#but what actions they specifically *took* are different because they grew up differently
crowbasils · 10 months
havign cactiflorwer thgouhtrs……..
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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141 boys and your oddly specific hobby
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summary: Most people have hobbies like drawing or bird watching, however, yours are more unique. Regardless of your odd interests, the 141 still loves you, their quirky significant other!
pairing: 141 x gn!Reader
warnings: swearing
a/n: By popular vote, this won so please enjoy :)
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Price - matchbook collecting
When you first met Price, it was when you both dipped your hands into the matchbook jar. The jar sat at the host stand of a dive bar and you both happened to go for it at the same time. Although, you two had different motives. Him, because he forgot his lighter, and you, because you wanted to add something else to your collection. He wouldn’t pass up on a pretty face who he presumed also smoked, so he invited you for a light. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were just a collector so you joined him outside.
What started as a quick smoke ended up being two hours of witty conversation. As your pleasantries turned into various topics and ramblings, you were glad you finished the cigar quickly, trying to emulate the mature man’s actions. He vaguely talked about his occupation, a high-ranking military man, and you talked about your non-comparable, boring civilian life. However as the late night hours slowly approached, you wrote your number on his matchbook and thanked him for the cigar and friendly chat.
On your next date, you revealed your odd hobby to Price. “I’ve been collecting them as a child. It’s like collecting snow globes from different destinations but much easier to display and transport,” you said as you both leisurely sipped your drinks. “And to think I thought you were out for a smoke, good thing I left my lighter that day, Love” he replied and gave you a subtle wink. You eventually showed him pictures of your growing collection, recounting where each one was from and showing him some of your favorites.
Soon everywhere he went, Price noticed the unique matchbooks. It started with pocketing a matchbox while he was in Amsterdam and grew slowly. Soon he would start a collection of his own, bringing them home to you with a story of where they each came from. After what seemed like 30 matchbooks in Price's collection, the 141 took notice. “Captain, you some pyromaniac or something,” Soap joked. “Just for my partner, weird collection of there’s” Price responded and no one questioned him further. Although, he still keeps the matchbook that has your number on it in his collection.
Soap - soap making
“You’re never gonna believe me, but I make soap as a side business.” Soap thought it was a joke at first, something to make him laugh when you first met. But when he entered your flat, he was shocked at how honest you were. Your walls were filled with shelves lined with every scent known to man along with hundreds of designed soaps. It smelled like a Lush store when he walked in and he marveled at your creations.
You watched him bask in the glory of the soap for a moment as you laughed heartily. "I told you so," you said as he went about sniffing each one and examining them. You organized them by scent and interrupted him as he approached the floral section. "Having fun there, Johnny?" you asked and he looked up at you as he held one of your rose-scented creations in his hand. "Can't believe this," he said and you smiled as he continued. Eventually, after he had smelt every single bar, you took him into a room where you were working on some new items for your fall collection.
"You have more!" he gasped and went to examine the bars of soap in their molds. "My Autumn collection," you said proudly, "here come smell this one." You led him to a table that housed an orange-hued soap slab with leaves delicately placed throughout the hardened bar. He held the slab in one hand and placed it up to his nose. His eyes lit up as a mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin filled his nostrils. "Smells like a pie," he joked and you showed him various others.
For his return from deployment, you had a surprise. You had spent weeks perfecting this formula and finally were satisfied. As you walked to his flat, you gently tugged on the striped ribbon that tied the parcel together. When he opened the door, he noticed the box in your hands and ushered you in. He excitedly tugged the ribbon off the box and opened it. He gasped when he saw two bars in the colors of the Scottish flag lying on a pile of recycled confetti. "What's this?" he asked and you motioned for him to turn the bars over and smell them. As his calloused hands turned the soft bar over, he noticed the packaging said "The Scotsman." He smiled widely as he placed them both up to his nose, taking in the smells of rain and pine. You swear you could see him tear up when he said, "Reminds me of my own home."
After this, he insisted you mass produce these bars of soap for his friends. You sheepishly did so and when you presented it to the other 141, Gaz loudly remarked, "He's finally done it, Soap is now a bar of soap." 
Gaz - raising butterflies
He had heard about people having pets—even raising chickens but never butterflies. Your house was a sanctuary, filled with small enclosures of cocoons along with various flowers for your butterflies to suck nectar from. When he entered your house, it was like that scene where Alice first sees all the flowers in Wonderland. He felt like a child, seeing all the gorgeous wings floating around the room. He saw a delicately monarch land on a peony and approached it quietly.
"Here hold out your finger like this," you said and showed him how to stand gently and hold out his pointer finger. As he followed your actions, the butterfly gently landed on him. He looked in awe at the insect and you stealthily took a picture of him. The rest of the afternoon, you described to him what flowers butterflies like best and the lengthy process of tending to them before they reached metamorphosis.
Whenever Gaz was on deployment, he would always visit to relax in the butterfly sanctuary. He loved watching as you tended to the flowers and gently fed the butterflies sugar water. Even when he was on a mission, he would be sure to ask about some of his favorite butterflies, even going so far as to name them. "How's my girl, Cressia, doing?" he asked over FaceTime as you walked to find the Great spangled fritillary amongst the zinnias. "Here she is!" you exclaimed and pointed the camera at Cressia, a gorgeous butterfly with golden yellow wings. You could hear someone snicker in the background but Kyle didn't care as he continued to take screenshot after screenshot.
For your first anniversary, Kyle was unfortunately deployed and couldn't celebrate with you. This didn't stop him from showering you with gifts. As you sat in the conservatory, you could hear the doorbell ring. You emerged to find the postman holding two boxes for you, one smaller than the other. You took them inside as you delicately opened up the larger package. Inside, was a note describing the care for 23 painted butterflies along with rows of small cocoons. You smiled as you read the instructions and went to place the new members into their homes. After you got them settled, you opened the small box to reveal a necklace with a small butterfly charm carved from a pearl. A note inside read, "Happy anniversary, now you can carry a butterfly with you anywhere you go."
Ghost - bookbinding
When you first invited Simon over he was quick to notice your many bookshelves all lined with books of the same aesthetic. He knew some of these were Penguin clothbound Classics but was certain they hadn't bound The Hunger Games in their unique cover. As he held The Harry Potter novels and My Year of Rest and Relaxation in his hands, he silently contemplated if he had missed a few years and these were published classics. You came into the library with two glasses and laughed at his bewildered gaze. "You discovered my little hobby, Simon," you joked and offered him a glass. As he sipped on The Paper Plane cocktail, you recounted how you would spend your free time rebinding books that didn't match your aesthetic. "It took me a while but having a matching library like this one is worth it," you said and waved your arm to the rows of books, all with a unifying factor.
As you entered into a long-term relationship, it was clear Simon loved your hobby and indulged in it. Every time he visited, he insisted on bringing you the few books he owned to create Penguin Classic-like covers. From military manuals to a vintage copy of The Art of War, you quickly rebound them and presented him with his new book. He even told you that some of his colleagues had complimented your handiwork. You always blushed in response, citing your eye for design as the cause of all the madness.
Eventually, Simon gifted you with the paperback Penguin Classics. You opened the door to see him carrying a pile of books in his arms. You quickly ushered him to the library where he set them all down on your vintage leather couch. "For the person, that has everything," he said and you went to examine all of the books. He had seemingly bought out the whole collection as you marveled at each of the covers. "Each one of them has an art piece on it," he said and you began to notice the trend. You gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek as you held Wuthering Heights in your hand. He quickly snatched it out of your hands before you could even start to rip off the cover. "Keep these, I know you have a theme going on but it doesn't hurt to have some variety," he said and gave you back the book as you stared up at him.
Now whenever someone comes to visit you, they always notice the black-bound books on display. Although they do stick out, you love recounting the story of how your significant other bought you some of the most prized objects in your collection.
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one thing I haven't touched upon yet is how well the showrunners handled the time jump between Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory and more specifically - how well they handled maturing the campers.
At least to me the transition is nearly smoothless. Like, a couple of years have passed for those kids and those included years when people tend to change a lot - from children they grow into young adults. And the show did a fantastic job of shaping their adult forms in terms of personality. Because all of them have the core traits that we associated them with in Camp Cretaceous but at the same time they are more mature and carry their experiences on their back - both the experiences that we know of and those that could potentially fill up the time jump space if you know what I mean.
I look at Kenji for example and I still see remains of the boy that he was - a little bit arrogant (it still shows! he is very proud just of different things!), someone who doesn't shy away from an argument; but at the same time I see a man who has spent hours teaching kids and adults how to rock-climb - he can be patient too; I see someone who had to re-evaluate a lot in his life, and I can see that it wasn't easy, that it took a toll on him.
Or for example Sammy! Someone who loves her friends and family dearly still, a girl who was willing to fight for those she loved. But at the same time I see a young woman who knows that sometimes a compromise is the best option (like that situation with her neighbor). I see someone who still learns when her love and affection need to take a backseat for others to develop. I see someone who knows that sometimes being apart, even if it hurts, may be a good thing. I see someone forgiving but persistent.
Ben too... A boy who went through severe trauma that made his personality do flip and then, once time passed, he started rebuilding what was left of his old core. Anxious he is, a little boy still, but also a fighter - because he had to be one. At the same time, I see a young man who is a little torn on where he stands, who still figures out the details of his personality but who also knows his strengths and capabilities. In the end, he is energy-unbound, and he is eager to learn about the world in so many ways.
Darius, a boy who lost so much, and a young man who lost just as much. Life hasn't been easy on him. In jwcc grief encouraged him to attend camp, fulfill his father's dream. In jwct that aspect of his personality develops even more - now grief spins him into action, he doesn't wait for things to happen, he acts. He can work with others but he can also rely on himself, he grew up; he knows that he can handle himself, he still learns that he can reach out and ask for help, but he's getting there. He really is.
Not to mention Yas who has always been a creative person. Yes, it may be surprising that I mention that first but look at her now - inventing stuff, conducting projects? Remember her sketchbook in jwcc? Yeah, look where that creativity took her, look where her compassion took her - she helps people by helping herself. It was such a problem for her in jwcc (esp at the beginning) and look at her now - she's miles ahead of her old self.
Their personalities make so much sense because they are a clear continuation of their personalities in jwcc, and that's one of the reasons why jwct is so freaking good.
