#coffee jazz
jazzharmonyoasis · 3 months
Morning Jazz - Beautiful and relaxing music for any activities from morning to night!
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artem-land · 6 months
♫ "ESTATE" musiс bу Bruno Martino | Guitar Cover
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notherpuppet · 7 months
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Comfort character doodles
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floq · 9 months
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they are both addicted to caffeine, but in different ways
[ID in alt text]
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So this was inspired by the coffee shop au that really popular amount Danny x Tim Fics
So Jazz is off to collage, but the moment she passes the amity border, she trips the silent alarm and the GIW fakes a car accident. She’s never seen again.
Danny knows better.
Tucker temporarily disables the alarm so Danny can leave Amity Park, live his life and get help.
Danny is quick to find out that he can’t find Amity anymore. It’s in an entire blackout. He went to the location where it was last only to find entire entire town gone with no trace of even existing
Danny moves to Gotham and get the night and afternoon shift for a cafe and meets Tim Drake. They end up dating when they both turn 18 and the next few months are peaceful.
One night, Danny is on shift, it’s two am and he’s joined by Tim (and other bats if you want)
The door jingles open, and everyone is wondering who’s entering at 2 am.
Meanwhile, Danny is frozen.
It’s Ellie.
She comes up to the counter and orders like nothing it wrong and like she are Danny are complete strangers instead of siblings who haven’t seen each other since their older sibling went missing.
Tim is very confused. His boyfriend definitely knows the 16 year old that just walked in, but isn’t saying anything about her (Tim doesn’t know about the ghosts and stuff)
Danny give Ellie her order and she tell him that Jazz is alive and the GIW has her.
Danny and Ellie vanish from Gotham the next morning after Danny’s shift.
Any media is welcome as long as you tag and comment. I might even write the scene I described if you guys want :)))
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Prompt 41
Hear me out, DP and DC crossover where Scarecrow is cousins with the Fentons. 
 His mother was siblings with Jack’s father, and both Jazz and Danny met ‘Uncle Jonathan’ during one of the many Fenton-Nightingale family reunions that happens every few years. Honestly, perhaps it’s what gets Jazz interested in psychology, hearing from her ‘uncle’ about fear and its effects.
 And honestly once they start having to deal with ghosts and having had to deal with their parents for years it’s not really hard to talk with their uncle. Crane still doesn’t know how he became these kids’ favorite uncle, or even all of the family kids’ favorite uncle-cousin, but that’s just how the family is. 
 Really he’s not even the only villain of the family, with both Jack and Maddie being close but not quite, even if they’re definitely mad scientists. Their son becoming a local hero, even if they’re not aware of that fact, is just ironic. 
 John knows. The two kids told him when they found out that Danny may or may not need to feed on fear now that he’s half ghost, and well he’s the specialist about the emotion so…
 At least they have someone to stay with when Jazz goes to Gotham university and brings Danny with her, even if the local vigilantes are concerned as to why Scarecrow attacks have suddenly took a nosedive…
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jicklet · 1 year
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(S2 Teaser)
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henswilsons · 10 months
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may-russell · 2 months
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Just the two of us… 🎶☕️
You work at a coffee shop and once Hamzah notices you, he becomes a regular.
Word count: 2875 (sorry if it's too long)
!hamzah x fem reader.
Part 2/3:
As Hamzah was walking towards his car, he kept reliving that last moment between you two, the ambiance in the coffee shop, how you looked, your smile, how you waved at him goodbye, maybe it wasn’t that deep and he was just romanticizing that last interaction. Either way, the chances of something like that happening again were low, he might as well forget about it.
He got into his car, and as he turned it on the radio went off, "Good evening, Toronto! I'm Stevie, your host for tonight, and you're tuned in to Jazz.fm. Get ready to unwind with a timeless favorite, 'Just The Two Of Us' by the one and only Grover Washington Jr. Sit back, relax, and let the music take you on a journey through the night." And just like that he was thinking of excuses to go back and talk to you. –I could pretend I forgot something…  but maybe she’s already gone… I could go back tomorrow and be like ‘Oh I just LOVEEE the coffee here’… hundreds of people go there everyday she won’t even remember me… Why am I even thinking this much about her? She’s just a barista. I don’t even know her. Fuck. I want to know her. This seems like something I should journal about- The drive back home was short, it’s surprising how time works when you’re hyperfocused on something, he was in that coffee shop all afternoon, and even after it closed, but it still wasn’t enough.
