#cognitive performance optimization
nicolanlang · 7 months
Memory Improvement Techniques That Actually Work
Introduction Improving memory isn’t just about remembering where you left your keys or the name of that colleague from another department. It’s about enhancing your overall mental fitness and paving the way for stronger cognitive abilities. Not to mention, it’s an asset that becomes invaluable as you age. From simple daily tasks to complex professional challenges, an improved memory can make a…
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vermillioncrown · 9 months
snippet of tpac ch 11
who wants to see bruce being bullied? doesn't matter, here you go
“—per my last missive, Sir: if you want this equation to exist, then the principles of linear algebra must necessarily exist.” Korvin waves a thin stack of ruled paper—covered with sprawling formulas, symbols, bullet lists, and patchwork paragraphs on both sides—like he’s trying to banish a demon. That demon, in this instance, is “Batman being stubborn.”
Bruce looks taken aback, like something is happening outside of his set parameters. From how Dick tried to explain it: apparently, Bruce and Korvin have a whole “pen pals” routine going on, and it’s still thriving despite them sharing the same living quarters for the past few months?
Do they actually waste stamps on this? Where do they hide the envelopes?
(Dick raised his hands in surrender at that line of questioning.)
Tim knows Bruce is a creature of habit and standards of operation—of which he completely respects because it’s efficient—but his staunch adherence to routine is next-level neurotic. Normally, he'd be furious about being sidetracked.
Yet, Korvin’s thrown caution to the wind and got so mad over math, like the fussy nerd that he tries to hide being, that he’s directly confronting Bruce—full “David vs Goliath” vibes here. And he's winning.
“I trust your work,” Bruce finally says, holding his hand out for the papers.
That only makes Korvin’s face twitch harder. “Sure. Why not. Everyone needs a bit of make-believe. Escapism in these trying times and shitass economy.”
“‘Shitass economy,’” Cass murmurs, of course latching onto the bit that everyone reacts to.
Babs sighs in disgust.
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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morningmantra · 10 months
Muscle Strength: Building a Powerful and Functional Body
Muscle Strength: Building a Powerful and Functional Body
Muscle strength is often associated with athleticism or a sculpted physique, but its benefits extend far beyond aesthetics. Strong muscles play a vital role in our overall health and well-being, impacting everything from daily activities to chronic disease prevention. Benefits of Muscle Strength: Improved physical performance: Strong muscles enhance athletic abilities, increase endurance, and…
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thecoachingdirectory · 11 months
Are you aware that your work performance can be significantly influenced by getting a restful night’s sleep? That’s why prioritizing quality rest is essential for not only peak productivity but your overall well-being too. Here are some valuable tips to optimize your sleep and elevate your professional game. Check this out!
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
Your phone is making you a dummy 🙈🤪
Having your smartphone nearby, even when not in use can reduce cognitive capacity, which is the mental resources available for tasks like attention, memory, and problem solving. This brain drain effect diverts attention. The more cognitive capacity you have available, the better you can perform tasks and think critically.
Use your phone with intention and keep it away when you need to optimize performance.
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medicineinside · 6 months
Understanding study material 📚 Effective strategies 🤔
Here are some research-backed tips to help you navigate difficulties in understanding study material effectively 💪🏼
1️⃣ Break down complex concepts
Research suggests that breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more digestible parts can aid in understanding. Divide the material into manageable sections and focus on understanding each component before moving on to the next.
2️⃣ Engage in active learning
Active learning techniques, such as summarizing, teaching others, and practicing with flashcards, can improve understanding and retention. Engage actively with the material by explaining it to a study partner or testing yourself with practice questions.
3️⃣ Seek clarification
Don't hesitate to seek clarification from your instructors, peers, or online resources when you encounter difficulties. Research indicates that asking questions and seeking feedback can enhance understanding and fill in knowledge gaps.
4️⃣ Utilize visual aids
Visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and graphs, can help simplify complex information and improve comprehension. Create visual representations of the material or use existing visual resources to enhance your understanding of challenging concepts.
5️⃣ Connect new material to prior knowledge
Research in cognitive psychology emphasizes the importance of connecting new information to existing knowledge for better understanding. Relate new concepts to familiar ideas or experiences to establish meaningful connections and improve retention.
