#cuz baby girl is bi okay
theangrypomeranian · 1 year
when Louise realizes she's bi, she goes to Rudy and is like "I think I like girls."
his response is simply "yeah that checks."
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official-darkforest · 5 months
i am SOOO unbelievably thrilled by your anthro au omg. do you have fashion ideas for the characters? like their favorite outfits, fabrics, etc? imo one of the best parts of anthro characters is deciding how they'd express themselves through their clothing :]
I HAVE A FEW ALREADY!!!! i dont have many specifics because theres so many characters ahd i havent drawn them all yet LOL but i'll share the ones i do have at least SOMETHING for
im also trying to keep these reasonable for the time period and location, as in my au the clan cats are mostly rural and in small towns set (mostly) before the 2000s so most may dress more modest and conservative (especially if theyre older and very religious)
squirrelflight - the best i can describe her sense of fashion is that it ranged from tomboy as a younger girl and is currently closer to a working class butch. im not sure if masc would be a more appropriate term since i dont hc her as a lesbian (shes bi) but she dresses "like a man" and owns a lot of jeans, slacks, and button-up shirts of all kinds of fabrics and patterns. she also enjoys bright colors as well, but as she got older her fashuon sense got a little more sensible and less "loud" like it was in the 60s and 70s. she also has glasses like her daddy once shes like 35 or so. she and firestar dressed very similarly, and a lot of her shirts and neckties are things she stole from his closet
feathertail - very feminine. hippie adjacent, lots of loose and flowing garments and jingly pieces. breatheable clothes and open toed shoes. her favorite swimsuit had some little frilly bits on it i think. often combines neutral earthy tones with blues and whites
crowfeather - lots of handmedowns from his father. clothes you can do farmwork in like jeans, overalls, hardy flannel/denim shirts and boots. never grew out of this and still dresses this way and he likes it
jayfeather - he looks like a modernized (as far as the 80s goes) version of his father - same hairstyle snd way of dress. he isnt too formal but does have some more preppiness to his clothing style (polo shirts and sweaters). he avoids full button downs since buttoning them himself jjust gets frustrating since he cant match them up every time. new wave band shirts. he also wears orange tinted glasses to protect his eyes (in this au i wrote that hes able to perceive shadows and light pretty okay, but not much else beyond that) And Kinda As A Fashion Statement cuz it goes well with his facial structure and hairstyle i think
lionblaze - hes like if the stereotypical jock and stereotypical 80s rock+metal enthusiast had a baby. muscle tees and bandanas, ripped jeans, those absurdly short shorts, crop tops, etc. he's a drummer i think if that matters LOL
ivypool - punk, also sorta like joan jett to an extent. very homemade, tho sometimes she gets lazy and doesnt really commit to the outfits all the way (but definitely has the mindset, dint get me wrong). one of those girls with a chest small enough to go braless 99% of the time; wears a lot of tank tops and sleeveless shirts LOL
bone/brick/scourge - just google "the outsiders movie" or "greaser" and you'll get the idea. tho i imagine these three in particular also have some kind of bare minimum formalwear scraped together from their escapades. theyre kinda like the jetts/sharks from west side story if that helps at all
daisy - she combines flowing, pretty dresses with a sunhat and work boots. she also teaches horseback riding and owns a few (its a business she runs w smokey and floss. i think its be funny if they were polyam ITS MY AU I CAN CHANGE WHAT I WANT) and she has horseback-appropriate clothing as well
poppyfrost - THEE preppy girl of the 80s. big hair, perm and all. dresses with pastel colors. her sisters cinderheart and honeyfern are pretty similar, tho i imagine honeyfern is a little more sporty and cinderheart takes inspiration from madonna once shes trying to court lionblaze
hazeltail - long haired country girl butch. enough said
spottedleaf snd cinderpelt are nuns lol
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warlock-wizard-mage · 7 months
The Fetishization Of MLM relationships
1.) this post is not trying to be transphobic or mysoginistic in any way. That would be disgusting and if you are either one of those it will not be tolerated and i will flag and block you.
2.)This is not an attack onany artist specifficaly or ppl who headcanon Sirius as transfem.
Now, onto the actuall discussion...
So this started with my post about 99% of wolfstar fanart making Sirius look like a woman and how it is a gross fetishization of a queer relationship.
As a masc person who ships a lot of MLM myself, i have noticed that sometimes when i see a fanart of my fave mlm ship, one of the more femme one out of the couple gets portraied in a very femmine way, sometimes to a point of no recognition where it straight up almost feels like a gender swap fanart (and its not).
I usually kept it no mind as it wasnt that usuall and didnt really interest me (for example, i used to be a huge Loki fan a few years back and every time id see a hyperfeminized loki it would be a Thorki fanart, so i just ignored it cuz i dont ship thorki )
recently i got into marauders and when i searched up wolfstar fanart for the first time ever, MAJORITY of it was portraying Sirius as a baby girl (hyper femme, to the point where it looked like a hetero fan art)
That is why i got fed up, bc before it was scarce but this fandom has a problem.( Like how is it a majority of fanart?? you ppl okay??)
SO, how is this a gross fetishization and queerphobic you ask?
Ive actually seen a lot of people talk about it back in 2020/21 and since then had a few conversations about it with my friends, bc im not the only one who noticed this.
There is this phenomenon of CIS and HETERO girls/women that obsess over gay relationships. They ship mlm characters, maybe desire a "gay bestie" (but not a lesbian one), or even would like to have a bi bf (with a perfrence for women ofc).
I noticed this but didnt know what it was. It wasnt until i heard other people talk about it and talk about some research and studies and so on, that i found out what it all was about.
It is because girls/women in this society and era strive to be seen as equal by their partner, want to be seen as an equal by their partner- emotionaly and physically and so on. And subconciously or conciously they know that they cannot get that from a cishet male partner, so they obsess over the fictive desirable world of a gay male love. (Male bc theyre not queer themselves and fantasizing about a sapphic relationship would be very fruity.)
And while all of that is understandable and valid and actually quite sad, it does not change anything about the fact that these people then go on and invade queer spaces, take away representation, selfproject onto one of the men in the ship to the point where they hyperfeminize him bc they dont actually want to see two men in love, they just crave what the gay couple has.
ps: if you do this and you do not identify as a woman/girl, i am very sorry if this made you feel invalidated and i need to say that this doesnt apply to you, queer ppl obsessing over queer ships is no problem at all and you are valid
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Stephanie Brown
Literally my best friend ever!!! Every time she shows up in a comic I point at her and smile!!! She’s the vigilante known as spoiler & batgirl & was a robin before getting fridged because of editorial mandate and misogyny she deserves so much better @_@. The m/m that some people hate her for is timkon; like they ARE very gay but people are genuinely insane about hating her instead of also realizing that she too is gay (insane amount of subtext w her bff cass). Basically she was Tim’s girlfriend for a long time on and off. People will literally call her abusive for no reason they’ll be like oh but she didn’t apologize for starting a gang war accidentally and faced no consequences for it :/ as if she wasn’t literally KILLED OFF BRUTALLY. And although hate is rarer for her nowadays from what I’ve seen she’s also a victim of Background Lesbian Syndrome. And also a victim of Woman Not Allowed To Have Ocmplex Feelings in the source material itself (tim is canonically bi now yay but like steph wasn’t allowed to have any complicated feelings at all at her on again off again ex breaking up with her for good???). Anyways she’s the light of my life.
she’s the light of my life my baby girl my everything. she canonically dated tim drake, but people love to ship tim with his male friend kon or his male brothers (🤢🤮) and so they constantly sideline her, making her the quirky wingwoman or sometimes even villainizing her by trying to claim she was abusive to tim. i don’t know why so many people hate her my girl will literally just be standing there and people will hate on her.
