#doctor strange supreme angst
ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Strange Love (Part 2)
Re-uploding this because I acidentally delete it yesterday. Sorry if your are being tagged in this again and you already read it.
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Pairing: Stephen Strange!Supreme x Fem!Reader Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The reader makes a disconcerting discovery about her feelings and at the same time tries to deal with Strange's obsession with her which inevitably leads to catastrophe.
Word Count: 6K
Warnings: Violence, Mentions of injuries and blood, pure angst
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Chapter 2: Not Again
“Let me get this straight, did you lose her?” Natasha Romanoff asked teasing Stark.
“You are so funny. Did you hear what he said? Did you guys hear what he said?” Natasha could tell Stark was worried.
“We heard” Barton replied “There's an evil version of this guy” He pointed to Doctor Strange standing next to the table in the meeting room in the Stark Tower. “Wanting to destroy the universe because he thinks [Y/N] is his dead fiancé.”
"It's a little more complicated than that" Doctor Strange replied, trying to control his lack of patience. “She is his fiancé. At least the version of her in this universe.”
“I'm sorry Doctor, but how long have you and [Y/N] been having a thing?” Natasha asked smirking
“What?” Stark replied “[Y/N] and this guy? He's my age, come on!”
“I guarantee that I'm at least 10 years younger than you Stark” Strange replied looking slightly offended “[Y/N] and I are barely friends, we hardly have any contact.”
Natasha couldn't help but notice that he was uncomfortable with the whole thing.
“But in that other universe weren't you engaged?” Rhodes seemed confused.
“Things are not exactly the same... people have different lives... can you focus on the main issue?”
“He got nervous” Natasha provoked “[Y/N] told me she was in love and didn't want to tell me with who.”
“Definitely not with me” Doctor Strange replied angrily “I have great respect for her, but that Stephen Strange is completely obsessed with her and will spare no effort to have her, even if he has to destroy our entire universe.”
"Oh, that story again" Barton complained.
“You're not going to retire so soon, Clint” Natasha said trying to keep some humor in the midst of all that absurd situation that completely escaped her understanding. She stared at Stark who seemed to be deciding whether to say something or not. He had that face that Natasha knew well. He was hiding something.
"Tony knows something else that he's not telling us." She pointed.
“Oh you know me so well” He said shrugging “We need all the help we can get.” He replied speaking directly to Doctor Strange
"That includes Thor and Loki" Strange replied.
“I just don't know if bringing Loki into this would be a good decision.”
Natasha was confused.
“Tony... we won't make it without them.”
“Can you two just say what's going on?” Banner asked annoyed.
“[Y/N] and Loki are... having a thing” Tony said rolling his eyes.
Natasha smiled and for some reason wasn't surprised. She knew there was something happening.
“Are you kidding…” Barton was irritated “Tony how did you let this happen?”
“She's an adult, okay? She is not a child and doesnt need to ask for permission. Also, so far it hasn't been a problem.”
“And what's the problem now?” Banner asked.
“Loki won't take well knowing that Doctor Strange's evil twin kidnapped his girlfriend” Natasha replied.
“You must be kidding” Rhodes was exasperated “We are dealing with considerable danger and you are worried about all this drama?”
“A maddened super sorcerer is enough for us” Tony replied “If Loki loses his mind and decides to face Strange alone, we all lose”
"We need them" Strange stated.
You woke up in the morning to another cloudy day in London. You looked around at the empty bed and remembered everything that had happened the day before. You could tell yourself that you slept with Doctor Strange to try to save the universe, which wouldn't be completely untrue, but you couldn't deny that you liked it.
Your conscience was heavy thinking of Loki. A great sadness washed over you as you realized that you probably wouldn't be able to see him again and you thought of Tony.
Tony Stark had become much more than just the man who gave you shelter, he was your best friend and you felt an unconditional affection for him. How could you live without him?
You were trying to find a balance in this madness, but you couldn't come to any conclusion.
Doctor Strange came out of the bathroom, dressed only in his pants, his hair wet from the shower. You couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. You had never looked at Stephen Strange like that before, but after last night you couldn't help it.
“Glad you're awake.” He smiled “We're going to NY, hurry up.”
You agreed “Can I...? I need a shower.”
“Of course, there are clean towels in the bathroom and I will bring you clean clothes.”
You took a long shower, washed your hair and tried to let the hot water clear your thoughts which were completely out of control by now.
The only way to resolve that conflict was to convince Strange to leave this universe. His presence there was causing irreversible damage to reality. But you knew he would only accept go away if you went with him and your presence in any universe would bring irreparable damage to that other reality, leading the situation to a complicated and disheartening paradox.
You came out of the bathroom and there was a change of clothes on the bed. You dressed quickly. Light jeans, a white t-shirt and sneakers.
You went down to the hall. Stephen Strange was dressed in his dark tunic, his frightening black cloak clinging to his shoulders.
“Can we talk about it first?”
He agreed.
“When we get there, let me talk or they won't understand.”
He nodded.
“And the spell...”
He sighed “I will not cast the spell. You are right. I need to leave the past behind.”
You smiled in relief “This will please Doctor Strange.”
“Don't get so excited, there are things I need to solve with him.”
He conjured a portal “Let's go.”
You arrived at the Stark Tower, more necessarily at your apartment. You went downstairs and heard Friday's voice over the speakers.
“Miss. [Y/N] has just entered the Tower, Sir.”
A second later Doctor Strange appeared, staring at the other Stephen Strange beside you with a mixture of astonishment, fear and anger.
Doctor Strange armed himself by conjuring a circle of golden magic into his hands and Tony followed closely behind with Rhodes, both in armor. Natasha, Clint and Banner also ran into the hall.
“Hi” You said to everyone.
“I'll speak once” Tony said “Leave her alone or there will be consequences.”
“I'm anxious to know what the consequences will be, but I'm not here to fight.”
“Then why are you here?” Doctor Strange asked.
“Because I asked him” You said “I wanted to say goodbye...”
“What you talking about?” Tony got rid of the armor mask “[Y/N] come here.”
“I... I can't, Tony. This is my destiny. Being with him, with Doctor Strange. I need to protect this universe and the only way to do that is to leaving with him.”
The Strange next to you grinned victoriously.
“No” Stephen replied “That was her fate, not yours.”
“Yeah, I hate to admit it, but if you're going to have a thing with some Doctor Strange, I vote for this one” Tony said indicating the Doctor Strange next to him.
You sighed “You don't understand...”
“Strange” Doctor Strange called angrily “What did you do to her?”
“I am fine. I asked him to bring me here to say goodbye. I don’t want you to fight.  I'll be fine.”
“Even if that was an option” Doctor Strange said furiously “Which clearly isn't, it doesn't change anything, his mere presence here unbalances the universe, you know that, you've seen it.”
“We can leave this universe” You replied “We can go to another place and this world will be safe.”
“But you will put another universe in danger” Doctor Strange replied trying to convince you “[Y/N] listen to me...”
“Don't worry about it Strange, I can take care of the side effects.” Said Strange challenging him “I, unlike you, am capable of dealing with any problems that occur in this reality or any other.”
“Like you dealt with your universe? Your arrogance destroyed an entire universe. You killed billions of lives and you want to risk it all again?”
Doctor Strange sighed trying to convince his version of another universe
“That's us wanting to fix everything, wanting to have control over everything that happens, but your [Y/N] died, you can't bring her back and you can't keep risking the multiverse like that.”
“I will do whatever is necessary to take back what is mine.”
“Yeah, it turns out she's not yours” Tony replied irritated “You had yours Y/N, you lost her, don't come steal ours.”
You could feel Strange's anger rising and the conflict you were trying to avoid hanging over all of you.
“Tony... please, I'll be fine.”
“Oh but Loki won't” Natasha said and Doctor Strange opened a portal through which Thor and Loki entered.
Strange launched himself at Loki, but only surpassed one of his illusions. Thor caught him from behind, trapping him with the Stormbreaker.
Loki put some kind of collar around his neck and Thor released him.
He flew in to attack Loki, who pressed a button on some sort of device and he went back to where he was.
“What is this?” He was surprised and furious “What did you do?”
Doctor Strange also looked curious.
“A boring thing I learned at TVA” Loki replied facing the Doctor Strange of your universe “All the power of the world is no match for this.”
Strange looked at you “[Y/N]...”
“You get rid of him” Loki threw the device into Doctor Strange's hands “Something in his face tells me this is your problem.”
Loki came towards you “Are you ok?”
You nodded, but your heart was breaking, you couldn't bear to see the pain in Strange's eyes.
“Put him in the basement” Tony said to Doctor Strange who opened a portal and dragged Strange with him.
"You'll regret this" He threatened angrily.
“I imagine so, but first let's have a conversation” Strange replied passing through the portal.
Tony got rid of the armor “Are you ok?” and then scolded you “What is this fate thing you were saying? Have you lost your mind?”
You started crying desperately throwing yourself into his arms.
You were in the hall, Doctor Strange hadn't returned, Tony quickly explained what he knew about the whole story to Loki and Thor.
“Don't be angry” Said Natasha teasing “Her thing with Doctor Strange is in another universe.”
Loki didn’t respond.
“What will you do with this guy?” Thor asked “After all, how did he get here?”
“I warned you that the passages of the multiverse are open due to the collision of the timelines” Loki replied
"The spell incident may have made things worse" Tony said ruefully.
You were surprised “What incident?”
Tony sighed “What you said you saw with Parker. It kind of happened, Strange tried to repair the damage by erasing what happened from people's minds, but it doesn't seem to work right.”
You sighed bewildered  “It's my fault. I predicted weeks ago that this Doctor Strange would come, I was going to talk to Stephen, but I didn't have time. I should have warned all of you.”
“She's full of secrets”  Natasha said with her unshaken mood.
“Yeah, can you keep your boyfriends under control?”  Barton said annoyed.
Loki sat next to you “Are you ok? None of this was your fault.”
You could barely look at him. “I did what I had to do to save this universe.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked but you did not answer.
“It's better to let her rest” Natasha stated “This conversation can wait.”
“You’re sure?” Banner asked  worried “How long we'll be able to keep that guy trapped in the basement?”
“Loki, that thing will work for how long?” Tony asked.
“It took me 14 hours to get rid of mine” Loki said “You don't have much more than that.”
“Is it possible to send him back? To his universe?” Barton asked staring at you.
“No” You replied “His universe was completely destroyed, anywhere he goes will destabilize reality. At least that's what Strange said.”
“Are you telling me this guy shouldn't be alive?” Thor asked
“I'm saying that there can't be two Stephen Strange in the same universe. Sending him to another universe would only transfer the problem.”
"I vote to transfer the problem" Rhodes said.
"Maybe our other-universe selves has better ideas of how to deal with the problem" Barton said.
“You don't understand” Loki said darkly “As long as the multiverse is open nothing will stop him from coming back.”
 “Not just him” Thor concluded  “Any version of him or any other being.”
You agreed.
“Then we finish him” Tony said decidedly and you looked at him exasperated. “The guy's universe is gone, he's working overtime.”
“He's suffering” You said “Nothing he did or is doing is without a reason.”
Loki stared at you surprised “Are you defending him?”
You stood up turning around and turned your back on everyone “I'm saying that killing can't be an option. We can't justify this by saying he shouldn't be here. Who decides? Half of our universe shouldn't be alive, we forced ourselves through time to bring them back directly impacting reality.” You stared at Loki “You shouldn't be alive in this timeline, the TVA almost guaranteed that, but here we are forcing ourselves against their will.”
They didn't respond.
“Besides, you wouldn't be able to kill him.” You faced Tony pleading “There has to be another way”
You were in your room and you knew they were talking about you downstairs, but you couldn't stop thinking about Strange. That Stephen Strange. You needed to talk to your Doctor Strange alone, maybe he had a better plan that didn't involve trying to kill the other Doctor Strange.
Loki sneaked up on you “Are you okay? You don't look good.”
You sighed wearily. You couldn't tell him what had happened between you and Strange and you were justifying your omission saying that it was to protect Loki from an impulsive act that would lead him to try to fight Strange, you knew he wouldn’t stand a chance, but you were in fact protecting yourself from his judgment.
“It's been crazy days” You replied “I'm trying to process the fact that there was a version of me that was engaged to a Doctor Strange... it's all so confusing.”
“I know. I found some versions of myself that were very difficult to process. I know how it feels.”
“I can't imagine how difficult it must be for Doctor Strange.”
Loki agreed.
"I thought I wouldn't see you again.” He pulled you to his arms and tried to kiss you but you turned your face feeling your heart heavy “I'm sorry.”
Someone knocked on the door.
“Sorry”  Natasha walked in “The front door was open.”
You wiped the tears from your face.”
“Thor wants to talk to you” She said to Loki “He's waiting in the main hall.”
Loki nodded and left and you couldn't help but notice how relieved you felt. You suddenly didn't feel comfortable in his presence and you understood that maybe it was the guilt you felt.
Natasha entered the room and closed the door.
“I thought the perhaps you would want to talk to someone.”
You did not answer. She sat by your side.
“When you told me you were in love, it never crossed my mind that it would be with Loki.”
“You don't approve it.”
She shrugged “Clint it’s offended, but I personally tend not to hold bad feelings towards people. Loki was at Thanos' behest, we defeated Thanos. It's water under the bridge.”
You smiled “Loki has evolved a lot since 2012.”
She agreed and stayed silent for a minute, her eyes on you examining you “What happened to you while you were there? What did he do to you?”
Tears streamed down your face and you wiped them away quickly.
“He made me feel things I didn't want to feel.”
Nat didn’t asked just kept listening.
“It's as if I could feel what she felt for him. Their love was something very strong and I never felt anything like that... I can feel it now.
“Maybe it's some enchantment” She said trying to find some explanation.
You shook your head “I convinced him not to use the spell. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, he just wants… me.”
“But you can't sacrifice yourself like that for him” Natasha said trying to be understanding “I understand that his life was destroyed by this loss, but it makes no sense for you to give up on yours.”
“Are you saying I'm wrong for feeling like this?”
“I'm saying that you spent a lot of time alone with him, it messed with you, but you should keep your head in place now. Let's find a way to solve this in the best way possible. We always find a way, remember?”
“He won't stop” You said staring at your hands “And I won't let them kill him.”
Natasha looked at you surprised.
“I can't Nat, there has to be another way.”
She agreed “Let's think of something.” She got up to leave “Be careful so Loki doesn't see you crying for the evil Doctor Strange, he might think you guys have a thing.” She smirked and left the room.
You spent the whole afternoon in your room and at dusk Doctor Strange knocked on your door.
"I imagine you have questions" He said. He wore his blue robe, his levitation cloak. Looking at him was strange to say the least, but you tried to push that thought away.
“Where is he?” You asked and he walked in.
“Comfortable in the basement”  He approached “Are you okay?”
You shrugged. “It doesn't matter how I feel”
“You have no responsibility for what happened. It's not your destiny to be by his side, you are free.”
“Then why do I feel this way?” You stared at the floor “He didn't use any spells, no incantations, but I can feel all the things she felt for him.”
Strange stared at you surprised
“I felt like this since the first moment I saw him in the Sanctum Sanctorum, then in London. I'm not being manipulated, I'm just...
He sighed “May I test something?”
You nodded.
Strange cast a spell with a pompous gesture of his fingers and golden runes hovered in the air and approached your face penetrating your skin.
“What did you do?”
He shook his head trying to reassure you “The Vishanti seal of protection. A simple spell, but unbreakable and very powerful. Your mind is not and never will be under the effect of any spell as long as it is protected by it.”
“And how long will the spell last?”
“As long as the sorcerer who cast it is alive.”
You agreed with a sigh.
Doctor Strange stared at you sympathetically “Now we're sure he hasn't bewitched you. I know little or nothing about your abilities. I know that you can see the future, that you have visions, but I don't know where it comes from.”
“I do not know either.”
“I believe your ability is interfering with reality. If the multiverse is open as Loki says, it's possible that you are naturally draining your memories from that lost universe.”
You stared frightned “But she is dead. How is this possible?”
“The multiverse is a complex concept. We know little or nothing about it.”
“How can I live with this feeling? How can I be myself, feel my feelings and hers at the same time?”
He did not answer.
“I can't talk about it with anyone else, but I think you'll understand the feeling of being two at the same time.”
He nodded. “Since he arrived, I've had a hard time accepting that there is another version of me. I mean, in theory I always knew, but seeing it it's completely different.”
You nodded. “I want to justify what I did... please tell me that what you said justifies it”
He didn't answer but looked at you curiously wondering what you were talking about.
You stared at him and unable to keep his gaze, you turned away from him “I... I wanted to say it was hard being there... I wish I could say that I feared him, but that's not how it happened. He's like you, he's not evil, he's just hurt. You remember what it was like to lose your hands, not being able to operate anymore. What wouldn't you give to have that back?”
He shook his head “I wouldn't risk our reality.”
You nodded “Everything he did was out of love. I have never felt so loved by anyone.”
“You don't understand, he loves her, he wants you to be a receptacle for her memories, he wants to force you to cease to exist...”
You stared at him in denial “He wasn't going to do the spell, I convinced him otherwise.”
He was surprised.
“Sorry, but I can't let you hurt him.”
Strange took a step towards you “What happened in London?”
He went silent.
“I... I wanted to say that I was bewitched, that I was manipulated, but the truth is that...”
“You fell in love with him.”
He approached you “I will never judge you for that, but you need to understand that he can't stay. His presence is tearing the fabric of reality, I can see it.”
“So there's only one way.”
He disagreed “I will not allow you to go with him. You're...”
He seemed surprised with your words, but didn't relent. “Yes. Mine, Loki's, Stark's... You belong in this universe.”
He held your shoulder “As long as we can contain his powers... maybe I can send him to another universe, a universe that has lost its Doctor Strange, but you stay. I won't let you go.”
“I want to talk to him.”
Strange looked bewildered “I don't think it's a good idea, he has a big influence over you.”
“You won't be able to keep him locked up forever. His powers are immeasurable, there's no way to beat him fighting.”
He looked at you regretfully. “I can't let you do this.”
“It's my destiny.”
Even if Strange didn't agree, he took you to see the other Strange. You took the elevator down to the storage compartment where Tony kept all of his armor, working and non-working. Doctor Strange walked silently ahead of you, and you knew he was upset, but you firmly stood by your decision.
You walked through the huge shed until you came to a double-leaf door that led to a staircase. In the little more than a year that you had lived in the Tower, you had never been there before. You walked down the stairs feeling claustrophobia take over and tried to pay attention to your breathing. The room was slightly small, lit only by a few cold white lights. Stephen Strange was trapped in what had once been Loki's cell. He was sitting cross-legged in the lotus position and eyes closed.
He opened his eyes and watched you silently.
“Strange, leave us alone, please.”
Doctor Strange looked at you annoyed and then turned his eyes to the other Doctor Strange who glared at him with a cocky grin. “Stay away from the glass.” Your Doctor Strange warned you.
You agreed. He looked at you regretfully  “I'll be around if you need me.”
You waited for him to walk away. As he climbed the stairs and passed through the door You turned your attention to Strange.
“They can't keep me here.” He said challenging you “It's only a matter of time until I get rid of this device.”
“They won't” You replied, getting closer “You must go to an universe where there is no longer a Doctor Strange, that way you won't hurt reality.”
“I'm not going anywhere without you.” He said getting up and walking towards you. The glass separating you both. You knew you shouldn't do that, but you typed the password and entered the cell, closing it behind you.”
He looked at you surprised “You don't understand, I love you.” His voice was just a whisper
You were tempted to believe in that overwhelming love that gradually possessed you too, but you need to think rationally about things. What you were feeling wasn’t real.
He came to you and pulled you into his arms and kissed you and you gave in to the kiss. The feel of his lips on yours was something you couldn't explain. You'd never felt this way before. It was so easy to give in to him because he was everything you ever wanted, someone who loved you enough for both of you since you had no love for yourself. But you needed to see things as they really were, he didn't love you, he loved a version of you, an idea that didn't exist.
You gathered all your willpower and touched his chest pushing him away.
“I'm sorry for everything that happened to you. Strange, I want you to be happy. I believe that more than anyone you deserve to find some peace of mind and some happiness, but... I am not the solution. I'm not her and I can't go with you.”
He stared at you wistfully, but his eyes turned angry “They poisoned you against me”
“No, I'm completely in love with you.”
He seemed confused.
“Two days.  You made me fall madly in love with you in two days, but I know that feeling is not real. All I'm feeling is what she felt for you and that's not fair to who I really am.”
“You are her”
You shook your head feeling the tears forming and your voice came out choked “She's dead and I can't be who you want me to be.”
Strange stared at you and he seemed so hurt
“I didn't manipulate you to feel like this, this love is real.”
You denied “It wasn't you, it was me. I didn't understand, but Strange helped me understand.
He looked at you confused.
“He has a theory: with the multiverse open my psychic abilities are draining her memories from your universe. I am picking up fragments of your reality and assimilating them as if they were mine. I'm absorbing her.”
He smiled “That's fantastic.”
You could feel the lingering disappointment with reality hurting your chest. He wanted her back, even if you had to cease to exist for that.
“You don't love me Strange, you love her and want me to become her. You don’t know me and you don't want to know me.” You chuckled nervously looking at your hands and spoke again in a lower tone “I don't even like Creme Brûlée.”
He lowered his head “Things might be a little different, but the essence is the same.”
It wasn't working. He wouldn't give up on you that easily unless you convinced him you didn't care about him. What should have been a reality, you’d known him for two days, You shouldn't care, but it wasn't how you felt.
“I'm with Loki”
Strange stared at you disgusted “What?”
“I'm with Loki Laufeyson. I like him, we're good together, or at least that's how I felt before you came along. It's who I am. This is me in this universe, it's who I was and what I felt before you came and started changing everything about me. You need to respect who I am.”
“Loki…” He couldn't hide his disgusted expression “Are you telling me that in this universe you… with the god of mischief?”
You nodded as his voice grew louder and more menacing.
He laughed ironically, but his eyes were sad “This is absurd, nonsense. You are mine, we love each other.”
“Y/N” Strange called you outside the glass “Come.”
You walked outside and the door slammed shut again.
Strange threw himself against the glass “And do you know that? How could you allow her to have a relationship with that lying scoundrel?”
“I don't have to allow anything. Y/N is free to do whatever she wants.”
“She should be yours, it's your destiny to stay together. You embarrass me.”
Doctor Strange took you by the arm and you walked out of the basement.
You were in your room when Tony knocked on the door. You wiped the tears with your blouse sleeve
 “The door wasn't open, but I'm exempt from asking permission anyway.”
He noticed your tired and sad face “The last few days haven't been easy, have they? I'm not going to pretend I know what you're feeling because I haven't been graced with a version of myself from another universe. Crazy times!”
You sighed “He won't stop.”
“Yeah, I already deduced that.”
He sat next to you on the couch and pulled your legs into his lap.
“I dont know what to do.”
“I know you don't like the idea and I know he has a doctorate in black magic or whatever, but as long as he's wearing that collar maybe we can...”
“That's not holding him back, Tony. Temporarily it may have worked, but he is more powerful than we can imagine. He's not trying to get out of there.”
Tony sighed. "What do you suggest we do, I accept suggestions, anything that doesn't involve letting you go with him to another universe and leaving me here."
You hugged him. He held you tight in his arms and stroked your hair.
“I don't want to live without you, I can't.” You confessed. Your voice was merely a whisper. The very thought of losing Tony filled you with fear. He was all you had since you ran away from home and abandoned your old life.”
