#cami deserves all the hugs and attention
anyways, kisses aside, i think maximila (? is that a thing kfjssj) deserve more attention. their dynamic is super fun and sweet! we all know that franletta are on another level and in spite of cami being in the trio, fran & vilu have a unique connection so sometimes it feels like cami is kinda third wheeling. but on the other hand, she and maxi also have a special relationship and it's truly amazing. i love them sm.
they always support each other and tell everything. they're always hugging, spending time together, practicing, gossiping etc etc 🥺 honestly, friendship goals
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terbibi · 2 years
“You know that you’re adorable, right ?”
camilo x fem. reader
he/him for Camilo she/her for [Name]
Warning: Camilo is a Little bit angry sometimes.
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"Does he know we're dating?"
"No, but he suspected it."
There was a silence, [Name] looked sad.
Camilo hated that sad look on [Name]'s face, he hated to see her sad, it made him think he wasn't enough for her.
"Think of something to make her smile fast "said a little voice in his head.
He kissed her.
He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to his chest.[Name] was a little surprised but she kissed him back, locking her arms around Camilo's neck.
(Author's note: I forgot that [Name] is carrying a basket, let's say she has left it on the floor).
The kiss lasted 3 or 4 seconds, when they broke apart they said nothing, just looked at each other passionately and [Name] leaned in again to kiss him.
The rest of the afternoon they spent at the river, saying in each other's ears how much they love each other, hugging, kissing...long and short kisses. Giving all their love for each other.
In all their appreciation and happiness they didn't notice someone looking at them angrily from the bushes.
"Camilo Madrigal." Sam muttered clenching his fists "[Name] prefers that shitty-hair!?"
Days later, Camilo and [Name] were in a forest, preparing a picnic. [Name] had prepared some delicious arepas with cheese!
They had a great afternoon, eating and talking about their day. As they were packing up, Sam slowly approached. They didn't notice his presence until he was just a few steps away from them.
"Good afternoon."
"Ah- Hi Sam" stammered [Name] uncomfortably.
Camilo stood a little uncomfortably, not knowing what to say.
"Well, this is the famous Camilo Madrigal" Sam looked Camilo up and down and made a disgusted face.
"You deserve better my dear" said Sam to [Name].
"Hey I didn't say anything bad to you! What do you have with me?"
Sam ignored Camilo and turned his attention to [Name] again.
"Well you've never had good taste in picking and choosing, [Name].
Camilo stood in front of [Name] angrily.
"Don't you dare talk to MY GIRLFRIEND like that."
[Name] stood next to Camilo in annoyance.
"You don't have to defend me from him, I can do it myself, Camilo."
Camilo looked at [Name] confused.
"Wait, now I'm the villain?"
"You always have been shitty-Hair" Sam scoffed.
"Shitty-hair?! You're gonna see what it's like to be in trouble you idiot!"
"ENOUGH!!!" [Name] shouted putting himself between the two.
"Sam you have to understand when you've lost a battle!"shouted [Name] at Sam angrily.
[Name] stormed off leaving the boys confused.
"Amor! [Name]! Don't go, cariño!" Camilo shouted, but [Name] didn't stop, she kept walking away.
"Look what you've done Madrigal.She will get tired of you and your family. She will come with me."
Camilo noticed the anger rising in his body. He turned around and glared hatefully at Sam walked over to him and grabbed his shirt to punch him.
Then the memory of [Name] and him kissing in the river came to his mind.
"[Name] wouldn't want this."
He let go of him forcefully, making him fall to the ground.
"Don't come near [Name] again if you don't want trouble, you bastard."
Camilo ran in the direction [name] had gone but didn't find her.
He spent several hours looking for her but did not find her. He didn't want to give up, but it was getting dark and he had to return to Casita so as not to worry his family.
But he didn't want to go to sleep without settling things with [Name].
"where are you amor?"
Suddenly he realized how dumm he had been!!!! The river!
He ran fast to the river, he saw her sitting on the bank.
"Amor!!!He called out to her and quickly sat down next to her "I was looking for you! I'm so sorry for everything that happened before!"
He took her hands and kissed them softly. But [Name] didn't answer. Camilo got inside the River so he could look at her from the front. The water covered him up to his knees but he didn't care.
"Cami...You're wetting your pants."
"That doesn't matter to me now cariño.I care about you."
[Name] blushed and looked into his eyes.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me you're okay" [Name] said Camilo very serious.
"I'm fine Cami" [Name] said smiling. "Get out of the water, Pepa is going to be mad" They both laughed and walked together to Casita, at the entrance, [Name] pulled Camilo's poncho.
"I'm sorry I left," [Name] said, embarrassed.
Camilo smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"It's okay, but don't forget the most important thing "Camilo looked into her eyes.
"I love you amor, you are my life."
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Title: I Got You** {One-Shot}
Lewis Tan x Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Fluff, Mild to Moderate NSFW, Mild to Moderate Smut
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Lewis takes notice that you’re having a hard day, so he pushes everything to the side to make it easier.
Note: This is for @munteanhorewrites I hope this make you feel all fluffy, doll.  💜💜
 ***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
 ***Mildly Interactive***
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The way you kissed him goodbye this morning was weighing heavily on his mind. He was so in tune with you that it was easy for him to decipher how you felt. Depending on the kiss he got, he could determine if you were happy, feeling flirtatious, sad, angry, or even annoyed. This morning’s kiss was a detached one that left the taste of melancholy on his lips. He’d wanted to pull you back to him and badger you until you told him what was wrong, but time was once again against him.
 Four hours into this shoot, and he was still at it. He’d never had more than fifteen minutes to himself, and even then, he was still working. Either it was doing small interviews and web appearances, or it was answering emails. He always tried to find a balance in his life. A balance to give you the attention you deserved, but the last few months had been difficult because his name was coming up more and more for potential roles, which meant many more meetings.
 Finally, with some time for himself, he dialed you. After three rings, you picked up.
 “Hi babe,” you said, your voice low and dejected.
 “Hi, princess. How are you?”
“Eh--,” you began on a sigh. “I’m okay. I’m just sitting on the balcony with Bear.”
 “Is she keep you good company until daddy comes home?”
 “Yeah, she’s always so sweet to me.”
 Even your voice now didn’t sound like your usual self. He could feel something was off.
 “What’s wrong, princess?”
 Again, you sighed, but you didn’t speak right away. Instead of speaking, he patiently waited for you to be ready to talk about it. He knew better than to force you to open up. You’d do it in your own time. After almost a minute, you spoke.
 “It’s just one of those days, I guess.”
 “Yeah? Tell me about it,” he coaxed on.
 “I just feel at a crossroads, I guess. I don’t know how to explain it. I feel all over the place, but like I’m standing still. I don’t even know if that made any sense.”
 He could hear the struggle in your voice and even felt the chaos going on in your head. His heart sunk, and just like that, his decision was made.
 “It made sense. How about we talk about it when I get in?”
 “Sure, baby, I’m sorry I don’t mean to bring you down while you’re working,” you began before he quickly shut you down.
 “I don’t wanna hear you say that again. You never bring me down. You’re the reason I’m always on cloud ten.”
 You snorted. “Babe, you mean, cloud nine.”
 “Nah, I said what I meant, princess. Cloud ten. You got me walking in the sky on a whole different level than anyone else. They wish they were me.”
 “You’re so silly. Get back to work,” you teased.
 “Yes, baby.”
 “I love you. You know that, right.”
 “I know, babe,” you began to brush off.
 “No, I don’t think you do, but you will by the end of the day,” he finished.
 Once he ended the call, he got on the phone with his people to cancel the rest of his day. He didn’t care what it took. He had no intention of working for the rest of the day. It was strictly for you.
 Once the photo shoot was finished, he made a few quick stops to pick up things he would need. Plenty of your favorite candles. An overflow of your bath and body products from Lush. Your favorite order from the Japanese restaurant you always craved. Several servings of your favorite dessert and a few gifts. When he made it home, it almost six. Before bringing in the bags, he tracked you down, finding you still on the balcony in the bedroom.
 “Hey, baby.”
 Your smile was bright, but it never reached your eyes. “Hi.”
 He kissed your forehead, then your cheek, then your lips. “You smell like cotton candy, vanilla, and sugar. Where’ve you been?”
 Trying not to seem suspicious, he shrugged. “I just picked up a few things from the store. Have you eaten today?”
 You leaned back and hugged Bear closer, who was trying to reach him. Bending down closer, he allowed her to lick along his jaw.
 “Hi Bear, how are you? Have you been taking care of our lil’ mama? Yes, you have. Such a good girl.”
 For a few moments, both of you snuggled and scratched behind Bear’s ears, showering her with the same affection she always showed both of you.
 “So, did you?”
 “I had some tea and a muffin earlier.”
 “Princess,” he began scolding before you sighed then pouted those perfect lips.
 “Don’t be mad at me,” I couldn’t take that too.”
 “No baby, I’m not mad. I just don’t like it when you don’t take care of yourself. You mean everything to me, and I need you around.”
 You felt your heart swell from his words. You knew you meant a lot to him, but hearing him voice it always made your heart skip a beat. Turning around with the chair back between you, you flung your arms around his neck, holding him closer.
 “I love you.”
 “I love you too, princess,” Lewis whispered back.
 That was when you let everything out. You told him about the sleepless night you’d had, which he wasn’t even aware of. You told him about your worries, your fears, the anxieties that had reared their ugly heads, and held you captive all day. You held nothing back. The deepness of your anxieties and pain had him pulling you out of the chair, so you straddled him on the floor. He held you as you cried and let you use him as your teddy bear for as long as you needed.
 Once your sobs subsided, he proceeded to tell you all the things he loved about you, beginning with your kind and giving heart, the one he fell in love with first. He told you how much he loved your sense of humor and intelligence and loyalty to those you love. He even revealed a few secrets he’d held on to since the beginning of your relationship that would have told you how completely wrapped around your finger you had him. Nothing was off limits. He let it all out.
 By the time the sun had set over the horizon, you were staring at each other, neither in a rush to move or do anything else. He almost forgot about the night he’d planned—almost.
 “Give me ten minutes. I’ll be right back,” he said, kissing your nose and placing you on the floor.
 He rushed around your home to gather the bath products he’d bought and brought them into the bathroom to fill the tub. As he filled it, he didn’t think much of what ingredients were meant for what; all he cared about was the scent. He knew which scents would help with stress and mood, and those were the ones he focused on. As the water filled and the bath bombs fizzed out, he placed the candles around the bathroom and lit each one.
 Once he was sure everything was perfect, he went back to your bedroom and found you right where he left you, again with Bear in your arms. She loved the attention. Slowly he covered your eyes and led you to the bathroom, all the while you softly giggled.
 “What are you up to?”
 “Nothing. I just want tonight to be all about you. I want you to truly feel loved, taken care of, and safe.”
 “Aw, babe.”
 When he lowered his hands from your eyes, you gasped and brought yours to your mouth.
 “Oh my god, Lewis.”
 Before you was such a lovely sight, it brought tears to your eyes. The soft glow of the plethora of candles that were decorated around bathed the room in a romantic aura that had butterflies filling your belly. When your eyes dropped to the tiled floors, you found red and white rose petals leading to the back of the bathroom, where the dark bamboo colored flooring held the white porcelain tub.
 The tears in your eyes welled to capacity. Lewis dragged the pads of his thumbs just underneath your eyes to sweep them away.
 “Come on.”
 He led you along the flower path to the tub. The scent of plumeria, gardenia, vanilla, brown sugar, and a few other scents wrapped around you, making you moan.
 “Babe, this is so sweet,” you whined. When he smiled and showed off those adorable dimples, you playfully dug your pointer into them, deepening them.
 “Come on. Let’s get you in.”
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Lewis stepped behind you, undid your robe, and helped you into the tub. As you sank down, you sighed out, relishing the feel of the hot water on your skin. Once you sat, you stretched and dipped your back to rest your neck against the cushion there.
 “Is it good?”
 “Yes, baby, thank you.”
 Instead of leaving, Lewis went behind you, sat on the raised portion of the floor, and picked up your bath gloves.  When you felt him begin to bathe you, you melted.
 “You’re going to give me a bath?”
 “Yep,” he replied.
 “Sure, you can handle that?”
 His smile was wide before he bit his bottom lip. “You know how focused I can be when I have a goal.”
 “And what’s the goal, baby?”
 Your eyes met. “The goal is to have the love of my life feel like the queen she is. So turn around, lay back, and let daddy do all the work.”
 You did as you were told, and Lewis did as he promised—he did all the work. Lewis rubbed your muscles and massaged out all the kinks and lumps your body held with expertise. You always knew he was good with his hands. He could handle every weapon with ease and skill. That skill didn’t stop there; it stretched far beyond martial arts and weaponry. By the time he’d drained the tub and rinsed your body off, you could have floated away from how lite you felt.
 He left you for a few minutes leaving you to wrap in a towel and make it back to your bedroom where you found your stock of body products replenished with a sweet note and gift box. Inside the gift box were a new robe and a sexy cami and short set. After lathering your skin with the lotion that smelled like coconuts, roses, and cocoa butter, you put the items on. When you turned around there, Lewis stood leaning on the door jamb, just quietly watching you.
 “How long have you been there?”
 “Since you popped that delectable thigh up there,” he said, nodding to the bed.
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Smiling, you tried not to feel embarrassed. He’d been watching since the very beginning and hadn’t made one sound.
 “How many times have I told you not to used your creepy martial arts stealth against me,” you teased as you walked across to him.
 “Once or twice, but I get the best shows when you don’t know I’m there,” he cooed into your ear before he placed and kiss on your neck.
 “Mmm, you smell so good,” Lewis added, biting your shoulder, making you moan and melt against him. His hand slid down the curve of your back to grip your backside, again making you moan.
 “I like this,” he huskily mentioned.
 “Not sure who you bought it for, me or you.”
 Lewis’s grip tightened on your flesh, pulling you closer so you could feel the beginning stirs of his arousal.
 “Mmm, is that also for me?”
 You lifted a leg and wrapped it around him, making his grip change, so his fingertips gently brushed your sex. The action made both of you groan. When you felt his member thicken even more, you slipped your hand between you to rub your hand against his crotch. Lewis sucked in a breath, then grunted.
 “Behave, princess,” he said before you felt him pinch your clit, sending a hot red blaze of desire through your body.
 Lewis lowered your leg, turned, and led you out of the bedroom and down the stairs. When he brought you into the living room, you stopped in your tracks to find the biggest pillow and blanket fort you’d ever seen. Excitement bubbled in you, which had you jumping and screeching as Bear scurried by your feet.
 “Oh my god, baby. A pillow fort? Aaah!”
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With that, you ran around the living room, looking at everything he’d managed to do. It was a small thing, but he knew how much you loved cheesy things like this. When you rounded to him, you leaped into his arms, wrapping your legs around him.
 “Oh, baby, thank you. I love it,” you said, kissing all over his face.
 “I’m glad you like it. It’s gonna stay up the whole week. It took forever.” Your smile was wide before you kissed him once, then twice. On the third kiss, you delved your tongue into his mouth and took control of a kiss you hoped showed him how much this and he meant to you. Lewis moaned on your mouth before his hands dropped to cup your ass. As if unconsciously, he angled you against his need, and in seconds you were making out and moaning. Lewis was the one to abruptly pull away and groan.
 “Let’s eat.”
 Dinner was amazing and perfect. While you ate, Lewis gave you complete control over what you watched. Not wanting to make him sit through some super sappy romance movie, you chose something with a good mix of action and romance. By the time you moved on to the second movie, dinner was finished, and you’d moved on to dessert. Again you melted when you saw just how much trouble he’d gone through for you today. The second gift he gave you was a gold bracelet with a heart with your first initial and his together, and the mandarin word forever etched on the back. That was when stray tears rolled down your face, to which Lewis whispered nothing but words of love, infatuation, and desire.
 Halfway through their third movie, your hands began their search for the warmth of his flesh. It didn’t take long for your search to go from innocent to complete debauchery.  You could tell your touch was having an effect when Lewis’s breathing sounded more and more labored, and the speed of his heartbeat increased underneath your cheek. The way his slim limbs looked in his boxer briefs had your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Slipping your hand down his abdomen and over every ab, you slinked your hand unto his underwear. Lewis groaned.
 “What’re you doing, princess?”
 “What does it feel like, daddy?”
 He groaned, bit his bottom lip, then slightly arched when you gently gripped his shaft.
 “This is supposed to be a calm night for you. it’s not supposed to be about--.”
 His words paused, and breath hitched as your hand traveled lower to caress the balls of his manhood.
 “God, you’re killing me, baby.”
 “What am I doing?”
 When he looked at you, the innocence in your eyes hid his member visibly pulsate. The helplessness you saw in his eyes had you instantly wet. You swung your leg over him and straddled him, letting the heat from your core sear his hardness, branding him as yours all over again. Lewis sucked in a breath and leaned back on one of the mountains of pillows.
 “We don’t—you don’t have to—I just wanted to do something nice for you. I wanted to show you how much I love you,” Lewis rushed out with great effort.
 “I love you so much for everything you did today. You didn’t have to, and I appreciate it and you more than you’ll ever know,” you began.
 You then leaned closer to him so your face was right in front of his. He was close enough to kiss. All he had to do was take it.
 “It’s my turn to do something for you to show you how much I love you.”
 Once the words came out, Lewis’s lips were on yours. He kissed you intensely and passionately. It was a kiss that stole your breath. In no time, everything had flipped, including your body. You were now underneath him with your legs spread. As Lewis kissed you, he rocked his body against you, fanning the flames of your desire.
 “I love you,” Lewis whispered as you peeled his underwear off his hips. Lewis assisted you in sliding them lower until he’d kicked them off.
 Once you felt the heaviness of his need rest on your pubis, you moaned and wrapped a leg around his back. Lewis didn’t wait. In seconds he’d managed to pull off the shorts you wore and fling them somewhere in the room. From then, there was no need to go slowly.
 “Make love to me,” you whispered.
 Lewis locked eyes with yours and thrust forward, connecting your bodies. Both of you sighed out as if you’d found your sanctuary after a long day.
 “I love you,” you whispered on a strangled breath.
 His response was a kiss that spoke of nothing but languid need, while his thrusts said he needed you and needed you now. His thrusts were swift but deep, and they worked to drive you insane. Within minutes you were clinging to him, sinking your nails into his back. Every connection you clenched around him while panting his name. On every retreat, he whimpered yours.
 “You’re my world, Y/N.”
 You could see the truth of what he spoke in his eyes, and it brought you closer to the edge. Lewis sensed it and doubled down on his efforts to make you come undone.
 “Do you love me, princess?”
 “So much, baby,” you whispered before you gasped loudly.
 Your back arched, and seconds later, you were clenching around him as your orgasm tore through you. It was so powerful it dragged Lewis down with you. The two of you laid on the soft blankets of your fort, catching your breath. Lewis traced lazy patterns into your skin before he shifted onto his side, taking you with him. As you gazed into each other eyes, you fell in love with him all over again.
 “Thank you, baby.”
 “I’d do anything for you. Remember, I’m always here for you. You win, I win. You’re happy; I’m over the moon. You’re unhappy; my world is dark. Confide in me. I got you.”
 He kissed your nose and pulled you closer. It didn’t take long for you both to doze off completely exhausted.
 Tag List:
@chaneajoyyy @caplover22 @caramara3 @dangerouslovefanfic @munteanhorewrites @shar74nett @xsweetdellzx @night-of-the-living-shred​ @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @areubeingserved @cxmfort  @littlepreciousangel @youremysuperstar @i-just-like-fanfics @k347 @storiestoldbyjazz @jovanaprime  @ramp-it-up @october505 @ukmkhan @liquorlaughslove @msblkfire84​ @live-laugh-love-ki​ @literaturefeen @winchwm​ @queenoftheworldisdead
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jeontaeil-archived · 2 years
Hi hun I just saw your post and I just want to give you a big hug. I remember we would talk frequently in a group chat with a couple other mutuals but that has since died out, I’m not sure why honestly either.
Last year was the peak of collabs and so many interactions, and then there was this shift. So many people got canceled, they got tired, they left. And it was really exhausting to see, I even had to leave for a while because of mental health reasons. When I came back it was just… different. So I completely understand where you’re coming from.
Nobody wants to leave feedback these days and there’s been so many posts of people complaining about it, and writers reblogging it, but there hasn’t been a change. You have to literally beg to get something and the comments are always like, “Oh this was good.” Like why was it good? You can spend hours upon hours working on something that you’ve gone crazy about whether it’s good or not, only to get the bare minimum.
That could be another reason why it’s so dry nowadays idk. Tumblr used to be so much fun and now it’s hard to get people to talk to you unless you’re in discord chats or something. I’ve tried to make a few posts like you’ve done but haven’t found the right words, but you did. And I’m sorry you have to feel that way :( I’ve read your works, they’re amazing. You deserve the feedback, you deserve the love.
I miss old tumblr too tbh and it’s really sad how it is now. I hope you never leave because of this but I would understand if you did in the future 💖💖💖
sheri, i swear to god the only reason i'm still here is because i prefer tumblr's interface over wattpad, ao3, twitter, or instagram's. there's so much more to do on here instead of just writing and that's part of what makes it so fun.
you mentioned the collabs and even though i ended up backing out of most of them, i remember how exciting it was to join new ones, get added to the discord servers, and meet all these other awesome writers. that's literally how i became friends with you, emi, cami, and ambrosia. but yeah i feel like towards the end of 2021 and the entirety of 2022 there's been so much drama, some unnecessary and some just plain shocking. things became really negative out of nowhere and going a week without zero drama was honestly surprising.
the attention being brought to reblogging posts and leaving feedback doesn't make sense to me because in my head, that's literally the least people can do. like, it should not have to be demanded. even leaving a simple emoji is enough to satisfy me tbh, my standards and expectations are really low. but yeah, i agree with you when you say that it's important for us to know how people find our works so that we can receive the fruits of our labour.
in all honesty, i feel so shitty about constantly complaining like this. i really don't enjoy being so sappy but i've realised there's nothing else for me to do. i've tried my best to sit here and wait for things to get better, but they just don't. people don't act unless you tell them something's wrong, and i don't blame them for that. they have no way of knowing unless you let them know after all.
it really feels like people are completely over my blog. i used to be fun, i used to be worth their time, but i'm not anymore. there's tons of new blogs now, and they're all unpredictable in their infancy. you ask me for my thoughts now and you probably know exactly how i'm gonna reply, so really it musn't be the same. i get that. but it's disappointing cause i'm not bored or tired of talking about the same old things for years on end.
i have a resolve, and that is to hit 10,000 followers before i even think of leaving. for now, that's what's been keeping me grounded. i miss the old tumblr too, and i really do hope this melancholy atmosphere fades away soon. thank you for pitching in though. it surely makes me feel less paranoid about thinking this way 💛
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lukneetoonz · 4 years
Ghost of You Part II
Summary: You were the greatest thing in Katsuki’s life…. now you’re gone.
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, angst, violence, and just very sad.
Word Count: 2,518
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for this, tbh didn’t mean for another cliffhanger but it was too good! Thank you anon for the inspiration for this one. Def will have a part three and I’m hoping that will be the end.
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Running. That’s all you remember doing and that’s all you were doing currently. Panting, you focused on the world in front of you as tears poured down your cheeks. Out of all places he could be, Bakugou Katsuki was where you went so you could forget about him. Not to mention he was looking like you were the one who broke his heart, not the other way around. You wanted forever, he wanted a fling. He took your heart and tossed it in the trash, yet the first thing you wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was gonna be okay.
“Y/N!! Please!” Katsuki’s raspy voice called out and you could hear his footsteps get closer to you, making you only run faster as you tried to make as much distance between the two of you that you could, if you got near him you knew you wouldn’t have much self control… no matter how much hurt he caused. Even if he stomped on your heart, he still had it. He still had your love, and that’s why you were still in pain.
