explained, “a more discreet reunion seemed in order.”
“We’d appreciate all the direction you—“ Ida had begun but was cut short by Lt. Kendeigh who broke ranks from the processed group and came out of the hut behind Ida like a bat out of hell, running up to Cleven and tackling him in a hug, rather like a dog with their long lost master.
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h-eefic · 3 months
Would you possibly give us the cliffnotes for what the plan was for the rest of this fic? I've been following early on (like 2015??), it really truly has an important space in my heart. I even have it saved offline in case there was ever a time where it would be removed!! Even if it will never be finished, I still like to re-read it, maladaptive daydream about it, etc. I'd love to know where it would have gone in the end!! Or if you would release any drafts or whatever have you!!
I will write down what I remember! I think I've lost any outlines we had but:
Yes, Alistair was the shitty neighbor the entire time. It was so silly, we were obsessed with it.
After Liv leaves his hospital room, she spends days locked in her house, triggered bc of her parents and just generally shut down.
When she opens her door and sees Alistair standing there, she basically blue screens because he's a) real b) extremely good-looking and c) he's her what? I don't remember much about what comes next but I know they spend a few hours hashing things out, talking, putting together all the context of their friendship (discussing everyone they have in common, lmao).
Liv goes back to running away from her problems, tells him she's had all of her fears about being with him confirmed for her.
Ultimately, he talks her into giving him a chance to at least take her on a date. She walks him to her front door and he asks if he can kiss her. They do, and he's very convincing. :)
They spend a few days(?) flirting through windows at each other. For their date, he sets up a scavenger hunt for her to find the location for the date? And it was going to be so cute, he has her go to Andrastea to find a clue to the next location, which is Druffy's, and so on and so forth, he leaves clues at the places he's recommended to her. The final date I think was going to be at the beach. Liv ultimately realizes that she'd rather be with him and risk losing him than be alone and dreaming of police lights forever. It gets steamy. :)
After that, I mostly remember the two of them doing a tour around to all their friends and giving the update that they're a thing. Happy endings abound!
There was going to be an epilogue where they go on a road trip with Cullen and Lua, and we planned to commission different artists to make polaroids of them having a good time. Thedas Space Program 4 lyfe.
We really were at the finish line, and I'm so sad we didn't get to tell the rest of it. I have some small things like playlists, previously unposted sketches, and snippets that I'll leave in this Google Doc if you still want more. Emrys may have files I don't, so I welcome her to share them if she wants to.
I also welcome anyone who wants to play in the space to go buck wild, and if you do I would love to see them if you message me @bucket-fucker. I'm replaying Liv's canon as we speak, and I hope to write her again, I still had much more to say!
Thank you all for showing interest in my lil OC. And thank you for still caring. It's been a blast, and I appreciate you all.
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f1-stuff · 5 months
Mallorca AU please :)
Hii ❤️ (previous shared bit) and an 880-word snippet for you :
They run back to Carlos’ bike, yelling and laughing as the rain quickly goes from a light misting to what Charles would describe as a downpour.
“We can’t ride your bike in this!” he insists, even as Carlos swings his leg to straddle the seat.
“What do you mean? It’s just a bit of rain,” Carlos shouts. His joke is punctuated by another rumble of thunder. “Get on - hurry.”
Charles doesn’t waste time arguing, although he does laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation as he once again climbs onto the handlebars. He fumbles around, sliding a bit on the wet metal, but Carlos helps to balance him like last time, a hand at his waist that somehow exactly aligns with Charles feeling a bit short of breath. And then, they’re off, Charles squinting against the rain, as Carlos maneuvers them onto the road.
He seems to know where he’s going, despite Charles’ rather pathetic description of where their villa is. So Charles just holds on and blinks water from his eyes.
“I am like your windshield,” he yells, over his shoulder. “Blocking all the rain.” Carlos laughs at his back.
