#companion crossover time
rystiel · 1 year
i’m not a fic writer but. concept:
the doctor/yaz and the doctor/rose crossover 🤯 like yaz meeting this younger version of the doctor with a companion that he’s very obviously in love with, and she wants her doctor to be that open with her, but she starts to understand why the doctor ends up more closed off from loving her companions like that as she learns how hard the loss of rose was on her back then etc etc
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ryllen · 8 months
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I am playing Palia,
and I want Unsuur & Einar to meet
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pics-pizza-peace · 3 months
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What I wouldn't give for more manilla folders...
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armybratz123 · 2 years
An Understanding
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Doctor Who x Danny Phantom
"All and time and space he said. Let's go to a planet full of 'magic' he says. Shouldn't be much trouble. WELL HOW'S THIS FOR TROUBLE!?!?", Donna Noble shrieks at her friend, the Doctor, as they ran down the metal corridor of some facility on the planet called Amitesh.
A planet that has nothing but stuff of magic, spirits, and other wonders that is a sacred part of their daily life and religion. Unfortunately, the Doctor had to ruin it for Donna, telling her it's not really magic, but the planet's own physiology mixed with these people's own version of science creates an result in which it's like it actually was magic.
The Doctor did admit that his particular planet got it closest to what magic could possibly be. But the Time Lord remained adamant that magic does not exist.
Fortunately, Donna basically ignored the Doctor and just wandered off, staring at anything and everything. For the two were lucky enough to land in the middle of a festival. Amitesh's magic being showcased for all to see and appreciate.
Which leads back to the two's current actions.
"How was I supposed to know that the world ended because of a cult that believes in such a thing like a 'Ghost King'!?", the Doctor shouts back incredulously as they ran to stop said cultists.
"If you say it in such a way that suggests there is no Ghost King, why are we running to stop them?", Donna asks just as the duo practically screech to a halt to a thick door, the last remaining obstacle between them and the summoning.
"Don't you remember what I told you earlier?", the Doctor explains in a rush as he works on the door with his sonic screwdriver, "The planet's own location and physiology is what makes magic for these people possible. Now multiply that by the centuries of said locals using the magic more and more, both them and the planet becoming accustomed to the energies that can only increase over time and evolve so as to become apart of the people and the planet's core. There may be no Ghost King, but something big, and something dangerous is going to come out of this summoning and we need to stop it."
"Oh my God.", Donna gasped, as she then waves the Doctor to hurry, "Well get on with it and open the door already!"
"What do you think I've been doing!?", the Doctor shouts back, "Now if I can just get- Ah HAH!!"
The door opened, the Doctor and Donna took no time rushing in, only to come to a screeching halt at the sight before them. They entered the room just as the lead cultists, who's also the planet's lead researcher, Taariq Novak, and one of the first few to have greeted the Doctor and Donna upon their arrival to Amitesh. slit the throat of one of his own, Donna couldn't help scream and jump from the sudden action.
With life quickly leaving his eyes, his life flowing from his neck like a river, and the now dead cultist's body fell to the ground. Landing within the intricately made circle, and the moment the blood touched the lines carved into the metal floor, the circle glowed a bright toxic green.
"We're too late.", the Doctor breather as he and his companion could only stare as the summoners celebrated their success.
The wind began to pick up, whipping the cultist robes, the Doctor's coat, and Donna's flaming red hair.
"We have to get out!", the Doctor shouts over the wind, "Out! Everyone out! Now!"
But no one listened.
Donna and the Doctor couldn't drag them out, so they ran. But the door slammed shut just before they could get out. Donna slammed her fists and body against the door while the Doctor tried to work on it again with his screw driver, only to growl as he grips his hair in near desperation.
"It's a deadlock! I can't get us out!", the Doctor shouts.
"What do we do then!?", Donna cries out, "There's got to be something!"
The Doctor turns back to the circle just as unidentifiable green liquid bursts from the summoning circle, swirling around over it as if it was it's own mini hurricane or tropical storm.
"Hope and try to talk our way out of this.", the Doctor whispers as he grips Donna's hand tightly.
For his comfort, or hers. He's not quite sure, nor does have the time or willing to try and figure that out.
A bright light shined beneath the goopy liquid something seemed to be rising from the circle, a form or figure. When, suddenly, a giant, spindly, dark clawed hand slammed on to the floor, the claws digging into the floor, causing deep marks to appear from them. The hand is about the same size as the cultists', Donna, and the Doctor themselves.
The hand pushed down, creating a large dent in floor, added with the scratch marks from the claws, and something climbed up and out of the portal.
Loud moaning echoed in their ears, everyone clutched their hands to their heads in hopes of keeping the horrid noise out. But it did little to help. The liquid that was the first to burst through the portal suddenly fell to the ground, as if like a puppet with its strings cut off. But the thing didn't seem bothered by the goop as it just slid off it like water.
There is no more bright light coming from within the circle, but the circle itself is still glowing a soft toxic green, not as bright as it was before the summoning first started, but, aside from the thing that was just summoned, it served as the now dark room's only source of light.
With the wind and blinding light gone, everyone was now able to get a good look at what was something. It can only be described as an eldrich horror. It towered over them, it's arms to be somehow longer than it's body, it's clawed hands larger than it's own head, and larger than the people standing in the room as well. Their whole body seemed to be made between a mix of pure darkness and the many constellations of the universe, glowing green 'veins' can be seen at the creatures forearms, chest, calves, and neck. It's eyes are large circular, and just glowing toxic green, like the circle at the beginning of the summoning, and it's mouth similar, no lips or anything, the jagged black teeth matched it's body and attached with no covering of any sort unlike other humanoid shaped formed.
Donna clutched tightly to the Doctor, whom as seen Satan, genocide, army of Daleks, and many more horrors. And yet, this has been the most scared he has ever felt since his youth.
This, is something else that the Doctor has never before seen. But within the fear, the Doctor also feels excitement. He's ecstatic, this, nothing ever seen before. A creature beyond time and knowledge, something he doubted any of the Time Lords have ever seen or known before either.
"All hail Pariah Dark!", Taariq suddenly shouts, looking the picture perfect description of euphoric while the rest of his followers knelt and bowed to the creature they have successfully summoned.
"Hail!", the rest of the cultists shout back.
The creature, Pariah Dark these people had called it, seemed to be looking over its surroundings and studying the people slowly. As if taking in where it is and what it's going to do next.
Long moan, almost as if the creature were a whale, reverberated throughout the room. The only difference between a whale and this, is the whale's sound enchanting, while this thing made everyone shiver, hairs raising up, and everyone, even the excited cultists, felt nothing but fear for a moment.
"Pariah Dark! King of the Infinite Realms!", Taariq shouts, "We have summoned you here for your judgement and leadership! We have freed you from your imprisonment inside of the tomb others who have feared you and your power trapped you inside. Now we ask of you to take your rightful place as this world's rightful ruler, with us at your side!"
"They summoned this... this thing just so they can rule and gain power!?", Donna whispers to the Doctor in a quiet shriek, "What the hell's the matter with them?"
The Doctor almost rolled his eyes in agreement. Some things never change, no matter the world or time you travel to. And people call him mad... although they aren't wrong.
But before the Doctor could whisper anything back in reply, the creature suddenly turned towards them. It's glowing swirling lights for eyes seemed to freeze two in place, for no matter how much the Doctor wished to run, even if there was a escape route available to them, the Doctor doubt either he or Donna could run with the way this creature's stare seemed to pin them in place.
Taariq quickly noticed the creature's inquisitive stare upon the travelers, and answered its silent question almost proudly.
"These two were against you mi'lord.", Taariq informed the creature, pointing at the Doctor and Donna theatrically, "They dared to try and stop us! Stop you from rising! But we were lucky enough, clever enough to keep them away just in time to free you."
The creature hummed, still staring at the Doctor and Donna appraisingly.
"What shall be done with them my lord?", another cultist asked, looking more curious than disturbed by the creature's appearance.
The creature turned back to it's followers, its grim jagged mouth forming what looked to be a sinister smile.
"Lucky...", the creature said, the word coming out garbled and echoed in the near silent room.
"M-my lord?", Taariq asked, confused by the pool of dread that began to fill his entire being as he silently cursed himself for the stutter.
"It was lucky... that you summoned Me."
And before anyone could react or say a thing, like a snake, the creature struck. Sending men flying as they screamed their terror with just simple back hand. No, backhand isn't exactly the right word for what he did. For the creature barely flicked his wrist, and more than half of the cultists were airborne, crashing to the walls and floors. None getting up after quickly falling into the grip of unconsciousness.
Another swipe, more cultists flew through the air, leaving only the Doctor, Donna, and the lead cultist standing with the terrifying being.
"But, but why!?", Taariq cried, now looking terrified as he looked up to the creature for answers.
As he should be. Despite Taariq Novak's accomplishments and prowess as a researcher and inventor, the Amiteshian has no idea what he had unleashed.
Or who he could have unleashed if things have been any different.
"We did everything right! The ritual! The Sacrifice!", the lead cultist shouted in fear and desperation, "What did we do to offend you my lord Pariah Dark! What Did We Do!?"
The creature took pause, looking down at the humanoid with a blank expression, no one, not even the Doctor, knew what was going on through the creature's mind.
"You... summoned me...", the creature hissed.
"W-w-what of it?", the cultist stuttered, "Did we perform the ritual wrong? If so, please! Allow me to correct my mistake."
But the creature spoke as if the cultist didn't say anything.
"You summoned me to DESTROY.", it growled menacingly, orbs narrowing in anger and distaste at the sight of Taariq quivering.
"Isn't, isn't, i-isn't.", Taariq gulped, trying to collect himself in order to speak properly through his fear, "Isn't that what you do? Isn't that what Pariah Dark does."
The temperature in the room lowered rapidly, turning to freezing. Donna huddled closer to the Doctor, her body shivering from the freezing temperature, but the two travelers could not look away.
The creature leaned down, almost crouching, so that he and Taariq were barely inches apart. Taariq could only shiver and shake in anticipation as waited for the thing's answer.
It's next words caused terror to strike Taariq's very core.
"Who ever said that I was Pariah Dark?"
"Wh-w-who are you then?", Taariq managed to wheeze, fear filling ever bone of his much smaller body.
"P H A N T O M.", the creature hissed.
Donna quickly squeezed her eyes tightly shut and shoved her face in to the Doctor's arms as Taariq's screams loudly echoed in her ears, her head. She wouldn't be surprised if they echoed in her nightmares later that night.
If she and the Doctor manages to get out of this alive, that is.
For the next couple of minutes, there was silence. Donna's body remained tense as she expected some sort of blow or for the Doctor to start running his gob in order to try and talk them out of this terrifying mess.
But nothing.
Slowly, the human opened her eyes and looked up to see that the creature 'stood' a couple of feet in front of them, Taariq's body out of view behind it. It's glowing orbs for eyes seemed to be dimmer now, it's horrifying maw closed, looking sealed shut, as if the creature never had a mouth in the first place.
And that's when Donna felt it, an aura, or feeling, encasing the room. Comfort, warmth, and protection surrounded the two travelers. The Doctor could only stand there, looking up at the creature with wide eyes, filled with fascination and awe, for he could obviously feel the same thing. Donna just let herself sink into the comfort provided, her eyes contently sliding shut again as she sighed.
Then her eyes suddenly furrowed as her picked up something else within the room.
"Is it... purring?", Donna couldn't help but ask incredulously.
"Oh yes.", the Doctor grinned at his answer and Donna's question.
The two looked back up the creature, now both no longer fearful, but still cautious about what it's next move would be. Obviously, it's not Pariah Dark, the King of Ghosts, just like the Doctor said from the beginning. But it was still summoned here to destroy and rule, so what will it do next after taking down it's summoners.
What id did next surprised them.
Which seems to be a reoccurring pattern lately.
The creatures form suddenly lifted up and wrapped around it almost like a live cloak or blanket and folded in on itself. The creature's form shrunk more and more, ending up smaller than Donna, until a new, humanoid, form took shape, and the darkness and constellations receded to reveal a floating boy, a teenager no older than fifteen, the door behind the Doctor and Donna shedding light on the boys features.
He has white hair, and black and white hazmat suit, glowing toxic green eyes, a white cloak, black ring with a brilliant red gem as it's main focus, and a black crown, floating above his head, encased in flickering green flames that seemed to match the boy's eyes.
"Hi there.", the boy greeted easily.
"Who-? What-?", Donna could only gape while the Doctor's grin got wider and wider by the second.
"Oh that's brilliant.", the Doctor could only say, his eyes alight with his shining grin.
"What the bloody hell are you!?", Donna shouts, feeling exhausted and so very very confused over all that has happened in the last... five minutes?
