#child trafficking tw
virovac · 4 months
i’m sure due to her sheer amorality and if money’s right, some of Otta’s trafficking was benign
like her reuniting two lost lovers and crying at the beauty and romance of it all as she gets paid
and just minutes later shouting at a child in a crate that if they didn’t want to be sold their parent should have paid their debts
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lightishlilac · 2 months
Hey wh
Why is child trafficking canon in Genshin
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Ahsoka Series Pairings: Sabine Wren/Shin Hati, Sabine Wren & Ahsoka Tano & Ezra Bridger & Shin Hati &  Hera Syndulla & Jacen Syndulla  Characters: Sabine Wren, Shin Hati, Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, Hera Syndulla, Jacen Syndulla, Chopper Warnings: Non-Consensual Drug Use, NSFW themes (Non-explicit),  Ideology of Death, Addiction, Child Trafficking  Notes: For Whumptober Day 6, Alternative Prompt, Prompt: Drugging (Alternate Prompt) Word Count: 2,970 AO3 Link: Here!
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“I guess there’s a rumor about some kind of ‘First Order’ trying to rise from the ashes of the Empire,” Sabine explained as Shin, Ezra, and herself made their way through the streets of Mon Gazza’s underworld, past old pod-racing tracks and through overcrowded markets. 
“I thought this was a New Republic allied world?” Ezra butted in, tripping over a Gungan’s outstretched foot as he caught up to Sabine and the silent wolf at her side.
Shin only turned to raise an eyebrow at the Jedi as he finally caught up, walking a beat behind Sabine, level with Shin. “Right…” Scratching the back of his neck, Ezra immediately perked up upon seeing one of the vendor’s stalls. “Hey, maybe it’ll be best to split up? Meet back in half an hour if no one finds the contact?” 
Both Shin and Sabine shared a look at the suggestion, though Sabine pinching the bridge of her nose sealed the deal. “Just don’t forget the-” He was gone before she could finish speaking. 
Sharing one last look with Sabine, Shin brushed off down a seemingly random alley, leaving the Mandalorian with her comms, and a well overused callsign. 
Half an hour passed and she hadn’t had any luck, on her way back to the rendezvous, however, she managed to get a hit. The man was covered up well enough that she couldn’t make out any identifiers, but the twisting in her gut told her this stranger was something. “Hey, It’s a long way to Hosnian,”  
Sabine wanted to sigh in relief at the curt nod of their head, watching as his hand disappeared into his robes; presumably for the data-tape, though she was met with a face full of powder. It was an absurd amount, finding its way into her system in her first breath, falling into the cracks of her armor and sticking to her suit. “Here! They’re here! The Smuggler!” He barked out, calling for New Republic security, who despite never patrolling these sections, just so happened to have a full squad standing by as Sabine was framed. 
“Karabast,�� She’d know the feeling of giggledust in her veins any day, had spent a good deal of time working with Ketsu handling all kinds of spice, under the guise of ‘building an immunity’. This was at a concentration and abundance that the two Mandalorians had never even had in one place at the same time. 
The world around her came into such a razor sharp focus, she felt as if the world around her was pixelating. “Stop it right there!” A voice shouted, bringing a muffled giggle from the Mandalorian as he approached. 
“What am I holding?” Her hands squeezed into fists, lucidity failing her as the drug fast-tracked into her system. A stun shot moved towards her, seemingly in slow motion, allowing her to jump out of the way and bring it to hit a civilian. “Oh! Stormtrooper Academy, huh?” 
Scrambling to get up, The Mandalorian took off, tripping and stumbling, yet still managing to keep several paces ahead. “Ah fuck fuck fuck!” Sabine breathed, brushing past people as she ran, unrestrained laughter bringing a wheeze to her breathing as her lungs constricted. 
An invisible force yanked the Mandalorian from the side street, a tall, lithe body trapping her between the bricks as the stranger’s hand came to press into her mouth, muffling the giggling as Republic troopers rushed past. 
In the dim lighting, Sabine could make out the dyed purple of Shin’s Padawan braid, and the little glint of beskar around their throat. “Kurs’kaded!” Her voice was muffled, until she dragged the flat of her tongue across the palm of their glove, earning her a crinkled nose and a grossed out expression.
“You don’t know where that’s been,” Shin deadpanned, wiping Sabine’s slobber off onto her cape. “You were not at the rendezvous, and then we watch you run from the Republic, what’s going on?” Pressing her hands into Shin’s hips and tugging the woman closer, Sabine busied herself with trailing her lips along their throat. 
“Dunno,” She hummed against their pulse point, delighting in the way they shivered as she pressed a toothy smile against warm skin. “But there’s better stuff that could be going on,” Shin’s hand pressed into Sabine’s chest the moment the Mandalorian’s thigh slotted between their legs.
Silver met gold in a moment of terse understanding. “You were drugged,” She stated, wiping the sandy looking powder from the paint on Sabine’s armor. 
“Fulcrum, Spectre five is compromised,” 
“Copy Wolf One, moving in for pickup. Did you find the contact?”
“Bridger is engaging now,” 
Comms went silent as Sabine blinked dreamily up at Shin, lips pulling at the corners as she fisted her hands in their tunic against their hips. “Hey, Shin, psst-” She whispered, struggling to lean up with the hand on her chest. “I know what they meant when they told me to hold on,” This time, the pull of Shin’s hips was halted with the other woman’s tensing form, pressing her back into the wall harder to stop herself from giving in, and turning Sabine’s smile into a dramatic pout. 
“Shin,” A whine halted only by giggles at the sound of her own voice, somewhere in the haze that her brain had quickly turned into, Sabine had enough humility to cringe at herself. “C’mon, ‘Soka’s gonna be a minute, and you look really good-” Their brows furrowed as the Mandalorian slid back against the wall, dropping her body to her knees until her nose was brushing against the taller woman’s knee. “I’d never ask you for anything again, swear on my grave- oh! Swear on the graves of my  buire!” The smile slipped from her lips as the arousal and giddiness were swept away as the pendulum swung. 