“Princess! Please! Give me just 5 minutes! That’s all I need to explain!” Explain? That one word made you stop as you went tense and turned around, body shaking as you stared the blonde down. “Explain? How could you possibly ‘explain’ anything? It’s what it is K- Bakugou!” The fact that you weren’t even saying his name hurt, it was like a knife driven through his heart as he finally slowed down to be in front of you, only to have you back away like he had a disease.
“That’s not- please… I fucked up okay? But I love you! Only you! It was a mistake, and- without you I’m nothing.” His voice was weak as he gulped, clenching his fist and looking at you, trying to see how you reacted but couldn’t tell. Your own body shook with heartbreaking sobs as you looked away, lip trembling. “Love me… that word means something! You can’t throw it around when you want because you’re a douchebag! If you love someone, you wouldn’t have cheated on me, with camie out of all people!!”
Your words made him flinch as you cried out, each word hitting at a different level. Katsuki bowed his head in shame, suddenly feeling very aware of where you both were and the circumstances of you meeting again were. Groaning, he looked up at you with pain filled eyes as he tried to reach out to you, but you were quick to rip away from his touch, the touch that used to bring you comfort. “Y/N… please. Please” Dropping to his knees, the man that was supposed to be one of the strongest hero’s latched onto your bottom half like a child clinging to his mother.
His tears soaked through the fabric on your stomach, the whimpers leaving his mouth made you cry harder. “Please give me another chance. I know I don’t deserve you, but please- fuck… I- I can’t live without you. It hurts to even breathe without you.” Every word he said was the truth as he pleaded to you in the middle of a sidewalk in the night, the only thing illuminating you was the street lights. As you clasped your hand over your mouth, you gasped for air. “I-I can’t… it hurt so much… you hurt me so much.” Your broken words made Bakugou tense as he sucked in breath, nuzzling his head into your stomach more.
“Please… please. I love you so much… please. I’ll do anything Y/N. Anything at all. Please just take me back.” As much as you wanted to, as much as his words cut you to the core, you pried his arms off you and backed away. Shaking your head, you whimpered and took in his state, this could be the last time you ever saw him. Just the thought killed you, turning away you walked off and didn’t stop until you reached your place, without anyone to go home to, it felt so empty. As soon as you entered the door you fell down to your knees and completely broke down, tears not stopping until you fell asleep.
2 weeks. 14 days. Yet, you still couldn’t get the image of the love of your life and your best friend getting down and dirty, out of your head. How could either of them do that to you? Bakugou was supposed to be your forever, Camie knew how much you loved him and yet she still wrapped herself around him like she was the one who had been with him for so long. If you knew she liked him, you would never have dated him! You would have stepped away and let her have him, saved your heart this pain. Why did she wait to do this to you? You couldn’t remember even doing something bad to her so she’d want to get revenge.
“Y/N! Let’s go apartment hunting today okay? You deserve to go out and get fresh air…” Uraraka came and rubbed your back as you sniffled, you turned to face her and your lip trembled. “Why did they do it? I thought he loved me..” Uraraka frowned sadly, pulling you into a hug. ��I don’t know… you don’t deserve this pain Y/N… I think apartment hunting can help take your mind off of this, and then we can go out to eat.” You nodded and got up, hugging Uraraka back before getting changed. Looking into the mirror, you saw how puffy your eyes were, cheeks and nose red. Shivering, you frowned at your appearance and groaned, “Let’s go before I regret going out”
Uraraka nodded and quickly pulled you out, and you guys started walking to the apartments you saw for rent. The weather was beautiful, the sun shining down on you as the breeze was gentle. It was like a reminder that there are still beautiful things out in the world, and you started to believe it. After the third apartment, you and Uraraka decided to go get some food since your stomachs begged for it. Walking down the golden lot sidewalk, you laughed at Uraraka dancing weirdly before a hand was placed on your shoulder timidly, making you turn around.
“Y/N… can we please talk?” Emotions crashed through you as you stared at Camie, she looked just as bad as you. Her eyes met the ground as she started to cry again, hands playing with each other as she sniffled, “I know I don’t deserve it, and I don’t have an excuse or explanation, but I just- please can we talk?” It was something about how she said she didn’t have an excuse or explanation, that’s what caught your attention. Nodding silently, you gave Uraraka a reassuring look before leading Camie to a bench and sitting down.
“Go ahead Camie… talk.” Quickly she nodded and sat by you, but not too close as she gulped, “I’m a bitch okay? I don’t deserve your friendship and- I just… l was alone, and it didn’t help that I liked him when we were younger… I know I never told you, but I fell head over heels for him- so one night at the office, we were working late and I don’t even know who thought of the idea to open up some alcohol and then, I came onto him-” you interrupted her rambling as you stared ahead blankly, “How long?”
The simple question sent shivers down the girls spine as she looked away, even parler than before, “2 months…” Did it hurt more knowing? Or less? You couldn’t tell, but all you knew was the tears were building up and you could barely do anything to stop them. “For 2 months You fucked my boyfriend and pretended that everything was okay? You listened to me say how I thought he was pulling away, you listened to my relationship troubles. Yet you still spread your legs for him like the whore you are!” By the time you ended, you stood up screaming.
Red in the face, with hot, angry tears running down your face you stared at the ashamed girl. “Was It worth it Camie? Getting dick, but you ruin a relationship and your own damn friendship?! Was it worth destroying me?!” Your voice strained in frustration as she cried and shook her head, “No! Y/N! I was stupid! And selfish! I wasn’t thinking and- god I thought If it kept going it would've been better than a meaningless one night stand-” once again you had fury in your eyes “DID YOU FALL FOR HIM AGAIN?”
Camie looked away embarrassed as she clenched her jaw, “I- I want to say no… I want to say I didn't so badly… but I can’t.” You nodded and looked away, wiping your eyes, at least appreciating her honesty. “Did he- return the feelings?” Automatically her eyes widened in horror and she shook her head, “No! God no… I- it was always me texting and calling first… the day you- well you know, I saw an engagement ring in his desk drawer, that’s why I was in there.” It’s like your heart stopped working altogether as you tried gathering your breath, eyeing the girl down.
“Y-you tried stopping it?” Camie nodded with a sigh as she rubbed her face, “I’m sorry Y/N…. I really am.” Sniffling you started walking back to Uraraka, “Yeah… I am too. But hey, you got what you wanted right? He’s all yours”
You didn’t think seeing Katsuki would hurt so much, it’s like breaking up all over again. Of course it didn’t help that he tried contacting you through your mutual friends, but that only resulted in multiple people being threatened with a block. When you moved into your new apartment, you gathered everyone and made it very clear that Katsuki and Camie should never know where you live, no matter what. You weren’t going to chance one of them showing up at your apartment one day to try and say one of their half assed apologies… not again.
You transferred jobs, banks, everything. You practically started a new life, because the scar of your past one was too big. The news that was filled with the pictures of the beautiful ash blonde made you believe he had moved on, made you think he was okay. But you were wrong, and oh how you wish you didn’t assume things so silly. Katsuki was fighting crime like he was born to do, and from the news he was doing better than he has ever before.
But oh how little did you know. Katsuki was only working so hard because he wanted to get you out of his head, maybe if he worked hard enough you’ll even see he’s changed. That he’s better. Sadly for him he couldn’t get you out of his head, but luckily he’s only had to deal with easy villains so nothing he’s had to do than blink an eye. Until today. Katsuki had barely gotten any sleep since he last saw you, but he still worked, hell he worked double the amount of hours even if his body was screaming for rest. It took such a toll on him, even his friends started to notice.
“Bakugou… are you sure you should be working? You look like- well you look like shit bro.” Kirishima scratched the back of his neck only to sigh when he saw the glare directed at him, “It’s not your problem shitty hair. So what if I’m taking extra hours? I just want to group up my vacation days together.” Katsuki grunted out a lie that not even Kirishima believed, but the redhead knew he had to go along with it so he nodded. “Okay… but I'm here for you, that’s what friends are for.”
Katsuki couldn’t even reply before there was a loud explosion and screaming that followed, the heroes running onto the scene. Kirishima paled before activating his quirk when he noticed this was your new place of work. A group of villains spread out, two had taken hostages inside the building that was in flames, one of the villains seemed to have a quirk where his tattoos came to life, another looked like a feral child, one seemed to be breathing green like poison that was covering the streets and making civilians pass out, one of the ones in the building could make anything out of any non living object he wanted, like it was Plato so he had weapons, and the female had a the mutation quirk to make her look somewhat of a spider.
Fuck fuck fuck, they were outnumbered and these quirks- they were pretty fucking good. Katsuki snarled and started fighting, trying to keep them busy as they waited for backup. Kirishima fought alongside Katsuki, knowing you were here but he didn’t know what to say, how could he say something!? If he did, surely his best friend would do something stupid and reckless… that’s the last thing he wanted, because if Katsuki got hurt then you’d probably get hurt too.
Inside you stayed calm as the female crawled around you and your colleagues, her sadistic smile stayed as she wrapped another person In her webbing, “Awh c'mon my little babies, don’t be sad! I’ll be nice if you tell me where the hard drive is. The heroes trust you, so we know you have their personal information, if you give us their hard drive, then it will be fine.” You tensed at their words before standing up with shaky legs, “I can do you one better- I’m the girlfriend Of ground zero. A-and I’m best friends with all of his friends like red riot, pinky, uravity, chargebolt, you name it… but If you take me then you’ll get the heroes.”
Your words made the girl look at the man almost like they were sharing thoughts, before the girl smirked and in seconds she was by your side, biting your shoulder and you could feel poison being released into your shoulder. Crying out in pain, you fell to your knees as they mumbled something you couldn’t quite hear as you fell to the ground, whimpering at the pain in your shoulder that spread through your entire body. The last thing you remember before your world faded into total darkness was your name being called and a familiar silhouette running towards you.
Taglist; @katsukiswhore @leeeah-loooser @do-not-talk-to-me-i-am-awkward @desia2 @katsukiwonu
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lolas-writings · 3 years
Hello loves!! I have an actual fic to share with you and not a few hundred word drabble like usual ^.^ 
I know y’all like rarepairs as much as I do so I’m introducing you to a new one today! I wrote a cute IidaCamie fic yesterday for Camie’s birthday as well as to celebrate the occasion for the @iidacamiebigbang that I’m a mod for hehe. You can find the fic on AO3 here or you can just read the fic below. And if you find this rarepair interesting, please feel free to check out our Tumblr or our Twitter. Enjoy! 
“Babe?” Camie calls out as she walks through the front door of her and Iida’s shared apartment. The door clicks softly as it closes behind her, eliminating the light from outside and casting their apartment in a blanket of shadows. 
The lights are out, all except for the lamp edging the boundary between the foyer and the living room. Odd, because Iida should be home by now and he always complains about not seeing well when it’s dark. 
“Tenya?” Camie calls out again, letting out a huff when she gets no response. She pouts as she removes her shoes and sets them to the side, noticing Iida’s worn sneakers are in their usual space, perfectly symmetrical to each other and perpendicular to the wall. If his shoes are here, then where is he? 
The soft thud of socks on wood flooring echoes through the apartment as Camie ventures further inside. She passes the lamp and the lighting gradually grows dimmer, urging her to turn to the wall on her left and search for the light switch. Before she can flick it on, however, a blue piece of paper stuck on the wall beside the switch catches her eye. 
‘Look on the coffee table :)’ it reads, written in Iida’s distinct penmanship. Camie smiles at the note and takes it off the wall, folding it carefully and tucking it into her pocket before she turns around. The coffee table stands directly behind her, and after her eyes adjust to the low lighting, she can make out a perfectly wrapped yellow box resting on top. 
“Aw, babe, you shouldn’t have!” She calls out playfully as she approaches the present. She’s lying, of course, because it’s her birthday and she deserves to be spoiled. Something, luckily, Iida is surprisingly good at. 
The blue ribbon on top comes off first, followed by the tape holding the yellow wrapping paper around the box together. It comes apart easily, meticulously, a careful calculation on Iida’s part to leave the wrapping paper in one piece for reuse later. What a dork. 
After unwrapping the box, Camie carefully lifts the lid and immediately squeals when her eyes land on what’s inside. Soft black fabric, fuzzy and soft and two sizes too big, but that’s how Camie likes her sweaters. Hanging off of her shoulders and bunching up around her hips, just like how Iida’s sweaters fit. 
She reaches in and pulls the sweater out of the box, unfolding it and admiring the clothing more fully. She first saw this sweater four weeks ago in the window of her favorite mall store while on a date with Iida. Oversized, extremely fluffy, and with the word, “Baddie,” written in white across the front. Exactly her kind of style, and she would have dragged Iida into the store to get one for herself if they hadn’t been on their way to meet up with their friends. Iida really does pay attention. 
As she fawns over her new sweater and considers putting it on then and there, another blue note catches her eye, this time from the bottom of the box. ‘Now go check the kitchen :)’ this one reads, another silly smiley face signing the note. This note, too, gets folded and tucked into Camie’s pocket before she ventures to their kitchen, fluffy sweater in hand. 
This time, the box is blue with yellow ribbons. Similarly sized and wrapped, the only difference being the color swap. She sets the sweater on the counter beside the box before tearing, not literally, into this present. 
Inside is white, a stark contrast to her sweater. When she reaches in to pull the new article of clothing out it feels rougher, like denim, and sure enough, when the fabric unfolds she’s staring at a new pair of strategically ripped white skinny jeans. Something that’s been on her To-Buy list for ages. She squeals again and hugs the pair of jeans close to her chest. 
Just like the first box, at the bottom lies another blue note. ‘You know, your shoes look a bit cluttered. There’s a random box taking up their space…’ Camie can’t help but giggle at this particular note. Knowing Iida, he probably took this opportunity to subtly tell her to start organizing her shoes better. Maybe she will, after all the thought and time Iida spent arranging this birthday scavenger hunt. You know, for a day or two before the chaos resumes. 
Camie pushes that thought aside as she returns to the entryway of their apartment, opening the door to the closet where their shoes and heavy coats are kept. On the floor, in the midst of her mess of a shoe collection, is another box. Smaller than the previous two, but wrapped just like the first with yellow paper and blue ribbons. 
Camie sinks to the floor and sets the sweater and jeans on the ground beside her. She doesn’t even bother taking the time to sit properly before reaching into the closet and pulling the box out, making quiet work undoing the wrapping paper and ribbons. 
The box itself is not plain and wordless like its predecessors. This box clearly has the logo of Camie’s favorite designer shoe brand slapped on top, bold and proud. She wastes no time ripping the lid off to reveal what’s inside. 
Black ankle boots with a chunky heel and studs on either side of each shoe. The same shoes she saw a random woman wearing in line at the grocery store two weeks ago. Camie remembers enthusiastically asking the woman where she got them, how much they cost, are they comfortable, and all the important questions, but Iida had stood wordlessly beside her observing the different pastries that were on sale that day. At least, that’s what she assumed, she had no idea he was listening in on their conversation. 
This time, she doesn’t squeal; she laughs, wholeheartedly and unabashed, the sound echoing off the walls around her and surrounding her in her own disappointment. She really must stop secretly chastising Iida in her head for seemingly not paying attention. 
She sets the shoes on the floor beside the sweater and jeans, freeing up her hands and allowing her to pull the now empty shoebox completely from the closet and into her lap. Just as she suspected, there’s yet another small blue paper with a note written on it. ‘I hope you don’t mind, I tidied up your dresser and vanity.’ She smiles again and folds and tucks the note into her pocket with the other two. After replacing the lid on the box, she retrieves her clothing and shoes and makes her way to their bedroom. 
The room is dark just like the rest of the apartment, the only light source being the lights surrounding her vanity mirror. It’s enough to illuminate the single box resting perfectly centered on top, wrapped in blue paper and yellow ribbons. 
She approaches the vanity soundlessly, the carpet muffling the sound of her footsteps. When she’s standing just in front of the vanity, she sets the rest of her treasures delicately on the matching chair before setting her sights on the newest box. 
Just a few tugs on the ribbon here and a few flicks of her nail to the tape there is all it takes for the wrapping to fall away and reveal the box within. It’s plain again, like the first two boxes, but smaller like the third. And just like all of the previous boxes, the lid comes off easily and reveals another treasure inside. 
A sleek, shiny leather newsboy cap rests inside, a stripe of white across the bill standing out against the inky blackness of the rest of the cap. She’s never seen this item before, surprisingly, but it falls perfectly within her style choices and even matches the rest of the outfit… Oh. Oh, what an absolute dork her boyfriend is. 
“So?” A deep, familiar voice pipes up from behind her, startling her into dropping the hat back into the box. Camie huffs and turns around to glare at Iida, putting her hands on her hips. 
“You so need to stop doing that.” 
“Doing what?” Iida smiles and leans against the doorframe. “Giving you birthday gifts?” 
“Being a total stalker.” Camie tutts and crosses her arms, a pout on her lips that juxtaposes Iida’s poor confused expression. It’s almost funny how he’s remained too dense to recognize her jokes after all these years. “I’m kidding, Tenya.” 
Camie covers her mouth to suppress a giggle when Iida lets out a relieved sigh. He’s too serious sometimes but it never ceases to be absolutely adorable. After tapering down her short-lived giggle fit, Camie walks over to Iida and throws her arms around his neck, pulling him down just enough to give him a quick peck on the cheek. 
“You are superbly a dork.” 
Iida’s cheeks flare red at the attention, but he reciprocates Camie’s hug without a second thought, his arms wrapping soundly around her waist. “Maybe, but you love it.” 
“I love you, idiot.” Camie rolls her eyes but doesn’t bother pulling away from their hug. 
“Hm, that too.” Iida hums and places a matching kiss on Camie's cheek, causing them both to smile. “Happy birthday.” 
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
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You are safe now - Dick Grayson Imagine
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Summary: Dick and Y/N have a son who is kidnapped by Deathstroke. What should they do now?
Warnings: Lot of fluff, a bit of angst and cursing.
Notes: Is it normal crying by reading your own imagine?  @boyy-wonder-grayson cami, you always help me with these ideas and working with you is amazing, thank you.
When you are hero, a good hero you are needed in every place, all the time. That’s what Bruce used to tell  Dick and Y/N when they first wanted to create Titans, so they could teach the right things. And that’s what they had done. They had always been there, the old titans, and now the new ones.  They kept San Francisco -and the world-  safe for a long time along with the Justice League. When Y/n realized how she felt about Dick, there was no turning back for her. She felt as if the air was sucked out of her lungs every time Dick walked into the room, and she noticed how her heart started to beat faster every time Dick complimented her for something she’d done. Her cheeks would turn red-ish whenever her hands brushed with his, and even though she was oblivious to it, Dick felt the exact same way about her. His palms got sweaty whenever he saw her in her suit, and his eyes wandered through her body. Her laugh would make his stomach twist in knots. Being the leaders of the group and having to support each other when things went wrong, brought up feelings that had always been there,in their hearts.
[5 years ago, Titans Tower, living room]
Dick sat in the couch resting his head in the back of it, in front of the fireplace. After a long night of solving fucking mysteries that Riddler had spared around  San Francisco, along with Y/N, Dawn, Donna, Hank and Garth. They did everything to stop the bastard but he got away nevertheless. They went back to the tower so they could make a better plan, and try again next time. They would catch him.
“Hey, Grayson, rough night wasn’t it?” He saw her beautiful face appeared on the living room and sat by his side.
“I couldn’t agree more, Y/L/N” He answered the woman, trying to mask the way she made him feel.
“What do you think about drinking some beers in the rooftop so we can relax?” She asked with a bright smile, a smile that Dick loved, and of course he couldn’t say no.
“I think it’s a pretty good idea.” He said with a grin and they laughed, making their way to the rooftop.
That was the first time they  kissed; it was as simple as that, all the questions were answered, all fears were put to rest, all doubts were removed. What they felt wasn’t just passion, it was a bruising tenderness and a love so strong it made them burst into flames.
Dick and Y/N had their first time together. Intoxicated by the alcohol there was no way Y/N could hide her feelings anymore. Neither did Dick, things were taking place, one after the other.  They turned invincible together,
 After a month Dick asked Y/N to be his girlfriend, and she said yes, to the man she loved with all her heart.
After a year, Dick, Y/N and the Titans had the misfortune of losing Garth to Deathstroke, and  Dick swore himself he would take him down, no matter what.
 It ended up with the tragedy of also losing Jericho, a sweet boy who earn a place in each of the Titans hearts. Those were dark days for everyone. After that incident Hawk, Donna and Dawn left. Dick and Y/N stayed in the tower. The were both broken after Jericho’s death. He didn’t deserve what happened to him.
[4 years ago, Titans Tower, Dick and Y/N’s bedroom]
Dick was in the computer’s room reuniting information about Deathstroke for him to use in the future. Y/N was sleeping since she seemed so tired this past weeks, the missions kept the same rhythm, but she seemed more and more exhausted each passing day, so Dick let her sleep.
In their bedroom, Y/N got up feeling nauseous, she immediately ran into the bathroom emptying the contents of her stomach.
Something was wrong and she knew it.  She had slept for 12 hours straight last night and now she felt like she couldn’t feel any type of smell. Everything made her sick. Her period was late this month, but she thought it was the stress messing with her body, after all, things haven’t been particularly quiet.
Dick went to their bedroom searching for her
“Babe, where are you? i think i found something” Dick entered the room to find Y/N washing her face.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked leaning on the door’s frame. She seemed sick, her skin was pale. “Come here” he opened his arms for her to get closer.
Y/N loved Dick’s perfume, she did, but today, when she felt it, she made her way right back into the toilet, throwing up again. Dick looked at her worried, instantly helping her by holding her  hair and caressing her back.
When she finished, she brushed her teeths and went directly to their bed, with Dick by her side afraid that she might pass out any minute. She lay there an asked him if he could stay with here for a minute. They lay there in comfortable silence.
“Dick?” she whispered.
“what’s wrong?” Dick asked running his fingers through her hair.
“I think I’m pregnant” She said almost crying. She couldn’t imagine his reaction, after all, these past few days  had been so hard for him, but it is Dick Grayson we are talking about.
He was shocked, and for a few seconds he didn’t say anything, just hugged her,  “I love you, i love you so much”, he said.
It seemed like someone up there didn’t want Dick to sink into blame, giving him a sight of hope. When Y/n took a test to find out that she was, in fact, pregnant, Dick couldn’t be happier. He thought he was too damaged to feel things like this but now he understand that the L word saved him.
[4 months later, TitansTower]
“Babe?” Y/n stood in the door leaning on the frame. She smiled at him, he looked really hot when he was concentrated.
“Hey love” Dick answered smiling at her.
“I have something for you.” She handed him a envelope.
He opened it and there was an ultrasound, that was the first picture of their baby. Dick got tears in his eyes he got up and hugged her. 
“It’s a boy” she said smiling up at him.
It was a Boy. Y/n was expecting a boy and he looked at her with so much love in his eyes, he was so happy.
“John” they said at the same time. They laughed together and when the laughter died down, he kissed her passionately.
Dick felt deep inside that now his duty went towards protecting his family. It was all that mattered to him at that moment. 
The next day he searched for a house in Detroit, leaving San Francisco and their pasts behind. 
 He was Detective Dick Grayson now, working on Detroit City  Y/N and him moved to a beautiful house located in a calm neighborhood where they started living their lives, trying to do it as normal as they could. They couldn’t take the risk of being in danger in such delicate moment. 
Six months later, Y/N gave birth to John Grayson, a beautiful little boy.  Dick was a father now and their lives had changed forever. They’ve changed for good. Because he couldn’t feel anything but happiness and love in his heart. He would give his life to protect his wife and son.
[2 years ago, Detroit, Dick and Y/N’s house]
Two years after John was born, Dick decided they had to take another step.
Y/N and Dick were in the kitchen while John was playing with his toys in the living room. She was cooking while they were drinking some wine and watching John, carefully.
