#doing the plural thing (affectionate)
askamnesiamoonjumper · 5 months
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me after editing the aau prologue for the bajillionth time
#First chapter I changed the opening bc I always thought it felt off/abrupt and wanted to have it be prince pov from the start#I wanna get in his head more ok sue me#Beyond that tho it was just some wording edits#Specifically with the internal dialogue moments I helped them flow more/feel more like thoughts#Also mj gets a bit more of their usual edge/pessimism bc the prologue they always felt a bit too “ówò sad poor smol bean” or whatever#That’s it tho chapter 4 I didn’t change bc it’s peak#Did add some teases to later things tho like snatch senses mjs soul at the end of his chap but doesn’t realize it#Or like I added the Not Now running thing in the earlier chapters bc it was more of a chapter 4 thing so I wanted 2 set it up more so boom#I think that’s all the notable edits ig like I said just description additions the only actual new thing is the opener for chap 1 👍#Also also I got to include a hc that I have that I neglected to do before but I hc a!prince used plural internal dialogue#Because lol we love dramatic irony in this house#Grace post#this reminds me tho one of these days I should look through heart strings chapter one to look for editing things#Bc I think I did that recently but I don’t remember it much tho#Mostly just when the Hat stuff starts that was the parts I never directly rewrote I just edited them so they feel out of place in my brain#Also I’d wanna edit her dialogue bc it *was* in character (after rereading her diary’s to confirm) but I wanna have her be a bit more snark#Hat is Hard bc i Need the balance of cute little kid and also smug little shit (affectionate) like she is a pain to write man cries#This is just me rambling lol ignore it I just wanted to spam aau thoughts#In other news I made shapes redesigns but I’m on the fence on posting them bc idk if I wanna spoil or not hhhhhhhhh#Nowadays I’m more chill w spoiling things than I used to be#But there are a handful of things I’ve kept shut about (ex being princes name or mjs species stuff etc)#So I’m not sure if this thing with shapes i should keep secret or just post bc I used to spoil it but idk now#Shrugs#maybe I’ll do a poll later I dunno#Ok yapping over byeeeeee
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oncillaphoenix · 1 year
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weirdly elated to discover that N does, in fact, mention his sisters Literally Ever
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I am too powerful
These ones actually fit which is good because we're like 6'4"
Socks by Sock Dreams! Really really good socks!!!
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haley-harrison · 4 months
tbh the main cause of shipping wars is that jackles is too good at his job. Man has convincing chemistry with most of his coworkers, so depending on which scenes you focus on, you can gather a convincing argument for your ship of choice.
like if you look just at the first three seasons, j2 have such insane chemistry you have to be blind not to notice. (case in point, even my mother, who is otherwise a normal 62-y-o was like 'well that's not a normal brother relationship'). add the lack of significant alternative options, and it's clear why the early days had so many wincest shippers. Like, duh. You see two hot guys who look at each other with adoration (and lip-licking), brain's gonna ship. Fiction isn't reality anyway.
However, then comes s4. Now, I think Misha is awesome and funny and great, and obviously he and Jensen hit it off. Enough that it shows on screen. That said, the script was still written as Kripke intended, which is that Sam and Dean are obsessed with each other.
Because it's a fact, that Kripke read Siken's Crush, and also On the Road, and wrote Sam and Dean very much under that influence. And if you read either of those, you know they're about gay lovers.
So. There's a conflict between the script (which is samdean coded), and the acting (where jenmish actually gets more and more intense with time).
And the thing is, both sides of the fandom have solid 'evidence' on why their ship is (practically) canon. And it sucks to see people actually fight and insult each other.
I am a multishipper: I have an OTP but I see the appeal of other pairings and occasionally read those too. And I wish we could all see that plurality of opinions is good. Fiction is meant to be discussed, there isn't one correct answer.
At the end of the day, we're here to have fun with this trash show (affectionate), so maybe let's do that without judging?
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skellseerwriting · 27 days
Pirates and Prejudice (and Dragons)
James Hook x GN! Dragon Rider!Reader Part 5 (End)
Part 1
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Reader is disabled (prosthetic foot) and I am not disabled, so if anyone who’s reading this is please let me know if anything is written weirdly or wrongly
Word Count: 4,000
Warnings: Mentions of prosthetics, mention of dragon hunting, brief description of a dragon scar, brief description of being high above the ground (for those with aerophobia), brief detailed description of eating a berry (this gets a whole warning in and of itself), romantic tension, love confessions, kissing,
Summary: Reader makes plans to show Hook what life is like for them as a dragon rider. Reader does this because they’re trying to find the perfect moment to confess to Hook.
Important Note!: “Hands”(plural) is used to describe Hook’s hand AND hook. Except within context of referring his hook(left hand), “hand”(singular) refers to his right hand. Despite the fact that Hook’s prosthetic does not look or function like a hand, it is in place of one, therefore it still IS his hand. The same to be said for reader’s feet and their prosthetic foot still being their foot. If you wore a wig 24/7, you wouldn’t constantly say “wig”. You would probably say “hair” a lot, despite it not being your real hair.
A couple of weeks had gone by since you were at the Jolly Roger, and things were looking up. You and Hook began hanging out more and more, laughing and joking all the while you were together. You were more affectionate, calling each other pet names too. In the meantime, you were planning.
This included a myriad of things: Asking Bridget for some food favors (baked goods, along with some simple food preparation), keeping an eye on the weather report, and taking several flights on Beastie to check out the nearby landscapes.
So far, it was all going well. Except for the nerves.
Each passing day, butterflies grew and grew every time you talked to Hook. Ever since he almost kissed you in his office, you had to exert all your willpower to not grow pink thinking of it. To make it worse, you were almost always reminded whenever you were around him or looking at the necklace he gave you. Multiple times he caught you randomly blushing and would ask with that pretty accent: “What’s got you all flustered, darling?” Making you, in turn, even more flustered.
You could hardly complain though. At least his teasing all-but-confirmed for you that he held you in some sort of romantic regard; you rarely saw him be any kind of flirtatiousness with others, and even then it was surface level.
Why didn’t you just confess and kiss him yet? Great question. It’s because you were scared.
Not necessarily scared that he would reject you, but rather you couldn’t find the right moment to bring yourself to do any of that. So, you were planning something for the two of you. Then, during that, you’d finally make your move.
“James!” You jumped behind him in surprise, clinging your fingers onto his shoulders. He turned around, face lighting up as he saw you.
“Hello Dearie. What is it?” He asked. your hands glided down his arms and into his own, one in his palm and the other curled around his hook.
“Meet me at the entrance gate after school.” You said cheekily. He looked positively bemused.
You brought his hands to your face and gave each a tiny kiss.
“Because I’m going to take you on an adventure!”
He gawked at you; flabbergasted (and turning a lovely shade at the tiny kisses).
“What?” He gasped. Your eyes twinkled.
“I,” you said slowly, beginning to walk away backwards and gently letting go of him. “Am taking you on an adventure. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”
As you moved farther and farther away, Hook’s eyes stayed on yours. Then, right before you turned the corner, you saw the briefest of smiles begin to make its way onto his face.
“So, where are you taking me on this fine afternoon?” Hook asked with his air of usual charm. There was some sort of unsureness behind it, though you couldn’t guess why.
“That,” you quoted him again. “Is something you’ll have to wait for.”
He groaned, eyes rolling, hating having his words used against him. After that, he was in your space again, tugging on your sleeve.
“Surely you can give me something.” He begged, then brought his mouth close to your ear, whispering: “Please, Darling? I would do anything for the slightest hint.”
You went red at that, mind instantly flooding with the exact request you would give. But no, you shook your head. You wouldn’t give in. He didn’t give up, however, angling his nose to brush below your ear ever-so gently.
