#decided I was theirs to rub on and play with
hsunrry · 16 days
winter house // one shot harry styles
harry styles x fem!reader
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summary: you and your enemy end up together in winter house, with your few other friends.
words: ~4,6k
tropes: enemies to lovers
warnings: smut18+, alcohol, mention of drugs, mention of being hit, angst (slight, i guess), handjob, fingering, oral (m receiving), protected sex, praise
a/n: request from @madstyles3204, angst with happy ending (i guess, i don’t feel it really, i’ll do better next time). i originally planned to do series from it, but i didn’t have that much idea for it, so it just end up being long one shot, enjoy!
“can you stop touching me?” you snapped into his direction.
“i’m not!” he crossed his arms on his chest. you pointed at his thigh. “oh come on, my legs are long i have to sit somehow!” he said. sitting in the backseat for a long trip with two other people wasn’t really your dream, especially when your enemy is sitting right next to you.
“can you guys just stop?” Niall, who was sitting on your left rolled his eyes.
“why am i sitting in the middle anyway?” you asked. “come on, switch with me.” you made puppy eyes to Niall.
“nuh-uh, you know the rules, you’re short so you’re sitting in the middle.” he smiled. you shook your head, trying to get as far from Harry as you possibly could. you plastered to Niall’s side. he scoffed. “comfortable?”
“can i just go to sleep on your shoulder? we still have like 4 hours of driving.” you asked, ignoring his question. he shook his head amused, but he quickly nodded after that. you laid comfortably on his shoulder, ready to drift off to sleep. after couple of minutes, you managed to actually do that. Harry frowned.
“did she actually fell asleep that quickly?” Niall only nodded at his question. “finally, peace. i can’t stand her yapping and complaining about everything.” Louis, who was driving only chuckled at his words.
“she’s only complaining about your presence, i can’t really understand why you two don’t like each other that much.” Emma, Louis’s girlfriend said from passenger seat.
“it’s not important.” he muttered, looking at the snow slowly falling from sky. it was getting more snowy with every hour you were closer to the final destination. after 4 hours of sleeping on Niall’s shoulder, you finally arrived to the winter house that you all were renting for almost whole winter season. you woke up when the car stopped, rubbing your eyes.
“looks like sleeping princess decided to join us.” Niall grinned.
“shut up blondie.” your voice sleepy. when you finally walked out of the car, you felt cold winter air hitting you everywhere. you shivered, quickly going to the trunk for your suitcases. Louis unpacked the trunk from everyone’s stuff and you all started taking everything inside. the house was pretty big, for sure for more than 5 people, but it was still looking warm and cozy. wooden walls and furniture, big fireplace in the living area with open-concept kitchen. it was really spacious. one big bathroom on the bottom floor and one a little smaller on the first floor. all four rooms were upstairs, so obviously Louis and Emma were sleeping together in one of them.
“rock, paper, scissors who’s gonna sleep in the room next to Lou and Em.” Niall stated. you raised your eyebrow. “what? i don’t want to hear them fucking, so i think it’s fair.”
“oh fuck off mate.” Louis rolled his eyes, going into the room with his girlfriend and all their stuff. you played with Niall and Harry. they both went with rock and you went with paper.
“looks like i’m the first lucky one.” you chuckled and you could see Harry rolling his eyes. they both played and he won. Niall groaned.
“for fucks sake!” he grabbed his suitcases, going to the room next to theirs. you looked at the two rooms next to each other at the opposite side of the other two ones. you grabbed your two big suitcases and you went to the one of them. they were all identical inside, so it wasn’t really important who’s gonna take which. you walked inside the room. it was perfect size, really cozy, with king sized bed, tv, big dresser under it and two nightstands on each side of the bed. you placed one of your suitcases on the bed, unpacking your stuff to the big dresser and some more important things to the nightstand. after emptying both of them you laid down on the bed, stretching yourself with quiet groan. few minutes later Niall bursted into your room, without knocking of course.
“what?” you mumbled half-asleep since you wanted to take a quick nap and you were almost sleeping already.
“me, Louis and Emma are going shopping for some important stuff and food, you’re almost sleeping so i assume you don’t wanna go?” you nodded sleepily at his question. “do you need something?”
“tampons, Em knows which ones.” you mumbled, covering yourself with blanket. he only nodded and left your room. you took a nap finally, waking up after 2 hours. when you walked out of the room you discovered that they didn’t came back yet, so you went to the living area. you sat on the couch in front of fireplace, taking blanket from the basket to cover yourself. you leaned on the armrest, looking at the fire.
“you seriously have to be there?” you heard Harry’s voice behind you. you rolled your eyes, not even looking at him.
“so what?” you mumbled, closing your eyes. “sorry we have to tolerate each other for whole winter, because you decided that you want to come with us.”
“they never told me you’ll be here.” he snapped. you could heard him going to the open-concept kitchen. he opened the fridge. “it’s empty, it’s been two hours, they seriously didn’t came back yet?” you didn’t responded him. he went closer to the couch, looking down at you. he narrowed his brows when he saw you pretending to be asleep. “are you pretending to be asleep? seriously?”
“i don’t know what are you talking about.” you mumbled.
“you’re such a bitch.” he muttered, walking away to the stairs. you only showed him your middle finger, opening your eyes again to look and relax near fireplace. after some time they eventually came back from shop. they putted like 15 nets with groceries on the kitchen counter.
“we did groceries, you and Harry are unpacking them.” Niall ruffled your hair.
“i’d rather do this alone.” you stood up from the couch, leaving blanket on it. he shook his head.
“there is so much, i’m gonna get him.” without waiting for your response, he stormed upstairs to get him. you sigh, starting unpacking first bag. after few seconds you heard footsteps going downstairs. when he entered the kitchen you looked at him for brief second. “i got this, you don’t have to.”
“oh shut up, i’m here already.” he grabbed one of the nets to unpack it. you bite your tongue to not argue anymore, because there was literally no point in doing it now. you smiled when you saw cinnamon rolls in the bag you were unpacking. you grabbed it, looking at it like you were in love. he looked at you. “ew.”
“what ‘ew’?” you raised your eyebrow while looking at him. he pointed at the cinnamon rolls with his head. “you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“no, i don’t know how can you like that.” he shrugged, going back to unpacking his net. you scoffed.
“did you ever even tried this?” you asked, looking between him and rolls. he frowned.
“i don’t have to try something to know that i don’t like it.” he mumbled, not looking at you. “also, they look like someone cum on them, they must be so good.” he said ironically. you shook your head, taking one from the package and biting it. he scrunched his nose. you slid the package into his direction. “what are you doing?”
“just try it.” you said after swallowing. he looked at the cinnamon rolls and then at you.
“you’re so annoying.” he mumbled, taking one from the package and taking a bite. he chewed few times, looking at the roll. he swallowed and licked his lips from frosting. you smiled tiny bit to yourself when he took another bite. “shut up.” he said with mouth full of cinnamon roll.
~~~~~ next day, evening ~~~~~~~~
“are we finally drinking something or what?” Louis grabbed 6-pack of cold beer from the fridge and putted it on coffee table in front of us. everyone grabbed one, except for you. Harry looked at you.
“you’re not drinking?” he raised his eyebrow. you shook your head. “you’re not fun at all, y/n.”
“i’m not fun because i don’t want to drink like the rest?” he nodded, opening his beer. “i never had alcohol in my mouth, for your information.”
“you never tried alcohol?” he asked in disbelief. you nodded. “so you’re gonna try it now. just like you made me try this stupid rolls.” he approached you with open beer can. you could already smell it and your stomach twisted from this.
“i said that i’m not-“ you started, but he grabbed your chin, causing you to open your mouth and he poured a little to it. it was happening all so fast, you didn’t even had a time to react. you spat everything on your hoodie, looking at him with wide eyes. stupid grin plastered to his face. you stood up and quickly went upstairs to your room.
“dude.” Niall sigh and Emma pinched the bridge of her nose. Harry looked confused.
“come on, it was just a joke, she’s overdramatic, like always.” he shrugged, sitting down on the couch. Niall frowned.
“you know her dad is dead, right?” Harry nodded at his question.
“yeah, so what?” he looked at him. Niall shook his head.
“he died from overdose of alcohol and drugs.” he stated. Harry froze for a second and he could feel sick in his stomach. he quickly composed himself, acting like he doesn’t really care about that.
“it’s just a beer.” he mumbled, taking long sip. Louis opened his can.
“you’re an asshole sometimes mate.” he mumbled, taking a sip as well. Harry clenched his jaw and didn’t said anything.
in meantime you went to your room and immediately took off stinky with beer hoodie. you could smell on your body this scent and feel the taste on your tongue. you quickly went to the shared bathroom and took off everything you had on yourself to the washing machine. first you brushed your teeth to get rid of the taste and soon after you stepped into the shower cabin. you washed yourself and your hair quickly. you walked out of the bathroom wrapped only in towel, your hair still damp. you saw Harry going up the stairs. he looked like he was about to say something, but you just went to your room. you went to the dresser to pick up new clothes. you heard a knock on your door. “yeah?”
“can i come in?” you heard his voice.
“if you have to.” you said, grabbing panties and bra from one of the drawers. you heard him coming inside. you looked at him. “what?”
“i didn’t know about your dad, i just wanted to get under your skin as always. i got it too far this time.” he said, biting inside of his cheek. you raised your eyebrow. “seriously, sorry.”
“you didn’t know, just don’t do something like that next time.” you said, not really looking at him and grabbing cotton shorts from your dresser. he nodded. you could feel him staring at you, since you were still only in the towel. “anything else you want or what?” he snapped back to reality after your question.
“uh… no, i just wanted to say that.” he said before he walked out of your room. you quickly changed into the hoodie and cotton shorts, looking through the window at dark winter night. he was acting weird. why would he EVER say ‘sorry’ to you? you shook your head and decided to go back downstairs. Louis and Niall were sitting on the couch together, talking and laughing. you saw Emma in the kitchen, so you decided to approach her instead of the boys.
“how are you feeling?” she smiled softly, referring to what Harry did earlier. you just shrugged.
“i’m okay now, he’s just annoying as always.” you mumbled, grabbing cinnamon roll from the package that was laying on the counter.
“but he care.” she said, looking at you taking a bite. you chuckled and swallowed.
“he don’t care.” you stated, taking another bite.
“he felt guilty, even if he didn’t wanted to show it to us after you went upstairs. you know i’m good at reading even the smallest expressions.” she said while grabbing bagel.
“i mean, he came to me and he said sorry tho.” you looked at her. she smiled.
“can i ask you why you two don’t like each other that much? you never told me.” she took a bite of her food, looking at you in anticipation.
“honestly?” she nodded, so you continued. “i don’t know.”
“wait, what do you mean ‘i don’t know’? you’re telling me that you two ‘hate’ each other and you don’t know why?” she raised her eyebrows.
“not exactly.” you bite inside of your cheek. “i know he have a reason, but i don’t know what’s that reason. he joined for the last year of high school, remember? yeah, so it was a party in my now ex-best friend house and i just wanted to say ‘hi’ and maybe know him a little better, he seemed interesting. that was my plan, but when i approached him, he just snapped at me for no reason and i guess from that day i’m just matching his energy towards me.” you shrugged. “i mean, why would i should be nice and sweet when he’s a dick to me?”
“so you’re telling me, that you two are like that and you didn’t even asked him WHY he don’t like you?” she asked confused. you nodded. “this is stupid.”
“maybe it is, but i’m not gonna ask him.” you said, not looking at her. “it’d be weird now.”
“well, okay, but you’d know at least.” Emma crossed her arms on her chest. you looked at her. you were about to say something, but Harry walked into the kitchen. he looked at you and Em concerned.
“all quiet all of a sudden.” he mumbled, grabbing orange juice from the fridge. you just stood there with her, looking at each other. he raised his hand to grab a cup from the cabinet, but you flinched slightly at his movements, immediately cursing yourself for doing that. ha narrowed his brows. “why did you flinched?”
“no reason, just thought something was falling on me from cabinet.” you said, obviously lying. he was looking at you for few seconds and before he could say something else, you spoke again. “sorry, have to go to the bathroom.” and with that you disappeared upstairs. he looked confused at Emma. she just shrugged. he looked into the direction where you went and he sigh quietly. he putted orange juice back to the fridge, going after you upstairs. he knew you didn’t went to the bathroom, so he knocked on the doors of your room. you opened and looked up at him. “what?”
“you thought i was gonna hit you?” he walked into the room, closing doors behind him. you shook your head. “stop lying!” he raised his voice, causing your flinch again. you looked at him with wide eyes. his gaze softened. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to raise my voi-“
“why do you hate me?” you interrupted him. he looked at you, clearly taken aback. he cleared his throat.
“you kidding, right?” he asked, but when you shook your head he narrowed his brows. “you seriously don’t know?”
“well, i asked so i really don’t know.” you crossed your arms on your chest. he scoffed.
“Lily told me everything at this party, you know that?” you raised your eyebrow at your ex-best friend name.
“what do you mean she ‘told you everything’? what did she told you?” you asked confused, untangling your arms from your chest.
“maybe you don’t know that, but i’m not really a man who like to be played with his feelings by some bitch.” he leaned on the wall.
“i’m confused Harry, what are you talking about?”
“you’re stupid or you just acting like that?” he looked down at you.
“no. i really don’t know what are you talking about.” he sigh at your words, shaking his head in disbelief.
“she told me that you will approach me.” you were just standing, looking at him confused. “she told me that you’ll act all sweet and cute, that you’ll say you want to know me, because i was new in the school.”
“well, yes, but you snapped at me for some reas-“
“i didn’t finished.” he said coldly, stopping you mid sentence. “after that, she told me you’ll do that just for fun, so i will fell in love with you and you’ll have another stupid’s boy heart to break.” he clenched his jaw. you looked dumbfounded at him.
“she said what?” you asked after few seconds.
“i’m really not that tough as i seem. i didn’t want to repeat the story from the school i was going before i moved. you were perfect description of my ex. she played with me as well.” he stated. “and i got just stronger with my opinion, after Luke told us that you played with him, and that’s why you guys broke up.”
“he told you i played with him? are you fucking serious right now?” you snapped, your voice stern. he looked at you and nodded. you bite inside of your cheek. “he used to hit me. that’s why i broke up with him.” he tensed at your words.
“wait, what?” he asked. his voice soft all of the sudden. “that’s why you thought i wanted to… god, i’d never hit you.” he said quietly, looking at you.
“i know, it’s just… reflex.” you started pinching your hand with your nails. “besides, i don’t know why she told you that. i was never like that. i wanted to approach, that’s true, but you just seemed interesting and you were new, i really wanted to know you, that’s it.” you looked down at the floor. he walked closer to you, tilting your chin up.
