#drawing is hard but it's very fun. 10/10 would recommend if you can handle the mortifying ordeal of creating art
supercasey · 9 months
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Sometimes you need kids around to remind you that there's more to life than just survival
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
witchy tips for witches with depression <3
I've been struggling with depression for some time now and I've been having a lot of issues practicing my craft since the lack of energy and motivation, so I decided to compile a list of simple routine things you can try to add to your daily life to get you back on the craft and maybe make you feel better :]
theres no instant cure to depression but there are ways to make it a little less bad, and little by little get you back on your feet !! these may not work for everyone as I am writing down things that work for me and just simple ways I use to incorporate the craft into my daily life. please please please also seek prefessional help if you're able to !! talk to friends and family, you're loved and cared for !! google depression self help tips for more tips, I know most of them may sound dumb or trivial or useless but it is so worth a shot adhering to them for some time, maybe you will notice an increase in your mood :D
1. veiling
when I go out, I wear a scarf on my head to protect my energy or keep me in a good mood, depending on the days activity. you can wear a scarf around the house or go out with it and putting one on also works for a bad hair day (read: haven't washed hair in a week) ;D
just cleanse the scarf by maybe shaking the unwanted energies out of it or with incense or with whatever you see the best and bless the scarf with your intentions for the day :D
2. cleansing
if you have a hard time taking care of your hygiene ( it's okay I promise, it can be very exhausting :/ ), try getting some baby wipes on your bedside table and when you wake up / before you go to bed, wipe your face, armpits, feet etc. with the wipe and with the intention of cleansing. it's quick and very easy and I promise that it's worth it, you'll feel a lot more fresh afterwards. you can do the same with washing in general ! if you take a shower imagine the bad thoughts and depressive energy go down the drain in a black/gray/brown stream of dark water !! you'll feel a lot more fresh and maybe a bit clear-headed even :)
3. tea magick
while getting your cup of tea / coffee, stir your days intentions into the drink or do this:
stir clockwise thrice to bring positivity, stir counterclockwise to let out negative energy in your next three sighs and then seal the spell to let the sadness repel.
I recommend black tea or white tea or chamomile tea and add some honey / sugar to sweeten the deal !!
4. shadow work
I know that one of the last things you might want to do is dwelve deep into your feelings but it really will be useful in the long run. if you feel yourself getting upset or your mood suddenly dropping, try getting to the bottom of it; what triggered the emotional reaction? take a deep breath, relax into your feelings as they are in that moment and be honest with yourself. observe them without judgment and try to find out where they came from and how to solve the conflict.
here's some prompts and questions you can try asking yourself:
how did you feel ( more accurately than just upset; were you angry, jealous, sad, lonely etc.) ?
is there something you can do right now to solve it ?
how could you handle this situation in a healthy way? eg. try to come up with healthy coping mechanisms.
how can you maybe prevent this in the future?
try the court trial thought challenging technique. if these thoughts or this situation was a court case, which side would win? imagine yourself as the defense attorney. you need to gather 100% foolproof evidence you have siding with the negative thought and then defend it against the undermining counterpart. it's kind of a pros and cons type of list but you adopt the viewpoint of an outside viewer to get a clearer and more realistic view of the situation. this thought process can help you realize that some negative thoughts aren't truthful and help you let them go. you can Google "the court trial cbt" for more on this technique :D !!
5. studying the craft
we're all individuals and we react differently to bad states of mind but what I do often is distract myself by being on my phone and I know ( I hope so, at least ) I'm not alone in this. as a witch, you're always developing and learning new things, was it about learning different kinds of ways to practice your craft or getting to know other practices or maybe reading a guide how to grow your own herbs ! point is, if you're gonna distract yourself, you could try reading ebooks or articles or even tumblr posts about things that interest you !
maybe try making a list of subjects, topics and practices that interest you and set a goal for yourself to read at least about 3 subjects on the list per day !!
6. making pinterest boards / planning
this isnt directly magick but I think it does count as practicing your craft. make mood boards for the next full moon, come up with spells, make pinterest boards about cool things that interest you or maybe start planning for the next sabbath ! just have fun with it, maybe colour coordinate your pin boards or arrange them by season !
7. go out for walks
it is so so so important to try to adhere to some routines. a big part of managing depression is taking care that you get enough sleep, eat enough and do fulfilling, nice and healthy things. go outside and try to look for rocks or crystals from the nature ? or try foraging ! or maybe go for a walk during sunset/sunrise and admire the beautiful sky and clouds ! ANY reason to peep your nose out of the house is a good reason. maybe go meditate to the nearest park ? or try yoga !!
8. interests and passions and things you loved to do
I know that it might be hard to find joy in the things that you used to like doing but you should try to do at least one thing that you used to love doing for 10 minutes every day ! incorporate a little witchcraft into it too if you want to !
draw or paint a sigil and maybe colour it
sing your favourite song with intent that matches the lyrics
try freestyling with any instrument you play and let your intuition guide you with the chords and notes that come out ! you can try also making small melodies that correspond to different intents and use them for cleasing or happiness or protection !!
bake or cook something you've always wanted to try ! look up the ingredients' correspondences and cook with desired intents !
please know that you're not alone !! my dms are always open if you want tips or just someone to talk to, too :) you don't need to do all of these but maybe try taking some inspo and adjust it to your life and surroundings and daily life and come up with ways of your own, it's your craft after all !!
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peebeexd · 2 years
OHHH ?? HI YES ID LOVE TO HEAR UR HEADCANON(s) HIIII im sitting criss cross apple sauce
ok ok so i actually have a document filled with headcannons from bfb/tpot there isnt very much but here are some i have (the ones that are bolded are the ones i based my crappy sketch on from earlier)
• Puffball hates having to fly people around everywhere so they purposely stopped changing sizes so people dont beg them to fly them around as much. Unfortunately, people still ask her to fly them around and its driving her insane.
Every single time Tennis ball goes into Golf ball’s lab with out her knowing, he leaves little toy dinosaurs in hidden areas and sees how long it takes for her to notice. She’s only found 1 out of the 1000+ dinos he’s hidden (based of something i did when i was around 9 whenever i went into my brother’s room on my own lol)
Pen is embarrassed of his drawings ever since X said harshly critisized him in bfb 5 so now he hides them from everyone, including his best friends (Blocky, Eraser, Snowball). All of his friends are sad because of this and actively encourage him to show his drawings because Pen’s drawings are really good. Pen is very slowly starting to get his confidence back (based on bfb 5)
Fries sometimes eats his own fries’ when no one is looking. Gelatin caught him once and now whenever Fries gets mad at him for taking a fry, he says something along the lines of “but how come you can eat your own fries and i cant?? Unfair! >:(“ and half-jokingly throws a tantrum. This makes Fries embarrassed (half-based of the bfdi recommended character introductions)
Stapy chews on hard things (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) a lot for no reason. This would normally be fine, except for the fact that he has raser sharp teeth and usually breaks things that he keeps chewing. He’s broken multiple pencils, pens, and has even bitten a massive chunk out of his E.X.I.T desk once because of this (based of the time a kid in my class bit so hard on his pen that he broke it)
Fries has a really bad fear of the dark that’s been with him ever since he was a kid and every single time he is in the dark, he always acts like he’s unafraid until he hears something/someone and then he goes into the fetal position and bawls his eyes out
Puffball gets anxious and panicky in the dark only because they can’t see shit, but they don’t actually have a fear of the dark
Barf bag has trouble walking because her knee keeps dislocating and relocating all the time and is supposed to wear a knee brace to keep the knee in place but never wears it because she can’t be fucked having to readjust the brace every 10 minutes (based on me heavily projecting on the ‘Barf bag has a walking disability’ theory because 1. i actually really like this theory a lot and 2. i need a character to vent my frustrations)
Bell hates birds, not because they scare her or anything like that, its because they always get tangled up in her string and squawk until eventually it either set free, or unfortunately it passes (usually its set free and rarely ever dies). That and also birds love to shit all over Bell lmao
Naily likes knives and has a knife collection. Her favorite knife is a rainbow dagger that has a purple handle and the blade sorta resembles a heart
Fries has a tiny, fluffy, bobtail cat named “Puffy” (named after Puffball because the kitten reminds him of them). Puffball found out this and was offended. Not because of the name, but because Fries never told them about the kitten because Puffball absolutely LOVES cats
Tennis ball has a intense fear of dogs, running away from one in fear any single time he sees one. This includes small puppies aswell. Golf ball found out this when he woke her up at 3 AM, begging for her to let him inside her house after being chased by a small toy poodle. (based off a fanfic i wrote a while ago)
Foldy likes jumpscaring people a lot because she finds it cute/funny. She’s had many things happen when she’s jumpscared someone, but by far one of the funniest things that has happened was Markers 5 second delayed scream of death
Puffball really likes hugs but is often to embarrassed to ask anyone for a hug
Bell has a bad habit of subconsciously whacking someone in the face when she gets scared. One time Puffball scared her by accident and gave them a concussion
Profily often cries themself to sleep because nobody ever seems to remember them, not even their own family (the only person who remembers him is Announcer speaker box and they are 100% in a relationship because i said so [fact])
Puffball is really scared of sleeping but tries their best to hide the fear by pretending to be asleep until everyone is asleep and then just does whatever. Golfball found out and now tries her best to make Puffball calm and tired so they can fall asleep without being absolutely terrified.
Puffball likes flying higher than anyone else to seem taller than everyone they know
thats about it! sorry most of them are of my fav characters lol [cries] I'll make another post with more headcannons later on :)
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So Many Fanfics So Little Time
This is just my list, I have seen so many (but if you want to use it it’s all yours too!).  I’m not a writer.  But I am a hell of a reader. Voracious one might argue. I just wanted to track my progress through the weeds of the absolutely never ending supply of Destiel and Cockles fanfic. 
Read on if you want to see what I’ve read, and what I’ve thought. I am but one person with opinions - some of them may be unpopular - some of them you might agree with, but if you find something you haven’t read here, I encourage you to do so. 
Honestly, this is just so I can track what I have read already, and when my friends ask, I can reference something easily. I have found some different fics on all kinds of ‘best of’ lists all over the interwebs. And I love recs - so rec away friends. 
As someone who reads a solid 40 novels a year typically, I don’t come by the “I read a lot” innocently. I do actually read a LOT.  When not reading fanfic (a new obsession, all things being fair), I usually read a lot of Fantasy/high fantasy, romance/erotica, and or YA (yeah, that was a bit of a ride no?).  So from this one might digress that I like fluffy, cute stories, complicated and supernatural/paranormal type stories, and I sure do not shy away from violence or smut (or maybe violence with smut? *smirk*). 
I have read all of these in the last 2-3 months (I will continue to add as I go). I had never read a fanfic until 2-3 months ago.  A lot of these wonderful people are on here, and I mean you no offence by not directly tagging you - I’m still learning how to actually properly use this site. Links to AO3 are included (and I love you all). 
These aren’t necessarily in any real order - I did read T&S first, followed by 91W, and 4LW...after that it’s just a shit show of Long or Short, Destiel or Cockles - smorgasbord. Some of these are the most popular Fics out there, and others I’ve never seen recc’d anywhere (just sort of accidentally happened upon them).  So let’s get to it, shall we? 
Twist and Shout - ok look. I understand the stigma associated with this one, but it was the FIRST one I read. It was the ball that shot me down the hill, and I haven’t stopped since. So. I loved it. I CRIED like a baby. SOBBED. It was not the quality of the writing but the way the story was developed and delivered. I have Never Cried Like This Reading a Story IN MY LIFE. It’s a rite of passage. Read It and have an opinion - it doesn’t need to be mine.  
Author(s): gabriel, standbyme   https://archiveofourown.org/works/537876/chapters/955188
Ninety-One Whiskey - aka 91W, it is mentioned so much, and is SO worth the read.  I continued my dive into the war fics (not typically my bag really and here I was reading 2 in a row).  There are a couple of followup stories as well to this series (and yes, I’ve read them all).  Although I’ll say that the original is my favourite. I often got lost in a bit of the War/Tactical descriptions, but would recommend it to anyone anyway. Ugh...the “stolen moments”...they were at the same time tragic and the most amazing things ever.  You feel me? no? go read it. 
Author:  komodobits   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2362190/chapters/5214500
Four Letter Word for Intercourse - aka 4LW.  OMG just, OMG. I loved this story. I loved it so much. I think I read it in a day.  Devoured it. It’s so HOT. Just read it. If you haven’t you’re missing out.  LEMME AT IT. I loved “knowing the secret”, and had some major anxiety about that realization dawning (I had to take a breath, and be like, no, no, this is gonna be a mess, but it’s gonna be SO GOOD - I was not disappointed).  There’s more than one work here too - read them all. PLEASE. 
Author: bendingsignpost  https://archiveofourown.org/works/16086839/chapters/37568591
Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You) - This was the first Sobs one I read, but it sent me on a spree.  this is the Memory Loss one.  I have one piece of advice here - read everything by Sobsicles. You can thank me later...just go to her page, and fucking sort to supernatural (or not, read it all!) I’d list them but I’d fucking seriously be here all day.  Also, her tags make me laugh so hard.
Author:  sobsicles https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022945/chapters/57796885
Orpheus - I love this one too, Tattooed!Cas, my LOVE. paired with Mechanic!Dean, my HEART, #help.  Read this one in one evening as well. (I was on a roll).  It’s a one night stand that turns into more (much like my last relationship)....hmm...maybe this is why I was pulled in - although to be fair that is the last similarity to my shitty love life! I do not remember how I stumbled onto this one (tattooed Cas may have been the draw...tbh). Read the warnings though, there is some triggering stuff in this one - but if you can handle it, it’s definitely worth the read. 
Author: sysrae       https://archiveofourown.org/works/2364347/chapters/5220227
Have Love, Will Travel - Can you say no to Stripper!Dean? Cause I sure as hell cannot. Typical sort of character development here with Dean having trust issues, and Cas being painfully awkward...(but in like a super cute way?).  Would Recommend. 
Author: squeemonster   https://archiveofourown.org/works/565455/chapters/1011747
The Inexhaustible Silence of Houses - Change of pace here...It’s got a nice twist.  I didn’t actually clue into how it was going to end until very near the end (maybe I was being oblivious), when the realization came over me and I was...man. I was DONE IN.  I hope that doesn’t spoil (I need some kind of way of remembering them). Voiceless!Cas Hunter!Dean
Author: Askance (doomcountry)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/560268/chapters/1000755
Adagio - This is super short, and super cute. Honestly, I would read the whole thing just for the last line. It’ll take you less than an hour if I remember correctly. Go, I’ll wait. I squeeed. did you? 
Author: noangelsinthegarrison   https://archiveofourown.org/works/1397248/chapters/2928145
Any Little Heartache - super easy read (not in a bad way, but in a ‘you’ll fly through it’ way).  It’s mid-length, not graphic, but really fun hospital AU. HeartSurgeon!Dean / Nurse!Cas - enemies to lovers anyone? Fuck you to Fuck me? yeah. YUM. 
Author: followthattardis https://archiveofourown.org/works/5143376/chapters/11838311
Ad Astra - This is another short(ish) one, just one chapter.  And by that I mean that this is written like a very long poem. Cas as a star who has visited Dean many times over the years of his life, that culminates in 4x01 barn scene. It’s ‘awe’ sad. ‘puppy dog eyes’ sad. The writing format took me a bit to understand what was happening - it’s my lack of poetry knowledge, not the writing.  
