#do not waste food
viralbeyinspector · 8 months
Throwing away or Wasting food? Think twice! This video "Why You Should Not Waste Food?" shows how it hurts our planet & hungry bellies. Easy tips to be a food hero! . Follow, let's make a difference!✨ #viralbeyinspector #stopfoodwaste #bethechange #quickvideo #food #foodie #shorts #shortsvideo #short #shortvideo #trending #viral #explore #reels #reel
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nelkcats · 1 year
Ghost Train
It was no secret that the trains in Gotham were damaged, whether it was from all the explosions that flooded the city on a daily basis or the fact that the rails were broken wasn't completely clear. At that point, what was once a train station was nothing more than an empty place used by some homeless people to sleep.
Or that's what it was supposed to be, because while the station was damaged and underneath the city, it was actually active. It just had another kind of train, a slightly more interesting one.
In Danny's defense, he was extremely bored and there was an abandoned train station he could use to play with. All it took was calling in a favor from Technus and a fully functional ghost train connected the Infinite Realms to Gotham.
The ghosts, of course, used this for fun. Fighting each other, chasing each other, celebrating, having concerts. It was a way to go to the human world without anyone causing trouble for them, not that anyone was paying attention anyway.
Or at least, no one was supposed to be paying attention, because Waylon was dumbfounded at the sight. He had escaped to the old rails when he had no other choice, his sewers were compromised and he needed a way out. He didn't expect to walk right into a party, or be offered a sandwich with a smile instead of a shout.
He could also observe a clearly glowing train and the fact that everyone there was glowing. They could be metas, or another completely new creature, but Waylon didn't care, they gave him food and he wasn't a snitch.
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black-and-yellow · 6 months
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skylersprompts · 11 months
DC x DP Prompt *13*
Of course something like this would happen, while Bruce was out of state with Alfred. Some business for Wayne Enterprises had come up and after he was sure the kids had everything under control in his absence, he left.
If Tim had known this would happen, he would have volunteered to go instead of Bruce. But his newest case had just been to intriguing.
Tim looked at Damian, Dick and Jason. They seemed to feel the same way as him.
Tim just had wanted to look something up before dinner! He had found the two floating Toddlers in the Batcave. And after he send a quick emergency signal up to the Manor his brothers had come down prepared for a fight.
Instead all they saw where two black haired three-year old Twins, who were either bothering the poor Bats or crawling into the mouth of the T-Rex.
"You can order Pizza, I'm not going to deal with... this", was all Jason said with disdain, before he left for the stairs to the Manor.
And yeah... absolutely understandable. Tim would do the same if he could.
"Dick, get the pool net. Damian, prepare a room. I'm going to call Uncle Clark and ask him how to handle flying Toddlers", a deep sight escaped Tim.
Why had it be today, when Alfred wasn't here.
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cod-dump · 1 year
Price: Simon… please tell me you didn’t eat the bread on the table
Teen!Ghost: I did. Why?
Price: There was mold on it!
Teen!Ghost: Huh… that’s why it tasted a bit off
Price: why are you so calm about this?!
Nik: It’s just a little mold. It won’t kill him
Price: *stares at Nik gobsmacked*
Teen!Gaz: Guess we know who he took after
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kandicon · 5 months
I love the "he asked for no pickles" meme with doorkeay bc I've only ever seen it with Gerry being the one talking and u just KNOW it's not bc Michael doesn't want to correct the food staff, but that it wants to correct them a little too much. Gerry has to step in otherwise they'll be there for at least another hour of Michael spinning some philosophical bullshit and scaring some poor fast food worker, and while Gerry doesn't necessarily mind Michael doing that in and of itself (he knows the thing he's in love with), as the only one of the two of them who actually needs material food he would like to eat that food before it gets cold tyvm.
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cloudmancy · 7 months
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of-mutts-and-men · 10 months
I’m not meant to work I’m meant to be part of a werewolf pack and be so very eepy and snuggly with all the other omegas in a big cozy nest all day >:((
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yoohyeon · 2 months
For anyone that buys T*mblr premium you better donate to fundraisers 🇵🇸🇨🇩
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 2 months
i grew up with the mindset that "if i (an adult) cant do it, youcant" and i realise now how wrong and awful that mindset is. truly an ageist mindset. stop belittling young people because you believe they are lesser than you. young people can achieve many things, you just judge them for their age. instead of judging children , how about you judge your mindset and change it. learn that children can do things too, you just judge by age.
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ecopunkbeginner · 7 months
What'll happen if I just...put my food scraps in a random container right now and gradually turn it into a more proper compost thing? How quickly will I need to do something else to it to have it become something vaguely useful?
