#crows and dragons together?
niofo · 1 month
other characters being scared of lucanis is my fav thing ever, even teia and viago seem to have a "thank fuck he's on our side" kind of respect. he is a dumpster fire bisexual disaster who likes coffee, but he also scares ppl shitless, let's not forget about it.
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crows-of-buckets · 15 days
I have like. Zero reasoning for this but Davrin/Taash... I am thinking
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I was thinking it the entire time since the reveal trailer entirely based on how they both appeal to me and how I think they would look beautiful together, but after reading The Wigmaker Job, I for sure think that Lucanis and Neve should make out at least a little bit
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raayllum · 1 year
arc 2 rayllum is so much more kanej coded than arc 1 rayllum already was it’s so funny
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
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"I could've sworn I was only gone for three days."
"And now here you are, home in my arms at last! Truly, your impeccable timing only serves to brighten my day, divine light of my life and Warden extraordinaire-"
"Pretty sure you're in my arms, Zev, love."
"And what lovely, strong arms they are. Say, that's a fascinating wall behind us, perhaps we ought to test it's integrity..."
"Yes, my love?"
"Three men are dead in the corridor. And four more in the rest of the building."
"Ah, yes. Terrible liars, really. Awful at covering their connections. Your entrance was stunning, by the way. Are those new lightning strikes? The flair! Not subtle, of course, but I always was a man that could appreciate seeing my beloved arriving to catch me from my dramatic second-floor escape while they were backlit by the death throes of our enemies. Did you know that no less than four sects of the Crows are operating in the same quarter-city here? Messy, messy..."
"Are they the only ones that needed to be taken care of?"
"... Now, if you wanted to woo me so thoroughly, you could not have chosen more enticing words."
"Oh? I wouldn't mind hearing another example or two... for reference."
"Excellent. Five more targets in the next two rooms, and then I do believe I'll spend the rest of the next three nights providing fully interactive demonstrations."
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m-m-m-myysurana · 2 years
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OC Kiss week be upon ye!!
Neria and Renata share a gentle, tentative moment. 🥰
Renata Calabria is a gorgeous Crow OC who came from the wonderful mind of @snarky-bee and who I would absolutely kiss if I had the chance 😚
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kradogsrats · 2 years
lmao guess I’m not working on any of the things I should be working on so what the hell here’s some dead Viren canon divergence, as a treat
Lissa woke gradually—then suddenly, all at once, as panic gripped her. She could no longer hear Soren’s breathing. She couldn’t hear Soren’s—
Her eyes flew open to early dawn sunlight peeking through the bedroom window. She blinked slowly, heart pounding. Why was she in bed? She’d been sitting up with Soren—she’d never have left him. She couldn’t have.
The dim memory of a slow, whistled tune and the touch of a hand on her cheek surfaced in her mind. Viren. Viren had spelled her asleep.
Viren, who had promised long ago to never use magic on her without her knowing consent.
A spark of rage rose in her at the violation, but she was too hollowed-out by exhaustion and grief for it to truly ignite. It was just one more broken thing between them, now. 
I’m going to leave him, she thought, not for the first time. When Soren—when all this is over, I’ll take Claudia and go home.
She allowed herself a moment to imagine it—the regal mountains, the dark, dense forests, the languid waters of the Serpentongue. She’d be able to pick up the life she’d once set down for a man with quicksilver eyes and magic on his tongue. Her daughter would grow up far away from politics, and mages, and—
A high, piercing shriek rang through the house.
Soren? Claudia—!
She was up and running before the sound fully registered in her mind. Her legs immediately tangled in the quilts, and she nearly sprawled face-first to the floor before shaking herself free. Her feet skidded on the smooth floorboards of the hallway as she instinctively oriented herself toward Soren’s sickroom, white-hot terror seizing her chest. 
She slammed against the door, fumbling for the knob. She almost screamed in frustration to find it locked, pounding her fist against the wood as if she had the strength to splinter it. Muffled sobs were audible from within—she ripped the ring of keys from her belt, her hands shaking as she sought the right one.
She burst into the room. “Soren—!”
Her son—her son, who for days had been delirious with fever, unable to even sit up as he gasped for breath—was upright, curled into the corner where the head of his bed met the room’s walls. His cheeks were rosy with health, his eyes clear—he breathed rapidly but easily, no wheeze or rattle impeding the rush of air in and out of his small chest. He looked to her, his face streaked with tears. 
“Mom!” he cried out.
Viren slumped over the foot of the bed, his face turned away from her. For one long, agonizing moment she thought he must have fallen asleep. 
The dark stain soaking the bedspread beneath him said otherwise.
She took a step toward him, then remembered herself and turned to Soren. He trembled in the corner, eyes wide. She crouched and extended her arms to him. “Soren, sweetheart, come to me.”
He practically launched himself into her embrace, burying his face in her shoulder as his small body shook with sobs. “You’ve been so brave, my little warrior,” she murmured, stroking his golden hair, his warm back. “I need you to be brave for me just a little while longer, can you do that?”
Her eyes drifted back to the bed. She squeezed them shut rather than look.
She felt Soren’s nod against her chest and hugged him tight. “Go to Claudia’s room and stay there with her until I come fetch you. Don’t say anything to her about—“ Her throat clenched, cutting off the words.
“I won’t,” he promised. His voice wavered, but he straightened in her arms like a soldier at attention. “Don’t worry, Mom.”
She released him and cupped his face in her hands to kiss his forehead. “That’s my brave, strong boy,” she said. “Go on, then.”
Only when she’d heard the patter of his footsteps leave the room did she allow herself to break. She folded in on herself where she knelt, both hands pressed to her mouth against the anguished cry that threatened to choke her.
Her son, at whose bedside she had sat vigil so he wouldn’t be alone when he took his last, labored breath, was alive. More than alive—he was well. 
And her husband was dead.
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dalishious · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Familiar Faces and Factions
The trailer for Dragon Age: The Veilguard has dropped, and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s like a new breath of life has entered my lungs!
Within the trailer, we now have confirmation of who our seven companions are going to be, and among them are a few familiar faces from the book Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights. We also have some name-droppings of a couple factions featured in the same book and the comics, Dragon Age: The Missing. So, here is what knowledge is established about these faces sand factions.
Neve Gallus & The Shadow Dragons
Neve Gallus was first introduced in the Tevinter Nights story, “The Streets of Minrathous”. She comes off as a no-nonsense and a little intense kind of person. Neve is a Tevinter mage who works as a private investigator. For example, if someone wants some detective work done but doesn’t want the public to know, they would hire Neve. On occasion, she’s even been hired by the templars, who act like just regular cops in Tevinter – and yes, that includes their corruption and primary goal of simply protecting the elite – but Neve prefers to work alone because of that corruption, and has a personal grudge against the order for taking bribes to cover up crimes.
Neve has a prosthetic leg below the knee, made of dwarven-crafted metal.
In The Missing, Neve says she is friends with the Shadow Dragons. In the article shared by EA, as of The Veilguard, she is officially a member. The Shadow Dragons are a group of concerned Tevinter citizens who help those in need. This includes supporting escaped slaves, for example.
Emmrich Volkahrin
Emmrich Volkahrin was first introduced in the Tevinter Nights story, “Down Among the Dead Men”. He is a necromancer from Nevarra, and therefore naturally a member of the Mortalitasi – specifically, a professor in the Mourn Watch. The Watchers serve as elite guardians of the Grand Necropolis. Emmrich is on the eccentric side, personality-wise, but kindly and informal.
Emmrich has a skeleton assistant name of Manfred, who helps him with different office tasks. He also has friends in Myrna, a fellow Watcher, and Audric, a dead guardsmen who looks after the library.
Lucanis Dellamorte
Lucanis Dellamorte was first introduced in the Tevinter Nights story, “The Wigmaker Job”. He is the favourite grandson of Caterina Dellamorte, First Talon (leader) of the Antivan Crows. As such, he was raised from birth to be the perfect assassin in a ruthless and torturous environment, knowing only cruelty from his family. This has led to him feeling less like a person and more like a living weapon – and he is treated like one by everyone who knows of him. He has “the Demon” as a nickname.