“Okay, We won't be separated. You're not going anywhere.”
“If it's necessary to stop him, to protect you... I'll do anything Tony.”
He held your face “We'll work this out.”
You went silent. Tony's arms wrapped around your body keeping you protected in his welcoming embrace. You could spend the rest of my life in that hug. You loved him so much more than you could explain.
Friday's voice sounded loud “Boss, I'm detecting conflict on the basement”
You got up frightened.
“I'm on my way. Friday, give me a full analysis of the situation.” Tony said putting on his glasses that sometimes worked as a computer screen.
He stared at you “Stay here”
“No, I'll go with you.”
He disagreed “I can't fight with you there, okay? please...”
“Friday, activate the babysitter protocol.”
He turned his back on you leaving the room and when you went through the door it closed. “Friday, let me through.”
“I'm sorry Miss. I'm not allowed to open the door.”
Your mind was in a whirlwind, You knew you needed to do something before someone ended up dead, but how? “Damn it, Tony!”
Your whole body was tingling, that nervousness was out of control, your mind was looking for a way out and suddenly you knew you could do it. Or at least that it was worth a try. You had connected with Loki a few times, what if you managed to connect with Friday and force the AI ​​to hand over control to you?
Your mind searched for the AI and there was no resistance. Perhaps because it is not as complex as a human mind. You merged with it and decided to test
“Friday... cancel the protocol.”
“Protocol canceled” The AI ​​replied and the door latch opened with a muffled noise.
You ran to the elevator and went down to the lowest level heading to the basement. When you got to the there you saw Strange fighting your Strange and Thor. Loki tried to hit him from behind, but he held him steady with one hand as he lashed out mercilessly at Thor.
Tony flew at him, hitting him and causing him to release Loki. Stephen cast a spell to immobilize his hands but he got rid of it easily and his eyes turned red and he spat a jet of fire at Strange who protected himself with a magic shield.
“What the hell was that?” Tony seemed perplexed
Thor tried to hit him with the Stormbreaker, but Strange moved too fast and threw his black cloak into Thor's hands, immobilizing him.
Loki launched a beam of green light at him that penetrated his head and his eyes turned green, but a second later Strange channeled the full force of Loki's blow and fired back at him.
He walked towards Loki and grabbed him by the throat pinning him against the wall and lifting him off the floor. Doctor Strange cast the immobilization spell again and he dropped Loki who fell to the ground. Your Strange conjured some kind of a magic rope tying Strange's hands.
Tony launched a blast of energy at him and yelled to Strange “Doc, if you have a hidden superpower you want to reveal, now is the time.”
Strange laugh devilishly “You are weak Strange, you have no idea of ​​your potential. You have no idea what are we capable of doing
Doctor Strange could barely hold the spell.
Strange's eyes were red and tentacles came out of his body and attacked your Strange throwing him away against the wall. He didn't get up.
“Doctor, wake up” Tony yelled.
Strange levitated in a beam of red light “You can't stop me.”
Tony protected himself with a shield when Strange launched a beam of red magic at him and to your despair, little by little Tony's shield was falling apart, his own armor seemed to melt.
Not realizing what you were doing, you ran towards them “Friday, I need an armor.” Everything happened so fast. When you put yourself between Strange and Tony, part of the armor attached to your arm formed a nanotechnology shield while the rest of the armor molded to your body. By that time, you had no idea how you were doing that, your mind was acting by pure instinct.
Strange looked at you surprised and hurted.
“ Y/N... what are you doing?” Tony tried to get up.
An instant later Tony's iron legion of armor entered the basement shielding everyone. Thor helped Doctor Strange to his feet and with some effort he cast a protective spell over all of us.
“Strange... please.”
He looked at you “Do you prefer them?”
“They are my family, they are all I have.”
“I am your family, we love each other, Y/N.” His voice was a painful plea that broke your heart.
“I'm sorry... but that's not true.” You couldn't contain the tears that fell from your eyes “You don't love me Stephen...you love a ghost and I am not her”
He sighed levitating back to the ground, the red magic disappearing from his hand. You walked towards him getting closer “It's time to accept that she's gone and won't come back. You've been torturing yourself for centuries, hurting yourself to repair something that can't be changed. Some things can’t be fixed. Look at you.
He looked at you regretfully.
 “You're not bad, Stephen. You are suffering.”
He was startled when tentacles tried to come out of his hands and he struggled to contain them.
“You're not a monster.”
He touched your face and Loki took a step forward which Doctor Strange asked him to stop with a hand gesture.
“I am tired...” Strange confessed
“I know.” You whispered back to him “I can feel it”
He touched your face and  kissed your lips softly. You kissed him back. “You are so loved.” He cooed with tears running down his face.
Tears streamed down your face and he wiped them with his fingers.
“There will always be a part of you that loves Stephen Strange. You can't fight it. It's your destiny.”
You did not answer.
He faced your Doctor Strange “I'm ready to leave, but I'm not going to another universe.”
“You can't stay here” Strange replied sighing “Your presence is tearing...”
“ ...the fabric of reality, I know.”
He levitated and you stared at him scared not understanding what he was doing.
 “I'm ready to get rid of this.” A white light emanated from his body and everyone prepared to fight, but your Strange seemed to understand what he was doing and levitated with his red cloak to meet Strange, the two hovering in the air.
“There must always be Strange who is the Sorcerer Supreme in every universe” Strange said “It is your duty to protect this reality, to protect her and for that you must be the strongest of them all.”
The white light coming out of Strange's body penetrated your Strange's chest. He exhaled deeply closing his eyes and when they opened again they were red.
“Remember Strange, this is also a curse.”
Strange took one last look at you and closed his eyes and his body fell to the floor.
“No!” You ran to him getting rid of the armor you were wearing “What did you... do?”
He smiled, a trickle of blood trickling from his lips. “I'm ready to join her at last.”
Doctor Strange came down to the ground and seemed terribly more powerful. He just watched the two of you without saying anything.
“Stephen... that wasn't the plan” You said through tears “You should live…”
“I've lived for a thousand years” He said, his voice hoarse “Without her, without you... nothing makes sense.
His breathing slowed, you could feel his heart slowing down.
“No” Your heart was racing “No, Stephen please I...” You looked at yournDoctor Strange standing there just watching you “Do something... please.”
He shook his head.
“I don't want you to die...” You said admitting it out loud for the first time - I don't... I...”
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay.  You have another Doctor Strange.” His voice was almost inaudible “I... I'm sorry” He said as his eyes closed “I'm so... so sorry.”
His eyes closed and his head lolled back in your arms.
“No... no, no, no... please...”
You leaned over his chest sobbing.
“Y/N...” Tony approached and lifted you up. He held you in his arms “It's okay, you fought well, I'm proud.”
Thor and Loki approached. Loki tried to touch you and instinctively you backed away.
“I'll take her upstairs” Tony said to him “She needs to rest.”
Doctor Strange approached Strange's body.
“Doctor, are you all right?” Thor asked
He nodded “It's over.”
"Strange, let's go," Tony called.
“I need a minute” He said kneeling beside Strange's body.
Tony agreed.
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Tag list: @dreamxonxx @benaddictcumberpatch @iamsherlocked1479 @ironducke @evelyn-kingsley @veryladyqueen @notglucose @wickedscribbles @rmoonstoner @fanartka @katehawke @persephoneblck @hospitaldaydream @mochuchi @nicoletk @alyislost @azu21 @captaincarmel164 @harlekin6 @singhfae @kentucky-criedfricken @gayspiderkay @coffedraven @withalittlehoney @dontmindme262 @dementeddoll @yourmajesty13 @strangeions @hiddlechive @bloodyflowerrr @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @sherlocksgirl91 @dragonqueen89 @newtsniffles @evelynrosestuff @cute-angi @whiskeyho @prix1994 @sherlux @xourownsidee @rbymoon @kakashibabe02 @hobimysolecito @geeky-politics-46 @lykaonimagines @d0ct0rstrangewife @classickook @iobsessoverfictionalmen @bobateadaydreams @loverofallbroken
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pinkthick · 9 months
I did this for you
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Pairing: Doctor Strange Supreme/Reader
Summary: Time hung in suspension as the Watcher's dispassionate voice echoed, "You were supposed to let her die, Strange." Stephen, fueled by a stubborn will to defy fate, roared in defiance, "But the world shouldn't pay for my arrogance! Punish me. Not the world! Not Y/N!"
Warnings: Talking of suicide/suicide attempt
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In the desolate remnants of a collapsing universe, Doctor Strange Supreme clung to the one thing he managed to salvage—Y/N. Their reunion, though victorious, was overshadowed by the impending doom that loomed over them. Stephen desperately pleaded with the Watcher, his voice echoing through the void, "Please! You can undo this!" The Watcher, a stoic figure bathed in cosmic light, scoffed at Stephen's plea. The universe, still unraveling, seemed indifferent to the sorcerer's struggle. Stephen strained against the impending chaos, attempting to wield his powers to stave off the inevitable.
But the universe, wounded and irrevocably damaged, resisted his efforts.
Y/N, bewildered and terrified, watched as Stephen battled forces beyond comprehension. Her eyes reflected the fear that gripped her soul, unable to grasp the cosmic turmoil surrounding them. Stephen, torn between saving Y/N and preserving the collapsing reality, looked at her with a mix of regret and determination.
Time hung in suspension as the Watcher's dispassionate voice echoed, "You were supposed to let her die, Strange." Stephen, fueled by a stubborn will to defy fate, roared in defiance, "But the world shouldn't pay for my arrogance! Punish me. Not the world! Not Y/N!" He strained against the cosmic forces, trying to shield Y/N from the impending cataclysm. The Watcher, an observer bound by the immutable laws of the multiverse, scoffed at the desperate sorcerer. "You knew the consequences of your actions, Stephen. The threads of fate cannot be rewoven once severed."
As the universe crumbled, Stephen's powers faltered. Y/N, caught in the chaos, gazed at him with fear, unknowingly witnessing a being torn between love and the burden of his own sins. The sorcerer, fueled by the urgency to protect Y/N, channeled the dark and forbidden magic he had harnessed in his pursuit of power. His hands moved with an almost frantic grace, attempting to hold back the impending collapse.
"You can't defy fate, Strange," the Watcher intoned, a voice untouched by sympathy. "You were warned of the consequences."
Stephen, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, met Y/N's gaze one last time. "I won't let you go. I won't lose you again," he vowed, his voice filled with a desperate determination. Stephen refused to succumb to the inevitability. With a surge of raw magical power, he attempted to create a pocket dimension, a sanctuary from the collapsing cosmos. His eyes glowed with an ethereal intensity as he strained against the cosmic forces tearing at the fabric of existence.
The Watcher, indifferent to the sorcerer's plight, withdrew from the collapsing reality, leaving Stephen and Y/N alone in the fragile sanctuary of the pocket dimension the sorcerer created. As the entity faded into the cosmic void, the echoes of its parting words lingered, a haunting reminder of the irreversible consequences. With the collapsing universe held at bay, Stephen's trembling form fell to his knees. The once-mighty sorcerer now appeared vulnerable, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his failures. Tears streamed down his face, his anguished sobs echoing in the ethereal confines of the pocket dimension.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/N," Stephen whispered through choked sobs, unable to meet her gaze. The reality he had fought so desperately to preserve had shattered, and he found himself ensnared in the merciless grip of remorse. But Y/N, standing at a safe distance, seemed oblivious to the cosmic cataclysm that had transpired. The disorientation etched across her face betrayed her lack of comprehension. "This must be a joke, right? Right?" she stammered, her voice tinged with confusion. “We were just at the gala... weren't we?" Panic laced her words, the dissonance between her memories and the shattered reality causing her distress.
Y/N approached Stephen tentatively, her eyes filled with both concern and fear. "You were something weird just minutes ago, and now... What's happening?" Her voice trembled, mirroring the uncertainty that enveloped the surreal pocket dimension.
Stephen, unable to meet her gaze, raised his head. His tear-stained eyes reflected the profound regret etched onto his face. "I tried to save you. I thought I could fix everything," he admitted, his voice heavy with the weight of failure. As Y/N attempted to grasp the unfolding chaos, Stephen's shoulders shook with the intensity of his grief. "I never wanted you to be a part of this. I never wanted any of this," he confessed, his words a desperate plea for understanding.
Y/N's panic escalated into hysteria as she confronted the shattered reality that surrounded her. "No, don't give me that bullshit! What the fuck happened?" she demanded, her voice a mixture of desperation and frustration. The surreal circumstances, the shattered memories, and the dissonance of the situation fueled her distress.
Stephen, still on his knees, finally summoned the courage to look into Y/N's eyes. His own were red and swollen from tears. "I..." he began, his voice breaking as he struggled to find the right words to explain the unfathomable. He recounted the devastating event—the car accident that claimed Y/N's life. The unbearable grief that followed led him to seek solace in Kamar-Taj, where he embraced the arts of sorcery. In his pursuit of power, he discovered the Eye of Agamotto, a mystical artifact housing the Time Stone—a relic capable of bending time itself.
With a tremor in his voice, Stephen explained that Y/N's death had been deemed an absolute point in time, an event immutable even by the powers of the Time Stone. The Ancient One had warned him of the dire consequences of tampering with such pivotal moments, cautioning that altering this absolute point could unleash chaos and destruction upon the world. But Stephen, consumed by grief and blinded by his desperation to save Y/N, disregarded the warnings. He delved into forbidden knowledge, absorbing creatures and harvesting their magical essence for centuries, accumulating power beyond mortal comprehension.
"But I didn't care," Stephen admitted, his voice wrought with remorse. "I couldn't bear to live without you. The world, the universe—it all meant nothing to me without you by my side."
Y/N's laughter, a bitter and incredulous sound, cut through the heavy air as Stephen finished his agonizing confession. "You're a fucking idiot," she spat, the words a searing indictment of the sorcerer who had wrought chaos in the name of love. Stephen, still sobbing, reached out to comfort her himself . He longed for the solace of connection, a reassurance that the woman before him could somehow understand the depths of his regret. "Y/N..." he began, his voice pleading.
But Y/N recoiled, a mixture of disbelief and fear etched across her face. "Don't fucking touch me. I don't even know if you're my Stephen," she yelled, her eyes filled with a wariness that mirrored the shattered reality surrounding them.
Confusion and desperation contorted Stephen's features. "What? Y/N—"
"I don't know you!" she interrupted, her voice laced with frustration and anguish.
"You went back in time, manipulated the universe, absorbed creatures for centuries? You're not the man I loved. You're some twisted version of him, some monster who thought he could play with time and cheat death."
Y/N took a step back, eyeing Stephen with a mix of trepidation and disbelief. The sorcerer, his soul laid bare by Y/N's accusatory words, choked on the truth that had unfolded. "A monster? You think—I'm a monster?" he whispered, the weight of her judgment pressing upon him like a crushing burden.
Y/N, her gaze unwavering, met his eyes with a haunting intensity. "I don't even know if it's really you," she declared, the words hanging heavy in the air.
Stephen, desperate to bridge the widening gap, reached out once more. "Y/N, please. I did all of this because I couldn't bear to lose you. I thought I could save you, no matter the cost."
But Y/N remained steadfast, her gaze unmoving. "Save me? You dragged me into your madness. This isn't saving. This is a nightmare."
“Y/N, all I did was for you ," Stephen pleaded, his voice desperate, the echoes of his anguish reverberating in the dissonant pocket dimension.
"For me? What did you do for me, Stephen Strange? Huh?!" Y/N snapped, her anger a blazing wildfire. "You killed billions. You killed my family, your brother, our friends, innocent people, the whole universe!" The weight of the world, the ‘collateral’ damage of Stephen's pursuit, hung heavy in her accusatory words.
Stephen, unable to bear the onslaught of truth, covered his ears as if attempting to shield himself from the damning reality. "Please... no—stop," he begged, his voice a shaky whisper.
But Y/N, fueled by a righteous anger, refused to relent. "Look around you! You did this!" she exclaimed, gesturing to the fractured and chaotic remnants of the pocket dimension.
Tears streamed down Stephen's face as Y/N continued her tirade. "No... No. Stop," he pleaded, his heart breaking with each accusation hurled at him.
"I said fucking look around you!" Y/N's anger intensified, a tempest of emotions unleashed upon the sorcerer. Stephen, overwhelmed and tormented, snapped. His eyes glowed with a different intensity, a manifestation of the dark forces that had seeped into his very being. "I said stop! Fucking stop! " he yelled, the words resonating with an otherworldly power. The pocket dimension trembled in response to Stephen's tumultuous emotions. The fractured reality seemed to mirror the fractured psyche of the sorcerer who had dared to play with the fabric of existence. Oh, that wasn’t good.
As Y/N watched in stunned silence, Stephen, unable to contain the tumult of emotions within him, began losing control of his human form once more. The doctor cried out as his human body started to fall apart. His fingers on his left hand began to tremble and morph into tentacles. His wings sprouted from his shoulders and slammed into the walls of the pocket dimension. Then he experienced his vertebrae horrifyingly fracturing into something before developing into a tail. He wanted to puke, even he was repulsed by himself. He wailed once more as Y/N screamed at him? Stephen was unable to maintain his balance and the side of his face hit the ground below him. His body had stopped responding to him, and his brain was throbbing.
As Stephen, consumed by panic, curled into himself, the pocket dimension echoed with ominous creaks and cracks. His breaths ragged and uneven, he seemed trapped in the clutches of his own unraveling mind. The doctor writhed in physical agony, the monstrous manifestation contorting him and Y/N rushed to his side. "Stephen?" she called out in concern, but he only groaned in response.
Casting aside her anger, Y/N knelt beside Stephen, her eyes wide with helplessness. “Do something!” She exclaimed as she felt a tentacle rounding around her leg slightly
His cries of anguish echoed in the cavernous emptiness of the pocket dimension. "I can't—I... Y/N. It hurts so much," Stephen sobbed, his words a tortured admission of the agony consuming him. The swirling chaos of his monstrous form only intensified, and Y/N felt the eerie tentacle's grip tighten further. Okay, he needs to calm down so we won’t fucking die.
"Y/N...?" Stephen's pained voice wavered as he attempted to get up, his head pounding with an intensity that made every movement an agonizing endeavor. The mystical cloak attached to him, sensing his instability, fluttered and swirled, trying to keep him upright. Y/N, desperate to help, positioned herself beside him, attempting to steady the sorcerer in the throes of his monstrous transformation.
"Stephen, I'm sorry—no! Don't try to get u—" Y/N's plea was cut short as Stephen, struggling against the debilitating pain, almost fell on her. With a desperate attempt to regain control, he managed to stop himself from literally collapsing onto her, supporting his weight with his hands.
He stopped just short of falling completely, his hands—no longer human —pressed against the ground on either side of Y/N. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Oh, fuck... okay. Shit." Y/N's voice held a mix of exasperation and concern as she found herself practically trapped beneath Stephen. His face had so many eyes, but the ones she focused on were the ones that were looking at her with infinite sadness. Oh Stephen..
Struggling to free herself from beneath Stephen, Y/N found her efforts thwarted by his unsteady weight. She shifted and squirmed, attempting to slide out, but it seemed that each move only entangled her further. "Great..." she muttered under her breath, frustration evident in her voice. Stephen, groaning in discomfort, was at least aware of the predicament. The pounding in his head intensified, and he winced, realizing the toll of his defiance against the natural order. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, a small reprieve emerged—the pocket dimension ceased its self-destruction. The fragments of the shattered universe, held together by the last vestiges of Stephen's magic, stabilized.
Y/N, realizing that attempting to move was futile at the moment, shifted her focus to Stephen. "Hey, are you alright?" With Y/N still trapped beneath the cloak and Stephen's weakened state, a muted irony colored his response as he managed to sit up slightly, leaning against a nearby wall. His wings and tentacles remained motionless as he remarked with a dry tone "I'm great, really.” She settled against the opposite wall as she managed to get up from under him, a heavy silence hanging in the air.
“I should be more scared.." she admitted with a heavy sigh, her gaze fixed on Stephen. But she wasn’t. She was concerned and angry. His response carried a wince, acknowledging the truth behind her words. "Probably," he conceded as he tucked his wings closer to hide his face.
Y/N's emotions, held in check by a delicate balance of anger and concern, finally broke free. Tears welled up in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the overwhelming weight of the recent events. Stephen, his own exhaustion evident, couldn't find the words to console her. As Y/N's tears fell, a strange warmth enveloped her. The once elegant blue dress and heels transformed into comfortable clothes and Converse shoes, a subtle magic weaving comfort into the surreal pocket dimension. It was a small gesture, but in that moment, it spoke volumes about the connection between the sorcerer and her.
In a voice barely above a whisper, Y/N expressed her gratitude, "Thank you." The tentacles, dormant until now, stirred to life along with Stephen's tail, a response that mirrored the depth of emotion swirling within him.
Y/N's quiet voice cut through the stillness, her eyes searching Stephen's for answers. "So this is it? I won't wake up from a nightmare? We'll be stuck here forever?" The weight of uncertainty hung in the air, the echo of her words blending with the remnants of the universe that surrounded them. Stephen, meeting her gaze, struggled to find a response. The reality of their situation, trapped in this fractured refuge, was an unspoken truth neither wanted to fully acknowledge. His tentacles and tail swayed in a hesitant dance, reflecting the turmoil within. “I don't know," he admitted, his voice carrying a somber honesty.
Y/N's despair manifested in silent tears as she buried her face into her knees. The weight of the unknown future pressed heavily upon her, and Stephen, still and contemplative, grappled with the consequences of his actions. The fractured refuge echoed with the sobs that escaped from the depths of her grief.
A heavy silence enveloped them, broken only by Stephen's haunting words. "Maybe I should have killed myself," he uttered, a raw admission that cut through the stillness. Y/N, lifting her tear-streaked face, stared at him in disbelief. "I wanted to do it. Five times, actually," Stephen continued, his admission hanging in the hollow space. A deep sigh escaped him, his gaze distant as he faced the haunting echoes of his past
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Stephen walked.
The light of the moon and the stars guided his way.
He visited Donna and Y/N’s grave earlier that night. It was always so quiet.
He found a little hill near Y/N’s grave. With a lot of flowers. It was nice. Pretty like her.
He sat on the ground and looked up.
In the end, she loved him. And he loved her. Too much that is.
He missed her bad jokes.
The gun felt cool in his hand, warm against his temple. “Y/N..what did the green grape said to the purple grape?”
A laugh.
Breathe, you idiot.
Stephen took a breathe.
And then—
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"But I was a coward. Ironic, isn't it? I couldn't even take my own life—but I took the life of a universe." Y/N's tears intensified, her hand pressed against her mouth as emotions threatened to overwhelm her. In a moment of vulnerability, she disregarded the complexities of Stephen's past actions and lunged forward, wrapping her arms around him. Despite his imposing form, he embraced her gently, claws and all. "I'm sorry," Stephen whispered, his voice carrying the weight of remorse. Y/N, still avoiding eye contact, didn't pull away.
"That doesn't mean I'm still not angry... and terrified," she admitted, her words muffled against his shoulder. "We'll talk about... everything," Stephen assured, his tone carrying a sincerity that resonated in the fractured haven. Y/N nodded, acknowledging the need for conversation amidst the cosmic echoes that surrounded them.
"We've got nothing left but time."
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Notes: Love my tentacle boy, but he had done wrong. 😔 AND THEY DID HIM DIRTY IN THE LAST EPISODE FROM SEASON 2.
