#drew was there too but kinda despises them
auras-moonstone · 1 year
hockey player ethan/jack?? what do we think
HOT!!! that’s what we think. anyways happy august season to the august girlies<3 this was very painful yet fun to write btw
august — ethan landry
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word count: 3,180
pairing: hockey player!ethan landry x fem!reader
based on: august by taylor swift
summary: y/n and ethan had never seen each other with romantic eyes, until she pulls up her car. after that, their summer love adventure starts.
warnings: angst, fluff, cheating and that’s it i guess
part one part two
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Y/N WAS CERTAINLY NOT PROUD OF WHAT SHE DID, BUT SHE COULDN’T LIE TO HERSELF, SHE DID NOT REGRET IT. Did that make her a bad person? Probably, and maybe that’s why karma got her, because sneaking around with someone’s boyfriend—even if it that someone was Betty, whom Y/N absolutely despised—had been a dick move, and she knew it all too well. But then again, Ethan’s puppy brown eyes had been like a trap. A trap she had fallen for unexpectedly and deeply.
Ethan Landry was the captain of the Blackmore Hockey Team—which Y/N’s brother, Drew, was a part of—, and Blackmore University’s golden boy. He was beyond untouchable, and taken by the captain of the cheerleader squad: Betty Harkness. They were the perfect couple on papers, but everyone knew they didn’t get along very well, and that they broke up and made up back and forth.
Everyone wanted Ethan—he was gorgeous, confident, hilarious, kind, athletic and pretty much every positive adjective you could find. But Y/N always saw him as Drew’s friend and Ethan always saw her as Drew’s little sister (although she was only a few months younger than them). Until one action completely changed the course of their lives.
“Eth? Are you on your way to hockey practice?” Y/N pulled up her car when he saw the tall boy walking on the sidewalk, hockey stick over his broad shoulder.
“Y/N! Yes. My car broke down, and now I have to walk” Ethan said, scrunching his nose.
“Get in the car, dumbass. I’ll drive you” she said, opening the shotgun door.
“Are you sure? Aren’t you heading somewhere else?”
“No, actually I was going to see the practice too. My best friend left to visit some relatives, so I have no plans. Drew invited me to the practice when he saw me mopping around the house”
Ethan laughed, and got into the car “You’re a life saver. But hey, does that mean you have to spend your whole summer all alone? That’s awful”
Y/N shook her head “Only a week and a half. Now I kinda wish I had more friends, although staying at home watching rom-coms doesn’t sound that bad”
“God, you depress me” Ethan groaned.
“Sorry Mr. So Popular I Get Invited To Every Party” she teased him.
“You could get invited to parties too, if you didn’t have that bitchy face whenever someone approaches you with an invitation” Ethan said, trying to contain a smile.
“I do that?” she asked, genuinely surprised.
Ethan raised his eyebrows “You don’t do that on purpose?”
“No! I mean, I would take the invitation even though parties aren’t my thing and will probably not go”
“Why? Because you’re not like other girls?” he joked.
Y/N scoffed “No, you dick. I get anxious around big crowds, especially intoxicated crowds” she explained.
“Oh… now I do feel like a dick”
The girl sent him a reassuring smile “It’s okay”
“You know, this is the first time we talk without Drew around” Ethan said.
“You’re right. What’s your veredict? Am I better company than my brother?” she asked, playful smile on her lips.
“Oh, most definitely” he said mirroring her smile “Jokes aside, you’re actually fun to be around”
“You doubted that?? What a wrong thing to assume from someone who was the authority to kick you out of her car” Y/N tried to keep a serious expression, but Ethan’s laugh ruined it.
“True, true. I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Y/N/N. Please don’t leave me stranded” Ethan said, putting his palms together and looking at her with his deep brown eyes.
Had he always had those cute puppy eyes? And holy shit was he handsome, and charming. How did that go past her all this time?
Y/N did an exaggerated sigh “Fine, I guess I am feeling a little kind-hearted today, so I’ll give you a pass”
“Oh, thank you, benevolent Y/N” he said, and then both bursted out laughing.
Ethan sneaked out glances at her throughout the rest of the ride, wondering how he had never noticed how funny and gorgeous she was. And had she always had that shiny smile?
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what are you wearing? 😏
um my grandma’s camisole
who is this?
you’re supposed to say i’m just in my underwear or something sexy jesus y/n🙄
you’re absolutely disgusting, stranger
who are you??
a very handsome and espectacular hockey player (the best on the team, if you want my opinion)
omg julian hi!! i was going to ask for your number but i never had the courage tbh
you’re fricking adorable ethan
oh you knew it was me
what gave it away? the handsome part or the espectacular hockey player??
your ego🫤
ah yes makes sense🤔
so… no crush on julian?
nope :)
why are you texting me tho?
i’m bored and you told me you had no plans
so, meet me behind the mall?
we can go see a movie or something
if you want to, ofc
oooh i heard they are playing twilight 🥺🥺
not gonna happen
pretty please????? don’t be judgemental
it’s a classic
we have very different opinions on the term “classic”
come on don’t be like that😫😫 i really want to go
plus we can watch a movie you want another day???
okay fineeee
see you in an hour?!
see ya👹
what the fuck is that emoji
it’s the closest thing to a vampire 😭
🧛🏻🧛🏻‍♂️ there you go, the emojis actually exist
you’re the dorkiest dork i’ve ever met
a cute one tho ;)
thank you but get your ass moving
robert pattinson is waiting for me!!!
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ETHAN WOULD ABSOLUTELY HATE THE MOVIE IF THE SIGHT OF Y/N’S EXCITED FACE WASN’T SO GODDAMN HEART WARMING. Ethan didn’t know what was going on with him, but he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her ever since the drive—which was a week ago. He yearned for her sarcastic remarks and funny comebacks. He found himself going to Drew’s house more often just to catch a small glimpse of the gorgeous girl, who would smile brightly at him when she caught him staring.
Yes, they were definitely flirting. And he felt like he was fifteen again having his first crush. But the attraction was obviously mutual, so he didn’t hesitate to make a move.
“How many times have you watched this movie again?” Ethan whispered in her ear, and she felt goosebumps all over her body. How could a voice be that sexy?
“Like… ten times? I don’t know. Why? Am I reciting the lines too much?” she asked embarrassed.
Ethan bit his lip softly, his heart not taking her cuteness “No, just wondering if you could miss five minutes of it”.
“Because I want to kiss you”
“But I wanna keep on watching Robert” she teased as she got closer to the tall boy.
“You’re seriously talking about another guy while I am one second away from kissing the fuck out of you?”
Y/N shrugged “Deal with it”
“As you wish”
The arm rest was stabbing her ribcage but Y/N didn’t care about anything else other than that intoxicating kiss. She didn’t feel anything but the heat of his touch on her waist, on her jaw, on her neck—everywhere. And Ethan didn’t care about anything else but her soft lips, the feel of her fingers on his hair, the little whimpers she was making as his tongue explored her mouth.
“Now that I think about it, I can miss the rest of the movie” she spoke against his lips.
Ethan smirked “My house?” Y/N nodded eagerly.
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THE SILKY SHEETS FELT SOFT AGAINST HER NAKED SKIN AND THE WARMTH OF ETHAN’S BODY MADE HER WANT TO NEVER GET UP. But it was practice day, so Ethan’s alarm went off, and they both groaned. The night had been amazing, after whispers of ‘are you sure?’ and ‘never have i ever before’, they ended up twisted in his bedsheets and the memory of the passionate rounds were the first thing that came to their minds as they woke up.
“We need to get up, Eth. You have practice” Y/N said as the sleepy boy pulled her towards him.
“But you look so pretty beneath the sun and in my sheets” he whispered, kissing her collarbone.
Y/N blushed “Come on, we have to go”
“We? Are you coming to the practice?” Ethan said excitedly.
Y/N nodded “If that’s okay”
“Yes! Prepare to be left enchanted by my hockey skills”
“I’ve seen you play hundreds of times, Eth” she laughed. “I know you’re fantastic”
“I will dedicate every score to you” he kissed her softly.
“Wow, I’m so excited and honoured” Y/N said in a high-pitched voiced.
“You’re so mean” Ethan laughed. “By the way… are you feeling okay? Aren’t first times painful?”
“Well, my legs feel a little bit weird, but I’m okay. Thank you” Y/N smiled sweetly, and he pressed his lips to her temple.
Was it too soon to say she had, maybe, fallen for him? Could he possibly feel the same? Y/N could only hope it wasn’t just a summer thing for him, because she certainly knew it wouldn’t be for her.
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AUGUST HAD SIPPED AWAY LIKE A BOTTLE OF WINE AND SOON CLASSES STARTED AGAIN. And the feeling of anxiety filled Y/N’s chest. What would happen now? Would Ethan break up with Betty or was he going to let the memories of august slip away into just a moment in time? They had never talked about it, they just enjoyed their moments together.
“Well, well, she’s alive! Who would’ve thought?” the voice of Willow, her best friend, filled her ears.
“Hi, my gorgeous beautiful pretty friend” Y/N said with a guilty smile as she approached her.
“No, no. There’s not enough adjectives in the world to remediate the fact that you cancelled our plans all summer” Willow crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“I’m sorry… I need to confess something”
Willow raised her eyebrows “I’m hearing”
“Promise not to freak out? It’s important that you stay calm, we’re in the hallway”
“I promise”
“I’ve been seeing someone during the summer” she whispered.
Willow’s eyes almost popped out of her face “Holy shit! Who?”
“Remember your promise, okay?” Y/N reminded her, and she nodded impatiently. “Ethan”.
Willow didn’t scream, or gasp, or choked in surprise. She laughed. “Oh my god, imagine!” wow, was it that unbelievable? Y/N stared at her with a serious expression and soon Willow realized it wasn’t a joke. “Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N/N? Are we talking about Ethan Landry? Captain of the team? Your brother’s friend? Mr. Popular? Betty Harnkness’ boyfriend?”
“Yes, Willow. Congratulations, you know him!”
“Don’t use that tone with me right now! Y/N he has a girlfriend”
Y/N sighed “I know, okay? And I feel a little bad. But it’s too late, okay? It’s done”
“A little bad?” Willow repeated, trying not to laugh.
“Well, it is Betty we are talking about. And are they really into each other or is just for social status?”
“Yeah… what is going to happen? Are him and Betty over? Are you two dating?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know and no” she answered. “We haven’t talked about it”
“I bet you didn’t talk at all” Willow smirked.
“Actually… we did. I mean, we did have fun doing… physical stuff but we also talked a lot” Y/N said with a smile “He’s so amazing, Willow. He’s so easy to talk to, he’s funny, sweet, laughs at my jokes, takes care of me, compliments me every chance he has, he’s an amazing kisser… he dedicated me every single score he did when he played. It was so sweet”
“Holy shit, Y/N you really fell for him”
“I know” you could almost see the sparks radiating off her.
“Well, lover girl. Let’s go to class, and then you’ll tell me all the details”
And as they walked through the hallway they caught sight of Ethan’s group. Against the lockers were Drew, Julian, Chad, Tara, Mindy, Anika, Betty and Ethan, whose arms was draped around Betty’s waist.
Y/N felt her surroundings get frozen, a knot appeared on her throat and she was pretty sure she was about to cry. Just like that, every hope and excitement left inside her turned into ashes. She wanted to keep walking, but her feet were glued to the floor.
“Fuck, Y/N/N” Willow whispered, as she saw what had left her best friend in such state “Let’s keep walking” she grabbed her friend’s hand and started to guide her towards the classroom.
But to do that, they had to walk past the group. The two friends set their eyes on their goal—the classroom—praying they wouldn’t notice them.
“Y/N/N!” shit no, no no. Willow squeezed her friend‘s hand tightly as they heard Drew calling her. She had no choice.
“It’s okay, I’m here” Willow whispered as they dragged their feet towards them.
“Hi” they said, Willow’s tone was dry while Y/N’s was just low and unstable.
“Hey, just wanted to give you these” Drew said, handing her two tickets. “For the hockey match this weekend. You are going, right?”
“I don’t know. Willow and I have plans” Y/N said, only looking at Drew.
“But it’s our last match. And we’re pretty confident we’re winning, with our star player right here” Drew said, patting Ethan’s arm. The boy laughed, and Y/N felt her heart clench at the beautiful sound.
“Yeah, Y/N/N come on. You enjoy hockey” his voice addressing her did nothing but make her want to cry in the spot. Was he mocking her? Y/N didn’t look at him, and Willow threw him a dirty glance.
“Y/N’s thing is to stay home with her lame romantic comedies” Betty’s annoying voice said.
“Shut up, Betty” Tara said harshly.
“Please? I really want you there” Drew told her.
How could she say no? She loved her brother “Okay, okay. We will be there” she faked a smiled so he won’t see how miserable she was feeling.
But he was her brother, and knew her like the back of his hand “Hey, what’s wrong?” he grabbed his sister by the cheeks, eyes reflecting how worried he was.
“Nothing” god she felt so pathetic. It was now obvious she was about to cry. And she was doing it in front of her brother’s friends, the boy who broke her heart and his girlfriend “I need to go to class, see you later”.
By the end of the day, Y/N felt absolutely defeated. Her energy was drained, the knot on her throat didn’t want to go away and her mind was making fun of her by replaying the memories of her summer love thing with Ethan. But as if God took pity on her, the last class of the day got suspended so she got to go home early.
But apparently it was the Let’s Make Y/N Feel Like Shit day, because Ethan had been waiting for her in the hood of her car, with his perfect mullet hair and his hockey jersey that looked absolutely amazing on him. She had no escape.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she spoke. Now she felt furious, how dare he show his face after that morning?
“I needed to talk to you” Ethan said in a soft voice.
“I have things to do. So, I’m really sorry, but not right now”
“By ‘things’ do you mean go home, make cookies and watch 10 things I hate about you?” he asked with a knowing smile.
“Don’t act as if you knew me” she spitted in anger.
The smile fell from his face “I do know you, Y/N/N”
“Well then, you might’ve realized that I don’t want to talk to you at all” she said, trying not to let the tears fall. Why was he there? Wasn’t the pain he put on her that morning enough?
“Please… I- I need to explain what happened. It’s not what it looked like” Ethan said.
“So, you’re telling me that you actually broke up with Betty?” she asked, already knowing what the answer would be. Ethan sighed and shook his head no. “Then it was exactly what it looked like. And you even had the audacity to mock me!”
“What?! I didn’t mock you” Ethan said truthfully.
“Y/N/N come on. You enjoy hockey” she imitated his voice. “You were mocking me. You know I don’t care about hockey, I just cared about seeing you and my brother”
“I- god yes, it sounded bad. But I swear I didn’t mean it like that. It was my way of telling you everything was okay”
“What the fuck?!” she laughed dryly “Nothing is okay, Ethan! You are still with her. And I know we didn’t state you were breaking up with her to be with me, but I just thought… I thought you would do it. That we had something going on. I thought it was more than a summer thing”.
“It was more than that, I promise. It was so much more than a summer thing. I’ve never felt something so strong towards someone”
“Then why are you still with her?”
“I… don’t know. I just-she saw me and everyone was watching us… I couldn’t break up with her. I’m sorry. With the match coming up, I didn’t want to add any unnecessary drama… I just thought it wasn’t the right time to break up”
“Unnecessary drama? The match? Are you fucking serious? It didn’t cross your mind how would I feel when I saw you with your arms around her? Well, in case you were wondering it was fucking devastating. I was just telling Willow what an amazing guy you are… how in love I am with you. And then I saw you two… it sucked, Ethan. So I’m sorry if your apologies aren’t enough. Now I need to go”
“How in love I am with you” were the words that resonated on Ethan’s head as he watched Y/N drive away. She was in love with him, and he was very much in love with her too, but he wrecked everything.
“Hey, man. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Drew found him in the empty hallway.
“I screwed it up, Drew. I hurt her”
“What’s are you talking about?” but Ethan did nothing but sob with his head in his hands. “It’s okay, man. Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be okay”
But Ethan didn’t know if it was going to be okay. He cursed for having been so careless with the relationship, for having though that wanting would be enough. It wasn’t. He should’ve been clear with Betty. His top priority should’ve been Y/N, not Betty nor the hockey match. He ruined it, but he was going to do everything in his power to make it up to her. He was determined to win back the girl he loved.
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busket · 1 month
gravity falls rant, cw sexual assault and harassment
seeing the gf fandom do a full 180 on billford is so odd to see and kind of infuriating because I had so many nasty rumors and lies spread about me in 2015-2018 because I liked them as bitter exes. a callout google doc was made and I never read it, but I know it framed me as a creep and an abuser. all because I thought a cartoon nerd and a triangle had a fascinating dynamic that was dark and compelling
in 2017 or 2018 someone sent like 70 messages to my curiouscat just repeating RAPIST RAPIST RAPIST RAPIST over and over again. I'd never even had sex at that point, and I had just cut my dad out of my life for actually being a pedophile and a rapist. so that was traumatizing! that really hurt me!
