#cognitive reframing
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Hey random life pro tip but you can and should always examine your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and assumptions because they all come from somewhere. ESPECIALLY the ones you take for granted. It can be super helpful to just get a little curious and ask yourself "hm. That's interesting. Where did I learn that?" (The answer is usually your parents/family or culture/society/religion).
For example, if you feel worthless because you don't have a job, take a moment to think about where you learned that you need a job to be a valuable member of humanity. That idea didn't come out of nowhere. It probably came from being raised in a capitalist society built on the Protestant work ethic. This also applies to ideas like "I'm boring" or "I'm ugly" or "nobody likes/loves me" or "nobody will like me if I x" or "I have to do x or else y" or "x people are y" or really any other thought/belief.
Importantly, you should not shame or judge yourself when you realize that some of your thoughts/beliefs may have come from somewhere you *really* disagree with. I think this happens a lot for folks who leave a religion or political party and keep some lingering values like purity, keeping up appearances, and needing to atone for "sin". There's nothing to be ashamed of during this process because it's our weird, squishy brains that hold onto values so tightly without us necessarily consciously knowing that it's happening. Our brains don't come ready-made with the ability to disentangle your more conscious beliefs that you may have fully abandoned from less conscious ones that you've perhaps never noticed without conscious effort. When you notice these things, simply acknowledge them, label them, and ask yourself questions about where they came from and if you truly do believe them and why.
This is a continuous process that can take someone's whole life, because we are constantly picking up messages from others around us about how we as human animals "MUST" live in this world. I'm not going to lie and say this is an easy process to go through because you will likely be tempted to feel guilty and ashamed about holding beliefs that don't like up with your actual values, but just remember that it ALWAYS makes sense why/how you got to this point. We are all products of our genetics, relationships, and life experiences, and if you work hard enough and have enough information, you can track down where all the different parts of you came from. I would also highly recommend getting yourself set up with a counselor who you like and trust because they can help you work through disentangling these things without shame.
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itsyagender · 11 months
That's it. My intrusive thoughts are now xbox live insults. Go to bed timmy it's 8pm
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livingwellnessblog · 8 months
Revision: Neville Goddard's Approach
Neville Goddard's technique of revision offers a practical way to reframe, forgive, forget or heal past events and promote a new vision for ourselves. Envision and imagine, a different starting point, by revision.
Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach Neville Goddard’s technique of revision offers a practical way to reframe, forgive, forget or heal past events and promote a new vision for ourselves. Envision and imagine, a different starting point, by revision. A Practical Overview Revision allows us to revisit past events and modify them to match our desired outcomes. It’s about choosing the emotional…
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petiolata · 10 months
Original thought: I have to go to the doctor tomorrow, that is stressful and inconvenient
Reframe: I get to get this required medical appointment out of the way. After tomorrow I will no longer have to worry about it!
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zylerkade · 1 year
Focus is Feeling: Forcing Your Subconscious to Change Your Reality
Have you ever noticed that when you're in a bad mood, everything around you seems to be negative? But on the other hand, when you're feeling great, everything around you seems to be positive and full of possibilities? Start using it to your advantage.
Is it possible to change your reality? What is reality, anyway? Have you ever noticed that when you’re in a bad mood, everything around you seems to be negative? The people, the weather, even the traffic – it all seems to be conspiring against you. But on the other hand, when you’re feeling great, everything around you seems to be positive and full of possibilities. This is because, as Tony…
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futilechildhooddream · 10 months
so for opposite-action therapy the recommendation is to do the opposite of the emotion, like where depression wants you to isolate so it can be helpful to go out and see people
for all-or-nothing behavior, the opposite action is finding the middle ground
want to avoid the problem or pull an all nighter to address it? start the work and set it up for future you to have an easier time, and get some sleep
i find a similar thing works for “shoulds”. The opposite of should is action:
i should do laundry -> i want to do laundry (or have it done with) so I’ll do the first step of this action (getting up/gathering dirty clothes/setting a timer/sitting in the laundry room/insert action)
i should be studying -> i am resting (or set a timer til time to study/plan a meeting time for study group/open the study materials/set a five minute timer and see what you can learn in that time/text a friend what you’re learning about in class and explain it to them)
opposite action can be really helpful
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skyler10fic · 2 years
Rewiring: uncover the "why"
A difficult thing in trying to rewire negative self-talk is that we don't want to be ignorant of reality. "Let go of thoughts that are no longer serving you," the helpers say, but we have this fear that if we let go, we will be caught out again as we once were, unaware of how [insert negative thought here] we came off to others. The shame moment. The moment someone pointed out or we realized ourselves that we were Bad or Defective or Embarrassing in some way. Worthy of shame and ridicule. Maybe we even still hear the laughter or the looks of disgust or the tone of voice that pitied us, "oh. Oh. You don't know. You're [insert word here]."
