#congrats drunk bard!!!
donaviolet · 2 years
The Genshin's Most Impactant 5⭐Competition Winner Is...
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In second place we have Wanderer and in third place Xiao!
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Congrats anemo boys!!! And thanks for everyone who participated!
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tearsasmascara · 2 years
want to participate?
so for you, the genshin character you remind me most of happens to be,,,
wouldn’t gliding be faster?
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haha yes!! it’s venti, our favorite drunk bard. HE DOESNT REMIND ME OF YOU BC HES DRUNK 😭😭.
venti is always such a cheerful and happy person, who always brings laughs and joy everywhere. he’s pretty chaotic too, just like you<3. but, under all that, venti is a person who sticks to his morals and what he thinks is right, which really reminds me of you. even if you always seem carefree, under that is someone who’s very passionate (remember our convo about the pixie manic girls?) and someone who is very intelligent. he also loves joking with his friends, kind of like this one chaotic mutual i know. i forgot her name, whats it? wran? tren? i forgot my bad.
but jokes aside, you’re such a ball of sunshine to have around and i always love being your mutual <333
and the color!! the color you remind me of is pink, because it’s such a sweet and nice color, just like you. you were so kind to me when we first met even if i was awkward and kind of silly 😭😭. pink is also a color that’s always associated with happiness to me, and even if you hit your rough patches you still continue to be such a joy. i admire you so much :D
there’s a couple books in there because i LOVE your writing so dang much (#wrenfanclub anyone?), lots of sweets bc you strike me as a sweet tooth and you’re always so active, and make me super energetic like a sugar rush would<3. there’s a cat bc its expression reminded me of you IDK WHY SHSLHDS and there’s a sailor moon quote on there bc it’s me to you hehehe
you’re so awesome <33 never forget that. thank you for being here for me so far on here :D
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
The Revenge of CHAOTICA!, episode 7
Cryonax: "Cower mortals, pray futilely to the dying sun as you....why is there a screaming flammable lesbian hurtling towards me?” Nima: “Oh that's just Jonni. She's gonna kick your ass. I'M NOT A PART OF THIS, BY TH WAY; I'M JUST HERE FOR EGGNOG.” Jonni: “I AM FIRE AND FUCKING INCARNATE!” Cryonax: “Is that why you are wearing the poncho?” Nima: “Yep. I'm in the splash zone.” Cryonax: “Where is…" Nima: “EVERYWHERE. IS. THE SPLASH ZONE.” "Good news we saved the money. And about four pounds of the white stuff. So you know, Space Christmas is saved.” "Well I mean we're here anyway may as well, anything to put off the mission from the giant space turtle.” Thunderchild: “No, no, she has a point. Sometimes being obnoxious is an excellent way to get people to ignore or leave you alone.” “I can see the zipper.” “To be fair, these people will be very drunk.” Moonpaw: "I can do 'not talking'. Did it for most of my life.” GM: There are Kenku and Aracokra also native to the planet. The owls just named it that cause they have lasers. “Aight. Welcome to BigBirdBurg.” "Ah the big city." Fiver takes a deep breath then immediately regrets it. *cough cough* "Oh boy, welcome to flavor country.” Robbins: “It-stimulates-your-T-Zone-doesn’t-it?" "Come-on! Lets-try-the-famous-BigBirdBurgBoozeBuckets!” OOC: (Buying bling is a form of laundering) OOC: We're paying cash. No paper trail. OOC2: No Imperi-Owl entanglements. Robbins; “We'll-stow-it-somewhere. No-one-reads-the-manual. They-just-call-help-support-and-be-angry.” GM: You can pick up some Mexican Owl Food to go. OOC: Tacowl Bell. "Yum, small rodents.” “Hmmmm…. This is good. You can really taste the cilantro and vole.” “So, let me talk to my contact; you all just try not to start a fight. If I start a fight, knock everyone out.” "That does it. Oh Mistress Jonni, lead me your power. Form blazing sword!” To add to the illusion Fiver uses thaumaturgy to add some appropriate latin chanting in the background. "IGNITIUOUS! PUSSY EATIUS!!! TITTIUS!” "Well congrats Amber, I've never seen someone start a bar fight stone sober before.” Trunky Kool-aid man’s through the wall and through the mob skidding to a halt. Fiver: “I once knew a Warforged Bard named Gender. They were a social construct.” GM: Next time, Metal Gear Metal Shed! OOC: Well, Sugar Plum is part of the Sugar Plum fairies, an elite organization of detectives for the North Pole. Her mother named her for the job she hoped she would get. OOC2: Ah: Equestria Rules.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
We should have seen this coming
*We were told this was a magical and VERY peaceful city where there was no fighting nor crime. Ranger and some random bar patron get into a disagreement.*
Ranger: I'm going to shoot at him. 
Party: *Observes DM to see how he reacts, because we were told fighting doesn't happen here*
DM: Roll to hit. 
Ranger: 18! Nice roll!
DM: Ok good to know. Roll damage, and what's your AC?
Ranger: 14 AC uh 6 points of damage.
DM: You shoot your arrow, you watch it fly towards the man and it disappears. 
Party: *Loosing their shit*
DM: You feel a sharp pain in your back. You found your arrow. 
Ranger: Wait. I punch myself in the face!
DM: Roll to hit. 
Ranger: 15
DM: You hit.
Ranger: Due to my unarmed strike I deal 4 damage!
DM: Congrats. You've punched yourself in the face, and deal yourself 4 damage. The bar patron is laughing at you, as are most of the the rest of the drunk folk. 
Bard: Does that count as psychic damage? 
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
sazerac with zhongli, diluc, and kaeya? congrats on 100 followers!! 💕
Thank you so much! 💞💞
Sazerac: “I don’t… feel very….-”
TW: Mentions of Alcohol Consumption and Intoxication (Diluc), Mentions of Injury (Kaeya), Mentions of Illness (Zhongli)
It was little before midday when they met up for their daily luncheon. Zhongli was already sitting at a table on the restaurant patio waiting for them, already having ordered their beverages as they both always got the same thing every time without fail. They were running a tad bit late, however, he paid no mind since he knew they were quite busy.
He drank from his small teacup as he waited, and it wasn't until they called his name that he looked up. They were jogging in his direction, dominant hand up in the air in an exaggerated wave. With a chuckle, he returned the wave, albeit more proper. He knew though, that something was wrong the moment that they sat across from him.
They had a sweaty sheen to their skin despite it being chilly out and sported a tired look on their face. At first, he chalked it up to the word they had been doing but the lack of appetite the food was served confirmed some suspicions. They hardly touched any of their food despite it being such a small portion and he eyed them with worry.
After the meal, he had proposed that they go home and rest a while but they happy insisted on walking with him back to the funeral parlour before doing so. But the walk was a struggle for them. Their movements were sluggish and they had trouble keeping up with him.
They grabbed his sleeve and tugged on it gently to grab his attention. He glanced over at them, his expression turning to one of surprise when he saw how much worse they had looked now than they did earlier.
“I don’t… feel very….-”, They promptly fell over.
He was quick on the draw and caught them before they hit the ground. He scooped them up gently as to not jostle them too much and touched his forehead to theirs. It was very clear that they had a fever but when he felt how warm their skin was, he realized how bad the fever actually was.
With great care, he carried them home and lied them down in their bedroom then immediately set out to speak with Baizhu about getting them some medicine. He also alerted Hu Tao to the predicament which she allowed him to take care of.
When they awoke, Zhongli was at their bedside, with a novel in hand. They looked around and took in their surroundings, relaxing when they realized that it was just their bedroom. The moment they made a move to sit up, the book in his hand was closed on the bedside table and he was gently pushing them to lie back down.
"Now, now, you mustn't overexert yourself. You will only feel worse if you do not rest. Stay put." He left the room only to return with a small bowl of water, a clean towel, and the medication Baizhu had prescribed earlier. He propped them up so on their pillows so they could take their medicine then immediately lied them back down.
They watched as he dampened the towel in the bowl before wringing it out. A soft sigh escaped their lips as he placed it over their forehead. The cold water did wonders to cool them down. He returned to his seat at their bedside.
"If there is anything at all you need please do not hesitate to let me know."
They smiled. "Thank you, Zhongli."
