#detective eevee on the case
pokemon-with-hats · 1 year
Eevee with a detective hat
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crow-aeris · 4 months
My take on the Pokemon/Batman thing
Listed here are Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Jason, and Tim! Damian, Steph, Cass, and Duke will be listed in a second part
Bruce: He's a RICH mf, so his pokemon, especially those he's has since childhood, are all pedigree
Growlithe/Arcanine | "Ghost" - Bruce was gifted Ghost by his parents for his sixth birthday. He named the growlithe "Ghost" after the Gray Ghost, a show Bruce and Thomas Wayne watched when he was younger
Eevee/Flareon | "Blaze" - Bruce finds an eevee during one of Gotham's coldest winter. The eevee was crouched over his owner, who had died from hypothermia. Bruce, as Batman, contacted the authorities and they took the eevee to a shelter (ig?). Later on, the eevee escapes the shelter, evolves into flareon, and hunts Bruce down-refusing to leave his side. (The eevee elvolved into flareon because he never wants to see another person suffer from the cold.) Blaze joins Batman on patrols, especially during the winter, where he huddles up next to those in need until Batman can reach them and direct them to safety.
Riolu/Lucario | "Valor" - Bruce receives an egg while training with the LOA, which hatches into a Riolu, whom Bruce names Valor. Valor helps locate victims and people in need before guiding Bruce to them.
Absol | "Omen" - Bruce finds Omen, or rather, Omen finds Bruce during a Gala. The absol was rushing around, trying to warn people of danger while the elites were trying to call security to have the absol removed. Bruce saw Omen and remembered their ability to predict disaster, and pulls a fire alarm to force everyone out of the building. Soon after, a bomb goes off and everyone escapes safely. The absol follows Bruce home and refuses to leave, thus forcibly becoming a member of Bruce's party.
Aegislash | "Rex" - A gift given to Bruce by Ra's al Ghul, almost a promise or acknowledgement of sorts. Rex hovers behind Batman on patrol, watching his back and protecting him against attacks
Honorable mentions: Ampharos (a beacon of light admist darkness), whom I wanted to include, but decided not to. Umbreon (because angst), but I decided flareon would be better. Dratini (elegant af and cool-looking), but didn't really fit the story I wove.
Alfred: He worked in the british military, so his pokemon would mostly be centered around that era
Fletchling/Talonflame | "Sprite" - Alfred was given fletchling when he was but a young lad living in Brighton. He called the fletchling "what a spritely lad", and so the fletchling- now a talonflame who's gone through war with him- only responds to Sprite/Spritely
Blissey | "Madame" (Missy by the Batkids) - Alfred found Blissey at the manor's doorsteps soon after Bruce lost his parents. He'd expected the pokemon to leave soon after, but the Blissey stuck around. Alfred called her Madame as a joke, but the name stuck around. She can usually be found following Alfred around the manor while doing chores, or helping in the cave after patrol
Sobble/Inteleon | "Lad" - Alfred found a sobble during war times, and he felt bad for the lad. The sobble stuck around, and Alfred never found it necessary to leave the sobble behind, and so it eventually evolved into Inteleon and helped Alfred in his soldier days. Eventually, they all retired, and so Lad helps his trainer around the manor, and indulges the children whenever they ask Lad to shoot an empty can or something. This is another case of accidentally naming a pokemon, because the name "Lad" just stuck
Slurpuff | "Buttercream/Butter" - A gift given to Alfred by an old fried. Butter helps him bake and cook, and can also help detect lies! Butter is beloved by all within the household
Minccino | "Argentum/Archy" - Alfred found Argentum abandoned while on a grocery trip, and took the little guy in. Archy helps Alfred clean around the manor, and loves to fuss over the kid's rooms and hair (especially Tim's)
Honorable Mentions: Sinistea, because i was REALLY tempted to make a HAHA BRITISH joke, Drampa, because HAHA OLD.
Dick: Our favorite circus boy!
Pidgey/Pidgeot | "Skyler" - Skyler was the chick of his parents' Pidgeots, and she trained alongside him basically since birth, and she was there with him when Dick's parents died
Poplio/Primarina | "Poppy" - He was given poplio during his time in the circus, and he named him poppy as a pun! When Poppy evolved into Primarina, it was right after Dick found out about Jason's death, so it was... an experience
Zorua/Zoroark | "Monsieur Fox/Foxy" - Dick found Zorua while in his tenure as Robin, and the pokemon just stuck around. The name Monsieur Fox started as a joke, but Dick shortened it to Foxy when zorua refused to respond to anything else. Foxy helps alot during undercover/recon missions, and the other batkids would occasionally ask to borrow him for a mission or another
Eevee/Espeon | "Amy" - Dick helped Bruce rescue Amy from a pokemon trafficking thing, and Blaze adopted the eevee before ANY of them had a say. Amy evolved alongside Dick, the pair growing together into Espeon and Nightwing [insert something poetic and symbolic]
Honorable mentions: Chatot, because have you SEEN dick? He's a chatty little fucker as robin, and Chatot would make him that much more insufferable. Swablu/Alteria because I think dick deserves a dragon-dancing, party-sweeping alteria 😔
Jason: Our favorite dead robin :3
Vulpix/Ninetales | "Annabeth" - Jason found vulpix when he was younger, just before Catherine died. She would try and defend him whenever Willis got violent, but the man's Kingler would easily overpower her. Jason named her Annabeth after his personal hero, Annabeth Chase :3
Eevee/Glaceon | "Belle" - Jason found Belle rummaging in a trashcan. He felt bad for her and took her in, naming her after Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Belle evolves into Glaceon in the winter after Jason's death. She sat in the snow, refusing to come inside until she evolved into Glaceon (this highlights the fire/ice duality between Jason and Bruce, and how after his death, Jason grows colder towards Bruce and their ideals and way of controlling crime differs so drastically that it resembles fire and ice)
Honedge/Aegislash | "Alexander" - Jason received a shiny honedge as a "gift" from Talia. In order to be allowed to keep it, Jason had to convince the pokemon of his worth, fighting alongside it until it evolved into Aegislash. He named it Alexander after Alexander the Great.