Either way, I’m writing a lot of things with him at the moment so um..if anybody even reads this. I’m sorry?
Tagging: @paola-carter @hamandchickensandwhich @captainannamerica @ivyheliotrope @dornishmanswife @lilithskywalker @yumeillu @winter-cant-decide @andlizeth @withalittlehoney @mintssanctuary @strangesslut @rotindselain @rookiemartin @herseraphwings @robinschaoticlittle @kujosux @alahmorah @drstrangefangirl8900 @sa-filonzana @kety25jhosson @alchemxx @rachelessfreedom-world @silver-shadow-crewe @wolfstarhufflepuff @lucimorningst4r @butchers-girl @dragonqueen89 @rinacreateart @clockblobber @quillweavianstuff @k1mikoz @indoraptorgirlwind @mynamehasbeentakenbysomeperson @crazyhearttragedy
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Until Eternity | Vampire!Strange Supreme
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Summary: Fate took you away from him. Now that he found you centuries later, will he let the same fate happens to you again?
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: ANGST with eventual smut. Slow burn with feels, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, blood (briefly because duh). Happy Ending**
A/N: I’m back for today, y’all (literally the only day i’m free 😭). I hope you enjoyed it. I spent literally a month on this (and I kind lowkey not happy with the ending because it feels rush lmao). Nevertheless, I hope you liked it. I don’t know why I haven’t written Strange Supreme at all since he’s my most favorite one???? If you enjoyed it, comment and reblog is greatly, greatly appreciated. I love to hear about your thought on this, because besties, there’s a lot to unpack.
*** Please do not copy/plagiarize my work, or repost it anywhere else.
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Stephen stood in the silent darkness, blending into the night as the smell of petrichor permeated the air. 
The rain had just begun to fall upon the earth, soaking every dry crevice with life once more, marking the end of a long, brutal summer, and ushering in the long-awaited autumn. The leaves were just slowly turning red, and the warmth of the summer air barely departed even if it was already October.
His eyes glowed dimly beneath the moonless night, pale and sharp, almost colorless by the way the glacial blue slowly faded to silvery white. His skin was ashen, cool like marble–a contrast to dark circles under his eyes. He looked almost sickly by the way his skin hung over his sharp cheekbones.
A cruel fate, he mused as his lips pulled back, revealing the sharp, pearly canines as he looked down at his gloved hands. Centuries have passed and his heart still hoped that one day the universe would return to what once was his. He had traveled the world, searching in every corner of the world, yet he found himself back here once again.
Standing in the mask of the shadow, watching from afar as his eyes could see, feeling breathless once more as if it was the first time he had laid eyes upon you. A pessimist he was, Stephen couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the sudden burst of warmth that flooded his cold, unbeaten heart. It was like an ocean, filling up the trenches of the scars that were left when he lost you. 
How cruel was the fragility of mortality–ripping you away from him over and over again? 
The wickedness of the universe, punishing a creature like him to eternal damnation– devoiding him of any joy for all eternity—perhaps as a punishment to balance the universe once more for the deed he had done–for daring to try and cheat death; the defiler of the natural law.
But now he finally found you. Again.
Upon centuries of searching through endless, fractured hope of his–centuries of loneliness was nothing compared to the sliver of hope you have given him at the moment. And by the grace of the Damn, he won’t let you go ever again.
Taking a deep breath, Stephen could smell your scent lingering heavily among the crowd, far sweeter with a tinged for floral notes–like honey and lavender coursing through your veins, making his mouth salivate. All of his rationality wavered between hunger and needs.  The thought of tasting you upon his tongue–the smell of your scent overwhelming him once more, and he couldn’t push the thought away. 
How long had he yearned to be close to you, yet the anticipation scared him? The what-if questions, whether you would find him suitable to be a lover or companion scared him more than the light of the sun itself. 
Surely, turning to ashes was less painful than your rejection.
He wanted to laugh at the thought. How pathetic he was–a creature who could swallow a world terrified of a mortal woman…
No, he shook the thought away. You were more than that to him.
You were his heart, his soul, and his star–his compass that guided him on the right path. You were the reason his unbeaten heart remained hopeful.
His attention shifted once more from his thoughts at the sound of your laughter rang in the night. He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach as you pulled a man into a hug before saying goodbye. He knew he was your friend, but it didn’t stop his heart from feeling a pang of jealousy. Oh, how he wishes to touch you.
 Stephen’s eyes continued to follow you, though he remained where he stood, not wanting to draw any attention to himself.
He watched you looking both ways at the crosswalk, waiting for the traffic to die out a bit. As you took a few steps forward, he heard from the far distance, the tire-screeching sound heading your way, but of course, you were unaware of that.
He listened closely as the truck rounded the corner–so quickly for any mortal to react, and without any consideration of the traffic. He told himself again that he won’t interfere. If fate meant for you and him to not exist at the same time, then he should let it—then images of you dying before him over the course of his immortality flashed before his eyes, and every rationality left him.
“Fuck it,” he said, using his power to transport himself. 
He reappeared less than a second later like a rush of energy, bursting through the sound barrier with a loud bang, sending the speeding truck barreling off the road and straight into a metal pole. He had already caught you in his arms while he reappeared, whisking you away to safety.
A few moments later, five police cars came into halting screech as police rushed out to pull the suspects out of the wreckage. Stephen gazed down at your frightening form, trembling in his arms like a baby animal. Your eyes were wild. Fear permeated from your blood and straight to his nose, reeking of sickly sweet scent like spoiled fruits that were left under the sun too long.
“Are you alright?” He asked, looking down at you. 
You couldn’t answer him, except to nod. 
His eyes scanned your body quickly, surveying for any scratches or wounds. He would not figure himself, nor the driver if there were any marks on you. He relaxed once he noticed that there were no scratches on you.
“We need to stop meeting like this,” he muttered to himself under his breath as he stood there with you still in his arms. He could feel your body trembling in his arms while your heartbeat frantically, pumping the blood in your veins with effort.
Your adrenaline was still pumping in your veins as you stared up. Your breathing was still heavy, inhaling every mouthful of air into your lungs as they allowed you to. 
Stephen could feel the burning sensation growing stronger the more he breathed in your scent. It became too apparent and it made his body tremble with needs from blood lust alone. It shouldn't have happened because he was feeding just before he came to check on you tonight. 
Stephen mentally groaned. You were his undoing indeed. Yet, he longed for it–for you.
“Wh–how did you do that?” You finally were able to speak as you looked wildly up at the man and then at the wreckage. It was impossible what just happened—the speed of the truck, and him—he was on the other side of the road, and then in a blink of an eye, he was here, whisking you away in his arms, away from this wreckage…
Stephen carefully set you down on your feet and took a step back, trying to create a distance between the two of you. But he quickly changed his mind when your legs gave out. It was best to simply let you use him for support.
“Do what? Pulling you out from incoming traffic?”  His voice was too calm. 
You stared up taken aback by how relaxed he was–it was almost as if he wasn’t scared or terrified of it. A normal human would be shaken by just pure adrenaline alone, but this man–this man simply looked bored.
“I saw you across the street a few minutes ago, you can’t possibly get here this fast–”
“I think you mistake me for someone else, miss,” he quickly cut you off, and a small part of you snapped. You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline that was left in you or if was it something else. Whatever it was, you really didn’t appreciate what he just said to you.
“Look I am grateful that you saved my life, but what I don’t appreciate is you gaslighting me into thinking that what I saw earlier wasn’t right.” Your voice wavered between anger and wanting to cry. There were so many things happening all at once, and as your body slowly came down from the high, it slowly registered to your brain that you almost died. For this man—this stranger to just blatantly lie in your face, you were beyond furious. 
“And what do you want me to say to that?”
You narrowed your eyes for a few seconds. He was self-assured. You didn’t understand why he had the need to lie to you about it.
You exhaled sharply through your nose. “I don’t know.  Just something that would help me rationalize all of this. At least tell me your name.”
“It’s for the best if we remain strangers, miss. Have a good night.”
His voice sounded so sad. It made you even more eager to understand him. 
When he turned to walk away from you, you instinctively grasped his hand, but all you got was his leather glove. Stephen halted immediately and looked at you with uncertainty and horror as you stood there, looking at his glove and then at his hand. 
Stephen quickly snatched the glove away from you because he couldn’t afford to have your scent linger on his belongings way more than it is right now. Every cell in his body was buzzing and craving for you, and the more time he spent with you, the more he felt all of his sanity slowly slipping away from him.
It would not be long before his hunger dictated all of his wills. 
Your fingers grazed him by accident. Stephen quickly pulled himself away as if he was burned by your touch.
You sucked in your breath sharply at how cool his skin was, but suddenly you felt yourself slipping into the darkness. Your ears range briefly before you feel like your whole body is being submerged underwater.
The noise around you drowned out, melted into a jumble of sound till there was silence. Your body went limp. Images flashed before your eyes like one of those old times in movies. It was blurry, but then the images were clear.
Your brows pulled into a deep frown, watching images of a woman—no it was you, but it wasn’t you at the same time. You flinched at the sudden noise that seemed to emit from the scenes before you. You were smiling and laughing, dressing like one of those old-timey clothes with a man. You weren’t sure of who he was at first, but he felt familiar. Upon further inspection, you found yourself gasping. 
It was the stranger—he was looking exactly like you saw him, except that he looked happier. You were kissing and laughing while holding onto each other.
 “I, Y/N. Take you, Stephen Strange, as my lawfully, wedded husband,” you heard the woman say before she–or you kissed him. 
She–no, you and him was standing under the pale light, wearing a long flowing white dress. There was nothing but the soft, flickering amber from the candlelight illuminating. There were no guests, nor anyone else at the altar, except for the two figures. You felt your chest swell with a sudden burst of happiness, but the scenes soon flashed to a much somber one. 
You were now laying in bed, looking deathly sick. The man was sobbing and holding onto your hands. Crimson tears rolled down his sharp cheekbones, falling onto your white gown, till it was deep red. He was saying something, but you couldn’t hear it well enough because the scene was suddenly cut short. All you remembered was his eyes–they were as they are now–dark, sad, and somber, marred with dark circles, and brimmed with bloody tears.
A loud gasp slipped past your lips, and you felt your body slowly fall. You expected the pain to shoot through you, but it never came.
You blinked as the darkness that covered your vision slowly slipped away. Dim light slowly pours into your line of vision. Your first image was the man once again, looking at you with a concerned look. His eyes were pale blue, almost too pale, you realized. He looked almost otherworldly, yet he was familiar.
“Are you alright?” He asked. His deep, baritone voice sent a wave of warmness through you. 
You frowned when you realized that you were once again back where you were. Tears slipped from your eyes. Your hand slowly reached up with uncertainty to touch his face. The coolness of his skin didn’t shock you anymore as his eyes widened. He opened his mouth to protest, but you felt his whole demeanor shift.
Stephen closed his eyes, savoring the way your warmth felt against his skin. It felt strange, yet familiar at the same time–something that he longed for centuries yet never dared to dream of being this close.
He opened his eyes to find you looking at him with confusion. You sounded uncertain as if you were testing the name on your lips for the first time.
“Your name is Stephen Strange, isn’t it?”
He couldn’t utter the words except that he was nodding slowly in admission. He had yet to reveal himself to yet–
“I–” you started, but frowned to find a better word. “We met before, didn’t we?”
“I don’t know what you mean. This is the first time I see, miss. I’ve said it many times before–”
“Your name is Stephen Strange and I was your wife…in another life–I don’t know which one it is, but perhaps a long time ago.” You struggled to understand yourself as words fell from your mouth. Tears were still rolling down your face, and you didn’t understand why. Your chest hurt so badly every time the images flashed in your mind.
Stephen remained quiet as you continued.
“They were your memories, weren’t they–or were they mine?”
Stephen stared at you for a long moment as you struggled to make sense. He wanted to admit it, but he was scared of what fate has in store for him in this lifetime.
“You won’t believe what I have to say,” he finally spoke. 
“Why is that?”
“Because I know you,” he said quietly. “It happened so many times that I just know you won’t believe me.”
“What do you mean “too many times”?” you asked as you took a step forward. Stephen found himself stepping back. 
He looked around and there were people lingering. “Do you trust me?”
You frowned, unsure why he asked you this but you nodded. A small part of you was afraid though, and Stephen felt too by the way the sickly, sweet scent permeated your body.
Stephen’s lips pressed together into a tight, thin line. If only you knew how capable he was at inflicting worse things than what you feared…
“I have no reason to kill you,” he said softly as if he could read your mind, looking more sad than offended. It was in your nature to fear a creature like him. “I just want to give you the answer that you want.”
“Fine. Then show me.”
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The heavy, wooden doors groaned as he pushed them open, revealing a grand staircase that led up to the darkness. The place smelled of old books and leather. As soon as you stepped inside, the heavy doors slammed shut with a dull thud, startling you in the process. 
“What is this place?” you asked softly, yet your voice sounded louder in the silent darkness. 
Amber light slowly illuminates the dark, emptiness, revealing rows and rows of floor-to-ceiling bookcases. 
“My home,” he said softly. 
“So you brought me to your home…to show me what exactly?”
“Do you believe in reincarnation?”
You thought for a bit and shrugged. “What’s that have to do with anything?”
Stephen took a candelabra and motioned you to follow him up the stairs. They creaked beneath your feet as you followed him not too far behind. He briefly turned before holding up the light to reveal a portrait.
Your eyes widened.
“You and I have met many times before over the course of centuries,” he started as your eyes bored into the portrait of you and him, dressing in the exact clothes you saw a moment ago. “The last time we met, we managed to get married and live happily together, until–”
“Until I suddenly died…” you finished his sentence. “I saw it–I died in this house, didn’t I?”
“You died from consumption–tuberculosis in the modern term. We only married for a few months,” he said almost sadly. “I wanted to save you, but I couldn’t.”
“To save you means you have to become what I am, and I couldn’t live knowing that I have made you suffer the same way that I was.”
“So you're just letting me die like that?” you frowned, not understanding his reason.
“We weren’t meant to be together,” he said softly. “The first time I tried to cheat death—to prevent death from happening to you, it made me become this,” he said as he slowly revealed his true form to you.
His eyes were now glowing almost subtly against the dim light. His bluish veins were becoming more visible on the surface of his pale skin. His canines elongated. His fingers were black, his nails sharp almost like claws.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, but you remained where you were. 
“The spell that I was trying to cast had somehow doomed me to walk the night, and become this horrid creature. Tell me again why I would want you to suffer the same fate as me?”
“So you just watch me die, over and over again?” you frowned.
“It’s the only way,” he said softly.
“No, Stephen. It’s not the only way. If you love me like you said you do, you would have saved me then instead of wallowing in this self-pity of yours,” you snapped. “I-I just don’t understand why–”
“Your death is an absolute point in the universe,” he cut you off. “No matter what I do, you and I weren’t meant to be together.”
“So you're just going to let it happen like that?” 
“Y/N, please you must understand.”
“What do you fear, Stephen Strange?” you asked as you walked toward him till you could touch his face. Stephen closed his eyes and leaned into your touch almost immediately. 
“You,” he said softly. “I am afraid of existing in a world without you.”
“But you refused to turn me, and instead you continue to chase after me like this?”
Stephen swallowed for the very first time as if you had hit the nail on the head. 
“What are you really afraid of, Stephen?” you asked again.
You could see red liquid pooled in his eyes before he looked down as if he was ashamed to admit it. You cradled his face in your hands and you saw that his crimson tears now stained his pale skin. 
“Losing you forever,” he said softly. “I don’t want your existence to get completely erased from the universe, Y/N.”
“Is that what you think will happen if you turn me?”
He nodded reluctantly. Stephen didn’t know about it himself, but he didn’t want to think about it. The fear consumed him far too much and for far too long. 
“Don’t you think it’s a little unfair for me to have you make a choice for me over and over again?”
Stephen didn’t say anything. You gently pulled him down until he could feel your breath fanned over his face. Fear no longer permeated off you, but a rather new scent–a tantalizing one.
“Why did you save me earlier if I was fated to die then and there.”
“I just found you,” he said softly. 
Your eyes flickered from his down to his lips. You could feel your heart quickening the closer you got to him. “So you wanted to be selfish and save me for a bit before you let me go. Again and again, and again.”
“Please don’t say it like that. I do love you so much that I’m willing to rip this world apart for you.
For a minute, you believed him. You didn’t know the sort of power or ability he possessed at the moment, but you knew he meant it when he said those words. 
Without a thought, you leaned in and kissed him. Stephen was surprised but welcomed your kiss. His arm wrapped around your waist, while the other one cradled your face. You shuddered at the way the coolness of his skin felt against yours. He was slow and careful at first. Each movement was precise and calculated as if he was afraid to hurt you. 
You moaned into him before you opened your mouth and allowed him to slip his tongue inside. Stephen was still reluctant to completely allow himself to be immersed completely in his desires, but you pushed him. 
Oh, you pushed him alright. 
Without a thought, you slowly take a few steps back, pushing him until his hard body hits the wall with a soft thud. Stephen gasped in surprise. You could see him smirking for the very first time, and for that small moment, your mouth captured him once again.
You kissed him with urgency, while your hands laid flatly against his chest. You couldn’t feel his heart beating, but you know it doesn’t matter anyway. You weren’t meant to be together so if the universe decided to say “fuck you” to you, you might as well take this opportunity and give him a memory that would last another lifetime.
Your fingers slowly trailed down his body, feeling the way his taut muscles strained and contracted underneath your palms.
Stephen hissed as he felt your hand covering his growing bulge. He quickly pulled away from your kiss and looked into your eyes.
“You are much bolder this time around,” he commented as he took both of your hands in his. Your eyes widened at the realization of how large his hands were. 
“I build differently this time around,” you joked before standing to your tippy toe to kiss him again. “I also don’t want to die without knowing what’s it like to have sex with a vampire, so maybe I’m just trying to make a good memory for both of us.”
Stephen’s eyes seemed to soften when he chuckled. He looked more human when he laughed, you realized. He brought your knuckles to his lips and kissed him almost too gently. 
“I assure you, it’s not that much different than what you know,” he smirked before he suddenly bridged-carrying you into one of the large rooms.
The candlelight suddenly came to life as you and he entered. Stephen gently laid you down on the large, plush bed before he slowly loosen the tie around his neck.
You were mesmerized by the way his long, thick fingers undone those buttons. Your mouth went dry when he began to undress. Your eyes followed a trail of dark hair that disappeared under his waistband. Stephen noticed your hungry look and chuckled softly before he knelt astride your body.
“Is this some sort of a perk of being a vampire?” you asked as you let your fingers graze over the deep ridges of his abdomen. He didn’t seem to mind, which only encouraged you to explore his body more.
“I’m not quite sure what you mean,” he murmured against your skin as he lazily suckled at your neck. 
“Being hot,” you said bluntly, and if Stephen could blush, he would have been a deep shade of red by now.
“Is that what you thought of me?”
You nodded.
“I’m flattered,” he said. Stephen caressed your face almost too gently as he takes in your beauty. Adoration practically poured out of his skin as he looked at you and touched you so gently. “I know we just met and all, but are you sure you want to do this?”
You nodded. “If I’m not meant to exist in this world at the same time as you, then I might as well enjoy it as much as I can. The question is, will you be ok with it?”
“Every moment I spent with you burned into my memories for all eternity, darling. I’m more than ok with this,” he said before he leaned in and kissed you. He didn’t care at all if that made him sound desperate. 
He was much bolder now as when he captured your mouth. His tongue thrust into your parted lips, sliding against yours, licking and tasting every part of you until you were breathless. 
His fingers moved to the back of your head to position you however he wanted. You melted under the weight of his passion–he was practically devouring you whole. It was possessive and demanding, and you wanted more.
His hips pressed into yours, pinning you against the bed. His erection was prominent and heavy against your lower belly. You moaned into the kiss as your resolve slowly dissolved into nothingness. 
You had no idea how much he craved this. Every part of him was buzzing with excitement and needs. He was seeking solace in you–filling the void of loneliness he felt for so long. Touching you like this, kissing and tasting your skin beneath his tongue like this, touched him in a place he never thought still existed. The moment was fleeting for an immortal creature like him, yet it burned into him with a memory that’d last his lifetime.
Tearing his mouth away, Stephen kissed his way down your neck, nibbling and sucking at whatever skin his lips found. You, on the other hand, were restless and impatient as if something had taken over you. You were breathing heavily by the time his mouth wrapped around your breast.
His tongue slid over your taut nipple, licking and swirling around the sensitive nub just enough to make you moan. Your hands moved deftly on their own. Your fingers weaved into his dark, silken strand, tugging and pulling until he moaned deeply into your skin.
Stephen looked up, and you noticed how silvery his eyes were as if they were molten metal, sending goosebumps across your skin. There was something innately predatory in the way he was looking at you, yet it sparked something deeper inside you that made you want more.
You whined softly when his mouth left your breast, leaving you feeling bereft and restless, but that feeling soon dissipated into pure feral needs. 
Your eyes flew open when you felt his mouth descend upon your molten core. His tongue glided across your folds with a purpose before he pushed the tip past the slicked seam. A sharp hiss left your lips at the way the coarse hair of his beard scratched against the tender skin of your inner thigh.
Stephen moaned deep inside his chest as his tongue slid inside your quivering heat, penetrating as deep as he could before retreating back. He repeated this a couple of times until he was satisfied before he moved to flick his tongue around your sensitive clit. 
His focus was absolute and tuned into your pleasure. Your intoxicating scent permeated the air, making him high, drawing him in like some sort of his own personal kind of drug. He could feel the way your wall fluttered around his tongue, and he knew you were close to your first release. Even then he was relentless. 
He fucked you with his tongue in a shallow penetration until the quiet house filled with nothing but the sound of your moaning and panting.
He concentrated and focused on that one spot that made you strain below him, licking and sucking at the bud until you were nothing but a painting mess. It wasn’t long of course. You came not a moment after, clutching onto his head like it was your only lifeline while he continued to feast upon your body.
“Do you trust me, darling?” he asked as he slowly pulled over the edge. 
You nodded and watched as Stephen slowly slid his pants down until his cock was visible to you. You were watching of course of pure curiosity about what a vampire dick looks like. 
He was long and hard, with a perfect thickness that made your mouth water. Thick ropes of veins ran underside of the length with a promise of a pleasure that was drawn out from the inside.
Your breath shuddered as he stood between your parted legs. His eyes bored into you with that same look earlier, making you shiver and horny at the same time.
You watched as he lined the head of his cock along your aching opening. His chest was broad and oh so sculpted that you regretted not touching him earlier. If you lived to see another day, you’d make sure to let him know that. 
Your eyes continued to watch him stroke himself, making his shaft harder and thicker. 
“I can’t wait any longer,” he said softly.
“Take me,” you urged him, biting your lips, trying to dull your neediness for him. 
His hands pressed you gently before he pushed past your nether lips. The pink, fat tips breached you slowly, stretching you and filling you to the limit. Your eyes fluttered as he surged forward, hard and silken, filling you with torment and relief at the same time. 
You shivered and moaned as he pushed deeper into you, sliding through your scorching, tight heat until he buried himself to the hilt, his forehead pressed against yours. 
Each slow and tantalizing movement sent a shudder through him that he couldn’t help but offer a gentle smile, revealing the pearly white canine teeth. He looked more like a beast here than a man–the predator that he was meant to be, but his touch said otherwise.
He was careful and slow. Every time he surged forward you could feel every part of your soul ascend to heaven. You felt like you were losing your mind every time he pulled himself all the way out till the tip remained inside, making your body feel bereft and empty for his length.