6️⃣ Practice retrieval techniques
Research studies suggest that practicing retrieval techniques, such as self-testing and quizzing, can strengthen memory and understanding. Test yourself regularly on the material to reinforce learning and identify areas that require further review.
7️⃣ Collaborate with peers
Collaborative learning has been shown to enhance understanding and retention of study material. Engage in group study sessions with peers to discuss challenging concepts, share insights, and benefit from diverse perspectives.
8️⃣ Take breaks and manage stress
Take regular breaks during study sessions, practice relaxation techniques, and prioritize self-care to manage stress levels and optimize your cognitive performance. Read posts about mental and physical health to find more useful information.
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nenelonomh · 4 days
healthy habits for straight a's
healthy habits play a crucial role in academic success. here’s a detailed explanation of how they can help you get straight a’s, along with some examples:
1. balanced diet
a nutritious diet fuels your brain and body, improving cognitive functions like memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. for example, eating a breakfast rich in whole grains, fruits, and proteins can enhance your focus and energy levels throughout the day.
2. regular exercise
physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, which can boost your mood and cognitive abilities. exercise also helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact your academic performance. for instance, a daily 30-minute walk or a quick workout session can make a significant difference.
3. adequate sleep
sleep is essential for memory consolidation and overall brain function. lack of sleep can lead to poor concentration, reduced problem-solving skills, and lower academic performance. aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure your brain is well-rested and ready to learn.
4. hydration
staying hydrated is vital for maintaining cognitive functions. dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your brain functioning optimally.
5. stress management
chronic stress can impair your ability to learn and remember information. practicing stress management techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help you stay calm and focused. for example, taking a few minutes each day to meditate can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
6. healthy social interactions
positive social interactions can boost your mood and provide emotional support, which is important for academic success. engaging in group study sessions or discussing topics with friends can enhance your understanding and retention of the material.
examples of healthy habits:
meal planning: prepare balanced meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure you’re eating nutritious foods throughout the week.
exercise routine: incorporate physical activities you enjoy, like dancing, swimming, or playing a sport, into your daily routine.
sleep schedule: establish a consistent bedtime routine to improve your sleep quality.
hydration reminders: set reminders on your phone to drink water regularly.
stress relief activities: find activities that help you relax, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature.
by integrating these healthy habits into your daily life, you’ll create a strong foundation for academic success and overall well-being.
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vasyandii · 3 months
Hi there again! I have a few questions regarding AM and his anatomy.
Ok so does he have organs? I’ve read in one of your post that he does have wires within his body but in another post where AM first uses his organic body it said “The air in his lungs hurt.”
So he has lungs??? I don’t know I’m just curious.🧐And if so how does he process food? Is it similar to us or not?? I know he doesn’t need to eat, but since Vernon shares her food with him I just couldn’t help but wonder…😀😄
Also, I promise I’m not stalking you or anything I just really love your art and the way you interpret ihnmaims!!! 🩷Your art makes me want to mediative daydream, it makes me so happy it motivates me!😭
Howdy Dislocatedcat! Thank you for the ask, sorry it took so long to answer, since I got it since it has been keeping me up at night trying to make sense of it in a logical way. I would draw out the Anatomy of AM, but it's kind of...gross? Not innards in of themselves, just his.
AM's Anatomy
A machine will cut things out of its system in order to make sure it works the fastest. AM streamlined his body to optimize efficiency and functionality.
By eliminating non-essential organs like the spleen, kidney, and appendix, he reduced the risk of potential medical issues and minimized maintenance requirements. This allows him to focus his energy and resources on tasks that require higher cognitive functions and physical performance. So yes he has organs and wires combined :)
His Heart
Vernon has made comments about him not having a heartbeat, which is simply not true! He does ,in fact, have a heart, it just beats so slow she can't hear it.
It beats slower than a typical human heart because his body requires less frequent circulation due to enhanced metabolic processes and possibly more efficient oxygenation and nutrient delivery systems (the immortality serum). The heart may also be reinforced or partially mechanical to ensure durability and consistent performance.