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famwhy · 1 year
Judging Aunties
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Hobie Brown X South Asian!F!Reader
Synopsis: you just wanted to enjoy a nice family gathering with your boyfriend but of course your very rude and judgy aunties had to say something because why would they ever let you be happy? Luckily for you, Hobie loved you too much to let them get in the way. (In other words, Hobie being such a comforting and supportive boyfriend.)
Warnings: minor panic attack (I think?) and there will be depictions of racism in this fic as I can't lie to you, lots of South Asian aunties are very judgy when you bring someone that isn't South Asian to a family meet. I do not condone it, nor do I excuse it. This fic is here to condemn it.
Note: I encourage you to read this even if you aren't South Asian as I'd love to share the experiences of south asians to those of you that don't know much. One of the huge, glaring issues is how judging older aunties can be if you decide to date a guy that isn't brown as well and I wanted to write this fic to highlight that issue. Of course, there are many delights about being south asian too but this fic is focusing on one issue. And dw, Hobie tells them to suck it. (Also, the reader is bengali specifically in this.)
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The eyes. You could feel them, boring straight into your back—sending whatever voodoo evil-eye shit they could your way.
And all for what? 'Cause you had a boyfriend that looked different to them? Spoke differently and had different mannerisms? So fucking what? He loved you and you loved him, wasn't that enough?
"Ayo," you heard his voice faintly, and you felt guilty when you couldn't help but pay more attention to their gazes on you, "I'm gonna go grab us some'in to eat, yeah?"
You nodded but your eyes stayed cloudy, barely focusing on if he had left yet or not. Though, judging by the muttering voices that grew louder—he was gone and the aunties were approaching.
"Y/N, beti, was that your new... boyfriend?"
Ugh, her voice sounded like nails against a chalkboard to your ears. And—somehow—she made the usually nice-sounding accent that coated her tongue, seem god-awful.
"Yeah, what of it?" You crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes in her direction.
"Nothing... just... did it not work out with Rohan? I thought that boy was quite nice."
Here we go.
"No, fufu, Rohan didn't work out."
"That's a shame. He's training to be a doctor, you know—"
Is that so? I didn't know that after the hundreds of times you already told me, auntie.
"—a perfect marriage candidate."
"Mhm, good for him." You dismissed her with a light wave of your hand, barely managing to keep yourself from sinking your nails into her flesh right then and there.
Though, even your restrained actions were enough to cause her to narrow her own eyes at you. "Does your bhai know you're with... him?"
"He's the first person I told."
"He's the first person you told?"—and so the judging continues—"tor maa baaf khene khoysona foila?" ("why didn't you tell your mum and dad first?")
Your eye twitched. "They were also among the first I told."
"And they approved?"
The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.
"Why wouldn't they approve?"
"Well, you know—"
"There a problem, ladies?" Lo and behold, the person of interest had made his way back over to you, a plate of your mother's freshly baked samosas in one hand, his other hand resting by his side.
You lit up at his appearance, practically gliding over to him as your salwar kameez jingled with every step you took, emphasising your joy further as your arms looped around his neck and you rested your head against his chest.
His steady heartbeat was always comforting to listen to; always calmed your nerves.
"I can't lie, love, you're looking sweet in dat dress styll."
You giggled, feeling yourself turn into putty from just his one compliment. Even just his presence was enough to melt your bones and render you into an immovable pond of gooey mush, eyes practically turning into hearts as you endlessly swooned.
"And you are...?"
But, of course, all good things must come to an end.
"My name's Hobie, Hobie Brown." He held his hand out to her and when she merely looked at it with narrowed eyes, you could feel your grip tighten around his neck.
"Listen, my niece is very gentle—"
"Gen'le?" He interrupted her, incredulous. "This one? Are you mad?"
"Hobie!" You whined but buried your head into his chest to hide the growing smile on your lips that would give away your true feelings.
"What? It's a compliment, you're a mad ting, you know? Enough to make a big man stumble."
Another sickening, little school-girl giggle left your mouth and you could already envision your aunties scrunching their noses up in distaste at the blatant display of affection but—honestly?—you didn't give a fuck. You were in Hobie's arms and that was all that mattered.
"What is with all your... piercings? Are you in a gang?"
Okay, what did she just say?
You were fully ready to just snap at her but Hobie beat you to speaking first. "Nah, I don't do that gang shit."
"Fufu, I think you need to leave." You turned your head her way, grip tightening even further as your brows caved in tenfold; red, hot rage flowing through your veins.
You were about to pull away—give her a piece of your mind and forcefully make her leave—but, Hobie looped an arm around your waist and prevented you from creating any distance with him.
When you looked up to address him, however, you noticed how he wasn't looking at you—instead, he was staring right at your auntie, lips shaped into a straight line. "Just say you don't like me da'ing her 'cause I'm black, yeah?"
Your auntie gritted her teeth, nostrils flaring as she fiercely huffed, raising one pointer finger his way in her rage as she parted her lips, ready to let out another one of her long, bitchy speeches.
But Hobie wasn't having it, and so, shut her right up when he turned his head back your way, tilting your chin and meeting your lips in a sudden—and extremely passionate—kiss.
Your eyes stayed open long enough for you to catch a glimpse of him raising his middle finger up and sending it right her way before you smirked and melted straight into him.
Despite the kiss being done to prove a point, it still didn't feel any less magical as every other kiss with him. Hobie was the only one who could ever make you feel this way—and you adored him for it, regardless of what some stuck-up auntie had to say.
When he finally pulled away (much to your dismay), he turned back over to your auntie, who stood there with her mouth hung open, and said, "do me a favour, yeah? Fuck off."
And soon, you were tugged off, away from the multiple pairs of eyes that belonged to all your other relatives in the room and towards another empty one instead.
Though, as Hobie led you over to the couch, you couldn't help but feel a wave of a certain strong emotion you felt when you brought your last non-brown lover over to a family gathering; a wave so strong, you had to voice it.
"I get it."
"If you don't wanna be with me anymore—I get it. My aunties are really overbearing and South Asian culture is really, really unwelcome to other races so I—" a lump formed in your throat and you could barely finish uttering your sentence, unable to push past the stupid thing.
"Woah, woah, woah, what are you on about, love?" Hobie's voice sounded concerned but he was probably just trying to be sweet, he would leave you just like your past lover did—and all because of a dumb family gathering. God, how could you be so stupid? You shouldn't have taken him in the first place.
"It's just—" you choked up, vision blurring as your heart constricted and it got harder and harder to breathe.
"Woah, look at me, love. Look at me." His hands placed themselves on your shoulders as he levelled with you, making your nerves relax a little just by the sight of his face. "Breathe with me."
You followed the movement of his chest, breathing in rhythm with him until your vision cleared up and your words finally found you again.
"It's just that— my last boyfriend left me because of my aunties and— and— I don't want you to leave me too."
Please don't leave, I love you too much, Hobie.
"I would never leave you 'cause of some jarring prick that's part of your family. Ever."
You blinked. "Really? Not even 'cause I'm Desi?"
"What are you chatting 'bout? My guy Pav is Indian, you don't see me not bein' 'is mate 'cause of that."
He made a good point.
"Look, yeah, Y/N? I love you. No ma'er what. Never forget that."
And it was at that moment where you, Y/N L/N, found yourself falling in love with Hobie Brown all over again.
"I love you too, Hobie."
(Note: If I catch any comments that undermine this experience or call me racist for writing about this behaviour and calling it out, I will delete them and block the commenter. I take this very seriously and I hope you are mature enough to also do so. That's all, have a good day.)
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ace-spades-1 · 7 months
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x fem!reader and a bit of Faith x Elijah
Summary: Faith is tired of watching Y/N and Clarisse fall in love with each other because she knows they will never act on it. It’s time to take action and with the help of some friends.
a/n: This is kind of a part two of the Orange Peel Theory but it can be read as a stand alone. Sorry for any grammar errors or if any parts start getting confusing. I wrote a few of these in the middle of the night. I’m so happy with how it turned out. I hope you guys like it too.
Word count: 2.3k
Y/N stood up from the arts and crafts benches and ran to Clarisse, who was trying to murder a dummy. Swinging and stabbing the dummy as if it were a monster or Percy himself. Her stabbing stopped at the sight of Y/N walking up beside her, palm open proudly showing her the beaded bracelet she had made.
Faith watched at the arts and crafts benches as the two conversed with one another before Y/N wrapped the bracelet around Clarisse’s wrist, thanked her and left. Leaving Clarisse standing on the training grounds looking longingly at the bracelet displayed on her wrist. Faith groaned and abruptly stood up from her spot on the bench startling the Athena boy beside her.
“Okay, that’s it! We need to do something about those two!”
The Athena boy looked at her confused, he looked towards the training grounds where Clarisse had started to attack the dummy once again except this time it was thought there was something on her mind.
“Do what? About who?”
Faith gave the boy an exhausted look pulling him up off his seat and making him stand next to her.
“Clarisse and my sister. They’ve been dancing around each other for months and have done nothing!”
Faith looked as though she was ready to start pulling her hair out.
“My sister! The daughter of Aphrodite is afraid of flirting! Can you believe it?!”
“You were afraid of even approaching me when you first saw me because you were so in love. If I remember correctly you had one of your sisters approach me first, princess.”
The girl looked at the boy, face flushed remembering the moment.
“That’s different, Elijah!”
She took a breath to calm down, face still flushed as she looked back at Clarisse,
“Besides, this isn’t about me. This is about my sister and Clarisse. I know exactly what to do. We’ll need some help.”
“Oh boy.”
Faith grabbed Elijah’s hand pulling him towards the big house. Inside, the eldest son of Dionysus kneeled in front of his father begging him to conjure up a Red Bull. At least one just to get him through the day. The door hitting the wall made his begging stop, his attention turned towards the two figures standing in the doorway.
Faith looked at the boy on the ground kneeling at his father her face filled with confusion and shock,
“What are you doing?”
Isaac stood up from the ground, dusting off his pants.
“I just want a Red Bull, okay?! These kids are going to drive me crazy! What do you want?”
“I’m sick and tired of watching Y/N and Clarisse do nothing but give each other longing glances and mild flirting. I have a plan on how we can get them together! We need all the help we can get.”