You swallowed hard every time he pushed himself all the way inside you, knocking all the words right out of your mouth. Your forehead was damp despite his coolness as perspiration dampened your body.
Your hand reached up to touch his face. He was nuzzling into your touch at first, but he shocked you when he slipped your fingers into his mouth. 
You didn’t know what to say except to watch. His cheeks hallowed, sucking and drawing on your slender fingers with a steady and rhythmic suction, matching the way he was fucking your pussy with a slow, steady pump.
You gasped at the way the matching rhythm aroused you. You couldn’t think straight at that point. The way he was watching you only made you melt further into the pleasure. Nothing you ever had came this good, and you sure were losing your mind over it.
“I’m going to come,” he panted as his pace quickened. Every thrust seemed to get harder and deeper and the faster he moved, the less sane you’ve become. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. His cock seemed to stroke deeper inside you. His greedy mouth tugged at your skin, building up a pleasure so intense that you came again without realizing it.
Stephen continued to move, faster this time, savoring the way your pussy was squeezing his length. Your body was like it was set on fire, yet not enough all at once as he continued to move inside you with a merciless pace that brought you both pain and pleasure. He hunched over you, caging your body to the bed, thrusting hard until he came with a deep growl.
Time felt like it was standing still as he stood there, spent inside you. At that moment you didn’t care. At that moment you were his once again.
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You woke up slowly, reluctant as you lifted your head off his hard chest. You felt drained, tired, and spent, but in the most delicious way. Your body was sore and ached, yet you felt satisfied.
You opened your eyes and looked up to find his liquid, pale sapphire bored on your with tenderness. You were left breathless for a minute before you flashed him a flustered smile. Heat began to flood your face, and you felt him inhaling deeply.
Stephen felt his nerve on fire once more by the way your sweet, floral scent flooded his senses. He was deeply satisfied, yes, but the innate hunger was still there, craving deeply to taste you. He told himself though that he will wait for you to return home before he feeds again.
“Let me become like you,” you said suddenly.
He looked at you with shock. “You know I shouldn’t–”
“Stephen, listen to me. If you don’t do it now, you won’t know what will happen. What if I walked out of here and just went like that? What will you do? Wait for me, search for me for another hundred years?”
Stephen thought for a long moment, but you knew he was still unsure about this. You sighed and cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
“This is my choice, Stephen. No matter what happens, it’s all me. Do you understand?”
He didn’t speak. 
“Please,” you pleaded with him softly. 
“Are you absolutely sure about this?”
You nodded eagerly. 
Stephen stared at you for a long moment, unblinking before he slowly brought your hand up to his lips. He closed his eyes for a long moment, inhaling the way your skin smelled. He could hear the sound of your heartbeat against your chest, slowly picking up speed. You smell warm and sweet, and without much thought, he sank his fangs into your wrist.
You gasped at the sudden sharp pain at first but soon melted into something more. Stephen growled deeply at the rich, intoxicating taste of your blood. You were like everything he knew you were: sweet, floral like honey and lavender. Your thoughts swarmed inside his head like a haze, swirling and floating at the back of his consciousness.
He drank for a long moment, as your body writhed against him in agony and lust. Your blood soothed him from the inside out, calming his weary soul. 
Stephen pulled back and quickly cut open his arm with his sharp nail. His dark crimson blood poured out of the long slit and poured into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered as you drank in the way the strange, rich liquid slowly slid down your throat. Your hand blindly reached up to him as your mouth latched onto him. 
Stephen could feel your pulse slow down. He counted in his head until he heard the last faint thud of your heart as you went limp. Then he watched, licking the wound on his arm to seal the wound, and he began counting.
Your eyes flew open, your skin hard and cool just like his. You stared at him and he at you. He was the first to reach out and you melted into his touch just like before. Centuries of memories flooded inside your mind–memories of many lifetimes played before you. 
Blood rolled down your cheeks as the warmth flooded your unbeaten heart. This was his memories of you–what remained of you for all these times.
“You won’t have to be alone anymore, Stephen. I will be with you for eternity,” you said softly before pulling him down for an assuring kiss. Indeed you’d be with him for eternity.
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 2 months
Proof that I'm a forever ride-or-die MCU Stephen Strange Stan ~
My first thought when learning of the return of RDJ to the MCU was: WHAT ABOUT DOCTOR STRANGE??? Isn't he closely tied to Doom as adversaries in the comics? Why wasn't he mentioned in connection to Avengers: Doomsday? Has Feige/et al, decided Stephen has no further value to the MCU?
Second thought? FU Feige/Waldron/et al.
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tencitizens · 2 years
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Supreme Family
↳ Prompt: Free Space
I'm filling out my final bingo spot for the IronStrange Bingo from the IronStrange Haven discord server! Pulled some favorite bits between Tony, Stephen, and Peter, and some sad ones too for this gifset. Ah, my heart!
Join in on the bingo, see the cards here!
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popcorn-plots · 5 months
the angst of Stephen at Christine's wedding after he learned to let her go, forcing himself not to think about the fact that he still loves her and putting on a brave face when Christine asks him to display his talents for Charlie, because it makes him happy. Stephen agrees -- Wong's voice in his head telling him how it's an improper use of magic.. he only agrees because seeing Christine happy is the best thing in the world to Stephen and if it means entertaining her new husband, than so be it. He'll do anything to see her smile like that again, even if it will never be directed at him.
the ironwongstrange fluff of the three of them (feat. the ancient one) baking on a rainy day and completely destroying the sanctum in the process. send me fluff prompts plz
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emerald-hobbit · 9 months
What If... The Watcher Was Injured By Ultron?
After his fight with Ultron, Uatu ‘The Watcher’ is injured as he seeks the help of Dr Stephen Strange, while patching him up they talk.
Or I make Uatu's fight with Ultron just a bit more traumatic because all my favourite characters need trauma.
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justwinginglife · 2 months
hi!! may I request something again?^^
may I request soshiro found out that you can turn into a Kaiju or see you transforming into your Kaiju form. a little Angst but with happy ending please:›
You may always request something again! Also story note- for this fic, Imma just ignore that Kikoru Shinomiya exists, sorry yall, you're taking her spot now.
Half Human
Your whole life was one big irony in that your life's mission was to kill kaiju and yet you owed the very breath in your lungs to them. Your father, the Director General, Isao Shinomiya, had already lost his wife and he'd be damned if he was going to lose you too. He secretly brought a kaiju back to base alive and had several talented doctors and scientists exchange its core in place of your failing heart. The doctors weren't even sure it could be done, but when the abomination that was you was finally finished, they were all sworn to secrecy. You were to be the first and the only kaiju transplant survivor.
After all, if word got out that it was possible to enhance the human body directly with kaiju organs, without use of a suit, there would be chaos. For one, the suit industry would take an immense hit and the black market would reign supreme. Not to mention how much ungodly human experimentation could come about from failed attempts to successfully recreate the transplant. It might even make the Defense Force's job more difficult- trying to take Kaiju in alive was significantly more dangerous and strenuous than just killing them.
With all these things in mind, your father kept the tightest lid on the situation. No one but you, your father, and the team that had worked on you knew this secret. But today, one more would find out.
Your father always carefully monitored your vitals in case you ever rejected the organ, and you were always reminded to keep your emotions in check so as to not set off the kaiju side of you. You thought that you'd learned to keep most of your emotions at bay, but apparently that control you had did not apply to anything even remotely related to the Vice Captain.
One time you'd heard someone shit talking him and you accidentally stabbed through your own tongue because your anger had called your fangs to emerge. And it didn't help that the Vice Captain glimpsed the blood dripping from your lips and tried to help you. You always wondered if you'd be able to feel human emotions anymore since you no longer had a human heart, but he quickly put that fear to rest because every time he reached for you, touched you, cared for you, you felt like you could feel your nonexistent heart beating rapidly. It felt like he was the only thing grounding you in your humanity.
Your father must have caught onto this at some point because he'd frequently make excuses to call you to headquarters when he felt like you might be getting too close to Hoshina. Today was one of those days.
You had gotten the summon early this morning and you were annoyed but you knew you that as much as you wanted to rebel against your father as his daughter, as a soldier in his Defense Force you couldn't very well disobey a direct order from the Director General. Especially when no one knew the reason you were called to headquarters so regularly. So you went to him.
By the time you finally concluded your business with your father it was late (you refused to stay the night in his division and let him have anymore hold over your life as it was) and you were waiting for the next train back to the Third Division when you felt your comms buzzing in your pocket. You thought it was strange as everyone should be either asleep or going to sleep soon, but you popped the comms in anyway, eager to hear what was going on so late at night. The base was under attack. It was a Daikaiju. The Vice Captain was fighting him. And losing.
You start to get dizzy. Sweat trickles down your forehead. The world seemed to be blinking in and out. You shake your head trying to get ahold of yourself but you know it's no use. You still haven't learned to get your kaiju side under control and on the rare occasion when you slipped and went berserk only your father could bring you back from that place of darkness. You clench your fists, straining, and gripping onto what was left of your humanity but your lower half had already started to turn.
"No- don't. He needs me. I can't be rampaging in another division right now." You beg the beast inside you.
It doesn't listen.
You feel the transformation reach your neck, a growl already starting to rise up your throat.
"I said stop! Damnit, st-"
Your voice is no longer your own. All that's left of you is one half of your face now, and the beast is slowly closing in on it. It's hungry. It hasn't been let out in awhile.
You look up at the moon, blinking back tears, thinking it might be awhile before you see it again, before you're yourself again. You wonder how long it will take your dad to find you and you wonder if he will even be able to change you back this time. He was getting older, getting weaker. What if you killed him this time?
And what if when you woke up, if you ever woke up again, the Vice Captain was dead? What would you do with your life if you weren't listening for his footsteps in the hallways or listening for his laugh in the air? If he wasn't telling you a joke or complimenting your stance, would you make it through the day? If you went through life not ever having told him how you felt, would it still feel like you were living?
You start to spiral in your own dark thoughts as the transformation spreads across your face, but right before it hits your ear you here the comms crackling.
"Vice Captain! Come in, Vice Captain! Sir, please respond!" Okonogi. She's yelling for the Vice Captain. Something must've happened.
Your vision starts to go red. You punch the lamppost beside you, but you're surprised to find that it's your fist that hits the metal. Not the beast's. You look down. Only your legs are still transformed.
You actually laugh out loud. "That's more like it. Time to go." You jump once, and it propels you into the sky. You use the momentum to launch yourself towards the Third Division. Somehow your legs are faster than a moving train, bringing you bounding towards the training grounds in what seems like no time at all.
Before you can even think about the consequences of being half transformed on base where the officers are literally trained to kill kaiju like you, before you can even think about how your father will probably kill you himself for revealing the secret he's worked so hard to protect, you're already jumping in front of Hoshina as you transform your arms and block a blow that could've been deadly.
He doesn't even have time to be stunned, you're injured.
He jumps to his feet, concern on his face, as you spit blood. You've not fought anything in your kaiju form before (the most you've done is scare the shit out of some pigeons before your father found you and changed you back) and it takes some getting used to.
"Well fuck. That actually hurt, damnit!" You yell at the kaiju. It laughs at you. You raise an eyebrow. It seems to understand you. You're astounded but you don't care to think too much about it before you launch a punch at its abdomen.
It groans but then it chuckles. "Is that the best you've got?"
"Ah so you do talk. That's fucking creepy, not gonna lie." You punch its chest this time.
It staggers backwards and Hoshina takes advantage of the opening, slashing at its legs. It lands on its back.
You hurl yourself high into the air and then crash down hard on its head with a deafening blow that splits its skull. But it starts to slowly regenerate and it shakes you off of it. You land at the ground by Hoshina.
"So are we ever going to talk about the whole 'you being a half kaiju hybrid' thing?" He asks you, eyes still trained on the shuddering beast in front of him.
"Really? Now? We're a little busy Hoshina."
He laughs- he actually fucking laughs. "Oh really, because here I thought we were having a nice little tea party."
You roll your eyes but you can't help but smile at his poor comedic timing. "I'll treat you to some tea if you tell me where the damn core is."
He points to its back. "Lil fucker is hiding it in there."
You nod. "Got it."
The kaiju rises to its feet, ready for another round.
"Do me a favor and be bait, yeah?" You tell Hoshina and then before he can protest, you charge its back.
The kaiju swings at you but you duck.
"Oh I'm the fucking bait? Real classy." Hoshina grumbles but he complies, charging at its front, slashing at it and keeping it busy while you circle behind it.
You run up the stairs of a nearby building and when you reach the top, you launch yourself from the roof.
"This one is for making Hoshina bleed." You mutter under your breath before sending its organs flying as you rip through its flesh and pummel its core to bits. The aftershock sends you flying and you don't have time to land properly. You smack the floor on your side, tumbling in circles until you finally slow.
Your ribs feel like they're caving in but at least the kaiju is down for good. You lie in the dirt, coughing painfully and looking up at the night sky. You're fully human again, like the beast inside you curled up and went to bed, letting you feel the full force of the pain alone.
Hoshina rushes over to you. "Oh my god, are you okay?!"
You cough again. "Not sure if I'm up for that tea party anymore. Might've fucked up a lung or two."
He rolls his eyes. "You would make a joke at a time like this."
"And who was the one asking me stupid questions mid fucking fight?" You tease.
He laughs.
"So... are we going to talk about it now?" You swallow, wondering how he'll react to this new side of you.
He thinks for a moment. "Talk about what? As far as I know, a human saved me from the kaiju. And it looks like," He chucks a rock at the nearby drone, "The rubble badly damaged any footage that might've been captured."
You sigh, relieved, and relax against the ground.
"But... if there's anything you want to tell me later... when you're ready, I'll listen."
There were so many things you wanted to tell him and you being half kaiju was the least important of them. But you'd save that for another day, maybe when less of your limbs hurt.
"By the way, did you really brutally murder the kaiju just because it made me bleed? Your comms were on."
"Shut up, Hoshina."
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winsteria · 2 years
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This post contains fanfic recommendations for Sherlock Holmes (BBC) and Stephen Strange and his variants. I thought it would be nice to share and recommend to all of you the fics that I love! <3
Note: Most of the recommended fics are fluff, but there will be some angst too. Fics that contain smut will be marked with (S), so for those who don't read them can be aware.
Banner created by me.
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➥ Doctor Strange
✦ Karaoke Night by @annesthaeticc
✦ Uncle Stephen by @writingliv
✦ Musée de l'Orangerie by writingliv
✦ Glimpse of Us by writingliv
✦ Paper Hearts (Series) by @classickook
✦ All I Ask (Part 1) by @brunchable
➥ All I Want (Part 2) by brunchable
➥ One Dance (Last Part) by brunchable
✦ Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 1) by brunchable
➥ Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 2) by brunchable
➥ (S) Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 3) by brunchable
✦ A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be (Mini-series) by brunchable
✦ Karaoke Confessions by @getlostsquidward
✦ Annoying by @spookyspecterino
➥ Defender Strange
✦ Wardrobe Mix Up by @lykaonimagines
✦ Give Me The Reason by lykaonimagines
➥ Sinister Strange
✦ Notes & Letters by lykaonimagines
✦ Actions Speak Louder by @geeky-politics-46
➥ Supreme Strange
✦ My One Constant by lykaonimagines
✦ Something Interesting by lykaonimagines
✦ Touch Starved by @starks-hero
✦ Comfort by starks-hero
✦ Deep Water by starks-hero
✦ Dinner With the Family by starks-hero
✦ Danger Night's by starks-hero
✦ Different by starks-hero
✦ Sentiment by starks-hero
✦ I'm Here by starks-hero
✦ Meet the Parents by starks-hero
✦ His Remedy by starks-hero
✦ Darling It's Cold Outside by starks-hero
✦ Always On My Mind by starks-hero
✦ Christmas by @geeks-universe
✦ Bedside Manners by @luxwritesfanfic
✦ Don't Take The Money by luxwritesfanfic
✦ Missed You by @sherlockxreader
✦ The Case of the Unread Article by sherlockxreader
✦ I Want One by @victoriaholmeswriting
✦ The Holmes Family by victoriaholmeswriting
✦ Corpses and Roses by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
✦ Iridescence: A Composition by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
✦ Soulmates by writingliv
✦ Night Terror by @fandom-puff
✦ The Feeling Is Mutual by classickook
✦ Safe In Your Arms by classickook
✦ ILY by annesthaeticc
✦ Puppy Luv by annesthaeticc
✦ Bad Hair Day by annesthaeticc
✦ Here Comes The Sun by @aephereal
✦ Pancakes by aephereal
✦ Late Nights & Violins by @daydreamtofiction
✦ Consequences by @theconsultingdetectiveswife
✦ Limerence by @galactic-academia
✦ Spiraling by @stupidthoughtsinwriting
✦ Morning Light by lykaonimagines
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So, that would be the end of this post. If your work is here and you want to remove it from this post, please kindly inform me in the comments and I will remove it! <3
— winsteria
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Too Tired
+18 smut
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is tired from a mission and after two rounds with you, you still want one more. Will he be able to met with your expectations?
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Its a smut, but a soft and romantic one. P in V, Oral sex with female and male receiving, mastrubation with female and male receiving, lots of dirty talk.
A/N: Guys I have been thru a lot in my personal life so thats the reason why I have disappeared but I love be in here, I love this comunity and I love to write for Stephen, right now its the only thing that is keeping me alive LITERALLY. So belive me when I say I wrote this from rock bottom and took this words from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoy it.
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Stephen rolled onto his side of the bed, body sweaty, breathing heavily after two rounds with you, the second being a particularly long one. He was spent.
You were apart for two weeks and when he got home that morning you simply attacked him demanding to be sated of all the love and desire you felt for him.
Stephen had a relatively high sex drive, but sometimes he was surprised by you. Positively of course. That morning he made you come three times, once on his face, twice on his cock. He came hard twice himself, the first time in your mouth and the second inside you and yet as he threw himself back on the pillows trying to regulate his breathing you crawled into his chest placing kisses on his neck, moving up to his face, his cheek, rubbing your face against his goatee and  squeezed your thighs together like a cat in heat and he knew it was going to be a long day and he wasn't complaining, he loved that about you but to be quite honest he didn't know if he could meet your demands and expectations.
Stephen was tired. The mission had been a long one and although he came back in one piece this time with no bruises or broken bones, he could feel the weariness getting to him and as much as he wanted to immediately go for a third round he doubted he could get an erection that fast.
You cupped his face pulling him to your lips and stuck your tongue in his mouth kissing him so hot it brought a moan from the back of his throat. "Oh sweetheart..." He caressed your face watching as you bit your bottom lip "I love it when you kiss me like that"
You grinned and kissed him again, this time giving his bottom lip a little nip. You took his hand and brought it down between your legs. He sighed feeling how wet you were again when minutes before he had cleaned you up. "You're insatiable, sweetheart, look at that, all wet for me again" You lay back on the mattress and spread your legs wider for him "I've been without you for two weeks Stephen, do you have any idea how hard that was? I I had to resort to other methods, but it's not the same as having the Master of the Mystic Arts fucking me."
Stephen chuckled, he propped himself up on his elbow as he dipped his middle finger deeper inside you, slowly fucking you with rhythmic strokes. You moaned louder. "Is that why you called me in the middle of the night? Because your toys alone weren’t enough to make you come?"
He added a second finger to draw a passionate sigh from your lips. You shook your head, your eyes were closed "I needed to hear your voice" You confessed.
"Aham, just my voice or all the dirty things I whispered to you on the phone?"
"Both... Ah Stephen I want you to make me come again"
Stephen kissed you. Not a simple kiss, but that kiss where his tongue wandered to each corner of your mouth, sucking your tongue hard and biting your lips in the process. You could have sworn that only that kiss was capable of making you come.
You groaned loudly, your hand on top of Stephen's hand showing him exactly what you wanted. He managed to put his thumb on your clit and started circling it slowly. "Like that?" He asked in your ear in that wonderful whispered voice. You could only nod your head in approval, your mouth went agape.
"Oh I know sweetheart. I know exactly how you like it. You need to have just the right amount of pressure here, don't you?"
You shook your head vehemently.
"I know. Just let go then. I know you so well, my love." He put a little more pressure on his thumb as he moved both fingers in an intense rhythm and he could feel your walls tightening around his fingers. Oh he loved that feeling. He loved it much more when it was in his cock, but it felt powering. Knowing he was responsible for leaving you in that state made him feel more powerful than any spell.
"Oh Stephen, you're going to make me come..."
Stephen hummed in your ear and nibbled your earlobe reveling in the way your skin prickled "Come on, sweetheart, come hard for me, show me how much you love me"
He didn't have to ask twice. The combination of the intense penetration of his fingers, the friction of his thumb on your clit and his voice whispered in your ear was explosive. You came. Hard.
Your moan was almost a whimper, but Stephen insisted on swallowing it with another breathtaking kiss.
He took his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips, sucking them provocatively "You taste so good"
You smiled charmingly at him opening your arms and he throws himself into them giving you a crushing hug and biting your neck rubbing his goatee there making you shiver and giggle. He rolled to the side, but kept you firm in his arms, your head on his chest, your hand caressed his chest and went down to his belly and kept going down, not satisfied you started giving light kisses on his chest that quickly went from Innocent to provocative, your hand grabbed his cock which was only half hard.
"I dont know if I can do it again sweetheart, even though I want it, I am tired."
You hummed undaunted by the challenge ahead and held it tight in your hand stroking it up and down slowly.
He squeezed you in his arms and you turned to kiss him and God, that kiss alone would be more than enough to make his cock hard if he wasn't so tired. Even so, the way you moved and your kiss was enough to bring some life to it, though still not enough.
"Put it in your mouth sweetheart, make me hard for you."
You were moving to put it in your mouth when he pulled you past his head, putting you on all fours and bringing your pussy up to his head giving him a privileged view of your soaked slit. You didn't wait a second to put it in your mouth and he didn't wait to grab your thighs and pull you to his mouth sucking and surprising you with delicious voracity.
Stephen wasn't small even half flaccid, but as he hardened in your mouth he grew and you loved to see that transformation. Stephen had a delicious cock, but more than that, his cock was beautiful. Just like him. Big, thick, with the pink tip and bulging veins that pulsed in your mouth.
Stephen loved to suck you. He could be hard just by smelling and drinking all your fluids, but he also loved the way you rolled on his face without any shame. You had a hungry clit, he loved to take it between his teeth when it was all swollen and red from your arousal, to flick his tongue on it or simply suck on it and feel his entire body quiver in response. Pleasuring you was always the best way to get Stephen hard.
He loved your moans, he loved the way you reveled in your own pleasure and he especially loved knowing that he was responsible for leaving you in that state.
Stephen knew all your weaknesses, he knew for example that you came faster if you had friction on your clit along with the penetration, he also knew very well that getting you face down from behind pinning you against the bed with his body weighting above you as he rubbed the beard on your neck and whispered all kinds of filth in your ear was the most delicious way to make you come and fall head over heels in love with him.
Just like he knew that, like now, you loved being able to wiggle in his face and rub your pussy in his goatee.
But he didn't want you to come yet, your next orgasm would be on his cock which was already rock hard for you again.
"That's right sweetheart, you are awesome, look how hard you left me again. Come here, ride me. I want to feel you bouncing on my cock"
You were more than happy to comply with his request. And a second later you were directing his cock at your entrance completely soaked by your lubrication and Stephen's saliva.