Author: nhixxie https://archiveofourown.org/works/1013491
Ad Astra Per Aspera - This is a cute story.  ESL writer, no judgement.  I found this while looking for the one above, and thought the premise looked cute - and it was. Misunderstanding leading to Dean realizing he’s actually Bi.  Miscommunication leading to realization.  
Author: Riverchester https://archiveofourown.org/works/12354336/chapters/28101816
Psalm 40:2 - Time travel post-canon Cas and Pre-series Dean.  If you’re wondering how that works, strap in for this ride, it’s well worth it. 
Author: unicornpoe https://archiveofourown.org/works/30786425/chapters/75992444
Addicted to You - Warlock!Dean/Incubus!Cas - accidental ‘mating’ (I actually really don’t like that word, but there’s sort of no avoiding it in this situation). Cute story.  When you drunk dial a succubus and get an incubus instead...Whatever will we do? 
Author: Ltleflrt https://archiveofourown.org/works/4387346/chapters/9959288 
A Glimpse Beyond - End Fix-it. Not yet complete, 10 chapters so far...I want MORE! Reliving memories Dean/Cas & Sam/Eileen.   
Author: NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/27731689/chapters/67875925
Cas-ti-el - Please I want more...It’s like the story just started. Please write more of this story!! 1 chapter, it’s a trope prompt challenge, but I want it to be a full on story of its own. Imprinted names of their soul mates, Dean doesn’t understand his (because it’s in a different language)...I’m frustrated by wanting this story to keep going. 
Author:  Valinde (Valyria)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/1941591
Our Bodies, Posessed by Light - another short one. Not going to lie, this one took a little getting used to, and I can’t say that I enjoyed it too much for the sole purpose that the premise gave me the willies.  Cas has to vessel jump - ends up in Sam...I got through it, it had a good ending, but yeah, sorry. This just wasn’t for me. 
Author:  obstinatrix  https://archiveofourown.org/works/260289
Peanut Butter Pumpkin Wedding Cake - Waiter!Dean / Writer!Cas - This is so effing cute, just misunderstanding after misunderstanding bumbling around like the couple of dorks that they are. It’s only one chapter. 100% would recommend. 
Author:  Sparseparsley https://archiveofourown.org/works/223962
Destiel, Actually - This is another super cute story, 5 chapters. Gabriel playing a singular role in putting Dean and Cas in awkward positions to push them together.  I fucking DIED at “oh, I am the sub” - needs context, but I guarantee you that you’ll laugh out loud...
Author:  Bexism  https://archiveofourown.org/works/399934/chapters/658398
The Smell Before the Rain - This was my first A/B/O - a big apology to all those who are into mpreg and whatnot, this was my lesson that I am not. this was not for me. Also - I’m a firm Cas (Alpha/Dom) believer, and i’m good with switch Cas, but it’s hard for me to take him being the full Omega here, when paired with the rest I just couldn’t do it. I finished it, but, not my thing. I know now. 
Author: jscribbles https://archiveofourown.org/works/22355230/chapters/53406127
Crazy Diamonds - This is another short one, only 3 chapters - it’s a body swap for Dean, 4x02 him and 2018 him swap places (assumption that 2018 him is “with” Cas).  It’s a super cute little story. 
Author:  pantheon_of_discord https://archiveofourown.org/works/16151642/chapters/37738631
The Breath of All Things - Wheelchair!Dean / Volunteer!Cas.  This is a lovely story, typical Dean self-hatred etc. Triggering for those with suicide warnings. It had me in tears at the end. There’s a really spectacular quote near the end that I found so romantic I screen grabbed it. 
Author:  KismetJeska https://archiveofourown.org/works/994750/chapters/1967519
Kind of a Forever Deal - SummerCamp!AU This is just a really cute and fluffy summer camp AU.  Which is so different from 91W (That’s right, check the author)! I was a little disappointed with the ending, but otherwise really enjoyed this all the way through and was loving all the discovery and young characterizations of all the characters. 
Author: komodobits https://archiveofourown.org/works/999291/chapters/1978478
Everytown, USA - Best way I can break this one down? Wanderer!Dean (listless and without a place in the world, he ends up in a small town...), Twin!Cas (that leads to some fun things). There are a number of points where you’re gonna yell at Dean for doing stupid shit (that are very much in character for him to do), you think, well, yes, obviously you’re going to do that you silly fucking boy [affectionate]; but whyyy? (but we know). 
Author: aileenrose https://archiveofourown.org/works/1797559/chapters/3854836
Chalk and Chainmail - HighSchool!AU, Cas is an artist, Dean LARP’s - it’s cute and angsty. 
Author:  lemonsorbae https://archiveofourown.org/works/804704/chapters/1517551
A Little Patience - Ok. you want smut? This is your story. You want Kink? This is your story.  I actually did not finish this. It got a little carried away in my opinion. It was VERY panty kink oriented (which, while essentially canon isn’t really my kink) so, if you want that Panty Kink on full display? Go forth and enjoy! it  is thirty something chapters, I got to the mid-twenties I Think. 
Author: riseofthefallenone https://archiveofourown.org/works/1750058/chapters/3739232
Control - I REALLY ENJOYED THIS. Which is saying a lot for someone who has already admitted that a Subby Cas isn’t really my HC - so to so thoroughly enjoy a Sub!Cas story? (maybe it’s the tattooes...*wink*). It’s an AU where Cas is the head of a company - Dean is a callboy I guess, for lack of a better term. Just read it.
Author: dothraki_shieldmaiden  https://archiveofourown.org/works/31156601/chapters/76993217
More (I copy pasted the next lot from my google doc, I’ll flush them out later - no i wont...)
Teach Me (short) - movie night in the bunker, things get a little carried away   Author:  Chiyume  https://archiveofourown.org/works/5961327
You Light the Spark (in my bonfire heart) (short) - when cas doesn't realize that dean is unaware of his feelings, super short, super cute                      Author: noangelsinthegarrison https://archiveofourown.org/works/1193910 
Communication Breakdown (short/cockles) - dean ends up in Jensen's head while he films the confession scene, no sexual content Author: jujubiest   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29669601/chapters/72951339
Look What You Made Me Do (short/cockles) -      -  Vegas Con 2020 / jensen comes out with a song     - cute short - no sexual content Author:  green_blue_heller https://archiveofourown.org/works/30251592 Full House (short/cockles) - reimagined version of the rented house story - putting it in order (so to speak). funny / cute / fluffy not explicit   Author: n_nami  https://archiveofourown.org/works/30855827
Cyber Sex (short/cockles) - anastiel https://archiveofourown.org/works/31467086      - shameless post GISH Fest zoom call porn      - Short (very short)
It's Complicated (cockles) - gail_morgan https://archiveofourown.org/works/31434938/chapters/77747519       The GISHtake (short/cockles) - MellyCrazyCoconut https://archiveofourown.org/works/31508099     - cute short post GISH zoom     - oops "babe, really?"  
(10.02.2021 updated) Since last update: New reads - Fuck i’m gonna be here all day - there’s not gonna be as much gonna be NO detail in these breakdowns...sorry! This has now just become a “what i’ve read list” as opposed to a Rec list...
Love, All Alike (Pt. 1 Love, All Alike) - Phantoms_and_Foxgloves   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4555599/chapters/10370646                             - Though The Stars Walk Backward (pt 2 Love, All alike) - Phantoms_and_Foxgloves
And this, your living kiss - opal_bullets   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18083927/chapters/42744872
Come On, Let's Strike a Match (Domination and Submission: a love story pt 1) - anyrei & queerwerewolf ***   https://archiveofourown.org/works/25722478/chapters/62458810    - Playing With Fire (D&S: a love story pt 2)    - We Kiss and the Flames Get Higher (D&S: a love story pt 3)     - Sparking That Old Flame (D&S: a love story pt 4) 
Cinderwings - bendingsignpost Cinderella!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/12847041/chapters/29336421
Linden - fleeceframe Swan!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33126730/chapters/82236118
No Netflix, No Chill (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28764966
Can't Drink You Away (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28785792 
Jensen Totally (Does Not!) Snore (short RPF) - Dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30315717
Dean Ships It (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349434
All about control - wingless   https://archiveofourown.org/works/9151930/chapters/20791243
Aesthetics in Autoerotica (pt 1 Aesthetics in Autoerotica) - relucant   https://archiveofourown.org/works/3885544                                                             - The Ties that Bind (pt 2 Aesthetics in Autoerotica) - relucant
Let's take a drive - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32581027/chapters/80819581 
Enchanted ink - castielslostwings TattooArtist!Dean TattooArtist!Castiel AU ***   https://archiveofourown.org/works/23043622/chapters/55109530
The bones beneath our skin - darknessbound   https://archiveofourown.org/works/24633754/chapters/59515804
The Plot (RPF) - Castiel_Left_His_Mark_On_Me   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2795588/chapters/6274970
The Gentle Force with which you Take Me (RPF) - Phoenix_Ascended   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32110120/chapters/79549183
According to all known laws of Life (Pt. 1 Cursed Metaphors) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29207901                                                          - and he's back (with a mind of his own) (pt. 2 Cursed Metaphors) - sobsicles
Six hundred sundays (and many more) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31158776
Aching in the Absence of you - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31832977/chapters/78811378
gorging myself on you, still can’t get full (insatiable) (Short) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32203291
memories bring back memories (bring back you) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022945/chapters/57796885
Dream Come True (short) - bendingsignpost   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28071159
tall grass - aeli_kindara   https://archiveofourown.org/works/13127040/chapters/30030726
asunder (Short) - rageprufrock https://archiveofourown.org/works/62115
Apheresis - bendingsignpost BloodDonor!AU **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32674783/chapters/81056680
we always were but never knew it - frightfullyrude   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32698324/chapters/81119503
In this Louisiana Bar (Short) - fleeceframe   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31764487
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alternate Universes - n_nami   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32687929/chapters/81092785
my heart a compass - lagaudiere https://archiveofourown.org/works/28629951
Unsound Inverses - sp8ce (not complete)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29836881/chapters/73413300
The Jensen Mistake (RPFish) - fellshish   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31950169
tell me about the dream (Pt. 1 Kids are coming home) - playedwright   https://archiveofourown.org/works/27984813/chapters/68544450
It's handy to know (FIMMF Themed ;)) - RosaMarloes   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31761322
So Says The Sword - komodobits AngelTrueform!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/12597892/chapters/28695592
Communication Breakdown (RPFish)- darkshrimpemotions (jujubiest)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29669601/chapters/72951339
Carry You Home - Casloveshisfreckles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/26982637/chapters/65862916
In the Shadow of your Wings - Enochian Things (Salr323)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7531294/chapters/17121655
When Harry Met Sally (RPF) (Pt. 1 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7622347/chapters/17351845    - Eight Dildos (RPF) (Pt. 2 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood    - Attention, Please (RPF) (Pt. 3 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood             - Boat Trip (RPF) (Pt. 4 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood
A Winter's Tale - NorthernSparrow   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2654327/chapters/5930561
A Close Shave - NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/3090167
r/supernatural - renrub (short) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27626783
sam reads destiel fics - rebshome (short - funny!)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33721624
Angel Cookies - noxsoulmate Chirstmas!AU **  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11729640/chapters/26427765
Under The Midnight Sun - NorthernSparrow Arctic!AU **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/16690645/chapters/39143677
Bron-Yr-Aur - mrbluesky (Short) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28225335
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet - saltyfeathers   https://archiveofourown.org/works/19258594/chapters/45800209
The Meaning On My Skin - saltnhalo   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18005378/chapters/42538133
Red Right Hand (Pt. 1 Murder Ballads)  - Duckyboos   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4306110/chapters/9760008    - Are you the One that I've been waiting for? (pt. 2 Murder Ballads) - Duckyboos   
Riptides - sharkfish   https://archiveofourown.org/works/13230426/chapters/30263556
Damn Fine Ride - Cimorene105 (pt 1 - rodeo) Cowboy!AU** (I’m a horse girl, sue me...)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14342340    - My Face Just Does This, Sometimes - Cimorene105 (pt. 2 rodeo)    - The Kinkiest Thing I've Ever Done- Cimorene105 (pt 3 rodeo)    - All Signs Point to Love - Cimorene105 (pt. 4 rodeo)    - Monster Love - Cimorene105 (pt. 5 rodeo)    - My Man, The Siren - Cimorene105 (pt. 6 rodeo)    - A Pain in My Ass - Cimorene105 (pt. 7 rodeo)
Astrolabe (terra incognita pt 1) - reluctantabandon, Winter_of_our_Discontent   https://archiveofourown.org/works/3348812/chapters/7326794    - Drollery (terra incognita pt 2) - reluctantabandon Winter_of_our_Discontent    - Rubrication (terra incognita pt 3) - reluctantabandon Winter_of_our_Discontent
Go Down With This Ship - PorcupineGirl   https://archiveofourown.org/works/8023642/chapters/18370474
Fire and Ice - Castielslostwings (Firefighter/Paramedic AU!) **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/23286295/chapters/55768486
The Structural Similarities of Hunters and Onions - Faster_Than_the_Speed_of_Sound (Short)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33383101
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean - emmbrancsxx0   https://archiveofourown.org/works/22411336/chapters/53545840
Out of the Deep (out of the deep pt. 1) - riseofthefallenone - MERMAID AU! **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/548878/chapters/977676
Dean (and Cas') Top 13 Zepp Traxx - pantheon_of_discord   https://archiveofourown.org/works/10909440/chapters/24256989
I'll Be Good - LittleAngelCassie   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4118334/chapters/9282234
Kenosis - CastielsCarma (Short - part of Destiel ABC collection)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30411720
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literallymechanical · 3 years
Well, are you going to fill us in on "why we are morally obligated as a species to some day blow up the Earth"? Sounds like a supervillain backstory
(This was originally inspired by qntm’s fantastic satirical essay, “To Destroy The Earth,” but I disagree with him on a few key points. I highly recommend checking out qntm’s fiction, particularly Ra, Fine Structure, and There Is No Antimemetics Division. Disclaimer: this is a thought experiment, I’m not actually going to destroy the Earth.)
Let us begin with this: you want to destroy the Earth.
That’s not a question or an instruction, that’s an axiom. A fundamental truth from which a logical system is built. It’s your Statement Zero, the singular concept from which the rest of these instructions are built: you want to destroy the Earth. You might not know why, and you certainly don’t know how. Trust me, you really don’t know how. Take all of your cultural knowledge of Death Stars and hyperspace construction crews and throw it out the window, because it’s not worth a clipped penny.
That being said, here are a few reasons to somebody might want to destroy the Earth:
You want to wipe out humanity
You want to wipe out some other species
General misanthropy
It’s obstructing your view of the Moon.
You want us to colonize Mars or Venus, and you figure this is the best way to get everybody on board.
These are bad reasons to destroy the Earth. If any of these sentiments resonate with you, please stop reading this essay. This isn’t for you.
Anyway, let's put a pin in the “why” for now. We'll get to it later. Let's tackle the "how" first.
To destroy the Earth, you need a Plan, with a capital P.
The shape of the Plan is extremely simple to define, much simpler than the relatively detailed (and, in my opinion, fragile) instructions others have outlined. It has just two parts.
Figure out how to destroy the Earth. This is defined as the Earth not being there when you're done—any chump with nuclear weapons can scour the Earth, you're trying to make the entire thing go away.
Destroy the Earth.
