#can someone cast them in a film already?
going "why'd i feel like it was monday for a sec" earlier & immediately answering it with "oh yeah b/c the summer stock performances 'weekend' is mondays & tuesdays off" and going Whoah just now refreshing myself on the exact schedule when this is the first wednesda & thursday of performances, like, kicking off both days w/2 pm matinees
#having this Enrichment when not only is it [i want to see it] but also feeling more liable to Have Posts than like#casually checking up on a recent off broadway limited engagement like Where's The Posts. where's someone's filmed curtain call. hewwo#even a limited broadway production w/its own dedicated twitter account like Hewwo you never finished your thread hellooo#meanwhile out here Regionally like. erika amato our number one poster it seems....checking up on those fb or ig accounts....etc#it's the revelations that can come through these glimpses like ''idk why the guy in ireland with a pbs travel series had some professional#involvement with the show but he posted the pics ft. the first page of Director Notes & scenes / musical numbers list''#or an ensemble member with a cropped pic of a page of sheet music which confirms [orville gets to sing at all including in a song i already#guessed he'd get to participate in based on detective legwork re: that ireland travel series guy's tweet] ft. harmonizing lyrics w/phil#fun to have something that's at a balance of like; i can't be thee most comprehensive but i can And Will do some fairly thorough digging#and i'll do it more than once especially when like [exhaustively checking for all listed cast & creative team's instagrams] done once can#confirm that not all of them as posting regularly (mostly just erika) (but a few others with Any Recent behind the scenes summerstocking)#don't have to try checking in all thee time on the accounts who haven't / don't post recently or at all regularly#and then of course the scraps of info / glimpses are nice for the Yearning To See It experience#summer stock
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buckyalpine · 4 months
I've always had this acting AU idea where you and Bucky are co-stars in a movie/tv show and your characters are enemies. It makes people feral because you're both so crazy attractive but you just hate each other so much on screen and your story lines have you at each others throats.
Now the part I love with this idea is the press actually thinking you don't get along with him whatsoever and thinking there's drama between the cast because you're never around with them. Whenever they hang out together, literally everyone by you is there. There are so many rumors about how Bucky can't stand working with you and how the cast leaves you out. Natasha even had a thanksgiving dinner recently and the Instagram photo she posted has literally everyone present but you.
Things heat up even more when you barely update your own socials after filming wrapped up. You basically disappeared and it confirms everyone's suspicions. The only time you post here and there is when you're at home alone, doing your own thing. You're never present in any of the interviews. No one ever comments even when they're directly asked about you. There has to be drama.
It's been over a year of near radio silence and people anticipating for the release of this movie.
I love the idea of the movie premier day being full of anticipation and people buzzing over if Bucky would bring a date, if you'd even show up, wondering how you'd interact with everyone else. No one's even seen you but you're one of the main characters so you have to show-
A large black SUV rolls up.
Then Bucky steps out.
Everyone screams. He looks stunning in his all black suit, with his scruffy beard and chestnut locks. Instead of making his way down the red carpet, he stays in place waiting for someone to join him.
Confused murmurs start among the screaming.
And then.
He holds his hand out to help you out.
And everyone goes absolutely wild as you step out, seeing your very round baby bump and that ring on your finger. He makes a show of kissing you deeply before walking you down and of course the cast showers you in love and hugs as if you're all in your own little bubble.
They already knew all long. The secret, low key relationship with you and Bucky. You didn't want people to know because it would bring on so much speculation and scrutiny. When everyone bombards you both with what's going on, Bucky only answers one reporters question with a simple "I'm here with my wife"
Seriously, people can't handle it.
A few days after the reveal, Bucky, you and the rest of the cast including Sam, Steve, Nat and so many others post all the outings they had where you were actually present. The "thanks giving dinner" was actually your baby shower. So many pictures where they're holding your bump with "aunt" and "uncle" sashes tied around them. Pictures from the secret wedding. The honeymoon. The cutest pictures of Bucky cuddled up with you; wholesome intimate moments with you and him. Moments with getting mani pedis with Nat and Wanda.
No on can understand how this was all hidden so well. No one would have guessed.
Weeks later you have your babies and this time everyone posts pictures, all of them surrounding you in the hospital.
Seriously, this reveal breaks the internet in a way you'd never imagine.
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leieatsmen · 5 months
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you’re literally the director, producer, muse, screenwriter and cast of your dream life, your muse is who you want to be, the screenwriter does all the work behind the scenes and the script and basically everything that goes into making the movie the movie.
what you put into your screenplay (whether it’s aff tapes, living in the end, embodying your dream life or doing sats) everything you put into your screenplay dictates the outcome of your movie (your dream life)
you literally need to be the best method actor in the world and feel your dream life so it can harden into your dream reality. when someone is preparing for a role reading the script doesn’t get them far they need to transform into that character so they can perform to the best of their abilities
make your own rules, how are other people going to tell you what to do like hello?? the law is about you and literally nobody else this is your movie who cares if you wanna do whatever you want if you think doing methods are beneficial go for it at the end of the day it’s your life and you have the power in your hands. we all want an award winning life full of success, love and happiness and it is coming!! congratulations in advance
you find manifesting difficult because you make it difficult for yourself, you complicate it for yourself by over-consuming and fixating on methods that’s why you feel stagnant!! affirm and persistence goes a long way i promise it seems like people throw around this term all the time but it’s literally true that’s what makes loa easy
”your desired state already exists but is excluded from view. an assumption brings it into sight by changing your perspective.” - neville goddard
— ༊ xtra hehe i hope this analogy makes sense at the end of the day this is your life and your creation you are in control and it is finished you have your dream life you are the director of your own life and destiny ⁺ this is literally sats but i loveeee affirming and making my own short films in my head knowing that when i wake up i will live in that moment
— ༊ i hope you find this useful!! i’ve been crazy consistent lately even im scaring myself (@etherealkissed88 definitely has some of my favorite loa content!! you should definitely follow her) that’s pretty much all i have to say have a good day/afternoon or night and good luck on your journey because it’s already done
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foone · 2 years
Look if there's one thing, just one thing, that I wish everyone understood about archiving, it's this:
We can always decide later that we don't need something we archived.
Like, if we archive a website that's full of THE WORST STUFF, like it turns out it's borderline illegal bot-made spam art, we can delete it. Gone.
We can also chose not to curate. You can make a list of the 100 Best Fanfic and just quietly not link to or mention the 20,000 RPFs of bigoted youtubers eating each other. No problem!
We can also make things not publicly available. This happens surprisingly often: like, sometimes there'll be a YouTube channel of alt-right bigotry that gets taken down by YouTube, but someone gives a copy to the internet archive, and they don't make it publicly available. Because it might be useful for researchers, and eventually historians, it's kept. But putting it online for everyone to see? That's just be propaganda for their bigotry. So it's hidden, for now. You can ask to see it, but you need a reason.
And we can say all these things, we can chose to delete it later, we can not curate it, we can hide it from public view... But we only have these options BECAUSE we archived it.
If we didn't archive it, we have no options. It is gone. I'm focusing on the negative here, but think about the positive side:
What if it turns out something we thought was junk turns out to be amazing new art?
What if something we thought of as pointless and not worth curating turns out to be influential?
What if something turns out to be of vital historical importance, the key that is used to solve a great mystery, the Rosetta stone for an era?
All of those things are great... If we archived it when we could.
Because this is an asymmetric problem:
If we archived it and it turns out it's not useful, we can delete.
If we didn't archive it and it turns out it is useful, OOPS!
You can't unlose something that's been lost. It's gone. This is a one way trip, it's already fallen off the cliff. Your only hope is that you're wrong about it being lost, and there is actually still a copy somewhere. If it's truly lost, your only option is to build a time machine.
And this has happened! There are things lost, so many of them that we know of, and many more we don't know of. There are BOOKS OF THE BIBLE referenced in the canon that simply do not exist anymore. Like, Paul says to go read his letter to the Laodiceans, and what did that letter say? We don't know. It's gone.
The most celebrated playwright in the English tradition has plays that are just gone. You want to perform or watch Love's Labours Won? TOO FUCKING BAD.
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Want to watch Lon Cheyney's London After Midnight, a mystery-horror silent film from 1927? TOO BAD. The MGM vault burnt down in 1965 and the last known copy went up in smoke.
If something still exists, if it still is kept somewhere, there is always an opportunity to decide if it's worthy of being remembered. It can still be recognized for its merits, for its impact, for its importance, or just what it says about the time and culture and people who made it, and what they believed and thought and did. It can still be a useful part of history, even if we decide it's a horrible thing, a bigoted mess, a terrible piece of art. We have the opportunity to do all that.
If it's lost... We are out of options. All we can do is research it from how it affected other things. There's a lot of great books and plays and films and shows that we only know of because other contemporary sources talked about them so much. We're trying to figure out what it was and what it did, from tracing the shadow it cast on the rest of culture.
This is why archivists get anxious whenever people say "this thing is bad and should not be preserved". Because, yeah, maybe they're right. Maybe we'll look back and decide "yeah, that is worthless and we shouldn't waste the hard drive or warehouse space on it".
But if they're wrong, and we listen to them, and don't archive... We don't get a second chance at this. And archivists have been bitten too many times by talk of "we don't need copies, the original studio has the masters!" (it burnt down), or "this isn't worth preserving, it's just some damn silly fad" (the fad turned out to be the first steps of a cultural revolution), or "this media is degenerate/illegal/immoral" (it turns out those saying that were bigots and history doesn't agree with their assessment).
So we archive what we can. We can always decide later if it doesn't need preserving. And being a responsible archivist often means preserving things but not making them publicly available, or being selective in what you archive (I back up a lot of old computer hard drives. Often they have personal photos and emails and banking information! That doesn't get saved).
But it's not really a good idea to be making quality or moral judgements of what you archive. Because maybe you're right, maybe a decade or two later you'll decide this didn't need to be saved. And you'll have the freedom to make that choice. But if you didn't archive it, and decide a decade later you were wrong... It's just gone now. You failed.
Because at the end of the day I'd rather look at an archive and see it includes 10,000 things I think are worthless trash, than look at an archive of on the "best things" and know that there are some things that simply cannot be included. Maybe they were better, but can't be considered as one of the best... Because they're just gone. No one has read them, no one has been able to read them.
We have a long history of losing things. The least we can do going forward is to try and avoid losing more. And leave it up to history to decide if what we saved was worth it.
My dream is for a future where critics can look at stuff made in the present and go "all of this was shit. Useless, badly made, bigoted, horrible. Don't waste your time on it!"
Because that's infinitely better than the future where all they can do is go "we don't know of this was any good... It was probably important? We just don't know. It's gone. And it's never coming back"
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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         𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N participates in the Baking Blind, Deaf and Mute video, but things don't go as planned.
WARNING: Begin of a panic attack, anxiety.
REQUESTED?: Yes, @ecliphttlunar
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"Alright guys, it's been almost a year since the last time we filmed one of these, I think..." Nick began, his body appearing in the camera frame, stopping next to Matt.
"Yeah, and today we have a special guest-" Matt was interrupted by Nick, who swallowed all the rest of his energy drink, stumbling back as he shook his head hard, feeling the burn go down his throat.
"Like she doesn't appear in almost every video." Chris ignored Nick's reaction, momentarily pointing to his girlfriend next to him.
A laugh escaped his throat, followed by a dramatic sound of pain as he received a slap from Y/N as a response, who rolled her eyes at him, crossing her arms and looking at the camera.
"They love me more than they love you guys at this point." She murmured, pointing at the camera with her chin, blowing an air kiss towards it.