You moaned as you lowered allowing him to go deep inside you, your walls stretching to accommodate him inside you. It didn't matter that he'd fucked you twice already, it was always quite a challenge to contain him inside you.
"Fuck you feel so good, love. Move please, ride me hard" You leaned against his chest and started rocking on his cock, alternating between back and forth and up and down movements. Increasing your pace slowly, the noises of his cock moving in and out of your soaked pussy was always so delicious, it made you extremely horny for him.
Stephen took one of his hands around your waist and grabbed your tit with the other letting you do all the work.
"Oh sweetheart you do it so good, I love it when you fuck me like that"
It wasn't common for Stephen to relinquish control in bed, usually he did all the work being dominant all the time and you loved that about him, but sometimes when he was tired he chose to let you be in control and the result was always extremely pleasurable for both  and you knew he was a lot more tired than he let on.
Even from that and from the way his cock was throbbing violently inside you, you knew he wouldn't last.
"Fuck, if it continues at this rate I'm going to come, sweetheart, I can't hold back, you feel too good"
You were so close to your orgasm that stopping wasn't an option. "I am almost there, Stephen. Hold it" You bit your bottom lip bending forward to get just a little more friction "Slap my ass"
Stephen grinned and complied.  You moaned loudly "Again"
He did it. "Again" He did it again and then it happened. Your entire body shook on top of him, your walls squeezing his cock so hard and pulling him to his too. "Oh thats right sweetheart... oh fuck, fuck..." Stephen spilled inside you and you loved that feeling.
You collapsed on top of him and Stephen wrapped you in his arms putting you on the bed but keeping you in his arms.
"That was... intense" You finally said and then you both giggled.
Stephen kissed your lips lightly and got up going to the bathroom and came back with a cloth. He cleaned you up and then cleaned himself up and then came back to bed holding out his arm for you to lie comfortably next to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and caressed his face lightly watching him. His eyes were red with sleep.
"Poor thing, I took advantage of you a lot, didn't I?"
He smirked, but his eyes were practically closing by themselves "I pretty much enjoyed every second of it"
You smiled cupping his face and pulling it to your lips. You kissed him softly.
"Yeah I know. And you were amazing as always, but I will let you sleep now, Stephen. You deserve it."
He hummed squeezing you in his arms "Thank you sweetheart"
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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pinkthick · 10 months
You’re okay
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Fem!Reader
Summary: His throat begged for relief as if scorched by an unseen fire. The burning sensation clawed at his senses, a relentless reminder of a desperate need that seemed perpetually out of reach. The elusive promise of a drink lingered just beyond his grasp, taunting him with its absence.
Warnings: Blood, Minor Character death
Credits for the art with Stephen lolojefie/jay on Tiktok.
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In the dim haze of consciousness, Stephen Strange found himself suspended in a disorienting void. A throbbing ache enveloped every fiber of his being, a cruel symphony of pain that rendered him powerless. The mere thought of opening his eyes seemed an insurmountable task, as if the weight of the universe bore down upon his lids. His body, a canvas of agony, pulsated with an unrelenting torment. Each attempt to move was met with a searing reminder that something was profoundly wrong. The world around him felt like a blurry, chaotic whirlwind, and the mere notion of steadying himself slipped through the cracks of his fragmented awareness.
His throat begged for relief as if scorched by an unseen fire. The burning sensation clawed at his senses, a relentless reminder of a desperate need that seemed perpetually out of reach. The elusive promise of a drink lingered just beyond his grasp, taunting him with its absence. So so thirsty.
A tempest of anguish stormed through his mind, his head a battleground where every thought waged war against the others. The ache within intensified with each passing moment, a merciless crescendo that threatened to shatter the fragile remnants of his composure. A disconcerting vertigo gripped him, the world spinning in a disconcerting dance that left him suspended in a disoriented limbo. His attempts to move only deepened the sensation, as if the cold floor beneath him had become an unstable sea, threatening to capsize his already battered senses.
His neck, a tenuous link between consciousness and the void, throbbed with a relentless pulse. It felt as if it were melting away, dissolving into the chaos that surrounded him. The sensation of bones breaking echoed through his perception, each imaginary fracture adding to the cacophony of torment that consumed him. Amidst the symphony of pain, he questioned the nature of his own sounds—were they screams of despair or tears of anguish? The line between agony and expression blurred, lost in the tumultuous storm that raged within the confines of his battered body.
A new wave of torment surged through Stephen, a peculiar agony that seemed to originate from within his own mouth. His teeth, usually stalwart guardians of his resolve, now betrayed him with an intensity that bordered on the surreal. It felt as if new teeth were erupting from his gums, an excruciating transformation that defied all logical explanation.
In the midst of his cries, a desperate symphony of pain, he was almost certain he heard a haunting giggle—an unsettling sound that echoed through the darkness, as though mocking his suffering. The cryptic laughter added an eerie layer to his predicament, an unsettling presence that danced on the periphery of his awareness.
His attempts to move, to escape the relentless agony, were thwarted by an unseen force. Something, insidious and unyielding, held him in check. Every strained effort to break free only intensified the pain coursing through his body, as if the very fabric of reality conspired against him.
With a surge of determination, he managed to pry his eyes open briefly, revealing a darkened room that enveloped him in shadows. The feeble illumination hinted at the cold glint of some chains.
What..I..I was on a mission, right?
As Stephen forced his eyes to remain open, the dim light of the room gradually revealed obscured figures in the shadows. His vision, still clouded by the remnants of disorientation, struggled to bring the mysterious shapes into focus. The people in the room appeared as mere silhouettes, their features shrouded in a veil of uncertainty.
A disconcerting realization gripped him—his Cloak of Levitation, a constant companion in the arcane battles he faced, was conspicuously absent. The absence of the sentient garment left him vulnerable. Levi?
He didn’t feel okay. There was a hunger that had never experienced before and it gnawed at his insides.
And then..
A sudden, sharp pain jolted through Stephen's lower lip, drawing his attention to an unsettling discovery. In the dim light of the room, he felt an unusual protrusion—fangs, elongated and alien, had emerged where none had existed before. The realization struck him with a disorienting force, amplifying the dread that coiled in the pit of his stomach. As he explored the newfound appendages with his tongue, a metallic taste of blood lingered in his mouth.
Confusion mingled with horror as he retraced the fragments of memory that now clawed at the edges of his consciousness. He recalled going on a mission..to eliminate some vampires. He couldn't believe that he had become the very thing he sought to eradicate.
“No," he muttered in disbelief, the word escaping through his bloodied lips.
The mocking laughter of a woman reverberated through the dimly lit room, a cruel echo that punctuated Stephen's grim realization. Her voice, dripping with amusement, sliced through the air as she observed his plight. "You know, I really thought you wouldn’t have made it, but look at you. A sorcerer turned vampire, we don’t get to see that often," she taunted, reveling in the incongruity of his transformed state.
Stephen's response was a hiss, an involuntary reaction fueled by a potent mix of defiance and the primal instincts that now coursed through his vampiric veins. The expletive, a defiant retort, betrayed the frustration and desperation that festered within him.
"Fuck you," he spat, the words laced with venom as he strained against the chains that bound him. The metallic taste of blood lingered in his mouth, a visceral reminder of the surreal reality he now faced. Unfazed by his outburst, the vampire woman continued her cruel commentary, addressing the unseen others in the room. "Look at him, a newborn vampire. Isn’t he just so cute?"
The condescension in her tone deepened Stephen's sense of helplessness. Each tug on the chains echoed his futile resistance, a symbolic struggle against the insidious fate that had befallen him.
The entrance of a human woman, tears streaming down her face, marked a chilling turn in the macabre tableau. Her anguish was palpable, a visceral counterpoint to the cruel amusement that danced in the eyes of the vampire woman who orchestrated this nightmarish scene.
As they positioned the sobbing woman almost within arm's reach of Stephen, an insidious scent wafted through the air, igniting an unholy hunger within him. His mouth watered involuntarily, and his eyes betrayed a feral transformation—deepening shades of crimson replacing the once-familiar hue.
Sharp Claws extended from his fingertips, catching him off guard. The realization that he now possessed such predatory appendages intensified the surreal horror that gripped his every sense. What had he become? The question reverberated through his newly altered consciousness.
His gaze fixated on the wounded human, a profound conflict raging within him. A sinister smile played on the vampire woman's lips as she observed his internal struggle. The scent of her blood was intoxicating, an irresistible lure that goaded the primal instincts now coursing through his vampiric veins.
A guttural growl escaped his throat, the struggle against his burgeoning hunger manifesting in the tense rise and fall of his chest. The internal battle played out on his features—a dance of torment, desire, and self-restraint.
The vampire woman, reveling in the macabre spectacle, posed a taunting question to Stephen. "Aren’t you hungry?"
The words hung in the air, a malevolent invitation that pierced through the cacophony of his internal turmoil. Stephen's breath quickened, a maelstrom of conflicting emotions churning within him. The pull of his vampiric instincts clashed with the vestiges of his human morality, and a desperate plea for restraint echoed in the recesses of his mind.
In the grip of his insatiable hunger, Stephen succumbed to the primal urges that now dictated his existence. With an explosive burst of strength, he shattered the chains that bound him to the wall, his predatory instincts propelling him forward.
He practically lunged at the weeping woman, driven by an overwhelming need for the crimson elixir that promised both sustenance and a dark euphoria. The taste of her blood, once a distant temptation, now coursed through him like a potent nectar, momentarily drowning the turmoil within.
The woman's anguished cries filled the room as Stephen, consumed by the ravenous frenzy, sank his fangs into her neck. Each swallow was a macabre communion with the darkness that enveloped him, an unholy ecstasy that eclipsed reason and morality.
"No! Please—I... It hurts so much. Please stop!" she pleaded in vain, her desperate pleas echoing through the chamber. Stephen, lost in the throes of his predatory trance, remained deaf to her cries as the life force drained from her.
It was only when the woman went limp against him that a dreadful realization crashed upon Stephen's consciousness.
The haze of bloodlust began to lift, revealing the haunting truth—he had just taken the life of someone innocent.
As he withdrew from the now lifeless form, horror etched across his features, he recoiled in shock. The woman's face was no longer obscured, and in the ghastly revelation, he beheld the face of his wife, Y/N. A profound wave of grief and remorse washed over him, his heart heavy with the weight of an unspeakable atrocity. He recoiled from the bloodstained reality before him, grappling with the monstrous act he had committed. Y/N's lifeless eyes stared back at him, accusing and haunting.
Stephen's anguished cries reverberated through the dim chamber, a heart-wrenching lament that echoed the depth of his despair. Clutching Y/N's lifeless form to his chest, tears streamed down his face, mingling with the blood that stained his hands.
"Y/N! I’m sorry; I’m so sorry darling. I didn’t—" he wailed, the sound of her name a tortured plea that hung heavy in the air. The weight of his grief, compounded by the monstrous act he had committed, bore down on him like an insurmountable burden.
Amidst his mourning, the cruel laughter of the other vampires resounded, a sinister chorus that intensified the throbbing ache in Stephen's head.
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In the cold grip of the night, Stephen bolted upright in bed, his labored breaths betraying the remnants of the nightmare that had seized him. Disoriented and consumed by the lingering horrors, he found himself enveloped in the soft glow of Y/N's presence. Her eyes reflected concern as she observed the anguish etched across his tear-streaked face.
Y/N gently cupped his face in her hands, her touch a soothing balm against the spectral memories that haunted him. "Hey hey, Stephen. Breathe, come on," she murmured, her voice a tender reassurance that cut through the lingering echoes of his night terrors.
Stephen struggled to obey, his attempts to draw breath feeling stifled by the lingering shadows of the dream. His hands trembled as he desperately clung to Y/N, seeking solace in the tangible reality of her presence.
"Stephen, love, breathe. You're here, you're home," she urged, her voice a lifeline that pulled him from the abyss of his subconscious terrors. Her words, a gentle reminder of the sanctuary that surrounded him, began to coax him back to the realm of wakefulness.
But as Stephen's breaths steadied, a haunting revelation clawed its way to the surface. His voice, choked with remorse, cried out, "You were... I was the one that killed you. I—"
Y/N, recognizing the depth of Stephen's pain, brought his head to rest against her chest, offering the solace of her heartbeat as a grounding rhythm against the lingering echoes of the nightmare. Silently, he continued to weep, his tears a testament to the profound weight of the dreamscape that had ensnared him.
"I'm not dead, I'm okay. You’re okay. It was just a nightmare," Y/N reassured him, her voice a gentle melody that sought to dispel the haunting remnants of the dark visions that had tormented his sleep.
Pulling away from her chest, Stephen clung to Y/N, his arms wrapped around her in a desperate embrace that refused to let go.
His words, uttered with a mixture of relief and residual fear, broke the silence. "It wasn't a nightmare with Dormammu at least."
Y/N chuckled softly, her fingers gently tracing soothing patterns on his back. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to," she offered.
A heavy silence lingered between them before Stephen found the courage to articulate the haunting images that clung to his consciousness. "I was back in that room, and it was exactly how it happened, except that the woman I killed was..."
Y/N, sensing the weight of his unspoken words, pressed a tender kiss to his lips, a gesture that spoke volumes of her understanding and unwavering support.
"You know it wasn't your fault," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm that sought to dispel the shadows of guilt that clouded his mind. Stephen scoffed, his self-reproach evident in the lines etched across his face. "It sure felt like it was mine."
Undeterred, Y/N continued to hold him, her arms a comforting embrace that refused to let go. In the quiet sanctuary they had carved out for themselves, she reaffirmed, "It wasn't your fault, Stephen. And you know that.”
He didn’t respond as he clung to her, the echoes of the past began to lose their grip, dissipating in the warmth of their shared embrace. Y/N's presence, a steadfast anchor, reminded Stephen that in the sanctuary of their love, the wounds of the past could heal. In that moment, they found solace in each other's arms, reaffirming that, despite the darkness that lingered in the recesses of memory, they were okay.
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Notes: Not sure if I should have posted this, but there’s that. 🙃
Hope you enjoyed reading this.
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stayevildarling · 1 month
Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode x Reader- Echoes of Pain
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A/N: This idea randomly popped into my head and I really couldn‘t ignore it. I have genuinely missed writing Mina and Delia
Plot: Despite having been with your girlfriends Cordelia and Wilhemina for a long time, you struggle with the depths of their pain. Slowly you managed to heal Cordelia, the way she had healed your soul but Mina‘s pain was different and it killed you inside.
tw: mention of scoliosis, mention of pain medication, mention of doctors and hospitals, heavy angst/hurt/comfort
word count: 5k
@lunaticwhittaker , @billiebeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @minaslittleone , @httpfiftyshadesofgay , @whitelotus00 , @ninaahs , @paulsonsratched , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometime , @wastdtime , @p1pecleanerwitheyes , @queen2234 , @ihartnat , @lifebyinez , @ahsatanizgay , @stepintomyworld
The air around the academy feels gloomy today, the rain shuddering against the large windows, the occasional rumbling of thunder in the distance and the sky filled with dark clouds making the usual bright academy very dark this afternoon.
The supreme had been working in her office most of the day, having finished with teaching her potion class this morning and briefly joining the girls for lunch, making sure to check on her girlfriend Wilhemina who had equally been in meetings and working from home. Something about the last rumbling of thunder startles the supreme, not usually faced by these type of things but something had felt strange all day and she really couldn‘t tell what it was. In the end she opts to investigate, checking on the witches, most of them giggling and chatting in the dining room, some watching some horror movies on the tv in the livingroom.
As she brushes past them, she tries looking out for you but there is no sign of you and so she opts for checking her redhead girlfriends office again. „Mina?“ she asks softly as she steps inside after knocking. The redhead, deeply concentrating on her work stops the typing on her laptop, before glancing at her blonde girlfriend, her glasses sitting so adorable on her nose it would make Cordelia smile if she wasn‘t so caught up with the nagging concern in her stomach.
„Have you seen Y/N?“ the supreme asks, getting straight to the point as the concern is written across her features. The redhead thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head no, explaining that she hasn‘t seen you other than briefly this morning. As their brown eyes meet, they both realize that they had been so caught up with their respective jobs that they really hadn‘t seen you all that much. Cordelia often woke up to your spot being empty, assuming you already started your day and finding you doing something within the academy. Wilhemina had often missed you in her arms lately as you wouldn‘t poke your head into her office anymore and offer her some tea or comany while she worked.
The guilt is written across their faces as they realize almost at the same that they had been so busy, they never noticed how far you suddenly feel from them. ,,I'm going to go and check on her'' Cordelia announces softly, despite the concern written across her features. Wilhemina nods, almost turning to her work again before she pauses ,,Hold on, I'll come with you'' she announces, quickly shutting her laptop before balancing on her cane and following her girlfriend. They both knew if you aren't around the academy or near them, you would be in the greenhouse as it had always been your safe space. They walk through the garden, the clouds filled with darkness and rain before they hover by the door, finding you there.
They watch as you sit crosslegged on the floor, multiple books around you as you softly whisper to yourself. Your face seems conflicted but as if you are concentrating on something and they both sigh in relief a little, Cordelia even smiling fondly as the view reminds her of a younger version of herself. Now, you had joined them both years ago, needing some guidance with your witchcraft but ever since then you had been performing admirably, being able to do most of the seven wonders and whenever Cordelia was teaching you something new, you would get the hang of it. She wonders what could possibly be taking so much of your time and engery.
,,Hi little one'' Wilhemina softly says, in order not to startle you. Quickly your head snaps towards them and you smile, before very subtly moving your little notebook inside your back pocket before balancing on your legs and walking over to them. ,,What has got you working so hard?'' Cordelia smiles and you glance at them before making up something about a certain potion you are trying to perfect. ,,We haven't seen you much lately'' the redhead acknowledges as she opens her arms to you and you instantly reach out, hugging her as you had undeniably missed them both. Cordelia glances over your little stack of books and utensils and can't help but keep her eyes on a certain book that she knows couldn't be from the academy.
,,What is this?`'' she questions as she walks over and both you and Wilhemina pull away, having been too caught up in the moment until now. She lifts up the dark lilac book with some patterns and latin writing before her shocked eyes turn to you, Wilhemina still holding you protectively at seeing the supreme's angry eyes. ,,A book'' you state bluntly, knowing you have been called out but not necessarily in the mood to explain it to her. ,,Where did you get this from?'' she asks again, this time taking some steps towards you and you involuntarily back into Wilhemina further. ,,Cordelia relax'' Wilhemina tries, not used to seeing the supreme this upset. ,,Do you have any idea what this is? it's dark magic, dangerous magic and does not belong at this coven at all'' she snaps and you simply stare at her before nodding.
,,Where did you get it from then little one?'' Wilhemina asks a little confused, not having understood Cordelia's strong emotions about this so far. ,,I found it at one of the book stores, it was in a weird dark section and I assumed it was magic'' you lie as you had gone to greater depths to get said book but have no desire of filling them in as you know they would be furious. ,,Why didn't you come to me, rather than hide away?'' Delia asks, her tone and features softer now. ,,I don't know, I didn't want to bother you, the two of you are always busy and have a lot going on''. Your statement didn't mean to sound like an accusation, simply an excuse for why you had been caught off lately but their faces both drop at hearing your words, knowing how demanding their work had been and the couple of missed date nights and long evenings filled with work lately.
,,We're sorry darling'' Cordelia apologises as she cups your face gently. ,,How about we make it up to you tonight?'' Wilhemina suggests and by her tone of voice, you already know what she has in mind. ,,Sure if you insist'' you smirk and Wilhemina chuckles lowly before the blonde reaches her hand out to you. ,,Come on sweetie, let's get some dinner'' she suggests and you take her hand before following her. ,,And the book?'' you ask, knowing it's a bold attempt. ,,That'll stay with me darling'' she softly but firmly explains and you simply let it go, knowing there is no way you could convince her otherwise.
The following week carries on in it's usual rhytm, Cordelia working hard to keep her academy going, teaching classes while keeping in contact with the council. Wilhemina wasn't due for the office this week and so she had decided to work from home again, some paperwork still stacked up with projects that her idiot bosses had dropped on her. Now, Cordelia had asked you to teach one of her potion classes today, which you of course did without question. You had briefly checked on Wilhemina before carrying on with what you had been doing. You find yourself sitting crosslegged on the floor, almost ready with the preparations for the spell you had been working on for several weeks now.
As you light some candles in a circle around you, you take a deep breath before closing your eyes and quietly chanting the latin words that you had practiced. As you open your eyes, you feel nothing, and you sigh thinking that the spell hadn't worked. For a while you try and try again but nothing seems to happen so you simply blow out the candles and walk away for now needing to breathe. As soon as you step into the academy however, the spell hits you like a brick wall. You suddenly feel every single ounce of pain the witches at the academy are feeling, physical pain like a papercut, emotional pain from their years of trauma and heartbreak and by then you know you had seriously messed up. Your intention was simple, despite the magic behind it rather complicated. You wanted to take someone's pain, a very specific person and you must have done the spell wrong as right now you can feel it all and it nearly takes your breath away.
Your head buzzes with the thoughts of others, every single bit of their emotions, the happy ones, the sad ones. In response you hold on to the nearest wall, feeling like you may just collapse under the immense pressure and pain. In the same moment, Cordelia returns from her council meeting, her features content as she is happy to be back home. Her smile quickly fades as she walks inside and finds a very pale you standing by a wall and holding on for dear life. ,,Sweetie?'' she tries but the thoughts are so loud that you can't even hear her. ,,Hey Y/N'' she tries again as she rushes over and her hands come up to cup your cheeks. Your eyes practically force open as your ears continiue ringing. ,,What's wrong?'' she asks again and when you fail to respond to her, she begins to panic a little, never having seen you like that before. ,,Mina?'' she shouts up the stairs, hoping it was loud enough to reach the redhead in her office.
Without a second thought, she takes one of your arms and wraps it around her shoulder, getting you upstairs before taking you to the bedroom. Wilhemina meets you two, her features a little stern before they turn into concern. As soon as she enters you let out the most excruciating scream as her pain quite literally radiates onto you and you feel exactly the same way she is feeling every single day. ,,What hurts sweetie?'' Cordelia asks, the concern almost spilling from her brown eyes. ,,Headache'' you lie, trying to think of the next best thing. The two of them meet each other's glances, confused as to what would cause you to feel this much pain. ,,I'll be fine.. just need to sleep'' you mumble before pulling the covers over your head, hoping it will fade out some of the noises.
The two of them stand there a bit baffled at your behaviour, before Wilhemina softly reaches out, placing her hand underneath the blanket and your forehead in order to check for a tempeature. As soon as she touches you the pain begins to double and your eyes instantly fill with tears as you bite your lip in order to hide the sob threatening to escape you. ,,No temperature'' Mina exhales and Cordelia still watches in confusion, unsure what to do with you. Wilhemina walks away for a moment, pulling Cordelia into a more quiet corner of the bedroom to give you some space before she speaks again ,,Do you think she needs a doctor?'' Cordelia asks a little concerned before Wilhemina shakes her head no. ,,I don't think so, maybe it's a bad migraine but we should keep an eye on her''. You can hear their every word depsite the whispering, Wilhemina's excruciating back pain and Cordelia's overthinking and anxiety.
,,Sweetie?'' Cordelia tries again but you can't take it anymore and so all you do is mumble ,,Please.. need to be alone''. They glance at each other again before nodding ,,Okay then, we'll be right next door if you need anything''. They leave almost defeated before you sigh in relief as the pain eases a little with their leaving. In an instant, you pull the blanket away and close your eyes, teleporting to the greenhouse as you know they would become suspicious if you suddenly walked past them now. In an instant you flip through the pages of your notebook and reverse the spell. The pain in your back instantly leaves you as well as the buzzing thoughts. Some tears of relief fill your vision and you exhale deeply before making your way back into bed, sleep very much needed after today.