I also know it was because I had a NSFW account where i drew porn (i was an adult, i was clear i only wanted adults following me. and I still do draw nsfw, I'm not ashamed of that now but these folks made me ashamed of it for years) that included some porn of trans men, like Stanley or Stanford as trans men (NEVER together bc I've always been staunchly against incest or pedophilia ships) and these people framed me as a transphobe and a transmasc fetishist
well obviously I'm a trans man now and I didn't know it at the time but those drawings were a way to explore my own relationship with gender. I even look like Stan and Ford now, obviously i latched on to them as trans men because I wanted to BE them. but I believed it when people called me a piece of shit, I assumed all trans people would despise me too and I'd committed a horrible sin and it forced me back in the closet for another 5 years.
the people doing this were teenagers at the time, a few I thought were my friends/mutuals, and they made that part of my life kinda miserable. I was already miserable with other shit going on in my life. I ignored most of the harassment to make myself uninteresting and to avoid the possibility of becoming a lolcow but it involved anonymous messages both on tumblr and curiouscat, I even got a few emails just mocking me. even in 2019 when some people were like "oh yeah she's moved on to moomin, this is what her art looks like now, I can't look at it without thinking about how much she loves rape :/" which was NEVER true!!! I liked Ford and Bill as bitter exes but it was always consensual in my mind.
Anyway I don't ever expect or even want an apology. I'm sure they don't realize what an effect that harassment had on me during literally the darkest years of my life. to them they were just teasing a weird girl on the internet for fun, or very seriously warning their friends against whom they'd been lied to about being an abuser, but I was a closeted trans man trying to finish college, my home life was abysmal and abusive, I hated myself, i hated my body, my only friends were online, and when I'd log on for some escapism I was met with another message like "hey, you should block this person. they're saying some really cruel things about you on their account. I know it's not true but it looks like some people are believing it."
gravity falls was so important to me as a show since oregon is my home and it felt so authentic to my own childhood being interested in cryptids and going camping and visiting shit like the Oregon vortex as a child. but the fandom was the worst I've ever been in. it ruined my enjoyment of media online for years. so idk. I guess I feel somewhat vindicated but it would also be nice to get those years back and not be harassed and bullied online about something so stupid and unimportant
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bugeater101 · 2 years
Synopsis: What began as a spa getaway takes a weird turn when Seungmin notices something interesting about the view from his room. Though his interest in the scenery plagued him with guilt, he couldn't help but be consumed by it. Soon, the getaway becomes even stranger when you make an offer he can't possibly refuse. Who is he to say no?
Content: Seungmin x Reader, perv!Seungmin (like a lot omg), Seungmin is so desperate for the reader it's pathetic, a bit of angst (in the setup, which is long), voyeurism, masturbation (m. receiving), teasing, oral (m. receiving), mutual/forced masturbation, nipple play (f. receiving), praise!kink, vaginal penetration, no use of a condom (PLEASE wear protection every time!), creampie, aftercare
Word Count: 9.6 K (I'm sorry)
Author's notes: Okay... first Seungmin fic!!! Y'all better not let me down I literally put my heart and soul into this! A good portion of this fic is the setup but then the smut hits kinda hard ngl. also aggressive use of italics sdfhkjshdk. I barely read over this because I've been reading like 100 pages a day during reading week, so I'm sorry if there are more mistakes than usual! As always, minors do not interact!
Taglist: @scribblemetae @mygsis, @9900z @taekbokki, @imtoooyoungforthisshit
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If there was one word to describe Seungmin, it was reserved. There were other terms, too: devilish, mischievous, stubborn. But "reserved" seemed the most fitting. You, however, were different, and incredibly so. You weren't exactly bubbly, but you were loud—and just as stubborn—as Seungmin. As such, all chances were against you being friends. He, who hated loudness, and you, who despised stiff reservation.
But what could you say? Opposites attract.
The two of you as a duo are fun; it simply works. While Seungmin made snide and humorous comments at the expense of others, you would make his grievances obvious through your boastful laughter that drew all attention to you. And, when you whispered your intense hatred of something to Seungmin, he would nod quickly beside you and support your wrath, giggling slyly. Of course, your relationship was more than just your guys' hot-headedness—though it was just what drew you two together.
Seungmin and you recognized what your relationship was really like: it was the comfort of finally finding someone who understood you, being able to hug someone when no one else's body felt like they fit against yours, or even being able to have someone comprehend an entire sentence held within a mute and fleeting glance. Simply, you two were best friends in the truest of terms.
What complicated the matter was Seunmin's inflexibility. His obtuse nature extended to all parts of his life, and that included his feelings for you.
...well, his lust for you, frankly.
It was insatiable. The chemistry between you two was unmatched, and no one could deny it. Hell, most of your friends thought you were already dating until you laughed at the very notion of dating Seungmin.
And it broke his heart every time you did it.
So, he pushed away every feeling toward you that was not platonic. No, it was more than that. It was not just a mere rejection of his feelings, but an utter renunciation of them. He could not bear to have his heart broken every day by you, with every glance that didn't linger on him or how your touch never seemed to stay for long. So, rather than sidebar his feelings and leave them for another day, another person, or even pretend like one day he will get over them, he instead got mad, furious at the thought of liking you. His desires were replaced by a stern voice that told him "how could she ever like you?" or "no one will ever look at you like you're pretty, like they would want you." The voice sounded eerily similar to his own.
Sadly, this voice made his emotions somewhat okay to control. There were easy days, like the days you were not around or days when you were mad at him. Then there were the other days. Days where he couldn't get you out of his mind, days when you were just a little too nice or dressed a little too scantily to evade his thoughts. Days when the tightness of his pants became unbearable.
Today was one of those days.
The spontaneous overnight spa trip now seemed like a foolish getaway attempt to Seungmin. Originally, he had planned it for just you and him—two friends that longed for a quiet escape from the city and the incessant teasing from close acquaintances. Then the two friends became four, and now it was you, him, and the seven idiots he called his friends.
His emotions were running amuck. He was now stranded—is that the right word for this kind of situation? Stranded? He certainly felt like it. This weekend was supposed to be just you and him. Separate rooms, but still together in the hot springs, getting couples massages, eating lavishly—the works. It was his feeble attempt at obtaining some semblance of a romance with you, even if it was all just pretend. Now seven fools were ogling you while he couldn't even get a second of your time.
Not to mention the logistics issues. Oh, fuck the logistics of this trip. The spa was overbooked and thus added to the absolute disappointment of this weekend. Though he advised that you should get your own room as you were the only girl on the trip, you were adamant about having to be alone while everyone else got a roomie. That's how Seungmin got stuck with you. You two were the closest in terms of friendship, and now he had to share a bed with you. He had to deal with you being so close every night. Just within grasp, your scent flooding his system, so precious and close and just inches away from him. God. This weekend was going to be torture.
Hell, it already was. As soon as the group got to the resort, everyone bolted to get to the hot springs—including you. Yet, Seungmin said he'd rather get settled into his room ("our room" you emphasized with a crafty smile), order room service, and sleep the night away. You pleaded with Seungmin to join you guys, even if you would be in the separate women's section. He just shrugged you off. He needed to be alone, to realize how much of a mistake this weekend was, to wallow in his self-pity while you enjoyed the onsen. At least he had some peace of mind knowing a giant bamboo partition separated you from the men's section and, therefore, the boys. They couldn't stare at you then, enjoying you in a bikini—or less considering this was a rather "traditional" spa. Seungmin was satisfied knowing that they couldn't see you so vulnerable, even if it meant he couldn't either. Plus, you seemed pretty excited about the springs, and even if he was jealous, he wasn't going to try and hold you back.
So, now he was alone. Everyone's rooms were now abandoned, minus their carelessly unpacked luggage. Seungmin, however, had spent the last 30 minutes tediously unpacking, refolding, and placing the three days and three nights' worth of clothes into the sturdy drawers of the spa. What a way to spend 30 minutes. It was late, the sun dusting the horizon and the last light was trickling into Seungmin and your room. He knew you would stay out long considering the water would stay warm and the spa open for hours more, so he knew he had ample time to wash up and make himself at home.
Yet, the darkness of the night made him realize that his room was now on full display due to the open curtains. Upon realizing this, Seungmin grew embarrassed realizing that he was completely visible to the outside world. So, he busied himself by locking the windows, shutting the blinds, and enjoying the views of the spa that he was able to see from his room. When he was all done, he gave a quick scan over the room and noticed something peculiar: he had missed a window! The window was short in height but long horizontally long, sitting above the headboard of your shared bed and allowing the last of the sunlight to coat the room. With a sigh, Seungmin clamoured onto the bed and sat on his knees to fiddle with the drawstrings, hoping to successfully pull the blinds shut in one go.
But he didn't.
And luckily he didn't.
Because that's when he saw you.
He didn't know his room had such a view. A view that made his head spin and his mouth salivate.
He was a pervert but fuck was it worth it. Maybe staying behind was the most brilliant idea he's ever had.
This spa emphasized discretion on its website, saying all guests had complete privacy and that the staff were well trained. Now, he was so happy that had been a lie. This window was practically offering him a view into heaven. In just the smallest edge of the glass, only at an angle, he was able to spot due to his precarious position, he realized he had a slim view of the hot springs. The women's hot springs. And the only woman in his view was you. Completely naked.
He silently thanked the architect of the spa and promised to create a whole religion dedicated to him as the Messiah.
The steam from the onsen had obscured some of his view, but he was still able to sit just strangely enough to see you fully. Your hair was sopping wet from the water, skin glistening with its rejuvenating properties. Every breath you took manifested as clouds above your glowing lips, the stark contrast between the cold air and the hot water evident in the air.
His phone was just across the room, so near and just close enough that he could stumble, grab it, then snap a few pictures. Just a few, and maybe a video, and also a pair of your panties to finish the present to himself.
Regardless, he stayed planted on the bed. He couldn't risk leaving, not even for a millisecond. His eyes absorbed all they could and he prayed his mind didn't erase anything too essential to his survival as it made room for these fucking memories of you. But didn't matter though. If this image—you in the spring, naked and soaked in water with steam clouding, making you appear like a siren—was all that his mind had room for, he would gladly accept a life of stupidly if it meant only carnally thinking of you.
He imagined how perky your nipples must be due to the coldness of the air. Part of him hoped you would tell him later how satisfying the water was on your tits, how its warmth felt like soft lips sucking on your nipples and how the cold air was nipping at the buds. Like if someone was playing with you, desperately trying to make you cum just by latching onto your leaking, raw nipples.
"Please get up, please sit up," he found himself muttering quickly. His knuckles were white as he gripped the windowsill and his jeans constrained him like a cage. "Please, please y/n, baby, please just for me, for Minnie, just sit up."
It was as if you had heard him. Or, if God had finally answered his prayers.
It was just a moment, a simple second where you were readjusting your sitting position. And it was the best second of Seungmin's life. Your chest lifted from the water, droplets cascading down your breasts as they lifted from the water. The frigid air had pebbled your nipples and you slightly shivered as your body emerged from the water. Your tits looked so soft, so sweet and supple that Seungmin seriously thought he could cum just looking at you. His tongue watered at the sight of your flushed skin, imagining what it would look like as he dried you off and applied lotion to you after your bath just to keep you so soft for him. You were so perfect, so sweet and just out of his arm's reach,
Then, just like that, your chest was submerged again, and you were back in the water.
By the time you had sat fully back down, Seungmin was already undressed and stumbling into the bathroom.
That's how he got here, ashamed and pumping his dick as his skin was pricked with boiling water. Hot water poured from the shower head and rained down on Seungmin's frame, coating his goosed skin in heat. Steam had filled the bathroom, fading the glass and leaving the man in a dream-like fog. The warmth did little to satiate his hunger, but it made it so much easier to imagine he wasn't there, to imagine that you were with him. To fantasize that you were "helping" him right now.
He wished that the water from the onsen went right into this tap. If that were the case, he would rejoice in sharing the same water as you, as your tits and cunt and ass and mouth and tummy and thighs. Fuck you were perfect. Seungmin kept imagining you, in the spring, lightly flicking or pinching your nipples. What if you didn't care that other women were in the bath with you? What if you started cleaning your cunt, rubbing the water on the outside before deciding to slip a finger or two in? He was sure there were some definite... aphrodisiac effects of the spring, and surely you couldn't resist them. What if they had begun to suck your tits in front of all those women? Nipping at them and leaving purple bruises, letting the heat of the water touch where his hands couldn't?
The grip on Seungmin's dick was tight and he pumped vigorously, willing an orgasm out of himself as he thought of you below him. Would you be the kind of girl to pump his cock with your chest and suck the tip, or would you use both hands and jack him off? Seungmin's mind couldn't decide and opted to flash between fantasies as he grunted and moaned with each tug. He approached his orgasm quickly, clenching his jaw at the pain of cumming so fast.
"Fuck, y/n, fuck fuck fuck—mmh," he whined through gritted teeth as he finished all over his hands and the wall, cum washing away and being wasted down the drain instead of being swallowed by you.
He tried to catch his breath but the steam had overtaken the bathroom. The heat, additionally, made his sensitive cock twitch, and Seungmin whined a little louder than he was comfortable with. The pitiful orgasm barely satiated him and left his dick red, aching, leaking, and begging for more. His overly needy tip prayed for another release, a stronger one, one that voided all dirty, perverted, fucked-up thoughts in his mind. It was still hard, his cock slapping against his stomach as it leaked cum from his orgasm and precum for the promising next one.
Yet, Seungmin didn't have it in him. Despite the pain of the stimulation he desperately needed making him hiss, he couldn't will another climax out of himself even if he really did try. Plus, he felt dirty. He kept imagining your tits and how pretty they would look pressed against the shower wall, the chilled textured tile and teasing your nipples when he couldn't. While you were pushed against the wall, he'd be fucking you from behind. Desperately rutting into you, ass jiggling with every snap of his hips into yours.
These thoughts continued to run through his head. And though he knew that if he fucked his hand again that they would leave, he couldn't do it. It was already so wrong, so fucking deliciously wrong to spy on you—even if your body did look amazing and the memory of it made him salivate. But, you were still his friend. He didn't want to be this guy, the one who jacked off to the person he was desperately in love with, the one who would rather fuck his friend than try to move on. It was a mistake, a sin even, and one he has committed numerous times. Another tug on his poor dick would just add to his roster, though he knew he was already damned for sure.
So, he shut the water off and let his cock stand proudly against his strained abs, the water on his body instantly turning cold and trickling onto his tip. He seethed at the feeling. Shame mixed with an insatiable carnal desire made him tense, but there was little he could do about it. He simply slid out of the shower, dried off, and slipped on one of the spa's robes, the knot securing the robe as well as his cock as it pressed into his abdomen.
Then he remembered where he was: the monogrammed name of the spa on the robe scratched against his raw skin. And you were sharing a room with him. And you could be right outside the bathroom door.
The thought made his heart drop.
The shower made him lose track of time, and you'd surely be back by now. He hoped you didn't need the bathroom. He hoped, prayed you hadn't heard him if you were out there. Though he was already tense from the guilt, he was now completely stiff (especially his cock) at the thought of you in the room.
However, he knew he couldn't spend all night—all weekend, for that matter—in this bathroom. So, he readied himself to open the door. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The handle was cold against his palm as he twisted the door open.
He was greeted with an empty room. The only evidence of life was his carelessly thrown clothes and the ruffled bedsheets from his voyeuristic adventure.
"Oh, thank god," he sighed under his breath.
"What the—? Fuck!" Bodies toppled over as you launched yourself at Seungmin after hiding behind the door of the bathroom. You had got the better of him and he paid the price, now laying face-down on the floor with you straddling his waist and sitting on his back.
"Got you!" You giggled as you playfully shook his shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah," he stammered out. "You—you got me." He was nervous; on edge from the scare, and because his still-hard and dripping cock was pressed against the floor and his ajar robe. Fuck, it must've slipped out when you tackled him. AND FUCK, you're still on top of him! Your hands slid on top of his wrists, playfully restraining him against the wood flooring. But Seungmin felt all but unserious in this situation. Your weight felt heavenly on his back, your chest grazing the back of his head due to your precarious position, making his mind race, and your fat thighs hugged him, making him fantasize about them wrapped around his head while his hungry, wet tongue lapped up your cunt.
Not to mention what you could do to him in a situation like this.
"Get up, Minnie! It was just a joke," you tease with your mouth next to your ear, which he hoped wasn't scarlet red.
