#cause he fucking hates monopoly
He Hung Up (3)
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You were vaguely aware of Sam yanking you away from the window, pushing you further into the apartment. Sam stood in front of you, looking you over concerned.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Death, Murder
Word Count: 4.6k+
Note: So, this story that was meant to be a one shot, then became a 3-part thing, has now turned into 4 parts.
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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“Let’s play Monopoly!” You smiled excitedly, holding up the box in front of everyone.
Everyone groaned causing you to frown. “Babe, please, it’s been a long day,” Tara said as nice as she could.
You turned, pouting at your girlfriend, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. You knew she could never resist them for very long. You knew she was right, it had been a long day, you went over suspects, got attacked by Ghostface, took a small nap, and now it was nighttime, and everyone was still at the apartment.
“Ugh, fine,” Tara sighed. Everyone else simultaneously groaned, while you smiled wide, jumping up and down. “Only because you got injured trying to protect me.”
You nodded happily. You didn’t care why she agreed to play Monopoly, you were just happy to be playing it. Once Tara agreed, it wouldn’t be long before everyone else agreed.
“I hate Monopoly,” Ethan mumbled.
You paused in taking the lid off the box. You looked to Tara then to Ethan. “That’s exactly what Ghostface said,” you said, squinting at him.
“That’s because Monopoly sucks,” Sam interrupted, plopping herself down in the armchair.
“That’s also what Ghostface said.” You narrowed your eyes at her.
She leaned forward in her chair, glaring at you. You dropped her eyes back down to the box, quickly taking out the board and pieces, laying everything out on the coffee table. You had all the money separated, the properties organized, and all the pieces in the middle of the table for everyone to choose from.
Ethan reached out grabbing for the car piece. You quickly smacked his hand before he could touch it. You snatched up the car, bringing it close to your chest. “I’m always the car,” you said in a serious tone. “You can be the fucking thimble.” You tossed the thimble piece at Ethan who glared at you.
“I’ll be the dog,” Tara said, picking up the dog.
Sam grabbed the battleship, Chad the cannon, Anika the top had, Mindy the boot, and Quinn the iron.
“Whatever, I have econ anyway,” Ethan said. Setting the playing piece down. He shot up from the couch, threw is backpack over his shoulder and stormed out the door without another word.
“Maybe we should invite Danny over,” you said.
“Who’s Danny?” Chad asked.
You smirked lightly when you saw Sam tense at the question. You were the only one who truly knew about Sam’s secret rendezvous with him. You had walked in on them a few times making out in the lobby. For people who wanted to keep their relationship a secret they were quite terrible at it, always hooking up in public spaces where anyone could walk past and see them.
You weren’t going to tell anyone about the relationship though. You knew Sam had her reasons for wanting to keep it secret and you respected that. She would tell the others when she was ready. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t have your fun though. Seeing Sam tense up and glare at you every time she thought you were going to spill the beans was hilarious. You knew teasing Sam did you no favors and it just made her dislike you even more, but you couldn’t help it, she just made it so easy.
“Cute boy from next door,” you answered Chad.
“Yes!” Mindy shouted. “Maybe we can finally get Sam laid!”
Sam glared at Mindy. For once she looked more pissed off at someone that wasn’t you. You tried covering your laugh with a cough. You didn’t need Sam’s death glare back on you. She seemed too busy to catch your laugh though, threatening Mindy with just a glance. Mindy quickly looked anywhere else when she noticed Sam’s glare, leaning into Anika as she took a long sip of her drink.
“I certainly wouldn’t mind the eye candy,” Quinn commented. “I can see into his apartment from my room and let me tell you,” she met everyone’s gaze, smirking. You saw Sam tense slightly, but it wasn’t obvious unless you knew why. “The view does not disappoint. That boy is fine!” she said the last word through gritted teeth, adding a little growl.
You snorted. “Please,” you scoffed. “He may be hot but he’s a huge dork. He definitely wouldn’t complain about being the thimble.”
“Danny is not a dork,” Sam said quickly. Everyone turned, scrunching their brows at Sam. Her eyes widened; she didn’t look at any of her friends, instead choosing to find your gaze. You had a small smile tugging at your lips and just raised your eyebrows in question. She shook her head trying to appear nonchalant. “I mean he doesn’t seem like a dork.”
You openly burst out laughing at that. Sam went back to her usual glaring at you. You continued to ignore it, laughing so hard you fell into a coughing fit. Tara gently patted you on the back and handed you a cup of water. You took it, giving her a thankful nod. You sipped the water, calming down enough that your laugh turned into a silent chuckle.
You couldn’t believe Sam actually believed Danny wasn’t a dork. You knew love was blind but damn you didn’t think it was that blind. The man spent most of his nights ironing his t-shirts. They were freaking athletic type shirts too. That was like the one piece of clothing that never needed to be ironed and yet Danny did it, every night.
Sam had to of been into Danny for his looks at first because there was no way she fell for him by talking to him. Danny was adorable and awkward but couldn’t flirt to save his life. One of the times you had walked in on them in the lobby he was flirting with Sam, and she was giggling so maybe she just liked dorky guys, but you couldn’t help but snort when you heard his pickup line. It instantly caused Sam to glare at you. You were pretty sure the only reason she didn’t turn around and beat you with the mail in her hand was because Danny quickly grabbed it, trying to calm her down.
“I’m sure Danny would love to join,” you said, moving to pull out your phone. “I’ll text him.”
“No!” Sam said quickly. Her saying no didn’t come as a surprise to the others, they were used to hearing Sam say no. You, however, knew this no was different than all the other noes.
“Can we just get this over with?” Tara sighed. You turned to her, mouth hanging open at how she could say something so dismissive about your favorite game. “Babe, I’ve already agreed to play. What more do you want?”
You turned back to the board pouting and grumbling under your breath. You finished setting the board up and then passed out each person's money. You were going to be the banker, but Sam snatched the little plastic tray from you. You raised your hands in defense before peacefully handing her over the property cards. She may hate monopoly but clearly, she was still enough of a control freak to need to be in charge of the pretend money.
You guys had been playing for a few hours and despite their dislike for the game everyone seemed to be having a good time. Sam had ordered a pizza and barely anyone had wanted to get up from the game to go answer the door. Everyone continued to sit around the coffee table, eating pizza with one hand while rolling the dice with the other.
Everyone owned a few properties. You and Sam were the only ones who had all of certain colors and had even started to build a few houses. Tara just rolled, landing on one of your said properties with two houses on it. She pouted, batting her long lashes at you. You smiled sweetly at her; you loved those eyes. You leaned over giving her a soft kiss.
“Pay up,” you whispered against her lips.
She frowned, pushing your shoulder. You broke out into a laugh which caused her to lightly smack you in the stomach. She grumbled about how she couldn’t believe her own girlfriend was actually making her pay. You smirked as she handed you the money, her throwing a glare at you before crossing her arms and leaning back into the couch with a pout. You sat there flipping through the money, making sure it was all there. You may love her but even she didn’t get a pass when it came to Monopoly, you were ruthless to anyone who landed on your property.
After a few more hours it was down to just you, Sam, and Chad. Everyone else had gone broke and had to sell off their properties to either you or Sam but even after getting money from you guys, they quickly lost it again. It was mainly down to you and Sam; Chad was just lucky to still be in it. He had spent a lot of time in jail and owned a couple railroads, the only things keeping him afloat.
“Maybe we should call it a night,” Chad sighed, reaching up to stretch out his back. You and Sam both swung your heads, glaring at him. He stopped mid-stretch, slowly bringing his hands down. “It was just a suggestion,” he raised his hands in defense.
“You just don’t want to lose,” Sam snapped.
“You’re just trying to avoid the inevitable,” you said at the same time.
Sam may hate monopoly and may have been complaining about how long it took at the start, but she was just as competitive as you. You guys had been playing all night and the game was almost over. The idea of quitting now was unfathomable to both of you. How could either of you quit when the end was just in sight.
“It’s after midnight,” he pointed to the clock underneath the TV.
You and Sam both turned to the clock, seeing that it was in fact after midnight, it was approaching two. Anika and Mindy were cuddled up, sleeping on the couch and Quinn had retreated to her room once she lost the game. You glanced to your left and saw Tara sound asleep, curling herself as close as she could get to you. You smiled down softly at her; you hadn’t even realized she dozed off. You and Sam both turned to each other, sitting straighter and narrowing your eyes at each other.
“He makes a point,” Sam said.
“Agreed,” you said.
The two of you kept narrowing your eyes more and more at each other. You weren’t going to forfeit, and you knew Sam certainly wasn’t going to either. You two were at an impasse. You were certain the two of you could knock Chad out of the game in like twenty minutes, but you and Sam were pretty evenly matched, both had solid stacks of money still, close to the same amount of property, and for what one had in property the other made up for in houses.
“Pause until the morning?” Sam asked.
“Okay,” you said slowly.
You two watched each other for another minute before Sam gently set the dice down in the middle of the board.
“Alright,” she said loudly, clapping her hands as she stood up. “Time for bed.” Tara, Mindy, and Anika all jumped awake. “I’ll grab the spare blankets and pillows.”
“We don’t have to stay,” Chad said.
“Yes, you do.” Sam came back into the room with a few pillows and blankets. “It’s late and there’s a psycho after us, again. I’m not letting you go out there alone.”
“Ready for bed?” you whispered to Tara who had sat up but was currently resting her head on your shoulder, wrapping her arm around yours in an iron grip.
She mumbled sleepily and you stood up slowly, bringing her with you. She stumbled on her feet for a second, choosing to keep her eyes closed so she didn’t fully wake herself up. You moved around the table, gently pulling Tara with you, making sure she didn’t bump into anything.
“Hey, wait,” Anika called out, just as you and Tara were about to pass through the kitchen to her room.
You turned, seeing Anika unmute the TV. It was another news broadcast. Your breath caught thinking there might have been another murder, but you were relieved because everyone you cared about was currently safe in the apartment with you. The reporter started speaking, though it wasn’t about another murder, that should’ve made you happy, no one else was dead yet. It didn’t, however, the reporter might not have been talking about a new murder, but he was going on about how Sam was the top suspect.
You didn’t know where the hell those guys got their info from. Sam didn’t do anything wrong. She wasn’t behind the Woodsboro murders last year and she wasn’t behind the current one’s going on. There was absolutely no evidence pointing Sam to any of the murders, she was the victim. People just couldn’t get over the fact that her dad was a serial killer. You didn’t see why that was such a focal point, plenty of serial killers had kids and most of those kids didn’t turn out to be psychos like their parent.
You felt Tara push off from your side. It seemed that the news report had made her wide awake. She moved to the dining room table where Sam sat. You turned away, choosing to pretend to watch the news, you didn’t want to impose on their sister moment. Chad and Mindy quickly joined the sisters, comforting Sam. You smiled softly to yourself at hearing Chad deem them the core four again and say how they were a family.
Sam took the opportunity to mention her hook ups with Danny. The other three cheered and high fived. You had told Sam she wasn’t very subtle; she hadn’t believed you. Turns out you had been right since everyone had suspected them. You took that as your opportunity to slide into the chair next to Tara and join.
“I told you so,” you said, smirking at Sam.
She rolled her eyes, glaring at you before flipping you off. Her reaction only made you laugh more.
“You knew!” Tara screeched, slapping your arm. You yelped in pain. She had managed to smack right where the cut on your arm was. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry.”
“I think I need a kiss,” you said, looking at her with sad eyes. “You know, for the pain.”
