#don't forget sunscreen kids!!
little-pup-pip · 9 months
Bluey kiddos having fun outside!!
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riaki · 6 months
guys pls consider… lifeguard!gojo bit inspired by a post i saw a long time ago from @/shotorus, thank u sel + inez !
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lifeguard!gojo, who signs you in for a pool session and gives you the wrong time-slot wristband because he’s too busy gawking at you with hearts in his blue eyes to notice he registered you to swim for 12pm-2pm. when, in reality, it’s 4pm in the afternoon and the hot sun is slowly sinking in the sky.
lifeguard!gojo, who mistakes your polite attempts to correct him as signs of disinterest; he sees things through romance-tinted glasses. of course he can't keep a wounded pride, and so he makes it his saturday afternoon goal to win your heart. after all, who in their right mind would reject him in all his dashing chlorine scented glory?
lifeguard!gojo, who reintroduces himself all suave and cool and he thinks it's working mid-hair slick-back— until he gets smacked in the face by a stray rubber ball, and his sunglasses go flying. it leaves a red spot of hashmarks on his nose, like the ball was a cookie cutter and he was the dough. but he doesn't mind, because he got to hear your pretty laugh as you pick up his shades and hand them back to him, albeit at his own expense. you even say a cute thing or two about the chipped popsicle sticker on the frame.
lifeguard!gojo, who's unreasonably (and immaturely) upset over the fact he can't seductively rub sunscreen into your back because you already have beforehand. but he's not complaining; it smells good when he's forced a little closer to you to avoid a rampaging train of kids running across the pool deck. he should yell at them, but the smell of summery citrus and sea salt wafting on the humid breeze distracts him.
lifeguard!gojo, who pours every ounce of his remaining energy into gettin your attention the entire time you're there— with loud whistle blows from the scribble-adorned plastic whistle hanging from his neck, grabbing your attention, only to just offer a charming wink in your direction. or, squeezing idle small talk between every lap you swim, teasing you with a lazy grin on his lips from under his shaded lifeguard stand when you complain about the heat of the blazing sun.
lifeguard!gojo, who ropes his poor, exhausted snack stand friend with the blonde hair and dark shadows beneath his eyes into helping him— when you give up on swimming laps and begrudgingly let him convince you into going down the waterslides as if you’re a nine year old with neon pink inflatable buoy rings around your arms.
lifeguard!gojo, who forces nanami (snack stand man) to ‘accidentally’ send you down the slide early— you’re caught up in the surprise, the sound of rushing water and kids shouting and a cicada’s buzz filling your ears— and before you know it you’re tossed into the bottom of the pool by the stream of water, disoriented and panicking until two steady arms fish you out of the pool.
lifeguard!gojo, who ‘rescues you from drowning’ holding you bridal style to his chest with his sunglasses balanced on the edge of his nose, letting you catch a glimpse of his uncanny blue eyes hidden beneath his dripping white hair. his whistle lanyard hangs loosely around his neck, drawing a line down the center of his toned chest.
lifeguard!gojo, who can’t help but double over as he laughs obnoxiously— boyishly when he gets to watch your face flush cherry as you scramble to get out of his arms and fall straight back into the refreshing water with a splash.
lifeguard!gojo, who’s forced to reconcile with what he thinks is defeat when he gets you kicked out of the pool early because of his earnest registering mistake— and in doing so, you forget your ring on the pool deck. it's just your luck— you don't even realize it until the sun's almost set and you’re halfway home.
lifeguard!gojo, who’s cleaning up and getting ready to close for the night when he spots a gleam of silver reflecting the hazy purple sunset, and he recognizes it as your jewelry (even though that was the first time he ever met you). of course he'd remember it— he'd been absentmindedly staring at your fingers, burning them into his mind; imagining how they'd feel in his damp hair.
lifeguard!gojo, who slips your ring into his pocket after trying it on and marveling at how small your hands must be in comparison to his.
lifeguard!gojo, who’s cleaning out the gutters, waist deep in the pool, when he hears your voice again— pretty like birdsong in the spring, dew gathering on the fragile petals of blooming petals.
lifeguard!gojo, who waits for you to come in— the gate was unlocked— and watches as you kneel on the concrete deck, elbows on your knees as you smile down at him. you look really cute, with your hair falling over your face like that, framed by the dying sunlight.
lifeguard!gojo, who’s a little disheartened when you tell him all you came back for was your ring, and not him. or his phone number.
lifeguard!gojo, who disappears beneath the water for a moment— then resurfaces from the pool dripping wet, hair clinging to his face while he acts as though he'd found your ring at the bottom of the pool. "it's stainless steel, yeah? don't worry about rust." he reassures you with a chuckle when you panic; he thinks it's cute.
lifeguard!gojo, who holds the ring just out of your grasp when you make a grab for it, laughing as you almost fall right into the pool.
lifeguard!gojo, who tells you he'll only give it back if you give him your phone number in exchange as he climbs out of the pool and sits next to you, on the gutters, the sound of rushing water filling his ear.
lifeguard!gojo, who, sitting by your side, focuses on the way the pool looks with the lights turned on, an ethereal underwater dreamscape distorted by the incessant moving water. a way of distracting himself from how beautiful you look in the painted sunset.
lifeguard!gojo, who gets his first taste of you when you ask him to face you; you muffle his yelp of surprise, but it doesn’t matter because you taste even better than you smell, a sweetness like crystal rock candy and blueberries on his tongue when his lips meet yours.
lifeguard!gojo, who takes the opportunity to catch your wrist and slide your ring back onto your finger with a quick lingering kiss to your cheek; his lips are a little wet from his earlier pool dip, but the dreamy look in your eyes tells him you don’t mind.
lifeguard!gojo, who sees you out, still riding on the thrill of your lips; the pride in his chest now that he's got your contact saved on his phone with an excessive amount of heart emojis and a (˘ڡ˘ς) next to your name.
lifeguard!gojo, who can't wait for the next time you come back to the pool, and who ignores the angry slew of texts from his boss scolding him for leaving the gate unlocked in favor of the selfie you send him.
you: [ one image attached ]
lifeguard boy 🛟🤍 : GAYATTTTT LET ME HIT PLSPLSPLSS 🙈🙈😝😝😝😋😋🤞🔥🔥🔥⁉️‼️🔞💯💯😼😻💺💺🗽
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bonus: nanami gets u two popsicles to share tagging @sugumimi NAOMI I HOPE THIS IS WHAT U WERE TALKING AB my (riaki) stuff. don’t repost and/or plagiarize !
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
When your Daughters classmates mistake you as her Older Sister
König Headcanons
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Y/n was getting her 5-year-old daughter ready for school. Today was Field Day and Y/n had volunteered to be a chaperon for her classroom
Getting ready was easy and telling your husband was also easy, he hardly listened in the morning time because he was in a hurry to get ready for work
"König, don't forget that I'm going to Heidi's school today for Feild Day." "Huh? Okay, yeah, that's fine-have you seen my belt?" "King, are you listening?" "Huh? Yep totally-where are my boots?" Y/n rolled her eyes know her husband was not listening to her. "I dated Ghost before I met you-HEIDI LET'S GET GOING!!" "Wait what? WHAT DID YOU SAY!? LIEBE!!"
As they walked into the school, Heidi took her mom to her classroom, Heidi's classmates all ran to Heidi to go get ready for the field day
"Heidi, your sister is awesome, she helped me put my hair up." "Sister? I don't have a sister." "Yeah, the girl that walked in with you."
Y/n has something called a 'baby face' people mistake her age all the time, she was in her early 30's (Just go with it) and some people have mistaken her as 25-year-old before
Some people even questioned König if he knew her age, OBVIOUSLY he did know
Y/n held a hair tie in her hands as she helped another little girl with her ponytail, apparently her mom did her hair last minute and it didn't turn out so well
"There you go all done," Y/n said with a smile on her face. "Thank you," the girl ran off.
The other moms there in the classroom were kind of jealous of Y/n because of her looking younger than them and that all the kids went to her for things and not them, some were even their own kids
Y/n went and stood next to the other moms as the teacher went over the drill for field day and put the kids off in teams with the moms there, once Y/n's name was called and she listed off the names of the students that will go with her some of the kids who names didn't get called where disappointed
Heidi held her mom's hand as the other kids were surrounding her and acted like Y/n was their mom to where it even bothered Heidi that the kids won't leave her mom alone
"Are you Heidi's older sister?" "Umm~ no...I'm her mom." "But you're young." "No, I'm not...I'm like thirty, I'm not that young." "My mom is fifty." "My mom is forty-three." "I thought for the longest time, you were her sister."
'Longest time' you mean literally 5 minutes ago. Y/n thought it was funny that the kids thought she was Heidi's older sister
"I see the ring now." "How did you meet, Heidi's dad?" "How old is Heidi's dad?" The kids asked ridiculous questions about Y/n and König, Heidi told some of them to stop bothering her mom while Y/n just brushed her daughter off
Y/n helped the kids put on sunscreen and watched as the kids went and played the actives that were set up for them. Heidi and a kid were racing in Potatoe sacks and Y/n laughed when Heidi won. Like her father Heidi is highly completive
Feild day was soon done, the kids whined about how they may not see Y/n again
"I'll be back soon; you guys have the holiday party coming up soon and I'll be here." Y/n smiled to the kids. "But that's in a month," one whined. "Yeah." "Mama," Heidi called. She tugged at the car door handle wanting to be let in. Y/n groaned and unlocked the door for her. "I guess that's my que to get going, bye kids." "Bye, Heidi's mom!" the kids yelled.
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bambi-slxt · 19 days
I’ve been feeling really down lately so would you mind writing something real fluffy with either chris x reader or matt x reader and it’s about how playful they are together and they’re always teasing and tickling each other and stuff like that.