“Though, they didn’t really get graves- They were probably hett’la , into nothing.” Tears stung at her eyes as the blonde gaped downwards at her, trying to process their best course of action with the wild change to Sabine’s mood. “Poof,”  Her voice cracked, hands grasping at the blonde’s shins to ground herself to them. 
“They died with family though- that’s good.” A sniffle as the fabric of Shin’s pants became wet with heavy tears. “The whole family, except me; that’s fine; I didn’t want to die with them anyways. They didn’t want me for so long- why should I?”
“Ahsoka,” Shin’s voice was equal parts relieved and strained as a figure joined them in the alley. “She’s been hit with spice- a decent amount of it,” Their nose crinkled again as Ahsoka joined Sabine’s position, kneeling at Shin’s feet, putting herself close enough to be in Sabine’s line of sight the next time watery golden eyes blinked open. 
“Sabine, can I pick you up?” Ahsoka’s voice was gentle, reaching out her hand to the woman’s shoulder at the same time as their force bond. 
“Yes please,” She whispered, though she refused to release her hold on the backs of Shin’s calves, still pressing her face into their knee as Ahsoka tried to work her hands away. 
“Ad’ika,” Ahsoka soothed, reaching to brush her fingers through sweat and spice infused hair, nose crinkling as she caught the smell of the drug in the air. That wasn’t going to be fun for her immune system to fight through later. “I need you to let go, Padawan,”
With continued coaxing, Sabine’s hands were finally guided from Shin’s legs to Ahsoka’s neck, allowing the Mandalorian to wrap around her just as tight as she wanted. “Shin, clear us a path that won’t trigger the patrols,” Turning her head to talk into the comm on her wrist, she addressed Ezra. “Spectre six, meet us back home, do not bring the package straight home, I need you to make a pit stop,”
“Fulcrum, I think I read your mind already,” Ezra chimed in on the other end, a smile clear in his voice. “I’ll meet everyone back home, can’t wait!” 
The push back to the ship was long and treacherous, with Sabine’s moods switching from laughing at the happenings around them, to hiding her face in Ahsoka’s neck and crying, to seeming perfectly normal the next moment, enough that she would often voice how much she hated this, until seeing something that made her laugh all over again. 
Inside the T-6, Ahsoka managed to set Sabine on a risen bench, helping the Mandalorian as she fell back. “ ‘soka? My head hurts,” 
“I bet, what did you take?” Ahsoka started pulling the woman’s armor away, holding out her hand to stop Shin when the wolf moved to help. “If she got on you, you need to change, you’ll be more sensitive to it,” They looked like they wanted to argue, looking down at the tunic, covered in the dusty brown substance. Nodding once, Shin slipped away to the crew quarters. 
“Huyang, we’ll need to clean everything, they’ll all be at risk if this gets in the vents.” 
“Of course, Lady Tano. I’ll get filter upgrades on the to-do list as well.” 
“Thank you,” Ahsoka sighed, working on setting Sabine’s armor to the side, nose crinkling from the acidic smell of the spice. “That’s been cut,” 
“Mmhmm,” Sabine grumbled below her, trying to shove her arm out of  her flight suit without unzipping it. “Giggledust, can’t recognize the other one,” A harsh bark of laughter as the Mandalorian shook her head. “Should be able to, can’t. Hilarious,” 
“Let’s go down the list, then.” Ahsoka helped ease the top of her flight suit off, stopping the spice from falling onto her underclothes. “Grab my shoulders,” Ahsoka helped Sabine stand, keeping the younger woman from spreading more of the spice as the human’s fingers dug into her shoulders. “Ryll?”
“Master, your shoulders are so-” Sabine snorted, almost doubling over were it not for the Togruta helping her out of her contaminated flight suit. A bout of giggles had the woman covering her mouth and turning her head, holding on to Ahsoka to keep herself stable. “No, I don’t think it’s any Prime Kessel strains; can’t mix them, or… I’d probably be dead.” Laughter died as quickly as it started. 
“Fuck, Ahsoka,” The hands on her shoulders trembled until Ahsoka was rising back to her full height, steadying Sabine through another swing. “I hate this,” 
“It’s glitterstim,” Shin called out as she exited the crew quarters, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. “That is why she’s swinging so wildly, though there is another I cannot figure out…” The blonde moved to settle onto the other end of the bench, brows pulled in concentration. 
“Felucian?” Ahsoka suggested, helping Sabine back into the bench. 
“No, I remember everything… too much,” Her elbows fell heavily onto the table, hands weaving into her hair to pull on short violet strands. “Spice is expensive and risky, why would they waste it on me if it wasn’t going to kill me?”
“If they got you addicted, then you, a key player, would be out of the game; they’re hoping you’ll try to chase this to your own demise.” Shin’s shoulders shrugged nonchalantly as Sabine groaned. 
“Great, this is great,” Laughter, once again bubbled past her lips like glass in a hydraulic press. Ahsoka settled herself on Sabine’s other side, guiding the Mandalorian’s fingers from her hair before she could pull on it. “Fuck!” She shouted again, knuckles white as she grabbed Ahsoka’s hands with her own, squeezing as she tried to fight her way through the next swing as it burned in her veins. 
“Engspice, fuck, fuck, and hey, guess what? Fuck!” Sabine’s legs bounced as she forced herself to focus through the painful mix of sharp and blurry of her distorted vision. “Engspice fucks a person, they get hooked until they die, and I can’t… Ahsoka if that’s what kills me? I’ll never see them again,” 
Shin’s hand rested on the center of her back as her Moon swung, frowning at the sweat dampening her undershirt. “We won’t let that happen, me’suum’ika” “How many people get over a spice addiction on the other side?” Sabine spat hotly, resting her forehead against the table to avoid looking at either force-sensitive on her side. 
Shin’s muscles tensed unexpectedly as the woman shrugged her shoulders. “Unimportant,” their legs crossed under the table, fingertips pressing into Sabine’s back before smoothing her undershirt out again. “But you aren’t alone in it,”
“First, however, we need to remove all traces from the ship, and get you sobered up,” Ahsoka chimed in, gently squeezing Sabine’s hands before letting go and rising to grab the Mandalorian’s armor. 