His Lungs
AM has lungs, yes, but they are likely designed to be far more efficient than human lungs. These lungs facilitate effective oxygen exchange and are regulated by his AI consciousness to meet the optimized metabolic needs of his body.
His Digestive System/Stomach
AM has taste buds and enjoys flavours just like a normal human. The initial stages of eating—chewing and swallowing—are similar to any other person.
While he might retain essential digestive organs like the stomach and intestines, these organs could be enhanced or partially mechanical. This could involve more efficient enzymes, faster digestion, and improved nutrient absorption mechanisms.
AM’s body has an optimized waste management system, efficiently filtering and expelling waste products. This could involve advanced filtration mechanisms that reduce the need for frequent eliminations.
Waste products are minimized through a highly efficient filtration system. Excess and non-usable components are quickly identified and directed for excretion.
I'm not a medical professional nor deal with organs (other than my own, god forbid) on a daily basis, so some of this is probably inaccurate. But if you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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stellarwhisper · 6 months
Examining Astrological Understandings: Observations and Interpretations of Venus Sign
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A peregrine placement, which says a planet is neither in its rulership nor in its exaltation or detriment nor on its fall. In these situations, the planet's aspects take on greater significance when assessing the planet's impact on a birth chart.
Mercury is thought to be most at ease in its ruling signs of Virgo and Gemini, which improves cognitive and communication skills. However, there could be a propensity to become extremely critical of others or to become engrossed in perfectionism when in Virgo. As a guest in Sagittarius and Pisces, Mercury may experience stress because of these signs' broad and occasionally disorganized character. Mercury is in its disfavor and fall in Pisces, especially, which can cause communication problems and an inclination to lose oneself in daydream or escapism.
Jupiter's broad and philosophical temperament flourishes in Sagittarius and Pisces, where it is thought to be at home. It's possible that these symptoms indicate a tendency for spirituality or escape. Jupiter is a visitor in Cancer, where its expansional characteristics could contribute to enhanced psychic powers. Jupiter, however, may experience stress in Gemini or Virgo because of the emphasis placed on details and pragmatism as opposed to its expansive nature. Jupiter is in its fall and detriment in Capricorn, which may result in a more conservative or overly practical approach that may be interpreted as a sign of weakness given its often expansive character.
Neptune is in fact said to be most at home in Pisces, where its ethereal and elusive aspects are amplified. Neptune may feel like a guest in Leo or Cancer since its empathy and idealism can be directed toward serving others. Neptune, however, might experience difficulty in Virgo or Capricorn because of the emphasis on pragmatism and the requirement to anchor its ethereal essence in the material world. Neptune is against Aquarius, which could cause a sense of weakness because the sign's inventiveness might not be able to find a real-world application. This is in contrast to Aquarius' focus on advancement and invention.
There can be a propensity to prioritize presentation and aesthetics in relationships with Scorpio and Libra rising. Rising Libras frequently look for balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives, including the relationships they have with other people. Scorpios have a tendency to exaggerate and flaunt their significant other, which can add fire and intensity to their relationships.
1. Venus in Aries: They relish the thrill of the hunt and the dynamics of partnerships. They value their spouses' independence and impulsivity.
2. Venus in Taurus: They are drawn to relationships that are secure, cozy, and seductive. They value physical intimacy and material luxuries.
3. Venus in Gemini: They are drawn to relationships with diversity and intellectual stimulation. A big part of their love interactions is communication and wit.
4. Venus in Cancer: They are emotional security seekers and nurturing people. They cherish having a deep emotional connection, intimacy, and proximity with their relationships.
5. Venus in Leo: They relish showing off, romance, and being the focus of attention in partnerships. They value their partners' devotion and respect.
6. Venus in Virgo: They respect dependability, loyalty, and common sense in partnerships. They could show their affection by being meticulous and performing deeds of service.
7. Venus in Libra: They look for partnerships that are equitable, balanced, and harmonious. In their relationships, they value grace, cooperation, and beauty.
8. Venus in Scorpio: They are drawn to passionate and intense relationships. They may be magnetic and intense, but they also cherish loyalty and trust.
9. Venus in Sagittarius: They value independence, exploration, and relationships that challenge their minds. They look for optimism, honesty, and a good sense of humor in a mate.
