#danny is a neko
emacrow · 28 days
Selina adopt a new stray.. well almost ghostly cat like stray.
Selina had just finished her heist to steal some valuables cat related jewelry, even though their weren't very high in valuable, she just wanted them as a decoration.
Only to hear the most desperate yowl of a cat above between the alley that she was about to leap over.
Only to see a tiny meta cat like toddler all caught and tangled up in a gothams clotheslines screaming bloody murder was happening upon him. His desperate yowling and frantic moving getting more tangled up then isn't helping was going to alert either batman or his robin spawns any minute if she didn't do something.
So she caught the clotheslines string and caught the kid whom immediately froze upon being held. The toddler look like a batman's adopt-bait except for the white cat ears, glowing cat-like eyes, whiskers and white two tail?
Yea.. she keeping him after she untangled him.
By the time she got him with her newest stray without actually alerting any bats was surprising. She have to come up with a name after she bathe him and feed him because he is much lighter then a normal toddler should be..
Once he was clean (ignoring the multiple scars, precision cuts and v line on his tiny chest until she get her phone for photo evidences later), and clothed, she temporarily put him in a box for just 5 minutes so she can fixed him up a temporarily bed next to her bed using the numerous amount of soft pillows she have.
Only for the blood curdling scream to be heard a she panicking ran back to the living room only to see the kid stop when she noticed she was in his sight.
OH, oh no, his isn't orange cat dumb..
She decided to do a little test which was pull up the a random spare blanket from her living room, lift it up to not show her body and drop it as she seemingly disappeared.
Blood curding yowling began once more.
Yep. He is dumber then orange cat dumb..
She brought the box in her room as she fixed him up a nice temporarily bed. She brought him to her kitchen for meal time. Checking his mouth to see those pearly white teeths and fangs.
Damn she didn't had much groceries beside a couple eggs, a soda can, red strawberry wine for girls night, salmon dish she was planning to eat later, and the half eaten bread loaf she brought 3 days ago..
Selina smiled a bit as she sip her soda watching her new kid nommed the pieces of salmon that she cut up into bit size pieces. Listening to softest loud purr coming from him was music to her ears..
Part 2
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gladosluver · 2 months
danny smoke in furry land son or nyan neko sugar girls daughter
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c0ckedgun · 2 years
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any character from nyan~ neko sugar girls with any text in fire text
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narcissusphant0m · 2 days
If you enjoyed "danny smoke In furry land" you should try "nyan neko sugar girls" !
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“Have you ever felt a knife rip through human flesh and scrape the bone beneath?”
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> Call us Ghost or Ghostface collectively. They/it. Dx’d (NC)-DID system of a lot.
> Completely devoted to our final girl(s). Do not flirt with us.
> We also have a few other mental illnesses + physical health issues but we can still chase you down — if needed. 🔪
> Endogenics / non traumagenics are NOT welcomed within 10 ft us. Block us on sight & we’ll do the same. :)
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🔪 Loomis / he-it / 20s*
👻 Danny / he-it / 25
📞 Amber / it-he-she / 24*
🥩 Neko / he-it / 20s
📹 Stu / he-they-it / 20*
🩸 Roman / he-it / 28*
(*brainmade using codename + emoji)
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satoshy12 · 7 months
Fenton the Neko/Cat family in DC.
Fenton the Neko/Cat family. They have the Ears and Tail (can be any cat from Lion, Sabertooth tiger or Cheetah) and rest is human. It lead to the comedic moment with Catwoman and Cheetah as they meet the children. Danny was easy to learn about as Model, Dani meet Cheetah as he hunted her down to explain how to take care of her nails and Jazz meet Selina in Gotham while visiting her boyfriend Jason Todd. The custody battle of 3 Cats. As they learned no person who can take care of them, in this universe where they were send by a mad scientist groups invention (THE GIW). Selina Kyle enlists the assistance of her ally, Bruce Wayne, to navigate the complexities of the legal dispute. Meanwhile, Cheetah seeks support from her old friend and nemesis, Wonder Woman. In the courtroom, Cheetah passionately argues:" Judge, she wants to domesticate them! They deserves freedom to roam and hunt with me!" Catwoman retorts, "Release them to become prey for dangerous creatures? How could you be so reckless? They need to be home and be save!" Diana, observing the exchange, sighs and interjects, "Really, you two?" Batman:" I never wanted any part in this, Diana."