The evening was in full swing, all the usual customers in their usual seats ordering their usual drinks. It was Diluc's turn behind the bar tonight, and as irritated as he was by the drunkards that didn't compare to the irritating he felt when the bard walked in with them on his heels.
Diluc heaved a sigh as the two took their usual seats at the bar, unknowing that this would turn out how it always did when Charles was present. They would tag along to make sure Venti wouldn't drain Diluc's entire stock of wine and pay for whatever the bard couldn't, so DIluc wouldn't be mad. Then Venti would persuade them to drink with him, and they were such a lightweight that they would end up getting so drunk they blacked out.
He rubbed his temple as Venti ordered his usual favourite but served him nonetheless. They noticed how annoyed he was already and tried to spark up a conversation with him to ease his nerves.
He visibly relaxed, mostly doing the listening as he never was one for talking more than he had to. Occasionally, Venti would interrupt to tease them or order a refill, and every time he did they would hand Diluc more Mora to which he would roll his eyes.
"You should be making the bard pay for his own indulgences." He commented after Venti's 9th refill. At this point, they were getting tipsy too, as the bard would occasionally offer them a drink of his alcohol.
"It... It's fine. I don't... mind." He could tell that they were trying their hardest not to slur their words
He had hit his 13th a while ago and was even more giggly than normal but otherwise still relatively sober. They, on the other hand, were rather inebriated, their sentences completely incoherent. Diluc had long since cut Venti off, highly irritated that he continued to share his booze with them.
Their voice was quiet when they spoke, “I don’t… feel very….-” The faceplanted onto the counter, the noise of their head hitting the bar startling both men. That was when Diluc closed the bar, forcing everyone to leave immediately and with gentle hands scoops them up and carries them back to the winery.
The next morning, the headache they had was the worst one they think they've ever had, and they held their head in their hands. The curtains were still closed to limit the light exposure as post hangover sensitivity can be an issue and on the nightstand were pain killers and a glass of iced water. They downed both needily and stayed in bed not quite trusting their legs just yet.
Not longer after Diluc came in with a small tray in hand, figuring having the maids do it would be strange to them, "Do you think you can eat?" He kept his voice down so any loudness wouldn't make the migraine worse.
With a hesitant nod, they gave him the okay and he set the tray of food in their lap. The portions were small so it wouldn't make them ill. Their stomach churned but they ate nonetheless, albeit extremely slowly.
They thanked him quietly and he sat on the foot of the bed with a nod. "You needn't let that bard talk you into drinking if you can't handle it."
With a sigh, they nodded slowly, already knowing that Charles had told him of the previous encounters. They took a slow sip of water. "I know..."
He waited until they were finished before taking the tray from them and setting it on a dresser near the door. "Is there anything you need?"
They patted the spot next to them, "Will you stay until this headache subsides?"
He nodded again, sitting next to them, wrapping an arm around them as they curled up against his torso.
The task was simple. Just the normal routine of clearing out some hilichurl camps with Amber then report back to the Headquarters. The two slip up, Amber took everything to the right of the bridge and they took everything to the left.
The Whispering Woods were relatively empty but beyond that was a different story. There was a large gathering of hilichurls and it seemed as though multiple tribes had converged into one. They watched for a bit from the bushes before deciding to clear out the massive group.
Having dealt with many hilichurls in their time they didn't think that solo clearing the camp would have been that big of a deal. What they expect, however, was to be completely and utterly overwhelmed. The smaller hilichurls and samachurls was no issue, but the sheer amount of mitachurls began to cause problems.
There were many at a time, swinging in sync from different angles in an attempt to cut them down where they stood. Adrenaline pumped through their veins as they fought with vigour. Mitachurl after mitachurl was slain and even after Amber had come to aid them they were still slaying the beasts.
Amber was worried, to say the least with the amount of dirt and grime that coated their clothes. They insisted, however, that they weren't injured as they felt no pain. The two went back to the town together, and they had said they would take care of reporting to Kaeya as Amber had stated she was hungry. The duo parted ways.
They found the walk to the headquarters to be more burdensome than normal, movements usually more sluggish. They ignored the worried glances from passersby and continued on their way. By the time they had entered Kaeya's office, their skin was significantly paler, all of its colour drained.
They called his name as they entered, ready to give the report when a sharp pain made them gasp. Kaeya looked up from his desk, expression changing to one of shock. They had been unaware that they had been bleeding through their clothing. He quickly stood and caught them as they fell forward.
“I don’t… feel very….-”
He keeps forces a smile and keeps his tone level, "Stay awake, hm?" but it all crumbles the moment they fall unconscious.
He called for either Wyratt or Wood down the hall as he placed his hands on their injury to staunch the bleeding. The blood was seeping from a gash on their side that he was assuming they didn't feel because of adrenaline. The two knights ran in and he demanded they fetch one of the sisters immediately. The two jumped at the tone of his voice, scrambling to the church.
He didn't know if he was angry with them for being reckless or the mitachurl that gave them the injury but regardless he was. Scooping them up with one hand he applied pressure with the other, deciding that he would at least try to meet them halfway as other Knights ushered away any prying eyes.
When the sisters got their hands on them, they were in shock, namely Barbara who was very clearly stressed out by the look of their injury. They were sweating and their skin was clammy. She worked diligently to clean and take care of the injury as best she could to get them into a state where they could be taken back to the church.
It took a while but she succeeded, stabilizing them and carrying them as carefully as possible to the infirmary in the back for the cathedral. Hours passed before they awoke and their pain was unbearable. Kaeya sat next to them, feet kicked up on the foot of the bed. He stood the instant he noticed them wake up.
The relief in his eye showed exactly how he felt despite not showing it outwardly, "How are you feeling?"
"Much better." Their voice sounded weak and they were still very pale.
He grabbed their hand gently, placing a kiss over their knuckles with a light chuckle, "You gave us all quite the scare." He flashed his usual smile but it was also noticeably relieved. The report could wait. Their recovery was more important.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
First off, congrats on 1000 followers!! Could I please have a LOTR and TH. I am a bisexual non-binary. I am an Aries, ESTP, I did that charatour quiz and my top two were Janis Ian from Mean Girls and Grunkle Stan from Gravity falls. I really enjoy writing and anything with fantasy in it. I love playing D&D either writing a campaign or playing a character. People tend to say I am very funny but have a short temper. No matter the person I will try and have a go. Hope this is enough <3
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The Hobbit, Bofur:
- For the sake of the matchup, let’s pretend D&D exists. For Bofur, he’d probably play something as a Bard. And he thoroughly enjoys the game, though he would not be a dungeon master or write a story. He’d love to help you with it, though! A lot of his own little twists and NPC’s are thrown in because of him persisting that they would be of good use to the story. All in good nature, of course.
- Bofur himself does not get agitated quickly, so the first time you truly lash out at him, he takes it very personal. It’ll take a while for him to realize you simply have a short temper. He’d be careful with his words; not in fear of you, but because he hates seeing you upset, especially if he could have done anything about it. He has this habit of reaching for your hand whenever you become angered or agitated. It’s a wonder how well that simple gesture works.
- He is one of the funniest partners you can have. He is very joyous and an absolute blast to be around. After a while of knowing you, he always manages to cheer you up or make you laugh. He knows you like the back of his hand. He tends to surprise you very often with little gifts such as poems (or self-written songs) and flowers he found somewhere.
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Lord of the Rings, Meriadoc Brandybuck:
- Jumping back on the D&D note; He is a dungeon master, surprisingly. The first time he did it was a joke to settle a bet with Pippin, but he got accustomed to it rather quickly. He has trouble making his own stories, though, so he’d ask you to make one for him. You once tried with him, but he wants to add things that are way too difficult or easy. There is no in between.
- Merry is very outgoing himself and enjoys bringing you with him at night to the pubs. You and Pippin became fast friends thanks to him. Merry always finds a way to get drunk, but he’s a hilarious drunk. He hangs onto your arm for the rest of the night, his cheek buried in your shoulder as he rants about the stories he heard throughout the night. Worst part is; he remembers exactly everything that happened the morning after, but during the memories, he has absolutely no self control. It makes up for some very funny situations.