"Anyways!" Nick shouted, casting a scolding glance from the corner of his eye at Chris and Y/N, focusing his eyes on the lens. "Today we're going to do the baking blind, deaf and mute challenge, and we have a guest with us, Y/N!" He raised his left hand, pointing it towards the girl momentarily, who smiled big and waved.
"Exactly, and since there will be four of us, instead of three, we will repeat one position. Y/N will be blind with Matt, while I will be mute and Nick will be deaf." Chris explained, wrapping his left arm around his girl's shoulder, pulling her close and massaging her biceps slightly, sealing his lips over her head momentarily.
"Okay, today we're going to cook a carrot cake with chocolate frosting since it's our guest's favorite." Nick spoke, his voice coming out louder than normal since his ears were covered by the headphones where music was coming out at full volume.
Y/N nodded, resting her hands on the table, unable to see exactly where she was, her eyes already covered by Chris's red bandana.
"Y/N doesn't eat ready cake mixture, so we're going to make it from scratch!" Matt added, his back resting on the counter next to the stove.
His arms were crossed, and his head was turned in the direction he thought the camera was.
"Let's begin!"
"Can someone preheat the oven, please?" Y/N asked, her head turned to the side where she heard footsteps.
A tired sigh escaped her nose when she received no response. The girl moved slowly, using her raised arms for support, feeling wherever she went.
Sudden hands on her waist made her jump in fright, relief coursing through her veins as she quickly recognized Chris's touch. The boy holds her tightly, guiding her slowly through the kitchen, until they reach the stove.
Chris lightly held her wrist, guiding her hand to the button to turn on the oven, waiting for her to do so before letting go of her hand, moving away slightly.
"What is happening? Are you still here?" Matt's voice cut through the air, his figure doing a 360° turn as he tried to understand where the others were.
"In here, Matt." Y/N replied as she walked back to the table, feeling around until she found the ingredients already separated.
The girl reached for the carrots, feeling them to check if they were peeled. They weren't.
"Chris, can you peel it for me, please?" The girl asked loudly, lifting her chin in the air so her voice could echo better.
Footsteps approached, and soon, the carrots were taken from her hands, the sound of a knife hitting the cutting board filling her ears.
The sound of screams filled the kitchen, Nick singing the songs he was listening to as loud as possible, probably dancing around the space, checking every now and then if the others were making the recipe correctly, despite Y/N and Chris knowing it by heart.
"Nick, can you shut up?" Matt asked loudly, turning in the direction where his brother's voice came from.
Nick noticed Matt trying to talk to him, looking back while furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"What?" He screamed.
Y/N, who was blindly measuring the correct amount of oil using a measuring cup, jumped in place in fright by the sudden loud sound. Her hand holding the oil shook slightly from the movement, spilling some of the contents onto her other hand and the table.
Her shoulders slumped, but she just kept going, knowing that there was nothing she could do at that moment other than fulfill her task.
After measuring the oil and flour as correctly as possible, the girl felt the table on her right side in search of the cut carrots, no longer feeling Chris' presence there.
Her hands ran across the wooden surface, grabbing the first thing she found in the belief that it was the vegetables, but instead, it was a knife.
A wince escaped her lips, feeling a sharp burning sensation spread from her right index finger to her hand. She had cut herself.
"Can I have a paper towel?" Y/N asked in a low tone, her voice coming out choppy from the pain she felt. "Hey, somebody, a paper towel. Please?"
No one answered her, Matt and Nick's arguing voices only growing louder and louder.
The girl took a deep breath, wiping her finger on her t-shirt, feeling pain and disgust at the same time at the thought of cleaning a wound on a fabric that wasn't as clean as something specific for hygiene.
Her attention returned to the things in front of herself. Y/N replayed her last steps in her mind, making sure she did everything right.
With that, her hand rescued the fuê that she knew was on her left side and began to mix all the ingredients in the ceramic bowl carefully, despite the pain in her hand.
She felt her senses were more heightened than normal, perhaps because her eyes were covered, which made her hear the different steps of each of the triplets, their voices, and in which direction they were going.
But at that moment, her attention was so focused on the mixture that she forgot to pay attention to the three boys.
"Matt, I'm not listening to anything you're saying!" Nick shouted, his tone full of sarcasm.
"I'm just asking you to stop-"
"Don't touch me, Chris!"
"Nick, stop doing that-"
"Stop talking, I can't hear you-"
The impact came suddenly against Y/N's back, causing her to hit her belly on the corner of the table and, consequently, pushing the mixture forward due to the impact. She was certain that everything had been spilled onto the wooden surface when she heard a loud gasp coming from Matt.
Y/N's lips trembled before the tears even came. She felt her eyes burning behind her bandana while her cheeks and chest ached with anguish.
"Y/N?" Chris's voice came out softly, his hands quickly ripping the bandana from his mouth, approaching his girl, ignoring the guilty looks from Nick and Matt as they both removed their respective bandana and headphones.
Y/N didn't respond, resting her hands on the table and lowering her head, feeling the fabric over her eyes getting damp little by little.
"Baby?" Chris whispered, slowly untying the knot on the bandana behind her head, being careful not to pull out any hair. The last thing he wanted was to cause pain on his girlfriend.
He felt his heart sink at the sight of her eyes closed tightly and her eyelashes damp against her pink cheeks. His own eyes quickly caught her chest rising and falling faster than normal in agitation.
Chris moved closer to her, positioning his hands on both of his girl's hips, lightly squeezing the covered skin in an attempt to ground her.
"Hey, hey, pretty girl, it's okay. Deep breaths, hm?" The brunette whispered close to her ear, casting a quick look behind his shoulder at his brothers, silently asking them to move away. "That's right, just like that. You got it, my love."
Y/N sucked in air through her nose, holding it for a few seconds before releasing it through her mouth.
After repeating the process a few times, she could finally feel her heart calm down and the anguish slowly disappear. Y/N opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times to remove the remnants of tears.
"There's my pretty girl. Are you with me, baby?" Chris smiled kindly, his eyes shining as he looked at Y/N, waiting for her answer.
"Uhum, I am good. Thank you, baby." Her voice came out still a whisper, but in a healthier tone. "Can we continue? I really want to-"
"Wait, is that blood? Baby, are you hurt?" Chris noticed the reddish tone on her right hand, interrupting her sentence and holding her hand delicately with both of his, analyzing the small cut.
"Yeah, with that knife. It was an accident, but it's not hurting anymore." The girl tried to assure him, stroking his hands with her thumb slowly.
"Can we at least clean it? Before we continue." He asked, his tone full of hope while his eyes run through her face, trying to find any trace of pain.
"Okay." Y/N nodded, whispering with a small smile decorating her face.
The boy guided her to the sink, turning on the tap to cold water and slowly bringing her hand closer to the jet, letting the water hit the injured skin slowly, so that it didn't make her feel any more pain.
A wince escaped Y/N's throat when she felt the contact, suppressing the urge to pull her hand back.
"I know, baby. I know, I'm sorry." Chris whispered, his lips pressed against the side of her head. His free hand made small circles on her back, trying to reflect calm to her.
After a few seconds, Chris finally turned off the tap again, drying his own hand before rescuing a few sheets of paper towels. He wiped Y/N's sensitive skin slowly, wrapping her finger around a clean sheet.
"All done, honey."
"Thank you." She smiled, sealing her lips on his jaw slightly. "Can we bake now?" She asked innocently, looking at Matt and Nick, who were still watching them with guilty eyes.
Chris let out a low chuckle at her comment, waving his brothers closer again.
"Are you good, girl?" Nick asked as he approached Y/N, stroking her left shoulder lightly, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I am good, Nick. I promise." She smiled big at her best friend, hugging him sideways and laying her head on his right shoulder for a few seconds before stepping away again.
"Okay then, let's bake a cake!" Matt smiled at the camera, grabbing the nearest roll of paper towels, ready to clean up the mess before they could start baking again.
extra - comments:
"omg I would die on Y/N's place, all this was so overwhelming 😭"
"chris is such a good boyfriend and you can see it in here, the way he helps her at the beginning? bf goals 😫😫😫"
"chris and Y/N are so beautiful together 🥺"
"the way chris was super worried about Y/N so he ripped off his bandana too quickly to help her 😔😔😔"
"I want what they have so bad"
"nick and matt feeling guilty and then worrying about her was so cute!!"
"them baking it from the beginning again only because Y/N wanted to eat that cake is so thoughtful 😭"
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@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu @sturniolowhore @mimi-luvzyu @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @domizzzsstuff @sturnizd @hearts4chris @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @rootbeerworshiper @junnniiieee07 @elliesturniolo1 @sstvrnioloo @lightsgore @gidgett11037 @sturniolho @ksskianshd
(If you want to be added to the taglist, go to this post)
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hs-is-loml · 10 months
Still Love Him More. (t.b)
Pairing: Tom Blyth x Co-star!Reader, mention of Past!Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: some fans can't get over your past relationship with a certain famous ferrari driver while others are obsessed with your new boyfriend.
Type: Social Media AU! face claim is Rachel Zegler
Warnings: toxic fans? mentioned a slightly unhealthy past relationship with charles leclerc. (literally only mentioned and not pictured...), few grammar mistakes in the twitter threads. not a warning but tom blyth being the standard. UNEDITED
a/n: this was inspired by @sofs16 's jealousy, jealousy! + i'm deprived of charles since the f1 season being over rn so maybe i'm a little harsh with him in this... (written in 3am because why not)
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y/nupdates has posted
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liked by y/nl/nsources, blindedbyblyth, 1ucygrayba1rd, and 26,936 others
y/nupdates y/n with rumored co-star boyfriend tom blyth at the knicks basketball game tonight!
tagged yourusername and tomblyth
view all 571 comments
y/nsidelove rumored? haven't they been dating since last year?
→ peetaspastry i think we all just assumed with the amount these two are together!
→ articarabella they are definitely dating! a few weeks ago y/n went on live and it was pretty much confirmed by them! they also mentioned how tom and her searching for a new place in new york
y/nforlifeee honestly, i don't know how people didn't figure it out sooner
thatonebakucorner who is this man and why is he with y/n😀
→ protectthewags it's her new love interest in tbosas
→ thatonebakucorner so what he's the her new love interest in her life too??!
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blythandl/nnews has posted
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liked by y/npleasegivemeachance, snowbairdsfall, fellforthebuzzcut, and 19,017 others
blythandl/nnews more pictures of y/n and tom during the tbosas
tagged yourusername and tomblyth
view all 236 comments
y/nintbosasera she found an european man with some height to him🙏🏼🙏🏼
→ finnicksspear not the shade to the vroom vroom ex😭
→ welovey/n people need to get over the fact y/n and charles have been broken up for over a year already...
blythfilms something about them just make sense
nevergettingoverthem i've never seen a photo of y/n looking so happy!
→ y/nineverymovie maybe it's because her ex's fans used to belittle her and criticized her on anything she did?
valntynemade i should've known that the f1 girlies would find this
→ staystrongy/n they never miss when y/n is spotted with someone
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tbosasmemories has posted
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liked by y/nupdates, th3hungergam3s, and 32,658 others
tbosasmemories behind the scenes pictures of y/n l/n and tom blyth while filming tbosas!
tagged yourusername, tomblyth, and thehungergames
view all 459 comments
lovelyy/n the casting and sets of this movie are impeccable
unfairodair only tom blyth would make people attracted to a murderous man with a buzzcut
→ watchingforthem the same thing happened with drew starkey playing rafe cameron
soundofsnowlanding the more pictures are released of tom and y/n, the more it makes sense why they fell in love with each other!
