#but when she's in her grandma's old home? she calls it her family home
hecatesbroom · 4 months
Blanche's grandma's place is the only place she felt consistently loved in... no I'm fine. I'm fine
#the IMPLICATIONS#i completely forgot about that line#room 7 makes me lose my mind in general but ohhh my god#OH my god#i'm#yeah no i'm fine#i have so many feelings about this i can't even put them into words#idk but she speaks about that place with so so much nostalgia#we see blanche in a way we've never seen her with anyone from her past#she didn't look even remotely as happy or peaceful (or nostalgic!) when she visited her childhood home#but when she's in her grandma's old home? she calls it her family home#she talks about it like *that's* the place she grew up in#because apparently it was the only place she was always sure she could be loved#so i guess it might not have been the only place she grew up in#but it sure sounds like it was the one place she was allowed to be herself in and still be loved unconditionally#without competing for anyone's attention#ohh blanche ;-;#i teared up when she held that windchime and smiled right before finally leaving that house#that was *such* a powerful moment ;-;#anyway#uh#i guess i'll just go and stare at a wall or something now#the golden girls#blanche devereaux#adding on to this to say that maybe it really was the only place she grew up in#because to grow up i'd say you need an environment where you can at least somewhat freely explore your identity#without feeling a constant need to be the best/cutest/prettiest sister to get your parents' love and approval#it sounds like blanche grew older in her childhood home#and she got the chance to *grow up* with her grandma#(i knoooow i'm reading too much into this but i can't stop thinking about this episode)
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
My nana maternal grandmother who taught me swears had one of the most ridiculous pet names for her cat when I was growing up. For reasons known only to her, she simply called the cat: Kitty Kitty Meow Meow. The creature in question was an absolute love bug and lived to be almost twenty.
When I was dating my last boyfriend Brendan we ended up living with his mom briefly before we moved up north together, and his sister lived at home too. One day I was sitting in the kitchen and heard Brendan call teasingly to his sister, “Okay, Miss Kitty Kitty Meow Meow!”
His sister laughed but my head shot up. “What did you just say?”
Brendan ambled over to me, “Oh, it’s an old inside joke. There was this one day I was riding the bus to Charlie’s house and I heard this girl on the bus say her grandma’s cat was named Kitty Kitty Meow Meow. It was so stupid I rushed home to tell my sister. It’s like naming a dog Doggy Doggy Bark Bark.” He was hysterically giggling just relating this story.
I stared at him.
I said, “Charlie and I were on the same bus route.”
He blinked, his giggles tapering down and slowly started to frown.
“That girl was me. That is the name of my nana’s cat.”
It turned out that while Brendan, a year younger than me, had never met me before we both graduated high school, he had apparently sat behind me once on the bus and turned a brief snippet of my life into a meme with his sister. Then a decade later we met through Charlie in college and went on to date. We were both flabbergasted by this coincidence.
But there was one more twist in store for me. I told my family about the way our paths had crossed before we ever dated and they thought it was hilarious.
Then a few weeks later I got a frantic call from my parents while they were in California visiting my paternal grandmother.
“Hey guys, what’s going on?”
There was weird excited static and thumps as the phone passed around and I heard my dad in the background urging my grandma, “Tell her!”
My grandma said ponderously, “You know my cats name is Kiki.”
“Of course, it’s a really cute name.”
“Your dad wants me to tell you the full thing.”
My eyes widened. I could not believe what was about to happen to me but I knew it was coming.
“Her name is Ki-Ki Meow Meow.”
I got it on both sides. Both my grandmas, in different states, with no contact, had named their cats the same silly ridiculous thing. I immediately ran to tell Brendan who laughed so hard he almost threw up.
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
Mountain Mama - LH
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Lewis Hamilton x unnamed ofc summary: You can take the girl out of the country, but can you ever really take the country out of the girl? songs: Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver and Is This Love by Bob Marley & The Wailers a.n.: am currently soft for Lewis and had to write to get him out of my system spoiler alert it didn't work warnings: discussions of prejudice and racism, pure disgusting fluff, author unabashedly shows her love for country music, author also is fully in love with one sir lewis Hamilton now
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She wasn't worried about her family liking Lewis. Her sister had already met him and was doing her part to talk him up as the greatest man that ever lived to the rest of the family. She knew there was a wary level of respect between her parents and Lewis after their unofficial meeting over FaceTime. He'd been a little shy but very sweet, telling them a little about himself, and later her mother had said well he seems like a nice young man.
High praise from mama, who'd called her last boyfriend dried up dog shit.
Her father hadn't said anything about him. He didn't follow formula one, only knew about it because of her photography, so he didn't know who Lewis was. But when he'd texted her to tell her he'd watched a bit of the race after she'd confirmed Lewis was coming home with her during summer break she knew he was at least trying.
So here she was, behind the wheel of the rental car, driving to her parents' home with Lewis in the passenger seat and Roscoe in the back. Music was on, the windows were down, and with each mile she traveled closer to home she felt both more relaxed and more anxious.
She needed them to like him. They didn't have to love him, call him the son they'd always wanted, or even add his name to the Christmas card list. They didn't need to learn everything about him. She just needed them to like him enough to want him around when she came home for a visit. She needed them to like him and understand how very much she loved him.
They would bristle a little bit. Especially Grandma. Because he was older. Almost 40 and never married? Hm… And all those tattoos… She could hear Grandma clicking her tongue in disapproval over the tapestry of artwork that covered most of his body. And her father's eyebrows would hit his receding hairline when Lewis inevitably dressed as though he'd just stepped out of Vogue to go down to the diner in town for lunch on Friday.
"Babe." Lewis spoke just loud enough to be heard over the music. She glanced over at him, saw his playful little smile as he lifted his phone.
"No," she laughed when the song playing ended and another began. Immediately recognizable because it was one of her lifelong favorites. The one her grandpa had sang on summer nights around the bonfire when he was a few slugs of moonshine deep.
Lewis held up his hands and swayed in time to the music. "Almost heaven, West Virginia… Blue Ridge mountains, Shenandoah river…"
And she had to sing along, because she always did. Because it was her favorite, yes, but also because he always sang it. The man who shook his head in disappointment over all the other so-called embarrassing songs on her Spotify never failed to belt out John Denver with his entire soul.
She slowed, turning onto the path that wound through the trees, anticipation growing as the trees grew further apart, spreading into the dusty lawn she'd learned to ride a bike on. A turn and she saw it. Home. The front porch where she'd sat on her grandma's lap sipping lemonade. The ever present barn cat sitting on the top step, black tail twitching. Her dad's truck was parked crookedly near the back of the house and she could just see the sheets rippling in the breeze on the clothesline in the back yard.
Stopped, song still playing, she stared at the place she'd grown up, trying to view it as a newcomer. The grass needed mowing, the barn needed a new coat of paint. The roof on the old smokehouse was sagging a little. The porch railing looked crooked. But for every imperfection she saw a beautiful memory. How many millions of dandelions had she picked when the grass got a little tall? Up in the hay loft of the barn her name was carved into the top plank. The smokehouse, which had always held the lingering aroma of curing meat, had been the best spot during hide and seek. And she'd been leaning against that porch railing when she'd had her first kiss.
Her throat tightened with emotion.
"C'mon, mountain mama," Lewis said softly, unbuckling his seatbelt.
She wanted to apologize for not growing up rich, for not having a stately home to show him. She knew she didn't have to. Lewis didn't care about that, and he hadn't grown up much better than she had. He only cared about seeing where she'd been raised and meeting the people who'd raised her. What had he said when she'd asked him to come home with her?
I already love that little town because it made you.
She climbed out while he got Roscoe out of the backseat, and was opening her mouth to tell him they could get their bags later when the screen door banged.
"Is that my baby finally come to see me?"
It wouldn't matter if it had been two weeks or two months or two years, she would get that greeting. Not even bothering to close the car door she broke into a run, jumping the top step and laughing through tears as she was wrapped in her grandma's arms.
"Oh I miss these hugs." Grandma kissed her cheek, gripping her shoulders and holding her at arm's length. "Look at you. That boy of yours is treating you right, huh?"
"He is, Grandma," she promised, looking back to see Lewis closing the car door.
"Oh." Grandma squinted her eyes a bit. "He is handsome."
She giggled. "Heart of gold, Grandma."
"What's his name again? Louis?"
As if he knew they were talking about him he glanced to the porch, smiling. Roscoe was already making his way to the steps, looking warily at the cat.
"Go on, get," Grandma said, shooing the cat away.
She swallowed the lump in her throat. Grandma's shoulders were a little more stooped, her hands a little more shaky. Why oh why did time have to go by so quickly? Pushing away the invasive thoughts of her beloved grandmother not being around forever, she slid her hand into Lewis's once he was on the porch. "Grandma, this is Lewis. Lewis, this is Grandma."
"It's so nice to finally meet you, ma'am." He extended his hand and as soon as he smiled she knew her grandma was smitten.
"Oh honey aren't you sweet." She shook his hand. "Well, c'mon in – is that dog house trained?"
"Better than some humans," he promised with a grin.
They'd barely gotten into the house when her father came to greet them. He wasn't nearly as smitten as grandma, and she recognized the old macho act he'd played on all her old boyfriends. Then her mother came hurrying out of the kitchen, bringing with her the aroma of lemon meringue and peach cobbler.
There was overlapping chatter. Greetings and questions and the beginnings of an interrogation. Roscoe was cooed over by Grandma, given a begrudging welcome by her dad.
"I straightened up your old room," mama said when Lewis excused himself to go get their bags. "And got new sheets for your sister's old room."
"Is she staying too?" she asked in confusion, squatting to give Roscoe ear scratches.
"Of course not – you know her and Dale are almost finished the new addition on the back of their place? The twins will have a nice big playroom."
"Are the twins staying?" Why would mama need to do anything to her sister's room?
"No… It's for your boyfriend."
She froze. Oh god. Of course her mother would think… "Mama…"
"It's not fancy or anything but I don't think he'll mind do you? It's got plenty of room for him and Roscoe."
At that, Roscoe nudged her hand, silently begging for more scratches. "Mama, I thought he'd sleep in my room."
"Oh. Well you two can switch." Her mother shrugged.
"Jesus, Kathy, she wants to sleep with the boy," her father said loudly.
Surprise, Mama, I'm not a virgin!
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"I don't think your dad likes me."
She looked up from unpacking her suitcase. Usually she didn't, usually she just rummaged to get what she needed, but she'd wanted a break before the rest of the family arrived for the cookout. The time change was affecting her a little and she wanted to get a nap in.
"What makes you say that?" she asked, setting her toiletry bag on the dresser.
"He calls me boy." Lewis was standing at the window, hands in his pockets, looking out at the back yard. Where her father and brother in-law were firing up the grill.
"He doesn't mean… He calls anyone younger than him boy," she promised.
"I get it. Really, babe," he said, looking over at her. "It just rubs me wrong."
"Do you want me to talk to him?" she asked, crossing the room.
"Will it change anything?"
"He's not like that, Lewis. He's southern, yes, he's a good ol' country boy, pickup truck, cold beer, guns and 'Murica, Toby Keith and Hank Jr, but he's not racist. If he's told that the way he says something is offensive, he stops saying it." She slipped her arms around him from behind, pressing her face to his back.
"It'll just make him like me even less," he sighed.
"No, babe… If he didn't like you, you wouldn't be in my bedroom."
He chuckled, covering her hands with his and interlocking their fingers. "Not only am I boy, I'm the asshole that deflowered his little girl."
She snorted at that. "Please, like I was an untouched virgin."
"How you were able to have sex way out here is a mystery to me."
"There are so many spots where you can go to be unseen," she told him.
Lewis hummed, unwrapping her arms and turning to face her. "Were you shagging farmer boys in the woods, babe?"
Leaning up, she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Once, yes. Most of the time it was in the cutoff down the old service road. Or out at the powerline."
"You weren't seduced in a bed?" He shook his head in disappointment. "I'm so sorry."
"And where was your first time, hm?"
He rolled his eyes. "Coat closet."
"That's even worse than a pickup truck."
"Didn't count, I wasn't in love."
"Oh see you didn't tell me that." Pulling on his hands, she walked backwards towards the bed. "That changes everything."
"Hotel room? Back seat of a car?" he guessed, letting her pull him along.
"A penthouse, actually," she murmured as she fell onto the bed.
He hesitated briefly then joined her, holding himself above her. "Penthouse? In Bumfuck Virginia?"
"You said it only counted if I was in love, right?"
"Penthouse. Monte-Carlo. Afterwards he took a bubble bath with me and we danced to Bob Marley." She watched his eyes soften and leaned up to meet his lips in a kiss. "He was the first one that made me feel loved."
"Does he still make you feel it?" he whispered between kisses.
"Every day."
"If he ever doesn't make you feel that way, will you tell him?"
"Yes." She kissed him again.
"Promise?" he whispered.
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The food was delicious, and she was so happy her parents had made vegan alternatives for Lewis she could have cried. He seemed happy too, and during the meal she watched him talk with her dad and Dale, heart swelling each time he turned to praise her mama's cooking. Roscoe was parked between them, his gentle snoring just barely noticeable above the music playing.
It was a balmy evening, lightning bugs flashing as the sun sank low, and she watched Lewis's head drop back with a groan after he finished a third helping of Grandma's peach cobbler. "I think I hurt myself eating, ma'am."
Grandma glowed, patting his hand. "It's how I won her Papa," she said with a twinkle in her eye.
Lewis chuckled, rubbing his abdomen with his free hand. "If I was twenty years older…"
She beamed as Grandma giggled, so obviously charmed she looked twenty years younger in the golden glow of the sinking sun. "Oh bless your heart, honey, I don't think you could handle me."
"I can barely handle her," Lewis told her in a stage whisper.
And she knew her family liked him. Their laughter was natural, the conversation flowed. Her twin nephews kept coming over to him, asking him questions about his tattoos, his jewelry, and she fell in love all over again at how patient and gentle he was with them.
When he insisted on helping with cleanup she saw the warmth of approval in her dad's eyes. The twins said they would help, too, and she could only look on as they followed him back into the house, Roscoe taking up the rear.
"He's a good one," Grandma said.
"He's alright." This from her dad, and it was the best she knew she could get for now.
"I like him a lot, honey. You ain't looked this happy in a long time." Mama squeezed her shoulder on her way past, and right behind her was her sister, flashing a grin as she helped gather the platters.
"You wanna take a walk?" her father asked.
It was a callback to her childhood. Dad always said it was to work off what he'd just had to eat, but she had figured out in her early teenage years it was his way of checking in on her. Their walks after dinner had been when they'd bonded, and as she fell into step next to him and they strolled beyond the barn she realized how much she missed these walks.
"I didn't want to like him."
She pressed her lips together to keep from asking why. Always best to just stay silent and let him get all his thoughts out in his own way.
"He's a little older than you. But I think that's what you need. Someone to keep your head from floating with the clouds." He sighed, snapping a leaf off the old oak tree as they walked under the branches. "And… You know how people are around here, honey."
She nodded. "But not you, dad," she whispered.
"I don't give a shit, you know that. But even Dale said something, and… I know you always worry about what people think."
"I used to," she said.
"You always hid away from the world. And I let you. Thought I was protecting you from how bad it can be sometimes." He twirled the leaf between his fingers, sending it swirling. "You're out in it, now. Can't protect you anymore."
"I don't need protecting, daddy," she promised.
"You telling me your knight back there doesn't protect you?" he asked, stopping at the fence to the back pasture. "That bo – sorry. That man loves you, honey."
"I know. And I love him."
"People around here will talk." He propped his arm on the fencepost and looked out. "Ain't got nothing better to do."
"I don't care what they say." And she didn't. She used to, yes, used to care too much, pretending to be someone else so she'd be accepted. The only people whose opinions mattered were inside the house and standing beside her.
"Good. Because I want him to come around more often."
"You like him?" she asked. She knew he did, but she needed to hear him say it.
"Yeah, he's alright," he chuckled. Throwing his arm around her shoulders when she groaned, he pulled her in close.
"Rest easy, honey. I like him. Long as he treats you right I'll never say a word against him."
They stayed at the fence and she let herself be her dad's little girl for a few more minutes, watching the sunlight fade. Walking back to the house she could hear music still playing, but now instead of her dad and Dale's country it was the smooth beats of reggae and she was smiling as she entered the kitchen to see Lewis dancing with the twins to Is This Love.
He spun to face her, face lighting, and ducked to speak to her nephews then held a hand out to her, drawing her to him. His lips met her forehead. "I wanna love ya, I wanna love and treat, love and treat you right…" he crooned softly as they danced in her mama's kitchen.
"You better," she whispered. "Because I think they like you more than me."
His laugh was warmer than any sunlight, and she didn't mind at all when he kissed her then broke away to ask her grandma to dance.
She missed all of this, the love and the comfort and all the memories.
But she couldn't wait for the love and memories to come.
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xo-hoon · 2 months
an eye for an eye — p.sh
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pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: revenge, angst, smut, fluff
synopsis: Sunghoon nurtured a profound animosity towards his childhood friend, Lee Heeseung, blaming him for his sister's death. To Sunghoon, his sister was the only person who had genuinely loved him, making Heeseung's perceived betrayal unforgivable. This deep resentment sparked an intense desire for revenge, driving Sunghoon to extreme measures to achieve it. But to what extent would he go to find satisfaction in his vengeance against Lee Heeseung? Would his plans unfold smoothly, or would everything take an unexpected turn, throwing his schemes into something he didn’t expect.
word count: 4.2k
warnings: swearing, kidnapping (kinda), possessive hoon, mentions of death, fake marriage, depression, fist fighting, minor bleeding, hoon has detachment issues. (typographical errors)
an eye for an eye: last part - masterlist
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Sunghoon woke up with the feeling of his wife’s figure laying on his chest. You really looked angelic while sleeping.
He couldn’t help but to stroke your cheek and feel the softness of your lips. He wished to see this sight every morning for the rest of his life. That way, even if it was cloudy outside, he’d always wake up with his own brand of sunshine. He wrapped you in his arms and basked in your warmth. He vowed to never let you slip away from him.
He would do everything to tie you to him forever. And for that to happen, he needed to take action.
He gave you a tender kiss on the forehead before getting up to take a shower and prepare himself for the day. Upon leaving the room, he went straight to the garden where he suspected his father was.
“Dad,” He called. From his newspaper, her father glanced up at him.
“Good morning, son. Sit down. Do you need anything?” Sunghoon sat down in front of him.
“I’m thinking of taking my wife on a belated honeymoon trip.”
His forehead creased. “Where are you planning on going?”
“Japan. I also wanted to visit Grandma and Grandpa.” They had never been close to him, but they knew your family. “I’d be grateful if your secretary could arrange everything for me and my wife.”
He folded the newspaper and placed it on the table. “Why does this seem sudden? What about the farm? I’m getting old, Sunghoon. I can’t manage everything anymore.”
“We have good people here, Dad. They are all hardworking and trustworthy. My manager could take over, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” His father fell silent for a moment, deep in thought over what he had just said. “Alright, I understand. When are you going back home?”