++++ Batman after a talk with the Cat family, kind of liked the family and had no problem with them staying in Gotham. The 2 Cat twins don't want to be Heroes or similiar! Stay civilians! From their older sister Jazz going to Collage, Danny model carrier and Dani just want to have fun, food and games. Only reason why Bruce didn't Batdopted them was because of Jazz. Jazz was dating Jason, and he talked about marriage. Bruce was already with Alfred planning a wedding.
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covencupid · 1 year
We've Never Met
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CW/TW: Violence, stalking, manipulation, amnesia/memory loss, minor character death, harassment, police mismanagement, eventual smut.
Pairing: Danny "Jed Olson" Johnson X F!Reader
Tags will be updated as needed.
Summary: They called you the "Miracle of Lily Lake" after you woke up from your month-long coma. You were alive after a brutal attack on New Years by a vicious killer that had targeted the residents of the sleepy town of Lily Lake, Texas. They say it's a blessing not to remember what happened that night. After several futile attempts to aid authorities, and countless therapy sessions that ended equally fruitless, you concede to the loss of your memory. Maybe it is better that you don't remember. He's gone after all. After you were found, there were no other murders that followed. It ended with you.
It was time for a change. Lily Lake held the remains of a life you could hardly return to. No one knew how to treat you, everyone wanted to be the one to wrestle a memory out of you. When the opportunity arises for a fresh start you welcome it with open arms and make your way to sunny Florida to give yourself a chance at a normal life.
Lily Lake was too much of a close call for Danny. The bitch totally went off script. It was time to ditch Texas. People were far too neighborly, and these state troopers hid in the long stretches of uninhabited land like lions in tall grass. Nope, fuck that.
Danny has started over in Roseville, Florida and everything is going peachy-fucking-keen. His job at the paper allows him to have one hand on the crime and the other on the reporting. Everything is coming up Danny in his new habitat, until he spots a far too familiar face, back from the dead and slinging coffee in his favorite coffee house. What the fuck?
A/N: Before you begin I would like to thank y'all for the support. When I say I'm rusty, I'm rusted, sat unused in a shed rusty. I will try to be diligent about tagging, but please don't hesitate to bring up anything you'd like tagged. I hope y'all enjoy. This chapter is pretty much all exposition, but we're getting to the meat soon. BIG HUGE FAT THANKS to @mamamemequeen for feeding me with inspo and reading this first. The title and this story is inspired by the Neko Case song of the same name. Listen to Neko. She will change your life.
We've Never Met
February 1991
        The cold chill of a soul snakes its way up the breathing tube into your lungs. With a lightning rod of pain electrifying your senses from within, this is what it feels like to be born. But there are no awakening cries from you, only a blearily shifting gaze that seeks to make sense of the blurs and sounds that are developing around you. As the soft edges harden into complete shapes, you pick up on the chorus of bell tones and chimes that heralded your arrival into this room. The world seemed to form beneath your weight that felt at once painfully dense and nearly ephemeral. While your senses flickered to life, your mind began to take stock of the room you found yourself in. 
       Your eyes scanned the clean, clean room. The blinds have been drawn closed but thin ribbons of light streamed into the room. The realization that you were in a hospital room hit at the same time as your throat felt the tube hitting its walls. The panic at the sudden awareness of your senses made your heart race. With a chorus of bells, two nurses burst into the room. There was a moment before they rushed to help you where they seemed to be just as shocked as you were to be in that room. 
