#do I try to tag all of sam's ships
heyassbuttlmao · 2 years
I find it so funny how with dean it's like. destiel. maybe dean/jo if you're really attached to the early seasons. and then sam gets shipped with like every other imaginable person on the show. everywhere I look there is a new ship for sam. every time I think I have seen everything I possibly can I turn around and someone has found someone new to ship sam with
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So i finally listened to The Magnus Protocol and uhh holy shit, yall mind if i
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#the magnus protocol#tmagp#tmagp spoilers#In the tags#My favourite case has to be the 2nd one Daria girl you are so fucked up!!!! You are so fucked up girl get help!!!!#And i am loving the absolute toxic work environment it is hilarious all the characters are great!!#Alice Gwen and Lena have three way situation of snide backhanded remarks and office coworker hate going on#Colin hates everyone but especially the puter and is this close to murder#Sam is just trying to do whatever the fuck he is doing. He is new here. He is over qualified#Teddy my man saw his place workplace comedy swerving towards horror genre and immediately ditched ship good for him!!!#(Unless Lena brutal pipe murdered him in which case girl i am so sorry)#And just character in general. Like Alice is trying to vibe her way through life#while also saying some death flaggy 'oh this is def foreshadowing' shit every episode#Gwen has the same surname as the shows previous antag#but also just after Lena's job and just wants to be taken seriously and thinks everyone is against her#she also may or not have discovered that her boss is murderer but oh well#Sam is like this sweet nice guy who is also so fucking nosy and the only one actually curious about fucked up shit cases magnus institue#And everyone is telling him to stop Girl! Turn away girl!! You are gonna get fucked up girl!! Look away!!#Colin is just so fucking angry and feral but also IT is just like that. He is crawling on the floors. He is growling at people#Lena is so fucking tired with all these bitches in her office Head Bitch incharge of all these Bitches#And i am 80% sure she murdered that guy Klaus#Anyway love all of this. Cant wait to hear them get killed in brutal tragic ways
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jestroer · 2 years
Hello gay people in my puter! Today is a nice day as it is Birthday of my beloved mutual @zombiiehorse​​! As a present I made a fanart of their hit piece of Fan Fiction feathers almost feel like fur which is. SOOOOOO GREAT
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What you guys should do is to go and read it and leave a kudos and a nice comment and bookmark! Its sooooooooooooo good guys i promise its an absolute banger piece of art boys go go go
Also I didnt plan on it but this thing does fit day 2 of @/ink-ghoul’s hermittober theme Soulmates as Martyn did say that him and Grian are soulmates destined to destroy each other so i will count it as well! :)
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Pocket Angel
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Bucky x reader 
Okay, SO CUTE LOVE THIS. I decided to do a civilian reader for a change, I wasn’t sure if you wanted avenger reader, I can def do an alternate one with that later on hehe  
Warnings: FLUFFFFF
Word count: 2.8k
A lil drabble
A lil part 2 
“Have y’all noticed how he’s less grumpy? He hasn’t threatened to kill me all day, and quite frankly I’m a little upset he hasn’t paid attention to me” Sam mused, whispering to Steve, both men eyeing Bucky suspiciously while he mindlessly scrolled through his phone, sans his signature grumpy pout.
Bucky tried his best to keep his face neutral, but on the inside, he was giggling like a school boy. Just a few more hours and he’d be able to see you, hold you, kiss you; he had to keep his hand on his knee from bouncing in excitement.
He felt his heart leap, seeing a new message pop up on his phone. It was a picture of you wrapped up under a fuzzy blanket, wearing his Henley, the bear he got you tucked under your arm with the caption Missing my actual teddy bear :( His heart melted, looking at your pouty face, the sweet face that reminded him of home. He considered typing out a message, but decided against it, wanting to surprise you instead.
He hadn’t been away from you for too long; the mission had only taken a little over a week but you missed each other like crazy. Bucky thought about telling the others about you but part of him liked keeping you a secret from the rest of the world. It was like having a little angel in his pocket only he knew about, one that he could kiss and cuddle and keep all to himself.
The other reason the relationship had remained a secret was mostly because he was shy to even bring the topic up, plus Bucky never thought about dating, for a multitude of reasons. Aside from the danger and all that, he just didn’t consider himself dating material. Grumpy. Old. Staring problem. Didn’t know what a hash tag was. It was a miracle the team hadn’t shipped him off to a retirement home.
He hadn’t planned to start dating when he met you. It started with a trip to a small bakery after he was given the task to pick up Sam’s birthday cake two years ago. He knew he was a goner as soon as he saw the sweet girl at the counter, smiling at him. He couldn’t help but smile back seeing your bright eyes, and a touch of flour on your nose. You slipped him an extra cup cake because the blue frosting matched his dreamy eyes. You then clapped a hand over your mouth when you realized you’d said the last bit out loud. You were fucking adorable.
He found himself going back often, always leaving with extra goodies you’d sneak into his bag. Of course he insisted on taking you out as a thank you for always giving him something extra. And then you thanked him with a kiss on his cheek. So he returned your kiss with one to your nose. One to his chin. One to your forehead. And finally the sweetest one with your lips pressed together, standing outside of your door, reluctant to let go of each other. It didn’t take long for him to fall in love with you, his adorable little secret.
Sam’s face scrunched watching Bucky stare at his phone, trying to discreetly look at the picture you sent again. His cheeks heated up thinking about the way you’d attack him with kisses and cling onto him like a koala bear whenever he got back from missions.
The second the jet landed, he was speed walking to his room, again trying his best to keep a smile off his face. He quickly threw off his clothes, jumping into the shower and throwing on a clean set of clothes with in minutes moving as fast as he could so he could see you.
Everyone sat around the living room, sneaking glances at the all black outfit he had on, classic broody face, his bike helmet tucked under his hand as he left the building without making eye contact.
“Alright, what’s going on with Barnes?” Tony looked to Steve who looked as lost as everyone else. “He’s been quieter than normal, disappearing into the night, coming back in the mornings”
Steve shrugged; Bucky hadn’t told him anything out of the ordinary, though he did seem to be less irritable.  Bucky became the topic of conversation as they tried to figure out what Bucky was up to.
“Maybe he’s seeing someone?”
“Who would date a silent moody staring machine”
“I mean if I was a girl…”
“What about if you were a girl…”
“He’s stares a lot but he’s hot! I could see how the whole lost puppy eyes and metal arm might be appealing”
“Puppy eyes?”
“He looks like one 90% of the time. Girls dig that; now pair that with his arm”
“You need help. Professional help”
“You’re telling me, if you were a girl, you wouldn’t hit that?”
“Ok ok, we can all agree he’s hot but a girlfriend? Don’t you have to be like…nice…smile…let people touch you without threatening to kill them?”
The team hummed in agreement, Bucky wasn’t the girlfriend type.
You were wrapped up in your blanket with heard a knock at the door. It was late, you typically didn’t get visitors around this hour, unless…
You sprinted to the door, squealing and jumping into Bucky’s arms, nearly knocking over your sweet boyfriend.  Bucky chuckled, burying his face in your neck, inhaling the sweet scene of vanilla that always lingered on your skin.
“Hey my angel” Bucky’s thick arms wrapped around you, sweeping you off your feet, kicking the door closed with his boot before carrying you over to your room. He peppered kisses all over your face till he reached your bed, flopping on top of you, pulling you close to him.
“I missed you so much babygirl”
The team gathered downstairs, surprised to see Bucky arriving in the same outfit he was in yesterday. He wordlessly passed by them without sparing them a glance, the collar of his leather jacket coving his neck. Odd.
