#don’t mind my rambling this was just sparked by an annoying @everyone mention in a fb group (already annoying) for a book discussion with
hopecomesbacktolife · 2 years
my old person trait is that any time I see a livestream / seminar where the only places to join or watch are on twitch or discord I’m like. ok well I Simply am not going to do that
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theirbbygirl · 3 years
Second Lead Syndrome
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Word Count: ~8.7k words
liked this? there’s more on my masterlist!
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Comedy, Female reader insert
Description: Y/n and Minho have been friends for more than 2 years now, but suddenly she begins to see herself as the mere second lead in Minho’s story. Will she be the rare second lead who gets her own happy ending?
Warnings: some crying, themes of unrequited love (if there’s anything that I missed don’t hesitated to let me know!) 
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I’d only ever encountered Second Lead Syndrome in the dramas I’d watched. Wanting the girl to end up with the second lead who was so obviously the better and healthier choice, but like every avid watcher of kdramas, it's more than likely for the main leads to end up with each other, that was just how it worked. What I never thought I’d encounter was seeing it happen before my own eyes and experience it firsthand.
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Life was never supposed to be a kdrama. Life was supposed to be simple, a straight line, going from point A to B with no complications. But life never really went my way did it? It just had to throw in one variable, one man that had too much influence on my life. 
I couldn’t remember the first time I met Minho. It was probably sometime in the first grade when his family first moved in next to mine. But alas, we were both too young to remember exactly what sparked our friendship. One day we were strangers and the next we had given our parents a near heart attack when we both went after a stray cat on the way back home (my mom’s words, not ours).  From then my memories were filled with him, just us besties hanging out like anyone would with their best friend. First party, first mental breakdown, first drink, all with him. Soon enough we were in our final year of University, and ultimately, adults. 
The Minho I knew was laid back, not too extroverted but not too introverted either. While I completely contrasted him, always anxious about something, wanting perfection to the T, and completely and utterly introverted.  Our friendship, moving into University, sparked a lot of questions. You wouldn’t typically find the introverted straight-A student with the borderline badboy tsundere walking and laughing in the halls together, spending practically every waking moment together. But Minho didn’t care, and neither did I, so we moved through life pretty easily. 
One of the few things we had in common was our love for cats, and when we both foudn out there was a cat cafe just a few minutes walk from our campus, you best bet we spent too much of our time and money there. Studying, hanging out, anything you could imagine. If we weren’t in one of our dorms, we were more than likely to be in the cat cafe. 
Every day after class we’d go there and we’d complain about our least favorite professors and how lectures would seemingly last for longer than they should. Additionally, Minho had almost become akin to my own dormmate with how much time he spent in my dorm. He’d come in whenever he wished, stealing my frozen pizzas and sodas, using my Netflix account on my TV to watch weird National Geographic shows and make random comments like “that snake looks just like Kim Seungmin,” or “look its Hannie” whenever a squirrel came on screen. Minho was always there when I needed a drinking partner after bombing a test or assignment, pouring me shots of soju until I passed out and bringing me to my bed and tucking me in whiel he would sleep on the couch to make sure I wouldn’t do anything stupid in the middle of the night. 
Although, more people knew Minho’s name than mine, but that didn’t bother any of us. We continued on being friends as usual, and it felt like nothing would change that. Life was moving in a straight line like it should’ve always been.
At least, that’s what it felt like until February, just a few months before we graduated. 
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I make my way to our usual spot in the courtyard after buying an iced coffee and a snickers bar from the vending machine next to my classroom, I walk up behind Minho sitting on a bench when I find him staring out in front of him instead of looking at cat videos on his phone like he usually does. Slowing my walk, I trail my eyes to the vague direction he’s facing and see that he’s looking at Kim Seungmin and a girl chatting outside the classroom. I ignore the thought, opting to think that Minho must’ve spaced out thinking about how he would irritate Seungmin next class. I plop down next to him when he still doesn’t take note of my arrival, so I get right next to his ear and blow cold air into it, snickering when he jolts in surprise. 
“What was that for?” He whines, fake annoyed.
“You got lost up in your thoughts for a certain Kim Seungmin there.” I snicker some more, opening my snickers (hehe) bar.
Just as I’m about to take the first bite of the sugary goodness, the chocolate bar gets snatched out of my hands and a certain Lee Minho takes an obnoxious bite out of it, not even giving it back but eating it like it was his. I pout, watching him devour my snack, knowing that I couldn’t do anything to get it back. 
“For your information, I was not thinking about Kim Seungmin.” He says pointedly, slightly muffled by the chocolate in his mouth.
I sigh, knowing I wasn’t going to get that chocolate bar back any time soon, and open my iced coffee. “So what were you thinking about then?” I ask before taking a sip.
“Don’t know, spaced out.” Is all the answer I get and I highly doubt him, but I brush it off anyways and don’t pry. 
Minho and I slide into our usual conversation about assignments, plans for the week, and everything under the sun. We talk about how he’s planning to visit home the next day and stay for a weekend and how excited he is to see his cats after a long time, I unknowingly smile at his ramble about how talkative Dori is, and just sit back and listen. I never took into account how healing it was to just watch and listen to him talk, the sultry of his voice and his little exclamations of frustration or excitement that came once in a while. I had to catch myself from staring when he turned to look at me, having asked me a question I didn’t catch.
“Sorry what was that?” I ask.
“Am I that beautiful for you to have lost your hearing to my handsome face?” I couldn’t just tell him that that was basically what had happened, it would inflate his ego by too much and reveal everything I’d hidden thus far.
“The heck? No, I was thinking about how great it would be to get some peace and quiet while you’re not around this weekend.” I lie, having Minho around is the only thing that brings me entertainment that isn’t endless sappy kdramas on my laptop, but he can never know that. 
Minho scoffs, says something under his breath that I don’t quite catch, then turns back to me. “You love me.” He says with a pout.
“Unfortunately I do.” 
That was the first of many inconspicuous confessions. 
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It was nearing 3 or 4 am and I was about halfway done with another kdrama when several knocks resound through the small living space. Knowing exactly who it is, I only shout back “you know the code!” and moments later the door opens. 
I don’t bother to get up and greet Minho, this exact scene has happened too many times for either of us to care at this point, and it doesn’t surprise me that the moment he enters he shouts, “Honey I’m home!” like we’re in some cheesy romcom. 
“Mhmm, welcome home, leech.” I enunciate the last word purposely, but I know he won’t bat an eye at the term. I continue to chew my popcorn while he wanders through my cabinets, looking for snacks. “There’s chips in the cabinet next to the fridge and sprite in there too. If you want more food order Chinese takeout.” 
“I don’t have my wallet.” I can practically hear his pout from where I sat, eyes unmoving from the TV screen. 
“You know where mine is, but you have to pay me back.” A few seconds pass with no response until suddenly he’s next to me and kissing my cheek.
“I loveeee you!” He says too sweetly, retreating back to the mini-kitchen to order takeout.
“Mhmm, I love you too.” I say, not loud enough for him to hear the confidence missing from my tone. 
Continuing to watch the episode of in front of me, I remain in my comfortable position, only moving to lift my legs when Minho comes back to sit on the couch under my legs and the blanket. 
“Oh you’re watching this one?” He asks, reaching into the bowl of popcorn I offer him.
“Yeah, didn’t have anything else to watch so I put it on since everyone seems to like it so much.” 
“Mm,” he hums while also indulging himself into the scenes playing in front of him. “You’re probably team potato guy, right?” 
“What kind of question is that? Of course I am!” I scoff.
“I don’t know, I still think she should end up with Jae-eon.”
“Are you crazy? He literally leads her on like every playboy and is ruining her mentality by not defining their relationship.” 
“Yeah, but they’re so cute together, and you can totally tell he feels something for her.” He argues.
“Just cause they’re cute together doesn’t mean they’re good for each other, the entire guy is a walking red flag, I don’t understand why she doesn’t just walk away when she’s had experience with a shit boyfriend.” I sigh.
“You, have major second lead syndrome.” He points an accusing finger at me.
“So what? It’s for good reason, the main lead is toxic as fuck and you can’t change my mind.” I upturn my nose, turning back to the TV and continuing to watch the episode. 
The mentioning of the second lead sends a flurry of thoughts into my brain for a reason I can’t comprehend. Sometimes the main leads aren’t that bad but still we want the main character to end up with the second lead, maybe out of our own natural selfishness because we prefer the second lead more. I shake the thoughts away, trying to convince myself that kdramas were only works of fiction and too cheesy to be real, yet for whatever reason I always felt a connection with the second leads, like our emotions directed to our crushes were the same, because I knew that I would always be the second lead in Minho’s story. 
Minho’s name was always called out more times than mine was growing up, which I didn’t really mind until our hangout time would be seriously cut down because he had to hang out with other friends. Don’t get me wrong, I loved that he had friends, but there was a little bit of selfishness in me that wanted him to myself.
A new drama and a few episodes later, plus Chinese takeout, lead to our eventual demise. We both fall asleep on the couch in less than comfortable positions and wake up with stiff-neck, us groaning at the pain. 
We continue on with our usual morning routines, taking turns freshening up in the bathroom before heading out for breakfast at Paws and Pastries since we were both too lazy to make food ourselves. Besides, hot coffee in the morning plus good sandwiches AND cats? What more could you ask for?
When we enter the cat cafe I notice a familiar face behind the cashier, it was the same girl Seungmin was talking to on Friday, and the same girl I caught Minho staring at. We walk up to the cashier, I order my food first, a simple breakfast sandwich with a coffee to go with it and wait next to Minho to finish ordering. 
I made the mistake up glancing up at his face as he was telling his order to her, Ahra, her name tag read. There was something in his eyes that glinted that I had never seen before, not when he talked to Han and not when he talked to me. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of emotion in the middle of my chest before forcing myself to look back down, inserting my card and paying for everything. I sent the girl a thank you and a kind smile after she told us our food would be right over, and both me and Minho went over to our usual table in the back corner next to the cat’s jungle gym and right up next to the window. I get lost in my thoughts while we begin playing with the cats we were so accustomed to. 
Like most second leads, I knew exactly what my feelings were. I was practically an adult, how could I miss the fast beating of my heart or my clammy hands whenever I was around him? But again, like most second leads, I knew I’d never get a chance with him, not when everything we did together was purely platonic. It was painfully obvious that I’d be stuck with an unrequited love for who knows how long, and I couldn’t just detach myself from him all of a sudden to get over my feelings because a) he’d notice and force me to tell him what was wrong, ultimately leading me to tell him that I had feelings for him, and b) the moment I would come back or see him for even just a second I know I would develop those feelings all over again. Neither of which were choices I was willing to take so I suck it up and see him every day, ignoring everything my heart was telling me. 
I look up from the cat that I’m petting in my lap and look at Minho again, only to find him staring at Ahra who was taking people’s orders with a perfect pearly smile. It was in that moment that I knew, I had just found the female lead of Minho’s story.
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3 weeks go by in a similar manner. Minho and I see Ahra around campus a few times and with some twisted fate, she’s on the clock every time we go to Paws and Pastries. Minho, being his smooth self, easily gets himself acquainted with her. They laugh and giggle so naturally and can slip into conversation so easily I’m almost envious of Minho and his non-introverted self. 
Not being one to try and stop fate, I watch it all happen. Telling Minho to ask her out already and teasing him about how lovesick he gets when he sees her nearby or at the cafe. I know Minho likes her when he blushes or gets defensive whenever I mention her in our conversations even though he’s never explicitly told me himself. I put on a face in front of him whenever these conversations come up, not wanting to get in the way of his happiness. 
One day some of our friends want to meet up outside of campus, we make plans to meet up at a bowling alley, ready to have fun until the late evening hours. Seungmin brought Ahra along with him, asking if it was okay to invite her since they were friends. Everyone agrees and we all meet up as planned. When everyone gets there, including Seungmin and Ahra, we introduce ourselves, Minho not having to introduce himself and easily speaking with her like they always did whenever running into each other. All the the boys have raised brows and mischievous smiles as they watch the interaction between the two, but only one looks at me in concern. 
A majority of the night passes by with laughter and teasing, how Chan was terrible at bowling this night and Minho easily beating him despite never doing too well on our previous adventures to the bowling alley. I spend the night with the rest of the boys, while Minho and Ahra spend time getting to know each other even more. There’s a point in the evening where I see Minho hold out his phone to Ahra to exchange numbers, I can hear her giggle when they take a selfie together, probably for her profile picture. I have to turn my head away quickly to ignore the cracking of my own heart when Minho puts his arm on the couch behind Ahra, he does it so naturally, yet he’s never done it with me. I will my thoughts to focus on the game and not on Minho, not noticing the same pair of concerned eyes until they speak up.
“Are you alright?” Hyunjin asks. 
“Hm? Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” My voice cracks halfway through and I try to hide my sad eyes, even though I was fully aware that Hyunjin had probably noticed that something was up.
“‘Cause you seem pretty affected by that scene over there.” He motions to Minho and Ahra with a nod of his head. 
“It’s nothing, Hyun, just nice seeing Minho talking to more people.”
“Y/n, you know he talks to people all the time, and you’re not nearly as affected then as you are now.” 
“Hyunjin, really, it’s fine.” I try to convince him but he says something that lets me know that he knows.
“You like Minho.”
“What? No that’s absurd I-“ He looks at me pointedly, and I sigh in defeat. “Yeah, okay, you got me.”
“Why don’t you say anything? Clearly it hurts you to see him like that.” He refers to Minho getting cozy with her.
“Hyunjin, it’s clear that everything we have is platonic, he even called me his sister several times. And who am I to get in the way of him getting into a relationship? That’s not my place to say anything, especially when his last girlfriend was 2 years ago.” 
“I get that, but shouldn’t he at least deserve to know? He says that he knows everything about you, but there’s one thing that he doesn't. You know practically everything about him, isn’t it a little unfair?” 
“We have choices as to what we share with each other and what we don’t, it’s his choice to tell me what he wants to and my choice to tell him what I want to tell him. Besides, he hasn’t even told me that he has a crush on Ahra yet.” 
“So maybe he doesn’t then.” 
“Hyunjin, just look at him, he’s a puppy in love.” I glance back over to Minho and Ahra sitting parallel to us. Minho is smiling brightly, more brightly than I had seen in a while and I can’t help but let my lips upturn at the corners just slightly in another sad smile. 
Hyunjin sighs next to me, and I look back to him. “I’m sorry y/n, I really wish he would end up with you instead of her, it doesn’t seem fair to you.”
“Hey, don’t say that, Ahra seems like a nice girl, she and Minho will get along great. And nothing in life is fair Hyunjin, that’s just something you come to accept.” I say, getting up. “I’m gonna get some drinks, does anyone want anything?” I ask everyone.
“Cola!” “Me too!” “Me three!” “A lemonade please.” A few of the boys shout back.
“Anything for you guys?” I turn to Minho and Ahra. They both shake their heads. “Okay then, I’ll be back in a minute guys.” I smile at the group before going to get the drinks. 
While walking away from the group I let a teardrop fall from my eye, wiping it away just before I order.
Life’s unfair, that’s just something I have to accept. 
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A week goes by and Minho’s talking about how he and Ahra message often, how he thinks they get along well and he’s gonna ask her out.
Another week goes by and they’ve gone on their first date, he takes her to the beach and they have a picnic. 
Two weeks after that they’ve gone on several dates and are officially boyfriend and girlfriend, I don’t even find out separately at this point, I find out with the rest of the group over dinner.
A few days after that Minho calls off one of our late night binge watching sessions, texting me an apology and that Ahra needs him. I tell him it’s okay and to send my regards to her. 
It’s a week and half after and Minho regularly calls off our meetups at the cafe after school or at one another’s dorms to tend to Ahra. I tell him it’s fine each time and to not feel bad. He did the same today, and I sit alone at our usual table, mindlessly petting a cat in my lap while zoning out into in my mug of coffee. 
All while this happens, I watch, and I let it happen. I don’t fight for him because it didn’t feel right, sometimes second leads let their love fall for someone else, and that’s all it felt like I could do. 
Fighting for Minho felt selfish, especially when I knew I had no chance and he’d already fallen for Ahra. I couldn’t suddenly come out of the blue and tell him “hey, I have feelings for you,” when he’s already dating Ahra, I’d look like a major asshole if I did. All I could do was watch and see how we begun to drift farther and farther apart. 
With Minho being absent more often, I don’t get to tell him much. Like the internship offer I got to continue pursuing graphic design in Itaewon. I got the email almost a week ago, and I had two more weeks to decide if I was going to take the offer. With nobody to consult about it with I continue to push it to the back of my mind, not wanting to deal with more stress just yet. 
Just as I’m taking another sip of my coffee a familiar head of long blonde hair enters the cafe. My head tilts to the side in confusion as he scans the room for someone when he meets eyes with me, he makes his way over and sits in the seat in front of me and doesn’t say anything.
“You’re rarely on this side of town, why are you here?” I ask Hyunjin first.
“I heard something from Ms. Kim in our art class and needed to know if it was true.” He says seriously.
“What…” I feel like I know what he’s going to say, but I ask anyways. “What did you hear?” 
“That you were offered an internship in Itaewon.” 
“Hyunjin I-“
“Is it really true? She said you had two more weeks to decide, how come you haven’t told anybody? Does Minho know? Are you gonna leave? What about-” He begins to spurt out question after question and it’s almost too much for me to handle.
“Hyunjin!” I raise my voice just slightly to get him to stop but I have to turn it down again when the volume of my voice makes a few of the other customers’ heads turn. “Calm down, yes it’s true, yes I have two more weeks to decide if I’m going or not, I didn’t know how I would tell any of you, no, Minho doesn’t know and I don’t plan on telling him.” 
“Are you… Are you gonna take the offer?” He asks slowly.
I prop my elbows onto the table as the cat leaves my lap and my head drops into my hands as I sigh in exasperation. “I don’t know.” Tears are gathering in my eyes as I think about it. 
“Y/n, have you thought about the offer at all?” 
“Yes and no.” I don’t need to lift my head to sense Hyunjin’s confusion. “It’s hard to think about it when you’re watching your crush of 2 years date someone else while you’re also trying to finish up your senior year. But it’s also all I can think about when I’m alone, which I find myself a lot, thinking about having to find a place to live in Itaewon and transfer and mentally prepare to leave you all here, but if I don’t take it then it’ll be even harder to find an offer like this. It’s all I can think about and also something that I can’t bring myself to think about, Hyunjin.” I lift my head and my teary eyes meet his own. 
“Y/n…” His voice breaks saying my name.
“I think I’m going to take it.” I pause. “Once I finish all of my final assignments the only thing I have left to really worry about is graduating and finding a job, and I don’t think I can take watching Minho and Ahra anymore Hyun, I don’t think I can stomach it. I’m happy for them, I truly am, but it’s also affecting me and I don’t think I should ignore that anymore. If I’m in Itaewon I have a job and I won’t have to worry about feelings anymore, two birds with one stone.” 
I see the hesitancy in Hyunjin’s facial expressions before he speaks. “If that’s what you think you should do, then I’ll support you all the way. But shouldn’t you tell Minho about this?” 
“I’m not, because if I do, Minho is gonna find some way to get me to stay and I’ll crumble and stay because he affects me the most.” Hyunjin merely nods in response. “Hyunjin, you are the only one that can know about this, okay? I can’t have everyone else know this, especially Minho, okay?”
Hesitation again, and then, “Okay.” 
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Hyunjin keeps his promise, he keeps the secret of me leaving from everyone. Even as graduation inches closer and our group begins to talk more about job searching, what comes next, and similar topics, the two of us keep it a secret. Whenever they asked me what I was thinking of doing next I always just told them “oh probably looking for internships nearby,” and no more questions are asked. 
Minho and Ahra were still very much in love, even more than before, if the growing absence of Minho’s presence was anything to go by. I barely saw Minho anymore, maybe catching him at the end of the hall every once in awhile, but he was always walking with Ahra so all I could say was “hello” and “goodbye.” 
Each goodbye begun to hold more and more weight as the days passed. Even the short ones I would tell Minho after passing him in the halls. I couldn’t even conjure how I would tell everyone, maybe send a letter to each of their places? A text message? Tell them after the graduation ceremony just before I left for the train station? I thought about how I would say goodbye as I begun to pack up my dorm. Graduation was nearing, I had already turned in all of my final assignments, and all there was left was to pack. I would leave after the ceremony ended, sometime in the afternoon. I wouldn’t even get the chance to properly celebrate being graduates with my friends because I was leaving in the afternoon. I’d get situated in my new apartment in Itaewon and get accustomed to new life outside of Gimpo. 
The thought of leaving panged my heart harshly, I had never left Gimpo permanently before. Sure, I had gone on trips to the US and Singapore and Seoul before, but I had never moved from Gimpo. I was born and raised in Gimpo, met Minho and all of our friends here, so the thought of moving for the first time did something to my heart. I attended all of our group hangouts with a nostalgic mindset, remembering the first time we all met, when we all got wasted one time on a Friday night after some big exam week. I look around our table of friends and think about how much I’ll miss all of this when I leave for Itaewon. 
Another thing that panged my heart, Minho and I distancing. I knew it was coming, Minho and I didn’t text or talk about hanging out anymore. He walked Ahra to her classes now, and had dates with her after class instead of meeting me at our cafe. Eventually I stopped getting apology messages, and stopped expecting him at the cafe anymore. I couldn’t blame him, Ahra was his girlfriend and I accepted that long ago. Instead I just played the supportive friend on the sidelines, and I’d continue to play that role for as long as I had to. 
It came to be the night before we graduated, and all of us minus Minho and Ahra were sat around a table in one of the restaurants we frequented, it wasn’t too late in the evening, and we all just sat in silence after finishing our food with bottles and glasses of soju now sitting in front of us. A majority of our meal was full of reminiscing, talking about memories that crack everyone up and left smiles on our faces. 
“So, we really graduate tomorrow, huh?” Changbin says when the table quiets down.
“Yeah, I guess we do.” Chan says quietly. 
My eyes tear up and I begin to sniff without control, the weight of my department tomorrow weighing heavily on my shoulders. Hyunjin puts an arm around my shoulders and gives me a tissue, whispering “it’s okay, it’s okay” to me while I try to calm down.
Everyone looks at me in confusion before Chan speaks first. “Y/n are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I just…” I trail off, not sure what to say.
“Do you want to tell them?” Hyunjin asks softly.
“Tell us what?” Seungmin says this time.
Hyunjin looks to me first before nodding, and I begin to spill my secret. “I got an internship offer.” 
The table erupts in cheers and I get congratulations thrown back at me before I can even continue.
“But…” Immediately everyone silences and looks to me in expectation. “It’s in Itaewon.” 
There’s a tense air that falls around us. “What?” Felix says in disbelief.
“You’re not leaving us, right Noona?” Jeongin asks from another part of the table. 
I look to Jeongin with sad eyes, smiling sadly. “I leave tomorrow, after our graduation ceremony.” There’s some gasps around the table.
“What?! Y/n, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Changbin blows up and Chan has to place a hand on his shoulder to restrain him.
“I didn’t want every time we met leading up to graduation to feel like a goodbye, Bin, I couldn’t handle that. So I kept it from you all so there wasn’t this tension every time we met.” I explained.
“Does Minho know?” Seungmin asks this time, and I shake my head.
“Y/n…” Han says worriedly.
“Guys, I know I’m not the only one that’s noticed that me and Minho aren’t that close anymore, so I haven’t really gotten the chance to tell him. But I told Hyunjin this a long time ago, that I wouldn’t tell Minho specifically, because there’s some things that I need to figure out and if I told him he’d find some way to keep me from going, or even worse, follow me. At least with Ahra by his side he won’t follow me to Itaewon.” There’s nods all around the table, understanding where I’m coming from.
“We’re gonna miss you a lot.” Felix sniffs and I coo, getting up from my seat to wrap my arms around him from behind. 
“I’m gonna miss you all too.” I sniff with him, a few tears escaping my eyes. 
Chan comes to join our hug, then Han, then Jeongin, and soon enough everyone has joined the group hug with me in the middle. All of us are crying, and I had never felt more loved than that moment. 
Eventually we break away from the hug and return to our seats, everyone dabbing at their eyes with tissues and sniffing. 
“Let’s all stop crying, tonight is a night to celebrate, all of us graduate tomorrow, and our dear Y/n got an internship offer in a big city!” Han holds up a drink and we all do the same, cheering and clinking our glasses together and celebrating the night away. 
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The next morning I get ready for graduation early, putting on my makeup and doing my hair, and sending a message. 
to: [cat dad who’s a leech :D]
hey, can you meet me at p&p in thirty?
My heart picks up the pace as I send the message, I didn’t expect him to answer so quickly yet his message pings my phone within 2 minutes. 
from: [cat dad who’s a leech :D]
sure, i can be there
to: [cat dad who’s a leech :D]
sweet, i’ll see you there
I turn my phone off and take a deep breath, we still had a few hours before we had to be at the school for our graduation ceremony, I’d have to leave just a few minutes after the ceremony ended which wouldn’t give me enough time to tell Minho, so, I made the painful decision the night before to tell him in the morning. I’d do it in our favorite spot in the corner of our favorite cat cafe, tell him the news slowly and hope that he takes it well. 
I leave my house and 15 minutes later I’m in our usual booth, my coffee order sitting in front of me and the cats all wandering around as there weren’t too many people since it was relatively early in the morning. I already bought Minho his typical Iced Americano and it sat in front of me, awaiting it’s owner. 
10 minutes later Minho arrives and makes his way to the table, sitting in front of me, smiling, unknowing of what’s about to happen. 
“Hey.” I smile at him.
“Hey you.” He smiles back brightly. “Sorry I couldn’t see you guys last night, I took Ahra out for dinner last night on a date.”
“It’s completely alright, how are you guys?” 
“Pretty good, things are going okay right now.” He answers.
“That’s good.” Nervously I take a sip of my macchiato in front of me, my leg bouncing in anxiety. 
“Y/n? Is everything alright? Your leg’s bouncing pretty fast right now.” Curse Minho and the fact that he knows so much about me, he reaches out for my wrist and checks my pulse, quickly noticing how fast it’s beating as his brows furrow in confusion. 
“Minho, there’s something I need to tell you.” I say, retracting my wrist from his grip. He doesn’t answer me but instead tilts his head like a cat does when it looks at its owner questionably. “I’m leaving.” 
“What?” He asks.
How could one look so endearing, head tilted and eyes full of emotion as I break the news to him? I ask myself. “I got an internship offer for a company in Itaewon, I accepted it and I’m leaving for Itaewon, today.” 
“You’re leaving today?” He says in disbelief, sounding out of breath.
I nod and continue. “After the graduation today I have to catch my bus. I didn’t have any other time to tell you so I had to tell you now.” 
“You’re… You’re just telling me now? Do the others know about this?” 
“I only told them last night.”
“You couldn’t have thought of telling me sooner?” He starts to get angry.
“Minho I-“
“What happened to telling me everything, huh? What happened to when we used to know everything about each other?”
“Minho, those days are long behind us, you have bigger priorities now, like putting your focus on your girlfriend, Minho. I couldn’t tell you because I knew you’d do something rash, and I didn’t even tell the others until last night because I knew every time we’d see each other it would be like preparing for the day I leave. You and Ahra have something so great going on for the two of you right now and telling you that I was leaving would take you away from that, and I can’t do that to you or her. Ahra is an amazing girl, and you have her now.”
“Will you at least visit?” His eyes are full of tears, some of the first I’ve seen in years and I hate that I’m the cause of it. 
“I don’t know yet, there’s some things I need to figure out myself first, before I can visit. But at some point maybe I will, when I’ve figured things out I’ll try visiting from time to time.” I offer him a sad smile. 
After a few moments of silence I get up from my seat. 
“We still have a graduation left, Min, I’ll still see you then.” I ruffle his hair and walk out of the cafe, no more secrets but one weighing down on my chest. 
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The Graduation ceremony passes by in a blur. One moment we were listening to the speeches of each of the professors and the next we were tossing our caps into the air, cheering as we became alumni of our university. 
Our friend group met up in the front of the school, taking pictures with our parents and congratulating each other. Eventually, the time comes and I have to go. 
Our group stands in a circle, unmoving, as we all look at each other. 
“I’m gonna miss all of you so much.” I say in tears as my voice breaks.
“We’re gonna miss you too, Y/n.” Hyunjin says. At his words everyone gathers into a group hug full of tears and the weight of a goodbye on our shoulders. 
“You better promise to visit us, okay?” Felix holds me by the shoulders and makes a point to look me in the eye. Not trusting my voice, I nod and he brings me into one more hug. 
I hug each of them individually, saying a few words, before I reach the last person. 
I hug Minho and look into his eyes for the last time for a while.
“I’ll miss you.” He whispers.
“Me too.” And that’s all I can say. 
I leave the campus for the last time, hopping in my car to head to the station and start anew.
Second leads always leave in the end, they leave and let the two main leads have a happy ending. That’s what it felt like I was doing, and I couldn’t tell if I was content with my choice or not. 
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Two and a half months in Itaewon passes quickly. 
The move into my new apartment was smooth, and it was odd to be in a bigger space than a small dorm room. It felt like I had more space than I knew what to do with. 
My internship was moving along smoothly as well, everyone I had met so far were really kind and taught me a lot. I was worried about feeling out of place but I had met a few other girls not much older than me who helped me feel at home. 