What followed was a stream of questions that made you feel like an alien being interrogated after landing on Earth. Every answer you gave seemed to disappoint and prompt another question. After your back and forth with representatives from Earth you were left alone in the clean room for some time. You could hear excited chatter outside the door. Through the windows you could see the scrambling, scattering movements of the team of nurses that were previously fussing over you. They dispersed like a swarm of insects would under the flash of a sudden light. The moment of peace that followed was punctuated with an encroaching feeling of dread, but you couldn’t exactly place where it was coming from. As it stood, finding out the source of your anxiety was the least of your concern when your body felt like the meat had been wrenched from the bone and put back together in the wrong places. The dim light still felt like it shone too bright. You looked down at your arms to find them littered with cuts and bruises in the places not covered by a cast. The more you looked at them, the less you felt certain that they truly were your arms. 
Did your arms always look like this? Underneath the injuries, did they always look like that? What did your arms look like before? Before? Before what exactly? Something had to happen. If it did, and it most certainly did, you had to remember. You would remember, right? You could not possibly forget something that made you feel as though you were turned inside out. But where was the memory? Your mind desperately tried to grab at nothing. You tried to refer back to a blank space in your head. There was nothing to pull from. There was nothing but the clues of your wounds to make sense of. The click of the door being opened broke you from your steady spiral.
You looked up to see three men eyeing you with what looked like a mix of reverence and trepidation. The man in the clean white coat, the doctor, walked ahead of the two other men. He wore a warm smile and spoke in a measured, reassuring tone. 
“(Y/N), my name is Dr. Ortiz. I’m very glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?”
“Uh, I’m ok.” The pleasantry rolled off your tongue without thinking. No, definitely not ok. “I’m not, I mean-” you took a moment to process what exactly you wanted to say to this doctor. Of the millions of questions racing through your head, none came to mind. Each complaint and doubt that bubbled in your mind died in your throat. You stared blankly at the doctor hoping he could look at you and just know, as a doctor, what was wrong with you and how to fix it.
“It’s ok, you must have a lot of questions, and we’re here to help.” Though you felt a bit more at ease at the warm reassurance from the doctor, that nagging dread kept ebbing in from the corners of your eyes. The doctor turned to his left and gestured to the man closest to him. “This is Detective Keller,” the detective responded by flashing a tight smile that did not reach his eyes. “And this is Lieutenant Garza,” the doctor gestured to the man on the detective’s left who opted to sport the same rigid smile while eyeing you closely. The doctor pulled a chart by your bed and flipped through the pages before exhaling a breath he didn’t seem to know he was holding. “What is the last thing that you remember?”
Well fuck.
Your mind went back to grasping at unseen straws. You had memories. You knew the sky was up, the ground was down. You… worked. Yeah, you worked, you had a job. At… somewhere. You remember your mom, her yelling at you before a winter dance your sophomore year of high school, her making you an easter basket of alcohol when you turned 21. What was in between? You remember drinking coffee with your sister when she bought that fancy espresso machine. That machine, she bought it with her bonus money. She got a bonus because… what did she do? She sold stuff? No, she wrote something? Advertising! She wrote copy, and she’s really good, and that year your old jeep broke down on the highway and you called your sister scream-crying about how much you loved her and how scared you were. Right, you loved rides in that thing. The Jeep. You remember going inside the car while it was raining hard. There was something wrong. It smelled wrong. Strong cologne, a presence you can taste. But there was nothing after or before. When did that happen? You held loose pieces that weren’t enough to give a satisfactory answer.
“I remember things, like my family and stuff. I don’t remember how I got here, if that’s what you meant.”
The men exchanged looks, a whole conversation had before you with eyes only.
“(Y/N), we know this is probably all very confusing, and we will answer any questions you have about what I’m going to tell you,” the detective inched closer. His tone was soft, but his face remained cold and speculative. “You were attacked in a home you were housesitting. We believe it was an assailant that we suspect is tied to a string of break-ins and murders around Lily Lake. What we know is that there was a struggle starting on the ground floor that moved to the second floor balcony. Is any of this sounding familiar? Any details you remember?”