It felt like this whole confrontation has lasted for days.
The Doctor winced a little, but didn't scold Donna, knowing exactly how she's feeling, it's kinda similar to how he assumed she felt on their first adventure together with the Racnoss.
"Sorry about her, rough day.", the Doctor explains, "Anyways, I'm the Doctor and this is Donna. What's your name and, well yeah, what are you? For curiosities sake."
"I'm Danny Phantom. King of the Infinite Realms and the summonee of these fruit loops.", Danny introduced himself as if this was the most normal thing in the universe.
"The Infinite Realms are real?", the Doctor gaped, "But-but that's impossible. It's supposed to be a myth!"
Danny just shrugged, "You'd think so with all the stories circling it. A lot of it just exaggerations, they're too crazy to be true, or they are just plain wrong."
"How much of it is true?", the Doctor asked eagerly.
Danny opened his mouth, then shut it with a confused look on his face.
"I actually don't know.", Danny responds as held his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.
"How can you not know?", Donna asked, "Aren't you the king?"
Danny rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, "Yeah, I just became King a little less than a year ago after defeating Pariah Dark in single combat. And the name is pretty literal the Infinite Realms are, well, Infinite, I have a lot to catch up on and I haven't even made a dent, much less a scratch so far."
"This is amazing.", the Doctor breathes before he began to mutter to himself on theories on which stories that he has heard or been told could be true and what it could mean.
"Wait, hold on, Pariah Dark?", Donna repeated, "You mean the supposed Ghost King that these bozos were trying to summon."
"Oh he was the Ghost King just, again, defeated him in single combat now I'm King.", Danny raised a confused brow, "I literally just said that."
"But-but there's no such thing as ghosts.", the Doctor almost shouts.
Danny just stared at them with an almost dead panned look.
"Who or what did you think lives in the Infinite Realms then?"
Silence followed his question. The Doctor looked like he was struggling to understand something for once.
"But, then, do you not age?", Donna asks, "Are all of you dead?"
Danny just smiles patiently, "A lot of them died, yes, but there are just as many that were born or created there too. You'd be surprised."
Donna let out a sound that was between a scoff, snort, and a laugh, "Trust me, we are."
"But what about you?", the Doctor asked gently, "Were you born or did you died."
Danny looks down at the Doctor, his expression neutral as he answered, "I died. At the age fourteen, I died in an accident at my parents lab in our basement. They haven't even realized it yet."
For a moment, the Doctor said nothing, for what could he truly say to some one who has died at such a young age. A child.
There's not much you really can say except, "I'm sorry."
"What are you apologizing for?", Danny asked, the Doctor didn't answer, nor did Donna, "I know I died young. Took me a while to actually get that I died in the first place."
Danny looked down at his shoes before looking up at the Doctor, his eyes glistening. Barely there, barely noticeable, but there. And the Doctor couldn't help by empathize, for isn't what this boy has gone through similar to what the Doctor has when he regenerates?
"Do you know how that feels?", Danny asked, his voice wobbly with emotion and he desperately tried to hold back his tears.
Donna couldn't say a thing, because no. She didn't understand, probably never will, and... Donna thinks she never wants to either.
But the Doctor... he understood. The Time Lord is pretty sure this boy-warrior, boy king, this child, doesn't realize how much the Doctor truly understands.
For just like the Doctor had ten times before, this boy has died, and then woke up and walked away as someone else. The Doctor has died and walked away as many people. But at the core, he always was the Doctor, yet he was still someone new. Danny Phantom is no different.
"I understand.", the Doctor croaks.
The past year and a half has been... rough for Danny. For the halfa didn't lie, it took him a bit to understand that he had actually died to become who he is today. And, with Jazz's, Clockworks, and the rest of his friends, allies, and enemies' (most of them anyways) help, Danny managed to work through that fact and accept it.
But recently, a week ago, it was his Death Day. No one caused trouble in Amity, Danny got a break from all the studying and paperwork at the Ghost Zone. In fact, almost everyone visited, but to either check on him, give him a gift, have a short chat, or all of the above.
Death Day is important to the Ghosts in the Ghost Zone, especially for those who had to actually die in order to get there. But unlike Birthdays, no matter peoples feelings towards it, Death Day is like a strange, yet comforting, mix between a funeral and a birthday. Many ghosts like to visits their grave during their Death Day, many others like to visit said ghost's grave to leave a gift or offering for the ghost.
Danny has been told that ghosts usually feel more at peace by their grave on Death Day. Doesn't mean everyone goes, but it's just something that feels safe and/or calming. Like going to your bedroom and lying on your bed after a stressful day.
Nothing went wrong for Danny on his Death Day, in fact, he quite enjoyed it surprisingly. It was somber on some points, eye opening for others, and even fun for the rest. Almost every ghost that Danny has ever met visited him or left him some sort of gift. Most visited, many worried over Danny because of the fact that he had no grave to visit.
So, with the help of Jazz, Tucker, and Sam, they made Danny a grave, hidden deep in the woods, and almost immediately gifts, offerings, blobs, and other ghosts appeared.
Jazz, Tucker, and Sam left after they had their moment of silence and some quiet to themselves over Danny's 'grave'. They didn't quite understand the importance and impact of Death Day aside from the fact that Danny died on that day.
Aside from Jazz, Danny doesn't think Sam or Tucker fully realized that Danny actually died that day he became a halfa. They've both kept to themselves ever since, both sharing similar haunted look in their eyes and bruised patches of skin that served as eye bags.
Jazz left because she believed that Danny deserved to spent his Death Day with the rest of the ghosts. Her exact words being, 'As long as I get your Birthdays, they get your Death Days.' Danny can not describe how right that feels.
But, yeah, aside from the small bit of hurt that he felt when Sam and Tucker started avoiding him now, Danny's first Death Day was great.
It wasn't until Danny was safely under his covers in bed that the realization hit him.
Just like Sam and Tucker, Danny's parents never knew that Danny, their own son, died right under their noses. In their lab, in their invention, which has quickly become their pride and joy and Danny can't help but feel his core twist.
No one, except for Jazz, realized that Danny had died.
No one living anyway.
Danny has always been the same to them in their eyes, but, that can't be any further from the truth. Danny has been through things, has done things, is capable of things that no one living will ever be. Jazz tries to understand, she's the only one living that truly does, but enough.
And none of the ghosts realize that despite having died, Danny is still, somehow, alive.
But this man, this living man, somehow understood? Understood the feeling of misplacement Danny almost constantly feels everyday of his half life?
Excuse him for not believing this stranger, but Danny doubts it.
But... it's a nice thought. That there is someone (that's not a fruitloop in denial like Vlad) who could understand.
"Thanks.", Danny smiled sincerely, genuinely thankful to the Doctor for trying.
Yet, somehow, the Doctor could tell that Danny didn't truly think that he understood.
"Donna, do you mind leaving Danny and I alone for a couple minutes?", the Doctor asks his friend, never once breaking eye contact with Danny as he does so.
Danny can't exactly read the look Donna sends the Doctor before sending Danny a small reassuring smile that reminded him a lot like the one's Jazz would send him.
"Take care sweetheart.", Donna waves before looking at the unconscious forms of the cultist with an unsure look, "I'll just... go find whatever this planet has for police to pick up this rif-raf."
"You do that.", the Doctor nods at Donna with a small smile and a wave of his fingers.
Donna just rolled her eyes, but returned the wave before leaving. The two males were both quiet at first. Danny wasn't sure how he felt being left alone with this man, but he knew he could easily escape if needed.
But Danny was knocked out of his musings when the Doctor finally spoke, breaking the silence.
"It's different, and it's always gonna be, that's the hard part. At first, you don't realize the difference, just filled with the euphoric feeling of being alive. Of surviving what should have been fatal.", the Doctor spoke plainly, but his eyes looked wet and haunted, as if he's done this more than once, "Only to realize later, that no, you didn't survive. You died. You're dead, but not. Who you were is dead and now, you're someone new. Yet you can never truly shake off how it felt to die, what it means and is like to be dead. And those close to you, can't see the difference, they either think you're someone totally different, or who you were before. But you're not, you're somehow right in the middle and sometimes, it gets so much, just goes back and forth and back and forth. You sometimes can't help but get confused and wonder, who are you now?"
Danny could only stare, his core twisting, but... in a good way. It was something different, something new. It threw Danny off guard, it was hard for him to wrap his head around it. Is this really happening? When is the Fenton luck going to kick in and let the other shoe drop?
Without even realizing it, Danny's cape, crown, and ring disappeared in a flash of green flames, leaving Danny as himself. Danny Phantom, not King, savior, or any other titles he got in the Ghost Zone after defeating Pariah Dark, just Danny.
"You understand?", Danny couldn't help but ask timidly.
The Doctor nods with a small bittersweet smile on his face.
"I understand."
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camellcat · 10 months
ohhh I don't know how to articulate that I think rose tyler and clara oswald would be best fucking friends other than I'm like 20 minutes into s8 and I've never been so sure of taking two companions and going "look at my barbies they drive cool cars and talk shit together"
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teecupangel · 1 year
Once upon a time in the quaint village, there lived a young mail courier. He was known for his unwavering dedication to his job, delivering letters and packages with a smile to every doorstep. One day, an urgent message arrived at the village, instructing him to embark on a long journey to a distant town where a crucial post office awaited.
The mail he carried was no ordinary mail; it held the hopes and dreams of the villagers, connecting loved ones and spreading joy. The journey to the post office was not an easy one, as it spanned through vast meadows, dense forests, and treacherous mountains. However, he was determined to fulfill his duty, knowing that the letters in his bag held significant meaning to the recipients.
With a firm resolve, he bid farewell to his family and set off at the crack of dawn, his loyal horse carrying him through the countryside. Along the way, the courier encountered various challenges, from wild storms that soaked him to the bone to a broken bridge that forced him to find an alternative path.
As the days turned into weeks, he faced moments of doubt, but he never faltered. The thought of the smiles on people's faces when they received their letters and packages kept him going. Each night, he would rest under the starlit sky, reading letters from his own family for encouragement.
On his journey, he met fellow travelers who shared their own tales of hope and love, making him realize the profound impact his job had on connecting people's lives. With newfound determination, he pressed on, even through the darkest of nights and the coldest of days.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sight of the town appeared on the horizon. Exhausted but elated, the courier and his horse made their way through the bustling streets, guided by the townsfolk who welcomed them warmly.
The post office in the town was a grand building with ornate architecture, a symbol of communication and unity. As he entered, he handed over the carefully protected mail, knowing the importance of each letter entrusted to him. The postmaster was grateful for his perseverance and dedication, acknowledging the role he played in bringing happiness to so many.
In one of the letters is said: "what would happen if Desmond can turn into Eren's founding Titan form? Doesn't have to be an aot au. I bet it would be very funny lmao XD"
Alright, let’s talk about how we can do this. So we’ll give Desmond the Founding Titan’s powers but keep him in the AC world. (unless someone wants an AOT AU or a Desmond get isekai’ed to the AOT world AU)
So, first, let’s clarify what the Founding Titan’s powers would be now that there’s actually no… you know… Titan in AC (have spoilers for AOT, I guess):
The Founding Titan can create and control other Titans who are Subjects of Ymir. In this idea, you might think that means Desmond should be able to control those with Isu blood but I suggest a different idea: Desmond would be able to control humans in general but the more Isu blood one has, the harder it is to control them. (We’ll get to why we’re changing it this way in a bit). As for the creation part, since we’re not giving Desmond the ability to create Titan (I mean, we could), we’ll make him able to create ‘monsters’ instead. To be more specific: he can manipulate human genes and change them to whatever he liked, although it might be easier for him to change them lightly (like perhaps giving them the ability to access Eagle Vision) or to keep them more human-like (like say… a minotaur or a gorgon or a werewolf… if you catch my drift). This will also be the equivalent of the Founding Titan’s ability to change the body of the Subjects of Ymir (which, when you think about it, Titan creation is a subset of this ability anyway).
The Founding Titan can manipulate memories of the Subjects of Ymir. This means Desmond would be able to change or add or even remove memories of humans, even going as far as give them fake memories if need be.
The Founding Titan can telepathically communicate with Subjects of Ymir so I guess we’re giving Desmond telepathy as well.
The Founding Titan has the ability can influence the past in some way but it cannot completely change the past. It’s a bit complicated so we’ll set this up different with Desmond using one specific device: The Animus.