Dramatically, Sabine let herself fall into Shin’s side, pushing her way up and under their arm to be in their personal space as Ahsoka and Huyang worked on getting the contaminated clothing out of the ship and cleaned up. 
“What do you remember about the person who dusted you?” Shin questioned, begrudgingly allowing Sabine to press up into her side as another bout of unrestrained giggles passed tired lips. 
“Kinda like you, when we first met; just a lot less pretty.” Sabine’s nose crinkled for a moment as she pressed the side of her feverish face into Shin’s shirt. “You smelled a lot better too, once I got past the burning insides thing-”
“What did he smell like?” Shin’s fingers brushed through the hair on the back of Sabine’s head, nails scratching against her scalp soothingly as the Mandalorian’s hand moved under the table to rest on the blonde’s thigh, the other supporting her head with an elbow on the table. 
“Jealous?” The tensing of their leg under her hand had the purple haired woman laughing, massaging away the flexing muscle as she examined the new fabric beneath her fingers. “Your new pants are nice; would be nice on the ground though,”
“Sabine,” There was a warning in their tone, a sharp eyebrow raised as the hand carding through her hair tightened, pulling lightly on short hair and stopping only when the Mandalorian offered a lopsided smile in response. “It may help identify him, you know.”
“Of course I know that; there’s just some more important things on my mind, like me, you, my bevagol; no one else is in the ship right now,” Her hand pressed up higher along Shin’s leg, The hand in her hair tightened again, guiding Sabine’s head back enough until she was forced to let out a soft gasp, following the direction of the pull on her head. 
“You will tell me what you recognized about this person’s smell first, then we will discuss.” 
Groaning, Sabine shook her head free from Shin’s claws, slumping into their side like an angry toddler as she crossed her arms over her chest. “They smelled like sweat, like they really needed a shower. Like the sewers on Coruscant, that specific kinda acid they’ve got down there, but dusty enough that he could have come from one of the spice mines on planet? Or was that just the dust in my nose-”
“Unless the Imperials are employing the miners, now that the New Republic has control over the trade again.” 
“The Imperial’s can’t employ anyone, the First Order can.” Sabine snorted, shaking her head as she forced her way into Shin’s lap, looping her arms around their neck and waiting until the blonde shifted to hold her Mandalorian close. 
“Sabine-” Shin grumbled unenthusiastically, arms wrapping under Sabine’s thighs and around her back as she tucked herself into them. “Yes, The First Order,” A scoff as her chin came to rest upon the crown of Sabine’s head. “Though I would put it closer to an outsider, Imperials and the like have a distinct odor, no matter how long they’ve been in the system, if you did not pick up on it, it was either someone disconnected from the mission, or a mercenary.”
“And what does my ver’verd’ika think about it?” Sabine pressed her face into their throat, smiling as she felt more than heard the heavy swallow from her teeth so close to the pulse point. 
“They’ll be connected somehow; The Empire cracked down on the spice trade to control it, and if your mark was willing to waste such an extensive amount to hit you with, they’ll have more, or the promise of another shipment.”
Ezra’s head poked into the ship as the sluggish gears in Sabine’s head started to move. “Hey guys? We’ve got a hit, black robes, vial of dust; they picked him up trying to nab a kid; Ahsoka’s running damage control, but Shin, we should keep an ear out in case he slips Republic custody,”
Sabine snorted as Ezra stepped into the ship the rest of the way, pulling off the cloak from around his shoulders as he dropped into the seat Sabine had once occupied, allowing the Mandalorian to push her legs out across his lap. “Aaand ‘soka thought you’d be hungry,” From the bag strapped to his leg, the Jedi retrieved three neatly wrapped crupa breast sandwiches. “Close to not being like, safe; but we’ve had worse,”
“Damn right,” Sabine grumbled, snatching a wrapped parcel from the table. As the Mandalorian and Jedi dug in, Shin reached out in the force, feeling for Ahsoka and any update she could get on the mission status.
The gray apprentice’s eyes opened at the tap of bread and meat against her lips. “I have a bad feeling about this,” they managed, before Sabine was urging them to take a bite. 
“It’s not that expired, Kurs’kaded,” 
Shin only hummed their response, there was no use in clarifying; Ahsoka would confirm for them if this new ‘First Order’ was dabbling on their attempts of forced child enlistment into their hidden forces; They’d have to trust that whatever was brewing, the force would see them through it. 
Translations: Kurs'kaded - Wolf Me'suum'ika - Moon Bevagol - Dick
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greenconnoisseur · 2 years
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“Emmet, do you not see anything wrong with what you just said?”
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 15
Hood remained silent, even as he clenched the gun tightly in his hand. He hadn't even seen a hint of green portals or blond elfs but 200 witnesses couldn't all be wrong.
All of them had stated that a white haired meta with a gas mask was working with a blond elf with a leaf mask and that they had been the ones kidnapping the kids and teens of Gotham.
Jason had heard stories of fairies snatching kids and infants, sometimes swapping them out with a sickly one of thier own. But there were no trades that Jason knew of. Only missing kids.
Hell, all of the biggest child gangs around Crime Alley and the Narrows were gone.
As in gone gone. Not a single member was left nor any trace of where they could have been taken to. As much as he hated to admit it, he might need to ask for help from the Justice League Dark...
Link stared down at the kids from his rooftop perch.
They looked...cleaner. Happier. They had gained a healthy amount of weight, no longer stick thin and weak looking. They had season appropriate clothing without holes and others hidden away in chests and armours for the coming seasons far off from now.
His spirit friend, Phantom, had panicked a bit after he realized what they were doing was trafficking, but calmed down once he pointed out that these kids would have a much better life in Hyrule than they would have had in the rotting trashpit that was Gotham.
If they would have lived much longer at all
Still, thier presence here was mutually beneficial. Hyrule had lost over 80% of its population in the Great Calamity and they were no where close to regaining the population they once had. All of thier forts, training areas, ect were specifically targeted and destroyed in the attacks and gardians and monsters were left in the ruins to ensure they could not rebuild what was lost
Which led to the bigger issues at hand. All the empty occupations.
The castle, and thus castle town, were ground zero for the disaster that wiped out the Hylian peoples. With it many businesses and trades were lost. Hyrule had few soldiers and those they did have desperately needed armor, weapons and training.
