#clinical mental health
schizopositivity · 19 days
It sucks so much that as someone with a severe and persistent mental illness it's MY responsibility to jump through hoops and be proactive in contacting people at limited times of the day just to get MY MEDS THAT I'VE BEEN TAKING CONSISTENTLY FOR YEARS
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Clinical studies be like
1 billion random boys were tested. results show that 0% of girls are autistic* 👍
1 billion autistic males were tested. results show that 0% of autistics are female* 👍
1 billion minors were tested. results show ADHD stops at age 18, often to be replaced by plain laziness* 👍
*certified😎 totally credible source✨ we are pros🤓 with coats🥼
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(He’s a special bnunny made by a company who has a bnunny for lots of disorders and ailments, struggles etc)
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
What is the difference between sociopath and psychopath?
OH! OH OH OH I LOVE THIS QUESTION. Also this is a massive explanation that really goes in-depth about neurology so I'll do a read more.
The main difference is that a psychopath is born with ASPD. A sociopath develops it during early (we're talking starting off as young as 2) childhood due to severe long-term (several years) abuse and neglect (generally from main caretakers).
There are also some nuances in how a socio's brain works in comparison to a psycho's. But the major difference that really determines all of the minor differences is that a psychopath doesn't necessarily have trauma related to their ASPD, and tends to have a lot less comorbid disorders. A sociopath ALWAYS has trauma that directly caused their ASPD and a fucking CVS receipt of comorbid disorders the large majority of the time.
There are also more sociopaths than there are psychopaths. The physiology of ASPD is that the brain's structure is different from an empathetic person. Specifically in the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, because there's not enough activity in those areas for someone with ASPD. The prefrontal cortex is involved in decision-making, impulse control, and regulation of social behavior, and the amygdala is involved in emotion processing and fear response. Abnormalities in the amygdala contribute to a lack of empathy and increased aggression (aggression does NOT equal violence in this case, but rather an increased and pervasive level of negative emotion that makes you more likely to act out). Genetics have been proven to play a factor in how likely someone who was born empathetic would develop ASPD.
The difference here is that a psychopath is born with reduced blood flow to those areas. No trauma needed, that's just how they work.
On the contrary, a sociopath develops reduced blood flow to those areas because if you live in an environment that fosters the growth of anti-social traits and behaviors you are not exercising those parts of your brain. I'll go into a deep dive about the neurological aspects of how formative trauma turns into ASPD.
Chronic stress from abuse can impair the development of the prefrontal cortex; reduced activity or structural abnormalities in this area can lead to increased impulsivity and difficulty regulating emotions. The amygdala becomes hyperactive due to repeated exposure to threatening situations. This results in heightened aggression and reduced ability to empathize with others. Abuse can lead to a smaller hippocampus, impairing the ability to process emotions and increasing vulnerability to stress.
Chronic abuse elevates cortisol levels (the stress hormone), which can alter brain function and structure. Persistent high cortisol levels can damage the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, exacerbating emotional and behavioral regulation issues. Serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters regulate mood and behavior. Abuse can disrupt their levels, contributing to aggression, impulsivity, and difficulty experiencing pleasure or reward.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) becomes hyperactive, leading to a state of constant alertness and readiness for perceived threats. This can cause chronic anxiety, irritability, and aggressive responses. Conversely, some individuals may develop a blunted stress response, showing reduced physiological reactions to stress. This can lead to a lack of fear or concern for consequences. (These two may combine so that safe things trigger stress and unsafe things do not).
Abusive environments can impair the development of secure attachments, leading to difficulties in forming trusting relationships. This can foster detachment, manipulative behavior, and a lack of empathy. Inconsistent or abusive parenting can disrupt normal emotional development, making it difficult for individuals to manage their emotions and impulses. This can result in volatile behavior and poor emotional control. Abusive environments often model and reinforce antisocial behaviors. Children learn to cope with stress through aggression or manipulation, which can become ingrained patterns of behavior. Abusive environments can impede moral development, leading to difficulties in understanding and adhering to societal norms and rules. This can result in a disregard for others' rights and a propensity for criminal behavior.
Trauma and abuse can also alter gene expression through epigenetic changes, affecting the brain's development and function. These changes can increase the risk of developing ASPD by influencing genes involved in stress response, emotional regulation, and social behavior.
A lot of people who went through severe childhood abuse may experience anti-social symptoms without having full-blown ASPD. When I was younger I did a genetic test that led to some very fascinating results that now that I'm older and understand my disorder I understand how my ASPD ties directly into my genetic depression, or rather my genetic depression is caused by my ASPD.
I don't process/produce Vitamin B6, B9 (Folate), and B12. These vitamins are crucial for brain function and the production of neurotransmitters. Deficiencies lead to mood disorders, cognitive impairments, and other neurological issues. B vitamins are involved in synthesizing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate mood and behavior. These are neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. B vitamins play a role in the metabolic pathways that produce endorphins. An inability to properly absorb, process, or produce B vitamins can disrupt these pathways, leading to lower endorphin levels, which can contribute to symptoms of depression and affect overall mental well-being.
Because of how specific my issue is I had to take a specialized blend of B Vitamins. Unfortunately once I turned 18 my parents stopped buying them for me and I haven't had the funds to purchase my own at all since I was cut off (which has led to my mental health tanking). I strongly suggest anyone who deals with anti-social traits in a way that is disruptive to their daily life to look into these. You can't generally find them at a drug store, but they're on Amazon for 25-ish USD for a month's worth bottle. Which is really good because when my parents were buying them two years ago or so they were 40$ a bottle.
