#deadman lore
minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #94
Danny falls through a portal to the DC world from a natural portal that opened up while he was in mid fight with Skulker a fight that began at Vlads where the creep put a collar on Danny that kept him in ghost form, Vlad thought he’d force Danny to reveal his secret to his parents by taking away his human form. Looking around he’s in a dark city with dark smog colored skies. Unfortunately he’s stuck here as the portal closed leaving him trapped. He tried to find help but no one can see him in his ghost form. He starts tailing the vigilantes of this world and eventually follows one onto this space station through this tube (possessing inanimate objects sure comes in handy). He wasn’t expecting for the random British guy in a trench coat to see him.
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starleyight · 2 years
Ctubbo has mentioned nukes too many times in Tommy's lore streams so far for my liking. there was no mention about them for a long time. and now they're back.
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is-that-plural · 1 month
Shiro from Deadman Wonderland (she is also canonically a system and her alter is a fictive!)
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Rating: Canon Plurality !!
( though reading through some of the lore; it does look like she fuses with her headmate? which is interesting !! )
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sonnyaavce · 1 year
“talk to me” x DP x DC au prompt
So the base is that one night a frantic call gets to the watchtower and the big seven plus some JLD members (Superman, GL, Aquaman, Flash, WW , Constantine, CM, MH and Batman) while they are still on a reunion they connect to the call; Batman pics it up and pulls it into speaker and the screen and they all hear what appears to be a jumble of police reports stating that there are eight youngsters being possessed by what appears to be a haunted hand that they used it in a party and that they need the help of any JL members to help these youngsters.
Everyone then, sees what appears to be a white clawed hand reaching out in a shake making everyone freaking out about how human-like the hand looks; Constantine sucks up a breath as he notices that CM is looking at the haunted hand in paled horror when they notice that not only them but MH can feel it reek death magic, a very high-class very dangerous death magic; Batman notices their raw expressions and ask CM and Constantine to clarify their weird reaction and if they seem to know something about the creepy hand.
Constantine then states that the hand might belong to something related to death magic and CM pipes in saying that he feels that the hand is kinda royalty-kind death magic, like the magic of Solomon but more deathly and then they clarify that although it's just a picture they are seeing at the moment; it does feel as if the hand is calling them out (soul to soul).
Superman then calls all the members of JLD (Zatanna, Deadman, Etrigan) get called and they start asking questions about what the hand might belong to until Boston tells them about the missing High King Phantom; telling them about that his body is missing and that the Infinite Realms are in an uproar and want war if the body of their king isn't returned.
And that's how far this plot epiphany works; if anyone want more lore about it, I'm sorry to say that's all I got :v
Edit: I had a pretty fk nightmare about it, so I wrote what I can remember
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spookemsdukems · 7 months
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So I did the thing (Ty for the meme base Hani mwah kith fdsfdsf) FROM LEFT TO RIGHE BABEH
No-Face; Spirited Away:
Aside from the general off putting nature that is THIS character, the way it really reminds me of "Builder" is the scary smile and personality of adapting to so many different environments while never really fitting in. Which is quite similar to "Builder"
Frieren; Frieren Beyond Journey's End:
Frieren as a character has a hard time understand human emotions and how the short lived species of humans make an impact on her, and oh did they ever make an impact. The whole point of her journey- without getting super spoilery- is just kinda... understanding emotions and how special the people she knew and knows are to her? At least from my perspective ahsfsduif I dunno! BUT! I think that really fits with "Builder". She does not understand people, and emotions are often flying over her head, but her absolute desire to understand and care she could have for someone makes me draw the connection.
Ditto; Pokemon:
Ditto, the Pokemon that copies and mimics others but is never fully able to pass as the other. It is very... similar to my sweet baby "Builder"
Wall-e; Wall-E:
Wall-e is a simple lil guy, with the absolute dedication to doing his job cause it's all he knows, but he goes from a mindless little robot to a character rich lil man who likes lightbulbs and the pretty Eve and I think.. that is what "Builder" will become!
