#depression hotline
This shouldn't even be need to be said but don't fucking report people who express being suicidal. I don't care how much you think you're doing it for someone's own good, it does NOT help us it only harms further
You are ACTIVELY harming those people when you try to be a goody two-shoes and tell on them when they get suicidal
Don't fucking report them to social media app features that have the report for self harm option. Don't fucking call a suicide hotline on them. Don't fucking report them to therapists, paychiatrists, cops, controlling parents or partners
It does not matter how uncomfortable it makes you - this isn't ABOUT you - it doesn't matter how much it goes against your cute little saviour complex thinking you're being oh such a wonderful kind heroic person by "saving" someone from themself.
When you report a person to any of those places it heavily risks hospitalisation and incarceration. Where I live it's technically still a crime to attempt suicide, they never overturned the law. And if you think being in a ward might help them - do everyone a favour and go check out the actual conditions in the wards and talk to psych survivors about how they actually are. Otherwise shut up about things you have no experience with.
Everyone should have a right to autonomy, especially bodily autonomy, and you don't have to like what they do with their own body for you to know not to take that away from someone. It's not your place to judge, it's not okay to be moralistic about bodily autonomy suddenly because you can't handle the reality of mentally ill people.
And it's not fucking okay to lock us in and remove us from society just because our disorders are too fucking ugly for you to look at.
If you absolutely have to help just talk to a suicidal person if they're up to it, just ask them what will help, and if you can't do that then leave us the fuck alone you snitches
And don't come at me with the law, if you had to be an ally to mentally ill people, to queer people, to women, to any kind of marginalised people, historically a lot of it has always included standing against the law and with us.
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spaceinvadeeer · 4 months
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theyre both so dysfunctional how can i not love them
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pickedpiper · 8 months
Ok so I got Hotline Miami brainrot rn because I saw a video explaining the story in chronological order and I immediately grew attached to Jacket and gf so I wanted to get this out before OFF eventually kicks my ass again
Jacket trying to cook something for the first time in years for Don Juan on his dirty ass stove with the only sorta clean pot he could find:
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mariposas8494 · 1 year
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Hotline Help Numbers ❤️
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stillhere197 · 1 month
by stillhere197
Warning: suicidal thoughts, might be triggering,
I don’t want to kill myself but I think about it at every inconvenience
I don’t want to kill myself but wouldn’t darkness be better than this?
I don’t want to kill myself but who actually likes me
I don’t want to kill myself but my spot would just be filled by the next person
I want to kill myself but my dogs would think I abandoned them
I want to kill myself but I wouldn’t get to find out what happened to her
I want to kill myself but I wouldn’t finish that project
I want to kill myself but I won’t be able to go to another library again
I want to kill myself but what about all the others wishing to live
I want to kill myself but I won’t
I want to kill myself but it will go away one day
I want to kill myself but I won’t
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radioactivedishsoap · 18 days
Man I feel so fucking lonely and depressed how am I supposed to even study or do anything when all I wanna do is die
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the-kipsabian · 25 days
You 🤝 me
When I get spoons it's over for you bitches
one day we got this and its gonna be sooo over for everyone else
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Christmas Day has come and gone. The New Year is about to begin. And this is the time of year for me when the feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness really kicks in.
If you are like me here is the USA FREE and Anonymous Suicide Hotline Phone Number and Chat.
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poppywriter · 6 months
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓗𝓸𝓽𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮
- by 𝘗𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘺
- - -
9 to 5 - 5 to 9
Work, eat, sleep
Work from 9 to 5
Stare at the ceiling from 5 to 9
Work more, push food down your throat and feel guilty as you sleep.
Well as you wait for your brain to finally shut down,
- would it fucking finally shut down ?
Fake it till you make it they say
So you make it as you fake it.
But is it really fake if it comes so naturally ?
Does it make your smile true if you do it without thinking ?
Are you happy ?
You surely don’t feel like it but people say you seem fine.
Are you though ?
You don’t know anymore.
What do you feel ?
What is happiness anyway ? Isn’t it feeling idly calm, not being bothered by anything…
You feel like that, unbothered, plain… Empty.
All the things plaguing your mind are just too much so it’s better to lock them away, they would ruin your happiness, this idleness.
You widely prefer feeling nothing than be overwhelmed.
Surely you aren’t overwhelmed if everything seem worthless.
If it’s worthless than it is not important and not worth any attention.
- like you
Change, you needed change.
That’s why you hair is different.
Longer, shorter, greener, blonder, bluer…
You needed to feel different,
To see another thing stand out in the mirror,
To see another person in the mirror.