Zorua/Zoroark | "Marley" - Jason receives a hisuian Zorua a year before he returns to Gotham as red hood. He accepts him partly as a taunt because Dick has a zoroark, but Jason's zoroark was a ghost type (A once-departed soul, returned to life in Hisui. Derives power from resentment, which rises as energy atop its head and takes on the forms of foes. In this way, Zorua vents lingering malice. -Legends Arceus. Departed soul? Dead? Get it, Jason? HAHA). He names his zorua after Jacob Marley, from a Christmas carol (Because not only is Jacob marley a ghost, has a J name, but also comes back to warn Scrooge to change or else little timmy will die (telling bruce he has to change before TIM will die (omg i'm a genius)))
Honorable mentions: Leafeon was my first choice when it came to Jason's eevelution, but it didn't really match. Next was houndour/doom because i wanted Jason to meet it while on the streets, but decided otherwise. And then a shiny magikarp/garydos, but decided against. Same with tyranitar and garchomp. Sure, they might be cool and powerful, but i don't think Jason would actively take in pokemon especially after his death, the only exception being Marley. Plus, those pokemon are typically seen as angry and uncontrolled, and I wanted to depict Jason as more cunning, sharp- a strategist willing to get his hands dirty rather than a brainless brute who ONLY wants his dad's approval
Tim: Another rich mf!
Vulpix/Ninetails | "Aurora" - Tim gets Aurora, a shiny vulpix, as his first pokemon, a gift from his parents after their trip to japan. (You bet your ass Aurora and Annabeth have met before, which is why Annabeth refuses to fight Aurora, even when Jason orders her to. the two vulpixes use to sneak out at night and play together :3)
Eevee/ Umbreon | "Selene" - Tim wanted to be just like his heroes, and begged his parents for an eevee. They decided to give him a well-bred and pedigree shiny eevee (their son deserves the BEST). Nyx evolves into an umbreon while he and Tim were chasing after robin with a camera, and Tim decided to change her name from Silver, to Selene
Munna | "Remmy" - After Brucequest and his time after Ras and Paris, Tim gets horrible nightmares. Dick gives him a munna to try and help Tim sleep better. He was initially distrustful, but after a while, he grows to accept her into his life. He named her Remmy after REM sleep
Archen/Archeops | "Iggy" - Tim finds a plume fossil while working with Ra's. He revives it before evolving it into Archeops. They work together to catch criminals, with Archeops chasing it down on the streets while Tim pursues from the roofs.
Noibat/Noivern | "Mya" - Tim finds an injured noivern as Robin, and nurses it back to health. He tries to release him into the wild, but the noivern came back, and Tim couldn't find it in him to abandon the little guy. He names him Mya, short for Myotis, the genus for bats
Honorable Mentions: Altaria, becuase i ALSO want him to have a sweeper, but sadly no. I debated on giving him Zorua, but I felt like it was getting repetitive, and decided against it. Corvidknight too, but i thought it wouldn't have matched
As mentioned above, next part will include Steph, Damian, Cass, and Duke :3
Here's part 2!
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Yuma and Eevee
You Heard of Detective Pikachu... Get ready for Detective Eevee!
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Yuma's Eevee is also a top detective. (it also strongly resembles him) Raised in the WDO all it's life, it has a lot of strong insight and can usually tell if a culprit has malicious intent behind them. (but since it only senses malicious intent it isn't always right on the culprit) It's also very helpful during investigations. (its had lots of experience) With Yuma having amnesia, Eevee is very helpful to him during crime scene investigations. It has a serious nature and it has a strong will.
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Of course, because of this, it does not get along with Shinigami. Because of Eevee's strong insight, it can sense her. (and pokemon and human are bound in this world by a link, so whatever yuma can see, eevee can usually see too) Being the jealous type, she calls it a “rat” constantly telling Yuma that it would just get in his way. With both of them being Yuma's partner, they became rivals. They fight and argue a lot (shinigami can understand pokemon speech) causing poor Yuma to get a headache. Yuma also has Shinigami translate what Eevee says during investigations. (tho she almost never complies unless yuma says "please" or begs her, causing eevee to get annoyed with her again) The fighting never ends with them.
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Eevee does get along fairly well with the rest of the nocturnal detective agency’s Pokémon partners. It becomes best friends with Desuhiko’s partner, it has a fellow kinship with Halara’s partner since both are oddly colored, when it later meets Fubuki’s partner for the short time it comes to their aid it gets along pretty okay with it, its a little wary of Vivia’s partner, but it doesn’t hate it. And it likes to hang and take naps with the chief's partner when its at the agency (though it isn’t often) Outside of the agency, the only other Pokémon it knows personally is Kurumi’s partner. It actually has a huge crush on Eevee and loves following it around whenever Yuma and Kurumi are together. And it eventually meets Makoto’s partner, though it isn’t until MUCH later. Makoto lies saying he doesn’t have a partner when he first meets it and Yuma. But in reality, he's hiding it from sight.
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Eevee can join in the Mystery Laybrinth as a guest due to the Coalescence ability since it is usually on Yuma's shoulder. Meaning it does sadly forget the case it helped it's master investigate. But it helps in other ways. When in a Mystery Labyrinth, Eevee holds onto the Solution Keys until Yuma asks for them. It carries them in a little keyring. After the mystery is solved it forgets the event like any other guest. But it makes Yuma bond with it more, since he remembers.
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Being the partner of Number One of the WDO, Eevee completely objected to his master using the Book Of Death to erase his memory for the Kanai Ward Mystery. (so it already didn't like shinigami) But he told Eevee to look after him and always be by his side to help Shinigami form him into a detective using the skills they both learned in their journey becoming Number One, together.
Since this was a command from it's master, Eevee obliged. It cared deeply for him and made sure to keep a watchful eye on him.
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Through Yuma's amnesiac journey, Eevee remained by his side. Despite Yuma forgetting about it, he still allowed it to stay with him no matter how much Shinigami protested. It proved helpful in every case and even in the Mystery Labyrinth. And is even a good source of comfort for Yuma whenever he gets anxious. (he gives it hugs :3) It was always cheering for him, even if he lost his memory.
Though the memory loss does cause a bit of friction in their relationship. It even causes them to fight in Chapter 4. Due to it having the same worry as Vivia, because Eevee knew who the culprit was from the start. (Sensing the murderous and malicious intent from the culprit when he rescued Yuma) It felt conflicted and caused it to be distant from Yuma. It was both disappointed in his reluctance and worried for his feelings. Even though it knew feelings had to be discarded in these situations, with the methods of the WDO (and Number One himself) it knew for so long.
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Though after Yuma got stronger from the ordeal and before the final battle, the two were practically inseparable. Shinigami even earned a bit of respect for it (though she still calls it a rat)
Up until they reach the ugly truth and Makoto reveals himself behind the mask, as well as the partner he's kept hidden all this time.
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Shinigami and Eevee finally make attempts to team up to help Yuma get through the last laybrinth and final battle with his homunculus. Helping him out of the despair he feels losing who he is when both of them remember who he truly is and that he shouldn't give up. Because they're both by his side.