However, a lot of shapes are simple to define, but hard to draw. The Mandelbrot set can be defined by a single equation and a couple of instructions, but the result is a fractal. This Plan will be fractally intricate as well. We certainly can’t draw up the full Plan right now. We can barely even begin to draw the outline. Let’s take a quick stab at it anyway.
First of all, I don’t know how to destroy the Earth. We can speculate a bit, but we certainly can’t choose a method yet—you'll likely need multiple redundant strategies anyway. “Blow it up” is one idea, but the gravitational binding energy of the Earth is about 2*10^32 joules, and there is no conceivable technology that can handle that sort of power right now. “Launch bits of it into space one by one until there’s nothing left” sounds promising, though it will take a while. “Mess with its orbit until it’s close enough to the Sun’s Roche limit to get ripped to shreds” is a fun idea. Or maybe in the next million years, you'll come up with a better way.
The most important part of that statement is “the next million years.” It will take a very long time to figure this one out. A million years is a pretty good estimate, though if you'll proactive it might take as little as a couple hundred thousand.
That brings us to the hardest part of the Plan: making sure the Plan survives a million years.
Right now, you're in a precarious position. Climate change probably won’t entirely wipe us out, but it will likely disrupt civilization enough that the Plan will be lost. Nuclear war might actually cause us to go extinct. A killer asteroid certainly would. Therefore, the first thing the Plan needs to do is save the world. Reverse climate change, or at least halt it. Nuclear disarmament. Peace, or as close as we can get to it. Medicine, spaceflight, art, prosperity, happiness, survival—all part of the Plan.
Colonizing other planets, and eventually other solar systems, is also in the Plan. Not just for a backup in case of killer meteor, but also because when you do destroy the Earth, you’ll need somewhere to stand. Remember, you're not trying to wipe out humanity here! Just destroy a planet. This will be tricky. It’s very likely that there’s no such thing as faster-than-light travel, so it will take a while to spread across the galaxy. This might take up the bulk of the million-year timeline.
(Quick note: you may be tempted to conquer the Earth, or set yourself up as some sort of galaxy-spanning God-Ruler. In my personal opinion, this is a bad idea. Right now, empires typically last a couple hundred years before falling. Do you think it would be easier to hold on to multiple planets than just a bit of land around the Mediterranean? I believe that it’s best to have your Plan set up a system where people can survive and thrive without needing you.)
But as tricky as interstellar colonization may be, it’s still the easy part. The hard part is that the entire Plan has to reconstruct itself from scratch if everything goes wrong.
The Plan has to be the most massively redundant, self-repairing, and robust project humanity has ever undertaken, or will ever undertake. The Plan needs to be able to resurrect our entire species on its own, without human intervention, in case something goes wrong (e.g. nuclear war) and we all get wiped out. Here’s one idea: computerize the Humanity Reboot Protocol, stamp the code onto platinum bricks, launch a million copies into deep space and onto every rocky body in the solar system, and have it check back in every once in a while. You can have that one for free.
The Plan also needs to have a way to re-motivate humanity to destroy the Earth. Maybe that’s as simple as posting it to tumblr and having a lot of people read it, but it will probably be a bit more complicated. Crucially, the Plan does not have to be visible. Nobody actually needs to know that the Plan exists, if you’re clever enough. You might be tempted to turn it into a religion, but religions change and die. Remember: the Plan has to eventually pop off, no matter what we do to ourselves.
The Plan is now its own entity, both distinct from and deeply intertwined with humanity.
(As a side note, this begs the question: What if the Plan is already in effect? If it’s a good Plan, we wouldn’t be able to tell. What if some sufficiently motivated creature set things into motion ten thousand or a hundred thousand or a million years ago? Food for thought.)
Alright. So, enough time has passed, and you’ve figured out how to destroy the Earth. I use “you” loosely at this point. Maybe, against all odds, you’ve figured out immortality, or mind-uploading, cloning, whatever. More likely, you’ve been dust for a million years. That’s not important. Regardless, “you” are standing on Mars or wherever and your metaphorical finger is hovering a metaphorical big red button marked “DESTROY THE EARTH.” Step 2 of the Plan.
Let’s pause here and go back to that pin from before: Why? Why are you destroying the Earth?
Well, a lot of reasons. If I were doing this, my Plan would include abandoning the Earth for other star systems and setting it up as some sort of museum. I'd take all the biosphere with me, of course, and make better Earths elsewhere. Imagine a hundred Earths, each of which are perfect nature preserves, or more! Imagine finding a good silica-heavy planet, turning it into molten glass, and sculpting it into something beautiful. Imagine spelling your name in an Oort cloud. Imagine an ocean planet full of whales.
Imagine coming back to a deserted G-type solar system with a few dusty rocks, an asteroid belt, and a handful of gas giants. Imagine breaking them down to make raw materials for a Dyson sphere.
Bam! Earth destroyed! You did it!
Maybe a paleontologist somewhere will figure out that this might be the planet where we first evolved, and it would be nice to put it somewhere safe. Hey, does that count as destroying the Earth? Where the Earth once was, there is now empty space. No more Earth! That sounds pretty destroyed to me. Bam! Earth destroyed! You did it!
Maybe your Plan is different, and the Earth is still inhabited. For what it’s worth, I hope you’ve made it a paradise, one of a thousand Edens across the galaxy. It would be a shame to blow it up… but if Sol-3 is just one paradise among many, what makes it significant? “Earth” is our homeworld, but now there are a thousand homeworlds, so what is “Earth?” What makes this one rock special? Nothing! You’ve successfully destroyed the entire concept of “Earth.” That might be harder than blowing up a planet! Well done! You did it!
In conclusion, here is why I say it’s a moral imperative to destroy the Earth:
Eventually, a baby bird has to leave the nest. Somebody needs to be the mom bird who lures her chicks off the edge, and it might as well be me.
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hibisha · 4 years
Hello, a friend of yours said you might be able to recommend some radiodust fanfics, and it can be anything im not picky
RadioDust fanfics you say? Alright *cracks knuckles* here we go.
1.) The Charismatic Cannibal’s Guide to Self Care
Rating: E
Summary: Alastor chuckled around a hand. Angel would never get over how shark-like he could look. Fangs were the norm here, but Alastor’s had a certain animal quality that fit strangely in a humanoid face. Too big and too many. And right now they were tinged with a hint of red from his choice of drink.
“So what,” he said, “would liven up the place for you, sport?”
You might assume that Angel Dust is the bad influence in every situation. You would be wrong.
The Radio Demon has plans for Hell, and plans for Angel. And they aren't pretty.
Will contain gore/cannibalism/murder and plenty of fun, bad people. Please read the tags and content warning. Plot now, smut to follow.
Personal thoughts: It only one chapter so far but I really like the premise.
2.) Their Arrangement
Rating: E
Summary: Alastor and Angel Dust have come to an agreement after Angel pushes the Radio Demon's buttons a little too far and inadvertently awakens the long forgotten urges buried under decades of bloodlust.
Personal thoughts: One of my literal favorites. Alastor and Angel’s evolving relationship from sex friends to ‘oh shit I have feelings’ *chef’s kiss*.
3.) Absolute Territory
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust is an absolute terror for Absolute Territory.
Alastor never knew he had a thing for stockings until Angel decides to flaunt a pair, matched with a pleated skirt and an oversized sweatshirt.
Personal thoughts: Have some good ol’ smut.
4.) Heart Between His Teeth
Rating: E
Summary: So maybe there are better things to life than being drugged and fucked so hard you can't even think for yourself.
5.) Angel Dust’s Not So Illustrious Life
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor isn’t sure why he’s become Angel’s primary target, but the more he attempts to dissuade Angel’s advances, the more fervent they seem to become.
And maybe Alastor likes that...maybe...Yet it seems there’s more to Angel than innuendos and a quick romp.
Personal thoughts: I kinda love this fic a lot where Angel and Alastor respect each other’s boundaries.
6.) Caught In His Own Web
Summary: "So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never. Because the dance with the devil might last you forever."
Redemption is hard when you don't want to do it. Redemption is even harder when a certain Radio Demon keeps enabling your sinful behavior.
Personal thoughts: My favourite trope, bad people being worse together.
7.) I Thought I Knew You 
Rated: M
Summary: Angel Dust can't ruin the hotel's reputation if he can't go outside. Or, at least, that's what Alastor says. Of course, it's all a ploy to torture Alastor's least favorite spider demon, but maybe he doesn't know Angel Dust as well as he thinks he does.
Personal thoughts: I really like this one especially since it feeds into my “Alastor is a dick in all AUs.”
8.) Sex, drugs and radio host
Rating: E
Summary: For some ungodly reason, Alastor decides to keep Angel safe and sound - meaning no sex, prostitution and certainly no drugs. Of course, this wild idea is met with more than a little resistance. But... no one ever cared if Angel was safe. And sometimes, all he would like is a hug. Sex sure is nice, but he is more than willing to explore the possibilities.
The trouble is, it doesn't seem like Alastor is offering anything specific. Keeping things strange and vague is not helping, especially when a new guest catches Alastor's attention.
Personal thoughts: Its cute and theres feelings involved is all I’m saying.
9.) Gentleman's Wager 
Rating: None
Summary: Sick of listening to Angel Dust's crass and vulgar language, Alastor makes a bet with him. If Angel Dust can remain absolutely silent for one whole week, he'll give in and kiss him.
10.) Triggered 
Rating: None
Summary: Angel Dust had never really thought too much about the static hum surrounding Alastor wherever he went... until now anyway.
Personal thoughts: It's a very good fic about ANgel dealing with PTSD. Def check it out.
11.) Dinner and Drinks 
Rating: None
Summary: Alastor and Angel Dust can barely tolerate each other and Charlie seeks to fix that.
Personal thoughts: Again, a slow development of Angel and Alastor’s relationship.
12.) You Do Something to Me 
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor's radio signals go both ways, and for the past few decades he's tuned into the most beautiful voice. What a surprise to find the source in the Happy Hotel right under his nose.
A relationship that grows through music.
Personal thoughts: AGAIN, PLEASE READ THIS IT IS CUTE HECK AND WILL CLEAR YOUR SKIN. Also, its part 2: No One Knows Anything But Us 
13.) 1932
Rating: M
Summary: The 1930s are the for perfect time to nurture any up-and-coming radio host or serial killer alike. Alastor is no exception.
Set in New Orleans in 1932, Alastor is living his best life. Broadcaster by day and home chef by night, he's learned that Jumbalaya is best served with a side of human liver and a still beating heart. That is until he brings the wrong meal to his table, a member of the Italian mafia, and ends up biting off more than he can chew.
With his latest meal escaping the table and his identity running the risk of being found out, Alastor faces his biggest hunt yet. The streets of New Orleans are his forest and this time, it's his head on the platter.
AKA Alastor screws up and now has to fix his mess in Dixieland while balancing his day job, cannibalistic hunger, and learn how to be a decent human being for once along the way. Should be fun.
Personal thoughts: I absolutely adore this fic. Please give it a shot.
14.) Contracts and Deals Series
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust, Hell's number one porn actor.
Alastor, Hell's most renowned overlord.
The two cross paths.
Angel makes a deal with Alastor to get out of his contract with Valentino. One thing leads to another.
Personal thoughts: It’s a good series that eventually gets really fluffy.
15.) Good Management
Rating: M
Summary: Alastor thought he had Angel Dust filed away into his niche box in the Hotel. He was wrong. But he's a good enough manager to fix his responsibilities.
Personal thoughts: Its AngeliaDark. You know it’s good.
16.) Anything for you
Rating: M
Summary: Valentino faces the consequences of hurting someone that Alastor deeply favors
i.e. Val fucking dies
Personal thoughts: Any fic where Val dies is a good fic.
17.) Predator and Prey
Rating: M
Summary: Every couple of years, Angel Dust goes through a change that makes him a lot less tolerable to be around, for many more reasons than one. The staff of the Hotel are about to learn that the hard way, none more so than Alastor.
Personal thoughts: Okay so, slight dubcon, would recommend checking the tags before going into it. Though I love how it tackles on the story of Alastor being a deer which is technically a prey animal and Angel being the predator for once. Absolutely love it.
18.) Good Tidings 
Rating: T
Summary: A Christmas party in Hell isn't the big selling point for the Happy Hotel (For Hazbins), but Charlie feels that the holiday season is just what her friends need to open up to and help one another.
So what better way to do it than with a Secret Santa?
When Angel Dust draws none other than his crush, the Radio Demon, he knows he has one shot to not eff it up.
Personal thoughts: Really fluffy, a good read. Highly recommend it.
19.) Vanilla Bean
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor decides to try his hand at pet names and inadvertently offends Angel Dust. Rated T for swearing and there's suggestive content if you close one eye, tilt your head, and squint.
Personal thoughts: Okay so i loved this one because of how badly these two handle communication.
20.) For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear
Rating: M
Summary: Alastor's solitude is interrupted by Angel Dust who has just escaped a rough client and the two spend the last moments of 2019 together.
Personal thoughts: Love love love this. I just love Angel and Alastor dancing together okay.
21.) I Like It Better When I'm With You 
 Rating: M
Summary: Angel deals with feelings. Alastor deals with feelings. Just a whole lot of pining.
Personal thoughts: Summary says it all.
22.) Technical Difficulties
Rating: M
Summary: The hotel is running relatively well. Relationships between Alastor and the rest of the staff are budding surprisingly smoothly. And then the rainfall starts up, threatening all of it.
Alastor's out of tune.
Personal thoughts: I love how this is written. Slowburn but worth it.
23.) Lurking in the Shadows 
Rated M
Summary: 5 instances where a curious and head-over-heels shadow follows Angel Dust around and 1 time where Angel decides to follow it instead.
Personal thoughts: It’s very cute how Alastor’s shadow pines after Angel.
24.) Crossroads
Rating: M
Summary: A mafioso’s and a murderous radio star’s paths collide in New Orleans in the winter of 1933.
25.) Needle Through a Bug
Rating: E
Summary: Angel wakes up in a hospital after a party. His doctor is very strange, worryingly so. Still, he can't help but be intrigued.
Personal thoughts: Doctor AU. Alastor is insane. I love it because Alastor manages to be as creepy as possible while saving lives.
26.) My Roommate's a Demonic Deer 
 Rating: M
Summary: Don't you hate it when you "accidentally" summon a demon to fix a problem within your home, only to find out that they don't do that, so now you're stuck with a cannibalistic demon that constantly tracks blood onto the floor, brings other unholy beings into your apartment, and makes amazing jambalaya? It's amazing insanity!
Personal thoughts: Lmao I love demon summoning gone wrong so this was really an amazing read. Angel being a true himbo is always the best.
27.) Human Hazbin Roommates AU series
Rating: E, M
Summary: A series of porny RadioDust one-shots depicting modern human AU roommate life.
Glimpses into the human lives of insufferable roommates.
(AKA This was supposed to be a practice at writing present tense smut and it devolved into sex and feelings)
Personal thoughts: Dive in for the smut, come out with the feels.
28: Darker Side of Hell series
Rating: E
Summary: Follow Charlie and later Alastor as part of my Story for the Hazbin hotel... It ain't pretty, so enjoy!
Personal thoughts: Not everyone’s cup of tea so i suggest reading the tags but I really love this series a lot. Angel being awkward and in love is the best shit ever. Its an amazing series.