Attacked. Assailant. Murders. Struggle. Balcony. Nothing.
“I was housesitting? For who?”
The men exchanged looks again. Silent disappointment shared between them.
“Kenneth and Delilah McGary. They told us you’ve house-sat for them before. We have reason to believe that you were not the intended target for this attack. Mrs. McGary had reported strange, threatening phone calls in the days leading up to the attack. The McGary’s believed that Delilah McGary was being targeted so they decided to make a sudden trip to the in-laws for the new year out of fear for her safety.” The lieutenant finally spoke up.
The names did not sound familiar, nor did any of the details that they claimed you lived through. Still, you felt a tug of resentment knowing that it shouldn’t have been you. It should be whoever Delilah McGary was. She should be the one that is lying broken in this bed. She should be the one trying to piece together her life. There were no words that would properly translate the rage you felt towards a woman you at one point knew, and the person that wanted to kill her. The person that existed in the shadows of your memory, sheltered in the dread of whatever it was that you lived through. Instead of words, a blur of tears muddled your vision before falling freely down your cheeks.
The men spoke in their silent language for a moment before the lieutenant took a seat by your bedside. “This is a lot. I know.” Lieutenant Garza’s face broke from its neutral demeanor to shift to a weary gaze. You hate the look of pity he gives you. “But if there is anything, anything at all, that you recall from that night. No matter how insignificant it may seem. Any stray detail you may remember. It’s ok if nothing comes up now-” you cut him off.
“The new year- you said it was the new year. When it happened, I mean.” You couldn’t remember the holidays.  Who had you spent them with? Why did thinking about the new year make the hairs on the back of your neck rise and make you feel as though your brain would come to a head through your skull and spill out. 
“Yes, we believe that the perpetrator used the commotion of all the fireworks and parties on the block to cover his attack.”
Right. The fireworks. 7…6…5…
“Thankfully you had been found not too long after midnight after a neighbor happened to see you on the ground from their second floor window following your fall off the balcony.”
The fireworks. The balcony. The fireworks. The balcony.
“The witness had said that she had seen you holding onto something, possibly a hood or a type of mask, but we were not able to find what she saw. Maybe the perp retrieved it before fleeing the scene?”
Balcony. Fireworks. Mask. Balcony. Fireworks. Mask. Balcony. Fireworks… that smell. Someone on the block had started their fireworks early. It scared me, but at that moment I felt something else. I smelled it first, that overwhelming presence. Cologne, just like the one in the jeep.
”New Years alone and nothing to do...”
“Poor bunny.”
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cantsayidont · 1 month
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Six songs for the "I hate country, it's all right-wing dudes who drive pickup trucks!" crowd, in chronological order:
k.d. lang, "Lock, Stock and Teardrops" (SHADOWLAND/Sire Records/1988): The apotheosis of k.d. lang's youthful obsession with Patsy Cline, an old Roger Miller song lushly produced in Nashville by famed country producer Owen Bradley.
Emmylou Harris, "Waltz Across Texas Tonight" (WRECKING BALL/Elektra/Asylum Records, 1995): '70s country star Emmylou Harris co-wrote this song with Rodney Crowell as the intensely wistful climax of her mind-altering 1995 album with producer Danny Lanois.
Neko Case, "Fox Confessor Brings the Flood" (FOX CONFESSOR BRINGS THE FLOOD, ANTI-, 2006): Apocalyptic title track of alt country heroine Neko Case's best album to date. "It's not for you to know / But for you to weep and wonder / When the death of your civilization proceeds you"
Rosanne Cash, "Black Cadillac" (BLACK CADILLAC, Capitol Records, 2006): Cash's valedictory for her late father Johnny Cash, the title track of an album about wrestling with the loss of her father, her mother, and her stepmother in the early '00s. Devastating.