“Please?” He asked tenderly, moving his hands up your shoulders and to the base of your neck, rubbing his thumb over the bare skin.
You could do it now, you realized. You could kiss him. You could bring your hands to his face and kiss him like how you’d been fantasizing these past couple of weeks.
But you’d also been planning this for weeks. You wanted it to be special.
“No, James.” You sighed with disappointment, removing his hands from you (gently, so as not to make him think his hands were unwelcome there). “You’re just going to have to wait.”
He wriggled his arm out of your grasp and brought it to your chin, angling it towards him. As you looked into his eyes, you realized his gaze was a bit lower on your face than your own.
“But what if I don’t want to wait?” He whispered, bringing his thumb to your lower lip.
Something large descended from the sky and nearly knocked you two over.
You both spoke at the same time, and Hook staggered backwards, unbalanced. He latched onto you, keen on taking you down with him. In turn, you grasped Beastie’s saddle. What was left was Hook hanging from you as you put all your strength into staying upright.
“You’re so heavy.” You grunted, pulling him upright. He took the opportunity to throw his weight into you, forcing you to put your arms around him for support; he did the same.
“Hello there.” He said with a charming smile.
“Hi.” You replied. Then, you turned around to check the side bags on Beastie’s saddle. They were still secure, along with the contents inside (you’d done that a few hours ago, before sending Beastie off again to come back when school was over).
“Right.” You began, swiveling back to Hook, his hands now loosely around your waist. “Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?”
And with that you swung your leg over Beastie and onto the saddle.
“An adventure!”
As the words -and your action- processed in his brain, his eyes widened. A cheeky grin grew on his face and he brought his hand to your waist again. Quick and eager, he tried hopping on behind you. Fumbling terribly, he almost slid off.
“Need a little help there?” You snickered. His grip on you tightened.
“No,” he huffed. “What kind of man am I if I can’t mount a dragon?”
“So humble.” You commented sarcastically, tapping on the reigns.
Eventually, his other arm wrapped around you as he was further seated.
“Is this saddle even big enough for two?” He asked, shuffling forward and leaving no space between the two of you.
“I think it’ll be spacious enough.” You chuckled, scooting up a bit to provide him more room. He instantly took that space.
“And will it be safe?” He questioned, excitement still present in his voice, laying his head on your shoulder. You gave yourself a moment to ruffle his hair.
“As safe as riding a dragon can be!”
“That’s reassuring.”
And then you were off.
Beastie flew gently; barely cutting through the air after you rose off of the solid ground. You glided just over the treetops as you headed to your planned destination; Waiting until later for more extreme flying.
“Whoo!” Hook shouted, looking at the leaves beneath his feet. “You get to do this everyday?”
You laughed.
“This isn’t even that exciting, James. We’re dropping our things off at the spot first.”
“Easy for you to say.” He spoke, and you could hear the joy in his voice. “I’ve never ridden a dragon before!”
You playfully rolled your eyes, moving the reigns a bit so Beastie would sway back and forth; make things a little interesting for Hook. You could feel her lungs expand and deflate between your knees, bobbing up and down slightly with the flap of her expansive wings. There was a time that you had never done this before. And yeah, even though the first time was extremely mild to what you were used to now, it was exciting when you were young.
“Just you wait.” You promised. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
In response, he nuzzled his face into your neck. “Whatever you say, darling.”
And so you stayed like that for a little while as the air coursed through the both of you; enjoying each other’s presence in silence. Approaching in front of you, the terrain turned rocky as the beginning of mountains and rocks emerged from the earth. It was on top of the widespread area of one of these cliff faces that you landed, detaching the bags from Beastie.
“You doing all right girl?” You asked, petting her snout. She’d hardly ever had more than one person on her. Letting out a content snort, she gently pushed her nose into your palm.
“Of course.” You said, grabbing a treat for her. “You deserve it.”
Sitting on the grass, Hook observed you and your dragon.
“You’ve known her a long time, haven’t you?” He asked softly with his hand on his cheek.
“Two years now.” You replied, feeding her by hand. “Which is a long time, but many dragon riders have had theirs for much longer.”
“Is she common?”
You snorted. “Definitely not.”
You moved down to her wing, lifting it up with Beastie’s aide. Underneath it on her side was matte, scarred skin that contrasted heavily with the iridescent shimmer of the rest of her.
“Hunters.” You explained. “Tried to kill her for her scales.”
“Not even capture her for continual harvest? Or breeding for more? Just, kill?”
You let out a frustrated sigh. “Yep.”
“Well,” he got up, making his way over to rest a hand on Beastie alongside you. “I suppose it’s a good thing she’s got such a lovely owner to look after her.”
You turned bashful.
“I mean,” you stammered. “It’s the least I can do.”
“No.” Hook shook his head, bringing the curve of his cold, metal hook to your cheek in a non-threatening way. “You do more than just the bare minimum. You truly love her; I see it in the way you care for her. When she’s upset you can calm her down with a single touch. It goes both ways, too. She helps distract you from your phantoms pains, and she’ll track you down from wherever to find you. You have a truly special connection with her.” His hand drops and he takes on a wistful expression. “I feel stupid for saying this, but I’m jealous of a dragon.”
Letting out a little laugh, you grab both his hands.
“James, I would give up my life for Beastie.” He frowns. “But that doesn’t mean that what you and I have isn’t special either.” You interlock your left fingers with his right hand and wrap your right ones around his hook. You began to feel warm as you shared with him. “We have a solidarity. We’ve lost a piece of ourselves, but managed to find dear replacements that aide us in living our lives to the fullest. We didn’t let it hold us down, but empower us to push further. You managed to attain that with your likened crew; I managed to do it alone with Beastie. People in this world try and tell us that we can’t go on with what’s happened to us, but they’re wrong.” Your voice breaks a little as you smile. “They’re wrong James. They’re so wrong. We can have lives full of wonder and accomplishment. You showed me that with your life aboard the Jolly Roger. And today,” you move around him to hop back on Beastie; hand outstretched. “I’m showing you my life.”
With a happy blush dusting his cheeks, Hook grabbed your hand and pulled himself right on to the saddle.
“You’re getting better.” you complimented.
“I have a great teacher.” He teased back.
“And here I use to think you would find dragon riding dirty, considering how nice your clothes are.”
“Hey,” he sassed. “It takes a lot of pirating to look this good.”
“If by that you mean ‘steal’, then yeah.”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Beastie took sharply to the skies.
“Whoa-“ Hook grunted, latching onto your waist as he started to careen backwards.
“Don’t worry!” You shouted over the wind as you ascended near-vertically; tears beginning to stream from your eyes at the cutting air. “If you fall, Beastie can catch you! Goodness knows how many times it happened to me in the beginning!”
All Hook could manage was to blubber out incoherent words. You tried not to be so amused at his shock of the intensity of flight.
Soon after, Beastie slowly adjusted her angling, turning more horizontal every minute. As you continued higher and higher, the air grew a bit thinner and fairly chilly. You were accustomed to it; it stopped bothering you quite some time ago. Hook, on the other hand, began acting like he was freezing to death.
“Is it normally this cold?” He shivered, strangling your waist for warmth.
“Yes, but you get used to it.”
He pushed his cold nose into your neck. “How? I’m wearing more layers than you!”
Ignoring his dramatics, you reached an arm back to nudge his face away.
“Because,” you told him, making sure to let the awe seep through your voice. “Then you get to see the view.”
You heard a gasp, and you easily fathomed why. The ground below was terrifyingly far away as you climbed higher and higher, but the autumn leaves of the forest painted a jaw dropping picture of colors swirling together. That wasn’t all; they were only the half of it.
