#dammit I think I have another fandom
electricfied-wolf · 1 year
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it is saturday and I am but a simple highschooler and I am so so tired and it is literally 12:15pm and I want to just sit here and eat my banana pudding
#failing to control those emotions I mentioned earlier I am so angry and sick and frustrated#fuck the world why is fandom so complicated#I keep thinking abt shit I've heard and shit I've somewhat experience and I want to scream into a pillow for four hours#engaging in interests always makes me half regret it bc of all the shit I have to hear abt because of fandom.#I don't regret joining any of the fandoms because of the INCREDIBLE and AWESOME people and friends I get to meet because of it#but stuff also is bad and annoying sometimes#I am starting to understand why most people refuse to engage and interact with other people in fandoms. its because#you slowly learn of all the drama and then you end up feeling like you're being pulled on by either end#it feels like I'm constantly the rope in a game of tug of war when it comes to most fandom spaces. like this experience happens too often#because ohhh you have this one side who believes this and another who believes that#AND SOMETIMES I MAKE STUPID POSTS OR COMMENTS THAT I GET REMINDED OF A BUNCH AND I WANT TO CRY.#I'm literally a fucking kid dammit I am not trying to change the world or anyhthing I just have opinions and I say them and sometimes#I speak before I think and sometimes I'm wrong and that is something that happens. not all of my opionions are solid locked in constantly#and SOMETIMES people who I think are cool turn out to be LESS COOL and SOMETIMES I feel like I say or do things that ruin my friends'-#-fandom experience and I fear they secretly hate me#okay that's it rant's over now
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nobody-nexus · 2 months
What your fav TADC ship says about you- UPDATED!
-> Note: these are for fun! Do not take any of this seriously<-
Edit: Don't tell me if I missed any ships I'm not updating this
Pomni x Caine: You love the inherent romanticism of being too aware at all times x Being completely unaware of everything at all times
Pomni x Ragatha: You love the idea of someone being so pathetically devoted to another that you can't see them with anyone else
Pomni x Jax: You think the way to someone's heart is insulting before sharing a kiss and a cigarette
Pomni x Gangle: You knew the moment that Pomni was indirectly the reason for Gangle's mask breaking that it was love
Pomni x Zooble: You believe in the inherent romanticism of just not giving a flying fuck anymore but together
Pomni x Loolilalu: You haven't seen episode 2 yet. That or you just want all of the sapphic ships
Pomni x Gummigoo: You are very much into the idea of THE fruitiest straight passing couple of all time
Pomni x Kaufmo: You took that one fact that they would've actually gotten along with each other and ran with it
Pomni x Exit: You came from the Danganronpa fandom
Pomni x Sun: You are into swap AUs. We know the scene. And we know what you are
Ragatha x Jax: I dunno which one you wanna bang, but all I know is that you wanna bang ONE of them
Ragatha x Gangle: You just want them to be happy for ONCE dammit! Also you're probably anhopeless romantic
Ragatha x Loolilalu: You do not CARE if they only had 20 seconds of screen time together, you WANT THEM TO KISS
Ragatha x Kaufmo: You most likely know a couple in real life where one makes jokes and the other is sick of it
Jax x Gangle: You were told that the bully had a crush on you and you still have not recovered from it
Jax x Zooble: You just want a couple who can and will do hijinx together whether they like it or not
Jax x Caine: I got no idea what you're into, but it is one of the straightest gay things I've seen
Jax x Gummigoo: You love the idea of an asshole twink being put in his place. Also you ship Montgomery with Bonnie
Jax x Kaufmo: You believe in the inherent romanticism of two pranksters causing complete mayhem together
Jax x The Fudge: You either are a HUGE crack shipper OR you are into a very SPECIFIC thing and I am judging
Jax x Bubble: There is no way you ship this in a genuine way. You are the master of crack shipping
Gangle x Zooble: There is at least a 70% chance that you have at least one mood board on Pinterest
Gangle x Caine: Apparently, you exist
Gangle x Loolilalu: Oh you definitely have NOT seen episode 2 yet
Kinger x Queenie: Let's be honest with ourselves for a moment. This is the closest to canon y'all are gonna get
Kinger x Caine: You are into yaoi, but like the wholesome kind instead of the super sex kind
Kinger x Gloink Queen: You are a MONSTER FUCKER
Kinger x Kaufmo: You decided that old man yaoi was the true answer to solve abstraction
Caine x Moon: There's a 90% chance that you know and love the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Caine x Loolilalu: Your love for any canon interaction is overweighed by the need to fuck GOD
Caine x Gummigoo: You are purely in this community for the bara NSFW. I've seen it all... I KNOW
Sun x Moon: You like Steven Universe
Jax x Pomni x Ragatha: You either couldn't choose which one to ship, or you just wanna be Pomni
Jax x Pomni x Gummigoo: Same as the previous, but the chances of you being straight are way higher
Ragatha x Pomni x Loolilalu: Same as the last two, but the chances of you being a lesbian are way higher
Ragatha x Pomni x Gangle: You love the inherent romanticism of having one big group therapy session
Caine x Pomni x Ragatha: You don't actually ship Caine and Ragatha, you just want Pomni to top em both
Gangle x Jax x Zooble: You are @inkyprism
Sun x Moon x Caine: You just want Caine to have rizz.... He doesn't but whatever floats your boat
Jax x Airplane: You.... Are WAY too deep into this fandom
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mozzeralla-stix · 2 months
quick little rant 😋
i am SO sick of ppl complaining about there being smut for carl. like i get it. if he’s not in your age range it’s weird!! but most of the writers on here ARE THE SAME AGE AS HIM!!
no one likes viewing people younger than them sexually or thinking about the fact that teenagers are sexual beings with hormones. i don’t like it either. but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true!! people under 18 still need a safe place to express these thoughts and feelings. people under 18 have a right to be attracted to another person within their age range!!
would you rather we like someone way older than us? and write smut about them? how about actually having sex? does that sound better? i am TIRED of it. if you don’t like it KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. there are plenty of things i don’t like on this app, but i leave it alone. not to mention that out of ALL the fandoms i’ve been in this one had the LEAST smut i’ve ever seen. i get it. YOU don’t like smut!! and i promise you i hate ADULTS sexualizing minors as much as you do. but. we. are. not. adults. let minors exist in their own space!!
rant over. might get some push back but idc. i just wanna scroll my tags in peace dammit.
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Can’t Sneak Out
Damon Salvatore x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: “Not on my watch!”
Summary: When yet another massive supernatural threat comes to Mystic Falls, Y/N is ready to go out and help the rest of the Mystic Falls Scooby Gang beat it. Unfortunately, a bad cold ends up messing with their witchy-woo enough that they need to stay home and rest, instead. Since Y/N is the kind of person to go out and push themselves to the limits anyway, Damon's been tasked with keeping them home and resting, and he's taking his job very seriously.
Word Count: 1,604
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Damon, if you don't get out of my way-"
"What? What are you gonna do? You're sick as a dog right now Y/N, you couldn't even hex me if you tried!"
I growled in frustration and threw my hands up in the air. "Our friends are out there risking their lives right now! I can't stand being cooped up in here, so get the hell out of my way."
"Ugh!" I threw my hands up in the air, but Damon didn't budge. I huffed and stomped around a bit, but his expression didn't soften at all. Finally, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. If you're gonna be such a pain in the ass, then I'm gonna go take a nap instead of spending time in here with you. Goodnight."
I spat the last word, then turned on my heel and headed for my bedroom. In truth, I had absolutely no intention of taking a nap. I just needed my babysitter to think that was the plan so I could sneak out behind his back while he wasn't paying attention.
I slammed my bedroom door behind me, then rustled the sheets loudly like I was flopping into bed. I waited a few beats, ruffled the sheets again like I was laying there and trying to get comfortable, then waited again. Finally, when I decided I'd waited long enough, I crept across the floor to the window.
Slowly, carefully, and like I'd done more than once in high school, I eased the window open. It was completely silent, and I stepped out onto the roof with practiced ease. I walked to the edge of the roof and eased over it until I hung on by just my fingers, my feet dangling above the porch. I still really didn't feel great thanks to my cold, so it was a little harder than usual, but nothing I couldn't handle.
Finally, when I felt confident in my position, I let go and dropped down to the porch in triumph.
I found Damon standing in front of me with his arms crossed, staring at me and clearly not impressed.
"Did you really think that trick was gonna work on me?" he deadpanned.
"Dammit Damon! Get out of my way, I'm going to help my friends."
I tried to storm past him, but I didn't get very far. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, then started heading for the front door of the house.
"Not on my watch!" he said, his tone entirely too cheery for the mood I was currently in.
Once we were back in the house, he dumped me unceremoniously on the couch, then started heading for the kitchen.
"You lay there and rest," he ordered. "I'll make you some soup or something-"
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I finally demanded, shouting despite my sore throat as I popped back onto my feet and glared at him. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and stared back at me with a raised eyebrow, but my scowl only got more fierce.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his tone making it clear he thought I was being crazy. I clenched my fists and took a few furious steps towards him.
"I mean, who the hell are you, because you're sure as hell not being Damon Salvatore right now!" Damon scoffed and rolled his eyes, and I knew he had some witty retort on the tip of his tongue, but I jumped in before he could say it. "I've personally seen you cajole Bonnie into the middle of danger and heart-stopping spells when she's on the verge of death. You'll send Matt off to be bait with no defense at the drop of a hat. Tyler, Caroline, even Stefan! If they can be of help, you don't try to stand in their way, even if they should be resting instead of world-saving. But with me? You're a helicopter parent!"
"Y/N..." he warned, taking a few steps towards me. We were almost face to face now, but I wasn't stopping at all. In fact, I was just getting started.
"No, I mean it!" I cried. "I have a cold, and yeah, it might make it harder for me to throw down like I usually do, but it's not like I'm completely bedridden! And yet here you are, barely letting me off the couch for some fear that I'll drop dead if I do more than breathe! So why? You just want to get on my nerves that badly, that you've decided to keep me from helping our friends? You want to mess with me? So much that you're here, stopping me from sneaking out like a high schooler in a teen movie, instead of helping your brother fight something that could very well kill him? Why the hell would you do that?"
"Because I'm in love with you!"
He shouted it back with the same frustration and exasperation that I'd had in my tone. He'd been getting more and more worked up as I'd laid into him, and apparently he just couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N, alright? So much so that I'm here, making you soup, instead of with my brother. So yes, I am hovering, but it's because I care. And because you don't know your limits at all. The number of times Bonnie's had to step in to save you from an overwhelming spell when you're healthy is so high I can't count it on one hand, and if you go out right now and push yourself past the point of no return, I'd never be able to live with myself for letting it happen. Never."
I just stared at him as he finished his speech. He was breathing hard, and it was clearly my turn to say something, but I couldn't process the confession I'd just received. After a few moments of stunned silence, I finally managed to choke out the obvious.
"You're in love with me?"
"Yes, Y/N. I'm in love with you. And I know you hate me, but-"
"Whoa, whoa, wait. I don't hate you. Damon, I've never hated you. I mean, I've definitely wanted to kill you a few times, but... but I actually like you too. Like, a lot." My heart beat faster at the admission, even though Damon had literally just told me he felt the same way.
"Yeah. Yeah, really. At this specific moment, I'm a little frustrated with you, but on the whole? Yeah."
Damon stared at me for a few seconds, his blue eyes piercing mine and an expression of awe on his face as he took me in. Then, in a flash of vampire speed, he crossed the room and wrapped me in his arms. I laughed as he pulled me to him, a devilish smirk on his face.
"Well, in that case, I don't want to waste any more time," he said. He leaned in to close the distance between us, aiming for a kiss, but I put my hands on his shoulders and stopped him. He raised an eyebrow in silent question.
"I have a cold, remember?" I said. "I don't want to get you sick."
"Sweetheart, I have fantastic news for you. Vampires don't get sick."
"Wait really?" He nodded. "Holy shit that's awesome!"
"I agree."
With that, he leaned in again, and this time I didn't stop him. It felt a little crazy to be kissing Damon Salvatore, but I also absolutely couldn't say I minded. Even if Bonnie was going to kill me for it later.
After a few seconds, we broke apart. Even if I couldn't pass my cold to Damon, I was still sick, and I just didn't have the energy for a dramatic, romantic make out session after a confession of love.
Thankfully, Damon could tell. When we pulled apart he kept his arms wrapped around me, then smiled at me, blissful happiness written all over his face.
"Wanna watch some dumb movies while I make us some hot soup?" he finally asked. I sighed, leaning into his chest.
"That sounds perfect."
"Good. C'mon, let's get you to the couch." He kissed the top of my head, then walked me over to the most comfortable spot on the couch. I settled into the cushions and blankets as he started queuing up one of my favorite movies. I smiled to myself as I watched him, feeling a sense of peace and belonging I never would've thought to associate with Damon before.
"This is gonna sound really lame," I mused as Damon finished setting up the movie and then headed for the kitchen. "But honestly, this is my ideal first date."
I heard Damon snort from the kitchen, and it only made me smile wider. And just like that, I found myself perfectly happy to sit here with Damon and rest a little. The dangers and challenges of Mystic Falls would still be waiting when I was healthy, after all. And now I'd be facing them with Damon as my partner instead of my adversary.
We were going to be unstoppable together. The supernatural world would have to watch its back.
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
On Your Knees
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Summary: As general maid for 221 Baker Street, you assist most of the residents. However on one quiet night when most of them are out, only one resident returns to his home... a little worse for wear. He thanks you in the easiest way possible.
Fandoms: Enola Holmes 2, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, Smut, NSFW, Drunk Sherlock, Oral Sex (Female Receiving).
