#couldn't even respond to them because i was blocked lmao
zukosdualdao · 26 days
so, this post was originally born from a post i saw a couple of months ago that was deriding people for criticizing katara’s main role in lok being a healer when that was never all she wanted to do but liking the scene where she heals zuko in sozin's comet. at the time i thought about responding directly and decided against it, but i have since scanned through transcripts of every instance (i could find; it's possible i could be missing something) of katara healing someone in the show and how they respond. (you know, like a normal and well-adjusted individual. lmao.)
anyway, aside from katara explicitly stating that she doesn’t only want to be a healer, another aspect of why people don’t like that this is how her story goes in lok is because of the way healing is treated in the atla narrative.
Katara: Aang, you're burned! Let me help you. [Katara heals the burn on Aang's arm.] Aang: Wow, that's good water. Sokka: When did you learn that? Katara: I guess I always knew. Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Oh ... Well then thanks for all the first aid over the years. Like when I fell into the greaseberry bramble. [Angrily.] Or that time I had two fishhooks in my thumb!
this comes, of course, after aang accidentally burns katara and she learns she can heal through her waterbending by healing her own hands. then (after comforting aang despite being the one who got hurt, not that i'm bitter), she heals aang after he gets burned in his fight with zhao. and like... there's not so much as a cursory thanks in this scene.
to be clear, because i can already hear some responses in my head and i am making a preemptive strike: i'm not saying that when other characters don't thank katara for her healing, they're like, the worst people ever for not doing so or there aren't other ways at different times where they show their appreciation. what i am saying is that it feels like this sets up a long pattern of katara's healing specifically being taken for granted, and it makes me especially uncomfortable when i see her healing as a sort of metaphorical parallel to the emotional labor often expected of her in the show, especially because this and being The Avatar's Girlfriend/Wife is more or less what she's relegated to in post-canon.
also, i have to note sokka's line here. i don't want to come down on him too hard for this, because it's obviously being written humorously (and does genuinely make me laugh, for what it's worth, if just for the inherent ridiculous nature of two fishhooks), but his sarcastically saying thanks for all the help over the years when katara says she always knew (which is supposed to be her saying it just somehow instinctively came to her) does feel like another mark in this pattern. but i also really read this as sokka trying to lighten the mood after a Difficult (TM) day, so i cut both him and the writers some slack for it.
Meanwhile, back at the Outer Wall, Katara attempts to heal a member of the Terra Team. General Sung: What's wrong with him? He doesn't look injured. Katara: His chi is blocked. [Stops healing.] Who did this to you?
i find it interesting that katara has sort of naturally fallen into a token team healer role, to the degree that we don't even see them ask for her help or her agree to it; it's just automatically assumed that she will. and i mean, on the one hand, it's fairly standard to have an Assumed Healer in a fantasy action setting like this, where people will get hurt in combat and therefore the narrative needs someone whose job is to help them. the problem for me is that the show kicked up such a fuss about how women shouldn't just be allowed to be healers, and yet it's still the role no one but katara ever fills. aang is also a waterbender! why couldn't she have taught him healing, too? i genuinely think it would have added a lot to the story, but katara is The Girl (TM), so healing is what she (and only she) does, what's expected of her, and again, with very rare thanks for it.
Katara stares open-mouthed at Jet, her hands hovering near her mouth in shock. Snapping out of it, she withdraws water from her water skin, with which she covers her hands, and it begins to glow as she kneels down next to him. Cut to a shot from over her shoulder, with Jet glancing at her while she rubs her hands over his chest in an attempt to heal him. After rubbing his chest three times, the glow fades, the water stains Jet's clothing, and Katara looks back over her shoulder toward the rest of the group. Katara: This isn't good. Smellerbee: You guys go and find Appa. We'll take care of Jet. Katara: We're not going to leave you. Longshot: There's no time. Just go. We'll take care of him. He's our leader. They stare at Longshot in surprise. Jet: Don't worry, Katara. I'll be fine. [Smiles a little.]
Cut to a closer shot of Katara placing Aang's body on Appa. Katara opens the vial around her neck and uses water healing on Aang's wounded back. The rest of Team Avatar, Kuei, and Bosco all look sadly and in anticipation. The glowing from the spirit water stops, and Katara starts crying, assuming that it was not enough to save Aang. Aang's tattoos glow for a second and Aang groans. Katara, overcome with joy that Aang is alive, looks at him, who smiles a little, and she holds him closer.
writing about these together because i have less to say about them. i'm definitely not going to fault jet for not thanking katara when she tries to heal him as he literally lay dying, or aang for not having the mind to do so after she brings him back. but i am still going to fault the narrative for putting her in a position where healing is just inherently expected from her and yet very rarely allowing her to feel the emotional toll of that or to feel constricted by it. and when she does struggle against the weight of it (not necessarily of being a healer, but of being expected to be kind and good and uncomplicated with no room for other aspects of her identity, which are very tangled up in why she is The Healer) in episodes like the runaway or in the southern raiders, she just... does not receive a lot of support from the people she should be most able to rely on.
Katara: Maybe we should go upstairs. [Helping Aang up.] You need a healing session. Back in Aang's room on the ship. Katara bends some water onto the scar left by Azula's lightning attack. Katara: Tell me where the pain feels most intense. Aang: Mmm, a little higher. Uhhh! Aang briefly flashes back to the battle at Old Ba Sing Se where he rose into the Avatar State, then back to reality. Aang: Wow, you're definitely in the right area there.
not much to say here, it's just another instance where it would have been so easy to slip one thank you in, and the writers just... do not. the reason i think it bothers me so much with aang specifically is because katara is supposed to be both aang's physical healer and his emotional crutch in a way that she's not written as being for, say, toph or sokka. he's sometimes shown appreciation for her emotional support, but he still comes to rely on and expect it in ways that do not always feel healthy, and knowing that, it bothers me that he shows even less appreciation for her healing, because it's just what katara is there for.
A figure resembling the Painted Lady glides over the water on a carpet of fog and enters the village. She steps into a hut where several people are sleeping on the floor, and bends over each of them in turn, healing them with a blue glow. Her last patient is the mother of the little boy seen earlier, her son sleeping at her side. He wakes as the Painted Lady turns to go and silently follows her out the door. Little boy: Thank you, Painted Lady.
this is a genuinely sweet scene in which katara does receive appreciation and genuine thanks for her healing, but i think it's also worth noting that katara is not being recognized as herself here. still, i am genuinely very glad that it's included in the episode because (again, unless i am missing something) it is the first time katara gets thanked for her healing.
The scene cuts to show Appa landing on the edge of the battlefield. Sokka and Katara help Hakoda onto the ground, and Katara starts trying to heal him. Katara: How does that feel, Dad? Hakoda: Ah, a little, better. I need, to get back to the troops. [Attempts to stand but is too weak to.] Ahh! Katara: You're hurt, badly. You can't fight anymore. Hakoda: Everyone's counting on me to lead this mission Katara, I won't let them down. [Attempts to stand again but can't.] Ahh! Sokka: Can't you heal him any faster?
they're in a high intensity situation, and sokka is Stressed because hakoda is supposed to lead the mission, so i, like, Get It, but "can't you heal him any faster?" does strike me as another moment in which katara's healing is being taken for granted. i think it's something that would bother me a lot less if this was an isolated incident in the writing, but *gestures vaguely at whole post*.
Sokka: [Brightening.] Dad! [Rising and approaching the two.] You're on your feet again. Hakoda: [Sitting down; somewhat weakly.] Thanks to your sister.
that being said, in the next hakoda and katara scene, there is this very sweet moment, where hakoda might not be thanking katara directly but is showing a lot of appreciation and admiration for her skill in healing (and though she's not in the dialogue i included, she's around to hear it, which makes me happy.)
Katara: It's gonna take a while for your feet to get better. [Stops healing.] I wish I could have worked on them sooner. Toph: Yeah, me too.
once again, i'm not gonna fault toph for wishing katara could have healed her feet sooner, because she's been in pain all night, but the writers could have very easily (as they could have in any of these scenes!) chosen to include a perfunctory 'thanks' here, and they just didn't. i know this is getting repetitive, but i swear it's because it's largely more me being mad at the writers than the characters, lmao.
there are also a couple of scenes in which katara doesn't heal anyone, but her healing gets brought up by aang.
Aang: He doesn't look sick. You okay, buddy? [Appa groans and Aang pulls out Appa's purple tongue.] His tongue is purple! That can't be good. Katara, can you heal him?
to be fair, aang asks here, and it's not like aang gets defensive or angry when katara says appa needs medicine (and also to be fair, appa's not even actually sick, lmao, katara's being slightly trickstery), but it's another instance where katara is automatically positioned as the person who is and should be responsible for healing.
Aang: [Chuckles.] Well, not over over. I mean there's always Katara and a little Spirit Water action, [Turns to Katara.] am I right? Katara: Actually, I used it all up after Azula shot you. Aang: [Disappointed.] Oh.
i actually don't mind this so much as a writing moment, as i think it's a lot more intentional wrt aang not always conceptualizing the reality of the violence he’s facing. still, it’s another instance of katara’s ability to heal and care for him being taken for granted, and i find it especially notable it’s in of the last significant moments they share together (the other being an argument as katara urges him not to run away from the reality of their situation with ozai) before they spend the rest of the finale separate until they’re kissing without a word at the end.
and then there is the zutara healing scene, where katara heals zuko after he interferes and takes azula’s lightning to the chest when she’s aiming for katara.