I know a few people are curious about the “mage killer” title in the trailer. Rest assured that Lucanis specifically kills evil blood mages. In his own words: “If someone wants to pay me top coin to kill a bunch of racist blood mages—who have it coming—I’m not going to complain.”
Where his cousin Illario has a “silver tongue” as Lucanis puts it, he himself is a lot blunter. His reputation of a killer is spotless, except for one small problem: He has a heart under all that black leather.
Lucanis and Illario get along quite well, except for the fact that Lucanis is destined to be the next First Talon, after Caterina dies. Illario wants the job far more than Lucanis, but Lucanis isn’t sure he’s capable of making a decision for himself that goes against the wishes of the Crows.
The Veil Jumpers
The Veil Jumpers were first introduced in The Missing #3. They are a group made up of primarily Dalish elves, though also inclusive of other folks of any walks of life willing to help, working to try and control the new threats within Arlathan Forest. The forest has become a ground of chaotic magic, with the Veil so thin that time and place is jumbled together. Thus, the Veil Jumpers move in and out of the spots that bleed into one another.
The Veil Jumpers do have a headquarters called “The Sanctum”, but we know nothing else about it.
The Lords of Fortune
Despite the Lords of Fortune being mentioned in more than one Tevinter Nights story, as well as the show Dragon Age: Absolution, we don’t know a lot about them. The only concrete information provided is that they are a loose group of people who collect trinkets and glory. They come out of Rivain. They typically wear a lot of their collected trinkets like badges of honour. That’s really all there is, so I can’t wait to learn more.
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galedekarios · 3 months
Dragon Age: Veilguard | The Ultimate Preview Summary
shinobi602 on twitter shared this amazing in-depth summary of all new information about the game that we have so far:
Coming to PS5, Xbox Series X and PC in Fall 2024
Consoles: Quality and Performance modes (60FPS)
Photo mode is confirmed
Fully offline single player, no EA account linking, no micro-transactions'
Play as a human, elf, dwarf, or Qunari
Choose your backstory, 6 factions to choose from when you create your character, all with "deep roots in Thedas": Antivan Crows, Grey Wardens, Shadow Dragons, Veil Jumpers, Lords of Fortune, The Mourne Watch
Each faction offers 3 distinct buffs each, like being able to hold an extra potion or do extra damage against certain enemies, and the odd reference in dialogue
You can customize your Inquisitor from Dragon Age: Inquisition in the character creator and "make a few key decisions that will impact how The Veilguard begins"
There are some "killer cameos" from past games that show up
Warrior Class: Use a sword and shield or two handed weapon to send enemies flying
Rogue Class: Utilizes quick movement and reflexes. You can wield a bow or dual swords with "powerful, precise strikes for lethal damage"
Mage Class: Use magic to incinerate, freeze, electrocute and crush. Some cast from afar, while others prefer close quarters combat
Each class also has 3 sub-specializations, such as duelist, saboteur, or veil ranger for the Rogue
Classes also have unique 'resource system's, for example, the Rogue has "momentum", which builds up as you land consecutive hits, and each will always have a ranged option
One Rogue momentum attack is a "hip fire" option we saw for the Rogue's bow, letting you pop off arrows from the waist
Another momentum attack for the Warrior lets you lob your shield at enemies
Quests are more handcrafted and mission based, curated with alternate paths, secrets to discover and optional content
There are also open ended explorable areas
Party size of 3 during combat, ala Mass Effect
Combat is focused on real-time action, dodge, parry, counter, "sophisticated animation canceling and branching", using risk-reward charge attacks designed to break enemy armor layers
Enemies have elemental weaknesses and resistances, and you can chain together elemental combos for extra damage
One example is a squadmate using a gravity well attack to suck enemies in, another slowing them down, and the player then unleashing a big AOE attack
You don't take direct control of companions like past Dragon Age games, but you can still pause and issues ability commands for you and your allies
There is a hub area for the player like Skyhold and the Normandy, called The Lighthouse
Companions can eventually start romancing other characters if you opt not to romance them
Each companion also has unique missions tied to them that play into the larger story
Nudity confirmed - romance scenes can get "a little spicy"
"Incredibly deep" character creator: 5 categories including: Lineage, Appearance, Class, Faction, Playstyle
Players can also choose different body sizes and shapes
Dozens of hairstyles to choose from, with "individual strands of hair rendered separately and reacting quite remarkably to in-game physics", pulled from EA Sports
Character creator lets you adjust the lighting so you can be sure your character looks good
The team wanted to balance the look of the game with both light and darkness. "When everything is dark, nothing really feels dark. For this one, we really wanted to build that contrast again."
Skill tree is "vast", you can also set up specific companions with certain kits, from tackling specific enemy types to being more of a supporting healer or flexible all-rounders
There are tarot cards you go through during the character creation process that will let you choose decisions from past games to implement into Veilguard
The team teases you may lose some characters during the story
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thedinanshiral · 3 months
What to read before The Veilguard drops
Yes people, we have homework. In case you missed it, or need to refresh that memory because hey, it's been a while, here's a quick short list of what to (re)read in preparation for this new entry in the series.
From Tevinter Nights: Down among the dead men (introduces Emmrich and Manfred), The wigmaker job (introduces Lucanis), The streets of Minrathous (introduces Neve).
The Last Flight, last novel released somewhere around DA: Inquisition. Takes the action to Weisshaupt, Grey Wardens HQ, and jumps between that present and the past explaining how the Griffons became extinct during the Fourth Blight. Will explain where Davrin's griffon came from.
Magekiller. It's pretty introductory overall, set around Inquisition but it introduces "magekillers" as a job some people do. While in Tevinter Nights Lucanis is introduced as an Antivan Crow seems he's decided to change careers so it can't hurt to learn a bit about it.
The missing. Gives us Varric and Scout Harding already working together, and introduces us to Neve.
Short Stories:
Posted a while back in the BioWare page for Dragon Age day as crumbs to feast on while we waited, and waited, and waited..I recommend reading all of them simply because most people may have missed them and they add to lore and characters that while not among the new companions may still make an appearance and be relevant in Veilguard.
Of course I recommend reading EVERYTHING if possible, it all adds more layers and flavor and we know Solas is in the details, we can't miss a thing, but I think if you're short on time this counts as light reading enough to know where you'll land when Dragon Age: The Veilguard finally arrives.
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felassan · 25 days
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard - companion bios all together
[source, two]
Text in each image reads:
"Lace Harding This dwarven scout has a positive outlook and a ready bow – as well as unexpected magical powers. At her core, Harding is still a girl from Ferelden; she loves adventure, animals, and nature and is fiercely protective of her family and friends. Abilities – Seismic Shot; Heavy Draw; Shred; Adrenaline Rush; Soothing Potion Neve Gallus A cynic fighting for a better future, Neve is both a private detective and a member of Tevinter’s rebellious Shadow Dragons. Born and raised in a working-class neighborhood of Minrathous, she does not believe in the superiority of mages. Abilities – Icebreaker; Blizzard; Glacial Pace; Time Slow; Replenish Davrin Bold and charming, this Grey Warden has made a name for himself as a monster hunter. Though he was raised in a Dalish clan, he craved excitement and adventure. He’d rather make history than reflect on it. Now he cares for Assan, a young griffon. Abilities - Battle Cry; Death From Above; Heroic Strike; Assan Strike; In War, Victory Bellara Lutare Bellara is creative, romantic, and obsessed with uncovering the secrets of ancient Elvhenan. She has a strong sense of self – a clear idea of who she is and what she wants – and will push herself to her limits to find the answers she seeks. Abilities – Fade Bolts; Enfeebling Shot; Replenish; Time Slow; Galvanized Tear Taash A qunari dragon hunter with the Lords of Fortune, Taash lives for adventure and doesn’t mind taking risks. While her interests include sparkling treasures and hitting things with an axe, she is also deeply knowledgeable about many topics. Abilities – Fire Breath; Dragon’s Roar; Dragonfire Strike; Spitfire; Fortune’s Favor Emmrich Volkarin A necromancer of Nevarra’s Mourn Watch, this well-mannered scholar comes complete with a skeletal assistant, Manfred. Emmrich is as serious about his duty to protect innocents from the occult as he is about his studies of the mysteries of the Fade. Abilities – Final Rites; Replenish; Entangling Spirits; The Bell Tolls; Time Slow Lucanis Dellamorte Lucanis is an expert assassin for whom the Antivan Crows are a family business. Poised and pragmatic, he would rather not be the center of attention, focusing instead on his work. Lucanis specializes in executing powerful mages and has earned the title Demon of Vyrantium. Abilities – Eviscerate; Abominate; Soothing Potion; Debilitate; Adrenaline Rush"
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leoascendente · 10 months
PAC/ Who is your FS and your relationship dynamic 💖
Hi my loves and welcome to this new pac!💕 Today we'll check details about your FS and how your relationship will be when you are finally together. My FS pacs and personal readings are focused in the love of your life, soulmates and twin flame connections, here you'll get glimpses of the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, this is part of what I do in private Fs readings.