Once he was finally home he started to unpack his backpack… “Shit, I did actually forget something. Guess I’m going back tomorrow”.
Next morning
It’s 8:45 am, Hamzah is getting out of the shower and is starting to get ready for the day. He checks his phone and, according to google, the café is about to open, he’s already changed his outfit twice, and ended up settling on a purple hoodie, jeans and a gray hat, something casual whilst still trying to look nice, he even put on cologne. His plan is to run some errands, swing by the coffee shop to retrieve his notebook, and who knows, maybe run into the cute girl he hasn’t stopped thinking about. Oh, and, since he’s already in the area, he’s also meeting Martin for lunch downtown after that.
Once he finishes having breakfast, Hamzah checks his appearance one last time in the mirror, adjusting the tilt of his hat and smoothing down the sleeves of his hoodie. He feels a nervous excitement bubbling inside him as he heads out the door.
As he runs his errands  throughout the morning, his mind keeps drifting back to the coffee shop and the barista. He finds himself taking longer than usual at each stop, mentally rehearsing what he might say if he sees her again. At the hardware store, he absentmindedly compares different shades of paint for his new apartment, thinking about whether she would prefer a cozy warm tone or something brighter.
While picking up groceries, he debates whether to buy something special from the bakery section of the supermarket, just in case he gets the chance to share it with her. Each item he picks up reminds him of their brief encounter—the smell of fresh-baked bread brings back memories of the coffee shop, and he can almost taste the cappuccino and chocolate donut he had the day before.
By the time he finishes his errands, he realizes it's almost time to swing by the coffee shop. He checks his phone nervously, wondering if she'll be there today. His heart races with anticipation as he imagines walking in and seeing her smile again.
He gets on his car and drives, as he reaches the familiar corner where the coffee shop stands, he notices a few early risers already seated outside, sipping their morning brew. Hamzah's heart skips a beat as he pushes open the door, the soft jingle announcing his arrival.
Inside, the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee envelops him, mingling with the soft chatter of other customers. Hamzah spots the counter where he had talked to the barista yesterday, but to his disappointment, she's not there. He tries to hide his frown, reminding himself that she might be in the back or arriving later.
Approaching the counter, He asks the barista on duty about his lost notebook. The young woman, not the one he hoped to see, smiles politely and checks behind the counter. After a brief search, she returns empty-handed, apologizing that she doesn't see any notebooks left behind. Just as Hamzah was turning around to leave, relief washed over him as Ethan, the familiar barista from the previous evening, entered the frame holding his black hardcover notebook. "Wait. Is this your notebook?" Ethan asked, handing it over. "The barista working last night told me you might come back for it."
Hamzah's face lit up again. "Thanks! Is she around? I'd like to thank her."
Ethan's expression shifted slightly. "No, she's not here today, but I'll pass on the message that you got it back."
Hamzah pressed further, his eagerness evident. "Do you know when she'll be here? Maybe tomorrow?"
Ethan hesitated, sensing Hamzah's persistence. "She's not coming tomorrow either."
"Well, when is she working next?" Hamzah asked, oblivious to Ethan's growing discomfort.
"Look man," Ethan began, trying to keep his tone friendly yet firm, "I can't give out that information. I'm sure you mean well, but I can't help you."
Hamzah finally caught on, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry, I just... I had a nice chat with her last night, and I forgot to ask for her name. I didn't mean to be weird or anything."
Ethan nodded understandingly. "I get it, but you'll have to swing by some other time if you want to see her again."
"Thanks, and sorry again," Hamzah said, realizing he had crossed a boundary. With a nod of farewell, he left the coffee shop, feeling disappointed yet understanding of Ethan's position.
After leaving the coffee shop, Hamzah made his way downtown to meet Martin for lunch. As he walked through the bustling streets of Toronto, his mind wandered back to his brief visit to the coffee shop and the disappointment of not seeing the barista again. He replayed the conversation with Ethan in his head, wondering when he might have another opportunity to return.
Arriving at their favorite lunch spot, Hamzah spotted Martin already seated at a corner table, waving enthusiastically as he approached. The restaurant buzzed with the hum of conversations and clinking of cutlery, creating a lively atmosphere that contrasted with the quiet of the coffee shop.