Cut to Katara as she rolls Zuko on to his back and begins healing him. Zuko opens his eyes, feeling the pain lessen, and smiles weakly at Katara, who smiles back as she sheds a tear.
Zuko: Thank you, Katara.
Katara: I think I'm the one who should be thanking you.
it seems fair to me to say that one of the reasons the motifs of healing in the zutara are dynamic are so appreciated by their fans is because of how it contrasts to a lot of moments where the work katara does with her healing is under-appreciated. for one thing, it happens as part of a mutual exchange—katara heals zuko after he gets hurt saving her. (this also somewhat calls back to their scenes together in the crystal caves in the tcod, where she offers to heal his scar after they are trapped together and zuko extends her empathy.) it’s based in reciprocity. it’s also, as shown here, one of the few moments of explicit, heartfelt appreciation and thanks given for katara’s healing.
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jaymesyourplaything · 6 months
Transparency pt 2
ĥamlo- how the hell did i do that anyway LOL i wanted to officially declare my disincludement in the situation- who the hell is blasting tiktoks i got this girl in the hospital next to me scrolling through tiktok honestly euthanasia at this point i am not gonna listen to her tiktoks all fucking day
she did, in fact, listen to this girls tiktoks all fucking day.
i did not get euthinized. failed opportunity. anyway.
i'm over it, it's done anyway. i'm not gonna have any more posts i guess? about it, i'm going to continue blocking their blogs,, i haven't yet because the last two days have been cray cray ehe my hand is declining (LOL ) and my partner got into a work accident. they had surgery and might need another, but high hopes. mostly i'm busy ehe helping my partner (with one hand 😵‍💫🥴😵‍💫 ) and then goofing off and playing games with them or something like idk it's just online stuff i'm chill.
but this is my mod account to talk about whatever mod stuff and i'm SUPER excited to get back to roleplaying, my tua oc is getting love from me again. my baby. 🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍 well. we'll see. with my hand declining i can't see the future for two handed tasks right now.
oh right but, you can ask questions about the scandal in tumblr if you want. i'll likely answer. i might chat to ver about what's happening, depending on what happens, but after i put my statement and then respond to idk what johns defense was i'm all done, not much else to do about it. (i mean, i'm done making posts myself about it. asks are chill. ily. )
and i did that already so, all good 👍 😌 ☺️ 😊 🙌 ✨️ omg those emojis that's adorable. it auto gives me emojis!
right. so. yeah that was crazy, wannit? uh, moving on. they even admitted to making burner blogs to interact with us. wtf. i'll just keep updating to staff, blocking them, going to see if bewitched is right and you can get tumblr to ban ip's from interacting with you. it's so weird to make accounts to interact with people who block you, like go away 😭😭 yah i have no idea why people think you're some harasser abuser lmao it's a mystery 😭😭😭 couldn't be the stalking interacting like boo leave me alone damn 😭🚪🏃🏻‍♀️💨
anyway peace from a currently two handed jay ✌️✌️
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bythenineshards · 2 years
Omg what was up with that Feysand stan on ur post????? ITS JUST A THEORY. (Not to mention a MUCH better pairing) and lol if Feysand was always endgame why in the fck does Rhysie SA Feyre??? Did Sjm do that to build sexual tension (cause Feyre says in Acomaf she had "wanted him even then") AND THAT'S INFINITELY WORSE!!
Lmao they tried to fire up on one of my posts too and I immediately blocked them. Seen them one too many times fighting about posts that's none of their business. Like life is so empty u need to fight with strangers on the internet to feel something. I am literally so mad not them saying Tamlin Apologists deserve to be bullied?!?!? For liking a fictional character????!!
I took personal offence to that
Ha! See! I told you I would respond today. I totally didn't get sucked into Skyrim and my writing and nearly forgot.
Idk what their problem was. They blocked me like the first week I was on here so I didn't think much of them. I knew about them because there would be discourse on posts and an invisible opponent. So I guess they unblocked me to stir shit and idk, get more traffic to their blog? They rebranded with a name that is clearly meant to draw in Antis of Feysand. I think they're like 15 and so I guess they're in their "I'm edgy look at me phase" where they want to pick fights because they think they're always right and special. I'm so glad I didn't grow up with my cringe behavior on the internet.This is why we don't sell erotica or "dark romance" to children. They can't handle speculation or discussions. I bet they cry over Marvel's What If... series because it's not Canon. Like... the post that had them all fired up was speculation about something we have receipts for. And a lot of people liked the idea. All they do is make the books look worse.
And the way they talk about Feyre vs. Nesta is like they think they're written by two different people. This isn't Harry Potter (fuck you Rowling) vs. Twilight (fuck you Meyers). I don't think Feyre gets a free pass to transform into a person of another race just cuz Nesta and Gwyn modelled their stuff after the Valkyries. I think both are bad and icky because the same author wrote both and clearly doesn't see how offensive that could be. I do, however, think that there's a difference between what Feyre did and the Blood Rite. Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie were kidnapped and forced into the Blood Rite. They didn't actually choose to.
Side note though: Valkyries are from Norse mythology. It does chap me that she couldn't use a mythology or create something new for her Illyrians to flesh out their culture. She just used a primarily white culture for her non-white character's culture.
Sorry to rant about that. It just irked me.
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would ship Feysand the way it's written in Canon. I can with 100% confidence say I've never written a romance that involved anyone SAing anyone. Hell, I don't feature SA at all really. I don't want it in my fantasy. I want people to find peace and love in my books. Men have written enough SA in fantasy, it doesn't need any from me.
But like... if you look at their posts, the reason I don't like Feyre is because I wanted "my fav" to end up with Rhys. They can't fathom that I don't like Rhys at all. I don't like any of her men. They don't appeal to me at all. The only one I might’ve had any inkling of interest in is Kallias but I'm sure if we spent more than a handful of pages with him, I'd hate him too. I think she'd eventually change all of them regardless of appearance to something shallow and toxic.The Bat Boys specifically are boring to me. Their designs suck, their personalities suck and the way they treat their women sucks. Nothing I see in her books is what I would classify as love. Her books aren't about love. They're about sex with hot dudes. But you know what? Other books do romance, love and even just sex better.
I'm glad you blocked them. Just know, they still spy on us.
Thank you for your ask. I hope you're doing well.
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clawbehavior · 10 months
Hello, I hope you are having a lovely day/night 💞🌷🏵️🍵
For the ao3 wrapped:
omg these asks led me on a trip down memory lane and made me so excited for my biggest WIP (which has also been a pain in my ass), so tysm for sending them anon ❤️❤️🙏
11. What work took you the longest to write?
hands down 'everything everywhere all at once', my modern au where gaon drops out of law school when his parents die and falls for their private money lender, kyh, against his better instincts. here's the funny thing: i intended to complete in one one week with 3 chapters published in 3 days!! i started it in January 2023, nearly a year ago. 
i love this story so much. i wanted to write a gentle kyh for gaon so badly, but that's difficult to do for canon unless i wrote them post-canon. so i made an angsty au. this story was also my first true foray into FF writing on a03 years and years after i had put content creation aside, and the story ended up becoming a gateway to a totally new side of TDJ fandom. people share so many beautiful ideas about the lawful family in their story comments that fic writing feels like a rich conversation. so many times i have written gahan one way to read somebody's thoughts in the comments and go ahhhh i didn't even think of that. hearing people's perspectives has been such a rewarding and crucial piece of writing bc i am a person who works best when sounding ideas off another. 
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
straight for the heart, lmao. i have three, all 95 per cent ready for publication, in that the story is fully written out and the dialogue is completely polished in some areas but i am missing a key part that's critical for bringing the story together. it's too clunky basically. 
for example, when i was writing 'i hope you are lonely' the sex tape fic, i had everything written except a single scene: i couldn't figure out how gaon publicly responded to the tape. this was a crucial part of the story because his emotion would set the tone for how comfortable he felt expressing sexual desire for yohan and thus the progression of their relationship. was he hurt and afraid? angry and sexually frustrated? wanting revenge or to move on? and how did all those emotions shape what he asked yohan for, a man who would give him whatever he wanted. so this nearly complete draft was sitting in my GD for weeks until a reader asked me when i was updating and while i was typing out everything above just how i wrote it for you some part of my brain suddenly woke up and came up with a solution. i published the fic the next day. 
all this to say that the 3 stories i have lined up for publication are experiencing the same thing. basically polished except for oooooone thing. i need to tease out what a character feels about a specific event to successfully build the tension until it ratchets up to unbearable levels and needs to be released right the fuck now, i.e. theyre going to talk about it or fuck it out or whatever. but until that piece comes to me....these fics remain in the drafts. who knows tho, maybe after this a03 wrapped my ADHD brain will pop back in and do it's darned job. 