That wasn't all. Hudson construction had attempted to repair Castle town and eventually the castle, but they were wood workers, not stone masons. They knew little of the craft that was needed.
There were lessons and information in the castle archives covering most of the jobs and trades, as well as how to proform them, but the princess didn't see it as a priority. They didn't have the people necessary to teach these crafts and the castle and town surrounding wasn't really a priority anyway. Not with all the people who still needed help around the kingdom.
Phantom helped a lot too. Other than helping them build towns for the kids (the child gangs actually really liked having a town all to themselves) he did a lot of other random jobs around the kingdom, much like Link himself.
Unfortunately, his next trip to Gotham lead to a run in with the "Red Hood" and the phrase, "Was that a fucking fruit grenade?!" Link did not know what the word "Fucking" meant but the Hood man would not tell him. He is learning a lot of new words from this guy, words that Phantom appearently didn't like cause he loudly scolded Red Hood like a naughty child the first time they met. It was hilarious to see this tiny 15 year old tell off a giant tank of a man.
Link couldn't see the mans expression due to the odd red helm the man wore, but he could tell he was cowed, even if just a bit. Then he began speaking to someone who wasn't there while pressing his finger to the side of his helm where his ear should be. Is Red Hood ill? Does he have a mind sickness like the ones Phantom told him of when describing his parents? Or is this something Link doesn't yet understand...either way he doesn't think he's getting more children for Hyrules future in this trip...or anytime soon if those ominous masked people landing on the rooftops around them had any say in the matter.
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furiousgoldfish · 4 months
Abuse seemed normal and justifiable to me, the entire time I was living in it as a kid. I didn't question it, the justifications and defenses would appear in my head before I would even start to get upset about it. 'They didn't mean that, they did it to make me stronger, to teach me how hard life is. They only did it out of anger, they wouldn't have done it if I didn't make them angry. It happened because I did x. They're my parents, they're doing what's best for me. I just don't understand yet because I'm not old enough but eventually I'll get why they're acting this way.'
It feels like that when you've never had a life away from abuse; it is the only normal way of life you've ever known, and implication that it might not be normal are too scary to explore, but also completely unbelievable. Because you would have to believe that you yourself are in a special situation where normal rules no longer apply. Rules like 'your parents love you and do everything for your own good', 'you need to listen to your parents, they know what they're talking about', and 'Your parents are just trying their best'. And you feel like you're nothing special, nothing that happens to you is special, nothing is out of the ordinary, you're feeling even less than normal, you feel like something is deeply wrong with you, rather than the situation you're in. Of course your parents are normal, and mean well, it's you who needs to get their shit together and stop being, whatever you are, it's unclear.
It can seem from an outside perspective, that a child would recognize at least some of the abuse for what it was, even if subjected to the rules of 'parents love you, they know best, you need to obey them', if the abuse is extreme, but no, they wouldn't. Looking back at my experience I was able to justify not only the physical violence, neglect, insults and humiliation, but even the constant, very detailed death threats that would constantly come out of the abusers. I listened to them describe to me how they would kill me, often implying they should have killed me already, and all I thought was 'they are just saying that, they're not actually going to kill me, they're saying it because they're angry, I shouldn't take this personally'. When I think about that now, I am appalled, you would think anyone subjected to constant detailed death threats would know for sure that this is wrong. But I was also hearing about how they 'sacrificed everything for me' and 'nobody else would ever love me like this', and how could I have known, as a kid, which one of these are lies, and which are the truth? I was heavily pressured to believe that they loved me. How would I have known that my parents had reasons to convince me that their murderous intentions were fake, but the love they had for me was real?
Without a clear reference to how parental love looks like, there's no way to tell. And if you ever do see a depiction of a loving family, your abusive family will be very quick to tell you that they're "doing it wrong", "spoiling that child", and "created a selfish brat". And how would you know that this isn't true? You don't yet know that they have reasons to lie to you. You've been told they're your parents and they only want the best for you, like all parents do. They just don't want you to grow up a selfish brat, so that's why they don't do all of the listening, hugging, caring, paying attention, conversing, and advocating for you. To make sure you're strong and responsible as a human being. It makes sense when you're a kid. When you're an adult, you understand that it never made any sense, that shaming good parents only served the purpose of making you feel like you're having a normal experience, and that your parents were right to abuse you, even superior for it.
It's possible to endure any amount of abuse and to be convinced that it's normal. I've talked to adults who've been sexually abused and trafficked by their parents and still believed the parents loved them. There's no limit to what you can convince a child is normal. Any abuse can be hidden by a guise of normalcy.
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You know what else was really fucked up about Cash selling his child to the Goetia for a night?
If Stolas ever finds out (I’m pretty sure he will), he will be devastated because he’ll think it’s his fault that Blitz got abused like that.
If only he ceased his “bitch crying” before Paimon took him to the circus.
If only he hadn’t made his crush so obvious.
If only he hadn’t made his loneliness so well known.
If only he kept his comments about thinking Blitz was funny to himself.
If only he was a good child and pushed his feels down better, Blitz wouldn’t have gotten hurt.
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many-but-one · 3 months
i believe survivors of RAMCOA when they talk about the abuse they suffered, but the one thing i cannot wrap my head around is how abusers purposefully program alters? and this makes the moral ocd worms in my brain go NUTS.
i think i dont understand bc not every child who goes through severe torture/abuse will develop DID/OSDD and it feels way more probable that abusers arent attempting to make alters so much as theyre conditioning certain responses (and if a childs brain happens to split these experiences into alters then thats a byproduct that benefits the abuser).
all of this makes me feel like a bad ally to RAMCOA survivors, and while its not your job to educate me would you mind explaining how the programming alters aspect works?
[Trigger warning: talking about how programming works and why not all children who experience RAMCOA develop DID or may not end up becoming fully programmed. Brief mentions of child death. Mentions of child torture. Nothing in detail, obviously. Also talking a lot about how the deprogramming process works. If you are a programmed system yourself and you worry this could be triggering, have grounding items nearby just in case.]
