#domestic violence
support · 5 years
Everything ok?
If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, please contact:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline (Text “Start” to 88788 )  RAINN (online chat)
Trained advocates are available 24/7 to take your call.
For international resources, please try IASP.
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maxophone · 2 months
A black trans woman was on her way to a gender affirming care appointment when her at the time boyfriend pushed her onto the subway tracks. She has had the lower parts of both her legs amputated.
There is more info in the fundraiser page and here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5zL5buP1iN/?igsh=NTF1NmVmYThyNHE=
Please share widely - not sure if this has been posted on tumblr yet but i’m sure it cant hurt to post it again.
(PS - she has chosen anonymity, which is why her name is not mentioned.)
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vague-humanoid · 6 months
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alwaysbewoke · 1 month
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sbrown82 · 4 months
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nansheonearth · 7 months
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darkest.hue: Trigger warning: mentions of extreme violence against women and girls
Part 1/3 (more content to come on this matter)
Note: Although it should go without saying, here are some obvious truths: hip-hop the genre is not innately violent and misogynistic and neither are Black man. Also, hip-hop is not the only genre with abusive men, and the music industry is not the only industry in entertainment with abusive men.
For years now, Black women have been calling for hip- hop to have its "Me Too" reckoning (see recommended readings). Calls have recently reignited following singer Cassie's civil lawsuit against ex-boyfriend Diddy, where she alleges years of r*pe, domestic violence, and sex tr*fficking.
Many were rightfully stunned, horrified, and heartbroken by Cassie's vulnerable account, with many demanding the entire industry be finally held accountable for its pattern of violence against women. But is any of this really that surprising when we consider the way mainstream hip-hop talks about women, particularly Black women? Is it all that surprising when we consider the toxic loyalty and blind allegiance male rappers have to each other? Or the wealth of resources these men have at their disposal to control and harm women all the while flying under the radar? Or the world's disregard for the safety and protection of their Black women/girl victims?
Let's discuss.
Recommended readings for further investigation:
Ms.Magazine: "Black Women, Hip-Hop and #MeToo: 'On the Record' Spotlights Music Industry" by Janell Hobson
Buzzfeed News: "Will Time Ever Be Up For Abusive Men In Hip-Hop?" by Sylvia Obell "Confessions of Video Vixen" by Karrine Steffans
Vox: "Megan Thee Stallion, Me Too, and hip-hop's cycle of misogynoir" by Fabiola Cineas
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serialunaliver · 3 months
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you know how my post about how people see misogyny and say it's just sociopathy or narcissism? example A here.
please tell me what mental health condition has the symptom of "hates women", because last time I checked it's none of them. now, how could he do such things without guilt? dehumanization. if you view women with the same value as, say, a mosquito, you won't be drowning in guilt when you cause harm to one.
we don't know enough about the background of the abusive son discussed in this post to know exactly how he developed the mindset he has, but it's not something he was born with. and op may not even know the full story because you can't possibly know every single thing your child has engaged with; so it may indeed come across as something that popped up out of nowhere.
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moonlit-positivity · 5 months
Somebody might need to hear this: hey. That was a really scary thing you had to go through. What an awful feeling to be carrying around. So deep inside where no one can hurt you like that ever again. If no one else has ever told you this before then I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you made it. And I'm so fucking sorry you had to see it to begin with. You absolutely did not need to see that. Not ever.
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odinsblog · 1 month
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🗣️ If it’s considered ‘unacceptable behavior’ or leads to ‘immediate termination’ in your job’s employee handbook, then it’s probably DV
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eve-was-framed · 3 months
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Rest in Peace to 11 year old Jayden Perkins, who was stabbed to death while protecting his pregnant mother from a former boyfriend who had just gotten off parole. Jayden loved dancing and theater, and had a lead role in several school plays.
His mother was attacked as well but is fortunately expected to survive.
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druidshollow · 2 months
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When Descent learns of Flowers' involvement in Fire's demise, it is the last straw and she knows she can't stay with him any longer.
mmmmmmmmmm theres probably so much to fix here but i Really REALLY just want it to be done. another behemoth comic and as always its not a very fun one. here we see the most volatile her relationship with flowers ever got, peaking in an act of violence on flowers' end
it was. straining, to say the least, to draw her hurting so badly so this one took a long time to work on. i had to take multiple breaks, haha. i hope you guys can get some enjoyment out of it anyways????? atleast we can all be happy knowing that this is it for her having to deal with him! (until later when rivers happens but weve got a couple hundred years its fine)
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she-is-ovarit · 2 months
"I don't question how embarassing it would be for a man to come forward and admit that a woman is abusing him. But don't underestimate how humiliated a woman feels when she reveals abuse; women crave dignity just as much as men do. If shame stopped people from coming forward, no one would tell."