“So…what do we think he was up to now?”
“He’s in a biker gang”
“He’s in a cult”
“What’s wrong with you man?”
“More plausible than him having a girlfriend”
“Professional help. I’ll schedule you an appointment”
Everyone gathered around the living room for a movie night, and while Bucky desperately wanted to ditch them and see you instead, he knew they were getting suspicious. He huffed, his arms crossed, pouting the entire time sitting on a bean bag while Steve bit his lip, trying not to laugh at the mini internal tantrum Bucky was throwing by himself.
Bucky groaned, getting up to grab another beer, reminding himself he’d be able to see you soon. Another hour of this and he’d be able to sneak out and cuddle you again, just one more hour. His phone rang, the lock screen lighting up on the coffee table. His phone never rang. Sam sat up wide eyed looking at the name that lit up on the top.
Pocket Angel
Everyone looked at each other wide eyed as the phone continued to ring.
“Answer it!” Tony hissed, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Do I look like I want to die?” Sam dead panned but he was curious too. And it was still ringing. And then stopped. And then a text message popped up.
See you soon bubba, I miss you x
“Oh my God, he actually has a girl friend!!” Sam howled, clapping a hand over his mouth when Bucky walked back, his eyes growing wide when he realized he left his phone back and there was a missed call.
“Whose your little pocket angel?” Tony wiggled his eyebrows with a shit eating grin on his face. Everyone stared at him, their eyes twinkling, smirking waiting for him to answer. Bucky’s face blushed a deep pink, stuttering, looking at the floor.
“I-I’m in a cult” Bucky groaned internally, you’re a trained assassin you absolute fuckwit.
“You’re in a cult…”
“Told you so”
“Will you shut up, tell us more. What is this cult about, what’s it called, whose the angel-
“I’m the angel?” Bucky rubbed a hand over his face; he didn’t even know why he was still trying to defend this.
“We know you have a girlfriend punk” Steve snorted while Bucky shifted, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “No wonder you’ve been sneaking around everywhere”
A small smile crept on Bucky’s lips, immediately vanishing when everyone collectively aww’d and whistled at him.
“Awwww he’s blushing!” Sam clapped his hands wildly; cackling, absolutely loving the way Bucky was getting more and more flustered.
“Fine, I’m seeing someone, can we please drop it” He grumbled, his cheeks still dusted pink.
“Absolutely not, who is she, why haven’t we met her yet and when do we get to meet her” Tony gave Bucky a pointed look while everyone else nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, who’s the mystery girl who’s putting up with your mood ass”
“How long have you been seeing her for anyway”
“2 years” He mumbled, only to be met with a bunch of yelling and 3 cushions thrown to his head.
“Invite her for the next movie night, come on, please” Nat pleaded. She loved the team, she really did but it would be nice to have another girl around for a change.
“If I invite her over, will you all shut up?” Bucky huffed, running off to his room, while everyone else cheered. A teensy tiny very itty bitty part of him was secretly excited for you to meet everyone.
Movie night
Bucky left the compound on his bike to get you. The team started laying out snacks, everyone giddy with excitement to meet the one who was able to make the super soldier blush. As much as they loved teasing Bucky, everyone had agreed amongst themselves to be on their best behaviour. They figured Bucky was still working on showing his emotions and physical touch was still probably sensitive area for him. However he acted around you wouldn’t be any of their business.
“So we all agree, no teasing him, no making them uncomfortable, no one’s going to call him out for being grumpy?”
Everyone nodded, grinning at each other when they heard the faint rumble of his bike pull to the compound.
You clambered off his bike, nervously clutching onto the bag of cookies you had baked for everyone. Of course you knew who the avengers were, and you’d heard plenty about them from Bucky. He tolerated loved them, you knew you didn’t have to be scared but you were anyway.
“You okay angel?” Bucky felt your hands tremble in his as you made your way towards the entrance.
“Just nervous” You whispered, as Bucky put his arm around you, kissing the top of your head.
“They’ll love you babydoll, nothing to be nervous about. I’m the one who should be nervous; they’ll see what a sweet heart you are and wonder what you’re doing with me”
“Nope, I love you too much” You giggled, leaning into him as he led you through the compound towards the living room where everyone was gathered. They turned around, staring at you wide eyed, poorly masking the shock on their face. They weren’t sure what they were expecting but this wasn’t it.
“Everyone, this is my sweet angel, y/n” First of all, Bucky was smiling. An actual smile. He had his arm around you, gently stroking your waist as he gazed at you with heart eyes.
“Hi” You were tucked into Bucky’s side, smiling shyly at them, your hand resting on his chest.
Everyone greeted you, blinking, trying to hide surprise. They honestly couldn’t tell what was more shocking; he called you angel, he was smiling, he had his arm around you, he had heart eyes for you, what the hell? They were definitely not prepared for what was to come later that night.
Also you were adorable. You were a little ray of sunshine and it was just all too much for the team to handle at once.
“You guys can start the movie, we’ll grab a few snacks and join in a sec” Bucky led you to the kitchen while everyone was struggling to keep from screaming.
“He called her angel?!” Nat squealed, unable to contain her excitement.
“She’s so fucking cute!” Sam sat flabbergasted, glancing over his shoulder, watching Bucky hug you from behind, his head resting on your shoulder, face buried in your neck.
You returned with the cookies on a plate (immediately all gone within seconds), sitting on the couch with Bucky as the movie started to play. You kept a bit of space between Bucky, not sure if he’d be comfortable with sitting to close to him when everyone else was round. You squeaked, feeling his arm pull you onto his lap, kissing the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you to cuddle you. You giggled, feeling his beard tickle your skin as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“Bucky it tickles” You whispered, squirming in his lap, to which he chuckled, holding onto you tighter.
“Too bad, want to cuddle with my baby” He smirked, peppering your cheek with kisses, completely in his own world with you. He cupped your cheek, pressing a sweet soft peck to your lips before you snuggled against him, relaxing in his hold.
No one. Absolutely no one paid attention to the movie, except you. Bucky’s focus was entirely on you, hugging you close to him, kissing you every chance he could get. Everyone else’s focus was on the two of you, specifically on Bucky and how love drunk he was for you.
“You want anything angel, I can make you some hot chocolate” Bucky wouldn’t have even been able to tell you the genre of the movie they were watching, all he wanted to do was cuddle with you and take care of you all night. “Come doll, I’ll make you some”
Bucky effortlessly lifted you into his arms, carrying you into the kitchen, setting you onto the counter while he got started on heating up some milk.
“Who the hell is this guy” Tony hissed, whispering to Clint watching Bucky tuck a hair behind your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist, whispering in your ear.
“Seriously, can someone explain?” Tony looked to Steve who was blushing, watching Bucky swipe whipped cream onto your nose, kissing it off right after.  
“He wasn’t like this in the 40’s, I can’t explain this”
When you both returned, Bucky pulled you into his lap again, his lips brushing your cheek.
“I love you” He whispered, while you giggled, your eyes still on the screen, his eyes on you. You hummed, your face heating up when he hugged you tighter.
“Doll, I love you” He nuzzled his nose into your neck, trailing kisses onto your skin.
“Bucky, watch the movie” You hissed, trying to contain you laugh over the way your needy boyfriend pouted, wanting you to say it back. He cupped your face to make you look at him, his cheeks flushed, a goofy grin on his face because he was so utterly in love with you. And you where here. With his family. He no longer had to keep it a secret, he could show you off to the entire world, his perfect sweet angel.