Stephanie was first introduced in the 1994 Robin series as a side love interest for Robin, but when she turned out to be really popular she became the main love interest. Because of this, she was fully fleshed out as a vigilante calling herself Spoiler to try and take down her villainous father, the Cluemaster. She later grew a lot closer to other cast members, such as Batgirl and Oracle, to get herself a firmly established place among the bats. Then, she dies in a gang war after taking up the Robin mantle. Eventually, in 2009, she was brought back from the dead and took on the Batgirl mantle. Her and Robin get back together sometime around ~2010 and they are solidly together until 2021. Then, Robin breaks up with her off panel for zero reason in canon, only to date some really boring guy named Bernard. By fanon, she's often demonized and turned into an abuser to make either this ship, or a lot of other mlm ships happen. Either that or things are mysteriously set in the time she's dead despite characters who were not yet introduced until she returned appearing. strange.
Amy Rose
WAUGH okay so basically like everyone villainizes her when shipping Sonic with any other character (and 99% of the time its Amy being villainized against a m/m ship ://) but yeah Amy canonically has a "crush" on Sonic and stuff (which is weird in its self cuz age gaps and things but creators smh) and anyways any time people write Sonic in a relationship with other characters they always make her super upset and mad that Sonic isn't dating her etc etc and basically make her a pouting 12 year old because her super hero crush doesn't date her instead of writing her as a supportive best friend to sonic WHICH SHE SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS !!!! and uh yeah if you couldn't tell this makes me so upset because amy is such a good character people should stop ruining her
Not only is she a incredibly serious victim of yaoi, she is bashed in every fic where Sonic is paired with someone other than her. And when she is paired with someone other that Sonic, Sonic is bashed. And when she is paired with Sonic, other characters commonly paired with Sonic are bashed. It is a chain reaction of madness. Even outside of shipping, she is one of the most hated characters in the fandom. She was flanderized to ridiculous amounts. Even the official Sonic twitter used to mock her. Even official gaming news sites mock her, with a particularly horrible case being when TheGamer outright said Sonic being paired with TAILS is better than Sonic being paired with Amy. The amount of hate this character has attracted is incredibly large. There are entire websites dedicated to hating her.
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our-aroace-experience · 8 months
I'm aromatic and that's all I've ever told people I'm probably on the ace spectrum but I've never ever once TOLD a person I was ace. I've identified myself with aro and I'm comfortable in it and my identity but every and I mean EVERY person I've known and told about me being aro will tell others and when referencing me to myself says ace. I had a friend who had many labels and I thought they'd understand that I'm aro not ace cause they used they/them and neopronouns but EVERY AND I MEAN EVERY TIME XE INTRODUCED SOMEONE TO ME They'd say I'm ace.
"oh this is dense she's ace"
"I'm actually aromatic"
"same thing".
"I know your so done hearing me talk about dating people and having crush being ace and all"
"I'm aromatic not ace and it doesn't bug me"
They said "okay" in a weird way and looking back I think they were trying to make me jealous that I can't love and then didn't believe me when I said I didn't care.
This next instance made me never talk about my identity around or with them ever again.
"happy birthday!!!!!"
"I'm finally legal let's GOOOO!"(I just turned AOC)
"don't make jokes about you having sex it make me uncomfortable cuz your ace"
"I'm not ace I'm aro and you know that and you make sex jokes at me all the time and make them with others I can make sex jokes if I want"
"well I don't like it and it's the same thing. you know your just a little baby in my mind which makes it weird hearing you say that and your my best friend so I don't want to think of you with others.
I ghost xem after but reading that almost make me puke. IM, ME AM NOT ALOUD TO MAKE SEX JOKES CUZ U SEE ME AS A BABY CUZ YOU THINK IM ACE AND SEX REPULSED, FUCK YOU.
Another thing is my family, we're a very open family having no problems with pronoun or name changes or being gay the only problem is my aunt married a conservative American
My younger cousin maybe 8 at that point made a gay dating joke after my aunt said something about boys maybe to impress me since I'm 8 years older then him and I told nah that's not me I'm aromatic which means I don't like boys or girls my aunt chimed in saying "we don't need to be talking about this with HIM, he doesn't need to now this "I told her "he is the one that brought it up so he obviously knows and just like how you talk about girls dating boys I could talk about me not dating anyone it makes no difference especially when he is making innuendos. Wait have you even had sex Ed?" "No" he replied, then my oh so fun chimed in saying "he's too young for sex ed it's good he hasn't had in it." "No I'm more surprised he hasn't had sex ed it's important he should have it." "No he's too young" "remember how I was sexually assaulted when I was six and I had no clue what happened to me until I had sex Ed and was told that it was bad and to tell my parent them told my mom and got help do you want him oblivious if it happened to him" "it's different." "How?" He stopped talking and went outside I asked my cousin is he wanted to play Minecraft he said yes so we did that but a few hours later to the bathroom my aunt grabbed me and asked if I was serious about was I said about boys and girls I told her "yes I'm aromatic and don't like boys or girls or anyone like the opposite of being bi." "Are you sure maybe you just haven't met the right person"(I was kinda floored by this she would've said that if I said I like girls) "yes I'm sure I'm seventeen and have never have a crush or ever wanted to be with someone" "but what if one day you fall in love" "and what if one day aliens take over the planet it's possible but I'm not going to bother myself thinking about it." "Well I just don't want you trapping yourself in this label stopping yourself from liking someone." "I never have and probably never will like someone but if magically one day I do I won't stop myself does that sound good to you?" "Yes".
I just love negotiating my identity to keep people happy I've had that exact talk maybe 11 times now and im so done with it, I'm known for my patience explaining sexuality stuff to my older family cause I know their just curious but please stop checking in to see if I've change my sexuality like a clown fish I'm so done.
This was mostly a long rant but I just wanted it out there and to leave it on a good note my mom loves me for who I am and makes fun of my family and people who just can't get it through their head that I'm not going to ever date someone I'm her star child with no drama ✨ which I always find funny.
Love to all that have a hard time with it I love you and your valuable and valid
i’m so sorry to hear about your friends and family, you mum sounds lovely!
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buyakasha · 4 months
okay, this is venty about queer community stuff, but I need to get it out
I don't like the term "baby gay". I think it's fine if you wanna call yourself that, or your friend you know really well is okay with you calling them that, but this girl I barely fucking know just called me, a 31 year old, a baby gay. I've been slowly coming out to certain people, and I came out to her cuz she's bi. But because I don't know all the queer slang, that apparently makes me green and naive and a baby. This kid is younger than me. I dunno, it just comes off so condescending and rude. It feels shitty to be closeted for so long and when i finally feel brave enough to tell someone, they call me a fucking baby. I've been questioning and figuring out my sexuality and gender since I was 11, but I didn't have community, and frankly i barely delve into the online community now cuz I feel like I don't fit. Because of shit like this.