“I have something for you” Dick huged her from behind while he spoke.
She turned to him smiling “What’s it, babe?”
He took a blue box from his pocket and her hands flew to her mouth in surprise.
“Y/n, it took us a lot to get where we are now. We went through  the hardest times and we ended up happier than we could ever think. So I wanted to ask you…Will you marry me?”
She hugged him fiercely before kissing him deeply. “I couldn’t say anything but yes, Grayson.”
“No measure of time will be long enough, so let’s start with forever” He told her. When the looked at John the little boy was smiling at his parents.
Dick and Y/N got married a few months later; they didn’t want something big, just the three of them was enough. Besides, something big would draw too much attention.
Time passed and and their lifes went on, Dick kept working on Detroit Police Department as a Detective.
[6 months ago, DPD]
“Hey Grayson, You have that thing for helping kids, right?” Dick’s superior asked him and motion for him to follow him to the room where the kid was.
“Hi there, how you doing? Word on the street is you like playing baseball with bricks and cop cars? I’m Detective Dick Grayson.”
Dick talked to the purple haired girl. She looked scared.
“You wanna talk about what happened?” He asked  looking for an answer
“it’s you.” Okay, he wasn’t expecting for that kind of answer. “The boy from the circus, please, can you help me?” How did she even know about his past as a Flying Grayson? Dick felt something inside of him, something that was telling him that he needed to help this girl. Call it a hunch. He decided he would help her, but he needed to go somewhere first.
[8P.M Dick and Y/N’s house]
“Babe? I’m home, where are you?” Dick looked for Y/N, as he entered the house with Rachel behind. He left his jacket, his police ID and everything he used to bring back home in the stand next to the door. He heard noises coming from the kitchen, Y/N and John were there while she prepared some food for the boy. 
“Hey love, i’m here, how was your day?” Y/N asked before kissing the man. She looked surprised to see another figure standing behind him, a little girl who looked really scared. 
“Hey, Rachel, this is my wife, Y/n and my son John.” Dick introduced them while y/n looked at them in confusion. 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, i’m Y/N” the woman understood the kid needed a place, by the way she looked
. “I’ll show you the bathroom so you can fix yourself and then you can have dinner with us, okay?”
Y/N guided Rachel to the bathroom and  gave her all she needed. When she saw that Rachel was out of sight, she went to talk to her husband who was now playing with baby John.
“Dick, who is she? What’s happening?” She asked.
“Babe, this girl, she’s like us, she’s special. They took her to DPD today and when I tried to interrogate her to find out what happened she told me i was the circus guy, and that she needed help. I couldn’t say no, her mother died, and I…she needs our help.” Dick said sighing.
“ Babe, we gave up our hero life because we needed to keep John safe. I’m not sure about it.” Y/N said without looking at him in the eyes.
“Hey” he lifted her face with his finger “What would have happened to us, if Bruce hadn’t done the same thing?” He asked “You and John are safe with me, i’ll never let anything happen to any of you. Never.”
“You can’t resist a bird with a broken wing, can you, Grayson?” she asked him with a half smile and he already knew she was on board with his plan.
“I wouldn’t say i can”
With everything that happened, Y/n, Dick, John and Rachel followed the road in search for some answers. Along the way they found Kory Anders, Gar Logan and Jason Todd. 
 Dick and Y/n fought with everything they had, but not as heroes; their suits were kept locked inside a suitcase, and they hoped they would stay that way.
Beating Trigon with the help of the old titans made them realize the safest place they could go was the old tower, after all, there was the only place that always felt like home.
[9 PM Titans Tower, Living room]
“Guys, make yourself at home” Dick said to the new members of the team “ the first door is mine and Y/N’s bedroom, the next door is John’s and you can choose any of the other rooms. Tomorrow we will start training.”
Dick told the group before leaving his and y/n’s things in their bedroom and John’s in his own. It seemed like Bruce had made all the adjustments the tower needed while they weren’t there. 
John’s bedroom now had a bed; when they left there was just baby things and a baby crib. Bruce always took care of this type of things.
[10 P.M Titans Tower, Living room]
Once the titans were already in their respective rooms, Dick had John in his arms sitting next to the fireplace, while they looked to the city of San Francisco through the window. The boy was almost asleep, resting his head in his dad’s shoulders.
“Tired, Little Bird?” Dick asked John.
“Yes, daddy, i am, but I liked it here. You can see all.the lights from here” He answered.
“It’s a good place, johnny” Dick told him kissing his forehead.
Y/N looked at her two boys, smiling to herself. She couldn’t believe that they were a family. 
They were back here after 4 years and now, John was here with them. They weren’t the heroes they once were, but they knew they would never truly leave this life behind. It was a part of them.
Two days after the Titans had come to the tower, things were going normal, they woke up, had their breakfast and Dick gave them some martial arts book they should study. In the afternoon, they were trained by Y/n and Dick who were almost veterans of war. Jason had a lot of experience which helped a lot at teaching moves to the newbies.
The teams was hanging out in the living room, after a tiring season of training, when a light coming from a helicopter in the sky illuminated something in the ground. It seemed like a police chase.
Dick turned the TV on to see a young girl running from the cops and fighting them. It instantly caught his eye.
“I’ll be right back, stay here.” He told Y/n and left. Y/n knew he would help the girl, it was the Dick Grayson type of thing.
As she expected, the girl came to the tower, she was hurt. Her name was Rose; she had a eye patch in one of her eyes, y/n could tell it was from fighting. Dick decided that she would stay for the night, and Y/n agreed to it.
The next day, Dick, Gar and Jason found out she was Deathstroke’s daughter. And Dick instantly told Y/n, they already had a past with this guy and they needed to be careful. So they agreed they had needed to call their old friends. 
That same morning, they received Donna, Hank and Dawn. The guys didn’t know that Dick and Y/n had a child. So it was definitely a surprise.
[8 PM, Titans Tower, Living room]
The old titans arrived  feeling the tension between the new titans. They didn’t know what was going on. Not yet, but they came because of Dick and Y/n’s call. It should be important.
“Finally” Y/n said as they made their way to the living room. She hugged Dawn.
“I missed you, Troy.” Y/N said when she hugged Donna,
“You’re prettier than ever, Y/n” Hank said trying to piss Dick off.
“Carefull.” Dick said making everyone laugh.
“And who’s that beautiful boy who’s standing there clinging to your leg?” Donna asked, the boy was shyly trying to hide between his father’s legs.
“Come here” Dick took him to his arms to introduced him to his friends. “This is John. Mine and Y/n’s son. I’m sorry you couldn’t met him.”
“Hey little Bird, I’m uncle Hank”
“Hi I’m John Grayson” the little boy said shyly.
The girls looked surprised, but made no comments.
“we will have time for everyone to meet him, hopefully.” Y/n said.
The old Titans went to the training room where Dick and Y/n explained the situation with Rose. They couldn’t believe Slade Wilson was in their lives again. But they would stay, and help them to beat this guy once and for all. They decided Rose could stay until they caught Slade but Hank couldn’t agree that much with them.
The next day, things were strange. Rachel freaked out and almost killed Jason when she founded some crucifixes in her mirror, Donna found a bottle of her favourite drink that Garth would bring to her. It was painfully strange.
“So it was you Jason? You did it? Why?” Donna asked him.
“I don’t know what’s happening but it wasn’t me” he retorted blinking the tears away.
Dick had left early saying he had things to do; he  didn’t look good, Y/n could tell that he still felt guilty  about the whole Jericho situation.
“Guys, Deathstroke is here.” Dick came from the elevator holding  a gun.
“Babe, what is this? Talk to me. What do you mean by “he’s here”?” his wife asked.
“Jason” he says and went to the rooftop.
Y/n couldn’t understand it and she was sure no one else in the room could. She went looking for John; he  was playing with his toys in his room, but when she got there, the window was wide open,and there was no sign of the little boy.
“John?” She called, but he doesn’t answer.
The woman feels something strange in her heart, and came back running through the living room.
“Has someone seen John?” She asked with a trembling voice.
“Babe, what happened? Where’s John?” Dick got down from the rooftop, he also seemed to feel that something was wrong, John wasn’t the type of kid that would hide from his parents, but they searched everywhere and they could not find him. That was until Dick received a call from an unknown number.
“I told you Grayson. I warned you, and you brought the Titans back anyways.” Dick was trembling now. Slade had John. And he hung up.
“What, Dick? Who was that?” Donna asked him now, everyone had stopped looking and was paying attention to Dick’s pale face.
“Dick, please talk to me, who was it? Where’s John?” Y/n asked getting closer to her husband.
“I…Slade has John.” Dick said. He saw the emotions on his wife face before she broke down in front of him. She fell into the ground, crying. He hugged her trying to calm both of them down.
 It was nearly impoofor Dick to be strong now. His son had been kidnapped. Fucking Deathstroke, he would pay.
“That bastard, that FUCKING bastard.” Hank yelled. Everyone knew how much of a horrible person Deathstroke was,but taking baby john? This was way too much.
Rose had left, after that.
Dick took Y/N to the couch, he couldn’t leave her side, he would get their son back, he would do everything he could.
“Baby” He said getting her attention, she looked at him with red eyes from crying “I had the bad habit of underestimating you. Every obstacle you faced, i’d think you couldn’t overcome it. And you just did. You are the reason I have something to fight for, my family.” He told her with tear in his eyes “Listen to me, I won’t let him hurt John, I’ll bring him back to us.” The woman hugged him and cried even more.
“We will” She answered him.
Dick left to go get his suit. After everything that happened to them,  he decided he needed a new identity. It made him remember the thing Clark Kent  told him once about Nightwing and it all made sense now.
Bruce had sent him the new costume he needed after burning the Robin one. Now was the time, his son needed him. Y/n looked at her suitcase, long time without wearing it, but now she was back, for good. All the titans were ready. Slade would pay for taking their son away from them.
Dick received a call, anonymous again. 
“Grayson, be careful, if you want your son back, find me in the old church in the center of san francisco in 15 minutes.”
And Dick knew, nothing would stop him from beating deathstroke today. Rose was a bait. He put her there so they could think she needed help while he could break them from inside.
They planned that Dick would enter the place first, Y/n, Jason and Donna would be going after him and also the titans would cover them. 
“Slade, I’m here, let my son go, he’s a baby, he has nothing to do with this. You can kill me today if that’s your point, but let him go.”
“The old Dick Grayson, always playing the martyr. You remember what you and your team did to MY son? Isn’t it fair that I took yours?” Slade mocked him. 
“Don’t be a fucking coward, Wilson, he’s 4 years old” Hank said. 
“You’re right, Hawk, today is about Dick and me” Slade said and John came running for Dick
“Dad” He cried and Dick felt his heart almost stop. Their baby was okay.
“Dawn, take him to the tower, go” Dick commanded  after checking that his kid was okay.
“Here you are trying to kill me again. I hope you can do this now, Nightwing, because i won’t let you live if you don’t” 
He said and Dick ran to punch him with all the anger he had in his body, John was safe now and Slade had to die. With his escrima sticks he hits Slade, and he fell into the floor. Y/N and Jason came after, shooting their birdarangues, and finally a person that they didn’t expect, Ravager.
 Rose wilson appeared stabbing Slade in the chest with her sword. Deathstroke was dead.
After the fighting, Y/n ran into Dick’s arms hugging her husband. “He’s okay Dick, we did it.  Our son is safe and sound.” She cried with joy.
“I told you babe, no one can mess with my family.” 
 When they got in the tower, they were received by a blonde little guy running to them. “Mommy, daddy you’re home!.” the kid said with innocence and  Dick hugged him, bringing Y/n into the hug too.  Everything was fine.
 “You are safe now son.”
“I know daddy, because my mommy and daddy are heroes.”
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Passion, Passion, and More Passion
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yoarashi inasa x reader
warning: fluff
a/n: i combined these two, if you’re anon and would like it to be separate just let me know, ill definitely fix it for you :)
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Before friendship:
you’re a quiet person, you had always been that way since getting your quirk. it was Alternate Reality. you could change the reality of the area around you for five minutes before it changed back
and people were fearful of you because of that
no one trusted you and because of that your personality faded away, instead you put up walls that kept everyone out. no one trusted you to begin with, why did they deserve you?
so when you meet inasa in middle school, youre immediately drawn to him. his inability to be fearful because he just loved everything so much
but you didn’t change yourself, he would eventually turn on you, right?
he doesn’t stop bugging you, claiming that your power is something special and you should be super passionate for it, but you scoff and leave him every time only for the large boy to follow you while citing off his top 1000 list of Pro-Heroes to which he couldn’t actually list off because they were all just so passionate!
expect to be bugged constantly with everything that Inasa can think of
because he can see the passion in your eyes
no matter how much you scoff at him
or snap at him
he won’t leave
then it happens one day in class, p.e. when the two of you are put up against each other for a competition, and its the slight fire in your eyes and the way you take off with victory on your mind that makes inasa step back and realize there only one thing that would make him happier than he already was. being friends with you.
expect constant declarations of his love for your passion for you as his friend
he loves you (platonically at this point) and your quirk
he won’t shut up about your quirk ever
showing another group of girls a cockroach he found
“This is AMAZING! you know what’s even better--y/l/n-chan’s quirk!”
you do take awhile for your walls to fall down, but you’re happy it was him who gets it down because he is supportive
expect him to bring you the most insane presents
a stick because it reminded him of the one time you two got into a screaming competition, don’t ask how, you still didn’t understand
he just loves you so much
competitions made out of literally anything and the most important competition between you two comes days before results of high school enrollment begins
“I BET I CAN BEAT YOU IN A TREE CLIMBING COMPETITION!” Inasa hollers as the two of you stare at the large, very compelling tree in front of you. 
you smirk at him and nod, “ready?”
Inasa shakes his head excitedly, dropping his backpack on the ground as he stares up and he screams when you disappear from view
his eyes look up to see you already nearing the top, and with a spurt of his quirk he rockets up, catching up easily.
with another warp of reality, he comes crashing into tree branches and you laugh as he is disorientated as you implement a ladder into the tree climbing up and winning
“Take THAT Yoarashi-kun!”
it had to be the way you sat in the tree with the wind blowing through your hair, your eyes filled with excitement and joy of winning, and the grin on your face that he had longed for so long to see months ago
and a blush over comes him as his heart begins thumping in a passionate way thats... foreign and yet calming
the tree branches you made disappear and he topples towards the ground with a load groan
inasa blinks looking up at the sky as your head peers into your vision, worry and concern on your face
“Are you hurt?! Why didn’t you use your quirk, Yoarashi-kun?!?! Are you okay?!” you say as you try tending to any injury of his
“haha, im very sorry for scaring you, I just slipped!”
“if you say so...”
if you thought your best friend was overbearing and invasive, you took it all back now
the two of you were going to Shiketsu Academy after Inasa said he would not be able to go to U.A. which was both of your dream school
but above anything your dream of being a pro-hero meant staying with inasa, so you followed him despite being offered a seat as well
but right now he was sort of avoiding you, only talking about you to other people in your class, but he refused to have a conversation outside of a generic one
as if you two weren’t best friends
and it pisses you off because you were in love with that babbling baffoon but he was suddenly giving you a distant shoulder? that wasn’t the passionate overbearing person you knew him to be
it takes you a bit to gather your wits, but you finally confront him one day when you are able to get him trapped within your quirk
“what the FUCK is wrong with you Yoarashi?!” you seethe as you shove him against the wall you manifested. “you can’t go from being over the top to ignoring me every second of the day?! you’re my best friend and i can’t have you doing this to me without an explanation!” you sob
and inasa breaks, the passion you had for the two of you was too much
and he does his trademark apology, slamming his bleeding forehead into the ground as he seeks your forgiveness
and you give it to him without hesitation
inasa then tries to woo you with overwhelming love and attention, something you find to be,,,, real nice
he’s just pure energy and charm and he’s oh so pretty
inasa’s over one day to study, the two of you are up in your room
it was a hot and sticky day
and you’re in a tank and shorts and inasa is having a hard time not staring at you
“what did you get for number 47?” you ask gazing up to your best friend who was now caught in the middle of oogling at your chest
and you shriek embarrassed
when you calm down, the two of you are unable to focus as the two of you keep stammering out sentences and blushing ridiculous amounts
“Y/l/n-chan,” Inasa speaks over you, his large hand on yours, and you freeze as you watch as he shifts towards you leaning in closely. “I have feelings for you, and I want to confess them to you right now, if you will let me.”
you nod dumbly as Inasa rises from your bed and comes to tower over where you stood. you were short already, but next to your best friend you felt almost childish
you shrieked as Inasa sank to his knees in front of you
“I like you, a lot, will you be my girlfriend?”
You shake slightly as you take in that sentence, the worry in his eyes as you remain silent for too long, but the crushing, passionate kiss you place on his lips answers the question for him as he quickly returns the passion to the tenth degree
“of course i will be...”
you think he was overbearing before, guess what
his hands are always in yours
he won’t do much more than hold you hand for PDA because he’s too polite and formal but he will always hold your hand
you will whisk him away into an empty classroom to kiss him until his too flustered to speak and walk away without a care in the world
walking to and from school his arm is slung across your shoulder as long as there aren’t too many eyes
he always does spontaneous dates
“Y/l/n-chan, lets go rock picking to express our passionate feelings for each other!”
“Y/l/n-chan, I heard the shelter got new puppies! let’s get some dinner and head over and look at them together!!”
“Y/l/n-chan, your favorite passionate hero is out the corner, leT’S GO AND ASK FOR THEIR BLESSING!”
he will spoil you with his love
duh what else would he do with those overflowing feelings
making out in your room instead of studying 
kissing him in public as he would have to bury his face into your neck because your passion was way too bright for him to handle
using his quirk to cool you down, or to lift you up when you needed to grab something from a tall cabinet
making out on the couch while his family made dinner because it made him feel like he was going to implode
freshly picked flowers
making out
you get the point
How he falls in love, and how he confesses:
it’s nearing the final year of your education at Shiketsu, and the two of you are the school’s powercouple.
it’s rumored you two could take on the entire hero course of U.A. and win (inasa spread that rumor so that todoroki and bakugou would reach out and speak with him)
the two of you are making out on your desk because walking two meters to your bed was too much work, and then you pull away panting and instead of going back in for a kiss you wrap him in a hug
and this flusters inasa as you place your head on his chest, listening to the thundering heartbeat in his chest
“a-are you okay?” he would stutter out as he was unsure if his new kissing technique was bad, damn he knew he shouldn’t had listened to camie about the tongue sucking technique!!!
he knew it was weird!!!
but she had used the words passionate and he bought it
the small nod against his bare chest brings him to reality and you look up and smile at him, “I’m just so grateful for you, inasa...”
his name leaving your lips just feels so passionate, so loving
he envelopes you into a crushing hug and the rest of the night the two of you cuddle in bed
its when you fall asleep on his chest, your finger still tracing blobs and shapes onto his stomach is when it hits him, he’s in love
he loves you with more passion then he has ever felt in his life
and he smiles softly as he kisses the top of your forehead falling asleep himself
he’s not ready to tell you yet, he was waiting for your two year anniversary to announce his love for you when you get him too excited during a particularly intense makeout session and the words tumble out of his mouth
“i love you... so much, y/n.” he gasps out as his lips attack your neck, he obviously being unaware of the words that came out of his mouth
you freeze and shove him away
a light whine escaping his lips as he tries to reattach himself onto you
“You love me?!” you pant as a blush overcomes both your cheeks
and the passion in inasa’s being inhibits him from speaking as he nods
“I-i, I love you too, inasa-chan, so much.” You whisper as both your eyes search others and laughter escapes your lips as you pull him back onto you, ready to show him how much you love him
it was a night filled with passion, passion, and more passion
and both of you knew that there was no one else in the world they wanted
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rezdogsyonder · 4 years
Need (3)
Pairing: Professor!Rogers x Reader
Summary: The professor realizes just how mich he wants you.
Warnings: stalking, mention of blood.
A/N: This part will mostly be in Steve’s point of view. Kinda. I’ve decided reader wears glasses and idk why I wrote this, this way.
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‘Why am I doing this? I shouldn’t be doing this.’ Steve thought as he kept following her from a safe distance.
He wasn’t following you at first; he stayed back in his office for probably an hour...or three. He didn’t keep track. He needed to turn in a book, a history book for revision, and comparison. He is writing his own book, telling what actually happened while in the Howling Commandos.
By the time Steve got to the library the sun was setting, and it was a complete ghost town inside. Only spotting two people on his way to his destination. One of them being a janitor. The top floor of the library is where he needed to go, it’s where the special collection is kept. Normally these kinds of books aren’t allowed out of the library, but being older than most of the books in their library has its perks.
Putting the book back in its respective place, and about to return the checkout card, that is when I sees you once more. Hiding out in the back corner, at a table that is covered in notebooks and colorful pens and highlighters. Looking so deep in focus, biting your lip, and flipping through papers only to turn back to your notebook.
Hair tossed up in a messy bun. Glasses hanging at the end of your nose. You look at little bit more disheveled than what he remembered from a couple hours ago. White V-neck t-shirt under a navy blue cardigan. You looked beautiful.
Deciding to stay, Steve began to look through more history books, encyclopedias, and records that would help with his little project. If he was going to stay he might as well get some work done too.
He sat at a table across a very long isle from you. A seat that made sure he could still watch you, without you seeing. If he had, to he could just scoot his chair forward and he would be out of sight.
Steve is there for another 40 minutes or so before he sees her putting all of her notes away. He quickly stacked everything and put it all in his bag, then walking out before she sees him. Waiting by the entrance for you.
‘Why is she out this late? Doesn’t she know this is a dangerous city?’
Then he realized. He shouldn’t be here, he could get fired.
‘Why am I doing this? I shouldn’t be doing this.’ Steve thought as he kept following her from a safe distance.
He was going to turn back, he really was, but she just seemed so vulnerable. How far does she live? ‘I’ll just make sure she gets home safe.’ He decides, but he truly know that now he’s hooked, and he’s not going to stop.
And he didn’t. He not only followed her home but he found out what apartment she lives in. First floor, not very safe, at least the windows to her home are high. Less of a chance of robbery. He also saw her roommate, he recognized her from the coffee shop. Watching her clean up her room Steve realized something.
He’s got it bad.
He held himself back from following her again. Not really by choice. He didn’t see her at the library again. He also avoided the cafe she works at. Not wanting himself to get too close, too fixated. It has been three weeks though, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep himself from you. Of all of his classes, yours was his favorite.
You have his class twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. Both scheduled at 4:30. He has kept his distance and she has been nothing but a model student.
Steve needs a teachers assistant, and he thinks he’s already found her.
The essays Steve had assigned are finally almost done being graded. Deciding to leave yours last. When he was done going through, your essay was nearly perfect. Maybe he was biased, but he really thought that you’re paper deserved an A.
A grade he rewarded to only six other people. He was going to write an A when an idea struck him.
He grabbed his red marker and marked the paper with a C, writing “see me after class”.
He smiled at his plan and quickly filed it into the bottom of the stack of essays to hand back as students began filing into his classroom.
It’s Thursday.
You got to Mr.Lee’s class 15 minutes early as per usual. You like being a little bit more than punctual. This was one of your favorite classes to be in but to be honest you’d be glad when it’s over. Math made sense to you but it took work. A lot of work.
Last class, there was a test and you were dying to see how you did. Mostly because he said that this test will be just like the mid-term and a good chunk of the final. You tried really hard, going to the library more often than usual. Well, it isn’t a big accomplishment, you only go the the library once a week. For like 4 hours, but still.
You’re practically bouncing in your seat all class period, since the average score on the test for this class was 82% Mr.Lee thought that we can have a reward. It’s his top priority that his students are understanding his material, and that’s why you like this class.
We are currently watching a movie and those who wanted to leave could, but they would have to wait longer to view their score. You stayed because you worked too hard to wait any longer.
