#but. 'hes never had a favorite person' followed by things he didnt used to struggle with but does now
sus-bee · 7 months
im normal no one look at me
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candy8448 · 4 months
Ahh so i was too tired to write up my thoughts on frnech after playing dnd so here are my french and history thoughts together
Gcse masterlist
Im doing higher (one of the 14 in the year group doing it) and bro, it was way too easy, ussually listening and reading are my worst out of the four exams and i struggle so kuch but this was perfectly fine??? And im terrified the grade boundries will go up because of how easy it was
In listening, i dont know if i heard iit right but i think one of the people with a masculine sounding voice said the masculine version of the person i married (mon marrie) and i was there screaming happily in my head from surprise.
Also one of the questions was "these people are talking abiut when they proposed to their parents" and i read it wrong and for a few seconds i was like 0.0 but no.
Reading was also weirdly easy
I liked the one where the app was called something like simple/nice (simple/sympa) and the review was hating on it and ended on "it is not simple and iis not nice >:(" i just found it funny
The question where you see if a or b or bith said the thing is one i always despise the most, as well as the gapfill, so i left that till last. I had like 20 mins left so i was planning on just zoning out for 10 to mentally prepare myself for it then do it, but the invigilator said if we are all done we can finish 10mins early so ii rushed and di it and it was strangly simple
(I didnt understand what the question with the baby falling out the window was about but then my friend told me and i was like 0.0)
History medicine through time was today. We were so so so lucky with the questions, i think i answered them all perfectly and could possibly get top marks!! I was writing till the last second because of how much i could have written about.
Also i usually only get 2 marks for each source because i can never understand what exactly my teacher wants from me, i follow the layout he does but i never seem to get it right, but i left that question till ladt cuz it takes so long for just 4 marks and bro, it just suddenly clicked when i needed it most and im confident i finally got 8/8 for that question
I use green highligters and pens for notes because i love green, and in every exam with a highlighter i happen to get green and it is as if the invigilators know my favorite colour is green
I dunno why but the real exams feel so much easier than all the mocks and practices so im terrified that the grade boundries are gonna skyrocket
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hoodienanami · 7 months
ok so I watched Pistol like a month ago and I've been obsessed about the Sex Pistols ever since and I even read a couple of books on the band and I honestly feel so sad about them. Like It's weird how social media just made up a discourse about them and they don't even care how there were so young and exploited. I'm not justifying what John became and all the stuff Sid did, but Malcolm really exploited boys that already had issues and used them.
i understand how you feel anon. i feel the same way
the older i get, the younger the Sex Pistols seem. Steve, the oldest member of the band, was 23 when they broke up in 1978. the Pistols started gigging around in 1975. they were kids and they spent some of the most formative years of their lives (age 19-24 are the years of transition from teenagehood to adulthood and therefore very crucial in a person's development) being seen as public enemy number one by a majority of the ppl in britain, the insane tabloid press that slandered them non-stop, and the government of england that straight up considered trying them for treason. btw in the 70s you could be given the death penalty if you were found guilty of treason in england
Johnny and Paul were both nearly murdered in 1977. Paul wasnt even old enough to drink in america when random ppl twice his age decided that he deserved to die for having an opinion on the monarchy that wasnt positive. they beat him with an iron rod and left him in the street. Johnny has permanent nerve damage due to being stabbed through the hand and all of his friends at the time report him becoming so traumatized by this incident that he would run in terror if he thought someone was following him or looking at him weirdly
ppl will tell you that the Sex Pistols were violent, malicious ppl. theyre dead fucking wrong. the Sex Pistols were normal kids who just wanted to play music for other kids like them. they (aside from Sid) were never violent unless they were defending themselves or friends. 99% of the violence that surrounded the band was directed AT them
Johnny, Steve, and Sid had incredibly difficult childhoods and have very obvious mental health issues (Steve is pretty open about his struggles with mental health. the other two arent bc one of them committed suicide and the other would likely rather die then go to a psychiatrist). they were thrown from the fires of child abuse, homelessness, drug abuse, and poverty into the hell that is being the media's favorite punching bags and the designated 'acceptable targets' of an entire nation
to me the Sex Pistols were the most punk out of all of the first generation British bands. bc whats more punk then a band started by an abuse survivor who stole all of his musical equipment and taught himself how to play? whats more punk then having the government of your country against you and refusing to back down? whats more punk then fighting tooth and nail for your right to say what you want even when they try to censor you time and time again? whats more punk then refusing to change who you are and what type of songs you play even when ppl want you dead for it? whats more punk then throwing a christmas party with toys and cake for the kids of striking firemen?
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the image of the Sex Pistols as cartoon villains for some other more virtuous band to 'defeat' is not only completely false but its also pathetic. they were normal kids who didnt want to be famous or to be seen as the figureheads of a revolution. they wanted to play music, have fun, and shake things up so that the world would be more interesting for bored kids like them
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vynsvision · 2 years
Hi Evan! I'd like to know a little more about your interests! Judging by your blogs, you have many! Who/What is your favorite:
MCU character?
DCEU character?
LOTR character?
TV Show?
Musical Artist?
Give as much or as little detail as you want! :)
Aaah oh gosh hi!!! Sorry, my notifications are weird, (I exclusively use the tumblr mobile app) so I am JUST now seeing this!!
I do have a lot of blogs, haha. I like sorting things.
Fave mcu character is probably at the moment Yelena Belova. Florence Pugh as a person and her performance as Yelena are just. Yeah. <33333 Marvel overall I will always love Gwenpool (bbg for the WIN)
DCEU would be Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince. Or Bruce Wayne/Batman, but only Bruce as Bale!Bat or Battinson. Barry Allen's Flash (specifically Grant Gustin's Flash show) is the character that got me into DC in general- I was one of those kids who was MCU OR DC??? MCU all the way!!! Bleh!!! Which is kinda pathetic but cute now because I've grown :)
Lotr, well, Lee Pace's Thar... Thranduil. I have to admit. I thought his name was Tharanduil for YEARS until I followed you and then I regularly see it as just one A and I... Blush. Embarressed. But yeah him or honestly Sam Gamgee. I dont think a lot about LOTR though (and Middle Earth/Tolkienverse) very often because both the Hobbit trilogy and LOTR trilogy have endings that break my heart. I knew the endings before watching, I knew what it was going to be, but watching the performances and reading them again is bittersweet beauty that I can't often handle emotionally.
Movie????? Oh pal! Well. My Letterboxd favorites currently are: Clue, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Gray Man, and The Batman. The Scarlet Pimpernel... I'm thinking of getting a pimpernel flower tattoo because I love that movie so much. And the flowers are pretty :) Before I changed them this year to The Gray Man and The Batman, I had Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and Batman Begins as the action movies. Honestly I would change out The Scarlet Pimpernel with Where Eagles Dare if I didnt just NEED people to know how important Sir Percival Blakeney is to me. My original standard. He is THE most man of all men. God, I love him so much. You're either Percival or you're no one, if you're interested in pursuing romance with me. Tony Stark or Steve Rogers or any other superhero/vigilante came years after Percy. They could never measure up. But I digress. (And its not like anyone is pursuing me romantically. That im aware of.)
TV show, well, I dont think I have a favorite. I struggle to rewatch tv shows since, for instance in Criminal Minds (which i have seen the entirety of), I can't rewatch because I know what each character goes through. And I can remember the plot of the episode from the first scene, before the title sequence. Although I do love Criminal Minds and Peaky Blinders a lot :)
I dont read a lot but I do love Dune and Shadow and Bone series!
I usually listen to pop-ish music, and artists I usually circle back to are Hozier, One Direction, Owl City, Jon Bellion. I just had a pretty good and long The Neighbourhood phase and I do return to them frequently as well. Also For King & Country and MercyMe, which are Christian groups :)
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phantalgia · 23 days
'And You'll Know We Have Many Roads To Follow'
I tried getting into contact with an old friend who wanted to reach out to me in 2023. I was excited, they were a person I really liked in the past and was, again, one of those moments where I failed and mucked it up. I liked them and they had a crush on me. But my self sabatoge got the better of me. And they found someone else.
All of it pretty much my fault and quite embarassing and immature, I faked being in a relationship so they could get away from me because I hated myself. I didnt think I was good enough. I was in a lot of pain because I liked this person and wanted to be with them. They really were right up my alley of the type of person I wanted to be around.
I spoke with some random person about this whole ordeal and he convinced me to actually give it a shot with this person. And I went yeah! I should, if it doesn't work out, so what! I learned something.
I can't remember what happened next but I do remember being too late. They were taken...I was devestated. And never really talked to them again until 2023 when I reached out to them and apologized for the things I did.
Months later they wanted to hang out with me, which was the thing that excited me. A rekindled relation that I could fix up. I tried to talk to them the best I could but I was really shy and scared...and again...I messed it up. I was too scared and we never hung out. This was in the middle of me dealing with Long COVID.
Eventually they just stopped talking to me, never responded to my DMs and was once again taken by someone else, the same thing happened again. I realized my usefulness wasn't needed anymore so I removed them and moved on.
'Somewhere, someday we might meet again Who knows which way we'll go?'
So we did meet again, but alas history repeats itself. We have many roads to follow, just not this road. There's quite a bit of pain, mostly self inflicted. But this hurt me a lot especially in a moment of self discovery and trying to reach out to people i care about that I lost.
And as you'll know we have many roads to follow. They all went down their own roads. I feel like just a blip in their lives. Insignificant. Or even malignant.
I don’t know where my road is taking me. It's just a mystery and it's a lonely one at that.
'Someday you'll be calling out my name and you won’t get answer'
I’m calling out for a lot of names. No answer. The regret and guilt I have today just is so much for me. These were some great people. And I think about them a lot. But my only wish now is for them all to live happy lives.
I think much of what aflicts me now, the struggles I’m dealing with now is just karma. I deserved this. I deserved this suffering because I wasnt aware that other people were also struggling and wanted to be around me. I shut them out of my life and now I have to suffer lonely...I never felt so lonely in my life.
No matter how many friends I now have it just doesn't fill this empty sensation I have in my chest that those people filled my soul. It's a very specific feeling that each one filled in their own unique ways. I really don’t think anyone can quite fill it. But I’m afraid of trapping myself in a situation where I’m taking for granted the current friends I have. Maybe they don’t fill my soul the same way those people did and that could be because those people felt more like borderline romantic relationships.
'Calling Out Your Name, Now We'll Get an Answer'
Maybe someone will answer. This doesn't have to be literally those people but the type of people I’m looking for. Or maybe I’m trying to have an impact on people's lives. I’m not sure.
I’m tired of this isolation. I’m really sure how to talk to people or find people I’m looking for. I just want something different and to make up for the damage I've done to people.
Final Comments on "Many Roads to Follow"
I love Cut Worms. One of my favorite musicians today. Many Roads to Follow just reflects on many people you meet and cherish and how for many of us just have new places we go to and we have to move on. The grief of losing those special people, and the hope that you'll meet those people again some day.
The song itself just sounds like a big road trip or journey. A celebration but also a mourning of what we once had and that maybe it's not over. And just the unpredictability of where we'll end up.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Tender - Azriel x reader - Pregnancy fic. Fem! reader. LONG!!! 
Prompt -  Hi! I just read most of your imagines, and i loved them!  You have me as your faithful follower, I don't comment much because English is not my first language. Could you write one where az manages to perceive that reader is pregnant right in the middle of the war?