"I would get up," he grumbled, "if you weren't pinning me to the ground." He had to compose himself. He had to make it seem like he was normal, like he wasn't just vigorously tugging on his length to the glistening, exposed, vulnerable, beautiful, and soaked body of his friend. Like he wasn't fantasizing about all you could do to him right now. He had to. He had to be normal.
"Okay," your tone suggested you rolled your eyes, but Seungmin couldn't tell. "I'll get off if you hate it so much," you fake-pouted.
Jesus. Seungmin needed to see your lips when you pout like that. They always would push out just enough and would look so swollen and kissable. Too bad he was trapped under you, your plush form, with thighs hugging him.
Then, suddenly, it was lost. Almost as quickly as you had jumped him, he was relieved of the delightful pressure of you pinning him down. He almost wanted to call out, ask you to stay, to trap you under him forever. Instead, he sat up on his knees, making sure to tuck his cock discretely into his robe, and rubbed his neck.
"Jesus, you might've hurt me when jumping on me like that," he groaned. You laughed and jumped onto the bed, bouncing on impact.
"Well, then thank god we're in a fucking spa resort and you can get a massage."
In mirroring your sarcasm, Seungmin rolled his wide eyes and shifted on the ground. He sat with his knees together, protecting his nudity from underneath.
You, however...
He just noticed you. He didn't notice it before but...
You were like him. Only wearing a robe. Nothing else, not even anything underneath.
He could tell, your nipples were perking up deliciously under the constrained soft cotton of the complimentary robe. Due to your figure, it was cut short on you. Your robe rested just at thigh-high level and hinted at the possibility of you not wearing panties. Your legs were crossed tightly, too, and the robe had ridden up to expose the part of your leg that just rested under the fat of your bum. The water from the hot spring still lingered in your damp hair and your skin glistened from the spring's refreshing properties. Your whole body looked so tender, soft, ready for Seungmin to bury himself in. You leaned back on your hands, legs still crossed, and studied the dumbstruck boy that sat beneath you.
"See something you like, Min?" You smiled.
"What?!" Seungmin yelped. Were you serious? Was this real flirting? Were you actually saying such suggestive things to him?
Of course not. The laughter that erupted from you was evidence of that. At least he could relish in the sound of your sing-song giggles and then lament in his embarrassment.
"I'm kidding," you chuckle. "You just seemed so out of it!"
"Yeah... I don't know, maybe it's because I've been cooped up in this room since we got here," he stiffly responded.
"Shit, sorry. I knew you wanted to be alone but maybe I should've pushed harder for you to use the spring or something," you pondered. "Maybe I should've stayed and helped you unpack."
No, Seungmin wanted to shout, Please, stay out there. Spend the whole vacation in the spring. Soak your tits until they are red from the water, until they're swollen and sensitive and can't take another second of the heat. Please stay outside my window for me, my own personal little pornstar. Me, just me.
"No, you wanted to use the spring and I needed time alone," he answered quietly.
You nodded. "Is that it? I swear there was something else going on with you today."
Then you uncrossed your legs, still leaning back on your hands. Your thighs hid your cunt, depriving Seungmin of its beauty so he couldn't even sneak a glance.
However, your position made his mind race faster. Maybe he could just pull your legs apart. In this position, he didn't need to untangle your knees to see your pussy. Maybe, just maybe, he had the swiftness to rip your thick thighs away from each other and catch a glimpse of your pussy. He didn't get to see it in the spring. Maybe the water of the onsen made your pussy as beautiful and glowy as the rest of your skin. Maybe it made you tighter, wetter... maybe it was an aphrodisiac and now your body was begging for cock, your glistening and tight hole needing to be filled.
But, Seungmin sat still and your thighs remained clamped shut. He cleared his throat.
"Maybe it was the guys..." he answered honestly. Well, somewhat honestly. Intrigued, you leaned forward and rested your arms across your knees. Oh, great. Now your pussy was secured but your tits were practically falling out of the robe. Seungmin swore that if he nudged you, your nipple would slip out, just for a second. And in that second, the sight of your tender buds would cause him to immediately latch onto them, suckling eagerly in the hopes you would cum just from him playing with you. He tucked his knees tighter against his body to cover his erection further.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked, unaware of the state you were putting him in.
"Just that..." His voice trailed off.
"What?" You asked, hoping he would continue,
He took a deep breath and sighed, "I hoped it would be just us. Like, I love hanging out with everyone but also... it can be overwhelming, you know? Especially on a weekend when I'm supposed to be relaxing. That's why I asked you to come. And now... you're stuck with me in this room and I have to calm myself before I get pissed that everyone decided to come on our vacation."
His eyes didn't meet yours the entire time he spoke. Yet, when he did, he noticed how your eyes were formed into small crescents, pressed together due to the light smile on your face.
"Oh, Seungmin," you soothed, "you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried."
Seungmin's cock twitched, because of course it would. Fuck, you were trying to comfort him, and here he was creaming just from a few harmless words. He was hunched over now in a feeble attempt to cover his cock, but you took it as a sign that he was about to cry. The truth is, he would cry if his hot tip wasn't nestled in your mouth within the next five seconds. Nonetheless, you continued.
"I know it can be a lot, but the guys understand that we're here to relax," you continued, voice smooth. "They want us to be calm and chill for a weekend— and especially you. I could hear them talk through the wall of the onsen and they said that they were really worried you didn't join them. They don't need any more pressure on themselves and neither do you. Please don't feel any burden this weekend, okay?"
His head was resting on his knees now, face down. Didn't you realize what you were doing to him? How your kind words and reassuring glances were making him red down to his chest? You were too nice for your own good.
"Thank you," he whispered. Placing his chin on his knees, he displayed his blushed face and let his eyes gaze up at you again. "It's nice to know that they care so much. That you care that much, too." He hoped you would think of his shyness as a result of his emotional vulnerability, not because he was tucking his dripping dick away and staining the spa's robes.
"Of course I care," you sighed, "you're my Seungie, after all." Fuck, when will you stop talking? Seungmin almost whined at that stupid sentence.
"And, for the record," you giggled. "I don't think I'm 'stuck' with you, in any sense of the word." Okay, that genuinely made him embarrassed. Not only were you sexy and slutty and would take his cock so well, but you were cute, too. Fuck, you were unbearable. He almost wished you resented him just so you would leave and, pray, return back to the spring for a late-night soak.
Instead, he opted to tease you, hoping to lighten the mood he had created in his shame.
"Aw, thanks," he layered his voice in a sickly-sweet tone, mocking your fluffy, comforting words. "But I'd like you to leave now."
"Never," you giggled at his joke. "You're stuck with me!"
"No!" He protested half-heartedly.
"Yes!" You were sitting on your knees now, perched in front of him and giving him an ample view down your robe. Please don't move closer, y/n, he cried in his mind. Not another step, I can't do it. Not today, I can't control myself, please.
"N-No!" He laughed louder.
"Yes!" With that word, you sprung off the bed and tackled him once more.
He landed with a thud against the hard ground. You on top of him, chest to chest.
His robe had opened up. Yours partly did, too.
Despite the hardness of the fall, he was dead silent, exacerbating the loudness of your laughter. Then, when you realized why his eyes were so wide and what was poking your bear tummy, you stopped. And the silence became deafening.
He made no sound. Neither did you.
Wow. I'm controlling myself much better than I thought I would, Seungmin thought.
You cleared your throat.
"Seungie?" You asked, arms caging Seungmin and holding your upper body above his own, magnetizing your hips to his.
"...yeah?" he responded after a beat.
"...you're..." You couldn't finish your sentence.
"Yeah, y/n?" He murmured, close to you.
"You're... leaking all over me."
His cock twitched involuntarily, making you shut your eyes tight and a slight moan escape him, too.
"...yeah." He groaned.
Yet, neither of you moved. Ragged breaths were the only sound as you both silently argued about what to do. It was as if you were having a whole conversation through your intense eye contact, an unbreakable gaze that spoke of all the possibilities that could come from the situation. It seemed like hours had passed, but it had only been 30 seconds. Seungmin knew it was 30 seconds: he had counted to remember how long he had his cock pressed into you. As pathetic as it was, this was quite possibly the greatest moment of his life. His eyes held yours and grew sharper when you shifted your weight, involuntarily letting your robe slip open more. You were blushing as much as he was now.
"I... I should fix that," you stated silently. "It's cold in here."
"Yeah," he responded dumbly, "anything you want."
You gave him a nod. Still, you didn't move. It took a deep breath and a shift in your gaze for you to finally lean back on your knees. However, your bodies seemed glued together and it made it impossible for you to pull away from Seungmin. Maybe it was because you were scared for Seungmin to see your chest (as if he hadn't already cum to the sight of your tits dripping wet). Maybe it was because you were embarrassed to see his cock. Maybe it was because you and he both knew that if you pulled away, you couldn't help but stare at the other.
Maybe you wanted to look. Maybe he did too.
Your body shifted away from his slowly, your squishy chest leaving him exposed to the cold and, in turn, his nipples stiff. And, to Seungmin's luck, the same was happening to you.
You stared at him. He stared back. While he stared at your chest, your gaze raked down his abdomen. Or, rather, what was pressed against it eagerly.
If Seungmin had been more observant, maybe he would've noticed how his robe had completely unravelled in the midst of things. He would've noticed that his cock was bucking from the frigid air that attacked him without your tummy squishing it. He would've noticed how juices and precum were pooling on the ridges of his abdomen as they dripped from his slit. If Seungmin had been more observant, maybe he would've noticed you licking your lips at the sight.
"Seungie?" You asked, making no move to close your robe. God, the way you said his name. He adjusted his hips at the sound of your voice, rutting them up into the air and whimpering at how his cock isn't hugged by something tight, warm, and wet.
"Yes, y/n?" He said more confidently than he expected.
"Does it..." you gulped, "hurt?"
Part of Seungmin wanted to lie and say "no, sweetheart. It wants you to fuck it raw, but my dick is still fine." He really wanted to play the role of the cocky, sly guy who would pull a smirk as he snapped his hips into yours. But, it wasn't who he was. At least not right now. Right now, he was the kind of guy that would cry if pussy felt too good, tear up at the site of painting someone's cunt with cum. Plus, he couldn't lie. Not now, at least. Not to you.
He nodded vigorously, "So much, y/n."
"Really?" Your voice was laced with concern, yet your eyes were still fixated on the pulsing cock below you.
"Yes," Seungmin continued, voice calm. "So, so much—ah!"
Your index finger began to trace up his shaft, collecting the inordinate amount of juices that flowed from his tip and rubbing them back onto his cockhead.
"You certainly are hard." You were almost clueless with your words. Almost. While Seungmin was writhing beneath you and hopelessly bucking his hips up, cock twitching from the contact, you were just staring in awe at his length. Perhaps it was the size that amazed you, the precum that leaked from his slit, or his sensitivity to your touch. Either way, your eyes were wide, unblinking, and astounded.
"Y-yeah," Seugmin panted, "But, p-please be careful. You're g-gonna m-make me—fuck!"
Your hand firmly grasped around the base of his heavy erection and held it lovingly, pumping the base slowly. You twisted as you toyed with his length and the side of your hand occasionally rubbed against his balls, making Seungmin's whines resemble stuttering, high-pitched mewls.
"Y-y/n," he cried as you maintained your slow pace, "what are you doing?!"
"I've never sucked cock before," you mumbled, seemingly to yourself. "I've always wanted to try, want to see how deep I can take it, where you like to be licked, what makes your dick twitch..." Your voice started to adopt a light tone near the end. You almost sounded giddy, excited at the idea of sucking dick. In fact, Seungmin—with what little thought he had—thought you sounded downright mischievous.
"I wonder how you taste..."
Your hand moved further up and down his length now and Seungmin's moans were surely too loud for the thin walls of the resort. He prayed no one heard, that it was just you and him that knew you were fondling his slicked member and enjoying it too.
"P-please, stop, I-I'll—"
"Cum?" You finished for him, "I hope you do." Seungmin's lips quivered as his eyes welled. How could you be so cruel, stroking him with such a languid pace? It was inhuman how you treated him.
"Y/n," he growled, "d-don't start something you c-can't finish." His anger was creeping up on him. That anger he tries to hide, and unsuccessfully so. However, its effect was diminished by his blubbering, blushing face and exposed cock that eagerly accepted every pump you gave it.
"Oh, I very much intend to 'finish'," you teased, your voice still walking the line between serious and jovial.
"Well, what are you waiting f-for?"
Weirdly, you didn't respond with the same energy as Seungmin had come to expect. Rather, you retreated to that quiet, contemplative state you were in minutes before when you saw his cock. You pondered his words, what you wanted to say, and how well the weight of him felt in your firm grasp. You took a breath in.
"Can I suck you?" You started to move in before he could answer, Seungmin already feeling your hot breath on his oozing tip. Your actions, dually, made Seungmin's anger disperse, revealing—once again—his whining neediness.
"W-what?" He whimpered.
"Just a taste," you said with a smile, your back arching and displaying your ass while your head ducked down. "Just to try, just to see how you feel... wanna see how those veins feel along my tongue."
"Y/n, baby, just slow down—ah!"
When your hot tongue kitten-licked his cockhead before enveloping it in your warm mouth, Seungmin swore it was like his whole life had led to this moment. You worked his shaft desperately with one hand—the same one that was jerking him before, offering the same twisting, slow, and loving strokes— while the other played with his balls, teasing him. Drool and juices dripped from your mouth as the tasty precum leaked more and more from his slit. He tasted so good, just as you dreamed, and it made your mouth water more and more.
"Y/n, god, d-don't stop," Seungmin moaned through panting whines. Your mouth popped off of his cock for a brief moment, blowing cold air on his tip and making Seungmin cry at the sensation. Then, with a quick kiss to his tingly slit, you slid your mouth back down his length and sucked vigorously.
"H-how did y-you get so good at s-sucking cock?" One of his hands weaved into your hair and tugged it at the roots, guiding you further down his length. Though you choked, he persisted, as did you. Soon, his lower abdomen was grazing your nose and he was shallowly thrusting into your mouth, making you gag with every push of his hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, f-fuck," Seungmin panted. His grip on your hair started to feel like he was petting you, coaxing you through the tears building in your eyes and the pain stitching along your jaw.
"Y/n, I-I'm g-gonna—fuck!" Seungmin stuffed his dick fully in your mouth and shot cum right down your throat, bobbing your head so you could fully milk him of every drop. Considering he had cum just 30 minutes before, the amount of cum that leaked from him was insurmountable. He normally didn't cum that much, but when he pulled his still-hard dick out of your mouth, he was shocked by the amount of semen that layered his cock and dripped from the corners of your mouth.
"Y/n... y/n, are you okay?" He stammered. Seungmin's voice was teetering between control and stiff whimpers as he tried to compose himself. He felt a little awful about how aggressive, how needy and shamefully desperate he was just now. However, you didn't respond.
You stared at him, wide, tear-filled eyes playfully catching his gaze. Then, you stuck your tongue out, showing him the rest of his cum and letting some drip onto your exposed tits. Seungmin groaned at the sight, trying to pitifully lean forward to catch the cum in his mouth. He wanted to hold your jaw open, make you spit the rest of his cum onto your bare torso just so he could lick it off. Instead, he hummed with anguish as you tilted your head back and swallowed each and every drop of his semen.
"Now," you said with a hoarse voice, wiping your slicked mouth with the back of your hand. "Are you feeling better, Seung? How did I do?"
God... tell me... how could she act like this? Seungmin cursed the creator for making you so cute, so fucking perfect at taking cock. Had you learned from all those videos Seungmin saw in your browser history? Had you practiced on those colourful dildos he found hiding under your bed that one time? Either way, you knew what to do, and you were damn good at it.
"Yeah, y/n," he answered, chest still rising and falling heavily as rushing blood continued to keep him stiff, "s-so good."
You grinned, content with yourself and his response.
Then, Seungmin started to smirk.
"However..." that word and his expression made your heart drop. Seungmin chuckled.
"You didn't finish the job." Seungmin's hand reached up and extended his index finger, slowly dragging it up and down his pulsing dick. He took in a shaky breath and the action, but he continued nonetheless. He needed to prove a point. He needed to show you he could control himself, that he wasn't the kind of guy that would tuck his cock into his robe just because he was around a pretty girl. He needed to show you he was still that controlled guy you knew, and that you were still the spontaneous, bratty slut he knew. He needed to show you who was calling the shots.
"How could you leave me like this, y/n?"
"B-but, I—"
"Don't play fucking dumb with me." Your playful demeanour had completely abandoned you. Seungmin's voice was cocky, teasing, and almost mocking the way you were just moments ago.