She rolled up your t-shirt sleeve, placing a delicate kiss just above the bandage. She then looked up at you, leaning in and giving your lips just as soft of a kiss.
“Are you okay?” she asked quietly.
You could hear the worry in her voice. You knew she didn’t mean to hit the cut. You all had been having so much fun playing Monopoly then picking on Sam. It was kind of easy to forget you had just been attacked. If it wasn’t for the fact that your bicep burned every time you moved it, then you were sure you would have forgotten about the cut as well.
“All better,” you whispered back to her. Placing another quick kiss on her lips.
You swung your injured arm around her back and pulled her into your side. She instantly laid her head on your shoulder. “I can’t believe you knew,” she said again.
“Please, they were so obvious,” you said. Sam threw her hands in the air, leaning her head back as she let out a long groan. “I caught them in the lobby so many times. I’m surprised none of you ever saw them.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” Tara looked up at you with that adorable pout she used when she specifically wanted to make you feel guilty about something. “I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other?”
“Wasn’t my secret to tell love.” You smirked down at her, she just rolled her eyes, moving her gaze back to her sister and friends.
Sam’s phone started ringing with Danny’s picture popping up. Tara quickly leaned out of your grasp, snatching the phone from Sam’s hands. She held Sam back with one arm while she used the other to bring the phone to her ear, pretending to talk to Danny.
Sam eventually got the phone back from Tara, choosing to ignore Danny, saying she’d call him back. You knew that was a smart decision for her because if she had answered she would be throwing Danny to the wolves with all of you around. There was no way you or any of the others wouldn’t have ripped that phone back out of her hands and given Danny shit for all the sneaking around.
A few seconds later after everyone’s laughter had died down, everyone’s phone went off at the same time. You turned back seeing Anika reaching for her phone on the coffee table, she had also gotten a text. You all opened the message at the same time, seeing a picture of Ghostface in Quinn’s room, holding her against himself as he was about to bring a knife down into her stomach.
Everyone shot to their feet at the same time. Tara ran towards the bedroom door. You were quick to yank her back by the arm before she could reach the handle, pushing her behind you, towards Chad. Everyone stood frozen, hearing Quinn’s scream and stuff crashing around before everything went silent.
“Run,” Mindy whispered.
The door to Quinn’s room flung open. Quinn’s body came flying out, crashing into Anika, knocking her to the ground. You saw Chad keep hold of Tara’s arm, dragging her out of the apartment with him.
You were about to follow after them when Ghostface jumped in your path, sliding into the door so it slammed shut. He stood between you and the door, swiping his knife at you. You jumped back dodging each of the swipes.
Sam ran into the kitchen, searching for a knife or weapon of some kind. Ghostface moved to follow but you charged at him. He pushed you back with one arm while the other came around, trying to stab you in the side. You turned to the side, the knife just missing you.
Ghostface stomped forward, grabbing Mindy by the shoulder the plunging the knife into her side. Anika, still on the floor, grabbed Ghostface’s ankles, trying to trip him up and get him to release Mindy. Ghostface crashed to the floor. You took the opportunity and pulled Mindy behind you. Ghostface turned crawling on top of Anika before stabbing her in her side, choking her with his other hand as he did so.
You grabbed him by the cloak, intending to yank him off of her. When he got to his feet again, he spun around, swinging his knife. You barely dodged it again, somehow managing to keep a grip on his shoulder as well. He pushed you back until your back was against the wall. You each had a grip on each other’s shoulders, you trying to keep him as far away from you as possible, while he tried to use his grip to pull himself closer.
He gripped his knife tightly, bringing it up, aiming for your chest this time. You used your other hands to catch his arm with the knife as it started to come down.
“Sam!” you shouted.
“All the knives are gone!” she yelled back.
“Sam!” your grip slipped, the knife coming closer to your chest before you tightened your grip again. “Sam!”
Sam didn’t answer you; she ran out of the kitchen with the wooden block that usually held all the knives, smashing it into Ghostface’s head. You pushed him off you while he was disoriented.
Sam grabbed Mindy while you got Anika and ran through the apartment into Quinn’s room. As quickly and gently as you could you sat Anika on the bed. Sam pushed Mindy towards the bed before turning and locking the bedroom door just as Ghostface appeared, banging on the door.
��Bathroom,” Sam whispered, nodding to you as she moved a desk in front of the door. You ran towards the bathroom, nearly tripping on the mess of clothes and blood on the floor. You passed through the bathroom, seeing one of Quinn’s hookups lying in his own pool of blood in the tub. You got to the door, the same time as Ghostface did. You tried slamming the door on his foot, but he slammed his body into the door, pushing his way through.
You quickly abandoned the door, running back to the bedroom to get that door. You turned to close the door, with Ghostface right behind you. You almost had it, but Ghostface got his arm through, slashing blindly at you. Sam quickly joined you, helping you hold the door until Ghostface yanked his arm back. With the door firmly shut you and Sam moved the dresser in front of it.
“Hey,” you nodded towards the window where you could see Danny waving his arms from his apartment.
Sam ran across the room, opening the window. “I don’t know what to do!” she shouted at him.
“I got you,” you heard him yell back.
“Are you serious?” you heard Sam ask before seeing part of a ladder come through the window.
“Oh, you got to be fucking kidding me,” you mumbled. “Is he serious?” Sam shrugged. Ghostface slammed into the door, causing the dresser to move. You braced yourself against the dresser, trying to get better footing to hold it in place. “Go!” you waved her to go out the window.
Sam looked back at you hesitantly then Mindy and Anika.
“Go,” Mindy said. She was holding a hand to her own wound while also trying to comfort her girlfriend. “We’ll be right behind you.”
Sam nodded, eventually making her way out the window and across the ladder. You heard her shout for the next person.
“Go,” Mindy said, nodding at you.
“Like hell,” you said, struggling against the dresser as Ghostface remained relentless. “I got this,” you nodded back at the door. “Go.” You did not think you actually had it, but you needed Mindy to get across the ladder.
Mindy sighed, giving Anika one final kiss before she made her way across the ladder. You closed your eyes, focusing on using all your strength to hold the dresser against the door. You didn’t open your eyes again until you heard Sam call for who was next.
“Anika, go,” you said.
“I can’t,” she cried, shaking her head.
“You have to. Please, I need to hold the door.”
“Anika, please,” you tried pleading with her.
“Y/N just go, I’ll be right behind you.”
“Y/N, go.”
Anika stumbled over towards you, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the door and towards the window. The two of you stood at the window, seeing the others safely on the other side in Danny’s apartment. You leaned your head out the window, looking down at the ground, it was one hell of a drop. You were seriously hating the fact that Sam chose an apartment on the top floor. Tara had told you Sam had only searched for apartments on top floors, she had said it would make them safer, she had also only looked at buildings with stairs. You understood it, you truly did, but also damn her paranoia.
“Go,” Anika cried again.
“Come on!” Sam shouted. “You got to move.”
“Anika,” you tried again.
“Go!” she shouted, for the first time since you met her, you could hear anger in her voice. “Please, go. I’ll be right behind you,” she assured you again, her voice back to being soft.
You reluctantly nodded, climbing out of the window and onto the ladder. You were never one to be afraid of heights but something about climbing from one apartment to another across an unstable ladder at least twenty feet in the air while a psycho tried to kill you was absolutely terrifying. You stared straight ahead, focusing on Sam and the safety of Danny’s apartment. Your breath caught in your throat with every shift of the ladder underneath you. Before you knew it, you were at the other side and Danny was pulling you through the window.
You instantly joined Sam and Mindy at the window, calling Anika over. It took a lot of coaxing, but Anika finally got on the ladder, slowly making her way over to you guys. She was in the middle of the ladder when your eyes widened at the sight behind her. Ghostface had gotten into the room and now he stood at the window, he impaled his knife in the windowsill before grabbing the ladder.
“Wha-what?” Anika whimpered.
All of you started shouting at her to hurry, encouraging her as best as you could while trying not to panic her even more than she already was. Anika glanced behind her, catching the sight of Ghostface, she began sobbing, shaking her head that she couldn’t do it. Mindy kept encouraging her, telling her she would be fine, and they were all right there waiting for her. She slowly started moving again when Ghostface lifted the ladder, shaking and rattling it, doing everything in his strength to get her to fall.
Anika was almost there. You and Sam both had your arms stretched out, trying to grab hold of her. Her fingers kept grazing against Sam’s, but Sam couldn’t get a good grip on her. With one final toss Anika went over the side of the ladder.
You reached out, stretching half your body out of the window but you managed to grab her, gripping onto her forearm. You held onto the windowsill with your other hand, trying to keep yourself steady as you held her up. Your arm was burning, you could feel your stitches ripping at the strain being put on your arm. Mindy and Danny held onto you trying to make sure you didn’t go out the window as well. Sam leaned over, trying to reach for Anika to help pull her in.
Anika’s grip slipped, her hand sliding down your arm before latching onto your hand. You groaned, gritting your teeth. You caught the slight sight of blood dripping down your arm out of the side of your eye from where your stitches had certainly fully come out.
“I got you,” you said through gritted teeth, looking Anika in the eye. “I got you.”
Her hands were so slick from her own blood, she started to slip out of your grasp again. You tightened your grip as best as you could. It wasn’t any use, her hand slipped, and you were only holding her by your fingertips. You saw her eyes widen with fear at the realization of what was about to happen. Your fingers gave out and you watched as she fell.
You saw her mouth open; you didn’t hear her scream though. You weren’t sure if you screamed. Everything was so quiet. Your eyes never left her. Your eyes never left her body as she smacked into a dumpster then fell onto the pavement.            
You were vaguely aware of Sam yanking you away from the window, pushing you further into the apartment. Sam stood in front of you, looking you over concerned. Her mouth was moving but you didn’t hear any of the words she was saying. You let Anika fall. Anika was dead. You had her in your grasp and you weren’t strong enough. She literally slipped through your fingers. It was all your fault.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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♡ part 2 of random hc ♡
☆ starring ☆
König aka my beloved giant unfairly underrated and overlooked
Tw: mature language, mentions of anxiety, tiny bit of angst like you have to squint really hard
A/N: first i have to thank @bloodlst for giving me so many ideas and for dealing with me and my endless rants about this absolutely scrunkly babe. I SHOULD BE DOING REQUESTS AND YET HERE I AM WRITING FOR A MAN I'VE KNOWN FOR NO MORE THAN A WEEK OR SO. Media is ruining my chances at a normal relationship fr ANYWAY ENJOY
Listen this fucker is the definition of disney Prince when he gets comfortable enough around you
Everytime he talks about his s/o instead of saying you're his he says that he's yours
He feels like it's not as intimate and accurate as he really feels around you to say that you're his
And BTW he brags about you and your public displays of affection to everyone and anyone
Bro has not an ounce of embarrassment in showing he loves you and you love him
He's so charming and smooth but with that sprinkle of awkwardness that makes him ridiculously adorable
He is quite literally a gentleman and worships the ground you walk
In general he's very respectful and lovely with everyone
That's why he tends to like make people crush on him
Which he totally doesn't notice like ever, this man can and will think they're just being overly nice out of pity
He is literally so good at dancing, like it's almost annoying
One could think that him being so tall would make him really stiff and awkward when dancing but he's not
He's as graceful and elegant as ever
Is the only time he gets confident and shows off a little bit his physical appearance
He definitely prefers more elegant dances like waltz and tango ecc
He has a really hard time at being funny cause he always worries that maybe his jokes are not obvious enough or that he's just straight up not funny
Like he has a shit ton of puns and jokes in his head but says none of them cause he doesn't really knows if people will get it and it's scared of coming off as weird
Most of the jokes are dirty jokes BTW, this man is an absolute child and is making deez nuts jokes left to right inside the confines of his really strange mind
Has really large hands, like not quite big but really long fingers and they're slightly crooked AND EVERYONE WHO HAS LONG FINGERS CAN CONFIRM YOUR FINGIES GET CROOKED
ALSO ALSO when he buys a new phone he doesn't even cares about it being good or not
He has premature grey hairs. Like he has starting to get them when he was really young
Which ends up in him always having to dye his hair
He loves to go to get groceries
Like he actively gets excited about new products or new things to buy and overall he just enjoys how relaxing and calming is to go to the supermarket
I feel like he's one of those people who are really good at card games like poker ecc
He either ends up broke af cause everyone is merciless with him or he's unbelievably lucky and ends up winning every hand but doesn't takes the money cause he feels bad
It really depends on the day
With board games tho he's definitely a sore loser
Like have you seen how pissy and sarcastic he gets in the game sometimes? You can not tell me this man doesn't hates losing at monopoly
Me and my fellow könig simp @bloodlst have come to the conclusion that he has an involuntary resting bitch face
The fact is that as I said before he clenched his jaw almost always due to anxiety which makes him look like really scary but insanely hot
The moment you make him smile tho it's like you're witnessing some sort of shapeshift witchery
He has gone through the most traumatising injuries ever but never seems to notice (?)