- Loves your writing for the earlier stated reason; he himself cannot make any good stories. He peeks over your shoulders when you’re busy, even after you stated it is not that comfortable. When staying home for a night, the two of you usually lay on the couch, your hands busy with writing another story, while Merry has his head on your lap, you fingers occasionally brushing through his hair. It’s the only way you can get him to stop reading unfinished works. Having his hair played with is one of his biggest weaknesses.
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cherryjuicegf · 4 years
congrats on 400 followers 😊😊🤗 I would love to read geraskier + #1 from the cliché prompts. Idk if you did it already at some point but I'm a sucker for that trope 😁
thank you so much dear and thanks for the prompt too!! admittedly i haven't written this trope before although i have read it a hundred times so you can imagine my excitement! hope you enjoy 💞
1. There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close
"Idiot. Fucking idiot."
Geralt's words came out of his mouth surprisingly calm. That was, considering the fact they had been running for four minutes without stop in an attempt to escape what Geralt was pretty sure were the five brothers and father of the charming young maid Jaskier was wooing in the tavern last night. He realised, a bit late, that it had been more than wooing eventually.
Now Jaskier was running beside him, his feet moving faster than his mind managed to order, breath short. "It's the tenth fucking time you say it, Geralt!" He was panting, voice barely heard. "The tenth fucking time and I have fully grasped the fact that I'm an idiot by now."
"Shut up," Geralt grunted, less because he wanted him to shut up and more because he knew that if Jaskier kept talking, he wouldn't be able to run for much longer. And, alas, it would be nice to reach the forest where they could at least hide easily. But no. It had to be Novigrad. It fucking had.
He didn't have time to even get Roach from the stables.
He huffed, starting to feel drained of breath and desperately looked around in hopes to see something more than people looking at them as if they were dragons. And, thank the gods, he saw what he hoped for.
"Here!" He grasped Jaskier's hand and basically dragged him, as the bard's feet stopped functioning the moment they changed their route. Geralt shoved him forwards into an alley and pulled a cart on the front, stepping back to find himself chest to chest with a dishevelled and flushed Jaskier. And realized.
The alley was too narrow. Of course it was.
Jaskier leaned on him in an attempt to catch his breath, lips upturned to a heady smile that after some seconds became a breathy laugh, and Geralt shook his head. "Very funny, well done. Now silence until they go away."
After all, he should be the one to remain logical in that case. However, Jaskier's hands on his chest, his hair tingling his nose, smelling of lavender and sweat, his eyes looking at him with a drunk glint although he'd been perfectly sober before, were most definitely not contibuting to his hopeless attempts. Jaskier snorted and raised an eyebrow. "They'd better take their time."
Even if Geralt was just a bit collected before, now it was gone. With no intention to come back soon. He was so close to Jaskier that their noses were almost brushing and Jaskier didn't seem quite eager to maintain the distance. He was warm. Of course he was, they had been running, the problem was not exactly that. It was the light pressure he felt in his pants and the way Jaskier's eyebrows furrowed for a moment, just to raise all the same, yet the smirk Geralt saw playing on his lips didn't eventually form. At least, he was discreet.
But he saw it. He saw every little detail of Jaskier's lips and oh, they were too close, too close, and Jaskier was looking at him with eyes wide and questioning, still, he couldn't avert his look from his lips and the tongue that had just wet them. He swallowed. Shifted a bit in his place, only to feel the press in his pants harder and snorted, glancing at the street in hope that their pursuers had left, trying to remain calm. The pressure would go away. It had to. He felt Jaskier's chest rising against his own. "Geralt."
He had to turn his head. He knew what would happen if he did. He did it all the same.
Jaskier's eyes were shining blue in the shade of the alley and a smile was on his lips, faint but soft and Geralt thought, it can't be, that look flooding with love, it can't just be him. But what if it was?
Jaskier tilted his head, whispered. "Am I reading this wrong?"
Geralt would answer. He really would, and the answer would be carved right on Jaskier's lips. But then they heard a voice. "They're gone, lads."
They turned at the man calling them, and if Geralt discerned a shade of disappointment in the bard's eyes, he tried not to think of it.
Later, when they were walking out of the city, barely having exchanged a word, Geralt looked at him. Strumming his lute, murmuring as if afraid to be louder. He sighed silently. "Jaskier."
Jaskier turned at him and Geralt found himself unable to utter more words. He just stood there, gazing at him, lips parted in a failed attempt to speak.
Yet whatever Jaskier saw in his eyes at that moment, it made him smile and take his hand. And Geralt knew he was not reading this wrong either.
400 followers celebration prompts✨
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going-fancognito · 4 years
Heya!! Your work is amazing and I was hopping you could do this ask !! You now the drunk s/o ask you did a while ago??? Well I was wondering if you could do the same but with Urbosa, Zelda, Riju and mipha, please ! Thanks!!! (With their s/o)
Ask, and ye shall receive anon!
This Gerudo’s had more than a few wild nights in her younger days
Of course, she put that all behind her once she became chief
...more or less
Hey she may have responsibilities, but she’s not ashamed to let her hair down once in awhile
What she IS ashamed about is the fact you had to witness her table top dancing and sing limericks of  the ways how Revali could “go fuck himself”
She’s had a long, hard week ok? Please don’t judge her too much
Will be very flirty as you try to get her off the table
“Ah, would you prefer a more private show then?” She winks and leans into your ear, “I like your boldness my dear”
Water, you need water.
Nothing happens of course
She can barely walk home without your help, and your mama raised you right
*If you’re too drunk to walk, you’re too drunk to give proper consent*
(This has been your botw psa)
You both have a good laugh about the whole thing the next morning
Especially when you find out “An ode to Revalis wing” becomes a hit sensation with the bards
“Excuse me young lady, who let you in here?”
Riju made be chief, but she’s still a young vai
No underage drinking for her
She does not have the seal of approval
...She thought it was grape juice
Girl’s not much of a drinker
Thankfully, she’s similar to her brother when she’s tipsy
Will be super affectionate and giggly AF
Clings onto your arm the entire night
(Seriously, are we sure these siblings are sharks?)
(They seem more like very cute puppies)
When she starts getting sleepy, she’ll nuzzle into your shoulder and coo about how soft Hylians are
[Congrats, you died from cuteness overload]
[See you in a hundred years bucko]
“Darling, what d’ya think fire tastes like? D-do y’think s’spicy?”
“*GASP!* I should taste it!”
Drunk Zelda goes full scientist
But instead of doing science, it’s just chaos
(You low-key blame Links influence for this)
Speaking of which, you’ve learned to have the Hylian champion accompany you both whenever you planned to go out for drinks
You need the backup help for whenever she gets out of hand
She’s frighteningly strong when she wants to be
Revali has a picture on his sheikah slate of one time when Zelda got Link good with a right hook
(He looks at it often, during his century trapped upon Vah Medoh)
(It’s the little things that give him hope)
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septicstories · 4 years
A/N: For some unfathomable reason, I get some fantasy BNHA vibe from the song, Ophelia by the Lumineers. not even the lyrics. Like, the instrumental. It also, for some reason, gives me such an intense feeling of nostalgia that it sort of makes me want to cry? And I don’t know why? Actually wait. Seeing that this song is from the same guys who performed “Ho Hey” that makes a bunch of sense. Okay, anyways, I’m just gonna write a Kiribaku fantasy thing. Just some fluff, nothing super major.
I, I, when I was younger
“Kacchan! Quit running off! Your mother is bound to be worried sick!”
“Shut up, Deku! I’m gonna be fucking fine! C’mon!”
The two young boys ran through the forests. Katsuki had recently turned twelve, given his first sword. Nothing fancy, just a small cutlass. In a week, he’d get his very first tattoo. But only if he collected an animal’s blood. 
Easiest way to do that?
Kill it and bring it back to his village.
I, I, should have known better
“Uh, Kacchan? Do you see that?” the younger green haired boy asked.
Katsuki glanced in the direction, seeing that there was a pair of bright red wings popping out of the bushes.
“Is that a dragon?” the green haired boy whispered.
“No one’s ever had dragon blood for their tattoo before!” Katsuki whispered back with a feral grin.
The grin was odd and misshapen, something he didn’t do often. It hadn’t quite grown on the ash blond yet.
“Oi! Dragon! Show yourself!”
Katsuki took his cutlass, slicing through the bush. As the leaves and branches from the bush fell, the front of the dragon was revealed.