“Thank you, very helpful,” Carlos teases.
It takes them, probably, five minutes or so to get to the nearest bus stop. Charles hadn’t known that was where they were headed, but luckily Carlos isn’t crazy enough to think they could bike all the way to the house in this rain. He thinks Carlos might leave him now, but when he sticks to Charles’ side as they wait for the bus, huddled underneath the small covered bench, Charles feels inexplicably warm. 
Even more so when, as the bus pulls up, Carlos climbs on with him, managing to fit his bike inside with minimal effort, which speaks to him having potentially done it before, as well as talk to the driver about the stop they need and how much it’ll cost. He fishes the amount they need from his pocket, ignoring Charles’ attempt to protest.
“You can cover me next time,” he says. And it makes Charles feel even warmer - the promise of ‘next time’.
They sit side-by-side for the ride, which must be about a half hour or so. But Charles can’t be sure because his eyes quickly start to get heavy, lulled by the hum of the bus’ engine and the rain pattering against the window. He doesn’t decide to close his eyes, but he wakes up some time later to Carlos’ hand gently shaking his knee.
“Almost there,” he says softly, very close to Charles’ ear. Which is also when Charles realizes his head is resting on Carlos’ shoulder. 
He sits up straight, his cheeks hot. Carlos just grins.
“Sorry,” he says, on reflex.
“It’s alright,” Carlos replies, and he sounds like he means it. 
Still, Charles stares pointedly out the window as he waits for his face to stop flushing, until the bus is approaching their stop and Carlos stands to make his way with his bike to the door. They step out into the rain once again, waiting for the bus to pull away before Carlos gestures for him to climb back on the bike.
“It’ll be faster than walking,” he says, over the sound of the rain.
Carlos pedals as fast as he can, Charles giving him directions once he recognizes where they are. But they’re still soaked by the time they pull up to the gates of the villa. Charles crows in victory as he jumps off the bike, Carlos laughing as he watches him punch in the code.
They hardly wait for the gates to open a sliver before they’re pushing through and running toward the covered porch. Carlos lets the bike fall to the ground as they take cover, both of them catching their breath. Charles looks in amazement at the rain that’s bucketing down.
“Do you want to come in?” he asks, thinking it’s hardly smart for Carlos to ride home in this weather.
“I can’t. It’s Sunday and my family has this tradition,” Carlos says, waving his hand in the air. “Sunday night dinners.” Charles nods, something like disappointment settling in his stomach.
“Do you want a ride?” he asks. “Come on, you can’t go on your bike.” Carlos just shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take the bus back.”
Charles chews on his lip, not wanting to accept Carlos’ solution but not sure he’ll be able to convince him otherwise. Ultimately, he just doesn’t want to say goodbye yet. But he thinks it would sound pretty pathetic (and strange) if he insisted on driving Carlos for that reason.
Carlos laughs, then, surprising Charles out of his thoughts. “You are so wet,” he says, reaching up to smooth Charles’ dripping hair off of his forehead.
Carlos’ breath tickles his face, and he realizes just how close they’re standing. He’s close enough to see the freckles on Carlos’ nose and cheeks, the water beading along his skin, the parting of his lips. Close enough to feel the heat radiating off of him and the heaviness of his gaze as their eyes meet. Carlos’ hand lingers in his hair by his ear. Charles swallows, his tongue feeling suddenly heavy and thick in his mouth.
He doesn’t know why it still surprises him when Carlos kisses him.
And that's all you get... 😏
WIP Wednesday
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bisamwilson · 1 year
hey honey! 💖 sambucky and 25. things you said in front of other people!
thanks for the ask, sweetheart <3 does something over 1k words count as a snippet oops (from this list)
"I just wasn't really feelin' it, y'know?" Sam laments to the circle of older ladies around him, sighing while they all nod along knowingly.