Note: when I say “successfully” or “properly” programmed system, I’m talking about in the eyes of the abusers. Also, this is talking about TBMC (torture based mind control) programmers. I have to put that disclaimer because you wouldn’t believe how many confused computer programmers I’ve gotten in comment sections on other socials.
So, the reason not every child who goes through RAMCOA develops DID is because developing DID requires some pre-requisites. Things like genetic predisposition to dissociate actually do make a big difference. Also, how early the abuse started. If someone goes through RAMCOA trauma, but not until they’re older and their personality has already begun integrating (which can happen younger in some children, even as young as around age 5-7, though some researchers have said personality integration can happen as late as the teen years) it will be significantly harder to develop DID and therefore properly program the child. In addition, how much access programmers have to the child, how long they had access to the child, and how much support the child has outside of the abuse are also contributing factors.
If programmers see this kid one week out of the month, the parents don’t know about it and therefore the kid has a relatively okay home life with love and support, and they only have access to the kid for a couple years, that’s not going to be good grounds for programmers being able to properly do what they want to do. Some may still try if they don’t have access to anyone else, but this rarely creates a “successful” programmed system. Conversely, if they see the kid every day or multiple days a week, a parent is in on it/they have a bad home life where abuse (of possibly a lesser magnitude but not always) occurs, the parents are neglectful or very busy and likely to not notice things, and they have access to this kid for several years, that makes for a better chance that this kid will be properly programmed.
Because of all of these factors, programmers will often pick children who they know have parents with PTSD or CPTSD (or a dissociative disorder, if the parent has disclosed that to them), who they can access early in their life or have prior history of abuse (so are more likely to already have begun developing a dissociative disorder), and whom they have access to frequently. Sometimes, the child’s parent will be programmed by the group themselves and be born quite literally just to be programmed by the group. Some groups take great care in keeping family groups within the group because that creates stronger loyalty bonds and gives them easy access to children to program. It’s not uncommon for a group goal to be for their grown programmed systems to have kids to eventually give to the group, which is why apprehending a programmed system and having them work on deprogramming before this can happen is essential.
A lot of kids that programmers desire to program actually end up “failing out” because they aren’t able to take to the programming. Depending on the group, this could mean they will end the kid’s life or they will just stop the programming-related abuse altogether. And contrary to what most people know, even successfully programmed children have loads of failed programs, or parts that didn’t take well to programming. Most of the time these parts who have failed programming will be put in “discard areas” in the system’s inner world, and they will be either forced into dormancy or they will be stuck there until amnesia barriers eventually break down as the grown person starts to work on deprogramming (if they ever do.) A successfully programmed system’s most active parts are parts who did not fail their programming, and these are often the most well-rounded parts retrofitted with a personality that would have likely been created by the abusers.
To add: there is often layers upon layers of amnesia even in these single well-rounded parts (that often end up having an alters-in-alters subsystem, and said part might not even be aware they have one) and the “top part” or most front-facing part of that subsystem may not even be aware they are programmed. At least, until a cue happens and their program starts running and they start doing things they wouldn’t normally be doing. A lot of programmed parts don’t even know their own cues or even what traumas they have that would have created their programming. They might know they have trauma, but the memories of the programming might be missing, or the context surrounding the programming traumas might be missing. Usually these cues and context behind the traumas are hidden in EPs or fragments that are buried pretty deep within their subsystems. Accessing these EPs in therapy is integral to the deprogramming process, as learning what manipulations were done to make a programmed part believe what they do is essential in undoing it. All deprogramming really is, is showing programmed parts that what their abusers made them believe was true is a lie and that they are not at risk to be harmed anymore if they no longer have contact with the group. (Cutting off a system’s communication with the group is first and foremost what they should do when deprogramming)
As for your assumption, that abusers are trying to condition children and these experiences happen to split an alter to hold the conditioned response, you are partially right. In some cases, especially in cases where it’s a single parent or a family unit doing this to their own kids, it’s often more likely that the parent is not fully aware that they are creating a DID system. This is where the difference between programming and conditioning is important to note. We made a video about this here: link to TikTok video.
However, in larger groups, programmers do know they are creating a system. DID is not some unknown secret to much of the world, and research about it is easy to find. Even inexperienced groups can find research on DID and how alters form very easily and use that to try and create a system in a child. Whether or not they will be successful with that info alone is hard to say. I was abused by two different groups, one of them inexperienced and one of them very experienced. The initial attempts at programming were often unsuccessful, and we assume they got in contact with the experienced group to learn more and they essentially showed our main handler/programmer how it was done. (We have memories of him being taught and observing/taking part as necessary to the teachings, so this is not speculation, we know this was the case.) Once we were in the hands of the experienced group, we became very well programmed and our system’s organization changed massively. On top of that, the inexperienced group was now experienced, so we actually have alters who are programmed by two separate groups, each loyal to their own group. Some of our parts were loyal to both because they were programmed by both. (“Were” loyal because we’ve deprogrammed significantly and they no longer feel loyal to the groups anymore.)
Like I said in my initial post, programming alters is actually not that complicated on the surface, though in practice it is difficult, and to create a well programmed system takes a lot of skill and intelligence. Skilled programmers are unfortunately often incredibly smart individuals. Anyone who’s been willing to speak with me about their programmers often cite them as being people with high level college degrees. Doctors, engineers, mathematicians, scientists, psychologists. If not a college degree, they often work in areas like police work, political work, religious ministry, or other city/county/state positions. If none of these, they (horrifyingly) tend to work in areas where children are often present. Pediatric doctors/nurses, summer camp counselors, Sunday school teachers, daycare attendants, nannying jobs, teaching, etc. While not all programmers will fit this bill, a lot of them do. In the world outside of their programming job, they are often well-liked by their community. This is not to say everyone in these positions is a programmer, also. Want to make that REALLY clear. Not every person with this job has a secret side job of torturing kids, these just happen to be common areas they tend to gravitate toward. They are often thrill-seeking sadists and egocentric. Having a position in their community in which they are consistently recognized for their accomplishments or adored is often important to them. Sometimes, programmers are also programmed themselves, especially in large groups with generational aspects involved.