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 1854
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
On Your Knees
The cold wind rattled the fragile glass in the frame, a chill advancing into your room even further as the dark night continued. The building of 221 Baker Street was colder than usual, most of the apartments empty for the night due to various parties and festive events happening this time of year meaning the tenants wouldn’t be back until the morning. 
As the scullery maid of 221 Baker Street you were in and out most of the apartments each day, tending to the fireplaces and delivering meals if required. The housekeeper who supervised you telling you where to go and what to do wasn’t around either, though her instruction was rarely needed anymore, you knew the routines of all of the tenants and could read the calendar hung in the kitchen showing who was home and who wasn’t.
At that moment the wind rushed against the window again and you pulled your dressing gown further around your body, shivering beneath your quilt. Glancing at your own laundry you’d hand washed that evening, your bloomers hung on the wooden airer where the chimney breast rose through the building. With every pair you owned doing little to dry in the cold attic room, you cursed your schedule for not giving you time to do it earlier in the day when the sun had been coming through the window. Now you just had your thin nightgown and woollen stockings to keep you warm beneath your dressing gown.
You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of movement in the hallway far below your room. Freezing you wracked your brain to try to remember if any of the tenants were due back tonight, but none were. Through the eerie quiet of the house there was another bump and a quiet curse. You reached for the large floor brush that still sat beside the door to your room with its dustpan, lifting the brush as a weapon as you opened the door and carefully stepped out onto the old floorboards to peer down through the stairwell. Clinging to your brush you leant forwards over the bannister and peered through the darkness, a single lamp in the hall four floors down barely illuminating the entryway before you suddenly saw a shadow move. Letting out a small gasp you clamped your hand over your mouth as you watched, but that tension evaporated when you recognised the wide shoulders and curly dark hair of the tenant in apartment B;
“Detective Holmes!” you called out, the figure below swivelling rapidly before spinning and looking up.
“Ah. There you are…” a soft hiccup followed as he swayed on his feet.
“I’ll be right down Sir”
Just last week Mr Holmes’ sister helped him into his apartment having had too many drinks at the pub, and it would seem he’d done the same again tonight. Padding on stocking clad feet you descended the stairs quickly, soon arriving in the hallway as Mr Holmes swayed a little on his feet;
“Can i help you to your apartment Sir?”
“Oh that would be *hiccup* wonderful Darling”
Hooking your arm around his back and pulling his own arm over your shoulders, you started to help him up the stairs one at a time, before arriving at his apartment. 
“I have a… I have my… dammit” Mr Holmes cursed as he fumbled for his key, and as you glanced down you could see that the bunch of keys in his pocket had caught on the fabric and were stuck. Without even thinking you batted his hand away and slid your much smaller hand into his pocket, moving the keys around until they were no longer snagged on the fabric. You tried not to think of the heat radiating from Mr Holmes thigh, barely separated from your touch by a thin layer of cotton, nor the firm muscle beneath the fabric that flexed as your delicate fingers brushed against it. He answered your silent thoughts with a grunt, before you pulled the keys out and unlocked the door, all whilst he had his arm around your shoulder.
His body was firm and heavy, a welcome weight against your cold frame, and as he swayed you did so too, before he finally pulled his arm free of your shoulders and started to shuck off his coat and scarf, struggling as he went about the task.
“Mr Holmes, Sir, please let me help…”
He swung around, shrugging his shoulders, his coat now held on his arms around his elbows, his wide shoulders only accentuated by the white shirt and silk waistcoat that clung to his torso. Whilst distracted you didn’t spot his flailing, one stray arm of his coat socking you around the chin, and although not hurting you, caught you by surprise and knocked you back where you lost your footing and fell on your bottom. 
“Ta-da! Done it!” he proclaimed proudly, before spinning around; “Where did you…?”
Climbing to your feet you took the bundle of coat from the floor;
“Ah, there you are Darling, didn’t get you did i?”
“Just a little Mr Holmes. Let me hang this up for you”
As you hung the coat onto the hook near the door you heard a gasp and a soft thud, turning to see Sherlock on his knees before you;
“Mr Holmes!”
“My Darling, i am so sorry, so very very sorry”
He had big puppy dog eyes as he looked up at you, his drunken state obviously accentuating his normally muted emotions; I should have been more careful… a heinous crime I have committed to sock a young lady around with my coat, please… please forgive me…”
You tried very hard not to laugh, for this was so far removed from what Mr Holmes was like normally, but also it stirred something within you, to see this big man on his knees before you, his face mere inches from your stomach. 
“Please Darling…” He edged closer, wrapping his arms around your bottom and pressed his cheek to your stomach; “Please forgive me…”
At first you were frozen with fear, this was not only completely out of character for Mr Holmes, but wholly inappropriate, but the long days and lack of sleep perhaps clouded your judgement and you cautiously rested your hand on the top of his head;
“It’s… it’s ok Mr Homes, Sir”
He turned his head and peered up at you;
“Let me make it up to you”
You could only watch in shock as he moved his hands to rest them on your stocking clad ankles, before he started to inch those warm palms up your legs. When he reached your knees his fingertips rubbed soft circles against the backs of your thighs, your nightgown bunching at his wrists. For the whole time you kept eye contact, unable to draw your gaze away until his fingertips reached the top of your woollen stockings and he let out a small grunt of appreciation. He ducked his head forwards and pressed a single kiss to the skin just above the tied ribbons that secured the stockings in place.
“You smell divine” he muttered softly, inhaling deeply before he bunched your nightgown up in one hand and pressed his nose to the apex of your thighs.
“Oh! Sir!”
He pressed a kiss to your soft mound, before his fingers stroked softly along your seam. Never breaking eye contact he lifted one leg over his shoulder, opening you up like a spring blossom. A warm puff of breath warmed your skin before he leant forwards and his tongue found your silken pearl. If it wasn’t for his firm shoulder your leg was hooked over you would have damn near fallen to the floor, you did lose your footing a little, your back falling to rest against the door behind you and your hands found their way to his dark curls. 
The slight tug on his hair seemed to spur him on, his wicked tongue parting your folds, and the appreciative murmur that came from his muffled lips only excited you more. Sherlock knew exactly what to do, and you can’t believe you had never even considered that this fine specimen of a man would be skilled in the art of lovemaking, but because of his cold demeanour it just hadn’t been something you’d thought of. 
You tried to concentrate on the look of bliss on his face, but the way his long tongue was pushing at your secret canal, his nose rubbing against your pearl, it was almost too distracting. Your head slowly fell back until it rested on the wooden door behind you, your eyes fluttering shut as pleasure grew in the pit of your belly. It was only when he moved a little, his lips finding your pearl again and he slid a thick finger into your tight channel did your eyes spring open;
“Oh lord!”
A quiet chuckle came from between your thighs, looking down to see the mischief in his eyes and he winked at you just as he slid a second finger in alongside the first. He crooked them just so as he moved them slowly but firmly, stroking at your velveteen walls, his lips and tongue increasing their efforts until you felt a surge of pleasure, a white hot fire bursting forth from your core and you climaxed with a loud cry of his name;
As your body trembled he slowed his fingers, before pulling them free and holding them up to the faint candle light, inspecting the stickiness on them with a learned curiosity, before he sucked them both clean. He looked up at you as you trembled above him, slipping your leg off of his shoulder and he went to rock back onto his feet, but unfortunately losing his footing and topping back onto his behind;
As your nightdress fell back around your ankles and on unsteady legs you rushed forwards to help him to his feet, his eyes a little glazed from his drunkenness. He was like a lead weight, swaying on his feet until you managed to half carry half drag him to the chaise lounge and unceremoniously drop him on the soft cushion, watching as he twisted his body until he was on his back;
“What was i saying? I’m sure i should have thanked you for something…” he was already nodding off to sleep, oblivious to the rich smell of your sex now hanging in the room. 
You let out a sigh before turning and to the quiet background noise of his snores you lit a fire in the hearth to warm the room. Making sure a heavy yew log was placed in the centre of the grate to ensure a long slow burn, you set the fireguard in place. Spotting his long blue dressing gown hanging over a chair, you carefully laid it over his sleeping form, and with one last glance back at him you exited the apartment. At least with the fire in his apartment now going a sliver of warmth would seep into your room that cold night.
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luffysinterlude · 4 months
★ summary: the straw hat pirates reminisce on some fun memories while voyaging through the Grand Line.
★ warnings: chatroom au/comedic relief, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, takes place after water seven/pre thriller bark, ooc characters, use of yn + female reader in mind, flirty!yn + the crew teases yn a bit ><, zoro x reader…kinda..im biased im sorry 😞 + some things are NOT canon and i just made it up :p
★ an: hiii!! there is not enough one piece fanfic content on this app in my opinion (i feel like i’ve read almost every piece, all have been amazing), so here’s my attempt at making more!! also, i’m still pretty new to the op fandom, so some characters may be a little ooc. i’m still reading/watching thriller bark so pls bare with me! also this is a chatroom au because i don’t have access to social app anymore *cry*. anyway, please enjoy!
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NOW ONLINE [9]. . .
robin: is everything okay, yn?
chopper: yeah yn, is everything okay?
zoro: probably not
yn: just thinking
usopp: thinking about where we’ll be next? praying manifesting it isnt anywhere scary
chopper: everywhere we’ve been has been terrifying
nami: yeah usopp
nami: its like we goto hell, leave it, and then enter another part of it
nami: i think we should just start expecting the worst
zoro: maybe we should all just get a lil more stronger. starting with the blonde pervert we have as our cook
luffy: oooooo thinking about what? tell me tell me tell me!
sanji: now, my dearest yn, please let me know if theres anyway i can assist you
zoro: she probably doesn’t want your help lmfao no offense
sanji: WHOOOO was even talking to you? I SAID YN’S NAME IN THE TEXT DAMMIT
nami: can you two idiots cut it out already? its like, i can hear your voices through my screen and i don’t like that
franky: yeah it’s actually kinda crazy i can hear you all…without actually being in your presence
chopper: soooo yn?
luffy: yeah yn what’s going on?
yn: just sitting here thinking about all of our fun adventures. like wow we actually did all of that and it was like…real life
yn: i feel like if i didnt know you guys and didn’t experience it then it wouldn’t sound real
yn: but like wow it was all real
robin: we’ve had some wild times, haven’t we?
luffy: LOL yeah that might’ve been on me
luffy: but we’ve survived this long
luffy: we’ll continue to survive because fate loves us!
nami: -.-
sanji: luffy’s right, surprisingly
sanji: sometimes i think about how fate brought us together…or atleast i think about how fate brought me nami yn and robin together
yn: watch it pretty boy
sanji: YES MA’AM
sanji: screenshotting
zoro: ignoring that dude. i think it’s amazing how we prevail every time. we get stronger without realizing
yn: i mean we did fly into the sky
yn: thats so crazy we actually like. flew. in the air. on a ship.
nami: yeah all thanks to me ;*
yn: thank u pretty i remember falling in love with you then and there
usopp: there was this gigantic whirlpool below us and everything
chopper: haha yeah that was crazy! and those giant monkeys
robin: oh! yes, the saruyama alliance. i could never forget the amount of fun i had during our time on Jaya Island
yn: robin i love u but FUNNNNNN???-?-?-!-? DID WE FORGET ABOUT THAT STUPID FOREST CRICKET HAD US GO INTO?!1? i still have nightmares of that stupid south bird and its stupid face and the way it made all those stupid bugs chase me
luffy: haha those south birds were really something else
nami: it’s funny because we had no idea what was coming next
zoro: that stupid “God” was next. what was his name again? emily? enemy….?
zoro: well shit i’ve forgot. it was somethin else though. his stupid lightning
franky: YOU GUYS FOUGHT….A GOD?!?!1???!!!?
franky: was it like….you know…..THE GOD
chopper: not really sure what you mean but that guy enel really had some sort of crazy insane powers
chopper: him and his crazy insane priests were able to predict our moves!
robin: oh yeah. he electrocuted zoro, yn, and i.
yn: pls dont remind me TT
yn: he scares me because i feel like he somehow is still alive
yn: like what if hes reading our messages
nami: i never thought of it like that…
nami: enel if ur reading this please drop 1,000,000,000 berries down from the sky
luffy: i wish the skypeians and shandians rang the bell more often.
luffy: haha oh well! i know they’re doing just fine! :D
usopp: well thanks to yn now i’m reminscing TT
usopp: it feels like alabasta JUST happened
robin: well, we did just face the world government
robin: technically crocodile was apart of it
robin: that’s the past. i had to do what i needed to do to survive. and i’m glad i was, considering i was able to find you all <3
sanji: robin i wouldve followed you to hades’ kingdom if i had to. i will always protect you (and nami and yn. the others can fend for themselves).
luffy: hahahaha i agree!! see, fate loves us
chopper: WE LOVE U ROBIN
zoro: appreciate ya.
yn: shoutout to us
yn: i love us
yn: i love being a strawhat
chopper: same!!! forever and always gonna be a strawhat!!
luffy: i love our little family!
luffy: without you all, i wouldn’t be as close as i am to reaching my dream! so thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luffy: also sanji when is dinner gonna be ready so i know when to head back to the sunny
nami: same
nami: now i’m really reminiscing. do you guys remember when yn thought she was pregnant
usopp: i-
usopp: …
yn: NAMI
yn: alright well.
sanji: also luffy dinner will be ready when its dinner time. its mid day. if you’re hungry i have snacks in the fridge or since you’re running around this island, find a food stand
robin: what a naughty girl you are, nami. teasing yn about her “almost” pregnancy
nami: yk me! but i remember being soooooo worried only for the pregnancy test to come back negative
zoro: yn?
luffy: oh wow cool sanji thanks!
luffy: also congrats yn? but where will the baby stay?
usopp: did you even read nami’s text
luffy: oh..right LOL that’s good! i can’t imagine yn having a baby. plus how are babies even made
chopper: :o
nami: …
robin: your innocence is apart of my will to live
yn: luffy TT
luffy: oh sickkkkkk do you guys think we can make one?
yn: oh luffy TT
nami: well!
sanji: he’ll come around
luffy: LOL BRB
LUFFY has gone offline.
chopper: wonder what he’s up to
yn: probably found food like sanji told him to
zoro: yeah he kind of left the store we’re at and i have no desire to look for him right now
zoro: oh nevermind. he just went outside to buy meat from a vendor. he’s good, still in my eyesight
chopper: also
yn: chopper >< you were still fairly new to the crew then
yn: but this happened after we left chopper’s hometown
yn: i think i was just sick because of the crazy weather changes, plus nami has just recovered and didn’t want anyone to be worried sick :p
zoro: why didnt you tell me?
zoro: you’re apart of the crew too, ya know.
usopp: interesting
nami: sigh
nami: its like the most obvious thing ever
robin: i’m afraid it just isn’t clicking for him.
yn: it’s not like i didn’t wanna tell you
zoro: okay so why didn’t you
yn: and by time i found you, i had already forgotten that i thought i was pregnant because there was a whole warlord wanting us dead so
zoro: hmm. okay. well next time..
zoro: if you ever need a safe space. you know.
yn: hehe yes i do. but i apologize for not telling you as soon as i felt…different. it’s just that we’ll always have bigger issues to worry about
franky: ummmm are we interrupting something
zoro: hm
zoro: nah. yn and i will talk later when we see each other.
zoro: for now i’m thinkin about that time luffy and i got beat up on jaya island. now i’m annoyed.
zoro: the principle of the matter was good but i really just had to sit there and take an ass beating when i could’ve handled the entire bar
zoro: ehhhh now i’m gonna go workout. if anyone needs me you know where to find me.