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
all of them! i don't publish a multi chap unless i have the ending written. otherwise it stays a oneshot. rn i am excited for i hope you are lonely, elevator troubles, and everything everywhere all at once.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
isaac! i actually didn't realize this until you asked me in concrete terms, so thanks for helping me articulate the writing block i am having. it's the kang isaac in my money lender au. he does something that has significant consequences but needs plausible deniability for the story to work. i can't nail down why he does it tho. he meddles, and he's foolish and he causes trouble but not vindictively or deliberately. his heart is in the right place, but how do i write him without overly abusing the trope of the good guy who bumbled his way into something wrong? now that i'm asking myself this specific question, i may come up with an answer. 
thinking through this was loads of fun and a perfect way to spend lunch break pfft. you have yourself a good weekend 🎉🎉🥳🎉🎊🎉🥳
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Whenever I see you having an exchange with another blog all I can think of is why do you do that to yourself lmao… when a blog is brave enough to directly reblog you and start shit it means they feel confident enough in their clique to back them up (even if they’re wrong) and boom you gained five hostiles… I’d just ignore their asses… they’re literally ganging up on you like it’s hs.
As far as I can tell, no one came to this person's rescue. But either way.
I'm a bad role model in fandom. I don't practice what I preach. I tell you guys to just block and ignore people, but something like this happens, and...
I don't always respond. If someone RBs one of my posts and disagrees with it in a very mild way, I normally just let it go unless it's something like when that person took a meta post of mine and used it to go off on an unhinged rant about how Leon is a misogynist -- and I only responded to them because I did NOT want my words misconstrued like that and I didn't want people to think that that's what I was trying to say.
And I was going to just let this one go, too, but when I saw them post a piece of concept art where Leon had brown hair and said "he's blonde here" I just.
I saw that and I just kind of looked at the screen helplessly and went "Oh, no. That's objectively funny." And I couldn't not just paste the colors back at them. And they got so mad. And then it got even funnier.
It's like when that weird friends group decided to get all asshurt at me for calling Leon old, and then I dug through their blogs and found out that they were all women older than me with blogs that were filled with nothing but posts and reblogs calling 27-year-old Leon "Daddy" and I pointed it out and they all IMMEDIATELY blocked me.
That was my favorite thing.
I would love to have someone reblog one of my posts and give a comprehensive rebuttal to it with reasoning backed up by evidence from the canon and not just "Capcom said/Capcom never said" and/or "I'll just interpret it how I want w/e" but in the time that I've been posting about RE since 4make came out...
it has only happened once.
Unfortunately, the conversation never went anywhere, but I would LOVE to have more in depth, nuanced conversations about interpretations of dialogue and theming and imagery.
But all I ever get instead are dopes who don't know what the color brown is or think that an ad for an Airsoft gun is canon. So if that's all I'm gonna get, I'm at least gonna make it funny.
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illbestarryeyedforyou · 5 months
You don’t have to stalk someone’s page to notice things lmao it’s just obvious when I’m scrolling and I see you typing paragraph responses to asks that you asked them yourself? Lol
Yep, that's what I figured as well; a lot of variables that's why I didn't want to say anything. Tthey could still call cap on you, but that doesn't matter.
Point is, you noticed it, decided to point it out, and that's okay. 😊😊
I came clean about the ones I sent myself and why I did, you agreed with me that it was pathetic and that's it.
Your last asked tho where you're so condescending about it I just responded with a "👍🏽"? I didn't need to prove you otherwise and didn't want to. However, I do in fact have a good group of friends here that "actually care enough about my life" (not that it matters), "to ask me questions" or however you stated it.
let's get a little lmao and lol about this - you know.. maybe just maybe, I blocked this ask, did a little look around, saw that I had you blocked without actually blocking you, unblocked you again, and now I'm responding to this ask. Or let's say I couldn't unblock and recover this ask myself — so I sent Tumblr support a ticket about it, and I used my charmness to state "oh I blocked the ask by accident, can you pretty pretty please be my knight and hero and unblock it/them" etc, and boom, I'm here, like you stated, writing paragraphs about it? Or maybe , I can only unblock you but not recover the ask, which then throws everything I just said to the trash because I'm writing this. Was I that or am I that pretty to do that 😱🫢🤔? Or maybe I didn't/don't need to do all of that because like you, it's pretty obvious who sent these asks, which is ironic you know?
By the way, are you only following a handful of people here that only post once or twice because I answered these two previous asks around 4 hours before you actually responded so I'm pretty sure they would have been lost in the dashboard of abyss. Or did you see it earlier than that but just now responding to it? See? I'm considerate about it 😊 lots of variables. I apologize for not stating that you might have just seen them through the dash. I actually thought of it while I was crossing the street with my nephew, but then forgot to edit and add in the ask.
Can we please move on from this? you called me out, I responded, you agreed with my "it was pathetic of me" response, my friends here think you're shitty on how you responded, miserable to also even care about it and want me to block and trash you, I don't want to think about you that way or call you out because I know who it is and I'm just letting you be, and lastly, I'm assuming you could care less about the responses because 1. You just don't care and 2. it's amusing to you for the most part. Am I missing anything? It's not a big deal tho, different folks, different personalities.
That being said, again, thank you for sending the previous asks. I was able to just vent here and on my other blog instead of moderating myself in fake asks. I appreciate you for that.
I don't know if you slept since you sent this ask, but if so, I hope you had a good night's rest and uh just take care of yourself, anon. Oh, don't forget to remind your friends/loved ones that you appreciate them, hug and annoy your loved ones if you can, eat, stay hydrated, look up, BREATHE, and just do your best, however your best looks today is enough. Life is a blessing ✌🏽☺️
If anyone made it this far, can you please send me a random ask about how you're feeling, what's something you're excited about, your pet, what your day is looking like, or how about this— any book/movie/show recommendations?
anything for me to respond other than the same previous topic.
0 notes
gojodiary · 2 years
When your friendship end like your otp canon story
Disclaimer: The story is based on my story. The grammar would be mixed potential. If you were had otp friends, keep stay by their side whatever the situation.
Hello, I am Ket and also on tumblr well known as Lily (before my friend called me Ket or Cat because my direct name account). First of all, I would like to thank you,Ellon. Because of your chaos, I couldn't active my tumblr, the platform I started my fandom era especially Jujutsu Kaisen. Then, I would held the space twitter but Ellon forced me to post tumblr LMAO
Okay, I want to share what happened last months and yesterday. The reason why our friendship ended like our OTP. I am fine if you heard the story detail from my friend (I forgot this is the disclaimer too)
Our collaboration and also friendship started on March 2022 where we met and watch first screening movie. We have shared appointment to bring our merch. She had insane idea. I acquired She was total person and dedicated. We shared same mind, idea about the fiction our ship. Yes, we couldn't careless of other opinion like hating our otp as long as we love it. Ofc, we had spent precious moment to celebrate the day.
Time passed, our friendship well till The grenade comes. so what is it? Yes, there is trending tweets about our OTP topic. It made me false alarm because I believed there was no mentioned in manga even interview had done on various magazine japan. I followed two fandom account which actively translated every update, they never mentioned. The account who spread 'agenda' with mix translation made me dissapointed to the my OTP area even They were reverse side. Every fans of my OTP fandom has been blinded. I was glad another fans artist I followed keep silence and the other one tweeted disagreed same as mine.
So that, I sent DM to my friend that I shared my dissapoint that account shared that 'agenda' and there was no miss translation. The discussion with one of another friend was also shared. Her reaction:
'A is notp, so she can tell like that' 'I knew our otp faith in manga was like (bad) that but I choosed to make them happy' 'Why you took a serious to the tweet although the artist are fans of our reverse OTP'
It made me not totally fine because the "agenda" has been success to grow OTP fans to love and arise their desire to confirm the OTP had already canon :). I felt disturbed and shame on OTP fans. Unreasonable.
Around two days later, I tweeted that 'I lost interest to my OTP and take a rest till my interest arise again'. She was shocked. She felt dissapointed my decission. Shortly, a days later, she replied another fans otp and made me sad. As True Bestie, She should tried to contact me like 'are you okay?' 'hei, our fav fans updated bla bla bla'. Helping me to rise not. She was careless.
I was being dramatic to share my dissapoint to make her contact me, and she did same before. I replied her tweet normally but she's cold. There is border between us.
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Climax :
The climax of the story started when we did 'subtweet' each other. I talked about reminding to buy manga (Srsly, I didn't have jelly feeling to anyone buy Doujinshi) because supporting our sensei. She responded my tweet "I know b***. I already knew without your notice".
A day later, I saw she bought the manga. Second, She was muttering about her complain to fans artist "omnivore" (fans artist who shipped multiple not only main otp). I responded to my tweet not ony to her also to follower (in sarcasm word) :
'Hey, yo, why you didn't make a list. be smart girl. you can filter and select which artist not omnivore category. You can use that feature' Finally, She did BUB (Blocked and Unblocked) all social media.
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That's our climax. I also did blocked because she have told me to do the same if there is one who blocked you, you act that. Okay girl. Noted
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End of Story
Finally, we jump into the end of story. Hurray!!!
After the action, I felt Like:
'WTF, Our Friendship ended like KFC story'.