Kanna; Inuyasha:
Kanna was a creature created by an evil stinky man who says she has no heart. She's a blank canvas and only does what she is told. No emotions, no thoughts other than to listen. She is nothing... and she realizes this at a point and turns around the best she can with what time she has left. I think "Builder" has the similar mindset of 'Listen don't question' but will come to the realization that oh my gosh she is not who she pretends to be or thinks she is portraying. I dunno there was a line the character used that was like
"I have... I have nothing. I have nothing."
And that stuck with me
Shiro; Deadman Wonderland:
OK SO LIKE HEAR ME OUT?? "Builder" is definitely not like... sane? For lack of better words lol. She was raised in a similar way to Shiro and Shiro is definitely not the epitome of sanity wheeze. I mainly draw the connection between them with the view on romance and also how "Builder" would turn out in a 'bad end' sorta way?
The Villager from Animal Crossing: The Mc has eyes that stare into your soul, much like her's!!! Tsuyu from MHA: The eyes and smile... Flor was oh so right lmao
THE MII CHANNEL THEME SONG: Cause that is 100% what is going through her brain at all times!
Violet from Violet Evergarden: I would have added her, but I felt like I added TOO many pretty ladies
WHEW ANYWAY if you read this all the way! HI congrazzles! Now you know some lore and thoughts that go into my brain! Also whoops I totally did this in reverse? Cause I made this OC before I ever thought of anything so wowie fun!
(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ enjoy!
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
Hazel Story Time (not Hazbin; just personal hazel lore lmao)
Hazel random story time again
In honor of my favorite band (deadman) releasing a new single.
So I fell in love with this band called deadman in 2006, the same year they broke up. I spent years and years day dreaming of seeing them live. Before and after I moved to Tokyo I would always keep my ears open for the singer (Mako’s) voice, maybe he was in a new band or busking. No such luck.
I did begin a casual fuck buddy relationship with a professional busker, let’s call him Naoki, because that’s his name. He played accordion and piano so his fingers were God tier nimble. He didn’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and had an impressive skincare routine just in case he made it big. He would do work with jrockers and other artists I knew and it was like fucking my own little celebrity in my too-far-away Tokyo boonies apartment. He was so strong and his skin like delicately cared for porcelain. He would randomly just pick me up and maneuver me during sex and it made me feel like a ✨ little lady ✨.
Well, in the meantime, deadman got back together! But no tours really because of covid. I keep that information in mind and continue living.
One day on Spotify this year I see they have a national tour coming up and are coming to MY CITY.
Just the vocalist, Mako, and the composer (Aie) have reunited but I don’t care, I can finally hear Mako sing live. I get tickets the hour they go on sale, even though there’s no threat of selling out.
Eighteen years of waiting. I literally scream.
While riding that high, I go on insta and see Naoki posted. I wonder what that cutie is up to today. Just a causal meet up with an old friend.
Looking at the photo, my heart stops beating long enough to print the life insurance paperwork. Aie, from deadman, sitting next to Naoki at a cafe.
my beautiful dreaming accordion playing fuck buddy of days past who I met in massive Tokyo 6 years ago
is friends with
composer and half of the reunited band I have waited nearly 2 fucking decades to hear live who is not a Tokyo native
I post a four part close-friends only video of me fucking losing my shit.
Naoki says they’re old friends and sometimes play together, and promises I’ll be on the guest list for the next time they have a show.
The deadman live I got tickets to is next month, and if I get a second to speak to Aie I’m telling him we have a friend in common.
my life is sometimes the stupidest little manga plot, but this one takes the cake. How can the world be so small and coincidences so big?
In a city of 14 million people, I met the one who speaks English and knows the band I’ve waited over half my life to hear play.
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
Q&A wip tag
Premise: Open the floor for questions about your WIPs/OCs/ creative processes, etc.
Ok I'll join in feel free to ask me anything about my current wip the pirate king of deaths redemption or TPKODR for short. It is book one of the pirates cursed god series and the main OC's will change each book but they are all connected in more than one way and you will get brief intros to the OC's of the next book if they are not on the crew actively....it may end up with a few spin off that focus on other aspect of the world but I'm not certain about that yet
( feel free to ask about characters. the world. anything you would like. I’ll do my best to answer but some stuff I may not have planned out all the way yet as I like to give my characters room to grow with the plot.) also I just wiped a minor character from existence lol Lana blank is no more she didn't really fit with the crew...she may pop up on another crew but not this one
Characters so far for the pirate crew
Daimhín Heorot the Pirate king and mc
Galen the second in command and the quartermaster
Adoh stone the blacksmith
Amon Rún The seer (map specialist)
Heather the ships doc and cook
Morana blank the shaman
Coinín the master carpenter and second master gunsmith
The royal fleet so far aka Oisìn's Crew
Oisìn the other mc and captain of a cargo vessel.