It's the first Thursday of the month, which means the local older women's book club is meeting in a small room off the church building where Sam's daddy had preached for twenty years, and, just like every first Thursday of the month that Sam's been in Delacroix since he was fourteen years old, Sam came by to help them set up tables and chairs for all the potluck food they bring with them.
And just like every first Thursday of the last six months since Sam and Bucky had rented a little house down here for when the world isn't on fire--last month excluded, given New York City, at least, was actually on fire--the first fifteen minutes of the local older women's book club is spent lightly interrogating Sam about his love life.
"How many of these dating app first dates have you been on, Sam?" Ms. Sheryl asks from beside him, her arms crossed over her chest.
Sam looks up at the ceiling and counts them in his head, each disappointing match after disappointing match. "Twelve in the last two months, Ms. Sheryl. Thirteen if you count the woman from NOLA I met at a jazz bar and had to leave after five minutes because an emergency mission came up. She unmatched me after that."
Ms. Sheryl nods, her lips pursed, and Sam thinks he might've accidentally just proved a point he didn't know she was making yet. "And how many of those got second dates?"
Sam's saved from having to answer that disheartening, kind-of-a-rhetorical question from the late arrival of Ms. Josephine, newcomer to both the book club and to Delacroix.
She'd moved here about a month and a half ago, about half a year after her husband had passed away, looking for a new start. Every interaction Sam's had with her thus far has been honestly lovely, and he already knows she's got a soft spot for Bucky given how much of her house he'd come over to help fix since she'd moved in. Sam's had his fair share of her "thank you" cooking, and knows full well she's as wonderful a cook as she is a lady.
"Evenin', ladies," she says, holding some kind of dish in her hand that smells downright heavenly. "And Sam," she adds with a wink, smiling when Sam takes the dish from her and sets it over on the table with the rest of the food. "What'd I miss?"
"Sam was just lamenting to us about his dating woes," Ms. Jackie replies, with a tone full of sympathy but a playful twinkle in her eye, taking Sam's hand and patting it soothingly when he comes to stand next to her, leaving his previous seat open for Ms. Josephine.
Sam laughs and squeezes Ms. Jackie's hand. "You've got a son about my age, right, Ms. Josephine? Is he single?"
All the other ladies in the room chuckle along at Sam's joke, but Ms. Josephine just looks confused. "Did something happen with you and Bucky?" she asks, concerned. "He didn't mention it when he came by to fix one of my hinges this morning."
Sam's eyebrows furrow this time around. "Not that I know of? Not unless something has happened in the last thirty minutes since I checked my phone, anyway, but he's not generally the type to call in any case."
Ms. Josephine's face morphs from confusion to contemplation, and she crosses her legs at her ankles and crosses her hands over her lap. "So are y'all in one of those relationships where you can date other people then? I saw some article about that a few weeks ago. Must have some real good communication between the two of you to make both that and all your superheroing work."
She sounds almost impressed, but Sam doesn't really have the mental capacity to acknowledge that right now, not when his brain got stuck on the word "relationships" applied to Bucky and himself.
He looks around the rest of the group to see if any of them are gonna correct her while he's still stuck in his state of shock, but finds all of them just looking vaguely amused.
He shakes his head minutely. "Ms. Josephine, Bucky and I aren't dating."
Her eyes go more than a little wide. "Wait, so you did call it off?"
Sam shakes his head again, a little more vigorously. "No, ma'am. We weren't ever dating in the first place. Did Bucky tell you we were?"
Ms. Josephine shakes her head right back. "Never explicitly, Sam, but it ain't exactly hard to tell when somebody's head over heels. He talks about you like you went and hung the moon for him. Just yesterday he came by and asked if I'd seen one of the recent news segments about you, gushing about how amazin' you look flyin' up there. 'He's so fast, and nimble, Ms. Josephine,' he said to me, all moony eyed. 'It's like nothing you've ever seen before. Sometimes I swear he looks like an angel when he's got his wings spread out.'