Sarah Shook & The Disarmers, "Dwight Yoakam" (SIDELONG, Bloodshot Records, 2015): NB country singer River Shook's twangy drinkin' and depressin' ballad about drowning their sorrows after their girlfriend left them for a guy she met at a country bar.
Karen & The Sorrows: "Guaranteed Broken Heart" (GUARANTEED BROKEN HEART, Ocean Born Mary, 2019): Title track of queer Jewish country queen Karen Pittelman's 2019 album wouldn't be out of place on a Dolly Parton album of the '70s except that the gay content isn't just subtext.
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flymmsy · 4 months
On Repeat Playlist Tag Game
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people. Tagged by @say-lene! :)
I’m about to be exposed for my terrible taste in music so here goes. To make this more fun for y’all - under each song I will give my Durgetash-flavored assessment, even for songs which absolutely do not fit at all.
Tagging: @defira85 @memaidraws @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @laubritter @neko-rhapsodos @sleepykitty21 @durgeteriormotives @jellymellydraws @abyssalaerlocke (y’all might’ve already been tagged sorry if so!!)
9/10 starting strong. I actually think this fits Durgetash quite well especially with Gortash's built-myself-from-nothing narrative.
7/10 durgetash rating - this is kind of like the song that they both wish they could feel about each other. Like "yea I wanna be the dude who can kiss you all sweet but if we don't rip each other apart in bed Im gonna get lobotomized so"
Oh man I hate that this is here and I'm really not big on Shawn Mendes because he's a little too bubblegum for me but this song is catchy. 8/10 Durgetash rating due to the lyrics - a dark cover of this song would fit durgetash perfectly. Its essentially "I can't believe my murder girlfriend keeps dragging me into the sewers but damn she's hot"
11/10 Durgetash rating. 10/10 for the lyrics and +1 because Enver Gortash loves Panic! At The Disco.
So yea I'm a musical fan and yes this is a durgetash song for me. Let me sell you on the vision first. Durge gets lobotomized and Orin tells Enver and he immediately wants to blow the whole plan to shit because the love of his life is gone but then the whole ass Church of Bane is like nah just like drink her away my guy and so the Banites Party Hard (tm) and Enver is like fine I'll stick with the plan but he's dead inside. 10/10
10000/10 Durgetash rating. My sister Orin says 'Oh she's just being bhaalspawn.' (is this the most embarrassing song that could ever come up? you betcha.)
This is definitely The Vibe for them. 10/10 just Durgetash being nasty. Check yourself for whiplash from the last one.
I wanted to say like 5/10 but "I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you" got me like hmmmm. Also "he looks up grinning like a devil." hmmmmmm. So I'll give it a 9/10 under one condition: default Dragonborn Durge would have to be in the music video for this in a white frilly dress.
This could probably really fit some people's Durges but it doesn't fit my idea of Durge so I'm only gonna give it a 2/10 durgetash rating. However? Orin could rock the shit out of this vibe. 10/10 Orin song.
15/10 Durgetash song. Hot as fuck, could fit both pre and post tadpole. Even mentions a priest. Strong ending.
That's all folks!
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florestmoon · 2 years
Neko reader x danny???
Warnings: Mentions of blood. Danny being Danny. You know the deaal
Danny never been so obsessed with a survivor like he was with you.
Throughout the trial, you had been such a sight. He had to refrain from taking out his camera the moment he set eyes on you, your tail was flicking side to side anxiously as you took in the Red Forest. Whenever he would hide behind a tree and simply watch you, not even exposing you, he was treated to the sight of the hair on your tail slightly sticking up while you turned your head here and there.
Searching for whatever pair of eyes you felt on you. But he kept himself from you. He had to be patient. He needed to make sure he had you all to himself and he would have so much fun.
