#catch me posting slower than usual to give the regulars time to catch up before shit hits the fan.
fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
"--They should just forget about me and-” unfortunately virgil comes in and that with another combination of stuff, the message is cut off. I won't tell too much, it is private and their choice to share fully, but their mental health hasn't been too great lately. They wish they could see you and hug you both, lots. They love you lots. -2/2 🐌🕸
Remus and Janus were sitting on the carpet in front of the tv. The gremlin had also changed into his onesie by now. He was painting his crush's nail while telling them spooky ghost stories.
It seemed like the message had gotten lost in the demon void for a little while but the walls suddenly started to talk as the message finally got to them. Both of them jumped when the voice started to come out of nowhere.
Janus got a worried look on his face. That was Remy's voice. Remy telling him to forget them. He looked over to Remus who had a confused look on his face. His hand had frozen in the air, the nail polish was dripping down onto the carpet.
The message finished. The walls twisted back into how they normally looked. They glanced at each other before Remus went back to painting Janus' nails. His eyebrows had furrowed slightly.
"I hope Remy feels better soon" He mumbled out. He focused on their nails so he didn't have to look into their eyes.
"That does not sound like it is just a dip in mental health" Janus tried to pull their hand away but Remus held onto it.
"Well we do know their mood can kinda change on a whim. I mean like we've seen how they can suddenly get angry and then suddenly sad and all that. Maybe they were just feeling down when they sent the message? I wish we could go over and hug them. I think that would make them feel a bit better"
Janus tried to move his hand away again "Let go of me, please"
"Oh uhm sorry" Remus drew back from him "Sorry"
"This doesn't make sense" He ran his hands through his hair "Why would Remy want us to forget about them out of nowhere!? I can understand why they can't message or can't leave their apartment. It's probably my fault, with how I screwed up in front of Virgil. But why would they leap to This all suddenly!?"
Remus shrugged. He fiddled with the ring on his finger while looking away.
Janus glanced around the apartment and when he caught a glance of a dark shadow and heard low sounds coming from the corner, as if someone was spinning a web, he assumed it was you and moved closer so Remus wouldn't hear.
"I appreciate you wanting to keep Remy's problems private but please tell me if something- something more than Virgil's awful berating has happened. It- It doesn't make sense. Or I suppose suddenly being cast back into only regularly speaking to their ab- to Virgil could destroy their mental health but it doesn't make sense that they would suddenly want us to forget about them does it? I know Virgil doesn't want them to be with us but he didn't want that before either. Why aren't they just leaving the apartment while he's at work like they used to do? Something doesn't quite add up here"
They dragged in the sleeve of their onesie out of nervousness. Their eyes stuck onto a specific part of the floor. Their voice lowered even more.
"Unless Remy realized that they actually hate me after I hurt them by making an absolute fool of myself in front of Virgil and now they've decided they never want to see my stupid face ever again-" He lightly hit his hands against his head "No. Nope. Thinking like that isn't helping anyone. No. Bad brain"
Remus was glancing at him with an even more confused look. All he saw was Janus mumbling to a void and hitting himself.
"Please just tell me if something has happened to Remy" Janus sounded like he was nearly begging "More than the...the usual...You don't even have to tell me any details if you think that would cross their boundaries. You can just tell me vaguely if there is any particular reason you might think their mental health has plummeted or why they can't contact us at all aside from these demon messages. Please?"
It took a few seconds before he added.
"I already have this choking feeling in my chest that I'm not doing enough to help. If- If something else has happened to them and I'm over here doing nothing...I don't know what I'd do with myself"
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justatiredpotato · 4 years
Set Me Free | Chapter 1
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Chapter List
Pairing: hybrid!Yoongi x human!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, coffee shop AU, hybrid AU
Word Count: Chapter: 6,000~  Total: 40,000~ (I’m sorry xD)
Updates daily at 10pm MST
Warnings: violence, discrimination (against hybrids), mentions of injuries and blood, anxiety, panic attacks
Summary: Yoongi, a cat hybrid, has been hurt time and time again by a world that would have him believe he’s worthless. One day he finds himself in your protective care, and gets a new family to boot. But is it really that easy to escape the past and embrace a new beginning?
Author’s Note: I love writing reader inserts but I just can’t write Y/N. It feels weird to me. So in this fic the reader’s name is Yeoji. I hope this isn’t too confusing for anyone! This is my first time posting my work so I appreciate any support it gets!
You raised the blinds just high enough to let a sliver of pre-dawn light in, but low enough that you wouldn’t be blinded when the sun crested the buildings across the way. You peered through the sheer fabric onto the square outside. The area had seen a lot of development in the last few years. Trendy little shops now lined the street. The coffee shop you owned and operated was tucked between a couple of over-priced restaurants with laughably tiny servings. 
While you weren’t thrilled with the increase in your overhead costs, you couldn’t deny the recent boost in business. There was a steady flow of customers through the whole week, not just in the early morning or on weekends. It had even become necessary to hire a couple of part-timers to keep the place open longer. Not that you minded. You were actually glad for the opportunity to give your friend, Jungkook, a job. 
The rabbit hybrid was nervous by nature despite his imposing appearance; he stood at least a foot taller than you. Your brother, Namjoon was fiercely protective of him. Jungkook came into your lives in your final year of college. The police brought a battered and terrified Jungkook to Remedy shelter, which was run by your friend Jin. They hadn’t seen what happened to him, and he wouldn’t say. As far as you knew, Namjoon and Jin were the only people he ever told.
Your eyes focused on the patio before you, as the very bunny you were thinking of appeared at the door. One of the boys came in on the weekends to work alongside you and help with the rush. The square was usually packed with couples on dates, window-shopping and listening to musicians that busked along the sidewalks.
“Morning, noona!” Jungkook chirped with his wide bunny grin.
“G’morning Koo,” you said, attempting to match his energy level despite the early hour. He laughed sweetly at the nickname. You were the only one he let call him that since he turned seventeen.
“Did you have your coffee yet?” He asked. You shook your head no. “Waiting for your favorite hybrid to make it for you?” 
“Don’t let Jimin hear you say that. You know he’ll take any opportunity to pout,” you said. 
Jungkook chuckled at that. Jimin was the shop's other part-timer. Many hybrids were affectionate, but the ragdoll hybrid took it to another level. He spent every possible second with his arms wrapped around his nearest friend. You were counted among his friends from pretty much your first meeting. When the chance to work at your shop had opened up, he thought it would be a great chance to have some independence. 
Jimin had been rooming with Jin for years. Despite his desire for independence he simply couldn’t stand living alone. So he shared an apartment with Jin and Taehyung, a sweet tiger hybrid. Taehyung had been hard to adopt out because despite his good nature, he was an exotic breed, and a predator no less. Few wanted to risk taking responsibility for him, and those that did had less-than-good intentions for him.
Life was scary as a hybrid. Between the massive industry of underground fighting rings, sex trafficking, and abuse in even seemingly decent homes, any adoption was a gamble. Jin tried his best to vet each family, but he couldn’t catch every red flag. You and Namjoon knew better than most how that haunted him.
Several years ago, the two of you stopped by the shelter. Neither of you could reach him on the phone and you were starting to get worried. You finally found him in his office, passed out over his desk with several empty bottles of soju scattered around. Namjoon tried to rouse him, but all he could mumble was ‘dead, dead, dead’ between hiccuping sobs. The next morning you learned that a hybrid he’d helped earlier that year was found dead in a seedy part of town. The couple that adopted her were being investigated on suspicion of hybrid trafficking. 
He wasn’t the same after that. He got back to his usual smiling self, but he was slower to trust, and slower to laugh. Every time a hybrid left the shelter for their new home there was a flicker of sadness and fear in his eyes.
“Noona? What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked, breaking your train of thought. You turned to look at him, blinking to stop your eyes watering at the memory.
“It’s nothing Kookie, just thinking about this sad movie I watched last night.” You and Namjoon both agreed that it was best to keep the more tragic events from the shelter quiet. Jungkook had been through enough in the past, and you didn’t want to hurt him further by bringing up old memories. Jungkook frowned at the response.
“It must’ve been really sad,” he said, sniffing lightly. His frown deepened and he searched her eyes. He seemed to debate pressing it further. You knew that his hybrid senses were telling him you were lying. But he seemed to decide it was best to let it go, instead holding out a hot cup of your favorite coffee, a soft smile returning and making his eyes scrunch.
You took it, grateful for the coffee and his letting you evade the question. You set about your morning tasks, laying out chairs, brewing coffee for the self-serve station, and checking that there was creamer chilled and ready. Sunlight sparkled in the air, reflecting off the morning frost. 
It was supposed to snow that night. You shuddered. You hated winter for forcing you to pay for heating, if nothing else. Whenever your friends got together at your house—a tiny one-bedroom apartment above the cafe—Jimin whined about the cold temperature. But you refused to pay for anything beyond what would keep your pipes from freezing. It was expensive enough to own a building in your area already. Instead you wore layers and piled blankets on your bed. Jimin wasn’t really upset anyway, he loved any excuse to cuddle. Movie night usually ended with him and Taehyung asleep on either side of you.
“You actually going to turn on the radiator tonight?” Jungkook teased.
“I have my radiator on! It’s just… turned down,” you said.
He chuckled, knowing you were too stubborn to waste money on ‘luxuries.’ He turned away at the jingle of the door bell. The first customer of the day came as no surprise. A familiar, slouching form appeared, dropped a couple of equipment cases off at the side of the door, and shuffled up to the counter. The young man had black hair that hung down and nearly covered his eyes, which flicked up to meet hers. His lips twitched in a hint of a smile.
“Good morning, Yoongi” You said with more than your usual morning cheer. Jungkook scoffed and you threw him a dirty look. The young man in front of the counter didn’t seem to pay attention, his eyes determinedly focused on his beat-up boots.
“Morning,” he mumbled, glancing up to briefly meet your eyes.
“The usual?” you asked, trying to hold his gaze.
“Yeah,” he said. This time offering you a genuine smile before he looked away again. He busied himself looking through a well-worn notebook while you relayed his usual order to Jungkook: cheese toast and a small hot americano. You returned to the counter and accepted his punch card. He practically filled one every other week, since he was in nearly every day. 
“Performing in the square again today?” you asked. He was one of the buskers that was a regular in the area. He nodded. “You should put on a coat. It’s supposed to snow later. You’re going to freeze if you’re out there all day like that.”
You looked over his clothes. The hoodie he wore was ragged at the sleeves. He had the hood up, cinched a bit against the biting wind. His signature beanie was just peeking out from under it. He scuffed his feet, uncomfortable under your appraisal. 
“I’ll be fine,” he answered shortly. He looked up at you, eyes wide as he realized how curt he sounded. “I stay warm when I’m performing.”
You weren’t sure how standing behind a keyboard and laptop could keep you warm, but you didn’t press the issue. You handed back the punch card and gave him his total. He rummaged in his pockets before frowning and looking up at the menu.
“That’s wrong,” he said.
“Hm?” you asked, though you already knew what he meant. He pointed to the menu over your shoulder.
“Your prices went up, but this is what it always costs.” He pulled a jumble of crumpled bills and coins from the pocket of his hoodie, counting through them. A couple of coins fell and clattered across the counter.
“I gave you the regular customer discount,” you said. Jungkook chuckled as he joined you at the register with the completed order.
“That’s not a thing,” Yoongi said as he finished counting out his change and handed you the total with the new prices.
“It’s my shop. I’m making it a thing,” you argued, pushing the money back toward him.
“Please, Yeoji-ssi. I don’t need a hand out.”
“I didn’t mean that you need it, I just wanted to,” you finally stammered after an awkward pause. Now you were embarrassed, and you felt bad for unintentionally insulting him. Yoongi cursed quietly under his breath. Beside you Jungkook’s ears twitched, and he sniffed curiously; no doubt sensing something you couldn’t.
“I know, I’m sorry. That’s very generous of you,” he said as he gently pushed the money back toward you. Tucking his toast into the backpack and taking his coffee he hurried back toward the door. He fumbled for a minute, trying to carry his equipment and the hot beverage. As he finally got his things together and went to push the door open, you called after him.
“Hey, drop by if you get a chance to take a break and warm up.”
“I’ll try,” he said, turning around and flashing another soft smile as he pushed through the door.
You thought about Yoongi a lot through the rest of the day. Jungkook noticed and teased you all day. You couldn’t scold him for it though, you’d teased him plenty about his first crush.
As long as Yoongi had been coming to the cafe you’d been curious about him. He was quiet, handsome, and talented. You’d heard him perform in the square before. He played the keyboard but also produced tracks that he played from his laptop, blending the simplicity of the piano with a full-bodied studio sound.
You often wondered why he wasn’t working at a studio, producing for idols. He could have been an idol himself with the good looks he hid behind a beanie, hoodie, and bangs. The more you learned about the boy, the more you wanted to know. On your break, you googled his name and found a few YouTube videos of performances at clubs and underground rap battles. Apparently he wasn’t just a musician, he was a talented lyricist and rapper as well.
“Doing some research on your boyfriend, I see?” Jungkook said, resting his chin on your shoulder. You jumped, turning to swat at him as he quickly danced away.
“Don’t read over people’s shoulders! That’s rude,” you scolded. You could feel your face turning pink, and it irritated you to know that he could sense your embarrassment. “He’s not my boyfriend. And I was just curious about his music.”
“Mhm, right,” Jungkook said dismissively. “You’re seriously browsing Google? Come on, doesn’t this guy have an Instagram?”
“Not one that I can find.” Your tone made it clear that you had made a thorough search and failed.
“Wow, really? No social media presence at all? Maybe he has Twitter.” You shook your head. “Facebook? LinkedIn? MySpace? AOL?”
“AOL did IM and email, you dork,” you interrupted, cracking a smile. “And no, I can’t find him on any platform besides YouTube. He doesn’t seem to have his own channel…”
“Weird…” Jungkook said. “Are we sure this guy really exists?” You snorted. “I’m serious! For someone to be completely off the grid on the internet is like, unheard of. Maybe he’s hiding from the law! Or in witness protection. Noona, what if your boyfriend is a drug dealer!”
You swung at him again, this time successfully landing a smack on his shoulder. He ran back out front when the door chimed.
“He’s not a drug dealer, stupid!” You called after him. “And he’s not my boyfriend!”
Namjoon picked up Jungkook after closing that evening. They were having a boys night at Jin’s house.
“Are you sure you don’t want to join, noona?” Jungkook asked, pouting a little bit to try and convince you.
“We really don’t mind, noona. Jimin and Tae would love it if you came,” Namjoon added.
“I appreciate the invitation, but I’ll be fine Joon. And Koo, you know Overwatch isn’t my style. You have fun with the boys. Make sure to let them win a few times,” you said, getting on your toes to ruffle Jungkook’s hair affectionately.
“I will,” Jungkook said, leaning into your hand for one last ear scratch.
You waved off the boys and set to cleaning up for the night. After mopping and turning out the lights in the front you went in the back to wash the dishes. Through the door leading out into the alley, you heard shouting. Listening for a minute, you shrugged it off. Probably just college kids from a local frat house. You often heard them as they stumbled home from the local bar. It was Friday night after all.
That explanation left your head quickly when you heard a scream. The sound nearly made you drop the mug you were washing. That wasn’t a scream of young men goofing around, it was a cry of pain and fear. Before you could think better of it you shook the water off your hands, grabbed your  phone, and raced for the door. 
You burst out into the alleyway struggling to stay upright on the thin layer of freshly fallen snow.
What you saw made your stomach turn. A group of four young men were crowded around the dumpster. Something, or more likely someone, was crumpled in the corner between it and the wall. You couldn’t see much, just rumpled fabric and a couple of bags laying around. The bags were opened, the paper and garments they had contained tossed around the alley. 
The men took turns throwing brutal kicks at the person in the corner, who was now curled so that the only thing you could see besides the snow-soaked hoodie was his hands clutching something to his chest. 
“You thought you could fool everyone? Thought you could scam a buck out of us?” One of the men sneered.
“Too bad. We know what you are. Just because no one wants you doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want,” another said
“You’re just a toy that someone threw away. What were you thinking trying to pull something over on real people?” another said, punctuating his point with a kick to the ribs that sent the victim sprawling onto the snow.
“Hey!” you shouted before you could think better of it. You hurriedly lifted your phone to dial the police. It was dead. Panic shot through you as the four guys turned to you. Thinking quickly you put the phone to your ear and started talking. 
“Hello? I need the police. I’m in the alley behind ***********. There are some young men here and I think they’ve hurt someone.” One of the men took a step toward you, further illuminating his face in the dim security light. You took a step back. “Hey, I have all of this on CCTV! Your faces are on it!” you warned before returning to the imaginary phone call. “Yes, the cameras run 24/7. Everything should be on there…”
The guy closest to you stepped back into the shadows, cursing.
“Let’s go,” he said, turning to walk away and nodding for his friends to follow him. One of them turned to spit on the figure in the corner before walking away.
“You’re lucky, freak.”
You kept talking until the group disappeared around the corner. As soon as they were gone you rushed to the person in the alley. The person flinched away as you approached, tucking in on himself. You stopped, listening as he said something. It was muffled by his arms, which were held up in an attempt to protect his head. 
“What did you say?” you asked, moving a little closer.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry…” he repeated over and over again. The man’s voice trembled to the point it was hard to understand him, but his voice was undeniably familiar. As you came within arms reach you got a clearer view, and your blood ran cold. There bundled in a thin, soaked hoodie, was Yoongi. The snow that had melted over him from his body heat was quickly refreezing. He shivered so badly you could hear his teeth chattering.
“Yoongi?” you asked in a choked whisper.
He looked up at you then. One of his eyes was blackened, almost entirely swollen shut, with a cut through his eyebrow dripping blood onto his eyelashes. His nose was bleeding, possibly broken. The split in his lip lined up with a quickly darkening bruise on his jaw.
“Oh my god, Yoongi! What happened?” you asked, reaching out for him.
“Please,” he said, more of a whimper than a word. You froze. He was scared you were going to hurt him.
“Yoongi?” you said, more softly this time. “It’s okay. They’re gone. I’m not going to hurt you. Would you please let me help you?” The panic in his eyes seemed to clear a little, and he seemed to really see you when he met your eyes again.
“Yeoji-ssi? I shouldn’t be here. I’m sorry. I’ll leave,” he mumbled, wincing as he tried to stand.
“Woah, hold on.” You reached out to steady him. He flinched at the sudden movement, but didn’t pull away this time. “You aren’t going anywhere. Come on, let's get you inside before you freeze.”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. It’s really not worth the tro-“ he started.
“Yoongi,” you said in your older-sister voice. He seemed to realize that that was the end of the discussion, because he sagged against you as you slung his arm over your shoulders. His free hand was still clutching something to his chest. You glanced at it and your eyes widened. A tail. You looked up at him with a clearly shocked expression. He let out a kind of tired, resigned sigh.
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. Like I said, I can just go. You can leave me. You probably don’t want me here.”
“Why would you say that?” you said, immediately regretting your tone. He shrank into himself, curling his shoulders in to make himself smaller, even as he winced at the pain of moving.
“Sorry,” he repeated meekly, pulling his arm off as if he expected you to shove him away. You grabbed his hand and settled it back over your shoulder.
“I’m not mad at you, Yoongi. But why would you think I would leave you here?” you said. As you limped toward the door into the café he couldn’t meet your eyes. He’d embarrassed you, again. Of course you’d want to get rid of him. He hung his head and obediently followed you inside. His heart broke as he saw his bags, open and empty, strewn around the alley. His notes littered the floor, already soaked and probably illegible. He glanced around, seeing the edge of his keyboard where it had been shoved under the dumpster in the scuffle. Turning, he realized his backpack—containing his laptop, important papers and notes, and what little money he had saved—was still lying in the corner where you’d found him. 
He turned to you to say something, but found you were already at the door. As soon as the door closed behind him, what little strength he had left him. You eased him to the ground as best you could. He grunted, muffling a whimper of pain. He already felt pathetic enough.
“Okay, I’m going to call the police and an ambulance,” you said, tossing your dead cell phone on the counter and hurrying to the landline. Thank god you hadn’t hadn’t got around to cancelling it yet. Yoongi’s eyes widened and he lurched forward, trying to stand. He only made it one step before he fell, yelping in pain and landing on his hands and knees on the tile. You rushed back to his side.
“Don’t,” he begged through gritted teeth. You stopped short, thinking he didn’t want you to touch him. “No cops. No ambulance,” he got out before lowering himself to lay on his side. You quickly moved to lay his head on your lap instead of the cold floor.
“Yoongi you’re hurt. And those boys should be arrested! Besides, I’m sure someone is worried about you. Don’t you have a…” you trailed off, looking for the right word.
“Owner?” Yoongi said, disgust clear in his voice.
“I was going to say guardian. That’s what most of my friends call their arrangement.” 
“You have hybrid friends? Or your friends own hybrids?” Yoongi asked.
“I guess both, not that my hybrid friends are anyone’s property-“ you cut yourself off. “Yoongi this isn’t important right now. You need help.”
“No. The hospital will call the police, and the police will put me in a shelter.”
“You’re alone?” you asked cautiously.
“Yeah. I’m better his way. If I can just sleep here, I’ll be gone in the morning. Please,” he said. His voice kept getting quieter, losing its bite the more he spoke.
“No,” you said firmly.
“I’m sorry, I know you don’t want me here. I’ll be gone before you wake up. I won’t touch anything. You can just forget all of this.”
“No, Yoongi. I meant I’m not letting you leave like this. I’m getting you help and you’re going to let me.”
You took off your sweater and put it under his head so you could stand and get the phone. Yoongi moved to protest, but you threw him a look and he surrendered. You dialed and watched as Yoongi’s eyes fell closed despite his best attempts to fight it.
“Noona? What’s up?” came the answer on the phone.
“Hoseok, I need your help,” you said, not wasting any time. You could hear the sound of video games and trash talk pause in the background as the other boys asked Hoseok what you called for.
“Shut up a sec and let me ask,” he said to the younger boys who were no doubt hovering around the phone trying to eavesdrop. “Sorry, noona. What do you need? It’s late. Is everything okay?”
“I need a doctor.”
“Are you okay?” he asked immediately, his voice more urgent now. You could hear a whine on the other end already, probably Jungkook, already worried.
“I’m fine, Hobi, but could you take this conversation somewhere more private?” you asked, not wanting to expose the younger boys to any unnecessary trauma. There was shuffling and complaints on the other end of the line, then the sound of a door closing.
“Talk. What’s going on?” Hoseok demanded. The door opened and closed again and you heard Namjoon’s voice.
“What’s happening? Is she okay?” he asked. “Are you okay?” He repeated more clearly, evidently sharing the phone with Hoseok.
“Yes, I’m fine! But I have an injured hybrid here. He doesn’t have a guardian and he’s too scared to let me call an ambulance.”
“What happened to him?” Hoseok asked. He was a doctor specializing in hybrid medicine at the nearby hospital. He often helped out at Jin’s shelter. You felt some relief as you sensed he was in what Taehyung liked to call ‘doctor mode.’
“Some kids beat him up. It’s bad. He’s passed out on my kitchen floor right now. Drenched from the snow too. I can’t carry him into my apartment myself and it’s way too cold in this kitchen.”
“I’m on my way. I’ll have to grab some supplies from the shelter.” 
You heard the door opening again, and a bunch of voices throwing questions at Hoseok and Joon.