10. Venus in Capricorn: They place importance on consistency, aspiration, and accountability in partnerships. Despite their tendency to control their feelings, they are devoted and faithful spouses.
11. Venus in Aquarius: They respect autonomy, uniqueness, and a thought-provoking dynamic in partnerships. They could be drawn to spouses who are progressive or unorthodox.
12. Venus in Pisces: In partnerships, they are inventive, passionate, and kind. They may have an idealistic or dreamy perspective on love and strive for a profound emotional connection.
Pisces Venus can be incredibly amorous and loving, and they frequently fall profoundly and immediately in love. But their depth of feeling can also result in complicated, even chaotic emotions, which makes it difficult for them to go through relationships with ease. Although they may move on quickly at times, they may also experience protracted and turbulent let-go and forward processes. Overall, because of their sensitive and dreamy nature, people with Venus in Pisces may come across as flighty in relationships.
Sagittarius Venus is flexible in her selection of a mate. They really have a higher probability of dating someone who is foreign-born or comes from a different cultural background. They do, nevertheless, fear being committed. This, because they cherish their independence and freedom, frequently prompts them to investigate different relationship types.
Venus in Gemini have a flexible and adaptive attitude toward love. When it comes to things of the heart, they are receptive to different viewpoints and are open to exploring them. Since they may relish the excitement of making new relationships and experiences, their adaptability may occasionally give the impression that they are flighty or unsure. They can be surprisingly resolute and committed when they do make the decision to commit to a partner, bringing their communication skills and intellectual curiosity to the relationship to keep it interesting and lively.
Venus in Virgo frequently have a realistic and analytical approach to love. In their relationships, they emphasize consistency, commitment, and dependability. They value attention to detail, and they can show their love for their partners by helping them out and taking care of their practical needs. They may not be as overtly amorous as some other Venus placements, but they nonetheless demonstrate their love by being dependable, encouraging, and helpful. They seek to establish a peaceful and effective partnership and value partners who are caring and aware of their requirements.
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selfhelpforstudents · 10 months
The Science of Successful Studying: Evidence-Based Tips for Academic Excellence
Girls in Finance project server // other posts
Welcome to a journey of academic success where science meets study strategies.
Explore evidence-based tips that can elevate your studying experience and contribute to better academic performance.
1. Understanding Cognitive Science:
Delve into the principles of cognitive science to comprehend how the brain processes and retains information.
Learn how applying these principles can enhance your learning and memory.
2. Effective Time Management:
Discover time management techniques rooted in research to maximize productivity.
Explore the Pomodoro Technique and other proven methods to optimize study sessions.
3. Optimizing Learning Styles:
Uncover the science behind different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, read/write).
Identify your dominant learning style and tailor your study approach accordingly.
4. The Role of Sleep in Learning:
Examine the connection between quality sleep and academic success.
Understand how sleep impacts memory consolidation and cognitive functions.
5. Active Recall Strategies:
Implement evidence-based active recall methods to reinforce learning.
Explore techniques such as flashcards, self-quizzing, and summarization for effective recall.
6. Note-Taking Mastery:
Learn the science behind effective note-taking.
Discover techniques like the Cornell Method and mind mapping for organized and impactful notes.
7. The Power of Mindfulness in Studying:
Explore the benefits of incorporating mindfulness into your study routine.
Understand how mindfulness practices enhance focus, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.
I hope this helps! <;3 Girls in Finance project server // other posts
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dorianbrightmusic · 2 months
Having depression is inherently depressing.
That is – when every tiny task is utterly exhausting, it's pretty frustrating. When you once weren't exhausted by these tasks – when you know you used to be someone else – that's downright devastating. When you're wondering whether you're going to get that energy back and not knowing, that's also exhausting.
When you are feeling inherently more stupid because depression has cognitively ruined you, that's embarrassing and confusing and so upsetting. When you are unsure whether you will ever get your old cognition back, that's terrifying. When you do not, in fact, ever return to pre-depression baseline, that's just exhausting.
When you are numb, trying to go through the motions of happiness; sadness; fear; frustration; and phatic interest is so, so tiring. When you cannot effectively perform these emotion states, it is embarrassing and isolating.