Being alone in a big city was unnerving, but what made it so much more comfortable was the addition of a cat that my parents had bought me as my graduation gift. She was a chartreux cat who I named Luna because I had always dreamed of naming my first cat that. My parents covered most of the costs of basic things like cat toys, a scratch post, her bed, and similar things. I thanked my parents endlessly when they came over to my apartment a week after I had moved in and gave me Luna. I wasn’t gone for too long during the day and always left food for her, she was great company when I came home and worked on projects late into the evening, curling up into my lap like the cats at the old cafe used to. She was my best friend in a city I was still getting accustomed to. 
I hadn’t talked to the guys much, I’d talked with them a few times in the group chat about how their job searches were going and trips they were planning to take soon. It was nice talking with them every so often but all of us were still pretty busy moving onto the next chapter of our lives. 
I hadn’t talked to Minho since I left, I’d assumed that he and Ahra were doing well, but that’s all that was, assumption. None of the boys talked about him and I couldn’t understand why, but I never asked since I was supposed to be moving on from my feelings in the first place. I thought I had been doing pretty well until something would come up that reminded me of him, like his favorite song would play in the cafe I bought my morning coffee in and spent my breaks at, or snapchat would send me “Today, 1 year ago” memories of him and me fooling around at Paws and Pastries. Whenever that would happen I’d be sent back to square one, and it felt like I’d never move on from Minho. 
I was on my way out to grab a coffee and spend my off day walking around, maybe looking into a few shops when I got a call from Hyunjin.
“Y/n! My favorite girl, how are you?”
“Hyunjin? What’s with the call?”
“What? Can I not call my friends from time to time?”
“Not when you’re notorious for calling your ‘friends’ after you’ve done something wrong.” I sigh.
“That was one time! Besides, it wasn’t that bad.”
“You dragged Jeongin to a party! And got him wasted!” 
“One. Time. Y/n. It was one time.”
“One time is enough for you to be in trouble for life, Hyun.”
“Okay, whatever, but I was meaning to ask you, what’re your plans for today?” 
“Me? I was just planning to go out, today’s my day off so I was gonna visit this one cafe and see some shops, why?” 
“No reason, what time do you think you’ll be home?” 
“Maybe five?”
“Great, okay, I have to go now, Han’s calling me, bye!” Hyunjin hangs up before I can ask him what’s with the weird questions.
“Hyunjin- Oh great he hung up.” I put my phone in my pocket before looking down at Luna who’s stretching near my legs. “Your uncle Hyunjin is quite the odd one, isn’t he Luna, hm?” I ask her and she meows back in response. “Weird indeed, but that’s just how he is. Mommy’s gonna spend her day out and then she’ll come home and we can watch the TV together, okay? I’ll be home soon.” I pick up Luna and set her on her little bed before ensuring everything is safe and make my way out the door. 
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I spend the day eating at a large cat cafe that actually had an assortment of books with little reading areas while the cats roamed around everywhere. It was much bigger than the cafe in Gimpo, but I would always correlate that one with home. 
After I spent a bit of time reading there I went out and explored the shops for a few hours, bought some new jeans and a few blouses plus some makeup things. I got Subway for lunch and explored just a little bit more before heading home. Instead of going straight home, I decided to take the long way, going through the streets not minding the extra weight the few shopping bags I was holding in my hands gave me. The sun was just barely beginning to set as I walked into my apartment complex, getting into the elevator and pressing the button for my floor. 
I walk down the hallway to my door and am surprised when a familiar figure greets me there. 
“Minho?” I say as I walk closer. 
“Y/n!” He says happily, bringing me into a hug. 
“What are you doing here? Actually- Wait- Don’t answer that, do you wanna come inside?” I ask him.
“Sure.” He responds. 
I unlock the door and bring my bags in, setting them by the door. “Luna! Mommy’s home!” I call out automatically.
Luna meows and comes out of the bedroom, walking her way up to me before I pick her up. 
“You got a cat?” Minho asks.
“Yeah, parents brought her to me about a week after I moved in.” I put Luna back down and she moves to sit on the arm of the couch, her favorite spot to sit when the sun goes down.
“And you named her Luna,” He smiles fondly. “You always wanted to name your cat Luna.” 
“I’m surprised you remember that.” I chuckle. “Do you want some coffee?” 
“I’ll get that brewing, just give me a few minutes, you can take a seat on the couch and make yourself at home!” I tell him as I quickly retreat to the kitchen.
I have to take a few breaths when I’m far away enough from Minho, my heart beating just as fast as it would when I was around him back then. It was clear I hadn’t moved on at all. 
I brew the coffee as promised and wait next to the coffee machine with two mugs ready. A voice chimes in behind me.
“Your place is much bigger than the dorms.” He chuckles.
“Tell me about it, it was so weird buying more furniture than I was used to.” I laugh with him. 
The machine finishes brewing the coffee and I pour it into the two mugs, putting it on a tray with creamer and sugar before bringing it all to the coffee table in front of the couch. 
Minho and I take seats on the couch, separated by a bit of space between us while we sip on our respective mugs.
“So,” I start the conversation. “How’s home?” 
“Not too bad, same old same old, the guys being annoying as usual, you know?” He says.
“Sounds fun.” I chuckle. “And work, have you found anything yet?” 
“Not yet, I’ve got a few applications out, but I’m still waiting on some answers.”
“I’m sure you’ll get them soon.” I respond. 
An uncomfortable silence sets over the both of us, and I run my free hand through Luna’s fur who’s situated herself in my lap this time. I take a long sip of my coffee before asking another question.
“How’s… How are you and Ahra?” 
“Oh…” He trails off. “We broke up a few weeks ago.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that…” I had no idea that he and Ahra had broken up, in fact that was the completely opposite of what I thought had happened since they seemed to work together so well. 
“Yeah, it was a mutual thing. We didn’t really feel that kind of connection anymore, you know? So we just, broke it off.” 
“Are you okay?” I ask Minho.
“Me? Yeah, I’m actually not as affected as I thought I’d be, I don’t know if that makes me a cruel person or not but I was only sad for the first week or two. Nothing too bad.” 
“I see.” Another silence settles between us. This one is longer, more tense, there was something Minho wanted to ask but he wasn’t sure, and I couldn’t depict what question he was going to ask.
“Actually, I came her for a reason.” He says.
“And what reason is that?” I ask hesitantly.
“For answers.” My brows furrow, answers for what? “There’s something Hyunjin told me recently and it got me thinking, and I wanted to hear it from you if it was true.”  
I finish my coffee and place it down delicately on the coffee table, trying not to show how nervous I was with how badly my hands were shaking. “I’ll see if I have answers for you then.” 
“When you told me you were leaving, you said you had some, things, to figure out on your own. What was it that you had to figure out?” 
I take a moment to decide exactly how I was going to answer his question. Did I want to expose my feelings to him just yet? “Just, feelings.” I say vaguely.
“Just feelings for somebody.”
“Is it Hyunjin?”
I pause for just a half second, and apparently that was all Minho needed. “I guess Hyunjin’s big mouth was right after all.”
“Wait- What? What are you talking about?” 
Minho takes a long sip of his coffee before finishing letting out a sigh after swallowing, he slowly sets the mug on the table before making direct eye contact with me and silently killing me with the suspense. “Minho please just say something you’re killing me here.”
He only chuckles in response. “Hyunjin told me not too long ago that you took up the offer to work here because you were going to sort out your feelings, for me.” He says sweetly as I suck in a breath at his last words. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Minho-“
“Now now, Y/n, we shouldn’t hide things from each other anymore, should we?” His sweet, sultry voice was affecting me greatly as he leaned closer to me on the couch. I gulp and silently curse when Luna, the only thing keeping me sane, leaves the comfort of my lap for her scratch-post. 
“Minho…” I let out quietly.
“Tell me, Kitten, is it true?” He asks once again. 
“I-“ My voice catches in my throat when Minho leans in ever nearer, still making direct eye-contact with me. “Yes, it is.” I sigh out and Minho backs away. 
“He was right.” Minho whispers while my gaze drops to my hands that I fiddle with in my lap at the secret that’s let out. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry.” I whisper.
“Why are you sorry darling?” He asks softly and uses his thumb and forefinger to tilt my head up by my chin. 
“I couldn’t tell you because I knew you didn’t feel the same, and then when you got together with Ahra we drifted apart because it hurt me to see you with her. Then I left and told you about me leaving so last minute. I made you cry, Minho, and I hate that I did. But I couldn’t see any other way out of it. I hurt you because I was cowardly and didn’t want to be selfish by telling you and having your attention move off of Ahra, when I was really being selfish by not telling you and hurting you in the end.” More tears escape my eyes as we look at each other.
“Princess, no…” He cups my face with his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. “I’ll admit, it did hurt when you told me that you were leaving the day of, but I understood where you were coming from. Because you were right, I would have done something crazy to keep you by my side. Do you know why?” He asks, and I shake my head, still crying. “Because I need you by my side, kitten, even when I was dating Ahra I felt off but just didn’t pay any mind to it because I had her. But now I know it’s because you and I were drifting apart, I found out when after you left and me and Ahra broke up because I felt empty. I couldn’t text you to just come over anymore because you’re farther away from me now. I lied earlier, I said that I sent out some applications for jobs but didn’t get any answers yet, right?” I nod. “I got offered a job as a software engineer, here, in Itaewon, and I said yes.” 
“Why?” I whisper.
“Because I want to be near you, I need to be by your side Y/n, because I love you.” I let out a sob at his confession and he coos, bringing me to rest my head on his chest and rubbing his hands on my back and running them through my hair. 
“I love you too.” I say after a few minutes. 
Minho brings me out of his hold, and cups my face again. For the first time, he kisses me. His lips brush over mine before deepening the kiss, taking full charge of it yet somehow still being soft with me. His kisses were nothing short of addicting, and I knew I’d be in love with him for a long time. 
In that moment, kissing the man of my dreams, I remember that it may be rare that a second lead gets their own happy ending, but it’s not unheard of. Sometimes the main lead and second lead do end up with their own happily ever after. 
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Notes from the author: I have FINALLY posted something y’all 😂 took a few months but she’s here, and she’s dishing out something at least. I don’t know how often I’ll be posting again, esp with school and whatnot, but I do know I need to drain out my drafts because phew, it’s getting a little full in there. 
But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this fic! I’m pretty sure it’s one of the longest I’ve written if not the longest. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad, I’m probably a little rusty but we can fix that (i think)
if you want more I still have my old stuff up on my masterlist on my account! hope to see you around :))
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rekrappeter · 4 years
looking at the moon, but seeing you
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: you find yourself drawn to draco malfoy, an october evening welcoming something you never expected
warnings: mention of feeling numb, swearing, typos
notes: please let me know what you think of this, feedback would be amazing thank you - if there’s an inaccuracy of the wizarding world in this, please don’t let me know, I’m not interested <333
I had originally started writing this for @bricksatanakinswindow​ ‘s wc and had a prompt in mind, but then I went on a tangent and finished it forgetting to use the prompt oops but anyways, I hope y’all enjoy it either way <3
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It was your favorite time of the year. Orange and brown leaves scattered the grass, the sound of them crunching when students trampled over them to get to class, and it was always dark before the final class ended. The ghosts seemed to be more present during mealtimes and the flickering of the crimson fires above the four tables created shadows around the dining hall. There was an eerie, yet wholesome atmosphere that Hogwarts welcomed during the month of October. But the thing you loved most about October in Hogwarts was the Annual Halloween Feast. 
You were staring wide-eyed at the mounts of food that appeared in front of you, your mouth watering at the sight of the freshly trimmed turkey and the pumpkin pies that were making your stomach grumble with hunger. It took everything in your power to not reach out for your first servings, knowing that everyone was waiting for Professor Dumbledore to finish up his annual Halloween speech. The moment he gave you permission to start eating, your hands reached out for the first bowl of vegetables closest to you. 
“Calm down there,” Ron chuckled, his red hair brushing across his forehead, “It won’t disappear right away.” 
“You’re one to talk,” you snapped back, a playful smirk tugging on your lips as you eyed his plate already half-filled with chicken wings and mash potatoes. 
Ron scoffed, his cheeks turning red, “Quidditch practice makes me hungry.” You rolled your eyes as the boy rambled on, trying to plead his case but as you looked over his shoulder towards the Slytherin table, his voice was just a mere whisper amongst the eyes staring back at you. Cold, dull blue eyes were on your figure from across the room, his porcelain face rested in the palm of his hands and his pink lips were a spark contrast from his snow-white hair. 
“Is Draco Malfoy staring at me?” you whispered softly to Hermione, ignoring the confused glances from the red head boy that thought he was having a conversation with you. Hermione peaked over Ron’s shoulder strategically, pretending to scratch her nose in the process. The creasing of her fluffy brows confirmed your suspicions and you both stare at Draco, it wasn’t until the taller boy beside him, Blaise, nudged his shoulder with his that Draco was pulled out of what seemed to be a daydream. His eyes widened for a second, his tongue darting from his mouth to wet his lips as he raised a brow in your direction. 
‘What?’ you mouthed to him, and he shot you an annoyed, almost hateful, glare your way before tearing his gaze from you. A scoff passed your lips, it was so typical of Draco to make it seem like it was your fault that he was staring at you. “That was weird,” you murmured, shrugging your shoulders and the grumble of your stomach remembered that you had forgot to feed it all day. 
When the Feast had come to an end, the magically thundering and lightening lit up the Great Hall causing students to erupt into discussions of thrill and excitement. The tables disappeared from underneath you, as the room transforming into it’s annual Halloween afterparty. Pumpkins that Hagrid grew himself were huddled in the corners, big enough to fit three full adult males in them, and orange and black streamers were dangling from the ceiling. The table that the teachers occupied was gone and replaced with a stage, instruments scattered around on top and you could spot a skeleton tuning a guitar. 
A grin was unfaltering on your face, the excitement bubbling inside you. You glanced at Hermione, seeing her face in complete awe at the sight in front of her and you hated the fact that your eyes found themselves travelling across the room to the platinum blonde. Despite his foul demeanor throughout the entirety of the feast, an amused smile was rested on his lips as he watched the band of skeletons take the stage. As the music started, people began shuffling onto the makeshift dancefloor, still draped in their house robes. Your stare constantly kept finding it’s way to Draco, and no matter how much you scolded yourself, you couldn’t get him out of your mind. 
This started towards the end of last year, these growing unwanted feelings that you held for the Slytherin Prince. The summer break couldn’t have come quick enough, Hogwarts was a big place but you kept finding yourself bumping into him or walking in the same empty corridors as he did. Throughout the summer, you hadn’t thought about him once - you labeled it as a stupid crush, the inevitability of falling for the ‘bad boy’ of your year. Of course, he had ladies falling all over him, but you’d never seen him with anyone other than Pansy Parkinson and even at that, you weren’t sure if they were exclusive. You tried not to dwell on it much, the thought of the two doing things together in the dungeons brought a wave of nausea each time. You thought the feelings that developed were gone, but the moment he walked onto the platform at Kings Cross, time stopped and it was just him there amongst the bustle of people bidding goodbye to their families. You scolded yourself the whole train ride, feeling yourself falling into daydreams and fantasies of what could be. But you were a Gryffindor, and he was a Slytherin. It wouldn’t work. 
“You’re staring this time,” Hermione smirked, an amused glint in her eyes. She twirled you around so that your back was to Draco, and you silently thanked her. You had confided in Hermione about your little crush on Draco, hoping she’d be able to smack some sense into you and help you remember all the cruel things he’s said to you in the past but the thing was… you remembered all those things, you repeated them in your head but it still wasn’t enough to stop you from wondering where he was and letting your eyes linger after him. 
The night was drawing to an end, a night filled with endless laughter and dancing. You were on your way to the common room, arm linked with Harry as he swayed with you, drunk on happiness. Passing the courtyards, somehow your eyes spied a figure making it’s way to the black lake, and if it wasn’t for the hair that gleamed under the moonlight, you wouldn’t have given it a second thought. But you detangled yourself from Harry, him giving you a puzzled look. “I-I think I forgot my bookbag by the lake earlier.” 
“Do you want me to go down and look for it with you?” Harry asked, his hair tousled and sweat beading on his forehead from the amount of dancing he was forced to do. 
“No, I’ll only be a second,” you said, stepping backwards onto the grass, “I’ll follow you up.” Harry was hesitant to leave you behind, Ron calling his name from inside the castle but he nodded reluctantly. Hogwarts was after all the safest place you could be. You scurried down towards the bed of water, your eyes adjusting to the darkness until you spotted his figure sitting underneath a tree that was naked of leaves. 
“Following me, y/l/n?” you could hear the ennui in his voice, and it made you halt your steps. Maybe it was the glee from the October evening that led you to follow him, or maybe it was the dissatisfaction of not knowing how it felt to feel his lips on yours that made you come down here. Pursing your own lips, you took a step back hearing the crinkle of leaves under your foot as you twirled to march back up the hill you practically ran down. Draco sighed, “you can stay.” 
You were thankful that it was dark outside, the grin on your face practically glistening at his words. You sat crossed legged in front of him, feeling the October chill kiss your cheeks as his eyes gazed at the stars above you. While his eyes were lost in the nature that surrounded you, your eyes were on his face, taking in every fraction of it up close. How the eleven year old boy with an innocent smirk you met a number of years ago had morphed into the exhausted looking seventeen year man sitting in front of you. His pale face was separated with dark circles hoovering beneath his eyes, his pink lips were chapped and the speck of blood on his bottom lip indicated that he must have been nibbling on them recently. 
When the oddly comfortable silence became too much for you, your fingers digging into the grass underneath you, you breathed out a sigh gaining his attention. It was as if he forgot you were there. “Did you have fun tonight?” you asked. 
Draco scoffed, his eyes rolling, “I hate Halloween.” 
“How can you hate Halloween?” you questioned, your jaw dropping, “It’s practically a holiday dedicated to us!” 
“It’s a holiday dedicated to pretending to be someone you’re not, how incredible,” Draco drowned sarcastically. 
“Have you never wanted to be someone that wasn’t you?” Draco was stunned at your question, and he so eagerly wanted to scoff and question why would he want to be anyone else, but when he caught sight of your curious eyes, he became speechless. He stared at you like he did in the Great Hall previously, but instead of the lifeless stare that you were accustomed to at this point, his eyes were filled with sorrow and sadness. Of course he wanted to be someone else, the more he thought about it, he’d began to accept the fact that he wanted to be anyone but him. At the mere age of seventeen, he had so much responsibility resting on his shoulders, missions and tasks that he wasn’t allowed to speak to anyone about. He felt as if he was drowning. 
“Draco..” you breathed out, your breath fogging underneath the moonlight. Draco barely heard your face, he only came back to reality when he felt your soft, warm hand rest on his cheek and he jumped back in fright. “Hey, it’s just me..” you whispered, wiping the stray tears that were leaking from his eyes without him realising. 
Draco scrambled away from you on the grass, and you let your hand drop from his face. The spot you touched tingled as he stood up from the ground, fixing his robe that was draping off his shoulders. “W-why are you here?” he spat at you, his eyes twitching. 
You remained on the grass, looking up at his worried expression. You wanted to have an explanation as to why you were suddenly drawn to him, but you didn’t even know. “I-I don’t know, Draco.” 
Draco. Draco. Draco. His name that barely passed his ears lately felt like butterflies and fireworks falling from your lips. All he heard these days were Malfoy, no one addressed him as Draco anymore and he didn’t realise how much he needed to hear it, it grounded him. “Say my name again,” he mumbled, barely audible but from the raise of your brow, he knew you heard him. 
You stood up from the grass, taking a hesitant step towards him and you waited for him to jump away from you but he didn’t. You closed the gap between your bodies, his breathing racing as he watched every move you made. Lifting your hand to his face again, he let himself relax underneath your touch and his eyes fluttered closed. “Draco,” you said softly, the twitching of the corner of his lips motivating your next move. His stature was slightly taller than you, making you put all your weight on your toes as your lips touched his cheek, “Draco,” you repeated, your lips moving down to his jaw, “Draco..” 
You gasped as his hand suddenly gripped the wrist of your hand resting on his cheek. He opened his eyes, a confused look swirling beneath the blue but you never got the chance to see beyond the confusion before his lips crashed against yours in a breathtaking kiss. You stumbled back at the impact, but he wrapped his arms around your waist to steady you. Your lips moved in sync, the kiss rapid and intrusive. He pushed your body up against the large tree trunk, your head hitting the bark and your breath hitching in your throat. “D-Draco,” you stuttered against his lips, trying to push him off you to catch your breath, “What are you doing?” 
“I… I just wanted to feel something,” Draco mumbled, almost feeling guilty for kissing you and his eyes casted downwards. He tried to step away from you but you clasped your fingers around his wrist and stopped him. He glanced up at you, the swollen lips a reminder of seconds before. 
“How did it feel?” you asked, a smile twitching at the corner of your lips. 
The overly confident and obnoxious man that you once knew was nowhere to be found, seemingly lost in the October breeze. When Draco resulted in silence as his answer, you closed the gap again and connected your lips in the second kiss of the evening. This one was more delicate and you could tell he wasn’t expecting it, it took him a moment to kiss you back. Your hands slipped into his, your fingers intertwining as you lost yourself in his touch. He broke the kiss, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck as he breathed in your scent, “It feels like a new life,” he finally answered, his heart hammering against his chest, “but please answer this, will you forget about it in the morning?” 
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plaidbooks · 3 years
The R Drug part 4
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long! I got swept up in bingos and lost motivation for it along the way. But it’s here now, and I hope you all enjoy it ❤
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Tags: alcoholism, mentions of alcohol poisoning, a lil bit of a steamy make out, but that’s it
Words: 2114
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba  @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy  @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl  @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives​  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31 @objection-argumentative
Year 1:
Sonny hardly contacts you. You go weeks with nothing from him, only to wake up at 4am with a phone call and a very drunk Sonny.
“Sonny? It’s 4am here—”
“Doll…I’m so—” you can hear how his words slur, and you can also hear that he’s crying— “so sorry, doll. I shoulda neva touched ya like that—”
“Dominick, are you drunk?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, worried and annoyed at once. “So—sorry…so sorry…” and then he hangs up. You fell back onto the bed, concerned about him; Genoa was only six hours ahead of Manhattan. He was drunk at…10am. That wasn’t healthy.
Unable to fall back asleep, you shot him a text, making sure he was okay before you got in the shower. But he never responded. Sighing, you call his mom; you still had her number since Sonny called her from your phone, and you had been growing close with his parents.
She tells you that she’s worried he’s drinking away his problems, but every time she offers to go to Genoa, he shoots her down, telling her he needs time alone. You’re just worried that time alone means him sinking further and further into the bottle.
Year 2:
You saw when your phone lit up, Sonny’s number flashing on your screen. You glanced around the precinct before answering your phone, heading for the on-call room for privacy. It had been three months since you had a drunken call from him, and you were going to lay down the law with him.
“Listen, Sonny, I can’t listen to your drunken ramblings while at work—”
“Ah, shit, ya at work, huh?” he asked, cutting you off. But he sounded lucid rather than drunk. “I’m sorry; I forgot the time difference. I just wanted ta talk, let ya know…I’m not drinkin’ anymore. Look, I’ll let ya go; text me when ya free so we can catch up…please.”
You felt bad for assuming, but with your only contact for the past year being drunk Sonny, it had become habit. “Y—yeah, I’ll see if I can leave early, okay? But don’t stay awake for me.”
“Don’t get in trouble fer me,” he replied, making you chuckle. “I’ll talk ta ya soon…and I’m sorry, fer the past year.”
You were no longer with SVU; it had been too hard working there, especially without Sonny. But you also couldn’t deal with the stares, even from your squad. So, you transferred to Homicide instead. And your boss thankfully let you leave early.
You texted Sonny the moment you were home, and instantly he was calling you.
“First, I wanna say I’m sorry fer the drunk calls—”
“Dominick Carisi Jr. If you say the phrase “I’m sorry” one more time, I’m going to fly to Genoa and smack you,” you replied, cutting him off.
He fell silent for a moment before he let out a laugh. “Yeah, I bet ya tired of hearin’ that, huh? Well…After ya left here, I—I spiraled. Hard. Turned ta the bottle, if ya couldn’t tell. But I hit the bottom, and I’m startin’ ta work my way back up.”
“What happened? What bottom did you hit?” you asked, breathless. You were happy he was telling you all this, because you had been so, so worried. But you also didn’t want to pry into his personal life or make him uncomfortable.
It took him a moment to respond. “I…it was 5am when I woke up, shakin’ fer a drink. I remember the first three shots as I made a cocktail, and then…. I woke up in a hospital bed, my stomach pumped. I guess I dropped ta the floor when I lost consciousness, and my downstairs neighbor heard it.”
“Oh my god, Sonny! Are you okay now?” you asked, wanting nothing more than to give him a hug, hold him to you.
“Yeah, I’m good now. I had my stomach pumped and part of my liver cut out, but I’m okay. I no longa have the urge ta drink, and I dumped everythin’ I had. But please, tell me what’s goin’ on with ya; how’s life at the precinct?”
You spent hours talking to Sonny that night, even though it was getting later and later for him. He had so many questions, wanting to know everything going on with you. He vaguely mentioned that he got a job at a grocery store as a cashier, but otherwise, he was focused on you.
Year 3:
You and Sonny talked almost every day, falling back into your habits before all this mess happened. You joked around, sent funny pictures to each other, ranted about your days; it was almost as if nothing ever happened. Almost.
From the pictures, you could tell that he was getting tanner, and he started growing out his hair and beard, making you swoon. Not that you’d tell him that; you weren’t sure if he’d be okay with you flirting yet.
But you were happy that things were getting back to normal with you two. It had been almost 4 years since the club incident, and it barely crossed your mind anymore. You had dated since Sonny was in Genoa, but no one seemed to be working for you. At least you could make out with someone without having flashbacks, so you called it a win.
You knew why it wasn’t working out for you, though; you were in love with Sonny, had been since the moment you met him. You were able to move past the club, but you couldn’t move past him. That’s why you had hated yourself so much, and that’s why you felt terrible leaving him behind in Italy. When he kissed you outside the airport in Genoa, you had thought that maybe he had felt the same way about you. Then that first year with drunk Sonny happened, and you weren’t sure about anything anymore.
You were still close with his family, too. Ma Carisi often invited you over for dinner, and you met Sonny’s sisters. You were the emergency babysitter for both Mia (who didn’t think she needed a sitter, until she met you and had fun with you) and Bella’s little girl. And Pa Carisi enjoyed having debates about laws with you, plus the odd sports talk. Slowly, you became one of the family, and you loved them all like your own.
Year 4:
Ma Carisi called you, inviting you over for dinner once again. You accepted, telling her you’d be there in thirty. You had to park on the street with all the cars there; the Carisi girls were home for dinner, as well. You smiled as you made your way up the path to the front door, then knocked. The door opened, but instead of Ma Carisi greeting you with a warm smile, it was Sonny.
“Hey doll,” he said, eyes lit up with amusement. You froze for only a moment before you were crushing him in a bear hug. You heard the huff of air as you took the air from his lungs, but you didn’t care; you had missed him so much. You had pinned his arms next to him, so he couldn’t even hug you back.
“Doll…ya crushin’ me…” he gasped, and you finally let him go. Though, you kept your hands on his arms, not believing that he was there, in front of you.
“Are you back for good?” you asked, your voice hushed. You were waiting for him to deny it, for him to say he was only visiting.
“I’m back fer good. Already got my apartment—” He was cut off again as you hugged him, burying your face in his chest. You couldn’t stop the tears that appeared, so happy to have your best friend back. He rubbed your back, murmuring that it’s all okay now, and you had the sudden urge to kiss him. You fought the urge, not wanting to complicate things.
Instead, you ran your hands over his back, then leaned away to look at him. “Have you been working out?” It was true that he was deliciously tan, his hair coifed, and his beard trimmed neatly. He was already so much more attractive than you remembered, even with the pictures he had sent.
He barked out a laugh, a gleam in his eye. “I have, yeah. Whenever I felt the urge ta drink, I instead went to work out. I’m not a body builder or anythin’, though.”
“I’m proud of you, Sonny,” you said, and you meant it. You had gone through hell after the club incident, but Sonny didn’t have a walk in the park either. And you were glad he had found himself.
A pink tint appeared on his cheeks as he smiled at you. He took your hand, kissed your knuckles, and you swooned.
After the surprise greeting at the front door, he brought you into the house. Ma Carisi and all his sisters gave you a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Pa Carisi patted your shoulder; the normal greeting from the family. But now that Sonny was there, too, the energy was truly alive. Everyone was smiling and laughing, having a fantastic time together. The talk was loud, happy, and energized. It was almost as if Sonny hadn’t been hiding in Genoa for four years.
After the talk had finally died down, it was time for you to go home. Sonny offered to walk you to your car, and you agreed, not wanting to leave him quite yet.
“I’m so glad you came back, Sonny. I’ve missed you,” you said as you stood by your driver’s side door.
He grinned at you. “A promise is a promise. I told ya I’d come back once I was…better.”
“And are you better? Did you date at all in Genoa?”
His smile faded, and you worried you offended him. You were about to apologize when he spoke. “I am and I did. But no one there was…it fer me, ya know?”
“Yeah…same thing here. I dated a few people, but no one felt right—the spark wasn’t there. At least I had no flashbacks; I hardly remember that night anymore, to be honest,” you said, looking into his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.
Sonny simply nodded. “Me either, really. It was so long ago…plus, I bet the drinkin’ didn’t help. But I do remember you, showin’ up outta nowhere on a random street in Genoa. Talkin’ me through the worst time of my life.”