But finally the end of this class was drawing near, and Mr.Lee just checked his watch and was pulling out a big stack of papers. Trying to stay calm just in case your score was bad, and why did this class have to be so big?
He was finally get to you, and he set your packet face down on your desk. Did he put the other students tests face down? You weren’t even paying attention. Now that you have your test, you can leave the class.
Pulling out your phone you call a familiar number, “Wade?” You met him on you way to a book store last year, he actually saved you from being mugged when you thought it was a good idea to take a shortcut through a back alley.
“My common sense it tingling,” you hear him the material of his mask being moved around, “What did you do this time Y/N? Something that shows you’re intelligent I bet. That’s the main trope of your story’s character.”
“You know you don’t sense sometimes, but maybe! I took a test the other day and I’m scared to look. I was hoping a call to you would help calm my nerves.”
“Would an in person meet and greet help?”
“What do y—” you couldn’t finish your sentence before a body landed in front of you on the sidewalk. You let out a loud shriek, then you heard a voice.
“Holy fuck knuckles! That shit hurted.” And you realized who it was.
“Fuck I hate you sometimes.” You sighed.
“I’m hilarious so don’t hate. And that was about as much fun as a sandpaper dildo,” he sits up at looks at you, “wanna kiss it better?” He says gesturing to his backwards foot.
You bend over and turn it back around, despite his cry of pain. Then you offer a hand so he may stand.
You looked down, “ah shit you got some blood on me.” It was only a drop, probably the size of a quarter on your white boyfriend cardigan. Wade pokes his arm and draws a smiley, using the dot on your sweater as an eye.
“Gross.” You smiled.
“Hydrogen peroxide will get that out.” You nodded and began unbuttoning it to take it off. Leaving you in your baby pink cami that was tucked into your high waisted back jeans.
“So... Wanna see my score?” You held out the packet.
“Ah... mhmm... yes.” He mumbled through his mask as he flipped through the pages. “Y/N I’m sorry to have to tell you this but it looks as thought you’ll have to drop out.”
You hit him, “Shut up, let me see.” You snatch it out of his hand before you finished your sentence. By it before you look at your score you smiled at him, “I guess your ‘inperson meet and greet’ did help.”
93%. You were struggling in that class and this will surely boost your grade back up. Squealing you jump at Wade, hugging him. He twirled you around.
“Celebratory chimichangas?” He put you back down and began walking, knowing you’d follow.
“Yeah actually I have roughly an hour and a half before my next class.” You said you you looked down at your phone. “Where should we go?”
“There’s this beautiful woman that has a restaurant somewhere that way.” Wade said point in a general direction.
You didn’t really believe him but two blocks in the direction he pointed was a small restaurant. You wouldn’t have noticed it if Wade hadn’t pointed it out. The lady that ran it was a sweet little old woman.
The food was great, and Wade was able to keep you occupied the entire time. You didn’t even realize how much time had passed before there was only 5 minutes before your next class started.
“Oh SHIT! Fuck IM LATE!” You scrambled pull out your wallet, but end up spilling everything. Wade starts to help you pick up everything that fell out, he stood up with five of your notebooks.
“I paid ahead of time. Sorry read ahead in the script. But let’s go!” He waved at the little lady behind the counter. “Goodbye, my princess.” And blows her a kiss.
“Come on we have to run, slow ass.” he starts pulling you to go faster.
“Jesus, I’ve never been late before. Oh my god.” Starting to get out of breath. About a block and a half closer.
“Really? Never would have guess that.” He says sarcastically. You two are back on campus, and you need to pass two more buildings.
“There! It’s right there,” you say running faster, you get to the front of the building. Wade hands you back your notebooks. You lean over trying to catch your breath.
“4:28. Why was it so important to be on time to this class?”
“Well turns out Mr.America is also Mr.Punctuality.”
“Cap is your teacher? I better skedaddle before he try’s to cut off another arm. Goodbye sunshine.” He taps your nose. “Boop.”
“Bye!” You waved and headed inside, going to the second to last classroom on the left.
You check the time again 4:29, you weren’t late. But it looks like the teacher is going to be. All that worrying for nothing. Not knowing that you were the reason for his tardiness.
Mr.Rogers did show up for class but was about five minutes late. Other than that class went on like normal, you took your notes and worked. Used to the feeling of somebody staring at you, you didn’t want to know who thinking that acknowledging them will encourage them.
‘Wow she looks so adorable, pink suits her well.’ He thought as he watched her, but he began to grow angry as he realized that these boys were looking at his girl.
It was nearing the end of class, so he began passing out the essays. Saving yours for last. Today’s class was small, most students skipped his class once they realized that he wasn’t going to talk about Captain America or the avengers.
Once he got to you he placed your essay on your desk face down gently. He felt a little bad, turning around quickly so he didn’t have to see the disappointment on your face.
You forgotten about the essay, but you thought you had done well when you turned it in. You were having a good day, but this just ruined it. A big C on the corner of your paper. You felt tears beginning to well in your eyes but you blinked them away before they could fall.
You look at the clock and there is 2 minutes left, but the professor dismissed everyone already. You begin packing your stuff up, when you feel a little chilly. Sighing you pull out your cardigan and look at the smiley. Maybe you’ll call Wade again after this. You put it on hoping people will think it’s just a cute little design.
The class was now empty and you walk to the office connected to this classroom. It was more plain than you’d expect, and a lot cleaner too. Almost every other professor’s office you’d been to had been a complete mess. He was sitting behind his desk.
“You said to see you after class?” You say timidly. He gestured to the seat in front of his desk, and you take a seat.
“Yeah let me see that,” he holds out his hand and you lean forward to give him your paper, “I just needed to talk to you.” He crossed out the C and wrote an A right next to it, and stood up.
“What did you need to talk about?” You felt a little better with an improved grade, but a nervous pit in your stomach began to form. We’re you in trouble? He walked around and leaned against his desk in front of you, handing your paper back.
“I have been needing to choose a TA for the semester, and I was wondering if you would like to fill that position?”
“Oh my gosh really? I would love to! What would I need to do?”
He smiled, “Well, regular TA responsibilities like grading, tutoring or mentoring students if and when they need help, stuff like that.”
“Wow, thank you for this opportunity.” At this point you wouldn’t be able to stop smiling.
“It’s no problem. This job will suit you, I can tell.” He sighs and rubs the stubble on his face. “But, you will have to sign a few papers.” He slid walked back behind his desk and pulled a small packet out of his desk drawer. “This isn’t what you would sign with other teachers, but I’m sure you’re aware of my previous profession.” You nodded. “This is just protecting my privacy and it’s basically saying that you won’t do anything that would take away that privacy.” He slid the papers over to you, then putting a pen on top.
“Yeah, okay.” You didn’t read through it before signing, as Mr.Rogers just explained it to you. You put the pen down. “What now?”
Yes, what now? Steve thought.
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camimcndcs · 4 years
spice up your (sex) life
TAGGING: KJ @itskenetiapa, Cami.
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA.
TIMEFRAME: April 5th, 2020
NOTES: Cami and KJ try some new things in the bedroom.
KJ: It was almost comical just how eager they always found themselves wanting to partake in the physical side of their relationship -- as if they were deprived of the feeling in the first place. When in reality, they were having sex more often than not. KJ reveled in the knowledge of Camila yearning his proximity just as much he was for hers. Everything with her was constantly so passionate and exciting, a whole new world he could explore indefinitely without ever tiring. The atmosphere that night had them both on edge -- trying their best to go through the evening without jumping straight to the dessert. The look of want he had been able to discern on her features had matched his own, though they had been strong enough to share a quiet dinner together with a nice bottle of wine to top it all of. "Baby," he called out from the bedroom as he waited for the raven-haired girl to finish freshening up; whatever that was supposed to mean. The box they had received that same morning had found a place in the trash and the items were now carefully placed on the end of the bed. Waiting to be chosen and used as they saw fit. Unbuttoning his green shirt, he threw the cloth on a nearby chair and was left with his white tank top before making his way to the other side of the room to turn the lights off. The small lamp on the bedside table illuminating its surroundings with a red tint was quite enough to make the mood romantic and sinful all at once.
Cami: Ever since their conversation not even 24 hours ago, Camila had been looking forward to the events of tonight. Sex with KJ was amazing, but the thought of him taking control and using different toys on her really excited the actress. All-day, Cami had tried to not let the events of the night cloud her thoughts, but it had been hard to do so. When she'd returned from visiting Rachel and KJ walked through the door all sweaty from a workout with Alex, she had resisted the urge to climb him like a tree in the shower. Instead, she had got to work cooking dinner for them, which he helped with after his shower and they had enjoyed a peaceful dinner together with a nice bottle of wine which was always nice. Camila had stopped herself after two glasses and was now in the redhead's bathroom, freshening up which just meant that she was washing her face and changing into a nice set of lacy lingerie she had picked out for the occasion. At the sound of his voice calling out to her, Camila took one last glance in the mirror and then slowly walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. "Yes?" she replied to get his attention as she stood in the threshold of his bedroom, waiting for him to take in her entire being. He was sitting with his back to her -- green shirt discarded, leaving only his classic white tank top which hugged all of the right places on his body. Camila could just make out a few of the toys laid out on the bed which really piqued her interest and the room had a red tint to it thanks to the only light coming from the lamp on the bedside table. Everything looked perfect and she couldn't wait for him to lay her out on the bed and have his way with her.
KJ: Sitting down on the bed, KJ exhaled softly before reaching for one of the toys they had impulsively bought on Amazon. He wasn’t sure they would truly get to use most of them — the list of sex toys for couples had been so damn long; they had simply decided to click on everything that looked fun for the both of them without any real expectations. Well, aside from the added pleasure they were supposed to get. The one in his hands left him rather perplexed and he frowned while turning the item around; pondering on whether the two little things at the top were supposed to look like bunny ears or if he was simply making it funnier than it was supposed to be. The sound of her voice made him jump, breaking his concentration and the toy was sent flying onto the bed as he shook his head. Mostly at himself for being such a klutz. “Can we forget about this?” he asked with a soft chuckle as he turned around, his brown eyes widening slightly and his entire body freezing as soon as he took in the view she offered. The lacy lingerie she was wearing accentuated her curves and he shamelessly took his time memorizing every inch of her wonderful self; although he had become quite the connoisseur already. “You look...” he started while slowly getting up from the bed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Stunning. Really.”
Cami: Camila watched as the sound of her voice caused him to jump which sent the toy he had in his hand flying onto the bed. She immediately burst out into a loud laugh, covering her mouth to quiet the sound. Once she got ahold of herself, she nodded with a teasing smile, "I'm not going to forget that easily, but your secret is safe with me," she giggled, biting down on her lip as he finally took in the view she was offering to him. Camila watched as his eyes raked over her body, twirling to give him a full view. As he started to speak again, she watched him rise from the bed, so she took the opportunity to walk slowly towards him. "All for you, baby," she whispered in response, reaching forward in an attempt to get her hands on his shoulders so she could jump up into his arms. "You don't look so bad yourself," she added, hoisting herself up as his hands came to her waist and then slowly moved beneath her ass to hold her up. "Take me to the bed," she whispered, looking at him with so much lust and adoration in her eyes. "Have your way with me."
KJ: All for him. There were times when none of it felt real as if he would suddenly wake up from this life that had slowly turned into a wonderful dream -- everything was so amazing and KJ wasn't sure if he was truly deserving. Someone had told him so after all, though as selfless as he was, this was something he couldn't let go of. Even if it was in her best interest. He knew deep down there was nothing he wouldn't do to make her happy, and that surely counted for something. The smile etched on his lips widened as she pushed herself up with the help of her grip on his shoulder, indicating she wanted to be lifted -- which he did without missing a beat. His hands resting upon her ass while her legs wrapped themselves around him, an amused expression crossing his face as he looked into her eyes. But, there was no denying the longing swirling in his brown orbs. "You're mine. Aren't you?" he breathed out while making his way back toward the bed, carefully placing one knee on the mattress and gently laying her down; her raven hair sprawled out on the sheet. "You're gonna let me make you feel good." The words were uttered as he pulled back from her form, hands venturing from her ass to her inner thighs -- caressing the flesh in a back and forth motion as he stood between her legs.
Cami: With her arms locked around his neck, Camila couldn't help but smile as his brown orbs looked into hers. "All yours, baby," she whispered, humming as he gently laid her down on the bed. Her hair sprawled out onto the sheets and one of her hands went to it, lazily playing with it as she watched him in front of her. "I'm going to let you make me feel so good," she breathed out, gasping slightly as his hands went from her ass to her inner thighs. Camila spread her legs out a bit wider as he stood between her legs, letting a low, quiet moan escape her as his hand caressed the flesh of her inner thighs. "What are you going to start with?" she asked, reaching over to grab a second pillow, putting it behind her head so she was at an angle. Camila wanted to see just what he was going to do to her, knowing it would heighten the sensations he was bound to bestow upon her body. The anticipation was already eating her up inside as she looked from the toys laid out beside her to her boyfriend standing right in front of her in all of his glory.
KJ: A light chuckle flew past his lips as he watched Camila spread her legs and get herself more comfortable -- his hands keeping up their motions along her inner thighs, slow and gentle, but never going too far. Simply caressing the flesh without any other intention behind such a gesture. His gaze briefly trailed in the direction of the toys laid out near them, though instead of reaching out for one, he hovered over her body once more; his right hand switching places with the other, while the left hand moved to the side of her face. Camila was so beautiful as she settled her gaze upon him again, always, surrounded by the red-ish light filling the bedroom and waiting for him to do something -- he couldn't help but take his time. A small part of him rejoicing in the fact that it would be considered teasing in the end. Though, the redhead actually wanted to bask in the moment shared. "Me," he whispered, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear before dipping his head down to kiss her. The hand left behind, moving upward and cupping her heat through the lacy fabric -- fingers drifting up and down.
Cami: Camila laid there in anticipation, smiling softly as his left hand moved to cup her face. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him as he answered her question with himself, something that didn't really surprise her, but after the excitement over the toys, she had assumed that's where he would start. Camila couldn't complain though, she loved what his hands did to her. "Go ahead," she whispered, smiling as he tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear before his head dipped down, capturing her lips in a kiss. The hand that had been left behind between her thighs was now cupping her heat through the lacy fabric of her lingerie. Camila breathed out slowly as his fingers drifted up and down, whimpering in want. "Touch me, please..."
KJ: Smiling in the kiss they were sharing at her pleading words, KJ kept up with his movements over the fabric — refusing to give her what she was seeking for the time being. The goal was to make her ready for whatever they would partake in and there was nothing better than stimulating Camila in a pleasurable yet frustrating way. Instead, his tongue found her own as the kiss grew more passionate; tangling urgently and mimicking motions she was hoping for with other parts of their bodies. The pressure against her warmth became heavier as the pace of his fingers quickened. The fabric still in the way. “Trust me, baby,” he whispered against her lips as they pulled back to take a much-needed breath. If there was one thing she could count on, it was that he would do anything to make her feel good. Just as he had promised. Fingers hooked into her panties, gathering the front of the fabric together and moving it along in the same back and forth movement.
Cami: Feeling his smile against her lips, caused her to smile — groaning as KJ kept up with his movements over the fabric of her underwear. She knew that she was already starting to get wet, which would make the use of the toys easier, but having her boyfriend prep her with his fingers was just what she wanted. Once his tongue found hers, she let out another groan, loving the feeling of their tongues battling for dominance. The heat in the depths of her stomach was growing as his fingers quickened their pace and Camila let out another whimper due to the fact that the fabric of her underwear was still in the way. "I do," she whispered back against his lips, sighing in contentment as his fingers hooked into her panties. His fingers kept teasing her, not delving into her walls which caused a low groan to spill out from her throat. "Put your fingers inside me, right now," she demanded against his lips, bucking her hips in order to help herself out.
KJ: Witnessing the growing frustration on her features mixed with the pleasure she couldn’t help but feel made KJ grin. Knowing Camila could do nothing but hope he would be merciful soon enough, give in to the voice that was laced with all the lust she could muster up. This was only the beginning and she was already putty in his hands — everything about their night looked as promising as it had sounded. Not that any doubts had spawned in the first place. “So fucking bossy.” he murmured while pushing the material of her panties aside; his middle finger finding its way along her slit and poking at her entrance with each stroke. The grin etched on his lips widening the more he allowed it to delve inside, only to pull back as soon to resume its motions. “What do you wanna do first?” he inquired, brown eyes trailing to the toys and making it seem as if she had any real say in it. Though she truly did. The redhead would never dream of going against her wishes — unless it was regarding something they were both keen about. “I reckon I could be generous,” he added before finally pushing his finger all the way past her damp walls.
Cami: A disgruntled groan fell from her lips as he grinned at her — she knew he wasn't going to give her what she wanted, even when she was being bossy. Camila knew that she should be used to this by now, they were always teasing each other and she was always begging for contact when he wouldn't give into her. She had won in this game a few times, but right now she was really at the mercy of her boyfriend, waiting for him to make another move. "And you're a fucking tease," she mumbled under her breath, biting down on her lip as he pushed the material of her panties aside. Camila looked down to watch as his middle finger poked at her entrance with each stroke of her slit. "It's up to you, I'll tell you if I don't like something" she replied, fisting at the sheets on the bed, needing him to touch her in the ways she wanted. "Please, be so generous, so fucking generous," she whimpered, arching her back as his finger finally pushed past her damp walls. "Fuck," she called out, continuing to fist the sheets as her body reacted to the feeling of his finger inside of her. "Take my panties off, please," she whispered as one of her hands came up to push at the fabric, wanting to be free from its restraints.
KJ: KJ shook his head at her answer, disapproving of her lack of actual response regarding the question he had asked. He couldn't properly tease her if she was allowing him complete control -- this was about heightening the frustration she was currently submerged with. "Wrong answer," he replied in a rough whisper, increasing the pace at which his finger was driven inside her core; curling just the right way to hit that little spot. Her request was dismissed with his own hand venturing from her face and down to her panties -- swatting the fingers away and grabbing hold of her hand. Immediately pulling it back up, trapped above her head. "My game, my rules. It stays on-- I really wanna fuck you with it." The smirk finding way on his face reflected the mischievousness of his words, a warning of the things that would come. Or rather stop in this instance. If Camila wanted to give him full control, then so be it. She had made it possible for him to be confident enough for these moments, even if it was something new altogether for both of them. "Since you don't wanna choose, then I will," he added mere seconds later, withdrawing his finger from her heat and pulling back from her body enough to reach out for the toy that had landed away from the rest earlier. Although instead of gracing her with the pleasure it would bring, the redhead simply contemplated the object much like he had done previously; his hand still holding her down. "It looks pretty fun, don't you think?"
Cami: "What's the right answer?" she whimpered, groaning out his name as he increased the pace of his finger inside of her. When she felt his finger curl to hit that little spot inside of her that drove her wild, she gasped, "Fuck, fuck," she whispered, as she tried to get her panties off. Camila sucked in a breath as his hand swatted her fingers away, grabbing hold of her hand to pull it back up and trap it above her head. She whimpered at the next words that left his mouth, "I want you to fuck me with a toy," she said, her voice low and full of seduction. "I don't care what you use as long as it's hard and fast and it feels good," she breathed out, biting down on her lip as he removed his finger from her heat. Watching in anticipation as he reached for the toy that had been in his hand when she scared him just moments before, she inhaled sharply as she waited for him to use it on her. Like the tease he was, she watched as he inspected the object and then came his taunting question. "It looks incredibly fun, now why don't you put it inside of me and see what it does," she demanded with gritted teeth.
KJ: His laughter filled the room as he looked back up from the sex toy and straight into the dark brown eyes staring back at him. Camila was as frustrated as he had planned for her to be and at that moment, she had never looked as exquisite nor as ready to pounce. “So mouthy. You’re playing a dangerous game, Mendes. Especially when I’m the one with the vibrator in hand.” he said with an amused smile, shaking said vibrator back and forth in front of her laid form before loosening his grip to reach for the intimate gel they had also purchased. “Just in case.” He squeezed some onto his hand and let it venture along the dildo, making sure it was well lubricated. The redhead was quite aware of how wet she was already, though a little extra wouldn’t hurt in this situation. He pondered for a few seconds on the way to use it, nodding to himself as it became clear the rabbit ears were supposed to stimulate her clitoris and backed away from her figure. Dragging her along so she would find herself at the edge of the bed, legs spread around his kneeled body. “Ready?” he asked softly, brushing his lips against both inner thighs and running the tip of the tongue along her slit before allowing the toy to find its way inside her core. Inch by inch, brown eyes intently fixed on her features to gauge her reaction and make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable.
Cami: The sound of his laughter had her fisting at the sheets again and letting out another whimper. She was so frustrated, which is exactly what he wanted and she knew that once he finally gave it was going to feel even more amazing than before, but she was really lacking patience. "Just fuck me, please," she whined, biting down on her lip as he shook the vibrator back and forth. She could feel the dampness in her panties that he had refused to take off — "I'm so wet, baby," she whispered, watching as he lubricated the dildo, her eyes hooded and filled with lust. Watching as he backed away from her, she closed her eyes, only opening them a second later when she felt him drag her along to the edge of the bed. Her legs were spread wide around his kneeling figure and the view was turning her on. Camila bit her lip in anticipation when he asked if she was ready, his soft voice giving her butterflies. "Yes, yes," she answered with a slight nod of her head. When his lips brushed against her inner thighs, she began to slightly shake from the contact. Her hands were back to fisting the sheets as he ran the tip of his tongue along her slit before pushing the head of the toy into her folds. "Fuck, fuck, Kaje... It feels so good," she moaned, eyes rolling in the back of her head as she bucked her hips in reaction to the contact. It felt so different from when he was inside her, mostly due to the vibrations which she had felt before on her own time, but there was just something even more incredible about KJ controlling the device.
KJ: His tongue darted out and licked his dry lips, brown eyes trailing back to the view she offered as he kept edging the toy inside of her core -- the material of her panties pushed aside by his free hand. KJ couldn't feel much aside from the vibrations coursing through his hand as he held onto the dildo firmly, though the simple sight of Camila being pleasured was enough to make him twitch in his shorts; almost as if to complain about being replaced in some way. As the toy was buried to the hilt, he watched with fascination as the two little rabbit ears vibrated against the bundle of nerves currently solicited. Finally making sense of their use. "Feels good?" he mumbled absently, engrossed in the way her lower body reacted to the numerous vibrations, his hand letting go of her underwear and letting it snap against the vibrator -- moving along her stomach and to her breasts; freeing them from their restraints and massaging slowly. He knew just as much she enjoyed such gesture in the first place, and the redhead had always been a fan of them. Not too small, nor too big and so responsive to his touch. Just as he withdrew their new companion, only to push it back in again with more force. "Hard and fast, aye." he breathed out as his pace became almost harsh, giving her exactly what she had been asking for, pressing the side of it to increase the vibrations to the next level. The hand that was on her breasts quickly moved back to her thigh in a tight grip, keeping her in place as the motions elicited another wave of new sensations.
Cami: Usually during an act like this, Camila would play with the redhead's hair, tugging on it when she wanted more, but now her fingers tugged at the bedsheets — missing the feeling of her hands in his hair. As he buried the toy deeper inside of her she felt a new piece of the device vibrating against her bundle of nerves. "Holy shit," she called out, bucking her hips in pleasure and fisting at the sheets. "Feels so fucking good," she breathed out, legs twitching from the contact. At the feeling of her underwear snapping against the vibrator as his hand let it go, Camila gasped and then watched as his hand traveled up her stomach to her breasts. Licking her lips as he freed the mounds from their restraints, Camila threw her head back as he massaged them slowly. "I love when you touch me there," she whispered, sucking in her breath as she felt him remove the vibrator from inside of her and then plunge it back down with more force. Camila was panting now at the rough feeling, her walls tightening around the toy. "Fuck, yes," she called out, gasping as he pressed the side of the toy to increase the vibrations. The hand on her breast moved back to her thigh, which he gripped at tightly as a whine released from her lips, already missing the feeling of his hand on her breast.