When you are too tired and too numb to be social, you are alone.
'What do you have to be depressed about?' Well, this disease is inherently giving me something to be depressed about. And it's very easy to want to cling to that, because at least it's an answer.
And frankly, I think folks who haven't gone through depression may not understand that oftentimes, recovery from a bad episode is kinda piecemeal. My cognition, my disposition, and my capacity for optimism are all substantially altered from where they were pre–depression. I cannot take the person I used to be for granted, and I cannot take the beliefs I used to hold as gospel. Even when I'm not depressed, depression has altered most parts of my life and thoroughly warped my sense of self. I cannot safely believe in baseline happiness at this point.
I'm not saying this to complain, but to make a point. Depression alters your life in ways that, even outside of a depressive episode, give you things to be depressed about. It can completely ruin your sense of who you are, what your world is, and what your future holds. It makes it that much more tempting to believe in the depression narrative of loneliness and helplessness, and it makes those narratives subjectively very real. All of this makes the depression (should it return) and its consequences (however monumentally they've carved into your life) so much harder to deal with.
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chloroformcurry · 9 months
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Chanel’s ECT helmet, or her “metal bonnet”
The first drawing is from 2023. The second drawing was made recently.
(Updated information and added secondary image on 5/28/24)
Despite her considerable physical strength, Chanel becomes entirely incapacitated during catatonic episodes. Her biggest vulnerability lies in bouts of catatonic stupor, likely originating from an inherited condition passed down from her mother. Catatonia is usually a comorbid disorder, so it exists along a main cognitive or neurological disorder. However, it is unknown which mental disorder Chanel may have given her upbringing. This psychomotor disorder is believed to result from disruptions or imbalances in neurotransmitter pathways, manifesting as symptoms like stupor, mutism, rigidity, waxy flexibility, posturing, and negativism. In extreme instances, it can lead to death, either due to internal complications, known as malignant catatonia, or the inability to meet essential needs because of immobility.
To ensure Chanel's effectiveness in her duties, Sibyl built Chanel a specialized “metal bonnet”, or ECT helmet, which was designed to automatically execute ECT when neurological chemical imbalances were detected ahead of time. She considered the fact that ECT has an 80% to 100% success rate in addressing catatonia and related conditions. This treatment works by inducing minor seizures to recalibrate the brain's chemistry. The helmet emits low-frequency electrical currents to regulate her brain chemistry, preventing such episodes. (ECT is typically given under anesthesia and professional oversight, but, in this fictional instance, Chanel's insensitivity to pain meant one concern was taken off the list) Given its electrical nature, it requires consistent power sources. Sibyl developed this helmet, which is powered by blood as part of their arrangement. In exchange for sustenance, Chanel aids Sibyl by procuring intelligence and bodies from her encounters with traffickers. The helmet is securely bolted into her neck and, although removable, should not be taken off for long periods because the bolts and metal sockets in her neck enable the auto-moderated procedure. These bolts serve as both anchors and receivers, processing signals from electrodes attached to the sockets that contact her neck. These synaptic transmissions occur at the junction where the bolts connect to the sockets, similar to neurons.
The electrodes detect abnormal brain activity, similar to an EEG, and send a small electrical impulse to the bolts. These bolts then relay the information to the control panel at the back of the helmet, which assesses whether conditions are optimal for the procedure. It checks parameters such as the presence of sufficient amounts of non-converted blood, insufficient amounts of non-converted blood, sufficient amounts of fuel-converted blood, or insufficient amounts of fuel-converted blood.
If conditions are safe and the helmet has enough fuel, the control unit sends a signal back to the bolts, which then reaches the metal neck guard near the voice box. This triggers the voice box to alert Chanel of its needs in Morse code. If blood or blood fuel is lacking, the helmet will notify Chanel that it needs her to collect more blood for conversion into fuel to perform the electrocution. If the blood supply is ample but fuel is insufficient, it will inform Chanel that it will begin the conversion process and to station herself somewhere secure so that any neural impulses don’t interfere with the helmet's processes. The remainder of the fuel will be used to catalyze the conversion of blood into fuel.