'We have met and celebrate the day and you cut off. So rude'
Shock, Narrow and can't cry. I still respect our precious moment but How?
So, I made 'twitter space' to talk the story I wrote here. I would like to thank you for my twitter moots attend, listen and give advice. I always remember the precious advice.
"Let's end the story and Move on. Hopefully, you find a bestie who has same vision as yours"
Yes, the advice said right. I have to let go of this very drama friendship relationship. this is shipwrecked like our OTP faith
Final (very Final)
For closing my tumblr post (coming back with drama story), you can learn from my story that your friends in OTP shipping doesn't mean is your true bestie. Don't hold back. In community especially fandom, trust me, there is another will listen, so be kind to them.
Satoru Gojo always said
"Don't worry, I am strongest"
19 November 2022
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disdaidal · 2 years
Argument made by antis: but all the other characters you mentioned are unrealistic while Billy is grounded in reality. It's more rare running into someone like 001 irl. Stanning Billy is harmful.
I block them on sight tbh. Thanks for making that list though was super fun seeing your faves!
I see. As long as the character isn't too realistic, it's okay to stan them. Noted.
Don't let them find out about Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. It would break them.
I block antis on sight, too. I don't care reading about the same, boring verses being recited to me at least five times a day. Reminds me too much of religion (and I'm an atheist who doesn't belong to church lmao).
And aww, thanks! <3 It was fun making that list and talking about them via notes. Stanning problematic characters = my biggest sin *le sigh*.
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marigoldjimmy · 3 years
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#HOW did they even find that post#(it was one where i mentioned they blocked me)#suspicious but im happy being unable to interact <3#although i spose they unblocked me now?#maybe i just couldn't interact with them for some other reason?#oh well?#anyways#this scared me to death i had just woken up#(also apparently they're insulted i called them a popular blog? maybe insulted isn't the right word but i did not mean that as a bad thing#i literally meant it as a i see their posts all the time and i can't interact thing??)#(adding this incase they somehow find this post too lmao)#(also mullets aren't short hair (: thats what i would be judging them about (:)#im sexy for being vagued by big accounts though hehe <3#which they are. if i see multiple of someones post in the recommended tab they are a big account#okay okay sorry about how long these tags are im just weirded out by them responding and taking offense to what i said in the tags#OH okay okay sorry i just realized why they assumed i dislike dean and dean stans from those tags#(i must infer they only saw that post?)#its because i said it was cringe that they weren't a cas account lmao#btw i don't actually hate dean stans ily guys i just don't really like dean personally <3#okay but im actually done now hsjdgdj i need to study for one of my finals#mine#okay im adding more im so sorry#but i said it was cringe that they weren't a cas blog in the tags because i had called them a cas blog in the main post#i figured i didn't just randomly call non cas blogs cringe i knew it was a joke lmao#im not even a cas blog lmao#okay im hopefully actually done now. if i had literally anyone to text about this i would but because i don't it gets to be a post <3#rip to not being able to talk to people online i could have used you rn 💔#although i would have needed to already have befriended them#i couldn't start a conversation like 'okay so a while back i made a post about.....'#well i could but that would be weird
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your-mom-friend · 2 years
Anyway recently I was browsing the ex-Muslim tag and I came across a post from a Muslim lamenting about us. "Why do these people have to talk about Islam anyway? You already left just go"
Which, okay. I understood the sentiment, sort of. I thought hey, I'm ex-Muslim, I think I'm qualified to give an answer.
So I did. I said we talk about it a lot online because it's dangerous for us to talk about it irl. We risk a lot if we're public about it so that's why.
OP's replies like "can I know why you left Islam? genuinely. I almost left but I thought all of the things in the world couldn't have happened by chance". Which is fair I suppose. Believe what you want right? If you believe in God you believe in God, man. Freedom of religion and stuff.
So I decided to answer, but I didn't want to be like "I just fucking hate god and religion" because that's not my vibe. I feel like it's not polite to just insult people's views to their face, even if you don't like it (barring, of course, harmful stuff such as homophobia and ableism, etc).
I said I wasn't satisfied with it. I didn't like the explanations I was given and it didn't align with my personal morals and such. I didn't like the rights stated for women or queer people. In short, it just. Didn't vibe with me. I thought it was fairly non-aggressive but I guess it wasn't?
Anyway OP goes OFF. "I'm sorry, you want to blame God for the faults of people?" and "you know women have more rights in our religion right?" and "You're not making any sense. Goodbye" and I was like. okay? I pointed out that Islam was their religion, not mine. And also that they'd asked me my views and I just gave them. and they responded with "I just wanted to see what stupid response you gave. Typical response of any ex-Muslim." and gave the whole 'you just didn't study it enough/you were just lazy' thing and left.
The only thing that really struck me about it was like, that last bit. They want to defend their religion that's great but like why ask someone to explain their views if you just want to insult them either way? It feels stupid.
Also, I tried to revisit the comment section later but as it turns out they blocked me and also deleted the comments lmao
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mintugiyuu · 3 years
> here’s the final part of your request @kyojoroo ! I’m so sorry it’s in two different parts, but I learned for the first time that these text boxes have a limit lmao, again I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night! <3
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༄ we have to stop meeting like this - continued
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sfw one-shot
➥ pairing || rengoku kyojurou x reader
➥ au || modern day; college
➥ warnings || cheesy, tooth-rotting fluff with extra cheese
➥ synopsis || the reader keeps bumping into the one and only rengoku kyojurou; only instead of just casually seeing him over and over again, they quite literally bump into him in the most inconvenient ways possible. (cont.)
➥ part one || click here!
༄ the mediterranean sea collection - masterlist
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Today had to be one of the worst days in your life. Freezing, drenched, and newly homeless, you tucked yourself onto the bus stop bench. Lucky you, this one didn't even have an awning to protect you from the elements.
The rain had no pity for your predicament as it pelted your body, the light clothing doing close to nothing for you. Summer had just come, yet the night rainfall seemed to have brought an unexpected chill.
Not to mention the suitcase and duffle bag you had with you were now also getting soaked.
You could only hope nothing was too waterlogged.
Your hand did little to protect your dying phone from getting wet as you tried to search for the nearest place to stay. Motel, hotel, air B'N'B; anything in range to get you off the streets for the night.
You had a feeling this would happen, and boy were kicking yourself for not seeing the red flags and preparing sooner.
Not having enough savings for a dorm, you had signed a contract with the residents of an apartment to rent out one of the rooms for cheap.
The agreement only lasted for two semesters, but they had promised that you'd be able to renew it once summer rolled around.
"Promise my ass." You grumbled, remembering how the original owner had gotten a partner. In return, they refused to let you sign another contract so they would have space for the "love of their life".
You saw the signs; you saw how their stuff slowly moved into the apartment and all the time they were spending there.
You just didn't think they'd be shitty enough people to kick you out the moment your contract ended.
A gust of icy wind rolled through, causing another shudder to rack your body. The closest place wasn't in walking distance, and it was far to late for the buses to be running. Sighing, you shut off your phone and closed your eyes.
You had resigned yourself to walk the several blocks to the nearest 24/7 fast food place to at least get out of the rain.
That was until the rain fall suddenly stopped beating down on you. The rain couldn't have stopped though, you could still hear it. You blinked your eyes open and looked up, surprised to what - or more accurately, who - you saw.
Standing there in all his warmth and glory, Kyojurou looked down at you with concern, holding a bright red umbrella over your soaked form.
He couldn't seem to help the small smile that graced his lips at the sound of his first name.
"I'd be happier that you finally used my name if you didn't look so sad and drenched."
A humorless snort escaped your lips as you hugged yourself, shivering slightly. "Timing always has my side doesn't it? I'm just about to head to the closest food place to get out of the rain, so don't worry about it."
"I got kicked out," you shrugged, looking to the ground.
"This late at night?"
"It surprised me too. They found a new roommate and wouldn't let me renew my contract for the next school year, and it just so happens it ended tonight." There was a hint of bitterness in your tone, one that was completely understandable.
Kyojurou's brows furrowed. "They didn't give you a heads up? A two week notice?"
"I'm just lucky they let me pack all of my stuff before I had to leave." You continued to look down at the ground, not seeing the way Kyojurou's face contorted ever so slightly.
He didn't get mad often, but whoever your old roommates are were now on his shit list
"Well that's a shitty thing to do," he stated bluntly, causing you to sputter and blink dumbly at him.
It's been almost a year since you've met the blonde, and in all that time you never once heard him say a single bad word.
"Did you just curse??"
He pretended not to hear, pulling out his own phone to see the time as you mulled over the fact that this sweet ray of sunshine just called someone shitty.
Expression neutralizing as he schemed, he turned back to you. "You don't have to stay in a fast food place for the night."
"Huh?? Are you suggesting I sleep in a box?"
The man smiled, resting a reassuring hand on top of your shoulder, frustration forgotten for now. "You can stay with me!"
"What now?"
Chuckling, he passed the umbrella off to you to hold, beginning to slip his arms out of the jacket he wore. "You can stay with me for the time being until you get back on your feet! Well, us. If you wanted to of course! Sanemi just moved out, so we're looking for a new one regardless."
