#creative muslims
mysharona1987 · 9 months
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sugarmarbles21 · 4 months
Israel’s national holiday that celebrates bigotry
I can’t wait for this fascist march to end forever, it is just another example of how the Zionists try to change historical events to fit their own narrative. The six-day-war and the annexation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank were tragedies, not miracles.
Also, I found out today that the Israeli flag was “based on” the flag of the Emirate of Bani Qaraman, an Islamic country. They couldn’t even come up with their own flag without stealing it from the Muslim or Arab community! Tell me, what do they have to proud of again? The only thing that I have seen that they haven’t stolen from someone else is their capacity to commit unspeakable crimes against humanity.
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s0r3muzzi3wh0r3 · 3 months
does anyone have any writing techniques to help with writing about media or history??? I'm struggling with writing a couple of documents about different ideas trying to write about something unique in media.
here's a couple I thought about:
cultural appropriation, religious iconography, and the ignorance of blatant orientalism in modern media
the rise and risks of shock advertising/content in modern media 
the demonization of queer artists and religious iconography 
I'm just struggling how to extend on them, and observing on Chat GPT with the writing prompts given don't fit my style, and I'm just starting out. What do I do???
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The City is Ours ; a WIP Intro
(New and Improved Re-Introduction!)
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Genre and Setting
low urban sci-fi, superheroes, dark sci-fi ; set in big city somewhere northern on a US coast, I'm cautiously giving the city the placeholder name Henderson, modern times
Masterlist / Shitty Comic Sans Intro 🤪
third person limited, multiple characters (about 5-6)
Status and Length
First Drafts, roughly 2k ; 5 book series, no idea what the wordcount will be yet, maybe 100k per book?
Tropes and Themes
chaotic teenage superheros, domesticity in between the action, 2012-13 Avengers Tower fic vibes, found family but they're all dumbasses, villain arcs and redemption arcs galore, reluctant villians, superhero team but they're all lower middle class, POC disabled Jewish and Muslim and queer representation, "don't die or i'll kill you", heroes and villains and the chaos that ensues ; are you the hero or the villain, what's the difference between good and evil (is it who's telling the story?), forgiveness and redemption, saving the world vs saving yourself and your family, exploring morality
Warnings and Rating
guns, potential depictions of torture, superhero genre typical violence, blood, depictions of discrimination and bigotry (towards super-powered people mostly), trauma and mental health issues including possible depictions of panic attacks, and a whole fuck ton of angst ; Teen and Up
Main Characters
Nickelle Takahashi (she/her)
Team Leader, Superhero Name: The Icicle
Ice Powers
Japanese American, AroAce, lead singer in a local rock band
the leader who puts way too much pressure on herself, and who will do everything for the people she loves
Asher Romero-Cruz (he/him)
Team Dad, Superhero Name: The Flashlight
Light and Shadow Powers
Gay, Christian, Latino American, LEGO and Star Wars nerd
the Dad Friend of the team who is always looks out for everyone. Has a civilian boyfriend
Gabriella Wilson (she/her)
Team Cheerleader/Suit Designer
No Powers
CisHet, White with long blond hair, very talented sewer and fashion designer
the blonde bimbo who is super supportive of everyone and will be your wing woman ride or die
Kylee Trimble (she/they)
Youngest Teammate, Superhero Name: Now-Ya-See-Her-Girl
Speed and Invisibility Powers
Redhead with pale skin and freckles, Nearsided with Glasses, Nonspeaking Autistic, PanAce, Artist
the artist who is afraid of opening up and being her authentic self around others
Bryson Barns (he/him)
Team Medic, Superhero Name: The Healer
Healing Powers
Black, token straight that's on thin ice, Diabetic (Type 2)
the very tired healer who can heal all physical injuries, but he can't heal himself or mental injuries and struggles with accepting that
"V" Talić (they/them)
Team Cool Big Sibling, Superhero Name: Morph
Shapeshifting Powers
Muslim, Nonbinary Lesbian, Bosnian American, Soccer Jock