Just something real cute, love your writing btw!!
of course, honey <3 a/n at the bottom
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playful!matt & playful!chris:
✨a concept✨
making dinner -
chris: definitely dancing around the kitchen and being exactly zero help. "come on," he yaps, grinning his cute stupid little grin, "dance with me, pretty girl, the pasta can wait." "chris!" you can't help but giggle at the kid. "wanna dance with my lady." his smile is almost too big for his face, and your heart feels tight.
matt: does everything he can to distract you while simultaneously assuming an air of utter and absolute innocence. "i don't know what you're talking about," he says, slipping behind you and pinching your side, rolling his eyes at what he believes is an incredible overreaction from you.
going thrifting -
chris: tries to scare you by hiding in the racks like you haven't been watching him the entire time, only to be disappointed when you're not startled in the slightest. "but...but..." he grumbles, hanging off your shoulders, arms wrapped dejectedly around your neck, "i tried so hard."
matt: "what do you mean, 'don't get the grand-dad shirt'? this is the peak of fashion!"
the shirt in question:
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movie night -
chris: resorts to assailing you with tickling when he doesn't get his way. "i wanna - mmfh - watch The Lion - fuck! - King, so we're gonna fuckin' watch - you motherfucker - The Lion - GET BACK HERE!"
matt: keeps trying to drown his face in your tummy instead of watching whatever's put on the tv. "it's just so cozy." his words are incredibly muffled. "you begged me for three days to watch this with you." "mmfh. gimme head scratches." "you're such a baby." "i love youuuuu."
beach day -
chris: insists on playing mermaids ("wait how come you get the sparkly tail. i'm the merman king, i should get the sparkly tail."), lifeguards ("okay, okay, pretend you're like, drowning, yeah. why? so i can be a hero and save you! duh."), and terraforming the beach itself ("it'll be good for a tiktok, yeah, just dig the trench all the way up there by the towels, and then we can divert all the water away from here and-").
matt: hunts all morning for shells for you and teaches himself to braid so he can string them in your hair. he ends up tangling things more than he produces actual results, but is very careful to undo his mistakes and reapply sunscreen on your shoulders. "and here i thought you hated the beach." "i despise the beach," he says cheerfully, closing yet another ziploc baggie filled to the brim with shells. "can't wait to go home." "liar." matt smiles against your neck, his chest pressing into your back. "yeah, maybe."
farmer's market -
chris: conveniently forgets how much he hates fruits and vegetables because, "they just look so, like...anasthetic. that's the word right?" "nope." "anta...antacid? anna..." "aesthetic?" "that's the bitch, look at these strawberries, they're fucking huge-" "you let the strawberries nick bought last week grow mold in the fridge!" chris grins. "what's your point?"
matt: more focused on petting the dogs people brought with them than looking at the actual stalls with products/goods. "who's a good boy, yeah you are, hey babe we should get a dog, oh my god, you're just the sweetest lil' guy-"
night out:
chris: never lets you walk on the outside of the sidewalk and always stops to listen to the musicians through the bars' flung-wide windows. "baby, look, his guitar's got flames on the side. oh shit, you cold? hey, come here, kid," he chuffs, gathering you under his arm, dulcet harmonies flowing from the bar into the soft night air. "i love you," he murmurs, his lips fluttering against the shell of your ear. "i love bein' out here with ya."
matt: gently hands his finger from the belt loop of your jeans, guiding you lightly through the crowds, watching your face light up at the sights and sounds around you. "holy shit, they're so drunk!" "yeah," he says softly. he couldn't care less about a single other thing in this moment - how would he, when the sparkling neon of the nighttime scene washed over your features?
ice-cream date -
chris: plans to get something to share and refuses to hear anything to the contrary, grinning at all attempts to sway him. "yeah, she'll have - quit it - that one over there, please - i'll tickle you right here in public, i swear to god i will - yeah, thanks - miss lady you better watch it-" "...okay, this is pretty good." he scrunches his nose quite cutely in lieu of a verbal response, shoveling spoonfuls into his mouth.
matt: does literally everything he can to get you to make a mess just so he can do the cliche 'wipe ice cream from your lip' move. "i'm a classy guy, alright, leave me alone," he says with a grin.
cleaning day -
chris: CAUTION- may actually flat-out refuse. "we could just stay in bed though," he grumbles, holding your arm hostage. "we gotta cleannnn..." "nahhhh, come back to me." in a sudden burst of energy, he tugs you all the way back onto him, rolling you onto the mattress and under the blanket in one fell movement.
matt: shuffles your favorite playlist, turns it up, and dances with a feather duster you didn't even know he owned. "WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?" "STOLE IT FROM NICK'S ROOM. COME ON, WE GOTTA DUST!"
grocery shopping -
chris: has a cart and a dream, and is infinitely more focused on you than actually locating the necessary items. "you want it? yes, mamas," he chuckles, "get whatever you want. yeah i mean it. that's what you want for dinner? okay," he shrugs, his downturned smile making his dimples show up and show out, "i'll make ya whatever you want."
matt: has a list and a plan, both of which quickly crumble as he finds it impossible to resist your impulse-purchasing. "no, baby, we gotta..." - long-suffering sigh - "we already have...yes we do, they're at home in your drawer...what do you mean, 'they're all gone', how did you...okay, well chris isn't SUPPOSED to eat your fucking snacks-"
vlogging -
chris: "okay guys, so i'm gonna take her to build-a-bear but it's gonna be a surprise so don't- HEY YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT HERE YET-" the camera falls onto the couch as a blurry image of you and chris rolling around on the floor fades into view. his hat flies off and his weird, goofy laugh fills the living room.
matt: "hey guys >:|" "tell them :)" "i'm fuckin' getting there. so i said last time that i would never do this stupid wheel of punishments again, but someone convinced me-"
makeup/facials -
chris: "this feels colllld. i'm only doing this cuz i love u. what's this one supposed to do? the last one said it was gonna clean out my pores or something, and this one...'just looks cute', huh? i'm gonna fUCKING-" he launches off his bathroom counter and tackles you onto his bed in a flurry of kisses and tickles
matt: "i think i look great with eyeliner actually. what is it larray says, cunty? do i look cunty? why are you laughing?"
cuddle time -
chris: "absolutely not. come here mamas. you're not goin' anywhere, it's rainin' outside, an' i know you're still tired...come on, i miss ya already..." he smiles as you oh-so-reluctantly nestle back into the covers he holds up for you. "atta girl. stay here til' you die." "chris what the fuck." "that was romantic!" "...sure it was honey. sure it was." his laugh makes you roll your eyes, but the peppered kisses that follow make you smile in spite of yourself. "i love you...you know that, right?" "i had an idea, yeah." he tugs you into his body with a playful growl. "shut up."
matt: simply locks his legs around yours so you couldn't leave even if you wanted to. he traces lazy shapes on the back of your hand and his breath fans down over your neck. "miss girl..." "hm?" "were you aware that i loved you?" "ohmygoddoyoureally?" matt's hold tightens and his low chuckle rumbles through your skin. "you're terrible."
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request to be on the taglist under this post right here
tags: @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @solarsturniolo 
notes from bambi:
thank you for the request anon! i'm so sorry this took so long but i hope it was at least somewhat worth the wait, and i hope things get back on track for you soon <3
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sunnysideprincess · 2 months
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Don't forget your sunscreen kids
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darknight3904 · 3 months
The Length of a Life
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𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴊᴏ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ 20ꜱ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ
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July 2013 (Gojo: 23 You:22)
"Satoru, did you forget the sunscreen?" You groan
"What? No! I swore I packed it in that little hidden pocket inside the green bag!"
"Well, it's not here," You sigh passing the bag to your boyfriend to check for himself
"I could've sworn I put it in here!" Gojo whines
"You probably left it on the kitchen counter." Megumi says
"I bet he did. He's always leaving the important things there." You say
"So you remembered the CD player but not the sunscreen?" Tsumiki asked with a light giggle.
Gojo rolls his eyes in annoyance. Not only were the two preteens he was stuck watching sassing him but so were you.
"Great, now we can listen to One Direction while our skin burns," Megumi says
"One Direction is amazing! Zayn is so awesome!" Tsumiiki gushes as she pulls one of her CDs from the big bag that was supposed to have the sunscreen in it.
"I'm more of a Harry girl myself." You chime in
"Excuse me, could you not talk about another man in my presence?!" Gojo gasps, kicking a bit of sand towards you.
"I'll talk about whatever man I want to since mine forgot one of the most important things you need for a day at the beach." You say, pointing an accusing finger at Gojo.
"I'm your man?!" Gojo gasps wrapping his arms around you "Finally you acknowledge my presence, Senpai!"
"Stop that." You say trying to wiggle away, embarrassed as other beachgoers are staring at your loud-mouthed boyfriend. "You're embarrassing us and I'm a year younger than you, idiot."
"Never! Tsumiki, play What Makes You Beautiful! I'm going to serenade all of you!" Gojo requests as he turns his head to place a wet kiss to your cheek.
"Tsumiki don't do it!" Megumi begs "Last time he sang One Direction my ears almost fell off!"
"Then I won't sing One Direction...Tsumiki put Taylor Swift on! I'll sing You Belong with me, instead!"
November 2013 (Gojo: 23 You:23)
"You're sure about this? She can't even see curses, let alone use a technique." Gojo reminds you as he drives.