“And I remember you, comforting me during a thunderstorm when you didn’t have to do that. Your emotions were everywhere; I couldn’t imagine the turmoil I must’ve put you through—”
“No, no, look at me,” he muttered, his warm hand cupping your cheek. “No matter what happens—in the past or the future—I wanna take care of ya, make sure you’re okay. Comfortin’ ya, it was a slice of normalcy after I thought I’d neva have that again. I needed ya there, and I’m so thankful I had ya.”
You smiled up at him, melting into his touch. His thumb stroked your cheekbone, and you felt closer to him than ever before. “You know what else I remember, Sonny?”
Slowly, you leaned forward, going slow enough that he had plenty of time to pull away. But instead, he also leaned in until your lips brushed against each other. You smiled softly before you pressed your lips more firmly to his. The hand still cupping your cheek tilted you slightly, letting him kiss you a little more forcefully, his beard tickling you as he moved.
There was the spark that was missing from all your past relationships; you had felt it in the airport, but it wasn’t the right time. Now, however, there was nothing holding you back from deepening the kiss, your tongues coming together in a beautiful dance.
Sonny gently pushed you back against your car, the kiss getting more heated. Your hands went to his shaggy, luscious hair, tugging softly and making him moan into your mouth. His hands dropped to your hips, pushing you back against the car as his tongue memorized your mouth.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from you, both of you panting hard. You were about to suggest he show you his new apartment when he muttered, “I wanna take this slow. Please.”
You shut your mouth, nodding. You’d do anything to make him comfortable and happy. “I can do slow. As long as I have you, Sonny.”
His eyes brightened and he gave you his signature goofy smile. “Ya have me fer as long as ya want me.”
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Soulmate AU part 2; Things drastically change for the better:
Arthur and Merlin’s relationship develops, Uther becomes increasingly annoyed at his failed attempts to control them, Leon continues to have heart palpitations over trying to protect them, and Morgana thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
Part 1   Part 3 Part 4
So that conversation... happens.
To say it was awkward would be a MASSIVE understatement.
Arthur and Morgana spend the whole time answering Uther’s questions, so much so that Merlin barely speaks (he wasn’t great at keeping secrets, so he wasn’t too mad at them for answering for him) and Uther spends the whole time trying and failing to assert his dominance over his two dumbass kids (but they aren’t having it).
Eventually Merlin did speak up, quietly saying:
“I, um... I’m really sorry to interrupt Sire, My Lord... uh... Your Majesty Sir-”
Morgana smirks slightly and covers her mouth with her hand, Arthur rolls his eyes and squeezes Merlin’s hand, and Uther looks upon the whole scene with barely concealed bewilderment:
“-uh... my mum is waiting for me, and I’m usually not gone for this long so... could I... I mean would you mind if I... went?”
Uther looked even more taken aback at that. As much as this whole conversation had been based on Merlin, he hadn’t actually processed the fact that he was a whole person who would have family and places to be and a life outside of being The Prince’s soulmate.
He nods his head slightly and purses his lips:
“Right. Of course. Arthur said that you lived outside of Camelot?-”
He doesn’t wait for an answer before continuing:
“-Well I’m afraid that that is unacceptable. You are the soulmate of the Prince of this kingdom, inform your family that you are to move here as soon as possible, preferably before the month is out.-”
At Merlin’s wide eyes and Arthur and Morgana’s scornful faces, he waved his hand:
“-Don’t worry, housing and anything else that you will require will be provided by the Crown.”
Merlin still looks a bit dazed and surprised at his demand, so Arthur replies instead:
“Father, Merlin and his mother have a life in their village, you can not just demand that they pack up and leave everything behind to live here.”
Uther looks annoyed at this, but patiently (or as patiently as Uther is able) retorts with:
“Well he was going have to move eventually. The two of you are only a few years from being of age, and you can not possibly live in separate kingdoms when that happens, especially as you are Crown Prince. I’m allowing this... bond... to continue, but we are still royalty, and rules must be followed.”
Morgana goes to argue this time, but Merlin tugs her sleeve slightly and says quietly:
“It’s alright ‘Gana, he is right, I was going to have to move here eventually anyway. This way you finally get to meet my mum, and we’ll get to see each other more often. Mum won’t like it, but I know she’s missed Gaius, so it won’t be too bad, and I’ve always sort of wanted to explore the city.”
Morgana and Arthur stare at him for a few moments whilst he looks between them. Arthur sighs before replying:
“Fine, but only if you’re sure. And take your time, don’t pressure your mum into leaving right away, OK?”
Merlin nods, and everyone at the table stands, stepping back.
Uther mutters that they are dismissed, but watches as they say goodbye to each other. He furrows his eyebrows in interest as Morgana hugs Merlin, mentally noting that he doesn’t think he’s ever seen her smile that widely before.
When Arthur embraces Merlin, much tighter, and for much longer, a hand cradling the back of the peasant’s-... of Merlin’s head, and a soft, but powerful smile on his face, Uther forgets for a moment the distastefulness of the situation, and revels in the feeling of pride and happiness; his son had found his life partner. 
The King sweeps any thoughts of his late-wife from his mind, and drops the small smile gracing his face, but not before Morgana spies it and tilts her head at him, giving him a teasing smirk.
The boys whisper something that Uther can’t hear, and Merlin steps back, giving him a quick bow and an awkward wave, before disappearing into thin air. A familiar pop echoes around the hall, and a few gold sparks fall silently to the floor.
Arthur and Morgana bow to him very briefly, before turning and leaving the room without another word, arm in arm.
Uther stands alone in the room for a moment, sighing before muttering to himself:
“This is going to be a bloody nightmare. Public announcement. Before that I have to tell the council. And I have to figure out how I can legally make these people nobles, to justify everything-”
He looks to the ceiling, sighing once again as he says:
“-Gods give me strength.” Before turning and sweeping out the room.
The moment Arthur and Morgana leave the room, they turn to each other and burst into slightly hysterical laughter, sputtering about “the look on his face” and “oh my gods, *sire my lord your majesty sir* ” between breaths. 
The whole situation was unexpected, but to be perfectly honest, they didn’t regret it; they knew that the longer they waited before telling Uther, the bigger the problem would be.
Morgana straightens up after a moment, wiping tears from her eyes, before whipping her head around to Arthur in sudden panic:
“Oh my Gods, Arthur. Leon.”
Arthur’s eyes widen, and he curses suddenly before taking Morgana’s hand and running towards his chambers. They almost ran into multiple people, Nobles who tutted, and castle staff who jumped out of the way, not even having time to bow before the two teenagers were out of sight again.
They loudly burst into Arthur’s chambers, out of breath, to see Leon pacing a groove into the floor:
They stand with their hands on their knees, panting, but before they can say anything, Leon rushes to speak:
“Where on earth have you been?? A guard said you were in a meeting with the King all afternoon, what happened? Is Merlin ok?? They wouldn’t let me in, so I came back here to wait but-”
Arthur held up a hand to stop him rambling, and gave him a comforting smile. The Prince straightened up, and took one last deep breath before saying:
“Sorry, for worrying you Leon. But you are not going to believe what just happened...”
Morgana starts laughing again, and with that, the two of them shut the door behind them and explain in great detail what had happened, how Merlin had just appeared and Uther had freaked, and Gaius and Geoffrey had to be called, and how funny the look on his face was when they’d explained. 
Arthur had wanted to skip it out, but Morgana gleefully insisted on recounting just how much she and Arthur had ordered Uther around, and how he’d just taken it.
By the end of their explanation, Leon had collapsed in a chair, looking very pale, and a lot like he’d aged twenty years.
He holds his head in his hands, fingers messing up his curls, and stares at the floor as Arthur and Morgana glance to each other, trying not to laugh at the poor man.
After what seems to be hours, Leon straightens up, and looks to the two of them with a stricken expression:
“I can’t believe that... well I suppose he had to find out eventually but... dear Lord I can’t decide if I’m grateful I wasn’t there or not... oh my Gods I’m going to be demoted, disowned, banished.”
Arthur laughs at that and Morgana rolls her eyes at the man’s panic:
“Nothing’s going to happen to you Sir Leon, don’t panic. We didn’t mention you, as far as my father is concerned, the only ones who knew were us.”
Leon finally smiles briefly at that, muttering a quiet thank you, before standing up suddenly, looking panicked once again:
“Wait... you said he’d be moving here?? What about his... gift?? He can’t live in Camelot it’s dangerous. You may have protected him from the King for now but... if he finds out nothing will stop him from... nothing will stop him.”
The two of them sighed at that. They had been mentally considering it, but they were just taking it one victory at a time. Arthur replied moments later:
“We’ll just have to be careful. He has to be careful in Ealdor anyway, he’s already a bastard, he had to hide magic from the other villagers because it probably would’ve been fatal for him to give them a second reason to hate him. We can set ground rules when he actually moves here and... we just have to be careful. It’ll be a new life for him and his mother, we can be careful.” 
He says the last bit with a decisive nod, and Morgana and Leon relax slightly. Arthur was right, they’d been fine so far, they could keep it up.
He would never say it out loud, but if his father found out... if he tried to hurt Merlin, Arthur knows without a doubt in his mind that he would give up his inheritance, take Merlin’s hand, and run. Without hesitation.
He would love nothing more than to turn his kingdom into a place where Merlin could be free and happy one day, but until then, he would do anything to keep him safe, even if it meant leaving everything behind.
The next few weeks rush by.
Uther had tried to limit the number of visits between Merlin and Arthur, but neither of them were having it, and if anything, they were seeing each other more with the upcoming move.
Hunith did in fact freak out at Uther’s demand of her and Merlin moving to Camelot. For several reasons.
First off, she had a life here. It was difficult, but simple, honest work. The winters were hard, but the summers made up for it. The villagers may have started of being a little cruel to her and Merlin, but they warmed to them when the dark haired boy was nothing but sweet and kind to everyone.
Second off, her son was magical. Both naturally and unnaturally magical. Essetir was dangerous, yes, but Camelot? Camelot was so much worse.
She supposes it had to happen eventually. She didn’t like to think of it often, didn’t want to tempt fate, but her son was the Crown Prince’s soulmate. That meant that one day... he would be married to the King. He couldn’t exactly do that whilst living in Essetir, least of all because the Essetir Crown would throw a world ending fit.
In the end, she agreed to the move rather quickly, at least she would be close to her brother, and she could finally meet Leon and Morgana.
As much as Merlin and Arthur urged her not to rush, she really had nothing to do but say goodbye before they made the journey to Camelot, and the three of them were leaving the village behind them within the month, just like Uther wanted.
Though he definitely hadn’t wanted Arthur to pop away one morning, a full travel pack and a sword on his person, intending to make the journey with them. But in the end, Arthur ended the argument by rolling his eyes (much to Morgana’s amusement) and disappearing before The King could get another word in.
No public announcements had been made (they decided to wait until Arthur came of age), but the council had been informed. They were NOT happy. 
Uther would never admit it, but he did feel a swell of pride when Arthur slammed his hand on the table, and firmly told them that this was happening whether they liked it or not, and if they dared complain instead of help, they would find themselves without a chair at the table, and severely lacking in titles and land.
Uther was relieved when he found out that Hunith was Gaius’ younger sister. Gaius wasn’t a noble, but he was a life-long, close friend of the King, and a trusted advisor. Hopefully that would make it easier. 
The Court Physician wasn’t a title that came with land, or nobility, BUT it was the most respected position in the royal household, below actual nobles.
If Gaius could take Merlin on as his apprentice... then he would be an almost fully trained physician by the time he came of age, and that would be respected. Then at least he would have a role outside of being the Prince’s Soulmate.
It was all coming together in Uther’s mind. Of course it wasn’t perfect. The absolute ideal outcome would’ve been if Arthur’s soulmate had been foreign royalty (if only anyone knew about Merlin’s father...), but he could make do with this. He would have to, if he didn’t want to lose his son and his ward.
The day of Hunith, Arthur, and Merlin’s arrival finally comes.
Uther didn’t greet them in the courtyard (it would be unsightly for a King to greet two commoners, even if The Prince was with them) but Gaius, Morgana, and Leon did.
Everyone breaks into wide smiles when the castle gates are opened, Arthur and Merlin rushing forward to meet Morgana and Leon in a big hug, and Hunith rushing forward to meet her brother, whom she hadn’t seen in several years.
There is laughter and hugs all around before Merlin finally steps back and takes his mother’s hand, realising he should probably give actual introductions:
“Mum, this is The Lady Morgana, ward of the King-”
Morgana gives Hunith a wide smile and curtsy, before stepping forward and giving her a brief hug. Morgana was very touch averse with everyone but Merlin, Arthur, and Leon, but in her books, any woman who raised Merlin into the young man he had become, was a woman who deserved her trust. And a hug:
“-and this is Sir Leon, Knight of the King.”
Leon took Hunith’s hand, placing a brief kiss on her knuckles before stepping back respectfully. Hunith quickly followed him, and to his great surprise, wrapped the taller man in a tight hug. He wraps his arms around her after a few moments in shock, when she whispers in his ear:
“Thank you for keeping my boys safe.”
He steps back, a wide smile on his face and his hands on her shoulders. He replies quietly so that only she would hear him:
“It has been my genuine pleasure, and I plan to continue to do so for the remainder of my service.”
Hunith gives him an even wider smile, and pats his hand, before the two of them step back. The others watch on in adoration, before Leon clears his throat and addresses the group:
“I have been instructed to show the two of you to your new residence, before you are to meet with the King.”
Arthur steps back before saying regretfully:
“Unfortunately, Gaius and I should go and meet with my father immediately. Leon, you lead the way, we shall remain with him until you return and we can get this over with.”
He says the last bit with a grimace, and Morgana gives him a sympathetic smile as Merlin squeezes his hand. 
The group separates, Arthur and Gaius heading up the castle steps, and Leon leading the rest of them back out the gates.
Hunith and Merlin had been gifted a small house in the upper city, close to the castle, but not within it’s walls. Arthur had argued endlessly against that, saying they deserved chambers inside the castle, but Hunith was the one who refused.
She wasn’t nobility, and she enjoyed her simple life. She had already given up her farming and livestock, she refused to be cooped up in a giant stone castle where she would have nothing to do, and didn’t understand how anything worked.
Arthur finally saw the sense in that, he can understand that it would be difficult for Merlin and Hunith to live in the castle. He hated to admit it, but they would certainly be looked down on, and Arthur was almost of age, he didn’t have the time to spend all day entertaining Merlin, even if he wanted nothing more than to spend all day every day with him.
The house was small, but still three times the size of their place back in Ealdor. They had separate bedrooms, a large kitchen/dining area, a small storage room, and an extra room for relaxing (”City folk call them living rooms apparently.”). There was a small, fenced off grass area out the front, which Hunith was particularly excited about; she wouldn’t have to give up growing things after all.
The home came fully furnished, and Hunith was speechless at the large, comfortable beds, the soft chairs, and the abundance of cooking equipment. The living room also had a large hearth, and two ceiling-high bookshelves, though they were empty.
Once Hunith had had a good look around (the others had already seen it, and Arthur had been checking with Merlin at every step to see if he approved), Morgana excitedly grabs her hand and drags her back to the slightly larger of the two bedrooms.
Merlin follows confusedly, but Leon follows with a small smile on his face, he had seen what Morgana was planning, despite her best attempts to keep it secret.
Morgana finally stands Hunith in front of the wardrobe and gestures for her to open it. The older woman opens the doors with a little hesitation, before stepping back and gasping, her hands over her mouth.
Morgana grins proudly before speaking to a speechless Hunith:
“My gift to you. I organised a few things for Merlin as well. Of course they’ll all have to be adjusted because I could only pass on to the tailor Arthur and Merlin’s descriptions of you. I thought that could be something nice you and me could do at some point in the next few days, after you’ve settled.”
Merlin steps around Leon to try and see what’s got everyone so wound up, and takes in a quiet gasp at what he sees. The wardrobe is filled with new, tailor made dresses, a few thick cloaks, and two pairs of good quality shoes. Two of the dresses were incredibly nice, royal-gala kind of nice, and the others were a mix of practical, casual, smart. 
He smiles widely, tears in his eyes at what Morgana had done for his mum. He’s always felt a little guilty at being the soulmate of royalty, but not being able to provide her with more than she had, but that changed, starting now.
Hunith finally rips her gaze from the new clothes, staring at Morgana:
“I can’t possibly...-”
Morgana’s tilted head and raised eyebrow forces Hunith to change tracks. The boys have told her how stubborn Morgana was, she has a feeling she wouldn’t be able to return the gifts:
“-I don’t know how to thank you, My Lady.”
Morgana rolls her eyes fondly, and brings her into a hug before stepping back:
“Oh none of that “My Lady” shit, and you don’t have to thank me, you and Merlin are part of the family now.”
Merlin gives her a grateful smile over his mum’s shoulder, which she returns, before Leon speaks up:
“I’m sure you can find time to get them all properly fitted in the coming days Morgana, for now we should get back up to the castle. I imagine The King and The Prince are waiting for us.”
Morgana nods, and Hunith subtly wipes her eyes, before allowing The King’s ward to intertwine their arms. Merlin smiles at the sight (he knew they would get along) before turning and following Leon out the house, and back up towards the castle.
Merlin was only a little nervous, he’d met the King multiple times now, and whilst the man was always painfully polite, it was clear that it was only because the whole situation bewildered him a little. But he’d never met his mother yet, and this next meeting would make the rest of his life go very smoothly, or very difficultly.
Leon pauses a moment outside the door to the throne room, glancing back at Merlin, who takes a deep breath before standing straight and nodding.
Leon smiles encouragingly at him, before pushing the doors open and walking into the room.
Arthur, Uther, and Gaius were stood in front of the thrones quietly discussing something, but look up when they hear the doors open.
Arthur smiles widely and walks forward, giving Merlin a brief hug (which Morgana lovingly rolls her eyes at, they’ve only been apart for half an hour) and Uther straightens his back, before walking forwards regally, a practiced blank look on his face. Gaius gives his sister a reassuring smile, but stays back.
Leon and Merlin bow (Leon deeply, before stepping aside, and Merlin briefly and shallowly) and Hunith curtsied as best she could with Morgana protectively gripping her arm.
Arthur and Merlin stand next to the girls, hand in hand (Uther’s mind bounces between wanting to smile fondly, and wanting to grimace at the PDA), and Uther stops just in front of Hunith:
“Welcome to Camelot, your swift arrival was pleasing.”
Hunith nods, a polite, but strained smile on her face:
“Thank you, My Lord. Anything to make the boys lives easier.”
Uther clenches his jaw, and Morgana has to hide a smirk at the implication that she’d only moved to help out the boys, and not because Uther had ordered it.
“Of course. I hope your new home was to your liking?”
Hunith nodding in reply, the smile on her face a little brighter this time:
“Yes, My Lord, it’s wonderful, I can not thank you enough for providing it. I look forward to exploring your city.”
Uther nods slightly before saying:
“Yes, yes, it’s rather lovely this time of year. The Crown will provide a small allowance for a time, until you can get yourself on your feet. I’ve already discussed it with Gaius, and arrangements have been made for Merlin to become the physician’s apprentice, at Gaius’ earliest convenience.”
“Thank you, I’m sure it won’t be long before I can find work, in such a bustling city.”
Uther nods tersely, before turning back towards Gaius. He waves his hand dismissively over his shoulder as he says:
“I have other matters to attend to for the rest of the afternoon. Sir Leon, Arthur and Morgana, you have the rest of the day off to show our new... residents, around. You’re all dismissed.-”
Leon is the only one who bothers bowing to Uther’s back, and Morgana raises an eyebrow at him, before rolling her eyes and turning to leave, dragging Hunith with her, closely followed by the boys.
Just before Leon can exit the room, Uther turns around hurriedly:
“-Before I forget, Sir Leon, I would like a word.”
Leon turns around after wiping the panic from his face. He shuts the door after the others, who look at him worriedly, before turning around to face The King:
“My Lord?”
Uther settles an assessing gaze on the knight, and Leon has to stop himself from gulping in response. Uther sighs, and speaks after a moment:
“After paying a little more attention to the relationships between yourself, the boys, and Morgana, I have realised something. You obviously knew of this... relationship, long before I did. Do no deny it.-”
Leon does gulp at that, but before he can defend himself, Uther asks:
“Can I trust that it would have been brought to my attention had anything problematic started?”
Leon widens his eyes in shock, before gathering his thoughts and replying, injecting as much confidence in his voice as possible:
“Of course, My Lord. I kept a close eye on them myself, and made sure that the Prince’s safety was my highest priority at all times. Had anything worrying happened, I would have come to you immediately. I am loyal to the throne, My Lord.”
(A big fat lie considering the whole “Merlin is a sorcerer” thing, but the King certainly doesn’t need to know that.)
Uther nods thoughtfully, before meeting Leon’s gaze again:
“Good. I am glad that Arthur has someone looking out for him. I trust you will continue this?”
Leon nods:
“Of course, My Lord.”
Uther nods once again:
“Excellent. Make sure none of... this, interferes with his studies. You are dismissed.”
Leon bows deeply, before leaving the room. He shuts the door behind him, leaning on it and taking a deep breath, before looking up to meet the worried gazes of the others, who had waited for him. He smiles shakily:
“Nothing bad, I’ll tell you later. Come on, let’s show these two around the upper-town.”
Arthur fixes him with a scrutinizing gaze, but Leon meets it (Arthur has yet to win a staring contest against Leon, in fact, Morgana was the only one who ever came close), and after a moment, Morgana shakes her head, and begins to walk down the corridor, the boys trailing after her and Hunith.
They spend the rest of the afternoon showing Merlin and Hunith around the upper-town. The tour leads them around the market, the town square (where the well is) and other important fixtures of the town, such as the tailor, blacksmith’s, and some of Morgana’s favourite shops (Uther hated it, but Morgana and Arthur regularly sneak out of the castle to spend time in the city).
By the time the sun sets, the group is relaxed and getting on well. Merlin knew Morgana and Leon would love his mum, but it was still nerve-wracking, and he was overjoyed by how well it was going.
The kitchen of Hunith and Merlin’s new home had yet to be stocked, so they stopped off at some street vendors before heading back to the house. Hunith tried to argue when Arthur insisted on paying, but she was shut down pretty quickly when Arthur reminded her that he was The Prince, he could more than afford it, and anyway, “I like contributing to the local businesses, I wouldn’t be a Prince if I didn’t have my people around me, I like to give back where I can.”
Leon and Morgana smiled proudly at that, but the smiles on Hunith and Merlin’s face were more fond. 
(Morgana quietly thinks about how differently he would’ve been without Merlin to ground him. With a father like Uther, Arthur easily could’ve turned into an absolute prat.)
They stay together long into the evening, talking and laughing, before Leon finally says it’s time to go. Morgana, Hunith, and Merlin may have tomorrow free, but Leon and Arthur had training early, followed by a day full of meetings.
Morgana smirked at Arthur’s grumbling, but dutifully stood up. The three of them give Hunith and Merlin tight hugs, before leaving them alone, heading back to the castle.
Hunith and Merlin sit in comfortable silence, wide smiles on their faces, before Merlin breaks the silence:
“So what do you think? I know Uther is a bit of a prat, but he’ll want to see as little of us as possible, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Do you... like it here?”
Hunith smiles at him fondly, and runs her hands through his hair when he rests his head on her lap:
“You’ve really made a life for yourself here, haven’t you Merlin? I’m proud of you. Lady Morgana and Sir Leon are exactly how I expected them to be. The house is far more than I expected, but I’m grateful, and I’m sure it won’t take me long to find a job. I’ll always miss our rural village, but nothing is stopping us from visiting every once in a while, to get away from the city, and we have a nice little garden here.-”
Merlin closes his eyes, soothed by his mother’s fingers in his hair, and hums thoughtfully before Hunith continues:
“-You know, I had always considered sending you here to apprentice under Gaius when you were older anyway. Funny, how things turn out. Though perhaps I should’ve realised that nothing was going to go to plan when the little blond boy that appeared in my kitchen all those years ago turned out to be foreign royalty.” 
Merlin huffs out a laugh from when he laid, and responded sleepily:
“Yeah. You know I don’t even think of him as royalty, most of the time. He’s just... Arthur.”
Hunith smiles gently down at him, and takes a few minutes to respond:
“I know what you mean. I’m glad you found your person... or more accurately, I’m glad your person found you.-”
She chuckles, before adding the next bit on quietly:
“-Your father would be proud of you.”
Merlin opens his eyes, and looks up at her blearily:
“You think?”
Hunith’s smile widens, and the both of them politely ignore the tears gathering in her eyes:
“I know.”
Time passes quickly. The next day, Merlin, Hunith, and Morgana spend the whole day shopping and stocking up on food and other necessities (the small allowance Uther had provided for them actually turned out to be quite a lot, especially compared to the amount of money Hunith was used to having around).
At some point over the next week, like Morgana had suggested, her and Hunith spent a day in the tailor’s, having all of her new clothes adjusted properly. 
Hunith was also ecstatic to get a job off the back of that. She may not be at quite the professional level yet, but she was the one most of the locals would go to, to fix and patch and re-sew old clothes back in Ealdor.
Merlin started his apprenticeship with Gaius, which meant the days being near, but not with Arthur, were less boring, and slightly more bearable.
He picked up healing quickly (after seeing all the various injuries Arthur and Leon had sustained over the years during training, he was eager to learn how to help them), and he soon became known around town as Gaius’ Boy.
His cheerful demeanour and wide smile endeared him to all of his patients, and he made a point to try and be polite to everyone he came across. Suddenly living in a bustling city, and having what was basically a full time job, was a little overwhelming, but being here meant being with Arthur, so he was determined to make the most of it.
The boys spent the evenings together whenever they could (and still slept in the same bed most nights, out of habit. Merlin’s nightmares had made a brief reappearance after his first meeting with Uther, but they stopped again fairly soon.), and Arthur would often pop out of the castle to share meals with Merlin and Hunith, Morgana and Leon joining them when they had the time.
This did however, involve a few instances of Merlin or Arthur appearing at inopportune times. 
An emergency patient coming in meant Arthur appearing in the physician’s chambers, instead of Merlin’s home, like he had expected. 
Luckily the patient was unconscious at the time. 
(Uther had informed them that the council members and guards who worked in the castle had been informed of the situation (so that Hunith and Merlin wouldn’t be bothered), but the public wasn’t to know at all, at least until Arthur came of age.)
A council meeting overrunning meant Merlin appearing just behind the Prince’s seat, and turning wide-eyed and red-faced before squeaking out a quick apology and disappearing again.
The meeting was side-tracked for a good five minutes as Arthur tried to cover a smirk, Morgana (who insisted she be involved in important meetings when Arthur was) openly laughed, and Uther held his head in his hands, rubbing his tired eyes and muttering something about “stupid kids” and “stupid soul-bonds”.
They tried to be more careful after that incident, and they got better at exploring the bond. With some focus and practice, the boys got fairly good at sensing where the other was, and sometimes, if they were with other people (though that particular sense wasn’t as reliable).
About a month after they moved to Camelot, Merlin was introduced to a lovely girl called Guinevere. Her mother had served Leon’s family, and once she was old enough to have a job herself, Leon swung her a position in the castle as Morgana’s maidservant.
Arthur was oblivious at first (until an amused Merlin explained it to him later on), but Merlin and Leon definitely noticed the... bond, between the two girls, though all four would deny it to anyone who asked, in order to preserve their privacy.
Guinevere, or Gwen, as her friends call her, quickly joined the group. Morgana was grateful for another female presence, and Leon was most certainly grateful for the addition of someone who cared about safety and being careful.
He loved his kids, (”Oh my Gods... I’m a father... how do I... Gaius I know nothing about teenagers, what do I do?? I’m not ready to be a father!”), and Hunith was a good influence, but they couldn’t be around all of the time, and the boys had a bad habit of making trouble, especially with Morgana egging them on. 
He stressed a little less when he knew that Gwen was with them.
Shortly after Gwen’s appearance, the group (unfortunately without Leon, he had a patrol:( ) went exploring in the woods beyond the city. Uther was stuck in meetings all day, but Arthur and Morgana had a free day, and after much begging, Gaius let Merlin off as well. 
Morgana having a free day, meant that Gwen had a free day as well (not that Morgana ever made her do many chores anyway, only enough to keep up the pretence that they were Lady and Servant and not... something else).
They put together a picnic, took some horses from the stables, and headed off at first light. It was a warm, summers day, and they planned to spend the day in the sun, Arthur didn’t have to worry about duties, Merlin didn’t have to worry about memorising herb lists and symptoms, Morgana didn’t have to worry about being a Lady, and Gwen didn’t have to mind her place as a servant.
It was planned to be the perfect day, and it almost was. 
After a couple hours journey, they found a beautiful lake, and they spent the morning splashing around in the water, playing and laughing and messing around. 
They spent the middle of the day drying in the sun and snacking on all the sweet meats and fruit that Arthur had snuck from the kitchens. 
They spent the afternoon playing stupid games, and relaxing in the shade, holding hands with no worries, and even sneaking the occasional kiss, revelling in the freedom of being alone.
They were sad to have to leave, but it became an agreement that at least once a month, whilst the weather held out, they would come to their spot by the lake, and relax with each other. No responsibilities, no obligations, no “My Lord”s or “My Lady”s, just four friends, hopelessly happy and in love.
It was on the way home that things went a little wrong.
Usually this stretch of the woods was completely safe and bandit free, but the group was not so lucky as to have an eventless journey home.