Once he snaps out of it the final battle between the two begin. Eevee fights Mimikyu while Yuma fights Makoto.
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In the end they are both defeated. And they find the solution for Kanai Ward's mystery. Eevee comforts Mimikyu the whole time Yuma is talking to Makoto.
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In the end, Shinigami acknowledges Yuma's partner and admits defeat. Allowing Yuma to leave from the emergency exit. Telling him he already has a great partner. Though the goodbye was still tearful and emotional. Even Eevee shed a few tears. It had began to get used to Shinigami's company. But it knew this would happen, but she would be missed. Eevee comforted Yuma until the fated goodbye kiss from her, as both of them left through the emergency exit.
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Upon the Epilogue of the story, the final labyrinth, and Yuma getting his memory back after parting ways with Shinigami, he embraces his beloved partner as Eevee squeals in joy with it's beloved master's memory returned.
"Thank you, Eevee. Good work."
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Eventually with his resign from the WDO and journey through the world to erase all unsolved mysteries, his Eevee eventually evolves into Umbreon during a case at night. Becoming ESPECIALLY more useful in night investigations. Using it's glowing rings to help navigate through the dark, AND it can now produce ultraviolet light to help investigate in crime scenes (in a way it became its own forte although its rings are blue it can also produce purple light) The duo was stronger than ever now that they've both evolved from the Kanai Ward experience, together.
The Noir Detective and his Partner of the Night~🔎
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(Yuma and Eevee were more like business partners when he was Number One with it as his partner, but the journey through Kanai Ward made Yuma love and care for Eevee as a friend, and thus post game when Yuma appreciates Eevee more with his memories back from the experience, the friendship evolution finally happens. The Journey helped them both grow as individuals, and as friends)
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hakureimaiden · 2 years
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     A young girl from Johto, despite being from a long line of shamans, she is much too untrained (and lazy) to handle the ghost types commonly associated with the profession. Instead, she is drawn to pokemon that act in ways close to her own heart.
      While still a very inexperienced trainer, she shows a lot of potential to do great things alongside her pokemon. A natural talent, she has an uncanny knack for reading fights and adapting to battles as needed, each of her pokemon forming a deep bond with her and being willing to trust her instincts even when they seem nonsensical at a glance. If only she could take her pokemon training more seriously, she might actually achieve her goal of becoming a pokemon master.
       Of course, this goal of hers is very superficial, as she doesn’t particularly care about whether she achieves it or not, and instead just sees it as an excuse to travel alongside her pokemon and see the world and for them to have fun challenging all sorts of opponents.
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Age: 18, started her journey at 16
Starter: Eevee... technically
Location: Traveling
 While technically she is from Azalea Town, her home is located in an isolated part of the Ilex Forest. Reimu grew up there, among the sleepy forest which seemed to be in a perpetual night and the mythical shrine dedicated to a being of legends. Which one? Who knows! She sure doesn’t. Though she is pretty sure it isn’t celebi, given the existence of another shrine in the forest dedicated to the legendary.
Grew up around pokemon her entire life and as such understands their language to an extent.
 The main pokemon she uses in battle are her birds, the meowth that is ever at her side seems to be more of a pet than anything else, and as such rarely does battle. Reimu herself considers the cat a good luck charm.
She tends to avoid walking as much as possible, instead traveling on the back of her Noctowl.
She currently has three of the Johto badges, the Zephyr, Hive, and Plain. She seems in no particular rush to collect the badges in any given order though, and she and her team go where the wind takes them.
Reimu has had many pokemon she befriended before she officially caught them, most of these are members of the ��mainstays” on her team (Noctowl, Pidgeot, Meowth, and Arcanine.)  
For extra money when on the road, Reimu runs a “pokemon detective agency”, taking on cases of missing or stolen pokemon. Despite starting her “business” for extra money, in truth, she hardly ever actually gets paid in any real significant about, as despite her grumbling she will help out any in distress with little prompting
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Pokemon will vary in evo stage depending on where on her journey Reimu is, by default her Noctowl will always be evolved, she will at least have her Pidgeotto, her Arcanine, and her Eevee and Meowth.
Bellow is just her 'final' team, assuming she has completed at least the Johto gym challenge!
I do not follow a 4-move only formula, but can do so if requested. moves may be used creatively.
Any pokemon not traveling with her stay at the shrine guarding the place
She isn’t one to go out of her way to catch pokemon, instead, most of her catches tend to be pokemon she either rescues, forms a strong bond with, or ones that start tailing her and she just gives in and adopts.
Full List of Current Pokemon bellow the cut
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Nickname: Himawari Gender: Female Ability: Insomnia Nature: Relaxed, Often lost in thought Moves: Air Slash, Extrasensory, Hypnosis, Fly, Roost, Moonblast, Swift
Met Reimu as a hoothoot that would often hang around her shrine, Reimu often gave the owl food whenever she would visit, and thus the noctowl became a frequent visitor.
When Reimu first resolved to head off on her journey the pokemon followed along, stowing away in Reimu's bag. Once Reimu noticed, she decided to let the pokemon tag along with her.
Her first pokemon to evolve, Reimu often rides on Himawari's back when she is tried of walking.
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Nickname: Kiku Gender: Male Ability: Big Pecks Nature: Bold, A little quick tempered Moves: Hurricane, Whirlwind, Quick Attack, Feather Dance, Double Team
The first pokemon Reimu caught on her journey. Technically. She found the Kiku as a pidgey not long after leaving her forest home. Noticing the pokemon had a broken wing, Reimu helped nurse him back to health.
Kiku turned out to be quiet the tenacious and bold little thing, and bounced back quickly. It seems his wing had been injured in the first place due to picking a fight with a stronger pokemon.
Wanting to become stronger as a result, he pestered Reimu until the girl officially let him onto her team
During the day when Himawari is resting, Reimu will often ride on Kiku's back as they travel.
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Nickname: Ume Gender: Male Ability: Intimidate Nature: Lonely, Likes to run Moves: Extreme Speed, Crunch, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Play Rough, Sunny Day
Ume was found by Reimu as a Growlithe abandoned in the forest. The fire type isn’t native to the area after all, and Reimu was soon discovered the pokemon seemed both used to people and as if he has previously had a trainer.
However, with no trainers in sight and the fire dog looking incredibly depressed upon his discovery, Reimu could only assumed he was left behind by his original trainer and she took him in as her own
Reimu will often sleep on top of Ume, keeping her warm even in the coldest nights.