→ y/nineverymovie she always seems to laugh more when he's around
livingfory/nreputationera the best thing that happened to y/n and her mental health was getting away from her ex. not to mention how she can actually focus on her career now
→ carlosconfusion i don't get why everyone hates charles so much? what happened between him and y/n?
→ wagsforlife charles and y/n were together from around late 2020 to early 2022. during the relationship, y/n was receiving a lot of hate from charles' fans and took a break from all social media and acting until the press tour of west side story started. many fans still love them but as separate people and not a couple!
→ oneforthewags exactly, that! even though y/n isn't a wag anymore, we still love her and support her work!
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tomblyth has posted
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liked by yourusername, hunterschafer, mrsamclaflin, and 985,973 others
tomblyth to my favorite person who breathed life into this movie. i will never be able to thank the world for sending you into my life. you are the light in the darkest scenes. i am truly the luckiest person for having you by my side every day. you are beautiful, angel.
tagged yourusername
view all 89,342 comments
yourusername i love you
→ liked by tomblyth and 510 others
→ tomblyth and i endlessly love you.
songbirdsandsnakes snowbaird lives with you two
hunterschafer you guys are too cute!
variety hollywood's favorite couple ❤️
lunasteeples gorgeous girl
thehungergames two incredible leads
jesperjones a cast made up of the loveliest people :)
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yourusername has posted
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liked by tomblyth, vaughan_reilly, tchalamet and 1,041,109 others
yourusername i cried to him last night about how proud i am of him. he is so wonderful in this film. you will all love him as much as i do. but i still love him more.
but i also wanted to say that i came to adore this man through long days, fun nights, in-depth talks, and silly inside jokes. i spent every day with him and got to know his heart, his sense of humor, his charm, and first and foremost, his immense talent.
my sweet tom, you are unbelievably wonderful in every way. goofy, sincere, and lovable in every moment we have. i love working with you, but beyond that, i love knowing you.
view all 121,054 comments
tomblyth you forgot to mention that i also cried with you last night.
→ tomblyth besides that. i have never met anyone else that is as perfect as every aspect of you. no one will ever have my heart the way you do.
→ liked by yourusername and 649 others
→ yourusername you have me forever.
lilymhe loved the movie! and the amazing chemistry between the two of you!
vogue favorite on and off-screen pair
alyciajasmin beautiful people 🤍
nickkbenson biggest smiles
→ yourusername always!
florencepugh adore you both
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abnerkrill · 1 year
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fantastic rebuttal to "writers don't deserve better pay because the stuff they write is terrible/unoriginal", full thread here
(to explain, the "Unknown" under his name is from a add-on bot detector; it usually can assign a percentage likelihood that a user is a human being and not a bot, but I think the blue check system disrupted the add-on so it says "Unknown" underneath his name now.)
[image id under the read more:
May 7, 2023 tweet thread from Tom Vaughan @/storyandplot
With #WGAStrong rightfully in the spotlight this week, I've seen some less-than-sympathetic comments focusing on the lack of originality in our projects. This is a fair criticism of the system, but not the writers. A quick history of how we got here (thread emoji)
The first thing to understand is that Hollywood has NOT run out of new ideas. The studio’s preference for I.P. has nothing to do with regurgitating ideas and everything to do with MARKETING.
The late 60s-70s is generally considered the artistic high of the studio system. Ironically, many contribute this to corporations buying up the studios! The corporations knew they had no idea how to run a movie studio, so... they put creative people in charge.
This is how you got the run of so many great films the studios would never make today. They also took bigger chances on young, promising talent (the first "film school generation" of filmmakers.)
But with the success of JAWS and STAR WARS, the corporations demanded more of those kinds of hits. The creative folks insisted such things were unpredictable, and the business folks said let's make them less so.
(Sidenote: This was also the same time a completely different phenomenon was happening. A/C was becoming the norm for theatres, making summer movie-going much more attractive.)
Over the next decade, more and more MBAs and marketing people gained influence in the studio system. Being business folks, huge hits were not a creative problem as much as a product/marketing problem.
The 80s is when the “high concept” became pre-eminent because it narrowed a sales pitch to one sentence, a trailer, and a poster. This made everyone a marketing agent for a movie because everyone could explain what it was about!
In the 90s, marketing became just as important as the film itself (reflected in their respective budgets) when Hollywood discovered they could profit from fifty years of pre-existing awareness for old TV shows and movies.
This allowed the marketing department to move away from pitching a movie and convincing you to go see it (lower success rate), to simple “audience awareness” and building anticipation. (higher success rate.)
The audience knew what THE FLINSTONES the movie was. They just needed to know the casting and when it opened. No one needed to have the remake of GODZILLA explained to them. They just needed to know when it opened.
The marketing department prefers AWARNESS over SELLING because awareness is something you can throw money at. Selling is harder, and it’s less predictable. This is why franchises are so valuable.
Whenever someone says, “That’s something I can sell!” It’s usually something that can sell itself. What they mean is, "I just have to let people know about this!"
Hollywoods's reliance on property the audience is already familiar with is 100% because... the audience is already familiar with it. It is easier to market the product and this increases its chances of success.
This focus on I.P. has become so pervasive, many, including executives themselves, have forgotten WHY it's valuable. They'll option an unknown comic BECAUSE it's I.P., forgetting that it's unknown and lacks the main asset of I.P.
Writers do love writing on an I.P. that means something to them. Every Star Wars fan who became a filmmaker would love to work in that universe. But we do not love it more than our own original work. We would always rather work on that.
So when you see another remake, or reboot, or adaptation, and think, "Can't they come up with something new?"
Remember, the answer is yes. Yes, we can. And we want to. You can blame the market or the marketing, but either way, the widespread production of truly original content is just not the studio business model we're in right now. #WGAStrong
end ID.]
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eudaimaniacs · 9 days
lunch with a side of a babydoll dress (hugh jackman x female reader)
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word count: 700 words
warning/s: smut with one mention of feet
notes: i included a word count after four posts (well, it happens). also there's one request on my inbox and i'll try answering that asap. i'm not good at fulfilling these requests (i have one dead and deactivated tumble blog to prove it). enough yapping, enjoy reader!
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It was a long day of shooting Hugh's new movie from 5:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. of shooting in multiple costumes. He was stressed, to say the least. He didn't have time to rest, rewind, or even fuck his wife.
You hang around on set to provide support for Hugh. You know how stressful filming gets, especially with the time allotted for makeup, costuming, and shooting. You mostly prepare his meals since he prefers your cooking to ordering take-out when he's tired from filming.
One day couldn't get any worse. It was a hot day, meaning Hugh would be tired from the filming and the heat. He wanted to lie down in bed and sleep away his stress. Hugh kept his composure and still treated the staff and cast nicely.
It was lunchtime, and Hugh couldn't wait to eat what you made for him. He went to his trailer and saw your heavenly figure preparing his meal. You were wearing a flowy, white baby doll dress. The sun shone through the ethereal fabric, dancing when you slightly moved. Hugh could trace your curves in the sheer fabric. The softness of your breasts, the soft bend of your waist, and your ass barely peeking out of the short dress.
"Oh, there you are, Hugh! Let's eat right now." You beamed and gave him a peck. He stared for a few seconds before exploring your body with his hands. Hugh felt heaven when he touched every part. He made sure to not miss a spot and treated your body like a goddess.
Hugh growled and remarked, "The lunch can wait, sweetheart. You look so fucking good in that dress." Before you can reply, he caught you by surprise by passionately kissing you.
You hummed and returned the same desperation to Hugh. You tugged his hair as the two of you continued to kiss deeper. Hugh lifted your dress and caressed your breasts. He massaged your nipples, turning them rock solid. Hugh's hands turned their attention to your ass, squeezing and lightly slapping it.
You giggle and break the kiss. "Glad you liked the dress, Hugh. I picked the perfect day to wear it."
Hugh dipped and then kissed your neck. "Have been too stressed today and the days before, honey. I need to relieve myself."
You raised your eyebrows at his suggestion. You were feeling the mood, but someone could walk inside the trailer to tell Hugh to return to set.
"Are you crazy, Hugh? One of your co-stars or makeup artist could come knocking, and they would hear us fucking," you whisper-screamed to Hugh, who was already touching your pussy. You moaned at the sensation of his rough hands rubbing your clit. You tried to protest, but Hugh's actions suppressed it.
"I don't care about them hearing, [Y/N]. I want them to know how good my wife fucking feels."
Hugh raised your dress and took out his cock from the restraint of his tight pants. He pumped it for a few times and then rubbed it at the lips of your pussy. You moaned and rubbed your breasts to further pleasure yourself. Hugh slowly entered, and you let out a loud, shaky whine.
He gradually fastened his pace, knowing he had little time to eat lunch and returning on set. Hugh growled and grabbed your waist as he reached his high. You felt the imprint of his dick on your stomach and hoped that he could see it through your dress.
You moaned and called out his name as you climaxed. You tried grabbing onto something as the sensation of Hugh's stress fucking you left you shaking.
"That was good, baby girl. Come on, let me help you get up," Hugh whispered, grabbing your waist to help you sit down. Your hair was a mess, as was your face. However, your white babydoll dress remained beautiful, sculpting your perfect body and highlighting your best features.
Hugh sat opposite and began eating the lunch you prepared earlier.
"Thank you for the two meals, [Y/N]. I can't wait for dinner tonight."
You winked and rubbed his crotch with your feet. Happily thinking what meal you'll prepare and dress he'll fuck you in with.
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eudaimaniacs - 2024
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quirklezz · 9 months
Rumor has it | Tom Blyth
pairing: Tom Blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary: Ever since the premiere of tbosas fans of yours have been shipping you with your costar, Tom Blyth. Is it all just rumors or were they right all along?
a/n: So I recently discovered Tom Blyth and wanted to make this for fun! Mainly based on those shipper accounts who post updates on their fav couples. Might make this into a series if anyone wants more… in the meantime feedback is appreciated and requests are open!
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ynusername some of my favorite bts moments while filming tbosas
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user1 yn giving us more bts content!!!
user2 loved the movie you and Tom have to star in more films together
↳ user3 ikr I love their chemistry
↳ user4 need them in a romcom after seeing tbosas
↳ ynusername a romcom you say? I’m down if @tomblyth is… 👀
↳ user4 OMG NOT HER TAGGING HIM?!? @tomblyth make it happen
rachelzegler 🖤🖤🖤
user5 look how close they are in the second pic I can’t help but ship them
↳ user2 I’ve been shipping them before the movie even came out
↳ rachelzegler I took that one when they weren’t looking sorry not sorry
↳ user1 thank you @rachelzegler for feeding us yn x tom crumbs
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tomblythupdates Tom and YN spotted hanging out in New York this weekend
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user1 they’ve been hanging out a lot lately… 👀
↳ user2 looks like their on a date to me
user3 never seen Tom hang out this much with any cast member besides Rachel and Josh
↳ tomblythupdates a fan said Rachel and Josh were there too
↳ user2 so they were on a double date… interesting
↳ user3 lets not speculate anything yet they could still be friends
↳ user6 I was there and they didn’t look like friends to me… that’s all I’m gonna say
↳ user1 omg spill the tea please
↳ user3 let’s respect their privacy even if they are or aren’t dating we should still be happy for them
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yntomsources New pictures of @tomblyth and @ynusername from their photoshoot
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user1 they ate and left no crumbs
user4 omg look at my parents
user2 can we talk about the HAND PLACEMENT HELLO?!?
user5 here I thought they couldn’t get any hotter but this changed my mind
antitomyn I’m sure this is just a PR stunt to promote the film they can stop pretending now
↳ user1 imagine being jealous of Tom and YN couldn’t be me ☕️
↳ user2 even if you don’t ship them together have some respect for their work as actors not everything is PR
↳ user4 you can’t fake what they have
↳ yntomsources @antitomyn you have been blocked
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tomblyth happy to know I’m not the only one who enjoys croissants on set @ynusername
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user4 now Tom has someone to share his croissant pain with
user1 @tomblyth add her to the croissanicles
↳ tomblyth already did
user2 I feel like Tom got her hooked on croissants and now they’re her favorite
↳ ynusername your right I blame him for my croissant addiction
rachelzegler save me and Josh some this time please
↳user4 this time?!? what happened last time?