In the sky around you drifted giant orange clouds, which were much more massive and impressive up close. The dimming red and yellow of the sky behind it all served as a pretty backdrop, tying it all together.
“Look!” Hook exclaimed, poking you to turn around. “It’s the harbor!”
The wind quieted as you slowed to turn around to look at it, and you were glad you did. The ocean was visible, and the microscopic shifting of the water still glittered even from here. The ships at the harbor were much too far to see individually, but it brought you joy knowing that Hook’s ship was there nonetheless.
“And there’s Found Island!” He cheered, pointing to where it was near the shore. So that was its name.
“Are you having fun?” You asked, wishing you could easily turn around and see his expression.
“Of course!”
“Hang on then!”
He obeyed, bringing his arm back to hold you tight. And with that you began what you considered the best part of flying. Being so high up, you used gravity’s help to move you forward as you sliced through the air in a near-glide.
The wind pricked your face like tiny needles while slicing your cheeks like little knives. It snapped through your hair and pummeled your torso.
It tried to conquer you. You greeted it like an old friend.
Leaning forward even farther to swiftly buckle some belts onto the harness attached to your leather breastplate, you then leaned back and let go of the reigns.
Telling Hook that it was okay, you spread your arms wide; like wings.
The air didn’t relent and tried to push you back off the saddle. You held.
You let out an earsplitting cry, laughing at the wind. Hook jolted at the sound.
“You think you can tear me down!” You shouted at it. “But you can’t! I’m back again and I will never back down!”
You craned your neck to look at a surprised Hook, but that quickly turned into excitement for your sake.
“You tell them!” He encouraged, squeezing your sides in support. Rotating back around, you continued to tell the wind, the gravity, the world, just what you thought.
 “When I fall I’ll just fly back up again. I am a force that cannot be stopped. You lose! Do you hear me!” You grinned. “I win! Because I will never give up, no matter what!” You ended with one more ear splitting cry, reveling in the joy of freedom.
Calming down now, you leaned down again and took control of the reins.
An air of silence washed over you, minus the wind that still demanded its presence be heard. But it seemed softer somehow after that.
“I think I see now.” Hook told you, lips behind your ear. “I understand why you fly- what it means to you.”
He sounded so tender and caring, and all you wanted right then was to turn around and kiss him. You wanted him to feel your love in his bones, and to understand exactly how you felt about him.
You smiled. “Thank you, James.” was all you let out, lest you confess everything right then and there.
After that, you made the flight back to the spot with your stuff.
Before landing, you felt light and airy. But, as soon as your feet touched the ground, they felt heavy. Every step pulled you into the grass, and you sighed. You always hated this part.
Sensing your feelings, Hook rubbed your shoulder.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to fly on the way back.”
You smiled at his encouragement.
Several minutes later you laid out what was in the bags; a picnic blanket and multiple types of food (thanks Bridget).
“All this for me?” He awed in wonder. You wrinkled your nose.
“It’s for both of us.”
He sent back an aloof expression.
As you both settled down -leaning against each other, coincidently- and began to eat what was technically dinner, Hook turned rightwards to you.
“Is this a date?”
You choked on your sandwich. Hacking on bread, you scrambled to grab a water bottle. Hook grabbed it for you, twisting the cap off with his teeth and setting it in your hands. You desperately brought it to your lips, gulping half of it down in mere seconds. Gasping, you wiped at your mouth with the back of your hand. You whipped your head towards him.
He turned sheepish, averting his gaze to the pattern on the quilt.
“Well, is it?” He mumbled, before looking back at you through his eyelashes. “You can say yes; I don’t mind.”
You gaped like a fish. It hadn’t even crossed your mind.
“I guess…” you began slowly. “I guess it is.”
In response, Hook turned giddy and grabbed your left hand, squeezing it.
“Good.” Was all he said, then used his hook to pluck berries out of a bowl.
Well, how were you supposed to just be normal after that?
He continued to eat them directly off the tip, and you watched in slight fascination. Noticing, he side-eyed you before he was about to take another bite. Bringing his hand forward, he asked you:
“Want a bite?”
You flushed, mind drawing blank.
“Well? I thought you wanted to eat it.” He moved the berry up and down. “Why else you would you be staring?” He added with a knowing, teasing grin.
Refusing to give into his stupid, silly game of teasing you whenever he could, you did exactly what he wanted.
Being as slow as possible with all the time in the world, you tenderly grabbed the metal around his wrist. You brought his hook forward, wrapping your lips around the berry- and a bit of the metal- and pulling it off. You closed your eyes as you chewed it, feeling the skin break as the juice coated your mouth. After swallowing it, you let out a mmm in satisfaction, then slowly opened your eyes again.
Hook was turning into a red mess; completely frozen. You resisted smiling as you examined his hook, tilting it back and forth. There was some juice where the berry had been, and before thinking, you leaned forward to lick it off. Hook jolted and pulled his hand away.
“C-careful.” He stammered, panicking. “It’s very sharp.”
While that was true, you knew it was mostly an excuse. Feeling your confidence wear off, however, you began to turn a little pink yourself.
“Sorry.” You cough.
“Don’t mention it.” He mumbled into his hand.
“Should I have-“ you fumbled, inclining towards him. “Should I have asked to grab your hand? Just like you did with my foot?” You knew you had grabbed his hook before when you held his hands, but this felt different. You had taken control of it and moved it as you pleased.
“No, no.” He said softly, looking away again. “You can touch my hook whenever you’d like. It feels… nice.”
Oh. You didn’t expect to hear that.
“Well,” you said awkwardly. “You can touch my foot whenever you’d like. Not that there are many situations that would present that opportunity.”
He brought his hand down, nodding slightly.
“Which reminds me.” He told you, reaching for your left hand, grasping it surprisingly tight. “I wanted to apologize.”
He sucked in a breath. “Yes. I wanted to apologize… for how I treated you the first few weeks of school.” After that the words flew out smoother. “You were completely innocent in what you said to me when we first met; I completely misconstrued your words. I shouldn’t have been so quick to react the way I did. Especially with deciding to bully you about it after and- Gosh I’m such an idiot.”
Hearing his words filled you with warmth. You didn’t think he’d find it within his pride to properly apologize -not that you had really cared at this point- but the fact that he actually did meant so much to you.
“Oh, James.” You reached for him, placing your empty hand in his soft hair. “I forgive you. Truly, I do. It did bother me at first while it was happening, but I can honestly tell you it doesn’t bother me anymore, because I-“
You caught yourself, then quickly tried to pull away. Hook stopped you, tugging you closer by the hand he was holding. Nearly falling into him, you moved your hands to his chest to push yourself upright.
He wrapped his arms around your waist,  but this time, there was no easy justification.
“Finish your sentence.” He whispered, face so close to yours. “Please.”
You swallowed, and suddenly your throat felt dry. His grip on you was solid. You couldn’t. Could you?
Opening your mouth, you tried to push the words out.
“It doesn’t bother me anymore,” you repeated, eyes looking up and blinking multiple times. “Because I-“ you faltered. “Because I-“ you shut your eyes. “Because I love you.”
There. You said it.
You pried your eyes open, fearing the worst.
Hook’s mouth was wide open; at a loss for words. Well so much for honesty. Before your heart would shatter, you tried to pull away again, thinking you would be successful due to his shock. What actually happened, however, was you being pulled even further into his embrace. Before you could register what was happening, you felt a pair of lips against your own.
He was kissing you.
Hook. Was. Kissing you.
Gasping, you brought your fingers to his hair, instantly raking them through those luscious locks. Gosh you had wanted to do that for so long.
He kissed you like a starved man, leaving you no room for breath. You didn’t care. You just wanted him in your arms, like this, forever. If you had known it would feel like this you would have never waited so long to kiss him.