“Jin-hyung, shelter keys?” Hoseok requested over the noise.
“I’m going too,” Namjoon chimed in. There was more arguing and shuffling noises as coats were grabbed and shoes were put on and everyone insisted they were coming. You were distracted by a soft murmur from Yoongi, still on the floor behind you. You stretched the phone cord and returned to his side.
“What is it, Yoongi?” you asked, pulling the beanie off to brush some of his fringe off his face. His soft black ears were flattened against his head, and you gently smoothed over them too.
“My bag,” he mumbled, eyebrows creasing even in unconsciousness.
You interrupted the arguing boys on the other end of the phone.
“Bring the boys,” you said.
“Are you sure about that?” Namjoon asked, knowing that you, Jin, and himself all agreed it was best to protect the three maknaes from this kind of situation when it was possible. 
“They can’t come in and see him, but I have a job I need them to help me with. Make sure they dress warm,” you said.
“If you’re sure,” Namjoon said, deciding not to question you. 
“We’ll be there in twenty minutes,” Hoseok said. “Do your best to keep him warm until then.”
“Okay. Please hurry.”
As soon as you hung up, you quickly ran into your apartment in the back. You pulled as many extra blankets as you could carry out of your closet and rushed back to Yoongi. You debated for a minute before pulling off the drenched hoodie, only to find that the black t-shirt he wore underneath was no drier. You weren't confident that you could get the garment off without further hurting him, so instead you piled blankets on top of him. You filled a couple of hot water bottles and tucked them around him; then filled a couple more and tucked them into your bed so that it would be warm when the boys carried him in.
You returned to the kitchen, where Yoongi was barely visible for all the blankets he was packed in. Glancing at the clock, you saw that only 10 minutes had passed. It felt like you’d been waiting for hours. The time crawled as you alternated between watching the seconds tick by and watching Yoongi’s chest rise and fall.
You jumped when the knock finally came at the door. They’d come to the back, the front door to your apartment, and you ran to let them in. Hoseok immediately slipped past you and headed to the kitchen. The others moved to follow, but you stopped them.
“I need you guys to help me with something,” you said. “Those thugs trashed his stuff threw it all over the alley. Joon, can you take the boys and go gather what you can and see if any of it can be salvaged? I know he said his bag is back there. It seemed important to him.”
Namjoon nodded and quickly herded the boys around the building and into the alley. You pulled Jin inside.
“I need you to help Hobi and I get him inside.”
“That bad?” he asked, frowning. You just nodded. He followed you back to where Hoseok was already taking stock of his patient.
“You did good, noona. Seems like you staved off the shock. Move him, and then I’ll dress these wounds.”
You carefully pulled the blankets away.
“Be careful, he was really protective of his tail. I think it’s injured somehow,” you warned before Jin and Hoseok picked him up. They exchanged a glance as they moved toward the apartment door.
“What?” you asked. “Is something else wrong?”
“No,” Jin tried to assure you, though his tone wasn’t comforting. “It’s just… Hobi, I know he isn’t a big guy, but is it normal to be this light?”
“No,” Hoseok answered grimly. “Definitely not.”
Now that your attention was drawn to it, you noticed how slight Yoongi was. His ribs were clearly visible through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. You felt a lump in your throat and looked away, hurrying to open the door.
“You can put him in my room. I put some water bottles to warm the bed.” They nodded and quickly settled him on the bed.
“Do you think we could cut away this stuff?” Hoseok asked, gesturing to his clothes. “It’s all trashed anyway.”
“I don’t know if he has much else…” you said, hesitant to ruin his things.
“I just don’t want to risk further injury trying to get them off intact. And we can’t leave him in these, he’s already nearly hypothermic,” he said.
“We can replace them,” Jin suggested. “I brought a change of clothes. It’s in a bag on your coffee table, noona.”
“Right, great,” you said. “I’ll go get them.”
You hurried out of the room to get the bag Jin mentioned. When you came into the living room you found Jimin, hovering by the door.
“Noona, there was a keyboard by the trash and papers everywhere. Are they his? Should we get them too?” he asked, shifting from foot to foot. His nose twitched, and you realized he could probably smell the anxiety and pain in the air. You sighed.
“Yeah, grab everything you can. We can sort through it in the morning, and see what we can save.” He nodded and turned to leave.
“Chim,” you called and he turned. You wrapped him in a comforting hug. “Thank you.”
A purr echoed in the boy’s chest, even as you heard him sniffle. You knew this whole experience was hard for him. He was one of the volunteers at the shelter the day Jungkook was brought in. That experience still haunted him. It’s why he stopped working at the shelter and took a job at the coffee shop. His tail curled around your waist as he hugged you back tightly.
“He’ll be okay, Chim,” you said, stroking his hair. “We’re going to help him.”
A pained groan came from the room behind you, and you pulled away from Jimin.
“Go back out and help the boys. Once you’re done, leave the stuff in the living room and go to the cafe. Tell Jungkook I said everyone needs a hot chocolate,” you petted his hair one last time and guided him out the door. A shout echoed out of your bedroom, and you couldn’t tell if it sounded pained, angry, or scared. Snatching the bag off the coffee table, you dashed back into the room.
“Get off me!” Yoongi shouted, tail clutched to his now bare chest. Jin stood back, hands up in surrender as Hoseok tried to calm the panicked cat. 
“Look man, your clothes are soaked. We’re risking hypothermia if we don’t get you into something dry.”
Yoongi looked down, seeing what remained of his ratty t-shirt cut open and in the trash. The right leg of his jeans was sliced along the outer seam up to his mid-thigh.
“What the hell did you do to my clothes?” He shouted again. He winced and swayed from the strain of sitting upright.
“Yoongi,” you started softly. Yoongi turned to you, eyes wide with panic. You approached slowly, not stopping when he spat at you to leave him alone, hurling threats and nonsense at you. As you sat on the edge of the bed he shrank back into the bedding around him and refused to meet your eyes.
“Please,” he said, his voice so quiet you hardly heard him. “Please just leave me alone. Please don’t hurt me.”
“Yoongi,” you said again, “I want to help. You’re safe. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” You reached out to gently take his hands. “I swear, I’m going to protect you. Please let me. These are my friends, and they’re trying to help.”
He drew a shallow breath, wincing at the pain in his ribs and nodded. You stood and moved to leave, trying to spare him some privacy.
“Wait!” he said, stopping you. “Please don’t leave me.”
You turned back to him and took in his face, still chapped from the winter wind. You couldn’t leave him. So you stood with your back turned, awkwardly rocking on the balls of your feet as Jin and Hoseok helped him change.
“That’s much better,” Hoseok said, evidently satisfied that his patient was no longer at risk for hypothermia. You turned to find Yoongi with his ribs already wrapped and Hoseok working on dressing the wounds on his brow and lip. The flannel pajama bottoms Jin had brought were much too big for him, you might’ve giggled at how cute he looked if the situation were different. Without the dark hoodie and ripped jeans, Yoongi was undeniably adorable.
“I brought my clothes since I wasn’t sure what size would fit. I guess we should’ve borrowed Jimin’s instead,” Jin said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
“Thank you,” Yoongi said, bowing his head in thanks.
“It’s no problem. I’ll bring by something that’ll fit you better tomorrow.”
Yoongi glanced from you to Jin to Hoseok, then back to his hands in his lap. He focused on Hoseok’s hands, which were now busy setting the break in his tail.
“Don’t worry about it, I probably have something in my bag I can wear…” He trailed off, remembering the state his belongings were in the last time he saw them. “I’ll go clean up my stuff as soon as it’s light tomorrow. Don’t worry, I’ll be out of the way before you know it.”
“Yoongi,” you said, trying her best not to sound frustrated. Yoongi’s ears flattened and you knew you hadn’t succeeded.
“I’m sorry. I can leave now if you want,” he said, tail curling back around him as soon as Hoseok released it.
Your heart, already cracked from all the events of the night so far, finally broke completely. Hoseok stepped aside to make room as you came to sit beside Yoongi again. He was shaking, and you realized that he was terrified. He genuinely believed that you wanted him gone; that you’d throw him out in the snow right then and there.
“Don’t leave,” you said, your own voice trembling now. You reached out and lifted his chin so he’d meet your eyes. He did, and you found they were shining with tears of pain and fear that he was desperately trying to hold back. “Please don’t leave. I want you to stay.”
His shaking hand came up to rest over yours, which still cupped his cheek. He leaned in to the first gentle touch he’d felt in years, and the tears finally fell. You pulled him into your arms, and he let you. He buried his face in your neck and cried as you pulled a blanket over his shoulders. 
Eventually the sobs quieted. His breaths came in little gasps now, as he tried to catch his breath despite the pain in his ribs. You leaned away after a while to look at his face and saw he’d fallen asleep. 
You looked back to find that Jin had gone to check on the boys. Hoseok sat quietly at the end of the bed, not wanting to interrupt. He gave you an approving smile, and you thought his eyes were a bit wet too. It took you a moment to notice Namjoon standing in the doorway. Hoseok helped you ease Yoongi down to lie comfortably, and you carefully disengaged herself from his arms. The two of you exited the room as quietly as you could.
“You were great with him, noona,” Hoseok praised. Namjoon beamed with pride before pulling you into a tight hug.
“I’m proud of you,” he said, planting a kiss on top of your head.
“Thank you, Joonie.” Your voice broke and you finally felt all of the emotions hit you. Your shoulders shook and you struggled to stay quiet as you sobbed into Namjoon’s sweater.
A/N: So so so much thanks to my beta reader @sunshineboysbts​ for helping me create and edit this whole fic! She’s been listening to my ramblings for actual months while I worked on this. Love you, girl!
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There were too many places this could have gone, but I wanted Raven and Damian and a broken bed, and this how it turned out. I hope it’s alright!
Prompt List
"So... can you fix it or not?"
He shuffled his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose and stared down at the broken bed frame. But even through the lenses, it wasn't quite clear. Again, there were questions, too many questions - and not one of them good. "So, can you?" Raven asked, re-centering his focus upon the task at hand. Damian knelt low, assessing the extent of the damage. It wasn't just a loose screw or two, the whole frame, it had collapsed in on itself.
The way it looked. If the bed alone looked this way, he could only imagine.
There had to be a reason, some sort of explanation.
Damian stroked the broken bit of bed post and gripped, springing up what little life it was clinging to. The wood let out an awful squeak and a groan, before surrendering in anguish, falling to the floor. His electric-emerald eyes flickered over to the sorceress whose expressionless stare gave nothing away. Though, her tone hadn't exactly been forthcoming. And so the questions hadn't ceased, they had become sentient and started to multiply. Taking up roots, they grew until even his questions had questions.
One edged itself to the forefront of his mind and Damian wondered if he could even pose it to Raven: was this real - was she for real? To come to him like this in the middle of the night, in need of his help with her bed - her broken bed. He rose slowly, and approached her with his jaw tight and steps measured.
What had she been doing in this bed to cause it to break?
Damian pulled off the black framed glasses, and hastily folded them over his waistband, shoving them away along with his darker thoughts. How was he expected to proceed in such a case? What exactly was the due process here? Did the Titans handbook have a chapter about this, or even so much as a footnote? Damian began to formulate what he believed was a rudimentary follow-up. "How did this...even happen?"
It sounded safe, rational.
Surely, it was a reasonable thing to consider given the current situation.
Violet eyes glanced over the wreckage. There was a sprinkling of sawdust on the mattress laying jilted off to the side, the box spring was reduced to a heap of wooden boards, and the thick carved posts were snapped, propped uselessly against the corner of the room. Her cavernous eyes bored into the center of his bare chest, before at last, settling on his face. "Damian, I don't want to talk about it. I just... I need your help, okay?" Her voice wavered for a note. "So, if you can't give me that -"
"No - no. Of course, I want to help," Damian said immediately, standing taller. "I just...want to know what I'm dealing with here, so I can help you best." He motioned with his hand, hoping she would elaborate, or give any clue as to what had happened. And when she didn't speak, he spun up plausible theories.
But, nothing.
Raven didn't bite.
"Was it...your powers? Was it a lack of structural support? Maybe it was foul play - some prank of Garfield's gone wrong? Maybe the wood is old?"
Damian threw out suggestion after suggestion - and nothing. Any indication, even a simple nod, would have sufficed, anything would have been better than him filling in the blanks on his own.
"Or was it...?"
Anything to stop him from wondering about was just below the surface, the subtext: could it have been sexual?
Was it sexual?
He wanted to know. He needed to know. He had to know. She was his best friend. For all that was good in the world - he deserved an answer.
"Was it what?"
"Overuse?" Damian tried. "Or I don't know...misuse?"
"What exactly are you asking?" The mage returned a little less flatly, a little more angrily. "I'm the one with the broken bed and nowhere to sleep tonight. I knew you would be up... and so I came to you. I just needed some help - your help." Raven was resolute as she had been earlier, when she was standing at his door. But now, she seemed determined to answer as little as possible, to even redirect his inquiries back towards him.
What was she hiding from him?
Why was she hiding from him?
Damian glowered down at her. "I am trying to help -"
"So, help." Raven stood on her toes to glare back at him unblinkingly for what felt like hours. And anyone other than Damian would have backed down by now. "But, if you're going to make assumptions or continue to interrogate me, I'll just sleep on the couch."
This was going nowhere.
He sighed, a long drawn out exhale, he needed to breathe, to stay calm. But he could feel himself getting more and frustrated for each second this tennis match persisted. "Why don't you tell me what happened - from your perspective," Damian added quickly.
Raven was right to refer to it as an interrogation, a part of Damian had to give that to her.
This did feel rather like a deposition.
"It was late, I finished meditating, I thought I would try to get some sleep. I was laying in bed, and it broke." She rubbed her arm, trying to look impassive or unaffected and Damian didn't know what, only he couldn't believe this. It was the exact same story - if anything this was less than she had told him before.
His heartbeat pounded deafeningly in his eardrums, and his blood started to sear dangerously under his skin and Damian wanted to demand a sufficient answer from her.
But that wasn't the solution.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing in more slowly. What bothered him the most wasn't the denial, it was Raven acting as though she couldn't trust him.
And if she couldn't trust him, he had far bigger problems.
"Just so I can understand you - so I'm not confused, tell me, how did it break?"
"You saw for yourself - it collapsed."
He shook his head, he just needed her to give him something. Maybe he was just desperate for an opening for the questions he was barely biting back on his tongue.
How was she laying? Was she on her back? Was she alone?
Was she clothed?
"Why?" He burst out. "Why did it break? There's always an explanation. Things don't just collapse."
"Well, my bed did."
Damian had crossed over the bridge of irritation into incredulousness. He was dumbfounded. "I didn't think you even needed one - a bed." He scoffed. "I was under the impression that you...floated above it."
"Where on Earth did you hear that?" Raven's purple eyes narrowed. "I don't float - I'm not a pixie." Damian's lips twitched. So said the petite girl from another land, named after a bird, who spent her days flying around in a leotard.
"Fine, you hover." Damian eyed her, practically insisting. "You definitely hover."
She could project manifestations of wings whenever she appeared. That and the obvious, she glowed.
So if it looked like a duck...
"Yes. I've been known to hover - on occasion - it's not a regular thing." A faint flush began to color her face cerise, much to Damian's satisfaction. "Is my interrogation over, then?" He noticed her expression was slightly less annoyed than before, but more anxious.
Maybe he had been going about this all wrong. What if it was about something else entirely?
He glanced at the little worry crease that indented itself above her left eyebrow. In the idle daydream, he fantasized about touching it, even kissing the muscle until it relaxed. Of course he cared, she didn't even know how much. Damian’s features softened slightly. "Raven, I'm...concerned about you. It's not everyday your best friend shows you her mysteriously broken bed. So, is everything okay? Are you stressed?"
"No, Damian." But Raven had deflated, looking somewhat defeated. "This, it's not at all what you think..."
"Alright, I won't press this anymore." He reached down and touched her shoulder. "Get your pillow and some blankets," Damian ordered. "You're not staying on the couch." The hero stood by Raven's door while she dissected the contents of the rubble. They waited wordlessly for the tell-tale mechanical whirl of the door sealing itself. He shuffled ahead of her to his room, expecting her to follow. "You'll take my bed."
"Oh..." Raven stopped short, staring oddly at the floor. "I didn't ask you for help to put you out."
"You're not putting me out. You couldn't possibly put me out." The corner of his mouth tugged upward for a second as he searched her pale face. "We're best friends, aren't we?" She nearly flinched. "Did I say something wrong?" Damian frowned, trying to level with her.
"Damian, it was my powers, though I'm sure you already knew." Raven bent her head, holding it against the pillow. Slowly, she dragged it down her face. "Do you really want to know what I was doing?" She sounded muffled, but her words were clearer than they had been all night.
"What?" Damian's heart lurched in his chest. Even though he still wasn't sure what to think. But if Raven wanted to tell him -
"In my bed - tonight, I was..." Her voice sounded frailer, even a little afraid. "My bed is broken because... I was alone and thinking of you..."
"You were alone," Damian paused, rather nonplussed. "And thinking of me?"
That was it?
"It was late." Raven spoke slower, this time.
"I was up..."
"Reading - one of my novels..." Her purple eyebrows arched. "Alone."
"So, you've said."
"...and thinking of you."
"I was thinking of you," Raven repeated. "Alone."
"Oh..." Damian started. He licked his lips thoughtfully. "Oh."
"Oh? That's it, that's all you have to say?" When Raven marched down the hall, her short legs were faster than usual. The other Titan couldn't catch up to her, despite his longer legs, she seemed determined enough to have lapped him.
Or slapped him by the murderous look in her eye.
"Raven, slow down..." Damian stretched out a hand, trying to keep up with her. Every time he thought he was getting closer, she slid further out of reach. He was still processing, he hadn't expected this, if she could give him just one minute -
"You didn't consider for one minute that maybe..." She stopped, strands of plum whipping her cheek, when she turned to him. "No, of course not. How could you? You don't see me that way," Raven swallowed hard. "Or anything."
"Raven. Don't, I -"
"I shouldn't have bothered you with this, you were busy then and clearly you're still elsewhere." Raven didn't meet his eye. "Please, forget I mentioned this - any of this. I'll wake Starfire and you can get back to deliberating, planning or coordinating... You can chalk this up to some insufferable late night psycho babble from a half-demon whose powers must have gone haywire for the second time tonight." She turned away. "Good night."
"But." His fingers brushed her shoulder. "You broke your bed because of me."
"Yes, we've established that. It doesn't mean anything." Raven shrugged him away. "My powers are out of control right now - that's all it really means."
"No." He caught her fingertips and clasped her hand, spinning her to face him. "I'm not going to - I can't let this go." He pulled her in his arms, her stiff, small form. "I can't let you go." Because even still, she was warm and soft and she was Raven. She smelled of honey and sage and soy candles left burning overnight - home. 
This was scent he inhaled whenever his mind registered that he was home. It was like he was home at last, and he wanted to hold her close to him for hours. He stared down at her, marveling at the words as they revealed themselves in a new light that was vibrant, bright and multi-hued. "You broke your bed because of me."
"Let go of me." Raven's cheeks were aflame. Her eyes were wide, her lips were wavering.
No more rash assumptions tonight, or not acting rashly enough.
All he needed to be certain of was this. And he was not going to let Raven go again.
"I...need to masturbate - meditate." Raven let out a frustrated sob, struggling in his arms. "I need to meditate and -" Damian's fingers swept up the nape of her neck and he pressed the seam of his lips onto her own. The pillows and blankets slid out of her hand, her body had gone pliant. A sweet mewl rose up from her throat and neither of them gave any more thought to the finicky state of her powers, this was more important.
This needed to be communicated, he needed her to understand that he did understand.
"You broke your bed because of me..." He mumbled against her lips, tasting hints of jasmine tea. "You were thinking of me when your bed broke." Damian repeated her words back to her with an understanding that was always there. Just below the surface, it was waiting for him, calling out for Raven. He brushed her hair back from her cheeks. Tucking it behind her ears. "This beautiful mind - here." His thumbs rising to massage that worry muscle above her eyebrow. "I want it on me." And he smoothed his lips over it, kissing it repeatedly. "I want to fill it with thoughts of me. Only me."
"Wait - wait." Raven trembled, her eyes were wild. "What does this mean?"
"What do you think it means?"
He could feel her forehead moving, veins ticking, the brain below it working itself up into a frenzy. She couldn't quite process what was happening. The possibility that he might feel just as strongly, just as intensely. Perhaps even to a greater degree than she.
"Damian... Aren't we - friends?"
"Aren't we past that?" Damian cupped her chin and captured her mouth again. Pressing back against her lips tighter and harder, clutching her - tighter, harder. Running his hands up and down her back, feeling barely any layers to separate what was happening between them. But really, how could something as insignificant as layers keep them apart? Even without his chest bare and Raven's strappy pajama top so tiny there was no way she was wearing a bra.
How could anything now?
Damian growled low in his throat. "Would you come to someone in the middle of the night about your broken bed if they were merely a confidant?" Raven whimpered, as he too had pitched her own words and actions against her, all the while rounding her ear with his tongue.
"But, I thought -" She murmured incoherently into his neck "- and my powers."
"Yes, what about them? How could they resist reaching out, if you hadn't considered more? If you thought of me as only a friend?" Raven gasped, and he stole it straight from her - along with every breath from all the gasps from her lungs. "It's just us, we can both admit the truth."
"And what is the truth?" Raven leaned into him, turning doe-eyed blue-violet upon him. He feathered his thumb over those impossibly soft lips, like he couldn't help himself, because if talking to her meant he couldn't kiss that mouth, he had to touch it in some form or fashion.
"You were reading that romance novel you dogeared to death, I saw it there, covered in wood chips and sawdust." The man, half-naked, broad shouldered, and dark-skinned was unlacing the red corset of a willowy brunette with an arched back. The image was right there on the cover, it was unmistakable. And everything clicked right into place, as if he'd always known. Raven had pictured them in their place and used those thoughts as fodder or fuel. "You were imagining us."
"So tell me." He felt shivers race up his spine and it wasn't from those machinations alone, it was Raven's lips, stroking along his neck. When she spoke her voice was barely a whisper and raspier than he had ever heard it. "What did I imagine?"
"We were in your room, caught up in our connection -" The pale fingers threaded through his hair, in time with his musings. "Caught up in each other in ways that would make the Goddesses blush, if not undoubtedly cause a box-spring shatter beneath us, and then..."
Her hands stilled and tugged the dark strands. "Then?"
"Then it did, your bed broke."
A small smile curved onto her face, but it didn't match the mischievous stare contained in her eyes. Not exactly. "And now we're here?"
Damian glanced at the door plate marking the entrance to his room. "And now...we're here."
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ayyyez · 4 years
You made a reblog one time and now I have to ask because tbh I love giving the writers I follow crazy scenarios.. HCs for Neji gettin' PEGGED. YOU'RE WELCOME
a/n: Okay I don’t usually bump stuff up the request line but omg I love you so much for taking the hint and sending this in I have so many things in mind omg! I’ve low key written stuff for this exact thing but never finished it to post so bless. Lowkey bumped this ahead because i feel like I need to write a little Neji today to mix in with all the other characters ahead. 
Also I wrote this like a how to guide which is hilarious
Warning: Smut below 
-First of all Neji has a mostly vanilla mind when it comes to the bedroom. He just doesn’t have any outlandish fantasies because in the beginning thinking about sex was scandalous enough for him. Now that being said that doesn’t mean he isn’t open to trying new things he just normally isn’t the one to come up with them.
