#cruella and jasper
cathalcalumcolin · 6 months
Estella+Jasper | You Found Me
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What do you think Divus was like during his student years in NRC?
Personally I think he was a mixture of Ace, Cater, and Vil. A mischievous troublemaker who was also trendy and sociable with a good fashion sense. Since he is the potion and science teacher, I think he was in Pomefiore.
Also I don’t know if this is true or not, but I heard somewhere that Divus mentioned that he was always followed by two lackeys, who I have no doubt are the twisted versions of Jasper and Horace.
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We actually already know some things about Crewel's student days from canon (mainly taken from his Unified Exams voice lines and/or from Happy Beans Day):
Trein was a teacher at NRC when Crewel was a student.
Trein says that Beansfest got out of hand during the time Crewel was studying there, which led to there being stricter rules imposed for the current iteration of Beansfest. (It is not known if Crewel himself contributed to that aforementioned chaotic run.)
There was an incident when student!Crewel accidentally overturned a pot of mandrakes. Their screams shattered all the glass in the Alchemy workshop.
Crewel tells us what he wasn’t as rowdy as the kids are nowadays.
He’s still in contact with two of his “henchmen” (ie his juniors) that he met back in school. Crewel implies they aren’t clever, but that he can be himself around them. These two men are most likely twisted versions of Cruella’s hired help, Jasper and Horace.
From what we know of the canon, here are some conclusions I've personally drawn:
Knowing Trein and Crewel's current relationship (they disagree on trivial things like whether cats or dogs are better; it gets Trein riled up), I assume that they've never really gotten along. Perhaps Crewel was a constant sore spot for Trein or was frequently reprimanded for his behavior in spite of having excellent grades.
Crewel has a voice line in which he advises the player to not wholly devote their efforts to studying and keeping their head down, or else they will become inflexible as adults. He also advises them to “go wild once in a while”, but not so wild that professors will scold you. This makes me think that Crewel had a similar attitude when he was a student himself. That is to say, he was a good student, but also had his rebellious streaks and moments of acting out. Maybe he went too far sometimes, which is why he now informs the player to not cause trouble for their teachers in the pursuit of seeking thrills or a break from their studies.
As the sender has mentioned, Crewel has good fashion sense and currently teaches science courses, meaning he must be proficient in the area. These traits make him a suitable ex-Pomefiore student, as that dorm tends to have students that enjoy aesthetics and excel in potion-making. (This is also the popular headcanon within the fandom.
Crewel has what I would call “refined” tastes and interests, such as sports cars. I feel like he also had this discerning eye for quality and trends as a student.
Crewel is strong-headed and asserts himself well. He walks into a room and just commands it. Because of this, I see him easily being kind of a “leader of the pack” kind of guy—a cool, charismatic person that others can’t help but follow or admire, even if they hate his guts or find him pretentious. I don’t know if I would call him friendly (like, I don’t see him as outgoing), but rather he’s just got a magnetic presence that attracts people to him and definitely knew how to navigate a complex social web.
He gives me the impression that lots of his classmates looked up to him or called him “aniki” (as a sign of respect) 😂 (Twisted Jasper and Horace definitely do this www)
Sometimes I feel like Crewel’s leadership capabilities weren’t used for the… best purposes? Like I’m sure he had his spats of immaturity and led his boys to pull off some stupid pranks or whatever. Maybe they put Lucius in a tree so they can all get out of an exam while Trein is looking for his familiar?? But then they all get an earful about it later… That’s just one example off the top of my head!
The student!Crewel I picture is a lot like Vil in many ways, but stands on his own due to his wild side. Someone who is cool, confident, fashionable… with his own set of rules and a slight edge to him that isn’t very Vil-like.
I hope that sufficiently explained my thoughts ^^
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lyxchee-art · 1 month
Idk if I did this accurately
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meep-meep-richie · 8 months
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Joel Fry || Cruella vs Our Flag Means Death
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The Thief That Stole My Heart - Jasper Badun X GN Reader
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Title: The Thief That Stole My Heart
Jasper Badun X GN Reader
Additional Characters: John, Cruella, Wink, and Artie (Mentioned)
Requested by @micheleamidalajedi!!