KJ: The sounds she emitted were, as always, like music to his ears. There was never enough of her moans and whimpers -- a sweet melody that only spurred him on whenever they found themselves pleasuring each other. The circumstances were quite different after all the thing currently providing the sensations submerging her being was the toy he was driving inside of her relentlessly. KJ was still responsible in some way and he couldn't help but add more intensity to the already overwhelming feeling he was bestowing upon her. His thumb pressing against the vibrator once more and adding another level of vibrations. "Look at me." he requested, keeping up with his motions but moving upward onto the bed; both knees finding a place next to her while his upper body hovered over her. Making it possible to dip his head and catch a nipple between his lips -- moaning loudly as he sucked on the nub like a starved man. "You like that, don't you?" The question was asked as he increased the pace of his motions once more, waiting for an answer for not only the way his mouth felt on her chest but the dildo endlessly finding a way into her depths. Not waiting for it though, he leaned forward again and trapped the nipple in his mouth, teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh.
Cami: As the vibrator kicked up another notch, Camila gasped, hands gripping at the bedsheets below her, coming up to rest on his hips as he leaned forward, commanding her to look at him. When he dipped his head and caught her nipple in his mouth, she arched her back, hands moving up his hips to the nape of his neck. "Fuck," she whispered, smiling as a loud moan came from his mouth as he sucked at her nub. "I love it, oh fuck, I love it," she answered, groaning as he increased the pace of his motions. Camila breathed out, feeling herself getting closer as he trapped the nipple into his mouth again, nipping at the sensitive flesh. "Keneti, I feel so close," she moaned, tugging at the hair on his head as her walls continued to tighten around the toy inside of her. "Don't stop, please, don't stop," she panted, closing her eyes and arching her back again as his mouth worked at her breast. There was a fire in the pit of her stomach and she knew that in just a few minutes she would be coming completely undone around the toy he was working through her folds.
KJ: He couldn't help but chuckle softly as he released the nipple he had attended to, looking up to witness the expression crossing her features; always quite an experience whenever he was able to watch her give into the throes of passion. Camila was magnificent under any circumstance, but there was something special about that brief moment when her orgasm washed over like a burst of wind. "I ain't stopping, baby. I promise-- just let go. You know you want to." he breathed out as he continued to move the sex toy back and forth inside of her warmth -- never faltering in the pace and motions. Each thrust intending on seeing this through and giving her exactly what her entire being was seeking. KJ resumed his ministrations upon her upper body, tongue trailing between the valley of her breasts and swirling around the nipple that had been disregarded. Giving it the same attention he had given the other, although this time he nipped at the flesh harder; urging her to come undone.
Cami: When he pulled away from her nipple to catch a glimpse of how this was affecting her, she couldn't help but amp up the passionate feelings she was feeling in the moment. Camila never shied away from showing just how turned on she was which she knew was something KJ liked. "I'm going to, I'm almost there" she answered almost breathlessly, tossing her head around on the bed as the toy moved back and forth between her warmth. Camila let out a low groan, tugging even harder at his hair as his tongue trailed between the valley of her breasts. When his mouth moved over to her breast that he hadn't been attending to earlier, she gasped, tugging harshly on his hair as he nipped at her flesh even harder than before. "Keneti," she called out, a low moan rippling out of her chest as she came around the vibrator, spilling out around it. "Holy shit, that was... wow, you're incredible," she whispered, breathing heavily as she pulled his face up to look at her. "Go ahead and taste it, baby," she whispered, wanting so badly to feel his stubble on her warmth.
KJ: He wasn't able to feel it for himself, there was no part of his body snuggled between her walls and coated with her release -- though the way her body moved against the sheets and those supple lips parting in a low moan was truly all he needed to know Camila had finally succumbed to the sensations the vibrator had provided. KJ was quick to press his finger on the side of the toy to shut down the vibrations, allowing her the time needed to bask in the wonderful after-effect. He smiled like a kid on Christmas Day as she pulled him up to catch his gaze, quite content with himself regarding this new experience they had shared. "So are you," he whispered back, catching her lips in a sweet kiss before nodding eagerly; the brightness of the smile etched on his features almost making his cheeks hurt. Time for his reward. Slowly, he pulled the dildo out of her core and pushed her underwear aside before skimming his tongue along her slit, just as he had done previously -- his mouth opening wide while he lapped at the juices that were awaiting him. A loud groan escaping him at the taste of her arousal, exaggerated on purpose to send little vibrations through her body. Ones he knew would make her squirm after the ones she had felt throughout the entire process. "I'm not done with you yet," he promised with a small smirk, as he pulled away to address her, motioning for another toy nearby, before resuming his motions on her warmth.
Cami: Once the vibrations from the dildo stilled, Camila took a deep breath, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. When he caught her lips in a sweet kiss she couldn't help but smile. Every day she was reminded just how lucky she was to be with this incredibly wonderful man. The smile on her face mirrored the one on her boyfriend's face as he moved down, pulling the dildo out of her core and pushing her underwear aside to skim his tongue along her slit. She could feel his mouth opening wide against her exposed skin as he lapped up her juices. The vibrations his tongue was sending through her body left her quietly moaning as she enjoyed the feeling of his tongue on her most sensitive area. At the next words out of his mouth, Camila nibbled on her bottom lip, watching as he motioned towards the other toys laid out on the bed. "Take your pick," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair as he resumed the motions of his tongue against her wetness. "I love watching you take control."
KJ: The fabric he had been holding onto found place yet again over her warmth, covering what he had been so vigorously given his undivided attention to as KJ hovered over Camila -- laying himself down on top of her and grinding his lower body into her own. Allowing her to feel just how excited he already was by everything that had gone down. "Do you? I hadn't noticed," he replied, the smirk on his face widening slightly, as his mouth brushed against her lips; peppering them with sweet and brief kisses. This was another thing he truly enjoyed about their relationship. The fun side of it -- no matter what was going on, especially during such intense situations, they were always able to make it light and remind themselves at the end of the day, they were still the best of friends. "To be honest, I think there's only one other toy we can use-- the rest will be quite helpful when I wanna torture you though." His gaze trailed back in the direction of the sex toys, his mind already conjuring up the many ways they would use them. Perhaps when they'd be able to go out again. Watching her squirm in her seat at a restaurant, surrounded by strangers that could perceive at any moment her fidgeting, would be quite entertaining. Reaching out for the toy he had mentioned, the redhead frowned at the black item -- holding it up for his girlfriend to take a good look as well. "You better hope this doesn't make me sterile."
Cami: When she felt the fabric of her underwear cover her warmth again, Camila groaned. "Take it off, please..." she whimpered but was cut off as KJ hovered over her body, laying himself on top of her and grinding his lower half against her warmth. She could feel how hard he was even between the fabric that was covering both of them — which was more fabric in his case. "Shut up," she said through gritted teeth, her lips curving into a smirk to mirror his own. Camila couldn't help but giggle as his lips peppered her own with sweet and brief kisses. She raised her eyebrow at his next statement. "And when would you be torturing me?" she asked, eyes wide as she followed his gaze towards the sex toys again. Camila bit her lip when he grabbed the black toy, something she'd never felt inside of her before. "It better not make you sterile, we've got to keep the Apa name alive for your dad," she whispered with a smile. Camila reached out to grab at his shorts, wanting to pull them and his boxers off his body to get him inside of her with the new toy. Once she got her hands on the waistband, she started to push the fabric down — expecting to see another article of clothing underneath, she was surprised when his erection almost sprang to life in front of her as she got the shorts off of his hips. "Damn, baby," she moaned at the sight, licking her lips in anticipation. "Put it on, get inside of me," she said in a low voice, looking from the toy in his hands to his enlarged cock.
KJ: Pretending to ponder on her question and the numerous ways he could torture her, KJ pursued his lips — unable to conceal the smile that was threatening to break out on his face. “In public. I reckon we ought to test just how long you can keep a straight face, aye,” he answered, with raised eyebrows, a challenging look crossing his features. This was something they could slowly work towards, giving it a first go in the safety of their home. He knew it would be quite tough for her to resist the temptation of proving him she could be good at it. A hearty chuckle flew past his lips at the next words Camila uttered and he looked up from the sex toy; amusement plastered on his face. “For my dad, of course.” As if she could fool him with this one. The redhead was well aware of the future she had in mind for them — it was something he was looking forward to as well. He was just afraid deep down this would disappear before they could even achieve such a dream. Pushing those little doubts away as he felt her hands tug on his shorts, a bright grin found a place on his lips at her reaction to his erection. “I’m the one in charge, remember? You’re not in a position to give me any orders.” he reminded his girlfriend, reaching for one of her hands with his free one and guiding it to his hard-on; making her stroke him with firm motions as he pushed the head past her walls with slow and brief thrusts. Never allowing more to slide inside. “Tell me why I should fuck you, Mendes.” Letting go of her hand, his own busied themselves with the toy, turning it around in the right position and putting it on in between his teasing thrusts. Making sure it wasn’t too tight around the base of his length and around his sack. “Tick tock. The more you wait, the worse it’s gonna be for you.”
Cami: Camila's eyes widened at his answer to her question, biting down on her bottom lip as she thought about him teasing her in public. Heat bubbled up in her stomach just at the thought as she looked into his eyes, brown orbs staring back into her own. Camila just nodded her head after his response to her reasoning for why he couldn't be sterile. They could talk about their gorgeous future children some other time, right now she was horny and she had needs. At the next words out of his mouth, Camila groaned, "You're so hot when you're bossy," she replied, gasping as he brought her hand onto his hard-on. Camila gripped it with her hand and began to stroke him as he guided her, "I love knowing how hard I make you," she whispered, looking into his eyes as he pushed the head of his length past her walls. The teasing was driving her insane, but she knew that it was all part of his plan. When he asked her to tell him why he should fuck her, she grew quiet, pondering her answer. Watching as he busied himself with the toy, fitting it on between his teasing thrusts, Camila's mind was blank as she licked her lips. When he told her to hurry up, she groaned, finally thinking of something. "You should fuck me because I'm so wet for you and I want to feel you filling me up with your big, hard cock," she moaned, her voice low and her eyes filled with lust. Words like this only came out of her mouth in a moment like this, he always brought this side of her out and it amazed her. "Fuck me hard and fast, baby."
KJ: There was no preventing the smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as Camila finally answered his question -- the vulgarity of her words only making him even harder at this moment. KJ loved knowing just how much he could make her lose control. Whether it was physically, during the numerous things they were partaking in or verbally when the frustration had reached its climax. Even better when the two were mixed together. "Such a potty mouth. I reckon we should do something about that, aye," he whispered before leaning down and catching her lips in a kiss full of longing and passion -- reflecting the craving submerging his being. As they kept up with the motions of their lips colliding against one another, he stopped the teasing he had started regarding their lower bodies and moved her legs over his shoulder. Both on the same side, keeping them locked in a firm grip while his free hand found a place on her stomach. Giving himself some support as he leaned backward on his knees -- inclined on making sure she couldn't squirm out of the position. "Ready?" he asked, brown eyes meeting her own and finding all the consent he needed to start another adventure for them. Slowly, he drove himself inside of her core, a low moan rumbling from his mouth at the feeling of her depths surrounding him. There was no way he would ever get tired of it. Once he was buried to the hilt, the sex toy between them still, he quickly pressed the side of it to allow the vibrations to reach them both. Something he had never experienced before and made him buck his hips harshly. "Oh, shit," he mumbled under his breath, lips parting in a silent groan and eyes fluttering shut. Willing himself to rein in the overwhelming sensations, the redhead placed his hand back on her stomach and didn't shy away from starting as hard and fast as she had wanted. The position allowing him a better angle for it.
Cami: His erection grew harder in her hand as the words she had uttered sunk in, which had her licking her lips as she looked up at him. "Punish me," she whispered, humming as he leaned toward her, catching her lips in a kiss that was full of longing and passion. Camila's tongue found it's place in his mouth, battling it out with his own tongue in the same game they were constantly playing with each other. She gasped as he lifted her legs and moved them over his shoulder, keeping them locked in a firm grip while his other hand rested on her stomach. "I'm so ready," she breathed out, looking at him with lust-filled eyes. As his hard-on made the slow descent into her core, Camila moaned out his name at the feeling of him starting to fill her up. Once he was completely buried inside of her, she felt him turn the sex toy on and she let out another low moan at the feeling of the vibrations against her core. "Fuck," she mumbled, eyes rolling into the back of her head as her hips bucked against his own. Camila's hands reached out to grab at her boyfriend's hips, enjoying the feeling as he moved in and out of her at a quickening speed, fucking her hard and fast in just the way she had wanted.
KJ: His motions were borderline rough as he kept on driving himself inside her warmth -- the grip on the lower part of her legs tight and used as leverage to keep going at this pace. KJ was doing his best to not allow the vibrations at the base of his length to get the best of him, despite how difficult it became the more time went on. Instead, he focused his attention on the sight of his girlfriend welcoming the pleasure coursing through her being with open arms. This time around, he was the one truly responsible for every sound flowing past her lips and it only spurred him on. "Shit..." he breathed out, the sex toy smashing against their flesh with each thrust and sending little jolts through his member. "Feels so good." Other words were supposed to tumble out, though the sensations were too much for him to truly form a coherent sentence. The way he was manhandling her right now said more than words could anyway -- he would tease her about it later on. Pressing his lips together, he tightened his grip on her legs and bucked his hips even harder, doing his best to go deeper with each movement. He could only revel in the excitement of it all and the way she constantly made him feel whenever they were together. With Camila, there was nothing he felt he couldn't do.
Cami: The roughness of KJ's actions in the heat of the moment was taking Camila to a whole new level. He was fucking her completely senseless and the vibrations of the toy only added to that. As the sex toy smashed against their flesh, she heard him muttering under his breath, "I know, baby, it feels so good," she replied with a smirk. "Tell me more about how good it feels," she whimpered, dropping one of her hands down to the sheets as she fisted it, her body writhing from the feeling he was bestowing upon her. As he tightened his grip on her legs, Camila threw her head back, moaning out his name as he bucked his hips against her again and again. Each thrust was harder than the next one. Feeling his hard-on fill her up with each thrust brought noises out of her that she knew would spur him on. Camila felt a fire igniting in the pit of her stomach as he continued to fill her up, "Baby," she called out, moving her hand from the bedsheet to her left breast, squeezing it to give herself more pleasure. Dropping her other hand from his waist, she reached for her right breast, giving it a firm squeeze before she flicked at her hard nipples. Camila bucked her hips, eyes closing as she began to feel herself getting close. "I think I'm gonna come again," she warned him, looking into his eyes as she continued to squeeze at her mounds, moaning his name.
KJ: A groan rumbled from his chest at her request, eyes rolling in the back of his head from both frustration and pleasure. KJ wasn’t sure he would be able to say more than a few words, not with the numerous vibrations flowing through his length and the fire burning at the pit of his stomach — brighter and wilder with each motion inside of her cozy depths. “Cami...” he started, biting hard on his bottom lip as he kept pounding into her; merciless and with purpose. “I never wanna stop. All I wanna do is fuck you.” Quite unachievable, especially with the waves of ecstasy submerging him. Or under any circumstances actually. Though the message behind those words was clear enough — it felt so good, he could see himself doing this day and night. Fucking her as hard and fast as she wanted. Brown lustful orbs watched intently as she massaged her chest, flicking his tongue upward along his upper lip; tracing it exaggeratedly and making sure she wasn’t missing any second of it. Her next words elicited a sharp laugh that made him falter in his movements for a brief moment, although he was quick to thrust right back at the pace they were now both accustomed to. “You better,” he whispered with a small smirk, very hopeful she would indeed come. Or else everything they were partaking in would be a waste. The redhead tilted his head and brushed his mouth against her ankle, tightening his grip once more before leaning forward on her legs to drive himself past her walls from another angle.
Cami: The groan that came from his chest, had her biting down on her lip as she watched his eyes roll back into his head. Listening as he said her name, biting down on his lip to try and focus as he pounded into her, she smirked at his answer. Camila loved knowing that the sensations she was providing him made it almost impossible for him to speak. "I love the way you fuck me, baby," she whispered, looking at him with a glint in her eyes. As she gave attention to her chest with her hands, she watched him watching her, licking his lips which turned her on even more. "Shut up," she hissed through her teeth as he laughed at her revelation. "I mean, I'm gonna come... like now," she breathed out, bucking her hips and moaning his name as his mouth brushed against her ankle before he was leaning forward against her legs and driving himself into her from another angle. "Don't stop, don't stop," she screamed out, fisting the sheets again as the fire within the pit of her stomach exploded. She was crying out as she came, breathing heavily and looking into his eyes with so much adoration. "Are you close?" she breathed out, biting her lip as he looked at her, she was still coming down from her high, but she wanted to help him out. "I want to ride you, baby."
KJ: A chuckle wasn't far behind as Camila told him to shut up, explaining herself despite the fact that he was quite aware of what she had meant. KJ simply hadn't been able to hold himself back from this kind of teasing as well though. Putting some of his weight on her legs as he pushed them forward, he was able to thrust deeper than he had previously, preventing the moans from escaping him by biting his bottom lip harder while he tried his best to quicken his pace. Intent on driving her to the edge of the precipice. His entire focus was on her beautiful features and the way her mouth opened to let out a cry of pleasure filter through -- more than enough to have the base of his member tingle in delicious ways. And the way his girlfriend was currently looking at him didn't help any, though he could only return the devotion and adoration he was witnessing. The redhead knew he was not far behind and simply nodded as she came back down from her high, asking him if he was close. Swiftly, he withdrew from her heat and rolled over onto the bed -- laying down on the sheets and waiting for her to take her rightful place on top of him. "Wait." Before she could do so, the sex toy was turned off and flung to the side, his hands finding her hips but allowing her complete control of the moment.
Cami: When he withdrew from her heat, she let out a quiet whimper at the feeling of him leaving her empty. Watching as he rolled over brought a smirk to her face, biting down on her lip as he turned off the sex toy and removed it from his throbbing erection. His hands took place on her hips as she got on her knees, legs spread over him as she sunk onto his hard-on, gasping at the feeling of him filling her up again. "Come on baby, I'm right here, I'm right here," she whispered as she started to ride him. Her movements were slow at first, but soon enough she was quickening her pace to the point where she was basically bouncing on top of him. Her fingers scratched at his chest as her pelvis smashed into his as she rode him out. Camila's hands went from his chest to his thighs, digging her nails into them as she began to grind against him. "Come for me, baby, I want to feel you explode inside of me and fill me up with your sweetness," she said, her voice low and rough as she squeezed at his thighs. Watching his face for signs of him letting go, Camila sucked in her breath in anticipation, awaiting the moment when he would fill her with his goodness.
KJ: The sounds he had been keeping at bay previously all came out at the same time as she took his pulsating length back in -- a moan swallowed by a groan and taken over by a light grunt. Blunt nails digging into her bare flesh as he gripped her hips yet with no intention to control her motions. Simply holding on to her body as rode him with everything she had. And boy was Camila continuously so eager and thrilled when the time to shine on top of him came along. KJ, as always, couldn't help but direct his gaze between their bodies; watching himself disappear inside of her core over and over again. Though the sensations that crashed onto him once more prevented him from his current favorite sight -- eyes squeezing shut and lips parting in a silent moan as he felt himself on the verge of coming. The feeling of her nails raking over his flesh and digging into his thighs, her tight walls and words urging him to give in; it all became too overwhelming. "Me too. So much." he let out with hot and heavy breaths, quickly sitting up and bucking his hips upward in time with hers to help his girlfriend achieve their common goal. "I'm-- fuck, I'm gonna..." A loud grunt followed suit as he filled her up with his release, his hands venturing to her ass and gripping harshly to keep her in place while he thrust a couple more times in order to finish properly. All he could do afterward was to slump against her chest and rest his head there as his entire being processed the orgasm that had submerged him.
Cami: Being on top was always a special treat for Camila, she loved being a bottom and letting her boyfriend have his way with her, but there was something really incredible about taking control and helping him achieve their common goal. The sounds coming from KJ's throat spurred her on even more as she helped him reach his release. Her eyes followed him to the sight of his cock disappearing inside of her core over and over again. When he breathed out a response, his breath hot and heavy, she smirked as he sat up and bucked his hips upward in time with her own. Soon enough he was calling out that he was going to come in so many words, he wasn't even able to finish his thought before he was filling her up with his sweet release. Camila let out a moan as she felt him come undone inside of her and then his hands were gripping at her ass which made her gasp. As he thrust a few more times to finish properly, she hands came up behind his back, holding him close to her chest as he slumped against it, her fingers combing through his hair. "You were so good, baby, so so good," she whispered, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
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What the Rain Can’t Wash Away- Chapter 1
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Sixteen years after Lucifer rose, and Dean lost his wife he finds himself with a teenager, a Nephilim, an angel, and his brother living out a Full House rerun with some seriously dark undertones. How will he be able to raise his daughter, fight monsters, and deal with the loss of the love of his life? Sometimes moving on is the hardest part, but with the Winchester’s there’s always something harder around the corner. Isn’t there?
Chapter One, The Little Town Full of Little People
The air smelled like popcorn, corn dogs, and hay. Little kids scurried along the streets of downtown Lebanon wearing their Halloween costumes, squealing. Claire wore a witch hat, despite her insistence of not wanting to dress up. That was the thing about falling in love, it makes you do crazy things. I should know, Nel had me, Sam, and Cas dressed up as the Ghost Busters. 
  “I feel ridiculous,” I complained as Nel snapped me into my back pack. 
  “Well I worked hard on these costumes, so get over it.”
  “And what are you?”
  She rolled her eyes, pointing to her pale face paint. “Jackie and I are obviously ghosts?”
  Of course. What was I thinking?
“Look What Ellie got me!” Jack exclaimed, showing us the cotton candy in his hand. “It is delicious.”
 “I’ll say.” I grinned, plucking a piece of the pink fluff and sticking it in my mouth. 
 “She has very good taste,” Jack said with a nod.
 “Come here, Jackie!” Nel said, waiving him over to one of the games. It was pumpkin painting. “Want to do one?”
 “Oh yes!” He said with a gleam in his eye. The three kids huddled around the pumpkins. Nel and Jack painted while Claire instructed Jack on creepy paint ideas. 
 Cas, Sam, and I hung back. “She had a dream,” I said low to them.
 “What do you mean?”
 “It’s like we had the same dream last night. Like she was tapped into my head,” I glanced to Sam. 
 “That’s...oh,” Sam said with a frown. “You think its a psychic thing?”
 “Don’t you?”
 Cas raised an eyebrow. “They do not mention this in the parenting books.” 
 “We already have one super powered kid burning off his soul.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “And another that’s a reckless hunter,” I sighed. “Pretty sure they don’t cover any of this.”
 “Maybe she could be helpful with our current predicament,” Castiel offered, eyeing me.
 “No way. I don’t want her in my head, Cas. It’s a fucking mess in there.” 
 “I mean, Cas has a point. You saw how powerful I was.” 
 “This isn’t a conversation we are having,” I huffed. “You also saw what happened. You had to juice up to do all of that and we sure as shit aren’t doing that to my daughter. She deserves to be normal.” I watched her painting on the pumpkin. She threw her head back and laughed at something that Jack said. They looked happy. Fuck, she deserved to be happy.
 “You brought it up, man.”
 “Because I am worried, not because I want to use her as a weapon. We’ve been watching her her whole life... and yours didn’t show up until you were twenty three. Why is hers happening now?”
 “She’s a wild card, Dean. We’ve always known that she ingested more than I ever did,” Sam said carefully. “We don’t know what she’s capable of. Maybe its coming out from all the stress.” 
 I shook my head. “So it’s my fault.” 
 “I didn’t say that.” 
 “You didn’t have to.” 
 Nel turned to me, catching me watching. She waved at me. 