When they were about halfway home, Merlin halted his horse suddenly and sat up straight, letting go of Arthur’s hand and tilting his head, eyes closed, listening to the woods around him with a frown on his face.
Arthur looks back and frowns, before calling to the girls, a few metres ahead of them, to wait for a minute.
He looks to Merlin, still with a frown on his face:
“Merls? What is it?”
Merlin waves his hand in Arthur’s direction, gesturing at him to be quiet. He is silent for another few moments, before he opens his eyes wide, and speaks in a low, but rushed voice:
“Gwen, ride ahead with ‘Gana, everyone get your swords out, we’re being watched.”
Arthur tenses at that, and he and Merlin pull their swords out (Leon had insisted that Merlin learn, he wasn’t nearly as good as the others yet, but he could hold his own. Leon was also the one who insisted they be armed when he learnt of their plan for the day.), quickly followed by Gwen and Morgana. 
Instead of riding ahead, Morgana speaks up quickly:
“Gwen can fight just as well as me, I’ve been training her, we should stay together.”
Arthur looks worried, but Gwen just rolled her eyes before adding quietly:
“I’m also the daughter of a blacksmith you know, I’ve been handling swords since before I could walk.”
Arthur sighs and nods, before looking back to Merlin, and quietly, so that only Merlin can hear him:
“How many, and where from?”
Merlin tilts his head away from Gwen, so she can’t see the gold of his eyes, before flexing his hand slightly, and responding:
“Six or seven, I think from the South.”
Arthur nods once more, before turning his horse to be facing South, and he peers into the trees. It wasn’t quite dark out, but it was dimming, and the forest was so thick, the underbrush so overgrown, that it was difficult to see much beyond the edge of the path.
The girls urge their horses back the way they came, to be close to the boys, and stay alert, swords raised, feet braced and ready for action.
Merlin clenches his hands and gasps slightly, before murmuring, loud enough for everyone to hear him this time:
“Twenty seconds.”
Gwen goes to question how he knew that, but a quick look from Morgana, and a shaken head meaning “Later” stops her, and she instead focuses her gaze on where the others were looking into the trees.
Like Merlin had said, twenty seconds later, the treeline breaks, and seven men burst through yelling, and brandishing swords, the shock of which sends the horses scarpering, and the four of them have to jump off and let them go.
Battle broke out immediately, the teenagers aiming to incapacitate or injure, but the bandits not being so kind with their attacks.
The battle is intense, Merlin using little bits of subtle magic here and there to trip or confuse various attackers, Arthur and Morgana slowly but surely taking down men, one by one, and Gwen easily enough holding her own.
But, four, mostly inexperienced (Arthur had only had to actually fight for his life once or twice at this point, and before, he was surrounded by fully trained knights whose top priority was keeping him safe, even to their own detriment) teenagers, aged 15, 16, and 17, were no match for seven seasoned attackers.
In the end, it’s the four of them left (each with bruises and cuts, but nothing serious) vs three remaining attackers, but the battle quickly stops when Merlin turns around (a gut feeling) to see one of the men silently raise a sword, readying to bring it down on to Gwen’s turned back.
He instinctively raises his empty hand towards them, and yells:
He sends the man flying back, head hitting the tree behind him with a thwack.
Gwen stares at him (or more accurately, the golden glow of his eyes) in astonishment, and Morgana and Arthur use the momentary distraction to deal with the last two attackers, giving them swift knocks to the head.
Morgana rushes forward to Gwen and tugs at her shoulder, trying to get her attention to see if she’s ok, but she ignores her just staring at Merlin.
Merlin drops his hand, and his face morphs from anger to shock to fear, the gold in his eyes fading back to blue as Arthur reaches his side and takes his hand. 
Gwen finally stutters out a:
“What... you’re... but Uther?-” before wiping the shock off her face, and setting it in grim determination, clenching her jaw.
Merlin’s eyes widen at her expression, and he takes a fearful step back, Arthur steps in front of him and Morgana tries to grab Gwen’s arm as she begins to stalk quickly forwards, but it slips from her grip.
Arthur holds his hands out, and begins to speak, seemingly trying to talk her out of hurting Merlin, but she ignores him, and pushes him to the side with surprising strength.
Merlin gasps and tries to take another step back, tears in his eyes, but she grabs his shoulders and, before anyone can say anything more, pulls him into a crushing hug.
Merlin takes a few moments to respond, clearly not expecting such an affectionate reaction to being discovered as an evil sorcerer, but hugs back at Gwen’s watery “Thank you.” whispered in his ear.
Arthur lets out a breath, and he and Morgana smile, not really sure why they were so surprised at Gwen’s acceptance. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in Camelot, expecting hatred and violence and fear in response to magic is ingrained in you.
Gwen finally pulls back, and takes Merlin’s hands, the both of them have tears on their faces, and Gwen sniffs before quietly saying:
“I’m sorry that you have to live in fear, and I’m sorry I wasn’t clear enough in my adoration for you that you felt you had to be scared of my reaction. I promise to keep you safe, to the best of my ability.-”
She fondly punches him in the arm, before continuing with a smile:
“Next time, you can just do that right at the beginning, and save us all the trouble, yeah?”
Merlin nods slowly, before pulling Gwen into another tight hug. He buries his face in her neck, and she runs her hands through his hair and they both quietly weep.
Arthur and Morgana both feel the strong urge to step in, and comfort their own soulmates, but they resist, and instead give them a moment of privacy as they round up the horses, and search the bandits.
After a few minutes, Gwen and Merlin pull back, and walk towards the other two, holding each other’s hand comfortingly. 
Whilst searching their unconscious bodies, Arthur hadn’t found anything identifying, but had found a length of rope in one of their discarded bags, hidden in the underbrush.
He cuts the rope into separate pieces and ties the bandits up, to individual trees, before looking back to the group:
“This won’t hold them long at all, but we don’t have the means to transport them back to the city. I can get my father to send a search party to look for them, but by the time we get back to the City, and the Knights get out here, they’ll probably be long gone.”
Morgana raises an eyebrow and replies:
“I thought you Knights were excellent trackers. They won’t wake up for a while, and they’ll be dazed, so it’ll take them a while to get out of the rope, if your knots are any good-”
Arthur goes to retort, but Gwen quickly interrupts him:
“That’s not the point. What if one of them remembers what Merlin did? And accuses him? Uther probably wouldn’t take their word against all of ours, but it would attract unwanted attention, wouldn’t it? And, no offense Merlin, but he’s already not exactly fond of you.”
Arthur nods at that, and Morgana hums thoughtfully, whilst Merlin just stares at her in shock. He speaks up after a moment:
“We could loosen the knots, and wake them up a little before leaving? That way they’ll have plenty of time to escape before the knights get here? But we have to report it. The types of men to attack four teenagers, none in armour, and two of whom are women, need to be warned about.”
Arthur and Gwen look troubled at that, and Arthur speaks up first:
“Morgana is right though, the Knights are brilliant at tracking, what if they find them anyway? I won’t risk one of them remembering what you did.”
Merlin looks annoyed, always the one to sacrifice himself, and Morgana furrows her brows before looking up, and speaking slowly:
“You could... over exaggerate how violent they were? Request a kill on sight order? That way, none of them make it back to testify, but they’re also no longer a problem for travellers.”
Arthur tilts his head in surprise, and Gwen widens her eyes at the suggestion.
Arthur looks like he’s genuinely considering it, when Merlin gasps:
“Oh!! Wait! The other day, I read about a spell. It’s like a memory charm, I can make them forget the last ten minutes or so, if it works, and we time it right, they’ll remember attacking us, but not how the fight ended!”
He has a grin on his face, but Morgana and Gwen look doubtful, whilst Arthur looks thoughtful, before speaking:
“Have you tried it before? Do you know it would work?”
Merlin turns a little pink, before looking to the floor, and saying:
“Well... do you remember agreeing to let me try it on you last week?”
Morgana grins as she realises the implication of the question, and Gwen gasps as Arthur’s eyes grow wide, and he shakes his head slowly:
Merlin finally meets his eyes, with a nervous smile on his face as he says:
“Then yeah, I’ve tried it before and it worked fine.”
Morgana and Gwen start laughing as Merlin bites his lip and Arthur blinks a few times, before speaking again:
“...Ok, you cast the charm or whatever, I’ll make sure the ropes are done tightly, then we’ll wait for one of them to wake up, to check that it worked, then we’ll leave, and send a patrol back to arrest them.”
With the girls still laughing in the background, Merlin goes to the three attackers who had witnessed him perform magic and cast the spell, whilst Arthur double checked all of the bindings.
The group only has to splash cold water on the face of one of the attackers for him to cough himself awake. He looks around, clearly bewildered, and yells:
“What?? How the fuck... what did... how hard do you hit, kid? Jeez, how the fuck did I-”
He’s cut off by Arthur hitting him in the head again with the hilt of his sword, before he steps back and says:
“Ok. It worked. I think it’d be best if we got home as quickly as possible, we’re already going to be late.”
With that, the group takes one last cursory glance (and fill with pride at the idea that they’d managed to fight off a group of thieving murderous bandits all on their own) at the bound bandits, before mounting their horses, and urging them into a gallop towards Camelot.
The report to Uther was definitely intense, The King was furious that a group of violent criminals were attacking citizens, especially women (though Arthur made sure to point out that Morgana fought just as well as him, and Gwen held her own just fine) so close to the city.
He immediately sent out a large patrol to scour the woods, focussed especially around the path they used, and to not come back until the seasons changed, or the criminals were found.
Arthur was right, the ropes hadn’t held them for long, but he was also right in saying that Camelot Knights were excellent trackers, and they were hunted down within a week, and brought back to Camelot for sentencing.
Arthur and Morgana tried to speak against it, at Merlin and Gwen’s request, but Uther ultimately sentenced the offenders to execution, for crimes against the Crown and Citizens of Camelot, and didn’t question why they couldn’t even remember half the fight.
In fact, that actually had Uther praising the group for fighting well, and he begrudgingly admitted that Morgana’s sword lessons (which she had been ruthlessly demanding since she was a child) and Guinevere’s subsequent training, had paid off well.
Wow so I finished this way quicker than I was expecting, I just really love this concept, thanks anon, for requesting :)
Anyway, hope you enjoy gang
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Cooking (Denki x fem!reader)
Pairing(s): Denki x fem!reader
Warning(s): cussing, smut/18+ (minors DNI), sucking d*ck, switch Denki, mentions of ADHD
Word Count: 2,465
A/N (IMPORTANT ONE): everyone in this story is aged up to the 19, UA is a college in this AU but everything else is the same. So they are NOT minors and they are freshman in college!
A/N: request are always so pen so go ahead and drop on by, either leave the request in my inbox OR toy are more then welcome to message me if you want more detail or just want to get to know me :)
Playlist I made so you can listen to coming while reading this: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6KD7SsmFn8QM4bp3BP6DCV_ML1B2AZC3
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You laid on the couch, relaxed and in a comfortable position where anything can happen. You where watching this new anime called Demon Slayer that Mina recommend to you. Saying something along the lines of his hit the guys where. Honestly, you didn’t get the hype, but it was pretty entertaining and you didn’t have anything else better to do then to study and actually get work done so why the hell not? Little did you know a little spark plug was about to attack you. That little spark plug going by the name of Denki Kaminari. He was annoying as fuck and you didn’t want him around. But he kept coming back for more so you let him in your life and you guy’s had this little friends-with-benefits thing going on.
“BOO!” Denki screamed on the top of his lungs, you jumped in fear and got your quirk ready. Your breath coming out in short puffs as you stared at the honey eyed boy.
“You shit head! I was at a scary scene!” You hissed, slapping Denki on the back of his head like Bakugou’s Mom did to him from time-to-time when the bakusquad was over at the angry blonde’s house.
“Sorryyy!” Denki wined, rubbing his head slightly as he mumbled some cussing under his breath. You rolled your y/e/c eyes before staring at the blonde again.
“What do you want?” You asked, annoyance filling your voice and clicking your judgement slightly. The screams of Tanjiro still ringing from the TV.
“Well I had this ADHD burst of energy and I will want to bake a cake but I can’t do it alone because if I do it alone then I will make a mess and then I will clean it up and then I will start cleaning and then—“ Denki kept on rambling about this whole chain of effects that would happen if you didn’t bake with him. You rolled your eyes and stared him straight in his bright electric yellow eyes. You paused for a moment, thinking of ways to shut the teenage male up. A idea popped in your head as you smirked and grabbed the back of Denki’s neck and drawing him towards your lips. Leaning in closer and kissing his slightly puffy lips. He was wearing the same cherry chapstick that you commented that smelled good before you noticed that Denki liked you. You always guessed that this was a way for Denki to get you to notice him. The kids went on for a few minutes before you took over and pushed him on his back against the couch. The blonde gasped between the kiss, his eyes started to water a little at the sudden reaction. Before things to get out of hand you broke the kiss and smiled at the blonde. Keeping a poker face on as you pulled away and swiped away the drool that was connected the two of your mouth’s. You giggled a little, a cocky smile dragging across your face.
“Shut up…” You leaned in and whispered into Denki’s ear, biting his ear lobe a little and giggling a little as Denki choked back a moan that was forcing it’s way up his throat.
“Y-yes ma’am…” Denki whimpered submissively, his lip quivering slightly as you let go of his ear and going towards the dorm room kitchen. Denki followed you like a lost puppy dog, he would be a good little puppy. You chuckled slightly at the joke that you made up in your head.
“What type of cake do you want to bake?” You prompted, getting the pantry open and seeing what cake mixes you guy’s had and if you needed to go get in a car and drive to the gas ration at this god forbidden hour.
“Oooh chocolate!” Denki cheered, a childish smile plastered across his face as he bounced up and down. You chuckled and looked across the pantry to see if you guy’s had any chocolate.
“Well,” you started to say, smacking you lips and staring at the pantry with a disappointment look on your face. “Crap.”
”We don’t have any chocolate cake mix.”
You closed the pantry door and went towards your dorm room to grabs out jacket and skateboard. “Wait dude, did you customize your skateboard?” Denki awed as he stared at your Haikyuu inspired skateboard that had Bokuto on it. You nodded your head ‘yes’ and fully pulled on a y/f/c hoodie.
“Yeah, I started customizing skateboard’s over the summer when we graduated UA” You answered Denki’s question fully and explained it. A smile on your face as you glanced back at the blonde-and-black haired male as he ran to grab his yellow hoodie and skateboard. His late board looked plainer then yours but that is probably because he used it more then you did. You smiled brightly at Denki before going outside of the dorms. Denki spoked followed and the two of you started skating down the street.
”We should do this more!” Denki exclaimed, a playful smirk on his face as he started to do more tricks on the skateboard. You laughed at Denki and started video him for a tiktok. The tiktok was of him singing the lyrics of Alien Boy and having a blast of his time.
“You’re such a dork…” You scoffed as you stopped recording the tiktok and editing it. Not even having to look up to know the way where the gas station was.
“Can you send me the tiktok?” Denki requested, you looked at him and gave him a ‘are you serious?’ Look before agreeing with a nod of your head and sending the tiktok to him the moment you posted it. You guy’s started to skate more, trying to impress the other guy doing some more tricks. But soon, you got to the gas station and stopped the both of your skateboards and set hem down on the outside red brick wall. You and Denki imminently went to the candy section and got some chocolate box cake along with some different flavors of monster. You bought for everything.
“Did you get everything you where looking for?” The cashier asked, looking at the two of you and smiling tiredly.
“Yeah we did, thanks!” You chirped, getting out your card and paying for the stuff. Denki grabbed the monster and opened it up as you guy’s grabbed the skateboard the started heading out the front door. Laughing at dumb jokes that you guys cracked with each other.
*when you two got to the dorm’s because I know y’all waiting for the 18+ part you sinners*
Denki and you started following the directions, baking the cake and putting it in the oven and setting the timer for a hour. “There!” You declared, pumping your fist up in the air. Luckily you guy’s could be as loud as you wanted due to the fact that it is Spring Break and everyone went to there parents house. Well everyone but you and Denki. Your parents never wanted you to begin with, from the very start, they made it very clear that they didn’t want you. So why would you want to got there? Of course the bakusquad knows this. The plan was that everyone I the bakusquad was going to stay so you won’t have to to alone in the dorms but everyone seemed to have plans.
Crimson Riot had a book signing contest so Kirishima just had to go catch up on that, he seemed to be very upset to at he left you and promised that he would call you every night and FaceTime you for hours upon hours. Well, you checked your phone every second it seemed for the past two days and still no sign of Kirishima.
Bakugou’s parents got into a fight and they got a divorce so Bakugou had to go home for that. He didn’t seem to sad or caught up about it, although, you swore to yourself that you heard sobs coming from Bakugou’s dorm room after he told you over text that he couldn’t stay. So far he has texted you every once and a while and checked on you, made sure you where taking care of yourself.
Mina was going to a party and didn’t really seem to care that she was leaving you alone. Not that she was petty or anything she just never seemed to mind if she dropped her plans when they involved you. She gave you a couple of drunk text but nothing more and nothing less.
Sero didn’t talk to you about the thing, he said he would be there for you but he left you alone so you didn’t know where he was. Although, from what his Instagram story told you, he has in Disney with his family and having the trike of his life.
Jiro got her first new hit for a album of her song covers and needed to leave you. It was very emotional and you could tell that she didn’t want to leave you alone but she had to since her family was struggling and she wanted to make them proud.
But Denki stayed with you, the whole time, there was not a time that you thought ‘oh, Denki isn’t going to be there for me’ or ‘oh, I can’t count on Denki to be here’ because he always was and he always will be right by your side. Ever since the two of you where kids and Denki first got his quirk, you still remember that day, he went to hug his best friend but accidentally shocked him and the kid died of electrocution. He cried for hours and hours in class and (from what you heard) in his own home. Refusing to hug anybody until he got into middle school and you came along. You guys had known each other due to your parents working together in the same hero agency but you never started building a friendship until middle school. A lot of people say that relationships end in middle school and high school but in reality. That is when Denki and yours started to bloom.
“Remember when you first got your quirk?” You popped up, laughing a little as the tips of Denki’s ears turned a flush red.
“HEY I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT!” Denki pouted, crossing his arms and trying to be mad at you.
“Oh ok…I am sorry…” You whispered in a pretend hurt voice, knowing full well that Denki will come crawling back to you once you had the slight hurt tone in your voice.
“Wait no! Baby!! Come here!!” Denki exclaimed, wrapping you in a warm hug, you burst into laughter and hugged Denki back. Feeling bad for the honey eyed male for the millionth time in your life (no but like seriously, how did this man get you to feel bad about everything?)
“Its fine Denki.” You reassured the worried teenager with some pats on the head and a kiss on the forehead. Denki smiled innocently at you before pushing you against the couch. “Oof!” You gasped as you felt he fabric press against your back. Denki smirked in accomplishment.
“GOT YOU!” Denki declared proudly, trying to pin you down on your back. You cocked your brow up slightly and flipped you and Denki over so you where on top and he was on bottom. Denki whined and bit his lip, eyes looking at you in a pleading sort of way. You smirked seductively and leaned down to kiss Denki. Your lips crashing with his, biting the male’s slightly pink lips to ask for entrance (which he obeyed instantly). You slipped your tongue into the wet cavern of Denki’s mouth and started exploring every inch of it and sucking on his tongue a little bit. Denki moaned into the kiss and started grinding his body against your pants and whining like a submissive bitch. You chuckled darkly and brought your hand to mess with his hair before yanking his hair and making him break the kiss. A string of saliva connected your two mouths and you just swiped it off and shoved your fingers inside of Denki. Smiling slightly as he gagged.
“Want me to suck your dick slut?” Your horse whisper sounded in Denki’s ear as you bite his ear lobe and tugged on it slightly. Denki nodded his head ‘yes’ before letting out a string of moans. You smirked in accomplishment of breaking the presumably top nineteen year old who flirted with all the girls at school. You pulled down Denki’s sweatpants and boxers in one Swift motion all while keeping eye contact with him. Going down on your knee’s you opened your mouth and started sucking Denki off. Your tongue swirling around his head as you slowly started going deeper and deeper until you felt it go to the back of your throat. Once you felt that your head bobbed up and down, Denki moaned loudly and threw his head back in pure pleasure. Mumbling out praises and barely forming a sentence. You smiled to yourself as you reached down and started rubbing circles along your clit, you tongue almost lolling out to the side of Denki’s duck at the pleasure of hitting the sweet spot.
“You’re such a girl girl yeah you suck my dick yeah you suck that duck so well yeah you do…” Denki managed to say before moaning loudly again at the sight of you touching your self and sucking him off. He is in complete heaven. You felt Denki’s thighs tense up around your head and you stared up at him. Expecting him to say something. “I’m gonna cum…!” Denki mumbled out before moaning again and letting his sex face out. You moaned around Denki’s dick and that caused both of you to cum at the same time. You guy’s where a panting mess on the floor. Denki had his legs spread wide and your head was all fuzzy and not cleared out with good thoughts. You guy’s stood there, a few comfortable in the air as both of you where a shaking mess. Soon, you got up and carried Denki to the other corner of the couch and grabbed a large fluffy gray blanket along with some large pillows. On nights like these, Denki liked it if you took charge in the aftercare stuff. Not even letting you two get changed until the morning. You smiled warmly at the goofy blonde who laid there on the couch, almost fast asleep, while you played Death Note (he says it is to scary so you like watching it when he is asleep or cuddling with you).
“Hey baby?”
“What’s up Pikachu?”
“Did we ever get that cake out of the oven?”
178 notes · View notes
gumnut-logic · 3 years
After my little hissy fit last night about not being able to write, I spent all day today doing exactly that. 5000 words later and we have this rambling fic. I had to fill in our Census today, so I figured the Tracys could too. It went places I did not expect.
There are a couple of anachronisms in this fic. It is based in 2060 for census reasons, but I mention at least two characters interacting with the Tracys from later seasons. Please ignore and enjoy anyway :D
There are also a couple of vague references to ship, but no real ship, I promise.
Thank you in particular to @katblu42​ and @willow-salix​  and the other members of Thunderfam who kindly checked on on me last night while I was bemoaning my inability to write. Sorry if I was exasperating. I have a degree in that. If it helps, no one gets more annoyed with me than I do ::hugs you lots::
Rambly, mostly brotherly conversations and doesn’t really go anywhere, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
How Gordon got there first was no mystery. Virgil was just too damned tired after three rescues in a row and Scott had been tied up with Tracy Industries for most of the day. Grandma could possibly have been on it if she hadn’t been filling in for John who had broken out his exo-suit to yank a couple of free floaters out of the sky.
He was still muttering about idiots and safety. His mood was not improved by the fact Grandma insisted he come down for the night so he could be counted.
Consequently, his muttering also included cursing bureaucracy even though Virgil knew census night was a favourite of the astronaut.
Perhaps Gordon got to the form first because he knew everyone else was tired and grumpy and needed a kick in the pants. Virgil had to admit with a fond thought that his little brother was prone to throwing joke bombs amongst them when the mood was through the floor.
Virgil had no issues wondering why Alan wasn’t the one poking at the form. Their resident teenager wasn’t interested at all.
“Okay, guys. What is our address? What did we put last time?”
Alan didn’t even look up from his game. “Tracy Island.”
Gordon, who was sitting at Dad’s desk, staring at the holographic form, hesitated. “Did Dad register that with the powers that be?”
“What?” Alan really wasn’t paying any attention at all.
Virgil sighed. He was sitting on the couch with one of his uniform boots on his lap attempting to pick out several penetrating objects out of the sole. His last rescue had been a collapsed factory and he was still trying to work out what exactly it was that they made that could penetrate his specialist footwear.
Fortunately, despite multiple incursions, he only had a scratch on his left foot, more an annoyance than anything, but these objects were frustrating and suspicious.
“Dad did all the right things. Tracy Island is the official name now.” The pliers weren’t quite gripping the piece of metal properly. The grip slipped and Virgil swore.
“Now? What was it called before?”
“Deserter’s Rock.” Scott strode in from the kitchen, a coffee in hand, and grimace on his face. His usually perfect hair was scruffy, as if he had been running his hands through it.
Virgil frowned up at him. “You okay?”
His brother took the steps down into the lounge and sighed. “Nothing a holiday won’t fix.” It was Scott’s turn to frown. “What’s with the boot?”
“Deserter’s Rock? Really?”
It was John who answered, very much like Alan, staring into his tablet and barely paying attention. “Really. Three sailors were stuck here for months. Only one survived. That’s why there is a cairn on Tracy Peak.”
“I thought that was a pile of rocks put there by Dad.” Gordon seemed genuinely surprised. “You mean there are two dead guys on the Island?”
“Along with their ghosts, yeah.” John still didn’t look up.
“Ghosts?” Alan did look up at that, eyes wide. “What ghosts?”
“The one’s who keep stealing my Bailey’s ice cream.”
“Oh.” Alan went back to playing his game, his eyes definitely not darting between John and Gordon at all.
“Okay, moving on…so where do I put ‘Tracy Island’ in this thing? It’s not a suburb, state or territory…do we have a postcode?”
“It’s a locality. Shove it in there.” Virgil grit his teeth and yanked hard at the piece of metal embedded in his boot. A grunt and a flex of heavy lifting muscles and…it didn’t move at all. What the hell?
“Okay, whatever.” Gordon half sung ‘Tracy Island, Kermadec Ridge, South Pacific Ocean’ to himself as he entered it into the form. At least he was being specific. Virgil glared at his boot.
“Next. Who gets to be head of household? Oh, the Householder?” A pause in which Virgil poked at his boot, Scott sipped his coffee with closed eyes, Alan killed three zombies with a grin and John sat motionless still staring at his tablet.
“Okay, then. It’s me.” Gordon grinned to himself.
Nobody looked up, but all four other brothers said simultaneously and in chorus. “It’s Grandma.”
Virgil flexed his hand and picked up his pliers again. Peripherally, he watched Gordon’s shoulders drop. Even the Fish couldn’t argue with that.
“Fine. It’s Grandma.” He reached up and touched the box to open that section of the form. “Where is she anyway?”
Virgil tried to get a better grip on another chunk of metal in his boot. “Yoga. Don’t disturb her.” Yoga was Grandma’s mindfulness time and after today, it was well overdue. “Leave her be.”
“I wasn’t going to. Sheesh. So, name. Sally Tracy.” He typed in her name. “Person two?”
“Scott Tracy.” Okay, so Virgil had a bit of a thing about this. His brother deserved acknowledgement for everything he had done.
Gordon glared at him. “And so I guess the rest of us are in age order?”
Virgil flipped his boot over. “Whatever floats your boat, fishboy.” A glance in Scott’s direction and he had to wonder if his brother had fallen asleep, he was that still. The coffee mug in his hand was the only proof of consciousness.
Virgil fought the urge to save it. “Scott, you wanna go to bed?”
“Wha-?” His brother sat up. “I’m fine.” Fortunately, he put the coffee mug down. The chances of Virgil having to treat burns tonight dropped significantly.
“How do you spell ‘Hackenbacker’?”
Virgil did not grace that with an answer as it was obviously a stupid question.
John was apparently on auto as he spouted off the required letters anyway while still staring at his tablet.
Gordon poked at the form in silence for a little while and Virgil wondered what on Earth he was entering. He trusted his brother. This was an official document, after all, but he was still Gordon.
“Okay, guys, I need your information.”
Beside Virgil, Scott ‘woke up’. “What, no questions about Grandma?”
Gordon frowned at his eldest brother. “I’ll have you know that I know our grandmother very well. We have a special kind of relationship.”
Alan snorted.
“What? You got something to say, sprout?” The fish glared at Alan enough to torch him on the spot.
“I’m just saying that after that time with Grandma’s diver’s license, you should know Grandma’s details very well. Her birthdate, her ancestry, her suit measurements…”
A starfish plushie suddenly had a very short career as a ninja star and bounced off Alan’s head. “Shut up, Alan.”
Their little brother only giggled more.
John, still staring at his tablet, raised an eyebrow. “Allie, Grandma baked some cookies yesterday. I think there are still some in the cupboard. Would you like some?”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Alan threw the plushie at his fish brother, missing completely, and went back to playing his game. There was muttering about Gordon making jokes but Alan not being allowed to.
Virgil sighed to himself.
“Scotty, what’s your age? It’s 2060 for reference. Oh, and your gender.”
All signs of sleep fell away and Scott sat up. “Gordon…” It was all warning.
“Hey, I’m just giving you the opportunity to offer an alternative. After all, tonight you look at least fifty-six.”
“I’m thirty-one and you know it.”
Gordon poked at the form. “Thirty-one years young. Got it.”
Scott grunted at him.
“Virg, are we telling the truth this time?”
“Depends on whether you want me to leave you in the ocean next time.” Why the hell couldn’t he get this out of his boot?
“To threat level already, you are grumpy tonight.”
“Gordon…” Virgil echoed Scott from earlier to the note.
“No one named ‘Johnny’ lives here.”
Gordon signed. “John Glenn Tracy, how would you like me to record your age?”
“If I say I’m thirty-two, do I get to go higher up on the form?” Alan looked hopeful.
“If you like.” Gordon moved things around on the display.
Virgil gave up. The locality of Tracy Island was destined to be a statistical anomaly anyway. At least it would be an interesting one.
Besides, John would probably hack it later and fix it. The fact he had hardly protested so far was eminent proof of that security factor.
“Scotty, are you the husband or wife of Grandma?”
Scott rubbed his face and didn’t bother to answer, picking up his coffee again and burying his face in it.
Virgil just wished he would go to bed. The man was a zombie.