“i’m sorry you went through this. and for that i believed that asshole.” you shrugged. “no, don’t just shrug it off. i’m really sorry, if i knew this all was just… can we just start again? please.” you looked into his eyes. you could see he really regretted believing everyone and not talking to you back then.
“you really think we’d get along, after all that time playing like assholes to each other?” you chuckled softly. your eyes widened when he hugged you. you froze for a second, hesitantly hugging him back.
“i’m Harry.” his chin rested on the top of your head. you shook your head amused. for some reason you found comfort in his arms.
“i’m y/n.” you smiled, pressing your cheek to his chest.
“i like your name, suits you.” he smiled, tracing small circle on your back with his thumb.
“this is weird.” you chuckled. he chuckled along with you. “you can be real sweetheart if you’re not calling me a bitch all the time.”
“i don’t know what are you talking about, we just met.” he grinned, looking down at you. you rolled your eyes playfully with small smile on your lips.
~~~~~~ three weeks later ~~~~~~~
for the last three weeks, surprisingly, you and Harry get along well. everyone else was confused about your new behavior towards each other, but obviously it was a relief that you don’t want to kill each other anymore. Niall, Louis and Emma went for some small winter festival. you were currently in the kitchen, preparing things to bake cookies.
“what are you doing?” Harry asked, walking into the kitchen.
“cookies.” you said, grabbing flour from cabinet.
“cool, can i join?” he smiled, placing his hand on your lower back. you’d probably never admit it to yourself, but you started to like him more than you should. now, that you two started everything from the beginning, you were falling for him. hard and fast. when he wasn’t a complete dick, he was really sweet, and as you though- unfortunately, exactly your type. you always thought he was attractive, of course, but it wasn’t everything. when you were getting to know him better now, it’s was something you knew you were missing in your life.
“sure, if you want.” you smiled, grabbing few more necessary things. “we’re doing this pinterest cookies with jam. the ones with heart in the middle.”
“i saw them, yeah i know what you’re talking about.” he said, grabbing jam from counter. “cherry. nice, i like cherry jam.” he opened it, taking a spoon and dipping it in it. he ate whole table spoon of it, without anything. you scrunched your nose. “what?” he chuckled after he swallowed.
“you just ate a whole spoon of jam.” you said, disgusted. “it has to be too sweet.”
“it’s good.” he grinned, looking down at you. he licked his lips. “wanna try?” you shook your head playfully.
“okay, i can try. but not that much tho.” you smiled.
“it won’t be much, i promise. just a little taste.” he said, immediately leaning slightly down, pressing his lips against yours. when you realized what was happening, you kissed him back. his hand went on the nape of your neck, when the other one grabbed your hip. when you felt his tongue on yours, sweet cherry flavor hit your taste buds. your hand went into the back of his hair, pulling them softly. you were just kissing with a guy, who you were arguing with for the smallest things for almost two years. the worst part was that you wanted more. so much more. your other hand grabbed the hem of his shirt. he quickly read the signal, lifting you up. his hands under your thighs and your legs wrapped around his hips. without braking a kiss, he started going up the stairs to his room. when you two made it, he placed you on his bed, going on top of you. he broke the kiss, looking down at your swollen from kissing lips. his lips started leaving open-mouthed kisses on your neck, sucking in few places. your breath was already getting heavier. “i’m falling for you, darling.” he whispered against your neck. you gripped his chin, pulling him to face you. he licked his lips nervously.
“i’m afraid i’m falling for you too.” he smiled at your words, kissing your lips softly. his hands went on the hem of your hoodie. he pulled back from the kiss, looking at you and silently asking for your permission. when you nodded he took it off, revealing your covered in bra chest. he touched your sides, going up to your chest.
“you’re gorgeous.” he placed soft kiss in the middle of your breast. he looked at you. “are you sure?”
“yes.” you smiled, placing your hand on his cheek. he nodded, reaching to the clasp of your bra under your back. you lifted your chest up slightly to help him. he finally managed to get rid of your bra, so your naked breast was on display for him. he started peppering your chest with slow kisses. you tangled your hand into his hair, hearing him gasping into your skin. you already felt that he was hard, since his body was pressed between your legs. your hands went to the hem of his shirt, pulling it up. he quickly helped you, tossing it somewhere in the room. his hands grabbed your cotton shorts, taking them off. quickly after he took off his sweatpants along with his boxers, revealing his hard cock to you. when he went back on top of you, you immediately wrapped your hand around him, stroking his dick slowly. he groaned, looking down at you.
“i’m really not gonna last long if you keep doing this.” he chuckled softly, gripping hem of your panties, to take them off you. his thumb went on your clit as soon as he took them off, causing your moan. “so sensitive.” he grinned, pushing two fingers inside you. your back arched slightly when he started moving them in and out. “babe, i need to come before we start or i’m gonna finish as soon as i enter you.” he gasped, feeling your hand still stroking him.
“then lay on your back.” you smiled, feeling him pulling out his fingers. he laid down, waiting for you. you quickly went between his legs, bending down and taking him inside your mouth. he groaned, looking at you. his hand gripped the sheets next to him, when you started moving fast on his dick.
“fuck, so good, i’m already close.” he panted, trying so hard to look at you and not close his eyes from pleasure. “can i come inside your mouth?” you nodded around him. your hand stroking the part where you didn’t reach with your mouth. your cheeks hollowed inside, to bring him even more pleasure. with last fast strokes you could feel his release going down your throat, along with his broken moan. you sucked him slowly through his orgasm, letting go of him eventually and swallowing everything. “i need 30 seconds to recover.” you chuckled softly, taking place next to him. he laid you down on your back, propping himself on his side. he started kissing your neck, going down back with his hand to your core and pushing two fingers inside. you gasped, feeling him curling them in perfect angle. he was already hard again. when you were getting closer, he pulled out, going fully on top of you. he grabbed condom from his nightstand, quickly opening it and rolling onto his length. he positioned himself at your entrance. with kiss placed on your lips he slowly slid inside. you moaned into the kiss, wrapping your legs around his hips immediately. he broke the kiss, looking at you when he went fully.
“you can move, it’s okay.” you smiled softly.
“just making sure, don’t wanna hurt you.” he pecked your lips, rolling his hips slowly. you moaned softly at first moves. “you feel so good, sweetheart.” he whispered against your lips. his arms wrapping around your body to be as close to you as possible. he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. your hands went on his back, scratching it delicately when he started moving faster.
“oh my god, yes, feels so good.” you gasped, feeling him smile into your skin. he went even faster and your back arched slightly at the sensation. he adjusted slightly, hitting your sweet spot now with every thrust. you moaned louder.
“found it.” he pecked your neck few times, pulling out from it to look at your face. he groaned, feeling his climax approaching. “you look perfect, you’re so good for me honey.”
“i’m close.” you gasped, looking at him.
“i can tell, i can’t wait to feel you coming around my dick baby, squeezing me so perfectly.” he kissed your lips. you moaned into the kiss when you finished, clenching around him and arching your whole body. your legs shaking slightly around his hips. he fucked you through your orgasm, slowing down with a moan when he finished himself. his arms tightened around you and his cock twitching inside your pussy. his breath hot against your lips. “i think i’ve waited for you my whole life.” he whispered.
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fruitglazed · 8 months
rough sex w matt pls im in heatttttttttttt
I hope this makes your pussy throb. ୨⍣୧
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Turning off the water, you open the shower door, grabbing the towel you placed on the counter. Wrapping it over your body, you hear a ding. Checking your phone, it reads “See you at 6pm, pretty girl.” Confirmation text from Matt, your boyfriend of a few months. Followed by another ding, you glance down at your phone again. “Bro, I’m right next to you, no need to text me.” His brother Chris sent back. Chuckling to yourself, you dry both your hands off on the towel around your frame. “See you boys tonight. And Nick, what’re you wearing?” Pressing send, you smile to yourself. Our hebdomadal dinner was a go tonight. The four of you decided on a fancy Steakhouse. One of your favorites in particular. Expensive, but yummy. It was Matt’s turn to pay. You love to watch Matt get riled up whenever Chris would order almost the entire menu since he wasn’t in charge of the bill this time. Running out of the bathroom after finishing your hair and makeup, you head into your room browsing through your closet. With another ding from your phone- “White tank top and my corduroy striped pants. The purple ones.” Loving the message, you threw your phone on the bed. Time to get to work. Stripping each article of clothing you had from its place, you managed to decide on a simple satin dress. Eggshell shade, buttons on one side, starting from the hip, down to the slit of the dress. Not too short, just the perfect length. Thin spaghetti straps, hanging over your shoulders. The dress fit you in all the right places. To compliment Nick, you found a pair of open toed purple sandals. Adding on all your gold accessories, you look at the clock. 5:49pm. Dousing yourself with your favorite smell, you head back into your room and grab your phone. As you scroll through, you press Matt’s contact to give him a call. “Hey, baby. What’s up?” Matt says. “Just finished getting ready, I can’t wait to see you tonight. I’m wearing a pretty dress for you, I hope you’ll take it off of me later.” You breathe out. Almost moaning. You and Matt were like wild animals when it came to sex. Time and place didn’t matter. Matt’s breathing became louder as he spoke into the phone. “You don’t have to ask me twice. Should I just cancel dinner and come do it now?” Laughing you said you wouldn’t mind. Matt could fuck you any time he pleased, and you’d thank him. You weren’t shy when it came to him touching and fucking you. “I think we should role play tonight.” You suggested. This was one of your favorites to do with Matt. He thought it was fun, especially since you always got into character. “Sure, baby. That sounds like fun. We’re on our way to get you now.” Cheerfully, Matt had responded back. “See you soon, baby.” Blowing a kiss over the phone, you hung up.
Luckily the drive to your place from theirs, was only 2 minutes give or take. You locked up the house and walked to the end of the driveway. Pulling up, you see Matt in the drivers seat, and Chris in the passenger seat. Chris hops out of the door to offer you the front, but you decline and slip into the backseat next to Nick. “Hi boys! Are we ready for dinner this evening?” You exclaim. “Oh yes girl. Chris has been pissing me off all day because he’s hungry. Literally at any point he could’ve gotten a snack and just shut the fuck up.” Nick huffed out, smacking his lips. “Nick, shut up. You know I don’t eat much when it’s not my tab I have to worry about.” Chris spoke, rubbing his hands together, with a menacing laugh, all the while he stares down Matt. Smiling to yourself, you know Matt’s going to punch Chris when he sees the bill. “Hi, Matt. Ready for dinner?” I say in his direction. He eyeballs me through the mirror, taking turns looking at the road, then me. “Mhm.” His throat vibrates out. Hm. He must be getting into character already. You shrug and spark up a conversation with Nick and Chris. Once arrived at the Steakhouse, you all shuffle in and pick your seats. Matt goes on the opposite side of the table, across from Nick. Pulling the chair out from the table for you, expecting you to sit next to him, and Chris to sit with Nick, you decline again. You plop down right next to Chris, taking Nick’s usual spot. Furrowing his eyebrows, Matt stops and stares at you. With a blank look on his face, not taking his eyes off you, “Nick, sit next to me.” Leaves Matt’s lips. Nick puts his hands up and nods, sitting down next to him. Matt takes his seat still with his eyes locked on you. Staring back, not intimidated by him, you smile and make sure everyone has a menu. “Okay…” Chris says, breaking the tension between the Matt and I. “Yeah, what’s the deal?” Nick pipes in. “Nothing! I’m totally cool. I’m excited for tonight, I’m hungry and I’m with my best friends. Besides, it’s all on Matt, tonight.” A smirk creeping onto your lips. Nick and Chris giggle, while Matt is still monotone. Just before anyone can say anything else, a waitress stops by to take the tables order. “Hi there, welcome in! what can I get started for drinks for you all?” She says, pulling out her pen and notepad. “I’ll take an ice water with lemon. Thanks sweetheart.” Matt says smiling, looking from her straight to you, but dropping the smile. “Uh, yeah. We’ll do 3 more of those. Thanks!” Nick quickly says, hurriedly getting the waitress away from the table. You look at Matt, biting your lip almost laughing in disbelief. Looking back at your menu, skimming all the possibilities, the waitress appears with the lemon water and some bread and butter. As she’s setting them down on the table, she takes her hand and caresses Matt’s shoulder. Watching his every move from behind your menu, you roll your eyes. “Thanks again, sweetheart.” Matt repeats, this time with more of a flirtatious tone. Two can play at this game. Ignoring them and rescanning the menu, Chris leans over next to you- “Oh, by the way, you look very pretty tonight. You clean up nice, kid.” He says, innocently. You look up from your menu and glance at Matt, then turning to Chris. “Aww thanks Chris. That’s so sweet of you. I must say you’re looking rather handsome yourself.” You wink at him, bringing your hand up to his face just underneath his chin, giving his cheeks a little squeeze. You blow a kiss at him, then bring your eyes back to Matt. Anything goes when you role play. You can tell he’s seething in his chair. Trying not to make it obvious that it clearly had an effect on him. “I’ll be right back you guys, I’m going to the bathroom.” You excuse yourself and head to the ladies room. Once you find the bathrooms, you head in. Looking in the mirror, thinking to yourself this is not how tonight is supposed to go. In an instant the bathroom door flies open. Matt enters, locking the door behind him. “What the fuck was that?” He says harshly. Almost anything goes when you role play.