Sunghoon shrugged. “I don’t know. As long as possible?” His father’s lips twitched and his eyes filled with profound curiosity.
“Why do I feel like you’re planning to live there? Is there a problem, Sunghoon?”
Yes, there is. Sunghoon laughed. “Nothing, Dad. Anyway, we can’t stay there for long. I just wanted a little vacation with my wife.” He leaned back and looked at his father intently.
“Fine. But make sure to call here often. I’ll get my secretary to arrange everything. I’ll also have him come here to get both your passports.”
“Okay, Dad. Thank you.” He said and stood up after bidding farewell. Sunghoon breathed a sigh of relief. His father agreed. And hopefully, everything would go as smoothly as this.
You’ve noticed that your husband has been exceptionally busy these past few days. You already knew he was hard working, workaholic, even. But it’s quite different these days as if he’s constantly chasing after something. Today, he left with his father because they said they had someone to talk to.
You glanced at the oven timer, signaling that the cream cheese garlic bread you made is cooked. Once you checked and saw that they were golden brown, you grabbed the mittens to take the baking tray out.
“Wow, that looks delicious, Y/n.” Aunt Chul said as she just entered the kitchen. You smiled at her.
“I won’t be modest, Auntie. It is really delicious.” You giggled, placing the tray on the table. She chuckled.
“Really? Let me have a taste then.”
“Sure! But let’s wait for it to cool down for a bit,” You said as you removed the mittens and took the tongs to carefully transfer the bread onto the basket lined with wax paper.
“Oh! I’ll make us something to drink, Dear. What would you like?”
“I’ll have some green tea, please.” You requested.
“Sure, just a moment.” She began boiling the water and fetched the cups while you were arranging the bread in the basket, making it look presentable. Shortly after, you and the woman enjoyed the bread and tea together.
“This is so good, Dear!” Aunt Chul happily commented after the first bite. You nodded in agreement.
“Yes, it really is. I wonder who made it?”
The woman chuckled lightly. “No joke, Dear. It really is delicious. The cream cheese garlic bread I’ve had before didn’t taste like this. Sunghoon is really lucky to have someone like you, Dear. I hope you know that.” You were speechless at her words.
“I remember, Sohyun and Sunghoon used to love eating you baked good back then. They were the ones tasting and critiquing your creations.” Your smile faded as you recalled the past.
“I felt that they grew tired of tasting my breads back then. Especially Sunghoon.” You whispered softly.
“Oh, Dear! I doubt that,” The woman said with a chuckle and shook he head. “Didn’t Sunghoon always insist on tasting even the burnt ones?”
Yes, you could vividly remember that. Every batch you baked, whether perfectly made or not, Sunghoon always tasted them. He would praise them if they were delicious and cheer you on to do better next time if they weren’t. He was always there for you, ready to make you smile and feel good. He was your everything backthen. While you couldn’t do anything for him. You sighed.
“Yes, he’s a good guy…” You said softly just above whisper.
“What was that, dear?” The elderly woman asked. You glanced at her and gave a small smile.
“Nothing, Auntie.”
She took another bite of the bread and savored it like a child. “This is really delicious, Dear. I’ll miss this when you’re in Japan.”
You paused mid-bite upon hearing her words. “What? Japan?” You asked, confused.
“Yes, Japan. Didn’t Sunghoon tell you? You’re leaving tomorrow to go to Japan. Your husband has already arranged for your things to be packed,” She explained. Your jaw might have dropped at Aunt Chul’s news. Japan? Leaving? Tomorrow? You had no idea of what she was talking about. You felt your phone vibrating in your pocket.
“Heeseung…” You murmured as you saw the registered number. Quickly excusing yourself from Aunt Chul, you hurried upstairs to your room to answer the call.
“What’s this I hear about you and Sunghoon leaving?”
He asked sternly. You paced back and forth in the room, feeling like a cat about to give birth, anxious and unsettled.
“I don’t know! Aunt Chul just mentioned it to me just now. I had no idea. Sunghoon hasn’t said anything about us leaving.”
You stopped in your tracks and pulled at your hair, feeling frustrated. What was he thinking?
“He’s freaking insane! You need to come home now, Y/n. We need to talk about this,”
He insisted.
“If you won’t come here, I’ll come there.”
He said sharply. You took a deep breath.
“Okay, I’ll be there in an hour.”
You quickly left the mansion, being careful not to be seen by anyone. You also didn’t ask the driver to take you to avoid anyone from knowing where you were going. Upon arriving at your house, Heeseung form immediately greeted you. His face was serious.
“Let’s talk inside.” He said, leading the way.
Sunghoon and his father was greeted by Aunt Chul once they entered the mansion. “Would you like to two like to have snacks or rest first?” She asked.
“I’ll rest for a bit. I’ll come down later for dinner,” Mr. Park replied, heading up to his room.
“And you, son?” The woman turned to him. Sunghoon smiled at her.
“I’ll go rest first, Auntie.”
“Is that so? Y/n baked cream cheese garlic bread,” She added making him chuckle at her obvious teasing.
“I’ll go see her first, Auntie,” He replied.
“Oh, yes. That’s right.” She quickly agreed. “Go on, she’s in your room. She went up there after we ate earlier.” She gently nudged him.
“Hurry up now.” He chuckled at the woman’s gesture. He was near the stairs when she called him.
“I’m glad you hear your laughter again, son.” She said sincerely. He smiled back at her.
“Me too, Auntie.”
He went up to their room. However. It was dark inside, and you weren’t there. The windows were open, and the curtains swayed gently with the breeze. He wondered and checked the bathroom as well, but you weren’t there either. He went downstairs to find Aunt Chul.
“Auntie, have you seen Y/n?” He asked. She furrowed her brow.
“Isn’t she in your room?” He shook his head. “No.”
“Well, I just came from the garden, she wasn’t there either. Did you check the study? Other rooms?”
“Not yet,” He sighed. “Wait, maybe she went to her brother? Your wife had someone calling her from her phone earlier.”
Your phone? He recalled Heeseung visiting the bakery. He felt knot in his stomach. The fear he felt when he woke up and found the woman was not by his side returned.
“I’ll be out for a while,” He said and rushed to his car, got in, and drove away.
“I have talked to a friend who’s willing to lend us the money we need. If you’re still worried about that bastard’s check, I’ll go top the bank tomorrow and—”
“It’s not that simple, Hee,” You whispered. You were both on the sofa in your living room, having a serious conversation. You felt a chill at what your brother wanted to happen.
“What do you mean?” You sighed and looked straight at him. “Do you think Sunghoon would just agree to that?” He wasn’t able to respond. “He wouldn’t, Heeseung.”
Heeseung ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and leaned back on the sofa. “Then I think it would be better if you took some time away from him,” He suggested.
You shook your head. “I think it would only make things worse if I did that.”
“Then what do you think would work?” You couldn’t answer. None of your plans had worked. Reconciling the father and son. Gradually avoiding your husband. None of it happened.
“Look, y/n. I just want you safe. I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s why I’m doing this,” He said, holding your hand. “I’ll face Sunghoon myself. I’m the reason for all of this.”
You gave him a sad smile. “Liar.” He paused. “We both know who’s really at fault for all of this.”
He tightened his grip on your hand.“Y/n, I don’t want you thinking like that.”
You sighed. “Let me handle this, Hee. Let me leaver with Sunghoon to Japan, and there I’ll figure some things out.”
His eyes narrowed and he let go of your hand. “Are you seriously telling me that you’re really going with him?”
You looked down. “Honestly, I’m still hesitant about it. I’ll try to convince him later not to leave. But if he insists, maybe it’s better if I go with him for now.” You pleaded with him to understand. “I just can’t leave him.”
He stood up abruptly, clenching his fists.
“No.” It was a firm command. “You stay out of this. I’ll confront that piece of shit right now, and I’ll resolve this mess with him.”
“I’m here, Heeseung,” You and your brother almost simultaneously turned towards a cold and low voice. You gaped as you saw Sunghoon there.
He looked at you. “We’re going home, Y/n.” He was about to reach out to you but your brother’s large figure blocked his way as he stood up.
“Over my dead body.” You grabbed his arm.
“Hee, don’t start.”
“He was the one who started all of this!” Heeseung exclaimed. “And for what? Revenge? Only children would think of—” You gasped as Sunghoon lunged forward and delivered a punch at your brother’s face.
Heeseung slumped to the floor due to the impact. Your eyes widen as you saw Heeseung’s lip split open. You rushed to him and hurriedly wiped the blood from the corner of his lips. He stood up, his eyes glaring with retaliation for the punch he received from Sunghoon.
“Stop it!” You shouted, trying to intervene to break them up. When they didn’t budge, you raised your voice louder. “Enough!”
That seemed to snap them out of it, reminding them of your presence. Both men were panting heavily, and you could feel the tension thick in the air around them. You faced your brother. “We’re leaving. I’m going with him.”
He grabbed your arm. “No!”
“Please,” Your voice trembled in plea. Reluctantly, he let go and gave Sunghoon a sharp look. You called a helper and instructed them to bring a first aid kit. “Treat your wounds, Hee. Take care.” You hugged him.
You felt your husband tug on you. “Let’s go,” He whispered. He guided you out of the house towards his car. Heeseung didn’t follow, which you were thankful for. Upon reaching the car, Sunghoon spoke.
“Don’t try to run away from me like that.” He looked at you intently. He seemed to claim all the good looks in the world because even in dim light, he still looked godly… whit a bruised lip. You reached for his face.
“You have a bruise. Let’s hurry home so we can treat that,” You said.
He grasped your hand. “Answer me. Tell me you won’t run away from me.” His intense gaze made you feel like you were burning. You nodded slightly in response.
“Say it, damn it!”
“Sunghoon, I...” He held both sides of your face and gently forced you to meet his eyes.
“Is it really that hard? To be tied to me? To stay with me and remain by my side?” Your lips parted as you saw the desperation on Sunghoon’s face, as if his life depended on you staying.
“I promise I won’t hurt you. I won’t. I can’t”
“But you’re hurting my brother. And because of that, you’re also hurting me.” You don’t have the right to complain. You deserved the pain. But your brother?
He let go and sniffed the air. “Okay. You want me to stop hating on your brother? I can do that. I’ll do it for you.” He looked at you with a longing look. “You also said I should forgive my father? Fine, I’ll do that too.” You couldn’t speak. What was he trying to do to you? He reached out and held your palm, then clasped your hands.
“If I do all that, will you stay by my side? Will you promise not to leave me? Will you stay with me forever?”
“I realized that I was blinded by anger. Sohyun wouldn’t want me to blame the man she loved forever.” Joy enveloped your heart. It felt so good to hear your husband’s words. You never expected that he would be willing to do everything just to keep you by his side. That he’s finally ready to set his anger aside. But there’s one thing he didn’t know. And Sunghoon would hate you more if you keep it hidden from him much longer. You should have confessed earlier.
How will he believe you now? Even if you tell him that you love him…
Your eyes stung with tears. You shook your head. “No… You don’t understand.”
Sunghoon lifted your face with a finger, wiping your tear that traced a path down your cheek. “What do I not understand?” He asked, his voice soft yet urgent. “What is it, Y/n?”
You could only shake your head, your tears falling relentlessly. Sunghoon enveloped you in a warm embrace, offering you solace in the cold, dark night.
“Please, Y/n,” He murmured, his voice trembling with emotions. “Just promise me that you won’t run away. That we’ll always be together. That’s all I want to hear. Please.”
You continued to sob into his chest. Truth be told, you wanted the same thing—to be together forever, to be happy in each other’s arms. But that was impossible. It was never going to happen. You sniffled and gathered all your courage. Gently, you pushed him away from you. You shut your eyes tightly before looking straight into his eyes.
“It wasn’t my brother’s fault that Sohyun died. It was mine.” Your throat ached, and the words seemed to resist coming out. “It was only right that I pay for what I did. So it’s not fair that you blamed Heeseung for what happened…”
You saw Sunghoon’s expression change. “What are you talking about, y/n?” This isn’t your fault.”
You stood firm You knew you had to stick to the truth, no matter how painful. “It was all my idea. It was my decision that led to Sohyun’s death. I can’t let Heeseung suffer for something he didn’t do.”
A mixed of shock and confusion crossed Sunghoon’s face. “It wasn’t Heeseung’s fault that your sister is no longer with us. It was my fault. The anniversary surprise, the candle lit dinner—” You gulped, and tears streamed down your cheeks again. “Those were all my idea.” You roughly wiped away the tears, but no matter what you did, they kept falling.
“If I hadn’t suggested all that, Sohyun would still be here. You wouldn’t be left alone. Everything would be okay.” Your chest tightened as you confessed everything to him. “Sunghoon… I… I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
You could barely breathe from crying, and through it all, Sunghoon just stood there in front of you. This must be it. He must be hating you now and cursing you to death. You wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly told you to rot in hell. You turned away to head back to your house. You had your answers. You didn’t need to leave because Sunghoon wouldn’t want you anywhere with him anymore.
You calmed yourself and dried the tears to see your way, but a tight hug from behind stopped you in your tracks. The embrace was so firm, you could barely breathe. You cried even harder. Sunghoon turned you around and you buried your face in his chest.
‘I’m so sorry. I never thought it would all end in an accident.”
He comforted you. “Heeseung’s surprise for my sister was your idea. That’s all it was. You and Heeseung didn’t mean her any harm. Both of you just wanted to make her happy.” You pulled away slightly and looked up at him. There wasn’t a trace of hatred on his face.
“Aren’t you going to yell at me? Sohyun died because of me.” At that, you started crying again. He sighed and tried to calm you down.
“Weren’t you listening? To be honest, ever since you came back to in to my life, my anger had gradually disappeared. I think I used what happened as an excuse to keep you by my side. I could never hate you.”
“But—” He silenced you with a kiss.
“I’m sure my sister is happy up there. I know that because I felt like she’s watching over me from there. Sohyun never wanted me to live a miserable life.” He gently stroked your hair.
“She once told me that I should stop shutting myself from the world. And when she died, it felt like my anger was the only thing keeping me alive. Until I saw you again. You were so bright that I wanted to put everything behind me. And I remembered that my sister told me I always needed to stay in the light.” He carefully caressed your cheek. After a very long time, you saw the man you loved once again.
“And you are my light, Y/n. you’re my very own brand of sunshine. The moment I saw you again, I felt alive. You complete the happy days I once had.”
If this was a dream, you wished to be a princess who had slept for a long time. And if possible, you hoped never to wake up. If this was real, why did it seem so unbelievable? You had expected a mad beast with eyes full of hate, not a handsome prince with eyes filled with love.
Oh God. Is this real?
“Yes, Y/n. This is real.” You hadn’t realized that you voiced your question out.
“But, Sunghoon. I know how much Sohyun’s death affected you. I don’t want you to hide that from me just because you promised not to hurt me. Whatever makes you feel better—”
“It’s true that my sister’s death nearly killed me. But you…” He paused, searching for the right words.
“The thought of another person I love frightened the hell out of me. If I lose you, I know I won’t be able survive.”
You embraced him tightly. “I won’t leave you.”
“Do you really accept me as your husband, Y/n? Are you ready to be with me for always? Will you love me too?” He looked deep into your eyes.
You wanted to say yes. You wanted to tell him that you already loved him. That you have loved him for a long time. Your gaze shifted towards your house, where you saw your brother watching the both of you. He nodded, as if giving you the encouragement to do what you truly wanted. Slowly, a smile spread across your face. You looked up to Sunghoon, who was gazing at you with complete love. Tears pooled in your eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy.
“I love you, Park Sunghoon.” You finally managed to say. “I’ve always loved you. Even when our paths separated, that love never faded. I still love you.” Sunghoon let put a breath, his eyes closing briefly.
He hugged you tight and kissed the top of your head. “Thank you. Thank you for loving me.”
You returned the warm embrace to your husband. “I still feel guilty about Sohyun,” you sighed.
“Stop it,” He scolded you gently. “She loves us, and I know she wants us to be happy. There’s nothing to worry about now, baby.” Right. Sohyun had been a kind and loving sister top Sunghoon. She treated you like a sibling too. She genuinely loved your brother. She wouldn’t want anyone of you to be sad.
Under the moonlight, you promised to love the man you promised to be with for a lifetime with all your heart. You would give him the light he needed and all the love you could offer. You would be together for an eternity. And it would start now.
“I love you so much. Y/n.” You heard him whisper. You tightened your hug on Sunghoon even more.
“I love you.”
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It was supposed to be rainy afternoon according to the weather report last night. But the weather seemed to be cooperating with them because not a single dark cloud marred the sky. You wondered how it would feel to live in a world where there was no sadness and pain; where only the warmth of love and happiness enveloped you.
Then you realized that in this world, one need all those sufferings to appreciate the beauty of life. You should face your fears and endure trials to become a better person. You smiled as you looked back and saw your husband leaning against the tree where you were taking shelter.
Sunghoon is a great example of someone consumed by darkness, yet learning to return to the colorful world. Well, all of you went through some tough times, but you believed it was Sunghoon who suffered the most. You approached him, locking eyes. You sucked in your breath. He still looked dark and powerful, but that was just because of his striking physical appearance. The dark aura that used to surround him was gone.
“We need to get going, you know?” You reminded with a smile.
He held your waist and pulled you closer to him. “I know, baby. I was just doing some reminiscing.”
“Like when you tripped here while we were chasing after Sohyun and Heeseung?” you teased him. The corners of his lips lifted in to a smile.
“Very funny.” You grinned and planted a quick kiss on his lips.
“So… Shall we go to Sohyun’s grave?” Before, his expression darkened whenever he remembered his sister, not it didn’t. He maintained a light demeanor. It was Sohyun’s death anniversary, and you planned to visit with your brother, Heeseung. The feud between the two men had been resolved.
“Yeah, I think we should go now. I want to catch Heeseung being dramatic.”
You wrinkled your nose. “How mean.” Sunghoon just grinned and kissed you quickly on the lips. You both started walking towards his car.
“You know what? My visits to my sister will be different now,” He said.
“What do you mean?”
“Before, whenever I would visit her, I always said I would seek revenge on those responsible for her loss.” He tightened his grip on your hand. “But today would be different because you’re with me, and Heeseung and I are okay. I used to visit her with a heavy heart, but this time, I would face her with a smile.”
“And she must be smiling back at you,” You said happily.
“I know.” Sunghoon stopped walking and looked at you with lovingly.
“Thank you. Thank you for being my light, y/n.” You were momentarily taken aback but quickly returned the smile to your lips.
“I always got you. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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idk6123 · 3 months
Boring Foster Home, Interesting Roommate (Lip Gallagher X Male Reader)
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Getting back to foster care it’s always temporary. One way or another, the Gallaghers always stay together, for the better or worse. Still, foster care is a bitch, and somehow the group always end up with the worst kind of foster parents. Lip wasn’t surprised at all to learn his foster parents are devout Jehovah witnesses.
“We hold a daily bible study at 4PM. We expect you to dress modestly all the time. You need to ask permission to use the phone, and no cellphones allowed. We don’t allow any kind of media that defies our beliefs. Alcohol and drugs aren’t allowed. Any breaking of these rules will be swiftly punished.”