Because you are sick of this plain face staring right back at you, trying to expose all of this ugly truth.
Change, you wanted change.
Because when things change, then time passes
and if time passes the past passes away
You want that.
Yes, you need that.
For the past to leave, for those events to be no more in your mind.
You forget.
But that look in the mirror — those bored eyes in the glass staring right back — they reveal your soul.
It reminds you.
Yes you remember where you are, who you are, what you feel.
The reflection in the mirror, is it your true self ?
Because you definitely don’t like what it shows.
How old even are you ?
You feel like your life has the rhythm of a broken record,
Your body the energy of a corpse,
Your mind the torment of a martyr,
But you just started living.
Why are you doing this ?
Why would you do that to yourself ?
Fucking breath, stop crying and smile a bit,
Come on it’s not that hard,
Stop fucking dwelling on things.
But that’s all you can think about at night when your ceiling seems to be your only friend.
When your bed has been calling your name from the moment you woke up but now seems to want you anywhere else.
When you find yourself once again in this position, an unrequited love for sleep.
You need him but it would not hear your calls.
So its arch nemesis takes its place .
Again and again.
Without stopping.
Fusing with thoughts, ideas, images, sounds, memories, emotions…
Everything distorted, keeping your attention and your eyes wide open.
You need silence.
- will your brain fucking shut up !?
It has to stop.
Your erratic breathing being a useless source of concentration.
You need something to make it stop.
You listen.
You concentrate on it.
A strangers’ voice, laugh, humming, singing, breathing, heart beating…
It’s as if the warmth missing beside you is filled by the noise coming in your ears.
Shushing the havoc in your mind.
A sweet and warm melody lulling you into a slumber.
But your eyes are forced open by the ringing of the alarm.
How could you ? Flee reality ?
Stop fucking hoping.
- You hate hoping
Why should you get up ?
You really don’t want to.
Why does the simple thought of stepping foot out of the cover makes your eyes water ?
People wouldn’t mind anyway.
You wouldn’t mind either way.
You are still tired, you should go back to sleep then, right ?
Nothing is holding you back.
Except for the impossibly high expectations you set for yourself, the idea that every lasting moment might be decisive for your future, that you might miss something, the idea that every eye is on you and people constantly eavesdrop on your life criticizing every single one of your movement and choice…
You have to get up then.
You force yourself to.
It feels like it often, like you have to force yourself to live.
So you are tired.
You are tired as you get dressed,
You are tired as you brush your teeth,
You are tired as you wash your face
- that fucking ugly face looking at you in the mirror
You are tired as you skip breakfast,
You are tired as you tie your shoes, as you put on your coat,
You are tired as you step out of the door.
Just an empty bag on your shoulder as you drown your mind in the sound coming out of your headphones.
You weave through a faceless crowd, walking without watching because everything is a routine by now.
You are tired as you walk.
Your eyes staring into nothingness, a blank stare plastered on your face.
You must fix this before arriving, before seeing people you know, before disappointing people by letting them in on the ugly truth.
It’s only when you see that your shoelace has come undone that you realise where you are.
Your gaze is now fixated on the landscape.
Cars passing by, joggers running on the side, teenagers walking to school.
People seem so little from up here.
You feel so little here, in this world.
The air is cold, biting at your skin and making your eyes water as you can’t seem to will them closed.
Your mind is blank, your heart feels calm.
It is as if the numbness at the tips of your fingers took hold of your entire body and soul.
You stare at the sky, your mind reeling with dreams of flying — yes — of feeling free.
Maybe you should call.
It would be a good idea to call.
But if you do, wouldn’t it mean you’ve passed a point of no return ?
You don’t want to realise that, no you prefer denial, you prefer nothingness, emptiness, numbness.
But your fingers have typed the numbers and it is dialing.
The ringing filling your ears.
You have always wondered how it felt to fly.
How the wind flowing through your clothes, against your skin would make you feel free.
Yet you’ve always been the type to bury yourself in a hole hoping to see one day the blue of the sky.
And as the line seems to get cold.
- you feel numb, you’ve been burning with haste
- And you realise it now what a terrible waste
You dream that you would be an angel, with beautiful wings, able to touch the clouds.
But in the end, you know you were never meant to soar high in the sky.
As Icarus you brunt your wings down and everything came crashing down…
Finally, your mind stops reeling as another phone is ringing.
- - -
Inspired by @jackstauber ’s song “Baby Hotline”
+ ringing sounds from the song as well
Credit to @adhimuff_ and @avogado6_jp for the piece of arts I used to illustrate my words.
