#clone headmates
Here’s some positivity for twin, clone, and copy alters and headmates!
While many systems are made up of distinct, different headmates, this is not the case for all systems! Having similar headmates is sometimes frowned upon in plural spaces, or it’s encouraged for headmates to differentiate themselves in order to be better accepted by the plural community. However, it’s absolutely okay for headmates to be incredibly similar to one another! Here’s to all the alters and headmates who are twins, clones, copies, or otherwise very similar to each other!
💕 Shoutout to headmates who share the same name, age, pronouns, and physical characteristics!
‼️ Shoutout to headmates whose personalities and ways of acting and living are the same or very similar!
🍃 Shoutout to headmates who often get each other confused due to how similar they are!
🎵 Shoutout to headmates who are twins, clones, or copies who use aliases, nicknames, or initials to tell each other apart!
💕 Shoutout to systems who are made up entirely of incredibly similar headmates and alters!
‼️ Shoutout to small systems that are just a set of twins or triplets!
🍃 Shoutout to headmates who are introjects of a twin, who don’t have their other twin in their system!
🎵 Shoutout to systems who are made up of facets or fragments of the same person!
💕 Shoutout to similar headmates who don’t mind getting mistaken for other members of their system, and to those who don’t like to be mistaken for their headmates!
‼️ Shoutout to headmates who consider themselves twins because they formed at the same time, even if there are many differences between them!
🍃 Shoutout to headmates who are dyads, triads, hydras, multi-headed brings, or are otherwise intrinsically connected to each other!
There is nothing wrong with having multiple headmates in your system who are very similar - it’s okay to take pride in and celebrate the similarities of your system’s members! We hope that all you twin, clone, and copy headmates out there can love and accept yourselves for who you are, as you are! You don’t have to change or be different from the rest of your headmates in order to be treated with respect and compassion!
We hope that your whole system can continue to learn more about each other, grow stronger together, and ultimately learn to cherish and embrace your similarities! Remember you are valued and so very loved just the way you are. Thanks so much for reading, and have a lovely day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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dr-wuffles · 5 months
"I would fuck my clone given the chance" Mfers when they develop an alter
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runs-red · 12 days
I feel like anti-transgender headmate discourse isn't really compatible with how headmates work. Headmates aren't just clones of the physical body or something, and therefore, the body isn't a strict thing that needs to be adhered to. You also can't pick what your headmate is. End of story.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 7 months
notes on taylors headmates for the plural au idea:
Taylor - civilian identity, system core. strong connection to protecting her immediate friends and family, very passive and willing to put up with abuse. instinctual use of power is to ignore it, allowing bugs in the area to act normally; can control them if necessary but her control is clumsy. Master 2.
Weaver - superhero identity, forms before fic begins as a response to Taylor gaining powers. doesnt initially come up with the name (im not yet certain what she will call herself b4 being named Weaver). believes in fair law and order, willing to make any sacrifice of herself to save others, does NOT expect others to do the same. nonlethal methods of subduing, against killing except for class-s threats. instinctual use of power is using small amounts of bugs to feel out area around her, and connecting threads between everything which she can use to pull enemies off balance, yank objects around, or trap enemies. Master (Shaker) 5, Thinker 1
Skitter - supervillain identity, forms after Weaver joins Undersiders as an undercover operation and Taylor starts to become attached to them (first public debut is bank robbery.) still cares about greater good and keeping the peace, but also cares about living a good life for herself, and is more vindictive, ruthless, and intimidating than the others. ok with killing for the greater good or to protect herself, as well as causing permanent harm to do the same or to prove a point. instinctual use of power is to use large amounts of bugs to scout out areas or track people, and to create swarm-clones. Also not shy about using the wasps, fire ants, etc. in her swarm. Prefers fighting from back and allowing her swarm to do most of the work. Master 7, Thinker 1.