I have been on all sorts of mood stabilizing medications, psychosis medications, anti-depressants, anxiety medication, etc. None of them worked because we didn't know what exactly was wrong with me. All it did was make it so I couldn't feel the negative emotions properly, so I was constantly numb. What the vitamins did for me is that they let me process passive endorphin exchange and metabolism for the first time in my life, which meant that there wasn't a drastic barrier between me and positive emotions.
I strongly suggest this for anyone who is also just dealing with mood instabilities/disorders because it helped immensely. I'm bipolar two and I wasn't dealing with any major manic episodes while I was on them for about two years, so it helped drastically in that aspect too.
I know this got a little off the rails, but sociopathy is such a hard disorder to deal with, and it's so demonized by the media. Just telling someone you're a clinical sociopath is enough for them to kick you out of their life, even though it has no reflection on your character and is just an outcome of a horrible, hell-like childhood. So I think it's important for ASPD voices to speak up about the disorder when they can and try to dispel some of the awful stigmatization.
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defleftist · 3 months
Just took and PASSED my state licensure exam today! I’m on my way to being a fully licensed therapist!
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chaoticearthling · 11 months
when lynn gunn said “can’t you see all of the change in me?” when lynn gunn said “what do you want from me?” when lynn gunn said “somedays i feel everything, others a numbing” when lynn gunn said “i never wanted a body” when lynn gunn said “i’m the one i fear the most” when lynn gunn said “they say don’t open old wounds but i want to” when lynn gunn said “feels good to be alive but i hate my life” when lynn gunn said “i hold the knife by the blade ‘cause i know how to take the pain” when lynn gunn said
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Um perhaps hot take but if you can't handle being around disabled people, maybe don't work as a clinic receptionist.
Immediately after a girl had a tic attack and left the building a receptionist did the most exaggerated sigh then said "thank god." ...
Hun, dear, bitch, why the fuck did you need to say that out loud. That's an inside thought my friend, she's lucky it was my partner who was there and not me cause I would not have been able to keep my mouth shut.
Like also maybe others in the room also have Tourette's (cough, cough my partner). So even if the girl she was annoyed with was gone, extremely inappropriate in a professional setting.
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drimmiean · 1 year
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lots lots of portraits
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canines-crown · 3 months
I swear to fucking GOD if the alterhuman community on Instagram does the same as the first, and at the same time, last fandom I've ever felt comfortable in I'm going to FUCKING LOOSE IT
"I don't support this, I don't support that" PEOPLE NEED TO HAVE THEIR SAFE SPACES. Why does it bother you if someone is experiencing something differently from you, or has a different opinion on something.
I don't CARE if someone is "delusional", I don't care if someone's therianthropy is so strong it causes them distress. I'm NOT in the position to judge why exactly someone identifies as an animal, if I too, identity as an animal cause guess what, alterhumanity is different for anyone. Guess what, if you think you can physically turn into an animal it is still an IDENTITY and therefore makes you a valid alterhuman.
I'll stop posting about this on Instagram because dear GOD have I learned my lesson when it comes to having different opinions on something, in a community that can't think for themselves, for whatever reason that may be.
With that being said. Even though I am not going to post about this on IG anymore, just know that I fully support you physical alterhumans, all of you. You need your safe space too. Even if your identity causes you distress in any way, I love you. I do not support the pain it causes you, but I support you as an individual.
Sorry for getting a bit negative. I'm just angry right now
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linastudyblrsblog · 1 year
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Four weeks in this facility went really fast , i had one of the best experiences here with the kindest professors.
It’s time to say good bye..
Psychiatry rotation done ✅
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lentendays · 11 months
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luunaathh · 9 months
•A Lycodraconic Werewolf's Experience With Clinical Lycanthropy and Therianthropy•
•Greetings to those of you who have stumbled upon this post. I have written a resource detailing the vital things to know regarding clinical lycanthropy, clinical zoanthropy, and its false relations to the therianthropy community. As someone who both identifies as therian and suffers from clinical lycanthropy, I wanted to write a resource provided from the perspective of someone who actually suffers from clinical lycanthropy in order to discuss the subject and debunk misinformation. The resource as details why therian and otherkind identity are not related to clinical lycanthropy in of themselves. This resource may be edited at a later date to add any new information to the resource. Do feel free to ask my being additional questions about clinical zoanthropy or clinical lycanthropy. l will always answer all good faith questions. Feel free to share this post around with any other individuals.
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noriartz · 11 months
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Reminder to tell your loved ones that you love them. Who knows how many more of those that you get..
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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cryptidcave-dweller · 2 years
Y'know maybe I was too harsh on Five in an earlier s4 speculation. He may not have the power of teleportation anymore but he does have the power of teenager with none of the anxieties an actual teen has. He hotwired a time traveling briefcase using himself on probably the basis of "they work the same way" and it worked. Whatever solutions his adolescent brain with a senior citizen consciousness in the driver seat has is going to be chaotic but surprisingly functional. He's going to have the universe prescribed breakdown eventually for sure. But he might be able to take care of himself enough not to end up in any facility.
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lesbianaelwen · 5 months
I was wondering who kipperlily was reminding me of, and I finally remembered last night—ocean from ride the cyclone. as in, yes, these morals are fucked but also this is a child. it is the moral duty of the adults around her to foster better morals and traits like compassion and empathy. I can’t blame her for being so primed to be taken advantage of; that being said, if/when that influence is removed and if she is given a chance to change, that is on her.
in a meta sense, brennan has established that there is a difference in the teenage villains he creates, and the vast majority of them are not pure irredeemable evil—they were influenced/groomed into their role and given external support/the ability to be free from that and change, they take it. how I’m seeing it, that’s being set up for at least a few of the rat grinders.
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