#does he do that with all his food??? wouldn't that be inconvenient
robo-bozo7125 · 1 year
who cares who w.d. gaster is, i wanna know how tf asgore makes his tea
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purple-imagines · 1 year
Pairing - Paul Lahote x FemaleReader
Summary - Reader starts gaining weight and the pack starts noticing
Warnings - body shaming, kissing, swearing, pregnancy, vomiting, period talk, Jacob being an ass, kinda ooc
Word Count - 3693
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Friday, June 6th
"Em?" Y/N asked looking into the mirror at her stomach. "Does my stomach look, I dont know, bloated to you?"
"Um, yeah, maybe a little bit. I dont think it's anything to worry about though." The older woman replied, after looking at the girls stomach.
"I just feel like I'm getting fat. Paul probably notices too." She put her head down.
"Honey, that boy loves you more than anything. You're his whole world. You have nothing to worry about. He imprinted on you and he loves you. Now stop putting yourself down and help me make this food for them animals."
The girl laughed and started getting the table set.
Tuesday, June 10th
"Hm. That's weird."
"What?" Leah asked, the girl staying at her house.
"Nothing, just my period was supposed to start 3 days ago. I'm sure it's fine, this happens sometimes."
"If you're sure, and hurry up Elijah is about to kill Klaus."
Thursday, June 19th
The girl let out a groan, flushing the toilet after being woken up with the sudden urge to vomit.
Saturday, June 21st
All the girls, Emily, Leah, Kim, and Y/N, were all out shopping and having a girls day.
While Leah and Kim were looking through sets of bikinis. Y/N pulled Emily to the side.
"Em, I think I might be pregnant."
"What? Why do you think that??"
"Um, my periods late, my stomach looks bloated, and I've been throwing up. Not to mention Paul made my favorite dinner the other night and I couldn't stand the smell."
"We need to get you a test then, Hon."
After Leah and Kim left, Emily let Y/N go into the bathroom to take the test.
Coming out the bathroom, Y/N starts stressing. "What if its positive? What will Paul think? How do I deal with this?"
"Hey. Hey. Just breath. Let's first figure out if you're pregnant or not." Emily calmly says.
"Yeah, you're right." Taking a deep breath she starts to calm, until the timer goes off and her eyes get wide. "Can you check?"
Emily walks into the bathroom and looks at the test, coming out with tears in her eyes. "Um, yeah, you're pregnant"
"Oh mi gosh. Em, what am I supposed to do? Paul and I haven't even talked about kids. What if he doesn't want any?"
"Don't jump to conclusions. Take a couple days to think, and tell Paul when you're ready."
"Thank you, Emily. You always know what to say." The girl wraps her arms around the woman.
Wednesday, June 25th
The imprints made burgers and the pack was having a cookout. Everyone was making their plates. Y/N started to make her plate putting 2 burgers, each with cheese, tomato, onion, and chili. Put a little bit of slaw on the side and some chips.
"Dang girl, you're hungry today." Embry joked, making the girl laugh.
"He's not kidding you are eating a lot more lately." Jacob grumbled.
The girl got quiet and let out a silent "oh".
"What was that? Jacob." Paul growled.
"I'm just saying look at her Paul, everyone here notices how big she's getting. Maybe she should cut back."
After hearing that the girl started to stand up. Paul grabbing her hand. "Its fine, Paul. I'm just gonna go home."
She quietly grabbed her bag and apologized for the inconvenience. "Sorry, I didn't realize I did that. You can have them." Then she walked out the house. Leah chasing after her.
"What the fuck Jacob?!" Paul yelled.
"Paul." Sam warned.
"No Sam. He called her fat, she's not fat."
"We don't need a fight to break out."
"If he didn't want a fight he wouldn't have said anything."
"Paul. Enough."
Paul was shaking horribly. Sam pushed him out the house.
"Really Jacob?!" Jared called, running after Sam and Paul.
"Why is everyone so mad? I just told her how it was. You all can see how much bigger she's getting." Jacob tried to justify himself.
"That doesn't mean that you point it out." Seth told him.
"I know you were all thinking it. Just because I have the guts to tell Paul how it is doesn't make me the bad guy."
"Maybe you should learn the whole story before you go around hurting people."
"Seth. What's that supposed to mean? Seth!"
Seth ran out the house, hoping to find Leah and Y/N.
"Embry? Even you said something."
"I was joking Jake. What you did was uncalled for." Embry scoffed.
"Come on."
"Just stop Jacob." Emily snapped, causing the three left there to widen there eyes.
"Emily. Seriously? You know she's bigger!" Jacob was getting angry.
"Yeah, Jacob. She's eating more and getting bigger, but it's none of your business!" Emily snapped again.
"What if eating so much is hurting her?"
"It's not though, Jacob."
"How do you know??"
"Jacob when she is ready you'll know. Until then shut up."
"Sorry, damn."
"Damn, you're fast."
"What do you want Leah?" Y/N sighed as she stopped and turned around, her eyes red and puffy.
"Don't listen to Jacob. He's an asshole."
"I don't care about what Jake said."
"You do or you wouldn't be crying."
"He called me fat Leah. I've never been called that before." She started to tear up. "And it's not even that I'm fat."
"What is it then?"
"Leah...I'm pregnant."
"What!? That's great news."
"Yeah, except for the fact everyone thinks I'm a pig now."
"They do not. If anyone's a pig it's Jacob. Now come on, you need the feed that little one."
"Calm down!"
"Shift back!"
Sam phased into his wolf.
"He's such an asshole." Paul snarled.
"You need to shift back. Calm down."
"I'm going to rip his throat out."
"Come on Paul. She needs you." Jared joined.
"I'm trying! I can't control it."
"Calm your thoughts. Breath."
Paul started to shift back, pulling up his shorts in the process. Jared and Sam following shortly after.
"Y/N/N! Are you ok? You know Jake doesn't mean to be an ass." Seth tried to reassure the girl.
The girl laughed and grabbed Seth's hands. "Yes. I'm good. Thank you for checking up on me."
It was quiet for a few moments as the trio started walking back to the house. "So..." Seth piped up. "Does she know?"
Leah gasped. "What?! Know?! You told Seth before you told me!"
"He wasn't supposed to find out! He walked in on me having a meltdown about Paul." Y/N defended herself.
"Shit." The girl squeaked. "Paul! He's going to be asking questions. What am I supposed to tell him! I'm not ready. I just found out myself. I need to process this more. Stupid Jacob and his stupid big mouth!"
"Hey! Hey. Just breathe. Paul will understand if you don't want to talk." Leah reassured.
"Are you sure? Because Paul-"
Seth cut the girl off. "She's sure Y/N/N. He wouldn't pressure you into telling him something you don't want to. Now let's go eat I'm sure Little Bit in there is starving."
Both girls let out laughs.
"Um, guys, actually I was just going to go home. I don't wanna face Jacob's apologizes right now."
"Y/F/N you need to eat." Leah demanded.
"Just bring me something when you're finished? Please."
Leah sighed, knowing she wasn't changing the girls decision. "Fine. But you better eat everything I bring you."
"Pinky promise." She held up both her pinkies to Seth and Leah, Seth grabbing her pinky with his, giggling. Leah rolled her eyes, but nevertheless did the same.
"And..." The girl trailed. "Tell Paul that I took his truck. And that I'm ok?"
"So needy." Leah joked, dragging the 'y'.
"But fine I can do that."
"Thank you! You two are the best!"
"We know." They both said at the same time, causing the trio to laugh.
Back at home, the girl, took off her shoes and changed into pajama shorts and one of Paul's shirts.
Turning on her and Leah's favorite show to watch, 'The Vampire Diaries'. It was nice to watch people play supernatural creatures. Got their minds off of the real ones that loomed outside.
"Finally!" Was the first thing Leah and Seth heard as they walked through the door into Emily's and Sam's.
"Where's Y/N?" Was the second.
Leah was the one to tell Paul the situation.
"So, you just let her leave?" Paul said.
"Yes. She is a grown woman Paul." Leah retorted.
"She didn't even eat."
"I told her I would bring her something."
"I think I should go over there."
"No, you shouldn't." Sam butted in.
"And why not?!"
"Because Paul you just shifted you don't need to do that around her."
"I wouldn't hurt her." Paul glared.
"That's not the point. I said no and my answer is final. You will not go over to Y/N's tonight." Using his alpha voice, making Paul growl and leave the table.
"Is it bad that I'm kind of glad Sam did that?" The girl let out to her best friend.
"Yes!" Leah exclaimed.
"I just- I don't know what I would say to him."
"Your fear of confrontation is peeking through."
"Leah! This is serious."
"And I'm being serious. Paul deserves to know."
"I know. I'm just..." The girl let out a sigh. "Scared."
"You should never be scared with him. He looks at you like you're his sun. The thing that is keeping him alive."
"What if he doesn't want a baby? What if this is the one thing he can't handle with me." She whispered.
"That boy would love to start a family with you. The timing may not be ideal, but I've seen the way he looks at you. I saw the way he looked at you before the imprint. You are his literal everything and not just because fate decided you were destined. You were meant to have forever with each other way before fate decided it."
Y/N had tears in her eyes by the time Leah had finished. "I really needed that Leah." She sniffled. "I guess, sometimes, my insecurities take over. I've just been so scared, with the vampires and Bella. There's no time for a baby. Not in his life. He already has so much on him. Why do I need to add more?"
"Quit putting yourself down. You know you come first, when it comes to anything with Paul. A baby is not a burden, or something that just adds pressure. A baby can bring joy and bring people together. Maybe that's what we all need right now."
"Yeah. Maybe you're right."
"No maybe about it. I am right."
"Oh so modest." The girls giggled.
Thursday, June 26th
Awoken to heavy knocks on the front door, both girls growned, having stayed up most of the night talking.
"Y/N. Get the door." Leah grumbled.
"Why me?" The girl whined.
"It's your house."
"You kept me up all night."
"You mean you kept me up all night."
"Just open the door."
"Fine." She whined, pushing herself out of bed, looking at the clock on her nightstand that read 8:07 am.
Stomping to the door, grumbling profanities the whole way. She pulled the door open only to be greeted with-
"Hey! I couldn't sleep without making sure you were ok. Jacob was an asshole. He never should have said those untrue things. I love your body and you should too. I think you're beautiful, inside and out. I don't care that you can eat two burgers, I love a woman that can hold her food. Yo-"
"Paul." She cut him off. "As sweet as this is, can we do it later? I'm sorry. Leah kept me up until 5 this morning and all I wanna do is curl up and take a hundred year nap."
"Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Want a cuddle buddy?" A smirk slowly rising on his face.
"You know I could never turn you down." She grinned pulling him inside and onto the couch.
By the time the girl woke Paul was already gone, a note in his place, telling her he had patrol but would be back after.
Leah was gone too, so the girl assumed the pack needed her as well.
Grabbing some clothes, she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
After a much needed shower, Y/N looked out the window and noticed Paul's truck still in the driveway and his keys still on her nightstand.
Grabbing the keys, and getting in the truck, she started her drive to Emily's.
"Hey Em." She called, walking inside.
"Heyyyy." Said girl peeked her head out the kitchen. "I need to talk to you."
"Ok, nothing stressful about that sentence at all."
"Have you told Paul?"
"Diving right in, I see." She muttered.
"Huh?" Emily called from the kitchen.
"Oh! Uh- no I haven't."
"Do you know when you're going to? Because I think you should soon, it'll make all this doubt you have go away."
"I don't know. Soon though, promise!"
Tuesday, July 7th
Everyone was gathered around Emily and Sam's table, laughing and joking around. Well, everyone except Jacob he was upset with Bella, which made him brood.
Y/N sat beside Paul, occasionally stealing the tomatoes off his plate, he always put them to the side for her to grab because they were her favorites and he wasn't that fond of them.
Going unnoticed by the pack and the imprints, everytime she'd take one Jacob would roll his eyes and scoff.
Grabbing the last one of Paul's plate and about to put it in her mouth she was stopped by Jacob's rude voice.
"Are you serious?" He scoffed.
Everyone looked around confused as to what his sudden outburst was about.
"Everything ok, Jacob?" Emily asked.
Jacob let out a little laugh and clicked his tongue.
This time Y/N spoke up.
"Are you upset, Jacob?"
"Me? What? No." He paused. "I do think Paul should be though."
"Why would Paul be upset?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Because his girlfriend has already had more than enough, but she's still eating. And not just that but taking it off his plate. Do you really need that much food Y/N? All it does is make you fatter, which is definitely not something you need. If anything you need to exercise more." He spat at her.
His outburst caused Kim and Emily to let out gasps. Jared and Paul standing up.
Paul had his mouth open about to say something but before he could Y/N interrupted.
"Paul. It's fine. He can feel the way he feels. I'm just gonna go home."
"No you're not." Emily piped in. "Jacob if you could please leave."
"What?" Jacob exclaimed.
"I asked if you could leave, I expect you to use respect in my house and until I see you give some to Y/N I want you to leave."
"She's not even apart of the pack."
"She's an imprint. We are apart of this pack, now are you gonna apologize or did I need to get Paul to escort you out?"
Jacob scuffed, "I'm sorry I called you fat, it may be true but it was not nice of me to say."
Paul was fuming, "I accept your apology"
"No she doesn't." Paul vented.
"Paul, it's fine I don't wanna cause a fight."
"You're not causing the fight. He is."
"He apologized. That's enough. Let's finish eating, then I have to tell you something."
"You wanted to tell me something?" Paul said, as he drove them home.
"Can it wait? I'm really tired and just wanna go to sleep."
"Of course, Sweetheart." He kisses her temple.
Thursday, July 9th
"I'm telling him."
All three girls let out simultaneous screams.
"Finally!" Emily exclaimed.
"Took you long enough" Leah joked.
"I still can't believe you're pregnant." Kim gasped.
"Well maybe I should wait a little longer, maybe until August?" Y/N let out a cheeky grin.
"No!" All three girls yelled.
The guys were on patrol and the imprints had the house to themselves. There was a knock at the door.
The girl laughed as she got up to get the door.