“I love you y/n”
“I love you my Bucky baby” You whispered, smiling softly, wrapping your arms around him, kissing his forehead before snuggling into his chest, sleep starting to creep up on you. You let out a little yawn, to which Bucky grabbed the fuzzy throw blanket, pulling it on top of you.
“You sleepy baby?” You shook your head, though you closed your eyes, the warmth of his arms and the steady beat of his heart started to lull you to sleep. Bucky smiled at the way you were curled up on him, kissing the top of your head, stroking your hair while you slept. “M’so lucky to have you angel”
A whimper and obscene snorting noise interrupted everyone’s focus from you and Bucky, Tony, Nat and Clint, turning around to see Steve reach for the box of tissues, grabbing one before passing it to Sam, quickly dabbing his eyes and blowing his nose.
“For fucks sake, are you two crying?!” Clint’s face scrunched up looking at Sam trying to discreetly wipe his eyes, sniffling into his tissue.
“I-It’s the movie” He stuttered, Steve nodding his head vigoursly in agreement.
“We were watching Rush Hour, what the hell were you crying about” Tony snorted, turning off the TV and the movie came to an end. The team looked back to the couch where Bucky had also fallen asleep, with you tucked safely in his arms.
“They’re so cute” Nat gushed, seeing you nuzzle into Bucky’s chest even in your sleep.
“So that’s his little secret” Clint mused, as everyone started to quietly get up, not watching to disturb you both.
“You okay there ice pop?” Tony snickered looking at Steve who was looking at you both like a proud mother hen. Steve nodded, sniffling watching the two of you snuggle each other, blissfully in love. The name Bucky had for you was perfect, you really were his angel.
Adding this mini bonus because I can see it happening, @anghstybean​ you inspired this  🥺
He’s such a teddy bear. 
Imagine you come around the compound more and the team sees just how soft he is for you.
Sam and Tony collectively lose their minds when they hear you call him Bucky bear, baby bear, cinnamon roll, Jamie, he’s too in love with you to care that they call him that now too.  
Imagine the hydra agents face when Tony tells baby bear to go to the west wing and they see all 6ft + of the winter soldier burst through the door.
Pillow forts. Esp after missions.
He cooks for you on his days off (and it’s amazing, Sam’s sister has taught him a few things)
Foot rubs. Back rubs. He kisses each toe while gently squeezing your feet. He grazes your back while lying down on his chest, the both of you watching TV.
And it never gets easier for the team to watch because just when they think they’ve seen it all, Bucky does some cute shit and their surprised all over again.
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed! (also this is an 18+ blog, I can’t tag nameless/ageless blogs)
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @needybabygirlstuff @goldylions @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z @high-functioning-lokipath @elle14-blog1
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leclerc-s · 7 months
paint the town red - part three
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peter parker added 8 people
peter parker anyone have oscar piastri's number? this is for research. ALSO, CAN WE BRING BACK THE BLACK FIRE PROOFS??
carlos sainz you're a strange child.
harley keener that's what i've been saying since we met.
bianca stark-potts peter, let it go.
tony stark i don't know if it's still a joke or if you're being serious about it.
peter parker it isn't for me, it's for ned.
bianca stark-potts BULLSHIT!!
peter parker i'm in love with him, mj understands (i think)
arthur leclerc i too am in love with oscar piastri, we kissed one time. charles leclerc it was for a video, and you didn't actually kiss. arthur leclerc but i wanted too.
peter parker but think about it, i get oscar to fall madly in love with me, i take the competition out at the same time.
carlos sainz you think oscar is the only competition we have?
peter parker well no, i can send the avengers after the rest. like what’s max verstappen gonna do against black widow? or lewis hamilton against bucky barnes?
ollie bearman right i forget you people know the avengers
tony stark i am the avengers
arthur leclerc no, you’re iron man. the avengers are the entire team.
peter parker realistically speaking the only one able to take an avenger on would be toto, and i think he could only take on rocket or groot.
arthur leclerc the fucking raccoon?
peter parker he gets defensive when you call him a raccoon.
bianca stark-potts right, who gave him coffee? he only brings this type of shit up when he's had sugar.
charles leclerc it was an accident…i did not know he would get like this. and he made those eyes!
tony stark he does that a lot.
arthur leclerc one could say it was an inchident?
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harley keener fucking snitch, parker
bianca stark-potts peter had coffee, well if what charles drinks is even coffee. it's pure sugar.
harley keener facts.
natasha romanoff again, aren't you people supposed to be working?
harley keener considering seb and tony are busy scolding peter and charles for the coffee thing, we're good for now. also, carlos left to pick up our lunch it was his turn today.
steve rogers peter drank coffee? i thought that was banned at the paddock??
bianca stark-potts it was, but charles wasn't here the day of the wall-climbing incident. therefore he didn’t know what would happen
bucky barnes did he not know peter was spider-man?
harley keener he did because we told him, carlos, and seb first. however, we never went over the rules
sam wilson i guess it’s time to break out the peter parker handbook again
tony stark aren't you two supposed to be working? focusing on the upcoming race?
bianca stark-potts i'm trying to mass send the peter parker handbook to everyone.
harley keener i'm currently watching old C2 videos.
sam wilson lord help all the fans who are counting on you two idiots to deliver a decent car
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tagged: charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lewishamilton
view all comments
↳ username NEVER GIVE UP!!
harleykeener LET'S FUCKING GO!!
↳ samwilson i never doubted you guys for a second
↳ biancastark_potts lies. slander. you said we couldn't do it.
↳ username you guys got luck max had a breaking issue. he ended up in 4th but next week is our week.
↳ username as a longtime tifosi, i've heard that one before
↳ username however, wishing you guys the best of luck next week.
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biancastark_potts and harleykeener posted new stories
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ferrari 1-2 here in bahrain! ferrari is back baby!
the only way to kick off a season is with a 1-2!
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taglist: @celesteblack08 @be-your-coffee-pot @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @melanier7 @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @vellicora @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @fulla02 @cowboylikemets1989 @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this is what i wish the 2024 season would look like for ferrari but who knows if we'll ever get that. on the brightside only two more races left with the sf-23 and then we can finally throw that shitbox in the trash can, where it belongs. (note: the drivers on the top tweet are as follows: lando, esteban, max, and george.)
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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scoobydoodean · 16 days
I was wondering if you, as a Dean fan have opinions about the different writers? Mostly because I see a lot of Dean fans really strongly dislike Dabb for some reason and I don’t really understand why. I’ve never seen a concrete explanation beyond “he can’t write Dean/doesn’t understand Dean/actively hates Dean” but with no examples as to what he does that’s so bad. And I see this in every shipping lane. I don’t have a strong opinion about him as a writer one way or the other.
I'm exploring this more as I rewatch the show (currently on season 6) so I'll speak mainly from that perspective on my most recent thoughts. I am not a big fan of Dabb or Loflin, but have tried to be fair about things so far when talking through each episode. I am a fan of "Alpha and Omega"—it's my favorite finale (it's also... a finale for a season Carver started as showrunner? So I don't know what the implications are there as far as storyboarding). Also points for having demon Dean stab a guy through in 10.02.
I'll focus on the negatives you asked about in this post, but in the links you'll find me moving the narrative this way and that toward much more charitable readings... I think. (I do have a tag #dabb disk horse which you can either peruse or blacklist at your leisure). What I can tell you is something almost always strikes me as a off about Dabb/Loflin episodes so far in this rewatch in terms of character work.