You woke to yelling. Not screaming. Not fear or pain, but battle cries that you'd grown to love. They made your blood sing in harmony with the Illyrian voices. It made your heart hammer in your chest, and your muscles tense - ready to fight. Azriel groaned beside you, curling around your waist like a vise. You managed to break free from his muscled arms. Pale light shining through the tent tinted his shadows a light gray. They wrapped around you, drawing a chill down your spine. The war cries grew louder. "Get up. It's time." You shook him, pulling on your light armor. He covered his face with his hands, and did not leave the cot. He groaned again when you pulled the blanket off his mostly naked body. He was never a morning person.  Cassian rushed in when you were putting the last of your gear on, and Az froze. His grip on his pants went white knuckled. Cassian's face was pale, and before he could say anything Azriel was hurriedly pulling on the rest of his clothes. Your stomach dropped at the sight of the Warlord. "It's a diversion." You said, voice hollow. Cassian's slight nod was enough to make the breath leave you. "It's going to be fine." Azriel grunted, pulling his tunic over his head. "We just need to move the troops. Get Rhys here." He waved a hand at his brother dismissively.  Cassian grabbed Az's wrist.  He forced the male to look at him, to see his worried eyes. You tensed, ready to defend your mate even against Cassian's might. "Rhys is on the battlefield already. We're on our own." His voice was low, and the warning in his eyes was enough to make the hair on your arms raise. Azriel pulled away from him, slowly.  He began strapping his weapons belts on, pushed his hair back and sighed. "Where do you need us?"   The air was cold, and the howls of battle echoed across the hills. Azriel's shadows curled around your legs, comforting. Then they slithered their way across the valley where the battle was beginning.  + You could barely raise your sword by the end of it. The mud had been the most challenging part of the entire fight. The enemy horses had done a good job of making obstacles when they fell in the mud, lame with broken ankles and necks. You wished to put them out of their misery, but there was no time. The forces seemed to come in waves. Like a test against your small unit.  Few were lost from your side. The dewey grass steamed in the morning light, carrying up the reek of enemy blood with it. You wiped your face, trying to get the taste of dirt and blood out of your mouth. Sharp stinging pain seared your ribs under your arm. You hissed. Then, you felt the warmth of your own blood. You swore, and looked for a medic that wasn't tending to wounded on the ground.  Some Illyrian bodies were being lifted away, high into the air for burial at their homes. You dared not take a healer away from more critically injured soldiers. You nodded grimly to the ones that you passed. They were covered in blood, and yet still gave you fierce grins when you went by. They respected you. More than any other Illyrian Female before you. It was sad, but you hoped to forge a new path for other females of Illyria. You held an arm under your side and limped your way out of the mud. The packed mess inside your boots made moving your feet hard. You couldn't wait to shower.  You spotted Cassian far down the field, and watched as he raised his sword high over his head. Your stomach twisted in pity for the suffering animal under him. You looked away before you could see the lifeblood drain from the horse's neck. He sent a blessing to the Mother for the animal, and continued on to the next suffering soul that would meet its end via his blade.  + You hadn't seen her in a long while. Too long for a friend, but she gave you that same look she always did when she saw you hobbling up to her for help. Jeva was your favorite healer, and one you knew could keep a secret. She was round, and her voice was light and comforting. She smelled of nutmeg and berries. Something you had appreciated about her since you had met. "What is it this time?" She waved you inside, holding the tent flap open for you while you dumped your battle stained gear on the wood hutch beside the entrance.  The tent was light and airy, filled with small plants of different varieties and cluttered with boxes and books everywhere. Her desk and bed were shoved to the corner, and a long wood table took up the majority of her area. As if she had known you were coming, she already had potions of different types laid out on the end of the table. "Probably nothing." You said, pulling off your armor as gingerly as you could manage. The soft light flickered and changed to a harsh beam when she laid you down on her exam table. "I'm not supposed to be healing anymore you know. I'm retired." She clicked her tongue at you, earning a pained grin. It was hard for you to bother a healer for any amount of time for something that you were sure was so small. But something about it stung too much for it to be just a scrape. And you knew Cassian would lecture you about it being infected if he saw through your mask to the pain. Az would force you to see one anyway as soon as he learned of it.  "You know I wouldnt be here unless I had to be, Jeva." You said through your teeth as she cut away your muddied undershirt.  "Oh, I know. That's why I have my best potions ready." She laughed, then paused. Your shirt lay limp on the table. Her eyebrows knitted together at the sight of your open wound. "Is it bad?" You asked, craning to try to look for yourself. She held you down.  "Metal. Fragments are still in here, likely why it hasn't healed yet." You relaxed at that, grateful that it wasn't worse. "Thank the Mother. Az would have yelled all night." You rolled your eyes, and sighed as she started working on you. The first part was always the worst. The stinging hot potion that made the nerves around the wound numb.  "One-" She began her countdown, then poured. You growled at her, gripping the end of the stained table hard enough to crack. "Easy..." She warned, and smoothed down your hair. She knew how to take care of her patients, that was certain. You relaxed as the stinging eased. The dull ache that it left behind turned into a bad memory.  "I'm going to extract the blade then we can close you up. Simple and easy." She picked up her tools and began tugging away at your side. You could have fallen asleep with the relief the numbing potion brought. And with her humming in the air around you, it was a struggle not to. The time seemed to pass quickly, but when the clank of the metal tools jolted you from your dozing, the tent was lit in orange from the sunset outside. "Relax, we're going to close it up now. Once the potion wears off you will still be sensitive." She placed her hands over you, and the familiar warm vibrations of her healing magic set in. Then it stopped abruptly. You cracked open an eye, then narrowed your brows at her. "What is it?" You said gently, then again when she didnt reply. She stared at you, mouth agape. Her eyes locked to yours, even when you sat up to demand she tell you what the problem was. "Am I dying?!" you took her hand gently, in case she was going to push you away.  Then she started laughing, her hand gripping yours back. The warmth glowed in your palm, the light radiating out from it was starkly contrasting the tent walls bedecked in orange. The light she emitted shot through you, and you felt the wound tingle, and seal. You stared at her in shock. That amount of healing power was incredible. Especially for field medics.  "Youre not dying, no..." She waved a hand, fanning herself. Her eyes were glassy with tears. She sniffed and clutched your hand tighter. "Quite the opposite, darling." She pulled you in for a warm hug.  + You spent the rest of the evening with Jeva. Until she got a hurried message about student healers needing help on the battlefield. You stayed in her tent as long as you could manage with the ringing in your ears. You stared and stared at the mirror across from you, showing you the bloodied warrior that you wanted to be. That you wanted to stay.  The warrior that carried the Shadowsinger's child.  The thought made tears sting your eyes. You refused to let them fall. You had been ignoring his tugs down the bond for well over an hour. You knew he was concerned, but you couldn't bring yourself to shout back down. The only thing that echoed in your mind were Jeva's words "You're pregnant..."  Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant.  You nearly punched her when she told you she wasn't joking. The only reason you even believed her was because of that powerful zap of healing she sent to you. That she sent to scan your body and make sure the fetus was okay before you even knew about it. You could barely hear half the words she said as she told you your options.  You roiled with the thought now. The Mugwart she left on the table was daunting. You desperately wanted her back. Jeva would be able to deliberate with you. You knew she would tell you to do whatever makes you happy. You knew that. But you wondered how ethical the choice that made you happy was. Bringing a child into a world of war seemed cruel. Even if it made you happy. You distantly noticed Azriel as you passed him, walking to the forest edge just passed your tent. Worry laced the bond between you. You tried not to show anything back. But you knew he felt the tension, the void there. "Where the hell have you been?!" Azriel's eyes were furious when you passed him, his wings flared out slightly. You couldnt even look at him with anger back. Your emotions ran wild. You were frozen, and as numb as the potion Jeva had given you when she began removing the blade.  "Do you know how worried I have been?! I sent Cassian to-" He tried to grab for your hand to stop you, but you flicked him away. He stopped for a moment, stunned. Then returned with more energy than before. That yawning abyss in your bond was growing darker with shame, worry and anxiety. His shadows roiled around him as he caught up. "You dont get to-" "Azriel..." You stopped in the edge of the clearing. The small meadow was silent in the darkness, not even the monsters of Prythian dared roar tonight. Your mind did all the roaring you could handle, anyway. You tried to focus on the swaying grass, on the soft smell of wet bark and pine hanging in the air.  "Dont try to excuse this I need to know you're okay and-" He stormed in front of you, ready to burst with rage. His fear always made him angry. And for good reason after losing so many close to him.  A tear ran down your cheek, your face burned hot with hundreds of feelings at once. Fear, pain, shock, joy, hope.... elation. You wanted his children. You wanted to help raise his child. You wanted to see Azriel be a father. You knew he would be the best damn Illyrian father there had ever been.  The thought hit you like a well placed punch.  He saw your paleness, your tears and stopped his yelling. You fell to your knees, the mud splattering all around you. You wanted to lay down. Lay down and think about the implications of carrying his child. Would it be good for the baby to be born at all? Just because you wanted it didnt mean it needed to happen. You knew that Jeva would give you a potion to extract it without hesitation if it was what you wished. "I'm-" You choked out, fighting the panic that flooded you. Your mind roiled with the conflict of your mind and heart. It turned you into a muddied, dark ocean on the bond. A turmoil that he couldn't see past. If you were an ocean, he was your lighthouse on the cliffside. Signaling you home.   His eyes darted to your body, to your hands and how they wrung together in front of you. "I'm sorry. I just-" He sighed and took one of your hands. "I'm sorry." He kissed the back of it and brought his forehead to yours. He normally needed a lot longer to cool down after a fight, but seeing you in tears shocked him out of his pride. "I shouldn't have said that... I know you can take care of yourself." his voice was low, and he ran a hand comfortingly down your back. A hysteric laugh bubbled from your throat. It sounded like a sob. You didn't know exactly which it was. He sat back and pulled you into his lap, despite the grass being dewey and damp. He rocked you there for a few seconds before you had to tell him. Before he could be too close if he didnt want you anymore. The doubt crept into your head, and the nerves ate at you. Your heart raced, you could feel it in your neck. "Azriel..stop." You pushed away from him, to catch his beautiful dark eyes. They were painted in a silver hue by the moon above. You took in his face, the curve of his cheeks and lips for possibly the last time. You had to consider the worst possible outcome. You braced yourself for the rejection, for the pain of his reaction. You knew it had to come out. You knew you had to say it now or you never would. Your stomach flipped over and over.  You opened your mouth, a soft sob wracking out of you before you began. He froze. Went utterly still, his shadows even stopping for a second before whirling faster than before. Your eyes went wide. His nose flared, eyes narrowed. He held you closer, sniffing at your neck. He pulled back and his eyes were even wider than before. His mouth fell open when you nodded. "I'm-" "Youre-" his face went through a whirlwind of different emotion. Then, he broke out into a small laugh. He couldn't stop. You felt the tears running down your cheeks and didnt bother to wipe them away. "Honey... I'm sorry." He stopped laughing suddenly. "What do you want to do?" His eyes were masked, his expression the most serious you'd ever seen him. His aura on your bond seemed to go completely gray and still, as if he didn't want you to see him. He masked everything. In preparation for whatever you decide. The gesture made your heart squeeze in appreciation. You stammered, resting your forehead on his. "I dont know." You muttered, voice cracking. Then, he was wrapping his arms around you in a smothering hug. When he pulled away, he cradled your face in his hands. The hands that had seen so much cruelty in his life. The possibilities of the same thing happening to your child made your heart race. "I'm here for whatever decision you make." He brushed your cheek with a thumb. You nodded and let him hold you like that for a while. Quietly rocking back and forth with you in his lap. + You were near falling asleep when the war cries rang out again. Illyrians howling for their leaders to join them. Another onslaught of death coming their way. The calls were distant, but Azriel tensed the second he heard them. Your blood went cold. He buried his face to your chest, as if he wished he could hide there. "I'm not going." He said when you tried pushing him away. "I wont leave you." He promised, locking his muscled forearms around you. The echoes of battle cries faded. He stroked your hair, and traced his fingers along your back. Then he swore. "Let me take care of this." He said, voice edged with anger. Nerves pricked at your stomach, but you stood, wobbling on your feet slightly. He took off into the night sky painted in silvers and blues by the full moon. Then came racing back down right behind Rhys. the high lord took one breath and then he was hugging his brother. Azriel shoved him off, and they shot into the night sky. Well, Azriel did. He dragged Rhys with him. Grunts of pain and fleshy sounds of punching rang out.  