#cycle blog
hatepotion · 4 months
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please please please bluesey <3
for @dearherondale
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aglionbyacademia · 15 days
How did Maggie write “Because I am overfull on secrets and underfed on friends.” and just expected us to move on??? Henry Cheng you will always be famous.
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thejudeduarte · 4 months
Being part of a small fandom is liking every single post you see about it because on tumblr little to no people have actually read the books 😭
I'm totally not talking about powerless and legendborn
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ending-the-cycle-ask · 3 months
... Enough with the serious questions, we need some smiles up in here!
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glowupwithamy · 5 months
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Finish what you started and transform your productivity
Recently i picked up a book i hadn't read in a long time for the past week i hadn't been able to work properly my tasks were going unfinished so i opened my cupboard and saw that book right in front of me. Then i read the whole book in just a one night and it sparked inspiration in me ..So i thought why not share everything i learned with all of you?
So I'm giving you guys a structured summary of Finish The Art of Following Through - Taking Action, Executing & Self Discipline by Peter Hollins -
1. The Importance of Execution
The ability to follow through allows you to create the life you desire rather than settling for the one you currently have. The process consists of focus, self-discipline, action, and persistence
2. Barriers to Follow Through
- Inhibiting Tactics: These include setting bad goals, procrastination, succumbing to distractions, and poor time management.
- Psychological Roadblocks: These encompass laziness, fear of judgment or failure, perfectionism driven by insecurity, and lack of self-awareness.
3. Staying Motivated
To remain motivated holds both external and internal motivators -
- External Motivators: These involve utilizing other people or resources to encourage action, such as accountability partners upfront investments and self bribery
- Internal Motivators: These focus on understanding personal benefits and improvements. Ask yourself questions such as How will this benefit me? and How will my life improve?
4. Developing a Manifesto
A manifesto is a set of daily rules that guide your actions so her are the some key rules -
- Rule 1: Identify if you’re acting out of laziness and avoid it.
- Rule 2: Limit yourself to three major tasks per day.
- Rule 3: Establish daily limitations and requirements
- Rule 4: Reaffirm your intentions through statements like I want I , will and I won't
- Rule 5: Reflect on the future consequences of not following through
- Rule 6: Utilize the concept of "just 10 minutes" to push through discomfort.
5. Follow Through Mindsets
- Mindset 1: Recognize the worthiness of your efforts.
⭐ Mindset 2: Become comfortable with discomfort.
- Mindset 3: Understand that learning comes from completing tasks.
- Mindset 4: Manage stress and anxiety effectively
6. Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination can be managed through strategies such as:
- Temptation Bundling: Combine unpleasant tasks with enjoyable activities.
- Creating Momentum: Make starting tasks as easy as possible to gain momentum.
- Leveraging Fear: Use productive paranoia to spur action but cautiously
7. Minimizing Distractions
Create a work environment free from distractions and focus on
⭐ Single Tasking: Avoid multitasking to eliminate attention residue ( I will also create a separate blog on this topic i used to face this problem earlier and i have used many methods to reduce my habit of multitasking so i will write a blog about it. Don't worry )
- Batching Tasks: Group similar tasks to improve efficiency.
- Creating a Don't-Do List : Identify tasks to ignore and avoid ( This method is literally too much helpful )
8. The 40–70 Rule
This rule suggests acting when you have 70% of the necessary information as waiting for 100% is unrealistic
9. The Importance of Rest
Recognize the value of rest and relaxation as essential for mental recovery
10. Common Pitfalls
- False Hope Syndrome: Avoid unrealistic expectations and set achievable goals.
- Overthinking: Avoid excessive rumination and focus on taking action.
- Worrying: Concentrate on the present and control what you can.
11. Developing Daily Systems
Establish daily behaviors that promote consistency and long term success
⭐ Keep a Scoreboard: Track progress for motivation ( Ive been using this method for the past four days it literally shows me where I am making mistakes and what I need to do to complete my unfinished tasks )
By following these structured advice you can improve your ability to finish what you start and achieve your goals
If you have any questions or tips to share feel free to drop them in the comments in here to chat , Stay connected for more tips and insights thanks :)
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ravensonravens · 7 months
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Starting this blog off with a fun little doodle I did when I first started listening through The Raven Boys!!