Taz his second in command
Mal the cook and doctor....why that keeps happening I don't know
Oscar the son of lord Winslow of Xerex (he just popped up so I'm figuring him out yet)
Rob...the third in command
THE royal family or Tarak
Queen Kia, and King Emanuel
Prince William the eldest
Prince Charles the second oldest
Prince Jade the middle child
Prince emmet the youngest son
The actual youngest Princess Annaliese
The two countries so far out of 10-11
World facts there are 9 Oceans each one has a different pirate king or queen and the oceans are notably different in order of most to least mentioned so far
Deadmans sea
Haunted sea
Xylem sea
Blackwater sea
Levian sea
Dead waters sea
The pearl sea
Some nonhumans to encounter and ask about
I'm adding Davey Jones here since I'm really not sure where the hell he fits in yet lol (lore based)
Earth fae
Fire fae
Air fae
Water fae/siren's
Spirit fae
gods and goddesses
Nyx and death (based on lore)
Nimue (based on lore)
Kieran (oc)
Nereza (oc)
Open tag anyone who wants to join in can
Np tags @the-golden-comet (I know you did it but tagging you regardless) @gioiaalbanoart @jev-urisk @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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vo-kopen · 1 year
A counter proposal to the “Shane of Watcher is a demon and so all the ghosts hide from him” “theory.”
So in DC comics (I am far from an expert on dc so this might get vague) there is a character known as Dr Thirteen. Originally he was in his own setting but got folded into the wider dc universe. The issue with that is he is the biggest skeptic possible, and he does not believe magic or ghosts are real. And sudden he believed that while living in a reality where Zatanna and Deadman exist.
To explain how he continues to dismiss the supernatural, it was dc canon that he so firmly believes everything has a simple and logical explanation that REALITY ITSELF IS WARPED BY HIS SKEPTICISM so that any ghost supernatural element he encounters is changed by his presence into something mundane.
Now, I don’t believe ghosts are a thing, but I do find the idea that Shane’s skeptical presence turns every haunted location they visit into a normal building funny. All of Ryan’s techniques should work, but Shane turns all the ghosts into stuff like carbon monoxide.
Tagging @espanolbot2 as I believe you know of Watcher and you know DC lore well, just in case I summarized Traci’s dad wrong.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
ok worldbuilding question. so it looks like you use ghost lore from/based on DP as the basic ruleset. do you accept all the different types of ghosts in DC as additional things, or do you futz with them until they fit the rules you use, or some combination of the two?
Hum so, I suppose part of it is the way I see the two canons. DP just through out all these bread crumbs and then did nothing with most of it, so is great to build onto! Where as DC contradicts itself in the same comic let alone over the various mediums and runs, so mostly I take what I want from DC and mold it to my will. Do I get a lot of DC canon wrong? Yep, but so does DC!
I think if I was going to try to explore the DC ghosts more, it would be a bit of a combination of the two and general ghost lore. Like, Deadman reads really easily as the idea of a shade or lesser ghost who then is only brought into something more with other people's magic. It makes a space for him (and some other DC things) in a sense of ghosts Less Than what we see in DP.
In general I like that! I think the ghosts who actively make it out of the realms are the very powerful ghosts. They have full power of will and focus and drive to exist beyond the Realms. So there are lots of levels below them. Or at least that could be fun to play with!
But Ancients know I always shift things around. Even my Danny or Jason or who not is different depending on where I'm writing them!
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valentinesparda · 4 months
tried to type 128 and failed. ig there is one thing to.know about me it is that i cannot type
but if u wanna do 128 too :3c (u donr have to but!!!) -@kiss-alien
@kiss-alien fair enough !! if i didn't have autocorrect turned on for my ease i would be in the same boat lol
128 is bunji from gungrave :3 !!