Arsenal - Armsmaster introject, forms around the same time as Skitter. Persecutor-protector; he is agressive and dismissive towards the ideas and plans of the others and may sabotage them because he thinks that they arent as capable as they think, and are likely to fail, thus tries to keep them out of dangerous scenarios. Prideful. Does not have access to Taylor's power; passenger suppresses it completely if he is the only one fronting.
Dragonfly - forms during the meeting between the villains to discuss the ABB's presence; sees herself as a leader, negotiator, and diplomat. becomes much more prominent as the system starts to gain more respect for itself as an influential cape, and as Taylor becomes a warlord responsible for leading and organizing ordinary people. instinctual use of power is purely observational, limited to minor mapping of areas and tracking of key individuals. Master 5, Thinker 1.
TT - Lisa introject, forms around the time Taylor and Skitter join The Undersiders for real. Smug and self-assured. Leans more into the Thinker side of their power; she is most adept in the system at using the smallest amount of bugs she can to covertly map areas or track people, as well as most easily able to process their sensory information, but struggles in combat situations. Master 4 (Thinker 2, Stranger 2).
Antlion - restless, impulsive, emotional, straightforward. forms when they start spending more time with Rachel and is fiercely loyal towards her. prefers being in close quarters in combat as she does not want to be seen as cowardly - instinctual use of power is to gather them around herself, hiding her location and allowing her to intimidate her opponents. Master 5 (Changer 1), Thinker 1.
Passenger - formed by the other system members (primarily TT, Skitter, and Weaver) as a tulpa during the two-year timeskip in an attempt to break down their internal barriers surrounding power use. It doesn't work very well. Passenger is only semi-verbal and, though its power is slightly stronger than the others (longer range and somewhat better control,) it has worse emotional control and is not as rational as the others. largely acts on self-preservation and fight-or-flight instinct. Master 8, Thinker 2
Khepri - name given by external forces as it does not have the wherewithal to name itself. formed by the violent interaction between the actual system and their shard prompted by Amy's modifying of their corona pollentia. you remember speck, its basically just that, the thing that taylor turned into as her shard took over more of her actions. the other system members are all aware and in cocon during the speck-analogue but have only very limited ability to affect Khepris actions. Master/Trump 10, Thinker 5, Stranger 5
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orange-orchard-system · 11 months
The plural community is sleeping on clones as a metaphor for being a new headmate, especially in the case of introjects. You're just a few weeks old but expected to act the age of your body. You might have memories of things that never happened and yet matter to you. People constantly compare you to the being(s) that played a part in your creation, to the point of erasing all of who you are outside of them. Do you see my vision
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cdd-system-terms · 1 month
could you do one that control all parts of tye inner-world (except the actual alters) - like including places NPC’s (pets, plants non alter living things) and memory sorting - like in our system we have a ‘library’ where memories are sorted chronologically ! it’s ok if not :3
Similar terms already exist, but if you would like a different one, we can make a new term!
Puppetmaster: A Headmate with intimate control over certain or all aspects of headspace and/or fronting.
Sculptor: An alter that creates things like NPC’s, vessels, clones, fake alters, etc.
Beastmaster: a headmate who can create, remove, as well as control NPCs, animals, plant life and any other living part of a headspace. They do not have any control over headmates, fragments or any other sentient/sapient part of the system. (Pluralpedia Recoin)
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Finding out i'm plural and have a headmate that uses my deadname is equal parts weird, but comforting.
On one hand, she is legit just a carbon copy of what I would have been if I didn't experiment with my gender more, and thus feels like a cis clone of sorts. On another, anytime i hear my deadname i can fully associate the name with her and get excited like ":0!!! That's my system little sister!!"
Submitted May 6, 2023
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
curious if there is a term for this, but im a polyfrag’d system. sometimes, when we go through stressful events that our host cannot handle, it feels like a copy of the host is made and the previous host is pushed into dormancy and the new host is made to front. like if you took a word document and started typing, duplicated it, and then kept typing in the duplicated document.
sometimes the previous host and new host will fuse after the stress has subsided, but generally we stay separate. so most of the system feels like a never ending duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate etc etc
i tried explaining this to my therapist and she kinda looked at me funny, but idk how else to word this
That's a really interesting experience.