29.) Scorched, Uninhabited, Rejected
Rating: M
Summary: When Hell suddenly loses all working functions, and angels start dropping from their overhead perches to attack the underworlds population, Charlie has no idea what to do before she's suddenly face to face with a Archangel. Though something, clearly, isn't right about the air the angel assures her to keep those who are dear tucked tightly by her side as the disaster struggles to fix itself.
But nothing is as it seems, Overlords' powers are dwindling and even her own is becoming strained as she struggles to protect her beloved hotel and friends from the Exterminators outside.
Personal thoughts: *vibrates* Can’t say much without spoilers so I’m just gonna beg ya all to read this.
30.) The Thin Line
Rating: None
Summary: Studies say it takes fifty hours of interaction before you consider someone a casual friend and two hundred to be a close friend. Alastor and Angel Dust manage to skip right past close friends to something more without either even noticing they've crossed the line.
31.) La Vie En Rose
Rating: G
Summary: Alastor learns that Angel is afraid of thunderstorms, and Angel in turn learns about the Radio Demon.
32.) falling 
Rating: M
Summary: "You're hot as fuck, be my boyfriend."
That was perhaps the worst thing he could've possibly said from that standpoint.
A college setting where Angel gets suddenly awful at flirting when it comes to the face of his crush, a cute library assistant that goes by Alastor.
Personal thoughts: COLLEGE AU COLLEGE AU. 
33.) Old Habits Die Hard
Rating: G
Summary: Angel decides to bring back a little habit of his after having a rough time.
Personal thoughts: Hella soft, please read.
34.) Handwritten 
Rating: None
Summary: Alastor imagines Angel must be lonely in heaven, he writes to keep him company.
 A series of letters addressed to Angel.
Personal thoughts: Hi, do you like crying into your pillow at 2 AM? You do? The look no further, this is the fic for you! Now, with extra heart wrenching feels!
35.) Relapse and Recovery
Rating: T
Summary: Going clean was never going to be easy, but easy was something Angel Dust never expected going into this anyway. At least he has a good support system to help him along the way.
Personal thoughts: I just really like AngeliaDark’s fics okay.
36.) Catalyst
Rating: T
Summary: All couples have their downfalls, and an event that should have been celebrated only drives Alastor and Angel Dust apart.
Personal thoughts: Love love love this. It’s very well written, reads easy and you’ll feel fluffy for days.
37.) Dinner Date: A RadioDust Tale
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust finally finds a way to get Alastor to agree to a 'date'. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Sometimes literally.
Personal thoughts: One of my favourite stories about RadioDust.
38.) This One's Dedicated to [static interruption]
Rating: M
Summary: A couple of years since the hotel's opening, the residents have settled down into a fairly tolerable routine. Recently, some of them have begun experiencing peculiar symptoms which become more noticeable as time passes. To his dismay, the Radio Demon finds that he is not immune.
A chance encounter with Angel Dust propels the two demons together as they attempt to answer what's behind the unusual phenomena, while rediscovering all the things they thought dead and buried along the way.
Personal thoughts: Slowburn but definitely worth it. I love the story and how it’s progressing with a certain mystery surrounding the whole plot.
Also slight self plug I guess:
39.) 14 ways to say “I Love You”
Rating: T
Summary: Just a collection of small drabbles I’m writing on based on single word prompts.
Please check it out if you’re a fan of odd AUs.
Wowee, that’s a lot. I’m gonna call it a night and say that’s all for today. I hope you enjoy these! 
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
You can count on me to pull up with a thousand of questions sbdhdh. A3, A22, C5, D3, F3 for Jilly ; A18, A23, B9, C1, H2 for Nirn ; A5,B9, C8, D1, I5, for Thurwen ; A9, A13, C1, E8, and G6 for Valkya? 😏
A3, A22, C5, D3, F3 for Jilly ;
A3.Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
Shawty got that stockholm syndrome in a way. She is…. Sometimes aware of it, though she wouldn't call it that any more. Maybe at first in the basement she was more aware, but now that she can come and go she thinks its a thing of the past. tries not to dwell on it. Kind of in a “well its literally not that bad its kind of fun its kind of romantic were just quirky <3” way, will get mad if someone insists she has stockholm or that the relationship is fucked. Will get enraged and upset on Vincent's behalf, probably cry and yell at you.
A22. Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
I intended her to be fairly average, maybe kind of cute. It's generally the way she dresses/acts in public that draws attention, not her looks. I tend to make most of my ocs on the average scale besides a select few.
C5. Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
Good question…. Jillys morals are pretty simple- always be kind and nice, murder and hurting other people is bad, and you shouldnt lie. She sticks to those pretty strictly herself despite the situations she gets put in, often to her own detriment. But she doesn't always put a stop to those behaviors from the people she surrounds herself with, so she's sort of accomplice to bad acts of violence just by not snitching. So somewhat situational? She tries not to think about it.
D3. How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
Not comfortable! She hadn't seen a lot of it before her early twenties and was always sort of sheltered. dead fish are flushed down the toilet bcs they go to the ocean to live again, right? Thought cows and such all died of old age peacefully before they were made into burgers until she was like… twelve. 💀Won't kill mice and other critters despite her prey drive bcs she would feel too bad. And this is just for animal death, she's much more uncomfortable with human death. Also a thing she tries to ignore.
F3. Could they ever live in a “tiny home”?
God no. She hates small spaces unless she's hiding in them and tiny homes have no room for all the shit she stashes! No room for zoomies, or climbing on the furniture, or wrestling around on the floor. It would be filled with junk within a week.
A18, A23, B9, C1, H2 for Nirn ;
A18. Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do?
He's never had much to be jealous of, as he's never really been over involved in romantic relationships. They were usually mutually beneficial and somewhat clinical in nature. Hes also pretty sure of himself and his value as an asset and lover. If he finds someone who peaks his interest and they become an item though, he might get jealous if he catches them flirting with other people. Hell be peeved at first but know flirtation in business has its value, so to make himself feel better might flirt with someone else while they are nearby. Make a game of it, see who wins.
A23. Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it?
Appearances are crucial to him and spends a lot of time and money making sure he looks his best. He needs to appear above the rabble and impenetrable, dressing well and having immaculate posture and an air of both grace and otherworldliness.
B9. What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Definitely not one to find fart jokes funny. Very rarely laughs genuinely or full heartedly, he keeps all his expressions of emotion close to his chest. Sharp sardonic wit is appealing to him in the right circumstances, even a jab directed at himself can make him chuckle if it's well formed enough. Irony almost always gets him, even if its dark irony or gallows humor. Bit of a hard nut to crack. Would laugh enough that hed have to cover his mouth with his hand if he were to see Felix fall face first into mud, though. More often than not you can tell he finds something amusing by a gleam in his eyes and a slight squint.
C1. Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
Well he used to have a real moral code :/. Now I mean…. The ends justify the means. By any means necessary. He considers his family's needs first, then the good of the world, then any individual in the world. Has ordered executions of entire families, had babies stolen and sent away, sent armies to certain death knowing full well they would all die, commanded individuals be tortured for information, sacrificed many in what he considers to be a game of chess where he is the player and others are the pawns. He finds senseless violence and savagery to be unforgivable, but if violence has a sense and purpose to employ it, then he will do so.
H2. Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Nirn tends to be a very thoughtful and attentive person in general, just for the wrong reasons lmaoooo. But with a lover? He's going to be utilizing that to show them how much he cares and using his powers for good. Mention you like a certain fabric while shopping one time and then complain your favorite tunic has a wine stain in it several months later, he's going to be taking your measurements for a new one in your preferred material without a moment's notice. Very keen on picking up moods, expressions and tone. Also has a very good memory. He doesn't really think about it but gifts are how he shows his love. Also a great attentive listener.
A5,B9, C8, D1, I5, for Thurwen ;
A5. Are they good at handling change in their life?
I would say so, yeah. Shes been used to things constantly changing since she was little and has had little to no control on outside influences. Shes also not one to over think about the past and lament, shes more of a one foot in front of the other, the only time is the present kind of gal. Of course large changes like becoming a warden were a bit more severe, but shes mostly able to think in the present as long as she has immediate problems to deal with.
B9.What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Slapstick is always gonna make her laugh as long as nobody gets seriously hurt, even if its her own ass tripping into a tree. Not a fan of scare pranks, 0/10 recommend trying to scare Thurwen. You will end up with a broken nose at best and an angry elf. Likes puns, but she's the one to groan at them and try and hide the grin spreading across her face. Gallows humor but only if its her in the gallows, otherwise doesn't find it funny at all. If a little kid calls someone a fartcicle she will be tears in the eyes giggling, which is hard when your warden commander and everyone looks toward you to be serious and mature gyshsdhdfsghsd.
C8. Is your OC more practical or ideal morally? I.e., do they hold people to high expectations of behavior even if it’s not realistic for the situation, or do they have a more realistic approach and adapt their morality to be more practical?
She definitely holds herself to moral ideals and is very hard on herself, but has realistic moral expectations for others. She can understand self serving and people only wanting to survive and she will only give people a little bit of shit for it, no one's perfect. But then she expects herself to be perfect and berates herself constantly for not living up to the hero of ferelden warden commander ideals.
D1. How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
Atheist ever since her mom died when she was a kid, but now Shes in a weird mixed state ever since the urn of sacred ashes where shes like. fuck the maker, but Andraste is cool I guess. So respects/believes in the power of Andraste while thinking the maker is a piece of shit and the chantry sucks ass. Even she doesnt know what she really believes, but she did see the ghosts of Andrastes disciples and Shartan, used her ashes as healing salve, killed an old god, etc. So shes been in a weird place recently, crisis of faith/non faith pretty continual.
I5. Are they a good cook?
I mean…. She can cook basics. Shes been feeding herself and the alienage kids since she was old enough to walk so she knows how to get protein and make things edible. Does it taste good? Probably not. She didnt see her first spice till she was 17 years old, but she can skin a rabbit in seven seconds.
LA9, A13, C1, E8, and G6 for Valkya? 😏
A9. Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others?
She tries to excuse bad behavior of herself or others a lot, yeah fgdgdsfhdhs. Mostly she doesnt have to make excuses for herself because she can wholeheartedly be like “yeah i fucked up but whatever im sexy and large and awesome and everyone loves me 🙄whatever baby” and when other people fuck up shes pretty sympathetic even though they are not as large nor as sexy. Shes very used to forgiving and excusing herself its totally alien to her when she really fucks up and is suddenly like wait… valkya…. Did bad?? What is this feeling. Shame?? Guilt?? IMPOSSIBLE.
A13. Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
She hates those giant bugs in morrowind and valenwood a whole fucking lot but I wouldnt exactly place it as a phobia. Those huge mosquitoes and haorvers got no respect but she really hates the morrowind bugs ever since they knocked her over and jumped her while she was pants down peeing drunk as hell in the sand :/ never forgave. Never forgot.
C1. Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
She was raised in a healthy household that tought the basics, prety much “harming others needlessly, stealing, torture, rape, dessecrating the dead, being selfish and not doing right by others, etc etc all basic bad things” are her morals. Her morality is basically treat others how you want to be treated. And if they treat you badly, then have fun beating the shit out of them to show everyone else not to fuck with you. Its a pretty nordic morality in that way. Her morality is also since she was ‘blessed’ with being so large and strong, that she has to also look out for the little guy who cant protect themselves. So If someone treats them how valkya wouldn't want to be treated, then beat the shit out of the person harming them to show them the little guys got backup. Her parents raised her to be a hero and thats p much how she sees herself, which has its benefits and its fuckin problems.
E8. What’s one of your OC’s biggest regrets?
Fucking up Dem and Dariens relationship for sure dude :/ valkya always gonna be sulking over that one. She doesnt regret becoming a vestige, even though it would have made her so much happier not to be because it ended up saving so many people and the world. She regrets not spending more time with Naryu, regrets always having other life saving business she had to run off to, regrets not cherishing the time they had together. Regrets not telling Lyris how she feels, either. Regrets not being able to save as many people as she should have, regrets she wasnt stronger in coldharbor and didnt break out herself. But she tries not to think about it <3
G6. Do they have any favorite childhood memories?
When she was seven she once spent two months training to hold her breath underwater, because her cousin always held it longer and won the gold bet. She trained for hours almost drowning in the river until she could comfortably hold it for up to three minutes. During the next holiday when they all got together again the competitions were on and they both went under- her cousin won, holding their breath for four more minutes before they decided to come up. This was the first lesson she learned that shocked her world view- you always need to know your opponents capabilities. (after she lost 26 gold in the bets, her mother later had to inform her that her cousin was an argonian.)
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brownshouto · 4 years
With the Sun in your hands
The first time Mafuyu came in contact with snow, he was exposed, skin untouched by cold tenderness. He awaited cruelty; snow is harsh, it makes winter ruthless, it shows no mercy, but unlike what he was expecting, its touch was soothing, soft, comforting. 
Continue readind under the cut or on Ao3
Winter had a reputation; its cold seeped into your bones, snow burnt your skin until nothing but frostbitten flesh was left.
Mafuyu, a winter baby, grew up in a house on fire. There was no moment the flares wouldn't lick his skin, leaving angry welts on its wake. His mother, a wilting flower under the extreme heat, did all she could to shield him from the flame but he was inevitably burnt by it eventually.
The first time he came in contact with snow, he was exposed, skin untouched by cold tenderness. He awaited cruelty; snow is harsh, it makes winter ruthless, it shows no mercy, but unlike what he was expecting, its touch was soothing, soft, comforting.
Yuki arrived in his life like a blizzard. He turned his world upside down at first, very much like a first friend does, and then when his world indeed started collapsing on itself, he was the cooling snowflakes that graced his skin with kindness after the flames had hurt him, he held his hand steady as the hot air of the fire threatened to suffocate him.
"Mafuyu, as long as I'm here, no one is going to hurt you again." There was no way a child could be sure of that, but Mafuyu let the comforting words wash over him. He gripped Yuki's hand tighter, and at that moment, his promise appeared to him like words carved in stone, a magical contract never to be broken.
Mafuyu woke up to one of the earliest memories he had of Yuki. They were sitting down under the same tree where Yuki first found Mafuyu, their fingers intertwined. Yuki had dropped those words as Mafuyu watched him poke some bugs with a stick.
He smiled wistfully at the memory of the long broken promise, after all, death overwrites all contracts. He wondered if eight-year-old Yuki would have made the same vow had he known Mafuyu was destined to be the one to hurt him. Mafuyu closed his eyes momentarily; he could go back to sleep for a little while longer, he could bask in the early memories of Yuki, that ached so profoundly, or he could wake up to feed Kedama.
He ended up getting up; he had a dog to take care of and a flat to tidy up before his boyfriend came over to hang out during their rest day. He let a small smile grace his lips. His boyfriend Uenoyama would be coming over, maybe they could cuddle, that sure would fluster him, He loved to know he had that effect on his darling. He felt fortunate to be so thoroughly adored by such a radiant soul, a heart he had to treat with care to treasure it the way Uenoyama deserved.
By midday, he had nothing to do but to regularly check his phone, waiting for the text that would let him know his boyfriend was right outside his door. After 10 minutes of sitting on the floor with Kedama on his lap, impatiently running his hands through his dog's soft fur, he picked up his phone to text his boyfriend.
                                                                       M: Where are you?
 U: omw, sorry, I had to outrun a cat.                                                                
                                                                        M: So do you want McDonald's?
U: I'll love whatever you get me.                                                                        
U: ...Sorry, that was weird.                                                                                  
                                                                       M: McDonald's it is <3 Hurry!