+ montage on CapCut.
Be aware that this piece tackles dark subjects surrounding mental health.
If you find yourself in a position as such, you should seek help (even though it is easier said than done I know) but talk to a parent or close person. Aside from that you can always reach out to a su*c*de hotline. It is very important to get help, hope is not lost. ❤️
Moreover I am conscious my prononciation isn’t perfect in this audio so I apologize for that, I’ll do better in the future 🫶🏻
- Beaucoup d’amour, Poppy ❤️
🔺Original work, please do not steal or copy. Thanks. 🔺
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 8 months
i think it’s about time i get taken out back
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the-forgotten-mind · 2 years
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This is huge, NATIONAL Suicide prevention hotline is changing their number. Something shorter, quicker, and easy to remember! Please spread for awareness. This could save someone’s life!
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shir0ch4ns-art · 11 months
I know that this isn't what I usually post or even have on this blog but like I feel like I'm gonna scream or break down if I just don't put this down on some form of like "physical" words.
This got really long and does kinda goes through the emotions felt so I suggest not clicking the read more if you're not in a good space to read this
As the trigger warning suggests, I just had a miscarriage. The same fucking day I did a pregnancy test. It was simultaneously the best and worst day of my life. I had started off kinda scared and nervous but it also just confirmed my suspicions for the past few weeks since I missed my period. I then just felt so happy, like I was on cloud 9 the whole morning. I went to work I called my mom I was on the phone until I had to officially open the store (I was on opening shift so I'm there half an hour early to prepare) I was just so happy. Then I noticed some spotting and then some more spotting and finally I caught the tiniest bit of red and I fucking left. I told my lead what was happening, and they were just shoving me out the door. I left work 2 hours early and then spent literally the whole day at the Urgent Care just to get a fucking "we don't know". I was a bit mad then but I have since realized that I had detected my pregnancy super early and most people don't even realize they're pregnant until way later on, I'm just super observant of my monthly because it's a bit irregular. And with that it would be extremely hard to tell what was happening. They put me on bed rest for 2 days and to go back the second day. I was bleeding so much between then that I just knew I had miscarried but I was deluding myself into thinking that I was wrong that maybe it was something else, something that can be fixed or maybe I was freaking out over nothing. Only to go in and do some blood work that I got the result back from before the UC doctor did and just...blue screened. I knew, I waited in that waiting room with my husband and mom for the confirmation but I knew. And just like that it was gone.
I'm devastated and angry because logically I know there's no reason, logically I know this just happens sometimes, logically I know it was nothing I did or didn't do...but emotionally I wanna know why, why did this happen, how did this happen so quickly, seriously what the fuck happened. I'm mad because I didn't even get a chance to see what kind of person it would have been, I didn't get a chance to see this potential person grow up, I didn't even get a chance to at least hold them. And I'm just gonna mention it right now that I am vehemently pro-choice and I don't want my use of referring to what wasn't even an embryo at the stage I lost my pregnancy as a potential person to be used for pro-life rhetoric. I don't make this threat casually or at all but I will fucking block and flag you if you do. I'm referring to it as a potential person because I actually wanted this pregnancy not because it was even a life at the point of miscarriage, if I hadn't done a pregnancy test I would have thought it was just a really late really bad period. But I did, and I knew, and that's what's making it so hard to fully come to terms with. It wasn't entirely planned but it was wanted and that hurts.
I'm doing better now, I have a really good support web of friends and family that have helped me through these past few days. My husband being the most supportive one and being my rock throughout this. I'm not even sure why I'm making this post but if anyone else in my position sees this and find some kind of comfort that they're not alone in this and that yes their feelings of despair and anger are valid and that just having someone else experience the same makes them feel less alone then I'll leave this up. I might delete this later or I might forget but if it helps then I'll purposely leave it up.
I nicknamed it capsicum since it made me crave spicy foods like no tomorrow.
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love when you google something silly and google sticks that big ugly “help is available 🥺” message in your face like babe i appreciate the effort but i got more comfort from strangers I met on omegle when i was 12 than the fucking suicide hotline
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gothcoraline · 2 years
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let everyone know this!!!! it’s so important that people who need help know who to call!!!
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emelinet · 8 months
hotlines <3
stay safe.
SA hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
suicide lifeline: 988
blackline*: 1-800-604-5841
trans lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
* "Call BlackLine® provides a space for peer support, counseling, reporting of mistreatment, witnessing, and affirming the lived experiences for folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens." - Call BlackLine
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flight-128 · 2 years
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