And I can't feel no remorse
A black haired boy looked up at him with big red eyes. A pair of horns protruded from his forehead, their base a bright red. A tail stuck out of the other side of the bush, also bright red.
“Sorry! No hurt, please,”
Katsuki dropped his cutlass to the ground.
A dragon shifter.
They were a rare species, only two thousand known in the world throughout time. 
“Are you hurt?” the green haired boy popped up beside Katsuki.
“Uh... wings. Stuck. Help?”
“Come with me afterward,” Katsuki said firmly.
“Huh?! Kacchan?! What are you doing?”
“Shut the fuck up, Deku,”
The boys freed the dragon shifter before Katsuki led him back to his parent’s castle.
“Oi, hag! Bring us a medic!” Katsuki yelled into the castle, kicking a door open.
“For fuck’s sake, Katsuki! Did you hurt Izuku aga--”
Queen Mitsuki entered the room, ready to whoop her son’s ass, only to find her son and the boy she called her nephew in perfect health. A third boy with dragon wings, scales, and horns, however, was not.
“Oh. Uhm... hello,” she said calmly.
The dragon boy gave a bow as Mitsuki called for a few medics.
And you don't feel nothing back
“Kacchan, it’s so weird for you to help someone like that. What about your tattoo?”
“Dumbass. Don’t you know that dragon shifters are a rare species? If I fucking killed one, I’d die, for sure. I’d be hunted down. And it felt... different. Like I couldn’t kill them, even if they weren’t a dragon shifter. I... they feel different,”
Katsuki sat outside of the infirmary where the dragon boy stayed.
Behind the door, the shifter had sat, listening. That was something he was good at. Listening. He didn’t know what most of it meant. He didn’t speak their language. Hell, he rarely spoke.
But hearing what the ash blond boy had to say made him feel weird. His tail thumped against the cot he sat on, a happy chirp leaving his mouth.
When Katsuki came back to see the dragon shifter, he was pounced on, happy chirping noises escaping his mouth. 
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Master! Teach fight!”
“What?! Master?”
“You save me. I stay until I save,”
Katsuki sat there, baffled. A dragon shifter wants to be his? And a cute one at that?
“So, you wanna know how to fight, huh?”
I, I, got a new girlfriend
“No fucking way, really?” Katsuki was snapped from his memories by Sero gawking at the drunken purple haired bard.
“Mhm! She’s super duper pretty,” she slurred happily. “She’s a princess!”
“Congrats!” Mina, the pink haired barkeep said with a smile.
“Oh, it’s Princess Yaoyorozu, right?” Tenya asked, sipping lightly from his glass of wine.
“Mhm! Momo is so great,” Jirou beamed.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, scoffing at Jirou’s words.
She feels like he's on top
The dragon prince-- no, king-- had changed greatly since he met the dragon shifter, Eijirou.
Katsuki’s original kingdom was attacked, his family and his people killed. It was bloody and traumatizing. He actually needed saving from Eijirou.
But he never left.
And I don't feel no remorse
“Oh! Katsuki!” Eijirou tugged on the king’s cape. “Look! Miss Frog brought her wife!”
He looked behind the bar to see Ochaco and Tsuyu, smiling sweetly at each other.
“Get a room!”
Denki and Sero laughed beside Katsuki before Ochaco flipped him off.
And you can't see past my blinders
“Ochaco, relax, kero,” Tsuyu mumbled.
“Yeah, Katsu’s just jealous that he can’t have what we have,” Ochaco said with a smile, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend’s nose.
“You want to be a lesbian?” Eijirou whispered to Katsuki, who choked on his brandy.
Eijirou frantically waved his hands. “Sorry! Hurt?”
Whenever Eijirou found himself flustered or speaking quickly, his speech would go back to the broken language he used when he was a child. It got his point across, it just wasn’t the most eloquent.
Oh, Ophelia
“I’m fine, shitty lizard,” he mumbled. “No, I don’t want to be a lesbian. I don’t like women. I would just want to date someone and... be happy with them, you know?”
“Oh! Dragons do that! We bite the neck of our mate, give our mate a mark!”
“What, some sort of binding mark?”
Eijirou nodded happily, a small chirp leaving his throat.
You've been on my mind girl since the flood
“Why hasn’t Ei gotten drunk?” Mina asked.
“Dragons don’t drink. Alcohol to them is like feeding chocolate to a dog,” Katsuki scoffed. “Figure you would’ve fucking known that since he’s declined your alcohol consistently for the past several years,”
“Mhm! Alcohol killed my family,” Eijirou said with a soft smile.
“Oh,” Denki murmured.
After the sudden dark turn, it was quiet. But only for a moment.
“Hi, Kacchan!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, turning to the green haired boy, who had Prince Shouto walking behind him.
“Done fucking the prince yet? Or are you still his spite boyfriend?” Katsuki snarled.
“How dare y--” “Shou, it’s okay,”
“Ah? Having the lapdog shush the prince? Doesn’t that deserve some sort of punishment?” 
The shit eating grin on Katsuki’s face grew as Izuku’s face flushed at the word.
“Don’t be rude,” Eijirou hissed, smacking Katsuki’s shoulder. “Sorry for Katsuki. He is drunk.”
Oh, Ophelia
“Ah, it’s alright, Eijirou!” Izuku said with a grin.
“The master disobeying his dragon? Doesn’t that deserve some sort of punishment?” Shouto asked, giving a smug ass grin.
Katsuki’s grip on his glass tightened, the glass making a creaking noise.
“What does he mean by that? I did not do anything wrong, did I? Did I go against a human rule again?” Eijirou whispered.
“No, Prince Shouto’s just being an asshole,” Katsuki mumbled.
“Stop being mean!” Eijirou said before pouting a little. “You’re better than that,”
Katsuki felt his heart clench at his oddly adorable dragon servant.
Actually, was servant the word to use? He didn’t feel as though Eijirou was his servant or inferior to him. Much more like a friend. 
One day, hopefully more.
Katsuki groaned, smacking his head with the heel of his palm. He needed to stop thinking like that. Eijirou would be a friend and nothing more.
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
So maybe Katsuki did end up falling in love with his dragon shifter friend. What did it matter?
He wasn’t going to act on his urges to kiss him, hold him, tell him he loved him- no! That’s preposterous! 
From time to time, he wonders what his mother would think of him if she saw him now:
Sitting in a bar as a dragon king, making fun of the prince of another kingdom, sitting beside his dragon shifter friend who he also held high affection for.
He was fucked, wasn’t he?
“Why did you hit yourself? Was there an insect? I could have gotten it for you,” Eijirou asked.
“You are not eating a fucking insect off my head again,”
“It was one time!”
“One time too many!”
I, I, got a little paycheck
“Anyway, Katsuki, we didn’t come here to hear endless innuendos,” Shouto sighed, pulling out a silken sack.
It jingled happily as it was dropped in front of Katsuki.
“We came here for the--”
“Yeah yeah, you came here for the head of that beast. I know. Ei, you got the satchel?”
“Right here!” Eijirou said, holding the heavy satchel, dripping in black blood. “The head is in a bag inside of the satchel. So grab the bag inside. Do not wear white gloves, I suggest black as that is the color of their blood,”
“Thank you, Eijirou,” Izuku said, giving a quick bow as he replaced his white gloves for black ones.
Katsuki was handed the sack and he popped it open.
“Ei, coin toss,” he growled, taking a golden coin and flicking it behind me.
Coin toss is what they’ve done to see if the money is genuine. Katsuki toss a coin behind him, Eijirou nibbles on it for a second, and then he gives it back if it’s good. If it’s bad, he eats it.
If he eats even a single coin, he has Katsuki’s permission to beat the shit out of them.
You got big plans and you gotta move
“Must you do this every time?” Shouto asked
“What, you give us a shit coin?” Katsuki asked, flipping Eijirou the next coin.
“No’ ye’,” Eijirou said, catching the coin between his teeth. “All solid,”
“Good. And yes, we fucking do, asshole,” Katsuki scoffed. “You could scam us out, and we’d have to kill ya for it,”
“Be nishe, Katshuki!” Eijirou said before slipping the coin out of his mouth.
And I don't feel nothing at all
“Hey guys, we’re gonna go head toward the inn! Heard they had a bonfire going! We also need to drop off our horses,” Sero said with his signature grin.