-Enter you and the marvellous idea for pegging him. It’s not something you can just dump on him. It also has to be awhile into the relationship not early days- he needs to be comfortable! It’ll put him well out of the mood going from vanilla to something so very different. You have to start out small, ease him in. Easiest way to ease him in slowly step by step.
-Start of with giving him more blowjobs, give him loooooots of pleasure. Then the day comes. Step one of easing him in. Taking him deep into your mouth, deepthroating as much as you can handle. He loooves. The pleasure is kicking in. Then pull off completely and start stroking him nice and slow. 
-‘Hey, Neji,’ You coo. He moans in reply. ‘I want to try something new, it’ll feel good I promise it might feel weird at first.’ Now that gets his attention. He trusts you of course. ‘Alright.’ He manages to say. ‘Tell me if you want me to stop.’ He moans again in reply.
-You fish out the lub bottle from the drawer, making sure you don’t stop stroking him. You can feel his eyes on you. He’s curious and turned on. ‘Lie back.’ You command. He complies, eyes darkening with anticipation. With one hand you blindly pop open the bottle while you distract him by taking his erection in your mouth again, deep enough to make him throw his head back and moan. It feels so good. 
-You bob your head up and down his length a few times. It’s awkward but you manoeuvre your hands and squeeze the lub thickly over one. Then in one quick motion you drop the bottle, losing it in the sheets while taking the unlubircated hand back to his leaking erection. You position the lubricated hand under him, not quite reaching his backside, nearing his hole. At the same time you guide his erection into your mouth again, paying special attention the the head with your tongue. 
-With your fingers sufficiently slick, you draw your fingertips along his perineum up to his balls and back down again. The lubricant is cold you can tell by the way he bucks his hips in a violent jolt, almost causing you to choke on him. You repeat the motion and Neji shifts around a bit, uncomfortable with the foreign feeling. But he doesn’t protest. ‘Are you alright?’ You asked removing your mouth and your hand beginning to lax. ‘Mhmm don’t stop.’ He manages to croak. ‘I’m going to go further now.’ Your eyes catch his and it’s a heated glance before you turn back to the task at hand. 
-Your finger begins circling his hole and you can feel his whole body shudder. You keep circling making sure to smear the lubricant over it. Neji is squirming when you push your finger to the knuckle inside of him and throws his head back in abandon when you push in deeper. The back of his head thudding against the mattress and he groans low-down his throat. 
-‘Wait, wait, why?’ He squirms again and can’t formulate a coherent sentence. You stop immediately, finger still inside. ‘There’s a spot I can find it will make you feel good.’ You explain, feeling your own throat running dry. ‘I can stop if it’s too much.’His eyes are screwed shut, his fists fisting the sheets until his knuckles are as pale as them. ‘I-I…’ He groans. ‘Get on with it then.’ It’s not an order, it’s desperation for release. You’ve been toying with him much longer than usual. ‘Very well.’
-You glide your own shivering fingertips over the base of his cock all the way over the shaft to the head. Seeing him completely give into the moment is enough to put you over the edge. His mouth falls open, jaw unhinged as you begin moving your finger inside him. You want to keep watching like this but you also want to send him over the edge for being so patient with you. 
-Your lips are on his cock again taking him deep in your mouth while also sending your finger deep inside him. His insides clench around your finger and his moans spilling from his lips. You continue on like this, fingering, licking and sucking him into a disheveled, moaning mess. 
-Until you finally add a second finger and push deeper inside. You don’t dare stop when his moans grow louder and his hips thrust more violently. Then you brush a certain spot inside him and you know it’s peaking point. Your fingers search for that point again and then he cries and ‘Oh, fuck.’ And he’s cumming in your mouth. 
-He’s blown away and has no idea how any that just happened. What’s more he liked it even more than a regular blowjob. He’s opened pandoras box for you now. You continue like this over the weeks, slowly adding more fingers and then one day you confess to what you want it to lead you. He’s frowning and blushing furiously all the way down his neck. He’s never heard of such a thing before but he remembers the way you looked at him all the times you went down on him. He knows you really want this and he can’t deny how good it felt when you… ‘Fine.’ He’s so embarrassed but the way your face lights up is worth it. 
-Then he’s sprawled out over the bed, hair dishevelled, cock unbelievably hard and your fingers buried deep inside him. But you’ve also go the strap on and it’s enormous and he’s questioning how the hell this is going to work. But he doesn’t want to stop, he’s teetering on the edge and now your tongues inside of him and he thinks he’s going to die of the pleasure. He’s cumming already and you haven’t even pushed inside him with the strap on yet. It’s all very hot and the anticipation heightened. 
-Once he comes down from his high he looks down at you smiling. He also sees his still hard and oh that’s right that’s what���s coming next. He braces himself and nods. ‘Are you sure?’ You ask, needing consent. ‘Let’s do this.’ He says, breathless. He watches as you smear lubricant all over the strap on and his hips twitch in anticipation. 
-You lean over him and kiss him with such fervour. ‘Lift your hips up for me.’ You whisper and he complies. With a single shove you push a pillow under him to help raise his hips. ‘Ready?’ You asked again. He nods and bites his lip.  You push only the head of the dildo into him and then much slower, the rest of is, committing every little sigh, every little gasp of Neji’s to his memory. And then you have filled him to the hilt, his legs wrapping around you not quite reaching each other.
-You stare at each other, your gaze flitting between his eyes and flushed cheeks and half-open mouth. Neji is practically panting until he mouths ‘move’ you comply with a gentleness at first. You feel Neji wrap his arms around your neck and pull you into a sloppy, heated kiss. It’s all very hot. You thrust harder. You can feel Neji’s hard cock caught between you and push up and lean over him, putting your hand to his cheek then push firmly down his neck, down toward his colour bone.
-He won’t last long, of course not, too oversensitive from that blowjob. You reach that hand down lower and take hold of his hot erection. You pump him hard and fast, continuing to thrust inside him. It’s all too much. Neji’s moaning and coming and calling your name. And god it’s the hottest thing you’ll ever see in your life.
-He’ll seek out your touch afterward. He needs some cuddling and pillow talk because he just trusted you to completely fuck him hard and senseless. And oh is he grateful for you and definitely more comfortable exploring intimacy. Pegging Neji = done. Don’t worry though you’re more than welcome to do it again but he will need a turn to fuck you senseless too. It’s only fair.
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star-spangled-eyes · 4 years
Winner Take All: Part 2: The Pizza Place
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: Senior Year of College for Drake, Leo, Bragnae and Madeleine in the United States  
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC / Leo Reese x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this series: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, sex
Series Description: Bragnae Bennett sought adventure when she first went off to college. Now, navigating through her senior year, she finds herself befriending two gorgeous guys, Drake Walker and Leo Reese, who engage in a seemingly innocent bet with her during a game of pool that leads to a surprising threesome.
Their intimate evening prompts deeper feelings than they all expected to arise, and Bragnae is suddenly swept up in both of their charms, unique to each man himself. Through the pressures of college, work and maintaining a social life, which man will prevail and win Bragnae's heart?
Master List
A/N: I wrote this originally as a HOT one shot back in February, but my brain kept the story going. I think I can have some fun with this, so I’m continuing the story of Winner Take All. The second part continues immediately after the first part ends. If you need a refresher, please click on the master list and read the first part: The Bet. I hope you enjoy the ensuing love triangle between Drake and Bragnae and Leo.
Also, I listed a few people under the series tags that liked my original post for Winner Take All. I thought you might like to see the continuation. If you’re not interested in being on the series tag list, just let me know and I’ll remove you. Thanks!
Warnings for this chapter: NSFW, Adult content, the aftermath of their threesome is discussed, suggestive and strong language
Word Count for this chapter: 3175
Setting for this chapter: What happens once the passion and excitement of the three way returns to reality?
Permatags: @burnsoslow​​​ @cora-nova​​ @dcbbw​​ @thorfosterlove​​​ @emceesynonymroll​​​ @edgiestwinter​​​ @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld​​ @msjr0119​​​ @notoriouscs​​​ @drakewalker04​​​ @pedudley​​​ @desiree-0816​ @choices-lurker​ @kingliam2019​ @loveellamae​​ @drakexnadira @flutistbyday2020​ @indiana-jr​ @moonlightgem7​
Series Tags: @yukinagato2012​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @nomadics-stuff​ @ravenpuff02​ @texaskitten30​ @themadhatter1029​ @randomfandomteacher​
Part 2: The Pizza Place
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“I’m going to jump in your shower, Bragnae.” Leo pulled himself out of her, giving her a quick swat on her bottom before retrieving his clothes and heading to the bathroom.
There was immediate relief from the fullness she felt before now that Leo had vacated her back door. Without an extra set of hands to help hold her up, Drake shifted his arms to support her entirely. She gave him an impressed, sensual look before wrapping her legs around his waist to assist him.
Bragnae felt like putty in his arms. She had just had one of the best sexual experiences of her life, and even though the men did most of the work – okay, all of it, she could barely move except to hold onto Drake’s neck and shoulders as he walked over to her bed.
Drake slowly lowered them both to the lavender bedspread. She unhooked her legs as he finally broke their intimate connection. She already missed the feeling of him being inside her.
When she thought he’d stand up again, Drake surprised her by dipping down to kiss her, slowly and with a tenderness that could soften steel. Bragnae ran a hand through his chestnut hair, and pressed her palm into his back to hold him close.
After another moment of getting lost in his gentle but deep kisses, he raised his head again, keeping his eyes on hers.
“How do you feel?” He whispered.
A slow, dazed smile crossed over her lips. “Wonderful.” She felt ravaged, and definitely sore, but her answer came from the warm and beautiful moment she just shared with Drake. The way he thoughtfully carried her to the bed instead of just letting her awkwardly dismount from his arms meant something. He was sweet, considerate, and something about him told her his feelings ran deeper than just wanting to engage in an impromptu threesome with her.
He grinned. “Me too.” His eyes flicked to her lips, and just as he leaned in for another kiss, the sound of the shower’s faucet turning off caught their attention.
She watched Drake’s eyes look to the bathroom with a sudden alertness before he returned his attention to her. “I better get dressed.” He stood, taking a blanket from the foot of the bed and draping it over her before he reached for his clothes.
Bragnae gripped the blanket to keep herself covered as she sat up against the pillows. Drake got dressed in silence, looking over at her once his lower half was clothed. He opened his mouth to speak just as Leo reemerged into the room fully dressed. Drake immediately looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Damn, bro, you take a long time to get dressed.” Leo said as he traipsed over towards the bed. Drake ignored his comment and proceeded to put the rest of his clothes on.
Leo tossed himself on the bed next to her, bouncing both of them on the mattress, making her giggle at his child-like behavior. “I had a great time tonight, Bragnae.” He moved a lock of hair out of her face. “Was it everything you thought it could be?”
“It was better than anything I could have imagined. You two are very talented.”
Leo patted her leg over the blanket. “I knew you’d like it. I’m certainly glad I suggested it. You are one scorching hot babe.” He leaned in to capture her lips, catching her a little off guard. When he pulled away, Bragnae noticed Drake looking at them with uncertainty in his eyes. Leo blew out a whistle. “Love those full lips, too. Damn.”
Leo kissed her again before abruptly leaping off the bed. “Come on, Drake. You ready? Let’s get something to eat on the way home.”
The vibe Drake was giving off made Bragnae unexpectedly feel guilty for the way Leo kissed her. Just minutes ago, the act of having a threesome with the two men, kissing them both and letting them share her was acceptable. But now, it seemed as if that was no longer appropriate, or at least to Drake it wasn’t.
The way Drake had kissed her while Leo was in the shower was incredible and definitely resembled more than just a post-coital kiss still wrapped up in the passion of it all. It had gravity. It meant something. Whereas Leo’s just now was playful and light-hearted. A drastic difference just like everything else they had showcased that night.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.” Drake sighed.
Bragnae got off the bed, wrapped the blanket tightly around her, and walked the guys to the front door.
“Later, Bragnae,” Leo said before leaving her apartment.
Drake’s stride was slower than usual as he reached the door. She wanted him to stay, even if it was a few seconds longer, so she’d try her best to draw it out. She ran a gentle hand down his back. “Be safe driving home.”
He turned his head to look at her. Hesitation struck. “Thanks for having us over.”
She didn’t know what to say. The usual response to that statement ‘anytime’ seemed wrong at the moment, not to mention she wasn’t sure she wanted to welcome that kind of attention to herself again. One threesome in her life was plenty. She wasn’t the type of girl to engage in sex with two partners at once on a regular basis. She agreed to do this thinking it’d be a one-time thing, among other reasons.
Bragnae nodded and smiled awkwardly. They stared at each other for another moment, saying nothing. She wouldn’t have minded another kiss from Drake, but wasn’t sure how he’d take it. Would he assume she was just indulging in him because of what they just did? Or would he know that a kiss between them would mean more? She decided not to pursue it.
“I’ll talk to you soon. Goodnight, Bennett.”
“Goodnight, Drake.” With one last look, he turned to leave.
The next day, Bragnae stopped at the campus cafeteria to grab a drink before her next class. It was Friday, and luckily she only had Astronomy left to attend before she could start her three day weekend. It was her favorite class this semester, and she loved her professor. Although, she’d told Madeleine she’d cover the first half of her shift at the pizza parlor where they both worked, which prohibited her from getting a jump on the weekend. Luckily, she enjoyed her job, so it wasn’t such a burden.
As she rifled through her purse for some change, she heard a familiar voice call her name. She looked up to see Drake approaching her.
“Hey, Drake. How’s it going?” She smiled at him casually, but felt flush suddenly remembering their intimate experience last night. She wasn’t sure if things would be awkward with him, but she was at least glad he was coming up to speak with her now.
“Good. Just finished a test in Chemistry. Shit was hard.” He adjusted his backpack that hung on one of his broad shoulders. “You done for the day?”
She shook her head. “I have to do a presentation on the moon in Astronomy, but then I’m finished. I was just going to grab a drink before class.”
“Oh, I’ll walk with you, if that’s cool. Chemistry was my last class, so I’m done,” Drake offered.
“That’d be nice.” Bragnae reached into her purse to finish collecting a few quarters that had fallen to the bottom, and walked over to a cooler pulling out a vitamin water. After paying for it, she and Drake headed out of the cafeteria.
There was still another twenty minutes before her class began giving Bragnae a nice opportunity to talk with Drake. Ever since he left last night, he had been on her mind. The threesome she had with Leo and Drake was intense and amazing, but it was completely out of character for her.
She was in college now, her senior year – theirs too, and she wrote it off as sewing wild oats. With both gorgeous men staring her down across the pool table last night willing her to agree to Leo’s bright idea, it was hard to say no. She made a deal with herself before leaving for college that she’d be more adventurous and open to new ideas. That just so happened to translate to sleeping with two men at the same time.
Bragnae didn’t regret it, but she did feel different. She liked both guys, and had wanted to get close to either of them, but until last night, neither one had made a move. Drake and Leo were good friends and roommates, so she didn’t feel right going after one and not the other. Turned out they compromised and shared her anyway – for last night at least. How would she navigate it now if they both had wanted more?
“So,” she began. “Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?”
“I just have an early shift at the rink tomorrow. Other than that, not much going on.” Drake worked at the local ice rink. He bounced around doing different jobs like monitoring skaters on the ice and driving the Zamboni in between events. He was a hockey player, so the owner would give him time to practice on the rink during breaks and after hours. Bragnae had gone to hang out with him a few times.
“That’s good. It’s nice to have a low-key weekend every now and then.” Drake held the door for her as they stepped inside the Science Building. Bragnae’s classroom was right around the corner. She stopped in the middle of the pathway where a few benches were and turned to face him.
“So, do work tonight?” He asked.
“I do, but only until 8:00pm. I’m covering for Madeleine. I took the rest of the weekend off so I could enjoy three days of no work and no school.” She watched as Drake nodded, looking down at the ground as if he was disappointed. “Did you want to do something tonight? With me, I mean.”
His eyes lit up as they found hers again. He rubbed the back of his neck as he prepared a response. “Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out. Maybe watch a movie or something. But you’ll probably be tired from work.”
“No, it’s fine. Why don’t you come over to my place around 8:30pm, and we can check out what Netflix has to offer. I’ll even bring a pizza home with me. Sound good?”
Drake grinned. “That sounds perfect.”
“Great. Any particular pizza you’re hoping for?”
“Whatever you bring home is fine. Thanks.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you tonight, then.” There was an awkward vibe suddenly. Bragnae wanted to stand there with him for a few more minutes, but she did have to prepare some notes before her presentation. And Drake didn’t seem to want to go either.
“Looking forward to it. Good luck with your presentation.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, slowly turning away from him. Bragnae was glad Drake wanted to spend time with her again so soon. She feared everything would be awkward after last night, but she was grateful he wasn’t letting it stand in the way of their friendship… or whatever their status was now. She’d hoped to find out soon.
Michelangelo’s was packed like it was every Friday night. It was in the heart of the college town where students could walk or drive to it easily from their dorms or apartments. Bragnae usually waited on tables and answered the phone, but would occasionally help make the pizzas if they were short staffed. She had worked there ever since she was a freshmen, so she had gotten to know each position of the restaurant very well. Tonight, she had to cover it all.
The pizza parlor was quaint. There were ten tables inside with a small patio in the back that had more seating. Michelangelo’s served beer and soda, and prided themselves on having the best brick oven pizza in town. The owner was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan, hence the name of the restaurant, so there were turtle action figures in display cases, comic book covers and other décor that hung on the walls. It was a popular establishment earning the loving nickname of ‘Mikey’s’ from the locals.
It was 7:30pm and the dinner rush was in full force. For such a tiny building, it could hold a lot of people and a lot of noise. Bragnae popped in the kitchen to place her pizza order to take home, and ran back out to take a new table’s order.
As she walked through the crowd she came up to a table with two guys. The one she could see had shorter brown hair that was styled into a nice faux-hawk. She hadn’t seen him before, but he was cute.
“Hey, welcome to Mikey’s. My name is Bragnae. What can I get you to drink?”
She looked to the second guy who had been hidden by the tall booth before. “Leo! Hey!” She wore a bright smile that he reciprocated.
“I didn’t know you were working tonight,” he said, letting his eyes trail down her body.
“Yeah, I’m covering for Madeleine for the next,” she tilted her wrist, “twenty-five minutes.”
Leo shifted in the booth leaning against the wall and relaxing an arm on the table top. “Well, then you should join us when you’re finished. Oh! This is my friend Maxwell. Maxwell meet Bragnae.”
She extended her hand to shake his. “Nice to meet you.”
Bragnae turned her attention back to Leo. “I’d love to, but I have plans once I’m done here.”
“What a shame,” he said, truly looking like he was disappointed. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
Grinning, she answered, “I haven’t decided yet.”
Leo leaned forward in the booth. “Well, maybe I’ll call you, and we can find something fun to do.”
“Sure, I’d like that.” She and Leo smiled at each other for another moment until Maxwell cleared his throat. Bragnae chuckled at herself. “So, what can I get you guys?”
“Two beers and a large sausage,” Leo told her, then looked across the table. “What will you have Maxwell?”
Bragnae guffawed. “Where the hell do you put all that, Leo?” She shook her head in amazement as he playfully shrugged, then looked to Maxwell.
“I’ll have the same, but make mine pepperoni.”
“Sounds great. I’ll be right back with your beers.” She gave them each a smile, and headed back to the kitchen to place their order before going to the bar to fill the drinks herself.
Placing the four beers on a tray, she carefully maneuvered her way back to Leo and Maxwell’s table. After she transferred them all to the wooden surface she picked up her tray, and felt a hard slap on her butt. Before she could react, Leo flew out of the booth. Bragnae turned in time to see him grabbing some guy by his shirt before slugging him in the face.
She gasped as the guy fell to the ground looking dazed. Leo bent down to pick him up again. Both fists gripping the fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t touch her again, asshole.” Leo gave him a violent shove towards the door. The guy’s friends followed him out of the restaurant, looking back at Leo with awe and disgust. They had obviously been drinking and chose the wise course of not pursuing any retaliation.
Leo’s hands lightly cupped her waist, standing close to her because of the crowd. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said without really thinking about it. Then she nodded. “Thank you. Unfortunately, that happens about once a week.”
“That’s fucked up. What do you do about it when I’m not around?” His hands tightened around her making her feel utterly safe.
“Not that. If the manager sees it, he’ll kick them out, but I usually tell them to fuck off. Then, I keep my distance.” She swallowed looking up into his bright blue eyes.
“Well, you need to do more than that. I’ll teach you sometime.”
“Okay, thanks.” She smiled. It was nice to have someone stand up for her like that, and even nicer to feel Leo’s hands on her.
“You’re welcome.” He moved to sit down in the booth again.
“I’ll go check on your pizzas.” Bragnae stopped by a few other tables before making her way back to the kitchen. It was almost time to go.
Madeleine walked through the back door, stringing an apron around her waist before walking over to Bragnae. “Thanks for covering for me. Any tables I need to finish out for you?”
Bragnae removed her own apron, and boxed the pizza she was bringing home. “Yeah. Leo’s here with a friend. They’re waiting on a large pepperoni and sausage at table 3. And tables 5, 8, and 10 have their checks.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll bring your tips home later. It’ll be after midnight though,” Madeleine told her as she checked on the two pizzas for Leo’s table. Madeleine was Bragnae’s roommate, and had been since they were able to move out of the dorms sophomore year. They were very different in a lot of ways, but she had become a good friend to Bragnae. Reliable and fun even if she was a little self-centered sometimes.
“Thanks, girl! I’ll grab it from you tomorrow.” Bragnae grabbed the pizza box and her purse and walked out towards the front. She swung by Leo’s table to say goodbye, and left the restaurant.
The pizza parlor was a two minute drive back to her apartment. She could have walked, and sometimes she did, but she was always cautious about walking the streets at night especially on the weekends when the drinks were plenty and lots of guys were looking to get laid. She’d had an instance of a few guys catcalling her one night when she walked home, and they got a little too close for comfort. It was then she decided not to take any chances.
Her apartment was on the first floor, which she appreciated after long days at work and school. Once inside, she sat the pizza on the kitchen counter, and rushed to change out of her work t-shirt and jeans, and into a teal spaghetti strap top and black leggings. She took her hair down, primping it to add more volume, and spritz some perfume on her chest and at the base of her neck under her hair.
She was grateful for the extra time to prepare for Drake’s arrival. The man was always punctual. Touching up her make-up, she heard a knock at the door. She quickly rolled some gloss over her lips and went to door, opening it to see Drake standing there wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, and a six-pack of beer in his hand.
His eyes traveled down her body as a soft smile began to appear. “Hey, Bennett.”
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zigsexual · 5 years
omg my rat ass continually lying about posting this well GUESS WHAT its happening!!!! this is not a full fledged fic just two drabbles that i wrote based on @firefighterzarya‘s driam bodyguard au concept. let me know if u want to see more!
summary: part one is an introduction & part two is some time later where they’re just dumbasses flirting
word count: 1300+
• • •
Drake studies him, this king of a country he’s never heard of. He looks far too young for such a weighted title, even with the sliver of grey in his hair. The only creases in his skin are from smiles, and although he maintains a practiced composure, Drake can tell from the spark in his eyes that he certainly must have something to smile about. 
Or… someone? Yet, in all the briefings, no one had mentioned a queen. 