Playing dumb, you respond. “What was what, sweetheart?” Matt is two inches from your face. “You know what.” Sternly and not holding back, he gets even closer. “I pick you up, and you get in the back? We get here, you don’t sit next to me? Now you’re out there getting cute with Chris?” His chest is now touching yours. Not saying a word, you just look up at him. “He might look like me, but he can’t fuck like me.” Matt says brazenly. Your cheeks burn. Your core is on fire. Staring into his eyes, his pupils widen, getting darker by the second. Trying to slow your breathing down, you shrug. “Turn around. Now.” Matt flips you around, both of you looking at yourselves in the mirror. His dick outlined through his pants, grazing your ass. You softly moan to yourself. “Don’t make a sound unless I fucking tell you to.” Matt replies. Pressing his hand on your back, he pushes your chest to the cold counter. Matt brings his hands up your thighs to the buttons on your dress. In a motion he tears at your dress, buttons flying everywhere. All you can do is stare at him. “Good girl.” He breathes out. Pulling up your dress to the small of your back, exposing your ass and glistening pussy. “No panties? And you’re already soaked? I haven’t even touched you. You’re such a slut for me.” Dropping to his knees, he’s face first with your core. He drags his thumb up and down your cunt. Standing back up behind you, he shoves his finger in his mouth, licking it clean. Unbuckling his pants with one hand, they fall to the floor. Without warning, he shoves his cock deep inside you with no time to adjust. “Matt!” You yell out, forgetting what he just said. “Shut the fuck up.” He grits through his teeth. Matt takes his hands and wraps them around your throat, slightly squeezing each time you make a noise. Holding onto the sink, you could feel his rage with each stroke. Tears forming in the corner of your eyes from the pain, yet pleasure he’s enduring on your tight little pussy. “Don’t you ever think about sitting next to anyone else but me. Don’t ever touch anyone else but me. Next time, I’ll fuck you in front of them. Show them what’s mine.” The sound of moans and his hips slapping against your ass is definitely loud enough to hear from outside the bathroom. “Who fucks you like this, huh? Whose pussy is this.” Matt grabs ahold of your face, lining it up with the mirror. Watching him use you, sliding his cock in and out, making you take him deeper and deeper with every breath he breathes. Looking him in the eyes, you whisper out through tears “It’s yours, Matthew. This is your pussy.” A moan leaves your lips. Eyes rolling in the back of your head. Speeding up his thrusts, he’s hate fucking you, you can barely form a sentence. “Matt, I can’t take it-“ Throwing your head back. Matt grabs your hips, guiding your body with his slams into you. Clenching his member with your walls, you wish he could be buried in you forever. Your wetness leaking down your legs, hoping that he will lick it up afterwards. “Gonna fuck my load right into that cunt of yours. You’re gonna take every last drop.” His voice was dark. His thrusts began to slow, but he was still in control. Pumping in and out of you once more, he came in an instant. Matt pulled out and immediately crouched down, staring at your sweetly filled pussy. Watching his cum drizzle out of you, he took two of his fingers and stuffed it right back inside, swirling it around. Once he was satisfied, he brought his fingers up to your lips and shoved them in. Observing you suck the conjoined juices off his fingers, made him ready to fuck you again. Matt placed a sweet kiss on your lips and fixed your dress. Buckling his pants and running his hand through his hair, he grabbed your hand. “Let’s go baby, we have a dinner to ever back to.” He smiled back at you. Almost like he didn’t just fuck you senseless in your favorite Steakhouse’s bathroom. Walking out hand in hand from the women’s restroom, you get back to the table.
“Nick, do you mind if I trade seats with you?” You say, still holding onto Matt’s hand. Nick stands up and lets you sit, scooting the chair in for you. Chris and Nick both look at you and Matt, and then back at each other, laughing. “What?” Matt scoffs. “Oh nothing, just wondering if you love birds squashed the beef you had, or if you needed to go back to the bathroom for round 2?” Chris cackled. “Oh my god, you heard that?” You gasped. I mean you knew, but you didn’t want to believe it. “Oh sweetheart, everyone heard it.” Nick added. Rolling your eyes while giggling to yourself, Matt leans over to you. “I’ll be ready for round two when we get home.”
hiiiiiii…,,,,,,,, so I feel like I got sloppy at the end. >:-( ! anyways hope this was good enough 4 u anon <3 thank u 4 requesting this. Let me know anything yall want me to make come to LIFE! Mwah 💋
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strawberriianime · 10 months
♡ Kirara Hoshi x Reader x Kinji Hakari
♡ It was supposed to be a study session for finals but things took a turn~
♡ cw: college au, threesome, 18+ descriptions of sex, oral sex both giving and receiving, fingering, double penetration, Kirara has a pp but they/them pronouns (love them), unprotected sex, cum swallowing, nastyyyyyy just read!
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A loud sigh rang across the room belonging to no other person but Kirara. When it came to studying Kirara was always the first to crack due to it being "boring". You closed the text book seeing you were the only one still paying attention to it as Kirara was laid out on the chair and Hakari scrolled on his phone. "I suppose we can take a break it is getting quite boring." You stood up deciding to stretch out your back hearing the satisfying crack. "Hey?" Kirara spoke gaining your attention. "Do you think people think we fuck?” The question made you choke on air. It wasn't uncommon for you to come to their dorm to study but you never really thought what other people would think. Yeah, you guys spend a lot of time together but that’s what friends do. “Well uh, I?…” you were lost for words honestly not knowing how to respond. “Hmm ever had the idea of fucking me or Hakari hmmmm?” Kirara leaned up propping themself up onto their elbows. You’d be lying if you said the idea hadn’t crossed your mind once or twice, it’s no secret really. A couple times you’ve gotten drunk and made out with them but hey it never went that far. You were in college and single you could do whatever you wanted to do. Making your way to Kirara, you sat crisscrossed bringing your face close to theirs. “I maybe had a fantasy or two” you spoke, they could smell the spearmint gum you were chewing earlier lingering in your mouth..
Hakari sat back quietly watching the situation unfold between you two. "How about we make that fantasy come true hmm? Or are you scared?" Kirara's face came closer to your own lips just centimeters apart. Without a second thought, you brought your lips down to theirs tasting the strawberry chapstick they had coating their lips. Hakari watched eagerly as Kirara pulled you in by your waist, causing you to straddle them deepening the kiss. Your tongues brushed against one another both battling for dominance. Your hands ran under their shirt feeling their slender waist, rubbing circles on their hip. With a quick tug, Kirara was quick to remove your sweater leaving you in your baby pink lace bra. "Oh, how cute!" they exclaimed admiring the fabric rubbing their finger across. "You can take it off if you'd like" You smiled as you felt their hands come to your back toying with the clasp allowing your breast to spring free. "Hakari would you like to join us?" you extended a hand to him watching as he shuffled in his seat. He was quick to sit on the other side of you leaving you in the middle of them. You felt a pinch of your nipple before feeling something wet on your right bud. You arched your back as you felt a similar feeling on your left and your pants being shuffled down. Placing a leg on Hakari's leg, he snaked his hands down your pants feeling the thin fabric that separated his fingers from coming in contact with your dripping heat.
Nodding your head you allowed him to pull the fabric down your legs allowing him to rub his fingers up and down your aching slit. The feeling of Kirara sucking at your nipples and Hakari playing with your heat was enough to get you moaning. Once Hakari gathered enough of your juices he began rubbing circles on your clit. His touch was rough, but rough in just the right ways. You felt two fingers poking at your entrance causing your to arch your back when they made their way inside. Based on the technique you could feel that it was the middle and ring fingers rolling along your insides. He began pumping his fingers inside the sound of your slick filling the room. Your legs twitch at the feeling pussy clenching on his fingers longing to be filled more. You moved your hands one to each of their laps and began palming them through their pants. Deciding that was not enough you slipped your hands under their pants palming them both with a steady pace. As your hips began to stutter against Hakari's fingers your climax was just about to peak he pulled his fingers out leaving you clenching around nothing. He brought his fingers up to his mouthing tasting the sweet saltiness of your essence.
Removing your hands from both their pants, you dropped to your knees in between both of them. With ease, you removed both of their pants allowing them both to spring free. Licking your palms, you grabbed both members taking one in each hand and starting off with slow stroaks. You teased at the tip rolling your thumb and collecting the precum that bubbled from the slit. You licked your lips eagerly as you moved over to Kirara, licking slow and steady strips along their member. You didn't stop stroking Hakari as you licked up and down taking Kirara into your warm mouth. They let out a low moan enjoying the feeling of your mouth licking every inch of them. With a pop, you released Kirara from your mouth and made your way to Hakari whom you swapped now using the saliva from your mouth to stroak Kirara. Following the same steps you were quick to lick at Hakari's dick, placing small kisses along the shaft. With a quick drop, you had taken Hakari's deep into your throat almost gagging considering how thick he was. He was quick to grip your hair pushing you down even lower, nose being tickled by his pubic hair. You continued to stroke Kirara as you felt them twitch in your hand knowing they were close to their release. You felt Hikari's dick pulsate in your mouth causing you to such even harder. "Fuck I'm going to cum Kirara don't you cum yet" You bobbed your head even faster feeling the build-up of his release coming. Within an instant you felt Hikari's release flood your mouth, his cum not too thick with a slightly salty taste. On queue, you were quick to swallow every drop not leaving any behind.
As you caught your breath, you felt Hakari pull you up and place you on the chair so you were on your hands and knees in front of Kirara. You were almost confused when you felt a sudden wet suck down in your nether realm. You gripped the couch not being able to shake the feeling of Hakari lapping at your pussy. You licked at your lips once more, ensuring Kirara did not feel left out. You licked slowly at their tip watching as precum began forming once more. Coating your hands in saliva, you use your hands to pump up and down to cover what your mouth wasn’t reaching in the position. Kirara let out a series of groans to pair with the moans you released upon them.
Hikari placed delicate kisses along your fold before hooking his hands on your underside roughly palming the fat of your ass. He used this leverage to pull you lower to his face as you practically sat on his face. His tongue moved fast as he licked up and down your fold collecting the natural juice that formed from your needy hole. This tongue made way from the ball of your clit to the warmth of your hole licking around the aching area. He was quick to thrust his tongue in causing you to let out a high-pitched moan.
Just as you knew you were about to cum, you could tell Kirara was as well. Hallowing your cheeks, you sucked harder going down deeper and grinding yourself onto Hakari’ face. With a few more pumps and a couple sucks you and Kirara were both moaning together. Your release coating Hikari’s face as Kirara came in your mouth. It took a moment for you all to catch your breaths
“Tired already?” a voice rang through the room. You were brought out of your thought feeling a poke around your entrance. You were pushed onto your back, your back meeting Kirara's chest. You felt Kirara grip around your waist raising you slightly, feeling a second poke at your entrance. "Think you can take us both?" Before you could respond you felt something hard poke around pushing its way inside based on the movements it had to be Kirara adjusting you and lowering you down onto their length. They let you adjust to the feeling before Hakari began rubbing circles on your clit. You let out a whimper feeling your nipples being played with once more, your pussy clenching around Kirara wanting to feel some form of movement. "Had to get you nice and wet" Hakari said as you felt another poke at your entrance, looking down you were already stretched so seeing Hakari attempt to stretch his way inside you. There was a slight discomfort as your leg shook with the painful stretch of having two people inside one hole. Once he was able to push himself fully in, he threw one leg over his shoulder and the other on the side of the chair allowing comfort for all.
Once they figured you were comfortable, they began moving at a push-and-pull rhythm allowing nonstop pleasure for you. "Shit you're soaking wet" You knew it was true you could hear the squelching of your pussy with each thrust. The amount of pleasure you felt was overstimulating considering you were taking both there wasn't a second gone by where you didn't feel pleasure. "You both feel so good inside me" You threw your head back on Kirara's shoulder. They took this advantage and began peppering kisses on your neck. "I don't think I can take this much longer, I'm going to cum." You whined out. "Hold on a bit longer we're almost there" You felt their movements pick up causing you to moan much louder than before. Taking your right hand you began circling at your clit making you clench down even harder. "Shit, I'm going to cum" you whined out feeling their thrust getting more jagged by the minute. With a few more pumps and the stutter of their hips, you felt yourself spasm warm liquids mixing with their own. Grunts, groans and moans filled the room as long-anticipated orgasm came over everybody.
A couple of minutes had passed before they both pulled out of you slowly making sure to not further overstimulate your body. It took some time for you to catch your breath and to calm your nerves. "Here you go!" a towel was put onto your body suddenly. it was Kirara where was Hakari? Speaking of, he walked back into the main room "Let's get you all cleaned up I was running a bath for you." What have you gotten yourself into?
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Ice Bath. (141 x Reader.)
!CW!, NSFW, implied smut, BLURB, this is short asf
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It doesn’t sound so bad, until you’re actually doing it. After a long mission, everyone is battered and bruised, and so so tired. Captain Price recommends an ice bath.
He goes off on a tangent about how healthy they are for you. Soothing muscles and body aches, narrowing blood vessels, reducing inflammation and swelling. It really does sound amazing. Until you watch them do it one by one. Stepping one bare foot in, body going rigid as a gasp leaves their lips. You decide to go last. You try not to chuckle at them, but it’s hard when you hear their reactions. Once they’re all finished, just you’re left. Soap and Gaz are adding more ice, Ghost is sitting in a chair drying off, and Captain Price is timing since Soap and Gaz turned it into a competition. You shed all of your extra clothes, leaving yourself in a sports bra and shorts. You tie your hair up, standing by the side of the tub as they walk away with the empty bucket that once held ice. You raise a leg, putting your foot in. A gasp leaves your lips, and it grasps everyone’s attention immediately. Soap and Gaz exchanged glances. Eyes slightly widened. You bring your other foot up and over the tub, sitting down quickly, another gasp leaves your lips. “Oh fuck it’s so much-“ you pant, taking in deep breaths. Captain Price shifts uncomfortably, cock getting hard from hearing that. Jesus, they were deprived. Ghost tries to tune out your pants, Captain Price barely remembers to start the timer. “Doing good, keep going.”
“Ah- fuck.” You tilt your head back, breathing out. Your hands are clutching at the sides of the bath, knuckles turning white, you’re starting to squirm. “Time?” You ask. “Uh- um. 1 minute.” He breathes. He’s so confused, daydreaming. “Fuck- it’s too much.” Your eyes are clenched shut and you’ve got a sexy grin playing at your lips. Ghost tries to discreetly palm his hard cock through his sopping wet pants. “Just- keep going. You can take it.” Gaz mumbles, earning a couple glances from the others. You hiss out. “Try going under.” Your Captain says. So you do. Dipping under for a few seconds, resurfacing with a loud gasp, you’re panting again, “ugh..” you mumble, your body is shaky and your skin is turning red. You don’t realize it but the sounds you’re making, they’re lewd. Taking the guys off guard completely as you whimper. Chest rising and falling. “You win.” Captain Price finally says, and you quickly stand up, shivering, legs shaking. You’ve got water dripping off of you and they’re all staring. You’re panting as you dry yourself off.
You find it a little odd that nobody is in the mess hall eating dinner once you’ve dried off and returned, each of them reappearing after about 20 minutes of eating alone. You’re almost done with yours by the time they’re starting theirs. “Jeez. You guys seem out of it.” You giggle.
Each of them look at you in a different light, seeing you squirm and whimper that way, they couldn’t handle it. “Uh.. yeah. Just.. hot shower was too nice.” Soap laughs. Your skin is still freezing when he brushes passed you. All he can think about is his hot skin pressed up against yours. He’s got to pull himself away from his thoughts. Once you all meet up again, it’s silent and awkward. Eventually, you excuse yourself to your room for the night. You leave the four of them eating around the table. They’re quiet at first until Soap finally speaks up.
“So did anyone else have to rub one out after that show she put on, or was it just me?” He laughs, the rest of them burst out laughing with him. Captain Price nearly spitting out his drink. “Oh yeah, that was wild.” Gaz laughs, tipping his water bottle back. Taking a few gulps of it. “Will probably never look at her the same again after that one.” Ghost mumbles. Trying to hold back a smile. “Yeah, no. Definitely not.” Gaz laughs.
“Told you boys it’d be relaxing, I just didn’t think it’d end that way.” Captain Price wipes his mustache, standing up and patting the table with his hand.
“Relaxing or entertaining?” Soap laughs.
“Definitely both.”