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Nickname: Hasu Gender: Male Ability: Pure Power Nature: Impish, likes to fight Moves: Zen Headbutt, High Jump Kick, Bulk Up, Body Slam, Poison Jab
Shortly after Reimu took a trip to Hoenn, Hasu was found as a Meditite while Reimu was taking on a case in search of a trainer's missing pokemon. The pokemon, a small pichu, was found being guarded by the Meditie
The pokemon instantly picked a fight with Reimu, thinking her a threat to the pichu, and after being beaten started tailing the shrine maiden wanting a rematch
Eventually, Hasu joined the team, taking all the fighting before then in good fun
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Nickname: Ajisai Gender: Female Ability: Chlorophyll Nature: Gentle, Alert to sounds Moves: Sucker Punch, Leaf Blade, Fake Out, Low Kick, X-Scissor
Found as a nuzleaf, Ajisai was the bottom of the rung among the 'gang' of other nuzleaf they were living with. Often bullied and left to fend for themselves as a result, to prove her strength to her family she began jumping unsuspecting trainers when they crossed the stretch of would they had taken residence in
Reimu had taken the 'case' of trying to solve who was behind the recent uptick of pokemon attacks, her investigation leading her to the nuzleaf
After many shenanigans, Reimu offered nuzleaf to tag along with her, which the pokemon accepted. Thus 'solving' the incident.
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Nickname: Tsubaki Gender: Female Ability: Pixilate Nature: Modest, Highly curious Moves: Light Screen, Reflect, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Fake Tears
The pokemon which started Reimu on her journey. Her 'starter' in a way. Reimu was gifted Tsubaki's egg by a suspicious woman. Well, gifted is perhaps to strong a word, more it was left in the shrine's donation box for Reimu to find.
The eevee that was eventually born was a highly curious little thing, and had a wanderlust of her own
Spurring her partner to adventure, Reimu decided to finally do something besides loiter around the shrine and set off on her journey
Tsubaki's evolution into pokemon Reimu had never heard of before certainly caught her off guard at first, to say the least.
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Nickname: Kigiku Gender: Female Ability: Pickup Nature: Brave, Often dozes off Moves: Scratch, Pay Day, Bite, Taunt, Growl
Originally little more than a stray cat who would often visit Reimu's shrine, the pokemon took quiet a liking to the girl and would come around frequently often spending her afternoons napping on the girl's porch.
Reimu grew to enjoy the meowth's company, and began to view her as a good luck charm. A beckoning cat of good fortune.
Despite not caring much for battle, Kigiku never leaves Reimu's side and is often found outside her pokeball clinging off Reimu's shoulder
Kigiku and Tsubaki often get into playful fights because of this as they seek out the most attention from Reimu.
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Nickname: Suisen Gender: Male Ability: Thick Fat Nature: Rash, Loves to eat Moves: Lick, Tackle
Upon one of her visits back home Reimu found the young pokemon having eaten through most of her storage supply. She was quiet angry, to say the least.
Try as Reimu might to shoo off the munchlax the pokemon just kept coming back..... eventually causing Reimu to give up and accept his presence. Catching him not long after, Suisen is still a baby in training. And still eating all of Reimu's snacks.
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Nickname: Erika Gender: Female Ability: Snow Warning Nature: Serious, Very finicky Moves: Powder Snow, Tail Whip, Disable
One of the newest members of Reimu's team, the strange little vulpex helped Reimu navigate her way out of a blizzard she had gotten herself lost in
Enjoys scratches behind her ear
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Nickname: Mima Gender: Female Ability: ??? Nature: ??? Moves: ???
Not one of Reimu's pokemon, but instead a ghost haunting her shrine who refuses to go away.
After a while, Reimu has simply accepted her presence and she has became something like an annoying roommate
Guards the shrine and any of the pokemon staying within it while Reimu travels
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Nickname: Genjii Gender: Male Ability: ??? Nature: ??? Shown Moves: Watergun, rest unknown
Not much is known about the oldest living resident of the Hakurei Shrine. A larger than normal wartortle (standing at 6′06″, completely DWARFING the average size of the pokemon of his species) Reimu remembers the pokemon being around from the time of her birth.
If the moss on his back is any indication, it is quite old (did they not say these pokemon could live for up too 1,000 years?) 
Reimu does not use Genjii for battle, for Genjii does not WANT to battle, instead acting as a sort of guardian to his own private pond behind the shrine, and occasionally scarring off lost trainers by rising out of the waters like some small monster. 
Still, what is your story wartortle ?
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prickly-bulbasaur · 2 years
The Price of Hobbies
It had to be next week dammit!!
Katsuki Bakugou was lost for the 5th time at yet again another different mall, frantically searching for a particular store. Surprisingly, all of them only had a small, non-important store or did not have a store at all.
“How the living hell are there no craft stores in all of Japan?? The only things I see is fucking yarn balls, but they are only one color, too thick, or made for cats!!”
Katsuki sat down on the bench in the food court, trying to figure out the next place to go. He had asked the Hag and Pops about the best location to find the elusive store but so far everything just came up empty.
“Dammit, Eve, for someone who loves to crochet, finding the yarns for you is like a torturous manhunt.” The blonde grumbled and looked up to the sky. Eevee loves arts and crafts, it has always made her smile with the creations she makes. She had made a few Heroes with various yet perfect colors and even made him with his Hero Costume. She kept them safe, or gave them away, or in one particular case, burned one at the stake. Katsuki shuddered as he remembered the Eevette cackling like a psychopath. Hot though.
“I have no choice, I have to ask the Serpentine where she gets them. Otherwise I will be hunting them until Christmas!”
Katsuki makes a quick text first to Izuku, asking him if Eevee is still with him at the training facility before calling the fennec’s mother. He did not want her to detect anything is wrong, though he is sure she senses something as this was day two of him missing training together. 
“Aight, let's get this over with.” He mumbled before dialing the number, and his throat knotted once she picked up.
“Hello, Katsuki. Everything alright?” Ophelia asked, and he gulped in nervousness. “Why aren’t you at training? Dear Eevee was asking for you? Izuku mentioned you had something to do.”
Katsuki grumbled a bit before stealing his nerves a bit. “Hey, those yarns Eevee has, where did you get them?”
Silence ensued for several moments and Katsuki thought he was losing his mind before…
“Please tell me you didn’t search every single mall for those…” Ophelia deadpanned, and that triggered the blonde teen.
“...That is a yes…” She sighed, before going back to her future son-in-law. “I had them specially ordered, since knitting and crocheting is technically dead in this era not many stores have them now.”
“That explains why so many people I asked looked at me like I was talking out of my ass…Ok, where can I order them? Do you have a number?”