Of course the Founding Titan can only be used completely by those with royal blood so we’re making Desmond’s Isu ancestor be one of the Titan children of Gaia and Uranus. We actually have two main candidates: Iapetus whose sons were called mankind’s ancestors and we’ll translate it to Iapetus’ children being one of the Isus who helped humans during the war, turning their backs against their fellow Isus. Perhaps one of Adam and Eve’s children would marry one of Iapetus’ sons in this scenario. Another candidate is Hyperion who fathered the three children and lights of the heaven: Helios, Selene and Eos. Of course, we’ll pick Helios as Desmond’s ancestor to further twist the knife of Desmond dying from the solar flare or, if you want to be kind to him, we’ll give him Eos as a symbol of an upcoming dawn.
Now that’s done, we’ll talk about why those abilities might sound familiar…
They’re all ‘powers’ that Kassandra actually sees during her travels. To be more specific, she encountered mystical beings being controlled by Isu artifacts (that may or may not be Apple, we’re not completely certain that the Apple was able to change them or if they’re being used to simply control them after their change, the human experiments of Juno and Aita in Atlantis would point at the latter) which means that Desmond’s Founding Titan powers are powers that Juno and Aita were trying to recreate.
This is why Desmond’s Isu ancestor being Iapetus makes more sense because all of his powers are to subjugate and control humans, not Isus.
And then we come to the power to change the past which isn’t something that Desmond could actually do until he comes in contact with the Animus.
To be more exact, the Animus used by Vidic still holds the POE that he had used to develop the Animus in the first place because it was the prototype. The POE reacted to his Founding abilities that had been dormant until he got into the Animus.
And this is how Desmond would be able to change the past.
By connecting to his own genes, he’s able to contact and even control to a certain degree the actions of the people who share the same Iapetus genes as him.
However, we come to a certain… shall we say ‘snag’ in this idea.
Because Desmond has two different bloodlines that, as far as we know, does not intersect.
Altaïr’s bloodline that comes from his mother and the Auditore-Kenway bloodline that came from William Miles.
This means that we have to choose who would carry the Iapetus bloodline. Of course, it’s me, so you know I’m going to suggest Altaïr but I have another reason other than the fact that I will always choose Altaïr given a choice.
Altaïr is someone willing to make a deal with Desmond in exchange for the safety and happiness of his family. Once Desmond learned of the truth of Altaïr’s future, he could use the Founding Titan’s power to contact Altaïr and to help him change the past in exchange to being Desmond’s ‘prophet’. Using the Founding Titan’s ability to change human composition, Desmond could change Altaïr to be immortal until all their work is finish and Altaïr would agree to it. Desmond’s connection to Altaïr would give Desmond a direct way to change the past, slowly unraveling the entire road that the Isus wished him to walk.
The path that would end with a noose tied to his neck as the sun burns him away.
And, of course, we have the Founder Ymir being the ‘helper’ of the one who holds the Founding Titan.
And who else will we pick but the Reader?
The Reader who can see the past, present and future thanks to the Calculations but unable to change anything without a ‘master’ to command him.
And the truth was…
The Reader was able to tweak it.
There was a split second when Desmond Miles was able to use his Founding Titan powers.
But it wasn’t when he was first put in the Animus.
It was when he used the device in the Grand Temple to save the world.
In that split second…
The Reader used that time to manipulate Desmond to making him order him.
“I want to live.”
“I don’t want to die.”
“Please… someone… save me.”
He used Desmond’s desperation to live to set everything into motion. He changed the past just enough for Vidic to make the prototype have the POE, making him believe this was the best way to get clearer and more stable memories.
And from that…
The Reader set the third loop.
Just to clarify:
The first loop: AC canon with the Reader coming to existence
The second loop: Desmond Miles manages to awaken his Founding Titan power when he’s about to die and the Reader used that to change just enough things to make the third loop.
The third loop: the current loop with Desmond awakening his Founding Titan power during his first Animus session and, later on, making a deal with Altaïr to change the past using Altaïr as his ‘spokesperson’.
==== For the Alchemist Section ====
The mail courier’s perseverance traveled as far as his mail and it was now up to the local courier to make sure it arrived in its proper destination safe and sound.
Their little village rarely received mails before the alchemist took residence in the abandoned house up the hill and it had become part of his daily job to bring new mails and take the alchemist’s daily shipment but…
Things had been hectic around these parts. Harvest season was upon them and they had been so busy these past three months because of it. He knew that the mails were being delivered much later than usual but they haven’t heard a complaint just yet which was nice, especially with the heavy rainfall they’ve been getting lately. Everyone was quite worried for their corps.
Still, it was up to him to make sure he was able to deliver the ones that do manage to get to their village and send the ones the alchemist was able to finish in the midst of them helping with the preparations for harvest season.
The chimney’s smoke was red.
The kind of red that reminded him of blood.
The alchemist made the weirdest things whenever they feel like it. The moving clay doll last month was one of them.
He took a deep breath and prepared to knock on the door-
Only to gasp when he smelled the smoke.
It was because he was too close to the house. Even if the smoke was coming out of the chimney and dispersing into the air, it was still quite close.
His body…
… feels so hot right now.
He fell on his knees and began to pant, the heat seemingly coiling all over his body distracting him from the creaking sound the front door always make.
He felt cold air hit him like a puff of smoke.
And the heat disappeared.
Leaving only embarrassment with the way his body had reacted.
It was like…
“Sorry about that.”
He raised his head and…
… came face to face with a complete hazmat suit that covered the alchemist from head to toe. The only reason why he even know it was the alchemist because of the white and red butterfly brooch that they had always worn, now adorning the helmet of their hazmat suit like it was a hairpin.
“It would be better if you stay by the fence and shout instead. I’ll take my mail and give you my deliveries instead.”
The alchemist made a motion with their hand and he weakly stood, using his courier standard bag to hide his shame as he handed the alchemist the mails he had received today.
“Uuuhh… is it…” He looked behind the alchemist and the entire house looked alright from what he could see.
“It’s just for this week. This week’s…” The alchemist paused for a moment before adding, “… No. Next Monday’s quite special, I suppose.”
“I’ll have this done later this evening. Please come back by then instead.” The alchemist requested and he nodded.
“Alright. I’ll see you later then.”
With that said, the alchemist closed the door, leaving the courier unable to ask…
If they actually did not see his shame or if…
They simply didn’t care?
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arlequinelunaire · 3 months
Crossover Special! Wrath of the Daleks (A Little Vice/Doctor Who crossover)
A/N: ​Crossover between my own Doctor Who fanfic and the trans Magical Girl webnovel A Little Vice (available in book form).
The Angelic Saints, Castitas, Diligentia, and now Temperantia, were three young maidens chosen by the angels to be the champions of Virtue against the forces of Sin!
Already the Saints were dashing deep into the thorny labyrinth that was stronghold of Sin, the Abyssal Forest, till at last they set eyes upon the twisted and gargantuan castle of Superbia at its core. Their mission couldn't be more urgent, for the Archangel Michael's premonitions and their foe Avaritia's boasting had alerted them to the anointing of the Beast of Wrath being imminent.
"Does seem counter-productive," the dark skinned blonde Diligentia had to remark, "Outright telling us they've found the perfect Candidate with enough time to stop them."
"Heh, that's Avaritia for you," the bluenette Temperantia said, referencing the shadowy wolf who was the Beast of Greed.
"Yeah, I can tell," the redhead Castitas chimed in, "Ey're the sort who lives for that kind of moustache-twirling showboating. Er, metaphorical moustache-twirling in this case, don't know how ey'd look with facial hair." Castitas of course couldn't resist engaging in her own form of showboating as her petite physique kicked the iron gates flying open. Fiery bow already at hand, she proclaimed "FINIS, MALEFACTOR!" (a term she totally didn't use Google Translate to look up)... only to then see that said malefactors were already finishing off each other.
"Sheesh, I thought you were just gonna be the screaming, brutish type," Avaritia said in-between having to dodge beam blasts that the very Candidate for the Sin of Wrath ey'd brought in was firing at em, "But no, you just had to pull this big brain subterfuge bullsh-" a near hit cut em off. While eir lupine leaps were swift enough to keep em from getting blasted, the entourage of minions she had with her, 'Resinners' they were called, weren't so lucky. One by one they were disintegrated by this Candidate's beams. Soon enough, Avaritia was left to fend for herself.
The Angelic Saints only now getting a good look at the Ira Candidate, Castitas' first thought was that 'Candidate' was no longer the word. He(?) no longer looked like a human or even humanoid, but instead like... "A saltshaker, whisk, and plunger?" Diligentia said, scratching her head.
"More like a trashcan," Temperantia said, her stoic face allowing itself the slightest smirk, "Fitting for Avaritia to bring in."
"W-Whatever it is, it's too late. They've already taken his humanity and made him the Beast of Wrath!" Castitas gasped. For a moment it looked like all the warmth and brightness had been sucked out of her face, but no, a Saint like her would not sink to defeatism so easily. She then shook her head, clenched her fists, and said, "No, it's never too late! If us Saints can purify a Resinner, then there's nothing stopping us from purifying a Beast!" The thought of a certain someone she once called friend, and still would if possible, flashed in her mind with those words. "It'll just take, ah, a little more firepower, that's all!"
While the Saints took heed of what was going down, Avaritia had already sped eir way behind this 'Beast of Wrath', then pounced to wrench his metal plating off with eir claws. "More like 'AND-BE-EXTERMINATED'. I'm not Superbia, I can already tell what you'd pull if we for whatever reason did give you the Seeds, Dalek," she said, only for this Ira to dodge her attack as he levitated straight upwards. "And what's this 'we' and 'us', you never said you were plural? You're the only one here!"
"INCORRECT! THE-DALEK-RACE-IS-INNUMERABLE!" Ira, or 'Dalek', bleated back down at em, then levitated further out of eir reach, pointed what could only be called his 'eyestalk' upwards, and announced, "CO-ORDINATES-OF-CASTLE-IDENTIFIED! ACTIVATING-MASS-TELEPORT!"
The crimson skies above the Abyss were then filled by a swarm of shimmering lights, with metal monsters identical to the Beast of Wrath materialising. "Wait, uh, it can call on clones of itself?" Castitas had to wonder, "Not sure what that has to do with Wrath? Incitement thing, Zerg Rush deal?"
"Won't be doing that for long," Temperantia said, as she took the moment to shoot a sniper-like water jet right at Ira's eyestalk. The sudden shot sent that stalk of his swiveling, which forced him to halt his summoning ability less than halfway through.
"Guess again, Beast of Wrath!" Castitas called forth, her cover already having been blown anyway. The three Saints striking poses, Castitas lead with, "Cleansing with the flames of purity-"
"Can it, goody-goods," Avaritia cut the three off. "When our would-be infiltrator here said 'reinforcements', he didn't mean you."
The instant all the summoned 'Daleks' had materialised, they were ambushed from behind by a flock of flying Resinners, this flock taking the shape of balloons, plane engines, helicopter blades, even a flying car. All random objects throughout the city that had been infused with Sin, just like the Saints had fought time and time again. Leading this flock was none other than the one Beast whose Castitas' heart sank at the sight of.
"Yep, did you seriously think we'd have no defence against an airborne attack?" Avaritia laughed, not just at the first Dalek but also with one eye on the Saints. "Just because Old Man Superbia was so out of touch he fell for your 'creator' pulling a Nigerian Prince on him, Dalek, doesn't mean you can do a thing to rest of us!"
Not that the aerial ambush was going as smoothly as Avaritia made it sound. With the remaining 'Daleks' now having the chance to react, the sky became a lightshow as they fired beam blast after beam blast. Both Resinner and Dalek then crashed to the ground in fiery wrecks.
"Please, hang in there," Castitas found herself muttering as she stared up at the Beast of Envy still fighting, even in spite of what that Beast had just put her through. The Beast Invidia wielded a copy of her own bow to fire identical laser blasts right back at the Daleks. Seeing the fight Envy put up, Castitas in turn said, "Alright Saints, let's show the Abyss that even a Beast can be purified! Focus on the summoner, all as one!"
"YOU-ARE-DELUDED!" Ira the Beast of Wrath, or a Dalek as he called himself, bleated out, this time definitely addressing the Saints, "THE-DALEK-RACE-ARE-THE-ONLY-PURE-RACE!"
He then shot not only a single blast, but rapid-fire blasts down at the Saints, but these were all met with another eagled-eyed water snipe by Temperantia, an entire statue picked up and thrown by Diligentia, and a firestorm of arrows from Castitas.
The inevitable outcome was an explosion that left this Dalek Ira spinning and shrieking, at which Castitas pulled out one last arrow and said, "Michael by my right hand, let's draw out the Heart Amber!" What followed was not an arrow of fire, but one of pure, shining love stronger than all her target's hate. This eternal love struck the Dalek Ira... ...And made it drop down full force onto the courtyard. Its metal shell was blown open, revealing what the girls could only call a 'cyclopean squid' inside. Or rather the corpse of one.