Dabb/Loflin's first ever episode was 4.06 "Yellow Fever". In the aftermath, Kripke felt the need to release a definitive interpretation of their episode to the public, stating, "Dean is not a dick... he's a hero." The whole episode toyed with, to an extent, the idea that all the victims of the MotW were bullies. You can take this other directions—for example, queer meta, or meta about Sam as the real bully. However, the story a lot of fandom latched onto was that "Dean is a jerk and deserves to be humiliated and punished for that" which obviously didn't make Dean fans watching live in season 4 happy—and this theme of Jerk!Dean continues into their next episode, "After School Special", where they once again parallel Dean with a bully literally nicknamed "Dirk the Jerk" by Sam, and throw what I think is transparent shade at Kripke's issued statement from before the Christmas break (post here)... or maybe they mean to throw shade at the Dean fans who got angry. In this episode, they also make illusions to Dean wanting to have sex with barely legal high school cheerleaders, which also did not ingratiate them to Deanfans at the time. I said on my last rewatch, "In After School Special, Dean seems more unlike himself than any episode ever in the history of Supernatural up to this point" (post explaining that here). I carry similar sentiments about portions of 5.06 "I Believe The Children Are Our Future". Yes—I am aware of performing Dean meta. I just... feel like they try a little too hard. It feels hamfisted—desperate. To the point it doesn't feel like Dean anymore sometimes. In 5.06, they also have Dean (guy who is generally very protective of kids) suggest to Jesse that he'd be good to have in a fight???? I can see how they got there, but again—it just feels... off. The last episode I rewatched that they authored, 6.04 "Weekend At Bobby's", also leaves a bad taste in my mouth—not in what it's trying to do with Bobby or what it's trying to do on a meta level—but once again, with dialogue from Dean that just makes me think "he would not fucking say that" (post here). I think looking at all of these, you can probably see deangirl ire toward Dabb has a long history. It's been around as long as he's been around, whether he deserves as much ire as he gets or not.
I haven't circled back yet on this rewatch, but Dabb and Loflin also penned season 7's "The Girl Next Door"... do I need to say anything specific? Maybe I'll just link my entire #amy tag. What narrative did they want you to get from that episode? Who the fuck knows. And that's often the problem:
When you watch various episodes I've mentioned, you can work around to a meta that tells you something different than you might at first think the page conveys—something hidden and maybe contradictory. The thing is... you could also... not do that? And that wouldn't be so bad, except that sometimes the two narratives you can most easily grasp completely contradict each other. "After School Special" can be an episode that points to Sam's envy of Dean and John deep down and foreshadows Sam becoming a bully, but on a meta level, it also just as easily says Sam becoming a bully is somehow Dean's fault, and Sam is some poor captive baby. Dean is a creep and a bully and a cheater but we should all coddle him because he saw his mom die when he was a child and he's sooo sad. "Yellow Fever" can be a queer meta story and might also foreshadow approaching Bully!Sam in 4.14, but it also very much does call Dean a jerk (should we take that seriously? should we not?) and implies Dean should be punished for the outcome of three decades of reality-bending torture. Even if it's a queer meta underneath... it's just as easily one about how closeted men should be humiliated for cowardice or how being closeted turns you into an asshole.
Jumping way ahead, I have to mention 15.10 "The Hero's Journey" just because. Yes, it is full of jokes and Garth goodness, but also tries to sell you the story that nothing about Sam and Dean is real, to a degree that feels like you are being flipped the bird for ever watching this show. And again—you can make meta that it's all a ruse! But is it? Or is Dabb actually just telling you to go fuck yourself? Like he totally wasn't when, after the SPN finale when fans were Not Happy™️, he tweeted a sign reading, "Don't feed the baboons"? Yet again—we play into the motif of the "hero" who isn't a hero at all but some pathetic loser who deserves to be publicly humiliated, bookended with Dabb's opening episode in his opening season. I'm not saying that's what it is on purpose—but I am saying you can make these arguments easily, and that leaves me consistently annoyed with Dabb for being fucking sloppy and leaving me to deal with some of the most insufferable meta imaginable that carries little support outside of episodes written by Dabb or the Dabb/Loflin writing team.... Yes—I am in fact saying that Dabb and Loflin's hamfisted episodes (regardless of their intentions) are largely responsible for some of the most insufferable, loathesome fandom metas about Sam and Dean's relationship around.
Look at 5.16 "Dark Side Of The Moon", and 7.08 "Time for A Wedding!" and 8.14 "Trial and Error", 11.17 "Red Meat", and 15.20 "Carry On". Along with 4.13, while they might or might not say something deeper or contradictory on a meta level, on a surface level, every single one of these episodes sows the narrative that Dean is needy and clingy and needs Sam more than Sam needs him—something I intensely disagree with for a multitude of reasons... but I'll just link this. Many of these episodes also follow a surface level narrative of "normal life obsessed Sam" (and here I'll link my entire #sam the hunter tag and #in which sam is not a helpless little waif with his hands cast over his eyes being carried along by the tides of the immutable sea). When I look at this episode list, I also don't find it at all difficult to believe that Dabb wanted Dean to die in the finale. There is nothing at all shocking about that. And yes—you can argue he's pointing to the opposite—that this fate should be subverted and that's what makes 15.20 the dark ending, but I think you can just as easily argue that yes it's a dark ending and yes Dabb has always dreamed of this ending. A "tragic" ending where Dean dies and Sam goes on to have a white picket fence... while also leaving you little hints along the way that maybe it's all a big ruse because how could he not? He never has to explain anything. Someone else will pick up the story and make it make sense. He's already fucked off to piss all over fans of Resident Evil.
That said, when I mention what I feel is off character work, I mainly mention Dabb/Loflin episodes from my recent rewatch, which suffer from the two of them being newer to the series (coming onto the writing team in season 4) and also leave questions about whether, perhaps, they had conflicting ideas about characterization. Was Dabb the one penning these lines? Was it Loflin? Was it both? Did they trade out who took the lead? I didn't really say anything negative about "Sam, Interrupted" or "Jump the Shark"... (though "Sam, Interrupted" also calls Dean "codependent") who wrote those? Is it possible that the messiness of the meta comes down to two writers at war? I have to imagine though, that they got along, or else they wouldn't have written together for four fucking years. If they didn't get along...? My mind always comes back to their first solo episodes, right after splitting up in season 8. Dabb's first solo episode is "Hunteri Heroici"—the only episode to lend any perspective to season 8 Sam's reasons for abandoning everyone—paralleling him checking out with Fred's catatonia, which Sam has to save Fred from. It is the only episode that lends Sam sympathy in the early part of the season. He follows it up with "Trial and Error"—where Sam promises to save Dean from suicidal thoughts. Loflin's first solo episode is what I would regard as the most scathing solo episode commentary on Sam in the entire series—"Citizen Fang". Then he writes again right after Dabb's "Trial and Error"—penning "Remember The Titans" where Sam tells Dean to get over the promise Sam so passionately made in Dabb's episode and face reality.
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This is why we're exploring this rewatch.
DISCLAIMER: Now I just devolve into bitching because I'm writing at 3AM. Proceed at your own risk.
It seems like these days, everyone demands an explanation for disliking Dabb (something about some sort of destiel battle... I don't know what that flamewar is and I don't give a damn tbqh.) I guess I've just been wondering what's actually so great about him. Because it feels like people have overcorrected to basically acting like he's god's greatest gift to mankind. People point to how meta his episodes can be, but I think other writers easily best him on that front on multiple occasions (particularly enjoyed by me so far on this rewatch: 3.10 "Dream A Little Dream Of Me", 4.04 "Monster Movie", 4.12 "Criss Angel Is A Douchebag"), and without leaving their meaning so up in the air that you don't even know what the hell they were actually trying to tell you because there are two different completely incongruous narratives you could just as justifiably claim were the intended one. Some people may find that duality praise-worthy. I don't. I find it sloppy—and when I add in mediocre character work, I just land on the side of him being, at the very best, mid.