U: ok!                                                                                                                  
 U: <3                                                                                                                      
He beamed at his screen. His heart was beating fast; he felt impatient in the most thrilling way, anticipation to spend time with someone he loved built up in his chest, overwhelmingly warm and gentle, and so he yelled as a response to his intense emotions.
"Mafuyu! are you okay?" his mom came into his room with quick steps and a worry written all over her face.
"Sorry I was just excited." He could see her face relax, and she gifted him a blinding smile. It had been a while since he yelled because he couldn't handle his happiness or yelled at all. Ever since Yuki's death, Mafuyu's emotions have been muted, dulled and grey. Uenoyama brought back some of that intensity to his feelings; they were just too much sometimes.
"Oh, that's great! Uenoyama is coming over, right? Do you have enough money to order food? Do you want some more? I could lend you some, I worked a couple of extra hours the other day, or you can cook if you wish to, I've heard that's romantic, or you could go-"
"Mom, it's okay, we are just going to order in and watch some movies, maybe walk Kedama again." His mom had sped up through all the possibilities, and Mafuyu knew she just wanted him to have a good time.
"Oh perfect, I'll be leaving for work in a couple of minutes, text me if you need anything."
"Okay, mom, good luck."
With that, his mom left, shutting the door behind her. Not even a minute had passed when he heard a knock on his door. He got out of his room to open it, expecting it to be his mom having forgotten something like she usually does. What he didn't expect was to see a red-faced Uenoyama at his door.
"Oh... hi, Uenoyama."
"You didn't tell me your mom was going to be coming out right as I was arriving."
"She wasn't. You are late."
"That means she was going to be here when I got here with just store-bought chips and a hoodie, that's not better!"
"Are you going to stay there or are you coming in?" Mafuyu smiled softly at his embarrassed boyfriend, he knew Uenoyama was hell-bent on doing the most to ensure his mom liked his new boyfriend. Funnily enough, Yuki had been just the same, even though his mom had known him for more than half his life, he still insisted on being nothing short of a gentleman whenever she was close. Mafuyu used to tell him there was no point since she had already seen him sick and covered in vomit from eating dirt that one time when he was 8.
Ah... these were all things he wouldn't get to experience again. Mafuyu didn't even remember when was the last time he'd made fun of Yuki for that.
His melancholy must have shown on his face because Uenoyama had that weird look in his eyes, he looked disoriented, and Mafuyu hated himself for putting that expression on his face.
"Yeah, I'm coming in, if I spend one more minute in this wind, I'm going to catch a cold." He quickly stepped aside to let Uenoyama in and closed the door behind him.
"So... do you want to get settled?" You know where the sofa is." He took the bag from Uenoyama's hands. "Oh, I forgot to order the food, can you do that? I'm going to put these in a bowl.
"Okay....cheeseburger with extra cheese, lettuce and no pickles, right?"
He walked back into the living room, where Uenoyama was now fiddling with his phone while sitting on the sofa, he took the bowl of chips in his hands as he dropped next to his boyfriend and kissed his cheek "You know me best."
"O-OKAY BURGERS ORDERED!" Mafuyu found Uenoyama's reactions too adorable to handle. He wanted to draw them all out, get to know this beautiful boy sitting next to him even further, see the look on his face as he kissed his nose or brought him home-made lunch to band practice, he wanted his expressions when he took his hand and kissed his knuckles, he wanted them all.
"Which movie are we watching?" he said as he picked up the remote.
"Ah! I asked Haruki for recommendations!" Uenoyama clasped his hands in determination only to whisper the words he said next, "I guess...we could do romance if you want."
"Mmmm," he nodded slightly, "Romance sounds good."
"Good! Haruki told me about this..." Mafuyu found himself zoning out while Uenoyama selected the movie, he had no words to express how cherished he felt, Uenoyama was trying so hard to be a good boyfriend because he cared about Mafuyu. It made his chest feel tight and warm in a way it hadn't felt for a long while, for a moment guilt gripped his heart with freezing hands, reminding him of the lost love he was so eagerly letting go. No. Yuki wouldn't want this. Or would he? He couldn't want anything anymore. He was dead.  Dead .
"... and it's light-hearted according to him, do you want to watch it?" guilt squeezed his heart tighter, here he had a wonderful boy right next to him, and he couldn't give him the undivided attention he deserved, too busy mourning to be who Uenoyama needed him to be.
"Yes, let's watch it." He knew Uenoyama had noticed, he always did. His eyes got this lost look that stabbed and twisted the knife deep in Mafuyu's soul every time he saw it. He knew he was responsible for it, but Uenoyama wouldn't tear his gaze away, he wouldn't run from it. He would look at Mafuyu and leave him feeling known, open and vulnerable.
He decided to cuddle up to Uenoyama to quiet his mind and stabilise his emotions. He ignored his boyfriend's squeak and placed his head below Uenoyama's chin and hugged his middle, the fabric of his hoodie was soft and brought him comfort, "Mmm, you are warm."
There was a knock on the door that made Uenoyama jolt away from the couch and upright, "IT MUST BE THE FOOD! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!"
Mafuyu pouted to himself, his relationship with Uenoyama was riddled with awkwardness and uncertainty, but Uenoyama was worth it, this novelty was new for him as well. His previous relationship was entirely different. He and Yuki had known each other their whole life, and falling in love had been seamless. Mafuyu couldn't pinpoint the exact moment a romantic layer had been added to his love for Yuki. They just fitted together like puzzle pieces.
During the first days of his relationship with Yuki, Mafuyu would be hesitant to kiss him or hold his hand. Yuki would respect his boundaries and not push. They already knew each other like the back of their palms. He remembers the first time Yuki kissed him; he had squeaked similarly to Uenoyama even after being asked for permission, and his ex-boyfriend had thrown his head back and let out a soft laugh.
He remembers it all, the clothes they were wearing, the look in Yuki's face, the way his lips felt against his, and his...  laugh .
His laugh.... he couldn't remember his laugh. He had a vague idea of the ring of it, but he couldn't replay it in his mind.
He had forgotten his laugh! How dare he forget it? How dare he not think about Yuki enough to remember it still? How dare he forget the sound of his best friend, his lover, his life, laughing? NO! He couldn't be forgetting Yuki. This couldn't be happening. He promised himself he wouldn't forget him, not a single thing.
He forgot his laugh, he forgot, he forgot, he forgot, he forg-
"Mafuyu!" Uenoyama's voice was nothing but noise as his mind clogged up.  How could he? How could he forget and live on to find new loves when Yuki's first and last would always be Mafuyu? How dare he forget when Yuki's death was his fault? How dare he find comfort in another when Yuki would never feel anything anymore. How dare he forget what he could never hear ever again? What could he do? He couldn't bring the memory back. He couldn't bring Yuki back, ask him to laugh one last time for him. What could Mafuyu do against the all-powerful passing of time? Time was always accompanied by oblivion, and against them, he was powerless.
In the background of his mind, he could register Uenoyama shutting the windows, turning off the lights, the television. Everything was too much, and he was left unresponsive. Uenoyama sat on the couch far away from him, far enough to not overwhelm Mafuyu.
As he slowly came back, he noticed more details in his surroundings. The forgotten food on the table, the bowl of chips turned over on the floor; surprisingly, there was no mess, Uenoyama must have cleaned that up, and Kedama was in being held by his boyfriend; otherwise, he'd be all over Mafuyu.
"Uenoyama..." he whispered. He had no idea how much time had passed.
"Mafuyu... are you here with me?" he asked.
"Do you want to talk or do you want a distraction...."
"Please just hold me."
Uenoyama approached him and softly rearranged him into the position he was in before Uenoyama left to get the food. He tightened his arms around Mafuyu's waist as well and kissed the top of his head.
"Whatever you are thinking... you are wrong." He heard Uenoyama say.
"I forgot his laugh." With that, his boyfriend's breath hitched, "I'm sorry, you don't deserve this... having me shut down on you because of Yuki." Uenoyama just hugged him tighter.
"Hey, hey... it's okay. It's true I don't know what to do when you get that look on your face because of him, but I want to here with you."
"I don't know what to do with these feelings Mafuyu, all I know is I want to make you happy, all of you, with the parts of you I can't understand.
"I don't want to forget him."
"I'm never going to ask that from you."
"But you deserve-"
"What about what I want? I want to be with you and to make sense of these feelings. I want to help you, even if I don't know how to. I want to be by your side."
"You don't understand. This is never going to stop! I'm going to start forgetting more of him, and I don't want to! I can't expect you to wait on me like that!" He felt tears spill from his eyes.
"I'm here because I want to, and I've wanted it long before I accepted your confession." Uenoyama refused to let go of him, and Mafuyu felt the sudden need to kiss him, and so he did. He looked up to his boyfriend and leaned in, giving him a soft kiss.
"... You make me feel happy, you make me feel loved, tell me why I wouldn't want to be with you." A blushing Uenoyama managed to get out, and Mafuyu felt warmness spread across his chest. He was happy he managed to give Uenoyama back the love that was so selflessly given to him and not just take it.
"Even if I never forget him?"
"I'm not expecting that."
"I love you." And he meant it, with all his insecurities and his baggage, he would allow himself to love Uenoyama and be loved by him, and he would choose to be with him and continue to do so every day.
Now it was time for Uenoyama to hide his face in Mafuyu's hair, "I- I love you too."
They stayed quiet for a few moments, letting time pass while they held each other tightly.  
After a while, Mafuyu took the remote and turned on the TV, "Mmm, we are watching a romantic movie, huh?"
"Yes, Haruki said it was a good movie," Uenoyama said while still hiding his face, stealing a moment to kiss Mafuyu's temple one more time before getting up to get their food.
At that moment, Mafuyu knew, he might not remember the exact shape of the snowflakes that used to soothe his wounds and tend to the welts on his skin. Still, he would never forget the cold gentleness of snow on his burning flesh, not even as the warm sun rays graced his face, but it was time for him to welcome the tenderness of heat that didn't consume or burn.
It was time for winter to welcome summer.
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alfafilly · 4 years
Any advice for those who want to make their own comic series?
YES! A lot of things!
If you’re not familiar with doing a whole lot of comics, don’t jump into a long series. Start small and work up: 4 page shorts, 10 page shorts, 20 page shorts, etc. After a few projects are complete, THEN consider doing long form. You have to learn how to start, climax, and resolve stories. Endings are the hardest part because people usually don’t get to do them!!
Design characters that are easily replicated cause you gonna be drawing them 200000 times. I’m used to drawing more complex characters but if you read my comic start to finish you’ll see I simplified them over time cause OOF. It was too much even for me! And honestly if I started over I would make things sooo much easier to draw.
Make SMALL casts too. You’ll regret drawing those group shots of 20 characters in one panel. *looks at @tristikovart 👀* I can’t exactly tell you a recommended size but 1-2 mains at minimum you always follow.
Come up with an art style that’s also easy to produce quickly. I’ve had to experiment with this for years to find a good place. You have to update frequently to get readers and to do that you have to produce pages quickly. So don’t digitally paint your pages or draw every head hair unless you KNOW you can produce them quick enough to make it worth it *looks at @tristikovart again 👀*
You’re gonna wanna redo your pages because the style changes over time. Resist. I’m not against revamping at all cause I have and WILL do it, just make sure you can still produce NEW pages too! If you pause producing new pages to redo your old ones, you’ll get stuck in a perpetual loop of reboots. It happens to a LOT of new comic artists. Get used to imperfection. YOU CANT BE PERFECT.
Be reasonable on story length if it’s your first too. It doesn’t have to be your Magnum Opus. Round it out at 300 pages, 500.... idk. You don’t have to make a 10,000 page story. Please don’t in fact, if it’s your first go. Please.
IT WILL TAKE YOU A VERY LONG TIME TO FINISH SO YOU GOTTA COMMIT TO THAT. 5 years, 10 years. 20 years. It’s gonna be your fictional child you’ll have to raise and put through comic college. Do the math: there are 52 weeks in a year. If you update once weekly that’s 52 pages each year. If you have a 500 page comic? That’s gonna take you around 10 years. Twice weekly? Still gonna take you 5 years.
That said, take breaks if you’re mentally unwell to handle it! Breaks are fine and needed sometimes and if people complain they can DEAL 💖 you are giving people free entertainment and you owe them nothing if they start bitching. True fans will understand and support you!
Write outlines and scripts. Know how your story will start, climax, and end. Know where things will lead at LEAST roughly. Long form changes a bit over time, but so long as you have a guideline you can keep the story consistent and it’ll save you many headaches!
Experiment and have fun! It can be hard finding time to do Webcomics and financially and mentally taxing at times. So when you’re able to do them, just do the best you can!! They can be a LOT of fun and very rewarding!
These are my PERSONAL hot takes from my on and off 12 years of experience. I made a lot of mistakes so I’m trying to save others from my fate! Hope it helps you, Anon, and anyone else who reads it too!
Miss something? Please reblog and add to it 💖
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liltumgrum · 3 years
tagged by the one and only @szethsmom, how dare you forget about your Queen Platypus title. ;P
nicknames: I kind of have a lot? The ones that I’ve embraced are Aunty Bella (long story) and Little Tummy Grumblekins. My sister called me that last name only once and I decided to run with it. My Gastrointestinal system is dysfunctional, so I like to think of it as a very confused, overwhelmed gremlin that has the users manual, but it’s translated really badly and the pages are out of order. 
height: 5′1″ I’m small enough to hide, but tall enough to function in a world made for actual tall people. 
hogwarts house: I’m inclined to say a large helping of Slytherin with a side of Hufflepuff. I’m honestly not familiar enough with the different houses to say.
last thing I googled: Tiny Owl. I was trying to find a reference for my DnD oc’s familiar and got sidetracked looking at owls using mushrooms as an umbrella. 10/10 would recommend.  
song stuck in my head: “The Flood” by Talos. I’ve been really enjoying his vibe and would encourage you to check him out if you like calm but epic music. 
number of followers: 13 beautiful people! Hi! I’m waving at you!
dream job: OOOOOh boy. There’s never a clear answer for this. I want a job that allows for my hyper fixations to eb and flow. I can’t focus on one thing for too long, and tend to break down if that's a requirement *cough cough* thanks school. Ideally it would have something that stimulates my brain, something to do with my hands, something to draw/paint, and some way to help me share all of that with other people. Hopefully something to produce a little chuckle, smile, or just some harmless confusion. I guess that's it. My dream job is to be the Mahna Mahna the world needs. 
lucky number: 0, 3, and 9. I have no idea why. I just think they're neat. 
favorite song: HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO ANSWER THIS!!? Poison Jester’s Mask by Solas? I really love their Edge of Silence and Shamrock City albums. Solas were the first artists that I found on my own and I grew a lot with their music. I got to meet them too! The variety of their music, their joy in their performances, and the topics they chose to sing about all help remind me of why I love music. 
favorite instrument: I’m required to say classical guitar. It’s hard to play an instrument the vast majority of your live, trauma aside, and not say it’s your favorite.  
wearing: Pajamas/lounge clothes: an oversized, dark brown sweatshirt and loose pants speckled with funky little bears. 
aesthetic: Grunge femme? I’ve always been drawn to the sort of the style that is currently popular. It’s nice for once to walking into a store and actually find things I’ve dreamed of wearing. 
favorite authors: Brandon Sanderson. I love the way he writes character and worlds. I never get bored when reading his books. Magnus Magnuson has recently started creeping his way up the list as well. I’m reading his book "Scotland: the Story of a Nation” and have been pleasantly surprised by the way he handles history. I plan to check out more of his books in the future
favorite animal sounds: Singing and squawking birds, guinea pig noises, and happy cats!
random: I can lick my elbow. It’s not so hard when your shoulders are hypermobile and dislocate all the time. :p Sort of similar topic, one of my current hyper fixations is death. Specifically what happens to the body after death, and the environmental factors that play into it. It’s. So. Cool. 
tagging: @ultron-su and @benadwyl If you are at all interested, it would be fun to get to know you a little! No pressure though!