“I’m Liam,” he says, shaking Drake’s hand with both of his, a gesture of earnest sincerity that catches Drake off guard. “Thank you in advance for your service. If I could steal a moment of your time, I’d like to introduce you to my Cordonian security detail.”
Drake nods, pulling his hand back stiffly to his side. “Absolutely, your majesty.”
“Liam.” The king corrects, an air of amused defiance in his tone.
Drake crosses his arms. “You know it’s my job not to call you that.”
Liam seems taken aback by the casual retort, and his surprise quickly gives way to a smile. It’s a good smile, Drake thinks — warm and welcoming, crinkling the corners of his eyes. 
“Then I suppose it’s my job to circumvent,” he answers easily. “Which reminds me that I haven’t been entirely acquainted with you yet.”
“Walker,” Drake says, pausing for a moment before adding an uncharacteristically bold, “Your majesty.”
It makes Liam’s eyes sparkle with a secret mischief, an expression which sends a funny feeling over Drake, an odd sort of twisting in his gut that causes him to avert his eyes too quickly. 
“Walker,” Liam says, and Drake can’t help but think how good his name sounds wrapped in Liam’s voice. 
It’s this thought that somehow spurs him onward, letting Liam in just a bit more than usual. “Drake Walker.”
Liam surveys him, equal parts appraising and pleased. “Do you always introduce yourself like James Bond?”
“Only to kings.”
“You know a lot of kings, then?” The teasing lilt of Liam’s voice has him distracted, completely unaware of why he’s even ended up in this conversation in the first place. He hasn’t considered the possibility that his security target would be so… enjoyable. 
Drake pauses, taking Liam in: his dark hair, his fitted suit, the surprising strength in his stature. And of course, that smile, too charming for his own good. 
“I know enough,” Drake answers. 
“I don’t see why this is necessary,” Liam sighs, “It’s been ages since anyone shot at me.”
Drake continues tightening the straps at the back of the bulletproof vest, ignoring the admonishments. “Ages, huh?”
“I was much younger,” Liam answers, relaxing his shoulders so Drake can finish his work. “And most likely not the intended target.”
“The fact that someone tried to shoot you at all is reason enough for this,” Drake checks the harnesses at Liam’s sides, fingers just barely brushing skin. “Not a regular occurrence for most of us.”
“Really? I’ve heard otherwise, regarding your country.”
“Yeah, well.” Drake steps back to survey his handiwork, Liam glancing at him over his shoulder. “Right to bear arms. Has it’s vices, I guess.”
“Speaking of bare arms…”
The humor dances on the edges of Liam’s words, and his expression would be a perfect picture of royal stoicism if not for the sparkle in his eyes. 
“Right.” Drake feels his face heat up, though he’s done this a million times for a million different assignments. 
He pulls Liam’s shirt off the hanger, but before he has a chance to pass it off, Liam’s phone rings. 
“Sorry,” Liam says before he answers with a brisk hello. Drake sees no need for an apology. He’s only here to do his job, and he’s used to being in the background. 
Liam attempts to balance the phone against his ear and shoulder, holding out his free hand towards Drake for his shirt. Drake makes a face at him, gesturing towards the phone. “Straighten up. I’ll do it, take your call.”
Liam mouths ‘thank you’ before he slips back into that focused expression, an authority in his tone that wasn’t there before. Drake works Liam’s arms through the sleeves of his shirt, careful not to catch the fabric on any of the fasteners for the vest. He’s sure this article of clothing alone must cost twice his salary, and he’s not about to ruin it. 
He smoothes the material down Liam’s back before making his way to the front, buttoning up from the bottom. 
“I’ve spoken with them at length about this,” Liam is saying, phone pressed tightly to his ear. “If we cancel the entire arrangement, the optics will — yes, I understand there’s a financial risk, which is precisely the concern.”
Drake wonders briefly how important one must be to have the phone number of a king. He tries to picture Liam sending a text, posting an Instagram, but the man in front of him sometimes seems so removed from time completely that it’s too hard to imagine. 
He doesn’t realize he’s lost in thought until he glances up and catches Liam’s eyes on him, his mouth turned up in a quizzical smile. Only then does he notice how his hands have stilled against Liam’s chest, fiddling absently with the middle button of his shirt. 
The sudden eye contact, barely a foot apart, sends an embarrassed blush to his cheeks. What is it about this particular assignment that has his mind wandering so much? Why can’t he just get a grip?
Liam’s voice has lowered slightly, seemingly in response to Drake’s closeness. “I’m happy to meet with them in person about it when I’m back, but I won’t be traveling to the duchy. They’re welcome at the palace, I just think… no, I understand. The issue is the potential to establish unwanted precedent here.”
Even Liam’s mundane phone calls carry such an air of importance. Drake can’t fathom how someone so entirely powerful manages to be so approachable in person. 
He’s slower than usual on the buttons, taking his time as he listens to the richness of Liam’s voice, a soothing sound that commands respect as much as it bleeds warmth. Liam, this King, this ridiculous figurehead of old guard monarchy… well, he’s certainly something special. 
“Absolutely,” Liam says, briefly locking eyes with Drake as he begins to work the last button. “I appreciate your time. Send my best to your family.”
When he hangs up, he drops the phone slowly to his side, not taking his eyes off Drake. Drake, meanwhile, fumbles with the button due to a sudden acute onset of sweaty hand that has absolutely not been there before. 
“Thank you,” Liam says, his voice like the last sip of whiskey in a smoky dive bar. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” Drake answers, “And you’re welcome.” 
Liam smiles, spreading out his arms, and Drake steps back, finally finished. “How do I look?”
“You look…” He struggles to find the right word, but all that comes to mind are things he probably shouldn’t say. Stunning? Handsome? “Bulletproof.”
“I suppose that is the agenda.”
Without really thinking, Drake darts forward again and undoes that final top button he’d spent so long fiddling with, his fingers briefly brushing across the skin of Liam’s throat before pulling back. 
Liam looks at him, bemused. 
“No one should be completely bulletproof,” Drake says, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Anyway, that’s what I’m for.”
“It’s a good thing we have other security, then.” Liam says, briefly lifting his hand to press his fingers against the exposed skin too. “I’d hate to risk my heart just because of you.”
“I’d hate for you to risk your heart for anyone.”
This time, Liam’s smile sits in his eyes, like a secret waiting to be spoken. “I’ll follow your lead.”
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years
still i will love your shadow
She’s used to being there for him when he’s disappointed over a case lost to Major Crimes or a negative review on his self-insert Die Hard fanfiction; she’s done that since the early days of their partnership. This is different. This anxiety runs deep, unveils ugly scars of abandonment issues and separation anxiety she can’t make disappear, and it scares her.
When Jake returns home after his time in the safe house with a resurfaced fear, Amy helps him handle it.
Set after 5x12.
(thank you to @dmigod for suggesting post-safe house fic!)
He changes clothes the minute after he’s stepped inside the door and Amy is grateful. Her fiancé may be able to rock a lot of styles, but weird pervert did not quite make her top ten list of them.
Sweatpants and jean jacket are quickly switched for a checkered pair of pajama pants she gifted him for Christmas last year and a NYPD t-shirt, paired with one of his signature blue hoodies, and then he’s safe and home and looks like her Jake again.
Her Jake who almost died today, risking his life for their dads - ahem, their boss and his husband - and then showed up at the precinct in a peculiar outfit and with an action-filled story, one he happily recounted to all present squad members.
It's been a long day.
She busies herself with making coffee while he changes to a more reasonable outfit, enjoying the simple sensation of making it for more than one person and pouring the steaming liquid into not one but two mugs. Milk in one, an absurd amount of sugar in the other. She carries both cups to the couch table, places them on the geode coasters she purchased post the disastrous party at Holt’s over four years ago, and sits down at her chosen favorite end of the couch.
“Mm-hmm?” He’s walking laps, back and forth through their apartment, eyes darting around as if he’s trying to take in every single detail.
“Oh, sure.”
He keeps on walking. She takes a sip from her own mug, hears him turn around at the end of the hallway only to wander back the same way. He turns, then does it again.
“Why are you doing that?” She tries not to put any judgement in her voice.
“Restless”, he shrugs, changing direction once more. “Needed to be reminded of what this place is like. I missed it.”
“That's nice”, she smiles, “but can you sit down and have some coffee with me? I missed you, too.”
“Did you change the curtains?”
“The curtains. Are they new?”
“The others were Christmas curtains. These are regular winter ones.”
“Huh”, he mumbles, watching them with some wistfulness. “And the bathroom - did you change something in there, too?”
“I reorganized the cabinets so we can get a better overlook - Jake, please just sit down.”
He stands still, fidgeting with his hands. “Is there orange soda at home?”
“Duh”, she says, watching him go to grab one from the fridge and hold up another with a questioning look to her. She shakes her head. There's the familiar click and fizz of the metal can, and then he finally, though it is with reluctance, moves to sit down at the end of the couch.
She starts going through the wedding planning binder nearly on reflex. While he was at the safe house with Kevin, she's spent hours hunched over it at the dinner table, planning the few miniscule things she felt okay deciding without him and asking him about everything else in the letters Holt let them exchange. Still, he’s not seen it all in person, and she's bursting to tell him all about her new idea to name the tables at the reception after characters in Die Hard.
“Obviously our table would be the John McClane one”, she assures him, binder in lap and struggling to keep her excitement at socially acceptable level. He should love this. “And then if there's people we didn't really want to invite, we could put them at the Hans Gruber table.” She looks to him to see his reaction.
“It sounds great”, he tries, drinking the orange soda and mustering a smile she knows to be nowhere near the grin usually apparent on his face upon any mention of Die Hard. “It'll be perfect, babe.”
“I know, I'm actually really proud of it.”
“You should be.”
She knows these answers, she realizes. They’re the same type of short, emotionless responses she’d sometimes get out of him back when he returned from South Carolina, traumatised despite his attempts to laugh about it. Even the way he avoids eye contact, keeps a slight yet notable distance between them on the couch, reminds her of the days when she felt powerless, unfit and handcuffed trying to wrestle his demons for him when neither of them knew how to defeat them. She’s learned her methods now, learned to differ between when he needs her to hug him tight and tell him she’s there versus when he needs to go through all the anxiety-ridden thoughts in detail, but seeing this blank visage on the man whose laugh and grin she’s missed so much brings her back to the feeling of helplessness.
For someone who’s lived with anxiety as her henchman since she started school, spotting it so visibly in him still makes her nervous. She’s used to being there for him when he’s disappointed over a case lost to Major Crimes or a negative review on his self-insert Die Hard fanfiction; she’s done that since the early days of their partnership. This is different. This anxiety runs deep, unveils ugly scars of abandonment issues and separation anxiety she can’t make disappear, and it scares her.
She places a hand on his shoulder, trying to keep her own expression composed. “Is something wrong, Jake?”
He still doesn’t meet her eye. “No, not at all.”
“Then what’s up?”
He opens his mouth, preparing to talk, and then he closes it again. She sits unmoving while he does, legs folded and lips pursed, waiting patiently.
“I left you again”, comes an eventual whisper. This voice is quiet, wavering in contrast to the artificial stability of the earlier one, and it’s a punch to the guts to hear it. “I said I wouldn’t. I promised I wouldn’t leave you again, and then I did anyway.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“It was, though. I did it willingly. I offered.”
“You didn’t want to feel indebted to Captain Holt. It was the moral thing to do.”
“I almost died.”
“You were doing your job.”
“I guess.” He shakes his head. “But I still left you, and it just - it keeps on happening and I can’t shake the feeling maybe it won’t stop. What if this is how it’ll always be, Ames? What if I’ll keep having to leave you and you can’t do anything about it? What if - what if I’ll always leave you?”
His voice is unnaturally fast-paced. Only thanks to years of substantial training can she register every word, each sentence stinging more than the last.
“You won’t”, she promises. “I know you won’t.”
“You can’t know that.”
“Are you questioning what I can and can’t know?”
“I’m not - but face it, it’s becoming a pattern and I…” He grimaces. “It's not what good fiancés are supposed to do, you know? You deserve better than that.”
She raises an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”
“I'm saying maybe you shouldn't marry me.”
Everything goes black. Not in a literal way, because she sees the pain in his expression and how he turns away from her in perfect clarity, but figuratively she feels like someone pulled down the blinds and now she's fumbling in darkness facing a conflict she's never had with her fiancé before. She twirls the engagement ring on her finger, drinks another sip of the coffee. Her hands must shake a little, because a few drops make their way over the edge of the white cup and drip onto the geode coasters.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to”, comes the continuation. His words are slower now, allowing her instead to hear how quavery they are. “I want to marry you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my damn life. But you deserve better than someone who leaves you and I keep doing it.”
There’s silence, heavier than silence should feel, tangible in the air between them. He looks numb, staring down at the wedding binder with empty eyes, and for the first time in a long time in the history of their relationship, Amy is scared for it.
It’s nowhere a long-lasting fear, luckily, because after many departmentally mandated therapy sessions and private ones on the side, after working next to him for long enough to learn how he handles relationships, she understands what he is doing. He’s giving her an option to leave before the imagined abandonment takes place. He’s saving his own skin in case he has to.
It stings and bites at her to know how even after almost three years, certain doubts refuse to leave. Part of her wants to take it personally. She wants to ask what she’s done wrong, why the belief that she won’t abandon him is not as deeply instilled in him as it is in her, but there’s another, rational part of her which knows this is all about his fear of abandonment and not about her. It’s making her rather tempted to walk up to Roger Peralta and aim a few precise punches to the man’s face.
She can't do that, though, so instead she says the one sentence her mind forms together on instinct.
“That’s literally the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard.”
He blinks. “It is?”
“Yeah. Including the time Hitchcock asked me if Kevin and Holt were brothers.” She shakes her head at the memory. “Not one of word of what you said there is true. It doesn’t work like that.”
“How does it work, then?”
“Like this”. She wraps her arms around him for the first time in weeks and lets him lean his head to her chest, her head resting on his and the fabric of her t-shirt made damp with a few tears. She feels her own take shape, slowly making their way down her cheeks. She makes no effort to blink them away in this moment. “It’s not about what I deserve, Jake. Believe it or not, but I make my own decisions about who I want. And I chose you”, she whispers, noticing her own voice has begun to shake. “I’m still choosing you.”
Neither of them speaks for a fleeting moment, breaths catching, evening out in tandem.
“There are no guarantees in this job.” By now, Amy is talking both to herself and to him. “You might have to leave again. But you might not. I don't know about you, but…” She combs her fingers through his hair, pressing a careful kiss to the top of his forehead. “I’m willing to take that chance.”
The warm air of his exhales makes its way through her shirt, heating up her chest.
“Okay. I am, too”, he mumbles right before she starts worrying he won’t, and even with the weight of his body against hers, breathing is easy again.
“You know”, she says once the anxious tension is not quite as expansive, once her shoulders drop marginally and Jake's breathing becomes less ragged. “I wouldn't want anyone else but you anyway.”
He laughs. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Oh no. Believe me, that is pure egoism. You think I’d want to go back to anyone else after you?” She snorts. “I couldn’t.”
“You’d miss the Die Hard jokes”, he teases.
“I would miss the Die Hard jokes.”
“And the Taylor Swift covers in the car.”
“Where would I be without them?”
“You’d miss always having orange soda in your fridge.”
“Well, I guess technically I could buy my own.”
“Nah, Ames.” He’s grinning again as he sits up straight, pulling her close into his side. “You can pretend all you want, but I know you’d miss the orange soda.”
“Maybe”, she admits, putting weight on the e, and then she’s kissing him. Her thumb traces his jaw, feeling a little bit of stubble, and he tastes sweet of orange soda and familiar and home. They’ve gone weeks without this, the stolen moment in the safe house bathroom seeming oceans away, and she wants to make up for it all at the same time but knows now may not be the perfect moment. Instead she lets her free hand link with his, his hand covering the stones of the engagement ring safely on her finger, making him smile against her moving lips. It's not a heated or a fervent kiss. Desperate is not the word for it, because although they are, this kiss is one of assurance and comfort. It’s a silent promise that they’re okay, reunited and together and forever.
They pull apart with reluctance, a silent promise of later continuation lingering in the air while he tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear.
“I love you”, he tells her, a faint trace of worry left in his voice but a stronger conviction overpowering it. “So much.”
“I love you so much too.” She wrote it in the letters, but it hits her saying it out loud how much she missed telling him in person.
“I’ll try my best not to leave again.”
“I know.”
“You know”, he muses, “if we broke up, I actually think you’d miss my sneakers.”
“Now you're stretching it”, she mutters, but she can't stifle the laughter that ensues.
Charles comes by with dinner for them, making any excuse to see his best friend again after weeks apart. His suggestive wink when he tells them to have a good night is just as uncomfortable as it's always been, but at the same time, it's enough for them both to feel normal again.
The next time Jake spends the night at the precinct, trying to get a confession out of a suspect, she gets a text right before she goes to bed.
Not leaving.
She texts back a single,
I know. 
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swellwriting · 6 years
Fandom: Harry Potter ( Marauders Era)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Request : From @fortisfiliae Hi babs! Can I ask for prompt no. 2 with Sirius? (Wow what an amazing one, much ideas, such interesting.) 💕💕
Prompt: “Where is it?”
Word Count: 2.7 k OOPS
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Following rules has always been your forte, it just made more sense to follow the rules, easier. So each year when you got a list of things in the mail stating what you could and could not bring to Hogwarts you tended not to stray from it. If something wasn't on the list there was a good chance you didn't need it.
One thing that wasn't banned per say, but wasn't permitted at this point in time were muggle records that weren’t seen as “appropriate” for school. Your parents had bought you a record player over Christmas and you spent all your money you were gifted on records you knew would be okay for Hogwarts standards, mostly fitting your annoying Head girls standards. The Head girl who enforced every rule in the book, even adding a few she felt necessary. You knew for a fact that today said Head girl was at Hogsmeade, actually most of the population of Hogwarts was, except you, or at least so you felt.
Today was one of those days where your lungs felt heavier, your eyes blinked slower and you felt like you had weights tied to both your ankles, if you went for a swim in the lake you'd probably sink straight to the bottom and drown.
Today was one of those days where you said no to your friends invite to Hogsmeade and by the way you looked at your bed so longingly, an array of Fleetwood Mac records in your sweater covered arms and a messy bun atop your head, your friends let you stay behind without much of a fight. Once the door clicked shut you let out a sigh of relief, you still didn't feel necessarily better but you were on the road there, more so at the side of the road with a thumb held out and you were about the hitch a ride with Stevie Nicks herself, the destination being serenity. You gently took the record out the sleeve as if it were to ever get actually scratched by your smooth palm and soft fingertips that held it you couldn't just magically repair it in seconds.
You meticulously placed the needle down and ran back to your bed, jumping up just to fall onto your back with a huff, your feet up against the wall behind your bed as you laid upside down compared to the regular way to lay in bed. You switched between romantically glancing out the window like you were in deep thought, staring at the boring undetailed ceiling and just looking at your own eyelids as the music flowed in one ear around the circumference of your brain and wisping back out the other, not before engraving itself in your soul and lifting your heavy heart. Music wasn’t magic, especially not muggle music but it had magical qualities, as Stevie Nicks voice filled the room everything bringing you down disappeared, but with it disappeared your need for such mellow music. You had two options, two ways in which you could now fill the void you felt, the void that needed to be filled with different music, loud music, angry music.
Option one was enchanting your record player to increase its maximum volume and somehow charming it to only play “The chain” over and over again until the lyrics were engraved in your brain.
Option two was located at the top of the opposite set of stairs, down the hallway to the right and tucked inside a chest marked with the messy handwriting of Sirius Black. The boy you knew for sure had records that would make your Head girls ears bleed if she heard it, music which was the reason his room was usually charmed with a  silencing spell so no one else had to live through his obsession with muggle punk rock music. No one else aside from his roommates, the roommates you were 99% sure you would have gone with your friends to Hogsmeade today meaning their room would be empty and the records unused and just waiting to be played. It didn’t take much to get to their room, you didn't even bother knocking after placing your ear to the door and listening for any sound inside. You slowly creaked the door open looking and seeing no one there, you entered and quickly tried to decipher which part of the room was Sirius’. You had only been in here a handful of times and each time you were drunk after a party and the room was filled with your friends eager to play whichever drinking game they thought of this week. When you located Sirius’ chest you opened it and grabbed a record, just the Ramones one, an instant classic that you knew you would fit your every need.
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't alone in this room. Remus Lupin was leaving the bathroom when his eyes met your bent over form rummaging through his friends things.
“Looking for something?”
The somehow both quiet and booming voice behind you scared you to say the least as you jumped up nearly dropping the record in your hand but quickly catching it. “Careful now, no sense in stealing something if your just going to break it.”
You turned around quickly with a finger held in the air. “Not stealing, just borrowing. And I wouldn't have nearly dropped it if you hadn’t scared me!”
“Scared you? You’re in my room, maybe you scared me.” You crossed your arms over the record and held it to you chest as if he was going to try to snatch it out your needy fingers. “Oh because i'm super terrifying Lupin.”
You stood there awkwardly, gently gripping the sides of the record not sure what to say next.
“So what are you doing sneaking into our room and taking what appears to be Sirius’ favorite record?”
“I just wanted to borrow it, I just only have a few records and I needed music of ...this velocity.”
“Understandable, though I never saw you as a punk rock type, i'm sure Sirius would love to learn that about you.”
“No”, you interrupted quickly making your way to the door.“He doesn't have to know, not if you don't tell him.” You said backing out of the door not giving him any other option than to accept  your plan.
“I saw nothing!” He yelled as you closed the door and ran back to your room.
What failed to be mentioned in your brief conversation with Remus was that along with Remus, Sirius wasn't gone for the day at Hogsmeade like you had assumed. You were right in guessing that Lily had asked them to join but they had an impromptu Quidditch practice today after a lost game to Slytherin the other night. Although he mentioned that the record of your choice was one of Sirius’ favorite he didn't mention that Sirius listened to it specifically after Quidditch practices, he saved post Quidditch games for the likes of “The Clash” instead. So as you lied down in bed, cast a silencing spell and let the angry and loud and catchy music fill the room and your ears; Sirius was simultaneously just getting back to his room, freshly showered and prepared to do exactly zero homework and sit in bed. Remus watched with a knowing smirk on his face as Sirius seemed confused why he couldn't find his beloved vinyl.
“Where is it?” Sirius asked more to himself than to Remus/ like he had been the one to misplace it and never assuming someone snuck into their room just to steal it.
“Where is what?”
“My Ramones Record, you know the-”
“The one you listen to after every Quidditch practice you have ever gone to? That one?” Remus asked innocently. He may have lied when he said he would keep your little secret for you, maybe because he didn't have the patience to watch Sirius tear the room apart to look for it or maybe because he knew Sirius’ secret as well, the one where he admitted to having a crush on Lily’s quiet friend who didn't come around often enough.
Sirius turned around to face his friend with his eyes squinted at him and stated calmly. “You say that like you know exactly where it is.”
“As a matter of fact I do!” Remus held a cocky tone with him, like he was the puppeteer getting ready to pull your strings and force you and Sirius to interact. “Your favorite friend of Lily’s has it.”
“Why would Y/N have my favorite record?” Sirius tried not to draw attention to the blush surfacing on his cheeks at the mention of you.
“She is borrowing it?”
“And you let her!” Sirius frustratingly threw his hands in the air and then let them rest tangled up in his hair like having to talk to you was the most stressful thing he would have to encounter.