"And that's not even countin' the things he says about you when you've been home for a bit. He's always talkin' about whatever fishin' you've done recently, or charity work you've been doin' around here or in NOLA, or how excited you were to buy new cat toys the week before. Every time I ask him if he's got any special requests for thank you meals, he always asks for something with a spice level I'm still not sure he can handle, tellin' me all about how it's been one of your favorites since you were a kid. Bucky's spent at least four days a week at my house pretty much since I've moved in, Sam, and I'm pretty sure I know more about you than I do about him, given how much he talks about you."
Sam's world is starting to tilt on an axis, but he's saved from having to speak up by Ms. Jackie throwing in her two cents. "You know he hates the smell of the flowers he buys from me for y'all's table every week," she says, tone full of faux nonchalance. "Says they're a little too fragrant for his nose because of the serum, but he buys 'em anyway because you always smile when you see he's brought home fresh ones."
Ms. Sheryl's lips quirk up. "You know he replaced damn near every faucet in my house as payment for me helping him with some of the most complicated bits of that sweater he knit you for Christmas. Said it had to be perfect because he knew how cold you always get any time you have to go north of here."
Ms. Maybelle comes in with the final blow, and it hits Sam like the steel chair in all the WWE shows AJ insists on watching every week. "And it ain't like you don't do the same things neither, Sam. Every time I see you it's, 'Hey, Ms. Maybelle, how you been? You wanna see this cute picture I got of Bucky and the cats earlier? They fell asleep on the porch swing he built for us.' You spent the first five minutes of the book club session two months ago debating whether or not Bucky should grow his hair out because he wanted new opinions that weren't yours, and at least half of that was you trying to explain how nice he looked before with the long hair even though it was greasy, but how you like the way the short hair feels when he has his head in your lap on movie night."
Sam doesn't really know how he can defend himself here, but he's got some argument on the tip of his tongue about how their couch was just a little too small for the both of them and their cats, so the head in the lap was the obvious solution. He doesn't think it'll do much damage control, but he thinks he should at least make the attempt.
Instead, he turns back to Ms. Josephine kind of on autopilot. "He called me an angel?" he asks, his heart a little fluttery, and Ms. Josephine just smiles.
"I'll, uh, see you all here same time next month?" he asks as a kind of permission to leave. "I think I might need to go see what my roommate is up to."
"Bring your boy with you next time, Sam," Ms. Sheryl replies, nodding him towards the door. "It's much more fun to tease you both together."
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 months
So here's my *actual* seven sentence sunday
@carlos-in-glasses @nancys-braids @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
it's a little snippet of a Marjan/Nancy fic I'm working on for @captain-gillian (I hope you don't mind me sharing a little preview of your fic!) for @911actions Gaza fundraiser - check out the page to see how you can donate too!
"Work is good. We have a new probie actually." Marjan said, holding up her phone at eye level to talk to her sister. "This girl fresh out the academy. She's eager to learn but kind of reckless ."
"Sounds like someone else I know." Sahar joked. "I'm guessing you and her get on well."
Marjan laughed. She was sitting on her bed in the firehouse bunkroom, waiting out the last part of her shift, hoping no call would come in.
"She's a good kid." she settled on. "What's happening over there?"
"Malik and I just bought a house. With three extra bedrooms."
"Really? I didn't know you were looking."
"Yeah... This place is becoming too small for us."
"Why do I feel like you're only telling me half a story?"
Sahar laughed.
"I never could hide anything from you." she stood up and walked to a mirror, putting a hand on her stomach and showing Marjan her reflection. "It's early days but Malik thinks you can tell already." She turned to give Marjan a view of her profile.
"Wait. Are you pregnant?"
"Yes!" Sahar beamed. "About 12 weeks now. Don't tell mom and dad. They don't know yet. Only you and Malik's sister."
"I won't tell anyone." Marjan promised, pushing the thought that she barely spoke to her parents these days to the back of her mind.