"Are you expecting anyone?" Leah questioned Emily.
"No." Emily whispered out.
"Y/N don't answer that." Leah called.
"Guys I invited someone." Y/N answered back.
"Who? We're your only friends." Leah joked.
Y/N opened the door, only for Bella to be standing awkwardly on the other side.
"Hi! Come in. Come in."
"No." Leah deadpanned.
"I thought it would be nice. Jacob really likes her."
"Why do you care what Jacob thinks? He's an ass."
"He wasn't always one. And a friend of Jake's is a friend of ours."
"Well, I think it was nice of Y/N to invite Bella. Make yourself at home Bella, the guys shouldn't be back for a while so it's just us girls. Right now we're just talking but later we're baking!" Emily clapped.
"Ok." Bella squeaked out.
"I don't think we've met. I'm Kim." She introduced herself.
"Bella." She said and waved.
"Well sit down, come on." Emily waved her over. "You ok if we still talk about.."
"Of course! As long as you promise not to tell the guys." Y/N put on her best serious face and looked Bella dead in her eyes.
"I barely talk to them."
"You can't tell Jacob."
"I won't tell Jacob."
"Ok..well I'm pregnant, the baby is Paul's and I haven't told him yet."
"Omg. Congratulations."
"Thank you! I'm kinda in this adrenaline thing right now and I'm hoping it won't wear off by the time Paul gets here." The girls giggled.
"So. Boys!" Emily exclaimed. "Jared?"
"We're really good. He's the greatest. The other day he tried to make me breakfast in bed, he got up really early, my parents were out of town, word of advice Em, never and I mean ever let Jared in the kitchen. It was sweet though he brought me fried eggs and bacon, only all of it was black." Kim laughed at the memory. "And I have a burnt spot on the wall in my kitchen, he still won't tell me what happened."
"He's such a klutz."
"But he makes it so adorable!"
The girls laughed at how in love she was.
"I already told y'all all my boy struggles." Y/N threw her hands up. "What about Sam?" She wiggled her eyebrows, causing the girls to let out giggles.
"Sam is..." Emily let out a sigh, "Sam is perfect. The wedding is soon, as you all know. But enough about me I wanna know about your love life Leah. Oh, and Bella would you like anything to drink, we've got wine and water, sorry not much."
"I'm good. Thank you." Bella muttered, still awkward.
"Leahhhh. Love life. Go." Emily may be a little tipsy.
"Can't talk about something that's non-existent."
"Leah don't lie. We're all friends here." Y/N blurted out.
"Fine. I did meet this girl....but that's all I'm saying!"
Emily and Kim let out pouts while Y/N laughed, maybe letting them have wine was a bad idea.
"You." Emily pointed at Bella.
"Me?" Bella questioned.
"Yes. How's your vamp?"
"Oh, um- he's nice, I guess."
"No. I need more than nice."
"He's really good at dancing." Bella shrugged.
"I need more." Emily begged.
Maybe Bella should of said yes to that wine.
It had been a good four hours and 4 out of 5 of the girls were more than tipsy. The 5th one just laughing her ass off at her friends.
The guys were in for a surprise when they came in. There was flour everywhere. In places where flour shouldn't be.
The girls were sitting in a circle in the kitchen, giggling, waiting on their cookies and brownies and muffins to be done. They got a little over board.
Then the door opened and the girls went silent. Sam walked through the door to be met with flour and baking ingredients all over the table and counters, along with 3 empty bottles of wine. He could hear whispers in the kitchen.
"Maybe if we stay really quiet they won't realize we're here." Emily whispered. The other girls giggling. "Shhhhh."
Sam peered over into the kitchen, watching the five girls huddle down, not noticing he was there. Hearing the guys he quieted them letting them look.
Emily peered up seeing the guys watch them causing her to squeak and the other girls to look up.
Each guy had an amused look on his face, watching the girls.
"Welp, grab one." Sam called.
Sam scooped Emily up into his arms, causing her to let out of squeal.
Jared did the same to Kim, and Jacob to Bella. Seth grabbed his sister, and Paul grabbed Y/N.
"Paul, wait, I have to tell you something" Y/N said. "I'm not drunk. I can't even drink."
He took the girl and sat her down outside. She stood in front of him, and he gave her a look to continue.
Hearing loud noises coming from the house, they both looked over only to see all four girls watching them with wide grins on their faces.
"What is happening?" Paul asked, with a confused smile.
In the background you could hear the girls screaming with excitement.
"Here goes nothing. Paul..."
"I'm pregnant."
Paul's face was pure shock, all the girls in the background screaming and cheering.
"We're gonna have a baby?"
"Yeah. We're gonna have a baby. It's why I've been getting bigger, as Jacob so kindly reminds me."
"I'll kill him if you want me to."
"I know you would."
"I have a question."
"Why is the leech lover here?"
"I invited her. She's actually really nice. I get why Jacob likes her."
"I can't believe we're going to have a baby."
"Me neither."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
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ryker-writes · 2 years
TWST characters as ✨best friends✨ (Diasomnia Edition)
What would it be like being friends with them? Come and find out! I offer my thoughts on what they would be like so I'm sorry if some of the characters are a little Ooc. Some characters I don't know as well but I'll certainly try!
he's so happy
he treasures you a lot
sure he has Lilia, Silver, and Sebek but it's different because they have to stay close to him to protect him
if you're upset, he's upset
will do literally anything to make you happy all you have to do is ask
and I do mean anything
he's great for fixing any problem you have
most of his solutions involve magic
if someone's bothering you, oooo they will regret it
as soon as you tell him there is thunder immediately
how dare someone bother his best friend
he won't be violent with them but at most he will threaten them
trust me, that's enough to scare them off
he's also a great person to study with
especially for magic classes and magical history
Malleus will love to talk to you about gargoyles too so please listen
he will be so happy if you actually pay attention
also please bring him along to events even if they're small
he won't voice it but he will be upset if you don't
Lilia is happy that Malleus has a good friend
Sebek has mixed feelings about you tho
like on one hand you're acting so casual and disregarding how powerful Malleus is but you make Malleus happy and Malleus will be upset if Sebek yells at you
he loves to mess with you
Lilia will often hang upside down and randomly appear around you to try and scare you
if you don't scare easily, that only makes him more determined
and if you do scare easily, he will do it more often
there's no getting out of it
very good at solving all your problems
he has a lot of life experience so he's great at giving advice on what to do in any situation
and if someone is bothering you he can talk to them
his talk with them will start off friendly enough but if they don't cooperate he will start threatening them
he's a great person to talk to about anything
he has vast knowledge about many things so he most likely will know about anything you talk to him about
prepare to be teased a lot
and he will try to make you food often
so......good luck
probably the calmest friend out of everyone
don't get me wrong, if someone is bothering you or if you have a problem he will take it seriously
he will step in to help you whenever you need him
wouldn't really get hostile unless your safety was at risk
you can talk to him about anything and he will try to listen
please don't be upset with him if he falls asleep while you're talking
he really tries to listen especially if it's something important
but he does pay attention to the parts he catches before he falls asleep and will ask if you still want to continue the conversation when he's awake
Silver falls asleep in inconvenient places sometimes so please help him
just move him so he's not in people's way and maybe try to wake him up
you may also want to help him with whatever he was doing before he fell asleep
you get to see so many small animals around him
the birds and squirrels may start accepting you too
Lilia is happy his son has a friend like you
and so Lilia will try to make you food
Silver will eat the food so you don't have to
I really hope you aren't sensitive to loud noises
he's loud, but a good friend
I mean if someone is bothering you he will obviously confront them
they will be very confused when Sebek comes at them yelling and they don't understand what he's saying but it will somehow work
if you're having a problem he will do his best to help you find a solution
and if he can't think of anything he'll turn to Lilia for advice
Lilia will give good advice but if Sebek doesn't clarify that it's serious and not his problem, Lilia may give him misleading advice to prank him
but if that happens then you get a hilarious distraction from your problem
be aware that if you ask for his opinion on something he will give it to you honestly and directly
he will talk for hours about Malleus if you let him
and he would be really happy if you do
you will know a lot about Malleus even if you haven't met him
and if you do meet Malleus, Sebek will hold you to the same expectations as everyone
but if you pay really close attention, you can tell he's not yelling at you as much as he would others
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steifel · 3 months
Since im sick i thought i would grace you with some outsiders when they're sick head canons
This includes Soda,Pony,Darry,Johnny,and Dally im sorry about TwoBit and Steve but i don't have any ideas and i don't feel like thinking too hard also sorry its so short
-soda gets really winny about EVERYTHING when he's sick
-he'll be almost crying like "but i wanted the chicken noodle soup with the race car noodles not the star noodles"
-was the type of kid to feel 1% better and start running around tell he felt like shit again
-he also gets very cuddly when he's sick he does not care if you have to get up to go to work or school you are going to lay there and give him cuddles all day
-he is one of those people who gets super high fevers for no reason
-Darry will take his temperature and its 104°
-looses his appetite when sick he will only eat a specific type of canned soup and Darrys homemade Chilli
-absolutely no warning when he's about to throw up he just pukes wherever he is
-i think being winny when sick kind of runs in the family because pony has it too
-he needs a specific blanket so he can curl up on the couch and rest
-will refuse to stay home from school and rest when he knows he has a track meet
-Darry has to physically take his books away to make him nap
-Ponyboy strikes me as the type of person who takes long baths when sick (me too Pony)
-if his tummy is upset you better bet he demands tummy rubs from Soda
-is the type of person to eat a ton of food when sick and then immediately puke it all back up
-gets delirious and will tell everyone how much he loves Johnny
-actually refuses to be sick
-will push through anything
-when he was a kid his parents used to always pick him up from school when he was sick because he wouldn't admit something was wrong until he ether threw up in class or was about to pass out
-Pony and Soda have to make him take a break to actually heal
-once he actually admits defeat and lays down he actually enjoys being taken care of a little bit (he would never admit this though)
-he mostly just spends his time when he's sick to catch up on the sleep he's missed for the past who knows how long
-he always feels bad when he gets sick because he feels like an inconvenience
-he loves being taken care of though (probably something to do with the psychology of never being taken care of as a child but we're not gonna go into that here)
-always finds his way to the Curtis house
-the brothers will come home from work/school and find a sniffley Johnny laying on the couch
-is always cold no matter how hot the room he's in is
-i feel like Johnny was a pukey kid
-he spent a lot of time in the nurses office as a kid because his parents would never pick him up from school or let him stay home
-gets man colds
-"Darry i think im dying" "your not dying Dally you have a cold"
-like Pony he needs his special blanky
-you bet your ass that the second he's better if anyone mentions how he acted when sick he is going to beat there ass
-his favourite sick food is beef stew
-he also secretly lovs soda cuddles and tummy rubs when he's sick (he will complain the whole time though)
-he is a man of extremes he ether feels 100% well or like he is on deaths door but no in between
-will not spend any time around Johnny because hes afraid hes gonna get him sick
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j-nope-not-today · 1 year
Hi, I am the one who ask for a, TMNT boys react to their s/o being cat called, on your other tumblr page. I understand. Please take your time. I hope you have a lovely day.💖
TMNT reaction to s/o being cat called
A/n: Hello! I'm in fact not dead! Sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy. Thanks for requesting!
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Now you think he would be the most rational out of his brothers
But you would be wrong. I firmly believe he would be off the rails about the whole situation
He has to keep his cool all the time, but seeing you being threatened, cat called, or hurt in any sort of way? It's over.
All rationality and reasoning flies out of the window.
If you get cat called. He's going to make sure your safe and then he's going to beat said cat caller up.
He will not hesitate. He'll look at the cat caller. Look at you. Back at the cat caller and then bam! he's on the move.
The only way to stop him from rearranging your cat caller's face is by keeping a hold on him. If your hand is placed on him or your holding his arm. He'll stay put and keep on his merry way
But otherwise it's so over for that cat caller.
And afterwards Leo will take you for ice cream or to some sort of food place that you love
He'll be extra cute and loving towards you as if he didn't just beat tf out of someone.
If you question it or bring it up he'll just sigh and say
"the things you do for the people you love"
Just know he does it bc he loves you. Your safety it means everything to him and he wouldn't let anyone harm you, physically or mentally.
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I firmly believe Raphael will turn to said cat caller and ask them if they have a death wish
Man is straight to the point
Immediately he has a thousand different problems
He's probably not gonna beat them up bc Lord knows he would have zero restraint
But he'll give a speech most likely layered with threats
"you see her/him? Their valuable. Their priceless. An absolute treasure to me and you..you have the entire day to be an idiot and you choose now to be one?"
He's Mr.i'm not insulting you, I'm describing you.
He'll insult him until you laugh. His goal is solely to make you laugh so you can feel better and then you'll go on with your day.
If you don't laugh he'll ask you if you want him to beat him up bc once he gets the green light from you
It's game over for that cat caller.
When all is said and done he's going to be snuggled close to you like he a giant teddy bear.
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He's going to try to be as calm as possible
And he's going to think he's handling the situation calmly
But he's going to have either a glare that could kill you or a resting bitch face during the whole altercation
He'll tell your cat caller to get lost and he'll make sure you get to where your going safely
And the moment Donnie is alone he's going to hack everything that cat caller owns
I'm talking bank information, email, all their personal accounts on everything
He's going to inconvenience tf out of your cat caller simply bc he inconvenienced you and made you uncomfortable and he's not gonna let that slide.
Ofc after all is said and done he will proudly show you what he did
In the hopes it will make you feel better.
Be prepared he's going to be extra affectionate to ensure you feel better, but mainly it's to make him feel better. He doesn't like seeing you in any sort of distress.
It bothers him so please give him hugs
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I firmly believe Mikey will turn into a feral street cat
Your not gonna know what his response is going to be
He might just beat the cat caller up
Maybe he'll threaten him
But guarantee that the cat caller will be scarred for life
He will ensure that the call caller learns their lesson
But his number one priority will be you
If he knows he can't do anything bc your scared or freaked out or it's unsafe to Mikey than he won't do anything
But he will remember the cat caller's face and he will come back to finish the job
But he won't tell you that
He'll make sure you get home and he'll reassure you and kiss your face and joke around
He'll cheer you up and make you feel as right as rain
And if you ever find out he did in fact go back to finish the job. he will deny it until the day he dies. He will never admit to it.