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matildashoney · 4 years
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read loving you’s the antidote.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ✧・゚
1. Are you working on any current projects in your career or for fun you want to talk about?
I’m an Art Director for Joker! I’ve been working on the film since early 2018 as the Art Director, and I have loved every minute of it. I’m also doing a few big pieces of a friend for a video that they’re filming later this year. I might have the opportunity to participate in an exhibition in May for Thirty Artists Under Thirty with Forbes, too. Many things are happening in the art world!
2. What is your biggest dream?
I would love to have an exhibition like Andy Warhol at the Tate in London.
3. Do you have a favorite place to travel to?
My favorite city in the world, Paris. City close to my heart because my family is from here. I also have a love for Tokyo! I went for a few weeks in January and I fell in love. I’m hoping to go back soon.
4. What is the coolest thing you have ever done?
My very first exhibition was incredible. Los Angeles Art Project is absolutely lovely and everyone on the team so supportive of every vision that I had. Call Me by Your Name is an experience of a lifetime. My vision is in a movie!
5. Who are you closest to in the world?
My best friends. They’re my whole life.
6. What is one product you cannot live without?
Back home in London, I have this paintbrush set that has about fifteen brushes and I never leave without it. That would be my one product. Have to make do with what you have!
7. Is there a film/book/show you always recommend to others?
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven is a novel that is very dear to my heart and is the inspiration for quite a few of my tattoos and my larger pieces.
8. What is the hardest obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
Back in 2011, I was in a very toxic relationship and although I was able to come out of it, it was very hard to handle mentally and understand why certain things went the way they did. I lost myself in my art, and really expressed all of my emotions through my canvas. I went to therapy, which I suggest to anyone that is struggling with their mental health. I have a really great support system, too. They’re everything to me. 
9. Close your eyes. What is the most peaceful/comforting place you can picture? Describe it.
My grandfather has a flower shop in Neuilly-sur-Seine connected to his home and in the back of his house there’s a garden, and there’s this huge tree that shades an entire patch of flowers and grass. It’s my favorite place to draw and paint and watch the stars. My boyfriend and I visited last year when we were travelling and we spent an entire day outside while my grandfather was at work. It is the best place in the world.
10. What is your favorite type of weather?
Hm. I think London, right now, is the perfect weather. It’s a bit windy and chilly for my boyfriend, but I’m from California so it’s the perfect sweet spot for me.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ✧・゚
thank you @wowweeharrystyles​ for tagging ames! thank you @stylishmuser​ for making the challenge!
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irenerei-n-svt · 4 years
Seventeen ships as Sibling AU (JunHao version)
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Mingyoozi version here
Another SVT ship as sibling au~!
Now is up to you to decide that you are either older than them both or younger than them both. I will recommend to be the youngest sibling but i will keep my headcanon list flexible as i can (*Mingyoozi I recommended to be middle sibling tho)
Blood related or related only by parent’s second marriage or only blood related to one of them is do able, 
So not intentionally but I think linking the universe would be fun
Both of them work as idol (how lucky you are!!!)
Junhui will occasionally acts in web drama, while Minghao will occasionally make appearance in competition shows.
You are the only sibling who is not idol, Or,
You are also an idol, soloist (Making the whole world jealous of you)
Bonus if you are related to Minghao and Junhui joining the family later both of them debut. Or in reverse, related to Junhui and Minghao joins later also will be fun.
Bonus if you are not Chinese, hearing them speaks in Chinese will spark you interest of learning the language. Cues in them two teaching you phrases of Chinese.
BUT if you are Chinese too, 3 of you speaking the language will leave others with their mouth open.
Favourite spot to eat/hang out if any of the sibling gets an award or achievement would be Mingyu’s family restaurant
Close to the Mingyoozi household because of 
Jihoon as songcomposer and being same age as Junhui,
Minghao and Mingyu are close in terms their artistic sense and being same age.
Mingyu cooks spicy food too which Junhui loves alot, and Junhui will occasionally suggest new menu for the restaurant.
If you are not related to Jun
When you first joined the household, you are amazed at how good he look. 
You thought he is very quiet and distant because he keep looking at his phone or gaming (Gaming partner is Wonwoo, long story short, Junhui got acquainted with Wonwoo while shooting another drama!)
Shooketh af at your brother’s career if you are not an idol. 
Shooketh af if you already know who he is and you basically you interrogate your parent on how did they got to date with the superstar’s parent.
Basically having a identity crisis because both of your brothers are idol
Got frightened in the morning at Jun who got back from work and is sleeping on the sofa with his eyes half open. 
Made a big mistake about him being distant and hard to get familiar with. Only to find out actually he is just being shy.
Once he got acquainted with you, be prepared for the awkward jokes that make you either roll you eyes or laugh to death.
Amazed at the level of spiciness in food he can handle. Start to wonder if chilli powder and chilli flakes are just like basil to him
Bonus if you can handle similar spiciness as Junhui. He will bring you out to some restaurant he found and a weird spicy eating compeition between you two will be held
Amazed at his acting skills and singing. Felt the world need to see him shine more.
If you are into gaming or tiktok or weird filter apps, you will get close to him quicker. 
Amazed at his selca skills. Cues in you shyly approaching Junhui to teach you some of his tips.
Jun talks to you about the script of his web drama and ask you be the first hand audience. So you are basically spoiled with the storyline of the drama
Junhui being loud in his room practising his upcoming solo song. 
Thinks Junhui imitating others is the cutest trait he has.
You are surprised that he can cook some basic meals. Since then both of you are seen helping out each other in the kitchen.
Might caught him stroking a cat around the neighbourhood. Also him meowing.
If you are related to Jun
If you are the youngest, you get alot of piggy backs and ride on his shoulder.
You damn proud because you do feel Junhui is talented and need to shine.
Already used to all his jokes and puns that he tries to execute on variety shows because he has been trying them out on you and Minghao
Also used to jump scare because he has been doing it since you are a kid.
Either you two share the same taste bud of being capable to eat really spicy food.
OR, even though related you cannot cope with spicy food at all. Making you bond with Minghao, the other sibling on healthier food more.
Your house fridge stores at least 10 packs of sausages because your brother loves it.
You used to be the happy kid, waiting for the sausages to be grilled by Junhui
He will be the big brother that brings you to the playground, watches you playing around while he just sitting/crouching there stroking a cat.
You are so used to him singing classic 80s and 90s song when he is showering in the bathroom.
You used to record it and post it social media and that is how Junhui got scouted.
If you are an idol too, Junhui giving you acting tips for your upcoming music video
Mobile gaming with Junhui and Wonwoo.
Very much used to Junhui’s idol friends coming over. Notable mention : Wonwoo, Yanan and Samuel
You siding at his friends because of his pranks and everyone is giving you the SOS glance. Junhui would never get mad at you, but just grab your shoulder and shakes you back and forth XD
Of course you will be his partner in crime with the pranks and jokes occasionally. Making you other sibling and Junhui’s friends shake their heads but also end up joining the dork party
If you are a student, cues in your friends goes in fangirl panic state because they never believed in you until Junhui and Minghao really appear in the house. (Or you never bring your friends home because you want to avoid scandal and trouble)To give a better idea for above, maybe a childhood friend who know about your superstar brother.
If you are not related to Minghao,
Also will feel this boy is cold and distant
Mostly him reading a book on a couch 
Sharing your waiting to be read book list with Minghao
Bonus if Junhui your brother actually got acquainted with Minghao before both of your parents remarried. Making Junhui be the bridge of you and Minghao to get closer.
Since Junhui sometimes goes into prankster mode, you and Minghao face palm at him alot.
Cues in Minghao giving the dead fish eye look + deep sigh because being so done.
Bonus if this happens when you and Junhui go into dork mode TOGETHER
Cues in Minghao saying :Must be tough being Junhui’s sibling. He must have done those pranks on you lot.
Also Minghao saying : But he is a good brother
Only to know Minghao is the only child and he is very happy and excited to have siblings in his life.
Again, shooketh af at your brother’s career if you are not an idol.
 Again, shooketh af if you already know who he is and you basically you interrogate your parent on how did they got to date with the superstar’s parent.
Again, basically having a identity crisis because both of your brothers are idol
Seeing them both practising and discussing dance moves makes you in awe at this new sibling
If you are an idol too, cues in you being hyper and hope Minghao teaches you B-boying.
If you are already adult, you will spend time drinking wine with Minghao talking about life and armchair philosophy
At first you are intimidated by Minghao’s fashion, but you will get used to it.
Minghao coordinating your fashion of course! 
If you draw as well, you might go to art store with him often. Discussing what material to use for next project. Cues in Minghao shyly comes to you asking if he could borrow some art tools or paint.
If you are related to Minghao,
The very ZEN sibling, also the im so done sibling
But Minghao will still have his dorkiness
Minghao coordinating your fashion and you be the model for Minghao’s photography hobby
Wine drinking sibling of course!
Bonus if you cannot handle alcohol even though related thus you go to Junhui with coke and juice
Bonus if you dance too, Minghao and Junhui will ask you on dance moves
Knows about his waist problem so you will advice him to reduce harsh movements
If you draw as well, you might go to art store with him often. Discussing what material to use for next project
Sitting beside him while he draws
Framing up all his artworks and hangs them all at living room
You are so used to him being savage because you know he speaks the truth.
If you are not an idol
Visiting to their workplace is always an experience
Them being protective but at the same time they are ok at you getting to know more people in your life
Always cover your face with stickers if they upload selcas of you three to Instagram
If you are an idol too :
You are invincible. I mean you get acting advice from Junhui and dance advice from Minghao. And if you are close to the Mingyoozi household, you get first hand coaching by Jihoon tho. So ya, you are invincible.
Crowned as “the person whom i am jealous the most.” by netizens.
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dustylovelyrun · 4 years
Novel Prep Tag: Viva La Revenge of the Deceased
(The title is still a work in progress)
Tagged by @keen2meecha. Thank you so much, human!
First Look
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch).
Conchobhar Raelyn expected many things from life, most of them unusual, but one of the few things that she hadn’t, one that she considered out of the realm of possibility, impossible, and therefore never happening, was stumbling upon the ghost of her estranged, childhood friend, Thomas Dionisio, in the middle of her living room at five a.m. She also hadn’t expected that, in the face of his untimely death, she would be the number one person on his list of earth-bound mortals to help him enact his revenge, either, but here she was.
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Novella, single book, book series, etc.)
It’s going to be more than a single book. I’m not sure if it’ll be a duology or trilogy, but there’s probably not going to be more than three.
3. What’s your novel’s aesthetic?
Large forests filled with towering trees, and encampments hidden deep within. The scent of smoke in the air, and inexplicably cold winds. A city street filled with unmemorable people, a stream of faces that fade away and dissipate in the wind. Warmth, and exasperation, but also the feeling of feet dangling high above roiling seas, and the growing steel of determination.
4. What other stories inspired your novel?
I’m not sure, but. There’s one person on here. They have a burning man in one of their wips? I’ve forgotten who, but my brain might’ve run away with that, a bit. Someone burned up, charred and mangled, and trapped in a ghostly form. And there’s a few touches of BNHA characters in there, too. And a tumblr post about aromantics marrying for tax benefits and convenience. 
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for the novel
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Main Characters
6. Who is your protagonist?
Conchobhar Raelyn is the main protagonist. Thomas Dionisio is the secondary one. He’s as important as she is, no doubt, but most of it’s told through her view.
7. Who is their closest ally?
Declan and Jezebel. Both of them are Conchobhar’s sort-of partners. It’s a little bit more complicated, and it’s honestly more platonic than anything, but. That’s where the post comes in, and what they call each other. There’s an agreement between all of them that it’d literally take Hell tearing apart the Earth before any of them refused to stand by the others. For better or worse.
Thomas doesn’t... really have anybody but Conchobhar, so. He’ll have to make do with them, too.
8. Who is their enemy?
Probably the people that killed Thomas! And then a bunch of others, as both of them delve deeper into the circumstances of his death, and his life before that, and learn a little bit more about why everything happened. And the people that want to stop them from knowing that.
9. What do they want more than anything?
Thomas wants revenge, at first. And then he simply wants it to all end. And then he wants to pull Conchobhar out of it, because that’s when stuff gets bad. Really bad.
Conchobhar wants to help him move on. Or at least feel a little bit of satisfaction that he couldn’t have when he was alive. And then she wants to raze a bunch of stuff to the ground, while simultaneously finding out if you can trap a ghost in a bottle.
10. Why can’t they have it?
Because the truth is always a lot more complicated than it initially seems, and they’ve barely scratched the surface. And for them to have their revenge, they need the truth. To know. Without it, it’s only wild guessing, and inevitably hurting someone that they didn’t intend to.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
Thomas believes that he’ll never be able to move on without any of it happening, (maybe, but turning into a poltergeist is always a thing, and it’s not like he won’t have superiority over them in hell, anyway) and Conchobhar believes that there isn’t much choice, because she owes him this much, at least, after inadvertently abandoning him to this fate.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
So, fun fact. Two of them, actually. I can’t draw people, and I don’t use face claims. And I have prosopagnosia, so I don’t usually pay much attention to that, anyway? Not unless the characters become aliens, or a made up creature, or something. You’ll have to fly in as blind as I am, when it comes to how they look.
Plot Points
13. What is the internal conflict?
Conchobhar has absolutely no idea how to do any of this, and she’s floundering, out of her comfort zone, and lost. But she refuses to call for help from anyone that she knows, in fear that something might happen to them, too.
Thomas really doesn’t want to involve her in this, despite what it looks like, but she was literally the only living person he could latch onto. You need some sort of emotional attachment, and like hell will he do that with his tormentors. But he isn’t sure if he could spend the rest of eternity understanding what’s happened, and knowing that he could’ve retaliated, and then didn’t.
14. What is the external conflict?
To find the person that killed Thomas, they need to follow a trail. One that twists and bends, and curves in all the wrong places. That’s never in a straight forward line, and leaves behind more questions than answers. And the more they look at it, the more confused, the more wary, both of them feel, because it’s all quickly turning into something more than either of them can handle. Together or alone.
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?
Thomas already kind of experienced it. He was torn apart, and then died in the flames that were meant to destroy his body. But another thing that could hit him hard is if something happened to his brother, wherever the heck he is, or if he causes Conchobhar to become seriously hurt. Or even dead.
Conchobhar would just. Loose it if something happened to the people that she loves. That’s the worst thing. But it could be made even worse if it was directly because of her, and what’s she’s doing now.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
“I’m sorry, they’re doing what?” For the overall series, but for this specific book, it would be “What the fuck did he do? What did you do?”
17. Do you know how it ends?
Sort of? I have some impressions that are guiding me towards it. One direction. And a possible ending. But I’m not actually sure what that ending is. Just - what it might become, if that makes sense.