Add him in as showrunner, you have... at least two of my least favorite seasons (13 and 15). Add that he's a one-trick pony in terms of the Sam and Dean conflicts mentioned above that he continuously rehashes rather than come up with anything new or fresh, and the same conflicts between Dean and Cas being played out until they both die (shut UP I'm not talking about canon destiel as the alternative—I am literally just asking for more diverse conflicts). I can't say I understand what I''m supposed to find so impressive.
(Before anyone so much as breathes this near me, Berens also sucks and I am going to tear off your nose hairs if you start bringing him up as if disliking Dabb for some reason means wearing rose colored glasses about Berens. Berens can eat a whole cactus raw over "The Trap" alone.)
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sambuckylibrary · 28 days
SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024
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The @sambuckylibrary will be holding a Summer Bingo! The event will start on June 1st and run until August 31st. During that time, we will be reblogging and sharing the work you guys create here on our blog.
You can post fanfiction, art, fic rec lists, comments, moodboards, podfics, edits, etc. It’ll be a low-stakes event. No need to sign up. Just remember to tag @sambuckylibrary in your post for each fill, and we will be tracking #sbsummer2024 for reblogs.
If you are posting on AO3, please add it to the SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024 Collection.
The Bingo Cards are:
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There are also badges for each fill. For those badges, as well as the FAQ and rules, check the information under “keep reading”.
What is this?
It’s a SamBucky bingo event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all. Fill one prompt. Fill all the prompts on every bingo card. Do however many you please.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all nine prompts on the card at once with one piece of art or fic. If you can fill every single prompt from every single bingo card in one fill, that’d be wild but it’s okay by the rules. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Is it just SamBucky?
Yes please, just SamBucky. There can be side ships, but the main ship should be SamBucky.
How long will this event run?
It will run from June 1st and run until August 31st.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There are! Here they are:
1) Vacation Bingo Badges
2) Mission Bingo Badges
3) Loving Bingo Badges
What are the guidelines for the bingo?
I will be borrowing some of this from the MYSU Valentine’s Day Bingo 2022 Guidelines, since they were fantastic.
For Everyone:
1. Remember to @sambuckylibrary in the post as well as #sbsummer2024.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re filling (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024 (SamBucky_Summer_Bingo_2024).
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets, at least 3 gifs.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 5 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
For Fic Rec Lists:
1. You must have at least three fics or podfics on the rec list.
2. Make sure to give brief descriptions of the fics or podfics as well as their rating and wordcount.
For Commenters:
1. Any amount of comment counts, from a heart emoji (“❤️”) to an essay.
2. We would rather this be about what makes you happy and joyful about reading than any scathing critiques.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
For Bucky
Avoid phrasing “flesh/normal/human hand” to refer to the contrast between his prosthetic arm and his right arm. The phrasing is ableist. You can simply refer to his prosthesis when relevant, otherwise use “right/left arm/hand”.
For more information, please check out this document suggested by @ninesdb on how to write Bucky as an amputee. @ninesdb is also open to questions if you have any queries not answered by the google doc.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift”, “Sam Wilson is a Saint”, and “Bucky Needs a Hug”.
Have fun and we look forward to your TFATWS Anniversary fics!
- The Mods
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 4: Hurt/Comfort
,,Hello, Dean." | @tami-ryver Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,162 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel teaches Dean Enochian, Dean Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues, Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Castiel Takes Care of Dean Winchester, Pining Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester Summary: Cas teaches Dean Enochian and they both might get something more out of it.
Falling Inside The Black | @tami-ryver Rating: Mature Word Count: 1,715 Main Tags/Warnings: Demon Dean Winchester, Season/Series 10, Alternate Season/Series 10, Pining Dean Winchester, Pining Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel/Dean Winchester Mutual Pining, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Cocky Dean Winchester, Castiel is So Done with Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Angel Castiel (Supernatural), 5+1 Things, Pining, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort Summary: 5 times Dean hates being a demon and 1 time he takes advantage of it.
Warm Embrace | @tami-ryver Rating: Mature Word Count: 2,957 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Kidnapped Dean Winchester, British Men of Letters (Supernatural) Being Assholes, Hunter Dean Winchester, Creature Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Takes Care of Dean Winchester, Protective Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel is Protective of Dean Winchester, Escape, Coils, Hugs, First Kiss, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Angst, Scared Dean Winchester, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Gorgon Castiel, Medusa Castiel, Summary: Dean freezes. He is unarmed, Cas doesn't know how to use the gun and their only escape route is the door to Cas' right. Dean doesn't know what to do, he is paralysed with fear. He is going to die here.
Non Solum | @thisisapaige Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16,061 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Witch Castiel, Hunter Dean Winchester, Strangers to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Castiel lives a quiet life, a solitary life, a lonely life. He cannot risk anyone finding out he is a witch, lest any hunters seek out his isolated cabin in the frozen Northern Wastes. Interacting only with those who require his healing services, Castiel constructs an existence that ensures he will be alone. Alone, that is, until a bloodied, dying man crawls up to his front door and threatens to tear down everything Castiel has built.
The River | @davidfosterwallaceandgromit Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 16,763 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Episode: s15e09 The Trap, Purgatory, Alternate Season/Series 15, Character Study, Angst, Season/Series 15, Divorce Arc Summary: Cas has seen Dean in every state from abject misery to desperate determination, but his essential nature has never changed. This, this fight against Chuck, it’s different. Ever since the cemetery, Dean is acting differently. Rewrite of 15x09 "The Trap," dealing more directly with Dean's control issues and Jack's death.
Love Me Anyway | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 22,027 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern setting, CEO!Dean, secretary!Castiel, bodyguard!Castiel, friends to lovers, trauma, panic attack, coming out, character development, pining, falling in love, bi!Castiel, emotional hurt/comfort, PTSD, kidnapping. Summary: For five years Castiel Novak was CEO Dean Winchester's perfect bodyguard and assistant. Novak, the only man the powerful leader trusts. But one day, Castiel Novak quits his job all of the sudden because he wants to marry his girlfriend and have a normal life, leaving Dean speechless. Dean realizes he knows nothing about the best employee he had. As his world turns unexpectedly upside down, the famous CEO decides become Novak's friend to keep him close again. But try to become a "good selfless friend" is something new for Dean... and even more when he discovers through that path he may have feelings for Castiel.
Monster Crush | @thefandomsinhalor Rating: Mature Word Count: 22,441 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent, Episode: S07E01, Creature Castiel, Angel Castiel, Summer, Vacation Spot, Fluff and Angst, Sleepy Cuddles, Protective Castiel, Hurt Dean Summary: With Godstiel’s reign finally over and all the souls back in purgatory, Dean is aggravated (but not surprised) to learn that yet another problem has surfaced: Castiel, after recovering from the ritual, appears to be growing monster parts. As in, one second he has vampire fangs, and the next he has tattooed djinn arms. And then there are the tentacles. Castiel believes it will wear off. Dean has trust issues. Still hurt by his betrayal, Dean nonetheless decides that he and his mega-monster-shifter angel should lay-low somewhere isolated until they know more. Which makes it very complicated for Dean to keep giving him the cold shoulder.