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
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Sink or Swim
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Total Word Count: 16k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), Hobie is mentioned taller than R, CW food mentions, CW suggestive, TW blood, CW injury, CW miscarriage mention, TW violence.
A/N: I've divided this chapter into two because of how long it is and tumblr wouldn't let me draft the post without the app crashing. So sorry for the inconvenience. I'll put the link at the end and on top.
Between the Devil and the Sea Masterlist
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Hobie's throat feels like he swallowed glass. Yet, he screams until his lungs give out, until his body gives out. Fist pounding into steel, skin splitting, blood staining the metal, he continues to call for you. His ears could only hear your frantic yells, his name falling out of your lips, vomited out desperately, asking for him, calling for him to get you out.
He kicks and thrashes at the metal bars, his mind imagines the worst— nails ripped from your fingers, bones breaking, skin scraped and slashed. He doesn't need to imagine how it could feel for he had lived through it all, survived through sheer will alone. But he promised, he promised to you and in that hollow grave that it will never be filled with your body; that your own blood wouldn't spill in between his fingers.
Yet, like the knife that he is, like the one who breaks skin and bleeds everything he touches— he hurt you, shot you where you stood, when he should've protected you, shielded you from the bullet. But how could he do it when the bullet is from him? When he used the same weapon that has ended dozens of lives to protect his crew, to harm you; the only person he deems worthy of telling all his secrets, you, who is worth more than every single treasure in the world.
Maybe he should've listened to you and stayed on the island.
Hobie calls for you once again, in hopes that you hear him too, in hopes that his voice is enough to bring you hope. The lighthouse that guides you home. But he knows, he knows all you could hear are muffled sounds and the creaking from the rocking ship.
Your voice wavers, like you've been forcefully silenced. So he does the screaming for you. It's loud, tone furious, ready to scratch at anyone who gets closer.
“Hobie—” Gwen tries to get his attention as the door opens, revealing the two guards staying in the doorway, keeping their distance.
Guns are strapped to them, knives glinting in the lamp light, armed to the teeth. Hobie knows it's all for him.
“Shut the fuck up.” One frustratingly said, teeth clenched, hands kneading at his temples.
“Keep screaming and you won't get supper.” The bigger one utters, the large scar on his cheek tightens as Hobie taunts them with a grim smile. The smile he reserves to strike fear.
They stiffen in the doorway, shoulders straight, hands reaching for their weapons.
“Do it then.” Hobie says, voice guttural, hands gripping the bars. “End the screaming.” His sheer tone alone sends everyone's hair to stand upright.
No one in the crew dares to stop Hobie. He doesn't know if they're afraid just like the men in front of him or if they're biding their time to scratch and bite too.
“Come closer and end it.” He doesn't yell, and that terrifies the men in the doorway. “And you'll find out exactly what I did to Admiral Kinney all those years ago.” He can still taste the admiral's ichor on his tongue.
The hulking men share a look, sweat dripping off their brows. And with that, they shut the door behind them, returning to their post with their tails tucked between their legs.
If it wasn't a grim situation, James would've laughed.
Hobie hears Gwen sigh behind him, the liquid in her hand sloshes as she practically shoves it in his face.
“At least drink some water. For your throat.”
“No, ‘m not drinking that slop.”
Gwen has had enough, she takes him by the collar, eyes bravely glaring at her captain. “If you want to leave this ship and save her, then drink the slop, eat the fucking bread and keep your goddamn energy for when we get the window to escape. Screaming won't help, captain. It's not helping anyone.” Her jaw is set, eyebrows knitted together.
The rest of the crew stand on the side, ready to get between them if it gets physical. He'll never hurt Gwen, never even thought of it. But he can't stand the thought of his family standing against him rather than next to him. So he fixes it, you'd like it that way.
Hobie gingerly takes the cup, chugging it down in one gulp.
“Good, now eat some bread and sit down.”
“Y/N—” he starts.
“She'll be alright, she's a fighter ain't she?” He nods, “you know her better than us, so tell us, cap'n, that she will survive this.”
He roams his red eyes at his sparse crew. For a brief second he sees the ones he lost behind them. For the first time, he's glad he doesn't see you with them.
Returning his attention towards Gwen, he utters the words with the confidence of a captain.
“She'll survive this.”
Sitting down in the corner, he rests his poor throat, the dry bread didn't help much. It was shitty to say the least, times like this, he misses Finn. He'd beat him if he ever knew that he let the famous bloodsail pirates into the hands of a former admiral and you into the hands of someone you fear the most.
Hobie shuts his eyes for a second, he swears it's only for a second but when he wakes up with a start and the door opening with a creak, the moon is already shining outside the large boat.
When he sees you appear by the doorway, he thinks he's still dreaming.
“Ten,” He hears you say between gritted teeth. All he could focus on is you, checking for signs of an injury, he starts from your head—nothing, arms, also nothing, save for a few scratches. Then he settles on your bandaged leg, and he remembers what he did, what he did to you. Guilt and grief overtakes his body, he tries his best to hide into the background, into the wooden walls, to become part of the ship, to hide his shame. Because he hurt you, and he'll never forgive himself for what he did.
Hobie watches from his corner, defeated when you tell him subtly that you're alright. And when you called for him, called his name softly like summer wind breezing by, warm and reminding him of home— he couldn't help but oblige.
Who is he to deny the sky?
When you held him in your hands, he felt anew. Apologies spill from his mouth, eyes forlorn at the red spot on your bandages.
What is the tides without his moon?
He feels lighter when you forgive him. But his past action still haunts him, he knows it'll join the long line of nightmares that plague him at night.
“That's my girl.” He says truthfully and proudly, he feels your heartbeat hasten through your pulse.
You tell him your choice, your decision to give up your freedom for him and the crew. He feels like he was back on the revenge, facing Mathias, refusing to let you go as you offer yourself for their freedom.
His heart beats harder as you ask him to read your mother's letter. He's unsure why you would let someone like him read something as heavy as the letter. It's reserved for someone whose hands wouldn't stain the paper with crimson.
“Because I trust you.” You say, and everything aligns in his mind. Like Poseidon shaking him inside out, like the tides itself is splitting him open.
Hobie reads it with trembling hands and broken skin. Like he thought, it turns the paper pink like ink blots dirtying the pristine paper.
He dictates it, heart shattering at every tear you let out. Wiping your cheeks dry, he's careful not to let his split skin touch your softer ones.
“It's real, innit?” He asks like the earth isn't eating him whole.
“It's real.” You answer and the world caves in around him.
Hobie teases to feel the resemblance of normalcy, “little tomato?” He asks.
And you answer with a “I don't want them, just you.” Like you didn't just mend his shattering heart with one sentence. And you break it right after with a “We'll meet again, in this life or the next.”
He's terrified once again. He shakes his head as the door creaks open. “No, Y/N—”
As you kiss his wounded knuckles gently, you ask him something he can't possibly do.
“Don't follow me, please.”
Reaching for you, he should've read the last line in the letter to you. ‘Don't trust anyone’ it said, whatever it was, it's not your burden to carry, so he'll do it for you.
Hobie apologizes in his head for keeping it away from you and for what he's about to do.
With the dinner bell ringing, and heavy footsteps retreating, the crew takes their chance. The key opens the door smoothly. They sneak around the ship, only leaving shadows and footfalls that's barely audible.
Climbing up the steps towards freedom, Hobie spots a door at the end of a hallway. Like two hearts beating as one, he knows it's you behind it.
Miles takes his arm before he could come to you. “Don't.” He whispers to his captain. “Don't waste her sacrifice.”
“She didn't sacrifice herself.” Hobie shakes his head, scoffing quietly. “I can't leave her behind, Miles. I can't.”
“I know,” he pulls him away from the hallway. “she asked you to not follow, so don't follow.”
“If this was Gwen—”
“If this was Gwen we'd be doing the exact same thing. She wouldn't ask us to follow and we'll leave because she asked us to.” Miles spares a heavy glance towards your locked door. “I know it hurts, but we'd be in the gallows by morning if we don't leave now. We'll have another chance at saving her.”
“You don't know that.”
“I don't, but it's better to not know instead of being dead. At least we'd have a chance.” Miles tugs him further away. “Do you think it's better for her to think that she caused our deaths just because you took the chance?” His voice is determined.
“Don't hurt her like that, Hobie. It'll ruin her.”
With one last look towards your door, Hobie nods, following the others to the deck then to safety. As the dinghy drops down into the sea, and into the dark night, he hears Miguel curse his name.
He asks for your forgiveness silently.
Hobie and the crew finally make it to the docks without being seen by anyone. It was pure luck that no one saw or even heard them, he thanked the early morning and the still dark sky for lending them a hand.
“We need to wait for her.” He says, stretching his stiff hands from rowing the boat.
The sparse pirate crew hides in the shadows, hidden behind the dark alleyway. They lean on the grimy walls, hands cradling their fatigued heads, huffing and groaning at the aches and pains they had from their daring escape. They can still hear Miguel cursing Hobie's name, his voice ringing in their ears.
“Hobie,” Gwen calls for him. “Leave her be.”
“What the fuck?” Hobie turns sharply. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means we leave her alone.” Pavitr says forlornly, eyes downcast at the dirty pavement.
“We promised her—”
“That was when we didn't know it was her actual family. Back when we all thought Miguel was a threat to her.” Yuri pipes up, hands braced on her knees. Fatigued and clearly needing rest. “I love her, Hobie, I really do. We all love her, but she's with family now. Let her be.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Miles scoffs, “We're talking about the same person right?” He stands next to Hobie, arms crossed on his chest.
“C’mon, Miles,” Gwen says tiredly. “We all heard their conversation, it's real, she's noble—”
“And what of it?” Hobie snaps back. “You were too.”
“I was.” She scowls. “But she has a home to go to, a family that's waiting for her. We need to let her be until for whatever reason she decides to stay or leave with us.” Inhaling sharply, she rubs harshly at her eyes. “Let's make a compromise then. We're all clearly feeling conflicted. I don't want to fully let her go, we all agree right?”
Everyone nods, tension running high, glares thrown about the small group. Gwen continues, “Then we stay close to her, we watch her like when we used to observe potential crew members. But this time we make sure she is actually safe and not thrown to the wolves.” Her idea reminds Hobie why he chose her as his first mate.
“I'll keep first watch,” Hobie quickly says, "we switch after I say so.”
“And when will that be, Hobie?” Yuri clasps her hand on Hobie's shoulder, comforting the man. “You haven't slept a wink, add the fact that you were stranded on a bloody island for a month, you're not in the right state for this.”
“I'll be once I see that she's safe.” His voice cracks, “I didn't keep an eye on MJ and look what happened. I-I don't want that to happen again. Please let me do it. You can follow me all you want just let me keep watch—”
“It's Y/N,” James whisper yells, he peeks around the alley, watching you slowly walk down the ship.
They all clammer to see you ignore Miguel's helping hand. Pride swells in their chest, they remember now why they can't exactly leave you behind— you're family.
As if fate is pulling the strings, you crane your neck to look in their direction. The crew ducks away, but Hobie stays, staring at you, waiting for your signal, anything to indicate that you want to run away with them.
He sees your subtle shake of your head, and with that, he hides with his crew.
“Did she say something?” Pav asks, concerned for you.
“No, nothin’” He holds his heart in his hand. “She said nothin'”
Hobie follows you quietly throughout the day. Hiding from Miguel's watchful eyes and your sad eyes. The crew left to rest in an inn, Miles offered to come with him, Hobie's glad he did for he found an unhitched horse in a street corner. But it could only seat one so Miles, the angel that he is, let Hobie go on without him.
“I'll take care of them.” He promises before he lets his captain go.
They all know your house, they've raided their ships before. Crates upon crates full of luxury, with the same design on your necklace stamped on the wooden sides. Hobie knows them quite well, the favourite of the king, always giving them special treatment. Yet the queen holds them at an arm's length away, but she never left her eyes away from their business. He guessed sacking random ships has its perks, gossip is one of them.
Hobie silently trots his horse, eyes never leaving the carriage you just left. The cemetery sends his nerves alight, with the crows cawing in the background, he strains his ear to listen in. He's hiding behind the chapel, the irony doesn't escape him.
The truth is revealed to you, and unbeknownst to you, he has learned about it too. His head is in his hands as he listens to how broken your voice is, tone splitting at the seams. Then his heart stops when you tell your mother that you want to stay, that you want to find the person responsible for their deaths, that the same flames burning inside him now have spread to you.
Hobie doesn't want you to go down the same path he walked on, to let the embers singe your skin, to let the fire burn you from the inside out like it had with him. You helped him through his, helped him control it. Now it's his turn to do so for you.
He cares for you, loves you for all your soft touches and gentle tone. But he's prepared to love you through your jagged edges, through all the anger that's inside you. He'd love both sides of you, because it's you, and no one else.
His foot accidentally steps on a twig as he sees you leave. Hobie almost ran towards you when you looked at the source of the sound. This time he ducks away, knowing that there's eyes on you, eyes that are prepared to take you away the moment they see him. So he waits, until there's no more eyes on you.
The next time he saw you again was when you stepped out of the carriage and into the golden doors of the palace. He's terrified for what's to come, whether or not Miguel has brought you on a silver platter for the wolves to devour.
With his guns accompanying him, he readies outside the walls of the palace until you leave, until he sees you again climbing inside the carriage.
He can finally breathe again, he doesn't have to kill this time. Not yet anyway.
Hobie tries his best to stay hidden, he bribes and lies to get inside Hazelside. Then he waits, and bides his time just to talk to you.
“Hazelside estate,” Miguel says when the large manor looms over the horizon. “Your family has owned it for two hundred years. Passed down to every first born child of the family.”
Acres and acres of land stretch across the vast space. Primed apple trees and oaks line the road, men and women in work clothes walk near the carriage, not even craning their necks to take a peek inside. It seems this was a daily occurrence for them.