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cringe--is--dead · 3 months
“So? You nervous?”
You huffed, doing your best to ignore the finger poking your cheek in favor of studying the clipboard you were holding.
Lev whined your name, sounding more like a petulant toddler than a 6’4 high schooler, “Hey— don’t ignore me! It’s mean!”
“Lev!” Yaku turned around in his seat as much as he could, glaring at the first year, “Drop it!”
The taller boy fell back into his seat, pouting dramatically, “I just wanted to help her if she was nervous.”
“Pestering her isn’t helping her, is it?”
You heard Kuroo and Kai snicker from where they were seated in front of you, and you put the notes down in your lap, placing an arm on Yaku’s shoulder to sit him down.
“Lev, I appreciate that you want to help me,” You leaned into the isle of the bus to look back at him, “But poking me isn’t going to help me.”
His playful pout turned serious, and he looked sheepish at your light scolding, “Sorry.”
He looked so much like a kicked puppy you felt almost bad, and just smiled lightly at him, “If I have any questions I think you can answer I’ll come to you first, okay?”
Lev brightened almost immediately, a proud glow on his face, “Well of course! As Nekoma’s future ace I can help you with anything!”
“Except your receives.”
You shook your head, turning back around in your seat.
“Hey,” You glanced up, seeing Kai peeking back at you between his and Kuroo’s seats, “Are you feeling nervous?”
Yaku and Lev were busy bickering, and your head dropped forward a bit, “A little,” You admitted, “Meeting other schools and all these strangers sounds terrifying.”
He smiled at you, and the calmness in his eyes did as it always did, calming your racing heart, “Don’t worry. We’re pretty close with all the teams coming, everyone’s friendly, if not a bit overly competitive.”
“With that in mind,” You both jumped as Kuroo interjected, sitting on his knees to turn to you, “You have a few ground rules, our dear, little manager.”
You raised an eyebrow at your captain, “Why?”
He grinned, that stupid, cocky one he knew got under your skin, “We can’t have you being kidnapped or scared off after our first training camp, now can we?”
He waved Kai off, and he had caught the attention of most of the team at this rate, much to your embarrassment.
“Rule one; no being alone with Bokuto, especially if Akaashi isn’t nearby. God knows that spikey haired owl would try and steal our manager to join their manager duo.”
Yaku plopped down into his seat, crossing his arms as he glared up at the captain, “I doubt Bokuto would actually—”
“Rule two! No being alone with Karasuno’s libero and that bald headed spiker of theirs.”
“Okay, that’s a rule I can get behind.” Yaku muttered.
From a few rows back Yamamoto decided to pipe in, “Don’t worry cap— I’ll keep those two away from our precious manager! After I rub it in their faces, of course.”
Kenma, who had been playing his console game with his headphones on, glanced over at his seatmate annoyed, “Sit down.”
“Are those the only rules?” You crossed your arms, mimicking how Yaku was seated.
Before Kuroo could respond, he was interrupted, “Sit down! All of you!”
Everyone fell back into their seats quickly, Kuroo’s cheeks flushing as Nekomata chuckled as Naoi scolded the team, “You all have ridden a bus enough times to know better, c’mon.”
“Sorry, coach.”
You leaned over to Yaku, “What’s with the people I’m being warned against?”
He sighed, smiling at you, “Bokuto is Fukurodani’s captain. He’s just a bit overly energetic. He and Kuroo are really good friends, so you can’t avoid him entirely. He’s nice, don’t worry about that. And Karasuno…”
He trailed off, as if debating on the proper response, “Their libero, Nishinoya, and their spiker he mentioned… Tanaka, I believe. They’re a bit… what’s the word?”
“Girl crazy?” Lev pipped up, leaning his face forward between the seats, cheeks squished.
“They have two managers there, a first and a second year. They used to rub it in our faces, well, more Yamamoto’s face that they had two managers, and we had none. Until now.”
Lev glanced at you, attempting to grin, though it looked rather funny, “You don’t mind being paraded like a trophy, do you?”
“What?” You felt your face warm at Lev’s question, and Yaku huffed, pressing his palm against Lev’s face, pushing him back.
“Why’d you have to say it like that?”
Lev rubbed his nose, “What? He’s gonna wanna show her off! We got the coolest manager!”
His childish praise made your heart flutter, and you picked up the clipboard once more, staring at the papers but not processing any of the words before you.
“If he does anything stupid just let me know,” Yaku sighed, eyes closing, “I’ll run drills so hard they’ll pass out from exhaustion.”
“And the demon upperclassman shows his face once more.”
Without opening his eyes or responding he sent a strong kick against the seat in front of him, Kuroo’s startled yelp ringing through the bus.
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months
Could you write for alessia where the reader gets badly injured during a match and alessia completely over reacts during trying to protect and look after reader
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Alessia Russo x reader Drabble & Request
-> Reader gets injured, Alessia loses it, and turns into a nurse
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Derby’s were always different matches than the usual – feistier, more brutal. There was a real passion behind it. And this game was no different. Arsenal against Tottenham, the north London derby. The training sessions were even more intense than usual, and the speech Leah gave in the changing room was terrifying. While the blonde couldn’t play, still out with her ACL, she was still a Gunner through and through – so she sat at the sidelines, shouting words of encouragement.
Standing in the tunnel you could feel the tension, it made you nervous. While most loved derby days, you didn’t – they were scary. Your lovely girlfriend knew it, trying to get you to sleep until three in the morning, whispering calming words into your ears as she rubbed your back in a soothing motion. Now, standing behind you, she rested her bigger hands on your shoulders – weighing your nervous body down.
The crowd was electric while walking in and through the entire first half where Less had scored a gorgeous goal – the halftime speech mainly consisted of encouraging words to further the lead by a goal or two. Everything was going fine until Arsenal was given a corner kick.
Steph was the one to take it – and now the only thing you remember was hearing Katie shout out a ‘you bitch!’ as you went down. Your entire face hurt as a metallic taste filled your mouth. Dazed you sat on the ground as everything escalated around you.
The medics were talking at you, pressing a towel against your nose, and lighting a lamp in your eyes as your conciseness started to fade.
It felt like a dream when you woke up in the medical room, surrounded by your teammates, who were quietly chatting amongst themselves. “Amore! You’re awake!” Your girlfriend sat up next to you, taking your hands into hers. Your eyes were hazy, the brightness of the room needing you to hold a hand in front of them. It was Kim who turned the light off, sitting directly in front of the switch for it.
“What happened?” Alessia nearly cooed at your croaky voice, feeling sorry for you. After looking at her a bit closer, you noticed tear streaks on her cheeks. With shaky hands, you reached out to wipe the new tears away, as she gave you a tight smile. “You jumped for the header, but got pushed into the goalpost by a Tottenham player.”
And just like that, the pain in your nose returned – as you went to touch it, Less caught your hands, taking them into hers once again. “Still made the goal though. And Russo got a red.” Kyra laughed as she remembered how your goal went in, going to hug you, just to see you lying on the ground, with a bloody nose and absent eyes.
With shocked eyes, you looked at your girlfriend, who looked way sheepishly. “W- What? Alessia?” Other than expected, the girls started cheering  - quickly stopping when their striker's angry gaze met theirs. Katie patted her on the back like a proud older sister, who had gotten her sibling into trouble. “Russo here can get feisty. Some nice yelling at the Ref, pushing players – Slapping a bitch…”
You nearly thought that you had misheard the Irishwoman. “You slapped someone?” The blonde knew that she really was in trouble now – so did everybody else as they quietly laughed. “Amore – she pushed you! You were bleeding a-and I couldn’t help myself so I- I…” She gave up, seeing your raised brow.
The team girls stayed for a while as a doctor came and explained your bruised nose, chipped tooth, and very annoying concussion.
Seeing your pain and Alessia’s longing eyes Kim decided to gather the team and go home, leaving the blonde on your bed at your side before she took you to your joined home again. “I was so scared, Amore.” Now it was your turn to coo, kissing her puffy cheeks, tasting the saltiness of her tears on your lips. “I know baby. But you didn’t need to get a red. I appreciate your protecting me very much, but it wasn’t needed.”
Alessia spent the rest of the evening hovering. Helping you in the bath, helping wash your hair, helping you get out, making dinner, helping you change, and helping you get ready for bed. And as much as you tried not to say anything, it felt suffocating.
“Alessia?” You were lying in bed by now, while Alessia ran through the room, trying to think of things to make your night better. “Hmm?”
“If you wake me up in the night – I’ll kill you.” Your girlfriend gulped nervously, hoping that you were joking.
After two hours of restless sleep, Alessia was still awake, she woke you up again. “I’m sorry Amore, but I need to check, you know that.” You did know that. But you were still annoyed.
Throughout the night she was met with various harsh responses to being woken up – but she handled them like a champ, knowing that you loved her – you were just tired and in pain.
Alessia couldn’t help but hover for the next days, having taken off from training as well.
While it was annoying, you wouldn’t change it for the world, enjoying your time together even if you weren’t feeling so well. the striker would never regret that red card, content to have you by her side, nursing you back to full health.
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jasmines-library · 11 months
I’m in love with the angst. Can you do a sister Winchester story where she’s at dinner with John and the boys and she starts choking
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Knock it off
Note: Sorry this took me so long to get to! I wasn't 100% sure what direction to take this in so it's a little short i'm sorry, but I hope it's okay.
warnings: Choking. J*hn Winchester (yes he is a warning)
Word count: 1k
It was an unusual occurrence for the four of you to be in one room at the same time, let alone sat crowded around a dinner table eating something other than diner food or one of those ready made meals that were convenient, but tasted like cardboard and had an aftertaste that stuck around for far too long, But nevertheless, there you were. You were crammed in between your brothers, your knees rubbed up against theirs and your elbows occasionally bumped into each other as you took forkfuls of food. 
There was an unmeasurable grin plastered across your face, reaching from one ear to the next. And there was one on your dad’s too. He was treasuring the moment, you were sure. The way his body relaxed into the wooden chair told you that much. With time left over after a hunt that went unusually well, he had decided to cook something so, a quick pit-stop and a few hours later, he had managed to produce a steaming tray of burgers from the motel’s half functioning grill, and whilst it was far from gourmet, and wasn't going to make up for his countless mistakes and poor parenting, or win him any ‘father of the year awards’, it was a gentle step in the right direction.
The sound of the tv playing listlessly in the background was drowned out almost completely by the chatter as you shared stories and memories, laughing at the few treasured moments that the four of you had shared. 
You were about halfway through the meal when it happened; suddenly your body was completely deprived of air. You began to work up a coughing fit, spluttering and cutting out the chatter completely as everyone turned to look at you. 
Dean deepened the creases between his eyes. “You okay there sweetheart?”
You nodded, trying to dismiss him with a thumbs up, but whatever was cutting off your airway wouldn't budge. Gasping for breath, you pushed your chair away from the table clutching at your chest. Your brothers were up in a flash frantically patting you on the back. It felt like hours before the offending piece budged and you took in air selfishly. 
A few rouge tears trailed down your face as Sam led you over to the edge of the bed, setting you down gently. He rubbed his hands soothingly up and down your arms as you hyperventilated, now taking in too much air with the thought of running out again persistent in your mind. 
“Deep breaths, Kiddo. Deep breaths.” He crouched down in front of you, taking your small hands in his and pressing a gentle kiss to them. 
You followed his breathing, inhaling deeply, then holding it, savouring it and then exhaling back out again, until finally your body remembered somewhat how it was supposed to function and your breathing steadied. 
Your dad came over hesitantly with a glass of cool water clutched gently in his hands. It was strange that even with all of his years hunting monsters, he still didn’t know how to act around his children when they were in distress. Fear gripped him tightly like a glove, taking over all of his control over his body. So, it took him a few moments to process what was happening before he actually made a move towards you. 
“You alright?” He queried as you took gentle sips of water, under the watchful eyes of your older brother, Dean. 
You nodded. “Yeah…”
Dean ran his hands over his face and let out a sigh. “Jesus, sweetheart. You scared the crap out of us.”
“Sorry…” You shrugged, pushing your shoulders up to your ears.
Sammy shook his head, tossing his hair around his face. “It was an accident.”
“Just remember to chew your food next time.” Dean quipped. He was always one to make a joke out of a serious situation to lighten the mood. He couldn’t stand the tension, it made him nauseous. 
You rolled your eyes and slapped him playfully on the chest. “Not cool.”
He turned his head. “You know I am.”
“Dude.” Sam said, giving his older brother a look. “Shut up.”
“What?! I am!”
He sighed. “If you say so.”
You just chuckled at their antics, glad that your incident didn’t ruin the tender moment between your family. You would always treasure little moments like these, with your brothers being your brothers, even if it meant spending time hauled up in a motel listening to the pair of them bicker. It was a reminder that sometimes, the three of you could be normal if only just for a precious moment.
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momojedi · 5 months
Could I have #88 and #97 with Captain Rex, pretty please...??
JUST MARRIED PAIRING: Captain Rex x GN! Reader
#88 | “Don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married…” #97 | “I want you and I know you want me too.”
GENRE: Fluff WARNING: none A/N: Since I got prompted #88 by an anon who asked for no one in particular, I mixed up your request with theirs. Thanks for requesting!
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"Mhi solus tome,
Mhi solus dar’tome.
Mhi me’dinui an,
Mhi ba’juri verde."
Intense concentration furrows my brow as I massage my temples, striving to translate the unfamiliar words. "For fuck's sake," I mutter, frustration punctuating each syllable as I kick a nearby pebble with surprising strength, eliciting a muffled groan and the metallic clang of beskar as it ricochets off a distant helmet.
Two weeks may not seem long, especially when operating undercover among a terrorist faction whilst the galaxy is engulfed in war. It would probably be advisable to keep a cool head and avoid making a big deal out of insignificant subjects—such as unfamiliar phrases. However, when those words escape the lips of your longtime crush, delivered with an unexpected fervor while locking passionate eyes with you in a language foreign to your ears...
Well, needless to say, I've devoted more time to overthinking it than I care to admit.
When General Skywalker tasked us with shadowing Death Watch until the Jedi Council reached more intel, I hadn't given it much thought... admittedly, he hadn't specified that by "us" he didn't mean Ahsoka and me, as usual, but rather the captain of the 501st and myself—the very someone I've harboured feelings for since the day we met.
Nevertheless, I maintained my composure, played my part, and stayed under the radar, much like Rex, until Death Watch proposed an elaborate ceremony—a ceremony whose name I could barely pronounce, let alone understand its significance. Before any suspicion could arise, Rex quickly agreed in my place, and now here I am, entangled in some eerie ritual with a military captain whose gaze seemed entranced, so intense was his focus.
"If I had my datapad right now...," I hiss under my breath, casting blame on whoever decided I should leave my sole translation device behind. Likely Skywalker.