"When we've moved into the new house, you need to come visit." Sahar insisted. "And you can bring Nancy too so we can finally meet her for real."
"I'd like that." she and Nancy were going on 8 months together and so far she'd only introduced her to Sahar via facetime. She was pretty sure her parents would be happy for them, but actually introducing Nancy as her girlfriend to them still scared her.
"I have to go now. We're getting the keys for the new house today." Sahar snapped her out of her thoughts. "We'll talk soon ok? Tell Nancy I said hi."
"Will do. Bye." Marjan said and ended the call and let herself fall backwards on the bed. Nancy made her happy, things were going great between them, and even the awkwardness with Mateo had been resolved, but outside of her work friends, nobody knew about them. She wasn't even sure if the B shift crew knew they were a couple.
She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to get her brain to turn off. Either that or give her the answers she'd been looking for.
"Are you sleeping on the job?" the mattress dipped and an arm slipped around her waist as someone squeezed in beside her. She opened her eyes and looked into Nancy's smiling face. "We're you at least dreaming about me?"
"Always." Marjan vowed and tugged on her girlfriend's uniform until she leaned down to kiss her.
I won't annoy you all with a second set of tags so just consider this an open tag for YOU if you have anything you want to share
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
Recovering Together: Reader x Ignihyde
The last two weeks had been rough to say the least. 8 hours days turned into 12, 16 and even more if you weren’t careful. It was draining; physically, emotionally, socially. You’re sure you would have Overblotted if magic was an option. It hurts more because it’s been so long without seeing your partner. Now, finally, you have a moment to breathe and they’re determined to show you how much they’ve missed you.
Small snippets of the boys taking care of you when it’s hard to take care of yourself.
Warnings: Trauma (Emotional), Physically Exhaustion, Self-Doubt, Implied Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms (Reader), Crying, Comfort, Intense Emotions, Overworked Reader, Implied Fighting
           He feels like he’s doing a quick time event but something is wrong with the screen and the prompt isn’t showing up. Idia is trying his best to blend into the wallpaper of the hallway but everyone can see his hair. He can feel his fingers starting to twitch; people are staring and he’s going to lose his nerve. Why do normies have to be so fucking cringe, can’t he go out of his room once without it being a big deal seriously-
           He physically jerks into the middle of the hall when you exit class, like you’ve tugged him with a rope. You’re looking at the floor and from this angle it’s easy to see the red rims around your eyes. Idia wants to freeze but he’s come this far and is able to stutter out your name loud enough that you notice him.
           The fatigue on your face fades when you see him, smiling and walking over. He quickly takes your arm and drags you over to the side, clearing the walkway. You follow after him happily, squeezing his arm before he quickly snatches it away. He loves it when you touch him but in public? His hair is already turning pink at the thought.
           “Hey Idia, I didn’t know you were coming to class today. What’s going on?” You don’t sound hurt that he didn’t tell you, only curious and he grins, getting some confidence back.
           “That’s cause this is a top secret, limited time mission.” You smile, eyebrows going up as he explains.
           “Top secret huh? Are you going to share?” He snorts, giving you another wide grin and moves down the hall. You let him lead you towards the exit, ignoring the bell going off. It was lunch time anyway, the perfect time to sneak off.
           “You missed last week’s raid drops and I gotta send them over to you before the next one.” You feel a pang of guilt as Idia talks, tugging on his arm.
           “I’m sorry, everything has been so crazy lately…” He seems surprised at your apology but gives you a gentle look before turning away.
           “Don’t worry about it, you’re going to skip with me to make up for it.” You laugh, giving his arm a squeeze and leaning against him. Idia lets out a high-pitched squeak, squirming but not actually trying to push you off.
           “I wouldn’t miss it.”