“Two hundred years.” You repeat, contemplating how many generations owned it. “So it's mine once the papers are signed? Where would my…uncle and aunt go then?” Your mind goes through a hundred scenarios where you stay and where you decide to leave it all again.
“They have their own house. Granted it's not as big as Hazelside but it's enough for them. Knowing his majesty, he'd take his sweet time from releasing the papers.”
“How well do you know the king and queen?” You ask, eyes scanning your family's land.
Stone houses are standing miles away from the main estate, employees of the house you think. Chimneys billow out smoke whilst the sun is just about to rise. You imagine them having breakfast with their families, sleep still clinging in their lashes, hot tea wrapped in their cool hands. Opening the window, the smell of fresh apples wafts over you. Home, you think. It smells like home. Or it just reminds you of the apple tarts Jessica made for you when you were younger.
“You alright?” Miguel asks, watching you frown.
“I'm fine, just tired.” You lied, in truth, you miss them all.
“You had a hectic day, I don't blame you. You'll get to rest soon, I promise.”
How could you even think of sleeping alone? After being near him? After saying goodbye?
“You didn't answer my question.” You shift your attention from the trees to the man before you. “How well do you know them?”
“I barely know the queen, but the king? Yes, short answer? He's a moron, a buffoon wearing a crown.”
Lyla snickers next to you, head plopped on the carriage wall, seemingly asleep.
You smile, “You have a monkey for a king.”
“Once you're the Hazelside duchess, he'll be your king too.”
“Christ.” You chuckle nervously.
“Don't worry, I'll help you get accustomed to polite society.” Miguel reassures you and you still have no idea if you'll stay long enough to bear the title.
“Polite society.” You say with a scoff, “What I just saw wasn't very polite.”
“Just remember, everything here is political. Everyone here is climbing the ladder, kissing the royal asses. Some are doing it for their families, some are doing it for their personal gain.”
“Which one do you think I am?”
“Neither.” The carriage stops, horses neighing, hooves stomping on the gravel. “You're not like them, Y/N, that's why you'll end up walking all over them.”
The footman opens the door, Miguel gives you a look before coming down the small steps. He reaches towards you, helping you down. You hesitate. You still don't take his hand even with your bad leg.
The wind blows cold, goosebumps appearing on your skin, face worried at the sheer size of the manor. The glinting silvered birds catch the early morning's sun's rays. Beady eyes seemingly blinking when a cloud passes by.
Vines cling to the ancient walls, small purple flowers run along the plant and along the large windows. Strong columns line the façade, laurels carved on the marble, oak doors displaying the house sigil— your necklace bearing a similarity to it. Flower beds cradling violets lay by the foot of the building, blooming and fragrant. The smell hiding your trepidation from the dozen or so people watching you with unreadable eyes.
The staff greets you with a stiff nod, they stand on the stairs leading towards the manor. Their uniforms are perfect, perfectly ironed and clean; perfect white gloves on their hands.
A couple of them help your drunk uncle off their own carriage. He groans, head swirling, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Fancy clothes sweaty and moist, neckerchief lopsided and dirtied by ale. In contrast to his wife, who looks tired with the heavy eye bags under her eyes, she still looks like a proper noble compared to Frederick.
“Freddy—” She groans, kicking her husband's leg, “get up!”
“Darling…” he slurs, “there's two of you—oh wait…now there's three!” His guffaw fills the quiet morning.
Victoria gives up, leaving the man to the care of her staff. She walks off, huffing and puffing. She gives you a glance, “what are you waiting for? Get inside.”
Her eyes flick to Miguel who stands behind you, she immediately clamps down her bitterness. “Welcome to Hazelside, niece.” With a stomp of her heeled foot, she heads inside, no doubt seething.
“Catty.” Lyla says next to you, elbowing your side. “C’mon, your grace, before the sun gets in their eyes and sends them into a murderous frenzy.”
You chuckle, shaking your head. Something flickers in your peripheral vision, when you move your head to look, whatever it was, it's already gone behind the thick bushes.
“Y/N?” Miguel beckons you over. “It's cold out, come inside before you get sick.”
“Coming,” you call back, eyes darting around the thicket.
Miguel shows you around to your room in the west wing. Various historical paintings decorate the walls, wooden simple frames around them, showing the true beauty of the art without all the extravagant gold laurels around it.
Sculpted busts of your ancestors wait at every corner, marble eyes staring blankly at what's in front of them. Large windows line the walls, just outside the glass lies an expansive field of apple trees, bulbs of reds and greens adorning the branches of the mighty orchard. You stand in awe at the sight, workers start flocking the trees, picking and plucking at the ripest of fruits. The sun shines directly at the field, apples aglow with its light like red and green stars.
You lag behind Miguel as you gawp at the scenery, hand tucked inside the pocket of your gown, mindlessly rolling the pearl. Wishing the crew could see it too, wishing that he could see it and harvest the fruits with you.
Miguel calls for you, hand reaching but he retracts it back to his side. “Apples are new around here.” You genuinely smile at him, so he continues. “It used to just be hazelnuts, which still grow plenty in the estate.”
“Why the change then?”
“They didn't change, your family merely adapted. Your grandmother was the one who started planting the apple trees. Whenever she had a—” Miguel falters, you can practically see his brain turning.
“Had a what? I'm a big girl, Miguel, I can handle whatever it is.” You encourage him with a nod.
“A miscarriage,” he says lowly, “At the end of her life she planted seven trees. There was only one seed she didn't plant and that was when your mother was born.”
Your heart aches at the story even though the people in it are practically strangers to you. “Apple of her eye.” You murmur.
Miguel chuckles, turning to watch the vast orchard that spans acres upon acres of land. “It’s an understatement. She was spoiled, your mother. But she had a heart, most of her gifts almost always ‘gets lost’ somewhere.” He smiles fondly. “Strangely enough, it always ends up with someone who would benefit from it more.”
“Which one ended up getting lost in your backyard?” You smile at his rare grin.
“A lot, pocket watches, jeweled eggs, there was a kitten once. Only because her mother didn't like it.” He sighs, hazel eyes shining under the sunlight.
“You loved her.”
“I did,” he stares at you with kinder eyes. “She was my best friend, and so was your father. They both were.”
“What did you mean back at the carriage when you told me that they did the same to you?”
He swallows thickly, staring back at the outside of the opulent manor. “My daughter, Gabriella.” he says after a moment, “She was only a few years older than you. Your parents were her godparents, this was before they eloped and had you.” You can feel the strain in his voice. “She got sick…they poured everything into giving her the best doctors the country has to offer. They were at her side while I was drowning my sorrows in the navy. When they weren't by her side, they were with me. But in the end everything was all in vain.”
“I'm sorry,” you say genuinely, “I'm sorry, Miguel.”
He gives you a tight smile and a pat on your shoulder. “Even after all that they were still by my side, even when I pushed them away.” Sniffing, he subtly wipes his eye. “I didn't cross the sea and traveled thousands of miles to find you because I want us to be even. Or to pay the debt, I just wanted to find the last thing they left in hopes that I also find them in you.” His chest heaves. “I couldn't even say goodbye to them.”
There's tears in your eyes as he chokes on his own words. “I lost my friends but you lost your family before you could even meet them. And for that, I'm sorry, Y/N.” His hand shakes. “They didn't deserve what happened to them.”
“Tell me what happened to them.” You stand toe to toe with him, determined to get answers.
“Pirates, I told you they were pirates.”
You shake your head. “Do you really believe that, O’Hara? Or are you still trying to convince yourself otherwise?”
His jaw clenches, “It was pirates, Y/N.”
“Tell that to the former navy medic I call mother.”
He whispers, “the last time I looked further into their deaths I lost my Job, stripped of all my titles. I almost lost my house because of it.”
“Then tell me what you found.” You challenge him back. “Tell me who ordered it so I can live in this house in peace.”
“I don't have definitive proof—”
“Edward.” He says through gritted teeth. “He wanted to marry your mother, even going as far to ask for her hand. But when she refused him for your father—” he heaves. “I think he has probable cause to order the attack.”
“You were answering the man who might've killed my parents and wanted me dead?”
“How do you think that makes me feel, hm? I had my full trust in the navy, trusting the report they gave, trusted them with my whole life, even dedicating my life to them. And the moment I get a whiff of a planned murder on the only family I've ever had they bar me from the only life I've ever known. How do you think that made me feel?”
“I'm sorry you went through that but you could've done something.”
“He is king!” Miguel's voice booms around the hallway. He shifts his voice, pinching his knitted brows. “His word is law, I couldn't have done anything, even if I had proof.”
“You should've started with that instead of telling me lies, then I would've come to you without a fight.”
“There would've still been a fight.” He states matter of factly. “Hobie was ready to fight the moment I stepped below deck.”
“Could you blame him though? We both know not every single pirate crew is as nice as them, he didn't attack because you claimed it was pirates. Or that he was offended, he knows that he has done unsavoury things too. So what did you say that made him lunge at you?”
Miguel shakes his head, refusing to say anything. “It's best that you don't remember it.”
“Fine, be like that, just know that there will always be a wall between us.” Your heels clack loudly against the oak floors as you leave him behind.
The room they gave you was surprisingly comfortable, unlike the apartments in the palace that you explored. It's ten times bigger than the inn you were in, complete with your own bathroom and sitting room. It's all wooden walls covered in beautiful tapestries of various scenes from history— the thick cloth helps keep the heat inside. All the windows are wide open to let the cool air in and the moonlight. So you could hear the rustling of the trees outside, so you could smell the crisp apples. It helps, you think as you sit in front of the large stone fireplace with birds engraved in every corner of the stone.
You're already sick of the bloody birds.
You wrap the fur blanket closer to your body, still in your gown, refusing to wear anything else they've provided for you. You've heard of poisoned dresses before, it's far-fetched but you can't risk it now that you're in a more unfamiliar territory where your own family holds a grudge against you just for existing.
Especially now that you're alone in a large room filled with strange things. And with only his dagger to keep you safe.
Anyone would kill to be in your shoes right now, to be pampered and placed in a household that can provide for all your needs. If it weren't for the hunger in you, you would've left all of the gold in this house just to get back to them. Instead, the fire has you in its hold too.
Miguel's information only fueled the glowing embers in you, you're determined to find who killed them. But you're still restrained in this large manor, and until you can get your answers, you say their names to satiate the hunger.
“Edward and Mathias.” You say through shuddered breath, feeling if you could just say it louder, the sky would strike them down where they stood.
The pearl in your hands is warm, the shiny surface reflecting your scowl.
The flames mesmerize you as it dances in the kindling. Orange and reds illuminate your face, it's the only light in the whole room. You exhale and a puff of clouds escape your cool lips.
It's getting colder, and you're missing him.
Just when you're about to stand up to close the windows, a pebble lands near you. It thuds on the wooden floors, the sound gets your attention.
“What the hell?” You say confused. Standing back up, another flies through the open windows and into your room. “Who the fuck?” Speed walking towards the window, you almost get hit by a pebble if you didn't dodge it in time. “Hey!”
Fifteen feet below your window, you see two people dressed in their night clothes, bundled up in fur coats. They look up at you with wide eyes, like they got caught with their hands inside the cookie jar.
“Cousin!” One exclaims, a wide apologetic smile on his lips, showing you his perfect teeth. “Sorry about that! Can you come down?”
“Who in the world are you?” You ask, confused, you lean down to take a better look, hands gripping the sill for support.
“We're your cousins! I guess?” The girl next to him says, eyes shining in the moonlight, hand holding another pebble. “We waited to see you during supper and around the house but you were apparently hiding!”
“Alright, why do I need to come down then?”
“Because we want to properly introduce ourselves! Without screaming at you from below that is.” The girl shrugs, smiling prettily at you. “Please, cousin?”
“...fine.” you grumble, the dagger is still hidden underneath your skirt in case they're planning something nefarious.
They beam up at you, the girl daintily claps her hands. “Brilliant! We'll be waiting at the entrance.”
As you trudge down the unfamiliar sprawling halls, trying your hardest to not get lost in the maze-like structure. You accidentally encounter another painting of your mother.
Her name is etched on a golden plaque just below the portrait. This one was different from the one in the palace, she was stiff there, lips tightly closed into a line, eyes cold and empty. The one in front of you is warm, a soft smile on her lips, eyes shining and alive. Her dress is in lilac, golden stars adorning the bodice. She still wore the same necklace you're currently wearing, it rests perfectly on her neck. In her hand is a closed locket, you wonder whose portrait lies inside.
“Hi, mum.” You whisper into the cold hallway. “Where's dad's portrait?” You ask like she would open her mouth and answer back. With a sigh, you head downstairs.
Walking the ancient floors, the moon shines down at you, the light peeking in from the gaps of the heavy curtains. Silently, you meet with your cousins in the foyer. Carefully coming down the curved staircase, hand gripping the bannister, the boy who is about the same age as Miles meets you halfway. He reaches towards you, giving you a hand.
“I heard about your leg, I thought you'd appreciate some help.”
“You're Frederick's children?” You say, questioning whether or not you should take his hand.
“We are,” he says with a sigh. “Come on, cousin, or you might miss it.”
“Miss what?”
“The birds.” The girl waiting in the foyer excitedly says. “They're migrating.”
“Oh, I don't see why that would be so interesting.” You say as the boy flexes his fingers, beckoning you down.
“You’ll see why. Take my hand please, you look like our grandmother going down the steps.”
“Fine,” with an exhale, you take his hand. You hold his hand, a feather light touch that he barely feels, giving yourself enough time to react if he decides to do something.
“I'm Jonathan, or just John.” He says as he gently leads you down the steps. His stride is slow, waiting for your own feet to keep up. “And this is my sister—”
“Collette!” She suddenly clasps your hands when you reach the last step. “Sorry–” her tone is sweet and genuine, quickly removing her hands from yours. “I got too excited! I'm Collette, my brother and I are twins.”
“Unfortunately…” John says under his breath.