ZORO has gone offline.
yn: he left saying “you know where to find me” as if we’ll actually know
robin: i really hope he finds his way back to the sunny.
sanji: he can get lost for all i care
yn: it’s crazy that i really thought i was pregnant that one time
yn: even vivi thought so
nami: i was super worried
nami: so worried i was reading every book we had to find anything i could help you with
usopp: well i’m offended cause why didn’t you tell me i thought we were besties
yn: wellllllllll no offense but full offense, you have “i-can’t-seem-to-keep-my-mouth-shut” disease
yn: just yappin all day everyday
franky: so, sister yn, zoro huh?
sanji: yn my loveeeeee you know you could always tell me your secrets
yn: i cant lie i almost let it slip when i helped you with dinner that night
yn: but again, bigger fish to fry
sanji: screenshotted again
sanji: did you guys see that? shes flirting with me. might die
robin: hm not sure what part of that was flirting but whatever makes you happy.
nami: oooo franky’s quick
franky: it isn’t hard to tell
chopper: what’re you all talking about!!?
yn: nothing important you little cute doctor
chopper: >~< SHUT UP! >~< THAT DOESNT WORK ON ME!!
sanji: robin! nami! yn!!!! i will be going offline to go back to the sunny to make some snacks. would you ladies do me the pleasure of enjoying them? should they be ready before you all arrive?
robin: please do! surprise us this time :)
yn: hell yea sanji you know i’d never say no to you
nami: lol yes please! i’m kind of craving something sweet
SANJI has gone offline.
yn: well now that those three are gone
yn: i worry about them a lot
yn: i feel like those three find trouble every where we go
chopper: same but we’re all like, insanely strong now!
chopper: and it’s not like we’re actively looking for trouble, sometimes we just want to chill
nami: yeah. but now, more than ever, i feel more secure
nami: like wow he’s really gonna be king of the pirates
yn: most definitely. we only ever get stronger
usopp: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa obviously i’ve had my doubts but…
usopp: it’s never been because of luffy
robin: ever since i met you guys again on alabasta…
robin: i knew you all would give me a life worth living
yn: robin’s so sweet online it makes me want to cry
yn: well shes always sweet
nami: robin, i’m curious. how did you find our ship?
robin: well it was just docked and i figured i’d finally take a rest somewhere. if you all hadn’t left alabasta by time i had woken up, then i wouldn’t have stayed. like luffy says, fate loves us.
franky: WHAAAAAT you just…..snuck on? O.O
chopper: oh yeah i remember!
chopper: i’m not gonna lie, i was a little intimidated by you at first
yn: chopper wasn’t there when we first met robin!
nami: oh yeah!
yn: franky chopper omg like have i ever told the story of how i first fell in love with robin
usopp: OH YEAH she blew that guy’s ship up
usopp: i wonder how vivi’s doing
nami: VIVI TT i hope she’s okay
nami: but yeah i agree. i was scared shitless of robin but then she told me she got me treasure
robin: not entirely. he survived and thats what matters
franky: i mean i guess
franky: i was definitely intimidated by luffy when we first met. even though that was like three weeks ago
franky: i can’t lie he still sometimes intimidates me
yn: brother ur half machine
franky: anyway sisters. you guys have to tell me more stories at dinner later i have to go refill the coke tanks, see ya!
FRANKY has gone offline.
usopp: well chat
usopp: i usually help him so i’ll be going back too
usopp: yn i’m expecting way more details later after dinner
usopp: or zoro. but preferably before you see zoro
chopper: i’ll help! girls if you need me for anything i’ll be with those two!!
yn: um…okay…? we’ll see u all later!!!
USOPP has gone offline.
CHOPPER has gone offline.
nami: and now it’s just us three
nami: sorry for bringing your pregnancy scare up
nami: i’m getting my nails done right now and i can’t really seem to remember our journeys
yn: its all good
yn: i kinda forgot about it
robin: we’ve been through so much our brains probably started to black out any unwanted memories. i’ve read that it happens
robin: and yn, i don’t blame you. i would’ve been worried sick if i was apart of the crew then. but since it’s just us…
yn: omg let us catch you up
yn: so basically..i had…with…and then…
nami: —.—
nami: she had sex with someone *cough* zoro *cough* and started puking the next morning
yn: TT
nami: i definitely thought it was pregnancy
robin: silly girls. you do realize pregnancy symptoms don’t happen overnight, right?
robin: also, yn. it’s obvious. i’ve seen the way you two are always the first ones missing during our celebrations
nami: well……..yeah but
nami: we can never be TOO safe
yn: mmm if you hadn’t caught on by now then i’d be surprised
yn: i was still scared
yn: i think it was more of a “wow me and zoro actually did that and it was real”
nami: it’s just….in a forest?!-?
nami: with…HIM!!!-?-?-?-??
nami: you can have any man or woman or creature you want and you stillllllllll………….
yn: i was running on adrenaline. that dude and his stupid ass candle wax drove me insane
yn: plus you both know i kinda have a little crush on the guy
yn: i can fix him
nami: okayyyyyy whatever you say.
nami: pfttt “little” and you guys are basically dating in my head
robin: i forgot his actual name but i’m assuming you guys are talking about mr. 3
robin: ah yes his wax is quite the problem. i wonder if hes alive still
nami: i was seriously stressed out
nami: but honestly, since we’re on the topic, i’m glad i joined luffy
nami: there was this one time, yn i’m sure you remember
nami: right before going to the baratie
yn: the day we went to the baratie TT
yn: but what happened before i kinda forgot
nami: anyway when we ran into your crazy psycho ex
yn: OMG
robin: oh? tell me more about this ex of yours. i’m interested
yn: he kinda followed us after luffy saved me from HIM
yn: um so basically..you know my devil fruit powers…yeah he held them over my head and threatened to tell the marines about me and
nami: it was chaos. but it was the first time i’ve seen yn in combat and it was mind blowing
robin: luffy being our life saver and our little brother
robin: what would we do without him
yn: you’re right
yn: but i think at this point, we’re all strong enough to handle our own. if i ever see my ex again i’ll beat him so bad
nami: yeah me too! cause he had the crazy audacity to ask me out after i found out what he did to you!
nami: either way, i’m just happy we’re still all together. you know since we’ve been throwing the word fate around, i’m really starting to believe it. luffy has a really good sense of knowing who should join our crew
yn: he does :’)
yn: he gave me a family
robin: well we should probably go check on the boys now. i’ll meet you all at the sunny <3
robin: come back safely.
nami: yeah!! you too robin! yn, bring us some goodies! i’ll see you both later!!
yn: can’t wait to see u guys again
nami: ….you saw us this morning.
ROBIN has gone offline.
NAMI has gone offline.
YN has gone offline.
NOW ONLINE [1]. . .
LUFFY is now online.
luffy: IM BACK
luffy: i ate some meat and came back to the shop we were at but zoro isnt here anymore so i’m wondering if you guys happen to know where he is!
luffy: ….
luffy: oh the chatroom closed
luffy: well i guess i better get back to the sunny!
luffy: hopefully my friends make it back safely! we still have more adventures to take care of
luffy: wow these things are so cool i’m just talking to myself
luffy: i wonder if i can get one on the sunny…
luffy: OH WELL
LUFFY has gone offline.
★ an [2]: ahhh!! my first work is now done ☺️ honestly this was all self indulgent because i’ve been going through some personal things and right now the strawhats are my comfort zone. i decided to make it like a big groupchat because i don’t really have any friends irl or online so this makes me feel a lil better ☺️! i hope you all enjoyed.
its a lil messy because when i first started this i was about to began Thriller Bark but as I’m typing this I’m currently on the Sabaody Archipelago arc and things are getting more exciting like omg hello mr. Trafalgar Law I’ve been waiting for your debut….
if you enjoyed this please like and reblog! maybe i’ll start writing more drabbles idk. it used to be my thing when i was still using @/krazykento and jjk used to be my comfort zone. also, if you want to be friends please don’t be shy to say anything! i’d love to make new friends!!
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starglow-xx · 1 year
— Oh Baby!
part 2! - a solution? sure, let’s call it that
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heartslabyul & savanaclaw x f! reader
synopsis: when the boys of heartslabyul and savanaclaw get turned to kids, who else is supposed to take of them except their beloved prefect? go figure. damn you crowley. oh, and you too grim.
fandom: twisted wonderland
type of work: part of mini series! : “Oh Baby!” ; written segment, fluff / platonic themes, comedy? ; check out pt. 1 here!
warnings: a stressed prefect pt. 2, unedited
a/n: YALL it’s been a year since i posted the first part to this and obviously since then i’ve completed the books for octavinelle, scarabia, and pomefiore, so maybe they’ll have future appearances later hehe but no promises
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“you’re telling me you don’t know how to fix this?!” you whisper yelled.
“that’s what i said was it not?”
you wanted to scream in frustration at the headmaster but refrained yourself from doing so as your newly turned baby friends were oh so peacefully playing in the common room as you and crowley talked in the kitchen, and didn’t want to draw attention.
“loosey duecey! loosey duecey! loosey duecey! loosey duecey!”
“shut up!”
maybe peacefully was too good of a word in this situation.
“WELL THEN! it seems that i am no longer needed so i will take my leave—”
“get the hell back here for seven’s sake! and didn’t i tell you to keep your voice down?!”
“shut up! if you won’t help me solve my problem then don’t speak at all!” you continued to whisper yell.
with strength that you usually save for rounding up ace, deuce, and grim (on normal circumstances), you grab the stupid headmaster by the back of his cloak thing as he turns away from you to make his escape.
“oh no you don’t!”
the bird for brains had the audacity to sigh at you like he was the one inconvenienced with 8 children. 8 actual children.
“ms. prefect, you must understand, that despite how gracious i am, i simply do not have time for—”
“i’ll go on strike if you don’t help me!”
“...come again?”
you sweatdrop as you let go of his cloak. you didn’t really think the whole thing through, it kind of just came out of you mouth, but it seemed to get his attention so you’re going to have to role with it dammit.
“t-that’s right!”
you cursed in your head slightly as you stammer. there’s no turning back!
“i’ll for once since i’ve gotten here be an normal student! so that means no cleaning after your messes, doing chores that shouldn’t be my responsibility, fighting stupid overblots blah blah blah, you get the picture?”, you threaten.
crowley is silent as he contemplates your words.
“and no, holding housing or allowance over my head is not going to work, because i will literally get myself adopted by another dorm or so help me.”
at that, crowley sighs once again, but this time in defeat at the teenage girl in front of him.
“all right, i’ll go work with the staff to try and figure something out.”
god dammit you can never win can you.
crowley with a stern voice as he wags one of his fingers shatters your hopes and dreams with a simple, “the children must stay here!”
you couldn’t believe your ears, and started to yell, forgetting about whisper yelling.
“what?! why?! i’m asking for help with them because i can’t handle it!”
he simply raises an eyebrow at you.
“do you think it’ll be beneficial and efficient to have the children running around potions and stacks of books while we try and find their cure?”
you sigh, disappointed but not surprised at his rebuttal.
“...no sir”
“great! i guess we’re on the same page after all! i wish you the best of luck prefect, for i am gracious.”
you deadpan.
“right of course. whatever would i do without your help headmaster”
“oh you’d probably perish!”
“that was sarcasm”
ignoring your retort, the man dramatically swished his coat cape thing nearly whacking you in the face (you’re 98% sure it was on purpose) as you feel a migraine start coming on, and the you 15 minutes ago wouldn’t believe it wasn’t because of the children.
after a deep sigh, you follow after crowley reentering what grim dubbed as the “danger zone” only to catch the evasive headmaster walk out the door and shut it behind them.
from where you’re standing, you hear grim, who’s awake now, but still lying on the floor, mumble something along the lines of “useless” and you couldn’t agree more.
you eye the handful of children running around and yelling at each other.
oh great seven, this is going to be one hell of a migraine.