"What? No!" Castitas gasped and ran forth, as what she may have done dawned on her. "This, this has to be a Heart Amber, just extra-corrupted from the seed, right? C'mon now, purify! Purify!" But minutes later and no purification, just that corpse still lying there, denial was no longer possible.
"Castitas, it's... hard to believe. Seeing a Saint not just purify someone, but kill them outright," Avaritia said, in an oddly tender tone of voice coming from their enemy. "It's hard to admit, but that kinda scares me, y'know? Oh, not that I have any sympathy for this 'Dalek' thing here. Sneaky as he thought he was, it's clear he was nothing but a supremacist, mindless killer, the exact same thing people call me. But I suppose a monstrous life is still a life to you, huh Castitas?"
"Regardless, that's your Beast of Wrath all gone," Diligentia said, trying to hide any devastation behind a rock-hard facade.
"Pfft, no it's not," Avaritia laughed back at her, eir arms folded, "Big-brain super-strategist trashcan here attacked the instant we reached the castle, before we could bestow the seed of Ira upon him. He and his pals thought they were oh so much the superior beings that they could make us hand over all our Seeds at once."
"That does track," Temperantia said, also keeping her feelings about what Castitas just did to herself.
"This 'Dalek' said he wanted the Seeds to power his race's technology, not to plant it in himself. Would directly absorbing the Seed be an 'impurity' to him?" Diligentia asked.
"Guess so. Us forces of Sin couldn't care what is or isn't 'impure', that's something you Virtue types tend to yammer on about," Avaritia had to remark as ey side eyed Temperantia. "Something I suppose you're having to put up with now, huh?" ey remarked, with Temperantia choosing not to respond. "Okay okay, comparing even Saints and Angels to that genocidal traschcan is a low blow from me, I confess."
Castitas, slumped over with tears streaming down her face, only then look up to see the airborne Invidia glare down at her. Like that glare said it all, the new Beast of Envy flew away without a word, leaving Castitas to her desolation...
The next morning, Castitas or rather her civilian identity of Inessa was... fine, just fine. She got dressed, ate breakfast, greeted her parents good morning before she left for school, all with the brightest smile on her face. Well, the brightest smile she could possibly manage, in her current state. While on her usual route to school, she had the chance to bump into someone brand new to her. A woman not that much older than her if far meeker in looks, given her glasses and brownish-black hair kept together by braids. The two not diverging in their paths, Inessa tried to keep up her cheer by saying, "Hi there! I'm Inessa Brandt, nice to meetcha! Ah, you'd be a new transfer student, did I get that right?"
"Huh?" the woman said like she'd been ambushed. But as Inessa of course posed little threat, she then composed herself and said, "Actually no, I've graduated. My name's Lavinia Mortlake, I've been Assistant Librarian for about a week now. Wait, I do think I've seen you around school, you're the one dashing between classes, aren't you? Ah, no offence, I didn't mean to sound accusatory," she gulped, her glasses almost slipping.
"Hey, none taken. And yep, that'd be me," Inessa said with a smile, "And I've really been meaning to study more at the library, but y'know, life gets in the way," which was the technical truth for her. Then she paused as it occurred to her, "Huh, your accent- Ooh, you're British, aren't you? I mean, 'Lavinia Mortlake' sounds all British-y too."
"Ah yes, yes I am, and I guess it does," Lavinia nodded, "I'm from Alderley Edge, that's near Manchester, and I'm here across the pond due to- well, it's complicated. Shortest I can put it is I have this friend who's here on... business, and she invited me to come along. She was a bit concerned when I applied for library work, since I've had, er, previous bad experience in the job. But I said it was fine, it's what I'm used to."
"Wow! Friends are the greatest, aren't they?" Inessa grinned and twirled around, even as inside her heart felt numbed. But she continued not to show that as she said, "Oh hey, I can see some of mine now. Hey, Ida! Temperance!" She then spun back around and asked, "You wanna come meet them, Lavinia? Though I guess you've got library stuff to attend to, huh?"
"I'm afraid I do. Plus, I'm... really not the best in group conservations, that's more my friend's field of expertise. But thanks for the offer, Miss Brandt, it was nice to meet you too," Lavinia said, managed a smile herself, and waved goodbye.
Inessa waved goodbye even harder, before Ida and Temperance, aka Diligentia and Temperantia, both approached their leader. Ida then asked her, "Everything alright after, well, how last night went down?"
For a few seconds Inessa was able to maintain her smile. But finally, she broke down and forced herself to say, "No, no I'm not. Look, I get it, that 'Dalek' was clearly not a good guy, whatever it was, talking about 'extermination' and the 'superior race'. But even if we're talking total evil, it- it doesn't matter. I killed someone! I'm an Angelic Saint and I killed a living, thinking being! With my friend gone too, I... I don't know if I can even call myself a magical girl anymore."
"Inessa, you didn't know," Ida told her, placing her hands on Inessa's shoulders, "You didn't mean to kill, you truly thought you were purifying them."
"And even if you do have murder's stain, along with Invidia's corruption, upon your soul," it was the Archangel Michael who now spoke, her truncated form popping up out of Inessa's schoolbag, "The Angelic Saints still need you. Could you truly just leave Diligentia and Temperantia to fight back the Abyss on their own? Not just anyone can become Castitas."
"Hmm, maybe we just need to take your mind off all that, give you something to focus on. Ah, we've got just the thing," Temperance said, as she then pointed over to a gaggle of staff members talking, a mysterious woman among them.
"That right there's our new Guidance Counselor," Ida said, "Yeah, we've got another one already, she came in just last week. Says her name's 'Kaguya Naotake', a pseudonym more obvious than 'Mr. Noir' since it sounds straight out of Sailor Moon, and she up and appeared out of nowhere."
"Straight out of one of Sailor Moon's inspirations, actually," Inessa couldn't help but correct, "Like, you can tell from the S movie- ah sorry, go on."
"Anyway, we're thinking we should snoop around her office the moment she's out," Temperantia said.
"Make sure there's no Abyssal business going on," Ida added.
"Huh, 'last week'? That was when Lavinia, uh the girl I was talking to, said she became Assistant Librarian," Inessa mumbled, but shook her head and said, "nah, I'm sounding all paranoid, probably just coincidence." She eyed this 'Kaguya Naotake' closer, seeing she was clad in extravagant yet gothic finery, her flowing black hair and lipstick contrasting her ghostly skin which looked like the sun had never touched it, and her piercing scarlet eyes. But perhaps what you'd expect from someone called 'Kaguya Naotake'. "Wow, she kinda does look like an older Lupin- er, Avaritia, now I think about it. Less punkish and more ladylike though," Inessa said. "Stealth mission, eh? Sounds good, means we try and avoid combat, avoid... you know what. Should we sneak in this afternoon, that alright with you?"
Ida and Temperance both nodded. Before they all went into class however, Temperance turned to Inessa and suddenly said, "Look, you know me. I was... one of them, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I have killed people." Despite already knowing that about 'Gula', Inessa still had to stumble back hearing those words.
Ida however was quick to fill in for her friend, "Listen, you know what Temperance killing people has done. It's just made her more determined not to kill any more. Like the heroes in those anime we watch, that's how they soldier on when they've got that on their conscience, don't they?"
Inessa stood still as those words sunk in, but slowly smiled and said, "Yeah. Just like them. Ida, Temperance... thanks."
Much later that day, the untransformed Angelic Saints finally had the chance to sneak into the new Guidance Counselor's Office. Turned out Ms. Naotake had been doing some serious redecorating after her predecessor Mr. Noir's untimely exit. The giant box at one end of the room covered by a heavy sheet was the first thing to stand out, but that was far from it.
"The Possibilities of Chronophysics, The Peoples Beneath the Earth, Intergalactic Diplomacy, Guide to Pocket Dimensions, er, not the sort of books I'd expect a Guidance Counselor to have," Ida said on scanning the bookshelf.
"At least none of them sound too Abyssal-y," Temperance said, but shrugged and added, "Well, 'Peoples Beneath the Earth' does a little. 'Pocket Dimensions', definitely."
Inessa then pulled down the giant sheet in a single swipe, to see it hid... "Huh? Says this thing's a 'Police Box'," she said, with no idea what to think of this big blue rectangle. "Wait, could the Abyss be in league with the cops? Hmm, that does make sense actually."
The doors on the box however were shut tight, as were most of the office's drawers and cupboards. Then they all heard footsteps approaching, with Inessa then scrambling to cover up the blue box again, and all three girls then ducking behind the desk. As Inessa snuck a peek, her stomach dropped on seeing both Kaguya and Lavinia entering at once, like they really were working together.
"Well, no more sign of any Daleks since yesterday, Doctor," Lavinia said, her words confirming Inessa's paranoia about the two. "Not that we can just go and check, since it looks like we need a portal to even get into that Forest."
"Though from all the scrap metal we've found, I'd say someone's done a remarkable job fighting us for them," 'Kaguya Naotake' said, or 'Doctor' as Lavinia called her. "Why, at this rate the universe will hardly have any need for a daft old bat like me. Still, Lavinia, do not get your guard down," her voice dropped, "I've been fighting these things through all my regenerations. Much as I'd love to go sauntering off again, I can't take that risk till I know for certain the Daleks have been vanquished here. Nothing from that Forest of Sin can fall into their plungers."
Inessa twitched. While it was a relief that Lavinia and 'Kaguya' didn't sound like they served the Abyss, there was definitely something supernatural about them. "Angels, maybe?" she whispered down at Michael in her bag, only for her to shake her head.
"So sorry to involve you in yet another pocket dimension, Lavinia dear," Doctor Kaguya said, "At least the place didn't look to be Oterne-related, well not till that castle showed up anyway. Again, it's a lovely old castle, just a godforsaken shame about the occupants. And its new Dalek neighbours."
"Don't worry Doctor, if it really was Oterne," Lavinia said but had to pause, then just managed to say, "If it was, I'd know."
"True, but there's always the annoyance of getting stranded in one of them again, that's what bothersome about pocket dimensions. Anyway," The Doctor said, a wide grin suddenly covering her face, "This upstanding institution may forbid alcohol on its grounds, but my TARDIS my rules. Just popped over a few centuries to nab us the most exquisite collection of Draconian sake. Come, come!"
"Wait, 'popped over'? Doctor, didn't you say you were staying here till we'd dealt with the Daleks?" Lavinia had to ask.
"A few short trips won't hurt, timeship and whatnot. Besides, it's not like I ever drank and drove, Lavinia dear, just what do you take me for?" The Doctor said.
"They're... time travellers?" Inessa gasped, straining to keep quiet. Given her profession and interests, someone like Sailor Pluto was who she initially thought of. No, not quite, this Kaguya Naotake already came off way too cavalier for Setsuna's standards. Though Lavinia did have a little bit of Mercury in her, she figured. With both Doctor Kaguya and Lavinia heading into that cramped box, Inessa said on impulse, "Alright, let's corner them!"
Inessa, Ida, and Temperance sprang out and dashed towards the door in the box... only to come to a halt when they saw it was far, far bigger inside than out. "Get a hold of yourself, it's just another portal," Temperance said in Inessa's ear as the girl remained gobsmacked, even if she'd seen things way weirder than this. Still, any continued attempt at secrecy went nowhere.
"You know, you three have a lot to learn when it comes to stealth, Misses Brandt, Montgomery, and Atwater," Doctor Kaguya said without needing to turn around, making the girls, Ida even, sweatdrop. When she did, she knelt to meet the three at eye level and told them, "Really, if you were so anxious to meet me, all you had to do was book an appointment. Oh my, but that wouldn't be exciting now, would it?"
"This confirms it," Michael then spoke out of nowhere, as her crystal eyes scoured the TARDIS' dark, shrine-like interior, "We have a Time Lady before us. But how? Your people abhor interference."
"'My' people? Honestly, do you greet everyone like that?" The Doctor said as she took out some sort of metal wand and scanned Michael with it. "Hmm, an Angel I take it? Afraid you may have a bit of a branding problem; I've met quite a few sorts across the universe calling themselves 'angels'."
Inessa snatched Michael back up and went, "What did you just do to her?!"
"Oh, The Doctor scans everyone like that. Don't worry, it's harmless," Lavinia said, but then said less casually to Inessa, "Listen, I know you're worried about what's going on, but please, you have to stay out of this. What we're doing, it's not safe."
"I am afraid, Lavinia, that Miss Brandt and her friends have not stayed out of this at all. Really, they appear to have been on the scene longer than we have, if they're walking around with no less than an Archangel," The Doctor said.
"Huh, the librarian's calling you 'The Doctor' like Kaguya Naotake's not your real name," Temperance picked up on.
