#do i give this a nudity warning if nothing is actually showing
frogoru · 1 year
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important bath time conversation topic
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blues824 · 5 months
Gender-neutral reader. A bit out of character, but let me be delulu, and this happens when we are married 🥰
Warning: [Implied] nudity, but nothing sexual
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Sebek Zigvolt
It was a movement beside you that made you stir awake. As you blinked the sleep away briefly, you looked to see your husband looking at you with a smile. You shifted your body so that you were facing him completely, and you lifted a hand to run through his hair before lowering it to his chest. You felt his arm wrap itself around your bare waist and pull you closer.
Even though you have been married for some time now, his beauty never ceases to amaze you. His hair specifically. It always had gel in it to keep it out of his face, but only you got to see it in its natural state like this. You smiled back at him, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips.
“Good morning, honey,” You whispered, not wanting to disrupt the quiet moment.
“Good morning, my love,” He whispered back, giving you a kiss in return.
How you managed to bag this man despite him being totally against humans at the start… it was actually pretty easy. You showed him that while humans are weak, they can be incredibly stupid enough to be brave, and you faced overblot after overblot. Your determination was what made him fall for you.
You even fought for your place in Briar Valley’s society. Not just that, but you fought to be an equally recognized member of the family to his grandfather. At that point, he knew that he needed to marry you.
And so he proposed right then and there, in front of his grandfather, in front of the rest of his family members, and in front of Lilia and Silver. You were already worked up from arguing, but you accepted his proposal. The wedding happened, and a few months later, here you were, married to someone you could be convinced was a god.
But he wasn’t a god. He was your husband. And he was laying in bed with you, his raspy morning voice making you feel like softened butter. You wanted to marry him all over again. You would go through all the pain and turmoil you went through again just to be with him. You knew he would do the same for you as well because he fought and fought internal and external battles just to put that ring on your finger and call you ‘his’.
“Y/N Zigvolt, I believe it is time for us to get started with the day,” He started getting up, but you extended your arms to wrap around his, halting his movements.
“5 more minutes? Please?” You pulled out your best puppy-dog eyes, begging him.
“...Alright…” He relented, crawling back into bed with you.
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parvulous-writings · 4 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin react to his short gn s/o asking him to sit down after asking for his permission to kiss him on the lips?
Summary: As requested, Anon!
Warnings: Nothing - vague alusions to Astarion's initial aversion to intimacy, mention of nudity, but nothing huge.
Notes: These ones are a tad short again, but I didn't really want to oversaturate them! My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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"Sit down? Why? are you going to tease me, my sweet?"
He'll do it, if only to amuse you and play along with your little 'game' for the moment - especially in the presence of other people. Be prepared, though - you will hear no end of teasing lines whilst he's sitting himself down. You'd think that he'd actually be quiet, but... No. Of course he won't.
As you start to settle yourself onto his lap, his hands move to your hips, gently cradling them and keeping you steady. His thumbs massage gentle circles over your clothes - though he's not typically seen as a gentle man (or a gentleman), he likes to be that way with you when you're both in private. It's like a little game for him - he can play with you a little bit, flitting between this more gentle side of him and the usual, flirtatious side that he shows everyone else.
He absolutely relishes having you on his lap this way- it's a way that the pair of you can be more intimate with one another without having the 'requirement' to strip down to the nude. It makes him feel safe - though he's unlikely to ever actually tell you that out loud.
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"Hm? Oh, of course!" He's more than happy to take a seat for you. In his mind, it's an opportunity to be closer to you, to be able to hold you properly. Touch is definitely one of his love languages - though one that he hasn't really been able to explore before this point, purely because of his own actions.
He likes to cradle your face with both of his hands when you lean in to kiss him. Rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks brings a calmness to him that he can only really find in books if he were to really seek it - a deep sense of satisfaction that settles in his chest, a warmth that only a close bond can make.
If you're somewhere where there isn't a chair for him to sit on, he's going to conjure one. As much as he loves you, he's not usually in the mood to mess up his knees every so often. They are quite delicate, despite his prowess in other areas.
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"Of course, my heart... Whatever you need." Halsin almost always leans, kneels or sits down for you - his height makes it pretty much a must in all situations. Being over 6 feet tall makes it very difficult for either of you to kiss one another without some sort of compromise, so it's an automatic thing for him. He does find it very sweet that you ask though - it reminds him that you think of him, as much as he thinks of you, when it comes to giving affection.
Halsin LOVES physical touch - like Gale, it's one of his love languages (though, with Halsin, almost EVERYTHING is a love language). A hand will be on your arm, and another on your waist when you kiss - and if he has the urge to pull you even closer to him, his hands automatically settle at the small of your back.
Another thing he loves to do is carry you - one of his favourite kinds of kisses to share with you (because there are many) is one where you're leaning over his shoulder as he carries you on his back - though a close second to that is you leaning down over him as he carries you on his shoulders. He also likes to press kisses to your fingers when he carries you like this - anything to get his lips on you.
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How about #2 with Thor,Arthur, or Deadpool? 🙃💛
.⋆。Put Some Clothes On You Slut 。⋆.
Arthur Curry x plus size reader
Arthur loves to tease you when you have things to do but you can give it as good as you get
Warnings: nudity, teasing, fluff, implied smut, reader calls Arthur a slut (like we all know he is)
WC: 1.1k
Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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3000 Follower Celebration
“Ok so we have dinner with your parents tonight but we’re in charge of drinks and dessert so I was thinking that you could run into town to get a nice bottle of wine while I made a pie. And then oh yummy just so- Arthur!” You looked up from where you had been folding the long overdue laundry only to see your fiancé wander into the bedroom dressed only in a towel that did nothing to hide the way his ‘gift’ swung as he moved. Your thoughts quickly trailed off to a place you had no time to go before you caught yourself.
“What?” He asked but the smirk on his stupid face gave him away. You angrily pointed at him.
“No. This is not happening.” 
Arthur dramatically put his hand on his bare chest like he was offended. “What’s not happening? Dinner? That’s disappointing, I was looking forward to it.” You glared at him.
“Fine, if that’s how we’re playing it.” You sucked your teeth and turned back to the laundry, folding the last remaining shirt and then moving over to the closet. Arthur’s light footfalls followed you, keeping just enough distance to keep you interested. “Tomorrow, I’m meeting up with Lois, and Clark but I really think he just invited himself. He’s got some serious fomo.”
Your fiancé reached around you and plucked up a pair of underwear from his pile as you were putting everything away. You fought the urge to look back at him, knowing that if you did, you would just be giving him what he wanted. You cleared your throat and kept talking. “So you’re welcome to come along if you want, I doubt Clark will want to listen to me and his wife having girl talk.”
There came a muffled thud from behind you, and out of the corner of your eye, you caught sight of his white towel now a heap on the floor. You could vaguely see his naked legs out of your peripheral vision, you were tempted, dear god were you tempted to just look up a couple more inches. Your grip on the now empty laundry basket got tighter. “And um, your mom wanted to go wedding dress shopping this weekend but- fuck.” 
You made the mistake of turning around once you believed it was safe but instead you were met with the glorious view of Arthur’s mostly naked tattooed body, wearing only the tightest, smallest boxers you had ever seen. That bastard knew you were close to breaking.
“Out!” He actually jumped at your outburst. “Go on get! We absolutely cannot be late tonight and I cannot show up to your parents’ house smelling like sex. So go get a bottle of wine, a nice one, and leave me alone until we have to go.” Looking like a kicked puppy, Arthur whined and left the room, shooting you a sad look over his shoulder.
You huffed. “And put on some clothes you slut!”
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Arthur had homework, and as pathetic as that sounded, it was resoundingly true. In order to get the Atlantean king more involved in Justice League business, Bruce had given him a stack of files on various villains to read through. Begrudgingly, Arthur had complied, of course with a little motivation from you but Batman didn’t need to know that.
So once a week, he would hole himself up in your little office at the back of the house and study. As soon as the door shut behind him, you set your plan into motion.
Making sure the shower was extra hot, you stepped into the stream of water. You stayed in just long enough to quickly scrub your body in your extra fancy body wash and to make sure you were completely soaked. You grabbed the smallest towel you could find (coincidentally it was the same one Arthur used only three days ago) and wrapped it around yourself as best you could while not completely drying off. Most of your naked body was still visible though, including your entire right side, but it covered just enough that Arthur wouldn’t be suspicious.
The grumbling coming from behind the office door told you all you needed to know. You smothered the smirk on your face behind a concerned expression and quietly entered. His huge figure was hunched over your desk, a large pile of paper in front of him, his unruly hair tied up messily out of his face, exposing the way his nose scrunched in confusion.
“How’s your work going Art?” His shoulders visibly relaxed at the sound of your voice. 
“It’s going,” he responded with a grumble, turning in his seat to face you but froze quickly, “Queenie, what are you wearing?” Playing dumb, you looked down at your scantily covered body, still wet and warm from the shower, then back up to your fiancé.
“Oh I just took a shower, is that a problem?” He furiously shook his head.
“Nope, nada. You take allllll the showers you want lovey.” He looked at you and it seemed like he was about to get up from the desk to attack you but the files caught his eye once more and he deflated. You grinned victoriously. “Except maybe not today,” Arthur winced, “I have a lot of stuff I have to get done.”
“How would me being all wet and steamy be a problem for you my king?” Your voice took on a sultry tone, one you only used in the bedroom and it had an immediate effect on him. His eyes instantly went dark with lust and his fingers curled into a fist.
With a herculean effort, Arthur forced himself to turn away from you and focus back on his work. “This has to get done so can you put on some clothes? I can’t concentrate.” 
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry. Let me get out of your way, I know how important all this is and how you can’t be distracted.” You purred as you walked back to the door, making sure your hips swayed sensually, just the way he liked. “Come find me when you’re done.” And then you dropped the towel.
There was a beat of silence and then.
“Fuck this.” Huge hands were suddenly wrapped around your thick waist and you were spun around, coming face-to-face with the man you had promised to spend your life with. “You are an evil evil woman.” He snarled.
“And yet, I got the King of Atlantis to crack.” You smugly responded.
“Then let me show you what riling up a king gets you.” And Arthur learned that day that you gave as good as you got.
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Arthur Curry 
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kaleldobrev · 7 months
Knew You Would Come Around
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Pairing: Michael!Dean x Fem!Reader | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael's happy you've finally come around
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Nudity (but no smut), Y/N is the best actress ever, Michael being absolutely delusional, Sad!Reader
Authors Note: Set in the same universe as Once Mine | Please read Once Mine before reading this one | Some non-con elements but nothing graphic (very G Rated in description) | Y/N deserves an Oscar for her performance | Y/N misses Dean :( | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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It’s been weeks since you’ve been trapped in this penthouse, weeks without any kind of contact from the outside world besides room service, the occasional monster that Michael had invited in, and Michael himself. Michael, the archangel who was currently using the love of your life as his meat suit. The same man who refused to believe that you weren’t this other version of you. There was a part of him though, although you couldn’t quite pinpoint it, that may have been slightly delusional due to the grief that he had faced when his world version of you was killed. A version of you that he loved more than anyone or anything. A version of you that he absolutely refused to let go of.
You tried for weeks resisting him. Resisting any ounce of change that he had tried to make. He wanted you to be the version of you that he had fallen in love with, not who you truly were. Dean loved this version of you, but Michael didn’t. And in order to survive, you played along. Played along with his delusions of you being his one true love. Pretending to actually care when he talked about certain subjects. Pretending to enjoy when he would kiss you. Pretending to enjoy him holding you in the middle of the night while lying in bed together. This was the only way, you had thought to yourself.
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Your mind was racing as you watched television, as there was really nothing for you to do while Michael was away. There was relief whenever he had left for the day, but at the same time, you had found yourself sometimes feeling a strange sense of loss whenever he did leave; and you weren’t quite sure why. This man had taken over Dean, the one man you had loved more than anyone or anything — your soulmate, and Michael ripped him away from you, and you despised him for it.
But the more you thought about it, the more your mind had started to wander. Maybe you had found it relatively easy to pretend because it was technically still Dean on the surface? Maybe that strange sense of loss that you felt when Michael had left is because it felt like Dean was being ripped away from you all over again? Then again, maybe you were just starting to become delusional like Michael.
When the door opened, you were instantly snapped out of your thoughts. Show time, you thought. “Hey Mike, how was your day?” You asked him, trying to give him that sing-song like tone he had preferred compared to your actual voice.
“Rough, but making progress,” he stated, closing the door behind him. You turned around from your position on the couch to look over at him, where he was currently hanging up his 1920s style jacket on the coatrack. Progress? What type of progress? You wanted to ask. But you knew better than to ask.
"Well, that's wonderful that you're making progress," you said, getting up from your spot on the couch to stand in front of him. "But, I'm sorry you had a rough day," you continued, as you started to untie his tie, making sure you kept the right amount of eye contact.
"Thankful I'm finally home with my girl," he stated, giving you a slight smile as he watched you carefully removing his tie from around his neck. You almost stopped removing his tie, as the nickname he had just given you had thrown you off, as My Girl was one of Dean's go-to nicknames for you.
Forcing a smile, you finished removing his tie. "Happy to have you home," you lied. His hand moved to cup your cheek, admiring the delicate features of your face. Despite you not being his original Y/N, you were good enough for him in moments like these, moments where he needed comfort.
"I'm going to take a shower," he said, before leaning in and kissing the top of your head. Strangely, you felt yourself slightly melt into the kiss, as it was a feeling that you had missed. Top of the head kisses and forehead kisses were ones that you had cherished the most from Dean. Despite it not actually being from him, you pretended it was; and pretending helped.
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You found yourself on the couch again, watching some cooking show on FoodNetwork, mentally writing down recipes that you knew Dean would have liked. Recipes you’d probably never get the chance to make for him “Y/N!” Michael called; his voice making any previous thoughts you had disappear.
“Yes Mike?” You yelled back, muting the television as you did so.
“Come join me,” he said. His voice wasn’t demanding in nature, but you knew he wasn’t giving you a choice in the matter.
You took a deep breath before answering. “Be right there!” You replied back.
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Walking into the bathroom, the glass shower was steamed up just enough that Michael's figure almost looked like he was some kind of blur, almost dream sequence like. And for a brief moment, you felt some sort of bliss; as if you were in fact in a dream, a dream where you had walked in on Dean in the shower — something that you had done so many times before. But that brief moment of bliss was fanned out the second the Archangel spoke. "Come on in Sweetheart," he said, opening up the glass door for you. Sweetheart, yet another nickname that you had once loved now made your skin crawl.
Removing your clothes quickly, they fell onto the floor into a pool of fabric. Taking a deep breath, you walked into the shower and closed the door behind you. Upon entering, Michael's back was facing you, his face toward the showerhead. You found your fingers reaching toward his back, wanting to trace little circles — something that you were so used to doing to Dean when you were either in the shower or lying in bed.
But as you were half-way to his back, he started to turn, and you retracted your fingers; looking up at him almost with a sorrowful look on your face. "Glad you could join me," he said, giving you a small smile. You tried your best to give a similar smile back, but you found it hard to, and you knew he could sense the struggle. "Turn around, I'll get your back," he said, trying to break the uneasiness between the two of you.
"Okay," you replied, slightly nodding. Turning around, you felt more vulnerable than ever, hating this current feeling. You felt your eyes close in anticipation at the touch of him. A moment later, you felt a washcloth start running along your spine, just stopping above your ass before it came back up and went from your left to your right shoulder blade.