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i love their shenanigans <33
as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months
You know I might as well post this now...
Severe Miscalculation
Tw: misunderstanding (kinda), pretty intense descriptors of kissing and coupling. NSFW we having a literal roll in the hay!
Tag: @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @bleedingichorhearts @barn-anon @bispecsual @sleepyfan-blog @kit-williams
Based on the slight discourse about 40k space marines in fandom vs Canon and if they experience...the desire for physical intimacy. And what happens when you mistakenly think the Majority of space marines don't have any interest in the stuff.
Edit! I've decided to connect this story to this other drabble I did. So if you'd like more context to the overarching story, here's the prequel.
I know it looks like I'm linking to the same story but I promise it Is a different drabble.
It was evening but not dark yet, the combined boon of daylight savings and a fresh spring rain making things humid, but not unbearably hot.
You wandered your neighbor's property in the normal fashion. Normal in such that your neighbor was absent, on a trip to visit her mother in another state.
And had left you, with the task of appearing twice a day to check on things and complete the few simple chores she had lying around. For a fair compensation mind you.
The tasks weren't even that hard, but it was more work on your already tight and physically taxing schedule.
As much as you appreciated your neighbor, you couldn't deny you'd been feeling the burnout recently, and not just from the weather bandying cheerfully back and forth between drenching rains and muggy, sweaty heat.
Honestly you needed a reset. Something to just Erase all that stress you'd been feeling. But given how tight your schedule had to be to just make ends meet, you doubted you'd get the chance to say...seek out a partner to help with such things.
Perhaps you should've look into getting something more mechanical in nature to help you.
Maybe throw a wink at the next random Noise Marine you saw. Unbonded ones supposedly had a proclivity for the naughty side of things.
Which made them an odd exception as Space Marines as a whole were thought to not have much sex drive. Or even be sex repulsed.
No shame to them. You often bounced between moments of desiring absolute carnality and vulnerability, then a few days later feeling like being touched would make you break out in hives.
"The wonders of the human mind~" You sighed with mock humor. Oh well, once you were done here you could go shower, curl up in your bed and hope your currently thrumming sexual frustration could shut the fuck up for a bit.
You strode through the open barn door.
"The FUCK!?"
"The FUCk!? The FuCK!? tTthHeEee FfUuucK!?!? -K-k-k!?!?"
An electronic parody of your own shriek came back to you, as the large looming shape with dark blue armor nearly doubled over, clearly finding your terror hilarious.
"FUCKING Dammit Khopesh!"
"FfFuUcCkKINg Da-Da-Da-DamMit KOoOopeSHhhhhh."
Normally you tolerated your neighbor's Nightlord, even found his shenanigans funny on occasion.
After all rolling with the punches or ignoring him generally made him lose interest. But you were hot, sweaty, tired and Not in the way you desperately wanted to be right now.
Honestly, you'd had preferred if he'd left with your neighbor on her trip, but...apparently he wasn't...quite bonded to her?
It was an odd situation, with your neighbors treating him more like an adopted son. And he...seemed to appreciate them too. Like genuinely, maybe he had a partial bond with both? Meaning when your neighbor left he preferred to stay with her husband and home as it needed defending?
It was sweet, but your care of your neighbors creatures had come LONG Before he arrived. And you sometimes felt like he pushed your buttons as a show of his resentment at your longer status is your neighbor's lives.
And the fact they still payed You to do the chores over trusting him with them.
You could understand some pettiness taking seed from that.
Maybe You could be petty back...
It Was said that Astartes, and Nightlords especially, could become overwhelmed when humans approached them too eagerly.
You straightened your back, took a deep breath as the big blue bastard was still modulating your voice at you, and Clearly enjoying it too much.
"Khopesh~" You cooed, the change in your voice catching his attention.
You, sauntered up to the big fella, putting a sway in your hips and calling on your still present sexual frustration to aid you in making this convincing.
"You know...that voice trick of yours is pretty nifty..." You stated, now close enough to touch him.
While mostly inscrutable behind his helmet, you could tell his demeanor had changed. He was standing mostly straight, looking down at you as you came closer, nearly touching but not quite.
"I'll even admit, you got me good with that scare..." You admitted, opening your mouth Just enough so he could see your tongue run over your teeth. "But...If you Really wanted to hear me Scream~ We could explore...other ideas..."
You smoothly undid the top button on your shirt, to emphasize your point.
'Your move Nightlord.' You thought, smiling smugly with your hands on your hips.
Khopesh responded by Not moving an inch. In fact, dare you say you thought him...
'Dumbfounded,' Not entirely the idea you wanted, him flusteredly retreating would've been Peak comedy to you. But this was fun too.
"Ah well...you don't seem interested?" You shrugged, still proud of yourself for rebuffing his childish prank. "It IS a rather abrupt thing to ask for, I don't blame you for chickening out." You assured with a mock sympathy.
You turned on your heel. One benefit to wearing jeans year round (the leg protection trumping the overheating) was the definition they gave your legs and...your other assets.
And by the throne you were putting that enticing sway back in your hips as you made your exit. You couldn't resist throwing one more light jab. "But, if you're ever interested in making me scream for real, just gimme a call-Oof!"
Well that was a shock. Your sauntering exit was interrupted by an arm clad in ceremite. And the Nightlord it was attached to must have moved at ungodly speed in order to block your path.
Well this was unexpected. "Uhh...what."
You were cut off by Khopesh's lowered arm coming up to firmly (but surprisingly gently) grasp your chin. As his other hand raised to the underside of his helmet.
Click, hiss
With a quick motion he removed his headgear, and dropped it without ceremony. Another surprise the back of your mind cataloged while the forefront was taken up with watching the way his midnight dark hair fell around his gaunt but handsome face.
And those eyes, those Eyes. Like pools of ink, disturbing but alluring all at once.
You'd seen his face before, but up close like this you're reminded of when you'd let his features be used in your private fantasys.
Especially his hair, touching it, stroking it, tugging it, brushing and washing it with the soft kind of intimacy your heart craved.
"Hmmm..." Khopesh took a deep satisfying inhale, as he smiled that wicked sharp toothed grin that drove you crazy.
"I can smell your thoughts..."
Well again you were thrown off because your very literal coded mind could not understand what he meant by-
"They smell...mouthwatering~" He growled, wrapping his free arm around your torso and lifting you so you were nestled up against him, and one of his armored legs brushed right against your core.
The shiver that ran through you at the contact was not missed by either of you.
Oh shit.
"I accept, your offer human..." Khopesh chuckled. "Unless you wish to...chicken out? As you said."
Oh. Oh that bitch.
You know what! Screw it! You were an adult, you were clean, you were on birth control, and you'd been flustered and frustrated for Far Too Long.
And this interdimensional level Bastard thinks he's going to get the best of you?
Fuck that noise.
You squared your shoulders, rose up (as best you could), grabbed the sides of Khopesh's face and planted a kiss right on his scarred, sharp tooth mouth.
His slight confusion over your shift was quickly forgotten as the Nightlord let out an absolutely Sinful sound as he shifted his own hands to pull you closer.
Your initiative payed off as you ran your tongue over the contours of his fangs, then sucked his upper lip between your own teeth. Giving it a light nip, before soothing with your tongue, and another kiss.
Khopesh was surprised by your boldness, excited by it too! But he wouldn't be outdone!
He used his shear size to over power, so he could explore your mouth the same way. Pulling back only slightly so he could nibble and suck at your lips before diving back in.
You caved for air first, of course you did, the bastard had three lungs and you only had two.
You panted for breath as a very smug Khopesh smiled before trailing his kisses up to your earlobe, and again marking and sucking spots that made you feel weak.
You should still answer with words, you thought, one of the few thoughts that could make it through your aroused haze at the moment. "I hope, you're nh! You're satisfied! With my answer...ah!"
The Nightlord chuckled, before replying. "I understand you Perfectly, my sweet little lullaby..." He hummed, before returning to his task of marking up your neck.
"But I don't think I will be Satisfied, for a while yet..."
You swallowed your nerves...because hot damn you don't think you've wanted anything more in your life!
"Bring it!"
"K-khopesh!" You plead as the Nightlord ravaged you, as he had been for the past two hours.
In hindsight, losing to him in the kissing stamina was probably the first sign of things to come. But your dumb horny brain had gotten you into this, and now you were pinned here.
Literally and figuratively.
He cackled, holding you up as he drove himself deep inside your sopping walls again and again. "Oooh, but my sweet little lullaby! I thought you wanted me to 'Bring It' I'm only doing as! you! asked!"
"Mm! Ulp! S-shut up!" You groaned as every thrust rocked your whole body, and though you were sore already you were still desperate for more.
"Awww...and here I thought you Liked my voice. I could smell your arousal every time you heard me speak after all~" He cooed, not losing rhythm despite his focus on taunting you. He lowered his face to your ear. "And every time you saw my face~ Your blushing, the scent of your wetness, it drove me to near madness!"
Wait he'd wanted you that much?
Khopesh continued unimpeded. "Not being able to touch you! To ravish you! To claim you! I- Mmm!"
The warmth you felt knowing he desired you compelled you to pull him into another kiss, wrapping your hand around his head and caressing his hair.
It was still carnal, but more than that it was filled with a tender sweetness. One that seemed to sooth the Nightlord's frenzy for a moment.
His movements slowed, and eventually stopped.
"Khopesh," You cooed, continuing to kiss him between words, playing and stroking his hair gently. It was a bit wiry, your fantasy of treating him to a hair spa day coming to mind.
But that was for later. There was something else on your mind right now. "Turn me around," You requested softly. "I want to hold you."
This seemed to take the Nightlord by surprise, but he acquiesced. Lifting you easily, before a different idea came to mind.
"Actually, could you lay back, I want to try something."
He was clearly still confused, "Very well,"
But if he got another kiss like the one you just gave him he'd do just about anything.
As he settled his back on the straw floor of the hay stall, you in turn settled above his hips. He kept one hand on you as you did so, partially to help with balance, and partially as reassurance that he could snag you easily should you leave again.
But your focus was clearly completely on Him, and oh did that send a shiver of delight through him. Almost as pleasurable as when you took him in hand and aligned him properly once more.
The stretch, the warmth, the closeness and even the slight sting as your Nightlord and you were once again joined.
You trembled with your own delight as you slid inch by inch and felt the warmth burrow deeper into your soft wetness. And the comfort and Pride you swelled with upon meeting your hips with his own.
But onto the main event. You began rotating your hips, sliding back and forth, never allowing him to slip completely from you. And of course squeezing with your inner muscles in a rhythm with your movements.
Khopesh groaned as the pleasure of coupling returned. He'd been staving off his own end to pleasure you, but laid back like this, seeing you not just accept him but Eagerly take part in this act. He found himself growing close.
"Mm, hmm! I, quite enjoy, this...something." He struggled to find the words, and struggled as he wanted You to reach one more peak before he did.
You chuckled at that, a genuine thing that actually made Khopesh blush. "I'M! G-glad! I wouldn't m-mind doing this with you...again."
Again? A bit of Khopesh's wicked grin came back. He gripped to his lullaby's hips and began picking up that savage pace from before.
"K-khopesh! Ah!" You yelped feeling your next peak approaching fast as he hammered your throbbing core.
"I! Have No! INTENTION! Of letting you slip away! My sweet Lullaby~" He growled as he finally let his full desire reach its peak!
"You! Are! Mine!" He hissed bringing his arms around your form and pulling you into a nearly suffocating embrace as he felt the incredible buildup finally release.
"Khope-aAaaahhh-!" You trembled as that bursting firework of tension finally crescendo ed for you as well. Leaving you trembling and clenching as Khopesh let his milky warmth fill you.
"Mine!.. mine...mine...min..e," He panted, his pace slowly reducing as he rode out those Wonderful aftershocks inside you, letting you both share in the pleasure as it faded.
You remained like that for a bit. Sticky, hot, tired, sweaty, but Satisfied. Just bringing your breathing back to normal and feeling the burn in your muscles the arousal had kept at bay.
You glanced at the Nightlord, not nearly as winded as you, but he had worked up a sweat, and his beautiful dark hair was tangled with stray bits of hay.
It was a comedic sight.
Khopesh found himself stirred by another of your adorable giggles, though he was confused by its source.
His confused face just made him look Cuter. But you stifled your laughter so you could explain.
"You've ah...you've got some barn glitter up here." You reached up to his dark hair and gently removed some to show him.
Khopesh actually snorted and grumbled, pawing at the other pieces to remove them. Again you found yourself amused.
"Here, let me help you." You offered sweetly.
You used your smaller hands and delicate touch to remove what pieces you could, and as you did Khopesh stared at your cute face that was set in a positive, but focused expression.
Your seriousness at such a simple task was endearing.
He wanted to keep you So Badly.
"Done," You stated cheerfully. "Well as much as I can, I think your hair will need a wash to get the smallest stuff out." You recommended. "I'll probably need a wash myself."
You were probably correct, though part of him loathed the idea of letting you go.
"I guess...since we both need one...we could shower together at my place...you know, to save water?" You gave him a wink.
Now it was his turn for his more literal thoughts to misunderstand. Would showering together reduce the amount of water needed for them to wash that drastically-
"Op! Looks like I missed a bit of barn glitter."
"What? Where?"
"Mwah!" You kissed him on the very tip of his slightly crooked nose.
He smiled that wicked smile, and he saw your blush erupt once more as you realized he understood your intention.