The crunch of gravel under heavy boots interrupts my daydreaming. I spin around sharply, only to find the very man haunting my mind approaching. "I figured I'd find you here," Rex hums as he settles beside me. "Yeah," I reply with a dry laugh, brushing the dust off my hands. "Sorry, I suppose I just needed... alone time. After everything yesterday, you know?" Rex's eyes widen almost comically, and he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. "Oh... yeah."
The ensuing silence gnaws at my nerves, prompting me to pop the question after another agonising five minutes. "Hey, about that... what did those words mean, anyway?" "I'm not sure what you're referring to," Rex responds, avoiding my gaze. I gulp. He can't have forgotten, can he? "Come on, Rex... It seemed significant." After a moment's hesitation, Rex sighs, running a hand over his buzzcut before raising his head to face me, though still evading it. "I..." "Yes?" "Alright, fine. [Name], don't panic, but... we might have accidentally... gotten married."
"Shh!" Rex quiets me with a gentle hand over my mouth, his eyes darting cautiously around us before he releases me. I shake my head slowly, puzzled. "Sorry, but what?" "The, um, the words... they were Mandalorian wedding vows," he admits, his tone tinged with uncertainty. I can't help but laugh. Married? Us? "You're joking." "Unfortunately not," he replies, a slight smile tugging at his lips, before his expression shifts to sheepishness as he rubs the back of his neck. "Though I do believe you'd make an excellent partner." Suppressing a chuckle, I ignore the warmth creeping into my cheeks.
"Actually, I realized we needed a distraction when I overheard some members gossiping behind our backs. They were growing suspicious, so I thought perhaps they'd relax if we participated in some traditions." Rex sighs, examining a pebble he's picked up. I shoot him a hopeful sidelong glance before quickly looking away, feeling my heart quicken.
Force, this man is captivating.
Silence envelops us once more as we both drift deeper into our own thoughts. When I sense the gravel shifting under his weight, I raise an eyebrow. "It wouldn't bother me, you know?" A lump forms in my throat, causing a series of coughs to escape at his words. "Wh-what?" "Being with you." Suddenly, his warm yet weighty hand finds mine. Sweat prickles at my heated skin as I keep my gaze fixed ahead.
"R-rex, are you suggesting...?" "[Name]," he interrupts, turning to face me. Before I can evade his gaze, he gently lifts my chin, compelling me to meet his eyes. I run my tongue over my dry lips, which his gaze is now fixated on. "I want you. And I know you want me, too." His proximity sends shivers down my spine as goosebumps ripple over my arms and back. His newfound confidence is palpable. "I've noticed the way you look at me, how you stare. I know, [name]," he murmurs against my lips, "what do you think?"
I flush, gripping his wrist as I lock eyes with his warm gaze. "I think you're right." Rex chuckles deeply, resonating like a rumble in his chest. "Good." And before I realize it, his lips meet mine,
Time seems to slip away as I surrender completely to the kiss. Eventually, Rex pulls back, leaving me breathless, and flashes me a mischievous grin.
“So, about that wedding night…”
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sexy-monster-fucker · 5 months
Consorts [Part 1]
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The Ghoul|Cooper Howard x F!Bounty Hunter!Reader
Summary: Months back, the Reader and Cooper got in a huge mess after deciding to work together after finding out they were given the same bounty. Neither has seen each other since. Reader has been laying low in a far off settlement, working a common bar job just to make a living...
a/n: very excited to attempt another multi-part story for the first time in years!! for the record, I have only watched the show through once and I have never played one of the games sooooo sorry for any inaccuracies
You sat another glass in front of one of your bar dwellers.
It had been months since you even dared go outside this town. You hid your face anytime you were outside the walls of your dwelling. You were forced to lay low after your last bounty went south. Not only had you lost all credibility as a bounty hunter, but a giant target had been attached to your back by the group who you had wronged. There was no where safe for you.
Although your face had to be mostly covered, your job required a certain level of attracting customers. You would make sure to wear something rather revealing of your chest, along with skin tight pants. Making sure you flirted strongly with your eyes to attract more people to the bar.
A group of men who had been sat at a table for sometime all approached the bar at once. You could hear them mumbling something back and forth as glances were shot your way.
"Great," you thought, "Some moron got bet by his friend to hit on me." You rolled your eyes as you cleaned one of the glasses.
"Sweetheart," followed by a whistle.
Your skin crawled. Smug faces met yours when you turned around.
"What's a lady like you doing working in a place like this?" He cocks an eyebrow at you. You huff in response.
"Don't misunderstand now..." a click and suddenly all the men were pointing guns at you, "I want to know why you thought someone worth so much would be hiding in plain sight. We all swore you were smarter than that." You stared down the barrel of his gun.
You sucked your teeth, dropping your head to the side slightly, "Y'all're here for the money? I thought you were going to compliment a lady." Your gun is fired quicker than any of them can register. The man in front of you falls backwards, the others squatting down in fear. You take your opportunity and run out the back exit.
Your mind is playing every possibility of this ending. Gunfire dancing on the ground around you as the men chase you. You end up in the middle of town, firing your gun at them as they are hot on your tail. In a flash, the amount of people after you practically doubles. Your eyes widen as you attempt to find somewhere to hide. You grab a grenade off your belt, throwing it center at them.
While smoke surrounded them, you slid under and behind a large lean-to. You were on all fours, looking through the small crack in the wood. The men were scrambling, firing their guns in any and all directions. A fight was breaking out.
"FIND HER YOU IDIOTS!" One of the men shouted.
You heard more gunfire joining theirs. You knew it had to be some local fighting back. You scanned the area around you, seeing a small pathway that led to a more exposed part of the fort you had hidden in. You crawled, hoping it would lead you out.
"My, my," a familiar voice spoke above you. You looked up to see him staring down at you, his head cocked to the side. "Oh, sweet Jesus," one of your hands rubs down your face. "Longtime no see, doll," he grinned.
The infamous Ghoul. Few knew his name, fewer lived long enough to share it. The two of you had become more than acquainted in a prior mission gone wrong. The one that had left you both on the run.
He reached a hand out to you, pulling you up to your feet. "Didn't expect to see you here," he grumbled. You rolled your eyes, placing your back against his preparing to fireback together. You felt him turn his head slightly, "Y'know, I didn't take you for a brothel girl." Smugness was written on his tone. Your cheeks flooded with a slight embarrassment. He shifted positioning his lips directly next to your ear, "Took you for more of a cowgirl after last time." Heat radiated your body with his obvious innuendo. "People have to do things when they're on the run," you breathe out. He scoffed in your ear.
The Ghoul aimed his gun out, shooting and hitting one of the goons. "I'll get us out of this, but you've got to make a deal with me," he looked down at you. You crossed your arms, "What could you possibly want from me?"
"We're going to finish the mess you got me in," he pointed at you. "That I got you in? That isn't at all-" "I don't have time for this. You either take the deal or I leave you here."
You blew your breath out, "Deal." You gritted your teeth. His lip curved into a smirk, "That's a good girl. Now you stay here and on my signal come out." You nodded.
The Ghoul stepped out from behind the wooden building, whistling to get all the gunmen's attention. You watched as they all directed their attention towards him. Guns all pointed at him before realizing who stood before them.
"There's the other one!"
"That's the Ghoul they're promising a reward for too!"
"We could get double the money!"
The brim of his hat hid his eyes from them.
"Don't make this harder than it has to be, ghoul. If you just give us the girl we can be on with our way," one of them shouted.
"So you can come back and get me later? Not gonna happen," he pointed his gun at them, "I'm leaving here with the girl."
The man chuckled, "You're out numbered here."
The Ghoul shrugged his shoulders. He fires his gun at the giant water barrel suspended above the town. It tips over, soaking all the men in radioactive water. The Ghoul swiftly runs back to you, grabbing your hand and running off with you. You were quick on your feet following behind him.
You both run as fast as you can until the town is no longer in the distance. You slow down, attempting to catch your breath. Loud and obvious huffs leaving you.
"C'mon, Y/N. We've gotta keep going before they get smart." He gestured at you to follow him.
END//Part 1
[Thank you for reading!  If you are interested in being tagging in any of my writings don’t be afraid to message me!  All tag lists are open!  I have a master taglist and one for each character!]
@mortuus-poet | @giggle-shade |
// Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 //
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coveredinsweetpea · 1 year
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A/n: this is super random but I'm cleaning out my drafts folder and I figured since I don't even remember what was supposed to happen next, I might as well post it. Maybe it inspires someone to write a second part? 🥴🥴 Summary: Nancy gives you and Eddie a nasty dare, and as if doing that in front of everybody at the party wasn't bad enough, Jason decides to be a complete asshole. Good thing Eddie won't allow that 1.3k Warnings: this isn't smut but it does mimic or at least mention aspects such as oral (m receiving), humiliation, and degradation. also one watersports comment. pls 18+
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The room went absolutely silent as soon as the dare reached everyone's ears. It was still early, no one was drunk yet, some weren't even tipsy, yet the words rolled off Nancy's lips as if she had something to win off of your humiliation. 
"You know, right? That if you don't want to do it, you don't have to?" Steve jumped to clarify as the shock on your face refused to wear off. 
You blinked and swallowed and then your eyebrows flew up for half a second as you shook your head. "It's really not that big of a deal" you smiled and turned to look at Eddie. "Right?"
"Right" he nodded, his grin only widening as he looked you up and down. 
While the rest of your friends kept on staring, Nancy and Jonathan, on the little armchair that they shared, furiously whispered between themselves. 
"Well" you took a deep breath and slapped Eddie's knee. "What are we waiting for?"
"I'll.. go grab the beer then" he said. 
As he got up and rounded the couch on his way to the minifridge in the corner of the basement, you stood up too, and fixed your skirt as you waited for him to return.
The expressions of shock on your friends' faces turned into pure excitement as Eddie grabbed your hand and led you to the nearest wall. 
"Get on your knees, sweetheart" he commanded and against the violent pit on your stomach, you did just that.
"Think she can swallow it all?" one of the girls laughed, making the others cheer like a pack of football jocks who celebrated a victory that was already theirs.
But they didn't get to you, at least not visibly. Your heart was beating rapidly all the way up in your throat and your shaky palms, wet and cold, gripped Eddie's jeans as you looked up at him. 
"You good, sweetheart?" he mouthed softly. 
His hand, warm and dry, cupped your cheek and he rubbed his thumb across your bottom lip as you nodded.
"You sure?"
You nodded again. 
"Ok, then" Eddie smiled. He moved the beer from his left hand to the right, and propped the top of the bottle against his handcuffs shaped belt buckle. Getting a better grip on the neck of the bottle, Eddie twisted it against the metal, having the top fly off with a quick and satisfying click.
Seeing the surprise on your face, Eddie shrugged proudly. "You didn't really think I bought this belt just because it looked cool, did you?"
"That was my mistake" you confessed with a giggle before your attention was grabbed by Jason and two of his friends as they walked over and squatted down by your side, all but bursting with enthusiasm.
"What?" one of them raised their hands in defense and looked back and forth between you and Eddie. "We wanted a better view"
Eddie grabbed your chin so you'd face him and sent you a knowing look. It didn't take a genius to know just how uncomfortable the situation could've been for you, and he wanted to make sure you were alright. 
"It's ok" you said and looked at them, "If you guys aren't getting any action, you might as well watch others"
"Ha-ha very funny" one of them snapped, but against their frustrated reaction, the others laughed out loud. Eddie did too. 
"Come on, you two!" Nancy giggled, "Stop wasting time, others want to play too"
"Fine, fine" you sighed and looked back up at Eddie, "Come on"
He waited for you to get into position, on your knees with your ass against the wall and your back arched as you looked up at him. He didn't have to tell you to do it - you opened your mouth on your own, and leaned into his hold when he grabbed your chin to keep you in place.
"Bottoms up" Eddie cheered and brought the bottle up to your lips. 
The picture was perfect and it had everyone holering in no time. You knew what it all looked like and for some weird and unknown reason, it didn't bother you one bit. The bottom of the bottle was pressed against Eddie’s crotch as beer flowed out of it and into your open and eager mouth.
It was coming down too fast and too much at once, and despite swallowing as much as you could, beer still escaped down your chin, over Eddie's hand and onto your knees and the carpet. But he wasn't slowing down, wasn't tilting the bottle so that less flowed out, he just let you struggle and, judging by the look on his face, enjoyed every second of it.
By the time the bottle was half empty, you were already finding it hard to keep going. Your hands closed in on their hold against Eddie’s thighs, your nails sinking into his jeans and then into his flesh, as you looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed in a silent plea for him to slow down. 
But he knew better than to do that. So instead of letting you take a break, he tightened his hold against your jaw and pushed you back, tilting your head even further. The bottle at this point was almost completely upside down, the beer overflowing your mouth.
Panic set in, until you realized it was all in your favor. The alcohol was coming down so fast that it was physically impossible to keep up, making almost all of it spill onto the floor. 
No one really cared about that detail, they were all in awe of what you just did, screaming and howling all kinds of dumb and immature phrases of praise as soon as you were done.
Once the last drop of beer rolled onto the floor, Eddie threw the bottle aside and grabbed both your hands to help you up.
"Quite impressive, Y/n" Jason chuckled with a disgusting tone in his voice as Eddie wipped the dust off your knees. "I must say, it does look like you know what you are doing. Got experience, beautiful? I doubt this was you first time drinking straight from the-"
You barely got a chance to register his words before Eddie turned around and lounged at Jason. Thankfully, he didn't go for a hit, didn't want to ruin the night by sending someone to the hospital, but instead, slammed him hard against the wall, and pulled out his famous pocket knife.
Steve and Jonathan jumped up instantly too, stopping Jason's friends from interfering as you rushed over to Eddie.
"Jesus, Eddie, it's ok! Let him go!"
But he didn't listen, and continued to face Jason. "If the next words that come of your mouth aren't an honest fucking apology, I'll slam your face into the toilet and shove this knife up your ass"
Jason, probably in need of a new pair of underwear, shook his head and struggled to keep the tears from rolling down his face as he muttered out his words. "Listen, man. I'm sorry, I-"
"Not to me, you idiot!" Eddie scoffed and slammed Jason into the wall again. "You're gonna apologize to Y/n."
After choking back a sob, he looked in your direction. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean, it was stupid, ok? I thought it would be funny, I didn't think- I'm sorry, ok? I really am, I won't- I won't say shit like that again, ok? Can you- can you like... forgive me? Please?"
"Yes.." you said softly and got ready to peel Eddie off of him. "It's ok, thanks for apologizing"
Reluctantly, Eddie let him go and wrapped an arm around you as Jason and his two friends furiously gathered their stuff and rushed out of the basement. 
"Yeah, I'm sorry about all of this" you mumbled as soon as you realized the room was left completely silent. 
"No one liked them anyway" Steve laughed and the others all agreed. Somehow, the mood wasn't ruined, and before you even got a chance to sit down, other dares were already being thrown around.