Now that that’s out of the way, I’m not going to explain in explicit detail how programming works because that doesn’t make me comfortable to share, but a very dumbed down version of it is pretty simple:
1) torture child to create alter splits
2) get one of these splits to front via triggers related to the torture that caused them to split
3) indoctrinate them with a behavior or action that, if they do not do that action, means they will be punished further. While they are doing said action/being indoctrinated with certain beliefs, have a specific trigger or cue present so that when they see that trigger/cue in the future, they will immediately do the action/enforce the beliefs they have been taught.
4) repeat steps 1-3, basically.
This is why I explained that programming is kind of like conditioning on steroids. Except the child is severely manipulated, tortured, and has extreme threats of harm to self or others to reinforce it, and this is done repeatedly, to the point where it causes the alter extreme duress if they do not do their assigned task because if they didn’t do their task in the past (in childhood) they would be tortured or would have to witness other children be tortured. They will fully believe if they do not do the thing, they or others WILL be hurt, and they believe the programmers WILL know if they don’t, so they often just do it automatically in efforts to avoid the punishment they believe is coming. It is extremely hard for them to override the emotional flashbacks, somatic flashbacks, etc, if they try to resist doing the task. Adding onto that, programmers will often create alters who will punish parts in the inner world the same way the abusers would if they do not do their task, so that is another layer of fear on top of that. These programmed parts often cannot distinguish the difference between outer world torture and inner world torture, as they rarely get contact with the outside world except to do their tasks. So if they don’t do their task, they will be punished by alters in the inner world space and they may fully believe they are being punished in real life. Creating safe spaces for alters to go in the inner world if they don’t do their assigned task is an important part of deprogramming. Because once an alter realizes they will not be punished both externally and internally by not doing a certain action, they will be much less inclined to do said action.
If all of that sounds extremely messed up and fucks with your moral OCD, you’re right to feel that way. It is messed up. These people are vile, fucked up, and cruel. They often do not see the children as human beings and care not of how much this damages the child physically, psychologically, and emotionally. These children are dehumanized beyond belief. Many programmed parts of a system do not see themselves as human unless they were specifically meant to be human. Commonly created alters are things with no free will or no ability to think for themselves, such as angels, robots, and inanimate objects. If a child truly believes they cannot think for themselves, it will be harder to deprogram them. Which is why deprogramming often involves teaching the grown system that they are allowed to make choices outside of their group’s desires and control. It is not easy.
For those that read this and are feeling dissociated and/or anxious, remember your grounding techniques. Get some mints, cinnamon candies, or sour candies and munch. Smell a strong scented candle. Hold some ice or hand warmers in your hands. Look around the room and pick out items that you recognize to be from the present. Pet a cat/dog/[insert animal here] or hug a stuffed animal. Remember, it is currently 2024 and you are safe. Your abusers will not know you read this unless you tell them yourself. You are brave, capable, and safe. I believe in you and your healing journey.
Take care, everyone.
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madamsugarskull · 5 months
How would Min and Mr. Dwicky be with each other? Since he was a school counselor and has experience with troubled kids and possibly a degree in psychology (I could be wrong since this is IZ we are talking about) can Min still manipulate him or can he see right through her facade?
(Also I absolutely adore how you draw facial expressions they r so freaking good)
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Thank you so much! Honestly, I think Dwinky met Min before he worked at the school as a guidance counselor. But I think that while he was well meaning, he was missing some serious red flags when it came to the place she was put in. And set things in motion that he never wanted to happen.
But… after he went to space?
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Considering how he left Dib in a moment where he needed support the most. I easily can see him doing the same with Min.
And that would be her last straw when it came to her hope for humanity.
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optimisticaudience · 1 year
Sound of Freedom, Operation Underground Railroad, and Tim Ballard are frauds who hurt the people who fight actual human trafficking.
Talk to anyone who fights real trafficking, they will tell you what is wrong with Ballard. To start with, he used to fight child sexual exploitation as a federal agent but he quit to act as a vigilante. Here is the short version of how OUR works: they go into a foreign country and throw money around until a pimp approaches them. They then tell the pimp they want children, and ask the pimp to bring kids to a secondary location. Then they call the cops, have the police arrest the pimps, streams the arrest on FaceTime for a high tier donor, and then go home. If you don’t get what’s wrong with this let me explain: OUR raises the demand for child sex slaves. A mommy blogger who Ballard brought along wrote an entire article about her experience. He says his team is all sorts of CIA agents and SEALs, but apparently moms from Utah are more reflective. It turns out some of the kids were trafficked for the first time FOR Ballard. He waved money and encouraged that trafficking. Afterwards, he left the country with a handshake promise that the kids would be cared for by the police. He will say the kids got aftercare, but evidence says otherwise.
But maybe that’s not enough for you?
He hired a psychic in Utah to tell him where a child was in the Dominican Republic. He flew a team as well as that child’s father down to the town the psychic indicated and found nothing other than locals scared of the American paramilitary vigilantes who were asking for children.
He and a sister organization said they were evacuating people from Afghanistan. No one has found any evidence to prove that.
He has claimed OUR saved a 12 year old girl from slavery. Then, she was 11. Then it turned out she saved herself a decade ago without his help and they want to get credit for rescuing her.
He claimed to be partnered with American Airlines, who have no idea what he is talking about.
So what actually DOES Ballard do?
He campaigns against drag queens
Promotes Qanon/Wayfair conspiracies
Cast the actor who played Jesus to play himself in his own movie. (The actor actively campaigns on blood libel Q conspiracies)
But beyond all that, just remember the movie isn’t donating to anti trafficking causes. It’s just asking you to buy more tickets to juice the numbers.
Donate to your local shelter. Most trafficking victims are trafficked by loved ones or people close to them. The victims need all the help they can get.
And another thing: People are conflating criticism of this film with apologia for child trafficking. I keep seeing posts say it will “Raise Awareness,” despite it being an incorrect portrayal. If that’s true, then Die Hard is raising awareness about bank robbers.
Here’s an idea: watch or read ANYTHING from real survivors of trafficking.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
I'm going to sit down and try to explain this with patience, to everyone who still thinks calling out narcissistic abuse is 'ableist' or 'dehumanizing to the narcissists', and that abuse is something we're all equally capable of.