“Yeah, yeah,” Katsuki scoffed.
After quickly checking the rest of the coins and making sure they were genuine, Katsuki closed the silken sack.
“Thanks,” he grumbled out.
“Sure thing, Kacchan! It was a pleasure to work with you!”
“Fuck off!”
And you can't feel nothing small
“Hey, Katsuki?”
“What is it?” Katsuki asked, turning to Eijirou.
“I want to show you a place,”
“Oh yeah?” Katsuki had a smirk cross his face. “Where to, Shitty Lizard?”
“Come with me!”
Eijirou and Katsuki left the bar, leaving a few gold coins with small dents in them on the counter.
Eijirou stood behind the building, removing his clothing as not to rip them before Katsuki placed them in the satchel.
A few moments later, the redheaded hybrid became a full dragon, and the two tore up into the sky at vicious speeds.
But once they were over the clouds, Eijirou slowed to a glide.
“Nice job on speed. Doing better,”
A deep rumbling chirp came from Eijirou as they continued to soar above the clouds, Katsuki relaxing happily on Eijirou’s back.
Honey I love you, that's all she wrote
The duo began their descent, landing at the base of a mountain as Eijirou shifted back.
“So, what did you want to show me?” Katsuki asked, handing Eijirou his clothing.
“Top of the mountain,” Eijirou said, yanking on his clothes.
Katsuki blinked for a moment. “Then why the hell didn’t you fly us up there?”
“The path there is very pretty too,” Eijirou said, making Katsuki huff.
“Fine. Whatever. Let’s fucking go,”
Oh, Ophelia
The boys began their hike up the mountain. Nothing too rigorous, but still harder than a simple walk. Not like the two minded, though. They’ve grown used to things that take up far more energy than a hike.
“So, where exactly did you bring me?” Katsuki asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, we are climbing up a mountain. I cannot remember the name at the moment, so my apologies,” Eijirou chuckled, tugging at his scarf a tad.
“Fucking great. Any sort of civilization nearby?”
“Uhm... I believe there is a village that sits on the shore,”
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
Katsuki put a finger in his mouth, and after a moment, he pulled it out and held it to the sky.
The light breeze hit his wet finger tip, only a small part of it being cold.
“We in the East?”
After a moment, Eijirou nodded.
“Yes, yes!”
“And there’s a village by the water?”
Oh, Ophelia
“Yes, you will see it once we reach the top!” Eijirou chirped.
“So does the name Tuft Mountain ring any bells?”
“Oh, yes, yes!”
“And you wanted to show me the peak of Tuft?”
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Katsuki knew what Eijirou was doing.
Anyone with half a damn brain cell knew what he was doing.
Oh, Ophelia
You've been on my mind girl since the flood
“Hush, hush! You’ll disturb the wildlife!” Eijirou said, thankful for the dark of the night that covered his flushed face.
The two reached the peak, and Katsuki’s eyes widened.
Oh, Ophelia
The pond was surrounded by gorgeous flowers and other wild grasses, waving in the breeze nonchalantly.
Fireflies dotted the sky, their little lights glowing up against the water’s surface.
The pond itself was an irregular heart shape, yet it was naturally formed.
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Legend says that those who sit at one side of the pond will have their soulmate appear at the other side.
This could take minutes, hours, days, months, weeks, even years.
The pond is for those who are willing to wait for their soulmate.
Oh, Ophelia
Eijirou went and sat at one end of the pond, and waited.
Katsuki felt a tug.
You've been on my mind girl like a drug
As though he was being forced closer to the pond.
His head foggy and walk awkward, his body slowly made it’s way to the other side of the pond.
Oh, Ophelia
The two boys gawked at each other, vermilion and scarlet eyes locking, jaws dropping.
Katsuki knew what had just happened and knew what he’d done, but he hadn’t felt as though he was in control of himself.
A smile bloomed on Eijirou’s face.
He covered his mouth with his hands as tears clumped up in his lashes.
His tail thumped on the ground, wings beating, and sobbing chirps of joy escaping his mouth.
Katsuki felt his eyes water as well as he grinned.
Heaven help a fool who falls in love
A/N: Okay! Thank you so much for reading this! I sincerely hope you enjoyed it! I just get sudden impulses to write, so I do, and then you get this. Ooh! I’ve also never done this before, but I’m gonna start a tag list! I’ll do this for every story! I’ve only got one person and my beta readers, but feel free to ask to be on the tag list! You’ll get a notif for any oneshot I post! Or story! If you want to see my artwork, then please make that specification. So I’ll tag you in both or one or the other. Okay? Okay!
Tag list: @king-queenie, @violet-fandom, @siivermoon​,
Okay! That’s all! Thank you!
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societysonlooker · 4 years
DnD party backstory idea: youre all students of music at a renowned, if infamous, university. One night, while youre out drinking and performing at a local tavern, either
A) you somehow get wrapped up in some shady underworld bullshit, and now are just tryjng not to die as you face off against minions and veteran evil adventurers.
B) Something distorts reality, but some strange mixture of your drunkness and your music (maybe one of you has a magickal instrument you didnt know was magickal?) Has left you as the only people who remember what the world is ACTUALLY supposed to be like. After a day or so of fumbling around, you realize it's all part of some villans plot to [enter evil motivation here], and now, as the only people who know what happened, youre on a quest to stop them, and restore the world to what it was.
C) someone blew up your school. Find out who did it, why they did it, a) make them pay b) find their boss and figure out their plans c) report them to the authorities and make sure they dont escape their public execution d) overthrow the corrupt system that sees learning as a threat to their totalitarian rule.
D) someone killed their favorite professor. Putside the alley. Find out who. Find out why. Avenge the professor, and make sure their death wasn't in vain.
E) Fuckin do all of these. Temporal shifts baby. Consciousness being displaced in time. Everytime they think they won they wind up back in that tavern right as the shit starts. They uncover more of the mystery each time, gaining confidence as they gain knowledge, learning that no one is what they seem, and that no one is truly the mask they put on the surface.
And these are just ideas!!! And really, you can apply it to any class, the "Student" idea is to explain their low level at the start. They can be freshman and start at level 1, or hell, have them be seniors and near graduates and have them start at level 2 or 3. The world is literally your oyster my guys.
But seriously, druids? Their circle got attacked while this particular group of indicties were meditating.
Fighters? Group of recruits for a small guard or army.
Rangers? A bunch of runaways and or orphans or, hell, have one kid actually have Supportive Parents(tm) who saw their infatuation with nature and was like "you know what you'd like: ranger" and have all of these youngins under the tutalage of a senior ranger or something.
Cleric? All from the same cult religious group.
Paladins? Ok well now youre basically just the circle from dragons age so congrats, i guess. Youre just the nights templar and you need to deal with it. And hey! Maybe thats their motivation! They see the corruption of their church/group and were like "how do we fix this without conpromizing our morals?" Then they DID it.
Sorcerers? Congrats! Youre now the lodge of sorceresses but possiblywith men just have them all be from the same school for young mages.
Warlocks? You were all in the same coven and made a pact with your sugar daddy demonic patron. Or!!! Maybe its like that Adventures of God comic and youre a bunch of wayward kids a Literal demon takes in!!! Wizard? Same as the sorcerers man. Same school of learning.
Barabrians? You bonded over your cultural similarities and all hang out now (can you tell i dont know much abt barbarians).
Rogues? (This has so much potential I ernestly believe it will be as fun as the bard one) You all run the same streets, youre young, some of yiu may be new to the area, but whether youre forced together, youre taken under the wing of a thieves guild, or you learn you can take bigger scores/do better by working together, you all fall in, and now your quest begins.
I definitely forgot some classes but you get the idea! Now, Onlooker, you might ask, doesnt the whole party being the same class fuck with some of the balancing? And the answer is yes. Abso-fucking-luteky YES. And thats the point!!! Just like how your PC's have to help each other in game, you can work together out-of-game when building each character. Picking what spells they know, what weapons they use, and making sure the party in-game is prepared for any situation.
Your character building out-of-game has to match what a team of people in that situation would actually have to do, which would be to help each other, diversify, and specialize in order to survive. Six college of glamour bards probably wont be very effective against the Big Bad. But, having each of a creation, lore, swords, whispers, valor, and satire college bard might just do the trick. Especially if yiur big bad is good old human corruption.