And he was. Listening to your broken cries as you lay trapped underneath him. Mud sticking to your back as you stared up at him, teary eyes wide watching his gloved hands trace his knife up your neck.
“Poor kitten.” He whispers darkly. “Look how dirty you are. Look at your ears..”
Your skin and fur were covered in blood, from your attempts of saving your teammates, and dirt. The hair on your head and ears was dry from the fluid, sticking together. Danny used his other hand to reach up and pulled at one of your ears, grinning behind the mask at the whimper that you let out.
He smacks his lips, “Shame. But don’t worry, you still look so pretty like this kitten.”
“Picture perfect actually.” He continues as he pulls his hand away from the top of your head. The black holes in his mask staring into you. You try to move from under him, but his legs keep you in place, his thighs on either side of your hips. He chuckles at your struggle.
His signature camera is pulled from the pocket of his black jeans, the knife leaving your skin when he uses both hands to turn it on. He turns it towards you, finger pushing on a button on the side prompting for the flash to go off. Your eyes shut close from the sudden light, grimacing and turning your head.
“You could be a model, kitten.” He says as he looks over the photo he just taken, admiring the fear that was apparent on your face. God, it was perfect. “You know what would make this picture even better?”
You stay quiet. Your body was shaking hard as you took fast breaths, hands gripping onto the side of your pants as you could only wait for whatever he has planned for you.
“A collar.”
You stop shaking suddenly. It felt as though you were drenched with water, shame curling inside your stomach as you understand the small jab. A low chuckle could be heard from behind the mask, Danny felt himself getting more excited.
“That would be cute huh? I could have you on a leash, pulling you along like my pet. Like I own you.”
“Go fuck yourself.” You spit out, glaring at him as you attempt to push him off but his sudden strength has you knocking back on the ground with an oof. His knife held against your throat as he leans closer. You feel his hand roam down the side of your body towards your tail.
“Bad kitten.” He grits through his teeth. “Want to me to cut your tail ? Or maybe one of your ears?”
The sudden tight grip on your tail had you crying out in pain. Your kick your legs out, trying to push him off or relieve the pressure but to no avail. “No! Please don’t, please stop! STOP!”
He loosens his grip but keeps his hand there. Now trialing up to the base of your tail, drinking in the small whimper you give him.
“You’re my pet, now. Got it?” He whispers.
Your forced to only stare up with him as more tears roll down your cheeks. You feel his knife tap the top of your ear before you nod weakly.
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thecrazyphantom · 28 days
have you ever watched “Danny Smoke in Furry Land” or “Nyan Neko Sugar Girls”
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demonicxrocker · 2 years
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current inbox status: anon + non-anon requests are on. feel free to request stuff, just don't be a fucking cunt ty
current number of request(s) in inbox: 11
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hey hey— the name's mod corey. i use they/them pronouns; they/them is preferred but feel free to use the he/him ones instead if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
main blog is @coreys-riffin . im also mod blaze in the @pr0ject-chaos group editing acc as well
top and bottom graphics are made by me— headers are linked here and here
please stop asking me why i don't like spam-liking or spam-reblogs, i swear to god. /srs
[more info is under the cut :thumbs up grinning emoji lol:]
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🔥 || content
pride icons
reply icons
gif icons
matching icons
care kits/clothing kits (is that what they're called?)