Isaac’s eyes widened at the mention of Y/N. After growing up together Isaac grew protective of her, never letting any boys near her. Even after arriving at camp he still makes sure no boy gets even ten feet from her, especially the Ares children. More specifically the daughter of Ares. He knew of the affection growing between the two and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Woah! Slow down, cupid wannabe! I don’t want my best friend to end up with the camp bully!”
“You don’t want her to end up with anybody!” Elijah quickly butted in,
“Shut it, Einstein! I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“Come on, Isaac! Don’t you want her to be happy?! We both know that Clarisse will protect her with her life.”
Isaac let out a frustrated sigh running his hand through his already messy hair.
“Fine! But if she so much as lay a hand on her I will put a curse on her!”
Faith quickly nodded in agreement before grabbing his hand and pulling him and Elijah out of the big house, barely squeezing through the door and running towards the Ares cabin. Once again Faith kicked the door open making the door hit the wall. The children inside startled, pointed their spears toward the door ready to attack.
Only to be met with a panting girl, her hands still clutching the two boys’ hands who were now on the ground.
“Where’s Cealton!”
The kids pointed at a sleeping kid in the corner of the room. A leg hanging off the bed and drooling at the corner of his mouth. Faith let go of the two boys' hands and walked to the sleeping boy. She looked down at him for a moment before throwing him off the bed, making him hit his face on the floor.
Cealton looked at the girl above him rubbing his nose,
“What was that for?”
Faith leaned down,
“I have a plan to get our sister’s together.”
The four of them sat together at the Dionysus table. Cealton now had a bandage over his nose as he ate his lunch, Isaac happily drinking his Red Bull, and Elijah looking at Faith as she paced.
“I need them to confess to each ther in the next 3 days and I know exactly how. First…”
“ Wednesday: We need to show Y/N that Clarisse does like her.”
Clarisse walked towards the archery field, spear in hand. One of her brothers had asked her if she could help him with a bow and arrow as he had trouble with it. She scoffed at the request, annoyed that her brother had bothered her during her rest but agreed anyway. The scowl on her face faded as quickly as it came at the sight of Y/N in the archery field attempting to shoot an arrow. Her brows furrowed, frustrated all of her arrows had either been too far or short.
“Hey Y/N.”
Y/N looked up from her bow, smiling at Clarisse as she approached.
“Clarisse, what are you doing here?”
“My brother asked me to help him with the bow and arrow. How about you?”
Y/N sighed frustrated looking back at her bow.
“Also practicing. I want to get better. I want to do more than just sit around and do nothing during capture the flag. I want to help out, y’know.”
“I can help you if you want. Here let’s start with your stance.”
Y/N let out a shaky breath as Clarisse stood behind her letting her hand guide her. She took a deep breath as she pulled back the string of her bow, her heart beating faster as Clarrise rested a hand on her waist. She ignored the hand and tried to focus on aiming her bow towards the target. After a moment she let go.
Y/N let out a breath, her hand clutching her bow tightly, her eyes wide at the arrow that pierced the center of the target.
“Nice job, gorgeous.” Clarisse whispered in Y/N’s ear.
Y/N looked back at Clarisse, their nose touching. Just as they leaned in…
“Y/N! Could I get some help?”
The two quickly pulled away from each other turning towards an upcoming camper. Their voice is toned out as Y/N tries to calm her beating heart once again their reasoning of interrupting blurred. The camper suddenly started to pull Y/N away making her give Clarisse a rushed thank you before disappearing.
The matchmakers watched the scene unfold from the bushes. Isaac being held back by Cealton as Faith barely held in a shriek of delight watching the two girls nearly kiss.
“I just wanted them to talk for a bit but that works!”
“I guess we can move on to step two?”
“Thursday: Second step. Clarisse should ask Y/N out”
“Tell me again why Clarisse needs to give Y/N something?”
“My sister has always been the one to give her something. It’s time for her to return the gesture.”
“Uh huh, and why am I the one doing it with her? Why not you or Isaac or Cealton”
“Because I want to talk to my sister, Isaac is busy taking over his dad’s job, again, and Cealton is busy teaching little kids how to use a sword. Now go.”
Elijah sighed and cautiously approached Clarisse. After some convincing and a mention of Y/N’s name once or twice Clarisse agreed to make flower crowns with the little kids as Y/N and Faith walked by the shore lines of the beach.
“So are you planning on doing anything tomorrow, Faith?”
“I was planning on having a midnight picnic with Elijah by Thalia’s tree. How about you? Finally going to confess to Clarisse?”
Y/N smiled and imagined herself and Clarisse walking by the shore, hands intertwined. Just the thought of Clarisse made her heart soar. She couldn’t imagine a world without her. She’d go through tartarus and back just for her.
“I think I will. I suppose it is time to finally tell her how I feel.”
“Yay! I’ll help you prepare a speech.”
Y/N laughed at her sister’s excitment. Just then Elijah and Clarisse emerged from the trees (why did they go through the woods? idk) each having a flower crown in hand. Elijah excitedly showed Faith the one he had made, happily putting it on her head. As Clarisse gave Y/N her the two stepped out to the side having their own little conversation.
“Friday: Confession time.”
Y/N had said yes to going on a date with Clarisse and Faith was determined to make everything perfect for their confession. First it started with Cealton giving his sister flowers to give to Y/N, then Isaac, somehow, convinced Chiron and Dionysus to excused Clarisse and Y/N from any activities for today, Elijah and Faith had set up a little picnic for the two by the beach, and time finally came for them to confess to one another.
The two girls were walking by the shore, hands intertwined as the sun set on the horizon. Once again the matchmakers were in the bushes spying on the two,
“Okay it’s sunset. Y/N said she’ll confess to Clarisse when the sun sets. Why isn’t she confessing?!”
“Princess, calm down. Let her take her time, she’s probably still nervous.”
The two girls stopped and stared at each other, a small breeze hitting them. Clarisse took off her jacket and wrapped it around Y/N’s shoulders as she hugged herself shivering from the small breeze. The two looked at each other’s eyes, Y/N’s hands resting on Clarisse’s chest as the other wrapped her arms around Y/N’s waist keeping her close. The two stood there in silence, wishing for the moment to last forever.
“Clarisse, I—”
The two were suddenly soaking wet from getting hit by water. They looked to the docks not too far away, to see Percy, Grover, and Annabeth looking back at the two girls in horror. Percy started to run for his life as Clarisse chased after him with her spear yelling profanities and words that would make even Hades blush. Grover, Annabeth, and Y/N running closely behind the two trying to stop the girl from maiming the poor boy.
Faith let out an exhausted groan as she sat on one of the benches outside the Ares cabin with the three boys surrounding her. After successfully calming Clarisse down they led the two soaking girls back to Aphrodite cabin to get cleaned up. Apparently Percy had been practicing his powers when he started to lose control and unfortunately Clarisse and Y/N just so happened to be there at the wrong time.
“All I wanted to do was to make them confess to one another. It’s clear as day that they are meant for each other. Was that so much to ask?”
Elijah’s brows furrowed seeing his princess saddened. He quickly hugged her close to his chest, resting his chin on top of her head rubbing her back in comfort.
“I know how hard you worked to get them to confess. There’s always next time, princess.”
“Yea, and next time we’ll make sure they aren’t interrupted.”
“Yea, but for now let’s focus on you two’s little picnic tonight!”
Faith smiled remembering the little picnic they had planned at midnight. She sighed pushing the thought of the failed attempt of a confession. They were right, there was always next time.
In the Aphrodite cabin Y/N leaned against the door frame as she watched her sister and her boyfriend sit side by side on the benches smiling. Clarisse walked up behind her wrapping an arm around her waist and resting her chin on her shoulder.
“I almost feel bad. Do you think we should just tell them we’ve been together for nearly a year and a half now?”
“Nah, it’s much more fun seeing them try to get us together. Let’s keep them guessing, gorgeous”
Y/N giggled as Clarisse pulled her back inside, closing the door as she did so. She pinned Y/N against the door kissing her.
I guess they plan on keeping it a secret for another year.
Thank you for reading!
a/n: Wooo! Finally done!
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shrimpalbuspotter · 2 months
What's the thing that stands out to you the most about albus and by extension his relationship with scorpius?
I'm gonna give 2 answers for this but they technically intermingle: One thing that stands out to me about Albus as a character, and one thing that stands out to me about his relationship with Scorpius.
Albus is a character who wears his emotions on his sleeve, even if he doesn't want to. This means we know alot about the motives behind his actions that run deeper than just "I want to save Cedric Diggory because my dad sucks." He's surly, self isolating, grumpy, and often seems rather anxious.
I think the thing that stands out the most to me is actually his relationships with others.
Albus has one friend, Scorpius. You can clearly see that Albus felt comfortable the moment he talked to him on the train, all awkward smiles and giggles. Then, when his cousin (who he grew up with), deemed he wasn't a good fit to be a friend and told Albus they were leaving, he outright denied her.
Cut to a while later, and Albus becomes a shut in. Its never explicitly shown but I take that when McGonagall called Albus "Isolated and surly" she was referencing to him refusing to make other friends. I don't doubt there were people who did try and befriend Albus despite him having a reputation, I just think Albus refused to give them the time of day. He had been laughed at and ridiculed by other students tons of times before, he learned to rely on gut feelings. If Albus doesn't immediately feel like he can trust you, he won't trust you, and it'll take a hell of a long time to change that due to his relentless stubborn. Plus his general opinion of the student body is already more terrible because he knows how everyone in Hogwarts feels about his bestfriend, who he deems more important than anyone else.
Cut yet again! Rose attempts to talk to Albus on the train to Hogwarts as they enter fourth year. Rose seems like she wants to make amends, trying to get Albus to talk to her and apologise, but Albus is still not having it. He sees through her, he knows his cousin. She'd never apologise herself, even if she knows she's wrong. Albus doesn't want to be pitied, and he also knows how rude Rose can be to Scorpius. So once again she's shut down.
Then we move on to him meeting Delphi, and there's something different. He seems slightly confused at first, but he relaxes as she talks. Albus sees this dorky, quirky lady, who talks about how people would make fun of her as a kid, and he automatically trusts her. It was definetly an odd feeling to have, because the only other person he'd felt that from was Scorpius, but Albus has an issue where he sets people he cares about on a pedestal and finds it almost impossible to imagine them doing any wrong, or expects them to always act a specific way. Delphi was in Albus' circle now, and he wanst planning to lose that.