↳ ynusername Tom almost dropped them all last time
↳ user4 it’s giving “you almost made me drop my croissant” vibes
↳ rachelzegler 😆😆😆
user5 Seeing Tom and YN together butters my croissant
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Hiiiii!!!! So, if you wanna write something, can you do poly marauders find out reader sleeps with like an almost concerning amount of plushies??? I literally sleep on a few plushies so I think it would be cute lol
Hi sweetheart, thanks for requesting!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You’ve been pouting all evening, ever since the boys had decided to watch a new comedy film over one of your chickflicks. You’re ganging up on me, you’d complained, and James felt a twinge of guilt but Sirius had only laughed. You’re damn right we are, sweetheart, because we watched that one just last week! You’d gone silent after that, but you’ve seemed vaguely sulky ever since, even when James brought you popcorn and tried to snuggle up with you under the blanket. 
“I’m gonna go to bed,” you say abruptly, standing and gathering your blanket about you. 
“Already?” James asks. “The movie’s only got like, twenty more minutes in it.” 
“That’s okay,” you yawn, stooping to give him a hug and kiss. “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, dovey,” Remus says as you kiss him too, then Sirius. “Sleep well.” 
James watches you go, unease growing like a fungus in his chest as you go into your room instead of one of theirs, the door shutting definitively behind you. 
“Prongs, hey.” He turns to find Remus looking at him, his brows scrunching just softly upwards. “Don’t worry about it, love, she’s alright.” 
“I know it’s silly,” he says, casting another glance down the hall, “but she just seemed so put out. And then she went to her own room.” 
“She doesn’t always want to sleep in ours.” Sirius shrugs. “Disappointing, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.” 
It’s true; you only sleep in one of your boyfriends’ rooms maybe half of the time, but this has always been a point of confusion for James. He and the other boys shuffle between rooms every night, and when you join them you seem to enjoy it as much as the rest of them do. Plus, it’s no secret that you love cuddles above all else, so why deprive yourself of them on such a regular basis?
James stands. “I’m gonna go check on her.”
“Suit yourself,” Sirius says, and Remus only nods, attention going back to the film. 
James sees blue light coming from underneath your door as he approaches, confirming his suspicion that you weren’t really tired enough to sleep when you’d left. He knocks softly. “Sweetheart? Can I come in?”
You don’t reply, and he hesitates briefly before cracking the door. For a moment, he wonders if you’re in here at all. He certainly can’t find you. The entire room is awash in blue light, your laptop screen on full brightness as the intro to the movie you’d wanted to watch earlier plays silently. Where you should be on your bed is instead half a million stuffed animals. Piles of them, from your headboard to the end of the bed, with little faces lit by the screen like they’re watching the movie, too. 
James draws closer, noticing your headphones plugged into the laptop, and follows the chord until he finds you, nestled so deeply in plushies that only your face is visible. He takes a second to relish the sight before waving a hand in front of the screen to get your attention. You startle, the movement sending a plushie tumbling off the bed and onto the floor. You lunge for it, disrupting even more of the toys, and James has to dam the avalanche with both hands, passing you the fallen stuffed animal—A penguin, he thinks to himself. How cute—while you take off your headphones. 
“Fuck, you scared me,” you say breathlessly, and James guffaws, hysterical laugher bubbling out of his chest. “What?”
“Just,” he marvels, shaking his head, “it’s surprising to hear that kind of language coming from someone absolutely buried in cuteness right now.” 
You sink further into the pile, and if the lighting weren’t so blue at the moment, he suspects your face would appear redder. 
“Jamie,” you say, quietly, hurriedly. “Jamie, don’t tell. Please?”
He’s just starting to wonder whether he’s even capable of keeping a secret as good as this when two pairs of footsteps start down the hallway. 
“What’s going on?” Sirius’ voice calls, a second before Remus flicks on the light and both boys go silent. James giggles, bringing his hand to his mouth in an attempt to smother the sound. Your face is indeed as flushed as he’d imagined, and you burrow further into your squishy fortress as if you could disappear into it entirely. 
“Baby,” Sirius says, sounding positively delighted, “where have you been hiding all of this?”
“I haven’t been hiding them.” Your voice is muffled by stuffing. “They just stay in my closet during the day. So my room doesn’t look cluttered.” 
“But why?” Sirius makes his way over to you, picking up a fox by your head. “This little guy is so charming. You’d deprive us of him?”
Despite Sirius’ honey-coated tone, you know what he’s about, and your eyes narrow defensively. 
“Dove,” Remus says slowly, fighting to keep his expression under control as his eyes glitter with amusement. “This is the most adorable thing I think I’ve ever seen.” 
You don’t look inclined to make a response, so James speaks again. 
“Is this why you don’t always want to sleep with us?” he asks, doing his best to gentle the teasing in his voice. “Because these guys are welcome in my room anytime if it means I get to be with you too.” 
You make your eyes big and sad in that way James swears you have to practice in the mirror. “Really? You don’t think it’s embarrassing?” 
James is finally free to unleash the full capacity of his smile. “Of course not, angel.”
“Well, maybe, like, a dozen of them,” Sirius says. “With more than one person, I think they’d all end up falling off the bed.” 
You look horrified. “I feel so guilty when that happens.” 
Remus makes a sound that’s half laugh, half coo. “Darling, you’re going to kill me with all this.” He gives you a look so syrupy sweet James feels his heart go all soft and mushy. “Please come finish the movie with us so I can give you a proper cuddle?”
“And bring some of your friends,” Sirius adds as you start to extricate yourself from the jumble on your bed. “Fuck, I’m never gonna get over this.”
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loves4ge · 1 month
celebrity!au, mlist for more celebrity gojo
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you're not sure what to do with gojo satoru. not after your agent asks if you'd be in a publicity stunt centered around him. you've never done one before; after all, you're only an up-and-coming star.
before this movie, you were considered a nobody, just someone to fill in the background. you'd heard horror stories, absolute bloodbaths on set, rumors of things that happened that violated the geneva conventions. you suppose you were lucky to end up starring in a movie with a cast that was nothing short of nice.
and then there's gojo, your on-screen love interest. an a-list celebrity. he's been on the cover of every major magazine at least once. and maybe you sort of admire him (you'd never tell him that; his ego is already through the roof). i mean, who could blame you?
but right now, you're rethinking everything. sure, you're an actor, and a pretty darn good one, but you're inexperienced. your heart hasn't been hardened by the industry yet. if you take this opportunity, you know you'll get absolutely wrecked. really? fake dating gojo satoru?
your agent looks at you expectantly. "we won't go through with it if you don't want to. we're only doing this because of sukuna's dui, but the publicity team can come up with something else."
you don't really like sukuna; he has scary eyes. but there's something warm about him when he interacts with yuji. you feel bad.
"i'll do it."
"that's a wordy headline, isn't it?" gojo mutters, mostly to himself, as he sips on an iced latte. it's so white, it could be mistaken for milk.
"show me?" you ask softly, seated across from him in the mostly empty cafe. the paparazzi are obvious with their pictures, and you both strategically sit in places where you can be photographed.
gojo flips his phone around to show the article, stilling when your fingers brush against his hand as you take the phone from him. he shakes it off quickly and returns to his latte.
"oh wow, this is ridiculous. they think i've been dating you since the start of filming." you look up at him with big, round eyes and a smile as soft as clouds (gojo isn't sure where that analogy comes from; he's never touched a cloud).
"well, is it really that ridiculous?" his murmur is low as he leans back in his chair. he thought you were pretty from the start. did he come off as arrogant? oh no, now he'll never stop thinking about this.
"hm?" you look up, since you didn't hear his murmur clearly. he waves you off. and then you remember.
"um, you know, oh i feel so awkward saying this," your hesitation makes him straighten. his eyes are narrowed in concern, hands reaching out in comfort but never quite touching you.
"you can tell me anything, you know that," he says, maintaining eye contact with you which is hard considering you're trying to look anywhere but him.
"i was just, i know we have to kiss... at some point. but i would just, erm, i would like a heads up before. oh, well, before you do kiss me." gojo felt his heart explode about three times in the time it took you to finish that sentence. and his grin doubled. it stretched ear to ear like a goddamn cheshire cat.
you were still looking down, fidgeting with your hands when gojo dragged his chair to be nearer to you.
"hey? this is the heads up by the way." you barely have any time to react. you're about to protest, say something, anything when his lips touch yours.
it's a gentle touch. you've kissed him before, on set, but never like this. yeah, this is a performance too but it felt too real. there's no director counting down to time the kiss and the cameras are too far away for you to even notice them.
his hands tighten against your waist, and yours somehow make it to the back of his neck. then upwards, in his hair. he bites your lower lip, and you gasp, almost pulling back but he pulls you back in harder. this time his kiss is not so gentle.
the press is gonna have a field day with this.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
When you watch The Curse, you are watching two children who were abused and exploited daily during production. No adults protected us.
This was originally published on my blog in August, 2022.
I had a wonderful time at Steel City Comicon this weekend. It was my first time at this particular con, so I didn’t know there was such a huge contingent of horror fans, creators, and vendors who attend.
I love horror, and I was pretty psyched to be in the same place as John Carpenter and Tom Savini, across the street from the Dawn of the Dead mall. Pittsburgh feels like one of the places horror was invented, at least to me.
A number of these horror fans came to see me, and asked me to sign posters and other things from a movie my parents forced me to do when I was 13, called The Curse. I had to tell each of these people that I would not sign anything associated with that movie, because I was abused and exploited during production. The time I spent on that film remains the most traumatizing time of my life, and though I am a 50 year-old man, just typing this now makes my hands shake with remembered fear of a 13 year-old boy who nobody protected, and the absolute fury the 50 year-old man feels toward the people who hurt him.
I told this story in Still Just A Geek, and I’ve talked about it in some podcasts I did on the promo tour, but I’ve never put it out in public like this, in its entirety.
I suspect someone at the publisher would prefer I tease this and hope it drives book sales from people who want to read all of it, but I honestly don’t want to have another weekend like this one where everything is awesome, except the few times people who have no idea (and why should they) put that fucking poster in front of me, and all the fear, abandonment, and trauma come flooding back as I tell them that I won’t sign it, and why.
To their credit, each person was as horrified as they should have been, told me they had no idea (if they didn’t read my book why would they), and quickly put the poster away. They were all understanding. I am grateful for that.
But I really don’t need to tell this story over and over again, so here it is, with a child abuse and exploitation content warning, so I can just tell people to Google it.
After Stand by Me, everything changed. The attention from entertainment journalists, casting directors, and especially teen magazines came pouring in. The movie was a generational hit, beloved by critics and audiences alike, and every single one of us could pick anything to do next.