"Hey, you OK?" Eddie asked, softly enough only so that you'd hear.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You didn't have to scar him for life, but thanks"
"I'll admit, I may have crossed the line a bit, but this way, at least we know he won't get any ideas to say shit like that to you again"
"Thanks" you said and shook your head, giggling softly, "I was gonna hug you but my shirt is all wet"
"Here" Eddie said.
He took his leather jacket off, along with his vest, and then pulled his shirt over his head before you even managed to get a word in. "Go get changed and put this on" he said handing you the Hellfire shirt, "It's my fault yours is all soaked"
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didyoulookforme · 6 months
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nsfw alphabet: cute & soft matty healy x fem reader
so, i'm not a writer whatsoever, but i have thoughts (a lot of them smutty tbh) about a certain matty healy and wanted to jot them down as i need to try and get them off this brain of mine.
i have a type and it's middle part sometimes straight hair sometimes curly silver chain baggy clothes wearing matty, who in my head appears shy and innocent at first due to his fidgety demeanour (eg. running hands thru his hair constantly, mindlessly biting his bottom lip, repeatedly tapping his foot, etc.) but is actually very opinionated and witty with the people he’s close to, including you. he’s been your bff for years but is afraid of taking it further because he adores you and doesn't want your friendship to be ruined due to his big feelings towards you. he loves to hug you to feel you close and breathe in your scent, but honestly, he doesn't (or tries to not) have much physical contact with you otherwise because his mind, heart, and body cannot take it. he's enamoured by you and has been for years now to the point where he is 96.7% sure he's really, really in love. that's how it all starts and you do eventually end up together, but it takes some time... oh, and he has a crazy sex drive and lots of dirty thoughts about you. a shy romantic horny opinionated man who is mostly a sub.
nothing super unique, just mostly here for the soft bf matty vibes because we all deserve one of those.
(sorry in advance for all the grammatical errors, typos, and run on sentences. i'm not a proofreader.)
warnings: 18+, lots of smut with some fluff. this is too fucking long lol
(not quite) sfw version here
matty healy masterlist here
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
this boy lives and breathes to take care of you, before, after, and during sex. anything he can do to make you feel safe, loved, satisfied. but his favourite form of aftercare is, hands down, using his mouth and tongue to make sure you're all clean. after he does so, the little ritual continues by spending time just softly kissing each other's lips. you both indulge in the lingering taste of each other's cum, but there's nothing dirty or aggressive about it. it's all gentle, a sweet reminder that you belong to each other.
b = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
if matty were to choose his favourite part of his body, it would be his arms. after all, there's a reason why he keeps decorating them with tattoos. makes him feel confident about himself and, honestly, doesn't mind all the compliments either. bless him. but he also has grown to appreciate his unruly curly head of hair, the reason being that he knows how much you like it after all the tantrums you throw whenever he cuts it. before you get together, you only play with it when you're too drunk or high, but when you do so it makes his heart grow.
his favourite part(s) of your body are your hands. so delicate with silver rings adorning almost every finger. it's difficult for him to not watch when you rub them against each other when you're nervous. or how your hand finds itself in front of your mouth whenever you laugh too hard at his nonsense. he knows you prefer dark nail polish vs. lighter coloured ones. he has imagined countless times how your hands would feel on him. sigh. he worships those hands of yours and would kiss then every single second if he could.
after you do get together, he realizes that, as cliché as it sounds, he loves your cunt. for one, when he first saw you completely naked he thought he could just die happy right then and there. but that was until he got to taste you and decided he'd much rather be alive as he could never have enough of your sweetness. and how it perfectly fits around him? he swears he’s the luckiest motherfucker alive.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
oh god. don't let the shy boy act fool you. he is FILTHY. it took a few months for this side of him to show, but you are over the moon when you find out how enthralled he is when he sees his cum dripping out of you. it all started one afternoon when you were riding him (his fav position of course, see letter f below). he finished inside you, his head thrown back over the couch while trying to catch his breath. after a few minutes, you raise your hips to pull away and carefully sit right below his stomach, making sure not too hurt him. once his breathing is back to normal, he looks back at you with those sweet tired eyes, gaze travelling down your body and ending at your spent core, where he notices beads of his white cum running down your cunt. the sight is almost too much for him, poor matty. he bites his bottom lip hard to stifle his whimpers, but somehow gathers enough courage to ask if he can touch you ("sorry sorry sorry i know it's gross. fuuuck. forget i said anythi--" "matty, calm down, baby. my sweet boy, it's okay. you can do it. i want you to.") his mind goes haywire when he brings his thumb to touch you, picking up a bit of his cum which he then rubs on your clit in small, gentle circles. sigh. but yes, cum is involved and you both love it. that's that.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
before you were officially dating, you once left a black shirt at his place, one of your favourites in fact! don't really know the specifics of why or how it happened, but you left it there and he found it. his sensitive soul found it difficult not to immediately grab it and put it against his face to smell your lingering scent. but it didn’t take long for his horny mind to take over and wrap the piece of cloth around his cock and get himself off. before he realized what he was doing, he had already stained your shirt and the shame he felt was unreal to the point where he could not look you in the eye next time you saw each other. “oh, btw, i think i left my top at yours. do you think you can bright it next time?” his face had never been more red in his entire life lol. it wasn’t until you were together that he confessed to it when you were playing an nsfw version of truth n dare in your living room because you were both drunk as fuck.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
okay. so believe or not, this matty doesn't really do hookups. he's in a famous band, yeah, but he's not really looking to get off with people just for one night. he will only do it if he feels a spark with someone on some level other than physical attraction, but he prefers the intimacy and closeness that comes with a relationship. because of this, he hasn't had too many different sexual partners, but during those few relationships he worshipped his other half and did everything he could to learn every single little thing about how to please her in the best way possible. it takes him time to get there with every gf, but once he knows what you like, you will never be dissatisfied. tl:dr not too much experience when it comes to body count, but will excel A++++ all around with the partner he's currently with.
f = favourite position (this goes without saying)
without a doubt, you riding him while he’s sitting up. can be on the sofa, your favourite dining chair, the edge of your bed (his preferred place), the back of the tour bus, you name it. this man loves close skin-to-skin sweaty contact. he is eager to keep you near when you grind yourself on him, one arm tight around your mid back, the palm of the other gripping your ass, guiding your hips back n forth. this way he can also keep kissing your face, neck and shoulders whenever he wants to and feel your tits against his chest. it also allows him to look up at you as you bounce up and down his cock, this which might be one of his favourite sights in the entire world, just as if he were worshiping you.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
for the most part the sex is a calm, sensual endeavour, but if something happens like his fingers getting tangled in your hair, him kissing your teeth, you accidentally tickling him, he'll be adorable and smile, letting out a soft laugh. you love that he's vulnerable enough to chuckle at a small mishap rather than him getting frustrated. he's too damn cute. you can barely handle it.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
sweet matty knows you love going down on him (which he thanks his lucky stars is a real thing as he cannot get enough of your lips around him) so he tries to keep himself trimmed down there. you couldn't care less tbh but it's cute and rather hot to see him that invested in thinking of what will be best for you and your pleasure. funny enough, you would've never thought he did so given his current nonchalant way of dressing (baggy clothes, torn band shirts, messy gelled hair). but this boy does like to keep you guessing after all.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he cannot possibly be close enough to you (re. his favourite position being you riding him). you are his world and will hopefully always be, even if he had to wait what felt like a lifetime to finally have you romantically and sexually. both of you prefer slow and sweaty sex whenever possibly, filled with lots of sweet words and love you's and him nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck while you run your fingers through his hair. he's a shy horny romantic at heart.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
our boy here has undoubtedly gotten off at the thought of you many, many times before you get together. whether it is him reminiscing about a certain memory and/or looking at photos of you, he's certainly done it. he's also been caught by adam when he's not-so-silently moaning your name while he's no-so-silently jacking off during tour. but because adam is a sweet soul and understands the hardships of missing the person you love, he doesn't give him too much grief over it (unless matty is getting on his nerves).
now, when you do end up together, there's a time when the two of you are high (you do that a lot), giggly, care-free and the topic of masturbation comes up for some reason. this is when it is confessed that you both had (obviously) gotten off at the thought of each other pre-dating and that ends up turning both of you on to the point where one of you suggests if you can watch each other do it. so that happens and mutual masturbation continues to be thing in your relationship.
and of course, matty still masturbates many times while he's away because you end up sending him short snippets of you pleasuring yourself. so he cannot help himself.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
it’s all about praising. he loves it. you love it. it's a win win situation for both parties involved and it couldn't be more perfect. because he can sometimes get nervous, your praises make him feel at ease. call him a sweet boy (his fav) and you’ll have him at your mercy. on the other hand, if you refer to him as a good boy, he will almost devour you alive.
one summer you were playing fetch with mayhem in the park “aww! who’s a good, sweet boy!?” and for some reason matty started chocking on the coke he was drinking “are you okay?” “yeah yes. cough. ‘s nothing. wrong pipe” “hm, okay if you say so.” five minutes pass and mayhem is cuddling with you while you scratch his ear “such a sweet, pretty baby boy, aren’t you mayhem? yes, of cour—wtf matthew, are you sure you’re alright?” you look back at him as he’s trying to aggressively clean the coke he spat out and landed on the crotch of his pants. after that you notice that he not-so-subtly tries to readjust his baggy jeans ever so often. you get a sneaky suspicion of what might’ve happened, but it isn’t until you are together for a few months that you test out your theory and praise him and he literally comes undone seconds after the words leave your mouth. he’s almost too much <3
l = location (favourite places to do the do)
vanilla answer, but your bed. the fact that he can have you in the place where you sleep just drives him crazy with lust. it's your space. it smells like you. you spend endless hours there resting, facetiming him, watching tv, (as well as pleasing yourself). so yes, your bed is a sacred temple to matty. amen.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
before sex: wear any of his clothes and that's almost a sure way to get him turned on. especially his jumpers and shirts. once upon a time you two + the rest of the band went swimming. after you got tired of everyone cannonballing into the pool (because they're grown men boys), you stepped out and wanted to get out of your wet swimsuit asap because you hate the feeling of wet clothes on your skin. without really thinking, you just grabbed his jeff buckley shirt (i love jeff buckley btw), put it on, and since it is way larger on you that it is on him, you thought "lalalala i'm just gonna remove my swimsuit here since this shirt is roomy and no one will be able to see anything." as you're doing so, george has matty in some sort of headlock (because, again, boys) but as he's struggling to get out of it, his eyes end up in your direction as you're pulling the suit bottoms down. this makes him tense up and freeze in place, so now george has the upper-hand and submerges him underwater. when matty comes back to the surface, he's outta breath, huffing and puffing, and none made easier because (unbeknownst to you) your wet body and swimsuit have made his white jeff buckley shirt see though. and since then he cannot get enough of you wearing anything of his.
during sex: pull on his hair when you're riding him and it's game over. he'll immediately get a goofy toothy grin on his face while bitting his bottom lip and adoringly look at you thru half lidded eyes as if there is nothing better in this life (because of course, nothing compares 2 u).
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
absolutely nothing that could possibly hurt you too seriously. you two eventually get into some harsher tendencies and kinks, but it's always consensual. he'd never forgive himself if he caused you unwanted pain.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he absolutely loves both. he swears there is no better feeling than having your warm mouth around him but he's never too pushy or needy about it. you of course enjoy it too, but the best part about it is just seeing him come undone as he gets loud, sweaty, and shaky which is a sight you'll never grow tired of. and as mentioned on letter b above, he enjoys your cunt A LOT so he'll never miss an opportunity to go down on you. that tongue of his? unreal. but he's definitely noticed that your favourite is when he sucks on your clit so he spends majority of the time doing that. imagine you sitting on the edge of your bed, him shirtless kneeling down with your legs over his shoulders, and his head between your legs while his lips are wrapped around you, gently sucking and licking while you gently pull on his hair and tell him he's your sweet boy. it's heaven for the both of you.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
more often than not, it’s slow and sensual as that’s something that both of you really enjoy. from one romantic to another, you cannot get enough of the passionate sex.
HOWEVER, fast and rough comes into play whenever he gets jealous as he cannot help himself. but it's not in a hard, mean dom type of way. more in a "i'm all yours. i want to make you feel so damn good and please you so you don't look at anyone else. please do anything you want with me" type of way. the first time he ever wants to have rough sex, he acts all shy and nervous when asking you if it's okay as it's not his norm. but you're there to guide him through and make it easy for him. <3
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not really your or his thing, tbh. reason being that if you have sex, it never ends up being quick. you'd much rather be late to the event or appointment than to rush it. the amount of times he's been late to soundcheck is alarming, but it's not like they can kick him out of the band, right? one time when he walks into the rehearsal, flustered and with hair all over the place, he sees george about to mock him but matty beats him to the punch. "before you even fucking start, yes, i was having sex before this. yes, it was amazing. yes, i know i'm late again. that's it. i'm sorry. let's carry on." but the thing is that a sexually satisfied matty = amazing gigs, so the others cannot fault him.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s down to try anything but only if you discuss it first so both of you are comfortable. again, he may look and act shy most of the time (especially with people he doesn't know too well) but he's known you for years so he's super comfy with you, thus he's game to do anything which might bring you pleasure as long as he doesn't seriously hurt you (as mentioned in letter n) because he wouldn't be able to deal with causing you any sort of lasting pain.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
tbh one of the other main reasons he goes to the gym (see letter x) is so he can last longer for you. you both have insatiable sex drives (see letter y) so he wants to keep fit in order to try and fulfill any and all desires you might have. once you get together, it's no secret to any of your friends that you have a VERY active sex life that they can only dream of and matty loves to remind them that they’re just jealous when they do make fun of him for it. he’s cute.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he didn’t think much about them at first UNTIL that one night he was over at your place and opened up your bedside drawer, hehehe. so hear me out... our boy loves getting high (especially with you) so he asked if you had any weed as he very surprisingly (i know, i'm shocked, too) forgot his own. you just looked at him with wide eyes like “whoa, wait. you forgot? are you okay?” while you jokingly felt his forehead to see if he was ill. he gently swatted your hand away and squinted in mock annoyance, “fuck off... but really, do you have any?” :insert big brown caramel puppy eyes: you motioned over to your bedroom and told him that your stash was in the drawer of your bedside table. he struts over, nonchalantly, humming a tune that’s been stuck in his head since that morning because you’d been listening to it nonstop. he gets to your room, stares at your comfy bed wishing he could sleep with you, in both senses of the word, because he's head over heels for you. he'd do anything and everything you'd ask him faster than the words could even leave your mouth. he sighs, knowing that couldn't happen because you weren't his gf :( anyway, he bends over to open the top drawer of your left bedside table and start shuffling around to find nothing but books, notebooks, photos (including one of him napping, awe). he moves on to the second drawer to find a black lidded box which he opens and to his surprise (or dismay) finds your toys which causes him to almost drop the box altogether. his eyes gaze over each of the vibrators and other small devices in there and he cannot help but think of you using them on yourself. siiiiiiiiigh. a "did you find it, matty?" is screamed by you which causes him to instantly come back down reality. the box is put away and he speed walks out of the room, heading straight for the kitchen to get a glass of water to hopefully rehydrate his desert dry throat after his discovery. "well, did you find it?" "nope, changed my mind. don't want any weed. i'm okay. i'll just drink my water. here. in the kitchen." when in reality he was standing behind the bar so you couldn't see how rock hard he was. fast forward to right before you go to bed that night, you want to get yourself off so you go to find your fav toy when you see that the box is on a weird angle with the lid not fully closed. then it dawns on you why matty had to very abruptly leave that evening.