But... then we notice something. Albus becomes slightly distant towards Scorpius whenever Delphi is around. He thinks he really likes her, and he knows she's practically a stranger but he swears there's this magnetic pull that just makes him want to be around her all the time. Scorpius is sort of jealous, but he's happy Albus has made a friend.
It's been pointed out before that majority of Delphis personality was took from Scorpius because she knew that would make Albus like her more. And it worked. She knows Albus find it difficult connecting with people he cant relate to, so she talked about her issues with expectations and not asking to be born into the family you were. (OK this is getting off topic let's go back on track).
In summary, how Albus finds it so incredibly difficult to connect with people then, when does, holds them so close to his heart, is what stands out most to me. Its crucial! Albus is not a person who trusts easily, but he takes great pride in those he can call his friend, even if it's few (cough ONE cough).
On that note... Answer 2. What stands out to me most about Scorpius and Albus's relationship? (Let's go the romantic route)
For me, its the way they are so different from every other ship. I don't think you can compare them to anything, because it won't be the same.
I see alot of people say its a parallel to Wolfstar but... it isn't. Alteast not how they'd be in canon. Because the Dynamics are completely different, and so are the characters personalities.
I think how unique their relationship is is what makes it so special. They were both misunderstood kids who realistically should've despised eachother just like their parents, but they didn't. They took comfort in eachothers presence and didn't care that everyone bullied them, because atleast they were together. Albus would end the world for Scorpius, and Scorpius would save the world for Albus. And it isn't even a Gryffindor/Slytherin relationship either! Which the fandom seems to like alot!
They are two bestfriends, from the same house, who would rather be with eachother than anyone else in the world. The closest thing to soulmates you're gonna get.
Anywhoooo that's my answerrr thank you for the ask anon I was in my feels beforehand and then I got to rant it all out on my favs
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theoi-crow · 6 months
TW: religious trauma, threat mention, weapons mention, child neglect, homophobia, abuse, coercion and religious PTSD.
Why fearing a deity keeps me from developing a genuine relationship with that same deity.
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I grew up Catholic and one of the first things my mother taught me was the concept of Heaven and Hell. Essentially after death one gets judged based on the actions they took while they were still living and is either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. It was a simple concept to understand but it brought up a question that ultimately made me leave the religion.
Do I genuinely love God or am I afraid of his wrath? (Like a held hostage who is coerced into choosing options that won't upset my captor out of fear of his retaliation)
Even the reward of eternal bliss felt like it was designed to lessen the threat of eternal damnation as a consolation prize for all those years of panic attacks and anxiety over the thought of being sent to Hell. I always hoped for a third milder option that allowed me the freedom to develop a genuine relationship with God without said god having to rely on coercion. I wanted to experience an honest relationship without a weapon pressed against my back in case I made the wrong move or asked the wrong question.
Due to this looming threat, the relationship I had with God felt transactional and lacked genuine affection because I knew God's love for me was conditional and depended on me following arbitrary rules from a book written by a lot of different people (each author having their own agenda different from the rest so they were constantly contradicting each other because the different entries were written in different time periods and places with vastly different political movements specific to their locations and situations but were combined together, like a mass Tumblr post with over 50 blogs that don't all agree on what the rules should be).
The many rules always made me feel like Alice playing a game with the Queen of Hearts with rules that were unclear and no one was interested in explaining them to me until I did something they didn't like and were able to find something in the book that condemned me for it.
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Having to adhere to these rules in order for me to be rewarded and not punished felt like a relationship between a gay child and homophobic parents that expected said child to act a certain way. If that child obeyed, they were rewarded with affection and approval, but if said child didn't, they were kicked out and forced to fend for themselves against a world that wasn't built to protect and help gay children. Being Christian felt like I had a leash around my neck being held by an entity that constantly told me he loved me, so long as I did what I was told.
I didn't think it was possible to love a deity without fearing them until I met my gods.
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According to the ancient Greeks: Once a human dies they go to Hades. Unless they make some kind of undeniable mark in the world everyone goes to Hades.
If you were a famous and exceptional human that changed the world in a positive way you'd go to Elysium but you purposefully had to do something so extraordinary your legacy and name became well known because according to the Elysium wiki, in the beginning "only mortals related to the gods and other heroes could be admitted past the river Styx. Later, the conception of who could enter was expanded to include those chosen by the gods, the righteous, and the heroic." (LINK) The ancient Greeks believed the gods were in charge of giving people fame because those who were famous were often related to the gods (for example: people believed Pythagoras (the one that the Pythagorean theorem is named after) was either the son of Apollo, or Apollo himself: (LINK)
Tartarus is strictly for gods and humans can't go there but the worst humans are still punished by Hades as shown in the myths of Sisyphus (LINK) and Tantalus (LINK) but you have to royally eff up. You have to do it on purpose like enacting laws that target vulnerable people (both Sisyphus and Tantalus were kings and politically involved) or commiting mass genocide as examples of the severity I'm talking about. These are crimes against humanity you cannot accidentally do, they involve terrible deeds that are premeditated with the intent of destroying the lives of innocent people.
But if my main problem is the concept of Heaven/Hell, why am I bringing up Elysium, Hades and Tartarus, concepts that influenced how Heaven and Hell work? (LINK)
Because unless you choose to dedicate your life, time and energy and become famous for making an undeniable mark in history (an effort that isn't just you doing normal good deeds or making mistakes you later regret but actually dedicating your life and becoming well known for your efforts like activist Greta Thunberg, or purposefully hurting innocent people like serial killer Ted Bundy) everyone else goes to Hades and I love that because when I work with my gods I may not get automatic access to Elysium but there is no threat of eternal punishment either.
Which means I interact with my gods because I want to!
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Not because I'll be rewarded or punished but because I want to interact with them and develop a genuine connection with them! There's no condition of me needing to convert others, in fact I don't even have to tell people I believe in them! (the gods understand the world can be a dangerous place for their followers due to the many religious wars and religious politicians in power).
I'm not required to talk about them! I'm not even required to keep this blog but I do it because I genuinely love them and I love talking about them! I've even changed majors mid semester in order to dedicate my life to learning about them. I'm studying to become an archeologist who specializes in the ancient Greek religion in order to make that information more accessible to Hellenic Polytheists and anyone else interested in the gods. I don't do it so the gods will reward me because I don't need them to, they will be just as happy if I delete this blog, quit my career and go about my day living my life. I do it because I love learning about the gods and I want to share the information I learned in case it helps those that are interested learn more about their gods too!
I've even made it my mission on Tumblr to share what I've learned about the gods to hopefully help others connect with their gods more easily especially for those who are having trouble connecting with them. And this was all unprompted. The gods literally had nothing to do with this. It was my own choice because there is a specific god I sometimes have trouble connecting with due to varying factors and it makes me feel awful when I can't connect with him, especially when I need his guidance the most so I want to help others avoid experiencing that feeling by letting them know they're not alone and helping them figure out what's blocking their connection because it can be a miserable experience.
My favorite part about a lack of reward and punishment is having the confidence to say I seek the gods because I want to seek the gods.
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I walk with the gods because I want to walk with the gods. This is my will, my choice, and mine alone. No one is forcing me to do it and there isn't some big prize at the end if I do, I can stop anytime I want and nothing will happen. I have made an independent choice to seek the gods, meet them and got to know them and I can genuinely say I love them more than I ever thought was possible. I do.
I love my gods.
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amazon160 · 1 year
M.X.E.S. x Reader Headcanons 👾🐇💙
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-he’s always been a guard dog of some sorts
-so when you first entered the security system his red flags and alarms all went off at once
-he wasn’t going to let you go anywhere near the security systems, and he wouldn’t think twice about it
-in this scenario, you were just a technician trying to do your job. You manually shut down all the animatronics to reboot some systems and stumbled across M.X.E.S.
-M.X.E.S. was shocked when you didn’t try hacking into the system like someone that he was dealing with would usually do
-you found that the M.X.E.S. PROGRAM ran a lot more smoothly and broadly than the security you usually used, so you decided to use it more often to access the Pizzaplex more smoothly
-so you paid the M.X.E.S. character more visits
-he eventually got closer and closer to you until he was able to snoop around what you were doing and kind of (?) interact with you
-the guard dog personality wore down over time
-time skip, and you’re finding yourself seeing M.X.E.S. far more often than you expected
-remember that little chip Helpi puts in so you can see him in the real world? That’s basically what happens
-you can see M.X.E.S. in the real world, spawning wherever (the con is that no one else can see him), and he’s even gotten access to your electronics.
-so when the chip is out, you can see him on or through the camera of your phone and computer
-you’d uncovered this “sassy” side to M.X.E.S. you liked to make fun of
-he enjoyed your company and perhaps grew a bit too attached to, or maybe obsessed, with you
-your dynamic was resemblant of the “guard dog” kind of persona M.X.E.S. had, but instead he tried his best to advise your actions and keep ANYTHING harmful away from you
-luckily for him, he has learned how to hijack different technologies
-and technology is everywhere these days…
-it makes it very easy for him to influence a target
-because you work at the Pizzaplex, M.X.E.S. really takes care to try and communicate better with you while you’re there
-he can only actually touch you in the AR world now, somewhere you can only be during your shift
-sometimes he’ll send more specific messages to you through the Daycare attendant. Whichever side of it isn’t active with the kids is usually active in the AR world, so most of the times a chilled out Moon will send messages
-M.X.E.S. doesn’t like Moon and Monty all that much specifically. There’s something wrong with them….
-your relationship was platonic for a while…until Moon gave you a rather specific message.
-“He was saying, ‘make sure you get to Roxy especially this weekend. Her AI’s been acting up and I think there’s a lack of power getting into her systems.’ Blah, blah, blah. Sap, sap, sap. Sappy. He saps over you a LOT. He’s such a simp. I’m the only one who can hear him, thank GOODNESS.”
-you noticed M.X.E.S. was being a little more touchy whenever he could in the AR world.
-you didn’t really mind, you knew some friends that were like that
-after a long while of going along with this, you finally recognized his attachment to you and realized you’d been starting to develop a crush on the rabbit yourself
-it sounded insane. YOU sounded insane. But it was something that you just couldn’t really help at this point
-one day you entered the system to play around with Sun and Moon’s systems, to Sun’s discontent.
-you paid extra detail to ignore M.X.E.S.