River’s parents and his agent got him Mosquito Coast, with Harrison Ford, as his next movie. I also auditioned for the role, but I knew even then that River was going to book the job. He was perfect, and I’d have to wait a little bit for my opportunity to come along.
I went on a lot of theatrical auditions after Stand by Me. I had tons of meetings with directors and the heads of casting at every major studio. It was all a very big deal, and I felt like we were all looking for something really special and amazing as my follow-up to Stand by Me.
At some point, a couple of producers contacted my agent with an offer to play one of the leads in an adaptation of H. P. Lovecraft’s “The Colour Out of Space.” The script was titled The Farm. (It would, of course, be changed when the film was released).
I read it. I did not like it. It was a shitty horror movie, and I saw that right away. It was the sort of thing you rented on Friday when the new release you wanted was already out of the store.
My mother, already an incredibly manipulative person, used every tool at her disposal to change my mind. My father threatened me, mocked me, told me “It’s your decision” when it clearly wasn’t. It was all so weird; I didn’t understand why they cared so much.
I told my parents I didn’t like it and didn’t want to do it. I clearly recall thinking it was a piece of shit that would hurt my career.
It wasn’t the first thing that had come our way that I wanted to pass on, and every other time, it hadn’t been a very big deal.
Sidebar: I was cast in Twilight Zone: The Movie, in 1983. The film tells four stories, and I was cast as the kid who can wish people into cartoonland. It was a GREAT role, in a movie I still love. (Note that Twilight Zone had four directors. One of them got three people killed. The segment I was cast in was not that one. I mention this because too many people zero in on this to deflect from what this whole thing is actually about.)
But I was CONVINCED by my parochial school teacher that if I worked on The Twilight Zone, which she had determined was satanic, I would go to hell. (This woman and her bullshit played a big role in my conversion to atheism at a young age, but when she told me that, I was all-in on the supernatural story they taught us in religion class.) I was so scared, more scared than I’d ever been to that point in my life, I cried and wailed and begged my parents to not make me do the movie. And I never told them why, because I was afraid my dad would laugh at me for being weak and afraid. My agent tried to talk me into it, and I wouldn’t budge. It’s the only thing I deeply and truly regret passing on, and I really hate I made that choice for such a stupid reason.
Okay. Back to The Curse.
This time, when I told them how much I hated it, they wouldn’t listen to me. My mother, already an incredibly manipulative person, used every tool at her disposal to change my mind. My father threatened me, mocked me, told me “It’s your decision” when it clearly wasn’t. It was all so weird; I didn’t understand why they cared so much.
That is, until they made me take a meeting with the producers of the movie, in their giant conference room on the top floor of a tall building in Hollywood. All I remember about this place was that it was huge; the table was way too big for the five of us who spread around it, and there were floor-to-ceiling windows on three of the walls, but the room was still dark. There was a weird optical illusion in the center of the table, this thing they sold in the Sharper Image catalog, made from two reflective dishes with a hole in the top of one. You placed an object in the bottom of the bottom dish, and it made it look like that object was floating above the whole thing. They had a plastic spider in it. What a strange detail for me to remember, but it’s as clear in my memory as if I were sitting in that room right now.
One man, who I presumed was the executive producer, was European or Middle Eastern (I didn’t know the difference then, he was just Not Like People I Knew), and I was instantly afraid of him. He was intimidating, and seemed like a person who got what he wanted.
So we sat there, my father who didn’t give a shit about me, my mother who was cosplaying as someone with experience, and me, thirteen years old, awkward as fuck, and scared to death.
I don’t remember what they said to me in their pitch or anything other than how uncomfortable and anxious I was to even be in that room. I tried so hard to be grown up and mature, but I — and my parents — was way out of my depth. I’d done one big movie and that was it. We didn’t have my agent with us, who had lots of experience and would have known what questions to ask.
No, in place of my experienced agent, my mother had decided she was going to be my manager, and she tackled the responsibility with an enthusiasm that was only matched by her absolute incompetence and inability to go toe-to-toe with producers the way my agent did. She was outwitted, out-thought, and outmaneuvered at every turn.
“You don’t have a choice,” my father commanded. “You are doing this movie.”
So we sat there, my father who didn’t give a shit about me, my mother who was cosplaying as someone with experience, and me, thirteen years old, awkward as fuck, and scared to death.
At some point, this man, who is represented in my memory by big Jim Jones sunglasses under dark hair above an open collar, said, “We are offering you a hundred thousand dollars and round-trip travel for your whole family. We will cast your sister, Amy, to play your sister in the movie.”
It all made sense, now. I was only thirteen, but I knew my parents were pushing me so hard because this company was offering me — them, really — more money than I’d ever imagined I’d earn in my life, much less a single job.
I knew that the right thing to do, the smart thing to do, was to say no. There would be other opportunities, and it was stupid to cash myself out of feature films for what I thought was, in the grand scheme of things, not very much money.
It’s incredible to me that I knew all of this. It’s incredible to me that I could see all these things, plainly and clearly, and my parents couldn’t (or, more likely, chose not to).
So after this man made his offer, all the adults in the room ganged up on me, selling me HARD on this movie.
My mother said, “Don’t you want your sister to have the same opportunities you’ve had? Wouldn’t it be fun and exciting to go to Rome? Think of all the history!”
The experience was awful. It was the worst experience I have ever had on a set in my life, by every single metric. The movie is awful, and it is the embarrassment I knew it would be.
I don’t think about this very often, because it’s super upsetting to me. Right now, I’m so angry at my parents for subjecting me and my sister to this entire experience. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
In that moment, I felt bullied and trapped. All these adults were talking to me at the same time, and I just wanted it to stop. I just wanted to go home and get out of this room. I just wanted to go be a kid, so I did what I’d learned to do to survive: I gave in and did what my parents wanted.
The experience was awful. It was the worst experience I have ever had on a set in my life, by every single metric. The movie is awful, and it is the embarrassment I knew it would be.
But here’s the thing: when you watch The Curse, you are watching two children, me and my sister, who were abused on a daily basis. The production did not follow a single labor law. They worked us for twelve hours a day, on multiple film units (while I work on First unit, second unit sets up and waits for me. When I should get a break to rest, they send me to Second unit, then to Third unit, then back to First unit. I was 13.) without any breaks, five days a week. I was exhausted the entire time. I was inappropriately touched by two different adults during production. I knew it was wrong, but I was so scared and ashamed, and I felt so unsupported, I didn’t tell anyone. I knew my dad wouldn’t believe me, and my mother would blame me. Anything to keep the production happy, that’s what she did. That was more important to her than the health and safety of her children. The director was coked out of his mind most of the time, incompetent, and so busy fucking or trying to fuck one of the women in the cast, he was worse than useless. He was a fading actor who was cosplaying as a director, as in over his head as my mother. My sister and I were never safe. Instead of harmless atmospheric SFX smoke, they set hay on fire in barrels and blew actual smoke onto the set. They took buckets of talc, broken wood, bits of wallpaper and plaster, and threw it into my face during a scene inside the collapsing house. My sister is in a scene where she goes to get eggs from some chickens, and they attack her. So they hired Lucio Fulci, the Italian horror master, to direct her sequence. His idea, which everyone was totally on board with, was to throw chickens at my sister. Live chickens, live roosters, live birds. Just throw them at a nine-year-old girl. Oh, and then tie them to her arms and legs so they’ll peck her. All of this happened under my mother’s observation, and with her full participation.
Everything I need to know about who my parents are is wrapped up in that experience: the total lack of concern for my safety and happiness, treating me like an asset instead of a son, lying to me, manipulating me, and using me to get things they wanted, and then gaslighting me about it.
If just ONE of the things I can remember happened to someone I loved, I would have grabbed my kids, gone to the airport, and flown home. Fuck those abusive assholes in the production. Let the lawyers sort it all out. Nobody hurts my children and gets away with it.
My mom says she “had some talks” with the producers. She claims that, once, she wouldn’t let us leave the hotel. (God, what a fucking dump that place was. It was just slightly better than a hostel.) I have no memory of that, but honestly the entire experience was so traumatic, I’ve blocked most of it out.
The movie was the commercial and critical failure I knew it would be. My parents spent the money. I don’t know what they spent it on. I got to keep fifteen cents of every dollar, so . . . yay?
My sister and I hardly ever talk about this. I suspect it was as upsetting and traumatic for her as it was for me. I told her I was writing about it, and asked her if she remembered anything. She told me she’d been lied to her whole life about this movie. Our mother let her believe she had been cast on the strength of her audition. “I was excited to work with you,” she said. She reminded me about some stuff I’d blocked out, including a scene where my character’s older brother (played by an actor named Malcolm Danare, who was kind and gentle, and made both of us feel safer when he was around) shoves my character into a pile of cow shit. When it came time to shoot the scene, the mud they’d put together to be the cow shit looked an awful lot like cow shit. When Malcolm pushed me into it, we all found out it was real cow shit. I was FURIOUS. The director had lied to me and had allowed me to have my entire body shoved into an actual pile of actual cow shit. I don’t remember what I said, but I remember he treated me the exact same way my father did whenever I got upset: he laughed at me, told me I was being too sensitive, reminded me that he was the director and he wanted to get a “real” performance out of me, and concluded, “If it bothers you so much, we’ll get you a hepatitis shot,” before he walked away.
My sister also recalled that, after she survived the scene with the chickens, it was the producers’ idea to give her one as a pet.
Okay, let’s unpack that for a quick second: you’ve been traumatized by these birds, so we’re going to give you one as a pet. That you’ll somehow keep in your hotel, and then will somehow get back to America. It will shock you to learn that neither of those things happened.
She remembered, as I do, the huge fight I had with my parents in our kitchen, where I told them I hated the script and I hated the movie. I didn’t want to do it, and I hated that they were making me do it.
“You don’t have a choice,” my father commanded. “You are doing this movie.”
“This is the only film you are being offered,” my mother lied to me. She made me feel like, if I didn’t do this movie, I would never do another movie again in my life. I had to do this movie. As my father bellowed, I had no choice.
Both of my parents denied this argument ever happened. Can I tell you how reassuring it is to know that my sister, who was also there, remembers it the same way I do?
The makeup department decided they would literally cut my little sister’s face with a scalpel, in three places, and put bandages over them.
But one thing she told me, the thing I did not know, the thing that makes me so angry I want to break things, actually managed to make the entire experience even worse than I remembered it.
There’s a scene after her chicken incident where I check up on her in her bedroom. She’s got cuts and bruises, and I guess we talk about it. I don’t remember and I can’t watch the movie because I’m terrified it will give me a PTSD flashback (I’ve had one of those and I recommend avoiding it). Here’s the thing about that scene: she has some cuts on her face, and those cuts are real. They are not makeup.
I’m going to repeat that. My nine-year-old little sister had actual cuts on her face that were placed there by an adult, on purpose.
The makeup department decided they would literally cut my little sister’s face with a scalpel, in three places, and put bandages over them. My sister told me our mother wasn’t in the makeup room when this happened — honestly, it seemed like our mother was strangely and conveniently absent when most of the really terrible things happened to us on the set — and when my sister told her what they’d done, she “lost her shit” at the production. She was pissed, I guess, which is appropriate and surprising. I wonder what would have to have happened for her to put us on a plane and get us home to safety? I mean, her son being abused daily didn’t do it, and her daughter being CUT IN THE FACE ON PURPOSE didn’t do it.
I just . . . I can’t. I can’t understand or comprehend allowing your own children to be physically and emotionally abused. They were literally selling my sister and me to these people, like we were some kind of commodity.