He Loved your boldness.
He was Definitely keeping you.
Edit: Hey this has a sequel now! Found here!
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companionjones · 2 years
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Fandom: The Witcher (Netflix)
Summary: After Geralt and you spend a night together, you’re left with many welcomed reminders about the night before. However, Geralt has an adverse reaction to them...
Warnings: Many references to smut
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    When you woke up, you were facing the edge of the bed. That was not the direction you preferred in that moment, obviously. You moved to turn your head, only to find that there was a dull pain when you did so. You smiled to yourself, looking at the ceiling.
    Turning your head all the way, you were surprised and alarmed to find the other half of the bed empty.
    You moved to sit up, and let out an audible pained groan. From where the soreness was coming from, there was no mistaking that it was another result from the night before. You smiled to yourself again, biting your lip. You didn’t mind the pain at all. You checked your arms and the rest of your body. You were littered with bruises in the shape of fingertips, and a few looked like bite marks. You smiled again. When Geralt agrees to something, he sure does commit to it.
    Getting out of bed, out the door to your room, and down the steps to the inn took some effort. You could barely walk, and had to use the walls and railing for support. It seemed you got downstairs at just the right time; however. You spotted Geralt paying the innkeeper and turning toward the exit of the establishment.
    Oh no he didn’t.
    Straightening yourself up and supporting your own weight, you called out with all the seriousness your could muster, “Geralt of Rivia.”
    That got his attention.
    Probably out of sheer surprise that you were already awake, he turned to you, “...Y/n?”
    You didn’t miss his eyes worriedly working over you, or the hesitation in his voice.
    “Just what do you think you are doing?” You squinted at him.
    The confrontation had drawn the eyes of the innkeeper and some of the passersby of the inn, and something about it all made the Witcher nervous.
    “Come with me to the tavern,” he urged, marching up to you and carefully ushering you toward the connected eatery and bar.
    You took one sore step and hesitated.
    Geralt noticed right away. He took your hand in his, put his other hand on the small of your back, and slowly walked with you to the connected tavern. As he did so, you thought you heard him mumble something like “I’m sorry.”
    It was the breakfast rush and there were plenty of others to strengthen the voice of the room, but you and Geralt were able to find a table. He helped you sit before his large frame found a seat of its own in the chair next to yours.
    Because of the loudness of the room, you didn’t keep your voice down when you harshly questioned, “Were you about to leave me?”
    He didn’t look like he knew what to respond with when a server came over to take your order.
    You weren’t in the mood for anything, and you couldn’t imagine Geralt would’ve been either, but you both asked for some breakfast.
    Geralt didn’t have anything to hide behind once the server left. “Yes, I was leaving you,” he sighed, defeated.
    He didn’t immediately respond to that either, and you were getting impatient. “Why, Geralt? Dammit, I thought I finally got through to you, and you were going to leave me like I was someone you paid for--?”
    “Look what I did to you!” Geralt’s eyes flashed over your body. “You can barely walk, and you look as if you’ve been through an animal attack. I’ve certainly never done this to a person I’ve paid for.” He leaned back in his chair.
    You took a moment to think, but his words only made you giggle. “Well, at least I now know what we have is different from them.”
    “Now is not the time for jokes.”
    “I’m serious!” You cocked your head at him. “Sweetheart, do you think I would’ve let you do these things to me if I didn’t want them?”
    Geralt looked at you from the corner of his eye. “Do you think you could’ve stopped me if I really wanted it?”
    Ignoring the fact that you knew in your heart of hearts that Geralt of Rivia would never do something like that, you instead opted to say, “Geralt, I would’ve said stop.”
    He didn’t react to that.
    “Think about it. Was there any point last night that I said the word ‘stop’ without the words ‘don’t’ or ‘never’ said in front of it? The answer is no. Which is another word I didn’t say last night.”
    He still didn’t say anything, but he looked at you.
    “Baby, there is not a single thing you did to me last night that I didn’t want done to me. I was with you every step of the way.”
    He swallowed, “Are you sure?”
    “I’m sure.”
    “And you promise to tell me if I ever take it too far?”
    “I promise.” You leaned forward to capture his lips with yours.
    Geralt relaxed and leaned back in his chair, and you followed him, ending up in his lap. You put your hands on his shoulders, and Geralt’s hands were on your waist.
    When you parted, you spotted a few people trying to hide their stares at your display of affection. “Let’s take this upstairs,” you prompted. “I may not be ready for the next round yet, but I do want you to hold me while I get a few more hours of sleep.”
    Probably to avoid more of your pain and trick the patrons into think you two were going upstairs to do something else, Geralt carefully picked you up. “Whatever you say, princess.”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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dorian storm or caleb widogast?
First impression
instantly liked him in exu and loved his story with the spider queen. thought he got a major downgrade in the main series when he came back with fearne and orym though :(
Impression now
robbie daymond i am so sorry i ever doubted you, thank you for bringing back your exu energy my man. i love him even more now
Favorite moment
ooough fuck. the moment with the crown and orym, the moment where fy'ra gives him a pep talk, every single interaction he has with laudna, his speech to his dad...
Idea for a story
dorian storm growing up in the silken squall backstory novel NOW MISTER MERCER
Unpopular opinion
asides from me thinking his 14 episode stint was noticeably weaker than his exu intro, i'm still so vindicated in my theory that dorian would return with problems of his own and not be bh's therapyboyfriend.
Favorite relationship
exu trio. him and orym alone doesn't hit the same if fearne ain't there. also him and laudna and him and chetney is funny. and whatever the fuck he has going on with ashton (🏳️‍🌈?)
Favorite headcanon
immunodeficient dorian and him growing up sick and kept away from everyone currently has my brain in a chokehold
First impression
assumed he was going to be my favorite character because i was under the impression he was a way more funny guy and the campaign was far more lighthearted than it actually was. dammit fandom. also scared the shit out of me when liam dropped the accent and used his normal voice for the first time
Impression now
i still like him! not my favorite but i think his story is the most well developed and satisfying in all of cr so far, but we'll have to see how campaign three ends because imogen may overtake him depending how it shakes out
Favorite moment
okay weird pull but him puking on the floor after veth screamed at him that "it was your people that did this! fuck them and fuck you!" and being consoled by caduceus is one of the most overlooked moments in campaign 2 to me
Idea for a story
um. idk put him in a walmart or something
Unpopular opinion
his accent reads way more austrian than german to me. also i sort of disliked how his backstory with the solstryce academy completely overtook fjord's desire to go there and that they never really did... anything with that?
(imogen and fearne kinda have the same problem with being ruidsuborns but at least matt's making sure fearne has a horse in that race with ludinus and zathuda trying to steal her away as of recent)
Favorite relationship
widobrave still the best 2024
Favorite headcanon
he's on good terms with astrid, she and essek just have really petty beef with one another that they keep hidden from him
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The way Condal, Hess and co write certain characters, especially Alicent, just makes them look like some kind of aliens who cannot comprehend the core of human nature and familial bonds (motherly love, sibling dynamic...) . I mean, fine, maybe they aren't parents honestly have no idea about their private lives nor do I want to know ), but that still doesn't justify the atrocious manner in which they have been portraying Alicent's relationship with her children. And I dislike the explanations that come from one part of the fandom (she married against her will, never wanted those children, never felt freedom...) I mean, I don't deny these, but they are not enough to explain or justify her weird (and sudden imo) detachment and dare i say, borderline hatred of her sons. Not to mention that this was the life of westerosi women, basically every one of them. Also, Ryan talked how Alicent and Viserys had "a loving marriage, just weren't in love " and generally holds Viserys in high regard, so he obviously doesn't see him as Alicent's abuser or anything. That's why i cannot understand what is the point of showing her so disgusted by her children and incapable of showing them love. Otto's influence? Maybe, but still not the greatest explanation. And she seems even harsher and distant to her sons this season than Otto ever was to her. She doesn't seem broken over Jaehaerys, she doesn't seem overly upset over Aegon (he's burned alive and is dying ffs and she won't shed a tear), Aemond is apparently an ireedemeable monster in her eyes fur some reason, even before RR... It's so frustrating that there are people who eat it all up and justify it as a genius and subtle storytelling with a lot of details that we "the whiners" refuse or are unable to grasp. Idk, I really liked her in s1 and although she was a bit inconsistent in ep 8 and 9 I hoped it would be retconed. Unfortunately, this season I'm watching a character I don't recognise anymore. And the worst thing is that she doesn't suffer from a lack of screentime like Aemond or Helaena do. Almost everything on tg revolves around her and yet I still have no idea what is her goal or who she is anymore.
Sorry for the rant.
I could not agree with you more. Not sure if some kind of personal/family circumstances of HotD writers played a role in them fumbling the Greens family dynamic so badly but I am convinced that their "women good men bad" narrative policy did.
In "Driftmark" Alicent orders for Luke's eye to be cut out (and immediately, in public) - and then attacks Luke and Rhaenyra herself. But a few minutes (in show time) later she repents - and after that, apparently, she is all for "violence is reserved for men" agenda. That's where her disdain for Aemond (in whose name she was about to commit a public act of violence herself) is supposed to come from, I think. It doesn't even feel like she is horrified precisely by the fact that he might have almost killed (deliberately at that) his own brother. Lack of consistency and logic? Yes. Obliviousness at best, hypocrisy at worst (from Alicent, I mean)? Yes. But who cares, right? Alicent does not support the evil deeds of men - and that's what matters.
And her treatment of Aegon looks even more moronic. Girl, you put him on the throne against his will! After her meeting with Rhaenyra she knows it was a result of a misunderstanding (the favourite trick of this show, dammit - but it is a topic for a whole another conversation) but how is Aegon to blame for it?
I can relate to Alicent growing tired of being used and manipulated - but IMO (I agree with you here as well) this is not a good enough excuse for her to fully go into the "fuck yourselves, the lot of you" mode. But for the writers it is, at least it looks like it. They were trying to sell us the bullying of Aemond by Aegon (combined with the former's desire for power) being a sufficient motivation for Aemond to get rid of his brother (during the civil war where they are supposed to be on the same side no less) - and now they are trying to justify whatever Alicent does with her being a child bride and so on and so forth. I have no love for Viserys (or sympathy for Otto - where it comes to him pimping his teenage daughter out to the king) - but turning Alicent into this and expecting everyone to eat it up? Come on. Even some casual viewers are going "WTF" watching Alicent's scenes with her children, never mind those who are familiar with Fire and Blood.
And double yes to the point about the show very heavily focusing on Alicent to the detriment of many other characters (Aemond first of all). It feels like the writers believe that all that audience is supposed to know about Aemond now is that he is a bad guy - and they give him just enough screen time to show that. Meanwhile Alicent has loads of it - just so we could get a really good, really long look at her face and understand just how bad patriarchy failed her.
So, as I see it Alicent is now no more than a means to the end of hammering home the main idea of the show. How does she do that and what happens to her character in the process is unimportant - at least, to the writers and showrunners.
Sorry for the rant as well🙈
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snazzynacho · 1 month
HAVEN, chapter one
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Diego Hargreeves x Fem!OC (Seasons 1-?) (First time writing for tua and Diego so bear with me)
(Originally titled “Sketchy” then “patience”)
Read on AO3
Read on Wattpad
Summary: Beth meets Diego in a sketchy alley. He is beating someone up and she happens to be nearby. She asks if he needs any help. He seems to say no, but she sticks around for some reason anyway. She ends up saving him from a night at the police station and for that he’ll forever be in debt.
Warnings: Usual tua violence 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Edited: 30th aug 2024
Chapter One:
The sky is pitch black. The street lights are dim, with one flickering occasionally. Beth trudges along the uneven pavement, scuffing her shoes. She should really be more careful considering they're the only pair she owns.
The night brings out all sorts of people. Criminals, creeps, the homeless, to name a few. It's a good thing Beth's all three.
Joking. She's not a creep.
She's desperate though. Being homeless is boring, to say the least. Most people ignore her when she's asking for the tiniest amount of money. Anything to get by.
A grunting noise brings her back from her thoughts. It seems to be coming from the alleyway up ahead. She hopes it's not something gross...
Beth hears another noise - a plea. Peering over the side of the brick wall into the albeit sketchy alleyway, she sees a man standing over an injured man on the ground. Another plea from the man on the ground happens before a big blow seems to knock him out. The man doesn't stop kicking him though.
"Need any help there?" her voice startles the man just as much as it startles herself. Why is she talking to a random man in an alleyway?! Especially one who’s driving his boot into another man’s stomach?
"What—?!" He quickly grabs a dagger from his pocket and aims it at Beth.
"Actually, I think you do need help. The cops are around the corner, so you might want to pack it up." For some reason, she continues. She studies the kicking man better this time, taking a couple of steps closer. She doesn’t recognise him at all and concludes that he doesn’t look like too much trouble. Only an off-brand Batman, black eye mask and all.
"Goddamnit..." The man huffs and lets the man on the ground fall to his side, knocked out. “How do you know they're coming, anyway..?"
"I have spidey senses," Beth says jokingly. "What are you doing out here in the dark, Batman? Beating up passers-by? Oh! Should I be scared?" She twists her head to get a better look. The man on the ground is bleeding from his nose, possibly from a punch.
He rolls his eyes. "Ha, ha, very funny. You wanna know what I'm actually doing? I'm tracking down a criminal."
"I think you've done more than track him down. Huh. So you really are Batman." She cocks her head to the side, looking at what he's wearing in the dim orange glow from the streetlamp. "Spandex and all." She can't help but laugh.
"Hey, it's not goddamn spandex!" He glances down at his outfit, suddenly a little self-conscious. "Uh... It's like a leatherish material. Very cool, not at all spandex. Anyway, shut up!"