You followed them high into the air where they had their conversation. Your wings led you around them with ease. "Stop fighting and use your words, boys." You warned. You recognized Azriels growl and smiled to yourself as they broke apart. Rhys adjusted his tunic and cleared his throat. "I need you there. Cassian is handling the Western front, the others need a leader."  Azriel began protesting against the high lord. "I cant with my mate-" "I know it feels impossible right now but-" "I will not, Rhys-" You set your jaw. If they wanted to fight over if you needed protection or not, you would take the option off the table all together. "I'll go." you said, voice strong since hearing Jeva announce what grew inside you. Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. You shoved the thoughts away as far as you could. They both turned to you, horror striking Azriels features. "Absolutely not. No." Heat and rage flared down the bond. It made you want to defy everything he said. You locked eyes with him and glared. Rhys glanced between you with tense shoulders. He cleared his throat. "It would be a good compromise, Azriel. You can go together to the Eastern front. Think about it." He placed a hand on his brother's shoulder and gave him a grim smile.  "I wont say a word." He said, summoning the darkness around him then winnowing away. Azriel's cold eyes made him look like a statue. "Let's go." He said, and started circling lower. Back to the meadow.  "I'm going, you cant stop me from following you." You said, expecting a fight. He said nothing. You were met with that silence that drove others crazy tryin to find out what he wanted from them. The bond seemed to snap taut, then go into a relaxed state. He was hiding. You knew it, but would rather have silence and peace than him trying to fight you again.  He walked you back to the tent, and exhaustion took you under before you could remember him laying down with you. You hoped it it was exhaustion, and not whatever the baby was doing to you. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't resist the urge to cradle your belly while you slept. There was no bump, but it felt like the most natural thing to do now that you were aware of the being inside you. You slept hard, and awoke to the breakfast bell chiming. The sounds of slow footsteps marching through the mud kept you awake. Azriel was gone, but the candle on the table was lit. A note lay there waiting for you. His messy scrawl made you smile, the familiarity of his writing reminded you of the notes he would leave you when he had to leave early for meetings with Rhys. "Back by nightfall, lover. A guard is at the tent, ask her to bring you anything you need. -A" You peeked outside the tent to see Jeva there, her long fur coat shimmering in the morning light. Her breath clouded in front of her when she gave you a soft smile. "Good morning." She pulled a muffin from her coat. "Your favorite." She winked, and you pulled her inside. She had a fire roaring by the time you finished your food. "How are you not freezing?" She complained, blowing into her hands to keep them warm. You brushed the crumbs from your shirt and really took into account the changes you'd noticed lately. How hungry you'd been, how tired after the easiest days.  "Do you know... How um..." You gestured to your stomach. She gave a small smile and nodded. "Only a month or so." She said quietly. You stared at your stomach, as if waiting for something to answer you. To give some sort of affirmation that Jeva was right. She continued warming herself by the fire, and soon the tent was filled with her warm chestnut smell. Cassian entered the tent when you were starting to doze off again. The wool blanket on your lap reminded you of a time when you first met Az. Your heart squeezed at the memory of those long nights shared together by a fire. Taking your turns on watch duty. You shook yourself from the memory. Cassian froze. His face scrunched up at the sight of you. The scent, you realised. You swore to yourself, and Jeva only nodded when he looked to her. "Youre pregnant?" He asked breathlessly, and you could smell the fear and excitement coming from him. In fact, you could smell the smoked meat on his breath. And the cold air that clung to him from outside. It was refreshing, like a cool drink on a hot day amid the dry heat inside the tent. "I'm sorry, I shouldnt have.." He ran a hand through his hair, trying to remain focused.  "Its okay, Cass. What's going on? Az left me this note." You handed it to him. His lips moved as he read it. He went white as bone. Your stomach dropped.  + Azriel had gone in the night to take out the entire eastern flank with a small group of Illyrians. You felt your world skittering away as Cassian told you. Your vision went blurry, and tears fell, dripping on your hands that clenched the wool blanket.  "He's on his way here now. He had to answer to Rhys first."  Cassian waited for you to say anything. But your lips just couldnt form the words. The hurt, anger... the betrayal you felt for him going to battle without you. And defying a direct order from his high lord like a fool. "I suggest you leave before Azriel comes back. It may get messy." Jeva spoke for you, and you were grateful. You gave Cassian a nod of thanks before he turned and left. The cold wind that blew in from the door gave you goosebumps.  "Take it easy, you dont want to be too stressed." Jeva handed you a mug of tea and gave you a small squeeze. You could smell Azriel before he entered. Jeva shot him a glare, but said nothing. "I'll be in my tent if you need me." She promised, gave you a look that said 'find me after' and left. Azriel took off his armor plates one by one. A bit too slowly to be considered normal. Stalling. You said nothing. You let the tension roil out of you, let it hit him down the bond. Like a wave getting ready to break. He rolled his shoulders, stretched his wings.  The mask he wore cracked when he saw your fists balled in the blanket. "I couldnt risk you... or the babe." He tried to hide the fear that shone through. The fear of his mate or child being hurt in battle. He wouldnt be able to stand it. The fight was needed, anyway. He needed to get out his instincts to protect protect protect.  You said nothing. You let that looming wave grow larger. He sighed, and sat at the end of the cot beside you. "I'm sorry. I needed....I needed to get my head straight. I should have told you. I'm sorry." That wave crashed, not on him though. Internally, guilt and fear melting in on yourself. "I cant lose you, we... We cant." You said through your teeth, trying to hold back the tears that begged to spill over. He tried his best to hold back his surprise. "We?" He asked, a small smile playing on his full lips.  You gave him a grim smile. "If you're...ready to be a father. I like imagining you, with my child."  "Our child." He said with a bubbling laugh. You laughed with him, and it turned to hysterics.  He wiped tears from the corner of your eyes. "We're going to have a baby?" He cradled your face, looking into your eyes. You took one of his hands, and placed it on your flat belly. "Yes. We are." You said, voice quivering.  He wrapped you into a hug, and you cried together in the cot. 
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reidsnose · 3 years
love letters
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overview: spencer has a wonderful idea after finding out that reader had never gone to her senior prom
genre: fluff fluff fluff
a/n: i mixed two ideas that have been sitting in my notes app for this lol but i think its sweet!! i wrote it a little rushed and definitely not bc im not getting a prom this year due to miss rona👀 LMAO but as always please lmk what yall think ab it :)
the idea had fully occupied his thoughts the second after the words left your mouth.
it was "the buttcrack of dawn" as you had called it, though spirits were high on the late jet ride home. it was a rare but much needed positive end to the case, and everyone was happily chatting with each other. since the case was involving high schoolers, the subject fell on prom. everyone went around sharing their prom stories one by one, recalling awful dresses and questionable dates til the questions turned to spencer.
"what ab you, pretty boy, what was your prom like?" morgan asked, still smiling widely from recalling his own.
you watched spencer shift uncomfortably for a second.
"i uh..i never went to prom." he stammered, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"no! you just dont wanna tell us!" prentiss cried, throwing her hands in the air.
"i graduated high school when i was 12! why would i have gone to prom?" he reasoned.
"you had to have gone when you were older or something! everyone has!" jj countered.
"thats not true, i never went to prom either," you defended, subconsciously inching closer to spencer.
before anyone could even ask you to explain why, spencer got the idea. he mentally left the conversation after you gave your answer. he spent the whole rest of the ride home and the next couple of weeks brain storming and planning.
and casually after work one day, as he was walking you to your car, he asked you if you wanted to hang out with him that weekend; at his house.
you and Spencer had hung out before, but mostly at your house or at coffee shops; he didn't invite people over very often.
of course you agreed but you grew confused when he told you to dress fancy.
you raced home afterwards to raid your closet, looking for any fancy dresses you may have stuffed in there.
spencer spent the whole day preparing his apartment. he put up streamers and balloons. he made a playlist of all your favorite songs. and then he rushed to get his clothes from the cleaners.
and when you knocked at his door the breath that left your lungs struggled to come back after he opened the door.
he stood in a gorgeous suit, different than he had ever worn to work. he rubbed the back of his neck and gestured to the living room, revealing the adorable (albeit poorly made but its the thought that counts) decorations.
"um.. welcome to prom," he said, turning back to you, revealing a blushy smile.
he tried not to stare too much at you, but it was difficult. your eyes sparkled as you stepped inside and looked around. and the dress you were wearing fit you so gorgeously he truly couldnt take his eyes off of you.
"spencer, i..." you trailed off, enchanted by what he had done.
"sorry if it looks bad. or if you think its weird that i did this. i just thought cause neither of us went to prom maybe you wanted to have a little one with me? yeah now that i say it out loud maybe you hate it im sorr-" he rambled behind you.
you turned quickly to him as he got lost in his words, eyes glued to the floor. cutting him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as you could. you could feel the tension leave his body as he melted into the embrace, returning it gladly. he doesn't like to be touched by anyone really, except for you.
"i love it. thank you," you whispered, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
he has a spread of snacks lying out on the coffee table which he has mooved to the corner of the room to make space for a makeshift dancefloor.
he turns on the music and you two start talking and dancing and laughing. two fools with four left feet completely and obliviously in love. well, oblivious the the other anyway.
a slower song came on, an old one that you had wanted to slow dance to ever since you were a little girl. and somehow naturally you two came together, his hand dropped to your waist, the other delicately cradling your own. your other hand found its way up to his shoulder, feeling as though a magnet was pulling you two closer. and closer.
he looked absolutely stunning. the soft lights he had strung around the apartment sparkled like stars in his eyes; its was...dizzying, in the most incredible way.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the stars in his eyes he was looking at his whole world that he had been somehow lucky enough to hold in his arms.
he held his arm out, allowing you to spin and when he pulled you back both of your arms ended up wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist. you were less dancing now and more...hugging. with your head pressed to his chest, he hoped with all his might that you wouldn't be able to hear his hammering heart. you most definitely could, but it was calming to know he was as nervous as you were. you smiled, listening more to his heart than the music he had played for you.
you were both sure that you could burst from pure bliss. the song ended a little too quickly for either of your liking and reluctantly you let go of each other. and suddenly Spencer was hit with the realization that he forgot something.
"oh my gosh," his eyes widened as he looked around the room.
"what?" you asked, mirroring him and looking as well.
"i can't remember where i left your corsage! i was gonna give it to you at the door but i forgot!" he exclaimed, running around the room checking shelves.
you smiled to yourself. he got you a corsage!
"ill help you look" you decided.
"please do," he chuckled.
"i thought you had an eidetic memory, shouldn't you know where you left it?" you joked, shooting him a smug smile.