This was a tough conversation. My sister’s experience with our parents is very different from mine. My sister and I love each other. We’re close. I know it’s hard for her to hear that her brother, who she loves, was so abused by her parents, who she also loves. I was really grateful she made the time to talk to me about it, and grateful the experience wasn’t as horrible for her as it was for me.
As we were finishing our call, Amy also remembered one man, a young Italian named Luka, who was our driver for the movie. I haven’t thought about him in thirty years, but I can see his face now. He was kind, he was friendly, he taught us how to kick a soccer ball, and in the middle of an abusive, torturous experience, he stood out as a kind and gentle man. I mention him because she remembered him, which made me remember him, and goddammit I want at least one small part of this thing to not be awful.
The Curse remains one of the most consequential times the adults in my life failed to protect me. I’m 50. I still have nightmares.
Ultimately, as I predicted and feared, this piece of shit movie cashed me out of respectable films forever. I got offers for movies, but they were always mindless comedies or exploitative horror films. They were never the serious dramas I wanted to work in after Stand by Me. The industry looked at me and River, wondering if one or both of us would become a breakout star. They quickly saw that River was doing real acting work, and I was in this piece of shit. For River, Stand by Me was a beginning. For me, it would turn out to be pretty much everything, at least as far as film goes.
There are thousands of reasons film careers do and don’t take off. Maybe mine wouldn’t have taken off anyway. Clearly, it’s not where my life ended up, and I’m super okay with that now. But when all of this happened, it hurt and haunted me.
The Curse remains one of the most consequential times the adults in my life failed to protect me. I’m 50. I still have nightmares. Everything I need to know about who my parents are is wrapped up in that experience: the total lack of concern for my safety and happiness, treating me like an asset instead of a son, lying to me, manipulating me, and using me to get things they wanted, and then gaslighting me about it.
This annotation is the last thing I wrote before I turned this manuscript in, because opening these wounds is hard and painful. I put it off as long as I could, and I feel like I’m still holding back, because just this small glimpse of the experience has taken me a week to write. I can’t imagine trying to go back and unpack the whole thing. (Note that is not in the book: I’ve made an EMDR appointment to work on this because the nightmares have come back after the weekend).
Fuck The Curse, and fuck every single person who exploited and hurt two beautiful children to make it. You all participated in child abuse, and you all knew better. Shame on all of you. I hope this follows you to the end of your life. I hope that living with what you did to innocent children has been as hard for you as it has been for me, because you deserve no less.
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hi can u do a walker scobell x reader fic of u meeting the percy jackson cast as his gf for the first time thank uuuu!!
iPhone screen
Walker Scobell x gn!reader
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Summary: It’s only walkers 5th day of filming for the Percy Jackson series and Leah, Aryan, Charlie, and Dior find out he has a partner through his iPhone wallpaper.
Warning(s): different povs
A/N: Thank you so much for the request love! If there’s anything I can fix please lmk <33 also the italics were being really mean to me so sorry if those are messed up.
Walkers pov
It was my fifth day on set, and it was going pretty normal. I was sitting in a chair off set scrolling on my phone next to Leah and Aryan since it was our break. Leah looked up from her phone and looked over at me.
“Hey Walker?” She smiled and cocked her head a little, I looked up from my phone and over at Leah.
“yeah?” I look at Leah who is staring at my phone where my lock screen is showing.
“who’s that on your lock screen?” She asked with a slight giggle causing Aryan to look up. I proudly held up my phone showing off my lock screen which had a picture of my partner, Y/N, on it.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, my partner Y/N!” I proudly said as I watch Leah and Aryans mouths gape open.
“Your dating someone?” Aryan said while on the edge of his seat, so was Leah. I gave a nod and pulled up a picture of us when we had went to Universal Studios for their 15th birthday and proudly showed the picture.
“Well why haven’t we met them?!” Leah exclaimed with a smile plastered on her and Aryans faces. Aryan spoke up.
“you should totally bring them to set tomorrow walk,” Aryan said as he straightened out his posture in his seat. I thought for a moment.
“Will Rick allow it? I hope I’m not pissing off the producers if I do that.” I shrugged and put my elbow onto the arm rest of the plastic chair. Aryan looked over at Leah.
“I’m sure he will. I brought my best friend on set that one time.” Leah said, “Why are they like annoying?” She asked, I don’t think she was trying to be mean with that. At least I hope.
“No! They’re really chill.” I said with a smile and looked at the picture I had pulled up on my phone and smiled a little more.
“Then bring them! I’d love to meet them!” Leah said as Aryan nodded in agreement. I gave a nod in response.
“I’ll bring them then.”
Later that night, around 12am I guess, I texted Y/N while I was lying in bed.
You: “Heeeyy sweetheart?”
My love<3: “yeeees?”
You: “would u wanna come to set tmrw? My friends wanna meet you :)”
My love<3: “uhh lemme check with my mom.”
You: “kk”
My love<3: “she said it was fine as long as I can get a ride :)”
You: “sure! Me n my dad will come get ya tmrw morning.”
My love&lt;3: “What time?”
You: “Around 8:30”
My love<3: “that works for me. Night ilysm!”
You: “gn hon, ilyttt”
Your pov
The next morning I had to get up around 7:00 which kind of sucked. I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants and brushed my teeth, combed my hair etcetera, etcetera. I waited at my front door for Walker to show up like a dog waiting for its owner to get home from work. I hummed a bit before seeing his dad’s car pull up and I immediately opened my front door and ran out.
“Walker!” I called out excitedly at the smiling face I was so used to seeing as I ran to the car that was sitting in my driveway.
“Y/N!” Walker called back, he rolled down the window to the passenger seat and looked at me. “Hello my dear.” He said dramatically and kissed me. I smiled and opened the door to the backseat.
“Hey walk,” I smiled and waved at Pete, walkers dad. “Hi Mr. Scobell.” He gave a wave and a tired smile, which made sense, it was 8:00am.
We got to set in around a 30 minutes, which wasn’t too bad. But the set was..intimidating. It was huge and already had cameras everywhere and a big parking lot. Walker looked at me through the rearview mirror with a smile.
“You nervous?” He giggled. I nodded “A little.” I said even though my hands were shaking. “you don’t have to be nervous, everyone is really nice.” He said, “And they’re all really excited to meet you.” That made me calm down a little, I mean, remembering Walker would be with me made everything better. Me and Walker hopped out of the car and started to walk to Walkers trailer where he introduced me to his makeup artist and his hair stylist. He was sat down in the chair where they did his hair and makeup and I sat in the chair next to him. Then Aryan walked through.
“Hey walk- oh, hi!” He waved at me, “Are you Y/N?” He paused walking for a little to talk to me, never knew I was that interesting.
“oh, yeah. I’m walkers partner.” I shook his hand and he had a big smile on his face. “cool! Nice to meet ya!” He said with a handsome smile on his face and walked off
“see you later!”
Walker perked up, “That’s Aryan, Leah should be here soon cuz she’s always late.” He laughed as I saw Leah walk through. She was even prettier in person. ”Am not!” She playfully punched walkers shoulder lightly as she had a smile abroad her face. “I’m Leah, I’m guessing your Y/N?” She asked and shook my hand
I gave a nod “Nice to meet you!” I said. She let go of my hand and replied with a small laugh. “Lovely to meet you too! See you two later.” She walked off to her trailer and Walker looked at me with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.
“I think you’re gonna have a good time on set today.”
“Me too, Walk, me too.”
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marlenesluv · 1 year
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♡ - fluff
☆ - smut
○ - angst
* - social media
:as time as gone on, i have started to write for a lot of different drivers, you can see below who those are. smut is a topic i am attempting to write. my goal is to be able to participate in a smutty event this christmas, so bear with me. when you request, pls tell me what type of fic (smau or one shot) and the driver (unless you want me to pick which is fine too):
(i write for: lando, charles, daniel and carlos mainly. i will also write for: pierre, max, lewis, george, and oscar per request. probably never alex albon tho: i love alex and lily, sry)
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Click Here to access my Book Lover Series❣️
Click Here to access my Lessons Series with my OC & Lando Norris ❣️
➥ Lando Norris:
❒ smau:
moments *♡ (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
part 1: landos posts on his jpg account while you guys are dating
part 2: in which you finally get a jpg account and post your boyfriend and friends
part 3: ?? its a surprise
book lover ♡: you’re a bookstagramer/booktuber and you love posting your books and your boyfriend (taylor swift lovers, same, this is for you)
book lover (part 2) ♡: this is part 2 to the smau above! more posts about books, but you posted a new video with the grid!
tokyo drift ♡: y/n is a formula drift driver, and her fans ship her with f1 driver lando norris.
❒ blurbs:
break ○: lando is on summer break with his gf, but can’t seem to stop training.
➥ Carlos Sainz:
❒ smau:
off the ice ♡: carlos meets his gf, an nhl analyst, and fans are overjoyed as y/n clicks with the grid
rule breaker ♡ (smau + dialogue): y/n leclerc has been dating carlos sainz, which her brother has one rule: to not date his teammate. what happens when she finally tells charles?
doesn’t come easy ♡: y/n is an upcoming scriptwriter for a future oscar winner, but fans don’t like her and her credit is ripped away when her film wins an oscar.
❒ blurbs:
➥ Charles Leclerc:
❒ smau:
hate doesn’t bother me ♡(rude fans): charles and y/n announce their relationship on summer vacation, but fans aren’t a fan of y/n, not that she cares.
welcome to the swamp ♡: cute posts between charles and his gators cheerleader girlfriend.
angel ♡: y/n is a victoria’s secret model dating arber xhekaj, but what happens when cheating scandals arise when she is found with charles leclerc?
nobody knows ♡: y/n is a hollywood actress from brazil, her home and love. but when she visits monaco, charles’ fans start to ship them. what they don’t know, is that their ship has already sailed.
star of the show ♡: y/n, cast member of teen wolf, starts dating charles leclerc, and fans love them together.
uni to paddock ♡: being a university student, reader isn’t able to go to a lot of her boyfriends races. but one day, she decides to go to a grand prix and shock fans.
country feels ♡: reader is a beloved country star, rumored to be dating the f1 driver, charles leclerc. what happens when someone accidentally reveals she has a boyfriend?
lovers to strangers to friends○♡: y/n and charles have been an iconic f1 paddock couple since 2019, but what happens when a rumor spreads about y/n cheating?
tease ♡: charles is away for a race, but his girlfriend misses him and does something that she knows will get his attention.
who cares? ♡: when fans find out that charles’ girlfriend is 21 and in univeristy, she gets some hate. but charles doesn’t care, so neither should his girlfriend.
❒ blurbs:
sick day ♡: you have to cancel your date with charles, but he has an idea.
➥ Daniel Ricciardo:
❒ smau:
keep it private *(suggestive content): daniel and his wife, y/n, post some non-pg things on their instagrams.
keep it private (part 2) *(suggestive content): just some more unhinged comments between you and daniel.
unexpected * ♡: daniel meets a dallas cowboy cheerleader and they become and unexpected couple to fans and friends.
paper rings ♡: reader has a job of drawing and reading, but her partime is posting her boyfriend. (just a cute little book smau lolz)
❒ blurbs:
➥ Max Verstappen:
❒ smau:
better kept secret *(mean fan comments): max meets y/n, who is a little younger, country, and both try to keep their relationship a secret until they snap, and drop a soft launch that fans are not happy about.
christmas is better with you ♡: nyc born reader takes her bf max, who isn’t a big christmas fan, to her home, new york, this christmas.
denial is a man’s bestfriend ♡: max and y/n are teammates, but they fall for each other, resulting in pressure from friends.