"Because it isn't," The Doctor said, then had to chuckle, "Honestly, can you imagine me being the Moon princess of old, was anyone ever fooled? My real name is strictly my own business, but for you three aspiring Nancy Drews, 'The Doctor' will suffice."
"Wait, so you're a magical girl? 'Cause you gotta be!" Inessa then said, her eyes widening, "I know you can't be an Angelic Saint, but with what Michael called you, you have to be something, if you really can travel in time."
"Travel in time and space, my dear. Not that the distinction need be made, I trust your Science classes have delved into relativity," The Doctor said, but then furrowed her brows. "Magical 'Girl' though, really? Do I look like anything less than a Woman to you? I can accept 'magical' if I must, for what does and doesn't count as magic is all a matter of perspective, is it not?"
"And those 'Daleks'? Sounds like you really know them," Temperance said.
"...All too well," The Doctor muttered.
"What about this girl you're with, 'Lavinia' right?" Ida asked as she eyed the Doctor's companion, "There has to be something special about her, if you've chosen her to bring along through time and space, so you say."
Lavinia shrank at this attention, but The Doctor then stood in and said, "No, there's absolutely nothing special about Miss Lavinia Mortlake at all. Nor does there need to be. It's not 'special' that matters to me, it's people. I invited Lavinia along with me just because she's her, simple as that." Lavinia herself didn't reply but couldn't help but blush.
"Just because she's her..." Inessa muttered. "Ah, sorry, it's just there's someone I know who I- I really should've said that to. I mean, I did say that to them, but I really should've said that to them more, y'know?"
"I can tell you there's a fair few people across the universe who really do need to hear those words more," The Doctor said, then grinned and clasped her hands, "Right, you've learned quite your fair share about me, only fair that in exchange I learn some things from you. Tell me, how much do you know about this 'Abyssal Forest'?"
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Doctor Who/Muse crossover 2/3
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Okay, on ao3 it was an epic fail :(, let's try here: Setting: Towards the end of Season 3 for 'Doctor Who', Absolution Era for Muse Pairing: BellDom, Matt/Gaia and a small hint of Doctor/Master and at the very beginning even a thinner hint of Ten/Rose (just because unfortunately it’s canon, not because I like it, of course!) Disclaimer: the Tenth Doctor, the TARDIS and everything around them is property of the BBC and the various authors, Muse and those around them belong only to themselves, the madness is mine and I'm proud of it, even if I don't profit from it XD
The Doctor is a little down in the dumps and his TARDIS knows how to help him… even if it's necessary to cross parallel universes! Four clueless Earthmen can’t even begin to imagine what awaits them!
Summary of the chapter: Matt, Dom, Chris and Tom start to learn what being the Doctor's Companions means
II: Over the moon and beyond “Will there really be another travel?” Tom asks for confirmation, trying not to jump around.
“Of course there will, I know one is never enough.” Chuckles the Time Lord. “Let's do this: there are four of you. I will please each of you.”
"Okay, guys, we don't need to fight to decide who will be first: I'm on my offer!" Matthew decides for everyone.
“What a kind thought, Matt!” Chris growls.
Regardless of the negative energy he feels about himself, the frontman trots towards Ten.
“But first I need to know: the TARDIS also has a Music Room, right?”
Ten nods proudly, and then offers to accompany him.
“I can leave you alone for a moment, can’t I? Are you going to hijack my spaceship?”
“I always tell my kids not to touch anything when they're at someone else's house… I'd be a hypocrite if I did, wouldn't I?” Chris points out to him. "Even if I wanted to... I don't have the faintest idea how to do it!" Shrugs Dom.
"I understand enough about technology ..." Tom reflects aloud, feeling the inquisitive eyes of the Doctor on himself. "But I won't touch a lever, I promise."
More or less reassured, Ten accompanies Matthew along the corridors.
“The writers of the series have not even come close to how much richer and more extraordinary the TARDIS is inside!” Comments the frontman, with wonder in his eyes, crossing rooms full of things unknown to human eyes.
When they arrive at their destination, Matthew can't help asking them a question.
“I bet you also keep musical instruments from other planets, don't you?” “Yes, but I've already gotten to know you and I already know that you would hyperventilate too much if I showed them to you… so get content with the Earth ones. Although I must say that at Gardenya 4EG they have great taste in music… even theSweetonians, they are remarkable, but when they go on tour to other planets too often the fans eat their instruments!”
“What do you mean with: ‘the fans eat their instruments!’?” Matt's eyes widen, dismayed.
"I will never tell you!" Ten grins spitefully.
“I’d never want someone to eat my guitar… or my piano!” Matt grows worried. “Maybe I could stand someone eating one of my plectrums, although it’s not a healthy choice!”
“For Gallyfrey’s sake! I thought I was the rambling one.” Ten chuckles. “I’ll assure no one's gonna eat anything of yours. So, do you want to tell me where I have to take you?"
Now it's Matthew the one grinning.
"If it is true that you have gotten to know me, in my opinion you have already understood where I’d like to go, but let's not tell my friends."
The two return to the others, with a conspiratorial attitude.
“What are you two plotting?” frowns Dominic.
"You'll see," winks Matt, holding on, waiting for the new jolts.
When Tom, Chris and Dom look out of the open doors of the TARDIS they can't believe their eyes.
After all that gray soil, those dusty rocks and those typical craters are unmistakable.
“But we are… on the Moon!” Chris exclaims, rubbing his eyes to make sure it's not a dream.
“That's right. And that's not all. Let's put on the helmets that the Doctor is about to give us and then let's get busy, because we're going to have a concert." a more than enthusiastic Matthew announces to everyone, while the Doctor teleports the instruments out.
“It won't be our Mansons or TAMA or Kawai, but I'd say it's not bad, right?” comments Chris, as everyone moves closer to their respective instruments.
"I can't wait to bang these naughty babies a bit!" shows a big smile Dominic, holding the drumsticks and sitting down to the drums.
“And I will faithfully record every moment; with what I paid this little gem should work even here!” comments Tom, pulling out his latest generation iPhone. "No, it's not true, it doesn't even turn on anymore." He denotes disconsolate.
Ten wastes no time and points the sonic screwdriver in the direction of the device.
"Now it does!" He smiles at him, with Tom enthusiastically scrolling through all the optimized features of his phone. “Enjoy all you want, but I trust you that you’ll never divulge these videos.” He points out.
“You can count on it!” Matt guarantees, slipping on the guitar strap. “I wanted my band to be the first to play on the moon and now we will. It doesn't matter that we are the only ones who know it!" He smiles, giving birth to the first riff, which makes the others understand that the song they will start with is ‘Plug in Baby’.
The Doctor is preparing to enjoy that concert which is in his honor, as the only spectator present.
And it goes without saying, but the acoustics on the Moon are something spectacular.
The understanding between the three, as always, is perfect and Tom manages to make exceptional videos, with effects that perhaps not even thirty years later will be possible.
Another 'little' gift from the Doctor.
Between hits, newer songs and b-sides and other rarities never played live, an hour of concert seems to fly by like a handful of minutes.
“And with this we conclude. We haven't done it in years, at least I think, my memory sucks. It's called 'Pink Ego Box' but for the occasion, in honor of you and the TARDIS I'll rename it ' Blue Ego Box',” winks Matt, making the Doctor gloat, before they start playing.
“Fantastic, wonderful. Even better than the concert I saw on Earth and it was already at a very high level!” compliments Ten, with a burst of applause.
"Can you assure me that the TARDIS also has a shower, even more than one?" Dom asks, tired but happy.
“Of course she does, in the Bathroom Area you will find everything you need, even a change of clothes that should meet your tastes.” the Doctor nods.
“Dominic, damn you; why ruin this epic moment like this?”
"Because you already avoided having a shower at the end of the first concert, Bells, now it's really the case that you face one or two jets of water, otherwise I will keep you at arm's length!" Sentences Dom, dodging all his attempts to embrace him.
“Any chance this poor guy could face the one or two jets of water with his  Mr. Picky?” Matt insists, winking at his beloved in a sexy way.
“I know I'm going to regret saying that, but just know that I also have a hot tub for two with a view of the moon…and, if she's in the mood, the TARDIS will take you there as soon as you enter.” Ten informs them.
“What are we waiting for?” The blond grabs Matt’s hand , running inside.
"Ten, you must guarantee us that the showers are very, very far from that tub!" Chris makes sure.
“I will make sure they are!”
The four, once ready, return to the console, Chris still busy rubbing his hair in a towel.
"While I was waiting for you, I've already set up your rooms, because I said I'd make you all happy, but that doesn't rule out the need for some rest between trips." Ten warns them, unable to suppress a yawn.
"You guess right," approves Tom, following his example.
"Well, Chris, Tom, your rooms are down the hall, one to the left, one to the right," the Doctor instructs them. “Matt, Dom, yours is down the hall opposite… and for some strange reason I guess you don't mind sharing one together!”
“You just imagine properly, my dear Ten!” Dom smiles, passing a hand around Matt's neck to hug him.
"Very good. Ah I also parked the TARDIS in the middle of the Universe and I left the doors open, so… in case you want to enjoy the view, good night.” he adds, before retiring to his room.
Time to say it and the four rush to the doorway, sitting down to admire the most unique and rare show in front of their eyes.
Tom is already busy filming everything, before starting a collective round of selfies and photos, single or group.
“How I wish I could share all of this with my Kelly and the kids,” Chris sighs.
“But you can't, you can't even tell anyone. This must remain a secret between just the four of us. Forever." Dom reiterates.
“It's easy for you to talk, you're already sharing all this with the love of your life!” replies the bassist, perhaps a little subtly envious, but certainly happy for his best friends. “Right, about that, Tommy dear, you who have the only working phone here, can you take some cutie-utie picsie-icsie of me and Matteh?” asks the drummer.
“If you remove all those stomach-churning endearments in your question, maybe I'll settle for you!” Tom rolls his eyes.
"Never mind how cheesy Dom can be, and then it's not like we want many: one hugged, one temple against the temple, one while we hold hands, one while we look at each other, one while we kiss..." begins the list Matt . "I refuse to look at certain things, see you tomorrow!" Chris disappears.
"I'm afraid it's going to be a long night…" Tom mutters, getting to work.
For Dominic, just opening his eyes the following morning and finding Matthew sleeping next to him is the confirmation that it was not just a dream, but a wonderful and incredible reality.
Because if they had been in Italy certainly Matthew would have left with Gaia at the end of the concert. Instead he is there in that bed with him, turned on his side, in an awkward position for anyone, but probably not for him, his face turned towards the blond, his eyes still closed and his mouth stretched out in what appears to be a serene smile.
Dominic can't resist the temptation to lean towards him and capture that smile in a kiss.
This inevitably leads Matthew to open his eyes, deepening the kiss when he focuses on who is in front of him.
“Then it's all true! You, me, the others, the Doctor, the TARDIS where are we now!” He ignites with enthusiasm. “Yes, it is all true and fantastic.” Dom murmurs, resting his head on his mate's bare chest and tracing its outlines with his fingers. “Matteh, do we really have to go back to Earth? Can't we just stay here forever, you and me? There's not even the problem of music, because you've heard the Doctor, right? There are tours for the various planets, it would only change the type of fans…” “You don't know how tempting this is, Dommeh, but you know better than I that we can't. It's fine to enjoy this galactic vacation as much as possible, in every sense, but then we have to get back to our lives." replies the brunet, stroking his hair. “Because we find no loopholes, we never have, and we never will.” Dominic rises just enough to meet Matt's gaze.
“Does that mean you will tell Gaia about us?” "Yeah, maybe not as soon as we get back, but yeah, I promise." Matthew gives his word, with a seriousness that is rarely seen in his blue eyes. “But you could do your part…”
"What do you mean?" “Find yourself a steady girlfriend too. But one whom my girlfriend likes too. So much so that not only do they become best friends, but that they can really fall in love with each other too.. So, I don’t know, maybe they'll be able to understand us a little bit." “Bells, I don't know whether to slap you for how stupid you are… or kiss you for how sweet you are,” Dominic softens.
“Shall we do an expanded version of the second one, under the covers here?” Matthew invites him, lifting the sheet.
It goes without saying that the other accepts, but just when things start to get a little hotter… “Goodmorning, Companions!” the Doctor trills happily from the loudspeakers. “I'd say it's late enough in the morning for everyone to have breakfast together. I'll give you time to get ready and then I'll wait for you in the Dining Room, as soon as you leave the rooms the TARDIS will show it to you." Everyone does as instructed and within twenty minutes they're back in the designated room.
“Welcome back, my friends! It may not compare to the Sleeponya Dales , but I hope you slept well!” the Doctor greets them joyfully.