If conditions are optimal, the voice box gives Chanel a heads-up in Morse code about the number of minutes before a cycle starts, allowing her to find a secure location before a seizure occurs. The helmet can be powered by various fuels, including coagula blood, which can generate electricity through a bioelectrochemical process, or direct contact with an electric outlet. The coagula blood method is preferred due to the mobility it offers compared to stationary electric outlets.
Additionally, her piercings are not merely decorative but are referred to as "modulating electrodes" or "resistive electrodes." Their function is to regulate the electrical signals, preventing excessive current from reaching sensitive areas and ensuring a safe and effective ECT process. These modulating electrodes use materials with specific resistive properties to control the flow of electricity, much like variable resistors in electronic circuits, ensuring precise modulation and safety.
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compneuropapers · 4 months
Interesting Papers for Week 22, 2024
The influence of natural image statistics on upright orientation judgements. A-Izzeddin, E. J., Mattingley, J. B., & Harrison, W. J. (2024). Cognition, 242, 105631.
Noradrenaline tracks emotional modulation of attention in human amygdala. Bang, D., Luo, Y., Barbosa, L. S., Batten, S. R., Hadj-Amar, B., Twomey, T., … Montague, P. R. (2023). Current Biology, 33(22), 5003-5010.e6.
Diverse mechanisms of taste coding in Drosophila. Dweck, H. K. M., & Carlson, J. R. (2023). Science Advances, 9(46).
Goal-Dependent Hippocampal Representations Facilitate Self-Control. Edelson, M. G., & Hare, T. A. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(46), 7822–7830.
Reliable population code for subjective economic value from heterogeneous neuronal signals in primate orbitofrontal cortex. Ferrari-Toniolo, S., & Schultz, W. (2023). Neuron, 111(22), 3683-3696.e7.
Need for cognition moderates the relief of avoiding cognitive effort. Gheza, D., Kool, W., & Pourtois, G. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(11), e0287954.
Developmental changes in exploration resemble stochastic optimization. Giron, A. P., Ciranka, S., Schulz, E., van den Bos, W., Ruggeri, A., Meder, B., & Wu, C. M. (2023). Nature Human Behaviour, 7(11), 1955–1967.
Early visual experience refines the retinotopic organization within and across visual cortical regions. Heitmann, C., Zhan, M., Linke, M., Hölig, C., Kekunnaya, R., van Hoof, R., … Röder, B. (2023). Current Biology, 33(22), 4950-4959.e4.
Hippocampal neurons code individual episodic memories in humans. Kolibius, L. D., Roux, F., Parish, G., Ter Wal, M., Van Der Plas, M., Chelvarajah, R., … Hanslmayr, S. (2023). Nature Human Behaviour, 7(11), 1968–1979.
Judging the difficulty of perceptual decisions. Löffler, A., Zylberberg, A., Shadlen, M. N., & Wolpert, D. M. (2023). eLife, 12, e86892.3.
Against cortical reorganisation. Makin, T. R., & Krakauer, J. W. (2023). eLife, 12, e84716.
Complex spikes perturb movements and reveal the sensorimotor map of Purkinje cells. Muller, S. Z., Pi, J. S., Hage, P., Fakharian, M. A., Sedaghat-Nejad, E., & Shadmehr, R. (2023). Current Biology, 33(22), 4869-4879.e3.
Periodic attention deficits after frontoparietal lesions provide causal evidence for rhythmic attentional sampling. Raposo, I., Szczepanski, S. M., Haaland, K., Endestad, T., Solbakk, A.-K., Knight, R. T., & Helfrich, R. F. (2023). Current Biology, 33(22), 4893-4904.e3.
Neural landscape diffusion resolves conflicts between needs across time. Richman, E. B., Ticea, N., Allen, W. E., Deisseroth, K., & Luo, L. (2023). Nature, 623(7987), 571–579.
Variational log‐ Gaussian point‐process methods for grid cells. Rule, M. E., Chaudhuri‐Vayalambrone, P., Krstulovic, M., Bauza, M., Krupic, J., & O’Leary, T. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(12), 1235–1251.
Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour. Safaie, M., Chang, J. C., Park, J., Miller, L. E., Dudman, J. T., Perich, M. G., & Gallego, J. A. (2023). Nature, 623(7988), 765–771.