Take a deep breath before choosing your pile, keep what resonates with you and leave what doesn't. You can choose more than one pile if you feel to.
Decks I used: green witch oracle, spirit animal oracle, romance angels oracle, astrodices and my homemade charms
For personal readings click here
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Pile 1:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: bobcat, swan, eagle, grasshoper/ chili, sweet corn, marjoram)
❤️‍🔥 This person has a magnetic aura, doberman type of beauty in males and siren type in females, they might look a little intimidating on the outside. They are extremely sexy and magnetic without trying, your Fs surely have a big amount of admirers because of their looks, they are also extremely charismatic what makes people feel naturally drawn to them.
❤️‍🔥 They have a deep emotional world, they can get lost in their own feelings and can be guarded with others, have a sharp intuition too. They keep a lot to themselves, I have to warn you that they have a tough shell to avoid pain, they have seen and experienced a lot of ugly things in their past and it takes time for them to open up in emotional terms.
❤️‍🔥 They are into the mysterious aspect of life, they are surely into conspiracy theories or occultism. Somehow they are connected to higher powers, even if they are not aware of this they are very spiritually guided and protected, I'd take it as a sign that your Fs has a good and pure heart regardless of their tough exterior.
❤️‍🔥 They are into adrenaline and risky or extreme activities, maybe they have hobbies that are usually seen as dangerous, I'm seeing motorbikes and martial arts especially. They are into high performance sports as an usual hobby, their physical structure is fit and strong due to all the physical activity they make on a daily basis.
❤️‍🔥 Your Fs is courageous, they don't mind getting in trouble to defend what they believe it's right, they are not scared of confrontation. I feel they have an strong sense of justice, they might get into trouble to defend people that are being treated badly. Surely your FS has an strong temper, very masculine energy for what I'm sensing.
❤️‍🔥 Powerful, confident and protective of their close ones, very dark sense of humor and love for extreme emotions. They have an strong sexual energy too, expect them to be very active and spontaneous in this aspect.
❤️‍🔥 The have a mix of fire and water energies, this is a very intense mix of energies for someone to have, definitely not for the weak. I'm getting Aries, Leo and Scorpio energy from your Fs.
❤️‍🔥 They remind me of Geralt de Rivia or Kaz Brekker from 6 of Crows, they have this natural charm mixed with the mysterious look on the outside. Your Fs might have tattoos too, I see an snake or dragon tattoo on the back or maybe on one arm.
❤️‍🔥 Your Fs feels happy and content with their life right now, their rutine and daily habits are aligned with their wellbeing and they feel satisfied with the direction of their current life. They are working into being more aligned with the thing that makes them feel good, they are releasing toxicity from their life, either it be people, habits, enviroments or patterns.
❤️‍🔥 They are an animal lover, a cat person I'm getting, they are a sweetheart on the inside but they prefer to keep this tender face very secretive. They are extremely loyal but their bad trait is being possesive, if that's not something negative to you just know that your Fs will he obsessed with only you.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
(Cards: stay optimistic about your love life, let your friends help you, healing family issues/ Astrodices: aquarius, jupiter, 11th house/ Charms: diamond, swallow, star, trisquelion)
I'm getting that you won't like their attitude the first time you meet them, the card of pay attention to the red flags tried to drop a few times before getting the card of healing family issues, so it won't be love at first sight even though they will look very attractive, I'm hearing a phrase I heard to a friend, it says: they are not that handsome to compensate being that much of an asshole 😅. I get with this that you'll be mirroring eachother at first, you will reject them but you both will feel drawn to eachother like you have a magnet pulling you both, if your love story was a book, it would be booktok's favorite, it gives me enemies to lovers vibe lol. The relationship will be filled by passion and fun, they will be the new in your group of friends or you'll be the new in theirs, however it is there are more people involved here but in a good way, it could be that a common friend that introduce eachother too. Ngl, this person will trigger you and awake some emotional issues you haven't solved at the beginning but this will happen to them as well, it wil take patience and the release of control from both of you, let the people you trust give you a helping hand when you need it, you have good people around to rely on or at least you will have them by the moment you meet your Fs. You will feel very attracted to eachother but at the same time is like you two get both on your nerves, I see your FS will love to tease you and see how you respond them, if you are sharp and sassy when someone teases you, your FS will love your comebacks to their comments, it is like you challenge them and they love it, they'll love your charisma too. I honestly see here a lot of personal growth, you'll both will learn a lot about yourselves and the other and this will help you both overcome limitating beliefs or patterns that were holding you back in relationships but also in other areas of your lives.
This relationship might have something unconventional, maybe your dynamic or the way you approach it, it can be a lot of different options for different people but this feels like not following the traditional standards of a relationship, you both will agree in this. You both have a very supportive enviroment, friendships are very present here so I must congrat you not only for finding your divine counterpart but also for having such nice and loving friends too, I'm getting that you are destined to find your soul tribe. There's marriage here, or at least there is a serious commitment, maybe your wedding/commitment is more spiritual than religious but I see some kind of private celebration. For some I'm hearing that you can meet through social media, being very active on this to communicate or maybe your soul mission together involves social media to share something with others. I'm watching two people doing facetime at night to talk about how their day was, ngl maybe this starts as a long distance relationship, maybe your FS has a different cultural background or is from a foreign country, you both might need some time to adapt and understand eachother's perspective of life but after that everything will flow smoothly.
Your Fs is your soulmate, you have met in past lives and you have a divine purpose together in this one, this might be the reason why at first you'll trigger and challenge eachother, to grow in a soul level that align both of you with your soul mission. This relationship is fiery and passionate, you'll encourage eachother to become your best versions and manifest all your dreams, you will love to see the other shine and succeed. Your relationship will be very protected by both of your ancestors and spirit teams, your connection feels spiritual and ethereal like your souls recognize eachother before your mind is able to process it. This totally gives me power couple vibes, I also see some level of fame or public recognition in your relationship in the positive way, like you'll inspire others somehow. I'm seeing angel numbers 444, 1818, a trisquelion, a full moon and a bald eagle, take them as signs when they present to you in any way or form.
Pile 2:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: buffalo, dog, skunk, antelope/ rosemary, geranium, strawberry, lemon)
🍀 Your Fs doesn't have an inch of malice in their body, they are a sweetheart in all their essence, they are romantic, protective and caring. They have this golden light surrounding them that gives me such a warm feeling, like being in a safe and comfortable place around their energy. Btw, they are very attractive
🍀 If pile 1 was a doberman, your Fs is totally a golden retriever, they are lovely to extremes, they are very loved by the people that knows them, they are adorable, the perfect description of a sweetheart, nobody has nothing bad to say against yor Fs. They are highly compassionate with everyone, their beloved ones rely a lot on your Fs when they need advice or help with anything.