18. What is the theme?
There’s some pretty significant themes of loyalty and retribution. Retribution of someone that had literally been discarded, forgotten, and buried in the past. A person that shouldn’t be a problem, but then is, and the people in their life that are determined to make sure there is retribution for what happened, even if it means bringing heaven and hell down onto their knees to do so.
19. What is a recurring symbol?
Probably what’s mentioned above, but if that doesn’t count, then I’m not sure. It’s only nineteen days old, and there’s a lot of stuff to be worked on.
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description)
There’s not one specific setting, the story’s kind of set all over the place. For the sake of their own safety, and to accomplish what they need to, Conchobhar and Thomas need to move around a lot. I’m also not really sure where they are, at this point. 
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
Oh, definitely! It’s mostly some impressions and pictures, right now. A few hints of emotion to shape it, and a vague understanding about the direction that some scenes need to go in.
22. What excited you about this story?
Thomas’ death! The circumstances leading to it, to be specific, and how those circumstances and the people involved will shape the story.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!
It’s pretty messy. Inspiration can come from anywhere, and it’s usually from the character interactions in bigger franchises, or because my brother’s said a thing, and it had me scrambling for the keyboard. I also need music. But not just any music. It has to be the right music. And none of it’s chronological.
Legitimately did not expect to be able to say as much as I did. Honestly, this wip is still a baby. I shouldn’t know what I’m doing with this. But, hey. Can’t deny that this was helpful. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this, human!
Tagging: @feralsong, @rhiannonleewriting, @rehnwriter, @aelenko, @elemntum, @hellnar, @birdquils, @mariahwritesstuff, @sarahmariaria, @erinisawriter, @quillswithink, @ivonoris, @hazeywrites​, @coralblast​, @mayvinwrites​, @sxnrising​, @delphwrites​, @whorizcn​, @nmcwriting​, @typewrxter​, @rebelwritingwild​, @greenwood-writes​, @paracomas​
It’s a pretty big thing to ask, so don’t worry if you don’t want to / can’t do it. That’s fine, okay? I’d recommend keeping the list around for reference, though. It’s very helpful.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Your ten favorite movies
Movie number one: Two for the Road (surprise surprise) 1) Who's the main actor? Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney. 2) When did it come out? Pretty long time ago. It came out in 1967 if I’m not mistaken. 3) What's the genre? Romantic comedy and drama. 4) Do you know where it was filmed at? Yeah, as far as I know the whole film was shot on location throughout southern France. 5) How old were you when you saw it? I don’t actually remember the exact year anymore, but it was either in 2013 or 2014, which makes me 15 or 16 when I watched it for the first time.
Movie number two: Good Will Hunting 1) Who's an actress in this movie? Minnie Driver, and she did such a fantastic fucking job with her role.
2) Out of 10 stars you'd give it? 9.5. The part where Robin Williams and the actor playing the math teacher handle their differences was a bit blah for me, but the film was otherwise perfect. 3) Did it have a surprise ending? I wouldn’t call it a surprise. It was a well-deserved ending for the main character and I’m sure everyone who’s ever watched this movie rooted for such an ending as well. 4) How long was it? Around two hours? idk I never checked. 5) Did you first see it in theatres? Hahahaha definitely not. It came out five months before I was born. Movie number three: A Clockwork Orange 1) What's this movie rated? Like, in terms of parental advice or its score? I’m not sure so I’ll put both. The film in all its unedited glory got an X rating which is real fucking understandable given that, in my opinion, this was Kubrick’s most intense work; though in my research just now they were able to tone it down to R after Kubrick edited out a certain scene. As for its score, it holds an 87% in Rotten Tomatoes and 8.3/10 on IMDb. 2) Did critics approve of it? Critics definitely approved of it as a piece of film, but I’m sure it was very uncomfortable for the viewing public. 3) Who were you with when you saw it? I watched it on my own. I didn’t know what it was gonna be about, so I was in for the shock of my life when Alex and his droogs broke into the first house. 4) Did this movie make you cry? No but it made me feel uneasy. 5) Who are five actors/actresses in this movie? I only remember Malcolm MacDowell, who played the lead character. I’m honestly not familiar with the other actors. Movie number four: Revolutionary Road 1) Is the main actor your favorite actor? One of them is - Kate Winslet. I’m alright with Leonardo DiCaprio but he isn’t my favorite. 2) Do you know how old he is? Kate Winslet? Not so sure, but I think she’s like 45. 3) Did this movie make you laugh? This movie is not to be laughed at lol 4) Last time you watched it? A few months ago before they took it out of Netflix forever, ugh. 5) Are you the appropiate age to see it by yourself? Yes. And I would rather watch it by myself, because it’s a lot to take in. Movie number five: Gone with the Wind 1) What made you mad about this movie? The racism that surrounded the film makes me angry. For example, the actress who played Mammy (Hattie McDaniel) was the first black actor to be nominated for an Oscar, but she wasn’t even allowed to attend the ceremony where she was nominated in. It took one Clark Gable throwing a fit and threatening to boycott the event for the higher-ups to finally agree on Hattie attending the Oscars. 2) Was it based on a true story? It was based on real historical events, but the story itself wasn’t real. 3) Do you wish it was real in any way? It kinda was. 4) So what's it about, anyways? This is really not one of those movies you can explain in one sentence lol but uh rich privileged southern belle gets entangled in the Civil War, marries thrice and never for love, everyone around her dies, and once she’s left alone we see her fend for herself and start building a life of her own. That doesn’t even do the movie justice and if you really wanna know, best to watch all four hours of it. 5) Did they make a video game out of this movie? OMG no, that would be in such poor taste. Movie number six: Room 1) Did this movie bore you at any time? Not at all. It had me invested from start to finish. 2) Was there a kiss scene? I don’t know, I don’t think so. 3) Who was the protagonist (main character)? Brie Larson plays the lead role, but I’ve forgotten her character’s name, or if she even had one. 4) Have you seen this movie more than once? Absolutely. This was my favorite film for a brief period and I watched it everyday then. 5) Last time you saw it? 2016, probably. Movie number seven: Roman Holiday 1) What is this movie's genre? Romantic comedy. 2) Are there any kid actors in this movie? Nopes. 3) Where did it all take place? A biiiiiiig chunk of the movie was shot on location in Rome.  4) Who was the biggest star in the movie? Gregory Peck. Swoon. Fun movie fact! This was Audrey Hepburn’s feature film debut, and originally the studio was to give her a much smaller billing at the start of the movie compared to Gregory. He had an inkling Audrey was gonna end up super popular once the film got released, so he told the studio to give her equal billing, which technically made her also the big star in the movie alongside Gregory. He wasn’t wrong. 5) What year did it come out? 1953. Movie number eight: Requiem For A Dream 1) Main actor and/or actress? Oh dude, a lot. This movie didn’t fuck around with its cast lol you had Jared Leto, Ellen Burstyn, Jennifer Connelly, and Marlon Wayans. 2) Is this a one-time only movie? I have no idea what you mean by this. 3) Is it a sequel to anything? Nopes. 4) How much money did it make? Bruh I don’t know lmao? I’ll have to Google that - Wikipedia says it made $7.4 million. 5) Favorite part? It’s not my favorite part because it makes me happy, but for me the most memorable scene was when the mom was at the peak of her addiction and her refrigerator came to life. The montage in the end also gave me goosebumps. Movie number nine: Carol 1) When did you first see this movie? 2015. It was one of the factors that made Gab and I reconcile as friends, so I’m super thankful that this film allowed us to bond. 2) Did it take a second time for you to like it? Not at all. I was in love with it from the very beginning. 3) Does it have a happy ending? Yes. 4) Who would you recommend it to? People who want an LGBT film with a happy ending. 5) What's its theme song? It doesn’t really have one, but its score was composed by Carter Burwell. OH I just remembered Billie Holiday’s Easy Living was featured prominently in one scene, but it’s not really the movie’s theme song. Movie number ten: Portrait of a Lady on Fire 1) Do you still have the movie ticket? I think mine is still with Gabie, if she kept it. 2) Favorite part? Everything about this movie was beautiful. I loved when Héloïse’s dress caught on fire, when Marianne was drawing Héloïse in her sleep, when Marianne finally saw her vision come to life, when Marianne attended the exhibit and saw the painting of Héloïse...and that final fucking scene. 3) Were there any songs you knew in this movie? Nope. I don’t remember if they played any songs. 4) A quote from this movie: “In solitude, I felt the liberty you spoke of. But I also felt your absence.” and “Do all lovers feel they’re inventing something?” 5) Were the main actors/actresses a perfect match or not so much? Yes they FREAKING WERE AAAAHHHHHHHH Random Questions 1) Which one have you seen most on DVD? Gone with the Wind, but only because it’s the only film in this selection that I have on DVD. 2) Which one have you seen most in theatres? Other than Portrait, I didn’t get to catch these in the cinema. 3) Did your parents like any of them? They haven’t seen any of the movies I picked. 4) Which one did you see with your best friend? Carol and Portrait hahahaha, both lesbian movies. She was the one who made me watch them in the first place too. 5) Would you see #1 again? Over and over again. I will never grow tired of it. 6) Is #4 a movie you can only watch every once in a while? Yes, super accurate. The subject matter is very heavy to begin with, so pair that with superb acting and you’ve got yourself a movie that’s hard to get through. 7) Was #5 hard to understand? Only because it’s sooooo long and there are so many plots and subplots. Also, as someone who has never actually read about the Civil War in full detail, it has also hampered my understanding of some of the events in the movie. 8) Did you see #2 the day it came out? I didn’t see it until like, 18 years after its original release. 9) Do you have #3's movie ticket still? I never had it to begin with. 10) Are there any sequels to these movies coming out? As far as I know, no. 11) Does your best friend like #9? Gabie’s very in love with it. She once kept count of how many times she had watched it when it first leaked on the internet loooool and if I remember correctly her watch count peaked at 126. 12) Did #10 have horrible special effects? No. 13) Who directed #6? Lenny Abrahamson. 14) Did #8 scare you? Absolutely. I needed a long-ass break from everything after I finished it lmao. 15) Does #7 have a better effect at night? No. The effect has been the same for me whatever time I watch it.
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Character Interview: Smut Edition
The interview no one asked for. This is mainly an exercise for me to get back into writing for Schuyler and get a handle on her voice. Answering 60 questions completely in Schuyler’s voice.
#28 will shock you! ;)
1. How old were you when you went on your first date?
“Define date. Technical my first hook up was at a party and I talked to the guy for like, ten minutes. I was 17. But I didn’t have a romantic relationship until I met my partners at 28. And none of us are exceptionally romantic, at least not in the classic sense. Our dates are when we decide to ride out to the desert for a picnic. Go to Vegas for a weekend. My first ‘dinner and a movie’ wasn’t until I was...30, maybe.” 
2. Who was your idol when you were growing up? Who did you first fantasize about in your life?
“John Travolta. It was Grease and then Wild Hogs. Very classy.”
3. Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or other?
“Bisexual and polyamorous. And I found out at different times in my life.”
4. Do you currently have a lover? What is their name, and what is your relationship like? What are they like? Why are you attracted to them?
“I have two and it’s not for the faint of heart. I’m all for exploring sexuality, but unless you’re serious I wouldn’t recommend attempting to be in my position. 
Chibs and Tig. They are both noticeably older than I myself am, but Chibs is the oldest. They had a relationship prior to me. But there are some days that even they forget that.
I’m attracted to both of them because they are so different from each other and they are very different from me. They each check certain boxes for me that individually neither of them could. No individual on their own really could. We all kinda do that for each other and I think that’s why polyamory works for us. Our relationship is balanced in that way.
I wouldn’t say we are co-dependent, but we depend on each other for a lot. We met through work. We have the same friends and family. We’re around each other a lot. 
The sex isn’t bad either. We have a semi-open relationship. We’re free to have sexual relationships, but we’ve agreed not to open our relationship to other romantic partners. We keep each other busy as it is. We check each other’s boxes in that way too.”
5. Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? What was it like? How well did it go?
“Some guy at a party when I was 17. I led him to the back of my truck. He came and I didn’t, but it was ok because we were on the clock. We were kinda racing his twin sister and my older brother, Beau, who were in another car about two car lengths down beside us. Not my best story, but it is my first.”
6. Have you ever had a same-sex experience? Who with, what was it like, and how did it go?
“Course. My first girl went a lot smoother than my first guy. I was 22 and she was 24, I think, and I was not her first. She was sweet.”
7. What is your deepest, most well-hidden sexual fantasy? Would you ever try?
“Normally I’m very dominant. With the company I keep I’ve had to learn to be socially and it translated sexually. But, I kinda like the idea of being choked. I would never try it with just some hook up. Especially not with a man. Which leads to a glaring issue since I want to be choked by a man.
My sexual relationship with my partners is interesting because we don’t always stick to our roles. I might consider, attempting, that with Chibs just because I know he’s the only man I’ve ever felt completely secure with in such an intimate way. That’s not to say I don’t trust Tig in the same way. We just have a different dynamic and I know he tends to lean towards submission and he needs us to stay that way to feel secure.
I just don’t know how to breech that conversation. And I wouldn’t want to without knowing that we could return to our normal dynamic because I can’t be submissive, at least not in that way, all the time and I know he doesn't want me to be.”
8. What was the wildest thing you’ve ever done, sexually? Who was it with and when did it happen?
“Depends on what you personally view as “wild”. I’ve been to a sex club, once. A proper one in England with performers and company brands and the like. That was crazy, but in the best way. I’ve had multiple partners at a time and had sex in multiple public locations in multiple countries. I like to think I’ve done a lot, but I know that isn’t true either. I’m just going to keep finding new experiences with new people.”
9. Is there any sexual activity that you enjoy and/or practice regularly that can be considered non-standard? (Bondage, Fantasy Play, etc.) Why do you like it?
“(Openly laughs) Back to checking those boxes. Um, pegging is fun. With the right equipment I can check just as many boxes as my partners can.”
10. Is there any sexual activity that you will not, under any circumstances, do?
I’ve been known to explore the shallows of the BDSM community. Light bondage and impact play. I’m not opposed to spankings, especially if my partner at the time needs that. But I have never and will never hit someone I have any sort of relationship with in the face. Open, closed fist, or with an object, the thought would just never occur to me. That rule extends to relationships outside of sexual and romantic ones, but that’s another discussion entirely.”
11. What is more important - sex or intimacy? Why?
“If you had asked me before I met my partners I would have said sex because that’s all I was looking for. These days I’m practicing compersion. I’m a big fan. Intimacy is so important, I think even more important in a polyamorous relationship, for maintaining healthy, open communication.”
12. Do you use endearments? (For partners or in general?)
“In general I tend to use individual endearments for different sexes and different partners. I tend to use “sweetheart” and “honey” as insults whether that comes across or not.
My favorite nickname that my partners call me is “Ma’am”.”
13. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you love?
“Lie. No matter the reason. Even if it worked out in the end. That doesn’t make lying right.”
14. What’s the part of your partner’s body you like the most?
“What they want me to answer, what I’m suppose to answer, and what I want to answer are all different answers. But I do like the same features pretty equally on both. No one can say that I don’t have a type.”
15. Ever wake up next to someone you instantly regretted sleeping with?
“There’s this one girl from high school. And she hasn’t left since. Became a Croweater because of me. I honestly try to feel bad for her, but she makes it incredibly hard to.”