I haven't heard of a term specifically for a system that regularly does that exactly, but I found the terms Clone and Versiogenic/Versiomates for individual headmates on pluralpedia.
Not sure if that's exactly what you're looking for, but they at least sound similar.
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netzieart · 5 months
.. do you think dottore has D.I.D/osdd in canon?
im convinced theres no singlet explanation for Clones
(also layla def has some form of osdd, her brain made an entity for her to /survive/ thats like peak system moment) - a system's host who happens to be a dotto fan
It's a headcanon of mine, yes! I find it a very convenient explanation for things like Nahida being able to hear the segments' thoughts through Omega/Prime, and webttore's occasional lapses in memory (such as when he killed Krupp and immediately forgot about it. not that i think any of his segments would need shielding from the memory of killing a person, really...,,,.) Maybe Zandik was already a system before the clone thing and just decided to make a body for each of the headmates??? Maybe they can change which clone they wanna use??? Idk. I think I could spend an entire day discussing Dottore's mental state, honestly.,, Layla transcends headcanon. That shit is canon as fuck. Like the way they try to explain night time layla just makes the two of them sound less like a shy girl becoming more self-confident and more like a system She's about as osdd-coded as Alhaitham is autistic, whether that's intentional or not. I mean, I don't think hoyo would ever allow their characters to be explicitly anything, but subtext is a thing that exists! And I'm willing to believe some writers at mr. mihoyo incorporated would want to write characters that they themselves find interesting or relatable. Right???
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ushimimihandjobs · 3 months
theory, all the toskarin clones are her various headmates
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just-paradox-things · 2 months
for the ask thing 🍄👻🪐🎁💬
🍄 - "How did you get your system name?"
Okay, so this is one we get a lot, actually, but it's not a very interesting answer. Basically, we're extremely Homestuck-heavy, like, it's an extremely overrepresented source among our fictives. That's the first reason.
The second reason is that like, 5 of us are Dirks, a character deeply steeped in paradox.
The third is that paradoxes are fun, and I like when my brain hurts because I'm a mental masochist.
👻 - "Do your headmates have different voices or speech patterns?"
The amount of A, Texans and B, British people in here is insane. Our voices vary pretty widely as far as register, and a lot of people have a really hard time masking due to accent or the pitch of their voice. So, yes. Yes they do.
🪐 - "What is headspace like for you?"
Oh, boy, this is gonna be long one.
So, we have an innerworld, and it's a jumbled up, nonsensical patchwork of everything you'd want in an innerworld. Alastor, our lovely architect, has helped us to orchestrate this.
The frontroom looks different depending on the perspective you view it from. One way, it's the fucking backrooms. The other way, it's the surveillance room from Death Note, only with one big screen instead of multiple small ones.
The only traceable layout of the innerworld is on the floor the frontroom is on. There's a door leading into a foyer. Directly to your front and left are both doors that go fucking nowhere, and to the right is the Garden. Basically where unformed alters hang out. This is a dangerous area because you could get pulled in. Behind that is the memory archives, which is just a dark room full of filing cabinets. I'm not tryna go in there for a lot of reasons.
If you want to go anywhere else, you have to use the magic doors.
What are the magic doors? Well, that's easy, silly. You can open up any door in the innerworld and with the right intention, they'll bring you to the room or area you want to go to. Kind of like the teleportation doors in Deltarune.
Other things in the innerworld include: a rough facade of areas in various people's sources (kind of like movie sets) that they can visit when homesick, an entire beach and ocean that looks like it's under the deck of a house, a fight pit (recently revealed to exist by our Bro fictive. Thanks for that,) The Room You Never Ever Ever go in, June's bedroom and Tord's study. This list is not exhaustive, but it's all I can think of right now.