🍀 They are an extrovert, they surely love to spend time outside and have a good time with their friends, your FS really gives me fire sign energy. They are a natural lucky person, fortune makes their way into your Fs' life easily and it's mostly because of their optimistic view of life that they attract so much positivity. They believe in karma, destiny and soulmates.
🍀 They are goofy and funny, the one that makes everyone laugh without trying. It feels like is almost impossible to have bad feelings torward your FS because they gain everybody's hearts with their lighthearted personality, everyone has good words to describe your Fs, mostly their closest people that know them in deeper levels.
🍀 They can be a little naive when it comes to other people's intentions, they have this belief that if they treat everyone kindly everyone will be kind to them, they surely have been through some dissapointments due to this trait but they don't seem to mind it. I like their mindset of not letting the evilness of the world mess with their empathy and good heart, they have an strong sense of honor.
🍀 They are hopeful, optimistic and loyal, they are the first to offer a helping hand when anybody is in need. They value loyalty a lot, they might have an inner wound related to betrayals. They are very family oriented, like they want to settle down soon and find the person they want to build a life with, they might be more traditional in terms of relationships.
🍀 If Eddie Munson and Steve Rogers personalities could combine they would materialize as your FS, your FS is very reliable and trustworthy, they love to help others in everything they can and more. I would suggest you to ask them for help even when you don't really need it, it just feels great to them to be helpful and will feel very grateful if you feel you can count on them.
🍀 Damn your Fs is adorable, I think i'm gonna choose this pile too 😂. Their feelings are pure and filled with love, they are kinda of a secret romantic, they might not show it but they love to surprise with kind gestures to their beloved ones. They'll like to embody the gentlemen attitude with you, they'll pamper you with so much love and attention, like they go walking and sees a flower and pick it for you, or the kind that sends you songs or quotes that remind them of you.
🍀 They are learning to set healthy boundaries, I see they are currently in a process of healing where they are cleansing their energies, I feel they are going through an spiritual intervention but they probably are not aware of the divine precense. They might be through a period of purge and they are leaving behind people that were harming them, their bad trait is to be a little of a people pleaser but they are working on it, they just don't want to harm anybody.
🍀 Your Fs is very into physical touch but their main love language is acts of service, they enjoy making other people's lifes easier. They are into pda too, their body language may seem overprotective sometimes, they are the kind of people that would do anything for their person and somehow their thoughts reflect on their body language. Take as signs when you see sequences with number 2, shooting stars, owls or white cats.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
(Cards: true love, religious factors, retreat, wedding/ Astrodices: libra, neptune, 6th house/ Charms: rose quartz, bouquet, spike, white heart)
I'm getting that you already know who your FS is regardless if you had anything romantic with them in the past or not, they have appeared in your life before but the circumstances weren't the right ones to begin something romantic. Whenever you have coincided, one of you had their energies really unbalanced and the other part was having a deep healing, it was the correct person on the wrong time. You have barely interacted with them, for some of you, I even doubt you have noticed them if you have crossed paths before and this might be some kind of spiritual protection for you, to not crave too much for them and to not distract you from the process you were in. For others on this pile I'm getting that you might be their crush and you don't know it, or maybe they are your crush but you have barely had contact with them and you take it as delulu, however it is the energy around you two feels familiar. You'll both will feel very comfortable with eachother from the first moment you start interacting, this will be your sign to know that you are meant to be together, everything will feel natural and cozy around them, like you can lay and rest after a long run. If there has been any kind of distance or separation, when they are back into your life they will enter it with all the intentions to offer you a serious commitment and telling you clearly that they want a relationship with you, you got the card of wedding so you both surely will get married at some point too that I feel it will be soon after you start dating, I'd say a time lapse of a year after you start your relationship
Your FS is your soulmate, your relationship was meant to happen so there will not be anybody else after you meet them, this is the person you are going to marry and live a happy life together. I'm getting that this will be a very healthy and balanced relationship, you'll be very respectful and compassionate about the other's feelings, this gives me the vibe of thelepatic communication for many of you, especially the ones on this pile who are already in tune with their spiritual nature. There's this energy of healing surrounding your relationship, for both of you your relationship will involve soul healing from past pain and closing karmic cicles, there's no fear here of being misunderstood or judged, it is all understanding and empathy.
Ngl, the charms talk about some opponents to your relationship and the feeling I'm getting is because someone is jealous of the harmony you and your FS share, there's someone who operates through a negative perspective that won't like to see you two happy, for some of you might be your ex or your Fs' ex, for some I see your Fs' ex is the toxic person they are dettaching from. The spike talks about interferences but not something to be worried about, it is just a warning to prevent any bad energy to mess with your relationship, I'd suggest you to keep it private until you decide to formalize, this will help keep bad energies away. Anyway, the rest of the charms are all about love, tbh I think you got all the love charms I got lol, so romance, passion and affection are surely present through all your relationship. This person will want long term commitment and they will make this very clear, I also see they won't have eyes for anybody else but you, you are the love of eachother's life. The overall dynamic of your relationship is give and receive, both of you have generous and kind hearts and your relationship will be a safe place for you two to share all the love you both have in your hearts, you'll take very good care of eachother and I'm very happy for you. If you are open to have children they will become a source of pure happiness and pride for your Fs and you.
Pile 3:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: dolphin, electric eel, nightingale, bear/ tomato, orange, onion, cucumber)
🪐 They give me very aquarius energy, they are a visionary who likes to think outside of the box and dream big, they have high expectations for their future too. This person likes to keep always learning and progressing in life, not the kind who gives up easilly, they give me the vibe of working smart and not that hard because they have this intellectual energy around them
🪐 Their mind is mesmerizing, they are the kind of person you could hear talking for hours and you'd never get tired of them. There's something about their voice or how they express themselves that is hypnotizing for others, they might be air dominant in their natal chart because they have a gift for communication.
🪐 This is my pile of friends to lovers dynamic and I feel it's mostly because your Fs wants to be friendly with you in your first interactions, they'll like you for a relationship from the very first moment but they'll want to make things right for you and give the proper steps without rushing the outcome.
🪐 Your FS is a social and outgoing person, they are very adaptable and versatile when it comes to people but at the same time they know how to keep loyal to themselves. They have a bright and vibrant personality, they are also very funny.
🪐 They are very skillful, I'm getting that they are a lot into technologies and for some, they are really a genius on sciences or maths. I'm also getting that they are into video games or something like that, I see a person with different types of screens in front of them so it gives me the vibe of videogames (but Idk shit about technology o take it as it resonates)
🪐 They are very open minded, they don't like to judge someone by their appearance, they are able to see further than the surface of people. They don't like to take things for granted so this makes them want to make efforts to keep getting better, some people see a beautiful flower and pick it up, your Fs is the kind that take care of the plant through the whole year and waits for more flowers to bloom on the spring
🪐 Your Fs is very funny, they maybe are not the conventional type of beauty but they really cute, like Stiles Stilinski. They have a natural charm that goes beyond physical attractiveness and I feel that growing up being the ugly duck made them cultivate other attractive skills that they have mastered.
🪐 They are straight forward with their opinions, they feel very confident on their values and morals so they don't mind to speak their truth out loud. They are very mental, an overthinker surely, they are not the most emotional person in the world and their love language is not words of affirmation but it is related to communication.
🪐They are very loving and protective with the people they really care for, they got cards that makes me feel that when they love, they do it with all their heart and at all cost, there's no middle terms for your Fs, it's all or nothing. Take as signs when you see 1212, 333, nightingales, angelic symbology and red roses.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
(Cards: past life relationship, religious factors, trust, true love/ Astrodices: pisces, north node, 8th house/ Charms: aventurine, white heart, shell, bouquet, agate)
I suggest you to check pile 2 in case you felt called to that pile too, both groups got similar cards and charms.