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cyrusthedragon · 3 months
Okay, I know this post will read only one man and his dog, but I really need to write down all my thoughts on season 4, and just keep it structured. If you're interested in discussing it - you're always welcome!
Word count: 1,057
Includes: Vicky Neuman, Zoe, Kimiko, Frenchie, Hughie, Hughie's mum
1. Victoria Neuman + Zoe
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First of all, I really need to appreciate this intro cuz, excuse my goddamn french, Vicky Newman is HER. Vicky Neuman is absolutely HER, I'm really looking forward to her character development. I honestly don't think she's a villain, she's just an antagonist, but a very good one. She is not a bad person in any particular way, she has an Idea in her, she has a Meaning, she has Reasons and Motivation. More Neuman please, especially in GEN V. Thanks.
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Like Vicky, her daughter is also a scary ass Supe, but unlike Vicky, who's a bloodbender, Zoe's powers hardly can be used for anything good. Some headcanons here:
While Vicky thought that she was the monster because of her “terrible” abilities, she, by injecting her already grown-up daughter CompV, somehow created a real monster. She stupidly turned her child into a freak, who will be very difficult to accept by society, because her... superpower is something that u often see in nightmares. And it’s unlikely that the typical "don’t judge a book by its cover" slogans will be enough to accept that someone can pierce your mouth while kissing you with their four...tentacles? Whatever they are. I personally find them cute, btw, but in The Boys Universe, I'm not sure ppl will accept Zoe. Zoe, forgive your mom. She's not thinking rationally when she's worried about you.
It is also very much worth thinking abt her willingness to kill without any questions asked. That was definitely not her first murder. Vicky could use her power, as a politician perhaps, and bring victims to Zoe so that she could kill them and get used to it.
2. Kimiko
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These are just very beautiful shots that I want to share with yall. First - Zoe tore off Kimiko's hand, it just grew back :D I love this scene for its absolute absurdity. God bless Karen Fukuhara. + Demonstrated that Annie can fly, also a good introduction to new abilities! Well done!
Secondly, I ADORE Frenchie's reaction here, it just shows so much love he has for her: Kimiko's face literally peeled away, she REATTACHED IT, and Frenchie, her platonic soulmate, at first was confused af, and then he UNIRONICALLY SMILED to his girl being literally unkillable. I feel you, Serge, I love her too!
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Kimiko is very balanced. Information about her comes up every season, and each time there is enough information left to theorize but be satisfied. She's small and cute, like a mouse. She loves girly stuff like doing hair, wearing jewelry, and dressing up. She’s all about having fun and smiles a lot. Her gentle, kind personality totally contrasts with her powers of mega strength and near-immortality from regeneration. She was raised to defend and attack, but her empathetic nature is well shown in the smallest details.
For example, new information: Kimiko gets wasted super fast. I adore her.
3. Frenchie
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Next to Kimiko, literally being her soulmate (i fuckin' can't believe that we're so lucky that in addition to the chaos of dicks and murders, we also have the genuine, platonic love between a man and a woman AT FIRST SIGHT), is Frenchie. We've already seen he's bi; this isn't the first rodeo, but now he shows it ON THE SCREEN, HURRAY, COMRADES. I'm very proud of him, he's my baby 🥹 we finally, with the help of his new love interest, found out about all the murders he committed when he worked for Little Nina and even before that. Frenchie is a very balanced character, just like Kimiko, you learn a little about his life in each season, and each time enough to build theories and be satisfied. I wanna know how to write like that.
My favorite things about Frenchie are his wild love affairs and his doglike loyalty. He's got an unbelievable knack for forming strong platonic (with Cherie also sexual, but you get the point) bonds with women, who end up adoring him. Probably because he has a heart of gold and doesn't act like a jerk. He also sincerely tries to be better. C'mon now, he's doing his best! All the love for my boy.
4. Hughie
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Hughie loses the only person who has been with him his whole life. His father was a great, excellent parent. But it’s time for Hughie to stand on his own two feet and become at least a little bit the main character - which means, eh, i guess rest in peace, Mr Campbell?... If this doesn't happen, I'll be overjoyed. Although besides pushing Hughie to mature, the coma plot also provides a chance for us to learn about his mother. His dad is in a coma - won't she come? Here we learn a lot of interesting things about our babyboy.
Hughie's emotional outburst when he sees his mum for the first time since he was just a kid is very realistic and I love everything in here, including the cast choice. Because Hughie is a spitting image of his mother. This kind of attention to details makes me wanna chew Kripke's brains off.
Hughie is very similar to his mother: in speech, in movements, in facial expressions. For some reason I really like this. He, like his mother, has tenderness and a steely core, they are both very stubborn. Although he also has a note of “cowardice” from his father, his desire to push forward and that decision in the first episode to go help Butcher and take revenge on Reggie were just visible sides of his mother’s character.
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Not gonna say that was the original idea, but I think Hughie saw Butcher in his mother. Because 'I'm not made to be a father'. And he realized that Butcher was almost just like she was. At least it seems to me that way. That being like Butcher is... normal. Ppl do fear being parents. And this is currently the best representation of postpartum depression, very realistic shit, Kripke, I'll stuff your brains into a Thanksgiving turkey. With all love and respect.
If you've made it this far, congratulations, you're a survivor! If suddenly s/o wants to be tagged in the second part of this review (well, sort of), write in the comments and I’ll tag you!
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nonsosinceramente · 10 months
just random thoughts as i rewatch
taigen was already simping after being given a whole bald spot… “the cut is so clean”?? “a masterful cut”?? a bi disaster waiting to happen fr
and the way he was hanging off every single word coming out of akemi’s mouth after being disgraced?? this man just wants to be praised
akemi has such a way with words honestly … a force to be reckoned with, love her to bits
taigen hates the smell of fish but he’s okay with eating it
got his ass handed to him twice and he was still talking mad shit he’s so stupid just a whole chatterbox
he overcame his father but got stuck in the comparison game and delusions of grandeur and now the only thing to show for it is that bald spot… just miserable
taigen’s dad when I catch you taigen’s dad ! when i catch you taigen’s dad when i catch you!!!!
i know mizu after hearing taigen talk about this dumb duel was like girl you talk too much don’t you know i could kill you with my eyes closed???
mizu died like forty times through all of this she should have rested for a year honestly
kinuyo my baby… i’ll never forget you love
the way men back then took sex as performance from women whether in a brothel or the deepest confines of the Keicho Keep, lame BORES!! y’all suck !!!