Collette jabs her elbow by his side, earning a groan from him. You see the similarities on their faces now that you're closer to them. From the slope of their noses to the curls of their hair, they look very much alike. Except for their eyes, Collette has emerald eyes that shimmer from the oil lamp she carries. While her brother has brilliant blue eyes that remind you of the sea when the sun shines above it.
You get reminded of him again.
“Who's older?” You ask teasingly, pushing the previous thought away.
“I am!” They both speak at the same time. John looks at her sister with disappointment, while Collette scrunches her nose.
“I'm five minutes older than you, Jojo.” She says with a tone you could only describe as annoyed.
“Father told me I'm the one who's five minutes older. Not you!”
“Sure,” she nods sarcastically, the lamp in her hand sways. “Because father was in the room when we were born.” Her head swivels to look at you, and you almost jump at how fast she moved. “He wasn't in the room.”
“Ah, I think I got it—”
“Like you could bloody remember.” John says with a scoff.
Before the argument could go on, you stop them with your hands on each of their shoulders.
“I need to sleep, so whatever you want to show me, just fucking show me.”
Collette stares at you with a gasp, eyes wide like you just said the darndest thing. Meanwhile, John has the biggest grin you've ever seen.
“Wow, cousin.” He says, amused. “I heard you used to run with pirates but I didn't know you got their vocabulary too. Hazelside would be more interesting now that you're here.”
“Gosh,” Collette exhales, clutching her pearls (literally) “I didn't know that word could be uttered by a woman.”
“You should try it sometimes. It's very freeing.” You chuckle at their reaction whilst you make your way outside. “Before we freeze to death, cousins?”
“The oldest should lead the way.” John takes the opportunity to rag on his still bewildered sister.
She groans audibly. “You're not the one with the lamp.”
You smile, there's a warm familiar feeling in your chest.
Leaves crunch under your bare foot, you've got blisters from the uncomfortable heels Miguel gave you. You'd take walking on bare feet rather than wear that torture device ever again. The only plus side of the fancy shoe is that it makes you feel powerful with every click of the heels. Walking along a path, tall apple trees carve a way for you and the twins.
“I like your dress.” Collette says right next to you, you sense her wariness by how she keeps her distance. “The color is beautiful, it's our house color.”
“Thank you, but I've been told that red suits me better.”
“Oh, I think they're right actually.” She smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Yeah, I'm slowly getting used to this one though.” You lift up your skirt a bit for emphasis.
“Is it true that you were shot?” John asks in front of you, looking over his shoulder. “We heard from the footmen that you were shot by a pirate when O’Hara rescued you.”
“I was, but that's not the whole story. Miguel didn't rescue me.”
“Really?” Collette's brows are raised in question and surprise. You nod at her question. “Huh, I told you we shouldn't listen to gossip.” She slaps her brother on his bicep, he winces, glaring at her. “It's bad to begin with.”
“That's the thing about gossip, Co, it's not always the truth.” He spits out.
“I knew that, pssh.” She crosses her arms on her chest, annoyed and embarrassed.
“Why are we out here again? If you're planning to ambush me—” Colette gasps loudly, like you've shot her.
“Ambush you? Do we look like we know how to fight?” She stops you from going further down the path just as you see a dark river at the end of it.
John knits his brows with a pout. “We're here to give you a warm welcome, cousin. We heard mother and father didn't even give you a tour, so I guess it falls on us to show you around.”
“At night though?” You gesture around the silence of the grounds, save for a few crickets chirping and the flowing of the lake, you're practically alone in the dark.
“Guess we're just living to our house motto, ‘carpe noctem—’”
“‘Seize the night’” Collette finishes her brother's sentence. “The ancestor who established our house was a gambler.” She shrugs.
“That's our house motto?”
“Nope!” Collette answers you. “It was our house motto.” She gestures to herself and her brother. “Before the crown granted us Hazelside, after—” John elbows her. “I'm sorry.”
“It's alright, what's the actual motto?”
“‘alis volat propriis—’”
“‘She flies with her own wings.’” You translate, the siblings look at you with awe. “There's latin in medicine.”
“You know medicine?!” Collette shrieks, the sound echoing through the dark.
“Brilliant.” John murmurs.
“Oh you must tell us more!” Collette loops her arm around yours, walking side by side. “How and where did you learn it?”
“Don't pester her, Co.” John clicks his tongue, “have you cut anyone's arm off?”
“How grim!” She exclaims.
As they lead you towards the sparkling lake, you three chat through the night by the banks of the hazelside lake. They ask about the world outside the capital, they ask about the sea and the pirates you were with. You don't tell them about all the blood and violence, deciding that you shouldn't mar their innocent hearts with stories of death. It's not yours to tell, and you don't want to traumatize the only people who don't look at you with contempt.
“So you're not mad at me or even at least a bit annoyed for showing up and taking the estate from your parents?” You ask whilst the sun slowly rises, bathing the lake in bright blue. The hazelnuts in your mouth is a welcome one since you haven't eaten a single bite since you got to the capital.
“Not really.” John munches on his own pile of hazelnuts. He lounges near the water, hand cradling his head, chewing quietly. “We were surprised at first because there have been a handful of girls who claimed to be you. Who were obviously not you.” You raise an eyebrow at his statement. “But when they told us it was Miguel who found you, we were sure it was really you.”
“Wait— there were people who claimed to be me?”
“Mm-hmm.” Collette hums, sitting close to you, hanging on to every word you utter. “They weren't very convincing.”
“The story of Miguel trying to find you was pretty famous around here. I mean, the guy abandoned his post to find a missing duchess who may or may not be alive. That was a big story back then, so a lot of women threw their daughters and young relatives at the manor's gates to get a chance.” John informs you.
“We were quite young back then, but the fakes dwindled away through the years.” Collette finishes his statement.
“‘Quite young’ she says,” he scoffs, “we were barely out of the womb, Collette.” His sister sticks out her tongue at John.
“Huh, that's probably why I haven't heard of it either, I was still young.” You wonder.
“The sun's almost out!” Collette points at the clear sky. “Get ready, cousin, because you're about to see the most gorgeous thing.”
“The birds here migrate at this time of year,” John helps you both up to your feet. You surprisingly take his hand. “like clockwork. Collette and I used to watch it with our parents before they got all…well, too much. Now it's some sort of tradition for us.”
“Look look! The trees are rustling!” She points, jumping up and down.
“Any minute now.” John smiles at his sister as she half hugs him.
The three of you wait for a sign of the birds, a minute passes, then two, then five. Yet, not even a feather flies overhead. The early morning sun shines brighter with every minute that passes. And with every minute, the twins grew agitated.
“Why aren't they coming out?” Collette asks sadly.
“I'm sure they're just getting ready for the journey.” John reassures his sister with a pat on her shoulder. “My calculations are correct, why aren't they here yet?” He questions no one.
Their slumped shoulders and frowns get to you. An idea pops in your head, and you think it's all Hobie's fault.
“Maybe they're still sleeping.” They look at you simultaneously, “I mean it's really cold out, they probably wanted to stay in bed— or nest to sleep more. I know I would want to.”
“Oh,” Collette gives you a small smile at your attempt to make them feel better. “That's probably it. Thank you, cousin.”
You grin mischievously at them, “what if we wake them all up?”
John makes a face. “How?”
You inhale, putting your hands around your mouth, you scream, “wake the fuck up!” The sound echoed throughout the field and across the lake.
Your cousins let out a loud guffaw, you giggle at their reaction. John joins in, copying your actions.
“Wake up you wankers!” He yells, exhilaration filling his chest. “I've always wanted to say that.” Chuckling, he laughs louder at the face his sister is making.
“Johnathan!” His sister gasps next to him.
“What? Try it out! Come on then! No one's out here to tell us off.” John shakes her shoulder, giving you a wide grin.
“Join us in the dark side, Collette.” You sing song, “the birds need a wake up call.”
“You won't tell mother and father?” She asks the both of you. Wiggling, she’s excited.
Crossing your heart, you promise. “I won't, I'm not a tattletale.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die, Co.”
“Alright.” She exhales deeply before letting loud the loudest scream you've ever heard. “Wake up, cocksuckers!” It's so loud that you swear your eardrums are blown out. Smiling, she turns towards your surprised forms.
Now it's you and John's turn to gasp.
“Cocksucker?!” You exclaim, bewildered.
“Where'd you learn that, Co?!” John pokes his sister.
“I heard it when Mrs. Williams stubbed her toe during lessons.” She said shyly.
“Good on you, sis.” He pats her back. “Good on you.”
Collette looks at you expectantly. “Good show, Co.” You wink at her and she giggles happily.
Facing towards the thick trees across the lake, the birds still don't fly overhead. There's nothing but the wind rustling the branches.
“They didn't wake up though.” She says forlornly.
“What if we do it at the same time?” Your words have them smiling again.
“Yes!” They say simultaneously.
“Ready?” They both nod, taking in air before screaming their hearts out.
“Cocksuckers!” The three of you let out simultaneously. The canopy rustles and out comes a hundred or so birds from the thicket.
You all jump up and down, arms up in greeting the birds. Their feathers shine in the sun, light filtering through their wings. Iridescent blues and whites glowing, reflecting in your eyes. Wings flapping loudly, beaks held up high as they greet the sky with open wings.
Amidst the beauty of it all, you wish that he was there to witness it.
A tear slides down your cheek. You wipe it quickly before the twins notice. Head staring up at the sky, amidst all the beauty and light, there's a darkness swirling inside you. Amidst all the life around you, you feel the opposite. And you miss him. The worst part is, you see this place becoming your home.
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volturissideslut · 1 year
What if the Humans adopt a child just to see what’s so special about humans and why the Cullens like them so much, not knowing how troublesome a 8 year old can be?
strap in because this is going to be one hell of a ride (also I'm assuming asker meant volturi adopt a chaotic human child)
Aro, ever the curious one, cannot even fathom why dear Carlisle cares so much for these... creatures
And it's been like over 3000 years since he was human and he can't really remember much about living
It would also help if it would stop making Marcus be such a miserable slab of stone, and perhaps even Caius could do with a new toy
It just seemed like destiny when an 8 year old child strayed from the feeding group one day, too entertained by chasing a fat tabby cat that had jumped the wall to the garden
Whatever parent or guardian that came with seemingly hadn't noticed - not that they were alive long enough too
And, of course, Felix was the one to deliver the child to Master Aro considering he's the only one with a modium of decorum or respect for life in the castle
Any of the other guards would have eaten you on sight to be honest (they wouldn't in the future but you're just some random human child right now, they don't care about you yet)
Aro takes one look at you're little form, sticky fingers; muddy knees; grazed elbows; a leaf in your hair
They're keeping you
easy, right?
Why is a overexcited yet hysterical human child such a lovable inconvenience, you may ask
1) none of them can fully keep track of you're emotions,why are children so confusing???
2) they can't fully keep track of your whereabout either
3) they know nothing, and I mean nothing, about humans. Expect them to ask the secratery for help next time you're sobbing, only to find out you're hungry because they haven't fed you a proper meal in days thinking you'd forage for it yourself
I swear Marcus is the only one who is knowledgeable, despite how small it is
"the child requires sustinence again" - Jane, fed up of this shit
4) they're used to the traumatic stuff of vampire life, you are not, they don't realise that
poor kid is gonna be so traumatised, by the age of 10 killing someone over cereal seems socially acceptable
At least Caius actually has a soft spot for you, otherwise you'd be dead dead by now
Marcus reads you bedtime stories
Aro wants you to grow up appreciating everything he does, there are many 'daddy/daughter dates' where he takes you to see plays, musicals, concerts, or whatever that he deems suitable
Caius pretends to be impressed with your drawings and fakes excitement at whatever lego monstrosity you've made
Alec shows you the world, taking you around on his days off to Scotland, Brazil, India or wherever you randomly point to on a map
Felix let's you use his cloak as a blanket when he's not using it, you like to play with it and use it for dens and pillow forts (it can also be used as one of those massive fabric parachute tent bubble thingys the class played with in nursery/FS1/kindergarten and hid under (you know what I'm talking about))
Demitri let's you win at hide and seek despite his gift letting him know where you are at all times. He is also not above pretending to play to keep you out the way and quiet for a solid five minutes before you come out giggling saying you won again
Jane will capture butterflies and set them free with you because she knows you love them and you also love to chase them
The queen's are always dressing you up like a doll and doing your hair, they basically get a list from the secratery of everything humans need (food, water, socialising etc) and fulfil those needs for you
The secratery is the only one who actually knows what you want and need most times, being human herself. The kings are seriously considering turning her instead of just killing her you your sake
And God forbid anyone touches their precious baby, you've grown on them and they'd burn the world for you in an instant
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
Shane is your best friend
TW: heavy language
Gender: neutral
One of the most loyal people on earth. Seriously, if you end up fucking something up he will be there for you and potentially even take the blame. It also depends on what you did though :'D
One of the main things that lead to your friendship was the day you put the Mayor's shorts in the soup.
"Wow, who tf put Lewis underwear in there?"
He was standing right next to you while witnessing chaos break loose and it only took him one look at your face to see that it was you. You were desperately trying to hold back a grin by bighting down on your fist and your eyes teared up a bit, fighting the laughter that was threatening to overcome you.
He also hid his amusement by shoving food into his mouth.
From that day on the two of you started growing closer by the second. You first notice it by how Shane either waves at you to come over at the saloon or he takes a seat right next to you if you happen to enter it before he does in the evening.
"You should make sure to be at the townsquare tomorrow."
You don't elaborate, but he knows that mischievous look in your eyes by now. You got another prank planned.
And there he is standing infront of a golden statue of someone too familiar. The Mayor.
The same Mayor who's now furiously throwing his hands into the air, demanding for the culprit to reveals themselves. Shane keeps you safe by providing you with an alibi.
"The farmer? Oh nah, they've been with me all morning."
He winks at your direction to let you know that he's got you covered.
Of course you back him up with his shenanigans too. He texts you whenever he decides to sneak out some frozen pizza and you wait for him at the back entrance of JojaMart, wearing an oversized hoodie.
Shane looks at you hiding all those pizza's under that hoodie like >.>?