To be honest, Lip doesn’t listen at all as he follows his foster father. He’s smart enough to know what being a Jehovah Witness is about, and he can summarize it in one sentence: no fun at all cost. They get to the upper floor, as they get pass multiple bedrooms, where he sees other children. There are around 12, as he counts. Most of them years younger than him. Luckily, he manages to get roomed up with someone around his own age.
“You will be sharing your room with Y/N. He helps you settle in. You two go door to door tomorrow, so no fighting.” The middle aged man disappears.
Lip walks in, with Y/N looking pass his bible, which he holds. “I love when people look dead inside the first time they get in here.”
“Not the only time I do.” Lip merely replies. He curiously looks at the bible, but Y/N reveals what he’s actually reading.
“Porn. Gotta be creative around these people.” From between the pages, Lip sees a magazine with many ripped and shirtless men.
Lip then put his bag on the other bed. When he first got here, his new foster parents searched through it and confiscating everything that isn’t allowed to be here, which is about everything.
“Want some help?”
“Not really. They already took 99% of what I brought.”
Still, Y/N closes the bible and stands up to help Lip, mainly with his clothes by putting them in the closet. “Dead parents?”
“Only dead beats. You?”
“Just dead. Since I was 2.” Y/N says as both guys unpack. “Funnily enough, this is better than the previous foster parents.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me.”
The next day, the family got out in the neighborhood and split up to spread the special message. This is the only time they’re allowed to walk freely. That being said, they can’t go anywhere. They only get 4 hours, where they need to be checked up every hour. During the checkups, they get frisked if they get anything bad on them, such as cigarettes. However, that won’t stop the duo.
“They usually feel pity for me and give me there junk. Pretty sure they got something for you too.” Y/N says as he and Lip walk over to a house to knock on the door. After some seconds, the door opens, showing an old grandma. “Hello, Mrs. Partridge.”
“Oh dear god, you’re back.” The old lady then looks at Lip with a sympathetic face. “I see they dragged another unfortunate soul.”
“And I won’t be the last.” Lip semi jokes.
The grandma sighs in disappointed. “Let me get something for you.” She turns around and walks away.
“Lovely lady.” Lip comments.
“Not really. She just really hates Jehovah Witnesses. She’s catholic, you see.”
“Natural enemies.”
The granny walks back, holding a bag of stuff, which she hands over to Y/N. “Make sure to not belief in their lies, young man.” She says motherly to Lip.
Lip put his hand on his chest as he takes an oath. “I won’t.”
“Good boy. Have a sweet day.”
Y/N and Lip turns around, with the one holding the bag checking it out. “Oh, she’s generous today…”
On a bench in the park, Lip is smoking happily, while Y/N is drinking the beer they got. Both of them intend to call it a day and not knock on the door.
“This is some good stuff.”
“Yeah, she usually gives them to me after her husband got long cancer.” Y/N explains. “Not really one of the cigs.”
“More for me.” Lip then gestures Y/N to give him the beer bottle, which he passes on. After a sip, he gives it back. The blonde then looks at the bag of loot. “I’m going to get cancer too if I take all of that.”
Y/N looks back at the bag, seeing the stacks of cigarettes. “I sell what I have over. Speaking of which.” He looks back at Lip. “They take our money when they find out, so we need to hide it.”
“In our assholes?” Lip looks amused.
“No. They can’t check them out, since we’re foster kids.” Y/N says, knowing if they aren’t, they would. “Just put them in your undies and your fine.”
“Cool. 50/50 split?”
“Sure.” With that, they give each other a box as they continue their vices.
Later that day, and it’s time to read the bible, the only book they’re allowed to read. They ate their dinner, and now they just have to wait to sleep. During this time, Lip feels like it takes forever until something interesting happens. It’s too early to sleep, and yet sleeping sound more fun than reading.
Both teens are lying on their bed as they read, but Lip knows what Y/N really is reading.
“Looking at porn?”
“Yep. You might as well call this the Bible.” Without looking away, Y/N talks. “Want some too?”
“Are they all gay?”
Lip sighs. On one hand, he isn’t going to enjoy it. On the other hand, he takes everything over reading this. “Whatever. Give it to me.”
Y/N closes his book and get off his bed to lift up his mattress. “What do you feel? Doctor’s appointment? Teacher romance? Military training?”
“Military training.”
Y/N grabs it and throws it towards Lip, who catches it. He put it between the pages of the bible. As Lip begins to check it out, Y/N gets back. In front of him, the genius sees a muscular men wearing military outfits while showing their sixpacks as they touch each other. As Lip opens it, he notices something.
“There is an entire story.”
“Yeah, I’m one for buildup. Think it’s more fun.”
Lip hums. Thus, he begins reading it. He isn’t sure he actually likes it, or he’s that bored he takes gay porn. Still, he likes it. To his surprise, he likes it too much. As the time passes, Y/N sometimes takes glances on Lip, to notices him way too invested. He merely let him be. It takes some time before Lip closes the book.
“Got another one?”
“Did you had fun?”
“Playing with dirt is fun when you live here.” Lip says with a smirk.
Y/N hums. “You know? There are other things we can do then reading porn.”
With a mischievous smirk, he looks at the curious teen, who couldn’t help but look at him. With swiftness, the blonde stands up, jump on Y/N and they begin making out with each other as they begin unclothing themselves and each other.
“Pretty good.”
Underneath the sheets of Y/N’s bed, both teens lie next to each other as they recover after their good time.
“And here I thought you were straight.”
“Glad you proved me wrong.” Lip smirks. “I can see why Ian likes it so much.”
“Who’s Ian?”
“My brother.”
“Your brother sounds like a wise guy.”
“No, he’s a moron.” Y/N laughs, as does Lip. As they do, seconds pass and they become quieter.
“I wish we could’ve met under different circumstances.” Y/N speaks up. “Not in some dumb foster home where I can’t even kiss a guy.”
That’s when Lip thought of an idea. “We can make it so foster care take us back.”
Y/N is surprised to hear that. “We can?”
It takes around 2 days for Lip‘s plan to be executed. During which, they set up camera’s in the bathroom, specifically the shower. They planted booze and drinks around the house, hidden, but easy to find for the cops. After gathering their footage, they did what they did and now they can follow up through it.
They make sure their foster father is in the kitchen, while both of them are standing at the living room. With it being an open floor plan, they can be heard easily, without talking to their foster father directly.
“Dude, did you heard?”
“About Mrs. Cunningham?” Y/N replies. Now, their foster father is curious what they’re talking about his wife. “The entire school is talking about it.”
“I still find it ridiculous. Just thought of it.” Lip makes sure to choose his words wisely. Enough for Mr. Cunningham to be curious, without asking them directly. “I checked it out, and they’re right. She’s on MilfsSeeker.”
“And to think she’s so devout… Real shame.”
Both teens hold their smirks as they hear Mr. Cunningham grabbing his laptop and begin typing. It takes a couple of minutes to hear something.
“By the mother of-!? Wanda!”
Both teens can’t help but snicker a bit as they hear the man stomping on the stairs. It doesn’t take long as they begin screaming to each other, with both teens looking up to hear it.
“Are we going to call them now?” Y/N asks.
And so, they’re back at Foster care without a home, where they’re being asked about their former home situation. The younger ones were asked separately, while Lip and Y/N both got questioned together. Both of them are sitting at an office, talking to a lady.
“I sometime see her smoking on the porch. Looks like she did it on the regular.”
“Me too. Mrs. Partridge warned me about them. And turns out, she’s right.”
“We make sure something like this ever happens again.” The woman says. “We want to sincerely apologize for putting you in such a dangerous situation. Especially after Mr. Cunningham became physical.” The woman then looks at Lip. “I got good news for you. Everything has been taken care of back at your family, and you’re allowed to go back.”
“Finally.” Lip mutters tiredly.
Y/N smiles. “Congrats.”
“Thanks.” Lip says with a smile as he looks at him, only to see Y/N’s hollow eyes. Even if he left this bad foster home, it’s unknown what crazy other foster home he goes to. Thus, he looks back at the foster home lady. “Is there any chance Y/N can go with me?”
“Lip?” Y/N looks surprised he would do something like this for him.
“I’m sorry, but you need to have permission to take care of a foster child, even if they’re 17 old.”
Although Y/N looks disappointed, Lip got a better idea. “I know who’s allow to.”
“Welcome to your new home, buddy!” Y/N is extremely startled as Kevin warmly greets him. In the sunset, he sees his new house. He would describe it has a ghetto, but Kevin and Veronica look like good people, so he sticks around for now. “You’re going to love it here.”
“Don’t act so exciting. You’re scaring him.” Veronica scolds him.
“It’s alright. It’s way better than… all the other foster homes I was in.”
“That’s because we’re the best!” Kevin proudly smiles. “Let us show you to your room and help you unpack.”
Inside of his new room, Y/N is unpacking all his bags. It isn’t much, because he wasn’t allowed much. It’s mostly clothes. He was quite insisted he can do it on his own, which Kev and V both respected and they get downstairs to prepare for dinner. As Y/N unpacks, he hears a tick from the window. He didn’t thought much about it, until he hears it again. Thus, he walks over it and look out, to see Lip outside, who was throwing small stones. With a smile, Y/N opens the window.
“Hey, I heard a cute guy moved in and I thought I should say hi.”
Y/N chuckles. “Hey. You really did me a favor.”
“Oh no, it’s not a favor. It’s a deal.” Lip explains. “You see, I got you a better home, and in return, I expect a date.”
“Like you didn’t get that either way. You should’ve demanded for more.”
Lip hums amused. “I could always ask for sex.”
“I can repeat my previous statement, but sure.” Y/N smiles. He looks back at his room, before looking back at the guy he likes. “I have to pass for today though. Dinner is almost ready and want to sleep normally.”
“Sure thing. Buuut… I still feel like spending time together. Any chance Kev and V can add another plate?”
As both teens smile, Y/N can easily reply with one simple answer. “Sure.”
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Sharing is caring (George Russell)
A long weekend with the Russells
Note: english is not my first language. I know this is very very very overdue, but hopefully it's still enjoyable!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Are you guys doing well back there?", you asked the kids as George drove the four of you up to his parents' house. According to the screen display, you still had a little over an hour until you arrived at George's parents house where you would be staying for the long weekend to enjoy some family time before the season picked up again.
"Does anyone need a bathroom break?", George asked, looking at Olivia and Arthur through the rear view mirror, "I'm fine", Olivia chirped in, "me too, I'm okay", Arthur added.
"You're doing okay, too?", George asked you, hand on your thigh as he drove, "I'm fine. I never want to say it too loud, but I think morning sickness stopped two weeks ago", you added.
"Little one has had enough causing raucous", George whispered, turning his attention back to the road ahead.
"We're nearly there, right, daddy?", Arthur asked as he recognised the streets as the car approached his grandparents' house, "yes, we just turn here and at the end there", George replied as you texted your mother in-law, letting her know to open the big gate so no one had to get out of the car.
"Guys, you're here! Did you have a good trip?", Allison welcomed you into the house, hugging the kids who immediately ran and hugged her legs, "grandma!!", they excitedly said.
"We did, it was fine. There was a little traffic at the end, but we were so close I think it barely bothered us", you said as you greeted Steve, walking inside the house and making sure the kids left their shoes by the door.
"I'm going to take the bags upstairs", George said, kissing your forehead, "I'll be right back", he smiled as you ushered Olivia and Arthur to the bathroom, "Y/N, here, darling, our some slippers on!", Allison offered.
Since Allison and Steve lived on their own again, as every child had now fled the nest, they updated the bedrooms, you and George staying in the guest bedroom with a double bed and the kids occupying the room they had for whenever the grandchildren stayed over.
"Lunch is ready, so when you can come down, we're waiting for you", George's mother called him as he helped you sort out the room for your children, "we'll be down in a little, thanks!".
After eating and helping tidying the kitchen, George took the kids out to the garden, hoping to use up their energy since they spent the whole morning inside a car.
"Is the swing alright, dad?", George questioned, "yes, me and Benjy sorted it out a few weeks ago. It's good as new", he answered, prompting George to take the kids to the renovated swing set.
When he was younger, he didn't spend too much time at home since racing required him to spend a lot of time away, but the times he did spend back home were filled with memories os this swing.
"Is this the old swing you told us about?", Arthur said, unsure of the whole apparatus since he heard stories from when his father and his uncle and aunt were much younger.
"Yes, me and uncle Benjy used to spend a lot of time here with auntie Cara, too! Who wants to go first?", he said as Olivia volunteered.
"It's safe, Arthur, see?", she said as she balanced her body back and forth, making her brother feel a little more comfortable with the whole thing, "I'll share it with you later, okay?".
"Sharing is important", George began, "and the fact that you guys always share is very nice, me and mummy are very proud of you", he said as Arthur picked some flowers from the grass and gave some to Olivia.
"We're siblings, of course we share everything", Arthur said naturally. It was true. For him, even if Olivia picked on his buttons a few times, he wouldn't ever not want to share something with her.
"Would you want to share your things with somebody else?", George tried as the kiss both looked at him like they didn't know what he was on about, "what I means is, would you mind having to share your things with someone else?", he clarified.
The pregnancy news were still between you and George, excluding your doctor. Because the kids could easily spill the news to somebody else and you had been specially careful so the news would stay between the people you wanted to until the doctor considered it was okay.
"I always share with my friends, too. But yesterday I had all the grapes mummy cut up for me because they were really good and I really wanted them", Arthur admitted as Olivia quirked a brow, "I think we could, yes. Even our toys, we share them too", Olivia added.
George seemed satisfied enough with the answers, hoping that when you broke the news they wouldn't have a complete meltdown.
"C'mon, Liv, it's Arthur's turn", George requested gently, the girl hopping off so her brother could have a go.
"What is mummy doing?", your son asked, "she was helping grandma with tonight's dinner when I asked if she wanted to come with us", George offered.
When they arrived back in time to have a quick shower and get ready for family dinner, you and George dressed them in comfortable clothes since it was just close family. Once they started arriving, the kids found their spot on the floor of the living room, playing with toys and colouring books while the adults caught up with eachother.
"Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long!", Cara said as she came up to you for a hug, "we've been busy, but we managed to sort some time out to come up here", you smiled, offering her the little pastries you had been working on with your mother in-law, "these are delicious!".
Excusing yourself from the group, you went to check on the kids, sitting on the sofa and getting a few cuddles from your nieces and nephews, "auntie Y/N!", one of them gasped, "you almost fell asleep while I was showing you my drawing", he said as Arthur snickered, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, you can show me again, please", you offered, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes.
"Darling, do you want some wine? We found your favourite in the shops the other day, Steve bought a couple of bottles", your mother in-law smiled as she stretched her arm to receive your glass when you were all in the dining room, "I don't, thank you for thinking of me, though", you smiled, exchanging a look with George that wasn't missed by his sister.
"I saw that!", Cara pointed out, "what was that?!", she questioned her brother, knowing he would break under her stare.
"Y/N has something to tell you", he quickly offered, passing the ball to your court as you felt everyone's eyes on you.
"This is not how it was supposed to go, but there wasn't a proper plan either, so... we are having a baby!", you announced, unfolding your leggings and letting your small baby bump show.
"Oh my goodness, another baby!", Allison cooed as your children looked at George for confirmation, "you're going to have a little brother, guys!", he said as they ran to hug you baby bump.
"I noticed your tummy was bigger, but I just thought you had a big lunch!", Arthur said, delighting everyone as they laughed, George watching everyone congratulate you before also congratulating him, "congratulations, darling", his mother kissed his cheek.
"We've been a little more careful this time around, did all the tests and in the blood test, the doctor told us were having a little boy", you smiled, kissing the top of your kids' heads as they latched onto your sides.
"Well, we can celebrate with the wine still! Some juice for you, Y/N", Steve poured in your cup.
When it came to bedtime, the kids didn't want to sleep in a separate room from you, and since the bed was big enough, you allowed them to sleep with you and George.
"That's what I'm saying, guys. It doesn't mean mummy is sick, but it means she needs our help more, she won't be able to do all things at once and it's our job to make sure she rests, as well", you heard your husband tell the kids while you brushed your teeth in the en suite bathroom.
"Time for sleep, kids", you said, lying down on the mattress, you and George brushing each of their hairs as they switched off, almost like a button, "they used up all their energy today", George began, "Did you know these two were wondering how they could help you, because they were worried that you are tired. You even fell asleep on the sofa..!", George tried his best to mimick his nephew shocked expression, earning one of your beautiful laughs.
"I love them so much", you sighed, "and I love you", you kissed his lips.
Kissing your forehead, George's hand managed to reach your bump despite the little boy latching on you like a koala and your daughter lying on top of him, drawing random shapes on it, "not as much as I love all of you".
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lonelychicago · 4 months
I've been listening to the prophecy by taylor and i have thoughts, so bare with me on this one.
some people might look at this thing like a superpower, like something cool to trick people with or scare the shit out of them.
tommy thinks of it more as a curse than anything else. a punishment from above— maybe he's done awful, terrible things in some pasts lives and now he's paying the consequences.
truth is, he doesn't know. he can guess, can try to feel his way through the dark like a lost, blind man, but he's probably never gonna know why he is the way he is, why he can see the things he sees.
it started around the time he was nine, he thinks. when he went to hug her grandma, and suddenly he had this vision— like a short movie playing in his head, of how his grandma would die.
tommy hugged her and then there it was in his mind, he could hear her heartbeat and saw her laying in bed, so calm and at peace in her sleep, when her heart slowly stops.
tommy remembers crying out, screaming, pulling away from her in fear, much to the confusion of everyone in his family. his grandma was okay! she was right there! no one believed him when he told them what he saw, what he felt.
(nana june died that very night, in her sleep. just like tommy predicted.)
tommy realized pretty quickly that this was not something he could share with anyone else. not when he ran into his teacher at the grocery store three weeks later and saw how the woman would die in a tragic car crash in just a couple of weeks. not when he kissed a boy for the very first time when he was sixteen and saw he would die from a freak accident at a football game, of all places— a fatal hit to the head would be the end of a life cut too short.
his life became a swirl of death and fear and loneliness.
he pulled away from everyone. what was the point anyway? if he knew the end of their stories? why get atta hed, get close, when he knew the specific details of their deaths and would have to bare that weight on his shoukders all on his own?