And that identity-shaping ghost haunts us into adulthood, years or decades even later. Letting go of that self-talk is a risk, because it was a defense mechanism. We need to be aware, we need to be informed, we need to be in on the joke... so no one can surprise us with that pain again.
So we walk around into our 20s and 30s and 40s and older and older with that one person or group or community's voice in our heads as the one true self-assessment of our identity. All the while, we're changing and growing and evolving into different people ourselves, and it may not have been accurate in the first place.
But "just stop thinking that" will never get us there, not until we and our helpers become trauma-informed to root out that defense mechanism and thank it for protecting us but, with respect, we don't need it anymore.
Like KonMari for our brains, we don't just recognize that it doesn't give us joy, we don't just realize it isn't serving us anymore, but we recognize in gratitude the role it played to keep us safe once. Even as we clean it out, dispose of it, and close the bag so it doesn't end up back in our minds.
Healing comes through empathy and gentleness and self-compassion, but that isn't solely others-focused or a regimen or strict cognitive-behavioral discipline. It's respecting our past selves' logic and needs and dignity. Even as we form healthier patterns and ways of moving through our thoughts and emotions and, externally, through our community and world today and in the future.
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caesarsaladinn · 2 years
that George Carlin bit that goes (to paraphrase) "I don't understand the obsession with motivation books. if you care enough to buy the book to get motivated to do something, that means you care enough to be motivated! skip the book and go do the thing already!" is really very useful
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nofeelingsarefinal · 11 months
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we all have good thoughts, bad thoughts, sexy thoughts, useful thoughts, and useless thoughts. but don’t forget this helpful banger of a wisdom: you are not your thoughts, but the thinker of your thoughts. you can CHOOSE which thoughts to believe in and eventually your thoughts will end up believing you too 🤯 click the link to figure out how to do so.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
unfortunately i am thinking, yet again, about how much people love to look at a shitty thing someone did/said and respond to that with some combination of
(1) framing the act as intrinsically connected to some other aspect of their identity that's marginalized, and therefore easy to activate people's prejudices about: 'karen,' 'narcissistic abuse,' etc.
(2) framing the act as negating some other marginalized aspect of their identity, because they've done something Oppressive so they're no longer entitled to any Victim Points: 'h*rry styles said something stupid and homophobic so obviously we, the Queer Police, were right all along and he's just been presenting gnc for clout...' newsflash, having internalized dumb queerphobic shit doesn't actually rule out yr being at least glancingly in its crosshairs!¹ we're all swimming in deeply toxic waters and sometimes we regurgitate some shit even when it's poisonous to us, too! like: policing the borders of queerness; respectability politics generally.