Impulsive and reckless, the one who always has crazy ideas for getting out of sticky situations. Struggles with fitting in with their culture/family while also being themselves
Jason Richens (he/him)
Team Asshole, Superhero Name: Hotshot
Fire Powers
CisHet (and an asshole about it)
Thinks he's special because his dad is rich, his character only exists to be bashed
Chase Silverstone (he/they)
Team Hacker and Tech Expert, Superhero Name: TechGuy
No Powers
PanAro, Jewish, Romani American, Bipolar Disorder and OCD, Anxiety and Depression
The team techie who struggles with asking for help and dealing with his mental health issues and taking care of himself
Black Hole - Main Antagonist of Book 1. Alien from Pluto, trying to take over earth as a last ditch extra credit project for his AP Government class. Can absorb any attack and reflect it back
Miss Recluse - Recruited by Black Hole. Has the human sized body of a Brown Recluse spider and the head of a human and poisonous fangs. Can do everything a spider does, and is a bit of a drama queen. Besties with The Magician
The Magician - A sorcerer from the dark ages who accidentally transported himself to the future with no way back. Uses a lot of dark magic that includes illusions- favorite spell to use is blue fire that is immune to water and can burn through metal and stone. Dr. Strange meets Dr. Faciler.
Mr. Cyanide - Recruited by Black Hole, eventually becomes a solo high level threat villain, main antagonist of book 2. Mad scientist with a deadly knack for chemistry. Only cares whether his experiments work, couldn't care less if they hurt or kill people.
Boss Lady - a Mafia boss who is colossally tall and wide, and incredibly strong. Big stronk woman who is working with/for the Snow Queen (her loyalties or questionable). Does have standards but also tortures people for the fun of it so....?
Blood Debt - Loner (mainly) vigilante who rides around on a motorcycle and kills anyone who he sees fit is deserving of dying, or whoever he gets paid to kill. Does jobs for the Snow Queen, and under the mask he is someone one of the heroes is very close with...
Nightmare - a small time, low threat villain that doesn't actually hurt anyone. Her powers put people to sleep and she takes their energy from them. A freshman/sophomore college student with an engineering major. More of an anti-hero vigilante if you squint.
The Snow Queen - The big bad for the last three books. Only an urban legend/rumor until the last two books. Has ice powers that can control tech and people. No one knows her identity and she is holed up in her lair most of the time, sending minions/Boss Lady or Blood Debt to do anything outside the lair. She is someone all of the heroes know very well :)
A bunch of rookie teenage superheroes and their journey to becoming the heroes and protectors of their city, and eventually the world, and most importantly- a family. With all of the chore rotations, late night grocery runs, fights for the shower, and everything else that happens along with the action. Full of full scale super powered fights, betrayals and confrontations, cool tech and superpowers, and everything we love about the superhero genre.
Book 1 - The Initiation
Book 2 - The Hunter or Hunted
Book 3 - The Shadows
Book 4 - The Snow Queen
Book 5 - The Forsaken
(all the titles are placeholder titles for now)
Extra Stuff
Chase is a caffeine addict and not only can, but has on multiple occasions mixed coffee and energy drinks
Kylee uses sign language or a text to speech app to communicate, or if she has neither goes old school and writes things down
the city is based on a combination of Chicago and Gotham City
Nickelle has two younger siblings, a brother and a sister who are inseparable, 8 and 5 years old
Nickelle also has a huge extended family that's more traditional and she has to tone down her punk look for family gatherings
Asher's boyfriend is Damian. Damian finds out about his partner's double superhero life when Asher saves him in the mask, and like a dumbass, Asher forgets to turn on his voice modifier and Damian recognizes his voice immediately
Damian is also a Chekhov's Civilian and becomes a vital part of the plot
Nightmare and V have a little enemies to lovers romance that's mostly in the background is is really just there for comedy
The Magician gets a redemption arc and becomes the Hero Team's weird morally gray uncle
Kylee has a brother who is in the US Navy. He is one of the few people that she is comfortable being fully unmaksed around at the beginning of the books, and he is deployed during the events of the books.