"Ooh, 'Hit a nerve there," She mumbles and picks up her bag, still smiling at herself at the amusement of the situation. Beth starts to turn away before turning her head back at him, "You coming or what?"
He blinks in surprise. "Huh? Wait, where are you..?" He hesitantly walks over to her, staying a few feet back, a bit distrustful.
Sirens blare in the distance. "Away from the police. Duh." She rolls her eyes playfully.
He snorts out a laugh, glancing over his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, lead the way, then. Smartass..."
They begin to walk until a different cop car skirts up the road towards them. Its blue and red flashing lights blind the two of them momentarily.
Diego puts his hand up to block his eyes, swearing under his breath. He moves a bit closer to Beth to avoid the headlights of the police vehicle.
"Shit. Come on!" Beth grabs his hand and darts for the next alleyway.
He stumbles after her quickly, a little startled by her sudden action. He can feel his heart thumping in his chest, due to the adrenaline of nearly getting arrested.
The both of them run through back alleys, dodging and weaving through side streets. She knows exactly where to go, and soon, they reach their destination.
They're both huffing and puffing and Beth soon starts chuckling. The entire bizarre situation and leftover adrenaline are humorous to her.
He pulls his hand away from hers, feeling a bit embarrassed by the physical touch. He leans up against a wall, trying to act casual. "Ah... That was close. You've got some good timing, don't you."
She curtseys as a joke, proud of her accomplishment.
"How the hell did you notice the cops so easily anyway?", He mutters, running by your side, "Are you some kind of clairvoyant or something? Super hearing?”
She snorts. "No. I noticed it while I was walking, a couple of blocks away. Then, I came across the sketchy alley you were in. It's not like I have a superpower or anything." She laughs and shakes her head.
"I thought you said you had your 'spidey senses'?" he smirks.
"Well, that power must be weak now, since I can't figure out your name,"
His smirk immediately falters, replaced by a mildly shocked expression. He blinks in surprise and raises an eyebrow at her but she can't figure out why.
"It's Diego,"
Diego. She likes that.
"And yours is?"
Diego glances away, a little awkward.
"So, Beth, what is this place?" he glances around the abandoned-looking room. The wood is all dirty and broken. There's a clump of blankets in the corner and he realises it's a small makeshift bed with a candlelit lamp beside it.
"Where I live," she shrugs her shoulders and awkwardly turns away, trying not to listen to her anxiety screaming at her that he's making fun of her, or judging her negatively.
"You... live here...?" Diego looks at her with an unreadable expression, his eyes wide. He thinks the place looks unsafe, to say the least.
"Yeah, It's not much..." Beth laughs awkwardly and places her brown bag down carefully on the floor. The heavy weight of the situation she’s lived in for the past year bares down on her. It’s easy to grow used to troublesome circumstances. Feeling comfortable in the adverse.
Diego looks down at the dirty, dusty floor, a frown forms on his face. He then looks over to the bed again, his eyes linger on it for a moment, and his eyebrows furrow. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I call it the dump,"
He smiles at your halfhearted joke, but a frown returns at the reality of it.
"Why don't you go to a shelter or something? You can't stay here, it's... it's..."
"A dump?"
He stays quiet for a moment, a little taken aback by how bluntly she speaks about the place she calls home. He has so many questions. "How long..." He pauses, looking back at her. "How long have you lived here, exactly...?"
"A few months. A year. It's all the same." She shrugs like it's no big deal. He clenches his jaw. This shouldn't be a surprise to him. There are homeless people everywhere, it just... it just didn't occur to him that she's one of them.
"A year..?" He repeats, the disbelief clear in his voice.
"It's all I have. You can stay here until those pesky cops leave,"
His expression softens, and he can't help but feel a little guilty for saying anything at all after hearing that. He can tell she's getting uncomfortable with the subject. So, he nods.
"I... Thanks," he manages to choke out, his voice low. He‘s awkward, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
"It's no problem," Beth says quietly and pulls a chair for him to sit in while she sits on her bed. In that moment she realises how reckless and naive she's been. She just met a man who beat up another man in a sketchy alleyway and took him back to her home...she could have been beaten up. Or killed. Or worse…
Diego glances at the chair, a bit conflicted. He wonders why he doesn't just leave. He's hidden from the police more times than he can count. He’ll be fine on his own. Always have, always will be.
Although he is unaware of the internal dilemma she's having, he is unsure of what to say now. The awkward tension lingering in the air is almost palpable. However, he forces himself to sit in the chair.
His hand finds his way to his mask, remembering he still has it on. He takes it off in one smooth motion, and ruffles his hair.
"...So..." He says, breaking the silence. "Why are you living alone in a... place like this? Like-" He cuts himself off, his voice lowering."How'd you end up here?”
"Oh. You know, life happens. Life doesn't turn out the way you thought it would." This is the best she can say right now, especially with the part of her who can’t believe how handsome he is, now she can see his face properly.
He pauses, eyeing her carefully as she speaks. He can sense a hint of something in her voice that he can't quite pinpoint. He chooses his next words very carefully, hesitantly speaking up. "I know life's a bitch, believe me," he says with a scoff. He shifts in the chair, glancing around the place once again. The thought of her current situation continues to bother him for some reason. "Life can be... difficult."
She nods in agreement.
He sighs and leans his head back against the chair, letting his eyes wander over the dirty, run-down space around him. They linger on her for a moment, as he quietly studies her face in the dim candlelit light.
"Hey..." He speaks up suddenly, his voice a bit quieter. "How old are you, anyway..?"
He hums. "Thirty,"
"Well," she clears her throat, "I think we've established that you aren't going to kill me because you would have done it already." Beth chuckles, "Tell me about you." She chirps up, intrigued to know more about the mysterious dagger-wielding man in spandex—she means, leather.
He blinks in surprise, not expecting Beth to turn the conversation onto him. At this moment, he realises she seems to know nothing about The Umbrella Academy, that he is one of the forty-three children born spontaneously with superpowers.
Diego is unsure of what to tell her. He's so used to people knowing exactly who he is, from the Umbrella Academy. After a few seconds, he lets out a deep breath with a smile. "Me, huh?" he says, and plays with his fingers, "Uh, well, there's not much to say. I'm a pretty typical dude." He pauses, his eyes dart around as he thinks about what to say. He glances over at her. "I guess... I guess the only thing that's... that's worth mentioning is, I like knives." He doesn't seem to want to go further with his life story either, which kind of comforts Beth.
"Wow. you don't say," she teases.
He laughs and grins at her with raised eyebrows. "Oh, ha, ha. Very funny," he retorts, feigning annoyance. "Yeah, I like knives. They're practical and they're damn cool," he says, putting his hands in his pockets. "It's not some weird obsession, I promise. Just a... hobby, let's say. A very dangerous hobby." A hobby. That description should do for now...
He suddenly realises he's rambling. He never talks about himself like this. He clears his throat and leans back a little in the chair, avoiding eye contact.
His eyes travel down to his feet, focusing on the worn black leather of his boots and he can't help but think about how normal this felt, how easy Beth and him seem to talk, even though this entire situation started as anything but normal. Throughout Diego's whole life, he's used to having to keep his guard up, but now, with Beth, he feels like he can actually relax.
He glances back at Beth. Her hair, which he realises now is quite messy, swishes and sways and falls along her back as she crouches down, and begins to empty the contents of her tatty brown bag. Beth freezes, though, for a second.
Beth doesn't want him to see all the cans of food she's managed to scavenge and embarrassment washes over her. She decides to quickly take out one can for later, and secretly swap it with the sharp metal instrument she stole moments ago — one of Diego's daggers. It's nothing personal, she says to herself, as she zips the bag close, slides it aside and smiles up at him.
He, of course, is oblivious to Beth stealing from him. And she would like for it to stay that way. The dagger will come in handy for her. She's sure he has others. In fact, she can see some more on the harness he's wearing. Batman.
Diego raises an eyebrow slightly, his eyes tracking the movement of the bag out of the corner of his eye. His senses tell him something is wrong, but he can't pinpoint what exactly. He brushes it off, however, as he glances at the time on his watch instead. "Jesus," he mutters to himself. "It's already one in the morning." The adrenaline is finally wearing off, and the realisation sinks in that it's the middle of the night, he's in the dingiest part of town, and he's alone with some girl he's just met.
Diego glances over at Beth, watching as she fidgets with her fingers, seemingly lost in thought. He thinks once again how odd it is to have such a normal conversation with a near stranger. He has not opened up much to anyone in a long time. "I better get going. I haven't heard any more sirens."
Beth seems to jump from his voice, a bit startled. She clears her throat, quickly nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, probably." A brief moment of silence falls between them. "I'll see you around, I guess...?"
Diego smiles and says goodbye. She can feel her heart sink as he starts to walk away, reaching for the shabby door. She tries not to show how she feels as she plasters a smile on her face. Before he leaves though, he swiftly turns on his heel, facing Beth again. "Thank you ever so much for your hospitality," he feigns a posh accent and pretends to tip an imaginary hat he's wearing.
His lips curve up into a cheeky grin as he says this, his eyes flickering jokingly at her. She can't help smiling a little at Diego's playful action, her mood lightening immediately. He glances at her one last time, "Bye, Beth." Then he turns around and heads out the door.
After she cooks dinner, she lies down on her bed. Beth thinks she will dream of dagger-wielding Diego forever.
A/N: the way she's so unbothered about him kicking somebody 💀
I have a tua blog btw! It is @nacho-hargreeves
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seaoflove07 · 5 days
Love Planted a Rose 🌹
~ Dark ~
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
Full Art Cover and Story Description, Here.
OCXCanon. 🔪 Azusa & Christine’s Story. 🌹
Fan Fiction Written by Me.
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers.
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Christine was sitting in the bathtub with her arms wrapped around her legs. She was lost in her thoughts thinking of what happened last night with Azusa. All the things he told her. To him, pain makes him feel wanted and needed. What has this world done to him? To make him think this way. It's sad. Her mind is telling her to stay away from him, but she can't understand why her heart is aching for him. She wants to get to know him, to understand him. Even though she's very aware that's gonna cost her lots of pain. She wants to know his past, and she also wants to know how long has he been living in this world. So many questions she would love to ask him. But she knows he won't answer to any. She already tried, but he made it clear that his past doesn’t concern her. Yet he wants to know everything about her.
She touches her lips, Thinking about the way he kissed her with so much desperation.
Christine: (I haven’t kissed another man since Mark. I didn't think I would ever need that kiss, but I did, desperately like Azusa. His lips, his tongue, and his rough touches. They all felt good, even though my head was spinning and I struggled to catch up to him since I was very lightheaded. The way he got anxious when he thought I had a boyfriend back home. I'm starting to feel these butterflies in my stomach again. Why am I feeling this way? I can't let him get into my heart, I just can't. A human broke my heart to pieces, I can't imagine how much worse it will be with a vampire. It's already madness right now. Azusa is very scary at times, he almost killed me. All the physical pain Azusa has caused me and I haven’t been here long. I can’t imagine how it would be for the rest of the summer. My lips are swollen from that kiss, not just my lips, but my whole body hurts and I have so many bite marks and cuts from his knife...)
*Knock, Knock*
Azusa: “Rose-san… I'm coming in…”
Christine: “Azusa! I'm still in the bathtub, please get out.”
Azusa: “There’s so many bubbles in the bathtub… I can't see your body… So don't worry…”
Christine: “… Do you need something?”
Azusa: “Ruki told me... to give you… this medicine… he said… it will help you… feel better… here… I also brought you… water…”
- She drinks the medication -
Christine: “Thank you.”
Azusa: … …
Christine: “What's the matter?”
Azusa: “I can't stop… thinking about you… even when… I’m with my brothers… or when I'm alone… or cutting myself... or polishing my knives… and when I’m talking to Justin… your pretty face… always comes to my mind…”
Christine: !!!
(I can feel my cheeks flushed...)
“I-I have been thinking about you a lot too. I want to get to know you, Azusa.”
Azusa: “Eh…!? Really, Rose…?”
He moves closer to her and sits at the edge of the bathtub, neither say anything. Azusa caresses her cheek and stares deeply at her brown eyes.
Ruki: “Hmph, Azusa. I told you to only give her the medication and to come back quickly. Stop touching her and take your leave. You're already running late on the task that I asked you to do earlier.”
Azusa: “I’m sorry… I’ll go right now… I'll see you later… Rose…”
He gave her a cute smile and leaves the bathroom.
Ruki: “Livestock, hurry up with your bath and meet me at the library. I would like to discuss something with you.”
Christine: “Okay, I'll be out in a minute.”
- At the Library -
Christine: “I'm here, Ruki.”
Ruki: “Good, you didn’t make me wait long. Take a seat.”
… …
“Livestock, you are going to be living in this manor all summer and I expect honesty. Tell me what you really are? And you better not lie to me.”
Christine: (His question took me by surprise…)
“What do you mean?”
He slams his fist on the table.
Ruki: “Dammit, Livestock. Don't play dumb with me! I had my familiar follow you. He said when you were at our swimming pool there was a blonde woman with a white dress inside the pool near you but disappeared quickly. Were you doing black magic? Are you a witch?”
Christine: !!
(So I'm not crazy and I didn't imagine it! I did see a reflection of myself under the pool…)
“I’m not lying and I'm not a witch! But I did see myself inside the pool last night and it scared me. When I started to scream underwater, Azusa got me out of the pool. I asked him if he saw anyone inside the pool but he said no. This has never happened to me before.”
Ruki: “I see. Thinking about it a Witch wouldn't have a similar blood scent to Eve. Did the figure say anything to you?”