-you watched as his demeanor changed from the intimidating guard dog to a sad puppy following you around
-his facial expression practically begged for attention
-you finally acknowledged him at the end of your shift. Just before you took the mask off, you motioned for him to lean down. He happily obliged, content that you were giving him some attention now. You took his head by his jaw and pressed a small kiss against his nose. One hand went up to stroke one of his ears lightly, quickly.
-you backed away because his arms were sparking more electricity than normal
-you gave a small wave then left the AR world, leaving a sad looking M.X.E.S. icon on the corner of your phone’s home screen
-no worries, you would make it up to him the next shift you had with him.
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bengiyo · 3 months
My Love Mix Up TH Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the class organized to put on a Thai version of Cinderella for their school. Atom wanted to help Mudmee get closer to Kongthap, so he volunteered Kongthap to be part of the stage design team, but got himself volunteered as well. Half accidentally interfered with his efforts, and Atom grew to appreciate Kongthap even more. When the lead actors got sick, Mudmee and Kongthap were assigned to play the leads despite Atom volunteering. Later, when Mudmee got stage fright, Atom took to the stage instead. They pulled off the play, but some boys in their class teased Atom about possibly liking Kongthap. Kongthap defended Atom before the class was shuffled out of the room. Atom confessed his feelings for Kongthap to Mudmee, who revealed that she likes Half (Half and Kongthap have similar names), and she has asserted her enthusiastic support to help Atom.
Poor Half has no idea what’s going on.
I do like Mudmee telling Atom to kill the homophobe in his head.
Oh interesting. I wasn’t expecting them to return to the eraser like this.
When I was a teacher, I would help study groups form if I knew certain students were nursing crushes just to give them a nudge.
I gotta do some more looking at modern Thai home design, because I’ve been seeing patterns for years, and I’m curious about their goals with the designs they’ve been using.
Fourth is generally frightened of animals. Look at him working with a cat so we can get the ad in.
I do like Chokun as Half. He’s got the right level of playful, I think.
I like the specifics of the way the Mudmee crush. I get feeling warmly about someone who was kind to you when it didn’t really benefit them to do so.
Those glamour shots of Half putting on his gloves were so thirsty.
Oh, Kongthap, you can’t just casually drop that you think about this boy all day. He’s going to be a wreck.
Oh, Atom, you’re gonna struggle in this situationship if you can’t handle an undefined existence.
Half is finally in the know. Finally, we have an action-oriented character involved in the situation.
“If you like my ornaments, you should see my box” UM, Y’ALL.
Ah yes. Here we go with Chekhov’s guitar. There was no way we were going to miss an opportunity to sell another song.
Oh ho. A sleepover.
3/3 of Fourth’s BL characters having missing fathers.
Interesting that we got to see both moms this episode, and both are dealing with difficulties around their husbands not being around.
Oh interesting. They decided to cliffhanger on the roof clearing of the misunderstanding.
Oh good! I’ll get to see Aungpao again next week.
Kieta Hatsukoi Comparison Thoughts: I kinda wish they’d lingered a little longer on the crush reveals. I enjoyed the original beat of Aoki and Hashimoto bonding over having a mutual crush and recognizing that they might be competing for the same boy’s affections. It’s a touching bit that supports the bisexual awakening and coming out aspects. I like that her acceptance of Aoki and reassurance comes before and after knowing that they like different people. I also think that sometimes the Thai shots might be too wide and at wrong angles. I think that too many of the studying shots were not at the same level of the seated characters. I do like what Fourth is trying with comedy, even though it’s not his strongest skill. Kinda wish they’d let Gem seem more fond though. Curious if they incorporate the trash scene next week.
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joyish-little-boy · 9 months
One Backstory to Rule them All
Anyone else think about how Sanji's backstory parallels every other Strawhat's backstory?
1. Luffy - Luffy is the most obvious, as they quite literally flashback to Shanks losing his arm right after Sanji explains how Zeff sacrificed his leg for Sanji. It's interesting the parallel here - because Shanks sacrifice is what took Luffy a step further in his dreams and made him determined to be the captain of his own pirate crew rather than simply joining Shank's crew, which is what he wanted to do previously. Now, for Sanji, Zeff's sacrifice had the opposite effect and Sanji chained himself to Zeff and what remained of Zeff's dreams rather than being pushed forward by it.
2. Zoro - I find it interesting that all of the Monster Trio parallel each other in their backstories in that all of them constantly lost when they were kids. Zoro lost 2001 times to Kuina, Luffy lost 50 fights to Ace and 50 to Sabo every day, and Sanji was constantly being beaten by his siblings. Each were called weak by those beating them, and each grew past that. What's also interesting to me is that there's the specific method of losing in Sanji's losing montage that's a direct callback to Zoro's backstory, as Oda includes multiple scenes of Sanji being beat at fights with wooden swords.
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The difference being that Kuina is a decent human being and doesn't abuse Zoro. She calls him weak, but ultimately respects him as a rival and Zoro respects her in turn. Luffy also eventually earns that respect, though Sanji never does which leads to a noticeable difference in how Zoro and Sanji see themselves and their places on the crew - Thriller Bark I think being a perfect example of how Sanji believes that he's replaceable in a way that Zoro doesn't.
3. Nami - Nami and Sanji were both kids that found themselves in abusive situations, though at different ages. For both of them, their abuse centered around a man who's belief in their own superiority led them to a sense of entitlement to what was theirs. Arlong believed in his own biological superiority and Judge believed in the superiority of the Vinsmoke name, as well as genetic superiority which led him to experiment on his own children. Arlong values the lives of fishmen, the lives of the rest of his crew over the lives of Nami and the rest of her village. Judge values the lives of his other children over Sanji, seeing him as a failure for the way he was born (although it's also mentioned he blames Sanji for what happened with Sora). I think another very interesting parallel in their stories is the role of their respective older sisters. Nojiko and Reiju both privately support their younger sibling but both cannot stand up to the abusive figure in their lives. Nojiko gets tattoos to match Nami's to help her feel less alone, she listens to Nami, and does her best to try and support her through the 8 years of hell (8 years being another parallel to other members of the crew including Sanji). Reiju for her part laughs along with her brothers, but never lays a hand against Sanji and does her best to patch him up after everyone is gone. Their actions are indirect and discreet, save for the final fights, and that muted care is a very interesting part of each of their characters and it's why, I think neither of them felt it was their place to accompany their siblings on their journey. When Nami leaves, Nojiko lets her go, like she's always let her go. And Reiju pushes Sanji to leave, just as she pushed before. That regret of not being able to help more will stick with them forever.
4. Usopp - Usopp's backstory is all of 5 seconds long and still manages to parallel Sanji's somehow??? If I had a nickel for each strawhat who's mom was sick and died from illness when they were young, I'd have 2 nickels-
5. Chopper - HOO boy the parallel of your biological family hating you for the way that you were born and neglecting/abusing you for it hits right on Chopper's blue nose. Now, it's not all bad for either of them, though - considering they each had someone that accepted them for who they were. Chopper had Hiraluk and Sanji had Sora. Hiraluk inspired Chopper to be a doctor, emphasizing he had the most important qualification - a big heart. Sora meanwhile cried about how kind Sanji was to Reiju and her nurse, when he told her to "get better soon", calling him the "sweetest boy in the world". That kindness - that caring nature, is something that Hiraluk and Sora would do anything to protect and it's so evident that these two cared deeply for their kids. It's why Hiraluk ate that poisoned mushroom and encouraged Chopper to become a doctor and Sora ate the ruined food despite her fragile constitution and asked Sanji to cook for her again! This is love, baby!
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These two kids were willing to risk so much to bring nourishment and care to the ones they loved, BOTH standing up to their biological families - Chopper fighting through his old herd of reindeer to get the mushroom, and Sanji sneaking out risking his father's wrath and braving the storm and wild dogs to deliver the food. Hiraluk and Sora are Chopper's and Sanji's source of encouragement which kick start each of their passions. And both of them tragically die which is honestly just heartbreaking. But all hope isn't lost, and both Chopper and Sanji find a new mentor, ones who are strict - but do care a lot for each of them, and help them develop the discipline they need to learn their respective crafts. Kurehara and Zeff are interesting parallels, both tough older mentors who are sharp of tongue and strict with their new apprentices. They can be this way without discouraging Chopper and Sanji, because the passion has already been ignited and so it's easy to see how they're good fits for helping these two live up to their full potential.
6. Robin - the big parallel with these two boils down to these two scenes and I sob about both of them.
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Saul and Reiju, telling them to set out to sea, placing faith in the vastness of the world, knowing that they've done everything they can for now and planting that seed of hope that someday Robin and Sanji will meet people that can give them what they deserve is just such a touching moment. While this parallel is interesting, what's also interesting is the ways in which these two characters differ. The danger that Robin runs from is something that chases her, whereas the danger that Sanji runs from is his family and once he's made it onto the boat he's free. Robin thought she would never be safe, Sanji thought he was safe up until the wedding fiasco. And precisely the thing that hurts Sanji - the fact that his family wanted him gone - is so different from what's hurting Robin - the fact that she'll never be left alone by the government. Robin is wanted for the skills she and only she has, her story is (wo)man vs world, her bounty set at 79,000,000 which is the literal value on her head. Sanji is unwanted for the skills he, and he alone (in his family) lacks. There's no bounty, no one goes after him. His story is man vs self and undoing the damage that was done to his psyche as a child. It's so fascinating to me the way that both of these characters are saved by the crew in similar but such different ways, the way that each of them wanted to die, but for different reasons. Robin wanted to sacrifice herself because she's been betrayed and hurt by the world so many times that she couldn't trust in the strawhats' love. She loved them too much to risk being hurt like that again. Sanji wanted to sacrifice himself because he'd rather die than inconvenience the crew. Rather than not believing in their love, he doesn't believe he's worth that love, preferring to solve his problems on his own. And I think that it's so fitting the way that both of their stories intersect in Wano, with Robin being able to protect Sanji and Sanji finally believing in his own worth enough to ask for help. They're such different characters, with Sanji wearing his heart on his sleeves and Robin holding her's close to her chest and such interesting mirrors of each other.
7. Franky - they're cyborgs, what else can I say? The difference here is clear - Sanji's body was modified without his consent, whereas Franky modified himself. They're also both unwanted children, with Franky's parents abandoning him on Water 7 whereas Sanji's father was happy when Sanji left.