Slowing down, Hook pressed one final kiss to your lips before resting his forehead against yours.
“I love you too.” He said earnestly, completely out of breath. Inhaling, you gazed into those dark, longing eyes.
He nodded.
“Yes. Unless you think I was just kissing you for the fun of it?”
The smiles that bursted onto both of your faces was indescribable. You had found each other. You understood each other. You loved each other. And now, you would get to spend the rest of your school years knowing that.
“I’m so glad.” You muttered softly.
Hmm, he confirmed, then perked up.
“One question.”
“Yes?” You asked, puzzled.
“Can I try riding Beastie like that?”
A laugh burst out of you before you could think.
“Another time.”
You placed your hand on his heart, feeling it beat along with your own.
Taglist: For James Hook
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
What if Wolffe and Fox tried to convince Cody to change his name to Coyote so they could all have canum (plural of canis) names (I did minimal research for this but all three of these animals are kind of related). Obviously Cody rejects the idea, it’s ridiculous, and he likes the name he already has.
the Coruscant Guard and the Wolffe Pack both hear about what their commanders are trying to do and get in on the act.
it spreads like wildfire. The 212th immediately like the idea of Coyote, but they mostly want to heckle their beloved brother.
the 501st catch on, and as the affectionately dubbed most annoying and chaotic battalion, they go out of their way whenever they come across Cody to only refer to him as Coyote. Ahsoka and Anakin join in, and Rex does nothing to stop them.
Eventually, in the heat of a battle, Cody tosses Obi-wan’s lightsaber back to him, and Obi-wan calls out “thanks, Coyote!” Cody feels betrayed.
it’s not that Cody doesn’t want to bond more with Wolffe and Fox. He loves his brothers. But he picked his own name and he stands by his choice.
Things get taken too far when Plo Koon suggests that, if Cody were to change his name to Coyote, Plo could adopt him (and Fox and the rest of the Coruscant guard and actually why not the whole 212th?) so he could join the Wolffe Pack and become a member of the canum family, but Obi-wan puts his foot down and is like “NO that is MY CODY you will not take him from here on out he is Commander Cody of the 212th battalion aka Obi-wan’s battalion and if anyone has a problem with that they can talk to my lightsaber”
everyone chills out about the Coyote thing and respects how Cody feels, although he still gets called Coyote here and there, especially by Wolffe and Fox (but they don’t have any hard feelings and understand that Cody doesn’t want to change his name)
Cody and Fox and Wolffe and so many more of their brothers get closer throughout the war and get each other through tough times.
maybe, on the way to Utapau, Cody actually considers changing his name to Coyote
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ezratheanon · 6 months
Hey guys today I'm gonna be talking about my essay on that one fic direct doggo posted, im so normal. (I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO TALK ABOUT THEM G R O W L S)
y'know, the one. uhh what was it called again? ah yes DSAF tales "Nothing" anyways something thats been nagging me is how people frame thats the worse daves been through, that henrys abuse weapon (?) is a wrench, well im here to tell you, are wrong. from the wonderful wording in the fic (thanks dd)
["Explain." William demanded of Henry. Henry smiled, coiling the spring again, knowing his trap was set.]
First implication something like this has happened before, this part also means henry knows exactly HOW to get dave stuck in these type of situations
["Well, obviously, I can see you, windin' up some kind of device, ready to put it into your unfinished bot, right?" Dave responded, now hesitant of whether or not he was bumbling his way into one of Henry's (quite typical) cruel lessons.]
second implication we can tell that this isn't the first time Dave's been through this,, hes hesitant, wondering if hes stumbling in one of henrys cruel lessons again. (notice plural in lesson? another bit of evidence)
[William had no time to brace himself before he received an unyielding impact, courtesy of the wrench still in Dr Miller's left hand. William yelped like a confused animal, held his jaw tightly, and paced a few steps backwards, careful not to expose his back to Henry.]
this section of the fic. oh boy theres so much to unpack here. first of, notice the wording? "courtesy of the wrench still in Dr millers hand" henry didnt specifically pick up a something and hit William with it. he just hit him with whatever he had on hand. this has ups and down, for example if he was holding a newspaper the blow could've been softer, on the other hand, if he was holding a more potentially dangerous weapon, like a wrench, then daves in a bit more trouble.
another thing, "careful not to expose his back to Henry" this part, he knows exactly what to do to try to not make it worse, this type of carefulness dosent come from a one-time thing. it also implies that, well, let's just say that some of the scars on his body (specifically his back) weren't made by springlocks
[Henry slowly turned back to his work, and continued cranking the coil of the mechanism that was again holding his sole interest, now that William was disciplined. Henry didn't bother to turn back to check if William had fled the room, he knew that his assistant wouldn't.]
here, this part "Henry didn't bother to turn back to check if William had fled the room, he knew that his assistant wouldn't" If this was henrys first time doing something similar to this, he would've wanted to see how William would've reacted, but since it isn't henrys first time, he didnt turn around, he knew how William would react to this type of treatment.
In this fic, you can also see how deep henry had Dave this deep in manipulation. just by looking at the vocabulary directdoggo used when henry was addressing William "Henry cooed" "Henry affectionately placed his hand on William's now bloodied chin."
in this fic, we can also see the method of manipulation he used to GET William this deep in.
["Henry affectionately placed his hand on William's now bloodied chin.
Now that you see it too, don't you want to protect others from it?" Henry asked him, "Don't you want to stay here, in the light, knowing that I won't let you ever become nothing?" William forced a shaky smile, and frantically nodded, tears in his eyes. Henry's face contorted into a smile, no less sinister, but noticeably wider, but with closed lips]
it's like beating up a dog, but then giving them some treats, knowing what you did is morally wrong and not caring, but needing to keep them loyal by giving reward at the end of abuse.
["How does it look, William?" Henry asked, turning to face his partner, who turned back, fixating himself on the costume to stop his very being from straying towards inconsolability.]
here we can see that William knew that henry would give no more consolation, implying he has tried before, in the past and was just met with worse, and after some studies I notice that children tend to go for comfort to their parents, even when the parents themselves were the one who beat them,funny enough, when it is the parent doing the abuse,child seem to blame it on themselves, strange how a child mind works, isn't it?
anyways theres so much more i want to talk about this fic but it dosent relate to henry and daves dynamic or i forgor so dont forget to like and subscribe and hit that bell!!!!! )
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Here’s some positivity for affection between headmates!
It can be hard to get along with headmates sometimes, especially if you don’t seem eye to eye or struggle to find common ground. This post is for headmates who take the time to show kindness to each other!
💗 Shoutout to system caretakers, soothers, uplifters, and other headmates whose roles are cheering up the system when they’re down!
💖 Shoutout to headmates who are best friends, family, or are in romantic or queerplatonic relationships!
💕 Shoutout to headmates who like to give or receive hugs and kisses, headpats, belly rubs, ear scritches, back rubs, and other forms of physical affection!
💗 Shoutout headmates who always have a kind word to say, are attuned to their system’s emotions, and try to say nice things to cheer up their sysmates!
💖 Shoutout to headmates who don’t like physical contact but find other ways to help their system feel safe, secure, and loved!
💕 Shoutout to systems who share affection in the headspace and in the real world!
Affection between headmates can be a great way to bond and grow closer to each other as a system. If you want to start showing affection to some of your headmates but aren’t sure where to start, here’s some ideas!