 I winked back at her. My daughter, the light of my fucking life. All I wanted was for her to have a normal life. I worked my ass off for that, but I always knew in the back of my head that she wouldn’t be able to be normal. How could she after everything we’ve been through? After the name she was given. Winchester. It was like the kiss of death. 
 She whispered something in Claire’s ear, and she turned to look at me. I shrugged. I wasn’t gonna apologize for watching her. Ever since she was a baby I couldn’t look at her enough. She looked like Ava in the way that she moved, and laughed, in her nose, and her eyes in the right light. She was everything. Even though I knew I’d have to say goodbye I wasn’t ready. How could I ever be?
  “We should just watch her. Ya know?” I said carefully. “And when I go under, you two need to watch her too. We can’t let these kids go dark side. No matter what.” I turned away. 
 “Dean where are you going?”
 “Getting a beer, Sammy. Don’t worry. I promised her a nice day. I don’t break promises to my kid if I can avoid it.” 
 I walked away. My feet crunching leaves as I walked down Main Street to the vender selling beer off the tap. 
 “Hey! Dean!” 
 I turned to find Cami, the waitress from The Little Pancake, jogging to me. 
 “Hey.” I forced a smile, taking my beer. “You, uh, want a drink?”
 “Sure.” She smiled widely, pushing her red hair behind her ear. I’d never seen it down before, it had a nice wave to it. 
 I nodded to the bartender. “We will take another of the same thing,” I said, sitting some cash down. The man handed us a another cup and I offered it to her. 
 “Thank you so much,” she said, her cheeks pink. “You here with Eleanor?”
 “Yeah,” I said with a laugh. “Wouldn’t dress like this on my own.” I gestured to the costume.
 “She’s spirited.” Cami laughed.
 “That’s an understatement.” 
 “What about you?”
 “Oh, I’m here alone,” she said nervously. Her cheeks were painted to look like a cats face. 
 I smiled a bit. “So no one is forcing you into face paint?”
 “Oh! This?” Her cheeks grew even more red. “No, I just saw one of the kids that always comes into the diner... and she was doing the paint and offered. Does it look terrible?”
 “Nah,” I said with a shrug. “It’s cute. Nel used to paint my face, too.” 
 Cami smiled to herself and sipped her beer. “She’s a special girl. You two seem very close.” 
 “We are,” I agreed, taking a swig of my own beer. “Always have been.” 
 “Most dads that I see come in with their daughters seem so awkward. They’re both on their phones, but you two never are. It’s nice.” 
 I smiled at her, noticing the sun catching a gold fleck in her brown eyes. “Didn’t know you paid that close of attention.”
 “Of course I do,” she said gently. 
 “Hey Dad, I,” Nel said, jogging up holding her pumpkin. “Oh, hi Cami.” 
 I turned to my daughter to catch her grinning from ear to ear. I internally sighed, realizing what this must look like. “It was nice talking to you, Cami,” I said forcing a smile.
 “You too, Dean,” she responded quietly, with a small smile. “Thanks for the beer.”
 “Anytime,” I said with a shrug. I walked to Nel and threw my arm over her shoulder. “Let’s see the pumpkin.” 
 She showed it to me, it was black and white striped with green paint dripping down it. “Beetlejuice.” I grinned. “That’s my girl.” 
 She leaned into me. “Sorry to interrupt you two.”
 “You didn’t. She was just saying hi. We were actually talking about you.” I glanced at her. 
 “We need to practice talking to girls, Dad.” She laughed.
 “Nah, you’re the only girl I need to talk to,” I said, placing a kiss on the top of her head. 
 “Why do you do that?” She asked me, stopping us. 
 “Do what?” 
 “Refuse to be happy?” 
 “I’m not refusing, kid. All things considered, I am happy. I don’t need to be in a relationship to be full.” I pushed her hair behind her ear. “I’ve had my great love. Don’t really need another one.” Plus, that’s just one more person to disappoint. One more person to miss me when I’m in the coffin. 
 “You really think there’s only one person out there? You don’t think we get more than one chance.” 
 I smiled down at her. “For you, sweetheart, you will get a million chances. You’re good. For me? Nah. It was your mom. Period, end of story, roll credits. I’m okay with that. You don’t need to worry about me,” I said, beginning to walk again. Ending the conversation. How could I explain to her that I never wanted any of this? I never let myself want the apple pie life. The marriage, the kid, the home. With Ava I just had a taste, more than I ever deserved. I saw her in that bar and everything changed. Then I saw my daughter look up at me with big tired eyes, and fuck everything changed again, but no matter what I was still me. I was Dean Winchester, and shit just didn’t work out for me. Even under the setting sun, and growing full moon, the smell of fire, and the laughter of kids, I knew that I wasn’t meant to stick around in this world. Otherwise, why was death always knockin on my door? No matter what I did, we would always end up here. We would always end up having to say goodbye. 
Dad’s arm felt heavy around my shoulders. He was smiling, but there was something else behind it. There was an unbelievable sadness within him. I wrapped one arm around him in a hug and let go. “I’m gonna go see if Jack wants to ride the Ferris wheel now that it’s starting to get dark,” I offered weakly. 
 “Sounds good.” 
 I walked to Jack and Claire. “You guys want to go for a ride?” I asked, gesturing to the Ferris wheel. 
 Jack gulped audibly. “Really? Is it safe?”
 “Nope.” Claire grinned.
 “Babe stop. Yeah, Jackie. It’s perfectly safe.” I offered him my hand, sitting my pumpkin down next to Cas, who was sitting on a bench next to Sam. “Watch our stuff?”
 “Sure.” Cas shrugged. 
 Jack took my hand nervously, and Claire rolled her eyes, taking my other spare hand. I lead us to the Ferris wheel. I gave the carnie our tickets and the three of us squeezed into the seat. 
 “Not very romantic,” Claire complained. 
 “Shh.” I leaned in and kissed her. “Every moment I’m with you is romantic, no matter what,” I promised. 
 Jack gasped when we started to move upwards he gripped my hand tightly and I smiled widely at him. “Hey, it’s good,” I promised him.
 “Yes...” He said carefully, starting to relax. “I think it is.” 
 “I needed to talk to you guys in private,” I said, looking at Dad below as other people started to get onto the Ferris wheel.
 “What’s going on?” Claire asked, eyeing me.
 “I had a dream last night. It was really vivid,” I said carefully. “I think I saw my moms death.”
 “How could you have seen that, El?”
 I shrugged, shaking my head. “Honestly, I have no idea. But it isn’t the first weird dream I’ve had lately,” I admitted.
 “Like what?” Jack leaned in to the conversation. 
 “When you were sick... Jack I saw you die.” I sniffled, wiping a tear before it could roll down my cheek. “I don’t know... I didn’t think much about it. It was my worst nightmare, but then it happened just like I saw it...” I shook my head. “I’m getting really freaked out here. When I mentioned the dream to Dad he got all stiff. I think he knows more than what he’s saying.”
  “Why don’t you ask him?” Jack asked quietly.
 “I think he will lie to me, Jackie. He’s been doing that a lot lately. Apparently he’s been doing it my whole life.” 
 Claire laced her fingers with mine. “What does your gut say?”
 I laughed humorlessly. “Well, maybe I’m psychic. I don’t know it sounds ridiculous, right? But what if... what if it’s true? What if I am one of the things my Dad hunts?”
 “He would never hurt you, Ella. You’ve gotta know that,” Claire said insistently. 
 “I.. I do.. I mean I think I do,” I sighed as we crept up higher. “But what if there’s something else.” I met her eyes and then turned to Jack. “What if I have powers... what if I could help him? Don’t I have to try?”
 “Hey, we don’t even know what this is. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Claire said, alarmed.
 “I don’t exactly know who to ask about this, Claire. My Dad? I can’t... He won’t like it.” 
 “What about Sam or Cas?” Jack offered. “Sam is very understanding about things.” 
 “No... he will tell Dad. He has to, right?”
 “What about Rowena?” Claire offered. “I don’t like you talking to witches... but she would probably know something about all of this.” 
 “I think I’ll call her when we get back,” I said, looking down at my Dad. He looked like a spec below. What should I do? I thought, frustrated before he glanced up at me. Almost like he heard me. I swallowed hard. Impossible. “If there’s something to this... maybe I can find the answer for Dad. Maybe I can help him.”
 “Maybe I could,” Jack offered. “I could over power Michael.” 
 “No.” I said, squeezing his hand. “Jackie I won’t let you do that. You won’t burn away any more of you soul. Okay? You have to promise me.”
 He sighed. He looked as helpless as I felt. “Okay.”
 “You can’t tell him what we are doing, Jackie,” I said insistently. “He won’t let us figure it out. It has to be a secret. That’s how you can help. Help me by keeping quiet.” 
 Jack searched my face. He hated lying. I knew he did, but he nodded. “Yes. Okay I will do it.” 
 I let go of Claires hand and hugged him tightly. “Thanks little brother.”
 “You are welcome.” 
 I released him and let Claire put her arm around me. “I’m sorry I ruined your first Ferris wheel ride.”
 “No,” Jack said shaking his head. “I like spending time with you. I don’t care what we do.” 
 “Look at that,” I said, pointing out. “It’s the whole town. Its starting to light up.”
 “They all look so small,” he said quietly. 
 “That’s because they are small, Jack,” Claire said. “There are so much bigger things, places, people than in this small little town, bigger things than that bunker.” 
 “Hey,” I whispered, taking her cheek in my hand. “You okay?”
 “No,” she whispered, pressing her forehead to mine. “I wanted you to have fun today, but you’re so worried. You’re always so worried.” 
 “It’s basically my M-O.” 
 “I don’t like it.” 
 “I’ll stop worrying when there’s nothing to worry about.” I winked. “Which may mean you need to stop hunting.” I laced my fingers with her hand that wasn’t around me. “Because it isn’t just Dad that I worry about, ya know.”
 “I feel like I’m intruding,” Jack said awkwardly.
 Laughter bubbled up inside of me, and I busted up. “God we have such a weird family.”
 Claire grinned before busting up too. “That’s a fucking understatement.” 
 “Okay, no more drama,” I agreed. “Let’s just have fun.”
 Claire’s face relaxed and she nodded, giving me a kiss. 
 We got off the Ferris wheel. My three dads met us with popcorn and candy apples. They looked like huge dorks in their costumes, I loved it. Growing up as a Winchester was probably not a normal childhood, but it was the one I had. We all hooked arms and went to find a place to sit in the grass. I leaned against a large tree, and bit into my apple, watching my family. Cas stared intently at his apple, not sure why he got one, as Dad tried to explain to him why it was delicious even though it was fruit. Claire brought out a cigarette to light before Sam grabbed it from her. “No way,” he said, sternly.
 I grinned. Claire may think that this is a small town life, with small people, but she was just too zoomed out. When you get close it was so much more. The bunker wasn’t just a place, it was home. It was the place that I learned to count. The first place I met Claire, our first Christmas with Jack, and the place where Grandma came back to us. 
 I grew up in that bunker, in this town. It may be unconventional, but it belongs to me. It’s my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Looking at my family laughing, in front of a darkening sky, I knew I wouldn’t trade them for anything. We would stay together, the six of us, no matter what I took. Dad looked at me and smiled. We will save you, Daddy. I promise. Even if it takes the last breath in my body, I will not let you rot in that coffin.
 His eyes widened for a moment, just long enough for me to question if I was really seeing it, but he quickly adjusted, his face relaxing. He gave me a thumbs up. 
 “Do you think Clementine would like candy apples?” Jack asked us. 
 I grinned widely. “You can’t give her stuff that isn’t cat food, Jackie. It’ll make her sick.” 
 He looked down, sadly. “But it’s so delicious. She deserves to have something that is this good.” 
 I walked to him, pulling him into a hug. “You can let her lick your fingers when you get home. Then she can try it without getting sick.”
 “You’re so smart, Ellie!” He said, brightening up immediately. 
 “She sure is.” Dad grinned. 
 We looked up to the dark night sky as fireworks began to explode over our heads. I scooted close to Dad and leaned my head on his shoulder like I’d done every year since I was a little girl, and we watched the fireworks explode. For once since the night Lucifer was killed, things seemed peaceful, like maybe everything would work out. 
Chapter Two, I See it in Your Eyes
Get caught up!
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urwarriorangel · 6 years
old friend (klaus mikaelson au)
plot: you and klaus used to be best friends. and then, of course, you fell for him but he fell for caroline and left to new orleans to worry about his hybrid army. after a particularly concerning dream, you decide to see what he’s up to now.
pairing: klaus mikaelson x reader
warnings: language, slight angst (!!!no gifs r mine!!!)
a/n: here is another segment in my dream series! thank you all for being here still even though i don’t deserve you. i really hope you guys enjoy this short klaus piece. there’s a bit of marcel and elijah thrown in for good measure. if you guys want to read any other dream fics, please click anywhere in this sentence to access them <3 please let me know what you think
Klaus has been in New Orleans for five years now, and he’s made no effort to contact you in that time. The two of you were best of friends and for a brief moment, you thought you could be more. But it’s like Klaus sensed your hope and shattered it right before he left town. He hooked up with Caroline and paraded the fact in front of you, leaving Mystic Falls the next day without telling you a thing.
Since then, you’ve heard nothing from him, getting only second hand accounts from friends who’ve run into him at odd times.
You still thought of him, of course you did. But he couldn’t be bothered with you and you’d understood that quickly. You made no effort to contact him, to travel and see him, to hurt him. You just left everything alone, but you don’t think you can do that anymore.
A couple nights ago, you had a terrible nightmare: Klaus was in chains, a dagger in his chest as he screamed out in pain. He screamed your name, as though he was calling out to you. He was crying out your name repeatedly, apologizing, it felt too real to be a dream. When he reached a hand out to grab you, you physically felt it and that’s what woke you up.
Since then, he clouds your every waking thought and you go to sleep hoping to see him again. And when two nights pass with no other sign of Klaus, you grow oddly fearful. Is he okay? Was that actually him trying to reach out to you? Are you thinking too much into this?
Probably. But it’s too late. It’s too late to turn back now. You’re already in New Orleans. You’re not quite sure how to find him, but you figure if you spend a day in the quarter you should run into him or one of his siblings.
And sure enough, you run into Elijah about ten minutes after being in the Quarter. You don’t see him at first. You’re facing the counter of a souvenir shop, laughing at all the crocodile paraphernalia.
“Y/N,” you hear a familiar voice behind you and shivers run down your spine, half in fear and half in relief.
“Lijah,” you turn around to face him, a tentative smile on your face. “It’s been a while.”
“That’s an understatement,” his worries all melt away and a smile makes its way onto his face as soon as you look at him. “Come here.”
You smile and tuck yourself into his arms, sighing softly as you think back to the last time you hugged him: a much more apologetic version of this man, constantly apologizing for his brother’s mistakes.
“How have you been, sunshine?” He pulls away after a moment and tucks your hair behind your ear, waiting to hear about your life the past few years.
“I’ve been okay, Elijah. Still alive. Still human as ever. How are you?”
“How are we? Don’t you mean how is he?” He raises a brow at you and you shake your head.
“Tell me about yourself. We can talk about Klaus some other time.” He looks at you skeptically but gives a slight nod and holds an arm out to lead you out of the shop.
Once you’re out, he tells you about life in New Orleans. He tells you about Marcel, talks about how much Hope has grown, about Kol coming back and dying and coming back, about Rebecca finding comfort in a new body, about his newfound sister, about Aunt Dahlia and his mom, about Davina and Vincent, about Cami. He caught you up on everything and by the time he was done, you were standing in front of a massive mansion.
“What’s this?” You whisper and one look at Elijah’s face had you regretting ever stepping out with him. “Lijah, no. No.”
“Y/N, yes. It’s been too long and you’re here for a reason,” he places his hands on your shoulders in an attempt to calm you. “Klaus could use an old friend right now, you--”
“Get your hand off of me,” you pull your arm out of his and take a step back, angry tears that you’ve been holding back for five years jumping in your eyes.begging to find a way down your cheeks. “You know who else could have used an old friend? Me. I could have used a friend when Klaus paraded Caroline in front of me, when he left Mystic Falls without telling me, when he didn’t bother to call me once: not on my birthday, not after I almost died, not when the heretics tortured me. And I had no one. I was alone, Elijah. So don’t feed me crap about how Klaus needs someone. Klaus always had someone: he always had me. Not anymore. I just needed to know he was alive. Now that I do, I’m going to head back home.”
Elijah opens his mouth to speak, but you shake your head and stop him. You wipe your tears and back away, slowly finding your way back to the Quarter. How could you be so foolish as to think Elijah would be on your side?
So here you are at some bar named Rousseau’s with a couple drinks already in you and a couple more on their way. You’re holding off on getting completely black out drunk because there’s a guy standing in the doorway who won’t take his eyes off you.
He’s been staring at you since you walked in and you wish you could say it was the way you wanted him to. He’s beautiful: a full 6 feet of glorious brown skin chiseled by the gods themselves. Based on what Elijah’s filled you in on and the stories Klaus told you some odd years ago, you assume the man is Marcel. And while every fiber in you is screaming, telling you that you should be scared of this man, you ignore them. Maybe getting hurt by a man this beautiful was exactly what you needed. So you get your slightly tipsy ass up and walk over to the man, whose expression remains the same.
“I’m assuming you’re Marcel?” You stop a foot in front of him and he raises a brow at you. “Klaus and Elijah have both managed to fill me in on your… history. Something about you being Klaus’s protege and now his nemesis?”
“Well, sweetheart, nemesis isn’t exactly the right word,” he smirks and this time you raise your brows at him.
“No? Then what is? I’ve heard you’ve caused quite a ruckus down here with the way you rule, witch hangings of some sort or the other?” You whisper the last part and he narrows his eyes at you, causing you to smirk in return. “Hey, I’ve also heard those things are in the past. Now you’re just the most powerful being in New Orleans.”
“Oh, so you’re pretty up to date then, huh?” You shrug in response and he chuckles softly. “You’re Y/N. I’ve heard a lot about you, you used to be Klaus’s little play thing didn’t you?”
“I was never his little play thing, never managed to capture his attention,” you give Marcel a pointed look. “If you’re gonna go low, baby, know I can go lower. I’m not scared of you.”
“No? Then why are you shaking?”
“It’s really fucking cold in here,” you shiver and Marcel can’t help but laugh at you. “You folks have no understanding of moderation, it’s either way too hot or way too cold, I mean--” Marcel’s laughing gets louder and you smack his arm, shaking your head. “I’m serious!”
“I know,” his laughing slowly dies down, but the smile remains on his face. “That’s what makes it funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep laughing you mutant,” you playfully glare at him and he returns the gesture.
Just as Marcel opens his mouth to speak, another voice speaks instead, sending chills down your spine for an altogether different reason.
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“Getting chummy, I see,” the low voice brings out an anger in you, a fire you were sure could burn down the whole city.
You roll your eyes in response, earning a smile from Marcel.
“Just being as gracious a host as I can be, Klaus,” Marcel raises a brow at his mentor, who in turn growls at him.
“Down boys,” you stand between them, rolling your eyes at their childish behavior. “I’m leaving. You two have fun here.”
You walk out the bar, no longer tipsy. You’re angry again and you hope to avoid Klaus for as long as you can. Of course, seeing as he is a fucking hybrid, that’s not possible for more than three seconds.
“Y/N,” Klaus runs in front of you, grasping your arm to keep you in place.
“Touch me again and I’ll rip that arm off, Klaus,” you glare at him and although he knows he’s stronger than you, a very real fear runs down his spine.
He lets go of you and you keep walking away from him. He physically feels you slipping away and while he knows he should give you some space, a much larger part of him knows that if he lets you go now then he’s never getting you back.
“Y/N, please,” Klaus calls out to you and you falter at the desperation in his voice. “Please just let me talk.”
You stop, steadying your breath before you face him. You know you have to hear him out, you can’t say no to him. You don’t want to say no to him.
“Klaus,” you turn around, whispering softly. “You have five minutes. I owe it to myself to hear you out.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have left. I shouldn’t have paraded Caroline in front of your face, knowing that you wanted something more. I shouldn’t have--”
“I’m sorry what?!” Fists form at your side and you glare daggers at Klaus, a newfound anger under your look. “You fucking KNEW that I was into you and you boasted about Caroline every chance you got?”
His eyes go wide and as he opens his mouth to try to explain himself, you reach a hand up and slap him right across the face.
“Don’t ever fucking try to talk to me again,” you grit your teeth and furiously wipe at your cheeks at the angry tears that are running down your face. “I came all the way to New Orleans to see if you were okay. I had a dream, you know, a bad dream where you fucking called out to me and you know what my dumb ass did? I woke up and came here, in real time, to see if you were okay. And not only are you okay, you also haven’t changed for the better. You’re the same selfish prick you were years ago.”
You turn around and walk away, ignoring Klaus’s pleads. What a very alive, very well piece of shit.
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sombrz · 5 years
Hello please talk about king explosion murder
THE BOY!!!!!
can you believe i spent months trying to be lowkey about my bakugou ships? it took me a while to even admit he was my favourite despite the fact i knew from the start i’d end up a bakugou stan. i never had a ‘oh no this kid’s a mean terrible person’ phase - it was a ‘oh, i can’t Reveal my character tastes like this. not like this.’ phase.
this got…..long. so uh. under the cut it goes:
ANYWAY: i ship bakugou with…..uh…….a lot of characters. kiribaku is the easiest to explain - dumbass jock boyfriends who do shit like baku using kiri as a hammer to make mochi. and kiri being gung-ho about testing his unbreakable mode (which, btw, was motivated by bakugou’s words!!!) by having bakugou fucking. use howlitzer impact on him. you know how i feel about bro ships (hint: i love them). how kiri went from ‘man this bakugou guy is nuts!!! we have to stop him!!!!’ to ‘wow bakugou is so manly and cool and i wanna be by his side’ in the span of (1) one-on-one convo. HE LIKES BAKUGOU SO MUCH. IT’S CUTE. LIKE, I DON’T THINK BAKUGOU GETS HOW HAPPY HE MAKES KIRISHIMA LMAO. how bakugou so readily accepted kiri as an equal - bakugou, who only had two categories for people [extras vs rivals], never thought to seriously think of kiri as anything but an ally and a friend, people always talk how kirishima was the first classmate bakugou even bothered remembering the name of, and with reason, since it says a lot. kiri’s got quite a bit of mlm subtext going on, tbh, and bakugou’s the source of almost all of it. soooooo there’s that too. 
but i’ve also fallen Deep into bakudeku. it’s the shared development, okay. the history and complex emotions and the slowburn to becoming partners. there’s just so much, and they’re so ENTRENCHED in each other. for better or worse, for how much they might dislike the fact they can’t stop thinking about each other, they just can’t help it. they couldn’t understand each other at all but somehow still knew the other inside and out. and deku’s been so smitten since he was like a baby 3 year old and it breaks my heart. it’s honestly one of my favourite shounen rival ships bc it keeps subverting your expectations. and every episode/chapter that deals with their issues and nudges them closer to the ideal - the endgame - is guranteed to be among the best. they’re the backbone of the series, and i love watching them grow together. the fact that they’re currently HEALTHY RIVALS AND TENTATIVE FRIENDS (like deku feels so comfortable gushing over bakugou to his face again and bakugou is so invested in deku’s improvement & is only snappy w/ him out of reflex lmao)….that bakugou is deku’s secret keeper and deku is the one person bakugou allows himself to be vulnerable around……HOO BOY. i just imagined bakugou holding out his hand for deku to take - or accepting deku’s hand at all - and died.