BUT ANYWAY, after you get together and your enjoyment for toys is out in the open, he loves using them on you which is a huge turn on for you because it shows that the seemingly shy boy is actually super confident when it comes to your sex life together.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
much like the cum play (see letter c), it took a bit for matty to feel comfortable enough to be a tease while you were having sex. he's not too much of a dirty talker (if you haven't noticed yet, he's a sub in this world of mine, sorry) BUT he eventually finds out that you love begin edged. so yeah, he has fun with that, going down on you over and over again until you are screaming.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
poor matty tries to stifle his moans, whimpers, and any other sounds that come out of his mouth but it doesn't work well for him as he always ends up being the loudest out of the two of you. this is another thing his bandmates always tease him about, as they can always hear when he's getting off on the tour bus or having sex with you in another room. and this is another instance where he reminds his mates that they're just jealous because of his amazing sex life.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
remember how i said i have a type and he's a chain wearing matty? well, once you both start having sex, he very quickly finds out you fucking love pulling on that chain to bring him closer to you. he also notices how you tend to kiss around the area where in sits around his neck. your obsession about it becomes 100% confirmed when he sees that the background of your phone is a photo of him shirtless but still wearing that silver chain. so he knows that he always has to wear it, a quiet sign that you control him. but one morning after his shower, he comes running to the living room, huffing and puffing that he cannot find his necklace until he looks at you. you just smirk and wink at him when he sees the chain around you. oh, he doesn't know what he's in for.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he once heard you say how you were starting to find "more conventional, muscular men" attractive so he took this as his cue to immediately look up the number of the best and closest personal trainer he could hire. fast forward six months and you're at his flat, drinking and listening to music with the band. who knows what happens (probably george's fault) but matty ends up spilling his glass of wine all over his shirt. UGH. "fuck me. it's embarrassing how many clothing items i've ruined 'cause of this expensive habit." you laugh loudly at him, obviously, but karma gets you once he takes off his ruined top so he's just standing there in his dangerously low rise grey joggers. that shuts you up as you just stare at the muscles on his back and the mostly defined v shape above his crotch. matty leaves the room to get a clean shirt without noticing you basically drooling over him. however, perceptive handsome ross does pick up on the vibes and teases you for the remainder of the evening.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
high. higher than anyone you've ever been with and you're thankful for it. albeit it is PAINFUL when he's away on tour for months at a time, especially when you cannot go and see him :( no matter how many photos or videos you send each other, it's never enough to satiate you desire to have him close to you. the only silver lining is when you both do end up back together, as you both know you won't be sleeping that night and won't be going anywhere else the day after.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
once the soft making out session is done (see letter a), he's gone. he's a sleeper. he's a napper. he's the big spoon and holds you close, lazily kissing the back of your neck before he settles himself against it. again, he's all about that close contact, gotta love him. but give him 3 minutes MAX and he'll be out. a tired boy has to rest, i guess <3
ALRIGHT. that's enough for me rambling. not sure if anyone will see this but my mind feels about 12% lighter for now. until the next brain rot takes over.
if you happened to make it this far, you're a gem. thank you. you're the best. and i'm always free to talk about this man and smutty thoughts about him!
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gingiesworld · 10 months
Pet Play
Pet! Wanda Maximoff x Dom! Natasha Romanoff x Dom! Carol Danvers x Sub! Pet! Amab! Reader
Warnings! Smut!!! Shameless Smut!!!
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @legendsofela @natleft
Y/N woke up tied up to a chair, cold shivers as they felt the cold air over their naked form. Trying to break free of the binds that held them to the chair, soon hearing footsteps approaching but unable to see through the darkness.
“Our pet is finally awake.” A raspy voice spoke as they heard the sound of a whip cracking.
“Can we please play with them now?” A soft voice begged as they soon felt a hand run down their chest, long nails scratched at their skin.
“Not yet, little witch.” Another voice spoke, soon a single bulb lit up the room as it hung low from the ceiling.
“Why am I here?” They asked as they struggled against the woman behind them.
“I need something from you.” The once soft voice growled in their ear. “And only you can help me.”
“Come on, witchy.” The raspy voice groaned, soon a redhead approached, ridding herself of her robe. “You know we like to play first.” She pulled the brunette around, she only looked around 25 but she had bags under her eyes, pain within her irises as she listened to the older woman. Y/N soon watched as a blonde woman came into view, all three of them naked.
“Look, I don’t know any of you.” They tried as they looked at the blonde. “I honestly don’t, so please let me go.”
“You know, we may need to do some extra work first.” The blonde spoke as she looked at the redhead before she forced the brunette to her knees.
“You know what you need to do, little witch.” The redhead spoke tenderly as she ran her fingers through her brown locks.
“You don’t.” Y/N started as they shook their head as Wanda looked up at them with a smirk.
“Oh, but I want to.” Her eyes never left theirs as she started to rub their hardening cock before wrapping her lips around the tip.
“Fuck.” They whispered as the other two smirked, both deciding to sit side by side on the bed.
“Eyes open.” Natasha ordered them. “And eyes on us.” They did as they were told, soon groaning as they watched the two spread their legs, getting a full view of both of their glistening pussys.
“You will not cum until we say.” Carol told them firmly as the two women started to rub their clits, eyes remaining on both Wanda and Y/N.
“That’s enough Wanda.” Natasha barked as the brunette pulled away from Y/N, leaving a string of saliva as she looked up into their eyes.
“What?” They whined as the three women smirked. They watched as Carol got up from her seat, moving behind Y/N as Wanda approached Nat.
“The girls want to put on a little show for you.” Carol told them as she bit their ear, making sure their eyes never left the two women on the bed making out. “You see, Wanda is our little pet who deserves a reward.” They watched as Nat kissed Wanda roughly, making her moan as she pulled her onto her lap, her hands kneading her breasts roughly as her kisses descended down Wanda’s neck.
“Oh.” She moaned as Nat pushed two fingers inside her aching whole, groaning as Nat thrust her fingers at a steady pace, Wanda was a panting and moaning mess as she leaned her head on the redhead’s shoulder.
“Do you like that kitten?” Nat husked out as she curled her fingers as she pulled out, slamming three back inside causing Wanda to let out a guttural moan. “Words.” She spoke harshly as Carol massaged Y/N’s shoulders, keeping their eyes on the women on the bed.
“Yes.” Wanda mewled as Nat increased her pace, the sound of Wanda’s moans, the squelching of her arousal and the heavy uneven breaths from Y/N filled the room.
“Are you close, baby girl?” Carol cooed as she moved away from Y/N and approached the two on the bed.
“So close.” She answered as Nat smirked.
“Beg for it.” She growled as Wanda whimpered.
“Please, please let me cum.” She whined pathetically as she soon bit her lip harshly. “Please.” She whispered in a broken voice. “I need it.” Carol smiled as her hand ran up and down Wanda’s back, her other hand moving to grip her jaw, forcing her to look in her eyes.
“Cum for me sweet girl.” She told her before pressing her lips to hers, muffling to sounds coming from Wanda as she came hard on Nat’s finger. “Good girl.” She smiled before she pulled Wanda from Nat’s lap, forcing her to stand on unsteady legs as she pushed Nat to lay down. “Use your sweet mouth for me.” She caressed Wanda’s cheek. “Make her cum.”
Wanda did as she was told, moving Nat’s legs over her shoulders, diving straight in as she licked a strip through her folds, making her moan as Carol walked behind Wanda, massaging her ass as she soon pulled her hand away and brought it back to the soft flesh harshly.
“Fuck.” Nat groaned as Wanda was pushed further into her, the vibrations of Wanda’s moans sending vibrations through her, adding to her pleasure.
“Uh.” Wanda mewled as Carol pushed her fingers inside her, thrusting three fingers in and out at a steady pace. All Y/N could do was watch as the were painfully hard, ready to combust at any moment.
“You see, Wanda here is craving something more than what Nat or I can give her.” Carol told them as she smirked at Y/N’s state, ready to go feral if they were untied. “She wants to bear a child.” She turned her attention back to Wanda briefly. “And you can give that to her. A baby for our little pet.” She taunted as Nat screamed as she came, squirting as Wanda couldn’t stop as she was reaching her own high. “Will you do that if I untie you or will you run?” She increased her pace as Wanda soon became a mess as she remained between Nat’s thighs. “I think your primal need to procreate will overcome you previous desire to flee.”
“Just get me free.” They growled as Carol tutted, approaching them and forcing her fingers inside their mouth, smirking as they moaned at Wanda’s taste on them. Once she removed them from their mouth, she slapped them hard across the cheek, sure enough to leave a mark.
“Don’t. Disrespect. Me.” She growled, enunciating each word as she gripped their jaw. Nat was already moving from the bed to the sofa as Wanda lay on her back, her legs spread as she waited for Y/N. “Once I untie you.” She held up a knife that was situated on the drawers beside her. “You will fuck Wanda, fill her as many times as she needs it.” She smirked at them as their eyes never left the blade. “Or I will stab you, but not before I cut off your little friend here.” She spoke as she grazed their thigh with the sharp edge of the blade. “So we need you to behave.”
She released them, soon pulling them to their feet and pushing them towards the bed, Wanda watched as they approached her with her lip between her teeth, her eyes watching their every movement as they soon became eye level. Sensing some nerves within them as she wrapped her leg around their waist.
“Fuck me.” She told them, looking in their eyes. “Hard.” Both Nat and Carol watched as Y/N soon pushed their lips together in a hard kiss, their hands roaming her body roughly as she soon moaned. Allowing them to move their kisses down her jaw to her neck, grazing her skin with their teeth. Her hands rested on their shoulders as they soon inserted their length. Wanda gasped at the sudden intrusion, her nails digging into their skin as they thrust their hips at a fast pace, pulling all of the way out before slamming themselves back inside of her.
“Fuck.” The four of them gasped in unison, both Nat and Carol had their clits rubbing against the other on the sofa as they watched the other two on the bed, the bruises forming on both of their bodies as Y/N fucked Wanda as she wanted. Wanda screamed as she squirted beneath Y/N who soon came, filling her up. Soon Nat and Carol followed shortly as their juices mixed together. Y/N remained inside of Wanda as both Nat and Carol got their robes, heading towards the door as Y/N and Wanda remained still on the bed, both fast asleep as the two locked the door behind them, smirks on their faces at the thought of their new pet.
“Are you sure they won’t escape?” Nat questioned as the two sat down with a glass of wine.
“They have nowhere to go, the world already thinks that Y/N Y/L/N is dead.” Carol smirked as she glanced out of the window over the now sleeping city. “So we may as well enjoy our new pet.” The two clinked their glasses before finishing the bottle as the other two remained sleeping in each other’s arms.
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moronkombat · 11 months
can we please get a hc on yandere johnny, kenshi and tomas when their partner loses feelings for them or when they become distant and starts talking to someone else?? i feel like johnny would go berSERK
decided to just to johnny for this one because it inspired me the most
here are some yandere Johnny headcanons about his partner trying to move on from him!
Tumblr media
Johnny is an obsessive lover and cannot fathom the idea of you not loving him
He's suffocating in his methods, takes up all of your time you have available
Constantly texting you and calling you. He's asks you where you are and what you're doing and to remember that you two have plans this evening
You phone will always have notifications from him that will slowly become more aggressive if you chose not to answer him
Of course, this begins to frighten you and you decide it's time to distance yourself from him
You refuse to answer his messages or take his calls which are constantly plaguing your phone
Blocking him number helps but only for a short time and you think finally he will leave you alone
He doesn't he'll continue to get phone after phone just so he can talk to you
Johnny threatens you but never overtly. It's always a covert or veiled threat that lingers over you. You try to ignore it
You block the numbers over and over again. He begins sending gifts to your home and you throw them all out
You try to live your life as normally as you can but his presence is always there in the shadows
You find some solace in your friends, one who you begin to grow close with and suddenly it seems that Johnny is trying to contact you
Finally, it's over and you begin to develop a bond with this new friend
Things are quiet for awhile and you begin a new relationship that is refreshing and overall sweet
You finally think things are beginning to level out but then you get a notification on your phone and it's from Johnny
He taunts you about your new friend and tells you how he thinks it's cute that you think you can move on from him
Johnny convinces himself your stunt is just to make him jealous and it's working well so he teasing you about that via texts and voicemails
It never escalated more than that. Johnny would just text you and you'd ignore them but things would not stay that way
You and your partner are on a really nice date. Just spending some time together outside on a casual walk
Everything seems to be going well, like they always do until you notice someone waiting on the path ahead of you
Your eyes widen and you stop in your tracks. There, across from you, is Johnny with arms crossed and a smile all too cocky
Your partner asks what's wrong but you can't speak and Johnny approaches you
He shakes his head, hands on his hips telling you how naughty you are and that while it's been fun playing this game, he's gotten bored of it
Your partner is confused and attempts to tell Johnny to back off to which Johnny just laughs and puts an arm around them
Johnny says how it's been fun watching them pretend to be your partner but they are no longer entertaining and so they can leave now
Of course your partner is offended and rebuffs him. Johnny laughs again and pats them on the back before promptly colliding his head into theirs
Sunglasses shatter, glass is embedded into their skin and they scream. Johnny laughs again, mocking how loud they are and how they broke his expensive glasses
Johnny begins to violently beat them, fists pummeling into their face again and again until there is nothing left and they stop moving
Johnny would brush himself off then and saunter over to you who stands there terrified
He takes you into a hug, the blood and bone of you partner now rubbing onto you
He tells you how you were really naughty with that little stunt but it's okay because Johnny got a good kick out of it
Now that your little game is over, you can go back to being with him! But this time he's gonna need to be much more strict with you so you don't start another game like this again
Locking you up in his mansion should do the trick! Yeah, he'll keep you nestled in there from now on
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raz-writes-the-thing · 9 months
Twelfth Doctor NSFW Alphabet
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Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open
DW: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr @midnight--raine @blueberry-sunshines @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 @yeethaw13 @complimentary-breadbasket @thekirbishow @stilestotherescue @madspads @catlynharper@merrilark @jaziona92 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Twelve doesn’t like to sit still for too long, even after sex. He does like to cuddle, and one of his favourite things is tracing your palm lines while his head rests on your shoulder, but he can only relax like that for about an hour at most before he’s itching to go do something- usually shower with you or tinker with some sort of alien tech. 