"I'm sure. I hear she's strong in other ways. Besides you're Megumi's benefactor, I think I need a kid to look after as well." You say
"I just fund him. You do all the hard work." Gojo says
"Combing hair, wiping noses, and helping with homework isn't that hard, Satoru." You laugh
"Sure it is, the amount of boogers he and Tsumiki produce is disgusting," Gojo says, carefully parking the car
"Give me a call or a text if something goes wrong. I'll be waiting here." He says
"I think I should be saying that to you. You're the Gojo who just drove onto the Zenin estate like you own the place." You say
"True. I'll let you know if I become a damsel in distress." Gojo grins
His words are ridiculous but you do hope he contacts you if something goes wrong. Not because he couldn't defend himself but you didn't want him wiping the entire clan off the map, even if it would be for the best.
Hushed whispers follow you as you make your way toward your destination. Perhaps it's due to your engagement to Naoya. You can't imagine that the news of you and Satoru was out. After all, you had only told people you were both close with.
You're welcomed by the woman you can only presume is the twins' mother.
"And is this Maki?" You ask pointing to the little girl who peers around the corner of the doorframe.
"Yes, it is. But I'm sure you're more interested in Mai. She's the one who has a technique. I'll go get her for you." She says
"That won't be necessary. Let me have some time with Maki. I'll see Mai later." You say
She looks at you like you're insane but motions for her daughter to enter anyway before leaving the room. Her respect must only come because of her fear of Naoya's wrath. It hurt that so many people in the clan believed that you and Naoya were close. That you were only worthy of a bit of respect because Naoya might get upset.
Imagine if they found out what you and Satoru had done last night. You'd surely lose all respect then.
"Maki right?" You smile, hoping you're not coming off as intimidating to her, "Please sit down."
Maki wordlessly obeys you but you can tell she's trying to figure you out. The wheels are turning in her little brain.
"You know who I am right?" You ask
"You're Naoya-san's fiancee. My mothers talked about you before, and said you're an honored woman to be chosen for him." She spouts like the words have been perfectly laid into her mind, "She said you're the perfect example of what a woman in the clan should be. You're well-mannered and respectable."
Is that seriously what's been spread around the clan about you? Nothing else? Nothing about your technique or the fact that you're a special-grade sorcerer?
"Oh...that's wonderful she thinks so highly of me. I'll have to thank her later on." You awkwardly say.
If Maki doesn't know anything about who you really are as a sorcerer, this will probably take more effort than you initially planned.
"I don't really buy all that though. It seems like a bunch of scripted bullshit. Everyone around here buys into it though, even my sister." Maki says suddenly
Oh? What a surprising twelve-year-old girl Maki Zenin is turning out to be.
"I know you're a special-grade sorcerer. I also know you've kicked a bunch of curse's asses. " Maki grins
Good to see your reputation proceeded its self.
"What are you a fan?" You laugh, suddenly at ease with the girl
"Yeah!" Maki exclaims, suddenly standing up.
Her face gets red and she immediately gets back in her seat.
"I mean...no. I just hear some people talking sometimes." She lies, looking at the wall behind you.
"It's alright. I don't mind. It's nice to be praised, everyone likes to hear words of affirmation from time to time. It's what makes us human." You say
Maki slowly nods in agreement.
"I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here talking to you when Mai is the one with the cursed technique." You say, "The truth is, Mai doesn't really interest me. I am, however, interested in you."
"Me? Why? I can't even see curses." She grumbles
"That doesn't matter to me. You have potential to be amazing. Have you ever heard of Toji Zenin?" You ask
Maki shakes her head, figures, no one would pass on that bastard's legacy. Nabito must be content with Toji's vanishing after his death a few years ago. Too bad he couldn't get his hands on Megumi.
"He was just like you. He couldn't see curses and yet he became known as the sorcerer killer. Toji was immensely powerful and I think that with time you could be the same way." You smile, the man might've been a total pain in the ass but there was no denying he had been strong.
"But what about Mai? Wouldn't she be the better choice?" Maki asks
Cute. Thinking of her sister.
"No, she won't be able to get as good as you." You honestly say
Maki doesn't like that and rolls her eyes at you.
"Look, there's ways to become great. I brought one with me today. I'll even give it to you know but only if you agree to becoming a sorcerer." You say
"Fine. I've been wanting to show my family they're wrong about me anyway." She agrees
"Good, now, here's how all this will work...In a few years, you'll enroll at Jujutsu High, I'll be your benefactor so you're going to have to work pretty hard. And while you're there you'll become stronger than everyone else." You explain, hoping your over-the-top words will inspire her.
Maki follows you to the car where you can hear California Girls by Katy Perry blasting even with the windows closed. Satoru is going to end up deaf one day.
"Oh right...the gift." You say pulling a small case from your purse
Maki opens it slowly and is obviously disappointed when it's a pair of glasses.
"Um, I can see just fine." She mumbles
"These are special glasses. They let you see curses. Next time you're out, give em' a try. I'm sure they won't disappoint."
You give the girl a gentle pat on her shoulder before beginning to walk towards the car.
"Hey, wait!" Maki calls
You turn to face the young girl you just placed your hopes on.
"Thank you!" Maki smiles
Maki watches as you get into the car and say something to the person at the wheel. It looks like the two of you are laughing as they reverse. Then, just as the car passes her, she locks eyes with blue eyes covered by dark glasses. A white tuft of hair catches her eye and then you're both gone.
Were you in a car with Satoru Gojo?
October 2014 (Gojo: 24 You:23)
"I mean it. After we both turn 28 I expect us to be married." Naoya says, "After all, I've done you a favor not spreading your relationship with Gojo everywhere. You can thank your little project for the news reaching me."
Maki. You didn't blame the girl for telling someone. You probably would've done the same thing if you were in her shoes. It was only a matter of time until he found out anyway.
"You don't even want to marry me, why the rush?" You ask boldly,
You've been spending too much time with Satoru and now you're mouthing off in front of Naoya.
"My father wanted us to be married already at 25." He explains, ignoring your rudeness "You're right, I don't want your ugly cunt anywhere near me. Why do you think I pushed for 28?"
His words are harsh and hurtful but you internally thank him for pushing the marriage off. It gave you more time to try and figure out what you'll tell Satoru.
"Better get your affairs in order, future wife. I have a feeling a certain Six Eyes user won't be happy about you leaving him one day." Naoya laughs "He'll certainly miss you warming his bed. He'll find another though, you seem to be rather forgettable, with that plain face of yours."
"Shut the fuck up, Naoya."
Shit. You should not have said that.
Instead of anger or fists, you're met with amused laughter from the man who represents everything you've been running from your whole life.
"Such a temper. I'll have fun getting that out of you once we're married. Until then, feel free to live as Satoru Gojo's glorified slut. I'll remind you of your real place in a few years." Naoya says, leaving you speechless.
The Tatami door of his father's expensive home slides shut behind him and you swear the anger inside you has never burned hotter.
"He said what?!" Gojo yells "Where the hell does this bastard live again? I'm going to rip his teeth out of his skull!"
"Satoru, be quiet! The kids have school tomorrow!" You try to calm him down.
You had come home expecting him to be in bed but now here you were spilling details about what Naoya did this time.
"There's nothing you can do about it now, what's been said is said." You say
"That doesn't mean I can't go over to his house and blow his ass up!" Gojo declares
"Just let it go, 'toru. I'm tired and I want to take a hot bath and go to sleep. I just wanna forget about it for now." You sigh
Gojo looks at you and he can see how worn out you are. From dealing with curses, Naoya's disgusting ass, Megumi, and Tsumiki, your energy is completely gone. For your sake, he'll drop it. Just for now though.
"Alright. But only if I get to sit on the floor and talk to you while you soak." Gojo says
"Fine...but it better not be about anything stupid like Digimon." You warn
"I was just gonna talk about how Tsumiki taught me how to make a Duct Tape wallet today." He says picking you up off the couch bridal style and carrying you to the bathroom, "For the record, Digimon is awesome."
"What wallet?" You ask as you begin shedding your dirty clothes
"Look," Gojo says pulling a bright pink Duct Tape wallet out, "Pretty cool right? She showed me all the steps and helped me when I messed up."
"Satoru it doesn't look very secure." You laugh "But yes, it's very nice. It's the perfect color for you."
"Right? Also, it's perfectly secure," Gojo says
He's eating his words a moment later though when his credit card slips out of the little pocket it was nestled in and right into the bathtub that was slowly filling with water.
"Alright, maybe it's not the most secure."
February 2015 (Gojo: 25 You:24)
"Trust me, he's totally gonna love it," Shoko assures you
"I dunno...he's been so stressed lately. The higher-ups have been breathing down his neck and he's been going through some training so he can teach at the school next year." You say.
"All the more reason to buy the dress. Every guy likes a little eye candy every once in a while. Nanami and I will even watch Megumi and Tsumiki for the night. That way you can really get into it!" Shoko grins
Your face heats up as you hand your card to the cashier. Why were you friends with her again?
"Could you please not say stuff like that in front of others, you're embarrassing me." You groan, avoiding the cashier's eyes as he smirks at you.
"Oh please, that's why we're friends," Shoko smiles, "So what time should I pick the kids up? Nanami and I will make sure they eat all their vegetables and go to bed early."
You try to think of the last time you and Satoru had a moment alone. Most nights were whirlwinds of chaos between cooking dinner, helping with homework, and then throwing in exorcising a curse or two...
"Four thirty...Satoru usually gets home at six. I want some time to do my hair nicely." You relent
Gojo can't wait to get home. He swears all his problems will be solved the moment he sees you. Today, he's exercised three special grades, sat in a boring meeting, and then had to listen to Yaga blab for hours about how important the next generation is. He already knew that...why else would he be personally training Megumi?
A hot shower and a big meal are on his mind as he fumbles with his keys to open the door. He can smell whatever you're cooking up behind the door and he hopes it's something with noodles.
Your sweet voice is music to his ears as you call to him from the kitchen.