"You're very tense," he whispered in your ear. He kissed your temple, and again, you found yourself slightly melting into it, again finding yourself reminiscing about all the times Dean had kissed your temple in order to comfort you. "Want me to help you?" He asked. "I know you like massages."
"But you're the one that's had the rough day, not me," you said, your voice sounding a little timid. But he seemed to ignore your comments; placing the washcloth on the small built-in shelf before he started using his thumbs to make circles on your back.
You wanted to resist the nice feeling, but you couldn't. It felt nice having his hands rubbing your back, finding those exact pressure points that Dean knew all too well. “I know this has been difficult for you,” Michael said after a few moments of silence between the two of you; leaning down and kissing your shoulder. Understatement, you thought. “But you’ve been really receptive of me lately,” he said, almost as if he was giving you a pat on the back. “Which is very much appreciated. I’m glad you can finally see things my way.” Again, he kissed your shoulder, but this time you felt your body slightly shudder at his touch, hoping that he didn't notice this reaction.
“Of course,” you began, “like you said, this is very much a win-win for the both of us,” you said, forcing a slight smile on your lips. You turned around to face him, and you cupped his cheek, slightly rubbing it with your thumb. God I miss you, you thought. The feeling of the stubble on your fingertips making you strangely sentimental.
“I love you,” Michael admitted, and you felt as if your heart was about to stop. You weren’t in love with him, there was no chance you could ever be; not after everything he had done. He was simply a monster disguised as your soulmate and nothing more. But you had to keep up the pretending, keep on acting in order to survive.
“I love you too,” you said, and you felt like you had wanted to throw up.
“Told you you’d come around,” he almost whispered, a small smirk on his lips. A moment later he leaned in, crashing his lips into yours.
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elizabethwritesmen · 4 months
The Devil Wears Lace
chapter 6 : October 28, 2023
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pairing: simon “ghost” riley x reader
summary: it’s halloween and your treat is a visit from ghost but it turns into more of a trick when a new bartender gets a little too friendly with him. you do what you’ve got to do to keep his eyes on you and end up with more than you bargained for.
warnings: smut, oral (m and f receiving), degradation and praise, dancing on a bar, public nudity, reader gets harassed again, simon gets angry again, slut shaming and a lot of shit talking about the new bartender goes on in this chapter, i think that’s all but let me know if i missed anything!
series masterlist
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October 28, 2023
The bar was having a Halloween party.
I didn’t want to go, I’d been working all day at my new job and was exhausted, but Sabrina insisted.
What was my new job, you might ask? Well, the previous May I’d graduated with a Masters in criminology. I wanted to seek higher education but was still deciding what and where. In the meantime, I was interning at a law office nearby. It paid shockingly well, they were a small practice but extremely successful and valued their employees a lot so they showed it by giving them a lot of money.
I didn’t have time to go pick out a costume, so Sabrina assured me she would get me one, much to my dismay. Due to this, I went there straight after work, bringing my makeup and stuff with me so I could just get ready at the bar like I had many times before.
She met me at the door with a bag and shoved it in my hands, giggling all the while, making me frown. What had she cooked up?
I was mortified when I opened the bag and found combat boots, the smallest black dress I had ever seen, and someone’s fatigue shirt. Whose? I don’t know. I wondered the same thing.
“I am so not wearing this. Somewhere is bound to be open, I’ll go see-“
“NO! You know good and well this is the best way to get these dumbass military boys to buy you drinks.”
“Who says I want these dumbass military boys to buy me drinks?”
“You do, trust me, you need a night of flirting with a bunch of men more than anyone else I know. Now get your sexy ass in the back and get ready!”
I sighed, rolling my eyes so hard I thought they would get stuck that way, and did as she told me, heading to the small room in the back that we usually changed and touched up makeup in. It had bad lighting but we’d placed lamps in front of the mirrors, and it had a small set of lockers for anyone who worked there to put valuables in, but they didn’t actually lock so I didn’t understand the purpose of them.
Once I managed to get everything on, I had to admit I looked good. Turned out the dress was basically just a nearly sheer lace slip, but it blended in perfectly with my black bra and thong, which made it feel just a tad bit more modest than it actually was. The combat boots actually paired well with it and the fatigue shirt. I already had gold jewelry on, and I just kept it, thinking it made the look even a little better. All that was left was to touch up my makeup and curls.
Once I stepped out into the bar area, leaving my clothes behind trusting nothing would happen to them, I was bombarded by Sabrina, Dylan, and the new bartender who’d taken my place. She was cute, honestly, tall and skinny with big dimples on her cheeks. I figured she was doing well, and she seemed nice.
“You look so good!” They told me, fawning over me. I laughed, waving them off, sitting at the bar and waiting for it to get busy. It always did on the night of the Halloween party, without fail.
The music was loud, and all of it was either dark and sexy or Halloween themed. Decorations were hung up, less in depth than I usually did. Sabrina always hated decorating and I guess the new girl did, too.
“Hey,” Sabrina sat next to me, “It feels like it’s been forever!”
“It’s been like, three days,” I deadpanned, brows furrowed and she laughed.
“Yeah, but we used to spend damn near every day together. It’s so lame here without you.”
“But you have that new girl, right? She seems nice, maybe you could be friends.”
She rolled her eyes and I got comfier in my seat, knowing she was about to tell me all about the drama. “She’s awful.”
“I gathered that from the eye roll, now spill!”
“Alright, so when she first got here, she acted like she was just really eager to learn. Then ‘eager to learn’ turned into ‘eager to feel up my husband every chance she got.’ Fucking slut.”
I gasped, leaning in farther, “She felt up Dylan?”
“Yes!” she sounded exasperated, “He was showing her how to make a couple drinks and she just got right up on his side and started rubbing his arms and his back!”
“That bitch,” I furrowed my brows.
“I know! So he told me to take over showing her the ropes, and I have, but I wanna just fuckin’ fire the stupid cunt. She’s an idiot anyway and she can’t do anything right!”
“Well then why hasn’t he fired her yet?”
“Because his dad is wrapped around her finger and doesn’t want him to.”
“That bitch!” I huffed, “Well if she touches him again I’ll beat her ass for you. I don’t work here anymore, I can’t get in trouble.”
“I know you will. Just tell me first so I can film it, we’ll pop some popcorn and have a movie night.”
I raised my drink and she clinked it with her own, taking a sip with me. I eyed the new girl, in awe that she could seem so nice but be such a snake.
Around 9, the place was full, and I was dancing with a few friends that had shown up. We were just jumping around on the floor, a few guys around us dancing with us. It was fun, more fun than I’d had in a while.
I didn’t even notice they’d shown up until one of my friends started talking about the sexy guy in the mask. I furrowed my eyebrows, hope sparking in my chest as I looked around and saw him at the bar, the new girl in front of him, leaned over, giving him a front row seat to her tits. I nearly fumed, excusing myself and briskly making my way over.
I stood behind him for a second, trying to catch a hint of their conversation. It didn’t seem like he was giving her much from what I could tell, and she seemed to be getting more and more desperate for his attention by the second.
“Ghost,” I cleared my throat from behind him.
“I was wondering how long it’d take you to realize I was here.” He spoke without even turning around. The new girl made her way to the other side of the bar, giving him a moment alone.
“Maybe I was waiting for you to come to me.”
“You looked like you were having fun, didn’t want to disturb you.”
“I was,” I sighed, “Are you gonna look at me? Or are you gonna keep staring at her tits?”
He chuckled, turning around fully to face me in his seat. My breath hitched, I didn’t expect him to do that.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he patronized me, “You wanted my attention now you got it.”
I took a few steps closer to him, “Just a little sad. See, you’re supposed to be looking at me.”
“Well, I’m looking at you now,” his voice was low and dark and his hands settled on my hips, pulling me a little closer, “What’re you wanting, huh? A compliment? Want me to tell you how good you look in this little piece of fabric you call a dress?” I nodded frantically, biting my lips and his eyes followed the motion, “You haven’t earned it.”
I gasped, eyes widening and he laughed again, this time fuller. His hands tightened on my hips as he lifted me into the stool beside him, gesturing new girl over and ordering me and Malibu Pineapple. I caught the dirty look she sent me, but I didn’t have a fuck to give. My brain was short circuiting over the way he just.. lifted me into the chair, and the way he remembered what I wanted to drink.
“Thank you,” I offered him a smile, taking a sip.
“Probably not the first free drink you’ve gotten tonight.”
“No, it’s not. But it’s my favorite free drink I’ve gotten tonight.”
“Suck up.”
“I would, if you’d just give me the chance,” I winked and the whites of his eyes showed a little more for a second as he widened them.
“You’re impossible.”
“Then why do you keep coming back for more?”
My hands were on his thighs then, both of us facing each other in our chairs, and I let my hands roam slightly but not to anywhere too scandalous.
“Guess what the fuck that bitch just did!” Sabrina’s voice broke the trance, and I looked at her expectantly, “She said you cockblocked her and started whining about you. Like I’m gonna choose her side over yours, be fuckin’ for real for a second!”
I raised my eyebrows, “Cockblocked, huh? Sounds like new girl wants you bad, Ghost.” He grunted in response, lifting his mask to take a sip of his whiskey. “Don’t moan and groan at me, you were the one undressing her with your eyes. Want me to get her number for you? Maybe you can take her home.”
Sabrina looked at a loss for words, and her eyebrows were raised in concern but she saw her way out of the situation. Smart choice.
“Sweetheart, stop.” His voice was a command. Deep and final. But I just couldn’t leave well enough alone.
“Oh, honey, I’m just getting started,” With that, I was up and across the bar, dancing with my friends again and trying to ignore him. A few guys came up to me, one wrapping his arm around me and trying to grind on me but I pushed him away a little with a laugh.
“You can buy me a drink, but you can’t touch,” I teased, but my face went dark and his hand landed a smack on my ass.
“If you didn’t wanna be touched, why’d you wear this?” he asked me, leaning his head down for a kiss that I dodged, elbowing him hard in his chest.
“My outfit isn’t a free pass to touch me, you stupid fuck.”
“At least I’m not a stupid slut,” he slapped my ass again, but this time I was ready for him. I grabbed his arm and twisted hard, wrenching it around behind him. Once I had him where I wanted him, I kicked the back of his knee and sent him to the floor, me standing over him and holding him hostage there.
“You want a broken arm? Because you’re sure asking for one.” My tone was angry, forceful, more assertive than I could ever remember it being.
“Fuck, get off of me,” he growled, trying to pull away but I twisted harder and he let out a gasp.
“Get the fuck out of the bar, and don’t come back until you can learn to keep your hands to yourself,” I growled at him, letting him go just to kick him in the back and send him all the way to the floor in a heap. He turned over and laid there, staring up at me.
“That’s not your choice to make,” he smirked, still cocky after what had just happened and I raised a brow.
“No, it’s mine, and I agree with her. Get out.” Dylan’s voice was like a lifeline as he grabbed the guy by the shirt and pushed him out of the doors. I breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone. “Good job, killer,” he high fived me and I grinned, “If you didn’t have that fancy new job I’d ask you to be the new security guard.”
I giggled as he walked away, trying to come down from the adrenaline of everything. The bustle around me made it hard, though, so I walked outside, holding myself tight to battle the cold. I heard the door open and shut behind me and imagined it was Sabrina, but I knew I was wrong when he walked towards me, his heavy footsteps giving him away.
“You alright?” he asked me, and I turned around slowly, nodding.
“I’m fine.”
“That was pretty impressive, what you did in there. Maybe you can take care of yourself.”
“I’ve told you that a million times but you had to see it to believe it, huh,” I chuckled but my words were venom, staring down at my feet.
“You gonna tell me why you’re acting like this?” he changed the subject.
I responded with a quick, “No.” He looked frustrated, speechless almost.
“You can just tell me you’re jealous. It’s obvious enough.”
“Jealous? Of what? Sally McSlutface laying her boobs out on the bar like a personal menu for you? Yeah, I’m green with envy, let me tell you,” my tone was biting, sarcasm laced in every word, pure hate dripping from me when I talked about her. Maybe she hadn’t done anything to deserve it. Maybe Ghost wasn’t mine and I had no claim to him. Maybe he could talk to whoever the hell he wanted and look at whatever the hell he wanted.
He breathed out a laugh, staring at the sky hopelessly, begging for the patience he needed to deal with me. “You are green.” His eyes snapped back down to me. “Whose shirt you got on, anyway? One of these soldiers that comes in here and hits on you? What’d you have to do for it?”
“I didn’t do anything for it, asshole, I don’t know whose it is.”
“Right, that makes sense,” his tone was patronizing again and it set me on fire, anger building inside of me.
“You’re gonna get mad about me wearing someone else’s fatigues when you’re in there eyeing up that dumb bitch like she’s fucking candy or something? You fucking asshole.”
“I’m not mad, baby, you’re the only one that’s mad,” but he sure sounded mad, and I didn’t believe a word that came out of his mouth. I didn’t even dwell on the word baby.
“I’m not mad!” I yelled, then tried to calm myself down, “You know what? Go fuck her. See how much I care. I have my own plans for the night.”
I attempted to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. “Don’t do anything stupid just because you’re throwing a fit like a fucking brat.”
“Wanna see how much of a brat I am?” I couldn’t tell whether my words were foreboding or inviting. “Come back inside.”
I shook away from him and stormed into the bar, beelining it to Sabrina and Dylan.
“Remember two years ago when I danced on the bar for Halloween?”
“Yeah,” they both nodded.
“I’m doing it again. Put on the song.”
Their eyebrows were raised but they nodded, and Dylan went to the stereo system to get it going.
“You good?”
“I’m fine. I’m taking your advice and moving on. Or showing him what he’s missing. Whatever, I don’t give a fuck. Plus it’ll make that new girl mad.”
“Well, when you put it that way,” she grinned, “Get your fine ass up there and show them who’s boss!”
I grinned back as the familiar tune began. I made my way onto the bar and some of the guys there noticed and began to gather around. Right at that moment, Ghost walked back inside and the second his eyes found me, he looked homicidal.
I began swaying my hips to the beat, winking at him and increasing my movement with every lyric.
Heaven help me, the devil wears lace and she can’t be tamed.
If I were wealthy, spend every last dime just to hear her say my name.
I flipped my hair around, slipping the big shirt off and throwing it to Sabrina who was watching from behind the bar with a huge smile on her face. She handed me a bottle, one of the cheapest liquors they had as the chorus hit.
So light me in flames
Just as hot as you need
Let me see the good girl you wanted to be
I turned my back to the group of people gawking and cheering, bending over and reaching between my spread out legs to pour two shots worth of liquid into one of the guy’s mouths, which brought on more cheers.
My eyes caught his as I turned back around and felt myself up, hands sliding from my chest to my thighs, squeezing the fat there as my motions got sharper with every beat.
All of my praise, only from me
I can be the one who can set you free
He made his way over to the bar and I grinned, turning my back again and doing a small spin, hanging on to the rail at the top of the bar for support then shimmying down, surely flashing some people but I wasn’t concerned.
Fall from your grace
Turn up the heat
I feel I’m going down, hands gripping the sheets
I sat sideways on the bar, leaning back on my arms and arching tightly with my head thrown back, then turned over and raised my hips, arms stretched in front of me and ass on display and he snapped. He ripped his jacket off and threw it over me, hauling me off the bar and outside. The people there seemed dumbstruck, and I barely heard the end of the chorus before the door shut.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he growled, setting me down in front of him.