“I actually have a location. Are you near Verdant Lake? There is a cottage along the east side of the lake called Cuddle-Ewe’s Cottage, you will need to speak to Aries.” Ophelia said and she chuckled as she could hear him choking from the overly cutesy name.
“For the love of-Who the hell has a disgustingly cute name like that??” Katsuki scoffed and became silent at the serpentine's next sentence.
“One that can save you months of crying from your Fennec.” She warned and she could mentally see him panicking. “Aries is actually her Hero Name, and her Quirk allows her to create yarn of colors. There is a catch, you will need an item of that color for the desired look, otherwise they will be plain white.”
“What if…in this case there is no item that can match a certain color? Like for example, my hair color?” Katsuki asked, not wanting to give a lot of information. His was a two-part gift, and one of them required certain finesse. “Also, will it also take in the scent of the person?”
“I see what is going on. Yes, you can use your hair. Just let Aries know that this will be a Nesting Gift. She specializes in those.”
Katsuki sighed in massive relief, finally getting somewhere for his girl’s birthday gift. “Thanks, Ophi. This means a lot. This was actually a pain to support her hobbies.”
“I know, Katsuki. Just don’t forget to go to training tomorrow, otherwise Eevee will get suspicious. I already have an excuse that you were with Daredevil for office re-filing. It is about this time he reorganizes them anyways.” 
“Heh, you and the Hag are loving this too much.”
“Very much, just make sure you bring condoms when you give her the gifts.” Ophelia teased and she heard him choke again, heat starting to come out of her headset.
“I wouldn’t mind having a fiery baby fox as a Grandchild.” “...Ok, I’ll have to admit, that would be cool.” 
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dadzxwa · 2 years
How'd you meet your pokemon?
"I got my meowth as a pet when I was kid. I worked together with her to catch an eevee when I finally struck out as an independent trainer. I went on a vacation to Kalos which is where I got my froakie. I didn't catch anymore pokemon until after I graduated the police academy. I ended up involved in taking down a pokemon smuggling ring where we suddenly needed to place a lot of abused pokemon. I kept a purrloin from that batch. After I made detective I started traveling a lot more to deal with similar smuggling and pokemon abuse issues. My minikyu actually saved me from a tight spot and we became good friends, he decided to come with me when I went back home. Me and my lucario also met on a case, some of his siblings were in trouble and I helped him get them to safety, he ended up sticking with me so he could help more pokemon. We're a great team, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them."
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miraltru · 2 years
Openemu cheats pokemon emerald
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nintendocafe · 7 years
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Detective Pikachu: Episode 0—Eevee's Case eBook | FREE on Amazon 
This is a prequel story written to commemorate the release of the Detective Pikachu video game for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems! As a self-proclaimed great detective, Pikachu can somehow understand what people are saying. His only wish is to meet someone who can understand him in the same way. One day, an Eevee comes to the great Detective Pikachu and asks him to find the culprit who messed up the yard at its home!
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prof-peach · 2 years
A few years ago I got an eevee as an emotional support pokemon and she recently evolved into an espeon. She’s always been really sweet and loves to snuggle up with me after a long day. Her behavior hasn’t changed much since evolving. One of my family members told me that I should re-home her because my depression would affect her health. Since then I’ve noticed her cuddling up to me a lot more often now. I’ve heard before that psychic types are really sensitive to people’s emotions so I wasn’t sure. I love her so much, and I’d hate to be hurting her but I’d be so devastated to see her go. Do you think that I should re-home her?
This is one of those situations where you shouldn't listen to your family, they're making uneducated assumptions it would seem.
So Espeon are a pokemon I am always suggesting to people, along side many other psychic types, for the exact reason that they help regulate moods.
Yes. Psychic types become linked to their trainers, and often detect their moods and any unusual brain activity. However, just because they detect something, does not then mean they are slaves to that. They often have an understanding of human emotion, but don't always get dragged into the complexity of it all. Psychic types also can use energy waves to regulate moods, once they gain some practice.
As your buddy has only recently evolved, she wont have mastered this yet, but will be trying, i can assure you. If the gem on her head is faintly glowing, or more obvious than normal while around you, she's actively trying to help you stabiles how you're feeling.
They are excellent support mons, and you've given me no reason to think she's suffering because of how you're feeling. Thats not really now it works. There are of course cases of pokemon who are too sensitive to humans, and they show very distinct behaviour that would suggest that rehoming is a good choice. Your buddy is not showing that, in fact quite the opposite, cuddling up more. Contact strengthens the psychic bond, she still sits on and around you, no issues, no changes in behaviour otherwise, so like...don't listen to people who tell you what to do with your team? If you're worried, ask your actual pokemon. They're smart enough to understand you, more than intelligent enough to give you a real response in terms of what they do and don't want. Their opinion is the only one that matters here. You're doing nothing harmful to them, they're just trying to help you. Should their behaviour become shy, nervous or skittish, this is where you may need to consider further action. Until then, nothing to stress over. Focus on recovering, help yourself too, your pokemon cannot cure depression, they simply can help relieve symptoms, so you gotta take the lead if you want to improve. Good news it will help to have them! The job becomes easier, can say first hand, a psychic type makes managing moods FAR easier, why'd you think I keep a Vulpix around? Same reason as you bud.
Chin up, you have the best support you could ask for in your partner!
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Here’s an ambitious idea: SVU Pokémon crossover! Like what Pokémon would the squad have? It shows that you like Pokémon, and after seeing the Detective Pikachu movie…imagination overdrive!
I've thought about this an embarrassing amount haha. Trainer cards and explanations under the cut. If there's someone you want added, let me know!
PS ignore the sprites--I tried for ones kinda close to them out of pre-made sprites
EDIT: I fucking forgot to add Nick! I made his card and everything!
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Liv has an Arcanine that she raised from a Growlithe (if you know the games/anime, most cop characters have a Growlithe or a dog of some sort).
The second Growlithe was an egg that her Arcanine had. She is working on raising him for Noah.
The Gardevoir is there to help sense victim's emotions and to help calm them and perps down. It is also said that Gardevoir can read the future, so she'll help Liv when coming up with plans (like during hostage situations).
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Fin has a Houndoom that he raised from a Houndour (same thought with cops having dogs, but Houndour is cooler looking).
Shiny Greninja is there because fast + stealth + a fucking ninja. If you don't think Fin would love that, you're insane.
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Amanda has a Boltund that she raised from a Yamper (again with cops and dogs, but also because Frannie).
She got the Lycanroc (evolved from Rockruff - midday form from walks in the park) because she thought that even though Boltund is super trained, a rock dog is safer with kids than an electric dog.