Christine: “Yes… She said, “Soon, you will be me.”
“I-I don't understand the meaning of this. She did look exactly like me but when she gave me a sinister look it seemed inhuman.”
(Chills run down her spine just thinking about it…)
Ruki: “Whatever that thing was is probably your true form. Are you sure you don't know what that form is? Does your family have a history of mystical creatures?”
Christine: “What!? Of course not. We are all just humans and I don't possess any strength or magical powers. Ruki, please if you know anything about why I was sent here please tell me.”
Ruki: “That's information I want to know as well. None of us know why you were truly sent here, not even the Sakamakis. Your blood sent is similar to Eve's but I don't think this is about another sacrificial bride. You are valuable to that man. He has made it clear in reminder letters that he will kill anyone if they kill you, and this pool incident it's not a coincidence. I will still try my investigation to see what he really wants with you. If you experience another similar situation like this again I need you to tell me immediately, I am clear, Livestock?”
Christine: “What's the point in telling you if you are gonna have your familiars follow me anyways?”
Ruki: “Dammit, Livestock! You sure don't know how to shut your mouth and agree nicely like a good girl.”
Christine: “Because I am not a girl, I’m a woman!”
Ruki stands up and grabs her wrists pulling her up.
Ruki: “A woman you say? So you don't mind me being this close to you.”
He smirks.
Christine: “What the hell are you doing? Let go of me.”
Ruki: “Living in this manor, I don't care if it's temporary. You still are gonna follow my rules and I expect you to agree nicely with respect. I shall have no mercy next time you run your mouth. Understood?”
Christine: “Yes.”
(I'm trying to control my anger right now. I truly want to tell him to Fuck off!…)
Ruki: “Good, There is something else I want to ask you.”
He removes his hands from her wrists and steps back a bit.
“Are you seducing my younger brother?”
Christine: “Of course not! He's only after my blood and nothing else.”
Ruki: “Not true. You have him hypnotized. He’s never acted this way for a Livestock before. Have you hit and harmed him?”
Christine: “Not because I want to. Most of the time, he forces me to hurt him, and on some occasions I have, but it was for self-defense.”
Ruki: “Ha… I see. What are your thoughts on him?”
Christine: “I have mixed feelings for him… Sometimes, I'm afraid of him, wondering what he will do next. But other times, I kinda like his company. He does hurt me a lot but on some occasions, he's very sweet to me. I don't understand his full logic when it comes to pain. But to be honest, I want to get to know him and maybe become friends with him.”
Ruki: “Friends? Livestock, you really are foolish. Azusa won't settle for only friendship.”
Christine: “What do you mean?…”
Ruki: “Why don't you use that brain of yours? You truly are an airhead.”
Christine: … …
Ruki: I do find it interesting how obsessed Azusa is with you. Your blood probably is tasty to him but... There’s something more, I can feel it in your Aura. Azusa has been through a lot over the years and I worry to see my brother break because of you.”
Christine: ... ...
“Ruki... can you please tell me about Azusa’s past? I truly don’t want to hurt him. I want to get to know him and to help him. But for me to be able to help him I need to understand him. Please Ruki! Can you please tell me what caused him to self-harm?”
Ruki: “Why don’t you ask him this question yourself?”
Christine: “I did, but he told me it doesn't concern me. I just want to understand why he acts like this.”
Ruki: “Haah... Fine. I will tell you just this once. Azusa has never opened up too much about himself to us either. Even I have never fully understood how his brain works. From what I know, it has something to do with those kids from his childhood. Their names are Justin, Christina, and Melissa.”
Christine: (The names of his scars!…)
“He introduced his scars to me and they had those names.”
He nods.
Ruki: “He believes those three are his friends and will not let anyone treat his wounds so they do not disappear. From what he told us, those kids used to beat him up for fun daily until he started enjoying it and thought he was being useful to them. They then left him alone, thinking he was some kind of a weird kid. Those kids, later on, got killed because they were caught shoplifting. Seeing them dead traumatized him.”
Christine: “B-But Where were your parents? And he’s your younger brother, why did you guys allow this to happen? Why you guys didn’t help him? While he was getting bullied.”
Ruki: “Azusa since childhood he was wandering around in the streets. His parents abandoned him. We are not blood brothers. After the death of Justin, Christina, and Melissa. Azusa was sent to the orphanage and that’s where we all met. Kou and Yuma too. Ever since then, we became brothers.”
... ...
“That will be all the information that I will tell you. You are even lucky that I even told you this much.”
Christine: (My heart hurts for Azusa and for the brothers. Even though Ruki didn't mention the full story, by them meeting each other at the orphanage they all probably had a bad childhood...)
“I appreciate you telling me this. I won't bother you anymore. I'll be taking my leave now and will start my shift.”
Ruki: “Wait, Livestock. I am not done talking to you. Tomorrow, Kou will be the one to accompany you to the Sakamakis. I have other matters to take care of. Don’t be dumb and behave around the brothers and try not to get yourself killed this time.”
Christine: “Okay… I will watch my back.”
Ruki: “That will be all, you may take your leave and start your shift.”
After Christine completed her work shift she took another bath and finished brushing her long blonde hair, lastly, she sprayed herself with her favorite perfume, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel. She loves the perfume so much that she wears it all the time even before bedtime. She couldn’t stop thinking about Azusa. She feels so sad for him and her chest keeps hurting every time she thinks about what Ruki told her. Azusa truly must have felt so lonely to the point he wanted to be useful to his bullies who were beating him up all the time. Now she understands why he asks her to give him pain. Christine felt tears running down her cheeks. The fact that he also was abandoned in the streets by his parents. How cruel and sad! He must have been scared, cold, and hungry. More tears keep coming out of Christine’s eyes. She grabbed a tissue to clean her face and tried to calm down. She needed to occupy her mind so she decided to read her favorite novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Christine has lost count of the number of times she has read this story. She needed to distract herself and take Azusa off her mind. She went to grab the book and flinched when she heard a knock on her door.
Christine: “Who is it?”
… …
(Whoever it is they are not responding…)
She moved closer and hesitated to open the door.
“Is someone there?”
(She can hear someone chatter through the door…)
- She opens the door -
Christine: “Azusa! Did something happen?”
(He's shaking and sweating. He looks really sad…)
She cupped his cheeks.
Azusa: “Rose-san… can I sleep in your bed… I don't want to be alone… right now…”
She nods.
Christine: “Come in… Can I get you water? I can go grab it really quick in the kitchen.”
Azusa: “No… just lay down next to me… please... don’t leave me... alone...”
Christine: (He looks so anxious! I’m so worried about him right now…)
She takes his hand and leads him to her bed.
“Lay down, Azusa… I promise I'll stay by your side.”
- They both lay down on the bed, staring at each other -
Christine: “What happened…?”
Azusa: … …
“I had a nightmare… and when I woke up… I needed to see you…”
Christine: “What was the nightmare about?”
Azusa: … …
“I already forgot…”
Christine: “What!? How is that possible?”
Azusa: “I already said… I have forgotten about it… so you don't need to worry…”
Christine: … …
(He has tears in his eyes, she knows he's lying…)
“Azusa… I won’t force you to tell me. But… I want to let you know… that I'll listen to you if you ever want to talk about anything that's on your mind. I'll be here for you. You're not alone…”
- She cups his cheek -
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• Artwork by @yuma-mukami-garden-god •
Azusa: !!
(Her beautiful smile and gentle touch warms my heart. Her hand is so soft, like rose petals from the garden....)
“I’m feeling calmer now… that I'm here with you…”
- He places his hand on top of hers and smells her wrist -
“Your flowery scent… is also calming to me… I’m glad… you came into my life… Rose…”
Christine: “Really?”
He nods.
Azusa: “Can I … suck your blood…? I’m thirsty… from all the sweating…”
Christine: (If my blood will calm him and make him feel better than he can have it…)
“Yes, Azusa… Go ahead.”
She closes her eyes, waiting for the strike of pain.
Azusa: “Look at me…”
He sinks his fangs into her wrist.
Christine: “Azu…”
Azusa: “Ah… so sweet… and… I love that look… on your face… I'll bite you more…”
Christine: “Azu… doesn't my perfume bother you? I feel like the taste of a perfume won't be pleasing.”
- He licks the bite mark -
Azusa: “It tastes delicious… your floral scent… mixed with the scent of your blood… is heavenly addicting…”
He planted a kiss on her wrist.
Azusa: “I like that you are calling me… “Azu…” hehe… Keep calling me that, okay…? Now let me hold you tight…”
- He embraced her -
“The warmth of your body… feels nice… it takes all my worries away….”
Christine: (I can feel both our hearts pounding with his tight embrace…)
“I’m glad you feel that way Azu. I hope you have a sweet dream this time.”
Azusa: … Zzz… Zzz…
Christine: (He fell asleep immediately. Azusa’s temperature is so cold but I don't dislike it. His scent is nice too. His scent is a mix of fruity black tea with hints of florals. I should move and give us space but the truth is… I want to be locked in his arms, it feels nice. His expression looks peaceful now. I truly hope he has a better dream this time…)
She runs her fingers through his dark greenish hair.
(If Helping him by doing these things for him, I hope he can trust me one day and open up to me…)
Christine: “I hope… you let me cure your scars, Azusa.”
She buries her face on his chest and closes her eyes.
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• Artwork by MonMonArtz •
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violetmuses · 2 months
Wounds - M. Lowrey ❤️‍🩹
Title: Wounds - M. Lowrey ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Mike Lowrey
Main Storyline: One assignment reveals the impossible for Detective Mike Lowrey. @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @amethyst-loves-bucky
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One night, well-known Miami Detective Mike Lowrey found himself lurking between shadows of this darkened apartment hallway.
Tenants calmed down noises located in all directions, but Lowrey clicked one portable flashlight to seek his upcoming destination.
Number 27
Picking this lock, Mike carefully entered that apartment in question and gently closed the door behind him, still easing footsteps to navigate.
After switching lights to brighten and search each room, Mike quickly realized the vacancy of that space. In brief and short terms, no one is home.
Dammit! Lowrey thought.
“Captain, no one is home. I repeat: One Aretas Family location is empty.” Mike updated Captain Conrad Howard through his device.
The Aretas Cartel drifted through shadows like ghosts, horrific in many ways.
“Where's Armando, Mike?” Captain probed from the other line. No one else from the police department could help this plan.
“I have no clue.” Mike genuinely struggled with ideas right now. “Poor kid, didn't you tell me he was like two years old?”
“Yeah. He just turned two years old this year in March.” Captain Howard sighs for a moment.
“What's the move?” Mike only wanted to keep going if required.
“I'll pull more strings, but you still can't tell anybody, not even Marcus.” Cap just detailed further. “One wrong thing could expose our plan to help this kid.”
“Got it. I'll be back soon.” Mike faced reality and signaled out, leaving this apartment.
The following day, Mike locked through Captain Howard's office, briefed alone.
“Armando reached preschool this morning, but we don't even know who dropped him off.” Cap shook his head.
“Damn, we're stepping right through another maze.” Mike said. “Benito probably moved off-grid last night.”
“I need a favor.” Captain then struggled without raging. “When this school day ends, check the license plate for whoever picks Armando up. For all we know, Benito Aretas might line up strangers with his own kid.”
Hell no.
“All right. I'll go.” Mike agreed with the upcoming plan once more.
Exchanging the classic Porsche for one nondescript vehicle, Mike Lowrey pulled his quiet stakeout near this Florida school
Timing locked 2:55 PM on his watch this afternoon.
Sunlight beamed all around as other cars entered this parking lot. Young children also squealed all from the building while teachers guided departure.
One ivory sedan arrived and this woman with long brunette hair left the driver's seat. Her side profile revealed earrings as she entered the school.
After quickly noting the license plate, Mike continued his observation just in case this plot turned wrong.
Wearing sunglasses, the brunette woman emerged from this building and carried preschooler Armando right on her hip.
Meanwhile, Armando is giggling, happy to be with this person.
Before Mike could investigate further, the brunette woman safely fastened Armando into his carseat and drove away, vanishing.
The license plate finally scored this absolute jackpot:
“Benito got married?” Mike reviewed details on Benito’s wife, Isabel Aretas.
“This changes everything, Mike.” Realization punched Captain Howard, too. “We gotta move Armando out. There's no other choice.”
“What are you talking about, Cap? Isabel is Armando's mother.” Mike couldn't understand separating the family members. “We're better off jailing Benito.”
“It's deeper than you think.” Captain slides extra paperwork across the desk.
“Hold up. What are you saying?” Mike seemed flabbergasted after learning more information.
Benito Aretas couldn't have children.
“Remember when I pulled you from our police academy?” Captain eased his words.
“My undercover assignment? Yeah.” Mike then nodded and remembered when he first crossed the Aretas Cartel.
“What's not clicking?” Captain pointed near the veins of his temple.
“Tell the truth before I walk out of here.” Mike lowered his voice and wanted Captain to speak up.
“You are Armando's father, Mike.” Captain finally offered this big-time moment.
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captainsophiestark · 4 months
Drinks With Peggy
Daniel Sousa x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my 1.5k Follower Campaign! Requested by @everyhazyday - Enjoy! Thanks for sending it in!
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: "Stop being so dramatic."
Summary: Daniel's S/O came out of a program like Dottie's, so they're still learning how to be in a relationship and communicate with the people who matter.
Word Count: 2,115
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I swore under my breath, clutching my side as I staggered forward down the street. I only had to make it a little farther, and then I'd be safe.
Come on, I chanted in my head. Come on, you can do this. You've done way worse than this before, what's another block with a little gunshot wound?