"Yeah, I'm home." He sighs, removing the white bandages he's been using for his eyes. Perhaps he should go back to glasses.
All thoughts of passing out in bed leave his mind once he sees you. A little black dress hugs your figure as you stir at whatever's in the frying pan on the stove.
"Well, well... what's this?" He smiles
"How was your day?" You ask coyly like you're not all dressed up for him.
"Terrible, until I came home to all this." He honestly says, crossing the room to wrap his arms around you from behind.
"I'm making Sukiyaki." You say, accepting his barrage of kisses that he trails all over your neck.
"And it smells amazing... I'm more interested in this though..." He says slightly pulling the bottom up the dress up your thighs.
"Ah, Shoko said you'd like a bit of eye candy in your life." You smile
"Well, she was right." Gojo laughs, pressing a wet kiss to your ear.
"Forget the Sukiyaki, let's go upstairs. I think our bedroom is calling our names." He whispers.
"I'm in the middle of cooking, 'toru." You say, knowing he's going to win this one.
"We can order a pizza." He says, "I'll even get one with pepperoni on it for you."
Before you can get another word of protest out, he's switching off the stove and carrying you up the steps.
"Eye candy indeed." He laughs as he gently tosses you on the bed, "I'm so glad my meal is this delicious looking."
It's going to be a long night, it's a good thing Megumi and Tsumiki are gone.
September 2016 (Gojo: 26 You:25)
"Shut up Megumi!"
Tsumiki's room door slamming is loud enough to rattle the entire house.
"Not again..." Gojo groans from his spot on the couch.
Today was his first day off in months, he wished you were here and snuggled into the couch with him but instead, you were off on some mission with Nanami and that kid he was training, Ino was it?
Gojo wished you were here so you could deal with whatever the Fushiguro siblings were fighting about now. You had always been better at diffusing the situation that he was. After all, he'd often end up instigating more problems since Megumi was so funny-looking when he got mad.
"What's going on now?" Gojo asked the dark-haired boy
"Nothing. I just told her that her hair was weird looking today. Where is-"
"She's out on a mission with Nanamin. I'll be handling dinner tonight so go start your homework and apologize. " Gojo said
"You sure you can handle that without burning the place down?" Megumi asked
"Of course I can! I'm the strongest sorcerer alive...I can handle a little dinner."
"Goodnight, Zenin-san!" Ino called out the window as the car drove away
He really was a lovely boy, strong too. Nanami had trained him well. The walk up the sidewalk to your shared home with Gojo and the kids was your last sliver of peace though as you could already hear yelling.
What horrors awaited you on the other side of this door?
"Megumi would it kill you to help out?"
"Yeah probably. That pot is gonna overflow."
Your feet quickly carry you to the kitchen where Satoru is standing amongst...well you're not really sure what he's trying to cook.
"What's going on?" You ask
"You're home!" Gojo called excitedly, "How's Nanamin?"
"He's great. What's all this?" You ask gesturing to a pan that's been burned so bad its normally white bottom is black with charred food.
"He's trying to make dinner. He's been trying for almost two hours." Megumi says
"Satoru you're 26, can't you cook anything?" You ask as you pull your hair up, ready to take the spoon away from him
"I can cook. " He defends
"Frozen chicken nuggets don't count." You laugh
Gojo watches as you toss what he was working on, to be frank, he's not sure what he was trying to make at this point. It had started as pork katsu and then evolved into a disaster.
"What's wrong now?" You ask as you rummage through the fridge.
"I wanted to have a nice meal ready for when we got back from your mission. Like you do for me." Gojo says
You can hear the pout in your boyfriend's words.
"It's alright, Satoru. It's the thought that counts." You assure him
"Next time you go away, I'm going to make the best dinner ever." He declares, resting his chin on your shoulder as you fill a pot up with water.
"Well, Nanami and I have orders for Friday...so I'd get learning, Satoru." You smile.
"Perfect. Friday night, my dinner will be even better than yours. I'm going to go pick out a recipe on my laptop." He declares marching off to who knows where.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, Megumi." You say, the boy rarely asked questions, so you were always excited to answer them when he did.
"Can you get someone else to cover your mission on Friday? I think if you leave him alone with the kitchen again he might blow us all up."
2017 (Gojo: 27 You:26)
"So he's cursed?" You ask as you skin the papers Gojo just handed you.
"Yup. The curse comes from his childhood friend, Rika." He explains "She's super powerful, I hope she doesn't try to squash me tomorrow when I meet with him."
You let out an ugly snort of laughter.
"Hey don't be mean, I'm being serious." Gojo smiles
"I'm sure you are, Satoru. and I know you're going to have no trouble handling Yuta Okkotsu tomorrow." You say
Gojo lets out a soft hum of acknowledgment.
"I can't help but think something is coming." He says
"Like what?" You ask
"I'm not sure." He says
"Then why'd you bring it up?"
"Do you ever stop to think that your words might come off as rude to others?"
"No, not really."
"Maki is doing really well for someone with no cursed energy. I'd hate to go against her in just hand-to-hand combat." You say
"Are you saying you're weaker than a 15-year-old girl?" Gojo teases
"I'll kill you." You threaten
Gojo just laughs and sits directly next to you on the couch you were occupying.
"Very well, I'll see if I can change your attitude tonight then. After all, it usually ends with 'More 'toru! Ah! Right there!'" Gojo laughs
You're going to cut him in half, seriously why does he say these things?
"Does it ever occur to you that behavior like that in public is inappropriate and embarrassing for not just her, but you as well?" Nanami chimed in
"Well, I think it's funny, Nanamin."
"Happy Halloween, Zenin-san!" Yuta smiles
"Happy Halloween, Okkotsu. Do you and the other first years have anything fun planned?" You ask as you walk beside the boy
"Panda said that Inumaki likes to use his cursed technique on drunk people to get them to do crazy things," Yuta says
Now that, you weren't expecting. Inumaki definitely wasn't supposed to do that but it certainly sounded funny.
"Oh wait! I wasn't supposed to say anything about that!" Yuta scrambles
"It's alright, your secrets safe with me. I went to school here with Gojo so I've seen my fair share of craziness." You laugh
"Thanks, Zenin-san," Yuta says
"What's Maki up to tonight?" You ask
"Oh uh, I think she said she was just gonna stay in her dorm room tonight. Something about being too grown up for Halloween." Yuta says
"Makiiii, I know you're in there, Yuta can't keep a secret to save his life!" You sing as you knock on the girl's door.
"That idiot."
You smile as you hear her rummaging around in her room before the door swings open.
"What is it?" She asks
"Let's go spar. I wanna see how well you're doing." You smile
"You're dropping your elbows too much, that's why you're losing to me." You advise as Maki falls to the floor again
"Or maybe I'm losing to you because you're a special-grade sorcerer who's 10 years my senior." She grumbles picking herself back up
"Pessimism won't get you anywhere." You say, easily dodging her next attack with her staff.
"I think you're spending too much time around that bandaged idiot. You're beginning to sound like him. " Maki says
You're starting to sound like Gojo? It can't possibly be...your worst nightmares are coming true!
Maki's wooden sparing staff makes a sharp cracking sound as it hits your face.
"Oh shit! I didn't think I'd actually hit you!" She exclaims, rushing to help you up.
"It's alright, I'm fine." You laugh
"You're laughing...I must've hit you too hard. I'll go find Ieiri-san to help you." Maki says, clearly concerned.
"No really, I'm fine. I'm just impressed that the clan's weakest link is now one of our strongest."
"If you're going to insult me like the rest of them-"
"I'm serious, Maki. You've grown stronger than anyone could have ever anticipated. As your fellow sorcerer and relative, I'm proud." You say rubbing your face, damn she hit hard.
"Whatever...thank you," Maki says avoiding your gaze
You smile knowingly. Getting praise was something that had always been hard for her even though she so badly deserved it.
"Can I ask you something?" Maki says
"Sure," You reply, patting the floor next to you so she sits.
"The stuff that most of our clan spreads about you...how much of it is true?"
"You're Naoya-san's fiancee. My mothers talked about you before and said you're an honored woman to be chosen for him. She said you're the perfect example of what a woman in the clan should be. You're well-mannered and respectable."
"Not much of it. I mean maybe at one point it was true. But now only the engagement is the true part of that stuff. Although I'm hoping to get rid of that one too." You say honestly
"I knew you didn't really like him," Maki said
"Oh really? Are you a relationship expert now?" You laugh
"No....but I figured since you're dating Gojo there's no way you could be into a freak like Naoya." She said
"You're right about that one." You smile, when did Maki get so perspective?
How grown up she's become since you first met her.
Tsumiki looks peaceful today. Her hair is freshly washed thanks to a nurse and you've spent nearly twenty minutes combing it to perfection.
"If you keep brushing she'll be bald when she wakes up," Megumi says
You sigh and place the comb back on the little nightstand.
"It's almost as if she's just napping." You observe
"Yeah...weird isn't it?" Megumi agrees
"I hope she wakes up soon. She's already missed so much. If you keep growing she won't even recognize you." You tease
Megumi lets out a grumble but doesn't pull away when you rest your head on his shoulder.
"I hope she's dreaming about something good." You sigh
"...Me too."
"Satoru! Long time no see!"
If you could go back in time and tell your 17-year-old self she'd one day be staring at Suguru Geto who was now a curse user, she would've laughed in your face.
And yet, it was happening right now. Geto, your former upperclassman and friend was declaring war and pledging to rid the world of all non-sorcerers.
"The Zenin clan's biggest failure...how interesting that she's being trained by one of their strongest. What's the point in taking in a monkey-like her anyway? She'll never be anything." Geto says
"Watch your mouth, Geto." You growl, "Or have you forgotten I'm a special grade as well?"