"y/n, my brain was all jumbled to day and it wasn't just from being around you," he realized what he had said and quickly turned back to the shelf he was looking at, "could you check in my room please?"
his heart was racing at his own stupidity; how could he just say that so nonchalantly? he had been planning to tell you that he liked you for the longest time he cant afford slipping up and having it be anything less than perfect.
you slipped into his room, your cheeks warm from the idea that you make his big brain all jumbled. he probably didn't mean it like that, you were just looking too much into it.
you sighed as you crouched to look under his bed for it. you found a small wooden box that you slid out from underneath. it had your name on it.
is it normal to keep a corsage in a wooden box? you wouldn't know, you never went to prom.
you shrugged your shoulders, "i found it spence!"
with out thinking you opened the box, except instead of a band of flowers you were greeted with letters, all addressed to you. there were annotations written in the margins with purple ink. you furrowed your eyebrows as you scanned the various letters.
dear y/n,
today you complimented my glasses and my heart skipped a beat. thats dumb spencer dont start like that
dear y/n,
im in love with you. too forward
dear y/n,
you make life worth living. shes gonna think youre a creep
you felt a rush of euphoria fill your chest. did he really feel these things for you? your thoughts swirled in the most wonderful way. a wide smile broke across your face, butterflies running rampage through your stomach as you reread his words. his words addressed to you.
"oh thank God i really thought i lost-oh. oh no." spencer started as he walked through the door of his room immediately walking back out. you followed, blinking your watery eyes at him. "i can explain.
"i think youve explained enough, theres like 20 letters in here!" you chuckled, flipping through them.
"i didnt know how to tell you and i dont want to ruin what we already have and i-"
"it wasnt too forward." you stated, grabbing one of the letters.
"what?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"in this one," you held up the letter, "you wrote dear y/n, im in love with you. and then you crossed it out and wrote that it was too forward but i dont think it was."
"youre not mad?"
"mad? spencer ive been trying to admit the fact that im in love with you since i realized it myself, why would i be mad?"
"youre..you feel the same way?" he looked back up at you, a hesitant smile pulling on the corners of his lips.
"more so," you beamed, stepping closer.
he wrapped his arms around you, "thats good or else the rest of this prom would have sucked."
you chuckled, pulling him impossibly closer to you as another perfect song played.
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru @sydneekomspacekru
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So for AAW this year i decided to explore some QPRs since ive never done that before (does that even qualify for AAW?). So without further ado (i'll try to keep it quick) these are the relationships that give me the strongest QPR vibes theres no particular order just a attempted color gradient
1. Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
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Ive talked about these two before for AAW 2019(?) so ill touch on them briefly (and i'll put the link in the notes). Disclaimer: This is a show that i watched in bits and pieces, almost primarily from reruns. The longterm focus of this show is clearly these two's relationship. In the beginning they were stuck together, and then they chose to be together but they still had issues, at one point they stop talking to each other (like legit didnt talk one of them moved away and they didnt stay in contact), were together with issues again, and then they were primarily okay, and at one point left/fled the country together even though only one of them had to. Throughout the show there are these spoken moments that really tell the depth of their relationship, from either them or other characters. Off the top of my head theres "you named a species of bee after me," "i think shes the person you love most in this world," "i consider you to be a exceptional person. So i make a exceptional effort to accommodate you," "this is your home," "i'll stay. Of course i'll stay," and that line in the picture. They dont seem to struggle that much when it comes to describing their relationship and believe "partners" sums it up best. They live together, see each other as the most important/favorite person in their lives, and are raising a child together.
2. Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens)
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Im not sure these two count, being not human and all. In the show and in the fandom (and i assume the book) people, and they themselves, struggle to understand their relationship and on top of that they arent supposed to be on good terms with each other (one is a angel and one is a demon). Are they friends? Enemies? Boyfriends? Best friends? Crowley at one point comes to the conclusion that never having Aziraphale in his life again is worse than the end of the world. One of the definitions for a QPR is "undefinable relationship," which fits nicely here.
3. Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim)
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Disclaimer: i havent seen this movie since it was in theaters and therefore dont remember much. If i had know what a QPR was when i saw this movie it would have made so much more sense. One of the background themes is strong relationships (you cant power the robots without it) which includes familial, platonic, and romantic. These two were left ambiguous, all the shots were framed in that typical "they're gonna end up together by the end" way only for nothing to confirm it at the end. It was wonderful. You follow two different gendered strangers who become super important to each other and share all their darkest secrets and memories and give each other soft looks to not end up dating at the end. Wether or not you see it as a QPR its a movie that doesnt erase m/f friendship and thats just fantastic.
[sorry guys its 2am now these paragraphs are gonna be a little shorter]
4. Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau (Captain Marvel)
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Before Carol disappeared it was clear she was living with Maria, her best friend, and helping her raise Monica, Maria's daughter, from a young age. Its clear her "death" greatly effected them.
5. Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater)
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I recently rewatched this show and their relationship on the surface seems like Two Kids Who Are Opposites And Dont Like Each Other Are Forced To Do Group Project type relationship but its actually so much deeper. They're roommates and best friends and each think the other one is the greatest person they know. They both have arcs centered around protecting the other. Soul states on multiple occasions that he's not into Maka, and Maka compares their partnership to her parents' marriage but never actually expects or acts like Soul is her boyfriend. Its clear they're gonna stay together for a long time coming.
6. Clint Barton and Kate Bishop (Marvel Comics)
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Okay so i could say so much on this but let me start this off with a big Disclaimer: i have not read these comics, all of my knowledge comes from fan works (like the entirety of ao3 and tumblr) and wiki pages. These two. THESE TWO. Ahhh i dont even know what to say because i dont know if this is a thing where fanon versions are entirely OOC. These guys have something like a 12 year age difference, so from the outside their relationship seems weird. People (real or fictional idr) keep trying to slot them into familial roles (big brother and little sister, uncle and niece, dad and daughter) but the truth is they're friends and partners. Ya its a little weird with their age difference but if they were both 10 years older most people wouldn't even notice the age difference. Clint makes it clear to us just how much he loves Kate. She's super important to him. Just looking for pics for this post i saw so many panels displaying how close they are. Idk if its canon or not but fanfic really gave the impression Kate basically lives part time at his place. These two give me vibes that they have the kind of closeness where they could cuddle on the couch together and it wouldnt be weird. And i mean full horizontal doing a balancing act in order to get them both to stay on the couch between the backrest and the edge so they could nap. Like if one of them was married their spouse wouldnt be surprised to wake up in the morning and find them both eating breakfast in their PJs. Like these two would kiss on the mouth but it wouldnt be romantic at all just a way to express emotion. They just give me this vibe thats led to so many headcanons and idek if its canon
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mexicancat-girl · 3 years
Sooo I read your take on the bakugou vs uraraka in the sports festival. i personally agree that you’re right when it comes to bakugou being overpowered (like when he fought todoroki, his quirk shouldn’t have worked at all with all the ice) and the fact that the females here are underrated and are not written well enough. Also I hate that fan service scene with the cheerleading outfits. However when you called him entitled and said that the narrative is favoring him, i dont agree there. horikoshi has made it blatantly clear that he wrote bakugou with the intent of making fans hate him on purpose. It’s why he’s portrayed as such a asshole in the first place, then horikoshi proceeds to show us that bakugou has complexity later on. He basically wants to humiliate him and make him slowly see his errors, and then basically give him slow character development, which is apt for bakugou since he’s been like this for 15 years. Like you said, bakugou logically should have been tired out near ochako’s fight, owing to quirk weaknesses and all, but honestly, it would also be unlikely for bakugou-trained-since-the-minute-i-got-my-quirk to also lose to ochako, owing to the fact that she wasnt as experienced as him or as physically fit, also for her to win by fighting a “weak” bakugou would make fans claim sexism too due to the fact that he still had to be weak for her to win. Also having him win again would have the same issue. So I didnt mind bakugou winning, and appreciated that ochako did her utter best to do so and nearly won, which I felt was a realistic move by horikoshi to avoid as much as possible a sexist situation. Tho not gonna lie, why isnt there another female like bakugou or todoroki in this class? Makes me upset thinking about it but like you said, horikoshi cant write good female characters, so he does as much to avoid so.  Unlike miraculous ladybug which has so much crap going on with so called female strong leads and is slowly becoming so cringey to watch.
Horikoshi may claim he writes Bkugo for fans to hate him…But Bkugo is literally a fan favorite. He keeps getting top 3 in the popularity polls, if not outright winning them. 
Bkugo is Izuku’s childhood friend/rival, making him a core part of the series. He’s inescapable if you consume the media (manga, anime, promo materials). He’s presented as an equal to Izuku, and yet never once actually respects Izuku as a person. But Izuku keeps making excuses for him, as do the other characters, painting him in a better light than what’s actually shown.
Bkugo keeps having very small glimmers of moments where it seems like he’s learning from his mistakes. But then he goes right back to square one. 
(rest under cut)
During the license exam, he storms off on his own because of his belief he’s better by himself. He ends up having a plan to work with Kaminari and Kirishima, but only because they followed him and put themselves in a dangerous situation alongside him. Then during the last phase of the exam, he tries to take things on his own again, which results in him not getting his license. 
Which is a great moment, it seems like he’s getting actual development here! He has to work on remedial exams, puts some ounce of teamwork into getting his license…but it’s all for his own benefit. Everyone praises him over out of their asses over how he’s changed during the training with 1-B, but he still treats everyone like shit. He just sees the benefit of using people on his teams to help him instead of tearing them all down, because he can’t win if he does that. 
He still makes everything about himself. Even when something doesn’t revolve around him, he keeps inserting himself into the narrative. He forces more of Izuku’s secrets from him, forces himself to be there when Izuku talks to All Might about One For All, not for Izuku’s benefit, but because he feels entitled to know about Izuku’s quirk. Even during a discussion which should center around Izuku asking questions and finding out more about his legacy and quirk, Bkugo takes the reigns and takes nearly all agency away from Izuku.
As for the Sports Festival, Bkugo would get more humbled by losing. It would show both Bkugo and the viewers that not just offense-based Quirks (or the male characters) are capable of winning fights. Things like planning and pacing yourself can help just as much. Which would tie into Izuku not knowing how to control OFA during that stage as well, using his mind and ingenuity to get himself to the Third Round without needing his Quirk. It would’ve worked really well narratively! And tied things together!
It also would’ve provided more tension for Bkugo if he’d lost the Sports Festival. When he’s kidnapped, the LOV could’ve used that loss in order to entice him to join them. The only reason he didnt join was because he thought they were ‘losers’, both because All Might stopped the USJ attack and Bkugo has a strong quirk that won him the Sports Festival. If he’d lost, he’d be vulnerable and have had do show some struggle over whether he was going to take up their offer, and gotten some character growth from that. Because he’s cocky and strong, we already know from the beginning he isn’t going to actually accept their offer in canon.
As for Horikoshi’s lack of female characters–especially those that actually battle or do anything significant to the plot–I’m not 100% surprised. Shonen anime in general has a bad track record of writing female characters, if they’re included at all in the narrative. 
My problem is that Horikoshi has a decent cast of female characters with unique powers, and he goes out of his way to sexualize them and make them damsels/nearly useless in fights and scenes that actually further the plot. Just. Goddamn, let the female characters actually do something instead of standing around being support for the male characters, or having catfights with female villains (ala Ochaco with Toga). 
Even Ochaco, the main female character of the series, barely gets any development other than “struggling with crush on Izuku” and “I saw someone die and don’t want that to happen again”. Izuku, Shoto, and Bkugo get entire character arcs and countless chapters devoted to them, and we only get a few pages for Ochaco, if we’re lucky.
Miraculous Ladybug is another beast entirely ngl. I’m not going to touch that for now.