“Do I have to think about everything I do before I do it?”
He let out a sharp laugh, “You are the most danger prone girl I have ever known. Yes, you have to think about dumbass decisions before you make them.”
“All I did was dance on a bar,” I rolled my eyes, pulling his jacket tighter around me in the cold.
“Yeah, right, that’s all you did. Now everyone in there has seen your ass, you feel good about that?”
I set my jaw, letting it tick as I thought over my answer. “You’re talking to me like I’m some kind of whore. Maybe I just wanted your attention.”
“You have that already. Give me a real reason.”
“Maybe I just wanted the attention you gave her.”
“What attention? You’re so fucking delusional. I didn’t even look at her. I don’t give a fuck about her. I came here for you. My team came here for you, and they’re in there having the time of their lives because they got more of you than they bargained for. There’s only one girl that I want to drive me up the fucking wall, and it’s not her!” he was yelling, seething really, his tone harsh and cutting deep but then I let his words settle in along with the feeling of stupidity.
“Ghost, I-“
“Fuck, don’t call me that, my name is Simon,” his voice was still raised and it’s like he didn’t even realize what he’d said until it was out, and we were both taken harshly aback.
I let my mouth drop open a little, taking one step closer to him.
“Simon,” I tried it out and I liked the way it felt rolling off my tongue. I think he liked it too, judging by the way his face softened and his eyes darkened. “Forgive me,” I implored, getting further into his personal space. Crowding him out, really, until my perfume must’ve been suffocating him, thinly veiled by the jacket he’d thrown over me. He didn’t answer. “Forgive me,” I repeated, urgently this time. “Want me to get on my knees and beg? I will. Not for anyone else, but for you, I’ll do it.” He just kept staring at me as I rambled on, “I was jealous, Simon. So jealous, can’t help it with the way she was looking at you. Had me so angry-“
He cut me off, yanking his mask up to his nose and grabbing my throat, pulling me to him and kissing me. I yelped, shocked by the impact, but it only took me seconds to fall into a rhythm, melting where I stood and whimpering for more.
“Such a little slut, begging for me like this and I haven’t even touched you,” he groaned, pulling away to kiss down my neck. I let out a shaky moan, arching into him as his mouth drifted lower.
“Fuck, Simon, please,” I whined, and he laughed.
“I should’ve told you my name a long time ago,” he mused as he brought his mouth back to mine, claiming it as his own. He backed me slowly into the wall, huge hands circling under my thighs and lifting until my legs were wrapped around him and I was caged in his arms.
I got more desperate, squeezing him closer and breaking the kiss to groan when he pressed into me. He was big. Big was an understatement.
“Don’t think that’s gonna fit,” I breathed out and he laughed, nuzzling into me.
“Not tonight it’s not.”
“What?” I was panicking, the need for him growing in me with every passing second.
“Not gonna take you for the first time after a fight like that, baby,” he kissed me again, “Gonna make you wait for it.”
“I’ve been waiting-“
“Don’t whine,” he shut me up, “Makes me want you too bad. Now come on, let’s go back in.”
I pouted as he set me on my feet, all turned on with nowhere to let it out. I followed him as he dragged me inside, pulling his mask down at the same time.
We garnered some stares as we walked in, hand in hand, people obviously knowing exactly what was going on. There were some surprised looks, I wasn’t exactly known for being seen with a man or even settling for a man at all. People were used to be flitting about, flirting but never enough to care.
“Everything okay?” Soap asked as we approached their table, where Sabrina and Dylan were already standing, chatting away.
“We’re just fine,” Simon nodded, and I stayed quiet, blush on my cheeks still, and my eyes might as well have had hearts in them as I gazed at him.
“You’ve got a little… bruise….” Sabrina muttered, grazing her thumb over a spot on my neck and I gasped, pulling the jacket up higher. Everyone laughed at that, and it looked like even Simon smirked but I couldn’t quite tell under the mask.
He pulled out a chair for me and one for himself right beside me and I sat down. They kept cracking their little jokes and I kept not saying much, too lost in thought. I wanted him and I wanted him bad.
I placed my hand on his thigh, rubbing slightly and making my way further and further up. He slapped it away but I just put it back, continuing my ascent. “If I leave, will you follow me?” I whispered the question in his ear, and he just looked at me, but the way his eyes grazed over me let me know he was on the hook. I smirked, pulling my hand away and fleeing to the back room.
The new girl came in behind me, her face twisted in blatant annoyance.
“You can’t be back here,” she spat.
“Yet somehow, I am,” I giggled, waving her away, “Anything else?”
“I thought you were nice when I first met you earlier, but you’re really just a bitch, huh?” I cocked a brow as she let those words slip.
“Do you want to find out just how much of a bitch I am?” I questioned, and she didn’t back down. “Get out. Now. Go ride a dick in the bathroom or something like you’ve been trying to all night.”
“I think I will, in fact I think I’ll go for that man in the mask,” she smirked and before I could even laugh, he came in.
“Fuck off,” he grunted, “This seat’s taken.”
I snorted and she just gawked.
“She isn’t even supposed to be in here!” she huffed.
“Go tattle on her, then,” he barked, and she jumped, making her way out of the room. Once we were alone, he closed the door, turning the lock behind him. I smirked, walking towards him slowly, slipping the jacket further and further off with every step until it was on the floor.
“Just gonna leave my jacket on the ground like that?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it,” I winked, finally reaching him and placing my hands on his chest, balling them in the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Sweetheart,” he groaned, “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
“I don’t care, as long as I win,” I clicked my tongue, sinking slowly down to one knee, and then the other.
He let out a ragged breath as my hands slid down, tugging his belt until it was unbuckled and sliding out of the loops. Then I got his button and zipper undone, pulling down just enough to expose his boxers slightly.
“Aw, my poor Simon, you just wanted me to touch you, huh?” I cooed, pulling the boxers down enough to expose the tip. “I got you this turned on, baby?”
“Don’t forget your place,” he growled, but his actions were sweet as he brushed my hair back from my face lightly.
“I know my place,” I smiled, “On my knees with my mouth wrapped around you.”
He all but growled, hips bucking into my touch. When I raised a brow, he admitted, “Been a while.”
“For me, too,” I offered, hoping it would make him feel better, before pulling his boxers down further and exposing the entirety of him.
“Fuck,” I gasped, “You’re huge.”
“Gonna keep talking about it or put your mouth on it?”
I didn’t need any more encouragement, getting straight to work, starting with a stripe licked up the back and ending by sucking the tip into my mouth, twirling my tongue around it teasingly.
“Fuck, please,” he breathed out, hand pulling my hair tighter as I took more of him. I had to ease my way down to adjust my throat, but once I got as much as I could in, I started moving back and forth. He held me there until my eyes were teary and wet, my throat completely expanded, and I let him use me.
“Wanna see you,” he told me and I nodded as well as I could, humming around him and pulling my dress and bra down to expose myself, the air making my nipples hard as they’d ever been. I’m sure he had something to do with that, too. “So fucking - agh - perfect, so perfect for me, fuck please keep going,” he sounded broken, but not in the same way other men I’d been with did. He sounded needy, like he’d been waiting his whole life for that one moment and he never wanted it to end. I’d never felt that from anyone before, and I wanted more of it so I got greedier with him in my mouth, savoring the weight of him on my tongue.
“Fuck, y’gonna make me cum,” he gasped, squeezing my hair to pull me back a little as his hips stuttered. It was a sweet gesture, to keep from hurting me with his movements, and I moaned around him, which seemed to tumble him right over the edge. He groaned with one last thrust of his hips and pulled out just enough for me to open my mouth wide and stick out my tongue, letting him let go right there inside of it. He watched closely as he did so, enjoying every second, right to when I swallowed it all.
I grinned after he came down, pulling his boxers back up and doing his pants back up for him then standing and wiping my mouth gently.
“See you out there,” I winked as I began to walk past him, but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back to him, picking me up and bringing me to the small bench in the corner. He laid me on it, pulling me to the edge and kneeling in front of me, eyes dark on me.
“What’re you doin’?” I asked, breath coming out quicker, heart racing.
“Showing you what your place is, since you’re a little confused,” his voice was rough as he hooked a finger in my panties, pulling them off of me swiftly, “It’s laid out with your legs spread wipe open just for me.”
I gasped, squirming under his gaze as he brought a finger down to swipe through my folds.
“Please,” I whimpered, and he chuckled.
“That’s it, what a good little slut, begging me to touch you. What do you want from me baby? Want my fingers in this little cunt?”
I nodded frantically, eyes wide and pleading, and he obliged, ripping his gloves off and slipping one finger in. I let out a broken moan as he went in and out, thinking it couldn’t possible get better but then it did as he slipped in two, fucking me with his digits, curling them around that spongy spot inside of me.
“Simon, I - fuck - please -!” he went a little faster, and I tried my best not to scream but it was so hard.
Then, all at once, he went away.
“What are you-“
“I’m not goin’ anywhere, calm down,” he shushed me and I relaxed, lying back and watching as he grabbed his jacket. He walked over to me, placing one of the sleeves over my eyes and tying it behind me, making a blindfold of sorts.
“What’s this for?” I asked, and I heard a bit of movement and something being set down before he grabbed my hands and lifted them to his face, laying them down there on bare skin.
I gasped, feeling around, greedy for more then I found it in his hair. I tugged lightly, loving how it felt in my fingers, and he groaned. Before I could even process his bare face, he’d leaned down and kissed me again, his fingers going back to where I needed him most and pushing back in. I rutted against him desperately as his tongue explored my mouth, then moved downwards. To my neck, then my chest, spending a little extra time there teasing me, then down my belly and to where his fingers were.
He circled his tongue around my clit and electricity shot through me as I let out a shriek, my legs falling over his shoulders and pulling him closer as my hand fisted in his hair. He lapped at me like a man starved, working harder for me than anyone ever had, coaxing me farther and farther open until I didn’t feel like I could even inhale. He noticed, pulling away just enough to rasp, “Breathe, baby. I’ve got you, just relax and let me make you cum.”
I moaned again, back arching as I began feeling that peak inside of me getting closer and closer. He could feel it too, so he sped up his movements and added another finger, tipping me over the edge and fucking me through it as I wailed. What felt like forever later, I collapsed in a heap, gasping for breath.
A minute later, he took the jacket off of my face and I pouted when I saw his mask was back on, as well as his gloves. I started to get up but he stopped me with a hand on my chest, laying me back down.
“Hold on,” he ordered and I did, watching him look around for a second before coming back with a little towel he’d found. He carefully cleaned me up, and I watched him in a daze, those dangerous feelings bubbling up in my chest once more. I was a goner for him, and suddenly the thought that he had to leave soon hit me and my eyes were getting hot.
“I’m gonna keep these,” he smirked as he pocketed my underwear, and I nodded, staring at the ceiling. He got quiet, taking note of my attitude change and furrowing his brows. “What’s wrong?” I didn’t answer and panic set in. “Was that not okay? Did you not want that? Fuck - I’m sorry, I-“
“No,” I shook my head, “I wanted it. It was good. Perfect, even. I just… I feel like I can’t tell you what’s wrong.”
“Because you’ll laugh at me.”
“Promise I won’t.”
“You have to leave. I just feel…”
“No,” I placed my hand on his to quiet those thoughts in his head, sitting up carefully, pulling my dress back to somewhat modesty. “Sad.”
“Oh,” he said, seeming surprised. “You know, sweetheart, I’m not the kind of man you wanna care about.”
“It’s a little too late for that.”
“I’ll be back. I promise I will.”
“And if you can’t keep that promise?”
“I can.”
The tears fell then and he sat beside me, pulling me into his arms as I cried. “Shh,” he whispered, “It’s okay. I’ll be back. Just let it out.” His hand was rubbing circles on my back, easing some of the pain. I couldn’t believe how vulnerable I was being, but I felt completely wrecked and he hadn’t even fucked me, and now he had to leave. Of course I was vulnerable,
I stopped crying, pulling slightly away from him and wiping my face as best I could.
“We should go back out there. Try to have a good night.”
“Baby, I’ve already had a good night,” he chuckled and I let out a little giggle too.
“Okay, then let’s try to keep the good night going. Come on. There’s no telling what they’ve said about us by now.”
“Probably nothing that wasn’t true.”
“Yeah…” I mumbled, “We haven’t been too subtle, huh?”
“I think when you showed your ass to everybody in the bar, subtlety went out the window.”
“Probably,” I laughed, standing up and bringing him with me. He slipped the jacket back over my shoulders as we walked out.
“You don’t have underwear on, I’m doing damage control.”
Just as I expected, everyone picked on us, and the night was full of endless innuendos. I just stayed quiet and shy, gazing at Simon, and it almost seemed like he was gazing back. He kept either his arm around me or his hand on my leg for the whole rest of the night, seeming like he didn’t want to let me go.
Unfortunately, the time came that he had to, and we all parted ways and he walked me to my car, still holding me to his side.
“You gonna be ok?” he asked, hand cupping my cheek as I stared at him with those same heart eyes I had for him before.
“I think so,” I grinned and his eyes fell to my lips.
“I meant what I said,” he told me, “I’ll be back for you.”
“I’ll be waiting,” I hummed, pulling him a little closer until I was trapped between him and my car, but there was nowhere else I’d rather be.
He lifted his mask to his nose again and I smiled, knowing what was coming. His mouth fell down to mine, slower than before but just as intense. It was short and sweet, but memorable, and I chased him as he pulled away.
“Go home, sweetheart,” he mumbled, kissing me on the forehead before putting some distance between us. He started to pull his mask down but I stopped him, jumping on him one last time in a panic and kissing him with everything I had. It lasted longer and left us both breathless. When I finally stepped back, he just smiled at me, and I realized it was the first time I’d seen his real smile. It was the prettiest thing I’d ever had the luxury of seeing, and I pouted when he covered it up.
“Please stay safe,” I told him, finally letting his hand go and getting in my car.
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nobody-nexus · 6 months
TADC Cast Body HCs (+ Other HCs)
Warning for like not full on nudity but characters in their underwear as to show off their body types. This is in NO WAY sexual in any context, this is me showing off my personal hcs for them and practicing body types. if you think this is in any way sexual, then your mind's simply in the gutter
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First is Pomni. I like her being a bit of the rounder type despite her being a fucking twig in canon. Also tail because we love cat Pomni. The most fun I had was with her slightly changed outfit!
Gender and Sexuality HCs: Transfem and Demiromantic Lesbian
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Of course, I did Ragatha next. I thought her having joints that were also stitched would be a nice touch! That with the freckles, literal belly button, and adding some more pink, she looks wonderful
Gender and Sexuality HCs: Cisgender and Bisexual (Female Lean)
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To complete the first trio, I then did Jax. Admittedly, his design wasn't changed all that much. I just gave him slightly more cartoonish features. Same color palette and all!
Gender and Sexuality HCs: Transmasc and Bisexual (No Lean)
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For the first of the second trio, I did Gangle! She was very easy to make tbh, but I wanted to give her something to wear- so a hoodie will do! I think it fits her well
Gender and Sexuality HCs: Cisgender and Aromantic and Asexual
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Admittedly I wasn't thinking of giving Zooble anything to wear, but this shirt popped into my head so I just had to. Their design didn't change much, but I just added more details
Gender and Sexuality HCs: Agender and Pansexual
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Second to last was Kinger, and yes I DID have a funny experience drawing him without his robe. Similar to Gangle and Zooble, there wasn't much to add/change except give him some more detail
Gender and Sexuality HCs: Cishet Ally (He misses his wife)
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Last, but certainly not least, it's Caine! I originally WAS going to give him an out of ringmaster body, but then I remembered a Gooseworx fact that he is actually nothing underneath. And I just HAD to do that
Gender and Sexuality HCs: He doesn't even know himself!