- wrap the body up in a soft blanket
- do a chore or task that another headmate is supposed to do that they’ve been dreading
- leave a little sweet note somewhere for a different headmate to find
- spend time talking with your headmates, or set aside time to do one of your headmates’ favorite activities
- get creative! Find ways unique to your system to show your affection and spread kindness and cheer to your headmates
Please remember to respect each other’s boundaries and ask permission to be affectionate! Kindness and respect can go a long way in bringing a system together. 💖
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID)
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ranahan · 8 months
ad (‘child’—but also many other things)
Ad is one of the most prolific roots in Mando’a. Let’s go through a few of the different ways it can be used in Mando’a words, grouped loosely by different senses ad can take. Again, this is not an exhaustive list, but I’ve tried to include large enough a sample to justify my conclusions.
Let’s start with the obvious: the dictionary definition and immediate related senses.
Ad (n.): child, daughter, son
That’s the dictionary definition. A child of any gender.
Adiik (n.): a child aged 3-13
ad, ‘child’ + diminutive. A child before their verd’goten, you can take the years as a rough guideline or species equivalent.
Ik’aad (n.): baby
Ika + ad. Interestingly, I think this is the only word where the diminutive ika acts as the base of a word, rather than as the suffix.
Bu’ad (n.): grandchild
Probably bah-ad (bah dissimilates > bu, similar pattern as in lots of other words).
Rather like English “man”, ad can also mean “a person”.
Ad’ika (n.): little one, son, daughter, of any age - also used informally to adults much like *lads* or *guys*
Ad + ika, a diminutive suffix that is also used affectionately.
Adade (n.): personnel
This is a reduplication of ad + a plural for good measure. Other reduplications seem to be in the singular, so this is kind of a double-collective, like “peoples”.
Adate (n.): people, persons
The singular “person” is probably adat < ad + nominal suffix -at.
Mando’ad (n.): a Mandalorian
Traviss translates this as “son/daughter of Mandalore” (that’s one way Mando’a forms possessives: by smashing together the possessor and the possessed, like “Mandalore’child”), which would give ad the sense of a child in relation to their background, not just a child in age. But if that was the construction, wouldn’t it be *mand’ad? But mando is ‘Mandalorian’ (both as an adjective and as a noun meaning “a Mandalorian person”), so perhaps a better way to translate mando’ad would be “a Mandalorian person”. Either interpretation works for me, though.
Alor’ad (n.), captain
Alor, ‘leader’ + ad. A leader person, a person who leads.
Akaan’ade (n.): army
Akaan, ‘war’ + ad + e (plural suffix)
Ramikad (n.): commando
Probably “raider”. *Ram-, ‘an attack’ > *ramika, “a little attack” i.e. ‘a raid’ > ramikad, “a raider”.
Kyrad (n.): corpse
Kyr, ‘end’ + ad.
Anade (pron.): everyone, everybody
An, ‘all’ + ad + e (plural suffix)
Ashad (pron.): someone else
*ash, ‘other’ + ad.
Tion’ad: who (lit: what person)
Question word tion + ad, ‘person’. That “lit: what person” is word-of-god from Traviss, ‘nuff said.
Then we have a bunch of nouns that have nothing to do with people. Ad here probably has the sense of “one” or the patient of an action.
Copad (n.), desire
Cop- + ad, “the wanted one”.
*Gaanad (n.): choice
Gaanad isn’t in the canon dictionary, but gaanader is to choose, so gaanad is probably ‘a choice’. Gaan, ‘hand’ + ad, “the hand-picked one” or “the chosen one”.
Jorad (n.): voice
“One who is carried”. Several Mando’a words related to speaking utilise the metaphor “speaking is carrying” or “speaking is carrying the truth”.
Sarad (n.), flower
Probably sar- + ad, “the blooming one”. It’s the only word from this root in the dictionary, but that’s how it would fit the pattern of other words of this type. Therefore I would construct the verb “to flower, to bloom” as sarir, not saradir (not that there’s anything wrong with saradir as a construction, sarir is just a bit simpler and shorter).
Munad (n.): elevation, height
Perhaps “one who is lengthened (~raised, as *mun- is both ‘long’ and ‘tall’)”. Or simply “the tall one”.
Yilad (n.): array
Possibly *yil-, ‘arrange, put in order’ + ad > “the arranged one”.
-ad adjectives
So far, all our words have been nouns. But -ad also appears in two adjectives: janad and jiriad. There’s two ways of reconstructing what’s happened here: either -ad can also function as an adjectival suffix OR these words are originally nouns that have undergone zero-transformation and have been turned into adjectives without a corresponding change in form. There’s a whole bunch of Mando’a adjectives that have miscellaneous nominal suffixes instead of the usual -la or -yc, so I think the latter explanation is something that best explains these random noun-looking adjectives as a whole. However, one could still analyse -ad adjectives as a pattern that could be extended. I like to think the -ad adjectives have the sense of “essential quality”, but that’s just my suggestion.
Janad (a.): spicy
Possibly from *jan-, ‘spice’ (or perhaps ‘herb’, as janad is probably a milder kind of spice compared to heturam or hetikleyc) + ad.
Jiriad (a.): white, chalky, ashen-faced
Possibly from *jiri, either ‘chalk’ or perhaps ‘any chalky, powdery, mealy substance’ + ad. We already have words for white (cin) and ash (rang), so chalk is the sense I’d use for reconstructing this root.
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gemsofgreece · 9 months
Hello and thank you for all your language help! I am wondering, when I visit Greece (as a tourist), in which situations should I use the singular you (and verbs) vs. the formal/plural you? For example talking to: a taxi/Uber/bus driver, the host of my hotel/B&B, a rental car employee, a server at a cafe/restaurant, the owner/cashier of a store, staff at a museum, etc. And does it differ between larger cities vs smaller villages?
The most sincere answer is intuition. The preference of informal or formal address varies from person to person. However, I would say that in all situations you provided as examples, the plural of politeness is ideal. In general, when the interaction with someone is professional or commercial and not personal, it is best to use plural of politeness.
Then it’s also a matter of age; if the person is visibly older than you, it’s best to use plural of politeness.
Some people will like to drop the plural quickly - taxi drivers are often the ones who do this the most, as they like to chat as they take you to your destination. If they drop the plural, you can follow along, but you can also keep it if you would like to keep the conversation from getting too personal or privy. Now if the taxi driver doesn’t get the hint and is like “come on mate, drop the plural” there is nothing you can do. Keeping the plural when explicitly told to drop it can make the situation awkward and you look very snobbish. So in this case drop the plural and be patient until the taxi driver has analysed all his life drama to you 😂
But taxi drivers are a special species, most people won’t explicitly tell you to drop the plural , neither will they mind it. On the contrary, they will view you in a positive light. They will interpret you as a person with manners. But if they respond with an informal speech, you can usually follow along. ATTENTION: This is not the case if the other person is much older or has some special position of respectability. If you talk to a much older person with polite plural and they respond with singular, it does NOT mean you can follow along!!! You maintain the formal address.
There are ways of making singular address polite too, actually. In order to achieve this however, you will have to definitely address the other person with a title and add some polite words.
For example, with plural of politeness you can skip all this and say:
«Θα μπορούσατε να μου πείτε που είναι αυτή η οδός;» (“Could you tell me where this street is?”) <- with plural of politeness
A polite informal way to speak would be:
«Συγγνώμη, κυρία (μου), θα μπορούσες να μου πεις που είναι αυτή η οδός;»
(“Excuse me, (my) lady, could you tell me where this street is?”) <- polite singular
So, it can be done, but it’s harder because you will have to be intuitive and have the right words and titles for every person you meet, whereas with polite plural you don’t have anything to be concerned about. Needless to say, you can also use plural of politeness with titles and polite words. That shows even better manners. However, there is a fine line after which it can become too much and people will think you are odd lol
I think plural of politeness and one polite word (like excuse me, please, sir etc) is good in your starting sentence and then you can keep the conversation in plural but without adding more polite words.