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maccreadysimp · 3 years
breaking down this anti-ian article bc it bothers me ( from the child of a bipolar mother and a male teen with same sex attraction ) while also providing valid reasons ian sucks ( from someone who likes ian )
ive had this drafted for a while so i dont think i cover anything from season 11
tw for i^cest and r^pe
he was with a married man
in this point it points out that he was with kash and he continued his relationship with kash even after linda put cameras in the store
“Ian didn't seem to care about how wrong his affair with Kash was or how much it could hurt Kash's wife Linda, whom he saw at the store regularly. “
that is a quote from that part.
ian gallagher was fifteen in season one, kash was an older man who bought him gifts and payed attention to ian ,, that was not on ian , none of that was ian fault because he was a child
ian wasnt open with lip
“ Ian didn't tell Lip about his preferences and forced Lip to figure it out on his own. Lip was instantly accepting of his brother's truth and even offered to help him figure out any confusion he might be harboring, so it's really strange that Ian wasn't just upfront with his closest confidant from the start.”
no , lip wasnt forced to figure it out on his own and he also wasn’t instantly accepting.
in this point it mentions that ‘they’re extremely close ( bestfriends and brothers ) so its strange ian didnt tell him’
like point 1 , ian is a fifteen year old boy, growing up on the southside , and thoughout the show it has mentioned multiple times that the southside isnt that accepting
back to lip -- lip wasnt accepting, sure he was fine but ‘helping your younger brother figure it out’ by having a (female) classmate give him a blowjob isnt helping
he secretly dated his best friends brother
“Most friends have an unspoken rule about not dating each other's siblings, but Ian broke this rule by secretly entering into a relationship with Mandy's closeted brother Mickey.”
the only thing i have to say about this is , he was still with kash and mickey was a boy in his age group who was gay , growing up in the southside ian probably thought he was the token gay so of course hes going to chase after mickey
he stood by as kash attacked mickey
“Ian didn't do anything to stop Kash from shooting his new lover, and didn't even tell the police about his boss' over-the-top display of jealous action so proper justice could be served.”
okay. because two men he had fallen for had gotten into a fight, there was a gun involved and he panicked, in the end after mickey got shot he went to him
now to address the quote, he didnt say anything to the police because he probably knew that that would bring shame onto kash and his family, along with mickey and his family who are very homophobic
oh yeah and it was like 2011 and cops suck and THEY LIVE ON THE SOUTHSIDE
he and lip tried framing terry milkovich
oh the homophobic and racist dad of his boyfriend and bestfriend who tried to kill him and r*ped his daughter ?
yeah , shit man , that was real bad they shouldn’t have done that /s
he dated jimmy-steves married father
“Ian didn't bother telling Jimmy the truth about his father and didn't end his relationship with Lloyd upon finding out that he had a secret wife and family, either.”
at this point ian is probably sixteen but that doesnt matter bc i wont even address that
he met him at a club and then used his relationship with ned to make mickey jealous which was one of the reasons he kept seeing him, he didnt tell jimmy-steve about the relationship or his father bc he shouldnt find out from him he should find out from his father , again like kash, ned was an older man who payed attention to ian and ned later did develop feelings feelings for ian
he stole lips identity to enlist in the army
he enlisted because he didnt know what to do with himself, its implied/stated that the army timeline was the start of his bipolar
“While impersonating Lip, Ian had tried to steal a helicopter and then proceeded to go AWOL.”
this is because of the bipolar he suffers from, it is referenced later in the series after he gets back and hes manic
ian refused to accept being bipolar
of course he didnt accept it, it is made very clear that his family thinks lowly of monica so of course if hes the lucky duck to get what his siblings demonize her for, of course he’ll not want to be it
“He refused to take medications that could alter his personality or mood.”
okay. this is why im making this whole post, this goes along with part 15 ( or so idk ) ,,
my mother , my dear mother, who is bipolar and doesnt take her meds because they are mood altering , my mom doesnt take med because she told me once that they make her feel like shit, she told me that a little after i was born she started taking them but realized she felt nothing, she felt nothing for my dad or for i ( making her numb )
she told me anti deppresents dont help either because when shes on them and manic it pushes her past productive and into angry
my dad told me that when my mom was on bi polar medication she would seem angry most of the time
he wasnt faitful to mickey
“Ian's bipolar disorder made him very reckless and impulsive and led him to be unfaithful.”
lets break that down.
ians. bipolar. disorder.
this plot point i actually didnt like, mainly bc ian never addresses it so ill give the article a point. but then i take away 2 because they have more of a problem with his bipolar messing with him rather than the fact he never apologized and they never worked it out
ian stole yevgeny
before i start quoting i should mention because his boyfriend, who has supported and helped him is suddenly telling him he needs help, he was helping raise yev so he’ll see yev as his own
“Ian failed to recognize just how crazy he was acting...”
cuting you off right there , he was in a bipolar state, he wasnt ‘crazy’ and isnt ‘crazy’
he cant even keep count of his number of partners
just slutshaming i see
he helped throw frank off a bridge
“His relationship with Frank was understandably never the same after that, as Frank struggled to get over this act of betrayal and cruelty.”
‘was never the same after that’ frank never liked ian, ian was probably his least favorite and that point is very apparent
also , it wasnt just ian , his siblings and his boyfriend caleb
he left a healthy relationship to be with mickey
he fell in love with mickey at 15 , mickey was a comfort and always someone to fall back on, when mickey was taken away and no longer in the picture his heart still obviously was with mickey and when mickey came back he didnt know what to do
he told mickey he had a boyfriend but because mickey has been such a constant in his life he finally has back of course he couldnt resist
he liked trevor, i could tell he did but trevor wasnt the one he watched get r^ped by a russian prostitute, he wasnt the one ian was secretly dating bc it would be a death wish other wise, he wasnt the one there when ian was manic or depressive ( at the start )
he tried blackmailing an old client for money
“Instead of raising the money in an honest manner, Ian chose to visit an old client from his time working at the Fairy Tail and blackmail him into funding the shelter.”
because he felt indebted to trevor and wanted to make it up to him, it would have taken longer to do it in ‘an honest manner’ when his sister would have gotten it instead, he knew how much gay youths like he once was needed a safe place
“He grew up wanting to be nothing like his father, but this whole money-making scheme was straight out of the Frank playbook”
because thats all he knows, he grew up with that ‘playbook’ so of course hes going to take a page out of it, he is nothing like frank , franks money making schemes are selfish and for his own greed while ian wanted the money to help build a safe space for lgbt youth
he let fame inflate his ego
of course he did, hes a southside kid who was destined to fail
also it is very apparent that during the gay jesus era he went off his medication which didnt help
“Before long, he just completely forgot about his ex and focused solely on being a deity”
as much as yes, he did let it mess with his head, he was trying to still help lgbt youth and was going against anti gay churchs , in the end it didnt work out for him because he was off his meds and went over board
he stopped taking his meds
see previous point and ‘ian refused to accept being bipolar’
he actually wanted to stay in prison
because he was doing good in there
ian was helping others and was spreading awareness about lgbt with in the prison , and as him and jail scenes go , we can see people were listening to him and he was trying to make it safe sane and consensual
he let down his army of followers
“Ian admitted that most of his actions were completely irrational and the mere results of his bipolar disorder.”
he didnt want to, we can see this, because he knew he would let down everyone, his family were the only ones to ever ground him and they knew it would be the best option for his own mental health
during the gallavich wedding we can see that a lot of his supporters still have his back because they must know how hard it was for him to put all of that success on something he can’t control
he constantly wasted his potential
this is actually the only point in this article i actually agree with , so only 1/20 i agree with
his relationship with mickey wasn’t actually great
“Mickey spent the first several years of their relationship denying his feelings for Ian.”
he was raised by a homophobic and racist father who he knew would react the way he did when terry had caught the two that one day
“Even after he finally embraced his true self, Ian's bipolar disorder kept them from becoming truly happy together.”
yes but mickey was there for him the entire time and helped him through it, he told him he loved him which was really big for him and did his best to care for him
“They couldn't seem to remain faithful to each other for more than a few weeks.”
back to the point about ians bipolar but for mickey he wanted monogamy , now that scene in s11 may say otherwise but it is very clear that he wants a monogamous relationship with ian and ian ( after getting help ) wants one too, and in the later seasons they are monogamous
“When Mickey asked Ian to run away to Mexico with him, Ian refused.”
he wanted to, it’s obvious, but ian has his family and didnt want to abandon them again, i think part of him knew he would see mickey again because they always find eachother, he gave mickey all of his money and wanted mickey to have a good life
“Their relationship was simply never healthy.”
no it wasnt, but thats why the ship is great in its own way, the gay closet kid raised by a homophobic man is obviously going to have a lot of baggage , and ian who is bipolar and struggling with himself will also have a lot of baggage , but in the end they love eachother and that really shows in season five and season seven specifically
that is all lol ,,, this is long sorry
now, i am not a ian apologist , i love ian but hes a dumbass sometimes
actual valid reasons ian sucks
genuinely believes frank is worse than terry
yes frank was definitely abusive but terry is definitely worse ,,
mentally/physically/sexually abusive , the whole nine yards
terry hired a prostitute to r^pe his son , threatened to kill him and ian on multiple occasions , r^ped his daughter who ended up pregnant and is actively racist
frank on the other hand will make gay jokes but in the end doesnt give enough of a shit , he has attacked his children on multiple occasions but not to the brutality that terry has ( this isnt me excusing it )
sorry ian , terry is worse
never apologized
he never apologized for all the shit he put mickey and his family through, never apologized to mickey for cheating on him , never apologized for all the manic and depressive episodes mickey endured with him
never apologized for walking away when he couldn’t handle it, in hall of shame mickey actually acknowledges this saying ‘its youre whole MO’
debbies sexuality
he has constantly made statements saying debbie isnt gay and that bothers me because , why does it care ? as a gay man and as a gay man who soent time with a lot of lgbt youth wouldnt he support his sister even if shes just ‘experimenting’?
in the recent season he doesnt seem to care and doesn’t say anything but it still bothers me
mickey only getting like 80% of his heart
okay look , i get what ian means when he says this , everyones hes been with has made him who he is but fucking hell dude ,, shut up , thats your husband , thats the love of your life you shouldnt be saying shit like that , especially to him
and then this man had the audacity to say mickey probably feels the same about past flings when he knows that ian is the only one hes probably ever been with/serious about
obviously there is probably more but those are the main ones that come to mind
before anyone brings up the trans or bi thing im going to explain my thought process for him
like ive probably mentioned multiple times he grew up southside and obviously only ever grew up with lgb and not t ,, trevor did inform him a lot and ian became supre accepting of everyone,, sexual preference isnt transphobic but i do think he approached the matter badly
now the bi thing , legit all i think is that he doesnt hate bisexual people its just that the man he really liked slept with a woman and never expressed any heterosexual attraction so it probably just suprised him and pissed him off because caleb did cheat on ian
if you read this far HOLY SHIT THANKS LOL ,, im not adding things that i think are pro about ian this was just me breaking down that article and giving my two cents :)
feel free to message me and talk to me or send me articles like this about any other character/relationship and i will totally break that one down too lol
thanks for letting me rant
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curedeity · 2 years
for the character bingooo i don't remember what character you already did but I'm curious about Kenta and also Masamune
How do you guess so well characters id like to talk about arti???
Anyway lets start with masamune
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I have so many thoughts about masamune which is probably a surprise since hes normally more in the background in my team dungeon fics. I think its just because he fits so well into team dungeon.
I absolutely hated masamunes ass in the beginning of metal masters. I was furious he got yu (my favorite character)'s screentime and spot. He was also just annoying yknow.