🎁 - "Have you ever bought your headmates things?"
If there is an apple option when buying a dessert, I am contractually obligated to purchase it. It takes actual, genuine willpower to pick something else. This did not happen pre-syscovery. Fuck you, Dave.
💬 - "Free space! Tell me about something."
Fun Paradox Fact! Hal, who was our co-host for a while, refuses to engage with clone paradoxes, for obvious reasons within his source.
Follow for more fun facts!
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hey, I'm a questioning plural, and I don't know if I'm coming to the right place for this but I feel like I experience this differently than most plurals I see on here (I've deemed how I feel Blural for Reasons That Will Be Expanded Upon Later lol). So, first, I (the host?) don't really have any control or knowledge over who's where, when. They just sort of show up when we're doing different activities, and sometimes there's multiple... Fronting, I guess? I don't know if that's the right word. We also don't really have a communal inner world, so if they're there they're there, if they're not they're not. And here's where Blural comes in- they have different roles and identities, but they feel more like the same person copy-pasted but with some aspects changed, so there's considerable overlap and it make it kind of hard to differentiate them. So I guess Im wondering if there's like, a term for this? Or if it's a development stage sort of thing? Thanks for being here btw, you've helped us a lot ^^ (sorry the ask is so long)
Hey - we’re not sure if there’s a specific term for what you’re experiencing. To us, it just sounds like being a system in the early stages of discovery.
It’s pretty normal for system members to not have a ton of awareness about other system members, especially not at first. It’s also very common for system members to not be able to control each other. Even a system’s host may struggle with keeping their system on the same page or not even be aware of how many members their system has. Our system was in a similar position when we first started learning about each other.
Having multiple members front at the same time is another common occurrence. As we understand it, when two or more members are fronting together with shared access to the world and control over their body, that is co-fronting. If one member is fronting fully while another member is able to be present and witness events without being an active participant, that is being co-conscious. Our system experiences a mixture of both!
As far as an inner world… most systems don’t come with one right off the bat. For many systems, inner worlds or headspaces are visualization tools that were actively imagined and built by the systems themselves. We wrote a post about headspaces in the past which might help you learn more:
And as for your fellow headmates appearing as copies… some systems do just function that way. We’ve known systems to have twin members, clone members, carbon-copy members, or to fully exist as a system made up of multiple versions of one person. This might change in the future, as you all grow and learn more about yourselves and each other… or it might not. For some folks, that’s how their plurality manifests, and that’s okay! It’s nothing to worry about actively changing, unless it’s been causing you and your members a lot of distress.
Sorry our response got long, but hopefully something here can help you!
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fireboltsystem · 8 months
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System Role Coin: Snapshot
A snapshot is a headmate/system member whom is or is very similar to an earlier state of identity or personality held in the past, as if "captured" in a moment.
For example: A system member who is a young child that identifies as the system's younger self (Like how our Meg is who we were at 9 years old). A system member who is a clone of another system member that does not grow/change as the other does. A system member who is constantly experiencing a flashback, or is in a perpetual specific state of mind.
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bananasofthorns · 6 months
omg the plural fox fic looks so cool!! Show/tell us more?