8. Brook - the parallel here is in the loneliness that both of them experienced, and really Sanji just got a taste of what Brook went through. Sanji and Brook were both parts of different crews before they were on the strawhats, albeit Sanji as a child and for a very short time, whereas Brook was with the Rumbar pirates for a longer time as an adult journeying very similarly to how the strawhats are now. Both were the sole survivors of their respective crews after being attacked, and though Sanji had Zeff on the rock, neither of them communicated with each other for the first 70 days after their initial agreement. Sanji felt a taste of the 50 years that Brook had to go through, with no food or water or way to escape off his abandoned pirate ship.
9. Jimbei - honestly I don't really have a good comparison for these two, other than they're both people who when confronted with the cruelty of others chose irrational kindness. Jimbe eventually learned how to live with and respect humans, and Sanji wouldn't let his family die, even after everything they put him through. They're both people who derived their codes of honor from others - Jimbei from Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime and Sanji from Zeff. Idk maybe there's more there, but i don't really have too much to say about these two
Anyways, idk i just think they're neat 👉👈 and the way that Oda threw in parallels to all the other character's when completing Sanji's backstroy is so fascinating to me
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Hey. To the thought of suicide being 'inevitable', I'd like to share my story to show why I can disagree...if I may.
So my mother, she hurt my father. Abused him. Hit him. Manipulated him. Badly. Stalked him. Then she took her own life. As a result, mentioning her in our household was all but forbidden because it reminds my father of her. He'd NEVER talk about her. He'd tense up and become curt when I tried to mention her. And he broke contact with all her family. This happened before I was able to remember anything. So all my life, I felt doomed to repeat what she did. Because if you're not allowed to remind your father of your own mother, else risking anger, punishment and exclusion, that's pretty hard to do when you're her spitting image. So I wasn't allowed to exist. Not move, not speak, not be. Because I am like her. I look like her, speak like her, move like her. Maybe I even like stuff that she liked. So basically my life became about avoiding triggering my father. How can I do that best? By believing that I shouldn't exist. Because my whole DNA seems evil. Remember, he removed her entire family tree from his life, which is not far from effectively "killing" them. So I grew up thinking that my Mom deserved to be dead, because she was Bad™ to her core, and because I love my father and my father is a good man and I believe his pain to be true. And so I thought that I deserved to be dead too, because all I could ever do was hurt my father just as she has done. Until I took action and found that family of hers.
I found wonderful women who look like my mother, who look like me, and they are GOOD. They have problems too, yes, but they are kind and they are HUMAN. And they made it in life. They did not die because there was no other way. They lived. They still live. And for the first time in my entire life I understood that my mother made a choice. For herself. That she HAD a choice, and that I have the power to choose differently. I found women on different paths of life, and I discovered that I have the capacity for good. If anything, I'm allowed.
It's my father who never moved on. It's my father who is triggered. It's my father who avoids facing up to his past and to feel through the pain and the emotions of what my mother did to him. It's not my problem. It's not me. It's not my fault. It's him, never having dealt with an old and terrible wound. That doesn't make his own pain less true. But he made it about me, as if I was the problem. He cannot stand the sight of me.
And so... I don't know your story, but I know that every family entertains a certain solid narrative that frames their entire history and reinforces their current behavior. And it will continue to do so until it is challenged. So I will go out on a limb here and dare assume that you can't stop self-harming because you are punishing yourself and that deep down, you somehow believe that it is right for you to deserve it. You deserve to die because it's tied to your identity, to who you are, and not to a specific behavior of yours. You cannot help being you, so it's a fault to be as you are.
Because someone else saw or sees it as a fault, and they have influence and authority over your life, likely because they're family (NEVER underestimate blood, but I don't have to tell YOU that), and they have - whether they intended to or not - let you know this all your life. If it's tied to being autistic, you may have been told you're "too much". You're "a freak" (for me it was "drama queen" for wanting to express myself). You're "exhausting", "why can't you be normal". Your poor Mom can't handle you, or whatever (take this with a grain of salt, only you know what it is). Why are you being such a burden.
Darling, pursue self-respect. You do not have to suck up to anyone's trouble with who you are as a person. That's on them, not you.
Don't let them take you. Don't let society, or your surroundings, dictate your permission to exist. You have permission to be. You are loved, and wanted, and known by the Most High.
And I believe that people love you too. But I get that it's hard when you aren't akin to their standards. You are allowed though. It's not your fault. I'm glad if the autism diagnosis helps to set a frame for other people and yourself to understand you better. Congratulations.
Wishing you peace.
;-; thankyou
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oohbuggypie · 6 months
super long discussion abt my headcanons for Don's tattoo, as well as Carmen's and Bull's !
WARNING!! these r very headcanon heavy and probably reach-y ideas so if u prefer to stick to canon / r scared of mischaracterization maybe dont read 🩷 also this is SUPER long so im gonna go ahead and put all of this beneath a cut bcuz i don't wanna flood + this is centered around ship talk and i know some ppl don't care 4 that ✝️ pairs discussed are CarDon and BullDon, but emphasis on Carmen and Don bcuz they're mentioned more than once!!
kay so i always talk abt Don having a tattoo but ive never clarified WHAT the tattoo is of / what it says . im usually stuck between not knowing what it would be;; a religious image or a religious quote ? a cross felt too basic, but an entire passage of text would just be way too much for Don in my opinion,, i don't think he'd ever want such a huge, obvious amount of black ink on his body forever. i came up with the idea that Don's tat in the Monster Hunter would be COLOSSIANS 3:2, and it felt very fitting ; it's small and fairly easy to hide, but it reflects a great amount of his world perception and his ideologies . and i think that the exact same style of tattoo would fit his regular universe character very well too !
so after some consideration and many MANY dumb questions, i have concluded: i think Don's tattoo would be JOHN 15:9 .
John 15:9 reads: "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love."
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so why that quote ??
Don is a very romantic man :: he holds a very deep love for Carmen and he expresses that in his actions , seeming to dedicate his fights to her and celebrating his victories in her name . not only that, but i think his loving attitude is expressed through his non-romantic actions as well; he shows a considerable amount of respect to his opponents, and he recognizes his own mistakes! he's romantic , respectful , and to an extent - humble . i think that that verse fits him so well because it connects to his romantic personality and religious upbringing. along with being raised religiously, i think Don's parents took extra time to truly teach Don the lesson that love is one of life's most valuable and prominent factors. not only did they teach him to show kindness and respect to his peers, but i think they integrated the idea of finding romance very early in his life. they wanted their son to fall in love with the "right person", and they wanted him to treat his lover with deep devotion and respect. so i think that those two factors ended up melding together as Don grew up; religion reflected love, and his love would reflect his religion. so upon the two merging, i think Don made the decision to get that specific quote as a tattoo as means to reflect his two deepest values, and as a promise to himself that he'd find his true partner one day. so when Don truly did fall in love, he felt an even deeper connection to the tattoo.
Don's canonical partner being Carmen is adorable to me, and this is where the second portion of my headcanon comes in: i think that throughout the course of their relationship, Carmen would recognize the true sentiment that religion holds in Don's life and get a similar tattoo as devotion to her lover ! much like Don, to me, she wouldn't want an obnoxious or obvious tattoo simply because it doesn't fit the way she presents herself. so as a way to match her partner, i think she'd get the exact same kind of tattoo but with a different passage.
i think Carmen would choose ROMANS 1:11 - 12, and the placement would be beneath her right breast.
Romans 1:11 - 12 reads: "I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith."
i think the first part of the text ("I long to see you...") reflects the majority of Don's life where he waited to find his true partner, and how he and Carmen were bound to be together; she just hadn't met him yet. the second part of the quote ("...to make you strong...") is super fitting in the context of the idea that Carmen is Don's main motivation that drive his passions, like bullfighting and boxing. and the final part of the quote solidifies their love for each other - by sharing a tattoo, they share the love behind it and they serve as one another's guide of sorts.
as for Don being in a relationship with Bull, i think Bull would have conflicted feelings about getting a tattoo. Don, by no means, thinks that Bull NEEDS to get a tattoo to encapsulate their love ,, it was never a "required" or expected action to be reciprocated and Don understands that very well! both of them have already given each other deeply valuable gifts as ways to express their devotion. however, if Bull were to get a tattoo, i think he'd prioritize it being very small and very private.
to me, Bull's tattoo would be of the Virgin Mary in colored ink, placed on his inner, left thigh.
this is solely my opinion and i def don't expect anyone to agree, but that one is soo special to me . i think Don would have a very strong admiration of the Virgin Mary as an entire concept, and Bull took note of that love. he decided to represent it by choosing an intimate place that practically nobody else would ever see. neither of them see it constantly, but when they do they're reminded of just how deep their love runs . 🥹
OKAY I THINK IM DONE OMGG . this could be worded so much better but it's past midnight and this was literally ripping my brain to shreds all day so i HAD to get it out immediately 😭✝️ thanks 2 anybody that read all this omg i didn't think i was gonna talk THAT much .. srry but Don and religion r just sooooo good paired i HAD to share 🩷 okay goodniiiiiight
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Szayel and mayuri (seperately ) with a reader who is as weird or weirder then them?
Fluff plz
A fun request. As we had spoken about, I made some changes to be a little more specific then just general headcanons so I hope you enjoy. Buckle up everyone this is a longer post.
Szayelaporro is a wild card on a good day, willing to do anything to achieve his goal it's a wonder that the other espada put up with him 
Then you came along, somehow just as weird and a times more concerning just for a very different reason 
Eating hallows is nothing new for an arrancar in fact it's incredibly common but a soul reaper or human doing that is...well unexpected to put it simply 
That's how Sazyelaporro had found you, a simple soul wandering around having come across what was left of a hollow your first thought was to bite
He finds it truly fascinating and wants nothing more in that moment then to learn how your mind works and oh it's nearly love at first sight
Szayelaporro is quick to rush over to you and then more or less demands that you come back with him 
This is not a question or a request yet you answer like its one and that just makes him more curious
" Why though?"  What do you mean why, because I said you would.  " Yes, but why do you need something from me? Will I get anything from coming with you?" Maybe. I haven't decided yet. " Okay!" 