WC: 2,386
Warnings: Anxiety, nervousness, slight-embarrassment on both parts, Cruella is her own warnings, confession, and fluff
You quickly rushed down the long pebble driveway, your legs burning from all the walking you had to do to get to the Manor in the first place. Your day had started terribly. You woke up late, so you only had a little bit of time to get ready. You forgot your bag, so you had to get back into your apartment to get it. And you couldn't for the life of you get a taxi, so you had to walk all the way from your apartment to Hell Hall. Overall, you were having a terrible day, and you were hoping you wouldn't get fired on your first day. 
You met the amazing fashion designer, Cruella de Vil when you had been sketching at a small park. Somehow, by some miracle, the Cruella de Vil was in that very same park and had seen your work. And then, she offered you a job. You'd accepted immediately, and after the initial shock, and after she left, you almost screamed with joy. It was an odd experience, you never thought you would ever meet your fashion idol. 
So, here you were, out of breath, at the large double doors of the manor, and you were beyond nervous and hoped that you weren't late. Knocking on the door, you brushed your hair out of your face, and stood up straight. Brushing the nonexistent dust and grime from your outfit, the door opened. A man, whom you thought was possibly the butler or valet, gave you an odd look, probably because you were still slightly out of breath. 
"May I help you?" He then asked, and you nodded, giving the man a small sheepish smile.
"I'm Y/N L/N. I was recently hired by Miss de Vil as her designer assistant. I was told to meet her at eleven-thirty at Hell Hall." You explained quickly, before shrugging one shoulder, "Uh, I'm not late, am I?" He looked at you curiously again, but then shook his head slowly.
"No. You are ten minutes early," He said, looking down at his watch briefly before opening the door wider for you to enter. "Miss de Vil will see you now. I'll take you to her office."
"Um, thank you!" You replied, a tiny smile crossing your lips. "Um," You continued, clearing your throat, and entering the giant entranceway, "May I ask your name?"
"John." He answered simply, "Please, follow me."
You nodded, clutching your bag in front of you and following the man around the manor and up the lavish stairs. You couldn't stop staring at the beautiful masterpieces on the wall, and the elegant furniture in the hallways. Stopping at a door, John knocked on it, and your heart began to race when you heard Cruella say 'enter'. John opened the door for you and you gave him another small smile as a thank you before you entered the room. 
Cruella sat at her desk, writing or sketching something before she lifted her gaze, her brilliant eyes meeting yours. "Oh! Darling, you made it." She exclaimed, before gesturing for you to take a seat in a chair before her desk. 
You walked over, giving her a smile as you sat, "Yes, I'm sorry I'm a bit early." You laughed awkwardly as Cruella waved her black-gloved hand, dismissing your thoughts.
"Oh, never mind that. Better early than late. Now, let's get down to business." She spoke, clasping her hands together on her desk as she gave you a small smirk. "I'd like you to be my personal designer assistant. You'd help me with a few design choices, and run a few errands for me, nothing too strenuous. You may wear what you desire, just as long as it is professional. And you'll be working nine to five. And your break will be at twelve to one just like my other designers." Cruella finished, "Any questions?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. 
You shook your head rapidly, feeling your mouth go dry as you fought to form words. "No, ma'am."
Cruella smiled slightly at your reaction, "Please, call me Cruella, darling. Now we can move on to more interesting topics. I know you live rather far from my workshop, so I have a... Proposition for you." You gulped, staying quiet as she continued, "You would start tomorrow, designing and making dresses with the rest of my team. You’ll meet Artie later, an absolute gem. And, I was thinking you could move in here.”
Your jaw dropped, 'Live... Here?" You asked, and Cruella nodded. "What about my apartment?" 
"Well," Cruella began, grabbing a few pieces of paper from her desk and handing them to you, "I already have spoken with a close friend of mine, and he will be able to hold a payment down on a house near Buckingham. So, once you are done working for me, you can move into this home." 
You looked at the paperwork in your hands, a few of the papers were written documents about your work plan, and the others were blueprints of the home, and the payment finalization. The home, from the pictures, was beautiful. You could imagine yourself living there, and being able to draw and paint all day. You looked up at Cruella, who watched you with a smirk on her red painted lips, "I don't want to intrude on anyone. And this is beyond kind but-" You said quietly, glancing around the room once again.