16. What kind of birth control do you use? Have you ever got an STD from a previous partner?
“Ever since my second abortion I’ve been dependent on the arm implant. The abortions were before my partners and I can’t risk being careless for their own sake. Per our agreement, I always use condoms when I am not with my partners. Thankfully I’ve never contracted STDs and it’s nearly impossible now with how cautious my older partner is.”
17. Which is more important to you - boobs or butts?
“Boobs, toned chests, collar bones. Really the prime hickies areas above the waist.”
18. Have you ever skinny dipped? 
“There is the interesting trend in my life where I started out bathing naked with my brothers when we were really little, then we started doing it in bathing suits in our teens, and now that we’re grown we’re back to walking around naked in front of each other.
I’ve skinny dipped with friends and its been totally platonic and I’ve skinned dipped with sex partners.”
18. What’s the most erotic thing your significant other does?
“This may be hard to explain. 
Tig wears these leather wrist cuffs (*Schuyler starts rubbing her own wrist) that very easily draw my attention to his hands no matter where they are. When he’s relaxed, he stands with a hand on the handle of his knife. When he’s attempting to appear intimidating, he stands with his hands crossed in front of his waist, one hand clutching the other’s wrist or both clutching his belt buckle. And both actions are somehow simalteously dominate and submissive in aesthetic and action. That’s the best way I could possible describe him. A delicate mixture of both.
With Chibs, he does this thing when he is thinking, and I mean really deep in thought, he gets this sort of look on his face, his eyebrows knit together, and he opens his mouth in a way that’s just a hair shy of his ‘O’ face. And its really hot.
Between the two of them, it’s these little things they do when they don’t even realize they’re being watched, that I find attractive.”
19. After being intimate are you a sleeper or ready for more?
“It’s funny because both my partners have a higher sex drive then me despite the fact that they’re older. I argue that it’s because I work more, but that isn’t necessarily true. I’m a sleeper and I am not a cuddler by any means. The good news is it makes me a giver during the actual act. They often joke that I “cum like a man” and complain about having to entertain each other when I’m done.”
20. What turns you on almost instantly?
“Smoking and watching my partners, specifically, commit acts of violence, like boxing or a bit more than that. Yeah, I know.”
21. Would you rather have sex with the lights on or off?
“On! But I want my partner to be comfortable.”
22. Would you rather give oral sex, or receive it?
“Give it! With fervor.” 
23. Would you rather be on top, or underneath?
“Top. I like directing.”
24. Have you ever used sex aids in bed? Would you use them with your current partner? Which ones?
“Besides toys and lube, I don’t believe I have. I’d be more than willing if it was for the benefit of my partner. I made the mistake of introducing my partners to sexually enhancing marijuana products. I don’t smoke weed, but both my partners do and they will try to get me to smoke it until the day I die. And they’re trying to convince me that the enhancements are not the same as smoking, so ‘its fine’. I still disagree.”
25. Have you tried anal? Would you?
“Regularly. And double penetration and double vaginal penetration. I would say it is because I ‘have to’, but that would be a lie.”
26. Have you ever tried bondage? Would you?
“I’ve been known to swipe a pair of hand cuffs off pigs’ belts when they aren’t looking. I don’t known as much about the practices as I’d like to and don’t practice BDSM half as much as I think about it. It’s been mainly tame stuff.”
27. Have you used food in sex play?
“I like ice because I’m very hot natured. I actually prefer cigarettes to food.”
28. Would you rather have sex with your other half’s best friend or with your best friend?
“Well since the answer to both are two of my older brothers (by choice and name, not blood) either would be awkward. I suppose my other half’s best friend since I’ve known that guy for less time. I’m pretty sure his wife would finally kill me though. Hell that might make it worth the trouble. Just to piss her off.”
29. Would you rather have sex with one person watching or with fifty people watching?
“I feel like if it was a playback recording situation or even live streamed in separate rooms the number doesn’t matter. I’ve been known to have sex in rooms with up to fifty people around, but they’re usually occupied and more than likely know or are under instructions to ignore me. But if I had the choice then it would be one. Then I could perform and tailor the experience to that person. At that point it would be more of a game.”
30. Would you rather be in a relationship with a totally submissive partner or a dominant partner?
“That’s the brilliance of my relationship. I more or less have both. But if I had to choose it would be a submissive partner.”
31. Would you rather kiss your boss or have your significant other kiss them?
“Knowing the bosses I have had I would much rather someone else do it for me, even my SO. I don’t really get jealous in that way and I kind of like to watch my partners with other people.”
32. Would you rather pursue a life where you could only ever have sex with one partner in the same position in the same bedroom or have sex with a completely different person every time?
“A different person every single time.”
33. Have you ever gone a whole day without wearing underwear?
“I always go commando when I go to concerts and sometimes under my scrubs just because they’re comfortable.”
34. Where’s the strangest place you’ve had sex?
“A motorcycle? Not mine, because I respect the machine, but on other people’s bikes.”
35. What’s one thing you do with your partner that you could never give up?
“Midnight drives out to the desert. Or movie nights.”
36. When was the last time your SO was in one of your dreams?
“Before we moved in together.”
37. Would you rather make out with someone else or watch your significant other make out with someone?
“Both. We can take turns.”
38. What time of day are you interested in sex: morning, afternoon, night?
“Afternoon because I’m the most awake and it gives me an excuse to shower and do chores, afterwards.”
39. Have you ever had sex in a public place?
“It’s a frequent occurrence.”
40. Would you rather sleep with someone much older than you, or simply never have sex during your life time?
“My partners are 17 and 13 years older than me, respectively. I’ve always looked at men who are older than me and women who are about my age, but I don’t mind older women for their experience. When it comes down to it I’m taking home whoever is looking good on the night. I wouldn’t give up sex based on something so superficial.”
41. Would you rather be a virgin until you are 40 and subsequently have the most amazing sexual partners of a lifetime, or would you rather have the most amazing sexual partners until you are 40 and then never have sex again?
“I don’t plan on living very long past 40, so the former.”
42. Would you rather remain a virgin until marriage and have a spectacular sexual partner or remain unmarried for the rest of your life and have a ton of great sexual partners who never love or commit to you?
“I don’t personally believe in marriage for a slew of related and unrelated reasons. And I’m all about experiences, so the later.”
43. Would you rather only ever have sex in bed or only ever have sex outside the bedroom?
“Beds are nice.”
44. Would you rather have sex in the kitchen or living room?
“Living room. Apparently I like furniture.”
45. Do you check out your SO when they walk away?
“No, but it’s mainly for posturing and protection.”
46. Do you think you’re a good kisser?
“I get by.”
47. What’s your favorite position and why?
“Cowboy. I like to do all the work, I like the view, and I make for an even better one.”
48. What is it about a person that sexually attracts you?
“Humor and intelligence. A good head of hair doesn’t hurt.”
49. What’s your darkest sexual fantasy?
“I’m kinda into knife and blood play, but I have never attempted either.”
50. How many orgasms have you had in one session? How many sessions have you had in one day?
“I think my record is four in a setting. And the most sessions I’ve ever attempted in a day is three. And doing both is easier with three people who are relaxed because they are on vacation and eager to please. That was basically the formula for our tenth anniversary.”
51. Are you noisy in bed?
“No because I’m so focused on making sure my partner is as loud as they are comfortable being.”
52. Do you think virginity is something to be respected, or do you think it’s a nuisance?
“I think it is artificial and you should get rid of it as soon as you (legally) can. It’s fake, but also a hassle to carry around.” 
53. What’s the longest amount of time you have been abstinent?
“6 months.”
54. Have you ever had angry sex with your SO or another person), was it good?
“Angry sex is always good. I’ve for sure hate fucked at least guy who was a client and that’s how I discovered that I couldn’t sleep with cliental anymore. I don’t think I’ve ever had angry sex with either of my partners, though they might have been angry once or twice...”
55. Are you a greedy lover? In what way?
“I like my partners to be vocal and I like knowing that it’s because of me.”
56. Do you ever pleasure your lover without satisfying yourself too?
“All the time. Usually due to a time constraint.”
57. What’ s the best part of oral sex with your SO?
“How eager they are to please me.”
58. Have you ever had drunken or drugged sex?
“Drunk sex is just another Friday night. My partners are high 9/10 times, but I’ve personally only ever purposely gotten high once and it was before I met them. Unless you count contact high, then maybe I’ve been high during sex. 
And both of my partners have been known to, partake in the use of, we’ll say ‘heavier’ drugs recreationally. I will not have sex with them when they are influenced - in that way. And they do it less now because I refuse to have sex with them while they are high.”
59. What’s the best kiss you’ve ever had?
“(Looks around for eyes on her) “This will get me into trouble. But it was after Chibs came back from his, we’ll call it a business trip, to Ireland. I was suppose to go and didn’t. And I’ve never been more relieved to see him.”
60. What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
“That’s a safer question. And arguably more fun. It was between both my partners. It was the night Tig got out of Stockton. He was inside for 14 months and the only time he’s ever been inside without Chibs. For like a week after I didn’t think I was going to let him go, so he gave me this wicked hickie on my neck to carry around. That’s the longest any of us have ever been apart and we don’t plan to let it happen again.”
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This seems like fun! Thanks for the tag, @swissmissing! 
1. AO3 handle: SilentAuror
2. Ships I write: Johnlock. Oh, and maybe a touch of Freebatch. In the past I wrote a crapton of Harry/Draco and a few other scattered ships hither and thither, but these days it’s pretty much pure Johnlock over here. 
3. Ships I read: I don’t read much fanfic, but if I do, it’s definitely Johnlock! 
4. When I started writing: I don’t remember my first piece of fiction ever, but it was definitely sometime in childhood! My first fanfic was posted in 2002, I believe! 
5. First fic I wrote: In this fandom? Resurrection. 
6. Favorite fic I wrote: I really can’t say! 
7. Hardest fic I wrote: Again, I really can’t say. Different stories have been hard for different reasons. Against the Rest of the World comes to mind, just for sheer length and complexity & detail of plot, but Scars was very different to write for the emotional and physical abuse it contains. Some of the angst-heavy stories I’ve written have practically given me ulcers. Sometimes I make the cases so complicated that I have to keep a whole separate file just on case notes (witness The Bells of King’s College, which features not just six cold cases, but they all had to be related to: a) the murderer (obviously), b) each other, and c) a potential seventh victim, and d) Mary!). Bridging the Ravine features something like 21 named OCs, about 8 of whom have fairly major parts. And The Final Proof was hard as hell to write because it made me cry throughout, lol. Along with basically 98% of the people who have read it, which was sort of the point, but there you go. :P (See warnings!!!!!) 
8. Most research-intensive fic I wrote: That has to be a toss-up between Against the Rest of the World for the location research specifically, and Scars, for which I did extensive research (including interviewing three separate therapists who specialize in female->male abuse and gaslighting). 
9. Fic that is most dear to me: This is like asking me to pick a favourite among my children! Of which I now have 84 in this fandom alone! Really can’t say! 
10. Favourite trope to write: I mostly avoid actively writing tropes, though I’ve unapologetically used fake-couple-for-a-case twice now (once where it goes quite well for them (Bridging the Ravine) and once where it goes quite badly for them (The Bells of King’s College)), and smaller tropes like sexual coaching (Isosceles), bed-sharing (numerous), and then apparently I’ve used some accidentally, such as amnesia (The Wisteria Tree). Lol. 
11. Something I wouldn’t write: An unhappy or non-Johnlock ending, a version of Mary that doesn’t line up with her actual canon behaviour, fluffy familial sitcom that’s wholly out of character (which isn’t to say that parentlock can’t be IC, but it’s a stretch to make it fit with these two particular men, IMO). 
12. Favourite scene I ever wrote: I’ve just written too many to choose only one. :/ Sorry, I keep saying this! 
13. Where I get my inspiration: From Moftiss’ resolute determination to prevent these two from having an honest, direct, and complete conversation about their relationship, their history, and their feelings. I WILL make them talk, damn it! And then kiss. Like a lot. :) 
14. Hardest scene I ever wrote: There’s a rape scene in chapter 3 of Scars. I avoided writing it for days. Then, once I finished it, I remember literally just closing my laptop, standing up, putting on my shoes, and walking out of my apartment to clear my head. 
15. Favourite characterisation I wrote: Oooh. Okay, I’m giving this one to Sherlock in Against the Rest of the World, specifically because it’s told in first person, which means that I spent four solid months living inside this version of his head, and I found it very difficult to not be in it once the story came to its eventual finish!
In this fandom, I’ve now written in the POVs of 12 different characters (not counting the “characters” of Ben and Martin in my four Freebatch fics), and I’ve loved writing every single one of them, even if I don’t necessarily love the character themselves! The breakdown goes like this, though for the last two, it’s only single chapters/parts of stories, never a full stand-alone story: Sherlock (36 times, including both novels), John (37 times), Mycroft (3 times), Lestrade (3 times), Mary (3 times), Molly (twice), Rose (Rosie at age 19, once), Janine (once), Ella (once), Vee (Mummy) Holmes (once), Mrs Hudson (once), and Sally Donovan (once). 
My current project is one of my rare mixed-POV stories, heavily John-POV, but with contribution scenes from Sherlock, Ella, and Molly. 
16. Sequel I would write, if I had the chance: I’m actually somewhat planning, pending my muses’ inspiration and general whims, a sequel to Isosceles, where Sherlock and John visit Corey Graham in LA. :)
17. Story I want to write, but I don’t think people would enjoy reading: It’s so masochistic, but I never let that stop me! :P I did suppress my urge to write my first Freebatch fic (The A.G.R.A Complex) for about eight months before finally giving in. I fully expected to be shot for writing Scars, and I’m somewhat expecting people to hate my current project, but if the muses demand it, then I write it. What can you do. :P
18. A line from a WIP: I never do lines. It’ll have to be a snippet, lol. Not to channel Culverton Smith or anything... 
Ella thinks of the long story Sherlock told her one stormy afternoon only a few weeks ago, during one of the appointments she cannot, by dint of professional vow, acknowledge to John that are happening, and of the fact that Sherlock admitted that he’s never yet found a way to casually bring up the snipers in conversation with John, his hesitancy to rock the boat, the surface stability they’ve seemingly found in the wake of the events with Sherlock’s unbalanced sister. She sighs inwardly, but keeps her expression neutral. “You’re still angry about that,” she says. It isn’t a question; after all, she knows John rather well by this point.
John frowns, but nods, still looking down.
“And how has that anger come out?” Ella asks, conscious to keep her tone even. 
John’s mouth opens, his breath drawing in sharply and stopping in his chest.
19. A recent comment on a story that made me smile: That someone commented at all makes me smile! Unless it’s overt hate, I guess. :P 
20. A discontinued work I would love to finish: I have never, in my 2.1+ million words of Sherlock fiction, or 1.5 words of HP fiction, not finished a story that I started. 
21. Fic writers I admire: Honestly, for these last two, I just don’t read enough to be able to comment well on this! I also know that if I list anyone, I’ll leave out someone who really, really should be mentioned. I’ll just say this: anyone who is actively working at the craft of writing and putting themselves out there deserves all the praise and admiration in the world. Same goes for artists! You’re putting a naked little piece of your soul out there for the world to see, criticize, hopefully (but not necessarily) love, and that is SO brave! So the truest answer here is: all of you! 
22. A story I recommend: Same answer as above! I would recommend @swissmissficrecs for recs! 
Tagging: anyone who reads this post and writes. You’re tagged. :)
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