#chat's questions
chatxkilluaxnoir · 1 year
What is the difference between “Block” and “Mute” on AO3?
I knew about Block being pretty recently added, and I heard people bringing up “Mute” as well lately, but I didn’t exactly realize (until, like, now), that they were separate things and not different terms for the same thing (i.e., “Block”).
But I now I know they are different things.
What are the features of both and the differences between the 2?
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jattendschaton · 30 days
Ladybug and Chat Noir hosting a podcast where they're going to interview Adrien Agreste and so Adrien has to enlist Félix to pretend to be him and Félix gets to just. Make fun of Adrien to his face and to a national audience. Chat Noir keeps arguing with Félix’s Adrien about his own opinions so the next day all the news is about how much everyone thinks Chat Noir hates Adrien Agreste
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queerdraws · 7 months
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it's zoro's birthday!! happy birthday big guy, may you say many more insane things to your enemies in the coming years
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viennacherries · 15 days
sorry guys can't talk i'm busy pondering the orb
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papanowo · 1 year
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good luck kiss :]
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Does my ass look fat in this armor?
Audio source
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Gaming Pal Prompt
A/N: Random Idea that was stuck in my head after reading about a Pen Pal Prompt
It all started with a simple accidentally created open lobby. Sam, Tucker and Danny were just playing Doom in a four person Lobby that was supposed to be passcode locked and private so that it was only the three of them playing. But one of them must have forgotten to lock it as suddenly a random player joined them as well as the in-game voice chat they were using.
"Sup. Mind if I join the game? My last lobby kicked me."
"Why? Too good or too bad?"
Tucker shot back, not minding the new player. The three would just have to watch what they talk about during game time.
"Don't know. I think they thought I cheated."
"Pff, sore losers. Maybe you can help these losers kick ass."
"Oh shut it Sam, we will wipe the floor with you now!"
"A challenge huh? That sounds interesting. I am Tim by the way."
The friend request was sent after the game in which Tim did help Tucker and Danny beat Sam. Only for Sam to demand a rematch to regain her victory streak. From then on the random player regularity started joining in on their games whenever he happened to be online at the same time.
Of course the trio filtered their talks over voice chat. Making sure they wouldn't let anything atrocious slip. Though they did have some fun telling a non Amity Parker about the shit that goes down in their town and Tim always appeared interested to hear more about the things going on. Always curious and full of follow up questions, that strangely focus on who the attackers were ( always ghosts really they don't have any other rogues aside from maybe the fruitloop) and other times very much focused on their local ghost hero Phantom. He was also strangely interested in the whole GIW situation and sounded rather confused when they mentioned the Anti-Ecto Acts.
Aside from that Tim practically became a part of their little group. Their online Gamer Pal who knew nearly as much about their rogues and local Hero (thanks to all the questions he asked) like they did. A full fledged Team Phantom member who just didn't know the main secret of Danny actually doing the Ghost fighting as Phantom and being the one getting hunted by his own Parents and the GIW.
So of course the day came where Sam, Tucker and Danny forget to filter their words. It was during one particularly exhausting day when Danny had only had like 4 hours of sleep because he had studied all night for an English Test and then Skulker appeared to hunt Phantom and Danny's parents showed up too, making souping the Hunter Ghost especially difficult.
"Ancients, Skulker just had to decide on hunting you today, didn't he Danny?"
"Don't remind me. He is still souped in the thermos, but dodging Mom was harder with so little sleep."
"Should you like take a nap then man?"
"Nah I am fine for gaming night."
"Hey Danny, you did escape the blasters unscratched right? Your mom is the better shot after all."
"Nearly. Mom landed a couple of hits but it's almost healed already, just some small burn marks left."
"I am sorry, WHAT?! Did you guys just say that Skulker, the one that's hunting Phantom for sports, was hunting Danny. Danny was the one to Soup him not Phantom and Danny's Mom shot and hurt her own son with one of these ecto-blasters?!"
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anna-scribbles · 11 months
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particularly inspired moment from ch 2 of mine and @sha-nwa‘s new enemies au fic call it even 🫶
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critter-covenant · 2 months
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Class is in session!
Idea inspired from this that I've been meaning to draw for the past few days
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mecachrome · 6 months
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"Oscar was asked to list as many words that started with the letter F as possible, and as a first grader, you apparently just kept going, and going, until you reached the more... adult-oriented words. Do you remember this?"
Yep. Very, very well.  I wrote—not just, like, one or two. I wrote ALL of them that I could think of!
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en-ben · 6 months
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girl help... I'm doomed by the narrative
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 1 year
So I know LMK/Lego Monkie Kid Season 4 starting airing (I have seen some spoilers), and...
Does anyone know how many episodes are out of S4 so far?
And where can I watch it?
And is only the English subbed out so far and not the English Dubbed yet?
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padawansuggest · 7 months
Jedi Chat
Dooku: Why? Did you upset another queen?
Qui-Gon: No!
Rael: He’s probably got one pregnant tho I’ve been waiting for him to bring me a niece or nephew for years.
Komari: Can we make this fast, I’m trying to bathe Xanatos’s spawn.
Komari: Yeah, whatever.
Qui-Gon: I am having a crisis here!!!
Dooku: *sigh* What’s wrong this time, Qui-Gon?
Xanatos: wtf
Komari: but he’s only like two years old??????? He’s an infant??? He’s still in the womb this isn’t allowed????
Dooku: He’s fifteen, padawan, he can have a boyfriend if he wants.
Qui-Gon: NO HE CANNOT!!! He’s my baby!!
Rael: lmaoooo who’s the bf?
Qui-Gon: Quinlan Vos.
Dooku: nvm, you are right to panic. Si just got a vision of their first child and he’s a menace. All their worst in one baby. Wait… Si just said that’s just their first baby and they won’t be born for at least 5 years. Worst of luck to you all.
Dooku: Can’t. Bringing my husband to the healers he said that vision hurt.
Rael: Awww, it’ll be okay, Qui, Obi-Wan has at least five more years before he’s thrust into parenthood.
Qui-Gon: this meeting has been so unhelpful I hate you all.
Komari: listen, it might be a bit early to say this. But. I’m not free to babysit that weekend. This applies to all of them.
Xanatos: that’s fair. Komari is my babysitter, I’m the one with blackmail on her.
Komari: :/
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I gotta be honest if some random guy approached me in the street and asked me to tell him my paranormal trauma I'd literally just tell him? Like he wouldn't have to compel me I'd like to share. Free therapy for me, free story for him! Not my problem if it feeds an otherworldly overlord.
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bubbbl3gummb1tch · 8 months
Yeah idk - I just want attention… we’ll see if this gets taken down lol 😂
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noecoded · 2 years
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cowboy asmo but hes an infamous bandit coming to rob ur small towns bank and its the 1800s
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