"My dear," She began, giving you a look, "This isn't some charity project. Instead of running back and forth from your apartment, you can stay here. I have the space. And, lastly, the home… Think of it as a gift.”
You felt like a fish out of water, as you looked up from the paperwork to Cruella, "That doesn’t really make any sense… But… Are... Are you sure?"
“Of course, darling!" Cruella exclaimed, "I don’t want you to have extra work."
You nodded slowly, looking to the side to think. It would be easier to live in the manor. Not having to walk back and forth, to and from everywhere you had to go. Plus, you would get to live in a Manor, that’s something not everyone has the chance to do. Looking back to Cruella, you smiled and nodded. “Alright.”
“Marvelous.” She clapped her hands together, standing up from her seat, she walked around her desk as you stood up. “Shall we find you a room?” She asked and you nodded.
Maybe, just maybe... You'd like it there...
Oh, who were you kidding? You loved it.
For the past couple of weeks, you drove with Cruella every weekday to work, running around London to bring her things she needed, giving her your opinion and input on certain designs she may have problems with. It was exciting, and you enjoyed helping her immensely. It was also very relaxing since Cruella didn't yell, or put you down, like your prior employers. Instead, she listened. Listened to you talk about your drawings and sketches, and cared about your opinions. Cruella even allowed you to design one of the outfits in her Summer Collection.
Sitting at your desk in your own small but special office, you sketched in your sketchbook. Humming to a song that was playing on the radio beside you, gently brushing your pencil across the page. Unconsciously sketching the man that you had your mind on. Your pencil softly shaded in his curly hair, before sketching the finishing touches of his eyes. At a soft knock at the door, your heart skipped a beat and you instantly smiled, looking up to see Jasper at your door, holding a brown paper bag. Jasper quietly entered, a small smile on his face.  
"Hello, Y/N.” He greeted you softly. You smiled brightly at him, and Jasper seemed to feel his smile grow slightly. Smiling back at you, Jasper closed the door behind him as he walked over to sit opposite you, placing the brown paper bag on the table in front of him. He glanced at your sketch of him, his stomach filling up with butterflies. "I see you missed me."
"Hi, Jasper," You sighed, before you quickly glanced at your drawing, shutting your sketchbook, "What's for lunch today?" You asked as Jasper opened the bag to reveal two sandwiches. 
Jasper sat the brown bag on the ground. "Sandwiches, for both of us." He replied and you nodded, sitting up in your chair, "I hope that's alright?" Jasper asked carefully, watching you curiously as he ate his sandwich.
You shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me." You said before taking a bite out of your sandwich. "It's delicious, though." You added, closing your eyes and humming contently as you chewed. Jasper watched you for a moment before continuing to eat his own meal. For the past couple of weeks, after you met Jasper, he'd come by to bring you and Cruella lunch. And most times he'd come by with tea or coffee. But, after a few weeks of that, Jasper would end up staying with you during lunch, eating his lunch with you. It was starting to become a routine. A wonderful routine you hoped would never end.
As you ate with Jasper in sweet silence, you thought back to when you first met him... 
As you walked down the stairs, Cruella had said John would take you home for the night, where you then could pack your belongings, and John would help with the rest. Waiting for John to return with your coat, you clasped your hands together as you rocked back and forth on the heels of your shoes. Looking around the very spacious room, when your attention landed on the scurrying Chihuahua, Wink. Waddling up to you, you bent down, and gently scooped up the dog, holding the small pup in your arms. As you softly pet the dog, you heard footsteps and glanced up, seeing a tall man awkwardly standing in the entryway.
You tilted your head slightly, finding the man in front of you rather handsome. Him, being tall, lean, with slight stubble. But most importantly... His piercing brown eyes... They were almost hypnotizing.
“Hi…” He spoke up for the first time, rubbing the nape of his neck.
“Hello…” You greeted softly, continuing to pet Wink. You had seen him around the manor for the past three days, but never had the time to say hello.
“So, I just wanted to introduce myself properly…" He spoke, stepping forward a bit. “My name is Jasper, it’s nice to meet you.” He spoke with a smile and you giggled.