So yeah I'll be drawing the gang like this from now on! (When it's not the Sinful Circus AU, of course) I do hope you enjoy these hcs ^^
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rocknrollbabe14 · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours (Part 2)
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Warnings: cursing, smut, nudity, fingering, oral (female receiving), p in v sex (protected), some angst at the end.
Read part one here
There was another short walk to his flat, him pulling out his keys to unlock his door. 
A scent of bourbon filled your nose as his door opened, him flipping on his hallway light. You were in awe as you looked around, getting a slightly better sense of him as a person. You noticed his shoes were neatly lined up by the door, a couple of his jackets hanging on the wall. 
“It’s not very fancy.”, he laughed as he raked a hand through his curls. 
“No, it’s very nice.”, you began as you slid your boots off, neatly lining them up beside his. 
Being the gentleman that he is, he helped you take his peacoat off and immediately hung it up. You carefully walked through the hallway, getting a choice as to whether to branch off to the kitchen or the living room. The living room was dark as he flipped on the light to the kitchen. 
“Do you want anything to drink? I’ve got wine, water, soda—”, he rambled as he opened his fridge. 
“Water and wine?”, you laughed easily, coming over to his bar. 
“Of course.”, he smiled as he pulled out some glasses. 
You all made more small talk, laughing as you sat in his kitchen. You both were drinking, beginning to feel a slight buzz as his phone went off. He was leaned over the kitchen counter, making you laugh. He looked down. 
-Hey. How did things go? Make it home okay?
“Everything okay?”, you asked as you took another sip of your wine, noticing his face was crinkled in concentration. 
“Yeah, just my mate, Wesley texting me.” 
-Yes. Great, amazing actually. She’s still here. I’ll text you later, if that’s okay?
You nodded as his phone dinged again. 
-Ohhhh okay. Have a good night. Talk tomorrow. ;) 
Joe laughed easily as he laid his phone back across the counter slightly. “He just was making sure I made it home alright.”
“He’s a good friend.”, you smirked easily, taking another look at your phone. 
No texts or calls from your friends. Part of you was worried about them, but there was nothing you could do. Before you knew it, it was midnight.
“Guess they’re not calling me back.”
“It’s fine. I can get you a shirt to sleep in and give you my bed?”
“You sure it’s okay?”
He nodded, chuckling. “Yeah, I’ll show you my bedroom.”
You followed him down the hallway, a door opening to reveal his master bedroom. The room was neat and organized, but you could definitely tell it belonged to a man. The bed was a king sized, big enough for two people. You hated to think how many girls had been here. Shaking your head, you tried to get the thought out of your head. He went over his drawers, beginning to go through them before pulling out a white t-shirt. 
He handed it to you, smiling. 
“Do you wanna get changed and I’ll go shower?”, he asked. “Or I can let you change while I clean the kitchen up?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”, you smiled softly. 
He smiled at you before closing his bedroom door softly. You began to slide your tights down, taking your dress over your head. You eyed yourself in the mirror of his dresser. Comparison was a thief of joy, you had always been told. But thinking about all the potential girls Joseph could have instead of you was daunting. What made you stick out to him? He could tell you a thousand times, but it was still hard to put your finger on. You undid your bra, folding all your clothes together neatly and sitting them on his dresser. 
His t-shirt hit your thighs, being oversized on you. You weren’t complaining as you peeled his covers back, slipping into his bed. The sheets were soft against your skin immediately eliciting a yawn from you. Joe was right, jet lag was really catching up to you. You turned the lamp off before pulling the sheets and comforter over you, snuggling into his bed, doing your best not to think about the fact you were in his flat—in his bed. Your eyes shot open, realizing the bed smelled like him. 
Doing your best to fall asleep before he came back, you closed your eyes and tried to focus on anything but him. Somehow, you eventually managed to drift off—not even hearing him come in the bedroom to go to the bathroom and shower. 
Half asleep, your eyes fluttered open and instantly feeling the urge to need to pee. You closed your eyes, trying to make it disappear. But it didn’t work. Peeling the covers back, you walked to the bathroom. You opened the door easily, your brain clearly not functioning. It didn’t register that the bathroom light was still on. You didn’t think he’d still be in the bathroom. That’s when you turned around and noticed him—your mouth instantly gaping at the sight. 
His snow white towel was on the floor, him standing completely nude in the bathroom. Your eyes panned from his feet to his head, noticing his curls were damp, naturally laying. Your eyes closed quickly. 
“Oh—my—God—I am so so sorry.”, you breathed, feeling your cheeks instantly heating up. 
You couldn’t bare to open your eyes in that moment, feeling extremely embarrassed. This was by far the stupidest thing you had done.  There was silence that lay in between you both for a moment. This had to top the moment you spilled your coffee on him. Why would he want you if all you could do was screw up? You opened your eyes, only able to stare at your feet. 
All you could hear was Joseph’s nervous chuckle fill the room. “No—no—it’s fine.”
Accidentally, without thinking, you looked up to meet his glance. “I am really sorry…..”
“It’s really, okay. My fault too. I’ve took a really long shower, I’d usually be done by now.”
Your eyes drifted down to see his length, swallowing hard. It was like a bad accident, you couldn’t look away.
“Is—something—wrong with it?”, he asked, looking down.
Your cheeks went scarlet red, beginning to stammer. “No—no! Absolutely not…sorry I shouldn’t even be looking.”
Joseph chuckled again, smirking over at you. How was he staying so calm in this? 
“Not liking what you see?”, he asked, easily. 
Your mouth was still gaped open, laughing nervously as you tried to process what was unfolding in front of you. 
“No, it’s not that—”
“Is something wrong with it? Is it too big?”, he asked, looking down at himself. 
You swallowed hard again, wondering if this was even real life. Was this some fever dream. You reached up, pinching the outside of your forearm. Ouch. Definitely, not a dream. 
“I mean—“, he began, looking down at himself and taking himself in his hands. “It’s really not that big.”
You watched his thick hands rub the length of his cock, beginning to work up and down his shaft. There was no way you could look away now. You swallowed hard again, your mouth beginning to salivate. It had been a long time since you had sex or even sucked a guy off. This was the first time you’d seen a guy naked in a very long time. Soft sighs and groans escaped from his lips as he watched you for a reaction, clearly teasing you. 
“Yeah, it is—”, you began. “Never had one that big.”
A smile spread across his lips. “Really?”
You nodded. 
“I’m surprised….”, he groaned, stroking himself again. “I was sure you’d had one bigger than me….”
“No—you’re pretty big…”, you gulped easily, feeling your stomach begin to twist into knots.
He chuckled easily, continuing to stroke himself and making himself erect. “I’d love to stretch you out—if you’d let me…and want me to…”
You laughed easily. “Really?”
You leaned on the counter for support.
“Fuck—yes….just seeing you in my shirt and panties is driving me crazy…..I’ve been thinking about getting you out of that dress this entire night….”
“Do—you think I can take you?”, you asked softly.
Joe laughed, stroking his cock slowly to keep himself from cumming so quickly. “Oh yeah—might hurt a little but you could take me….I just know your pretty little pussy could….”
Your heart practically dropped down into your stomach.
“Wanna find out?”, you asked softly.
His eyes lit up, still stroking his cock. “I do—so bad….”
“Wanna feel me? Just see what you’ll be taking.”, he groaned as he gave his length another long stroke.
He grabbed your hand softly, bringing it over to his cock. You bit your lip softly. He helped you take your hand up and down his length, causing a soft moan to escape your lips. He was thick and long, just perfect. Everything you imagined him to be and more. He faltered under your touch, groaning with each stroke. You felt more comfortable, but were still wondering how you were going to take him. 
“You tell me when you’re ready, love.”
“Well, let me finish up in here and I’ll meet you in your bedroom, if that’s okay.”
“Sounds perfect.”, he smirked, your hand falling from his cock. 
You sighed at the loss of contact, watching him leave the bathroom. You quickly tried to get yourself together, finishing what you needed to do before checking your appearance one last time in the mirror. You were still unsure what he saw in you, but you took a deep breath and left the bathroom, turning off the light. Joe was sprawled out in the bed, head on his pillows. The sheets and comforter were threw back and he was taking his broad fingers up and down his cock, his eyes closed.
“Oh fuck…”, he moaned as his eyes fluttered open, viewing you.
“Want me to undress?”, you asked meekly.
“Oh no, I’ll take care of you, love.”, he breathed, letting go of his cock that was already oozing pre-cum at the tip. 
You bit your lip at the sight as he leaned up to grab the hem of his white t-shirt, bringing it up and over your head before tossing it on his floor. 
“No bra? Oh my God your tits look amazing, so perky.”, he moaned as he kissed your chest, beginning to trail down the globe of your breast nearing your nipple. 
“Joe, come on.”, you laughed easily as goosebumps popped up all over your skin, stomach continuing to knot at his words. 
“I’m so serious, love. Your entire body is so beautiful and sexy.”, he hummed as he traced your abdomen with his fingertips, lips headed straight towards your nipple.
You felt his tongue swirl around the bud of your nipple, a sigh falling from your lips. His teeth grazed your nipple, causing you to jolt slightly. He chuckled with your breast in his mouth, the sound muffled as he looked up at you with those daunting brown eyes. You closed your eyes, inhaling sharply as his other hand moved up your abdomen to your other breast, beginning to pinch and rub the nipple in-between his index and thumb.
It was making your brain go dumb, making you stupid. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but this was the best you had felt in a very long time. It was pure euphoria and you could only imagine what it would feel like for him to be inside you. You could feel the eagerness rising in your core, counting down the seconds until he would be inside you, feeling like a complete nymphomaniac. 
“Do you say that to all the girls you sleep with?”, you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Joe scoffed, breast still in your mouth. He sucked your nipple, tongue tracing your nipple as it got hard inside his mouth before he chuckled. “No—matter of fact, it’s been a long time since I’ve had sex….and never with anyone more beautiful than you.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Sure….you just feel sorry for me since I spilled my coffee on you.”
Joe popped your breast out of his mouth. “This isn’t pity sex…..this is because you’re all I’ve been thinking about ever since you dumped your coffee on me.”
You giggled. “Promise?”
He smirked, continuing to toy with your nipple inbetween his fingers. “I promise….”
Letting go of your nipple, he immediately reached down for the hem of your panties as he began to tug them down your hips. You let them fall down your thighs, down your shins, and finally stepping out of them. 
“Oh fuck, love. Look at you, such a pretty pussy—just like I imagined.”, he smirked, eyeing you.
You felt the blush widen across your cheeks. “Mhmmm, you think so?”
“Oh I know so…can’t wait to be inside it.” 
You closed your eyes and swallowed hard as you felt shivers cascade down your skin, your stomach twist and tighten further in knots. Feeling his broad, thick fingers hug your hips made you crave and desire him even more. The pit of your stomach ached, desiring him. You were beginning to crave him. A small, cheeky smile spread its way across his lips as he looked up at you with those deep brown eyes laced with desire. He never broke eye contact, watching for your reaction as he placed gentle kisses on your stomach.
“You mean it?”
“Of course, love. Thought about it since I met you…..”
He placed another soft, tender kiss against your stomach. 
You finally gave in, letting out a soft moan that was music to his ears. You felt his lips curve into a smile against your soft, plush skin. 
“Can’t wait for those moans to fill my ears when I slip inside you.”, he mumbled against your skin. 
Had you still managed to charm a man even though you made an absolute fool of yourself—not once but twice? 
“Joe…..”, you breathed, the end vowel of his name turning into a small moan.
“Yes, love?”
“Need you—sounds so stupid, doesn’t it?”, you groaned at the last part.
“No—love, not at all. Wanna come get in bed with me?”, he took both his hands up your abdomen to your breasts, gripping them and squeezing them eliciting a moan from you. 
You nodded aimlessly, hearing the sound of his chuckles fill your ears. In one swift motion, he laid back on the bed, gripping your side and pulling you flush on top of him. Instinctively, you parted your legs, lazily straddling him. You began to feel your cheeks heat up as his rock, hard cock dug into your abdomen causing your core to tighten and knot. You could feel his breath hit your face, making you realize this wasn’t a dream and was a reality. 
“Mhmmm, want me on top?”, Joe asked, beginning to kiss your neck.
“Yeah, would be good.”, you breathed, a small moan coming out.
“Okay, love. Just fall in bed beside me and I’ll take control. Is that okay?”
You nodded again, words completely leaving you. Him in control made your brain begin spiraling, only imagining what euphoria you’d be experiencing soon. When it came to sex, you weren’t completely oblivious. You had been in a committed relationship, having sex with your ex but somehow, it was never fulfilling like you wished it could have been. Your sexual encounter with Joe was already proving to take care of you in ways you never thought possible. He was in tune to you, asking you what you wanted.
He was making you an active member in this romantic rendezvous, your opinion mattered. Something your ex never gave you.
A soft thud of his plush bed indicated you’d fell beside him. He watched your chest heaving as your body was trying to catch up. 
“I have another idea, love. Tell me what you think.”, he brushed through your hair.
Somehow, he managed to give you the perfect dose of attention.
“Okay.”, you swallowed easily, waiting for his explanation.
“Ever been fingered? Eat out?”, he asked, his cock throbbing and pulsing at the use of his vocabulary.
Your core throbbed, the ache becoming stronger. 
“Not good—not enjoyable for me.”, you swallowed hard, barely able to form a sentence. 
He smirked, his brown eyes burning with devilish desire. “Would you like me to? I promise I’ll make it all about you….”, he groaned softly.
You sharply inhaled, feeling his fingers trace down your abdomen. 
“Tell me what you’d do.”, you breathed softly. 
Another hearty chuckle escaped him, his brown eyes gleaming up at you. He felt his cock pulse and ache under him, dying to feel you for the first time. He craved you, needed you. It almost sounded stupid when he admitted it inside his head, but he couldn’t help it. There was something about you that intrigued him and drew him to you.
“Well, I could let you spread your legs,”, he began, fingers tracing down your thighs, causing a sharp exhale, “and then I could trace my fingers back up to the inside of your thigh, slipping two fingers inside your pussy, maybe rubbing into your clit.”
“Tell me more.”, you moaned, his words falling soft on your ear. 
It was exactly what you wanted to hear—what you desired to hear for so long.
He smirked, looking down at you. “Then I could finger you—pleasure you while I work my fingers in and out of you, making sure you’re ready for me—ready to take me.”
You smirked. “And how would you know I’m ready for you?”
Your voice was soft.
“Well,”, he smirked up at you, brown eyes shining. “You’ll be soaking wet, so wet that if I pull my fingers out, they’ll practically stick together from how wet you are.”
Your stomach instantly knotted at his words, your hazy eyes looking up at him. You’d just wish he’d hurry and take you, the anticipation eating away at you.
“Yeah.”, he confirmed. “And then you’ll miss my fingers for a second when I pull them out, tasting your sweet juices off my fingers before I spread your legs and put my head in-between your thighs, my beard brushing the insides of your legs as I begin lapping at your cunt.”
Another sharp inhale. “Well, what are you waiting for?”
“You want it?”, he kissed your neck.
“That and so much more, please Joe, I’m usually not a beggar, but I’m begging.”