“Of course, she has a face you just can't say no to, she seemed like she needed it.”
“Of course she did it's the best album ever, what am i supposed to do now?”
“Go get it, you idiot you know where her room is don't you?”
And with that Sirius gulped and accepted the fact that if he wanted his record back he would have to go get it. Sirius closed his chest and casually pushed his hair away from his face causing his friend to mutter a “You look fine”, from behind his book.
When he got to your room, unlike you, he knocked but you couldn't hear him, both from the silencing spell and the loud music. He swallowed his fear, which was unusual for him to feel when it came to a girl, but usually girls made it obvious when they liked Sirius but you were quiet in that sense too. Sure you were nice to him but you were nice to Remus to and what was he even worrying about he wasn't coming in here to propose he was just asking for his record back. As he opened the door and took in the scene his feelings grew for you tenfold. Maybe it was the slight way you bobbed your head to his favorite songs, maybe it was the way you laid upside down on your bed that was so enticing he wanted to lie next to you and bob his head with you, but he stood still letting the door close behind him making you sit up startled, you blushed embarrassed when you realized he was there. Sitting up on your bed and bringing your knees to your chest you smiled sheepishly at him as he grabbed his wand and lowered the volume of your music.
“Nice taste in music Y/N, but stealing is not nice.” He teased as well as he could, trying to act his usual self but being alone with you made him nervous.
“I wasn't stealing, just borrowing. I assumed you would be at Hogsmeade all day today, it would have been back in your room before you got back, you wouldn't have ever noticed.”
“I didn't even know you liked The Ramones.” He said quietly like it was to just himself as he sorted through the few records you had. “Fleetwood Mac, Abba and the Beatles, quite a variety you have here.”
He left the record playing and walked towards you. ”I don't know a lot of things about you.”
“What do you want to know?” You asked sweetly playing with the fabric of your sweater as you spoke, he stood in front of you and you had to bend your neck back pretty far just to meet his eyes with yours. “I want to know what made you steal my record over anyone else in the school, and why it had to be my favorite one of them all.” He smiled playfully biting his bottom lip just the slightest as he looked down at you.
“Well, your the only person I knew for sure had something i’d want to listen to, and hopefully wouldn't be too mad at me if he found out i’d taken one.” You imitated his smile as you brought your knees down, no need to feel guarded or hide yourself around Sirius. Maybe there was part of you that hoped he would come searching for his record, maybe you wanted this, wanted him here. One thing you knew was you were going to take advantage if this situation.
“Well right you are, I do have the best music taste in Hogwarts.”
“Oh do you have a plaque that says so?” You were quick to tease him, conversation was easy with Sirius. You lied back down and put your feet against the wall turning the music back up and closing your eyes with a wide smile from ear to ear like you were trying to pretend Sirius wasn't even there.
“Oh I see, you’re just gonna ignore me and drown me out with my own record?” He yelled.
“Well what do you want with it?”
“I would like to listen to it, I always do after a Quidditch practice.”
“Well what are you hearing right now?”
“Oh ha ha, Y/N, hilarious really! But i’d rather not stand here and listen to half of the record.” He tilted his head to the side as he looked at you wanting to just lie down beside you but not having the courage to take make that move. You opened one eye and looked at his pouting face, you grabbed his hand closest to you and pulled him down onto the bed to lie beside you nearly squishing you since it was such a small space. He made himself comfortable as he matched his feet with yours against the wall and flicked his wand to restart the album. You just looked at him, examining his face not caring if it was weird to stare this long and he looked right back and you laid like that for a while, not even paying mind to the loud music.
Sirius broke the silence smoothly tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as you closed your eyes in delight at the small touch,“You tired?”
“Yeah”, you agreed quietly not opening your eyes.
“A long day of thieving and heist planning”, he more of commented than asked.
“Hey it would have worked if I had known your schedule better.”
“Would you like to?” Sirius asked with a hopeful look on his face that you couldn't see as your eyes were closed and sleep was slowly pulling you away.
“Well my schedule tomorrow is hopefully going to include taking you to Hogsmeade and upgrading your record collection, everyone went today apparently so it should be nice and quiet there.”
“I can’t listen to most records here even with a silencing spell my Head girl is a nutcase.”
“I guess you will just have to come to my room then.”
“Yeah I guess so.” You smiled as he pulled you closer against him, you intertwined your leg between his and snuggled your head against his chest. This was far better than an serenity you had known before.
You weren’t going to fall asleep you thought but as Sirius flicked his wrist and put one of your quieter albums on you repeated that thought in your head, I won’t fall asleep , I won’t... fall....asleep.
It didn't take long for Sirius to fall asleep once you had, your slowed breathing and the unusually calm music playing, he couldn't help it. Maybe it was also a reason for him not to leave yet, to enjoy being this close to you. Lily was beyond surprised when she came back to the room and saw two of her friends who had never even hung out alone before cuddled up lying the wrong way on a tiny bed, she just turned the record player off so the silent record would stop spinning and quietly closed the door behind her not wanting to ruin your moment.
Tag List: @sjriusblck @theboywhocriedlupin @moonlitdiggory @wanna-see-my-lease @moonynprongs @bluemadcnna @starlitfawkes @dyngflwrs @jamcspotters @siriuslyimmoony
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hazthediv · 6 years
Kings And Queens - Kingsman AU - part 2
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Word count: 3625
Summary: When Y/n’s brother tries to kill her, in order to take over the family mafia, she seeks refuge with the Kingsman. The Kingsman has been trying to shut down the mafia for quite some time, and since Y/n is looking for revenge, she might offer them a helping hand.
Prologue |  Part 1
Ri’s masterlist
Hazthediv Masterlist
Credit: Moodboard by @itsholyholland  
A/N: I took a break from Tumblr for a while, so that’s why I’m not posting this till now. I most likely won’t update on a regular basis, but I’ll try to get a chapter done every once in a while. I hope you enjoy!
The rain was pouring down, making her drive just a bit slower than she usually would. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and her head was starting to spin. The events of the night was hitting her, thoughts racing through her mind, and she was already debating whether or not she was making the right decision.
Going to the Kingsman was already a bold move, if not completely stupid. They had no reason to trust or even believe her. Why on earth should she suddenly want to help bring down her own mob? She had had several run ins with them already, and to say they were on friendly terms was an overstatement, so they had no reason to help her, even if it would help them.
She didn’t know what to say when she got there, or what to do. Did she just knock on the door, and just waltz in, acting her confident self? As she pulled up next to manor, she didn’t feel anything like her confident self.
She was anything but confident as she walked out, into the rain. Her head was spinning, she was dizzy, her heart was beating so fast and she felt like she could barely stand. Since the adrenaline wasn’t helping her anymore, she was beginning to feel the pain in her body.
She wasn’t sure if she should bring her two bags up to the door or not, so she left them in the car. She had never felt this insecure, this desperate, this helpless. She could always handle it, she always had a plan, she always knew what to do, and she never asked for help, but now? Now she desperately needed help.
With an annoyed sigh, she knocked on the door. As she waited she adjusted her jacket impatiently, before knocking again. In that moment, she just wanted to get out of the rain, get out of the dark. It felt like something was crawling up her back, making her uneasy. She was nervous, maybe even a bit scared, but she would never admit that to herself.
As she was about to knock for the third time, the door opened. Inside was a agent she hadn’t seen before, someone she normally would have taken notice of, but tonight she didn’t even give him a second glance.
“Can i help you?” He asked, sounding tired. His hair was a mess, and and he wasn’t as well dressed as the agents usually were. Based on the time, it wouldn’t be weird if he had just woken up.
“I need to talk to… God, what was his name” She mumbled, trying to remember the name of the agent she had ran into several times. For some reason, she thought that if she just knew the name of a agent, he would let her in. Maybe if she could just see an agent that knew who she was, they would let her in, let her stay the night. Worst case, they would arrest her. “Gala-something. That guy, i need to talk to him”
“Galahad? Is that who you mean?” The young man asked, eyebrows raised. She gave him a small nod, not wanting to explain further. “Can it wait till the morning? It’s the middle of the night, he’s asleep. You need to have a really good reason, if you want me to wake anyone up”
“Do you know who i am? Because I’m sure if you tell him I’m here, he’ll be out of bed in a second” She stated. Her energy was starting to drain, and she felt exhausted. There was no way that she could put on a tough act. Anyone who knew her, wouldn’t be able to recognize her, because everything that defined her was gone.
“No, I don’t know who you are, and unless it’s life or death, it can wait till the morning” He was about to close the door and go back to bed, when she stopped him.
“It is life or death. I’m Y/n Fox, I run one of the biggest mobs in the U.K., so why don’t you just tell agent Galahad, that I’m here? I’m sure he’d like to know” She saw how his eyes got a big bigger by the mention of her name.
“Why are you here? He’s been after you for months. There’s got to be a reason to why you’re suddenly showing up at our doorstep in the middle of the night” He was suddenly completely awake, taking a closer look young woman in front of him. He had heard about her, everyone had.
“I’m here to help you take down the mob. I know more than anyone, and you can’t do it without me” She looked him right in the eye, but she had a hard time focusing on anything. She was getting dizzier by the second, but she was trying her best to keep it together.
“Right, and why on earth would you want to take down your own mob? Sorry love, but I’m not stupid. Why are you really here?” The young man asked again, as another young man walked down the stairs and towards the door. The second man she recognized, and it somehow made her relax just a little bit.
“What is the problem, Lanval?” The other man came to the door, and as soon as he saw her, he tensed up. “Miss Fox. Fancy seeing you here”
“I know. I wouldn’t be here, if i had somewhere else to go. I’m not an idiot” She sighed, her words slurring slightly.
“What do you mean you have nowhere to go? And why on earth would you think we would be of any help to you?” Agent Galahad asked harshly. He wanted to arrest her right there, but he knew he didn’t have anything to arrest her for.
“My brother decided that he wanted the mob, so I’m here here to see him fall. If he wants to knock me off the throne, I’ll burn the castle down” she was trying her best to look tough, and they both knew she meant business, but she didn’t look like it. “Do you want my help or not?”
“Why should I trust anything that comes from you? You’re aren’t exactly the most truthful person in the world” Galahad kept his posture, but he could feel something was off. She didn’t look nothing like herself, and there was something wrong with her.
“You shouldn’t trust me, but right now my life is in your hands” She told him truthfully. The nausea and dizziness became overwhelming, and she knew she had lost more blood than what was healthy. “Please, if you don’t help me, there’s a good chance that I’m going to pass out on your floor in a minute”
“What are you-“ Agent Lanval started, just as she stumbled inside, unable to hold her herself up. She had black dots before her eyes, and it took all she had to not pass out. Her jacket had slipped halfway off, revealing a bit blood stain on her shirt. “Shit”
“Fuck” She muttered from the floor, hand moving to the wound. “Please help me”
“Lanval, get her to the infirmary. I’ll get everything else ready” Galahad demanded, already rushing to the infirmary. Agent Lanval lifted her up in his arms, earning a moan of pain from her.
“Sorry, but it’s either this or walking and I’m not sure you’re in any condition to walk” The blonde agent said with a face that showed no signs of emotions. “I’m not even sure how you managed to stand at the door for that long, let alone get here”
“Adrenaline” She said through gritted teeth, waves of pain going through her shoulder. “Works wonders”
“Well, I hope you can get that going again, because there’s a good chance that it’s going to hurt a lot more in a minute” He told her honestly, as he stepped into the infirmary and put her down in the first bed. Galahad was already there, ready with everything they would need to stitch her up.
“Right. We need to get her clothes off, and we might need to give her some blood” Agent Galahad said, as he started to cut open her jacket.
“Trying to��� Get me naked?” She tried to be witty, but just talking was causing her a lot of energy.
“Lanval, get a towel or something to cover her, while i fix her up” Galahad said, sending the younger agent on his way. He was cutting open her shirt, revealing the bleeding wound, but making sure not to expose her. “Now, what on earth happened to you, Miss Fox?”
“Knife. Stab” She muttered, mentally rolling her eyes at him. It seemed pretty obvious to her what had happened, and she would’ve thought any idiot would be able to tell.
“I guess that’s how your brother decided to take you out, then” Galahad said, connecting the dots, while getting ready to clean away the blood. “This is going to sting” He said casually, before putting a cloth on her skin around the wound.
The closer he got to the wound, the more she started squirming, trying to get away from the pain, trying to make it stop. When the cloth touched the open wound, she let out a scream that almost seemed inhuman. Since she was still squirming, it forced him to stop for a minute. In the meantime agent Lanval had returned with a blanket that he used to cover most of her body.
“She’s a screamer, that’s for sure” Lanval commented, earning a glare from her. It didn’t last long before she closed her eyes in exhaustion.
“We might need to anesthetize her, give her something that knocks her out” Galahad said, while she was till catching her breath.
“No” She said weakly. She was already slipping in and out of consciousness, but she didn’t feel safe here. She couldn’t trust the Kingsman, she didn’t really have the option of a choice, but she at least wanted to be awake if something happened.
“You don’t want anesthesia? Sweetheart, it’s not really a choice. This is going to hurt a lot, and I don’t think you want to feel it” Galahad already had the anesthesia ready, and he didn’t give her a chance to do anything before he gave it to her. “Lanval, hold her down till it kicks in”
“Fuck you” She hissed through gritted teeth, as the blonde agent held her down. Galahad was starting to give her stitches, closing the wound in her shoulder. She was struggling as much as she could for a couple of minutes, before she passed out.
“That was about time” Galahad muttered, finishing up carefully. “She’s a tough one, that’s for sure”
“So what do we do with her?” Lanval asked, stepping back a bit. “I mean. She’s out cold, she’s not waking up anytime soon, but what do we do about her? Do we leave her, guard her for the rest of the night? Do we turn her in? She is a criminal”
“She’s also part of the royal family, and it would be a big scandale if we turn her in” Galahad said, sitting down in a empty bed.
“So? It’s not going to be our scandal. It would possibly just help bring down the mob faster, and get her brother arrested too” He suggested, not caring too much about a royal scandal.
“And how do we turn her in, without letting anyone know about us? Do you plan on just handing her over to the police in this condition, without having to explain anything? Like how you know her, which connection you have to her, why on earth would a princess or duchess come to you, after her own brother stabbed her? How do you know for sure she’s a criminal and not just a victim?” Galahad asked.
“Scotland Yard then?” Another suggestion.
“Harrison, you’re an idiot. Have you ever considered why we don’t work with any police services?” Y/n was out cold, and Eggsy didn’t see the use for their code names anymore. “If we work with the police, the government will know about us, and then we wouldn’t be independent anymore”
“So what do we do about her? What’s the plan?” Harrison asked, looking at the woman on the bed. He knew about her, he knew how deadly she could be, but as she was laying there she looked more than harmless.
“I don’t know. We can’t do anything right now, so i guess we’ll have to wait till the morning. If she really wants to bring down her own mob, I say we let her help” Eggsy said, as he started cleaning up.
“So you want to trust her? You want to trust a criminal, whom you’ve been after for a while? Someone who's also one of the most dangerous people in the country, and who is a well known killer” Harrison looked at him surprised. “I’m just saying, from what I’ve heard she’s very deceiving and manipulating. Do you really think it’s a good idea to trust her?”
“I never said to trust her, I’m not a div. I’m just saying, she wouldn’t come here if she didn’t need help. She’s desperate, and we might as well use it. Her brother tried to kill her, and I don’t think she’s the kind of girl who forgives anyone” He clarified. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and cuffed her right arm to the bed. “I don’t trust her one bit, but we’ll check on her in the morning, and decide what to do”
“I don’t think we should help her. We got her, what else do we need?” Harrison said sternly. He had a weird feeling about her.
“Except she’s no longer in charge, her brother is. He just tried to kill his own sister, so I don’t know what else he might do. At least she was very by the book, and we knew what we were dealing with, now we don’t have a clue. Which is why we need to take him down too” Eggsy said. It annoyed him, because he finally had her, but he wasn’t really closer to bringing down the mob.
“I guess we’ll just have to wait till the morning then” Harrison shrug. He took off his suit jacket, and put it over her.
“What are you doing?” Eggsy asked.
“Giving her something to wear, in case she wakes up before we’re back here. You cut open her clothes, and even though she’s desperate, and think she still wants to have some dignity”
Hours later she woke up. Her whole body was sore and heavy, and she had little memory of what had happened the night before. She opened her eyes, and found herself in a strange place with a aching shoulder.
She tried to sit up to get a better look around, but was retained by the cuffs on her wrist. She could feel the burning sensation on her shoulder, and she could see she blood stain on the sheet under her.
With careful movements, she moved down on the bed, so her hand could reach her earring and take it out. With the earring in her hand, she started picking the lock of the cuff that tied her to the bed. It took a lot more concentration that it usually did, but her mind was slowly starting to clear up and she could think straighter.
Her memories of the night before was starting to come back. She remembered her brother coming into the room, and she remembered imagines of them fighting, but she didn’t really know why they were fighting or what they were fighting about.
With a click the cuff released from the bed, and she was able to get up and away. As she sat up, she was hit with a pounding headache, that made the pain from her shoulder seem like a meaningless itch.
More imagines flashed in her mind, and she remembered how her brother had tried to kill her, and she didn’t need the memories to know why. She had always known he wanted to be the one in control, but she never thought he’d actually kill her to get there.
She didn’t remember much else besides that. She didn’t know where she went or what had happened, she didn’t know where she was or how she got there. Someone had to have helped her, because she couldn’t have done it herself. She would still be bleeding, or possibly dead if she had been on her own.
She noticed the cut up jacket and t-shirt under her, and the lack of a bra told her she had been in a hurry. A black suit jacket was on top of her, and despite the pain she was quick to put it on and cover herself up. With a grunt she got up and took a look around.
There was no arguing that she was in an infirmary, and based on the high ceiling and big windows it was most likely in a very big house or mansion. There were several beds, but hers was the only which was used. Everything looked clean, like the place wasn’t used that often.
She heard faint footsteps coming from afar, and it made her go stand beside the door. Adrenaline was pumping through her body again, making the pain bearable. She didn’t know who was going to come through that door, but she knew whoever it was handcuffed her to the bed in the first place, so it most likely wasn’t a friendly face.
With than handcuffs still around her right wrist, she had it ready, waiting for someone to walk through the door at any moment. The footsteps got closer, and she heard the door unlock. So not only had she been handcuffed, they had also locked the door in an attempt to keep her here.
A young man walked into the room with a tray in his hands. He walked past her, and all she could see was his dark curls and the back of a black suit. With silent steps she snuck up behind him, put the handcuffs around his neck, and tightened her grip.
“Who are you and what the hell am I doing here?” She said in low voice. She didn’t want to make too much noise, or attract any attention. The young man dropped the tray, making more noise than she had anticipated.
“Kingsman, I’m with the Kingsman!” He exclaimed, putting his hands up to pull the handcuffs away from his throat. “You came here by yourself”
“I would never do that, no matter how desperate I was, so if you don’t want to die in a minute, I’d start telling the truth” She tightened the cuffs on his neck, making him gasp for air.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t kill my agents, miss Fox” A voice from behind her said. With the cuffs still on the young man’s throat, she turned around, facing a familiar face.
“Are you gonna stop me? Because we both know that he’d be dead and I’d be gone before you got the chance” She looked him dead in the eye, keeping a tight grip on the cuffs.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t kill one of my agents, since we just saved your life. You were desperate enough to come here, because you have nowhere else to go, so if you want our help, you let him go” Agent Galahad stood calmly in front of her, as she slowly loosened her grip.
“Why would you help me? What’s in it for you?” She asked before letting him go completely. She didn’t trust him, she didn’t trust any of them.
“From what I understand, we want the same thing. I want to shut down your mob, and I know you want to take down your brother. You can either cooperate, and get what you want, or we can simply do it without you. It’s your choice really” Galahad offered.
“You can’t do it without me. You wouldn’t even have had me, if I hadn’t been dumb enough to walk up on your doorstep. I on the other hand, can get what I want without you” She finally let the other agent go, letting her arms fall down by her side.
“I don’t think you realise how close we were. We know more than you think, and we were very close to bringing you down entirely” Galahad said as a matter of factly, expecting her to be surprised, but she just smiled.
“I hate to break it to you, but you only know what I wanted you to know. I’ve been feeding you false information since the first time we ran into each other. So whatever you think you know, is most likely a lie” She told him, an apologetic smile on her lips. “So give me a good reason to why I should help you”
“Miss Fox, you don’t really have much of a choice. From what I understand, you have nowhere to go, you have a very injured shoulder and could easily be taken down right this second. Or did you really think that I’d let you walk, when I finally have you in custody?” Galahad said cooly, and judging by the look in her eyes she knew.
“I’ll cooperate, but I am in no way in your costurdy. We both know I could get away if I wanted to, and we both know that as soon as we both have what we want, you’ll never see me again. I help you, you let me walk. That’s the deal”
“That’s the deal”
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Busy night in Rhodes
Arthur having a steamy night with a girl from Rhodes’ saloon after a bar fight.
This is the first time I post one of my texts, I really hope you’ll enjoy the atmosphere! English isn’t my mother tongue
Let the smut battle begin @soazzar !  Level 1 here we go ...
It wasn’t a busy night for her. She only had a couple old regulars coming to visit her after a hard day of work. Like every evening, she and the other girls were waiting for the night to get steamier as the men got drunker. As she was standing against the stair’s handrail of Rhodes’ biggest saloon, lightly smiling at the men that seemed to be decent and not too drunk, avoiding eye contact with those who were notorious creeps with no money, she noticed Arthur as soon as he crossed the doorway. He was nothing like the boys she was used to deal with; weathered skin, strong shoulders and a leather hat throwing shadow over a confident yet gentle look. His boots were rather dirty but he seemed to be a well groomed man. As he passes by her, she noticed his guns and the way he walked like nothing could scare him definitely showed how good he was at using them. 
- Hello, handsome, she whispered just loud enough for him to hear but faintly enough to give any man the desire to hear it a second time. 
His large back tightened a bit which surprised her but then the way he turned around and looked her in the eyes made her even more curious. 
- My lady, he nodded with his hat covering his blue eyes. 
She couldn’t help but take a step closer to him so he’d have to choose between keeping some personal space or sharing the same air. 
- Are you looking for a good time, cowboy, she asked smiling.
He did not withdraw but but he politely declined her offer, leaving her here, wondering what she had made wrong. It usually worked with everyone! 
As she went back to the stairs pouting, Arthur made his way to the bar. One of the other girls, a friend of hers, told her night was still early. She tried to focus on work but she would only stand and wait in places that allowed her to peek at Arthur’s wide back leaning over the bar. 
It was barely midnight and she had been drinking a few whisky glasses with some other fellas, making sure her cowboy was still here, getting friendlier with other customers as he got drunker. 
And suddenly the saloon’s door were smashed open; the air filled with a smell of swamp. Everyone was kinda used to the Lemoyne Raiders visits but this time, they seemed to be more angry. The three of them quickly made their way to the bar, pushing away every poor guy that was in their way. 
She only understood what was happening when the first punch was thrown. In her handsome cowboy’s face. 
His hat flew and Arthur almost fell down from the shock on his jaw. He immediately stepped back, blocking an other punch and hitting the bastard right in the stomach. He fell down to his knees and Arthur lost no time to kick him with the knee. 