(he made the mistake once of falling in love when he was in college. with matthew— a guy who would die of old age, at ninety-five years old. at home, holding the hand of his husband... that was definitely noy tommy.
it was okay. he figured he could have some fun and enjoy whatever time he could. but it only earned him a broken heart and matthew calling him a freak when tommy explained why he couldn't say i love you to him, why he couldn't truly commit.
he has trusted matthew with his deepest secret, with this curse that tommy has no other choice but to live with it. and it ended up in tears and half the campus thinking he was a psycho.)
since then, tommy vowed to never make that mistake again. to keep his distance with people.
and he's been successful, for the most part. he has some friends, of course, but he doesn't let his relationships get too deep, keeping everyone at arm's length.
it's for the best, really.
and he's... not happy, but content. maybe. comfortable.
until evan buckley comes crashing into his life, figuratively and literally speaking.
the guy is— adorable.
tommy has no other word to describe him.
evan is energetic and enthusiastic, passionate about every single thing he says and does. he's reckless and loud and everything's tommy has soent a lifetime running away from.
when buck touches him for the first time, it sends electricity to every one of his nerves. it's intoxicating and amazing and warm, and tommy never wants it to end.
then, the curse kicks in. a little later than usual— as if mocking tommy, almost. teasing him with a tiny taste of what normal looks like and then reminding him he can never have it, not for real.
the first time buck touches him, it's at chimney's wedding— he's drunk and sweaty, cheeks pink and flushed and a boyish smile plastered on his face. he practically draps himself next to tommy's side, leans all his weight against him as he hums the lyrics of the song plahing in the background out of tune.
it's fun and heavenly for a couple of seconds, until tommy gets the vision.
buck in a month, maybe a month and a half. hanging from the firetruck ladder as the sky falls around him, lightning striking him right in the chest and making his heart stop.
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huramuna · 6 months
new valyria - one shot.
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aemond x shera stark, modern. 18+, minors do not interact or you will be smited. a banshee's lament au.
new valyria, the hottest club in town, is owned by the Targaryen family. it is themed in the style of Valyria of old with towering pillars of ivory and gold. the dress code is strictly red and black and their signature drink, a fruity and spicy blended brandy, is called 'the Balerion'.
i might do more one shots in this au heehee.
word count: 5.5k
content: smut (specifics below cut), angst, shera being a mess, aemond = whore?, aegon has rabies, helaena x shera agenda
ain't it fun - paramore • hard times - paramore
warnings: thigh riding, oral (f receiving), shera has a praise kink, aemond targaryen has a tongue piercing, semi public sex (they're in an alley)
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“Sher, please don’t be a buzzkill, it's one night— just one!” Cregan exasperated, hands held out in a pleading fashion. He was pacing back and forth in front of his sister, perplexed. 
“It’s seriously not my scene, Cregan. I mean… loud music, flashing lights and intoxicated individuals everywhere? You really think that’s a good place for me to be?” Shera retorted, lazed back in her fluffy couch, glancing at her phone every once in a while.
“It’s really classy, trust me. There are tables to the side where you can sit away from the action.” 
“Why am I even going if I’m going to be ‘away from the action’?” she punctuated air quotes in his face. 
“When was the last time you left the house except to go to the post office? When was the last time you socialized with anyone who wasn’t me, Moongeist or Helaena?” 
Shera went silent, brow knitting together. She folded her arms over her chest defensively. “Low blow, make fun of the girl with an anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.” 
“I’m… I just want you to experience life! You’re young and spry— you should be out in the world trying everything while you still can! But instead, you insist on staying at home, wearing glasses that make you look like a librarian, and making soap. You already act the part of a grandma.” 
“It’s… I just don’t want anyone to see me, I don’t want to be perceived, Cregan. I don’t want people to look at me, to… to,” she gestured fervently to her eye, hands shaking slightly. She had a scar that ran the length of half of her face, bisecting her one eye into a milky-blue blindness. It was from a childhood accident, which was more or less a hazy nightmare to her now. “Y’know.”
“No one will see you, Shera. It’s… dark and low lit, that’s part of the experience.”
“Thirty minutes. I will stay approximately thirty minutes before I call an uber and go home. And… you have to do my laundry for… a month. No, two months!” Shera exclaimed, pointing out two fingers at him. Moongeist whined on the couch, giving a low warbling noise. 
Two hours later, she was dressed. She opted for a lacy baby-blue lolita style dress at first, but Cregan had protested immediately. 
“You look like a scary Victorian doll. Pick something from this era, please. Plus, there is a dress code of black and red.” 
Shoving a rude gesture in his face, she begrudgingly changed. She opted for a red satin dress. It had a scoop halter neckline which was certainly not her usual style. Glancing in the mirror, she wholly considered bailing out of the situation entirely. The snug fabric hugged her curves, her thighs rubbing together as she walked. She felt… exposed, all of the little dips and divots of her body on display— she wasn’t sure if it was even flattering. 
A small frown tugged at her lips as she fiddled with the plunging front of the dress, trying to get it to stay at a point where her breasts didn’t look like they were about to burst out and start kicking ass and taking names. Isn’t there tape made for this sort of thing? As self conscious as she was about the whole situation, there was something… liberating about getting dressed up with (almost) the sole purpose of being ogled at. While her face was something of a sore point, she would hope that at least one person in the club could find her body desirable. She was a ‘short-stack’ as Helaena called her, who worshiped her curves and soft spots like they were the second coming of a messiah. Shera squeezed her thighs together at the thought– if she didn’t get a hookup tonight, she would need to call Helaena. Some itches could only be scratched on your own for so long.
Pressing double-sided adhesive tape, that she used for her soap orders, to her chest, she somewhat successfully kept the satin in place. Giving another look and not quite on board with what she saw, she hid herself in an oversized puffy faux furred jacket. 
Just thirty minutes. It’s just thirty minutes, Shera. You can do this… just… chill out. 
Despite her lackluster words of affirmation and the subsequent panic bubbling in her stomach, she grabbed her purse. Her breathing was uneven and she took a hit from her emergency inhaler, hoping to the Gods at play that she wouldn’t have an asthma attack in the middle of the club. 
Shera imagined, somehow, dancing with some attractive number and getting hot and heavy (as if!) and then having to pull out her inhaler. Lung health is not cute. Oh, yeah, my airways get blocked sometimes by mucus and I can’t breathe. What do you mean you don’t want to stick your tongue down my throat? 
Myriad of issues aside, she pushed out of her room, head held not quite high, but just enough so she could see. 
Cregan nodded in approval (as if he was some sort of fashion expert) and they were off. The drive was quiet and Shera realized he never told her the club name. He always referred to it as ‘the club’. She somewhat understood the need for a dress code at an establishment like a lounge, but color coded? How pretentious. Shera and Cregan didn’t even really look good in red— they were more akin to monochromatic and cool toned blues rather than red. 
Red and black reminded her of… something. She couldn’t quite place it.
They pulled up to the building, which didn’t have a sign or anything. It was wedged in between two other buildings, but its architecture was vastly different. While the adjoining facilities were modern, the club looked like it was from ancient Greece. It had towering ivory pillars, etched in the simplistic but still somewhat complex design of corinthian filigree, the individual chips of the sculptor’s chisel still apparent— they were handmade, hand carved. The inside of the building emanated a foreboding and very deep red. 
Shera suddenly wondered if she was about to enter Mount Olympus— or maybe the underworld, as the sickly maroon color reminded her of the River Styx. 
The bouncer, a burly man who could easily bench press Cregan (an impressive feat, considering her brother was a hockey player built like a brick shit house) stood at the door. 
“Name.” the makeshift Charon grunted. Shera half expected him to start brandishing a wooden paddle. 
“Stark.” Cregan replied, hands in his pockets. 
Not-Charon looked at his list, then at the pair of Stark siblings, back and forth for at least thirty seconds. 
“S-T-A…” Cregan began to spell out their last name in irritation before the ferryman held up his hand in pause. 
“You’re on, go in.” 
Entering the club, to which Shera still didn’t know the name of, was certainly like entering the gates of Hell. She felt like Dante, entering the first circle, guided by Virgil. It was dark, the low boom of bass ringing in her ears. They were guided by a path of red floor lights. What is this? An amusement park? It was a weird mix of trepidation of entering the unknown— which to Shera, could either be the actual entrance to Hell, or the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney world. All she was sure of is that she wanted a turkey leg and to go home. 
And yet, some part of her brain, as small and withered as it may be, pressed on for adventure and excitement. They approached the end of the path and it gave way to a large room, still painted in that deep saccharine hue. The roof was high-vaulted and curved inward– it was like stepping into the Pantheon, the coffered, domed ceiling seeming to go on forever. The club was set up in a circular manner, as the room curved around. The bar itself was in the middle, hugging a large stage platform. On the stage was a singular grand piano and a DJ station. All surfaces were decorated in ivory, accented by red velvet. 
The music playing was a mix of the piano and the DJ, working together to create a surprisingly exuberant melody that made Shera’s skin rise in goosebumps. 
“Let’s get drinks, Sher,” Cregan steered her to the wrapping bar quickly, his sights set on something or someone in particular.
Shera didn’t feel much like drinking– she had no taste for alcohol, only trying it a few times in her life and never enough to even get a buzz. She didn’t find the point in choking down liquid that tasted like poison only to feel like living death the next morning. She slipped into one of the velvet bar stools, her feet dangling under her.
“Just cranberry juice, please,” she murmured to the barkeep, who returned her request with an eyebrow raise. 
Cregan began whooping and hollering behind her and she turned to see someone she hadn’t seen in a long time: Jacaerys Velaryon. 
Once upon a time, Shera and Cregan had been extremely close to the Velaryon and Targaryen kids, growing up in the same social circles, they were all an unstoppable and very tight knit little group of hellions. 
But that was years ago– she didn’t talk to any of them anymore, except for Helaena, who she had stayed best friends with throughout the years, and may or may not be in a casual on and off situationship with.
She tried not to remember the fact that, at some point, she had been attached at the hip to Helaena’s brother, Aemond. They were like peanut butter and jelly, like cookies and cream, like macaroni and cheese, and any other iconic food (or maybe not, she was just hungry) related duo. Thick as thieves, they were. Until… the ever creeping monster of puberty and hormones and all the things related to growing up split them apart. Shera developed her terrible anxiety disorder, while Aemond flourished in academics and moved through the social ranks at school. They hadn’t spoken since they were sixteen, when Shera inevitably withdrew from physical school in favor of at-home, online school.
Shera approached him warily, seeing him laughing and joking with his friends that were just… so out of her atmosphere, she couldn’t even imagine having a conversation with.
They hadn’t been close in a few years but… it wouldn’t feel right just up and disappearing from school without telling him, right? 
Some stupid, childish part of her thought he might ask her to stay, ask her what’s wrong, ask her anything, really. 
But as she got closer, she felt all of their eyes on her, their lips pulled into sneers. It's irrational, it's irrational, it's irrational, she tried to reason with herself and her bubbling anxiety in her stomach. They aren’t laughing at you, they aren’t, they aren’t. 
But it… it feels like they were. Aemond’s blue eyes zeroed in on her, one slightly off-color than the other. They had both been involved in a childhood accident, leaving them both blinded. But, looking at the two of them, one would only be able to notice Shera’s glaring scar. 
Aemond’s eye and subsequent scar had been mostly covered up with extensive cosmetic surgery and other procedures, at his mother’s behest, and on his father’s dime, which was seemingly an endless well. His eye, which he lost, was replaced by a near perfect replica. No one who didn’t know him closely would ever notice.
At the time of the incident, Shera’s family was going through a transitional period– namely, her and Cregan’s father passing away while they were both underage, the following legal battle over inheritance with their uncle and just things that no kids should go through. It was the catalyst of Shera’s subsequent anxiety and myriad of following issues.
She didn’t even approach him further that day in the hall. She said nothing to him, merely turning on a heel and leaving.
That was eight years ago.
“Jace, my god,” Shera gaped, eyes wide. He certainly wasn’t a kid anymore and had put on some muscle mass– she assumed from playing hockey with Cregan (even if he was still dwarfed by the absolute unit of her brother). He had those unruly chocolate colored curls, oh-so reminiscent of his rumored father, Harwin Strong. But that was a touchy issue within itself and best left unsaid. 
“Shera!” Jace went in for the hug right away, squeezing the poor girl tight. “You look fantastic.” It felt like an obligated lie. 
“Thank you… um, what are you doing here?” she asked, tilting her head.
“Oh, I’m always around this place most times or another. I DJ on the side when I’m not on the ice. Mom made a spot for me.”
Mom? What did Rhaenyra have to do with this?
She must have looked visibly confused. “You know this… is my family’s place, right? New Valyria?” 
It hit her like a train– a freight train that smacked into her and kept on going until there was nothing left of her but Shera-shaped dust. “Oh.”
“Cregan didn’t tell you?”
Her brother scratched a hand behind his head, looking somewhat sheepish. It was a weird look on him. “I… may have not. I wasn’t lying per say–” 
Shera opened her mouth to say something more, but was interrupted by a cup being slid her way by the bartender. Without looking, she lifted it to her lips and took a deep gulp. It was, in fact, her cranberry juice– but it had been mixed with vodka. Heavily. She suppressed the urge to spit it out and looked back up. “I asked for just juice.”
“It was sent from the gentleman over there,” the bartender pointed to a small alcove adjacent to them where none other than Aegon fucking Targaryen was sitting, legs splayed out like he owned the place (well, he did in some capacity, she supposed) and a lady on each arm. He had the biggest shit-eating grin she’d ever seen, staring right at her. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she put a hand on her forehead. “I’m leaving, Cregan. I don’t give a shit about the deal anymore.” 
“Shera, we’ve been here for five minutes–”
“Five minutes. It took five minutes for someone to somehow recognize me in this stupid red lighting– and not just someone, no, one of my childhood friends who hasn’t spoken to me in eons and is looking at me like I’m his next meal. Not to mention, my shithead brother didn’t mention that the club he is forcing me to go to is owned by said childhood friend’s family. I should’ve fucking guessed it with the red and black dress code, fucking pretentious. No offense, Jace,” she murmured, taking a breath. “I’m done.” she gathered her purse, slipping off of the seat. That vodka must’ve gone straight to her head, as she’d never been so adamant about something. Fuck it. She threw back the remainder of the glass of vodka cranberry (regretting it immediately) and flipped her brother another rude gesture.
She was so blinded by red– not just the color scheme, but the rage she felt bubbling as she rushed to the exit. The rage and anxiety was a more powerful cocktail than anything they served at the bar as she pulled out her phone with trembling hands, trying to call an uber. She didn’t look up the whole time, somehow managing to almost reach the gate to salvation– before she ran head first into a very hard body. A very hard body with a pointy fucking necklace on that stabbed her in the forehead. The force of her stumble was catastrophic, for her, as she fell to the ground on her ass. The hard body stayed upright, only shaken a little.
A heavily tattooed and, ahem, large calloused hand reached in front of her. She took it, half expecting to pull her own weight up, but was easily lifted to her feet. The hand was warm. Unnaturally warm. The smell of cigarette smoke and… sandalwood blew out her senses. She could feel his breath on her face as she swayed slightly into him– he was looking down at her directly, pupils boring holes into her. The heat of the situation rose into a fever pitch as they were practically pressed together, his hand straying to the small of her back so she wouldn’t fall over again. It felt terribly intimate.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry— I… the… I’m sorry,” she stammered, trying to get out some sort of explanation to why she’d accidentally used this person as a springboard, but it just came out in a string of unintelligible ramblings. Her heels clicked on the floor, stumbling back and forth.
“It’s fine,” he replied. The voice sounded familiar, but still somewhat faraway in her mind. “Are you alright? You seem… unsteady.”
 She wouldn’t be surprised if she had given herself a concussion from face planting into… she glanced up, eyes trailing the body before her. He was tall with expensive Italian leather shoes and impeccably pressed slacks. His shirt was red and only half buttoned, leaving a small patch of sheer white-blondish chest hair. His hands, which dwarfed hers, were inked in tattoos that seemingly stretched his body, peeking out on his exposed torso. 
The offending pointy necklace revealed itself; a golden pendant of a Seven-Pointed star. Her stomach dropped into her feet as she realized exactly who it was. 
Fuckfuckfuck. Meeting his gaze, it was none other than Aemond Targaryen. Her former best friend, companion, partner in crime. She expected his face to twist into a sneer like it had before at school and she wanted to vomit. I have to get out of here. 
“You’re bleeding,” he pointed to her forehead where she had consecrated herself with his pendant. A bit of blood was trickling from her skin. 
That is what he has to say? You’re bleeding? No hello Shera, hi Shera, I recognize you Shera? A frown made home on her face as she realized he might not even remember her. 
“Um, it’s… it’s fine,” she wiped the blood away with the back of her hand, feeling it being replaced with new droplets. “Sorry for running into you, sir.” Sir? What the fuck is wrong with you, Shera? 
“At least let me help you get cleaned up, yeah?” Aemond pressed, tilting up her head to most likely observe her wound– but it also felt like he was sizing her up, checking her out. “Only if you call me sir again.”
She made a garbled noise of surprise at his last comment, her mouth opening to try and spew out some half-assed cheeky reply. “I… I guess,” she murmured. She really just wanted to go home and cry and never leave the house again— but that stupid and childish part of her brain that hadn’t resurfaced itself since leaving school was nagging her. It felt sickly euphoric to her to see him again. She hated to be objectifying, but he had grown up to be, quite frankly, gorgeous. “S-... sir,” she squeaked out lastly, finally thankful for the gaudy lighting– without it, Aemond would’ve seen her face lit up like a tomato. 
He nodded with a ‘hm’ noise, leading her down a hallway to the far side of the Pantheon. It was lit up normally with sconces on the wall giving clear white light. It was obviously a staff-only path. 
Okay, Shera. Breathe. You can get through this. Let him put a bandaid on your head and hopefully not recognize or remember you and you can be on your way. You always wondered what he grew up to look like and now you know! Here is your little Aemond fix to mend the Aemond sized hole in your heart. Then you can move on and totally not wallow over this for weeks.
The office was nice– it was his, she knew instantly. It had tall bookshelves filled with different philosophers and big named authors, no doubt some of them first or second editions worth thousands. Shera felt like she was intruding, like she didn’t belong. She didn’t, really. Swaying side to side, she awaited further instruction.
“Come,” he said, not so much asking. He seemed to lack some manners these days– Alicent must be aghast.
She shuffled and took a seat in one of the chaise velvet seats in front of the desk. She fluffed into her coat, wanting to just hide, her muddled mind replaying the way he spoke. Come, come, come. Christ, I need to get laid– maybe I should call Helaena. The lights, still a bit low, weren’t a scathing fluorescent color like on the club floor. He could most certainly see the scar running down her face– and the fear she held in her eyes. 
Even though it was plain as day, he didn’t say anything. He opened a first aid kit, dabbing her forehead with peroxide soaked gauze, his expression watching her every movement. His gaze was almost snake-like, unblinking as he observed.
She hissed at the sting of it, gritting her teeth slightly. He only gave an answer of a slightly knit brow. 
It was silent— save for Shera’s quiet and slightly wheezy, squeaky breathing. Her hands were clenched on her knees, her dress riding up her skin, which she was constantly tugging downward. As he shuffled closer, one knee knocked between her two shaking ones. Was that an accident? The creeping heat only seemed to grow.
The soft beat of the music from the club coupled with the blood rushing in Shera’s ears made her want to scream. Everything seemed in slow motion as Aemond, still apparently a painstakingly asinine perfectionist, took his sweet time to patch her up. This gave her time to watch him in turn, focusing mostly on the way his lips were upturned, cupid’s bow taut. Flicking back up to his eyes, they were looking back and forth from her lips to her own gaze. The air around them seemed to go stagnant. Holy fuck, does he want to kiss me or do I have something on my face? 