I listened through for the first time ever, in Dec. of 2023, and I've been going strong ever since!!!
Love these crazy kids SO MUCH!
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cozyautumnhalloween · 6 months
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zosonils-art · 9 months
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now, here we go, it's the end of the show / hear them, they're calling your name
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stingraystudiess · 6 months
StudyLapse… 📝
Some physics (mostly calculations) 😣
Today I was just gonna do some good resting, but after a little while I got bored so thought why not do some studying! I honestly enjoyed it and am probs gonna do more 🤞🏽
This is also my attempt of the #20doa challenge by @thelastneuron (a very lazy attempt) but hopefully something that I can stick to.
20doa Day 1/20
Ok tysm for reading
Signing off~
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nenelonomh · 6 months
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a hobby is an activity done for enjoyment, often in someone's spare time. hobbies aren't primarily pursued for financial gain or profit, although you can earn from a hobby.
fun fact: the name hobby originated from the small toy, a 'hobbyhorse'.
there are some general guidelines as to how many hobbies a person should have. it is good to have 2-5 hobbies, with 2-3 that you stick to semi-regularly. your hobbies should range across these four areas: physical, cerebral, creative, and community.
now, here are some idea's: ♡ reading ♡ martial arts ♡ jewellery making ♡ cooking or baking ♡ outdoor activities ♡ puzzles ♡ music ♡ painting and drawing ♡ geocaching ♡ fermentation ♡ bee-keeping ♡ gardening ♡ scrapbooking ♡ blogging ♡ birdwatching ♡ dancing ♡ singing ♡ calligraphy ♡ archery ♡ rock climbing ♡ coding ♡ sewing ♡ mentoring ♡ volunteering ♡ photography ♡ writing ♡ hiking ♡ cycling
remember that you can try as many hobbies as you please,, and that hobbies are meant to make you feel joy and peace.
❤️ nene
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sensualnoiree · 7 months
✨virgo full moon & the rising signs ✨
The Full Moon on February 24, at around 6 am Central Time, occurs at about five degrees of Virgo, opposite a cluster of planets in Pisces. This opposition highlights a significant tension between Virgo's analytical, detail-oriented nature and Pisces' dreamy, intuitive qualities. This dynamic will be particularly strong on Friday night into Saturday and will carry over into Sunday, as the Moon remains in Virgo.
Aries Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 6th house of health, work, and daily routines.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 12th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Focus on organizing your daily routines and prioritizing your health. Pay attention to any subconscious patterns or habits that may be affecting your well-being. Use this time to find balance between your need for spiritual renewal and your practical responsibilities.
Taurus Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 11th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Channel your analytical skills into creative projects or hobbies. Pay attention to your romantic relationships and explore how you can bring more practicality and attention to detail into your expression of love. Focus on balancing your personal desires with your social responsibilities.
Gemini Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 4th house of home, family, and emotional foundations.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 10th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Reflect on your emotional needs and how they relate to your sense of security and belonging. Consider any necessary adjustments you can make within your home environment to support your well-being. Balance your career ambitions with your need for emotional fulfillment and family connections.
Cancer Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 3rd house of communication, learning, and community.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 9th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Focus on clear and practical communication with those around you. Pay attention to any misunderstandings that may arise and strive for clarity in your interactions. Use this time to expand your knowledge and explore new ways of thinking. Balance your intellectual pursuits with your spiritual beliefs.
Leo Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 8th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Evaluate your financial situation and consider any necessary adjustments to your budget or spending habits. Reflect on your values and how they influence your sense of self-worth. Use this time to deepen your understanding of shared resources and investments. Balance your material desires with your need for emotional security.
Virgo Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 1st house of self-image, identity, and personal goals.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 7th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Focus on self-improvement and self-care during this time. Reflect on your personal goals and how they align with your sense of identity. Pay attention to any tensions in your relationships and strive for understanding and compromise. Balance your individual needs with your commitments to others.