“I have never slept better; indeed, the night brought me advice, I know where I would like to go,” smiles Chris. "Obviously, if someone doesn't want to precede me first."
Tom and Dom shake their heads in the negative.
"I'm curious to find out where, Chris, but first you need a hearty breakfast... not knowing which one you prefer, I thought I'd offer them all!" Looking around, the four guests realize that the Doctor is telling the truth, not so much in terms of continental breakfasts, but planetary ones, because every corner of the room makes a fine display of what probably must be the characteristic element of the place, electric discharges are seen on one table, material that appears to have the consistency of a cloud on another, the four friends would swear they saw stones on another.
“Ehmm…thanks for the generosity, Ten, but I think the boldest choice I can make is a German breakfast,” Tom giggles nervously, later helping himself to cold cuts, eggs and cheese.
“If I can, I will always honor our country!” Proclaims Chris, reaching for bacon, tomatoes and grilled mushrooms.
"Those electric discharges kind of inspire me..." Matt mutters, before receiving an elbow in the side from Dom. "But I think I'll opt for an Italian breakfast!" he corrects himself, filling up a cup of espresso and grabbing some biscuits.
“I can't resist a French Croissant!” comments Dom, accompanying it with some orange juice.
"I've tried them all, but nothing compares to banana pancakes!" the Doctor fills his plate, with a big smile. "And, Matt, if you care to know, electric discharges are very tasty, but also very hard to digest."
"It's not a great idea to include them in my diet then..." the frontman mutters, while Dom is intent on observing the householder... or spaceshipholder, if you prefer.
“Hey, Ten, I liked your blue suit, but you look even better with this brown one, it shows off those big chocolate brown eyes of yours…” he compliments.
“Uh thanks. To do justice to yours, so indefinite, people should invent a clothes with the color of storm-of frozen deserts!” Ten flatters the blond.
“But frozen deserts don't even exist!” Croaks Matt.
“Because you've never been to Par4d0x1caL !” Chuckles Ten.
“And by the way, you two compliment each other a little too much.” Mutters the pianist, annoyed.
"Ah, Bells, but then you are jealous, now I recognize you!" Dom rejoices.
“Matt, I assure you that you have no reason to. I've given up trying to have affairs with the Earth people, they never end well." sighs Ten.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” Dom murmurs. “What about someone of your race? You don't mind me saying 'race', do you?"
In response Ten laughs.
“And why should I? And in any case, no, I'm the only one left of my race... not to mention that the last one left besides me, rather than keep me company, preferred to give up regenerating... Matt can explain to you what Regeneration is."
“And I will, but not now… rather tell me more about him, you seem quite involved.”
"Oh, well, I may be, but there's not much to say, when he was alive he always tried to kill me, I don't think there are any conditions for an idyllic story!" "Oh no, Ten, I can reassure you about this: Matt always tries to kill me, throwing his bloody guitars at me at the end of the concert..." Dom explains, pausing to glare at Matt. “And yet look at us, more in love than ever!” "Yeah, it's my way of saying 'Honey, you're always in my thoughts,' plus I remind him that love is also suffering!" Matt justifies himself.  
“Uhmm so you're saying that even making someone age for centuries to reduce him to a grub is a way to woo you? As if to say: 'Hey, life is too short not to spend it with me!'!” Ten cheers himself up, even if no one understands what he means.
“As much as I find your sentimental chat corner very interesting, can I tell you which destination I would choose for the next trip?” interjects with the right discretion Chris, who has not missed a single exchange.
“I'm all ears, my friend. I'd say we've finished breakfast anyway, it's time to get out of here." decides for all Ten, making way for the console.
“So tell me everything, Chris, where are we headed?”
“I doubt you know it, but I'm a huge football fan, especially the England National Team… please, can you take me to see when they will win the next World Cup?” the bassist asks him, his eyes sparkling dreamily.
- Oh damn, with what heart do I tell him that at least within the next twenty years I can't take him anywhere? Even showing them how close they are to the European Cup in 2021 would only hurt them... - the Doctor broods, preparing to play cunning.
“Chris, it's not that I don't want to take you there, I just thought… as a passionate fan, don't you think it would be counterproductive to spoil the surprise of a future victory?” "Well, yes, maybe a little yes..." the interviewee mutters, a little embittered.
"But I'll make you a counter-proposal: Wembley stadium, July 30th, 1966?" Chris almost has a stroke.
“That World Cup victory? Oh my God, are we really going to see the final against West Germany?” Now he's the one who has to hold back from bouncing in place, but he fails miserably.
"Of course we are, let's go losing some voice, cheering for the team" The Doctor sets the coordinates.
“So the Time Lords support the England National Team?” Tom looks at him astonished.
“Well, let's say that if the Gallifrey football team ever existed, which is my home planet, I imagine it very similar to the English National Team!”
“How cool! We will see the England of the past!” smiles Dominic.
“And the old Wembley stadium, the one that's undergoing renovation work now. Guys, can you imagine us playing there? What would it be like?” Daydreams Matt.
The Doctor secretly laughs while operating the TARDIS.
By now the four are getting used to those tumultuous journeys and don't break up much even when landing.
“In the TARDIS Wardrobe down that hall you'll find everything you need. You understand that you don't have sixties-appropriate clothing, right?” comments Ten. “Glitter is out of context, Matt, Queen are yet to form, Dom, and, Tom, I'm afraid your iPhone T-shirt is a little too futuristic. Chris, you're the only one that would even fit, but if you want to enjoy trying on clothes, go ahead."
"Of course I do!" Chris nods excitedly, "Guys, who comes last pays the Doctor a drink!" unleashes a team run Chris.
The problem for Ten isn't so much taking them to the Wardrobe as getting them out of there, because they try on clothing from any era or planet, having fun like children.
- Good thing I expected something like this to happen and landed two hours before the game starts! - the Time Lord makes his considerations.
When he finally gets them out of there, suitably dressed for the occasion, there's plenty of time to queue up and enter with his psychic card, another of the ingenious inventions he's more than proud to show Dom. Chris and Tom, while Matt can finally see it up close.
For Chris, who knows that game by heart frame by frame, it is still an immense emotion to see it from the stands of that stadium so full of history.
“Is it true that we also stop for the celebrations?” He begs the Doctor with his eyes as the second half resumes.
“Of course, that's the best part!” chuckles Ten. "And then Matt has to buy me a drink!"
“Thanks for reminding everyone how unathletic I am!” The frontman grumbles. “Since you change tastes with each Regeneration… what would  you like, Time Lord?”
“A banana daiquiri will do just fine!”
Matthew lights up with enthusiasm.
“I’ve already notice at breakfast, but now… Do you like bananas too?” Never how much Ten lights up. “Is there anything better than bananas?” Dominic rolls his eyes.
"Damn, we lost them both... guys, let's go for a walk around the stands, maybe when we get back they'll have finished praising the bloody bananas!"
“I approached Bobby Moore! I spoke to him.. And he spoke to me!” Chris still has to recover from the shock as they get back aboard the TARDIS.
"And without being noticed, I filmed everything!" Tom gives him a pleasant surprise, showing him photos and videos, after giving his word to the Doctor that he will never spread those contents.
“And we want to talk about how the Queen was such a hottie?” says Dom. “Fine, guys. Next trip?” Ten interrogates them.
“Tom, Dom, don't forget.. There are only two trips left... At least one of you please go to the future. I would like to find out what I will combine in ten or fifteen years!"
“Hopefully we'll make music again!” Hopes Chris.
“Of course it has to be like this, don't even try to melt! And I have to keep making videos of you, with ever more spectacular effects!” retorts Tom.
“I wouldn't mind having a second home, perhaps in France, I love that country so much!” daydreams Dom.
“I should aim high: living in America, perhaps together with a Hollywood actress or a model, would you see me there?” chuckles Matt. "Obviously I hope that Gaia will always be by my side... maybe, well, she's the one who will have enormous success as a psychologist for the Stars and then we'll move there."
“Sorry to disappoint your expectations, Matt, but no future, at least not from me. I still choose a journey into the past.” says Tom.
“Uh, nice, I like it. Let's see if I guess right: the birth of the first camera?” Dares to guess the Doctor. “Interesting, but no. You must know that I also have other hobbies, one for example is fishing. So.. Why don’t we go aboard the Andrea Gail, the most famous fishing boat that ever existed?”
“The one from 'The Perfect Storm'? I watched the movie!" Chris frets.
"I didn’t, but I don't like the title at all..." Dom worries.
“I know the real story, Tom, do you really want to get on a boat that is never meant to return?” the Doctor looks at him puzzled.
Gardenya 4EG and Swettonians are Easter eggs from other two Doctor Who stories, 'Pinstripe, Tartan and Black' and 'Incontri TenTENNANTi (Wavering Meetings)', but be warned, I love inventing planets when I write stores like this, you'll see ;) Don’t miss the next and last part, hope you’re liking this wibbly wobbly timey wimey mess XD don't be shy, tell me something, anything ^^'
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viiisenyas · 2 years
i really gotta stop with the super ambitious fic ideas because I already have 2 longfics in the making. While it's fun, it's a fuck of a lot of work.
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
Why does the concept of a wild kratts and pokemon crossover work so well
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When I asked for suggestions the other day a lot of people asked for pokemon content but at the time I was just doing some sketches. However, I was inspired to take a crack at it a little later! And alas here is Chris' team. (He's a grass primary obviously) (... is it obvious what my favorite gen is.......?)
I feel like he wouldn't be a pokemon trainer though... more like a researcher.... so basically the same exact thing they do in Wild Kratts... except with pokemon in the place of real animals. And their pokemon are considered more of companions and teammates that can help on adventures. (Maybe occasionally helping with villain encounters?) Idk! It's not like a whole AU I wanna dive into but I thought it would be fun to draw as a one-off thing :] Not sure if I'll make it through the whole crew, but I'm definitely working on Martin next. Most of my fav pokemon are water types so I'm really excited!
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Another Dead Boy Detectives Fic Rec List
Netflix sucks and I'm sad, but the Dead Boy Detectives fandom continues to be awesome, so here are some more very quick fic recs!*
Tonight's the Night You Fight Your Best Mate's Dad by Opossum_Subatomic
Everyone's Alive College/University 5+1 things fic featuring Charles bringing Edwin coffee and slowburn payneland. Also Family/Wedding Drama involving Everyone Thinks They're Dating so acute is verges on Fake Dating. This author is seriously fantastic, everything they write is gold.
You should also check out Kissing Lessons, which is a high school AU that does what it says on the tin while also giving non-binary Monty and polyamory.
Ornithology by Rosie447
Monty gets a job working at Tragic Mick's. This one's not actually payneland, being gen and Monty-centric. I know, gasp. It's a fantastic and very sweet exploration of Monty discovering his sense of self post canon and works as a great metaphor for recovery from toxic family/relationships. Also, the ex-animal solidarity and bonding with Mick is lovely.
what some circumstance stole by Chrome
The Sandman crossover featuring Edwin and Hob being kidnapped and tortured together. Their friendship is really wholesome with eventual Father Figure and Found Family Feels for the whole agency and background Dreamling.
dandelion wine (life and death in summertime) by world_wanderer
Payneland Right Person Wrong Time AU in which neither of them die but they still meet and become friends. The May/December friendship is sweet but tragic, with a bittersweet ending. Superb.
Mirror Image by Anonymous
Charles' afterlife gets taken over my an evil shape-shifting doppelganger, leaving him with plenty of time to regret never talking to Edwin about his feelings. Angsty but with Feelings Realisation and the Power of Love and Friendship vibes.
my healing needed more than time by babyseraphim
Case fic with de-aged Charles! Baby Charles is precious but be prepared for discussions of childhood trauma/abuse.
The same author has also written I'm So Aces at Babysitting, which is a really cute two-chaptered AU featuring Charles and Edwin babysitting the kid versions of each other, with bonus Crystal and Niko doing the same. It's very wholesome and the author writes little kids really well.
Pouring into me by tragedy_machine
Love me some "Charles wants to date Edwin to figure out his feelings but gets turned down" fic. Feelings are hard, OK?
thank u, next by KiaraSayre
Edwin fucks and Charles seethes. It's very funny and also features some interesting worldbuilding with the Fae.
Like We've Never Known Hurt by dearheartdont
Just cute established relationship PWP and praise kink. So good.
all of these hollows by handwrittenhello
The boys are alive again but sans memories. Can they still find each other and prove their devotion to the Night Nurse?? While also evading heavenly and hellish forces trying to keep them apart??? Very interesting concept executed well.
Suo Gân by emryses
The agency takes on the case of a traumatised Edwardian ghost searching for her missing baby... Read it for Edwin family feels.