I wonder if Taigen is sort of a passive participant in sex… I feel like he was with Akemi (the way he was looking at her when she initiated??? hooked!!) but Akemi is special so who knows
taigen to mizu prolly: you’re fr so good i had a boner fighting you i guess that counts for something
mizu nekkie heart sutra covered smelting a lot of meaningful steel scene was so good bless my baby
akemi’s dad better rot somewhere forever
i wonder if akemi will come to care for takayoshi ito or if she’ll just use him after the whole ‘i wanna be great’ epiphany she had (kinda like them a lil ngl)
“Did you?” shaking in my boots
Swordfather’s face when Ringo told him she didn’t come back? i’m gonna fight
Ringo, love, you better get Mizu’s ass when she returns cuz wtf
To London without her sword, no backup and in the midst of millions of white men and this extremely cunning one you brought along… just a battle waiting to be lost she’s gonna about to die fifty thousand times, but good luck to her!!
fowler is such a good villain idc idc i hate him but wow and kenneth branagh!!!! i love that man
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bbbbbbrilliantly · 1 year
I saw your post about Tish liking straight women and I have my theory why. Heavy on theory… I’m not assuming anything, but maybe she’s not ready to be in anything serious and she just wants to have fun and date and get a lil bit of experience. So she entertains straight girls that may be curious or at least a lil curious about her. Like if I was straight and Letitia Fucking Wright started flirting with me I would see how far it could go too, without actually committing to her. So maybe Tish knows these girls don’t really want her fr like that but they go along with the attention she gives them bc they like her to a certain extent. As a baby gay myself I messed with hella straight and bi girls honestly so I could learn how to fuck lol experienced gay girls don’t really want someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. So maybe for now Tish is just playing the game and getting as much from these straight women as they will allow. And then moving on. She also said she doesn’t want to get hurt.. so maybe she’s playing it safe with a girl she knows is ultimately unavailable. Like she prolly still wants to date but she doesn’t want anything serious. And we all know lesbians get serious real quick and she’s prolly not ready. Tamara seemed VERY serious about her, and Tish took the safe route with ***… I’m just sayin Tish is still in the exploring her sexuality stage so curious straight girls are easy. She a player fr and I actually love that for her, cuz either way she stay with a baddie!
Ohhhhhhh okay this is a hot take!
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toddstool · 2 years
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beatrix (pseudonym) 22
*i will not follow back if you're a minor, post gore, or are a male! i do not interact with psychopaths, sociopaths, or narcissists, female or otherwise. learn how to be a person. addicts and people with delusions and other mental illnesses are okay tho dw. polilez fuck OFF. trans men and dysphoric females welcome ❤*
hello :D u can call me trix or todd. rad-leaning, trying to be a feminist. trying to be nice. pro lgb and gender non conformity. bi but celibate bcuz im more osa. i <3 female separatism. i do not male blorbo post 😔, ur safe here. i have memory problems so dont ask me to remember jack shit, but I'll try. personal posts tagged #trix talking. useful things tagged #reference. kind of a femcel.
anti: natalism, religion, racism, pornography, prostitution, surrogacy, homophobia, misogyny, male violence, beauty culture, the domination over nature, capitalism, bdsm and kink, the nuclear family, agriculture
passionate about soil science and living intertwined with nature (that sounds so hippie sry). my main goal in life is to homestead and live with other female separatists in a big ol' food forest and to protect women and girls. im also interested in sustainable living.
i like animals :^) i like veganism but i still eat and use some animal products if they are given to me otherwise i do not endorse animal farming and promote it's abolishment. FORAGING AND SCAVENGING IS #1 YAAH YAHOO BEST LIFSTYLE LEZGO
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big fan of eco t3rror1sm and female wrongs.
i will some times post about side interests like: kpop (but I also hate it), gardening, my drawings, my bunny, or just my day to day.
all in all, i hate the male way of living, of domination and violence. i heart vaccines, divorce, and abortion so don't even try me. i don't really participate in discourse cuz that's silly. im usually sympathetic and understanding to both sides if reasonable and about a nuanced topic. *discord for a future woman's commune is under construction* i do my best to be a good ally to woc and lesbians, but call me out on anything <3 if we're long-time mutuals, dm me for my insta account!!
dni interact if u ever made fun of this baby:
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anyways bai :3 🐞🖍🍊🌙🏖🌱🐛🌎♓
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dianaraven · 2 years
👀 👀 👀 tell me about your OCs
SORRY this took me so long to reply to, my brain was occupied with school 😭
ANYWAY, rn i got two Big oc projects that i'm obsessed with
first, is the oldie and goldie who ive talked about before on here. It's called The Makings of Magic (for a while it was under the tag tMoM on my blog but it has gone through so many changes since then that idk how much of that info is accurate)
The main character is Alic (prev Alec or Alexis) and shes the worlds biggest jock! (This is her and her bestie Gray by @lovermyme)
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She plays in the minor leagues of a fantasy world sport. The story is about a big magical mystery in-world that the Bad Guys think that she's at the center of (the scars are from magical torture she endures during the course of the series) and she has no idea what is going on (ever). She's a big ol' dumb dumb... think the classic cool jock mc you're used to seeing in fantasy... that's her. She's not afraid of anything, as Gray says, Alic's like when you were a kid and did something dangerous knowing you could get hurt, but did it anyway and did, and thought it was still worth it and want to do it again. Her biggest character trait is being genuine and one of my favorite hobbies is doing crossovers (in my head) with other series where people lie a lot and aren't nice to each other and putting her in there until she annoys them into expressing themselves in appropriate ways (lol get Alic'ed). Anyway, I've had her since I was 10 y/o and I love her <3
Gray: Gray is her bestie and he and Alic are sorta in a qpr (its the best possible way I can explain their relationship). He's the prince of Alic's country and spends all of his time bending his personality to fit others, except for Alic where the two of them can share exactly 1 (one) braincell and cause Problems and i love that for him. He and their other friend Topaz are competency kink together. Him and Alic are asking you what the spanish word for tortilla is.
Topaz: Topaz! My boy! My baby boy! Topaz spends his days spying on other people, and most importantly trying to keep Alic out of trouble. He's the manager of Alic's team after Alic gets him the job by forcing him to be friends with her. He's still learning how to like, be a good friend but he loves Alic and would do anything for her, and eventually comes to love Gray too.
I'm not going to go into the rest of my ocs in this story here cuz we'd be here all day lol, but this is a taste of tMoM
Other series of mine I'm currently obsessed with is a fantasy thief series called Crystal Kingdom, and its MCs are Ziraphir and Leihari
I've never spoken about them here before but babe i gotta be honest im so obsessed with them, and since their series is a trilogy (which leads into a few companions in the world cuz the world is funky) and Alic's series, after over a decade of worldbuilding, is like.... 8, just for the main story, companions aside, that this is probably going to get finished and therefore, published first but Alic & co remains my most favoritest mcs
Zira: my man... my cringe fail bi loser... my silly rabbit... Ziraphir is the mark. He's a grumpy prince who spends most of his time trying to catch all of the thieves who are constantly trying to rob him (for plot reasons) and its made him grumpy and rude and a little paranoid, but he's still infinitely lovable because.. like.. he's still an okay person despite being cringe fail. Dude's a walking carnival music. He's eating out of the garbage but like with dignity. He's petty and mean and hates everyone (except his bestie). He helps little kids with their homework. He's constantly losing. You know the drill.
Leihari: Girl may or may not be the bane of Ziraphir's existence. He isn't sure yet. She and he also get married at the end of b1 and that comes back to bite Zira. She also may or may not be a thief trying to rob Zira, but one thing is for sure, she's so much cooler than he will ever be. She's loving and caring, and most importantly, constantly winning. She's also petty and mostly pissed at Zira because he doesn't trust her, despite her giving him no reason not to (except that every new person he's met in the past three years has tried to rob him). It's so hard for her because even when Zira does finally fall in love with her, he's still constantly rude to her because he still thinks she's trying to rob him. Their relationship is fraught with tension because Zira, who is a good prince and a kind prince etc, is never actually nice to Leihari who falls in love with him despite herself. But eventually Zira gets over himself, and they get married, and live happily ever after... or do they?