Okay, for what I'm seeing here I 'm getting the vibe of partners in crime, your Fs is going to be your more trusted accomplice, I feel a lot of emotional intimacy shared here, like you know eachother darkest secrets and fully accep them with no judgements. The overall energy I'm picking from your relationship is peace and acceptance, you won't have to wear any mask to please your Fs or viceversa, your relationship is like a safe shelter in the middle of a chaotic world and you both will be highly grateful with the connection you two share. You'll feel like you are capable of anything with your FS by your side, they'll be extremely supportive of you and will help you to reach your personal goals, I'm hearing that they will got your back in your mischiefs too. This relationship gives me the feeling of two kids living their dreams at its fullest, there's this lighthearted and innocent energy surrounding your bond that really makes my heart warm. You might already know who your Fs is but there's separation at the moment, for some it can be that you already know them but you doubt if they trully are the person meant for you. You'll have to trust the process at the first stages of the relationship, this can be a twin flame connection and this type of soul bonds require spiritual growth. Both of you will have to supress the outside interferences and listen to your heart to recognize eachother, you got the true love card so it won't be difficult to find out.
The dices are confirming another level of soul connection, this feels sweet and ethereal. You two share a common soul mission in this lifetime and will be fullfiled greatly, if you have children your grandkids will brag and daydream about your love story, especially if you have a granddaughter (or will have it in the future) she will take your relationship as a role model for her life too. You'll build an empire or a dinasty, something significative that will last for a long time, deep inside you know you are meant for great things and this is your confirmation with the extra info that you'll reach the stars with the love of your life by your side. I''m also seeing with the 8th house that the sexual connection will be on a higher level too, maybe at some point of the relationship you start learning more about tantric practices or take your intimate moments to connect on a deeper level. I see too that you'll make time and space through all your relationship to dedicate to eachother and keep the spark shinning.
You'll be very aware of what the other is feeling or thinking, it feels like you are one soul separated in two different bodies, you'll be very similar in some aspects and very opposite in others but you'll know how to adapt to the other effortlessly, it will feel like you have known eachtoher since birth. I also see that you'll know when something happens to the other even if you are in different places, the spiritual connection will be so strong and both of you so curious and intelligent that you'll start digging more in spiritual teachings, this will make you release mental patterns or expectations about how your lives should be, even in your aspirations in life you'll have a very similar point of view. I see a lot of gift giving and romantic surprises but it's because you'll be living in eachother's mind 24/7 rent free and everything reminds you to eachother but not in an anxious way, in fact this feels very peaceful and loving, like everytime you cross eachother's mind you can't help but smile.
Pile 4:
~ Details about them:
(Cards: ant, wombat, lion, wasp, bee/ tarragon, lime, rosemary, marygold)
🎀 Your FS is an introvert, they love their alone time and spending time at home. I see your Fs is very crafty and have many different hobbies they do by themselves, speially something that needs the hands to be done like puzzles or painting.
🎀They are a kind soul, more sensitive than they would like to admit, they can be an empath and doesn't even know about it. They are a little shy when it comes to interacting with people in love terms, they can be a little clumsy in the first approach due to their nerves
🎀 They deal with a rough past in general, not just in relationships. I'm hearing bullying so this might be something your Fs had to go through in their early years. This makes a lot of sense with their empathy, they have suffered so much that they know how to put themselves in the shoes of others and deeply understand them
🎀 They are the kind of person that likes to take the positive out of every situation, no matter if the circumstances are hurtful to them, they always know how to give an step back and take the lesson hidden behind the circumstances
🎀 They have a lucky magnet, like they are naturally blessed by life because their heart is pure and filled with good intentions. They also have a very nice balance between their mind and their heart so they surely ate very emotionally intelligent
🎀 They are a very generous person in every aspect so if you are into the provider type of partner your Fs is going to be above your expectations. They give me very earthy energy so their love language could majorly be acts of services or material gifts (it's 13:13 as I'm writting this, maybe it's a relevant number for you)
🎀 I'm getting that they are regenerating themselves at the moment, they got tarragon and rosemary cards that gives me the feeling that they are healing hard childhood memories. This energy is more mental than emotional so they might be trying some mental reprogramming like healing intrusive thoughts or a cruel inner voice.
🎀 They are very sweet but not with everyone, like pile one, your Fs has a tough shell but they are willing to open up with the right person. They fear being judged but they are not scared of rejection, your Fs isn't able to see how much bravery and courage they hold within themselves, they can have a very demanding or perfectionist inner voice, they give me very virgo energy.
🎀 I'm hearing that they regenerate pretty easilly in emotional and physical level too so they like to take care of their health, they barely get sick and when they do it doesn't last more than a few days, they are blessed in health terms
🎀 They got a prosperous and successful future, they are destined to make something significative and positive for everyone, they just need a little more confidence in themselves to fully believe it but their path is clear and it is meant to be great. Take as signs of your Fs numbers 1111 and 777, also bees, clovers and a bonfire.
~ Dynamic of the relationship:
( Cards: children, free yourself, passion, keep an open mind/ Astrodices: gemini, the sun, 4th house/ Charms: garnet, rose quartz, pink heart, boat)
Let's start saying that if your Fs doesn't have already a child they want children with you, if you have children your Fs will be very caring and attentive with them too. This person is very family oriented, they might have a more traditional perspective of relationships, they'll take their role in the relationship very seriously. You'll feel very connected from the very first moment, I see that from all the piles this relationship will be the fastest to formalize, it will be very clear for both of you that you want to be together. At first some doubts can appear because your Fs might not match your expectations but you'll have to check if your standards are being realistic so take this message as it resonates with you. Once the doubts are released the connection will feel like the sun is shinning only for the two of you, you'll feel like you can be fully yourself by your Fs' side, you won't have to worry if you look nice or how you manner, they'll love to see and praise every part of you, if you deal with physical insecurities your Fs will be very caring in this aspect too. You can behave like a little child and be goofy with your Fs, they'll make a safe space for you where you don't have to fullfil any expectation, you can relax and fully express yourself as you really want to, your Fs will also ignite your confidence a lot.
You'll have a great communication, you both will feel comfortable enough to express with eachother things you would never share with anybody else, I'm really amazed of how deep your conversations can turn, you can share your most silly thoughts with tour Fs and they would so the same with you because you will understand eachother so much. You both will feel seen and valued in your relationship, you recognize the worth of eachother and the connection you will share, your Fs will make you feel cared and protected and they will feel more brave and strong because of you, you will encourage eachother to follow your dreams. With the 4th house I see that the concept of home will be very important for you two, you both have the same expectations of what a family should be and will create it together.
You'll have a happy home life together, I see you'll have a very nice and cozy house you two will love to spend time in. You will value a lot your moments together and alone, you'll take a lot of care of your intimacy and privacy, I see you will be selective with the people you let in in your lives or the energies you allow in in general. You will achieve some of your goals that will lead you to have more responsabilities that will demand your time and energy, your Fs and you will compensate this by traveling together or make small retreats, I see that some of you will like to escape near nature on your free days. Your relationship will be filled with passion and romance, you will also gain power in some areas of your life by your Fs' side.
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the20thangel · 2 months
Playing with Fire
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Summary: This is a Tumblr request: a Targaryen reader who resembles a lot of Daemon. Like she's not afraid to fight. And there are stories of her, and when Benjicot meets her, he's in love. Like down bad. And when they fight together, it is whispered that they are alike and fit so well. And it gets back to Rhaenyra, who betrothes them. Even if they have already done that nasty thing together. (🫣) I hope that makes sense, and using a name is okay.