Anyway, I think this has a lot of potential for making your players get creative with their builds, and helping you stay on your toes when building encounters. Taking in the strengths and weaknesses of the party to determine the tyoes of encounters you run, and the difficulty of enemies as well, beyond just "what kind of damage can they do and what kind if damage can they take" (and yes i KNOW most DMs actually take a lot of time to make their encounters! I just think this could spice things up). Maybe this could even be a prequil to a campaign you ALREADY ran, or one you plan to run in the future if theyre up for it, maybe the failings of a group of JUST one class can be what your future adventurers pick up from, if your group of bards cant defeat the big bad, everything they've learned could still help another group in the future, so long as the information survives. And... if it is a group of academics, that shouldn't be too hard to orchestrate. Maybe your next party succeeds because a really, really brave group of fucking students who decided that someone had to do something, and gave everything they had to do it. Maybe your next group of adventurers only succeeds because someone else laid the groundwork. Because another group of people chose to risk their lives, to die for this cause. Whether their motivations are the same, defeating an ultimate evil, or completely different, like a personal vandetta against a moral belief. Either way, their goal is the same.
Anyway if you couldnt tell im in love with this idea and am going to try and convince my group to at least do a one shot of it at some point, and probably go write something based on this idea. I really hope someone runs with it!!! And if you do, message me and lmk how it goes!!!
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spoookymuulders · 4 years
Read here on ao3 word count: 1931
JJ looks around for a moment, like she’s trying to find an actual healing potion to give to Hotch. She settles for taking a single cheeto out of the bag in front of her and holding it out to him with a grin. Hotch takes the offered cheeto slowly as JJ wiggles in her seat and rolls a d10.
 “That’s a three, plus.. Um.” Hotch squints at the piece of paper on the table in front of him.
    “Plus two.” Garcia says gently, leaning over and pointing to the correct stat.
    “Plus two. So five.”
    Reid remains quiet for a moment before clasping his hands behind his tri-fold and giving Hotch a smile.
    “It’s just a door.” He says pleasantly. Hotch squints at him from across the table disbelievingly.
    They’re gathered around the table in Rossi’s dining room, their dinner long since finished. They’re two - (in some cases four) glasses of wine in, and because it’s Reid’s birthday, Garcia had convinced everyone weeks ago to let him DM a game of dungeons and dragons for the team.
    Also because it’s Reid’s birthday, the smell of still-baking birthday cake had hit him as soon as he and Garcia opened the door and he had known immediately that this wasn’t just another family dinner like Garcia had said. Rossi had made them all old-fashioned spaghetti and meatballs with his mother’s recipe, as per the birthday boy’s request, and Reid was pretty sure his ears were a brighter shade of red than the homemade marinara when they brought the cake out, all singing at the top of their lungs.
    Garcia had also spent all week helping everyone make characters for tonight. In all honesty, part of her (quite a large part, really) is hoping that they all fall in love with the game and it becomes a regular thing. Something fun and silly to do to wind down after a case, because God knows they need it.
    Prentiss had been the easiest for character creation. Garcia had handed her a character sheet and Prentiss had filled it out suspiciously quickly, shoving it back at the blonde with dwarf scrawled in the race and ranger in the class. She won’t tell Garcia how exactly she filled it out so fast or so well, but Garcia gets the feeling that somewhere in Prentiss’ apartment is a hidden jar full of dice. She’s wrong. There’s two.
    JJ had been fairly easy as well. Garcia had sat down with her over coffee one afternoon, a players handbook laid out in front of them, and JJ, not knowing anything about the game, had quickly chosen to be a goblin and a rogue. Despite Garcia trying to persuade her differently, JJ had remained committed to her goblin, and Garcia had been quite proud when JJ had rolled well for her stats.
    Morgan was a little more difficult - Garcia found herself explaining each of the races and classes to him multiple times until he finally settled on being a half-elf paladin. His reasoning being paladin just sounds cool and you’re already an elf so I can’t be that.
    She had helped Hotch create his character over lunch one afternoon, the two of them holed up in his office. He’d looked through everything with a serious, practical eye, eventually deciding he’d be a dragonborn fighter. When Garcia had commended him on his choice of race, he’d shrugged and told her the claws looked like they’d come in handy. But Garcia’s seen the photo of Hotch and Jack where Jack is clutching a thirty-year-old stuffed dragon like his life depends on it, and she knows that it used to be Hotch’s.
    Rossi, in his own words, didn’t really understand or care, but if it was for the kid, sure why not. The five each glasses of wine he and Garcia had had while creating his character had resulted in a most-of-the-time drunk human wizard, and Garcia found that oddly appropriate, because that was basically Rossi anyways, wasn’t it?     Garcia herself had made her character before helping anyone else, her excuse being that it would be easiest to show everyone her character sheet when she was helping them create theirs. Really, though, she just wanted to be a bard before anyone else could claim the role.
    “I.. Open the door.” Hotch says slowly.
    “No, let someone else investigate the door first! Someone with a better investigation stat!” Prentiss cries from her seat beside Reid. “Hotch, you’re gonna get yourself squished by a wall or something.”
    “I open the door!” Morgan jumps in, grinning broadly. Reid raises an eyebrow and Hotch waves a relenting hand.
    “Let Morgan open the door, then.” He says, still squinting at Reid as he sits back in his chair. Reid flips through his book for a moment, then looks up at Morgan as Prentiss flops her hands and sits back in her chair with a huff.
    “Alright. Morgan, make a dexterity saving throw.” He says. “Hotch, you make one, too, since you were right there.” Hotch sputters a little, but doesn’t argue. He and Morgan shake the dice that were given to them at the start of the night, both leaning forward as the two d20s clatter against the table.
    “Sixteen!” Morgan crows, patting the table. “Oh - plus one, seventeen!”
    “Twelve.” Hotch grumbles. Reid grins at the two of them.
    “Morgan, as you open the door, a bevy of arrows comes flying towards you from each side of the wall. You manage to drop to the ground just as you hear the click of the tiny doors in the wall opening. Hotch, you do the same but you’re not quite quick enough.” Reid says, rolling a die of his own behind his screen. “What’s your AC?”
    “My what?” Hotch asks, frowning at his paper.
    “Your armor class.” Prentiss says. Garcia points at it on his page and Hotch nods.
    “Sixteen.” He says proudly. Reid hums.
    “Okay.” He rolls another die and scrunches his nose. “Take five piercing damage.” Hotch grimaces and scribbles a number on his paper, frowning.
    “What’re you at?” Morgan asks, leaning over. He whistles low, then laughs quietly. “Five, not great.
    “Ooh! I have a healing potion!” JJ says eagerly, piping up for the first time in five minutes. She grins broadly at Hotch from her seat between Rossi and Morgan. “Spence, can I give him one of my healing potions?”
    “Sure.” Reid says, nodding. JJ looks around for a moment, like she’s trying to find an actual healing potion to give to Hotch. She settles for taking a single cheeto out of the bag in front of her and holding it out to him with a grin. Hotch takes the offered cheeto slowly as JJ wiggles in her seat and rolls a d10.
    “He gets ten points back!” She says brightly. Hotch smiles gratefully and tacks a one in front of the five on his paper.
    “Okay, what’re you guys doing next?” Reid says, leaning forward on his elbows.
    “Going through the door?” Morgan says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. He loudly decides that he’ll go first when Reid asks. They settle on a marching order and Reid rests his chin on his fist, peering around the table at his friends as they chatter, smiling just a little.
    “What are our rations?” Hotch asks suddenly, tipping his head at his page. Reid hums, shrugging.
    “Usually things like bread, jerky, some cheese and grapes or other fruit. Some races get wine in theirs.” He tells Hotch.
    “Mine are cheetos.” JJ says happily, popping two into her mouth.
    “Honey, cheetos don’t exist in Faerun.” Garcia says gently. JJ huffs at her.
    “Fantasy cheetos!” She says indignantly, sticking her tongue out and tossing a cheeto at Garcia. Garcia catches it and munches on it. “I made them myself.”
    “How did you make them?” Reid asks, raising a brow. JJ shrugs.
    “I… Stole some of Rossi’s fancy cheese. And I baked it.” She says, grinning.