❒ blurbs:
puppy love ♡: daniels sister his his best friend have a secret relationship…oh, along with her many doggies.
➥ Oscar Piastri:
❒ smau:
home ♡: oscar and his gf go back to her home, paraná brazil, for summer break, posting a bit along the way.
softies ♡* (smau and fic blurbs) gn!reader: reader and oscar soft launch at the monaco gp, plus some cute oscar being supportive bf.
hard launches only ♡: oscar and his miliatary girfriend hard launch before the singapore grand prix.
teammates roommate… ♡: in which oscar falls for the roommate of lando and max. what happens when lando confront oscar about his little crush?
legos and laps ♡: oscar’s girlfriend is obsessed with legos! and of course he supports her addiction.
sly fox dumb bunny ♡: you're the mclaren admin and maybe you favor oscar a little too much.
hotty toddy♡: oscars girlfriend is a cheerleader for ole miss, and they love to support eachother.
❒ blurbs:
stress relief ☆ ♡: oscar’s qualifying doesn’t go as planned, but luckily he has you at home to help him destress.
➥ Pierre Gasly:
❒ smau:
appreciation ♡: pierre loves to post his successful gf, and she loves to post him just as much.
❒ blurbs:
➥ Ollie Bearman:
❒ smau:
going public ♡: reader is carlos sainz’s younger sister who has kept private for a while, but when she suddenly goes public on instagram, so does her relationship with ollie bearman.
➥ Logan Sargeant:
❒ smau:
bad decisions ♡: after logan’s chassis is given to alex, his girlfriend is determined to show him how much she loves him. (this got out of hand and lead to something i hope is cute?)
➥ Lewis Hamilton:
❒ smau:
i’d be blue without you ♡: lewis and his girlfriend always have a lined up schedule with his racing and her shows.
➥ Arthur Leclerc:
❒ smau:
amour ♡: pierre’s little sister and his best friends little brother have their little soft-ish launch online.
➥ Ballerina Series:
❒ This series follows Y/n Albon, Alex Albon’s younger sister, who is a ballerina. She loves posting her life and supporting her brother. But when her teammate quits, she’s left a little lonely. Luckily, Lando Norris is there to befriend her…..
❒ Here’s some little psa abt this series: this is a dialogue and smau fic. i know alex has other siblings but for the sake of this fic, he doesn’t lol. its just more to write. This is a gradual series that i will post on every once and a while, that way i can still post other fics.
part 1 : (posted on my main tumblr, oops)
part 2
part 3
part 4
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 1 month
curious hands
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summary: Luke’s first time pleasuring Rosey.
word count: 3.13k
warnings: MDNI, 18+, fem!rec fingering, alludes to oral, mentions of hand jobs, pet names, foul language, smut
notes: this was supposed to be released as apart of a collection where every “first” was posted together… someone forgot their password to Dropbox so everything is being rewritten!! I guess you could say “the rest is still unwritten”
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The scent of freshly popped popcorn filled the cozy basement, a warm embrace that seemed to echo the comfort of the plush couch against the wall. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the string lights that had been meticulously draped over the ceiling beams a few years back, creating a cozy ambiance that was nice contrast to the stark off white walls. The TV, already on from Luke’s gaming marathon that ended not too long ago, stood tall in the corner. The television served as the only source of light in the room that didn't flicker or cast many shadows. The floor was littered with a rainbow of throw pillows and a plush rug that felt like a cloud underfoot. The setup was perfect for their weekly tradition of a romantic movie night in.
Rosey descended the stairs, her hands carefully balancing a tray of goodies. In one hand, she had a bottle of chilled water that dripped condensation onto her fingers, leaving a trail of wetness. The other hand held a bowl brimming with popcorn, the buttery scent wafting up to tickle her nose. She had also brought a brand new bag of chips hanging from her mouth, the sound of the crinkling plastic a gentle reminder of the salty delight waiting to be shared. She was wearing a simple navy Michigan tee of Luke’s, from when Quinn was there, that fell loosely around her figure, and a pair of Luke’s oversized boxers. His go to overnight tournament “pajamas” or when she stays at the Lake house pjs. The soft fabric brushed against her skin with every step, sending a shiver of anticipation through her body. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, a few stray strands framing her face which was flushed by the way Luke was looking at her. She felt like a princess in his eyes even in pajamas.
Her bare feet padded quietly on the cold, hardwood floor, carrying her to the edge of the couch where Luke sat, his eyes adverted back to the TV, his thumbs playing a rhythm on his thighs in attempt to not think of her in his clothes. In the loose on him boxers. He looked up at her, his gaze traveling from her eyes to the snacks and then back at her once again, only allowing himself to take a perusal of her this time a playful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Nice look.” He smirked, leaning back and lifting his legs to rest his feet on the table.
Rosey playfully rolled her eyes, dropping the bag of chips next to him. “Thanks, I got it at this really unique place that only I can shop at Luke Hughes’s Closet.” She smiled at him before they both let out honest laughs.
“I hope no one else is shopping my closet, looks best on you.” Luke murmured against her cheek as he pressed multiple kisses against it.
The screen flickered to life as Luke hit play, the opening scene of the original Dirty Dancing unfurling before them. The music began to play, the vibrant beats of the opening credits syncing with the dance of the shadows thrown by the lights. He took the bowl of popcorn from her and placed it on the floor in between them, his eyes never leaving hers.
The first few scenes passed in a blur as they both settled into the plush couch cushions, the familiarity of the film's start bringing a sense of nostalgic comfort. But the air grew charged as the plot began to thicken, the chemistry between Baby and Johnny mirroring the unspoken tension between Luke and Rosey. He leaned back, his arm extending along the back of the couch, his fingers playing with a loose string of the throw pillow, his eyes flicking to her hand that was resting on the couch, so close to his leg.
Suddenly, Luke stood up with a stretch, the muscles in his arms flexing under the fabric of his t-shirt. "Gonna hit the bathroom real quick," he announced casually, his voice a little gruffer than usual. The sudden movement made Rosey's heart jump a beat. She tossed him a funny look, he’d never been so out there with his need to go, it’s usually a soft touch with a whisper acknowledgment. Not a loud announcement to one person.
With him out of the room, she took the opportunity to grab her phone from the table, they both tried not to be on them when together. The screen glowed a cool blue in the dimness, a blurring difference to the warm tones of the room. Her thumbs danced over the screen as she scrolled through their week's worth of texts, a blush creeping up her neck. The air thickened as she read through their playful banter, the way they had both danced around the topic of taking their relationship to the next level. The anticipation had been building like a crescendo, and she could feel the tension in the room pulsing like a heartbeat.
His words from their texts played over and over all day long in her mind like a secret melody wrote just for her, each message a teasing verse that grew bolder as the week progressed. She re-read his playful comparison of his hands to hers, the way he hinted at the size difference. Their size difference. Her breath caught as she read his words, "Just think about it, baby, how much of a difference there is between your hands and my hands it’s mostly all fingers. What do you think my fingers will feel like? Do you think I can make my pretty girl come?." Her pulse quickened, and her hand unconsciously strayed to the spot between her legs, the heat building there once again.
Her thumb hovered over the screen, tracing the line of their conversation, her heart racing as she remembered his texts from earlier that day. "I’ve been thinking about those hands of yours all week," he had written, "imagining what they'd feel like wrapped around me. Watching you use both, still struggling." She had replied with a blushing emoji, playing along with the game, but deep down, she was craving the reality of it. Was Luke really that thick or was he insinuating he was big in general?
The thought of his large, strong hands on her made her insides quiver with excitement.
The sound of Luke's footsteps returning grew louder, echoing down the hallway and into the basement. Rosey quickly slid her phone across the coffee table, her cheeks flushing a deep red, as she hoped he hadn’t noticed her distraction. The creak of the floorboards grew closer, and she swallowed hard, her eyes darting to the TV as if the plot of Dirty Dancing could somehow hold the answers to her questions.
“Ro? You feeling okay babe, you’re really flushed” Luke’s tone was laced with worry as he sat back down, grabbing her face softly.
“Yeah, yeah, yes. I’m good. I swear Lukey,” she assured him with a smile that was more of a grimace, doing her best to control her urge to make out with him right there and then. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with the effort.
Luke studied her for a moment, his eyes searching hers for any hint of deceit. He knew her well enough to see the desire smoldering beneath the surface, but he also knew her enough to realize she was holding back. He leaned in closer, his hand gently cupping her cheek, his thumb tracing the line of her jaw. "You're sure?"
"Mhm hmm, swear," she replied, her voice breathy as she squirmed on the sofa, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. She shifted her weight, the fabric of the boxers rubbing against her sensitive skin, sending waves of pleasure through her body. The urge to lean into him, to feel his warmth, was overwhelming. His thumb brushed over her cheek before he placed a simple soft kiss to her lips.
“I’m sorry baby, but I don’t believe you.” His voice was gruff, both hands now held her face. “So let’s try again, Ro? Are you feeling okay?”
Rosey felt the heat from his palms and the pressure of his thumb as it grazed her cheek, a silent question hanging in the air. She took a deep breath, the room spinning slightly with her desire for him. She whispered, her voice a bit shaky. “Tell me are you all talk or did you mean all you sent me?"
"Oh, I'm definitely not all talk, baby." Luke grinned. “I want to know what this is all about. Every damn thing with you”
With that, he shifted his weight, his movements as graceful as the dancers on the screen despite his size. He leaned in, his hands sliding around her waist, lifting her slightly as he repositioned himself over her. The couch cushions gave way under them, enveloping her in a cloud of comfort as she lay on her back, Luke hovering above her.
“God, how did I end up so lucky to be with you?” Luke whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His eyes searched hers, a mix of awe and desire swirling in their depths. “You’re the prettiest person in the universe, Ro,” he managed to say, his words choking up.
Rosey's heart skipped a beat at his earnestness, her eyes welling up with unshed tears. She reached up, her hands cupping his face, her thumbs brushing against the barely there stubble that had formed over the week. "I'm the lucky one," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper, “now kiss me Luke Warren”.
And with that, their mouths collided in a fiery kiss that seemed to ignite the very air around them. Luke's lips were soft yet firm, his tongue delving into her mouth with a hunger that had been building for weeks. He tasted like popcorn and something uniquely him, something that made her toes curl and her stomach flip. The heat from their bodies melded together, the fabric of the oversized shirt, boxers, and his sweatpants the only barrier to their skin.
As they kissed, Luke's hands began to roam, his touch like a gentle storm that started at her waist, tracing the curves of her hips before moving up to her breasts. “Uhh, uhm is this ok?” He breathed out. Rosey bit her lip and gave out a quiet yes to him. He cupped them softly, his thumbs flicking over her erect nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. The sensation was exquisite, a sweet torture that made her arch into his touch. She could feel his heart hammering against her chest, his breaths coming in shallow pants that matched her own.
Encouraged by her response, his hands grew bolder, exploring the soft mounds of her breasts, the shirt having been the only thing separating Luke and her skin, he pushed it up to reveal her bare upper body. Luke took a moment to admire her. “I can’t believe you’re fucking mine Rosey. God you’re a gift.” Luke whispers in her ear in between soft kisses to her neck.
She gasped as his thumbs resumed the teasing to the sensitive peaks, this time skin to skin, her own hands moving to his shoulders, gripping them tightly. “Luke, please” she exasperated. The world outside of their embrace faded away, the only sounds the low murmur of the TV and the muffled gasps that filled the room.