"And you think no one will notice that- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
For a VERY short while Gus had a karaoke machine in his saloon. He had to remove it, because you and Shane were basically howling into the microphones. Every. Single. Night.
He calls you Dingus.
"I'm at work, why are you calling me on the phone?"
He's whispering and hiding behind an isle so Morris doesn't see him on the phone.
"Your aunt's shop should be open right now, right?"
"Yes, why?"
You hang up and leave him confused for the rest of the day. One might think he should be used to that now considering you call him for every single inconvenience that happens to you.
"Stop yelling and think. Where do you usually put-"
"Found it, bye."
You butcher his name.
"Stop it."
"What the fu-"
Prank calling Morris in the middle of the night or very early in the morning is a tradition in your friendship.
You annoy the shit out of him, but he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
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xreaderbooks · 2 years
All I breathe (1)
Pair: Azriel x Vanserra Reader 
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Language, mentions of abuse, trauma, and torture
Summary: After the events of the war, Y/n struggles to move on and find her place in the night court. All but one member has forgiven the past. 
Also available on Wattpad and AO3
a/n: let me know if you want to be tagged for future parts, this was based on two requests that I got a while ago, I promised them that I would post this soon but it never happened but here it is literally a year later. Two requests merged into one. This is a enemies to lovers + other court reader x Azriel requested fic.
Masterlist  - Series Masterist - Next Chapter
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The family gathered around the dinner table, seating themselves in their respective spots. One by one- the clambering not stopping even as they sat, conversation echoed within the walls of the river house. Every Saturday; mandatory for everyone. Your position in the High Lord's inner circle was questionable.
Your fraternal twin brother was the unwanted mate of the High Lady's second eldest sister; and you? You've managed to gain a job as the night court emissary alongside Lucien, though you wouldn't exactly say you acquired the job yourself. Circumstances weren't so easily spoken of.
You took your place between Lucien and Nesta. The air around you was tense, not at all the influence of those around you, it was simply how you felt whenever you ate dinner with Rhysand's family. Quarrels between you and the night court have long been settled but for so long these people had been your enemy. While you held nothing against them except for maybe one of them, your remorse hasn't allowed you to move on from your past.
The burn of a stare from the person sitting directly across from you pulled you out of your thoughts. You lifted your head from the plate of food your brother served you and narrowed your eyes at him. You picked up your fork and rolled your eyes, focusing your attention back on eating.
He was a nuisance, a fly following the scent of your blood.
Seriously for someone who hated you so damn much, he truly does not leave you alone. You paced in front of the door of the war room before finally deciding to walk in, inconveniently as you did, the door opened. As someone walked out the door it slammed into your nose.
You let out a yelp, clutching your nose as your attacker swiftly moves past you. "Fuck!"
"Watch yourself," Azriel snarled. It was the only acknowledgment he gave you as he walked away. Somehow with your aching nose, you were able to catch his scent, it made you shiver, though you didn't know whether it was because of the slow subsiding pain or your body's natural reaction to preserve you from the shadowsinger's aura.
"An apology would be appreciated." You murmured. You reopened the door about to enter when you heard him.
"Perhaps if you weren't sneaking around this accident wouldn't have happened." His head was looking over his shoulder as he spoke.
"Last I heard, sneaking around is your thing, far be it from me to do your job." Your body's halfway through to the room on the other side of the door. "And I'll have you know my being here was requested."
You didn't wait for him to respond, letting the door close on its own behind you, you pressed your back against it and gently tapped your nose.
"Are you alright?" A voice rose from the middle of the room. You winced, forgetting what you were here for even as you were just talking about it.
You sighed, "Yes. A small incident, though I'm sure you already knew that."
Rhysand gave you a questioning look, "We sure it's not broken?"
"A broken nose definitely doesn't feel as okay as it does now," You made your way to the violet-eyed male who called upon you. The reason for your pacing and your almost-broken nose. He motioned for you to have a seat in the chair across from him. The awkward feeling crept in, this male was daemati which meant you'd have to build your mental block to keep your thoughts from being too loud and letting him into your anxiety.
"There's no need for you to worry Y/n," It was too late. "Why do you stress?"
His concern conflicted you, he should hate you. Your acquaintance was past hate but culpability ate you. "I don't, I'm fine."
"I noticed you were quiet at dinner, Feyre noticed."
"She didn't want to tell me herself that she noticed?" Your tone slipped into defense. In truth, you missed Feyre's company, you hadn't had a proper conversation with your new High lady since you made Velaris your permanent residence.
"She doesn't want to pry."
"And you do?"
"I'm your High Lord, it's my job to see that my people are faring well in my court."
"And are you?" You furrowed your brows, "My High Lord, I mean."
Rhysand chuckled, "Y/n, you are not your family. No matter the part you played when Feyre was trapped with that bastard." The bastard being Tamlin, the male who was the key component in your guilt.
Your fake husband for all intents and purposes.
"Knowing this," He continued. "Feyre has moved on, it's time you have to."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, "There's just so much I feel I need to apologize for. I was wrong about everything, about you and your court. What you've built here is beautiful and I do not want you or Feyre to think that I am taking this for granted, all things considered."
"You have apologized enough. And all things considered, you are one of us." He gave you a small smile. "Now we have business to discuss, this will be a tough one but it's one that only you can do."
He explained the details of the assignment, you were to join Azriel or more like the other way around. To go to the Autumn Court, a stronger strain of fae bane had been created and word had come that it was traveling in the direction of that court. Dangerous as it is to go back to that court when you were living in the night court and no longer under Tamlin's protection, the world would be an even more dangerous place if Beron got his hands on the new poisonous plant. Azriel will continue his spy work while you, the 'distraction' of sorts will meet with your kin. Everything is to be kept under wraps, no one wanted to know what Beron would do with a dosage of a poison that strong.
Your position as emissary would ward away any suspicion and your presence absolutely distracting to the family you hadn't seen since the war had ended.
You cursed Lucien for leaving so suddenly this morning. He should be here and taking this job, you felt his absence completely, you were alone. You lived- temporarily- in a house full of people you once hated, now you were pretty confident you could call them friends and yet you were alone.
It had been a while since you were bait. Long before you joined the Spring Court with your brother, when you were still a girl and life could be perceived as happy, Eris and the rest of your brothers knew your beauty could capture men with even the strongest of wills. You were young and innocent and it was easy. They used you as a trap, a siren of sorts, to lure the men who had wronged them. Males who had committed all sorts of crimes and those who hadn't committed any at all. It had been a job that you weren't nicely compensated for.
Perhaps it was the only time you had received any compliments from your family at all, with Lucien being the exception. You were paid with the slightest amount of praise from your father and brothers and an unlimited amount of guilt for pulling in men to their deaths. With a less-than-decent monetary sum. They didn't see the need for you to have as much money as they did when you lived in the palace and this way you could be solely dependent on them. You would have no escape.
In the short time, you had with these men whether they were criminals or not, you mourned for them- the kind-hearted ones at least. You used to pray to the mother for forgiveness and with time you became numb.
That was until you had fallen in love with one of them.
You were the type of girl who had hopelessly believed in finding your mate, despite the fact that having a mate was a rare thing, that was proving not to be the case more often now. You couldn't possibly know what it would feel like to have the mating bond, but if what you felt for the boy was anything close to it, you don't know what you would do with yourself if you were to be so blessed.
If there was one thing you and your brother, Lucien, could relate to- is tragic love stories.
Your father loved his boys and your favorite brother but you were a disappointment. You were a spoiled child, always getting what you wanted with anything and everything you could ask for, with your gentle compassion no one could complain. As you got older, the threat of reality faced you, you were a female in a family of sadistic males.
Their love for you faded and soon you were a bargaining chip and if anyone tampered with the value of the one card they held that could gain them access to whatever and whoever, they would pay. And so the pretty baker boy who inherited his father's great debt to your family had to pay.
You didn't get the chance to tell him how much you truly loved him, you didn't even know his name. You didn't get to know any of the names of the males you flirted with to stop any form of attachment to them. It was for the best, you thought, it prevented you from acting in ways you knew you would regret.
You reflected on the traumatic events from your life as you packed. There would not be much, knowing your family they would have your wardrobe ready for your arrival. Weapons and equipment for your travels were what you needed, so far everything was accounted for and ready to go.
You mentally checked for everything you needed when a knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts.
"How are things?" The youngest Archeron sister stood at the door frame.
"Good," You nodded, looking around the room for a hint at anything you might have missed. "Just finishing up."
An amused smile formed with an eyebrow quirk, "You do realize you leave tomorrow at noon?"
"I do, I just like to be prepared, that way I can sleep peacefully and possibly remember if I've forgotten something." You smiled softly, this felt normal. Like old times.
She walked into your room now, traced her fingers atop the furniture, and she paused at an iridescent music box. She picked it up and opened it, winding it up. "Reminds me of someone I know."
"What do you mean?" You eyed the box, knowing what it meant. During Feyre's time at the Spring Court, you were friends. As much friends as she and Lucien had been, even closer still. You tried to protect her from Tamlin in ways that you could but there was only so much you could do when you owed him your life. The music box was a comfort gift to her, things were getting complicated with Tamlin and they were about to get worse. You knew of this tune you heard once in a dream and had gifted the music box to her. She listened to it while she painted.
"Azriel. You both are so similar in the smallest ways, he's always ready for anything. Shame you don't get along." She pursed her lips.
You almost took it offensively when you remembered that this was progress, you and Feyre had spoken civilly, you apologized and begged for forgiveness, spoke some more and it was fine. But this was the closest it had been to how it used to be without the involvement of Tamlin. It didn't help that you noticed how true Feyre's words were.
You huffed, "Not my fault he's a prick and doesn't like me. I don't like him much either but I'd be willing to try if he didn't make it so godsdamned difficult."
"Yeah, he has trust issues-" She closed the music box once she was done observing it. "May I keep this?"
Your eyes softened, "Of course."
She pulled you into a hug, "Y/n, I know Az hasn't made it easy and it might not be obvious but I do trust you, a lot has happened since the past and you have long since redeemed yourself. Not only do I think so but the rest of them do too."
You squeezed her in thanks with shut eyes, willing the tears away. You had missed her friendship. It was a slow and agonizing process, moving to the Night Court in the middle of a war and getting to know the people Feyre had chosen. These people you grew up hating, the enemy whom you heard nothing but bad from time and time again from people who influenced your whole life. Then realizing why she had chosen them. These people were a family and nothing like what you've heard or expected.
It was a strange sight to see how naturally fun-loving yet powerful they are. It was taunting at first, how unbothered they were while you sat through dinners silently observing them. You didn't know if you would ever not feel like an outsider around them but eventually, after a long conversation, you and Mor had formed a friendship, and so had you and Cassian with the training you had decided to start. You and Rhysand were professional mostly, he's been trying to get you to be more at ease around him but knowing everything with his mother, sister, and Feyre- it was hard to let go of the fact that you were on the wrong side for a long time.
Now that you know you and Feyre were all good, maybe you could finally start to move on.
She pulled away and laid a hand on your cheek, swiping her thumb across your cheek, a sweet gesture. "You're gonna kill me."
Your eyes widened, "What?"
She eased you to sit at the edge of your bed, clasping her hands in front of her and clearing her throat. "You and Azriel are sharing a room in Autumn."
"What?" Your jaw dropped.
"It's either that or Azriel camps out in the woods nearby but that'll increase the risk of him getting caught and they don't know he's gonna be in Autumn at all at least not for the first few days-"
"Can't he just winnow back and forth?" You argued.
"You know that'll be a waste of energy you're not even winnowing there all the way, besides it's not so bad, hopefully, this will get you both to finally get to know each other."
"Spending the night with him is a waste of energy," You murmured. As if going to your hellscape of a childhood home wasn't enough.
A wide grin spread across her face, "Actually-"
You caught onto her amusement, "Nope. That's not happening- Gods, how long am I stuck with him?"
"4 nights. Not counting the night you will more than likely have to stay at dawn court, which reminds me we have to send word to Thesan." She said that last part to herself, zoning out slightly, no doubt communicating with Rhysand but speaking out loud.
"Does he know?" There's no way he'll ever agree, he'll get caught in the woods before he ever agrees to sleep in the same room as you. He avoids you at all costs and when he is around you his words are violent. They call him the quiet one yet his slick tongue is sharper than his knives whenever you're around.
"Rhysand is speaking to him right now," As if it were planned the house rattled at the slam of the heavy front door. You and Feyre flinched at the reverberating sound. You cocked your head and raised a brow. She winced, "He'll be fine."
You sat at the breakfast table witnessing the atrocity that was happening in front of you, your brother's mate was softly caressing the spymaster's arm, and they whispered quietly to each other. The only ounce of kindness you had ever seen the male with blue siphons was with her. It was irritating. Luciens mate was infatuated with your enemy, how comical.
You didn't know what to make of your High Lady's sister, she barely spoke to you kept to herself and sometimes to her sisters, Nesta was highly protective of her and so was Azriel. It was a bit bothersome when something within you told you there was more to her than the delicate demeanor she portrayed. You didn't care to find out honestly, what you did care about was Luciens happiness.
Not that Elain owes Lucien anything but seeing your brother chase and cater to her at any given chance was disheartening, she can't even give him the courtesy of rejecting the bond. With that maybe then he'd heal from the breaking of the bond. But she didn't reject him and you knew that gave Lucien hope, but as you watch the pair standing on the veranda, there was no none.
What you would have given to have a mate yet now you weren't so sure.
"Are you done?" A voice cut through your mind and suddenly you realize a tall sculpted figure was standing in front of you.
You set down the glass of orange juice you were drinking, before licking your lips and thinking of a response, only to ask "What?"
He rolled his eyes and took the seat diagonal from you, "Are you done staring?"
"I wasn't staring, I was trying to admire the view that you and the fair young maiden were blocking." You glared at him and slid out of your chair, grabbing your empty plate and glass about to head to the kitchen.
"Oh is that what that was?" He glared back.
"Yeah, and you know for someone who is supposedly one of the most powerful Illyrians in the world you seem pretty weak to me, Shadowsinger. Pining over female after female-"
He was out of his chair and towering over you in a flash with teeth bared, "Don't speak of what you don't know, Firewielder."