It is true that in the villages the polite singular might be more a thing than the plural. For example, if you see an old lady and she is that typical motherly affectionate image, you can use singular with her but definitely with a polite or affectionate title. You can call her lady (κυρία) or γιαγιά (grandma), if she is pretty old (over 82). An old or middle aged man can be called sir (κύριε), a very old man (over 80) can be called grandpa (παππού), a young man can be called “friend or my friend” (φίλε μου). Avoid addressing a young woman or girl. There are words but all would sound odd coming from a tourist.
A priest must be addressed as πάτερ (Father), even if you are not Christian, because that’s how they are called.
But all those nuances and cues and intuitions can be so easily skipped if you just stick to plural of politeness.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
When you’ve reached the point in syscourse where you’re sending screenshots of yourself to a cringe blog in order to be able to respond to it, that. That doesn’t seem at all healthy.
I really hope you’re taking care of yourself.
Thanks for the concern but I'm actually good.
I want to be totally upfront about the tactics I'm using. Someone once affectionately described viewing my blog as the morning news. But it's also true in a more negative way.
There's a great video by CGP Grey discussing how loud arguments will attract more bystanders and cause both sides to grow.
This is a great illustration of a big part of why I tend to argue with anti-endos so much.
If you watched what happened with "The Future is Plural," anti-endos took a slogan that only a handful of people were actually using, manufactured a controversy around it with loud and ridiculous accusations of this phrase being a call to traumatize children, then pro-endos pushed back in large swathes and the phrase became a rallying cry for our community. The more anti-endos attacked it, the stronger our resolve became to defend it.
It was amazing and we couldn't have gotten to the point where so many pro-endos adopted it if not for the anti-endos creating this opposition.
Other people view anti-endos as enemies. And I do too to an extent. They hurt so many of us and cause so much harm to innocent people.
But in the grand scheme of things, I also see them as the butterflies to our garden of flowers.
If I'm sending anti-endos images of upsetting posts from my blog to intentionally make anti-endos angry at me personally, it's because I think making them angry is the best way to propagate and spread my ideology.
(And more selfishly, advertise my own blog. But like, I wouldn't send sysmeds images of anyone else's blog out of fear of another pro-endo getting harassment they might not be able to handle. But if I'm sent harassment personally... that's just more pollination.)
Our actual biggest struggle as plurals right now is awareness. The reason so many plural children grow up without knowing what's happening to them is because the general population doesn't know much about plurality. They don't even know the sides to this argument.
Anti-endos are an enemy in a sense... but I also view them as a tool. A means to an end. Our toxic relationship with its constant fighting is one that, when utilized properly, can be of symbiosis that I think will result in greater awareness of plurality and will ultimately benefit all plurals in the future.
But to achieve this, I need them mad. I need them angry at me.
I need them to see my posts bragging about teaching people to dissociate and hallucinate because when they do, it turns me into a threat in their eyes. They view me, personally, as someone who is dangerous. And then they can't ignore me, because if they believe I'm hurting people and they do nothing, they'll be allowing me to hurt people.
When a pro-endo sees me talking about teaching people to dissociate and hallucinate, they're familiar with our practices and know these things are harmless. It has no affect on them.
When an anti-endos does, they see these scary words and see dangerous evil cult indoctrination inducing mental illness in innocent people and I'm the monster that they need to destroy.
And finally, I wouldn't say that I sent that ask because I wanted to respond to it. I sent the ask because I wanted that post I made to be visible in anti-endo tags by a blog the hardcore anti-endos follow and will see. I responded to that post to help it get more notes and appear higher up in the anti-endo tags.
And I'll confess... maybe I find it funny too. I enjoy seeing their absurdly over-the-top reactions to scary descriptions of basic tulpamancy practices. It's comic relief for me.
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the-harvest-system · 5 months
Hello! We're the Harvest system, welcome to our blog/public system journal! 
Our collective name is Harvey (very creative, we know /sarc) you can call us Nico too though! Please use he/they(plural) pronouns on us! 
Keep in mind, we're bodily a minor, and while we may make some dirty jokes, we do not want to have an nsft interaction/view nsft posts.  
Both our simply plural and pronouns.cc are a WIP however, they'll be linked as soon as we finish them. 
Autism, adhd and possibly social anxiety - so talking to/interacting with people is hard. 
We're a traumaendo/mixed origins system of 60+. We form new headmates easily. Like, very easily. Fictive + nonhuman heavy. Disordered, probably DID.
We won't be sharing everything about our system, since we'd still like to keep some privacy for safety reasons. (You never know on the internet, it's even worse as a system)
Collective interests include: hermitcraft, empires smp, life series, The magnus archives. That's it, yeah.
Most of us are dogkin/caninekin, almost all of us are non-human in some way, and we're collectively foxkin.
Follow our spotify for amazing music recs ;3
Spotify - LemonMuncher
Stances, DNI, tagging system, blinkies/userboxes and system members below the cut.
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Pro endogenic (we're critical of the community but think that endogenics do exist)
Anti Radqueer
Anti TransID
Anti proship (we won't harrass people, we just find the whole proship thing very weird and uncomfortable personally)
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Pro good faith identities + we're mspec mono ourselves (pansexual gay)
MAPs, Zoophiles, etc.
Israel supporters
Singlets that can't be normal about systems 
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists etc. (Surprising there's any on this site but...)
harvestposting - original posts
harvestinfodump - system infodump
harvesthottakes - opinions, mostly syscourse
*emoji* writing - the headmate that wrote the post
harvestfandoming - fandomposting
harvestsillies - stories from headspace + quotes
note: updated barely at all, not all headmates are featured here, "neos" stands for neopronouns
🍁Maple/Harvest - they/fox/He, gatekeeper and the headspace personified
👁️Xel/Cyrus - they/neos/it/he, protector
🌞Grian/Sunny - he/sun/other neos
🌈Neon - they/neos/it
📼Tubbo/Tobias - he/neos, archival assistant
💥Inni/Tommy - he/him, adhd holder+social headmate
🪻Ranboo/Cranberry - he/they/neos/xe
🦷Lennox/Lynx - he/they/neos
🔑Karl/Grayan - he/him
🔪Wiktor - he/him
❄️Scott - he/aer/neos
🐟Jimmy - he/him, memory keeper
🏺Kaian/Joel - he/him
🫧Lizzie/Meri - she/sea/they/any
🌻Peril/Pearl - she/neos/they
🍄Shrub - any/all
💐Katherine - she/neos
🎆Gemini - she/they
🧨Fwhip - he/him
🌙Pearl - she/they, junior gatekeeper
🔦Grian/Elliot - he/they, archivist
🪦Cleo - she/they/it, protector
🌲Gem - she/neos/it
🐺Ren - he/paw/neos, caretaker
🌱Bdubs/Oakley - he/neos/it
🎙️Etho - he/neos, no role
📻Oscar/Scar - he/xe
🌿Jellie - she/xer, sassy shit of a cat (affectionate)
⚙️Mumbo - he/they/it/neos
🔥Tango - he/flame/it
🍃Joel - he/him
📟Doc - he/any
🧊Cub - he/ve/it
🪽Angel/Halo - they/he/she, comforter
🐅Cassian - they/he, protector
🌼Will/Finn - he/star/shark/bloom/⭐️/🦈/🌼
🥕Brownie/Arvey - social anxiety holder
🕯️Kit - he/they/it, traumaholder
⛓️ Icarus - he/it, comforter
📀Cyn - xe/they, mood booster
✨Milo - they/them, former host
🐾Alex - he/they/it
🦴Amaranthus - he/they, traumaholder
🪵 Cedar -they/them
✴️Felix - he/neos
🐾Alex - he/they/it, therian identity holder
🕓Bdubs - he/him, gatekeeper
🌸Lizzie - she/they
🎀Minx - he/she
🌊Raffy - he/it, animal headmate
🫚Ginger - he/him, animal headmate
🥀Valerie - she/her, protector, caretaker
🕊️Ophelia - she/her, caretaker
🎸Xavier - he/him
🦝Bastian - he/it
🦅Phenic - mirror pronouns, protector
🧸Scout - he/paw/it?