But as the series progresses he actually grows. I, as a viewer, became attached to his growth.
He struggles to improve and really manages ti bring out some of the funner, more exhausted sides of characters. He forces the team to grow.
I think they make a few mistakes with him, like having his arc end in the battle against nile and kyoya only to lose against klaus and never get another meaningful win. Really felt like they just didnt know how to properly and satisfyingly balance the power of their characters.
So at this point im totally attached to him, reluctantly, and then Hades Inc arc starts and is legit the best arc in all of beyblade.
Zeo and Masamunes plot is so much more interesting than anything i thought beyblade could pull off. Two friends disconnected from each other because they both expected different things out of the friendship. I watch the show and sympathize with both of them, neither was the person the other needed in this crisis and they didnt know how to be that person, at their most fundamental character level. My only regret is that toby doesnt get more to do but i think his role as mediator is also important as showing neither of the paths taken by his friends as inherently wrong. He understands masamunes journey and appreciates zeo staying.
And then the conflict escalates until all the sides are just screaming at each other and its such a good character moment for all three of team dungeon at the time. You get to see their friendship and the mkst base aspects of their characters.
And its the final arc. Masamune is so important to the season that the final arc basically revolves around his decision (at the start of the season) to challenge gingka. Its such a full circle arc and absolutely blows me away every time i watch zeo, masamune and toby interact.
I think especially bc like, i think most of us can relate to miscommunicating with a friend. To having completely different paths we want to take and not understanding why the other isnt following us. And the emotional vulnerability of that comes out so well in this arc.
The hades inc arc made masamune in my opinion. A character cannot just be made by their traits, but by the story around them, and beyblade weaved both of these together perfectly in masamunes hades inc arc.
Not gonna talk about him in metal fury though he kinda just... exists then.
Now kenta!
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Kenta is also a character i have a ton if thoughts on, story wise, but not a lot of emotional attachment to tbh. Its weird to say that a main character "didnt get enough screentime" but i think my thing is that kenta didnt get proper screentime.
Kenta works best when he has a mentor or a rival. Metal fury does him right in this and gives him a great arc with ryuga. But before that hell have decent arcs and episodes that feel forgotten later on.
Kenta shouldve had a long running rivalry with hikaru. Kenta shouldve beaten reiji. Kenta shouldve gotten so much but the authors just throw ideas at kenta and dont let them stick.
Then he has a character identity crisis in metal fury, interrogates his kwn plotlines, and comes out as one of the strongest characters in the show.
I like kenta, hes a sweet kid and fun on screen. I wish theyd let him do more and let a plot with him stick before metal fury
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thechangeling · 4 years
Out of our heads Out of our minds
So evil writer brain decided to cook up and incredibly toxic kitty fic because apparently I'm a terrible person lol. Blame @ilikebooks8 for letting this see the light of day.
The title is based on the song Out of this world by Bush.
Cw: slightly nsfw, violence, cheating, incredibly toxic behavior, beloved characters making bad choices, and implied sex.
Kit returns.
He returns to Ty with the same dazzling smile and charming witt, only now he seems to have grown even more impossibly beautiful as time has passed.
Now he's all hard lines and defined muscles and piercing sinful blue eyes that make Ty so angry he could scream.
Kit laughs and Ty wants to tear his insides out. Wants to rip Kit's heart right out if his chest just like he did to Ty. The painful gnawing rage of a betrayal that still stings after all this time. And yet still, Ty heard Kit was in danger and he came running like a man obsessed.
Ty knows deep down now matter how angry he is, he could never let anything happen to Kit. Nothing permanent anyways. Sometimes when the ache becomes to difficult to bare, Ty imagines punching that stupid smirk right off of his face. Or choking him hard enough to leave bruises. Of course Ty would never actually do such a thing. The sight of Kit in pain, any sort of pain is just too unbearable.
And that's the worst part. No matter how angry Ty gets he knows it can't last. And no matter how painful it is to be near Kit again, he still feels this unexplainable pull. This whispering in his ear to get closer and closer. To reach out and touch.
But it's stupid, and it's wrong anyways because Ty already has someone. Anush who was by his side the whole time at the scholomance and has never betrayed him. Anush who is sweet and thoughtful and gorgeous. Ty should be happy. After all, wasn't this what he always wanted? Someone to be there for him?
So he tried to distract himself from Kit by throwing himself into spending time with Anush and working the case. That's all Kit was now, just the latest problem to solve. A supernatural disaster. They would save him and stop the oncoming war and everything would be fine.
And then Kit would be gone. Blind panic teared at Ty's insides at the thought. There were these moments with Kit where they would make eye contact, or they would bump into each other in the kitchen and their fingers would brush and Ty would just desperately want to wrap Kit in his arms again.
He wanted to ask if Kit had really meant what he said that day on the beach. Sometimes when Kit stared at him with that soft sad smile on his face Ty wondered if they were going through similar things. Sometimes Ty wanted to tell him that he wished he had never met Kit either.
Kit Herondale was dangerous and unpredictable and loving him was like holding a live wire. But funnily enough the same could probably be said about Ty. Especially lately.
He felt like he was constantly in pain. Like his body ached with invisible wounds that made it impossible to breathe. The world was brutal and unforgiving, berating him with constant noise and blinding lights jabbing hot pokers into his brain. And the people with their sickly sweet smiles as they demanded he bare his soul.
But what if there was nothing left anymore? What if his soul had died with Livvy? Ty tried to cling onto the things that made him feel better. He hid away in his favorite spot, listening to his favorite music and pouring over Sherlock. Repeating the words to himself over and over again like they could pull him out of this tailspin. Ty distracted himself with Anush's sweet kisses and wandering hands as he tried to turn his brain off for once in his life.
But his soul was screaming out for another person to be the one touching him. He wanted Kit and that was infuriating. It made no logical sense. Not only was Kit responsible for breaking his heart but he also was notorious for playing fast and loose with his own life. Ty couldn't spend all his time constantly feeling like his heart was living outside of his body. Constantly in danger of being ripped open by some dark and evil thing.
Ty had everything he thought he wanted. But it still wasnt enough.
During another sleepless night, Ty found himself wandering the institutes halls. At this point he was simply just overtired. Too many nights spent worrying or studying or reading instead of sleeping. Now his body doesn't remember how to rest. Ty was far too exhausted to operate on logic or reason so he found himself standing outside of Kit's door, wondering absentmindedly how he got there.
Ty placed his hand against the door, fighting the urge to open it and walk through. He can remember the first time he waited outside of Kit's door, just like it was yesterday. He had no idea at the time why he was so drawn to the mysterious boy who had shown up at the institute after Ty had threatened him with a knife. The boy who turned out to be a lost Herondale. And honestly after all of this time Ty still couldn't explain it.
This is a bad idea, He thought to himself as he slowly turned the doorknob. This is a terrible idea. Ty, driven by pure need like fire under his skin, pushed the door open.
Kit was awake as Ty suspected he would be, sitting by the window and staring out into the night sky. Under the moonlight he was glowing. He turned around to stare at Ty, first with a look of shock, and then that same hallow desperation Ty had been seeing on Kit's face lately.
He also looked angry.
"What the hell are you doing in here Ty?" He sounded exhausted. Ty almost felt guilty in a sense. He stared at Kit for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"I don't know," he whispered, staring at the ground. "I suppose I was compelled." Ty let his gaze slowly rise up Kit's body, drinking it in.
Kit scoffed harshly. "Compelled? By what exactly, Tiberius?"
Ty looked up at Kit's face in surprise. He rarely called Ty by his full name. Ty really didn't like how it felt. Cold and distant. Ty sighed, pushing his fingertips against his collarbone and tracing it slightly.
"I don't know. I guess I just needed to know. I need to know why you left me." Ty tried not to let himself sound desperate or weak, but he had become worn down by this point. He couldn't keep up his defenses much longer.
"Why didn't you want me?" He muttered. "Why wasn't I good enough?"
And there it was. The painful truth that Ty had been avoiding. The fact that Kit had tossed him aside just like so many had before. Like Paige. Like his father. He had always tried so hard to make people happy. To live up to their expectations. But in the end it didn't matter how hard he tried, sometimes there was just no pleasing certain people.
Sometimes it seemed like there was no point in being good and following the rules if nothing ever changed. If Ty always ended up in the same place. If people always saw him as a problem or an inconvenience or worse, then he could just live up to their expectations. Be selfish and cold and cruel because no amount of begging and smiling was going to earn him respect.
Kit glared at him in shock. "Who the hell do you think you are? Coming in here to play mind games with me?" Before Ty could register what was happening, Kit was storming towards him and shoving him up against the wall with a loud thunk.
The feeling of Kit touching him again after all this time was dizzying. Kit was shorter then him so he needed to crane his neck a little to look up at Ty, which meant that his throat was completely exposed for Ty to stare at.
"I told you how I felt and you did nothing! You ignored me!" Kit cried. "I wanted you more then I've ever wanted anything Ty! I still do!" Tears were streaming down his face. Ty stared at Kit, completely frozen. His wrists were pinned to the wall by Kit's hands and their faces were inches apart.
Ty struggled to collect himself. "I didn't know what was going on," he gasped out shakily. "I was a mess Kit. I just had to get her back. But-." He cut himself off. It was all for nothing. Ty had lost Livvy in the end and he had lost Kit as well.
Ty shook his head. "Does this mean that you love me?" His voice sounded so far away. Like the words were being pulled from some unexpected place within him. Kit let out a soft gasp and squeezed his eyes shut before fixing his expression into a blank slate. He leaned forward slightly so that their lips were just barely touching, then gently trailed his mouth across Ty's cheek to his ear.
Ty felt him smirk slightly before Kit whispered in his ear. "Go to sleep Ty. Go back to your boyfriend."
And before Ty had time to think, he was lashing out. He shoved Kit backwards as hard as he could with a snarl. Kit went flying across the room and slammed into the opposite wall. If Kit had been human it probably would have knocked him out. Ty stared in horror at what he had done as Kit clutched his ribs and groaned.
"You seriously have some anger management issues!" Kit snapped at him, glaring pointedly. Ty knew that. When he was younger he used to have fits of uncontrollable rage all the time. Words didnt come easily to him so he would hit, scratch, bite or throw whatever was closest to make people realize he was in pain. When he wanted to say "don't touch me" or "you hurt my feelings" but he just could make the words form properly, he would get angry. And then he would lash out.
Ty thought he had been getting better at managing his emotions and communicating. But there was something about Kit Herondale that just evaporated every last bit of logic and reason he had until all that was left was the urge to scream.
Ty gaped in shock, searching for the right thing to say. "By the angel Kit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that I swear!" He pleaded. His fingers were beginning to shake and flutter at his sides. He tapped desperately against his thigh, scratching at the material of his sweatpants to try and calm himself down.
Kit just shook his head and laughed humourlessly. "Honestly Ty, we should just tell the Seelie Queen not to worry. And Janus, and all the other people who want the first heir dead. You'll destroy me just fine on your own." He gaze was piercing and ruthless.
Ty's breathing was frantic and erratic as he shook in agony. He could feel he was on the urge of a meltdown.
Kit pulled himself to his feet. He stared at Ty longingly and then smiled slightly. A genuine smile. "But honestly what a way to go. Does that answer your question sweetheart?"
Ty gasped soundlessly, his hands shaking at his sides. He fought to get a hold of himself. Kit studied Ty for a moment, then slowly began to approach him.
"Why are you here Ty? Why did you come here exactly?" Kit was speaking in a soft lulling voice as if he was trying to hypnotize Ty.