"I can't believe you didn't live up to my expectations," he tsked. You played with the hem of your robe, blushing profusely and—once again—eyeing his hard-on.
Seungmin sighed, "Get on the bed, y/n."
"W-what?!" You asked, still stunned. Seungmin's hand suddenly stopped stroking his length and his eyes shot to you. His face was stern and he was ... angry? You couldn't place the emotion. All you knew was it made you shiver and painfully aware of how wet you had become.
"Get. On. The. Bed." His tone was patronizing and agonizingly attractive. He eyed you, his expression hinting at the consequences you would face if you were to misbehave. Despite being prone to disobeying him, his patronizing voice seemed to hypnotize you. Somehow, your body seemed to already rise to the bed and settle on the tightly made sheets.
Seungmin moaned, "Good." After all the torment you put him through, his voice was finally so sure, so stable.
As you sat on the bed, staring down at the boy, you bit your lip and fidgeted, nervous under his gaze. While enjoying your torment, Seungmin stood slowly and let his robe fall to the ground, showcasing his somehow still-hard cock as it arched against him.
He nodded to your clothes, "Take your robe off, y/n." He demanded you disrobe as if your tits weren't already on display, as if they weren't smeared in his cum. Still, you obliged, sliding the soft cotton off of you and shivering as it tickled your skin. The robe pooled around you before Seungmin leaned forward and snatched the bunched fabric, throwing it aside and leaving you sitting bare.
"S-Seungmin," you mumbled as your face grew warm. Your hands started to move to cover your body, embarrassed as your tits perked under his stare.
Seungmin chuckled, "Go ahead. Cover yourself." His words shocked you and made your blush grow, embarrassed by the very attempt of preserving your innocence. "You look so cute trying to act all embarrassed, as if you weren't choking on my cock and enjoying it just minutes ago." He started to saunter towards the bed, hand gripping his base and giving it a stiff tug.
"Why don't you cover your cunt, too?" He panted out.
"What?!" His terminology shocked you, the vulgar word sounding like honey as it dripped off of his tongue.
"I said," his voice grew, as did his sarcasm, "cover your fucking pussy up. Don't you want me to not see it? Like you weren't practically begging me to fuck your tits earlier as you licked my cock? You're already soaking our sheets, anyways." He stood over you now, right at the edge of the bed.
"Use your hand. Go on. Cover your tight pretty little pussy with your fingers. Why not put some in there so I don't see anything? Stuff yourself full and make sure to stretch it open so I don't see any of your sweet juices leaking out." He leaned forward over you, letting one hand pet your cheek with the other took your hand and guided it down your naval towards your cunt. "How about you finger your clit, too? You know, just to make sure I know where not to touch." You whimpered at each of his words, softly rutting into the crumpled bedsheets.
"I'm such a good friend, after all. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable with me licking your sensitive little clit and finger-fucking your hole. You should do it yourself, then. You know, just to make sure I don't." The last of his words were emphasized with him forcing your own fingers into your cunt.
"S-seungie!" You cried as he guided two of your fingers in and out of your pussy, his own teasing your entrance as he directed your hand.
"Yeah, just like that," he gasped, "use your other hand, too. Touch your clit, do it." He forced your other hand down onto your cunt and you automatically began to play with your clit, moans pouring from you as you pinch your eyes shut. "Keep—fuck—keep going, you are doing so good."
"Like that?" You asked, forcing your eyes open to look into his. His eyes were enamoured with you, like he was seeing the stars in the night sky for the first time.
"So good for me," Seungmin said, barely registering your question. "Y/n, babe, you are so good for me." He clamoured onto the bed now, trying to not seem so desperate as he sat behind you.
"Seungmin?" You whimpered out as you kept your hands at the pace he ordered you to maintain.
"Just keep going," he assured you as he let his legs cage you, pressing his chest into your back and his cock into the curve of your ass. "Just gotta make sure you stay covered, hmm?"
"Seung—min, fuck!" You moaned as his hands dragged tantalizingly slow from the sides of your chest to your nipples, sliding under your arms and holding you close to him. So close you could feel him leak all over your back, whimpering as fluids continued to push out of his sensitive cock.
"D-don't you wanna stay all pure and covered, y/n?" He hummed as he pushed his head into the crook of your neck. Your scent invaded him and fogged his mind, making him abandon his teasing efforts and instead firmly grab your tits.
"Fuck!" You yelped, briefly stopping your movements. Seungmin growled at your cessations and traced his teeth along your neck.
"Keep going," he demanded as his grip softened and he started to paw your breasts. "Don't ever stop. Go faster, even." And, like the obedient slut you were, you obeyed. Your increased pace made your breath hitch and your legs push together. However, you didn't dare stop. Not when you were this close, not when Seungmin was begging you to continue.
"Seung— Seung," you stammered, "I-I'm getting close, d-don't stop, mmh!" Seungmin licked the conch of your ear then moved to bite and tongue the lobe.
While you worked your cunt, his hands expertly twisted, pulled and flicked your nipples. He kept imagining your tits as they were coated in water, but then realized you were real, that this dream was happening and he could simply see your tits up close, how he's always wanted.
You started to bounce on your fingers, eagerly sucking them into your cunt as you whined in his arms. The act made your tits jiggle in Seungmin's palm. He groaned at the sensation, hissing at how your chest felt as good as he dreamed of.
"Cumming, cumming, I cum, Seungie," You whimpered, your voice harmonizing with the wet sounds that came from you eagerly rubbing your clit and stuffing your pussy.
"Cum, y/n," he whispered into your ear in a joyous tone. "Make the bed all sticky and wet... covered in your cum. Ruin these sheets. They're not ours, anyways. Cum all over them."
Your moans grew higher and higher pitched before you became silent as your orgasm took over you. Your fingers twitched as they tried to push you through, and with Seungmin still pulling at your nipples, you had lost all control.
"Fuck, fuck..." you panted as you felt your hands become sticky with cum. Seungmin chuckled, rubbing his fingertips along your sides and causing your skin to develop goosebumps. You collapsed into him as your legs quivered. Seungmin, in turn, saw his opportunity and took it, offering you soft kisses to your neck while one hand trailed lower and lower. Suddenly, he started tracing your clit hard and fast, causing you to convulse.
"Seungmin—Seung d-don't," you mewled as you tried to push his hand away, unsuccessfully so. He laughed as you tried again, this time managing to shoo his hand away from your pulsing clit. Instead of continuing to pester you, Seungmin allowed his now-soaked fingers to rest on your thigh, squeezing the fat and keeping you open while his other hand massaged your chest.
"So, so good for me," he mumbled happily as your breathing settled. As you regained sentience, you slowly became aware of Seungmi's position. More specifically, how his painfully hard cock had leaked all over your backside. You gasped, making Seungmin release another laugh.
"I see you've realized," he hisses as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. "I still have plenty of more plans for your wet little cunt, Y/n."
Then, with his tightened grip, Seungmin effortlessly forced you onto the bed, pressing your back against the ruined and moist sheets.
"Seungmin!" you yelped. The boy clamoured over you, forcing your legs wide apart and then settling them around his waist. He sat on his knees, pumping his erection as he stared at your tits and your drenched hole that clenched around nothing. The pinches and flicks had turned your nipples raw and sensitive, so swollen from Seungmin's hopeless touches. God, Seungmin was a lucky, lucky man today.
"Look at you... I'm so glad you played with your pussy for me. You're all stretched out now and ready to take my cock, hmm?" Your fucked-out eyes could barely meet his, more interested in the languid strokes he is offering to his used cock. You wondered if he had jacked off today, if that was why he was so red and swollen. Either way, Seungmin was a sight to behold.
"I wanna ask you something," he questions as he maintains a steady pace. You nod vigorously, your hands rubbing up and down his arms and trying to bring him closer to you. You just wanted a kiss from him, to feel him close, to taste his spit and sweat like an animal who just needed to fuck. To hell with his questions. However, he persisted.
"How did you get so good at sucking cock, y/n?"
Your actions suddenly stopped as you stared up at him. However, he didn't say anything. His hand rubs your thigh, coaxing an answer out of you.
"P-practiced," you whimpered out. Seungmin chuckled. He seemed to like that answer.
"Yeah? You practiced?" He teased, "What did you do to practice, honey?" His hot tip met your folds and dragged your cum along your pussy. Your hole clenched around nothing, spasming from the overstimulation. It was like torture and you couldn't hold back your moans.
"Aw, c'mon, y/n!" Seungmin groaned, "I've been waiting to stuff my cock into you, and I will once you answer my question. How? Did? You? Practice? Sucking? Cock?" Each word was emphasized by his cockhead slapping against your clit, filling the room with lewd, wet sounds.
"I—fuck— I" you stuttered out, barely able to control yourself. "I-I-I did it on my dildos—b-but I was always good! Always... I... I a-always th-ought of Seungie... only wanna suck my Minnie's cock..."
"Really?" Seungmin continued to tease you. Yet, his voice had something else in it. Though he was mocking you and wanted to ridicule your dishevelled state, he was also hopeful. Hopeful that you were telling the truth, that you wanted this as much as him. He practically prayed every night for you in the most unholy and unorthodox of fashions.: fast strokes on his spent cock, used fleshlights, sticky hands... were you praying in the same way? And for the same thing?
"Fuck, Seungmin!" You cried out of suffering, "Could you not tell by the way I practically milked m-my tits for you in the s-spring?"
Seungmin suddenly stopped his actions, the head of his dick still soaked in your juices and pressing into your clit, making you squirm.
"Is that true?" You gave him a small nod, almost as if you were unaware of the words that just slipped out of your mouth. "How did you know?"
You rolled your eyes as if he wasn't towering over you. "B-because I s-saw our window looked out to the s-spring... and the whole time I w-was t-trying to g-get your attention..." You blushed and looked away, "You're already staring at my chest all the time..."
Seungmin was in awe of you. Truly. You... you had exceeded every desire he ever had. How could he resist you? Your cunningness? The sweet, drenched pussy between your thighs? He rested on one of his elbows and moved his hand to cup your cheek.
"You put on that little show for me? Just to get me hard?" He asked as he resumed dragging his fat cock through your folds. You nodded meekly, suddenly so embarrassed and insecure from the sweet gesture. Seugnmin smiled.
"Such a good fucking girl."
He slid his cock into your sopping pussy, juices leaking as his cockhead submerged itself in your cum.
"Seungmin!" You whined as his girth stretched your worn pussy. He immediately set a fast pace, trying to chase a high that will exhaust him and that will finally relieve the strain of his flushed length.
"S-so, fuck, so so g-ood." Seungmin tried to say more, he really did. Yet, he couldn't. Not when the squelching sounds of him stuffing your drenched cunt was like music to his ears, not when you were moaning so loud that the boys in the other room would hear, and not when he had been waiting forever to do this.
"S-stuff me," you whimpered, locking your legs around his waist and wrapping your arms around his neck so he could push deeper. "Fill me up, Seungie, fill me up—fuck!"
"Y/n, God," Seungmin panted in a high-pitched voice. "So—wet—for—me—gonna—cum." Each word was matched with an aggressive thrust of his dick into you, making you moan as he prodded that gummy part inside of you. He looked down at you and met your eyes, immediately captured by their glow of love and adoration. The slight eye contact did something to him, as if it returned all romance to his carnal instinct. He leaned down and pressed his lips softly into yours, whimpering and whining into your mouth while he buried himself in you.
"Touch my c-clit," you begged between kisses. Seungmin obliged, moving his hand between your sticky bodies and vigorously rubbing your maltreated bundle of nerves.
"F-fuck, shouldn't have done tha-t," he whimpers, "you f-feel too good, now. C-clenching a-round me." Nevertheless, he continued to finger your clit and picked up the pace of his thrust. The way your sensitive tits pressed against him made his head spin, the fat of your chest making him imagine how good his cock would look buried between them. He ducked his head down briefly and began to suck and nip at your sensitive breasts, slobbering over them like a dog. You hissed at the sensation, pulling at his hair in an act of encouragement.
"Hmph!" You moaned, "Seungie, I think I—"
"Me, too, baby, me too." Seungmin was almost embarrassed by how fast he was gonna cum. Almost. If it wasn't for you whining beneath him and begging for his cock, then maybe he would feel differently. Instead, he urged his body to chase his high and help you reach yours. He whined as he continually pistoned his cockhead into you, pulling himself up to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm—I'm—I—" he stammered as the buzzing in his body grew to be dizzying.
"Please cum inside, please cum inside," you repeated like a mantra as you pulled him tightly to you.
"Fuck!" Seungmin cried as he offers one last harsh push into you. As his cock starts to spurt cum, the feeling of fullness caused your body to seize and your back to arch. Your cunt squirted around Seungmin's cock, coating it in cum while his orgasm shook his body.
"Y/n, y/n, my good girl, my y/n," he mumbled sleepily as he continued to offer small ruts into you. With a few more snaps of his hips, Seungmin sat up and enjoyed the white ring you left around his—thankfully—softening length. The sounds of him re-stuffing you with his finished length made you mewl and Seungmin hiss. He slowly stopped his motions and pulled away, enjoying how the cum mixture poured out of you. He smiled to himself, content with the sight and the fact that his cock was finally (finally) no longer hard, that his balls were empty, and that you were satisfied.
"Do you feel good, y/n?" He asked as he caressed your legs. However, you were too fucked-out to respond. In an effort to elicit a response, Seungmin pinched the flesh and earned an annoyed, pained groan from you.
"There you are," he laughed.
"S-stop," you mumbled as he leaned down and pressed loving kisses to the side of your face.
"Oh, before you were showing off your tits publicly just to get my attention, but now you can't even accept my kisses." Your eyes went wide as you remember your confession, slapping him lightly repeatedly out of humiliation.
"Ah! Hey, c'mon, you liked it," he teased as he stepped away. He was gone momentarily before he returned with a damp, warm cloth and began to press it over your vulva, cleaning your leaking pussy. "You liked it, just like how you like me."
You blushed and looked away, unable to make eye contact. Almost as if his caring act and physical contact made you embarrassed, but in a loving way.
Huh. Maybe you two were more alike than he realized.
"You like me too," you responded meekly, emphasizing the word in the same fashion as Seungmin.
He was quiet. Seungmin continued his ministrations, though. He pressed the warm cloth softly on you, staring at the stains on the bed, the redness of your thighs, and then up at your face. Your expression was hard to place, but there was something in it that he automatically recognized. It was always in your eyes, but especially now. It was even feverish in its presence. It made him feel that certain way that he often felt so ashamed of. Now, he realized that feeling was what caused him to fall for you. It was so present now, so easily noticeable. He sighed, taking your hand softly, making your eyes go wide. He was not normally this affectionate, this attentive. He was not this openly loving. It made your heart skip a beat as if he wasn't just buried in you. You looked up at him and saw something in his eyes that reflected that very expression in your own.
"Yeah, I do like you," he responded. "I really do."
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blues824 · 2 years
Housewardens reaction to mc who’s power is similar to denki kaminari’s, especially the yay side affect from overusing the lightning based power
I apologize for not posting more than once today. I watched Hamilton with one of my friends.
Gender-neutral reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
You are the exact opposite of each other (besides having no rizz). You are social and easygoing, he is obviously not. He hated you at first, but you were able to smooth-talk your way into his heart somehow (again, even though you have no rizz).
Riddle always suggests study dates between the two of you since you seem to be struggling academically. You always get stressed out when he gets impatient in how long you are taking to solve a problem he has given you. You’ve shocked him a few times because of it, and you’re very quick to apologize.
When he overblotted, you were afraid to use your power since you could electrocute everyone so you made them get away. You didn’t want to hurt Riddle, but realized that there was no other choice than to use 2 million volts. As you both sat in the infirmary, Riddle got to see your YaAay side and he was scared that you went brain dead.
When you returned to normal, you had to explain that it was the drawback of using that much electricity since you had to use some of your neurons. The thumbs up was to make sure everyone knew you were alright. So you did this for him? Well, for this valiant deed, maybe he could humor you and go on the date you’ve been asking for.
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Leona Kingscholar 
He’s way more of a smooth talker than you could ever dream of being. You are more social and friendly while he’s snarky and grumpy. Eventually, he fell for you and your shenanigans because he can see that you truly care for the people around you.
He’s smart, but he never goes to class. If you ask him to help you, he will refuse since he’s too busy sleeping. You’re better off trying to ask someone else, but since he’s very possessive he doesn’t like it when you ask someone other than him. Not even Ruggie.
When he overblotted, he already knew of your quirk but he didn’t know how much electricity you were able to use. When he heard you shout ‘2 million volts’, he knew that this was about to hurt real bad. In the infirmary, Leona was laughing so hard at your brain-dead side.