So he brings you back with him and you become a companion
Working with him is an experience that's for sure, he's willing to give in to anything you want, be it an odd experiment solely because it sounds cool or having a bite of one of his fraccions
The latter request honestly got him a little worried but he still let you do it because why not, he also wanted to know what would happen if you ate one 
It was not pleasant tasting and it made you a bit sick 
He laughed at your suffering but still took care of you 
You get to be around for all his tests and such and truly having such an open and curious mind just makes him more excited for experiment time 
A truly reckless couple but man is he devoted to you and anything you want to know he will get answers for
You met thanks to Urahara who, like he had with Mayuri, brought you into the Research and Development Institute as a set of extra hands
What a bad idea that was, in some ways you were worse then Mayuri in other ways you where a delight to keep around
Urahara found it funny you both hated him so much and that seemed like the thing that made you get along
When Mayuri took over after Urahara left the weird not quite friendship continued and grew
He knew you were useful to keep around for as annoying as he thinks you can be Mayuri can admit you're helpful
Everything was fine until he started to learn more about you
Working with you means he has to learn some of your habits and well they are interesting to say the least
Constantly wanting to eat or lick things you should not, poking at already cut open experiments or wanting to mix things you think look nice
Not to mention how often you crouch beside him and just stare until he gives you some kind of reaction
It was annoying yes, hard to deal with but he found it almost unbearable when you weren't around
The weird looks and odd questions mixed with whatever action you choose to take that day become apart of his routine so when a day is missed or you just disappear on some random trip he's left more annoyed than normal
You became a constant he wanted to keep around for more than just scientific reasons for a while he claims the only reason is to make Nemu more productive
Perhaps because of how odd you are Nemu sees you as something akin to a mother, bing far nicer than Mayuri and with how often you both work together she gets attached and Mayuri will use that to keep you around more
Call him out on it, back him into a corner with a bright grin on your face and he'll start to crack, first anger then acceptance if you make it clear you like him
From then on the soul society must deal with the worst couple around, you two fit together great but no ones happy about it
With his love of morbid experiments and your encouragement and equally as morbid curiosities you two are a dangerous but somehow functional pair
And that's a wrap! Here I am once more finding out that writing for Szayelaporro is oddly easy. He's just fun whether he's mean or sweet he's just fun. So I hope this is what you wanted and thank you to everyone who's been waiting for me to upload again! I've got some stuff I've been working on so please look forward to that as well! ~ Lilly
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
"Umbrellas are for pussies."
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Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu x American Reader
Word count: 1418
Summary: A day out with Yuta leads to playful bickering about umbrellas.
Warnings: The use of the word pussies once making fun of people.
A/N: Just a random idea I had while watching the rain today. Reader is from the state of Oregon because that’s where I’m from originally and I personally think umbrellas are for wimps, and transplants(People not from Oregon originally). I’m also thinking of making this like a mini cross fandom series about different characters in the rain. Also requests are still open and I’m working on the one I have. It just may take a bit as my new job is finally giving me hours, and Vegas (where I live right now) Is facing some heavy rain this week with possible flooding and power outages. 
    It was a relaxing day at Jujutsu tech, which was rare but welcome. Taking advantage of the few off days we received as sorcerers, me and Yuta decided it would be nice to go out and just have fun in Tokyo together. It would be our first date in a while with the number of missions Yuta gets being a Special grade sorcerer, and we just wanted to go shopping and get lunch without the worries of curses and Panda teasing us. Don’t get me wrong I love hanging out with our friends but it can be a bit much having the bear cracking jokes at our expense every five seconds.
    We decided that we would meet each other at the entrance to the school and leave from there together. It was a few minutes past when we agreed to leave when I watched Yuta run towards me out of breath. I just chuckled at the ravenet as he approached. “What took so long and why are you running?” I asked as he took a moment to catch his breath.
     “Oh, I was looking for an umbrella, It looks like it might rain so I figured it’s better to come prepared. I lost track of time searching and when I realized I was late, I rushed out so you wouldn’t think I forgot our date.” He said standing back up and smiling at me. It was then that I noticed the cause of his tardiness in his hand.
     I rolled my eyes at him. “It probably won’t rain, especially if it’s in the forecast.” I said this from experience. “Also using an umbrella is for pussies.” I joked as we made our way from the school.
     You see I’m from the U.S.A, more specifically Oregon. I learned growing up that when they say it’s going to rain it probably won’t, and if they predict a sunny day expect a thunderstorm. I also grew up with the mentality that umbrellas were pointless, if it’s gonna rain oh well a little water won’t hurt. I came to Japan because opportunities for Jujutsu sorcerers are limited as they don’t cause too much problem there, so I went where I could learn about the strange things only I could see. That is how we get to where we are now.
      My boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy for a second before just brushing off my comment, favoring enjoying our day out rather than bickering about rain. He grabbed my hand as we started our walk towards the bustling city enjoying the cool weather. We talked about little things that didn’t really matter, things like Inumaki ‘accidentally’ cursing Panda to stay silent for a whole day, or how Gojo spends way too much money on candy. It was just light hearted talk, forgetting that we work such a dangerous job that could take everything away at any second. It always felt great to just be people.
     After a half hour walk we were finally in Tokyo. We decided that the best course of action was to get a quick breakfast before heading to a mall for the day. Yuta and I agreed on a little bakery that had coffee as well and sat down to enjoy it. Again just idle chatter about some dumb meme I had seen or a stupid video Yuta saw. We finished breakfast and headed to the mall.
     When we got to the mall we immediately went to Hot Topic, and got some MCR shirts, a few buttons, and a few Funko pops. I also got a new set of gauges for my ears before we headed to the next store. Yuta decided that we had to go into Box Lunch and nearly begged to get a squishmellow that looked like a piece of Onigiri for our friend with limited vocabulary. He also got a marvel mug and I picked out some My Hero Academia ramen bowls.
      This went on for a few hours just us going from store to store buying random things, for ourselves, or the occasional thing that made us think of one of our friends. Around noon we decided to grab lunch in the food court before heading home because we already both had a few bags we had to carry back. Luckily one of the things I bought was a backpack that looked like Finn’s bag from Adventure Time and was able to put quite a bit of our stuff in it, shrinking the number of bags needed to carry everything. We both still had like three bags of stuff to carry but it wasn’t too bad.
     Leaving the mall, I realized Yuta had been right about it raining. It wasn’t raining too bad, I’d say only sprinkling, nothing to worry too much about. I didn’t even pause before stepping out into the rain and walking away from the mall, I only stopped when I realized Yuta wasn’t next to me. I turned to see my boyfriend struggling with the bags he was carrying, trying to set them down for a moment while also trying not to drop the umbrella he had in his hand. Walking up I grabbed the bags from him before asking. “What are you doing? It’s not that bad, you don’t need that.” I pointed at the umbrella he was opening.
      “Just because you were raised like an animal, doesn’t mean I have to get soaked in the rain.” Yuta responded by taking the bags back from my hand, after positioning the umbrella over his head. “Also I never said you had to use it. If you want to catch a cold in this weather, have fun but don’t come crying to me.”
      I just rolled my eyes, returning my attention back to making the trek back to Jujutsu tech. “I won’t catch a cold, I’m just saying you look dumb with it.” I could hear him scoff as he caught up with me.
      The walk back towards the school was fine until the rain went from a sprinkle to a downpour and Yuta made us step under the cover of a bus stop for a moment to make sure none of our stuff was getting wet. After making sure anything that could be damaged by the rain was covered and out of harm's way I moved back into the rain. “What are you doing? It's raining too hard for you to just be walking around in a t-shirt and no umbrella.” The voice of my worry wort said.
      I just kept walking listening to the sound of him rushing to catch up with me. “I said before that I'm fine. I’ve walked further in worse rain.” I said as he was walking next to me. It was silent for a moment before he moved so the umbrella was covering the both of us. “I said I don’t use umbrellas. People who do are weird, it’s just water, it can't hurt me.” I responded as I stepped away from the offending object.
      The special grade just rolled his eyes at me. “Look I know that you don’t want to use the umbrella but please. For me just this once. I don’t want you getting sick. ANd I know you said you won’t catch a cold, but I don’t like the idea of you risking it. Plus soaking wet clothes are not fun.” He said, trying to move closer to get me under the umbrella. “Plus I can see you shivering, no matter how used to the rain you are, admit that you’re just a little cold.
      My shoulders slumped, he was right about me shivering and wet clothes sucking. “Fine, but this is the only time I will do this. And if you tell anyone I will inform everyone that you unironically listen to Taylor swift.” I responded, making up something random to make him agree, finally letting him close enough to shield me from the rain.
      He froze for a moment before responding. “I do not listen to Taylor Swift, but fine I won’t tell anyone that you walked under an umbrella.” He paused before continuing, “You Americans are weird about really dumb things.” I just nodded in agreement and kept walking.
      Today was great, even though I went against my people by using an umbrella, I had fun. It’s always nice to just talk and spend time with the one you love. I can’t wait for the next time we can do this together.
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chocobothis · 1 year
I think one of the major villains of this season of The Mandalorian is going to, in fact, be The Armorer. There’s a lot of different things she’s said or even how her armor looks that makes things questionable, even more so with knowing what we know with Moff Gideon.
This is built entirely from my rambling so please picture the Charlie Day with String Meme. I’ve not reread this and likely want. I just wanna share my believed theories with everyone else because it’s fun. Could I be proven dead wrong? Totally! This is my theories written entirely from what I’ve picked up and how I would write things with The Mandalorian
Let’s start with the one thing that’s been visible every single season: her armor, specifically her helmet. It’s a more subtle style but it is one we’ve seen before with Darth Maul’s Super Commandos. They all wore red armor with the horn pattern on their helmets. We’ve already been given context clues that she’s older than Din because she saw Mandalore before it fell.
We get it from her discussing having seen the Great Forge on Mandalore a light with a hundred smiths. I’m willing to argue that means she saw it before The New Mandalorians took power. We also have what I have listed in the point below.
Second comes from when she was talking to Bo-Katan about the mythosaur. She mentioned that she thought it was just a myth. That’s not something we’ve seen with the ones who grew up within the Children of the Watch. But! It is something Bo-Katan professed before that it’s just myth. So, that implies that she also was a different type of Mandalorian before becoming The Armorer. 
A subpoint to the above is that in previous seasons she’s leaned into the myths with the Watch members. It was something she privately thought false but proclaimed true. After all, she said Mandalore was Destroyed and Cursed. She also used improperly gaining the Darksaber as why Bo-Katan was doomed to fail.