When Cordelia and Wilhemina join you a little over an hour later, they find you long asleep but your features much more comfortable, your face much less pale and your overall state seemingly better. The next day you simply act like nothing happened and pretend it was a bad headache but Cordelia wasn't convinced. She decided there to watch you a little closer this week and she had noticed how caught up you had been with whatever you are doing in the greenhouse. She tried asking the other witches and her most trusted girls but didn't get any helpful answers other than them not seeing you as often. She had tried to talk to you about it but you brushed her off every single time. She had considered reading your thoughts in order to get some answers but she knew it was wrong and your magic would allow you to shut her out either way. And so the only thing she could think of was to inspect a little closer one afternoon as Wilhemina and you are out on some errands as you always drove Mina to her doctors appointments and to get her medication and despite how busy you had been you would never miss that.
Cordelia reads through countless books, seeing where you had marked the pages, checking the ingredients you may have been using and trying to feel the air with her magic for any spells having been spoken recently. She doesn't really find anything useful and so she opts to leave it be for now, hoping she may find the answer one day. She decides to keep herself busy, already having made some dinner preparations before beginning on some washing as she had been done with work for the week. It's when she picks up a pair of your jeans and sees a bump in the back pocket that she takes out a small purple notebook. It's very thin and her eyebrows furrow as she had never seen said notebook before. Cordelia stares at it for a while, unsure what to do about it. She had a feeling her answers may be in the same book she is holding but equally she always cherished your privacy, never wanting to overstep or intrude.
The supreme fights an internal battle, knowing there is no way she could be getting any answers out of you. Before she can make up her mind however, the bedroom door opens and you walk inside, ready to change into some more comfortable clothes for the evening. As you notice Cordelia, you smile before it quickly fades as you see your notebook in her hands. You freeze as you search her eyes and she looks so conflicted that you can' tell whether she had read it or not. ,,I found this, when I wanted to do the washing'' she explains and you remain frozen, unsure if she had read it or not. ,,Is it yours?'' she asks and you simply nod before she takes a step towards you and hands it back. Your eyes search hers as you take it, trying to figure out whether she had read it. ,,I haven't looked'' she explains and you fight hard not to sigh in relief too much. ,,But I wish you would tell me what's going on, I'm worried about you'' she remarks and your eyes almost swell up with tears at her statement and how long you had been lying to them.
,,I won't push you but I'm here okay?'' she offers quietly and you nod before looking up into her eyes. ,,Would you like a hug sweetheart?'' she offers and within an instant you are jolting towards her, almost holding on for dear life and she holds you close, placing her chin on your head as the two of you remain like that. Wilhemina walks inside moments later, trying to find her two best girls and she is startled when she finds a concerned Cordelia and you holding onto her. Her eyebrows furrow and the blonde simply gives her a little nod that everything is well. ,,How about some dinner sweetie?'' the supreme offers gently and you nod at her offer before following them downstairs.
The remainder of the evening you spend in the comfortable embraces of each other, the academy mostly quiet with all of the witches having left for the weekend. The three of you shared a nice dinner with some easy conversation before watching a movie in the livingroom by the fireplace together. In the end you fall asleep on Wilhemina's shoulder and she smiles softly at you, before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Cordelia ends up taking you to bed, tucking you in as you remain asleep before they snuggle up to you. The supreme remains awake a little longer, trying to wrap her head around what was going on but sleep eventually welcomed her too.
By the time you wake up, it's the middle of the night and with careful and deliberate moves you manage to get out of bed without waking anyone, stealing one of Delia's Cardigans before walking into the greenhouse. You had worked on the spell for days and finally think you have got it before you prepare the familiar steps again, the circle of candles and your notebook and chanting the words. This time there is no buzzing, no voices in your head but simply pain. With gritted teeth you manage to put everything back to normal before eventually laying on the floor, wrapping Cordelia's cardigan closer before waiting for sleep to knock you out.
When Cordelia wakes up the next morning, she finds the bed empty, confused and sleepy she rubs her eyes before getting out of bed. She hears some noises from Wilhemina's office before knocking and entering. She finds the redhead pacing around her office, her cane abandoned somewhere. ,,Mina darling?'' Cordelia asks and the redheads head instantly snaps towards the blonde. ,,It's gone'' she sighs in relief and Cordelia's eyebrows furrow further at her statement. ,,The pain is gone'' she repeats again, leaving the supreme even more confused than before. ,,What do you mean?'' she asks a little dumbfounded before Mina fills her in about how she woke up this morning with no sign of pain, she could move around freely, even bend without the usual excruciating pain. ,,Do you still have-?'' Cordelia begins but Wilhemina simply nods ,,Scars still there but no pain''. Wilhemina confirms.
,,Could it have been your doctors appointment or physical therapy yesterday?'' Cordelia asks a little confused, knowing that that wasn't really possibly, having been by Wilhemina's side for years and remembering profoundly what the doctors had said in all of those appointments over the years. ,,Where- where is Y/N?'' Cordelia questions, before Wilhemina shrugs, having been so focused on the strange sensation after waking up that she never questioned your whereabouts until now. Cordelia is quick to rush to the greenhouse, having a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach before finding you sleeping on the floor with one of her cardigans.
,,Y/N darling?'' she tries as she kneels beside you and nudges you gently. Your eyes force open and you have a hard time to play off the amount of pain you are in but try nevertheless, not knowing yet whether this had finally worked. ,,Why are you asleep in here?'' she whispers as she offers to help you up. ,,I don't remember, maybe sleepwalking'' you lie, before she takes a look at your features. She could see something behind your eyes, a deep pain that she had never seen before and it's not until Wilhemina walks in that she finally understands. Your eyes sparkle as you see her walk in so freely and without a cane, the pain replaced by a sense of pride and relief. ,,Everything okay in here?'' Wilhemina asks and you simply smile at her and nod. ,,How are you Mina?'' you ask, ignoring Cordelia's staring before she smiles a little. ,,Feeling good this morning little one'' she announces before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
,,I'm going to make us some breakfast'' she announces happily, already walking off as she cannot wait to do all the things she hadn't been able to in years, finally being able to reach the top shelf, finally being able to pick something up without the usual great pain. You smile before you attempt to follow her but Cordelia holds you back as she reaches for your arm, making you spin around in the process. ,,Did you do this?'' she asks, her voice breaking with both betrayal and sadness. ,,What do you mean?'' you ask seriously before she sighs ,,Stop lying to me Y/N'' she urges and suddenly your eyes fill with tears as the last thing you wanted was her being upset with you.
,,Please tell me you didn't?'' she begs, her eyes equally filling with tears as her emotions wash over her. You remain silent and its all the comforation she needs, your shaking hands and knees, the way your shoulders are slumbed, the pain behind your eyes and she could somehow tell you are biting the inside of your mouth in order to hide the amount of pain you are in. ,,Why?'' she whispers as she averts your gaze, feeling both betrayed and sad that you never filled her in and now suddenly everything making sense to her, the hiding, the being busy, the notebook, your strange behaviour the other week. ,,Why? really? have you seen her? she's in so much pain all the time, she can't walk without pain, can't breathe without pain, she cant even take a fucking bath without pain'' your voice breaks as the tears flow from your cheeks.
,,I just..'' you begin but swallow the sob that was going to leave you any minute. You collect yourself and calm your voice before saying ,,I wanted her to feel normal, like us'' you admit. The supreme remains silent as she finds it hard to remain calm. She understands every bit of this and if her magic allowed her to do the same she would have done it years ago. But she knows the dangers and considering the book she had taken from you, she can't believe how foolish you had been as this magic was anything but safe. ,,I'm sorry'' you whimper, suddenly feeling the guilt of lying to them and her and for not having confided in her. She watches as you fall apart under the lies and pain and instantly walks over to hold you in her arms. ,,I'm sorry for lying, I just wanted to help Mina'' you whimper. ,,Shh sweet girl, it's okay'' she whispers, holding you close as some tears roll down her cheeks.
,,Is that what happened the other day too?'' she asks and you nod weakly into her chest. ,,I must have done it wrong and suddenly felt everyones pain but I reversed it'' you admit, not feeling like lying to her any longer. She nods quietly as she tries considering her next options and how to fix this. ,,Is the pain very bad?'' she asks and you nod before pulling away a little. ,,I can take it though Delia, please don't tell her'' you beg and she simply looks at you with an expression that mirrors her heartache. She couldn't believe how selfless you are and that you would rather continiue your days being in excruciating pain rather than seeing Wilhemina in pain ever again.
,,Sweetie I can't'' she whispers and you take her hands before your eyes meet her. ,,Please Delia, not yet at least, let her have some days of not being in pain''. The supreme thinks about it for a moment before nodding ,,Take these at least'' she orders and you nod as she passes you some of Wilhemina's pain medication that she carried with her at all times incase her girlfriend would get a particularly bad episode. ,,Can we go for breakfast now please?'' you ask with puppy eyes and she simply nods with a sad smile before walking you into the kitchen. You watch as Wilhemina moves around freely and simply look at Cordelia who remains conflicted but stays silent.
The days following, the supreme finds it increasingly hard to watch the dramatic change from Wilhemina being way more mobile and you almost rotting away in bed as the ability to get out of bed becomes overwhelming. The supreme had been in her office most day, trying to figure out whether there was a way to reverse this but keep Wilhemina from the pain again but she finds it increasingly hard to find a safe way in order not to hurt either of you. She had briefly inspected the book she had taken from you and your notebook but quickly closed them again as she knew the price of those types of magic.
Now, Wilhemina was many things but she wasn't stupid. She could tell there was something going on with you and Cordelia. She had been focused on doing some things of her own but she couldn't enjoy her freedom without you two. And of course she knew it couldn't have been the appointments or pain medication and so she decides to investigate. ,,Cordelia?''the redhead knocks and the blonde simply mumbles something before she steps inside. Wilhemina takes a seat, finding the blonde very far away with her thoughts as she barely acknowledges the redhead. ,,Can you tell me whats going on please?'' the redhead asks and instantly her brown eyes find Wilhemina's.
,,I'm not stupid, something is going on, please tell me'' she pleads and Cordelia can't keep it inside any longer. And so she fills the redhead in how you had been messing with some dark magic, how you are the one who had taken the woman's pain, how she had tried to find a way to reverse this, how you had been so adamant to keep the truth from her and keep things the way they are now. Wilhemina quite literally falls apart at the supreme's admission, she has had some ideas but nothing prepared her for the truth and the depth of it. ,,Where is she?'' the redhead asks and Cordelia quietly whispers ,,In the bedroom'' before Wilhemina disappears.
She finds you in bed, blanket pulled up to your shoulders but your eyes open. Your features beam as you watch her walk inside with no cane. ,,Little one'' she sighs as she takes a seat on the bed beside you and from her features and Cordelia's guilty eyes who lingers by the doorframe, you can tell that she knows. Your eyes instantly water with the intensity of the guilt and pain, knowing they would reverse this spell which only made the whole thing a million times worse. ,,I won't let you do it'' you announce stubbornly as you glance at Cordelia who already holds a book in her hands. ,,Can you come here for me little one?'' the redhead asks gently and you nod as she helps you up and positions you on her lap, this time she the one making sure she isn't hurting your back in the process.
,,Little one'' she begins as she holds you close ,,It means everything to be me that you did this'' she admits, having a hard time with her feelings but knowing she needs to be open with you. ,,But you need to let Cordelia reverse it'' she says a little sternly. You instantly begin to sob in her arms, feeling the weight of what you done. You can't begin to imagine what it must feel like to give her the pain back after some days of freedom, making you wish you never did this to begin with. She holds you closer, feeling her heart break at the sight of you. ,,I can't because I messed up Mina, I took it away for a few days and now I have to give it back''.
,,Please just leave it, I promise you, I'm okay, I can take this'' you beg and this time Cordelia walks over as she sits beside you two, knowing how hard this must be for you both. ,,Darling, it's not about taking it'' Cordelia tries before Wilhemina joins in again ,,I have had this for as long as I can remember little one and I cope well'' Wilhemina says but you have a hard time believing her considering what you had been witnessing every day. ,,Yes I hurt and yes I can't do certain things but my medication and years of experience help me, I can tell you are in so much pain and it's not your burden to carry''. Wilhemina explains, this time leaving no room for arguments.
There is silence for a while as she holds you and neither of them, especially Wilhemina doesn't feel an ounce of anger. She couldn't be more touched by your gesture, that you put her pain above your own and took this so bravely for the last few days. A part of her feels grateful for the things she had been able to do in the meantime, always having wondered what it may feel like without Scoliosis and all the side symptoms of it and the effects of her medication and you had made just that possible for her. In the meantime you couldn't feel more selfish and foolish, wishing you had thought this through further, knowing now there was no way they wouldn't have found out and forced you to reverse it.
,,I found a spell that is safe but it may hurt'' Cordelia explains and the two of you nod. ,,I-'' Wilhemina begins and for a second you hope she may just change her mind. ,,There is one thing I would like to do'' she admits and Cordelia's eyebrow raise before she encourages her to go on. ,,I want to dance with you, you both'' she admits and it kills both of you and Cordelia but the supreme agrees. She walks over to the vinyl player in the corner before playing some slow music. The two of them begin and you watch with all the sadness in the world at how perfectly they move in synch, slow, intimate and filled with so much emotion. You could tell this meant a lot to them, especially Wilhemina and it causes your heart to ache as your eyes swell with tears.
,,Your turn sweetie'' Cordelia encourages as she sits down nearby. The two of you begin swaying and Wilhemina is careful to read your expressions, making sure this wasn't too painful for you. You decide to ignore the pain, push through it as you spin her around, sending tears to both Cordelia and the redhead watching her move so freely and carefully. Wilhemina pulls you closer as your heads rest on each other, the music making this moment perfect. ,,Thank you for giving me this little one'' she whispers before pulling your lips into a kiss, a kiss that spoke a thousand words, all the gratefullness, the deep emotion the woman feels about what you had done for her, knowing no one else would have even attempted it besides Cordelia.
The supreme glances at you two with a questioning look as you both nod and with a few whispers of latin words and some magic flying around in the air, you feel the pain slowly leave you, the weight quite literally pulled off your back and entering your girlfriend again. Wilhemina doesn't even flinch, having been used to this for so long. The music doesn't stop but she pulls away before whispering ,,I need my cane''. Cordelia is about to get up when you signal her to stop ,,I may not be able to take this from you forever but for now, let me hold you please'' you offer and the redhead simply nods with tears lingering in her eyes as you continiue to sway her, Cordelia watching the bittersweet moment equally with tears.
And so, the evening comes to an end as the two of you remain swaying to the song, you this time the one holding Wilhemina up and making sure it's not too big a strain on her back. Despite feeling guilty, a part of you is happy you could give her what you had given her and Wilhemina couldn't feel happier knowing the pain was gone from your beautiful features. She felt content like this, having this by her side for so long that it almost felt strange when her back was normal for a while. ,,May I join you?'' Cordelia whispers and you take her hand as the three of you hold each other, focusing on the soft music playing in the background and your hearts beating in synch.
Neither of you had thought this evening would end like this and despite the tears and the pain, this night brought you closer than ever as the three of you understood the lengths of pain you would go through to keep each other safe and from harm. Wilhemina and Cordelia couldn't love you more in this moment and you couldn't feel more guilty but with each smile, each tear and every single assuring whisper they make you feel loved, make you feel that this was right and by the sparkle in Wilhemina's eyes you can tell you have given her something that she will never forget and she will always be grateful for.
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spikezonebby · 10 months
Okay, okay I wanna see what you come up with for this song. “Sew My Name” by Josh Pike (the live version at the Sydney Opera House is the best version in my opinion).
GN!Reader x TFA!Ratchet with a dash (or more than a dash) of cathartic angst.
Sew My Name - TFA!Ratchet/GN!Human!Reader
Word count: 1,667
You liked to leave your mark wherever you went.
For as long as Ratchet had known you, you loved to leave something of yourself behind. You thought it important that the universe knew you existed in some capacity. You carried a knife around in your back pocket so you could carve your name into tree bark. One evening, you had asked him to show you how to sew. You wanted to know, so you could sew things into the collars of your clothes.
Ratchet always thought clothes were kind of a strange human invention. What good was armor that didn’t protect anything? Winter clothes, that was a different story. Humans had less-than-stellar temperature regulation so it made sense that you needed that.
Didn’t stop you from shoving your hands into the warm mesh just under his chassis whenever you got chilly, though.
If Ratchet had had any idea how much he’d miss the little things you did, he would have savored it longer. Been a bit more hesitant to pluck you off of him, or tried to close the distance between you a little more. 
Bumblebee was lucky, the little scrap. He was lucky because his favorite organic was actually a techno-organic and would live a long, long life alongside him. For Ratchet, it seemed like with every visit back to Earth from Cybertron, there was less of you to go around. 
Then one day, there wasn’t any of you left.
You passed away on a seemingly innocuous Tuesday evening and he didn’t even hear about it until the next time he came to Earth to check up on Sari. She broke the news to him, and he wasn’t even sure if he felt sad or not. Perhaps he’d been mourning all this time in preparation for the news, knowing how short organic lives were. He knew what he did feel though.
He was angry. Angry, raging, pissed off beyond belief that you could put so much of yourself into the universe, only for it to not even blink or grimace in your absence. He wanted to drag Primus himself down by his audials and give him what for.
“Doc-bot, I didn’t even think you were that close with them.” Sari said, setting a hand– or were they servos now? He still wasn’t sure with her unique anatomy— on the back of his calf.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I was their primary doctor! Not only that but they were a part of the team, weren’t they?”
Sari didn’t really have an answer for him, she wasn’t really looking at him even when he turns to face her. After the battle with Megatron and his copies of Omega Supreme, things changed. It was largely for the better, with Team Prime being accepted as heroes. Prowl’s death, though noble, shocked all of them to their cores. It’s been decades since then and Sari had gone from a teen to an upstanding young femme, struggling with her father’s own slowly decaying mind. Ratchet hated to say it but he always figured Issac would go before you, not out live you.
It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair. 
“What happened? I thought humans could live to be over a hundred years old.”
“I don’t know.” Sari admits, “I wasn’t really close with them. It just… got hard to talk to them, ya know?”
Ratchet hadn’t thought about that before. Sari, with her unique nature, may very well be the only person capable of understanding both the human and the Cybertronian angle of time. It made sense that Sari would slowly become unable to relate to you, a fully organic human being, the older you got…
It made him wish he’d spent more time talking with you. 
“They did want me to give you something though, Ratchet.” Sari speaks up after a tense moment. 
Sari had always been a girl that packed light, but Ratchet had entirely overlooked the bag she’d been holding. It was just a plastic bag but the real mystery was the parcel held within. Something small and light, bound up with a red ribbon. Sari sets it in his open servo and immediately he’s drawn to the softness of it. 
It’s fabric, whatever it is. You were known to be a purveyor of various hobbies, it isn’t strange to think you might have gotten into fashion before your passing. Last he’d heard, you had taken to raising these insects called ladybugs. And before that, you had had an infatuation with sailing and the early history of your planet’s nautical culture. 
He should have seen the signs of you slowing down way, way before this.
He unwraps the gift, revealing the folded fabric. A long strip of soft and silky material carefully hand embroidered with delicate gold. It reminded him of a thin scarf. On the very end, he finds his name stitched into it by hand. There’s the taste of something bittersweet on his glossa then, knowing he taught you how to do this. You kept up with it all these years later.
“Oh! I know what that is!” Sari chirps, and in an instant, her jet pack pops free from her back and boosts her up onto the medic’s shoulders. On her way up she snags the fabric from his grip, and with practiced ease, balances herself just behind his helm. She wasn’t as small as she used to be but still small enough. 
“What on Cybertron are you doing?” 
“Gimme a sec here!”
And a second is all she needs, because she loops the fabric around his neck cables and starts folding and twisting. Then, turns it around on him so the delicate puff of fabric is on the front of his chassis, hanging down and standing out as a stark, bright shock of color against his white paint. Like an ascot or a necktie or some other name for the vast many types of cravats there were on Earth.
“Guess they didn’t think you looked spiffy enough, Doc.”
The established base had tons of reflective surfaces, so one of them, a monitor, made a good enough mirror for Ratchet to adjust his new tie a bit. It was pretty, like Sari said, spitty, on him. He appraises himself, turning this way and that.
“Huh, not something I woulda gotten myself.”
“Pfft. That’s probably why they got it for you.”
“I didn’t think I was gone from Earth for that long for them just to… vanish like that.”
Sari shifts so she’s resting her arms and chin atop Ratchet’s head, legs throne over either of his shoulders and hoping her weight and her presence are soothing to the old medic. She squishes her cheek into the top of his helm.
“I don’t think anyone actually has a schedule for when they plan to kick the bucket. It just… happens. They probably wanted to give it to you in person but just ran out of time.”
Ratchet could picture it. You, old and greyed and still insisting they ride around on his shoulder while he talks about all of the numbskulls back at headquarters. Then they poke his cheek and tell him to stop being so grumpy, and give him their gift.
“Hey, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t wanna but…” Sari’s big blue eyes find his face in the monitor’s reflection, scrutinizing his expression for any minute detail. “Did you like them?”
“Of course I liked them. Why else would I put up with them? I like you, don’t I?”
“Awww, you do?” She flicks the unbroken point of his chevron, “Cute but that’s not what I meant. I meant like-like.”
“Oh, you mean like you and Bumblebee?”
Sari sputters and gives him a quick bop on the helm, “Yeah, yeah sure! If you need an example.”
“Honestly, Sari?” Ratchet begins, rubbing the golden seam of the tie between his fingers, “I…I don’t know. Cybertronians live so much longer than any organic life. It stands to reason that we fall in love slower too.”
“But that isn’t a ‘no.’”
“You’re right, it’s not. It’s not a ‘yes’ either. I guess, maybe, I could have if there was just more time.”
Sari doesn’t respond to that, not verbally anyways. She drums her fingers atop his helm, then he feels her squeeze him a bit tighter.
“I’m sorry.”
“And I’m Ratchet.”
That gets a snicker out of Sari. She pats the top of his helm and then he can see her in the monitor as she jerks her thumb back behind her.
“Bee wants to go grab some highgrade if you wanna join us.”
“Who’s ‘us?’”
“Me, Bee, Bulk, Jazz, and hopefully you. Optimus is still busy– Because when is he not– but he promised to call us all tonight.”
“What’s the occasion?”
“Does there have to be? All my old friends are finally together so, why wouldn’t I wanna hang out with them all? Don’t have to have a reason besides just saying you miss someone.”
Sari always was the glue of the team. Her and Bee, friends against all odds. Young bots that just loved one another and loved all of the people around them, even if they could be a little annoying.
“Yeah, I don’t gotta head back to Cybertron for a while yet. Might as well show off their gift, right? And hope Bulkhead doesn’t spill highgrade on me.”
“Aw yeah! That’s the spirit!” Sari pumps her fists, then bounces on his shoulders, “Giddy up, let’s goooo!”
That gets a laugh out of Ratchet. Yeah, it was probably better that he spent some time with friends anyways. You would have wanted to if everyone was in the city at the same time. Even if he didn’t like to have a drink himself, he’d drink to you. To your memory.