A thalamo‐parietal cortex circuit is critical for place‐action coordination. Simmons, C. M., Moseley, S. C., Ogg, J. D., Zhou, X., Johnson, M., Wu, W., … Wilber, A. A. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(12), 1252–1266.
Neural mechanisms to incorporate visual counterevidence in self-movement estimation. Tanaka, R., Zhou, B., Agrochao, M., Badwan, B. A., Au, B., Matos, N. C. B., & Clark, D. A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(22), 4960-4979.e7.
The shared and unique neural correlates of personal semantic, general semantic, and episodic memory. Tanguay, A. F., Palombo, D. J., Love, B., Glikstein, R., Davidson, P. S., & Renoult, L. (2023). eLife, 12, e83645.
Temporally specific patterns of neural activity in interconnected corticolimbic structures during reward anticipation. Young, M. E., Spencer-Salmon, C., Mosher, C., Tamang, S., Rajan, K., & Rudebeck, P. H. (2023). Neuron, 111(22), 3668-3682.e5.
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Are you aware that quality rest fuels your cognitive abilities, enhances focus, and boosts creativity? As a corporate wellness coach, Carolyn Apostolou likes to encourage her clients to look at sleep as an investment in their professional success and overall well-being. Here are some valuable tips she shares to optimize your sleep and elevate your professional game. Check this out!
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investmentassistant · 3 months
How to reset нour daily routine
Getting your daily routine back on track is more than just an exercise in time management; it’s about enhancing your overall well-being and ensuring you have energy and focus for what matters most. Whether you’ve faced disruptions due to travel, illness, or a shift in your work or personal life, resetting your routine can help you feel more grounded and productive. Here’s a detailed guide on how to realign your daily activities for optimal efficiency and satisfaction.
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Evaluate your current habits
The first step in resetting your routine is to thoroughly understand what it currently looks like. For one week, document everything you do from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. Include meal times, work hours, exercise, and periods of relaxation. This detailed mapping will show you where your time goes, highlighting areas that need adjustment and aspects that are working well.
Identify what’s most important
Decide what elements are essential in your daily life. These might include:
Sufficient Sleep. Experts recommend 7-9 hours per night for adults.
Nutritious Meals. Eating regularly to maintain blood sugar levels, which helps in decision making and energy retention.
Exercise. Daily physical activity to enhance both mental and physical health.
Work Tasks. Prioritize tasks that need your highest cognitive capacity for times when you are most alert.
Understanding your priorities helps you build a routine that supports these elements, ensuring they are not overshadowed by less important activities.
Set achievable objectives
Be realistic about the changes you can make. If you need to adjust your waking time, shift it gradually. Dramatic changes are hard to maintain and can set you up for failure. Apply this gradual approach to all changes whether it’s diet, exercise, or sleep habits.
Prep the evening before
Take control of your mornings by preparing the night before. Outline your schedule for the next day, including set times for your main activities and appointments. This not only saves you time in the morning but also reduces decision fatigue and ensures you start your day with a clear focus.
Create robust morning and night routines
Solid routines at the start and end of your day act as anchors, reducing variability in your schedule and setting a tone for the day ahead. Here’s how you can structure these routines:
Morning routine:
Wake up at a consistent time.
Hydrate and perform some light exercise like yoga or a short walk.
Spend a few minutes planning your day or meditating to set a purposeful tone.
Engage in a stimulating activity, such as reading or a creative hobby, to kickstart your cognitive functions.
Evening routine:
Begin winding down with a set routine that might include dimming the lights and reducing noise.
Disconnect from electronic devices to reduce blue light exposure which can disrupt sleep.
Reflect on the day’s achievements and prepare a brief to-do list for the next day.
Engage in a relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, to help you unwind.
Build in flexibility
While routines are beneficial, they also need to accommodate life’s unpredictabilities. Build some buffer time into your schedule for unexpected tasks or opportunities that may arise. This flexibility can prevent stress when deviations from the plan occur and help you adapt without significant disruptions.
Implementing these steps can transform your daily routine from chaotic to structured, making your days more predictable and less stressful. Over time, these habits will become second nature, greatly improving your quality of life.
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