"I'm here because I miss you," Ty admitted. "It's confusing. Because I'm still mad at you. But I can't stop thinking about you." Ty felt as though he was close to crying, which was concerning because he rarely ever cried.
Only for Kit.
Kit scowled at him slightly. "You're with someone else, remember?"
Guilt instantly pierced through Ty's chest. "Yeah I know, I'm a terrible person," he said bitterly. He didn't want to admit to himself that he had been trying this whole time to distract himself from Kit. That he was using Anush. But that was technically true. Ty saw the opportunity to lose himself in a pretty boy with an honest smile who loved him wholeheartedly.
Ty thought he could forget but then here he was. All roads led to Kit Herondale.
Kit sighed and reached for Ty, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. "You arent terrible. You're spiraling. And you come to me like I can save you from yourself? Please," Kit chuckled. "I can barely save myself."
"I don't need you to save me."
Kit stared at him with an expression that was hard to place. Then he smiled, but it wasnt a kind smile. It was a satisfied, knowing smirk. Kit traced his thumb under Ty's chin then back up to his lips, forcing them to part slightly.
"You think I don't know why you're here love?" He cooed in a voice that was both soothing and alluring. You think I don't know what you're after?" Kit sighed, sounding a little worn down. "If I was a better person, a stronger person. I would tell you to leave." He dipped his hands down underneath Ty's shirt.
Ty shivered at the cold feeling against his skin. He dropped his forhead down to lean against Kit's, revealing in the contact. "Lucky for you," Kit whispered against his lips, "I'm not."
Ty felt the last string of his self control snap as he kissed Kit roughly, grabbing onto his torso and pulling him closer. Kit responded to the kiss eagerly, parting his lips for Ty and laughing deliriously as their lips met again and again.
Kit was tearing off Ty's shirt as he walked him backwards, closer to the bed. As soon as he had slid it off if Ty's body, Kit tossed the shirt aside and went back to kissing him. Ty felt his knees hit the bed frame and he fell backwards onto the soft welcoming mattress, pulling Kit down with him.
Kit kissed a line down Ty's neck to his pulse point and Ty groaned, burying his fingers in Kit's curls. He was lost in a sea of pure desperation.
"Tell me to stop," Kit whispered between kisses. Ty froze for a moment. Then he understood.
Kit was giving him an out.
Ty responded by pulling Kit even closer and letting his head fall back against the pillows.
He closed his eyes and let Kit Herondale ruin him.
The morning after was the hardest. Ty pulled himself from Kit's arms and forced himself not to look back.
And that was when he finally cried.
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carllisle · 4 years
some of your favorites twilight headcanons?
thank you so much for your ask! there are a lot of fandom headcanons that i’m a big fan of! i’m sorry that these are pretty cullen-centric
fandom headcanons:
emmett calls esme ‘ma’
jacob didnt imprint on rensola. even if he DID, he never looked at her as anything more than a big brother and there was never romance between them when she grew up 
bella loved playing baseball with the rest of the family once she was turned 
leah is bisexual/gay 
after the cullens moved away from forks following bella’s transformation, they used Swan as the family alias in the next place 
carlisle should have been catholic, not 1640s-era Anglican-cum-Puritan
aro’s affection for carlisle is very homoerotic 
esme bakes/cooks for hospital and school events, so cooking for bella wasn’t totally alien for her but it was the first time in forks that they had cooked 
j*sper struggles with his thirst not because he spent years feeding on humans, or because he had such a violent life, but because of his emapathetic abilities - he feels all of his family’s thirst as well as his own, so often he is 7x as thirsty as the rest. he also has a lower value on human life than the others which contributes to it (this is supported in MS when edward mentions that j*sper  was thinking about cheating)
esme was carlisle’s singer 
carlisle and rosalie had a really difficult and strained relationship for decades but they slowly found their way to each other and developed one of the strongest bonds of the family. theyre very close and she is a daddy’s princess 
j*sper only stays with the family for alice. he doesn’t much buy into the vegetarian thing beyond the expectations of the family, and if she wanted to leave he would follow her without hesitation 
alice has studied fashion at institutions across western europe, most notably in france and italy
because the family can hide their wealth and thus do not pay their share in tax, they are big into philanthropy. huge portions of their estate goes to charitable causes, billions of dollars over the years going to environmental and social charities. each member of the family has their own areas of interest that they like to donate to (emmett donates to charities and instututions that help the working and under classes, rosalie and esme to women’s shelters and children’s hospitals and homes, carlisle to medical centres, research charities, and the arts, edward to the arts and museums, jasper to organisations that advocate for racial justice as over the years he has come to regret his particiation in the civil war and wants to do everything in his power to make it right, and alice’s interests change a lot as she cant remember a life before incredible wealth)
i also have my own heacanons that i like and havent seen others post before (although im sure that there are other people who have come up with the same ideas as me independently) 
my headcanons
esme likes to go to university as much as the others for the learning aspect, but she really struggles with her thirst probably as much as jasper. this makes her feel weak and she’s worried about risking human life so she doesnt attend college in person as much as the others (although we know she has degrees in art, architecture, and photography) 
emse has a praise kink gfdhjgkdfn shut up leave me alone 
rosalie helps esme with renovations of houses. she’s a trained electrician and can rewire a house no drama. she doesn’t enjoy it like she does electrics, but she is also good with plumbing. esme deals with the other stuff like plastering and painting and the core structure of the house 
esme and j*sper are the ones who are behind the cybersecurity of the family, and the evasion of human authorities. they are the ones who look after the finances (we know j*sper has some involvement in canon anyway, but as esme is out of work during twilight i like to think she spends a lot of her time doing this too) 
please feel free to reblog and add your own!
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
What would be your OCs ideal "meet-cute"? Like how did they plan to meet their darling in a way that would attract them to the boys? Or did it happen by pure coincidence?
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love the ask! Prepare for chaos cause I like seeing them struggle
Also omg you gave a request Im so happy I think you're so cool and i like seeing you on my notifications so please like and request more stuff if you want to ahhhh💖-
This story contains: talk of stalking, yandere behavior, talk of sex (sorry it's prince...sex is always on his mind)
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Oh he's smart
He knows exactly how he wants to set up
He first saw you in your favorite bakery and from then on it was a done deal
His five years of stalking you has paid off
He knows almost everything at this point
He wanted it to be romantic and something out of a romance movie
But- he's still a bit of a dummy at times and it didn't go exactly how he wanted it to
He's played this out in his head about 100 times, he has done everything he has to in order to get everything to work out in his favor, so why did this have to happen?
His plan was to walk in ten minutes before you did at the bakery, he would pretend to be unsure of what to get then once you walk in he waits exactly two minutes before asking what exactly you would get sounding as lost and clueless as possible
out of the kindness in your heart you will respond and he will charm his way to getting your number, even though he already has it. That was the plan but you never did show up to the bakery so he panicked and went to your house to look for you
Were you kidnapped? Sick? What was going on?! He has rushed to your place now right infront of the door only for it to swing open and for you to crash into him falling ontop of him, okay?
You were frazzled and flustered, you must have woken up late. He looked at you and felt his cheeks turning red as you scrambled up and he picked up his glasses
"i-im so sorry! I just crashed into you i didnt see you"
This wasn't exactly how he expected it but he can use this, sure it wasn't the same but it was alright he can work with this.
"ah, it's quite alright. Though I'm sorry to say but my ankle isn't doing so well"
"holy shit, I'm sorry! So you need help?!"
You helped him up and as theodore leaned on you slightly he shuddered at the scent of you, absolutely delicious.
"sorry, I'm so rude I'm theodore"
"I'm the rude one here, it's [y/n]. do you live around here or something? I feel responsible so let me help by getting you home"
Theodore smiled and adjusted his glasses as he faked the pain in his ankle, it was a little embarrassing having to pretend to be pathetic but his first plan flew out the window and this was all he had left
"live just down the road, thank you for such kindness"
He smiled and knew that he wormed his way into your life, sure it wasn't how he wanted but he was in no rush.
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He has to be careful
He's famous after all
He has an image to maintain so he can't be all creepy and stalk you
He pays people to do that
He first saw you at one of his photoshoot sites and he just couldn't help but fall
He really honestly just wants to walk up to you and say hi
But a crowd of people would be on him I minutes so maybe not
He decided to wear a hat and mask
He honestly is so self centered he just wanted to say hi and expected you to swoon
Hikaru adjusted the mask now walking into the book store where he saw you walk into just moments before, plan was to casually find you and bump into you before revealing himself and next thing you know you are jumping into his arms!
So he did just that, walked into the book store, saw you and "accidentally" bumped into you causing the book in your hand to fall
"oh I'm sorry, how clumsy of me"
"no no it's fine! Accidents happen y'know?"
Hikaru smirks before pulling down his mask while picking up the book, his eyes shining with a charming gaze as he looked at you
"how about I make it up to you with some yummy food"
"oh! You're that model from the magazines!"
Yeah baby now come jump into-
"that's sweet but I'm good it's truly fine"
Excuse me bitch?
Hikaru felt his body twitch now fighting the urge to turn his charming grin into a harsh scowl, what the actual hell!? Do you not see how hot he is?! God why the fuck did he fall in love with such a dumbass?!
"o-oh well, how about I pay for your book? I like this book as well so it's only fair"
"you like 'elmo goes to wonderland?'"
Hikaru twitched once more as he glanced down at the book you had dropped and felt his eye twitch with annoyance, why were you buying this?!
"it's for my friend's sister if you were wondering, if you're still up for it let's have that food I want some red bean buns!"
Okay..so that worked?!
Hikaru didn't understand why him being a total idiot wooed you but okay?!
"names [y/n] by the way, I'll let my friend know that you love elmo I'm sure she has more books for you"
Your joke wasn't funny and hikaru now wanted to kiss and strangle you at the same damn time. He feels so embarrassed but at the same time happy.....but the real thing he's thinking is why the hell did I fall for this idiot?!
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Okay so he really just wanted to get into your pants
Like really wanted to get in there
Until he started to stalk you and saw how you acted
That's when he fell for you
He has no idea how to court anyone so he has no idea what the hell to do
This was a whole different game that he didn't know how to play
You were different than the strippers and party loving people he hangs with
You two met out of pure fate
Your friends were forcing you to go out for your birthday to a bar
The bar he worked at
His heart was about to burst
He wanted to say hi soooo bad but your friends were flirting with him hard
He figured if he got them drunk they will pass out
So he did exactly that while leaving you tipsy
He's been bartending for a while so he knows how to do this kinda stuff
Once he strikes up a conversation with you he's so happy
"so, you don't exactly look like one of my normal customers"
"what exactly does your normal customers look like?"
Prince grinned at you as he fixed you another drink before placing it infront of you, giving you a sly wink
"nothing like you doll face, you're too cute and I've never seen your face trust me I would remember a face like yours"
He prayed to God his flirting works cause that's the only trick he's got. He watched you laugh as you took a sip of your drink and he knew he wanted to marry you on the spot
"smooth, but you'll have to try a little harder than that"
"alright well, what's your name?"
"[y/n], why whose askin?"
Prince flashed a huge grin as he leaned down his arms rested against the bar as he eyed you up and down.
"prince is the name, so ever wanted to get behind a bar before?"
"won't you get into trouble for that?"
"I won't tell if you won't"
Sexual tension was HIGH
Prince was ready!
then..you fell asleep
Damn it he got you too drunk, with a long sigh he leaned back now feeling the biggest blue balls in his entire life, he decided it was time to take you home so he did exactly that.