wallpapers (very selective bc it's been a bit)
name sets
pronoun sets (selective xp)
color picked pride flags
transparents (will be posted onto my transparents account and reblogged here)
probably more things im not thinking about atm tbh lol
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🎸 || sources
(favorites are in bold)
canadian cartoons (grojband, looped, yin yang yo, camp lakebottom are the ones that pop up in my head first, but im down for editing almost all of them)
sonic (somewhat selective since im not that heavily into the franchise)
pokemon + pokemon media (ie the starters series by movieunleashers, etc)
any generation of my little pony, littlest pet shop, strawberry shortcake, care bears
any show that aired on qubo in it's lifetime (ie. pecola, sitting ducks, babar, sandra the fairytale detective, sally bollywood, etc etc)
disney animated shows (amphibia, gravity falls, wander over yander, the owl house, etc) (semi-selective)
SOME nickelodeon animated shows/nicktoons (making fiends, danny phantom, fairly oddparents, my life as a teenage robot, etc etc)
rise of the tmnt (friends/mutuals can request other tmnt series)
cookie run (ovenbreak + other games, mainly. will do kingdom but it's VERY fucking selective)
super phantom cat games, spoon pets / neko atsume, postknight 1 + 2, etc (mobile games, basically)
super cat bros / super cat tales games
browser games like heart star, double panda, and etc. their mobile game counterparts are allowed too
harvest moon / hometown story franchise
cartoon network shows (adventure time, regular show, over the garden wall, etc etc) (semi-selective)
lego shows (ninjago, monkie kid, nexo knights, etc etc) (selective)
sanrio (aggrestuko included)
all saints street, little witch academia, and any of the monster collecting animes (digimon, bakugan, yugioh, yokai watch, etc)
panty and stocking
minecraft, minecraft story mode, and mcyt in general (hermitcraft, last life series, empires, etc etc.)
dsmp (unproblematic creators only i stg) (VERY selective)
dude, that's my ghost!
webshows (group 5, dick figures, happy tree friends, bravest warriors, and etc) (semi-selective)
webcomics (ie. sparklecare, ghost eyes, it hurts, serendipity, deathsitter, etc etc) (semi-selective)
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🧨 || unfamiliar sources but will still edit for
pretty much anything, to be honest. just make sure i haven't said outright that i won't do it. ocs also fall into this category most of the time
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💢 || sources i absolutely WILL NOT edit for
object shows
clone high
madness combat
stardew valley
spooky season or anything by sr pelo
any horror game (fnaf, poppy playtime, etc)
boyfriends webtoon
friday night funkin
genshin impact
any irl source (yes, this involves dhmis)
total drama series + 6teen
any animated disney movie
anime in general
pokemon creepypastas, mlp creepypastas, or various other creepypastas. also just creepypastas in general tbch
hazbin hotel / helluva boss
avatar the last airbender / legend of korra
south park
arcane / league of legends
welcome home (also just horror args in general. lol)
warrior cats
hetalia / countryhumans
musicals in general
irl people in general (with the exception of some minecraft youtubers)
harry potter
paw patrol or thomas the tank engine. (yes seriously)
probably forgetting some stuff here but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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⛓️ | blacklist / general things i will not edit for
weirdcore, traumacore, "sanriocore" (*actual* sanriocore is fine, im talking about the kind that's essentially just traumacore but with sanrio characters whatnot)
fetish-y type shit (i am NOT explaining this one.)
laney + corney (grojband character n grojband ship)
lloyd, harumi, or garmadon (ninjago characters)
lloyd x anyone ships
extreme body horror / gore
agere, babycore, angelcore— stuff like that (not against it by any means but it's just not my personal thing tbh)
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nightmare-speaks · 2 years
✨✨ Danny has a fox tail for two days 💫⭐️✨🌟🦉
wait . WHAT WHAT
what the fuck, what is this neko shit..
how the fuck am I supposed to wear the Ghostface clothes now?? You are lucky that I wear a long coat to work...