His eyes were surprised. “You don’t have to beg, love. Just say the word.”
“I’m saying it, Joe. Please.”, you moaned softly, blindly grabbing his hand, bringing his hand to the side of your thigh. 
He looked a little surprised, but quickly regained his composure. “Okay, love. Let me take care of you and you just relax. Just tell me if you don’t like something and I’ll stop. I want you to feel comfortable and taken care of.”
“Okay, I will. I promise.”
“Good, amazing.”, he smiled as his hands traced your thigh, moving upwards to your inner thigh.
“What are you gonna do first?”, you leaned your head off the pillow.
“What do you want first?”
“Surprise me.”
He nodded before gripping your thighs, spreading them apart. His fingers sent chills all over your body, fluttering your eyes shut for a moment before shooting them open again, afraid you might miss something—the slightest movement of his hands, his hips, anything. You were afraid to miss any moment of this. Taking a sharp inhale, you prepared your body for the crash of sensation it was about to receive. Was there anyway to fully prepare? 
If someone had told you earlier today that you would have been in the bed with Joe, the British bloak you had spilled your coffee on, you would have told them they were crazy. You had no idea it would take a turn like this, but you were glad—so glad it had. 
He laid down flat on the bed on his belly, a groan escaping his throat as he began pressing his hard cock into the mattress. His own erection would have to wait, he was going to be busy taking care of you right now. 
“You’re okay, right?”
Your voice sounded pathetic, needy to say the least. 
His eyes looked up at you. “I’m great, love. But for right now, let’s just worry about you, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
He was satisfied, positioning his head perfectly between the space of your thighs spread apart. In your head, you immediately began to feel slightly unsure of yourself—what if you didn’t taste good? What if you didn’t smell good? 
“Um, Joe”, you sighed, the apprehension clear in your voice.
“Yes, love?”
He ceased his actions completely. 
“Um, what if its—what if I—?”, you stammered, unable to completely form your words. 
He rose his head up from in-between your legs, looking at you easily. “You’re scared you won’t taste good or that you’ll smell bad, is that it?”
It was like he could read your mind. 
You nodded easily, swallowing hard.
“You won’t taste bad, I just know it.”, he rubbed your thigh reassuringly, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
“And what if—?”,
“You won’t smell bad, either. Just trust me, please love.”
You sighed easily, trying to relax into the mattress. You were moments away from euphoria if you’d just trust him. 
“Okay.”, you finally said.
“If you want me to stop, just say so, okay?”
You nodded again.  His head dipped back down between your legs, feeling his hands spread your thighs apart again, giving him a full view of your cunt. 
“Damn, you look amazing. So tight and pretty, ready for me, isn’t it?”
You nodded easily before he traced his thick, broad fingers along your entrance. Without warning, he stuck two fingers inside your pussy, causing you to moan and grip the bedsheets. His gingers were larger and thicker than yours, something you were no longer used to. Your breathing hitched, a small moan filling the room. 
“You’re so tight.”, he breathed, continuing to work his fingers around your slick folds. 
Following your instincts, you rolled your hips against his fingers, already eager and ready for him. His fingers continued to fuck your slick, swollen folds. You moaned, gripping the sheets so tight your knuckles were turning white. That was before he decided to add his thumb rubbing your clit to the mix. Another loud moan filled the room, your toes already beginning to curl under his touch.
“Like me playing with your clit, love?”, he breathed.
All you could manage was a nod. Your clit was very sensitive under his touch, shockwaves coarsing through your body. 
“Joe,”, you moaned, gripping the sheets inside your hand. 
“Hmmm? What do you need, love?”
Why couldn’t your brain form words? You closed your eyes, knowing you sounded so stupid. 
“Need what? Need a break? Want me to use my mouth now?”, he asked, his free hand rubbing up and down your thigh. 
You nodded. 
“Okay, love.”
His fingers left your dripping heat, admiring your juices on his fingers. You instantly felt your cheeks heating up, noticing how his fingers glistened. He was right, you missed the contact almost immediately. 
“You’re so wet for me. Let’s just see how sweet you taste.”
Your stomach knotted as he brought his fingers soaked in your juices up to his lips, instantly popping one inside his mouth. His brown eyes shut, sucking on his finger like it was a lollipop. He groaned slightly at the taste. “Can’t wait to eat you out.”
You swallowed again, heart pounding inside your chest. Your entire body felt like it was on fire. “Me either.”
His eyes shot back open. “Really?”
“Really.”, you confirmed.
“I won’t waste another second then.”
You gulped down your response as Joe parted your legs once more, the air hitting your thighs were your juices lingered causing a chill to spread across your skin. Joseph’s brown eyes stared deep into yours as he went back to laying flush agains the mattress. At least he could grind his hips into the bed, providing some relief until he was able to bury himself deep inside of you. Joe couldn’t wait to hear your pitiful, needy moans. 
His head disappeared between your legs, wasting no more time beginning this task. You felt his tongue take its first swipe between your wet folds. Your back began arching, already clearly affected by his actions. Feeling his lips curve into a smirk against you almost sent you into oblivion. His grip on your thighs tightened, keeping you close to him. If he could, he would savor this moment forever. Regardless, it would be etched inside his brain forever and he hoped this wouldn’t be the last time he ever got to revel you. 
Without warning, you felt his tongue swipe between your wet slit, gaining a moan from you. You could instantly tell his pleased Joe, letting him know he was doing a good job. You parted your legs as far apart as they’d go, allowing him full access to you. Joe began picking up the pace, flicking his tongue over your folds. 
“Oh fuck, Joe.”, you moaned, gripping the blanket—anything you could get your hands on.
He barely pulled his tongue away from you. “Do you like me eating you out, love?”
You nodded feverishly. “Love it—”
He smiled, going back to running his tongue against your folds. Your eyes rolled back into your head, your brain already overloaded. Joe took his hands, moving your legs up on his shoulders, allowing him more leverage. Your hands continued to grip the blanket, bedsheet, whatever you managed to grab onto. You couldn’t hold back your moans with each flick and swipe of his tongue, practically sending you over the edge. 
You were beginning to come undone and quickly at that. You deduced you needed something else to sink your fingers into. Hazily, you eyed Joe’s curls and decided they would be perfect for you to grab onto. You removed your grip from the bedsheets, leaning up ever so slightly to run your hand through Joe’s curls. Your brain debated for a moment if this was the right thing to do. 
Quickly, you decided it was. Tugging at his curls, you caused him to moan against you, sending vibrations throughout your heat. His finger tips dug deeper into your thighs, causing you to moan in turn. There was so many different feelings coursing through your body, your brain couldn’t keep up with them all. Finally, you felt his beard rubbing and grazing against your thighs. 
His beard brushed against your core as he continued to fuck you with his tongue. You could begin to feel yourself, slipping away—nearing an orgasm. Joseph’s tongue was fucking you in the right way way in all the right places, your body continuing to climb its high. The knot in your stomach made you realize your impending orgasm was near. 
“Joe—”, you moaned, mewling under his tongue.
“Hm?”, he hummed.
“I think I’m gonna cum—”
He barely pulled away from your cunt, causing you to whimper at the lack of his tongue buried inside you. “Cum for me, love. Can’t wait to taste you.”
His tongue re-entered your cunt, all it took for him to send you over the edge.
“Oh shit—gonna cum, Joe. Gonna cum right now.”, you moaned out, gripping your fingers tighter in his curls, giving them a slight tug. 
He held his tongue still, allowing you to ride out your orgasm. He felt your juices wash over his tongue, exactly what he had been waiting for you. Your toes were curled up near his head, your vision going blurry as you cried out, feeling your cunt tighten around his tongue. Your chest heaved up and down as he lapped at your cunt, smothering himself inside your cunt to get the final taste. Once he felt content, Joe pulled away and looked up at you, feeling his breath hit your core. 
You could tell Joe was usually a man of class, however, how he looked right now made him that much more irresistible. He didn’t break eye contact with you as you noticed his beard glisten even in the low light. He ran his tongue over his lips and the upper stubble of his beard, tasting the remainder of you from tongue fucking you. A small sight escaped you while watching this unfold in front of you. 
“You taste so fucking good, love. Do you want a taste?”
Your eyes widened easily, a nervous laugh filling the room. 
“Do you want a taste?”, he repeated. “See what’s driving me so mad?”
You nodded without much further thought, leaning up to meet him. He met you halfway, crashing his lips into yours, you moaning into his mouth. Your core was burning, aching for him. He rested his free hand on the small of your back, helping steady you from falling backwards in the bed. It was clear you were still reeling from your orgasm minutes before. Even if he was sultry and sensual, he had a caring side to him. One of the many reasons you were falling for him. 
His beard began to tickle your upper lip, causing you to hum in satisfaction from the sensation. He was right, your taste—wasn’t bad. He continued to kiss you, allowing to taste yourself and how sensual it was. 
He broke the kiss unexpectedly—much to your dismay. “What do you think, love?”
“Not bad.”, you blushed at him.
“Not too bad? Fuck, it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, love.”
Joseph shifted in bed easily, laying beside you. His cock was still standing at full attention, obvious he had been leaking precum. You looked over at him, still on a high from your orgasm. He closed his eyes while laying beside of you, beginning to stroke his cock to relieve some pressure. 
“Oh fuck.”, he moaned, feeling the precum on his hand. 
“What do we do now?”, you whispered lowly. 
“What do you want to do now, love? Do you want me inside you?”, he breathed.
You nodded. “God, do I?”
“What about your friends?”, he teased. 
“I don’t care right now, Joe. Please.”
He chuckled as he pulled out a drawer on his side of the bed, pulling out a condom. You swallowed hard as he ripped the package in half, exposing the condom. He placed it at the tip of his cock, beginning to unroll it over the length of his hard, erect cock. It gave you time to admire his length and girth, being all you could imagine and more. He groaned softly, making sure it was on his cock correctly. He pulled at the tip of the condom, leaving enough room for his cum. 
“Ready, love? Cause I’ve been more than ready for you.”
You nodded easily. 
“Is missionary okay?”
“Perfect.”, you breathed.
You melted into his pile of pillows, making yourself comfortable. He gave you a chance to get comfortable, climbing on top of you. He gave himself a couple more long strokes before lining his cock up with your cunt. 
“Yes.”, you said softly, nodding sheepishly. 
To your surprise, he shoved his cock deep inside your throbbing, wet cunt. This elicited a gasp from you, not expecting him to make you feel so full. The initial entrance of his cock stretched you, causing a minimal burning sensation but he stopped, allowing you time to adjust to his size. 
“You okay, love?”
“Perfect.”, you moaned easily. 
“Ready for me to move?”
“Yeah—just not used to having one so big inside me.”, you sighed.
You felt his cock pulse and twitch inside you, him releasing a moan. “You don’t mean that….”
“I do.”
He smirked, beginning to thrust his hips into you rhythmically, going deeper with each thrust. Your compliment gave him a boost of confidence.You moaned, allowing your eyes roll back into your head. You could feel your brain going stupid with each thrust. He was beginning to breathe heavily, fucking himself into you. 
“How’s—it—feel, love?”, he grunted, hitting the spot that made you forget your name.
“A-amazing.”, you moaned, gripping his shoulders. 
He could tell he was hitting all the right places, doing all the right things to please you. Your soft moans filled his bedroom, the sweetest sound he had heard in a very long time. It had been a while since he had been in bed with someone. He was quickly realizing he wasn’t going to last a very long time at this rate, but he couldn’t wait to cum. He had been dying to experience this and now, it was here. 
“Good, love. Now, cum for me. Need to feel you on my dick.”, he moaned out, his brown eyes burning with desire.
Part of him couldn’t wait to see how spent you’d look once he was finished fucking you out. He wanted to moan out just seeing your breasts bounce up and down with each thrust he provided you. It was all driving him crazy.
“Don’t hold back for me, please love.”
You nodded groggily, the image of him on top of you beginning to blur. He was grunting, giving it everything he had. He wanted you to cum so bad he couldn’t stand it. He didn’t seem to be tired, even if a few of his curls were sticking to his forehead just before he took his free hand, running it through them as he continued to thrust deep inside you. A few moans hiccuped from you, continuing to fuel his desire. He was exceeding every expectation you had. 
“Joe.”, you moaned.
He began to see it in your eyes, he could see it all over your face. The words he had been dying to her was about to come out of your mouth. It was clear your pupils were blown from being fucked out.
“Yes, love?”, he hummed.
“I’m so close—I think I’m gonna cum.”, you moaned.
“Are you? I have been waiting so long to hear those words.”, he grunted, continuing to fuck himself into you.
Was he trying to make you stupid? If so, he was accomplishing just that. Your brain began to tune everything else out—even the sound of his balls smacking against your ass. If it felt this amazing with a condom, you could only imagine how it would feel without. Maybe someday, you’d find out. Maybe not. 
“Joe….”, you moaned softy, closing your eyes as your toes began to curl. 
You were attempting to edge yourself to allow yourself more time to enjoy this. 
“Cum, love. Please cum for me.”
Your back began to arch, feeling your core hit its climax. “I’m gonna—cum—right now….”
The muscles in your cunt began to twitch and tighten around his cock. You began to feel lightheaded, feeling the heat of your orgasm wash over your entire body. Everything after this point became so much more intense, causing you to whimper. He smirked as he watched you come down off your high, continuing to thrust himself inside you. He wasn’t giving you much of a chance to recover.
“Are you ready for me to cum, love?”, he cooed at you, demeanor becoming sweet. 
You nodded groggily. 
He counted how many thrusts it took after you came. Four, four thrusts before he came. His thrusts ceased as he released the loudest groan, one that filled the entire room. His fingertips sank into your thighs, hips stuttering as he kept himself buried inside of you. His cock pumped his cum into the condom, missing you completely. A smile came across both of your faces, both of you trying to catch you breath. He stayed inside of you just for a minute before he pulled out, the tip of the condom filled with a copious amount of his seed. 
You sighed heavily as he pulled the condom off easily tossing it in the garbage can near his bed. He still managed to have some spill onto his sheets, however, that was the furthest thought from your mind. He fell beside you, breathing heavily.
“How was it?”
“Amazing.”, you smiled at him, laughing. 
“It was. Wasn’t it?”
You all laid there in an awkward silence for a moment. What did you do next? Did you cuddle up to this handsome stranger? I mean, he wasn’t exactly a complete stranger now, but you still didn’t know a lot about him. But something about him felt warm and inviting. 
“Do you want—to cuddle?”, he asked, awkwardly.
“I’m sorry?”, you asked, not sure you had heard him correctly. 
“Never mind, it was a stupid question.”, he sighed, smiling awkwardly. 
“No, what did you ask? No question is a stupid one.”
“I asked,”, he began, clearing his throat. “If you wanted to cuddle.”
The tail end of his sentence was more meek. 
“Oh—”, you began to smirk. “It’s what most people do after they have sex.”
He chuckled easily as you snuggled into him, the scent of his cologne and aftershave mixing with the faint smell of both your arousals. He kissed your head, rubbing his hand up and down the small of your back. This part felt different—it felt intimate. His bedroom was quiet, hearing a few cars and horns in the distance. You could feel your eyes beginning to feel heavily, clearly fucked out. He easily reached down to grab the sheet and comforter, pulling them over you both. 
Your phone was on his bedside table. His arms were around you, running his hands through your hair as if this would help lull you off to sleep. It was working, beginning to feel yourself giving into your exhaustion. Part of you didn’t want to fall asleep, this perfect night coming to an end. Your thoughts became slower, the sounds beginning to be drown out. All you could remember was his hand rubbing the small of your back as you drifted off to sleep.