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I am still working out the lore details for my insert roz because I haven't gotten much further in the anime to Fully understand the Universe and bunji himself but i do know i want to be his friend....mayhaps something more that is vaguely unexplainable lol.
probably the child of a private detective who winds up getting killed for simultaneously getting too involved in and refusing to join hands with the organization, leaving roz to be likely held captive by millenion until they can prove themself useful. I think they like to cause problems and don't want to be there, come into contact with most of the main cast and are figuratively "adopted" by big daddy. my insert was going to be a boring human but even the primary 'human' character winds up being injected with SEED so you know what. maybe my insert deserves to become a deadman as well, mostly because harry thinks that they would be a good first experiment out of spite against big daddy
fuckin anyways. how we vibing with bodyguard to the boss's protoge to friends to weird undefined relationship to deadmen to reincarnated and we both hate what we have become, like no matter what happens between the two of them they still get stuck with eachother and had always been between hating each other and enjoying eachothers company, except bunji becomes more and more openly jaded about his existence and each time he is reincarnated is another nail in the coffin (hah) versus roz who does their best to not face death again until they are given a reason to fight (seeing their friend brandon again, even if he isn't really brandon anymore, and mika being their psuedo-sister), and even though bunji tries to push them away he cant seem to forever
man bunji wasn't even supposed to be a main f/o but i think he's crawling up the ranks simply because i'm a sucker for man angry at the world for making him worse than he was and there's no helping him so he just waits to Die
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jesncin · 6 months
Hey would love to hear your opinions on dead man and or any other Justice League dark members
I only know Deadman from the one Justice League Unlimited episode he's in and the DC Nation collection of animated shorts about him (which I love and am obsessed with, he's so small WRAGH!! I love all of the DC Nation shorts honestly). I think he's neat, but I don't know much!
I'm on a Johnstantine kick right now, and so far (as I learn his lore) my opinion is that I generally disagree with the superhero-ification of him? Like giving him powers and being heavily involved in superhero stuff. What makes him so appealing is being the lone guy who's scraping to get by. His greatest power is being a conman. Giving him superpowers robs him of his sardonic smarts. I feel he can do cameo team ups at most, but being part of a League doesn't feel right.
Zatanna is in JL Dark! If she was a pop star I would stream her to the top charts. I loved you in DCSHG, Rarity-coded magician star with her father?? AMAZING stay famous, girly pop. Don't date Constantine, you are way too good for him.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
To be fair the excuse of Disneymeddling to excuse quality was also aimed at the first season of "boo hoo Dana was forced to make it episodic to appease Disney so SECOND season will be all her ☆ " as an excuse for anyone who didn't dig it at all s1. which i took seriously for like half a second before giving up on the show mid way s2 [sorry I know you like s1 but I found it so boring and s2 as an all her! season did not inspire faith that with or without meddling she could make a solid base for herself at all] Disney however should always be on the hotplate for atrocities against their cartoon creators in general
What sucks is that you apologize... But I also don't blame you. S1's biggest sin is being boring. There are stand out episodes but the majority of the fandom either hates or forgets about half of the episodes in S1. Even of the ones they do remember, how many people are talking about King's stage fright or his plushie boot camp?
But at the same time... Those episodic episodes are some of the most charismatic of the series. The 'version Disney forced on her' is frankly when a lot of the characters are at their best. It's when Willow and Gus are more prominent, it's when Eda is a real criminal, including more often how she's treated by the world, it's while Amity is still trying to figure out who she is. There are GREAT episodes still in S1A despite any Disney meddling.
But admittedly, it's also the introduction to things. They haven't established enough stuff to contradict it and that just highlights that it's really easy to present ideas with possibilities but it's a lot harder to execute on them. When TOH is introducing an element, it does it very charismatically and with a lot of strength honestly. Even a late addition like Vee is given a great introduction to the audience with plenty of wiggle room. Executing on ANY of it though... TOH almost always fails. Eda's curse in S1 is the ONE element TOH introduces, keeps consistent and sticks the landing for and even that then gets much shakier with the redefining of effectively how the curse is ENTIRELY for Eda by the end of S2A. The next closest is Lumity which only doesn't feel rushed because they butchered Amity's potential and character and then only has one episode that takes any real advantage of them being in a relationship. Everything else is half assed or done in some of the worst ways when effort is put into them that don't fit with the tone, story, setting etc.