Unnecessary info: I always hate throwing food scraps away, but today I had such a nice experience eating berries outside and when I walked around outside I actually felt positive feelings which hasn't happened really at all recently? So it felt so incorrect to walk away without at least returning the remnants to nature rather than chucking them in the trash. But I don't have the materials or executive function to do anything besides....Put It Somewhere. I thought about putting it in one of the random plants outside, but it feels questionable to just shove my food scraps in someone else's plants. Idk how you're choosing to raise your plants, idek if something bad could happen. Maybe the lemon tree, since it's already got lemons on the ground around it, but again, it's still Not Mine and very much Is Someone Else's. Whatever I end up doing, it'll probably need to be contained to a....container, and a pretty small (and definitely cheap) one at that, because I'm renting a room here, it's functionally Not My Yard, and the yard is 92% concrete. I'm just keeping the bowl of berry bits in my room at the moment until I figure out what to do 😅
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once you realize that life really isn’t that serious, it gets so much better. like im serious. im well aware there are a million posts and sayings just like this, but it’s true. I used to be so crippled by the worry of what other people thought of me (granted i still struggle at times) but once you realize that nothing matters. it’s so freeing. like yeah. maybe that person thinks you dress weird. or that you have a funny hairstyle. or a million other things. who cares??? you’re never gonna see them again! you get one life! live it! be weird! be yourself! be authentic! who cares?? once i started looking at life as this one experience, i wanted it to be a great one. no more caring what other people think. doing things because i want to and because i like them. someone thinks my plushies are childish? who cares? they make me happy. they’re mine. i love them. why should someone else dictate what i do with my life. it’s mine for a reason. i don’t tell you what to do with yours, don’t tell me what to do with mine. once you start living like you’re stuck in a studio ghibli movie, life gets 100% more bearable, enjoyable even. i used to be stuck in such a self-deprecating, depressing, anxious cycle. now? yeah i still have those moments, but they’re smaller and more manageable. because i know. life is full of so many beautiful things. and if i need to indulge in my inner child to get through the day, then i will. i implore you. do the same.
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shima-draws · 8 months
It hasn’t even been a week since Sanji left and Luffy already nearly DIED by starvation and then ingesting something poisonous. Absolutely fucking unbelievable. How have they survived this long without him
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devouringbodies · 8 months
Need an au where Will is a waiter at some diner in Louisiana and Hannibal is down there for whatever fucking reason but he stops in everyday cause despite the ....charm of the place not being his usual dining deal it's actually pretty good and the waiter is super cute. Anyways. Hannibal kills all the customers who are rude to Will.
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sciderman · 2 months
Hello!! I’m kinda late with it, but I just wanna tell you that my bestie and I are sending you the goodest vibes! ❤️❤️❤️ Cause you see, we went to see the movie on the day of the premiere and we have been shitting on it more and more mercilessly ever since, both of ours anger and grief increasing upon realizing more and more clearly just how utterly SHITE this excuse for a movie was.
And so we were both surprised at finding out just how MANY people on the internet were actually enamoured with it, and praising it like a masterpiece. It felt like being stuck in some fucking simulation, so I was like hold up, there’s this awesome person whose opinions I respect, let’s check there! (Cause my bestie is more of a casual fan, not really on the scene in Deadpool fandom.) So yeah, we went to your blog and were both delighted at your insight, reading all you’ve said about it and laughing in my bed. And as much as it still sucks to have experienced all of that, and that this crap will stay on DP’s record, it was really comforting to see someone so well-spoken feeling the same way and expressing it with eloquence, very satisfying to read. Honest to god, I felt some kind of relief upon being reassured that I’m not just a hater, it was actually ✨That Bad✨
 So thank you!! And stay strong!!
oh trust, I feel entirely similar but - I don’t feel surprised about it because it’s kind of marvel tradition at this point for a film to be nearly entirely incoherent but still a crowd pleaser - I thought we’d grown past this and that people were finally getting wise after all the lukewarm responses to recent mcu entries but I guess deadpool is just the silver bullet that can blindside anybody - I think there’s kind of an expectation attached to deadpool in that it’s Not Going To Be Good. but at least it’s going to be fun. but - you know - shrugs - I’m kind of tired about how OFTEN I’m asked by pieces of media these days to just… switch my brain off? like um? sorry if I want to use my brain? thats what its here for? I have this fucking organ in between my ears that wants to be challenged and enriched and there just isn’t enough in this world that is doing that for me. and I know I’m not going to find that in a marvel movie. but it’s just such a bummer how often people tell me to just switch off my brain and how much I want to fucking !! use my brain though !! just give me some fucking brain food or I might freaking vegetate. I’m gonna go brain dead, lads. I’m gonna go brain dead !! I can’t keep switching off my brain. she’s here to work. she wants to work !!!
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babybird-keigo · 2 months
*The Bakusquad when they drop food on the floor.*
Sero: Aw man. *Throws it away.*
Denki: Five second rule!
Bakugou: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me?! *Eats it off the floor.*
Kirishima: *Sobs on the floor.*
Mina: *Looks at Denki, Bakugou and Kirishima disgustedly.*
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