- Lundy Bancroft, Why Does He Do That?
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rapeculturerealities · 7 months
Two Women Died on an Alaska Mayor’s Property. No One Has Ever Been Charged. — ProPublica
Kirk and Norton, both Inupiaq, had each dated sons of the former borough mayor, and the sons had previously been convicted of beating each of them. One of the sons had admitted to strangling Kirk twice before. Another pleaded guilty to kicking Norton in the stomach when she was six months pregnant.
No one has ever been charged with a crime in connection to the deaths.
In a state where women are 2.5 times more likely than the national average to be killed by a man and Alaska Native women are especially at risk, elected leaders here have repeatedly pledged action. The Department of Justice declared a rural law enforcement emergency in Alaska following a 2019 report by the Anchorage Daily News and ProPublica on glaring lapses in local policing. Two years later, the governor created a state council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons, and in 2022, new investigators were hired to solve cases like Norton’s.
Unexplained holes in the investigations into the deaths of Kirk and Norton call into question this commitment, a review by the Anchorage Daily News and ProPublica found. More than that, the events leading up to the women’s deaths illustrate how police, prosecutors and judges here have regularly given pass after pass to people accused of domestic violence and strangulation.
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alwaysbewoke · 1 month
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femsolid · 1 year
A french policeman is currently investigated because a woman called for help as her ex was outside her building threatening to kill her and the officer on the phone made fun of her and insulted her instead of helping. She told the officer “he said he’s going to kill me” and the officer replied “no :)” with a smile, she said “yes he is!” and the officer condescendly said “oh! :)”. Then the woman yelled at her ex through the window: “stop screaming in front of my building you’re fucking annoying!” and the officer said “and you’re cursing you piece of shit no wonder he’s threatening you. Don’t call again and sort this shit out yourself” and he hung up on her. So she called again and talked to someone who seemed a lot nicer... except it was the same police officer pretending to be another one who didn’t know her situation, making her repeat herself again. She complained to him about the previous phone call, that she was insulted and hung up on, and in a perfect exercice of gaslighting the officer faked disbelief  “really? He insulted you? He said “sort this shit yourself you piece of shit”? That seems unlikely.” The next day she walked out of her building and her ex was waiting for her with a baseball bat. He beat her within an inch of her life, punched her, kicked her and tried to drive over her. Her daughter called the police in a panic and he was arrested, he’s currently serving a 4 years sentence for attempted murder. The daughter is deeply traumatised as one could expect. The police officer is 48 years old and has been working for the police for 20 years. He’s only suspended from answering emergency calls, otherwise he’s still working despite those facts. He said he didn’t believe the woman was in real danger, that she sounded like “a fantasist” and that “a woman who is in danger is not agressive against the individual threatening her.” He said he had no reason to send a patrol car for this woman. During his audition with the police inspection he was still using the same ironic and dismissive tone and when asked if he had been trained about violence against women he replied “we aren’t obliged to read those memos”.
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qarauu · 3 months
Saltanat Nukenova is a name that is widely recognized in Kazakhstan these days. That is because, on November 9, Saltanat’s husband, Kuandyk Bishimbayev, the former economy minister, was detained in connection with her death. She was just 31 years old.
About 150.000 citizens have signed a petition proposing to recriminalize “battery” and “intentional infliction of light bodily harm.” Vlast.kz, an independent online media outlet, issued a statement condemning violence against women. Women’s rights lawyers and activists, and many others across the country, accentuated the urgent need to criminalize domestic violence.
disgraceful pig Bishimbayev killed Saltanat hitting her several times in the head, beating her head on the toilet, kicking her repeatedly; he systematically made her life a living hell, beating her up for 8 hours minimum.
Bishimbayev is in court and uses many different excuses for his actions, claiming that: “she hit her head on the toilet herself, i picked her up and she fell and hit her head again” or that “she had a lover and i was jealous”
kazakhstan decriminalised domestic violence law in 2017. 150.000 verified voters were not enough for our government to consider adding laws around domestic abuse. now kazakhstani goverment tries to change national emblem and outlaw posting about homosexuality to divert the attention of the masses.
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