"Hey man, you made it!" Martin greeted him with a grin, gesturing for Hamzah to take a seat. "What's up? You seem a bit distracted."
Hamzah slid into the chair opposite Martin, trying to shake off his thoughts about the barista. "Yeah, just had a morning errand to run," he replied vaguely, not wanting to burden Martin with his romantic musings just yet.
Martin raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Morning errand, huh? Anything exciting happen?"
Hamzah chuckled nervously, deciding to share a toned-down version of his coffee shop visit. "Not really, just went to pick up something I left behind yesterday."
Martin leaned in curiously. "Oh? What did you forget?"
"My notebook," Hamzah explained briefly. "I left it at this new coffee shop I checked out yesterday. The barista there... she was really nice."
Martin's eyes lit up with interest. "Ah, I see where this is going. Did you get her number?"
Hamzah sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Nah, I didn't even get her name. And when I went back today, she wasn't there."
Martin frowned sympathetically. "Bummer, man. But hey, maybe it's fate. You'll probably run into her again."
"Yeah, maybe," Hamzah agreed half-heartedly. "Anyway, how's your day been so far?"
The conversation drifted to lighter topics as they ordered their lunch and caught up on each other's lives. Martin shared updates about his work projects, and Hamzah talked about his plans for the podcast and the ongoing move. Despite his disappointment from earlier, being with Martin helped to lighten his mood.
As they finished their meal and paid the bill, Hamzah felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew he would visit the coffee shop again, notebook or no notebook, in the hope of seeing the barista once more. Maybe next time, he thought to himself, he would remember to ask for her name.
Your Pov:
It’s 6:00 in the morning, you’ve just woken up, you’re mustering up the strenght to get out of bed and start getting ready for work. You play your favorite playlist and get dressed, still tired from getting home later than usual last night, but hanging around that cute guy made it a bit worth it. As you make breakfast, you hear a familiar tune
-I see the crystal raindrops fall And the beauty of it all Is when the sun comes shining through To make those rainbows in my mind When I think of you sometime And I wanna spend some time with you-
Suddendly you’re dancing around your kitchen, having one of those “Ah, this is the life” moments, realizing it would be much more exciting if there was someone dancing and singing next to you, but you can’t let those thoughts haunt you for long, the day has just begun. You check yourself in the mirror before heading out the door, you get in your car and it makes that same weird sound it’s been making for the past week, “Mhm, I’m sure it’s nothing” you say, brushing it off, and off you go.
At around 11 am you get a text from Ethan, “Hey, the guy from last night came by to pick up his notebook. He kept asking about you”. “What did he say?” You texted back.
“Not much, he wanted to know your name, and was pretty insistent on when he could see you again to “thank you”  👀 a bit weird”.
“Ohhh u should’ve told him, he was cute lol”
“haha I’m sure he’ll come back”.
You put your phone down and continued doing your work, you thought thinking about him throughout the day was too much, but it seemed like his interest was more than a simple “thank you”. Like there was some unfinished busssiness between the both of you.  As you went about your tasks, the memory of his earnest inquiries lingered in the back of your mind. You couldn't help but wonder what he was like beyond that brief interaction—what his name was, what he did when he wasn't at the coffee shop, and why he seemed so eager to see you again.
Despite trying to push the thoughts aside, you found yourself checking your phone a little too often, half-expecting another message from Ethan with an update. Each time, you told yourself to focus on your work, but the anticipation was undeniable.
As the day progressed, you couldn't shake the feeling that his visit had left a mark. It wasn't just about retrieving a forgotten notebook anymore; there seemed to be an unspoken connection, a curiosity that went beyond politeness. Maybe he would come back, you mused, imagining the possibility of seeing him again. You’ve never been more excited to clock in at work on a weekend.
It’s been three days since your last (and only) encounter. Hamzah is out for a run, “Bags” by Clairo’s playing on his AirPods—‘Can you see me? I’m waiting for the right time. I can’t read you but if you want the pleasure is all mine’—he hums along, remembering a clip of a genius interview where Clairo explained the meaning behind the song, how when you have a crush on someone, every minute you’re not spending with them feels like a waste of time, and, inevitably, he was thinking about you again.