The Espeon is fiercely loyal to her and the girls, and can predict if someone means them harm while they're out.
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Sonny got Cubone and Phantump much the same way--both needed someone for them. Cubone wears the skull of her mother, and once Sonny learned that she was an orphan, he adopted her immediately.
Phantump was a child he tried to save during a Homicide investigation. Obviously, he failed, and he keeps the Phantump because he thinks if he couldn't protect him in this life, he'll do better now.
Ralts kind of latched onto him. It's said that Ralts only appears to those with positive emotions, and she just sort of...appeared one day in front of Sonny and refused to let him leave. They've been inseparable since.
Shiny Rowlet was his first pokemon and found him when he was pulling an all-nighter in Fordham's library. He made the mistake of feeding him, and Rowlet would throw sticks at him every night until Sonny fed him. He's also used for delivering messages, but not as effective as Rafael's Murkrow.
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Mike got Hitmonchan to help him spar. They do boxing matches (with regular punches, of course).
Shiny Umbreon came from an Eevee that Mike evolved. When he was younger, he would go out at night for a jog to take his mind off things, and would take his Eevee. During a burglary, she evolved.
Poliwrath is kind of a multi-use mon; he's good for sparring, putting out fires, and stopping criminals from fleeing.
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Rafael has Snivy (because of course he does) to help him with things. Snivy are highly intelligent and Rafael can bounce ideas off him. He's also good at using his vines to grab things for Rafael when he's too busy to do it himself.
Sylveon may seem like a weird pokemon for him, but there's a reason. He received an Eevee when young, and she was the only thing he really loved, causing her to evolve. Sylveon is also known to calm those around him--something he needs during hard cases.
Murkrow is highly intelligent and can send messages to people for him. It's never a surprise if Murkrow shows up in the precinct to deliver a warrant if Rafael is stuck in court.
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Gallade is the ultimate protection (ie. knight in shining armor) Pokemon--of course Nick has one. He’s there to defend and protect anyone who needs it, and him and Nick are so close that Nick doesn’t even need to order him.
Shiny Aegislash is also a great defensive mon that can tank hits and deal out some damage (ignore the one dex entry that says it sucks out life--no others mention it).
Ursaring was basically a mistake--Nick had a cute little Tediursa for Zara, but one day he evolved. He’s still super good with Zara, but Nick worries, so he’s mostly with Nick now.
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(This is absolutely a meme) Munch has a Ditto to help with his obsession with conspiracy theories and evolution. He has Clefable and Gengar for the same reason--rumor (or conspiracy theory) has it that Gengar is really Clefable's shadow, and he wants to prove it.
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: Two fan-made Pokemon meant to be new evolved forms for the Pokemon Eevee, themed around the poison and ghost types respectively.
The first Pokemon is a purple fox-like creature with blue and green ooze trailing from its long ears, tail, paws, and a ruffle of fur on its chest. It has lime green eyes, lime green eyebrows, and lime green claws on its front paws. It is sitting while holding one paw up to its chest, its face wearing a very smug expression. Purple text outlined in purple to the right of the image reads “Toxeon”.
The second Pokemon is a purple fox-like creature with long wispy ears and tail, a white head with ruffles around the neck to resemble some sort of sheet, unnerving aqua green eyes, and light blue paws and spots on its haunches. It has a paw held up as though having stopped in mid-step and is uncomfortably staring at the viewer. Violet text outlined in violet to the right of the image reads “Spectreon”.
End ID.]
Toxeon - Venomous Pokemon - poison Its bite and scratches are highly venomous, and this venom often seeps into its saliva and turns its breath rancid. Its digestive system is built to keep its own venom from harming it, and as such it is able to eat even the most rotten food if necessary. / It is believed that Umbreon and Toxeon have more shared characteristics than any of Eevee’s other evolved forms, due to the former’s ability to sweat poisonous fluid. Toxeon’s sweat is the least of one’s concern, however, as it carries a potent venom in its claws and fangs.
Spectreon - Spectral Pokemon - ghost Many inexperienced Trainers who first evolve an Eevee into Spectreon may panic when they realize its heartbeat is almost impossible to detect. Despite the apparently slowed heartbeat, it is quite active outside of moments where it pauses and stares at seemingly nothing. / Spectreon often stare into space, seemingly watching nothing. It is believed that they can see spectral entities that most humans cannot and it keeps watch of them to prevent them from tormenting their loved ones, while others believe it’s just prone to dissociative episodes.
More Cantessy Fakemon, and more Eeveelutions! I remembered that Umbreon was originally intended to be poison-type before they decided to change it to dark-type, hence the bit about Toxeon being more closely related to Umbreon. I also wanted to make it more distinct as a poison-type than Umbreon as a proto-poison-type, hence all the goopie. Meanwhile for Spectreon…welp, nothing super-specific to say about them. I’m just really happy with how the spooky babey turned out :3
Like all my Eeveelutions, these guys evolve via high friendship while knowing a new Eevee-exclusive attack. In Toxeon’s case that move is called Sludgy Slash, and Spectreon’s is called Eerie Echo.
Reminder that if anyone wants to suggest moves for any Cantessy Fakemon to learn and some physical stats where I haven’t yet figured them out, feel free to throw ‘em at me :3 Links to their info pages will be provided in the replies!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Toxeon, Spectreon, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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Dis Detective's #LouisVuitton and #Prada here....still going after 13 hours of interviews!
We just received an anonymous tip from the Floof Crime Stoppers Call Center.
Apparently, this young lass #Eevee has been identified as a possible suspect.
Here is our notes....time for both of us to get a bite to eat and have a nap.
Case: #OperationPoopgate
Suspect #: 7
Name: Eevee
Aka: Eeveell Kinevil, Eevee Jeevee, Cutie Pie
What we know:
Has a reputation for shenanigans, is not always nice to the new rats and oddly, does not live anywhere near the crime scene, like in the the same state, but not the same suburb, or house...or cage...interesting...
Poop Profile: small, pointed, usually found in Coorparoo but never found in Sunnybank Hills.
Interview Details
Date: 13.05.2021
Time: 1900hrs
Location: Administration Office of the Main Rescue Site
Interview Recorded: N
Legal Representation: Y
Detective #LouisVuitton
Detective #Prada
If you want to help us fund the cost of this important rescue work...our donation details are:
🇦🇺 Bank transfer (for our Aussie supporters):
BSB: 064130
Account #: 1108 1198
Name: RRH Donations
🌎 PayPal (for our international supporters):
www.paypal.me/ratirementhome or send funds to [email protected]
Check out some of our favourites!