Like he has big ass scars in his body and when someone asks about them he tells the story all chill as if he's not talking about him getting fucked up in every possible way
and he like never realises how serious his injuries are in the eyes of everyone else so he's always so confuse as why everyone looks so concern
He chooses his words wisely cause he values the meaning of certain words and doesn't likes to use them lightly
Like he tries not to tell his s/o I love you too lightly or too much cause he wants the phrase to always feels as special as it is for him and not something you said just because
And about that when he's arguing with someone he never says anything he does not mean
That means he will say 100% the truth even if it hurts
That doesn't mean that if he realises he's wrong he won't apologise
He will and will genuinely own his mistakes and take responsibility without using excuses
Like I said before könig is not one who gets angry easily
He has unwavering patience and deals with things very rationally
Like he is used to people treating him as if he was dumb, bullying him and just overall making him feel like bad about his anxiety or himself so it's not surprising he can handle people bring arses very well
He gets upset but always hides it really well
When he does gets mad tho he is going to make you cry
Any filter or shyness goes away and he just snaps and gets really mean really fast
Mean because although he's being honest, he's particularly brutal about it and says things as harsh as possible
But like I said is really hard for him to get that angry
The most that one can do to him is force him to politely excuse himself to go somewhere else and cry it out
He's a really sensitive person and most often than not he just gets sad, he won't stay sad for long but when he does he feels like absolute shit
The things that make him go absolutely apeshit is mostly when people mistreat his loved ones or when people take advantage of someone weaker than them like they used to do with him
When he was younger he used to have a lot of anger issues
He used to feel frustrated all the time with how unfair everyone was with him because of his anxiety
Never got into physical fights but would end up snapping and saying really hurtful things to people he loved
That's why now he tries to be careful with words
He's very proud of the person he has become in some way
He has come a long way and now he's a healthier person than he used to be
He forgives but never forgets even tho he's not the type of person to use past mistakes against someone
He just keeps in mind the thing that had happened and if he doesn't sees any change then he just acts consequently
Hates mint flavour beverages or ice cream and can't understand why people enjoy it so much
I don't know why but I feel like he grow up with his grandparents
He absolutely loved his grandma and used to call her almost everyday
When he buys clothes he doesn't really care about the brand ecc he likes to buys what makes him feel confident or good
Not even what others might like or stuff like that nono
He just buys whatever his funky brain finds pretty
And surprisingly it leads to him having a really good style
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creepsopasta · 1 year
playing games with some pastas
includes; eyeless jack, jeff the killer, hoodie, masky, ticci toby, homicidal liu, kagekao
eyeless jack:
- bit of a sore loser. not good with games that make him rage or online games
- voice chat with him is crazy!! he is literally foaming at the mouth yelling and cursing he is so bad at games :(
- “jack it’s gonna be okay” “FUCK you”
- he is not very kind about his losses
- most likely ends up throwing the control at the tv and breaking it (bad ending)
- whenever he ends up winning he’s ecstatic he does not stop talking about it and will brag about it to you exclusively. just go with it okay he needs it for his already shattered ego
- 0/10 experience would not do again.. okay maybe he would if you talked him into it and told him how much of a great player he is
- “i AM awesome aren’t i???” “yes you are <3”
- the more you play together the more he’ll learn to calm the fuck down and just enjoy himself
- still rages a lot tho
jeff the killer:
- plays board games like candyland and twister
- he’s a fucking shark he’s got all this shit down he knows how to win
- anyone who gets paired up with him for game night is 85% guaranteed to win (unfortunately there is someone out there who’s better than him)
- gets PISSED over not winning twister fucking furious he is literally the most flexible guy in this house he can do so much with his body
- monopoly is his favorite game. he esp loves to play with the younger pastas bc they believe anything he says and he thinks it’s hilarious
- “NOOOO PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY HOUSE” “your rent is $500,000, sally… it’s my house now”
- not a very avid video game player. he never really played a lot tbh
- good at everything EXCEPT connect four. do not make him play connect four he hates it he has terrible memories of it
- mastermind strategy planner. it’s a shame he doesn’t think this much at any other time
- boasts about it big time if you lose (you will probably lose) but might even try to let you win on purpose if he feels bad or sees you’re upset
- more of an arcade game guy. if you’re looking for like pinball games or pacman or space invaders or maze games or those weird money machines (that he kind of just. steals from) then he’s like great at all of them
- has spent hours honing his skills in his free time so you’ll be grinding for a while if you wanna beat him
- all the highest scores on the arcade machines are his. no one has topped them bc they’re fucking insane
- “wow you really have nothing better to do huh” [takes out gun] “that’s enough out of you jack can’t even fuckin move the joysticks around”
- tries to act like he isn’t competitive about it but he really super is
- thinks it’s just adorable that you think you can defeat him. no he will not be humbled by his lover of all people… that would make him a weak man
- goddamn merciless. no favors for anyone he revels in the rage he causes (see jack for more)
- if you’re a beginner he’ll take it easy on you until you learn the ropes and will offer tips but as time goes on he’s gonna be looking for a fight
- if he’s ever beaten, he will take it in grace and go straight from denial to acceptance
- does not rage that often. just hardcore practices until he’s like fucking unstoppable
- card player :(
- hates go fish tho he has such bad luck with it and everyone makes fun of him bc it’s like the universe does not want him to win
- good at boring ass stuff like solitaire or blackjack and if you ask him if he can play anything funner he’ll be like “oh so like rummy or spoons :]”
- no masky not like rummy or spoons… like uno or fucking play with some goddamn pokémon cards
- he’s so enthusiastic about it though so cmon just indulge him alright.. he literally has nobody else around him who’s into cards
- “okay so i win” “what… but we just started”
- he plays chess too!!! maybe you’ll find that more interesting?? he’s not very in touch with board games or anything this is the best he’s got
- deadass makes up his own rules if you don’t know anything about the game you’re playing
- “yeah so now you have to eat a rat. sorry babe”
- is never going to make fun of you if you suck at cards it’s not like he can beat jack in video games
ticci toby:
- dnd enjoyer he loves being the dm especially
- he, you, jeff, hoodie, lj, and occasionally masky have game nights and all you guys do is sit around the kitchen table trying not to curse each other out for doing stupid shit
- “c’mon guys this is supposed to be fun :(”
- doesn’t know that most of you have no idea how to play so he makes it super difficult
- has had to REPEATEDLY glue the die back together because jeff cannot stop snapping it in half
- “why does your dumbass partner always win this is fucking favoritism” “and then jeffery fell off a building and into the ocean 🥰”
- teaches you all you need to know about the game he will sit there for hours if he needs to just talking about the complexity of the rules
- he seems to have a lot of fun with it so everyone tries their best to not break the pieces or punch masky or yell at each other or punch masky
- better with snacks and drinks and lots of breaks so everyone can calm down and at least try to find some joy in the game
- 6/10 experience. would only try again without jeff at the table
homicidal liu:
- among us player… pisses everybody off bc he’s unfortunately very good at it and always imposter
- absolutely kills it (pun intended)
- no mercy he kills everyone including his loved ones this is a battle to the death and he is going to win goddamnit
- being imposter with him is some of the easiest shit bc he will carry the team entirely
- nothing to brag about tho since it’s a little space game and it’s really easy
- always knows who the imposter is if it’s not him he’s got some kind of foresight he will go out of his way to sabotage their chances at winning
- “would you love me more… if i killed someone for you 😇😇” “but you killed ME liu” “whoops”
- will stay with you for most of the game so he has an excuse for being innocent. once you are of no use to him he will stab you in the back
- relatively tame over voice chat. unless his brother happens to be there then it’s just jeff getting pissed off bc he can’t activate the reactor
- wakes you up at 2 am, phone in hand, smile on his face, asking “do you wanna play among us?”
- “liu, shut the fuck up and go back to sleep.” “ok.. :((”
- great at those games you play in your yard like frisbee or tag or hide n seek or maybe darts
- since the bitch can fly and run really fast it’s very unfair he pretty much cheats at everything and he thinks it’s funny
- frisbee with him is a literal field day. throws it so far you can’t find it ever again you’ll just have to buy a whole ass new one
- “what the FUCK kagekao” “🤷”
- laughs and makes fun of you for just not being as skilled as him maybe if you could fly you could beat him just get off the ground dumbass
- also likes to race but we all know how that’s gonna go (hint: he wins)
- unless he’s up against candy pop or something no one else really has a chance at beating him
- might help you a little bit if you’re struggling. like that one time he carried you up into the air and then dropped you because he thought it would be funny but then he couldn’t catch you in time so you ended up falling on lj and breaking one of your arms
- wrote you a little heartfelt letter about it later with a very fancy “sorry ❤️” in calligraphy and a few drawings of flowers (it did not help. your arm was still broken)
- really bad sport does NOT like to lose he will completely shut down
- little fuckin bastard
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aezuria · 2 months
hi!!! idk if im putting the request in right but could you do a leo x hermes!reader fic/hc? (whichever you prefer!) tyy and take ur time :))
*ੈ✎ thief! you stole my heart!
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content: leo valdez x hermes! reader
╰┈▸ back cover: percy DID NOT disappear and the seven are still tgt at chb bc i want them to be happy OKAY
╰┈▸ warnings: i said fuck one time
librarian’s annotations: lowk i like the idea of this fic but i feel like my writing was just SO BAD in this one so idk i kinda hate it tbh (maybe i just havent played monopoly in a while 🤔🤔)
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you’d heard of leo, obviously; you watched as he crashed into the lake and put a spectacular show of trying to get hephaestus’s sign off the top of his head
what an ABSOLUTE FOOL he looked like, flailing around
you wanted him already (who wouldn’t?)
so obviously you came up with a plan...