Her eyes must’ve read confusion, panic, elation and all the things in between that go with wanting to kiss an almost stranger in a club– but he wasn’t exactly a stranger to her. But, she supposed she was to him. His fingers tilted her chin upward and his lips curled into a smug grin, auto completing her thoughts. 
He pressed a bandage to her forehead, mouth open to say something, like he was going to do something, but he was caught off guard by the door to his office slamming open. Shera didn’t even look to see who it was— she was more focused on the fact that Aemond goddamn Targaryen had a tongue piercing. She felt like she was going to melt.
“Hey Aem, that fuckin’ slag bit me— do you think I should go get a rabies shot or something?” a slightly slurred voice drawed. “Ohhh, shit.” Aegon stumbled into the room, leaning on the doorframe. He was, in fact, bleeding from his neck, some very prominent bite marks marring his skin, coupled with vicious looking hickies. 
“Busy,” Aemond grunted, focusing his gaze back on tending to Shera. 
“Like busy or… busy? I don’t see your hand up her skirt or anything, so you can’t be that busy.” 
“Fuck off, Aeg,” he continued, gritting his teeth in annoyance. “Seriously.” 
“Well, Criston wants to talk to you ‘bout throwing that girl out— since it is your management night, eh?”
The smallest breath of annoyance slipped from the younger brother’s lips. “I’ll be right back.” 
Aegon still loomed in the doorway after he left, staring at Shera. “You didn’t like my drink?” 
“I don’t really drink.” 
“And yet… you’re at a bar where they serve alcohol.” 
“I’m trying to leave,” she sniffed.
“Not hard enough apparently,” Aegon flicked open a lighter, taking a drag from a suddenly lit cigarette. “You look like a lost pup, Shera.” 
“You remembered me.” 
“I may have the IQ of a golden retriever but I’m not that stupid. I couldn’t exactly forget your bird’s nest of red hair or himbo of a brother. Seriously, all those body slams from hockey must’ve damaged his brain.” 
Shera snorted a little laugh. “Aemond doesn’t even seem to recognize me— or, he hasn’t said anything.” 
“He’s got his head too far up his own ass to recognize anything other than cunt. He’s more of a whore than I am these days,” he took a deep drag, puffing smoke out into the hall. “Don’t be surprised if he fingers you before he even asks for your name.” 
An unfamiliar feeling churned in Shera’s stomach. “I… I gotta go.” she huffed, grabbing her purse and walking past Aegon. She was biting down so hard on her lip that it started to bleed, the metallic taste savoring like lead on her tongue. 
She makes her way through the throngs of people, everything around her a blur. It seemed that Aemond didn’t remember or recognize her– fine, that was fine. She didn’t expect him to– who would, really? Her eye unwillingly caught a glance of his figure again on the outskirts of the club. He was talking to a woman dressed in a sparkling red dress, looking like Jessica fucking Rabbit. His hands eclipsed the woman’s hips as they were leaned close together, clearly in some sort of heated conversation. 
 Her throat felt slightly constricted as she pushed out of the exit door into the alley. Has she misread his signals? They were totally about to kiss before Aegon came in, right? 
He’s a bigger whore than me these days.
Fat tears rolled down her face unwillingly as she leaned on the brick wall of the alley, fumbling for her phone again. Why did it hurt? It was stupid, she was stupid– they hadn’t seen each other in eight years and he didn’t even recognize her– so why did it sting to see… that? 
She texts for an uber rather than calling as her emotions are in no place to talk to someone. She drops her phone on the concrete several times by how much she’s shaking– she doesn’t even hear the door of the club close with a creak behind her.
“You left. I wasn’t done patching you up,” Aemond slunk around into her line of sight, head bowed low to try to look at her face.
She swiveled to the side to hide her expression and distress in her phone. “... had to go, sorry,” she whispers, trying her best to sound like she wasn’t crying.
“I didn’t mean for him to interrupt us– my brother’s an idiot,” he was chasing her face. “Let me see.” he put his hand on her cheek and turned her face to him again. She let him, forever putty in his hands. If only he knew. If only he really cared.
His thumb wiped away some of the tears. “It doesn’t hurt that bad, does it?” he whispered, getting close to her once more like they were in the office. “I can always kiss it better, hm?” 
It felt like an invitation, the opening of a letter of acceptance to some grandiose college she could never afford, never fit into– but for one moment, she decided to bask in it. Let the hurt come later; it always comes later. He had been interested in some capacity. Not in her, not really her, but for some anonymous club fling. 
“Why don’t you, then?” she returned, eyes half lidded under his heavy gaze.
It was all the consent he needed– their lips melded together, all tongues and teeth. It was borderline obscene, like they were attacking each other. His hand threaded through her hair, tongue tracing the outline of her cupid’s bow before tangling into her mouth. She felt the ball of his tongue piercing meld against her. He tasted like coffee and cigarettes– on anyone else, Shera would find it unpleasant, but she was so intoxicated on the idea that Aemond’s tongue was in her mouth, she didn’t care. She even would say she liked it.
Heat kindled between the two of them, coming to a roaring flame as he slotted his leg between her legs again– before must have just been a prelude, as he didn’t give any indication that his knee pressed against her clothed core was an accident. No, it was pure intention. He lofted some of her weight onto his leg, encouraging her to chase her pleasure, hand riding up her dress to grip her bottom firmly. 
She gave an experimental roll of her hips, finding her arousal and ever growing wetness to only increase, whimpering a small moan into his mouth. He, apparently liking that, pulled her back from his face by her hair, staring down at her like he wanted to commit her expression to memory.
“Come on,” he growled, voice husky against the shell of her ear. “Ride my fucking leg.” Aemond’s lips connected with her skin again on her neck. 
It felt like a lightning bolt struck her right in her core, making her toes curl and tingle. Her mouth was open as she pleasured herself on him, using him– she was approaching her end almost embarrassingly fast as he angled his leg a bit more upward, pinpointing all the pressure onto her clit, which at this point, was barely even guarded behind her panties. Aemond’s hand on her bottom slinked the elastic of her underwear until he reached the front, two fingers swiping down her soaked folds. 
“Soaked for me, are you?” he asked, parting her underwear to the side to rest against her thigh, her bare cunt now in direct contact with his clothed leg. She was surely making a mess on his expensive slacks, she didn’t even have to look. He quirked a brow and laved his tongue over one of the fingers that had just slid through her wetness, testing the taste. 
Her brow furrowed and the building heat, the harp’s string right in her core, came undone with that. She wanted to moan his name– she almost said it. “A–,” she cried, burying her face in his shoulder as she rode out her orgasm on his leg. 
“That’s a good girl,” Aemond praised, his words of affirmation going straight to her core. She did, unfortunately, have a praise kink. “Can you stand?” 
“Mmh– y-... yes,” she replied as he took away his leg– but not before sending her into slight overstimulation with a cheeky bump to her clit. 
“Good, stay there, love,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead (which felt strangely familiar out of this supposed random club hookup). “Wanna taste you now. You can give me one more, can’t you?” 
Her legs wobbled as he got down on his knees in the back alley on his no doubt designer pants (now painted with a souvenir from her) to eat her out. She could barely speak, just nodding.
“That’s right,” he hummed, squeezing into her thigh as he spread her legs. She was dripping right into his mouth as his warm lips made contact with her– he teased her slightly by blowing on her bare skin, chuckling as she squirmed and whimpered. “You’re too cute.” his tongue flattened and laved over her cunt, not letting a drop of her arousal go to waste as he went to town. He continued his teasing by edging just around her clit, making her chase his mouth slightly as he moved to suckle just outside of that spot.
It was torture. Sweet, sweet torture as he edged her for a good two minutes while she was already on the edge again. The coolness of his tongue piercing sent chills up her spine as he finally, finally began to zero in on her pearl, the ball of the piercing dancing around it, stimulating her to a delicious peak. 
“P-Please, please, please,” she whined, fisting his hair. 
He had the audacity to look up at her, face first in her thighs, and wink at her. All remnants of teasing were gone as he began to feast, focusing solely on pulling out her second orgasm. It didn’t even register to her, as she was clenching around nothing, tears welling in her eyes from the sheer intensity of her peak, that he hadn’t gotten off yet– she had hardly touched him. He was focusing all on her.
She went boneless for a moment as she came down from her high, almost moaning his name again. He held her until she came back down to earth. 
Her hands fiddled to his belt, she desperately wanted to return the favor– 
“Your uber’s here, love,” he murmured, helping her out of the alley to the car awaiting. She looked down, realizing her phone had been unlocked on the uber ETA screen. 
She was spinning still, reeling from the entire interaction. Next thing she knew, she was sitting in the back of her uber as Aemond stood, door in hand. 
“Bye, Shera.” he grinned, closing the door.
He knew the whole time.
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Crumbling Down
carlos sainz x Piquet!wife oc & secret family
this is meant with no real negativity to cs55's girlfriend rebecca, and only discusses her in a slight poor light due to plot reasons.
Private Account
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verity.sainz a perfect break with my whole world before flying is restricted once more by baby #4 🤍
carlossainz55 mi corazon ❤️
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f1wags and we're back to race week with the first public appearance of Carlos Sainz's new girlfriend!
"Carlo," I can't help the crack in my voice when I say his name, "You said you would say no to them. You said you wouldn't abuse our desire to keep our private life private like this."
"Mi amor," The pet name hurts, something that used to make my body buzz with joy making me want to cry harder as I wrap my arm around my rounded stomach. "They were insistent, I've never had a woman come to the paddock outside my family and they say I needed to change that."
"You haven't gone with a woman because we decided to remain private! We didn't want to pressures of the world! So we got married, and then we had Carlos and Junie and then they were each too young to go, and just as we were about to announce the family, I got pregnant with Flora and now with Tilly-"
"Tilly? As in Matilda?" He asks, interrupting my emotional rate with a tone that is too close to joy. "You found out the baby's gender?"
We had picked out names. This wasn't how he was supposed to find out.
"Yes, she's a little girl," I admit, "The kids and I had a whole plan how to announce it once you got home."
"I can't wait to see what you have planned," Is his answer, the sounds of the garage around him getting slowly quieter as I can only assume he moves towards his drivers room.
The idea of him coming home after kissing her to kiss me, to kiss our children's foreheads, makes me want to be sick.
"At the moment Carlos, I can't promise the kids and I will be here when you get home," I whisper, the truth slipping out like razorblades. "I think we're going to go see my parents."
"Vera, you're not meant to be flying. We were cutting it close with out trip as it is," He answers, voice strong and commanding.
"That's what's upsetting you? The fact that I will be traveling and not that I've just told you that your wife and children won't be home to greet you when you return because you're parading around another woman? Because when Carlos and Junie put on the race to see their father they'll see her name with yours underneath?"
"Verity, you know that's not what I want-"
"Then why did you agree? Why did you agree after I cried to you about how the idea of you with another woman made me ill?"
"It was for a good reason," His answer is hesitant, and you can tell he doesn't mean it.
"I hope the reason was enough for you, Carlos, because I can't keep letting you love us in the dark. We'll be with a friend since you're so concerned about me traveling." He did have a good point on that matter, but I can't help but say it before hanging up, not giving him a moment to respond as I waddle my way to the living room, dropping myself on the couch.
"Mamá?" Carlos III's voice calls, his head of hair like his fathers sticking out from behind the hallway wall, "Que occure? (What happened?)"
"Oh my baby, nothing happened," I try to assure, attempting to get all the tears off my cheeks before he can really notice.
"Mamá," He prompts this time, sounding entirely fed up with my response as he moves into the room, such a serious look for a seven year old. "I heard you on the phone with Papá. What has he done?"
"Something that you do not need to worry yourself about mi mundo (my world)," I assure, pulling him into my side as he gets close. He curls into my side, hand resting on my stomach as he's done with his other sisters.
"Hola Tilly," He greets her, placing a quick kiss to where he feels her kick before looking up to me, his father's spitting image. "We're going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa?"
"No, you're father made the point that I can't travel anymore, so we're going to go see if tia Kelly and prima Penelope are up for some visitors, yeah?"
"I'll go get my suitcase and start packing," He agrees, giving me a small smile as he moves to get up. I know I'll have to repack his suitcase later, but as he runs off, all I can be is grateful for this little angel who blessed us when we were young and unprepared, much to my fathers chagrin. But my kids are who keep me together as I dial my sister's number, tears coming to my eyes when I hear her voice.
"Vera? Honey are you crying?"
"Kel, can the kids and I come visit?"
"Always. P will prep her toys and I will prep the guest rooms."
"What the fuck were you thinking," The angered Red Bull driver shouts across the paddock, storming towards the Ferrari drivers who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Max, what's-"
"This doesn't involve you, Charlie," The Dutchman silences, eyes blazes of fire as they move to the Spaniard who's practically his brother-in-law. "You brought your girlfriend to a race and expected that to go well with your wife? The mother of your four children?"
"Tell me you did not," Charles chimes in, unable to keep the words from slipping out of his mouth at news. He had seen Carlos with a woman earlier, but had only assumed her to be a new member of his media team.
"It is none of your concern, Verstappen. What happens between my wife and I is just that."
"And I'll respect that when your actions aren't broadcasted to the entire world and having Vera call Kelly sobbing saying she's packing up the kids and leaving," Max fumes, Carlos's expression dropping at the knowledge. He had known that she was upset, that she had threatened to leave, but he thought it was just that, a threat. Not that she would actually leave the home they had designed together in Nice.
"After this race you better fix your fucking mess, because I will enforce whatever Verity wants, whether that is keeping you away from her and the kids or not."
And the Dutchman storms off, not waiting for a response.
"Kelly, I am only here to see my family."
"Carlos, you've been in our family for nine years, by law seven, but I can promise you that if Vera doesn't want you here, you will not be entering this apartment," The elder Piquet daughter warns, eyes angered by the mans simple presence.
"Kel, can I come in?" Max questions, not wanting to answer her more but also hoping to embrace her and Penelope, any week without them feeling too long.
She smiles at him, having missed him as well but her expression quickly steels. "Not if you are bringing him in with you."
"Kelly," I finally interrupt, having enough of seeing her scold my husband through the door as I breastfeed Flora. "You can just let them in, but please warn Max that I'm feeding Flora," I request, hating the idea of making the man uncomfortable in his home.
"You're okay, Ver," Max offers, his eyes immediately meeting my own and not leaving as Kelly opens the door, him and Carlos entering. "Kelly and I are actually going to go say hi to the kids, I've missed P and all of them," he says, kissing my sisters lips in a quick peck.
"Is Flora done? We could take her with us?" And it's like Flor could understand her aunt's question, because she's unlatching on cue, allowing me to pull up the piece of my top to cover myself and nod to Kel.
"Would you please? She just needs to be-"
"Burped," Max finished, taking my current youngest into his arms, kissing her head as he moves her to his shoulder. "Between P and my nephews, we've got this covered. Just let us know when you're done," He offers, kissing the side of my head.
"Thank you."
"Anything for family," He just smiles, the expression falling when he turns to Carlos who has been frozen in place. "Say the wrong things and your ass will be on the street before you can say forza ferrari."
"Sí- I mean, yes, of course," His eyes meeting mine before his next words leave his mouth. "I just want to talk apologize my wife."
"Right then, let's go say his to the kids," Kelly prompts, the two walking out with Flora in hand, the cheers of the kids upon seeing their uncle and P seeing her father figure making my heart warm.
"Mi amor, you have no idea how sorry I am for agree to the teams request for even a moment," Carlo apologizes, his body moving towards mine, taking the spot beside me and my hands into his own. "I went back to the team, they've posted an announcement saying that Rebecca and I are not together, and I gave them a photo of us from our wedding."
My heart beat fastens, his eyes meeting mine as his fingers start to fiddle with my wedding band. "Why would you do that?"
"I am having it announced that before my start in formula one I have been madly in love with you. That over those years we have married and created a family in private that I love," He explains, a hand coming to cup my cheek, running his calloused thumb to wipe away the tears that have begun slowly running from my eyes. "I no longer want to hide you. We can keep the kids to ourselves until they're older, but now everyone knows I am taken by the love of my life."
"Carlo," I can't help but whimper, flinging myself at him in a hug. "Te amaré hasta que ya no respire (i will love you until i am no longer breathing)."
"And I, you, mi amor," He assures, kissing the top of my head. "I am more sorry than I could ever put into words."
"You've fixed the situation, Carlo, we can work from this," I smile, little giggles alerting us to our observers.
And wrapped around the corner, piled on top of each other, our children's heads and niece's head are stacked, Junie's under her brothers and Penelope's in between. It's only a moment later thought that Flora appears to be floating on top of Carlos III, Max and Kelly's heads slowly appearing as well.
"Estan bien mamá y papá? (Are you okay mama and papa?)" Juniper questions us, Carlos III placing his hand on her shoulder.
"Sí," Carlos Jr answers, pulling us into a sitting position. "Ven aquí nuestros amores (Come here our loves)." Their little feet carry them strong and fast towards us, gently climbing on top of us, minding my stomach as Kelly approaches us, now holding Flora and resting her gently against my chest with a smile. "We are okay, Papa made a mistake but he has started fixing it and I will be working to so for a time."
"As you should," Carlos III digs, making me smile slightly.
"We love you all," I remind, kissing eaches head, including Penelope. "And we love each other. No matter what, things will work out and we will love you all," my little girl giggling brightly.
"Nosotros tambien te amamos mama (we love you too mama)."
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tantei-chan01 · 9 months
Mute Branch! Band Together
It starts the same on the movie with Branch listening to the old records in his grandma's pod, being convinced by Poppy and the Snack Pack to sing in the Bergen royal wedding. Poppy obviously notices something wrong with Branch and wants him to open up, which he evades. We fast forward to the reading of the vows when an unknown troll pops up and stops the wedding.
Many things surprise Poppy, this troll is Branch's brother, he used to part of her favorite boy band, and Branch is actually talking to him! No notebooks, animal calls, or sign language. He is actually using his voice to talk!
Despite all of his brothers leaving, Branch still trusts them subconsciously enough to talk, even though his heart is still hurt after them leaving. After hearing about Floyd's plight, he agrees to go with John to find the rest of his brothers and perform the perfect family harmony.
Poppy goes with them to help and make Branch is ok. The trip is the same as the movie, only with Branch giving off signals to Poppy and Tiny when he's feeling overwhelmed. It's when the brothers start arguing that it finally happens.
After hearing that they have no intention to be a family again, he gives a shrill whistle, which Tiny recognizes as stop. One Rohnda stops, he looks at Poppy and starts signing aggressively, Poppy translating to the confused brothers, shocking them when they find out about what happened to grandma. He threw them the old drawing of the bunker and walks out on them, just like they did when he was a baby.
Poppy follows him and reassures that no matter what, she's not leaving him behind. Tiny pulls up on a tricycle that he manged to sneak on Rohnda and the three head towards Mount Rageous. They manage to get in the dressing room to see Floyd looking drained.