"I'd never." Geto grins finally turning to face you.
Geto's eyes lock on yours and Satoru steps in front of you.
"You can leave her and the students out of this, Suguru," Gojo says
His face is a stoic mask as you watch your boyfriend approach his best friend for the first time in 11 years.
"See you at the war!" Geto calls as he disappears into the clouds.
"Are you nervous?" Nanami asked
"What? No. Do I look nervous?" You ask
"You're fidgeting a lot." He points out "You only do that when you're nervous. Just like when we had a big test coming up back when we were in school."
Curse Kento Nanami and his observation skills.
"Hey guys!" Ino points at the sky to a barrage of curses flying overhead.
You have a feeling you should've stretched a bit more.
Ino is calling your name but where is he? There are two curses to your right, another to your left, and then there's that green one that's flying above you.
"Zenin-san behind you!"
You quickly turn around to see Ino chasing what looks to be an Okapi of some form. It must've escaped him.
"Got it!" You call
Your sword feels good in your hands. It's been a while since you've gotten to use Phantom to its fullest potential.
There are five curses in total. Two are closer together, and the other two are farther apart. The final is in motion and a student is hot on its heels.
The cursed technique, Phantom allows the user to create many versions (Phantoms) of themselves at once. The true body can be as far or as close to these duplicates as they please. The more duplicates that are created, the less control the original user has over them.
One, two, Your first Phantom cuts through the curses like butter
Three- this one's for your main body- that particular slash felt good, you're getting in the groove, now
Four, your Second Phantom is on it,
Five, nice and weak, perfect to kill
Done, they're dead now.
"Wow, Zenin-san. Have you gotten faster?" Ino asks once you're done killing the final one.
"I don't think so. But my duplicates are exceptionally good today. I think it's probably the healthy diet I've been consuming recently." You explain, calling your duplicates back into your self.
"Hey, stop chatting. There's more coming." Nanami scolds
"Yes, sir!" Ino salutes
Satoru's face is blank as he approaches you, Yuta by his side who seems to be thrilled to just be alive.
"Are you okay?" Gojo asks, his eyes scanning for any injuries
He looks distracted like something is weighing on him.
"Geto?" You ask, ignoring his prodding.
You wonder if he had slipped through Gojo's fingers again.
"He's gone. Yuta here gave him a nice ass kicking." Gojo smiles, patting the boy on his back.
He's gone? He couldn't possibly mean...
You look up at your boyfriend who hasn't bothered covering his eyes back up. There's a sadness behind them that you think only you'll notice as Yuta calls out to Maki.
"Gone?" You ask once the boy's out of earshot
"Mmhm...It's alright though. I'll get over it. " Gojo sighs, his gaze fixed on the sunset.
"It'll take time." You say, trying to get just a hint of emotion from the strongest sorcerer's unreadable face.
"I just hope he didn't hate me in his final moments," Gojo admits finally looking at you and you can finally see how devasted he is. Pretty blue eyes that are welling with tears pull on your heartstrings.
"Suguru could never hate you, Satoru. You're an irreplaceable force to everyone, even him. You'll miss him forever and so will he." You assure
"Maybe you're right... I just think that I should've spent more time living with him. We spent more time apart than together, I think I might regret that until I die." Gojo says, voice dripping in regret.
"I like to think that it's not the length of life that matters but the depth of it. It matters how we spend our time together, not how much time we spend together."
I threw the Maki and reader interactions in at the last minute...I hope they turned out okay.
Next Part
Series Masterlist / My Masterlist
@winonnaa @tartarsaucechi1de @dann-acalle @polarbvnny @bakedpotato12 @lysaray @starryparkrr
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windslar · 5 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
엄마 (eomma's) voice, a gentle echo, reminds Dara, "Sunscreen, honey, don't forget!" As a kid, she'd squirm as her eomma piled it on, then topped it off with her bright yellow bucket hat. Grumbling back then, Dara appreciates it now. Every layer, a shield against sun damage and aging, a testament to her eomma's motherly concern. Even now, the routine unlocks a memory: her laugh, the sun glinting off her ageless skin, forever young in her daughter's mind.
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t-lostinworlds · 6 months
"And you're really going to leave me alone to watch our kids?"
LKASLKASLK but honestly, it just makes so much sense. they're like two sides of the same coin. If a whole high school can dub them "the king and queen" with no hesitation, you best believe those mischievous lil shits would call them "mom and dad" without missing a beat. only thing was, it alternates most of the time. sometimes it was steve who gets called the mom, and she gets called the dad, and vice versa. either way, they're both "the parents" of the group and it's been like that ever since.
Robin always jokingly called them an "old married couple" because of how much they argued with each other and that the youngsters were "their kids" with how much the group was always seen together in such a family dynamic.
It always annoyed the two of them so much because the thought of being together was repulsive since "who would want to be married to someone who only complains about everything" and "why would i want to put up with someone who thinks his way is the only way" and so on. Robin could only laugh at the way they can never look each other in the eye every time they're called a "couple" and the way Steve never fails to turn red every time. Idiots, amirite?
But it wasn't until they somehow ended up the only two people dropping the kids off at summer camp that Steve saw how fitting it was.
He was giving Dustin a rundown of any and all advice he could think of, from "make sure to follow the rules and keep safe", and "try and win as many games as you can but don't forget to have fun", and reminding him not to forget sunscreen and to keep an eye over the others, etc. Steve ended it with a good ol ruffling of Dustin's hair which the young boy groaned in annoyance,
"Thanks for driving us here, Dad."
It was joking yet loving all the same. Steve rolled his eyes but he couldn't wipe the smile off his face or the warm feeling he got in his chest.
And when he went looking for you so he could annoy you and say that it was time to go and to hurry your slow ass up, he caught you in the middle of saying goodbye with El.
"Bye, mom, drive back home safe," the young girl had giggled. You laughed with her, but he had never seen you smile so bright and so proud as you gave her one last hug.
Steve couldn't explain why his heart felt funny and warm and fuzzy all of a sudden.
Then the two of you were arguing over who gets control of the radio the minute he pulled back onto the road, from the whole "my car my rules" to "shotgun privileges" and kept arguing the whole way back to Hawkins over the smallest things you both could think of.
But you and him being mom and dad to the kids? The thought never left Steve since.
🏆 Competitively Stupid
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ghouljams · 10 months
Price never saying no to goose for anything. Even questionably dangerous or reckless things he’d just do them with her because god damn if she didn’t have everything she wanted.
It's like you have a direct line to my brain. Price is such a pushover for his little girl, and Goose is truly a daddy's girl because of it. He was there for every tea party, and every dance recital. But he also taught her how to shoot, took her on mechanical bulls, and put a mattress under the hayloft when she said she wanted to jump off of it.
Anyway here's some Price family fluff with baby Goose.
You really didn't know what to expect when you told Price you were pregnant. It wasn't like it was great timing. You were both in school, looking forward to careers with little room for little ones. You were barely married for crying out loud, only having signed the documents to get your boy- your husband out of the barracks.
The way his eyes light up when he spots the positive pregnancy test, the way he holds your face and tells you he wants it, "No matter how hard it is, we'll make it work." You believe him, without question you believe in the conviction behind his words. You've never known John Price to be a dishonest man, and you hardly think this is where he'd start lying to you.
"What about the RMAS? Med School? Maybe we should wait." You grip his wrists, both of you searching the others eyes. The fear and excitement, the absolute trust in each other, you may not have been married long but you've known since you met him that Price won't let you fall if he isn't there to catch you.
"What do you want to do?" He asks you so gently you think it might be easier if he was shouting at you. You think of how hard it'll be. You think of the sleepless nights, struggling to care for a baby and study for exams. You think of Price getting deployed and being away for long periods, leaving you alone with a baby. You think of your parents, and how they never would have traded you for anything in the world.
Months later you sit in the hospital with an anatomy textbook open and your husband rocking the sweetest baby you've ever seen, and you think you can absolutely do this.
You're home for the summer with a toddler and a very jetlagged husband on leave from special forces. Price and your daughter squint in the Texas sun as you pat sunscreen onto both of them. You mom yells to you from the house and you give very clear instructions to both of your flight risks to stay where they are while you go see what she needs.
When you come back you brother is handing your baby up to Price. Settling her in front of him on the saddle before taking off. You nearly faint watching your daughter bounce excitedly as the horse gallops across the pasture. You swear loud enough for your brother to hear and don't bother censoring yourself while giving him a piece of your mind. He graciously offers his horse for you to go make sure nothing happens to them.
You find Price holding your daughter up to pet down the nose of one of the cows in the paddock. Her tiny fingers, scrunching in the hair on top of its head before Price can coax her to let go. She smiles at you so brightly you almost forget to be mad about the unexpected field trip.
Price adjusts Goose's grip on the rifle, the gun dwarfing her little hands. She presses her cheek against the body of it to look down the sight at the target. The strap is wrapped tight around her arm just like he'd showed her, and you think you should really be used to this by now. It's harder to be calm about this sort of thing when it's your kid. Still, you can't think of a better teacher than your husband.
"Deep breaths," Price tells her, his hand braces her shoulder where the butt of the gun rests, "don't rush yourself if you're not sure."
"I know daddy." Goose tells him, you've never known a more confident kid. It's all Price's fault for encouraging her. Not that you mind, you'd rather your kid be self assured and friendly than the alternative. You'd be worried more about Goose favoring her father if she didn't follow you like a shadow.
The shot that rings through the air is followed immediately by Price's praise. His grin over his shoulder at you to make sure you're watching as he ruffles your daughter's hair melts your heart.
You think Price is better suited for life on the ranch than you'd first thought. Your summers in the states are starting to almost feel more like home than your flat back in England. Especially when Price grabs you passing by the barn and pulls you inside. An arm hooked around your waist as you laugh and push at his chest, his lips catching yours with a smile.