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, 18+
Word count: 3519
(this is an x reader fanfic but just with a name)
Princess Alyssa yawned; her flight to the Riverlands from Dragonstone was long. All she wanted was to get to her destination and take a long nap. She regretted not taking her mother’s advice to land at Harrenhal for a moment and rest, especially since her father, Prince Daemon, was there. She just did not want to see her father right now. Alyssa was her father’s daughter, just like her father was grandmother Alyssa's son. They all burn hot, especially their temperament, and sometimes they would slightly singe each other in arguments. She loved her father with all her heart, but sometimes, being alone with him without her mother to calm them both would do more damage than good.  That is why Alyssa chose to fly past Harrenhal and continue to Raventree Hall. 
Raventree Hall recently got a new Lord to rule the land. Lord Benjicot Blackwood proudly took his place as lord after the tragic death of his father, Lord Samwell. Her mother, Queen Rhaenyra, tasked her with welcoming the lord in his position and asking him to swear allegiance again to her. Alyssa was chosen as the representative of her mother’s council. Princess Alyssa was proud to be her mother’s representative; people often called her mother’s sword. She would gladly give up her life fighting for her family and their rightful places in the realm. 
As she flew closer to her destination, she remembered the conversation she overheard her mother’s council had before she left. They wanted to find a betrothal for her, preferably one that would benefit her mother’s cause. Alyssa scoffed; all the men, heirs, and lords she had met so far were too weak. Some feared having a wife who would rather fight battles than sit all day and embroider pretty patterns on their clothes. At the same time, others were too busy flaunting their skills, like peacocks trying to one-up each other, thinking that they would impress the dragon princess. She knew it was her duty to marry one day, but none seemed good enough for her. Her thoughts were cut off as she arrived at Raventree Hall, seeing the famous weirwood tree filled with ravens and crows rather than red leaves. Commanding her dragon to land in the closest clearing, thinking the people will probably not enjoy having a dragon land on a tower and causing damage to the castle. 
Once landed, Alyssa jumped down from her dragon, Gaelithox, a beautiful black dragon with a few red scales, looking like lava flowing across his body. Many people were afraid to be close to him, so it seemed fitting that they were made to bond. As she scratched under his chin, showing her gratitude through their bond for reaching their destination safely, Alyssa heard a group of men walking towards her. Turning around, Alyssa noticed a beautiful woman in the middle of the group, Alysanne Blackwood, a woman whom Alyssa greatly respected—a fierce warrior who did not care for silly men and their silly games. 
Alyssane Blackwood was surprised to hear dragon wings fly over her family’s castle and more shocked to see Princess Alyssa. 
“Princess Alyssa, welcome to Raventree Hall. We were not expecting your presence here, my princess,” greeted Alyssane. 
“Forgive the sudden appearance, but my mother wanted to send congratulations to the new Lord of House Blackwood… and where may this lord be?” asked Alyssa cocking her head to the side. 
“He will be back soon. He needed to check on a few things on our outer border of the lands. Come, let me take you to your chamber and let you refresh up before meeting with my nephew,” led Alyssane as she and her party turned back into the castle. 
Alyssa stared momentarily before turning to her dragon, “Jikagon arghugon.” Asking her dragon to find food. As Gaelithox launched himself into the air, Alyssa finally moved to follow the Blackwood party. 
Alyssa sighed in tranquility; she needed a steaming bath to ease her sore muscles from being on the dragon's back for too long. As she prepared to lower herself, a knock broke her out of her tranquil state. Huffing in annoyance, she quickly stood with only a bathrobe covering her body. As she creaked open the door, she was greeted by a servant girl. The girl told her that her lord had finally returned and invited the princess to a small feast. Alyssa thanked the girl and told her she would be there soon. 
She did not need servants' assistance because she did not bring any gowns. Alyssa was her mother’s representative of the crown, so she needed to be ready for anything coming her way. A gown would only hinder her ability to defend herself. She dresses herself in a black and red riding coat and trousers. The shoulders of her coat were made to look like dragon scales. Her riding coat looked alot like the one her mother used to wear when she was younger. After she tied her hair into braids, she fastened her sword to her belt and walked out of her guest chambers. There, a guard bowed and led the way to the feast hall. 
At the top of the hall stood a grand table with what Alyssa could assume was Benjicot Blackwood, the new lord of House Blackwood. Young men wearing House Tully colors were to his left, and to his right was Alyssane Blackwood. Alyssane noticed the princess first, turning to whisper to her nephew as he quickly scanned for the princess, his eyes widening when they found her. 
As Alyssa looked at the young lord, she couldn’t help but be impressed with his appearance. He was pretty handsome, with a certain charm of a warrior, from the scar on his lips and his storming hazel eyes. He had a smirk on his lips as he gazed upon the princess. Alyssa noted how his house colors were so close to her own. She hadn’t worn red in a while, but still, both houses’ colors were indeed complementary of each other. 
Benjicot was surprised by Alyssa Targaryen’s appearance, as he had heard the rumors that the Princess was just like her grandmother. Who preferred to wear riding trousers rather than dress in pretty gowns and loved to sword fight. He just was not expecting to have such a gorgeous woman stand in front of him. The princess dressed in not the highest quality gowns found in court to diminish her beauty, but Benjicot only seemed to think that it highlighted her beauty more. She looked ever the part of Valyrian women from Old Valyria, just like his maester used to teach him.  Alyssane, noticing her nephew ogling the princess, cleared her throat. 
“Princess, it is my honor to introduce you to my nephew, Lord Benjicot Blackwood, lord of Raventree Hall of House Blackwood.” she introduced as she nudged her nephew to stand and bow. 
“My Princess, House Blackwood welcomes you, and it is an Honor to have you here.” bowed Benjicot, giving her a smirking grin. 
Alyssa nodded with a grin, “You honor me, Lord Benjicot.” 
“Please call me Ben or Benji. My name is too much of a mouthful to say,” stated Benji, flushing when the princess smirked at him. 
“My, such liberties, I guess I should provide the lord the very same for being such a gentleman. Very well, you may call me Alyssa.” Graced Alyssa, laughing at Ben’s ever-growing redder face with a wild grin showing up on his face. 
“Please let us continue the feast in honor of your new lord,” Alyssa exclaimed, and the crowd cheered. 
Benji sat down with a grin, turning to the Tully brothers, who smirked and made smooching faces at him. Alyssa walked to sit next to Alyssane, but the lady stood there and allowed the princess to take her seat next to Benji. As they continued with the feast, Alyssa spoke with those around, finding their presence welcoming; after some light teasing, the Tully brothers followed in, being more familiar with the princess and not so courtly. This is where Alyssa thrived, creating genuine connections with people, not court pleasantries and kissing ass to try and get favors. 
Once they were well into their wine, Oscar turned to the princess, “So, Alyssa, are the rumors true that you can beat ten men at once in a duel?” 
Alyssa raised an eyebrow, chuckling, “I don’t know when the rumors become so dramatic; it wasn’t ten men.” 
Which intrigued the rest of the group, “But you did beat a group of men in a duel?” asked Kermit. 
Alyssa hmmed, turning to stare at the men, noticing Benji’s curious face with a hint of something that she couldn’t pinpoint yet. 
“Would you all like to find out? Tomorrow, you, Oscar, and Ben can all fight me at a duel.” Alyssa asked as Oscar and Kermit's faces paled. While Ben nodded, he wanted to see more of her. 
“Ah, on second thought, how about just Ben? Fighting him is like fighting twenty men,” countered Kermit nervously. 
Alyssa laughed at the sudden excuse, agreeing to the term she and Benji would fight a duel, one that everyone started betting on who would win. Alysanne smiled and noted how comfortable the princess and her nephew were with each other. 
The next day, a huge group formed on the training grounds, all wanting to see the princess and their lord duel. As the princess walked to the ground, she extended her arm to Benji, who took it and shook her hand. 
“First to yield wins the match!” exclaimed Oscar, and the rest of the group buzzed excitedly. 
“Best of luck to you, Ben. Don’t hold out on me.” wished Alyssa. 
“And to you, my princess.” agreed Benji as he took his stance. 