Gordon took the hint and was quiet for a little while. Virgil went back to tugging on his boot. Maybe he should take this down to his workshop.
The thought of actually working more had his shoulders slumping enough to alert Scott. The concerned and questioning look shot in his direction had Virgil sitting up a little straighter to fend it off.
“John, where should we put your usual place of residence?”
“But you live in space.”
“So do you.”
“Pedantic much?”
“As necessary. Tracy Island is home. Thunderbird Five is merely in our astronomical backyard, not to mention secret.”
Virgil looked up at that. It was a simple statement, but it was good to hear that John still considered Tracy Island home despite his multiple protests over the years.
“Fine. Secret space station wasn’t an option anyway. I could flub it and use Global One but then that would spark all those rumours about you and that captain all over again.”
“Gordon, I can hack your bank accounts.”
“Go for it.”
“I can also hack your fish tanks.”
The aquanaut shot to his feet. “You touch my tanks and you’re dead, spacehead.”
John didn’t react other than to smile just a little.
Their space brother could be a right royal ass when he wanted to be. Virgil sighed. “John, you know the rules.”
He shrugged. “Didn’t break any.”
“You touch my tanks, I’m spicing up your atmosphere on Five. I’m not kidding. I have fart gas resources even you can’t find.” Gordon was still on his feet and actually appeared angry.
John shuddered. “TMI, Gordo. Not interested in your gas capacity, honestly.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Calm down, Gords, John’s not doing anything to your fish tanks. He knows the rules, don’t you, John.” He arched a prompting eyebrow at his brother.
“Never said I didn’t.”
Definitely an ass.
“Gordon, calm down. You can put John’s relationship to you in as ‘nemesis’ if it makes you feel better.”
“I can only put in our relationship to Grandma. I wrote favourite grandson in yours.”
It was Virgil’s turn to shrug. “I’m not going to complain. Sit down and finish the form.”
His brother didn’t answer, but he did sit down, albeit still glaring at John.
John had gone back to his tablet, doing who knew the hell what.
Definitely an ass.
Virgil turned back to Gordon. “What’s the next question, Gords?”
The glare switched to Virgil for a second before turning to the form. “Where were we born?”
“I know that. What about Grandma, Brains and Kayo?”
“Space.” Alan said it with triumph.
“Where John lives. Isn’t that what the question was?” Alan stared between his brothers.
“Go back to sleep, Alan.”
“Grandma was born in Kansas, Brains was born in India, and Kayo was born here.” Scott proved he was still awake by suddenly providing information enough to make Virgil jump.
Gordon poked at the form, but nothing further was said on that front. Everyone knew Kayo was sensitive about her past, and while she wasn’t in the room, she would find out and partially kill anyone responsible.
“Kayo is here tonight, isn’t she?”
Virgil yanked on his boot again, slipped and managed to elbow Scott in the ribs. His brother grunted.
“Oh, shit, sorry. You okay?” He shoved the boot aside and the pliers along with it.
Scott eyed him and rubbed his side. “That answers your question, Gordon. Kayo is on a conference call with Captain Rigby.”
Virgil glared at Scott.
Gordon eyed the both of them. “Is there something you two aren’t telling the class?”
“Shut up, Gordon.” Virgil glared at Scott a moment longer, enough to have his brother’s expression fall into one of concern. Grabbing his boot again, Virgil went back to wrestling with embedded metal. Damned specialised rubber was amazing when it protected him but when its tolerances were overrun, it was a pain to fix. Maybe he should ask Max to give it a yank. “What entertaining religion are you using this time, Gords?” Any attempt to get the conversation off this topic.
Gordon stared at him a moment, obviously still trying to work out what the hell happened there.
Scott was dead later; Virgil was going to make sure of it. Tired or not, he had crossed a line.
A sideways look in his eldest brother’s direction and it was obvious Scott realised that. Okay, maybe he could let it go. It had been a long day and they were all tired.
Probably should go to bed.
He went back to fighting with his boot.
Gordon was still staring but even the fish knew when to shut up apparently, because the next words out of his mouth were entirely religious.
“I’m worshiping Neptune this year.”
Alan frowned. “I thought you said that last time.”
“Dad wouldn’t let me.”
That brought the whole room to a standstill. Last census was ten years ago. Flashback to that time brought everything that had changed into the bright glaring light. The biggest change being Dad’s absence. But even more, ten years ago they were still based in Kansas, IR was in development, but not yet a reality. Alan was only six, Gords eleven and with his body still intact…it was a completely different time. Virgil was still in college and had to fill in his own census form in Denver.
Gordon broke the looming silence with a determined smile. “This time the government gets the truth. Scott bows to the sky gods, Virg worships molemen, Johnny is a god, and Alan is Satan.
“Hey!” It was said by multiple brothers at once.
Only John remained calm. He even had a smile. “In that case, I want bagels every Sunday.”
“You get bagels every Sunday. Virg sends them up all the time.” Alan glared at his space brother – Alan did not like bagels.
John grinned wider. “I’ll take that as proof that I have at least one faithful worshipper.”
“Next time you can get your own bagels.” Virgil glared at his brother.
Gordon snorted. “Yeah, right, you old softie. John could blow up Two and you’d still send him his bagels.”
Virgil found himself glaring at Gordon again. It seemed to be a theme tonight. “Short pier, long walk, Gordon, go for it.”
He got a smirk for that. “Don’t mind if I do. A little night diving is quite spectacular around here.”
Virgil ignored him and went back to his boot…which he had made zero progress on for all the time he had been sitting here, damnit.
“Does Virgil ever ‘need someone to help with or be with him for self-care, body movement, or communication activities’?” Gordon typed into the form. “Before coffee.”
Virgil ignored him some more as Alan took the bait and snickered. “Better watch it, Gords. Won’t be long before ‘before coffee’ time kicks in. Look at him, he’s already brewing.”
The piece of metal in his boot finally shifted a little. Thank goodness.
“Long term health conditions.” Gordon slumped in his seat. “Well, isn’t this cheerful.”
“Just fill it in, Gordon.” Scott’s words were little more than a sigh.
That left a gaping silence. Gordon tapped a lot at the keyboard filling in far too much. More for himself, obviously, but then there was John and his space issues, and they all had been diagnosed with something on the list hanging above their father’s desk.
Except Alan, who could not be left out. Virgil pretended to not be able to read the word ‘zombification’ next to his little brother’s name.
“Schooling? Oh man, John, you can write all the letters after your name. I can never remember them all.”
“Not a problem.” The astronaut poked at his tablet and the hologram in front of Gordon sprouted half the alphabet.
“Really? Did you get a new one?” He stared at John. “When did you get time for that?”
John shrugged. “Made time.”
“What’s this one for?”
“You were in the ocean. I didn’t know enough to help. So I fixed the problem.”
Gordon just stared.
Virgil, of course, knew. He had been the one to field John’s version of panic the day he didn’t know enough to help Gordon. John was practical. He saw a problem, he fixed it. Oceanography wasn’t an obvious topic for the starman, but he was a genius and that genius could be applied where he wished it to be.
If Virgil had found himself helping John at a few points that intersected with his specialities along the way, he was just going to take a little comfort from being able to return the favour after years of borrowing his brother’s brains for other topics.
And besides, it had meant he had been able to spend a little extra time with John. Always a good thing.
Despite him being the occasional ass.
Gordon was still staring. “Is that why you bugged me to take you out in Four?”
John shrugged. “Partly. Didn’t mind spending a bit of time with you either. Good experience to familiarise myself with Four as well.”
The stare continued.
“Be careful you don’t catch any flies with your mouth open.”
The stare became a glare. “We’re talking about this. You and me.”
Gordon looked like he didn’t know whether to yell at him or run over and hug his brother. Virgil was voting for the latter.
But everything was interrupted by a sudden snore and snort.
Virgil turned to Scott and found his brother startled awake, likely by his own snore.
“Scott, you need to go to bed.”
“I’m fine.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Do I need to pick you up and carry you?”
“I’m fine.” He waved Virgil away, sat up straighter and attempted to guzzle whatever was left of his probably cold coffee.
“Go to bed.”
“No. We need to finish the census.”
“Because why?”
“Because I want to.”
“Can you stop that?”
“Can you go to bed?”
“You need sleep.”
“I can manage my own health, thank you, Doctor Virgil.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I am an adult.”
Gordon let off a loud snort. “That’s it. I’m putting you two in as married.”
“Gordon!” Both of them, in chorus. It was apparently a theme tonight.
“Well, you both argue like an old married couple, what can I do?”
“You can shut up and move onto the next question.”
Gordon poked his tongue out at Scott, but he didn’t stop grinning and Virgil was forced to hold back a smile himself.
Bratty little fish.
He was still smirking when he said, “Employment.”
“Oh god.” Scott sank back onto the couch and rubbed his face with his hands.
There followed a book’s worth of employment activities.
“Rocket surfing is not an occupation, Gordon.” Virgil sighed.
“Why not? Both Scott and Allie surf rockets.”
“Alan rides a rocket sled and Scott is just trying to give me grey hair.”
“Has he succeeded yet?” Bratty fish.
“None of your business.”
“So is International Rescue paid or unpaid work?” Gordon was frowning at the form.
“Unpaid.”  Scott’s tone was sharp.
“So are we unemployed, employed or self-employed?”
“How much do you earn a year, Scotty?”
Their eldest brother paused as if calculating, but then threw up a hand. “Stuffed if I know.”
John snorted and rattled off a number.
“There isn’t enough space for that many zeros here, John.”
“Give me a moment.”
The display in front of Gordon flickered and each of their names received a variety of numbers…except for Alan.
“Hey, how come I don’t have any earnings?”
“You are a minor.” John spoke calmly, as if speaking to a minor.
“But I do stuff for Tracy Industries, I do.”
“All your income is held in trust, you know that.”
“Then who is paying for all that popcorn I bought this morning?”
Scott sighed. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to bust the bank.”
“We own the bank.”
Scott stared at John. “When did we buy a bank?”
“I bought it for your birthday last year but forgot to give it to you.”
“I’m writing obscenely rich next to all our names. Oh, except for you, Allie. You’re a pauper.”
“Hey! You suck, Fishbrain.”
“Remember who might need to lend you money in the next couple of years…”
“While Gordon remembers who lent him money in the past, who still helps him with his finances, and who also is the one to fish him out of the ocean after every mission.” Virgil pinned Gordon with his eyes.
Gordon blinked. “You have a point.” A pause as a smile crept over his face. “Who was that again?”
The hologram of the census form wobbled as a lounge cushion flew through it and hit Gordon squarely in the face.
“Right on target. Hmm, I’ve still got it.” Scott blew imaginary smoke off a finger gun.
Unfortunately, Scott may have still had it, but he wasn’t the best marksman on this census form. The cushion rebounded via aquanaut and hit Scott squarely in the face with an oomph.
This forced both Virgil and Alan to come to his defence and for a full ten minutes after that, it was an all-out pillow fight between the brothers. Even John was drawn in as Gordon came up behind him and tried to stuff one down the back of his shirt.
Which wasn’t advisable since his gravity support was still in play. But then John was king of the noogie and immediately grabbed a head full of strawberry blond hair, dragged it down onto the couch beside him and made sure it received the full-on noogie treatment.
Gordon did squawk quite a bit.
An extreme one-on-one joust erupted between Scott and Alan. It was that determined that Virgil had to back out. Alan, being the terrier he was, managed to get Scott on his back on the lounge and sat on him pummelling him with pillows.
Virgil had suspicions that the game was rigged.
In any case, he had to find somewhere else to sit and tinker with his boot.
Eventually, Gordon found his way back to the census form. Scott was still on his back and apparently Alan had decided he preferred that his big brother stay that way by sitting on him and playing his computer game. Scott at least had a remaining cushion under his head, but one foot had taken out a pot plant and the other was hanging over the back of the sofa. His brother really was too tall for lying on the seating arrangements, but he didn’t seem to care.
With a bit of luck he might fall asleep.
“Okay, let’s finish this. How did you get to work today?” Gordon grunted. “This form has no rockets, planes, submarines or space elevators on it.”
“Tick the ‘other’ box and let them work it out.” John let out a yawn.
Virgil eyed him.
John screwed up his face and poked out his tongue.
Wha-“ Virgil blinked.
“Hey, Virg, how many hours did you work last week?”
That distracted him enough to turn to Gordon. “How the hell do I know?”
“You worked them. I bet you know your flight hours.”
“Today’s. Not last week. That was last week.”
“Eos, send Gordon last week’s record?”
The AI chimed in at her father’s request. “Yes, John.”
Another document appeared in front of Gordon. “Wow, that much? Really?”
“The documentation is correct as recorded.” Eos sounded a little miffed. But then she never particularly liked Gordon on the best of days.
His fault, of course.
“Virg, you win, but only by a bit over Scott and that was because he twisted his ankle on Monday.”
“Sprained, you mean.”
“Twisted.” It came from the couch and was strangled by a little brother.
“Sprained. He should have been off for several days, but he’s an idiot.”
“You can’t talk, Mr Bruised-not-cracked.”
“At least I’m not Cracked-not-broken.”
Scott might have said more but Alan whacked him with a pillow. “You guys are idiots. Gords, John and I are lucky our grey hairs don’t show.” Alan growled. “I’m sixteen, for crying out loud, and I know more about hospitals than I ever wanted to. Look after yourselves, you morons.”
Silence hit the room again.
“Way to go, Allie. You tell ‘em.” Gordon’s words were honest.
Of course, Scott was devastated and immediately questioning all his life choices. Virgil wasn’t far behind, but Scott, in particular had a sensitive spot where Alan was concerned.
“Hey.” He reached out a hand and rested it on their little brother’s arm. “Talk to me, Allie.”
Alan growled again. “I’m fine as long as you two look after yourselves. We kinda need you, you know.”
Scott grabbed his little brother and dragged him down into a hug. “I’m sorry.”
Virgil sat with his boot in his lap needing to grab both his brothers but not wanting to interrupt their moment.
He shouldn’t have worried. A second later Gordon jumped over the back of the couch, landed beside him and grabbed him, dragging him sideways into an oomph of a hug. “Don’t worry, my dear wingman, we still love you even if you are an idiot.”
“Admit it, you want a hug.”
“Shut up.”
Gordon didn’t say anything further, but he did squeeze tighter.
“When you get to the questions on whether any of us looked after children, Gordon, tick yes for all of us.” John’s tone was as dry as a desert.
“Will do.” Gordon grinned at him.
Scott actually fell asleep after that. It was about time. Apparently, Alan made a great teddy bear.
Alan grumbled about that for days, but Virgil knew his little brother treasured his relationship with Scott and the fact he fell asleep as well was rather telling.
But that fact pretty much ended the census form filling for that night.
The next morning saw all of them out on an earthquake and it wasn’t until two days later that Gordon realised they hadn’t submitted the form.
Grabbing Scott and Virgil, he ran them through the last of the questions, landing on the definitions of their dwelling.
“How many registered motor vehicles do we have at this dwelling?”
“Er, none? We have no roads.” Virgil frowned at the obvious answer.
“Three rockets, two planes and a submarine don’t count?”
An arched eyebrow. “Does it say anything about planes? Tracy Two and Three are registered in Aotearoa.”
“Aotearoa is not the United States.”
“But they are still registered.”
Scott sighed. “Read the form properly, guys. It says exclude heavy vehicles.”
“Well, that strikes Virg off the list, but your ‘bird’s a pansy.”
That earned Gordon a mocking whack up the back of the head.
“Gords, just write zero. The intent is there.”
“Fine. We have no motor vehicles. Stupid form.” A sigh. “Okay, how many bedrooms do we have?”
Scott answered that one. “Ten.”
“I thought it was twelve.”
“One went to an art studio and the other to a music recording room.”
Gordon glared at Virgil. “Way to take over the house, bro.”
“And how many fish tanks do you have in how many rooms? Not to mention the chunk of vegetable garden we had to sacrifice for Rover’s pond?”
“Leave Rover out of this. That wasn’t his fault.”
Virgil snorted. “Not his.”
“Shut up.”
Scott sighed again. “We have ten bedrooms.” He scanned the rest of the form, which thankfully wasn’t very long. “We own the place outright, and yes, they can archive our information for our grandkids to access. Tick the boxes and get this sent so I can go get some lunch.”
“Yes, Commander.”
Scott growled but Gordon ignored him.
Boxes all ticked, he hit the submit button.
“This form has already been submitted. You may not submit it again.” Underneath was the date of the day before census night. “What the hell? How could we open it if - ” Scott hit his comms. “John!”
John’s hologram flickered up beside the misbehaving census form. “I’m between a hurricane in Bermuda and an avalanche in the Pyrenees. How may I help you?”
“Oh, the census form. Eos submitted that three days ago.” Their space brother was distracted a moment out of pick up range as Scott’s jaw dropped. “Needed to get it done before Gordon got his hands on it. Besides, we can’t guarantee we wouldn’t have been called out anyway, so I got it done beforehand.”
“Then why the hell were we going through the damned thing on census night?”
John blinked. “You had fun, didn’t you? We shared an evening together.”
Virgil joined both his brothers at staring at John.
The astronaut just smirked back at them. “You did a great job, Gordon. Thanks.” The smirk turned into a grin. “Thunderbird Five out.” His hologram disappeared.
Scott’s face curdled. “I’m going to kill him.”
Virgil let his shoulders drop and sighed. “You said that last time he did something like this, and he’s still kicking.”
“I’m soaking his underwear in saltwater.” Gordon had that fire in his eyes that usually preceded a Tracy Island Armageddon.
“He played me, Virg. He knew what I would do and played me. He thinks I’m predictable!”
“Yeah, but he obviously did it for the right reasons.”
Virgil found himself the target of two glares. “What? You want a group hug or something? C’mere.” And he grabbed the both of them, wrapping his arms around them. “Happy Census Night.”
The grumbling was worth it.
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beskarhearts · 4 years
Silence (Din Djarin x reader)
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Connection series pt. 1
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, mention of family members passing away, nightmares
Word count: A little over 3.2K
Summary: The Mandalorian is an extremely quiet man, not saying much of anything or making any noise, which is driving his new partner crazy.
Notes:  I love these two together so I am going to write about them multiple times and am making it into a series. All the parts for this will be on my masterlist!
 Next Part
The silence was killing you.
During the day, it wasn’t as bad. The child usually gurgled and rambled away, speaking words only he could understand. The sounds of his giggles filled the air and lighted the mood. You would talk to the kid constantly, having him as a new loyal companion who would listen to you with wide eyes, responding in his own little ways.
But eventually the hours would die out and the kid would finally go to sleep for the night. And that is when the complete silence would kick in. Besides the soft snores of the child and the endless whir of the Razor Crest traveling through hyperspace, there would be absolutely no noise. No speaking, humming, clearing of the throat, nada.
You were used to being alone. You didn’t really have a lot of friends or companions before you joined the Mandalorian and his child, but it wasn’t quiet like this. When you were alone, you would hum or silently sing. You’d open your window and listen to the world around you. But, the Razor Crest was void of all of that, as well as the Mandalorian.
You honestly didn’t how it was possible. It had only been a matter of a few weeks now, but you had noticed how the Mandalorian could go hours without making even the quietest of noises. No cough, no heavy breathing, no words. He would just sit in the cockpit of his ship and stare into the hyperspace, seeming to study it for hours at end with no interruptions. The only time he would make noise is when he was fixing a weapon or the ship, or the eventual noises that accompanied him when he eventually shuffled his way into bed. 
It drove you nuts. The silence was eerie and gave you too much time to think, to dwell on things you shouldn’t. But it wasn’t like you could just walk up to Mando and start a conversation with him. You knew little to nothing about the man in beskar, but you knew that he enjoyed his silence and enjoyed being left alone. When you first boarded the ship and joined him and his child, you tried to talk to him. You would crack jokes and sarcastically tease him like you did with everyone. But, he didn’t seem to be amused by that or succumb to your humor. He wouldn’t laugh and he barely even responded. He would just stare at you with his helmet until he eventually turned away to do something else. 
You thought maybe he was just shy, not used to the company of a person. Maybe he just needed time to warm up to you. So, you decided you would let him speak first. You’d keep quiet like he wanted until he was comfortable enough to spark a conversation with you. When you came up with this plan, you relied on the fact  that eventually he must speak to you. I mean you were stuck together and what was he going to do - never say anything ever? At the time, it seemed like an atrocious thought but now you had deemed it was very much possible you would spend your future days in complete silence when you were with the Mandalorian. Your plan to wait for Mando to speak now seemed ridiculous. Were you really not going to say anything and live in silence until the giant, glorified tin can decided to speak? I mean kriff, that day may never even come. 
You sat on the floor of the belly of the Razor Crest, listening to the soft little breathes of the child as he lay sleeping in his hammock that the Mandalorian had resurrected for him. The Mandalorian was sat in the cockpit as always, out of sight, and you were alone. You had tried to go to sleep, hoping that would ease the uncomfortableness of the silence but it was hard for you to sleep nowadays. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw images of your parents and grandmother and those were memories too painful to relive for you. Nightmares plagued your nights so instead you would sit there awake for many hours, eventually laying down but spending most of your time staring at the ceiling above you. 
Your mind drifted eventually, thinking of the child and how much you cared for him. You would never dare describe yourself as his mother, more like a glorified nanny at this point, but you felt a connection with the little one. He was warm and full of light and so much power. He seemed like a simple little kid but he was so much more complex. 
You sat in the same spot thinking and didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you heard the thud of the Mandalorians boots on the floor. You looked up at the man, watching as he let go of the ladder that took him to and from the cockpit. You expected him to walk to his cot and close the hatch to it as he always did but instead his modulated voice let out a single sentence: “What was that?”
It took you a minute to process the fact that he had spoken to you and you felt yourself freeze up. You had been waiting for the man to finally say something, anything to you. Anything that would interrupt the silence. But now that it was happening, it felt so uncomfortable. You guess eventually you had gotten used to the silence and Mando trying to speak to you felt so odd, for him and yourself. 
“What are you talking about?” You looked over at the child, but he was still knocked out cold. No noise came from him. Nothing knocked over or fell over. You heard nothing, as always. 
“You were humming.” 
Well, shit. You hadn’t even realized you were doing so. You probably annoyed him with it. You must have slipped into it, humming away to a tune you thought had been long forgotten but was apparently still very prevalent in your mind. You stood to your feet, looking at the Mandalorian and letting out a small “I’m sorry.”
Then you froze. Why the kriff were you apologizing? This man has made you sit in complete and utter silence for weeks and you finally hum a little because you are a damn human. And then he has the audacity to ask you what you were doing. “Actually, no. I am not sorry.” You clarified, feeling how annoyed you were with all the silence come out.
And what a surprise, the Mandalorian responded with complete silence, the only indication he was listening being a small tilt of his helmet.
“Sir, have you ever considered the possibility that you are a droid or something?” You sarcastically let out, perching a hand on your hip as you stared back.
“What?” A small scoff followed, sound distorted through his mask but you picked it up. The Mandalorian copied your movements, perching his own hand on his hip and cocking it out to the side.
“Well, I’ve just never met a human being who could sit in absolute silence and never say a word for so long. You must be a droid.” You let out a laugh. “Actually, I have met droids who have talked way more than you. I swear you vocabulary only consists of grunts, sighs, and saying ‘This is the way.’ Oh, and tonight we’ve added to your extensive list, a thrilling ‘What was that?’” 
You let out a loud sigh as you finished your rambling, staring back at the man before you. And you didn’t think you could believe your ears at the noise that followed.
“Wait...was that a...” You pause, staring at him incredulously, “Did you just laugh or did your helmet malfunction?”
“I am able to laugh.” Mando said shortly and you swore that his voice seemed a little lighter than it ever had before.
“Well, how would I ever know that? Whenever I tell a joke or say something, you just respond with silence. I thought you were incapable of human emotion because, sir, I am kriffing hilarious and you haven’t laughed at my jokes once.” 
“I laughed at you tonight.” You wanted to rip your hair out at his matter-of-fact attitude. 
“Nooo. You didn’t laugh at my joke. You laughed because your complete silence is driving me loony. The only person I ever talk to anymore is the child and I don’t know if he can even understand me!” You throw your hands in the direction of the child, who still was sleeping peacefully away. “I mean how do you do it? Just say nothing for hours?”
“Mandalorians aren’t very talkative people.”
“So, when you are in a room with people, you just sit there and don’t say a word the whole time? What about friends or other Mandalorians?”
“I don’t talk to people. I’ve always been alone.”
The statement was made very definitively, with no emotion, but it made your annoyance simmer away slightly. You considered that the life of a Mandalorian must be very lonely. Nobody to talk to. You always have to keep your name and face hidden, never able to open up to someone completely and fully. You didn’t know much about Mandalorians but you could sense that connection and feelings weren’t of much importance. It was supposed to a life that consisted of an endless cycle of catching bounties and getting credits. 
You knew that the Mandalorian that stood before you was already different, capable of connecting with a creature and caring for him. You saw it in the way he would mumble to the child, hold him against him, or even when you caught him wiggling his finger for the child to grab. The Mandalorian had been adjusting to life with one little child by his side and then you came along. And you would have to guess that a snarky, fully grown female was a bit harder to be comfortable with than the kid was.
“Well, you aren’t anymore. I know it probably kills you but you are stuck with me for a little while. And I’m not saying you have to talk to me all the time but I am here to talk to. And I think if I sit here in complete silence for another hour, I will go crazy.” You give the Mando a small smile, hoping to ease some of the tension in the room and not annoy his with your words. You didn’t want to force him to talk to you, but you also kind of did.
There was silence for a few moments and you were worried you scared off the Mando until he nodded slightly. “Okay.”
You let out a sigh of relief and quietly clapped your hands together, rocking back and forth on your heels. “Okay. Good.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
You raised your eyebrows, shocked that he was still engaging in conversation. “Sure.” 
“Where did you hear that song you were humming?” Your smile dropped a little bit at the question but you tried to cover it quickly, though you could tell Mando could sense the change in your attitude. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s... umm...” You closed your eyes for a second and let out a small breath, feeling your fists clench. “My mom used to sing it to me to get me to sleep. It is just a silly little lullaby.” You looked down at your feet, feeling burned from remembering the memory. 
“My mother used to sing that to me as well.” You felt an initial wave of confusion from his words. You had never thought about the fact that the Mandalorian had parents. I mean, you knew he didn’t just come from nothing. But, the idea of the Mandalorian as a child, with a family, seemed so bizarre. You tried to imagine a small child with a mother and father but couldn’t help but to just imagine his helmet on a smaller body. You then wondered how long he had been a Mandalorian as a child and if his parents were Mandalorians as well.
Your mind whirled with questions from the one small sentence he said, but you didn’t want to scare him off. You just let out a small, “Huh. Small universe, I guess.”
“Do your parents know where you are now?”
You wanted to tell Mando to stop asking you questions. You wanted to tell him to leave you alone but you didn’t want to shut him out right when he was finally starting to open up a little. You couldn’t slam the door in his face that you just convinced him to open. But this was the one thing you didn’t want to talk about. The one thing you were hoping was never mentioned. You looked back down at your feet, balling your fists and closing your eyes to build a dam against the tears threatening to fall. But, all you saw was your families face and that caused a bang in your chest that almost felt unbearable.
Mando knew instantly what the twist of pain in your face meant, for he had done it himself for years and years at the mention of family. It had been so long since he lost his family but it still burned and caused an aching feeling in his chest he didn’t know if he would ever be able to get rid of. He saw all of that in your eyes and felt dumb for asking the question. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
You let out a shakey sigh and look back up at the Mandalorian. You imagined he was probably judging you and your weakened state. He probably saw you as fragile and wrecked, something he didn’t want to handle. Damaged goods might as well have been stamped on your forehead. “It’s fine.”
You turned around, wiping at your eyes and starting to trail back to your small bed on the floor when you heard four words that simultaneously made you feel less alone but also broke your heart. “Mine are gone too.” 
You turned to look back at the Mandalorian and looked him up and down. To the average person, he’d look like he always did: strong and bold. But, you saw the slight sag of his shoulders and the way his helmet slightly tilted down to the floor. You couldn’t see the pain that was on his face, but you could sense what he was feeling. A layer to the Mandalorian suddenly opened up to you that wasn’t there before. He wasn’t just a set of armor. He was a man, one who had been broken and scarred by the horror of the world. And even though he was covered head to toe in beskar, it didn’t mean he didn’t feel emotions. It just meant he couldn’t show them. Feeling emotions like these were bad enough but having no one to see it or confide in made it feel impossible to deal with somedays.
“I’m so sorry, Mando.”
“It’s okay. It was a really long time ago.” The words were said gruffly, as if they were bricks being built in a wall to push back the emotions he was feeling.
You wanted to hug him or grab his hand. Do something to console him and show him he wasn’t alone, that his pain could be your pain even though your own was so raw. You barely knew this man, having had your first real conversation with him only tonight. But, you felt like you understood him a lot better than before and in a way others might not be able to. And you wanted to hand your strength over to him and you didn’t want to admit it, but you wouldn’t have minded if he had handed his own over to you.
Instead of physically reaching out, you hoped to ease his pain with your words. “I don’t know your parents but I imagine they’d have to be proud of you. The way you care for the kid... you are a good father, Mando. And I know you insist you aren’t the kids father, but he sees you that way. I can tell. And he cares about you and I can tell that you care for him. And you took me in even though you didn’t have to.” You sniffled but brought a small smile to your face, hoping to lighten the mood with a joke. “And I know I am a pain and you’ve let me stay, so you must be a good person.”