—to steal his heart!
a very well-thought out plan, might you add, it had a total of five steps
first, you would make eye contact with him at least once while nyssa was giving him a tour of the camp. easy, right?
step 2, wait for your siblings to befriend him
you say wait, because you can just tell that travis and connor will sneak up on him like hyenas and force him into their antics
(and from his ever mischievous grin, you think he wouldn't mind)
three, be in the same area most, if not every time they converse, cause then he'd start associating them with you
and then he'd be like "omg who is that fine babe"
isn't that how it works?
you think you saw that in a psychology book or something (or maybe you just made it up??)
then, once that happens, you'll force connor to put in a good word for you (or bribe him, whichever works better)
finally (for now) step five; this was the most crucial part
you’d heard of leo, obviously; you watched as he crashed into the lake and put a spectacular show of trying to get hephaestus’s sign off the top of his head
what an ABSOLUTE FOOL he looked like, flailing around
you wanted him already (who wouldn’t?)
so obviously you came up with a plan...
—to steal his heart!
a very well-thought out plan, might you add, it had a total of five steps
first, you would make eye contact with him at least once while nyssa was giving him a tour of the camp. easy, right?
step 2, wait for your siblings to befriend him
you say wait, because you can just tell that travis and connor will sneak up on him like hyenas and force him into their antics
(and from his ever mischievous grin, you think he wouldn't mind)
three, be in the same area most, if not every time they converse, cause then he'd start associating them with you
and then he'd be like "omg who is that fine babe"
isn't that how it works?
you think you saw that in a psychology book or something (or maybe you just made it up??)
then, once that happens, you'll force connor to put in a good word for you (or bribe him, whichever works better)
finally (for now) step five; this was the most crucial part
play against him at the weekly game night
you had to show off your amazing game skills (that did not involve stealing, like, what???)
once you win, that'll impress him enough to make him fall in love, right?
it was totally foolproof
last week it was the aphrodite cabin's turn to pick, so this time it's cabin 11's turn. and you knew which game you just had to play.
"guys," you said seriously, laying on your bunk with your hands folded under your chin. "we need to play monopoly tomorrow night."
you were met with groans of "why?" and "that's gonna take forever!"
rightly so, but still!
"shut up, most of you guys don't even have seniority!" you turned to travis and connor, the only two siblings able to boss you around.
"please! it's part of my ingenious plan okay!?" you put your hands together, bowing your head. "i'll do whatever dare you guys want!"
oh you were serious serious. no one in their right head would agree to that. but, they do say love makes you crazy.
gasps echo through the cabin.
"whatever dare, huh?" travis says with a smirk that would make you regret saying that, except for the fact that you were head over heels for leo.
you sucked in a breath and resigned to your fate. "yeah."
"alright then, monopoly it is."
game night started right after dinner, because there was no way you guys could finish monopoly before midnight if you didn't. and even then, it was still a stretch. luckily, chiron was lenient on campers following curfew every friday, knowing how rowdy game nights could get.
though it wasn't summer, there were still a lot of campers, way too much for one board game. so, you were split into groups of eight. and if you and leo were put in the same group? must be a coincidence. (send help, you were practically selling your soul to the stolls)
"y/n, you are not allowed to be the banker." percy declared with a pointed look.
you gaped. why did he have to make your plan harder!? "what!? why not?"
"because we know you're going to steal the money," annabeth sighed, neatly organizing the colored bills.
"wow, okay then." you pouted, though you knew it was true. putting the money on display like that was just tempting you even more.
"i can be the banker," leo piped up from beside you.
frank shot him a skeptical look. "are you sure you're not gonna be stealling?"
"i would never!" leo held up his hands in defense. "please annabeth? i like being banker!"
she placed the 500s in the last slot, relenting. "alright, here." she pushed the tray to his side, which leo took eagerly and passed out the money.
the game started, and you took your lucky hat as usual, sending a silent prayer to tyche for some extra luck.
it began easy enough; you used up some money for property, auctioned the ones you didn't want. as the game got more and more heated (or as heated as a game of monopoly could get), you used the distraction to slip yourself a couple of 100s. they practically threw themselves into your hands! who could blame you?
a full set of orange, with houses all on them. you had a few other property cards here and there, but not enough for another set.
"i don't have enough money.." hazel looked at her measly pile of 10s, 50s, and a single 100 bill. "auction?"
"four hundred." leo bid almost immediately.
"four hundred!?" your jaw dropped. why was he starting so high? you looked down at your pile. your hard-earned (stolen) money wasn't going to last if you bet any more.
"four hundred and one..?"
"four hundred and five!" annabeth bid before leo could.
"five hundred."
"fuck!" you grumbled. defeat was not something you liked tasting.
you swear, you must've fallen asleep while playing. because the next time you looked over at leo, (okay, maybe you lost sight of the goal), he was eating up the rest of the board. you could've sworn he only had park place and the brown cards! you didn't have a backup plan for this!
you watched him goad percy into giving him boardwalk, saying that the shade of blue clashed with his 'vibe.' "i'll trade you all three light blue cards for boardwalk. deal?"
"don't do it percy," annabeth warned, already seeing the gears turning in her boyfriend's head.
"deal." percy swapped with leo, dapping him up as they traded. "pleasure doing business with you."
you looked back to the board. all of the property owned by him was decked with houses, all full sets! was that even mathematically possible? not that you'd know about it.
frank was next to go bankrupt, hazel quitting a half hour ago. she slumped on his shoulder, forcing herself to stay awake so she didn't miss out.
percy threw his single dollar bill on the floor, claiming that it "wasn't fair!" and that he'd give his property to annabeth. which was not a lot, considering she had sweet-talked him into giving her most of it already.
jason was next, but only because he was already half asleep. probably because he was usually in bed by 8:30.
you were still in the game out of sheer will. maybe you didn't have as much brains as annabeth or leo, but you still had some! that, and the fact that you would never live this down if you lost.
"alright, i give in." annabeth put her property cards down with not as much disappointment as you'd expect. you could see a glimmer in her eyes that would most definitely not be there, seeing as how much she hated losing.
she curled up next to percy and watched the two of you play.
now it was just you and leo. did your love for him outweigh your love for winning? you weren't quite sure anymore.
"hah! you landed on my property, so pay up!" you grinned maniacally. (it wasn't that deep tbh)
leo groaned and begrudgingly handed you the rent.
"that's my property!" leo pointed out the next turn.
you looked to the bank, but leo's eyes were set on you. guess you couldn't steal your way out of this one. "are you serious? what if i'm a single mom who works two jobs, who loves my kids and never stops-"
"just say you don't have the money."
four hours of non-stop monopoly. you think you could pass out right then and there, except for the fact that you had to save face in front of your massive crush. your group of eight said sleepy goodbyes to each other, all heading to their respective cabins. leo lingered beside you, or maybe you lingered beside him.
"that the first time you lost?" he broke the silence, hands shoved in his pockets as he turned to face you.
"yeah.." you grumbled. you were usually a pro at monopoly. "how'd you even win?"
"oh, y'know." leo winked. "maybe i stole a few bills here and there."
"i knew it!" you poked him in the side.
"hey!" he swatted your hand away, laughing. "you can't be talking! did you think i couldn't see you stealing?"
"uh, no?" you were being very sneaky about it! most people never even knew when you'd steal something!
"well, i did." he smiled triumphantly.
you crossed your arms. "you had to have been looking real hard if you noticed."
leo matched your pose, dimples showing as he flashed his teeth. "maybe i was."
"you were? wait i was just-" was he flirting with you? this counted as flirting, right?
he cut you off with a hand in the air. "it's safe to say that you, dear y/n, have officially, stolen my heart." he winked cheekily.
"okay that was kinda cringy-"
"yeah, i know-"
plan failed successfully?
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washa · 7 months
D.A.M.N crew headcannons (complete with some memes bc who doesn't love those)
Freelancer used to work part time at a bookstore. They're a huge fan of romance novels. So is Damien, he'll never admit that though.
Has a stash of academic rivals to lovers under his bed in a box. (YES I STAND BY THE FACT DAMIEN IS ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS FANBOY)
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Huxley grew up on like farm property and has a pet duck and golden (or some other big ass dog like a great dane or smth)
Lasko uses his air elemental power thingy to blow dry his hair. Once time Co worker walked in and got a face full of water droplets.
De(a)mons don't technically need to walk in the elegy, so they'll just float around. This led to Caelum having this cotton candy looking cloud he just floats around on. It leaves a trail of glitter everywhere it goes.
This leaves like Freelancer sweeping their their floors when Caelum comes around.
Also Caelum can walk, so sometimes he like parks the fucking cloud jumps off it and just stumbles around like a toddler. 
Co worker is fucking amazing at parallel parking. Like sometimes other D.A.M.N teachers see them parking and think "oh shit they're not gonna make it" and THEY DO PERFECTLY EVERY TIME.
Damien played tennis back in high school, It just fits.
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Damien is long sighted but wears contacts cause glasses are "too much of a hassle". Lasko is both short and long sighted has circle lenses and silver frames. Coworker got him those cool looking chains and he loves them so much (its reminds him of his dnd character ^^)
Huxley loves Damien with his glasses on. He really REALLY loves it when Damien's face gets all flushed when he presses a kiss to where Dames frame meets the bridge of his nose.<3
Freelancer, Damien and Lasko are coffee drinkers. Huxley and Co worker are tea drinkers. (Caelum drink hot cocoa or milkshakes, depends on the weather.)
Damien eats chips/popcorn w fucking chopsticks bc he hates the way the dust feels on his fingers.
Lasko stares at him everytime he sees it. like a judging "wtf" kinda stare 
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Gavin is actually ass at video games, but board games? Bro will destroy your ass in a game of fucking operation, embarrass your whole damn bloodline when he play uno, dishonor your damn herritage when he plays monopoly.
Gavin can tie a cherry stem w his tongue. It got tied around his piercing once and Freelancer laughed their ass off at the sight of a cherry hanging by his tongue.
They took a photo and now that photo is Freelancers homescreen.
Gavin sometimes acts like a curious child when it comes to certain things. Like being a de(a)mon he doesn't know certain things abt human technology.
Example. He likes flushing the water in the toilet, he likes the way it swirls. He loves keyboards, he loves the sound they make when you press on the keys.
Damien was a "gifted kid" skipped a grade back in like year 5
Gavin hates when people waste food, He doesn't even need to eat it just irks him.
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Lasko is the person who buys books but never reads them. He has so many stacks of unread books in his apartment
Freelancer had broke their tailbone right after developing their powers.
Caelum was assigned to them bc they were yes a humanborn and yada yada, but it was mainly bc they were miserable because of the pain.
Yes, Freelancer became Caelum's charge bc of a broken tailbone.
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violetspots1 · 1 month
Part 2 to that Welcome Home Incorrect Quotes post I made, like, a year ago. Wow how productive of me.
Poppy: Good morning.
Julie: Good morning.
Eddie: Good morning.
Barnaby: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Barnaby, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Frank: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language.
Barnaby: Water you doing?
Julie, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha.
Frank: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
Wally: Good. Thanks, dad.
Poppy: You just called Eddie “dad”. You just said “thanks, dad.”
Wally: What? No, I didn’t. I said “thanks, man”.
Eddie: Do you see me as a father figure, Wally?
Wally: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me.
Howdy: Hey! Show your father some respect!
Howdy: *on the phone* Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference.
Howdy: Anyways, you said Wally is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
Eddie: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Wally: What baby?
Eddie, crying a bit: Me.
Wally: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio!
Howdy: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Frank, looking at a selfie of Wally's: I hate this photo.
Wally: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly.
Frank: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something.
Wally: Up to kindness.
*at a zoo*
Julie: What are they in for?
Frank: Julie, this isn't prison.
Julie: So they can leave?
Frank: No, but-
Julie, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Poppy: Fine! Judge all you want but...
Poppy, points at Sally: Married a lesbian.
Poppy, points at Julie: Left a man at the altar.
Poppy, points at Wally: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer.