🐕Cody - he/him
🦊Fern - they/them
🍄Faye - they/them
🃏Finley - xe/ve/fizz
💻Alistair - they/them, social protector
🪶Grian - he/him, architect
🌳Scar - he/him
   + Jellie - she/her, non-fronting
♦️Max - he/him
🧪Zedaph - they/he
🌷Stress/Sylvie - she/her
👾Xisuma - they/he
🪓Fallon/Faolan - they/she/he
🧳Antique - they/them
☁️Ghost - she/hxr
+Two littles we'd rather keep private
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bloodiedbeloveds · 6 months
we saw "event with no alex ships" and said "what if laurens was fucked up and kissed everyone": the fic
@my-deer-friend here they are, please do not die! apologies for the very inconsistent writing style in this post
tragic backstory + context
Laurens is plural, because we said so. When they were children, the primary fronter (in essence, the guy who is there most of the time) was "Jackie Blue" <- this is a nickname, he just thinks of himself as John because he thinks he's the Real John Laurens. They became aware of Eleanor (yes, she named herself after her mother) around the age of twelve. Eleanor is very opinionated and goes after what she wants, we love to see it.
so for a while it was mostly eleanor and jackie blue and a couple other fragments & selves, and they had a whole plan about their future, they knew what was going to happen and everything was going to go well and they would be happy forever!
Then their mother died and everything went to shit. Jackie became selectively mute, Eleanor tried to Handle Everything but masking is very hard for her and she got so stressed she was dormant for about a year, and they formed a guy who calls himself "the prisoner" and had a nonstop existentialist breakdown for months. Eventually their father decided that his son had been grieving intensely for too long now and basically told them they needed to shape up and get it together.
To that end, they have J (this is also a nickname because he also thinks he's the Real John Laurens). He's normal! He's fine! He got them through college and into a career and out to their family! He's keeping all his emotions right here and then one day he'll die gotten over everything bad that's ever happened to him!
(J remembers enough things to think his life is normal / not notice major gaps, but not enough things to remember that the others exist. jackie & eleanor still front occasionally for much of this period of time but he does not know this. no he doesn't remember most of his childhood why would you ask)
(jackie thinks that j is an impostor who stole his life. eleanor hates him because he diverged from the plan that she & jackie made before their mother's death and she really wanted those things)
when the fic starts, however, j has just had a fight with henry laurens, because even literally having been made to be a son he could approve of wasn't good enough to keep the peace. so they are not talking, so j is upset but trying to pretend he isn't and the others are more often in front for significant periods of time.
they fell in love in college and have been together for. a while. we don't actually have a good timeline for this au yet, haven't even figured out what jobs everyone has
their relationship is often pretty sincerely tender and affectionate! they are comfortable in each other's presence and always kiss goodnight and j makes thomas breakfast and they slow dance in the kitchen. they take weekend trips (thomas does not like hiking or anything Outdoorsy in general but will do it for him. in return j tolerates going to france once or twice a year). like it's important, for the rest of this au, that there is a meaningful amount of love there
unfortunately there's also this fundamental tension there, because thomas likes J, who is, to the others, that guy who gets everything because the rest of us are fundamentally unloveable, and J himself is performing a lot of the time
(there was a while in college when J was having a rough couple of weeks and thomas gradually stopped talking to him until he was more mentally stable, and although this was a long time ago J sort of never got over that)
Thomas doesn't like when people are weird or crazy, and they are as a collective pretty weird and crazy, so even before any of the others try to directly interact with him they have a sense that they will not be welcomed.
(this is confirmed when jackie, who is trying his best, hands thomas a note saying that he can't talk right now but everything is fine and he's going to make dinner, and thomas goes "what the fuck, what's wrong with you?")
(In general Thomas doesn't deal well with them having brain problems, because he does not like not knowing what to do & feels betrayed because of J's very collected image. he wants his normal boyfriend back, he does not want this weirdo with his notes and his makeup and his singing and his strange, hollowed eyes. he says something to this effect to eleanor's face and she almost hits him)
laurens & eliza
Yeah, so, remember a few paragraphs ago when we talked about Eleanor & Jackie Blue having planned out their entire life? Part of this plan was "marry our best friend Eliza, who Jackie trusts more than anyone else in the world and with whom Eleanor fell in love the first time they met"
(plural love at first sight is such a strong emotion you guys don't even know. remembering who this person is and all of their good qualities that your other selves have experienced and recontextualizing them through your personality and going oh. oh.)
Before their mother's death, Laurens & Eliza were not Officially Dating or anything, they did not kiss, but they were very physically affectionate and it was sort of. understood that this was a high-commitment relationship that wasn't going to go away. they never talked about their future or about dating and eliza did date other people but there was something unspoken and intimate and strong between them
J mostly put a stop to this by coming out as gay. He and Eliza are friends but that intensity is mostly gone. They didn't talk for about a year after their mother died & Eliza attributes their distance to that but also still kind of loves them
she doesn't pine, exactly. but it's a source of wistful melancholy for her and she often wonders if things could have been different
(eleanor still loves her so much it feels like being set on fire)
laurens & burr
J likes Aaron but is very much in denial about it. They're normal friends and he has a boyfriend anyway and it doesn't matter, so he's not going to think about the way he feels when Aaron says his name.
aaron fell in love with J after he & thomas were already dating, so he never really had any hope that this would work out. and that's fine! he's fine. it's fine that they'll never hold hands and it's fine that he'll never get to hold him at night and it's fine that thomas fucking jefferson has everything and doesn't even appreciate it. he's fine.
(aaron would probably not have hated thomas if thomas were more supportive. he would have settled for quietly resenting him. but aaron said once (in a friend way and not in a gay way) that laurens would look good in eyeliner, and j said something back about how thomas wouldn't like it, and aaron hummed noncommitally and decided to hate him forever.)
eleanor likes him a lot but isn't super obsessive about her romantic interest in him. she does, however, unmask slightly more than average around him, which is part of why aaron notices first. (the rest of it is-- nothing, don't worry about it, he's fine and doesn't love them it's fine).
he's very worried about J but doesn't know how to help him so he settles for being very very observant and not being a dick to the others
(jackie writes i can't talk right now and aaron says "okay. do you want to play chess?" aaron beats him at chess and jackie writes i'm not the person you know and aaron shrugs, thinks i figured, and says "that's fine". and it is, really. he'd love them in any universe. he loves them whoever they are. there is nothing they could do to put him off. and a few minutes later jackie almost touches his hand but clearly thinks better of it and it's fine, he's fine, he's fucking fine)
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princelylove · 7 months
Dear Prince,
Before I begin I just wanted to say I absolutely adore your writings as it hits the nail on the head for the characters personality every time and brings joy to my heart.
I’m usually rather shy but since it’s my birthday I decided to take a chance so if I may be so bold to ask what would it be like to have both Diavolo and Doppio share their darling? I can only imagine it to be both isolating and suffocating all at once.
Anyways thank you for all the wonderful writings I promise not to swallow them whole….at least today.
- peachy anon
Haaappy birth-day to youuu. Haaaappy biiiirth-day to-you. 
Aha. Why did you bring sizable utensils, anon? What are those for, anon? 
Asking for a protective and an obsessive together is like begging for no social life. You’re not extroverted, are you? Well, you’ll have plenty of social interaction with plural people! Two is the absolute minimum for plural, but it still counts. 