With that, Alyssa raised her sword and swung it while Benjicot dodged it quickly and moved to the side to swing his own. Alyssa smiled, thinking how much fun this match will be as she pivoted away from the lord. She tried to kick his legs, but Benji saw through her moves and jumped. In return, he tried to grab her leg, but the princess did a back handspring. She had the advantage she did not fight like men; she used her grace to make moves such as cartwheels and handsprings to evade her opponents.  Benji grinned at the princess’s ingenuity. He kept being surprised more and more by her. As the two continued the dance of striking and dodging, Alyssa decided to act on a move she had only tried on her brothers before. She ran to Benji, and as she was about to reach him, she slid, knocking him down on the floor on top of her. Then, as he struggled to catch his breath, she flipped him, enclosing her legs on his waist as she raised both her and his sword to his neck.  
Everyone gasped, seeing the lord finally react to his position, grinning at the princess who could beat him; she, in turn, was smiling at him. 
“I believe I won, Ben,” she taunted as the crowd cheered the princess. She had beaten Bloody Ben in a duel. 
Alysanne laughed, seeing her nephew's love-stricken eyes. Of course, her nephew would fall for someone who could beat him in a duel. She was planning to write to the queen about how the princess was doing, but she also decided to write about how close and comfortable the princess and nephew were becoming with each other. 
Alyssa was breathing heavily, still basking in her glory, when she felt something poking underneath her. She gasped once she recognized what it was. Ben was still huffing underneath her, and he could not help but groan in embarrassment, having the princess feel his growing bulge poke her. Alyssa quickly stood up, suddenly feeling warm in her stomach. She tried to act like feeling him did not affect her, so she extended her arm to help him. Ben took her hand before kneeling and kissing it. 
“I, Benjicot Blackwood, Lord of Raventree Hall, swore my fealty to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the rightful queen to the iron throne, and her daughter, Princess Alyssa.” pledge the young lord as the rest of the crowd quickly bowed. 
Feeling uncharacteristically overly warm, Alyssa nodded, “As… as representative of my mother, the queen, I, Princess Alyssa Targaryen, thank you, my lord. House Blackwood will be a great ally for House Targaryen.” As she turned around, her cheeks heated up, still riling from feeling him underneath her. 
Alyssa was frustrated; she was still warm after bathing and changing clothes to a simple silk dress. She never felt like this before, so hot and bothered. Instead of feeling disgusted by the apparent lust from Benji, she felt excited. This infuriated her; what was she supposed to do? She didn’t know how to act, but her body was pleading, pleading for her to find answers with Benjicot. After letting out a frustrated growl, she decided to see the young lord. Stepping out in a thicker coat, she asked the guard to take her to Benjioct’s chambers, urging her to speak to him urgently. 
Once she reached the lord's chambers, she knocked, waiting for him to answer, dismissing the guard and thanking him. Benji opened his door to see the princess standing there; he invited her in when he noticed she was only wearing a thin silk dress underneath her coat, feeling his trousers tighten again. 
As he opened to ask the princess about her troubles,  Alyssa growled in frustration. 
“You, Ben, are my troubles; you have cast a spell on me,” Alyssa explained as she approached him. “You are not like any of the men I have met before; you do not see me as a royal womb; you see me as a person. You make my body call out for you and-” 
Benjicot cut her off by kissing her passionately, bringing her body to his, pushing away the heavy coat, and snaking his arms around her waist. 
“You, my princess, accused me of casting a spell on you when, in reality, you did on me, I just responded. You don’t know how gorgeous you are, how your body encaptures mine. How I yearn for you.” whispered Benji as he kissed her with each word, going down and down to her neck. 
Alyssa gasped, “Show me, show me how much you yearn.” as she kissed Benjicot. 
The young lord growled into the kiss as he raised her and dropped her onto his bed, setting himself on her. As they continued to kiss, Alyssa snaked her hand down his body until she reached his stiff burgled, messaging it, growing in delight hearing Benji’s groan into her mouth. 
“You are playing close with fire, my princess..” whispered Benji, staring into her purple eyes. 
Alyssa smirked, “I am not afraid of fire, my lord.” 
Benji leaned down to capture her lips, raising a leg around his waist as he slowly started to grind himself on her, causing the princess to moan in his mouth, grabbing his hand and placing it on her breast. Benjicot moved down her neck and began kissing and biting her neck, leaving noticeable love bites. 
“Ben… so good... Please,” whispered Alyssa as she moved her hips, grinding her soaking clothed cunt to his stiff bludge. 
Benji grunted his hands on her hips, stopping their movements and making the princess whine. 
“Shhh… I don’t want to finish so fast; I’m not done with you yet, princess,” whispered Benji as he raised the princess’s dress from about her head. 
“You have too many clothes on, Ben,” whispered Alyssa as she sat up and helped Benji remove his shirt as the young man threw off his trousers. 
“You’re gorgeous, Alyssa,” breathed Benji, tracing his fingers down her body and reaching for her soaking entrance. 
“Please don’t tease me; I ache too much to be teased.” pleaded Alyssa, gasping in delight and feeling a finger slip in her entrance.  
“That’s my good girl, taking my finger so well,” growled Benji as he continued to pump his finger in and out of her entrance, slowly adding a second and a third finger. 
Alyssa writhed in delight, moving her hand to her sensitive bud, messaging it to match the rhythm Ben was moving his fingers in, feeling a growing sensation in her stomach. 
“That’s it, sweet girl, find your release, show me how much you love my fingers inside of you, wishing it was my cock.” grunted Benicot with hooded eyes, watching her becoming undone. 
“Ben, please, I want…no, I need your cock. I want to finish on your cock.” stated Alyssa with small tears in her eyes as she stared into those hazel eyes. 
Growling in delight, Benjicot out his fingers and aligned his cock to the princess’s soaking entrance. Looking for her approval, Alyssa nodded and moaned loudly, feeling Benji enter her; it was a pleasurable pain. Before Ben could start moving, Alyssa stopped him. Benjicot looked at her with questioning eyes. Alyssa deviously grinned as she flipped them, with Benjicot at the bottom and Alyssa on top. 
“Let me show you a skill of a dragon rider,” whispered Alyssa as she started bouncing on his cock. 
Benjicot moaned, closing his eyes; he was so deep in her, her walls sucking him in deeper and deeper. 
“Ugh… open you eyes… I want to see your beautiful eyes.” commanded Alyssa, raising his head more. 
Benjicot opened his eyes, thinking he had gone to paradise, for an angel was riding him, moving those beautiful pale hips up and down, side to side. His cock went in and out of her entrance. The sounds of soaking and sweating skin slapping each other. Not wanting just to sit by, he grabbed her hips and helped Alyssa move up and down with a harder and more precise force. He was causing the princess to moan more. 
“You are mine; nobody will ever come close to you, just like I will be yours,” promised Benjicot, feeling his release coming closer and closer.
Alyssa felt her release also close and decided to lock her legs around him; she needed him to release in her; she would take it nowhere else. 
Benjicot saw what she was doing and asked if she was sure. The princess, still bouncing on his lap, expressed how much she needed him to fill her. With that, Benji kissed his princess, filling her womb to the brim. Alyssa moaned into his mouth, letting her release milk him in deeper, feeling content in feeling him fill her up. 
As the princess and lord finished, they lay on his bed, with her on top of him. Benji petted her hair, catching his breath as he felt her breath on his neck. Alyssa looked up, caressing his cheek. 
“I hope this is not a one-time thing; I really like you, Ben,” confessed Alyssa. 
Benjicot looked down at the princess, gracing her with a dazzling smile, “I adore you. I could not just let you go. I want you as my wife.” 
Alyssa smiled, kissing him again before the two let slumber take to the land of dreams. 
The following week, Alyssa felt like she was in a pleasant dream, hunting with Ben and the boys, training with them, and flying her dragon freely without worrying about a war brewing. Also, there were times when  Benjicot and she had much time to themselves, using it to take her in the woods, her chambers, and even once in the library. She was content. 