When you returned to normal, you had to tell him that you probably lost some neurons because of it. You had some serious power (get it?) within you, didn’t you? Well, he has to admit that what you did was brave, so you have his respect (and his heart).
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Azul Ashengrotto
He absolutely despised you, but also realized that your personality and natural charm drew people in. He most definitely tried to hire you to get more customers, but you refused saying that you didn’t like to work unless it was mandatory for school.
He would then try to get you under contract by suggesting a way to cheat in exchange for your magic. However, you didn’t have magic. You had a quirk, and it couldn’t be taken away by anything besides someone else’s quirk.
When he overblotted, he came to the quick realization that being underwater was probably not the best environment to fight you in. If you remember from science class, water is an electric conductor, so he will get electrocuted. And he was, with the 2 million volts you shot out. Now he’s panicking when you are both in the infirmary since you’re kind of brain dead.
Embarrassed, you explained that it was an unfortunate side effect to your very powerful quirk. So you risked a few neurons just to make sure that he wouldn’t die because of his overblot? Well now he is kind of flustered at how much you care for him.
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Kalim Al-Asim
“Corporate needs you to find the difference between Y/N and Kalim.” “They’re the same person” -Blue (2023). Nah but seriously, y’all were made from the same mold or something. He doesn’t understand what you’re trying to say when you flirt with him, so you might as well not even try.
You both are kinda not… great in an academic way of speaking. Jamil always gets frustrated at the two of you when you don’t understand a topic that he has gone over multiple times. Eventually, you get stressed and zap both of them.
When Jamil overblotted, you were afraid that Kalim would get electrocuted as well since he refused to leave without you. You told him to take cover and shot out 2 million volts. Since the Vice Housewarden had an ink monster trailing, it took the brunt of the shock. In the infirmary, Kalim is taking care of you until your brain revives itself.
It’s then that you apologize and tell him that that is what happens when you use so much electricity without giving yourself time to charge back up. He laughed and said that it was alright, then he thanked you for protecting him and his best friend. 
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Vil Schoenheit
He didn’t hate you… he just very much disliked you. Sure, you had a great personality, but your flirting needed some work. You often got flustered by the things he said to you rather than him getting flustered by the things you said to him. 
The reason why he tells himself that he dislikes you (because he genuinely actually loves you) is that you’re kinda dumb. You were a bad influence on Epel since you didn’t study a lot, and if you did you kinda failed it even though you didn’t take any test yet.
When he overblotted, he knew your first move would be to evacuate everyone so that you would be able to use your quirk. What he didn’t know was it was because you were about to release 2 million volts of electricity. He had to hold in his laughter when he saw you just yAaAy your way around the infirmary.
Once you come back, you are so embarrassed as he asks what the heck happened. You have to tell him that it was a drawback to the amount of electricity you shot out of your body. It took a toll on your brain, and now he feels kind of bad for laughing. Perhaps he could treat you to dinner that he has prepared himself as a way to apologize?
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Idia Shroud
You freaked him out because you were extroverted and he was introverted. You were nice, but you were eccentric and that’s what he was wary of. Plus, your flirting actually worked on him because he got flustered so freaking easily.
Since he is shy and has a crush on you, he will most likely run away before you have the chance to ask him for help on your homework. You often have to ask Ortho instead and give Idia a message through the younger Shroud sibling.
When Idia overblotted, your first move was to use your quirk at its max capacity. The problem was that it would be fighting fire with electricity. However, ink is electrically conductive so you were able to overload it with the 2 million volts you released. It came at the price of Idia freaking out at you being brain-dead for an hour.
Once you came back, he let out a huge sigh of relief. He thought it was like a fairytale where he would have to kiss you to bring you back. You were so embarrassed and had to explain that it was the drawback to your quirk. He totally wasn’t disappointed that he couldn’t be your prince charming and save you from the state of unconsciousness that you were in.
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Malleus Draconia
He actually really enjoyed your company. You were so eccentric and exciting, as well as friendly and encouraging. Sure, he didn’t understand your way of flirting, but that was all okay because you weren’t scared of him.
The dragon fae would absolutely love to help you with your homework. He understands that it could be frustratingly confusing to someone who didn’t have magic, so he remains patient whenever he sees you struggle with a concept. 
When Leona overblotted, you had warned everyone to evacuate. Malleus was still there to see the electricity coming from you turn the dust that Leona created to glass. He also got hit with some of the bolts when you released 2 million volts, but he was able to withstand it. He got to see you turn dumb for a whole hour, which was amusing and concerning to him.
Once you came to, you were so embarrassed at how you were so vulnerable in front of him. He let a smile grace his face as he assured you that it was intriguing how you managed to walk up to him even while brain-dead. It meant that even unconsciously, you trusted him.
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lethal-spaceship · 6 months
About your Invader Zim AU (which I loved, by the way), what would the Talests and Mr. Menbrana be like? (Can you draw please? ) (⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)
THANK YOU!! And totally! I actually already drew Dib's family yesterday so this post was also motivation for me to do The Tallest as well!! I'm also gonna do a bit of a lore dump as well bc it's funny. Let's start with Dib's family then.
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I actually had Gaz's design for 5 years now and she mostly was left unchanged except for a couple of palette tweaks. Also kept her alt pizza gamer hoodie.
Facts of DOOM 1. Membrane family are mexican. Prof. Membrane is himself a mexican immigrant while his kids were born in the US. All of the family members are bilingual and switch between Spanish and English at home. Gaz struggles a bit with her English tho but nothing too bad. 2. Prof. Membrane lost his arms AND wings to sharks. He really thought they were his friends... 3. Dib and Gaz are genetic clones of their father. They don't know it and don't really question where their non-existent mother is. 4. Prof. Membrane loves his kids even tho he is a very busy man. He might sometimes be an abscent father and be a little bit goofy silly but he always tries to make time for his kids and likes to organize family gatherings from time to time and lets either Dib or Gaz choose where they will eat and catch up that day. When it's Gaz's turn she chooses a crappy pizzeria place, when it's Dib's turn he prefers to stay at home with everyone to cook and eat mexican food together.
And, of course, The Tallest.
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They are the new designs actually! Wanted to make them look... menacing and kinda have that ying yang energy sorta.
Facts of DOOM 1. The tallest leaders could be considered their own irken sub-species. It's rare to produce "the tallest" naturally but if needed then it could be done forcefully. The "tall irkens" which are not the current acting leaders are also considered to be really important members of irken society and treated like celebrities. 2. The Tallest are slightly more competent in this au. Red takes on the role of leading irken military and dealing with military related issues, while Purple is responsible for dealing with social issues. Both are giant gluttons and Purple is a bit more goofy than Red is. They also low-key act like a married gay couple. 3. The Tallest despise Zim. Obvious one, but they preferred Zim before he went on his insane murder-crime rampage. They see him as a crazy annoying child (which he is tbh) which they have a really hard time getting rid of.
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(GFL Short Fic) "A Scarecrow's emotions"
Author's Note: This was originally in a different prompt before I had a moment of realization and went "Wait a second this is WAAAY too long to just be in a headcanon!" So now it's here, and I hope ya'll enjoy! Word Count: 1.5k
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To say Scarecrow struggled understanding the emotions of others was a colossal understatement.
Before she began working under the Commander and Griffin, she despised sentimentality. Thanks to the Protocol Assimilation however, her hatred of emotions lessened.
This did not help her understand it any better unfortunately, something she continued to struggle with.
It especially didn't help that her only other encounters with emotions was with the Commander (which was fairly recent), and Executioner, who was a loudmouth tomboy of a T-Doll.
And lastly, one human who expressed interest in her, to her complete shock.
Being from Sangvis, she and her comrades were understandably treated coldly at first from Griffin personnel, barring some of the extremely friendly ones.
Scarecrow was quite used to this, considering she barely had any respect from her allies to begin with.
And given that her entire role was scouting and data gathering, she had no need for emotions, or friends.
When Scarecrow had met (Y/N) for the first time, she was honestly annoyed and quite suspicious of them, given how the rest of the humans wouldn't even give her the time of day. (Not that she exactly needed to ask them for it)
Scarecrow walked out of the maintenance bay and into the brightly lit hallways of Griffin's Base, prepared to make her way towards the dorms. Before she could get much further, she was stopped by one of the engineers.
(Y/N) "Scarecrow! Um, how are you feeling?"
She turned towards them, her eyes remaining unchanged as the mask obscured her mouth, showing no visible change in emotion.
(Scarecrow) "I am operational."
Scarecrow replied curtly. She observed their movements and they seemed...relieved?
(Y/N) "Oh, good! I was worried that we may not have gotten your repairs right! I don't think I've ever worked on anyone quite like you before."
(Scarecrow) "Of course. Griffin T-Dolls are far less advanced than Sangvis."
(Y/N) seemed to struggle on how to choose their next words, though it did not seem like her statement was the cause of it.
(Scarecrow) "You are fidgeting an abnormal amount for a human. Are you intimidated by me?"
(Y/N) "...W-Well, kinda, if I'm being honest...!"
They laughed nervously, but it was cut off by Scarecrow's continued deadpan stare at them. They cleared their throat and straightened their back.
(Y/N) "But, really, I was nervous that your repairs might not have gone smoothly. I see I was worrying for nothing."
(Scarecrow) "I see."
She gave them a simple nod with her facial expressions not budging an inch.
(Scarecrow) "I recognize you are simply being polite. It is wasted on me, nevertheless I will say 'Thank you'."
(Y/N) "If something's wrong with your systems, don't hesitate to come see me!"
(Scarecrow) "Acknowledged."
Finally she began departing for her dorm, processing the conversation she just had. That was the first time anyone was worried about her wellbeing.
Besides the Commander, (Y/N) had become someone she visited often, though it was mostly because she wanted peace and quiet and did not want anyone to disturb her thinking.
They treated her with respect, despite the fact she was a former adversary.
The fact they were so open to trust a Sangvis Doll was stupid. Humans made no logical sense to her. And yet...something drew her to them, and it frustrated her to no end that she couldn't determine why.
This was the first time that she had interacted with humans and did not want to immediately end their lives, so the change in perspective was unnerving to her. It felt like it went against her base programming.
But she did not hate the feeling. At least, it did not feel that way.
Anytime she spoke with (Y/N), she always had her mask on them, more out of habit since that was her uniform than anything malicious.
And she knew they were always staring at it, and her eyes when they replied. She didn't know why, until a few months into their 'friendship, for lack of a better term, did she know why.
(Y/N) "Hey, Scarecrow?"
(Scarecrow) "What is it?"
Scarecrow replied, her tone muffled and cold as ever.
(Y/N) "If it's not too rude for me to request this, could...I see you without your mask?"
She turned to them, curiosity rising in her digimind, though her face did not portray it.
(Scarecrow) "Why? I do not possess any facial features that can recreate emotion like you can."
(Y/N) "That part doesn't really bother me. I just...want to see you, if that makes any sense."
(Scarecrow) "It does not."
(Y/N) began stuttering, trying to find a better way to phrase what they meant before noticing her irises were changing ever so slightly. They seemed to focus on their face, her hands slowly reaching for the mask and disengaging the locks.
Her lips were surprisingly soft looking, and not as rough or machine-like as (Y/N) was expecting.
(Scarecrow) "However, I will comply with your request."
Her voice was finally unfiltered from her mask, the voice sounding quite soothing to their ears.
(Y/N) "W-Wow..."
(Scarecrow) "What is so fascinating about my lips? You have seen them on other T-Dolls and humans."
(Y/N) "It's not that, it's...you're really pretty is all."
Scarecrow's eyes adjusted once again, though to what emotion it was portraying, (Y/N) couldn't tell. She looked away, staring at the ground.
(Scarecrow) "Are humans that susceptible to be allured by a simple face?"
Scarecrow noticed that they had gotten closer, though she made no move to push them away.
(Y/N) "Maybe? For me I'm...more allured by you than anything."
Scarecrow turned to face them again, her face unmoved by (Y/N)'s words.
(Y/N) "S-Sorry. That must sound stupid."
(Scarecrow) "It is. You are attracted to an android that cannot even reciprocate its feelings on the most basic level."
(Y/N) "...Reciprocate?"
(Y/N)'s shoulders slumped and looked at her, noticing that Scarecrow was staring at her hand moving to theirs. The hand wrapped around theirs, and gave it a gentle squeeze.
(Y/N) froze, and realizing that, Scarecrow moved back to her normal sitting position. She must have mistaken their shock as disgust.
(Scarecrow) "I will depa-"
(Y/N) "Wait!"
(Y/N) took Scarecrow's hands again, holding onto it tightly and not wanting her to leave. Slowly, she looked back at (Y/N)'s face as it closed in.
Their eyes were closed as they leaned in for a quick peck onto her lips, scrambling everything in Scarecrow's digimind.
Her eyes rapidly adjusted themselves as she was trying to process what exactly she was feeling. The sensation of (Y/N)'s lips, their emotions, her own, everything was so overwhelming.
Scarecrow remained still for a couple seconds before looking back up to (Y/N).
(Scarecrow) "...I still do not understand why you feel such attraction for a mere T-Doll-"
(Y/N) "Y-You're not just 'some' T-Doll, Scarecrow! You're just...you."
(Scarecrow) "You have said that twice now, as if I can understand what you mean."
(Y/N) "It means that there's only one of you, Scarecrow. And...!-"
(Y/N) took a deep breath to calm down, trying to defend her existence against herself was riling them up far more than they had anticipated.
(Scarecrow) "I should be exactly what my name implies. Nothing more, and nothing less."
Her reply finally got (Y/N) to steady their breathing, their lips slowly growing into a smile.
(Y/N) "If that's the case, you wouldn't be holding my hand right now. That's an emotion, you know, and I've seen you show it!...W-Well, not directly, anyway."
(Scarecrow) "...I am unable to comprehend your logic, nor can I fully process what information has been given to me."
Scarecrow's grip on (Y/N)'s hand subtly got tighter as her eyes refocused solely on theirs. Their mouth did not tremble, nor did her tone even remotely change, yet (Y/N) could tell there was a sense of hesitation.
(Scarecrow) "...I request that you assist me in understanding emotions, and your faulty logic in putting this kind of faith in me."
(Y/N)'s smile grew even bigger as they leaned into Scarecrow, embracing her gently. At first she did not move, but moved to mimic their actions by raising her arms around their back.
It felt quite awkward, but it was the gesture that mattered to (Y/N). And they hoped that she would understand that.
(Scarecrow) "If I'm careless with my words, I could end up hurting others. So I just need to be a scarecrow – I serve in silence…"
(Y/N) slowly backed off and held her shoulders, her eyes blinking for the first time at them.
(Scarecrow) "But I won't be like that with you, because no matter how I hurt you, you'll always stay close to me, won't you?"
(Y/N) "…As long as you want me, I'll be here with you."
They stayed like that for a few brief moments before Scarecrow stood up without warning, confusing (Y/N). She put on her mask and simply stared back.
(Scarecrow) "Humph, just kidding."
(Y/N) "...W...What...?"
Scarecrow leaned towards (Y/N)'s head, her mask gently bouncing off their forehead. Was that supposed to be her version of a kiss?
(Scarecrow) "That was also a joke. I genuinely meant what I asked, I simply wanted to see your reaction since you can tell when I'm portraying emotions indirectly, apparently."
(Y/N) pouted and muttered something underneath their breath. They swore Scarecrow's eyes slightly raised in amusement.
(Y/N) "Way to ruin a romantic moment..."
Scarecrow offered her hand to (Y/N), her tone unchanged.
(Scarecrow) "Well, it's a good thing you'll be giving more, won't you?"
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afterdarkprincess · 4 months
Hi lovely 💕
For the sleepover questions:
- Tell us your Solo/Sami headcanons.
- Tell us your CM Punk/Drew headcanons.
- And for good measure please add your Sami/Jey & your Ambreigns headcanons as well while you’re at it.
FMK: Roman, Seth, Mox
FMK: Solo, Sami, Jey
FMK: Punk, Drew, Cody
FMK: Jade, Naomi, Bianca
FMK: Rhea, Liv, Becky
Questions, questions, questions:
- What’s an accomplishment/ thing in your life you’re very proud of?
- Name three things you love about yourself?
- What makes you furious in fandom spaces (your fandom pet peeves so to say)?
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Who’s your latest?
- Who do you adore on this website (aka tumblr crushes)?
- What do you find attractive in a person (physically and personality wise)?
- Favorite story you ever wrote?
- Favorite story someone else wrote?
- Your current favorite song?
- One ingredient/ dish you love and one you despise?
This or that:
- Cats and/or dogs?
- Coffee and/or tea?
- Hiking, cycling or swimming?
- Pizza or pasta?
- Mexican, Chinese or Indian takeout? Or something else?
- Cooking, baking or ordering in?
- Quiet night in or a night out socializing with friends?