Baffled at the sudden offer, you started to shake your head, forming the words to decline him. It was too big of a favor, how could you accept that?
He was one step ahead of you, as he always is.
"Before you say anything, no, it would not be any trouble, you're a joy to have around! We can settle the nitty gritty later, let's just get you out of the cold."
"Wait, Kyojurou," you were silenced by a heavy warmth that suddenly engulfed your upper body, including your sight. Moving the fabric from your eyes, you realized it was his jacket.
His once dry clothes was slowly becoming just as soaked as you were as he took back the umbrella, insistently keeping it solely above you.
The gentle way he smiled in combination with the light post that shined behind his head had you convinced he was your guardian angel in disguise.
You hesitantly pulled the jacket closer to your body, not being able to deny how relieving the warmth felt. "But, won't you be cold?"
"My insides are practically pocket heaters, it takes a lot for me to be cold. A little wind and rain won't do anything to me, I promise! Now come on, before you get sick," he insisted as he grabbed your bag, throwing them over his shoulder.
"Little" was an understatement, but you didn't have the energy to argue. It was the middle of the night and you could feel your eyes starting to droop.
Grabbing your luggage to role behind, you let the other wrap his free arm around your form, hand resting on your arm. "Thank you, truly I don't know where to start showing how grateful I am. I owe you big time."
"Never refer to me as Rengoku-san again and I'll call it even!"
A wobbly smile tugged at your lips as you leaned into his side, letting him guide you down the route to his apartment. "You have a deal then, Kyojurou."
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The weather broadcasters warned everyone about heavy snowfall, but you couldn’t help but think they could’ve prepared everyone a bit more as you stared out your window and could only see the shadow of snow.
Thank the gods above it was winter break or they’d have to cancel classes, which would just be tuition money flushed down the shitter.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door of the bedroom you were in, which was odd because the door was open.
Low and behold, it was your sweetheart of a boyfriend, holding two mugs and using his foot to knock. “I brought hot coco!”
"You don't have to knock, this is your room you dork."
"Our room technically, my dear." He responded smoothly, shutting the door with his foot behind him as he made his way to you.
"Careful not to spill it," he winked, laughing slightly as he handed you your mug.
"Just for that I should," you scoffed playfully, sticking your tongue out at him as you took the drink. The smile on his face was nothing but adoring, finding you to be adorable. You had to look away to dismiss the butterflies that swarmed in your tummy. “Looks like we’re snowed in for a bit. The snow is above the windows.”
Kyojurou hummed in agreement. “I still don’t understand how tiny snowflakes can become so damaging so fast!”
“You’re funny,” you chuckled, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Kyojurou always made the best hot chocolate.
“... UME! I’m glad I can be amusing!” You couldn't hold down the snort at the realization that he wasn't joking, swallowing and shaking your head. You granted him mercy and switched the subject.
“What are the others up to?”
Kyojurou leaned against the sill next to you, shoulder bumping yours affectionately. “Tengen is in the living room playing video games with his girlfriends, Mitsuri is watching a movie in her room and Obanai is watching with her. I think she's also painting his nails from the conversation I overheard while passing by."
“I see.”
The both of you were leaning against the window sill, basking in the comfortable silence. It wasn't common in an apartment full of unique roommates.
Even now you both could hear the loud victory cheer of Suma as Tengen groaned in defeat.
Taking another sip of your drink, you hummed, lifting your head to face Kyojurou. You were going to say something, but that was forgotten as you covered your mouth with your fingers as to not laugh suddenly.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" Your poor oblivious lover had a whipped cream mustache. He tilted his head at you - not unlike an owl - seemingly confused to your sudden shift in expression. You swallowed your laughter down as you placed your drink onto the sill, stepping closer to the blonde.
"No, nothing's wrong. You just have a little something rigghtt..." you reached out to grip his chin gently, swiping your thumb across his top lip to collect the whipped cream. "-there, all gone!"
A pretty, bright red color spread across Kyojurou’s face, wide eyes blinking owlishly at you with his mouth slightly agape. Laughing quietly at his reaction, you licked the cream off your thumb, patting the side of his cheek teasingly.
"You'll catch flies, hun." A click of teeth could be heard as he closed his mouth.
"RIGHT!" He stopped himself to clear his throat, turning to face the window as his usual smile reappeared, though a bit wobbly. "Thank you!"
All you did was hum, a slight mischievous smirk settling onto your face. You were set to happily go back to your drink when you shivered, the chill of the room finally reaching you through your clothes.
Kyojurou caught it from the corner of his eye, turning back to you. “Are you cold?”
You waved him off, shaking your head. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, you'll just get another sweatshirt.
“I’ll be ok. The hot coco will warm me up in- WOAH!” That plan was thrown out the window when he suddenly scooped you up into his broad arms, smiling determinedly.
"You're not allowed to just continue on being cold, not if I can help it!" The firey man plopped you down onto your shared bed, quickly gathering the collection of fluffy blankets you have accumulated over time.
In the blink of an eye, you were neatly swaddled in said blankets and being held gently to your boyfriend's warm chest. He settled underneath the main blanket, wrapping his strong arms around your body.
“Is that better?” He beamed at you, looking oh so proud of himself.
What did you do to deserve him?
"Much," you all but groaned, snuggling your face into the warmth of his chest. It was like cuddling a big warm marshmallow. “I still can’t understand how you’re so warm.”
“I’m a living-breathing heater, my dear. I’ve explained this before, I’m sure of it.”
You snorted, leaning into his hand as he began to run his fingers through your hair. “I’m not complaining, you’re good to keep around for whenever my hands freeze.”
“I wouldn’t mind one bit," his voice came out softly, planting a warm kiss to onto your forehead. This in turn caused you to melt even further into him, burying your face into his shirt.
Kyojurou laughed with amusement as he turned on the television, looking for something for the two of you to watch for the rest of the evening. You eventually peaked your head out to look at him, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“Hey, Kyojurou?”
All of his attention was on you. Even in these small moments he looks at you as though you're the most precious human being in the world. And to him, you were.
You hummed, placing a kiss onto his chin. “I’m happy I spilled my drink all over you.”
The small peck had similar effects from the whipped cream incident earlier, though he seemed to snap out of it quicker this time. He smiled brighter, cupping your cheek with his large, warm hand.
“That's an odd way of saying I love you."
This made you pause, the 'L-word' not being used between the two of you yet. “Wait, what?"
He gave you no time to question further as he placed a kiss onto your lips in return, his other hand finding the small of your back to pull you closer.
The initial shock of being kissed faded quickly, your arms finding their way around his neck as you pulled yourself closer. The kiss was short and sweet, yet the passion that Kyojurou lived by was always present.
The kiss came to a pause with you laying on top of his chest, remote forgotten and blankets wrapped around you as you steadied your breathing.
Kyojurou's eyes crinkled slightly with his smile, brushing the back of his hand across your cheek.
"I love you too."
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t0shii · 4 years
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how they comfort you in a crowded place
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including bokuto kotaro, aran ojiro, miya atsumu, oikawa toru, suna rintaro x gn!r
!warnings! mentions of anxiety & large crowds, slight panic attack, mentions of flashing lights & cameras, lightly proofread.
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it might take him a minutes to realize you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed and as soon as he does realize he's asking you what he needs to do to help you. never lets go of your hand!
You loved that your boyfriend kotaro had so many supporters but sometimes it was a bit overwhelming. for example, right now you both were arriving at the gym for the match his volleyball team was playing that night. fans basically swarmed your car and even the security guards were having a hard time holding them back.
you could feel yourself start to panic as they inched closer and closer, squeezing your eyes shut as you hooked your arm around your boyfriend's. at first he thought nothing of it, until he looked back at you and saw your eyes closed, face looking a little pale, sweat forming on your forehead. he took your hand immediately and pulled you securely under his arm, leaning down to your ear, "we're almost to the gym baby, just a little bit longer. im so sorry." he said to you, kissing the top of your head right after which only seemed to make the fans go even more wild.
he hugged you real tight as soon as you both got into the gym and apologized repeatedly, didn't let you leave his sight until you were feeling better but gave you space whenever you asked for it.
knows you can get anxious in a large crowd so he tries his very best to avoid large crowds of fans or reporters. is really protective of you and WILL give anyone who tries to get too close the dirtiest look you didnt even know he was capable of.
Unfortunately, the gym his game was taking place it, was surrounded by fans. "i thought i specifically asked for a blocked area?" he complained to the driver. "i think theres just too many fans to control" the driver responded, looking for the drop off spot. "i'm so sorry angel, i told them to have a blocked off area for us" he explained, grabbing your hand and squeezing it tightly. you reassured him it was fine and there as nothing he could've done about the situation and that you should be fine because the gym wasn't so far away.
as soon as you two stepped out of the car it was absolute chaos. fans screaming for aran, reporters cameras flashing repeatedly yelling questions at him, trying their very best to get close to him. the secure guards were doing there best to hold them off though. all you could do was close your eyes and let your boyfriend lead the way, he never once let go of your hand the whole way there.
as soon as you got into the gym he checked to make sure you were okay, asking if you needed anything. "i'm fine ojiro, really, i'm okay." you assured him, kissing his cheek. he embraced you in a big hug. "i'm so proud of you angel." said with a smile into the crook of your neck.
oh lord... we all know how he feels about obnoxious fans LMAO. good luck to them if they make you uncomfortable in any way ESPECIALLY if they get too close. tsumu knows you hate crowds and he tries so hard to avoid them at any cost possible.