ALSO, TODOBAKU….my darkhorse ship, which hit me in the face one day when i realized how a) hilarious they are together and b) how the series keeps shoving them together (sometimes literally - thanks slidin’ go for giving them the group hug they deserved). i love how they’re so different yet similar - bakugou is loud and obnoxious while todoroki is stern and quiet, but they’re both rude prodigies who needed to be jumpkicked into realizing that they could become better people with the help of others instead of letting anger and bitterness swallow them up. and the provisional exam course made it so they were forced to hang out with each other 95% of the time for three whole months and i LIVE FOR THAT. i love how funny they are - todoroki is snarky & doesn’t even bat an eyelash over bakugou’s tantrums but genuinely tries to be nice and make friends with him! bakugou is so petty and wants todoroki’s attention soooo bad but don’t think i haven’t noticed that most times we’ve seen him genuinely smile has been in todoroki’s presence (ok, then todoroki reacts to it and bakugou instantly goes back to a snarl but STILL). also the fact that the narrative doesn’t want us to forget that bakugou eavesdropped on todoroki telling deku about his family, and bakugou is always Alert and keeping an eye on todo whenever endeavour is involved bc he’s sympathetic and y’know??? cares????? SO GOOD. AND THEY’RE SUCH A GOOD TEAM - SURPRISINGLY IN SYNC AND THEIR QUIRKS MATCH UP AND I LOVE THEM!
GOD, HORI…..BAKUGOU/URARAKA WOULD BE SO GOOD. like, can you *imagine* the sheer potential of a ship that you only really have them interact during one goddamn tournament fight and yet it becomes arguably the most popular het ship in your series (w/ only the main character and his canon love interest as real competition????) i love them though, like,,,,i find it so interesting that uraraka has shown, despite again - minimal onscreen interaction - that she understands bakugou better than most. she knows how he’d handle their fight and uses that to her advantage. (and while she still lost, she gained his respect and a new drive to get stronger!) she’s the one who brings up how HE’D feel about the plan to go rescue him - that his pride would prevent him from easily accepting help. i’m desperately trying to figure out a way they could animate that omake where uraraka plants herself in deku’s seat and demands that bakugou bury the hatchet with him while gently but firmly calling him out for his root issue of fear and his defense mechanism of violently pushing deku away. and it managed to calm him down and honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he ruminated on those words for a while. IT’S SO GOOD, WHY WASN’T IT IN THE STORY ITSELF!!! and like, the mere fact he respects her a lot and ended up *psyched* to continue fighting her - and after he’s told deku had nothing to do with her plan, i don’t think he’d make that mistake again, which makes it easier for him to understand her back. he knows she’s smart and talented and that everyone else was wrong to underestimate her. also, i love that uraraka thinks bakugou is like…..funny? he’s out there threatening to murder kaminari and uraraka’s like ‘hahaha :’’)))’ bc she has such a Bro/vulgar sense of humour. like, i think they’d have a lot of fun together. LET THEM TALK MORE, PLS!!!!
THOSE ARE MY MAIN SHIPS BUT I ALSO SHIP HIM WITH THE REST OF THE BAKUSQUAD! BOTH PLATONICALLY AND ROMANTICALLY! I HAVE NO SHAME! baku/kami is so underrated and great - kaminari is just as much bakugou’s bff as kirishima is, tbh, and he has absolutely No Chill which makes their interactions - especially the further the story goes and bakugou’s edges soften - so much fun. one moment, he’ll be casually commenting that bakugou is the worst and needs to change his whole rotten personality - then the next second, he’ll be sprawled all over him, calling him kacchan and defending his honour from actual haters. and bakugou just fucbdhfhd lets this happen. bakugou likes kaminari enough to just let him. do whatever the hell he wants. ALSO, THE BAND. admittedly, sero is the only one with enough common sense and actual standards to avoid dating bakugou (’HE’LL NEVER BE BEAUTIFUL’ ghdhfhd sero) but i still adore them. sero’s so tricksy and loves playing the reverse psychology trick on bakugou, who just constantly falls for it. i bet he was the first person bakugou let just hang out in his room, and he probably appreciates that sero actually gives him his space when he needs it! i can’t believe baku/sero is the Real ‘bakugou pining’ ship. @ hori: GIVE MINA AND BAKUGOU ACTUAL INTERACTIONS, GDI. i’m forced to headcanon their whole dynamic from near-scratch. whereas kiri and kami are more the type to glue themselves to bakugou’s back, i imagine mina’s the type to actively drag bakugou along places. she probably cried when she found out that a) his parents are rich designers (’BUY ME CLOTHES, BAKUGOUUUU’) and b) his glycerin-based quirk and taking after his mom means he usually has perfect skin and has never broken out in his life. she doesn’t speak to him for a week until he takes her out to dinner and buys her a cute dress. and i’m super fond of baku/jirou. i love that their dynamic is like…..while the rest of their friends are doing dumb shit For The VineTM, they’re on the sidelines waiting for shit to hit the fan. they’re punk buds and prob do that couples clothes switch thing a lot just to see if anyone notices. jirou bosses him around and he takes all her advice seriously and like, they trust each other! they have great team synergy! she was the first person bakugou both consciously protected and asked to protect him in turn!! DID I MENTION THE BAND?? i also ship him with camie! it’s just such a funny concept to imagine - like imagine you’re in class 1A and bakugou shows up out of nowhere with a hot girlfriend who talks. like that. and she makes him laugh??? and no, seriously, does he actually understand what the hell she’s saying???? WHAT’S HAPPENING. but yeah, she very casually teases him but also seemed comfortable w/ him right off the bat and i know in my heart that bakugou relented and let her have his phone number. also, i find it funny people started shipping him with shindou after bakugou was the one to call him out for being duplicitous. bakugou’s the type of character that just needs to interact with another character once and *someone* out there will be like ‘what if………..they were dating’ and that’s so valid of them.
good bakugou ot3/ot4s: kirishima/bakugou/uraraka, todoroki/midoriya/bakugou, todoroki/inasa/camie/bakugou. i reblog a looooot of kirishima/kaminari/bakugou and bakugou/uraraka/midoriya even tho i don’t actually ship either as an ot3 that much, oops? they’re good ships tho.
is there something i’m missing? I MIGHT BE MISSING SOMETHING.
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btobscenarios · 7 years
Height Insecurity*
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It took me two and a half hours to prepare my outfit. Jungkook told me we were going on a date because he made time before the shoot for their new music video.
I was pretty excited since we hadn't gone out for a while because they spent a lot of time on their comeback. The outfit that I had arranged looked really pretty too.
Later would be the second time they  shot the MV and Jungkook showed me a few photos of how their set would look like. It was pretty colorful so I tried to match it with my outfit today.
It took me hour to arrive at their MV set. Jungkook told me to meet him there since they had to shoot a few scenes before they could take a short break. I was confident in what I was wearing actually- a beautiful pair of black tight jeans, a striped cami crop top, a cloud washed denim jacket and my gift to myself, the pair of beautiful blue silky strapped wedges. I really wanted this pair of wedges because the color was beautiful and it made me a little bit taller.
I entered the set and I could hear music blasting from speakers. From afar, I could see the members shooting their scenes. The set was beautiful and it looked like colors burst from each corner.
"And, cut!" I heard the director say. "You guys can go on the six hour break that you wanted. Be back at exactly 6:30pm, okay?"
"Yeeeeees." All the 7 members said, in unison, smiles all over their faces. It was a well deserved break, even though it was only short.
I went towards the group of smiley boys that were talking to one another. Hoseok saw me from a distance and started shouting.
"(Y/NNNNNNNNN)!" Hoseok ran towards me and gave me a big hug. I haven't seen these boys in a while. I guess they missed me. "You're here!"
"Hyung," I heard my boyfriend say. "Can I get my girlfriend back now?"
"Awww, Kookie," Taehyung teased, "Let us greet her first, will ya?"
The maknae rolled his eyes but backed off. He knew how much the boys loved my presence. We would all have fun whenever we had the chance to hang out. I hugged them one by one and last was Yoongi.
"Yah, (Y/N), are you growing or Yoongi-hyung is just getting shorter?" Namjoon said, teasing both Yoongi and I.
"Namjoon-oppa, why are you so mean?" I pouted and slapped the shoulder of Namjoon.
All of them started laughing, except Jungkook. He had a weird look on his face. It looked like he was mad?
"(Y/N), you're wearing height boosters!" Jimin laughed, pointing to my beloved wedges. They looked great on me and the color was beautiful. I was actually proud to wear them, they made me a bit taller, a bit more confident.
"Yah, Jimin-ie, you're wearing heels too." I shot back, "It's just hidden."
"Yah, I'm older than you." Jimin said, pulling me into his arms and gave me a noogie.
"Mianhae, oppa." I said, in defeat. "My hair, it's ruined!"
"Yah, Jimin-ie, hajima." Jin intervined. Ahh, eomma saved me! "You're hurting the poor girl."
Everyone was having a good laugh except for one certain boy. And it was my boyfriend. What was wrong?
"Kook," I said, slowly approaching him. I placed my hand on his arm and tried to caress him. "Are you okay?"
"Why are you wearing those heels?" He said, his teeth gritting in annoyance.
"My wedges?" I asked in confusion. "What's wrong with them?"
"Why did you wear them?" He asked slowly, in a low voice. He was clearly mad about something. He was glaring at my wedges and then at the other members.
"They were my gift to myself and I really like wearing them, Kookie." I said, with a bit of aegyo. I'm trying to calm him down, okay?
"Get rid of them." I backed up a bit, confused by his attitude.
"What do you mea-"
"Get rid of them now (Y/N)." He bursts. Everyone was looking at him by the time he finished shouting.
"I don't want to," I retorted. "I like wearing them."
"You look stupid in them, (Y/N)." He spat. "Now remove them."
The other boys were cautiously nearing us, scared at what the outcome of Jungkook's shouting be. They knew that the maknae was terrifying when he had his bursts, which was a seldom event.
"They make me feel confident, Jungkook!" I finally revealed my reason.
"Everyone knows you're short (Y/N). You're even shorter than Yoongi-hyung. Why don't you just deal with it?" He shouted. I'm pretty sure all the people in the set heard what he said.
This fight was meaningless and stupid, but his words went straight to my heart. At 1.62m, I was shorter than most girls and it made me insecure. I never told him about it because it was embarassing.
I couldn't control it anymore and the tears started streaming down my face.
"Jungkook-ah, stop shouting." I heard Hoseok say, trying to calm the maknae down.
"I wear them so that I could be a little bit taller and be at par with other girls, okay? It eases my insecurity about being small, Jungkook! You always tease Jimin about it and I feel bad for him, because I know how it feels! You're so stupid, Jungkook. Don't talk to me."
I was almost in hysterics and I could feel everyone’s attention. I hated that everyone was staring at us so I wiped my tears and ran out the set location.
I guess our date wasn't going to happen now.
Hi guys, I’m not fully back but I really wanted to post for you! I’m going to try to post again today <3 I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS! Sorry I answered two requests with one imagine :(((
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Kiss Me Better (21/?)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Loki x BFF!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Bucky wants to be the man reader deserves, and realizes he needs a new approach.
A/N: Guys! I didn’t tag anyone in the alternate scenarios, but they’re linked at the bottom (under the pic) for those interested. They’re just little things that would have happened had Loki de-aged the reader instead of Bucky. There are a couple more on the way.
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Your date went surprisingly well, and though your wounds were still fresh, you were open to another date with Matt. He walked you to the tower and hugged you goodnight, bravely pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. You texted Loki that you were on your way up, but he appeared in front of you before you could walk inside and teleported you to your room. You told him about your date, and he in turn told you about the movie he’d watched, leaving out his chat with the others. Once it got late, he left you and you fell right to sleep.
Your door flew open, and you were jolted from your slumber. “Whas gon on?” you slurred.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone you were back? We were worried sick!” Bucky wailed. He’d waited by the elevator in the lobby since he left the common room, waiting for when you returned home.
“What? I.. I just… what?” If he weren’t so upset, he’d have found your state of bewilderment disgustingly cute.
“What are you wearing?” his voice tightened.
You looked down at yourself and saw you were only wearing underwear and a cami. “My pjs.” your cheeks began to burn and you scrambled for the sheet to cover yourself.
“Really? Since when?” he wasn’t going to let his embarrassment get in the way of answers.
“I always wear this to sleep. People don’t usually barge in here so it’s never been a problem!”
“You never wore that when we slept on the couch!” He began to match your irritated tone.
“Because that would’ve been weird! Not to mention highly inappropriate!” You had to admit, you were completely dumbstruck by whatever was going on. “Barnes, I’m tired. I’m still half asleep and have no idea why you’re here or why we’re fighting about my pajamas. Please, just help me out?”
His heart dropped at your reverting to calling him ‘Barnes’, and the shame he felt when he yelled at you in the training room crept up on him again. “I, uh… I couldn’t sleep.”
You nodded in understanding. “Did you want the puppy? That seemed to help you whe- um, before.”
“Um, yeah. Yeah, if you don’t mind…” What he wanted was for you to read or sing to him like you did before, to curl up beside you and bury his face into your skin, but he couldn’t find the courage to ask. He knew he had no right to, not after the way he’s treated you. He watched you wrap your sheet around yourself and amble to the selection of plushies to grab that little, soft dog that brought him so much comfort in his ‘youth’. “Thanks,” he smiled weakly when you offered it. “I’ll bring it back in the morning, after my evaluation.”
“Maybe you should hang to it.” In all honesty, you couldn’t bear to look at it anymore. Flashes of little Bucky, giggling sweetly, kept popping into your head and threatening to bring tears to your eyes. “I mean, if it helps, why not keep it?”
“Yeah,” he nodded in agreement. “Ok, thanks.”
You waited for him to leave so you could lock the door, but he only stood there, eyes boring into yours. He clearly had something else on his mind, but he kept his lips sealed. He looked so much like his child self in that moment, you felt your resolve weaken. It was that weakness that made you boldly step toward him and reach for his cheek. He didn’t resist as you pulled him down to allow you to kiss his temple. “I hope your night gets better now,” your voice cracked. When you stepped back, you saw his eyes began to water, bringing on tears of your own. “Sleep well, Sweetie.”
Bucky’s hand twitched, and for a moment you thought he was going to comfort you; to allow you to comfort him. “Goodnight, Y/N,” he whispered before walking out the door.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
You felt awful. You collapsed onto your bed after Bucky left, and sobbed half the night. You were certain you were going to have to toss your pillows in the dryer in the morning, but you eventually fell into a restless sleep. In the morning, you shambled your way into the kitchen like a zombie.
“Woah, you look terrible. Was your date that bad?” Wanda asked as she passed you some coffee.
“Or that good?” Natasha winked.
“Date? Who went on a date?” Tony looked up from his tablet.
“No.” You gave them an unconvincing smile. “It was fine. Bad night, that’s all.”
“Nightmares?” You nodded. “I’m sorry.” Wanda hugged you tightly.
“How’d you guys know I had a date?”
“And why am I the last to know?” Tony huffed. “Who is he? Have you run a background check? What’s his salary?”
“Shut up, Jesus. It’s too early for you to be this obnoxious,” Clint joined everyone at the table.
“Loki told us last night. Said he was waiting to hear all about it,” Natasha ignored the two men.
“Loki was out here with you guys?” You began to grow nervous. “Did he do anything?”
Wanda’s lilting laughter reached your ears, filling you with warmth. “No, he was a perfect gentleman.” she assured you. “Do you have a picture of Matthew?”
“Yeah.” You fumbled with your phone, bringing up the picture you’d taken with him the night before. The elevator dinged, and Wanda saw your face fall at the voices that came from it.
“Morning everybody!” Sam greeted cheerfully, bringing an annoyed groan from Clint. “Y/N! Heard you had a hot date last night,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you. “You seeing him again?”
“Woah! Please say yes, he’s so handsome!” Wanda gushed, passing the phone over to Natasha.
You didn’t look up from your coffee when you felt Steve and Bucky enter the kitchen. “I don’t know, maybe.”
“Holy shit. Well done,” Natasha winked.
“Hey, Y/N.” Steve gave you a side hug, but frowned when he saw your face. “Did you get in late last night?”
“Leave her alone, Punk. She was in bed at a respectable hour.” The room suddenly went quiet as all eyes, including yours, darted toward him. You were sure he could feel them, but if he did, he didn’t let on. “Hey, Y/N? I’m gonna make some cinnamon toast. You want some?” he kept his back to everyone, reaching into the fridge for the butter.
Wanda smiled and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. Natasha watched him with furrowed brows. Clint’s jaw was practically on the table. Steve’s eyes flickered between you and Bucky. Tony jabbed a finger in his ear and gave it a shake. You just stared blankly. Like Tony, you were unsure if you’d heard correctly.
“I’ll take some,” Sam piped up.
“I ain’t offerin’ to birdbrains, Wilson.” He turned to face you, ignoring everyone’s stares. “I can make you something else, if you want…” His metal hand played with the hem of his shirt.
Wanda smacked you lightly on your leg, snapping you out of your stupor. “Uh, cinnamon toast sounds great. Thanks.”
His shoulders visibly relaxed, and he turned to mix something in a bowl. Natasha slapped your arm, grabbing yours and Wanda’s attention, and raised her brows in a silent question. Wanda shrugged, and you shook your head, completely flabbergasted by the change in him.
“So,” Bucky cleared his throat, still facing away from everyone. “I passed.”
Tumblr media
A Kid in Y/N’s Clothes  .  Bed Time for Shortie  .  Have Teeth, Will Bite  .  Beware of Munchkin
~ ~ TAG LISTS ~ ~
Permanent -  @melconnor2007 @ria132love @psychicwitchphilosopher @sireennotsiren  @silence–in–the–library
Avengers - @majd943
Bucky - @cassandras-musings
KMB -  @winter-in-wakanda @fuckmewintertucker @ihaveanobsessenproblem @the-wintergirl @ek823 @learisa  @hardboiledegg21 @rishlo @annie-are-u-ok @sebstanwassup @winter-prime @LIBUSGRACE @GYPSYCAT111 @xchaoticbloodx @magellan-88 @melconnor2007 @ria132love@debbielovesbucky @psychicwitchphilosopher @sjt2510 @dairyfarmher9@frackinawesomeninja @just-another-fanfiction-writer @barnes-toddpartnersinheartbreak  @the-witching-hours12-3  @rachelle-on-the-run 
264 notes · View notes
unorthodoxsavvy · 7 years
Phandom Reverse Bang Story
Summary: Dan is stuck taking his little brother to Vidcon where he doesn’t know anyone, nor any of the creators, but taking his brother’s advice to heart, he sets off to catch “Amazingphil”’s panel. By some stroke of luck, he runs into Martyn, who offers Dan a behind-the-scenes look at the YouTube sensation. What Dan doesn’t know is that the Lester brothers have their own agenda- an agenda that just might change Dan’s life.
Read it on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/501228030-unorthodoxsavvy%27s-reverse-phandom-bang-story-2017
Artist Art coming soon (hopefully)
Link to Phandom Reverse Bang: https://phandomreversebang.tumblr.com/
Being stuck as the one who had to take his little brother to Playlist Live had it’s pros and cons for Dan.
For one thing, he was going to a convention for cheaper than he would have on his own, since his parents had paid for both their plane tickets. Another perk was that he would hopefully be able to meet some new people that were somewhat similar to him. After high school, he’d lost any “friends” he’d had, and the people at Uni just weren’t comparing. At least most people left him alone, though. That was something.
Some drawbacks, however, were the fact he still had to pay for his ticket to this thing, and bring spending money for food and in case his little brother ran out. All money he could have been spending on school supplies. Plus the fact he wasn’t even a fan of YouTube.
“You’ll like it if you just give it a try!” Harvey had told him when it had been confirmed it was Dan taking his brother out of the country.
“I don’t have time to, I have to study for a degree,” Dan said, though the words sounded like a lie.
Dan still questioned if he was doing the right thing for himself, but if it wasn’t studying for a degree, what was it?
Even the YouTuber Harvey had told Dan he might get along with had a degree or two up his sleeve.
His name was AmazingPhil- well, his “YouTuber” name. He was a few years older than Dan, and from England as well.
“Just give him a try,” Harvey had begged. Dan didn’t though. It wasn’t out of disrespect to his little brother, who only wanted to be closer to him. It was out of stubbornness for something else.
But here Dan was, in a world he didn’t understand, hoping to find something to do while Harvey waited in line for Smosh. At least that name Dan recognized. The rest were names he had only heard from his brother’s mouth.
So what to do? Dan stood against one wall of the show room, glancing at the battery on his phone, which was swiftly dropping.
Either he could cling to the last bits of life on his phone, and then be left without it, stranded, or he could change his mindset, and actually go find something to do. After all, these panels and things couldn’t be boring if so many people traveled all this way to see them, right?
Dan heard his little brother’s voice in his head once again. “Just give it a try”. He was here, he had nothing to do, so he might as well try. AmazingPhil, right? Dan glanced at the map. Oh no, Dan thought to himself. His panel was going on right now. Dan quickly weaved his way over to the show-room door, but it was closed tight. Seriously? They can’t make this a come-and-go-as-you-please thing? These people must’ve been really uptight.
A guy was stood next to the door, and Dan flushed in embarrassment.
“Trying to get in?” the man asked in a thick northern accent.
Dan nodded sheepishly.
“Are you a fan?”
Dan shrugged. “Not really, actually. My little brother just said this guy was really good, and that I would like him. I wouldn’t know, though. I didn’t have time to watch any of his videos.”
“Why not?” the man asked.
Dan flicked his eyes away and thought of his so-called reasons. That he was studying. That he needed a degree. That this was where he was meant to be. And so that was what he said.
“Huh.” The man eyed him, his expression changing-hardening?
Dan felt the weight of everything on him all at once. The weight never left, but sometimes it was heavier.
The man’s expression changed again, to something of-sympathy?
“If you’re really interested, come with me,” he said, turning, but not quick enough to hide his smirk at being able to use such a smooth line.
He started walking down the hall to the next door on the right, labeled “Staff Only”.
Dan felt his face heat and flush again and started to finger the bracelet he had on. “Staff Only”? But he wasn’t staff. And what if this man wasn’t staff? And what if someone found them? What if when they found them they kicked them both out? How was he going to get to his brother Harvey? Sure, he could tell them that he had to get his brother, but what if they thought it was just a cop-out? What if-
Dan forced himself to take a deep breath as he passed into the dark depths that laid behind the door.
“So you know this AmazingPhil guy, yeah?” he asked, keeping his voice low in the all-encompassing silence.
The man, however, gave a hearty laugh. “Know him? Well, I should hope so! I had to grow up with the twat! But for real, he’s not a bad guy. He deserves all these fans and more,” he said, sweeping his arms in a motion to gesture all the fans they were about to see.
“I’m really proud of him, for putting himself out here, you know. Taking a chance. This is what he really wants to do. I don’t think he could do anything else.”
Dan felt like the man was maybe trying to hint at something, but he put it down to his overactive, anxiety-ridden imagination jumping to conclusions. He felt the cords intertwining in his bracelet carefully, and then dropped his fingers from it.
“Where are you taking me?” he finally asked.
“Someplace you might be able to get some perspective on things.”
Okay, so not over-reacting.
The man, Phil’s brother, whose name Dan didn’t even know yet, put a finger to his lips as he opened a door impossibly quiet.
The sound of a guy’s voice struck Dan immediately.
“So, yeah, that’s just how I got started. Enough of that boring stuff,” he chuckled with a shrug, as if it were nothing, and the laughter of a few hundred people came at Dan seemingly like a freight train. He gasped, forgetting the brother’s warning.
The man on stage’s eyes flicked to the side of the stage for a second, but it was almost imperceptible. Dan felt his stomach clench with anxiety.
“Instead, let’s talk about you guys. This is for all of you. This convention, this panel-everything. None of this would be possible without all you dedicated viewers. Whether you’re here ‘cause you got nothing better to do, or you’re a fan-thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all deserve warm, cuddly badgers under your bed tonight.”
Dan thought that was kind of a weird thing to wish for, but he let it slide.