Unfortunately, my brain didn't seem to want to listen to reason, instead sending up all the alarms with pain and frustration and my body threatening to shut down on me. Fortunately, all of my training for the first two decades of my life had been centered on overcoming all of those signals, and pushing through anyway.
Finally, the door I'd been looking for swam into view. I straightened up as much as I could, pulling one hand away from my side long enough to knock. It was the middle of the night, so I just had to hope I'd been loud enough to be heard.
After a few agonizing moments of waiting, the door finally swung open. My boyfriend, Daniel Sousa, stood on the other side, hair rumpled and eyes a little squinted, like he'd just rolled out of bed. When he caught sight of me, however, all the tiredness disappeared in an instant, and he lunged forward to support me, one arm taking mine while the other held both our weights up with his crutch.
"Hey! What happened? Are you okay? Holy shit, weren't you and Peggy supposed to go out for a drink tonight?"
I grimaced as Daniel helped me through the doorway, shutting the door behind us. Peggy and I had told everyone in the office that we were going out for drinks together, that much was true. But in reality, it had been a cover, so that Thompson couldn't stop either of us from going out and investigating a new lead on our own. Nobody but us would've made it more than a few steps past the door, but Thompson had recently started on another ego trip when Peggy came out to LA, leaving us to work around him in order to actually get anything done. And unfortunately, Daniel hadn't been in the office to be clued in on our plans.
"We might've... spent the evening a little differently..." I managed, huffing the words out between breaths and grimaces of pain. Daniel shook his head, but refrained from saying anything, at least for the moment.
We managed to make it to the couch in his living room, and he helped me lay down before kneeling next to me. I grinned at him, although it probably didn't look as charming as I was hoping for, since it was contorted by pain and exhaustion. Daniel huffed, his eyes scanning me for the injury causing my pain even as he spoke.
"What happened? Where are you hurt?"
"Here," I breathed, lifting up the hem of my shirt to reveal the bullet wound I'd gotten on my way out. Thankfully, it'd hit me far enough to the side that it likely hadn't taken out any vital internal organs. Still, Daniel swore at the sight of it.
"Dammit, I think we might need to get you to a hospital-"
"What? No, we don't. Especially because it'd be so much easier for the person who did this to find me and finish the job in a hospital. I just need some boiling water, some sheets, and a sewing kit. Maybe some long bandages, if you have them. Otherwise we can just tear up bedsheets."
Daniel had been shaking his head the entire time I'd been talking.
"Sweetheart, I understand the concern about somebody finding you at the hospital, but I don't have the medical knowledge to patch this up myself."
"You don't have to. I do. I've stitched myself up from shit like this a thousand times. I just need you to get the supplies. And I guess it'll be nice to have moral support, this time."
Daniel's face had gone almost sheet white at my words, especially when he glanced back at the wound in question. I just rolled my eyes.
"Stop being so dramatic, Daniel."
"Dramatic! Sweetheart, you have a hole in your body, from a gunshot. You stumbled through my front door almost delirious from blood loss-"
"Just from exertion! It was trying to run and walk with the injury that had me staggering so much, not blood loss on its own. At least, not yet-"
"That's not better!" Daniel took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes for a moment before meeting my stare again. "Do you promise me, on our relationship, that you will actually be alright if I go get you the supplies you asked for and you just... stitch yourself up? It's not gonna give you an infection or come back to hurt you later if we do it this way?"
"I promise, Daniel. I know what I'm doing. Just trust me."
He sighed again, slowly nodding his head as if to psych himself up. After a moment, he leaned in to kiss me on the forehead, then pushed off the couch and got back to his feet.
"Alright. Stay with me, I'll only be gone a minute."
I gave Daniel a small smile and a nod as he turned and hustled off into the house. Even after he'd turned, however, the smile stayed on my face.
I'd spent a lot of my life, most of it really, being basically completely self-sufficient. I'd spent time in a harsh training program similar to the one the SSR's nemesis Dottie Underwood had gone through, which emphasized hitting hard and making sure we could get through any pain that wouldn't outright kill us, all of it done alone. And then, I'd met Peggy. After a while, she'd managed to convince me to join her side, and she hadn't let me feel that lonliness a single day since.
Everybody in her close circle that I got to meet and work with had been the same way. And then, after Daniel and I had spent some time as friends, he'd asked me out to drinks. My immediate first thought had been that he was trying to get the drop on me to poison me, but thanks to all the time I'd spent with him and Peggy and the others, that thought went away relatively quickly. I'd said yes, and we'd had an amazing first date—my first real date ever. The rest had been history.
Now, instead of taking some stuff from a drugstore and hiding in a back alley or a cheap motel while I patched myself up, I could go to Daniel, even if he did worry over me like a mother hen. He was here for me, no matter what, and that wasn't something I'd ever had before.
Thankfully, before I could get any more lost in sentimentality, Daniel returned with the supplies I'd asked for. I took them out of his hands with a grateful smile that might've looked more like a grimace, then took a few deep breaths to steel myself.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" asked Daniel, surveying the scene as he kneeled beside me again. I shook my head.
"Nothing other than being here. I'll let you know if that changes."
"I'll be ready."
With Daniel standing by, acting as my rock, I got to work stitching myself up. It wasn't enjoyable by any means, but it also wasn't anything new. I'd done this before, so I got out of my own head and in the zone while I worked, which made it easier to deal with the pain and discomfort. Finally, I'd cleaned the wound and closed it, then wrapped it up tight in bandages with a little help from Daniel. I sagged back on the couch and let out a long sigh as soon as I'd finished, the exhaustion really sinking in now, especially as the adrenaline faded.
"Are you okay?" asked Daniel, one hand resting gently on top of the bandages as he watched me carefully. I sighed, but nodded.
"Just tired. I think it's worse now that I don't have to stay on guard. I know I'm safe here, with you, so... my body's not trying to keep me on high alert."
"Well, good," said Daniel, leaning down to kiss my forehead before moving to stand again. "I'm going to get us some blankets and snacks, and then we can just rest here for a while, alright?"
I nodded, a sleepy smile making its way onto my face. I managed to stay awake until Daniel got back, which was a near-superhuman feat. Right on cue as he returned to the couch, the phone rang.
"I'll be right back," he promised, dropping the blankets next to me. I nodded, pulling the fluffiest blanket on top of me. Fighting off sleep had become about a million times harder than before I had a blanket, but I got dragged back from the edge of sleep when I heard Daniel's voice coming from the other room. "Peggy, slow down."
I shot into a sitting position—or at least, I tried to. My injury wouldn't actually allow for me to do that, so what I got instead was a slow, partial situp with immense pain. I cried out, and a moment later, Daniel shouted towards me from his place on the phone.
"Hey! Don't pop your stitches, alright? It's just Peggy, she's calling to make sure you're okay!"
"Is she okay?" I shouted back.
"Yes! She's fine! Despite the two of you being incredibly reckless, somehow, you're both fine."
I grinned, relaxing carefully back onto the couch. Being reckless and ending up fine was basically Peggy and I's signature move now.
After a few more minutes, Daniel returned to the room, apparently having satisfied Peggy that I was okay and having satisfied himself that Peggy was okay. He sighed heavily as he sank down onto the couch next to me. I smiled, and he helped me shift over so I could lay on his chest, his arm around my shoulers. I started to drift off, but Daniel's tentative voice brought me back once again.
"Sweetheart... we need to talk before you get some rest."
I hummed, taking a deep breath to try to wake myself up a little.
"About what?"
"About what you and Peggy pulled tonight." He paused, stopping short to collect himself, then continued. "Look, we can talk more about this in the morning if we need to, but... you can't do this maverick, run off on a deadly mission without telling me stuff anymore, okay? I know checking in with somebody is new to you, and I'm glad you at least talked to Peggy instead of going in by yourself, but I need you to find a way to get ahold of me next time. I can't spend the rest of our lives worrying if 'drinks with Peggy' is actually code for 'going to get myself shot, maybe never to return'."
I frowned as Daniel pulled back enough to meet my eyes.
"We're a team here, now, alright? That's what having a partner means to me. It's a teammate for life, like a built in buddy system. I need my teammate to tell me about stuff like this, even if I'm not able to join in and have your back, although I'd definitely prefer to come along. But even if I can't for whatever reason, I need to know it's happening."
I sighed, then nodded. He was right, I was new to this. But I liked what he was saying, and it made sense to me. I'd want to know if Daniel were going on crazy dangerous missions, after all, so it made sense that he'd want the same.
"I promise, Daniel. I'll do everything in my power to tell you from now on. And maybe in the morning, we can come up with a code, in case I can't find you and have to leave a message for Thompson to pass on. That way we can keep the secret if we need to, but you still know."
"I think that sounds like a great idea," he hummed, pulling me back into his side again and kissing the top of my head. I settled into his chest with a smile, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling me to sleep. The mountain of things we needed to deal with in the morning had grown quite high, but after being shot and stitching myself back up, I figured I'd earned at least a few hours of rest. And what better place for that than curled up on the couch with the man I loved most in the world?
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts
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dndadspolls · 11 months
Hello there ! I'm Aether (it/its) ! You can find me on my main, @justablah56 I just thought it'd be fun to have dndads specific polls, so why not do it myself ?
this post will be constantly updating , so if you want to keep up with what's happening make sure to check in here every once in a while !
all current poll information will be above the cut, and then general rules for this blog will be below !
the current poll is : favorite dndads quote , which is open for submissions until September 22 at 11:59 pm MST :]
"I want a snickerdoodle and to die" -Hermie
"Paeden's eight, DAWG!" -Henry
"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me" -Ron/Rhianna
"Measure once, cut twice" -Glenn
"Let's just piss in his open mouth" -Taylor
"Light me like a French man" -Tony
"I notice you guys are eating tater tots, uh, I'm a businessman myself" -Ron
"Darryl I can say with complete confidence I wish I could die too" -Ron
"Yeah, I'm a doctor. *throws ax* " -Da Rul/Darryl
"It's so books!" -Password door
"I see that you're a bird, I'm a spider myself" -Ron
"Laugh at my joke dammit. Stool!" -Darryl
"Shhh, just let the yeast do it's thing..." -Taylor
"Smell that? That's fungus!" -Normal
“How would you like it if someone ripped off your skin without your consent?” -Henry
“It’s okay to be angry, it’s not okay to be cruel” - Henry
“Those least likely to lead who want to lead are the best leaders” - Link/Matt
“Is what you said it will work” -Darryl/Matt
“I silence his dumbass with a kiss!!” -Henry
each poll will have 3 days of submissions, and then each round will last a day. then there will be one day of break, and then the next day there'll be another poll to pick the next competition and so on and so forth :3
in general , I try to have the polls start around 3pm MST , and submissions always end at midnight , also MST .
poll submissions are always open , so if at any time you have a poll you'd think would be fun feel free to send it in !
any poll we've done previously is fair game , there are quite literally no limits for what polls you can submit , so send in your ideas !
current poll submissions :
best Lincoln fact
best Taylor fact
best Jodie fact
favorite s2 episode
favorite catch phrase
favorite s1 episode
best Henry Fact (rerun)
best ship name
favorite ship (rerun)
favorite crackship
autism swag (rerun)
least favourite unpopular/niche ship
least favorite popular/canon ship
least favorite poly ship
least favorite s1 character
least favorite s2 character
most iconic duo
biggest third wheel
most functional marriage
favorite nationality/decent headcanon
favorite disability headcanon
favorite intro
best peachyville character
trans swag (rerun)
favorite non-poly niche/unpopular ship
kiddads’ favourite bands/artists
s2 teens’ favourite bands/artists
s1 dads’ favourite bands/artists
if any poll submission gets three or less votes in the poll to pick our next competition , it will get moved to the bottom of the list :]
propaganda is 100% welcome ! feel free to send an ask or bribe via art requests, and if you make a post just tag me and I'll reblog it here tagged with " *poll* propaganda" if your propaganda is in a reblog , make sure you write it on the post rather than the tags if you want it reblogged here !
I don't just post polls on this acc ! I also reblog fanart , fandom events , and other polls including dndads characters! for fanart I use the tags "not a poll" and "fanart" , for events I use "fandom events" , and for other polls I use the tag "not my polls" , so if either of those are things you don't want to see , feel free to block those tags :]
Previous polls (as of our come back in February ! )
best Normal Fact : ep29 - he is the most published author in the teen high fanfiction tag on ao3
favorite headcanon : Taylors sword cane is his mobility aid for his balance issues that come and go
best Glenn fact : Glenn still considers himself married to Morgan even though she's dead
best npc : Terry Jr Stampler
best non-song intro: ep27 - Glenn and Ron on shark tank for the elevator button
funniest npc name : Sexcallibur Horsepower
favorite character headcanon: Taylor's sword cane is a mobility aid
best s1 arc : going through Ron's memories/Ron's anchor
favorite niche/unpopular ship : polywagon (Normal x Taylor x Lincoln x Scary)
biggest saddest eyes : Dood
best Daryl fact : ep16 - his favorite part of being a father is when babies wake up confused until they see you and smile (this is also Matt’s favorite part of being a father)
favorite gender/sexuality headcanon : closeted gay Tony Collete
best Scary fact : ep??? - she once punched a hole in the wall and blamed it on Terry's plant
favorite song intro : s2 ep37 - the all star parody
favorite poly ship : Lincoln x Hermie x Normal x Scary x Taylor (polywagon)
coolest npc name : Sexcalibur Horsepower
funniest guess for Will's middle name : William [beep noise] Campos
if you want to know who won what before the hiatus , you can find those here !
if you have any questions about the blog in general or anything else , feel free to send in an ask and I'll do my best to answer it !
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