I don't think you understand what narcissistic abuse is, or how it differs from the other kinds of abuse. We can agree that all and any abuse is damaging, traumatic and scarring, but narcissistic abuse is so extremely pervasive, hidden, strategic and unbelievable, to the point where I can't honestly tell it's something any regular human would be capable of. And even more than this, the survivors of this particular type of abuse have found it extremely, extremely difficult to figure out they've been abused, even when they've been put through extreme, devastating, and absolutely dehumanizing scenarios. Realizing that your loved one is a narcissist requires your entire world to break down, and every piece of your heart shatters in the realization, and it takes months, even years to accept it.
The only way we can possibly figure it out is to connect the patterns. And patterns of the narcissistic abuse are focused on erasing one's own sense of self, one's perspective and ultimately, complete control over someone's emotions and behaviours. This is often done from early on, the grooming process starts at age zero, your value, worth and usefulness is determined by them, and you cannot wrangle yourself free from it on your own, not without someone confirming to you that you've been held captive, that your free will has been taken a long time ago.
Unfortunately, I have to give some examples, because I don't think it can be explained otherwise. When I was 2 years old, a narcissistic person found it a nuisance to watch over me, and they beat me up every time I disobeyed. I was a toddler. Then they proceeded to convince me that I was a demon, and would burn in hell regardless of what I do for the rest of my life. I've been brainwashed by this person to believe I was not a human being, had no human rights, that it was correct and regular for me to be locked up, beaten, and that it was my fault every single time, even when I did all that was asked of me. This person then had me comfort them after they would beat me, because it was a stressful experience for them. I wasn't allowed to cry. I would be beaten for making a face expression they didn't like. It was random and unexplainable.
Another narcissistic person created a game where they would give me wrong instructions for a task, then torture me when I did exactly as they instructed me to. It got to a point where I would beg them to tell me what to do correctly, and they would respond with a laughing 'you should be old enough to know this' and they would be even happier to beat me up and scream at me for getting it wrong. This person not only threatened to kill me regularly, but often made me believe I was in my last few seconds of life, putting me in position where I believed I was about to die. They forced me to work for them in unsafe conditions, heavy physical jobs, where I was not allowed to say I'm tired, not allowed to cry, and even after I'd do everything, they would still tell me I didn't deserve to eat. I was a child. I didn't think for a second I was being abused. I was already brainwashed to believe that everyone else had it worse, and that I was lucky.
I had no identity besides existing for them, I had no free will except to try and make myself into something they could use, and if I didn't do a good enough job, I'd be ostracized. They loved beating me, screaming at me and making me cry, and then they'd leave me in a room crying without being allowed to make any noise, while they laughed in the room next to me, as a family, loudly so I could hear what a great time they were having. They would treat other children gently in front of me in order to try and make me jealous. They would revise every part of what they did to me if I ever tried to bring it up. I wasn't allowed my own perspective, opinion, or complaint. I wasn't even allowed to remember the abuse correctly. I would be locked in a room and questioned and punished if my opinions weren't to their liking.
I don't believe this is something anyone is capable of doing. I don't believe anyone of us is capable of torturing a kid until the kid begs to be killed. I don't believe most of us are capable of erasing a child's point of view, their reality, their humanity to the point where the child is forced to live a life where they will either comply or be killed, and they will be tortured no matter what. This isn't a regular thing that a person can easily do.
Luckily, us who have been through this, have noticed that there is a specific pattern to their behaviour. That they use almost identical phrases with which their invoke guilt, fear and hopelessness. That they can go frighteningly fast from rage to laughter to acting hurt. That they enforce their will over ours with a specific type of terror that triggers both our survival instincts and our compassion and shame. That we've been groomed by them in an almost identical way - to not believe that we're allowed our own feelings, memories, opinions, point of view, or freedom. That we have learned to exist only to be an extension of them.
We also all noticed that we're all absolutely, beyond terrified of them, and that we don't feel we're allowed to say it, or think it. That we're taught by terror to keep believing that they're good people, that they do none of it on purpose, not even the most extreme, insane, egregious abuse. That they will go to any length, even committing more atrocities, to escape accountability. That they use tactics of darvo, gaslighting, double-bind, planting insecurities, triangulating, future faking, discarding, love bombing, mirroring, smear campaigns, projection, scapegoating, silencing, throwing tantrums, victim playing, like it's in their second nature. That they're genuinely, absolutely terrifying and almost unreal in how far they're capable of going. And most of all, that they are dangerous, and capable of completely turning another human being into their puppet, and never think for a second that it might be wrong. To them, we are nothing more but toys to manipulate, control, and discard. We are disposable. There is no limit to what they can do to us, because to them, we are not alive. They would do to us what normal people wouldn't do to a corpse. And they feel superior for it.
People abused by narcissists from early age are likely to develop the most complex and extreme disorders, complex ptsd and dissociative identity disorder being some of them, because that's what it takes to survive being a child and existing next to a narcissist. This means that small children need to be shattered in pieces in order to please the narcissist. Others that are very common are eating disorders, anxiety, depression, paranoia, avoidant personality disorder, panic disorder, and compulsions to cater to everyone's needs, to the point of our own destruction. This is what they make of us, on purpose, in order for us to be of use to them. And they will forever insist it's their right.
When I'm saying the word 'narcissist', I am not referring to 'anyone diagnosed with npd', I am referring to a person who will do this to a child, and insist on doing it for the rest of the child's life. I am writing it because I don't want children to have to live like this forever. I am not aiming to dehumanize the narcissist, their actions show who they are, I am saying, be careful and aware that this person will dehumanize you. That you are disposable to them. That making you feel good in order for you to like them, is a game to them, and one they're very good at. That playing the victim at you and demanding justice, will easily manipulate you into standing against the victims of abuse and talking down to them for 'dehumanizing their abusers', and being 'ableist to the npd', after being tortured past the point of return by those people.
A lot of us are permanently damaged by what's been done to us. We are not asking for justice. We're not asking for revenge. We are asking to be safe. We're asking for this to stop. We're asking for children not to be left alone with people who are dangerous to this level. We're asking you to understand that a narcissist left alone with a child means a child in danger.