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beansonbread2 · 6 months
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2022 > Cryalot 'Icarus' (see full list HERE)
2021 >Tara Clerkin Trio ‘In Spring’ (see full list HERE)
2020 > Jockstrap ‘Wicked City’ & ‘Beavercore’ (see full list HERE)
2019 > Jockstrap ‘Lost My Key In The <3 Club <3′ (see full list HERE)
2018 > James Ferraro ‘Four Pieces For Mirai’ (see full listHERE)
2017 >Yaeji ‘EP2′ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Oliver Wilde ‘Long Hold Star An Infinite Abduction’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Kelela ‘Hallucinogen’ (see full list HERE)
2013 > Spectres ‘Hunger’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > James Blake - ‘CMYK’ (see full list HERE )
2023 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
Mica Levi & Alpha Maid ‘Spresso’
William Carkeet ‘Lack Of SND’
Two Shell ‘Lil Spirits’
Jlin ‘Perspective’
Benjamin Spike Saunders ‘Benjamin Spike Saunders’
Wesley Gonzalez ‘Wild Garlic’
Das Koolies ‘The Condemned’
Babymorocco ‘The Sound’
EasyFun ‘Electric’ / ‘Acoustic’
Magdalena Bay ‘Mini Mix Vol.3’
Divorce ‘Heady Metal’
Memotone ‘Memotone EP’
M.L. Deathman ‘Wild Beasts’
Batu ‘Half Speed’ / ‘For Spirits’
Clementine March ‘My Empty Town’
Astra King ‘First Love’ 
Soft Lad ‘Give it A Go’
Old Fire ‘Iterations’
NewJeans ‘Get Up’
Kelan ‘Further Downtown’ / ‘The Strip’
Kelly Lee Owens ‘LP.8.2’ 
Ishmael Ensemble & Rider Shafique ‘New Era’
Miss Tiny ‘DEN7’
Alice Longyu Gao ‘Let’s Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire’
Antonia Sinibaldi ‘Catch Us If You Can’
Heartworms ‘A Comforting Notion’
Dry Cleaning ‘Swampy’
Kayla Painter ‘Ambient Owl Core’
Beach House ‘Become’
Nia Archives ‘Sunrise Bang Ur Head Against Tha Wall’
Neko ‘King Louie’
Swan Meat ‘Blood Supernova Remixed’
Angel Olsen ‘Forever Means’
Wych Elm ‘Field Crow’
Spirit Of The Beehive ‘I’m So Lucky’
Seamus Fogarty ‘Hee Haw’
Kode9 & Burial ‘Infirmary / Unknown Summer’
MF Tomlinson ‘We Are Still Wild Horses - Remixed’
Hudson Mohawke & Nikki Nair ‘Set The Roof’
Bruce ‘Not’ / ‘Ready’
Iceboy Violet ‘Not A Dream But A Controlled Explosion’
Ernold Same ‘The Reader’
Moin ‘Clocked Off’
Mary Lattimore ‘Goodbye, Hotel Arkada’
Big Fuss ‘Long Live This Queen’
Hemlock Springs ‘Going…Going…GONE!’
Biig Piig ‘Bubblegum’
TOP 10 EP'S OF 2023
10. Minor Conflict ‘Bright Lights, Dead City’
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9. Dean Blunt ‘Give Me A Moment’
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8. Giant Swan ‘Fantasy Food’
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7. Katy J Pearson & Friends ‘The Wicker Man EP’
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6. Trust Fund ‘It Is What It Is’
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5.  Rozi Plain ‘Bonus Prize’
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4. Saya Gray ‘QWERTY’
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3. JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown ‘Scaring The Hoes: DLC Pack’
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2. Aphex Twin ‘Blackbox Life Recorder’
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1. Tara Clerkin Trio ‘On The Turning Ground’
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
The Curse of the Cat (With the Exemption of Selina Kyle)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uw7oQ5D by nerdpoe Danny accidentally opens Pandora's box for, like, only a few seconds. He accidentally unleashes a plague on the world that will haunt him forever. Anime weebs everywhere are huge fans of it, though. Words: 1609, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, DCU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Danny Fenton, Pandora (Danny Phantom), Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Duke Thomas, Dick Grayson, Haley | Dick Grayson's Dog, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, Diana (Wonder Woman) Additional Tags: Neko Au, neko plague, i needed something that wasn't serious at all and had no ability to be serious, Animal Transformation, Animal Traits, Amity Park Is Strange (Danny Phantom) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uw7oQ5D
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