Third we have to talk about Moff Gideon’s escape. The transport he was in was attacked and he was extracted, presumably alive, with some beskar left behind. I personally find it weird that there’s a sliver of it left behind because this armor can take blows from lightsabers and blasters. Why in the stars could they have on a prison transport that would shatter a piece of armor and not leave body? It’s also specifically silver beskar.
I’ve seen someone point out this could be Din being sat up because he’s the only one with unpainted beskar armor that is Notable. Which I easily see because there’s politics at play here too.
This is also something the Armorer would have access to considering she runs the forge.
All of this comes together for me to believe the Armorer is setting Bo-Katan up to clash with Din. Being older she knew of Bo’s want to lead Mandalore and her ambition has always been a defining trait. She’s Bo-Katan Kryze of Clan Kryze, House Kryze. She was second-in-command of Death Watch, when people chose to follow Maul she fought (with Ahsoka) to take back Mandalore, and more. It’s easy to assume that what’s currently happening is a minor setback and fiery, ambitious, cutthroat Bo-Katan will reappear. Someone who she can turn toward Din to take back the Darksaber. From there she can dispose of Bo-Katan, if she’s not a good “face”, and have rule of a united Mandalore. 
I do think Bo-Katan’s aware that there’s several thing at play with the Armorer’s interest in her. She wasn’t born yesterday, has lived through so many wars, and was raised in a political family. Nothing is ever at face value with leaders.
It’s also what makes her a good counter to Din who is a novice with politics and is blind to the Armorer’s possible actions. Because he’s got a blind spot for her as the leader of his Covert.
My reasoning for her disliking Din comes from how he conducts himself. Why did he break the Creed? It was entirely to save Grogu and nothing more or less. We saw Paz talk about giving up on Ragnar; that’s something Din wouldn’t do. Instead of accepting that he was forever an Apostate because the Living Waters were “destroyed” he proved otherwise. It shows he’s willing to question her authority. Having the Darksaber means it would be easy for him to get followers if he really wanted to. Instead, he’s done the opposite while actively trying to get rid of the damn thing. He also easily gains allies as shown throughout the seasons. A leader who makes easy allies while not seeking power is a dangerous leader because that can’t be bought with more power.
Moff Gideon comes into the this because of his connection to the Empire, Mandalore, and Din. Because going back to the Super Commandos, a group I believe the Armorer was part of initially, who did they follow after Darth Maul? The Empire. His connection to Mandalore comes from his destruction of it and possession of the Darksaber. Who is a sort of Public Enemy Number 1 for Mandalorians? The Moff himself. Finally, and most important, there’s the connection to Din. They clashed on Nevarro, he captured Grogu, and served as a prime antagonist for Din because of who he’s threatened.
How the Moff’s part is going to play out is something I’m still working on. Taking him from the shuttle and killing the crew makes this a New Republic Problem. They have the manpower to hunt down a war criminal to save face. Now, either Din’s potentially being framed as rescuing him for pay (he was a bounty hunter and he is publicly connected to Boba Fett) or he’s being framed as potentially springing him to personally kill him. However, I think the actual plan is to use him for power and a spectacle. Either the Armorer is going to cut a deal with him again because the Super Commandos were never picky about how they got Power as long as they go it. Her Mandalore gets favorable treatment from the Empire Remnants and he gets free. The other option is she cuts a deal, backstabs him later on, and makes his execution (however it happens) into a massive spectacle. Because now the man who caused The Night of a Thousand Tears is dead by a Mandalorian’s hand.
There’s less of a place to tuck this in but I do believe her main plan is to unite Mandalore under “The Mandalorian Creed” that the Children of the Watch follows. Because she told Bo as much when they had the meeting on Nevarro. Instead, what I think it going to happen with a United Mandalore is Din and Bo will end up making some version of the Resol’nare from Legends. It’s six tenants that all Mandalorians follow but it’s less strict that the Creed we’ve been shown. Because if this is going to be a new age for Mandalore it makes sense it would be heralded by Bo and Din (who technically was seen by the Mythosaur even if he was a little unconscious) that unites their principles and love for their people.
I’ll end this with my less serious, cracky theory that the Armorer is a member of Clan Saxon. This is built entirely from how I view her connection to Moff Gideon/the Empire and how in Rebels both Saxons were pains in the ass who partnered up with the Empire. It’s also a potentially neat way to bring in Thrawn because Thrawn was in contact with Tiber Saxon.
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mikki-does-simp · 1 year
Words aren't worth shit. (Kuroiro Shihai x GN!reader)
surprise you guys, i came back from my grave for the kajillionth time! frankly, i'm slightly sick of interacting with almost of the MHA fandom, but my love for 1B seems to never ever waver, so i'll try my very best to stick to more longform fanfiction and post more-often so that the people who deserve it have actual content.
A/N: i wrote this in literally two adjacent blocks starting at 1AM and ending around 5 AM with a sleep from 4-4:30, so forgive any flow inconsistences or grammar/spelling mistakes because i say fuck the beta
edit: actually never mind next time i will appreciate a beta run more i left so many spaces that were just- *unfilled*
socially awkward kuroiro AND tactical manipulator kuroiro CAN co-exist, it just has to be written in a very specific way, though. despite that, with you, he feels like a cat covered in wet spaghetti, but like, in a good way.
Who the hell came up with the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words"? Or hell, who altered it to have it to relate an action? Kuroiro didn't really seem to convince himself of it, no matter how hard he tried. It wasn't like he was indifferent to works of art- after all, he considered himself a sort of artistic guy... but when it came to a flash, a picture in his mind, a memory- usually it only took up about thirteen words in his mind. He considered himself a writer. Dare he say a poet. He kept piles upon piles of journals of his writing, and where people could not suffice, pen and paper were his greatest confidants. As much as he liked pencils, pens were just- ironically more artistic; even if he had to scribble at the paper if he misspelled a word or accidentally placed the lettering way too close.
He clenched a few papers between his hands, skimming over the writing as he stood in wait for what might be a pinnacle moment of his life. There were too many mistakes in his mind- so many scribbles it seemed like a quarter of each page was just a section or a word, blacked out in ink. He sighed, inwardly admitting that staying up until two am in the morning writing this was a terrible idea it's not like the author is doing the EXACT same thing down to the hour, but he could just not wait. Thoughts seemed to be always running through his head at light speed, from dawn to dusk and in between his dreams like a sickness of his. This is when he started to pace around with the pages in his hand, having to really mentally prepare himself for what he set up on what seemed to be the first impromptu thought of his entire life so far.
Kuroiro had somehow deluded himself so hard that he decided that he was going to profess his feelings for you within the next moment. Or at the very least, his fond admiration for your pieces, large or small that create the entire puzzle. He had slipped a piece of plain notebook paper under your door, even; that's how casual he tried to seem about it, as it could mean a lot of different things under different connotations if you ask someone to meet you. It wasn't a fancy sort of greeting or letter like he would have spent countless hours imagining he would, but it would make due. His pen and paper were becoming restless in it's own right, sick of hearing the same thought in a different variant over and over and over again. He had decided to meet you about fifteen minutes before the dormitory curfew, as to both make it less inconvenient for you and to make sure he had an escape route if anything went wrong. Yet again, his mind seems to be in a race with everything around it, dreaming up every possibility. Every triumph, every pitfall. The churns in his stomach grew more intense as he began to doubt himself,
It didn't take too long for you to meet him, with the casually dressed notebook paper folded in one of your hands. You pocketed it, then closed the gap of distance between you and Kuroiro, standing in front of him with a curious look to the papers in his hand- and how he looked like how he was going to vomit up a hairball. It raised some eyebrows, sure; but you seemed to understand his nature- his mannerisms, his idiosyncrasies: you seemed to accept them as they were, with no complaints otherwise about who he was. Human. A breath of fresh air for a guy like him, really. He didn't even greet you properly for a moment, already seeming to clam up, enamored by your beauty. It took a couple seconds for him to actually remember why he brought the two of you here- but when he did, he slowly looked to the writing in front of him, starting to read it out. Unfortunately for you, it was incredibly difficult to decipher what he was actually saying- he used so many elusive synonyms that the average person wouldn't be familiar with in terms of linguistics, and he would often go back to read a part if he messed it up, or pause for a moment to try and figure out what he was trying to say himself. The more and more he talked, the more Kuroiro realized this the sole brainless idea he had in a very long time- at least in his book, so out of some sort of shame, he started getting quieter as he read. His posture crumpled up more than it was before, and he was mumbling so badly, that it was even hard for him to hear the words that were spewing out of his mouth as he tried to read back He dropped the small stack of papers, much to your confusion; then, much to his incredible embarrassment, he felt his legs start to buckle despite himself as he kneeled to the floor, covering his face with his hands and starting to mumble a little louder about how incredibly awkward this situation was and that you should just forget it ever happened. He couldn't anymore, everything seemed to catch up to him in his incredulity...
You kneeled down to the floor with him, starting to pick up the papers for him. His hand reflexively moved to instantly snatch the papers from you- to hide away and confide yet again in the caverns of pen and paper- but he stops himself, opting to ball his hand into a fist to do so as he starts on an attempt to quell his mild panicked breathing. He felt so... soppy. Dare he say even- pathetic in a way. It took a moment, but he eventually found the strength to look you in the eye, and they lock, the watercolor to his monochrome. You pick up the rest of the pages, and even if it is incredibly messy and out of order, you remember how he reached to grab them from you, and although it confused you on why he would do that, you respected him too much to pry; in a state where he was cracking on all sides of a sphere, where he looked so oddly vulnerable. If you weren't too preoccupied with being concerned about the way he was acting, it would have felt good, about how he seemed to trust you being within this state
"Hey..." you interjected, slowly starting to offer both your held papers; and your free outstretched hand over to Kuroiro, "Take the time you need. You'll find a way to say what you need to say... and I'll flag you down with signals so it won't- get lost within the waters."
You had sort of an idea what was happening- but you could ask for more context later, as Kuroiro seemed a little too nervewracked to answer your questions. He took the both of you off guard, as he shuffled a little closer, his own arms beginning to outstretch as he simply took your simple outstretched gesture to wrap his arms around you in a shakey but gentle embrace. In that very moment, he couldn't believe it but... no words could describe what he felt. He almost lost himself in trying to figure it out, but at the same time, you quelled the tide all the same as you held each-other there.
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