I dislike the common mischaracterization that Doppio wouldn’t stand up to Diavolo, partially because it’s also mischaracterizing Dia. Boss lightly suggests and guides poor, sweet Doppi, and Doppio does all the dirty work so Boss doesn't have to. Doppio has no problem telling him to just sit down, shut the fuck up, and let him handle it, though. Diavolo is the boss, duh, but sometimes Doppi just knows better. Who courted Donatella, huh? (Doppio says, as if he didn’t hate that entire thing and did it since Boss had zero chance of getting her himself.)
Still. Doppio relies heavily on Diavolo for long-term endeavors. He only knows how to take care of Diavolo, and… Dia isn’t the most normal individual. At least he blindly accepts your oddities. Doppio’s sweet, but he doesn’t understand that you cannot force someone who’s shy into a new environment, with a stranger, and have everything be alright. Why not? That’s practically how he met the boss! (Don’t ask him how he met ‘the boss.’)
Diavolo may know your needs better, and he's quite romantic, but he isn't really equipped to do it himself. That, and you cannot be casual with him, he’s just not the type of person you’d address informally. He’s also a terrible cook. And terrible at comforting you. Thankfully Doppio steps in where he’s lacking, but it’s not as if Diavolo is awful and Doppio is the easier option. 
There’s pros and cons to both of your options for what to do with your free time. Doppio has the advantage of, you know, not being a major creep, so you probably like him a bit more at the start, even though he’s clearly the one that took you. He doesn’t hide it, it’s not like he’s ashamed. Doppio’s pretty strong! If he can pick up Risotto then he can surely pick you up, for a little less violent (hopefully) ride back home. 
Doppio isn't very verbally affectionate, whereas Diavolo will smother you with every adjective and pet name he can think of. Sometimes he gets so overwhelmed (cuteness aggression, probably) that he can only make noses instead of proper words. Ohhh, you’re so cute, let him kiss youuu….. No kiss kiss? Just one kissy?
If you do not like change, it isn’t an easy adjustment. Diavolo demands that you all move from hotel to motel and back again, it’s safer that way. Now that he has you to worry about, which he really didn’t want to give in and take you just yet, he’s even more paranoid. There’s absolutely no wiggle room with him. You are allowed to have some sense of familiarity, but nothing too distinct or uncommon. Something that housekeeping wouldn’t think much of should you both need to momentarily step out. (Although he’d prefer to not do that.) 
A blanket or stuffed animal isn’t enough to help you adjust to an entirely new environment every two weeks or so, or every  month if he’s stable and Doppio is soothing him. It’s hard to feel like you aren’t intruding on their relationship, too, sometimes. They have their own dynamic and have loved one another for a long time, they’re both 33 by the time vento aureo takes place, so it’s… hard to socialize, even if they take the time to focus on you, and you obviously don’t see the two of them at the same time.
You'll learn, though. They can be bearable if you adjust to their lifestyle. Diavolo would never let his darling live a non-spoiled life, and Doppio is well intentioned despite how creepy he can be. You'll be taken care of.
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transbeeduo · 8 days
For the system/plurality ask game: 🐾 ❤ and/or 🌙 ?
❤ (Is anyone in-system in a relationship? What kind(s)?): Monty and Cass have been a romantic couple for around a year now! C!Crunch has a partner from a different system that in source she’s married too so they’re SUPER close and affectionate with one another #aww #awwww
🌙 How does your system handle dreams? Do you share dreams, or are they specific to one member? Do any members show up in dreams?: Dude i fucking WISH this sounds cool as hell??????? Is this a thing???? i’ve never experienced anything like that but i also never remember my dreams so idk LMAO
(System Askgame)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 year
Since it’s Pride Month, I figured I’d talk about how I think Killer views his sexuality/gender. And how those views might differ a bit depending on what STAGE their soul is in. (So this would obviously lean more into a “system/plural” Killer interpretation.)
At first, I don’t think he gives these things much thought. Things like that aren’t really at the top of his lists of importance while he’s working with Chara.
It isn’t until Nightmare shows up and takes him from his timeline that things start changing. He’s exposed to a lot more opportunities and social interactions that isn’t just killing, fighting, bloodshed and violence.
He can make the choice to be gentle with people. Even if he has a hard time doing that.
Any type of gentle physical affectionate is odd for him—platonic or romantic or sexual. He’s used to the affectionate that Chara gave him, which involved squeezing so hard bones broke and surprise touches and sometimes even some stabbings as a treat.
STAGE 2 doesn’t understand it, and STAGE 1 doesn’t want to be touched at all. Sometimes STAGE 3 seems to register these touches as some type of threat, and Killer has to leave the situation or force that person to stop touching them.
The SOUL is off limits to most people. (Can’t really stop people like Dream and Nightmare from influencing it.)
I think it’d be hard for Killer to find safe opportunities to explore things like sexuality. And due to his difficulty with his own emotions and trauma, he has a hard time experiencing anything like sexual attraction to anyone.
Not exactly because he himself is Asexual (although he knows Sans probably likely was), though. He flirts with people freely, because he finds their reactions amusing (especially Nightmare’s), and because that’s what the books he’s read say is romantic.
So for the most part, he contents himself with books and videos and his own imagination. His fantasies lean more towards the romantic side than the sexual side, although they do still wander there sometimes, but it feels like a safe way for them to explore those things. I feel like STAGE 2 would definitely be down for experiencing new things like romance and sex.
He’d probably seek out partners who, not only could he trust, but could potentially overpower them..should things get hairy. They mostly do this because he doesn’t want a repeat of what (could’ve) happened with the Toriel he met in LustTale. Wouldn’t be fun to be triggered into STAGE 3, thinking it’s about to be killed or hurt and defend itself by dusting Killer’s partner(s).
If you were to ask Killer, he’d probably just say he doesn’t care about labels. He doesn’t care much for the sex or gender of any of their potential partners, nor how many partners it has.
I think Killer would probably identify with Unlabeled, at least at first. Maybe one day he’ll decide to find a label, but for now they’re more content to just go with the flow.
I think STAGE 0 (AKA Sans) is Biromantic Asexual. I like to HC that Sans is FtM Trans, so therefore Killer is bodily ftm, even if Killer himself may not exactly identify as a man. Sans uses he/him.
The Chara in their head—who I’ll just call Something—is Chara. Something is Non-binary, using they/it pronouns. Since they are a child, despite being in an adult body, it will not be involved in any sexual or romantic situations.
Because Killer is made of Sans’ soul & the Determination soul, I think all of the STAGES by default use a range of he/they/it pronouns.
I feel like STAGE 2 would be Gender Apathetic. He wouldn’t care what pronouns are used for it, they mostly just use he/they/it only because that’s what he’s used to being referred as.
I feel like STAGE 3 uses it/its only. This is due to the dehumanization trauma from the actual Chara, though.
I feel like STAGE 4 would use it/they as a reflection of Something and the actual Chara.
I don’t think STAGE 3 & 4 would really understand gender. But 4 might identify as Non-binary too, because Chara & Something do. I feel like STAGE 3 would probably identify with Xenogenders more than anything else. Not exactly sure which one though.
And I don’t know why, but I feel like STAGE 1 uses they/he. Because STAGE 1 is like a bridge between Sans & Killer, one who’s a trans man & the other who’s Gender Apathetic, I HC them as a Demiman. Mostly Agender, but with a partial connection to masculinity.
I feel like STAGE 1 is Panromantic Demisexual. No real reason for it, I just see it. He will struggle with most physical touch, though. As a result, they will likely only consider doing the Devil’s Tango with people whose touch doesn’t feel like a death sentence or an attempt to provoke a fight.
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