The sun was shining through his windows as you heard him grunt easily. You were hoping if you stayed still and didn’t arouse too much, he’d go back to sleep too and give you more time to enjoy this bliss. You could hear a phone going off, vibrating and chiming. It sounded so familiar.
“Hey, love.”, he breathed, easily.
“Hmm?”, you groaned softly. 
You felt him move in bed easily, still sleepy. “Your phone is going off. Has been for ten minutes.”
You turned over easily, a sigh escaping you. You picked up your phone, squinting to try and read the bright screen. You had over twenty missed calls from your friends.
“Shit.”, you groaned, easily.
“What is it, love?”
“My friends are the ones blowing up my phone.”
“Do you need to go back?”, he yawned easily, sitting up in bed.
“I’m too tired and comfortable.”, you groaned, tossing your phone bedside you in his bed, covering yourself back up. 
“I actually have a meeting to go to with my agent today. I’d love to stay and cuddle all day but unfortunately, I have to do this.”
“Oh—yeah, I don’t want to keep you.”, you sighed, sitting up in bed, pulling his sheets around you.
“I’d offer you to stay here but I figure it would be no fun to stay in an empty house by yourself.”, he smirked easily. 
“Yeah, no it’s fine. I get it, I really do.”, you said easily. 
He sighed, looking at you. He didn’t want you to feel like he was running off and leaving you. He truly would love to spend more time with you, wishing he could just cancel his meeting altogether. 
“We could always have one more round this morning before I go and if you wanna stay here and sleep a little more, you can. I wish I could cancel this stupid meeting.”, he groaned. “Unless you don’t want to have sex again…”
You laughed easily at his awkwardness, even thinking it was cute and charming. “I never said that.”
“So you want to?”, he smirked down at you.
You nodded. “Yeah, that’s a great way to wake up, right?”
“Right.”, he agreed, his hand on your cheek, you both beginning to kiss as he felt on top of you, causing you to laugh in-between your kiss.
He had left for his meeting, leaving you in bed. He told you he’d be back as soon as he could. You grabbed your phone from the bedside table again, dialing your friend’s numbers. It would probably be nice of you to at least let them know you’re alive and not kidnapped or murdered.
“Where the hell are you?”, your friend, Amanda demanded.
“I’m okay, I’m in bed. Where the hell are you?”, you countered, matching her tone.
“We’re at the hotel—which you’re clearly not here. So, where are you?”
“Look, I’m fine. I’ll be back to the hotel later today.”, you groaned, not in the mood for this. 
It was too early in the morning for all these questions. 
“Oh,”, Ashley began. “Oh! You’re with him, aren’t you?”
There was a smirk evident in her voice. 
“Not exactly….at this moment.”, you sighed.
“You spent the night with him, didn’t you?”, she giggled playfully. 
You sighed, rolling your eyes and instantly remembering why you didn’t want to tell them every single detail. “Yeah, we kinda did. My key card was locked up in the room. But I swear to God if you tell—”
“We aren’t gonna say anything, Y/Nickname. What time are you gonna come back? We were thinking of doing some sight seeing today.”
“Not sure. He had to leave for a little bit, so I’ll know more when he gets back.”
“Okay, well at least we know you’re alive. A text would have been nice. Christine is a little hung over, so I’ll keep you updated.”
“Well, sorry I was busy.”, you laughed.
Finishing up the call, you laid your phone back on the bedside table feeling sleepy again. You snuggled down into bed, inhaling his familiar scent, counting down the hours until you’d see him again. You knew deep down inside this was a dangerous game you were playing. You knew there was a good chance you’d never see him again, so why were you allowing yourself to fall for him? Your brain reminded you, you shouldn’t allow it to happen. But your heart felt it was right. 
During your trip, you found yourself spending more and more time with Joe, it becoming an everyday occurrence. You all were secretly dreading the day you were due to leave. Your last night in England, you spent it cuddled up with Joe in his bedroom, hardly able to sleep. The next morning, you woke up exhausted—emotionally and physically. You dreaded today, it was the day you returned home. Somehow, your suitcase had ended up at Joe’s flat and had been there for several days now. 
Your hands trembled, trying to do your make up. Joe came up behind you.
“Feeling okay, love?”
You sighed. “Yeah, just dreading today.”
He put his hands on your shoulders reassuringly. “This isn’t going to be the last time we see each other.”
“Sure feels like it.”, you sighed.
Joe helped carry your luggage down to his car, loading it in easily. He was wearing a dark peacoat, the wind beginning to pick up. It was beginning to try and rain, perfect, depressing weather to say goodbye in. You were meeting your friends at the airport, flying home together. Part of you had felt guilty—feeling like you had abandoned them during this trip. But they told you this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and had been encouraging. Joe grabbed the the passenger door for you, letting you inside first. 
You all made small talk on the way to the airport, nothing preparing you for what you had to do. You had to say goodbye to someone you had grown very close to during your stay here in the UK. Seeing the airport come into view, only reminded you the moment was here. The one you had dreaded. 
Joe pulled into a lane, beginning to unload your luggage. He grabbed an umbrella, the rain beginning to pour down. He opened your door, wincing at the rain and wind hitting him in the face. 
“Come on, love. I’ll follow you inside.”
Reluctantly, you got out of his car. He carried most of your luggage into the airport, putting the umbrella down once you all got inside. You began to look around, trying to find your friends. Once you spotted them, you looked at Joe. It was unspoken, but they were giving you an opportunity and private moment to tell him goodbye. All your attention was turned to Joe, the rest of the airport facing away. 
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.”, you sighed, looking up at him.
Your stuff was beside you, sitting on the floor. You could feel the tears pricking at your eyes. How stupid was it to cry over a guy you barely knew? 
He wrapped his arms you easily, pulling you flush against him. “It doesn’t have to be. It’s just ‘see you later’.”, he smiled weakly. 
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought you saw tears pooling in his brown eyes. 
You smiled back up at him weakly. “I really loved spending time with you.”
“Me too, love. But I promise, you’ll see me again.”
He brushed your hair out of your eyes. You hoped he wasn’t giving you an empty promise as you felt the hope rise in your chest. However, the feeling quickly ceased when you reminded yourself not to get excited. 
Your tender moment was interrupted as the you heard them call overhead for you to begin boarding your flight. Joe eyed you sympathetically.
“Well, I guess that’s me.”, you sighed, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes.
“Don’t cry, love. It’s going to be alright. I’ll stay up and call you when you get home.”, he wiped the tear threatening to fall down your cheek.
“I promise, love. Now, be careful. I know it’s going to be a long flight. Text me when you get to your layovers safely.”
“I will.”
You and Joe hugged tighter, entangled in each other’s arms. You both pulled back slightly, looking into each other’s eyes. He sniffled, tears evident in his brown eyes. Without any further words, your all’s lips crashed into one another, not caring who saw you. It was slow, passionate kiss—neither of you coming up for air. His hand caressed your cheek, deepening the kiss. Another announcement came overhead, causing you to both to finally break your kiss.
“Bye, Joe.”, you sighed softly. 
“See you later, Y/N.”
“We have to let go.”, you sighed, a small laugh emerging through the crack in your voice. "Or I'm gonna miss my flight."
“I know—even though I really don’t want to. Be careful, save travels.”
His hands finally left your waist, letting you grab your stuff and go. You pulled your suitcase behind you, taking one last look behind you. He gave you a weak smile and wave, feeling like he’d break down any second. How could he feel this way about you? It was the hardest thing—watching you walk away. He turned to leave, wiping the tears from his cheeks and feeling pathetic, like a fool in love. 
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yoonia · 10 months
Nefarious (M) | pjm ● teaser/premise
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Summary | You know that accepting his offer might cause some inconveniences for both of you, but do you really have it in you to say no?
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➬ Title | Nefarious; In Motion - a side story ➬ Pairings | Jimin x reader | note: with POV changes ➬ Genre | Sex Club!au, Gentlemen Club!au, Smut ➬ Ratings & Warnings | +18 / M for Mature; scenes of nudity, male strippers, mentions of voyeurism, sexual tension. ➬ Teaser word count/Estimated final word count | 875 words / est. 15-20k words
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➬ In Motion: the masterlist
➬ Main masterlist | Navigation | Mailbox | Feedback | Taglist | Ko-fi
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➬ Author’s Note | While this story is connected directly to the original plot of In Motion, this story can be read as a standalone. For those who are reading In Motion, the scenes in this piece may take place in a similar timeline as the main story.  
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➬ Excerpt
“I would like to make you an offer.”
Jimin’s voice takes your attention away from the male dancer who has been the main focus of the entire room since the moment you sat down. The moment you see Jimin’s face, your thoughts are proven right. He does look way more attractive and more easy in the eyes compared to that dancer. Even with a full suit on, Jimin looks more appealing to your eyes. His face seems to glow as he joins you in this dim-lighted room, while the way he carries himself has always been able to make you feel flustered, just the way you are feeling now.
“Another offer?” you ask, smiling at the sweet man before you while hiding the fact that you are feeling an odd flutter in your chest with the way he is leaning close to you, as he wants to make sure that you can hear him over the music. “After giving me a free session for my next appointment, free drinks and a free show,” —you raise your glass and wave your hand at the stage, where a few male dancers are performing with their chests all bare to see, and the room where exclusive members of the club like you are enjoying the show, “—and a refund, you still have more to give me?” Your smile grows when your gazes meet each other again. “I never realised the club takes care of their exclusive members this well.”
Jimin gives you a sweet smile. “As I said before, I feel responsible for tonight’s mishaps. I feel like I am partly to blame for matching you with the wrong partners for your private session tonight. If only I had done my job better, perhaps you would—”
Shaking your head at him, you lean forward and repeat the same words you gave him earlier. “Jimin, I told you already, it’s not your fault. Those weak ass men are to blame.”
Jimin nods. He keeps his eyes on you before he speaks again, “You might be pleased to hear that the club has sent those members a warning and reinstated their member classification after failing to appear for their RSVP and to notify us when they couldn’t make it.”
You reel back in your seat as you are hearing this. “That sounds—harsh,” you mutter to him, suddenly feeling bad. You have always known how strict the club can be with their rules, yet you would never have expected to actually witness them taking action against their own members like this. “Is that what you came here to tell me about?”
Shaking his head, Jimin smiles softly to you and bends closer. “No, it’s not. My offer has nothing to do with the club’s compensations.” He takes a quick glance around him, seeing if anyone would hear him before he tells you the reason why he came to the members' lounge to find you. “Since the Play Room has been booked for your appointment tonight, it will remain vacant for the rest of the night as we have no other members arranging for a session other than you. But the staff have worked so hard preparing the room for your appointment, so it would be a shame to let it go to waste, wouldn’t it?”
“I…suppose it would,” you slowly answer him, while you are silently questioning what he is about to say to you.
“Then, I would like to offer you to have the chance to use the Play Room tonight,” he says, surprising you that you raise your eyebrows at him.
“But you already said that the club gave me a free appointment for an upcoming session,” you remind him of what he said to you when he met you back in the waiting lounge, while Jimin only grins in return.
“And I also told you that this offer has nothing to do with the compensation that the club is giving you. I’m offering you to use the room tonight, with an eligible partner who is available.”
“An eligible partner? You mean, you found someone?” you ask again, wondering if he finally managed to find some poor soul who would be available for a last-minute appointment for your blind date in the Play Room.
Jimin says nothing for a brief moment, while you wait for him to explain further with anticipation growing in your chest. And then, he surprises you again when he finally answers your question. “It’s me,” he confidently says, and while your heartbeat picks up after hearing what he is saying to you, a look of mirth appears in his eyes. “I will be your partner so you can use the Play Room tonight,” he says again, confirming your thoughts just when you thought you might have only been imagining him offering himself to be your partner, to be the one to fulfil your carnal need when nobody else could.
Seeing that you are lost for words, Jimin reaches out, placing his hand on the side of your seat so he can get even closer, getting into your personal space where you can feel his warmth, and your body shudders when he questions you again, “What do you say?”
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— © 2023 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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sirfrogsworth · 7 months
Review of Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix
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There are some spoiler-ish things below, but I think most of it is in the trailer, so I don't think I will ruin anything. I'll warn you during the most spoilery section, though the show makes the "twist" pretty obvious from the beginning.
Blue Eye Samurai is a Kill Bill-style revenge tale that takes place in 17th century Japan. The samurai is half white/half Japanese. The show states that no white folks were allowed in the country back then, so the samurai tries to conceal blue eyes with some sweet BluBlocker™ orange glasses. The Samurai is displeased to have white heritage and decides to try and kill all the "white devils" hiding in Japan.
Will some reactionaries complain there is a show all about someone trying to murder white people? I have no idea. But they're all bad white people, so I'm hoping it won't become a thing.
My Hot Takes
A few episodes meandered a bit, but I enjoyed the series as a whole quite a bit. If nothing else, the sword fights were epic and bloody. I would have watched it for that alone. And there is some gorgeous art direction where they really take advantage of the 2D styled, 3D animation. Plus, Japan is just really pretty. There is also a puppet show that was brilliantly mixed in with the story and the way they animated it was next level awesome.
They fell into cliche a few times. I think they were trying to do homages and tributes but ended up in Derivative Land and some of them felt a bit cringe.
They used "Battle Without Honor Or Humanity" which is that rousing instrumental song from Kill Bill and it was way too on the nose. Like, yes, this show is obviously a 1600s version of Kill Bill, but you're not supposed to make it that obvious.
Also, there was a Metallica song that equally made me roll my eyes and think, "That is badass" so I give them a pass on that one.
And there were a few sections where it felt like you were watching someone else play a video game. I don't know how else to describe it. As if the narrative melted away and suddenly a bunch of Prince of Persia obstacles appeared.
That said, the story was enjoyable, the actors were great, the characters were interesting, the animation was solid, and the fight choreography was top notch.
The nice thing about animation is you don't have to do any jump cuts during the action, so you get to really *see* the fights develop. Thankfully they didn't make use of a lot of impossible-in-real-life camera moves, so it all felt very grounded. As if these fights could actually be filmed in live-action. I suspect they may have even used motion capture or closely adhered to reference footage. Most of the non-fantastical choreography felt like something a stunt performer could actually do. They even had some legit Japanese samurai-style sword fighting moves before it got to the "John Wick with a katana" part of the show.
Back in the day, samurai duels were more akin to jousting than fencing and usually only lasted one or two moves. It can be pretty exciting as long as you build tension and anticipation. But if every sword fight in the show was like that, it would probably get boring. But it was still nice to see it toward the beginning.
So the quality was a bit roller coaster-y at times, but I think it was a solid first season. And I am really hopeful they get a chance to smooth things out in a second. But it is Netflix, soooooo...
As far as content warnings, there is a lot of blood and sex and nudity. Women are very subjegated and some of those depictions are rough. There are some brutal torture scenes. And I think there is implied rape, but it isn't made super clear.
The nudity was surprisingly balanced which felt refreshing. So get ready for boobies and floppy cartoon peens. All the genitals get screen time.
Quick aside about erotic scenes...
There has been recent discourse about nudity and sexy time in media. My biggest issue has always been that men's bodies are rarely shown aside from the patoot. It is never balanced and I always felt uncomfortable with that arrangement. I know movies are a bit stuck because the MPAA has decided dicks in a sexual context are an automatic NC-17. But even in newer HBO-type content where they do show penises, they are usually prosthetics. Hyper real fake dicks on top of real dicks that probably cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop and apply.