Graceland | @deliciousblizzardshark Rating: Explicit Word Count: 24,554 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Human Castiel (Supernatural),Trans Castiel (Supernatural),Trans Male Character, Road Trips, Getting Together, canon-typical child abuse, Religious Cults, mentions of transphobia, Found Family, Sam Winchester is Dead, Suicidal Thoughts Summary: Sammy died on a Wednesday morning, only a few miles away from where Dean was sleeping off a hangover, sprawled across his bed in a pair of worn boxers as if the world couldn’t hold any more trouble for him. -- Sammy's dead and Dean, who'd devoted his whole life to taking care of his younger brother doesn't know what else to do but to pack up the Impala and take to the road. It's only when he picks up Castiel, an escapee from a religious cult with ghosts of his own, that he begins to learn how to escape his grief and to believe there might be a place where he belongs.
His Angelic Wings Aren't | @Abletownshipnumber5 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 36,249 Main Tags/Warnings: Angel wings, post-season/post finale, Castiel's angelic grace, hurt/comfort, time travel, slow burn, canon-typical violence, kidnapped Dean Winchester, Traumatized Dean Winchester, Swearing, homophobic language, mildly dubious consent Summary: After Dean arrives in Heaven, he discovers Cas has been freed from the Empty by Jack. Jack transforms Dean into an angel so he can serve in Cas' newly formed garrison. However, their reunion did not go as Dean had hoped. Also, Jack brought back angels previously sent to the Empty by Team Free Will and some aren't happy with Dean.
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pinkomcranger · 4 months
my thoughts on Saga Anderson and the lack of spotlight on her in fanworks
Hmmm…this has been bothering me since I waded into the fandom after AW2 dropped. WHY DOES 99.9% OF THE FANDOM SLEEP ON SAGA WHILE IT'S HALF HER GAME???
I DON'T understand the fixation on Casey (even though I adore him and he's the other half of my OTP), or Zane to the point that when Saga is in ensemble art, she's relegated to being the "bro". And for what purpose? She has just as much build up and storyline as Alan himself. She certainly has more screen time than FBI Casey. I see posts going "oh, I love Saga so much, she was so badass" and then almost nothing when it comes to fan work.
Do y'all understand, how, as a black woman, this frustrates me to NO end? I go to her tag on AO3, see new fics, get excited...just to see she's the bro or footnote to CaseyWake. I've literally been brought to TEARS over this. Saga was written with SO much love and care, and it's so obvious. She was not the stereotypical sassy, angry, loud black woman that we tend to get when we're even thought of at all.
And it's genuinely PAINFUL to see all of the love, all of that care, ALL OF THAT RESPECT, IGNORED by fandom because you want to focus on the white men. Because why? I get it, het is so icky for most of you, fine. But to not even give her fanart/fics just on her and her daughter? It's terribly egregious.
Saga Anderson is genuinely a role model. She's smart, warm, funny, dedicated, sympathetic and passionate. She will change REALITY just to save the ones she loves. She's NEVER had to deal with anything like the Bright Falls situation and she came through it with such GRACE. She saved the fucking day. She did what Alan couldn't do in THIRTEEN YEARS. And she gets no recognizance in fanworks?
And I know the majority of this fandom happens to be made up of women, at least for fanworks. You truly mean to tell me you can't, at all, even a little bit, relate to this woman? You can't make her the focus, instead of a background character? The white men are easier to understand and draw/write for?
I can't tell anyone who to like, or who to ship, nor would I ever try to, because on the internet, it seems like het is icky despite how amazing the woman is. But I've seen comments towards andercase fanart going "Saga, no, you're married!" But shipping CaseyWake in the same breath, despite Alan being married and getting back to his wife being the main motivation for Alan to do anything at all.
It comes off as hypocritical, it comes off a wee bit "I don't know what to do with this black woman...hmm, let's just make her root for CaseyWake" I'm left feeling that Sam and the team love Saga more than the fans ever do or will. And that fucking sucks. Because to put so much thought into a character and love the character, just to be ignored?
That hurts, really really badly. I genuinely enjoyed feeling like I was represented. I loved having a character I could relate to, one I could understand. But it feels like I'm in the minority. When she tells Alan he's not alone in this, this is THEIR story...well, that was the truth for me, and I wish others felt the same way.
I genuinely adore the works Saga has gotten that focus on her, and I see so much love and care put into them. It just somehow feels like fandom made this game into CaseyWake 24/7 and it's icky.
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ragnarlothcat · 3 months
I try not to be a hater but I am definitely perplexed by the continued popularity of codyw*n (we do the star so it doesn't clog up their tag, right?) Not because it's gross or evil or anything but because literally how?
It's like I watched The Lord of the Rings (all eleventy billion hours of it) and came away loving Sam, as anyone rightfully would. All I want is to see him finally happy after all his struggles, reunited with his True Love. But who might that be?
Rosie, his canonical opposite sex romance? Frodo, his best friend/employer/whatever those guys have going on who Sam dedicates his life to, who gets corrupted by an evil force, only enduring because of Sam's love? Merry and Pippin, his childhood friends? Gollum (hmm, just gave myself nightmares), for that enemies-to-lovers vibe? No, Sam's best match is clearly Gimli. A guy he seems pretty ok with. They're both in the fellowship and it's going fine for them. A pair of nice, functional colleagues.
Which, hey, I've shipped people for less than that! But it really makes me think that some people have access to an even-more extended edition, you know?
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1000roughdrafts · 2 months
hi! sorry i thought of another. don’t hate me! but could i please request reader and either sam or dean (writer’s choice!) where they’re newly together with reader and they’re asleep spooning and reader gets her period overnight and when they wake up it turns out they ruined both their pants and reader is feeling all embarrassed and upset but sam/dean just hugs them and is like "please, of all the blood, guts, and gore i’ve ever had on me, this is nothing!" and it’s all fluffy and sweet even though the brother is kind of out of their depth with the situation? (sorry i woke up to an unexpected visit from aunt flo this morning and i’m dying for fluff lol)
I’m so sorry it took me so long to get this out, Anon.
Warnings: mention of menstruation and blood, fluff
Word count: 789: a cute little, short one this time.
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The floor creaks under Y/N’s foot as she tiptoes to grab her bag next to the door of his room. "Shit,” she whispers under her breath, scrunching her face as she slows her movements even more. All she wants to do is get herself cleaned up before her boyfriend of only three freaking months wakes up and discovers the blood on her pants.
“Y/N?” Dean’s voice cracks when he calls out for her in his half-sleeping state, “what’re you doin'? What time is it?” he asks, snapping out of it. 
“Uh,” she freezes, the air conditioning of the bunker roars, and she’s thankful it fills in for her silence, “a little after four,” she says in a whisper, evading the first question. 
“In the morning?” he yawns, slowly shimmying his way to sit at the edge of the bed. 
She contemplates just telling him what’s going on, but she has no idea yet how she’d respond, and right now, she just couldn’t possibly bear the embarrassment that would come if he’s the kind of guy that’s grossed out by that. So, she lies, “yeah, but you go back to bed, love. I’m okay.” 
There’s a click as the lamp turns on, a yellow light filling the room just as he lets out a groan. Dean brings his body to an upright position, “not if you’re up this early, you’re not,” he jokes, but his laughter is replaced with nerves when she doesn’t even smile. “Seriously, you okay?” he asks, wide eyes dropping down to the bag she holds at her waist. 
“Uh, I… it-” she stumbles over her words because how the Hell is she going to explain to her new boyfriend that she was trying to get a quick shower to wash off the period blood’s surprise visit before he woke up? 
He tosses the blankets off of his lap, planting his feet firmly on the cold, hardwood floor. Y/N’s face fills with a warm, deep red when she notices the blood stain on the crotch of Dean’s pants. She should have known that could happen. They had their most peaceful sleep yet, and she remembers waking up in the same little spoon position she fell asleep in.