Where Primroses Bloom by PantryJesus
Reading aloud as a love language and Watership Down feels. Idk, I'm now convinced that Edwin is kind of rabbit-coded with the whole "if they catch you they'll kill you. But first they must catch you" thing. A lovely well written fic.
I'm so sick of online love by Hse11z5
College/University AU where the boys meet through a dating app. It's cute.
you can have the best of me, baby (and I will give you anything) by aletterinthenameofsanity
Again, it's the Friends with Benefits but with real feelings and mutual pining for me. Now has a Charles PoV companion fic.
True Love's Kiss by Asidian
In which Charles curses himself with a Sleeping Beauty enchantment in order to confirm his feelings for Edwin and Crystal is the real MVP. I love this one because the boys are both SO stupid but in very different in-character ways.
I also recommend Promised, in which they kind of play the Green card angle to keep Edwin out of Hell? Which honestly needs to be more of a trope. And Tight Quarters, starring the boys trapped in a magic circle, leading to Forced Proximity induced Feelings Realization (in more ways than one! 😉).
Something I Can Turn To by DontOffendTheBees
I love some domestic fluff, in this case as an Everyone's Alive/Childhood Friends AU in which the boys are poor but happy living together. I liked how they both survive their respective traumas, but Reality Ensues.
I also recommend Lived My Whole Life Before the First Light for a lovely but melancholy Soulmate AU that goes for the "seeing colours" trope for extra wistful angst.
Dining at the Ritz by TerresDeBrume
Meeting the Parents fic in which Edwin's parents are awful and Charles is Not Having It. This has Everyone Thinks They're Dating and autistic Edwin stimming representation, plus discussions of racism, classism and ableism. The fic is also part of a great Modern AU series in which the boys attended St Hilarion's at the same time and Charles saved Edwin from a non-supernatural but still almost deadly prank. Highly recommended!
The Case of the Couples Retreat by juliasfanart
Listen, I can't get enough of undercover fake dating/relationships at a couples retreat, OK? Some minor angst but overall very cute and fluffy.
acu (aysar cinematic universe) by ObsessedWithFandom
The agency is hired to solve the mystery of Charles' death and bring his killers to justice. I'm genuinely obsessed with this series; I love its OCs and Charles having an exboyfriend gives Edwin a fun crisis. Plus haunting Charles' killers is very satisfying and cathartic. Just imagine they're Netflix execs, y'all.
*Not actually quick, as it turns out. 😅
I love doing these lists because I always think I've only got a few recs and then I look back over my recent bookmarks and I've got a metric ton of great fics to rec. You guys are so talented. ❤️
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skyartworkzzz · 2 days
What you think of Celeste?
Also, would you do a crossover of Cult of the Lamb with Undertale?
Lads, gents, in and out betweens, I present u my married tisms:
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Narinder was executed after betraying his siblings so his spirit has been haunting the lands for a long time, until the people were forced to abandon it and create their New Home somewhere else. Narinder kept haunting the Ruins until a little lost Lamb fell to his tomb Now seeing themselves stuck in this world, they made a pact with Narinder in order to escape, having to fulfill his desires of revenge by killing his siblings
The Crowns work as Souls here, but only the strongest creatures are able to make them manifest physically as a snake or any other object I drew all of them as snakes here, but now that Im thiking about it, maybe each Bishop could have their own Crowns morphed into an animal companion of their preference, like Heket having a squirrel, Kallamar a fish, Leshy a bird and Shamura a small bat mayhaps 🤔
The Red Crown will work as Flowey here, since it belonged to Narinder, but after the pact was done with the Lamb, it has since then linked itself with Lambert's being in order to guide them through their journey + also serving as means for them to communicate with Narinder In the end, the Final Battle would be with Narinder, after he has absorbed his siblings' souls and others that the Lamb kills. Depending on the Lamb's choice, theyd be able to either fight Narinder out of sympathy for all the creatures that he'd murder in the lands as to complete his revenge, or leave and have Narinder set free to conquer the world maybe with Lamb by his side
Im still thinking of the endings more throughly BUT THATS THE GIST OF IT ALL FOR NOW tysm for asking!! <3
ALSO AS For ur other question, Im not sure which Celeste ure talkng about, is it like a game or character...? :o
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bella-don-birdy · 3 months
So like hear me out! Danny phantom crossover [prompt 1]
Loki looks at the dark gritty looking city in disgust, then back at his to companions. The peusdo-son of the Man of Iron, Spider-Man. Really ‘Man’ such an overused term by mortals because this is clearly a child. By mortal and definitely Asgardian standards.
The other addition is a smaller child. Newer addition in fact. Loki after his defeat by the Mad Titan was subsequently confirmed in a bubble of time, by a being a lot older then himself, and taken out to help ‘the timeline’ and save multiple realities apparently.
In the time of his unfortunate timelessness capture, the mad titan was killed. Man of Iron died, and his son almost destroyed reality as well to the point that the universe regurgitated him into the infinite realms. Where he was also bubbled shortly after and they were both released with a Child Ghost into a new reality into a depressingly lackluster, ‘cluster fuck’ as Spider-man would say of a city called Gotham.
“Can I have ice cream?” The child looked imploringly at Loki tugging at the edge of his new (illusioned) suit. Eyes watery and lip wobbling.
“Why do you want Ice to Scream?” Loki utterly confused inquired curiously. Maybe an illusion will do?
Peter sensing something stupid was about to happen. Dragged them both the an ice cream shop just down the road.
“Why is it name Ice scream? The stupidest thing I’ve ever known, mortals are good at mystifying even the gods with the intellect.”
“In a Myth you did stuff with a horse, any truth to that particular story.” Peter snapped not expecting the silence that follows thereafter the comment.
I’m entirely down to read a parental Loki, a moody Teen Peter, and toddling Toddler Danny Phantom story. Like I want a build up to Parental Loki, Peter begins classic moody teen who is still too bright for Gotham, and a menace child Danny phantom.
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porcelainseashore · 6 months
Into the Ether (1)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, alcohol, drug references, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death, RE ensemble, VtM concepts.
Authors' Note: Super excited for this crossover series! I’ll try to keep a regular update schedule on Wednesdays. I might take some liberties with VtM lore and mechanics to fit the story, but hope to stay as true as I can to the source material. Finally, I imagined RE2R Leon (my favorite!) in this role 🫶
AO3 Link
Chapter 1: RC By Night
You first saw him in summer, when the days were long and the nights were short, and the streets came to life again. There was the heady smell of pollen in the air and the humidity was sweltering. Just a couple of months after you and a bunch of idealistic friends from your theater school days had taken the plunge, and opened an all-night cafe in one of the cheaper, grittier areas of town, east of the river of Raccoon City.
It had been a scrappy little project, one you didn’t expect to receive a cult following and gain in popularity amongst the intellectuals and counterculture crowd. But then again, there was also the City College nearby and the events program you’d lined up each week drew them in. From comedy nights and disco fevers to site-specific and performance art, you knew what people liked and how they wanted to be entertained. A bit of kitsch, a sprinkle of avant-garde and a generous dose of unpretentious social drinking. It pulled him in too.
Him. You didn’t even know his name. The first thing you had noticed were his striking blue eyes that seemed to glow from the shadows of the dimly lit space, peering out at you. Always observing, always watching, never speaking. Sometimes he’d glance over across the opposite end of the room at another pair of companions — a rugged, broad-shouldered man with a dark crew cut bumping shoulders with a younger, spunky redhead in a matching biker jacket. They’d exchange subtle looks of recognition and mild suspicion before returning to whatever they were doing. Though they never uttered a single word to each other.
He came back week after week, ordering the same drink each time, but never touching it. One Manhattan, please. You obliged. A waitress you had sent over to pry on your behalf told you he enjoyed the cocktail, but couldn’t tolerate much alcohol. You saw him lift the drink to his nose, sniffing it as the corners of his mouth turned upwards, silently smiling to himself before he placed it back down on the table again. Strange. You shook your head and prepared a cup of black coffee, taking it over to him as his eyes lit up in surprise with your approach.
“On the house,” you explained, plonking it down on the table. He raised an eyebrow but remained tight-lipped.
Maybe he didn’t like coffee? Or how did he usually take it? “Uh—” you turned back towards the service area, as if to check that the condiments were still in place. “Would you like some creamer or sugar to go with it?”
He raised his hand to indicate it wasn’t necessary and his jaw clenched, before fixing it into an awkward smile. “Thank you.”
Those were the first words he had spoken to you. It rolled off his tongue like a swirl of mist, a sliver of a dream you couldn’t quite remember when waking up. You took another step forward to get a better look at him. He had a baby face, angelic almost, with that typical, boy next door charm your mom would have gushed at, and you imagined he couldn’t be older than his early twenties. Upon closer inspection, he seemed slightly pale, faint dark circles around his eyes that had seen more than his fair share for his age. There was a sense of weariness and jadedness behind them that made him appear older than he was.
Bringing the cup to his lips, he sipped a small mouthful, letting it sit for a moment, before swallowing it down languidly. You admired the curve of his Adam’s apple, bobbing as the liquid poured down his throat, littered with freckles and specks of moles. Something about his very presence mesmerized you, even more so than earlier. It was hard to place a finger on what it was exactly, and why this feeling seemed to grow with every second you were lingering near him.
He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, tapping it on the table before offering one to you. Why not? You were a social smoker and took it as a sign to join him. In fact, there was no other place you’d rather be at the moment. You were confused, but did not question it as you took a seat beside him, noticing that he flinched each time he flicked open his lighter to ignite a flame.
His fingertips brushed across your wrist as he lit your cigarette, causing you to shiver in response, while his jaw tensed again, as if trying to rein something in. Licking his lips, he took a puff from his own, exhaling the smoke as it billowed around him and for a second you thought you’d lost him to a wall of fog. Both of you continued smoking in silence, checking in with each other through furtive glances, even though there was nothing to be ashamed about.
At some point, you followed the direction of his gaze and saw that same pair of companions he often regarded from the corner of his eye. They were frowning, giving him dirty looks as he shrugged nonchalantly in return.
“Not much of a talker, are you?” you broke through the thick stillness of the air that surrounded the both of you like a bubble, separated from the rest of the evening revelers.
“You’re observant,” he teased, his eyes crinkling as he stubbed out the leftovers of his cigarette in the ashtray. You followed suit.
“So, what brings you here?” you asked, gesturing to the suit attire sans tie that he was wearing. “Don’t get me wrong, but this place doesn’t exactly seem like the kind you types hang out at.”
“Hm,” he huffed, though your question didn’t phase him. “And what exactly is my type?”
“I’d say you were a yuppie,” you blurted out, your mouth rarely had a filter on these days. “But I can’t be sure, something about you seems…”
“Off?” he offered, smirking, yet his expression carried a hint of somberness.
“Different,” you corrected, but mumbled out a quick apology nonetheless soon after.
“Don’t be,” he grazed your hand again as he adjusted himself in his chair, and you felt like he was doing this on purpose. “At least you’re honest. It’s a rare quality to find these days.” Though the way he said the last sentence sounded loaded with a double meaning.
“These days?” you guffawed. “You’re speaking like an old man.”
He joined in your laughter though that was the end of your conversation for that night. The rest of the evening went by in a blind haze, and you found yourself in a dazed state later on in the wee hours of the morning, still sitting at the same table, but your newfound friend gone without a trace. None of your colleagues had noticed a thing. You didn’t even get his name, but you shook yourself, commanding your limbs to get back to business and clean up after the customers that had left.
The next time you saw him was when you were hosting the karaoke night of the month. Decked out in a shimmery mermaid glitter jumpsuit, hair tied up in pigtails and face caked with extravagant make up, you hopped onto the stage, only to nearly stumble on your flimsy heels when those piercing blue eyes landed on you from the all the way back. Of all the nights he could have dropped in, he chose this one.
You suppressed your embarrassment and warmed up the audience with a couple of well-placed jokes before kicking the event off with those who had registered to participate. It appeared to be a tough crowd as you only had a handful of sign ups, and would need to potentially seek out volunteers when they were done. You hoped the rackety sound system would hold up till then too.
Fortunately, when it came to the crunch — which it did — you always had an ace up your sleeve. “You there,” you called out, pointing towards the back of the room. “Yeah, blue eyes, you.” Crooking your finger, you beckoned him over, waiting in anticipation to see what he would do.
To your surprise, he bowed his head, accepting the challenge, before slowly weaving his way through the crowd, who were cheering him on with your prompting, towards the stage. He flashed you his pearly whites as he climbed up the short stairs, his floppy bangs bouncing with each step. For a moment, you thought you caught something feral in his gaze, but it dissipated when he reached out for the mic from you, his hands sweeping over yours with an electric touch.