thank you!! the working title for the fic is system of a fox because I thought it was funny even though I don't listen to system of a down. the premise is that Commander decides enough is enough and goes to the Jedi Temple to get them help. this ends up revealing Palpatine as a Sith because oops! force lightning and also the Jedi can sense the darkness lingering in the system's mind from all of Palpatine's fuckery
the two headmates I headcanon Fox to have are Tens (it/its) and Commander (he/him). Fox is the host and fronts most often. Tens fronts to deal with authority figures and Kaminoans. Commander fronts when things are Very Bad, because he doesn't feel fear and he has less qualms about brutality and doing what needs to get done. Fox also does the things Tens and Commander do, but they take over when he is having a Bad Time and therefore can't do those things, or at least can't do them well - they keep the system from getting decommissioned or reconditioned for being "defective" because, you know. just clones things 👍
Tens also somewhat protects the system from mind fuckery because it locks away emotions and thoughts that aren't immediately necessary or helpful. if you're a Force user trying to get into their mind when Tens is in front, it's kind of like being faced with a smooth and near-impenetrable marble wall. Tens fronts least often and doesn't stay in front for long once its job (dealing with authority figures who want to hurt them) is done
bonus snippet from the fic under the cut :]
“I’m seeking medical assistance,” Commander replies.  “And is your own medbay not enough?” “Not for this,” he answers honestly. “We’re understocked. And...” Fox’s instincts, ingrained in the body as they are, are yelling at him to stop. He ignores them. “This was an injury caused by the Force. My medics wouldn’t know how to treat it.” It’s an educated guess. He’s only working off the memories of Tens’s memories right now, but he’s overheard stories from clones on the frontlines about the Sith and the lightning they shoot from their hands and the feeling of distinct wrongness that they exude. The conclusion, once he’s looking for it, isn’t hard to come by. “I also have intel about a possible Sith within the Senate,” he adds, because fuck it. He hasn’t come all this way just to get told no. The Temple Guards go very still and then exchange a look.
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pluralprompts · 1 year
In a world of superpowers, System A has recently gotten/discovered the ability to make clones of themself and merge them back afterwards. Other people with this ability always cite the clones as simply following orders with no thoughts of their own. However, System A notices their clones have full personalities! It takes a bit before they realize each clone is controlled by a different headmate. What do they do with this information?
(bonus #1: they become one of the main superheroes/supervillains of their city!)
(bonus #2: what are the specific quirks that come with being a Cloner and a System? Is the amount of clones limited to the amount of headmates, do they split when they use more clones than headmates, or can one headmate control multiple clones? Do the clones end up taking on some physical traits of the headmates? Etc etc)
Submitted Prompt #63!
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chilipowder9 · 1 month
For MC/Michael: Hi there! Pleasure to meet you. Hope to see you in the Literature Club soon. :)
For Mileena: *bows* An honor and a privilege to meet you, your highness. I hope you are well these days. :)
I have a couple of questions for you, if you're comfortable answering them: 1) Are there any other headmates from the MKVerse that you know of right now? 2) Are you particularly close to your source material/cognizant of your own backstory? If so, which timeline (OG, 9-11, or MK1) are you from or most closely identify with? (I hope I'm making sense--and not offending you. XD)
Michael B (we call him that to distinguish him from our Michael Afton) isn't front right now, but I will absolutely tell him to interact on our Lit Club account ASAP when he's front (you'll like him, we bet)
Mileena wasn't front until she received attention, so Charlie (me) is going to get my ass outta the way and let her type now:
oh thank you dearly for the respect and the bow, but you really don't need to do that! I can't be royalty anymore, since I'm a member of a system and don't have my armies anymore... but don't let me sound ungrateful for it one bit ;)
I'm comfortable answering them all, though I can't vouch for the ease of understanding some of them
unfortunately? no, though to be honest it's fun to be the only one as good at kombat as me! I like to fight some of my headmates for fun sometimes, and have a blast having eating contests with Bang... who always thinks she can out eat ME!! XD
yes and no, I have a few memories but many of them aren't canon. the only canon one I remember is my relationship with Kitana, and all my others are trying to earn the respect of my armies and be a better ruler than my "father"
I most closely identify with 9-11 and 1 somehow... I'm not even sure how, but how it works for me is I was a clone, and Kitana hated me for ever, and all of 9-11 relationship things happened with our "father" and I remember being ruler of Outworld until something I don't remember happened, our mother adopted us properly and we became her princesses, and Kitana was forced to sit and actually listen to me for once, and eventually we came to understand each other and became friends... I wouldn't consider her my sister, though
if you have any further questions or interactions you with to send us please do!
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