So that the universe knew that you really had your name stitched onto his very spark. That there was some piece of you that couldn’t be erased. He wouldn’t let it be erased.
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Kinktober 2023
4 - Incubus Sex (Monster fucker)
18+, darkish setting (surviving zombie apocalypse), angst, fluff, smut, vampires (oppressive dominate species and blood drinking is mentioned a lot), a monster with a hero complex (Stephen coming to save you), monster fucker smut, sex with monster style Stephen, oral (sucking tentacles), tentacle sex, p in v sex, cream pie, oral, size kink, vibrating tentacles, anal play, double penetration, come shower
Doctor Stephen Strange x Fem!Mystic!Reader 
(Past relationship mentioned)
Watcher/Eldritch Being Doctor Stephen Strange Supreme x Fem!Mystic!Reader
(Current relationship)
Please note:
Writing this made me both cry and very horny. I love writing about evil monster men that get redemption and now act like soft and gentle golden retrievers.
I did not have a proofreader.
Your husband died a long time ago, during the outbreak. There was never a cure found, but a vaccine was made with Doctor Morbius's blood. Unfortunately, instead of a world of humans being eaten by zombies, it's now a world of humans being eaten by vampires. You're one of the few uninfected left, and a terrible fate is heading your way.
Until a familiar looking man comes to make a bargain with you, offering you salvation, but at the cost of leaving your universe forever.
Surviving this horrible hellscape was tough, but you managed to do it just fine, all by yourself, without your husband's help. Zombies had rolled through, covering half of the earth in just under a month. The great Doctor Morbius had discovered a vaccine to stop the spread of the virus, but that still meant people would be turning into monsters. Instead of zombies, they'd be vampires. Still, it was better than turning into a mindless decomposing corpse, so what did your people have to lose?
It had been years since that incident, and you had been lucky enough to avoid being bitten by a zombie, and contracting the virus. You were also lucky enough that you didn't turn into a vampire when you got the vaccine, but it did seem to stop allowing you to age. Apparently your blood was unique, and you wouldn't have been able to turn into a zombie either, if bitten.
You made a lot of money by selling your blood weekly at the local blood bank, and soon the vampiric citizens of New York were paying you top dollar for your blood. You were also an avid pot smoker, and that contributed to the price that your blood was worth.
But still, you missed your husband dearly, wishing he never died during the pandemic. You dreamt of him almost every night and when you didn't, you dreamt of your own death in so many horrifying and gruesome ways.
You grew tired as the weeks passed into months, and then into years. The people buying your blood started asking you to come in twice a week, to deal with the high demand, then three. You knew if you didn't, you'd be hunted down and forced to do it against your will. It was bad enough that the vampires kept harassing you to breed with other uninfected humans, just so they could have more livestock.
You sat at home, watching television and seeing a commercial about the company that marketed your blood. They advertised it like it was various soft drink brands, with yours being a luxury item like fine alcohol once was. You scowled and leaned back against your bed. You felt so fucking tired recently. You just wanted to hide away and not be bothered by anyone anymore.
You wanted your husband back so fucking badly.
You didn't want to be used as food any more, and since you stopped ageing, that was just going to be your life now.
Eventually, you knew they'd stop being so nice in asking you to pick a partner and reproduce. You almost would have rather died when the zombies showed up. You sighed and laid down, closing your eyes and trying to think of a plan to get away.
A man dressed in an expensive suit greeted you with a wide smile and twinkling blue eyes. His hair was combed and gold back, just the way you liked it, and his goatee was freshly trimmed, allowing you to see his full and luscious lips.
It was your husband.
"Hello again, my dear. I am pleased you've come for another visit." He said smoothly as he produced a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He made them float all around you, with them morphing into glowing butterflies and bubbles.
"Hello, Stephen… I… I can't remember why I came here." You said softly, almost remembering that you were dreaming, when he chuckled. Stephen spread his arms out and engulfed you in an embrace. He felt warm and safe  The next moment, he was dancing with you in a large empty ballroom. He leaned in close to your ear and whispered sweetly.
"Does it really matter? We both know what's going to happen."
He spun you around and the scenery changed to a backdrop of stars. The floor was gone, leaving you both alone in the vastness of space as you kept dancing with him. It didn't feel scary, far from it. Your heart was pounding, stomach full of butterflies as he gazed into your eyes.
Gods, you missed this.
You missed him.
"No, I guess it does not." You murmured back. He drew you close and stuck his nose into your neck, inhaling deeply as his hands smoothed up your sides.
"It does not. What matters, is that you're here, safe, with me." He husked and nipped your ear lobe. You moaned as he kissed down your neck to your shoulder.
"Yes. I'm safe. With you." You softly replied as his kisses became needy and his hands got more adventurous. You felt him grab at your ass and push you up close to him so you could feel his desire for you. You whined at the hardness of his body while you grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.
He groaned, his free hand gliding up your back and into your hair. Stephen gripped your locks and pulled your head back as he placed open mouthed kisses and licks to your skin. Stephen hummed and dragged his teeth along your most sensitive areas, effectively turning your legs to jelly and making it hard to stand. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pushing your face into his shoulder and groaned as he started to suck on your skin. 
You could hear a deep rumbling noise coming from him, a gentle sounding growl as his hand moved from your ass and he pushed you backwards. You landed on something soft as kept his mouth on you, moving down your chest.
"This dress needs to go." He rumbled, and in an instant your dress was gone. He took his time with you, sucking purple marks into your skin at every sensitive spot you had along the way. You gripped his hair, whimpering and squirming for him as he gave each breast a good squeeze and a tantalizing lick to both nipples.
He moved down, bringing a hand to your wet pussy and slid a finger along your seam. You keened for him and lifted your hips, trying to encourage him to put it inside.
"Stephen… More, please?"
"I'll give you more, baby, but first, I need you to wake up and answer the door." He murmured softly and kissed your head.
"What? Why?"
"Because the real thing is so much better, don't you think? Now, wake up!"
You heard knocking at your door, and you huffed and rolled out of bed. It was still early, around 3:00am. Who the fuck would be bugging you at this hour? You really hoped it wasn't the security guard, coming to ask you if you had any spare bags of blood in your freezer again. You sighed and got up, going to answer the door, and finding no one there.
"What the fuck? Stop with your stupid games, and just come in already." You snapped and waited a moment as air rushed past you and towards the curtains in the living room. You closed and locked the door. After, you turned towards your freezer and grabbed a pack of blood.
"For fuck's sake, Carl. You don't have to do the super speed ghostly bullshit. I used to be married to the spookiest man alive, so cut the crap. If you wanted a bag of blood, you could have just asked-" You stopped talking when you turned around to see a tall dark figure looking out your window.
That did not look like Carl at all.
Carl was a short, round man with the best sense of humor. He looked and acted exactly like Danny Devito. It was really a shame he was a vampire.
But this guy…
This guy was not Carl.
This guy was over six foot tall, and was quite slender. Most of him was covered by a long black cloak with a very pointy collar. It threw you off, because it reminded you of your long dead love.
"Thank you for inviting me in." His voice was raspy, and you placed the bag of blood onto your counter as you processed the sound of his voice. He sounded strikingly familiar, but people had been known to fuck around and tease you for your past.
Fucking vampires. 
"Look, buddy. I don't know who you think you are, but this is private property. I don't take kindly to pranks." You said firmly as you grabbed a knife and held it calmly. The man turned to look at you, his yellow eyes twinkling as he chuckled softly.
"Knives aren't going to hurt me. Not ones made of Earthen Steel, anyways." He said as he took a slow step towards you. You found the knife was no longer in your hand, and now back in the block again. In its place was your favorite flower.
"Why are you here?" You asked, your body trembling in fear. You hadn't seen actual magic in a long time, and it frightened you.
"I'm here to remove you from this world." He continued with a sly smile. His voice was sounding more and more like Stephen's, and the simple magic trick was hitting you hard in the chest, like a knife.
"Okay, that's a fucking threat, isn't it?" Your voice cracked as if you tried not to cry.
"No, it's not. I'm not here to kill you, darling. I'm here to liberate you. No harm shall come to you, if you come with me. I want to keep you safe." He calmly replied as he lifted his hand in the air, showing off the strappy leather and cloth of his bracers, and flicked his wrist. The bag of blood in front of you floated up into the air, and to the open freezer, then the door shut with a gentle thud. For some reason, the tone in his voice was calming you down fairly quickly.  
"What? What does that even mean?" You asked.
"Silly girl. I feel great sadness within you. You miss your husband dearly, and wish he didn't die. You also wish to join him, but know he'd never want you to end your life to be with him. You wish to leave this world behind, but you don't want to die, correct?" His baritone voice was silky smooth, and you could feel your body react to it. Your skin was heating up at the way he was looking at you, hunger clearly evident in his amber eyes. It was still too dark to see his face very well.
"How… How did you know that?" Your voice cracked again, and he stepped into the light of the kitchen. You gasped when you recognized his face, your chest tightening as you tried to stay calm.
It was your husband, but that was impossible. He died a long time ago, and you missed him so much.
"I've been watching you, my dear. I've seen what you've been through, and managed to do here. While at first, I thought it was a noble sacrifice. You, willing to make such a commitment for your people to keep them alive, but your people quickly took you for granted and started asking too much of you. They have forgotten who you belong to."
"I don't belong to anyone, except Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, and he is dead." You remarked as a tear rolled down your face.
"Oh, I know. I've seen your entire life. The past, present, and all the future possibilities. I was very shocked to find you were linked to my variant. How very fitting, though, that one of me should hoarde such a beautiful and powerful magical energy source." He said and he leaned against the counter, flashing that signature trademark smirk your husband always wore.
"But you're not my husband, are you?" You asked, but he chuckled and changed the subject.
"That big pharmaceutical company that sells your blood… I am concerned for your well being. They want to breed you against your will, and feed off of your children the moment they come out of you. I find that disgusting." The pale man leaned lazily around your apartment and frowned. He turned back to you and pressed his hands against the counter. He didn't have any scars on his hands like your husband did. He quickly conjured up some documents and slid them towards you, and you looked down at them.
They were papers that showed the blood bank was going to acquire you as an object, with you losing your independence and autonomy. You would lose the right to choose what you did with your life. Even the plans for the next fifty years were clearly laid out a schedule for you to remain constantly pregnant with various sperm donors. You grimaced and shoved the papers off the counter in disgust.
"That's no life for a beautiful immortal such as yourself. I can offer you so much more. Something better, something brighter. A chance to do more with your life, instead of being a glorified cow. I won't ask for much in return, except to feed from you once a month, and for you to assist me while I watch over the Multiverse." The doctor explained as he conjured up a bottle of red wine and two glasses.
"That sounds too good to be true. I have a hard time trusting vampires. Let alone ones that look exactly like my dead husband."
"I'm not the same kind of vampire, my dear." He laughed as he shrugged off his cloak and it wandered off to look out the window. It was different than the one you were used to seeing on him, which now belonged to Spider-Man.
"But you're… I watched you die, Stephen. Before they came out with the vampire vaccine." You pointed out. Again he snickered and poured some wine in both glasses.
"I am a variant of your dead doctor. I am an Eldritch being, not a vampire. I've absorbed so much magic, that my body has changed. I'm more like… A demonic God now, but I'm not evil." The doctor handed you a glass and he sat down on one of the barstools you had.
"How's that anything like a vampire?" You asked
"Do you know what an incubus is?"
"Yes… Wait… Oh my God."
"Ah, there we go. It's finally sinking in, isn't it?"
"So, you feed off of sex?"
"Yes, but also no. I need to eat, and I don't eat food much these days. What I do enjoy consuming, is raw energy or magic, which you are just dripping with, my dear. I can smell you all the way across the Multiverse."
"So… Does that mean… I have to…"
"Nothing. You just let me drain some of your magic, and I don't even have to touch you."
"Forgive me, Doctor, but I'm really confused."
"What's there to be confused about? You let me feed off your magic, and I take you away from this universe where they want much worse out of you. If not, you can stay here. It is your choice."
"But you mentioned you are like an incubus?"
"Oh, yes. That. If you allowed me to make love to you, I'd be sharing my powers with you, without the adverse effects that I suffer. But, I'm not going to ask that of you, since that might be cruel, given your-"
"Okay. Fine. Deal. Take me away. I don't want to be here any more. This place sucks, and you're hot." Uou said, and he looked very surprised.
"You heard me, old man. Take me away, and you can incu my pussy as much as you want. I don't care that you're not my Stephen."
The doctor's face melted into a wicked smile and he raised his glass in a toast. You grabbed the other glass and tinked it against his, then had a sip of the wine. The liquid didn't taste at all like wine, so you coughed as you set the glass down.
"What was that? That wasn't red wine!"
You were panicking, because it tasted exactly like antifreeze with blood in it.
"No. It wasn't. It is my blood." He said calmly, his smirk growing wider. Your eyes went wide, and you made a disgusted face.
"Ugh, why? I'm not a fucking vampire. Blood doesn't taste good to me. Why does it taste like antifreeze?"
"Haha. My dear, I'm an abomination of nature and magic that exists outside of time and space. I shouldn't exist at all, yet I do. I exist, and I watch over all universes. In all of my years of witnessing millions of realities grow and perish, I have never once seen someone that should be up with me in the Watcher's area. Not even any of my variants. You don't belong down here, and you don't belong in any other universe."
"Okay, but that's not explaining exactly why you just tried to pass your blood off as wine."
"I need you to have some of my essence in you, otherwise the process will be painful. If you won't drink the blood, we have other ways to make the transfer."
"You've done this before?"
"Yes, but also, no." He said in that annoyingly self assured tone of his. Apparently this Stephen was much the same as yours once was.
"I'm starting to hate that phrase." You muttered and he chuckled as he stood up and conjured up a viewing orb, showing a woman with red hair.
The orb cycled through hundreds of ways that she died, with over half of them being accompanied by a younger looking and cleanly shaven version of Strange. You covered your mouth at the horrible ways she perished, and you felt tears forming when you saw his sorrowful reaction each time.
You knew the woman in question. Your Stephen had once been engaged to the one in this world, but they broke up swiftly after his accident. You had replaced her as the love of his life, until the day he died from being bitten by Christine. This variant of Stephen could sense your sorrow, and he placed a hand to your shoulder.
"I tried to save her, many times. I wasn't as wise back then, as I am now."
"Then you did end up saving her?"
"No. I destroyed my world for her, and when I did save her, she rejected the horrible creature I had become. I frightened her so much, she died again, and the look on her face told me I needed to stop. So, I did. I stopped. I became a Watcher, and I learned many new skills. I got over her, moved on, then I finally figured out how I can stop a Nexus event quite easily, without tearing a reality apart and corrupting it." He explained as he showed you on the orb what he really looked like. You crouched down and looked at his demonic form, sighing as you felt your heart ache for him.
"You're the only person I've ever done this to. I am hoping this time, you'll be better prepared, and there will be less complications down the line."
"This time?"
"Yes. Fear not, for I won't make the same mistakes I did last time. I've figured out that it's just easier to remove a person from a universe altogether, before their Nexus event can occur to kill them, instead of trying to stop the event by any other means. Then, I just simply don't return them to that universe. They will exist outside of their time and space."
"... You've done this before, and I died? But I'm… I am supposed to be immortal."
"You weren't the first go around. I figured changing your fate, and having Doctor Morbius be able to get his vaccine out would work much better. You see, I am able to twist time in any universe. I can look into the future, but when I do, I actually live through it, before deciding to go back. It's a standard feature on most Doctor Stranges."
"So is being frustratingly cryptic. How did I die?"
"The first time? My dear… I've seen thousands of possible futures for you."
"Ugh, tell me the first time that you actually had to interfere."
"Oh, well, I'd rather not. It was really quite gruesome. That's why I showed you the paperwork. That's exactly what happened to you. In fact, they are due in just a few hours to come and collect you. I turned the clock back, and now I am here to take you away. This world doesn't have anyone capable of coming to find you once I remove you from it."
You sat there quietly and fidgeted with your hands as you glanced at the door and then back at him. You thought back to the many dreams you kept having, and how they all involved your death, or this man. Most recently, they had become very dark and debauched fantasies of him fucking you in various ways, and less about you dying. When given the choice of being stuck here as a glorified farm animal, or going with another variant of your dearly departed husband to see the wonders of the Multiverse, you definitely were choosing the doctor.
Besides, even after seeing what he looked like in the orb compared to how his form was now… Both were very tempting. It was even more tempting he was a variant of your dead lover. You felt your face grow hotter as you thought about those very sexual dreams. Yes, that would be a much better future for you.
"Take me now. I trust you." You finally said while reaching out to grab his hand. His face softened, eye turning that soft baby blue you missed, and he gave you a warm smile, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand.
"Good. Do you need to bring anything?"
The place he brought you to was very Strange, pun intended. It was a building in the middle of what looked to be a cluster of bright twinkling lights in outer space.
"That looks like home, the Sanctum Sanctorum…" You said softly, and Stephen placed a hand to your lower back 
"It is. I've replicated it perfectly to be my home, with much needed improvements." He whispered into your ear as his hand moved just slightly lower.
"It's way more beautiful than the one I've seen "
"Ah, yes, well… Better materials do go a long way. I've used a lot of rare metals and wood from across the Multiverse. Let me show you the inside."
He showed off the entire place, and as the tour progressed, you started to feel off. It wasn't in a bad way, but you found that you felt hot.
Down there.
He was just as much of a talker as your husband was, full of both useful and useless facts. You noticed the artifacts he had were very much different then the ones your Stephen had in his Sanctum, and he enjoyed telling you about any item you pointed at. He was nice about it, much nicer than your husband was. This one kept checking to see if you knew what things were, before offering the information up. He finally brought you to a large room that looked like an old English pub inside, and he sat you down at the bar, with him going behind it.
"I'm sure you'd like some real alcohol, now. I can assure you I have the finest you'll ever find anywhere." He declared happily while grabbing a fancy bottle of Kree Whiskey in one hand, and very elegant looking Asgardian Wine in the other.
"Sure. I want a slushed Bellini with raspberries in it."
He stared at you for a long moment, then slowly put both bottles down.
"You want prosecco?"
"Uh, well, no. I mostly just want a fancy, tangy peach and raspberry slushie, with booze in it."
"Ah, so may I put a different kind of alcohol in it?"
"Sure, why not? Give me something strong." You said firmly, and he went about making you a drink the old fashioned way, without magic.
"So, tell me more about this deal." You asked. He handed you the drink and you took it, smelling it and taking a sip. It tasted exactly how Stephen used to make them and you felt a pang of guilt as you sat here with some copy of your spouse.
"I need an assistant. Not a secretary type, but a partner to help me with overseeing and managing the Multiverse. My friend can only do so much by himself, and he's not allowed to interfere with any of the worlds he watches, but I am, and so are any I bring up here." He casually explained while pouring himself some of the wine.
"There are others here?"
"Just you, me, and Uatu. Uatu has his own area. You'll know him when you see him. Really big bald head, hates my jokes…" Stephen chuckled. The sound was like music to your ears.
"Tell me about you being an Incubus. I remember those dreams. Was that actually you, or was it my brain processing the world around me, because I miss my husband?"
"Oh, that was me."
"Go on."
"There's not much to tell, I'm afraid. I can feed in various ways. I can drain the life force from someone and leave a husk behind. I could straight up devour the entire being, leaving nothing left, or… Or I could use the pleasures of the flesh, and not harm the person I am feeding off of." He sounded quite honest, and that's when you realized you had already been having sex with this man, but in your dreams.
Those overly vivid and realistic dreams that left your panties soaked when you woke up.
A sinful throb beat between your thighs at the thought, and you gave him a playful grin as you reached out and placed your hand on his.
"Oh… Well I don't think I want to be a husk, or eaten. You know, unless my pussy is the one being drained and eaten." You said in a sultry voice. His eyes flashed a dark amber.
"I'd rather fill you up after I eat you."
"Don't threaten me with a good time." You drank the rest of the Bellini and made a pleased sigh.
"My dear, I don't make threats anymore. I just do it."
"Then stop talking already, and show me what you can do."
Stephen grinned wickedly and snapped his fingers. Everything was replaced by a nicer looking version of your old bedroom that you used to share with Stephen in the Sanctum. You gasped as he pushed you down to the bed and kissed you passionately.
You moaned into his mouth as your tongues danced, and his hands tore your clothes away from your body, almost violently. His hands grabbed at your hips as he chuckled and banished his clothing away. Stephen was nudging himself between your legs, when you put a hand to his chest and stopped him. He furrowed his brows in confusion.
"Have you changed your mind?" He asked, a look of hurt flashing through his eyes.
"No… But I want to see you for what you really are when we do this." You said and his face fell into surprise.
"I don't think you'd like that very much." He finally said, his mouth turning into a doubtful frown.
"I saw you in the orb. You don't scare me."
"I only showed you the tamest part of my true form." He muttered bitterly. You reached up and grabbed his face, bringing him down so you were nose to nose.
"I loved my husband with all of my heart. I was devastated when he died. I know you are not him, but I still feel that same connection of love in your presence, like he never left me…" You begged him as you kissed his lips gently.
"Please, Stephen?" Again you begged, kissing his cheek and along his neck. He groaned and reared back to look at you.
"Alright. I will show you. I'll understand if you wish to leave. I can put you somewhere nice that I know you'll like and-"
"Stephen. Shut the fuck up and show me what you look like."
He huffed and nodded while his skin darkened slowly. Bit by bit, it became a deep ashy purple, with a sheen of glittery red on it. His eyes went back to being that slitted, dark sunset orange, and he started to grow several multicolored eyes on his forehead and the side of his face. Large horns protruded from his head, and his cloak melted into his back, becoming large leathery wings.
But the most striking thing about him, were all the fucking tentacles.
"You hate it, don't you?" He asked, his voice laced with shame.
"You're beautiful." You breathed back and smiled brightly at him.
"What? No, that's not… I'm not-"
"Yes, you are. That's amazing… Are they… Dangerous?" You asked as you sat up and reached out to grab one of his tentacles. The one you tried to touch, recoiled away from you.
"Sometimes, if I need them to be."
"May I… May I touch it? Please?"
"If that is what you want." He sounded very unsure as the appendage unfurled and rested on your palm. You stared at it and reached up to touch it with your other hand.
It was soft, and not at all slimey, like you thought it would be. Your fingers gently ran over the length of what you could reach. The skin there felt a bit rough, but the underside with the suckers was soft, and very much felt like…
"Oh… Careful now. If you keep that up, I won't be able to stop myself."
You felt your face heat right up at the statement. You looked at his main two eyes as you stroked around each sucker, watching him twitch and grunt. You grinned at him, and decided to see what he would do if you licked it. The impulse was too much to hold on to, and you leaned forward, eyes still locked with his, and gave the girthy appendage a long lick. Stephen groaned, all of his eyes closing halfway as he watched you suck the tip into your mouth.
You swirled your tongue around the tip, feeling every little circle, dip, curve, and edge. He groaned and leaned forward, caging you in with both hands as he rested his forehead against yours.
"I've never… No one has touched me like this before…" He growled, his voice beginning to warp and sound more like the deep echoing of Eldritch voices you used to hear when your husband cast spells. Your heart fluttered, and your pussy throbbed from the nostalgia.
You took him deeper into your mouth, tongue rolling over his skin as you reached out and grabbed another tentacle. He curled that one around your wrist as you gave it a gentle squeeze, drawing forth another deep moan from him. Your hand left the one at your mouth, going to grab yet another, but this time you placed it between your legs.