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I also have another series the first book of which i wrote for 2020 nano, but haven't started submitting to publishers yet bc it's a duology and I want my first published novel to be a standalone, but it you look up my diana writes stp tag you'll see a bunch of sneak peeks and stuff there, so lightning round cuz i guess i should mention them too: Save the Princess (or StP) is a duology set in a not-historically-accurate ancient israel where dragons are a thing, it's a prince and the pauper retelling
Adina: The prince, in this case. Adina is the opposite of a fantasy mc in the same way that Alic is the embodiment of one. Adina is awkward and constantly wrong, causes her own enemies (sometimes). Very quiet and polite and a little bashful and in no way understands how to use a sword (is actually kinda scared of hers). Adina is a princess whose brother just died suddenly and has no other male relatives able to take the crown and so now instead of preparing to being married off to someone else for a political alliance, she needs to actually learn about her own country and decides the best way to do this is to switch places with
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Mara: a commoner who happens to look exactly like Adina, haha how funny crazy and not suspicious at all is that. Mara is angry and secretive and deadpan and the complete opposite of Adina... but she sure does look like her 🤔
Dekeli: Dekeli! My bastard man! Dude is the narrative pisser-off-er of Adina. He brings her out of her shell and is only technically around her because he's blackmailing her. That being said, he's also the only person she can trust. He's a main character in b1 but doesn't show up much in b2 which is very sad and we're all sad about it. He's funky, sarcastic, and likes teasing Adina.
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kattythingz · 5 months
5 and 21 for sweet baby Edward for the ask game
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Girl, I've got an entire playlist for that shit. BUUUT first song that comes to mind... I have to say Curses by The Crane Wives. Soooo Ed-coded it hurts and also my fic coded
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
HOOO BOY. OKAY SO FIRST AND FOREMOST, aroace Ed!!! I see the bi allegations and I won't deny them to those who prefer him that way, but aroace sex-repulsed Ed just... means the world to me. That boy experiences aesthetic attraction like no other esp around a certain idiot prince and would rather hold hands and hug as a form of intimacy! Because we all know Ed's touch-starved and any manner of touch has to be sacred to him. Trust me, he told me himself.
ALSO I love keeping him short and giving him a bit of a drawl in his speech cuz he was raised in the East! I don't emphasize it or anything but I do trim his words often to match that kinda loose speaking.
Something I don't like... god, okay, I'm gonna get flamed for this, but—I am not a fan of what parental roy fics do to Ed's character. I'M SORRY, BUT THAT BOY WOULD LITERALLY SOONER STAB HIMSELF THAN BREAK DOWN CRYING IN MUSTANG'S ARMS WKJVNWEJVNW I don't vibe with whatever the fuck happens to his character in those fics. I honestly just avoid parental roy fics cuz of that :/ (that's not even mentioning that I don't think roy would wanna be a parent either, but y'all ain't ready for that convo yet)
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mongonolly · 6 months
Rap Title
Catch me comin' or I'm leavin' meant to stay awhile Talk to Mady cuz I gotta friend my Aaron's Kyle
Dippin down duckin' branches runnin' two doors lately Gotta close em ya right I'm bi baby
cuz I'm a bisexual, it's polyamory all you muthafuckas tell me how to be
I know my worth and it ain't about just bein' seen getting sober 28 virgo gettin' clean So look around you see the planets not the moon That kinda shit gonna make my girl swoon
I'm not out here tryin' to take your wife I'll get the bitches starting with the one I am tonight
Work the steps or just take em is this NA? cuz I'm a narco I've got a word to say I'm fucking fire like I got the clap clap baby I like sex but I write the rap rap
Wrap it tap it tap tap seats mine sit or don't but my life sublime Chili Peppers oh I play em like they red hot only hot I want is me when I wanna stop so stoppin's options but I only give myself two and if I choose the third, Oh honey buns that's iced YOU
Cuz baby girl or baby boy we all got little feelings I'm here to tell you that I'm cautious to say I want the bleeding
Cutters arms and shooters right might squat awhile This house is mine and I'm laying my OWN tile But if for seconds you come down the line, That server blood get me energy it's dinner time
Time to throw up cuz I'm mine to do the bullying Enough with rap? yeah my mama taught me how to sing
Sara Sara, she ain't never scared of little Makie clara
Pura vida entre yo habla algo con mi voz importante ya okay
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stormy333 · 3 years
Karokee Bar Romance
“Veronica, are you almost ready?” Rings the high pitched voice of my best friend Amy as she barges into my bedroom.
“HEY!” I screech yanking my dress down over my body frantically. “I’m almost done! But don’t you know how to knock?!?” Amy is my best friend of two years now and she’s always pushing me to get out of my shell. For instance tonight she’s taking us to a karaoke bar/club, I have no idea why, well actually I do its her cousins and the grand opening is tonight but that’s besides the point I’m not much on the club or bar scene but she says we’ll have a blast.
“Not when I’m here I don’t, besides I wasn’t looking at you so don’t go panicking. I was looking at how you rearranged the room again.” She says laughing.
“Do I look okay? Are the boots with the dress alright?” I ask doing a quick twirl.
“You look great as always! And did you do your makeup?” she asks skeptical.
“No, I just washed my face. And thank you Amy you look amazing too!”
“You’re saying you just washed your face and you look that amazing? Omg girl, let’s get you outta here before your brother and dad decide they don’t want their angel face to go!”
“Stop that.” I say laughing and we head out for a night of unknowns.
We get to the place at about 7:45 a bit before everything starts so we can go into the club and get a table. Our table I should say because it’s Amy’s cousin Andrew’s club. So here we are two 21 year old girls. One the stereotype tall beautiful blonde, with baby blue eyes, wearing a black off the shoulder knee length dress with combat boots, the lightest amount of makeup though she doesn’t need it, and without the attitude unless you provoke it. The other, me. An average height brunette with brown doe eyes, also wearing a black off the shoulder dress but with a denim jacket over it and my signature blue tan and white Durango boots. And to top it off Amy owns a Challenger, destroyer grey. So the pretty blonde with the sports car and her weird friend right? This night should be fun.
“Hey Veronica!” Andy basically screams running up to his cousin and I. Now is probably a good time to mention Andy is a decent guy and actually how I met Amy. I dated him but things didn’t work out and now we’re good friends, which we always were.
“Wow no love for your blood?” Amy says giving him a hard time.
“Hey don’t forget he linked you and I Ams!” I say laughing while hugging my best friend, as Andy shows us around his new place proudly.
“Yeah, never forget that cuz! Now look girls I have someone I want you to meet before everything gets crazy and I don’t want you all to be um how you say it considering one of you is my ex… well let’s just rip the band-aid off I guess. Brandon!”
“Ha! Andrew we already knew if you’re tryna tell us you bi!” True. Amy has no chill though.
“Yeah? What’s up babe?” Brandon comes from behind the bar and I actually recognize him, just can’t place it.
“I just wanted you to meet my cousin Amy and our friend Veronica. Amy and V I want you to properly meet my boyfriend Brandon.”
“So nice to meet you!”
“How’s it going?”