This whole infatuation feels a bit ridiculous to Hamzah, but no one had taken his interest like that before, plus he had already embarrassed himself to you coworker, he was already in too deep to not see where going down this road would lead him. He felt an unexplainable attraction towards a complete stranger, like there was a rope in his chest pulling him to you, to that coffee shop, and before he realized it, he was there again, it was like he was running on autopilot and his subconcsious had taken him there, I mean, he was planning on paying a visit today, but not now; he hadn’t thought about what he would say if you we’re there, but he couldn’t stop himself from walking in.
He approached the counter, skimming through the menu, his order was still as basic as before, but this time he got an oatmeal and green apple cookie instead of a chocolate donut. “Is this to go? Or to eat here?” The cashier asked as he turned his head to face him “Hey! It’s you again”.
“Heeeyyy, I’m back” Hamzah  shyly replied, “Umm, to go, please”.  
“Yeah, I figured. She’s not here btw, but she said you were good, come back on Saturday”.
Hamzah’s eyes widen, a smile creeping into his lips, he tries to play it cool but the excitement in his voice was evident. “She said that? She’ll be here?”.
“Yeah haha, here you go” Ethan replied with a smile.
“Thanks! Guess I’ll see you in a few days, um… Ethan,” He said pointing to the nametag hanging on the cashier’s black apron, “I’m Hamzah” He continued, reaching out for  handshake.
“Yeah, see you.” Ethan says, shaking his hand back.
Hamzah left the coffee shop with a newfound sense of anticipation for Saturday. The thought of seeing you again lingered in his mind as he drove home. He couldn’t help but replay the brief interactions and your smile, which seemed to brighten the entire coffee shop.
As the week progressed, Hamzah found himself constantly thinking about Saturday. He went about his usual routines, working on his podcast episodes, filming with Martin and settling into his new apartment, but your image kept creeping into his thoughts. He wondered what Saturday would bring—would you remember him? Would you be as friendly and approachable as before?
Saturday finally arrived...
and Hamzah found himself standing outside the coffee shop, trying to calm his nerves. He wore a casual outfit, hoping to strike the right balance between laid-back and presentable. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The familiar aroma of coffee greeted him, mingling with the soft hum of conversations. Ethan was behind the counter again, and as soon as he spotted Hamzah, he grinned knowingly. Hamzah approached with a hesitant smile.
"Hey, Ethan! Is she here today?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
Ethan chuckled. "Yeah, she's around. Just a sec."
Hamzah's heart raced as Ethan disappeared into the back. He glanced around the coffee shop, spotting you arranging cups on a nearby shelf. You looked up, and for a moment, your eyes met. A smile tugged at your lips as recognition sparked between you.
Hamzah felt a rush of relief and excitement. When Ethan returned, he gestured towards you. "Hey, she'll be with you in a moment."
Sure enough, you approached the counter with a warm smile. "Hey! You’re back. Heard you’ve been asking about me," you greeted him.
"Yeah, couldn't resist coming back," Hamzah replied with a sheepish grin. "I wanted to thank you properly for last time."
You chuckled softly. "No problem at all. What were you working on that day? You seemed pretty focused."
"Oh, just some podcast stuff and a bit of writing," Hamzah explained, feeling more at ease now that he was talking to you again.
"That's cool," you said, nodding. "Well, I'm glad you came back. Can I get you anything today?"
Hamzah glanced at the menu, though he had already decided on something basic. "Just a cappuccino and... another chocolate donut, please."
You nodded, punching in his order. As you prepared it, the conversation flowed easily between you. Hamzah learned a bit more about you—your interests, your love for books and jazz music, and your favorite places in Toronto. He shared some details about his work and recent move, finding common ground in unexpected places.
When you handed him his order, Hamzah hesitated for a moment. "Hey, I know this might be forward, but would you like to grab coffee or something sometime? Outside of this coffee shop, I mean," he asked, hoping he wasn't coming on too strong.
Your smile widened, and you glanced at Ethan who was discreetly giving you an encouraging nod. "I'd like that," you replied. "Here, let me give you my number."
Hamzah's heart leaped with joy as he took your phone and entered his number. "Great, I'll text you so you have mine too," he said, handing your phone back to you.