The girl and everyone in the saloon has raised from their chairs and were waiting for what would happen next. It was the first time she had seen a man handle these raiders bastards so well, even though his lips were bleeding a bit. 
The two other raiders jumped into the fight, throwing fists with anger at that man who made such a fool of their boss, lying on the ground. She saw her handsome boy taking some bad punches but all she could do was stand there, her hands covering her sweet lips with fear for him. Everything happened very quickly and she couldn’t tell exactly how, but Arthur managed to smash one of the guy’s head against the wall. The second after, a knife was in the last raider’s hand, threatening anyone that would come too close. A little scream escaped from the girl’s mouth as Arthur dodged one strike, and a second but the third… cut his arm and blood spilled over the floor. Without even knowing her body had been moving, the girl ran across the room to stick her nails as hard as she could on the raider’s arm. The distraction was enough for Arthur to grab a whisky bottle but before he could crash it on the bastard’s head, the girl was thrown away in the loud crowd that had gathered to see the fight. 
As soon as the last one was lying unconscious on the dirty ground, the saloon’s owner had them thrown out of his establishment, so angry he was ‘cause one of his girls was affected. Before he could turn to check she was alright, he saw Arthur was already helping her back on her feet. 
- You alright, he asked with his arm around her waist to support her. 
- Yes… but you’re bleeding, she answered back, feeling dizzy. 
Arthur quickly checked his wound and only then the pain would strike but his only reaction was a light smirk. 
- Now Cathy take care of this man, will you, the owner told the girl, annoyed there was such a mess in his saloon. 
She then took a handkerchief off her corset and placed it on Arthur’s cut to stop the bleeding. 
- Follow me, she gently said. 
Arthur put his large hand over hers so she didn’t have to get covered in blood while they went upstairs. She didn’t let go of him though, and grabbed his other arm to press it against her  beating chest. 
As soon as they got to the room, she locked the door. 
- Well, it was real brave jumping on that bastard, Arthur said. 
- Ain’t my first fight you know, she smiled back. 
- Could’ve been much worst without you, he replied, showing his arm. 
- Come here, sweetheart…
He was about to tell her not to worry about him and she could leave, but she already had him sit on a chair and given him a pretty good view on her corseted breasts. While she would clean the wound with a wet piece of cloth, she would smile at him from time to time, and the sparks in her green eyes would catch Arthur’s attention more and more with every glimpse. 
- Must hurt pretty bad, I’m sorry those morons were after you, she whispered. 
- I’ve been hurt worst than that… and those morons had pretty good reasons to be after me, he replied amused. 
- Then I guess you’re not just a nice cowboy, am I right, she said with her most teasing voice. 
He laughed, letting himself get caught in her game: 
- You better not figure out what I am, girl. 
The wound wasn’t too deep and within minutes she had made a good bandage. She then handed him a bottle of brandy as he got up, determined not to let him leave. 
- I think I’ve had enough for tonight, miss. I’d better leave before you get into trouble, he declined. 
- Oh you’re too caring, sir, she whispered, slowly walking to the door without taking her emerald eyes off his. 
Leaning on the door, she took the bottle to her rosy lips and drank a sip from it, skillfully letting one drop of the glossy fluid run down her chin and then fall on her chest, watching Arthur’s eyes follow the tiny drop as it dived down her breasts. 
- Don’t you want to have a taste, at least? 
He grinned and looked away, his face turning red. There was no escaping from the room, after all. She sighed and understanding that he wasn’t going to make the first move, she came so close their mouths were almost touching. She put her hands on his chest and slowly led them up ‘till her fingertips would touch his jawline. Arthur’s breath got faster as her lips melted with his, and he couldn’t help but closing his eyes. One of his hands carefully slid onto her lower back and she immediately pressed her body harder against him.
She made her way down  kissing and licking his neck until her mouth would meet his buttoned shirt. Nothing could stop her and she quickly unfastened every button her expert hands would find. She playfully slammed his shoulder straps on his torso and the tickling made Arthur tighten his grip on her waist. In no time his shirt was falling to the ground and he was sitting on the bed, now unable to break the spell he was under. Savoring her victory, she untied his pants and with delight followed the hardening bulge with her fingertip, making her sturdy cowboy shiver. She giggled softly and kissed his lower belly while getting rid of any piece of clothes that was keeping her from his warm skin. 
There he was now, stone hard from her caresses, abandoning himself and letting her guide him towards places he’d long forgotten. 
- Close your eyes, she whispered so close to his flesh he could feel her breath on it. 
With one hand she would slowly, carefully run up and down its whole length and with the other hand would brush his chest. At first, she would just tease him with light strokes and kisses closer and closer to his rod, softly breathing and blowing onto it, with her lips so close he thought they would touch, but they never did and it was driving him crazy with lust. Then, satisfied with the amount of frustration she could sense in his hands gripping the blanket and his stifled moans, she began playing with different levels of pressure with her fingers, and went up and down faster, then slower just on the tip before softly pecking his tense and warm skin. 
She used all her mastery in the art of love to lead him higher and higher without hitting the climax too fast. She wanted to take her time and to get to learn each and every move that pleased him most. She loved the way Arthur would look away whenever she would look up to his face. 
He felt like his whole body was burning under a hot summer sun, but then, as his heartbeat went faster and faster, he thought he was drowning in the pleasure that woman was giving him. He couldn’t stop watching her frail and soft hands working with so much dedication to his very own pleasure. He soon felt out of breath and couldn’t hold back moans that had been waiting for years to come out his dry throat. With no warning, he put his weathered hand on her cheek and caressed her in the most tender way she had ever experienced. Her heart missed a beat when he slid his thumb over her lips, leaning closer. So close he pressed his mouth against hers, taking her by surprise and she stopped thinking for a second. When he took his wet lips off her, she followed them by instinct, her eyes still closed. Her hands were now tied behind his neck, and when she opened her eyes, Arthur saw in them a burning that had just appeared. 
She stood up, pushed him back on the bed and in a hurry proceeded to take off her dress. Every inch of skin showing as shiny fabric was slipping down her curvy body was making Arthur’s wait even more difficult. She finally got on the bed, over him and he felt overwhelmed by the softness of her skin, the beauty of her curves and the smell of her desire. He brought her body on his and kissed her, letting his large hands run everywhere they could on her. 
- I ain’t done with you yet, cowboy, she smiled before biting his lip. 
She teasingly put his hands off her and lied beside him, her head resting on his tight, waiting for him to figure out what was coming next. Very amused by his confusion, she slowly got near his hardened meat and began tasting it, with more and more appetite. He closed his eyes as she opened her mouth, giving him the strongest rush down the spine he’d ever felt. With every skill she had, and her hands, and her tongue, she drove him into lusty madness. Each deep moan that escaped from Arthur’s mouth would show her that same direction and she joined his choir when he slid his hand between her legs lying next to his chest. The more pleasure she gave him, the more he would give back and her short breath, her wetting tights and her moans were too much for him to handle. She soon felt his limb tighten and shiver and she pulled out to let him spill in her warm hands as she watched him cover his sweaty face with one arm.
He was out of breath and his mind was somewhere only her could have him discover. Satisfied, she let him catch his breath while she washed her hands with a tissue. When she got back to him, there was the sweetest look in his eyes. 
- How about I pay you back, he said, bringing her body over his. 
- You may try, cowboy…
She smiled back at him, pleased of his sudden boldness and watched him with delight put his hands on her body, his tongue lick the tip of her breasts and his fingers run deeper and deeper between her sweaty tights. 
In the morning when she got up, her handsome cowboy was nowhere to be found but on the chair she found a piece of paper on which was lying a beautiful necklace. On the page torn from a notebook, there was a lovely portrait of her, peacefully sleeping and next to it was written :
« Take care, Cathy - A.M. »
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tcohs-messenger · 7 years
A Question to Answer - AsraXApprentice
@natsitohtori‘s prize for the 500 follower giveaway~ We have a lovely Valentine’s Day based date with Asra and their OC Adam! Absolutely a pleasure playing with him and this cute scenario~!!
Asra was especially quiet, dragging a spatula through the pan with barely a sound. Faust had abided to his request too, coiled up in a ball on the shelf with eyes poking out, simply watching as he cooked. He hadn't woken up this early in... years probably- but he had a good reason to do so today. After a few more minutes of flipping and prodding, he plated eggs, simmered skink, and some other hand-picked favorites.
His feet padded softly, hushed with barely a creek in the floorboards as he ascended to their bedroom. And inside- thank god- Adam was still asleep. Asra slipped inside, setting their plates down on the bedside table and sitting down next to Adan's sleeping form. He always loved the way he looked when he was still so deep in slumber, almost always with his face buried into the pillows and once very covered by the blankets now having them slipping to the floor. Sometimes he snored, but usually he had soft, dreamy breaths that only entranced him even more. Asra leaned in close, laying back in his previous spot and dragging a hand slowly, sweetly through his dark hair. Adam stirred, slowly drawing awake with the continual petting through his hair. When he opened his eyes, Asra grinned at him.
"Morning handsome, I made you breakfast."
Adam grinned back, eyes squinting cutely in post-sleep. "Mmm, you made me food- that's so sweet of you, but you didn't have to-" he insists softly, although he certainly wouldn't refused it. He stretched out, giving a prolonged groan as sleep left his muscles, and sat up. "Even skink? What a special occasion." He grabbed the plate and gobbled every bit eagerly, actually liking the taste of skink as opposed to what most people preferred.
Asra ate a bit slower, thoughts stuck on what the day would hold. It was Valentine's Day, and although he usually didn't give it much meaning (he just preferred spontaneous days of love and care rather than a scheduled one) he knew that this one was special. He had been planning for it this entire year, writing out detail after detail, and organizing it exactly as it should be- only to realize that it was dumb. Organizing love so thoroughly would never work. So, he instead just made a general plan and promised to stick to it. "Are you excited to go out on the town, handsome? I can show you off whilst we prance, wouldn't that be fun?"
Adam blinked a few times, chewing on the utensil in his hand before responding shyly, "I suppose so- you don't have to go over the top for me though, you know?" Not to say that he wasn't flattered, but being dotted on so much always made him flustered.
But Asra didn't care. He grinned and took both of their plates once they were both finished. "Ahh too bad, I already have everything planned! Besides, it's not going over the top if it's for you- you deserve it. Now, get dressed and we'll head out~ Today's all about you and me and we're going to make the best of it- I have so much planned- " He winked in Adam's direction, just catching the glimpse of his blush before heading down the stairs.
The moment Adam had appeared, dressed and adorable as usual, Asra was grabbing at his hand and bounding out the door. With so much to do and so little time in the day, he wanted to get started and quick. With threaded fingers, the two had meandered through the marketplace, still as bustling as usual, but the people seemed to kindly part for them as they went. Of course, to start off their day, they had to have fresh bread.
"Ahh Asra and Adam! What a delight! Would you like the usual?"
Asra's quick glance to Adam had been enough of a confirmation, and they both nodded in unison. They sat at their favorite table, at peace with gentle talk as they waited for their bread to bake.
"You look so beautiful today- mmm no, you always look beautiful. But today especially you are stunning," as Asra speaks, his chin settles into his palm, and he leans into the table, close enough to where just having Adam leaning in as well would most certainly cause their lips to meet.
Adam grins in an adorable manner, cheeks coloring and shuffling in his seat as he revels in the compliments. To help mend his appearance, he nuzzles into the scarf he wore and looks down at the carvings in the table. "You say that even though you're the more stunning one? I can't stop myself from swooning every time I see you-"
Asra gives a hushed laugh. "We can agree to disagree- or maybe we'll just say it's a tie~"
"Alright- we're tied!"
"Here you two are-" The baker approached with two grandiose loaves of pumpkin loaf with an exaggerated warning about how hot it was. Just as Adam was pulling out a few coins, the baker held up a hand to stop him. "No, no- this one is on the house. It's a special day after all, yeah? And you two are my favorite regulars!"
Adam's cheeks flushed, but he didn't linger too much. The baker was stuck in his ways, this was well known, and he would not accept one coin. "Oh no look at you- having to enjoy pumpkin loaf~" Asra mocks softly, winking cutely as he pulls apart the soft bread and bites into it.
"Well- he works so hard and he's always so kind to us, he deserves to get paid at least..." Either way, Adam ate as well, humming as the bread just about melted in his mouth.
Of course, neither of them could completely finish their bread. They wrapped up the rest and were off once more, but not without Asra sneakily slipping a few coins into the baker's pocket.
"So, where are you sneaking me off to this time?" Adam had his full trust devoted to the other, even while being blind folded and dragged by the hand for much too long to be a casual stroll.
Asra was grinning to himself, fingers twining tighter with the other's. "Don't you worry, we're almost there. It's someplace you've been to before-" he lets slip some information, already seeing the entrance of their destination in sight. "Can you feel it calling to you?"
Adam grins to himself, holding Asra's hand tighter. "Mhm, I do. I'm trying not to think about it though so it remains a surprise."
"Fair enough." At the entrance, Asra stops him and undoes the scarf tied around his eyes. They stood before an expansive yet somewhat hidden cave, and Adam knows it all too well. "This isn't a test this time, I promise. Shall I guide us?"
Adam was smiling the entire time, fondness of the last time they came here filling him with calm. He nods, threading fingers with Asra and wondering where this was all leading to. Of course- they eventually came to the hearth of the cave, at the edge of too deep water and lily fronds, but where else was this going? Before Adam could even ask, Asra leapt out onto the pads and towards the blooming flower in the middle.
"Asra! What are you doing?!" Adam was certainly not worried or scared for his health, but it was bewildering none the less and imbuing him in anticipation. Asra hesitates just before the flower, observing it as though looking for something- imperfections perhaps? But then he extends a hand- "Don't grab the flower, dear gods! You know it doesn't end well!"
Asra perks up, raising a brow in almost believable confusion, but very quickly grins cheekily. "Okay, but only since you said so~" Adam can feel the teasing air as Asra steps back over the pads, meeting him back at the shore but not quite stepping off of the pad. Instead, he extends a hand in invitation. Adam hesitates, knowing full well if he grabbed it and joined him then both of them would submerge- but Asra was smiling warmly with unbridled excitement in his eyes. "Come- you can trust me."
Oh yes, he certainly could. That hesitance continued for only a moment before he grabbed Asra's hand and leapt on with him-descending into the water as though it were a whirlpool.
It sucked them both down, deeper and deeper into a chasm of nothingness. As soon as the darkness had engulfed them, though, it had receded like opening the door to a lit room. Asra sunk deeper, dragging Adam with him as they descended, falling through this opened door and immediately ascending into another plain, a world between worlds.
"Gods- you sneaky thing, you had me worried." Adam scolds lightly after taking in a sharp breath. They both crawl out and onto the sand, panting after their quick but strenuous journey.
"I know. But I wanted it to be a surprise, look-" As they laid on the banks, Asra pointed to the sky to where countless stars not only shimmered, but almost seemed to pulsate, even move with intention. Along with them, fogs and mists of varying colors danced and swayed, almost musically.
Surprising it was, had the sky here always looked like this? Adam wondered this for the longest time as he watched stars swirl up in the abyss, occasionally dancing with one another before parting and going their separate ways. As he watched those clusters, Asra did his own observing, wistfully looking over his partner and admiring every part of him in calm silence.  It was moments like this that made Asra realize that even now, after so many years, he was still dumbstruck and hopelessly in love.
He can feel the gaze stuck on him. Adam lingers for a while, melting in the feeling of being admired so closely. He hadn't been this confident in years, perhaps never. Eventually, he turned and faced the magician with a sleepy smile. "You're not looking at the sky..." he observes quietly.
Asra smiles cutely, turning on his side and leaning over Adam. "Very true- I'm more enraptured by you than any other worldly or even mystical wonder." As his words taper off, he leans in closer and chastely connects their lips, bringing them both to sigh.
"We should probably get going. If we stay too long we might not be able to get back at all~" Although it did seem far fetched, Adam didn't know enough about this place to be able to tell if Asra was kidding or not. Besides, as the sky had begun to darken, the mists had died and the stars had grown lazy- and hunger was beginning to set in too.
They held hands tight as they wadded into the water, taking preparation in making the treacherous descent once more. After sucking in a deep breath, they plummeted, becoming engulfed in the suffocating and dark cold. It was harder this time, now with navigating underwater tunnels and looking for the glint of anything shimmering in the distance.
Asra pulled Adam's hand close, pressing both of their palms into the cave wall to reveal sigils in blue hues. Adam hummed, bubbles coming from his nose in muted surprise. They followed the markings until they found their exit and shot out of it with needed, heavy breaths.
The water lilies seemed stronger this time, effectively holding both Adam and Asra up as they clung to them for support. Although exhausted, Adam had never felt so fulfilled and pleased; this had been a perfect day.
"Mm, hey- the flower-" Asra motioned toward it, was something wrong? Adam wadded closer, seeping in concern that perhaps they may be sucked down once more. He wouldn't dare to touch it- but he looked closer.
Tucked into the petals, a band of intricately carved gold was being cradled  cushioned by the expanse of the plant's petals. It seemed almost natural, as if someone simply asked the flower to hold it for the time being. "Asra..." His name left Adam's lips in an awe-struck sigh. Asra raised a brow, peering over the flower back at him.
"Yes, Adam?" Adam didn't respond, still staring dumbstruck at the flower and its gift. Asra did the honors, gently plucking the ring from the flower's middle. "So- may I have an answer, dear?"
Adam swallowed, finally closing his slacked jaw. As Asra offered the ring to him, he found himself dumbly muttering, "I think I need a question to answer first."
Of course, Asra laughed, absolutely glowing in the atmosphere that was engulfing them. "Adam, will you marry me?"
And, of course, Adam's response came in a sharp, quick breath, "Absolutely."
(Wanna see something else like this? Shoot me a message~!)
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
Love in a time of Corona Virus - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely
In this time of the Corona Virus and COVID-19, Microsoft has taken the unprecedented move of shutting down their Seattle campus. No one goes in to work until March 25th. That means they're all remote workers! Like me! For 13 years!
Do note that I am deeply sympathetic for the situation we all find ourselves in and I'm deeply aware of the privilege we have as tech/desk workers to be able to do our jobs remotely. I am also (dare I say) looking forward to what I believe will be a dramatic increase in Remote Worker Empathy on the part of the in office folks.
Check out my previous posts on being remote and explore the Remote Work category if you like.
Good, Better, Best creating the ultimate remote worker webcam setup on a budget
Tragedies of the Remote Worker: "Looks like you're the only one on the call"
30 Tips for Successful Communication as a Remote Worker
Virtual Camaraderie - A Persistent Video "Portal" for the Remote Worker
I also want to showcase some of the great tips and suggestion for remote work that are being shared. Here's tips from our own Adrian Murphy who has shared them internally at the company and has given me permission to share them externally. You can follow Adrian on Twitter and thank him his team for sharing all this information and for their kindness!
These tips are written in the context of using Microsoft Teams (which has an extraordinary free plan, BTW) but you can replace those references with Zoom/Skype/Whatever and the tips are the same.
Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely
Working remote can be quite a shift from being in the office, and sometimes the things you take for granted in person suddenly become massive inconveniences when working remotely. Whether this is your first time being remote or you're a remote superstar from the Antarctica office, this collection of tips and best practices may help you get settled.
Be mindful of time zones. Your middle of the day may be someone’s 3:00 am, so when scheduling calls or pinging via Teams, don’t forget to take into account the time zone differences for all involved.
Turn on your video when on a call with your team (there’s a bunch of communication which is non-verbal). Occasionally show off your pets on said video. It’s the little things that make it all feel more human.
Some might have reduced bandwidth. Consider turning on video at the beginning during intro and turning it off during important parts if you experience hiccups.
During calls, make sure to wait a few extra seconds when asking if folks online have any comments. It can take time for folks to un-mute themselves, and sometimes things can chug or hiccup. It’s not as instant as it is face to face, so you don’t want to move on before folks can even get a word out on a call.
Some headsets have a hardware mute button and different conference software has hotkeys for mute/unmute. That can make it faster to unmute yourself.
If you are in a room full of people with a conference mic, speak loudly and clearly regardless of where you are sitting. While folks in the room may be able to hear you fine from 6-10 feet away, the conference room mic registers barely a whisper for those dialing in.
Mute your mic in big meetings, in small meetings it’s up to you—an unmuted mic will also give some of the incidental non-verbal (but vocal) indicators of what you’re thinking/feeling.
If you plan to present, prepare for meetings ahead of time by pre-loading web pages, powerpoints, or other presentation materials. During larger calls Teams can sometimes get bogged down, esp with many video sources at once, and this will cause the rest of your software to run slower. Having a room of 15+ people watch a web page load for 30 seconds is a great way to lose friends.
Summarize action items or conclusions in the call for everyone when one has been reached. Finalizing a conversation by summarizing the key take away is a great way to make sure the information is correct, and allows the folks on the call have a chance to hear it and respond if need be before the meeting moves on.
If you are leading/proctoring a meeting, be prepared to play switchboard operator if multiple people speak up at once. In person we use social cues and body language to naturally reach a speaking order, in a remote call someone is going to have to make sure only one person is speaking at a time, but also that everyone gets heard eventually. It can be as simple as “why don’t we have person A speak first, then person B” and let the conversation flow from there.
If someone has something to say but is waiting their turn, and the conversation veers in a different direction for a few mins, make sure to check back with the person who was waiting. It’s possible their comment was addressed during the course of that conversation, but don’t assume so. Offer them the chance to speak before the meeting moves on.
If you are presenting from your machine remotely, ZOOM IN. What looks fine to you on a home monitor may be microscopic on a projected screen in a room of 20 people. You can use the free ZoomIt tool from SysInternals and draw on the screen if you like.
If possible/acceptable, record meetings in Teams. This allows folks who weren’t able to attend, or may have otherwise missed a moment in the meeting due to a bandwidth hiccup, to catch up after the fact. Add the video link to your meeting notes when sending out (Teams will usually finish processing a recorded video within 10-15 mins of capturing it, and sends a notification to you in outlook that it’s ready).
Keep on top of your mails and Teams inboxes. If people can’t walk up to tap you on the shoulder, this is your only interface with your colleagues. Consider enabling pop up notifications or flashing task bar indicators for when you have unread messages.
Likewise, be aware that Teams chat is async by nature, just like e-mail. Expect more delay than when you walk to someone’s desk to ask them a question.
Never forget that there’s a real person behind every email address, Teams message, and DevOps Tickets.
You may have to “read the room” more as a remote worker. You may not be able to see someone’s body language to know whether or not they are joking, smiling, or upset about something.
It’s okay to take calls in casual clothes if you're comfortable and able. Don’t wear anything that’s offensive, explicit, etc - use your best judgment - but don’t feel like you have to get super dressed and be uncomfortable all day. Enjoy being home and wear your sweatpants!
It’s okay to eat on calls if it’s your dinner or lunch time, we do it all the time in the Boston office! Just mute your mic, chewing sounds are gross!!!!
Make sure that you machine is properly enrolled in Intune and has VPN access before attempting to work from home
Make sure you have at least one of your comm tools (email, teams, slack) on your phone in addition to your laptop, so that you can let people know whats up if you lose power/internet at your home.
Keep your laptop batteries charged.
Get mobile with unlimited data if possible.
Stock up on necessary dongles, adapters, cords, and wires. Lack of necessary connectors can decrease your productivity.
Consider a headset for calls, specially ones with an easy to access mute button and fold down mic. It really can improve the quality of your audio. Webcams, specially those not at keyboard level (pointing up your nose) are also important.