"What the fuck is this?" he mumbled at he saw the crowd forming by the drop off area, "i'm not sure sir but there really isnt time to wait, the rest of the team's' cars are behind us." the driver responded earning a groan from your boyfriend. "'m sorry, baby" he whined looking at you with glossy eyes. "no no, it's okay 'tsum. it's not your fault. the gym's not too far anyways, i think i'll make it." you joke intertwining your hands. he nods in response and both exit the car.
seconds later fans rushed toward the two of you, screaming for 'tsumu and flashing their camera. honestly you were fine until you looked over and a teenage girl was right beside you all in your personal space, atsumu never noticing because he was so focused on getting to the gym as soon as possible. "tsumu-", he turned his head towards you as soon as he heard you say his name. he immediately s aw the girl trying to get his attention was all over you so he pulled you away from her, put you infront of him and ignored her the rest of the way to gym. it was really like a scene from a movie
as soon as the two of you stepped in the gym he was making sure you were okay and asking if you needed anything. he hugged you really tight and apologized for all the people. "'m so sorry that girl baby i dont know what her deal was, she was all over you, not cool at all. should i make sure they don't let her in the gym? i don't want her anywhere near you." you chuckled at his question, "no 'tsum, she probably didn't even realize what she was doing. i'm okay now, really." he nodded his head at your response, "as long as you're okay." he said nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
he loves the attention he gets from his fans but he will always always put your safety before their attention & dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. hates when his fans gets too close to you and when they crowd around the both of you, he didn't mind it before the two of you got together but when you told him you didn't like crowds he always does his best to avoid them.
"looks like there's a crowd toru." you say with a pout. "whaaat?" he groaned looking up from his phone. why did they have to follow the two of you to the airport? he thought to himself. he just wanted to get on the plane in peace. "oh no." he sighed looked at all the fans who had lined up to send the two of you off, luckily it the crowed wasn't too big considering it was 4 in the morning.
"i'm so sorry angel, i didn't think they'd follow us here this early," he explained with a frown."no no toru, it's not your fault at all! don't apologize" you assure him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "let me step out and tell them to keep their distance." you nodded and he stepped oit
you giggled as you hear him ask his fans to stay away from you when you exit the car he. stays out and chats with the fans for a few minutes before it was time to go into the airport. fortunately his fans were super understanding and chill when you stepped out of the car, saying hi to you and wishing you both a safe flight. he still made sure you were okay even though the fans kept their distance like they promised and pampered your face im kisses filled with love and a whispered, "im so proud of you angel."
god he hates crowds himself so he completely understands you. he doesnt like when fans crowd him and especially when they crowd around you since he knows it makes you anxious.
"just stay close okay?" your boyfriend mumbled in your ear as he took your hand and helped out of the car. you responded with a quiet "mhm". i hate these people, he thought to himself. not only did he already hate crowds, he hated when there was a crowd around you. honestly, you couldn't even see straight because of all the flashing cameras and it didn't help that all the fans around were pushing in closer and closer, the two of you could barely even move as it was. all you could do was squeez your eyes shut and pray you got to the gym faster than the fans could trample over you to get a an autograph or a picture from your boyfriend.
rintaro was squeezing your hand so tightly by the time you both stepped into the gym you thought your hand was gonna fall off and you could barely even control your breathing, he immediately pulled you into an embrace, not too tight though, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your back soothingly, "im so sorry baby, you did so well." was all he said over and over again, trying his best to ease you while his teammates stumbled in behind the two of you complaining about the crowd.
after your breathing had calmed down he gave you space whenever you wanted it making sure to check up on you periodically. "im okay now rin, you can go practice now." you reassure him, with a kiss on the cheek of course. he agreed after a while but was still worried about you the whole practice and for most of the game after that.
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a/n omg i rlly like writing for aran AHH ok ummmm thanks for reading p.s. oikawa would be so chill with his fans after highschool UGH everyone says theyre rude but i hc the opposite 😌😤
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reignof-fyre · 3 years
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I woke up to this. I posted my opinion on Steve's endgame (him fucking off to the 40's to live happily ever after) and why I hated it - sarcastically- and ended up being called an asshole and piece of shit and having to look, with my own eyes, at someone saying Tony Stark is redundant. Also that Bucky broke their "till the end of the line" vow. Couldn't even respond because @zarabithia apparently doesn't exist or blocked me lmao what????
1. I'm allowed to have a simple, innocent opinion without being called a piece of shit thanks ever so much
2. Tony Stark is far from redundant. He funded the Avengers, gave them gear, weapons, jets, etc and without him they'd have nothing lol
3. Bucky never broke he and Steve's vow? Do you think him being forcibly drafted* in the army was breaking it? Or by "him fucking off" to live his own life was the 2 years in Bucharest when he COULD BARELY REMEMBER HIS OWN NAME because of HYDRA brainwashing? Or when he went to Wakanda to recover from said brainwashing and Steve was a literal terrorist/fugitive from the law because he BROKE THE LAW ?
4. As for my blog being devoted to murderous pieces of shits...???? So. I happen to adore Daenerys. The show did her wrong. I love book Dany. And perhaps if you ever picked one up, mayhap the dictionary, you'd realise what opinion means and how, in a free country like Australia where I'm from, I'm entitled to it without being verbally abused.
Have a lovely day.
*I edited this because apparently Bucky was drafted by the army, he didn't willingly enlist. He was going to stay in Brooklyn with Steve. That's LOYALTY!
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
3 | Cruel Summer
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pairing: tom holland x reader
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing descritive and nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut!! but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 1.6
a/n: english it's not my first language, Sorry for any mistakes! If you want to be tag on the next chapters, please let me know
Summary: Y/n, Harrison and Tom has always been best friends. Since childhood they’ve always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom?
PART 3! If you want to read the other parts click here
Don’t forget to check out the playlist by @petesrparker​ created for the series! here
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After a few minutes of crying I felt someone approaching and sitting beside me. I looked up, wiping my eyes, and saw a worried-looking Haz in front of me.
- What happened? Are you okay? I noticed you were missing from the dance floor. - he asked and wrapped one of his arms around me hugging me sideways.
- I’m okay Haz, I think I just got sick, that's all, it must have been the drink.
- Y/n... as you said: I know you from other life, and you didn't even drink much, now tell me, why are you crying? - I hated when he insisted like that, but it was fair, after all he was my brother at heart.
- Haz... I don't want to talk about it, it's so immature I don't even know how to explain it to you, I think it was just something of the moment.
- Did some idiot hurt you? Because I can go back there and...
- No! Nobody did any harm, it's okay... - I said, wiping some tears that insisted on falling.
- Y/n please tell me, I swear I won't tell anyone. You're not one to cry like that...
- I saw Tom kissing Meghan and I felt bad, ok? - I interrupted him, looking at the ground with shame that I had admitted that out loud.
Haz was silent for an infinite number of minutes, processing what I had just said, until he touched my shoulder, I looked at him and I could see the confusion in his eyes.
- Since when do you like Tom that way?
- I don't know the exact date, I just... I started to feel different about him a while after I broke up with Steven... But I think it's just something temporary, you know? Maybe because he is my best friend and treats me well, I ended up having a crush on him, I think that was it, but it will pass, I just need to distract myself with something else...
- Y/n are you sure it's something temporary? Well, I'm your best friend too and you never felt that way about me.
- Yeah, but I always saw you as my brother and Tom as my best friend... I can't explain it, I just know it's different, it always has been, but I'm sure this stronger feeling must be temporary, I just need some time.
- Darling... I'm so sorry. How about we go home? We can watch tv shows and forget about it.
- Are you sure Haz? You were talking to Gracie, I don't want to take you out of the party like that, especially from the side of your other half who I know one day you two will get married, live in a cabin in the woods, have several children and I'll be godmother to them. - I said and Haz laughed and I followed. Laughing after crying is one of the best feelings.
- Damn, you created a whole fanfic. - He said and now I wiped the tears of laughter. - But seriously, we can go, it's already midnight. - He said looking at the watch on his wrist - I'm just going to tell Gracie, so she doesn't think I forget about her and say that you're not feeling well and want to go home, how about that?
- Okay... but only because I'm feeling like crap. - I said pouting and he kissed my head hugging me tight.- I'll be right back, madam.
Haz then got up and went back inside and I took the opportunity to text my mother saying I would be at the Osterfields' house and she sent me an ok.
It took a few minutes and he came back waving for me to join him. I got up, going after him in the parking lot, as he didn’t drink, because he came with his car. We walked in, turning on the radio, and we heard Taylor Swift's Cruel Summer start to play, how ironic.
- Did Tom say something about us leaving? - I asked looking at him.
- No, actually he was busy... but I told Tuwaine and Gracie. - Haz said stopping at the red light.
-Hmm- I sighed trying not to imagine what Tom could be "busy" with. - And Gracie wasn't upset?