Libra Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 12th house of spirituality, subconscious, and hidden strengths.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 6th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Take time for introspection and explore your subconscious patterns and beliefs. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition during this time. Consider any hidden strengths or talents you may possess and how you can bring them to light. Balance your need for solitude and spiritual growth with your responsibilities to others.
Scorpio Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 11th house of friendships, social networks, and aspirations.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 5th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Focus on your friendships and social connections, and consider how they contribute to your personal growth. Reflect on your long-term goals and aspirations and take practical steps towards achieving them. Balance your desire for intimacy and transformation with your need for social involvement and networking.
Sagittarius Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 10th house of career, public image, and reputation.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 4th house.
Utilizing the Energy: Evaluate your career path and consider any necessary adjustments to align with your long-term goals. Pay attention to your public image and how it reflects your true self. Use this time to balance your professional responsibilities with your personal life and emotional needs.
Capricorn Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 9th house of higher education, travel, and belief systems.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 3rd house.
Utilizing the Energy: Focus on expanding your knowledge and exploring new opportunities for growth. Consider any philosophical or spiritual beliefs that may be influencing your worldview. Use this time to plan for future travels or educational pursuits. Balance your need for intellectual stimulation with your practical responsibilities.
Aquarius Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 2nd house.
Utilizing the Energy: Reflect on your deepest desires and emotional connections with others. Consider any transformations you may need to undergo to achieve greater intimacy and emotional fulfillment. Use this time to reassess your financial situation and shared resources. Balance your need for independence with your desire for deeper connections.
Pisces Rising:
Full Moon in Virgo falls in the 7th house of partnerships, relationships, and contracts.
Aspects: Opposition to Pisces planets in the 1st house.
Utilizing the Energy: Focus on your relationships and consider how you can improve communication and understanding with your partner(s). Reflect on any contracts or agreements you may be involved in and ensure they are fair and balanced. Use this time to strengthen your connections with others while maintaining your sense of self. follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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sulusepken9 · 3 months
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me last night also apple's period tracker is surprisingly good
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aglionbyacademia · 28 days
I don’t get the people who always add “and blue” to posts that talk about “the Raven boys” like she is not an honorary Raven boy. Like whenever I read something about the Raven boys I never ever think it doesn’t include blue. She’s as much part of it as all the others. Her not going to aglionby isn’t important. It’s more about vibes than anything else. Blue IS a Raven boy.
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trans-cuchulainn · 2 months
always funny when one of my cu chulainn posts escapes containment (or when i see one by somebody else floating past on my dash) and gets a bunch of tags like "people should shitpost about the ulster cycle more" as if that's not what i do literally all the time
but a fun variant is where people who followed me for posting about modern irish (specifically the gaeltacht vampire) have apparently just discovered the med lit posts and are having a similar reaction
like. my username is trans-cuchulainn. my avatar is from the book of kells. my header picture is the start of the book of leinster táin. my bio says medievalist. i don't know what any of youse were expecting
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ending-the-cycle-ask · 3 months
Is “You need level five friendship to know my hair routine” an inside joke between you two?
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Gonna do one, maybe two more asks before the next section! I’ve been busy prepping panels ahead of time for the intermission, and we’re just about ready to go!!
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slavicafire · 6 months
no matter what your niche is, what your fascination is, what your wording or style or manner of choice is, what you like and what you love and how you choose to express that, what makes you laugh or what turns you on or what makes you feel anything - it will eventually, incrementally, sooner or later, be considered cringe. it will be.
you will see big bloggers and popular posts making fun of it, you will see it as a mocking option in polls and uquizes, you will be exposed to sarcastic tags and ridiculing asks, and you will witness whole mutual spheres form into a circle jerk scoffing at yet another cringy fad that is sooo below them as the circle jerkees. they'd never find that fun, goodness no.
what they fail to see is that that's a fad too. the fad, really. the truth is that cringe is dead - be free and do your thing, and shrug at the inevitable because who the fuck cares, really. cringe is dead and we killed it. yay!
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