Take a little time to make your work environment pleasant. If you’re working in a mop closet with no windows, or the spare-room-equivalent thereof, you probably won’t be that productive. We’re complex beings. Put a plant on your desk, get some music going, clean.
You may wish to have a conversation with your kids that goes something like this: “Now, when I’m at my desk this week, it means I’m working. I can be interrupted a little bit sometimes, but most of the time I’ll need to be able to concentrate.”
You may wish to choose a work place in your house with a door to make this more explicit for children. “When this door is shut I am at work and you need to find your other parent”
EAT. You’ll forget to eat when you’re not surrounded by huge cafeterias or a team of people asking you what you want to do for lunch.
Working remotely can be lonely sometimes. Find a way to reproduce the feeling of that office chatter, or the casual hallway/water-cooler conversation. Music, podcast, background TV noise (when appropriate), etc.
Get some fresh air from time to time. Normally when you’re at the office you’re walking to/from the office and from your building to the cafeteria for coffee or lunch so you get outside quite a bit, but when working from home and the kitchen is just downstairs, you can very easily go a few days without actually leaving the house. It doesn’t need to be far, and with COVID19 around it probably shouldn’t be, but maybe sit on your porch while you drink your coffee, it helps clear the lungs and the head.
Good light is important. Having good lighting closer to natural light wavelengths makes the environment much more pleasant.
Build a routine of specific cues to help you switch into “work mode”. For example, you may still get dressed as you would if you were heading into the office to put you into the right mindset for the day.
Get interesting drinks and snacks!!! If you drink 12 cans of seltzer a day, make sure you have seltzer in your fridge. If you like getting peanut M&Ms from the team room at 2pm, grab some for your home! You’d be surprised how boring your regular drinks are when you’re used to fridges filled with flavorful things and a huge tea selection etc.
Things to avoid
If you are in a meeting room with other folks, try to keep side conversations and noises to a minimum. Imagine you are sitting in the center of the table and hear the things closes to the mic the loudest, because that’s how it is for anyone calling in.
Don’t sit right next to the microphone if you are going to be taking notes on a loud keyboard. It will drown out every voice in the room.
Don’t disclose sensitive information if there are others in your home office when you’re in a meeting. Generally speaking, it’s better to be using headphones if others are around.
Don’t direct a question to more than one individual at a time. This can be mildly awkward in person, but over a call it becomes nearly impossible to figure out who will speak first without any of the visual/bodily cues we normally rely on to resolve speaking order conflicts.
Don’t use whiteboards unless they are clearly visible to the room camera (and even then it can be tricky to see). Digital mediums present in Teams are always going to be superior for folks who are calling in.
What are your tips?
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      Love in a time of Corona Virus - Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Astrology Cafe Daily Astrology ABOUT TODAY DAILY MONTHLY CHART You are here: Home / Daily Astrology / Astrology of Today – Friday, December 29, 2017 Astrology of Today – Friday, December 29, 2017 Dec 28, 2017 by Annie Leave a Comment  The Moon is in Taurus. The Moon is void from 9:00 AM (until tomorrow at 3:30 AM). The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 4:42 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase. The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th, and the Full Moon will occur on January 1, 2018. Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow until January 10, 2018. **Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST). Horoscopes Aries  Aries Today’s energies are primarily peaceful, dear Aries, and you’re in a good position to slow down and enjoy the moment. Mind you, this morning you could be battling a bit of restlessness or indecision, as part of you might feel you should be more involved than you are. Priorities may be hard to decide upon, but if you examine things carefully, you’ll get to the right decision. Excess spending or borrowing can be an issue now. Take steps to wind down, which gets easier and, in fact, quite natural as the day advances. Taurus  Taurus This is a great day for taking some extra “me time” and pampering yourself, dear Taurus. While this morning’s energies tend to find you a little restless, it’s best to avoid the temptation to overdo or overindulge. Others’ demands on you may feel a little excessive. Or, you may be attempting to please someone and at the same time striving for independence. However, you’d do yourself the biggest favor by pacing yourself. Excess has a price even if the payment is deferred. You’re better off keeping things even and smooth now so that you don’t start off at a disadvantage tomorrow. Gemini  Gemini The day is best used to unwind, take things easy, and release tension, dear Gemini. The Moon continues to spend time in the sign just behind yours, pointing to a need for reflection and a bit of anonymity before busier days ahead. This morning, a dichotomy or difficult choice can lead you to consider imbalances in your life. Something has to give in order to balance your life better, particularly when it comes to working and resting, or tending to physical needs and tending to emotional/mental needs. Today also holds the potential for better understanding a complex relationship or your own complicated feelings, once you get past the early morning restlessness. Cancer  Cancer The Moon spends the day in your sector of dreams, hopes, happiness, and friendship, dear Cancer, and is void most of the regular waking hours, pointing to a real need — or excuse — to unwind and treat yourself to light activities. It’s not an ambitious time today, and it’s best to treat the day as a time for catching your breath. A Full Moon will occur in your sign in just three days, and in fact, will happen on the first day of the new year, and personal epiphanies are likely to be significant. For now, give yourself a break! Relationships also deserve a light touch. Leo  Leo The day’s energies encourage and reward simplicity, dear Leo. Even so, early today can find your undecided or restless. While the Moon at the top of your chart usually keeps you on your toes, the Moon is void for most of the day’s regular waking hours, and taking it easy makes the most sense now. You can nevertheless muse about your goals and keep your responsibilities in mind, but avoid pushing yourself or projects that could have a rough time of it if you went ahead with them. You’ll be in the best shape if you take time to relax and center yourself now and pursue your ambitions later. Virgo  Virgo The Moon spends the day in your sector of spirit and in harmony with your sign, dear Virgo. It’s also void for much of the day, giving you the license to enjoy yourself without pressure or guilt. The trick will be allowing yourself to take this time! As well, this morning could find you a little tense or in a situation of “too much information.” Too many choices can be overwhelming. You have a bigger than usual appetite for taking on new interests or developing existing ones, but the temptation may be to go overboard with this. Try to focus on releasing tension now. Give yourself a break today. Libra  Libra It can be a little too easy to overdo spending or other indulgences now, dear Libra, but as the day moves forward, you’re in a great position to simplify. In truth, if you want to treat yourself, streamlining is the route to take – it comes with less guilt and consequences. As well, focusing on your inner goals and values will do much more for your happiness than too much focus on external signs of success. The Moon spends another day in your intimacy sector, and you’re inclined to embrace your deeper feelings rather than push them to the side. It’s an excellent time to enjoy family or home life, or domestic activities, as well. Scorpio  Scorpio Mars and Jupiter are both in your sign, dear Scorpio, and they’re heading towards an alignment that will be exact on January 6th. Even though it’s more than a week away, these planets are very close to one another now, and there can be a building sense of excitement and enterprise as you end the year and begin a new one. You can feel increasingly motivated to do something special, and you have all the courage and resourcefulness to make your mark. Pay particular attention to your urges and hunches as you can be heading towards great things. Today, the Moon is in your opposing sign, however, and is void most of the day, suggesting it’s best not to push yourself, anyone, or anything. Let your imagination go. Sagittarius  Sagittarius Today’s energies are easygoing as long as you keep things simple, dear Sagittarius. If you try to push things, however, you can feel the resistance! Early today, you may be doing battle with yourself. There’s the part of you that just wants to tuck yourself away and the other part that is super motivated to shine in your routines, work, or daily affairs. Seek out a balance for best results now. Today doesn’t support ambitious or bold moves, so aim to take it easy and go with the flow. Conserve your energy for opportunity periods. Capricorn  Capricorn The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, dear Capricorn, and this tends to make things easy for you. Even so, there is a stubborn quality to the day’s energies, and if you’re feeling raring to go and ready for action, you may very well meet some resistance. It may be best to enjoy some release of ambitions, tension, or pressure, and take things easy now. The trick is to allow yourself the luxury! Brand new endeavors are more likely to face obstacles, anyhow, and you’re likely to benefit from a slower, reasonable pace. Aquarius  Aquarius The Moon spends another day at the bottom of your solar chart, dear Aquarius, encouraging you to take it easy. This morning, the Moon does brief battle with Jupiter at the top of your chart, and Jupiter is motivating you to grow, improve, and perform. As big as a draw this may be, you’re unlikely to get very far today with the Moon’s void that spans most of the regular waking hours. The energies of the day reward the easygoing, and it’s a good idea to honor your need to wind down and play it safe just for now. Pisces  Pisces You have both Mars and Jupiter in your solar eleventh house motivating and exciting you about new projects, initiatives, causes, and social events or friendships these days, dear Pisces. As they move closer to alignment this week and next, your enterprising side is alive and well. You may be on the verge of a brand new and innovative endeavor. Today, however, is better for rest and comforting, emotionally centering activities, even if you need to enforce this frame of mind. You could benefit from a break to get your bearings, and you’ll be happy you took it! * Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here. If Your Birthday is December 29th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here. Astrology of Today – The Details: If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts (for the astrology of the week, see This Week in Astrology):    Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 0:00 am Event: Moon in Taurus Description: The Moon in Taurus This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 9:00 am Event: Moon goes void of course Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 3:50 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Nod Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting North Node This is the trigger for out with the old and in with the new. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now. Plans could need reworking. We could feel temporarily out of the loop. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 3:59 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Mer Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Mercury It can be difficult to be objective at this time. This can be a “foot in mouth” time. We should think before we speak, or there could be hurt feelings. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 4:40 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Sat Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Saturn We could feel burdened, restricted, or limited during this brief influence. We could be feeling a little down on ourselves, excluded, or lonely. There can be some awkwardness or stiffness and difficulty showing affection and feelings. Patience is a virtue right now; otherwise we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. All good things come to those who wait. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 5:21 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Jup Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Jupiter We could be suffering the consequences of recent excesses. We might be stirred to make a promise or a statement, but it could be over the top or unrealistic. Differences of opinion could be an issue now. It can be difficult to be objective. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 7:14 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Cer Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Ceres There can be conflicts with loved ones, or we could be feeling unsupported. People could seem insensitive or uncaring, or our own needs seem to be at odds with the needs of family and friends. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 9:00 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Plu Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pluto This can be a good time for getting loans, for taking care of business, and for dealing with money matters. It’s also good for getting in touch with feelings and managing them effectively. There can be a boost to our intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit. We could discover new information, hidden information, or a lost item. This is a time for recycling – seeing new uses for old items. True feelings come to the surface. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 12:14 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Ven Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Venus We can feel a little out of sorts. Our needs for pleasure, love, or entertainment may be at odds with our needs for comfort and familiarity, and we can be on the fence about what to do next. Overspending or overeating is possible. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 1:08 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Ves Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Vesta Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 2:33 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Ves Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Vesta We can be a little stiff with our emotions, and we can be distracted from our work or focus. There can be difficulty expressing tenderness, concern, or care. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 3:02 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Jun Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Juno Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 4:42 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Sun Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Sun What we feel and what we think we should do can be at odds with one another temporarily. There can be discontent or indecisiveness. We could be feeling out of sorts. Tensions will pass. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 6:42 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Chi Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Chiron We are more emotionally present and involved. We more easily hone in on problem areas and want to fix them. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily life right now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts. Date & Time: Dec 29 2017 1:32 am Event: Tr-Tr Mer Tri Nod Description: Transiting Mercury Trine Transiting North Node Projects prove successful right now, particularly those involving teamwork. Cooperate and reap the rewards. Strong Signs, Elements, Modes BALANCE OF SIGNS TAURUS STRONG Stable and enduring, strong values, unyielding, earthy, acquisitive, strong desires. Can be stuck, stubborn, overly possessive, self-indulgent. SCORPIO STRONG Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic. CAPRICORN STRONG Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous. BALANCE OF ELEMENTS EARTH STRONG We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting. AIR WEAK We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative. BALANCE OF MODES The modes are balanced. LUNAR PHASE: FIRST QUARTER Moon from 90 to 135 degrees ahead of the Sun. We are motivated to take action, perhaps due to a clash, conflict, or stress, as we are more aware of problems and differences now. Plans are beginning to take off or turn a corner. We should watch for pushing too hard. The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on December 29th: Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies. Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today). **I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime). THE MOON THE MOON IN TAURUS This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones. 21ST DEGREE OF TAURUS Part of Body: Arteries of nasal cavities Sabian Symbol: Moving finger points to significant passages in a book. ASPECTS OF THE MOON OPPOSITION JUPITER Orb 3°57′ Separating We may be going overboard or to excess now. Emotional restlessness, high expectations. Difficulties focusing on responsibilities; difficulties prioritzing. We are looking for fun or for something to celebrate, and turn to others to share our good feelings. TRINE PLUTO Orb 1°48′ Separating We can be quite focused now, driven by our goals and ambitions and motivated to put problems behind us. We might happily pour ourselves into a current passion or interest, and could find it easy to get to the bottom of things. THE SUN THE SUN IN CAPRICORN You are responsible and respectful, with a strong need to be an authority figure. You command respect and may tend to superiority and bossiness. 9TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Nerves of knee Sabian Symbol: An angel carrying a harp. ASPECTS OF THE SUN CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 2°31′ Applying We take pride in our ability to relate well with others or to smooth over differences now. Graciousness, diplomacy, charm, and some superficiality are themes. This is a good period for social affairs, pleasure, amusement, and romance, all things considered. CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 7°03′ Separating You are responsible, serious and reliable. You may have had a stricter father than the other children. Work and a career will be important to you. You have the self discipline to succeed. SEXTILE NEPTUNE Orb 3°40′ Applying Opportunities will arise for you to express your intuitive and artistic nature. MERCURY MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS You seek knowledge to expand your world view. You are a born philosopher, enjoying any information which helps you see the big picture. For instance you may enjoy a religious debate. You place importance on freedom of speech and thought. 16TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Left iliac vein Sabian Symbol: Sea gulls watching a ship. ASPECTS OF MERCURY SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°04′ Separating Our minds can wander and communications can be unclear. We may not be seeing the obvious, and instead are imagining more complicated scenarios. Business and mechanical matters may suffer. VENUS VENUS IN CAPRICORN You are shy in relationships. You will form relationships slowly, but they are likely to be enduring. You may not form close relationships early in life, but later will have solid and committed relationships. You are responsible with your money and possessions. 6TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Right adductor muscle Sabian Symbol: A dark archway and ten logs at the bottom. ASPECTS OF VENUS CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 4°31′ Separating You are shy and inhibited in your personal relationships. You fear commitment and tend to either be the one in control or to choose a partner who tries to control you. One of your parents may have been too strict and consequently you fear expressing yourself. Once you overcome your feelings of inadequacy you will have the ability to form secure and long-lasting relationships based on firm foundations. You are faithful and loyal. MARS MARS IN SCORPIO You are a passionate warrior. You are dramatic, and may have strong sexual urges. You may make a vengeful opponent. 13TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Vulva, Labia minora, glans penis Sabian Symbol: An inventor inventing. ASPECTS OF MARS CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 3°48′ Applying You are generous, self confident and lucky. Your energy level is high and you are courageous. You have a tendency to go where angels fear to tread, as you approach life with gusto regardless of the consequences. Travel and religious causes are likely to feature in your life. You may like to consider a career in the military or competitive sports. TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 0°52′ Separating Inspiration might be found now, and our intuition is strong. There can be letting go of anger, or a softening of the disposition. Creative arts, particularly physical ones, are favored. JUPITER JUPITER IN SCORPIO You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher. 17TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Testicular lobes, left ovary Sabian Symbol: A woman the father of her own child. ASPECTS OF JUPITER TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 4°41′ Separating You are artistic and may also be religious. You have a need to help others and may feel you have a calling. You have the ability to inspire other people’s talents as well. SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 2°09′ Applying You have a chance to achieve a great deal. Your knowledge is broad as you are interested in so many things. You may make a career in the occult or studying the deepest mysteries of life. SATURN SATURN IN CAPRICORN You are conservative and authoritarian, and have strong worldly ambitions. You are a responsible worker. 2ND DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Left patella Sabian Symbol: Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment. URANUS URANUS IN ARIES The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019). 25TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Sternocleidomastoid muscle Sabian Symbol: A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings. NEPTUNE NEPTUNE IN PISCES A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026) 12TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Plantar artery of right foot Sabian Symbol: An examination of initiates. PLUTO PLUTO IN CAPRICORN Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024). 19TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Ligaments of left knee Sabian Symbol: A child of about five with a huge shopping bag. Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect CHIRON CHIRON IN PISCES Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019). 25TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Left distal tibio-fibular joint Sabian Symbol: The purging of the priesthood. VESTA IN SCORPIO You are intensely committed to your work. Dedication and the ability to focus are keys to your work. Sexual morals may feature strongly as you seek to either break existing sexual mores or repress sexual urges behind a strict code of ethics. 23RD DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Nasal bone, fimbria of Fallopian tubes Sabian Symbol: A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy. PALLAS PALLAS IN ARIES You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action. 26TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Skull Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. JUNO JUNO IN AQUARIUS You want the freedom to be your own person in your relationship. If this is not available you become rebellious and unreliable. You are unlikely to be comfortable in a traditional relationship. 6TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Nerve of left fibula Sabian Symbol: A performer of a mystery play. CERES CERES IN LEO You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun. 18TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Right cardiac cavity Sabian Symbol: A chemist conducts an experiment before his students. THE NORTH NODE THE NORTH NODE IN LEO This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 16TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Left atrium Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm. THE SOUTH NODE THE SOUTH NODE IN AQUARIUS This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 16TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Lymph vessels of left lower leg Sabian Symbol: A big-businessman at his desk. *** CONJUNCTIONS TO SELECT FIXED STARS *** Transits 29 December 2017 Aspects to Sun 08°Cp10 -23°11′ Cnj 08°Cp32 FACIES — Ruthlessness or the victim. Aspects to Mar 12°Sc44 -14°47′ Cnj 12°Sc32 ALPHECCA Fruitfulness Cnj 12°Sc06 ACRUX Focused on the physical world. Aspects to Nod 15°Le33 +16°10′ Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful SHARE THIS: EmailFacebookTwitterTumblrGoogleReddit Filed Under: Daily Astrology, Today Tagged With: December 29  « Astrology of Today – Thursday, December 28, 2017Astrology of Today – Saturday, December 30, 2017 » Leave a Reply   Search this website … Search Cafe Astrology Cafe Astrology Home Cafe Astrology Free Reports Recent Astrology of Today – Saturday, December 30, 2017 Astrology of Today – Friday, December 29, 2017 Astrology of Today – Thursday, December 28, 2017 Astrology of Today – Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Astrology of Today – Tuesday, December 26, 2017 In this post Full Moon‌ First Quarter Moon‌ The Moon is waxing‌ The Moon is void‌ Tags Jupiter Neptune transit Mars-Pluto transit Mars Chiron transit Mars Jupiter transit Mars Neptune transit Mars Pluto transit Mars Saturn transit Mars Saturn transit Mars Uranus transit Mercury Chiron transit Mercury Jupiter transit Mercury Mars transit Mercury Neptune transit Mercury Pluto transit Mercury Saturn transit Mercury semi-square Venus Mercury square Mars Mercury square Neptune Mercury square Pluto Mercury trine Neptune Mercury trine Pluto Mercury Uranus transit Mercury Venus transit Sun Chiron transit Sun conjunct Mercury Sun Jupiter transit Sun Mars transit Sun Mercury transit Sun Neptune transit Sun Pluto transit Sun Saturn transit Sun sextile Saturn Sun square Neptune Sun trine Neptune Sun trine Saturn Sun Uranus transit Venus-Mars transit Venus Chiron transit Venus Jupiter transit Venus Mars transit Venus Neptune transit Venus Pluto transit Venus Saturn transit Venus square Saturn Venus Uranus transit  Previous  Subscribe via Email Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Current Planetary Positions 12/29/2017 9:40:58 AM Sun 08° Capricorn 12' 08" Moon 20° Taurus 55' 11" Mercury 15° Sagittarius 57' 30" Venus 05° Capricorn 40' 35" Mars 12° Scorpio 45' 18" Jupiter 16° Scorpio 32' 57" Saturn 01° Capricorn 07' 29" Uranus 24° Aries 34' 36" R Neptune 11° Pisces 51' 23" Pluto 18° Capricorn 42' 10" Chiron 24° Pisces 35' 22" TrueNode 15° Leo 33' 33" R Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Categories  Archives  December 2017 M T W T F S S « Nov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Copyright © 2017 · Astrology Cafe by Cafe Astrology
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exosmuttytalk · 8 years
Run Away - Chapter 1
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Characters: OC/Oh Sehun
Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff
Summary: An aspiring western model and a tired of stardom kpop star find their ways clashing in Seoul. Open for further explanation.
A/N: Okay, so I’m posting this here after receiving much more interest than I thought I would. To be honest, I didn’t think anyone would be interested in my lame ass story, but here it is either way.
I started writing this when I had just stepped into the Exo fandom (it also being the first kpop band that really caught my attention), it is the first fanfiction I ever wrote and I wrote it in a language that’s not my mother tongue. With all of this, just be aware of the pontential cringiness, over-clichéism (mostly at the beginning) and general mistakes there might be in this story as a whole. I think it gets better as the chapters go by, and someone else might have thought that too, because it got two awards where I first posted it.
As with all my stories, I’m open to comments, criticism and general randomness. Hope you enjoy it.
Small town girl trying to make a life for herself in a big city. It's been like this for the last four years; having to move to a completely different country did not seem to do much of a change in my life. All I see are faces passing by. Every agency rejects me because my face looks too western and all they're looking for is a properly beautiful Korean girl to star even the littlest toothpaste ad.
When I come back home, there's no one waiting for me. The place is cold and dark. I go prepare dinner just for myself and then go to bed on my own. I've never been a very outgoing person, I was always the loner, but oh god. I miss my cat. I miss my mom. I can't go to Granny's right now and tell her how I'm a complete failure at what I've been wanting to do all my life, seeing her judgemental eyes and hearing her "Told you so." As I tuck myself into bed all I can think of is that I have to find another way to get by.
I breathed in deeply before passing through the doors of the biggest coffee shop I've been able to find in Seoul. This is not what my life was meant to be, but I really needed a job to get by. The money mom left ran lower each time the landlady banged on the door to get me to pay rent, and my savings were never huge to start off.
I made my best effort to make myself look proper and presentable that morning, but as per usual, there's nothing I could ever do against all these beautiful young Korean girls. Even in that place, which was just a coffee shop, most of the waitresses were tallish, slender, dressed up and stunningly beautiful. It looked like a freaking runway. I did not consider myself to be an unattractive person; in fact, I was pretty well considered back home in the US. I even landed some modelling gigs, which was something I didn't think I'd ever get here. I was not particularly tall; my body had curves which could be considered beautiful in some other places, but here I'd only heard "you need to lose weight" whenever I stood in front of the camera. My hips were too wide, my eyes were too big, my face was not completely V shaped and my pretty pale skin was never pale enough. It was sickening.
I did the best I could to ignore the stares some people shoot at me when I got to the pretty lady behind the counter and asked her if there was any way I could talk to the manager. The dressed up yet informal middle aged man who came down the stairs and introduced himself as the manager informed me that they were not accepting job applications right then, but after talking to him for a little while I somehow managed to convince him that maybe having someone who looked so different waiting tables could result into even more customers coming to the store out of curiosity. The foreign community in Korea is not that big and we're pretty much stared at every day, so I might just as well make an advantage out of it.