Bryson has a weird relationship with his dad, who raised him all by himself and is a full time EMT. Bryson really wants to tell his dad about his double superhero life because it's driving a wedge between him and his dad, but it's not safe and Bryson's not sure how his dad will react
And finally, some memes for your viewing pleasure:
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The City is Ours Taglist: @friendlyneighborhood-writer @jessica-writes22 @rose-bookblood @yejidoesthings @space-writes
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport
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mywordsarewings · 8 months
Bi baby, you're invalid, it's just a phase, like we don't look up at the moon & know she'll rise again. There's Palestinian blood in your veins & you pray five times a day. The future is female, but there's no future for you, because every puzzle piece was shattered from the start (these pieces the world doesn't want are what make you.) - All of Me is Tired of Fighting to Fit into Your World View -
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sayxit · 3 months
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Oh Lord
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amdsj89 · 7 months
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womanofwords · 1 year
STEM Kids Shenanigans
I’ve got an idea for a chaotic story.
Four kids get into an exclusive school club for science, technology, engineering and maths (abbreviated to STEM for short) and they begin to grow closer together by their love of science and their own intelligence. They use that intelligence to create awesome inventions together.
Enter the teacher’s pet from hell, who is determined to catch them for making inventions against school rules. They are determined to prove that these kids are no good, get them expelled and shut down STEM club for good.
And the shenanigans ensue. There’s gonna be:
a black autistic boy that is loved by his friends because of his autism and not in spite of it
Muslim rep
Asian rep
awesome inventions made by genius teenagers
plus an older brother being really sweet to his little sister because it’s adorable and I can.
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Sweet sixteen
TW: s.a
When I was young, a toddler, I’d ask my mum to wipe my chest and ease its weight. She just smiled back.
When I was a child, I’d ask her why I couldn’t ever breathe. I asked her why I felt so weird, why we weren’t normal.
But my mum just told me she didn’t hit me. She called me lucky and told me to be grateful. She told me she loved me as she repeatedly pinched me under the table.
My mum told me she was a revolution. My mum told me to be pretty and obedient as I cried in all my dainty white dresses. She drowned me in her need for superiority and then slapped me when I chocked on it.
My mum told me I was special as she presented me to her friends. But when I puked every morning, she just poured orange juice down my burned throat and smiled when it bubbled.
When I was ten, my mum began to diet me. She’d pinch at my hips and scowl at my thighs. When I was ten I asked god to prove himself. I cried myself to sleep and prayed to wake up skinny. I didn’t.
When I was fourteen I told my mum I was depressed. She smiled. She laughed. I hadn’t left my bed for a month. She just told me I was getting lazy.
When I was seventeen I told my mum I got raped. She told me I was lucky it was someone I knew. When she walked into me crying, she yelled at me for making her a bad mother.
When I was four, I told my mum I was sad.
Now at eighteen I don’t know how I’m still here.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
i have to say of all the ways a person could attempt prosletyzing ‘sending a random jew on tumblr an anonymous ask message’ is definitely a new one for me
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timothylawrence · 1 year
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over a url..........
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keepthathopeup · 1 year
Writing Promt:
بسم الله ،A Muslim who doesn't know too much about Islam finds themselves transmigrated to another world, in the middle of war, and finds out how powerful Quran's verses are against the creatures there.