 Ortho + Grim-
           Grim has no idea what to do. You’ve been running around all week and barely had time for him. And he didn’t need you of course, because he’s the Great Grim but it did upset him seeing you being run ragged. He misses you too, even if he would never admit it.
           Now he’s trying to figure out how to get you to rest. You had almost walked into a wall earlier! No deviation in sight! You owed him big time for that one. He sees the bags getting darker and darker, your body getting more and more sluggish. With all this in mind, he has to bring out the big guns.
           “And, because my hench-human is having so many issues, they need your help.” Ortho hadn’t interrupted Grim’s monologue about your health once, even if he was tempted to. He has noticed that you’re too busy to check in on Idia like normal but didn’t realize it was this bad.
           “Don’t worry Grim, I will help on your mission to fix the Prefect!” Grim sputters out excuses, following Ortho as he floats his way down the hall.
           “It’s not like I care! They just bring the mood down in the house.” Ortho nods, easily seeing past Grim’s blustering. The two of them begin the track to Ramshakle; you had skipped class to get sleep but only after Grim insisted.
           “Don’t worry Grim, we can raise the Prefect’s stats! We just need some good healing items.” As odd as Grim thinks Ortho was, he knows he’s more than trust worthy then others. He hopes.
           You wake up to hushed voices and your stomach growling. Everything was blurry and a glance at the clock showed it was after classes. Part of you wanted to feel guilty but the majority of you was just happy you had gotten more than 4 hours of sleep.
           “Hench-human!” You wince at Grim’s voice but turned to him, missing his concerned look. “Be grateful! The Great Grim worked hard on this for you!” He lowers his voice and you saw Ortho with a tray in his hands. The younger boy floats over and you take in the food.
           The toast is a little burned and the eggs a little runny but it smelled amazing. Your heart clenches and you sit up, Ortho and Grim getting into bed on either side of you.
           “You made this for me?” Ortho beams at your question and nods.
           “We did! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” You give them both a gentle smile and began to eat.
           “How were your days?” You chuckle as they both launch into accounts of the day, eager to tell you what had been going on. You don’t say anything as Grim snags a piece of bacon or as Ortho begins to lean on you. It’s nice to hang out with your boys again.
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adiduck · 1 year
WIP Game Snippet (and Last Line Challenge)
So I'm starting at the bottom of my WIP Game snips this time--below you'll find my 25 sentences for Operation Groundhog AU (plus a little extra).
This is also gonna serve as my response to @frostbitebakery's tag for the Last Line Challenge!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Open tags for that one. I've tagged too many people recently LOL
It’s not the Captain that finds them later, sitting in a little break room they’re definitely not supposed to be in and waiting for news. It’s one of the Admiral’s flag aides.
LCDR Sam Silenski, he introduces himself. Early forties, maybe, boxier build of a man who spends a lot of time behind a desk and makes up for it in a gym, a dark sweep of brown hair mixed with gray. One of the more senior members of Admiral Kazansky’s staff. His handshake’s firm when he shakes Ice’s and then Mav’s hands, gives them both a smile. “The Captain asked me to grab you two on the way out and get you back to base,” he says. “There’s not going to be much news tonight.”
“But it’s going okay?” Mav interjects, when Ice can’t manage to find the words to ask.
Silenski shrugs. “I have permission to inform you both that they avoided a respirator,” he offers. “Which is good, because the Admiral--” his eyes catch on Ice, and he clearly amends what he was going to say. “The Admiral doesn’t like being out of commission that long. He’s had to call in his deputy exactly once since assuming command, and… it was… not an enjoyable experience for anyone.”
Mav snickers, elbows Ice in the ribs. Ice finds a ghost of a smile to give him.
Silenski walks them out to his car--a beat up jeep, shit all over the back seat like most cars Ice has seen. The guy looks mildly embarrassed anyway when he realizes, glancing at Ice like he’s expecting Ice to have especially stringent back seat-related standards. Ice opts not to mention that he thinks he left a gym bag with dirty clothes in his own car’s back seat before he deployed. He thinks he’s getting a sense of the mystique his older self’s been cultivating with his staff, and he doesn’t want to ruin it by being too human.