Poppy, points at Barnaby: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire.
Poppy, points at Howdy: Lives in a box!
Julie: Frank and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Frank: We what?
Wally: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face.
Barnaby: I like you.
Eddie: I think I'm falling for you.
Frank: Then get up.
Julie: Why do you act like we’re three year olds?
Frank, exasperated: WHY?!?
Frank points at Barnaby: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
Howdy: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash.
Frank: Oh. We're going out?
Howdy: Wh…
Wally: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Wally: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Sally: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks.
Howdy: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
Barnaby: I think that’s the point.
Sally: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.
Julie: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo?
Frank: ICARUS?
*at an awards show*
Poppy: Can I carry you on my back like Eddie did?
Wally: I don't think Barnaby would like that.
Poppy: *pouts*
Poppy: *carrying Wally on their back*
Barnaby: What the hell??
Wally: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
Frank: I have very high standards, you know.
Eddie: I can make spaghetti...
Frank: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Wally: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind.
Wally: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months.
Wally: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year?
Barnaby: This is Monopoly.
Wally: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Barnaby: *crouches down*
Frank: *kneels down*
Poppy: *sits on the floor*
Wally: I hate all of you.
*Sally is crying after a breakup*
Eddie: There there, Sally.
Sally, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room?
Eddie: Great question—
Barnaby, knocking on the door: Howdy, open up!
Howdy: It all started when I was a kid.
Barnaby: That’s not what I-
Sally: Let them finish!
Julie, on a random band name generator: Oooo! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my friend group.
Julie: War is heck!
Sally: What’s it like being tall?
Sally: Is it nice?
Sally: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Poppy: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Wally: It was one time!
Howdy: Last night I found out Barnaby is a sleep talker.
Poppy: Oh, really?
Howdy: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
Wally: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey!
Poppy: But I'm a vegan.
Wally: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Howdy: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Sally: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Julie: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Eddie: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Barnaby: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Wally: Mental stability, my old friend!
Howdy: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Frank, looking over Wally’s shoulder: You can draw?
Wally, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Wally, near tears: Please, Neighbor, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
Julie: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Frank has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
Eddie: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at?
Julie: I knew you’d understand.
Wally: Julie noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago.
Sally: This reminds me of the Julie who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi.
Wally: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Julie.
Julie: What do I get?
Sally: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Julie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Sally: It won't be you.
Julie: I'll get my coat.
Wally: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints.
Barnaby: What hints have you given them?
Wally: Well, I think about them a lot.
Wally: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
Poppy: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Julie: How can you still say that?
Poppy: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Julie: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.
Barnaby, deadpan: Wow, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.
Wally: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Julie, holding a scooter: Poppy! Can I go outside and play with this?
Poppy: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay?
Julie, running outside: Thanks Poppy!
Poppy, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
Sally: ....Thou shalt not marry each other, for thy art both sinful...
Frank: I just wanna fucking marry Eddie!!
Eddie: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Julie: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Wally: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Sally: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Frank: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Frank, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
I did it :D
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Shelby Sister- Strained Relationship Pt2
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YNs forced to follow Luca with a gun against her  head. Turns out her brothers did come for her, but she doesn't hold out much hope that they will  all to survive this. Tommy stands in front of Luca and his men with Finn and Polly behind him
"All that's left of the Peaky Fucking Blinders" Luca says standing behind a table. He motions for YN to step forward with his fingers. The man who has a gun against her head pushes her in to Luca who takes him in his arms "pretty things isn't she. Shame for her to die, but I have to do what's needed if you don't comply"
"Let her go Changretta, she has nothing to do with the business" Tommys deep voice shocks YN
"Ive had my lawyer draw up these papers" Luca says ignoring Tommy as one of his men place down a huge wad of powers "they cover, er,
every enterprise in your possession. Bars, restaurants, warehouses, every fucking thing that you've taken all these years to gather together. You will sign them all over to my family. Or your sister is going to die, right here in front of you" his hold tightens on YN "search em" Lucas men walk past Luca and YN to her brothers and aunt. They remove any guns or knifes they may have on them. Lucas attention is back on YN "maybe the treat of having her killed isn't enough. Maybe I should have had her hand in marriage. Breed her then kill her, shame for her to go to waste. You can sign them on your knees on the floor" Tommy doesn't move which causes Luca to once again place a gun agains YNs head "get on your fucking knees and sign!" he yells making YN flinch. Tommy slowly lowers to his knees
"As a friend of mine once said big fucks small. So I had to find someone bigger than you. Now, you may know there are two families in Brooklyn who want to take over your monopoly on the import of liquor into New York"
"But if they moved against you in New York they'll start a war between the families" Polly states
"But if you were to die in a vendetta with some fucking bookmaker in Birmingham, they could take over your business without a war"
"We also contacted a businessman in Chicago. He's also interested in moving into the liquor business in New York"
"His name is Alphonse Capone"
"You been talking to that fat fuck?"
"All the blood relatives you brought with you from New York, they're all dead Mr Changretta. And these men here, they work for money, for the highest bidder. They have now new orders"
"Is that right?" Luca pushes YN from his grip to one of the men holding a gun "kill her" YN closes her eyes waiting for the sound and pain to arrive, but it doesn't. Instead there's a chuckle from Tommy "fine" Luca pulls out his own gun and points it towards YN, but Tommy manages to push it away, attacking Luca. That's when YN sees her eldest brother, her brother who she thought was dead. Arthur pulls out a gun and shoot Luca killing him instantly "tell your people in Chicago that Michael Gray will sign import license to New York. 300 barrels of English Dry Gin a month"
"Leave. All of ya" Arthur says. Before YN can think her feet are moving towards her oldest brother who immediately wraps her up in his arms "your ok. Your safe"
"Let's get 'er home with a cup of tea in 'er hands" Tommy says looking at Finn and Polly.
"How are you feeling love?" Polly asks placing a cup in front of her niece
"I had excepted my fate, thought I was gonna die"
"Tommy wouldn't have let that happen"
"What so I can be a pawn in another one of his games? Maybe I would have better off..."
"Don't say that YN"
"I'm surprised Tommy came to be honest"
"Tommy was out there looking for you YN. He found your purse, you bag, the blood, YN he was so scared that you had been killed"
"But Tommy hates me?" YN looks up at her aunt confused
"He doesn't hate you YN. Your remind him of your mother. Your the spitting imagine of her. Tommy took her death the hardest"
"But even as children we didn't get on Poll"
"You stole the attention YN, well in Tommys eyes you did"
"That's not my fault"
"I'm not saying it was, but I just want you to understand that Tommy doesn't hate you. Your family always will be" the door opens and in walks Tommy himself
"Poll can you leave us" polly gets up nodding and leaves the room. Tommy takes her place and sits opposite YN. It's silent while YN drinks her tea
"I'm glad your safe" he finally says
"Yeah" YN breathes out "Polly told me the reason why we don't get on. Said I look like mother"
"Not just that, you act like her, which scares me"
"I was close to her and she left YN"
"Tom she died in childbirth, it's not like she deliberately abandoned us like our father" YN frowns
"I know, but today scared me YN. We may not be close but your still my sister and I care about you"
"Who knew Luca Changretta would be the one to bring us together" both YN and Tommy chuckle
"After today you need something stronger than tea. Here" Tommy takes out his hip flask with no doubt Irish Whiskey inside. He tips it into the her cup, but when Polly comes back into the room Tommy places his fingers on his lips telling YN to stay quiet. Maybe this is the start of a friendship forming between the two siblings.
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crescent-lockhart97 · 11 months
Random First Class Trio + Zack Headcanons #3: Crack Version
His favorite workout song is "YMCA" by Village People.
He's definitely knocked out Wutai soldiers like this:
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Somebody once mistook him as Zack's father due to similarities in their features. He didn't even try to correct them.
His sneeze is louder than the Krakatoa explosion.
Rickrolled everyone by singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley at a company gala while he was drunk. (Sephiroth and Genesis didn't speak to him for a month. 💀💀)
Makes terrible dad jokes that even Zack cannot stomach. (He's definitely done that "Hi, hungry! I'm dad!" shit with Zack. 😂😂)
He is a big Fergie fan and knows her songs by heart. He can also rap that part in "Fergalicious."
He did an iconic dance number to "Umbrella" with Andrea Rhodea at the Honeybee Inn like this:
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He also likes Lady Gaga and blasts "Bad Romance" every time he and Sephiroth spar with each other.
He hates horror movies. He's the loudest out of the trio when watching them (he's either screaming at the characters or at the monsters/ghosts).
Aside from LOVELESS, he also quotes "Mean Girls" on the regular. (Guess who he quotes the most... 😉😉)
Totally has a blog for Shinra blinds just because (basically who's dating or fucking who, juicy stuff on important Shinra officials and staff, etc.). He once published a blind on Rufus defacing one of President Shinra's statues with a drawing of a dick. No matter how many times Shinra has gotten it shut down, Genesis somehow manages to keep on reviving it. Recently, Kunsel and some members of Red Leather have joined his team.
Can't stand spicy food. He avoids it as much as he can. Eating spicy foods will cause his eyes to water and his nose to redden like this:
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(Genesis managed to snap an unfortunate photo of him dying from the spiciness of the curry and sent it to the Silver Elite fanclub with the caption, "IS THIS YOUR KING???" 🤭🤭)
Somehow, he has the most wins in UNO and Monopoly.
Catwoman is his favorite DC character; Black Cat is his favorite Marvel character. (Gee, I wonder why... 🤔🤔)
Whenever he goes outside, a horde of cats just mysteriously flock to him. Genesis and Angeal find it both amusing and creepy. (My aunt is actually like this. Wherever she goes, cats mysteriously gather around her, it's so freaky! 😭😭😭)
He can actually do the lazy eye trick, and loves to freak Genesis out with it.
He once dressed as Sadako/Samara Morgan from "The Ring" for the Halloween costume contest... and WON.
Has sung "Jenny" by The Click Five using a shortened version of Genesis's name to annoy him. ("I'm standing still, Genny!" "Be quiet, you overgrown mutt!" "You got me on my knees, Genny!")
(This ends up with Genesis summoning Ifrit on Zack's ass 😂😂)
He and Kunsel quote Vines all the time, usually around any of the First Class Trio or Lazard just so they could revel in their confused faces.
Zack and Kunsel: *to Angeal* You are my daaaaad! You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!!!
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Once, after getting drunk during the SOLDIER game night, he and the lower-class SOLDIERs thought it was a good idea to go sledding down the building stairs, so they brought mattresses from their dorms to use as makeshift sleds. Needless to say, the infirmary reached full capacity that night.
On April Fools' Day, he somehow managed to hijack Shinra's PA system and started playing "Careless Whisper" on full blast.
He's a massive Pokémon fanboy and knows the Pokémon Theme Song by heart. In fact, he has his contacts named after Pokémon: Angeal is Machamp, Sephiroth is Mewtwo, Genesis is Charizard, Tseng is Umbreon, Aerith is Jigglypuff, Cloud is Pikachu, etc.
Threw an apple at Hojo and left a shitload of Legos all over his lab for subjecting Sephiroth to a particularly painful physical test.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 4 months
Help me choose a fic to work on:
(summaries below poll)
Gorgeous Girl, Goddess Girl, (Good Isn't All You Have Been)
Silena raises her head high as she dons Clarisse's armor. One way or another, it ends today.
She places the note on Drew's pillow, and then Clarisse's.
She steps in the chariot.
She dies.
Silena dies. These are her actions leading up to it.