“Thank you.” You couldn’t tell if your words helped at all but you still smiled in response. 
“Well, we went from not talking to me almost crying in front of you, so I would say this is going spectacularly well.” You let out a chuckle, once again rubbing at your eyes. It was bizarre to you how one conversation seemed to open up so much between you two but it also created so many other questions you wanted to ask but they were ones that would have to wait for future conversations you hoped to have. Space and life was hard enough, but with someone to talk to, it made it bearable. 
“I also added to my vocabulary.” The words were said in the same monotone way all his words were said, but you felt a real smile brighten up your face. The Mandalorian just made a joke with you. You had simply hoped for him to say anything to you to end the silence and here he was making a joke with you. 
“Look at you, making jokes. In no time, you will be talking more than I do.”
“That is unlikely.” An exasperated tone was expressed with the words, along with what could be seen as a sarcastic shake of the head. His humor was dry, but it was something you could decipher and appreciate.
“I don’t know if I should be insulted or not by the way you said that.” You teased and you swear you heard another laugh until a piercing cry interrupted it. You looked over at the child who was throwing his hands in the air and wailing, with big tears filling his eyes that looked up at you and his father. “Oh, you wanted to join in on the pity party too?”
You started making your way to the child when Mando strolled past you and grab him, holding him in his arms and rocking him lightly. “I got him. You go to sleep.”
You smiled warmly at the Mando, wondering if he was doing the same under his helmet. “Okay. Night, Mando.”
You wandered to your bed on the floor and listened as the Mandalorian spoke to the child. He whispered as best as he could with the modulator on and you couldn’t hear much through his low whisper, but it brought peace to you. You liked the way he talked to the kid and how the kid slowly sank back into a peaceful sleep with the comfort of the Mandalorian.
Eventually, the lights turned out and you heard the Mandalorian shuffle into his bed, closing the hatch to it. Instead of dwelling on the past or feeling the pain of your loss, you smiled into the darkness, reflecting on your conversation. Eventually, your eyes drifted close and you fell into sleep.
That was the first night in a long time that you didn’t have a nightmare.
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A/n: Set during the GoF, or the 4th year with the yule ball. Y/n is a 4th year. No mention of Cedric but lets say it’s an AU where he doesn’t die. 
A soft knock on the door of your dormitory was the last thing you expected to hear at 10 pm on a Wednesday. Usually, everyone was settled down by this hour, minus a few kids in the oldest years who were quietly chatting in the common room.
With the idea that it could be a home-sick first year, you pulled yourself away from the potions homework you were finishing, got off your bed and wrapped your hand around the doorknob. Swinging it open only to revel one Draco Malfoy.
You had known him since before first year, when you had accidently walked into Lucius outside of Florean Fortescue’s Ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley. While it might have not been the most embarrassing thing you’d done, the glare on Lucius Malfoy’s face was the scariest thing you’d 11 year old self had ever encountered. 
Thankfully, once he looked over to your parents, probably to yell at them, he was met with the faces of some of his old classmates he was friendly with. 
After they talked about the ‘good old’ days, you finally got the ice cream you wanted after having to spent two hours ticking things off the list you were sent from Hogwarts. 
And of course, you got to have that ice cream with Draco Malfoy. 
While it was nice to know someone in your year at Hogwarts, on the 1st of September as you bordered the train you found yourself with the ever-intriguing Hermione Granger. 
For the rest of your years at Hogwarts Hermione was a close friend along with Ron and Harry, much to Draco’s displeasure. You still talked to him around the school and saw him over summer break but you weren’t best friends, just casual friends. 
“What’s up, Draco?” You ask, concerned. Maybe it was how messy his platinum blonde hair looked or the wild look in his eyes but something was off. Being a Malfoy, Draco always was well presented but here he stood, hair messy and top few buttons of his shirt undone. 
There were those grey eyes staring into yours but almost looking through you. “What’s wrong?” You urge him again. 
His eyes blinked once and he looked like he was snapping back into reality. “Can I come in?” He asked, desperately. Your eyes scanned his body to check that he wasn’t hurt. Seeing there was no obvious problem you moved out of the way and let him in before shutting the door. 
You watched him as he looked around your room, from your wardrobe to desk and finally your bed. It took about half a minute before he had turned around to look at you. Then he plopped down on your bed and pushed his head back so he was lying down and looking up at the ceiling. 
By now your arms were crossed over your chest, annoyed at the homework of yours he had muddled but still felling so fond of the 15 year old. The same fondness you had held for years. 
“Can you make the roof stop spinning?” It was the first time you had heard his voice since Potions class today but now it was more rough. 
You could tell your face had changed; eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed and narrow eyes. “It’s not, Draco. What’s going on?” Caution was necessary, this could have been once of his pranks. Maybe it wasn’t even Draco, maybe it was one of the twins after drinking a polyjuice potion. 
“Oh.” He mumbled, sitting upwards on your bed before you walk over and sit next to him. His behaviour was far out of the ordinary. “I’m tired.”
There was a pause.“Why are you here, Draco?” Clearly he wasn’t here to sleep. 
“I wanted be with you.” It just slipped out but you could tell from his face he wished he hadn’t said it.
Then it hit you. “Are you drunk?” 
“Yes.” He said without missing a beat. 
Your blood was boiling about that and you got up off the bed quickly to go over to the door. “Who in their right mind would give a 15 year old alcohol? Especially you.” There was something so wrong about the situation that lead you to firmly open the door when Draco jumped up and pulled your hand away.
“Don’t go out there and do something you’ll regret.”
And now he had the audacity to be telling you not take action to what he had said. 
Slowly he sat back down again, knowing you wouldn’t open the door, and mumbled “Wishing I didn’t come here.” under his breath, but not quiet enough for you to not hear. 
“Leave then.” 
“No.” He replied much to quickly. You were thankful though because you didn’t want him to leave. 
You let out a sigh before turning to face him again. It was now you realised how tired he looked. “Tell me who gave it to you, Dray.”
That little nickname almost made him spill. “Don’t worry about it, love.” That little nickname did it for you as well.  
“Can you at least tell me why you’re here?” At this point you were almost pleading with him. 
He smiled, dopily. “Like I said, I wanted to see you.” But now he was just annoying you. 
It didn’t make any sense that he was here and not in bed or drinking with the older Slytherins, who you assumed supplied him with the alcohol already running through his veins. 
“Why not one of your girlfriends?” You finally snap. It felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders but it was replaced by an even heavier one while you anticipated his reaction. 
It took a few seconds for it to sink in but when it did his eyes snapped onto yours. “Jealous?” It was more of a guess than a question and the devilish smirk on his face showed you that he believed it was true. 
It wasn’t jealousy. Probably. 
“I just don’t know why you’re here.” You spluttered out, going red as you tried to cover your tracks. 
“Because, Y/n, I don’t want anyone else. I thought getting drunk would make this whole thing easier.” Now you were listening intently. “I know that I’ve known you for so long now, like 4 years. And I wish we were closer like I want to be with you all the time. I don’t really know how to do this because honestly I’ve never done it and I don’t show my emotion so tell me if I’m doing it wrong.”
At this point he was just rambling. “What’s up, Draco?” You ask the same question you had the quarter of an hour ago when he had first knocked on your door. 
His eyes were back on yours, not floating around the room. “I love you.” Those 3 words you’d wanted to hear from a boy for your whole life. And now the ever sort after Draco Malfoy was saying them to you as he sat on your bed. 
The whole world was spinning and you felt like everything inside you had been shaken up and put back together in a way that felt better than ever before. 
He looked more beautiful than ever, so real and raw. The vulnerability vibrating off him was gorgeous. Like a new side to this staunch suit. 
“I love you, too.” You spat out, causing his face to change quickly to a much happier one. 
Cold, pale hands come up to your cheeks, softly holding them as he cradled your face with such care. His thumb slowly caressing your cheekbone. Your eyes fluttered closed as his lips came into contact with yours. It was a perfect amount of passion and adoration. 
His lips were soft, like spring. Full of cherry blossoms that sparked something inside of you, sweet like flowers and bright like the sun. 
You pulled away with so much love in you. Draco had never looked as perfect as he looked now.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Harry Wells x Witch Reader - (Flash): Chapter 4
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Walking into the cortex that afternoon, you were a bit surprised no one was around. “Hello? Anybody home.” Harry lifted his head from behind the table, and a grin immediately spread on your lips. 
“How do you manage to keep such a grumpy look all the time.”
“This is my neutral expression.”
“Right...so where’s everyone else grumpy wells?”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Grumpy wells.”
Harry glared, you really enjoyed agitating him, almost as much as Cisco did.
“There haven't been any recent attacks, so they're enjoying some R&R.” his eyes moved back to whatever project he’d been working on before you came in. The metal gadget on the desk looks foreign to you, but he obviously knew what he was building.
“So why are you still working?”
He didn’t answer.
“Grumpy wells, grumpy wells, grumpy wells!” he dropped the screwdriver in irritation.
“Don’t you have someone else to annoy, I’m busy.”
“I vote that we both go out. “ He just stared at you for a few moments.
“No thank you. I’m working. “ That and he really didn’t think it was a good idea for him to be alone with you. Harry realized a few weeks in that your need to be around him was unnerving. He didn’t like the sparks that rose whenever you cracked a joke or sent him those glistening smiles. Not to mention the age gap. His eyes lowered. He was at least twenty-five years older than you, to make matters worse you barely acknowledge the interactions. He was pining after you one sidedly, what was more pathetic than that.
“I can always zap you with a spell you know.”
“Didn’t you say witches aren’t supposed to harm regular people, I think that falls under harm.” you smile, cheeks tinting red. So he didn’t completely brush off information when you spoke, that was nice to know. He never looked like he ever paid much attention when you were talking, and you were positive you’d never said that to him directly, that must have meant that he was listening whenever Cisco made small inquiries about magic and witches. Still didn’t mean he liked you, but it was start.
“Come on Harrison, I know you can’t be happy cooped up in here all the time. Let’s go out, on me. Please, it’s boring if I’m alone. “
Couldn’t you ask Cisco to hang out with you?
“She’s always around him anyway.” Not that he cared. He wasn’t jealous, nope. Not one bit.
“Ask someone else, I’m busy.”
“I don’t want to ask someone else, I want you.”
You’d never say that to his face.
He reached out for the device on the desk, but a barrier blocked his hand, he paused, fixing his stare on you.
“I remove the block after you come with me.”
“This is blackmail.”
“Really, I’d like to think of it as insistent persuasion Grumpy wells, now let's go!”
He didn’t have much of a choice. With a grumble, he grabbed his jacket following you out.
~Two Hours Later~
“Chug Chug Chug!!!” you gulped the drink hurriedly and Harry sat at the side, wondering why he’d let you talk him into this. When the bottle was empty you slammed it on the counter, raising your hands as the people around cheered. The guy you were competing against fell off the chair, unto the ground, probably passed out.
“YEAH!!!” you cheered, still smiling at Harry.
He knew for a fact that he’d never go out with you again, that was for sure.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, you started to navigate towards the stage. Harry ran hand over his face, watching as you instructed the DJ to play you a song. The music filled the club, and apparently it was one most of the audience knew, or at least the women. He figured this is why he avoided clubs.
Queen B, want no smoke with me (okay)
Then turn this motherf---er up eight hundred degree (yeah)
My whole team eat, chef's kiss, she's a treat (mwah)
Ooh, she so bougie, bougie, bon appetit
I'm a savage, attitude nasty (yeah, yeah)
Talk big sh-- but my bank account matchin'
Hood, but I'm classy, rich but I'm ratchet
Haters kept my name in they mouth, now they gaggin', ah, ah
Bougie, he say they way that thang move it's a movie
I told lil' bro we gotta keep it low, leave me the room key
I done bled the block and now it's hot bi---, I'm Tunechi
A mood and I'm moody (ah)
I'm a savage (okay)
Classy, bougie, ratchet (okay)
Sassy, moody, nasty (hey, hey, yeah, nasty)
Acting stupid, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bi---, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Acting stupid, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bi---, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bi---, I'm a savage, yeah (okay)
The entire crowd was singing with you. At this moment, he couldn’t bring himself to be mad.
“She looks like she’s having fun.”
The headache you would wake up with tomorrow would be anything but fun, but he didn’t mind, as long as you were smiling.
The music started to die down, and you stumbled off the stage as another clearly intoxicated person took the mic from your hands. A few people gave you high fives as you passed, making your way back to Harry. Your face got even brighter and you jumped right into his arms. He staggered back, not ready for the action or contact. You were hugging him as you rambled on.
“Did you see me grumpy! I was *hic* a-awesome!!” He sighed, you were obviously past your limit.
“Alright, I think you’ve had enough, let’s get going.” you whined, shaking your head. “I’m tired, carry me~” you wore a pout, and he would have denied, but the look you sent him made it hard not to say yes to whatever crazy request you made. Leaning down, he scooped you up easily. You giggled, and he looked over to see what you found so amusing.
“I wasn’t r-really shhh! I just wanted grumpy to pick me up.” Your index finger was pressed to your lip in a shushing motion, and he wondered if you fully realized that you were talking to grumpy.
“You owe me.” he mumbled out. You just nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“I’ll do anything you want Harrison.”
Your soft breath blowing on his neck wasn’t really helping matters. Nor was the seductive way in which you whispered that statement. The one good thing about this night was the fact that the club was fairly close to your apartment.
He wasn’t sure he’d be able to get a car with you in his arms. He’d only ever been to your apartment once before, and that was with the team when you first moved in. Walking through the door and into the elevator, he tried to focus on anything but you. On the walk over he was hoping you would pass out, maybe to help deter the racing of his heart. Your scent was everywhere, he couldn’t escape it. Or the feel of how warm and soft your skin felt. The elevator dinged, and he stepped out, searching for your room number. He stopped when he got to the desired door.
He needed your keys.
He lowered his arms, placing you unto your feet, in which you reluctantly followed. Harry held out his hand.
“I need your keys.”
“They're in my pocket.” The cheshire smile you wore made him squint. You took a step forward.
“My back pocket.”
Ah, so you were not only a happy drunk, but also a flirty one.
“Please give me the keys (Y/N).” You bit your lip at the soft way he asked. It was so unlike him. Intoxicated or not, that was pretty hot.
You took one last step forward, and Harry willed himself to be strong. Your eyes marked him.
“Say my name again..please..” He rarely ever said your name, somehow hearing it from his lips was far different.
“She’s drunk.” He kept reminding himself that. If you were sober you’d never act like this, or request something so silly.
Your eyelashes fluttered, and your gaze shifted to his lips. Harry swallowed. This was moving into the danger zone. He held his breath when he saw a yellow glow overtake your orbs. Behind your back he could hear the jiggling of your keys as they rose from your pocket. It went all the way around, landing right into his open palm.
“Thank you.” He muttered.
You were still looking at him with a compelling stare, and even though the light had faded, he still felt drawn in. You smiled, closing your eyes as you collapsed on him. Harry supported your weight, looking down at you longingly.
Why was the universe being so cruel to him?
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 2
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Hello there! I present to you, part 2 of my orc x fem!human series!
I still don't know what to name this fic of mine
I should've thought about the title in the first place lmao
Anyways! I'll try updating constantly if I can. Enjoy reading!
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Cursing, lots of cursing. Mild violence and mentions of injury.
UD 01/10/21 : CLEANED AND PROOFREAD PROPERLY (hey I did my best)
(reference to the mask she's currently wearing //her hair is still braided// )
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Even with the tedious introduction the professor was on about, I couldn’t help but pick up the whispers of my human classmates, and the unmistakable nasty odor they were giving off.
“Hey. Look at that orc over there.”
“Tsk. Beast. Why is it even here—”
“I bet it’s gonna get suspended from breaking someone’s arm.”
“It looks like he’s gonna kill somebody soon.”
Snickers and clicks of disgust went around the group.
The professor shushed them, not quite knowing what they were talking about before he moved on.
I cursed, feeling my blood boil from their words. The orc wasn’t even doing anything! And they slander him like that? I would love to break their fucking ne—
No, damn it! No violence! Mama will go crazy if she finds out I broke someone’s spine. Behave and endure. Remember your training.
...but seriously though, I'm going to fucking snap their legs. Nah, perhaps use pepper spray on their eyes until they go blind, even though the mixture inside my spray bottle wasn’t made to have permanent effects on someone, but it would still cause great discomfort.
I hugged my backpack, the thought of my dusters inside somehow comforting.
I didn’t notice Tai'chi was taking glances at me out of concern while I was imagining how I’d smash those jerks’ faces.
My mind wandered around the interaction by the gates earlier, and how... contradicting... it was when I entered the building.
Everything passed like a blur as I continued daydreaming about other things, hardly paying attention to what everyone else was saying. Plus it takes a lot of concentration to survive their pungent scents.
A bell rang, bringing me back down to Earth. It was lunchtime already.
Everyone seemed relieved as they started filing out of the area and headed towards the cafeteria. [a/n: Ooh that rhymed] I failed to see the lingering glances of barely masked distaste in our direction.
I glanced at the or— Tai'chi, whom I found out was looking at me already, stunning me at how he stared for a moment before I broke eye contact and stood up, which he also did. I almost fell back down my chair when I scented him.
How the fuck did I not smell him before?!
I must’ve focused too much on the awful odor surrounding me that it didn’t register this—
This, oh my God.
To describe it, it was simply so— manly (or is it Orcish?). Like the scent of fresh earth and the warmth of a fireplace in the midst of a cold night. Embers crackling and sending sparks up into the sky.
He doesn’t smell one trace of a beast at all! In fact, I’ve never smelled someone so clean, so pleasant, all the while exuding masculinity, and was that a tad hint of vanilla?
For the first time in a while, I couldn’t place what the feeling was exactly. He simply smells so— good. Which is a positive sign?
I looked up to his eyes once more before I blurted out, probably a little too high-pitched;
Seriously? That’s what comes out of your damn mouth?
“I mean, do you want to go grab some lunch? At the cafeteria?” I clarified to sound normal and unaffected, (even when I clearly am).
Was the last part necessary? You’ve broken noses, dealt painful blows like a skilled warrior, but you’re embarrassing yourself.
I was busy reprimanding myself that I nearly missed what he said.
He straightened up, and I was then faced with the reality of how damn tall he is. Or is it because I’m short? I barely reached over 5 feet, and he is standing there, almost three heads taller than me. Was he hunching for my sake earlier?
I scented a hint of pride, and was that a small quirk of his lips for a second there?
Huh. My mask is a lifesaver, or else he would've seen my jaw dropping.
I followed him out and headed straight for the campus’ cafeteria, all the while trying to converse here and there.
'Trying’ was not the right word.
Definitely not.
It was surprising, how easy and nice it was to talk to him. I could scent his apprehensiveness when I talked to him at first, but he relaxed not long after I introduced myself properly.
It felt... natural.
I learned that he came from the Northside of the country and moved to the city last year to pursue his dreams and to find a better future for his clan. I also told him about my family and home, along with my reasons for being here, leaving out the… violent part.
“My family and my entire clan wanted the best for me and my brothers. Up in the North, education is… very limited. Although ever since we were young, we were taught everything from our clan’s history, how to hunt for food, what herbs and plants were poisonous, what were medicinal and edible, how to stay alive, survive and so on.”
He paused for a moment before continuing.
“But we were cut off from the modern world. Times are changing, fast. Global warming being a major problem, leaving a huge impact on our living. So, when my clan heard about a school in the city, open to all races, they turned to us, the youth, and we took this chance.”
I looked down and thought about how disconnected the others were, only given the freedom to modern society eight years ago. Eight years is a long time, but I guess it’ll take more than that for everyone to get used to the change. That doesn’t mean they should treat them poorly!
As I realized I’ve been quiet for a while, I shot up and apologized for not replying.
“No, it’s okay. You looked like you were in deep thought. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Y-yeah… I was—”
“Thinking about how the majority of the human race still see us as beasts?”
There was a bit of spite in his voice, although barely noticeable. Or was it because I caught a whiff of it? No one was paying much attention to us while we were walking. But I noticed many of them hastily stepping aside and felt their glares at my back.
“How did you know?” I asked, curious.
“I could tell from your- I could tell, from the way you frowned earlier when one of those humans said something.”
Oh. He was looking at me that time?
“Frowned? But my mask—”
“It’s easy to tell if you are frowning when your eyebrows scrunch up like that. Believe me, my father does that a lot.”
“Ah. Well. It was just very rude of them. To talk shit about you and your kind like that, as if they were any better. You weren’t even doing anything, and they judge you based on your race. Orcs are civilized and intelligent just like any other, and I don’t understand why there’s still so much prejudice after eight damn years—”
I stopped and restrained the urge to go wild and curse every single human who smelled so foul every time we pass by.
“Sorry. I was...rambling.”
Was I this talkative? Maybe it's because I never had anyone to talk to.
He didn’t reply, which I found strange, so I glanced over at him and saw his eyes wide open and brows shooting up in surprise. It was almost comical.
“Uh, Tai'chi?”
Before he could even utter a word, we arrived at a huge hall where students were chatting and enjoying their lunch. Still, I noticed some humans were giving unkind looks to a gathering of goblins eating at the far left side corner of the cafeteria.
And of course, I didn’t fail to smell that wretched odor coming from a group of girls on my right when we walked in. I also recognized the one who pushed me, (No doubt it was intentional). I had to pinch my nose over my mask just but I could only block out half of it.
Ah shit, this mask doesn’t have proper air filtration.
I groaned as I tried to cut off the noise and thickened scents. For real, I wasn’t expecting it to be this harsh! I could literally smell discrimination and hate in the air!
Fuck. I should’ve worn my other mask. I swear I’m gonna burst if I stay and inhale more of that any longer—
“Pearl, are you okay?”
I groaned again and didn’t reply, busy controlling my sense of smell to even open my mouth. We were standing there like a pair of street posts, blocking a small part of the main entrance. That is if there was a 5ft- tall post. I’m more like that foldable caution sign.
“Hey, you there! Freaks! Move out of the way.”
Great. Another awful fucking odor. And what a coincidence! It was the one I smelled this morning!
“Are you deaf? I said—”
He shouldn’t have grabbed my shoulder, shouldn’t have tried to shove me aside, for the second I felt his hand reaching for me, and before Tai'chi could pull me away, my reflexes kicked in.
What did I do exactly? Oh, I simply grabbed that damned arm of his, threw him over my shoulder, and slammed him down on the tiled floor in front of me, finishing a one-arm shoulder throw.
The people in the area halted what they were doing and a short-lived silence came over, broken by whispers.
So much for keeping a low profile.
The guy I just performed basic self-defense on was spitting curse words at me. He was still on the floor, trying not to voice the pain in his back.
“Freak! You’re a monster, aren’t you?! How dare you do this to me. Don't you know who I am?!" he yelled.
Did he mean me or? Either way, what he said was not true.
I tried to calm my anger down and gave him a forced smile, under my mask, and mustered up the voice and tone I always used when I’m annoyed.
But right now, I am pissed.
“Now, dear, fellow, human, what you said was clearly untrue. I am entirely human and this person beside me is an orc. Or were you blinded by your overgrown ego and disgusting attitude to see the obvious in front of you? Surely that must be it. The entrance to the cafeteria is wide enough for two people to not serve as a hindrance to the ones coming in, but still, you chose to try and shove me aside yourself. Well, I won’t apologize but I’ve had enough pushing for one day. And lastly, no, I do not know you and I don’t care.”
I gritted my teeth, my face hurting from smiling forcefully. The cafeteria was quite silent enough all the while and no doubt they heard every word I said.
I twisted around and bolted out of the building.
Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! I blew it! Fucking blew my chance to have a normal college life! Now everyone will think I’m some crazy person and would, without a doubt, avoid me forever.
I was too busy cursing and walking away, planning to hide in a hole for all eternity that I didn’t feel the presence of someone following me.
Without thinking much of where I was heading, my feet led me to a secluded part of the uni. Tall trees lining up before and around me looking like an entrance to a forest, and so I tried hiding behind one. Hoping that the guards wouldn’t notice and detain me or something.
I sat down between the great roots of an oak tree and rested my head on top of my knees as I took deep breaths and listened.
Nature always had a place in my heart. How could it not? When you can hear the chirps of little birds, the soothing sound of leaves rustled by the wind. And the peace that comes with it all.
Not to mention it smells so relaxing.
“Hello there.”
Haha! What will Pearl do next I wonder, and who is this person who followed her??
Had to cut it off at that part because my dearest self just loves cliff hangers—
And because I wanted to post something as soon as possible.
Hope you enjoyed! I will be working on the third part asap.
Tags: @kokokatsworld @crackinanutshell
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i-love-ninjago-kai · 4 years
Wait a sec while I ask you this-
So, your Kailor analysis was amazing (I don’t really ship it, but it was still awesome!) - so I was wondering if you could do a second part to it? Like, what the other ninja think about it - I know you’ve already mentioned that they just want them to kiss already, but would you mind going into a bit of depth on that? Like, do they try to set up dates or something (cough cough Lloyd ‘n’ Nya-). Thankyou so much!
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- Submitted by @chaoscat211 -
Hi Friend, thank you so much! Sure thing :) 
This is long so I’ll eventually cut it off under a read more.
Yeah so… The ninja know Kai and Skylor have hang-ups, like, a lot. They’re complicated people, and it’s really really hard for the team to get the two to express how they’re really truly feeling.
If Kai is really really bothered by something, he closes up like a clam and even if he opens up for a second, his shell will snap closed again and you’ll end up with a broken finger.
Skylor is just… Hard to read, she’s spent her entire life putting up a front, and when she wants to hide what she’s feeling, she will do it with such practiced ease it’s like breathing for her. The only person who’s ever been able to truly, really see through it is, well… Kai.
But wow, it is so, so obvious how much they love each other, and it drives the team absolutely crazy. The way they say each other’s names like it’s a part of them, the admiration-filled glances when she visits for dinner, the way they flirt and sass each other with nothing more than a smirk and sometimes a chuckle.
And it’s not even that they just “make each other happy,” because that’s not all that a relationship is. They bring out something amazing in each other, and the team can see it. Kai opens up to her  in a way that he never has with them, Skylor shows another side besides the well trained, flirtatious cool persona that’s been beaten into her. 
They work together as if they have for decades. Fighting together is like a dance, it’s almost beautiful to watch them act as partners.
So it is even more frustrating to watch them hang back from truly going all in and just kissing already, just because they both had bad childhoods and don’t know how to deal with their problems. At least, that’s how Jay sees it.
He made a direct approach when he wanted to express his love to Nya, he asked her on a date, easy. Granted his low confidence did make him try to… Be anyone BUT Jay, but still, Nya knew he liked her.  AND GRANTED they ALSO did a dance in order REALLY be together, but that was more because outside forces were keeping them from truly being able to be together.
Skylor and Kai are just scared, which is stupid because Jay knows they’re absolutely smitten. He doesn’t know why Kai makes himself miserable by not making a move. Although he seems to have a habit of making himself miserable on purpose. 
He does what he does best, he teases and annoys Kai with whatever innuendo he can. EVENTUALLY one will work and Kai will get up the freaking nerve to sweep Skylor off her feet. He’s willing to be a martyr and take Kai’s (slightly terrifying) glares and threats if it means it’ll work. (It won’t)
Lloyd is young, and until recently, didn’t really understand the value of a romantic partner, and his experience with it so far has been less than savory. Even still, Lloyd likes Skylor, she’s smart and very good for Kai. Of course.. He hadn’t realized that the loving insults and nicknames they give each other was flirting until like, last week. So now whenever he hears them do it, his face turns red and he has to politely excuse himself. 
At least Nya and Jay, or Pixal and Zane know a thing or two about PDA. Skylor and Kai aren’t even dating and they look like they’re about to pounce on each other all the time.
Nya… Nya doesn’t know how she feels. On one hand she does really like Skylor,  their bond was strengthened during the time when she thought the ninja were dead, and it was good to have another girl who had lost someone she loved too. They had an understanding, and although she’s never said it out loud, Nya knows Skylor is absolutely in love with Kai.
And she knows how much Kai loves her, he’s never looked at anyone the way he looks at her. And oh my fsm, he has someone that he actually likes outside of the team and her, he really really needs that. Not only does he like her, he actually talks to her, holy crap, he opens up to her. He’s never done that with anyone.
Not even her. Not fully. I mean sure, she’s his sister, and he tells her mostly everything, but he’s also the one who raised her, and she knows that comes with a lot of secrets. She spied on him stressing over not having enough money for this month’s electric bill, in the middle of the night, only to give her lunch money the next day enough times to know that he doesn’t tell her everything that’s going on in his head.
And in a way, that scares her, because Kai has always been hers. The one constant in her life has always been Kai, and to think that soon enough… She won’t be his favorite girl anymore, soon enough Skylor will be the one who can read him from across a room, comfort him and calm him down. Soon enough it will be Skylor, and not her.
Which is terrifying. Don’t get confused… Nya doesn’t need Kai, not in a survival sense, she’s perfectly capable of functioning if he’s away. But… Kai has always been there, always, in her life of constant fluctuation and many many heartbreaks, Kai has always been there to catch her when she’s falling, always there to pull her out of the water when she’s drowning. 
And she won’t consider the possibility of him dying, nope, that’s too far, but the possibility that she’s not the center of his world anymore, and in a more childish sense, that he’s not going to be there to protect her every waking moment. It’s scary, and it sparks some jealousy in her.
Which makes her feel terrible. She doesn’t like the icky feeling that claws for attention when Kai comforts Skylor after a hard day at the restaurant, or when his first thought after a mission is to call her, instead of making dinner with Nya.