It’s a weird thing to be thinking about, but it’s better than--
Well. It’s just better.
Ice ends up taking the front seat, by virtue of having longer legs. It’s a relatively quiet trip back to the assigned housing they’d shoved Ice and Mav into at the start of last week. Mav and Silenski make small talk--baseball, and San Diego weather, and a little of what being a flag aide is like.
“I have a good job,” Silenski says, shrugging. “Good pay, interesting work. A boss who maybe could stand to take a vacation occasionally.”
“I don’t think Ice’s had that word defined for him,” Mav jokes, grinning.
“What’s a vacation?” Ice asks dutifully, and Silenski snorts.
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell them to update the betting pool,” Silenski says, and pulls up to the shitty little bungalow Ice and Mav are sharing. “Ah, Kazansky.”
Ice pauses, door open and halfway out of the car.
Silenski looks at him for a minute, mouth twisted up, and then nods. “It really is a pleasure to meet you. Sorry about the weird circumstances.”
Ice nods. “You too,” he says. “Thanks for the ride.” He gets out and closes the door before the conversation can turn to… anything else.
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WIP Wednesday
Technically Thursday for me already, but whatever! 🤣
I was tagged by the lovely @rainbow-nerdss to share a snippet from a WIP, so have a blurb from a "Steve gets vecna'd" idea that's been bouncing in my skull for a while. I'm currently writing a scene from it for the @steddieholidaydrabbles. I'm collaborating with the amazing @house-of-the-moving-image on some of these, so there'll even be art!!! 🤩
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Steve's fingers twitch in the grass and Eddie's gaze flies to his face, half expecting to find his eyes wide open and sightless, half expecting him to start floating again and fuck, what will he do, he can't do shit, please, God, he can't-
But Steve’s eyes are closed, his face relaxed. Eddie sighs in relief. Then, following a sudden impulse, he reaches out and tucks the daisy into Steve's hair. 
He's no hero and he can't do anything to protect him, but he can make sure he rests while he can, can make sure he has music and beauty and sunlight surrounding him. It's what he deserves.
He deserves so much more.
The harsh snap of the tape ending almost makes him jump out of his skin. Steve flinches awake with an adorable little snort, hand flying up to pull the headphones off. His eyes dart around wildly for a second or two before they land on Eddie and he sags back to the ground. 
"Hey," he smiles, voice still sleep-slurred and hoarse. "Sorry, did I doze off?" 
The flower is still in his hair. 
Eddie snorts, pillows his arms on his knees so that he can hide behind them. 
"Are you kiddin' me, dude? You can sleep all you want." 
Steve hums vaguely and props himself up on one elbow, busies himself with opening the walkman and turning the tape. 
"Feels wrong though," he mutters. "Y’know… just chilling here while the kids-" 
"Stevie," Eddie says. Maybe it comes out a bit too harsh, because those pretty eyes blink up at him, confused and a bit hurt. He groans.
"The kids are old enough," he then continues, more softly. "They have Wheeler and Buckley with them. Not to mention Supergirl. You don't have to-" 
"-babysit them anymore, I know." Steve flops back into the grass, worries his bottom lip between his teeth. "I still feel useless, though." 
They stay silent for a while. The wind is getting chillier, now that the sun is dipping behind the trees, and Eddie is starting to shiver in his flannel. 
"Thank you, though," Steve mumbles. "For staying around, I appreciate it."
He sounds so small and lost and scared. Eddie plucks another flower so he won't have to look at his face. Hopes that Supergirl will tear Vecna's shrivelled black heart out through his ass and squish it under her shoe like a bug.
Tagging @sailing-through-hawkins @vegasol @rozzieroos - zero pressure, all the love ❤️
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