(3) framing the act as rendering some other marginalized aspect of their identity problematic/suspect: we all understood the concepts of queer time, trans extended/delayed/repeated adolescence, &c, just fine, and (at least nominally) sympathized with those things as being the product of alienation from a queerphobic society and its (cishetero)normative definitions of adulthood, until someone became a pariah who self-described as a 'boy' despite not being a minor—like, whatever you think of the m*rdoll situation, the way people immediately turned around and were like 'wow, this trans person's identity is actually intrinsically an attempt to avoid accountability' really sucked to hear. like, xie was pretty clearly trying to avoid public accountability; we can condemn that without jumping to assert that actually xer expression of gender was (i) intrinsically bound up in that attempt and (ii) fake. plenty of transmasc+ ppl lay claim to 'boy' but not 'man' despite being adults, for a variety of complex reasons, and it's not inherently an attempt to duck out of one's moral responsibilities.²
and (4) a kind of almost-metonymic conflation of the person with the act, such that people condemn them both in a single breath, while effectively letting the systemic conditions off the hook because their viewfinder is too zoomed-in to include them; as a result, once the person's been discarded, so too has the topic. like. i haven't heard a peep out of anyone on here about the evils of complicity with the military-industrial complex since the m*rdoll discourse subsided, even though a few weeks ago it was supposedly unthinkably obscene not to be actively impassioned about that. and it is unthinkably obscene! but it's an unthinkable obscenity that we all seem to be perfectly comfortable resuming our silence on, now that we've cast out our scapegoat. i saw a twitter thread the other day, on the topic of hunter sch*fer's cosigning of transmedicalism, that really struck me because it explicitly concluded by saying, 'addressing this is far more important than cancelling a young trans woman,' and i was really struck by that focus bc it's so real and so fucking rare. like. hunter sch*fer will hopefully learn and grow and stop thinking 'no nb ppl want to transition and that's why transphobia exists.' ana m*rdoll will hopefully get a different job and stop grifting from credulous twitterqueers. and neither of these individuals' personal arcs, whatever course they ultimately take, will have any real impact on the systemic injustices they've respectively supported; and neither will we, because we've stopped talking about them: because we were never really talking about them in the first place.
⸻ ¹ i haven't actually read up on the latest hstyles nonsense but like. sounds like he said something quite stupid that if you press on it even a little starts oozing homophobia; and it's still true that he's been pushing the boundaries of normatively acceptable men's fashion for a long time now and that the history of musicians doing this has yet to render it hegemonically endorsed. like obviously it gets complex bc at some level being a performer is intrinsically kind of femme-coded (a phrase i truly cannot believe i typed but. it's strutting yr stuff in the hope of attracting social and financial validation. what would you call it.) so you can start to construct arguments abt gender non-conformity in male entertainers being, like, a way of rendering themselves more objectifiable and increasing their appeal to audiences; but honestly i kind of think that's brainrot. like. many many straight women are in fact uncomfortable with male queerness, making it a decidedly dubious strategy for winning over the public at large. do we have to link that post again abt how not everyone is from NYC.
² i mean i do also separately think the, like, legalistic minor-adult moral binary where we're like, 'minors are maybe forgivable, adults aren't' is. weird. it's a sliding scale and adults can atone and minors can do deeply fucked up shit they need to be held accountable for. everything is a spectrum and requires a more complex analysis than this whole Good/Bad. Child/Adult. Not Responsible/Not Redeemable. set of reductive binaries we seem to love so much. ultimately i think we probably ought to offer more adults the sort of corrective compassion we aspire to offer children, that's less focused on dead-end condemnation and more on how to do better going forward.
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truths89 · 2 years
Spell: 003
The mind, I rescue.
The thoughts are of the wrong venue; For liberation is on the menu.
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resiliencewithin · 6 months
✖️Instead of…
You had the time and energy to work more today. You have a deadline to meet. Report cards are looming. You should have worked more.
✔️ Let’s try…
You also have a duty to yourself to not exhaust all your energy every day. You know what happens when you do— burnout. You weren’t designed to push past your limits every day. The measure of having done enough is NOT the inability to do more. You’re allowed to stop before that point. You should stop before that point more often than not. You worked a reasonable amount. Besides, there are still 15 days to go before the first deadline. You’re not going to do more tonight, so thinking/worrying/spiralling about it isn’t going to do anything other than harm you. Own your choice and trust your future self.
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petiolata · 3 months
having really really good hair is a comfort in these trying times
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