“Nice to meet both of you, I’ve heard so much about the two of you.”
For the next little while it’s listening to the singers, and chat with each other.
“So how do you feel about seeing him with a guy?” Amy asks knowing her cousin was my first actual relationship.
“We both made a mature mutual decision on the relationship. It’s all good.”
“Yeah but you haven’t even tried to get back out there and it’s been almost two years now?”
“I know. But guys are just ughhhh…” I say grabbing the sleeves of my jacket and pulling them down and reaching for my drink.
“You’re gorgeous V guys everywhere stare at you and are floored by your beauty. Just give it another shot.”
“Amyyy” I say hiding my face in my palms.
“Look, look, look! Wait no don’t look but there’s a really cute guy looking at you!!!”
“He’s likely looking at you, TSA!”
“Nope definitely not.” She says getting us both a Rum and coke. Up until now we were just drinking soda but my best friend knows me and so does Andy. I catch a glimpse of him looking at our table when he’s making the drinks.
“Here you go.”
“Thank you” Amy took the lead on this one. She is so much better at this than I am. All I can manage is a smile.
“So how about you? Any plans? With any guys?” I ask.
“No…not unless you count the study date with Clay tomorrow.” She says laughing.
“So why isn’t he here tonight? With you so you aren’t alone?”
“I'm not alone. I have you! Plus we’re trying to get you hooked up!”
“And the way to do this is to take me to my ex’s club on opening night and?” oh boy what have I gotten myself into I think downing my rum and coke as another shows up?
POV: Zachary
“Dude I don’t know why you’re dragging me to this, you know I hate crowds!” I say knowing he’s not going to let up unless I go to this grand opening.
“I promised your mom I’d keep you sane and this is how I’m going to do it!” Alex, my best friend says.
“Really you’re dragging my mom into this now?” My mom moved to London after my dad dying two months ago and she didn’t do it lightly, she swore I couldn’t deal on my own, why I don’t know.
“What bro she asked me to keep you sane! So I’m gonna do it come on!”
“Fine but you’re the designated driver if I get wasted.”
When we get there I’m shocked to see the place this packed. I mean it’s new but I didn’t think it would be that special? I know that’s rude as fuck but it’s how I feel. Anyways right away my eyes land on these two girls in the center of the room at a small table pretty close to the bar but not to close, the bar tender definitely had a great view! If you ask me he probably seated those girls there on purpose because it looked like he was checking up on them. Or checking them out, who knows? Anyways these girls were knock outs. A blonde and brunette sitting there drinking together. Where Alex and I were sitting I had the perfect view of the blonde without being detected but to see the brunette was more of a dead give away I was checking her specifically out.
“See it was a good idea to come here.” Alex snaps me away from analyzing the situation with the girls.
“What? What do you mean bro? Don’t get any ideas I’m still mad at you.”
“Oh shut up! You know you’re glad you came.”
“Yeah maybe but I still have the crazy ex as evidence of our last night out.”
“Ah you got one good thing out of the deal.”
“Yeah besides the fact her mom has the kid and won’t let me see him at all. Unless my mom was there.”
“Look we aren’t here for you to be depressing! We’re here for you to throw back a drink or two and have a little fun plus Elijah is meeting us soon and it’s his friend’s bar! SPEAKING OF HEY MY MAN!”
“What’s up boys?”
“Not much Elijah, just watching your brother drool over that little brunette over there…”
“Stop just stop both of you don’t even!”
“Oh come on why not just see what she just downed order her another. Poor girl looks tense!” Alex says laughing. Elijah joining in.
“Alright, alright. Hey Mason, what’s she drinking?” I ask kind of leaning towards the brunette and he asked “V? You want to know what V’s drinking?”
“Well yeah if that’s her name? Whatever she’s drinking get her another?”
“Um I think it’s a rum and coke and her names Veronica.”
“Thanks Bro.”
POV : Veronica
“Here you go V.” Mason our waiter says with a smile. He and all the others have been informed Amy and I are VIPS.
“But… Amy?”
“Don’t look at me Hun, I think I know who did though!”
“What are you..” She tapped my hands away from my face and there was a guy who was probably 5’6, 5’7 and green eyes blue jeans and a button up with some cowboy boots and black hair in a military style cut. Gosh he’s gorgeous! Why’s he standing here?
“Uh – Veronica?” My hands automatically go to hiding myself again but Amy has other plans for me.
“Hi I’m Amy! And you’re right this is Veronica but her friends call her V. You bought the drink?”
“I’m Zack and yes I did. You’re friend here must be shy?”
My face is burning up and Amy knows it which is why she excuses the both of us and tells Zack? We will be right back.
“Excuse us for one moment Zack.” She says grabbing my hands and pulling me out of my seat pulling me past Zack and I don’t have the safety of my hair hiding my face, and I catch his gorgeous green eyes with mine.
“V! I told you he was eyeing YOU! Now look you can’t keep hiding yourself, give him a shot!”
“I I don’t know?”
“Hey V and Ams everything okay?” Andy comes over and checks on us eyeing the guy back at our table.
“Yes everything is fine! Someone needs to lighten up!” Amy says that eyeing me and laughing.
“Alright, but if you two need me just holler okay? Okay V?”
“I know.” He is still as protective of me as when we were together. And the way he said it sounded like the way he talked to me one other time.
“Look I’ll stay but give the guy a chance. How bad could he be?”
“Um really bad? But you’re right he’s cute and you’ll stay with me right?”
“Of course! I’m not going to leave your side unless you tell me to Hun!”
“Okay. Let’s go back then.” I say smiling.
“And the verdict is?” He asks is a deep voice I hadn’t noticed before because of trying to disappear.
“Why don’t we let the judge tell you herself?” Amy says in her flirty tone I’m sure there’s a wink following it. As she moves out from in front of me. I took my hair out of the ponytail it was in but I was now playing with the ends of it nervously while they both looked at me.
“Well V?” Amy says tapping her nails on the table.
“Z.. Zack right? Would you like to join us?” I’m stuttering like an idiot he probably wants to leave now!
“I’d quite like that if your friend and you wouldn’t mind?”
“Not at all!” Amy jumps in.
About a half hour later his friends walked over to let him know they were leaving and see if he was coming with but he stayed with me and soon enough Amy was calling Clay and chatting with him and it was just the two of us. We talked for what ended up being hours and by the end of it we were making plans for another night. But this time just us.
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Better (Billy Russo x Reader)
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Lol I think this might be the exact definition of porn without plot. Excuse my horny and stressed mind. I just had an idea and ran with it. Also, the reader is bi in this. I really hope you guys enjoy, and let me know if you want to be tagged in anything! :)
Summary: You’re convinced that women are better at sex then men are, and you pull on your own experience for that statement. Billy disagrees and wants a chance to make his case to you.
Warnings: Fluff, drinking, smut (oral--f!receiving, unprotected penetrative), swearing
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 1,452
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In all fairness, Karen and Frank really shouldn’t have let the two of you be alone at the bar, with access to liquor and adult money that could purchase that liquor.
“C’mon, when was the last time you had sex?” Billy presses, downing another drink before he leans over the tabletop of your booth.
“Okay, just because I don’t have sex as much as you do doesn’t mean I need some,” you say. 
“Appease me, c’mon,” he chuckles.
“A couple of months ago, maybe?”