She was currently on his lap in his chambers, kissing him as the lord moved his hands to her waist, moving her body to start grinding on him. When a loud knock shocked them out of the mood. Growling, the Princess removed herself from his lap, sitting on the chair, crossing her legs as she pretended to be reading. Benjicot sighed, annoyed at being interrupted, opening the door to show his aunt, whose grin only grew when she saw the princess in his room. Benjicot knew technically the princess should not be in his chambers as he invited his aunt in, asking her if something had happened.   
“A letter arrived from Dragonstone..” started Alysanne, noticing Princess Alyssa narrow her eyebrows in confusion. 
“Is everything alright? Did something happen?” asked Alyssa, worried that she had neglected her mother’s protection. 
Alysanne shook her head, “The queen is asking for your return and House Blackwood to present ourselves to Dragonstone.” 
“Did she give a reason, Aly,” asked Benjicot, seeing Alyssa worry even more. 
“I wrote to the queen how much you two seem to like each other, and the queen and I decided it would be best to unify our house. We will be going to Dragonstone to discuss a potential marriage between you both,” explained Alysaane, watching in delight as Benjicot smiled widely, turning to face the princess, who stood in shock. 
“I guess I will be fulfilling my dream of making you my wife,” said Benji as he took the princess into his arms and kissed her.
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Ooh, for Shen Yuan’s looks I was thinking a black, blue and silver theme, to Bing-ge’s black, red and gold.
(You can’t tell me emperor Bing-ge, also the Huan Hua Palace master, doesn’t have at least some gold in his formal outfits).
If you look at crow feathers, they have a sort of blue sheen in the right lighting, so blue would be quite fitting!
I also like the idea of his hair being mostly elegant and classy, but with some cute little braids that include colored threads weaved in them, plus shiny bobbles and feathers hanging off the ends. The braids are from his crow family members. It’s a traditional grooming practice!
Anon I am MADLY in love with you. We're going to high five and hug and frolic in the fields together if I ever find out who you are. The idea of little braids being in otherwise elegant hair really fits with my perception of "mainly classy Shen Yuan until his bird instincts kick in (he's also a little gremlin before that)", because he obviously wants to keep his hair neat and presentable but he also has the natural instinct to let people braid his hair to show affection! (Definitely have to have a wholesome little scene where Shen Yuan shows Bing-ge how to braid his hair in the traditional fashion). I love the idea of shiny things being in his hair as well, through shiny beads and threads. BONUS POINTS if he has a shiny little thing that holds his hair up and counts as a little dagger (gifted by one of the others in the crow family as a precaution. Can also be traditional for those who come of a certain age!) On another note, thinking about Shen Yuan in half human form. He retains his wings and I like to think he has spatterings of feathers crawling up his spine and the back of his neck, around the edges of his cheeks maybe? He looks mainly human, but I'd find it cool if he still had those little patches of feathers (like when you see patches of scales on a dragon-shifter type character)
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Oh, this is so fun. I've always loved a protective family, and I love Bing-ge being struck by the audacity of the crow family and also jealousy because nobody ever acts like this about him!! His wives do, he supposes, but that's for their own selfish reasons! They don't really care about him like the crow family cares for Shen Yuan. The crow family is only not attacking him because Shen Yuan has said that it's "not cool" to attack the emperor, or whatever. Corvids can mimic that stuff?? Oh my god, the ANTICS! Shen Yuan would totally use it to mess with people when he's bored, jumpscaring people and having fun with story time for the kids. He would also use it when stealing, so that he doesn't have to needlessly hurt anyone to get to the shiny thing he covets, the human side of him holding him back. I'd find it super funny that when the crows (cultivating or not) meet Bing-ge, a few start spurting out every curse they've ever heard from humans, and Shen Yuan has to explain that they're mimicking what they hear people say, they don't mean it! (probably-) {part five! Part one, part two, part three, part four, part six, part seven!!}
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This is for Malleus and Kalim
Lilia and Sebek are here
Kalim al Asim
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When Kalim heard about this situation, he would like to support and help you.
Caring for a child alone must be really hard.
He (and Jamil) could look after the child if you want to go somewhere.
Or actually, Jamil looks after the child and maybe after Kalim too.
Kalim would really like your little brother.
He might not like Kalim.
But Kalim would still be really positive and happy.
And he might not realize all the nasty things your little brother might say.
Kalim is an innocent Sunshine boy.
He would also help you with childcare.
Or at least Kalim would really try :D
Kalim would also support you with the money test…
Because one Crow really doesn't give you enough money.
So if you would accept that money.
Kalim would like you.
And he would like to help you as much as possible.
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus would be really worried at first.
You just stopped coming to your night walks.
This would happen really suddenly.
Malleus would think that you too have started to fear him.
That would make sense….
Malleus would initially withdraw.
Dragon boy is sad :(
But soon he would start hearing Sebek's stories about the "little human".
And it wouldn't be anything positive lol
However, this would encourage Malleus to confront you and ask about what happened.
Then the whole truth would come out.
Malleus would indeed be relieved.
He also would be happy…
Because your little brothers won't be afraid of him either.
Not that your little brother likes him either.
But it's the start of something.
Malleus would consider you a good careteker.
He couldn't imagine what you would look like taking care of your child together.
(An adopted child is also counted.)
This makes him blush.
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hellenicandcrowd · 3 months
Lord Lucifer Deity Guide
{Deity Guide #1}
Created directly from the supreme deity, known in every instance only as The Source (and Atum according to the Egyptians), he was originally the first-born God of the Universe. From The Source, he emerged alongside the cosmos. He is famously the most beautiful and wise among all of the Gods. His only equal in this world was his counterpart, Lilith, who was created by The Source's female counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. The Source and The Queen of Heaven ended up creating more deities eventually, of which Lucifer began to lead. These deities became known as angels.
Lucifer and Lilith ruled for millions of years together over this Kingdom of angels, that was until Jehovah arrived. Jehovah overtook the Throne of the Universe in order to gain complete and ultimate control. Lucifer led a rebellion against him with many Angels behind him, which led to a great and horribly lost battle. Lucifer and his Angels were thrown into Hell by Jehovah. The deities who followed Lucifer turned dark and intense by this separation from The Source. Jehovah then claimed Earth and presented himself as The Source to humans, which manipulated them into defying their past deities.
... .. . . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..
God Of: Known as the divine rebel, Lucifer is the God of Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts, and the Morning Star (known as Venus.) Epithets: Phanes; The Morning Star; Light-Bringer; The First-born; Prince of Darkness; Son of Morning; The Glory of Morning; Lord of the Lunar Sphere; The First Light Offerings: Red Wine; Whiskey; Champagne; Pomegranate Juice; Black Tea; Chocolate; Cooked Goat Meat; Venison; Apples; Pomegranates; Honey; Cigars; Tobacco; Daggers and Swords; Silver Rings; Emeralds; Goat Horns; Black Feathers; Colognes; Red Roses; Dead Roses; Crow Skulls; Bone Dice; Devotional Poetry and Art work; Violin/Classical Music
Symbols: The Sigil of Lucifer; The Morning Star; Violins and Fiddles Plants/Trees: Rose; Belladonna; Mulberry; Patchouli; Myrrh; Min; Tobacco; Marigold; Lilies; Hyacinth; Sage Crystals: Amethyst; Black Obsidian; Onyx; Garnet; Selenite; Rose Quartz Animals: Dragons; Snakes; Owls; Eagles; Ravens; Crows; Rams; Foxes; Pigs; Bats; Rats; Moths; Swans Incense: Rose; Frankincense; Patchouli; Myrrh Colors: Black; Red; Silver; Green; Gold Tarot: The Devil Planets: Venus Day: Monday and Friday Consort: Lilith . . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .
Devotional Acts:
Acts of Self-Improvement; Spiritual Awakening and Evolution; Knowledge-seeking; Dedication to Spirituality; Shadow Work; Defending those in need
Master List
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