The Unusual Pet Vets
Ratwise and The Scuttling Gourmet Membership
The Rescue Collective
Creative Critter Co
Heartrat Hammocks
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Patreon Announcement
so since my big main fic If It Bleeds is coming to an end, I’m doing some different stuff on my patreon moving forward!
$1 per week subscribers will get a 3-5k “chapter” of a reed900 commissioned fic
$2 per week subscribers will get deleted scenes from those fics / writing advice on how I drafted and wrote them
$3 per week subscribers will get a ~1k “mini-chapter” from one of my WIPs
anyone subscribed to my patreon can VOTE in the poll I have up. the TOP THREE WIPs will be written and published 1k at a time as $3 rewards. summaries of each WIP below the cut!
Pokemon AU: Gavin doesn’t need a partner, and he sure as shit doesn’t need a “psychic” criminal profiler from the FBI case-stealing when there’s a new pokemon trafficking ring in town. He’s determined to ice out the hack, but Richard “Nines” Stern turns out to be an ice queen already—except for how soft he is with his pokemon and Gavin’s own Eevee, who doesn’t want to evolve. And as Gavin’s Riolu attempts to court Nines’s Gallade, the kidnapped pokemon turn up crazed and violent, and a mysterious new shadow pokemon begins stalking them, both men realize they might need each other more than they thought.
Exorcist AU: Nines is a cocky young exorcist who knows better than textbooks, his mentor, and God himself. That’s why he summons an extremely high level incubus: to prove that his demon training techniques are vastly superior to the standard curriculum, write a kick ass thesis paper, and become the youngest exorcist to ever achieve tenure. Being asexual, he’s confident in his ability to resist the incubus’s seduction: all he has to do is not kiss, fuck, or perform oral on the demon.
Because any consumption of the incubus’s natural aphrodisiac sperm or saliva will not only physically affect his libido—sexual attraction or not—but also enthrall him under the demon’s control.
What Nines doesn’t realize is that such a high level incubus secretes this aphrodisiac into all of his bodily fluids, and even the lightest touch, the oils on his fingers, the sweat at his temple, it will all slowly build up and corrupt him …
Until Nines finds himself on his knees, desperate to suck the demon’s cock.
Human Pet AU: RK900 “Nines” is an android in want of a human. Rejected by the android-separatist groups for his designation as the ultimate deviant hunter, he must adapt to the new world order after the Revolution. That means selecting a human to sponsor to prove he is a good, responsible android capable of managing humans and deserving of authority.
Since he’s failed with five other human candidates already, Nines is in desperate need of a human who is just as dedicated to the job, who demands perfection, and preferably does not mind a lack of social niceties …
Gavin, formerly Detective Reed, is a human in need of an android sponsor. Captain Connor Anderson has made it very clear that is the only way he will ever get his job back. And the position won’t stay open for long, so he needs to adjust to this new world order, fast.
He needs an android who can take his anger in stride, break him down, and mold him back into the obedient human he needs to become. He did say he’d do anything to get his job back ...
HankCon Sequel: I have less info for this one, but it would catch up the hankcon fics to my reed900 series, eventually so that the timelines would be the same. It will focus more on Connor exploring his gender and sexuality, plus him learning how to be a better person toward people who aren’t Hank. There will also be nsfw scenes of Connor finally getting to suck Hank off like he always wanted, them having penetrative sex for the first time, and maybe even Connor trying out topping 😉
Geraskier WIP: Jaskier decides that this is the last night. If Geralt doesn’t wake up back to normal from the curse compelling him to let loose all his deepest darkest desires, he’ll just suck up the humiliation on both their parts and call Yennefer. If he can last that long without ruining their friendship, because an uninhibited Geralt wants to sniff him, and cuddle with him, and keeps smiling at him. Also, the big bad Witcher really, really wants to suck his cock. And Jaskier is but weak and wanting …
When Geralt wakes up in chains with the smell of Jaskier’s blood and cum fresh in his nose, he remembers the wizard forced him to lose all control and let loose “every repressed desire.” And how could the desires of a monster ever be anything good? He doesn’t know how he could ever possibly fix this, but he’s glad Jaskier at least managed to call for Yennefer and escape down to the river to clean himself up. He only hopes his friend hasn’t been broken by the experience …
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Rain Code X Pokémon
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Quick edit I did of the whole Nocturnal Detective Agency with their Pokémon partners. In this AU every person can only have one main teammate rather than a whole team of 6. Idk I feel it's far more fitting and appropriate for this type of scenario. Makes things less complicated too.
Honestly rather than using them for typical stuff like battle, I think it’d be cool to have detectives have Pokemon to aid them with their cases. Naturally, there’s a couple of psychic types, but I just think the idea of detectives working with a Pokemon companion is just cool. And their partners can have special skills or abilities to aid them like their Fortes.
Everyone in this world only has one partner. Includes the antagonists. No exceptions.
NDA Teams:
Yuma and Eevee- Coalescence and Insight
Yakou and Tangela- No Forte (they just chill)
Desuhiko and Pikachu- Disguise and Power Control
Halara and Meowstic- Postcognition and Mind Reading
Fubuki and Celebi- Time Leap and Time Stop
Vivia and Spiritomb- Spectral Projection and Spirtual Absorption
Kurumi and Minccino- Information Gathering and Item Gathering
RainCode Endgame Spoilers Below
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Post Game:
Also yes I do ship Yuma and Kurumi.
The ex-top detective of the WDO and his homunculus informant assistant. (their fully evolved Pokémon are also quite friendly with each other too!)
As Vivia said; They'd make a great team ^-^
I pray for a sequel where they'll find each other again...
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azureshitpost · 3 years
Detective Bidoof: The Great Adventure!
Chapter 1 Once upon a time there was a very wholesome and lovely Pokemon detective, and no we aren’t talking about Pikachu. This Pokemon is the mascot of the  great Sinnoh region! That Pokemon’s name is Bidoof! Our great detective, wandering from town to town looking for work, happens upon an eevee who appears to be in quite the predicament. “LE GASP!!” proclaimed the eevee, “would you happy to be the great Detective Bidoof i’ve heard so much about?” with a dumb smile. on his face, Bidoof goes to introduce himself, but trips and goes face first into the mud. Eevee helps up the silly Bidoof and says “please o great detective! Every night one of our precious eggs go missing and we don’t know why or where they end up. Can you please help us out?” Bidoof adjusts his detective coat, and pulls out a pipe from arceus knows where. With a proud look on his face the great Bidoof proclaims, “i am on the case!”