His hands traveled lower, his fingertips skimming over her stomach, sending a shiver of anticipation through her. The fabric of the boxers was the only remaining piece of clothing between his touch and the part of her that craved it most. The heat of his palms was a nice and welcome contrast to the coolness of the room, leaving a trail of fire as they ventured closer to the juncture of her thighs.
"Can I take these off?" Luke asked running his finger tips along the edge of the waistband of the boxers she was wearing.
Rosey didn’t hesitate, she trusted Luke with her life. She didn’t verbally respond, she started removing the boxers.
Luke pulled back slightly with a chuckle, his eyes smoldering as he spoke, "Spread your legs for me, baby," his voice a low growl that sent a thrill down her spine. The command was gentle but firm, a clear indication of his need to explore her further.
Rosey complied, her legs parting as if pulled by an invisible string. . Luke's gaze dipped down to her center, his eyes darkening with desire. He took his time, dragging his gaze back up to meet hers, his intent clear. He leaned in, capturing her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging gently, a teasing nip that sent a bolt of electricity straight to her core.
As he reached down to stroke her, his hand was met with an unexpected wetness. He paused, his eyes widening in shock. "Fuck, Ro, you're so wet," he murmured, his voice thick with lust.
Rosey felt her cheeks burn even hotter as she nodded, unable to form words. She had been so lost in the moment that she hadn't realized just how turned on she was. His touch was like a branding, searing into her very soul, making her wetter with every stroke.
Luke's hand hovered over her for a moment, his thumb circling her clit with a gentle pressure that had her hips lifting off the couch. He was careful, his movements tentative as he explored her folds. It was clear that this was as new to him as it was to her, his eyes flickering between hers and the apex of her thighs, seeking continuous approval and approval.
Maybe he had done more talking than he should’ve.
Maybe he was just nervous.
Slowly, Luke pushed his middle and index fingers into her, the sensation making her gasp into his mouth. He kept his thumb in constant motion on her clit, the friction sending waves of pleasure crashing over her. The feeling of being filled by him was foreign and exhilarating, and she could feel her body tightening around his fingers, desperate for more.
Rosey's eyes fluttered closed as she focused on the sensation, her breaths coming in short, sharp pants. She felt him push deeper, stretching her gently, and she couldn’t help but whimper into his mouth. The sound seemed to spur him on, his movements becoming more deliberate as he found a rhythm that had soft calls of his name dropping from her lips.
Rosey's eyes shot open, her pupils dilated with lust. "Yes Luke," she breathed, her voice a strangled whisper. "Just like that."
Luke curled his finger inside her, the motion sending a jolt of pleasure through her body. She felt herself tighten hard around him, her hips bucking involuntarily. Each stroke was a symphony of sensation, a dance that grew more intense with every beat. His eyes never left hers, watching her reactions with an intensity that made her feel like she was the only person in the world.
Her breath hitched as he asked, "Do you like that, baby?" His voice was a gruff whisper right next to her ear, his voice filled with a need that mirrored her own. She could only nod, unable to form coherent words as the pleasure built rapidly inside her. He swiped his thumb over her clit in a slow, deliberate motion, his fingers still working their magic within her. The room spun around her, the only anchor being the feel of Luke's body pressing into hers, his warmth enveloping her like a blanket.
The pressure grew, coiling in her belly like a spring ready to snap. It was a delicious ache, a promise of something so intense it made her toes curl and her back arch. Her hips began to rock against his hand, silently begging for more, for the release that was just out of reach.
And then it hit her. The orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave, making her body shake and tremble as she cried out his name. Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving little half-moons in his skin, but he didn’t flinch. Instead, he watched her with a fierce pride, his eyes never leaving hers as he continued to stroke her through the aftershocks.
As the tremors subsided, Luke pulled his hand away, his fingers glistening with her arousal. He brought them to his nose, inhaling deeply, his expression a mix of amazement and pure, unfiltered desire. "Fuck, baby," he murmured, licking his fingers clean one by one, savoring the taste of her. It was a move so primal, so erotic, that it made her insides quiver anew.
Rosey lay there, panting, her body a limp mess of satisfaction. But as she watched Luke, she felt a renewed surge of heat between her legs. He was like a teenager discovering his first dirty magazine, the way he devoured her with his eyes and savored her scent. It was both endearing and incredibly hot.
"You know, that's the first time I've ever made a girl come…well, it’s the first time I’ve ever done any of that" he said, his voice a mix of pride and awe - and a touch of embarrassment.
"But regardless I've gotta say, watching you lose control was so fucking sexy. I sort of busted in sweatpants like a teenager…” Luke’s entire face turned red.
“Does that mean I can’t.. well you know?” Rosey bashfully evades the topic.
“Oh, baby, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but I sure as hell wouldn’t mind if you did. Maybe next week's movie night could be your turn to return the favor. Tonight though I am already spent. " Luke suggested, his voice a low rumble that sent a thrill through her body. While he spoke to her he was pulling his t-shirt off his body and covering her back up.
Rosey looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Deal," she whispered, her voice still shaky from the aftermath of her climax. The idea of getting to explore him next week was almost too much to handle, but she was eager to learn, eager to make him feel as amazing as he had made her feel.
They watched the rest of the movie in a daze, their bodies entwined on the couch. The chemistry between Baby and Johnny seemed to sizzle off the screen, but it was nothing compared to the heat that radiated from Luke and Rosey. They made out like teenagers in the back of a car, hands roaming, breaths hitching, the air thick with unspoken promises of what was to come.
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classypauli · 1 day
Hello! Can you make a one shot of Jenna x Fem!reader inspired by the song "Why did you invite me to your wedding?" By Kevin Atwater
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jenna ortega x fem!reader
an: heyy long time no see haha *rubbing neck* I wanted to spoil you with something for not writing in such a long time. I have some requests in my Inbox so Imma do them! Also if you are interested in something or got a idea for some one shot-text me. I missed you all.
Dear Anonymous, hope you like it and sorry for making it after such a long time! Thank you for request. Enjoy.
Sorry for mistakes…
I got your message last night around 1:00
You're getting married and you want me to come
You and Jenna have known each other for a long time. You remember how her child-like smile was the first thing you saw on a set. That was far in the past when the both of you were filming for Disney Channel.
Your paths crossed a couple of times at the casting of the movies or some events. Besides that, you didn´t forget to text each other prayers and congrats on the achievements in your lives.
Good friends. That´s what you would call it. But you knew there was something more, just a little bit different than friends. Or maybe you just really wanted it to be like that.
It was hard for you to find the right path in your life and let people in your life. But Jenna no, she was like a family, like a person that should be with you like she needed to be with you.
And you got a feeling she knew that. But only got the feeling.
You miss me a lot and the wedding's next month
I think you were drunk, you spelled "wedding" wrong
You stared at the text like someone just spilled dead water over you. Jenna didn´t like sharing her private life, she enjoyed keeping it to herself and her family. It was no one's business what was happening in her life and she felt more safe that way. The actress told you that a couple of times already, also telling you that you are one of them with stars in her eyes.
I used to break wishbones and pray that you liked me
And went to away games to pretend I liked fighting
You remember how her face was the only thing you could see when you closed your eyes or how she was instantly in your head when you blew out candles on your birthday cakes. How your cheeks have hurt from all of the smiling when she was by your side.
You'd scan the crowd for my face with your eyes
Maybe I was in love or you were just nice
And how could you not when all the things that she did were giving you hope? Like when you were invited to her family dinner and how she was covering her face every time one of her family members said something embarrassing. Or like when every time she saw you she gave you her biggest hug.
How every time you were with your friends and you all laughed both of your eyes met. How she was sending you new songs that were reminding her of you. Or like when you dropped her off at her house and she squeezed your hand two times with a small smile on her face.
Mmm a rush kinda like the old times
After all of these years, I still cross your mind
With the upcoming work and movies, Jenna slowly drowns herself. You were worried about her mental and physical health. You knew she was a strong person but you also knew what does this job with people.
And slowly the both of you got away from each other. Suddenly you knew nothing about her. You didn´t know how she was how she felt or how is her family and if is everything okay at work. If she gets along with her co-stars or if she eats how she should be. What she´s doing through the day or if she found someone she loves.
Or maybe you thought you'd reach out to be nice
But why'd you invitе me in the middle of the night?
You don't know how much time passed since you last saw her and you didn´t know if you wanted to know it. It would only hurt you more than it should. You closed your heart and gave your soul to work. You were fully focused on your professional life and making a good name for yourself. That´s what you were telling yourself but somewhere deep down you knew where the truth lies.
Do you remember when you thought your dad was dying?
I ran to your house in the middle of the night.
You closed your eyes at the memory of when Jenna called you about her being scared something serious happened. You ran to her hotel room still in your pajamas only a hoodie over you and with phone in your hand.
The rush you felt caused you to forget the card in your room inside. You were holding her tight in your arms trying to calm her nerves down.
The second she got a text from her mom her face changed. All of her muscles got soft and her head fell on your shoulder. You looked down at her and found her gently looking up at you.
Was that the right time? You didn´t know but at that time it felt like it.
So you kissed her.
When you found out he wasn't, caught in the moment
I kissed you and then you got quiet
You never talked about that. You acted like it never happened. You were glad that didn´t change but on the other side, you suffered from not knowing how she felt about it and what was in her mind.
You could've hurt me, it would've been easy
We were at that age where boys started being mean to be mean
Kind. That´s the word you would describe her as. And maybe that´s why you loved her. Jenna was the sweetest and the most humble person you know and you felt proud that you were close to her.
You knew you could rely on her and that she would be by your side in whatever situation you would be put into.
But you took my hand and asked me to dance
To nothing and never brought it up again
Jenna gave you her full attention every time you were in the same room. The second you stepped into the room you felt her eyes, you weren´t paranoid. You knew how hot her gaze was when your eyes met like your whole body was on fire.
But then again, why did she choose the road that would separate you?
Mmm if I saw you what would I say?
Would we act like we can't see that nothing's the same?
You remember that one time when you talked about the far future. Laughing about how many kids you would be able to raise or where you would live. Jenna told you that her wedding would be private. Just for her family and close friends. She wouldn´t want the whole world to know about it.
Jenna didn´t need everyone´s attention, she just wanted to live in her ľlittle world. And you wanted to be in it so bad.
We used to make fun of kids marrying young
But it's not as funny when it's someone you loved
Your hand kept holding your phone tight as if you were trying to make sure it wasn´t just your imagination.
How bad you wanted it to be a nightmare right now. How bad do you want her to text you right after that she´s joking and she misses you like you do. It never came.
Your mind became numb and the phone fell from your hand. You fell back onto your bed and just stared into the darkness. Until you close your eyes and your first tear slides down your cheek.
Mmm I wanna call you with a hand in my pants
And let you say drunk little things you'll regret
The thoughts about who she found and how she met them were running through your head. Were they better than you? Will they love her more than you?
You didn´t know if you wanted the answer to that.
You wanted to text her back so much that it didn´t matter what was the point of that text. If that was the thing that would bring her to you, just for a second, you would sacrifice. You would pretend that you feel happy for her just to talk to her a bit more.
But I'd just be the reason that somebody cries
But then why'd you invite me in the middle of the night?
What would it feel like? Sitting there waiting for bride to come with a wide smile and a hard beating heart. With nice clothes on tears in your eyes, with happiness running inside your chest. Waiting for her with nerves all around the place, excited about how she will look.
Only for her to come from behind the corner with the biggest smile and happy eyes just not to stand next to you.
I'll never know why
Cause I'll never reply
So you can just stay nice
In the back of my mind.
You never texted her back.
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