It's slow and indulgent. Just the two of you enjoying each other's affection. He smells warm from the sun, must've just come in from the pasture. It makes you a little giddy that his first thought was to grab you as soon as he could. Giddy enough to hold his face and pull him close in the middle of the barn. He lets a pleased noise hum against your lips, hands sliding into the back pockets of your jeans.
Just when his tongue slides against your lips do you hear your child go, "Ewww, gross."
Her gap toothed smile grins down at you from the hayloft. The little straw cowboy hat your mom get for her really finishes off her look of too big overalls and pink cowboy boots. Price let's you go to stand under the overhang. He gestures with his hands and Goose scrambles to stand.
"Alright baby, don't wanna worry your momma, come on down." Price calls up, and you shake your head, knowing full well what your troublemakers are going to do. Goose backs up to take a running start before jumping off the loft, and landing with a flurry of giggles in your husband's arms.
Worry is such a strong word. Since you met Price you don't think you've worried about anything. At least not anything important, not about your safety or your future. How could you with him here?
It's different when he's deployed, when you can only talk to him on the phone, and even then only at certain times. But you've never worried when he told you he'd be home. He wouldn't leave you or Goose for the world, not if he can help it.
"Didn't know you were married," Soap tells Price as he hands him his papers.
"And I'd prefer we keep it that way," Price nods, "You know how this job goes. The less people know the better." Soap nods, looks over the boarding passes, flips through the leave notices.
"All the way in America, eh?" Soap grins, "Didn't know you were into stars and stripes."
"Don't make me regret trusting you MacTavish," Price's tone is deadly, serious enough to make the dead stand at attention, "If I ever hear you blabbing about them."
"I'm not gonna be babysitting any rugrats while I'm there, am I?"
"Just the one," Price smiles a little despite himself, "You'll like her."
"Feel like I don't even know you anymore," Soap jokes with a shake of his head, "Anything else I should know?"
"Just," Price takes a breath, eyes somewhere far away, "tell 'em I'm sorry I couldn't be there myself, and be on your best behavior. Those girls are the best thing to ever happen to me and I'll be damned if I gotta hear about you doing something stupid like-" He fishes for something plausible but ridiculous, "-like burning down the barn."
"I'll keep away from the explosives, Sir."
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mamamittens · 1 year
Okay okay um how about Platonic Yandere Dad Law with toddler reader
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(Law interacting with his toddler in public)
I just know that Law's kid is lowkey a menace for everyone. All that attitude in a small body and Law pretends like he doesn't know exactly where it came from.
They're likely quite precocious and all too aware of how cute they are, taking notes from the ridiculous amount of bad influences around them, including Law himself. I'm talking pranks involving asking random women if they're the mom, making Law have to shoot down hopefuls and reassure very concerned women. Occasionally confusing the hell out of men too just to be a shit. Their sense of humor is a tad warped from Law casually rearranging people for so much as looking at his kid wrong.
Can recite verbatim a number of speeches concerning their health because Law will be damned if his kid is anything less than healthy. And forget late night toddler shenanigans cause there's zero chance Law isn't still up doing whatever he does when he isn't managing his crew (children) and the actual toddler.
They're a damn handful but they're his handful.
Naptimes are the sweetest time for him, just laying back on the couch or under the shade on deck with his baby on his chest. The scent of sunscreen thick in his nose.
If anyone disturbs him during naptime for anything less than the literal sun exploding he'll show them how little it takes to kill someone and do it quietly.
Secret #1 rule of the Polar Tang.
Don't wake the baby.
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howlingday · 1 year
Here's a fun prompt!
Every time Pyrrha apologizes for something Jaune inexplicably gets kissed!
Pyrrha almost trips a mom dropping her kid off at school? Cross guard Jaune catches her and gets a smooch to the top of his head.
Pyrrha sorry for bumping into new transfers? A wet smack is heard, as one of the foreign girls gives Jaune a friendly kiss in greeting.
Pyrrha apologizing to Ren for forgetting to bring his sunscreen to the pool? Jaune almost drowns but wakes up to a smoking hot lifeguard lady giving him CPR!
How long until Pyrrha finally explodes (if at all)?
Pyrrha was... not okay. If she were okay, she was on the border between okay and not okay. If she were okay, she would be at her limit before reaching not okay. But that's not the case. She was not okay.
She was not okay.
Pyrrha must have been a mass-murdering racist who delighted in the screams of children in the past life, because it was the only logical explanation for this cursed life of hers.
She was beyond a mere school girl crush on her partner, leader, and best friend, Jaune Arc. What wasn't there to love anout him? He was tall, handsome, kind, sweet, and honest. All good qualities in a man. Unfortunately, he was also clumsy, which is where her curse begins.
Of course, Pyrrha wasn't perfect either. Aside from warped sense of self-worth after years of training in Argus to become an international sports star, Pyrrha was what her manager, her agent, her mother, her friends, and the janitor called "too nice." Jaune never believed such a thing, but even Pyrrha had to admit that she apologized a lot. And again, her curse begins there.
Maybe the curse did originate from a criminal past life. Someone who refused to apologize for their actions, so now her current life is forced to apologize at every slight thought made. And the curse caught Jaune in it's intangible web.
This morning, Pyrrha woke up and used the bathroom first. A quick, cold shower, but she used the last of the shared shampoo and she forgot to replace it with the bottle under the sink. Nora was next in and she was lividly screeching from inside the shower.
"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha cried.
"Don't worry, I got it." Jaune smiled as he walked in with his footie pajamas. Shut up. He looked cute in them. "Here you GOOO-!"
"Oooh~! Leader~! Such a dirty boy, kissing girls while they're naked~. Why don't I scrub that dirt off~?"
"NO THANK YOU!" Jaune ran out, half-soaked from his shower encounter.
Pyrrha was grateful it didn't go further. The hairbrush in her hand was starting crack from the bending. She still had the rest of the day before apologizing to her mother for breaking another hairbrush.
At breakfast, it was the usually chaos. Ren was chattered at by Nora, while Weiss scolded Ruby for this or that. Yang told another terrible pun while Blake read her book. The non-smutty one.
Pyrrha reached for the butter for her toast when her hand briefly touched Jaune's hand. They were freshly calloused hands, a product of his late nights training with her. His thin frame noticably bulked from the exercises, and she was glad to see the physical progress. His hand was warm, and kind, and nurturing, and-
"S-Sorry!" She stumbled out of her daydream.
Her leg struck the underside of the table, causing a cup to leap and spill over. A cascade of orange juice spread far. Pyrrha reached over with napkins in hand, dropping fabric after soaking fabric for damage control. And each paper was dropped, Pyrrha unleashed a torrent of the accursed word.
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"
"I'll go grab more napkins!" Jaune exclaimed as he ran from table to table. Pyrrha blindingly continued to pull and place napkins as he left.
"Oh, wow." Pyrrha looked up from her task to find a second-year girl kissing Jaune.
"Nice~." And then a third year.
"Seriously?" Even Velvet gave a peck to Jaune's lips in exchange for a napkin box.
"I'm, uh, I'm back." Jaune said, blushing.
"You sure~?" Yang teased. "Maybe we need some more napkins?"
"NO!" Pyrrha slammed the table, spilling more juice. "S-Sorry."
"I'll give you my napkins if you give me a smooch. Whattaya say~?"
Pyrrha internally screamed.
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hunieday · 4 months
Yuki - Daily Life Rabbit chat part 1 - Momo? or Yuki?
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PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Maneko-chan, thanks for your hard work.
Yuki: Are you still in the dressing room?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work! Thank you for inviting us as guests for “NEXT Re:vale” today! 
Takanashi Tsumugi: I had another meeting a while ago so I had to move.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Is there something I can help you with?
Yuki: I found a rabbit-patterned pen case in the studio.
Yuki: Isn't it yours Maneko-chan?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm sorry! It is mine!!
Takanashi Tsumugi: I took it out of my bag and forgot to pack it...
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Yuki: I knew it. I remembered seeing it during the meeting.
Yuki: I think the image of a rabbit doing muscle training is quite surreal.
Takanashi Tsumugi: You don’t see that often do you! I like the combination of cute and buff, so I’ve been using it lately 
Yuki: I heard that real rabbits are quite macho and buff too.
Yuki: Kinda like Maneko-chan.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Huuh!?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I do work out, but I haven’t reached that level of macho yet…!
Yuki: So macho is considered a high level to you.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes. I think I've gained some muscles compared to how I used to, but not visibly so…
Takanashi Tsumugi: I apologize for not reaching that level even though you said it looked like me…
Yuki: What I was saying is, it looks cute and muscular just like you
Yuki: But a buff maneko-chan would be interesting as well 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Ahhhhhhhh
Takanashi Tsumugi: So that’s what you meant…! I apologize for completely misunderstanding you…!
Yuki: ^^
Yuki: You’re serious even when it comes to machoism, you really are strong and cute
Takanashi Tsumugi: Uu... ><
Takanashi Tsumugi: I'll come pick up the pen case later!
Yuki: If it's not urgent, I'll bring it next week.
Yuki: You’ll be there on the first day of the drama shoot with Yamato-kun, won’t you
Takanashi Tsumugi: Oh no…! I don't want to trouble you like that…!
Yuki: Don't worry about it. I'll leave it with Okarin to make sure I don't forget.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’m sorry for the hassle. I'll send a Rabbichat to Okazaki-san later as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi:
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Yuki: By the way, I'll give you a sample of our sunscreen that day as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Could it possibly be that collaboration product with Re:vale that went on sale yesterday…?!