Everything Is In Past Tense Now (You're All Gone)
("And Silena, she makes chocolates with her dad right before the start of summer, and she'll bring them in and they always taste awful 'cause she never makes them any other time, but everyone eats them, 'cause it's Silena. You'll love 'em though, 'cause Cecil always makes ice cream to go with the chocolate, and Malcolm and Beck'll make some baked goods." Chris sees Drew leave the room, Nyssa wipe away a tear, and Clarisse balling her hands into fists and whispering 'hero, hero, hero, she was a hero,' and he realizes his slip up.
Slip ups at camp fires where people don't quite seem dead. (Denial is much stronger than reality when we want it to be)
This Ship Can't Sink Until It Sails [Tales From The Argo II]
1-3: Piper & Percy prank Leo. Leo tries to rope in Jason & Frank, who can't prank. Meanwhile, Hazel & Annabeth have plans of their own.
4: Annabeth & Jason bond over Thalia, and telling stories about their time at the camps, and architecture after Kym.
5-6: HOH rescue. 7+Reyna/Nico play truth or dare & monopoly. Percy & Nico have just enough time to take Hazel&Jason out for burgers.
7: Jason & Nico talk more after Eros. Hazel & Piper bond.
8: The seven manage to get sick, and Hazel is introduced to Disney movies.
9/10: Coach Hedge & Percy have a bonding moment, & Percy IM's people at camp.
11-12: Coach Hedge's POV on each of the 7. Reyna&Nico&Hedge in Alberta and why it will NEVER be mentioned.
13: the aftermath of the ending of MOA.
14: The last day, the 7 play uno and write goodbye notes. Leo's funeral.
The Gods Watch From Their Heavens And Judge Us (But Their Sins Outnumber Ours)
Annabeth and Jason and Luke. Those are all the people that Thalia has cared about in her twelve short years. Jason is dead. Annabeth is screaming. Luke is sobbing.
Thalia has failed them all. 
Thalia's reflection on her life as she dies.
Before And After (Though We Often Wish It Hadn't)
There have been hundreds of events in her life that have a before and after. There was the before she ran away, and the after of Camp Half Blood. There was the before she met will, and the after: when she would do anything to protect him. Clarisse has had hundreds of befores and afters, but nothing quite like this. 
She didn’t think that there was an after to watching her siblings get consumed by the earth, screaming, while another watched. 
She doesn’t know how to cope with that after: a quieter cabin, unfinished bottles of hair solution, and unmade beds.
Where Our Lines Blur (Hold My Hand)
Connor Stoll likes Malcolm Pace. Malcolm Pace likes Connor Stoll. Seems simple, right? Even more so when they go out to eat together, alone, once a week? But no, it isn't, and Annabeth is going to lose her damn mind if this keeps up. Travis too.
So they drive the two out of camp until they confess, which leads to a day of disasters and disregarded laws including car theft and shoplifting, not to mention the fact that neither of them know how to drive or are of age for a license. 
And then they manage to go on a two person raid of a camp with 40 demigods in it, the two are forced to swear something on the River Styx, and it somehow isn't even the worst part of the day?
Travis and Annabeth aren't impressed.
Come Down The Floods (And Bathe In The Blood Of Gods)
Connor Stoll's morning starts like this: it's three twenty in the morning, and there is a ghost next to them. Drew is already up. There is a storm giant in battle against the gods, and they are in a war against Kronos. It is five days before the biggest battle of Connor's life, and in forty minutes, they'll be dancing on the table with their friends. 
ALT: Connor's perspective of the mission to blow up the Princess Andromeda, the day of Beckendorf's funeral, the three days of the Battle of Manhattan, and the funerals that come afterwards.
Hateful Heroes (Burdened With Bitterness)
(I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU-)
War. War and Death and Tragedy galore. Clarisse isn't mourning properly. Percy isn't either really, and it's of no surprise. (What teenagers are meant to mourn for the people who make up their entire world?) Clarisse starts a fist fight by the dying embers of Hestia's fire and Silena's shroud- but it won't bring her back. Percy stays awake at night watching blood arise from his skin- no amount of it is going to make up for the lives lost.
And then they break. It's not a surprise, but for Hestia who sits by the hearth as they scream? Her heart breaks.
Tell Me I Can Live My Life (Don't Tell Me How To Live It)
The moment that Silena decides to become a spy for Kronos is the day that Drew breaks down in tears over her sexuality.
Drew wants to join the Hunters of Artemis, Aphrodite has a rule against that, and Mitchell tells horror stories about the rule.
So We Scream At The World (How Dare It Be Bright In Light Of Our Loss)
Will Solace is thirteen years old and ready to die. He's seen other people die, lots of them, and thinks that some of them didn't look like they were in pain, so really, how bad could it be? He's exhausted.
He is thirteen, and in charge of the infirmary. Usually it would be left to older kids, but he is the oldest. He's thirteen, and in charge of his siblings. Of making sure they don't die. He is not a leader, but he has been at camp the longest.
He just wants to sleep and never wake up. His family (because that is what they are, what they have become in this war) doesn't want to let him. (They want him to sleep, but they also want him to wake up.)
When All Your Fucking Dreams Are Dead
The Olympian dream is dead. Demigods pile up in bodies, and learn to fight monsters before they learn how to do addition- if they ever do learn either of those things, that is. Funny, right? They’re myths, they’re fairytales, it’s not like any parents would ever let their six year old fight monsters and take care of a toddler to survive, no, why the fuck would you think that? Fucking Olympian dream, folks. And hahaha, it’s all too funny, then you get to camp, you have no money, don’t even get your own clothes- no. Far to expensive when there’s two hundred children waiting for some food, and some bedding, and gods if someone else could just get a bed to sleep on, or even a place that wasn’t the floor- 
Has anyone considered that might have stopped the fucking war?
Or: time travel escapades lead Luke Castellan to be a little less bitter, and things- things go better- somewhat. 
Drew Tanaka, Connor Stoll, and Malcolm Pace travel back in time to just after Luke Castellan returns from his quest– Alone. 
Rewind, Rewind (I Remember That Night)
Characters reading the books fanfiction, will hopefully span from the start of PJO to the end of TOA. Minor character discrepancy.
"There's something worse coming. Isn't there? That's why we're here. Because something worse is going to happen-- again? You're doing this to us again? Three times. Three times we've fought for you-- when is it enough?" The figure still encloaked in shadows bitterly called towards the ceiling.
At once, like the hissing of snakes, like every sound in the world at once, the three fates rasped out, "Do not lecture us, child of the gods, of Athena and Hecate, this is the ONLY thing left..."
The figure did not recoil, and stood firm, "What is it this time? It was Kronos, then Gaea, then the emperors and Python... What's next? Ouranos? Khaos? What can't we recover from?" Behind him, the other campers whispered in shock and horror, but the boy didn't stop glaring at them.
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uummyuu · 1 year
im probably not the first to request this but could you do invincible united headcanons? 🫣🫣
invincible united headcanons
unironically you are the first request, so here's me going off about men who should probably be in jail but aren't for plot convenience :))
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in other teams' headcanons i call them family/fandom of space nerds but these guys? nah, they only tolerate each other because they keep each other out of jail (or at least vince does).
honestly vince probably just has some sort of mafia like underground connections to keep these guys out of jail, moreover how he even got dooma OUT in the first place.
the only (somewhat) sensible guy i can see in the team is automatic but even he's kinda pushing it. like bro what kinda rage do you hold inside you to be able to throw that hard??? he and dooma are easily the guys who could actually murder someone and get away with it.
dooma's definitely a wall puncher, like his wall has several fucking holes in it from the times he goes into rages. (the team have literally learned to cage this man in his room when he's angry, barrackading the windows included, one time he escaped through them and god—)
dooma's probably taking anger management somewhere but hell it ain't working all that well, his therapist probably needs a fucking therapist.
anyways onto dingaan my sweetie <33, he's just so head empty but loyal in a misguided puppy kinda way i can't help but be endeared to him. but also the way skarra keeps bringing him into his shit is so funny because bro you KNOW dingaan of all people ain't qualified to operate a freaking crane are you insane.
i hope dingaan's happy honestly he deserves it. (probably knows skarra is kinda using him as a placeholder for his long broken friendship with shakes which bums him out a bit but he wants to be there for skarra no matter what).
anyways onto skarra, considering he's the antagonist of the show i don't really have too much of an opinion on him?? probably laments his relationship with shakes (platonically or romantically take your pick) but he's too deep into the schtick of hating him he can't get out of it now. he sees no way out for himself or even a method of how to return things to the way they used to be between them.
oh but i felt pretty bad for him in rookie season when he failed to pass for supa strikas just cause he wasn't ready to die for a couple of people he'd just met. like i dunno i thought he was reasonable for that even though the show kinda pictures it in a "he deserved it after sabotaging shakes" kinda way. alternate universe where both he AND shakes get into supa strikas where they can slowly patch up their friendship and develop a healthy relationship when?
anyways invincible united tried to hold a game night once. keyword tried. they were not invincible, nor united.
dingaan wanted to play monopoly of all games and uh, yeah. didn't end well dooma smashed the gameboard in half when he kept having to pay skarra rent. also landed in jail way too many times. they learned not to do that again, but in the first place they were never really a buddy-buddy type of team.
some players just see it as a job while the others see it as a way to flaunt themselves and prove their skill to the world. football isn't really a dream to this team, more of just a way to show off while making money.
honestly no shame there, whatever works for them and they're clearly skilled enough to have this sort of mindset. but the so-called "beautiful game" is more of a hollow reality to them. get up, practice, play football, win. do whatever it takes.
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The Eras | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi! This is a short, silly little thing about the Ticketmaster fiasco the other day. If you were in that queue all day, I feel your pain. Seven hours of queuing for Houston. I know this fic is niche but I simply do not care <3 also, lemme know if you got tickets! And what you plan to wear to the show!
What’s your favorite track from Midnights?
Warnings: Ticketmaster 
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“Any luck?” Bucky asked on the other end of the phone.
“Nope… still two thousand plus people ahead of me.” You poked at your sad lunch salad with your plastic fork, eyes glued to your laptop. “At least my boss is trying to get tickets too, that way I won’t get in trouble for getting nothing done today.”
Bucky let out a loud laugh, “I love that for you. And your boss. Is there-”
“It’s PAUSED?” you nearly threw your lunch across the room. “The queue is PAUSED!”
Bucky wasn’t accustomed to this new way of doing things. If he wanted to go to a show back in his day, he simply bought tickets at the venue. But this was a whole new beast. You had a plan, a strategy. The group text with Wanda and Nat fired constantly in the days leading up to the presale, turning your phone into a war room.
“What? Why is it paused?”
“It says it ‘should be back up and running shortly’,” you sighed, “and that to keep my place in line, I can’t refresh or close my browser.” The disappointed groan that pushed its way out of your throat broke Bucky’s heart. He heard you clicking and typing on the other end of the line, no doubt conferring with the group text.
“This kind of seems like a disaster…” He didn’t want to make things any worse than they already were, but he hated when you were upset. You’d looked forward to this- gotten your presale code, received boosts. And yet, you sat in a paused queue with no end in sight.
“Oh, it is. Ticketmaster is the worst.” You gave a harsh stab with your plastic fork and speared a piece of romaine, punctuating your sentence. “It’s owned by this company Live Nation- it’s basically a monopoly.”
“But you’re guaranteed tickets, right?” he asked, sounding almost on edge. “Cause you got the code thingy? That’s how this works, right? The code ensures that you get the tickets?”