He almost wanted to ask what you were doing, when you leaned back and pulled on him. He moved with you, hovering over your body as you spread your legs for him. Stephen hummed as he looked down, another deep rumbling noise emanating from him while he watched you rub him against your wet entrance.
"You're so wet…"
Stephen twitched, but he didn't dare prod you with it. The tentacles that weren't on your body were coiling in anticipation as you took the one in your mouth out with a loud slurp. You gave him a sultry look and placed the wet appendage to your breast.
"Don't be scared, Stephen. I am not as fragile as you'd think." You said, and pressed him against your breast, squeezing softly to encourage him to move it by himself. Your hand pushed the tip of his other tentacle to your clit and you rubbed it in circles. He let out multiple groans and purring noises.
"It's hard not to be, my dear. I could snap you in half with just a thought."
"You sound like my husband." You teased him in a breathy whisper, hands still trying to encourage him to touch you.
"I am your husband…" He groaned and before you could register what he had said, or the meaning behind it, he brought a few more tentacles down to touch you experimentally. You felt two of them curl around your ankles, slowly spreading them farther apart as the one on your breast squeezed and wrapped the tip around your nipple. 
"Ohhh… Stephen… Just like that." You murmured softly as one of the suckers melded over your nipple, perfectly covering it, before it started to pulse. Another one curled around your other breast, giving it the same attention and working them in a good rhythm. You whined and pushed your hips up while rubbing him against your clit. More tentacles crept out, one wrapping around your other wrist, snaking its way up your arm and cupping your chin. Stephen leaned down, almost close enough to kiss.
"You're so soft… And warm…" Stephen hummed as he coiled more and more of his tentacles up and around your limbs and torso. He brought a large hand to your back, pulling you closer as he looked into your eyes.
He saw how they shined for him, even half lidded as he slowly pushed into your pussy. Your breathing quickened as he pushed deeper and deeper, slowly pushing the thicker parts in,  while the tip slipped back out to curl over your clit. You keened and he kissed you, groaning into your mouth as he slithered all over you.
"Stephen…" You breathed his name, causing him to grunt as a tentacle slowly snaked up your leg and cupped your ass. You felt more, pulling and tugging at your cheeks, with one going to catch the slick that dripped from your pussy, before probing your backdoor.
"Sweet girl… Fuck… How are you this wet?"
"Because of you, Stephen. Because it's you." You murmured back as you felt him move, sliding his thick muscle in more, stretching you wider as another one slipped inside to find your gspot. It felt amazing, feeling two of them writhe inside of you.
"May I… May I put one in your ass?" He growled while rubbing your tight ring of muscle.
"Please." You answered softly. Your hands came up to his face again, fingers gliding up to his horns. He let out another deep sounding growl and shut his eyes.
You felt your asshole slowly being dipped into, then with a sudden sensation of liquid being applied, he pushed in easily. Your head went back as you gasped and panted, feeling three tentacles wiggling inside of you.
"Fuck… You're something else, you know that right? Anyone else would be terrified right now…"
"Th-that's what my h-husband used to saaay- Oh fuck! W-when he used sex magic on meee..." You sassed back as you licked his cheek.
"Shit… What… What sort of things did he used to do to you?" Stephen asked, his mind already spinning a million images as to what his variant did to you.
"Sensory intensifying spells, lubricating spells, g-ghostly touches, mag-gic vibratory aids…" You started to list some things off, and when you mentioned the last one, you suddenly felt intense vibrations coming from each one of his limbs.
"Oh… Gods… Fuck… That feels so g-good!" Your breath came out rushed as he pushed in deeper with all three of them. The way he throbbed and pulsed was amazing, like a designer toy made just to make you come. You felt so full, and it was glorious.
"So pretty… So divine… How could such a beautiful angel like you, let a monster like me do this to you…? You dirty little thing… Fuck…" Stephen husked and slowly put more pressure on each of your sweet spots. You yelped and thrashed, feeling your pussy clench the closer you got to your release.
"I bet you let him double team you with himself, yeah?" He asked, his voice rough and deep as he started to thrust his tentacles in and out of you.
"Y-yes!" You whined back, feeling yourself get to the edge, but not quite able to jump off yet.
"Did you let him fuck you raw, and come inside you?" He asked, and again you whined.
So close…
"Fuck, yeah…"
"How about the multiple arms spell?" He asked as a tentacle slowly wrapped around your throat.
"Yeah… That was always a favorite of mine…" You sighed when he rubbed your cheek. That sigh quickly turned into a debauched moan as he jerked your body flush against his and started to fuck into you faster, the tentacles rubbing you just right.
"Fuck… You feel so wet… Your walls are clenching so tightly around me. I want to see you come." Stephen licked his lips as he turned the vibrations up.
You howled and felt your nerves snap, and you shook violently in his grasp as you came hard. Your nails dug into his shoulders, and he grunted in pleasure as he fucked you through your orgasm. Stephen rumbled and leaned in, forehead pressed to yours as he watched you writhe and moan. The tentacles in your cunt slowed in their movements, and he slowly pulled them from your dripping hole. You stared at him as he brought them up to his mouth, his very long tongue coming out to lick your juices off of them.
"Fuck, that's hot…" You breathed as you tried to catch your breath. He glanced at you and grinned.
"Naughty girl…" Stephen hummed and slowly moved your legs, bringing your feet up high into the air as he positioned himself between them. You glanced down and gasped, eyes going wide like saucers when you saw just how big his cock was.
"Do you like what you see?" His voice was raspy as he made that purring sound. You shivered and stared at his dick. It was dark red, the bulbous head almost a royal purple as it oozed precome. He had thick veins running all over it, and it looked like he was ribbed! 
"Do you think it'll fit? I can make it smaller, more the size you're used to." Stephen asked in that teasing tone you missed so much.
How dare he think you couldn't handle that monster of a cock after he just had two thick tentacles in there!
"I can take it."
"Are you certain? I'll ruin you for anyone else."
"I don't want anyone else. I want you. Now please, Stephen, shut your big mouth and fuck me already!"
"So much confidence… That's hot…" Stephen remarked as he brought you closer, resting the large head of cock on your seam. He gently rubbed you, teasing you as he spread your lips with the tips of his tentacles. With a grunt and a gentle push, he nudged the head of his cock into you. You gasped, feeling him push inside, his girth stretching you far more than his tentacles had.
"Shit… Sssooo… So b-big…" Your voice cracked as he shoved in deeper while he carefully watched your reaction. You began to pant and squirm, fingers digging in harder into the meat of his shoulders 
"I can stop if-"
"No! Don't stop!"
You struggled to breathe as he pulled you closer, pushing his throbbing member in as deeply as he could. You whined as you felt his hips kiss yours, his cock bottoming out and pulsing. You felt his heavy balls resting flush against your ass.
"You're doing so well, my little minx. You've taken every last inch of me. Can you feel me deep inside of you? Can feel it throbbing, just for you?" He waited for a moment, allowing you to adjust and get used to his size as he cupped your face and kissed your forehead.
"Oh… Gods, y-yes… You feel so good…"
"As do you…" Stephen murmured back, then started whispering a spell into your ear. You felt pleasure tingle all over your body, nerves sparking with fire. Your eyes rolled back, back arching as he began to move his hips.
"Gods be damned… You feel absolutely heavenly…" Stephen growled as his tentacles squeezed and slithered all over your body. He sighed as he sped up, his hips slapping away at yours as he fucked you hard.
"St-stephen!" You called his name and tugged him closer to kiss him. He groaned and stuck his long tongue into your mouth, it sliding around and down your throat. You made small grunting noises as you breathed through your nose, the sensations overwhelming you, and you came.
He pinned you to the bed and pressed you down, his hips fucking up into your tight cavern over and over, sending your senses into overdrive as he pulled another orgasm from your body so quickly after the last. You would have screamed if he wasn't tongue fucking your mouth.
Your nipples suddenly surged with pleasure, and then the suckers on your clit started to send harsh vibrations to it. You gurgled and shook, feeling him draw yet another orgasm from your body. You felt his cock pulse and throb along with every tentacle he had wrapped around you. The one in your ass was purposely pushing against the thin wall between it and his cock, making your eyes roll back as you drooled excessively.
'I'm going to fill you so full…'
You heard his voice in your mind, and all you could do was take his harsh thrusts as he moved in and out of your holes.
You felt his cock throb, and a moment later, he was growling as you felt him spurt the first rope into you. You moaned, feeling more and more fill your womb directly, his come forcing its way out from the side of his cock, and dripping down your ass cheeks.
His come was so warm, and it sent tingles of pleasure through you as you felt the tentacle in your ass begin to fill you like his cock did. You felt warm and sticky, all the other limbs releasing gobs of come all over you. You felt him draw his tongue from your mouth, and he watched as you twitched and thrashed from overstimulation.
His hips slowed down, and then he finally stopped moving altogether, just resting inside of you as he rolled over with you in his arms. You laid on his chest, panting and huffing as his wings slowly wrapped around you, covering you in a warm embrace.
"Stephen..?" You gently asked as you stroked his chest.
"I missed this so much…" You softly murmured. You felt him kiss the top of your head.
"And I missed you more." He replied as he stroked your shoulder and back with a few tentacles. He had one hand on your ass, the other holding your left hand, his thumb slowly stroking the wedding band that your husband had given to you. You hadn't taken it off since he died.
"Stephen..?" You asked again.
"Did you absorb my husband?" You suddenly asked. You felt him still and his hand gripped yours a bit tighter. You heard him swallow, and he took a deep breath.
"Would you be upset if I said yes?" His voice trembled as did his hands. You looked down and noticed the one you were holding had deep dark lines etched into skin.
"No." You sighed happily and nuzzled your face into his chest.
"Then yes."
"Okay. I thought so. I love you." You cooed and kissed his shoulder. He sighed back and held you a bit tighter.
"I love you, too, my dear. Thank you for waiting for me."
"Thank you for coming back to me."
@jumpdingus @ashreblogsnow
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mckiwi · 2 months
McKiwi's Fic Recs
(Stephen Strange / Tony Stark)
These are all completed. Some are multi chapter. Most have very little smut, if any at all, so if you like that kind of stuff, you’re on your own. AUs are included. If I felt the characterizations were too off, it’s not here. If grammar was unacceptable, it’s not on this list. All of these have Stephen as a main character. These are organized by word count and genre. I've tried to include a little bit of (almost) everything. If you have any suggestions, feel free to reblog with those.
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"Daydream" by InkDippedFingertips: [1052 words / Hurt/Comfort] It wouldn't be easy at all, Tony thought, to walk away.
"Say A Slow Goodbye" by InkDippedFingertips: [1086 words / Angst] No more suffering.
“The Truth” by ironstrangle: [1368 words / Hurt/Comfort] Wong is relieved when Stephen Strange gets hit with a truth spell. He'll finally tell Tony what's going on, right? Little does he know, that's not the only confession he makes.
"Do No Harm" by thedevildinosaur: [4691 words / Canon Divergence] Stephen Strange is a doctor. Stephen saved the universe. He is not the kind of man who ruthlessly kills his enemies. Tony can say that with confidence, because he knows Stephen Strange even better than he knows himself.
"Lost and Found" by flyingonfeatherlesswings: [12976 words / Canon Divergence] Stephen finds himself back on the streets after the new Sorcerer Supreme, Karl Mordo, decides that Strange breaking the natural law cannot be forgiven. For the IronStrange Midsummer BigBang.
"A Hard Man Humble" by Anonymous: [15282 words / Hurt/Comfort] “A loop like Titan?” Tony’s sensors are instantly on alert, hand in the air. Looking at different timelines, future after future after future that would now never come to pass. Enough to break a man, or his mind, if Thanos and his minions didn’t. That much devastation and death. “Red alert?” “No,” says Strange in a distant tone, caught in some memory. “It’s me. Stuck on the wrong track.” He snaps out of it. “It threw me towards –” You.
“Arriving Somewhere (But Not Here)” by Imagined: [15817 words / Alternate Universe] “It wasn’t so bad,” Stephen says. “I thought you hated it there?” “Parts of it, maybe. Not everything.” Wong slowly nods. A lamp flickers above their heads; with a snap of his fingers, Stephen brightens it again. The yellowish light seems all the more pronounced for it, casting shadows over Wong’s face. “I don’t regret that I never got the invitation to Ilvermorny,” Wong says eventually. “I would’ve wanted one at the time, I think. But that is what the Sanctum is for. It catches those who fall through the cracks - the unwanted and unseen of the magical world. They would’ve taught me things that would take a lifetime to unlearn. I see that in you, too.” Or: When he is twelve, Stephen Strange gets an invitation letter to the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is only the start of a life spent studying and defying one kind of magic - the one that Stephen seems to belong to, and yet cannot make his own. That is, the road to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme is a long and meandering one.
“Survivors of the Wreck of Time” by amethyst-noir: [16199 words / Hurt/Comfort] Stephen had been in love with Tony Stark for so long, and through so many different timelines, that the feeling had become a fixed part of his being, something that was just there, fully intertwined with his very soul. Something that was treasured, something that gave him strength and comfort when he needed it, something he held close to his heart without even consciously being aware of it. (Sometimes a timeline has to bend and twist to make things that are supposed to be happen.)
“We’re Not In Kansas?” by Catxtopia: [17448 words / Alternate Universe] It was turning out to be a relatively lovely end to a hectic day. So naturally the universe had to throw a wrench in there somewhere. Said wrench came in the form of a strange flying object shooting out of the sky. (Or: Iron Man 3 AU, where Tony crash lands in Nebraska and meets a small town doctor by the name of Stephen Strange)
“If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)” by twobettafish: [19290 words / Alternate Universe] Mystical threats always need to be dealt with, even if doing so requires Tony Stark's help. (Sometimes, though, those threats can be kind of stupid.)
"theme of wonder" by graveltotempo: [23889 words / Alternate Universe] When Thanos, the Mad Titan, breached the walls of the Underworld, in a bid to kill Hades and make Persephone his own, the King and Queen of the Dead cast a spell. A spell of time and souls, so that their love would be everlasting and so that they never would be without one another. So that their soul and immortal spirit would continue to reincarnate into different human bodies for cycles to come, and so that they could always find each other, not matter when or where. And for centuries, through the fall of Alexandria and the Salem Witch Trials, through the rise of the Ottoman reign and the fall of the Roman Empire, it works. Until Persephone wakes alone in a cave, surrounded by ash, smoke and sand, and Hades wakes alone in Kamar Taj, drenched in water and with blood on his sheets. Both alone. And as the Infinity Stones start popping up around them again, and the oddness of this cycle continues, they know that the reckoning is approaching, that the end is near. That the Mad Titan is once more at their door.
"Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance" by Aelaer: [37524 words / Canon Divergence] In 2018, the world almost ended. The world almost ended on a surprisingly frequent basis, Stephen had discovered in the last two years. But this time, this time the solution seemed just as bad as the problem itself with five years lost and so much suffering in the interim and the years after. So Stephen pushed himself farther than he ever had before to see if he could find something else: a solution that was less cruel, less harmful, less impacting to both Earth and the universe as a whole. He found it sometime after approximately 22.3 million futures.
“Stop-Loss” by twenty3: [41363 words / Canon Divergence] Tony Stark killed himself on a Monday morning. Peter Parker found his body. Stephen Strange was the first person he called. After the devastating loss, Stephen makes a decision. To use the time stone. To go back and fix things. To fix Tony before he can make the same choice to end his life. It doesn't work. So he tries again. And again. And again. It was his fault the world had lost him. It wasn't going to be his fault it stayed that way.
"A bargain with a dragon" by Mermaid_in_space: [46992 words / Alternate Universe] In a time of need, only one Tony Stark would be stupid enough to strike a bargain with a dragon, to ensure the future safety of his father's kingdom. Little does he know that the prize will be the one thing he treasures most. A Prince!Tony Stark / Dragon!Stephen Strange fantasy AU
“By the End of Today” by Imagined: [53835 words / Canon Divergence] For Stephen, Thursday doesn’t end. He is stuck reliving the same day and over again. This by itself is already something of an issue, especially with the Time Stone destroyed and well, and Stephen having little to no clue as to who is behind it, and why he’s the only one who can remember what is going on. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to destroy time loops. Surrounded by people unaware of the situation, Stephen has to navigate his friendships and feelings to hunt down the cause of the green light that keeps restarting the loop, and put an end to the endless Thursdays. It might’ve been a little less complicated, had Tony Stark not been connected to the time loop.
“14,000,605 Pieces of a Soul” by CookieCloud: [57371 words / Hurt/Comfort] After the Snap has been reversed (and everyone survived), Tony's life isn't working out as planned. Things with Pepper are not going well and the Avengers are still split up. Also there is the small problem of Tony's judgement being clouded by the effect of Wanda's mind spell. At the same time, Stephen is struggling to come to terms with all of the futures he experienced in the time stone. And that's already without the spiritual effects they've had on him. But maybe, they can help each other.
"A Crown of Thorn and Shadows" by Golden_Asp: [58465 words / Alternate Universe] Anthony Stark, King of Blood and Darkness, ruler of the Unseelie court, did not expect to find Prince Stephen Strange of the Seelie chained up in his torture chamber, cold iron being driven into his hands. Stephen Strange, a Seelie healer, never dreamed of finding himself in the court of nightmares, being cared for by the king that the Seelie called a monster. They must work together to find the traitors in two Faerie courts that have not spoken in over six hundred years and reclaim Stephen's memories before the courts descend into war once more.
"Time After Time" by lantia4ever: [64186 words / Alternate Universe] Months after dealing with Dormammu, the Time Stone offers Stephen a deal – it will fix his hands so he can once again be a doctor. For a price. A balance. It's everything Stephen could ever wish for and the price is laughably insignificant - so he accepts. After all, what could he possibly ever love more than becoming a doctor again? Written for the IronStrange BigBang 2019 \o/
"...and dance by the light of the moon" by atypicalsnowman: [69972 words / Hurt/Comfort] Stephen was in trouble. Big trouble. The kind of trouble that even Tony with his nearly limitless resources couldn't get him out of. He's never been a praying man, but they need a miracle. He’s not sure about God, but Thor always said wonderful things about his mother. At this point, Stephen needs a goddess’ intervention, so Tony sends up a prayer and hopes. The good news is, Frigga hears Tony’s prayer and decides Stephen needs the help of a guardian angel. The bad news is the angel she sends is Loki.
"Looks Like Bending Time" by FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls: [74899 words / Alternate Universe] The dawn sings in Stephen Strange’s ears when he is born. The dawn and the fields and the souls of his mother and father and the watch his sister buys him on his ninth birthday—it all sings, countless melodies written into the universe. There are songs and there is the boy, and there seems to be no way to separate one from the other. Stephen listens and pretends he cannot, and he lives in safety as a surgeon and a success. But he can only hide from the unknown for so long. The search for answers leads him into a dance of spies and realms and conspiracy, side-by-side and saving a man with a song like a falcon spreading its wings. There is a watch and a suit of impossible armor and a lurking serpent seeking power from the shadows. And always, there is the song. What is silence, really?
"Time-Lost" by Bravehardt, Foxglove_Fiction: [107078 / Alternate Universe] Reoccurring nightmares kept Tony up at night; dreams of those closest to him dying over and over again in an endless cycle - haunting him and depriving him of sleep. Reaching his breaking point, Tony consults Stephen to help rid himself of these nightmares. It seems as though Stephen might be closer to Tony than he initially thought - or hoped and the barriers between patient and doctor relationship are starting to blur. Neither of them could have predicted that some of the dreams they have both been subject to are more than simple dreams but possibly fragments of memories from a life long passed.
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
COVID Cuddles
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: It finally got you! You are sick with COVID-19 and missing Stephen's cuddles
Warnings: reader has COVID, pandemic references, slight angst with fluffy happy ending, language
This fic is totally self-indulgent as i am sick with COVID right now & my Doctor Strange teddy bear is one of the things keeping me company. So I made it into a story. Probably lots of errors as I'm sick & drugged
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"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"
You looked up at him in the doorway, masked fave peeking through, from where you sat on the bathroom floor. Tissues shoved up both nostrils as you waited for the bathroom to fill with steam from the shower before you tossed a Vicks vapor shower bomb under the water. Hoping that it would make it easier to breathe. Or at least make it sound like you didn't smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day.
You had made it 3 years without getting COVID-19, but finally it got you. Despite the 2 original vaccines and 2 boosters. Your number eventually came up. You knew it would eventually. You just hoped the vaccines would make the illness shorter still.
"Well, I feel like I swallowed broken bits of light bulb, and I had a coughing fit so bad earlier I nearly puked. So I'm fucking fabulous."
They never mentioned a side effect of COVID was that it made you mean. Of course, maybe that was just you. You knew with your asthma you had to throw everything at this now just in case. So that was what you were doing. Currently waiting for your 6 hours between NyQuil shots with an ibuprofen chaser to elapse so you could top yourself up and get a good 3 hour nap before starting the waiting process all over again.
It made matters even worse that the moment you tested positive you basically became a leper. Stephen, Wong, and America banished you to the bedroom and adjoining bathroom. Wong even put up a quarantine spell that would alert them if you tried to leave the room.
You understood why. The Sorcerer Supreme and one of the Avengers getting severely ill probably wouldn't be a good thing. Much too tempting for the forces of evil. No one really knew if America could get COVID, having traveled the multiverse she probably had antibodies to things that didn't even exist in your world, but it was better safe than sorry.
Still though, a cuddle sounded really good right about now, and that was one thing Stephen couldn't give you. At least not until you were no longer contagious. You still had a couple days to go before that was even a possibility.
He was doing his absolute best to give you anything he thought you might need. Leaving trays and bags of food and medicine. Occasionally throwing in some candy or a random little treat he thought would cheer you up. He was trying so hard. Especially when you knew he wasn't exactly known for his bedside manner as a Doctor.
You hated snapping at him. You just felt genuinely terrible, and you knew that you just had to ride it out. For the most part, by yourself. It almost felt worse when he would check on you, knowing that you couldn't go hug him or even hold his hand without exposing him even more than you already had.
"I know you are miserable right now, and I know I don't have to keep bringing you all sorts of stuff beyond food and drugs. However, America showed me something that we both decided you needed. It's a friend to keep you company."
He reached inside and set down a large plain white paper gift bag. Stepping back and closing the door so you could move to get the bag, taking it back to your spot by the tub before looking in the bag.
As you peeked in the bag, you were immediately about to burst into tears. Inside was a fairly large brown teddy bear. What made it special though was that it was styled to look like Stephen.
It had blue eyes and a very dark brown goatee on its face. That alone was enough to make you giggle. The fact that it was wearing a version of Stephen's blue sorcerer's robes and it's own little Cloak Of Levitation attached to it's shoulders with velcro was just icing on the cake.
It was perfect. Soft and perfect size to snuggle while still being well formed enough that stayed looking like Stephen. Just Stephen in teddy bear form.
"Stephen, it's perfect! I love him so much! This is exactly what I needed. Thank you"
He peeked back through the door to see you already snuggling the bear tight to your chest. Happy tears on your cheeks and for the first time in days a smile on your face.
You couldn't see it behind his mask, but he was smiling too. So relieved that he could make you feel better even for just a little but. He figured you missed cuddling. He knew that he missed it. He had stolen one of your sweatshirts to snuggle, so he thought it was perfect when America showed him the bear.
Now once you were better, he might have a problem with the bear if he was there for you to cuddle instead. He would deal with that when the time came though. For now, he would share you.
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @mando-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirl
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