Like, the folks with boobs don't get expensive prosthetics. Only the most famous actresses can opt for a body double. For years, if an actress wasn't willing to get naked they would just say, "Well, I guess we'll just have to find another actress."
And now if a guy doesn't want to get naked, apparently the response is, "Don't worry, we'll raise Stan Winston from the dead so he can make you a perfect megadick."
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Women are usually asked to do the brunt of the nudity and I have long felt that wasn't fair and it was exploitative whether intentional or not.
I just think if you are going to ask actors to be vulnerable, everyone should do it or no one should do it.
I also think we need to see more normal non-porn genitals. Like, you can't brag about your progressive all-inclusive nudity if you slap a giant fake wang on every time.
/end tangent
And now, the spoilery part...
The big twist, which is really only a big twist for a character in the show and not the audience, is that the Blue Eye Samurai was born a girl. To avoid capture and death they essentially hid in a different gender identity. And I'm trying to decide if this is a trans story or not.
Sometimes it felt like the show was bluntly saying, "She's a girl. See, she has boobs and no penis. And we make a big deal about her getting caught naked. It's like Mulan!"
But then the show kinda/sorta implies that while identifying as a man was a tactic at first, the Blue Eye Samurai came to feel much more comfortable as a man most of the time and only revealed their feminine attributes to a select few. They also had a binding scene which felt like intentional trans imagery.
Since there wasn't the same concept of trans-ness in 1600s Japan as we understand it in modern times, I'm having trouble determining if this is just an homage to Mulan that wasn't thought very deeply about, or if this is allegory exploring a trans identity.
It is unclear if the identity was chosen purely out of necessity or if there was more to it.
Was it like... they tried on a coat because it was cold, but then they really liked how it fit and made it an essential part of their wardrobe?
Or was it just pure pragmatism? If they don't wear the coat they will die from exposure.
I'm worried they wanted to stay close to that line where they could say it wasn't a trans story if that ended up being more convenient. I don't know. I'm fine with allegory and I really enjoyed how they did it with Nimona, but this felt more deliberately ambiguous and it frustrated me a bit. It would be nice if we could just have blatant trans stories that didn't need to hide in ambiguity to avoid controversy. But maybe there were more obvious things I missed and my confusion is unwarranted.
I also think an argument could be made for ol' Blue Eye being genderfluid. Actually genderfluid would make a lot of sense. Their masculine side is the stoic warrior and their feminine side is their vulnerability, love, and humanity—reserved only for those most trusted. And when the two blend and they are a warrior woman they get super horny. So the entire spectrum is there.
I'm sure there will be a long complicated video essay analyzing this gender dynamic.
/end of spoilery section
In any case, I think if you liked Kill Bill, this might be a show that interests you. It has much less cultural appropriation and blatant stereotyping. No Pussy Wagon, but there is a cool horse. And they did use an all East Asian voice cast, so that representation was cool. And the co-showrunner was Japanese, and I think that influence definitely made a difference.
I give Blue Eye Samurai 7.5 Froggies out of 10.
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kawaiianimekitten · 1 year
Yandere! Bakugou x reader
Summery: Bakugou babies you a lot, but finally gives you a chance to escape
Warnings- unhealthy/toxic relationship, smothering, slight dehumanization, mention of nudity (non detailed), near death experience
You sit, chined to your bed in childish cloths Bakugou makes you wear. The chains have soft fabric around them so they don't hurt you. You have a few books and a kiddy phone with child lock on it (so he can make sure you don't try to download anything to try to talk to people). There isn't much to do except sleep and dread his return.
The front door opens and you hear little explosions. He's back. After a few minutes he opens the door to the room you're staying in.
"hi, baby, I'm back." He says in a soft voice (well, soft as Bakugous voice is able to get, that is, lol). He sits on your bed and goes to brush some hair out of your face, but you try to bite him.
"Baby. That's not very nice." He says in a warning tone.
"You keeping me here, chained up, isn't very nice." You spit back.
He goes silent. Oh shit you thought. It's never good when he goes silent. Usually he'll just yell, but when he goes silent is when you're in trouble.
"You think I'm not nice? I can show you not nice." He says, unlocking your chains and throwing you over his shoulder. He takes you outside and sets you down. "Go ahead. You wanna be in real world? Go ahead and try to survive it. You wouldn't even last a day."
Around where you're being held captive is a giant forest. At night you would always hear different animals calling out.
"Go on. Try to leave. If you can get back to civilization within 24 hours, then I'll let you be for a bit and let you live your life." You look at him, seeing if he's joking or serious. He is serious, but he also has a look in his eyes screaming "you won't be able to. You'll come crawling back within an hour." You stand up, and look him dead in the eyes.
"Ok, well you better keep your end of the deal when I get back to civilization." You say confideny.
He pulls out his phone and sets a timer for 24 hours. "24 hours exactly. As soon as you turn around I'll start the timer."
Excitement ran through you. The thought of actually being free. Getting back to living your own life. You turn around and go into the woods, confident you'll find your way out.
You've been walking in a straight line, so you know you aren't walking in circles. Your legs are starting to hurt and your starting to get a little hungry. You haven't run into any other problems yet, though, so you should be fine. You bet that as long as you keep walking straight, you'll be out before the sun even starts to set.
The sun is almost down now, and you're starting to panic a little. You decide to try to climb a tree to see if you're close to getting out. You make an arrow in the ground so you know which way you were walking, so you don't accidentally go the wrong way, then you find some vines. You use the vines to help you climb the tree. Just don't look down, and everything will be ok. You think to yourself. After getting high enough to kind of see over the trees, you look around. You see nothing, though. Which makes you panic more. You carefully climb down the tree.
Once you get to the bottom, you sit down for a moment to catch your breath and calm yourself down. You know it'll be dark soon, so you need to find a place to stay for the night. You look around for some wood and rocks and whatever else you can use, making sure to leave a trail in the dirt so you can get back to your spot.
It starts to rain. This is so not good! You're thoughts are racing, trying to think of what to do. You panic and just start running, trying to find anything to take cover under.
It's pure luck that you somehow found a cave and got in right before it started downpouring. You set down the sticks you're still carrying, and separate the dry and wet ones and the semi wet but still dry enough ones and same with some leaves you grabbed. You also still had some vine.
You use the dry leaves and dry sticks to try to start a fire. You've seen many shows where people have done it. Once again, out of pure luck, you were able to get a fire started. It's not very big, but it's enough to keep you warm for a little while you hope.
You lay down to rest your eyes and let your body take a break. You immediately pass out, though, exhausted from all the walking and panicking.
When you wake up, it's still raining. You know you weren't asleep long because you're fire was still going a bit. You put the last few non wet sticks onto it, hoping the rain will stop soon.
You immediately freeze when you hear a growl behind you. Why must you freeze instead of fight or flight. Freezing isn't a good option. After taking a deep breath, you try to convince yourself to turn around and that it was just in your head.
It wasn't just in your head. It's a bear. It doesn't look happy. All animal knowledge left your head. Pure fear. I'm gonna die. Is all you can think.
Suddenly you're swept off your feet and hear little explosions. The bear gets scared of the noise and backs away. Bakugou smirks and walks out of the cave with you, after he puts out the little fire you made. He quickly runs you two back to the house.
As soon as you get inside he takes you to the bathroom. He starts the bath and puts some bubble bath into it, to make little bubbles, before walking out.
He comes back with try cloths for both of you and towels. He strips both of you. You're brain is too fried from everything that happened that day to fight back. After turning off the water, he gently sets you in the bath and gets in with you. He just holds you and runs his hands through your hair.
Tears start running down your face, overwhelmed by everything that has happened. He holds you closer and whispers sweet nothings to you. You're surprised that he's being so gentle with you, rather than yelling or gloating. You slowly drift off to sleep while in Bakugous arms.
You wake up the next day without chains on and not in your room. Instead you have two arms wrapped around you and you're in Bakugous room.
"Morning, sweetie." You hear as you get a soft kiss on your shoulder. "You actually managed to scare me a bit last night. Good thing I decided to go looking for you when the rain started." He said.
He gets up and tells you he'll be back. You crawl under the covers more, still cold from being out in the rain. He comes back after while with breakfast. He sits down next to you and insists on feeding you himself.
"I'm feeding you, baby. You don't have to lift a finger. I'll always be here to keep you safe." He says while feeding you. "You don't have to be scared like that ever again. I'll always be right at your side to protect you and keep you safe." He's not comforting you, he's telling you that you'll never get another chance to escape. You're stuck with him.
Honestly, though... You're strangely starting to kinda be ok with it...
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whumpwillow · 11 months
Demon's Haven 12
💥Flashback chapter💥
this is lowkey highkey inspired by @seasaltandcopper 's "House Rules" so go check that out its got vampire whumpee getting whipped
but ye Envy backstory time
warnings: blood, torture, whipping, partial nudity, weird thoughts on purity and sin that isn't specifically mentioned as religion but pretty close
Envy hung from the chains, unrelenting in his pursuit of escape. He’d yet to find a way to free himself, and with the silver dampening his powers and his influence, it was more of a struggle than he cared to admit. It lined the outside of the wrist cuffs, inscribed with some kind of sigils Envy couldn’t make out. He was just glad it wasn’t on the inside of the metal, for if it touched his skin, it’d burn. He didn’t shudder at the idea. He definitely didn’t.
He knew he could find a way out if he tried hard enough. Sure, he had never heard of a demon surviving an attack by an angel, but this was not an attack. The angel wasn’t actively coming for his life. She’d probably like to think she could hurt him, but he would best her sooner or later. Envy was the most intelligent, if not the most powerful of his demon brothers, so this wouldn’t be a challenge for him.
Or so he hoped.
The angel stepped into the room holding a long, wiry object that trailed the stone floor and glinted in faint torchlight. Silver, of course. Envy rolled his eyes. Everything had to be made of silver. The angel caught him staring.
“It has to be pure,” the angel told him referencing the metal she knew he was eyeing. “I am going to make you pure,” she said.
Envy spat at the feet of the approaching creature. She stared at him, locking his eyes with hers in an intense battle of wills, a wicked thrall. It hurt to look upon the angel, her form radiating soft light. The divinity of the angels was for demons how staring directly into the sun was for humans.
But Envy still had his pride, so he tightened his jaw and refused to look away.
The angel came closer and raised the object she had in her hands, which Envy could now identify as a whip. His stomach leapt into his throat and he swallowed, forcing down the riotous fear that thrashed inside him. He would not give the angel the satisfaction of seeing him squirm. Surely, surely she didn’t mean to actually use that on him, right? The silver he’d spotted lined the entire length of it, something that would poison and burn as it bit into his flesh and blood.
The black leather of the thing contrasted to the stark brightness of the silver. It made a tinny sound as it dragged across uneven stone. Panic ricocheted through his body, a cold spike of fear racing up and down his spine. He didn’t let any of it show on his face. The silence echoed in the dim chasm, lit only the angel’s glow and the crackling torchlight. Envy tightened his hands into fists.
He’d been shirtless and barefoot when he first woke up in the cell, so he was left with nothing but slacks, leaving left his back wide open for the angel. With his hands chained above his head, there was nothing he could do to protect himself.
She wouldn’t—
Envy’s breath hitched. The angel’s eyes stared at him, cold and unrelenting.
She absolutely would.
He struggled harder in his chains, the rattling increasingly loud in his ears. A discordant symphony with the frantic beating of his heart. He needed to free himself. He needed to escape now. He pulled on the chains, disregarding how they dug into his wrists—tugging, pulling, nearly wrenching his shoulders out of their sockets, and still he was no further than where he started.
Get me out of here!
The angel just stood and watched.
“You shouldn’t do that,” she said. “You must be good. You must behave.”
Envy sneered at her. His eyes burned with the fires of Hell, and that was not a metaphor—he’d seen them.
The angel moved behind Envy, trailing the whip along with her at a leisurely pace. Envy gulped, hating himself for it. A crack. A whoosh of air. Then pain. Blinding, white-hot pain that blurred the world for a few seconds, sending Envy stumbling. He was and he was not for that single moment. An empty shell that saw nothing but light and fury. He arched his back and sucked in a breath, managing not to make any more sound than a quiet hiss but already feeling dizzy and light-headed.
The angel struck again, creating another line of fire across Envy’s back. A thin strip of blood, but he felt it throughout his whole body, the pain lancing up his spine and straight through his abdomen. He caught himself unable to take in air for a moment. His ears were ringing and his stomach roiled. He tried to brace himself but for what, for what?
Another strike.
Envy jerked in his chains as he arched his back, trying to draw away from the source of pain but it was everywhere everywhere everywhere he was not meant for this he couldn’t handle it please stop please—
He drew a shallow breath to try and steady himself. It came out shaky. The angel struck again.
The whip carved a line from his shoulders down to hips. On top of the wounds, the silver dug into his skin with each lash, tainting his blood and burning it, sending signals of pain flooding through his veins.
Another stroke of the whip. Another. Another.
His whole body quivered. The tremors that wracked his body had the chains make an ever-present rattling sound to accompany the startlingly loud crack of the whip. Sweat beaded up on his forehead. Envy gritted his teeth; he wouldn’t scream. He would never. But he wanted to.
He couldn’t do this.
The lashes came faster and faster now and Envy felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He threw his head back, arcing with the force of the strokes. Suppressed groans fought to be free of his throat. Hitching, gasping breaths overlaid his gentle quivering.
All the while, the angel murmured to him that this was going to make him pure. That if he was good, this would all be over. He didn’t know how to be good. He did know that nothing he did would ever fulfill the angel’s vision of good—he was already damned the moment she realized what he was.
Despite the many lashes that now marred his back, or the shaking of his body and the weakness of his legs, or the fact that he knew these chains were the only reason he was still upright and not on the floor, he would not submit.
“You will burn,” he snarled at the angel, who responded to this not with words but action.
Envy didn’t know how long it lasted. He didn’t know how long he’d been there. He almost forgot his own name, everything had been blurred out with pain. There was nothing else. He had no beginning and no end and was merely an amorphous cloud of thoughts and nerve endings.
He was a vase that had been knocked from a shelf and broke into a million pieces as it hit the floor; he was a mirror punched in a fit of rage that sliced open bruised knuckles. He would know—he’d done both of those things.
He gulped down air greedily into his lungs but there was never enough. Never enough comprised his entire life, his whole meaningless existence, but only this moment was what truly defined him. Only this pain, and beyond that, he knew of nothing else.
He hardly registered the damage done to his wrists. He’d pulled them so fiercely and thrashed so violently that the thick manacles had scratched the skin raw. Blood seeped from patchy wounds to fall prey to gravity that led each drop in rivulets down his arms.
His back was tatters and scraps by now. The blood flowed freely and the silver poisoned him, burned him, purified him. He was broken and made new only to be broken again and he screamed. He tried not to. He held in the sound at first, gritting his teeth and setting his jaw. He thought it might break with the force of his stupid, prideful restraint. He clenched his hands into fists, the nails digging into the soft flesh of his palms, but that pain was miniscule compared to the lashes he received on his back that he’d since lost count of.
It had started with a low hissing sound, a whisper of air that escaped through clenched teeth. Then a gasp, drawn in before he stop it. Grunts of pain clipped short, getting harder to do with each stroke of the whip, each bite of the silver that reminded him of his impurity and sin.