- Cold weather or hot weather?
- Pants, skirts or dresses?
This got a little out of hand oops 😂
Feel free to answer whatever you wanna answer and skip whatever you don’t. Or answer everything. Up to you. Happy sleepover!
Hugs and kisses 💖
AHHH Thank you!!!!! I've been so excited all day to get home and hae time to answer these!!
Gonna answer under the cut because I'm sure this will be long lol 💖💖💖
💕Solo/Sami headcanons
I feel like a LOT of my headcanons on Solo and Sami come from one specific fic on AO3- The Solo Man
I love Solo as being selectively mute and/or very shy. I haven't really gotten to explore this with Solo in my fics very much, but I'm really looking forward to doing so.
I do feel like Solo has such a soft spot for Sami (I mean I have eyes) Sami was a real source of kindness for him when he really didn't have that from anyone.
💕CM Punk/Drew McIntyre headcanons
oh noooo my brainrot lol
They're TOXIC as fuck, they bring out the worst in each other. I can't find anything sweet or soft in them, it's obsession, it's raw, it's violent. Possessive and Obsessive.
And they fuck nasty obviously. I tend to prefer Bottom Drew, something so fun about subverting their size difference but I'll eat up anything.
💕Samijey headcanons
Ahhhh I just love them- I feel like a lot of my headcanons POP out in my fics. I feel like Jey Uso is an acts of service guy. I think he does anything and everything to make sure that Sami feels taken care of. This shows up really early on in Devil in the Details and uhhh fun fact I wrote the first part of that fic before I knew that Sami was vegan, hence why there are SO many references to Jey cooking chicken for Sami. It was too integral to how I was having Jey show his affection to take it out, so for that one fic Sami is just no pork not vegan lol
Sami talks ALL the time, and Jey pretends to be annoyed but the constant stream of consciousness is actually so comforting to him. He very rarely has to worry about what Sami is thinking or feeling because he will just tell him.
Jey cut those crop tops so Sami would look at him.
From You're My Keeper (Pull Me Deeper):
“You really like my waist, huh?” he murmured. 
As if to prove his point, Sami sank his teeth into the soft flesh under his bellybutton. “Can’t stop looking at it,” Sami whispered into his skin. “So fucking perfect. Those stupid crop tops are fucking killing me, dude.”
“Really? Hm, I thought so.”
Sami’s head shot up. “You knew?”
Jey blushed. “I guess, I kinda knew you were like… Looking. I guess I thought… Nevermind, this is fucking embarrassing.” He clapped his hands over his face. 
“You thought what?” He felt Sami tugging at his fingers, and Jey reluctantly let his hands get pulled away. Sami had the worst look on his face, smug and bemused. Didn’t he know this was absolute torture?
“I don’t know, I thought maybe if I cut the shirts shorter, then like… You know… You’d look at me more,” Jey pushed out through clenched teeth. Scratch that, this was the worst look. Sami positively beamed, fondness radiating out from him in shameless sunshine rays. If he was a dog, he’d surely be wagging his tail like a maniac. Jey tried not to linger on that thought too long.
“Jesus you are so fucking cute,” Sami wheezed, burying his face into Jey’s chest.
Literally one of my favorite fics ever- I reread it all the damn time. (If the author of this fic is on here?? let me know pls & I'll tag you💖)
And I do think that Sami/Jey switch up who tops and bottoms, but I'm always here for bottom!Jey, sweet pillow princess.
💕Ambreigns headcanons
OO this is a good one- I typically go for Ambrolleigns (bc they all have two hands) or Ambrollins because of my donut sister @elementaldoughnut12 I feel like where Dean and Seth have that very turbulent high passion love, Dean and Roman have a level of like rock solid devotion?? Someone that they can always rely on, coming even closer together after everything fell apart with Seth.
Even more than Seth's betrayal, Dean leaving spurred on the creation of the Tribal Chief. Roman, alone and brokenhearted, left by the man who he thought would never leave him, turns himself into something cold and cruel. Makes himself monstrous, surrounds himself by a cheap copy of what they had.
He wants Dean back, wants it more than anything, but some part of him is terrified that Dean will reject him, will detest what he has become.
💕Fuck, Marry, Kill
FMK: Roman, Seth, Mox
Fuck: Roman (I'm gonna need that tongue baby good lord)
Marry: Mox 100%, I'm gonna need to hit that multiple times, and also I feel like our personalities are really complimentary
Kill: RIP I'm so sorry Seth, please keep serving even in Death
FMK: Solo, Sami, Jey
Fuck: Solo- and he needs to bring the gloves okay? 🥵
Marry: Jey 🩵
Kill: Sami :( I hate to kill my hubby's hubby though
FMK: Punk, Drew, Cody
Fuck: Cody (he's hot, IDK that I'd wanna deal with him all the time)
Marry: CM Punk.... listenn
Kill: Drew- would need to take him out to marry Punk anyway
FMK: Jade, Naomi, Bianca
Marry: Naomi- Jimmy can come too
Kill: Bianca
FMK: Rhea, Liv, Becky
Fuck: Liv
Marry: Please, please Mami, I'm-PLEASE?
Kill: Becky, RIP girlie
💕Questions, questions, questions:
- What’s an accomplishment/ thing in your life you’re very proud of?
90k words posted on AO3 as of today has me feeling really good. I challenged myself at the beginning of the year to get to 100k by the end of 2024, but even where I'm at now... a year ago I would have laughed at you if you told me that. I've been writing in spits and spurts my whole life, but I really lacked confidence to do anything with my fanworks. I usually didn't even finish them. Before this last year, the most I had written was 2 NaNoWriMo attempts, both sat at around 25-30k and were never completed. And now with the all the support I've gotten here and on AO3, I've had the most creative period in my life. It makes me tear up thinking about it honestly.
- Name three things you love about yourself?
My passion, my sense of humor, and my tits lol
- What makes you furious in fandom spaces (your fandom pet peeves so to say)?
The only pet peeve I really have is like being rude and giving people shit for what they like and don't like?? Like I've been around since the days of Don't Like, Don't Read. If you don't like something, it's not for you, it costs zero dollars to shut the fuck up.
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Who’s your latest?
Oh gosh, so many. I mean the first would definitely be Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon 💖💖 Daniel Radcliffe when I got a little older and realized I wasn't going to be able to marry a cartoon. Right now? I mean all of those hot Samoans first of all. Rhea Ripley, obv. Moxley.
- Who do you adore on this website (aka tumblr crushes)?
EVERYONE lol this list is gonna be so long @feelschicken who has been my IRL bestie for like 20+ years at this point, who allowed me to drag her into Wrestling via several hour long conversations in the car where I would literally yell about the Bloodline
@elementaldoughnut12 my donut sister who has inspired so many of my fics and cheered me on through so much of this last year. Love you so much punkin 🥰
@harmshake my beloved tumblr gf, a constant source of positivity in my life 💖 Not to mention she writes the HOTTEST fics omg
@southerngirl41 who's been on the tag squad since the BEGINNING and I appreciate her comments so much
@jeysbvck Shan 💙 because we're both unhinged and feral for Jey- she just gets me
@imabillyami of course you too obviously- you are so sweet and not to mention your fics are amazing
@rollinsland who keeps my dash FULL of content of all my faves, and is so so sweet
@shanie-the-komania-toyaddict my Zowens connection, and another amazing sweet person
@motherknuckers I think we share a braincell for real
@samijey because like... A Way With Words is THE Sami/Jey fic, not to mention her amazing gif skills 😍
@thlayli-ra who definitely gave me the Punkintyre brainrot
@who-do-you-want-to-be MY SWEET KOALA FRIEND
@jeyuwuso WHOSE FIC I LINKED EARLIER, literally love all their work!!!
@taydaq her ART, especially Samijey 🥹
I know I'm missing people, I could be at this all night: @crxssjae @hypno-bear-tini @rosiel77 @mzv11 @theninthwonder @dontletme--cavein @codyswhitebelt @jobikinn if I missed others I'm so sorry 😭 and if tumblr messes up these tags I'll scream
- What do you find attractive in a person (physically and personality wise)?
Humor, they gotta be funny. They gotta make me laugh or we're not gonna work. We gotta be silly goosing.
- Favorite story you ever wrote?
Ours is still my favorite
- Favorite story someone else wrote?
oooo yay it's rec time!!! Already called out a few but here's some more:
Green - my favorite Candy fic
Losers and Loss - a Zowens fic that melted my brain into absolute goo I said The Solo Man already but also Pretty which spurred on my love of bottom!jey and Jey in pretty lingerie
Sticks & Stones and also Green-Eyed Monster - both by the Zesty Bean, all of their works are great but those are my favorites
Silver Knight and Little Clover - my donut sister knows how to make a rarepair that I'll go nuts for
And I could not forget I've got you to lose ... of COURSE 💕 maybe gimme a heads up before you post that last chapter so I can get all my favorite snacks and be prepared.
- Your current favorite song?
Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift
- One ingredient/ dish you love and one you despise?
Oo good question- I'm a big fries and ranch girlie (the midwest in me popping out) and for despise??? mmm it's gonna be pickles, they're gross to me.
💕This or that:
- Cats and/or dogs?
Cats 🐈
- Coffee and/or tea?
Coffee ☕️
- Hiking, cycling or swimming?
Swimming 🌊
- Pizza or pasta?
- Mexican, Chinese or Indian takeout? Or something else?
For takeout specifically it's gonna be Chinese
- Cooking, baking or ordering in?
- Quiet night in or a night out socializing with friends?
I love a good night out once in a while, but I prefer a night in
- Cold weather or hot weather?
Hot weather ☀️
- Pants, skirts or dresses?
whew.... that took a while but it was so fun honestly 😅
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journen · 2 years
Mon Mothma wife oc headcanons!
I got an anon asking about my idea for the Mon Mothma’s wife character i drew(art of her down below), so I decided to make a sort of general ideas for her/headcanons post. I would love to develop this further and do more art for this character/story in the future when I have time!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Vague story and headcanons:
So 100% she is made out of spite bc Mon’s husband in the show is a total asshole and she deserves better hahahahha.
She is Pantoran, and maybe was a bodyguard or smth for a Pantoran senator who Mon had dealings with, and perhaps they met that way somehow? Maybe at an informal party or something lol.
She got involved with Mon and therefore with the rebellion, and as she was maybe a solider at some point, she proved to be effective in war tactics stuff for the rebellion and so naturally became a general in the rebellion maybe?
Once they became well acquainted, she accompanies Mon to senate meetings too. Two well dressed senators. Power couple.
She can then also act as Mon’s bodyguard. Idk if they would keep their relationship a secret. Probably not, i don’t want that. Let them be out.
Don’t fuck with Mon when she’s in her presence, this oc would probably have a really great death glare hahaha like dont fuck with us we are too smart for you vibes.
While Mon is talking to politicians, many of whom she probably despises but has to maintain the polite facade, the oc is next to her just listening and observing 👀 and listening, and picks up on things that Mon may miss. She’s more the quiet type, but fiercely(in a healthy, supportive way) protective of her wife. And loves analyzing and learning dirty politicians secrets. 🤣
Perhaps she eventually has to forsake her presence at the senate in favour of devoting all her time to the rebellion tho, so then Mon and her are kinda long distance. But they make it work bc they are awesome and bad ass.
And she would totally just naturally fall into a role in the rebellion working with Bail and Mon. Imagine Bail, Breha, Mon and this oc would be a power group.
Also, i am debating on making this oc quite tall, maybe taller than i drew her? Would that be interesting or too much lol. Also i havent decided on a name yet lol.
So yeah, these are the vague ideas I had so far! Stuff is subject to change for sure but hopefully this isnt too cringe.
Special ty to @sunflowersinheaven and @lightasthesun for encouraging me with this character and helping me develop ideas lol. And if anyone else has any ideas or anything too lmk!! I’d love it this is collaborative somehow! 😄 And im always looking for inspiration.
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horizon-verizon · 18 days
I always wondered why Daemon Blackfyre didn’t claim it through Daena; it always seemed to me the better argument than Naerys cheated because that can never be proven, and, sadly, it seems very unlikely.
GRRM likes taking things from history, so it always struck me as odd that not once did a guy make a bid for the throne from a woman's lineage. That happened a lot in history. Henry II claimed the English throne through his mother, Empress Matilda; the Yorkists drew their claim through Anne Mortimer, the cognatic heir of Lionel of Antwerp, who was the 2nd son of Edward III, over the Lancasters, who drew their claim through the 3rd son of Edward III; Edward III himself claimed the French throne through his mother, Isabella of France, when her brothers, Philip the Fair’s sons, died without male issue, beginning the Hundred Years’ War. The English/British/UK monarchs didn’t even drop their claim to the French throne until the year 1800, almost 500 years after the claim was first made. It seems like a waste not to utilize that storyline.
And yes, Aegon III got his claim from Rhaenyra, but the throne was more or less given to him; he didn’t put forward his own claim and fight for his right to rule like the people I mentioned above did. He was too young to make his own bid for the throne, is what I’m saying.
Watsonian: Daena was already disposed, as opposed to those other women men use to claim the throne in ASoIaF (in Robert Baratheon's time, he didn't use his Targ grandmother to justify his taking of the throne but it certainly helped that the maesters decided to speak of Rhaelle 🤫). And Daena had been imprisoned for years, she had little respurces or connections to herself at court. It doesn't hit as hard to use the woman who has little to nothing material on her side to claim the throne and especially when women in the Targ succession line had been tacitly officialized as...undesireable. They were just a generation from the Dance when Daena was active and about. For Daemon's present prospects, it was just better to claim it through his father, the ruling male monarch who favored him all his life, then his mother. There was more meaning to Aegon IV's name than Daena, and those who wish to gain power will use the parent who will get them there. It was Robert's grandfather that the maesters used after all. Daemon himself was banking on a hypermasculinity & the anti Dornish sentiment to "makeup" for his bastardy and get lords who despised Daeron II's dealing with the absolute primogeniture-practicing Dornish to gain support for his attempt.
Doylist: Even those men you mention of history use the woman precisely because there is no man they can use.
Daena is worse off than those women in terms of personal power or prestige that any of her kids could have benefited from because of her imprisonment and the fresh-kinda anxiety over strong female characters/female rulers. Daena was a princess...but how far was she able to, again, use that title to gain resources and prestige previously enjoyed by Rhaena the BB, Rhaenyra, Alysanne, etc?
Now, could GRRM write Daena to actually be free and more active at court and give more for her to do while showing how Targ men's power just overshadowed her even without direct PoVs (even the main ASoIaF books have many unreliable narrators as narrators...a PoV can still be a unreliable)? Absolutely, and I think the intention was to show this transition from more power-wielding women into the Blackfyre Rebellions in a more constricted and contained setting (time frame) and so he thought showing the "what could have been" with Daena's imprisonment required a story of her escape and birthing a child.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Hi! I really love your blog and your fics! May I have a request of IkePrince where MC was severely bullied by royals from being Jin's soon-to-be wife (King Jin route) which made her kinda depressed and almost kill herself, and how Jin would stop her from doing so. It's full of TWs indeed and up to you whether you'd take my request or not 😅
Anyway, thank you in advance! 💓
So, full disclosure . . . I’ve only read the dramatic ending. But I’ll do my best to imagine what King Jin would be like ^_^ Approx. 3800 words of hurting and comfort. TW for bullying, suicide, and depression.
Jin glared down at the twitchy noble. He felt bored and annoyed. A dangerous mix for a king. The noble was on his knees but despite the deferential posture, the man’s whole frame was rigid with hostility. He was one of the old and esteemed families of Rhodolite. The ones that felt King Jin’s mixed parentage was a problem.
And if he was a problem to them, even moreso his fiancée. Those blue-bloods despised her. Whereas he, at least, was the son of the former king, Emma as a commoner through and through. They’d learned not to speak ill of her in any way where he could hear, but he knew full well they took every opportunity to hurt her in ways he could not see. 
In fact, she’d begged off court this morning, telling him she did not feel well. Jin knew it was because being at court made her anxious. He wasn’t sure how to make her feel better about it either, which only added to his annoyance. Not with Emma, but with men and women like the one in front of him now. 
“That’s enough. You may leave.” Jin’s garnet eyed glare made the noble stop mid-sentence. Not that Jin was paying any attention anyway. 
“Yes, my liege but -”
“Good day.” The words were proper but Jin’s tone brooked no disobedience. The noble stood and bowed low, then left. The King turned to Sariel. “Cancel the remainder of today’s appointments. I will deal with them tomorrow.”
Sariel regarded him with a piercing look, one that read too deeply into Jin’s thoughts. He nodded. “Of course, sire. I’ll dismiss the gathered petitioners.” He turned to go and then stopped. “Lady Emma was last seen in the library, by the way.” 