- No, I said it was an emergency and she understood. - He smiled in my direction squeezing my hand and I smiled.
- Thank you Haz, I don't know what it would be without you.
- I know, I'm awesome. - He spoke blinking.
- Oh god, I can't even try to say something nice for once. - I said rolling my eyes - But you're really awesome. - and he blew me a kiss in the air and I gave him a laugh shaking my head.
We arrived at Haz's house and Jenna welcomed me with open arms as usual.
We went to Haz's room and I helped him pull up and make the bed besides his own and he gave me a pair of pajamas that I could wear. I went into the bathroom and took off my defeat-smudged makeup and came back lying next to Haz on the top bed as we turned on the tv to a random show that was on. But, of course, we don't pay any attention, because we are talking the whole time.
-... So, Gracie said she liked my eyes a lot, and I didn't know what to do. - He said while we discussed the events of the night, ignoring Tom and company.
- Aww Hazzy, what a cute little cliché. - I said making a melted face. - And you didn't say anything?
- I just said thank you and I said hers were beautiful too, but I got nervous, that's when I realized you were gone and I went after you.
- Wow, I can't believe I ruined this perfect moment.
- Nah, don't even worry, I have all the time in the world, in fact she's from my class, so we still have a lot of opportunity to talk. - he said and I nodded yawning.
- Let's go to sleep? It's almost 3 in the morning. - He said turning off the TV and I gave a thumbs up scratching my eyes.
I jumped down to the bottom bed and covered myself, turning to the other side.
- Haz?
- Yeah?
- If you tell Thomas anything I'll kill you and desert you. - I said listening to him laugh and fell asleep right away.
The other day I woke up and looked to the side, seeing that Haz was still sleeping. I picked up my cell phone, stretching, and saw that it was almost noon. I got up quietly making sure that I was not making too much noise, went into the bathroom and put on my clothes from the night before. I needed to go home to take a shower and take the rest of that weird night.
I sat next to Haz nudging him until he blinked awake.
- Haz, I'm going, thanks for everything. - I said while he was returning to planet earth little by little.
- Already? Don't you want to have lunch first? - He said sitting on the bed.
- Thanks, but I need to go home, I have some work to finish too, see you tomorrow at school?
- Okay, but if you need anything call me. - He said and I agreed hugging him going towards the door.
- And promise you'll keep your mouth shut?
- I swear, cross my heart. -He said zipping his mouth and I pointed my index finger at him intimidating him.
I went downstairs and thanked Jenna, greeting Charlotte who had already woken up. I said goodbye to them and went out into the sun on a Sunday that I was miraculously doing in London. I walked home, went in, had lunch and went straight to my room, I wanted to stay in alone with my feelings. Was my period coming up? It's not possible that I'm feeling so bad.
I took a shower, changed into comfortable clothes and fell into bed, putting on some sad music to play, closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on the sadness.
A few minutes later I felt my cell phone vibrate with a message coming through.
I unlocked the screen and saw "Tommy 🤓 send you a message" written. I took a deep breath and opened it to look at what he had sent.
Tommy 🤓 says "Hi stranger! Why did you and Haz disappear yesterday? 😭"
Tommy 🤓 says "Tuwaine told me you weren't okay, I tried calling you guys and nothing..."
Tommy 🤓 says "Is everything alright?"
I rolled my eyes reading the messages and at the same time not wanting to respond, but started typing.
Y/N 🌻 says "Everything it’s okay, don’ worry 😊 I think some drink went wrong and I felt a little sick, but nothing to worry about, rlx"
Y/N 🌻 says "The party was great! Too bad I couldn't stay longer..."
I think I was a good liar.
Tommy 🤓 says "Damn it, but I'm glad you're ok, the party was really great! I've already posted the photos on insta. There some really weird ones... 😂"
Y/N 🌻 says "I can imagine 😂"
Tommy 🤓 says "I have a really strong hangover right now, I'm going back to sleep, want to come over later? I want to tell you some things that happened 👀"
Sure Tom, I'm going to your house so you can tell me everything about your wonderful night with Meghan, sure.
Y/N 🌻 says I'd like to, but my stomach's still kind of bad from yesterday 😭 so I'll just stay here, see you tomorrow?"
I told him to avoid him to come at my house.
Tommy 🤓 says "Okay 🥺, take care! See you tomorrow shortie!"
He said and I sent a "😘" blocking the screen. I lay on my stomach and buried my head on the pillow wanting to scream. Tom seemed happy and excited to tell me the "things" from last night, why couldn't I be happy for him? Damn feelings!
I think what I had to do was sleep, eat chocolate, put on a really cliche romantic comedy movie, wait to see if my period would come down (why was I being so dramatic? It could only be that) and pray that monday I would be better.
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
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radioduo · 3 years
i was there in your forgetting (until i was forgot) || dsmp become human
word count: ~1,900
notes: woo!! the title is much different from the others but i think i like it more lmao anyway, hopefully this is good? i wrote it kind of early in the morning lmao
warnings: i guess it counts as a hostage-type situation, but i don’t know what to call that exactly, so i won’t tag it, just be warned! there is also a brief mention of smoking
first // prev // next
Ranboo had forgotten how much distaste he had for rain until he was on his own. It was still dark outside, a little past midnight if he were to guess. Streetlights and storefronts stayed illuminated, luckily for him. Ranboo sat outside a café under a rain-soaked umbrella as he planned his next move. Niki had told him which way to go, but now his only issue was finding the right direction. He had never ventured far in the city before by himself. Now he was by his lonesome with no guidance and no idea where he was going.
He removed his gloves and absently traced a finger along the edges of the metal table as he murmured directions to himself. “East… Camden, and then north to-”
Ranboo froze. He slowly turned his head around to look at the person behind him. A tall ginger man with white streaks in his hair stood behind him, his backlit up by the light of the café. He had a curious look in his dark brown eyes as he looked at the masked android. “Who are you?” Ranboo demanded.
The ginger didn’t answer right away. He wandered over to the seat on the opposite side of Ranboo and sat himself down before replying, “I’m Fundy,” he said. He must have noticed Ranboo’s unease because he quickly added, “Don’t worry! I’m an android too.” He held up his gloved hand. Ranboo watched in surprise as the “skin” retreated from his hand to reveal the porcelain white layer below. Fingerless gloves covered most of his palm, but Ranboo could tell that Fundy wasn’t lying. The newcomer’s LED blinked from under his black cap. “I was passing through here and noticed you sitting alone. I thought you might like some company,”
The tension in Ranboo’s shoulders was easing up a little. “Okay. If that does happen to be true, how did you know I was going to Ferndale?” he asked, narrowing his eyes behind his shades. “You shouldn’t have been able to know that.”
Fundy shrugged. “I have my ways,” he said airily. Mischief gleamed in his eyes. “You’re gonna want to get patched up before going on that trip,” Fundy suggested. “I can see the scarring on your hands.” Fundy pointed to Ranboo’s hands where the skin layer rippled like water over his knuckles and joints. “Doesn’t exactly seem like you’re in good shape,”
Ranboo grimaced beneath his dual-colored mask. “If you knew about the night I’ve had, you wouldn’t be surprised,” he muttered.
Fundy laughed, a sound reminiscent of a fox squeak. “Uh-huh?” His tone was light and playful. “Well, I’m sure it was terrible, but that’s not why I’m here.” He leaned forward in his chair. The light from the stores illuminated the ginger's face. “I know a guy who can fix you up,”
“Huh, that sounds trustworthy, for sure,” Ranboo twiddled his fingers. Fundy was treading a thin line between truth and deceit. “...who do you know?”
“Ah,” Ranboo sighed. “I see.”
He looked down at the slip of paper Fundy had handed him before disappearing. The address was correct, so why did it feel so wrong to be there? The android looked back up at the looming building. It was not the most threatening exterior. The walls were white brick, and the front door was a cheery shade of yellow. Rain blurred some of his vision, but he could see a garden in the back of the house. An iron gate and an intercom blocked the entrance. Haltingly, Ranboo pressed a button on the keypad. A raucous buzzing sounded from the speakers.
Suddenly, a voice cut through the crackling static. “Can I help you?” An unknown woman asked. She had an accent from somewhere Ranboo couldn't put his finger on. Somewhere southern, perhaps?
O Yes
X No
Ranboo rubbed his hands together nervously.
O Yes
“I think you can. At least, someone told me you could,” he stated. He noticed his face on a small screen, presumably the woman's view of him. Ranboo noticed how disheveled he looked, hair mussed up and clothes dirty. He frowned beneath the mask.
There was a pause, and then, “Honey, I don’t know what you think this place is, but I suggest you go home for the night. I don’t appreciate you kids playin’ tricks on me.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” He held a hand up in desperation. Removing his glove, he put his scarred hand up to the screen. “I need your help,” he said quietly. “Please?”
There was an awkward silence, and with no warning, the iron gate began to slide open. Ranboo breathed a sigh of relief. He approached the front door brightly. He was about to knock, fist poised over the door when it suddenly swung open to reveal a tall blonde woman.
“Hello, darlin’,” she drawled. Her accent was much thicker in person, and clouds of cigarette smoke puffed from her mouth now and then. “Come on in! Make yourself at home here. I’ll get my husband and he can fix you right up,” she explained, ushering him into the house.