You were in awe of him, like almost everyone else in the cafe, when he broke out in a rich tenor voice, effortlessly floating through the notes of the gentle melody, that you felt as though you were being wrapped in a serene, velvet cocoon. Enthusiastic claps and hoots filled the space when he finished. The only two people in the room who were scowling were the same pair of companions he knew from before.
“Will you join me after the show?” he whispered in your ear as he handed you back the mic. Nodding was the only appropriate response.
You were rushed off your feet for the next couple of hours and it was late by the time you called the event to a close, but he was still there, by his usual table, waiting patiently for you.
“So you decided to push me into the spotlight,” he accused with a wry smile.
“Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it,” you shot back. “Here.” You set a cup of black coffee down in front of him. “My treat.”
“You’re too kind.” It sounded flat, like a game that had become routine between the two of you. He took a sip from it, nothing more, nothing less.
That was all you could recall from your conversation. You didn’t get his name until a few nights after.
“Hey, blue eyes,” you acknowledged as he strolled in.
“Leon,” he disclosed sharply. “It’s Leon.”
That was the night of exchanging introductions. You named all the nights you’d spent with him under various labels, so you wouldn’t forget.
Another night, he had whipped out a flip phone and you nearly choked on your drink. “They still make those?” You stared in disbelief.
He turned to face you in amusement.
“Bet you don’t have a—”
You didn’t even need to finish your sentence for him to fish out his pager, dangling it in front of you like a toy.
“Fuck off,” you laughed. “No fucking way.”
He grinned at your outburst and it was one of those times, few and far between, where you experienced a glimpse of that youthful energy he often hid behind a calm, matured facade.
“You’re still living in the 90s dude?” you jested, grabbing the pager as you flipped it over, trying to determine if it was real. It was.
His lips curled up into a playful smirk. “Something like that.”
“Healthcare,” you guessed, squinting at him. “I heard people there still have them. You’re a doctor?”
“I wish.” He coughed out a self-deprecating laugh, before rummaging through his wallet for a sleek white card, sliding over to you. “P.I., actually.”
“Private Investigator Leon S. Kennedy,” you read the title out loud, deliberately emphasizing each word.
“Go ahead, shout it from the rooftops,” he joked.
“Don’t tempt me.” You gave what you hoped was a cheeky wink, not flirty, definitely not flirty.
A lopsided smile spread across his face, and you wondered if you were finally beginning to unravel the mystery of this man, one that he seemed to carry around like a burden.
“Well, now you know where to find me.” He winked back, taking a tiny sip of his free coffee.
That was the night of P.I. Kennedy. Soon, these nights blurred into each other. You felt like you were getting a step closer, but yet you weren’t. He always had you at an arm’s length for some reason, even though he seemed to want more. Why did he keep coming back?
He also appeared to care about what you thought of him. At some point forth, he started dressing down, exchanging his usual formal attire for a shirt with no blazer, and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A fine gold chain necklace peeked out from underneath his top collar, which was left unbuttoned. “Better like this?” he asked with no context. You had to pause and consider what he meant for a while before you understood.
“If you’d like to fit in.” You shrugged indifferently. “But I don’t think you want to.”
“You know me well,” he murmured fondly. The back of his fingers caressed the side of your neck, just under your jawline, along a pulse point. You closed your eyes and sighed. It felt sensitive and tender.
“And how well do you know me?” you asked. 
There was no reply, but somehow you already knew the answer.
Another thing you were vaguely aware of was that you kept missing the tail end of your interactions with him. It was as though after a certain point in the night, you would come to, like waking up from a daydream, and he would have disappeared by then.
Your colleagues asked if you were seeing each other. Were you? You were only chatting, you surmised. Nothing had gone that far yet, at least from what you had gathered. But you liked him more than you would’ve liked to admit.
He walked you home one night, and when you reached your doorstep, you were about to invite him in, but he interrupted you. “There’s something I need to tell you…”
Guilt clouded his eyes, unmistakable and heavy. But as he was about to say more, he held back, as if pulled by an invisible thread. Then, you felt yourself overcome with tiredness, but it was pleasant and comforting. “Can you help me to bed?” Your voice sounded far away.
All at once, you felt yourself being propped up under his arm and your weight shifting under your feet, until your head touched a feather-soft pillow. He draped a blanket over your unmoving body. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I never should have—” Even in your state, you could tell it pained him.
“I won’t do it again, unless you let me.” 
That was the last you heard from him for a while.
Leon couldn’t get enough of you. Believe him, he tried countless times, but it didn’t work. From the moment he had set foot into that establishment, he had damned himself. He knew it when he spotted you and smelled your sanguine resonance from afar. It was the humor of your blood, and it was stronger and more consistent than he was used to. You were just so full of life, and enjoying it to the point where he was envious. You signified all the hopes and dreams that had been dashed spectacularly to the ground, ever since becoming… what he was now.
He had to have a taste of you. A little drop wouldn’t hurt, would it? He’d been taught ages ago, by Ada, his sire, that he needed people like you to survive. If one ignored their hunger for too long, things would get worse, so much worse, and not just for himself, but for everyone else around him. It was simply the lesser of two evils to feed, and he’d never actually killed anyone by doing so. Then, why did it feel so wrong? He had gotten good at pushing down these thoughts, until they were reduced to an inaudible hum at the back of his mind. Just like many other things, he learnt to compromise. But compromising meant that sometimes, he’d lose a piece of himself. If there was an equivalent of a soul within the monster he had become, then it was fragmented, and he’d never get back the ones that had dissolved into the ether, due to the bad decisions he had made. Like the ones he would soon make with you.
Taste. Taste was something he had acquired since young. In his human life, he always had an eye for detail, an eye for what fit, what worked, and what didn’t. It certainly helped when he became a cold case detective with the police force, filled with unbridled potential, only to have that overturned, when he decided to chase after love instead of missing people and puzzle pieces. For years, he would’ve done anything for her, only for it to amount to wasted time and regret when the inevitable boredom that came with time struck, and he was tossed aside over something exciting and new. Still, he knew a delicious vessel when he saw one. You were just meant to be a special curiosity that he could pass on to the older vampire for a favor or two. At least, that was what he told himself, when you took the initial bait and he beckoned you to stay through unnatural means. That was the first lie.
When he bit into you, he was met with a burst of color, vibrant shades of all kinds of red. The flavor saturated his mouth: sweet roses, his favorite kind, their scent carried on a gentle zephyr; warm light that enveloped him but didn’t hurt; traces of nicotine coursing through your veins; and the familiar iron tang that gave it its kick. Your face, your voice, your very essence haunted him in that taste. He could see you like a will-o'-the-wisp performing on stage in one of your many plays across a lifetime, laughing with your friends in the back of a car speeding down the highway, crying into a pillow when you had your heart broken by your first love… How was this possible? Your memories came flooding through him and you were blissfully unaware of it all. He felt like a spy, listening in to all your secrets and desires, and his blatant invasion of your privacy disgusted him.
This was wrong. He shouldn’t have gotten so close. He should’ve heeded the warning glances the Redfield siblings were throwing his way. So, he tried his best to stay away, but like an addict, he kept crawling back, seeking you out like a dog with its tail between its legs. How could a mere mortal have such an effect on him? Did he taste this way to Ada when she turned him? He laughed sardonically. If only she could see him now, being so torn up over a woman he had just met.
He tried to erase you from his mind, but you were always meant to be something more. You reminded him of all the things he missed when he was living. You were the best he had ever tasted, but he didn’t want to turn you over to her, not yet. After all, he could afford to enjoy you for just one more time. The second lie had spun its thick, dark webs throughout his head. Truth be told, he would never share you with anyone else.
The third lie came when he resolved to tell you what he really was. He couldn’t keep going on like this and deceiving you, but his sire’s words bore down on him. “You don’t get attached to a vessel,” she scoffed. Wait, wasn’t he one too at some point? Her contradictory words replayed in his ears like a broken record. In any case, he wasn’t attached. He was being brave and honest, which was how he liked to think of himself. But when it came to the crunch outside your doorstep, he was a coward, finding himself unable to breach the rules of the Masquerade and gave in to his urges instead. It was then that he realized deep down, he was truly a despicable and hateful low-life.
Thump! He felt his body slam against a solid wall, as he entered a secluded alleyway round the corner from your apartment. A dull ache bloomed across his skin. After the events that had happened that night, he didn’t even bother putting up a fight. He slumped down until the brawny, older male sibling, Chris, lifted him by his collar and pinned him in place. At the same time, the slender redhead, Claire, Chris’ female counterpart, spoke, “Where the hell are you going with this, Leon?”
“Why do you care?” he spat, blood coating his teeth. “The cafe’s in neutral ground, no one’s claimed domain over it yet. I can feed on whoever I like.”
“Listen, you’re Cam scum, but you saved my brother back then, and you used to hang with us,” she hissed, jabbing her finger into his shoulder to emphasize each point. “So, I’m gonna give you a tip, but just this once.”
She brought her mouth to his ear. “There’s interest in the domain… and you’re not the only suitor vying for her attention.”
His eyes widened at the threat.
“Whatever you do, do it fast.”
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recom-week · 11 days
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Our tag is #Return to pandora / #returntopandora
This year, we will be running a casual avatar event during the whole of December! 1st to 31st.
We are giving you 30 prompts (gen, nsfw, and tropes), as well as 7 alternate prompts which are "Fan Clan" focused. Pick and mix as you please, use any of your own as well.
There are no set days for this month, prompts come in any order.
Main prompts:
Combat — Tsaheylu — Sick fic/art Memory — Punishment — Reverse AU Eywa — Shibari/Bondage — Gender Swap Flying — Body Worship — Crossover Revenge — First Time — Modern Earth AU Food — Human/Na'vi Pairing — Fix it Visit — Edging — Whump or H/C Gifts — Voyeurism — Enemies to Lovers Medicine — Sex Pollen — Soulmates AU Awakening — Jealousy — Actors AU
Fan clan prompts:
New Biomes Fan-Clan Lore New Lab Creations Mount Designs Different Na’vi Types New Animal Companions Humans (RDA or Others)
You can start creating now, but please save your work to post in December, when we will start reblogging submissions. The AO3 collection will open on the 1st of December.
You can submit any medium. All characters are welcome, including OCs. You can work exclusively on recombinants, or your own clans, or spend the entire month crafting speculative meta for Avatar 3. You could make a month long comic, or share a progress-journal of your efforts crafting a cosplay. If it spreads the avatar love, we'll have it!
Our goal is to keep the Avatar fandom alive and the A3 hype going!
If you have questions, please check the rules and FAQ, or send us an ask.
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ineffableaddiction · 6 months
A Theory?
I had a strange thought as I was watching Good Omens for the 1,462nd time.
In A Companion to Owls, there are a lot of crossover references. For instance….
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When God is speaking to Job, Crowley indicates to Aziraphale that just being able to ask a question of God, even if they don’t answer, is something he’d want.
In S1, we see Crowley asking questions to God directly. In S2, he and Job are the only ones shown speaking directly to God.
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Also in the same minisode, the pattern of Crowley “tempting” or rewarding Aziraphale with food (and eventually drink) begins.
I wonder if Aziraphale’s love of food is because food reminds him of that day.
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Phase 2 of Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship began that day. Both of them recognized that they were the same - the only ones from both sides that only went along with their respective side as far as they could. This brought them even closer. They both risked so much to save a few children.
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It was the first time post-fall that Crowley and Aziraphale worked together. This would continue, with some push and pull, until… well, forever.
This is also where trust begins to build in earnest, at least post-fall.
There’s also this:
God: Can you send lightening bolts and get them to report back to you?
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Has this been something Crowley’s always been able to do, or is he gaining skills to possibly get answers from God one day? (Why was I discarded?)
Which leads me to a weird question….
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What if God had a bet with Satan about Crowley and Aziraphale?
Hear me out. Crowley has pre-fall memory lapses. He has been on Earth since the beginning, even though both God and Satan must know that he’s not doing the evil that one would expect from a demon. He rarely gets in trouble for any of his good deeds.
Aziraphale, likewise, has been on Earth since the beginning of. As with Crowley, Aziraphale rarely gets reprimanded by heaven, even though he’s “thwarting the will of God.”
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I’m thinking, because Crowley and Aziraphale had established some form of attachment (even if minor) that perhaps Crowley was sent to hell with the fallen angels, even if he didn’t necessarily “deserve “ it per God and Satan’s bet.
Would Crowley corrupt Aziraphale and make him fall? Would Aziraphale bring Crowley back to heaven?
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And what if, because Aziraphale and Crowley are THEM, and they love each other for who they are, this game, or bet, failed.
Our ineffable duo instead created something no one anticipated. They became an US.
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