Floyd is surprised to see his baby brother, but so happy to see him one more time. He acknowledges that Branch isn't a baby anymore and is so proud to see how he grew up. He tells them it's a trap and urges them to run.
The chase begins the same as canon, when they get to the yacht and free the three brothers from the shoulder pads, Branch musters up the courage to speak again. He sings a beautiful melody and the others back him up, freeing Floyd. After Veneer confeses and the twins get arrested, Crimp being brought in for questioning, they all go home to Pop village with many things to talk about and a lot of healing to do
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imtryingbuck · 7 months
Thirty Five
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 5,082
Warnings: angst, heavy use of pet names. Swearing. Fluff. Mentions of miscarriage. Cheating mentioned. Divorced mentioned. Car crash/death mention very briefly. Hit and run.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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“Georgia get here right now”
Y/n sat on the soft couch laughing at hearing Bucky chase their four year old daughter around trying desperately to get her to put her shoes on. His little princess as he affectionately calls her had better ideas. To run.
“Bunny please help control your daughter”
“Oh she’s just my daughter now is she?”
“Yep” popping the ‘p’ Bucky pops his head around the door “please Bun she’s too fast, I really don’t know how she moves so fast”
“And you really think I’m going to be able to catch her with this” gesturing to her large bump “in the way”
Georgia Maria Grace Winnie Barnes. The apple of their eyes, the little spitfire with so much energy coursing through her tiny little body. Named after George as she was born on her granddads birthday, George cried and felt honoured that not only was she being named after him but she decided it was time to arrive on his birthday.
Her middle names were after her three grandmas.
Y/n found out she was pregnant again for the third time, she was scared to be honest. Two years after Georgia was born she had gotten pregnant again, at nearly three months along she had woken up to really bad cramping scared and alone as Bucky was on a business trip she rang Winnie who rushed over as quickly as she could. By the time Winnie had arrived it was too late. Y/n had sadly lost the baby.
Winnie rang Bucky his heart broke when he could hear the cries of his wife in the background, telling Steve that he needed to take care of the meeting he got on the first plane back.
It took both of them months to come to terms with the loss of their baby.
With this pregnancy Bucky handled business from inside their home, he refused to go anywhere wanting to be close by. In a way Bucky became slightly overbearing as he wouldn’t let Y/n do anything on her own, he did everything for her, looked after Georgia with little help and looked after the house. Y/n knew it was because he cared and was scared of losing the baby so she didn’t complain.
Eight months along it wasn’t going to be too long until she gave birth.
“Please pretty mama”
“You’re going to have to help me up Ducky” helping her stand he thanked her and gave her a kiss. “Georgie moo come and get your shoes on or you’re not going to see Billy and Tommy”
“Noooo” Georgia screamed shortly followed by her footsteps pattering the lamented flooring. “Wan’ see Tommy and Billy mommy”
“Well let dada put your shoes on then and we can go and see them”
Doing as her mommy said she let her dada put her shoes on. As soon as the laces were tied she ran off again, this time going to the front door.
“You ready to go Bun?”
“Yep, lets go”
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Pulling up to Wanda's and Vis’s home Georgia was already trying to get out of her car seat, begging her dad to hurry up.
“Hey wifey” Wanda's soft voice greeted Y/n. “In the backyard Butterfly” her nickname for Georgia. Knowing where the twins were she ran through the house and out to the backyard where Wanda’s and Vis’ children were.
“Hey hubby. Nat here?”
“Yeah, just give you a heads up her and Clint have already had an argument.”
“Great, who won?”
“Neither really, it was Laura who put a stop to it”
Natasha and Clint got married less than a year after Bucky, Steve and Sam had met them. Everything was perfect and they seemed to have a perfect marriage that was until Clint got a new job and that’s where everything started to become strained.
Coming home late at night sometimes stinking of whiskey, he became cold and distant with Nat, secretive with his phone. He preferred to spend most of his time at the office instead of being at home and trying to create a family just like they both had planned.
Y/n had lost count of how many times Nat would ring her late at night drunk and crying, slurring and stumbling over her words. Wanda the same. Nat wasn’t stupid by any means but she refused to believe what she already knew. What everyone knew.
Clint was having an affair.
The final straw that broke the camels back as the saying goes is when Clint didn’t arrive to the high end restaurant Nat had booked a table for them at. To celebrate their wedding anniversary. Nat rang Y/n knowing she was with Wanda at the time crying and begging for them to come to hers so she could pack her things. Told them she couldn’t do it anymore. The two best friends showed up as quickly as they could, nearly two hours of being there all three of them froze when they heard the front door open and close.
The silence was deadly when Clint came up to the bedroom after seeing the suitcases and bags packed in the living room. He asked what was going off, looked at Y/n and Wanda and told them to leave, Nat told them not to move so they didn’t. Wanda’s and Y/n’s eyes burnt a hole in the side of Clint’s neck, where a hickey was. He denied Nat’s accusations, telling her that she was overreacting. Told her that she was just being dramatic and that the long hours were for them, it was for their future.
Y/n was fed up with seeing Natasha struggle, having to hear her cries it broke her heart. The truth only came out when Y/n started laughing, fed up with how someone she considered one of her best friends could stand there and lie to his wife – her best friend all while he had a hickey on his neck. Pointing to the side of his neck he sighed in defeat.
Though he claimed they never did anything, he actually swore on his life and when he didn’t drop down dead like Y/n always thought would happen if you did that and you was lying, she believed him. He did admit that he had fallen in love with someone else, that the night of his anniversary that had marked seven years of marriage he was with this other woman, he had made out with her, he swore that he didn’t do anything else. Said he couldn’t because he had a wife. He had confessed to telling this other woman everything about him and his marriage with Natasha.
For Nat it was worse than if he had just said ‘yes I’ve been sleeping with someone else’ as he was emotionally connected to this other woman. The next day with Y/n and Wanda by her side she filed for divorce.
It was a slow and very messy process. Natasha wanting more money just out of spite, Clint wanting the house… so he could move the other woman in. It took nearly two years for the divorce to be finalised, in that time Clint had proposed to the other woman and already had one kid. When Y/n met Laura she really wanted to hate her, she did for the fact that she took Clint away from Natasha. But Laura had to be really nice didn’t she making it really hard on Y/n to hate the woman.
Three years after their divorce Clint and Natasha was always at loggerheads sometimes about the most stupidest of things, always trying to outdo the other despite Clint being ‘happily’ married to Laura and Natasha ‘happily’ dating Bruce. A man that she had met one night, great guy incredibly shy.
“Laura stopped them? I’m surprised she said anything”
“So was I but apparently it was upsetting the baby”
Oh yeah, Laura was pregnant with their third kid.
Laughing and shaking her head she linked arms with Wanda as Bucky trailed behind them. All their friends were outside, the kids all playing together. Y/n had just greeted Steve and Peggy – his girlfriend, nice woman, made Steve happy. Sam and Maria – his fiancée, like Peggy she was nice and she made Sam happy. Nat and Bruce.
“Y/n? Oh my god it is you”
Turning around at the sound of her name her jaw dropped. Literally.
“Yeah it’s me. Gosh you’re still as beautiful as ever”
“Pie I’m a married woman” Y/n laughed.
“So am I-wait-I’m married-I’m a married man”
“No, no, no you’re now a married woman, you said so yourself.”
“God you haven’t changed have you?”
“Nope. How are you?”
Catching up with Pietro after not seeing him in over ten years, the last time they saw each other was for Wanda and his parents funeral, car crash. Wanda took it exceptionally hard, Vis rang Y/n one night asking if Wanda was with her when he heard that she wasn’t he started to panic. It took the group splitting up to look for her, Y/n and Nat found Wanda on the beach drowning her sorrows with a bottle of Jack Daniels.
“Mommy-mommy look” Georgia gained her moms attention as she ran over to her.
“What is it sweetie?”
“Hand” holding out her hand for her daughter her eyes widened when Georgia put a large spider in the palm of her hand.
“Sweetie where did you get this from?”
“Tommy tried to hurt it”
“Oh, lets get him back to his home, yeah?”
Georgia nodded as tears started to gather in her eyes, Bucky always said that she took after Y/n when it came to protecting animals, and creepy crawlies. Yes even at thirty six he still called them that. When Georgia was two she waddled in to the kitchen making Winnie and Bucky scream so loudly it made Y/n jump up and went running to the kitchen, bumping into things as she went. Entering the kitchen she came to a halt when Georgia’s tiny beautiful face, her bright baby blue round eyes looking up at her mommy, her cheeks being puffed out by her wide smile, with one hand she pushed back the same untameable hair that she got from Y/n. “Doggy” she giggled as she raised her tiny chubby arm up.
It was indeed not a doggy but a grass snake. A two year old Georgia was holding up a snake as her grandma stood in the corner of the kitchen shaking and her father well… he was standing on top of the kitchen island… holding a rolling pin.
“Okay” Pietro helped Y/n stand, thanking him she held her hand out for Georgia to take and she led her to the far end of the garden.
“Here you go baby, put him on the grass and he’ll find his way home”
“Okay. Look mommy he going home”
“He sure is bubba”
“My friend” Georgia squealed as she watched the spider walk up the fence.
Yeah she was definitely Y/n’s daughter.
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“Hey Y/n/n can I ask a huge mega favour from you and Bucky, please?”
“Sure Wands, what’s up?”
“Can you both look after the twins this weekend? Vis has a work trip and ever the gentlemen he has said I could come along…so…yes or double yes?”
“If I say yes do I only get one of them?”
“Which one would you prefer?”
“Wow okay you answered that pretty quick”
“It was wasn’t it? But anyway of course we’ll take the twins for ever and ever an-“
“She’s not taking our kids forever Wan” Y/n laughs as Vis cuts her off in the background.
“I’m sorry wifey its only for this weekend, Vis is being mardy”
“Shoot. Bring them around when you want-hold on there’s a knock at the door.” Struggling to stand she waddles to the front door, opening she rolls her eyes.
“Really Wanda?”
“Oh hi didn’t expect to see you here, long time no see huh. Anyway here are your godsons, boys be good for Auntie and I’ll see you both on Sunday. Love you all”
Shaking her head at her best friend, she goes to tell the boys to come in when she glances down they’re not there but behind her.
“Where is Georgia?” Tommy asks as he looks around.
“Gone to see her grandma and granddad, they’ll be back soon don’t worry”
Though the twins were a year older Tommy and Georgia were best friends. Tommy was the loud one out of the twins, the one that liked to explore and play in the mud, the one that got all the attention. It was one of the reasons Georgia got on well with him as she was just the same. Billy was the quieter one, preferred to have his head in his comics, his latest fascination was with a group of super heroes that were called The Avengers. People had a tendency of overlooking Billy because of how quiet he always was but not Y/n, Billy made her cry once when he told her that she was his favourite. Whenever he wanted a new comic book she always happily took him to the comic book store that opened on Maple Drive, always happy to spend time with her favourite godson. Don’t judge her for having favourites.
“Can I play in her play room?”
“Okay but don’t break anything!” she shouts as he started running when she said ‘okay’ “What about you Billiam, what do you want to do?”
“My names Billy Auntie not Billiam” the five year old whined with a small shy smile on his lips.
“That’s what Billy’s short for monkey, didn’t you know?”
“No it isn’t”
“It is Bilbo I’d never lie to you. So what do you want to do?”
“Ca-can we look at the photos some more please?”
The last time the twins were around Tommy and Georgia was keeping Bucky busy by destroying things and Billy was curled up in Y/n’s side as they went through the many photo albums she had.
“Of course my sweet Billiam, but you’ll have to get them, bottom shelve remember?”
“I remember Auntie”
Sitting down on the couch she watches Billy pull out two of the photo albums from the top of the pile and brings them over, handing them to her he climbs on the couch next to her.
“Who’s that?” Billy asked when he saw a black and white photo of Y/n’s mama, proudly telling him who she was his face contorted in confusion “But grandma Maria is your mom and that’s not her” the boys were just months old when Maria passed away but grew up hearing stories about her, they started to call her grandma as well.
“Well sweetheart I’m adopted”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m not really grandma Maria and granddad Howard’s daughter but they became my parents when they signed some papers”
“Where did your mom go?”
“She’s with grandma Maria and your grandparents”
“Oh. Look auntie its Georgia” he points at a picture, she laughed.
“That isn’t Georgia bub, its me” it was the only photo she had of herself when she was Georgia’s age, and even then she was sporting a black eye in the photograph.
“No it isn’t, its Georgia”
“It isn’t I swear I’m not lying to you”
“It looks like her and not you”
“She does look like me when I was younger doesn’t see?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty though”
Rude. Wait…what?
There was a bet going to see whether or not Tommy and Georgia would date when they got older, everyone thinks that they would as they are so similar to each other and always spend every chance they got with each other.
But Billy, the sly little fox might be the one who takes Georgia’s heart.
“Do you think she’s pretty bubba?”
“I do” his cheeks turn a shade of bright red “But she’s friends with Tommy not me”
“She’s your friend too Billy”
Just as he’s about to reply the front door opens and Georgia’s voice echoes throughout the house. “Honey I’m home” she giggles, it’s what Bucky always says when he returns home from work or meeting the guys.
“Hi Billy” she waves when she sees him “hi baby” she then says coming over to Y/n her hands going straight to her mommy’s belly.
“H-h-hi G-Geor-“
How on earth did she miss that? Billy always became a stuttering mess whenever Georgia was around...
“Georgia your back, come play” Tommy interrupts his twin, before Y/n can say anything Georgia runs over to Tommy and they both run out of the room.
“Hey pretty mama, hey kiddo” Bucky greets his wife and godson.
“Hi Uncle Bucky” Billy replies quietly, he slides the photo album off Y/n’s stomach closing it carefully before climbing off the couch and puts the photo album back.
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The next day Y/n and Bucky treated the kids to a day out, the sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky as Bucky pushed Georgia and Tommy on the swings. Y/n sat with Billy on a bench, she had told him that he could play too but he opted to stay with her, feeling guilty at Billy’s glum expression she told got Bucky’s attention.
“Ducky, I’m nipping to the store do you want anything?”
“A bottle of water please Bun”
“Okay, I’m taking Billy with me. Come on Billy Bob, I’m kidnapping you”
“What that mean?”
“Never mind”
Holding his hand she walks across the road and up the street, he went to turn into the store that he knew sold water and frowned when Y/n told him ‘not just yet’. Further up the street was a new comic book store, she had seen it a few days back when she was driving to pick up Georgia from Howards, she made a mental note to make sure she took Billy there next time she had him.
The way Billy’s face lit up when he saw the sign warmed her heart, giving him a nod he let go of her hand and ran up to the window. “Look auntie look!”
In the store was large cardboard cut-out of the Avengers, Billy’s new favourite super heroes. “Want to take a photo with them?”
“Of course, and if you take a silly photo with me you can get two new comics, how does that sound?”
“I know, I know. Come on then”
Letting him push open the door – with some help from her – he ran straight up to the super heroes, staring at them in awe. “Billy give me your super hero pose then” taking out her phone she took multiple photos of him standing next to each hero. The worker Ron came over and pushed them all together so Billy could have a group photo, Y/n asked Ron if he could take a photo of the pair of them he nodded happily.
“Right Bilbo silly faces now”
Billy stuck his tongue out and pulled out his ears whilst Y/n stuck out her tongue too and crossed her eyes.
“Thank you so much”
“No need to thank me Miss, it’s nice to see kids enjoy comics” and with that Ron walked back over to the checkout.
“Right Billiam since you did the silly photo with me, you can pick out two new comics”
“Thank you. Thank you”
Billy went straight to the Avengers section and picked out one before running all over the store to find his next comic. Hand in hand with his pick he came bouncing over to where Y/n was stood waiting as she sent all the photos in the group chat the group was in.
“I picked”
“Are you happy with your choices?”
“Okay sweet boy lets go and pay”
Standing behind a man who was being served Y/n noticed Billy’s eyes going to the second comic he had picked out to behind the counter and back again. “Bill what’s up?”
“T-they have new Avengers comic” pointing to behind the counter “bu-but I want this one” showing her New X-Men Volume 3: New Worlds comic he had picked.
“I thought you picked out an Avengers one?”
“Last one, that ones new”
“Oh, which one do you want more?”
“I don’t know…I get these” he stands on his tippy toes to place them on the counter as it was their turn to be served. Billy was always like that, he wouldn’t be screaming and having a tantrum if he wasn’t able to get all three not like Tommy, one time in a store with Wanda he threw himself on the ground because he wasn’t allowed to get two chocolate bars, Billy even told him that he could have his but that wasn’t good enough for Tommy. In the end he got his own way and got two chocolate bars, whilst Billy only got the one, then Tommy stole his.
Ron handed the plastic bag over to Billy who thanked him, he walked over to the Avengers cut out to say goodbye, just before putting her card in the machine she asked Ron for the new comic. She was going to surprise him. Paying and saying her thanks she walked over to Billy.
“Come on bubba”
“Thank you auntie Y/n”
“Don’t thank me just yet” Once out of the store Billy went to hold Y/n’s hand but something was in his way. “Oh what must that be?”
“I-I-It-AVENGERS!” his scream startled an old couple that was walking past.
“Am I the best or am I the best?”
“Bilbo sweetie calm down” she laughed at his reaction, the way he held the comic in his shaking hands “Hold my hand so we can get uncle Bucky his water and when we get back to mine you can read them”
Hand in hand they went to the store getting Bucky his drink, one for her and one for each of the kids, Billy talking enthusiastically about his new comics, she paid and they left. Looking over the road she saw Bucky standing by the bench her and Billy had previously occupied, tapping his watch his eyebrow flicked up, Billy had seen the gesture and held up his bag containing his prizes with a huge smile on his lips. Bucky laughed and shook his head fondly.
Looking both ways twice seeing no cars around before crossing, a loud screeching sound pierced her ears. It all happened in slow motion.
Turning her head to the right she saw a grey car speeding towards them, not thinking she pushed Billy in front making him tripping over and landing in the space between two parked cars. She had no time to move herself.
She heard Bucky yelling her name, the word laced with fear and panic
The impact was hard enough to send her tumbling over the roof of the speeding car. Landing on her back in the middle of the road her eyes desperately trying to find Billy, she breathed a breath of relief when she saw him with two elderly women, one of them on the phone the other keeping Billy’s face buried in her stomach.
“B-Bunny-baby keep those eyes open-Bunny don’t go to sleep-an ambulance is on its way-bab-baby no no keep your fucking eyes open Y/n! I mean it-Bun you c-can’t leave me”
Y/n could hear her Ducky pleading with her to stay awake and she tried, she really did but she was so tired.
So, so, so tired.
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Her eyes burned as she opened them, her body ached everywhere, the memories of what happened came back in snippets. Taking Billy to the comic book store and going to get drinks for everyone, the grey car, said grey car hitting them. Billy bleeding. Billy was bleeding.
Shooting straight up she groaned in pain. Billy was bleeding. The blood on his little legs.
“Bun lay back down baby-Steve get the doctor-Bunny lie bac-“
“B-Bil-Billy” she croaked out.