    “You stole my cheese?!” Rossi yelps, smacking the table lightly. “I cast firebolt on JJ.” JJ gapes at him, then pouts.
    “I’ll share my cheetos.” She says, using her best puppy-dog eyes.
    “This is a personal injustice and I’ll never forgive you.” Rossi declares, huffing loudly. JJ pouts more and he squints at her, leaning forward in his chair. Prentiss hides her snickering behind her wine, blinking innocently at Rossi when he turns his burning gaze on her.
    “Okay.” Reid says, waving a hand. Everyone looks at him and falls quiet at the suddenly serious look in his eyes. “You all file through the door and down a tiny hallway that opens into a big dining hall. There are two tables running most of the length of the room, piled high with forgotten food and dishes, as well as half-drunk goblets of spoiled wine. At the end of the room is a raised dais with a table and seven chairs at it. In each of the three chairs on the left and right are skeletons, and in the large chair in the center is a wight.”
    “A what?” Rossi asks, frowning.
    “A wight.” Reid repeats. “As you enter the room, it looks up from its spot at the table and smiles, then shoves the chair from the table and stands. I’d like everyone to roll for initiative.”     “Which one is that?” Hotch whispers to Garcia, leaning over to her. She puts the d20 in his hand and he thanks her, rolling it. They go around the table, telling Reid their numbers, and launch into their first real fight of the game. It goes surprisingly well, despite the one time Reid asks Hotch to roll a death saving throw and he squints at the doctor across the table. “If you kill my guy, you’re fired.” He says, his tone teasing. Reid just grins at him.
Hotch manages to roll a fourteen and gains back most of his hit points, much to his delight. He’s also the one to deliver the final blow to the wight. When Reid asks how he wants to kill the monster, he hums.
    “I wanna.. Chop its head off with my sword.” He says decisively. Reid nods and scribbles something in his notebook.
    “Okay. Hotch, you see this wight about to smash a chair over JJ’s head, and you run up behind it, swinging your longsword.” He says. “Its head drops to the floor and rolls away, and you take the chair from its hands as its body falls.” Reid grins around the table. “You guys just killed your first monster, congrats!”
    “I wanna kick the head!” JJ says suddenly. Reid laughs and nods. JJ beams at him and says, “I stand up and hug Hotch and then go kick the head as hard as I can.”
    “The head goes flying across the room and lands right in the middle of a silver platter.” Reid says, grinning when JJ laughs loudly.
    They play for a couple more hours, laughing and talking and drinking as they do. When they all part ways for the evening, Reid is smiling broader than any of them have seen him smile in months, and it warms all of their hearts. He accepts hugs from everyone and thanks Morgan for helping him load his gifts into the back of his car, then hugs his friend tightly.     “That was actually pretty fun.” Morgan says, patting Reid on the shoulder as they step apart. Reid grins and nods.
    “I’ve been telling you for years that D&D is fun!” He says, leaning against the car. He watches as Prentiss leads a giggling JJ out of the house and towards her car, holding the keys out of the blonde’s reach.
    “Maybe we’ll play again sometime.” Morgan says, squeezing Reid’s shoulder. He hugs the younger man again and heads for his own car, opening the passenger door for Garcia.
    They play a week later on the jet.
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captainceranna · 6 years
DnD Chaos at Alpha Beta House
Party Members:
Bard, Bard - Anti-social hobo chic goth.  Chaotic
Gemma (me), Cleric - Old family no money. Preppy group-mom.  Good
Taeros, Druid - Doesn’t need to eat.  So many Drugs.  Chaotic
Woden, Ranger - Sleeps in a tree.  Full camo. Chaotic
Brutus Calius IV, Paladin - Old family lots of money. The Worst.  Lawful
Highlights of my recent campaign:
Party night at Lambda Lambda Lambda House
Alcohol is almost out and there is no more drugs
Everyone thinks the party is lame, except for Brutus who thinks this is the best party ever
Alpha Beta is having a rager next door
Frat house president Bob pulls his cousin Gemma aside to ask for help to liven the party up
Bob purchased emergency party supplies *cough* drugs *cough* and needs someone to pick it up
Party decides to pick up the extra party supplies first before RUINING THE ALPHA BETA HOUSE PARTY.
Brutus thinks they are picking up actual party supplies.  No one tells him otherwise.
Step one: call Greg the Satyr to get the location of the “party supplies”
“Party supplies” held at a private storage center, contact is a security guard named Gary with two eye patches.
Step two: Go to the fantasy storage but first:
Party gets fantasy Pho at Pho’tasy!!!!
Gemma leads the party in greeting the contact Gary.  Brutus shoves his way forward
“I am Brutus Calius the IV, son of Brutus Calius the III, grandson of Brutus Calius the II, great grand son of Brutus Calius, first of his name”
The party and Gary the security share A Look.  It was a bonding moment. Brutus doesn’t notice.
Brutus is left outside to keep an eye on things (keep the lawful paladin from finding out what the real party supplies are)
These party supplies be stolen!
After interrogating Gary “I’m not employed to watch anything, I’m blind!”, they found out it was probably taken by someone named Hibiscus.
*DM stares off as they watch their careful constructed plot is destroyed*
Get back to frat house row, Alpha Beta party is in full blast.
Brutus is filled with righteous fury about the LOUDNESS and the BLATANT DRUG USE.  ROLL TO KICK DOWN FRONT DOOR.
Brutus rolls a critical failure and rebounds off door and onto his ass.
Partial success, door gets stuck halfway open
Paladin has successfully infiltrated the party!  Immediately starts handing out flyers and yelling.
Gemma and Bard sneak around back during the distraction
Taeros swans in the front door, immediately forgets the objects of the mission.  Rolls to play beer pong instead.
Taeros is a beer pong god. [Critical Success]
Taeros is very very drunk,
Everyone will remember the night that the beer pong god came to Alpha Beta House.
Meanwhile, in the backyard
Gemma and Bard successfully sneak in.  Buncha kegs and people in the back
Bard drinks beer while Gemma schemes
Gemma finds a utilities shed.  Rolls an intelligence check to figure out how to turn on the sprinklers.
Gemma just starts turning all the knobs and pressing all the buttons [Failure]
Sprinkles turn on and the house lights start flickering, congrats its a rave now
Brutus stops trying to convert people, grabs and keg and bolts outside. Plants keg on sprinkler (????).  
Paladin attempts to cast Bless on the water. Fails. Instead water becomes foam.
Congrats, the paladin invented Foam party.
Paladin believes it is a success, starts yelling “CLEANSE”.
Bard continues to drink beer.
Gemma successful casts Darkness on the inside of the house.  Some folks flee.  Most think its part of the rave.
Bard heads back to Lambda Lambda Lambda, calls the police on the way
Gemma convinces two party members to carry a keg out to the front
Taeros remembers there was a purpose to coming to Alpha Beta House. Stumbles out with half the part following him.
Everyone makes it over to Lambda Lambda Lambda just as the police arrive.
The Alpha Beta House Party will go down in the history books as one of the best frat parties ever.  
Brutus still doesn’t know what “party supplies” are.
I blame @mizlapes for inspiring me to write the highlights
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b0ba-chan · 4 years
im shaking i was doubting my chances of getting venti since i was 50/50 and didn’t have enough for soft pity BUT he came home on my 30th pull !!! and then i got skyward atlas on my 8th pull on the weapon banner omg
YAYAYAYAYYY YOU BEAT THE 50/50 CONGRATS GAAAHHHHHH have fun with your sweet drunk bard and a cool weapon (unless you dont use catalyst users then,,,,,)
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
The Bond of Matrimony (a long tale by Talviel)
Shaking, despite my mother holding onto my arm reassuringly, we entered the Temple of Mara. I gasped, as its normally modest interior had been transformed into a lush rainforest of fragrant flowers, and a bard played his lute quietly in the corner. The Guild, Keerava and Talen-jei, Karliah, my surprise guests Lisandre, Ysolda, Vilkas and Aela, and even Jarl Maven Black-Briar, and Brynjolf all turned to face me and gasped in admiration. My mother went to sit down on a pew next to my father, and the ceremony began. Cautiously, I made my way down the aisle, towards my Bryn, who looked almost ethereal in his fine black silk. “You look wonderful, lass.” He whispered to me. “As do you, my love.” I replied. The priest, Maramal, began his speech. It seemed to drag on forever, but finally, he asked us to exchange our vows.