“Well, my name is Y/N, it’s nice to meet you too.” You spoke, passing Wink to one side and reaching your hand out and the man took it with a soft shake.
Cruella then walked in with John, who was holding your coat, and greeted the two in the entryway. John handed you your coat after you gently placed Wink down. 
"All ready to go ma’am?” John asked and you nodded.
Turning back to Jasper, you smiled. “It was nice talking to you, Jasper.”
With a shy smile, Jasper nodded and walked backward, continuing the eye contact. “Uh yeah. It was nice talking to you too-.” He spoke, bumping into the wall behind him. Biting your bottom lip, you tried to hide your smile, as Jasper pointed behind him to the door, Jasper sputtered his words nervously. “Um, yeah. I’m just… I’m just gonna go.” He spoke before scurrying out the door into another room, Wink following close behind.
Gazing at the doorway where he had left, you quickly realized that John and Cruella were still there and were waiting for you. Turning around, you blushed heavily, brushing your hair away from your face, glancing from Cruella and to the ground. “Um, sorry. Shall we?”
Cruella smirked and nodded as John grabbed his hat.
The both of you then put on your coats and headed out the door. Hopping into the car, you looked down at your hands, nervously tangled together, again. Her mind was racing with embarrassment, and worry. Cruella watched you with a knowing gleam in her eyes, smirking.
Jasper watched you, curious about what you were thinking about. Your eyes were on your sketch, a small smile on your face. Jasper sighed, leaning his hand on his chin, gazing at you. "What are you thinking about?"
You looked up, blinking momentarily, realizing he was speaking to you. "Oh, um, nothing really." You responded softly, "Just when I met you." You smirked lightly as Jasper's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, turning his gaze away from you.
"Really?" He asked, trying to sound surprised. The way that you looked at him, made his stomach twist with excitement and nervousness.
You nodded, smiling brightly, "Yeah, I guess I just can't believe it's real, you know?" You asked, looking up at him. Your eyes were bright and happy, as you gazed at him.
Jasper felt his cheeks flush as he spoke, "Real, love?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah." You answered softly, "And not just in my dreams... But right here and now..." You sighed, fiddling with the plastic wrapper of your now-eaten sandwich, "I am just so happy that I met you, Jas." You muttered as Jasper's blush deepened as he stared at you. Feeling himself get lost in your eyes once more, he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
"Y/N/N," He started, "I'm glad I met you too." A small smile crossed his lips, as he held the back of his neck, watching you. "I'm really glad." He whispered and you smiled, nodding your head. He chuckled softly. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" He asked, shifting slightly.
You hummed, tapping your fingers against your thigh. "No, why?"
He grinned and shifted again. "Well... I was hoping that maybe you and I could go to dinner. You know, when I watched you walk in the room for the first time, my heart went boom." Jasper admitted, glancing towards the window, avoiding meeting your gaze.
"Dinner?" You repeated, raising an eyebrow at Jasper. Jasper looked down, feeling slightly awkward, and slightly scared. "Like... Like a date?" You teased, nudging Jasper's hand playfully with yours.
"If you want it to." He murmured and you laughed softly, nodding your head.
"I would love to."
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seraphstars · 2 years
Maleficent and Diaval, then Cruella and Jasper, now Giselle and Robert… what kind of grip does disney live actions have on me???
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rhaenyrasdaemon · 7 months
Jasper after Cruella gives him an unwilling “makeover”
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notcoolbutcute · 1 month
My sister just said "Jesper and Wylan make really cool couple. Jasper is in Cruella too, right? Let's watch Narnia!" in one breath.
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thefudge · 1 year
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#i’ve connected the dots 
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redhatmeg · 11 months
I've watched Cruella and now i low-key ship Cruella/Estella and Jasper.
I don't know, something about the dynamic between a villainess and a guy urging her to not kill just speaks to me.
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pizza-feverdream · 5 months
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Rewatched cruella I love this man. I love this man.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Cruella de Vil - One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
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thingsasbarcodes · 4 months
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One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
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Disney: what if (x villain) was actually good and their sidekick was closer to a romantic interest
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capturingdisney · 2 years
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turtleneckseve · 2 years
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Rewatch: Cruella (2021) 1/2
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