���Nope. That’s just to get into the presale, but they don’t require a code to get in the queue, so… I’m not sure there’s even a point to those codes.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at the inefficient and deeply flawed system. “Oh. That’s… really annoying. And confusing. They should explain the rules better.”
You gave him a laugh, “yeah, well, all they care about is making money.”
Bucky could practically see you- sitting at your desk, shoulders slumped, lunch half eaten, computer stuck in a paused queue.  “I’m sorry, doll.”
You made a few more stabs at your wilted lettuce before giving it up all together. “And apparently ticket prices are nuts. Like, floor seats are selling for over a thousand dollars. My friend got seats in section C for the Dallas show, and he paid a thousand and twenty-eight dollars for each of them.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah…” you let out a sigh. “I’m so disappointed. I mean, I saw on Twitter that even nosebleeds are in the two-fifty range now. I know there’s way worse things in the world, but I was really looking forward to this- I’ve been saving for such a long time. I thought I was gonna get to see her in person, you know?” Bucky could hear the frown in your voice. “But between the queue and the prices, I just don’t think it’s gonna happen.”
“You never know, doll,” Bucky did his best to lighten the mood. “Don’t give up. Just keep the queue open on your computer and try to focus on other things, okay?”
You agreed to his terms and the two of you hung up, leaving you alone with your Ticketmaster nightmare.
That evening, Bucky waited by the door for you to come home. He stood so close, in fact, that you almost hit him with it. “Hey, baby! How was your day?” He was nearly vibrating with a strange energy you’d never seen from him before.
“It was terrible…” you sighed. “I was in the queue for seven hours. And when I finally got to the presale, tickets were unfathomably expensive. Even if I could afford them, every seat I picked disappeared. I got constant error notices and never even got one single ticket into my cart. It sucked.”
Bucky gave you a tight squeeze, so tight you could hardly breathe. “That’s terrible, doll. I’m so sorry you didn’t get tickets…” He released you suddenly, allowing your chest to expand. “But I’m actually glad you didn’t buy any.”
His words came as a surprise. He was always supportive, no matter how silly your venture. He knew how badly you wanted to go to the concert- why he celebrated your defeat was unknown.
“Oh. That’s…. ouch, Buck. I know I’m kind of annoying about how much I love her music, but-”
“No, no- I’m happy you didn’t get any,” he said, “because I got them for you.”
His words didn’t register. You stared at him, mouth agape, as the gears in your mind spun into overdrive. “I don’t… what? How?”
“He might be an ass, but Tony’s good for some stuff,” Bucky laughed. “I asked him to help me- and he said no. We both know he hates my guts. But when I said it was for you, he immediately agreed.”
“You asked Tony?” Bucky didn’t speak to Tony. Ever. Not since Siberia. But he’d broken his sworn vow against Tony. Just for you.
Bucky retrieved his laptop from the kitchen table, “I signed up last week just in case you didn’t get verified. But you did… and then I got a text late last night with a presale code. So, I thought I’d hop on the presale too just in case you couldn’t get tickets.” He turned the computer your way and showed you the screen, “according to this, my account is still stuck in the queue…”
You eyed the screen and saw the long line you stared at all day, “but if you’re still in the queue, how did you-”
Bucky scoffed, “Ticketmaster is no match for Stark tech, sweetheart. Tony found a way around the queue, grabbed three floor seats, and got outta there. Used some of that Iron Man money for good.” He shut the computer and tucked it under his arm, “and now, there are three floor seats linked to your account. You got the VIP package, preferred parking- all the bells and whistles.”
“Shut. Up.”
“Oh, and Stark told me to tell you…” he opened his computer once again and found an email from Tony. “And I quote: You’re too good for this idiot, but at least he’s resourceful. Have a great time at the show, kid.”
You launched yourself into Bucky’s arms, almost sending his laptop clattering to the floor. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh my god, Buck. You’re amazing- you’re the best!”
Bucky, always humble, did his best to duck your praises. “Well, Tony’s the one who got ‘em. I just called him and-”
“But it was your idea! And you entered for the presale just in case- you sat in the queue all day!”
Bucky’s cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink. “I just wanted you to see your girl. I know Taylor’s you’re favorite.”
“No, you’re my favorite,” you said, dropping a deep kiss to his lips. “Oh- I have to call Wanda! And Nat! And- wait, you didn’t ask Tony to get a ticket for you?”
Bucky shook his head, “Doll, this is your thing with your friends. I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep an eye on me all night; I want you to give all your attention to Taylor-” He laughed his own words, “as though I have to tell you to give her your attention.”
He dotted kisses all over your face and chuckled as you thanked him time and time again. “You’re more than welcome. All I ever want is for you to be happy, sweetheart. Go call your friends and let ‘em know.”
You rifled through your bag and found your phone, an unstoppable smile plastered across your face all the while. But before you could run off to tell Nat and Wanda the good news, you took Bucky’s face in your hands.
“Just so you know, Buck, this is the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me. I mean, getting the tickets is amazing. But signing up for the code just in case, sitting in the queue for me- you’re so sweet.” He blushed once again, still not used to your praise. “And obviously, it helps that you were able to get me floor seats, but I’d be just as appreciative if I came home to no tickets. Cause floor seats or no floor seats, you’re all I want.”
“Well I guess you’re lucky then,” he laughed, “cause you got me and floor seats.”
“Truly, what else could a girl want?” you asked.
“Backstage passes?”
“Yeah, you know I was incredibly grateful and touched that you did this for me-” you joked. “But no backstage passes? Lame.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at you and swatted you on the ass, banishing you to go call your friends.
He’d done a lot of bad in his life. Even if it wasn’t his fault, he’d hurt people. But knowing that he’d done something so meaningful for you eased his mind.
All he wanted for the rest of his days was to see you smile like that. He didn’t care if he had to team up with Tony every week and get you exorbitantly priced concert tickets- he’d do it. He’d do anything for you.
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality  @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl l @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie  @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll  @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions​ @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky
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yae-energy · 8 months
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╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ random thoughts : 2 ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : more random hc’s cause why not (the manga is crushing my soul)
✧˖° cast and crew : yuta okkotsu, maki zenin
.ᐟ content warnings : cursing (cause when am i not)
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : idk yall i just wanted to post 😭 i got at least 3 more ideas i wanna do.
yuta <3
- really good at math for absolutely no reason at all, mental math specifically cause istg this man is like a fucking calculator
- was a nightcore kid (BADDDDDDDLYYY)
- used to be a really big harry potter fan for a while
- loves musicals. like, LOVES musicals
- will say a lot of stuff ironically to the point where it actually becomes unironic and it annoys everybody to hell and back. but he genuinely cannot stop 😭
- vocal stims with the most annoying tiktok audios
- loves carrots and hummus and doesn’t like celery
- he love’s halloween and always matches costumes with inumaki
- his biggest pet peeves are gum popping and squeaky noises. like he will genuinely get so pissed off if he hears either of those things
- is really good at board games & card games, like he’ll really whoop your ass in some uno tbh (which is why no one plays with him) and pls don’t let him get his hands on them draw 4’s or it’s absolutely over for everybody. (and it’s even worse if they’re playing train. like he loses friends afterwards)
*before each turn he’s like “😬 sorry guyssss” (he’s in fact, not sorry)
*also is unnecessarily good at monopoly, like he racks up all the properties so quickly and everyone always thinks he’s cheating
- has really bad eczema (mainly gets it on his neck and it’s reallyyyyyy bad in the winter)
maki <3
- lactose (and still consumes dairy but like…at what cost girlie ☹️)
*also has horrible indigestion
- likes strawberries but hates strawberry flavored things. do NOT give her no strawberry flavored NOTHING or she will fight you
- is a sparkling water enjoyer (inumaki and panda clown her for this everyday and have been since they met her)
- doesn’t like bananas, she has a visceral HATRED for them i tell you. nobody knows why either but that’s just the way it is.
- COFFEE LOVERRRR (loads that shit up with creamer and sugar)
- loves doing crossword puzzles (and puzzles in general)
- really good at chess and ESPECIALLY checkers (she’s just really good at most games tbh, she doesn’t know how either)
- her glasses are always dirty LMAO (same girlie, same)
- really likes baseball, like really really likes it 😭
- adding onto the coffee one: she is an ice coffee FANN. everytime she’s mad one of the second years brings her an iced coffee and she’s completely ok again.
- she’s a dnd girlieeee !!! and she plays with yuta and inumaki when they all have time
- hates reading anything because she just doesn’t feel like it (and she’s impatient) so she gets yuta to read it for her 😭
- is one of those people where if you ask her to do something she’ll instantly say no but do it anyways 💀
- really good at mimicking people’s voices and copying signatures (like it’s actually terrifying)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @zairene @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : took wayyyyy longer than i needed to finish this ! (just the life of being an adhd girlie 😋‼️) but pt.2 to this will come out shortly
also notice how i cannot SHUT THE FUCKKK up about these two like they did NOT need to be this long, do i care though? not really !!
now i’m onto these fuck ass tags 🙄
anyhow, love y’all 🫶🏽
update as of posting : it did take me over a month to post this i won’t lie…mb 😭
- xoxo, yves <3
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Ok, also coming up with elaborate questions about your characters now!
Who do you like the most? Completely unapologetic.
A character that isn’t fleshed out but you think they have potential? Could also only be a concept.
Which character made the worst choices, what were they?
Favorite ship!
Which character is most likely to win at monopoly?
Which character is the strongest? (I INCLUDE MAGIC 🪄 )
Who has the best dynamic?
One: I'd say I like Mary Glass the most. She pretty much started this whole family I invented (the Glass family) and also was a self-insert at the beginning so I might be a littel biased, but she is way more fleshed out now and also loves her wife a lot. She can make storms which I wish I could do.
Two: There's this character I just called 'Granny' because I waited too long with coming up with a name for her and now I refuse to. She's like this yellow-wearing tiny asian grandma that used to be a writer and now she's insane and feral with many limbs. She kind of exists in that way, but in terms of personality and what she actually does except be married to the woman she had a kind of enemies-to-lovers thing (also not fleshed out) and bite people. I think she has potential tough and is also fun.
Three: So this is kind of a hard question to answer because I mostly just invent characters and less full stories... 🤔 I think perhaps Daniel (Mary's brother) has made some questionable choices when he became an evil landlord that crushes people to death. This, on one hand, led him to get partners (yay), but also he ended up getting targeted by a group that caused just. So much trauma. So I think his bad choice was fucking around and finding out.
Four: Favourite ship,,,, now that's hard. I really like the one with Daniel and his partners, but there's one other, where the situation is kind of like They can be bad for each other but also the only person that the other could ever be with- The first is named Toby (Short for the chocolate /j) and he accidentally aqquired this power where, when he observes people being happy, they lose their happiness and he gains it. He really likes people but doesn't want to do that, so mostly just stays inside, which is pretty lonely. Cue entry Arthur, a guy who likes watching the stars and also kind of feeds on other peoples loneliness. It's not really his fault either and they just kinda feed off each other, but they are pretty interestind and I like their dynamic. (Toby is Daniel's uncle, by the way.)
Five: Daniel would be most likely to win at monopoly since he is an evil landlord who manipulates people (I love him tough).
Six: I'd say the strongest character is Mary- Not only can and does she summon giant, destructive storms and smite people with lightning but she's also just. So freaking muscly. Mary doesn't punch you and you fall over, she punches you and you die.