"I only speak of what I see," You stepped an inch closer though you weren't sure if it was entirely possible considering you were now breathing the same breath. "Tell was she praying for your safe return in her arms while you go off to war."
"What do you care, Vanserra?" He laughed bitterly, "I applaud you for being aware of how much you lack being worthy of any sort of affection. Is that why you frown at Elain so? because you know that unlike her you don't deserve to be cared for."
You felt the familiar burn in your veins, you were shaking from the restraint of wanting to hurt him. His height made you tilt your head up to look him in the eye, you hated it. He was too close and your neck strained from the height difference. Your eyes burned with hatred, he was the only member of the inner circle you truly believed was a monster from hell. His shadows flurried behind him, as restless as the flames you kept under control. You needed to get away from him to release your stress before you exploded but he wasn't budging away from the eye contact so you wouldn't either.
"What's going on guys?" Cassian's leaning by the entrance of the room, arms crossed chewing on an apple. "If you guys want to take out some of that tension and potentially kill each other there's a whole yard out front you could do that on, let's not disturb the peace of this household. Or if it's the other type of tension, do it the normal way and go upstairs."
You backed away from Azriel, storming off to the kitchen to dispose of the plate and cup.
Chapter 2
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itzkawaiiduh · 1 month
I'm interested on your Will's time period theorie. Can you explain more?
Hello anon! I'm glad you found interest in my time period theory, so I drafted this up-- it took quite a bit, so I hope you enjoy it! And anyone else reading!
Hi everyone! For a little background info about me before I begin: I'm Canadian, and the region I live around was heavily affected by the Great Depression so I have my fair share of knowledge about it! Also I have family that live out on a farm/middle of nowhere.
As we know, we have little to no information about William, and while understanding it is the first season, he is the only one we don't know anything about; everyone else we know some information about. This is purely theories, but what I piece together.
(The only thing I have to go off on is his final meal so bare with me!)
I theorize William is from the Dust Bowl/Great Depression era, narrowed down to somewhere in the US.
Will's final meal is peaches and water.
Peaches were a common and popular fruit in Georgia, USA. You can easily farm them and pick their fruit, storing them in a bowl and leaving them in a dining room. Georgia in the 1930s was a state heavily affected by the Dust Bowl. A glass of water is also an interesting choice, because why not try anything else if you've never seen or had it?
Implied in the final dinner episode (38), you can choose your final meals because it's what you would have wanted. (ex. Ada chose beluga caviar even if she never had it.) Everyone around William has full meals:
Montresor with beans, cornbread & meat,
Prospero with espresso & cannoli, and Annabel with tea and scones, and so on.
All of these are curated, expensive meals viewing their time periods.
So why the basic meal? Why does everyone else have full meals?
Well, in the 1930s, these things weren't readily available. Additionally, William didn't see higher delicacies like scones or caffeine, and the resources were not possible to make such a thing (also flour & sugar were like $2.00 and it was very expensive) so he chose something simple but filling, like a fresh peach and water.
Canned foods were popular in the 1930s! So him choosing a fresh peach over canned fruit is a possibility.
(But wait, he saw meat! Couldn't he tried that?)
Livestock in the 1930s was valuable, so selling cows, pigs and even sheep for meat would guarantee good money, but knowing Will's ethos he would pick something that wouldn't be an inconvenience; accommodating to those around him.
An extra theory as well! Had this bouncing around my head since my social studies class when we learned about the 1930s
Would it be an odd theory to say that he could have worked on a farm, or even travelled around?
Young men would travel farm-to-farm, looking to work there in exchange for shelter, food, and maybe some pay. (even though they were paid pennies and nickels, it was enough for them.) Maybe William travelled and met someone while out there, a partner, like an "Of Mice and Men" type of scenario. Being alone in the Dust Bowl is pretty exhausting, so pairing up with someone increases your chances of survival.
Perhaps his partner left him to starve in the middle of nowhere, left him behind in a storm, and so you're alone with your thoughts, you'd be confused: What did I do wrong? Did I take something that I wasn't supposed to?
And what's the first thing you'd like to do when you get home? Have clean water and a nice fruit you'd picked yourself, your own treat.
If you made it to the end, thank you so much! This will likely be edited/revised as more ideas enter my head.
Thank you for the ask, anon!
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More questionable tfa headcanons
-Bumblebee and Bulkhead do impressions of Optimus behind his back. Bulkhead actually feels kinda bad about it but that does not stop him. Prowl is not immune to joining in. OP still hasn't caught them.
-Optimus really wants to adopt a dog once he's positive he could adequately take care of one. He loves the idea of keeping a big grey one and naming him Silverbolt, after Silverbolt Major from the great war. It just feels right.
-Starscream will never admit to listening to the dumb sound patterns humans call music, but in private he's a swiftie, and he WILL sing shake it off if nobody's watching.
-Lugnut bakes in his off time, and he keeps trying to spoil Megatron with little treats, as his grand and glorious master deserves little gifts and tributes whenever Lugnut can give them. Sadly, Megatron doesn't actually have much of a sweet tooth so most of Lugnut's edible gifts get passed off to someone else.
-you know that bit in the Allspark almanac where Lugnut is bitching about earth sports and the Tigatron stadium? He has such strong feelings because Blitzwing loves that shit and keeps trying to rope Lugnut into playing. For Blitzwing, it reminds him of his gladiator days, it's a way to have fun and reminisce without killing someone. For Lugnut, it can't compare, it's kinda just a watered down, wussified version of real gladiatorial combat.
-upon discovering ytps, both bumblebee and bulkhead trained their voice synthesizers to be able to mimic the edited sounds. Sometimes they'll use it in the middle of a fight as a sort of secret code so the cons can't pick up on what they're planning to counter it. Optimus has mixed feelings. He doesn't understand what the hell they're saying like 90% of the time, and he recognizes this isn't proper military strategy, but he can't argue with the results. At least they're sort of taking the fights seriously?
-Blitzwing and Blackarachnia fucking hate each other but Megatron frowns upon infighting, so instead of constant violence, they've sort of settled on an escalating cold war of inconveniences and irritants. Neither of them can throw a punch, or set anything up that would result in actual injury, but immobilizing via ice or webs is fine, provided it doesn't affect tactical matters. Blitzwing constantly freezes the locks on BA's door, BA spikes Blitzwing's energon with cyber venom, pretty much anything that could qualify as day ruining. The worst was when Blitzwing covered BA with electronic paint and turned her into a walking rainbow all day.
-prowl wants to volunteer at animal shelters but he's a bit too big to fit in most of the buildings
-both shockwave and starscream are horrible liars but Megatron is terrible at picking up when someone's lying, so starscream's scheming went unnoticed for years and shockwave was sent in as a spy with full confidence that he wouldn't blow his cover.
-ratchet and optimus have been teaching Sari bits of cybertronian. Optimus teaches her the more formal aspects of the language, given there's a high chance she'll be interacting with Ultra Magnus, the guilds domesticus, and other high ranking autobots that warrant a more formal address. Ratchet (Mr "don't call me sir, I work for a living") teaches her more day to day, informal cybertronian. And swears. He teaches her pretty much all the swears.
-when Sari moved in, Optimus learned to cook so she wouldn't have to live off fast food from the burger bot. Which was hell for the big guy because why in primus's name is human fuel so complicated? He used to think sugar was pretty much an energon equivalent, cut and dry. He was wrong. He was so wrong. OP usually has Sari help him out because he cant exactly taste it to make sure it's, you know, actually edible.
-Prowl loves animals and the natural parts of earth with all his spark, but man are some parts of it brutal. When he learned what a parasitoid wasp was he couldn't sleep for days.
-bulkhead actually wants to go to a human art college once the war's over. Maybe not full time but he definitely wants to pick up some classes and learn what he can. Once he gets good enough, he wants to bring that knowledge back to Cybertron and see what other bots do with it.
-Optimus has a collection of skeezy romance novels. The equivalent on Cybertron is kind of an obscure rarity, only really sold in the seediest of places, so he couldn't really believe how easy it was to find smut like that on Earth. The intrinsic human fleshiness of the book characters always weirds him out just a bit, but not enough to ruin it for him. It's not really the pornographic aspect he's interested in, after all, it's the romantic aspect. He keeps his digital stash double encrypted in his datatrax, because he knows if anyone found it (cough cough bumblebee cough) he'd never hear the end of it.
-giving Blitzwing internet access was a mistake. Now he knows what memes are and random has been making that every other decepticon's problem since he found out. Megatron has to constantly guess whether what would normally be a standard Blitzwing non sequitur is actually a setup for Megatron to get laughed at by the entire human internet. He's fallen for updog, he's fallen for Ligma, he will NOT be caught slipping again.
-while he was undercover, once a week, shockwave would call Megatron and complain over a few barrels of oil about what kind of stupid slag his pompous idiot crankshaft coworkers would pull. One of the few autobot names Megatron could remember was Sentinel Prime, solely from the long list of transgressions Shockwave has drunkenly recounted.
-Soundwave hates most humans but he's decided that a few specific bands whose music he likes will be spared when the revolution comes, inferior as they may be.
-Prowl sends jazz earth music sometimes. It's pretty much blown Jazz's mind because most of the music on Cybertron is propaganda songs. He's not really used to songs about things other than war heroes, or even songs with no words at all. Just music for its own sake.
-Sentinel Prime's only friend is Cliffjumper and Cliffjumper only hangs out with him for brown nosing sycophantic reasons, not because he actually likes the guy.
-Ultra Magnus knows he's a corrupt bastard. He doesn't lose sleep over it, as long as his public image is good.
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mod-kyoko · 3 months
phone calls w/ kokichi oma
fandom: danganronpa
tags: drabble(?), fluff, reader is g/n, established relationship
a/n: happy belated birthday, kokichi
kokichi oma does not like phone calls. or texting, even. he prefers irl interactions. so when you call him he always makes sure to answer with an audible sigh. dramatized, of course. and truthfully, even though you're the only one he can stand calling, it still tanks his social battery.
you, on the other hand, love calling your boyfriend. at the end of a busy day, all you want is to hear his voice, and laugh at his silly antics. it's hard to tell whether his exaggerated moaning and groaning about being on the phone is real, because he has said before he doesn't like talking over the phone.
one time you had a particularly bad day. you spilled your favorite drink all over yourself, dropped your food on the kitchen floor, tripped and fell over. pretty much every tiny bad thing that can happen to a person happened to you that day. though they were little things, every inconvenience piled on top of your heart until it felt like it would collapse. at the end of the day when you'd fulfilled all your responsibilities, and could finally relax, you flopped over on your bed, phone in hand.
it rang three times before your boyfriend answered, and greeted you with the usual "y/nnnn, what do you want?? i was about to go to bedddd.."
any other day and you would disregard his whines, but this time his complaints only weighed heavier on your heart, and it might have well been your breaking point.
"kokichi!" you couldn't help raising your voice as the rage boiled over. "i had a really bad day, and all i wanted was to hear your voice! because..." your voice cracked, and before you knew it tears were spilling down your cheeks. you audibly hiccuped into the phone. "because hearing your voice makes me feel better! that's all i wanted. but if you don't want to talk then i'll go. good night."
you left him no chance to respond, and he was silent during your tirade. after jabbing the end call button, you tossed your phone across your bed and shoved your head into the pillow. the cushion muffled your cries and covered your ears, and because of that you almost couldn't hear the ringing from the other end of your bed.
"ugh, who is it..." hastily wiping your tears, you retrieve your phone, and gawk at the screen. the caller id shows that kokichi is calling you. kokichi, who has never dialed a number in his life, was calling you back. with a sniffle, you answered the call, and waited for him to speak.
"y/n, i'm sorry. i didn't know that phone calls were so important to you. although, if you wanted to hear me talk, you should have just said so. i guess i don't mind gracing you with the opportunity to listen to my perfect, angelic voice."
his apology might have turned egotistical, but you knew he genuinely cared. a chuckle escaped you, and you leaned back into your comfy bed.
"i really do love the sound of your voice, i could listen to it for hours. it's so soothing," you knew this would only inflate his self-image, but you had to let him know. soon enough, your muscles relaxed and you sank into your mattress.
"say less! how about i tell you about my day? i had the best idea for a prank, and actually pulled it off! my victim was keebo. god, he's so dumb i can't believe he fell for it!"
as you listened to him ramble, you felt your eyelids droop. your body was ready to get some sleep, and you figured kokichi wouldn't mind if you fell asleep during the call. he would probably be excited to get off.
"and so i pulled the string, and he chased after the dollar like a dog! what an idiot! apparently robots can't run really fast, so i ran away with the dollar. watching him slouch over in defeat and give up was gold. oh! i got it on video! i'll send it to you."
by the time he finished his story, you had already dozed off.
"y/n?" he called out. "y/n?" he was met with silence again. "oh, you're asleep." he lowered his voice into a whisper. "i guess i'll go to sleep too." those were the last words he said that night, before the both of you were asleep.
the next morning, when you awoke and grabbed your phone to look at the time, you realized that neither of you had ended the call, and were delighted to hear kokichi's low snoring on the other end.
your face heated up at the thought of kokichi left leaving the call going all night just for you, that he was so vulnerable to sleep next to the phone with you. you didn't want it to end, so you put the phone down and closed your eyes, listening to his steady breathing.
all-night phone calls became a frequent occurrence between the two of you after that.
-mod kyoko
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
hello~~ can i request a woozi imagine where reader is sick but refuses to tell woozi bc she doesn’t want him to worry but he finds out anyways? thank you!!