O Accept
X Refuse
Ranboo cast an anxious glance behind him. As predicted, he was alone with no one but the lady and the rain for company.
O Accept
Ranboo followed the blonde into the living room. He had to admit, the home was comfortable. The fireplace was roaring, and there were throw blankets and pillows scattered around the couch. “Th-thanks?” He called after her as he watched the woman vanish into the next room. He sat in a pillowy chair tentatively and glanced around.
The curtains were smoky gray, and the wooden floors were were the color of freshly made caramel. There was a record player in the corner with shimmering golden accents. Vintage, he noticed. It was made in 1996, if he had to guess, about thirty years ago. A low tune was playing quietly that almost felt foreboding. Ranboo was about to get up and inspect the purple and white striped disc when the door was cast open.
“Well, well, well!” A deep, booming voice cut through the soft music. A man in a cream button-down shirt and suspenders made his grand entrance and set himself on an armchair across from Ranboo. “I hear we have a visitor? It’s nice to meet a young android like you. I’m Alan Devon, and this is my wife Adeline.” he gestured to the blonde lady that stood behind him. He held a hand out to the brown-haired android.
Ranboo took the man’s hand and eyed him cautiously.
Alan Devon
Age: 51
Height: 6’2”
“Nice to meet you too, sir,” Ranboo replied slowly. “I, uh, I heard that you were able to do android repairs?” He said, fiddling with his gloves.
Alan chuckled. “Not just able, son, I’m an expert at this sort of thing. I used to be the second in command at CyberLife. I helped design the very first android ever created, TU880?” Silence met his words, and he continued talking. “What I’m trying to say is that I am more than qualified to fix up your hand.” He stood up from his white armchair and headed towards a door at the back of the room. “If you follow me, we can get started on repairs right away!”
Ranboo watched Alan descend the dark staircase. The sensible part of his mind told him to run.
O Follow him
X Don’t follow him
Considering the night he’d had, Ranboo couldn’t exactly say he was feeling sensible.
O Follow him
He pulled himself off the couch and past the record player. Mellohi, he noted. Huh. With a deep breath, he gripped the railing and followed after the middle-aged man, a quiet determination settling in him.
The flight of stairs was shorter than he expected. At the bottom of the steps sat a large room full of spare parts and pieces of androids. Strewn about the room were LEDs, thirium pumps, and audio processors. Ranboo almost tripped over a stray limb. He shuddered in disgust.
“Here,” Alan pointed to the large machine at the front of the room. “Step up onto this and we can get started,” he ordered coldly.
Ranboo did as he was told, albeit reluctantly. He gasped in surprise as robotic arms grabbed his wrists and pinned them to his side. Another arm placed itself firmly on his head, keeping it still. “What is this?” Ranboo asked shakily.
Alan didn’t respond for a second as he pressed an array of buttons on a keypad next to Ranboo. Finally, he looked back up at the captive android with his too-wide smile and too-bright eyes. “Don’t you know, son?” He asked. “Lesson one: never trust a stranger,” he pressed a green button on the keypad. “Or anyone, for that matter.”
The machine jerked Ranboo's head back swiftly. “What are you doing?” he yelped. The robotic arm was sifting around through the wires and gears in the android's neck. “Aren’t you-”
“No talking,” Alan said firmly, which Ranboo assumed was his polite way of telling him to shut the hell up. “We don’t take kindly to androids in my house, you hear?” He muttered something to himself as he wandered away from where Ranboo was struggling on his own. “Androids were my idea! Who do you think gave that blue-eyed bastard the idea to build that piece of rubbish? Not to mention one of your kind killed my son.”
Ranboo stiffened as the metal claw poked his memory card. “What are you talking about?
Alan dodged the question. “I’m wiping your memory. Once that’s gone, you’ll forget you were ever a deviant, and I can dismantle you.” He smiled. “I’m going to build the most sophisticated piece of AI with these spare parts, mark my words.” He smoothed the wrinkles in his shirt. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get a drink. Don’t even think about leaving, or you’ll be sorry.”
Ranboo wasn’t sure what awaited him if he tried to leave, but he was willing to risk it if it meant freedom. As soon as his captor was out of sight, Ranboo began struggling against the metal claws that held him in place. The machine gripped his memory chip and began to pull. Ranboo winced and tried to move his neck away, but to no avail. The chip disconnected from his system, and Ranboo could feel his memories corrupting.
All the faces he used to recognize blurred together. Niki, Sam, Fundy, slipping away like sand through his fingers. He grimaced as he felt the metal claws relax their grip on his arms and head. Ranboo wriggled his way out of their grasp and stepped down from the platform. He had a minute before all of his system memory was corrupted. Ranboo frowned as he grabbed the memory card. He wasn't able to put it back in himself. He pocketed it and looked around. His adrenaline was fading, and with it went his memories. He scanned the bleak basement. His options were limited. Wait for the Devons, escape through the front door, or find-
The back door, he thought as a plain white door caught his eye. Hope blossomed in his chest again. I can leave.
He rushed to the door silently and was about to tug on the handle when he heard the door open again. Ranboo tensed.
O Leave
X Stay
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gay-otlc · 3 years
[Quick note, this is kinda lengthy, so take as much time as you need to respond. Uh, sorry for how long it got.]
Fuck. The chapters keep getting better. Sar you done did good.
-I can't tell you how fucking amazing it is that you were able to write Naomi's thoughts without pronouns. It was something that I immediately picked up on, but it was subtle enough that I read back through the first paragraphs before continuing on.
-I was so fucking anxious for the Crew™ during the elimination. I felt my nervousness rise and I genuinely had the thought of "Shai wouldn't- would ae? No hir evil but not that evil, right?" /lh
-Thankfully I was correct but still I was scared for a second.
-The Gals being pals.
-Cameron, you win the prize of the chapter. I shit you not, I was in the fucking car reading this and I actually had to stop for a sec to laugh at one of their remarks. My father was. Very confused but I've done weirder.
-And she's so snazzy and hilaerious with just the right amount of concern and understanding. This made me so genuinely happy because like. I want to be the Cameron for someone. I want to do that.
-This: (sorry it's a big block of a quote but I had to put the whole thing in here)
"Sometimes it’s like, super clear in my head, like there’s this neon sign screaming my gender at me. And sometimes there’s something, but it’s like, blurry. And then sometimes it’s like, what the fuck. It’s hard to do, but I try not to push too hard for what my gender is if it’s not super obvious. It’s a lot easier to just ask, what clothes would make me happy, what kind of chest would make me happy, what pronouns would make me happy. So, I just figure that out when I’m getting dressed or whatever, and that takes so much stress out of it.”
I have been struggling with my sexuality and my gender for so long and you put it in like. Actual words that make sense, I've never been able to describe it, but just h o l y s h i t. That's incredibly accurate.
I'm wrapping it up here because this is a really fucking long ask and I'm so sorry, I understand that sometimes reading takes a lot of energy, and I might add a warning at the top just so you don't have to get down to here and be like, "well no shit!"
So, I'll keep this short and sweet; Shevit, you are such a fucking talented person, and I have never in my life of escaping reality with fiction read a story like this before. I guarantee that if you wanted to take writing further you could make a best-selling novel. And if you don't, then this hobby could still take you really far, even if you want it to be self-indulgent.
So, uh yeah, again sorry for all the words. You're aemazing <3
Bestie I am holding this ask in my hands and hugging it to my chest I will treasure it forever thank you
Okay the like no pronouns in the narration thing is something I planned ever since I knew ey would have a gender crisis eventually, and it was HARD to make that work without it sounding forced but I managed eventually so trans rights
I am evil but also I am so attached to every one of those characters they are all very important to me. Like I couldn't eliminate Lani because gal pals you know? And Noel is hella smart so it wouldn't work logically, also I based him on my best friend and tehrefore love him to death. And Cameron is a gift to the world I could never eliminate them. Like they all have such distinct personalities and relationships to Naomi and the story just wouldn't work if I eliminated someone so you're welcome. Glad I gave you that secondhand anxiety though.
(Also I prewrite scenes and each of them as shown up so it wouldn't work to kick someone out lmao)
✨the gals being pals✨
Cameron is... I love him. I have no idea who she's based off of but if I ever figure that out I will propose to that person on the spot. Anyway I had so much fun writing that and I have spent enough time in queer spaces to know how Seasoned Gender Crisis Bitches react to the newbies
(I personally high-fived my friend when they started crisising and using she/they and said basically "lmao bitch welcome to the club")
Okay I liked that paragraph a lot too because, you've been following me long enough to know, I am chronically questioning my gender. And pushing for a specific label just makes shit worse, so I try to not stress over that and just go with presentation and happiness and whatever. It's really cool that resonates with other people!
The pronoun check <3
This is long but it was such a delight to read and I love receiving long asks and being provided with the opportunity to ramble about my wip because I have so many thoughts
YEs okay I'm framing that last paragraph and hanging it up on my wall Danu thank you so fucking much. I don't think I'll make it a career but the encouragement is really nice to hir. The happy chemicals are off the damn charts and at this point you own my heart I love you
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