Getting into your place was far too easy and he reminded himself that when you two stsrt dating he has to tighten security around here, he laid you in the bed before placing a soft kiss onto your cheek and leaving but not before writing his phone number and name on a napkin and placing it on your nightstand
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Okay so I've talked about how dumb axis is
But he is like...reallllyyyyy dumb
Poor boy was so excited when he first met you before falling in love
He met you at an art store
He needed help on picking the right color and you popped up
Your voice made him giggle and your smell made him drool
He was in LOVE!
He wanted to meet you again
So he showed up at that art shop every single day listening for your voice and hoping to smell that amazing scent
After six months of actively going he almost given up..until
"excuse me, where are the paint buckets?"
"oh! Right this way!"
Axis perked up as he heard footsteps and the soft scent filling his nose, you! It was you! It had to be you! You were here!
He slowly followed your scent hearing you talk to the worker before hearing the worker's footsteps vanish, he was panicked! Did he look okay?! Did his eyes look weird?! He made sure to wear his sunglasses but they weren't all too tinted..what if you see his weird fish eyes!
All this panicking made him start to shake and he soon heard a voice break him out of it
"excuse me, are you okay?"
He tensed up and snapped his attention onto that voice, that angel of a voice. That voice that could make him do anything it could ever want, you were infront of him and he loved it
"y-yeah! Sorry! I'm just panicking cause I don't know which paint to buy, being blind has its limits haha"
"oh, well I can help if you need?"
He gave an excited nod and you did exactly that just like you did six months ago, it was magical
"what do you need paint for?"
"oh I just moved into a new place"
You moved? He didn't know that, he doesn't know anything about you, he wants to know everything
"oh, well I'm an artist haha, weird yeah?"
"well I don't think it's that weird, it's actually really impressive"
Axis held in every tear he could as he decided to ask the age old question, the question he wanted to know for six months
"what's your name?"
"oh! Sorry! It's [y/n]"
What a pretty name, a name he wanted to now write over and over again, when you asked his name he of course gave it to you before throwing an opportunity out there hoping you take it
"if you ever need help painting your house, I can help out trust me I'm awesome with a brush!"
"I would actually like that, when are you free?"
That's how he ended up in your home, and into your life.
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He literally just walked up and said hi
That's it
He saw you and was like "oh okay let's do this now"
He has no grace he doesn't usually plan things out he just goes and see how it works out
As a person who is a mute 80% of the time talking with you was a little awkward.
He gave off a lost puppy type vibe
Yuki usually would never come to an arcade, but he wanted to win the giant stuffed cat that they had at the prize booth it was so big that they simply had a picture of it..it would make a wonderful place to sleep on
It costed so many tickets though so he had put his entire paycheck into that card to hopefully win as much tickets as he could. That's when he met you, you were absolutely killing it on one of the zombie games and honestly it looked super cool
He walked up to the machine before swiping his card and picking up the player two gun, without a single word he started to play as well. The silence was awkward for sure but it was you who broke it
"wow you are actually pretty good, you play a lot?"
His short one word answer made you think that he wasn't really wanting to talk so you were about to leave when he simply swiped his card in the player one slot before handing you the gun once more, with a grin you stepped back up and continued to play
You would ask him questions and get one word responses back or even just sounds filled with emotions, you quickly realized that he just was a man of few words
Yuki had been swiping his card for the both of you so when the time came that he was tapped out a look of shock filled him, he was about to go out more money in but it seemed like the store was closing
"well, I better g-"
You were cut off with him grabbing your hand and pulling you to the prize counter. You followed as he gave the worker the card and got exactly what he wanted...the softest, warmest, biggest plushie ever!
As he hugged it close he watched your eyes soften at the sight of it and you were in awe. He glanced at the plushie, then back at you, then back at the plushie
With that he handed the plushie to you watching your eyes grow big as you hesitantly reached out to it
"you're giving it to me?"
He nodded softly as he watched you hug it close
"are you sure?! This is the most expensive thing in the prize corner, I don't even think you can get another one! Are you re-"
"take. It."
You nodded and flashed him a huge grin before you watched him take out a pen and write on the plushie's tummy in big letters
'yuki: XXX-XX-XXXX'
"that's your name? Yuki..well yuki I'm [y/n]! I'll be sure to send lots of pictures of our new baby! Figured we can have joint custody hmm?"
Yuki have another nod as you both started to walk out, he didn't feel mentally exhausted when he was around you. You were definitely special and he wanted to know more.
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
The chase - Zoro x Reader
One Piece of summer challenge - week 2
Henlo everyone! This is part of the challenge hosted by @doctorgerth​ & @laws-yellow-submarine​ 
I’m attempting all 11 weeks, 11 different prompts and 11 different characters! Enjoy! lets pretend i didnt wait all week till it was monday so i could post UwU week 3 and 4 are almost ready too 🙈
Prompt: Seagulls - Character: Zoro - Word count: 1.5k 
2nd person. Female reader. No other warnings. Inspired by this tweet. 
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The Sunny was docked on a nice island and Nami had used her trustworthy straws to decide who was going to do what in terms of chores. Sanji volunteered to get food supplies, which everyone approved of, and the straws decided Luffy and Chopper would come along. Franky, Brook and Robin were appointed to stay and watch the Sunny, which meant Zoro, Nami, Usopp and you could explore the island a little. You cheered inwardly, this meant you could have an actual date with Zoro that wasn’t ‘let’s take a nap together and cuddle’, however nice those moments were, you wanted to actually DO something together. 
The moment you left the Ship, Nami was on her way to the stores, dragging a complaining Usopp behind her, someone had to carry her shopping bags after all. You just grabbed your green haired boyfriend by the hand, knowing that if you didn’t do so, he’d wander off alone and the date would be ruined, and made your way towards the center of the village, seeing if there were some nice things for the two of you to do or see. 
Luck seemed to be on your side, as there was an entire summer market set up, full of handmade artisan goods as well as plenty of food stalls with local dishes. Now Zoro wasn’t as big a glutton as your captain, but he definitely wouldn’t say no to some snacks, especially not after he spotted a stand with local liquors to accompany your food. 
A plan was quickly made: you both got around all the food stalls, taking small portions of all the things that seemed tasty, which was nearly all of them, and then some bottles of liquor you had never tried before. Both your arms full of bags, you made your way to the beach, deciding that a romantic picnic under the sun would be a good idea for the both of you. 
The beach was empty, even though it was nearly perfect weather. The sun stood high in the sky, shining brightly, but not too harshly, and the water was blue and clean. The beach itself had very soft, nearly white sand, that wasn’t too hot, at least, that was if you took a spot that was in the shade. Seagulls were circling above the beach and the ships that were docked a little far away, with some of the birds walking on the beach in search for some lost food. It seemed like most people were at the market, making it easy for you to find a secluded spot in the shade, where you would be able to eat, share some kisses, drinks and cuddles. 
The two of you sat down, tasting the food, playfully feeding each other, testing some of the liquor and deciding that your absolute favorite of the local snacks were some kind of tiny dough balls, filled with various savory fillings. Every single one of them was an adventure, because the fillings were a mystery and Zoro and you decided to keep your favorite out of all the drinks together with these dough balls for last, just so you could slowly enjoy them to the fullest. 
A little over an hour later, nearly all snacks were gone so you grabbed the leftover dough balls, nudging your green haired boyfriend.
“Okay, open up” 
He rolled his eyes, as he always did when you ordered him around, but complied nonetheless. You were about to feed him one of the snacks, when a seagull suddenly dove down, almost like a hawk, and picked the snack right out of your hand. 
“Hey! Stupid Chicken! Give that back!” 
Zoro could only snicker as you yelled at the seagull, now flying away with the dough ball in its beak,and you looked back at him, pouting. 
“I’m sorry”
“don’t be sorry, there’s still plenty of the things. The stupid bird can have one”
You giggled softly, grabbing another dough ball and tried feeding it to Zoro. 
Again, a seagull dove down, imitating the previous one, snatching the delicious ball out of your hands again, this time followed by a bunch of others, stealing all the leftover snacks you had. Zoro angrily swatted at the annoying birds, while you yelped out in surprise, getting a few scratches from some overeager beaks and claws. 
It was all over in a few seconds, and the moment the chaos ebbed away, the both of you noticed one seagull a few metres away from where you were sitting, still shocked from what just had happened. The seagull was holding one of the dough balls in its beak, almost as if it were taunting you. The relaxed attitude Zoro had only a couple of minutes ago was now completely gone as he gritted his teeth in anger, all his chagrin aimed at the bird who was still staring at the two of you, as if it was waiting to see what you were going to do. 
Zoro wasn’t one for elaborate dates, but man, he was having some relaxed fun with his girlfriend, without the constant noise of the crew around, and he’d be lying if he didn’t say that he didn’t enjoy it. He’d be damned if he let some stupid birds ruin the day, and instead of shooing away the bird,like any reasonable person would do, his instincts were faster than his brain, and he charged at it. 
The seagull was a little faster, flying away, but instead of flying to the sea, it made way for the village, and Zoro just ran after it. 
You blinked. Once, twice, before you realized what just happened. Zoro, your boyfriend whose inner compass was basically a straw duct taped onto a stale cookie, ran into a city you’ve only been too once before about 2 hours ago, and he was all by himself. He was going to get so lost. You gathered your stuff and started to run in the general direction of where he had gone off to, hoping you’d spot his green hair among the crowd soon. 
The market was still ongoing, the crowds making it harder for you to quickly make your way through the streets. No sign of your boyfriend either. You crossed the main town square, past the market, and tried some different streets, but to no avail. 
You were about to give up when you suddenly heard “got you, you stupid feathered bastard. This shall learn you to ruin my date. Maybe I’ll give you to that perverted cook, he’ll make some nice chicken nuggets out of you”. You looked up, the sound came from above, and lo and behold, there was your boyfriend, standing on top of a roof, holding a very confused seagull in two hands. The bird was not even struggling, probably wondering how it was even possible that a human plucked him out of the air. 
“Zoro?! How did you get up there?” Zoro seemed just as surprised to see and hear you as you had been to spot him. He jumped down from the roof, right in front of you, still holding the bird, who was now looking at you. 
“I got the bastard that ruined our date”.
He held up the seagull proudly for you to see. You just giggled in response. 
“What are you gonna do with him? He looks confused... too skinny to make ‘chicken nuggets’ out of as well”
Zoro looked at you a little embarrassedly before grinning. 
“Well.. I did show him”
“Yes babe, you showed a poor seagull that you were stronger” 
At this point you were full on laughing. With how strong and bad ass your lover was, you sometimes forgot he could also be a complete dork. And an impulsive one at that. 
“I think he has learned his lesson”, you said, gesturing at the bird. 
“yeah...”. Zoro let go of the seagull and it flew away immediately, determined to get away from these strange, strong humans. 
“Let’s get back to the ship, we were only meant to go out for a little while and I don’t want anyone to get worried about us.” 
Zoro nodded in agreement and took your hand. He didn’t make a move though, waiting for you to lead the way as you always did whenever you two were in unknown terrain. If he lead the way, you wouldn’t be back at the sunny before nightfall. There was only one little problem. With you frantically looking for him, you had not paid attention to which streets you wandered into at all. 
“I have no idea where we are”, you admitted, looking around to see if there was any spot you recognized from earlier. 
“No worries, then I’ll lead the way”, Zoro said confidently before he started walking. Only 2 thoughts went through your head at that moment: Shit. It was gonna take a while to get back. And two, more quality time. Thank you stupid chicken. You softly squeezed his hand as you walked along with a smile on your face. Worst case, the crew would come look for the two of you. Until then, you’d enjoy your date for just a little while longer. 
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