It's common to not be aware just how bad it can go, because we think that most humans know not to torture a child. We believe that nobody would do things to children that narcissists do. If you read the stories of the survivors, you'll find out what actually happens behind closed doors. The themes of torture, dehumanization, sexual abuse, brainwashing, violence, and extreme cruelty are common, even towards toddlers.
I need you to not attack those children when they grow up and say they no longer want to be around narcissists. I need you to understand that they know what they're talking about when they say it's not safe, that they want to be protected. The society already failed to protect them at their most vulnerable, and they had to make it alive by their wits alone. And now you won't even let them speak without attacking them? It's inexcusable.
If you want to know about the narcissists, read what their victims have gone through. Then make a judgment on whether we're allowed to speak, and whether it's worth warning others to hold caution. I've heard and read stories of narcissistic parents sex-trafficking their own child, holding them captive and locked up and convincing them it's right to do this, using brutal punishments to 'train' them into inhumane slave-like behaviour, keeping the children in state so terrified the children wished they were dead. And in all those cases, they still convinced the children to love their parents, and to never blame them for any kind of abuse. Yes, even in the sex-trafficking cases.
Fighting for those children to realize that they didn't deserve that, is the only correct thing to do. Fighting to help them realize they're in danger, and that they deserve safely, it's not only right but extremely necessary, it's what we all should be putting all of our energy into.
Wanting to keep others safe will never be wrong. Wanting to protect those who still have their identity, their sense of self, their undamaged humanity, their free will and their point of view, that's worth fighting for! And above all, those who already lost it all, need to be protected. We cannot allow for already badly wounded people to be dehumanized over and over again. Nobody deserves that.
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Do you think there’s religion in Twisted Wonderland? Or The Great Seven can be compared to gods there?
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I mean, I don’t see why religion wouldn’t exist in Twisted Wonderland? They have smart phones, social media, trauma (and therapy), the internet, movie stars, and (as we recently learned) literal child trafficking rings so 😭 yeah, religion is likely also there. (Like many other things though, it probably isn’t brought up because it just isn’t relevant.)
I would say, however, that Rollo and NBC in general is enough to be religious-adjacent? Or at least some degree of being spiritual, since Rollo always talks about saving people’s souls and the architecture of the school resembles a cathedral.
Within NRC itself, each of the dorms is fashioned in the spirit of one of the Seven. This is not unlike how many irl schools name dorm buildings or even academic buildings after significant historical figures or donors. (It’s also the case to name buildings after religious figures, but that’s usually only at schools that are religious or have religious roots to begin with.)
I don’t agree that the Great Seven are viewed as gods in Twisted Wonderland. They are closer to being historical figures, as the students actually learn about their accomplishments and contribution to their own history and world. Some of the G7, such as Scar (who had to claw his way to power despite being second born), are also very clearly portrayed as talented people or accomplished rulers rather than being all-powerful or god-like. A lot of the students may look up to the G7, but it’s typically in general admiration, not religious worship (no one prays to them, makes offerings, etc.). NRC isn’t a Bible school/j
The fandom likes to use phrases like “By the seven” and “Oh sevens” as replacements for “Oh my god/oh god”. Even the official English localization uses “Sweet merciful Seven” on a few occasions. Perhaps that’s where this “the Great Seven are gods!” idea came from?? But keep in mind that not everyone in real life uses those phrases because they’re religious. In most cases, they mean a non-denominational god, not a specific one. It’s an utterance that denotes surprise, not an announcement of devotion to a specific individual or group. It’s probably something similar in TWST.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Hmmm,yeah no if you're not a sa survivor and you have a c.nc kink you're a bad person in the same way a racist having racist mentality is a bad person even if they don't 'actually' do hate crimes and 'their black friends said it's okay to do that to them specifically' and 'only have thoughts' and i'm using that comparison because antiblackness and sa have a deep rooted inherently intertwined history,including that every kind of 'dark homoeroticism' on here has been used on black people(sex slaves,whites eating black flesh out of not seeing us as human,forced incest/inbreeding,csa played as forbidden romance,etc).If you're a sa survivor who developed a c.nc kink as coping,that's morally neutral and you shouldn't be made to feel bad over it but also you need to know how to act,ESPECIALLY if you're on the older side and cyberbullying even just with vagueposting sex repulsed sa survivors is sexual harrasment.Sa has always been an act of bigotry,be it the antiblackness i mentioned or the entitlement to 'punish' transgender bodies or to 'teach' unconsenting mentally disabled people 'what they should know' or one of the countless other bases it covers.Those 'thought crimes' were present in them white american soldiers who got comfort women out of what they thought asian women were and to them are supposed to be like too.Trying to tie sexual aspects of any kind to ANY minority is harmful stereotyping,even if it's 'good faith'.Think before you kink.Sexual liberation is supposed to be for the ones who fuck nasty,not the nasty fuckers
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happybird16 · 11 months
Just putting this out there with Bad Boy coming out: If I see ONE post sexualizing Child!Levi or putting him in a sexual situation -be it in fanart or a fic about him being human trafficked- I will be out for blood.
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yanteetle · 1 year
I apologize for not responding or being online anymore, but I'm dropping in to advise you guys to watch the Sound of Freedom movie. It's a powerful story about child s*x traffiking, and I urge anyone who can watch it to please go and see it, as many streaming platforms have denied the movie to be streamed on their services. I know it may be a difficult movie to watch, but please help contribute to making it a box office success, so that more awareness on how the elite can traffic children is spread. I don't have a good explanation for my absence except for depression, and I apologize for that. Nevertheless, please watch this movie if you can, and have a nice day
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5sosnobody1420 · 2 months
I don’t know if there are any other systems out there that are TUA watchers - but I NEED to talk about the RAMCOA representation in this last season…
*Umbrella Academy Spoilers*
Literally wiping memories?
Manipulating timelines?
I already got RAMCOA vibes in season 1, but watching Reg physically put memories back. And their reactions. Oh my god. That’s literally what uncovering deep rooted memories and programs feels like.
Not to mention Klaus’s sexual assault situation that’s very similar to a lot of RAMCOA survivors.
There’s so much to talk about and it’s driving me insane.
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