(Inspired from a fanfic demon slayer Muslim from wattpad, but last time I checked I couldn't find it)
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molinajavier · 1 year
Suleymaniye Mosque
The Süleymaniye Mosque  is an Ottoman imperial mosque located on the Third Hill of Istanbul. The mosque was commissioned by Suleiman the Magnificent and designed by the imperial architect Mimar Sinan. An inscription specifies the foundation date as 1550 and the inauguration date as 1557. Behind the qibla wall of the mosque is an enclosure containing the separate octagonal mausoleums of…
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thetitansocietyorg · 3 months
The Corrupt Reality: Israel, Palestine, and the Eternal Conflict
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The Corrupt Reality: Israel, Palestine, and the Eternal Conflict
The Titan Society: Cronus ‘Patron of the Titans, Destroyer’ 
“The reality of what is in position as reflected by Israel is evident of the corrupt and eternal conflict that is generated by the Israel State and its people, reflected by the eternally corrupt supporters, with the victims being the Palestinian People” - Cronus ‘Patron of the Titans’, Destroyer’ - Andrew Rogers: Justice Auteur, Writer, Oracle.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Complex and Enduring Struggle
The quote provided presents a strong perspective on the complex and enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It reflects a viewpoint that accuses the state of Israel of perpetuating corruption and generating an eternal conflict, with the Palestinian people as the victims.
The language used in the quote is impassioned, utilizing terms such as "corrupt," "eternal conflict," and "victims," which clearly indicate a deep-seated concern and condemnation of the situation. The reference to "Cronus ‘Patron of the Titans’, Destroyer’ - Andrew Rogers: Justice Auteur, Writer, Oracle" adds an enigmatic and authoritative tone to the quote.
While it's important to recognize that this quote represents a specific viewpoint, it also serves as a reflection of the emotionally charged nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The conflict, rooted in historical, religious, and territorial complexities, has spanned generations, resulting in immense human suffering and international concern.
It's crucial for any meaningful understanding of this issue to consider the multifaceted narratives and perspectives involved. Both Israelis and Palestinians have legitimate historical and contemporary grievances, and any discussion of the conflict should strive to acknowledge the experiences and aspirations of both parties.
Ultimately, this quote captures the intense emotions and deeply held beliefs that underpin discussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and serves as a reminder of the profound importance of seeking lasting peace and justice in the region.
Cronus in Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Cronus (also spelled as Cronos or Kronos) holds a significant role as the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans. The Titans were the divine descendants of Gaia, the primordial Mother Earth, and Uranus, the Father Sky. Cronus is most notably known for overthrowing his father and ruling during the mythological Golden Age. However, his reign came to an end when he was overthrown by his own son, Zeus.
The Golden Age
Cronus' rule marked a time of prosperity and tranquility known as the Golden Age. It was a period of abundance and harmony during which mankind lived peacefully. This era came to an end with the overthrow of Cronus by Zeus, leading to the establishment of a new order under the rule of the Olympian gods.
The Fall of Cronus
The downfall of Cronus came as a result of a prophecy that foretold one of his children would overthrow him, just as he had done to his own father. Fearing the fulfillment of this prophecy, Cronus devoured his children as soon as they were born. However, his wife Rhea managed to save their youngest son, Zeus, by tricking Cronus into swallowing a stone instead.
Imprisonment and Release
Following his overthrow by Zeus, Cronus was imprisoned in Tartarus, a dark and gloomy abyss within the underworld. However, through various myths and legends, it is often portrayed that Cronus was eventually liberated from his imprisonment, allowing for different interpretations and tales surrounding his fate.
Cronus remains an intriguing figure in Greek mythology, embodying the complexities of power, succession, and divine retribution within the ancient tales of the Titans and Olympian gods.
Imajica Agency is an agency that indicates requirements of justice, clearly to the proponents of injustice for example the Palestinian People.
To secure justice and rights for the Palestinian People and secure justice towards the instigators of the injustice against the Palestinian Peoples.
To highlight and expose the unjust actions that have been positioned from the source to present and hold what that represents account.
Please see attached.
For more information please email: E [email protected]
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
Andrew Rogers
Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle
Imajica Agency
Skype: live:.cid.b44175dd49cbc084
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survivorsareus · 4 months
News WorthyTruth Bites
You Won’t Believe What This Leader Can Do Next! The Shocking Truth About Khashoggi’s Demise Will Blow Your Mind. This One Simple Trick Could Earn You a Spot in Paradise. Are You Brave Enough to Face the Consequences? The Choice is Yours – Will You Submit and Obey? Read More Palestine, Chad, Somalia, Uighur, Rohinga, Kashmiri, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, post your money links in the comments. I…
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