Jin’s lips turned up in a faint smile. Damn that court devil. “Thanks.”
He slipped out of the throne room through one of the secret passages. It figured that Emma would be in the library. It was her retreat. A quiet preserve where she found safety from the dangers of the court. 
When he got there, she wasn’t in sight. The private reading rooms were empty as were the well-lit window seats. Even Chev’s private library was desolate. No sign of Emma, or anyone besides the maids dusting shelves. 
Jin went to their rooms next. It made sense that she would go back there with her books if she really wasn’t feeling well. There was no one there but Rio. And the blonde looked upset. When Jin came in, he stopped his pacing and quickly crossed the room to stand in front of him. 
The king felt a ball of ice take form in his gut. A creeping cold heaviness that he tried to ignore as he studied Rio’s expression. “What is it?”
“I can’t find Emma. I came to bring her breakfast and there was just this . . .” He held out an envelope. “It has your name on it.”
The paper was thick and soft, a creamy beige that smelled like Emma’s favorite perfume. It was sealed with a blot of blue wax imprinted with a rose. And on the front, his name in her careful handwriting. Jin Grandet. It looked so formal. He did not want to open it.
Rio watched him expectantly. 
Jin’s hand shook as he broke the sealing wax and drew out the sheet of paper within. He felt as if he could not breathe. As if this letter, the delicate swirls of ink in the familiar shapes of letters, pressed upon him. He forced himself to hold it steady and read. 
Dearest Jin,
I tried but there is nothing I can do to be good enough for you. The nobles are right, of course, and I have been very foolish. I love you so much that I thought our hearts could overcome the difference in our station. But it is not enough. I realize now that you are better off without me. I know you will not find a more appropriate bride as long as I live, so I am going to free you from that obligation. There are girls from good families that are a better match for you. They have said as much and I have come to believe them. I am only dirt beneath their feet . . . and yours. I hope you will not cry for me. I am not worth your tears. Please give everyone my love. I am sorry. I am sorry.
With Love,
The ink was smudged in places by dried tear drops, drawing the letters down in jagged little smears. 
“What does it say?” Rio tried to read the note but Jin crumpled it in his hand before he could.
“When did you last see her? Where was she headed? Did she say anything to you?”
The blonde blinked at him, his usual idiot smile replaced by serious concern. “She was headed to the library when I stopped in to check on her. She told me she wasn’t hungry but to come by and check on her for lunch. I think this was an hour ago, maybe a little more.”
“An hour.” There were only so many places she could get to in an hour. “Rio, gather a few servants you trust. We need to search the palace and grounds for her. Quietly.”
“What did the letter say?” Rio’s sapphire gaze met Jin’s ruby one.
“She plans to die today. That’s what it said.” His voice cracked on the words as if his throat did not wish to divulge them. 
For a moment, panic suffused Rio’s face. A deep well of sorrow, bottomless and terrifying. But he took a breath, determination closing over it. “We can’t let that happen.” He nodded once to the king and hurried off.
Jin left the room. He felt disconnected. Dazed, as if he were moving through space and time more slowly than normal. This did not feel real. Had he truly failed her so badly that she . . . his mind refused to finish the thought, but it did not stop the wave of guilt from crushing his heart. He had not protected her. And now, like his father before him, he was going to lose the woman he loved. 
He wanted to howl. To scream and cry and beat the walls of the palace until the whole thing collapsed. To make every noble that ever sneered at his Emma kneel and pay in blood. The desire to destroy was so strong that he felt his lips peel back in an animalistic snarl. They would suffer, he thought, but first - first - he had to find Emma and stop this madness. He could not lose her. He would not. 
Jin took several deep breaths, forcing his anger back. Emma had to be found. He needed to think about this logically. Without the distraction of hurt and fear. Where would she go in her despair? 
It took him very little time to mount up and ride into town. He didn’t even bother with a saddle, and nevermind the rumors that would spring from seeing the king in his finery blazing through town, bareback and frowning like a thundercloud. He went to the bookshop. 
It was closed, as expected. The owner often went on trips abroad to bring back foreign titles, and with Emma and Rio no longer employed there, he would just close it for a month or so when he was out of town. The shutters were sliced and locked, and the door was well. 
Jin didn’t bother trying to pick the sturdy lock. He kicked the door and it splintered away from the hinges. Light poured into the room from the opened door, but the room beyond was not dark. There were lamps lit, books laid out on reading tables, thumbed open to reveal their ink and paper innards. And there were roses. Blue ones in ranging hues from the faded summer sky to the blue of ocean depths. 
He took in the arrangement. Simple and lovely. It had Emma’s touch on it in every way. His eyes darted about the space, looking for her. An closed door caught his attention. Light came from the crack underneath it as if a lamp was lit within. 
There was no answer. Jin crossed the room and carefully opened the door. Inside were more roses on a small table beside an oversized chair. A pile of books sat on the floor, and a small empty bottle lay on its side nearby. In the chair, dwarfed by its overstuffed cushions and swathed in a blanket, sat Emma.
A book was open in her lap, but her eyes were closed. Her lips were grey and her skin unnaturally pale. There was no mark on her, no sign of violence. She looked as if she were already dead, or so close to it that her spirit did not know the difference. 
“Emma!” Jin did not remember moving to close the distance with her, but she was already in his arms. Her skin was cool to the touch, and dry. But when he held her, he could feel a weak pulse of life still within. The tiniest flame, fading. He kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her mouth. A gentle, desperate rain of kisses and hot tears that spilled down her cheeks as if she was crying and not him.
“You can’t leave me,” he whispered, his voice rough and hoarse with grief. Despite his panic, he had presence of mind enough to grab the small bottle on the floor before carrying her out. He leapt onto the horse’s back with her cradled in his arms and rode for the palace.
Sariel and Rio met him at the gate. Jin swung down from horseback, careful not to jar Emma too much. Sariel took the bottle from his hand as Rio ran to prepare a room and notify the royal doctors. 
“This is what she took?” Sariel peered at the empty glass container as if it held all the answers. 
Jin nodded. “I think so. I think . . .” he cleared his throat, “I think it may be poison.”
The counselor nodded and left, almost running. 
Without slowing, Jin strode into the palace and through the halls. He barely noticed the trail of confused servants and nobles he left behind him. All of his senses were focused on the thready, shallow breath from Emma’s lips and the faint, slowing thrum of her heartbeat.
Clavis was waiting at Emma’s room, alongside the senior palace physician. 
Jin brushed past them to set her on the bed. But even after he laid her down, he didn’t want to let go. He took her hand and held it gently, as if it were made of the most fragile spun glass. 
The physician took her vitals, his expression grim. “Your consort is ill, my liege. Very ill. I will of course do all in my power to -”
“She will live.” Jin said it with a steady voice, as if saying it aloud would make it true. 
For a moment it seemed like the doctor would argue, but Clavis pulled him aside before he could. They whispered, heads together, for several minutes. The empty glass bottle exchanged hands, traded between them as their brows furrowed and their eyes narrowed. 
It was Clavis that broke away first. “Your girl doesn’t go by half-measures.” He grinned down at Emma and shook his head. “She must have been planning this for awhile. It’s no easy task to get an entire vial of such a rare poison. One wonders if she had help . . .”
Jin’s eyebrows rose. 
Clavis continued. “The plant it comes from grows only along the border with Jade. Fascinating, really, that she even heard of it. Much less snuck the funds to purchase it, made contact with a smuggler, and had it brought into the palace. What a wonder she is! I’ll tell her as much, if she lives.” 
“Is there a cure?”
The third prince shook his head. “No. The only question now is whether or not the good doctor can keep her breathing long enough to flush the remainder of the poison from her system. And then wait to see if she lives.” Clavis shrugged as if this was of no concern. “Waiting is too boring for my taste. I think a vacation is in order.” He spun on his heel and left.
Nokto came in a little while later, Licht trailing behind him just distant enough to make it clear they weren’t together. 
The twins stood on the opposite side of the bed, watching as the doctor did his work. For awhile, no one spoke. Then Nokto sighed. “I didn’t realize she was so unhappy. I heard some of the gossip about her but . . .”
Jin frowned. “It wasn’t your job to know. It was mine.” 
Nokto stared at him, his crimson gaze so like Jin’s own. They shared a bond, brothers despite their differences. Then Nokto looked away. “I just remembered. I have a date. I’ll check back in later.” 
Licht watched him leave with a flat, unreadable expression. One he turned back to Emma as soon as the door closed. “If she wants to die, who are you to stop her?” His question came as a surprise to Jin.
“I . . . I love her. And I don’t think she wants this.” Jin spoke softly, watching Emma’s face rather than his brother. “She did it for me. Trying to - to do what she thought she had to.” 
Licht was silent, thoughtful. “So you would let her go? If she really wanted to?”
“I don’t know.”
Licht said nothing else, but he reached down and brushed back a lock of her hair. Then he left as well.
For awhile, the room was quiet, save for the doctor’s terse orders to the servants and the sound of him working. It was hard for Jin to watch as needles went under Emma’s skin and tubes pushed into her nose and throat. Vials of strange fluids were pumped into her and blood taken for tests. He kept reminding himself this was all to save her.
Eventually, Chevalier swept into the room. His expression was as cold as the deeps of winter, his body rigid, hands clenched at his sides. “Fool.” He strode to the bedside and stared down at her. “Weakling. A tiger does not care what opinion the boars squeal.” 
Jin said nothing. He did not know what to say. Guilt ate at his heart. A thousand what-ifs. Things he might have done or could have done. It was his job to protect her and he failed. And in failing did not even see how much she hurt until now. 
Chevalier’s cold gaze swept up to him like an icy wind from a frozen sea. “What are you doing here?”
The king blinked. “I - I can’t leave her alone.”
“You have work to do.” Chev raised one eyebrow as if daring Jin to contradict him.There was something in his brother’s stance that spoke of violence only a heartbeat away. 
Jin wanted to argue, to explain that he needed to be here, to reassure himself she still breathed. But Chevalier was right. Jin was king now, and as king, he could not hide in this room and wait for Emma to get better. He released her hand and it felt like he let go of the rope that kept him from falling. He stood and left, his spirit in free-fall.
As the door closed behind him, he saw Chevalier sit and pull out a book. The Romance of the Rose. He began to read it aloud.
Leon caught up with him on his way to his office. “Is it true?” The fourth prince grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Emma is . . . she . . .” Jin found he didn’t have the words. He gestured helplessly back toward her room. 
Leon pulled him into a hug. 
Jin began to sob. His shoulder shook. He could not breathe for the force of his tears. He choked and clutched at Leon, barely able to stand.
His brother held him up, quietly supporting him until Jin cried himself empty. It felt like hours but lasted only a few, desperate minutes. Then Leon patted him on the shoulder and gave a sad smile. “She’s going to be ok.”
Jin nodded. On the way to the office, he told his brother about the note, Clavis’ comments on the poison. Chev and Nokto’s comments. 
Leon’s jaw tightened as he listened. “Someone pushed her to this,” he said as the door to the king’s office closed behind them. Anger lent a trembling quality to his words. 
“The nobility.”
Jin nodded again. 
The two exchanged a knowing glance. This would not be allowed to pass. But they could not simply haul the guilty parties in for judgment. There was no law against cruel gossip and bullying. No basis by which to imprison or punish people for attitudes and bigotry. But there were other kinds of justice equally vicious.
Over the next few weeks, there were strange occurrences at the royal court. Several nobles found their investments ame to nothing. Cut from lucrative trading deals. Snubbed from social events and parties. Court ladies of high standing found their personal affairs outed publicly, humiliating them so badly that they were forced to retire from social life until the news subsided. 
Some suffered even more. A fire broke out at one estate, bankrupting an old and well-known noble family. Another noble had a terrible carriage accident, and one died while hunting. 
It was as if a curse had descended on the oldest and wealthiest of Rhodolite’s nobility until few remained in the capital. And those that were spared these terrible events just happened to be the most forward thinking and progressive of the nobility. Those with an eye toward equality. Those in support of the new king and his fiancée.
 Jin spent his days governing, and his nights at Emma’s bedside. Clavis reassured him that the antidote he’d administered was working. The physician claimed she was getting better. But all he could see was her pale lips, eyes closed, body stilled.
He’d drifted off to sleep with her hand in his, as was his habit these days, when her fingers suddenly clasped his own. Jin woke with a start, almost standing from his chair. 
Emma was watching him, her eyes wide and dark in the evening gloom. “J-jin?”
“I’m here,” he said, his voice half-sobbing. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. For the first time in weeks, she was warm to his touch, her heartbeat steady. The feel of her in his arms released a weight he had not realized he carried. Now he felt buoyant, almost untethered. 
She began to cry, burying her face in his shoulder. 
He held her until the tears dried and then he gently set her back into the tangle of her sheets. Jin wasn’t sure what to say. His relief still bubbled up within him, but there were threads of anger in it, grief, a feeling of betrayal. He wanted to shake her, to kiss her. To shout and cry. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice so soft it barely carried to his ears. 
“Why would you ever think I am better off without you?” 
Emma swallowed, her hands fidgeting in her lap. “I wanted to be strong enough to stand by your side. To handle . . . anything. Everything that came my way. But I . . . every day I felt . . .” She cleared her throat, more for the pause than out of need. “The noble ladies made it clear I did not belong.”
Jin set a hand on her leg. “And what they said mattered more to you than my love?”
She shook her head. “No. No. I knew you loved me. I started to feel that they were right though. That I was a pathetic climber who - who reached too far. That you would regret me, come to hate me.” Emma bit her lip. “I would rather die than see you look at me with loathing.”
“I could never hate you.” Jin felt helpless in the face of her sadness. He acted too late, let her struggle for too long. 
Emma nodded. “I - I want to believe that. But even if you never hated me it was just so, so hard. Finding my favorite books in the fountain. My dresses inexplicably stained. My food tainted. And those women just laughing up their sleeves. Knowing I could prove nothing. Do nothing.” She gripped the sheet until her knuckles were white.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to look weak. I wanted to handle them on my own. Prove to you that I am strong. But all I proved is that I really am not worthy of - of your love.” She began to cry again, tears sliding slowly down her cheeks. 
Jin moved to sit beside her, and put his arm around her so that her head rested against his chest. “My love is not a competition. There is not a score you earn. I love you, Emma. I want you to share with me when you hurt. When you need help. Tell me what you need and how you feel. Every little thing, even the things you think are trivial.”
She nodded, sniffling.
“Promise me you will.”
“I promise.” She snuggled closer, holding onto him. 
Jin kissed the top of her head. “There is one thing I am angry with you about though.”
Emma winced. “There is?”
“Yes. You tried to leave me. With just a note.” Jin felt again the fear and panic that welled up in him when Rio gave him her letter. “Never -” his voice broke and it took him a breath to calm himself enough to speak. “Never do that again. I can’t lose you. Not like that. I - I can’t be in a world without you. I would - I would -”
For the first time in his life, Jin understood his father. He felt the yawning chasm of hopelessness open beneath his heart. The sense that without Emma, nothing mattered. Without her, he would be a fallen beast. A mere animal in a mock-crown, dressed up and paraded about. Likely to lash out as anything else. Dangerous, apathetic. Empty. 
Emma looked up, studying his face as if he were a page in one of her books. Then she placed a light, sweet kiss on his lips. 
It was like a brush of morning dew on a desert plant, and left Jin hungry for more of her. He did not let her leave it at that, capturing her mouth with his in a deep, desperate kiss that spoke his heart to her.
When they finally parted enough to breathe, she smiled. A sad little crooked smile. “I love you, Jin Grandet.”
And he saw in her gaze that this was her promise not to leave him. For the first time since he found that note, he felt at ease.
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tenguucringefails · 1 year
So here’s ✨Twinkle✨formally known as Princess Taffy
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I aint like her outfit the first time I drew her so I rearranged her entire existence, now she’s lovingly named princess twinkle lmao
ANYWAY, she's a girl's birthday bot and was designed to sell the fairy princess experience and she's a total bitch.
More info about her below!
She's never outright mean to the kids or to staff but she's openly mean to the other animatronics. For really obnoxious kids, she’ll express her true feelings when no one is around. She's basically two faced.
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She views the entirety of the pizzaplex as her kingdom and particularly despises Sun and Moon since they're considered the "court jesters". She actively terrorizes Sun, whose too afraid to fight back seeing as she has staff believing she’s well behaved and one wrong move could land him in parts and services. HOWEVER, Moon isn’t as cautious and is just as mean and vindictive back to her and she hates it. The two of them constantly get into fights and petty prank wars.
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She also kinda hates them both because they have an entire large scale area to theirselves while she's stuck in a single room with a tacky fairy castle theme.