The panel was going to be over soon, but from what he was seeing, Dan was enjoying it. No wonder this guy had so many followers. He was just so- unique. His personality didn’t seem to have any barriers. He was in tune with himself, and he was unapologetic about who he was. Dan couldn’t relate.
Another thing that struck Dan was how his features were startlingly contrasting, much like Snow White, with the pale skin, raven hair, and her original blue eyes. His lips weren’t as deep red as the Disney Princess’ were made out to be, but they were noticeable.
The crowd was simply eating him up. It was nothing like Dan had ever experienced. So many people at once, so many people happy, and feeling connected, at once. Only he didn’t feel connected to them.
All too soon the panel ended, with Phil announcing to the audience he’d be doing his meet-and-greet outside the hall in ten minutes. The crowd cheered and roared, and Phil got a standing ovation from his dedicated fans and viewers. It reminded Dan of his theatre days, though they had never been clapping solely for him and something he had built himself.
Phil hopped off his stool as the crowd filed out the door that Dan had been trying to get in, and made his way over everyone in the stage wing.
“Oi, Martyn!” he exclaimed as he hurried over to his brother. They shared a handshake before Phil turned to Dan.
“Who’s this?”
Dan felt himself blush yet again, and figured that it was just commonplace at this point.
“This is- geeze, I didn’t even get your name dude, sorry,” the guy, Martyn, chuckled, fixing his hat.
“Dan,” he mumbled.
“Dan? Cheers! What’s up?” Phil smiled, passing his microphone off to someone. Dan liked the way his name sounded when Phil said it.
“I, uh, just came to check you out, Imeancomewatchyourstageshow,” Dan rushed out at his seemingly-embarrassing word choices. Phil didn’t seem phased, however, or was at least good at hiding it, probably the later, Dan figured, and moved on.
“So are you a fan?”
“No, but my brother is. He said I’d like you. I’m sure he’d like to come meet you, but he’s in line for Smosh at the moment.”
“Well, if you’re really interested, come to my meet-and-greet, and we can talk more!”
Phil started to make his way past Martyn and Dan, and Dan went to follow, but Martyn grabbed ahold of his arm.
“Wait until the crowd has died down to get in line. You’ll have more time to talk to him that way. If a fan comes up to meet him, just wait for him on the side.”
Dan nodded, but refrained from asking Martyn why he was helping Dan to meet this guy so much.
Dan exited through the “Staff Only” door and back into the showroom where he could see a queue forming to the side of Phil, who was standing in front of some kind of curtain or something with little logos all over it. As he passed, he heard the girl talking to Phil introduce herself as Cami, and tell him that she had drawn some fanart for him, which she handed to Phil.
Phil met eyes with Dan, gave him a quick grin, and turned his attention back to the young girl, engrossing himself in a genuine conversation with her, before she got his signature and another hug and moved on.
Dan walked around for a little bit, but never strayed far from where he could keep an eye on Phil’s queue. Eventually, at the last five minute of his meet-and-greet section, there was only one fan left, so Dan made his way over to Phil.
“Hullo, Dan!” Phil smiled at him, thick northern accent sounding like his brother’s.
“Hi, uh...”
“You can just call me Phil, haha,” Phil provided, sensing what it was that Dan was stumbling over.
“Thanks, Phil.”
“So, you said you’re not a fan, but you want to be?”
“Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled, playing with his bracelet again.
“That’s really nice of you,” Phil smiled at him in a way that no one had for ages.
“Yeah, I guess,” he said, then worried that he sounded narcissistic, so said thank you again.
“So, what are you up to in life? Graduated from high school?”
“Yeah,” Dan chuckled, “I’m in Uni.”
“Ooh!” Phil exclaimed. “Studying what?”
“Uh, law,” Dan said, and Phil’s expression kind of… froze… in place.
“That’s cool,” he said, but it didn’t sound as happy. Maybe Dan was overthinking again.
“Well, I hope you got a little taste of what I do,” Phil said, awkwardly shuffling his feet with a smile that felt plastered on.
“Yeah, uh, I guess,” Dan said, immediately regretting it yet again. Can’t you just form proper sentences that don’t make you sound like an arse? He fiddled with his bracelet quicker as his heartbeat picked up.
Phil seemed to jump on his words though. “Well, if you feel like you still haven’t had the full experience, there’s going to be a YouTube party tonight! And all YouTubers are allowed to bring up to three guests.”
“Oh, okay. Cool,” Dan responded, not wanting to assume that this was Phil inviting him until Phil explicitly said so.
“So I was wondering if you wanted to be my third guest?” Phil asked hopefully.
Oh. So he was already taking a few other friends. Dan was probably going to just be sat in a corner then.
“My other two guests are Martyn and his friend,” Phil said, almost as if he was reading Dan’s mind. “Martyn practically has his own set of friends at these things.”
“That’s cool,” Dan said. He was really excited to go. Dan hadn’t been invited to a party since going to someone’s Sweet Sixteen. But he had Harvey to think about. He couldn’t leave his little brother in a hotel room.
He expressed this to Phil.
“Ah, right,” Phil agreed, crestfallen. “Well, here’s my number. Just to, uh, keep in touch, or whatever, if you want,” he said, scribbling his number on Dan’s hand like some sort of 80s romance movie. His hands were soft, Dan noticed, and it was such an out-of-place thought in his head. He tried his best to ignore it.
“T-thanks,” he said.
Phil looked at the time. “Well, Meet and Greet’s officially over, so I’ll have to be going now. Hug?” Phil chuckled.
Dan shrugged, not knowing how to say “no, I’m good thanks, you’re really intimidating even though you’re really nice,” and gave Phil one of the most awkward hugs he’d ever given and received.
“Who’s phone number is that on your hand?” Harvey asked in between talking about everything he’s experienced that day on the ride to the hotel in an American taxi.
The taxi pulled up to the hotel and they got out.
“It’s AmazingPhil’s.”
“YOU GOT AMAZINGPHIL’S PHONE NUMBER?” Harvey practically screeched, and Dan quickly dragged him through the hotel’s revolving door to prevent any fangirls of Phil’s that might have been lurking to ambush them.
“Yeah, he invited me to the YouTube party that all the creators are having tonight.”
“You’re picking up the lingo,” Harvey joked before asking excitedly if Dan was going.
“Of course not. I have to watch you,” he said.
Harvey’s face fell for a second, and then lit up again.
“Wait! I made a friend in line for Smosh that is staying in the same hotel as us who wanted to hang out tonight! His dad offered to chaperone! So I can go hang out in their hotel room, and you can go to the party!” Harvey smiled.
“I don’t know, Harvey, I’d have to meet this guy,” Dan replied, playing with his bracelet.
“That’s fine,” Harvey said, “They left early, so they should be back already. Besides, do you know how many YouTuber signatures you could get me?”
Dan chuckled, ruffling up his little brother’s hair.
“Alright, we’ll see,” Dan said, but in his head, he was really excited that things had worked out this way.
“He’s not coming,” Phil replied, flopping down on the couch Martyn and him were temporarily sharing in their hotel room.
“Oh,” Martyn replied, moving Phil’s legs and placing them on his lap as he sat down on the other end of the couch. “I’m sorry. Why not?”
“He has to watch his little brother.”
Martyn cursed himself under his breath. He should have thought of that. But Dan… Dan was the right one. He was sure of it.
“I’m sorry. Do try and enjoy yourself, though, yeah?”
Yeah, I’ll try, he thought to himself. Got to keep up appearances, after all.
Phil nodded glumly, arching his back to slide his phone, which had just gone off, from his back pocket.
There was a text from a number he didn’t recognize, but the few words he could see on the home screen read “Hey, it’s Dan.”
Phil’s heart pulled and he opened the text.
“Hey, he is coming!” Phil cheered.
“That’s awesome,” Martyn smiled, hiding his relief. “Are we going to meet him at his hotel?”
Phil hesitated.
“How’s this, I’ll go with my friends on my own since they all know how to get there, and you go meet this Dan fella?” Martyn suggested.
Phil smiled. “That’s a good idea.”
Martyn moved Phil’s legs again to stand up, and casually tossed “Don’t forget the roses and chocolate,” over his shoulder, giggling to himself.
Dan had agreed to meet Phil outside the hotel Harvey and him were staying in and take the taxi Phil had arrived in from there.
Dan shuffled his feet on the sidewalk outside the hotel where people passed in front of him occasionally.
He was dressed as best as he could manage with the clothes he had brought. Obviously he hadn’t brought anything too trashy, but he hadn’t expected to be going to a party, either. Especially not with people who were celebrities in their own rights. He went to reach for his bracelet, and then remembered he had taken it off.
He should have kept it on. Was it too late to go back for it?
Dan glanced at his phone, which he had charged up finally. Phil was two minutes late. But who knew when he would arrive, then?
He forced himself to calm his breathing.
A moment later, a taxi pulled up to the curb, and Phil moved over to the window in the back facing Dan and waved. A startlingly pale face framed by that dark hair of his. Anyone would agree he was simply stunning.
Dan danced in and out of the people on the sidewalk, or the pavement as he was used to calling it, and into the taxi. Phil had moved over to the seat he was sitting in before.
Dan realized Phil must’ve already told the taxi their final destination, because the taxi started pulling down the street without further instruction.
“I don’t think I could ever get used to riding on the other side of the road,” Phil joked to Dan.
“Yeah,” Dan agreed, turning back to look out the window, something he always found calming. Phil, for all his enthusiasm, did they same, and they spent the ride to the party in silence, until Dan could tell they were nearing.
“So, what’s the protocol for something like this?” Dan asked.
Phil glanced at him from the corner of his eye.
“Protocal? I don’t know. I just stand by the food usually, but you’ll end up mingling one way or another.”
Phil went back to focusing out his window, leaving Dan not at all reassured.
The taxi pulled up to the curb, and Phil paid for the fee in American money. Transferring currencies was such a pain, in Dan’s opinion, but he didn’t mention it to Phil.
He was mildly surprised when Phil looped his arm through Dan’s, but he went with it, being able to sense that the inside was noisy and crowded. His social anxiety was tingling.
“AmazingPhil, with my third guest. My first two guests should have arrived already, yeah?” Phil asked as they stepped up to the door.
The security guy smiled. “Martyn and his friend? You’re right, they did,” he agreed, checking something off on his clipboard. “You guys are good to go.”
Phil pulled Dan inside, where Dan was instantly overwhelmed.
The room blasted music, which people had to speak loudly over, or even shout to be heard. The lights were all a faint pinkish or purplish color, Dan couldn’t be quite sure. The furniture was chic and new-looking, and everything was super modern. Men and women with serving plates wandered in and out of the crowd with a natural grace Dan knew he could never attain, no matter how much he practiced. He tightened his grip on Phil’s arm and Phil placed his hand reassuringly on Dan’s arm.
“Let’s go over to the food,” he spoke loudly into Dan’s ear, something that would normally make Dan recoil, but not this time.
The food table was ever-so-slightly quieter, and Dan and Phil didn’t have to strain as much to be heard by each other.
“This probably isn’t the best setting to try to get to know someone,” Phil apologized, but Dan told him not to worry about it.
“So, about Uni, and your degree,” Phil started, and Dan felt his heart sink. He hated when people asked him about his degree, it made him feel like he had to hide, like he wasn’t good enough, like he-
“Do you like it? I mean, are you happy?”
“W-what?” Dan started, not expecting to be asked that.
Phil repeated himself, but more loudly.
“A-am I happy? Well, I don’t know. It’s something to do. It gives me a sense of purpose in life.”
Phil nodded, but didn’t press the issue any further. He couldn’t, actually, because at that moment someone came up to talk to them.
It was a woman, older than both of them, but with a genuine smile on her face and impeccable makeup and a stellar outfit.
“Philly!” she smiled, hugging him while they laughed together. “Hullo, Louis!” He smiled. The fashionista, Louis, pulled away from Phil and beamed at Dan. “And this must be the mysterious Dan!” she smiled, politely holding out her ring-clad hand for Dan to shake, which made her bangles jingle-jangle.
“Mysterious Dan?” Phil interjected with a smile, but a strained one. Both Dan and Louis could sense it, and Louis adapted accordingly.
“You didn’t think word wouldn’t have gotten out about the AmazingPhil himself picking up a kid that doesn’t even watch his videos to take under his wing, did you?”
“Take under my wing?” Phil exclaimed, his voice tight.
“Well, sure, that’s why you brought him, along, isn’t it?” she asked.
Phil’s mortified silence spoke more than actual words could have.
Louis smiled and patted his shoulder. “Not to worry, dear, we’ll help you sort this out.”
Phil nodded but didn’t say anything, instead clenching and unclenching his hands, not in an angry way, but as if he wished he had something to hold. Dan did too, if he was being honest with himself.
Together they weaved their way to a couch that had an empty end, free of party goers mingling. Louis excused herself to talk to other people, but promised she’d check in on them.
Dan huddled close to Phil, feeling extremely anxious.
“Is it true?” he asked the older boy, rubbing his wrist where his bracelet would have been.
“No. Maybe. I don’t know.”
Dan nodded, but didn’t quite understand.
“It’s true I was looking for someone, maybe to be in videos with me. A part-time partner I guess you can say. Also just a friend. But you’re in Uni. You’re busy.” Phil clenched his fists. “You’re busy with something that doesn’t even make you happy.”
It was true. Dan wasn’t happy at all. And he knew that Phil had seen right through him like no one else ever had, besides Martyn, so he didn’t bother trying to deny it anymore.
“Yeah.” he admitted. “I’m not. But what else is there to do?”
“This!” Phil exclaimed, using his hands fervently. “Look around you! People can get paid for this! People like me, and people like you.”
“People like me?” Dan scoffed, “I’m a wet towel.”
“Exactly!” Phil said, much to Dan’s surprise. “People like honest and awkward. It’s relatable. It’s constant. People can depend on it.”
Dan eyed Phil. “People can depend on other people’s anxiety?”
“Yes, because they can relate to it,” he smiled. “Dan, you can be the role model people need for following their dreams. Tell your story. Break out of your shell.”
“Are you suggesting I drop out of Uni to become a full-time internet hobo?” Dan asked, not even caring if he offended anyone anymore.
“Who said you had to drop out of Uni?” Phil asked.
“You, basically,” Dan pointed out slack-faced.
“Maybe you can switch degrees. Find something that makes you happy. I don’t know. But please, just try, for me?” Phil asked, his shiny eyes wide and innocent. Innocent? No, that wasn’t it. It was almost like… it was almost like Phil was begging Dan. He really wanted Dan to do what he did.
Dan leaned back on the red leather couch to put things in perspective. First he would need equipment, and he didn’t have a lot of money. Most people who started off didn’t, though, so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Second, he was going to need time to make and post videos. In theory that should be difficult, with the amount of coursework and studying that was expected of him. In reality he usually ended up playing video games alone in his room to try and relieve some of his constant stress and depression. Which did help. And making videos would be more useful than video games, he guessed.
Not to mention how happy Harvey would be. Right, he was supposed to be getting signatures for the kid. He pushed the thought out of his mind and went back to focusing on what being a YouTuber would mean for him.
It would be weird to film in his dorm where people could hear him. He’d have to find another place to film. He didn’t have any good ideas, so he moved onto something else.
He was going to need content. An intro video to start, and to dig up repressed memories to share to people on the internet.
Oh god. Sharing his fails with people on the internet?
He took a moment to ponder this, thinking about how he was already a fail in general. It probably wouldn’t be that much different honestly. But it was still scary.
And dropping out of Uni was almost as scary as being in Uni. But Phil was right. He wasn’t happy. Dan knew he had been kidding himself this whole time, but he didn’t know what else to do with his life. Admitting you have no idea what you want to do with yourself is not only scary but embarrassing, and Dan didn’t want to have to deal with that. He had felt for once he could actually get on top of things. Who makes fun of someone going to law school? But Dan really wasn’t cut out for it.
“If I drop out of Uni what then? My parents will probably kill me. I doubt they’d let me move back in, even though I still have a room at home.”
“I have a spare room in my apartment,” Phil offered. “I can pay for food for both of us and stuff for a few months while you get settled. If you want.”
Someone I met like seven hours ago is trying to convince me to drop out of Uni and move in with him, Dan thought to himself. But why?
“Maybe,” Dan said.
“Think about it, but let this influence your decision,” Phil told him, gesturing around them. “If I’m not convincing enough, talk to them.”
So that’s what Dan did. He’d been taking other people’s advice so far, and it had been working well, so the two of them went around and asked what people thought of Dan’s ideas for content and if he would be cut out to be a YouTuber.
Every single person they talked to said yes.
“See? It’s not just me!” Phil said at the end of the night.
Dan sighed. “I guess you’re right.”
“Yes, I know I am!” Phil smiled, calling them a cab from outside the building where they were waiting in the fresh night air.
Dan looked around. It suddenly hit him that their night was about to come to an end.
Phil noticed the look on Dan’s face.
“What time's your flight back tomorrow?” he asked cautiously.
“Not until four. Why?”
“Well, I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere else or something,” Phil suggested.
“Like where?” Dan asked.
“Well, we are in Orlando,” Phil smiled.
“Have you ever heard of Downtown Disney?”
“Well, it’s a quaint little place I always liked better at night,” he smiled, and so when the taxi came, that was where he asked to go.
Pulling in revealed a world the likes of which Dan would have never imagined could’ve existed. Everything was Disney themed, even down to the lamp-post and the shapes of the bushes. It was a quaint town-like area on the waterfront, with many, many stores, and even a lego sea monster that was actually in the water.
“I’ve always wanted to ride a sea monster,” Phil mentioned casually as they walked by it. Dan wasn’t even surprised at this point. His face was alight at everything to be seen. Phil mentioned he’d visited often as a kid, and took Dan to all his favorite places. They went to a store that was filled with Disney merch and displays, and found an Christmas ornament store that had an entire room for Nightmare Before Christmas merch. Dan ended up buying a Jack Skellington sweatshirt and skeleton gloves that he mentioned reminded him of Frank Iero’s gloves, a reference he was happy Phil understood.
They went to Ghirardelli's and ordered themselves extremely fancy hot chocolates even though it was a warm summer night. The place was crowded inside, so they sat on the edge of a raised bed with a tree in the center, shoulders touching.
They went to the Lego store and built Legos together. Phil ended up making little Lego replicas of them. Dan was focused on making- well, he didn’t really know what he was making, when Phil shoved them underneath his face.
“They’re so cute! We have to get them!” he said, and Dan rolled his eyes, making sure Phil could see, but agreed, so that’s what they did.
“We should switch,” Phil suggested, “and so we’ll have something to remember each other by.”
“You think I’m going to forget about you?” Dan teased, and Phil blushed. Dan didn’t know he would take it so seriously.
“No, I just thought it would be nice to have something physical from the time we spent together,” Phil said quietly, and Dan thought the idea was appealing, so he offered his hand, in which Phil put his mini figure in, exchanging it for Dan’s. Their hands brushed again and Dan was reminded of how soft the older boy’s hands were.
“What now?” Dan asked, turning to hide his blush as they exited the store. It was almost midnight.
“Want to walk around a little more?” Phil asked. Dan shrugged. “Sure.”
Walking around, they came upon a little amphitheatre that was having a live DJ cranking up a dance party that Phil insisted they had to join. Families, teens, and awkward friends danced to the beat of a song, before they put on one that everyone knew the dance moves to, except Dan, of course, so Phil had to teach him.
“You thrust your hips out like this,” Phil said, hands on his hips, moving them around in a circle to the time of the beat.
“Is that so?” Dan joked, but realized what Phil was saying was true, and so followed along with everyone else. Watching Phil dance was amusing. He wasn’t really the most graceful person ever.
Phil noticed Dan looking, and repeated Dan’s thoughts aloud.
When the song was over, the DJ came onto his microphone. His message was not one that Dan wanted to hear.
“Now, just like your awkward senior prom, or for you youngsters, what will be  your senior prom, we’re going to slow things down for a song for those of you who have been requesting it, but after that we’ll be up and running with these beats again, I promise!”
A lot of the families cleared out with a chorus of moans and groans, but some parents and teens stayed.
Dan turned to go as well, but noticed Phil wasn’t following him.
Why wasn’t Phil-
The crushing weight of that singular word, and all its understanding fell on him like a ton of bricks, heavier that the stress of Uni had ever been.
“I-” Phil started, looking like a deer in headlights. “W-we don’t have to. No, we probably shouldn’t. It’s late. We should call a cab. You have a flight to catch tomorrow, and I have things to do tomorrow, and it’s just silly-”
Dan started walking towards Phil and grabbed his hand to stop it from clenching and unclenching.
“It’s fine. Right? It’s fine,” he laughed shakily.
Phil laughed along with him.
Dan’s wrist itched where his bracelet should have been.
Dancing to the music, Phil went on a nerves-induced rant.
“It was stupid of me to ask something so big of you. I’m sorry. It was selfish, too. I just wanted someone to be in videos with me. I wanted a friend. And I told Martyn. I told him to keep an eye out. And he did, and I was glad to meet you. I didn’t actually expect it to work. People knew I was lonely, and I wanted a friend. Look how well Smosh does. So when Martyn said I had another guest coming, they must have assumed- well, that’s what people do. They assume. And I guess I assumed too. That you’d want to drop everything you’ve worked so hard for to chance it all on a sketchy career that involves showing yourself off, flaws and all, to everyone on the internet. Insane, right? You can’t just ask someone to do that for you. I’m stupid. You have your own life, and we should just be friends or something.”
Dan felt something pull at his gut in a way he didn’t like. His hand tightened on Phil’s hip. Just friends? After everything he had just accepted, after feeling like maybe he was onto something, after- just friends?
“No. I’m going to do it. I’m going to drop out of Uni and move in with you.”
“You’re right. I’m not happy. I’m miserable. I agreed to take my brother here hoping- praying- something would change. That I, I’d get a sign or something. Make a friend. Find out what it is that makes all these people happy to be here. To find clarity. To find a purpose. And even if YouTube doesn’t work out… well, it’s a start. Quitting and moving out is a start, and you’ve been kind enough to help me, because…”
Dan looked at his feet. He couldn’t say it. He wasn’t 100% sure, and he couldn’t say it.
“Because I like you,” Phil filled in.
“B-because you like me. And you know that I like you…”
“A lot.”
“Enough to agree to move in with me.”
“Enough to show me things from your childhood.”
“Enough to agree to slow-dance with me.”
“Enough to show me off to your friends.”
Phil’s grip on Dan’s hand tightened, and as the song ended, he dropped their hands to their side, and together they exited the small novelty town.
“When?” Dan asked, looking up from their hands where he had been staring at them in disbelief.
“When? As soon as possible. How soon can it be?”
“A week,” Dan said.
Phil gave him a joking pout.
“Five days. Four if you help.”
Phil released Dan’s hand to wrap his arms around his new partner in videos, crime, life, whatever in a hug.
“Yay!” he said excitedly. “We’re going to become super popular! I promise, things’ll work out!”
Dan giggled, something he hadn’t done in years, and hugged Phil back.
Five days later, Dan had a bed in Phil’s apartment, and an entire room to himself to go with it. He even ended up buying a matching duvet to Phil’s, and their rooms balanced out their personalities while keeping a common theme.
They enjoyed doing domestic necessities like shopping for groceries together, picking out clothes the other might like, and arguing about who has to do what chores when, as well as binge-watching shows together, competing in video games, and generally sharing more about each other and opening up about their past and their goals for the future.
Dan did end up becoming a rather successful YouTuber, and over time, he even passed Phil in number of subscribers, but Phil was never bitter about it. Instead, he was really happy that Dan had turned his life around for the better. In the years to come, they would make two more joint channels, a few tours, a few books, a whole lot of videos, and a lot of memories. They never confirmed nor denied their relationship, liking to keep their fans on their toes, much to the frustration of some of them. They grew together, laughed together, created together, and existed together. Of course they talked about their relationship with each other, but they decided not to really call it anything just yet.
They had all the time in the world as of now, and that was enough for them.
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