Yuki: As expected of you, maneko-chan. You keep track of everything
Takanashi Tsumugi: Of course! Even before the product was released, the catchphrase "Re:vale protects everyone's skin from UV rays" was trending online and many people wanted to be protected by you two! 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Male influencers say that Yuki-san's product is gentle on the skin and is recommended for daily use and driving, while Momo-san's product has a higher SPF and is recommended for long outdoor activities. Those videos went viral!
Yuki: Huh, happy to hear that.
Yuki: The target audience was mostly female originally, but they wanted to expand their range to male consumers, so they reached out to us for collaboration.
Takanashi Tsumugi: So that’s how it is...! I saw them on release day and bought both of them.
Yuki: Thank you
Yuki: Which one do you prefer, maneko-chan? Me or Momo?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I usually use Yuki-san’s, but when I have to go out I use Momo-san’s!
Yuki: Maneko-chan, aren’t you quite the big deal for switching between both Re:vale members
Takanashi Tsumugi: 
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Takanashi Tsumugi: I-I-I'm sorry! I was so surprised that I accidentally sent a strange sticker!
I didn't mean to imply that I switch between you two...!
Yuki: Just kidding ^^
Yuki: Sorry for teasing you.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I almost dropped my phone...
Yuki: Everyone always has interesting reactions when I ask this
Yuki: Let’s ask Yamato-kun next time during the shoot
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Another Disney Trip with Mick Schumacher
*Disclaimer: I use Y/N and reader, but when I write this in my mind I see her as a tall plus size gal (mainly because that's my personal body type), but also because I really see Mick doing amazing with a woman like that. If there is anything I write that doesn't apply to you feel free to leave it out and like always feedback is always appreciated and loved!
Photos from Pinterest
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- After your first trip to Disney World with Mick he may have fallen in love with the magic of the mouse as well as he loved seeing how happy Disney World made you - Mick asked you if you would want to go back for your birthday and you said yes! - Like once before Mick was more than happy to let you plan the whole trip, but you loved adding in parts that you noticed he loved the most on your last trip like time set aside to visit the confectionary and to ride the Peoplemover - Little did you know that Mick had a surprise (or two) up his sleeve - He may have done some research on how to make this birthday trip a little extra special for you and thus his grand scheme of "Y/N's Disney Birthday Extravaganza" began - Included in his plan of "Y/N's Disney Birthday Extravaganza" was: 1. Getting arrangements to have the room decorated with your favorite flowers and snacks from the parks so you two could have a Disney movie marathon your first in to relax from the flights in before hitting the parks 2. Making dinner arrangements at your favorite Disney sit down meal service with a birthday cake to come out at dessert 3. Arranging to have your immediate family as well as his meet y'all for a day in the parks and making plans to all eat breakfast together at O'hana's to start the day off because we all know this man has a weakness for the Mickey waffles as a surprise 4. Last but not least plans to propose during the fireworks the night that y'alls families will be there, but knowing how shy you can be he and how he isn't huge on PDA he plans to have everyone riding the Peoplemover as the fireworks start with you two in your own little car(don't worry he already called them weeks ago and they're all in on the plan as well as hiring a photographer as well as calling Disney to make sure it was even allowed) - Mick knows how important family is to you both and he's not about to forget how sad you would be if they weren't there to celebrate your engagement with you - However you have no idea that this is going on at all, you're still stuck in your happy little Disney trip planning coma - You make sure to stock up on sunscreen for Mick after knowing how he almost made a lobster out of himself last time ~ Vacation Time~ - You were so excited to be there that Mick laughed at seeing you giggle like a kid going under the Walt Disney World sign - You couldn't wait to drop off your bags into the room and go grab some dinner, but as soon as you scanned into the room you were in for a huge surprise - The whole room had been decorated with your favorite flowers, a set up of your favorite snacks from the parks, confetti, and a happy birthday y/n sign was on the wall - Mick was behind you filming the whole time knowing how much you were going to love looking back at the video in the future - Your movie marathon with Mick was success however you ended up more focused on making out with Mick than the screen but hey neither of y'all were complaining - The first few days at the park were wonderful - You saw someone get engaged in front of the castle and even took some videos and photos of the couple as soon as you noticed happening in case they didn't have a photographer to capture the moment - You gave them your number and texted the videos and photos. They were so grateful - Mick was so sure in that moment that he was lucky enough to have the sweetest fiancé to be ever - You and Mick were in line for the Frozen ride when a fan recognized him. You guys ended riding together in the same row and you and Mick both knew that it made that fan's day - When you walked into breakfast at O'hana's and saw y'alls families your heart melted! You turned around and hugged Mick so tight! - He probably consumed about five Mickey waffles before y'all left breakfast - His mom and your mom loved your earrings that Mick had given you as a birthday present (little did you know they matched your engagement ring) - When he proposed later that night you could hear y'alls families cheering from their seats on the other cars of the Peoplemover
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, yourmom, and 520 others
yourinstagram best surprise EVER
View All 237 comments
landonorris Congrats! Also WTH is with Mick's face?
yourinstagram That's Mick on Dole whips, he has a problem
yourinstagram I think Gina is still cheering too 😂 ginaschumacher YEPPPPPPPPPPP
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menlove · 5 months
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saw this post on my dash (the person who put it there reblogged a version dunking on op for being a t//erf don't worry) and I was gonna say all this in the tags but it got long so I'm gonna say it here
the thing that drives me insane about this argument is that even if it were true.... so what? like the main impact of top surgery & hysterectomies are going to be hormonal imbalances which can be dealt with by that person and their doctor, but even IF it had some dastardly evil harmful horrible awful impact on that person's health... that is just. being an adult human being. hell, just being a human in general bc kids and teenagers also make choices that physically or mentally harm them all the time and that's just part of life and growing up
but like. part of being a person with autonomy is being ALLOWED to do things that might negatively impact your health or life. even if getting top surgery was a one way ticket to excruciating horrible pain (it's not) that would still be someone's personal decision to make
you can easily see this all the time in other decisions people make. people decide to drink themselves sick every day and it's not illegal. people decide to smoke multiple packs of cigarettes every day and it's not illegal. people decide to go out in the sun without sunscreen every day and it's not illegal. and of course a million other decisions that lead to physical or mental harm, but I'm focusing on physical health here bc that's the context.
but if you think that "women" are allowed to make any decision in the world with their health and bodies even if it's negative (drinking, smoking, drugs, lack of sunscreen, abortions (although this is not negative it has to do w health), eating "poorly" or rarely eating or dieting, hell even staying up all night or forgetting to take their meds or letting their chronic illnesses go untreated or literally a million little health decisions we all make every day).... and yet you draw the line at us deciding to get rid of our breasts or uteruses? I don't think you really care all that much about "women's" health and autonomy in any way that's productive.
like idk yall claim to see "women" as full people but god for fucking bid the vagina havers make their own decisions about our own bodies. we are full people too allowed to make whatever the hell decisions we want even if it's not a ticket to 100% health. who gives a shit.
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goldfishontheceiling · 5 months
Pronouns for these HCs:
Izzy: She/They/Xe (Izzy uses neoprounouns it's canon I'm Fresh TV /j)
Eva: She/He
Owen: He/Him
Noah: He/They
- insists on driving (do NOT let her drive!!)
- loves sitting in the front
- stares out the window or sings along to the radio most of the car ride
- begs Eva to stop at the gas station
- xe always gets sour gummy worms
- no sour gummy worms? sour patch kids
- no sour patch kids? sweedish fish
- no sweedish fish? RIOT
- absolutely LOVES the water
- they go out super deep and scare the shit out of everyone
- chases the icecream truck until xe gets the whole group icecream
- *borrows bridgette's surboard* *tries to surf* *fails miserably*
- 100% brings googles
- likes catching fish with their bare hands (or teeth)
-she splashed Eva once (and got thrown headfirst into Owen's sandcastle as a result)
- collects seashells
- tries to take home crabs as pets
- a little more chill on the ride home but this is Izzy we're talking about xe's never chill
- designated driver (has road rage)
- *aggressively honks horn* "DRIVE FASTER BITCH"
- always gets some chocolate and a coffee at the gas station
- hates the radio but plays it for Izzy (she keeps the mp3 player on standby incase it gets too bad)
- mostly swims with Izzy or plays volleyball
- *plays volleyball with some strangers* *gets mad and chucks the ball at one of their faces*
- tries to relax (emphasis on the tries)
- she knows cpr!!
- he gets salt water and/or sand in her eyes everytime
- will yell at you (lovingly) if you forget to put on sunscreen
- he makes sure everyone drinks water (no Izzy ocean water doesn't count) and stays hydrated!!
- wears sunglasses pretty much the entire time
- will make sure nobody tracks sand into the car
- sits in the back with Noah
- he gets everyone to play "I spy" with him (Izzy can't focus, Noah's half asleep, and Eva's more focused on trying not to scream then things that are the color yellow)
- if the others are busy/don't want to play he usually whips out the DVD player
- did I mention that he collects DVDs? his favorite movies are cloudy with a chance of meatballs, toy story, and ratatouille
- always gets gummy sharks or jolly ranchers
- Owen packs the best snacks and brings things they all like (strawberries, veggie straws, goldfish, cheez its, etc)
- he even made sandwiches and fruit salads!!
- the water's nice and all, but the SAND!!