Seven: The favourite dynamic I think I have right now is Mary and Daniel (Can you tell I like these two lmao). They're siblings that used to be very close when they were young, mostly bc their parents were shit. Mary ended up getting severe anger issues and leaving as soon as she could and leaving Daniel behind, who on the other hand got more manipulative and very good with words. He blames her for leaving him behind, while she says that he was always the favourite child and could get himself out of trouble just by talking anyways. They really hate each other now and would perhaps even kill, but in that really complicated siblings way where you're still bonded somehow and would fuck someone up for messing with the other. Mary ended up killing their parents and Daniel bailed her out with his cool talking skills and knowledge of court because he gets sued for tax fraud a lot and Mary's wife Jane made Daniel a new arm because Mary asked her to. So yeah. Them.
Thank you for asking and I shall retaliate soon!!
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yankstrash · 10 months
could we get a board game night blurb?
amelia had a love/hate relationship with board game nights with gabe and his roommates. they were a TON of fun, but the guys were also wayyyyy too competitive and sometimes drove her insane
tonight was board game night at the boys apartment, and candy land was the chosen game of the night. the boys wanted to play monopoly, but amelia refused because of how they all acted last time they played.
"what color do you want baby?" gabe asked as amelia nuzzled in next to him on the floor with a blanket.
"yellow please"
gabe passed the yellow figurine over to his girlfriend while the other roommates got situated around the coffee table.
"green please babe" will said to gabe as he sat down
"here you go sweetheart" gabe said as he threw the green figurine at will
"thanks buttercup"
amelia laughed at the boys as everyone else got settled and chose their figurines.
"now please, for the love of GOD, can we not take this game too seriously? it's fucking candy land. there's no competition, it's purely a game of luck. so please, keep it together." amelia announced before they started the game.
"now, where's the fun in that meely?" ryan sarcastically asked.
"it's to keep me sane. i'm going first." amelia said as she picked up a card.
the game was going smoothly for a while, until of course someone, somehow, was accused of cheating.
"YOU CHEATER! MOVE IT THERE!" gabe pointed at the board and yelled as will moved his figurine to the gum drop after he picked up the cupcake card, which would send him allll the way back to the start.
"FUCK NO! BULLSHIT! that's a fucking gum drop card, i am not moving my shit all the way back to the damn cupcake!" will yelled back.
"are you fucking stupid? that's a cupcake, move it smitty." gabe said, but will refused.
"that's a gum drop, and i'm not moving it."
the two boys argued over the game for a few more moments before ryan yelled at them and will finally obliged, moving his figurine back.
the next few minutes went smoothly, before another problem arose.
"drew what the fuck, you can't use the rainbow trail, you didn't land on the spot for it!" ryan said as drew moved his figurine up the shortcut.
"yes i can! i landed on red!" drew argued back.
"you had to land on GREEN to be able to use it!" ryan said.
"NOOOO, red!"
"fuck th-"
"ryan, how did you end up on purple by gramma nutt? you were just stuck on licorice in peanut acres.." will questioned, interrupting the previous argument.
"wait, will, HOW are you in the lollipop woods already? you JUST got back to the cupcake." gabe questioned as he took a look at the board.
by now, there were 3 different arguments going on, but luckily for amelia, all it took was one card more to get her to the candy castle.
"HA! i won! you can all SHUT UP NOW, game over!" amelia announced, and all the boys went quiet.
"she probably cheated.." will whispered to drew, which earned him a smack on the head from gabe and a pillow to his face from amelia.
"shut up will you're the cheater here. good job baby!" gabe said as he squeezed amalias side.
"but not really because it's a game of luck, right meel?" ryan asked and grinned at amelia, causing her to scowl back at him.
"get monopoly out, now."
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gatitties · 2 years
Board games
─ Dbd x gn!teen!reader
─ Summary: Board games weren't made for friendly play, peace was never an option
─ Warnings: none
7 <  8 > 9
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You hid behind a tree watching as the assassins' bonfire was a complete siege ─although no one could get hurt─ axes flew back and forth, throwing knives, grunts and even some logs were thrown directly from the bonfire they were in placed, scattering dust everywhere.
Well, you didn't expect a bit of 'family fun' to affect them so much, although considering that on the survivor side there were some fights, you had to imagine that the killers weren't going to fall short, but you didn't expect to see so much chaos. You started to listen to the Entity, you didn't want to mix the groups in your stupid ideas, it was enough that a single group formed such a show, oh god, you loved all this chaos who did you want to lie to.
"I hope you're happy, Michael has mortgaged my house and I can't even rip his brains out."
You watched as Freddy hid in the same tree as you, surely tired of trying to harm others without being able to use his weapon.
"It's not my fault that you don't know how to organize your earnings old man."
"Fuck you and your stupid games."
"You're just angry because you were the first to eliminate yourself, you're a crybaby."
"Fuck you whore."
"I also wish you a good night!"
You chuckled as he walked away, rubbing your hands together like your job here was done, walking back to your cabin so you could try and get some sleep if your shitty schedule felt like having a good one rest night. You slept like a little angel unaware of all the emotional damage you had done for those stupid games.
Now, maybe we can go back in time a bit to find out what caused the small fights on the survivor side and well... the madness on the killer side.
This morning you woke up quite upset, not that anything in particular had happened to you, you know, teenagers don't know how to feel many times and you just had that feeling of constant annoyance, anger against everything and nothing at the same time. Maybe it was because you were thinking about your family, maybe you thought too much and maybe you missed your parents a little even though they were not the best caregivers in the world. You hated being dragged out on some days to do 'family things' when you knew it was part of therapy with your psychologist, but sometimes, very rarely, you enjoyed that time with them.
Especially the days when you played board games, not for anything in particular, but you were a top notch liar and cheater for all kinds of games, you were a brilliant mind when it came to these games, because you never liked losing, you never lose.
So this led to the entity giving you a deck of cards, Monopoly, Twister and the most feared Uno.
It was not very difficult to convince the survivors, as always, they had nothing better to do, besides they were board games, who doesn't like them? Or at least, who had not played one at least once? At least it was that and not like the last time you had them play Just Dance without a break.
You won most card games, along with Feng Min, there were many complaints and everyone thought that you were in cahoots to give each other victories, the truth was that when no one was looking you hid a card behind you, until you shouted Uno when no one expected it. You weren't a big fan of monopoly because of its duration, so in that game you preferred to watch how Nancy looked like a businesswoman buying most of the streets, Laurie wasn't far behind, they were practically leading the game against Ace, Tapp and Nea, surprisingly Ace ended up winning for being a high roller, causing the girls to accuse him of being a con man and a thief.
There were harmless little fights in other games but nothing beyond that, nothing compared to a pitched battle in the opposite camp.
You didn't even have time to play anything much beyond Uno and a single game of Monopoly. You didn't know if they did it on purpose or not, but Frank always had that +4 ready for Freddy, the devil couldn't win a single game, but he wasn't the only miserable one, you noticed that everyone cheats, a liar catches a liar after all.
"Wait, wait, Danny, since when you only have two cards left to finish, just one turn ago you had to grab +2." He shrugged his shoulders concealing, you narrowed your eyes looking at his crossed legs. "Stand up."
It was not by your order that he obeyed, but everyone's accusing look made him reveal that... there was nothing under him, you looked both ways, on his left was Bubba and on his right The Deathslinger, you made the latter stand up, revealing a pair of cards below him.
"What the hell? These are not mine."
"For God's sake, it's not fair! Why am I the only one standing up? Don't fuck with me, come on, you don't have the balls to stand up all of you! Even you!"
He pointed accusingly at you, at your request everyone else who was playing got up, most had cards hidden somewhere near their seat, however you smiled brightly at Ghostface seeing that you had nothing to hide, not in this game. You weren't stupid, you wouldn't rat on someone knowing you've done the same dirty tricks, that's why you played fair in this game.
Things heated up in Monopoly, where money was made by threats of not paying dues on purchased streets, as with the survivors, you refused to play, preferring to play chess with Amanda as the chaos was only beginning to blame that board game.
Michael inexplicably got most of the property, making gold pretty quickly, his unflappable manner only pissed off Freddy, who was constantly in jail for not being able to pay, that even the Demogorgon ─who just moved the token back and forth as directed by Wraith─ had more money than him, well, he set off a small fight that ended in the chaos of the beginning.
It was one of your best nights of sleep, perhaps the conflict gave you peace of mind or exhaustion, either of the two, it was worth it as long as you could sleep, leaving it up to the Entity to stop your 'good deeds' towards her community formed by herself.
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marsgod · 2 years
| Info you need! v
More character prompts and dumps! received from a bunch of dialogue prompt generators
Warnings; minor cussing, romantic/platonic relationships, weed intake in the first scenario
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“He was unconscious when I found him!”
You glanced between Ruggie, laying passed out with drool smudged around his face, and Leona who was staring above the both of you.
“Why.. Why didn’t you say something? Or literally anything else but lie there with him..” It wasn’t really a question, but you answered anyways,
“‘Cause the shithead stole my happy brownies and I’m gonna demand compensation. I don’t want him escaping.”
“He’s not gonna be able to do anything for the next few hours, by the looks of it.” Leona continued to observe Ruggie, who had turned on his stomach and was now mumbling unintelligibly,
“Wanna take a nap with us?”
“Yeah sure, so, was there any more ‘happy’ snacks or what?”
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“I want to be there when you get what’s coming to you.”
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?!” Ace’s eyebrows furrowed with offense, Deuce shrugged as Cater snickered besides him, “This is a full proof plan, for you’re information! Have I ever been wrong?”
Deuce stared Ace in the eyes, completely deadpan, the only noise coming from Cater staring between them and trying not to snort too loud.
“… Anyways, you heard the plan! What could possibly, possibly go wrong?
“I’m sorry, you want to carry an air mattress to the stairs and ride down said stairs on the air mattress. So for starters, we could get hurt, [Name] and or Yuu could find out, Grim finds out and then-“
“ALRIGHT! For fuck’s sake, I get it, you’re a pet and are scared of getting in trouble. And as for the ‘getting hurt’ bit, I have gathered every pillow and blanket in Heartslabyul!”
“We’re still not doing that, it’s fucking stupid.”
“Ugh, you are absolutely no fun, Juice.”
“My name is Deuce, dipshit.”
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“Did you ever care about me?!”
You sniffled, looking at Idia, trying to find any source of sadness, but he grinned and laughed,
“In the name of winning, absolutely not!”
“Oh my god, you fucking capitalist, fine! Take your damn money-!” You threw multiple monopoly money at Idia’s face as he cackled, rendering you money-less and out of the game.
“Can we go now? We’ve been here for awhile…” Azul groaned, allowing his head to fall on his empty side of the table. Idia looked at his stacks of money, half of the board covered in houses, smug enough where you wanna smack him upside the head.
“Maybe next time you guys can actually try to beat me…” Azul and you both immediately shot a glare at him, both full of bitterness. Azul, because he was the first one out and you because you brought the god-forbidden game.
“Shut the hell up, Idia.”
“Yes, do be quiet.” Idia snorted at the two of you’s suffering.
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“Did you know that you fucking suck at this?”
“Oh my god, who the hell invited you?”
Floyd grinned, “[Name] did, so fuck you!” Leona groaned in displeasure, Ruggie snickered at the bantering before turning to you.
“You good? You had your head down this entire time,” You looked at him tiredly, “I remembered how much I fucking hate bowling, and this guy just argued that this alone bowling ball at the stand was his.”
“Yikes, wanna go to the arcade and win some shitty, dollar store prizes?”
“Sound fantastic, thanks, how long do you think Leona and Floyd are gonna argue over who’s worse at bowling?”
“No clue, but at least it’s funny..?”
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