“He’s fine baby, I promise just lay back down sweet girl”
“W-where’s Billy?”
“He’s just outside with Wanda and Vis. He’s okay I promise”
“He was r-ran over, blood Ducky, h-he was bleeding”
“Y/n, Billy wasn’t ran over baby. You was.”
Oh. As long as her godson was okay it was fi-
“T-the baby Bucky”
“He’s okay too Bunny, perfect honestly”
“He? Ducky…we ha-have a son?”
“We do Bun, he’s okay, Billy’s okay, you’re going to be okay. Please lie down baby”
They have a son. They decided not to know what the gender was as they didn’t with Georgia, hearing that they had a son and that he was okay, perfect as Bucky said made her listen to Bucky when he told her to lie down.
“Wh-where is he?”
“ma, dad and your dad is with him, he’s small Bun but doctors said that he’s perfectly healthy.”
“Outside with everyone. Don’t worry about anything okay? Just relax”
The doctor came in after Bucky had finished telling her to relax, he went over the extent of her injuries but she wasn’t real listening her mind on her baby boy that she hasn’t even met yet. She did hear the doctor tell her that she was very lucky to be alive, with her injuries, having to have an emergency C-section done in the back of the ambulance, the loss of blood, she was very lucky.
Hit and run.
She had missed the birth of her son because some idiot was speeding and he didn’t have the decency to stop just to check if she was okay. When the police had caught the driver he was unlicensed, drunk and high.
She missed the birth of her son because an idiot didn’t know right from wrong.
With her body throbbing despite the pain meds she drifted in and out of sleep, when Howard got word that she was awake he came barrelling through the door panting heavily. He held his daughter in his arms and cried, the thought of having to bury his daughter made his chest squeeze tightly. And it was a good job he was with George and Tony at the time he got that phone call as his legs collapsed underneath him.
She had fallen asleep in her dads arms and when she woke again he had gone back to see his only grandson. One by one everyone came into the room but under strict orders by the doctor that it could only be one at a time.
Bucky went to get Georgia who squealed at seeing her mommy for the first time in what felt like forever to the both of them. “Mommy, mommy”
“Hi baby, oh how I’ve missed you!” Georgia practically jumped out of Bucky’s arms and started to climb all over Y/n.
“Princess be careful” Bucky lightly scolded as he saw Y/n flinching at the four year old climbing over her.
“Mommy” is all she said. Taking her moms face in her tiny hands she placed kissed all over her mommys face. She’s seen Bucky do it plenty of times so of course she copies him.
“Did you miss me baby?”
“Miss you, miss you”
Georgia finally settles on Y/n’s chest and slowly falls asleep, Winnie came in an hour later so she could take Georgia home, not forgetting to give her sleeping daughter-in-law a kiss on her forehead.
When Wanda came in she burst into another fit of tears, she hadn’t stopped crying from the moment she had heard that her best friend had been ran over and not only that but she had saved her son.
“Y/n/n I-I will never be able to repay you f-for saving Billy” she stuttered, holding her best friends hand.
“D-don’t be silly Wands, he’s my godson”
“Billy wants to see his favourite auntie, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course I want to see him”
A few minutes after Wanda left the door came back open revealing her godson, he stumbled when he saw the bruises and cuts on his auntie. Bucky noticed and got up and knelt down in front of him.
“She’s okay buddy”
“Yes bud, auntie Y/n is super strong-“
“Li-like an Avenger?”
“Exactly like an Avenger, do you want to come over?” Billy nodded but made no attempt to move forward “want me to pick you up bud?” nodding once again Bucky picked his godson up and placed him on his hip.
“There’s my Billiam, how are you baby?”
“I-I-I’m sorry a-auntie Y-Y/n-“
“Hey-hey none of that, it isn’t your fault sweetheart. You did nothing wrong.”
“I-I saw the baby auntie”
“You did? Is he cute?”
“No” Billy giggled causing Y/n and Bucky to join in.
“Have you read any of your comics?”
“Well climb in and read to me then monkey” Bucky gently places the five year old next to his wife and pulls the blanket over him and nips out of the room to grab the bag containing the comic, when Billy tells him which one he wanted Bucky took it out and handed it over to him.
Three pages in and Billy taps his uncle Bucky on his knee, pointing and quietly giggling at seeing his auntie Y/n asleep.
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Two days after waking up for the first time after the accident the doctors gave Y/n permission to go down to where her baby was, Bucky helped her in to the wheelchair and started going the route he had become familiar with over the six days since the accident had happened, the one where he nearly lost his wife and baby.
“Are you ready Bunny?” he asked as he came to a stop outside the door.
“I’m ready Ducky”
The nurse opens the door and Y/n’s wheeled in, seeing her dad and parents-in-laws standing there with smiles on their faces.
And there he was. Their beautiful baby boy, small like Bucky said but looked so strong. His hair curly and the same shade of brown as Bucky’s. It was as if he sensed his parents he opened his eyes and turned to face them.
His eyes blue as the ocean and as wide just like Georgia’s were.
“Oh Ducky he’s precious”
“He is indeed Bunny, our precious little boy”
“Have you two got a name for the little fella?” Winnie asks wondering what her grandson was to be called.
Y/n looked up at Bucky who smiled down at her, nodding. Though they didn’t know the gender that had already picked out names.
“Jamie Howard Anthony Barnes”
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kitashousewife · 1 year
you started dating kita shinsuke your second year of high school.
you met him at the beginning of the school year when you asked him for help with your math homework. he happily obliged, and by the end of it he had earned your phone number.
the next few weeks were filled with late nights texting each other, talking about nothing at all. you learned his favorite color, and you told him about your favorite songs. he asked you to be his girlfriend a month after.
that was eight years ago. red is still his favorite color, and he still has your favorite songs on his playlist.
the first two years of your relationship was filled with tests, study sessions under his grandma’s blossom tree, and many volleyball matches. you never missed a game, not even the far away ones. always in the crowd to cheer him on while he gave you a small smile, ears red and cheeks pink.
kita picked you up for your first date in a old farm truck. you heard him coming yards away as the engine hummed through the neighborhood. the paint chipped and exhaust sputtering as he parked in the driveway, palms a little sweaty as he fixed his hair in the rear view. he about jumped out of his skin when he saw that you were already at his door. he still drives that truck, using it for chores and deliveries, but you’ll never say no to a ride when he asks.
that same truck got the two of you into trouble. the sound alone made it almost impossible to stay out late, cutting sneaky last minute kisses on your front porch short. one particular night, you had begged your mom to let you stay out late, to which she agreed as long as you were home by midnight. at 11:59, in a fit of giggles, the two of you came racing into the driveway.
kita pulled you in for a kiss, only to be illuminated by the the kitchen light flicking on. you jumped out of the truck, running into the house with a dopey grin on your face while you made up an excuse to your mom, blaming non existent traffic for slowing you down.
kita wasn’t off the hook either that night. gran heard him coming from down the road, waiting for him in her rocker with raised eyebrows.
after graduation, the two of you spent every moment you could together. delivering kita snacks while he worked in the fields, having picnics under the stars, even joining his friends on trips to the lake.
when it was time to head to university, kita was the first to offer to help you pack. he calmed your nerves and dried your tears, promising to be there for you whenever you needed.
he called you every day while you were at university, even traveling to see you between holidays.
after you got your degree, gran so graciously offered to let you live with her. your family had moved away, and you couldn’t bear to be away from kita any longer. you spent your days at work, only to come home and enjoy dinner cooked by gran with the man who had your entire heart.
as if you had any more to give, kita asked for the rest of your heart at the end of harvest a couple years ago, proposing with a family ring that he had been saving. you could only nod as tears streamed down your face, being spun around under the evening sun. kita didn’t even change, still wearing the work pants and stained t shirt, dusty boots and sun hat that he donned earlier that morning. he couldn’t wait any longer.
your wedding was everything you could have imagined. full of friends and family, dancing and food. kita spent weeks with his friends fixing up the yard, making it fit for a queen and her king on their big day. lights hung from the trees, flowers from your garden littering the grass and tables, all while your friends laughed and sang along to soundtrack to your love.
three years later, you and kita sit in the back yard after dinner in an attempt to cool off after a long day preparing for harvest. the summer sun hung low in the air while you filled kita in on the phone call you had with your mother.
“she found a few boxes of my things,” you sighed. “stuff from school, photos and things. i told her to set them aside.”
“anything good?” kita’s back is on the grass, and his feet are flat on the ground. the knees of his pants are soiled brown from the fields.
“photo albums, note books, random odds and ends i think. i’ll grab them from her eventually,” you pick at the blades of grass at your feet. “i’m sure we could have a good laugh at some of them.”
your husbands mud stained hand comes to rest on your thigh.
“do ya remember when i first brought ya home to gran?”
you smile. it was an absolute disaster.
“i thought i would never be welcomed back,” you laugh, and kita snorts.
“she loves ya too much,” he closes his eyes as you play with his hands. “what did ya break again? a plate?”
“a drinking glass,” you nod. the memory is as vivid as ever. you had offered to help with dinner, but while you were turning to grab a hot pad you ended up knocking a drinking glass off of the counter. you apologized over and over, no matter how much gran waved you off and assured you that it wasn’t a big deal. i’ve got a cupboard full of them, she said.
“ya know what she told me after i dropped ya off that night?”
“bubble wrap her next time?”
“no,” he playfully flicks your leg. “she said how much she liked ya, how she thought ya had great manners. she loved how sweet ya were too,” he says. “gran told me that night that i would never be bored with ya,”
you grin. “and gave you been bored?”
“not recently,” he teases. “i have never been bored with you. i love sharin’ this life with ya, no matter what we’re doin’,” he sits up next to you and wraps his arm around you.
“even dishes?” you rest your head on his shoulder and he chuckles. as long as you’ve known him, that’s been his least favorite chore.
“even dishes,” he nods and takes a sip from his glass. “do ya wanna go for a drive?”
you eye his truck, still as faded and beat up as the first time you saw it. except of course for the scratch on the tailgate from when you tried to drive it for the first time.
“always, shin. where are we heading tonight?” you dust off your legs and his before you walk towards the driveway.
“i didn’t have anywhere in mind,” he opens the door for you, as always, shutting it before walking to the drivers side. “is that alright?”
“it’s perfect,” you look out towards the fields, now slightly golden from the sinking sun. the irrigation sprinklers would be going off soon. “maybe we can stop by gran. i have some things from the garden to give her,”
kita nods, placing his hand on your thigh. the middle seat between the two of you won’t be empty for long. usually after a few minutes, you slide over to sit right next to him.
the two of you pull out of the driveway and down the road, taking in the farm land around you. rows and rows of corn, grass, wheat, and rice. some fields of livestock, some empty for the season. kita drives with one hand, and you can’t help but smile when the light catches his sparkling wedding band as it shines against his tan fingers.
you don’t know how you got so incredibly lucky all of those years ago. you’ve never wanted anyone else. no matter what, no matter where, you’re always going to choose kita. the man who holds your bags for you, picks you a flower on his walk from the fields, the man who has a polaroid of you on the dash of his truck.
the man who has loved you fully from the start.
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nteyamsully · 2 years
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summary the youngest daughter and sibling is just two years younger than tuk and she is so adorable. just how the sully family treats her.
pairing sully! reader x platonic! sully family
note reader uses she/her pronouns
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neteyam was just ten years old when you were born
on a random day like any other day, you started crying in the middle of the night.
surprisingly, he was the only one who woke up from your ear splitting cries and he had to do something before you woke up everyone in the forest
call it brotherly instincts cause he handled it perfectly well
neteyam sturred in his position, his ears twitching at the familiar cries. he pushed himself to sit up as he rubbed his eyes gently. it was way too early compared to his normal waking time, but he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed at you because you're just a baby. and he learned from his dad that each and one of his siblings were like that too when lo'ak complained about how noisy you were.
he rushed up quickly and knelt down in front of you. his mother was completely asleep right next to you. he pondered why, in contrast to other times, she had been unable to wake up to the sound of your cries. nonetheless, he eventually concluded that she was exhausted from her restless nights. his father, too, has been occupied with his olo'eyktan responsibilities and raising five children.
it was his turn now as the eldest sibling to take care of you, he thinks.
carefully, neteyam embraced you in his arms. he had only ever carried you under his mother's watch once, but he recalled every piece of advice she had given him. make sure you support her head and rock her gently.
your sobbing subsided when you saw your brother and were replaced by whimpers and sniffles only. to avoid disturbing his parents, he took a seat on the corner of his home.
"are you okay now?" he asked softly. neteyam observed your eyes that were still swelled with tears, your bottom lip pushed into a pout. he giggled at the sight. "i guess you are since you're not crying anymore."
your chubby small hand reached for his nose and he scrunched them under your touch. immediately, you retracted your hand with a giggle thinking that it's like a loreyu.
your father, jake, had showed you one as he brought you around the forest. and that plant is your favorite.
neteyam smiled at the reaction. He doesn't mind at all being woken up to the sound of his baby sisters' cries if it meant he would have moments like this with her.
imagine the horror neytiri felt when she couldn't feel your warmth beside her
her eyes surveyed the area until it stopped on her eldest son, laid on the corner with you on top of his chest. you were babbling soft noises with a smile on your face as you slept.
neytiri cupped her mouth with her hand, taking in the cuteness of the moment
she wished she had whatever the humans used to capture memories for remembrance
when kiri was eleven, jake assigned her to help their grandmother look after you in her hut
she obliged without a thought because she loved watching you
unlike her annoying brothers, you don't spout annoying nonsense
being with your oldest sister has always been your favourite thing. even you could feel the serenity she radiated. when neteyam was unable to be found since his father is training him, lo'ak and tuk were having fun. 
sitting between kiri's knees, your hands grasped her wrists and pushed her hands to clap against each other. you were cooing then babbling from time to time.
“papa gave you the toruk makto doll, but you’d rather play with my hands?” she asked.
her voice made you stare up with round eyes, as well as your ears perked up. as you let yourself slump forward, a playful look spread over your features.
kiri chuckled, familiar with your act.
after your grandma began teaching kiri how to be a healer, the two of you often roleplay in which you are the patient and kiri is the healer.
as you are with her during the majority of time when the warriors enter the hut to receive treatment, mo'at believes that you mimicked their behaviour. your observant eyes watching each action.
"oh no! we have a hunter who is hurt!" kiri faked a gasped and turned your body around.
you forced your eyes closed. giggles leaving your lips now and then.
"what could the cause be?" her hands touching your chubby stomach before trailing them up to your ears. "no, it's not the ears." then her fingers lightly tickled your neck which made you laugh. "nope, neck is fine. it must be… here!"
kiri tickled each of your sides causing you to thrash between her legs. a shrieking laugh could be heard inside the hut.
mo'at smiled at the sight of her grandchildren. kiri bending over to connect both of your noses, still giggling. moments like this, she begs eywa that they stay as children forever.
he's not really the right person to look after you so jake doesn't leave you alone with him
it's not because he's reckless. it's because you had no fear at all and lo'ak encourages it
you were just two when you tried jumping over a small fire. the fire wasn't big, so why should he stop you?
he was hanging from a branch with his legs over it. and you instantly made grabby hands, wanting to try it
jake feared that he would have to deal with another troublemaker when you grow up
that's why neteyam is always around when you're with lo'ak
lo'ak was eleven when he was first entrusted to watch you alone.
you were two.
just two.
and neteyam is already scolding lo'ak about how he wasn't holding you in the river. he felt like his soul left him when he saw you in front of lo'ak in the river, and nothing was holding you to him. you were literally sinking.
"bro, it's not like that. i will never hurt y/n like that!" yelled lo'ak. he felt offended that his brother would ever think that.
neteyam rolled his eyes. he was holding you by the hip, and you had a scowl on your face. "no baby would want to be in the lake sinking. skxawng."
lo'ak groaned. "she was not sinking! she tried to touch the ground with her feet! she kept crying when i wouldn't let her go!"
before neteyam could argue, you spoke, "i want lo'ak." you reached your arms out to him, indicating that you wanted to be held by him.
"no. we're going to mom and dad," neteyam firmly said.
lo'ak huffed as he rolled his eyes. he knew that his parents would scold him if they found out, especially jake. 
you started sobbing as neteyam began to leave. lo'ak is the only person who ever allows you to do anything, hence you wanted to stay in the water with him for a little while longer. neteyam attempted to calm you, but it was ineffective. despite being in your father's arms, your sobbing continued to be loud enough to be heard.
neytiri was absolutely fuming when she found out
jake was bouncing you in his arms because your cries hadn't stopped
lo'ak was standing in front of them, head down
it was when you said your brothers name, reaching out to him, your mother stopped scolding him
lo'ak cupped the back of your neck as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
maybe he was wrong for letting you do that, but he would never intentionally harm you. your brother adores you and he hoped that his parents see that
because tuk is closest to your age, she's your partner in crime
whatever she does, you follow
wherever she goes, you're right behind her
the two of you had no sense of what's wrong or right so you two didn't care
tuk was five and you were three. neytiri wasn't home because it was her hunt this time with her party. neteyam, lo'ak, and kiri were out to hangout with other kids their age. 
so, it was just jake and his little girls.
jake enjoyed playing with his little princesses, but he was tired from his olo'eyktan duties. he tried to fight his drowsiness, blinking his eyes open. but with tuk laying on his stomach and humming a random melody, it was impossible.
"hm?" you tilted your head when you see a basket that had shells with paint inside them. blue, yellow, white. your favourite colours! 
carefully, tuk moved from her father to you. her eyes shined at the shells and grabbed the blue paint.  "the one who gets the most paint on their body loses!"
tuk dipped her hand in the shell and touched your chest, leaving a four finger mark. you whined and grabbed the yellow shell. doing the same thing she did to you.
from then on, it became paint wars.
kiri, neteyam, and lo'ak were shocked to see the hammock dirty with paint. even more shocked to see you and tuk covered with paint head to toe.
neteyam was quick to wake his dad because if his mom sees this, they were all in trouble
jake cursed when he was greeted by his paint covered daughters. he internally cursed himself again when you and tuk said shit because of him
there wasn't enough time to do anything because your mother was already home
jake received a great scolding from her
you are loved dearly by your family and they would do anything for you <3
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it's only cut to the sully siblings because i felt like it's getting too long. if this gets much attention, i might make one for jake and neytiri !
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lvnleah · 1 month
007. | Christmas
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word count: 2.2k
find the masterlist here!
December 24th 2023 | 25 weeks & 3 days pregnant.
Ever since you were little, you’d always dreaded Christmas time. You could remember vividly how you’d felt as a child.
All of your friends came into school after the holidays, talking about everything they got whilst you had to lie about what you had received.
If you were lucky, you and your brother got to go see your grandma who’d spoil you rotten but that was rare. Your brother tried to make it enjoyable for you despite being only five years older.
When you met Leah at sixteen, you soon became a part of her family's Christmas celebrations. It had started one year when Amanda and Berny, Leah’s grandma, had found out you were spending Christmas alone and invited you to join their celebrations.