Because Kai isn’t hers, Kai never was hers. Her relationship is different. Kai may be Skylor’s, but Kai was never Nya’s. She rationalizes it and says that she feels this way because she wants to protect him. Nya knows that she’d never hurt Kai, but she can’t speak for Skylor, and she doesn’t want anyone to hurt Kai. He’s had enough pain, enough hardship for an entire lifetime, wrapped up into 19 years.
It’s just not what’s supposed to happen. He’s fought to hard to be hurt now.
So she’s torn. Because she absolutely wants them to be together, she wants them to make out and have all their cheesy romcom moments. But she’s scared she’s losing her brother, too, and she’s always had her brother to hold onto her.
Cole has tried many, many times to talk to Kai about Skylor. Cole is the oldest, and while Kai is the closest to him in age, they’re not in the same place. At least not in that area. Cole can see what good this would do for Kai. The way Kai is beaming and joyful in a way that he never is when he comes home from visiting Skylor proves that.
And Kai is usually nice to talk to, he’s mature where he needs to be and a good listener. Unless you try and get him to talk about his problems. Cole has never seen anyone’s expression darken and close up so quickly, and he’s seen people corrupted with evil before his very eyes.
It usually ends with Kai just making the excuse that he’s tired, since their long chats are almost always late at night. Otherwise he just shakes his head and leaves.
It would be rude if it came from anyone other than Kai. When it comes from Kai, it just makes Cole sad for him. Cole hasn’t had it easy, not at all. He’s died twice and he is not excited to make it three, but Cole at least knows when he needs to talk to someone. His mother taught him that, if he’s ever struggling, bottling is the worst thing he can do. And in his experience, she was right, so he tries to be honest about where he is with his friends, and it’s freeing.
But  this team is full of bottlers, and Kai is the worst of them. 
Zane… Zane isn’t really worried about it. He’s an android, and he’s got longevity, so he doesn’t really see the point in everyone being so frustrated with the unofficial couple. Things will work out.. In time. Kai and Skylor are not even whole themselves yet, how can they come together as an effective new body if they don’t even know themselves?
Zane had to relearn how to be independent, having becoming dependent on Pixal for support. Which, isn’t a complete problem, there’s nothing wrong with depending on people, that’s what a team is, but when you start taking more than you are giving, then  it becomes a problem.
So the two need to grow themselves a little more… And fsm knows Kai is afraid to grow.
This is uber duber long, so I’ll cut it here. Sorry for rambling!!! I hope this is close to what you wanted :) Thank you again sweetie!
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lupinsravenclaw · 4 years
Until we meet again// The Weasley au
content warning: mention of death, hints of depression, swearing, intense sadness:((
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George sat on his bed, staring at the blank wall. No expression on his face other than complete and utter despair. His eyes were dull, lifeless, hurt, while his skin was grey and sickly looking. He had sat there, for hours on end since they had came back from the Battle of Hogwarts. Fred's death, naturally, took a horrendous toll on the Weasley family. From being a jolly, close family to being completely isolated and silent. No one hardly spoke since they had came back, it had been three months. The silence was deadly. And it had corrupted the house completely.
George's eyes were red, swollen and puffy from violent sobs. He hadn't cried for about an hour yet he could form no thoughts, no words. Nothing. It had felt as though he had lost himself, in theory he did. He lay back on his bed, closing his stinging eyes, he wanted to stop replaying the images in his mind, seeing Fred's lifeless body on the floor covered in blood. The memories were printed into his mind like a tattoo, yet unlike a tattoo these memories remain printed and would print in his mind forever. He said to himself ‘it should of been me’, and this thought circulated his broken mind until his eyes became too heavy to keep open- falling into a deep sleep.
"George, wake up you lazy git. Come on it's summer, Weasleys Wizard Wheezes is absolutely chocker! The puking pastels are going down a treat though I’m not sure why, the summer holidays will be ruined”Fred exclaims going off on a tangent before a sleepy George awakens. His eyebrows knit together rubbing his head, a confused expression plastered on his face.
"Freddie?" George asks squinting his eyes.
"The one and only" Fred winks.
"Freddie I don't understand, your supposed to be dea-,"
"Well yes maybe, but I pissed off God so much so he sent me down here,” Fred smirks.
"Is this a dream?" George asks.
"Well of course this is a dream,"
George's face lightens, eyes beginning to tear up.
"It's you Freddie!" George throws his arms around him, he returns the same. Sobbing quietly into each other's shoulders.
"I'm, I'm so sorry. It should of been me Freddie"
"Oi stop that, what happened has happened. It's not your fault" Fred assures.
"If I didn't send you off to fight so quickly you would still be here"
"Please stop blaming yourself, stop holding this anger for yourself. Let it go. The past has happened, let go. It's ok" Fred softly spoken says to a broken George.
“Anyway I have some amazing things to tell you about the other side” Fred says, strolling over to his old bed and falling onto it. George looks enticed as he sits back onto his pillows, savouring every minute with his best friend before it slips out of his grip
“Right so remember the Marauders Map? The names on the front, Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs? I found out who they were and you won’t believe it ” Fred says raising his eyebrows in excitement.
“Who are they?” George asks inquisitively.
“James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They were best friends at Hogwarts and apparently better known as the prankers of the school,” Fred says crossing his legs.
“I know, also that whole situation with Sirius Black it is a huuuuge misunderstanding, honestly once you get to the other side you find out everything,” Fred’s arms rest behind his head and he lays back down.
“So what happened after you, you know. I mean did it hurt?” George asks, looking down.
“Well, it hurt for a little while, I consumed all the pain from the attack then all the emotional pain from after you all found out. It was dreadful, but after a while it started to sink in. I saw you, by the way, holding my cold body. I know how much this is hurting you. I’m so sorry,” Fred says, holding back tears. Occasional voice cracks and choked back tears. Fred raised to see George, and went to sit on his bed.
"I miss you Freddie, I miss you so much. It hurts so much. I want it to stop. The pain. Everything. I just want to be with you," George cried.
"I miss you more than you can imagine. I sit watching you, I feel your pain, every heart ache, every wincing pain you feel. But please you need to think of yourself, and mum. I mean mum, she hasn’t been the same. Percy, Bill and Charlie all dodge her letters everytime she asks them to come down. I know inside they are hurting and they can’t bring themselves to come back, but it’s killing mum. Her and dads relationship is just going downhill. No spark. Nothing. No talk of muggles, no nothing. Ginny she feels like she’s lost both her brothers, she needs you Georgie, so does dad. He goes out every night and sobs for hours on end feeling like he’s lost everyone. Ron doesn’t speak to Harry or Hermione anymore. No owls, no sneaking out. Nothing. It’s heartbreaking,” Fred chokes out, tears running down his cheeks.
George goes to open his mouth, but closes it not knowing what to say feeling overwhelming guilt. He looked around, no life in the room. At this point his eyes were swollen once again and flooded with tears.
“That was awfully modest of you Freddie, a bit too mature for my liking” George laughs, Fred returning the same manner.
“Well what can I say, I’m all knowing and legendary now” Fred jokes smirking. George wipes a tear escaping his eye.
“At least no-one will get confused between us anymore and do the awkward thing when they realise they mess up,” Fred says.
“I’d rather go through life with people mistaking us than to be going through life without you,” Solemnly George said, looking Fred dead in the eyes.
"Come on Georgie your worse than Moaning Myrtle! Also that was painfully cliché it hurt my soul,” Fred says sarcastically. George sniffles.
“Look George, you need to stop dwelling on me. I know it hurts, it feels as though your heart is literally broken, as though knives pierce through your chest every damn second. But things will get better. And one day, maybe not now, but it won’t hurt as much. Your going to go on, find a beautiful wife or husband. Have some annoying kids, teach them about their legendary uncle Fred. How he wishes he could meet them, but he’s watching from above. Tell them about every prank we played. How we tormented Professor McGonagall-,”
"Fred I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that without you, everything will be so different. Christmas will be so different,” George cried, tears streaming down his heated cheeks.
"Yes it will, but I'll be there, you won't see me but I will be there. I will in sit next to you and watch you attempt mums sprouts even though you hate them, I'll watch you play board games and watch Ron go red and angry after he looses another game to Ginny. I’ll be there with you always,” Tears rolled more frequently down Fred’s face now, as he attempted to stop them with his jumper.
“You were supposed to be my best man, you were supposed to help me annoy Percy, you were supposed to- you were supposed to be here Fred!” George began to get frustrated.
“Oi oi now, it’s okay, I will always be your best man. Even if I’m not standing next to you at the alter physically,or God I don’t know when you buy your first couch. I will be with you spiritually. I mean I think that’s how this shit works,” The silly red head jokes.
“Please don’t ever leave me, I can’t do this without you. Your my best friend.”
"Hey, who says your going through this alone? I will be here for you always. That’s why I came back. One last time, just to ease your mind. Plus I couldn’t just leave you without a proper goodbye could I now?” Fred says winking before a sob breaks out between the two.
"So please, for me. Go and remind mum that your still here, tell dad he’s not alone. Go into Ginny and hug her, she really really needs you. Tell Ron that it’s okay to let others in. He doesn’t feel like he can talk to anyone. As for the others, tell them to come down. Mum needs to see them. She misses us so much,” George took in the word ‘us’ before breaking down again.
The twins embraced into a hug. Wanting to stay there forever.
“Oh and George?”
“I love you, please don’t give up. Also never forget me or I will haunt your ass.
“Don’t be stupid Freddie, I love you so much. Never leave me.
They embrace into a hug yet this time so tight, they couldn't breathe. Reminiscing every moment together before their departing.
“George, I have to go now. You need to let me go,”Fred sobbed.
“I can’t Freddie, I can’t leave you,”
“You need to, my body is cold. You need you to move on,”
“Just five minutes more?” George questioned.
“Five minutes more,” Fred rested his head onto George’s shoulder, crying into it.
Five minutes had passed.
“Right time for me to get back. I love you so much” Fred let go of the warm embrace.
“Fred I’m scared,”
"I know you are, I am too. But I'll be waiting right here for you when your time comes. I will be right here to welcome you back, until we meet again brother." Fred says a tear escaping his eyes. Holding each other as if the earth was about to explode, George jolted awake.
"Freddie!" George exclaims shooting his hand out and sitting up abruptly. Scanning the empty room his breathing begins to slow down as he rests his hand upon his fast heartbeat. Fuck he mutters running his cold hands through his hair. He had felt a dampness on his shoulder. The whole experience felt so real. Maybe it was. Either way it had felt it.
Getting up from his bed, inhaling and exhaling, George opens the door for the first time in three weeks. He was so normal to smelling his mothers Scouse ready in a pot, hearing Ron muttering 'bloody hell' to himself after messing something up, his father rambling about Muggles obsessing over the purpose of a tennis ball. He was used to Fred coming upstairs with more supplies for their joke shop. Instead was an immediate cold draft and deadly silence. For a split second, the desire to crawl back into his bed, shutting out the outside world and crying into his pillow for the rest of his life, was such a convincing idea George’s hand rested upon the door nob. A faint familiar voice creeps into his head.
‘You need to let me go’ Fred’s voice had creeped into his mind. And with that, George had let go of the door nob and began to make his way downstairs. Walking downstairs taking in every little detail that he didn’t realise before. Not coming out of his room hardly for three months had really shocked him of how isolated from reality he could be strung into. He scanned the kitchen spotting Molly who was stood by the oven, her hands just resting upon the surface and her head is dropped and a few tears splash against the chopping board. Without warning George's large arms wrapped around Molly mid-waist. She had jumped slightly, startled by the sudden act of affection which broke George's heart even more.
“It’s okay, someday we will be with him,” Fred says settling his head onto Mollys shoulders, a choked cry coming from Molly.
The Weasley family, or what was left, had tried their best to act normal. George had helped Molly with the tea, not speaking much yet. But for the first time in three months, the ache in his heart began to feel less sore. That night, Molly, Arthur, Fred, Ron and Ginny all reunited for a pot of Scouse; chatted a little, laughed a little, cried a little. Most importantly things began to become more normal. Realising about how isolated the family had became, they had decided the best thing to do was to remind themselves that Fred would hate this divide.
After tea, Fred went upstairs to spend some time with his siblings. He had knocked to enter Ginnys room. She was sat writing in her journal already crying. He had asked what the matter was, asking what she had written in her journal. She passed her journal to him after two minutes.
“I just feel like, I’ve lost all my brothers. And it’s the worst feeling ever. I miss you all so much. I miss Ron telling me to go away, I miss George annoying me, I miss Charlie and Bill telling me about their crazy adventures. I miss Fred, I miss him so much. I just want my brothers back” Fred read, tears falling onto the page. Looking back up towards a fragile Ginny Fred replied.
“I know what you feel like, I miss them too especially Fred. It hurts so much. But you will never loose me and you haven’t lost Fred. This pain, is just temporary. Okay?” The red headed siblings engulf into a hug for the first proper time in three months. Following was another knock at the door, entering a sniffling Ron who ran over to them, dropped to his knees and embraced into the hug. Fred turned to him.
“You can’t shut people out forever. It’s time for us to move on. It’s time to let go. We will see him again. Someday we’re going to be with him,” Fred comforted, holding back his own painful tears. They had spent the whole night talking about him one last time for a while, reminiscing about the best memories before letting go. Ready to move on. Not forgetting Fred, no not at all. But more for their own sake, for Fred’s sake.
After leaving Ginnys room, George fell onto his bed. Crying a little more, he reminded himself of what he had said to the others. ‘It's okay I know someday I'm going to be with you,' He thought to himself before he fell into another deep sleep until morning.
I WROTE THIS ON WATTPAD ASWELL BUT IT BELONGS ON TUMBLR AND I MADE IT BETTER. also this was the most heartbreakign thing i’ve ever wrote my heart HURTS. please send feedback bc i would love to hear any suggestions or comments:)
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captain-mcdavid · 5 years
Tumblr media
word count: 2.9k
smut: yes | no
warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of mental illness
“Baby, c’mon!” He yells, and you roll your eyes, pulling the popcorn out of the microwave, yelling back at him while you fling the bag onto the counter so you don’t burn yourself.
“Just a minute!” It comes out harsh, and you shake your head, muttering to yourself afterwards. God he was impatient.
Then there’s a knock on the door, and with an annoyed groan you begin to turn, but only until you hear him call out, “I’ll get it!”
Well at least he’s good for something.
He saunters through your apartment and out of sight to the door like he owns the place, and it annoys you. Just like almost every other thing that he does.
You really shouldn’t have let him back into your life. He cheated, which is reason enough, but he’s also just an asshole.
But here you are, recycling.
You can hear hushed voices from the entry way, but you don’t bother to leave the kitchen to see who it is, cause if you do he’ll just complain about the popcorn not being ready again.
The door shuts and then he walks stiffly past the kitchen, and you call out, “Who was it?”
“Just uh,” He starts, and doesn’t finish, making you furrow your brows, “Just the neighbour. Wanted to let you know he’d be gone again.”
You think about Mr Danby and for the first time since he got here, you actually genuinely smile. The sweet old man next door went was a frequent flyer and usually came to tell you when he left, quote, “Just so you don’t think I died,”
You take the popcorn out with a small laugh, “He must have a good pension. He goes on a lot of trips.”
When you look up at him he looks tense, shoulders and jaw squared in an angry set, it reminds you so much of someone else, and then you’re floating towards him with a cautious gaze.
“Josh?” You say, and he looks over at you.
“What?” His voice is harsh and your mood instantly declines. Not this again.
“What’s the matter?” You ask, and he laughs. Here we go.
“You know what.” He spits back, and you stand up straighter, preparing for the fight.
“Why do we keep coming back to this?” You say, and you can hear the deflation in your own voice.
“How can we not?” He growls.
“We can move on!” You cry back. “I’m trying, but you do this every fucking night!”
“That’s rich!” Josh says with a laugh, “You haven’t moved on, you’re still just as pissed as I am!”
“Maybe I am!” You shout, “But I have a right to be, you cheated on me, and then you left for months. Of course I’m mad!”
“You say this like you think I don’t have reasons to be upset.” He argues.
“Don’t put words in my mouth, I never said that,” You state calmly, holding up a hand.
“But you imply it all the time! And it makes me feel like an asshole. I get it, I fucked up. But you sulking around here like I killed your fucking family makes it really hard to get past this whole thing.”
“I don’t sulk-,” You start, but he cuts you off.
“You’re miserable all the time, and don’t try to tell me you’re not. I can’t even make you smile anymore.”
“That’s not true.” You try to insist but he’s dismissing you quickly.
“I’m sorry.” He starts, holding out his hands. “I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again. But I’m done feeling like shit for this, because it wasn’t just me that screwed up.
“You should feel like shit!” You rasp, tears stinging your eyes. “What you did was horrible.”
“So was what you did.” He interjects.
You sigh feebly, shaking your head while you hold the popcorn bowl tighter. “I don’t want to fight Josh.”
“Yeah you do.” He says, and you furrow your brows.
“Huh?” You say, but you know what his answer is going to be. You’ve done this before.
“You do wanna fight with me, cause it means that you’ll still see me. You’d rather play out this scenario in your head, where we scream ourselves voiceless, because you don’t wanna deal with the fact that you actually lost me.”
And then you’re snapping back to reality, and the person sitting in front of you isn’t Josh, it’s your ex, Blake.
“Jesus, you zoned out there.” He says, still sitting rigidly on the ouch, and you stand there clueless. “What are you waiting for? Come here.” He says, and it’s meant to sound funny, but it just sounds rude.
“Who was at the door?” You ask dumbly, taking a seat on the couch.
“I told you already, neighbour.” He grunts, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
“Right,” You whisper, leaning back into the cushions. “Sorry.”
He winds a stiff arm around you, and you look up at his tense jaw line. “Are you okay?” You ask curiously, “You seem kinda off.”
“Says you,” He fires back. “I’m fine.”
“So am I,” You defend. “You were good like five minutes ago, what happened?”
“Nothing!” He insists harshly. “That old guy just gives me the creeps. He’s like, praying on you or something.”
You scoff, scooting away from him. “Don’t say that about him. He’s the sweetest old man. He’s never been anything but polite.”
“Whatever,” Blake waves you off, “Now are we gonna watch this? Or are you gonna keep talking?”
You don’t answer, you just move further away while you direct your eyes to the screen.
You watch without paying attention, your thoughts miles away from your body.
It’s been this way for the last four months. You’ll see Blake out of the corner of your eye, or when you walk into a room, and his tall build and brown curly hair fool you into thinking he’s someone else.
It’s insane really, and you probably should see someone about it, but in your mind, Josh is right. Actually dealing with what happened seems far too hard, so you’ll just imagine that nothing actually ended. The fights are painful, but much less painful than just getting over it.
Even just thinking about what you’re doing to yourself makes you feel insane, so much so you actually think you might be driving yourself crazy.
Between fake scenarios and all the time you’re spending with Blake, you rarely have clear thoughts.
Everything about Blake makes you so annoyed. Every time he speaks, his voice sounds wrong. And every time he touches you, his hands feel wrong. All of it is wrong because he’s not Josh. But you still keep him around, because even though he’s an asshole, spending time with him is better than spending it alone.
You’d initially reached out to Blake about two weeks after Josh had left, when the lonely nights became too much. You missed Josh’s body on top of your own, and you thought getting underneath someone else would mute that, but it only made it worse.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts again, when Blake shoves his hand in between your thighs, he looks at you expectingly and you’re about to stop him when he comes at you fast, pushing you down while he presses his lips to yours.
Every time he kisses you, you get more and more disgusted with yourself. Trying to pretend that he’s someone else is unfair, and even though he’s a complete dick he still doesn’t deserve to be played.
Although why should you have a problem with fucking with someone now? You obviously didn’t before.
With a grunt you push him off you, and he looks at you with a mix of curiosity and disgust, and in the moment you really just want him out of your apartment.
“I’m not in the mood tonight.” You tell him, standing up.
“Then what am I here for?” You hate that he actually has the audacity to ask that question. Who does he think he is?
“To hang out? God I don’t know. Don’t get so disappointed, you get laid like every other night.”
He shakes his head and stands, muttering something under his breath about putting out, and you have to hold back from punching him in the throat while he walks out of your apartment. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He grunts, slamming the door on the way out.
About a minute later there’s another knock and you roll your eyes, stomping towards it, jeez, he can’t take no for an answer.
You swing the door open, ready to yell but when you see who’s behind it your breath catches in your throat.
“Did I just see motherfucking Blake Wilson walking out of here?” She says the words while she saunters into your apartment and you don’t know if you should be happy or sad.
“Uh... yeah.” You say, kind of ashamed.
“Y/N, when you fell off the face of the earth I knew it was bad but I didn’t think it could be that bad.”
You shrug, and then she pulls you into a hug. It’s the first hug you’ve had since Josh that actually made you feel okay. You were comfortable in her arms, Blake was a different story.
“What happened? What’s going on with you?” She asks, leading you to the couch to sit down.
“Just having a rough couple months.” You answer.
“Lindsay told me she moved out, but she won’t say why... Does that have anything to do with it?”
Just the mention of her name makes you tense up, and you clench your jaw to keep from rambling swear words. You look up at Emma, studying her face for emotion. You honest to god have no idea if she knows what happened or not. She was always closer to Lindsay than you, what if she was the same kind of person as Lindsay? Cunning and manipulative.
She looks genuinely concerned, so you sigh before saying, “It’s got everything to do with it.”
“What happened with you two?” She asks quietly, voice dropping while her eyes spark with something you can’t quite put your finger on.
Your furrow your brows and then say, “She slept with Josh. While we were seeing each other.”
You’re surprised when she starts to laugh, you look at her like everyone else has been looking at you for the past months, has she lost it? That’s not a laughing matter.
“God. Some people really never change.” The words come out almost like a snarl, and your eyes widen when you realize that Lindsay was probably a repeat offender.
“Bitch stole my boyfriend in high school.” She explains, and then extends a hand to put on your knee. “I’m sorry, I know how you feel.”
“She’s psycho.” You say, and Emma laughs.
“You got that right. I don’t know how I stayed friends with her for so long. I actually thought maybe she had become a better person.”
You chuckle, and Emma shakes her head, in awe of the situation.
“I’m really sorry Y/N, I know you really liked Josh, are you okay?”
You pretend to shake it off, shrugging like it’s no big deal. “I wasn’t that invested, I’m go-“
“You don’t have to lie to me,” She interrupts and you bite your lips, embarrassed.
“It’s been hard.” You say quietly.
“Is that why Blake was here?” She’s not trying to sound judgey, but it still comes off a little so.
“I haven’t really had anyone to talk to, okay? I know he’s not the best person for that, but he’s someone.” You defend, and she’s quick to stop you.
“Okay well you have me now. So you can stop clowning around with him. He’s a loser.” She states, and you can’t help but laugh a little.
She reaches out to wind an arm around you, and you lean into her. “I’m sorry you were alone for this long.”
The next month is better. The fights with Josh have stopped, but not the nights with Blake.
They should stop, and they are less frequent, but you still find yourself opening the door for him at eleven o’clock at night, and he follows you down to your bedroom and then leaves in the morning.
You really don’t know why you keep him around, Emma questions you all the time, but for now, seeing him less seems like an accomplishment so you’ll take the wins one at a time.
“Okay, I don’t understand why you always drive to this one. There’s one way closer to your house.” Emma chirps, getting out of your car.
“This one has better produce.” You lie, and Emma rolls her eyes. You’re definitely not gonna tell her that you come to this one because it’s closest to Josh’s. You’re also not gonna tell her that you go to the gym closest to his house, and the Starbucks, and his favourite Thai place. The last month you’ve been praying for a run in, but nothing has happened.
“We’re not getting produce. We’re getting Ben and Jerrys.” She reiterates, but follows you into the Safeway none the less.
You look up and down the isles long after you’ve found your ice cream, and Emma stalks behind, mumbling about being hungry. You leave the store disappointed again, but she doesn’t take notice, talking away for the ride home.
You get home and start the princess diaries, you’re deep into your pint of cookie dough ice cream when your phone buzzes beside you.
You still get really excited whenever you receive a notification, and you still feel really let down when it’s not who you want it to be.
Which is the case tonight. Emma looks down at the screen too, on reflex and when you pick it up you see her sit up in her seat.
You read the message from Blake, waiting for her to say something.
“Okay I’m sorry,” She starts, and you strap in. “But I can’t watch you do this to yourself any longer.”
You hope she can’t see the way you roll your eyes, you’ve heard this lecture numerous times, and it’s not helping so you don’t know why she bothers.
“Don’t you see what you’re doing here?” She asks, and because you’re actually kind of curious about the answer you shrug. “He’s the rebound that never ends. I let it happen when I thought you needed to get over Josh, but this has gone on long enough. You’re using him and you know it.”
“I’m not-,” You start to say, but then she gives you a look, and you stop.
“You’re doing to him what everyone else has done to you, and I know that he’s a jerk, believe me, I know that, but he still doesn’t deserve to been on the back burner.”
“It’s not like either of us want a relationship!” You say back, getting defensive.
“Do you know who would say that?” She asks, and you raise a brow.
“Josh. To one of his friends when they roast him for doing this to you.”
“Em,” You start, but she just keeps talking.
“You’re being naive-,”
The word nearly drags you over hot coals, and you don’t hear anything she says after it, that one word stuck in your head. It’s like she sees the change in persona immediately, and then stops talking.
“I’m sorry if I’m overstepping.” She whispers, “I’m just trying to look out for you.”
“Yeah, that’s what Lindsay said.”
The words fall out of your mouth and you see Emma’s shoulders slump. That was something you definitely shouldn’t have said.
“Okay, I think I’m gonna go. Give you some space for a little while.”
You don’t say anything, you just let her go, feeling like shit all around. Once she leaves you cry for a solid ten minutes, a frequent occurrence in the last four months, and then you pick yourself up and head out for some Thai food, which is also a frequent occurrence. The spice just seems to brighten your mood ironically enough. And so does the thought of maybe seeing Josh.
You listen to sad music on the drive over, spending way more time in the car than necessary. And when you pull up to the restaurant, your heart almost stops, cause there’s a car out from that looks just like Josh’s.
But still, you get out, and walk into the restaurant, trying not to get your hopes up. He’s probably not even here.
But once you enter you’re greeted by the amazing smell, and blue eyes and curly brown hair.
He turns when you walk in, and this time, your heart actually does stop.
You stare blankly at each other, and you’ve imagined this moment a thousand times but you never actually thought it would happen.
And now that it has, your stomach is on the floor and your heart feels fragile enough that it could break with a single beat.
You don’t know what you were thinking you’d feel, but it’s certainly not this. Cause all you see when you look at him, is cloudy vision from endless tears, Lindsay’s smug face, and that pink jacket.
You were sure you wanted this but now you’d give anything to take back the last thirty seconds. You’d never have walked in that door if you’d have known this is how you’d feel.
And then he says your name and his voice floats in your ears, only it’s not gentle, it’s harsh and loud and all you can hear is him yelling.
It’s only when he steps towards you that you have the mind to turn around, and run out the door.
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
Treasure Ch. 1 (Penntin)
Pairing: “Penny” Adiyodi/Quentin Coldwater, past Penny/Pearl Sunderland, past Quentin/Alice Quinn, background Margo & Eliot
Fandom: The Magicians (TV)
Length of series: who knows
Warnings/tags: magic (like duh), universe alterations, canon divergence (obviously), spells gone wrong, magic rituals, slow build, enemies to friends to lovers, first kiss, first time, snuggling and cuddling, Penny is very physically affectionate believe it or not, attempted humor, fluff, angst, smut, happy ending
Quentin fucks up a spell (Penny may or may not have also helped/hindered).
Quentin is the reason Penny can’t see unless he’s hugging him and also why everything smells like the Bog of Eternal Stench.
Quentin’s run-amuck brain brings all sorts of problems to the table.
Quentin is starting to make Penny feel funny in his chest (and his pants). 
Fuck Quentin, man.
Author’s Notes: I’m nearly through season one and am also not willing to put in hours of research on this universe’s magical rituals, so -- keep that in mind, I guess. That being said, I am in LOVE with this show and also this pairing. 78 stories on ao3?!? Fair, but sad…. I am falling hard and fast for Penntin (idk the ship name). So I had to write out everything in my brain. So here. Plays off of some the other fics on here, particularly “Practical applications of falling in love” -- kudos to you, @echomoon, that was amazing and I can’t stop thinking on the concept!! 
The smell was everywhere. It burned through Penny’s nose like it had a personal vendetta against every single one of his nostril hairs (which, it had been kindly pointed out a few years ago by a bitch who will remain unnamed, numbered quite a few. Especially visible when underneath him, which almost everyone was in this apparent plane of Hobbits. Right, moving on. Bitch.)
He covered his nose with his hands, then the scarf wrapped loosely around his neck - purple silk, today - but the smell just kept coming and coming until he was nearly choking. 
In the back of his mind, Penny could feel the waves of panic, frustration, and disgust coming off of Quentin fucking Coldwater in a mixture much similar to what he was feeling. More panic, or course, cause the guy was a walking circus accident, and some various streams of babbling mind diarrhea lamenting about the awful smell. Surprisingly, the guy had a vocabulary Penny could almost be impressed by. But he was much more focused on himself and his dying nose, no matter how insistent Quentin’s feelings were.
And Penny would like to point out that he never willingly associated with that geek. It was always outside forces convening to push them together, whether in a study group or room assignments or the weird-ass plot against their lives that somehow connected Mothman and cursed daggers and creepy pedaphilic authors (that he would have liked to punch in the face).