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ogamagirl · 4 years
WELL friendos, it looks like it’s gonna be a stressful week. I did a little think last night to de-stress myself, so I figured I’d share it here with y’all as well; maybe it’ll be fun for you to look at too.
It's been a while since I've documented The Plush Hoard, so I went through it this evening!
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A few notes before we begin!
-Before the "but where do YOU sleep" comments come in - I move them around when I sleep lol. The vast majority of my plushies are up on my top bunk nowadays (which u purposefully cannot see because after I was done taking pictures I just started tossing em up there and didn't feel like making them look nice jskdhgf;;; ) - I only keep my very favorites with me. Every time I blog about my plushies I get that comment and it's not funny anymore ;; -I am not a collector that keeps my plushies on shelves or behind glass cases; one of the primary reasons I love collecting plushies is because I love soft textures, so I love hugging and cuddling with them. So some of them are pretty beat up at this point! I also have a cat and if you have a cat, you know cat hair Everywhere is just a fact of life, so if you happen to see any...sorry! I cannot possibly de-cat-hair my entire apartment at all times. -I am not a photographer and my bedroom has crappy lighting, so these pictures aren't ~the prettiest~; the point of this is for me to just have some fun talking about one of my hobbies! -I have cultivated this collection over years and years and years; as I said, it's one of my hobbies, and it just brings me joy!
That said, THIS GON BE A LONG POST LMFAO, so if you're on board, hop under the read more and we'll get started uvu
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We shall start with the non-weeb plushies skdjfhldfg, which is the smallest cohort |D;;; of special note are the baby penguin from Sunshine City Aquarium in Ikebukuro, the moose my parents got for me in Alaska, the big doofy red panda my college roommates got me for my birthday one year, and the dragon. THE DRAGON IS WEIGHTED. The dragon is delightful oh my god all plushies should be weighted;;; 
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Ghibli plushies! I got the vast majority of these while I was physically in Japan - the only two that I didn't were the foxsquirrel and the Totoro on top of it. The soot sprite I got at the Ghibli Museum itself uvu 
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Digimon plushies! I wish there were more decently sized Digimon plushies TAT;; (I like bigger plushies because they are easier to hug ok) The Culumon and Viximon (? I think I'm remembering that name right: Renamon's in-training form, the yellow fox blob sdjfgdfg) are bootlegs I am very sorry ;;; My Digimon Plush Goal is to somehow find an official Culumon someday TAT;;; I rlly like Culumon there was a period of time in elementary school where I drew nothing but Culumon so lol. 
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Random fandom plushies! Lessee, what's represented here...Sanrio, Hamtaro, Madoka, Heartcatch Precure, Higurashi, OneShot, Made in Abyss, Re:Zero, Undertale, and Deltarune! Ralsei's hat and glasses obviously come off...I, full disclosure, do not know where they are. They are probably under my bed somewhere sjkdfghsdg;;;; 
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OK HERE WE GO: most of my plushies are Pokemon plushies. What can I say...they're just so much fun to collect TAT;;; first up are a couple groups of miscellaneous babbies; you will soon see I like collecting some Pokes over others... 
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Miscellaneous babbies part two! See the lil Riolu? When I lived with my parents still, that Riolu was Joji's favorite plushie to steal |D;; she would semi-regularly come into my room and take plushies from me, but that one she took far more often than any other. She's such a small dog no damage was ever done, but still...Joji these are mine, not yours! 
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Miscellaneous babbies part three! This was originally meant to be legendary/mythical Pokes but then I remembered Raboot and Galarian Ponyta and was like "OH NO I HAVE TO INCLUDE THEM" I am not very good at this jsdhfglsjfdg 
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'pixs! (and two Ninetales) I have a very vivid memory of watching the first episode Vulpix appeared in in the anime and wanting a plushie of one so bad, but alas they were certainly not readily available to me yet, so I carried around a Simba plushie I had that evening pretending it was a Vulpix xD so if little me could see my Vulpix collection now she'd be very happy!! 
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'vees! ...I like me an Eevee, what can I say. There's actually one Eevee that's missing from this pic - I told you I'm not very good at this |D;;; 
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...oh there were TWO Eevees missing and I stuck them in this pic lol I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I TOOK PICTURES OF HOORAY anyway, Eeveelutions! I obviously favor certain evolutions over others |3 Eventually I would like to get at least one Espeon, Glaceon and Leafeon, just to say I have them all. But there is one more Eeveelution that I couldn't fit here... 
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...cause she BIG. My life-sized Sylveon takes the prize of biggest plushie I own. She hangs out at the foot of my bed uvu (also her ears are top heavy/don't have any wires in them so they've clearly flopped backwards...but she cute any way you slice it TAT) 
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THE PIKAS. ...Somehow I thought I had more Pikas than this. (Oh wait, I DO...they're just coming later cause they're in a special category |3 ) this is still a good amount of Pikas! Detective Pika is extraordinarily soft he's very good TAT;;; also two Raichu cause I don't have enough Raichu to take a separate pic of. 
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Mimis! I have a couple other Mimis that are also in the special category coming up hehe. Big Mimi was stuck in customs for a month after I got him so I'm glad he made it home eventually TAT;;; 
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HERE WE GO I have...a lot of Litten. Litten is my baby. Best Poke-kitty for me. I love my Litten TAT///// 
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PICHU PICHU PICHUUUU!!! My ultimate baby TAT///// Pichu so good...so happy to have so many Pichu...aaaa///// but wait, there are Absol here too?? Well, yes, of course. For I am a Pichu and my love is an Absol. So. I had to take pictures of the plushies together uvu 
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Some Large Friends that got their own picture. That rolly Charizard was the first thing I ever won from a crane game; I was ridiculously proud of myself |D;;; 
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SPECIAL CATEGORY: Halloween Pokes!!!! The PokeCen always has an Extremely Good Halloween campaign and it makes me angry...they're all so good...TAT//////// 
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Aaand! Best for last!! SE plushies T//u//T The middle two Souls are very beat up, ahaha....I've had the smaller one for over a decade and the bigger one for almost a decade, so...they've gotten a lot of love//// (plus it is also funny to tease Soul - u know I'd give u a hug over the plushies any day baaaaaabe u3u) I really want to get Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki too, but Tsubaki is SUPER hard to find and I don't want to get Liz and Patty and not her TAT;;; there are also Excalibur plushies...............but I think I'm ok without an Excalibur plushie sjdkfghsdfg OH also not pictured; I do have a plush Shinigami glove |D
So! There it is! The hoard! If I were a dragon this would be my treasure hoard! It was nice to go through this so if you went through it with me I hope you had fun too!
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