- he makes the best sand castles
- since Owen canonically has 3 brothers, he knows a lot of games (sand castle building contest, marco polo, "who can dig the deepest hole in 5 minutes," etc)
- gives the seashells he finds to Izzy
- speaking of Izzy, xe burries Owen in the sand atleast once everytine they go
- he ususally drives for shorter trips, but long car rides make him tired
- you can not convince me that this man doesn't latch on to Owen like a koala when he naps
- Owen angles the DVD player somewhere they could both see incase Noah wakes up
- at first, Noah just reads a book (or stares out the window when he gets carsick) but he always ends up falling asleep at some point
- whenever they stop at the gas station, Owen always makes sure to get something for Noah
- they always bring their book with them to the beach
- he protects that book like a lifeline
- once he either finishes the book or the others bug him enough, THEN he does stuff
- Izzy always tries to convince them to get in the water
- 9 times out of 10 he says no
- but on the occasional times they say yes, they almost drown
- Owen carries Noah pretty much everywhere lmao
- he doesn't really like water (and no I won't be making an IOTS refrence no matter how tempting it is)
- they help Owen with his sand castle!!
- Noah isn't much of a beach person but that doesn't mean he can't have fun
- and ofc he falls back asleep on the ride back
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beefrobeefcal · 10 months
Imagine it’s like hot as hell, the guys are having a barbecue there’s a pool ect, ect. So Frankie has his shirt off and forgets that mouse scratched his back while they were getting a little wild in bed. Maybe Benny is like ‘damn, fish you get mauled by a bear?’ And Frankie is a little embarrassed and blushing.
A good prompt. A GREAT PROMPT!
I love a good pool party. And so does our fav chubby guy!
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Beefro Proudly Presents:
a Chubby!Frankie one shot
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The Catfish & The Mouse: Unrestrained Summer Fun
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader (Mouse!)
Summary: After a night on the couch, Frankie has some explaining to do poolside.
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Word Count: 1,625
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, oral (f receiving), p in the v - unwrapped (don't be silly, cover you willy, kids!), little bit of insecurity/self-esteem stuff, bikinis, sunscreen application, beer
Author's Notes: The Chubby!Frankie love is fabulous! It's shorter and was banged out in an hour and not proofed. Enjoy!
“Frankie… oh fuck… baby… I-I can’t!!”, you cried out as he pounded into you.
Friday nights were usually reserved for cuddles on the couch with a good movie, but after a shit day at work and then being stuck in traffic on your commute home, you needed a release. Frankie, your sweet, gentle, soft, chubby guy, was now fucking that into you on the couch in your den.
“Come on, princess… give me another one… you can do it… come on, Mouse…”, he growled through gritted teeth.
He’d already pulled three orgasms from you, twice with his mouth and one on his cock while he fucked you from behind. He then changed positions; now you were under him, his weight pinning you down, as you gripped his shoulders while begging and pleading.
He continued his relentless pace as he leaned down, putting his full weight into every thrust, making you see stars. Circling your clit with his middle and index fingers, you arched your back, crying out as your nails clawed into his back, your fourth and final release ripping through you body.
“That’s it, princess… oh fuck… I got you, baby… so fucking good… so good… fuck… FUCK!”, Frankie moaned as he came into your tight, warm pussy.
He collapsed on top of you, both panting. You ran your hands up and down his back, feeling the raised marks you left from your nails.
Will and Hannah were hosting a barbeque at their new house the next day. Given that it was going to be one of the hotter days on record, you were thankful that their new house had a pool, ready to be christened with a summer patio party. You had a cropped, loose t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts over your swim attire, and Frankie was in a white t-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and chest along with his chubby middle and his swim trunks sat low on his hips to accommodate his protruding belly and muffin top.
You and Hannah had gone shopping for new bathing suits last weekend; when you modeled the neon pink string bikini you’d gotten yourself for Frankie, he had expressed his appreciation for it in the best way possible – slowly untying it then devouring you. Hannah had chosen a baby blue one piece with cut outs, and she already told you that Will showed as much excitement as Will could when he saw it.
Arriving at Will and Hannah’s around noon, you were ready to enjoy the sun and the cool water with your friends and family.
“Fish! Mouse!”, Benny called out from the pool when he saw you. Benny was splashing around, trying to soak Santi while he sat pool side. “Come on in - the water’s fine!”
You walked to the poolside to dip your toe in the water, feeling the perfect temperature for a day with that kind of heat.
“I’ll get in if you do.”, Santi said, looking up with a grin, thumb then pointing at Benny. “And we can take turns dunking this stupid fuck.”
You laughed and walked back to Frankie, taking off your shirt and shorts. A wolf whistle came from poolside, and you heard Benny yell, “That’s my fucking cousin, Pope, you perv!” at Santi.
Frankie glared at him, then saw Benny yank Santi into the pool with a loud yelp and splash. He shook his head and saw you smiling.
“Look at those big hands. You wanna help me with my sunscreen, big guy?”, you crooned, poking his belly teasingly.
“Mouse…”, Frankie warned as he looked you up and down, a blush creeping up his face.
“What? You want me to burn?”, you whispered close to his face as you ghosted your mouth over his lips.
“Oh, baby girl… what am I gonna do with you?”, Frankie growled, pulling you to close the distance between your mouths and kissed you, his hands gripping your waist.
Will cleared his throat behind Frankie as he came out of the house, causing you to step back and place a chaste kiss to the end of Frankie’s nose.
“Hey Fish… how’re you doing?”, Will said, looking just as embarrassed as Frankie as he clapped him on the shoulder. Turning to you, he continued, “Hey Mouse, how- Jesus, that’s not much of a swimsuit!”
You rolled your eyes, “Hey Will. It covers what it needs to.”, you jibed back.
Shaking his head with his eyebrows raised, he sighed and waved a pointed finger at you. “Make sure you have sunscreen on, because… yeah.”
Frankie got the tube of sunblock, pulled you to sit on the lounger in front of him, and began rubbing it into your back. When he finished his application – and groping - of your body, he grabbed your waist, pulled your back into his chest, and chided you quietly. “You’re a bad girl, princess. Wearing that and teasing me in front of everyone. You sure you wanna play this game?”
You batted your eyelashes at him and stood up. Smiling at him over your shoulder, you walked to the pool.
After about 20 minutes of having your fun in the water with Benny & Santi, Frankie wandered poolside with a beer in hand.
You looked up at Frankie and hopped up to sit on the pool deck, legs dangling in the water. Hannah came out in to join you, sitting down with her own beverage.
He squatted down next to you, offering you a sip of his beer.
“You look fucking amazing, princess. You ready to go yet?”, Frankie whispered as he wiggled his eyes brows.
You shook your head smiled at him, as Santi started calling out.
“You comin’ in for a swim, Fish?”, Santi cackled, splashing at Frankie.
“FISH! DO A CANNON BALL!”, Benny screeched.
Santi and Benny both splashed and chanted CANNON BALL! CANNON BALL! at Frankie. He shook his head and laughed. “Fucking children, you two!”
He stood and walked back to his chair, then removed his shirt with his back turned to everyone. You heard Santi bark out a loud laugh and Benny hollered out, “Jesus, Fish! You get mauled by a bear or something?”
You head shot up and turned to look at Frankie. Mouth agape, you saw the deep red marks you left across his wide back and shoulders as Frankie railed you on the couch last night. Your face went beet red; Frankie whipped around and looked at you, his face the same shade.
While he was a little worried about any potential teasing he would get about his growing belly or how much he ate, he was not prepared for this. He would have preferred they poke fun at his increased weight than point out your claw marks.
“It’s always the quiet ones! Atta boy, Fish!”, Santi called out, fist pumping into the air.
Hannah gasped and with a wide grin, nudged you. “Mouse… oh my god! You’re a fucking animal!”, she laughed with her eyes wide.
Will walked up behind Frankie, eyeing his back in confusion. “Fish, what did you do to your back? It looks like-“, Will stopped, realization hit him and his eyes went wide, staring at you. You wanted the ground to swallow you up whole.
Regardless of his strong friendship with and his respect for Frankie, Will still regarded you as his little, young, innocent cousin that he needed to protect. Benny, on the other hand, was a free spirit with sex and was the first person you told when you lost your virginity - nothing was too sacred with him as long as you were happy. Will was glad that you found that happiness with someone he knew and trusted, but it didn’t make it any easier when there were blatant displays of your sexual escapades in front of him.
“Fucking hell… Mouse…”, Will finally huffed with a headshake as he walked over to the barbeque to start cooking hamburgers.
“Girl. Really? It’s that good?”, Hannah giggled, leaning into you.
Before you could answer, a huge wave of pool water washed over the two of you from Frankie’s cannonball, followed by hoots and cheers from Santi and Benny.
Frankie popped up from under the water and swam over to you, hands on your knees and looked up. “Hey princess. You good?”
You were still red with embarrassment and Hannah laughed next to you. “Frankie, please tell Will what ever you did for those marks of honor. I need that in my life.”
“Hannah!”, both you and Will yelped in unison.
Frankie groaned, sinking into the pool, leaving only his eyes and nose peeking above the water line.
Santi and Benny swam over to Frankie, shit eating grins on their faces.
“Mouse… what the hell did you do to our Fish?”, Benny teased.
“Yeah, what did he do to you to deserve this abuse?”, Santi barked in mock-seriousness.
“Guys, come on!”, you whined. “Drop it!”
The guys pulled Frankie back out into the water, splashing him, and demanding he answer their crude questions. Frankie laughed, but the blush on his face remained.
“Seriously, Mouse.”, Hannah whispered to make sure no one else heard. “He’s that good? Hands, mouth, dick? Tell me everything! How many times did he make you come?”
Frankie watched you and Hannah giggle as Benny and Santi continued their barrage of questions. While he didn’t know for sure what Hannah was asking, he did see you respond with four fingers up on your hand before you hopped back into the pool. He had an overwhelming sense of pride at the shocked look Hannah gave you as you bobbed in the water.
“Four times, boys!”, Frankie shouted as he flopped back into the water. Benny and Santi cheered.
@harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed @theywhowriteandknowthings
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