As Hamzah left the coffee shop that day, he couldn't stop smiling. He had come back hoping to see you again, and now he had plans to meet up outside of work. It felt like the beginning of something exciting, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
hope u like it! Part 3
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little-pondhead · 1 year
man i'm on a roll tonight
DP x DC idea:
Bruce Wayne has somehow managed to become the unofficial guardian of at least two more kids. Maybe three. He's not sure yet. Various members of the Batfamily have made new friends recently and have been having them hang out at Wayne manor for extensive periods of time. Now only if he could actually meet the rascals face-to-face, maybe he could adopt them for real.
Danny, Elle, and Jazz have all made friends with different Wayne kids at different times from different places. Damian met Elle at school, Danny met Tim while working at a coffee shop, and Jazz met Cass outside the local theater. All three visit the manor separately, and no one communicates that they've befriended people from the same family. Eventually, however, their hangout sessions accidentally overlap and the Waynes have to deal with the excitement of three Fentons under a single roof.
Let's just say there's a reason the three of them live separately.
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artem-land · 6 months
♫ "BLUES FOR BEE DEE" music by Charles Earland | Guitar Cover
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mohammedosama91 · 2 days
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Morning 🩶
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insomnisnack · 1 year
A piece of my fic Sanctuary on AO3
Danny was eating his sandwich in peace when his eyes caught a man walking up to the café looking suspicious, when said man pulled a gun out, he felt justified and also disgruntled.
“Nobody moves!” the criminal shouted, “Gimme everything you got! All of you! Phones, wallets cash, everything damnit!”
People stood, shaking with fear in their eyes but also resignation, Danny also stood and slowly moved closer.
He glanced at the bathroom doors; good Tim was staying in there.
Suddenly the man pistol whipped one of the civilians for not moving fast enough, blood rushed in his ears, and his core hollered at the cry of the innocent.
He moved, footsteps silent and quick; before the attacker noticed Danny’s right hand gripped the gun. Using a bit of intangibility to pull it from the man’s grip, there wasn’t much of height difference between him and the criminal, which he used that to his advantage.
Gun still in hand, he grasped the back of the guy's shirt and slammed his knee into stomach; the man crumpled surprise written across his features as he landed on the titled floor.
Thanks to Valarie's insistence Danny knew quite a bit about guns, including how to eject the clip, which he did, throwing it across the room.
Out of spite the halfa sent a sharp, vicious kick to the man's crumpled form and put the gun on the counter.
“Has anyone called the police yet?” he asked a bit breathless; no one replied.
Out of some weird impulse he then reached into the now unconscious man’s pockets and took the money out of the guy’s wallet. Not much, just a fifty but it was something and now it was his.
He looked around to see everyone just standing there with an array of emotions marring their features.
He saw Tim come around the corner and he waved and then looked around, “Seriously, Police? Anyone? No? Okay then.”
Next, he turned his attention to the woman on the ground holding her head, he could see blood dripping down her forehead and a small child was crying beside her.
He crouched next to them, “Hey, can you hear me?” the women groaned in response.
Well, that was sort of a response, wasn’t it?
Danny stood up and walked to the cashier, “Hey you got a clean cloth? She has a head wound.”
He got a nod in response before the lady slinked to the back and he waited; the kid came up to him and pulled on his pant leg.
“Is mama gonna be okay?” the little boy asked sniffling, tears in his eyes.
The halfa patted the kid’s head and even though he wasn’t sure it would help he sent a wave of Safe-Calm-Helping at the boy.
The woman behind the counter was back with a dry cloth, he thanked her and then sat on his knees in front of the wounded mother, child trailing behind him.
“I need you to take this towel and hold it against your wound, can you do that miss?” he asked gently, he got another groan, but the older woman reached out her hand with her eyes closed.
He firmly pressed the towel into her hand and guided it back to the wound, applying the pressure needed.
Tim ran up to him at that moment and kneeled beside him muttering about being gone for all of five seconds. “I called an ambulance, police are on their way, what can I do to help?”
Danny felt so grateful, he nudged his head towards the boy and his friend immediately got the hint, moving over and talking in whispers to the scared child.
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angelicasdigitaldiary · 2 months
Nothing like sipping on a cappuccino while scrolling through Pinterest in an old bank turned third wave coffee shop while jazz is at full volume, might as well be a concert hall, and the 3pm chatter filling your ears.
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Amy Winehouse >>>>>>
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relaxationmusicc · 1 day
AUTUMN SEASON - Music [Chill Beats To Work, Study and relax] Cozy Ambiance
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