“You don’t sound enthusiastic about it.”
“Cuz guys don’t know how to properly eat a woman out, and they have no idea where the most important part is. They do this weak little tip of the tongue thing and then try to rush it along so they can do what they want.”
“I wouldn’t say—.”
“Trust me, only a woman knows how to give good oral to another woman and make her cum until she sees stars.”
As soon as those words leave your mouth, you see a dark glint in Billy’s eyes. 
“Get that thought out of your mind!” you chuckle, pointing a finger at him.
“Which one: you with another girl, or how badly I want to prove you wrong right now?”
“Take your pick.”
A shit-eating grin spreads across his lips before he grabs two hundred dollar bills and places them under his glass—well over what your drinks are worth.
“We’re goin’ back to my place,” he says as he gets up from the booth, taking your hand. “Now.”
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You don’t even know how you got back to his place in one piece or fully clothed. Billy’s hands were all over you as you took the short walk back to his luxury penthouse, and once you were in the elevator, his lips envelope whatever skin of yours they can find. As soon as you close the door into his apartment, you tear open his shirt, sending the buttons scattered to the ground as your hands trace every last ripple of his smooth, muscular chest. 
“No,” Billy says, his voice an octave deeper as his hands stop yours from traveling downward. “I have a point to make.”
In one swift motion, Billy sweeps your legs up around his waist and carries you to his room, plopping you down onto the plush mattress. With one knee between yours, he leans over and presses a passionate kiss to your lips while his hands squeeze your hips.
“Make your case, Russo,” you pant as he sucks a damp kiss into the skin of your neck.
Placing more damp kisses as he moves down your body, he undoes your jeans and pulls them down without even looking. His teeth nip at the fabric of your panties, gently moving them around while the tip of his nose grazes the skin just under your bellybutton, his hot breath sending shivers throughout your body. Billy does this a few times while his hands roam around your thighs. Without warning, he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of your panties and flings them off of your body, spreading your legs wide so he can get a full view of you. 
“Damn, baby,” he groans lustfully. “This wet and I’ve barely done anythin’.”
You know it’s coming, but the speed at which Billy moves his mouth against your sopping core and slides his tongue along your slit forces you to let out a sharp gasp that lurches your body forward. He has to hold your hips down with one arm as the other reaches up to your still-clothed chest to massage your breasts. The way that the flat part of his tongue moves around your folds is skilled—expert, even. Your wanton panting is interrupted by a sharp moan when his teeth nip at your clip before he laps it with alternating licks and sucks. Your fingers fist the sheets as he devours you, and your body writhes when he plunges two fingers in you and repeatedly makes a come hither motion as he moves his mouth’s attention to your clit. Your senses run in overdrive processing his fingers in you, his lips on you, and his close beard rubbing against your inner thighs. Trying to make sense of every movement only increases what you feel and harshly brings about your orgasm. You let out a kind of cry that you never have before—one that you know will bring you a sore throat in the morning—as your body arches off of the mattress and you clench around Billy’s fingers. Billy waits for you to come down from your prolonged orgasm before he pulls his fingers out, cleaning off all of your juices from his fingers before licking one more painfully teasing stripe up your lips. He kisses up a line from your hips, stopping for a small feast on your chest before pressing a harsh, needy kiss on your lips. He grinds his hips bare hips into you, causing you to moan into his lips. You don’t even know when he had time to take his pants off.
“I ain’t done with you yet,” he grumbles against your skin as you move to kiss and nip at his neck. “You ready for that?”
“Fuck, Billy,” you moan. “Get into me. Now.”
“Demandin’ looks so good on you.”
With a swift thrust, Billy pushes all of the way into you. You moan out together in erotic harmony as Billy nuzzles into the crook of you neck. Your orgasm makes every thrust of Billy’s hips all the more pleasurable, and you drag your nails down his back and nibble at his earlobe, wanting nothing more than to get him as close to you as possible and as deeply into you as he can get. Billy throws your leg over his shoulder to gain better leverage over your body. You whine as you feel him in this new way, pinching your eyes shut as you toss your head to the side on the pillow. As the snaps of his hips increase in pace and his pelvis rubs against your clit, you feel your second orgasm build and wash over you like a wave. You squeeze Billy like a vice as you cry out once more at the top of your lungs. Billy lets out strangled grunts as he continues to pump into you, your walls still fluttering around his impressive length. Just as you begin to come down from your high, Billy finds his, hot ropes of his cum coating your walls. With a few more strong thrusts, he stills himself as he reaches your back wall, breathing heavily as he kisses your lips, your neck, and your shoulders. Pulling out, you release one final sigh as Billy rolls off of you and rests to your right.
“Wow,” you breathe as you try to straighten your spinning mind.
“So I beat the women you’ve been with, huh?” Billy pants, and you can just hear the smile in his voice.
“Oh yeah,” you chuckle, your voice scratchy. “You’re the cream of the crop, Russo.”
You hear Billy roll on the mattress, one of his beautiful hands tenderly grabbing your waist and turning you over so you can face him. He has an expression of pure bliss on his face while his onyx eyes sparkle.
“That good, huh?” he says softly, brushing hair out of you face.
You let out a hum and move closer to him, feeling a sore and pleasurable feeling between your legs as you do so. You place a hand on his neck and pull him in to a kiss. You both hum in delight, and you brush your nose against his as you look back into his eyes.
“Without a doubt the best sex I’ve ever had,” you smirk, giving him one more kiss.
“High praise. And that was only level one.”
“Level one?”
“Well, the way that you came on my face, I didn’t want to make it too much for you once I actually got inside of you.”
“And how many levels are there to the Billy Russo pleasure index?” you ask, playing with his hair.
He puts his lips into a playful pout of deep consideration. “A good few,” he answers. “Why? Is that somethin’ that interests you?”
“Mm, deeply,” you smirk, pulling him in on top of you so you can kiss those beautiful, pouty lips. 
“I think you need to have a little recovery time before we kick it up a level,” Billy hums, hair falling into his eyes as he places a kiss on your cheek. “How about I take you out for dinner tomorrow night and you can explore the menu, so to speak.”
“Well, I am an advocate for one learning as much as they can. And I do love to get wined and dined, so.”