She lets the bag fall as her hands fly to her face, “ugh,” she groans before pressing them tighter, the contrast of cold hands on her hot face feeling like the light at the end of the tunnel. She mumbles something into her hands. 
“What?” he says, “sorry, I didn’t understand what you said.” 
Dropping her hands, she closes her eyes and swallows hard, “I got my period while we were sleeping,” she says quickly. She dreads his reaction but opens her eyes slowly. 
“Oh!” he sighs, eyes going back to the bag to see a tampon sticking out of the side of it, “that’s what this is about? Jesus, Y/N! You scared me. I thought you were trying to jump ship or something,” he says, the bed squeaking as he lifts himself off of it. He takes a few careful steps towards her before placing his hands on the back of her hips.  
“Wait,” she leans back against his hands, “you thought I was trying to sneak out?” 
He raises his eyebrows with a small shake of his head, “well, what else was I supposed to think?” 
She lets her anxiety out in a shaky laugh, “I - no, I just wanted to take a shower and change my clothes,” she starts, but pulls away to point at his pants, “but, ugh, I can’t believe it got on you, too! I’m so sorry, Dean. If I had known it was coming, I could have prepared better. I’ll buy you a new pair of pajama pants, though,” she raises her hands to cover her face again, but he grabs them by the wrists and pulls him into his chest. 
“No, Y/N, it’s okay! They’re just pants,” he says, looking intently into her eyes, “please, of all the blood, guts, and gore I’ve ever had on me, this is nothing!” he smiles, bringing her hands up to his lips to kiss each one before planting a kiss on her forehead. “Come on,” he says, releasing her from his grip, “I’ll take you to the bathroom and you can shower or take a bath, whatever you need to do, I’ll get you some tea if you want, our clothes in the wash, and a towel in the dryer,” he says with a big, sleepy smile. 
She loses herself in his eyes, the corners of her lips turn down out of pure awe and appreciation for how he’s responding with such sensitivity. "You're truly amazing, Dean. How did I get so lucky?"
"I think I'm the lucky one here." Dean smiles, going in for another kiss. “I’m gonna get you that tea.” 
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If you liked my story, please remember to heart, comment or reblog. Or if you'd like, you can add yourself to a tag list here if you wish :) Thank you for reading!! :)
Everything Tags <3
@waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @noodledoodlebug @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks @sigrunsavestheday @flamencodiva @roseblue373
Dean <3
@akshi8278 @squirrelnotsam @laxe-from-outer-space @ellewritesfix05 @cluz1babe @lyarr24 @mrspeacem1nusone @idksupernaturl @fandom-princess-forevermore @stoneyggirl @chaospossum
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never-enough-novels · 3 months
Hello everyone:))
I can't believe I've reached a 106 followers😭😭.
Like there are more than a 100 people who like the most unhinged shit i post
So in honor of it all I'll be doing a 100 followers event<33
Here is the intro post
You can request from the following
✨️- I will make a moodboard off the vibes of your blog or anything you request which i know of.
🎀-I'll write you a short message( only for mutuals).
🛐- I'll ship you with a fictional chatecter and your troupe( choose from the Fandom list only pls).
🥞- I will try to write a poem on whatever prompt or a word you give me.
🧚‍♀️-I'll try(key word: try) to write a fic on a fictional charecter of your choice taken from the Fandom list and you can tell how you want it to start or end or give any prompt.
🫧-Gimme me a song and I'll tell you what I think.
🍡- I'll try to give advice on any issue you have.
Fandom list
Tig,pjo(the show only),a good girl's guide to murder,king of sins, twisted series,enola Holmes,
-This event will end by 15th april
- You can send as many asks you want but pls limit to 2 per ask.
-Pls be patient cause I'll be having exams and I have a BIG procrastination problem
Thank you so much<33
Tagging moots:
@reminiscentreader @myster3y @thislifeissweeterthanfiction-de @blocked-zombieartist @urbanflorals @berryzxx @reyna-obsessed @sophiesonlinediary @desi-tumblllr-dot-com-deactivat @hijabi-desi-bookworm @art-of-fools @untamedwind01 @averyriskygamble1989 @loverrr-girl @story-kat @mqstermindswift @bookish-phile @stop-ur-losing-me @foaming-sea @nqds @the-modern-typewriter @baboland @banilikesfictionalpeople @moonlightt444 @phonegirlfanatic @skeelly @leaskisses444 @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity @letmeseeallthechipmunksintown @darlingnemesis @f4iry-bell @loverrr-girl @obbsessedfan @formulalina15 @mqstermindswift @swiftreader1989 @carmenpowerpuffgirl @lumine4624 @sam-likes-stuff
Edit: I've decided to reduce the end date of this event.
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samsseptember · 10 months
Samtember 2023 Calendar, Rules, and Guidelines!
Hi, Sam Wilson Nation! It's that time of year again when we all get together to celebrate our beloved Sam Wilson's birth month. That's right, it's ✰samtember2023✰ !!! 🎉
As per usual, the event will be running from Friday, September 1st to Saturday, September 30th and there will be prompts set for each day:
Tumblr media
Fluff/Family Week (and Two Days):
September 1 - Free Space
September 2 - First Flight | Riley  
September 3 - Delacroix | Louisana
September 4 - Siblings | Uncle Sam
September 5 - Fishing | Camping
September 6 - Day Off | Vacation
September 7 - Memories | The Future
September 8 - Figaro | Sick Day
September 9 - Carnival | King of Mardi Gras
Captain America Week:
September 10 - Cap Quartet 2.0 | Mission Fic
September 11 -  Workout | Team Training
September 12 - Shield | Legacy
September 13 - Interview | Rumor
September 14 - Magic | Multiverse
September 15 - Undercover | Amnesia 
September 16 - Night Out | Madripoor
AU Week:
September  17 - Wings | Angel
September  18 - Western AU | Cowboy  
September  19 - Celebrity AU | Royalty AU 
September  20 - Bird Telepathy | Redwing
September  21 - Zombie AU | Apocalypse AU 
September  22 - Hurt/Comfort | Disaster Fic
September  23 - Birthday 🎂🧁
Canon Week:
September  24 - In the Air Force | Time in D.C.
September  25 - Part-Time Avenger | On the Run
September  26 - Working for Fury | Wakanda
September  27 -  Post-Blip | TFATWS
September  28 - Post-TFATWS | Meanwhile, On the Boat
September  29 - Uniform | Cap Suit 
September  30 - Sam Wilson 
We have opened a collection on AO3 that can be found here, or by typing samtember2023 in the add to collections option.
You can also tag any works you post with #samtember2023 or tag this blog @samsseptember​ - works will be reblogged every day throughout the month. 
Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! 
What works count for this fan event?
Any of the following count:
photosets / moodboards
videos / edits
Whichever way you want to celebrate Sam Wilson, it’s up to you! 
The rest of the FAQ and rules are under the cut.
What is this?
It’s a Sam Wilson fan event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all. Fill one prompt. Fill all the prompts on for the month. Do however many you please.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all 30 prompts at once with one piece of art or fic. If you can fill every single prompt from every single day in one fill, that’d be wild but it’s okay by the rules. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Should the work I make be Sam Wilson-centric?
Yes. You can make a gen work or a piece with any ship with Sam Wilson in it, but the main focus should be Sam Wilson.
How long will this event run?
It will run from September 1st to September 30th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There will be! They will come out daily.
Do I have to post my fic for the prompt on the day of the prompt?
You can if you'd like, but it's okay if you post a piece on a day other than the day of the prompt.