And again, that's probably part of why S3 nuked the fandom as hard as it did. S3 is a VERY unsatisfying payoff to almost everything in the show. It had to wrap things up and so showed that the writers simply don't know how to do that. Not well at least. Hence why they're STILL introducing elements like the Wittebane Lore and Stringbean so that they can still have the higher points even though some of those elements will NEVER get a real payoff to them. Did we REALLY need to meet the Hexide resistance besides the fact that we could reintroduce characters who hadn't been part of the show for effectively half a season, minimum?
Eventually, you have to work with what you have already. At least in a serialized work. S2A doesn't do that though because it would mean having to follow through on its narrative elements and TOH just can't do that, not for the most part at least, despite always knocking down the episodic payoffs that other shows would go for.
It's in a deadman's land between two identities even in its narrative styling and while Disney is evil, don't get me wrong, it's also still just a company and I doubt they wanted to spend the time or money it would have taken to fight with one of their content creators to make them permanently decide one way or another.
So it never did. About anything.
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kn1ghtc0r3 · 8 months
fuck it oc lore
Confetti is the 1st Batter Clone and their purpose was to kill the Batter but by the time that they arrived, the judge had already killed him, so they are stuck in the zones since they haven't completed what was given to them, Silent Batter, I call him SB, was made to go find Confetti to see what's taking Confetti so long, ofc he finds them and since they can't leave SB decides to stay with their sibling to keep them company.
Ace is an elsen who worked in the postal office, always wanted to become a magician, he decides to quit his job at the postal office after a friend of his turned into a burnt, he is now a magician and works part time as a merchant helping zacharie out.
Deadman is also an elsen who also used to work at the postal office and it was too stressful that he nearly became a burnt and decided to become the Mailman and he finds that less stressful bc he prefers working alone.
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savage-rhi · 11 months
Death Stranding came out 4 years ago.
Time flies really fast, doesn't it?
I'm happy I got to meet so many people through this game, and it's narrative bridging us all together. For many, it arrived at the right time and helped guide us through some dark events.
Speaking for myself, this game helped me cope better with the loss of my grandma, who died the day of Covid Lockdowns in my state. I don't think I would've healed as easily if it hadn't been for these games' themes hitting close to home.
Also damn do I love Higgs, Sam, Fragile, Heartman, Deadman, Amelie, Cliff, Lou, Diehardman...its rare to find a game where you love the humanity in each of its characters and these guys delivered.
Death Stranding also gave me the excuse to create Gene Dawkins. I think of all my OCs, she's one of the coolest I've conceived. Now I'm building my own lore into this world through her story, and I can't wait to share it with the folks in this fandom I admire.
There's a lot of good strands here in this bunch. I hope we all continue to keep bumping into one another on the beach 💙
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holohedral · 3 months
deadman’s doors reminds me of the winchester house, a lot of the doors lead out to nothing because sarah winchester died before the house was complete i think
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yes!!! a lot of people call them spirit doors. this one in the winchester house is the most famous example, and the purported haunting has carried the door to nowhere lore imo
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qvartzmoons-a · 11 months
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independent, private, highly selective canon multi-muse
Attack on Titan: Annie, Pieck, & Ymir Cyberpunk: Rebecca & Lucy Deadman Wonderland: Minatsuki Takami, Toto Sakigami,& Yosuga Mitsuzaki D. Gray-Man: Jasdevi My hero Academia: Himiko Toga, Oboro Shirakumo Case Study of Vanitas: Dominique deSade, Dante Pandora Hearts: Echo & Noise Baskerville
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as fractured by Wrennly
carrd | Annie | Pieck | Ymir | Rebecca | Lucy | Minatsuki | Toto | Yosuga | Jasdevi| Dante | Echo/Noise
@theyvefallen ( multi-OC original lore multi-muse [ if not here, then I'm there ] )
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this post also doubles as a permanent starter / shipping call. like it and I'll know you're always up for writing, random starters, asks, IMs, etc
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