Every year since then you had joined Leah’s family on Christmas Eve and day at her childhood home. The first year felt overwhelming for a sixteen-year-old.
You were overwhelmed with how much love everyone had shown you and all of the presents they’d gotten you. Everyone had gone out of their way to ask Leah what you liked and bought exactly what you liked, not just some random stuff like your parents did.
The first Christmas you’d spent with Leah as a couple wasn’t any different except for the fact that you’d done ‘couple’ things that year and had done ever since. You’d always shared her childhood bedroom but that year you’d shared her bed and went on many Christmas-themed dates.
This year though, felt extra special because it was the last Christmas you and Leah were spending together as just you two before you welcomed your baby boy. Leah had driven you down with all of your suitcases to her mum's house a couple of days ago and it was now Christmas Eve.
“You okay, pretty girl?” Leah asked you, placing a kiss on your shoulder as you woke up from your nap.
You placed your hand on hers that was draped over your bump as you nodded your head, “Yeah, that nap was amazing! What time is it?”
“Six o’clock, everyone’s getting ready for the Christmas Eve walk in the woods.” Leah said, stroking circles on your bump, “Jordan wants to be back before Henry’s bedtime because he’s fussy so they’re going early. I told Mum I’d see how you are.”
“Leah I’m not missing the walk,” you told her as you sat up, “We never miss the walk so get out of this bed!”
“Alright, bossy!” Leah chuckled.
Leah’s family had a lot of different traditions and one was a Christmas Eve walk every year. The walk was one of your favourite traditions, a quiet and peaceful time before the whirlwind of Christmas Day.
You slowly got out of bed, feeling the weight of your bump as you moved. Leah slipped out the other side before walking around and helping you, her hand steadying you as you found your footing.
As you got ready, you thought about how this tradition would look next year with a baby in tow. The thought brought a smile to your face, even as you struggled to pull on your boots.
Leah noticed and knelt to help you. "I can't wait for our little man to join us next year," she said. You nodded, a wave of emotion washing over you as you imagined the future.
Bundled up and ready to go, you joined Leah’s family downstairs. Amanda was adjusting Henry’s hat, while everyone put on their boots.
“Ready to go, lovebirds?” Jacob called out as you and Leah entered the room.
“Ready!” you both chimed in unison.
The walk through the woods was magical, your breath mingled in the cold air. Leah held your hand the entire time, sometimes switching to her arm protectively around your waist.
As you walked, Jacob carried Henry on his shoulders, the toddler giggling as Jacob bounced him up and down. The rest of the family chatted and laughed, the atmosphere warm.
Leah’s family were all truly big kids, something you loved a lot. Halfway through the walk, you stopped at the giant chair to take the annual Christmas Eve photo. Leah climbed to the top with Jacob and her cousins while you stayed put at the bottom with Jordan and Amanda. Her family gathered around, and a passerby stopped to take the photo for you all.
As you walked back to the house, the group gradually broke into smaller clusters, chatting and laughing. Leah and her brother, Jacob, fell behind, clearly up to something. You and Amanda exchanged knowing looks, sensing their playful mischief.
Leah nudged Jacob and whispered something and before you knew it the pair of them were racing ahead with the dogs. They ended up racing while you walked with Amanda.
“How’s the pregnancy, y/n?” Jordan, Leah’s cousin, asked you as you held Henry’s hand.
You smiled, “It’s getting better, starting to enjoy it a bit more now the morning sickness has settled down. I know I’ve still got a while to go but I just want him here now, the emotions are crazy.”
“It’s definitely a whirlwind,” Amanda agreed, “Let’s just hope he’s not as stubborn as Leah and doesn’t go overdue!”
“Knowing him, he’ll probably just be as stubborn and picky as his Mumma,” you laughed.
“Stubborn?!” You heard Leah gasp jokingly, “I’m not stubborn or picky thank you very much!”
You rolled your eyes jokingly, “Yeah definitely not! Totally not like you only eat plain and beige stuff.”
Jacob, overhearing, grinned and threw his arm around Leah. “It’s alright, sis. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, let’s admit it, I'm the better sibling!”
“You wish,” Leah teased, nudging Jacob with her elbow.
“Keep dreaming,” Jacob shot back, ruffling her hair.
Their playful rivalry bubbled up throughout the rest of the walk, they chased each other back and forth whilst you walked alongside Amanda and Jordan. Leah ended up carrying Henry on her hip in the end, making you smile at the perfect sight in front of you.
When you arrived back home, Amanda gave everyone one hot chocolate and tea to warm themselves up. As you snuggled close to Leah on the couch, you felt like you finally belonged somewhere. These moments, filled with love and laughter, were what made the holiday season better for you now.
Leah’s family traditions had become your own, and with your baby on the way, you couldn’t wait to share these experiences with him. As the night grew late, Leah’s family slowly all made their rooms, leaving you and Leah alone by the glowing downstairs. She wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close.
“Thank you for making Christmas so special,” you whispered, Leah’s hand resting on your bump like usual.
“No need to thank me, pretty girl,” Leah replied, resting her head on your shoulder. “I love you and so does my family, they’re yours now too.”
“Don’t make me cry again!” You warned.
Leah chuckled softly, her breath warm against your neck. “No promises.”
The loneliness and sadness that had once defined the season for you were now distant memories, replaced by the joy and love Leah and her family had brought into your life.
“We should probably head to bed,” Leah murmured, her voice soft and gentle. “Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day.”
You nodded, “Yeah, we should.”
Leah helped you up, her hands steady and supportive as always. The two of you made your way upstairs, the house was quiet except for the soft creaks of the floorboards under your feet.
As you settled into bed, Leah wrapped her arms around you, her hand naturally finding its place on your bump. You snuggled into her embrace, feeling safe and content.
“Goodnight, pretty girl,” Leah whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
“Goodnight, Le,” you yawned as she switched off the light.
As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, you stirred awake, feeling the gentle rise and fall of Leah's breath beside you. Today was Christmas, and it was the last one you'd share as just Leah and y/n and not Mumma and Mummy.
“Good morning, pretty girl,” Leah whispered as she noticed you waking up, her voice soft and filled with affection.
“Good morning,” you replied, turning to face her, a smile spreading across your face. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” Leah echoed, leaning in to give you a tender kiss.
The two of you took your time getting out of bed, savouring the peaceful morning together. As you made your way downstairs, the sound of laughter and chatter hit your ears.
“Morning, sleepyheads!” Amanda called out cheerfully from the living room. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!” Leah smiled, joining Jacob who was sitting on the floor whilst you sat beside Amanda.
The living room was a scene straight out of a holiday movie. stockings were hung by the fireplace, the tree twinkled with lights and ornaments, and a mountain of presents waiting to be opened.
As everyone settled down to open presents, the room buzzed with conversation and laughter. You went round and opened a present one by one before it reached you and Leah handed you a beautifully wrapped box with a mischievous grin.
“This one’s from me,” she said, her smile filled with excitement.
You carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing a handmade scrapbook filled with photos and memories from your relationship. Each page was crafted, capturing moments from your relationship and milestones in your pregnancy that you didn’t know Leah had taken.
“Le, this is beautiful,” you said, tears welling up in your eyes as you flipped through the pages. “Thank you so much.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Leah said, leaning up and placing a soft kiss on your lips. “I wanted to give you something special, something to remind you of how much I love you.”
You flicked through the scrapbook. It started on your first date, the day Leah asked you to be her girlfriend, then your engagement and then your wedding before it finally got to your pregnancy.
It was filled with Polaroids from the start of your pregnancy. It started with the tests lined up before it moved on to a Polaroid of your very first ultrasound and then small moments that Leah had secretly captured, the last few pages were left blank so you could continue them together.
Henry toddled over, holding up a gift he had just opened. “Look! I got cow!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.
“Wow, that’s awesome, Henry!” you smiled as he sat in your lap. “What noise does a cow make?”
He paused for a second before making the noise, “Cow goes moooo!”
“Yeah! Well done, Hen!” You clapped your hands, “A cow does go moooo!”
As the morning went on, you and Leah exchanged more gifts, each one thoughtful and personal. The room was filled with the joy of giving and receiving and the love that bound you all together. Jacob handed Leah a small box, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“This one’s from me,” he said. “Thought you could use it.”
Leah opened the box to find a tiny Spurs shirt, “Really, Jacob?” Leah said, shaking her head but unable to hide her smile. “You just wait until he’s here, he’s going to be decked out in an Arsenal kit!”
He shook his head, “Not if I have anything to do with it!”
You had been saving your special gift for Leah, waiting for the right moment. As the family settled down in the living room, you quietly retrieved the small box from your bag and handed it to Leah.
“This one is from me,” you said, your voice soft with anticipation.
Leah looked at you curiously before opening the box. Inside was a delicate silver necklace with a small pendant in the shape of a heart. The pendant opened to reveal a tiny picture of you and Leah on one side and a sonogram image of your baby boy on the other.
“Y/N, this is beautiful,” Leah said, tears springing to her eyes. “I love it so much.”
“I wanted you to have something that you can wear when you’re not with us,” you said, your voice choked with emotion. “You mean the world to me, and you can replace it with a picture of Bubba Boy when he’s here.”
Leah leaned in and kissed you, her lips gentle and full of love. “Thank you, pretty girl. This is the best gift I could ever ask for.”
Later, as the day turned to evening the family gathered for Christmas dinner. You enjoyed the amazing Christmas dinner that Leah’s grandma and Amanda had put together before everyone had a little sing-song.
At the end of the evening, you and Leah slipped where the only ones left in the living room. You had a blanket draped over you both as you cuddled.
“Let me get a photo of you and the bump in front of the tree, pretty girl,” Leah smiled, reaching across for her Polaroid camera.
You smiled and stood up before sitting down in front of the tree, you rested your hand on your bump and Leah snapped a photo.
You sat down beside her on the couch again, “We could recreate that next year.” Leah smiled.
“We could. This has been the best Christmas,” you said quietly to Leah as you sat together, her hand resting on your bump.
“It’s only going to get better,” Leah replied. “Next year, we’ll have our little boy with us.”
You nodded, feeling the weight of her words. As the night drew to a close, you and Leah made your way upstairs, the house quiet and peaceful. You slipped into bed, feeling Leah’s arms wrap around you once more.
“Goodnight, pretty girl,” Leah whispered, placing a kiss on your temple.
“Goodnight, Le,” you replied, as you drifted off to sleep.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
A soft knock on the door and a half-whispered "hey there" wake Eddie up from an uneasy sleep. A strip of light shines through the gap of the door, illuminating the figure of Steve standing in the doorway.
"I got some soup for you. Are you feeling any better?"
Eddie shuffles into an upright sitting position while Steve comes into the room and hands him a warm bowl filled with what's unmistakably his aunt's homemade creamed potato soup. Even with his blocked nose, Eddie can still tell that it smells exactly how he remembered it.
Before he knows it, tears start blurring his vision. It's the fucking soup that does it. The smell that brings back memories he tried so hard to leave behind when he suddenly had to leave what he once called his home more than ten years ago.
“Oh, honey,” says Steve in a voice that is so soft and caring that it makes Eddie want to cry even more. He sits down on the bed, right next to Eddie, and wraps both his arms around him, careful not to spill any of the soup. “This fucking sucks, right?”
“It does,” Eddie says quietly, and that's really all he needs to say. Steve will understand. Steve knows exactly how much Eddie was looking forward to this week, how excited he was to return to the mountains and to be reunited with his family and to show Steve all the places that hold so much meaning to him. 
For ten years he hadn't been able to visit. He had missed the mountain air like a chopped-off limb and seen his cousins grow up only through grainy polaroid pictures. And now that he's finally here, his body decided to betray him and keep him chained to his bed with the worst fucking cold he’s ever had.
It's been so long since he has been home that it almost doesn't really feel like home anymore. He never wanted to leave in the first place, but the circumstances gave him no choice. When his dad got locked up Eddie had nowhere else to go but to his Uncle Wayne, who lived states away and who he had only met twice before in his life. He had to leave everyone he cared about behind: his grandma, who would've taken him in within a heartbeat if she hadn't been too old to take care of a ten-year-old kid; his mother, who had already slipped away too deep into her addictions to keep Eddie around in good conscience; his aunt and uncle, who had too many mouths to feed with too little money and couldn't afford the additional burden of another rapidly growing teenager; and his many cousins, of course, who grew up side-by-side with him and made the move feel like he was leaving an unmissable part of his soul behind.
Granted, moving in with Wayne soon turned out to be not by far as dramatic as Eddie had prepared himself for. It turned out that Wayne was actually a better parent to Eddie than his dad ever was. But no matter how much love and care Wayne gave him over the years, it could not be enough to replace home. Nothing was.
Ten years had passed since Eddie left. Most of the cousins moved out, either to find a better life for themselves or to follow the path that Eddie's father had taken. Some of them had kept in touch with Eddie, some of them hadn't. Some of them had gained a family of their own, with spouses and nephews and nieces who Eddie never got to meet.
And now he's back, and everything keeps going differently than how he envisioned it.
He blinks away his tears and tries to eat as much as he can stomach of his aunt's soup.
“Your cousin Jay called,” Steve tells him. “He insisted on visiting tomorrow, whether you're feeling better or not. He said he can’t wait to see you.”
“That's nice,” Eddie answers flatly. “D'you know he hasn't reached out to me in years?” He sighs. “It's so weird to be back here. I thought it would be different.”
“Different how?”
“More like coming home, I guess. But all the places have changed. I barely know some of those people anymore.”
He places the unfinished bowl of soup aside. Steve pulls him closer in his arms and presses a gentle kiss on his curls.
“I've felt so angry about Hawkins for so long,” Eddie admits to him, “but now it's like I don't belong here anymore either.”
“You do belong in Hawkins, you know,” Steve tells him.
Eddie huffs.
“No, I'm serious,” Steve insists. “Has Wayne ever told you that he thinks you coming to live with him was the best thing that ever happened to him?” He doesn't wait for an answer as he continues: “And your bandmates, the Hellfire Club, all those lost sheepies you've been looking out for over the years... Maybe Hawkins didn't exactly welcome you with open arms when you just came there, but you made a home there. You did that.”
“And where are you on that list, Stevie?” Eddie asks, a teasing edge returning to his voice despite how awful he’s still feeling.
It takes Steve a few seconds to answer, but when he does, he sounds surprisingly soft and genuine, almost shy.
“Wherever you want me to be.”
“Don't worry big boy,” Eddie tells him softly, nuzzling his face into Steve's chest, where it's warm and where the sound of Steve's heartbeat forms a comforting presence. “You're the most important part of what home means. Top of the list, whether we're in Hawkins or here in the south or on the other side of the world.”
Steve hums and kisses Eddie's temple.
“I do wish this week would've been more like how you wanted it to be,” he says. “But for what it's worth, it sounded like Jay was really excited about reconnecting with you. Let's see if you can sleep off this cold, and tomorrow will be a new day, alright?”
Steve starts to pull away to leave Eddie alone in the bed again, but Eddie clenches his fists around the fabric of his polo.
“Stay with me?”
Steve chuckles softly. “Of course.”
He sits back down on the bed with his back against the wall and gently manhandles Eddie until he's lying with his head in Steve's lap. And with Steve's fingers softly stroking through his hair, Eddie quickly drifts back to sleep again.
Tomorrow will be a new day. And even if being back is bittersweet, at least Steve is with him - and the sound of Steve's heartbeat will always be home.
This one's for my dear friend dae @strawberryspence because sometimes life sucks and while nothing can actually solve it, some warm soup and a loving hug can at least make things a little bit more bearable <3
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 10 months
You know what's incredibly upsetting? Seeing so many pro-Israel or pro-Zionist posts parrot that the only reason anyone could be pro-Palestine or call for a free Palestine is because they hate Jews.
I know what this tactic is meant to do and I know how making people apathetic, how discrediting their knowledge of a topic or questioning the genuineness of their empathy and other similar tactics are used to benefit the oppressive group but it's still pissing me off.
I am a descendant of enslaved people.
Our history lessons always begin with the slaughter & genocide of the indigenous peoples that were here first, primarily the Taino, who thankfully have a few descendants living in isolation along with the protected Maroon villages. It is normal throughout high school to take history trips to former great houses & plantations and see for ourselves the sites where our ancestors were brutalized and massacred; the weapons and tools of torture preserved and on display so that we knew but a taste of what they went through.
My university is built on the grounds of a former plantation. There are businesses and homes built on top of mass graves & on top of sites of slaughter. There is literally no escaping our colonial history because it touches everything. Our last names are not even our own! Most of us have English, Scottish and Irish last names given by the plantation owners to our ancestors. Or you know...because many children were the product of rape. We cannot accurately trace our true heritage more than 4-5 generations back because most families have no complete records.
A lot of you like to bring up grandparents. Cool. My great-great grandmother was the daughter of a mulatto free woman and a white Scottish sailor. She was white passing. Because land and work were hard to get here under colonial rule, she left the island for a better life with her husband who was a Cuban born mulatto and they ended up living in the US through WWII and after. They were considered an interracial couple (black & white rather than both being seen as mixed) and could not live in certain places because it was illegal. Papa couldn't find work, was treated horribly, because he had darker skin but Grandma found work passing as white and was treated much better. She worked 2-3 jobs to provide for them and their 5 children.
But, there were times when she would appear darker like if she was out in the sun too long or her curls would start to show and a Jewish neighbour/coworker suggested to her it might be safer to tick Jewish on forms rather than white if her race was ever questioned. I suppose due to that kindness the family formed friendships within the Jewish community where they lived & Grandma's eldest son actually married a Jewish woman. His kids and grandkids are all Jewish and they still live in the US.
I share this specific thing because I have very real concerns for those members of my family. But while I worry for them in this time of increasing anti-semitism and absolutely decry any verbal/physical attacks against them, I am still going to speak against things that are wrong. What Israel is doing is wrong. Of course as a non-Jewish person I can acknowledge I may misstep and if I say/do something that is genuinely anti-semitic I'll take the correction. But if your aim is just to intimidate me into silence it's not going to work.
And trying to tell me 'well black people are not welcomed there or black people wouldn't get treated well in Palestine' as if that affects the cost of bread. Guess what? Black people face racism everywhere. Even among our own and colonialism has a lot to do with that. That same grandmother, I was fortunate to grow up with her in the latter part of her life after she returned to the island and every time I went out with her there were questions of whether my family worked for her. Or why was I, this little black girl with this little old white lady as if I meant her harm. She had to say proudly, "This is my granddaughter." How other people view me or treat me isn't going to stop me from speaking up for what's right.
With the history of my people I could never ever ever side with the oppressor. Ever. Whether its here in the west or in the east, whether it's happening to my fellow black people, or any other group of people, I cannot in good conscience stand with the oppressor. My ancestors were forcibly stripped of their humanity, called savages, animals, barbarians and all of that was brutally beaten into them. That same language and similar acts of brutality are being used against Palestinians today.
You think you can cower me into staying silent on that? With unfounded accusations of hate? I refuse.
N.B. - my use of the word mulatto here is strictly to provide the historical context of how my grandparents were seen/classified and spoken of. It is not a term we use.
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