It was safe to say that my first day was pretty hectic. My co-workers took commands and served plates twice as fast as I could and I was not familiar with the menu nor the place. I got a couple leaflets with all the menu options and tucked them into my purse to study them when I got home. When it was time to leave, the manager approached me.
"Listen, you're only here on trial period. You'd better start breaking your back from tomorrow on. I want you here at 8 in the morning. You will start serving at the bubble tea counter until you're familiar enough with the shop and the slang to be able to attend the tables as well." I bowed to acknowledge him and left.
I had just arrived home when my phone rang and I could see in the ID caller it was Grandpa.
"Hey there, sweetie! How are you doing? I haven't heard from you since last week." He sounded cheery and loving as per usual, which made a big contrast on how Grandma used to talk to me.
"I'm fine, but I've been busy. The search for modelling stuff is being...well, just as hard as Grandma told me it would be, but I'm still on it." As much as Grandpa didn't approve of my career choices, he wanted me to be happy and to learn how much work is necessary to maintain yourself, so he was just letting me do my thing. "Also, I found a job just today, in a pretty huge café in Gangnam but I'm on trial period right now."
"Oh, that's stupendous, sweetie." The grandiloquent English word choices made by my very Korean grandfather always made me giggle. "I'm sure they will be seeing your full potential in no time. And maybe you will be able to enjoy doing that, you never know."
"Yeah, maybe..."
"You sound quite tired, Gracie, have something nutritious for dinner and go to bed early." Always so caring. "Grandma told me to ask you to come around here sometime to have lunch with us because you never seem to visit anymore. But don't be in a hurry, come whenever you are able to, okay?"
"I'll go as soon as I can, Grandpa. Thanks for worrying. I love you."
"I love you too, and your grandma does as well. Take care."
Later in the night, after showering, having dinner and trying to get some study despite my upper floor neighbour's attempts to distract me with their noisiness, I fell asleep.
The next day, I woke up and made my way to the shop just in time already wearing the same uniform as the rest of the girls there. As the shop was about to open, one of my co-workers approached me. She had sleek straight dark hair and a really cute face.
"Hi! I'm MinSeo. It's nice having you here," she told me with a nice smile.
"My name is Grace," I smiled back as I bowed.
"Listen, yesterday I saw you were a bit too overwhelmed with all this stuff. I just wanted to let you know that I'm in the kitchen, which is right beside the bubble tea counter, so whenever you're feeling too tight, just call me and I'll give you a hand." Just as she finished saying this, she left, as the first customers of the morning where coming in.
That was unexpected. I hadn't been in Korea for that long and in that time, I'd only been able to interact with my grandparents, my landlady and my noisy neighbours, so I wasn't really hoping to have such warm welcoming.
The rest of the day went as I thought the days working there would develop over time. MinSeo and I had the time to chat and get to know each other a bit. She was a couple years older than me and lived with her boyfriend in an apartment quite far from my house, but as he usually picked her up when her shifts were over, we agreed they would drop me at home whenever I needed to. At the shop, we would get around an hour to have lunch, so we two went out together to grab something quick to eat, talk a bit more and do some window shopping in the busy streets of Gangnam.
In the afternoon, the manager came to see me at my spot. Despite my lack of knowledge of the business and my not-so-good Korean, I'd been able to keep up during the whole day, which got me congratulations and a reassuring smile on his behalf.
By the time my shift was just coming to an end, while the shop was pretty quiet and calm, this guy came in storming through the door and walked up to the bubble tea counter I was attending. He was wearing casual yet expensive looking clothing and a big pair of sunglasses even though the sun was already setting. He was very tall, slender but fit looking. His hair was parted and combed to the back. His complexion was pale and he seemed to be quite grumpy. Just a regular rich Korean guy, in my opinion.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" I asked after giving him some time to decide on the flavours he would want to have. He casted a glance at me over his sunglasses and started talking to me in Korean at such fast pace I simply could not get a thing.
I came closer to the counter.
"Would you mind speaking a bit slower? I could not catch a thing," I said making half a bow and repeating the word slower in Korean.
"Maybe you'd be better off learning to speak our language before trying to attend customers, don't you think?" he answered in a snarky tone, making me blush. "I was just asking for my usual order and asking where the previous girl who worked here is."
"Well, I just got this job yesterday, so I'm sorry, but I do not know what your order is nor where that girl is now." I was not going to let this bratty kid spoil all the progress I had made in that day. "So, if you do not mind, would you please repeat your order so I can take note and bring it here as fast as I can?"
He seemed a bit taken aback, as he just told me what he wanted and sat in a table to wait. I disappeared through the door at my right, which led to the kitchen, so I could grab the ingredients I needed for the smoothie he had ordered.
"Did you see that? Why do people tend to think that wearing clothes that are more expensive than everybody else's  gives them the right to treat the rest of us like dirt? I'm just trying to do the best that I can," I ranted to MinSeo, who was there cleaning up.
She stopped to take a look through the window that separated the kitchen from the main room.
"Do you know who that is?" she asked me with half a smile.
"Should I know?"
"Well, he's a member of one the most successful kpop groups not only in Korea, but in the whole world. Pretty much everyone knows him, more around here, as he comes to grab drinks at least four times a week."
"Well, I'm not much into that boyband stuff and I don't care how rich and famous he is, he lacks complete consideration," I grunted.
She looked at me with a funny expression in her face.
"I understand you, but to start off, he's a really good and consistent customer, and to follow, if you intend to work serving other people, I can assure you are going to be facing people who are much more unpleasant than him. Now, drink some water and go out there to do what you're being paid for. It's rude to keep the customer waiting," she scolded. But after seeing my bottom lip pouting out, she added "and smile, you have a really beautiful smile."
With that, I went out of the kitchen carrying the fruits I needed and proceeded to prepare his order. When I was half way through it, I felt someone staring at me and turned around to find him just behind my back, startling me.
"Well, at least you can say you have a style when it comes to peeling fruit," he snickered.
I turned around and went behind the counter to finish up his drink.
"Is there any name you would like in the cup, sir?" I asked stretching the last word as much as I could.
"Not really. But maybe you could give me yours."
"I don't think you will be making me a drink any time soon."
He smirked and handed me a bill as he picked up his cup.
"Have it your way then. And keep the change. I will see you around some other time, I guess."
"Good day, sir."
"Sehun, just Sehun is okay," and he left.
"Grace," I heard a voice behind me and turn around to see the manager, Mr. Park. "Being sassy to the customers in unacceptable. You've been doing so well all day long; don't make me regret taking you in."
"I'm very sorry, sir," I apologized while bowing. "I'm still kind of nervous about the job and I let it take the best of me. It won't happen again."
After meeting and greeting MinSeo's boyfriend when he came to pick her up, I went into the back of the car and remained silent, thinking about what had happened.
"Grace, don't be too hard on yourself, it's been just a small mistake. Tomorrow everything will run even more smoothly. Besides, I'm pretty sure Mr. Park will end up hiring you, he grows fond of people very quickly, even more if they do their job well," MinSeo said, trying to cheer me up.
"I hope so, because I definitely need the money to start paying at least a Korean tutor," I said, making both of them laugh. "What's the name of the guy who came today, again?"
"I never told you. He's Oh Sehun, and the band is EXO. You will have no problem finding them on Internet."
"Aww, Oh Sehun! MinSeo here used to be quite fond of him, didn't you?" said Lee, MinSeo's boyfriend, in a tone of mock.
She hit his shoulder playfully and replied:
"But not anymore, since now I have my man with me, you silly." They're so endearing.
Soon enough, we got home and I waved my hand to say goodbye as they drove off the street. As soon as I passed through the door, I realized how really tired I was.
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leighbot · 8 years
valentine’s day fluffy drabble - part of my ‘zayn as a beauty vlogger’ ‘verse. featuring gender fluid zayn/veronica and harry the adorable boyfriend. note: this is not intended to portray the only way for a person to be nonbinary or genderfluid- this is simply one interpretation. this drabble is told from veronica’s perspective.
BEFORE ANYONE ASKS: i don’t know, okay? this just... happened today.
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It’s almost perfect but there’s something still wrong with the lighting. Since moving to her new flat in Norwalk, Veronica’s never been able to completely figure out the complicated overhead ceiling lights. She’s lucked into getting the perfect levels before but tonight, her luck seems to have run out.
It’s no big deal- there wasn’t really a video planned for tonight so her viewers aren’t going to be as critical as if it were one of her makeup tutorials. A quick update has more room for error.
“Hey, everyone,” she says into the camera, shifting so her shadow doesn’t block her features. Her hair tonight is long and curly like a Disney princess and her makeup is still mostly flawless even after a long evening. She catches sight of a bit of color outside of her lip lines and she wipes it away with another quick look to the viewer to check. “Just wanted to post a quick update.”
“I know it’s usually annoying when people come on YouTube and gush about their S.O.’s around Valentine’s Day- how many posts do we have to see, really?- but I think I’m becoming one of those people.”
Veronica ducks her head for a second, catching herself speaking too quickly to be understood. Her Northern accent is a bit hard for people to follow, especially when she doesn’t enunciate, so she forces a breath and calms down. She casts a glance at the camera again, knowing her lashes are perfectly done up tonight and that it will translate to the camera well enough.
Can’t take the beauty blogger out of the girl.
“You guys have heard me talk about Harry,” she says carefully. “He’s… he’s really, really great. He had this grand idea of a Valentine’s Day date but it kind of went terribly?” she laughs. “I don’t know how he managed to do it, but he failed harder than I’ve ever heard of and it was pretty perfect because of that.”
“So, first off, he told me to be ready at five for our evening but he forgot he had to help a relative with their own VDay surprise until the last second so he calls me at four forty-five to let me know he’s moving it back an hour. He had the most panicked tone, too, like I was going to call it off right then and there. I didn’t mind, of course, because I’m a terrible procrastinator and had only just started getting ready. I got to take it slower and take my time- getting my hair just right, do you guys like it tonight?”
Veronica pauses again, tilting her head so the lights show off the different shades in her hair piece. It’s her most expensive one and her least favorite, if she’s honest, just because of the work associated with it. But she will never deny how pretty it is.
“I like it. Anyway, so we lost our reservation at the restaurant Harry had picked out- he won’t tell me which one it was but I’m sure it was ridiculous and we both would have been uncomfortable anyway. So we ended up going to a Chili’s, instead which- let me tell you a secret: you don’t need a fancy, prissy dinner with waitstaff in tuxes or anything ridiculous like that. Your everyday chain restaurant like Chili’s is going to be perfect- you’re comfortable already in the environment, you already know the food is good and they don’t give those tiny plate things, and it’s got the same Valentine’s Day ambiance and décor. It’s a hundred times better than any fancy place and probably half the price, too.”
Veronica sighs, irritated. “Not that Harry let me pay or even see the check. I tried to swipe my card on the kiosk- I know how much his gigs have been paying him lately- but he wrestled it away from me. Almost knocked our drinks over but he managed to keep his gangly limbs in check long enough.”
“After dinner- I had the Cajun chicken pasta but I skipped the garlic bread because I didn’t want to have bad breath, I knew I’d regret it,” she says, flipping her hair over her shoulder and shifting on her bed. “After dinner, we got back to his car and he gave me flowers and a box of chocolates he’d forgotten about. The flowers are a little wilted-“ she reaches out to pan the camera and show the slightly sad display on her nightstand behind her- “but they’re still lovely. The chocolate, on the other hand…” she laughs, bringing her hand to her mouth to keep the sound quiet. “Chocolate and black cars in LA don’t really mesh. They were almost completely melted and, I went to try one anyway because Harry had his disappointed puppy dog expression on, but I dropped it because it was so soft and it stained my dress.”
“Harry was so mad- at himself, not me obviously- and promised to have it dry cleaned. But I’m hoping you guys will have some suggestions. If not, I’ll search around on Google and figure out a secret. Not paying to have it cleaned when I can do it myself, right?”
“So my dress is- the stain is huge,” she holds up her hands, demonstrating the apple-sized stain now on the thigh of her dress. “And this is a really sexy dress, too. Puts my chicken legs all on display, gives Harry something to look at, the whole nine yards. But now it has a stain that, quite frankly, looks like poo.”
“He had planned on taking me out for drinks and dancing but I didn’t want to go with my dress looking like that and it wouldn’t make sense to come all the way back home here and change when we were already downtown. So we went driving around for a bit- I tried convincing him to just call it a night and chill together at home, but he was determined to have a night out.”
Veronica grins, waving her hands again. “He’s ridiculous. Finally, I told him to find a shop where I could buy something else to wear. We were right by a mall so we ran in- twenty minutes before close. The shop associates probably hated us but I’m pretty lucky because I found a pair of jeans I already know I like and a cardigan. I just dressed in the changing room and paid from the tags, keeping my slip on and putting the sweater over it. I think it looked pretty cute, if not so dressy. Harry got a few pictures of us in the before outfits and then in mine after. I’ll put those on Insta if he hasn’t already.”
“Make sure you guys are following both of us anyway,” she says, pointing to the corner of the screen. She’ll put a “SHAMELESS SELF-PROMO” dialogue box up later with links to their Instagram accounts. It didn’t used to be so easy to put plugs in like that, but a couple years of practice has made it more normal to do and now there’s almost no hesitation to remind viewers to follow the other social media accounts tying back to the uploaded videos. “I’m always popping up in Harry’s photos and half of the pics on my personal one, here,” she says, pointing to the opposite corner, “are of the two of us also. Forgive my boyfriend’s black and white aesthetic,” she smiles at the camera. “He thinks he’s pretty cool. I haven’t had the heart to tell him the truth.”
“Heeeeeyyyyyyyy,” she hears from behind her.
Veronica turns around, smiling over her shoulder at Harry where he’s stood in the doorway in just a towel, drops of water dripping from his long curls to his chest. She winks at him before turning back.
“Harry’s here,” she says with a sly grin. “He took us to the club after all but ended up spilling a whole tray of shots down his shirt. Came to mine to shower.” She pauses, ignoring the flush she feels on her face. “Think I’m going to go now, actually. Just wanted to pop in for a quick update of my day. Hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day like I did, even if you just treated it like a regular Tuesday. Be safe, be sweet and be strong,” she says, blowing a quick kiss at the camera before pulling a silly face and reaching to turn it off.
The mattress bounces as Harry settles in next to her. “You didn’t really mean what you said about me not being cool, right?” he asks, kissing her shoulder where her tank leaves some skin bare. “I’m pretty cool.”
“You’re the coolest,” Veronica assures him, grinning and turning her head to kiss his pouty mouth.
“Come convince me of that,” Harry murmurs against her lips, one hand slipping down her arm and trying to link their fingers together.
“I gotta edit the video, babe,” she protests, pulling away and laughing when Harry whines. “C’mon.”
“You c’mon,” he returns. “Edit it in the morning.”
“Doesn’t make sense to post a Valentine’s night update the next morning,” she reasons. “It’ll take me ten minutes.”
“It’ll take an hour because you’re a perfectionist and by then I won’t be horny at all.”
“That’s a bit of a falsehood.”
“A bit,” Harry allows. He settles back against the pillows behind her for a moment while she opens her editing apps and sets about cutting any parts she thinks are too awkward. “I’m a little hungry still,” Harry says a few minutes later. “I can go whip up something if you’ve got anything in.”
“Just went to the store yesterday,” she says. Harry shifts off of the bed, tugging on a pair of boxer briefs and discarding his towel in the hamper. “Harry,” she calls before he heads out of the room.
“Yeah?” he asks, turning and walking closer to her.
Veronica tilts her head back for a kiss, smiling softly against Harry’s lips. “Tonight was amazing. I’ve never enjoyed anything more.”
“Tonight was a disaster and now your viewers will all know.”
“It was not. Thank you, honestly. You’re good to me.”
Harry brushes her cheek with his palm, cupping her face and tilting her head back for another kiss, which she gives up easily. “You’re good, period.”
“I might be more Zayn when you come back,” she lets him know. “Feeling middle-ish right now.” She doesn’t always know the words to say but Harry always seems to understand- or, he asks the right questions when he doesn’t. Or says the right things.
“I love you always,” Harry assures, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Six months ago, she wouldn’t have believed someone saying that. Not because she didn’t know she deserved it- of course she knew- but just because it was one of those statements that carried a lot of weight with it and sounded cliché if not said with care. But one thing Harry has always shown- whether it’s to Veronica or Zayn or any of their in-between days- is the utmost amount of care.
“I love you,” she says. “So much that I’m going to get this done in ten minutes- I mean it,” she interjects when Harry looks doubtful, “and then I’m going to come help you in the kitchen.”
“I’m timing it.”
Veronica rolls her eyes. “You do that, babe.”
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worldcupnews2018 · 7 years
Ashes 2017: Steve Smith forced to dig in as Australia drag themselves back on day Joe Root showed his nous
A fair day for Australia and England; a resoundingly good one for Joe Root. England’s captain has already left his mark on what promises to be a much tighter series than people expected. The first Ashes Test remains finely balanced after two days, but what is already clear is that England have done their homework. They may yet be beaten, but they are unlikely to be outwitted. 
It was another attritional day at the Gabba, one that unlike the Kookaburra ball swung both ways at various points. England started serenely with the bat, collapsed to a middling total of 302, and then picked up four cheap Australian wickets to put themselves well in the game. But Steve Smith and Shaun Marsh resisted strongly in the final session, capitalising on an aging ball and tiring limbs. This is already becoming a familiar refrain, but tomorrow’s first hour will be utterly pivotal.
The Australian media may have dubbed England the “Bore-Me Army” after a stoic rather than heroic day one. But with bat and ball, England have so far offered an object lesson in how to play Test cricket in an age of Twenty20 attention spans. Root was exceptional: imaginative fields, strict four-over spells for his fast bowlers, and a constant source of advice and reassurance, even as Smith and Marsh began to hum. 
What will have especially pleased him was not so much the fact of the Australian wickets as the manner in which they arrived. In every case, England struck by exposing a specific Australian weakness, whether it was Usman Khawaja’s frailty against spin (lbw to Moeen Ali after just two balls), David Warner’s weird shovel-pull (caught at short mid-wicket to provide Jake Ball with his first Ashes scalp) or Cameron Bancroft’s tendency to close the face (a thin edge off Stuart Broad to give England an early boost). 
Adaptation has been one of Root’s maxims since touching down in Australia last month. But two gripping days in, it is England who look like the smarter and more complete side, Australia who look like they have more problems to solve.
Naturally, England have a few of their own. Their crumbling lower order, slipping from 246-4 to 302 all out, has the potential to be a problem. Jonny Bairstow’s demotion to No7, forcing him to chase the ball right from the outset as wickets tumbled around him, is surely not the best use of him. Three half-centuries and no centuries is not a sustainable ratio. And of course, they can join the rest of the international cricketing fraternity in struggling to find an antidote to the world’s No1 batsman. 
Starc was ferocious as Australia swept through England’s tail (Getty)
Smith was customarily magnificent: not as dominant as usual, perhaps, but all the more impressive for that. Just 10 runs came in the 11 overs after tea, as first James Anderson and then Moeen and Broad successfully dried up the singles with tight lines, tight fields and shrewd variations. Ultimately, though, his perseverance was rewarded. Moeen grew weary. Ball and Chris Woakes were unable to maintain the pressure. And with the much-maligned Marsh making good on his promise at the other end, England will need to do better at turning dots into wickets with the old ball.
It was a hotter day in Brisbane, and a pitch described by Shane Warne as the slowest he has ever encountered here continued to dry out whilst remaining essentially fine for batting. Spin will become an increasingly important part of the game as it goes on, with Nathan Lyon again the most threatening bowler on either side, inspiring a morning collapse that saw England fall around 50 runs short of a par score.
An elongated morning session was turned on its head by a rash shot by Dawid Malan, who had played beautifully for 56 and added 83 with Moeen. He swept Lyon for one to reach his 50, and initially coped well with a bouncer barrage from Mitchell Starc from around the wicket. After a few meaty pulls, however, Starc finally got the bumper right, and Malan’s patience finally ran out. The top edge went straight to Marsh at deep square leg, and Malan swished at the turf in anger as he walked off. 
Jake Ball got the crucial wicket of David Warner as Australia’s reply started slowly (Getty)
Seven balls later, Moeen played for too much turn and was trapped LBW on the front foot by Lyon. Woakes went for a duck, tempted into an airy drive and bowled through a gate that Lyon himself could have crawled through. And just like that, England had gone from 246-4 to 250-7. The Gabba, sniffing blood, finally came alive. 
Fittingly, Australia continued to pepper England’s tail. But even after Bairstow top-edged Cummins straight up into the air, Broad enjoyed a little luck to add some valuable runs. Ball took Lyon for 13 in an over before Warner ended his fun with a smashing catch at leg slip off Starc. Ultimately, 302 was adequate: should have been more, could conceivably have been even fewer.
The stage was set, then, for England’s veteran new-ball pair. And it was striking just how focused Anderson and Broad appeared at the outset, Anderson topping 85mph, Broad touching 88mph as they pounded the turf in search of an early breakthrough. It fell to Broad, gradually dragging Bancroft across his crease and finally hanging out outside off-stump and finding the edge. 
James Anderson dismissed Peter Handscomb (Getty)
After eight overs came Root’s first masterstroke. On came Moeen, ripping one past Warner’s edge in his first over, ripping one one past Khawaja’s in his second. The very next ball skidded straight, collecting Khawaja on the pad. Two down. 
Woakes was lively at second change, keeping Smith quiet at the start of his innings with a disciplined fifth-stump line. And just as Warner and Smith were beginning to lay the platform, Ball a huge moment. Warner tried to wheel Ball through square leg, was through the shot a fraction late and ended up shovelling it straight to Malan, stationed at short mid-wicket specifically for that shot. England celebrated like lottery winners: a partnership with the potential to win the game had yielded just 29. Warner had scored just two boundaries in 20 overs. It was the bargain of the season.
Handscomb, the quirky Victorian with quick hands and a baseball hitter’s stance, carved a few quick runs before tea. But in the first over of the evening session, Anderson threw him a slightly slower ball, pitched well up and pinging him on the back pad, wedged so far back in his crease it virtually was the leg-stump. Australia were 76-4 at that point, and England were just a couple of wickets away from the tail. Indeed, several wags joked that with Marsh walking in, England were already there. 
But success was shortlived as Australia battled back (Getty)
But Marsh was made of strong stuff. He had the wisdom to spend 40 balls simply biding his time, accustoming himself to the pace of the wicket, waiting for the loose delivery. Eventually they began to arrive with greater regularity, allowing him to move into the 20s, then the 30s, and finally 44 not out at stumps. Along the way he survived a proper, old-school Broad LBW review, struck on the thigh pad well outside off-stump. 
In a way, granting Broad the review was Root’s only blemish of the day. His fields were well-researched and unfailingly imaginative: a leg slip for the shuffling Smith, a deep point for the boundary-hitting Warner, two men on the drive for Warner against Moeen. The day ended with Broad bowling to a field of three silly mid-offs and two silly mid-ons, almost if they were all trying to get into the same photo. Quirky? Without a doubt. But even as England toiled, they never looked short of ideas. 
Skipper Smith led the way for the hosts (Getty)
Still, 18 overs remain before the new ball becomes available and if Smith and Marsh can bat for another couple of hours, Australia have the potential to carve out a match-winning lead. England will put their faith in a hearty dinner, a good night’s rest and the knowledge that they are two good days from breaching Australia’s mightiest fortress.
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