He didn’t want to give the angel the satisfaction. But he was not meant for this. He’d never been hurt like this before. He simply wasn’t strong enough to stand it.
So, he screamed. He screamed until his throat was sore and raw and ragged, his voice petering out into a dry hacking cough that sent jolts of pain through his fresh injuries with the movement.
And still, the angel continued.
(taglist in reblogs)
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere! Miles Upshur with selectively mute! Darling? He’s her voice but she’s his eyes. It could be seen either as platonic or romantic. :))
Sure! Been awhile since I've written for Outlast so I can try. I haven't played Outlast in years so I may be rusty to events in game. I just did mute darling as I'm not sure what selectively mute means but I guessed.
Wrote this late at night/early morning as I had some trouble sleeping due to my sleep schedule being out of wack due to the summer, if something seems off I apologize.
Potential Spoilers for Outlast maybe
Yandere! Miles Upshur with Mute! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Trauma, Overprotective behavior, Grotesque descriptions, Dubious relationship, Nudity, Blood, Miles tries to comfort darling, Murder, Gore, Isolation implied, Walrider! Miles mention near end.
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I like to think how you meet is within the asylum.
In fact, the asylum may be why you're mute in the first place.
You probably went mute due to the trauma you were subjected to within the facility.
Let's be honest, a lot of things in the asylum would cause you to feel more reserved.
From disgusting nudity and gore to the constant threat of death... no wonder your sanity is strained.
You are no variant.
You're not even crazy, at least not yet.
Miles most likely came across you during his journey deep into the asylum.
You're very hesitant of each other at first and Miles is not too quick to obsess.
Miles is a cynical and sharp man, but has a strong will.
At first he thinks you're a variant but a harmless one.
You clearly don't show any signs of hostility.
You more want to hide and run more than anything... it's actually a bit sad to see.
Miles hasn't seen many women in this place and gets concerned about what you may have been subjected to here.
He's seen how the variants act.
Miles most likely hunts you down in the asylum, but not to hurt you.
He wants to help you.
He tries to portray this to you the next few times he meets you.
If he's lucky, you'll stick around and trust him.
Miles has some trouble understanding you're mute at first.
He wonders why you're so quiet all the time... and when checking you over he sees no throat injuries.
He'll come to the conclusion you're mute due to trauma at some point.
Upon this realization he tries to show you he's non-threatening.
You two actually become quite the duo.
There's no one sane enough to talk to here but he soon learns to understand your lack of words.
If you both ever got out of here then he'd probably become your mouth piece for you.
In return for his protection, you become his eyes in the asylum.
You know all the best hiding spots and shortcuts due to your time here.
Miles is concerned about how long you've been here.
Since he's gotten here he's seen nothing but piles of organs and blood on the floor, naked bodies both living and dead, along with everything trying to kill him.
How did you manage to survive any of this?
How did you eat? How did you keep warm? The lack of clothing you have is tattered and barely considered decent at this point.
It disturbs Miles to think about what you must've had to do to survive this place, especially since you would've been considered a target here.
I can picture Miles sharing tender moments with you, for example he'd probably give you his jacket to wear so you can cover up.
Miles may appear cold, which is understandable due to the injuries he sustains in the asylum, yet he does have a soft spot for you.
You two only ever grow closer when you bandage him in return for him staying by you.
You two benefit from each other here.
Even if you can't speak to him with words, gestures get your point across.
Plus... sometimes you just like to listen to him talk.
This companionship between you two could be seen as platonic or romantic.
For the most part it's just you two helping each other.
Miles really does want to help you.
You're the only good thing that's come out of this asylum in his eyes.
He wants to get you out of here, he wants to get you help.
Surprisingly, over time you aren't the 'crazy' one.
It's Miles who begins to lose it by the end of it.
Due to what he's seen in the asylum, thoughts you've managed to repress, he loses his sanity.
This could morph his care for you into something darker.
He's suffocating to you, his protective behavior transitioning to something more possessive like the inmates in the asylum.
He doesn't mean it half the time but he always has a tight grip on your hand as he runs from horrors with you.
When you stop to take a breather with him... you can tell he's changed.
He still looks at you with care... but there's a darkness that's begun to fester within him.
It scares you a bit...
Yet you can't voice your concern.
Outlast is a game where you can't really fight back.
Which means during most of your time with Miles he isn't really violent.
He shows frustration at the fact he can't do anything like kill to protect you, but that's it.
During any point where an enemy or variant dies, Miles most likely covers your eyes.
You don't need to see anymore of this... just lean into him and you'll be fine.
Miles doesn't start getting bad until he becomes the Walrider's new host.
His yandere tendencies finally have a chance to flourish as he has so much power now.
When he becomes a host, you harbor mostly fear for him.
He can kill anyone in a matter of seconds, exploding their bodies into a mess of bloody chunks.
You actually want to hide from him....
Even more so when he screams at the variants for supposedly hurting you...
Miles appears to still act as your guardian despite this.
In fact, he's much more capable of protecting you from the horrors of this asylum now.
The issue is the Walrider is a separate entity from Miles.
He is its host... but it still has its own thoughts.
Yet it can see how much this human likes you... so it spares you and listens to its host.
While you once cared for Miles and appreciated his help...
Now he just feels like a new monster.
Miles keeps promising he'll take you out of here.
Eventually he does, but you don't feel safe.
You can't say anything when he offers you to live with him.
You don't know if you should show fear for him or not... you're scared yet have nowhere else to go.
By the end of the journey between you two, Miles becomes a monster that's attached to you.
He claims he now just wants to focus on helping you, despite his situation.
You only stare at him with wide and fearful eyes.
Your mind echoes with memories... the most recent ones being of Miles murdering others in an explosion of gore.
Miles... the very same man who bought you new clothes and hugs you in his home with such care.
He says he doesn't want you to feel alone.
He smiles at you and tells you he'll take care of you from now on... but your focus is only on the dead look in his eyes.
The blank gaze of those blackened bloodshot eyes....
You go along with it... fear guiding you as it once did in the asylum.
Monsters follow you wherever you go it seems....
Miles sets you up to function as you would've before the asylum.
He cares for you in his home... but you're never allowed out.
You're scared to leave... yet also scared to stay.
You want to find help, you want to help him as much as he did you...
Yet you fear Miles may be beyond help now.
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
Kinktober Day 17: Afternoon Delight
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Reader
Words: 749
Warnings: more sweet than smutty, implied sex, discussions of filming sex scenes for movies, just pedro being v reassuring and lovey dovey.
A/N: highkey inspired by a scene in a book i read recently (the seven husbands of evelyn hugo) lmao
It had been a quiet weekend, one of the rare occasions neither you nor Pedro had anything scheduled. You’d allowed yourselves to sleep in, had a nice brunch with your coffees, and then settled in for a relaxing day of doing very little. By the mid-afternoon Pedro way sitting on one end of the couch reading and you were laying across the rest, your head in his lap, your attention on your phone. Every so often you let out a soft hum as Pedro absentmindedly played with your hair, and sometimes one of you would interrupt the quiet to share something funny you’d seen or just comment on how nice it was to do nothing. After some time in the peaceful bliss, Pedro’s page turning happened less frequently. You didn’t click to it right away but it became increasingly clear that something other than the plot of the novel had his attention. Finally, he cracked.   “Hey, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” You dragged your attention from your phone, “What is it?” “It’s about work next week.” “Mmm, what about it?” you asked, pushing yourself to sit up and face him better, a suspicion of what he was trying to get at already in your head.   “Well, next week we’ll be filming the sex scene.” “Right, I remember you mentioning that you’d be doing that soon.” “I thought I should warn you that it’s coming up, I think it’s going to be quite an...intense scene.” Your forehead creased as you pondered what that meant, “How so? What do you mean intense?” “Well, like I said before it’s got some actual nudity in it. Not full frontal but definitely my ass and I think her uhhh chest...maybe other parts too.” he blushed a little as he skirted around the words, “It’s not going to be a fade to black type scene, we aren’t shying away from showing the sex.” You’d let out a giggle as he’d cutely stumbled over his phrasing but fell quiet again with the rest, “Okay....do you feel like it’s overly gratuitous?” "No. I don’t think so. Our director explained his vision and the three of us talked through the scene. We came to the conclusion that it’s important for the characters. Seeing their desire for each other and seeing that each of them receives pleasure from the other will help the audience understand decisions they make later on. It’s not like it’ll be pornographic anyway, but it might not be that taseful either.” “Okay.” “Okay?” You shrugged, “Well, what do you want me to say? I mean I can’t say I’m thrilled at the idea of seeing you fuck someone else or even pretend to. But I know it’s your job and it sounds like it’s in there for a reason and that you were included in decisions about it, so if you feel comfortable doing the scenes then... okay.” “I’d still like to know if you have any misgivings,” he grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze, “I’m not the only one this scene could effect.” You squeezed his hand back in a silent acknowledgement of his thoughtfulness, “I don’t know that I’d feel entirely comfortable watching it.” “If you want to skip the premiere screening you can.” He smiled, only a little bit teasing.   You laughed, “No, just give me a heads up when it’s coming up so I can close my eyes or pop out to the bathroom or something.” He chuckled, “Alright, deal.’ You swallowed thickly, “You don’t feel anything for her, do you? Your co-star I mean.” “No, definitely not. She’s beautiful, can’t deny that, and she’d really great to work with, but no.” You nodded again but before you could say anything more he’d pulled your hand to his chest, “You’re my heart. I want to do the scene because I think it’s important for the story we’re telling and the character I’m playing, but you are the only person I actually want to be with.” You smiled, “I know, but it’s very nice to hear you say it.” “I can do more than say it, if you like, I can prove it?” “How would you do tha-” Pedro cut you off, leaning in to kiss your neck and you melted into him with a nod and an, “mmhmm, yes please.” He laughed softly against your ear, making a shiver run down your spine, his hands already moving to remove your clothes, “It’ll be my absolute pleasure.”
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artcommunityvent · 9 days
I'm really not starting to like the furry community. And before you guys give me pitchforks, I'm not one of those "kill all furries ☝️🤓" guys. But what I'm not starting to like about the community is how they're blurring the lines of what is and isn't nsfw on Instagram. Lately, there's been a huge surge of fetish content on Instagram. Nothing wrong with, of course, if the work is properly tagged or their accounts have warnings on them. But that's that's a problem, none of them do. Creators think they're being sneaky by posting obviously. Suggestive work because for some reason, the community over the years has dulled down nsfw work to anything with genitals. Which is why they think they're playing it safe when they have a blushy furry character being pulled by a dog collar with the words "good girl" on it. Again, this is very clear nsfw work as it's fetish work. I don't hate nsfw content, but I hate how accessible this is to minors because 1. There's no adult warnings on their account. 2. There's no warning on the post themselves. And 3. Because they're not marking their stuff, it becomes so easily accessible on the fyp of insta. Not only is this exposing hundreds of minors to nsfw work, but it harms actual artists too. Because of the communities very limited view on nsfw, I've seen callouts of minors having "nsfw work" when all they had was a naked reference sheet containing genitals. While I understand why people find this concerning, this actually isn't nsfw or risqué content. It's literally just artistic nudity. What the furry community fails to realize is that the nsfw work isn't genitals. Nsfw is any content with the *intention* to be sexual. For example, some Greek statue of a dude standing there with his genitals visible? Not nsfw as it's not sexual and it's meant to show the human body in a non sexual manner. A furry girl showing her crotch to the camera? Nsfw. It's that simple. But because of this new trend of barely disguised nsfw work, it's demonized the art of actual artistic nudity in the process. I really hope this stops at some point or that the community relearns what actual fetish/nsfw content is. While nsfw creators stress about being in trouble with the law for minors accessing their content, they won't actually face legal trouble. If their work is properly tagged along with their account that their work is for adults. Any minor that trespasses has no excuse because the work is tagged. However, these content creators who post untagged nsfw work will ACTUALLY face the legal trouble because there's no warning anywhere. And their work is literally nsfw by *law*, so congrats, you've just distributed nsfw work to a bunch of minors. At the end of the day, this doesn't help anybody. I implore everyone to actually know what nsfw content is and isn't to prevent it from being widely distributed for shit like this. You guys don't know how much nsfw I've gotten every time I open the app by furry artistsI follow. Thinking they switched to nsfw, I go to unfollow them, and there's no warning once so ever. The day the furry community learns what counts as nsfw and what doesn't I will be at peace. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
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Media Doctor Who
Character Timothy Latimer (Age Up)
Couple Tim X Reader
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day Sixteen
Kinktober consept Overstimulation
Smut overstimulation/ raw sex / jizz/ overload / nudity
I collapsed on my little metal bed desperate for my breath back "I've missed you so bad angel" I cooed "I've missed you too Tim" Y/n giggled laying with my covers, the school had one of those stupid show-off things this weekend to show off work and such we all got tickets to send to parents and friends so, of course, I invited Y/n as I hadn't seen her since the summer and I missed her so desperately, and obviously within ten minutes of it all starting we snuck away to have sex like the horny teens we are "Tim?" "Yeah y/n?" "More" she giggled "What?" "More!" she giggled climbing on top of me "Aww you really have missed me, alright angel" I smirked pulling her back into a kiss she happily slipped down letting me back inside her and she began to ride me fast and hard I did my best to kiss her and not to scream but given how long we'd been apart every single moment was heavenly I thrust up as much as I could but she was pretty good just working on her own until I hit my second burying myself inside her "Uhhhhhh uughhhh… you're too good to me angel" I gasped "Tim?" "Umm yes my little angel" "More?" "More!? I've already had too angel I don't think I can do any more" "Please I've missed you so badly" she whined shifting her hips "Ummm okay I don't know how well it'll go though" I warn her she giggled kissing down my neck as she bounced and moved hard and fast I was not really struggling to keep quiet beyond overwhelmed rolling my head on the pillow watching her beautiful bodywork on top of me it felt amazing but I was getting hot, sweaty, tired and exhausted but none of that seemed to denture or even slow her until I had to stop her "Angel, please give me a second to breathe" "More" she yelled pinning me down on the bed and moving faster and harder than I'd ever known her to before "Why don't you jump off and I'll let you ride my fingers a little while?" I offered "No! I want my timothy's cock" she smirked "Ummmmm that's so sexy to hear you say that but I'm a tired angel I don't know If I can" "You can. I'll make you" she smirked moving my hands to her breasts "Ummm that's very cute y/n but realistically" I began before she moved slightly working even more intensely "Ughhhhhh angel why don't you lay down I promise I'll use my mouth to finish you just let me stop for a minute" "No!" she giggled "More!" she giggled I was actually kind of worried my vision began to blur my body shaking and I felt such overwhelming pleasure rip through me as I was so tired until she hit her orgasm tightening around me squealing and squirting down my cock and that triggered what may have been the most amazing orgasm of my life -
My blood boiled, my toes curled, my body arched up towards her, my eyes rolled back, my mouth made sounds I'd never heard myself make before utterly uncontrollably as she rides out her own, burying my seed deep inside her feeling this wall of pleasure so strong and hard like nothing I'd ever felt in my life and then she laid down with me. "Holy fuck-" "I told you" she giggled "Yeah you told me- fuck… that felt amazing" "I did" she smiled giving me a kiss and nuzzling close to my still gasping body "I've really missed you" "I've missed you too angel" I cooed kissing her head "Tim?" she spoke up after a while of us calming down "Yeah?" "More?" she giggled "You are a little succubus aren't you, fine but my hand this time before you use me so much I'm shooting dust" I laughed pulling her into a kiss
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