“Lass, Vi, ” Brynjolf began, emotion quavering in his voice. “This is a fine wedding. And to think, it’s for us. We started out as partners in crime, and in a way, we still are, and always will be. I’ve been tough on you since you were just a young lass in the Guild, we’ve been through hell and back together, you’ve become one of the most esteemed chefs in all of Tamriel while I had my back turned, and I can’t believe you’re my wife.” He slid the Bond of Matrimony onto my shaking finger.
“Um, I’m not very good with this sort of thing,” I stuttered, and the entire Temple giggled. “Bryn, you know by now that I’ve loved you since I first set eyes on you when I was just 16. I think everyone in this room knows it. We’ve had some adventures over the years, alright, and whenever I’m on the road, you’re never far from my thoughts. So, marry me I guess?” This provoked another round of laughter through the room, and loud whoops and clapping rang through the Temple as I slid the ring onto Brynjolf’s finger. We kissed with reckless abandon while the cheering continued.
Once the fervour had died down, we all made our way to the Bee and Barb, which Keerava had closed for the day for our reception. The wine flowed, music played, and the guests congratulated us and helped themselves to the little morsels that had been set out. Vex came up to us, shaking her head. “That was so saccharine I almost puked.” She groaned, miming retching. “You both look ridiculous but I’m proud to call you family. Proud to call you both a family.” “Ah, typical Vex.” Delvin chimed in, holding a glass of wine. “I for one thought it was a beautiful ceremony. The canapés aren’t bad either. Oh and Talviel, congrats on snagging your man at last.” He said with a wink.
Karliah came up to Brynjolf and I, hugging us tightly. “I am so, so proud of you both. Look how you’ve grown, Talviel, my little Dovahkiin, my Nightingale sister. Oh and Brynjolf, you should wear silk more often.” “Fuck off, Karliah.” He laughed, throwing a toothpick at her. He suddenly turned solemn. “Have you thought about what I said the other day?” He asked, lowering his voice. “Yes, I have, and the answer is no, I’m afraid.” She said with an apologetic smile. “Not to worry, I thought you’d say as much. Luckily I have a backup plan.” “Oh stop it you two, we’re meant to be getting ridiculously drunk, not discussing Guild business.” I groaned. “Old habits die hard.” They said at the same time. I grumbled something at them and headed to the bar.
Keerava wheeled out a spectacular tiered cake, and everyone in the inn drooled. “Hang on, that cake looks oddly familiar.” I blurted. “That wouldn’t happen to be my creamcheese frosted gorapple cake, but tiered, would it?” Keerava blushed. “Caught me red handed. I’m not good with desserts, so I thought it only fitting for a Thieves Guild wedding that I should poach your recipe.” She cackled, as did everyone else. Brynjolf and I looked at each other mischievously, and he pulled a Nightingale blade out from under his jacket. My parents looked astounded. “Children, what do you think you’re doing?” My mother asked nervously. “Cutting the cake of course!” I replied merrily, while Karliah buried her face in her hands. “This is heresy.” She mumbled. “No, lass, it’s nothing but appropriate to start our new life with Nocturnal’s blessing.” Brynjolf smiled, twirling the sword merrily. We joined hands on the hilt and sliced into the cake.
As dusk fell, the Guild members, Brynjolf and I excused ourselves, leaving the stragglers to their merriment. We all made our way down to the cistern, while everyone laughed as I swore at my dress while climbing down the ladder. As we entered the cistern, the junior members of the Guild cheered, pelting us with coins. “Ouch!” Brynjolf and I shouted, laughing. “Whose fucking idea was this?” I yelled, as a coin pegged me on the cheek. “Mine.” Cynric piped up guiltily, but grinning from ear to ear. “You, lad, are on cleaning duty for the rest of the month. And the rest of you stop that, it’s like being hit with hailstones in The Pale!” Giggling, the new thieves stopped, but not before pocketing some of the gold themselves.
“Alright, before we get drunk, I have another announcement to make.” Bryn said loudly. Silence fell over the crowd. “This wasn’t a spur of the moment decision, and believe me I’ve spent many a night tossing and turning over it. But I’m leaving Riften.” Shocked gasps rippled through the crowd, and someone swore. “Oi, I’m not finished yet!” Brynjolf bellowed, clapping his hands to regain everyone’s attention. “I said I was leaving Riften, not the Guild. I am the official head of the Thieves Guild for all of Tamriel, and that comes with great responsibility. Riften is small, you all have the experience to handle it. I’ve decided that it’s time for me to go through Tamriel and check on every branch of the Guild. I owe everyone across the land this much, and I can’t keep an eye on say the Senchal branch if I’m here in the cistern all day. As I’ve always said, we look after our own. And don’t think I’ll be gone for good. I’ll be checking up on you lot every few months so you’d better behave.”
The crowd went silent. “Well, first Delvin, and now you.” Tonilia finally said. “If you’re not here, what are we going to do?” Brynjolf smiled. “Vex, could you come forward please?” Vex pushed her way through the throng, looking slightly stunned as she could see where this was going. “Vex, I name you second in command, and give you full authority to run the Riften headquarters.” He said. “But…why me? Why not her?” She asked, agog, pointing to Karliah. “My work takes me elsewhere, sister. We have decided that as one of the most senior members of the Guild, you have earned this right.” Karliah said softly. “I don’t know what to say. I honestly don’t.” Vex stuttered, evidently shocked. “I like my job, I’m good at it, but being a leader? You’re asking a lot of me, Brynjolf.” “I know I am, lass. But you’ve earned it.”
Vex stood in stunned silence before us. “Alright, I accept. I’ll have to pick one of you as a replacement for my current job, and don’t think I’ll go easy on any of you either. But Brynjolf has a point. We look after our own, and I promise to honour that for as long as I run the Guild here in Riften. But for now, let’s drop the topic. Vekel, start rolling in some booze will ya? We’ve got a wedding to celebrate, and my promotion of course.” Happy whoops filled the cistern again, and Brynjolf leaned towards Vex. “Thanks, lass. Wouldn’t know what to do if you’d said no.” “You’d probably stay. Admit it, you’re going travelling with your new wife.” Brynjolf blushed as red as his hair. “It’s killing two birds with one stone. I get to check on the Guild throughout Tamriel, and get a fancy hot meal at the end of every day.” I swatted his arm. “Careful Bryn, don’t count on it or you’ll be eating rocks.” I muttered. He squeezed me tightly. “I’ve never been the best cook myself, but I’ll try and reciprocate.” “Urgh, love.” Vex rolled her eyes and went to check on Vekel.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 6 years
Background: I play a Goliath paladin who worships Hestia (Greek goddess of the hearth) my friend plays an elf ranger, and we gained a human bard by the end of this tale.
Context: My party comes across a burning town attacked by various monsters. We find a survivor and they lead us to the hideout where we meet a tiefling paladin who is the leader of the people left.
DM: So as soon as you step foot inside she starts ordering you around, wanting to have you take care of a few things around the town that others aren’t strong enough for.
Me: whoa! We just saved a person and she’s bossing is around? I’m gonna roll to intimidate. Show who’s boss! *roll 11*
DM: *rolls 18* she takes a long drink from her tankard before smacking you in the back of the head with it. Take 5 damage
Later scene
Me: Okay, so we’ve helped her out now, I’d like to propose a drinking contest since we got off to a bad start!
DM: okay. She gladly accepts, roll for how many glasses you had. *rolls 18*
Me: Well that’s hard to beat. *rolls 11 (again)*
Ranger: *rolls 19* WOO!
Later still
We’re having a small celebration after my party of two and a lot of NPCs took down a gargoyle, and we’re about to leave town.
Me: Okay! This is my last chance to make any impression with this girl! I roll to sleep with her. *rolls a 19*
DM: WOW. So, despite all previous attempts at doing anything decent, you manage to convince her to have sex with you, likely because you’re both a bit drunk. Congrats
Ranger, OOC: You know Hestia is a Virgin goddess right? You can’t have sex before marriage!
Me: *pulls out a ring from my inventory and gives it to her the next morning*
The bard performed our ceremony. I now have a wife. Immediately afterwards we found armor and as a gift I gave it to her. Turns out it’s cursed, yay.
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