He also likes to listen to music after sex- soft instrumental music. Sometime’s he’ll play with your fingers and read you an excerpt of a book he’s reading if he’s wanting to do something but also cuddle with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part on himself are his ears. He loves having them kissed and stimulated, but he also just likes the way they look on him. Twelve’s favourite body part on his partner is usually their ankles. The man is obsessed with a pretty ankle. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Twelve goes absolutely feral when he sees his cum dripping off from your skin. Chest, chin, back, ass- wherever. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It’s not for everyone (and not for Raz either) but I feel like Twelve would like- enjoy giving foot massages a little too much. Something about the view up your legs, the curve of your skin and the way you moan under his touch when he rubs a stubborn knot out of the sole of your foot. Just drives him wild. He just has a little bit of a thing for feet. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Twelve is not that experienced. He doesn’t fuck on a whim, he fucks for love and companionship- so he’s not had many one-night stands or anything like that, but he’s a fast learner and one of the things that he enjoys the most about a new relationship is finding out exactly how to make his partner melt for him. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Twelve’s favourite position is having you ride him. He loves to put his hands on your ass and watch you pleasure yourself on him. He finds the sight of you like that spectacularly erotic- particularly when he grips you tight and decides to fuck up into you. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It depends. Twelve can be serious, but he can be goofy too. If he’s feeling self-conscious, he’s definitely going to be a little goofier in order to distract himself and his partner from his insecurities. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Twelve doesn’t really care for pubic maintenance hair-wise. He just lets the hair do what it wants, but he makes sure to keep it clean, of course. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Again, it depends on how insecure he’s feeling. If he’s feeling confident, he’s very suave and romantic, but if he’s feeling insecure, he can be a bit awkward, too. If he’s feeling dominant, though, he’s not very romantic. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Twelve only really masturbates when he’s really, really desperate. He doesn’t really have time to, otherwise. Always flitting about from one thing to the next. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Twelve has a daddy kink. He also as I mentioned before, has a mild thing for feet, and he really likes to choke his partners. That rush sends pleasure up his spine and makes his brain tingle. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Up against the wall is his favourite place to do it. Second to that is over the couch. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Twelve is turned on by music, sometimes. As in, bassy guitar riffs and lyrics to match. If you wear lipstick, a deep shade of red will also get him going, too. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Gun and knife play are big no-no’s and he’s not big on cnc, either. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Preference is to give. There’s nothing like being trapped between his lovers’ thighs. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Generally speaking, Twelve likes to be slower and more gentle, but he’s not opposed to a good hard fuck either if the mood strikes. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Twelve is a big fan of quickies. The amount of times he’s fucked you in a broom closet between lunch and the oncoming alien incursion has been innumerable. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Twelve is all about risk in the bedroom. He’s keen to try things, learn things, experience things. As long as they don’t put you in danger, he is game. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Twelve can go three to four rounds before he needs to take a break, but that doesn’t mean he’s not game to eat you out between them either, though. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Twelve is a big fan of toys. He makes them for you- manages to make sure they are attuned to you specifically and what gives you pleasure. He loves to watch you use a toy and work it inside yourself or on yourself that he’s made with his own hands. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Twelve is a huge tease. Both with touches, caresses but then with orgasms too. He’s not opposed to seeing how many times he can edge you before you break your last record. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Twelve isn’t super loud, but he’s not quiet either. He moans a lot and tends to suck in his breath, too when something feels particularly good. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If you lick, nibble or suck on his ear lobe, he will be complete putty in your hands. Just brushing over the shell or whispering in his ear will do the trick too, to be honest. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
For an older body, he’s surprisingly toned. Not a six-pack or anything, but he’s got the beginnings of some muscle firmness under the soft belly. In terms of his dick, though, he’s rather long and pale, and there is a vein that runs along the left-hand side that pulses blue. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Twelve’s sex drive is a bit sporadic. He will go through a period of time where he’s not in the mood, and then it will all suddenly hit at once and all he will want to do for the next two weeks is fuck your brains out. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards
Barely ever. Twelve doesn’t really sleep a lot, and he doesn’t fall asleep after sex very often at all.
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crimbabyops · 7 months
The Cumshot
Montai x F!Reader x Nixx Krios
The all awaiting fic i know yall have been waiting for. I do hope yall enjoy this and it gives you back shivers.
Warnings: NSFW this is an 18+ fic minors DNI p in v, face riding, anal play, Montai has two dicks, pussy eating, vagina play, funny ending, and that's it if i left anything out do let me know.
A/N: This is a little unedited so if theirs any typos anything like do let me know also i do have my request open so feel free to request anything
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The sun just settles as you get off of work tired, exhausted, and drained. Maybe even a little frustrated. You remember your encounter with the two demons separately.
You remember how the incubus had you craving for his touch and his attention. He gave you everything no mortal man could. You remember all the marks, the bites, and even the orgasms. 
But with the succubus she made you wish for more and more. She showed you the stars and even what your brain looked like. You didn’t think that was possible until her. 
They both made you their little pet and you wanted more, not separately though. What you didn’t know though was those demons wanted the same. They wanted you again and again. 
Nightfall came and so did you hoping your rose toy can bring you the same pleasure the demons did only for it to fail. With a huff you threw it back into your drawer. 
You decide to sleep the horniness off hoping it works. As you sleep four glowing eyes stare down at you. “Our precious little pet, we smell your desire and your frustration so we answer.” they both chuckle. 
You wake up around 4 am. You try to rub your eyes only for your hands to be restrained. Your legs spread, your body turns into this perfect star. You feel nails running across your thighs. 
Cold air runs along your breast, your nipples perk up at it. You look around only to not see no one. As your eyes deceive you, you feel fingertips running across your body. 
They get closer to your chest only to stop directly on your nipples. You feel lips running across your collarbone leaving small kisses. They continue to tease, rub, and kiss all on your body. You start to get impatient blaming it on the throbbing you feel in between your legs. “P-please!” You beg not knowing who and why.
A British accent you all so remember.  “Awww could our little pet not handle the teasing.” Montai runs his nails over your thighs and blows air on your clit. You hear dark chuckles around you. The demons appear, Montai in between your legs and Nixx at your head.
“I thought we trained you better than that, pet. If you want it then you beg for it.” Nixx says pinching your nipples. You arch your back towards her wanting more. 
“Please, I need both of you so much.” Your voice is a little shaky from the teasing you received. You continue your pleas for desperation wanting more and more for them to touch you. 
“Well should we give our good little pet what they so desperately want?” Montai asks Nixx, you hope for her to say yes. You close your eyes waiting for her response. 
“Mmm let’s do it. I missed our little pet screaming for pleasure.” She says just as Monati dives in between your legs. He continues to slide tongue all over moaning at your taste and the way you continue to get wetter and wetter with every move of his tongue. 
Your eyes roll as his tongue hits your g-spot over and over just as you were so close to reaching your depths only to be denied entry into heaven. Montai smirks at your whine and smacks your pussy.  “Shhh don’t worry, pretty girl ~he chuckles~ You’ll get all your desperate little orgasms and more.”  Montai says as two manicured hot pink nails starts pulling at your nipples. You whine at the tension Nixx causes wishing for more of her touch. 
“Ah Ah if you want more, use those pretty words of yours.” Nixx says take your nipple in her mouth, biting and pulling it. She rubs her finger down your body and ends in between your legs. She starts rubbing at your hole probing two fingers at your entrance. “Oh you're such a tight little petal, listen to the sounds you're making down here.” she pulls her fingers out. 
She moans at the sight of her fingers and holds her fingers out in front of your mouth straddling your waist. You take her fingers in your mouth tasting yourself on her. Nixx smirks down at you, her eyes shining a dark pink color while Montai’s eyes was shining purple. They both smirked down at you seeing you squirm under their gaze. 
It’s now 4 in the morning, your screams awaken the neighbors they pound at your door only to be met with Montai butt ass naked swirling wine in a glass smirking down at them. “How can I help you, little mortals?” Montai says to them. Your neighbors look at him and immediately run back into their loft frustrated and concerned. 
He chuckles and goes back inside watching Nixx use your rose bud on your clit and a vibrating dildo on your hole making sure you feel every pleasure imaginable and just as you come close to reaching your high, she stops.  You groan at this wishing begging and praying for her to continue but all you get is your tears wiped and soft kisses on your body. 
Montai switches out with Nixx and passes her the glass of wine. She takes a sip from it while moving to sit on your face to where she's facing Montai. He takes the glass back before ramming into your holes making you scream and claw at the ropes. Your screams are muffled by the rose smelling succubus on your face. Montai draws you down from the heaven you're in with small circles on your clit. You're so sensitive from the teasing you clench around him. 
“Tug on the ropes, little petal if you think it's too much.” Nixx says as she straddles your face ready to use it. Montai is ready to use both your holes as his personal little fuck doll. He thrust inside you slowly and carefully. Montai gives you some time to adjust while Nixx rides your face like a cowgirl, she coats your face with her juices. Montai gives you experimental thrust once he feels you are ready he starts thrusting inside you. His thrust starts slowly letting you feel all of him both of your holes get used to his size. 
You start remembering that Montai is no regular size especially with the way he’s thrusting. Your holes give him the best sensation he has had in a millennium. Nixx uses your tongue to her advantage, she treats your mouth like it’s her throne. Something she doesn’t want to get up from for a while. Your muffled moans and screams are like her personal vibrator and your tongue her personal dildo. 
Both of the scents fill the room your senses are in overdrive. You try to calm down so you don’t look like a bitch in heat but they only make it worse. “Mmm~ You like being our personal little toys. Don’t you?  So ready to be filled and stuffed with our scents. To be marked as ours.” He says to you while continuing to ruin you for any other toy, human, or anything you can use. They are both so tempted to mark you and keep you as theirs. So tempted to always keep you spoiled rotten with pleasure and lust. So tempted to leave you high and dry on their scents as their personal little cum bucket.  
“Maybe we should keep them as our little toy.” 
“And that ladies and gentleman is how I met my wonderful Succubus girlfriend and incubus Boyfriend.” 
Your friends stare at you with pure fucking shock on their faces just as the door to your shared apartment opens to reval your wonderful boyfriend walking out to come collect you from the stressful situation called your job. “You ready to go home, my little toy. ” You take his hand and wave at your friends bye ready to end the day in either pure fucking lust or sitting on the couch watching trashy drama shows with your wonderful partners. 
Love,  Crim-The-Writer
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The AIB Boys catching their S/O mastubating
NSFW - FemReader and MaleReader - ☢Banda Sunato's part is dark☢- Masturbating - Dub/con - Non/con / Dom and Sub Dinamics -
Grammar mistakes-
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♡ Chishiya
If he catches his S/O mastubating he will be amused by it and wont say a thing waiting for them to notice him in the doorframe watching them.
Chishiya is not mad at them, he knows he works a lot and his S/O has needs so he will let it pass.
Once his S/O notices him they will stop and start to apologie only for Chishiya to join them in bed, his hand taking theirs to make it start to move again.
FemReader: Will force the hand that has that cute pink vibrator back into your count, giving you kisses all along your neck. "Keep going love, I need you ready for me"
MaleReader: Will take your hand in his and make you continue to stimulate yourself, he is so mean that Will prevent you from cumming. "Dont you want to feel mine against yours?"
♡ Banda Sunato / Dub-con / Non-Con / Sadistic Banda /
Oh, Banda is mad and mean. He will caught you when he is away for "work" and decides to check the cameras in the aparment.
He is going to be back and demand you to tell him why you would touch yourself when he is not here and why when he is here you dont show any interest in sex
Ignoring the fact that he took you by Force
Will sit in front on you, pull out his phone and force you to touch yourself in front of him, to show him how dirty you truly are.
FemReader: Will make you lay down in bed and pull inside of you a vibrator that he can control against your will. Will change the speed and intensity of it as he wants. Will overstimulating you and make you beg him to stop. But he wont. "Dont be a bad girl now, you know you want this"
MaleReader: Is going to Force you to use one of the many toys he has got you over the months. If he is too mean wont let you use lubricant, wants to see you in tears for him. "Aww its too much? You were not saying that earlier"
♡ Arisu
This boy is a blushing mess and wants nothing but to have you riding himself or leting be on top of you.
You did not notice the time, Arisu gets back from college and hears your needy moans.
Boy its a good suprise for him.
He is not mad at all, he respects your needs and wants you to feel secure to explore your body.
FemReader: Will encourage you to keep going and and to show him how you like to be touched and where you most like it. Take his hand to guide it to your G spot and you will have him almost cumming in his pants.
MaleReader: Please let him be on top of you or If you are a dom be under you. Arisu does not care as long as he feels your body against his. If you are on top he Will be a moaning mess encouraging you to go harder on him, if he is on top of you then he will kiss all your back and neck and go slow into you, he wants to savour every moment.
♡ Tatta / SubTatta
This shy boy is going to be a blush mess and wont know how to react because you look so handsome? Cute? Falling over your own fingers?
Part of him is going to question himself, if he makes you feel good enough...pls tell him he does you will give him years of life.
But oh boy, he Will LOVE IT. Its like a personal show from you to him. Will sit back and relax watching you play with yourself. Call his name while you are on it and beg him for him to join you.
FemReader: Tatta will be at the end of the bed seeing your fingers dissapear into you, your tits free for him to see how erected your nippels are. As soon as you moan his name he is on his knees for you, waiting for your next command, do you want him to use his fingers on you? His mouth? Or just tell him to stay still and just watch.
He is yours to serve.
MaleReader: Is going to have his eyes fixed on your dick as you move your hand up and down. Tatta's own dick will get hard, wanting nothing but to rub it together with yours till both of you are cumming together and making a mess in the bed.
Offer him to do the 69 position and he would be on his back in no time.
♡ Karube / DomKarube
Karube loves that you enjoy playing with yourself. It lets him know you feel safe to do it while being in a relationship with him. However, he will punish you because of it. Just like you get jealous of girls and boys flirting with him at work he gets jealous of your toys.
FemReader: Will have you on your back, pressed against the bed, your knees against your shoulders as he goes deep inside of you. How Many times has he make you cum? You lost count but Karube does not seem to mind at all. All he wants if for you to feel his own dick and to understand that only him can give you such pleasure.
MaleReader: Good luck sitting tomorrow. Karube is going to have you against the bed all day, going fast speed, skin against skin sounds Will fill the room. And Will encourage you to moan and be as loud as you need to be. He Will also taunt taunt you "what? Did you think these could make you feel like I do?"
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