Tumblr media
sick with woozi! ✧˖°.
this is a cute idea and probably a canon event 😭
i imagine you're probably a hard worker and a borderline workaholic like woozi
so it's no surprise you've overworked yourself and wake up the next day feeling so under the weather
for once, jihoon got up before you, which was his first red flag
he sat up in bed and saw you shivering in your sleep
but he brushed it off, thinking you must've just been cold
he kissed your nose before leaving to go to work, not forgetting to fix your blankets in case it really was too cold
the next red flag was when it was around lunch time and he still didn't receive a text from you
"that's weird," he says as he snacks on something in his studio.
he thinks "well, it's not like they always have to text first. this is a two-sided relationship, so i'll just text to check in."
jihoon: hey y/n, i hope you're doing well
you respond rather quickly
you: omg i totally forgot to text, i woke up late and had to rush to work, so i barely had time
jihoon: it's fine, really
jihoon: are you feeling alright?
you: yeah! i'm feeling great, what about you?
he shrugged off his concern immediately, trusting you completely
little did he know, you were at work, but you were feeling terrible
you had the chills, your head was killing you, you could barely breathe, and you felt like time was passing way too slowly
but you thought that you wouldn't want him to worry about you
he's the type to helicopter over you, texting and checking in every chance he gets
and even worse, he might ask to get off work early so he can care for you
which you don't want because you know how much jihoon loves his work
the next red flag came when jihoon knew you'd get off work
you always got off work before him because he loves working at nighttime
and to make up for him always working, he has you video call him and you guys just chill on call until he gets off of work and meets with you in person
he calls you and you pick up, but you refuse to show your face in the camera
that wasn't the red flag though
because he thought, "hmm, maybe they don't want to show their face today, and that's okay"
but when he goes "hey, how was work?"
and you respond nasally with "it was pretty good, thanks for asking"
his eyebrows furrow
"you sound different"
"oh, really? it's probably my allergies"
"are you taking medicine for it?"
"yeah, don't worry about it, ji."
only he IS going to worry about it
jihoon is not dumb
he still responds with "okay, hope you feel better"
it was fine until he was almost done with work, and he was going to check in with you again thru the call, but you were sound asleep
"y/n, are you sleeping? did you even eat first?"
but there was no response
everything about you today was really odd to him and he knew it couldn't just be allergies
he tried to be rational, thinking "i have slept 20 hours in a day before, so it's fine if they sleep a lot"
but he can't help but feel a little worried for you
he does rush to your home a bit quicker than usual
he goes straight to where you were sleeping, which was on the couch
this was when all the alarms went off in his head
and the way his eyebrows furrow and a frown forms on his face when he sees you shivering, breathing unevenly, and sniffling in your sleep
"i knew it," he laughs to himself
he goes and grabs a thermometer and takes your temperature, shaking his head when he sees the fever
he shakes you gently
"oh, hey, jihoon. welcome home-"
"let's get you some food first, and then i'll warm up a bath for you, yeah?"
"what? i'm feeling fine-"
"you're not fine," he shows you the thermometer. "if you're sick, why didn't you tell me? i could've come home early-"
"that's the point. i didn't want to inconvenience you or make you worry..."
"you're not inconveniencing me. i'm just taking care of you the way you would take care of me. don't ever think otherwise."
and that's when you start crying, like a sick baby who wants comfort
he pulls you into a hug, not knowing how else to soothe you
he whispers sweet nothings into your ear like "y/n, you're okay," "please don't cry, baby," and "i'm here now, let me help"
you melt into him
he quietly cares for you
he cooks you a simple dinner and even washes the dishes afterward while you sit in a warm bubble bath he prepared for you
he then waits for you to get dressed and do the rest of your night routine, then guides you to bed, where he tucks you in
he even gets multiple different blankets in case you get the chills again
he stays up all night, going between working on his laptop, rubbing your back, replacing the cold, wet rag on your forehead, and helping you whenever you need to get up in the middle of the night for more medicine or to vomit
he probably won't kiss you or get too close while you're sick, but he'd still care for you in any way he can
overall, jihoon really cares about you. he loves his work almost as much as you, but don't feel like you're inconveniencing him. he understands this comes with being in a relationship with someone you love.
please trust him next time. he wants you to rely on him sometimes, even though he loves it when you both are your own individual, independent people a lot of the time!
thank you so much for the request! i hope you enjoyed this. feel free to request more ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i also don't mind writing about other svt members ς(>‿<.))
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merakiui · 1 year
What are your thoughts on reverse isekai where Azul really appears out of nowhere in the reader's world/room? It'd be funny if he just loses his mind over it because how did he mess up with his chanting of his ancient spells that he ended up (miserably) there.
And the reader finds him very pitiful and offer a temporary stay for him. He accepted reluctantly.
Omg maybe twst isn't a game in your world, so you have no idea who this strange man is and why he's waving some cane around trying to cast a spell on you LOL. ^^;;; after all of the commotion is settled and Azul stops speaking in spells and hexes, none of which have any effect, the both of you hesitantly introduce yourselves. He's Azul Ashengrotto, a mage who hails from a place known as Twisted Wonderland. That sounds positively absurd, but then to Azul the idea of a world without any magic is just as foreign. How do you possibly live? It's so strange... More importantly, if magic is nonexistent here, does that mean he can't transform back to his original form? Is he stuck in his human form? Not that that's the most pressing worry; it's actually more of a relief.
Even so, despite your reluctant hospitality and willingness to let him stay (for now), he doesn't trust you. You're right to be wary of him as well. Neither of you know the other, and the fact that he just suddenly appeared in your room all because of, in his words, "an incorrect incantation" sounds very suspicious. But he proves to you he really is a mage by showing you the strange stone on the cane, explaining in great detail its purpose and importance. You don't really understand a lot of this, but it's such a detailed explanation. Surely he wouldn't make all of that up...
Azul's ultimate goal is to (hopefully) return home. This is something he sticks with for a while, always grousing over how inconvenient it is that he can't use magic to solve such complex problems (the "complex problems" being laundry duty or washing dishes. He's gotten rather comfortable and lazy in your presence, but he adamantly denies it when you bring it up. He reasons he can be this way because you hardly know him and his achievements or pitfalls, and he'll be leaving soon anyway. There's no point in getting too friendly, and if you're letting him freeload in your home... Why shouldn't he relax in a stressful situation? He can think with his brain later!) You annoy him with your incessant questions and constant disbelief and doubt, but then he also annoys you with his grandiose ego and lofty confidence. Azul cannot wait to get back to Twisted Wonderland. This world isn't so different from his own, but it's without magic and as someone who depends on magic to do specific tasks that require magical aid... It makes his life so very difficult.
But then he actually befriends you. Suddenly, he's something of a roommate, albeit a roommate who's quite the demanding nuisance. Azul thought a magic-less world was the worst of his problems, but now he's actually getting attached to you. To you, someone he couldn't stand initially! Now, rather than being curt and distant, he sits beside you on the sofa to binge movies and shows and the two of you fall asleep together. Now he's helping you in the kitchen rather than bickering over who should cook and how "if you knew how to cast a simple spell, this would be so much easier!" Now he's learning that he's relied too much on his magical prowess. And now, unfortunately, he's not so sure he even wants to go home (if that's an option anymore).
Azul would be much more at ease to keep this relationship strictly business: you provide him with shelter and food while he works to solve this situation. In fact, he thinks he'd be better off hating you and acting annoyed because that helps him feel less attached. But he can't ignore the mounting enjoyment he feels when he's with you. This is the most fun he's had in a long time, and he likes your company. He likes cleaning the house with you, going shopping and grousing over budgets together, exploring the city you live in and seeing what it has to offer, getting to know you on a personal level... He thinks he may have gone insane because he catches himself telling you things he'd never want anyone back at NRC to know. He talks so openly about his aspirations and hopes because he's grown to trust you. He knows you're a safe friend, and it's been so long since he's had this kind of security in a friendship. And you genuinely support him! You tell him you know he can turn Mostro Lounge into a franchise, and your cheers for his success are so authentic and supportive. (And of course he can do that and more! He's Azul Ashengrotto, after all!)
Maybe, if he does find a way home, he can take you with him and show you part of his world. Wouldn't that be so wonderful?
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i absolutely love how you wrote the adonis fic 😭😭 <33 ur writing is just so *chef's kiss*
can i req undead hcs with a s/o who has the same illness as rei?
as always keep up da good work and have an amazing day/night ^^
» u r very sweet as always haha, tysm!! im not sure what rei has in canon, but i wrote this with anemia in mind! enjoy ur day as well & may these headcanons be to ur liking, h4kaze!! ☆
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prompt: an s/o that has the same illness as rei
character(s): rei sakuma, kaoru hakaze, adonis otogari, koga oogami
pairing(s): UNDEAD x gn!reader
warnings: N/A, fluff
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☆ — REi SAKUMA !!
rei is obviously no stranger to this. he's 'been there done that', as they say, and therefore knows how to take care of you quite well, as well as offering advice.
alongside that, you two often help each other out depending on the situation. since you have to deal with it anyway, you might as well do it together.
he usually brings two of everything he needs. for example, during summer, he brings two umbrellas if you or him had to go outside for longer periods.
he makes sure you take breaks often, too. he doesn't want you to overwork yourself, especially if you wear out easily.
rei has apologized to you multiple times if he's ever "too invasive", due to constantly being around you and trying to help you out with everything. he would rather not have you experience the same things he did, even though that was pretty dramatic.
nevertheless, he is a very kind individual and makes sure to show his love in his own ways.
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kaoru wasn't exactly the best at taking care of others, especially someone with such a specific condition. still, you could tell he was trying his best.
he hasn't exactly done much research into it at all, but he probably wouldn't either. he loved you, but unless you sat him down and did it with him, he'd likely get distracted and forget about it completely.
kaoru's known to panic a little when you ask him for help. chances are, he wouldn't know what to do and you'd probably have to explain it to him, even if you're on your last dying breath. not that he wouldn't try to help before that, too.
he regularly carries you around places. it's a lot faster and he has less to worry about if you're with him the whole time. most notably, he often takes you to the infirmary with him.
kaoru uses your condition as an excuse to be around you more often. as your partner, he cares about you and he does insist on spending time with you as often as possible. and he doesn't mind having to help you every so often.
at some point he starts bringing extra money so he can buy you whatever you'd like that'd help you. specifically food and water, but you're known for buying other things, too.
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adonis already knows what to do. he's done enough research before, even going as far as to ask rei a bunch of questions to help him figure out what to do.
he also asks you questions, too, everytime he thinks of a scenario that could happen, he goes to you in order to know what to do in the future.
he's known to carry you around places, too, because he feels bad leaving you all by yourself, even if you're going to be okay.
if it's a particularly hot day, adonis will likely bring water and an umbrella along, though after making sure that it's what you need and won't just be an extra inconvenience (not that he'd mind either way).
he takes great care to be around you at all times. he wants nothing more than to make sure you're safe, because you are his top priority as his significant other.
adonis sends you letters sometimes. he's not good with tech, and although he's very determined to keep learning, he has settled on checking up on you through letters. you don't need to respond, they're just small reminder to take care of yourself and not do anything stupid.
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☆ — KOGA OOGAMi !!
i'll prefix this by saying that koga isn't too sure what he's doing either, but he's mostly following your instructions.
that being said, he likely wouldn't do anything for you if you didn't ask it directly. he cares, but he isn't sure what help is necessary or at all wanted. he'll only step up if he notices you're actively harming yourself.
he did not like asking for help from rei in order to understand what was going on, and he didn't want to embarrass himself around you, either, which is why he went on online forums instead.
that being said, he has been of great help. with how quickly he comes to your aid and how, albeit gradually, learns to understand you and how to help you.
koga has accepted that, even though he enjoys being outside, going out on dates with you is better kept inside, at least during summer. he was bummed out for the first two months and then finally accepted it after you told him that he doesn't have to hang out with you in order to be outside.
he thinks it's funny to call rei infectious because of how similar your condition is, even if he knows that's absolutely not the case.
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halfbit · 4 months
- oc quote tag
thank you @teethcrunchrr, his post is here!
My prompt: a quote about their closest friend (how do they show affection? What do they appreciate in a person?) Your prompt: a quote about something they've lost (a physical object, a friend, their soul, etc)
Wolf: "Look, I'll give you some advice on the house. The best friend you can ever have is money. Cash, coins, capital. Family isn't forever, and friends give up on you. If you have money you have food in your stomach and a roof over your head. That's all you need to keep going, right? That other stuff? Don't need it. Trust me, I can walk away from these guys anytime. Don't let the fickle things hold you down. Just keep going, whatever it takes."
Boram: "My best friend is my boss when he pays me. My enemy is my boss who doesn't pay me enough. The girl at the convenience store was also nice."
Lily: "I'd really like to make a friend! Wolf and Solei are nice but I don't think we're friends. Wolf is more like a brother and Solei is like... Um, he's more like a dog? Is that mean?"
Solei: "That's... difficult! I'm grateful for so many people. Lately, it might be Wolf? He doesn't act like it, but it's hard not to get close to someone when you're sharing a bedroll most nights. I mean, I need to stop him from talking to people sometimes, but he hasn't tried to- well we haven't been caught. Haha, uh, I mean my mother tried to raise me well, she said some people just need extra care, I think he's just like that. He wouldn't do anything, no, well, ahem. He just has a unique personality, and there's nothing wrong with that, and I shouldn't judge him."
Beltran: "I don't know who blessed me, but I'm glad they did. She's done so much for me, too much, I don't deserve it— No one does. I'm grateful for her everyday, and my only wish is to see her change the world like she did mine."
Crane: "I talk to the shadows in the corners of my room and pray they keep me safe at night, I know at times they fail but I want to believe they're trying. Everything will be alright."
Merile: "I respect a person who doesn't make a crowd — a thought I'm certain couldn't cross that Aldot's thick head even if his precious sword did the carving. Stars forbid a man apologize for his own inconvenience."
Karina: "It's alright, I won't stop you. He's always been stubborn, so just... please tell me when it's over. I don't want him to do this alone. Please."
Fenn: "Both of them, I feel at home. Karina has given me opportunities to do what I love, and there's no one easier to talk to than Beltran. It's rare to know people you don't have to play pretend for."
Baltasar: "He was someone I trusted more than myself. I did all this for him, asking me to stop is saying he's not worth remembering. That is the one thing I will never do."
gently tagging @mr-orion and @kaylinalexanderbooks and leaving an open tag for anyone who would like to jump in
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