Billy’s chuckle vibrates throughout your body as he holds you close and presses a kiss to your lips. “It’s a date.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​​​​​​​​ @steampowerednightvaler​​​​​​​​​ @themusingsofmany​​​​​​​​​ @just-the-hiddles​​​​​​​​​ @toozmanykids​​​​​​ @dangertoozmanykids101​​​​​ @clints-worldavengers
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Wincest (+Others) Masterlist
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A Very French Mistake
Summary: Dean is magically transported by Balthazar to the alternate reality where Supernatural is a TV show, and Sam and Dean are played by Jared and Jensen. Everything about the experience is a rude awakening. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Jared Padalecki Rating: 18+ Warnings/Tags: Pseudo-Incest, But not really because Jared isn’t Sam, but also Dean has incestuous thoughts, Dub-Con, Somnophilia, Role Playing, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex Word Count: 2.3k (oneshot)
Alpha and Omega
Summary: Amara wants to thank Dean by giving him the thing he needs most – Sam – but she knows the boys are stubborn, so she’s going to have to be creative. Problem is, she doesn’t tell Dean or Sam what she’s put in motion, and magic can be unpredictable. Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Sam Rating: 18+ Tags: A/B/O, Darkness magic, Alpha!Dean, Omega!Sam, Dub-Con (magic hallucination sex), heat out of control, Dub-Con (biological necessity), little bit of meta (cuz why not), Sam’s a needy mess, Dean is possessive af Word Count: 7.3k (double shot)
Always With the Scissors
Summary: He knows it makes him sound a little creepy... okay, a lot creepy – okay, he is actually a full-on creep – but he never cums harder than he does when he's inside a girl his little brother's just fucked. Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader / Dean Winchester x Reader / Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: sloppy seconds, voyeurism, angst, objectification of women, slut shaming, dirty talk, cum play, pining!Dean Word Count: 2.9k (oneshot)
Summary: On their trip to Oregon, Sam had been dropping some pretty big hints that he's looking for something more in his life, someone else to share it with. Dean has always felt like they were that person for each other, and now it finally sounds like Sam is catching up. Pairing: Sam x Dean Rating: 13+ Tags: first kiss, flangst, brothers being idiots Word Count: 1.8k (oneshot)
Could be longer
Summary: Dean and Sam go shopping and wind up in a sex store.Pairing: Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: sex store, sex toys, dirty talk Word Count: 1.2k (oneshot)
Dean and Crowley’s Summer of Love
Summary: Sam wants his brother back, and Crowley’s willing to make a deal. Pairing: Wincest / Mooseley Rating: 18+ Tags: crack, omegaverse, Alpha!Crowley, Omega!Sam, Demon!Dean, mentions of Wincest Word Count: 650 (drabble)
Dirty Dancing
Summary: Dean buys Sam a lap dance for as a surprise his eighteenth birthday, but when Sam arrives back at the motel room and finds Pamela and Dean waiting for him, there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. Dean’s booked a little more than just a lap dance, and now the boys are in for a night they’ll never forget. Pairing: Dean x Sam x Pamela / Dean x Sam Rating: 18+ Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha!Pamela, Unpresented!Sam, Omega!Dean, Sam is 18, Happy Birthday Sam, Dean buys Sam a lap dance, Dean has a voyeur kink, Voyeurism, Lap Dance, Stripping, Prostitution, Dry Humping, P in V, Masturbation, P in A, Knotting, First Time Word Count: 5.1k (oneshot)
Dive Bar
Summary: After a one night stand with a random college chick turns into a threesome that also featured his little brother, Dean- well, frankly, he panics. What’s even worse than gay panicking? Gay incest panicking. Luckily, Sam winds up being a little more cool about the whole thing than Dean ever would have imagined. Pairing: Dean x Sam  [Dean x OFC (Dany) x Sam (brief) / Sam x Brady (past) / Sam x OMC (Chase) (brief)] Rating: 18+ Tags: angst, mutual pining, gay panic, incest panic, stubborn idiots, coming to terms with sexuality, alcohol, cheesy flirting, slow burn, bi!Sam, bi-curiosity, masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, threesome, M/F/M, Dom!Sam, Sub!Dean (kinda), top!Sam, bottom!Dean Word Count: 31.5k
Dog Dean Afternoon
Summary: The spell worked a little differently than they’d anticipated. Pairing: Sam x Dean (as a dog) Rating: 18+ Warnings: Bestiality Tags: Established Wincest, weirdly fluffy start, then it all goes downhill pretty fast from there, bottom Sam, top Dean, dog!Dean, Sam has a bestiality kink, dirty talk, knotting, dead dove do not eat Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Sam was sick of being on hunter’s probation, and Dean agrees to finally let him off the hook and let him have a bit more prerogative – make what they have more of a partnership. But now that Sam’s kicked off the training wheels, he remembers something else Dean told him he could do when he grew up, and now he can’t get it out of his head. Pairing: Sam x Dean Warnings: Incest, Brief allusion to suicide, memory of underage kiss Tags: wincest, mutual pining, idiot brothers, trust issues, angst, guilt, kissing Word Count: 1,105
Family Affairs
Summary: When Y/N turns eighteen, it’s time for her to be introduced to the family business their father abandoned them with. Unfortunately, Sam and Dean have different ideas about how best to use her talents, and Y/N isn’t sure she likes either option. Pairing: Dean x Sister!Reader x Sam  Rating: 18+ Tags: Dark, PornStar AU, Grooming, Incest, References to underage witnessing of sexual acts/watching of porn, Prostitution Word Count: 11.1k
Free Use
Summary: A one night stand with a handsome stranger turns into a much longer term arrangement. Pairing: Wincest x Reader Warnings: incest (brothers), implied captivity/non con Tags: one night stand, blow job, fingering, daddy kink, car sex, tattoos, free use WC: 1,000
Good Influence (Part 3)
Summary: Jody thinks having Sam and Dean around is a good influence on Claire and Alex. Claire has stopped acting so aggressively and Alex is starting to come out of her shell a little more; if only she knew the real reason why… Pairing: Dean x Claire x Alex x Sam Tags: Wincest, Daddy Kink, first lesbian experience, lots of making out, voyeurism, everyone is subby af for Dean, especially Sam, Claire is a slut, Alex is a slut in training, thigh riding, oral (f and m rec) p in v, unprotected sex, belly bulge, Dean likes souvenirs WC: 4.7k
Summary: Y/N has got a mission topside and she needs the help of a special gun to take care of it. Retrieving the gun could be tricky, but she’s always wanted to meet the Winchesters. Pairing: Demon!Reader x Wincest Rating: 18+ Warnings: Dub Con / Coercion Tags: Demonic Possession, Hypnotism, Gun Kink, Mentions of Medical Kink, Dirty Talk, Unsafe Sex, Oral Sex, Manual Stimulation Word Count: 1,224
It Was All A Dream
Summary: Dean hasn’t slept with Sam since he became Ezekiel’s vessel – he doesn’t want an audience, y’know? – but Sam doesn’t understand what’s stopping him. Pairing: Sam x Dean | Gadreel!Sam (Ezekiel!Sam) x Dean Rating: 18+ Warnings: Non-Con/Rape, Magical Paralysation Tags: Gadreel and Ezekiel are the same person, Dean doesn’t know it’s not Zeke, insecure Sammy, bottom!Sam/top!Dean, top!Gadreel/bottom!Dean, heavenly grace lube, paralysation Word Count: 1,528
Paint It Black
Summary: Sam and Dean flesh out an angry Italian ghost from a Massachusetts church and discover secrets about each other in the process. Pairing: Sam x Dean Rating: 16+ Tags: wax play, unholy thoughts in church, incest, making out, angst Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Sam comes back from Hell and goes to pay Dean and his new girlfriend a visit. Dean is overjoyed that Sam is back in the land of the living, but he can't shake the feeling something is wrong. Pairing: Dean x Reader | Sam x Reader | Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: Dub-con, threesome, cuckolding, dirty talk, praise kink, Dean likes pegging, Sam is aware Word Count: 2k
The View
Summary: A little snippet of what life in the bunker looks like as Dean recovers from his accident in the barn. Pairing: Sam x Dean Rating: 18+ Tags: fix it fic, post finale, Dean didn’t die, Jack wasn’t a fan of that ending, flirting, hurt/comfort, fluffy-ish, smut Word Count: 1k
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