What are the guidelines for the event?
I will be borrowing some of this from the MYSU Valentine’s Day Bingo 2022 Guidelines, since they were fantastic.
For Everyone:
1. Remember to tag @samsseptember in the post as well as #samtember2023.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re using (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to The Samtember Collection (under Samtember2023).
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets or photosets, at least 3 gifs or photos.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 10 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift” and “Sam Wilson is a Saint”.
Have fun and we look forward to your Samtember 2023 works!
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sarandipitywrites · 6 months
Writeblr Intro
(i should probably make one of these, shouldn't i?)
about me:
hi! i'm saran (any pronouns). i spend 99% of my free time writing, thinking about writing, making playlists for my writing, rotating my other obsessions in my head (currently jak & daxter; voiceplay; and motionless in white), and sometimes spewing those on my blog as well. this is my primary blog (i can barely keep up with this one, so a sideblog is not likely in the near future), so be aware that you'll see everything that spills out of my head/crosses my blog that i feel like sharing. if you're just here for the writing, that's cool, too! all of my original writing is tagged #my writing, and all longform works and snippets are tagged with their titles. i'm open to tag games, asks, and dms for anything and everything, even if you just need to talk 💜
about the writing:
i both read and write most genres, but fantasy and speculative fiction are my favorite (with a heavy dose of monsters and the paranormal, whether the genre otherwise calls for it or not). i write both original fiction and fanfiction. my main characters tend to be queer, neurodiverse, disabled, or all of the above. i write with an adult audience in mind (my writing has a tendency to delve into heavy topics, including mental health issues and societal commentary, and several of my stories contain graphic violence), so while minors are welcome to follow, i would encourage you to self-curate your experience. i try to tag anything potentially triggering, but i am human and sometimes miss things; if you notice anything that you think needs a tag, please do let me know!
general taglist (ask to be added or removed): @innocentlymacabre
find all the links and tags for my work under the cut:
the WIPs:
The Art of Empty Space (wip intro, tag)
Lienzo's search for a cure for his parent's condition entangles him in a years-old curse with an arcane beast at its heart. As he works to break the curse and free the city of Rookport, he finds an unexpected ally in the beast — and, perhaps, something more. (subversive fairytale; paranormal romance; original fiction)
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @notwritinganyflufftoday
Dead Roots, Dark Water (wip intro, tag)
After two years of genetic experiments at the hands of Haven City's Minister of Science leave him almost unrecognizable, Jak isn't as eager to go home as Daxter would have hoped. Daxter's rescue mission becomes a quest to undo the damage the dark eco experiments inflicted upon Jak's body and psyche — and the only one who can help them is Haven's most beloved public figure, who also happens to be Minister Acheron's twin sister. (adventure; dark fantasy; dystopian; fanfiction - Jak & Daxter)
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @sam-glade, @televisionjester, @surroundedbypearls
the Short Stories:
A Haunted Home
A haunted house gets its latest in a long string of owners. Is it possible to have a QPR with a house? You're about to find out. cw: implied past domestic abuse
The Belltown Butcher takes a trophy from each of their victims. Ness survived, but not before the Butcher took their prize. cw: referenced kidnapping, trauma, eye trauma
A cartographical ship picks up a distress signal in the unexplored Groombridge 1618 system. Instead of the lost Kasandra, they find a seemingly-habitable planet.
I Am Alive
A group of friends breaks into the local haunted house for an All Hallow's Eve séance. It doesn't go as planned.
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aspecsafespot · 18 days
Welcome to Aspec Safe Spot!
Inspired by similar blogs and a series of rather unfortunate recent events, I decided to start this blog in an attempt to be inclusive of anyone and everyone on the various a-spectrums. Please feel free to send in asks, tag me in posts you'd like me to see and/or share, and just come rest your feet!
Click the read more for more info about this blog, my stances, etc!
Call me S, I'm an aromantic trans man (he/him only) who's been around the block on Tumblr for many years.
This blog is dedicated to being anti-racist - I will do my best to amplify the voices of aspecs of color, and help call out racism in aspec spaces. If I ever post anything you find to be problematic, missing a point, or otherwise not helpful, please let me know! I'm not immune to missing things, and want to strive to do my best each day.
This blog is for all aspecs - including aplatonics, afamilials, aroallos, mspec aspecs, non-sam aspecs, and more! Even if I don't know all the terms now, I promise I'll always try to ensure that this blog remains true to its purpose.
This blog is inclusive of all microlabels, good faith identities, all systems/plurals regardless of origin, all neurodivergencies and mental illnesses, and all ability levels. I will try to reblog posts with image IDs, or add my own if necessary.
This blog is pro Palestinian liberation, pro Ukranian liberation, and anti colonialist. This blog does not support the widespread harassment of or labeling of Jews as zionists, and I will not tolerate any antisemitism being presented as "anti zionism" when it clearly isn't.
This blog believes that trans men/mascs and butches face oppression for their gender identity and/or presentation, and that oppression is called transandrophobia (among other names.)
This blog is safe for furries and everyone else in queer subcultures, including kink.
This blog is safe for shippers - there may be some light criticism of some aspects of shipping culture, but I firmly believe in "do whatever you want forever with your barbies."
No DNI but rad/fems, transandrophobes, racists, etc and anyone who causes a ruckus in my notes will be blocked.
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erathene · 4 days
LOTR Themed Tag Game
I was tagged by @softboiledwonderland - Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I think I was around 12. I have two distinct memories from that time; seeing Gandalf on a cereal box whilst I ate my breakfast and being very confused by Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White (wondering whether or not they were the same person, or if they were twins LOL), and borrowing my cousin's extended edition DVDs to watch (we borrowed a lot of stuff from him including his PS2 with Final Fantasy X).
- Favourite LOTR character? Aragorn hands down because he's a filthy ranger and I love that I feel he's a well-rounded character in the movies. I see him as a bit of an adventurer, a do-gooder and not afraid of a fight, but also someone who has his own flaws and struggles. He's certainly interesting to write about and explore as a character.
- Books or Movies? Movies 100%. I'm trying to read the books.. honest..
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? I think Rivendell would be my top choice, but honestly any location would be amazing. I would love to see Rivendell for its architecture, its open and breezy spaces, it just oozes relaxation and a place to get away from it all. And maybe I'd run into Aragorn there HA 😂
- Favourite Movie? The Two Towers! Because FOTR sets the scene, ROTK wraps up the story, but TTT is where some shit starts to go downnn.
- Favourite scene? I love the fellowship fighting off the orcs in Khazad-dûm; the anticipation of the orcs breaking through the door and Legolas/Aragorn being cool enough to shoot arrows through tiny cracks, Boromir being sassy ("They have a Cave Troll🙄🙄🙄"), Sam fighting orcs with literal frying pans, Aragorn and Boromir giving each other The Nod™, the teamwork to bring down that cave troll, running like hell afterwards... I just love everything about that scene in the movies 🤩 Everything up to Gandalf's fall of course...
- Favourite quote? "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - it's like a hug that reaches out to you, telling you that you'll be okay 🥰
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? Probably an elf! I'm 5ft7, a natural redhead, and would love to let time slip pass without worrying about things not getting done because I have literally fucking centuries to live haha.
- Favourite LOTR ship: Similar to @softboiledwonderland I don't really have one?? I'm just an appreciator of blorbos 😅
Tagging @emmanuellececchi @sonofarathorns @fishing4stars @nocompromise-noregrets - if you guys fancy taking part feel free, if you're busy or don't want to then no worries! If anyone else sees this post and wants to participate, consider yourself tagged!! 😉
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