Of course, that ever-present, invisible asshole (fate, god, the Dean; what did he care?) pushed them together yet again with more disastrous results. 
Like them being together in the same room at all.
Like them being paired up to do spell work.
Like them fucking it up. 
The disastrous fucking results he just knew were going to happen were, apparently, this smell. He had scented some pretty bad (literal) shit in his lifetime, but nothing compared to the absolute atrocity that was Quentin bungling a simple ass locator spell. 
“Oh, my god!”
And that was the fucking idiot, desperately clutching his ever-present baggy shirt over his face like it would do some good against it. Magical stenches did not, as it appeared, let themselves be blocked out so easily. 
Penny rolled his eyes - watering like a baby’s, he might add - and made his way over to a window on the backside of the class, pounding at the frame with his fist when it wouldn’t fucking budge. 
Stupid Quentin, going and burning his nose because he couldn’t fucking concentrate on anything other than Alice’s tits. Bet he had something to do with the stuck window, too. 
“Come ON, fucking open!” Penny muttered. 
He was desperate for fresh air. He would beg and cry if he had to - his eyes were already crying, and also did he mention fuck this? - but he just needed this goddamn window to open up, so if he could just get the latch to jiggle a little more to the left-
Aha! Fresh air!
Penny stuck his head out of the window and breathed in deeply, opening his mouth as wide as it would go like a dog on a car ride. He gulped and drank in the life-giving oxygen -- but, but it was-
Ugh, Quentin. Trust him to fuck up not only the air inside the classroom but the whole fucking campus as well. He would have to be funding the entire infirmary at this point. 
Sighing (and then retching), Penny pulled back to shut the window and noticed something real fucking peculiar. And creepy. 
Either he had been blinded by the horrible smell - and it was that bad, he wasn’t immediately discounting the theory - or a thick fucking fog had rolled in while Penny wasn’t paying attention. Cause he couldn't see anything. All across his field of vision was grey -- actually, it was more of a murky blue than grey, and it was moving at a surprising speed for having no conceivable end to it. And it was so thick (like Quentin, god Penny was going to fucking kill him).
“Penny! Please get away from the window!”
Quentin was pleading with him now, and Penny almost felt bad about how scared he sounded -- not entirely, though; that voice crack was hilarious. Idiot fucking deserved to be scared. Look what he had done!
He turned around to tell him just that, except for, uh, he couldn’t see him. The fog was in the room. 
The podium near Penny’s left side was a vaguely visible outline, and the front lab table even less so -- man, don’t even get him started on the desks and chairs. There was nothing. He could be in Fillory for all he knew- oh. Hell to the fucking no.
“Quentin!” He roared, “Where the fuck are we?!”
“Wh- what do you mea-- here! We’re in class! Where the hell are you?”
So that was a relief, if a disappointing one (those were called oxymorons, right? Fits. Quentin was a moron who was causing him to run out of fucking oxygen.)
“I’m by the window, dumbass! Trying to get some fresh fucking air, cause you fucking destroyed it all and replaced it with dog shit!”
This is worse than dog shit.
Oh god-fucking-damn. He did not need Quentin’s thoughts right now. Penny carefully moved forward, sweeping one foot in an arch across his path before he stepped down. 
He figured Quentin was doing the same, because he heard the rambling oh fuck what was that where am I where’s Penny I’m such an idiot oh my god was that a rat streaming through his head as Coldwater, clearly, let all his wards down in an effort to fully concentrate on navigation and breathing. 
This once, Penny couldn’t quite blame him for devoting all of his energy to the task at hand instead of blocking him off -- but it was still annoying. He was so good at concentrating and yet Quentin managed to get into his brain clear as glass. And he was so fucking annoying. 
“Fuck, Coldwater! Shut the hell up!” Penny sighed and paused, running a hand over his hair. The waves of panic were increasing. “Just stay where you are and I’ll come to you. But stop thinking, please.”
“Yeah, okay- oh! Ow, fuck…”
There was a loud crash and then Quentin's pained noises as he clearly ran into some sort of furniture. Penny sighed again. What idiot had let this guy anywhere near a spellbook? (Nevermind how powerful he occasionally was -- that didn’t make up for stupidity.)
Penny breathed deeply - the one meditation practice he admitted could help, if only to calm him down - and kept making his slow way across the room. He was pretty sure that he was in the center of the room now, but he also knew that not being able to see made distances seem much longer than they were. 
He took another step and ended up tripping over the same goddamn chair Quentin had apparently ran into, because his body landed on another guy’s that made a pathetic “ow” noise again. 
“Jesus Christ, Quent, you could of at least picked yourself back up off of… the…. floor,” he slowly trailed off, looking around. 
There was no more fog. There was no more burning smell. The classroom was exactly like it was before they had started the chant -- empty desks and chairs left behind by all the people who didn’t have slow idiot’s for lab partners, wood paneling that tried and failed to look classy, and the front lab table covered in various magical instruments. 
“What the hell?”
Quentin sat up underneath him - as much as he could - rubbing his nose and sniffing deeply. Penny agreed. The air felt amazing, like a soothing balm on his poor, abused air canals. 
He quickly realized that there was still a geek that was responsible for all this mess half-lying on the floor underneath his body, and that someone could walk in at any moment. So that was un-fucking-desirable, in multiple ways (ugh, Quentin. Just thinking about him made Penny shudder.)
With a quick brace of his arms, Penny bolted upright and took several steps away from the nerd -- back into the fog and the awful smell. 
He looked around, confused and pissed off. Was this some kind of joke the kid was trying to pull on him? 
Penny tried to do a simple fire spell, then again, and again; each time more desperately than the last. Nothing. It was like the fog was muting his magic -- it was curling in scarily tentacle-like clouds around his hands, engulfing them in dense smoke and snuffing out any sparks he could have produced. 
Now Penny was panicking a little. 
He was still mostly pissed off, mostly- extremely pissed at Quentin, possibly more than he ever had been before, and frustrated with just a twinge of panic at the absence of his magic; the opposite of the nervous nellie probably still huddled around a chair leg on the floor. 
Something grabbed at his foot, and, suddenly, the smell and fog had gone away again. He could breathe and see and there was a rather large flame coming from his hands, a culmination of the previously snuffed flames all working together to express his rage through fire. 
When he looked down, Quentin was actually clinging to his foot, not a chair, and looking very nervous. What was new. Penny tried to kick him off and succeeded after a moment, the blueness invading so suddenly he didn’t even notice the smell for a second. 
Then it was gone, again - he was gonna get whiplash from this shit - and Quentin was hugging his leg, again. This time he looked more sheepish than nervous, and it made Penny want to kick him in the face. 
(Ch. 2 on Tumblr)
“I, uh- I think that the fog and the smell only happens when we’re not touching each other.”
Well, it made sense considering the last three minutes of god dicking with the light switch - not to mention Quentin’s history of idiocracy and miss-castings, but-. Come on.
“Coldwater, I. Am. Going. To. Fucking. Kill. You.”
(Ch. 2 on Tumblr)
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everythingoesnk · 5 years
Once in Rockfield Farm (4/5)
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summary; in this house we stan brian the hero
word count; 4 638
warnings; mary austin.
part 1
part 2
part 3
“Brian, can you get your fucking clogs out of the way?” Roger groaned, kicking them with the tip of his shoe.
“What’s gotten into you?” John complained, tired of his babyish behaviour.
“Don’t bother trying, Deaky” Brian said, sending Roger a look.
He wasn’t paying attention to them, perfectly displaying the lack of interest in carrying a conversation.
About you, you spent a lot of time with your friends lately, celebrating the successful end of the semester. All your hard work was rewarded, and you were finally clean and done with University.
There hadn’t been more opportunities to talk with you privately, and Roger wished you’d notice his efforts for things to go back to normal. It annoyed him that you always had something to do and wouldn’t find time to invest in him.
He fucked up everything saying he’d follow your suggestion to find another chick. It was childish and a mistake. He didn’t mean it and didn’t do it. He wanted to apologize and kept trying to do his bit, but you were closed off.
Excuses and excuses kept coming out of your mouth to avoid being alone with him.
Anxiety. That’s what you felt when recalling yours and Mary’s conversation.
Just the thought of Roger’s real intentions being the ones she addressed made you want to puke. You didn’t hate him or disliked him overnight, but you wouldn’t risk getting hurt.
Also, you’d been contemplating moving to America. Rockfield Farm’d become a vacation home rather than your residence.
Indifferent to your intentions to stay away from him, last Wednesday, Roger tried again.
He bought two tickets to attend a Romeo and Juliet play. He didn’t give two shits about Shakespeare or the performance, he just happened to hear you talk to John about how much you wanted to go. Turned out a guy called Gideon asked you first earlier that week to accompany him to that same bloody play. He could remember sympathy written on your face when he revealed you the plan.
Roger played it cool the best he could when you politely declined, justifying yourself saying you’d already agreed to go with Gideon.
“Maybe next time” he took a step back, staring down at his hands.
When you left the room he didn’t hesitate to tear the tickets into pieces.
“But I’m curious” John insisted.
“He’s angry because (Y/N)’s having a date tonight” Freddie half smiled.
Roger’s expression hardened. Freddie’s grin was no longer there.
“Oh, Rog” he pouted.
“What’s going on, Fred?” Brian asked in an undertone, leaning closer to Freddie.
John joined the little circle after looking briefly at Roger, who was peering through the window and susurrating something under his breath.
“Our sweet child is lovesick. Tonight was supposed to be his date with (Y/N), but she rejected him”
“She didn’t reject me” Roger claimed through gritted teeth. “Gideon happened to be faster”
Pronouncing this stranger’s name burned his tongue.
“It doesn’t mean it’s a date” Brian guessed. “I wouldn’t lose sleep over it, Roger”
He shook his head.
"She chose him over me, I'll get over it," he thought saying it out loud would make the statement sound easier.
“(Y/N) adores you, Rog. It’s not that deep, trust me” Freddie assured.
“What have I missed?” John asked.
“Something happened in the pub we don’t know about” Brian commented.
The image of Mary dragging you to the bathroom by the wrist sparked his curiosity. He was the only one apart from Roger who saw it, and he didn’t mention it to anyone.
Roger stopped listening somewhere around Freddie's words concerning drama and paid exclusive attention to what was happening outside.
An unfamiliar car that could only belong to Gideon pulled over in front of the house. He saw you climb out with him and head to the door.
“Hey, baby!” you hugged Sherlock after walking in and taking your coat off. “How’s my favourite boy doin’? Oh my God yes, I love you too my baby prince”
Sherlock barked happily a few times.
Hearing his paws against the floor, quickly running to announce your arrival to Her Majesty, made you smile from ear to ear.
“Sherlock ignored you totally”
“It’s fine. Can we go to your bedroom?”
The four of them heard the conversation.
Roger froze, and the others wanted the Grim Reaper to take them in time to escape the awkwardness.
Leaning with your shoulder against the living room door frame, you took off your heels.
“Hey guys," you greeted, undoing your ponytail and shaking out your hair.
“Hi, (Y/N)” John and Brian responded in unison.
“How’d it go?” Freddie asked straight forward.
Roger chewed his bottom lip, incapable to keep his eyes off you. The way the fabric of your jeans hugged you was distracting, but as soon as Freddie made sure to try and collect information, his eyes and ears snapped upwards to hear every single word of what was going on around him.
“Horrible” you announced. “The play exquisite, amen to that, but we had a large family with children behind us that wouldn’t shut up”
It wasn’t after your rambling that you saw Roger standing in one corner. His jersey was so tight you could appreciate a tiny hint of his belly button.
You stared at each other for a bit: you sent him a mini smile that he didn’t respond to. On the contrary, his lips pressed together.
He was jealous.
So fucking jealous.
He felt like one big wolf caged, ready to storm out as soon as someone were to release him.
You got your eyes back on Freddie, colour mounting in your cheeks at the excruciating gaze Roger put you to test.
“This is Gideon, guys. Old friend of mine” you said, patting his shoulder.
Brian was the only one to say hi this time. John and Freddie simply nodded with a smile, Freddie pouring wine into a glass.
Sprawled across the sofa now, Roger looked imperturbable. He kept on twirling a drumstick and stealing quick looks at Gideon: he had his head shaved off, he was bony and very quiet around new people.
At 6:45 a.m. the next day, Roger woke up due to a bad dream of his drumkit being set on fire by accident because of Freddie.
Patting Sherlock’s head along the way, Roger’s steps took him to the kitchen to get some water.
Eyebrows furrowed as the light was switched on already, he couldn’t believe his eyes when Gideon turned it off and almost bumped into him in the hallway.
“Oh. Sorry, lad”
Had he spent the night here?! With you?! Roger didn’t speak for a few seconds.
“What are you doing here?”
“I stayed over for the night. I’m leaving in the morning… don’t worry” Gideon said, perfectly aware that the drummer didn’t appreciate his presence.
God, Roger was so obvious.
Gideon left to go back to sleep and Roger considered crashing his head into the wall.
Shoulders deflating and hands on his face, he understood it was time to give up on you. You pushed him to no other option.
An enormous impulse to stab a knife through Roger’s chest was dangerously growing inside you for the fiftieth time in the last half an hour. It sent your brain reeling how dumb he could be on purpose.
Jumping onto your bed, you reached for a magazine and started to flip through the pages, not really reading any of it. It was for the best, you needed to distract yourself or you’d indeed end up doing something stupid.
His ‘rocker’ habits started to get up your nose. You lost count of the number of times you told him not to bring home any of his bootlicker groupies.
You were already doing them a huge favour, but that's abusing your trust on large-scale.
There was a soft knock on the door.
Just like everyone could recognize someone’s footsteps after living together for some time, you could also tell who was behind such gentle noise.
“Come on in, Bri, come and fucking help me count to ten. Suddenly I don’t know anymore” you tossed the magazine away. It landed on top of the mountain of clothes scattered on the floor.
Lying now on your belly with your face against the pillow, you sensed the bed sank a bit when he took a seat next to you.
“You know,” he spoke, “it will only make things worse if you let him get to you like that”
“Oh, that’s rich” you snapped. “He’s been pushing my buttons for weeks now. I’m human, of course I’m gonna end up exploding”
Brief pause of you chewing your gum and Brian rubbing his thumbs against each other.
“I haven’t exploded yet, though” you reconsidered. “He better stop testing me”
“You’re just proving my point” Brian laughed.
You turned your head in his direction and shot him a look.
Brian patted your back with encouragement.
“How about I take the evening off and we go for a bike ride? Would that cheer you up?”
“Yes!” you cried, getting up.
A little getaway sounded marvellous.
Besides the fact that spending time with Brian was one of your favourite things to do ever since you met him, it was a beautiful day outside. Too beautiful to waste it indoors. The sky was entirely blue, not a single cloud spoiling the bright rays of sunshine from shining.
“The boys won’t mind?” you asked.
“We’ve been locked in the studio for days, not a single break. Freddie’s working hard in a new piece on the piano, John surely needs some time off too, and Roger’s keeping himself entertained. They won’t even notice I’m gone” Brian explained.
“Maybe John wants to join us” you added, looking for a most comfortable pair of boots.
“I don’t know, I’ll go ask him”
After lacing up your shoes you reunited with Brian downstairs and smiled widely when you saw John standing next to him, although disappointment overtook your face when Brian pouted at you. John wasn’t tagging along?
“Freddie asked me first to go shopping with him, sorry” he welcomed you in his arms when you opened yours to embrace him. “Everyone wants to hang out with me and I can’t please everybody at once” he winked at you.
“Brian told me he was gonna lock himself up with the piano the whole day, huh?”
Brian’s mouth curved into an apologetic smile, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“I deserve to treat myself too, my dear” Freddie sang, going down the stairs with his characteristic grace and a triumphant smug look.
The four of you started discussing your plans for the rest of the day.
They were going to the mall, seeing as Freddie wanted to renew his wardrobe. John was okay with the idea of rating outfits, but everything was a good excuse to go out and relax the mind a little, overwhelmed by having worked so many weeks non-stop. The album was almost done, and Rheid already mentioned to them something about touring Japan after the launch.
Perhaps they could find something interesting to wear on stage.
Bri and you preferred to get on the bikes and ride aimlessly instead, seeking some peace.
They headed to the van and Brian excused himself saying he needed to go to the bathroom.
You were gently tossing your hair in front of the round mirror hung on the main hall waiting for him, trying to tame the baby hairs that were all over the place.
You heard the clacking of heels approaching, and within seconds a stunning blonde doll was behind you.
Staring at each other in the glass, she bit her inside cheek, her gaze making it clear that she was mentally criticizing your appearance.
She felt special? She wasn’t, you wanted to tell her. The fourth one in a week maybe?
“Can I help you?” you began with one eyebrow raised.
“I was just leaving”
She took one step forward and wiped off the smeared lipstick around her lips.
“Roger’s asleep” she informed, chin up as she cleaned herself.
“Good to know”
She held her purse in between her arm and hip and gave you a half smile.
“Nice house” she smiled and clucked her tongue.
You didn’t respond and waited for her to get out of your sight.
When she closed the door, you let out a grunt.
“Roger Taylor, you’re a fucking pain in the ass” you condemned with your eyes shut, and flinched at the unexpected contact of a big hand on your shoulder, opening them.
"I grabbed a few snacks and two bottles of water," he said contently, turning over himself a little for you to actually see his stuffed backpack.
You chuckled. What would you do without this precious soul?
“We’ll be gone for less than two hours, Bri”
“Just in case”
You stroked his chin fondly, getting a beautiful smile from him in return, and both walked out without worrying about leaving a note for Roger in case he woke up and saw the house empty.
Much to your amazement, you finished the supplies Brian had brought with him. Stopping at one of the bars in the nearest port before returning to Rockfield Farm was his idea.
People were enjoying the soft breeze of the first moments of the night before it was too cold to be outside.
"(Y/N)?" Brian asked softly.
You took the beer to your lips.
Brian sighed.
“What happened between you and Roger? I know he can be a little bitch sometimes, but you guys were together all the time and now—“
"It was a misunderstanding"
“Misunderstanding? What was a misunderstanding?”
Brian looked startled. Nothing was clicking.
Out of the blue, Mary’s intrusion to yours and Roger’s heated moment in the club seemed to be gaining weight for him.
“That day in the pub,” he started, and you turned your head away holding your breath, “what happened?”
"Nothing," you said, picking at your nails absentmindedly.
That wasn't enough for Brian.
"Look at me"
You did.
“Are you lying?”
“What would that get me?" you answered with a question, avoiding saying a resounding ‘no’.
"I don't know," he responded, resting his elbows on the table and framing his hands on either side of his face.
A personality trait of yours and many people, you hoped, was that you didn’t enjoy lying to the people you loved, and since you were aware that what you said wasn’t true to an extent you didn’t want to deny it again to try to convince him.
Everyone saw you and Roger flirting, but what happened between you and Mary was yours and Mary’s business. And possibly, just possibly, Roger’s.
“He’s been acting weird since…,” he looked up to the sky, mentally counting, “since that day you brought Gabriel home”
Putting your head in your hands for the slightest second, you wished Brian’d shut up and talk about anything but this. You didn’t even tell him he fucked up the boy’s name.
You folded your arms dropping back on the seat and chose to not open your mouth.
“You know it’s because he thinks you fucked him, right?” Brian sentenced.
He didn’t want you to think he was blaming you or insinuating anything. You were free to do the heck you wanted to do. He was just pointing out the obvious.
“I do”
Brian didn’t say anything.
“I do, and… But what if I did? It’s my life. I don’t owe Roger anything” you answered, spreading your arms.
He remained silent and just kept on listening to the words erupting out of your mouth.
“It’s not like we were dating. Why’s he so butthurt? I’m not stupid. I know he’s bringing those girls just to provoke me”
“Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Fuck Gabriel?”
“Fuck no. We’ve known each other since we were four, and we happen to meet up every now and then. He’s moving to Dublin soon with his sister. It’s a tradition that he stays over when he pays me a visit. It’s not like there was a single room available, y’know” you hinted, and Brian quickly nodded. Yep, because of them. “That’s what we did, Brian. Talk and fall asleep. And Roger instead of asking keeps fucking Barbie after Barbie. Fuck him, really”
“Sure what?” you snapped, irritation clear in your voice.
Brian succeeded in hiding a smirk.
“Screw him. He deserves it”
You looked at him as if he were fooling you. You really didn’t know where the conversation was going anymore.
“Screw him for living his life like you’re doing”
You blushed violently.
"You're jealous, (Y/N). It's alright, love. Roger's being a jerk. What I find strange," he said back with a worried face, the tone in his voice making it clear that he knew you knew what he was referring to but were refusing to tell him, "is that in the beginning it was you giving him the cold shoulder. He came to me, you know, asking if I had the tiniest clue of what was going on”
Jesus, if Brian’s goal was to make you feel like trash, he was doing the job quite good.
“It’s totally fine if you don’t want to tell me,” Brian spoke, lowering his head and glancing at your fingers grasping the beer bottle tight, “but things are the way they are because you’re being stubborn and dishonest with each other”
“Bri, you’ve got to stop” Mary laughed timidly, hella uneasy due to Brian’s cold gaze upon her.
Brian, John and Mary were chilling downstairs waiting for you. Freddie and Roger were in the studio instead, having a laugh and playing around. They were all looking their best just for you. It was the 19th, your long awaited graduation day. It felt dreamlike to you, but it was finally here.
Nothing and no one would ruin it.
“Are you proud of yourself?” Brian questioned in a tranquil tone.
“What?” she put her brows together.
John, sitting with one leg over the other, lowered the newspaper and stared at them over the rim of the page.
“Don’t be silly, Mary. Whatever you said to (Y/N) that day in the pub, you messed everything up”
Mary was surprised that Brian came at her like that. They never argued, never. But she could tell the subject mattered to him.
Shifting on her feet, she hesitated where to start.
“Seeing as you care so much about (Y/N), like I do," she reiterated, "you should know that I made her a favour"
“Who are you to interfere, Mary?”
“C’mon, you know Roger better than I do and know that he doesn’t take commitment seriously“
“I asked you one thing. Who are you to interfere?”
Mary’s face went blank. She looked at John, but he quickly hid behind the newspaper only to peek at her again as soon as her eyes met the ground.
“For Christ’s sake, Mary! Who are you to interfere!” Brian shouted, pushing for an answer.
She clenched her fists.
“What’s happening here?” Freddie’s voice interrupted.
Both turned their heads at him, surprised that he was back so soon.
“Nothing” she hurried to say, and sent Brian a pleading look.
"Nothing?" Brian asked sarcastically, his voice raising a bunch of octaves.
Freddie and Roger stepped further into the room.
When Roger’s eyes connected with Brian’s, he knew something important concerning him was the main topic.
His eyes wandered between him and Mary.
Brian gestured her to speak.
She'd never felt this way before, since a mighty character was one of her many strengths. A woman with little hesitations. Roles changed, though. She couldn't even dare to give Freddie a fast glance, afraid that he'd hate her for this. She truly cared about you a lot, and clearly wasn't fond of Roger. She thought she was doing the right thing.
You and Freddie were the ones who mattered to her the most in the world, and losing you both because of this drama would destroy her.
Roger, fed up of so much suspense, proceed to move closer to Mary. He stared right into her eyes.
“What have you done?” he asked with an alarming and shocking put together voice, to which Mary consequently felt goosebumps run through her spine.
It was now or never.
“I encouraged her to stay away from you. I assumed you just wanted to…” she made a vague gesture with her hand, “and I didn’t want her heart to be broken because of you”
“Mary!!” Freddie gasped.
Temperature in his body building up, and face as red as the blood boiling in his veins, Roger’s hands went to rub the back of his neck where one vein was perilously showing.
John took a long sip of his drink, not really prepared for shit to go down now.
“You… you…” Roger didn’t know how to put into words everything that he wanted to say.
Mary’s lower lip started trembling. Freddie didn’t like one bit seeing her so vulnerable, but he couldn’t force himself to feel sorry for her when he didn’t.
“Christ, are you going to cry now? You’re fucking sick in the head” Roger sassed, exasperated.
The colour drained out of Mary's face yet again due to the embarrassment he was putting her through.
“Fuck you. You don’t know anything about me or my feelings” Roger cursed.
“They sure aren’t that strong when you’ve been fucking women here, in her bloody home!” Mary lectured, hoping to win some confidence in her speech.
“I DIDN’T FUCK THEM! I brought them only to end up kicking them out every time because I couldn’t!” Roger snapped, tightening his expression. “I like her too much!”
The room fell silent.
Roger stared at his mates with arms slightly raised at the quietness. His gaze paced between all of them, who couldn’t articulate a single sound even if they tried. He then turned to Mary and snapped a finger at her with threatening eyes.
“Now I’m gonna go upstairs and explain everything to (Y/N), and you better don’t interrupt us, got it? You already did enough”
"Rog, I think she does get it," Freddie said coming at Mary's rescue, worried that he might spit at her.
“Let her speak, she has a mouth, right? A fucking stupid dirty mouth that should’ve been kept closed”
“Talk to me with respect, you asshole!” Mary screamed angrily.
“You didn’t earn it!!!!” he growled.
John cleared his throat loud and clear in an attempt to make them shut up in time.
Five heads snapped at the bottom of the stairs, where you were.
Barefoot but dressed in the pastel blue dress Roger gifted you what seemed like an eternity ago. Your hair wasn't done yet, up in a bun so it wouldn't get in your way when doing the makeup.
Tugging at her earring, Mary’s face dropped, embarrassed.
As soon as Roger’s eyes landed on you, his legs turned to jelly.
He didn’t think twice: in a hurry he grabbed you by the arm, basically dragging you out of there, until you were both locked up in your bedroom, and murmured an apology when slamming the door by accident.
Seeing as his lighter didn't want to cooperate plus the agonising need to smoke, Roger began to hiss barbarities under his breath.
“What’s the matter? We have to leave in twenty minutes” you said, sitting down.
“No, get up”
“What? I don’t want to, I have to—“
“Please, get up. I can’t speak to you if we’re uneven”
You did as told, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Fine. I’m standing up now”
Anchoring your attention discreetly on his body language, you came to realize that whatever was holding him back was causing him so much trouble.
He drew nearer to you, but regretted it and stepped away. You straightened and gave a very short laugh, impatient.
“Do you still regret what happened in the pub?”
“What does this have to do with… anything, now?” you blurted out with difficulty, hot in the face.
It was the first time you were talking about it when sober.
Roger jerked his head towards you, staring intensely.
“Does it matter?” you breathed, saddened, learning that he wanted a much more elaborated response you didn’t have.
“Of course it fucking—“ Roger stopped there and decided to start again. “Of course it matters”
Because you didn’t know where he was going, you didn’t speak. Roger continued.
“I don’t expect you to care, but I’ve got a few things I want to clear up”
He looked so desperate you found no choice.
“I’m listening”
“Honestly, I… God, you’re so smart but so stupid at the same time”
You blushed. Dude… what the?
“I… I care so much about you, and you don’t even seem to notice shit”
He paused and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Those girls I invited over I didn't do anything with"
“Woah, not even a blowjob? Hard to believe so. The last one fucking came to me with a… triumphant smile, and swollen lips, and… Ugh”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Maybe I made out with one. But that’s it, we only kissed. I was drunk, I can’t even remember her face. Believe me. One of them even punched me for dumping her before she could even unzip her dress”
You laughed at that but quickly covered your mouth. You were supposed to be serious about this, you couldn’t just laugh like that!
Roger shook his head but smiled a little.
“(Y/N),” he called, back to the relevant stuff. “Mary told me everything. Now I get it when you thought that staying away from me was the best option. My reputation doesn’t help, I know”
His eyes were incredibly soft.
There was an intense wish to deny it, to convince yourself that you weren’t thrilled about him opening up to you. Who could you fool? That’s everything you ever wanted from him. But you couldn’t allow yourself to give in. There was no way that this would have a happy ending.
He sighed deeply.
“I miss you. Talk to me again, I can’t bear it anymore. Next time I’ll be nicer to Gideon, I promise. But if he hurts you I won’t hesitate to kill him” a tormenting sentiment devoured him whole as he confessed.
You shook your head.
“There’s nothing between Gideon and I. A boy and a girl can be friends, Roger”
“But you slept together and I thought—“ he replied with flushed cheeks.
“We. Did. Nothing” you reassured him.
Shame drawn on his face, he nodded and you clapped your hands upfront.
“My turn”
Roger cocked his head in your direction questioningly.
“I’m moving to New York by the end of the season, approximately”
He first looked at you unblinkingly and then stared off into space.
“You can't," he said after a while pursing his lips, breath hitching in his throat.
"What do you mean ‘I can't'?" you asked suppressing a shy chuckle, your heart suddenly pounding vigorously in your chest.
“You can’t leave like that”
“Well… I’ve got nothing to look forward here”
Mouth set in a hard line, a new idea better than the one he had of buying you the dress held on to his conflicted mind. The light at the end of the tunnel didn't seem so far away now. He just hoped it all would work out as he wanted it too.
He checked his watch.
“If you don’t hurry up you’ll be late”
His attitude was confusing you. You slowly nodded.
“Are you alright, Roger? Your mood swings are scaring me”
“I am”
Your heart shook furiously at his following declaration.
“You look absolutely ravishing, love. Money well spent”
tagging; @sweetdaisys @multifics @incorrcctqueen @namelesslosers @benders-diamond-earring @mercurycrowley @ixchel-9275
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