I haven't figured out where it should be located yet but I figured it could be an extension to the daycare area.
She thinks of Freddy as a subservient stepstool.
Roxy a gaudy poodle.
Chica a trash gobbling pig.
And Monty a loudmouthed lizard.
Also, she mostly refers to Sun and Moon as the court jesters but she also calls Sun the “town’s fool” and Moon “scrapmetal.”
OH THE DJ I ALMOST FORGOT she thinks of him as a roach and doesn't really interact with him lmao it's mostly because he's the only other bot she has an inkling of fear towards.
The one who terrifies her the most is Mother Dearest, one of my other bot OCs who has a history of being extremely volatile towards other bots.
Twinkle also doesn't get along with another oc of mine, Cirrostratus (who I’ll drop next) but she DOES get along with (and this is the final bot lmao) Flippy BECAUSE FLIPPY IS NICE AND SWEET *BANGS FIST* AND EVERYONE LOVES HER!!!!!!!
Twinkle is still kinda mean to Flippy tbh but she actually calls her by her name because Flippy will sometimes bring her shiny items that have been lost (she loves sparkly shit)
My bots are part of the canon security breach universe also, so they all get the afton disease EXCEPT FLIPPY but behind twinkle’s face plate are gross insect mandibles ✨💖✨
I feel like I should have made her wings look more butterfly-ish or at least more rounded because she's meant to be like a BUTTERFLY fairy, hence her antennas and cartoony nose.
But yeah! Thats Twinkle the fairy princess birthday bot!
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artunderwraps · 4 months
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i don’t have a cool caption for this, so please, feel free to imagine your own :]
i saw a cute little hijabi superhero design and thought hm. could i do that? and maybe i did
i dunno if the actual “hijabi” part of the costume translated very well; i tried to kinda mesh together a hijab with a fencing helmet so. bam
o tried to make her outfit pretty modest while also being functional (to an extent). her pants and helmet/hijab have buttons so that when she moves around really fast, they don’t lift up and her skin doesn’t show. the sleeves also have elastic bands at the wrists for the same purpose. her vest cape thing is Cool and i personally despise going outside without something long covering my back without a skirt so ye. she has boots because they’re cool.
I also gave her a crescent motif cause. she’s muslim. :>
so her “superpower” is that she is EXTREMELY good at sword fighting. i… didn’t really feel like looking up refs or different swords from different cultures so she gets that Thing.
below is a… ref image? that i drew first
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uh yea if you guys have any name ideas (civilian or hero) please tell me, though i may or may not listen to them djndjdksjd
my neck hurts and i spent WAY too long on this lol
(also don’t ask me how she got that high in the sky i dunno either)
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canonicallysoulmates · 4 months
New episode got me thinking about the books and made me realize I never shared my thoughts about the rest of them; I finished the series while I was on my hiatus which is why I didn't make posts about them. Usually, I would make an individual post for each book but I'm just gonna cover them all here with my rating and a quick summary of my thoughts/feelings.
If you have not read the books there will be spoilers ahead from Merrick all the way to Blood Communion.
1 ⭐️
How are you going to write a book where one your main characters, one of your most important characters, a character that is part of your foundation is depressed and attempts to commit suicide because he is still grieving the loss of his daughter a major event in your own series and have it all from the pov of a different character that has no connection to that situation (meaning the events from iwtv) or the child, and have the focus be on this and another character and their relationship?
Louis looking at Anne like Am i a joke to you?
Here's what's funny, I don't hate this book as much as i despise TOTBT but I have to rank it lower because at least that piece of garbage gave me something. In totbt we get some exploration of Lestat being haunted by Claudia and his thoughts and feelings on this and towards his daughter. In Merrick we don't get any exploration of Louis's inner thoughts and feelings, we don't get to see what led him to this point after so many years, we don't get to see his and Lestat's conversation afterward, we don't get to see his emotions when it comes to Claudia- this could have been great if Anne hadn't decided for some reason to hate louis cause I can only assume Anne wrote this during her Louis hating era.
The potential was there, the execution was not.
Blood and Gold
3 ⭐️
I'm just gonna say it, I don't like Marius. I don't hate him. But I don't like him.
Marius is the type of man who if he met a woman with a PhD he would mansplain her own field to her. He can't handle not being "the smartest" or "the wisest".
I've said it before I don't like Marius and Armand's romantic relationship and this book kinda solidified some opinions I had regarding it but I'm not gonna get into that- as I am writing this, however, I am just now realizing that even though this book is like 5 chapters too long (seriously there was no need for this book to have so many pages) I never got Marius reasoning for turning Armand's kids Beni and Sybelle which was the thing that pissed me off the most about him in TVA....the one thing I actually wanted his POV on....
Anyway, I did like reading this book more than I thought I would even though as I said I did find it too long and I'm not particularly a fan of the character. That being said, and this might come as a surprise, but-
Fam, how we feeling about Marius x Pandora??? Because I like them together a surprising amount which is funny because I don't think he's good enough for her but at the same time I am a sucker for devotion and pinning and longing and this man was hardcore pinning and longing like everything came back to her every single time and their reunion was the highlight for me (well that and Bianca leaving him because that line delivery? 🔥). so if anyone reading this feels the same way and likes them together let me know, am I alone in this boat or not?
Blackwood Farm
4.5/5 ⭐️
I loved this book. There were times when I forgot that I was reading a Vampire Chronicles book because it didn't feel like the series I don't know if that makes sense and I feel like that should take points away from it but I got so sucked into this story. The mystery of Goblin was easy to figure out but the rest of the Blackwood family history, and the other mysteries, and the atmosphere it really drew me in and got me hooked. Very enjoyable read. Really liked the character of Quinn too.
Blood Canticle
2.5 ⭐️
RIP Anne Rice you would have loved booktok and insta romance 😂
I don't know if by this point I had just read so much of this series that I had gotten used to Anne's writing...or if the writing in this is really more simplistic. Cause the writing felt off, it felt more simplistic than the rest of the books in the series and Lestat speaking modern was weird- I was not a fan of the writing style in this one.
I won't go into Rowen and Lestat's relationship, but I will say what that girl needed was orgasms and therapy, not a vampire lover. But it was really lovely Lestat's final point about having learned from her and it showed maturity and growth on his part to let her go.
Prince Lestat
4.5 ⭐️
Is my rating partially influenced by Lestat and Louis saying "I love you""my heart is yours" to each other and the book ending with Louis deciding that he will be joining Lestat? yes, and it's going to stay that way
It's also partially influenced by the fact that after what felt like a million years Louis was finally being acknowledged as being important to the story again. I greatly enjoyed this book not just because of the shippy moments but because I love Lestat and I feel like in this book we see him display maturity and growth and he's learned from the shit he's done in the past and I'm just so proud of the man he's become I love him so much he's my baby 🥰
also, i have a love for my favorite characters having to become leaders for their people i don't know how to explain it but yeah
Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis
3.5 ⭐️
I am here for the Loustat, and the Loustat only.
I didn't particularly care for the whole alien thing, it's kinda dumb. I would have been good leaving Amel as just a spirit but it is what it is. What I did really enjoy about this book- like the main things that I enjoyed were the things that had to do with the court, seeing Lestat deal with the responsibilities of being a Prince, the Loustat moments that we got were top tier including my favorite quote/moment ever which is when Louis accepts to join Lestat at the Court and tells him:
"He leaned close to me, and he put his hand on my arm. “ ��Wither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people’; and because I have no other god and never will, you shall be my god.”"
I need the show to give me this.
Blood Communion
5 ⭐️
The stress that I felt when Gabrielle got taken I was ready to burn it all down if she had died. I felt all the character's emotions to the point where I even felt bad about Marius being taken because he's so important to Lestat and Armand and their grief over losing him and the others was so palpable. And the sense of danger could also be felt.
It makes my heart so happy that Lestat got his happy ending and everything he wanted. just thinking about it makes me so emotional to think about the man he has become leading his people with his family and friends and loved ones by his side, and accepting himself, and learning from his mistakes- I'm so proud of him like I genuinely feel pride when I think of him and how far he's come 😭💕
It was a great way to end the series. There are some pet peeves but they don't matter, I loved it. You know when you finish a book that's so good that you have to sit in silence and reflect for a minute? this is one of those books for me.
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datasoulglitch · 7 months
[Soulmate Demons AU old arts / part 1]
And finally, the prelude is finished and we go to the main thing. ..Hmm .. although all the most of basic things I've already told before?.. ​ Well, individual arts still have their own stories.. I also have some RPs archieved, which can be rewritten as a stories too.. I still thinking about it. I already had experience in writing, but I wasn't sure where it could be posted.. O-okay, I got carried away..
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This is based on one of the outfits that my former friend chose for Soul. Since he made his “art” in Gacha Life, he often chose different clothes every time. ..To be honest, it drove me crazy, because in the end I didn't know which outfit to rely on when I drew them and what is now the canon in his version of Soul (Tamashi), almost every time the details were different.. In fact, I decided to draw Soul in this outfit because he liked this? .. At least it seemed to me. It was.. interesting experience.
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It was a moment when I realized that I would like to come up with an appearance for Corrupt that would compared to Soul's, but so far just horns and tail, ignoring the wings that a former friend added to their appearance. Of course, a more edgy style, unlike Soul's relatively smooth ones. This is where AU start to exist, but without official name yet. I can’t remember where the idea for a scarf and gloves came to me.. It is unlikely that it came from the RPs.. Most likely I just wanted to add more individuality, adding details than to make completely different clothes (already had enough Tamashi's clothes that had more and more details every time..)
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It was my aswer to his gacha recreation of [skittletoc] art in which Soul shows Corrupt middle finger with "F*ck you", but in his interpretation it was "This is why what am I saying~ Fuck you Darling~" It was kinda out of nowhere, but I can see that it's just random thing for lolz, but.. I’ll be honest, Corrupt doesn’t feel funny about that. Therefore, there were two reactions. The one he showed..
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..and the true one.
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[Really, despite his origin, my version of Corrupt came out quite sensitive and emotional when it comes to those to whom he trusts, craving for mutuality in his feelings. So it's not surprising that this was his original reaction to such an action..]
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It was a critical moment. Enough events happened that dismoraled Corrupt so much that even I had to violate the rules of a spatial continuum to simply bring him back to his senses. In theory, this is Soul's work .. .. sigh .. I don't know. It is difficult, I retell the events that took place due to the actions mostly of the person and not the character whom he roleplayed, is this even correct? In other hand.. This is the past that already made. I can't rewrite it, it all left a mark on us, remained in the form of arts and stories. In general, AU about these two together, having special bond, while a friend with whom we created it constantly makes some kind of nonsense aimost all the time. As, for example, through role-playing actions Soul suddenly acts around Corrupt as if the latter is something despised, although they seem to have romance already, as he said? This really created a bunch of misunderstandings and resentments. It can be imagined that at first Soul treated Corrupt with hostility and don't likes him, for a reason, but I can’t imagine him being so vile as to make him to believe that there is something between them, and then brutally reject, playing with feelings. No it's not like him at all.. [I think I still personally cannot get rid of resentment because of many things that have happened. Remembering them, I go through it again. ..I hope that this will help me bury some bad memories, and then I can create new, and better one for this AU. Albeit alone..]
I can continue here.. but probably I'll divide it into a few more posts.. ..because I'm too generous with details and comments.. ..It can take me away into more of my memories and experiences, and there is a particularly cruel moment ahead that I cannot forget. We haven't reached that yet, but I don't think that I can say only a few words about it. Like now.
So it's better to go through it measuredly.. It resonates with my emotions too much.
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spacestationstorybook · 8 months
crimson, bittersweet shimmer, burgundy, & rosewood with mordecai!! ^_^
HIIIII TY FOR THE ASK :) the cutesit. he would hate that i think of him as adorable but he is
Crimson: On Valentine's Day, it's common for couples to exchange gifts for each other. So, what kinds of gifts would you give each other? Are you both less materialistic and do something else for each other instead? shoutout to the post i made wayyyy back in baby's first‏‏‎ ‎lackadaisy‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎hyperfix‏‏‎ ‎wherein‏‏‎ ‎he gets‏‏‎ ‎max‏‏‎ ‎(cara at the time) a real human heart. he wouldn't really but the thought is still kinda funny. i think he generally resents the whole commercialized concept of‏‏‎ ‎valentine's‏‏‎ ‎day‏‏‎ ‎but he'd be guilted by someone (probably mitzi or ivy) into doing something anyway. he gets them something edible.‏‏‎ ‎max‏‏‎ ‎probably gets him a cute little accessory like a nice engraved pocket watch or something. as much as he acts like the whole thing is silly he Will carry it around with him everywhere
Bittersweet Shimmer: How does your f/o feel about romance movies and all those subgenres under it? Do they have any favorites for Valentine's Day? blech he is NOT a fan lol. i think canon‏‏‎ ‎mordecai‏‏‎ ‎isn't really a fan of movies in general he thinks they're kind of silly and a waste of time and just some new pointless fad. he HAS seen max's favorite movie since they insisted. and when‏‏‎ ‎frankenstein‏‏‎ ‎comes out they will make him see that too.‏‏‎ ‎modern day‏‏‎ ‎mordecai‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎despises the hallmark‏‏‎ ‎channel‏‏‎ ‎and all of its related material but will begrudgingly let‏‏‎ ‎max‏‏‎ ‎pick out a few movies they can watch together while discussing how well the tropes they employ work.
Burgundy: Are either of you the jealous type? If so, how do either of you deal with your jealousy? ‎max isn't usually a particularly jealous person especially because they know‏‏‎ ‎mordecai‏‏‎ ‎is Not forthcoming with any kinds of romantic advances and half the time might not even know what's being implied.‏‏‎ ‎on the reverse end however‏‏‎ ‎mordecai‏‏‎ ‎is a little more jealous than he would like to be and while he attempts to suppress it whenever possible sometimes it sneaks through and he gets a little grouchy. max tones down the flirting with randoms at the bar after they formally get together because as much as it's fun for them to rile him up a little they don't want to make him genuinely upset.
Rosewood: If your f/o drew you, how would that drawing exactly look? he would endeavor to make it as symmetrical as possible and also as realistic as possible and be annoyed when he can't achieve both simultaneously. i think he would end up throwing it away in a fit of annoyance that he couldn't get it perfect but if max found it they would love it and keep it forever.
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
🐾⚔️ for all of them :)
🐾 [PAW PRINTS] -> Does your Original Character own any pets? If so, how many and what kind?
Ylva - Basically owns a private zoo at this point, she has so many animals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds you name it, she probably has it.
Phoenix - Also owns a lot of animals, but she trains animals for tv and movies
Branwen - has a small flock of ravens, and a cat. The ravens are named after the Addams Family and the cat is named Salem
Calamity - she has a seagull named Fripp :)
Lorelei - doesn't have any pets in the traditional sense, but she does take care of the animals that live in her lake
Blake - co-owns Phoenix's animals because they're together <3
Persephone - she has an African bush viper that is basically a glorified house plant
Aida - she has a black and white cat named Oreo
Drew - doesn't have the time for any pets, but if he did it'd be something low maintenance like a ball python
Morgan - her dad is a wildlife rehabber, so they're not pets, but she does spend a lot of time around animals
Hayden - she has a Rottweiler mix puppy named Libby
Max - no pets currently, but I could see him getting a rabbit or guinea pig.
⚔️ [CROSSED SWORDS] -> What is your Original Character's relationship to Dark Core, their Riders, and Garnok in general?
Ylva - Even though they're supposed to be enemies, Ylva kind of pities the Dark Riders. She can't help it, it's just who she is. In another lifetime she feels they could be friends. Thinks Darko is a pathetic wet cat and Mr Sands is a loser, though.
Phoenix - Tries to ignore them mostly, she's tired of the emotional whiplash they give her between flirting and attempted murder.
Branwen - No real feelings either way about them, though she did turn down their offer to recruit her. She did once have a violin battle with Katja though.
Calamity - Was briefly part of Dark Core, but they kicked her out because she was too annoying. She still shows up every now and again because they refuse to update their security. She also broke their portal by accident.
Lorelei - Doesn't like Dark Core, she despises what they're doing to the environment, and is personally responsible for that scar on Sabine's face
Blake - Basically ignores Dark Core.
Persephone - Had a Raptor-esque experience with Dark Core briefly before she broke off their contract and has ignored them since
Aida - Detests Dark Core, the Dark Riders and everything they stand for.
Drew - Blissfully unaware
Morgan - In the same camp as Lorelei, hates how badly they're screwing up the ecosystem with their bullshit
Hayden - Kinda stays out it, she knows they're bad, and she helps the druids and keepers of aideen how she can but she's not a fighter
Max - Blissfully unaware of everything
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